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Psychology Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 10th, 2023 , Revised On May 17, 2024


Psychology entails the study of mental processes and behaviour. Over the last several years, the demand for psychology graduates has continuously risen due to the growing number of people with psychic problems.

As a psychology student, you can explore one of the many areas of psychology as part of your dissertation project. You can specialise in industrial physiology, mental health, behavioural psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, personality psychology, social psychology, biological psychology, and psychosocial psychology.

While there are many topic options for psychology students, make sure that you choose one where there is a gap in the literature and more work needs to be done.

To help you get started with brainstorming for psychology topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your psychology dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

Psychology Research Topics

Impact of automation in the manufacturing sector on employee distress and happiness in the uk- an exploratory study finding the psychoeconomic factors.

Research Aim: This study intends to find the impact of automation in the manufacturing sector on employee distress and happiness in the UK. It will explore the moderating Psychoeconomic (Psychological and Economic) factors affected by the increasing automation in the manufacturing industry, affecting the employees’ distress and happiness levels. Furthermore, it will examine the strategies implemented by the manufacturing companies to prevent their employees from the anxiety and unhappiness induced by automation after the technological revolution.

Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Performance Among Adults Working from Home during COVID-19 in the UK

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance among adults working from home during COVID-19 in the UK. It will identify how sleep deprivation during COVID-19 affected various mental abilities of employees who were forced to work from home. It will also see how these abilities affect the employees’ productivity during COVID-19. Additionally, it will show the policies adopted by the companies to prevent their employees from working overtime to have proper sleep. And how does it improve their cognitive performance and productivity?

Effects of Bad Incidents on Children’s Intelligence- A Critical Assessment through a Clinical Psychology Lens

Research Aim: This research shows the effects of bad incidents on children’s intelligence. It will use a clinical psychology lens to show how clinicians see the relationship between bad incidents in childhood and their impact on children’s intelligence in later life. And in which was these incidents shape the intelligence of children while growing up. Furthermore, it will present a wide range of clinical procedures to overcome the lingering effects of bad incidents on children’s intelligence in later life.

Impact of Marriage Satisfaction on Job Performance in High-Stress Jobs- A Case of Individuals Working in Investment Firms in the UK

Research Aim: This research analyses the impact of marriage satisfaction on job performance in high-stress jobs. It will use investment firms in the UK as a case study to analyse how marriage satisfaction affects the performance of men and women working in high-stress jobs such as trading and investments. Moreover, it will explore various psychological parts of the job affected by the problems in a marriage. Lastly, it will recommend ways to offset the bad effects of unstable marriage to improve job performance.

The Role of Educational-Psychological Counseling in Career Selection among Immigrant Children in the UK

Research Aim: This research investigates the role of educational-psychological counselling in career selection among immigrant children in the UK. It will show how educational-psychological counselling different aspects of their academic life and help them decide what to pursue in later life. It will also show how this counselling can help them believe that despite coming from outside of the UK, they still have a chance to succeed.

The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) on Reducing Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Research Aim: This study investigates the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, It focuses on exploring the comparative efficacy of different types of MBIs and their potential mechanisms of action.

Investigate the impact of introducing mindfulness programs in school curricula to enhance mental well-being among adolescents.

Research Aim: This study aims to examine the impact of integrating mindfulness programs into school curricula to enhance mental well-being among adolescents. Through empirical investigation, it seeks to assess the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression levels, as well as promoting overall psychological resilience and positive emotional regulation. Additionally, the research aims to explore potential factors influencing program efficacy.

Exploring the Link Between Mood and Innovation in Entrepreneurship

Research Aim: This research investigates the intricate relationship between mood and innovation within the context of entrepreneurship. By exploring how varying moods influence the generation, adoption, and implementation of innovative ideas by entrepreneurs, the study seeks to uncover potential patterns and mechanisms that drive entrepreneurial creativity. The research further explores how understanding this link is crucial for informing strategies to foster innovation within entrepreneurial ventures.

An Examination of the Interplay Between Depression and Creative Writing: Case Studies in Literature

Research Aim: This research examines the complex interplay between depression and creative writing through case studies in literature. It focuses on the experiences of writers who have battled depression and analysing how their mental health condition intersects with their creative process and output, this study seeks to shed light on the relationship between mood disorders and literary creativity. 

Investigating the neurobiological basis of ADHD: brain structure, neurotransmitter function, and genetics.

Research Aim: The study explores the interplay between brain structure, neurotransmitter function, and genetic factors in individuals with ADHD. It focuses on elucidating the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the disorder.

Examine the relationship between ADHD and comorbid mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.

Research Aim: This study explores the complex relationship between ADHD and comorbid mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. It discusses the underlying mechanisms, common risk factors, and potential therapeutic implications for effective management and treatment strategies.

Covid-19 Psychology Research Topics

Topic 1: impacts of coronavirus on the mental health of various age groups.

Research Aim: This study will reveal the impacts of coronavirus on the mental health of various age groups

Topic 2: Mental health and psychological resilience during COVID-19

Research Aim: Social distancing has made people isolated and affected their mental health. This study will highlight various measures to overcome the stress and mental health of people during coronavirus.

Topic 3: The mental health of children and families during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will address the challenging situations faced by children and families during lockdown due to COVID-19. It will also discuss various ways to overcome the fear of disease and stay positive.

Topic 4: Mental wellbeing of patients during Coronavirus pandemic

Research Aim: This study will focus on the measures taken by the hospital management, government, and families, to ensure the mental wellbeing of patients, especially COVID-19 patients.

Psychology Dissertation Topics in Social Sciences

Topic 1: kids and their relatives with cancer: psychological challenges.

Research Aim: In cancer diagnoses and therapies, children often don’t know what happens. Many have psychosocial problems, including rage, terror, depression, disturbing sleep, inexpiable guilt, and panic. Therefore, this study identifies and treats the child and its family members’ psychological issues.

Topic 2: Hematopoietic device reaction in ophthalmology patient’s radiation therapy

Research Aim: This research is based on the analysis of hematopoietic devices’ reactions to ophthalmology radiation.

Topic 3: Psychological effects of cyberbullying Vs. physical bullying: A counter study

Research Aim: This research will focus on the effects of cyberbullying and physical bullying and their consequences on the victim’s mental health. The most significant part is the counter effects on our society’s environment and human behaviour, particularly youth.

Topic 4: Whether or not predictive processing is a theory of perceptual consciousness?

Research Aim: This research aims to identify whether predictive processing is a theory of perceptual consciousness or not.

Topic 5: Importance of communication in a relationship

Research Aim: This research aims to address the importance of communication in relationships and the communication gap consequences.

Topic 6: Eating and personality disorders

Research Aim: This research aims to focus on eating and personality disorders

Topic 7: Analysis of teaching, assessment, and evaluation of students and learning differences

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse teaching methods, assessment, and evaluation systems of students and their learning differences

Topic 8: Social and psychological effects of virtual networks

Research Aim: This research aims to study the social and psychological effects of virtual networks

Topic 9: The role of media in provoking aggression

Research Aim: This research aims to address the role of media in provoking aggression among people

Psychology Dissertation Topics Behavioral Sciences

Topic 1: assessing the advantages and disadvantages of positive reinforcement in special education.

Research Aim: The strength and importance of praise in the workplace can have a significant impact on employees and move them from apathy to more happiness and satisfaction. Positive reinforcement motivates and encourages people for their respective tasks. This research aims to assess the advantages and disadvantages of positive reinforcement in special education.

Topic 2: Assessing the relationship between depression and anxiety from the perspective of student academic performance

Research Aim: Emotional disturbance is considered to be a psychological element that can lead to the deterioration of the daily activities of students. Since academic achievements are an integral dimension of students’ lives, depression, anxiety, and other emotional disturbance might lead to poor academic performance. Therefore, this research aims to assess the relationship between depression and anxiety on student academic performance.

Topic 3: How cognitive behaviour therapy helps in dealing with depressed adolescents

Research Aim: Cognitive behavioural theory is regarded as a well-established therapy for depression and other various mental illnesses in children and adolescents. It might be because CBT can reduce suicidal behaviour and thoughts among adolescents. The main purpose of this research is to identify how cognitive behaviour therapy can help in dealing with depressed adolescents.

Topic 4: Analysing the psychological impact of bullying on children’s personality and development

Research Aim: Any public humiliation can result in a child’s misconceptions, confusion and misunderstanding about their own personality and the surrounding world. Public humiliation can damage the psychology of children and hinder their overall physical and mental development. The key purpose of this study is to analyse the psychological impact of bullying on children’s personalities and development.

Topic 5: Assessing the impact of psychological pricing on consumer purchase intention

Research Aim: Psychological pricing, also known as charm pricing and price ending, is a market pricing strategy in which certain prices can have a psychological impact on consumers. This strategy also includes a slightly less than round number, e.g. 2.99, which could incline consumers to make purchase decisions in favour of the seller. Hence, this research aims to assess the impact of psychological pricing on consumer purchase intention.

Topic 6: Borderline Personality Disorder and Self-Cutting Behaviors – Are they Inter Related?

Research Aim: Borderline Personality Disorder is a mental health disorder that impacts the thinking process of an individual. This disorder impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others. Relationships are unstable. There are extreme emotions and distorted self-image when a person is suffering from a borderline personality disorder. This research will discuss this disorder in detail and evaluate whether self-cutting behaviours are a result of this disorder or not.

Topic 7: Depression and its risk factors – How can it be prevented?

Research Aim: Depression is a psychological issue that needs immediate attention. There are a lot of factors that lead to depression. This research will talk about the various risk factors that contribute to depression in an individual. The research will also discuss ways and strategies through which depression can be managed and eliminated in some cases. Case studies will be a part of this research.

Topic 8: Childhood trauma and its long-lasting impacts on individuals in adulthood

Research Aim: This research will talk about an important issue i.e. childhood trauma. This includes emotional and physical trauma that a child had experienced in his childhood. This research will discuss whether this trauma will impact the individual further in his life or not. If an adult’s future life is likely to be affected by childhood trauma, then in what ways will it change the individual, and how will it shape his personality? All these questions will be answered with this research.

Organisational Psychology Dissertation Topics

The role of industrial psychologists, also known as organisational psychologists, is to apply the principles of psychology to marketing, sales, management, administration, and human resources problems that organisations face.

Typical tasks that organisational psychologists perform include but are not limited to organisational development and analysis, training and development, employee evaluation and selection, policymaking, and more. The following dissertation topics are developed with respect to organisational psychology:

Topic 1: Research in industrial and organisational psychology from 1980 to 2015: Changes, choices, and trends

Research Aim: This research will compare the choices, trends, and changes in industrial and organisational psychology. The years compared will be 1990-2000, 2001-2010, and 2011-2020.

Topic 2: Computerized adaptive testing in industrial and organisational psychology

Research Aim: This research will explore advanced techniques, i.e., computerised adaptive testing, in organisational and industrial psychology.

Topic 3: Leader-member exchange as a moderating variable in the relationship between well-being and job security

Research Aim: This research will analyse the leader-member exchange as a variable that moderates the relationship between job security and well-being.

Topic 4: Intelligent leadership and leadership competencies – Developing a leadership framework for intelligent organizations

Research Aim: This research will understand leadership competencies and intelligent leadership by analysing a leadership framework for intelligent organisations.

Topic 5: Burnout amongst executive staff: What are the main predictors? A review of literature from the UK and Europe.

Research Aim: This research will talk about the most pressing issue at workplaces right now, i.e. burnout, The study will include predictors of burnout by analysing literature from Europe and the UK.

Topic 6: Interior design and Industrial psychology – Investigating the role of employees' reward and motivation in shaping up the look of the factory or office

Research Aim: This research will understand the role of employee reward and motivation in shaping workplaces with a focus on how interior design can create a working environment for employees that enhances their motivation levels.

Topic 7: Investigating the impact of strategic business partnering for business organisations – A case study of any UK based company

Research Aim: This research will talk about the impact of strategic business partnering for business organisations. You can provide us with the name of the company you would want to base your research on.

Topic 8: Social science strategies for managing diversity: Industrial and organisational opportunities to enhance inclusion

Research Aim: This research will interrogate an extremely important issue of psychology, i.e., diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The study will be conducted with respect to social science strategies.

Topic 9: Studying Influencing Factors in Effective Training Programs in Organisations

Research Aim: This research will talk about the various psychological factors that influence training programs organised by companies.

Topic 10: To understand international branding in light of the concept of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand international branding in light of the concept of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. The research will be descriptive in nature and make use of secondary data.

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Clinical Psychology Dissertation Topics

Clinical psychology can be defined as integrating clinical knowledge, theory, and science to understand and prevent psychologically based dysfunction and distress. Another aim of this branch of psychology is to promote personal development and behavioural well-being.

Clinical psychologists’ job responsibilities include conducting research, teaching, drug and alcohol treatment, assessing disorders, testifying in legal settings, and creating and managing programs to prevent and treat social problems.

A well-written dissertation in this area of psychology can help students to fetch a high academic grade. Here are some interesting topics in this area:

Topic 1: Which clinical and demographic factors predict poor insight in individuals with obsessions and compulsions?

Research Aim: This research will discuss the clinical and demographic factors that predict poor insight within individuals with compulsions and obsessions.

Topic 2: Anger beliefs and behaviour; An Investigation of associations with Hypomania in a non-clinical sample

Research Aim: This research will investigate anger, behaviour, and beliefs concerning hypomania in a non-clinical sample.

Topic 3: Clinical psychologists’ experiences of accessing personal therapy during training: A narrative analysis

Research Aim: This research will discuss clinical psychologists’ experiences of accessing personal therapy during training. This will be a narrative analysis.

Topic 4: Exploring body image and identity in people who have had a heart or lung transplant

Research Aim: This research will help explore the identity and body image of people who have had a heart or lung transplant. All related issues will be discussed in this study.

Topic 5: Psychosocial adjustment to renal failure and consequent dialysis

Research Aim: This research will explore the psychosocial adjustment required during renal failure. The study will also discuss dialysis, which will result in renal failure.

Topic 6: Experiences of psychosocial formulation within a biopsychosocial model of care for psychosis

Research Aim: This research will talk about psychosocial formulation experiences within a biopsychosocial model of care for psychosis.

Topic 7: Experiences and their association with eating behaviour in adulthood

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between individual experiences and eating behaviour in adulthood. The study will furthermore present suggestions as to how these conditions can be improved.

Topic 8: Barriers to communicating about sexual dysfunction following heart trauma

Research Aim: This research will talk about an important issue i.e. sexual dysfunction. However, the study will be conducted concerning the issue being developed due to heart trauma.

Topic 9: Validation of a new scale assessing the use of strategies to change another person’s mood or emotional state

Research Aim: This research will investigate and try to validate a new scale that will be used to assess strategies for changing another person’s emotional state or mood.

Topic 10: Examining Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) within a cognitive framework

Research Aim: This research will investigate an important psychological issue, i.e. depression. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) will be assessed with a cognitive framework.

