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My Country Nigeria Essay 150 To 200 Words

Nigeria fondly referred to as the “Giant of Africa,” is a country steeped in vibrant cultures, teeming with hardworking citizens, and abundantly blessed with natural resources. Nestled in the heart of West Africa, Nigeria, with an estimated population of over 200 million people, stands as the most populous country in Africa. This population comprises a diverse assembly of over 270 ethnic groups, each with its own rich cultural heritage and language.

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Reflections on My Country Nigeria: An Essay on the Giant of Africa

A land of diversity and unity.

Despite the striking cultural differences, Nigeria is a symbol of unity in diversity. From the Igbo’s entrepreneurial spirit in the East to the Yoruba’s artistic prowess in the West, and from the Fulani’s pastoral life in the North to the Niger Delta’s oil-rich South, the country pulsates with a unique rhythm that forms the collective Nigerian identity.

A (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Thriving Hub of Resources and Opportunities

Nigeria’s affluence is not only a result of its populous and diverse citizenry but also its bountiful natural resources. Holding the position as Africa’s premier oil producing nation, Nigeria’s prodigious oil reservoirs establish it as a crucial contributor to the international oil market. Moreover, the country is blessed with rich, arable lands, nurturing an agricultural community and fueling a flourishing farm-based economy.A Nation of Resilient Individuals

Despite the challenges faced, such as economic instability and security issues, the Nigerian spirit remains unbowed. Nigerians are renowned for their resilience, tenacity, and indomitable spirit. The nation is a breeding ground for innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurial pursuits, all driven by an unwavering desire for progress.

Nigeria, an Epicenter of Artistic Excellence

Nigeria also shines brightly on the global map for its contributions to arts and culture. With internationally acclaimed musicians, filmmakers, and authors, Nigeria’s entertainment industry is a testament to its artistic brilliance.

In Conclusion

Despite its challenges, Nigeria stands unparalleled in its cultural richness, human resourcefulness, and natural bounty. The ever-resilient Nigerians, with their infectious optimism and relentless pursuit of prosperity, make the country a vibrant and dynamic force in Africa and the world at large. In the words of our national anthem, “the labor of our heroes past shall never be in vain.” As a proud Nigerian student, I believe in the beauty, strength, and future of my beloved country, Nigeria.

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Essay on Nigeria My Country

Students are often asked to write an essay on Nigeria My Country in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Nigeria My Country

Introduction to nigeria.

Nigeria is a country in West Africa. It is known for its rich culture and many languages. The land has forests, mountains, and rivers. Many people live in Nigeria, making it Africa’s most populated country.

Nigerian Culture

The culture in Nigeria is colorful. People enjoy music, dance, and art. They celebrate festivals with joy. Clothing is often bright and beautiful. Nigerian food is tasty and includes rice, soups, and spices.

Places in Nigeria

Nigeria has exciting places to see. There are big cities like Lagos and natural spots like the Zuma Rock. Visitors like to see the wildlife and markets too.

Nigeria faces some problems. Not all children can go to school, and keeping the environment clean is tough. Leaders are working to solve these issues.

Nigeria is a country with friendly people and a strong spirit. It is full of life and has a future full of promise. It is a place many call home with pride.

250 Words Essay on Nigeria My Country

Nigeria is a country in West Africa. It’s known for its colorful culture, rich history, and natural beauty. With over 200 million people, it’s the most populous country in Africa and the seventh in the world.

Land and Nature

The land in Nigeria is very diverse. There are sandy beaches, large rivers, and even forests. The country also has a lot of wildlife, including elephants and lions. Nigeria’s weather is mostly hot since it’s close to the equator, but it also has rainy and dry seasons.

Culture and People

Nigeria is home to many different groups of people. Each group has its own language, traditions, and festivals. Music and dance are very important in Nigerian culture. The country is famous for its Nollywood film industry, which is one of the largest in the world.

