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Civil Engineering Masters Theses Collection

Theses from 2024 2024.

Machine and Statistical Learning for Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility Systems , Atanas Apostolov, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2023 2023

The Current State of Practice of Building Information Modeling , Kevin P. Brooks, Civil Engineering

Loads Analysis of Fixed-Bottom and Floating Offshore Wind Structures , Michael G. Davis, Civil Engineering

Comparison Of Scaling Performance Between Sidewalks Placed Using Hot and Cold Weather Concreting Procedures , Likhitha Rudraraju, Civil Engineering


The Effects of Hurricane Wind Field Characteristics on Wind Blade Loads , Michael S. Tsai, Civil Engineering

Post-Fire Damage Inspection of Concrete Tunnel Structures , James Viglas, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2022 2022

Measuring Accessibility to Food Services to Improve Public Health , Efthymia Kostopoulou, Civil Engineering

Euplectella Aspergillum’s Natural Lattice Structure for Structural Design & Stability Landscape of Thin Cylindrical Shells with Dimple Imperfections , Zoe Y. Sloane, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2021 2021

Post-Fire Assessment of Concrete Tunnel Structures , Nicholas C. Menz, Civil Engineering

Utilizing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for the Estimation of Beam Corrosion of Steel Bridge Girders , Gabrielle Pryor, Civil Engineering

Parametric Study of Integral Abutment Bridge Using Finite Element Model , Asako Takeuchi, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2020 2020

School Bus Routing To Allow Later School Start Times , Rana Eslamifard, Civil Engineering


Theses from 2019 2019

Sustainable Travel Incentives Optimization in Multimodal Networks , Hossein Ghafourian, Civil Engineering

High Fidelity Modeling of Cold-Formed Steel Single Lap Shear Screw Fastened Connections , Rita Kalo, Civil Engineering

Modeling the Effect of New Commuter Bus Service on Demand and the Impact on GHG Emissions: Application to Greater Boston , Christopher Lyman, Civil Engineering

Performance of Concrete Tunnel Systems Subject to Fault Displacement , Michael Morano, Civil Engineering

Behavior of Prestressed Concrete Bridges with Closure Pour Connections and Diaphragms , Gercelino Ramos, Civil Engineering

Analysis of Adhesive Anchorage Systems Under Extreme In-Service Temperature Conditions , Rachel Wang, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2018 2018

Driver Understanding of the Flashing Yellow Arrow and Dynamic No Turn on Red Sign for Right Turn Applications , Elizabeth Casola, Civil Engineering

Evaluating the Impact of Double-Parked Freight Deliveries on Signalized Arterial Control Delay Using Analytical Models and Simulation , Aaron J. Keegan, Civil Engineering

Reward Allocation For Maximizing Energy Savings In A Transportation System , Adewale O. Oduwole, Civil Engineering

Impact of S-Curve on Speed in a Modern Roundabout , Akshaey Sabhanayagam, Civil Engineering

All-Red Clearance Intervals for Use in the Left-Turn Application of Flashing Yellow Arrows , Francis Tainter, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2017 2017

Evaluation of New England Bridges for Bat Roosting Including Methodology and Case Studies , Angela Berthaume, Civil Engineering

Evaluating Variances Between Departments of Transportation in New England to Create a Strategic Transportation Workforce , Chelsea Bouchard, Civil Engineering

Development of High Early-Strength Concrete for Accelerated Bridge Construction Closure Pour Connections , Stephanie Castine, Civil Engineering


Performance of Adhesive and Cementitious Anchorage Systems , Mirna Mendoza, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2016 2016

Integrated Solar Technologies with Outdoor Pedestrian Bridge Superstructure Decking , Richard K. Racz, Civil Engineering


Theses from 2015 2015

Bonded Anchors in Concrete Under Sustained Loading , Douglas Droesch, Civil Engineering

An Observational Evaluation of Safety Resulting from Driver Distraction , Christina M. Dube, Civil Engineering

Measuring the Resilience of Transportation Networks Subject to Seismic Risk , Mark N. Furtado, Civil Engineering

Nano-Scale Investigation of Mechanical Characteristics of Main Phases of Hydrated Cement Paste , Shahin Hajilar, Civil Engineering

