Did You vs. Have You

What's the difference.

"Did you" and "have you" are both interrogative phrases used to ask questions in English. However, they differ in terms of tense and the type of information they seek. "Did you" is used to inquire about past actions or events, while "have you" is used to inquire about present or ongoing actions or states. For example, "Did you go to the store yesterday?" asks about a specific action that occurred in the past, while "Have you finished your homework?" asks about the current status of completing a task.

Further Detail


When it comes to English grammar, understanding the differences between different verb tenses is crucial. Two commonly used verb tenses that often confuse English learners are "Did You" and "Have You." While both verb forms are used to ask questions, they have distinct attributes that set them apart. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of "Did You" and "Have You" to help you gain a better understanding of their usage.

Usage of "Did You"

"Did You" is a past tense verb form that is used to ask questions about completed actions or events. It is commonly used to inquire about someone's past experiences, actions, or habits. For example:

  • Did you go to the party last night?
  • Did you finish your homework?
  • Did you enjoy your vacation?

As seen in the examples, "Did You" is used to ask about specific actions or events that occurred in the past. It is important to note that "Did You" is always followed by the base form of the verb, regardless of the subject. This makes it a straightforward verb form to use when asking questions about the past.

Usage of "Have You"

"Have You" is a present perfect tense verb form that is used to ask questions about past actions or events that have a connection to the present. It is commonly used to inquire about someone's experiences, actions, or achievements up until now. For example:

  • Have you ever traveled to Europe?
  • Have you finished your work for today?
  • Have you seen the latest movie?

As seen in the examples, "Have You" is used to ask about someone's experiences or actions that have relevance to the present moment. It implies that the action or event happened at an unspecified time before now. The use of "Have You" indicates that the action or event may have occurred multiple times or is still ongoing.

Forming Questions with "Did You"

When forming questions with "Did You," the auxiliary verb "did" is used to indicate the past tense, while the main verb remains in its base form. The subject of the sentence comes before the auxiliary verb "did." For example:

  • Did you eat dinner?
  • Did you watch the game?
  • Did you call your friend?

As shown in the examples, the subject "you" is followed by the auxiliary verb "did," and then the base form of the verb. This structure is consistent regardless of the subject, making it easy to construct questions using "Did You."

Forming Questions with "Have You"

When forming questions with "Have You," the auxiliary verb "have" is used to indicate the present perfect tense, while the main verb remains in its base form. The subject of the sentence comes before the auxiliary verb "have." For example:

  • Have you visited the museum?
  • Have you finished your project?
  • Have you read the book?

As demonstrated in the examples, the subject "you" is followed by the auxiliary verb "have," and then the base form of the verb. This structure is consistent regardless of the subject, making it easy to construct questions using "Have You."

Key Differences

While both "Did You" and "Have You" are used to ask questions, there are key differences in their usage:

  • "Did You" is used to ask about specific actions or events that occurred in the past, while "Have You" is used to ask about past actions or events that have a connection to the present.
  • "Did You" is always followed by the base form of the verb, while "Have You" is also followed by the base form of the verb.
  • "Did You" is used to inquire about completed actions or events, while "Have You" is used to inquire about experiences, actions, or achievements up until now.
  • "Did You" is commonly used to ask about someone's past habits or routines, while "Have You" is used to ask about someone's experiences or actions that have relevance to the present moment.

Understanding the differences between "Did You" and "Have You" is essential for effective communication in English. While "Did You" is used to ask about specific past actions or events, "Have You" is used to ask about past actions or events that have a connection to the present. By grasping the nuances of these verb forms, you can confidently ask questions and engage in meaningful conversations. So, next time you want to inquire about someone's experiences or actions, remember to choose between "Did You" and "Have You" based on the context and time frame you want to refer to.

Comparisons may contain inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. Please report any issues.


Did You Do Your Homework or Have You Done? The Ultimate Guide to Tenses and Sentence Structure in English

  • by Erin Fuentes
  • October 29, 2023

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you weren’t sure which tense to use in a sentence? Or maybe you were confused about the correct sentence structure and whether to use the past perfect or present perfect tense . Well, you’re not alone! Many English learners struggle with these grammar concepts , but fear not, for we are here to help!

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the fascinating world of English tenses and sentence structure. We will explore common questions such as: “What is the best free grammar checker?” and “What is the difference between ‘finished’ and ‘completed’?” We’ll also tackle specific grammar scenarios, like “Were you working at 9 o’clock? Which tense is used in this sentence?” and “Why do you live in France? Which tense is used here?”

So, whether you’re a beginner looking to improve your English skills or an advanced learner aiming to enhance your grammar proficiency, this blog post has got you covered. Get ready to unravel the mysteries of tenses and sentence structure, and gain the confidence to say, “Yes, I have done my homework!” in the right tense. Let’s dive in!

Did you do your homework or have you done?

Did you finish your homework, or have you completed it

The eternal struggle with homework.

Ah, homework. Every student’s favorite pastime. It’s that never-ending battle between procrastination and productivity. The age-old question that parents continue to ask their children, “Did you do your homework?” Or is it, “Have you done your homework?” Let’s dive into this linguistic conundrum and settle the score once and for all.

To do or to have done, that is the question

The difference between “did you do your homework?” and “have you done your homework?” lies in the verb tense used. “Did” is the past tense of “do,” while “have” is the present perfect tense of “do.” So, when someone asks you, “Did you do your homework?” they are referring to a specific point in the past. On the other hand, when someone asks, “Have you done your homework?” they are inquiring about your homework status up until the present moment.

The linguistic trickery of daily life

Now, here’s where it gets tricky. When someone asks, “Did you do your homework?” it could imply that they believe you haven’t completed it yet. It’s like they already know the answer. Sneaky, right? On the other hand, when someone asks, “Have you done your homework?” it could mean they want to know if you finished it or if it’s still a work in progress. Are they expecting perfection or just a solid effort? It’s a mysterious dance of words and expectations.

The art of the clever response

Of course, as a student, you have the power to craft the perfect response. Take a moment, channel your inner wordsmith, and let that creative genius shine. Here are a few potential answers that combine wit and a dash of humor:

  • Ah, the homework dilemma. Like a never-ending saga, my friend. But fear not, for I have triumphed and completed the homework quest!
  • As the great scholar I am, I have indeed finished my homework, and I must say, it is a masterpiece.
  • Homework, the necessary evil of education. Alas, I have conquered it, much like a knight slaying a dragon (but with fewer fire-breathing creatures involved).

The verdict

So, in conclusion, both “did you do your homework?” and “have you done your homework?” essentially mean the same thing. It’s all about the timing and the tense. But fear not, intrepid student, for now, armed with the knowledge of linguistic trickery, you can navigate the treacherous waters of homework-related questions with ease. May your assignments be completed, your answers be correct, and your wit be sharp!

Did you do your homework or have you done?

FAQ: Did you do your homework or have you done

What is the best free grammar checker.

Good grammar is essential for effective communication, whether it’s in your academic assignments , work emails, or even social media posts. Thankfully, there are several free grammar checkers available to help polish your writing. Some popular options include Grammarly, ProWritingAid, and Ginger. These tools can detect spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and even provide suggestions to improve your writing style. Give them a try and see which one works best for you!

Did you do your homework or have you done

Ah, the eternal question asked by parents, teachers, and maybe even your own conscience. The answer depends on the context and the point in time you’re referring to. If someone is asking if you have completed your homework at this very moment, then “have you done your homework?” is the correct question. However, if they are asking about a specific point in time in the past, then “did you do your homework?” is more appropriate. Just remember, it’s always best to stay on top of your homework to avoid these questions altogether!

Were you working at 9 o’clock? Which tense

Ah, the joy of verb tenses! When we want to refer to an action that happened in the past, particularly a specific time in the past, the simple past tense is our go-to. So, if someone asks you if you were working at 9 o’clock, they are seeking information about a past event. Time to bring out your storytelling skills and let them know whether you were indeed hard at work or perhaps catching up on a well-deserved break.

What is the difference between finished and completed

Ah, the nuances of the English language! While these two words may seem synonymous, there is a subtle difference between them. When we say something is “finished,” it means that the task or activity has come to an end. On the other hand, when we say something is “completed,” it implies that the task or activity has not only reached its conclusion but has also fulfilled its purpose or requirements. So, while both words indicate the end of something, “completed” carries a sense of accomplishment along with it. It’s like adding a little extra flair to your language!

Will I have finished by the time

Ah, the future tense and the anticipation of completing a task! If you’re wondering if you will have finished something by a specific time in the future, you’re using the future perfect tense. This tense allows you to express actions that will be completed before a certain point in the future. So, whether it’s finishing a project, writing that blog post you’ve been procrastinating, or devouring a whole pizza, the future perfect tense lets you indulge in your hopeful anticipation of completion. Only time will tell if you achieve your goals!

Why do you live in France? Which tense is used in this sentence

Ah, the eternal question of why we choose the places we call home! In this sentence, the present simple tense is used to express a general truth or fact. So, when someone asks “why do you live in France?” they are seeking an explanation for your current living situation. Pack your bags, embrace the French culture and cuisine, and get ready to give them your enticing reasons for choosing the land of croissants and berets!

Will he still be traveling this evening? Which tense

Ah, the mystery of future plans! If you’re wondering about someone’s travel plans for this evening, you’re using the future continuous tense. This tense helps us express actions that will be ongoing at a specific point in the future. So, when you ask if someone will still be traveling this evening, you’re inquiring about their travel plans and whether they will continue their adventure throughout the evening. Bon voyage to them!

What tense is “has been” in

Ah, the glorious land of present perfect continuous! When you encounter the phrase “has been,” you’re stepping into the realm of the present perfect continuous tense. This tense is used to describe actions that started in the past, continue in the present, and may still continue in the future. So the next time you come across “has been,” take a moment to appreciate the beauty of this tense and reflect on the ongoing nature of our ever-evolving lives.

Have you done your homework? What type of sentence is this

Ah, the classic inquiry about completing your homework! This question falls under the category of an interrogative sentence. Interrogative sentences are used to ask questions, seeking information or clarification. So, next time someone asks you, “Have you done your homework?” respond with confidence and let them know whether you’re ahead of the game or perhaps in need of a little more time to tackle those assignments.

Is the past perfect tense

Ah, the past perfect tense, a true marvel of English grammar! This tense is like a time machine, allowing us to talk about an action in the past that happened before another action in the past. So, if someone asks you if the past perfect tense exists, your answer should be a resounding “yes!” The past perfect tense adds depth and complexity to our storytelling, transporting us seamlessly through different moments in time. Embrace it, and let your narrative flourish!

Will it be done

Ah, the anticipation of completion! When we wonder if something will be done, we’re expressing our hopes and expectations for its future completion. This simple question captures the essence of the future tense, filled with possibilities and the promise of achievement. So, whether it’s a project, a masterpiece, or even just a household chore, hold onto that optimism and envision the satisfaction of saying, “Yes, it will be done!”

That wraps up our comprehensive FAQ section on the topic “Did you do your homework or have you done?” We’ve covered everything from grammar checkers to verb tenses, giving you a better understanding of the English language and its delightful quirks. Remember to proofread your work, find joy in learning, and embrace the beauty of language as you navigate through your academic and professional journeys. Happy writing, and may your homework always be completed!

  • age-old question
  • english language
  • future tense
  • grammar concepts
  • past perfect
  • present perfect tense
  • specific point

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Erin Fuentes

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Present perfect + Ever / Never

Present perfect + Ever / Never Espresso English

Have you ever taken dance classes?

Welcome to Part 2 of the Present Perfect series!

Click here for Part 1 – learning how to make the Present Perfect.

Use the present perfect + ever to ask questions about experiences in someone’s life.

  • “ Have you ever taken dance classes?” “Yes, I have. I took 6 weeks of lessons before my wedding!”
  • “Has your brother ever been to India?” “No, he hasn’t.”
  • “Have your friends ever helped you move to a new apartment?” “Yes – twice!”

Don’t use ever  in the answer. Only use it in questions.

If you want, you can use before  in the answer:

  • Yes, I’ve ever taken dance classes. Yes, I’ve taken dance classes before.

Use the present perfect + never to talk about things you have NOT done at any time in your life.

  • I’ve never failed a test. I’ve always gotten 80% or more.
  • He’s never heard of Michael Jackson. I can’t believe he doesn’t know the King of Pop!
  • Samantha has never been surfing. She’s afraid of the ocean.
  • We’ve never studied Italian. We studied French and Spanish in school, but Italian wasn’t available.
  • They’ve never told a lie. I know we can trust them.

Conversation Tip:

Many conversations begin with a question in the present perfect , and then continue with more specific questions about the experience in the simple past :

  • “Have you ever taken dance classes?”
  • “Yes, I have. I took 6 weeks of lessons before my wedding last year.”
  • “Wow! So did you dance well on the big day?”
  • “No, I didn’t – I forgot everything I’d learned in the classes, and I stepped on my wife’s feet many times!”
  • “Oh no! Was she angry?”
  • “No – she said she still loved me!”

Learn more about the present perfect tense in English

Learn more English verb tenses: past, present, future, simple, perfect, continuous!

Present perfect + Ever / Never Espresso English

Present Perfect + ever / never

Learn essential english grammar easily:.

Present perfect + Ever / Never Espresso English

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About the author.

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Shayna Oliveira

Shayna Oliveira is the founder of Espresso English, where you can improve your English fast - even if you don’t have much time to study. Millions of students are learning English from her clear, friendly, and practical lessons! Shayna is a CELTA-certified teacher with 10+ years of experience helping English learners become more fluent in her English courses.