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Cognitive Psychology Dissertation Topics

Cognitive Psychology can be defined as the study of mental processes such as thinking, creativity, problem solving, perception, memory, language use, and attention through neuropsychology, computer modeling, and experimentation.

Cognitive psychologists are primarily responsible for investigating how the human brain absorbs and interprets information at micro and macro levels. This area of psychology is broad. Therefore you will have many topic options to choose from. Please see below some titles if you are looking to base your dissertation on the field of cognitive psychology.

Topic 1: Adolescent perceptions and beliefs of proactive-reactive aggression explored through the social information processing model of aggression

Research Aim: This research will talk about various perceptions and beliefs of adolescents with respect to proactive-reactive aggression. These will be explored through the social information processing model of aggression.

Topic 2: Analysing how cognitive flexibility is influenced by emotions

Research Aim: This research will analyse how emotions influence the cognitive flexibility of individuals.

Topic 3: Tractable cognition: The role of complexity theory in cognitive psychology

Research Aim: This research will discuss tractable cognition. The study will discuss the role of complexity theory in cognitive psychology.

Topic 4: Conflict monitoring across sensory modalities

Research Aim: This research will discuss conflict monitoring during sensory modalities. The study will talk about various conflict monitoring methods.

Topic 5: Familiarity and its effect on facial expression recognition?

Research Aim: This research will discuss the concept of familiarity and its impact on facial expression recognition.

Topic 6: Investigating the relationship between cognitive vulnerability and depression

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between depression and cognitive vulnerability.

Topic 7: Effectiveness of mindfulness training on ratings of perceived stress, mindfulness, and well-being of adolescents enrolled in an international baccalaureate diploma program

Research Aim: This research will discuss the effectiveness of mindfulness training on ratings of well-being and perceived stress in adolescents. The participants of this research will be international baccalaureate diploma students.

Topic 8: Assessing the development of implicit intergroup cognition in relation to in-groups and out-groups: social learning or pre-specified?

Research Aim: This research will assess the development of implicit intergroup cognition with respect to out-groups and in-groups. The study will conclude whether this development classifies as social learning or is pre-specified.

Topic 9: Assessing the relationship between impaired social cognition, emotion, and anxiety disorders.

Research Aim: This research will discuss the relationship between emotion, anxiety disorders, and impaired social cognition.

Topic 10: Investigating the relationship between episodic memory and emotional memory

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between emotional memory and episodic memory and the underlying causes.

Also Read : Project Management Dissertation Topics

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  • Social Psychology Dissertation Topics

This branch of psychology has gained tremendous importance in the world of academia in recent times. Essentially, it deals with social interactions, including their influence on the individuals and their origin.

According to Baron, Byrne, and Sulls (1989), “the scientific field seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behaviour in social situations.”

Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that social psychology primarily investigates how human behaviour can influence other people and the surrounding social environment. Some relevant social psychology dissertation topics are listed below:

Topic 1: Cognitive, affective, and social psychological correlates of psychopathic personality traits in offenders and non-offenders

Research Aim: This research will address cognitive, affective, and social-psychological correlations of psychopathic personality traits in offenders and non-offenders.

Topic 2: A social-psychological exploration of word-of-mouth traveller information in the digital age

Research Aim: This research will explore the word of mouth exchange of traveller information in today’s age with a social-psychological perspective.

Topic 3: Investigating the concept of contemporary social and cultural psychology

Research Aim: This research will investigate the concept of contemporary social and cultural psychology.

Topic 4: Methods for social psychological research: fundamental qualitative and fundamental quantitative methods.

Research Aim: This will be an interesting study. The research will explore two major social psychological research methods; the fundamental qualitative method and the fundamental quantitative method.

Topic 5: The impact of gender mistakes on various individual attitudes and behaviours that contribute to gender inequality

Research Aim: This research will explore the impact of gender issues on different individual attitudes and behaviours. Moreover, the study will assess their impact and contribution to increasing gender inequality.

Topic 6: Personality, passion, self-esteem and psychological well-being among junior elite athletes in the UK

Research Aim: This research will study the psychological well-being of junior athletes in the UK. This includes assessing their personality, passion, and self-esteem.

Topic 7: Mad, bad, or dangerous? Assessing changing social attitudes to mental illness through a study of magazine and TV advertising.

Research Aim: This research will assess the changing social attitudes to mental illness by studying TV and magazine advertising. The study will focus on the impact of these advertisements on the mental health of the audience.

Topic 8: Use of images of women in corporate website branding – The role of gender, marketing, and internet presence

Research Aim: This research will assess the use of women’s images in website branding. The study will evaluate and analyse the role of gender, marketing, and internet presence.

Topic 9: How the use of music can help to reduce crime rate – A quantitative study of underground tube stations in London

Research Aim: The study will focus on an ignored socio-psychological aspect i.e. music. The research will assess how music helps to reduce the crime rate. A quantitative study covering underground tube stations will be conducted.

Topic 10: The enduring legacy of cognitive dissonance

Research Aim: This research will talk about the history of cognitive dissonance. It will also discuss its enduring legacy.

Also Read: Sociology Dissertation Topics

Abnormal Psychology Dissertation Topics

The abnormal patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behaviour that may lead to mental disorders are studied under the abnormal psychology branch of psychology. But what is an abnormality, and who decides what abnormal behaviour is? Historically, societies have been quick to observe and tag individuals as abnormal when they encounter situations that they cannot understand.

Abnormal psychologists are responsible for identifying the human characteristics that deviate from the norm. This branch of psychology can interest students who wish to explore unusual human behaviour and unusual conditions. The following topics on abnormal psychology can help to ease the dissertation topic selection process for your thesis project:

Topic 1: Assessing and Investigating the concepts of abnormality and mental health

Research Aim: This research will discuss the basics of abnormality and mental health. The literature review will cover the various mental health conditions and what leads them to these issues.

Topic 2: A neuropsychological investigation of frontal brain asymmetry in depression with comorbid anxiety

Research Aim: This research will investigate a neuropsychological issue, i.e., frontal brain asymmetry in depression with comorbid anxiety.

Topic 3: What is the relationship between children’s home routines and treatment for ADHD? A study of the literature

Research Aim: This research will talk about a common yet ignored issue, ADHD. The study will explore the relationship between children’s home routines and treatment procedures.

Topic 4: Investigating the relationship between depression and diet – A qualitative study of how the Mediterranean diet can help to lower depression levels

Research Aim: This research will investigate an interesting relationship – between depression and diet. The study will also explore how the Mediterranean diet can help reduce levels of depression.

Topic 5: Promoting mental health and psychological wellbeing in children: A socio-cultural activity theory analysis of professional contributions and learning in a multidisciplinary team

Research Aim: This research will aim to promote mental health and psychological well-being in children. The study will be based on a socio-cultural activity theory analysis of professional contributions and learning in a multidisciplinary team.

Topic 6: A critical inquiry into the views of professionals working with families, parents, and children.

Research Aim: This research will help conduct a critical inquiry into the views of professionals working with parents, families, and children.

Topic 7: Exploring ways of managing stress and coping with poor mental health

Research Aim: This research will help to explore stress and coping issues amongst individuals with poor mental health.

Topic 8: The role of positive irrational beliefs in mental health & wellbeing

Research Aim: This research will talk about the positive role of irrational beliefs associated with mental health and wellbeing.

Topic 9: To understand and establish the relationship between social media websites and self-harm in adolescent females

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand and establish the relationship between social media websites and self-harm in adolescent females.

Topic 10: A biographical narrative study exploring mental ill-health through the life course

Research Aim: This will be a biographical narrative study that will explore the mental illness issues that may cause difficulties in the course of life.

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Developmental and Educational Psychology Dissertation Topics

According to Kendra Cherry (2001), “Educational psychology involves the study of how people learn, including topics such as student outcomes, the instructional process, individual differences in learning, gifted learners and learning disabilities.” This branch of psychology considers not only the learning process but also the social and emotional aspects of development.

Developmental and educational psychologists are responsible for designing professional development programmes, evaluating programmes and interventions, designing training programmes, consulting with groups and individuals, counselling, designing effective treatment programmes, assessing developmental learning and behavioural problems among individuals, diagnosing disabilities and disorders, and identifying and clarifying problems.

Here’s a list of developmental and educational psychology dissertation topics for you to choose from:

Topic 1: Investigating parents’ concerns with a child’s development: A Case Study

Research Aim: This research will investigate the concerns of parents related to child development. A specific case will be examined in this research.

Topic 2: To examine the parent-child relationship issues

Research Aim: This research will explore the issues related to the parent-child bond. Solutions will also be provided as to how these should be tackled.

Topic 3: Managing a child’s difficult temperament or behaviour

Research Aim: This research will help parents understand how they can manage a child who has a difficult temperament.

Topic 4: How educational psychologists can assist a child with disabilities

Research Aim: This research will explore how educational psychologists help in assisting disabled children.

Topic 5: Exploring the causes of sibling rivalries in the family: Studying How These can Be Tackled.

Research Aim: This research will explore the causes behind sibling rivalries in families and will also suggest how these can be controlled.

Topic 6: Problems parents, teachers, and children may face in the transition from early childhood to school years

Research Aim: This study will explore issues and problems parents, teachers, and children face in the transition from early childhood to school years.

Topic 7: Exploring the impact of consultation on educational psychology service users, including pupils, teachers, and parents

Research Aim: This research will explore the impacts of consultation on educational psychology services which include pupils, teachers, and parents.

Topic 8: The development of the theory of mind in deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing preschool children

Research Aim: This research will talk about the developmental theory of mind in deaf people, hard of hearing, and hearing of preschool children.

Topic 9: Cultural differences and perceptions of autism among school psychologists

Research Aim: This research will talk about the cultural differences and perceptions of autism amongst school psychologists.

Topic 10: High school special education teachers’ use of positive behaviour: Effects of a behaviour prompting routine on specific praise rates

Research Aim: This research will discuss the use of positive behaviour by high school special education teachers. Furthermore, the dissertation will also study the impact of behaviour that prompts a routine for specific praise rates.

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Important Notes:

As a psychology student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing psychology theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

Psychology is vast and interrelated with so many other academic disciplines. That is why it is imperative to create a psychology dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best psychology dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and adds to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample psychology dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Psychology Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analyzing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths while identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is establishing the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Make sure to complete this following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject in which they specialise.

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How to find psychology dissertation topics.

To discover Psychology dissertation topics:

  • Explore recent research and journals.
  • Identify emerging areas or gaps.
  • Consider personal interests or experiences.
  • Discuss with professors or experts.
  • Analyse real-world issues and applications.
  • Choose a topic that excites and challenges you.

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101 Examples of Dissertation Research Topics for Psychology Students

Students looking for psychology dissertation topic ideas

The journey of a psychology student culminates in the all but dissertation stage and the challenging task of selecting a dissertation topic . The decision you make at this point will set the stage for your academic and professional trajectory.

This momentous project is not just a rite of passage but an opportunity to delve deeply into a niche area of interest, contribute to a body of knowledge, and possibly even ignite a career-long pursuit. With the vast expanse of psychology stretching from the neural synapses of the brain to the complex social interactions of communities, the challenge lies not in finding a topic, but in narrowing down the multitude of possibilities!

In this article, we present an expansive list of dissertation topics for psychology students who are in the process of choosing a good dissertation topic .

The ideas provided are designed to encourage exploration of both traditional and avant-garde topics, reflecting the current trends and enduring questions that shape the evolving landscape of psychological research. From the psychological impacts of digital detox to the cognitive rehabilitation techniques for stroke survivors, these topics are designed to accommodate various interests and academic pursuits. They cater not only to a comprehensive academic challenge but also to the practical implications that such research can have on individuals, systems, and societies.

As you take a look at these suggestions, it’s important that you consider not only what interests you but also what excites you. The best dissertation topic is one that you can commit to with passion and curiosity, one that promises a journey of discovery replete with challenges and rewards.

Before we present the list of dissertation ideas for psychology students, let’s take a look at what makes a good dissertation research topic.

What Makes a Good Dissertation Research Topic for Psychology Students?

A good psychology research topic should meet several key criteria to ensure it is valuable, feasible, and has the potential to contribute to the field. Here’s an overview of the characteristics that make a research topic stand out:

  • Relevance : The topic should address current issues or gaps in the field of psychology. It needs to be pertinent to contemporary debates, practices, or policies. Relevance also means that the research could have practical applications or implications, potentially informing practitioners, policymakers, or the general public.
  • Originality : A good research topic brings a new perspective to a known issue or explores an understudied area. The aim is to contribute original knowledge or insights rather than replicating past studies without adding substantial value.
  • Specificity : Broad topics can be overwhelming and impractical to tackle within the constraints of a typical research timeline and budget. A well-defined and focused research question allows for a more thorough and in-depth study.
  • Clarity : The topic should be framed in a way that is understandable and clear. This means avoiding jargon when unnecessary and defining key terms. A clearly articulated research question guides the methodology and helps maintain focus throughout the project.
  • Feasibility : This involves considering the researcher’s access to subjects, resources, and data. The research should be achievable within the given time frame and with available resources. Feasibility also concerns the ethical considerations and approval processes required for conducting research.
  • Interest : A researcher’s personal interest and passion for a topic can significantly influence the quality of the research. It’s beneficial if the topic resonates with the researcher’s own scholarly interests and curiosities.
  • Scope for Scientific Method : Good psychology research topics should allow for systematic investigation through accepted scientific methods. This includes the potential for hypothesis testing, operationalization of variables, and the use of statistical analysis to draw conclusions.
  • Ethical Soundness : Psychology research often involves human subjects, which necessitates careful ethical consideration. A good topic should conform to ethical standards, ensuring the privacy, consent, and welfare of participants.
  • Implications : Lastly, a good research topic should have clear theoretical, practical, or clinical implications. It should contribute to a greater understanding of the human mind and behavior, potentially leading to better psychological interventions or therapies.

