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How to Write the Community Essay – Guide with Examples (2023-24)

September 6, 2023

Students applying to college this year will inevitably confront the community essay. In fact, most students will end up responding to several community essay prompts for different schools. For this reason, you should know more than simply how to approach the community essay as a genre. Rather, you will want to learn how to decipher the nuances of each particular prompt, in order to adapt your response appropriately. In this article, we’ll show you how to do just that, through several community essay examples. These examples will also demonstrate how to avoid cliché and make the community essay authentically and convincingly your own.

Emphasis on Community

Do keep in mind that inherent in the word “community” is the idea of multiple people. The personal statement already provides you with a chance to tell the college admissions committee about yourself as an individual. The community essay, however, suggests that you depict yourself among others. You can use this opportunity to your advantage by showing off interpersonal skills, for example. Or, perhaps you wish to relate a moment that forged important relationships. This in turn will indicate what kind of connections you’ll make in the classroom with college peers and professors.

Apart from comprising numerous people, a community can appear in many shapes and sizes. It could be as small as a volleyball team, or as large as a diaspora. It could fill a town soup kitchen, or spread across five boroughs. In fact, due to the internet, certain communities today don’t even require a physical place to congregate. Communities can form around a shared identity, shared place, shared hobby, shared ideology, or shared call to action. They can even arise due to a shared yet unforeseen circumstance.

What is the Community Essay All About?             

In a nutshell, the community essay should exhibit three things:

  • An aspect of yourself, 2. in the context of a community you belonged to, and 3. how this experience may shape your contribution to the community you’ll join in college.

It may look like a fairly simple equation: 1 + 2 = 3. However, each college will word their community essay prompt differently, so it’s important to look out for additional variables. One college may use the community essay as a way to glimpse your core values. Another may use the essay to understand how you would add to diversity on campus. Some may let you decide in which direction to take it—and there are many ways to go!

To get a better idea of how the prompts differ, let’s take a look at some real community essay prompts from the current admission cycle.

Sample 2023-2024 Community Essay Prompts

1) brown university.

“Students entering Brown often find that making their home on College Hill naturally invites reflection on where they came from. Share how an aspect of your growing up has inspired or challenged you, and what unique contributions this might allow you to make to the Brown community. (200-250 words)”

A close reading of this prompt shows that Brown puts particular emphasis on place. They do this by using the words “home,” “College Hill,” and “where they came from.” Thus, Brown invites writers to think about community through the prism of place. They also emphasize the idea of personal growth or change, through the words “inspired or challenged you.” Therefore, Brown wishes to see how the place you grew up in has affected you. And, they want to know how you in turn will affect their college community.

“NYU was founded on the belief that a student’s identity should not dictate the ability for them to access higher education. That sense of opportunity for all students, of all backgrounds, remains a part of who we are today and a critical part of what makes us a world-class university. Our community embraces diversity, in all its forms, as a cornerstone of the NYU experience.

We would like to better understand how your experiences would help us to shape and grow our diverse community. Please respond in 250 words or less.”

Here, NYU places an emphasis on students’ “identity,” “backgrounds,” and “diversity,” rather than any physical place. (For some students, place may be tied up in those ideas.) Furthermore, while NYU doesn’t ask specifically how identity has changed the essay writer, they do ask about your “experience.” Take this to mean that you can still recount a specific moment, or several moments, that work to portray your particular background. You should also try to link your story with NYU’s values of inclusivity and opportunity.

3) University of Washington

“Our families and communities often define us and our individual worlds. Community might refer to your cultural group, extended family, religious group, neighborhood or school, sports team or club, co-workers, etc. Describe the world you come from and how you, as a product of it, might add to the diversity of the UW. (300 words max) Tip: Keep in mind that the UW strives to create a community of students richly diverse in cultural backgrounds, experiences, values and viewpoints.”

UW ’s community essay prompt may look the most approachable, for they help define the idea of community. You’ll notice that most of their examples (“families,” “cultural group, extended family, religious group, neighborhood”…) place an emphasis on people. This may clue you in on their desire to see the relationships you’ve made. At the same time, UW uses the words “individual” and “richly diverse.” They, like NYU, wish to see how you fit in and stand out, in order to boost campus diversity.

Writing Your First Community Essay

Begin by picking which community essay you’ll write first. (For practical reasons, you’ll probably want to go with whichever one is due earliest.) Spend time doing a close reading of the prompt, as we’ve done above. Underline key words. Try to interpret exactly what the prompt is asking through these keywords.

Next, brainstorm. I recommend doing this on a blank piece of paper with a pencil. Across the top, make a row of headings. These might be the communities you’re a part of, or the components that make up your identity. Then, jot down descriptive words underneath in each column—whatever comes to you. These words may invoke people and experiences you had with them, feelings, moments of growth, lessons learned, values developed, etc. Now, narrow in on the idea that offers the richest material and that corresponds fully with the prompt.

Lastly, write! You’ll definitely want to describe real moments, in vivid detail. This will keep your essay original, and help you avoid cliché. However, you’ll need to summarize the experience and answer the prompt succinctly, so don’t stray too far into storytelling mode.

How To Adapt Your Community Essay

Once your first essay is complete, you’ll need to adapt it to the other colleges involving community essays on your list. Again, you’ll want to turn to the prompt for a close reading, and recognize what makes this prompt different from the last. For example, let’s say you’ve written your essay for UW about belonging to your swim team, and how the sports dynamics shaped you. Adapting that essay to Brown’s prompt could involve more of a focus on place. You may ask yourself, how was my swim team in Alaska different than the swim teams we competed against in other states?

Once you’ve adapted the content, you’ll also want to adapt the wording to mimic the prompt. For example, let’s say your UW essay states, “Thinking back to my years in the pool…” As you adapt this essay to Brown’s prompt, you may notice that Brown uses the word “reflection.” Therefore, you might change this sentence to “Reflecting back on my years in the pool…” While this change is minute, it cleverly signals to the reader that you’ve paid attention to the prompt, and are giving that school your full attention.

What to Avoid When Writing the Community Essay  

  • Avoid cliché. Some students worry that their idea is cliché, or worse, that their background or identity is cliché. However, what makes an essay cliché is not the content, but the way the content is conveyed. This is where your voice and your descriptions become essential.
  • Avoid giving too many examples. Stick to one community, and one or two anecdotes arising from that community that allow you to answer the prompt fully.
  • Don’t exaggerate or twist facts. Sometimes students feel they must make themselves sound more “diverse” than they feel they are. Luckily, diversity is not a feeling. Likewise, diversity does not simply refer to one’s heritage. If the prompt is asking about your identity or background, you can show the originality of your experiences through your actions and your thinking.

Community Essay Examples and Analysis

Brown university community essay example.

I used to hate the NYC subway. I’ve taken it since I was six, going up and down Manhattan, to and from school. By high school, it was a daily nightmare. Spending so much time underground, underneath fluorescent lighting, squashed inside a rickety, rocking train car among strangers, some of whom wanted to talk about conspiracy theories, others who had bedbugs or B.O., or who manspread across two seats, or bickered—it wore me out. The challenge of going anywhere seemed absurd. I dreaded the claustrophobia and disgruntlement.

Yet the subway also inspired my understanding of community. I will never forget the morning I saw a man, several seats away, slide out of his seat and hit the floor. The thump shocked everyone to attention. What we noticed: he appeared drunk, possibly homeless. I was digesting this when a second man got up and, through a sort of awkward embrace, heaved the first man back into his seat. The rest of us had stuck to subway social codes: don’t step out of line. Yet this second man’s silent actions spoke loudly. They said, “I care.”

That day I realized I belong to a group of strangers. What holds us together is our transience, our vulnerabilities, and a willingness to assist. This community is not perfect but one in motion, a perpetual work-in-progress. Now I make it my aim to hold others up. I plan to contribute to the Brown community by helping fellow students and strangers in moments of precariousness.    

Brown University Community Essay Example Analysis

Here the student finds an original way to write about where they come from. The subway is not their home, yet it remains integral to ideas of belonging. The student shows how a community can be built between strangers, in their responsibility toward each other. The student succeeds at incorporating key words from the prompt (“challenge,” “inspired” “Brown community,” “contribute”) into their community essay.

UW Community Essay Example

I grew up in Hawaii, a world bound by water and rich in diversity. In school we learned that this sacred land was invaded, first by Captain Cook, then by missionaries, whalers, traders, plantation owners, and the U.S. government. My parents became part of this problematic takeover when they moved here in the 90s. The first community we knew was our church congregation. At the beginning of mass, we shook hands with our neighbors. We held hands again when we sang the Lord’s Prayer. I didn’t realize our church wasn’t “normal” until our diocese was informed that we had to stop dancing hula and singing Hawaiian hymns. The order came from the Pope himself.

