
How to Write a College Essay When You Have Learning Differences

Ivy Divider

Should You Address Your Learning Difference in Your Common App Essay?

It’s a valid question! But in the end, the answer is probably not.

Your personal statement is your chance to speak to admissions officers in your own voice. It should focus on your strengths, background, or goals. We understand why writing about your learning difference might be important to you. But does it define you?

Try to brainstorm a few other ideas before you make your final decision. Is your learning difference the one thing that you want admissions to remember about you? What else drives, motivates, or inspires you? We bet you’ve got a secret skill or passion, too!

Maybe you will decide that your learning disability* is so important for admissions to know that you want to write 650 words about it. Then you have to make another decision…

Should You Write A Personal Statement or Additional Information Essay about Your Learning Difference?

If you want admissions officers to know about your learning disability, you don’t have to write about it in your personal statement. You can write an additional information essay instead. This is an optional essay that you can add to your Common App.

The additional information prompt reads: “Please provide an answer below if you wish to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application. You may enter up to 650 words.”

The additional information essay is the perfect space to explain personal difficulties like:

  • learning differences
  • low grades or test scores
  • special accommodations like extra time on exams
  • disciplinary issues

If your learning difference hasn’t had a negative effect on your life, we suggest skipping the additional information section.

If you choose to write an additional information essay, you won’t have to choose between writing about your learning disability* or a different topic. You can save your personal statement for a more unique topic. Maybe your knack for knitting sweaters for penguins , love for Papa John’s pizza , or deep knowledge of Costco !

What If You Really Want to Write Your Personal Statement about Your Learning Difference?

As we have said, you should only write your personal statement about your learning difference if you absolutely can’t think of another topic! But at the end of the day, it’s your choice.

If you decide to write about your learning difference, then the Common Application’s Prompt 2 is a great option to back your essay into.

That prompt reads: “The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?”

This prompt asks for a story about resilience, which is exactly how we think you should write about your learning difference.

How Should You Address Your Learning Difference in a College Essay?

If you decide to write about the learning disability* in your application (preferably the additional information section), you should tell a story of success. Write about a struggle you overcame.

You don’t want your essay to present you as a victim. You also don’t want admissions officers to question your ability to keep up with college-level work. So do not dwell on your struggles or setbacks. Instead, celebrate your solutions and achievements!

A few questions to think about as you write your essay:

  • How do you make lemonade out of the lemons that life has given you?
  • How has your learning disability* affected the way you understand the world?
  • How has overcoming your challenge made your more confident or assertive?

Whatever you write about your dyslexia, ADD, or LPD, we would recommend getting a second opinion before you submit your application. Ask a trusted friend, family member, teacher, or essay expert for honest feedback. At the end of the day, it is most important to tell a story that shows who you really are!

*You might have noticed that we used the terms “learning difference” and “learning disability” interchangeably in this article. The reason we did so is because the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) doesn’t count learning differences or learning challenges as disabilities. In order to receive support, services, and equal access to employment, people need to be classified as having a Specific Learning Disability (SLD). More information on this here.

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Written by Kat Stubing

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Tags: add , additional info , additional info essay , additional information , additional information essay , adhd , Admissions , admissions essay , admissions help , application , applications , applying to college , college admissions , college admissions essay , college applications , college essay , college essay advice , college essay advisors , college essay tips , common app essay , dyslexia , learning challenges , learning differences , learning disabilities , personal statement , writing about add , writing about dyslexia , writing about learning differences , writing about learning disabilities


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Learning Disability Essay

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Disclaimer: This paper has been submitted by a student. This is not a sample of the work written by professional academic writers.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this work are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of StudySaurus.


Learning disabilities can be defined as neurologically-based processing problems that interfere with processing problems and can interfere with necessary learning skills like reading and writing. Multiple learning disabilities are, however, not a life sentence to being attacked of a postsecondary educational experience. Anyone can have the disability which ranges from attention deficit disorders, learning, and other health-related disabilities. In this essay, I will emphasize different misconceptions that lie behind learning disability.

It’s wrong to argue that individuals with learning disabilities should not attend college. After Deborah was diagnosed with the learning disability, the supportive parents, little college assistance and excellent academic assistance have aided her to be one of the most fortunate students with the learning disability. Statistics also show that more than 9% of college student reports having learning disabilities of different magnitudes.

Learning disability should not also be related to the slower learner or mental retardation. Students were regarded as retarded and tracked down for options after high school. Many scholars like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Louis Pasteur and Charles Darwin have aided in understanding learning disabilities over the years (Winner, 1997). Learning disabilities, however, does not exist if they are kept hidden. It was defined formally as a heterogeneous of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of reasoning, writing, reading, speaking, listening and mathematical disabilities.

Colleges are not eligible in inquiring learning disability in joining students. In the scenario that involves civil rights, colleges have been cited to include questions in their  applications for admissions that inquire about the disability of students. However, questions about disabilities on the application are generally prohibited.

Accepting learning disabilities is difficult and attempts at attitude adjustment towards seems quite challenging. However, students with learning disabilities should be assisted in camps by providing a positive attitude towards the disabilities. Students tend to complicate matters more for themselves by confronting others due to their disbelief and thus presenting cognitive deficits in areas necessary for college success. Improvements in the way learning disabilities have yielded progress, and the affected population deserves respect, acceptance, support, and encouragement.

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How to Navigate College Admissions With a Learning Disability

Disclosing a disability on your application is a personal choice, experts say.

Learning Disabilities and College Apps

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While the procedural part is stressful, experts say students with learning disabilities who are applying to college often struggle most with deeper questions that are unique to their situation.

The college admissions process can be overwhelming for any student, but it can be especially challenging for those with learning disabilities.

"Many of the students we work with struggle with organizational skills, anxiety and writing," Eric Endlich, founder of Top College Counselors, a college consulting company that works with neurodivergent students, wrote in an email. "So the major tasks involved in the process – building a college list, crafting compelling essays and completing their applications on time – all present challenges."

College applications take a lot of time, research and planning, and they often require executive functioning skills that some students with learning disabilities may lack or struggle with, experts say. For these students, it's crucial to break the application tasks down individually to simplify the process and start on them as early as possible. Creating and sticking to personal deadlines, as well as being aware of each school's deadlines, can help avoid procrastination and alleviate related stress.

Should I Disclose My Learning Disability on My College Application?

This is often one of the first questions students and parents ask and one of the most misunderstood parts of the admissions process, experts say. There is no requirement to disclose a learning disability on a college application, and it's illegal for colleges to discriminate against students with any kind of disability.

"People think that if you disclose your disability that they’ll definitely not admit you. Some think if you disclose your disability it’s going to give you this huge jump and you’re going to go over these other students. There’s no data supporting any of that," says Elizabeth Hamblet, an independent college learning disability specialist and author of "Seven Steps to College Success: A Pathway for Students with Disabilities."

"The admissions deans that I have spoken to say that neither of those things is true," she says. "Disclosure should be the student’s choice."

Some experts say disclosure can provide valuable context to a student's academic profile, particularly for those who have a low GPA or struggle in certain subjects, score poorly on standardized tests like the ACT or SAT or have significant changes in grades while in high school.

"For example, if a student is diagnosed with ADHD during high school, starts taking medication and demonstrates improved grades, it might actually work to a student's advantage to explain this course of events," Endlich says. "I also work with many students who are proud of their autism or neurodivergence as a central part of their identity and choose to write about it proudly in their essays ."

Some admissions officers may see it as an example of a student's character and perseverance, says Jordan Wright, chief clinical officer at Parallel Learning, an advocacy group that helps students with learning disabilities get evaluated and the needed accommodations and resources.