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Adam's English lessons

“Have you ever…?” How to use Present Perfect immediately

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Test your understanding of this English lesson


Thank you, Rebecca! You are very good teacher!!!

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Dear Ms Redecca,






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Dear madam, thank you for your remarkable teaching, please madam i want you to help with these expressions,and how to use them.is sold here,is never done,is done here. please madam iwant know wheather,present cont, or past tense

Thanks a lot!!!

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very nice lesson

Dear Ms. Rebecca,

How to differentiate regular verb and irregular verb.

It’s a little bit backwards. You can know the difference between a regular and irregular verb from the ending. Regular verbs add -ed or just -d in the past tense form but irregular verbs take other forms.

For example, regular verbs: brush – brushed, jump – jumped, dance – danced

Irregular verbs, see – saw, go – went, put – put, break – broke

Hope this helps. All the best to you!

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Thank you so much Rebecca I will follow you everywhere and everytime.I think, teach of requires the ability as much as to learn.

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hey rebecca can i say i have been teaching him for last two years

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I do think So! because we use have been to mention the thing we did before and still carrying! overall, have been shows past+present! hope you understood :)

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good lesson Rebecca.

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Thanks, Rebecca! This topic is very important. I have been studied a lot and I particulary think that hardest part is a memorise all regular and irregular verbs. A strong hug for you

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gud lesson rebeeca, is this is the only use of present perfect tense i mean have you ever…..?

No, this is just one way to start using the present perfect tense easily and immediately. Like any tense in English, you can use the present perfect in positive or affirmative sentences, in negative sentences, or in questions such as the ones I have spoken about in the lesson.

For example,

Positive – I have lived here for 5 years. Negative – I have not finished my homework. Question – Have you done the laundry yet?

Please refer to a grammar book for a full explanation. All the best to you.

2 tell u the truth,it’s 1 of the enjoyable n profitable English tenses in my book!8/8 P.S.Would u like 2 answer 2 our Questions off n on?!I’ve sent some significant questions 2 u in ur last videos n in fact I’ve need the correct answers but till now …!! I think u have not enough tima 2 check the comments….. Do u mind 2 ask somebody else answers 2 them n we get our answers eventually?? tx in advance,mam!

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Like all the engvid teachers, I work full-time in addition to the work here. We all try our best to answer questions whenever we can. My best wishes to you, Fatima.

Good lesson, thank you a lot.

Thank you Rebecca. You’re so nice teacher. My regards for You. Lily from Brazil

thank you ,you are the best teacher ,i have not seen someone like you.

Thank you a a lot. I hope that I can improve myself with your lesson.

Thank you Rebecca for the class. It is a subject we really used a lot in conversations and sometimes we do not know how to use. I am from Brazil, but i live in the USA, so for me it is great learn more useful questions and answers with the present perfect. Thank you!!! :)

Rebecca all what I know I can thank to you.

Oh, now I understand. Thank you so much!

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Thank you a lot

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Thank you Rebecca! I’ve never though that way to learn present perfect and it was really helpful. I really like your smile and of course your lessons. I hope you can keep doing EngVid for us. Thanks again :)

thank you Rebecca.

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Hi Rebecca, Thank for your lesson. could you tell me which one is correct? He’s just went out.or He’s just gone out. Thanks…

The second one. However there are two ways to show that an action was complete a few minutes earlier by using just.In American English, people use just with the past but in British English, people use have just with the past participle instead. I mean you can use either just + past or have + just + past participle. In this case you can say: He’s just gone out ( He has just gone out) or He just went out.

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jeffer123 has given you the correct answer. Thank you jeffer123! My best wishes to you and to twee for asking the question.

your explanation is very easy.i learned a lot from you

Thang u Rebecca, Can u explain the all condition of the perfect tens , please .. Thang u again ..

Hi Rebecca, just a question: why you use to Brazil instead of in when he answer I’ve been to Bazil, we could use I’ve been in Brazil… Thanks in advance.

“I’ve been to Brazil” generally means you have visited that place. “To” is the correct preposition to use when talking about having been somewhere.

It’s like: I’ve been to a Moody Blues concert.

This also means you have attended the event.

People will understand if you use the preposition “in Brazil”, but “to Brazil” is the correct version.

My best wishes to you, Pedro.

ma’am ,according to your video the last sentence , I’ve been to Brazil.what is my Q. that he went to Brazil now he returned back….Don’t he need to tell that sentence in either simple past or past perfect because the time and action both finished.

wow this is fantastic

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thank you very much teacher Rebecca,you know i’m not good speaking English, i wan’t to improve to speak in English.where do i start?

8/8 thanks for the lesson :D!

thank you so much Rebecca,i’m Jonathan Guevarra,currently working in K.S.A here in Riyadh.after my worked finish every night i’m always watching your lessons. because, i want to improve to speak in English.especially how use in correct grammar.your immediately response will highly appreciate thank you!

Thanks for your feedback Jonathan. There are so many ways to improve your English skills, indirectly and directly. Indirectly, you can try to read, listen, write, speak and study as much English as possible whenever you have a chance. The direct way is to work with a private teacher or join a class where you will not only have a chance to speak but also to be corrected and to understand the rules and practices of correct English. Actually, engvid is like having several private teachers giving you mini lessons on various important aspects of speaking English. I wish you all the best, Jonathan.

Thanks for your advice! I’m not also good in English.

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thank u very much Rebecca, good luck with your life, so long n’ good byeeee.

thanks Rebecca

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Hi. Rebecca. I’m a teacher . I’d like to thank you for your interesting lesson and the way you teach .Really i came across your lesson which admired me a lot .I hope you good luck .

Thanks for your feedback, Abdul. It’s always a pleasure to hear from a fellow teacher. I wish you and your students all the best.

Thanks Rebecca

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Thank You, Rebecca.

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Have you ever done well all the answers? Yes I have, but it is the first time I have done it. Is correct this expresion? Thanks for your reply.

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It would be better to ask:

Have you ever got all the answers right?

Have you ever done very well on the test?

My best wishes to you.

Thanks a lot for the reply and the corrections. Is wonderful watching eng.Vid videos and to be sure you are going to read our questions ….. and reply its. Take care

Thank you, it was realy helpful.

yessssssssssssssss so useful

Thank you for your time I understand the lessen

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hi Rebecca, doubts about present perfect, never more.Thank you!

Thank you very much. You were fantastic!!

I appreciate your hard work and effort. I wish you good luck and a

great life. Thank you for your significant lesson.

Wiating for the other helpful lessons.

Many thanks.

thanks a lot Rebeca, this is a very important lesson….

Thank you it was realy helpful

Thanks for such beautiful lesson

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It’s an interesting lesson, thank you Rebeca

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Thanks, Rebecca.

exelent exercise, thanks !!!

Rebecca you are great teacher, thank you and of course to the great website.

thank u a lot teacher.

Thanks for this lesson

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thanks ever much

Thank you I’m very happy to listen to

thanks you have good and slow talking style…nice teacher

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the best english teacher ever! thank you so much!

Hi Rebecca.I’d like to thank you for your lectures and I apreciate your efforts .Really ,I’m a teacher of English Language .So I find your method in teaching seems successful and very easy .Thanks alot again and I hope you good , good luck with your mass students . Waiting your reply .

Always nice to hear from a fellow teacher. All the best to you and your students, Abdul.

you are very nice teacher,, i have ever been thought by any one…. i would be highly be appreciated if you teach us slowly….

MAM,u know how to teach students.

Thanks, Rupesh, you know how to give a compliment and make someone feel good.

My best wishes to you, Rupesh.

I noticed that we must learn the irregular verbs in order to speak present perfect tense correctly. Don’t disregard the past participle form of Verbs.

Yes, that’s true, but you can also form the present perfect with the regular verbs:

Have you finished your homework? Have you brushed your teeth? Have you washed your hands?

These are all regular verbs. Knowing the third form of the past participles of irregular verbs allows you to also use the irregular verbs in conversation, which is very helpful.

Thank you so much Rebecca!!!

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thank you very much you really helps me..

hi everyone, I love to practice speaking English n I have Skype username: jonnitam Contact me if u need.Thanks a lot :D

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mine is “[email protected]” on skype I’d like to practice as well

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U Got my word Thanks

Hurrrrrrrrrraayyyyyyyyy……….Ma’am RABECA .. I have gotten 8 out of 8 …i am so happy to learn english by your site engvid….. u r my most favorite Teacher in this site …… clapping for me …..:):):) c yaa …

Good job, Sana! I knew you could do it. All the best to you.

Thanks so much.

Thank you very much

Thanks Rebecca very much

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Clear as a bell? Wow, thanks for your feedback, Carlos and my best wishes to you.

Thanks Rebecca !!! really I appreciate your effort, Let me recommend to all people all this web site contents at 100%.

Great ! thanks for the quiz questions.

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Please I can’t access to the quiz, some one can help me!

Thank you very much indeed! I would like to ask you to make a video explaining the inversion with negative adverbs.

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Hi madam, Thank you for your class. Can we ask, Have you ever been in tokyo?

The correct question would be:

Have you ever been to Tokyo?

Hi madam, Thank you for your class once again. If Marcelo answerd, “I had been to Brazil” Is it wrong or right?

Your class was great! I´m loving engVid! thanks a lot. Federico

thank you.you are good teacher.easy to undertsand

many thanks madam for ur effort to help us

Thank you so much, it was helpful

Mrs Rebecca u are a really nice teacher,thanks a lot for ur so interesting lessons

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hellooo, nice to meet u here!

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Thank you very much for delivering a good lecture. Your way of teaching is very good. You speak very clearly which is helpful to understand for those student whose mother tung is not English.

thank you very much!!!!! nice axcent! nice way of expression, readable face……

really rebecca she is so great

hello miss your lesson is very important . and llearn that thing befor but i did get but now i almost get it thank you miss

Thank you It is good lesson Have you ever heard that you are amazing teacher?

thanks for your time. it was very interesting to me. but it was very less.

Thank you Rebecca, actually you are very good teacher, I thank you again for your nice lesson!!

thx rebbeca for this lesson , it was make me confused before but now i get it , a big hug for u :D thank u so much

Thanks to all of you for watching and sending us feedback. It means a lot to us and motivates us to continue. Thank you all. Please share our engvid link with others who are learning English. Thanks again.

Hi Rebecca. Your explanations was very elucidative. Thank you.

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Very helpful website! Keep up the good work Teachers.

Thank you very much.

thank u Rebicca for lesson i will foeget never gone and been he is gone in brazil and when he cam back he said me i been in brazil is that correct ? thank u so mutch

Right. when he is away, you can say: He has gone to Brazil.

When he returns, he can say: I have been to Brazil.

thank your Rebecca

Hi Rebecca thank you very much .

Hi, rebecca You are the best, i wish you the best. sorry if I have grammar mistakes. I noticed you wrote on the board “he is gone”?? it isn’t “present perfect”, where is the “has”?

I’m little confused..

It isn’t he is but he’s. He has.

will, first of all i want to thank you for the lesson, i have some difficulties with English tenses ,now i have my own teachers , god bless you all

Thank you for the lesson

i like to videos thank you very much teacher Ronnie ur activity very nice teching

you are a great teacher, Rebecca

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Thank you,you helped me to walk one feet front.

I had dinner and wanna carry some food home, can I say “Could I have the food as a parcel?” then mention the food items. Is this sentence correct?

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I have a question…. Do we always have to use (To) on this case…(Have you ever been TO tokyo)… Is it wrong this way (Have you ever been IN tokyo)?

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have you ever been to Tokyo sounds better.

=) I already read the answer to this question…Thanks for your video

Great lesson!!!

What’s difference between 2 sentences below, both are correct?

I’ve been to Brazil I went to Brazil

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yes both are correct.

Ms. Rebecca I watched some of your videos and its very interesting to listen. I have a job right now and I have a little problem with my grammar. Is there a subject here that’s focus on writing? I just want you to leave me an assignment to study and write my understanding in that particular subject.

Thank you very much for this lesson. I have some essay and letter . I would like to check essay and letter whether writing strategy/grammar is correct or not.

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its a good lesson…muchos gracias Rebecca… it helps to improve my grammar

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Hi rebecca i realy intristing with yor lesson

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would you like to explain about simple present prefect and present prefect continuous tense, past prefect tense and past prefect continuous tense?. I knew that James has told about it, but i could not understand his explanation. I’d rather you than him. Because you talked slowly and clearly. THANK YOU VERY MUCH..

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Thanks alot Rebecca . i like u u r a good teacher

its a nice lesson, thank you!

thanks you teacher could give the meaning of play off

Rebecca the way that you teach is very confortable, easy and soft.

Hi Rebecca I want to congratulate you for being one of the best teachers, I am Mexican I have many years living in USA and trying to learn the English language and it was impossible to learn it but by chance found a vidio where you were talking and I was surprised, that most fifty percent of what you were talking I understood and I said wow this is the perfect teacher I need, once again congratulate you rebecca for being an excellent teacher bye.

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Thank you for your kind comments, Alberto. I wish you all the best in the future.

Woww,,, Its very helpful with it method i can express my native sound and keep it video or press control D to bookmar this side Engvid is the best :D


Thank you for free lesson you gave us and I hope it will take increasin for my life peter

It’s very Nice. Thank Rebecca….

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thanks for your help ;) my response will be well because ı will learn lots of think ..see you next time …but your quiz is very easy please can be hard… :)

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Dear Teacher Rebeca, I would like to registered to engvid class. How can I do that?

Look at the top right corner of the page and there should be a link to register on the site!

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Hi Rebecca you are to much good your speaking style also good and every one can understand so easily and i am your fan thank you for teach us.