Nigeria has a lot of natural resources like oil and gas. These resources play a big role in its economy. Agriculture is also important; many people farm products like cocoa and peanuts.

Nigeria faces some challenges, such as making sure everyone has enough food and access to education. The country is working to solve these problems and make life better for its people.

Nigeria is a country with a lot of diversity and potential. Even though it has challenges, its rich culture and natural resources make it a unique and important part of the world.

500 Words Essay on Nigeria My Country

Nigeria is a country located in West Africa. It is known for its rich history, diverse cultures, and natural resources. With over 200 million people, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous in the world. The land is full of life and color, with many languages spoken and various traditions practiced.

Geography and Climate

The country has a varied landscape that includes beaches, mountains, forests, and deserts. The climate is tropical, with rainy and dry seasons that change depending on the area. The southern part of Nigeria is mostly wet and green, while the north can be hot and dry. This makes Nigeria home to a wide range of plants and animals, some of which are found nowhere else on Earth.

Nigeria’s culture is a tapestry of the many ethnic groups that live there. The country has over 250 ethnic groups, with the Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba being the largest. Each group has its own customs, language, and way of life. Music and dance are important in Nigerian culture, with traditional beats like Afrobeat and Highlife being popular. Nigerian movies, known as Nollywood, are famous across Africa and tell stories that reflect the lives of the people.

Nigerian food is as diverse as its people. Dishes are often made with rice, beans, and yams, and are seasoned with spices that make them flavorful. Some popular foods include jollof rice, a spicy dish made with tomatoes and rice, and suya, which is grilled meat with a tasty spice rub. These foods are not just tasty but also a way to bring people together, as meals are a time for family and friends to share stories and enjoy each other’s company.

Nigeria has a growing economy that is one of the largest in Africa. It is rich in resources like oil and natural gas, which are important for the country’s wealth. Agriculture is also a key part of the economy, with many people working in farming to grow crops like cocoa, peanuts, and palm oil. Nigeria’s markets are full of life, with people buying and selling goods every day.

Like any country, Nigeria faces challenges. Some areas have to deal with poverty and not having enough schools or hospitals. There are also times when different groups disagree, leading to conflict. Despite these issues, many Nigerians are working hard to make their country a better place, focusing on education, health, and peace.

Nigeria is a country with a heart full of rhythm and a spirit that shines. Its landscapes are breathtaking, its cultures are vibrant, and its people are strong and resilient. Even with the difficulties it faces, Nigeria continues to move forward, building a future that honors its rich past and looks ahead with hope. For many Nigerians, their homeland is more than just a place on the map—it is a part of who they are.

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essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country


Nigeria, the land of my ancestors; the nation where I was birthed. Nigeria is a beautiful country endowed with abundant human and natural resources.

With a population that exceeds 200 million people, there are ample opportunities, especially for international trade.

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

Nigeria is abundantly blessed with natural resources, boasting as the largest producer and exporter of oil in Africa, and the 11th largest in the whole wide world.

With the resources at the country’s disposal, it’s no surprise that it has the largest economy in Africa.

In a utopian world, Nigeria would’ve been one of the most powerful countries on earth and a desirable investment spot.

However, that’s sadly not the case.

It’s been 61 years since the nation gained her independence, and she’s still far off from reaching her full potential.

In 1960, when Nigeria became independent, the world had its eyes on the most populous black nation, and for the right reasons.

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

At that time, Nigeria boasted excellence in intellectual and educational pursuits, business, international diplomacy, as well as military and political leadership.

When Congo was in tumult, the UN peacekeeping forces relied upon Nigeria for leadership and military support. This occurred when other countries needed help too; they turned to Nigeria. 

Nigeria spearheaded the anti-apartheid struggle in Southern African countries such as South Africa, Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), and Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).

The West African nation also supported and funded liberation movements in Namibia, Angola, and Mozambique, amongst others.

The African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) regarded Nigeria as their lifeline, and to a great extent, they still do.