"Students who have had some challenges and setbacks but have pushed forward and pushed through them with support of others and reasonable accommodations, colleges and universities tend to love that," he says. "So I tend to discourage people from hiding their learning differences in their application.”

Students can disclose information either through a personal essay , on the "Additional Information" section on the Common App , through a letter from their school counselor or directly through a conversation with an admissions counselor. While students may focus on their learning disability in their application, it may not always be necessary, says Liz Doe Stone, a senior private counselor for Top Tier Admissions, an admissions consulting company.

"If it’s not something that has had a really dramatic effect, like a particular dip in grades, we wouldn’t recommend students disclose that or work it into an essay just because most colleges want to know about how you think, what excites you academically, how you’ve contributed to your community, and the type of leadership you’ve shown in school or your community," she says. "So you wouldn’t want to dwell or take up precious space in your application materials trying to explain something."

How Do I Decide Which Colleges to Apply to?

Researching colleges and deciding which to apply to can be another stressful part of the admissions process. For students with learning disabilities, it's important to find schools that will meet their specific needs. Not all schools offer the same types of support, and what that support looks like will likely be much different than what students were used to in grades K-12 when they were on either an individualized education program or a 504 plan , Hamblet says.

"There’s so much misunderstanding about what happens when students get to college," she says. “People think IEPs are still valid, which they’re not. People think 504 plans are still valid in college, and they’re not. It’s really important to understand all of this because, in some cases, students have been receiving accommodations that they’re not going to get in college."

Any school that accepts federal money is legally required to provide accommodations for students with disabilities, per the Americans with Disabilities Act. For example, students who need extra time on tests, need to take exams in a separate room free of distractions or need to record a lecture due to attention deficit are allowed to do so.

Some schools do the bare minimum to meet these students' needs, while others go above and beyond, Hamblet says.

For example, a student who is blind or visually impaired is eligible to receive the course's text in an alternative format, such as audio or larger print. For a blind student, a college must make sure any text a professor assigns as a reading is accessible and can be read by screen-reading software. The school isn't required to provide the software, but some do, and it's worth researching how far each school extends its support, she says.

Many schools offer fee-based programs that allow students with learning disabilities to pay for services that colleges aren't required to provide.

For example, the Strategic Alternative Learning Techniques (SALT) Center at the University of Arizona offers tutoring, workshops on reading strategies and exam prep, educational technology such as screen-reading software and note-taking apps, and psychological wellness services. Students must pay for these services.

Some schools, such as Beacon College in Florida and Landmark College in Vermont, exist specifically to serve students with learning disabilities.

"What I want to get away from and be cautious of is that when people learn that there are schools with fee-based programs or two that are just for students with disabilities, they may think they should direct all their students with disabilities to these colleges," Hamblet says. "But not everybody needs that level of support or wants it."

Students should determine the level of support they'll need, then research a school's website to see if it offers any support specific to a certain learning disability, Hamblet says.

All the different types of support offered aren't always listed, so before applying students should contact the disability services office to learn the full scope of services.

"Accommodations represent the foundational level of support that every college provides, though of course the staffing levels and backgrounds can vary quite a bit," Endlich says. "Only a fraction of colleges offer comprehensive support programs with academic coaching, peer mentoring, workshops, social events, priority registration and other components."

When completing the application and going through the admissions process, it's best to work with a team that includes teachers, parents, counselors and mentors, Wright says. This can help divide up certain tasks and make the process successful.

"Many students, especially with learning and thinking differences, have had a lot of experiences where they have not succeeded," he says. "They’ve been given these large projects and not given the accommodations they need to succeed or the supports they need to succeed, so they’ve had these experiences where it’s not been successful, and we don’t want to replicate that. We don’t want to trigger the emotional memory of them not succeeding in these large, cumbersome projects."

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Guest Blog: How to Effectively Write About a Disability in a College Essay

Diane Diamantis June 13, 2016 Blog Posts , Non-Profit

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Today we are pleased to feature a guest blog by Shirag Shemmassian, Ph.D. We met Dr. Shemmassian at the 2016 national conference of the Tourette Association of America. His work as a consultant helping students with disabilities fits well with our goal of helping college students who have Tourette Syndrome. Here, he covers a topic that can benefit students with all types of disabilities. We hope you find it useful!

–Dollars 4 Tic Scholars

How to Effectively Write about a Disability in a College Essay

by Shirag Shemmassian, Ph.D.

Parents often ask me whether their student’s college admissions chances will be hurt if they discuss a disability in their college essay.

The answer is a resounding “No.” In fact, disclosing a disability in a college essay or elsewhere on a college application can help your student gain admission to their dream school .

Colleges aim to recruit a diverse student body, and disability is seen as one form of diversity. Disclosing a disability can provide admissions committee members with the proper context in which to evaluate your student’s academic and personal achievements.

Nevertheless, I am a firm believer that there is no such thing as a good or bad college essay topic, only strong or poor execution . Therefore, merely disclosing a disability won’t be enough to get your student into great colleges. They will have to go a step further and discuss specifically how their disability makes them them .

So, how can your student produce a standout essay about their disability? Following the dos and don’ts listed below will help your student avoid common mistakes and wow admissions committees the nation over.

  • Don’t write a story with the intention to make the admissions committee feel bad for you. Do write a story that demonstrates your unique qualities and how you will be a good fit with a particular school.

Every time an admissions committee member reads a college essay, the question in the back of their mind is: “Will this applicant be a good fit at our school?” The best way for your student to demonstrate fit with a college is to tell a compelling story that conveys their positive traits, such as grit, resilience, and optimism. On the other hand, telling a story that exclusively highlights the challenges your student faced with their disability will unfortunately lead the reader to doubt whether they will be able to handle the rigors associated with college life.

  • Don’t simply write about how you dealt with your disability. Do communicate how working through your disability has transformed you or helped you grow.

Your student’s disability, and the way they have dealt with it, have likely contributed significantly to their identity development. Admissions committees want to know how your student’s experiences with their disability has shaped them into the wonderful person they are today. For example, overcoming the teasing and self-advocating for my educational rights associated with my Tourette Syndrome diagnosis has helped me embrace the fact I am just as capable as anyone else and to help others do the same. How has your student been transformed positively because of their disability experiences?

  • Don’t present yourself as someone who has overcome every issue related to your disability. Do present yourself as someone who makes the most of every difficult situation you face.

Your student’s disability may impact their friendships, schoolwork, and relationships with family members. And while your student is likely an incredibly resilient individual who has overcome multiple barriers at school, at home, and in the community, they inevitably continue to face challenges due to their disability or otherwise. Therefore, your student’s goal for their college essay should be to authentically discuss their responses to life’s challenges, regardless of whether or not they have figured everything out. I mean, which of us has?

Final Thoughts

Your student should not shy away from discussing their disability when completing their college applications. Doing so may help them present a side of themselves that is likely a major part of the person they uniquely are. Nevertheless, there are multiple fine lines your student must straddle when discussing their disability to come across as authentic and resilient, and to demonstrate fit with their dream schools.

Shirag-Shemmassian Bio Photo

Dr. Shemmassian channeled his passion for empowering families to found Shemmassian Academic Consulting , through which he helps students with disabilities get into America’s top colleges. His work has been featured on television, conferences, and various blogs and podcasts. You can receive Dr. Shemmassian’s top 10 college admissions secrets for free to help your student get into their dream school—without the stress—by clicking here .

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Explaining Learning Disabilities in Ivy Applications

Sally Rubenstone

Question: My son is applying to seven colleges right now. He has one safety, one match and five reaches (all Ivies). His grades are slightly lower than some of the standard Ivy league applicants (he has a few B's and one C) but he has a 504 plan at school due to some learning disabilities. However, his IQ tests have shown he is very bright. How do we explain his disabilities in the application or essay? We want the schools to know he has extenuating circumstances.