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Hi Can you explaine please verb+ ing or to…

Thank a lot, very clear !

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Hi Rebecca,thankful your lesson now I understand better Present Perfect, thanks a lot :)you’re great!

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Thank you very much Rabecca. I really like the way you explained the material to audience. I can get the points that you are delivering out

First of All i want to thank you, very intresting. I want to know when we can use present perfect and the difference between present parfect and past simple also past perfect ? i confuse between them every time specially past perfect and present perfect. Thank’s

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hi teacher this was very useful but give me information about how to improve our understanding in reading

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irregular verb is very tough to learn to me but thank this video is very helpful.

u r very great

Hi Rebecca, you’re the best teacher I’ve had. Thanks a lot for your wonderful lessons. My best regards.

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thank you so much i understand this lesson

Great lesson, it was very enlightening for me. Tank you.

Yes, I got full mark. good lesson

Great lesson. It was very helpful.

Very helpful website!

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GREETINGS FROM PHILIPPINES AND UAE!… WOW, dashing lessons with a dashing teacher Ms. Rebecca:) I enjoyed myself watching EngVid, how i wish i could speak english as smart as you guys:)Anyhow, I have shared your website to my colleagues and friends, they are vey thankful and happy because it really helps a lot. They are now certified EngVid addict!:) More power to your career Ms. Rebecca!

Thank you kindly for sharing engvid with your friends. We really appreciate it and wish you all the very best with your English, wherever you may be.

you’ve been very clear…thanks!

Hi rebecca, thank you very much for your clear explanations. However I have one question. In the example: He’s gone to Brazil. The abreviation He’s means He is gone or He has gone??? I’m looking forward to your response

What is the difference?

I have lived in India. Or I have been in India.

I have lived in India.

This means that you stayed there for some length of time.

I have been to India.

This means that you visited India, probably for a short time.

All the best to you, Rinku.

this is correct question and it’s really perfect explanation. as I know that I had lived there for a definite period to use “had”. But if we had gone to a visit then we use present perfect tense have/ has + V3. could I understand correctly. My best wishes to you, Rebeca.

wow! i now know the difference between gone and been. thanks to you Rebecca

thanks ms. rebecca

hi,have u ever been to malaysia?haha,great lesson,thx ms.rebecca.

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I’ve been to Malaysia. I like Taman Negara!

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this is what i am looking for it is really helpful thanks rebecca great teacher ever…

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Thank’s a lot Mrs. Rebecca. Thanks a lot, great explanations.

Thank you so much for this wonderful lesson. It is really effective to learn variety tenses.

Hello Rebecca, thanks a lot.

Hey mam thank u very much for your lessons I have leant a lot bt I still have a problem in tenses

I scored 8 out of 8 after attending this lesson. Thanks a lot.

My thanks to all of you for sharing your comments and questions with us.

thanks Robecca

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Hi I’m one Hemasiri 54 years old male from Sri Lanka. I have just now watched your video on”Have you ever”. It is very clear and I understood everything very clearly. Thank you very much for your free service. It is indeed a great help to learners in the far corners in the world who are interested to learn language. All the best!

I Have never ever watched such a good explanation like that… Thank’s a million, Rebecca!

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hi there, I am so glad to learn from you.. your manner of teaching is very clear.. I love the way you use to teach .. keep it up

hi there … if I say for example : Marcelo went to Brazil. is that wrong or correct? thanx

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thanks a lot..

Rebecca is the best teacher

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Is it correct to say: if u saw him, give me a call

thank you rebeca

Thank you my teacher I could anderstand nearly all your speak ,but my understand is slowly with people,its empress For me.thank you I wil try my best all the time

Thanx Rebecca

I scored 8 out of 8

Hi Mrs. Rebeca,What is going on? I´m a Brazilian, I´m english student. I´ll back to study for juts 03 months ago(since february) with a friend of mine that is teach me. I liked this website, your classes had been very important for me during the week when I arrive at home an access the internet. Very good, Thank you so much!!

thank you so much!and now ,with you the english is very intresting

HI MAM, I thank you for your kind lesson and I would like to ask you a question that is- Have you ever been to Nepal ?

Thanks Rebecca, your lessons so great!! I have 1 question for you: can I say “have you ever been in France?”? and what difference between “have you ever been to … and have you ever been in” ? Thank you!

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Thank you for your kind help

i follow your program, it’s fantastic.

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Excellent lesson, thank you Rebeca

WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! This site is best.You teachers are really doing good job specailly you Rebecca. I am getting alot.I have made a special diary for noting your material.May you always be happy.Come here We have a number of best english institues.I welcome you in Pakistannnnnnnnnn.TAKE CARE

I feel obliged to thank you so much for the great progress that I`ve been achieving at your incomparable classes.

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Dear teacher, may you explain to me why I understand your speeches easier than american native one ? Do you speak slower or it is an accent matter ?

Thank you so much. I have gotten a lot of infromation from this website. I want to go neer you guys. I mean if you teach at some school in U.S. please contact with me ,because I want to be a student at this school. Right now I’m looking for a good school to study. Thanks

hi,rebecoa i m very imperesed by your teachig but i have oe problem is that i can not speak very weel and fluantly so said that we should go to the attend english classes but i cann’t do this so please suggest me what i can do to speak english very quickly.i know all the tenses but i can do togather the words and but i cann’t speak so help me

I am so grateful for you …

i need your help rebca pease help me …… that my email [email protected]

thank you for teaching us a simple and understandable english. wish u good luck

My scored 8 out of 8 , I’m happy to learn from you as a very good teacher. Many thanks Ms. Rebecca.

hello rebecca in this video can u tell me why we dont say “he went to brasil” instead of “he has gone to brazil”

hi Rebeca. congratulations for your easy way to teach english. by the way,what means TOEFL,TOEIC and IELTS? I wish all the best for you.

Thank you a lot, You are really a great teacher. I’m so thankful for your lessons. God bless you !

your lesson helped me a lot

realy very useful thank you

Very important lesson.

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Share knowledge is one of the best thing in life.

Thank you and all your team.

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Great help! Thanks.

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thx so much

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alot of thanks

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Hello Professor Rebecca ! I would like to thank you very much for what you are doing. You are making a considerable and an invaluable effort. Please could you, please, give us a lesson about the differences between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous. King regards.

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Hi teacher, the clase was spectacular

Hei, can someone help me, what of this 2 sentences is correct 1 I had work for a large company 2 I worked for a large company..

in the 1 sentence 1 I had worked not just “work” for a large company

hi rebacca I hope you doing well so a want to past toefle teste bau a don’t know what a have to know as lecons and what a will have on the test so can you explein me what should I do

Thanhs a lot.

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hi Hello Rebecca!your lesson helped me a lot.and i have a clarification that how to report the past happens to the third person? for example in present tense, my friend asking me ‘are you watching movie’ how could i report the question to the third person which of the following is correct: 1.yesterday my friend asked me that, i was watching movie 2.yesterday my friend asked me that, are you watching movie?

thanks a lot my best teacher I love you :)

it was a great leason i ve watched ever.the way u were teaching really i impressed.

Hi Rebecca! Wow! You did a deadly work for present perfect. Thanks :)

I have watched mini English learners on YouTube,but you are the best.really like how you make every thing so Easy to understand.really really happy to found your lessons.

Thank you Rebbeca, i am really excited , you are a genuis

Dear Rebecca, You are such a caring and intelligent person, My English is not so bad but I am learning a lot from you gentlemen and ladies(teachers)and I am grateful.Thank you very much.

Thanks Rebecca,you’re a great teacher .doing very well .God bless you .My best wishes to you .:)

Rebeca you are the most amazing teacher and love your all english lessons.Thank you

Great help. Thank you

why you don’t come to Iraq to learn the teachers here how to teach English.I have really enjoined your lesson .

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Your explanation is something else, you really focus on the topic that students have more difficultes. Especially for Brazilians that don´t have these structures, congrats! If i go to Canada someday a 100% sure that´ll study in your school…

Thnak you , Rebecca. I learned it from you and I understand it better than before.

Thank you for your lesson.it has been great to learn these words and it definitely will help one improve his english.

You may say,I’m a dreamer,but I’m not the only one.10 of 10.God bless you.

teacher rebica :) i know that present perfect is a verb or action happened in the past and the results of this action is still going on in the present time ….so how did you say that marcelo have gone to brasil while he is speacking to his friend maybe but not in brasil ?? i mean please answer me … am so confused about it

you´re my best teacher, thank you so much

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Dear Rebecca, what the different if i put Have you finished your homework?/Did you finish you homework? Do you finished your homework? thanks

thank you very much.it was really good lesson. best whishes.

Thanks Rebecca. I have passed quizz. Message for me:100You got 8 correct out of 8. :D

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I love your English classes because I’m a brazilian student, and I’m going to be graduated as a teacher, and the videos show me everything I need to be a good teacher. I have no difficulties anymore. Thank you very much.

Thank you it was clear and easy

Dear teacher,Thank you so much you are wonderful teacher.

rebeeca have you ever been nepal?

hi… what is the difference between following sentences 1) i have been there in mumbai for 2 days 2) i was there in mumbai for 2 days 3) or as u said in above lecture”i been in mumbai for 2 days …which of the above is correct..are they mean same.. if not what’s the difference..please reply on my mail id thanks

thanks for you thecher!

hi rebeeca this is a very useful lesson you made me happy for understanding this lesson i want you focus on present and past perfect because it’s very confusing me… keep up

what different between . have you read that book ? and have you ever read that book ?

Many thanks for your time.

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Dear Mrs.Rebecca

I’m Muaz Al- Haris . What sould I do if i’m from Indonesia and have a friend there. Then i go to Qatar , so i have an email event my friend in Indonesia. So went i chat with my friend in Indonesia what i say if he said “hi Muaz long time no see. So what i would respond.

i need a lesson for the slang holy sheet and other kind of shits

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Thank you very much, Rebecca!

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Thank you That was very enjoyable and and useful but there teachers here are so stupid i mean in Iraq..

i do love to follow your class

Gr8..I’m watching ur videos since long, and all the teachers are very good. But Rebecca and Alex r really doing a great Job. They work hard and come up with very informative and good lessons. Thanks from Pakistan!

“Have you ever really loved a woman?” – Bryan Adams

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hello ! I have never seen like that perfact lesson. you are great and you will be great to give us like that good lessons . I got alot of points about present perfact . actualy that is best job . keep it up .tnxxxxxx teacher.

Thanks Rebacca you’re a great teacher. Always your Explanations was very well.God bless you.Have a wonderful new year.

Ma’am your lessons were good. My question is which is correct? I work for Cambridge school or I am working in Cambridge school.

thankx alot ms rebecca

thank you the best rebecca for this lesson,you are very honorable person

iam learn more you lessons guua es very import but i need more learn iam the first time en your lesson is very good tanks you so much

thank you again rebecca

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rebecca u are perfect

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Thanks Rebecca for this lesson . Can we say : we’ve been in Bresil or at Bresil? Regards

Dear Rebecca, You are one of the best English teachers that I’ve ever known. Thank you and best wishes, Ehsan

These videos are really useful. But quizzes are so simple!! always 100

Hi Rebecca, I’m from Brazil. I agree with you when you said that present perfect makes studests nervous. Thank you very much for this lesson. I watched this video twice and I found your tips useful, because I didn’t know that EVEN (in Have you ever…) meant “even once in your life”, and the difference between “is gone” and “have been”. It changes the idea I had in my mind about this topic. Thank you very much, you’re such a nice teacher. I hope you post more helpful videos like this one. Thank you.

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Thank you so much for teaching me the meanings about have ever been to a place .

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I’m totally confused, and this tense really driving me crazy. I don’t know when to use present perfect or past tense when talking about things I did in the past. Could you correct this please? “I’ve graduated from ….. In 2011 and after that I went to army and I finished past month.”

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Thanks Rebbeca!

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mam,if someone questions me who ate chocolates? then what should be my answer Is it i didn’t eat or i had not eaten? or if the question is who ate chocolates,last night? then what should be my answer then?

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Hello again Robecca thank you so much for your good lessons please I have a question ! what’s the difference between I have lived in Canada for Two years an ; I have been living in canada for two years !and thank you again.

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thank you so much

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Thanks Rebecca. What exactly is the difference in the following two sentences!. 1. Have you washed your hands? 2. Did you wash your hands?

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Yeahhh I got 100 % in this case. Thanks Rebecca.

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wooow >>it was a great lesson thank u so much :)

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Thanks Rebecca! It’s a really good way to begin to use present perfect.

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Excellent explanation as always. Thanks Rebecca.

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I like the way you teach.

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Thank you, Rebecca! You are a great teacher. Have you ever known this? Just kidding. Surely you know this already.

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Thanks a lot mam,you are the best teacher for me,once again thanks a looooooooooooooooooooooot!

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7/8 Thanks a lot Ms Rebecca. I’ve been in Campodia

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i got 100 out of 100

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hi Rebecca I’m writing abut question one ,is right have you ever been TO Austrlia or have ever been IN Ausrtrlia Ahmad

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Yeah….100% Hi Rebecca is this correct .

1 . I haven’t seen you in a long time.

2. Have you received the checks I order for you?

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Thanks Rebecca, You have been helpfully

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Actually there is no words to thank u and I got 100 :)

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Sorry my bad there is no word :(

One more time Rebecca shows off his gift who god gave to her.Congratulations Rebecca!

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I wrong the Possessive Pronoun above;the corect is “Shows off HER gift”.I am so sorry by the mistake.