Eventually, I lost faith in God and organized institutions. I thought the banning of hula—an ancient and pure form of expression—seemed medieval, ignorant, and unfair, given that the Hawaiian religion had already been stamped out. I felt a lack of community and a distrust for any place in which I might find one. As a postcolonial inhabitant, I could never belong to the Hawaiian culture, no matter how much I valued it. Then, I was shocked to learn that Queen Ka’ahumanu herself had eliminated the Kapu system, a strict code of conduct in which women were inferior to men. Next went the Hawaiian religion. Queen Ka’ahumanu burned all the temples before turning to Christianity, hoping this religion would offer better opportunities for her people.

Community Essay (Continued)

I’m not sure what to make of this history. Should I view Queen Ka’ahumanu as a feminist hero, or another failure in her islands’ tragedy? Nothing is black and white about her story, but she did what she thought was beneficial to her people, regardless of tradition. From her story, I’ve learned to accept complexity. I can disagree with institutionalized religion while still believing in my neighbors. I am a product of this place and their presence. At UW, I plan to add to campus diversity through my experience, knowing that diversity comes with contradictions and complications, all of which should be approached with an open and informed mind.

UW Community Essay Example Analysis

This student also manages to weave in words from the prompt (“family,” “community,” “world,” “product of it,” “add to the diversity,” etc.). Moreover, the student picks one of the examples of community mentioned in the prompt, (namely, a religious group,) and deepens their answer by addressing the complexity inherent in the community they’ve been involved in. While the student displays an inner turmoil about their identity and participation, they find a way to show how they’d contribute to an open-minded campus through their values and intellectual rigor.

What’s Next

For more on supplemental essays and essay writing guides, check out the following articles:

  • How to Write the Why This Major Essay + Example
  • How to Write the Overcoming Challenges Essay + Example
  • How to Start a College Essay – 12 Techniques and Tips
  • College Essay

Kaylen Baker

With a BA in Literary Studies from Middlebury College, an MFA in Fiction from Columbia University, and a Master’s in Translation from Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Kaylen has been working with students on their writing for over five years. Previously, Kaylen taught a fiction course for high school students as part of Columbia Artists/Teachers, and served as an English Language Assistant for the French National Department of Education. Kaylen is an experienced writer/translator whose work has been featured in Los Angeles Review, Hybrid, San Francisco Bay Guardian, France Today, and Honolulu Weekly, among others.

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Sample Essays on “Who Am I?” How to guide, with Outlines

Published by gudwriter on November 23, 2017 November 23, 2017

How to Write an Essay About Yourself

Many students, from high school to college level, do not know how to describe themselves. They mix up ideas as they do not really know what they need to include in their writing. The main aim of a who am I essay is to make the reader understand who you are and what you believe in. Remember, the essay doesn’t have to be always about the positive side- you can include your weak points as well in a creative way. You can also write about what makes you unique (unique skills, character, etc). If you need help, college admission essay writing services is available to assist you.

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Striking the balance makes your essay realistic and convincing.

Character : What are your character traits? Which habits define you?

Values : What is your value system? Here, you need to include things that inspire you. It is here that you state your beliefs, motivations, principles, and inspirations. The reader expects you to have either staunch stands on certain things and this is the part where you make them know. Do not highlight radical points, though.

Skills : What aptitudes do you have? And, what is the level in each skill? This may include communication, computer, education, languages, leadership, or anything else you find worthy.

Achievements :

Life experiences that influenced your life

Perhaps you would like to read an essay sample on what makes you unique ?

Who Am I Essay Example 1 Outline

Below is a layout you should follow when writing a personal essay to impress your professor.

  • Hook – The Question – who am I?
  • Brief summary: Well, I know quite much about myself: I am a social, kind, respectful, and principled young man.
  • Thesis : I am a kind, friendly, respectful, and principled young person.
  • Point : Social
  • Illustration : Meeting new friends
  • Logic : Makes me dynamic
  • Thesis relation: A cheerful, social and accommodative person is how many people know me.
  • Point : Respectful and law abiding
  • Illustration : Want to get along with everyone- both juniors and seniors. Car seats, polite character
  • Explanation : I know the limits
  • Thesis relation : Every day, I want to be known as a person who is respectful even to those who least deserve it.
  • Point : Hobbies
  • Illustrations : Sports, chess, music
  • Explanation : Clear my mind, get healthier.
  • Thesis relation : Sportsmanship has taught me to be fair other people, diligent and focused.
  • Point : I am not perfect- when I don’t hit my targets, obvious opposition from people who don’t love progress. My love for novelty makes me uncomfortable with normal rules.
  • Illustrations : My mum says I am selfish and that I always want everything to go my way. Yet, I’m still the person you will find in doing voluntary community work to help people.
  • Explanation : I guess my self-esteem is too high for people to put down. This rubs feathers with people who stand my path to success.
  • Thesis relation : I’d be a liar to say I am a genius, flawless or immortal- and that’s who I am.
  • Restatement of thesis
  • Summary of essay
  • Signing out

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Who Am I Essay Example 1

Who am I? Describing oneself is one of the most complicated tasks. In most cases, we always define ourselves using institutions, other people, or activities. Well, I know quite much about myself: I am a kind, friendly, respectful, and principled young person.

First, I am a sociable person. I love to meet people and make new friends. It’s not that I am an extrovert. However, I always work towards getting along with people. Of course, there are times I enjoy being alone for meditation . However, being around people makes me feel comfortable. I like to utilize every chance I get to make new friends. Interacting with people from different parts of the world makes me a diverse person. I am one of those people who believe that there is richness in human diversity. I am not quite selective of who I socialize with. A cheerful, cordial, and accommodative person is how many people know me.

Second, I am kind and respectful. Well, I appreciate that there is a thin line between being social and respectful. I want to treat everyone – junior or senior- with utmost reverence. In this regard, I am quite a listener. This didn’t start yesterday- I have always loved to give up my seats to elders in the train since I was young. Again, I am firm and at the same time polite. I love to make my points in a way that won’t hurt those around me. I always desire to be respectful even to those who least deserve it. Being respectful does not subtract anything from me after all.

Third, I have a great affection to team play. Well, I probably got this trait from my life as a sportsperson. I have been a school captain in Team Handball and Badminton. Today, I still participate in these games as a coach. I’m adherent to chess and I could become a grandmaster in the next few months. Sports and competitions have trained me to be fair, diligent, hardworking, and focused. As my hobby, chess clears my mind while athletics make me healthy. I’d definitely not tell who I am without mentioning sportsmanship. Actually, sports largely define me.

I am not perfect, though. I can be moody when I don’t hit my targets. My love for novelty makes me uncomfortable with normal rules. My mum says I am selfish and that I always want everything to go my way. Yet, I’m still the person you will find doing voluntary community work to help people. I guess my self-esteem is too high for people to put down. This rubs feathers with anyone who stands on the path to success. I’d be a liar if I said that I am a genius, flawless or immortal- and that’s who I am.

Anyway, it may be a little difficult to explain who I am. However, there are qualities that are an outright depiction of me. Respect, principles, sportsmanship, and leadership are some of them. As a quick learner, I love to change every behavior that doesn’t make me a better person. The desire to be good to everybody has made me who I am today and I intend to keep it that way.

Personal Essay Example 2 Outline


I give a description of myself in relation to my family background, personality, and how I view life.

Paragraph 1:

Family background

  • Revolves around strong Christian faith since my parents are staunch Roman Catholic faithful
  • I was born in Chicago, Illinois 21 years ago and I am the third born in a family of four children.
  • I am a female of African American origin and I am very proud of my cultural background and family values

Paragraph 2:

My personality

  • I am outspoken and like socializing and making new friends
  • I value respect and believe it is two way
  • I am hard working

Paragraph 3:

My view of life

  • All humans are equal regardless of their cultural, racial and religious backgrounds as well as gender
  • I am liberal in that I am open to learning new things such as new cultures, religions, and even languages
  • Divergent views should be tolerated

I can summarize myself as someone who is respectful, accommodating, and open minded. I appreciate that as a human, I need others for my life to be complete. I believe my personality and world views are matching and thus I find life more sociable and interesting.

Personal Essay Example 2

My family background revolves around strong Christian faith since my parents are staunch Roman Catholic faithful. I was born in Chicago, Illinois 21 years ago and I am the third born in a family of four children. I am a female of African-American origin and I am very proud of my cultural background and family values. Like my parents, I have developed the habit and routine of going to church every Sunday in line with Christian doctrines. As a matter of fact, all the members of my family value attending Sunday masses wherever they may find themselves. I grew up in a working-parents family and I have grown to live in harmony with my siblings.

Regarding my personality, I am one person who is outspoken and likes socializing and making new friends. The number of friends I have in college is uncountable because I have no boundaries when it comes to building relationships. That notwithstanding, I value respect and believe it is two way. I expect that anybody I interact with should show me the same level of respect I show them irrespective of their background or status in the society. I am hard working because my parents taught me to loathe laziness since it is the beginning of poverty and miserable life. To me, respect and hard work go hand in hand. Working hard respectfully has opened many doors for me so far in my life.

My view of life is that all humans are equal regardless of their cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds as well as gender. This is why I have friends whose cultural and other backgrounds are diverse. I am also liberal in that I am open to learning new things such as new cultures, religions, and even languages. For instance, I can speak fluent French and Spanish yet I am American. I also believe that divergent views should be tolerated because this is part of enhancing human diversity. My parents had once tried to stop me from being too open minded but I persisted with it. Being open to new things, in my view, amounts to being accommodative to human diversity.