The best place for your son to explain his disabilities is on the “Additional Information" page of his applications. But if he's already earmarked this section this for another purpose, then an unsolicited letter or essay is fine, too. He could also use his main essay for this reason if he thinks that he has an engaging story to tell (although it's hard to weigh in here without knowing what his issues are). I often suggest to students that by choosing “Additional Information" to describe disabilities or other obstacles while writing the primary essay on something else , it conveys a message that proclaims, “Yes, I've had these problems but they don't define me."

Your son's explanatory statement — wherever he presents it — should briefly provide details about his diagnosis, how it's affected him and what he has done to surmount it. He should not mention his high IQ. Admission officials don't want to know this any more than they want to know his shoe size! They are interested in seeing what their applicants have done with their intellectual gifts, but they don't need to have those gifts quantified. In fact, it will probably work against your son if he includes his IQ (or any reference to it) in his applications.

Based on the little you've said about your son, it sounds as if he needs a more balanced college list that includes additional realistic choices. Although admission officials will evaluate him “holistically" — meaning that they will view his grades in the context of all other information he offers — even students with straight A's are turned away by the Ivies in droves. The Ivy admission folks are looking for candidates with unique accomplishments or for those with a combination of high achievement and an unusual background. The fact that your son has done well in school despite his disabilities is certainly laudable, but it will not win over persnickety Ivy admission committees unless he has applied his talents in an atypical and impressive way beyond this.

So if you feel that your son has tremendous potential that has not yet been tapped but that his greatest accomplishment so far is being successful in school despite his learning challenges, then encourage him to cast a broader college application net and help him to find more “match" or “safe" schools that excite him. If the Ivies don't work out for him this time around, he can aim for them for graduate school, although he may discover in the meantime that his goals have changed.

If you'd like to submit a question to College Confidential, please send it along here .

Sally Rubenstone

Sally Rubenstone knows the competitive and often convoluted college admission process inside out: From the first time the topic of college comes up at the dinner table until the last duffel bag is unloaded on a dorm room floor. She is the co-author of Panicked Parents' Guide to College Admissions; The Transfer Student's Guide to Changing Colleges and The International Student's Guide to Going to College in America. Sally has appeared on NBC's Today program and has been quoted in countless publications, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Weekend, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, Newsweek, People and Seventeen. Sally has viewed the admissions world from many angles: As a Smith College admission counselor for 15 years, an independent college counselor serving students from a wide range of backgrounds and the author of College Confidential's "Ask the Dean" column. She also taught language arts, social studies, study skills and test preparation in 10 schools, including American international schools in London, Paris, Geneva, Athens and Tel Aviv. As senior advisor to College Confidential since 2002, Sally has helped hundreds of students and parents navigate the college admissions maze. In 2008, she co-founded College Karma, a private college consulting firm, with her College Confidential colleague Dave Berry, and she continues to serve as a College Confidential advisor. Sally and her husband, Chris Petrides, became first-time parents in 1997 at the ripe-old age of 45. So Sally was nearly an official senior citizen when her son Jack began the college selection process, and when she was finally able to practice what she had preached for more than three decades.

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Should I Disclose My Learning Disability on College Applications?

Disclosing your learning disability to colleges can be a hard step to take when you don't want to be defined by it. Here's why experts say it's a good idea.

by Eric Endlich, PhD and Jessie Brumfiel

Last Updated: Mar 12, 2024

Originally Posted: Jul 20, 2020

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Whether or not you disclose during the application process, once you’ve been accepted and put down a deposit at the college you plan to attend, reach out to the Disability Services Office (sometimes called the Accessibility Services Office or Learning Differences Office) and set up an appointment. You can provide any relevant documentation you have (e.g., neuropsychological evaluation, doctor’s letter) and discuss the accommodations and supports you’ll need. Speaking up now will pay off later! 

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Learning Disabilities and the College Process: Navigating Admissions and Support Services

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Navigating the college application process can be challenging for any student, but if you have a learning disability (LD), there may be additional layers to consider. Higher education institutions in the United States are becoming increasingly cognizant of the diverse needs of their student populations, including those with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, ADHD or visual processing disorder. As you embark on this journey, understanding your rights, and how they change as you move from high school to college, is crucial in finding a college that will support your educational growth and success.

To start, it’s essential to recognize that colleges are mandated by law to provide accommodations and/or services for eligible students with disabilities. This means that after sending the proper documentation of the learning difference to the college which you plan to attend, the disabilities service office (sometimes called accessibility services), will review your file and determine which accommodations and other support services they will grant you. You will meet with them to review the plan and can appeal if you don’t think it is comprehensive enough. When applying to colleges, researching the support services each institution offers, like executive function coaching, tutoring, assistive technology, and accommodations such as extended test time can provide insight into how well a college can cater to your specific needs.

In preparing for college, you should also consider how to communicate your learning disability to your chosen institutions effectively. Self-advocacy comes into play here, as you’ll need to provide documentation of your disability to access resources. Moreover, understanding how to articulate the challenges you’ve faced and the strategies you’ve developed to cope demonstrates resilience and a proactive attitude, qualities that college admissions committees often regard highly. Many colleges with structured programs for students with learning disabilities will ask you to complete a separate application with questions that relate to how well you understand your strengths and weaknesses as a learner, if you an explain your needs, and ask about your history since you were first diagnosed.

Understanding Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities encompass a variety of challenges that can affect your ability to learn, process information, and communicate effectively.

Types of Learning Disabilities and Neurodiversity

Learning disabilities are neurological disorders that can manifest in different ways. Here’s a brief overview of some common types:

  • Dyslexia : Characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition, decoding and poor spelling abilities. There are different types of dyslexia such as auditory, visual, rapid naming or a combination.
  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) : Affects your focus, self-control, and ability to sit still, though some students primarily have the inattentive type and have no problem sitting still. It can impede organization and time management.
  • Executive Function Disorder: Behavioral symptom that disrupts a person’s ability to manage their own thoughts, emotions and actions.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder : This can influence how you perceive the world, causing challenges with communication and social interactions.
  • Visual Processing Disorder : Makes interpreting visual information challenging, affecting reading and comprehension.
  • Auditory Processing Disorder : This leads to difficulties in processing and interpreting sounds, especially when there is background noise.
  • Slow processing speed: When much more time is required to take in, make sense of, and respond to information including visual information such as letters or numbers. It can also be auditory such as spoken language.
  • Dysgraphia: Poses challenges with writing such as letter formation, rate of writing, letter spacing, fine motor coordination, grammar and composition.
  • Dyscalculia: Impacts the brain areas that handle math, numbers and understanding of related concepts.
  • Dyspraxia: Can impact fluency of speech or fine-motor skills such as writing or gross motor skills and coordination. It can often occur with conditions such as ADHD.
  • Non-verbal learning disability : Impacts non-verbal skills such as motor, visual-spatial and social.

Each learning disability requires a unique approach to accommodation and support.

Federal Laws and Educational Rights

You are protected by several federal laws that ensure educational institutions provide the necessary accommodations for students with disabilities. Before graduating from high school you are covered under the following laws:

  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act : Requires schools to provide appropriate accommodations so students with disabilities can participate equally.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) : Ensures specialized services for individuals with disabilities up to secondary education but doesn’t apply to colleges. However, the spirit of IDEA influences post-secondary education policies.

Once you graduate from high school, you are protected under the following law:

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) : Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including college.