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101 Psychology Dissertation Ideas

  • The Role of Social Media in Adolescent Mental Health: Investigate how different levels of social media use affect mood disorders in adolescents.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Depression: Analyze the efficacy of CBT interventions in treating depression among various age groups.
  • Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation After Brain Injuries: Study how different rehabilitation techniques can affect the brain’s plasticity and recovery trajectory post-injury.
  • The Psychology of Pandemics: Explore the long-term psychological impact of pandemics on different populations, focusing on coping mechanisms and resilience.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adulthood: Examine the challenges and support systems available for adults with autism, including employment, social relationships, and healthcare.
  • Sleep Patterns and Academic Performance: Investigate the correlation between sleep quality and academic success in college students.
  • The Impact of Parenting Styles on Child Development: Analyze how different parenting styles affect a child’s emotional, social, and cognitive development.
  • Workplace Psychology and Employee Well-being: Explore the effects of workplace culture on mental health and job satisfaction.
  • Memory and Aging: Study the patterns of cognitive decline in memory with aging and the effectiveness of interventions to slow down this process.
  • The Influence of Cultural Background on Psychological Treatment Outcomes: Research how cultural beliefs and practices affect the efficacy of psychological treatments for mental health issues.
  • Psychological Resilience in First Responders: Investigate the coping strategies used by first responders to manage stress and trauma-related to their line of work.
  • The Effect of Nature on Mental Health: Examine how regular exposure to natural environments influences psychological well-being and stress levels.
  • Intergenerational Trauma and Healing: Study patterns of trauma transmission in families and communities and the effectiveness of interventions aimed at breaking these cycles.
  • The Psychology of Fake News: Explore the cognitive biases that contribute to the belief in and spread of misinformation, and strategies for critical thinking promotion.
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Chronic Pain: Evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation practices in managing chronic pain and improving quality of life.
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Grief and Mourning: Research how different cultures process and express grief and the implications for counseling practices.
  • The Impact of Bilingualism on Cognitive Development: Investigate how learning and using multiple languages from an early age affects cognitive abilities and neural plasticity.
  • Social Isolation and Cognitive Function in the Elderly: Examine the long-term cognitive effects of social isolation in senior populations and potential interventions.
  • Attachment Styles and Romantic Relationships: Study how early attachment patterns influence adult romantic relationships, including partner selection and relationship satisfaction.
  • Cyberpsychology and Identity Formation: Investigate how online environments and social networks contribute to or disrupt the process of identity formation in adolescents and young adults.
  • Emotional Regulation in High-Stress Professions: Study strategies and their effectiveness in managing emotional responses in professions such as surgery, law enforcement, or air traffic control.
  • Virtual Reality as a Tool for Phobia Treatment: Explore the use of VR environments in the systematic desensitization of individuals with specific phobias.
  • Influence of Dietary Patterns on Children’s Behavioral Disorders: Investigate the relationship between nutritional choices and behavioral outcomes in children with ADHD or autism spectrum disorders.
  • Psychological Impacts of Climate Change: Examine the effects of climate change on mental health, including anxiety, depression, and feelings of loss or grief.
  • The Role of Art Therapy in Treating PTSD: Evaluate the efficacy of art therapy interventions for veterans or victims of violence suffering from PTSD.
  • Gender Identity Development in Adolescence: Research the factors that influence gender identity and expression during the critical developmental stage of adolescence.
  • Cognitive Dissonance and Consumer Behavior: Study how cognitive dissonance affects purchasing decisions and brand loyalty in the retail sector.
  • Psychology of Pain Management: Investigate the role of psychological factors in the perception of pain and the effectiveness of psychological pain management techniques compared to pharmacological treatments.
  • Social Perception in Online vs. Face-to-Face Interactions: Compare the accuracy of social perception and formation of first impressions in online settings versus in-person encounters.
  • The Impact of Social Support on Recovery from Substance Abuse: Explore how different types and sources of social support contribute to the recovery process from drug and alcohol addiction.
  • Effects of Microaggressions on Workplace Performance: Investigate how subtle forms of discrimination impact employees’ job satisfaction and productivity.
  • The Psychology of Financial Decision-Making in Young Adults: Explore how psychological factors influence financial literacy and decision-making in the transition to adulthood.
  • The Role of Pet Ownership in Managing Chronic Mental Illness: Examine the therapeutic benefits of pet ownership for individuals with chronic mental health conditions.
  • Mindfulness Interventions in Elementary Education: Study the effects of mindfulness practices on attention and emotional regulation in young children.
  • Narrative Identity and Life Transitions: Analyze how personal storytelling and narrative identity evolve during major life transitions, such as retirement or career change.
  • Cultural Competence in Psychotherapy: Evaluate the importance of cultural competence in therapeutic practices and client outcomes.
  • Psychological Impact of Body Image Portrayed in Social Media: Explore the effects of social media on body image dissatisfaction and the development of eating disorders.
  • Eco-Anxiety and Environmental Activism: Examine the psychological effects of climate change concerns on environmental activism behaviors.
  • Psychological Processes in Extreme Sports: Study risk assessment, decision-making, and flow states in athletes who participate in extreme sports.
  • The Effect of Music Therapy on Cognitive Decline in Dementia Patients: Research the impact of music therapy sessions on the progression of cognitive symptoms in dementia.
  • Social Cognition in Virtual Teams: Evaluate how individuals understand and operate within teams that interact exclusively through digital means.
  • Attachment Patterns and Social Media Usage: Investigate the connection between attachment styles and usage patterns of social media platforms.
  • Psychological Safety and Learning in Academic Settings: Explore the concept of psychological safety and its impact on students’ willingness to engage in learning activities.
  • Humor and Coping Mechanisms in Stressful Occupations: Analyze the role of humor as a coping strategy for professionals in high-stress fields like emergency medicine.
  • Impact of Sleep Hygiene Education on Student Performance: Evaluate the effectiveness of sleep education programs in improving the sleep quality and academic performance of university students.
  • Color Psychology in Marketing and Branding: Study how color influences consumer perceptions and behaviors towards products and brands.
  • The Role of Psychological Flexibility in Chronic Pain Management: Explore how acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) can aid individuals with chronic pain in improving their quality of life.
  • Cyberbullying and Self-esteem in Adolescents: Examine the long-term effects of cyberbullying on self-esteem and identity formation during adolescence.
  • Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution: Investigate how emotional intelligence skills facilitate conflict resolution in personal and professional relationships.
  • Digital Detox and Psychological Well-Being: Examine the psychological effects of taking regular breaks from digital devices.
  • Stress Resilience in Space Exploration: Study psychological resilience strategies for astronauts during long-duration space missions.
  • Language Acquisition in Mixed-Language Households: Explore how children in bilingual homes acquire and separate languages cognitively.
  • The Role of Play in Child Development: Investigate different play therapies and their impact on developmental disorders in children.
  • Implicit Bias and Decision Making in Jury Deliberations: Examine how implicit biases can influence the decision-making process in legal settings.
  • Cognitive Effects of Chronic Sleep Deprivation: Research the long-term cognitive impacts of chronic sleep deprivation in adults.
  • The Psychology of Superstitions in Sports: Study the role and impact of superstitious behaviors on athletes’ performance.
  • The Mental Health Effects of Urban vs. Rural Living: Compare the prevalence and types of mental health issues in urban versus rural populations.
  • Psychological Outcomes of Genetic Testing: Explore the emotional and psychological impact of undergoing genetic testing for diseases.
  • Intergenerational Effects of Historical Trauma: Investigate the psychological effects across generations within communities that have experienced historical trauma.
  • The Impact of Social Comparisons on Self-Esteem: Examine how individuals’ self-esteem is affected by comparisons made on social media platforms.
  • Emotion Recognition and AI Interactions: Study how humans perceive and react to emotional expressions by artificial intelligences and robots.
  • Personality Development in Space Colonies: Speculate on how living in space colonies might affect personality development and social dynamics.
  • The Effect of Parental Leave on Child Psychological Development: Research the long-term effects of various lengths and types of parental leave on children.
  • Sensory Processing Disorders and Educational Outcomes: Examine the impact of sensory processing disorders on children’s educational achievements.
  • The Influence of Scent on Memory Recall: Explore the connection between olfactory cues and the accuracy or vividness of memory recall.
  • Peer Influence on Risky Behavior in Adolescence: Analyze how peer groups can impact the decision-making process in teenagers regarding risky behaviors.
  • The Effect of Minimalism on Mental Health: Study the psychological impact of adopting a minimalist lifestyle in a consumer-driven society.
  • Psychological Mechanisms of Radicalization: Investigate the cognitive and emotional pathways that lead individuals to adopt radical ideologies.
  • Multitasking and Cognitive Load: Investigate the limits of cognitive load and its impact on multitasking efficiency.
  • Psychological Effects of Long-Term Spaceflight: Explore the mental challenges astronauts face during extended missions.
  • Therapeutic Effects of Creative Writing: Study how creative writing can be used as a therapeutic tool for emotional expression.
  • Psychology of Religious Extremism: Examine the factors that contribute to religious extremism from a psychological perspective.
  • Mental Health Implications of Climate Migration: Research the psychological impact of relocating due to climate change.
  • Social Psychology of Urbanization: Explore how urban living influences social behavior and community dynamics.
  • Gestures and Language Development in Children: Investigate the role of gestural communication in early language acquisition.
  • Technology Addiction and Family Dynamics: Study the impact of technology addiction on interpersonal relationships within families.
  • Psychology of Solitude: Examine the effects of solitude on mental health and personal growth.
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation Techniques for Stroke Survivors: Explore effective cognitive rehabilitation methods for post-stroke recovery.
  • Impact of Prenatal Exposure to Music on Infant Development: Research the long-term developmental effects of prenatal music exposure.
  • Psychological Impacts of Participatory Art: Study how engagement with participatory art can affect psychological well-being.
  • Neuroethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces: Delve into the ethical implications of using BCIs in neurology and psychiatry.
  • Empathy Development in Virtual Reality Training: Investigate how VR can be used to enhance empathy in professional training programs.
  • Social Media and Collective Memory Formation: Examine how social media platforms influence the formation of collective memories.
  • Psychological Aspects of Cosmetic Surgery: Research the motivations and outcomes of cosmetic surgery from a psychological standpoint.
  • Personality Traits and Online Dating Success: Analyze how different personality traits affect success in online dating.
  • Psychological Strategies in Competitive Esports: Study the mental techniques used by esports players to enhance performance.
  • Attachment Security and Pet Ownership: Explore the connection between attachment styles and the bond with pets.
  • Psychological Effects of Autonomous Vehicles: Investigate how trust and control issues impact the acceptance of self-driving cars.
  • Mental Health Services in Rural Communities: Examine the challenges and effectiveness of delivering mental health care in rural areas.
  • Cross-Cultural Communication in Global Teams: Research the psychological barriers and facilitators of communication in international teams.
  • Psychology of Sustainable Behavior: Study the motivators and deterrents of engaging in environmentally sustainable behaviors.
  • Impact of Witnessing Parental Conflict on Children: Investigate the long-term effects of exposure to parental conflict during childhood.
  • Sleep Disorders and Emotional Regulation: Examine the relationship between sleep quality and the ability to regulate emotions.
  • Trauma-Informed Practices in Education: Explore the implementation and outcomes of trauma-informed approaches in schools.
  • Psychology of Menu Design: Analyze how menu layout and choice architecture influence dining decisions.
  • Motivational Factors in Crowdfunding: Investigate what psychological factors motivate people to contribute to crowdfunding campaigns.
  • Perception of Time in Different Cultures: Research how the cultural background affects the perception and value of time.
  • Psychological Resilience in Extreme Athletes: Study the mental toughness and resilience strategies of athletes in extreme sports.
  • Influence of Indoor Plants on Mood and Productivity: Explore the psychological benefits of having plants in indoor workspaces.

Each of these topics has a broad range of literature to draw from and the potential to contribute new knowledge or insights to the field of psychology. It’s important to refine these ideas further to create a specific, researchable question that can be addressed within the scope of a dissertation.

61 intriguing psychology research topics to explore

Last updated

11 January 2024

Reviewed by

Brittany Ferri, PhD, OTR/L

Psychology is an incredibly diverse, critical, and ever-changing area of study in the medical and health industries. Because of this, it’s a common area of study for students and healthcare professionals.

We’re walking you through picking the perfect topic for your upcoming paper or study. Keep reading for plenty of example topics to pique your interest and curiosity.

  • How to choose a psychology research topic

Exploring a psychology-based topic for your research project? You need to pick a specific area of interest to collect compelling data. 

Use these tips to help you narrow down which psychology topics to research:

Focus on a particular area of psychology

The most effective psychological research focuses on a smaller, niche concept or disorder within the scope of a study. 

Psychology is a broad and fascinating area of science, including everything from diagnosed mental health disorders to sports performance mindset assessments. 

This gives you plenty of different avenues to explore. Having a hard time choosing? Check out our list of 61 ideas further down in this article to get started.

Read the latest clinical studies

Once you’ve picked a more niche topic to explore, you need to do your due diligence and explore other research projects on the same topic. 

This practice will help you learn more about your chosen topic, ask more specific questions, and avoid covering existing projects. 

For the best results, we recommend creating a research folder of associated published papers to reference throughout your project. This makes it much easier to cite direct references and find inspiration down the line.

Find a topic you enjoy and ask questions

Once you’ve spent time researching and collecting references for your study, you finally get to explore. 

Whether this research project is for work, school, or just for fun, having a passion for your research will make the project much more enjoyable. (Trust us, there will be times when that is the only thing that keeps you going.) 

Now you’ve decided on the topic, ask more nuanced questions you might want to explore. 

If you can, pick the direction that interests you the most to make the research process much more enjoyable.

  • 61 psychology topics to research in 2024

Need some extra help starting your psychology research project on the right foot? Explore our list of 61 cutting-edge, in-demand psychology research topics to use as a starting point for your research journey.

  • Psychology research topics for university students

As a university student, it can be hard to pick a research topic that fits the scope of your classes and is still compelling and unique. 

Here are a few exciting topics we recommend exploring for your next assigned research project:

Mental health in post-secondary students

Seeking post-secondary education is a stressful and overwhelming experience for most students, making this topic a great choice to explore for your in-class research paper. 

Examples of post-secondary mental health research topics include:

Student mental health status during exam season

Mental health disorder prevalence based on study major

The impact of chronic school stress on overall quality of life

The impacts of cyberbullying

Cyberbullying can occur at all ages, starting as early as elementary school and carrying through into professional workplaces. 

Examples of cyberbullying-based research topics you can study include:

The impact of cyberbullying on self-esteem

Common reasons people engage in cyberbullying 

Cyberbullying themes and commonly used terms

Cyberbullying habits in children vs. adults

The long-term effects of cyberbullying

  • Clinical psychology research topics

If you’re looking to take a more clinical approach to your next project, here are a few topics that involve direct patient assessment for you to consider:

Chronic pain and mental health

Living with chronic pain dramatically impacts every aspect of a person’s life, including their mental and emotional health. 

Here are a few examples of in-demand pain-related psychology research topics:

The connection between diabetic neuropathy and depression

Neurological pain and its connection to mental health disorders

Efficacy of meditation and mindfulness for pain management

The long-term effects of insomnia

Insomnia is where you have difficulty falling or staying asleep. It’s a common health concern that impacts millions of people worldwide. 

This is an excellent topic because insomnia can have a variety of causes, offering many research possibilities. 

Here are a few compelling psychology research topics about insomnia you could investigate:

The prevalence of insomnia based on age, gender, and ethnicity

Insomnia and its impact on workplace productivity

The connection between insomnia and mental health disorders

Efficacy and use of melatonin supplements for insomnia

The risks and benefits of prescription insomnia medications

Lifestyle options for managing insomnia symptoms

The efficacy of mental health treatment options

Management and treatment of mental health conditions is an ever-changing area of study. If you can witness or participate in mental health therapies, this can make a great research project. 