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

While this might seem like an impressive outlook, Nigeria’s affairs aren’t in order indoors. The country faces several problems.

Home to over 250 different ethnic groups, the country’s progress has been stumped by incompetent leaders and uncommitted citizens.

With all the resources at the nation’s disposal, Nigeria is still plagued by high unemployment rates, poor infrastructures, and an ever looming threat of dissolution.

Another issue is insecurity, which has become an ever-growing problem over the past decade.

While Nigeria has been combating a lot of problems on various fronts, the rapid deterioration of security is threatening to break the nation apart at the seams.

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

Recent research into the effects of the insurgency in the country’s North-Eastern parts reveals that it has dented Nigeria’s stability, development, and sovereignty.

The country’s armed forces are underequipped and overworked, and it’s been a struggle to battle the terrorist unit- Boko Haram- and defend the nation’s borders.

The case is similar for the Nigerian Police Force. The substandard equipment and poor training have made them underdogs when fighting against criminals.

One can’t help but wonder if there’s a way to stop and reverse Nigeria’s downward spiral.

Inscribed on several yellow commercial buses, synonymous with the bustling city of Lagos, are the words “No condition is permanent.”

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

This is proof that there’s resilience in Nigerians. It’s one of several reasons why I believe change is possible.

The grit and hope displayed by Nigerians, from the slums to the average class citizens, are admirable.

People are holding out hope for a better future, for themselves and their children.

There’s evidence in a bright future as even with the past woes, Nigeria is breaking new strides in terms of success.

A few months ago, the Federal Government approved a $5.8 billion hydroelectric project, with a capacity of 3,050 megawatts.

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

This is the nation’s largest ever in the electrical power sector, it is done in collaboration with China, and the project should be completed by 2027.

The objective is to provide stable electricity to at least half of the nation, something that has been a pipe dream until now.

Agriculture is another sector that’s recording growth. The government, in an attempt to reduce total reliance on oil, has encouraged grain farming.

This will create diversity in the economy, an essential ingredient for growth.

In this line, the Federal Government of Nigeria launched the Anchor Borrower’s Program in 2015.

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

This initiative is a multi-billion dollar program geared towards agricultural development by aiding small-scale farmers in raising their production capacity.

As Nigerian highways have been deteriorating in functionality over the years, there’s a new attempt to relieve strains on them.

This is embodied by the investment in rail transit, which hasn’t been in proper use in the nation for a long time. 

A 186 km train route connecting Abuja, the federal capital, with Kaduna, a key northern city, was built for $1.1 billion.

Meanwhile, a $1.5 billion train project will connect Lagos, the country’s commercial capital, and Ibadan, 150 km away.

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

In general, the investment climate in Nigeria has improved significantly.

It’s proven by Nigeria’s rising 24 places in 2017, on the World Bank’s “Ease of doing Business” rating from 169th to 145th.

It’s undeniable there’s more to do if the country is to reach great heights.

However, one can be optimistic, as reports have touted Nigeria as one of the top ten countries improved by recent reforms.

One of the sectors that have experienced massive growth over the past decade is the Telecommunications industry.

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

According to the Nigerian Communications Commission, there are more than 150 million active users amongst service providers. An impressive statistic, considering it’s the largest in Africa.

As with any place with opportunities, both foreign and domestic investors have been cashing in massively on this.

In 2016, Nigeria’s Telecommunications authority revealed that mobile phone subscribers spent a total of $6.6 billion. The previous year, the figure was at $5.6 billion.

This implies steady growth, and even bigger ones, as the industry is expanding even until 2021.

As a developing country, Nigeria has its share of inconsistent political history.

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

Even with corruption being a constant roadblock for growth, Nigeria is improving.

I, and many Nigerians, have hopes in the future of our country.

Citizens have started demanding accountability from their leaders and considering the past decades, Nigeria’s democracy is relatively stable now.

Without a doubt, our hopes for a better future shall be rewarded.

Nigeria, my homeland, will rise.