These laws mean that if you have a documented learning disability, colleges are required to offer reasonable accommodations. For instance, if you have dyslexia, you may receive extra time on tests or texts in alternative formats such as audiobooks. Students on the autism spectrum often benefit from tailored support services to assist with social and communication skills. Academic coaching could support those with ADHD by providing strategies to improve executive function. Embracing neurodiversity is becoming a clear objective in college inclusivity practices, ensuring a range of cognitive differences are supported.

Preparing for College Admission

Navigating the college admissions process can be challenging for high school students with learning disabilities. Your preparation should be thorough, starting early in your high school career and taking advantage of resources like school counselors. Applying for accommodations for either the SAT or the ACT early in high school allows time for you to appeal if you are not approved. For the SAT and AP exams, once you are approved by College Board your accommodations will be in place for the duration of high school. ACT requires you to register for a test and then work with your school’s coordinator to submit the required paperwork for requesting accommodations, so this typically occurs in junior year.  Developing strategies for standardized testing such as deciding which test is a better fit and how you will prepare for the exam (tutor, class, or self-study) are critical steps toward college admission.

High School Preparation

College student is studing

The Role of Admissions Consultants

Admissions experts are pivotal in guiding you through the college admissions process. They can assist in developing an educational plan that aligns with your career aspirations and learning needs. Counselors can also help interpret test scores and identify colleges with suitable support programs. Ensure you meet with them regularly to discuss your progress and any adjustments you may need to make in your preparation.

Standardized Testing Strategies

Standardized testing can be a hurdle, but there are strategies to help you succeed. It’s crucial to understand how your learning disability may impact test-taking and to seek accommodations if necessary. You might qualify for extended time or the ability to take exams in a less distracting environment. Consistent practice and familiarization with the format of standardized tests can also improve your performance.

  • Practice: Regularly engage with practice materials for tests like the SAT or ACT.

Crafting a Compelling Application

The college application is your opportunity to showcase your unique strengths and experiences. A well-crafted application includes an honest and engaging essay, detailed extracurricular descriptions, and strong letters of recommendation.

  • Essay: Write a personal essay that conveys your resilience and how you’ve managed your learning disability.
  • Supplemental Essays: Colleges ask their own questions such as “Why do you want to apply here?” or “Why did you list the major you chose in your application, or, if undecided, what academic areas do you plan to explore?” These essays can be even more important than the personal essay as you are making an argument for why you are a good match for the college. You are connecting yourself and your interests to the specific college.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Choose recommenders who know you well and can speak about your academic and personal growth.

Be sure to highlight specific aspects of your high school experience that reflect your readiness for college and accurately represent your abilities and achievements.

Navigating College Admissions

The admissions journey requires comprehensive understanding and strategic planning, especially when you have a learning disability.

Understanding the Admissions Process

Most colleges and universities have an admissions process that evaluates your academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and personal essays. Familiarize yourself with application deadlines and required documentation, as these vary by institution. Higher education institutions typically detail their admissions criteria on their websites and provide contact information for their admissions office. Some disability support programs will require a separate application.

  • September—April: Determine your criteria for what you seek in a college, research and visit colleges, draft activities resume, assess the type of accommodations and support you will need in college
  • May—July: Ask for recommendations and complete your personal essay
  • August-October: Complete supplemental essays and applications, and do interviews where offered.
  • October–January: Submit applications
  • April-May: Review acceptances and financial aid offers, attend accepted student days, and make your decision.

Selecting the Right College

Your college search should focus on finding an institution that aligns with your academic goals and offers support for your learning disability. All colleges that accept Federal funding are required to offer accommodations. You may need more than accommodations so look for colleges with structured learning support programs, academic coaching and other academic support as needed.

Considerations When Choosing a College :

  • Academic programs related to your interests
  • Support services for students with learning disabilities
  • Class size and faculty-to-student ratio
  • Location and campus culture
  • Research, co-op and internship opportunities
  • Sports and extracurricular activities relevant to your interests
  • Financial aid and scholarship opportunities
  • Size of their endowment and evaluation of their financial health

Disclosure of a Learning Disability

The decision to disclose a learning disability is a personal one. The only way to receive support in college is to disclose your disability to the disability service office. You do not need to disclose to admission to receive support. If you discuss your disability with the disability office during your application process they will not share that information with the admissions office. Here are some considerations regarding disclosing to the admission office:

  • An opportunity for the admissions committee to view your application holistically.
  • To clarify any inconsistency in your academic record that would be explained by disclosing
  • Potential for bias, although many colleges value diversity and inclusiveness.
  • Personal privacy preferences.
  • If there is nothing amiss in your academic record or extracurricular profile there may be no need to disclose to admission.

Disclosing after acceptance can ensure that the institution offers accommodations and resources to support you from the start of your college experience.

Support Services in Higher Education

Colleges and universities have specialized services to support your academic journey, particularly if you have a learning disability. Understanding the resources available can empower you to seek the necessary support for a successful college experience.

Disability Services Offices

Your first point of contact should be the Disability Services Office (DSO) at your chosen institution. The DSO serves as the central hub for managing and coordinating support for students with learning disabilities. You are required to provide disability documentation to this office to verify your eligibility for support services. Once your documentation is reviewed and you are deemed a qualified student, the DSO will work with you to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations.

Accommodations and Resources

Accommodating students with learning disabilities is a priority to ensure academic success. Reasonable accommodations are adjustments to your academic environment that help level the playing field. These might include:

  • Priority registration
  • Extended time on exams
  • Note-taking apps
  • Alternative format for course materials
  • Quiet testing locations
  • Assistive technology
  • Language waivers or course substitutions depending on the college/major requirements
  • Reduced course load
  • Housing accommodations

Modifications are rarely if ever granted in college. An extended deadline for an assignment may be granted on a case-by-case basis in special circumstances but not as a routine accommodation. Substitution of assignments is not typically approved.

Remember, accommodations are tailored to your individual needs and are provided to help you fully engage with your coursework.

Peer Tutors, Professional Tutors, and Academic Support

Universities often offer peer tutors and other forms of academic support to supplement your learning experience. Peer tutors are typically fellow students who excel in their subject areas and have been trained to assist their peers. Engaging with a peer tutor can help reinforce your understanding of course material and improve your academic performance. Some colleges have professional tutors who are trained in understanding learning disabilities.

  • One-on-one tutoring sessions
  • Group study sessions
  • Workshops on academic strategies
  • Academic coaches for organization, time management, planning
  • Supplementary instruction for notoriously challenging courses
  • Writing tutors housed in a writing center
  • Quantitative centers for math and related support

In addition to peer tutoring, many institutions receive federal funding to provide comprehensive academic support programs, often housed within disability resource centers. These centers staff trained professionals who can provide specialized assistance and facilitate the use of accommodations.

Academic and Social Adjustments

When you transition from high school to college, academic and social adjustments are crucial for your success. It’s important to understand how your learning disability will interact with this new environment and use the support systems available to navigate both academic and social challenges.

Transition from High School to College

In high school, you may have had structured support and an individualized education plan (IEP)  tailored to your learning disability. College, however, brings a greater demand for self-advocacy and self-regulation. As you attend college, become familiar with the college’s disability services office. They can assist with academic accommodations, including exam accommodations or note-taking services.

College student with adhd among other students in the class

Achieving College Success

To succeed in college as an LD student, time management and organizational skills are vital. Utilize planners or digital apps to track assignments and deadlines. Strategies that played a role in your ability to graduate high school will still be important, but they will need to be adapted to fit more complex and demanding college coursework.

Engage with professors and teaching assistants early in the semester to discuss your disability and the potential impact on your coursework. Be proactive in seeking help; regular visits to office hours and tutoring services can help keep you on track. College success often hinges not just on your intelligence, but on your ability to leverage resources effectively.

