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25 Interesting Math Topics: How to Write a Good Math Essay

writing good math essay

writing good math essay

Mathematics is a fascinating world of numbers, shapes, and patterns. 

Whether you are a student looking to grasp math concepts or someone who finds math intriguing, these topics will spark your curiosity and help you discover the beauty of mathematics straightforwardly and engagingly.

In this article, I will explore interesting math topics that make this subject not only understandable but also enjoyable.

math quiz essay

Why Write About Mathematics

First, it helps demystify a subject that many find intimidating. By breaking down complex mathematical concepts into simple, understandable language, we can make math accessible to a wider audience, fostering greater understanding and appreciation.

math book

Second, writing about mathematics allows us to showcase the practical applications of math in everyday life, from managing personal finances to solving real-world problems.

This helps readers recognize the relevance of math and its role in various fields and industries.

Additionally, writing about mathematics can inspire curiosity and a love for learning.

It encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills, promoting intellectual growth and academic success.

Finally, mathematics is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers.

After discussing math topics, we can connect with a global audience, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration in the pursuit of knowledge

 25 Interesting Math Topics to Write On

 Mathematics is a vast and intriguing field, offering a multitude of interesting topics to explore and write about.

Here are 25 such topics that promise to engage both math enthusiasts and those seeking a deeper understanding of this fascinating subject.

1. Fibonacci Sequence: Delve into the mesmerizing world of numbers with this sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones.

2. Golden Ratio: Explore the ubiquity of the golden ratio in art, architecture, and nature.

3. Prime Numbers: Investigate the mysterious properties of prime numbers and their role in cryptography.

4. Chaos Theory: Understand the unpredictability of chaotic systems and how small changes can lead to drastically different outcomes.

5. Game Theory: Examine the strategies and decision-making processes behind games and real-world situations.

6. Cryptography: Uncover the mathematical principles behind secure communication and encryption.

7. Fractals: Discover the self-replicating geometric patterns that occur in nature and mathematics.

8. Probability Theory: Dive into the world of uncertainty and randomness, where math helps us make informed predictions.

probability theory

9. Number Theory: Explore the properties and relationships of integers, including divisibility and congruence.

10. Geometry of Art: Analyze how geometry and math principles influence art and design.

11. Topology: Study the properties of space that remain unchanged under continuous transformations, leading to the concept of “rubber-sheet geometry.”

12. Knot Theory: Investigate the mathematical study of knots and their applications in various fields.

13. Number Systems: Learn about different number bases, such as binary and hexadecimal, and their significance in computer science.

14. Graph Theory: Explore networks, relationships, and the mathematics of connections.

15. The Monty Hall Problem: Delight in this famous probability puzzle based on a game show scenario.

16. Calculus: Examine the principles of differentiation and integration that underlie a wide range of scientific and engineering applications.

17. The Riemann Hypothesis: Consider one of the most famous unsolved problems in mathematics involving the distribution of prime numbers.

18. Euler’s Identity: Marvel at the beauty of Euler’s equation, often described as the most elegant mathematical formula.

19. The Four-Color Theorem: Uncover the fascinating problem of coloring maps with only four colors without adjacent regions sharing the same color.

20. P vs. NP Problem: Delve into one of the most critical unsolved problems in computer science, addressing the efficiency of algorithms.

21. The Bridges of Konigsberg: Explore a classic problem in graph theory that inspired the development of topology.

22. The Birthday Paradox: Understand the surprising likelihood of shared birthdays in a group.

23. Non-Euclidean Geometry: Step into the world of geometries where Euclid’s parallel postulate doesn’t hold, leading to intriguing alternatives like hyperbolic and elliptic geometry.

24. Perfect Numbers: Learn about the properties of numbers that are the sum of their proper divisors.

25. Zero: The History of Nothing: Trace the historical and mathematical significance of the number zero and its role in the development of mathematics.

How to Write a Good Math Essay

Mathematics essays , though often perceived as daunting, can be a rewarding way to delve into the world of mathematical concepts, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Whether you are a student assigned to write a math essay or someone who wants to explore math topics in-depth, this guide will provide you with the key steps to write a good math essay that is clear, concise, and engaging.

1. Understanding the Essay Prompt

essay prompts

Before you begin writing, it’s crucial to understand the essay prompt or question.

Analyze the specific topic, the scope of the essay, and any guidelines or requirements provided by your instructor.

Mostly, this initial step sets the direction for your essay and ensures you stay on topic.

2. Research and Gather Information

You need to gather relevant information and resources to write a strong math essay. This includes textbooks, academic papers, and reputable websites.

Make sure to cite your sources properly using a recognized citation style such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.

3. Structuring Your Math Essay

Start with a clear introduction that provides an overview of the topic and the main thesis or argument of your essay. This section should capture the reader’s attention and present a roadmap for what to expect.

The body of your essay is where you present your arguments, explanations, and evidence. Use clear subheadings to organize your ideas. Ensure that your arguments are logical and well-structured.

Begin by defining any important mathematical concepts or terms necessary to understand your topic.

Clearly state your main arguments or theorems. Please support them with evidence, equations, diagrams, or examples.

Explain the logical steps or mathematical reasoning behind your arguments. This can include proofs, derivations, or calculations.

Ensure your writing is clear and free from jargon that might confuse the reader. Explain complex ideas in a way that’s accessible to a broader audience.

Whenever applicable, include diagrams, graphs, or visual aids to illustrate your points. Visual representations can enhance the clarity of your essay.

Summarize your main arguments, restate your thesis, and offer a concise conclusion. Address the significance of your findings and the implications of your research or discussion.

4. Proofreading and Editing

proofreading an essay

Once you’ve written your math essay, take the time to proofread and edit it. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and the overall flow of your writing.

Ensure that your essay is well-organized and free from errors.

Consider seeking feedback from peers or an instructor to gain a fresh perspective.

5. Presentation and Formatting

A well-presented essay is more likely to engage the reader. Follow these formatting guidelines:

  • Use a legible font (e.g., Times New Roman or Arial) in a standard size (12-point).
  • Double-space your essay and include page numbers if required.
  • Create a title page with your name, essay title, course information, and date.
  • Use section headings and subheadings for clarity.
  • Include a reference page to cite your sources appropriately.

6. Mathematical Notation and Symbols

Mathematics relies heavily on notation and symbols. Ensure that you use mathematical notation correctly and consistently.

If you introduce new symbols or terminology, define them clearly for the reader’s understanding.

7. Seek Clarification

If you encounter difficulties or ambiguities in your math essay, don’t hesitate to seek clarification from your instructor or peers.

Discussing complex mathematical concepts with others can help you refine your understanding and improve your essay.

8. Practice and Feedback

Writing math essays, like any skill, improves with practice. The more you write and receive feedback, the better you’ll become.

Take your time with initial challenges. Instead, view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

With dedication and attention to detail, you can craft a math essay that not only conveys your mathematical knowledge but also engages and informs your readers.

Josh Jasen working

Josh Jasen or JJ as we fondly call him, is a senior academic editor at Grade Bees in charge of the writing department. When not managing complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In his spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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Math Essay Writing Guide

It is often met that students feel wondered when they are asked to write essays in math classes. Actually, the tasks of math essay writing want to make students demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and ideas.