In conclusion, I can summarize myself as someone who is respectful, accommodative, and open minded. I appreciate that as a human, I need others for my life to be complete. When I show that I care for and accommodate different views, I find it easy working with others. I have thus managed to evade suffering any form of racial or cultural profiling because people find me easy to deal with. I believe my personality and world views are matching and thus I find life more sociable and interesting. It is my intention to continue leading this fulfilling life.

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Personal Essay Sample 3 Outline

I am a faithful Christian who is open-minded, friendly, and action-oriented.


In spite of being a staunch Christian, I am open to other people’s ways of worship and generally to other people’s way of life and opinions.

  • I can listen to and understand what other people say and treat it as their opinion to which they are entitled whether or not I agree with it.
  • I am able to live amongst people of various cultures.
  • However, I do not let other people’s views or cultures affect my own.

I am a friendly person who highly values friendship.

  • I have the habit of forming strong friendships both in our neighborhood and at school.
  • I have quite a number of friends from various backgrounds because I do not choose friends based on their cultural backgrounds.
  • I believe in genuine friendship and as soon as I detect that one is not a true friend, I drop them.

I follow my decisions and promises with actions as I believe that it is through actions that one can solve their problems and meet their life goals.

  • I keep to my decisions once I make them.
  • I have been able to accomplish many of my life’s endeavors especially in my academic life.
  • I also know that keeping promises is one of the best ways of keeping relationships alive and healthy.
  • I normally do all it takes to keep a promise irrespective of who I make it to.

I am an open-minded Christian who values relationships and I act on my decisions and promises. I am accommodative to diverse views and opinions even when they sharply contrast with mine. I pursue my life goals and keep relationships through action.

Personal Essay Sample 3

As a person, I feel growing over the years has significantly changed who I am. I have had to see and experience many things that I did not get to see in my childhood. I have also met many different people and visited many places. Some of the perspectives I held about people and certain things have certainly changed. In addition, I have undergone significant personal growth which has seen my personality transform as well. I have also become more decisive in my actions and in my relationships with others. I am a faithful Christian who is open-minded, friendly, and action-oriented.

In spite of being a staunch Christian, I am open to other people’s ways of worship and generally to other people’s way of life and opinions. I can listen to and understand what other people say and treat it as their opinion to which they are entitled whether or not I agree with it. This way, I have been able to learn a lot from others and widen my view of life and humanity. I am also able to live amongst people of various cultures. However, I do not let other people’s views or cultures affect my own as much as I may be accommodative to them. This is because I believe that the world has enough space for everyone to practice their own cultures and share their opinions without interfering with others.

I am also a friendly person who highly values friendship. From my childhood, I developed the habit of forming strong friendships both in our neighborhood and at school. I have carried this habit to my adulthood and I have quite a number of friends from various backgrounds because I do not choose friends based on their cultural backgrounds. However, I believe in genuine friendship and as soon as I detect that one is not a true friend, I drop them. To me, a friend should be like family that is always there for one in their better and tough days and moments. Out of this belief, I have helped a number of friends both in and out of school and shared with them some of my innermost secrets. I too have benefited from the loyalty of these friendships.

Further, I follow my decisions and promises with actions as I believe that it is through actions that one can solve their problems and meet their life goals. This virtue has helped me accomplish many of my life’s endeavors especially in my academic life. For example, since my middle school level, I decided that I would not consume television content during examination periods but maximally concentrate on the exams. I have kept to this decision and have thus posted good grades all through because I always have enough time to prepare for exams. I also know that keeping promises is one of the best ways of keeping relationships alive and healthy. I normally do all it takes to keep a promise irrespective of who I make it to. I do keep even as simple a promise as that of sharpening my younger sister’s drawing pencil every morning before she goes to school.

I am an open-minded Christian who values relationships and I act on my decisions and promises. I am accommodative to diverse views and opinions even when they sharply contrast with mine. I pursue my life goals and keep relationships through action. I also have many friends since I believe that genuine friendship is highly beneficial to humans. This personality and values enable me to live a fulfilling life as I am capable of accomplishing my goals and at the same time live harmoniously with others.

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Who Am I Essay: Writing Tips and Sample

Your “Who am I?” essay is a paper where you describe yourself as a person. Mention what inspires and motivates you, what you love and don’t love, your goals and wishes, etc.

In this article, you’ll learn how to write this personal essay. (And please don’t miss a ready-made example to understand what to describe in your work!)

How to Write a “Who Am I” Essay

You’re that person who knows you best, but writing about yourself is still challenging:

You read a writing prompt for a college application or scholarship , and you aren’t sure if you understand it in detail. How do you know what exactly to mention in your essay? You can’t find words to describe your nature and skills. How do you know if that particular accomplishment or story from your life is worth including?

Stick with us here for practical tips on writing a “Who Am I” essay, with a free template to follow.

How to start?

Ask any writer, and they will tell you that the hardest part of the writing process is to start it. It’s a kind of writer’s block when you stare at a blank screen and don’t know what to write. Below are several ideas that can help you craft a compelling essay about yourself:

  • Think about one sentence that would describe you best. (A technique some authors use for inspiration: Answer the question, “What would friends write on your grave?” or “What do you want the world to remember about you?” You can start an essay with that phrase.
  • In the introduction, describe yourself in general . (Be truthful and honest.)
  • Discuss one or two of your hobbies. (Choose those you’re most passionate about, those influencing your mood — and maybe your skills — most.)
  •   Highlight your achievements but don’t boast. ( Be reflective by analyzing and evaluating what you’ve achieved.)
  • Add some personality to the essay. (Tell anecdotes, include examples, and be creative to keep readers engaged with your story.)


Short Essay About “Who I Am” Sample

You’re welcome to use the below template from our professional writer for crafting your future “Who am I” essays. Here it goes:

Actionable Tips to Improve Your Paper

Ready to start writing? Consider these helpful tips on crafting a person essay about who I am:

1) Understand your audience

Who will read your essay? Is it a college admission officer who knows nothing about you? Or, maybe it’s your school teacher with some background of who you are? Do you plan to publish your reflection for your social media followers or blog readers?

Depending on the audience, your story may change. Add details about what interests your readers: What would they want to know? Understanding your readers will make your essay more compelling (1). It will be easier for you to engage them and make them emotionally connected to your story.

2) Don’t be afraid to look vulnerable

Allow the readers to see your inner feelings. Sincerity and reflection are the new black, you know. It’s okay to speak about your strengths, weaknesses, or worries to the audience. That’s what differentiates you from other people, thus making you an individual.

Here’s the big secret:

Admission committees appreciate students’ understanding of their weaknesses and areas to grow. Communicate the willingness to change and grow. You’re just a human, after all.

Write about what you want to develop in yourself. Or, tell about life experiences that have changed or influenced you most.

3) Proofread and edit your essay

Once your essay is ready, it’s time to proofread and edit it. Here’s a short checklist of the details to fix if any:

  • Grammar and punctuation mistakes (verb tenses, sentence structure)
  • Spelling errors and inconsistencies in names or terms
  • Incorrect capitalization
  • No logical flow or transitions between paragraphs
  • Excessive wordiness and repetition
  • Biased language
  • Too much passive voice and redundant adverbs
  • Too sophisticated words and phrases that have simpler alternatives

That’s It: Your “Who Am I” Essay Is Ready

In this blog post, we tried to cover all the core details of personal essay writing. Now you know how to start it, what elements to include, and how to craft it for better readability and emotional connection with the audience.

We hope our 500-word essay example will help you write your perfect story about yourself. If you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask our professional writers for help.


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Writing a College Essay About Community and Examples

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By Eric Eng

A woman holding a notebook and pen

The vast majority of colleges have a series of essay prompts students have to complete along with their Common Application. If you’re applying to multiple universities, you’ll notice that many of these essay topics overlap, although the wording is never identical. One of the ​primary reasons for this similarity is that each college admissions committee wants to learn similar things about you. They’re all interested in learning more about who you are, what you’re interested in, what goals you have in the future, and why you’ve chosen to apply to this university. One of these prompts is a college essay about community.

A person holding a pen, starting to write on a paper.

While it varies from college to college, the prompt will roughly sound like this:

Tell us a little about a community of which you consider yourself part.

Each university will add its own spin or add-on question, but they’re all asking roughly the same thing: what about your background has had a major impact on who you are today?

Here’s an actual example from Brown University to give you some context:

Tell us about a place or community you call home. How has it shaped your perspective?

At first glance, this college essay about community seems pretty easy. Not only is the question itself short but colleges also typically only request a short answer of a few hundred words. However, after you read over the prompt a few more times, you might realize how open-ended it is. What does it exactly mean by community? Well, that depends on how you want to answer the question. You can take it to mean literally the community in which you live or you can take it in more of a metaphorical sense to mean a group of people with which you identify for some particular reason. Maybe you see your weekly D&D group as part of your community.