Examples of mental health treatment-related psychology research topics include:

The efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for patients with severe anxiety

The benefits and drawbacks of group vs. individual therapy sessions

Music therapy for mental health disorders

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for patients with depression 

  • Controversial psychology research paper topics

If you are looking to explore a more cutting-edge or modern psychology topic, you can delve into a variety of controversial and topical options:

The impact of social media and digital platforms

Ever since access to internet forums and video games became more commonplace, there’s been growing concern about the impact these digital platforms have on mental health. 

Examples of social media and video game-related psychology research topics include:

The effect of edited images on self-confidence

How social media platforms impact social behavior

Video games and their impact on teenage anger and violence

Digital communication and the rapid spread of misinformation

The development of digital friendships

Psychotropic medications for mental health

In recent years, the interest in using psychoactive medications to treat and manage health conditions has increased despite their inherently controversial nature. 

Examples of psychotropic medication-related research topics include:

The risks and benefits of using psilocybin mushrooms for managing anxiety

The impact of marijuana on early-onset psychosis

Childhood marijuana use and related prevalence of mental health conditions

Ketamine and its use for complex PTSD (C-PTSD) symptom management

The effect of long-term psychedelic use and mental health conditions

  • Mental health disorder research topics

As one of the most popular subsections of psychology, studying mental health disorders and how they impact quality of life is an essential and impactful area of research. 

While studies in these areas are common, there’s always room for additional exploration, including the following hot-button topics:

Anxiety and depression disorders

Anxiety and depression are well-known and heavily researched mental health disorders. 

Despite this, we still don’t know many things about these conditions, making them great candidates for psychology research projects:

Social anxiety and its connection to chronic loneliness

C-PTSD symptoms and causes

The development of phobias

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) behaviors and symptoms

Depression triggers and causes

Self-care tools and resources for depression

The prevalence of anxiety and depression in particular age groups or geographic areas

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a complex and multi-faceted area of psychology research. 

Use your research skills to learn more about this condition and its impact by choosing any of the following topics:

Early signs of bipolar disorder

The incidence of bipolar disorder in young adults

The efficacy of existing bipolar treatment options

Bipolar medication side effects

Cognitive behavioral therapy for people with bipolar 

Schizoaffective disorder

Schizoaffective disorder is often stigmatized, and less common mental health disorders are a hotbed for new and exciting research. 

Here are a few examples of interesting research topics related to this mental health disorder:

The prevalence of schizoaffective disorder by certain age groups or geographic locations

Risk factors for developing schizoaffective disorder

The prevalence and content of auditory and visual hallucinations

Alternative therapies for schizoaffective disorder

  • Societal and systematic psychology research topics

Modern society’s impact is deeply enmeshed in our mental and emotional health on a personal and community level. 

Here are a few examples of societal and systemic psychology research topics to explore in more detail:

Access to mental health services

While mental health awareness has risen over the past few decades, access to quality mental health treatment and resources is still not equitable. 

This can significantly impact the severity of a person’s mental health symptoms, which can result in worse health outcomes if left untreated. 

Explore this crucial issue and provide information about the need for improved mental health resource access by studying any of the following topics:

Rural vs. urban access to mental health resources

Access to crisis lines by location

Wait times for emergency mental health services

Inequities in mental health access based on income and location

Insurance coverage for mental health services

Systemic racism and mental health

Societal systems and the prevalence of systemic racism heavily impact every aspect of a person’s overall health.

Researching these topics draws attention to existing problems and contributes valuable insights into ways to improve access to care moving forward.

Examples of systemic racism-related psychology research topics include: 

Access to mental health resources based on race

The prevalence of BIPOC mental health therapists in a chosen area

The impact of systemic racism on mental health and self-worth

Racism training for mental health workers

The prevalence of mental health disorders in discriminated groups

LGBTQIA+ mental health concerns

Research about LGBTQIA+ people and their mental health needs is a unique area of study to explore for your next research project. It’s a commonly overlooked and underserved community.

Examples of LGBTQIA+ psychology research topics to consider include:

Mental health supports for queer teens and children

The impact of queer safe spaces on mental health

The prevalence of mental health disorders in the LGBTQIA+ community

The benefits of queer mentorship and found family

Substance misuse in LQBTQIA+ youth and adults

  • Collect data and identify trends with Dovetail

Psychology research is an exciting and competitive study area, making it the perfect choice for projects or papers.

Take the headache out of analyzing your data and instantly access the insights you need to complete your next psychology research project by teaming up with Dovetail today.

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Research Topics & Ideas: Mental Health

100+ Mental Health Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

If you’re just starting out exploring mental health topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of mental health-related research topics and ideas.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Mental Health Topic Ideas

  • Mood disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Psychotic disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Substance-related disorders

Research topic idea mega list

Mood Disorders

Research in mood disorders can help understand their causes and improve treatment methods. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  • The impact of genetics on the susceptibility to depression
  • Efficacy of antidepressants vs. cognitive behavioural therapy
  • The role of gut microbiota in mood regulation
  • Cultural variations in the experience and diagnosis of bipolar disorder
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder: Environmental factors and treatment
  • The link between depression and chronic illnesses
  • Exercise as an adjunct treatment for mood disorders
  • Hormonal changes and mood swings in postpartum women
  • Stigma around mood disorders in the workplace
  • Suicidal tendencies among patients with severe mood disorders

Anxiety Disorders

Research topics in this category can potentially explore the triggers, coping mechanisms, or treatment efficacy for anxiety disorders.

  • The relationship between social media and anxiety
  • Exposure therapy effectiveness in treating phobias
  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder in children: Early signs and interventions
  • The role of mindfulness in treating anxiety
  • Genetics and heritability of anxiety disorders
  • The link between anxiety disorders and heart disease
  • Anxiety prevalence in LGBTQ+ communities
  • Caffeine consumption and its impact on anxiety levels
  • The economic cost of untreated anxiety disorders
  • Virtual Reality as a treatment method for anxiety disorders

Psychotic Disorders

Within this space, your research topic could potentially aim to investigate the underlying factors and treatment possibilities for psychotic disorders.

  • Early signs and interventions in adolescent psychosis
  • Brain imaging techniques for diagnosing psychotic disorders
  • The efficacy of antipsychotic medication
  • The role of family history in psychotic disorders
  • Misdiagnosis and delayed treatment of psychotic disorders
  • Co-morbidity of psychotic and mood disorders
  • The relationship between substance abuse and psychotic disorders
  • Art therapy as a treatment for schizophrenia
  • Public perception and stigma around psychotic disorders
  • Hospital vs. community-based care for psychotic disorders

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Personality Disorders

Research topics within in this area could delve into the identification, management, and social implications of personality disorders.

  • Long-term outcomes of borderline personality disorder
  • Antisocial personality disorder and criminal behaviour
  • The role of early life experiences in developing personality disorders
  • Narcissistic personality disorder in corporate leaders
  • Gender differences in personality disorders
  • Diagnosis challenges for Cluster A personality disorders
  • Emotional intelligence and its role in treating personality disorders
  • Psychotherapy methods for treating personality disorders
  • Personality disorders in the elderly population
  • Stigma and misconceptions about personality disorders

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

Within this space, research topics could focus on the causes, symptoms, or treatment of disorders like OCD and hoarding.

  • OCD and its relationship with anxiety disorders
  • Cognitive mechanisms behind hoarding behaviour
  • Deep Brain Stimulation as a treatment for severe OCD
  • The impact of OCD on academic performance in students
  • Role of family and social networks in treating OCD
  • Alternative treatments for hoarding disorder
  • Childhood onset OCD: Diagnosis and treatment
  • OCD and religious obsessions
  • The impact of OCD on family dynamics
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Causes and treatment

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Research topics in this area could explore the triggers, symptoms, and treatments for PTSD. Here are some thought starters to get you moving.

  • PTSD in military veterans: Coping mechanisms and treatment
  • Childhood trauma and adult onset PTSD
  • Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) efficacy
  • Role of emotional support animals in treating PTSD
  • Gender differences in PTSD occurrence and treatment
  • Effectiveness of group therapy for PTSD patients
  • PTSD and substance abuse: A dual diagnosis
  • First responders and rates of PTSD
  • Domestic violence as a cause of PTSD
  • The neurobiology of PTSD

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

This category of mental health aims to better understand disorders like Autism and ADHD and their impact on day-to-day life.

  • Early diagnosis and interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • ADHD medication and its impact on academic performance
  • Parental coping strategies for children with neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Autism and gender: Diagnosis disparities
  • The role of diet in managing ADHD symptoms
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders in the criminal justice system
  • Genetic factors influencing Autism
  • ADHD and its relationship with sleep disorders
  • Educational adaptations for children with neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders and stigma in schools

Eating Disorders

Research topics within this space can explore the psychological, social, and biological aspects of eating disorders.

  • The role of social media in promoting eating disorders
  • Family dynamics and their impact on anorexia
  • Biological basis of binge-eating disorder
  • Treatment outcomes for bulimia nervosa
  • Eating disorders in athletes
  • Media portrayal of body image and its impact
  • Eating disorders and gender: Are men underdiagnosed?
  • Cultural variations in eating disorders
  • The relationship between obesity and eating disorders
  • Eating disorders in the LGBTQ+ community

Substance-Related Disorders

Research topics in this category can focus on addiction mechanisms, treatment options, and social implications.

  • Efficacy of rehabilitation centres for alcohol addiction
  • The role of genetics in substance abuse
  • Substance abuse and its impact on family dynamics
  • Prescription drug abuse among the elderly
  • Legalisation of marijuana and its impact on substance abuse rates
  • Alcoholism and its relationship with liver diseases
  • Opioid crisis: Causes and solutions
  • Substance abuse education in schools: Is it effective?
  • Harm reduction strategies for drug abuse
  • Co-occurring mental health disorders in substance abusers

Research topic evaluator

Choosing A Research Topic

These research topic ideas we’ve covered here serve as thought starters to help you explore different areas within mental health. They are intentionally very broad and open-ended. By engaging with the currently literature in your field of interest, you’ll be able to narrow down your focus to a specific research gap .

It’s important to consider a variety of factors when choosing a topic for your dissertation or thesis . Think about the relevance of the topic, its feasibility , and the resources available to you, including time, data, and academic guidance. Also, consider your own interest and expertise in the subject, as this will sustain you through the research process.

Always consult with your academic advisor to ensure that your chosen topic aligns with academic requirements and offers a meaningful contribution to the field. If you need help choosing a topic, consider our private coaching service.

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Public health-related research topics and ideas

Good morning everyone. This are very patent topics for research in neuroscience. Thank you for guidance


What if everything is important, original and intresting? as in Neuroscience. I find myself overwhelmd with tens of relveant areas and within each area many optional topics. I ask myself if importance (for example – able to treat people suffering) is more relevant than what intrest me, and on the other hand if what advance me further in my career should not also be a consideration?


This information is really helpful and have learnt alot

Pepple Biteegeregha Godfrey

Phd research topics on implementation of mental health policy in Nigeria :the prospects, challenges and way forward.

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50+ Research Topics for Psychology Papers

How to Find Psychology Research Topics for Your Student Paper

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

list of clinical psychology dissertation topics

Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

list of clinical psychology dissertation topics

  • Specific Branches of Psychology
  • Topics Involving a Disorder or Type of Therapy
  • Human Cognition
  • Human Development
  • Critique of Publications
  • Famous Experiments
  • Historical Figures
  • Specific Careers
  • Case Studies
  • Literature Reviews
  • Your Own Study/Experiment

Are you searching for a great topic for your psychology paper ? Sometimes it seems like coming up with topics of psychology research is more challenging than the actual research and writing. Fortunately, there are plenty of great places to find inspiration and the following list contains just a few ideas to help get you started.

Finding a solid topic is one of the most important steps when writing any type of paper. It can be particularly important when you are writing a psychology research paper or essay. Psychology is such a broad topic, so you want to find a topic that allows you to adequately cover the subject without becoming overwhelmed with information.

I can always tell when a student really cares about the topic they chose; it comes through in the writing. My advice is to choose a topic that genuinely interests you, so you’ll be more motivated to do thorough research.

In some cases, such as in a general psychology class, you might have the option to select any topic from within psychology's broad reach. Other instances, such as in an  abnormal psychology  course, might require you to write your paper on a specific subject such as a psychological disorder.

As you begin your search for a topic for your psychology paper, it is first important to consider the guidelines established by your instructor.

Research Topics Within Specific Branches of Psychology

The key to selecting a good topic for your psychology paper is to select something that is narrow enough to allow you to really focus on the subject, but not so narrow that it is difficult to find sources or information to write about.

One approach is to narrow your focus down to a subject within a specific branch of psychology. For example, you might start by deciding that you want to write a paper on some sort of social psychology topic. Next, you might narrow your focus down to how persuasion can be used to influence behavior .

Other social psychology topics you might consider include:

  • Prejudice and discrimination (i.e., homophobia, sexism, racism)
  • Social cognition
  • Person perception
  • Social control and cults
  • Persuasion, propaganda, and marketing
  • Attraction, romance, and love
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Prosocial behavior

Psychology Research Topics Involving a Disorder or Type of Therapy

Exploring a psychological disorder or a specific treatment modality can also be a good topic for a psychology paper. Some potential abnormal psychology topics include specific psychological disorders or particular treatment modalities, including:

  • Eating disorders
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Seasonal affective disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Profile a  type of therapy  (i.e., cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, psychoanalytic therapy)

Topics of Psychology Research Related to Human Cognition

Some of the possible topics you might explore in this area include thinking, language, intelligence, and decision-making. Other ideas might include:

  • False memories
  • Speech disorders
  • Problem-solving

Topics of Psychology Research Related to Human Development

In this area, you might opt to focus on issues pertinent to  early childhood  such as language development, social learning, or childhood attachment or you might instead opt to concentrate on issues that affect older adults such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Some other topics you might consider include:

  • Language acquisition
  • Media violence and children
  • Learning disabilities
  • Gender roles
  • Child abuse
  • Prenatal development
  • Parenting styles
  • Aspects of the aging process

Do a Critique of Publications Involving Psychology Research Topics

One option is to consider writing a critique paper of a published psychology book or academic journal article. For example, you might write a critical analysis of Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams or you might evaluate a more recent book such as Philip Zimbardo's  The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil .

Professional and academic journals are also great places to find materials for a critique paper. Browse through the collection at your university library to find titles devoted to the subject that you are most interested in, then look through recent articles until you find one that grabs your attention.

Topics of Psychology Research Related to Famous Experiments

There have been many fascinating and groundbreaking experiments throughout the history of psychology, providing ample material for students looking for an interesting term paper topic. In your paper, you might choose to summarize the experiment, analyze the ethics of the research, or evaluate the implications of the study. Possible experiments that you might consider include:

  • The Milgram Obedience Experiment
  • The Stanford Prison Experiment
  • The Little Albert Experiment
  • Pavlov's Conditioning Experiments
  • The Asch Conformity Experiment
  • Harlow's Rhesus Monkey Experiments

Topics of Psychology Research About Historical Figures

One of the simplest ways to find a great topic is to choose an interesting person in the  history of psychology  and write a paper about them. Your paper might focus on many different elements of the individual's life, such as their biography, professional history, theories, or influence on psychology.