This kind of essay is what students of both college and high school students can be asked to create. Yes, this type of writing is quite special, and having its own tricks and demands. Still, guides for writing a math essay is mostly the same as for those of other subjects.

If you think you do not have enough time or skill to complete a math essay on your own, remember about the possibility to ask for essay help online .

Set Up Your Topic

Just like any other essay, math writing is to be started from choosing a topic. Here are several possible ways to go. First one wants you to choose any mathematical concept that seems to be interesting for you, like one of those you discussed with a teacher and classmates and want to investigate it a bit deeper. Another way is, you can choose any math problem you have solved in the past.

For this type of writing, you show up a problem, and then show your way towards solving it and getting the right answer. Whatever the type of essay is, you need to provide a brainstorm and find the topic worrying your mind the most, as to write about something you need to research it seriously. For instance think about any particular concept or equation of mathematics you would like to spend a bit more time to investigate, and then note your thoughts on a paper.

Consider the Audience

Thinking about the audience that is going to read your essay is a must for any essay, same thing goes for math paper writing. Mathematician P. R. Halmos offers the way to think about the particular person while writing an essay, in the text of his article “How to Write Mathematics”.

Halmos says it is good to think about someone who has math ways that “can stand mending”. To say in other words, when writing an essay, do not try jumping above your head and write the text for the audience that has the same skill in math as you do. Yes, you write a math essay in order to present the idea or to explain a problem solution. But still, you want to prove your method to be the best one. Try convincing the reader in that, and the essay is guaranteed to be interesting.

Concept Essay in Math

In case of math, concept essays look similar to those for other classes. In fact, you need to write a regular expository essay to complete your task. To do that, you research a certain math concept, analyze it, then form and develop your upcoming theoretical ideas basing on the experience and knowledge you could get when providing the investigation, and then claim it as a usual thesis statement.

Start writing your essay with the intro, importing the topic through it. include your claim about the theory there. The, you need to develop your claim in the further text, and to present reliable evidences you found during the research to prove your viewpoint. Write a conclusion, tie up any loose ends and readdress your theoretical info according to the way how it was provided before.

Math Equation Essay

To complete an equation essay successfully, you should show up the problem and solution at once, in the essay intro. Then, explain the problem significance and factors that made you choose your certain way towards the solution. Both significance and rationale are the same with a thesis statement, they serve as the base ground for your argumentation here.

Compose a paragraph that clearly shows the reader how to solve the problem according to your vision, make a “how-to” user guide for the chosen problem. If the problem is complex, set up a helpful graph that could demonstrate your equation result. Explain what can be seen on that graph. Same thing: define variables carefully and precisely with sentences like “Let’s think n is any real number.” Show up your problem solving methodical, guide the reader through the used formulas and explain why you used exactly those ones.

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To enable every aspiring TJ student to present their best self

See previous problem solving essay prompts here, check out our feature in wtop, preparing for the essays has always been a vague, sometimes debated concept. one easy way to prepare for the problem solving (also called math based, science based and ethics) essays is to try the previous years'. each one should be done in an hour end to end. the most important thing to do in these is to explain and show your thoughts. though the right answer is a great, being able to show your thoughts is so much more important. remember to write them without the use of a calculator and an application that does not have spell check (ie. notepad).

It is  5:30 AM, and as a helicopter pilot you’ve just been told there’s an injured man on a boat you need to get to a hospital. The boat is going towards where you are at 10 mph, but is currently 400 miles away. You need to get him as soon as possible, but you only have 6600 lbs of fuel in your helicopter, which burns 1200 lbs per hour, and always travels at 150 mph. Also, you need to account for 30 min of fuel spent hovering over the boat to get the man into the helicopter, and 1 extra hour of fuel due to helicopter standards. When do you leave and why?

You are a researcher in the Falkland Islands You’ve been asked to estimate the penguin population. The current population is 1000 penguins. 500 pairs produce one chick per pair per year. At the end of each year there is a loss of 20% of the total population. Figure out how many penguins there will be at the end of seven years. Develop a formula that solves the problem.

When designing a stairway, an architect can use the riser-tread formula 2h +d = 25, where h is the riser height, in inches, and d is the tread depth, in inches. For any given stairway, the riser heights are the same and the tread depths are the same for all steps in that stairway.

The number of steps in a stairway is the number of its risers. For example, there are 5 steps in the stairway in the figure above. The total rise of a stairway is the sum of the riser heights as shown in the figure. 

An architect wants to use the riser-tread formula to design a stairway with a total rise of 9 feet, a riser height between 7 and 8 inches, and an odd number of steps. With the architect’s constraints, which of the following must be the tread depth, in inches, of the stairway?

To see the figure, click here

The Chesapeake Bay holds about 18 trillion gallons of water. The Chesapeake Bay covers about 4,480 square miles or about 3,000,000 acres. Each acre can hold 750,000 oysters and each oyster is capable of filtering 50 gallons of water per day. Can there be enough oysters to filter the Chesapeake Bay in one day?

***Please not that these are most likely not exactly how the prompts were worded. We searched the internet to compile these and cross referenced to find the most consistent version. These are great practice but not guaranteed the prompts verbatim***

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Early math review

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Answering an Essay Test

Essay tests can have on them the following types of questions: short or long answers, fill in the blank, and sentence completion.  Use the following suggestions to help you with essay-type tests:

Make a brief survey of the entire test.  Read every question and the directions.  Plan to answer the least difficult questions first, saving the most difficult for last.

Set a time schedule and periodically check your progress (to maintain proper speed).  With six questions to answer in 60 minutes, you should allow a maximum of 10 minutes per question.  If your 10 minutes passes and you have not finished the question, continue to the next one and come back to the other one later.  Do not sacrifice any question for another.

Read the question carefully.  Underline key words: e.g., list, compare, WWII, political and social, art or music, etc.  As you read, jot down the points that occur to you beside that question.

Organize a brief outline of the main ideas you want to present.  Place a check mark alongside each major idea and number them in order of presentation in your answer.  Do not spend too much time on the outline.

When you answer, always rephrase the question.

Example : Explain Pavlov's theory of conditioning. Answer : Pavlov's theory of conditioning is based on...

The remainder of the answer is devoted to support by giving dates, examples, stating relationships, causes, effects and research

Present material that reflects the grader's personal or professional biases.  Further, stick to the material covered in the reading or lecture, and answer the question within the frame of reference.

If you do not understand what the instructor is looking for, write down how you interpreted the question and answer it.

If time does not permit a complete answer, use an outline form.

Write something for every question.  When you "go blank," start writing all the ideas you remember from your studying – one of them is bound to be close!

In sentence-completion items, remember never to leave a space blank.  When in doubt – GUESS.  Make use of grammar to help decide the correct answer.  Make the completed statement logically consistent.

If you have some time remaining, read over your answer.  You can frequently add other ideas which may come to mind.  You can, at least, correct misspelled words or insert words to complete an idea.

Sometimes, before you even read the questions, you might write some facts and formulas you have memorized on the back of the test.

Answering an essay test with several questions

Do a memory data dump.

Read all the test questions and underline the important words.

As you read each question, write down key words relating to the answer that immediately comes into your mind.

Develop a test progress schedule.

Answer the easiest questions first.

Expand the key word outline begun in Step 3.