Regardless of how you interpret community, the primary thrust of the question remains the same. This is the perfect opportunity for you to talk more about who you are and how you interact with your community at large. Admissions officers aren’t only interested in how you can benefit from attending the university. They’re also interested to know what you’ll be able to offer students, teachers, and the larger school community. This college essay about community is how you’ll illustrate what you can offer.

How to Write the Community Essay: Complete Guide

While all college essays are an excellent time to show admissions officers why you’re a great fit for the school, the community prompt is especially important. If you’re able to knock this essay out of the park, you can successfully convey to colleges how you would contribute to the school. Here, we’ll look at 10 things to know before you write a college essay about the community in an effort to help you write the best response possible.

It’s open-ended.

As we’ve mentioned before, this college essay about community is fairly open-ended. While this lack of direction can be daunting, it’s also an opportunity for you to get creative. Oftentimes, college essay prompts will have hidden questions inherent within the topic. For this subject, it’s not just an essay on a community experience. Admissions officers are also asking what kind of community you identify as being part of. Keeping this in mind, you should think about the different “identities” you have and what groups of people you spend time with at school, work, or elsewhere. Don’t limit yourself to the literal definition of “community” if something else pops up.

Here are some various ways you can interpret the word:

  • Interest: Our earlier example of a D&D group being identified as a community would fall into this category. Any group of people who are brought together due to shared experiences or interests could count as a community.
  • Place: This is perhaps the most literal definition of community that could be used. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s a bad choice for your response. If you’ve developed a close bond or sense of identity with people who you live near, work, or go to school, this is a great interpretation to run with.
  • Action: If you’re involved in an organization, club, or chapter that seeks to bring about positive changes in the world or just within your local area, this would certainly count as a community. This angle would also be a great way to show initiative and action.

Stay focused.

If you’re an active individual with a lot of friends who participate in a bunch of extracurricular activities, you might be a member of a dozen communities or more! Although you might be tempted to mention all of these groups to show some dynamic in your application, we advise students to only stick to one.

A woman with a laptop in front is writing on a notebook.

First and foremost, the prompts usually only ask for a single community and following these directions is paramount. Secondly, you’re usually only given a few hundred words to respond. This barely gives you enough time to expound on the importance of one community. Focusing on more than one would spread your answer too thin.

Talk about yourself.

No matter what a college prompt might say, the answers should always be about you. Keep in mind that the primary purpose of these essays is to give admissions officers a better idea of who they are. Although the college essay about community does involve other people, the question is primarily asking what group you identify with. While you’ll no doubt mention and even describe other people, don’t forget to talk about yourself. This should be your primary focus throughout the piece as it’s what the college is most interested in learning more about.

Young man writing on a table.

Toot your horn.

At the heart of it, a college essay about community is asking you to toot your own horn…at least a little. As a member of a community, you need to be offering something to the group, not just benefitting. As we’ve just discussed, showing this reciprocity illustrates your ability to be a contributing part of a larger community. For admissions counselors, this is an important part of deciding whether or not you’ll be a fit at their university.

A woman stopped writing on her notebook to think and look outside.

Since there aren’t many college essays on volunteering, this would be a great opportunity to talk about it. While you shouldn’t go overboard, don’t be afraid to earnestly talk about how you’re helping others within your community. Still, in order to make a college essay about community service unique, you’ll need to discuss how the experience shaped who you are today.

Get personal with your essay.

While all college essay prompts are designed to help admissions officers get to know you better, a college essay about community is one of the best places to accomplish this goal. As a result, one of the best pieces of advice we can give students is to get personal! Don’t be afraid to show off your quirky side, something unique about you, a little bit about your background, and everything that makes you…well, you! If you feel that the topic you chose is a little too personal for you to really open up, consider switching to another sense of the word “community” about which you’re more comfortable talking.

A female student wearing glasses is writing on her notebook while reading a book.

Pro Tip: If you’re able to connect your college essay about community directly with an offering from the university, you should definitely do it! This not only shows that you’ve done your homework about the school, but it also illustrates a connection between your goals and the university itself. This keeps admissions officers from having to find this connection on their own.

“Describe a Community You Belong to” Essay Example

East meets west.

I look around my room, dimly lit by an orange light. On my desk, a framed picture of an Asian family beaming their smiles, buried among US history textbooks and The Great Gatsby . A Korean ballad streams from two tiny computer speakers. Pamphlets of American colleges were scattered on the floor. A cold December wind wafts a strange infusion of ramen and leftover pizza. On the wall in the far back, a Korean flag hangs beside a Led Zeppelin poster.

Do I consider myself Korean or American?

A few years back, I would have replied: “Neither.” The frustrating moments of miscommunication, the stifling homesickness, and the impossible dilemma of deciding between the Korean or American table in the dining hall, all fueled my identity crisis.

Standing in the “Foreign Passports” section at JFK, I have always felt out of place. Sure, I held a Korean passport in my hands, and I loved kimchi and Yuna Kim and knew the Korean Anthem by heart. But I also loved macaroni and cheese and LeBron. Deep inside, I feared I’d be labeled by my airport customs category: a foreigner everywhere.

This ambiguity, however, has granted me the opportunity to absorb the best of both worlds. Look at my dorm room. This mélange of cultures in my East-meets-West room embodies the diversity that characterizes my international student life.

I’ve learned to accept my “ambiguity” as “diversity,” as a third-culture student embracing both identities.

Now, I can proudly answer: “Both.”

What We Like:

  • The author uses very descriptive language that does an excellent job of setting the scene, making the piece as engaging as a short story.
  • Although the subject is potentially generic (i.e. a story about having two different identities due to cultural differences), the author does a tremendous job of keeping it personal, insightful, interesting, and non-cliche.
  • The story comes full circle by discussing something that was different in the past and how the writer’s experiences have changed it for the better today.
  • The author openly admits to having an “identity crisis” which captures the reader’s attention even more without being too overbearing.

The Pumpkin House

I was raised in “The Pumpkin House.” Every Autumn, on the lawn between the sidewalk and the road, grows our pumpkin. Every summer, we procure seeds from giant pumpkins and plant them on this strip of land. Every fall, the pumpkin grows to be a giant. This annual ritual became well known in the community and became the defining feature of our already quirky house.

The pumpkin was not just a pumpkin, but a catalyst to creating interactions and community. Conversations often start with “aren’t you the girl in the pumpkin house?” My English teacher knew about our pumpkin and our chickens. His curiosity and weekly updates about the pumpkin helped us connect.

One year, we found our pumpkin splattered across the street. We were devastated; the pumpkin was part of our identity. Word spread, and people came to our house to share in our dismay. Clearly, that pumpkin enriched our life and the entire neighborhood’.

The next morning, our patch contained twelve new pumpkins. Anonymous neighbors left these, plus, a truly gigantic 200 lb. pumpkin on our doorstep.

Growing up, the pumpkin challenged me as I wasn’t always comfortable being the center of attention.

But in retrospect, I realize that there’s a bit of magic in growing something from a seed and tending it in public. I witnessed how this act of sharing creates an authentic community spirit. I wouldn’t be surprised if someday I started my own form of quirky pumpkin growing and reap the benefit of true community.

  • The author expresses the importance of rituals and family which is an excellent topic for a college essay about community.
  • The topic of the essay is mentioned within the first two to three sentences of the piece, making use of limited space.
  • The word “community” is explicitly used which shows admissions staff you know how to follow directions while also making it easier for them to understand what you’re writing about.
  • The topic is unique to the writer and not something that many – if any – other applicants would be able to write about.
  • It comes across as very authentic, personal, and genuine while still being engaging and interesting.

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Whether you’re a student about to make the transition into college or a parent with a child reaching that age, you’ve most likely been fretting over the college admissions process. It’s an experience that’s daunting and exciting at the same time. Working with a professional admissions coach like AdmissionSight can help alleviate some of this pressure with services custom-tailored to each student’s success. With over a decade of experience in the field of admissions, we’ve helped countless students nail their applications in order to greatly increase their chances of attending the university of their dreams.

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  • Essay Editing Service : We’ll guide you through the college essay prompts, help you write stellar essays, and make sure your work is pristine before submission.
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  • Interview Preparation : Many colleges include an interview section in their application process. We’ll help you prepare for this interview so you know exactly what to say, what questions to ask, and how to act overall.
  • Extracurricular Planning : Academics aren’t everything when it comes to college admissions. That’s why we assist students in choosing extracurricular activities that pique their interest while also furthering their long-term goal of attending the university of their choice.
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If you want to learn more about what AdmissionSight offers or how you can get started, please contact us to set up a free consultation. We look forward to working with you!


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The Community Essay

Ivy Divider

“Duke University seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you’d like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you’ve had to help us understand you better—perhaps related to a community you belong to, your sexual orientation or gender identity, or your family or cultural background—we encourage you to do so. Real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to Duke.” 

As with every essay you ship off to admissions – think about something you want admissions to know that hasn’t been represented. What can you expand upon to show your versatility, passion and ability to connect with the world around you?