Thanks for your lesson

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Hi Rebbeca, could you please help me with this? I’ve found the letter you were looking for. or I’ve found the letter you have been looking for. Which one is correct and why? Or both can be used? I am finding this unintelligible. Thank you

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Thanks for good lesson. I gave wrong answer on quiz, from now on I’ll know how is Present Perfect used in this sentence ” I have eaten Indian food ” .

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thank u…………….its good to learn english

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Hello Mr.Shas! This is selvi! The difference between the two sentences are, Have you washed your hands? this means that you ask in present perfect tense.For example, if u r going to eat now, and the second one is Did you wash your hands?this means that u ask in past tense,which means that, did you wash your hands yesterday? or in the Morning, or every action finished in the last minute. Thank you sir! Gud luck to you! Have a great day!

Thanks you very much for your excellent lessons, I learnt a lot with you

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thanks a lot Rebecca again,

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i ‘ve never been to abroad , so i hope someday i can go abroad with my husband and the rest of people in my family . to travel all over around the world . i think . it is interesting for us to explore anything.

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Thank you very much Ms Rebecca, yor are my favorite teacher, got 100%.

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Thank you very much Rebecca! very useful lesson.

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Many thanks Rebeca; Now I’m sure that I will improve My English with your lessons !

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Ahhhh I gat a 100%….

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Ahhhh I`ve gotten 100%…

Thank you Rebeca you are the best teacher.

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Good lesson, Rebecca. Thank of lot!

Rebecca your lessons are most interesting!

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Thank you, Rebecca.

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Thank you very much!

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Thank you very much for your valuable learning video. I got 8 out of 8. Your way of teaching is really very good. I understood completely. Again thanks for it.

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Thank you so much for your lesson. It is very useful subject. See you until next time.

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thank you , I have problem with irregular verbs. It take a time to learn them

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Thanks for this very useful lesson. I’ve never thought this can be more fun and easy to learn compare to a boring text book. Cheers!

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irregular verbs are my nightmare especially some of them lie- lay- lain fly -flew-flown grow- grew-grown rise-rose-risen wake-woke-woken tear-tore-torn win-won-won wear-wore-worn

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thank you madam for your excellent video lecture.

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A really useful teaching indeed. Thanks

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thank you…it’s a really great lesson…

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can I use these two answers when someone asks me ‘where have you been?’ with different situations of course

1. I have been at home ( means I wasn’t at home before and now I’m at home) 2. I have been at home ( means I before I was at home but now I’m not. now I’m with someone who asks me ‘where have you been?)

Thanks. I really need the answer.

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Hi all , I am a beginner and I want you that all the to please help in writing english , specially regarding preposition , placement of preposition and phrasal verb too

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Thank you, I like the clear way that you explain every class. blessing..

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Thank you ….I got 8 correct out of 8……”Have you ever …………………… ?” uses to ask about the life experience…..

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Dear Rebecca, I got 8 correct out of 8. No more fear. Thanks. Best Regards.

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Thank You Rebecca

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thank you, dear Rebecca!

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I don’t know how to pronoun the verb ending by “ed” in ENGLISH. I would like the teacher teach me pronoun them.

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Very nice lesson and teacher! Thanks a lot Rebecca!

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Hi Rebecca thanks again for another useful lesson. I understand pretty much of the whole lesson but there was something got me confused and I hope you can answer me. When you were explaining the phase of “long time no see”, you used “someone” instead of anyone. Although I know “someone” is definitely correct but the reason I’m confused is because I remember on your other lesson, you said “someone” is used in positive form and”anyone” is used in negative form and in questions. I know English is full of exceptions. Is this one of them? I really hope you can understand what I’m trying to say here as I know my question may be a little confusing. Thank you!

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Waouhhhhh I had never understood English so easily , you re wonderful Prof Rebecca Thank you!

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Thank you Rebecca,it’s easily learn with you.

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This video is excellent. It help me very much. Thank you.

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i want ask about s in the question where,s Marcelo thank you

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Thank you very much, your lesson was great, best regards from México.

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Thank you so much, teacher! For explanations like this one you are one of my favourite teachers. See you, then.

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Thank you Rebbeca, brilliant

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Hello Rebbeca, Please help me choosing correct sentence:

Paul is very tired. He has worked very hard.

Paul is very tired. He has been working very hard.

Thanks a lot!

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I HATE THE irregular verbs. Becouse I can’t remember thats are too difficolt words. So 38%. (((

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HI,REBECCA.thanks alot. it’s very clearly.

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I got 8 correct out of 8 thank you Rebecca I need some tips for the misspelling words

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Hi Rebecca, thanks a lot. you´re great.

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Thank you so much

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What I want to say. Its perfect. Thank you very much.

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Thanks Rebecca no bad.

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Thank you so much for such a good lesson, Rebecca) Your explanation is very clear)

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Rebecca, your lessons are very clear, thank you.

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Rebeca thanks a lot, you are a good teacher!!!

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Thank you, dear Rebecca!

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I believed that I have asssimilated this lesson and, thanks to the quizz, I learned again your perfect lesson. Thank you.

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Thank you Rebecca :)

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thank u Rebecca love you:)

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Thank you Rebeca

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Thanks, Rebecca. Good lesson. I got 100

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thanks,Rebecca your lesson i like

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thanks a lot

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Perfect score. Thank you Rebecca.

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Thank you so mush,Rebecca.

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Thank yoy so much, Rebecca).

You great teatcher, Rebecca. I visited Canada this year. There is an amazing friendly people. Thanks.

Excellent video-lesson a little too much for learning thanks anyway

Thank you Rebecca

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Rebecca!good video!

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Rebecca! I had to take the test over again because I have to get 100%!

Thank you Rebecca.

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Thank you very much,for the way you are explained the lesson, it was very understandable and simple meantime I got eight correct out of eight.

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You got 8 correct out of 8.

thanks a lot…

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Thank you Rebecca. Is it possible to receive also the transcripts of your lessons? I’m a teacher in Italy and it would help me a lot to have the lesson’s transcript instead of stopping the video and writing your explanations and examples. Thank you and hope to read you real soon. Chetta Rella Thank you.

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thank you Rebecca

i got 100. *O* thank you teacher rbc.

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Thanks Ms. Rebecca!

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Dear Rebecca there are some signs for present perfect including ever, never. just, so far and … could you please collect them in a single video? it can be helpful to compare the usage position thank you

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Excellent lesson mam.it’s really helps me a lot.

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thank u so much!

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Its to late for me to realize that one..

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It was a good explanation. Thanks Rebecca

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Thank you !!!

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I got all the answers correct.Thank you mam.

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I watched this video twice on July 25, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight out of 8.

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Hi, Rebecca.Thank you for your useful , understandable lesson . 100 is my result.

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100 %T hanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 12Sept2021); I AGAIN REPEAT “You have exceptional ability to make LEARNING more interesting”

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Thank you Rebecca. Very clear explanation

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Great lesson

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I had score 100/100 Thanks Rebecca you’re videos help me alot

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Rebecca, thanks a lot!

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Rebeca, you are really excelent! Congratulations!

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8/8 Thank you Ma’am Rebecca. I’ve been watching your videos daily!

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Cambridge Dictionary

  • Cambridge Dictionary +Plus

Present perfect simple ( I have worked )

Present perfect simple: form.

We use have/has + the -ed form of the verb.

Verbs: the three basic forms

Present perfect simple: uses

We use the present perfect simple to refer to events in the past but which connect to the present.


We use the present perfect simple to talk about our experiences up to now. The time of the experiences is not important:

[talking about musical theatre productions]

And I ’ve seen ‘Buddy’ and I ’ve seen ‘Starlight Express’ in London. And I want to see ‘Phantom of the Opera’ next.
We’re going to Wagamama’s for dinner tonight. I ’ve been there a couple of times before.

Although we do not give a specific time, we often use general time expressions like ever, never, before, in my life, so far, up until now with this use of the present perfect simple:

We haven’t met before , have we?
They ’ve sold 110 so far . ( so far = from a point in the past up until now)

We often use ever, not … ever and never when we talk about experiences:

It was the worst performance we have ever seen .
Have you ever tried to write your name and address with your left hand?
She ’s never said sorry for what she did.

We often use the present perfect simple for a unique experience when we are using a superlative:

I felt the happiest I have ever felt . My first Olympic final; the bronze medal; European record of 9.97 seconds.
The dome of the Blue Mosque at Isfahan is the most beautiful building I have ever seen .
It was the best decision I have ever made in my life.
It’s the worst sports programme I have ever seen and the first I have ever turned off.

We usually use the present perfect simple with the first time when we’re talking about an immediate, continuing or recent event:

That’s the first time I ’ve seen you get angry.

Recent completed events

We use the present perfect simple to talk about a finished event or state in the very recent past. We do not give a specific time. We often use words like just or recently for events taking place a very short time before now:

What’s this? What ’s just happened ?
The company employs around 400 staff and has recently opened an office in the UK.
Niki and John have just come back from a week in Spain.

Past events, present results

We use the present perfect simple when a single past action has a connection with the present:

She ’s broken her arm in two places. (Her arm is still broken now.)
Why haven’t you dressed in something warmer? (You got dressed in the past but the clothes are not warm enough for now.)
A fire has broken out at a disused hotel on the seafront. (The fire is burning now; it’s a recent event too.)
Your flowers haven’t arrived . (Your flowers are not here; they were supposed to arrive in the past.)

Time + for and since

We use the present perfect simple with for and since to talk about a present situation that began at a specific point in the past and is still going on in the present. We are looking back from the present to a point in the past.

How long …?

We often use expressions with for and since to answer the question How long …+ present perfect simple. We use the How long …? question to ask about the duration of a state or activity:

A: How long have you worked there? B: Since 21 August. So for about four months .

We use yet + the present perfect simple, mainly in questions and negative statements, to refer to things we intend to do in the future but which are not done:

Don’t wash up that cup. I haven’t finished my coffee yet . (I intend to finish it.)
Haven’t you done your homework yet ? (You intend to do it.)

We use already + the present perfect simple when we want to emphasise that something is done or achieved, often before the expected time:

I ’ve already booked my flight home.
A: Will you go and clean your teeth! B: I ’ve already cleaned them .

We use still + the present perfect simple when we want to emphasise that something we expected to happen continues not to happen:

She still hasn’t said sorry to me.
I feel really tired. I still haven’t recovered from the jet lag.

Introducing past time events

The present perfect simple is often used in newspaper headlines or TV news programmes to report a recent past event. It is then followed by a series of verbs in the past simple (underlined):

Charlton Heston has died aged 84, a spokesman for his family has said . Heston died on Saturday at his home in Beverly Hills. His wife Lydia, whom he married in 1944, was at his side. Heston won a best actor Oscar for his starring role in the epic ‘Ben Hur’.

We can also use the present perfect simple to introduce an ‘open’ general point about something. We can then use the past simple (underlined) to give more detailed specific information:

Have you seen any Arthur Miller plays? I saw a fantastic production of ‘The Crucible’.

American English

In American English the past simple is often used instead of the present perfect simple, often with already and yet .

British and American English


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Have you done your homework already/yet?

  • Thread starter evoke0
  • Start date May 28, 2023
  • May 28, 2023


Allegra Moderata (Sp/Eng, Cat)

Both are possible, depending on the context.  

The Newt

Senior Member

  • May 30, 2023

I suspect there's no difference between AE and BE on this. As Bevj says, both are possible; it all depends on the situation. If this was an exam question it's a poor one, if there was no explanatory context.  


evoke0 said: Have you done your homework _____? Yet Already Click to expand...
evoke0 said: Beware it must be in British E nglish and A merican E nglish is considered wrong. Click to expand...

gato radioso

gengo said: That is a very poor exam question since, as others have said, both are equally correct, so it is impossible to choose one over the other. 1. Have you done your homework yet? 2. Have you done your homework already? #1 is simply asking if you have done this action. #2 adds a different nuance because it conveys the idea of the action being completed sooner than expected, etc. I understand why this is difficult for Spanish speakers because both of the above translate to ¿Ya hiciste tu tarea? I agree with Newt that there is no difference between the two varieties in this respect (as far I am aware). Click to expand...
gato radioso said: In fact, to make the difference clear, many Spanish speakers would say: #1: No has hecho la tarea todavía? Simply asking...but with some negative nuance... you tend to suspect he/she didn't. #2: Ya hiciste la tarea? Wow, you did it so fast that I'm impressed! Click to expand...
gengo said: I wasn't trying to imply that there is no way in Spanish to convey the distinction, and simply meant that a basic translation of both English sentences renders the same Spanish sentence, which may lead to confusion among English learners. Also, #1 in English has no negative nuance by itself. Only intonation, context, body language, and so forth add that nuance. Click to expand...

Grammar Quiz

A: Have you ….. your homework? B: Yes, I ……

B. done/ have

C. did/ have

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You has not borrowed my book for one month

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The ambulance rushed to the hospital it was too late. ___ A. The ambulance rushed to the hospital, it was too late.

B. The ambulance rushed to the hospital, but it was too late.

C. It is not a run-on.

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, the 5 best homework help websites (free and paid).

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Listen: we know homework isn’t fun, but it is a good way to reinforce the ideas and concepts you’ve learned in class. But what if you’re really struggling with your homework assignments?

If you’ve looked online for a little extra help with your take-home assignments, you’ve probably stumbled across websites claiming to provide the homework help and answers students need to succeed . But can homework help sites really make a difference? And if so, which are the best homework help websites you can use? 

Below, we answer these questions and more about homework help websites–free and paid. We’ll go over: 

  • The basics of homework help websites
  • The cost of homework help websites 
  • The five best homework websites out there 
  • The pros and cons of using these websites for homework help 
  • The line between “learning” and “cheating” when using online homework help 
  • Tips for getting the most out of a homework help website

So let’s get started! 