Organize the outline.

Write the answer.

Go to next easiest question and proceed to Step 6.

Review all test questions.

Key Words on Essay Tests

COMPARE - Look for similarities and differences between the things mentioned.

CONTRAST - Stress the dissimilarities.

DEFINE - Give a brief and accurate definition of the item.

DESCRIBE - Tell the primary characteristics of a situation or retell the important elements of a story.

DISCUSS - Be analytical.  Give reasons, pro and con.

EVALUATE - Give both the positive and negative sides of the issue or topic.

EXPLAIN - Give the reasons or causes for being as it is.

ILLUSTRATE - Use examples.  If appropriate, draw a diagram.

JUSTIFY - Give your reasons for the conclusions you have reached.

LIST - Give an itemized list; number the items.

PROVE - Give factual evidence, including logical or mathematical proof as appropriate.

REVIEW - Give a summary and comment on important aspects of the question.

SUMMARIZE - Give a summary without comment or criticism.

TRACE - Describe the progress or causes of some historical happening.

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How to Apply a Mathematical Approach to Essay Writing

How to Apply a Mathematical Approach to Essay Writing

The use of mathematical strategies has long gone beyond solving complex levels and problems, making it easier and faster to complete tasks from other disciplines. One example of an academic task where the math approach will come into handy is writing an essay. With various techniques, your academic grades will increase, and your writing style will prosper.

Beneficial Impact on Your Writing

As a queen of science, mathematics promotes the development of various skills applicable to solving diverse problems and the formation of true-and-tried strategies for completing multiple academic assignments. With accuracy, objectivity, and logical rigor as a few fundamental principles, it provides students with a powerful tool to optimize many learning processes.

Not the least of them is writing essays that combine diverse techniques and approaches, the alternation of which will allow students to pump a range of skills from different angles. Using various mathematical models contributes to a more in-depth understanding of multiple cases and concepts while delegating tasks to professionals will save time to develop extra skills, requiring to visit ScamFighter for honest reviews preliminarily to avoid making a mistake in the choice.

Regular application of mathematical techniques, accompanied by developing strategies based on your experience and specific secrets, helps significantly expand the list of abilities and enhance those you already have. Among them are:

  • logical reasoning;
  • analytical abilities;
  • mathematical literacy;
  • visualization skills;
  • critical thinking;

Many of the above may be helpful to you outside of academics, boosting personal and professional growth. These include activities such as communication strengthened through developed argumentation skills, deep understanding of concepts, etc.

Subsequently, you will quickly and qualitatively analyze large volumes of complex materials, making informed conclusions. It will help you figure out is MyAssignmentHelp.com safe and answer similar issues to see through suspicious companies in the shortest possible time, eliminating the risk of twisting you around someone’s finger by contacting only trusted services.

Where It Will Come in Very Handy

The mathematical approach can become the core of many strategies for writing academic papers in multiple fields of knowledge. Narrowing the latter’s focus, we can highlight economics in studying complex processes and concepts that mathematical methods can help with. In addition to in-depth analysis of large volumes of data, they will help you predict the further development of economic processes and identify key trends.

It also applies to essays studying scientific and high-tech phenomena where math strategies will cost modeling and interpretation. In addition, the use of mathematical approaches when writing essays on philosophy strengthens the argumentation and evidence provided. The well-known approaches of deduction and induction will allow you to shape the paper’s logical sequence while maintaining the structure’s integrity.

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Math Techniques to Apply in Writing Papers

Many ways to make your academic paper better and more detailed while at the same time infusing your writing style with new skills are based on multiple math approaches. Among them is a statistical method that strengthens your arguments and thoughts by involving various facts, surveys, and analyses. Another way to improve your paper would be to conduct a unique survey and then implement the results and processed information.

The use of math models, which facilitate the study of complex concepts and phenomena, will be no less valuable. Its beneficial effect lies in predicting trends, making effective comparisons, and identifying correlations between several concepts. Boosting visualization with graphs, figures, and diagrams will help achieve the latter. Probability theory can help analyze and assess the probability of a particular event. It will be especially effective if your essay topic explores random phenomena and considers potential risks.

Beyond academic writing, climate change approaches help develop valuable skills for solving various problems. You will not notice how you start reading your favorite book, article, or EssayBot review with increased attention to detail and in-depth analysis of multiple statements.

A Few More Things to Consider

Writing an essay using mathematical approaches can make your paper richer, making it easier to complete various tasks at specific workflow stages and presenting the materials you have mastered in the best light. However, it is necessary to remember some nuances to avoid the opposite effect, which manifests in various shortcomings that worsen the quality of the essay and confuse readers.

One of the primary reasons for the latter is an overabundance of formal vocabulary, turning your paper into a treasure trove of mathematical concepts. It makes it necessary to maintain maximum clarity, providing all relevant information where required. The same goes for introducing a variety of visual components, moving the tracking of their relevance to the top of your to-do list.

It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the central requirements and extra recommendations to find a mathematical approach to develop your topic quickly. At the same time, answers to questions like is EssayBot legit will bring you closer to successfully writing a paper without unnecessary investments. Another mandatory task is carefully proofreading and checking the essay after finishing writing, eliminating all the shortcomings and unnecessary things.

Final Thoughts

Using mathematical approaches to write essays can be advantageous from different angles, contributing to the development of a wide range of skills. However, adhering to a few points is essential to achieve maximum effect and avoid obstacles.

by: Effortless Math Team about 2 months ago (category: Blog )

Effortless Math Team

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Teaching Math: The Best Learning Practice Essay

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Learning math is not an easy task for many students, especially if they are of a young age. It is not always interesting to deal with numbers and develop various calculating activities to meet educational standards and get high grades. However, students have to learn mathematics as an obligatory part of the elementary school system. Therefore, to facilitate a learning process and raise students’ interest, teachers offer various practices and improve their understanding of children’s needs, abilities, and expectations. The examples introduced on video lessons show that teachers may cooperate with children in a variety of ways. Still, the main task is to involve students in a learning process by giving vivid examples, clear instructions, and options to choose from. In this paper, the attention to three teaching strategies, which are explicit teaching, developmental activities to support a diversity of levels, and reflection, will be discussed and explained through the prism of mathematics classes and teachers’ intentions to improve their classroom work.

Motivation and interest are the two crucial aspects of student education. It does not matter what subject has to be learned or what activities must be developed, teachers have to make sure that their students are ready and eager to participate in classroom activities. In both videos, teachers make use of explicit teaching as the main learning practice for their students to be offered. This type of learning aims at directing student attention towards certain subjects and topics in the already established learning environment. In math classes, it is not enough for teachers to provide students with an opportunity to learn new material and follow the given instructions (Selling, 2016). Explicit learning is used to make mathematical practices interesting to students through real-life representations, generalizations, problem-solving, and justifying (Selling, 2016). When students can use their own examples and explanations of the theoretical material given, it is easy for them to realize why all these tasks cannot be ignored, and what the essence of all these tasks is.