Your application process may have involved considering colleges based on their provisions for LD students. It’s crucial to continue making informed choices about which courses to take and which extracurricular activities to engage in, ensuring they align with your strengths and accommodations. See your advisor as you choose courses and also get input from your contact in disability services.

Social Integration and Networking

The college experience is more than academic achievement; social integration and networking play a significant role in a comprehensive college experience. LD students may face unique social challenges, such as difficulty with social cues or executive function issues that can affect the organization and planning of social activities.

Joining student organizations and study groups can improve your social networks and offer peer support systems. They can also provide informal learning opportunities outside the classroom, where you can develop interpersonal skills and build a community that appreciates your unique talents and perspective.

College students, especially those with learning disabilities, can benefit from mentorship programs where they are paired with upper-class, graduate students or faculty that understand the student’s disability. Such programs can serve as a social bridge and provide additional insights into navigating college life successfully.

Remember, your college offers various resources to facilitate your transition and aid in your success, both academically and socially. Embrace them, and remember that your learning disability is just one facet of your college experience.

Educational Advocates College Consulting: Supporting Students with Learning Differences in Admissions

As you navigate the complex college admissions landscape, Educational Advocates specialize in guiding you if you’re a student with ADHD or other learning differences .

  • Building Your College List : We help pinpoint institutions that offer the necessary academic support, increasing the likelihood of your success.
  • Transition Strategies : Advisors work to ensure your transition to higher education is seamless, focusing on institutions that embrace neurodiversity.
  • Academic Support : We identify and explain the various types of academic assistance available to you, so you can fully utilize these resources.
  • Test Guidance : You’ll receive advice on standardized testing and the implications of test-optional policies.
  • Disclosure Advice : We assist in deciding if, when, and how you should disclose your disability, ensuring your privacy and advocacy are balanced.
  • Self-Advocacy : By fostering self-advocacy skills, they prepare you to independently navigate college life.
  • Skill Building : You will be assessed for college readiness and guided in building skills for a successful college experience.

Working with an ADHD college consultant or college admissions advisor for students with learning differences means having a knowledgeable partner in your corner. We are well-versed in strategies that support students like you in achieving your academic goals. With our help, you can approach the college admissions process with confidence and clarity.

When navigating the college process with learning disabilities, preparation and knowledge are your strongest allies. Colleges are increasingly recognizing the diverse needs of all students, including those with disabilities. As a neurodiverse student, you are eligible for reasonable accommodations to ensure your educational experience is accessible and equitable.

Tutoring, writing and math centers and coaching are part of the spectrum of accommodations available. These are designed to address the significant gap that might exist in your learning experience. It’s important to remember that accommodations don’t alter the fundamental outcomes but rather level the playing field.

Many schools have adapted their policies to support students with disabilities more comprehensively. This means your list of potential colleges is wider, and your chances of integrating into a college that understands and supports your needs are high. Grade improvements are often seen when adequate accommodations are in place, which could positively reflect on your grades.

To ensure you make the most informed decisions, research each school’s policy on accommodations. Your grades represent only a part of your potential; many schools are looking beyond traditional metrics to build a diverse and inclusive student body.

Remember, your learning disability is one aspect of your rich profile as an applicant. With the right support and a proactive approach to utilize all the accommodations available, you can thrive in the college environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can students with adhd succeed in college.

Yes, students with ADHD can succeed in college with the right support and strategies. Many colleges offer resources like extended test time, note-taking services, and academic advising tailored to students with ADHD.

Is it easier to get into college if you have a disability?

Having a disability does not inherently make it easier to get into college. Admission processes aim to be inclusive, and schools must comply with laws that prevent discrimination based on disability. However, colleges look at a broad range of factors beyond a student’s disability when making admission decisions.

Should I disclose a disability on a college application?

Disclosure of a disability on your college application is a personal decision. If there is a discrepancy in your academic record, disclosing will allow the admissions office to. understand your academic record within the context. It may be unnecessary if your academic record is strong.

Does ADHD count as a disability in colleges?

Yes, ADHD is recognized as a disability assuming the student was on an IEP or 504 plan in high school and has documentation that shows that the ADHD impacted the student’s ability to access the curriculum. This recognition means that you can request accommodations through the college’s disability services office, provided you submit the required documentation of your diagnosis.

Education Advocates

Empowering high school students to thrive academically and personally, Educational Advocates offers comprehensive college admissions assistance tailored to your individual needs and aspirations.

(617) 734-3700 [email protected]

Better Business Bureau

Educational Advocates College Consulting does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, citizenship, ethnic or national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, in providing its services.

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Guide for College Students with Learning Disabilities

learning disability college essay

Lisa Freedland is a Scholarships360 writer with personal experience in psychological research and content writing. She has written content for an online fact-checking organization and has conducted research at the University of Southern California as well as the University of California, Irvine. Lisa graduated from the University of Southern California in Fall 2021 with a degree in Psychology.

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Guide for College Students with Learning Disabilities

Going to college is an exciting, but also nerve-wracking time in many students’ lives. The new responsibilities, environments, and expectations of college can be hard for any new student – but students applying to colleges with learning disabilities can face additional challenges. However, with the appropriate resources, any student with a learning disability or difference can thrive in college. Keep on reading to learn about what resources are available on college campuses! 

What is a learning disability or difference? 

Great question! A learning disability is any disorder impacting one’s ability to understand or speak oral or written language, do mathematical calculations, move around, or focus one’s attention. Some common examples include:

  • Dyslexia: Difficulties in reading or interpreting words, letters, and other symbols
  • Dyscalculia: Difficulties in learning number-related concepts, doing mathematical calculations, or performing other foundational math skills (e.g. addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
  • Processing Deficits: Difficulties with the recognizing or interpreting information taken in through the senses (touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste)
  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A chronic condition characterized by difficulty paying attention, impulsiveness, and/or hyperactivity (While ADHD is not generally considered a learning disability , it often is found with other disabilities)

While these are the basic definitions of the above disorders, keep in mind that symptoms differ slightly for everyone – even for those with the same condition. Nevertheless, such conditions may make it harder, but certainly not impossible, for students to attend college and keep up with school work. 

If you have a disability (learning or otherwise) and are planning on attending college – know that you’re not alone! Many students with disabilities are accepted to, attend, thrive, and eventually graduate from colleges all throughout the nation (and abroad, too).

However, before such students even get to college, they should make sure that they choose a school  that’s best suited to their needs. The first step in doing that? Identifying what exactly makes a college “accommodating.” 

Identifying accommodating colleges

As with any student, there are many factors to consider when choosing a college. Academic options, cost, location, and social scene remain particularly important factors for many students. For those with disabilities, however, it’s also important to look for the school that best accommodates your needs. So, how can you know that you’re picking the right school for you? Let’s see!

Types of disability support programs

It’s a true, but unfortunate fact that some colleges do the bare minimum to accommodate their learning-disabled students. Others, however, excel in that area – doing the best they can to assist their students in any way possible. To determine whether a school’s accommodations are basic, extensive, or somewhere in the middle, here are some descriptions of different “levels” of college disability support programs (going from the most “basic” to increasingly accommodating):

Basic disability support programs meet the minimum requirements for disability accommodations (as required by law). They typically have no professional learning specialists as faculty or staff, and the Dean of Students is responsible for reading documentation and awarding accommodations. 

There are typically no specialized services for students with learning disabilities, so students resort to using the writing center, math center, and other general services that are available to all students.  

Moderate disability support programs have Learning Centers open solely to students with disabilities. These centers provide services and support that are much more extensive than a university-wide writing center, math center, etc. The services provided will include a wide range of accommodations, assistive technology, and professional tutors or coaches. Schools with “moderate” support programs also have their own professional, Masters-level disability support staff who understand the challenges of students with disabilities and learning differences. 