The Basics About Homework Help Websites–Free and Paid

Homework help websites are designed to help you complete your homework assignments, plain and simple. 

What Makes a Homework Help Site Worth Using

Most of the best sites allow users to ask questions and then provide an answer (or multiple possible answers) and explanation in seconds. In some instances, you can even send a photo of a particular assignment or problem instead of typing the whole thing out! 

Homework help sites also offer more than just help answering homework questions. Common services provided are Q&A with experts, educational videos, lectures, practice tests and quizzes, learning modules, math solving tools, and proofreading help. Homework help sites can also provide textbook solutions (i.e. answers to problems in tons of different textbooks your school might be using), one-on-one tutoring, and peer-to-peer platforms that allow you to discuss subjects you’re learning about with your fellow students. 

And best of all, nearly all of them offer their services 24/7, including tutoring! 

What You Should Should Look Out For

When it comes to homework help, there are lots–and we mean lots –of scam sites out there willing to prey on desperate students. Before you sign up for any service, make sure you read reviews to ensure you’re working with a legitimate company. 

A word to the wise: the more a company advertises help that veers into the territory of cheating, the more likely it is to be a scam. The best homework help websites are going to help you learn the concepts you’ll need to successfully complete your homework on your own. (We’ll go over the difference between “homework help” and “cheating” a little later!) 


You don't need a golden piggy bank to use homework help websites. Some provide low or no cost help for students like you!

How Expensive Are the Best Homework Help Websites?

First of all, just because a homework help site costs money doesn’t mean it’s a good service. Likewise, just because a homework help website is free doesn’t mean the help isn’t high quality. To find the best websites, you have to take a close look at the quality and types of information they provide! 

When it comes to paid homework help services, the prices vary pretty widely depending on the amount of services you want to subscribe to. Subscriptions can cost anywhere from $2 to $150 dollars per month, with the most expensive services offering several hours of one-on-one tutoring with a subject expert per month.

The 5 Best Homework Help Websites 

So, what is the best homework help website you can use? The answer is that it depends on what you need help with. 

The best homework help websites are the ones that are reliable and help you learn the material. They don’t just provide answers to homework questions–they actually help you learn the material. 

That’s why we’ve broken down our favorite websites into categories based on who they’re best for . For instance, the best website for people struggling with math might not work for someone who needs a little extra help with science, and vice versa. 

Keep reading to find the best homework help website for you! 

Best Free Homework Help Site: Khan Academy

  • Price: Free!
  • Best for: Practicing tough material 

Not only is Khan Academy free, but it’s full of information and can be personalized to suit your needs. When you set up your account , you choose which courses you need to study, and Khan Academy sets up a personal dashboard of instructional videos, practice exercises, and quizzes –with both correct and incorrect answer explanations–so you can learn at your own pace. 

As an added bonus, it covers more course topics than many other homework help sites, including several AP classes.

Runner Up: Brainly.com offers a free service that allows you to type in questions and get answers and explanations from experts. The downside is that you’re limited to two answers per question and have to watch ads. 

Best Paid Homework Help Site: Chegg

  • Price: $14.95 to $19.95 per month
  • Best for: 24/7 homework assistance  

This service has three main parts . The first is Chegg Study, which includes textbook solutions, Q&A with subject experts, flashcards, video explanations, a math solver, and writing help. The resources are thorough, and reviewers state that Chegg answers homework questions quickly and accurately no matter when you submit them.  

Chegg also offers textbook rentals for students who need access to textbooks outside of their classroom. Finally, Chegg offers Internship and Career Advice for students who are preparing to graduate and may need a little extra help with the transition out of high school. 

Another great feature Chegg provides is a selection of free articles geared towards helping with general life skills, like coping with stress and saving money. Chegg’s learning modules are comprehensive, and they feature solutions to the problems in tons of different textbooks in a wide variety of subjects. 

Runner Up: Bartleby offers basically the same services as Chegg for $14.99 per month. The reason it didn’t rank as the best is based on customer reviews that say user questions aren’t answered quite as quickly on this site as on Chegg. Otherwise, this is also a solid choice!


Best Site for Math Homework Help: Photomath

  • Price: Free (or $59.99 per year for premium services) 
  • Best for: Explaining solutions to math problems

This site allows you to t ake a picture of a math problem, and instantly pulls up a step-by-step solution, as well as a detailed explanation of the concept. Photomath also includes animated videos that break down mathematical concepts to help you better understand and remember them. 

The basic service is free, but for an additional fee you can get extra study tools and learn additional strategies for solving common math problems.

Runner Up: KhanAcademy offers in-depth tutorials that cover complex math topics for free, but you won’t get the same tailored help (and answers!) that Photomath offers. 

Best Site for English Homework Help: Princeton Review Academic Tutoring

  • Price: $40 to $153 per month, depending on how many hours of tutoring you want 
  • Best for: Comprehensive and personalized reading and writing help 

While sites like Grammarly and Sparknotes help you by either proofreading what you write via an algorithm or providing book summaries, Princeton Review’s tutors provide in-depth help with vocabulary, literature, essay writing and development, proofreading, and reading comprehension. And unlike other services, you’ll have the chance to work with a real person to get help. 

The best part is that you can get on-demand English (and ESL) tutoring from experts 24/7. That means you can get help whenever you need it, even if you’re pulling an all-nighter! 

This is by far the most expensive homework site on this list, so you’ll need to really think about what you need out of a homework help website before you commit. One added benefit is that the subscription covers over 80 other subjects, including AP classes, which can make it a good value if you need lots of help!  


Best Site for STEM Homework Help: Studypool

  • Best for: Science homework help
  • Price: Varies; you’ll pay for each question you submit

When it comes to science homework help, there aren’t a ton of great resources out there. The best of the bunch is Studypool, and while it has great reviews, there are some downsides as well. 

Let’s start with the good stuff. Studypool offers an interesting twist on the homework help formula. After you create a free account, you can submit your homework help questions, and tutors will submit bids to answer your questions. You’ll be able to select the tutor–and price point–that works for you, then you’ll pay to have your homework question answered. You can also pay a small fee to access notes, lectures, and other documents that top tutors have uploaded. 

The downside to Studypool is that the pricing is not transparent . There’s no way to plan for how much your homework help will cost, especially if you have lots of questions! Additionally, it’s not clear how tutors are selected, so you’ll need to be cautious when you choose who you’d like to answer your homework questions.  


What Are the Pros and Cons of Using Homework Help Sites?

Homework help websites can be a great resource if you’re struggling in a subject, or even if you just want to make sure that you’re really learning and understanding topics and ideas that you’re interested in. But, there are some possible drawbacks if you don’t use these sites responsibly. 

We’ll go over the good–and the not-so-good–aspects of getting online homework help below. 

3 Pros of Using Homework Help Websites 

First, let’s take a look at the benefits. 

#1: Better Grades Beyond Homework

This is a big one! Getting outside help with your studies can improve your understanding of concepts that you’re learning, which translates into better grades when you take tests or write essays. 

Remember: homework is designed to help reinforce the concepts you learned in class. If you just get easy answers without learning the material behind the problems, you may not have the tools you need to be successful on your class exams…or even standardized tests you’ll need to take for college. 

#2: Convenience

One of the main reasons that online homework help is appealing is because it’s flexible and convenient. You don’t have to go to a specific tutoring center while they’re open or stay after school to speak with your teacher. Instead, you can access helpful resources wherever you can access the internet, whenever you need them.

This is especially true if you tend to study at off hours because of your extracurriculars, work schedule, or family obligations. Sites that offer 24/7 tutoring can give you the extra help you need if you can’t access the free resources that are available at your school. 

#3: Variety

Not everyone learns the same way. Maybe you’re more of a visual learner, but your teacher mostly does lectures. Or maybe you learn best by listening and taking notes, but you’re expected to learn something just from reading the textbook . 

One of the best things about online homework help is that it comes in a variety of forms. The best homework help sites offer resources for all types of learners, including videos, practice activities, and even one-on-one discussions with real-life experts. 

This variety can also be a good thing if you just don’t really resonate with the way a concept is being explained (looking at you, math textbooks!).


Not so fast. There are cons to homework help websites, too. Get to know them below!

3 Cons of Using Homework Help Websites 

Now, let’s take a look at the drawbacks of online homework help. 

#1: Unreliable Info

This can be a real problem. In addition to all the really good homework help sites, there are a whole lot of disreputable or unreliable sites out there. The fact of the matter is that some homework help sites don’t necessarily hire people who are experts in the subjects they’re talking about. In those cases, you may not be getting the accurate, up-to-date, and thorough information you need.

Additionally, even the great sites may not be able to answer all of your homework questions. This is especially true if the site uses an algorithm or chatbot to help students…or if you’re enrolled in an advanced or college-level course. In these cases, working with your teacher or school-provided tutors are probably your best option. 

#2: No Clarification

This depends on the service you use, of course. But the majority of them provide free or low-cost help through pre-recorded videos. Watching videos or reading info online can definitely help you with your homework… but you can’t ask questions or get immediate feedback if you need it .

#3: Potential For Scamming 

Like we mentioned earlier, there are a lot of homework help websites out there, and lots of them are scams. The review comments we read covered everything from outdated or wrong information, to misleading claims about the help provided, to not allowing people to cancel their service after signing up. 

No matter which site you choose to use, make sure you research and read reviews before you sign up–especially if it’s a paid service! 


When Does “Help” Become “Cheating”?

Admittedly, whether using homework help websites constitutes cheating is a bit of a grey area. For instance, is it “help” when a friend reads your essay for history class and corrects your grammar, or is it “cheating”? The truth is, not everyone agrees on when “help” crosses the line into “cheating .” When in doubt, it can be a good idea to check with your teacher to see what they think about a particular type of help you want to get. 

That said, a general rule of thumb to keep in mind is to make sure that the assignment you turn in for credit is authentically yours . It needs to demonstrate your own thoughts and your own current abilities. Remember: the point of every homework assignment is to 1) help you learn something, and 2) show what you’ve learned. 

So if a service answers questions or writes essays for you, there’s a good chance using it constitutes cheating. 

Here’s an example that might help clarify the difference for you. Brainstorming essay ideas with others or looking online for inspiration is “help” as long as you write the essay yourself. Having someone read it and give you feedback about what you need to change is also help, provided you’re the one that makes the changes later. 

But copying all or part of an essay you find online or having someone write (or rewrite) the whole thing for you would be “cheating.” The same is true for other subjects. Ultimately, if you’re not generating your own work or your own answers, it’s probably cheating.


5 Tips for Finding the Best Homework Help Websites for You

Now that you know some of our favorite homework help websites, free and paid, you can start doing some additional research on your own to decide which services might work best for you! Here are some top tips for choosing a homework help website. 

Tip 1: Decide How You Learn Best 

Before you decide which site or sites you’re going to use for homework help, y ou should figure out what kind of learning style works for you the most. Are you a visual learner? Then choose a site that uses lots of videos to help explain concepts. If you know you learn best by actually doing tasks, choose a site that provides lots of practice exercises.

Tip 2: Determine Which Subjects You Need Help With

Just because a homework help site is good overall doesn’t mean that it’s equally good for every subject. If you only need help in math, choose a site that specializes in that area. But if history is where you’re struggling, a site that specializes in math won’t be much help. So make sure to choose a site that you know provides high-quality help in the areas you need it most. 

Tip 3: Decide How Much One-On-One Help You Need 

This is really about cost-effectiveness. If you learn well on your own by reading and watching videos, a free site like Khan Academy is a good choice. But if you need actual tutoring, or to be able to ask questions and get personalized answers from experts, a paid site that provides that kind of service may be a better option.

Tip 4: Set a Budget

If you decide you want to go with a paid homework help website, set a budget first . The prices for sites vary wildly, and the cost to use them can add up quick. 

Tip 5: Read the Reviews

Finally, it’s always a good idea to read actual reviews written by the people using these homework sites. You’ll learn the good, the bad, and the ugly of what the users’ experiences have been. This is especially true if you intend to subscribe to a paid service. You’ll want to make sure that users think it’s worth the price overall!


What’s Next?

If you want to get good grades on your homework, it’s a good idea to learn how to tackle it strategically. Our expert tips will help you get the most out of each assignment…and boost your grades in the process.

Doing well on homework assignments is just one part of getting good grades. We’ll teach you everything you need to know about getting great grades in high school in this article.

Of course, test grades can make or break your GPA, too. Here are 17 expert tips that’ll help you get the most out of your study prep before you take an exam.

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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How to Get Out of Doing Homework

Last Updated: March 4, 2024 Fact Checked

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 111 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 283,766 times. Learn more...

Sometimes you just can't get it together and finish your homework. Maybe you had a concert or a game after school and you were too tired to think when you got home. Maybe you ran out of time, or you fell asleep early. Maybe you just had something way better to do! This article will give you ideas for how to get your parents off your back about doing homework and convince your teachers you have a perfectly good reason why you didn't do the assignment. Plus, learn techniques on how to make it look like you made an attempt at your assignment, but life, fate, or technology got in the way. Just don't make a habit of it, or your grades may suffer.

Making Excuses to Your Teacher

Step 1 Get to know your teacher first.