Another significant step in classroom learning is the attention to developmental activities in terms of which a diversity of levels and group work can be taken into consideration. Student learning and achievements depend directly on the teachers’ level of professionalism (Bayar, 2014). On the one hand, following the instructions and recognizing standards cannot be ignored in the classroom. On the other hand, students may easily get bored with all those requirements being set. In both videos, teachers underline the necessity to promote development activities and observe what students can do, want to do, and try to avoid. Sometimes, it is better to observe the work of students in groups or make them work individually and investigate their strengths and weaknesses. In schools, children of different backgrounds should cooperate, demonstrating their ability to use knowledge and their tolerance for other students’ mistakes. Teachers have to underline the importance of development and create the required environment to support but never offense or reproach a child.

Finally, the teachers from both videos agree that reflection has to be one of the main learning activities in the classroom. It helps not only to clarify what students learn but also focuses on the gaps that still exist. The possibility to reflect on the already gained experience and personal progress is the skill that has to be developed through teachers’ and students’ cooperation (Kiemer, Grőschner, Pehmer, & Seidel, 2015). In addition, reflection as a learning activity has a number of crucial benefits for students. First, they learn how to use the classroom material in real life. Second, sharing their thoughts, doubts, and ideas, students are able to comprehend the true importance of mathematics. Finally, students who are able to reflect on their activities demonstrate intentions to learn new information and participate in classroom activities. Therefore, the choice of this practice is not only a sign of a high-level professionalism of an educator, but an example of how teachers should respect and support their students.

To conclude, it is necessary to say that the offered videos help to realize how to improve mathematics classes and how to choose appropriate learning activities. The justification of this choice is based not only on the benefits students may gain in the classroom. The recognition of explicit learning, developmental activities, and reflection as the best practices to study math is explained by the possibility to focus on the merits and demerits of the subject and underline the importance of student participation. Though rules and plans cannot be ignored in teaching, educators should never forget that student motivation, interest, and achievement are the core values. Students may vary in their backgrounds, personal experiences, and skills. The task of teachers is to promote development, organize group projects, and reflect on the achievement made. Math can be one of the greatest subjects for students to deal with in elementary school, and explicit learning alone with group activities and reflections can help to achieve the best results in teaching practice.

Bayar, A. (2014). The components of effective professional development activities in terms of teachers’ perspective. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 6 (2), 319-327.

Kiemer, K., Grőschner, A., Pehmer, A. K., & Seidel, T. (2015). Effects of a classroom discourse intervention on teachers’ practice and students’ motivation to learn mathematics and science. Learning and Instruction, 35 , 94-103.

Selling, S. K. (2016). Making mathematical practices explicit in urban middle and high school mathematics classrooms. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 47 (5), 505-551.

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  • Is Montessori Math a Pathway for Academically Gifted Students to Advance in Mathematics?
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IvyPanda. (2021, June 26). Teaching Math: The Best Learning Practice. https://ivypanda.com/essays/teaching-math-the-best-learning-practice/

"Teaching Math: The Best Learning Practice." IvyPanda , 26 June 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/teaching-math-the-best-learning-practice/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Teaching Math: The Best Learning Practice'. 26 June.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Teaching Math: The Best Learning Practice." June 26, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/teaching-math-the-best-learning-practice/.

1. IvyPanda . "Teaching Math: The Best Learning Practice." June 26, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/teaching-math-the-best-learning-practice/.


IvyPanda . "Teaching Math: The Best Learning Practice." June 26, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/teaching-math-the-best-learning-practice/.

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Math Essay | Essay on Math for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Math Essay: Mathematics is generally defined as the science that deals with numbers. It involves operations among numbers, and it also helps you to calculate the product price, how many discounted prizes here, and If you good in maths so you can calculate very fast. Mathematicians and scientists rely on mathematics principles in their real-life to experiments with new things every day. Many students say that ” I hate mathematics ” and maths is a useless subject, but it is wrong because without mathematics your life is tough to survive. Math has its applications in every field.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Math for Students and Kids in English

We are presenting students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short of 150 words on the topic of math for reference.

Long Essay on Math 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Math is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Mathematics is one of the common subjects that we study since our childhood. It is generally used in our daily life. Every person needs to learn some basics of it. Even counting money also includes math. Every work is linked with math in some way or the other. A person who does math is called a Mathematician.

Mathematics can be divided into two parts. The first is Pure mathematics, and the second is Applied mathematics. In Pure mathematics, we need to study the basic concept and structures of mathematics. But, on the other side, Applied mathematics involves the application of mathematics to solve problems that arise in various areas,(e.g.), science, engineering, and so on.

One couldn’t imagine the world without math. Math makes our life systematic, and every invention involves math. No matter what action a person is doing, he should know some basic maths. Every profession involves maths. Our present-day world runs on computers, and even computer runs with the help of maths. Every development that happens requires math.

Mathematics has a wide range of applications in our daily life. Maths generally deals with numbers. There are various topics in math, such as trigonometry; integration; differentiation, etc. All the subjects such as physics; chemistry; economy; commerce involve maths in some way or the other. Math is also used to find the relation between two numbers, and math is considered to be one of the most challenging subjects to learn. Math includes various numbers, and many symbols are used to show the relation between two different numbers.

Math is complicated to learn, and one needs to focus and concentrate more. Math is logical sometimes, and the logic needs to be derived out. Maths make our life easier and more straightforward. Math is considered to be challenging because it consists of many formulas that have to be learned, and many symbols and each symbol generally has its significance.

Some of the advantages of Math in our daily life

  • Managing Money: Counting money and calculating simple interest, compound interest includes the usage of mathematics. Profit and loss are also computed using maths. Anything related to maths contains maths.
  • Cooking: Maths is even used in cooking as estimating the number of ingredients that have to be used is calculated in numbers. Proportions also include maths.
  • Home modelling: Calculating the area is essential in the construction of the home or home modelling. The size is also measured using maths. Even heights are also measured using maths.
  • Travelling: Distance between two places and time taken to travel also includes maths. The amount of time taken revolves around maths. Almost every work is related to maths in some way or another. Maths contains some conditions that need to be followed, and maths has several formulas that have to be learned to become a mathematician.

Short Essay on Math 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Math is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Maths is generally defined as the science of numbers and the operations performed among them. It deals with both alphabets along with numbers and involves addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, comparison, etc. It is used in every field. Maths consists of finding a relation between numbers, calculating the distance between two places, counting money, calculating profit and loss.

It is of two types pure and applied. Pure math deals with the basic structure and concept of maths, whereas applied mathematics deals with how maths is used it involves the application of maths in our daily life. All the subjects include maths, and hence maths is considered to be one of the primary and joint issues which need to be learned by everyone. One couldn’t imagine their life using maths. It has made our experience easy and straightforward. It has prevented chaos in our daily life. Hence learning maths is mandatory for everyone.

10 Lines on Math in English

  • Father of Mathematics was Archimedes.
  • Hypatia is the first woman know to know to have taught mathematics.
  • From 0-1000 ,letter “A” only appears first in 1,000 ( “one thousand “).
  • Zero (0) is the only number that can not be represented by Roman numerals.
  • The Sign plus (+) and Minus(-) were discovered in 1489 A.D.
  • Do you know that a Baseball field is of the perfect shape of a Rhombus.
  • Jiffy is considered to be a unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
  • 14th March International Day of Mathematics.
  • Most mathematics symbols weren’t invented until the 16th century.
  • The symbols for the division is called an Obelus.

FAQ’s on Math Essay

Question 1. What is Mathematics in simple words?