Comprehensive disability support programs offer students the option of a fee-based program for those who need a more structured learning system. These programs have students meet either weekly or biweekly with professionals who help them with their study skills, organizational skills, and time management. These professionals also listen to any difficulties their students are having and advocate on their behalf, if need be. 

Interested students are required to fill out a separate application for acceptance into these programs, in addition to the typical college admissions application.

Also consider:

Keep in mind that these (“Basic,” “Moderate,” “Comprehensive”) are not the actual names of universities’ disability support programs. These descriptions help you figure out what support programs and services are considered “bare minimum,” and which are somewhat more impressive.

With an understanding of what the different “levels” of disability services and accommodations look like, you can better identify schools that fit your criteria. So, let’s get ready to apply to colleges!

Applying to college

There are many steps involved in applying to college, and students are largely expected to know and complete each step themselves. For those with learning disabilities, there are a few extra steps too. So, how can you make sure that you complete everything on time and are making the best choices for yourself? Well, by following our nifty timeline for applying!

Timeline for applying

Our timeline is a basic outline of what to do at certain points in your high school career. Following it will help you apply to and select the best one for you (considering your disability).  While it is certainly not necessarily to follow this to a tee, following it closely helps ensure that you get everything done. Without further ado, here’s the timeline:

Junior year (Fall)

Set up an appointment with a college advisor who understands your learning disability and your needs. Have them help you set up your own timeline that includes starting to identify universities where you can thrive.

Update your testing and make sure your accommodations are set up. Set up a meeting with your tutors, educational therapist, college counselor, psychologist, and anyone else who helps you manage your learning disability. Let them know that you plan on transitioning to college in one year, and have them help you set up milestones to achieve this goal of yours.

Junior year (Spring)

Visit colleges (if possible)! When doing so, set up an appointment with the disabilities office. Inquire about what services are available, and see what level of accessibility they meet. Note how comfortable (or uncomfortable) you feel while visiting these disability offices. Can you see yourself comfortably walking into them and seeking help/services while in college? If you are unable to visit a college in person, consider setting up a virtual meeting with someone at the school’s disability office. 

Senior year (Fall)

Apply to colleges that have met your standards for disability support services (and comfort level!). If you choose to disclose your ability to your university, seek assistance from your consultant when drafting this written statement.

Make sure that you are aware of  college application deadlines and options, including early decision and early action . 

Senior year (Spring)

Once you’ve received your acceptances, try to visit the colleges one last time. If possible, speak with students on campus to hear the experiences of people who’ve actually attended the school. Even better, try to speak to other students with learning disabilities – they may be able to inform you about whether or not the school’s services and accommodations are helpful. If you have time, consider visiting the disabilities office again to see how comfortable you feel while there.

After accepting a college offer/sending in your enrollment deposit

Make sure the testing for your diagnosis is up-to-date, and apply for accommodations with your college! Meet with your educational support team (tutors, educational therapist, college counselor, psychologist) to prepare for your interview with the disabilities office. And, if you feel you need to brush up on your academic skills before college, consider doing more educational therapy the summer before college.

Preparing for college

Those with ADHD might consider working with an academic coach their first semester of college, while those with anxiety should continue talking with their therapist over the summer and find a counselor on or near your school’s campus. Otherwise, if you feel like you’re all prepped and ready for college, you’re all set. Have fun!

After picking a college

Once you’ve picked the school that seems ideal for you, it’s important  to reach out to the disabilities office for instructions on how to request accommodations. While each school has a different process, it’s most common that universities have students submit their psychoeducational report (that includes their diagnosis) upon their first meeting with the disabilities office. 

This testing report must come from a licensed professional psychologist. And, while some schools accept an IEP (Individualized Education Program) , others will not. Students are also encouraged to visit the website of their university’s disability office and fill out any necessary paperwork themselves.

Remember, colleges do not require you to disclose your learning disability when you apply! Even if you do disclose your learning disability or difference in your application, it is still your responsibility to notify the disabilities office. This way, you can take advantage of the many resources and accommodations available to you.

Accommodations for students with learning disabilities

On that note, what are some of the actual accommodations that students can receive while in college? Well, there are many types available, all meant to help students attend classes, complete coursework, and take exams in a way that best suits their own learning style. So, without further ado, here are some of the most common accommodations:

Adapting individual course instruction

Adapting individual course instruction involves identifying the specific learning needs of a student and adjusting how core content and information is presented to make it more accessible for that individual.

Alternative types of coursework and testing material

Alternative types of coursework or testing materials allows students to express what they’ve learned in a way that is more suitable for them (compared to the original option). Although some courses only meet the minimum legal requirements, organizations like the Universal Design of Instruction are encouraging educators to make their classes more accessible for all students. For example, students might be offered a variety of expression formats to demonstrate learning such as written papers, oral presentations, or creative posters. 

Assistive software and technology

Assistive software and technology includes programs to help dyslexic students better process text, to recording devices, stress management tools, and more. We’ll get more into this later!

On-campus support centers

College campuses, especially more accommodating ones, typically have a variety of on-campus support centers and services for students with disabilities. These may include disabilities services offices, trained professional staff to help students with learning disabilities, or even wellness centers. Ideally, students should get to know the staff at such support centers, so they can feel comfortable coming to them if they need help.

In-class accommodations

One’s classroom accommodations largely depend on their diagnosis. However, some common in-class accommodations include providing students with a scribe or note-taker, accessible seating, or offering a quiet room for students to take tests in.

Additional time to complete coursework and exams

Early on in the school term, professors typically request that students with disabilities inform them of their diagnoses so that these students receive additional time to complete coursework and exams. In some cases, schools may also allow students to take oral (as opposed to written) exams if they are more suitable to the student.

Disability resource centers

Besides those on campus, students can also generally find disability resource centers in their school’s surrounding community. Such organizations often have partnerships with nearby universities and can provide individualized services and support to students with learning disabilities.

Assistive technology

With the passage of time comes new and improved technologies. Among these are new assistive technologies, which refer to any equipment, software, programs, or products designed to help those with disabilities of any kind. So, as expected, many assistive technologies have since made their way into classrooms – helping students better navigate and understand their coursework. Some of the more common forms of assistive technology include:

Talking word processors (Speech-to-text)

Speech-to-text technology allows students to speak their thoughts into text, rather than being directly written or typed. This is extremely helpful for students with dyslexia or physical impairments which may make writing difficult.

Digital recorders

Those with ADHD and who struggle to pay attention in class may find digital recorders helpful, as these allow them to record classes or lectures and rewatch or re-listen to them later on.

Assistive technology centers

If students have any questions about how to use their assistive technologies, are interested in obtaining assistive technologies, or anything else of the sort – assistive technology centers are the place to go. Not only can they train students on how to use their new assistive technologies, but they can also format one’s coursework to be more accessible to students with learning disabilities. 

Helpful accessibility apps

One of the many forms of assistive technology are apps, computer programs or software designed to run on mobile phones, laptops, desktops, or even watches. Apps are a great resource for those with any disability, as there are more than enough to cater to everyone’s needs. 

Students with dyslexia or dysgraphia might benefit from apps like ModMath and Voice Dream . Apps such as Avaz and MyTalkTools are designed to assist individuals with communication and verbal barriers. Finally, there are apps like All Critical Thinking and Clear , which can help students stay on top of responsibilities and learn new everyday skills. This is just a sampling  of the many options that are out there. A quick search will provide you with a plethora of more options, which only grow and improve as technology develops! 

Pursuing financial aid

By now, we’ve covered identifying accommodating colleges, applying to college, and helpful accommodations and technologies that make college life easier. However, what about paying for college? Luckily, students with disabilities are eligible for many types of loans, scholarships, and other funding options! Let’s get into them.

