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  • Google Classroom


Assignments in Classroom are called CourseWork items, which can be found in the Classwork page of any given Classroom course. While there are four Classwork item types, this guide focuses on just the “Assignment” type. If you’d like to learn about how to manage the other Classwork types, read our Manage Classwork guide .

Google Classroom has two ways to integrate with an assignment workflow: Classroom share button and Classroom API . The share button enables users to share content as any stream item through a Classroom popup dialog, whereas the Classroom API enables a beginning-to-end assignment workflow that includes creating assignments, creating and managing student submissions, and grade passback.

Here we will review the key differences between these two developer offerings. More specifically, we will work through the differences in implementation and each phase of the assignment life-cycle: assignment creation, student submissions, and grading/feedback.

Understanding the assignment life cycle

Before moving onto the differences between the share button and CourseWork API, let’s first define what we consider to be the life cycle of an assignment in the context of Classroom. This will help you understand how teachers and students interact with assignments within Classroom.

There are five main steps to keep in mind while integrating with Classroom assignments:

  • Assignment is created.
  • Assignment is shared with students.
  • Student completes the assignment.
  • Student submits assignment to teacher.
  • Teacher reviews & grades assignments.

Integrating with Classroom assignments allows teachers and students to work between Classroom and third-party applications seamlessly. Instead of managing the details of an assignment or student submissions, users can rely on your application to manage these details for them.

Diagram showing the five steps to an assignment


The first area of difference between the share button and CourseWork API is implementation . From a developer perspective, the share button is an easier method for sharing content onto Classroom as it only requires including the necessary JavaScript resource and adding a share button tag. In its simplest form, your Classroom share button integration can look like the snippet below:

The CourseWork API, on the other hand, is part of the Google Classroom API REST API, which requires setting up and enabling API keys with Google Cloud console and following best practices for integrating with an API. This is less of a concern if your platform is already leveraging other Classroom API functionality, such as rostering .

Creating & sharing assignments

While both the share button and CourseWork API enable the first two steps of the assignment workflow, creating and sharing the assignment with students, there are some crucial differences you should consider before choosing a solution.

At their core, both solutions enable the ability to post links or files as assignments to Classroom. This serves as a powerful workflow for teachers who would otherwise be forced to engage in a copy and paste workflow between Classroom and the third-party application. While both solutions support the ability to post content as an assignment, you should consider whether your application needs the flexibility of posting this content as other Classwork types, or even an announcement.

Both offerings expose all of the Classroom post types except Quiz Assignments. A summary of all post types and whether they are exposed can be found below.

Functionality such as specifying title and description can also be programmatically specified by your application for both solutions. While the share button integration allows users to set fields such as due date, topic, individualized mode, and number of points within the pop-up dialog, they cannot be set programmatically by a third-party app. The API, on the other hand, exposes all of these fields for both read and write access.

Modifying assignments

Eliminating the need to have users manually sync changing details of their assignments is one of the benefits of integrating with Classroom API. The share button lacks functionality to update or delete assignments programmatically, so any modifications needed would have to be made by the user, through the Classroom UI.

The CourseWork API enables both the ability to modify and delete assignments your application created, as well as the ability to retrieve details of any assignments posted to the user’s courses. It’s important to note, however, that CourseWork items not created by the same developer console cannot be modified by that developer console. This permission model extends to the rest of the assignment life cycle, e.g. managing student submissions and grades, cannot be accessed for these CourseWork items.

Automatically sync assignments

With Pub/Sub push notifications , your application can subscribe to notifications that trigger an event when there are changes in CourseWork items and its associated student submissions. This allows your application to synchronize assignments easily by eliminating the need for continuous checks to see whether content has been updated on Classroom.

Completing & submitting assignments

Each assignment is associated with N student submissions, where N is the number of students the assignment was assigned to. In other words, for each assignment, there is a student submission associated for each student - which can be accessed with a unique ID. These student submissions are automatically created and can be retrieved by your application with the student submissions GET and LIST endpoints.

Both the share button and CourseWork API support adding links or files to a student's submission for an assignment. The share button allows this through a similar workflow as the teacher assignment creation dialog, and the CourseWork API through the studentSubmissions.modifyAttachments endpoint. Because of API permission restrictions detailed earlier, however, this functionality is limited to CourseWork items that your application created. This same restriction does not hold true for the share button — students can add their work to any assignment they select from Classroom.

Ending the student workflow

While the CourseWork permission restriction does not serve a use case for platforms that do not support assignment creation, one benefit is that third-party platforms can prevent students from both submitting to the incorrect assignment and forgetting to turn in their work since only the share button is limited from the ability for students to turn in their assignments.

Reviewing & grading assignments

The last part of the assignment life cycle goes back to the teacher. Once students have successfully turned in their assignment, the teacher can now review the assignment in whatever way makes most sense. In the case of files stored in Drive, they can review directly in the Classroom grader. Third-party applications, however, cannot be accessed in the Classroom grader. The implication of this experience is that teachers must navigate multiple tabs while reviewing and grading assignments.

The share button currently offers no solution for grading and returning assignments. While features such as student submission comments aren’t currently exposed through the API, both grading and returning those grades to students is possible through the studentSubmissions.patch and studentSubmissions.return endpoints. Grades can be specified for CourseWork stream items only (Assignment and Question types). They are only available in numerical form and can be assigned as either a draft or final grade.

Summary of differences

To summarize everything reviewed in the previous sections, the table below shows a side-by-side comparison of the share button and CourseWork API for the four categories discussed above: implementation, creating and sharing assignments, completing and submitting assignments, and reviewing and grading assignments.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License , and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License . For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies . Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2024-03-05 UTC.

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We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously.

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Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly.

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Homework Submission, Automated Grading, and TA grading system.

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Submitty/submitty, folders and files, repository files navigation.

Submitty Logo

System instructions located at https://submitty.org/

Submitty is an open source course management, assignment submission, exam and grading system from the Rensselaer Center for Open Source Software (RCOS) , Department of Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute .

The Submitty project is hosted on GitHub .

Our key features are described here: https://submitty.org/index/features


To learn how to contribute to our project, please read: How to Make a Pull Request How to Review a Pull Request

If you have a question, please contact us through Zulip.

Submitty is licensed under BSD "3-Clause" which can be viewed in LICENSE Licenses for the 3rd party components can be viewed in LICENSE-THIRD-PARTY

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Releases 164, contributors 248.