While this type of paper may be historical in nature, there is no need for this assignment to be dry or boring. Psychology is full of fascinating figures rife with intriguing stories and anecdotes. Consider such famous individuals as Sigmund Freud, B.F. Skinner, Harry Harlow, or one of the many other  eminent psychologists .

Psychology Research Topics About a Specific Career

​Another possible topic, depending on the course in which you are enrolled, is to write about specific career paths within the  field of psychology . This type of paper is especially appropriate if you are exploring different subtopics or considering which area interests you the most.

In your paper, you might opt to explore the typical duties of a psychologist, how much people working in these fields typically earn, and the different employment options that are available.

Topics of Psychology Research Involving Case Studies

One potentially interesting idea is to write a  psychology case study  of a particular individual or group of people. In this type of paper, you will provide an in-depth analysis of your subject, including a thorough biography.

Generally, you will also assess the person, often using a major psychological theory such as  Piaget's stages of cognitive development  or  Erikson's eight-stage theory of human development . It is also important to note that your paper doesn't necessarily have to be about someone you know personally.

In fact, many professors encourage students to write case studies on historical figures or fictional characters from books, television programs, or films.

Psychology Research Topics Involving Literature Reviews

Another possibility that would work well for a number of psychology courses is to do a literature review of a specific topic within psychology. A literature review involves finding a variety of sources on a particular subject, then summarizing and reporting on what these sources have to say about the topic.

Literature reviews are generally found in the  introduction  of journal articles and other  psychology papers , but this type of analysis also works well for a full-scale psychology term paper.

Topics of Psychology Research Based on Your Own Study or Experiment

Many psychology courses require students to design an actual psychological study or perform some type of experiment. In some cases, students simply devise the study and then imagine the possible results that might occur. In other situations, you may actually have the opportunity to collect data, analyze your findings, and write up your results.

Finding a topic for your study can be difficult, but there are plenty of great ways to come up with intriguing ideas. Start by considering your own interests as well as subjects you have studied in the past.

Online sources, newspaper articles, books , journal articles, and even your own class textbook are all great places to start searching for topics for your experiments and psychology term papers. Before you begin, learn more about  how to conduct a psychology experiment .

What This Means For You

After looking at this brief list of possible topics for psychology papers, it is easy to see that psychology is a very broad and diverse subject. While this variety makes it possible to find a topic that really catches your interest, it can sometimes make it very difficult for some students to select a good topic.

If you are still stumped by your assignment, ask your instructor for suggestions and consider a few from this list for inspiration.

  • Hockenbury, SE & Nolan, SA. Psychology. New York: Worth Publishers; 2014.
  • Santrock, JW. A Topical Approach to Lifespan Development. New York: McGraw-Hill Education; 2016.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."


Top and Latest 150+ Psychology Dissertation Topics 2024

Tom Baldwin - Jan 22, 2024

Top and Latest 150+ Psychology Dissertation Topics 2024

Choosing the right psychology dissertation topics are crucial for successful researches. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore a diverse range of dissertation topics across various fields of psychology. Whether you’re interested in cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, or any other subfield, you’re sure to find inspiration for your dissertation.

Ready to unlock the treasure chest of potential topics? Here’s a curated selection of over 150 dissertation ideas, categorized for your convenience:

Table of Contents

Psychology dissertation topics: cognitive psychology.

Cognitive psychology delves into the intricacies of how we think, remember, learn, perceive, solve problems, and use language. Here are 15 dissertation topics to consider:

  • The Role of Working Memory in Decision-Making
  • Cognitive Processes Behind Creativity
  • Neural Correlates of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • The Impact of Sleep on Cognitive Performance
  • The Psychology of Learning and Memory in Different Age Groups
  • Cognitive Biases in Decision-Making
  • Language Development in Bilingual Children
  • The Influence of Emotion on Cognitive Processing
  • Neural Plasticity and Cognitive Rehabilitation
  • Cognitive Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction
  • The Relationship Between Music and Cognitive Abilities
  • Cognitive Aging and Memory Decline
  • The Role of Executive Functions in Academic Achievement
  • Neuroimaging Studies of Cognitive Processes
  • Cognitive Factors in the Perception of Time

Clinical Psychology:

Clinical psychology focuses on diagnosing and treating mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Here are 15 dissertation topics in this field:

  • Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Treating Depression
  • The Impact of Early Intervention on Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Psychosocial Factors in Chronic Pain Management
  • Personality Disorders and Criminal Behavior
  • Integrating Technology in Mental Health Interventions
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on PTSD Treatment
  • The Role of Attachment in Therapeutic Relationships
  • Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Anxiety Disorders
  • Therapeutic Applications of Virtual Reality in Exposure Therapy
  • Cultural Sensitivity in Eating Disorder Treatment
  • Group Therapy for Substance Abuse Recovery
  • Neurobiological Basis of Schizophrenia and Treatment Approaches
  • The Influence of Therapist Characteristics on Treatment Outcomes
  • Telehealth in Mental Health Services
  • Factors Affecting Adherence to Psychotherapy

Developmental Psychology:

Developmental psychology studies human development across the lifespan. Here are 15 dissertation topics in this field:

  • Parental Influences on Childhood Attachment Patterns
  • Effects of Early Childhood Education on Cognitive Development
  • Identity Development in Adolescence
  • Parenting Styles and Academic Achievement
  • The Role of Sibling Relationships in Social Development
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Adolescence
  • Developmental Trajectories of Moral Reasoning
  • Influence of Technology on Social Development in Children
  • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Relationships
  • Gender Identity Development in Children
  • Attachment Theory and Peer Relationships
  • Cognitive and Social Development in Late Adulthood
  • The Influence of Culture on Parent-Child Interactions
  • Environmental Factors in Early Childhood Development
  • Developmental Changes in Emotional Regulation

Social Psychology:

Social psychology explores how individuals think, feel, and behave in social contexts. Here are 15 dissertation topics in this field:

  • Social Media and Body Image Perception
  • The Psychology of Group Conformity
  • Stereotype Threat in Academic Settings
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Impact of Social Support on Mental Health
  • The Role of Empathy in Prosocial Behavior
  • Social Influence in Decision-Making
  • Cultural Variations in the Perception of Happiness
  • Attitudes and Behaviors in Online Communities
  • Effects of Social Comparison on Well-Being
  • The Psychology of Online Dating and Relationship Formation
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Aggression
  • Social Identity Theory and its Application in Society
  • The Impact of Social Media on Interpersonal Relationships
  • The Psychology of Altruism and Volunteerism

Personality Psychology:

Personality psychology investigates the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make individuals unique. Here are 15 dissertation topics in this field:

  • Longitudinal Study of Personality Development in Adulthood
  • The Relationship Between Personality and Career Choice
  • Cultural Influences on Personality Traits
  • Personality Factors in Resilience and Coping
  • The Role of Personality in Romantic Relationships
  • Personality Disorders and Their Impact on Daily Functioning
  • Influence of Genetics on Personality Traits
  • Personality and Leadership Styles in Organizational Settings
  • Cultural Perspectives on the Self and Identity
  • The Role of Personality in Health Behaviors
  • Personality Traits and Online Behavior
  • Development of Personality in Early Childhood
  • Personality and Decision-Making Styles
  • Influence of Culture on Narcissism
  • Personality Factors in Coping with Stress

Abnormal Psychology:

Abnormal psychology studies unusual or unhealthy behavior and mental disorders. Here are 15 dissertation topics in this field:

  • Cultural Variations in the Perception of Mental Health Stigma
  • The Role of Childhood Trauma in the Development of Mental Disorders
  • Neurobiological Factors in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Psychosocial Factors in the Onset of Eating Disorders
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Anxiety Disorders
  • The Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
  • Factors Influencing Treatment Adherence in Mental Health
  • Abnormal Psychology and Criminal Behavior
  • Impact of Social Isolation on Mental Health
  • The Role of Stigma in Help-Seeking Behaviors
  • Cultural Differences in the Experience of Grief and Loss
  • Cognitive and Emotional Aspects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • The Influence of Culture on Somatization Disorders
  • Abnormal Psychology and Sleep Disorders
  • Therapeutic Benefits of Animal-Assisted Therapy in Mental Health


Biopsychology explores the biological basis of behavior and mental processes. Here are 15 dissertation topics in this field:

  • The Impact of Hormones on Mood Regulation
  • Neuroplasticity and Recovery from Brain Injury
  • Genetics and the Predisposition of Mental Disorders
  • The Role of the Endocannabinoid System in Stress Response
  • Biological Basis of Addiction and Treatment Approaches
  • Neurotransmitter Imbalances in Mood Disorders
  • Brain Imaging Studies of Cognitive Processes
  • The Influence of Genetics on Cognitive Abilities
  • Psychophysiological Responses to Stress
  • Hormonal Changes in Perimenopausal Mental Health
  • Impact of Exercise on Brain Health
  • Genetic Markers of Resilience to Trauma
  • Neurobiology of Psychopathy
  • The Relationship Between Gut Microbiota and Mental Health
  • Epigenetic Influences on Behavioral Traits

Health Psychology:

Health psychology examines the relationship between psychological factors and physical health. Here are 15 dissertation topics in this field:

  • The Impact of Stress on Immune Function
  • Health Beliefs and Preventive Health Behaviors
  • Cultural Perspectives on Health-Seeking Behaviors
  • Emotional Influences on Cardiovascular Health
  • The Role of Mind-Body Interventions in Chronic Illness
  • Health Psychology and Motivation for Healthy Lifestyle Choices
  • The Influence of Social Support on Health Outcomes
  • Cultural Differences in Coping with Chronic Illness
  • Behavioral Interventions for Smoking Cessation
  • The Psychology of Sleep and its Impact on Physical Health
  • Health Promotion in Diverse Populations
  • Factors Affecting Adherence to Medical Treatments
  • The Role of Psychological Factors in Weight Management
  • Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health in the Context of Physical Illness

Organizational Psychology:

Organizational psychology applies psychological principles to the workplace. Here are 15 dissertation topics in this field:

  • Employee Motivation in the Era of Remote Work
  • Leadership Styles and Team Dynamics
  • Organizational Culture and Employee Well-Being
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
  • Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
  • Job Satisfaction and Burnout in High-Stress Environments
  • Team Building and Communication in Virtual Teams
  • Psychological Factors in Employee Engagement
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Organizational Behavior
  • Human Resource Management and Talent Development
  • Work-Life Balance and Employee Productivity
  • The Influence of Organizational Climate on Job Performance
  • The Psychology of Organizational Change
  • Employee Resilience and Coping with Workplace Stress
  • Organizational Psychology and the Future of Work

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Forensic Psychology:

Forensic psychology uses psychological knowledge in legal settings. Here are 15 dissertation topics in this field:

  • Psychological Profiling and Criminal Investigations
  • The Role of Eyewitness Testimony in Legal Proceedings
  • The Psychology of False Confessions
  • Evaluating Competency to Stand Trial
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Juvenile Delinquency
  • Forensic Psychology and Risk Assessment
  • The Use of Technology in Forensic Mental Health Assessments
  • The Influence of Media on Perceptions of Criminal Behavior
  • Psychological Factors in Eyewitness Identification Accuracy
  • Therapeutic Approaches for Offender Rehabilitation
  • The Impact of Pretrial Publicity on Jury Decision-Making
  • Forensic Psychology and the Insanity Defense
  • The Role of Psychopathy in Criminal Behavior
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Criminal Profiling
  • Ethical Considerations in Forensic Psychology Practice

Charting Your Course – How to Choose a Winning Dissertation Topic

Navigating the vast landscape of psychology can be exhilarating, but without a compass, you might end up lost in the undergrowth of obscure theories and irrelevant data. Here’s how to pick your perfect topic:

Choose Thorough Your line of Expertise

What sparks your curiosity in the world of psychology? Is it the intricate dance of memory, the complex tapestry of social interactions, or the deep well of human emotions?

Choose a topic that genuinely excites you, because passion fuels the long hours of research and analysis.

Align with Your Strengths:

Play to your natural talents . Are you a meticulous data analyst or a charismatic interviewer?

Find a topic that allows you to leverage your skills and make the most of your strengths.

Consider Feasibility:

Don’t set your sights on Mars when you have limited access to a telescope. Pick a topic with accessible data, manageable research methods, and realistic timelines.

Remember, quality trumps quantity, so a focused, achievable study is always better than a sprawling epic doomed to remain unfinished.

Consult Your Supervisor:

Your academic advisor is your Yoda in this journey. Discuss your interests, skills, and potential topics to receive valuable guidance and avoid venturing into dissertation dead ends.

Setting Blocks for Your Dissertation – What Should Be Included?

Now that you have your topic, it’s time to lay the foundation for your dissertation. Think of it as building a magnificent fortress of knowledge:

Your Research Question(s):

This is the driving force of your study. Craft clear, concise questions that are specific, feasible, and relevant to your chosen topic.

Literature Review:

Immerse yourself in existing research, building a strong foundation of knowledge on your topic. Identify any gaps, unanswered questions, or potential contradictions that your study can address.


Choose the right tools for the job! Will you conduct experiments, surveys, or interviews? Ensure your methods are rigorous, ethical, and aligned with your research questions.

The Tower of Analysis:

Data Analysis is where your findings take shape. Utilize appropriate statistical tools to interpret your data and draw meaningful conclusions.

Discussion and Conclusion:

Tie everything together! Discuss your findings in the context of existing research, highlight the implications of your study, and propose future avenues for exploration.

Can I customize these dissertation topics to suit my specific interests?

Absolutely! These topics serve as a starting point. Feel free to modify them based on your unique interests, ensuring a personalized and engaging research journey.

Is it essential to consult with my academic advisor before finalizing my dissertation topic?

Yes, your academic advisor plays a crucial role. Discussing your interests, skills, and potential topics with them provides valuable guidance and helps avoid potential pitfalls.

How do I ensure the feasibility of my chosen dissertation topic?

Consider the availability of accessible data, manageable research methods, and realistic timelines. Opt for a focused study that you can realistically complete with high quality.

What role does my dissertation play in the field of psychology?

Your dissertation is not just a document; it’s your intellectual legacy. It contributes to the body of knowledge in psychology, showcasing your dedication to advancing the field and leaving a lasting impact.

Your dissertation is more than just a paper; it represents your intellectual footprint in a rapidly changing field. Choosing your dissertation topic is more than just picking a path; it is the foundation of your intellectual legacy in psychology.

Whether you’re fascinated by cognitive challenges, untangling mental health mysteries, or deciphering organizational complexities, this rich trove of topics opens the door to transformative exploration.