Answer: Mathematics is the study of shapes, patterns, numbers, and more. It involves a comparison between two numbers and calculating the distance between two places.

Question 2. Do we need mathematics every day?

Answer: Yes, we need mathematics every day, from buying a product to sell anything you want. Maths is present in our daily life, and no matter what work we do, maths is involved, and the application of maths is current in our everyday life.

Question 3. Who was the No.1 Mathematicians in the world?

Answer: Isaac Newton, who was a profound mathematician, is considered to be one of the best mathematicians in the world.

Question 4. What are the applications of maths?

Answer: Maths have various applications in our daily life. Maths is present everywhere from counting money to the calculating distance between two places. We could find math applications around.

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Choose Your Test

Sat / act prep online guides and tips, how to study for a test: 17 expert tips.

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Do you have a big exam coming up, but you're not sure how to prepare for it? Are you looking to improve your grades or keep them strong but don't know the best way to do this? We're here to help! In this guide, we've compiled the 17 best tips for how to study for a test. No matter what grade you're in or what subject you're studying, these tips will give you ways to study faster and more effectively. If you're tired of studying for hours only to forget everything when it comes time to take a test, follow these tips so you can be well prepared for any exam you take.

How to Study for a Test: General Tips

The four tips below are useful for any test or class you're preparing for. Learn the best way to study for a test from these tips and be prepared for any future exams you take.

#1: Stick to a Study Schedule

If you're having trouble studying regularly, creating a study schedule can be a huge help. Doing something regularly helps your mind get used to it. If you set aside a time to regularly study and stick to it, it'll eventually become a habit that's (usually) easy to stick to. Getting into a fixed habit of studying will help you improve your concentration and mental stamina over time. And, just like any other training, your ability to study will improve with time and effort.

Take an honest look at your schedule (this includes schoolwork, extracurriculars, work, etc.) and decide how often you can study without making your schedule too packed. Aim for at least an hour twice a week. Next, decide when you want to study, such as Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays from 7-8pm, and stick to your schedule . In the beginning, you may need to tweak your schedule, but you'll eventually find the study rhythm that works best for you. The important thing is that you commit to it and study during the same times each week as often as possible.

#2: Start Studying Early and Study for Shorter Periods

Some people can cram for several hours the night before the test and still get a good grade. However, this is rarer than you may hope. Most people need to see information several times, over a period of time, for them to really commit it to memory. This means that, instead of doing a single long study session, break your studying into smaller sessions over a longer period of time. Five one-hour study sessions over a week will be less stressful and more effective than a single five-hour cram session. It may take a bit of time for you to learn how long and how often you need to study for a class, but once you do you'll be able to remember the information you need and reduce some of the stress that comes from schoolwork, tests, and studying.

#3: Remove Distractions

When you're studying, especially if it's for a subject you don't enjoy, it can be extremely tempting to take "quick breaks" from your work. There are untold distractions all around us that try to lure our concentration away from the task at hand. However, giving in to temptation can be an awful time suck. A quick glance at your phone can easily turn into an hour of wasting time on the internet, and that won't help you get the score you're looking for. In order to avoid distractions, remove distractions completely from your study space.

Eat a meal or a snack before you begin studying so you're not tempted to rummage through the fridge as a distraction. Silence your phone and keep it in an entirely different room. If you're studying on a computer, turn your WIFI off if it's not essential to have. Make a firm rule that you can't get up to check on whatever has you distracted until your allotted study time is up.

#4: Reward Yourself When You Hit a Milestone

To make studying a little more fun, give yourself a small reward whenever you hit a study milestone. For example, you might get to eat a piece of candy for every 25 flashcards you test yourself on, or get to spend 10 minutes on your phone for every hour you spend studying. You can also give yourself larger rewards for longer-term goals, such as going out to ice cream after a week of good study habits. Studying effectively isn't always easy, and by giving yourself rewards, you'll keep yourself motivated.


Our pets are not the only ones who deserve rewards.

Tips for Learning and Remembering Information

While the default method of studying is reading through class notes, this is actually one of the least effective ways of learning and remembering information. In this section we cover four much more useful methods. You'll notice they all involve active learning, where you're actively reworking the material, rather than just passively reading through notes. Active studying has been shown to be a much more effective way to understand and retain information, and it's what we recommend for any test you're preparing for.

#5: Rewrite the Material in Your Own Words

It can be easy to get lost in a textbook and look back over a page, only to realize you don't remember anything about what you just read. Fortunately, there's a way to avoid this.

For any class that requires lots of reading, be sure to stop periodically as you read. Pause at the end of a paragraph/page/chapter (how much you can read at once and still remember clearly will likely depend on the material you're reading) and—without looking!—think about what the text just stated. Re-summarize it in your own words, and write down bullet points if that helps. Now, glance back over the material and make sure you summarized the information accurately and included all the important details. Take note of whatever you missed, then pick up your reading where you left off.

Whether you choose to summarize the text aloud or write down notes, re-wording the text is a very effective study tool. By rephrasing the text in your own words, you're ensuring you're actually remembering the information and absorbing its meaning, rather than just moving your eyes across a page without taking in what you're reading.

#6: Make Flashcards

Flashcards are a popular study tool for good reason! They're easy to make, easy to carry around, easy to pull out for a quick study session, and they're a more effective way of studying than just reading through pages of notes. Making your own flashcards is especially effective because you'll remember more information just through the act of writing it down on the cards. For any subjects in which you must remember connections between terms and information, such as formulas, vocabulary, equations, or historical dates, flashcards are the way to go. We recommend using the Waterfall Method when you study with flashcards since it's the fastest way to learn all the material on the cards.

#7: Teach the Material to Someone Else

Teaching someone else is a great way to organize the information you've been studying and check your grasp of it. It also often shows you that you know more of the material than you think! Find a study-buddy, or a friend/relative/pet or even just a figurine or stuffed animal and explain the material to them as if they're hearing about it for the first time. Whether the person you're teaching is real or not, teaching material aloud requires you to re-frame the information in new ways and think more carefully about how all the elements fit together. The act of running through the material in this new way also helps you more easily lock it in your mind.

#8: Make Your Own Study Guides

Even if your teacher provides you with study guides, we highly recommend making your own study materials. Just making the materials will help the information sink into your mind, and when you make your own study guides, you can customize them to the way you learn best, whether that's flashcards, images, charts etc. For example, if you're studying for a biology test, you can draw your own cell and label the components, make a Krebs cycle diagram, map out a food chain, etc. If you're a visual learner (or just enjoy adding images to your study materials), include pictures and diagrams.

Sometimes making your own charts and diagrams will mean recreating the ones in your textbook from memory, and sometimes it will mean putting different pieces of information together yourself. Whatever the diagram type and whatever the class, writing your information down and making pictures out of it will be a great way to help you remember the material.


How to Study for a History Test

History tests are notorious for the amount of facts and dates you need to know. Make it easier to retain the information by using these two tips.

#9: Know Causes and Effects

It's easy and tempting to simply review long lists of dates of important events, but this likely won't be enough for you to do well on a history test, especially if it has any writing involved. Instead of only learning the important dates of, say, WWI, focus on learning the factors that led to the war and what its lasting impacts on the world were. By understanding the cause and effects of major events, you'll be able to link them to the larger themes you're learning in history class. Also, having more context about an event can often make it easier to remember little details and dates that go along with it.