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assignment submission ui


  • Using Assignment
  • Assignment settings
  • Assignment FAQ

This page explores the different types of assignment, how students submit assignments and how teachers can grade them.

  • 1 What are the options for submitting work in Moodle?
  • 2.1 You want students to type shorter or longer responses directly online
  • 2.2 You want students to submit work you can download in a specified program
  • 2.3 You want students to submit files at different times for a project
  • 2.4 You want students to write a response to a video/sound file/image
  • 2.5 You want students to answer a series of questions on a video/sound file/image
  • 2.6 You want to grade work students have done offline
  • 2.7 You want to view, comment on and send back students' assignments
  • 2.8 You want students to send you a comment or note along with their uploaded work
  • 2.9 You want to allow students to redraft and decide when to submit the work
  • 2.10 You want students to keep an ongoing journal or do an iterative assignment
  • 2.11 You want students to submit work in groups
  • 2.12 You want to grade students' work anonymously
  • 2.13 You want to read and grade student assignments offline
  • 2.14 You want to hide students' grades until a time of your choosing.
  • 2.15 You want to set a timed assignment
  • 2.16 You want to moderate other colleagues' marking or allocate certain teachers to certain students
  • 3.1 File submission
  • 3.2 Access controlled links
  • 3.3 Online text
  • 3.4 Submission comments
  • 4.1 Filtering submissions
  • 4.2 Allocating submissions to markers
  • 4.3 Submission status
  • 4.4 Overriding assignment deadlines
  • 4.5 Granting extensions
  • 4.6 Quick grading
  • 4.7.1 Annotating submissions
  • 4.8.1 Notifying as you mark
  • 4.8.2 Keeping grades hidden until a release date
  • 4.8.3 Examples of Marking workflow
  • 4.9.1 Before you start, enable the multiple file upload settings
  • 4.9.2 Downloading student submissions
  • 4.9.3 Download the Grading Worksheet to record grades
  • 4.9.4 Grade and annotate (if applicable) the submitted work
  • 4.9.5 Upload the completed grading worksheet
  • 4.9.6 Upload feedback files (if applicable)
  • 4.10 Give the same feedback file to multiple students
  • 5 Keeping records (archiving, exporting, backing up)
  • 6 Tips and Tricks
  • 7.1 Examples from School demo site

What are the options for submitting work in Moodle?

The standard ways students can submit assignments are:

  • File submissions (students submit a file for assessment)
  • Online text (students can type their responses directly in Moodle)
  • Audio or video (via the recording button in the Atto editor )
  • It is also possible to use the assignment for grading an "offline assignment", ie, one where work is done outside of Moodle. This is done by simply unchecking the above three options.
  • If you're not sure which assignment type best suits your needs, look at the section below #Which type of assignment submission suits you best?

Which type of assignment submission suits you best?

You want students to type shorter or longer responses directly online.

Set Online text to Yes. This works well for younger children who will only manage a sentence or two and works just as well for higher education students who write more.

  • Advantage - quick for the student to get started; no need to use a word-processing program and upload the file. The text is saved on a regular basis so it will be preserved if the student loses the page for some reason.
  • Disadvantage: if the word count is expected to be large, setting Online text to No and File submission to Yes might be a better option.

You want students to submit work you can download in a specified program

Set File submission to Yes, set the number of files you will allow using the Maximum number of uploaded files setting and the file sizes by using the Maximum submission size setting.

  • Advantage - better than students emailing work as the whole class's work is collated in one space on your course. Markers can provide comments directly on the student work.
  • Advantage - with "Attempts reopened" enabled, teachers can see the progression through various drafts of a student's work.
  • Disadvantage - assignments must downloaded to be viewed (but they can be downloaded in bulk ) and the teacher needs the appropriate program to open them.

You want students to submit files at different times for a project

Set File submission to Yes, and use Maximum number of uploaded files to set the maximum number of separate files they can upload

  • Advantage - all project files are in one assignment area for grading so they get a single grade.
  • Disadvantage - all project files are in one assignment area for grading - so they can only have a single grade!

You want students to write a response to a video/sound file/image

Set up an assignment allowing online text submission and get students to use the Moodle media icon to add video/sound/image files.

You want students to answer a series of questions on a video/sound file/image

Investigate the Quiz module. Assignments are really just for a single question.

You want to grade work students have done offline

Uncheck the submission types when setting up the assignment. Students won't be required to do anything but you can use the assignment to grade them for work done outside of Moodle.

You want to view, comment on and send back students' assignments

Set up an assignment allowing file submissions .

  • Advantage: useful for teachers who like using the "comment" options in word-processing programs for example. If you have Ghostscript enabled on your server and the students upload PDF files, you can annotate them inline. See the section Annotating PDF files below.
  • Disadvantage: if students upload other file types, you have to download them, comment and then re-upload them.

You want students to send you a comment or note along with their uploaded work

If comments are enabled site-wide , students will be able to add submission comments; if comments are disabled site-wide, students will not be given the option to add submission comments.

You want to allow students to redraft and decide when to submit the work

In the settings set Require students click submit button to Yes. Students can then control when their draft work is submitted to the teacher.

You want students to keep an ongoing journal or do an iterative assignment

In the settings set Require students click submit button to No. Students can continue to make changes to their assignment and at no point do they 'submit'. If the work will be graded at some point it is recommended that either Prevent late submissions is set to Yes to ensure that no changes can be made after the due date, or all submissions are locked when grading commences to ensure that the work is not altered during grading.

  • Advantage: the work remains in one place and is constantly improved, graded (if needed) and improved again.
  • Disadvantage: there is no record/history of previous attempts (such as with the Wiki ). The online text assignment does not replicate the display of a journal or blog where each new entry is additional to the previous ones.

You want students to submit work in groups

In the settings, set "Students submit in groups" to Yes. If you just do this, then once one student has submitted, the assignment will be flagged as submitted even if the others haven't contributed. If you want to ensure everyone has an input, set "Require students click submit button" to Yes and then change "Require all group members to submit" to Yes. The assignment will only be classed as submitted when each member has contributed, and once one student has submitted, the remaining members's names will be displayed for the group to see who still needs to add their input.