  • Notice how your teacher reacts when other students forget their homework to gauge how much you can get away with.
  • Notice if your teacher collects homework or usually just walks around and glances at your worksheet to make sure you did it.
  • Try to get an idea of what your teacher likes. If they have pictures of their cat everywhere, you may be able to use that to your advantage later by telling them your cat is very sick or had to be put down and you were too devastated to finish the assignment.
  • Remember that your teacher probably got into teaching because they are passionate about their subject. Participate in class as much as possible: if they believe you love history, too, they're probably more likely to be sympathetic later.
  • Find out how much homework counts toward your final grade. If homework only accounts for 20% of your grade and you ace all your tests, projects, and class participation, you might be able to get by without doing homework and still get a decent grade.

Step 2 Blame technology.

  • If your teacher expects you to email them your assignment, ask them the next day if they got your email. When they say they didn't, act confused and explain that you definitely emailed them and that you can't believe it didn't go through. They probably can't check to see if you are lying and will probably give you an extension.

Step 3 Blame a family crisis.

  • Claim the death of a family member. Make it someone close enough that it would affect you, but not so close that the teacher will find out about it. A great aunt or uncle works as they tend to be older. There is also no limit on the amount of great aunts and uncles you have, whereas with grandparents there is a limited number of times you can use that excuse. Plus, you don't want to tempt karma by saying your grandma died unexpectedly.
  • Say that you are having a private family issue and you don't feel comfortable talking about it, but you can't do the homework.
  • Tell your teacher your pet died. But be aware that if your teacher happens to be having a conversation with your parents and says something like "Sorry about the dog!" they may find out you were lying.

Step 4 Blame your memory.

  • Tell the teacher you were in the bathroom when they assigned the work and you completely missed that you had homework. However, if your teacher has a good memory or writes homework on the board or on a school website, there is a high chance this will not work.

Step 5 Fake sick...

  • This works best if you are somebody who rarely gets sick(maybe once or twice a year) then you will be more trustworthy if you appear sick.

Step 6 Go see a guidance counselor during the class period.

  • If you do this too often your teacher will stop being sympathetic, so make sure it only happens once or twice.

Making It Look Like You Did Your Homework

Step 1 Make it look like you did the work if your teacher only glances at your homework.

  • If your teacher walks around the class checking for homework, but doesn't take it in, write your homework page and task at the top of some random notes you have for that class. If they're not attentive, they won't notice.
  • If they are attentive, try to distract them by asking a question related to the subject or show them a word in the textbook you don't understand.

Step 2 Look up the answers online or in the back of the book.

  • Say you must have left it on your desk/in the car/on the bus and ask if you can turn it in at the end of the day. Then you can quickly do the assignment during lunch.
  • Be smart when pretending to be upset that you lost your homework. If you usually slack off and don't do your homework, it may seem odd to the teacher when you suddenly worry about not having your homework.

Step 4 Get help from friends.

  • If you cheat on writing based homework, paraphrase it so your teacher can't tell that you cheated. Also, think about how you usually perform in class. If you don't usually do well in class on homework and tests, your teacher could get suspicious if you get all the answers right. So to be smart, get some answers wrong on purpose.
  • Try asking one friend for answers to questions #1 and #2, then another friend for the answers to questions #3 and #4, and so on until the assignment is complete.
  • Assemble a study group and let them work out all the answers.
  • If you have a friend who owes you a favor, tell them this is how they can repay their debt.

Step 5 Destroy the assignment if it's on a CD or flash drive.

  • Bring in a blank flash drive and swear to your teacher you saved it to the drive and you don't know what happened.

Step 6 Purposely corrupt the file.

  • Go into File Explorer and find the file you want to make corrupt. Right click over the file and select 'Open With...', then select Notepad. Once the file opens in Notepad you should see a really bizarre document with gibberish. Click anywhere within the document and type something random in it, disturbing the flow. After this just save and submit. When your teacher opens it, it will show up an error.
  • Do not select "use application as default" when selecting Notepad after File Explorer step or else all word documents (.docx) will automatically in Notepad showing gibberish.
  • Create a blank image in Paint and save it in .bmp format. After that, forcefully change its format into .doc (right-click and hit Properties), and change the title to the name of your homework assignment. Now, when you try to open the file in any text viewing program, it will show up as a broken file. Send it to the teacher, and if they ask you the next day, just say sorry about this inconvenience and promise to send it this evening. Now, you have an extra day to complete your homework.

Convincing Your Parents

Step 1 Say that you need to work on the computer.

  • So your parents check your history? Easy. If you have the Google Chrome browser, you can use Incognito mode. This will not track your history at all. Press ctrl+shift+N at the same time to open an Incognito tab. Remember to close all Incognito tabs before you go back to doing your homework.
  • Remember ctrl + w closes a window with one tab without prompt, so it is the perfect way without downloading Firefox and certain add-ons to use the computer without parent's knowing anything of your exploits.

Step 2 Tell your parents you did all your homework at school already during lunch or during your study hall.

Community Q&A

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Tips from our Readers

  • Try to sound very stressed about not finishing your homework. Try to only skip homework when you really need to. It might be obvious that you're not trying if you never do it.
  • Try to be honest when you get caught. If you lie and get caught, you might be in bigger trouble.
  • Remember: in most cases, it is unlikely your teacher will excuse you from doing the homework altogether, even if these tactics work. Go into it thinking they will give you an extension and you will have time to catch up on your work without it impacting your grade. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Homework is there to help you. In the long run, not doing homework will impact not just your report card but your future. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Avoid lame and common excuses. These excuses have no effect, so don't even try to use them. Avoid "I forgot" and "My dog ate my homework" kind of excuses. Using long, boring excuses may make the teacher just dismiss it and tell you to turn it in tomorrow. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Make Up a Good Excuse for Your Homework Not Being Finished

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About This Article

If you weren't able to finish your homework, there are a few good excuses you can use to keep your teacher off your back. You can blame technology and say your computer or printer broke. If you needed the internet for your homework, say your internet went off for a few hours. Pretending you forgot your homework isn't the best excuse, but it sounds better than admitting you didn't do it. Search through your bag and pretend to look for it, then tell your teacher you must have left it at home. To make it more convincing, see your teacher at the beginning of class and say you had a busy week and forgot to do the homework. You can even tell them you had a family issue. Teachers are unlikely to call you out for being sick, so try going to the nurse before class and telling them you feel sick and you can’t go to class. For more tips, including how to get out of your parents making you do homework, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Doing Homework: Ins and Outs for Students

Difficulties in doing homework.

Have you ever thought about the most trouble-free period of your life? Most people would say “nursery school”. No wonder, as all you had to do was play and have fun. If you had an idea about your future responsibilities, did you have a desire to grow up? 

However, nobody can stop time, and here you are, a student who has little time to play but many duties to fulfill. Being a student means studying, doing homework, going to the library, and dealing with many other things that can sometimes be annoying. It’s really tough, especially in the first year of college or university. The new reality and surroundings require much mental and physical effort: new professors, new classmates, more disciplines, and more homework assignments as well. 

Doing homework at college can often be a challenge, as its complexity level differs from that of school. The dilemma becomes more apparent when you apply for sports and have training. Another obstacle arises when you’ve accumulated assignments with short deadlines for submission. It’s understandable if the question is, Can I pay money for someone to get homework assistance? MyPaperDone.com , and the website mentioned above, can be of great use in this situation. Your assignments will be completed within the required time limit. Difficulties with doing homework can appear at any moment and for any student. 

Can Someone Do Your Homework?

The huge amount of written academic papers to compose and theory to learn need a lot of time. Moreover, some personal circumstances can contribute to being overwhelmed with homework. In these moments, causing you some distress and anxiety, how many times have you thought, “Can someone do your homework?” instead of doing it yourself 

Actually, the answer to this question is affirmative, and you can refer to different websites on the Internet. Such a service was invented with the purpose of assisting students with their homework. As a rule, these companies have hired a team of specialists from various fields. Personnel working in these companies includes teachers, professors, and last year students as well. There is an option to read the reviews of completed works, students’ opinions, and general feedback about the provided service. 

By registering on one of these websites, you can rely on experts to do your homework as fast as you need. Over the years of studying at college or university, you will face tasks of different types, from the most important to the least significant. However, the less significant doesn’t mean the fastest. Sometimes, it can happen to spend hours writing academic work that, in reality, doesn’t have much research value. 

Useful Homework Helper App

Using technology in the right way can help you to solve many problems. The Internet is an enormous digital library, a well of knowledge to use correctly. If you learn how to effectively utilize its sources, you will definitely simplify your life. For example, the use of some homework helper apps can facilitate the process of completing assignments:

  • Khan Academy: it was created by an engineer with the purpose of offering services and study materials for free, and it has become one of the most valuable sources. You can find playlists of exercises and problems, lessons in various subjects, videos, and other educational content.
  • Photomath: this app helps you solve math problems instantaneously just by taking a photo with your tablet or smartphone. Moreover, it recognizes even handwritten tasks and provides step-by-step solutions. 
  • Quizlet: by creating an account, you’re able to generate tests, quizzes, and other games, using available lexical items or creating your own study tools. It allows you to personalize the way you study according to the required level of difficulty. 
  • The list of other useful and effective online platforms is very long, and you are able to examine them on this page . The ability to combine various accessible tools plays an important role in achieving successful results. Many platforms are free, and some of them are for payment. Based on your necessities, you may choose the most suitable for you. 

Unfortunately, learning in the classroom is not enough. By mixing traditional tools such as books, textbooks, and classroom learning with digital ones, your chances of becoming an excellent specialist are great. 

Help Doing Your Homework

The study schedules and other commitments often leave you little time for rest. As you can imagine, homework help with school subjects differs from help with college or university materials. The Internet provides many solutions for all types of students, including school, college, or university students. 

In the case of school, it’s not indispensable to have in-depth knowledge, unlike at the college level. When you need help doing your homework, take into consideration the person’s experience that counts a lot. When visiting websites that offer this service, examine the reviews and feedback. It will help you understand if their services suit you or not. Each reputable company has a skillful crew with knowledge in different fields of science. 

Don’t forget, therefore, to not exaggerate and ask for assistance when you really need it. On this website , you will discover interesting information that can be useful regarding homework. You learn from your mistakes, and trying to do your assignments alone is an effective method of learning. Nevertheless, having the possibility to ask for help with your homework gives you an assurance that it will be done in any case. So, if after several attempts, you fail to complete an assignment and don’t have time to retry, visit a website and ask for help. 

The post Doing Homework: Ins and Outs for Students appeared first on Mom and More .

Difficulties In Doing Homework Have you ever thought about the most trouble-free period of your life? Most people would say “nursery school”. No wonder, as all you had to do was play and have fun. If you had an idea about your future responsibilities, did you have a desire to grow up?  However, nobody can […]

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New Recall AI on Windows 11 Will Record Every Move You Make On Your PC

Windows 11 Recall AI

As part of the Surface event, Microsoft has launched Recall, an AI feature that allows exploring everything you have seen and done on your Copilot Plus PC.

The Recall feature works like a personal historian for your Windows 11 PC. It will log everything you do on the PC and save this data as snapshots.

You can use the Recall search bar to find any information you need to remember.

For instance, you can use Recall to find a slide someone presented during a Zoom call.

Recall feature on Windows 11 Copilot Plus PCs

This feature uses Live Captions and Translation to make each task on your PC searchable. This way, you can search for something said during a meeting and watch the meeting entirely.

Recall thus enables photographic memory for your Copilot Plus PCs. It leaves little room for security concerns as well.

Microsoft adds that Recall works entirely on the local system and does not share any information with the internet.

Users will have control over individual snapshots, recording range, settings, and what data is logged by Recall.

Microsoft states that Recall snapshots never leave your computer’s hard disk. These snapshots are encrypted and use BitLocker for safety. Since they are user-specific, other users on a Copilot Plus PC cannot access the snapshots, either.

Unsurprisingly, the Recall feature is currently available exclusively to Copilot Plus PCs.

This is because Copilot Plus PCs are equipped with a turbocharged Neural Processing Unit (NPU) capable of performing over 40 trillion operations per second.

Copilot Plus PCs from Microsoft

Your Copilot Plus PC needs a minimum storage space of 256GB to enable Recall. Then, the feature will need 50GB of available storage space. Per the standard configuration, 25GB of storage space can accommodate three months of snapshots.

Your PC should also have a minimum RAM capacity of 16GB and a Snapdragon X chip optimized for performance and battery backup on Copilot Plus PCs.

In its Preview face, Recall is available in a few languages: English, Chinese (simplified), French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. However, Microsoft says it will add more languages before officially rolling out.

For reference, Copilot Plus PCs are available from manufacturers like Microsoft, HP, Lenovo, Dell, and ASUS. The cheapest of them all, the Microsoft Surface Laptop 7, costs $999.

However, Microsoft has clarified that Copilot and Recall will be made available for Intel and AMD chips in the future.

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Here's How to Really Clean Your Keurig Machine to Prevent Mold

Yes -- there is a right way you should be cleaning your Keurig.

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A clean Keurig will give you delicious, mold-free coffee.

Your Keurig takes care of your morning caffeine needs , but when's the last time you took care of your Keurig? If you're not deep cleaning it once a week, it's probably pretty gross right now. Don't worry: We'll show you how to get it back in fighting shape in no time.

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If you leave your Keurig dirty for long enough, it can affect the performance of your coffee machine, even affecting the taste of your morning coffee. What's worse is that, when left dirty, it's a perfect breeding ground for mold and bacteria. Thankfully, it's easy to give every inch of your Keurig the attention that it deserves. 

We've broken down everything you need to know about cleaning all the parts of your Keurig coffee maker, from cleaning the drip trays to the brewing mechanisms and even the outside of your machine. For more, here are our picks for the top coffee makers of 2024 and what to know about Keurig's new compostable coffee pods . 