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“Who Am I” Essay Examples

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Essay writing is an exciting and challenging academic activity, and it helps students to develop essential writing skills, such as creative thinking, reflective, and analytical skills. When writing an essay on the topic “Who Am I,” students should understand what is required of them before starting a paper. Ideally, educational departments and tutors provide instructions, and they dictate the approach students should take when writing academic texts. In principle, such a work should reflect the first-person language because this prompt requires learners to tell the audience about themselves. Moreover, writers can use narrative, philosophical, college application, or autobiographical approaches in writing such a composition. Hence, people need to understand how to write a “Who Am I” essay to provide high-quality papers and achieve desired outcomes.

General Guidelines

Essay writing is an academic activity, and it exposes students to conventions of formal writing and enhances their critical thinking, analytical, and reflective skills. Although there are different types of essays , there are no significant differences in their structures, outlines, and applicable academic writing rules. Basically, the only areas where papers seem to be different are topics and their content. For example, an argumentative essay advances the writer’s perspective on an issue, while a narrative essay provides the author’s life story. In the former, students intend to persuade the audience by considering specific arguments, and, in the latter, they inform readers about personal experiences with life lessons. However, when writing a paper on the topic “Who Am I,” writers should first understand what is required of them and then talk about themselves.

how to write a who am i essay

What Is a “Who Am I ” Essay and Its Purpose

According to its definition, a “Who Am I ” essay is a reflective composition where people write about themselves using their self, identity, values, beliefs, experiences, and personal characteristics. The main purpose of writing a “Who Am I” essay is to introduce an author of this paper to a reader by using his or her sense of self as a common ground and how it forms identity with other personal elements (Sawyer, 2020). In most cases, people write such compositions for educational or professional objectives, such as college admissions, personal statements, or job applications, to present their authentic selves to committee boards or employers. Moreover, authors must show what sets them apart from other individuals and write about their backgrounds, cultures, families, educations, significant life events, achievements, hobbies, qualities, strengths, passions, interests, influences, and other personal aspects (Sawyer, 2020). Hence, a “Who Am I ” essay serves as a meaningful expression of individuality and a reflection on the diverse components, and they contribute to one’s identity. In terms of pages and words, the length of a “Who Am I” essay can vary depending on the educational level and the specific requirements of the institution or course instructions, while general guidelines for each level are:

High School

  • Length: 0.5-2 pages
  • Word Count: 100-600 words
  • Length: 2-3 pages
  • Word Count: 600-900 words

University (Undergraduate)

  • Length: 3-4 pages
  • Word Count: 900-1200 words


  • Length: 4-5 pages
  • Word Count: 1200-1500 words
  • Length: 5-6 pages
  • Word Count: 1500-1800 words

“Who Am I” Essay vs. Other Papers

In principle, personal essays suggest asking writers to talk about themselves and tend to be different from standard formal papers. Basically, one point of difference is that students have to use the first-person language, which is discouraged in formal writing (Rowland, 2019). Since this type of work requires people to talk about themselves, such a paper takes several forms. For example, these structures include formats of narrative, philosophical, college application, and autobiographical compositions (Sawyer, 2020). To start a “Who Am I” essay, writers begin by using a strong statement, which sets the tone and then introduce the key themes or aspects of their identities they will discuss further. Although a paper’s topic is in a particular question form, it does not necessarily mean authors are unsure about themselves (Sawyer, 2020). Moreover, such a format means they intend to answer this question in a paper by following a particular way to the audience’s benefit. In a “Who Am I” essay, writers should write about their personal backgrounds, interests, passions, core values, beliefs, significant life experiences, personality traits, goals, and aspirations, tying these elements together to paint a comprehensive picture of their identities (Sawyer, 2020). As a quick overview, possible examples of characteristics that one can use for writing a “Who Am I” essay, include:

Personal ValuesStart by talking about core principles, values, and beliefs guiding or directing your decisions and actions, such as honesty, integrity, and empathy, which occur during upbringing, experiences, and personal reflections.
Cultural BackgroundProvide your heritage, traditions, and cultural influences shaping your identity, including customs, languages, and societal norms inherited from your ethnic or cultural group.
Family InfluenceExpand on some impacts of family members and upbringing on your personality and values, covering lessons learned from parents, siblings, or other relatives, as well as your family dynamics and environment.
Educational JourneyInclude significant learning experiences and achievements defining you, such as formal education, important teachers or mentors, pivotal learning moments, and academic interests.
Personal InterestsWrite about hobbies and activities you are passionate about and how they shape your identity, including sports, arts, reading, gaming, volunteering, and other pursuits bringing joy and fulfillment.
Life ExperiencesIncorporate key events or experiences having a major impact on your life, like travels, significant personal achievements, challenges faced, or moments of realization and growth/
Strengths and SkillsPresent unique abilities and strengths distinguishing you from others, covering your talents, technical skills, soft skills, like adaptability, communication, and teamwork, and personal strengths, such as determination, creativity, and resilience.
Goals and AspirationsDefine long-term objectives and dreams motivating and driving you to move forward, which include career goals, personal aspirations, and life goals, as well as the plans and efforts you are making to achieve them.
Personality TraitsCover distinct characteristics and behaviors defining your individuality, such as being outgoing, introverted, humorous, analytical, or compassionate, and how these traits influence your interactions and decisions.
Overcoming ChallengesAdd difficulties or obstacles you have faced and how you have overcome them, consisting of personal, academic, or professional challenges, the strategies you used to address them, and the lessons learned from these experiences.

Narrative Type

A narrative essay is one where the author’s focus is to provide the audience with a life story. Basically, this life story can take many writing forms, including personal or family experiences (Griffo et al., 2021). In short, a “Who Am I” essay in a narrative format utilizes personal anecdotes as a means of communication. To start an essay about who you are, writers begin with an engaging hook, such as a compelling quote, an interesting anecdote, or a thought-provoking question, followed by a thesis statement, which introduces the main themes or aspects of their identities they will explore later. Moreover, one of the strategies for writing these papers is adopting a “show, not tell” strategy, which means using vivid descriptions rather than informative statements (Warner, 2020). Therefore, a narrative essay on the topic “Who Am I” should focus on the writer’s personal experiences and help the audience to understand an author. Since a topic is a direct question, one expectation is that students use personal anecdotes to provide an answer, and it should benefit the audience more than them. When it comes to grading, what matters the most is whether students have used narratives to educate the audience about who they are.

Philosophical Type

Philosophy is a discipline that focuses on unraveling the mysteries of life and nature. As such, a philosophical essay is one in which students engage the audience in a topic of discovery (Rogers, 2018). In this case, one can argue that the essay’s type is informative. Since the topic “Who Am I” denotes an aspect of an investigation, learners who use a philosophical approach focus on telling the audience things about themselves and advance their understanding of human nature. The best philosophical answer to “Who Are You?” is: “I am a being in a constant state of becoming, shaped by my experiences, actions, and reflections.” On expectations, the paper’s content should not dwell on a writer’s demographical background or personal experiences but on who an author is in the context of human nature and its strengths and weaknesses (Schwartz et al., 2017). When it comes to grading, what matters is whether writers have applied a philosophical lens to describe themselves. In turn, a good example is writing about what makes them strong, vulnerable, or weak.

College Application Type

College or university application is a type of essay that potential students write to admission boards or committees of their choice institutions. Basically, a “Who Am I” essay for colleges aims to convince and persuade the board or committee that applicants have all that it takes to be a student (Sawyer, 2020). To achieve this goal, learners provide their personal essential details that are likely to advance their courses. For example, these details include personal attributes, academic performance (grades), work experiences, and future aspirations (Sawyer, 2020). Therefore, the expectation of a college application essay on the topic “Who Am I” is that it should inform the audience what makes writers outstanding and appropriate students for a higher learning admission. When it comes to grading, what matters the most is whether authors have emphatically made a case to college boards of why they are the best candidates for admission.

Autobiographical Type

By definition, an autobiography is a life story that captures the subject’s entire life. However, since it is hardly possible to write an individual’s life story – every detail about themselves since they were born – authors focus on what is relevant at any one given time (Rowland, 2019). Hence, to write a “Who Am I” story, writers narrate key events and experiences that shaped their identities in the past, describe their personal values and passions to readers, highlight significant relationships and influences they had, and reflect on how these elements contribute to who they are today. Moreover, when writing an autobiographical essay on the topic “Who Am I,” the expectation is that students provide details about themselves, and they need to help the audience to understand them better. For example, such details may include their family lineage, demographical (race, ethnicity, gender, language, and nationality) background, academic credentials, and professional accomplishments (Sawyer, 2020). In this case, indicating one’s marital status and life’s philosophy are also crucial details in such an essay. On grading, the thing that matters the most is whether authors have offered a wholesome picture of who they are, from childhood to a present moment.

Outlining “Who Am I” Essay Structures

Academic writing standards require students and researchers to adopt a structure and an outline appropriate for their text when writing any academic paper. Typically, essays assume a three-component structure of introduction, main text (body), and conclusion (Warner, 2020). When writing a paper on the topic “Who Am I” in narrative, philosophical, college application, or autobiographical forms, a student must use a structure that is appropriate for a particular composition. Besides a structure and an outline, there are other features students must consider when writing a “Who Am I” essay in one of the formats.