You want to grade students' work anonymously

In the settings, choose 'Anonymous submissions'. When students submit assignments, their names will be replaced by randomly-generated participant numbers so you will not know who is who. Note that this is not totally anonymous because you can reveal their identities in the assignment settings and you can work out identities from the logs - so this might not be suitable if your establishment has very precise privacy requirements.

You want to read and grade student assignments offline

In the settings, choose "Offline grading worksheet". When students have submitted, click "View/grade all submissions" and you can download their assignments from the link "Download all submissions" and download the grading sheet from the link "Download grading worksheet". You can then edit grades and re-upload the grading worksheet. You can also upload multiple feedback files in a zip from this drop down menu. See Assignment settings for an explanation of how to use the "upload multiple feedback files as zip" feature.

You want to hide students' grades until a time of your choosing.

Use 'marking workflow' as explained in Assignment settings .

You want to set a timed assignment

Ask your administrator to enable the time limit feature from Site administration > Plugins > Assignment settings > Enable timed assignments and you will then have the option from the Availability section.

You want to moderate other colleagues' marking or allocate certain teachers to certain students

Use 'marking allocation' as explained in Assignment settings .

How do students submit their assignments?

The first page students will see when they click on the assignment activity link from the course page will display the assignment name, description and the submission status. The first time a student views the assignment it will look like this:

The submission status section includes:

Submission status

  • Grading status
  • Time remaining
  • Last modified
  • Submission details

As they progress through the assignment the Submission status and Grading status will update and the Last modified date will appear.

If the student uploaded a file which the teacher has annotated, this will be made available in the feedback section. The student can search through the document and filter specific comments.

Submission statuses include:

  • Nothing submitted for this assignment
  • Draft (not submitted)
  • Submitted for grading

Grading statuses include:

File submission

To submit a file submission, students complete the following steps:

  • Click the ‘Add submission’ button to bring up the file upload page.
  • Upload the relevant file into the submission. They are able to ‘drag and drop’ the file into the submission box.
  • Click ‘Save Changes’.

There should now be a Last modified date and the file(s) uploaded will also be displayed. Depending on how the assignment is setup the status will either read ‘Submitted for grading’ - in which case no further action is need, or ‘Draft (not submitted)’.

  • If changes are required, click ‘Edit submission’.
  • Once ready to submit, click ‘Submit assignment’.

Note that once the assignment is 'submitted’ no further changes are allowed.

Note: Depending on how the assignment is setup students may see both a file submission page and an online text editor.

If file submissions and online text are enabled, and a word limit is set for the online text, it is possible for a student to end up with a submission status of 'No attempt' together with saved file submissions. This occurs when a student submits files, enters online text, clicks 'Save changes' then obtains a message informing them that the text exceeds the word limit. If they then click Cancel, the submission status is shown as 'No attempt' together with saved file submissions.

Access controlled links

If the administrator has enabled this feature for either the Google Drive repository or the OneDrive repository then students can upload a file as an 'access controlled link' from either of these repositories. The file is then copied to the site account and the student is no longer able to edit it.The student retains the original file in their own Google Drive or OneDrive. The teacher is given permission to edit the file for grading purposes, and the student is sent a copy of the edited file.

assignment submission ui

Online text

To submit online text, students complete the following steps:

  • Click the ‘Add submission’ button to bring up the online text editor page.
  • Type the relevant text into the text editor , or paste from a previously written file.

There should now be a Last modified date and the first 100 characters entered will also be displayed. Depending on how the assignment is setup the status will either read ‘Submitted for grading’ - in which case no further action is need, or ‘Draft (not submitted)’.

  • If changes are required, click on ‘Edit my submission’.

Submission comments

If enabled by the administrator, there may be a section where students can leave submission comments.

How do teachers grade assignments?

When students have submitted their assignments, they can be accessed by clicking on the assignment activity. This will bring up the Grading Summary page.

The Grading Summary page displays a summary of the assignment, including; number of participants, number of drafts, number of submitted assignments, due date and time remaining.

Clicking 'Grade' will take you to the first student in the list so you can start grading individually. If you wish to grade several assignments, clicking Save and Show next will take you to the next submission.


Clicking 'View all submissions' will take you to the grading table where you see all students.

The Grading Table contains columns of information about the student, the status of their submission, a link to grade their submission, a link to each submission and feedback comments and files (if enabled).

Filtering submissions

A dropdown menu accessed from the 'Options' section allows you to filter submissions so you can for example quickly see which students have not submitted yet.

You can also filter submissions which have had extensions granted.


Allocating submissions to markers

If you need to divide submissions between more than one person, you can apply groups to the assignment and let markers know which group(s) to mark. Note that because group membership is not itself anonymised, this may make anonymised submissions that bit less anonymous, though as long as the groups aren't very small this should be acceptable.

An alternative is to use marking allocation - this allows anyone with a teacher role to allocate one marker to each submission. This works particularly well if marking is allocated by subject specialism.

If you will be assigning grades to student work, you may want to take note of the submission status before you begin the marking process. If you have required students click the Submit button, you may find that some submissions are still marked as Draft (not submitted), meaning the student has either uploaded a file(s) or entered some text, but has not clicked ‘Submit assignment’.

If it's after the due date and you are about to commencing marking that you use ‘Prevent submission changes’ to stop students from making changes to their assignment. You can do this one by one by using the icon in the Edit column.

Or you can select two or more students by putting a tick in the select column and going to 'Lock submissions’ from the With selected menu under the grading table.

Likewise you can also revert a student's submission to draft if they have uploaded the incorrect file. Instead of selecting ‘Prevent submission changes’ select ‘Revert the submission to draft’, or place ticks against selected students and choose 'Revert the submission to draft status' from the With selected menu under the grading table.

If the submission setting 'Attempts reopened' is set to 'Automatically until pass' and a submission is graded below the grade to pass, then then submission is automatically unlocked when the grade is saved. Similarly, if the submission setting 'Attempts reopened' is set to Manually, and a teacher selects 'Allow another attempt, then the submission is automatically unlocked.

Overriding assignment deadlines

A teacher can override a deadline for an individual or group from the Assignment navigation > More link Boost theme or Assignment administration other themes.)

When adding overrides for a group, it is possible to have one group override trump another. This is achieved by moving the override up/down on the group overrides page:


In this situation, a student in both groups (e.g. Frodo Baggins) will have the override from "The Council of Elrond" applied. By pressing the arrow icons on the right, the override for "The Fellowship" can be moved to the top of the list, and will have higher precedence.