Driver Behavior Evaluation of Variable Speed Limits and a Conceptual Framework for Optimal VSL Location Identification , Curt P. Harrington, Civil Engineering

A Real-time Signal Control System to Minimize Emissions at Isolated Intersections , Farnoush Khalighi, Civil Engineering

Structural Vulnerability Assessment of Bridge Piers in the Event of Barge Collision , David A. Ribbans, Civil Engineering

Towards Sustainable Roundabouts: An Evaluation of Driver Behavior, Emissions, and Safety , Derek Roach, Civil Engineering

Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure Systems to Climatic Extreme Events , Alexandra C. Testa, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2014 2014

Short and Long-term Performance of a Skewed Integral Abutment Prestressed Concrete Bridge , Rami Bahjat, Civil Engineering

Performance of Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers Subjected to Vehicular Collisions , Nevin L. Gomez, Civil Engineering

Field and Analytical Studies of the First Folded Plate Girder Bridge , Man Hou Sit, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2013 2013

The Effect of Roadside Elements on Driver Behavior and Run-Off-the-Road Crash Severity , Cole D. Fitzpatrick, Civil Engineering

Evaluating At-Grade Rail Crossing Safety along the Knowledge Corridor in Massachusetts , Timothy P. Horan, Civil Engineering

An Evaluation of Alternative Technologies to Estimate Travel Time on Rural Interstates , Qiao Li, Civil Engineering

Operational and Safety-based Analyses of Varied Toll Lane Configurations , Ian A. Mckinnon, Civil Engineering

Preferred Sensor Selection for Damage Estimation in Civil Structures , Matthew Styckiewicz, Civil Engineering

An Evaluation of Drivers’ Cell Phone Use Prevalence and Safety Related Impacts , Keith E. Wenners, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2012 2012

Probabilistic Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbine Soil-Structure Interaction , Wystan Carswell, Civil Engineering

Vehicle Miles Traveled (vmt) Fee Financing Alternatives: Lessons Learned and Future Opportunities , Ashley L. Costa, Civil Engineering

Evaluating and Modeling Traveler Response to Real-Time Information in the Pioneer Valley , Tyler De Ruiter, Civil Engineering

An Optimal Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Large-scale Stochastic Time-Dependent Networks , Jing Ding, Civil Engineering

A Quantitative Analysis of the Impacts from Selected Climate Variables Upon Traffic Safety in Massachusetts , Katrina M. Hecimovic, Civil Engineering

Automated Enforcement Using Dedicated Short Range Communication , Gilbert Kim, Civil Engineering

New Technologies in Short Span Bridges: A Study of Three Innovative Systems , Andrew Lahovich, Civil Engineering

Driver Dynamics and the Longitudinal Control Model , Gabriel G. Leiner, Civil Engineering

Interfacial Strength Between Prestressed Hollow Core Slabs and Cast-in-Place Concrete Toppings , Ryan M. Mones, Civil Engineering

User Equilibrium in a Disrupted Network with Real-Time Information and Heterogeneous Risk Attitude , Ryan J. Pothering, Civil Engineering

Spatial and Temporal Correlations of Freeway Link Speeds: An Empirical Study , Piotr J. Rachtan, Civil Engineering

Evaluation of Live-Load Distribution Factors (LLDFs) of Next Beam Bridges , Abhijeet Kumar Singh, Civil Engineering

Material Characterization and Computational Simulation of Steel Foam for Use in Structural Applications , Brooks H. Smith, Civil Engineering

Varied Applications of Work Zone Safety Analysis through the Investigation of Crash Data, Design, and Field Studies , Erica Swansen, Civil Engineering

Using Micro-Simulation Modeling to Evaluate Transit Signal Priority in Small-to-Medium Sized Urban Areas; Comparative Review of Vissim and S-Paramics Burlington, Vermont Case Study , Joseph C. Tyros, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2011 2011

Evaluating Alternative Toll-Based Financing Approaches: A Case Study of the Boston Metropolitan Area , Rosaria M. Berliner, Civil Engineering

Analysis of Measurement Errors Influence on the Quantitative and Qualitative Results of Car-Following Model Calibration , Mariya A. Maslova, Civil Engineering