Don't let the coffee pods sit for days at a time

One of the best things that you can do for your Keurig is treat it gently when you're using it, especially if you're using it every day. For instance, remove used coffee pods once they've cooled down, and try to immediately take care of any spills or drips. Coffee can grow mold once brewed, and you don't want that sitting in your Keurig pod holder.

Wipe down the outside of your Keurig

You can begin your Keurig cleaning process by gently wiping down the outside of your coffee machine with a warm, damp cloth or paper towel. Not only does Keurig recommend wiping down your coffee pot daily, this is a really simple step to integrate into your daily cleaning routine. Just make sure that your coffee pot is fully turned off and unplugged before you begin cleaning. 

Wash the drip tray

Keurig also recommends a daily wash for your drip tray, which catches drips from your coffee maker and spills. The drip tray is also prone to unseemly coffee stains. You can hand wash your drip tray with a bit of warm water and dish soap. 

Tackle the water reservoir and matching lid

Yet again, Keurig recommends cleaning this element of your coffee maker daily. Like the drip tray, you can tackle this by hand washing the water reservoir and corresponding lid with warm water and dish soap. Depending on your coffee maker, you can wash both the reservoir and lid in your dishwasher. Just be sure to remove any water filters if you have any in your water reservoir. 

Plus, fresh cold water in your Keurig machine daily tastes way better than days-old water.

Wash the coffee carafe and basket

If you have a K-Duo coffee pot, that means you have one extra step when it comes to daily care. You'll need to wash the coffee carafe and basket if you've brewed a traditional cup of coffee. Like the water reservoir, you can wash the carafe and basket by hand, or depending on your coffee maker, you can put them in the dishwasher.  

Clean the pod holder 

The pod holder can be one of the grossest pieces of your Keurig machine. It's the implement that holds your coffee pod and can collect used coffee grounds. If not cleaned somewhat regularly, it can become very gross very fast, and can also grow mold. Keurig advises cleaning this implement weekly but we suggest wiping it down daily if it looks gross. 

The pod-holder assembly (PHA) will need to be removed from the Keurig before it can be cleaned. You can do this by grabbing the rim of the assembly and gently pulling it out. You'll also need to detach the pod holder from the attached funnel by pulling the two pieces apart. Be careful of sharp exit needles when cleaning these pieces. 

Keurig advises rinsing with water, but it couldn't hurt to scrub away any obviously gross stains or stuck-on coffee grounds -- especially if this is the first time you've cleaned it. 

Give your Keurig a full rinse

To keep your Keurig running smoothly for as long as possible, you'll want to do a regular cleaning brew, or a process called descaling. Essentially, descaling is the process of removing buildup. By not cleaning your Keurig's brewing mechanisms regularly (Keurig officially recommends doing this quarterly) the buildup in your brewing mechanism can begin to affect the taste of your coffee. 

The first step you'll need to take is to run hot water through your coffee maker. You can do this by running your Keurig like you would if you were brewing a cup of coffee, but without a coffee pod. 

Next, you have two options. You can either descale your coffee maker with a mixture of one part vinegar and one part water, or you can use Keurig's own descaling solution . Pour your descaling solution of choice into the reservoir, and run your Keurig as you normally would. After the machine is done, you'll want to let it rest for about 45 minutes. 

We recommend running plain water through your Keurig several times after descaling your machine to combat a vinegary taste. The last thing you want after spending this much time cleaning your Keurig is a ruined coffee.

For more cleaning tips, here's how to make a natural, all-purpose cleaner with three ingredients and how to speed-clean your kitchen in less than 15 minutes .

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Third Eye Blind's Stephan Jenkins Would Change 'One Thing' If He Had a Do-Over: 'I Would Name My Band Doja Cat' (Exclusive)

The frontman details his group's upcoming Summer Gods Tour, his take on hip-hop feuds and how streaming has made Third Eye Blind "bigger than we've ever been"

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Travis Shinn

  • Third Eye Blind will hit the road on the Summer Gods Tour starting next month
  • Frontman Stephan Jenkins talks to PEOPLE about "being in an exchange" with his audience
  • The musician says he and the band are "dedicated to the magic" of live music

Third Eye Blind has spent the last three decades touring the world, welcoming new listeners with each of the band's seven studio albums and retaining the attention of fans who've stuck around since its inception.

But if you ask frontman Stephan Jenkins , the group has never quite experienced the level of fanfare it's experiencing now — largely thanks to the accessibility of streaming, and truthfully, the kids who are finally giving Third Eye Blind a spin for the very first time,

"There's some stuff that the gods of the record industry are telling us is what is supposed to matter. But for the most part, everybody's just wandering around picking their own berries, and I think it's great. And for us, it's great because we're bigger than we've ever been," Jenkins, 59, tells PEOPLE.

"I have a bigger audience than I've ever had. I'm selling more tickets than I've ever sold. The thing that excites me is that without having to be participating, without having to go through the conduit of the industry asking permission, I am in an exchange with my audience through my own work," Jenkins adds. "I think that's every artists' dream."

To give new listeners — and of course, those who've been rocking with the band since its 1997 self-titled debut LP — something to look forward to this summer, Third Eye Blind will be embarking on its Summer Gods Tour with Yellowcard and ARIZONA from June through August.

Ahead of his latest string of shows, Jenkins detailed his ever-changing (and ever-growing) fanbase, his hope for better beats in certain hip-hop feuds, wishing he could've instead named his band " Doja Cat ," and how exactly he manages to break Third Eye Blind's discography down into one 95-minute set each night (spoiler, it's not easy).

John Medina/Getty

You wrote on Instagram that you needed a summer tour more than ever this year. Why is that?

I wasn't just saying that. That wasn't just a marketing catchphrase, although I'm down for a catchphrase. It comes from, I've never seen such a sense of polarity in our world. There is no basis for collectivity. One of the ingredients for collectivity has to be joy, I believe. Every time I do a tour, I ask myself, "Why? Why is this required? Why do you need this? What makes this essential to see this tour?" The reason for this tour is joy.

When you think back to moments of joy, do you have a favorite summer show that you've attended in your life?

I got to go to the first Lollapalooza and I was thinking, "Wow, this is a festival that's really for me." I remember going to one of the early Coachellas before it was more about pop, and fashion, and sleeping out on a grass, out on a tent. I really loved that.

I remember years later playing Lollapalooza and there was this guy who was in a wheelchair and he was way, way in the back. There must have been 70,000 people in our audience. I think that was actually the estimate. He was crowd-surfing in his wheelchair. He was being crowd-surfed forward and they got him all the way up to the barricade, and the guys at the barricade were going to put him down and send him forward. I said, "No, let him up. Let him up." He got put up on the stage, so he went all the way from all the way to the back, crowd-surfed in a wheelchair, so they passed a wheelchair all the way across the audience. In all the divisiveness in our society, this was our audience's collective retort. It moved me and it stayed with me.

You'll be returning to a few different venues on tour this summer. When you go back to a spot that you've played multiple times, do you feel a sense of connection to it?

Yes, but a lot of times you don't remember. You show up at the back, you wake up in the back of a venue and it's concrete. And you're just in your tour bus and you walk out in the morning light, scratching your butt in your boxer shorts, jonesing for some coffee. They all look the same. Then you see the front of it, you see the venue and sometimes they have this just incredible sense to them. Some of those places really do stick with you for sure.

One of my initial introductions to the band was 'Yes Man' with Jim Carrey. I believe your music has been featured in at least two Jim Carrey films. Do you have a personal favorite Third Eye Blind placement on a show or film?

I've never seen Third Eye Blind in a Jim Carrey film. I don't tend to... I've been told Justin Timberlake sang a thing. I missed that.

The thing I really was into was A Knight's Tale . We were asked to do a song, and I wrote this song called "Eye Conqueror" for the credits for A Knight's Tale . I thought it was such a good song. I was so stoked because I really am a fan of jousting. I really think things should be an Olympic sport. I want you to picture Uruguay against Latvia for the gold medal route and all the pageantry that goes along with this, as these guys joust each other in the Olympics. It would be your favorite equestrian event, Brenton. I think I've sold you on this already.

Have you given it a try yourself?

On bicycles? Yes. Also, they used to have a thing at Burning Man, it was Thunderdome, so it was a Mad Max tent where they used to do this. But Burning Man has turned into a tame business party. It's basically Mykonos for Google employees. So they don't have that anymore.

[For A Knight's Tale ], they didn't choose the song and I was super bummed because I wish they did. They ended up using AC/DC 's "Shook Me All Night Long." It's like, that's like cheating.

Harmony Gerber/Getty

I was digging through the Third Eye Blind Reddit and I spotted a post from a fan who was asking for song recommendations. Every response was different. How do you come up with a set these days?

It's a toughie. It's a toughie because this is a festival-like show, where I really want all three bands to have full sets and feel like it's their show. I want the Summer Gods Tour to be a traveling festival. That's my desire with it. And so, we have a little over 90... We have about 95 minutes to play. That's not that much time to put in our body of work.

What we do in the tour is treat ourselves like DJs and try to get cues with each other where we can work in different songs and challenging each other to weave in different quotes, different things. That's the way that we do it. And then I look holistically at the set and say, "How do we look at this from a different angle? How do we change things up? How do we take whatever it is we did before and not do that, and create different feelings, and different energies on this from other tours?" I'll find things that are in similar keys, similar tempos, and go, "Is there a way we could puzzle piece these together?"

You previously spoke about young fans discovering your music because of streaming services. Do you think your musical palette would've been any different if you had that available to you as a kid?

I don't know how it would be different, but it would definitely be different. For example, there's so much music that I like. I can't tell you who made it. Whereas for me, growing up, there were bands that were so core-identity to me and there's so many bands that I listen to where their names aren't as deep because it's just a song that comes up on my playlist. In some ways, that's a disservice because you don't go as deep on an artist, but in other ways it's great because it allows you to be exposed to so much more music than before. Both things are true.

And there's a lot to be said for the way things are now because... OK, so we're being told to like Drake , and Kendrick Lamar , their crappy beats with their silly feud. We're being told to like that, we have to like that. There's some stuff that the gods of the record industry are telling us that this is what is supposed to matter. But for the most part, everybody's just wandering around picking their own berries, and I think it's great.

I know you're a fan of Lauryn Hill, De La Soul. Are there any modern hip-hop artists that you find yourself gravitating toward?

Actually, there's a lot of Drake that I actually really like. There's a lot of Kendrick Lamar I really like. I just think that doing this is just, it's f---ing lame and the beats are lame. I like them both individually. I actually like them both individually. Anderson .Paak , his new stuff. I think it's really good. I love the way he plays drums. I like Kid Cudi .

I love that drill that comes out of South London. To me, that's the purest, most exciting stuff. Do you know Dave? It's so crisp. I love how sober it is. The rhythmic cadence of it is totally... That's inspiring to me. I've been so inspired by hip-hop that I wouldn't be... I just don't think that I would be an artist without it. There wouldn't be a song like "Slow Motion" without growing up with hip-hop.

I wish I could change... If I had life to do over again, I would name my band Doja Cat. It's the best name ever. I think she's really funny.

Eight years ago, you told a fan you hope artists have more control of their music. Do you think that's become more-so the case in the industry?

I'm not the person to ask because even back then, I think I said, "I'm not into music industry and I don't care about the music industry. I care about musicians." I never cared about the music industry. I don't care about the Grammys . The Grammys don't care about me. I've never gotten a Grammy. I'm never going to get a Grammy. Maybe I'll get a lifetime achievement award. I'll get some embarrassing thing like that, but I'm not part of that. I'm not part of that culture and I never was. I'm never part of any of those clubs.

What inspires you the most as a songwriter now?

Well, the last album, Our Bande Apart , came out of the pandemic. I told people at the time, it was really Taylor Swift . We were all sitting there in our houses locked up, and refreshing our phones,and out drinking too much wine and eating too much spaghetti and going, "I wonder what's going to happen." And then it's like, "Oh, yeah. Taylor Swift put out an album." And I'm like, "S---. That's some discipline right there. I think I'm going to go out to my little zendo and get out my notepad and my guitar and take stock of myself."

I don't listen to my own music, and that's actually maybe my favorite album. I love playing it because I'm very lucky that our bandmates, we all love each other. We're like puppies. We love playing together. Part of what makes our band jam the way that it does, we're not coining for space. We're all trying to make space for each other. We have this sense of we want to do this together. It's rare. The Clash had that. I can say I'm trying to compare myself to The Clash. Yeah, we're like The Clash .

Do you have a message for those who want to catch your show?

I'm dedicated to the magic of it. And by that I mean that our band is empathetic. We are a band because we are empathetic with each other. We have a sense of each other and aliveness. We're not a MacBook Pro band. We are making this up and we're doing it. We are doing it in an exchange with the audience and that's what aliveness is. It's like we're the perfume, and you are the body, and that is the scent. You get what I'm saying?

Summer Gods tour information and tickets are available here .

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Your Arizona summer bucket list 2024, from beaches to cool cabins to the very best hot dogs

Summer may not officially start until June 20, 204, but in metro Phoenix the first 100-degree day marks the beginning of the end of long, leisurely midday strolls.

But there's no reason to moan and groan and hide away in the air conditioning for the next few months. There are plenty of amazing things to do to beat the heat and make the most of our hottest season.

Soak in the pool at a luxurious resort in Phoenix and Scottsdale, many of which drop their nightly rates or offer day passes to their pools and water parks during the summer. Take your First Friday festivities indoors at one of the free-for-the-night museums or galleries. Or score a hard-to-come-by reservation at a fine dining restaurant and while away the hours over multiple courses.