Note also that if there exists a user override for a student, it will always take precedence over any group overrides.

Granting extensions

If an assignment has a deadline, a teacher can grant individual or group assignment extensions by selecting the Edit link next to a particular student or group.

  • To grant an extension, open the assignment
  • Click on "View all submissions"
  • Locate the student who is to be allowed to submit after the "Cut-off date"To


  • Click on "Save changes".

Quick grading

Quick grading allows you to enter numeric grades directly into the grading table, bypassing the more detailed grading interface. Please note:

  • if you want to give feedback, you need to use the more detailed Grade interface.
  • Quick grading is incompatible with advanced grading e.g. Rubrics, and is not recommended when there are multiple markers.
  • Submission comments are a two-way private conversation between a student and staff and are visible to students immediately i.e. markers use the grading interface to give feedback, not the submission comments.

To access the Quick Grading interface, from the Grading Summary page click 'View all submissions'; the Grading Table displays. Scroll to bottom of the page to configure Options, and check the box for 'Quick grading'. While you're down there, you can also set the number of assignments to display per page, filter the assignments e.g. to see who has not submitted, unmarked assignments, etc.

When you are ready to Quick Grade:

  • You can enter grades directly into the grading table.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the grading table and click 'Save all quick grading changes'
  • A confirmation displays.

Grading individual submissions

If you have enabled File Feedback in the Assignment settings and wish to upload either the marked student assignment, a completed text based feedback document or audio feedback, click on the green tick in the Grade column (or use the icon in the Edit column and select Grade).

This brings you to the Student Grading Page where you can give grades, feedback comments and feedback files (if enabled in the Assignment settings ). You can use drag and drop to upload feedback files.

Annotating submissions

If the student has uploaded a PDF, docx or odt file, or if you set 'Comment inline' for an online text submission, then their submission will be displayed on the grading screen, allowing you to annotate it (requires Ghostscript for PDF and unoconv for docx and odt files), using a variety of tools, stamps (if uploaded by the admin) and comments which may be saved to a comments bank. When the annotations are complete, clicking to save the changes will result in it being displayed to the student as part of their feedback.

'Rotate' icons let you change the orientation of an uploaded document if the student submitted it in landscape mode for example.

assignment submission ui

Comments may be added and then saved in a quick list for future use (1) Click the paper/magnifying glass icon to the right of the page selector to filter comments you have already added to the work (2) :

  • In the Search comments pop-up window, enter the term you would like to search for in the Filter comments... box.
  • Clicking on the comment will take you to the part of the paper where that comment has been added.

Note: To ensure that comments display to students as the marker intends, do instruct students to download the annotated PDF rather than just previewing it. Preview sometimes displays comments in a way which obscures the original text.

The review panel and / or the grading panel may be collapsed by clicking the icons at the bottom right of the screen.


Controlling when to notify students of graded work

Notifying as you mark.

If you need to notify individual students, one by one, as you mark, the Notify students checkbox is available when grading individual submissions. Choose Yes to notify the student immediately or No to grade without notifying the student. Assuming you are not hiding grades in the ways outlined below, then Moodle will send a notification.

Note: How students receive Moodle notifications depends on your local default settings, and any changes students have made to those.


Keeping grades hidden until a release date

Assessors often decide to hide grades and feedback until marking is complete and finalised, and then release them all at once. There are two alternatives for this.

  • Hide the item in the Grader Report . This is convenient if there are few markers and you have decided a provision date for releasing the marks and feedback.
  • Or enable Use marking workflow in the Assignment's settings. This way is best where there are many markers, and/or you don't have a provisional date to release marks and feedback.

Examples of Marking workflow

One marker, Marker, wants to release all grades at the same time

  • Marker enables "Use marking workflow"
  • Marker marks each submission and transitions the grading to "Marking completed" as each submission is graded.
  • Marker then uses the batch operations to transition all grades to "Released" at the same time.

Multiple markers,

Offline marking - downloading and uploading multiple grades and feedback files

If you don't have an internet connection or prefer to grade outside Moodle, you can do so (including with anonymous submissions). These easy stages explained below:

  • Download the submissions
  • Download the spreadsheet (grading worksheet) to record grades.
  • Grade and annotate (if applicable) the submitted work.
  • Upload the completed grading worksheet.
  • Upload the annotated submissions (if applicable).

Note:You cannot upload marks and feedback to Moodle if you have enabled Rubrics or Marking Guides.

Before you start, enable the multiple file upload settings

Go to the settings of that assignment. For Feedback types, ensure that the Moodle Assignment settings, Feedback comments, Feedback files, and Offline grading worksheet are ticked.

Downloading student submissions

You can download a zip file containing all of the assignment submissions by selecting ‘Download all submissions’ from the 'Grading actions' menu at the top of the grading table, or in the settings menu.

File submissions will be downloaded in the format uploaded by the student. Online text submissions will be downloaded as html files. Each file in the zip will be named with the student first and last name followed by a unique identifier (not the user ID number).

If each submission is more than a single file, then submissions may be downloaded in folders by ticking the option 'Download submissions in folders' (below the grading table). Each submission is put in a separate folder, with the folder structure kept for any subfolders, and files are not renamed. Each folder will be named with the student first and last name followed by a unique identifier (not the user ID number).

You can also download selected assignment submissions (rather than all of them) by selecting the ones you want and then choosing 'With selected....Download selected submissions'.

Download the Grading Worksheet to record grades

  • Next, to download the spreadsheet in which you'll enter the grades and brief comments, return to the Moodle Assignment page and from its Grading action drop-down menu choose Download grading worksheet and save that file (keep its csv file format).

Note: Helpfully that downloaded worksheet will contain any existing grades and summary comments which have already been given for that assignment i.e. if marking has already started. However, to see pre-existing comments fully you may need to set your spreadsheet to 'wrap text' within cells.

Grade and annotate (if applicable) the submitted work

After downloading the submissions and the grading worksheet:

  • Open a downloaded assignment file to assess it.
  • Open the csv file in a spreadsheet editor e.g. Excel.
  • For that student's record (if anonymous, a number corresponding to the submission file name will display), enter grades in the Grade column and summary comments in the Feedback comments column for each student.
  • Leave the other data untouched unless you know exactly what you're doing.
  • Repeat as needed.
  • Save the csv file.