Development of Anchorage System for Frp Strengthening Applications Using Integrated Frp Composite Anchors , Geoffrey N. Mcguirk, Civil Engineering

An Application of Spatially Based Crash Analyses and Road Safety Investigations to Increase Older Driver Safety , Deanna A. Peabody, Civil Engineering

Safety and Operational Assessment of Gap Acceptance Through Large-Scale Field Evaluation , Steven Maxwell Tupper, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2010 2010

Historic Bridge Evaluation Using Finite Element Techniques , Helena M. Charron, Civil Engineering

A Quantitative Analysis of the Impacts from Selected Variables Upon Safety Belt Usage in Massachusetts , Samuel W. Gregorio, Civil Engineering

Analysis of Curved Integral Abutment Bridges , Emre Kalayci, Civil Engineering

Material Characterization and Structural Response of Historic Truss Bridges , Sean L. Kelton, Civil Engineering

Earthquake Engineering Simulation with Flexible Cladding System , Jun Jie Li, Civil Engineering

Route Choice Behavior in Risky Networks with Real-Time Information , Michael D. Razo, Civil Engineering

Route Choice Behavior in a Driving Simulator With Real-time Information , Hengliang Tian, Civil Engineering

Investigation of the Behavior of Open Cell Aluminum Foam , Patrick J. Veale, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2009 2009

Computer-Assisted Emergency Evacuation Planning Using TransCAD: Case Studies in Western Massachusetts , Steven P. Andrews, Civil Engineering

Value of Traveler Information for Adaptive Routing in Stochastic Time-Dependent Networks , He Huang, Civil Engineering

Analytical Modeling of Tree Vibration Generated during Cutting Process , Payman Karvanirabori, Civil Engineering

Optimal Adaptive Departure Time Choices with Real-Time Traveler Information Considering Arrival Reliability , Xuan Lu, Civil Engineering

Seismic Energy Dissipation of Steel Buildings Using Engineered Cladding Systems , Quan Viet Nguyen, Civil Engineering

Developing an Evaluation Approach to Assess Large Scale Its Infrastructure Improvements: I-91 Project , Melissa Paciulli, Civil Engineering

Enhancing Concrete Barrier Reflectivity With A Focus On Recycled Glass Aggregate Replacement , Regina Shklyan, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2008 2008

Performance Evaluation Of Existing Steel And Concrete Girder Bridges Through Non-destructive Live-load Testing , Andrew E. Jeffrey, Civil Engineering

Evaluation of Traffic Simulation Models for Work Zones in the New England Area , Pothu Raju Khanta, Civil Engineering

The Application of Traffic Calming and Related Strategies in an Urban Environment , Stacy A. Metzger, Civil Engineering

Terrazzo Cracking: Causes and Remedies , Michael J. Mitchell III, Civil Engineering

Anchorage of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers to Reinforced Concrete in Shear Applications , Carl W. Niemitz, Civil Engineering

Measurement and Computational Modeling of the Mechanical Properties of Parallel Strand Lumber , Russell S. Winans, Civil Engineering

An Evaluation of Simulation Models To Assess Travel Delay In Work Zones , Fan Wu, Civil Engineering

Theses from 2007 2007

An Analysis Of The Saftey Effects Of Crosswalks With In-pavement Warning Lights , George Gadiel, Civil Engineering

The Development of a Dynamic-Interactive-Vehicle Model for Modeling Traffic Beyond the Microscopic Level , Dwayne A. Henclewood, Civil Engineering

A Comparative Evaluation of Crash Data Quality Identification Methods , Arianna M. Mickee, Civil Engineering

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Some results uranium dioxide powder structure investigation

  • Processes of Obtaining and Properties of Powders
  • Published: 28 June 2009
  • Volume 50 , pages 281–285, ( 2009 )

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  • E. I. Andreev 1 ,
  • K. V. Glavin 2 ,
  • A. V. Ivanov 3 ,
  • V. V. Malovik 3 ,
  • V. V. Martynov 3 &
  • V. S. Panov 2  