Written by: Emmanuel J. Osemota

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13 thoughts on “nigeria, my country”.

' src=

For Nigeria to amend and become better, the youth should stop allowing the fathers that is to answer the call of nature soon to use their future and time, while, their kids are outside the country. Youth our future is too bright don't allow money you won't enjoy ruin your future and others happiness. Let's live in peace, will can!!!

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Insightful assessment and concur with you!

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I concur to this more knowledge

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NIGERIA MY COUNTRY. I am glad that I am a Nigerian, but not happy that the country has really become this deplorable. I am calling on the strong, focused, and well-meaning Nigerians to set aside religion or ethnic differences and join hands to build a better Nigeria that we can be proud of. I believe Nigeria will rise to its ordained position, but it can only be possible when we start asking our leaders to account for all monies that have entered their hands and remove every bad leader anytime it is election time. we should not allow political stipend to blindfold us into doing the needful in this country.

Thank you for the insightful thoughts, and definitely concur with you.

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Nigeria is a blessed country We the youth should not be blindfold with money .we should stand strong for this election so we won't jeopardize our future

We completely agree with your assessment Sir!

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we completely agree

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I love Nigeria because is a good country am proud that am Nigeria

excellent a good inspiration for school children

Thanks and we concur with you!

Together we will make nigeria a better country

Yes! Absolutely!

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                                               Teacher’s Activities

Activity one (1): Draw out sentences from the pupils about their country.

Activity two (2): To guide the pupils in writing a detailed composition about the topic, write and explain the following guidelines on the board.

Activity four (4): Look at, interpret, and explain the example.


Paragraph one (1):   Write about, the name of your country, population, independence, government revenue in your country.

Paragraph two (2):   Write about its location and geographical features hills, rivers, parts, its capitals, etc.

Paragraph three (3): write about it economy and major occupations of the citizens of your country. 

Paragraph four (4): write about the future you wish your country. 


The name of my country is Nigeria. It has a population of about One fifty million according to the last population censor. This figure make it the most populous country in the continent of Africa. On October 1, 1960, Nigeria declared its independence from Great Britain.

Nigeria is the West of Africa. It is a country with about thirty ethnic groups.  Her official language is English.  The most populous and politically influential are the Fulani’s.  There are thirty six state in Nigeria and the capital of Nigeria is Abuja. Nigeria is partitioned into several region. The two Major regions are the north and south .Nigeria shared land borders with Beni, Cameroun and Chad.  The capital of my country is called Abuja.

The Popular crude oil called petroleum generate billions of dollars in revenue for the government.  Nigeria is a member of Organization of Gold Exporting Country (OPEC). Agriculture is the major occupation of the people of my country. Only a few of the citizens engage in gold mining and white collar jobs.

Having being ruled by several presidents, the federal Republic if Nigeria has not yet got to where it ought to be. President Muhammed Buhari, the current president, is however trying his best to make Nigeria a very great nation. I however look forward to a great Nigeria full of opportunities and very peaceful.

Pupil’s Activity one (1): Read the example and pay attention.

Pupil’s Activity two (2): Write a detailed composition about your country.


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Nigeria, my beloved country. A country located in West Africa, richly endowed with natural and human resources yet plagued with many challenges. As a Nigerian, I am filled with hope, pride and patriotism, despite her faults. This essay seeks to explore Nigeria – its people, culture, challenges and opportunities – through the lens of a patriotic citizen hoping and working towards positive change.

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with over 200 million people. This large and diverse population is one of our greatest strengths. Nigeria is composed of over 250 ethnic groups who speak over 500 indigenous languages. Despite our diversity in language and culture, we share a common identity as Nigerians. Our various cultures have blended over the years to form a unique Nigerian culture. Foods like jollof rice, amala and eba have become national dishes enjoyed across ethnic lines. Our music, fashion and pidgin English have also evolved as unifying forces.