#10: Make Your Own Timelines

Sometimes you need to know a lot of dates for a history test. In these cases, don't think passively reading your notes is enough. Unless you have an amazing memory, it'll take you a long time for all those dates to sink into your head if you only read through a list of them. Instead, make your own timeline.

Make your first timeline very neat, with all the information you need to know organized in a way that makes sense to you (this will typically be chronologically, but you may also choose to organize it by theme). Make this timeline as clear and helpful as you can, using different colors, highlighting important information, drawing arrows to connecting information, etc. Then, after you've studied enough to feel you have a solid grasp of the dates, rewrite your timeline from memory. This one doesn't have to be neat and organized, but include as much information as you remember. Continue this pattern of studying and writing timelines from memory until you have all the information memorized.


Know which direction events occur in to prepare for history tests.

How to Study for a Math Test

Math tests can be particularly intimating to many students, but if you're well-prepared for them, they're often straightforward.

#11: Redo Homework Problems

More than most tests, math tests usually are quite similar to the homework problems you've been doing. This means your homework contains dozens of practice problems you can work through. Try to review practice problems from every topic you'll be tested on, and focus especially on problems that you struggled with. Remember, don't just review how you solved the problem the first time. Instead, rewrite the problem, hide your notes, and solve it from scratch. Check your answer when you're finished. That'll ensure you're committing the information to memory and actually have a solid grasp of the concepts.

#12: Make a Formula Sheet

You're likely using a lot of formulas in your math class, and it can be hard remembering what they are and when to use them. Throughout the year, as you learn a new important formula, add it to a formula sheet you've created. For each formula, write out the formula, include any notes about when to use it, and include a sample problem that uses the formula. When your next math test rolls around, you'll have a useful guide to the key information you've been learning.

How to Study for an English Test

Whether your English test involves writing or not, here are two tips to follow as you prepare for it.

#13: Take Notes as You Read

When you're assigned reading for English class, it can be tempting to get through the material as quickly as possible and then move on to something else. However, this is not a good way to retain information, and come test day, you may be struggling to remember a lot of what you read. Highlighting important passages is also too passive a way to study. The way to really retain the information you read is to take notes. This takes more time and effort, but it'll help you commit the information to memory. Plus, when it comes time to study, you'll have a handy study guide ready and won't have to frantically flip through the book to try to remember what you read. The more effort you put into your notes, the more helpful they'll be. Consider organizing them by theme, character, or however else makes sense to you.

#14: Create Sample Essay Outlines

If the test you're taking requires you to write an essay, one of the best ways to be prepared is to develop essay outlines as you study. First, think about potential essay prompts your teacher might choose you to write about. Consider major themes, characters, plots, literary comparisons, etc., you discussed in class, and write down potential essay prompts. Just doing this will get you thinking critically about the material and help you be more prepared for the test.

Next, write outlines for the prompts you came up with (or, if you came up with a lot of prompts, choose the most likely to outline). These outlines don't need to contain much information, just your thesis and a few key points for each body paragraph. Even if your teacher chooses a different prompt than what you came up with, just thinking about what to write about and how you'll organize your thoughts will help you be more prepared for the test.


Fancy pen and ink not required to write essay outlines.

What to Do the Night Before the Test

Unfortunately, the night before a test is when many students make study choices that actually hurt their chances of getting a good grade. These three tips will help you do some final review in a way that helps you be at the top of your game the next day.

#15: Get Enough Sleep

One of the absolute best ways to prepare for a test-any test-is to be well-rested when you sit down to take it. Staying up all night cramming information isn't an effective way of studying, and being tired the next day can seriously impact your test-taking skills. Aim to get a solid eight hours of sleep the night before the test so that you can wake up refreshed and at the top of your test-taking game.

#16: Review Major Concepts

It can be tempting to try to go through all your notes the night before a test to review as much information as possible, but this will likely only leave you stressed to and overwhelmed by the information you're trying to remember. If you've been regularly reviewing information throughout the class, you shouldn't need much more than a quick review of major ideas, and perhaps a few smaller details you have difficulty remembering. Even if you've gotten behind on studying and are trying to review a lot of information, resist the information to cram and focus on only a few major topics. By keeping your final night review manageable, you have a better chance of committing that information to memory, and you'll avoid lack of sleep from late night cramming.

#17: Study Right Before You Go to Sleep

Studies have shown that if you review material right before you go to sleep, you have better memory recall the next day. (This is also true if you study the information right when you wake up.) This doesn't mean you should cram all night long (remember tip #15), but if there are a few key pieces of information you especially want to review or are having trouble committing to memory, review them right before you go to bed. Sweet dreams!

Summary: The Best Way to Study for a Test

If you're not sure how to study for a test effectively, you might end up wasting hours of time only to find that you've barely learned anything at all. Overall, the best way to study for a test, whether you want to know how to study for a math test or how to study for a history test, is to study regularly and practice active learning. Cramming information and trying to remember things just by looking over notes will rarely get you the score you want. Even though the tips we suggest do take time and effort on your part, they'll be worth it when you get the score you're working towards.

What's Next?

Want tips specifically on how to study for AP exams? We've outlined the f ive steps you need to follow to ace your AP classes.

Taking the SAT and need study tips? Our guide has every study tip you should follow to reach your SAT goal score.

Or are you taking the ACT instead? We've got you covered! Read our guide to learn four different ways to study for the ACT so you can choose the study plan that's best for you.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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Mini Math Quiz

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Test your students’ knowledge online with this free Math Quiz template! To get started, customize the questions to match your syllabus and set up the correct answers with conditional logic. Then share the quiz with students directly through a link, or embed the form in your class website for easier access. All submissions are graded automatically and securely stored in your Jotform account, which you can view and manage on any device. You can even convert submissions into PDF documents — easy to download, print, and share with parents.

No matter your grade level, you can easily update this Math Quiz template to match your school and classroom using our drag-and-drop Form Builder. Add your logo, include fillable tables, upload images, and customize color schemes to make your quiz more engaging. And with 100+ form integrations, you can easily send test results directly to other accounts you’re already using — such as Google Sheets, Google Drive, and more. Spend less time grading and more time helping your students learn with our free online Math Quiz template! Experience the versatility of Jotform's test maker to create a variety of mini math quizzes! 

Trivia Quiz Form Template

Trivia Quiz

A Trivia Quiz Form is a form template designed to serve as a fun, interactive, and engaging way for event organizers to entertain, educate, and connect with their audiences. This versatile tool can be adapted to various contexts and objectives, allowing organizers to create trivia quizzes that cater to the specific theme or topic of their event. Whether it's a corporate gathering, a social gathering, or a fundraising event, the Trivia Quiz Form adds a dynamic element that keeps participants entertained and engaged. Event organizers can benefit from this form by creating an enjoyable and interactive experience for their attendees, fostering a sense of connection and camaraderie among participants, and providing a memorable event that stands out from the rest.Jotform, the leading online form builder, provides a seamless and user-friendly platform for creating and customizing the Trivia Quiz Form. With Jotform's drag-and-drop interface, event organizers can easily design and personalize their quizzes to match their branding and event theme. Jotform also offers a range of features and capabilities that enhance the form's functionality and user experience. For example, organizers can collect e-signatures on the form using Jotform Sign, making it convenient for participants to provide their consent or agreement. Additionally, Jotform integrates with popular apps and services, such as Google Drive and Salesforce, allowing organizers to streamline their data collection and automate workflows. With Jotform's ease of use, ease of collecting e-signatures, and ease of customizing, event organizers can create a memorable and engaging trivia quiz experience for their attendees.