Note: Take care to enter data in the correct column of the spreadsheet.

If you are annotating the submissions to return to students as feedback:

  • Open a downloaded submission.
  • Carry out your annotations.
  • Save it in its original place i.e. the folder corresponding to that student.

If you have separate feedback files to upload to students:

  • Save these within that student's folder.
  • You can give students multiple feedback files in this way e.g. annotations on their work along with a separate pro forma.

Note: Don't change the name or location of the folder - Moodle needs this information to allocate the files correctly.

Compress (zip) all the feedback files:

  • Windows: Right click one of the selected files and Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder.
  • Mac: Right Click (or Ctrl+click) one of the selected files and click Compress.
  • They are now ready for upload (see below).

Upload the completed grading worksheet

When you are ready to upload grades and summary feedback:

  • Click on the assignment name on the Moodle course homepage to access the summary page and click View/grade all submissions .
  • From the Grading action drop-down menu choose Upload grading worksheet .
  • Click Choose a file... and upload the grading worksheet to Moodle, or drag the csv file to the arrow and wait for the file name to appear in the box.
  • There is a checkbox to overwrite records that have been modified more recently in Moodle than in the spreadsheet - only check this if you want to spreadsheet to overwrite all Moodle records, including ones made more recently than the spreadsheet.
  • Click Upload grading worksheet ; a Confirmation box displays the students grades and feedback that will be imported - check this carefully.
  • If you are ready to proceed, click Confirm ; a summary of updates displays.
  • Click Continue .

Upload feedback files (if applicable)

  • From the Grading action drop-down menu choose Upload multiple feedback files in a zip .
  • Click Choose a file... and upload the zipped assignments file to Moodle, or drag the compressed/zipped file to the arrow and wait for the file name to appear in the box.
  • Click Import feedback file(s) .
  • The Confirmation box will list all the feedback files and student names that will be imported.
  • Click Confirm ; the next screen summarises the changes.
  • Click Continue .
  • From the page containing the Grading Table, you can check your feedback files by enabling Quick grading (see Options at the bottom of that page) and scrolling horizontally, if needed.

For an assignment with no file submissions, see the discussion upload feedback files without student file submissions for details of what to do.

Give the same feedback file to multiple students

If you have high level feedback you want to give to an entire cohort, it is generally a good idea to give this feedback in the context of the assignment, rather than e.g. separately via a Forum. Moodle allows you to select some or all students and attach a single, common feedback file to their assignment feedback. This common feedback will appear to each student along with any other individual feedback files you have prepared for each.

  • Prepare the single file of feedback.
  • Click on the link to the Assignment; its summary page displays.
  • Click View all submissions ; the assignment's Grading Table displays.
  • Use the checkboxes to select all or some students to receive the feedback (you may first prefer to configure the Grading Table to show as many students as possible on a single page).
  • Underneath the Grading Table click the With selected... menu, choose Send feedback files , then click Go ; a page displays a list of selected students above a file upload area.
  • Upload the file of feedback you prepapred, or drag it to the arrow and wait for the file name to appear in the box.
  • Click Send feedback files ; the Grading Table displays again.
  • Check your file is in place by scrolling horizontally to the Feedback files column.

Keeping records (archiving, exporting, backing up)

When students unenrol from a Moodle area, their records become invisible through the Gradebook interface. In order to have the information to hand, departments or course teaching teams may need systems in place to keep their own records for the data retention period required in their particular context. There are two separate procedures for exporting student submissions and marks.

To export marks (with or without feedback):

  • Go to your course administration block and click Grades.
  • From the Grader Report Settings block, select Export; a menu displays.
  • From the menu, if you need easy viewing and running calculations you probably want to select one of the spreadsheet formats; a page of export settings loads
  • Use the Visible Groups pulldown menu to limit the export to specific groups, as required
  • In Options, you indicate whether feedback comments are included
  • In Grade Items To Be Included lists you can, if required, omit particular Activities from the report
  • When you've finished with the settings, click on Submit; a preview of your export displays
  • Click on Download to export to the format you chose, and save the file.

To download the original student submissions:

  • In your course area, click the link to the Assignment whose submissions you want to download.
  • Click on the link to View/Grade all submissions; the Grading Table will load.
  • Click the link to 'Download all submissions' and save the file.

Tips and Tricks

  • Want to use an Assignment activity again in another Moodle site? Use the backup and restore options.
  • Want to use an Assignment activity in another course you teach? Use the Import function in the course administration block.
  • Moodle will sometimes appear not to be uploading a resubmitted assignment - you seem to be downloading the original assignment. This is a cache issue, in short, go to "Tools > Clear Recent History" in Firefox or "Tools > Delete Browsing History > Delete Temporary Files" in Windows Explorer. The newer file will then appear.

Examples from School demo site

  • Teacher view of a PDF assignment which can be annotated inline. Log in with username 'teacher' and password 'moodle'
  • Teacher view of allocated markers and marking workflow status. Log in with username 'teacher' and password 'moodle'
  • Student view of an assignment. Log in with username 'student' and password 'moodle'. Scroll down to see the rubric and feedback.
  • Student view of a student submission statement Log in with username 'student' and password 'moodle'
  • Student view of group assignment grading screen Log in with username 'student' and password 'moodle'
  • Teacher view of a group assignment grading screen Log in with username 'teacher' and password 'moodle'.
  • Teacher view of Anonymous submissions grading screen Log in with username 'teacher' and password 'moodle'
  • One approach to group project grading blog post by Gavin Henrick
  • Advantages of using Assignment upload over emailing a document forum discussion

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Uploading a submission

The following information will help you submit your paper to Turnitin through your learning management system or virtual learning environment. Before you proceed, we advise checking that the file you'd like to submit will be accepted. Check out the accepted file types and sizes before you begin.

  • From the Turnitin assignment dashboard, select Upload Submission to make a submission to the assignment.

assignment submission ui

If the Upload Submission button is unavailable, you may be attempting to submit before the start date or after the due date. Select the assignment name at the top to check your assignment's key dates and any additional settings that may be affecting your submission.

Only a single file may be submitted to a Turnitin assignment. Any second or subsequent submission will overwrite the original submission in this assignment. Contact your instructor if there is more than one file that must be submitted to complete the directions given by your instructor; additional assignments may be created or you may need to combine multiple documents into a single file of an acceptable file type to be uploaded into Turnitin.