Nigeria’s citizens are some of the most hardworking and entrepreneurial people in the world. Although formal unemployment is high, the resilience and creative problem-solving abilities of Nigerians have given rise to a thriving informal sector. From small traders to artisans, Nigerians improvise solutions and business ideas daily to sustain livelihoods. This ‘hustle culture’ is also evident in the growing Nigerian Diaspora who are excelling globally in various fields through hard work, skills and strength of character. Our human capital remains one of our greatest national assets. With the right investments and enabling environment, Nigerians can achieve great things and build a prosperous nation.

Nigeria has a rich cultural heritage spanning ancient African civilizations, including the Nok culture and historic Benin Kingdom. Our cultures are expressed through languages, cuisines, fabrics, masks, sculptures and other art forms. Festivals like Ojude Oba, New Yam festival and Calabar carnival are major tourist attractions celebrating our diversity. Nigeria is also a religiously diverse nation with nearly equal populations of Muslims and Christians as well as minority faiths. This religious pluralism fosters tolerance and forms part of our national identity.

Nigeria continues to face considerable challenges threatening its progress. Since the late 1990s, the Boko Haram insurgency in the North-East has cost tens of thousands of lives and displaced millions. Criminal gangs like kidnappers and ‘bandits’ plague several regions. Poverty, unemployment and income inequality remain dauntingly high despite wealth. Corruption permeates many sectors, undermining development and trust in governance. Public services like power, infrastructure, healthcare and education are inadequate. These challenges erode livelihoods and security, heightening social unrest.

There are also threats to unity from ethno-religious tensions, issues around resource control, secessionist agitations and other cleavages manipulated by self-serving politicians. If not properly addressed, such divisions could undermine our shared nationhood. Environmental issues such as desertification, pollution, flooding and erosion also impact livelihoods due to unsustainable practices and climate change impacts. As the population grows exponentially, demands on farmland and forests increase pressure on ecosystems.

Nigeria also possesses great potential for growth and prosperity. With an economy ranked 27th in the world, Nigeria has the potential to become one of the top global economies this century. Our population, while a challenge, also represents a huge consumer market and human resource if properly harnessed. The country is bountifully endowed with natural resources like petroleum, natural gas, tin, iron ore, coal, limestone, niobium, lead, zinc and arable land. With over 200 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves, Nigeria could become a global energy powerhouse.

Agriculture also offers huge opportunities with the potential to become a breadbasket not just for Africa but globally in crops like cassava, cocoa, sesame, cashew, soya beans, millet, sorghum and fruits. Our arts, fashion, music and Nollywood films are globally renowned industries gaining grounds. As infrastructure and technology develops, technology and innovation sectors will rise. With political will and strong institutions, sustainable development and diversification of the economy can transform the nation.

While governance remains suboptimal, democracy has taken roots over the past decades. Citizens are increasingly aware of rights and holding leaders accountable. Civil society organizing around issues and youth groups offer new impetus for participation and governance reforms. Local and grassroots initiatives also support sustainable livelihoods and security increasingly independently of insufficient government actions. Growing entrepreneurship, the private sector and foreign investments signal an economy gradually finding its footing.

Nigeria remains a place I am passionate about and gives me hope for the future. While challenges persist, our resilience, diversity and potentials far outweigh any obstacles we face. With concerted national efforts towards security, inclusive governance, anti-corruption, human capital development and sustainable economics; Nigeria can emerge as the giant of Africa, reducing poverty and becoming a continental leader. As individuals, we must play our roles through civic participation, community engagement, entrepreneurship and holding duty bearers to account transparently. We must promote understanding and unity across divides. With visionary and sincere leadership committed to prioritizing citizens’ welfare, Nigeria’s future can be bright. My beloved country deserves nothing less than its best. I believe in Nigeria, the land where my dreams shall forever reign.