First off are the non-loan funding options. HEOA, or the Higher Education Opportunity Act , has made it so students with learning disabilities can qualify for non-loan-based federal aid. Some of these non-loan funding options include:

  • Federal Pell grants
  • Federal work-study
  • Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants
  • Other federal and state grants

Besides these, however, students with disabilities may also be eligible for:

  • Individual training account funds set up by a One-Stop-Career-Center
  • Self-Support (PASS Plans) from the Social Security Administration
  • Medicaid Funding for Community-Based Supports

On top of these, students are also eligible for federal loans. Many are specific to students with disabilities or generally directed towards them. Grants, similarly, offer many funding opportunities to students with disabilities. 

Students may also be interested in federal grants. If so, we highly recommend that students fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) – as many of the grant applications require students to have done so. 

If students are interested in scholarships, there are also many directed towards students with learning disabilities ! There are general scholarships, as well as specific options for students with autism , ADHD , hearing impairment and students with disabled parents . 

Alternatively, if students feel that the accommodations at many schools are insufficient, they may be interested in attending a college specifically for students with disabilities. Many of these universities have their own, unique sources of funding for their students, which tend to make their costs lower than that of the average university. 

Related: Top 10 Colleges for Students With Learning Disabilities

Additional Resources

And last, but not least, are some additional resources! These are simply some additional tools to help students transition to college and perform their best. 

AHEAD strives to help students with learning disabilities perform their best in college. To do so, AHEAD offers coaching, mentoring, and self-advocacy skill training for students with learning disabilities.

American Youth Policy Forum offers a variety of webinars and YouTube videos meant to help students with disabilities transition to college life.

NCLD , or the National Center for Learning Disabilities, provides those with learning disabilities advice on transitioning to college. They also provide an honest look into the challenges of navigating college with a learning disability. 

The Viscardi Center provides a vast number of resources, programs, and services to those with disabilities. Some of these resources are directed specifically at college-aged students.

U.S. Department of Justice and Civil Rights Division allows individuals to read through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and learn their rights. The ADA provides a thorough description of Title II and how it supports individuals with disabilities. 

And with that, we’re (basically) done! Below you can access the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions on this topic. Otherwise, we wish you the best of luck with your college journey, and send you off!

Key Takeaways

  • There’s a lot to consider when choosing a college that will best fit your needs in regard to any learning disabilities or differences you may have. Knowing what your needs are is an important place to start
  • While having resources available to you through a college or university is important, remember that apps, websites, or other online applications may be able to help you as well
  • A learning disability is not something you need to disclose on your college applications and it should not affect your ability to be admitted or attend a college or university
  • Remember, regardless of the hurdles you may face, college and the pursuit of higher education should be possible for anyone

Frequently asked questions 

What should i do if i encounter stigmas that may be associated with learning disabilities on a college campus, how can students with learning disabilities prepare for college, what if i don’t believe that i can attend college because of my learning disability, how should colleges support students with learning disabilities, does having an iep or 504 plan help you get into college, scholarships360 recommended.

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Learning Disability On College Essay?

Hello everyone, recently I’ve been considering writing about my learning disabilities (ADHD and Anxiety) on my application essays. Let me make it very clear that I would not use the LD as a crutch to explain weakspots on my application. Instead, I would explain how my LD was an inherent obstacle that I had to overcome, and through developing coping skills/strategies, I was able to achieve much success as indicated by my high gpa and 1550/1600 on the sat. Thoughts on this idea?

Explaining how you developed academic skills and knowledge in the context of a learning disability is a worthy topic, but NOT for college admission essays. You have legal rights as a person with a disability that offer protections such as not factoring disability into the admissions decision. You have experience learning in high school and have no reason to think you will have problems in college. Admits are expected to do well in college, but some might worry about you academically or be concerned about the cost of accommodations. These concerns would not be voiced because of contaminating the application decision, but some may worry about how well you will do. You may get denial votes and will never know. Don’t put yourself into an awkward position by disclosing disability when it is irrelevant to admissions! You will be admitted or denied on the basis of the credentials you submit. Let your profile speak for you without potentially complicating admissions by disclosure of disability!

Your topic itself is very good and will improve when you are in experience about learning in college and how that differs from high school. Never disclose disability until you are admitted! After you accept, contact the disability office about how to receive accommodations, if necessary. Stay quiet about disability until you have formal notification of admission.

Don’t do it. Essays are to make you look unique and interesting. Honestly, dealing with anxiety and ADHD are a dime a dozen.

I agree…my daughter has anxiety and ADHD…plus not so great grades…while we are not quite at the application stage we are discussing options and there is a key learning disability that she also has…poor working memory/working memory deficiency. If all she had were anxiety/ADHD but she still had a high GPA and SAT scores (as CosmicStorm appears to have) I would NOT disclose the anxiety/ADHD. However, since my daughter who has had private tutoring nearly all her life for math but still had to withdraw fail from Algebra 2…and struggles still with all classes so that she will likely end up with a 3.0-3.4 GPA (her PSAT score was 960/1600)…we feel that disclosing her working memory deficiency LD will provide clarity as to why her stats are so low. That being said, we plan to disclose it in the app but not have it be the topic of her essay necessarily. I’m assuming there is somewhere on the app (other than essay) where she could disclose it.

I would not do it. Don’t take the prompt so literally. Focus on a topic that makes you someone they would like to have on campus.

Agreeing with @intparent : overcoming x obstacle essays are exceptionally hard to do well when you are still so close to it- and many, many students try.

Agree with above. Do not disclose that your daughter has a deficit in working memory! Do her stats meet the requirements of schools to which she is applying? If not, expect her applications to be denied. Major tutoring to help her maintain her high school gpa does not make it more acceptable to ACs. Who will provide her with at least the same level of tutoring she receives now to maintain grades. Colleges offer short term tutoring, but nothing as extensive as your child receives. Disability services do not provide tutoring legally or practically because admits are expected to be fully qualified for admissions and require accommodations only be for functional limitations. Accommodations do not prop up students who are academically deficient. Sliding information into the application does not make it acceptable. A deficit in working memory in not something she can evade. Your daughter needs focused remediation on her working memory deficit before she can securely enter college.

If a earning disability is to be mentioned at all it should be mentioned by the guidance counselors no his/her letter of rec.

You can write about this briefly in the supplementary essay that helps adcoms know about you beyond what is already in the application. Your transcript will show your successes. That might be a better way- and then use the main essay for another topic.

There is nothing wrong with disclosing and it will not affect the decision one way or the other, most likely …but it is true that this is not an original topic, not at all. However, if done in a heartfelt, likable manner it might work. It is commendable that you do not have to use this to explain bad grades but instead to highlight good grades and hard work in the light of a disability.

I’m a rising senior and I’m surprised by the advice to not disclose LD’s in the Common App essay. I have asked both the college counselor at my school, as well as a university admissions counselor (the parent of a friend). Both said that revealing it myself, in my main essay, is not a bad idea so long as I don’t use it as an excuse. My college counselor said that it would help explain my slightly lower gpa as compared to my test scores and difficulty of my classes. My mom thinks that if a college wouldn’t accept me because of this, then it really wasn’t the best fit college. I kind of agree with that. I’m not trying to get into super reach colleges. I really am focused on schools where I would be happy and could get the few necessary supports I need.

I do agree with @compmom , it is not an original essay. But most are not. But sometimes I don’t think those without LD’s fully understand the impact on the lives of those that have them. Admissions people have likely read a lot of these essays. But doing well despite these issues shows strength, determination and grit. I really feel like a significant part of me is this challenge. My job has been student for 12 years, and I have given every ounce of myself to be the best one I can be, and in a system that is set up for the success of a different type of learner. Reading this thread is discouraging esp. since I wrote about this topic.

you say you have a high gpa and good test scores so why don’t you let your grades speak for themselves? It will be really inspiring later on when people find out what you’ve been through.