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Clinical Psychology Masters Theses Collection

This collection contains open access and campus access Masters theses, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access theses is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible. The full content of campus access theses is only available to those either on the UMass Boston campus or with a UMass Boston campus username and password. Click on the "Off-Campus UMass Boston Users" link on the record page to download Campus Access publications. Those not on campus and those without a UMass Boston campus username and password may gain access to this thesis through resources like Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global or through Interlibrary Loan.

Theses from 2023 2023

Taking Back the "Permission to Narrate": Examining a Grassroots Organization's Process of Supporting BIPOC Youth in Developing Counternarratives and Counterspaces as Decolonial Resistance , Michelle Gabriela Del Rio

Exploring Predictors of Healing from an Expressive Writing Intervention About Heterosexism and Why LGBTQ+ Clients Might Withhold from their Therapists , Ally B. Hand

Meta-Method Analysis on Therapists’ Experiences: An Inquiry into Qualitative Psychotherapy Research Methodology , Javier L. Rizo

We Resist, We Heal, We Transform: Exploring Youth of Color Journeys Towards Healing Justice in a Grassroots Organization in Urban Boston , Rhyann Leslie Robinson

A Re-Examination of the Role of Cognitive Reappraisal in Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder , Jenny Liang Wu

No Injustice So Peace: The Interaction Between Race-Related Stress, Colorblind Racial Attitudes, and Resistance and Empowerment Against Racism , Kaela A. Yamini

Theses from 2022 2022

Exploring the Association Between Mentoring Focus and Change in Mentee Depression Symptoms in Youth , Selen Amado

Associations Between the Content and Level of Parent Concerns Pre-Diagnosis and Timeliness of Autism Screening and Diagnostic Evaluation Among a Diverse Sample of Children in Part C Early Intervention , Kohrissa Joseph

"Until Society Evolves:" Access to Gender-Affirming Care in Historic Assessment Criteria and Current Models of Care , Elliot Marrow

Responders and Nonresponders Undergoing Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy (CBGT) for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD): Trajectories of Symptom Change Across Treatment Stages as Potential Predictors of Outcome , Sriramya Potluri

Theses from 2021 2021

Acknowledgment of Culture and Stereotypes: Black Participants’ Perceptions of Specific Therapist Behaviors , Tsotso T. Ablorh

Religious Coping After Natural Disaster: Predicting Long-Term Mental and Physical Health in Survivors of Hurricane Katrina , Monica Arkin

Stigma and Prodromal Psychosis: Self-Disclosure of Symptoms and Diagnoses in At-Risk Youth , Caitlin Bryant

Excess Stress and Natural Mentors in the Lives of Sexual Minority Youth , Cherrelle Gipson

Addressing the White Problem Critically: An Exploratory Latent Profile Analysis of Racial Attitudes , Ryan Parigoris

Sex Differences in Symbolic Play of Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) , Looknoo Patcharapon Thammathorn

Developmental Profiles of 57,966 Children in Early Intervention: A Confirmatory Latent Profile Analysis , Mary E. Troxel

Theses from 2020 2020

Parent-Teacher Relationship Quality as a Predictor of Changes in Externalizing Behaviors at School for Children with ASD , Lana Andoni

Unique Syndemic-Related Clusters in a Sample of Sexual Minority Men , Christopher Chiu

Bilingual Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Language Abilities and Social Communication , Ingrid Hastedt

Examining the Interrelations Among Trajectories of Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Valued Actions in Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder , Stephanie Marando-Blanck

The Association Between Anger in Response to Racism and Depression Among Black Americans: Exploring Potential Moderating Effects of Active Coping and Collective Self-Esteem , Darrick Scott

Theses from 2019 2019

Appraisals of Trust Development within the Therapist-Client Relationship: Impacts on Client Retention in a Hypothetical First Session of Therapy , Lorraine U. Alire

Parent Negative and Positive Impacts: Reciprocal Associations Between Child Behaviors and Parenting Experiences in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Alison E. Chavez

A Heavy Burden: Associations Between Sexual Minority Status, Mental Health, and BMI in Women , Alison E. A. Goldblatt

Working Memory and Mindfulness in an RCT of ABBT and AR , Anna M. Hall

Racial Microaggression Distress and Depression among Black Americans: Examining the Roles of Racial Identity Importance, Social Support, and Gender , Shannon M. Hughley

“It’s More Complicated Than That!”: The Influence of Multiple Presenting Problems on Youth Outcomes in Formal Mentoring Programs , Yui Sum Poon

Theses from 2018 2018

Healing from Heterosexism Through Expressive Writing , Kathleen M. Collins

Clients’ Critical Experiences in Psychotherapy: Initial Measure Development , Lauren M. Grabowski

Neuropsychology and Neurogenetics of Mental Health: Risk, Resilience & Wellbeing , Keira E. O'Donovan

Reciprocal Associations between Language Ability and Social Functioning Development over a Two-Year Period in Young Pre-Verbal Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Devon R. Oosting

Effects of Racism-Related Stress on Resistance against Racism in Black Americans , Noor N. Tahirkheli

Identifying Child Correlates of Parent-Reported Executive Functioning Impairments in Preschool-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Examination of both Early and Concurrent Child Characteristics , Deanna Toner

Theses from 2017 2017

Attentional and Emotional Consequences of Emotional Acceptance and Suppression in an Elevated Anxiety Sample , Natalie Arbid

The Interpersonal Effects of Mindfulness and Social Anxiety in Romantic Relationships , Bryan Balvaneda

It’s Not You, it’s My Schedule: An Exploratory Study of Early Termination in School-Based Mentoring Programs , Samantha Burton

The Role of Athletic Coach Mentors in Promoting Youth Academic Success: Evidence from a National Longitudinal Study , Kirsten M. Christensen

Ethnic Differences in Race-Related Stress Among Blacks in the US: Racial Colorblindness as a Potential Moderator , Samantha Duterville

Social Skills as a Predictor of Peer Relationship Quality for School-Age Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Melanie S. Feldman

Examining Attentional Control and Processing Speed Deficits as Underlying Mechanisms of Neuropsychological Impairment in Schizophrenia , Mayte Forte

Drinking Motives, Drinking Problems, and Mental Health Symptoms in Sexual Minority Men , Hamish A. Gunn

Psychosocial Profiles of Youth who Acquire a Natural Mentor During a School Year , Matthew A. Hagler

Whether or not 'It Gets Better'…Coping with Parental Heterosexist Rejection , Cara Herbitter

Language Subdomains among Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Associations with Social Skills , Sarah A. Levinson

Relations between Family Demographic Characteristics and Early Intervention Service Receipt after Children's Initial ASD Diagnosis , Thanh Phuong Thi Nguyen

Theses from 2016 2016

The Importance of Action: Understanding Characteristics of Social Action Campaigns and Their Impact on Youth's Motivation and Engagement , Jacqueline G. Hargrove

Patterns of Parent-Teacher Disagreement on Behavior Problems of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Juliana Neuspiel

Theses from 2015 2015

The Trajectory of the Co-Occurrence of Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder , Amber L. Calloway

Developing Autism Screening Criteria for the Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment (BITSEA) , Ivy Giserman Kiss

Being and Becoming an Ally: The Lived Experience of Social Justice Action from Privileged Spaces , Alissa L. Gross

Social Cost Bias, Probability Bias, and Self-Efficacy to Achieve a Specific Goal or Outcome as Mechanisms of Behavioral Action in Social Anxiety , Carol S. Lee

Coping With Racism: Emotional Acceptance and Systemic Attribution of Racism as Buffers against Social Anxiety among People of Color , Jennifer H. Martinez

Theses from 2014 2014

A Model of Social Functioning in Schizophrenia: Symptomatology, Personality, and Brain Region Volumes , Victoria Choate

Reductions in Experiential Avoidance as a Mediator of Change in Symptom Outcome and Quality of Life in Acceptance-Based Behavior Therapy and Applied Relaxation for Generalized Anxiety Disorder , Elizabeth Hemenway Eustis

Promoting Maternal Well-Being and Child Behavioral Health: The Role of Positive Beliefs , Sara Kaplan-Levy

Validation of the Post-traumatic Growth Inventory: Relationships between Perceived Post-Traumatic Growth and Measured Pre- to Post-Disaster Changes in Analogous Constructs in a Sample of Low-Income Mothers who Survived Hurricane Katrina , Emily E. Manove

Reciprocal Influences amongst Early Childhood Externalizing Behavior, Maternal Distress, and Parenting Style: A Longitudinal Analysis , Shirley Marie Immacula Poyau

Psychopathy and Disadvantageous, Risky Decision-Making in a Sample of Ex-Offenders , Ashley-Ann C. Shirai

The Relation between Cultural Values and Unprotected Sex among Latino Gay Men , Francisco I. Surace

Cognitive Processes and Moderators of Willingness in Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder and Non-Anxious Controls in Response to a Social Performance Task , Lauren P. Wadsworth

Predictors of Change in Body Mass Index in Young Mothers after Hurricane Katrina , Elyssa Briann Weber

Mentor Motivation as a Predictor of Relationship Approach , Max B. Wu

Adults Who "Get": Adolescents' Perceptions of Relational Engagement with Key Adults , Laura A. Yoviene

Theses from 2013 2013

Latino Youth Experiences of Immigrant Policy, Enforcement, and Exclusion: Exploring Risk and Resilience , Darcy Alcantara

A Person-Oriented Approach to Identifying Parenting Styles in Mothers of Early School Age Children , Amy E. Heberle

The Effects of Racism Related Stress on Asian Americans; Anxiety and Depression among Different Generational Statuses , Charles M. Liu

Predictors of Psychotropic Medication Use in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders , Melissa P. Maye

The Effects of Nesting Environment on Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury , Laura Grace Rollins

Pathways to Well-Being in the Lives of Recently Returning Veterans , Sarah Krill Williston

Theses from 2012 2012

Implications of Self-Other Overlap in Unsuccessful Romantic Relationships , Josephine A. Bell

Exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events, Emotional Adjustment, and Social Competence in Preschoolers Facing Economic Risk , Hillary Hurst

Adolescent Males in Formal Youth Mentoring Programs: The Influence of Same Versus Cross-Gender Matching , Stella S. Kanchewa

Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Responsiveness to Infant Distress: Contingency Analyses of Home Mother-Infant Interactions at 3 Months , Fernanda Lucchese

Parental Well-Being within the Marital Subsytem: A Study of Mother-Father Dyads Raising Young Children with Autism , Frances de Lourdes Martinez-Pedraza

The Relation of Racism-Related Stress to Racial Identity, Ethnic Identity and Racism-Related Empowerment in Asian Americans , Fanny Ng

Young Children's Perspectives on Parent-Child Relationship Quality as Measured by the Berkeley Puppet Interview: Associations with Behavioral Adjustment , Marisa Murphy O'Boyle

The Neuropsychological Functioning of Older Adults Pre- and Post-Cognitive Training with a Brain Plasticity-Based Computerized Training Program , Shannon M. Sorenson

Examining the Relation between Sensory Sensitivity and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorders as Moderated by Language Acquisition , Timothy W. Soto

Theses from 2011 2011

Children and Spirituality: Understanding the Meaning of Spirituality of Former Street Children in Bolivia , Katia Margarita Canenguez

A Lonely Road: Loneliness, Death Anxiety, Childhood Punishment, and Attributions of Hostility in a University Population , Melody Joy Blass Fisher

The Effects of Trauma Exposure on Cognitive Functioning in Toddlers , Danielle Forbes

The Impact of Exposure to Family and Community Violence on Children's Adaptive Coping and Mental Health Symptoms among Ethnic Minority Families Living in Poverty , Esroruleh Tamim Mohammad

The Practice Effect: The Relationships among the Frequency of Early Formal Mindfulness Practice, Mindfulness Skills, Worry, and Quality of Life in an Acceptance-Based Behavior Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder , Lucas Paul Kawika Morgan

Dyadic Flexibility during the Face-To-Face Still-Face Paradigm: Analysis of Infant-Caregiver Interactions within a Dynamic Systems Framework Using the State Space Grid Analytic Technique , Akhila Venkatachalam Sravish

Black Women's Mental Health in Response to Unwanted Sexual Experiences and Spirituality as a Protective Factor , Speshal T. Walker

Theses from 2010 2010

Latino Immigrant Mothers' Experiences and Adapations to Promote Personal and Family Wellness in Response to Increased Anti-Immigrant Climate , Hercilia B. Corona-Ordoñez

The Relationship between Racist Experiences and Anxiety in a Black Sample: Moderating Effects of Church-Based Social Support , Jessica Rose Graham

Caregiver, Family System, and Environmental Predictors of Child Maltreatment: An Ecological Transactional Approach , Kelly Brooke Graling

Trajectories of Early Externalizing Behaviors: Their Relation to Second Grade Reading , Sarah Gray

What Do You See in this Picture?: Bias and Reflexivity in Physician Narratives of Disparities , Michelle Levine

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Theses, Dissertations and Projects - Clinical Psychology

Theses/dissertations from 2022 2022.