By Alma Torres

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My Country Nigeria – Ikechukwu Nwachi

essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

May 27, 2020

School: Saints Academy Jos Class: JSS3

My country Nigeria got her independence from the British in the year 1960. The name Nigeria was given by Mrs. Flora Shaw. Whenever I look at the green white green flag waving big and proud in the breeze my heart swells near to bursting and a tear forms in my eyes from thinking of al that it represents Freedom Glory, tradition for this land, the greatest in mother Africa. As a boy growing up in Jos, I always have a profound sense of honor and pride deep in my soul when every morning lined up in my school’s assembly around I stand to sing the national anthem and then recite those famous words. I can’t help but love Nigeria for reasons too numerous to mention. Nigeria is richly blessed with natural and human resources which if judiciously harnessed would shoot us to the top of the world economy. We have crude oil, iron, coal etc. Talking about human resources, Nigerians are very creative and innovative . Nigeria is one of the most populated counties in Africa and that is why we are regarded as the giant of Africa.

Throughout our chequered political history from independence, we have been through thick and thin but each time have overcame. Our electoral process has tremendously improved. This can be seen in the last elections conducted in the country. Absence of natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis. Hurricanes is yet another reason why I love my country. We are all privy to what happened in Haiti and recently Japan. The aftermaths are beyond the scope of this write up. Nigeria is a country who holds her social norms to a very high esteem and that is why she kicks against some unusual oriental behaviors like gay marriage and so on.

There is a high level of cooperation for instance, our President Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is a Christian while his vice Dr. Namadi Sambo is a Muslim. How wonderful. Nigeria is a tourist attraction resort. Tourists from different countries ball over the world come to places like Idanre Hills in Idanre, Osun State, the Obudu cattle ranch and so many other places in Nigeria for fun, sightseeing, tourism and so on. Nigeria is a country with different cultural diversities. The culture of those in the eastern part of the country is different from that of the people in the Northern and Western part of the country making this country a very enjoyable place to be. Finally. One line of national anthem says “The labor of our heroes past shall never be in vain” so let us fight to finish to ensure that we realize the dreams of our founding factors. I love Nigeria and I’m proud to be a Nigerian.

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Descriptive Essay: My Beloved Country

My country, the United States of America, or ‘The Land of the Free’ as I like to call it, has come a long way since 1607. Significant events like the American Revolution, Declaration of independence and the issue of slavery have shaped my country into what it is today – a land for everyone. By the way, it may sound interesting that the Declaration of Independence was actually written on hemp paper.

America is the fourth largest country in the world in terms of area and occupies the third spot in terms of population. Although America has no official language at the national level, 80% of its population aged five years or more speaks only English at home. Spanish is the second most common language and is also the language that is most widely taught as a second language.

Since it is a land of great opportunities, there is a large immigrant population from many countries that has settled here making it one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world. Despite this diversity in terms of culture, sect, and religion, America is a peaceful place with something for everybody. All people have the right to be hard in court and differences are normally settled peacefully using existing laws.

America has 50 states that combine to form the federal union. The US operates under a two party system, the Democrats and the Republicans. It is a capitalist economy that is fueled by abundance of natural resources. US is the largest importer of goods in the world while in terms of the amount of goods exported, it occupies the second spot.

We boast a number of great scientists that have changed the way we live. From Graham Bell’s invention of telephone to Thomas Edison’s first light bulb, Americans have been the frontrunners when it comes to technological innovation. We also have America to thank for the internet. It first started as ARPANET and was a project of the US defense department. However, it has evolved with time, and today, nearly every household has access to the internet making the world a global village.

When it comes to quality education, America is the most popular choice in the world. The US spends more on education per student than any other country in the world. Its institutes of higher education have an esteemed place among universities in the world. Every year, America attracts a crop of the most intelligent students from around the world with different scholarship programs.

America is a free country. It does not discriminate among people. If we were not free, our ignorance would cause us to hate or destroy the each other. Even though Christianity is the religion practiced by the majority of the population, there is no discrimination based on religion. My country has given me the tolerance to mix with other cultures and the courage to stand up for my rights. Surely, there is a long list of why I love my country, and will continue to do so until I take my last breath.