Narrative Format

When writing a narrative essay on the theme “Who Am I,” a student must follow an outline below:

I. Introduction

  • Topic introduction (Significance of the topic “Who Am I”)
  • Thesis statement

II. Body Paragraph(s)

  • Setting or background of an event
  • People involved
  • Short anecdote

III. Conclusion

  • Lesson learned

Essential features. Students must address all the critical features in a “Who Am I” essay as applicable in these three sections. For the introduction part, learners must briefly introduce themselves and clearly state a thesis of their compositions. In the paper’s body, they must use several paragraphs to tell the audience about themselves (Warner, 2020). To explain who you are in an essay, writers highlight important identity aspects, including their backgrounds, experiences, values, passions, and traits, integrate them into their narratives, and illustrate how these elements shaped who you are today. Since the communication should be in a story form, authors can use each paragraph to tell a personal anecdote, and it enables the audience to understand them better (Rowland, 2019). Besides, one of the features writers must capture in the paper’s body is a “show, not tell” method, being an aspect of providing vivid details or writing descriptions. In turn, the most significant features students should capture in the conclusion section are a restatement of a thesis sentence and a lesson learned. As a result, the audience must see this lesson as a moral aspect of a narrative story on the topic “Who Am I.”

Philosophical Format

When writing a philosophical essay on the theme “Who Am I,” students should follow an outline format below:

  • Thesis statement (The question that a writer intends to answer)
  • Clarification of this question
  • A reason why this question is critical
  • Answer a direct question through a topic sentence in one or several paragraphs
  • Qualify and defend a thesis in one or several paragraphs
  • Thesis restatement
  • Summary of the main point(s) in the body paragraph(s)

Essential features. In each of the three sections of a “Who Am I” essay, learners must address crucial writing elements. Firstly, the introduction must be opened with a thesis statement that introduces a specific question, and an author seeks to answer it. Basically, they should make the audience understand a reviewed question and explain its importance to them (writers) and the audience (Rogers, 2018). Then, they can use one or more paragraphs in the body section, depending on their paper’s length. In the case of a one-page essay writing, there should be only one paragraph, which opens with a topic sentence. In turn, this sentence should answer a specific question and form the paper’s theme. Moreover, writers need to qualify and defend their thesis. In the conclusion section, they must restate a thesis and summarize the main points.

College Application Format

When writing a college application essay on the theme “Who Am I,” students must follow an outline that helps accomplish their objective – to convince the admission committee they are the best candidates among many applicants. Hence, such an outline should be as follows:

  • First supporting idea
  • Second supporting idea
  • Third supporting idea
  • Restate a thesis
  • Reflect on the main ideas
  • Closing remark

Essential features. When writing the introduction for a “Who Am I” essay in a college application format, students should provide a hook to grab the attention of the audience. For example, this aspect should be an interesting fact or a quote from a famous personality (Sawyer, 2020). Then, another essential feature is contextualizing a paper by stating the purpose of writing concisely. Basically, this statement is what should be a thesis sentence of such a composition. In the main body, authors should use body paragraphs, each introducing a critical idea. However, if a “Who Am I” essay is a one-page document, they should write specific ideas in a single body paragraph. These ideas are what help writers to strengthen their cases before the admission committee. Moreover, such elements can be personal attributes, academic performance, or work experiences. In the conclusion section, learners need to restate a thesis and reflect on the main ideas, closing with a remark that impresses the audience.

Autobiographical Format

When writing an autobiographical essay on the theme “Who Am I,” students should follow an outline below:

  • Introduce yourself to the audience
  • Early years
  • Future plans
  • Restate a thesis statement
  • Tie up all the experiences

Essential features. Key elements that students must address in writing the introduction part of a “Who Am I” essay by following an autobiographical format are a hook, which grabs the readers’ attention, a brief self-introduction, and a thesis statement. In this case, writers should use several body paragraphs in such a paper. However, if an essay is a one-page document, authors should use one body paragraph. Moreover, writing components of a body paragraph should be details about the writer’s life, such as childhood, early education, cultural orientation, and aspirations (Rowland, 2019). To conclude a “Who Am I” essay, writers restate a thesis, tie up all the details about their lives addressed, and end with a memorable closing thought or reflection on their journeys and future aspirations.

One-Page Narrative Example

Topic: Who Am I as a Person

I. Introduction Sample

Adults say that adolescence is a period of development full of dramatic episodes. For me, it is a stage that saw my childhood friends become a significant influence on my worldview. The topic “Who Am I” focuses on investigating aspects of my life that define how I see myself and how others see me. As such, I can say that I am an individual who loathes social gatherings but is always willing to let my friends push me out of my comfort zone.

II. Example of a Body

For me, friendships are not only social relationships but concepts that define how I view and relate to the world. Since when I was a child, I have never been a person who loves social gatherings. I get irritated quickly when people try to dictate what I should be doing or saying at any particular moment. For example, on one occasion, I caused a violent commotion when a friend tried to make me dance with a stranger in a nightclub. However, life is not that easy. We cannot avoid social interactions. For this reason, I have a few friends who are also introverts but who are willing to push themselves to the edge. As a result, they always come up with plans to take themselves outdoors to, at least, interact with others as human beings.

III. Conclusion Sample

When I look at my life, I can confidently say that I rarely interact with people. However, I always let my friends push me from my comfort zone. In turn, what I have learned so far in life is that close friends fundamentally and significantly influence how individuals see the world around them.

One-Page Philosophical Example

Topic: Who Am I in Essense

Although I am an insignificant player in the theatre of life, I hope to become an influential person one day. Basically, the question “Who Am I” underscores the fact that human nature is complicated, and it takes an entire lifetime for individuals to understand themselves fully. In particular, the essence of this question is that, despite sharing humanity’s title, people from all walks of life express themselves in diverse ways.

On the question “Who Am I,” I can confidently say that I am an individual in the process of “becoming.” For example, when it comes to talking about human beings and the world, the discourse that attracts a significant audience is a discussion about men and women who have made a mark in the world. Moreover, these aspects include war heroes, successful businesspersons, influential political leaders, and controversial personalities. In this case, my contribution to the world stage can only be defined as insignificant. Nonetheless, I do not allow this reality to define my self-concept. I believe that “human life is a journey of a thousand miles,” and even those that we celebrate today are once insignificant personalities. Besides, I believe that a secret is to remain focused on what one desires to be in the coming future. In turn, I have a habit of volunteering in healthcare settings because I would love to become a nurse after college.

Life is like a river that can carry an individual to familiar or strange destinations. In my case, I am hopeful that it will relocate me from a place of insignificance to a place of significance. For this reason, I always remain cheerful, optimistic, and hopeful, and, one day, I will be influential like those we celebrate today.

One-Page College Application Example

Topic: Who Am I for My Admission

Ever since I was a child, I have always loved to visit hospitals and other healthcare settings. Also, I believe this is why I love sciences and why I have always performed remarkably well in these subjects. In turn, my present application is an effort toward a realization of my dream to become a healthcare professional.

My healthcare career journey started when I was a child, and all along, I have maintained this pursuit. When you look at my GPA, I have performed remarkably well in sciences, which, I believe, makes a perfect case for a healthcare career. Besides education, I have had opportunities to work closely with medical personnel in diverse settings, including first-aid simulations in community healthcare centers. Moreover, I have volunteered in local hospitals, experiences that I consider to have shaped my perspectives on patient care significantly. In this case, I believe that you should consider my application because I am a self-driven individual who always looks for opportunities in challenges. Hence, my admission into a Bachelor of Nursing Degree will orient me to nuisances of healthcare delivery. With such knowledge, my dream to become a healthcare professional would be within reach. 

Applying for a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing is an effort to realize my lifelong dream of becoming a healthcare professional. As you consider my application, I implore you to consider the far I have come in preparation for this career. Thus, given an opportunity to study a program in your college, I will learn to become an effective healthcare professional.

One-Page Autobiographical Example

Topic: Who Am I in My Life

People say that the only way to know an individual is to know a personal heritage. As an African American, I take pride in being part of a race, being so rich in culture, and one that leans on traditions. Talking about “Who Am I,” I can confidently say that I am a child of a world that takes pride in cultural heritage.

I was born about three decades ago in a town famous for its natural beauty. As a whole, the State of Virginia is more rural than urban. Basically, this characteristic has played a significant role in defining my naturalist tendencies. Also, I am a lover of nature. For example, I habitually take walks every evening just to see nature – trees, birds, and butterflies. About education and career, I attended an Ivy League college and have built a career as a legal practitioner. In my family, I have three siblings – one sister and two brothers. In turn, I am yet to marry as my career seems to take all of my time. What I prize the most is the fact that I am an African American young adult with a promising career in a world that seems intolerant to successful individuals of African heritage.

Being a successful African American in a world that seems to prejudice successful people of African heritage is a blessing to me. When I look at my life journey, I can only say that my cultural heritage is among the things I prize the most.