The upload submission option allows you to submit your paper to the assignment in a variety of ways by directly loading the file from the device.

  • Select the upload method from the tabs at the top of the Submit File modal.

assignment submission ui

  • Upload Submission - Allows you to upload an allowed file type directly to Turnitin.
  • Select the Browse button, or drag your file directly onto the modal.
  • Text Input - Allows you to submit just the text of your assignment directly to Turnitin.
  • Select the Text Input tab.

assignment submission ui

  • Enter or paste your submission title into the Submission Title field.
  • Enter or paste your submission text into the Submission Text field.
  • Cloud Submission - Allows you to submit from a cloud drive.
  • Select the Cloud Submission tab and choose a submission option from the dropdown.

assignment submission ui

  • Select your file within the cloud drive.
  • Select Upload and Review to proceed to the review stage.

If resubmissions are not enabled for this assignment, you may not be able to resolve any incorrect submissions.

assignment submission ui

  • Select Submit to Turnitin to submit your assignment.

You will see a submission complete notice if your submission was successful. Please don't leave the submission process until you have seen this notice.

assignment submission ui

  • If resubmissions are allowed for the assignment and you need to resubmit your paper, you can click the resubmission icon. If you resubmit an edited paper, it will not compare to the first submission you made (i.e. you will not match the text to the previous submission resulting in a 90% match score).

assignment submission ui

Some assignments may allow the ability to overwrite your previous submission until an assignment's due date. This option is activated by an instructor on an assignment-by-assignment basis. If resubmissions are not enabled, your instructor must manually delete your previous submission to allow you to submit a second time.

If resubmissions are enabled, you may resubmit via the assignment dashboard .

After resubmitting to an assignment, a warning message will appear. This message serves to notify you that, if resubmissions are enabled and the reports are set to generate immediately, the first three resubmissions made will generate a report immediately but on the fourth resubmission, there is a 24-hour processing period for similarity report generation. Reports cannot be forced by your instructor or Turnitin staff. Please wait for this 24-hour period to elapse before making an inquiry.

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  • Work Breakdown Structure

Online Assignment Submission System

exit full-screen

This Online Assignment Submission System is an easy-to-use system designed to simplify the delivery and tracking of software development assignments. It provides an automated solution that administrators can use to manage and store student assignment data with ease. Students can use the system to submit assignments online in various formats including text, images, and video, as well as track their progress, review feedback, and get answers to questions. Additionally, the submission system allows educators to monitor, grade, and provide feedback in a timely manner. This system provides a secure and efficient way to manage software development assignments and ensure successful learning outcomes.

You can easily edit this template using Creately's ER diagram online tool . You can export it in multiple formats like JPEG, PNG and SVG and easily add it to Word documents, Powerpoint (PPT) presentations, Excel or any other documents. You can export it as a PDF for high-quality printouts.

  • Flowchart Templates
  • Org Chart Templates
  • Concept Map Templates
  • Mind Mapping Templates
  • WBS Templates
  • Family Tree Templates
  • Network Diagram Templates
  • SWOT Analysis Templates
  • Genogram Templates
  • Activity Diagram
  • Class Diagram
  • Collaboration Diagram
  • Component Diagram
  • Data Flow Diagrams(YC)
  • Deployment Diagram
  • Object Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram
  • State Chart Diagram
  • Use Case Diagram

Related Templates


Submit Your Answers

You must submit your answers to assignment questions to receive credit. How you submit answers depends on the Assignment Submission rule displayed at the top of your assignment.

Assignment Submission and Assignment Scoring rules displayed at the top of the assignment.

  • Click Submit Answer if your assignment is submitted by question or question part.
  • Click Submit Assignment if your entire assignment is submitted at the same time.
  • Question Parts Submission Rule
  • Questions Submission Rule
  • Entire Assignment Submission Rule
  • Your answers are automatically saved.
  • Your answers are not automatically submitted for untimed assignments.
  • If you are working on a timed assignment and run out of time, your answers are submitted for you.
  • You can't use the Enter key to submit answers.
  • Depending on how your instructor set up the assignment, you can often submit answers more than once before the assignment due date. This gives you an opportunity to submit different answers to questions that you answered incorrectly the first time.
  • Each time you submit answers to WebAssign , you use a submission. After you use all of your allowed submissions, you can't change your answers, even if the assignment due date has not passed.
  • While due dates display in your local time, they are determined by the clock of the WebAssign server, not by the clock on your computer. You can't submit work after the assignment due date, regardless of the time displayed on your computer.
  • Don't wait until the last minute to submit your answers.

You might receive fewer points if you change a correct answer, submit it, and then submit your original answer again. This applies even when best grading is used.

Uploaded image for project: 'Moodle'

  • MDL-26997 META: Refactor all Assignment subtypes into a single activity module

Assignment Submission Date Extensions: Decide settings/ui/design

assignment submission ui

  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Fix Version/s: 2.4
  • Affects Version/s: 2.2.1
  • Component/s: Assignment
  • Database: Any
  • Affected Branches: MOODLE_22_STABLE
  • Fixed Branches: MOODLE_24_STABLE
  • Pull from Repository: git://github.com/netspotau/moodle-mod_assign.git
  • Pull Main Branch: MDL-31295 -POST23
  • Pull Main Diff URL: https://github.com/netspotau/moodle-mod_assign/compare/MDL-31295-POST23
  • URL: http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Assignment_Submission_Date_Extensions

Ideally this would be tested on Oracle & MSSQL

  • Create and Assignment
  • Set the due date to 1 weeks time, set the cut off date to 1 weeks time (both default)
  • Login as a student, verify you can submit to the assignment
  • Login as a teacher and edit the settings, change the due date to yesterday
  • Login as a student, the assignment should say "Time remaining | Assignment is overdue by: 1 day", and still let you submit
  • Login as a teacher and edit the settings, change the cut off date to yesterday
  • Login as a student, the assignment should say "Time remaining | Assignment is overdue by: 1 day" and you should not be able to submit
  • Login as a teacher and grant the student an extension until tomorrow (assignment grading interface - choose grant extension from the menu against each submission)
  • Login as a student, the assignment should say "Extension due date | (date), Time remaining | (some number of hours) ", and still let you submit
  • Login as a teacher and try and grant an extension before the duedate/cutoffdate. Form should fail validation and not let you save the extension.


Allow individual submission date extensions for students.