^Actually, I said I had a slightly lower gpa.

Since you feel this is an important part of your story, go ahead and write it. Honestly, any topic works if it is done well. I know someone who got into a dream school writing about blueberry muffins.


Again, you have a few options for dealing with this. You can write a supplementary essay, the one where the application asks if there is anything else you want to let them know about you. And your guidance counselor can write about it, with your permission- as can teachers writing recommendations. Or, you can write about it.

The only reason to be cautious is you want to think about whether or not your LD defines you. It takes a lot of work and grit to deal with, so those qualities do define you. If dealing with your LD is the best way to show who you are, go for it.

You will not be penalized for mentioning having an LD. Colleges do not discriminate. They go by your performance, your character, your ability to contribute…and admissions knows that many kids with challenges can do well.

Accommodations will not be at the same level as high school: a different lower standard has to be met. So keep that in mind in choosing schools… And definitely register with the Office for Disabilities once admitted.

If you want to share it but not have it part of your essay you can put something in the additional information section. However, you must keep it short (a sentence or two) and sweet. The additional information section is not an opportunity to write a second essay. Admissions officers are swamped and are absolutely not looking for extra essays to read. Alternatively you can ask your guidance counselor or a teacher to note in in a recommendation.

Ilovemydog21…take this or leave it…

I think you need to understand that legally college counselors have to say that a LD will not affect an application. It’s just like when you go for a job interview and there is already another candidate who has a connection and will get the job. The interviewer is never going to say, “we are required to interview three people but the job is already going to candidate #1 .” It’s illegal to say anything other than, “all candidates have an equal opportunity for the job.”

Your mother’s words are beautiful but please remember she is looking at the situation through the eyes of a mom who loves you. The world doesn’t work like that. It isn’t fair. At times you have to fight and claw your way to what you can do and deserve. Nobody is going to understand or help. That’s the way it works sometimes.

I think the college counselor at your school is seriously misguided. IMO, don’t ever disclose anything on a college application that would give reason for an admissions officer to choose another applicant. Once you get there as a student there will be an office of disability and by law they are required to give you all of your accommodations. Some schools are more friendly than others to accepting students with disability. Good luck.

Essay does not equal Confession.

An essay should show what makes you unique. It should show off your accomplishments.

^^This. Keep your eye on the objective of the essay.

A learning disability is not a good essay topic. If you disclose disability as an explanation for a somewhat lower gpa, you are raising red flags about your ability to withstand the academic rigors of college. You can seek accommodations from disability services after acceptance, but disclosing LD during admissions means abandoning protections granted to persons with disabilities. If your credentials are good enough to meet admission requirements there is no need to disclose. If your application does not meet admissions standards, disclosing LD wont help.

You can write about anything if you want but your essay should be personal, unique and interesting. Adhd is just personal. Now if you make your essay also unique and interesting with it then yes. Just pursue this site and you will see lots of kids asking the exact question. Adcoms will see this is a more common essay. Adhd makes kids hyper focus and makes them think out of the box… These are totally positive attributes. Many top ceo of Fortune 500 companies have Adhd… So maybe a spin on it would be different.

Just remember the Adcoms read a lot of essays… How many do you think they read from kids over coming an illness, Adhd, going on vacation and volunteering at a village, doing habitat for humanity projects etc. Doesn’t mean you can’t write about these but trying to write about something different about yourself might just be more interesting. You can always bring up the disability that you overcame but it’s a more subtle way and still get your point across and not have the whole essay about it… IE: While living with ADHD and overcoming my deficits what I learned about myself was that I have unique abilities that I can use to my advantage. I think more creatively and I am able to apply it to… Etc… I am a better editor then a writer but hopefully you get the idea. I would like to learn more about this creative higher end thinking then about the Adhd that helped create it. Now the essay is Personal, unique and interesting. Adhd runs in my family also so I am not looking down on you or your essay. I just think you can take it in a different direction for a college essay and still get your point across.

@scoutmom2002 has your daughter been evaluated for dyscalculia? We found out late that my daughter has this. Very frustrating when she wanted to do higher math but just couldn’t.



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Learning Disability Experience 

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Published: Sep 19, 2019

Words: 2000 | Pages: 4 | 10 min read

Works Cited

  • Alzheimer's Society. (2016). Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS): Guidance for people living with dementia.
  • Barnes, D., & Jenkins, P. (2015). Developing reflective practice in health and social care. Sage.
  • Department of Health. (2007). Transforming nursing practice through reflective practice.
  • Department of Health. (2015). Mental Capacity Act 2005: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Code of Practice. Retrieved from https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/389643/MCA_Code_of_Practice_accessible.pdf
  • Ellis, P. (2013). Understanding and developing the value of reflection in nursing practice. British Journal of Nursing, 22(13), 738-743.
  • Fisher, R., & Scott, N. (2013). Interprofessional education and collaborative practice: Creating a blueprint for nurse educators. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(6), 489-493.
  • Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit.
  • National Patient Safety Agency. (2004). Reducing the risk of choking: The care of people with learning disabilities. Retrieved from https://www.safetyactionservices.com/userfiles/file/reducing_risk_of_choking.pdf
  • NMC. (2002). Confidentiality: Good practice in handling patient information. Retrieved from https://www.nmc.org.uk/standards/guidance/confidentiality/
  • NMC. (2015). The code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives, and nursing associates.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Learning Disability College Essays Samples For Students

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WowEssays.com paper writer service proudly presents to you a free catalog of Learning Disability College Essays intended to help struggling students deal with their writing challenges. In a practical sense, each Learning Disability College Essay sample presented here may be a pilot that walks you through the critical phases of the writing process and showcases how to develop an academic work that hits the mark. Besides, if you require more visionary help, these examples could give you a nudge toward an original Learning Disability College Essay topic or inspire a novice approach to a threadbare theme.

In case this is not enough to satisfy the thirst for efficient writing help, you can request customized assistance in the form of a model College Essay on Learning Disability crafted by a pro writer from scratch and tailored to your specific instructions. Be it a plain 2-page paper or a profound, lengthy piece, our writers specialized in Learning Disability and related topics will deliver it within the pre-agreed period. Buy cheap essays or research papers now!

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Flowchart: Example Essay By An Expert Writer To Follow

Special education encompasses all the methods and strategies employed to ensure that children who have specialized educational needs such as learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, physical disabilities, and communication problems among other aspects that may require individualized attention. Such students may benefit from services provided within the tenets of special education. This paper will focus on creating a flow chart depicting the process and laws of special education and also provide a summary of the chart indicating the roles of parents, students and schools.

The chart below depicts a comprehensive outline of the special education process and laws that are followed within the school.

Alignment: essay you might want to emulate, article 1: “considerations for special education assessment systems.".

Special education involves students with some physical or mental complication that requires special attention from their teachers. Such students are given specific attention as compared to normal students because their conditions affect their understanding and performance in general.

Information Gathering

Essay on national adult literacy and learning disabilities center academy for educational.

This national resource, based in DC, offered people information on providing literary services, provided technical help in developing best practices for people creating literary programs for those with learning disabilities, and offered training for literacy program practitioners – very useful training for parents or teachers who want to know more about how to teach students with learning disabilities.

High Road Academy of Washington DC

Individualized, remedial programs for students with learning disabilities; integrates computer technology in all aspects of the program; focuses on improvement in auditory processing skills – effective means of teaching computer skills to those with LD.

Commonwealth Academy/Autism Service

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