116 Accesses

7 Citations

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Features of the macrostructure and microstructure of uranium dioxide powders are considered. Assumptions are made on the mechanisms of the behavior of powders of various natures during pelletizing. Experimental data that reflect the effect of these powders on the quality of fuel pellets, which is evaluated by modern procedures, are presented. To investigate the structure of the powders, modern methods of electron microscopy, helium pycnometry, etc., are used. The presented results indicate the disadvantages of wet methods for obtaining the starting UO 2 powders by the ammonium diuranate (ADU) flow sheet because strong agglomerates and conglomerates, which complicate the process of pelletizing, are formed. The main directions of investigation that can lead to understanding the regularities of formation of the structure of starting UO 2 powders, which will allow one to control the process of their fabrication and stabilize the properties of powders and pellets, are emphasized.

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Elektrostal’ Polytechnical Institute (Branch), Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, ul. Pervomaiskaya 7, Elektrostal’, Moscow oblast, 144000, Russia

E. I. Andreev

Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (State Technical University), Leninskii pr. 4, Moscow, 119049, Russia

K. V. Glavin & V. S. Panov

JSC “Mashinostroitelny Zavod”, ul. K. Marksa 12, Elektrostal’, Moscow oblast, 144001, Russia

A. V. Ivanov, V. V. Malovik & V. V. Martynov

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Correspondence to K. V. Glavin .

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Original Russian Text © E.I. Andreev, K.V. Glavin, A.V. Ivanov, V.V. Malovik, V.V. Martynov, V.S. Panov, 2009, published in Izvestiya VUZ. Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya i Funktsional’nye Pokrytiya, 2008, No. 4, pp. 19–24.

About this article

Andreev, E.I., Glavin, K.V., Ivanov, A.V. et al. Some results uranium dioxide powder structure investigation. Russ. J. Non-ferrous Metals 50 , 281–285 (2009). https://doi.org/10.3103/S1067821209030183

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Published : 28 June 2009

Issue Date : June 2009

DOI : https://doi.org/10.3103/S1067821209030183

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  • nuclear fuel
  • uranium dioxide
  • uranium protoxide-oxide
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  • ADU-ammonium diuranate
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1993 how the construction company remstroy was created   the year 1993 was a period when a lot of construction companies, which had been working successfully during the soviet times and had rich staff capacity, were forced to cease their activity for various reasons. a lot of capable specialists either had to look for another job or change their field. but there were also those who were willing to realise their potential in the field of construction in accordance with the received degree and the experience they had accumulated. thus, in 1993 in elektrostal (moscow oblast) a group of specialists and people sharing each other’s ideas, who had enormous educational background and the highest degree in architecture, organized and registered ooo firm erg which began its rapid development and successful work, offering its service both on the construction market and other areas. 2000 industrial construction is the main area   seven years of successful work have shown that combining different types of activities in the same company is not always convenient. and in the year 2000 the founders of ooo firm erg decided to create and register a monoprofile construction company ooo remstroy construction company. industrial construction was chosen as the priority area. it was in this area that the directors of ooo sk remstroy began their working life and grew as specialists. in order to achieve the set goal, they selected a mobile team of professionals in the field of industrial construction, which allows us to cope with the tasks assigned to ooo sk remstroy throughout russia and the near abroad. 2010 manufacturing of metal structures   we possess modern equipment that allows us to carry out the entire cycle of works on the manufacture of metal structures of any complexity without assistance. designing – production – installation of metal structures. a staff of professionals and well-coordinated interaction of the departments let us carry out the work as soon as possible and in accordance with all customer’s requirements.” extract from the list of members of self-regulatory organizations, construction.

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    Learning Technique" is submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, by me in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree of Master of Technology (Geotechnical Engineering). This thesis is original work done by me and not obtained from any source without proper citation.


    Ph.D. /M. Tech. /B. Tech. Students PREAMBLE A thesis or dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings. In some contexts, the word "Thesis " or a cognate is used for part of a Bachelor's or Master's

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    M. Tech. Thesis; PhD Thesis; Career Opportunities. Faculty; Professor of Practice; Post-Doc; Contact Us; Civil Engineering. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. ... Geotechnical Engineering Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering. Structural Engineering. Transportation Engineering . Office Automation; Office Location ...