Neurofeedback Training for Attentional Processing in Anxious Individuals , Caleb Benjamin Barcenas

Cultural and Psychological Predictors of Exercise-Treatment Adherence and HbA1c for People with Type 2 Diabetes , Connor M. Nance

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Body Dissatisfaction, Verbal Commentary, Social Influences and Cigarette Smoking , Nicole Bennett

Factors Related to Cognitive Reserve in Healthy Older Adults , Ann Tram Nguyen

Therapists’ Willingness to Access Client Social Media Accounts in the Context of Suicide Risk , Jacob A. Vermeersch

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Religious Doubt as a Mediator of the Relationship between Religious Identity and Well-Being , Jedd P. Alejandro

SOAR (Stage 2 Outpatient Adolescent Recovery) Clinical Interview Manual , Aniel Ponce

Mediators of the Relationship between Mindfulness and E-cigarette Use , Denise Dao Tran

The Effects of a Polyphenol-rich Diet in a Fruit-fly Model of Traumatic Brain Injury , Alexandra D. Trofimova

Chronic Disease and its Relationship with Elder Mistreatment , Ryan Wong

Nonsexual Boundary Crossings in Psychotherapy: Factors in Ethical Decision-Making , Katherine S. H. Wu

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Sociocultural Pressures, Thin Ideal Internalization, Body Appreciation, & Eating Pathology in Women , Gabriela Joanna Bolivar

Exploring the Effects of Age in a Drosophila melanogaster Model of Traumatic Brain Injury , Andrea Maria Briseño

The Complexity of the Bilingual Experience: Linguistic Variables Predict Cognition in Older Adults , K'dee D. Elsen

Education and Social Support as Mediators of Function and Cognition in Patients with Schizophrenia , Spring Flores Johnson

The relationship between cognitive function and Activities of Daily Living , Pamela V. Lorenzo

Body Dissatisfaction, Perceived Smoking Consequences, and Weight Control Smoking , Samantha N. Martinez

Fatalism and Pain Experience in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Patients with Chronic Pain , Esmeralda Ibette Nuñez

Comparison of Neurofeedback Treatment on PTSD Symptoms within Military and Non-Military Populations , Lelah S. Villalpando

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Role of Therapeutic Processes within MBSR for Parents of Children with Developmental Delays , Grant Griffin Boostrom

Effects of Emotional Content on Working Memory Updating: Proactive Interference and Resolution , Maria Guadalupe Corona

An Empirical Examination of Doctoral Training Models in Clinical Psychology in the United States , Katherine E. Dautenhahn

The Relationship between Psychotherapist Personality and Therapeutic Alliance , Michael Finlay

Neurocognitive and Psychosocial Effects of Repeated Concussions in Children and Adolescents , Shina Halavi

Religious Orientation, Social Identity, and Reactions to Religious Disaffiliation , Alexander Daniel Larson

Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-4-Revised in Asian Americans , Dean Lim

Evaluating Cognitive Changes in Patients Receiving Outpatient Alcohol Treatment , Michelle McDonnell

Abnormal Beta and Gamma Frequency Neural Oscillations Mediate Auditory Gating in Schizophrenia , Ann Tram Nguyen

Consequences of Attributions for Unfair Healthcare Treatment among Culturally Diverse Patients , Nathalie Serna

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Parenting Stress and Emotion Dysregulation in Children with DD: The Role of Parenting Behaviors , Neilson Chan

The Impact of Interpersonal Violence on Depression and Social Support , Katherine Dautenhahn

Camp-Based Intervention for Overweight Children with Developmental Disabilities , Allyson Davis

The Effects of Poverty and Allostatic Load on the Development of Chronic Disease , Natali Do

The Effect of Language on Cognition in an Acculturated American Sample of Healthy Older Adults , K'dee D. Elsen

Preliminary Validation of the Pediatric Rating of Chronic Illness Self-Efficacy , Natacha Donoghue Emerson

Behaviorally-Induced Structural Remodeling of the Hippocampus , Michael Finlay

Coping as a Mediator between Symptom Burden and Distress in Lung Cancer Patients , Spring F. Gehring

Age of Drinking Initiation’s Association with Cognitive Functioning , Joshua Seth Goldberg

ERP and Theta Activity Associated with Facial Emotion Memory , Shaina Roxanne Herman

Relational Savoring among Intimate Partners of Cancer Patients , Adrianna Elyse Holness

Church Member Reactions to Religious Disaffiliation , Alexander Daniel Larson

Smoking, ADHD, and Problematic Video Game Use: A Structural Modeling Approach , Hyo Jin Lee

Parental Quality of Life Among Parents in the NICU: Examining Moderators of Change Over Time , Evan Lima

Water Maze Strategies used by Mice Exposed to Radiation and Pomegranate Juice , Pamela V. Lorenzo

The Role of Temporal Distraction on Short-Term Memory and Delayed Recognition , Susanna Luu

The Effect of Discrimination on Mental Health after Adverse Childhood Experiences , Maleia Mathis

AM Happy Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Single-Item Measure of Happiness , Christina P. Moldovan

An Examination of the Moderating Effect of Proactive Coping in NICU Nurses , Britan M. Moore

Stress, Depression, Social Support, and Help-Seeking in College Student-Athletes , Clint H. Norseth

The Relationship between Physical Activity, Depressive Symptoms, and Cognitive Functioning , Imari-Ashley F. Palma

Demographic Differences in Resting State EEG in Healthy Controls and Patients with Schizophrenia , Keshia M. Sanders

Parental Distress and Child Behavior Problems: Parenting Behaviors as Mediators , Catherine M. Sanner

The Effects of Seizure Modeling and Polyphenols on Behavior in Bang-Sensitive Drosophila , Alphonso A. Smith

The Influence of Health Framing on Weight Stigma and Health Knowledge , Serena D. Stevens

Role of Cultural and Psychological Factors Influencing Diabetes Treatment Adherence , Sonika Kravann Ung

Parental Stress, Emotion Regulation, Meta-Emotion, and Changes Following an MBSR Intervention , Yangmu Xu

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Neuropsychological Effects of Pomegranate Supplementation Following Ischemic Stroke , John A. Bellone

The Adolescent Smoking Prevention Project: A Web-Based Smoking Prevention for Adolescents , Whitney N. Brown

Lung Cancer Stigma: Associated Variables and Coping Strategies , Kevin R. Criswell

The Influence of Parental Mental Health on Child Outcomes: The Role of the Parenting Process , Meredith L. Dennis

Hypertension in Older African Americans: Testing Psychosocial Mediators , Taylor L. Draper

Multi-level Model of Parent-Child Attachment, Depression & Self-Concept in Pediatric Chronic Illness , Natacha Donoghue Emerson

Phenotyping Double Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s that Express Human APP and ApoE3 or ApoE4 , Shina Halavi

The Effects of Appearance Schemas and Commentary on Body Image and Eating Disorder Psychopathology , Alyson C. Hermé

Relationship between Crime, Psychological Diagnosis and Cognitive Functioning , Kayla M. Kinworthy

Interleukin-6, Depression, and Religious Coping in Older Seventh-day Adventists , Palak Dipak Kothari

Heart-focused Anxiety and Cardiac Treatment Adherence , Angelyna M. Lowe

The Frontal-Temporal Signature of TBI-Induced Acute Cerebral Metabolic Crisis , Christina Mannino

Emotional Memory: Examining Differences in Retrieval Methods , Audrey Martinez

Appearance-Related Commentary and Body Image in Women , Christina P. Moldovan

General Fatalism and Diabetes Fatalism as Predictors of Diabetes Treatment Adherence , Esmeralda Ibette Nuñez

NICU Parental Mental Health and Infant Outcomes: Effects of Psychological Well-Being and Psychopathology , Kathleen H. Parker

Effects of Stress, Sex Differences, and Cognitive Reserve on Cognitive Decline in Healthy Elderly Subjects , Courtney Ray

Interacting Beliefs and Processes in Mothers of Children Diagnosed with Autism , Lara L. South

An Examination of Social Media and the Tripartite Influence Model of Body Image Disturbance , Amanda F. Suplee

Survive or Thrive: Focusing on the Forest (Global) or the Trees (Local) Impacts Meaning Making , Seda Terzyan

Predictors of Adolescent E-cigarette Use , Denise Dao Tran

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Cultural Beliefs and Professional Empathy Influence Continuity of Healthcare , Jael A. Amador

Executive Dysfunction is Predictive of Clinical Symptomatology in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome , Chinonyere Kemdirim Bello

Parental Stress and Child Behavior Problems in Families of Children with Autism , Allyson Davis

Acceptability and Preferences for Empirically-Supported Psychological Treatments , Amanda Gorlick

Parent Stress and Social Skills Development in Children with Developmental Delays , Andrea Lewallen

Relationship among Psychotherapy Measurements: Predictors of ORS and OQ-45 Scores , Evan Lima

Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Adolescent Patient Treatment Dropout , Danessa Mayo

Comparison of Text Analysis Programs for Identification of Emotional Expression , Michelle McDonnell

Nondysphoric Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Abilities in Healthy Older Adults , Clint H. Norseth

An Attribution-Emotion Approach to Political Conflict , Daniel Joel Northington

Do Clergy in Hidalgo County, Texas Serve as a Bridge or Barrier to Mental Health Services? , John C. Park

Performance of Number of Factors Procedures in Small Sample Sizes , Marc Thomas Porritt

Elections Have Consequences: Moral Value Foundations Ensure Gridlock through the Ballot Box , Gregory John Regts

Executive Functioning Outcomes among Self-Harming Adolescents Receiving DBT-A , Alphonso A. Smith

Use of an Enhanced Engagement Approach to Increase Engagement in an Online Support Group , Ketlyne Sol

Weight Stigma as a Mediator among BMI, Childhood Overweight, Body Image and Depression , Serena D. Stevens

Assessment of Geriatric Depression: Construction of a New Screening Inventory , Earl C. Thorndyke III

Cultural Beliefs and Self-Efficacy in Diet Adherence among Type 2 Diabetics , Sonika Kravann Ung

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Cognitive Function in the Alcohol Addiction Treatment Population , Suranee Abeyesinhe

Perceived Empathy and Continuity of Cancer Screening Care Among Latino and Anglo Women , Jael Aniuska Amador

Predicting Cognitive Decline in Older Adults , Kimberly M. Baerresen

Effects of Proton Radiation on Behavior in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease , John A. Bellone

The Effects of Childhood and Combat-Related Trauma on Psychological Outcomes in Veterans , Alyson C. Hermé

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list of clinical psychology dissertation topics

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list of clinical psychology dissertation topics

Clinical psychology refers to the branch of psychology that deals with treating psychological distress by integrating human behaviour and clinical knowledge. It aims to provide behavioural and mental healthcare to mentally disturbed patients. Research in clinical psychology has become an essential field of healthcare study and practice for the well-being of society. Therefore, students or researchers must look for amazing and undated clinical psychology dissertation topics to write a high-scoring dissertation.

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  • Psychology /

Psychology Research Topics

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  • Feb 23, 2022

Psychology Dissertation Topics for Inspiration!-01 (1)

Finding an interesting research topic that aligns with your area of interest can be a really tiring process. If you are a candidate looking for an interesting Psychology research topic for your next paper, you have clicked the right link. Psychology as a branch of science has a wide variety of interrelated topics and you have the option to select any from its broad reach. Usually, for general psychology topics, you get the option to select any topic but in abnormal psychology research, you have to choose a few from a list of specific psychological disorders. In this blog, we have discussed a variety of psychology research and dissertation topics that might give you an idea for your next research project.

This Blog Includes:

What is psychology research, what is a psychology dissertation , writing tips for psychology research paper , how to choose good psychology research topics, psychology research & psychology dissertation topics, research topics, dissertation topics, clinical psychology topics, organizational psychology topics, social psychology research topics, cognitive psychology research topics, developmental psychology research topics, abnormal psychology research topics, child psychology research topics, sports psychology research topics, experimental psychology research topics, forensic psychology research topics, controversial topics in psychology, other trending topics for psychology research and dissertation.

Understanding Research is essential to comprehending psychology, as it allows psychologists to assist individuals with problems or offers new phenomena to improve how we manage things like learning, parenting, or even establishing a new business. Researchers in psychology look into a wide range of issues, from newborn development to social group behaviour. The scientific method is used by psychologists to study topics in a methodical and empirical manner.

Also Read: BA Psychology: Course Details, Top Universities & Careers

The psychology dissertation is the ultimate stage of doctoral education, and it is the result of years of research on a specific topic within the discipline. They are written in a formal academic manner, with the American Psychological Association style standard as a guide, and include a review of current academic literature as well as independent research. Although dissertations or theses are most commonly linked with doctorate programs, several universities also demand them for undergraduate and graduate degree fulfilment.

Also Read: PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)

The field of psychology is a complex yet an interesting area of study. Any research topic in Psychology requires extensive literature research, hence it takes a lot of effort to present an effective research paper on psychology. The aim of a Psychology Research Paper is to demonstrate deep knowledge of Psychology in students and it aims to test researching and effective writing skills of students. Some writing tips for Psychology Research Paper are as mentioned:

  • Choose an engaging and relevant topic
  • Explore different topics and select a research question that defines your content precisely
  • Use reliable sources for research, convey your argumentation clearly and avoid plagiarism
  • The writing must be inspiring yet formal. Use correct language and professional psychological terms.
  • Focus on the outline/structure of the research paper as well. Make sure that your introduction itself is capable of providing the core idea/objective of the research paper.
  • Revise the research paper on a daily basis and make changes if needed. 

To choose a good research topic is undoubtedly a difficult task but here we’ve mentioned some strategies to keep in mind while selecting a Psychology Research Topic is to Identify your genuine interest in the field of Psychology and try to look for content, you may find academic sources related to the same.Do not bound yourself to just a few ideas but allow yourself to explore more on different potential sources for Psychology Research Topic. Explore until you find the most relevant and interesting topic with more than enough primary and secondary sources.

We’ve put together a Customized List of Psychology Research & Psychology Dissertation in the tables below.

The following are the most recent and important Research topics for psychology.

The following are the most recent and topmost topics for Psychology Dissertation

The following are the most recent and topmost topics for Clinical Psychology Research

The following are the most recent and topmost topics for Organisational Psychology Dissertation

Social Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour in social and cultural environments. Social Psychology includes self concept, social cognition, attribution theory, social influence, group processes, prejudice and discrimination, interpersonal processes, aggression, attitudes and stereotypes, hence making it a diverse area of research. Listed below are some topics for Social Psychology Research:

  • How disabled women view their body image interactions with the opposite sex.
  • How does religion modify social responses between men and women- A qualitative research
  • Child bullies to Adult Bullies- Do things really change- An Analysis
  • Why is there a natural tendency in us to paste addicts as anti-social elements? – Write a dissertation on this time-ridden mindset and assess the truth behind it.
  • Why is it so hard for men to accept women bosses? – This would be enlightening on gender inequality and the changing of patterns.

Cognitive Psychology is the process of gaining knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Some topics for Cognitive Psychology Research are:

  • How is color psychology effective in cognitive development studies?
  • What is the attention span, and how to measure it?
  • Memory loss and different ways to recover itHow do memories affect the behavior of individuals?
  • What causes bullying behavior among children?
  • Factors that can contribute to delay in the mental development of a child.
  • The effect of romantic movies on a child.

In the short term, Developmental Psychology focuses on an individual’s growth and change in behaviour over the course of their lifetime.

  • Bullying and its effect on mental development.
  • The role of media and cartoons in increasing violence.How violent video games and cartoons can make children violent?
  • Stereotypes and gender roles in our society
  • Abusive Relationships with partners
  • Long term effects of Drugs on mental health.

Abnormal Psychology is concerned with mental and emotional disorders in human beings such as anxiety disorders, phobias, depression, developmental disorders and incompletely understood normal phenomena such as dreams and hypnosis. Listed below are some research topics for Abnormal Psychology Research Paper:

  • What are the causes of the increasing anorexia rate in children?
  • Causes of anorexia in adults- Causes of anxiety disorder and how to overcome it
  • Why is there an increase in eating disorders among the youth?
  • What are the factors that contribute to an eating disorder?
  • Is lying related to the psychology of a person?
  • Causes of the rise in teenage suicides
  • Is asexuality related to the psychology of a person?

Child Psychology is the field of Psychology where you study the mind and behavior of children from development through adolescence where they undergo various changes in terms of physical, speech, intellectual and cognitive development. 

Listed below are some topics to use as a base for Child Psychology Research Paper:

  • How often should a mother be close to their children in their early years?
  • Factors that facilitate mental development for children
  • How noise-induced hearing loss affects children
  • Essential nutrients for premature children
  • The role of early childhood life in shaping their adult life
  • Why play is essential during the early stages of child development
  • The implication of the COVID-19 lockdowns and quarantine on child psychology
  • Toxic events that may impact a child’s development
  • Implications of divorce on children
  • How low income affects children development
  • Effects of graphic violence through animations on child development

 Sports Psychology is where you use your psychological knowledge on exquisite performance and well-being of athletes, developmental and social aspects of sports participation, and systemic issues associated within the sports environment.