Multiple Choice Test Template Form Template

Multiple Choice Test Template

Test your students on what they know with our free online Multiple Choice Test Template! Just add your test’s questions and answers to this template, embed the test on your website or email a link to students, and start accepting submissions instantly. Using any device, students can answer single or multiple-choice questions, write short or long responses, select images, upload files, and more. You’ll instantly receive responses in your secure Jotform account, ready to be graded — or graded automatically if you choose to set up calculations.Whether you teach math, science, or language arts, customize this Multiple Choice Test to match your class with our drag-and-drop Multiple-Choice Test Maker . Without any coding, you can easily add more questions, change the test format, and redesign the look of the template. You can even integrate the form with other online apps you already use, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, to automatically store submissions in your accounts. Make online teaching and grading a breeze with our free Multiple Choice Test Template.

Online Quiz Form Template

Online Quiz

Create custom online quizzes for your school, college, or university with Jotform’s Free Online Quiz Maker! No matter what subject you teach, you can create the perfect quiz for your needs with advanced form fields like multiple choice questions, text boxes, or even file upload fields that let you collect essays, photos, and other documents . Your online quiz is easy to send to students or embed in your school’s website and can be filled in on any computer, tablet, or mobile device. With responses stored securely in your Jotform account — and accessible offline with our free mobile forms app — you can view and grade responses no matter where you are. Make your forms fun to fill out with our free drag-and-drop Form Builder! By dragging and dropping to add new form fields or update existing ones on our free Online Quiz template, you can quickly customize the questions to match your syllabus. Add instructions, upload images, rearrange the layout, and even use conditional logic to show students the right answers after they’ve submitted! You can even sync responses to other accounts you’re already using — like Google Sheets, Dropbox, Box, and more. With our free, fully-customizable Online Quiz template, you can quickly create a shareable online quiz that your students can fill out on any device.

Geography Quiz Form Template

Geography Quiz

Quiz your students on their geography skills with this free online Geography Quiz! Just customize the template to ask questions based on what you’ve taught your class. Then embed the form on your class website, or email the form link to your students who can fill it out on their computer, tablet, or phone. If it’s a timed quiz, you have the option of disabling the form to prevent submissions sent after a specific time. You’ll receive answers in your secure Jotform account, ready to be graded from any device — even offline!Whether you teach world geography or human geography, customize your online Geography Quiz to ask your students questions that truly test their understanding of the class material. Our drag-and-drop Form Builder makes it easy to add as many questions as necessary and even include images or an essay section. Feel free to integrate the form with our 100+ apps to automatically send submissions to your cloud storage accounts like Google Drive or Dropbox. Take a step in the right direction with a customizable Geography Quiz that’s perfect for teaching your remote class.

Quiz Form Template

Create a quiz with a Quiz Form on your webpage. Collect answers from your website visitors with a secure Quiz Form widget. Just drag and drop to customize the form, add a background image or upload a logo, and set the colors to match your branding. Let your customers choose from a list of answers or write in their own answers, and track correct answers as they come in. Set a time limit for each quiz question and keep track of the results as the quiz is taken.Need more functionality? With Jotform, you can collect responses from your visitors, then integrate those into your accounts. Whether you want to integrate with Google Sheets or Salesforce or need to receive payments for your quiz answers, Jotform’s 100+ integrations are just a click away. Supplement this Quiz Form with your other accounts, and you’re well on your way to simplifying your online quizzes. Enhance your quiz experience with Jotform's test maker!

Spelling Quiz Form Template

Spelling Quiz

No matter what grade level you teach, take your spelling tests online with our free Spelling Quiz Template! Customize the template to include the words on your spelling and vocabulary lists, then embed it in your class website or email a link to your students. Students can answer multiple choice questions, or you can require students to answer by typing the word out instead. You’ll instantly receive responses in your secure Jotform account, ready to be graded — or graded automatically with calculations set up.Customizing your Spelling Quiz is as easy as A-B-C with our drag-and-drop Form Builder. You can add as many questions as you like, replace multiple choice questions with short answer questions, and even upload your school logo for a professional look. Feel free to integrate the form with your favorite online apps to automatically send submissions to your accounts, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box. Jotform spells out quiz-making for you, so you can focus on teaching your students online — so make remote teaching a breeze with a custom Spelling Quiz! Make spelling exciting and educational with Jotform's test maker – try it today and create a memorable Spelling Quiz!

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Free Math Quizzes

Test your mathematical skills with our interactive quizzes covering a wide range of topics, including arithmetic, geometry, algebra, calculus, and more.

Arithmetic Quizzes

Test your basic arithmetic skills with our collection of quizzes covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more.

Free Printable Math worksheets

Math just got more exciting! Discover a vast collection of free printable math worksheets at Quizizz, perfect for teachers to help students of all levels master essential skills and concepts.


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  • Data and Graphing
  • Math Word Problems
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  • Statistics and Probabilities
  • Fundamentals and Building Blocks
  • Equations and Inequalities
  • System of Equations and Quadratic
  • Complex Numbers
  • Functions Operations
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  • Trigonometry
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Word Problems (Mixed Operations) - Printable Math Worksheets - Quizizz

11th - 12th

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Explore printable Math worksheets

Math worksheets are an essential tool for teachers to help students develop a strong foundation in various mathematical concepts. These worksheets provide a structured and engaging way for students to practice and reinforce their skills in topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, geometry, and more. Teachers can use these worksheets to supplement their lesson plans, provide extra practice for struggling students, or as a means of assessment to gauge students' understanding of the material. With a wide variety of grade-specific math worksheets available, teachers can easily find resources tailored to the needs of their students, ensuring that each child receives the support and challenge they require to excel in their mathematical abilities. Math worksheets are a valuable resource for teachers, helping them to effectively and efficiently guide their students towards mathematical success.

Quizizz is a fantastic platform that offers not only math worksheets but also a plethora of other educational resources for teachers. This innovative tool allows educators to create fun and interactive quizzes, polls, and presentations that can be used in conjunction with worksheets to enhance students' learning experiences. Teachers can easily customize the content to align with their curriculum and grade level, ensuring that the material is both relevant and engaging for their students. In addition to math worksheets, Quizizz offers resources for a wide range of subjects, including science, social studies, language arts, and more, making it a one-stop-shop for all of a teacher's educational needs. By incorporating Quizizz into their lesson plans, teachers can provide a dynamic and interactive learning environment that not only supports students' academic growth but also fosters a love of learning.

Undergraduate Admission

Application requirements & enhancements.

Two students working in a lab on a project

Our admission counselors review each application carefully, taking into consideration your academic background, life experiences and interests. We don’t have a minimum test score or GPA range to gauge your potential for admission, but there are some things that can make you a stronger candidate.

Required for admission consideration

We look for students who have been successful in a variety of challenging courses, especially those that are above and beyond what’s required for graduation. And we understand every school is different, so we evaluate your transcript specifically against your high school's curriculum.