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    2.2 A student, who fails to fulfill all the academic requirements for the award of the degree within four academic years from the year of his admission, shall forfeit his seat in M. Tech. course. 2.3 The student shall register for all 88 credits and secure all the 88 credits. 2.4 The minimum instruction days in each semester are 90.

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    This final copy of the thesis must be submitted to Academic section (Assistant Registrar, Academics) through the M. Tech. program Coordinator/Advisor. A soft copy of the thesis on a Compact Disk must also be submitted along with the hard copy of the thesis. 1.2. Title of the Thesis and Title page format.

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    New Technologies in Short Span Bridges: A Study of Three Innovative Systems, Andrew Lahovich, Civil Engineering. PDF. Driver Dynamics and the Longitudinal Control Model, Gabriel G. Leiner, Civil Engineering. PDF. Interfacial Strength Between Prestressed Hollow Core Slabs and Cast-in-Place Concrete Toppings, Ryan M. Mones, Civil Engineering. PDF

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    Title of thesis. Year of Award. 1. Ms.P.Sheethalakhmi. Soil-structure interaction of laterally loaded piles on sloping ground. 2007. 2. Mr.C. Senthil Kumar. Soil-structure interaction of laterally loaded pile groups on sloping ground.

  16. Utilizing Machine Learning for Cone Penetration Test-Based Soil

    The cone penetration test (CPT) is widely used in geotechnical engineering to assess soil properties. Traditional methods of interpreting CPT data and classifying soils have limitations and are time-consuming. Machine learning (ML) algorithms offer a data-driven approach to automate and improve soil classification based on CPT data.

  17. PDF M.Tech. Programme (Geotechnical Engineering)

    Curriculum for M. Tech. in Geotechnical Engineering SEMESTER 1 Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit Contact Hour CE6L201 Applied Soil Mechanics 3-1-0 4 4 CE6L202 Computational Geomechanics 3-1-0 4 4 ... CE6D001 Thesis : Part-I (CE) 0-0-0 16 0 CE6D002 Research Review Paper (CE) 0-0-3 04 3 Total 0-0-0 20 3 SEMESTER 4


    ACADEMIC REGULATIONS MR 13 FOR M. TECH. (REGULAR) DEGREE COURSE (Effective for the students admitted into first year from the academic year 2013-2014) The M.Tech Degree of Malla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad shall be conferred on candidates by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH), Hyderabad who are admitted to the

  19. PDF CIVIL ENGINEERING M.Tech. (Geotechnical Engineering) Effective from A

    M.Tech. (Geotechnical Engineering) Effective from A. Y. 2011-12 INDEX Item Page No. ... including the thesis oral examination, viva etc. of the qualifying degree by the date of admission to the program may be considered for admission; however, if admitted, they must produce the evidence of their having passed the qualifying degree examination ...

  20. PDF JNTU kakinada

    JNTU kakinada

  21. Some results uranium dioxide powder structure investigation

    Features of the macrostructure and microstructure of uranium dioxide powders are considered. Assumptions are made on the mechanisms of the behavior of powders of various natures during pelletizing. Experimental data that reflect the effect of these powders on the quality of fuel pellets, which is evaluated by modern procedures, are presented. To investigate the structure of the powders, modern ...

  22. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal Heavy Engineering Works, JSC is a designer and manufacturer of equipment for producing seamless hot-rolled, cold-rolled and welded steel materials and metallurgical equipment. MSZ, also known as Elemash, Russia's largest producer of fuel rod assemblies for nuclear power plants, which are exported to many countries in Europe.

  23. Russia: Gazprom Appoints Pavel Oderov as Head of International Business

    March 17, 2011. Pavel Oderov was appointed as Head of the International Business Department pursuant to a Gazprom order. Pavel Oderov was born in June 1979 in the town of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast. He graduated from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas with an Economics degree in 2000 and a Management degree in 2002.

  24. OOO Remstroy Construction Company

    2000. Seven years of successful work have shown that combining different types of activities in the same company is not always convenient. And in the year 2000 the founders of OOO Firm ERG decided to create and register a monoprofile construction company OOO Remstroy Construction Company. Industrial construction was chosen as the priority area.