Some topics for a Sports Psychology Research Paper are:

  • How does physical activity impact treatment of depression- A literature based analysis
  • Importance of keeping normal hormone level for physical athlete- Psychologically and Physiologically
  • Understanding Parents’ Role on Adolescents’ Involvement in Organized Sports Activities
  • Overtraining, staleness, and burnout in sports
  • How does a good score change the mindset and confidence of a sportsman?

Experimental Psychology refers to a scientifically tested hypothesis to collect data to perform research and experiments to understand if there is a cause-and-effect relationship between different variables. 

Listed below are some topics for Experimental Psychology Research Paper:

  • Can colors play a role in enhancing a person’s mood? Explain how the color blue can make a person feel relaxed and calm.
  • Explain the notorious human experiments in history. What are their ethical shortcomings?
  • What is the relationship between the use of social media and the rising cases of violence in adolescents?
  • It is said that geniuses are made, not born. How true is this statement?
  • Are people really able to “feel like someone is watching” them?
  • Do people rate individuals with perfectly symmetrical faces as more beautiful than those with asymmetrical faces?
  • Can you really manipulate someone?

Forensic Psychology is a psychological research based on the psychological aspects of legal area. In simple terms, combining Psychology and Law together. Some topics for a Forensic Psychology Research Paper are as mentioned below:

  • Is society neglecting domestic violence that is aimed towards men?
  • The role of the internet, movies, and video games in augmenting copycat crimes.
  • Narcissm and Inter-Partner Violence- From a Forensic Psychological Perspective
  • Schizophrenia and Crime Challenges posed for Forensic Psychologist
  • The credibility of statements reporter by a Mentally Challenged Eye witness

The fact that Psychology is a complex field of study it is well known that Psychologists have done several psychological experiments that may seem inhumane, unethical, and controversial in nature. It is undoubtedly a daunting task to choose a controversial topic for Psychology Research but here we’ve made it easier for you to begin with your psychology research paper. Listed below are some controversial topics in Psychology:

  • Psychological characteristics of a typical perpetrator of child abuse
  • Child sexual abuse by the parent
  • Sexually and charms deviant behavior
  • Psychological impact on negative attitudes on LGBT in society
  • Psychological effects of social media on teenagers
  • How explicit social media content affect teenagers sexual orientation
  • Are some men victims, or are they perpetrators of domestic violence?
  • Is it true the longer one holds to a negative thought the less likely they will be happy?
  • Is sleep therapy important in healing traumatic brain injury?
  • Is psychological research important in helping humans prepare for the next pandemic?
  • Does lack of trust cause jealousy in relationships?
  • Can a complicated destiny justify bad character?
  • A person is created by nature, but society is responsible for their development

Other trending topics you might want to think about or look into are listed below:

Criminal Psychology Topics

  • What are the causes of the rise in psychotic behavior among children and teenagers?
  • Abusive parents’ effects on their children’s development
  • Drug misuse among teenagers and its effects on their mental health
  • The effects of media violence on children’s psyches
  • Bullying’s negative consequences on the well-being of primary pupils

Cognitive Psychology Topics

  • Attention, expectations, and emotional stress all play a role in how we perceive pain.
  • The extent to which objective measuring methods can be used to support theoretical approaches to consciousness
  • The link between poor emotion regulation, social cognition, and anxiety disorders
  • Is it true that direct and indirect models of perception are irreconcilable, or may recent inactive accounts lead to a compromise?
  • How can the degree of interaction between the representational systems for encoding a range of languages in the brain be determined by investigations of trilingualism and bilingualism in infants?

Developmental Psychology Topics

  • The function of plasticity in determining visual cognitive development and its extent
  • Understanding the changes in cognitive development: A single learning process or a variety of learning paradigms for different challenges
  • Determining if inherent factors or interaction norms between children and their human carers lead to effective learning outcomes
  • In circumstances when infants never converse with adults in a normal fashion , the influence of culture on conversational comprehension
  • Children’s action planning and scale errors: Considering the significance of DeLoache’s findings for understanding the “what/where” circuits in the human brain.

Psychology of Personality Topics

  • What is your opinion on the usefulness of personality tests? Are they still relevant in today’s environment?
  • Is there a link between asexuality and a person’s psychology?
  • What variables may contribute to the development of multiple personality disorder?
  • Is lying a habit that has something to do with a person’s psychology?
  • What effect does a person’s narcissistic persona have on the mental health of others?

Miscellaneous Psychology Topics

  • To what degree may color have an impact on athletic performance?
  • What effect does color have on a person’s psychology?
  • Is it possible for a language to alter a person’s psychological perception? Elaborate
  • Is it true that language has an impact on the way we think? A dispute about linguistic relativity
  • Number processing differences between cultures

So this was all about psychology research and dissertation Topics. If you want to pursue your Psychology degree overseas, which will undoubtedly advance your career but need assistance with the application procedure, contact Leverage Edu , we will help you gain admission to this prominent university.

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70 Unique Psychology Essay Topics for Your Next Assignment

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70 Unique Psychology Essay Topics for Your Next Assignment

Sometimes, it seems like coming up with unique psychology essay topics is more challenging than writing an essay itself. Psychology is a broad subject, so choosing a topic that allows you to cover the subject in depth without being stressed with information is important. A good topic not only captures the interest of the readers but also contributes meaningfully to their field of study.

In-depth research for psychology essays is important for the expansion of the understanding of human behaviour and for the treatment of various psychological conditions. Students feel burdened by the pressure of picking something new and important for their work. It leaves them feeling unsure of the approach to adopt for picking the right essay topics on psychology. During such times, you can get timely advice from your teachers, peers or expert essay writers online .

This blog explores the 70 best psychology essay topics that you can use to craft your essay papers. You can dive right in and start working on your homework after choosing a suitable topic for yourself.

A List of Trending Psychology Research Essay Topics

Whether you are a high schooler who is looking for essay topics in psychology or a college student in search of a compelling title for your paper, this piece of writing has got you covered. We have divided this list of essay topics about psychology into 7 different categories. Students at any academic level can benefit from these lists; there is something for everyone to engage with.

All of these topics for psychology essays are research-based and are related to the modern age psychology research problems. Let’s explore them in detail.

Biological Psychology Essay Topics

Sometimes known as behavioural neuroscience, biological psychology focuses on the study of neurotransmitters and the brain. Bio psychologists examine how these transmitters influence the feelings, behaviours, and thoughts of human beings. They also see how different biological processes interact with the cognitive functions of a person. If you are assigned to write an essay on this subject, but you can’t find any suitable topic, some of the best and trending biology psychology essay topics are listed here for your help:

  • Explain the functioning of the endocrine system in detail and highlight how the hormones and glands actually work.
  • What is the effect of people's multicultural background on their identity?
  • Explore in detail the relationships between human beings and the electromagnetic fields.
  • What is the impact of young maternal age on the cognitive and psychological effects, and how does it affect the elements of child development?
  • Describe in detail the importance of health psychology when it comes to understanding the concept of diseases and health.
  • To what extent can education be said to assume the scientific development that has been achieved in the study of biological integrity?
  • What exactly is the neuroscience of addiction? Explain the circuitry and reward pathways of the brain.
  • Explore the role played by hormones in controlling the social behaviour and aggression of individuals.
  • What are the ethical considerations related to the usage of animal models in the field of biological psychology research?
  • How are epigenetics and behaviour related to each other? Highlight the concept of interactions between the environment and genes.

Clinical Psychology Essay Topics

The clinical psychology research is often considered synonymous with counselling psychology. It is a discipline that is focused on the diagnosis, assessment, treatment and prevention of different emotional, mental and psychological disorders in different individuals. Here are the ten best clinical psychology essay topics that you can pick and use for your homework:

  • What are the assessment options, diagnosis and treatment methods for anxiety plus other personality disorders in people?
  • What is the impact of social media on how people behave and interact with each other?
  • Explore the effect of ageing on mental illnesses. What particular challenges are faced by the old people who are diagnosed with mental health problems?
  • Enlist the medications, therapy and psychosocial interventions associated with Schizophrenia.
  • Explore in detail the impact of violence shown in media and video games on the behaviour of children.
  • What kinds of therapy are found to be most suitable for people having behavioural issues since their childhood?
  • Highlight the significance of anxiety disorders and their effect on the daily functioning of humans. Are there any new therapies available that can cure this problem?
  • What are the ways in which the social and political climates of an environment affect the mental health of an individual?
  • How does the substance use disorder impact a family, and how can the family members help with the treatment of the disorder?
  • Is online therapy effective? Enlist its pros and cons and explore how people with no technical literacy can navigate it.

Cognitive Psychology Essay Topics

As a student of cognitive psychology, you will have to develop a systematic understanding of different cognitive processes. Since writing on such psychology topics is a bit tough, you can buy essay online from cognitive psychologists who write academic papers for students. Here are some of the best and trending cognitive psychology essay topics to consider for your work:

  • What is the relationship between the cognitive psychology, positive psychology and the humanist psychology?
  • Describe in detail some of the crucial cognitive aspects that are vital for decision-making in medical ethics.
  • What is the relationship between memory consolidation and sleep? Provide a detailed meta-analysis.
  • Investigate the effect of bilingualism on the executive functioning and cognitive flexibility of humans.
  • What are the cognitive mechanisms that are associated with the placebo effects? Explain in detail.
  • Analyse in detail the impact of socio-economic status on the cognitive performance of British students in the modern age.
  • Are there any cognitive differences in the decision-making skills of non-entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs? If yes, what are those?
  • Does sleep deprivation affect the cognitive performance of the students? Explain the reasons in further depth.
  • What is the reason behind the premature ageing of some people? Present a perspective from cognitive psychology.
  • How have the attention spans of children changed for the last 100 years? Support your answer with examples.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics Psychology

How about plunging into some exciting argumentative essay topics psychology for your homework? In such compare and contrast essays, you provide a comparison of similarities and dissimilarities for both sides of the subject. The key points of both sides should be strong enough to convince the readers. Here are some of the psychology essay topics which you can use for the contrast essays:

  • Behaviourism versus Gestalt psychology
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy versus Freudian psychoanalysis
  • Self-determination theory versus self-efficacy theory
  • Biomedical model of health and illness versus biopsychosocial model
  • Self-perception theory versus cognitive dissonance theory
  • Milgram experiment versus Stanford Prison experiment
  • Environmental versus biological factors in mental health disorders
  • Social cognitive theory versus social learning theory
  • The effect of nurture versus nature on the development of human personality
  • Operant conditioning versus classical conditioning

Criminal Psychology Essay Topics

This branch of psychology refers to the observation of the intentions, thoughts, and actions of criminals. Criminal psychology students strive to understand the motives of criminals for committing crimes and attempt to study their minds. Here are some of the latest trending criminal psychology essay topics for you to review and use for your college and university papers:

  • Explore the basic determinants of the incidents where a murder is committed. Provide sufficient examples and the investigative study of the serial killers.
  • What are the social factors which change the naïve people into criminals? Explain in depth.
  • Are there any loopholes in the criminal justice system that actively promote crime in our society? Discuss the social disparities between the rich and the poor.
  • What is the impact of natural disasters on the increase in social crimes? Provide a case study of criminal behaviour psychology during the period of Corona.
  • Analyse the role played by social media in inciting crimes. Provide case studies of hate speeches that were made in public and support your stance.
  • What are the general sentiments of the serial rapists? Highlight and support with examples.
  • Does pornography and vulgarity promote the rape culture in a society?
  • Provide a qualitative analysis of the different development stages of criminal mindset in a society.
  • How can you control or trickle down the harmful effects of crimes taking place in a community?
  • Is poverty a driving force behind the increasing crime rate in a country, especially in the impoverished societies of developing countries?

Developmental Psychology Essay Topics

Topics in this field of study range from prenatal development of childhood life to the final stages of the life of a person. It is a broad field that involves the study of how people change throughout their lives. Some of the developmental psychology essay topics that you can use for writing your academic papers are listed here:

  • What is the effect of different parenting styles on the personality development and the behaviour of children?
  • Do factors like peer influence and socialisation impact the process of identity formation in the human mind?
  • What are the developmental trajectories related to the mental health problems, chronic pain, and other disorders faced by people in their adolescence?
  • Explore in detail the diagnosis and intervention strategies related to the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders in the kids.
  • Describe in detail the impact of early childhood education on the academic achievements and problem-solving skills of young kids.
  • Explain in detail the concept of cognitive development in infancy from the Vygotskian and Piagetian perspectives.
  • Do the students who eat breakfast daily perform better in their classes than the students who do not have breakfast regularly?
  • What is the impact of bullying on the achievements of students? Are bullied students more likely to get bad grades than students who are not bullied in school?
  • How can technology be used for the social and emotional development of humans in the period of their adolescence?
  • What is the impact of social media on forming body image in the minds of teenagers?

Educational Psychology Essay Topics

Educational psychology covers topics related to children staying in educational settings. It covers topics like aptitude assessment, self-motivation, parental involvement, technology, teaching methods and more. A good essay on such topics informs the readers about learning styles, cognitive development, and impactful teaching strategies. Here are some psychological topics for essays in the field of psychology:

  • Is it beneficial for children to use different educational and high-quality teaching methods at different times of the day?
  • Does the duration and quality of sleep really impact the academic performance of students?
  • Can daily medication at school influence the mental health and academic performance of students?
  • What is the impact of regularly listening to classical music on the test scores of a student?
  • What is the connection between knowledge retention and sugar consumption ratios among students?
  • Explore the effectiveness of the interventions encompassing positive behaviours for the reduction of disruptions in the classroom.
  • Assess the effect of Brexit on the educational experiences of international students in the United Kingdom.
  • What is the relationship between the educational outcomes and the socio-economic disparities in the UK? Discuss in detail.
  • Analyse the role of cultural diversity in shaping the classroom dynamics in the schools of 3 rd world countries.
  • Provide a critical analysis of the impact of literature on parental involvement and student success.

You can choose from a diverse range of psychology essay topics that we have added in this article. You can also overlap and intersect various specialities and craft research questions for your next assignment. From clinical studies to cognitive psychology, each detailed essay focuses on a deeper understanding of human behaviour. It is important to understand the relevance of these research questions and give the readers insight across different areas of study.

If you want personalised help with the fulfilment of your homework requirements, you should hire psychology essay writing services in the UK from The Academic Papers UK. Their seasoned writing experts are best suited to cater to the needs of clients across the globe, and they can craft essay assignments tailored to your needs.

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    A List of Trending Psychology Research Essay Topics. Whether you are a high schooler who is looking for essay topics in psychology or a college student in search of a compelling title for your paper, this piece of writing has got you covered. We have divided this list of essay topics about psychology into 7 different categories.