  • Sort By Name
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  • assignment_cut_off_date.docx 127 kB 01/Nov/12 7:16 AM
  • patch-assing23-ulpgc.txt 50 kB 26/Jun/12 2:10 PM
  • smurf.xml 18 kB 21/Aug/12 7:41 PM

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Your request has been identified as a security risk and has been blocked by TeamDynamix. If you believe the request is valid, please report the blocked web request. You'll need to include the Blocked Request Url and Support ID in your report.

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School Employees Eligibility for UI Benefits During Summer Months

Eligibility requirements for employees of educational institutions are, for the most part, the same as they are for anyone else who applies for unemployment insurance. The slight difference involves a section of unemployment insurance law called the "Between Terms" provision that applies to employees of educational institutions. 

Between Terms provision 

The Between Terms provision restricts the use of wages earned from educational institutions in the calculation of an employee’s weekly unemployment benefit amount during the period between two school years. The restriction applies ONLY if the employee worked in an instructional, research or administrative capacity AND only if they are returning to the same or a similar job in the next school term.

How the Between Terms provision applies to you

  • The between term s provision does not apply to you.
  • Wages you earned from an educational institution will be used in the calculation of your weekly benefit amount.
  • Federal law requires that the between terms provision does apply to you. 
  • If you have reasonable assurance of returning to the same or a similar job during the next school term, the wages you earned from an educational institution will not be used in the calculation of your weekly benefit amount. 
  • If you do not have reasonable assurance of returning to the same or similar job during the next school term, the wages you earned from an educational institution will be used in the calculation of your weekly benefit amount.

Applying for benefits

  • You should apply for benefits the same week you become unemployed or your hours are significantly reduced.
  • Once you tell us that you worked for an educational institution, we will ask you to complete a questionnaire so we can find out about your situation. 
  • Be specific about your job title, don’t abbreviate or use acronyms and answer all the questions carefully.

After you apply

  • We will review the responses in your questionnaire and let you know if we have questions. Most of the time we will not need more information. 
  • If your position with the school is instructional, or a mixture of instructional and non-instructional, we will review your information to determine whether reasonable assurance of substantially similar work exists for you during the next year or term. 
  • You will still need to meet all other eligibility requirements and request benefit payment each week to receive a payment. This includes being available for work and looking for work.
  • We are here to help! If you have questions, call UI Customer Service  
  • Watch your account and respond to any requests for information online. 
  • Review the Information Handbook we send you and the information provided on our website. 
  • If you need to call, try a little later in the day – we are usually busiest on Mondays, as well as in the morning. By avoiding those, times we can answer your call a bit faster.
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IGNOU June 2024 TEE: Assignment submission deadline extended till May 31

Ignou assignment's last date 2024 has been extended for odl and online programmes for the june tee session. the university will now accept assignments (both hard copy and soft copy) till may 31, 2024..

assignment submission ui

IGNOU TEE assignment submission 2024: The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has extended the assignment submission last date for ODL and online courses. Now, students can submit their assignments both in soft and hard copies by May 31.

Candidates enrolled in ODL, online programmes, GOAL, and EVBB for the June 2024 TEE can submit their projects, dissertations, practical files, and internship reports online at the official website – ignou.ac.in,  the open university said in an official notification.

assignment submission ui

However, students are suggested to submit the assignment before the last date to avoid last minute rush. Students must note that the IGNOU assignment submission last date 2024 is common for all programmes irrespective of admission year, mode or programme. 

Candidates are required to attach a copy of the fee receipt with the project report at the time of submission of hardcopy or by uploading it to the online portal. 

IGNOU June TEE 2024: Steps for assignment submission

Step 1: Go to the official website – ignou.ac.in

Festive offer

Step 2: Navigate to the assignment submission link available on the homepage

Step 3: Login using the necessary credentials in the designated field

Step 4: Upload the scanned assignment with the respective code

Step 5: Submit the assignment

Step 6: Students are advised to take a screenshot of the assignment submission receipt for further reference

“With the approval of the competent authority, the last date for submission of assignments (both in hard copy and soft copy) for term end examination, June 2024 for both ODL and online programmes, GOAL and EVBB has been extended up to May 31,” read the notification. 

The IGNOU has stared the fresh admission cycle for undergraduate, postgraduate, and other programmes for the July 24 academic year. The last date to apply for the various programmes at IGNOU is June 30. The university offers certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas, postgraduate diplomas, and degrees. The University is offering more than 290 UG, PG, PG diploma, diploma, certificate and awareness programmes through ODL and online mode.

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Bellator champions series video: mansour barnaoui makes yusuke yachi tap out with slick d'arce choke, share this article.

Mansour Barnaoui is back in the win column.

At Bellator Champions Series: Paris on Friday, Barnaoui (21-6) thrilled the French crowd with a slick D’arce choke submission of Yusuke Yachi (26-13). The stoppage during the lightweight prelim came 4:08 into Round 1 at Accor Arena.

Mansour Barnaoui gets the TAP! #BellatorParis LIVE NOW đŸ‡ș🇾 Max 🌎 https://t.co/IDJcMOodNs pic.twitter.com/HJ9USZFd8d — PFL (@PFLMMA) May 17, 2024

Barnaoui ends a two-fight skid of unanimous decision defeats. Friday’s victory was his second in Bellator. Yachi loses for the first time in Bellator. He competed nine times in RIZIN since his Bellator debut, a December 2019 victory over Hiroto Uesako.

Up-to-the-minute Bellator Champions Series: Paris results include:

  • Mansour Barnaoui def. Yusuke Yachi via submission (rear-naked choke) – Round 1, 4:08
  • Mike Shipman def. Steven Hill via TKO (retirement) – Round 1, 5:00
  • Aspen Ladd def. Katerina Shakalova via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)
  • Asael Adjoudj def. Bruno Fontes by knockout (punches) – Round 2, 1:11

For more on the card, visit MMA Junkie’s event hub for  Bellator Champions Series: Paris .

Be sure to visit the MMA Junkie Instagram page and YouTube channel to discuss this and more content with fans of mixed martial arts.

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How do I submit an online assignment in a course using Assignment Enhancements?

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  1. NEW Student's Submission User Interface

    There is a NEW way for students to submit assignments that is right around the corner! Five Kinds of Assignment Submissions in Canvas - https://youtu.be/Q9wl...