Defining Characteristics

A thesis statement appears in the introduction section of a “Who Am I” essay, thus setting the entire paper’s tone and writing theme. What follows is a body paragraph, which opens with a topic sentence. Moreover, the body paragraph’s content revolves around a topic sentence, which advances the composition’s central idea (Sawyer, 2020). Then, one of the defining characteristics of examples of “Who Am I” essays for different formats is the use of the first-person language. Basically, this aspect helps writers to “show, not tell,” and is evident from writing the body paragraph. In a narrative essay, it is an example of the nightclub commotion, and, in a philosophical piece, it is the habit of volunteering in healthcare settings. In a college application paper, the feature is evident in a story about working with medical personnel in first-aid simulations. In an autobiographical composition, it is about evening walks to appreciate nature.

Effective Writing Strategies

When writing a “Who Am I” essay in different formats, students should use good strategies, and they should guarantee a high-quality product. In this case, the first strategy is utilizing transitions to create a natural and logical flow from one paragraph to the next or section to section. For example, common transitions are “therefore,” “additionally,” “put differently,” “hence,” “thus,” and “however” (Warner, 2020). Then, another strategy is subjecting a paper to a peer review. Here, writers give the first draft to a friend, tutor, or mentor to read and identify errors and mistakes. Besides, if there are any mistakes, students revise and edit their papers to eliminate them. Another strategy is proofreading the final draft to ensure mistakes are not made while typing words, or writers must revise and edit it accordingly. In turn, some sentence examples of strong starters for beginning a “Who Am I” essay include:

From an early age, I have always been intrigued by … .Introduce a long-standing interest or passion shaping your identity.
Growing up in [place], I learned to appreciate … .Provide context about your upbringing and its impact on your values and perspective.
One of the most defining moments in my life was when … .Put the reader into a specific, impactful experience influincing who you are now.
If there is one word that could describe me, it would be … .Focus on a key characteristic or value describing your identity.
My family has always taught me the importance of … .Highlight the influence of your family and their values on your development.
As a [role/identity], I have faced many challenges, including … .Determine your personal struggles and how they have shaped your character.
What truly sets me apart from other individuals is my passion for … .Emphasize a unique interest or talent being central to your identity.
I have always been driven by a desire to … .Write about your motivations and goals giving insight into what drives you.
My cultural heritage has played a significant role in … .Explore the influence of your cultural background on your beliefs and behaviors.
Reflecting on my life journey so far, I realize … .Summarize key aspects of your life and identity.

Five-Step Writing of a “Who Am I” Essay in 100 Words

Writing a “Who Am I” essay in less than 100 words requires conciseness and clarity. Here are the 5 steps to achieve this objective:

1. Identify Key Points: Choose 2-3 main aspects of your identity to focus on (e.g., a value, a passion, a key experience).

  • Value: Compassion
  • Passion: Music
  • Experience: Volunteering

2. Write a Strong Opening: Start with one sentence capturing the essence of who you are.

  • Growing up in my African American neighborhood, I learned to appreciate music and volunteering as my passion and way of life.

3. Provide Brief Details: Give one or two sentences for each aspect you chose, providing specific but concise details.

  • My parents always wanted to educate me as a good person, so they decided to send me to a local piano school. I remember this time as a significant part of my childhood because this musical instrument taught me not only how to press the piano keys but also how to communicate with other people, helping them in difficult times.

4. Conclude Effectively: End with one sentence putting your points together and leaving a lasting impression.

  • At the same time, I realized giving back and supporting my community could sound like the music I love with all my heart.

5. Edit for Clarity: Remove any unnecessary words or details to stay within the limit of about 100 words.

  • Growing up in my African American neighborhood, I learned to appreciate music and volunteering as my passion and way of life. My parents always wanted to educate me as a good person, so they decided to send me to a local piano school. I remember this time as a significant part of my childhood because this musical instrument taught me not only how to press the piano keys but also how to communicate with other people, helping them in difficult times. At the same time, I realized giving back and supporting my community could sound like the music I love with all my heart.

A final example of writing a “Who Am I” essay in less than 100 words is:

Growing up in my African American neighborhood, I learned to appreciate music and volunteering as my passion and way of life. My parents always wanted to educate me as a good person, so they sent me to a local piano school. I remember this time as a significant part of my childhood because this musical instrument taught me not only how to press the piano keys but also how to help people in difficult times. At the same time, I realized giving back and supporting my community could sound like the music I love with all my heart.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Lack of Focus: Writing a disorganized “Who Am I” essay without a clear central theme or message.
  • Overgeneralization: Being too vague and not providing specific examples or details.
  • Clichés and Stereotypes: Using overused phrases and stereotypes that do not truly represent your unique identity.
  • Neglecting Structure: Failing to organize your paper with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Ignoring Prompt Instructions: Not addressing the specific requirements or questions of an essay’s prompt.
  • Excessive Self-Praise: Overemphasizing achievements without demonstrating humility or reflection.
  • Being Too Negative: Focusing excessively on failures and challenges without highlighting growth and learning.
  • Lack of Personal Voice: Writing in a way that does not reflect your true self or personal voice.
  • Grammar and Spelling Errors: Failing to proofread and correct mistakes in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Ignoring Feedback: Not seeking or considering feedback from others to improve your composition.

Essay writing is an exciting and challenging academic exercise for students across all levels of education. Although there are different types of essays, structure and outline formats remain the same: introduction, body, and conclusion. In essence, what students need to understand is the essential features that enrich the content in the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. When writing an essay on “Who Am I” students need to know – this composition is different from a standard format. Moreover, the central point of difference is that such works require students to use the first-person language in a paper, which can take formats of narrative, philosophical, college application, or autobiographical essays. In writing this type of document, students must master the following tips:

  • Use the first-person language.
  • Make use of personal anecdotes.
  • “Show, not tell” by providing vivid descriptions.
  • Develop a thesis in the introduction.
  • Include topic sentences to introduce ideas in a paragraph.
  • Observe a maximum length requirement and a minimum length requirement of a “Who Am I” essay by considering a word count.

Griffo, R., Lemay, E., & Moreno, A. H. (2021). Who am I? Let me think: Assessing the considered self-concept. SAGE Open , 11 (1), 1–13.

Rogers, L. O. (2018). Who am I, who are we? Erikson and a transactional approach to identity research. Identity , 18 (4), 284–294.

Rowland, A. M. (2019). 7 steps to your best essay: An undergraduate’s guide to excellent academic writing . Independently Published.

Sawyer, E. (2020). College admission essentials: A step-by-step guide to showing colleges who you are and what matters to you . Sourcebooks.

Schwartz, S. J., Meca, A., & Petrova, M. (2017). Who am I and why does it matter? Linking personal identity and self-concept clarity. Self-Concept Clarity , 145–164.

Warner, J. (2020). Why they can’t write: Killing the five-paragraph essay and other necessities . Johns Hopkins University Press.

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College Admissions , Extracurriculars


Are you applying to a college or a scholarship that requires a community service essay? Do you know how to write an essay that will impress readers and clearly show the impact your work had on yourself and others?

Read on to learn step-by-step instructions for writing a great community service essay that will help you stand out and be memorable.

What Is a Community Service Essay? Why Do You Need One?

A community service essay is an essay that describes the volunteer work you did and the impact it had on you and your community. Community service essays can vary widely depending on specific requirements listed in the application, but, in general, they describe the work you did, why you found the work important, and how it benefited people around you.

Community service essays are typically needed for two reasons:

#1: To Apply to College

  • Some colleges require students to write community service essays as part of their application or to be eligible for certain scholarships.
  • You may also choose to highlight your community service work in your personal statement.

#2: To Apply for Scholarships

  • Some scholarships are specifically awarded to students with exceptional community service experiences, and many use community service essays to help choose scholarship recipients.
  • Green Mountain College offers one of the most famous of these scholarships. Their "Make a Difference Scholarship" offers full tuition, room, and board to students who have demonstrated a significant, positive impact through their community service

Getting Started With Your Essay

In the following sections, I'll go over each step of how to plan and write your essay. I'll also include sample excerpts for you to look through so you can get a better idea of what readers are looking for when they review your essay.

Step 1: Know the Essay Requirements

Before your start writing a single word, you should be familiar with the essay prompt. Each college or scholarship will have different requirements for their essay, so make sure you read these carefully and understand them.

Specific things to pay attention to include:

  • Length requirement
  • Application deadline
  • The main purpose or focus of the essay
  • If the essay should follow a specific structure

Below are three real community service essay prompts. Read through them and notice how much they vary in terms of length, detail, and what information the writer should include.

From the Equitable Excellence Scholarship:

"Describe your outstanding achievement in depth and provide the specific planning, training, goals, and steps taken to make the accomplishment successful. Include details about your role and highlight leadership you provided. Your essay must be a minimum of 350 words but not more than 600 words."

From the Laura W. Bush Traveling Scholarship:

"Essay (up to 500 words, double spaced) explaining your interest in being considered for the award and how your proposed project reflects or is related to both UNESCO's mandate and U.S. interests in promoting peace by sharing advances in education, science, culture, and communications."