Prior to high school graduation, we require you to complete a minimum of:

  • English: 4 years
  • Math: 3 years
  • Science: 3 years (2 must be laboratory science)
  • Social studies: 3 years
  • Foreign language: 2 years

If you're interested in engineering or the sciences, we recommend an additional year of math and laboratory science. Leaning more toward the liberal arts? We’d suggest another year of social studies and foreign language.

Application essay

All first-year students must complete an essay via the Common App or Coalition with Scoir. What you share in your essay is completely up to you—it should be about conveying who you are to the admission staff. No matter the topic, personalize it. Add a part of you into the piece, and make it genuine.

Arts Supplement Required for music majors and those who are pursing a Arts Achievement Scholarship in either music or art studio

Applicants who are required to submit an Arts Supplement will see this required checklist item on their applicant status portal. Students must upload their portfolio materials using the portfolio updater prior to completing the Arts Supplement. You can access the portfolio uploader by logging into your applicant portal using your CWRU Network ID and clicking Edit Portfolio.

The Arts Supplement is optional for all other applicants. (More on that below.)

Opportunities to enhance your application

We understand there may be more you want to share with us than can fit neatly on the Common App or Coalition with Scoir. Though not required as part of their application, some students choose to share additional information that may possibly strengthen their application and help us get to know them better. We welcome you to share such information with us.

Optional ways to enhance your application include the following:

Test-optional policy

Case Western Reserve University is test-optional.  Read about our test-optional policy .

We “superscore” our students’ test results, which means we take your best scores on each section of the SAT and ACT. If you took a test more than once, you will be evaluated on the highest score you received in each individual section of the exam.

Here’s a look at admitted student statistics for the Class of 2025:

Middle 50% 

  • SAT Total: 1420-1510
  • ACT Composite: 32-35
  • Unweighted GPA: 3.6–4.0
  • Test optional: 42%

Ordinarily, scores for standardized tests taken in November of your senior year arrive in time for Early Action or Early Decision I deadlines, and scores for tests taken in January arrive in time for Early Decision II or Regular Decision consideration.

To ensure your application can be fully reviewed in time for your chosen decision plan, you should take tests by the following dates:

  • Nov. 30 : Early Action, Early Decision I and Pre-Professional Scholars Program applicants
  • Dec. 31 : Early Decision II and Regular Decision applicants

Share your talents

Arts Supplements are required for music and music education majors and available to all applicants. If you intend to submit an arts supplement, be sure to indicate this on your application.

The arts supplement is due 15 days after the application deadline and can be completed via your applicant portal .  For detailed information:

Scholarship Audition and Portfolio Requirements

  • Prepare two contrasting monologues, one Shakespeare and one contemporary, not to exceed a total time of four minutes. You may also prepare 16 bars of any song, but this is not required. If possible, please present a headshot and resume at the audition.

A portfolio presentation is needed for the directing concentration. Your portfolio should consist of the following:

  • A one-page resume documenting your theater experience (directing, acting, playwriting, design, stage management, etc.).
  • A one- to two- page director’s concept for a published play or musical that you would be interested in directing, detailing your vision for the show (characters, moods and tones, visual aspects) in addition to what you would want the audience to take away from the production in terms of its central themes and ideas.
  • Production photos from previous projects you have directed (if applicable, not required).
  • You should be prepared to speak about your interest and passion for directing as well as your previous directing and/or theater experience.

Dramatic Writing/Playwriting

  • Submit a 20-page sample of your work in either playwriting or screenwriting (or both) at least one week before the interview date. This can include either an excerpt from a full-length work or a combination of shorter pieces, such as 10-minute plays or short-film scripts. While dramatic writing is preferred, you may also submit other examples of your creative writing, such as short stories, poetry, essays, etc.

Stage Management

  • Bring your stage management binders, copies of scripts you have worked on (with cues written in), paperwork related to the show, and any other evidence of skills related to stage management such as organization, managing/coordinating large groups of people, multitasking and communication.
  • A one-page resume of experience in theater is required. You may also include experience in a related field, such as art, architecture, graphics or photography. Additionally, a statement of intent—even if that statement is exploratory—should be provided. Other materials may include a portfolio demonstrating skills in theater (renderings, sketches, paperwork, scale drawings, production photos, etc.) and related areas (artwork, photography, drawing, drafting, computer graphics, etc.). The portfolio may be in scrapbook format. Art projects or model-making could substitute or be included with the other requirements. The material should be organized into some kind of cohesive presentation, with identifying labels for references. The interviewer will retain a copy of your resume but will not keep your portfolio. Portfolio is for presentation purposes only.
  • Submit a video and complete an online questionnaire for pre-screening by dance department faculty. The video submission should be 90 seconds to three minutes in length, and you should be clearly visible. Do not submit ensemble footage. Video may be from technique class or performance.
  • Submit a portfolio PowerPoint consisting of 24 pieces of your work. Each image credit line should include the name of the piece, the dimensions, the material, media and the date completed. (For example: Self-Portrait, 18” x 24”, media soft pastel on paper, fall 2021.) If you are showing three-dimensional work, i.e. sculpture or pottery, you may want to show two different views, front and side, etc. You may also want to choose to photograph a specific detail.
  • Autobiography : A short (250-word) essay, citing your course of study in the visual arts. Include any special out-of-school activities, i.e., art camp, working as a teaching assistant doing creative activities, or private art lessons. Describe both your junior high and high school art experiences, courses that you took, and subjects that you studied.
  • Program of study : A separate, short (250-word) essay of what you hope to gain participating in our program in Art History and Art. You may want to consult the Art History and Art website for courses that are available for you to take.

Tell us more about yourself

Additional materials can be shared through a form on your applicant portal. You can use this opportunity to share videos, web links, PDFs, documents, photos and more.

Some students use this as an opportunity to add additional context to their application with materials like:

  • Additional letters of recommendation
  • Research abstracts
  • ACT writing tests
  • Schoolhouse.world tutor transcripts
  • Predicted IB results
  • Though not all may be eligible for college credit at CWRU, these test scores can still enhance your application. You can send scores directly to us or self-report them via your portal.

Anything you have that can help us know you better and understand the contributions you can make to our campus are welcome and appreciated.  


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  8. Answering an Essay Test

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  20. Mini Math Quiz Form Template

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    Arithmetic Quizzes. Test your basic arithmetic skills with our collection of quizzes covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more. Test your math skills with our diverse range of quizzes covering arithmetic, geometry, algebra, calculus, and more. Improve your math skills today!

  23. 33 Math Puzzles (with Answers) to Test Your Smarts

    These math puzzles test your brain and critical-thinking skills and provide some constructive, educational fun. Math riddles and puzzles come in plenty of different varieties. Some more ...

  24. 50+ Math worksheets on Quizizz

    Math worksheets are an essential tool for teachers to help students develop a strong foundation in various mathematical concepts. These worksheets provide a structured and engaging way for students to practice and reinforce their skills in topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, geometry, and more. ...

  25. Application Requirements & Enhancements

    Application essay. All first-year students must complete an essay via the Common App or Coalition with Scoir. What you share in your essay is completely up to you—it should be about conveying who you are to the admission staff. No matter the topic, personalize it. Add a part of you into the piece, and make it genuine.