If you just can't take the heat, then get out of town. Take a lazy float down the Salt River. Spend the weekend at the beach in  Puerto Peñasco, Mexico . Or head to higher elevations for a hike or overnight stay in Flagstaff, Greer or the Mogollon Rim.

And when all else fails, there's always the movies .

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Here's a guide to making the most out of the summer 2024 in Arizona.

Day trips from Phoenix

Go Salt River Tubing: Spend a chill day floating down the Salt River with Salt River Tubing . Rent a tube, hop on the shuttle bus, then ease back and enjoy the cool water and dramatic desert and canyon scenery. You might even spot some of the wild horses that live along the river.

Mmmm pie: Nothing brings people together like pie. There are fancier desserts and trendier desserts, but pie is in a league of its own. It's the perfect combination of sweetness and warmth, the most comforting of comfort foods. Here are the best pies in Flagstaff, Tucson, Prescott and more.

Explore Arizona's newest state park: The Verde River runs right through Rockin' River Ranch State Park in Camp Verde, perfect for swimming, fishing or streamside lounging. Six miles of flat trails crisscross the park, and picnic benches are placed throughout, so bring your lunch.

Overnight getaways from Phoenix

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North Rim: The quieter side of Grand Canyon: It takes about six hours to drive from Phoenix to the N orth Rim of Grand Canyon National Park , but people who make the trek will be rewarded with cool temps at 8,000 feet and an entirely more peaceful and relaxing experience. Don't miss sunrise at Imperial Point and sunset at Cape Royal.

Rent a cabin in the woods: Whether you want to get away for a night or a week, you can’t go wrong with these 10 beautiful cabins that span the state from Sedona and Flagstaff to the Mogollon Rim and across the White Mountains.

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Events and activities to make you forget the heat

Geek out at Fan Fusion 2024: Fan Fusion is Phoenix's comic con, where you can dress as your favorite superhero, admire others' impressive cosplay, meet your favorite celebs and treat yourself to some next-level merch. It's Memorial Day weekend at the Phoenix Convention Center.

Treat yourself to a resort staycation: Locals can live like tourists when hotels throughout metro Phoenix drop their rates in summer. Lounge by the pool, treat yourself to a massage or facial and enjoy stunning mountain and desert views. Here are the best 2024 staycation deals in Phoenix , Scottsdale and other parts of the Valley.

Fun (out of) the sun in Phoenix

Get your game on at Round 1: With video and other games galore, billiards and an indoor sports complex with trampolines and more, Round 1 Japanese arcade is opening a second location in metro Phoenix. The Valley's first Round 1 opened at Arrowhead Towne Center in Glendale ; a second Round 1 location is coming to Chandler Fashion Center.

Make like Speed Racer: There are numerous indoor and outdoor go-karting venues in metro Phoenix, each offering unique track layouts and experiences. From Phoenix Kart Racing Association's challenging outdoor asphalt track to Andretti Indoor Karting , there's an experience to suit every driver.

Visit a museum for free: You just need a library card. The Act One Culture Pass partners with over 175 libraries statewide and covers 26 art and cultural venues and 16 performing arts organizations, including ASU Gammage in Tempe and the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix. Check your library's website for which Culture Passes it offers and the rules for borrowing one.

Restaurants that just make you feel cool

Phoenix might not be known for waterfront dining, but these restaurants go against the grain with tables overlooking lakes , which will at least give you the illusion of a cool breeze.

Step back in time for a bite of history at some of the oldest family-owned restaurants. Though one of them opened without air conditioning back in 1947, they all have AC cranking now.

With fewer crowds, summer is also a great time to work your way through our list of 100 essential Phoenix restaurants . If you make it to them all, you earn major bragging rights.

Iced coffee for life

There's nothing like an iced coffee on a hot summer day. San Diego-based Better Buzz coffee made its Phoenix debut on Seventh Street so you can cool down with their signature iced "Best Drink Ever" ($5.49), a classic Americano with creamy vanilla powder. On the west side, House of Honey in Peoria infuses their espresso with honey from the family's own hives for subtly sweet iced drinks like the cinnamon honey latte.

There's always boba at places like Mango Rabbit Boba, which serves over-the-top anime-themed drinks in Mesa, or freshly made tapioca pearls at Mochi Fresh in Tempe. Even Starbucks is getting in the bubble tea game this summer with a line of its own boba drinks.

Food crawls are a great way to spend the day

Summer is unofficial hot dog season and we have your guide to 20 of the best hot dogs in town . We didn't say fanciest, we said best. This list of 20 dogs ranges from Chicago-style to Sonoran and it basically begs to be treated as a summer dining bucket list.

If eating hot dogs makes you crave a burger, might we suggest eating your way through the reader's choice burger bracket ? Or you could just skip ahead to the number one pick .

For a one-stop food crawl, Mekong Plaza is the ultimate destination, with the largest selection of Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino and Taiwanese restaurants under one roof.

Reach the entertainment and travel editor at  [email protected] .

Reach the food, dining and nightlife editor at  [email protected] .

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  1. Words Have You Done Your Homework Foto de stock 594944012

    have you ever done your homework

  2. Have You Done Your Homework Text

    have you ever done your homework

  3. The Benefits Of Homework: How Homework Can Help Students Succeed

    have you ever done your homework

  4. Piece of Chalk and Phrase HAVE YOU DONE YOUR HOMEWORK? on Blackboard

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  5. Pen and Phrase HAVE YOU DONE YOUR HOMEWORK? on White Background Stock

    have you ever done your homework

  6. Top 10 Tips on How to Efficiently Get Your Homework Done

    have you ever done your homework


  1. 👀 have you ever done this?


  1. have you done/did you do your homework?

    Cumbria, UK. British English. Mar 2, 2019. #13. Since you live in the UK, use "have you done", since you are interested in the situation in the present. I think AmE usage is "did you do". Don't use "the" with "your". "Your homework" is the usual way of saying it. J.

  2. Past simple or present perfect?

    I've lost my keys. We've been to a very nice restaurant. We use the past simple (NOT present perfect) when we mention or ask about when something happened or when the time is known by the speaker and the listener. We often use a past expression ( last week, yesterday, when I was a child, etc .) We've arrived yesterday.

  3. Did You vs. Have You

    Key Differences. While both "Did You" and "Have You" are used to ask questions, there are key differences in their usage: "Did You" is used to ask about specific actions or events that occurred in the past, while "Have You" is used to ask about past actions or events that have a connection to the present. "Did You" is always followed by the ...

  4. present perfect

    1a) Did you already do your homework? 1b) Have you already done your homework? 2a) Did you already draw that picture? 2b) Have you already drawn that picture? 3a) Did you already clean my room? 3b) Have you already cleaned my room? 4a) Did you already return your debt? 4b) Have you already returned your debt? 5a) Did you already go to that café?

  5. Did You Do Your Homework or Have You Done? The Ultimate Guide to Tenses

    So, in conclusion, both "did you do your homework?" and "have you done your homework?" essentially mean the same thing. It's all about the timing and the tense. But fear not, intrepid student, for now, armed with the knowledge of linguistic trickery, you can navigate the treacherous waters of homework-related questions with ease.

  6. Present perfect + Ever / Never

    Use the present perfect + ever to ask questions about experiences in someone's life. " Have you ever taken dance classes?". "Yes, I have. I took 6 weeks of lessons before my wedding!". "Has your brother ever been to India?". "No, he hasn't.". "Have your friends ever helped you move to a new apartment?".

  7. "Have you ever…?" How to use Present Perfect immediately

    No, this is just one way to start using the present perfect tense easily and immediately. Like any tense in English, you can use the present perfect in positive or affirmative sentences, in negative sentences, or in questions such as the ones I have spoken about in the lesson. Positive - I have lived here for 5 years.

  8. Difference between "are you done" and "have you done."

    "Are you done" asks about whether you have finished something that you have started. "Have you done" also asks if you have finished, but whether you have even started is uncertain. ("Are you done" can also be used in a "correcting" or "accusatory" way, where the asker knows full well you haven't started and that is the point he is trying to make.

  9. "Do you ever do something" vs. "Have you ever done something"

    The first uses the present tense, and is thus a question about a general state of affairs. It asks if you ever watch them now or in the past or, by implication, are likely to do so in the future. The second uses the present perfect construction, and asks only if there has been any occasion in the time up until now when you have watched them.

  10. Present perfect simple ( I have worked )

    Present perfect simple ( I have worked ) - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

  11. present perfect

    If you already know who has done it, no. It gives the person the opportunity to say, no. If he has done it, a more proper rebuke would be to ask why he has done it. +1, but there is considerable room for flexibility here. 'Have you ever done it' can be a way of asking if someone has ever borrowed the keys to the wine cellar and helped themselves.

  12. How to Do Homework: 15 Expert Tips and Tricks

    Here's how it works: first, set a timer for 25 minutes. This is going to be your work time. During this 25 minutes, all you can do is work on whatever homework assignment you have in front of you. No email, no text messaging, no phone calls—just homework. When that timer goes off, you get to take a 5 minute break.

  13. Have you done/did you do your homework?

    Mar 18, 2010. #9. The only grammatical difference, as mameytree notes, is that "did you do" is in the preterite form (hiciste), and "have you done" is in the present perfect (has hecho). As for usage, I use them both and they are almost identical. The present perfect is always "a little closer to the present" than the simple past (preterite ...

  14. Have you done your homework already/yet?

    Yet. Already. That is a very poor exam question since, as others have said, both are equally correct, so it is impossible to choose one over the other. 1. Have you done your homework yet? 2. Have you done your homework already? #1 is simply asking if you have done this action. #2 adds a different nuance because it conveys the idea of the action ...

  15. How To Use "Have You" In A Sentence: Usage and Examples

    Verb. "I will 'have you' know that I am well-prepared for the presentation.". Adjective. "She had a 'have you' attitude that exuded confidence.". By recognizing the various roles "have you" can play in a sentence, you can effectively utilize it to convey your intended meaning and add depth to your writing.

  16. A: Have you ….. your homework?

    The ambulance rushed to the hospital it was too late. A. The ambulance rushed to the hospital, it was too late. B. The ambulance rushed to the hospital, but it was too late. C. It is not a run-on. How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the ...

  17. 3 Ways to Survive Forgetting Your Homework at School

    1. Find your book at the library if possible. It is very likely that a copy of the book will be held at your school's library. You may be able to search by the name of your course, the course number, or your teacher's name. If the library at your school is not open, a public library may also have the book.

  18. The 5 Best Homework Help Websites (Free and Paid!)

    Best Site for Math Homework Help: Photomath. Price: Free (or $59.99 per year for premium services) Best for: Explaining solutions to math problems. This site allows you to take a picture of a math problem, and instantly pulls up a step-by-step solution, as well as a detailed explanation of the concept.

  19. How to answer"Did you finish your homework?"

    "Did you finish your homework?" is a straightforward yes/no question. It wouldn't make sense to answer "yes, I didn't" to that question. Perhaps you were thinking of a question formed in the negative? Answering the question "Didn't you do your homework?" with yes or no would be ambiguous. Jack would have to spell it out ...

  20. 3 Ways to Get Out of Doing Homework

    2. Look up the answers online or in the back of the book. Many textbooks have all or half of the answers listed in the back of the book (especially math books). Your teacher may have found the worksheets or questions online, too, so search for the answers online. 3. Act like you did the homework, but forgot it at home.

  21. present perfect

    Why the sentence you tried doesn't work. Now let's discuss why. [1] I have done it before today. doesn't work in your case. It is an acceptable sentence of English, but it is probably not how that conversation would actually go. In your context, it sounds awkward. To explain why, let's consider the following sentence:

  22. Doing Homework: Ins and Outs for Students

    Difficulties In Doing Homework Have you ever thought about the most trouble-free period of your life? Most people would say "nursery school". No wonder, as all you had to do was play and have fun.

  23. Have you done your homework yet?

    Have you done your homework yet? - We did it yesterday.¿Ya hicieron la tarea? - La hicimos ayer. b. ¿Ya hicieron los deberes? (plural) Have you done your homework yet? - No, not yet.¿Ya hicieron los deberes? - No, todavía no. ¡Tirar los dados y aprender una palabra nueva ahora!

  24. New Recall AI on Windows 11 Will Record Every Move You Make On Your PC

    New Recall AI on Windows 11 Will Record Every Move You Make On Your PC. May 21, 2024. Abhijith N Arjunan. As part of the Surface event, Microsoft has launched Recall, an AI feature that allows exploring everything you have seen and done on your Copilot Plus PC. The Recall feature works like a personal historian for your Windows 11 PC.

  25. Here's How to Really Clean Your Keurig Machine to Prevent Mold

    You can begin your Keurig cleaning process by gently wiping down the outside of your coffee machine with a warm, damp cloth or paper towel. Not only does Keurig recommend wiping down your coffee ...

  26. The giant solar storm is having measurable effects on Earth : NPR

    The huge solar storm is keeping power grid and satellite operators on edge. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of solar flares early Saturday afternoon. The National Oceanic and ...

  27. Stephan Jenkins Wishes Third Eye Blind Was Named 'Doja Cat' (Exclusive)

    Third Eye Blind's Stephan Jenkins Would Change 'One Thing' If He Had a Do-Over: 'I Would Name My Band Doja Cat' (Exclusive) The frontman details his group's upcoming Summer Gods Tour, his take on ...

  28. Best things to do in Phoenix this summer: Your 2024 guide

    Day trips from Phoenix. Go Salt River Tubing: Spend a chill day floating down the Salt River with Salt River Tubing. Rent a tube, hop on the shuttle bus, then ease back and enjoy the cool water ...