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essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

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We try our best to keep the prices for my essay writing as low as possible so that it does not end up burning a hole in your pocket. The prices are based on the requirements of the placed order like word count, the number of pages, type of academic content, and many more. At the same time, you can be eligible for some attractive discounts on the overall writing service and get to write with us seamlessly. Be it any kind of academic work and from any domain, our writers will get it done exclusively for you with the greatest efficiency possible.

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A standard essay helper is an expert we assign at no extra cost when your order is placed. Within minutes, after payment has been made, this type of writer takes on the job. A standard writer is the best option when you’re on a budget but the deadline isn’t burning. Within a couple of days, a new custom essay will be done for you from the ground up. Unique content, genuine research, spot-on APA/MLA formatting, and peerless grammar are guaranteed. Also, we’ll provide you with a free title page, bibliography, and plagiarism check. With a standard writer, you can count on a quality essay that will live up to all your expectations.

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You can assign your order to:

  • Basic writer. In this case, your paper will be completed by a standard author. It does not mean that your paper will be of poor quality. Before hiring each writer, we assess their writing skills, knowledge of the subjects, and referencing styles. Furthermore, no extra cost is required for hiring a basic writer.
  • Advanced writer. If you choose this option, your order will be assigned to a proficient writer with a high satisfaction rate.
  • TOP writer. If you want your order to be completed by one of the best writers from our essay writing service with superb feedback, choose this option.
  • Your preferred writer. You can indicate a specific writer's ID if you have already received a paper from him/her and are satisfied with it. Also, our clients choose this option when they have a series of assignments and want every copy to be completed in one style.

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Looking for something more advanced and urgent? Then opt-in for an advanced essay writer who’ll bring in more depth to your research and be able to fulfill the task within a limited period of time. In college, there are always assignments that are a bit more complicated and time-taking, even when it’s a common essay. Also, in search for an above-average essay writing quality, more means better, whereas content brought by a native English speaker is always a smarter choice. So, if your budget affords, go for one of the top 30 writers on our platform. The writing quality and finesse won’t disappoint you!

Premium essay writers

Essay writing help from a premium expert is something everyone has to try! It won’t be cheap but money isn’t the reason why students in the U.S. seek the services of premium writers. The main reason is that the writing quality premium writers produce is figuratively out of this world. An admission essay, for example, from a premium writer will definitely get you into any college despite the toughness of the competition. Coursework, for example, written by premium essay writers will help you secure a positive course grade and foster your GPA.

Gain recognition with the help of my essay writer

Generally, our writers, who will write my essay for me, have the responsibility to show their determination in writing the essay for you, but there is more they can do. They can ease your admission process for higher education and write various personal statements, cover letters, admission write-up, and many more. Brilliant drafts for your business studies course, ranging from market analysis to business proposal, can also be done by them. Be it any kind of a draft- the experts have the potential to dig in deep before writing. Doing ‘my draft’ with the utmost efficiency is what matters to us the most.

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essay writing on nigeria my beloved country

Well-planned online essay writing assistance by PenMyPaper

Writing my essays has long been a part and parcel of our lives but as we grow older, we enter the stage of drawing critical analysis of the subjects in the writings. This requires a lot of hard work, which includes extensive research to be done before you start drafting. But most of the students, nowadays, are already overburdened with academics and some of them also work part-time jobs. In such a scenario, it becomes impossible to write all the drafts on your own. The writing service by the experts of PenMyPaper can be your rescuer amidst such a situation. We will write my essay for me with ease. You need not face the trouble to write alone, rather leave it to the experts and they will do all that is required to write your essays. You will just have to sit back and relax. We are offering you unmatched service for drafting various kinds for my essays, everything on an online basis to write with. You will not even have to visit anywhere to order. Just a click and you can get the best writing service from us.