  2. Introduction

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  3. Assignment Submission designs, themes, templates and ...

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  4. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas?

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  5. Redesign of Google Classroom: A UX Case Study

    Feature 1: Sections. The Sections feature includes a side bar of all sections that have been created by the teacher. In the images above, there are options to add a section and delete an existing ...

  6. Assignment Submissions (Students)

    After clicking Start Assignment, you will see tabs that indicate different submission types. To upload one or more files as your submission, click the File Upload tab. To upload a file from your device, click the Upload File button. Click the Choose File or Browse button to select a file to upload. A pop-up window will display in your browser.

  7. How do I submit an online assignment?

    Not all file types may be available for your assignment, depending on the assignment submission type set by your instructor. Not all of your assignments may be submitted online. If you cannot see the Submit Assignment link, your instructor may want you to submit your assignment in a different way or the availability date has passed.

  8. Homework Submission, Automated Grading, and TA grading system

    Submitty is an open source course management, assignment submission, exam and grading system from the Rensselaer Center for Open Source Software (RCOS), Department of Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The Submitty project is hosted on GitHub.

  9. UNISA Assignment submission

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  10. Assignment Submission Statement: Decide on settings/ui/design

    Testing Instructions: First visit the site administration -> notifications page to upgrade the module. Enter some text in the "assign | submissionstatement" admin setting (e.g. "This is my own work") Set "assign | requiresubmissionstatement" to "Yes". Create a new instance of the assignment module (online text submission) with "Require students ...

  11. Assignment Submission UI Design Concept

    Assignment Submission UI Design Concept. Sandeep_K_Udayan. Available for work Follow Following. Like. Get in touch. Hello Dribbblers! 👋 Excited to showcase a minimalist and intuitive Assignment Submission Page for our Job Search Online Application. Let simplicity shine! Press 'L' if you appreciate the seamless design!  #UI #Design # ...

  12. Students Assignment Submission Page UI

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  13. Using Assignment

    To submit a file submission, students complete the following steps: Click the 'Add submission' button to bring up the file upload page. Upload the relevant file into the submission. They are able to 'drag and drop' the file into the submission box. Click 'Save Changes'.

  14. Uploading a submission

    The upload submission option allows you to submit your paper to the assignment in a variety of ways by directly loading the file from the device. Select the upload method from the tabs at the top of the Submit File modal. Upload Submission - Allows you to upload an allowed file type directly to Turnitin. Select the Browse button, or drag your ...

  15. Takeaway UI/UX assignments

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  16. How do I submit an assignment to Blackboard?

    How to Submit an Assignment. 1. Find the link for submissions provided by your instructor. It is commonly found in a content area such as a weekly folder. 2. Click the link to open up the assignment submission window. 3. On the Upload Assignment page, review the instructions, due date, points possible, and download any files provided by your ...

  17. Online Assignment Submission System

    \n\nThis Online Assignment Submission System is an easy-to-use system designed to simplify the delivery and tracking of software development assignments. It provides an automated solution that administrators can use to manage and store student assignment data with ease. Students can use the system to submit assignments online in various formats including text, images, and video, as well as ...

  18. My first take-home assignment for a UI/UX design position

    Aug 9, 2023. --. In my journey to finding my first UX design role, I recently applied for a UI/UX traineeship. The process involved a take-home assignment, a design revision, and an interview. While I didn't secure the position, I'd like to share my experience for fellow UX designers in a similar situation.

  19. Submit Your Answers

    How you submit answers depends on the Assignment Submission rule displayed at the top of your assignment. Read the Assignment Submission and Assignment Scoring rules at the top of your assignment. Submit your work for grading. Click Submit Answer if your assignment is submitted by question or question part.

  20. Assignment Submission Date Extensions: Decide settings/ui/design

    Ideally this would be tested on Oracle & MSSQL Create and Assignment Set the due date to 1 weeks time, set the cut off date to 1 weeks time (both default) Login as a student, verify you can submit to the assignment Login as a teacher and edit the settings, change the due date to yesterday Login as a student, the assignment should say "Time remaining | Assignment is overdue by: 1 day", and ...

  21. Article

    If your instructor has enabled late submissions for the assignment, you may upload a submission after the deadline (but before the late deadline). If you were not able to submit an assignment before the late submissions deadline, or if late submissions are not enabled for your assignment, please contact your TA or instructor.

  22. School Employees Eligibility for UI / Applicants

    The slight difference involves a section of unemployment insurance law called the "Between Terms provision" that applies to employees of educational institutions. ... User Role Assignment Definitions; Agent assigned user roles; Raise an issue or appeal ... User Guide: Account Maintenance, Submit a Question to UI Staff; User Guide: Account ...

  23. IGNOU June 2024 TEE: Assignment submission deadline extended till May

    IGNOU TEE assignment submission 2024: The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has extended the assignment submission last date for ODL and online courses. Now, students can submit their assignments both in soft and hard copies by May 31. Candidates enrolled in ODL, online programmes, GOAL, and EVBB for the June 2024 TEE can submit their projects, dissertations, practical files, and ...

  24. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission...

    Click the Upload option [2]. If your instructor only allows File submissions, the Upload File tool displays in place of the Choose a submission type section. Notes: If the Upload submission type does not display, your instructor has restricted this submission type. Not all of your assignments may be submitted online.

  25. Bellator video: Mansour Barnaoui taps Yusuke Yachi with slick D'arce

    Mansour Barnaoui is back in the win column.. At Bellator Champions Series: Paris on Friday, Barnaoui (21-6) thrilled the French crowd with a slick D'arce choke submission of Yusuke Yachi (26-13). The stoppage during the lightweight prelim came 4:08 into Round 1 at Accor Arena. Mansour Barnaoui gets the TAP! #BellatorParis LIVE NOW đŸ‡ș🇾 Max

  26. Massachusetts takes Uber and Lyft to trial over status of gig ...

    By not classifying their Massachusetts drivers as employees, Uber and Lyft avoided paying $266.4 million into workers' compensation, unemployment insurance and paid family medical leave over 10 ...

  27. How do I submit an online assignment in a course using Assignment

    Submit File Upload. To upload a file as your submission, click the Upload button [1] To upload a file from your computer, drag and drop a file [2], or browse your computer files by clicking the Choose a file to upload link [3]. To capture a photo of your assignment using your computer's webcam, click the Webcam button [4].