From the LULAC National Scholarship Fund:

"Please type or print an essay of 300 words (maximum) on how your academic studies will contribute to your personal & professional goals. In addition, please discuss any community service or extracurricular activities you have been involved in that relate to your goals."


Step 2: Brainstorm Ideas

Even after you understand what the essay should be about, it can still be difficult to begin writing. Answer the following questions to help brainstorm essay ideas. You may be able to incorporate your answers into your essay.

  • What community service activity that you've participated in has meant the most to you?
  • What is your favorite memory from performing community service?
  • Why did you decide to begin community service?
  • What made you decide to volunteer where you did?
  • How has your community service changed you?
  • How has your community service helped others?
  • How has your community service affected your plans for the future?

You don't need to answer all the questions, but if you find you have a lot of ideas for one of two of them, those may be things you want to include in your essay.

Writing Your Essay

How you structure your essay will depend on the requirements of the scholarship or school you are applying to. You may give an overview of all the work you did as a volunteer, or highlight a particularly memorable experience. You may focus on your personal growth or how your community benefited.

Regardless of the specific structure requested, follow the guidelines below to make sure your community service essay is memorable and clearly shows the impact of your work.

Samples of mediocre and excellent essays are included below to give you a better idea of how you should draft your own essay.

Step 1: Hook Your Reader In

You want the person reading your essay to be interested, so your first sentence should hook them in and entice them to read more. A good way to do this is to start in the middle of the action. Your first sentence could describe you helping build a house, releasing a rescued animal back to the wild, watching a student you tutored read a book on their own, or something else that quickly gets the reader interested. This will help set your essay apart and make it more memorable.

Compare these two opening sentences:

"I have volunteered at the Wishbone Pet Shelter for three years."

"The moment I saw the starving, mud-splattered puppy brought into the shelter with its tail between its legs, I knew I'd do whatever I could to save it."

The first sentence is a very general, bland statement. The majority of community service essays probably begin a lot like it, but it gives the reader little information and does nothing to draw them in. On the other hand, the second sentence begins immediately with action and helps persuade the reader to keep reading so they can learn what happened to the dog.

Step 2: Discuss the Work You Did

Once you've hooked your reader in with your first sentence, tell them about your community service experiences. State where you work, when you began working, how much time you've spent there, and what your main duties include. This will help the reader quickly put the rest of the essay in context and understand the basics of your community service work.


Not including basic details about your community service could leave your reader confused.

Step 3: Include Specific Details

It's the details of your community service that make your experience unique and memorable, so go into the specifics of what you did.

For example, don't just say you volunteered at a nursing home; talk about reading Mrs. Johnson her favorite book, watching Mr. Scott win at bingo, and seeing the residents play games with their grandchildren at the family day you organized. Try to include specific activities, moments, and people in your essay. Having details like these let the readers really understand what work you did and how it differs from other volunteer experiences.

Compare these two passages:

"For my volunteer work, I tutored children at a local elementary school. I helped them improve their math skills and become more confident students."

"As a volunteer at York Elementary School, I worked one-on-one with second and third graders who struggled with their math skills, particularly addition, subtraction, and fractions. As part of my work, I would create practice problems and quizzes and try to connect math to the students' interests. One of my favorite memories was when Sara, a student I had been working with for several weeks, told me that she enjoyed the math problems I had created about a girl buying and selling horses so much that she asked to help me create math problems for other students."

The first passage only gives basic information about the work done by the volunteer; there is very little detail included, and no evidence is given to support her claims. How did she help students improve their math skills? How did she know they were becoming more confident?

The second passage is much more detailed. It recounts a specific story and explains more fully what kind of work the volunteer did, as well as a specific instance of a student becoming more confident with her math skills. Providing more detail in your essay helps support your claims as well as make your essay more memorable and unique.

Step 4: Show Your Personality

It would be very hard to get a scholarship or place at a school if none of your readers felt like they knew much about you after finishing your essay, so make sure that your essay shows your personality. The way to do this is to state your personal strengths, then provide examples to support your claims. Take some time to think about which parts of your personality you would like your essay to highlight, then write about specific examples to show this.

  • If you want to show that you're a motivated leader, describe a time when you organized an event or supervised other volunteers.
  • If you want to show your teamwork skills, write about a time you helped a group of people work together better.
  • If you want to show that you're a compassionate animal lover, write about taking care of neglected shelter animals and helping each of them find homes.

Step 5: State What You Accomplished

After you have described your community service and given specific examples of your work, you want to begin to wrap your essay up by stating your accomplishments. What was the impact of your community service? Did you build a house for a family to move into? Help students improve their reading skills? Clean up a local park? Make sure the impact of your work is clear; don't be worried about bragging here.

If you can include specific numbers, that will also strengthen your essay. Saying "I delivered meals to 24 home-bound senior citizens" is a stronger example than just saying "I delivered meals to lots of senior citizens."

Also be sure to explain why your work matters. Why is what you did important? Did it provide more parks for kids to play in? Help students get better grades? Give people medical care who would otherwise not have gotten it? This is an important part of your essay, so make sure to go into enough detail that your readers will know exactly what you accomplished and how it helped your community.

"My biggest accomplishment during my community service was helping to organize a family event at the retirement home. The children and grandchildren of many residents attended, and they all enjoyed playing games and watching movies together."

"The community service accomplishment that I'm most proud of is the work I did to help organize the First Annual Family Fun Day at the retirement home. My job was to design and organize fun activities that senior citizens and their younger relatives could enjoy. The event lasted eight hours and included ten different games, two performances, and a movie screening with popcorn. Almost 200 residents and family members attended throughout the day. This event was important because it provided an opportunity for senior citizens to connect with their family members in a way they aren't often able to. It also made the retirement home seem more fun and enjoyable to children, and we have seen an increase in the number of kids coming to visit their grandparents since the event."

The second passage is stronger for a variety of reasons. First, it goes into much more detail about the work the volunteer did. The first passage only states that she helped "organize a family event." That really doesn't tell readers much about her work or what her responsibilities were. The second passage is much clearer; her job was to "design and organize fun activities."

The second passage also explains the event in more depth. A family day can be many things; remember that your readers are likely not familiar with what you're talking about, so details help them get a clearer picture.

Lastly, the second passage makes the importance of the event clear: it helped residents connect with younger family members, and it helped retirement homes seem less intimidating to children, so now some residents see their grand kids more often.

Step 6: Discuss What You Learned

One of the final things to include in your essay should be the impact that your community service had on you. You can discuss skills you learned, such as carpentry, public speaking, animal care, or another skill.

You can also talk about how you changed personally. Are you more patient now? More understanding of others? Do you have a better idea of the type of career you want? Go into depth about this, but be honest. Don't say your community service changed your life if it didn't because trite statements won't impress readers.

In order to support your statements, provide more examples. If you say you're more patient now, how do you know this? Do you get less frustrated while playing with your younger siblings? Are you more willing to help group partners who are struggling with their part of the work? You've probably noticed by now that including specific examples and details is one of the best ways to create a strong and believable essay .

"As a result of my community service, I learned a lot about building houses and became a more mature person."

"As a result of my community service, I gained hands-on experience in construction. I learned how to read blueprints, use a hammer and nails, and begin constructing the foundation of a two-bedroom house. Working on the house could be challenging at times, but it taught me to appreciate the value of hard work and be more willing to pitch in when I see someone needs help. My dad has just started building a shed in our backyard, and I offered to help him with it because I know from my community service how much work it is. I also appreciate my own house more, and I know how lucky I am to have a roof over my head."

The second passage is more impressive and memorable because it describes the skills the writer learned in more detail and recounts a specific story that supports her claim that her community service changed her and made her more helpful.

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Step 7: Finish Strong

Just as you started your essay in a way that would grab readers' attention, you want to finish your essay on a strong note as well. A good way to end your essay is to state again the impact your work had on you, your community, or both. Reiterate how you changed as a result of your community service, why you found the work important, or how it helped others.

Compare these two concluding statements:

"In conclusion, I learned a lot from my community service at my local museum, and I hope to keep volunteering and learning more about history."

"To conclude, volunteering at my city's American History Museum has been a great experience. By leading tours and participating in special events, I became better at public speaking and am now more comfortable starting conversations with people. In return, I was able to get more community members interested in history and our local museum. My interest in history has deepened, and I look forward to studying the subject in college and hopefully continuing my volunteer work at my university's own museum."

The second passage takes each point made in the first passage and expands upon it. In a few sentences, the second passage is able to clearly convey what work the volunteer did, how she changed, and how her volunteer work benefited her community.

The author of the second passage also ends her essay discussing her future and how she'd like to continue her community service, which is a good way to wrap things up because it shows your readers that you are committed to community service for the long-term.

What's Next?

Are you applying to a community service scholarship or thinking about it? We have a complete list of all the community service scholarships available to help get your search started!

Do you need a community service letter as well? We have a step-by-step guide that will tell you how to get a great reference letter from your community service supervisor.

Thinking about doing community service abroad? Before you sign up, read our guide on some of the hazards of international volunteer trips and how to know if it's the right choice for you.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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