  1. My Country Nigeria Essay 150 To 200 Words

    November 10, 2023. Nigeria fondly referred to as the "Giant of Africa," is a country steeped in vibrant cultures, teeming with hardworking citizens, and abundantly blessed with natural resources. Nestled in the heart of West Africa, Nigeria, with an estimated population of over 200 million people, stands as the most populous country in Africa.

  2. Essay on Nigeria My Country

    Introduction to Nigeria. Nigeria is a country located in West Africa. It is known for its rich history, diverse cultures, and natural resources. With over 200 million people, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous in the world. The land is full of life and color, with many languages spoken and various ...

  3. Nigeria My Country

    Colonization and Negative Effects of Imperialism in Nigeria. Words • 1427. Pages • 6. Paper Type: 1400 Word Essay Examples Cause And Effect Essay. Nigeria is a country with abundant resources and the potential to be a very powerful nation, but it is hampered by many problems. These problems are caused by Nigeria's colonization by England.

  4. Nigeria my country. Free Essay Example

    Essay, Pages 4 (983 words) Views. 262. Nigeria made headlines globally in 2013 when the Guardian, a British newspaper, mentioned our country as the second-largest market for champagne. This merry revelation may have painted our country in the eyes of citizens of other nations as one of the most prosperous nations on the face of the earth since ...


    NIGERIA, MY COUNTRY. October 1, 2021 / General / By Emmanuel J. Osemota. Spread the love. Nigeria, the land of my ancestors; the nation where I was birthed. Nigeria is a beautiful country endowed with abundant human and natural resources. With a population that exceeds 200 million people, there are ample opportunities, especially for ...


    Teacher's Activities. Activity one (1): Draw out sentences from the pupils about their country. Activity two (2): To guide the pupils in writing a detailed composition about the topic, write and explain the following guidelines on the board. Activity four (4): Look at, interpret, and explain the example. GUIDELINES. Paragraph one (1): Write about, the name of your country, population ...

  7. Essay Writing on Nigeria My Beloved Country

    Nigeria, my beloved country. A country located in West Africa, richly endowed with natural and human resources yet plagued with many challenges. As a Nigerian, I am filled with hope, pride and patriotism, despite her faults. This essay seeks to explore Nigeria - its people, culture, challenges and opportunities - through the lens of a

  8. My Country Nigeria Essay

    My Country Nigeria Essay. 926 Words4 Pages. The name Nigeria was coined in Lokoja by Flora Shaw, the future wife of Baron Lugard, a British colonial administrator, while gazing out at the river Niger. So, British colonialism created Nigeria as a country, joining diverse peoples and regions in an artificial political entity along the Niger River.

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  10. Cry, Nigeria, my beloved country

    Cry, Nigeria, my beloved country. By Idowu Omoyele. The Chamber of Mines chief executive said Mineral Resources Minister Mosebenzi Zwane's actions had the potential to sink the industry. In this ...

  11. My Country Nigeria

    My Country Nigeria - Ikechukwu Nwachi. School: Saints Academy Jos. Class: JSS3. My country Nigeria got her independence from the British in the year 1960. The name Nigeria was given by Mrs. Flora Shaw. Whenever I look at the green white green flag waving big and proud in the breeze my heart swells near to bursting and a tear forms in my eyes ...

  12. Funmi Adams

    {Stanza One} I know a lot about my country I know a lot because i care I know a lot about the people I know a lot because I'm here {Chorus} Nigeria my beloved country working together is the key ...

  13. Descriptive Essay: My Beloved Country

    Descriptive Essay: My Beloved Country. My country, the United States of America, or 'The Land of the Free' as I like to call it, has come a long way since 1607. Significant events like the American Revolution, Declaration of independence and the issue of slavery have shaped my country into what it is today - a land for everyone.

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    At Essayswriting, it all depends on the timeline you put in it. Professional authors can write an essay in 3 hours, if there is a certain volume, but it must be borne in mind that with such a service the price will be the highest. The cheapest estimate is the work that needs to be done in 14 days. Then 275 words will cost you $ 10, while 3 ...

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