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How To Earn Your General Education Requirements Online

  • Post author By Venessa Regali
  • Post date 11 November 2020

can you take general education courses online

Most college degree programs typically have certain general course requirements. These courses may include life and physical sciences, history, humanities, math and English, and foreign language. Known as general education or core requirements, these courses can take two to three years to complete.

Can I Take General Education Courses Online?

If you’re working full time and/or have a family, this might discourage you from getting your degree — but don’t let it. Online general education courses make it possible to take these courses without having to attend college.

Because of the flexibility associated with online programs, taking your general education courses online can help you finish them at your own pace, in the convenience of your own home, allowing you to balance work, life and family commitments.

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What Are General Education Courses?

The curriculum for undergraduate programs is typically divided into two parts:

  • General education courses
  • The major field of study

General education courses can be further divided into two components:

  • Core classes, which are mandatory for all undergraduate students. The core curriculum is usually designed to ensure students receive a basic education in foundational topics like math and English.
  • Electives from a specified list that usually includes an assortment of subjects like art appreciation, science and social sciences. The number of electives you need to choose can depend on your degree program.

If you haven’t decided on a major, you may want to look at choosing general education courses that allow you to explore these subjects. For example, you may be interested in psychology as well as English literature. General education courses on those topics may help you decide if you want to major in English or psychology.

If you have decided on your major, you may want to choose electives that complement your major or might enhance your employability in the career you wish to pursue. For example, if you are studying engineering and want to work in academia, a technical writing course may be a good fit. Learning a foreign language may complement a travel and tourism degree.

What Is The Purpose of General Education Courses?

General education courses are designed to provide a broad interdisciplinary education that can help students develop life skills, improve employability and become an informed citizen. In the words of Harvard philosophy professor Sean Kelly, general education courses can help students be “prepared to enter the broader world and to aspire to live a good life in it.”

Apart from giving students a well-rounded education, general education courses can provide students with skills employers want. According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 82 percent of employers looked for candidates with problem-solving skills — something that can be learned through general education courses. And these courses can also help you develop other skills employers usually desire, such as communication and interpersonal skills along with analytical, creative, and technical abilities.

Another benefit: You may discover new interests through your online general education courses.

What Factors Should I Consider When Choosing General Education Courses?

Whether or not you’ve decided on a degree program, here are a few factors that are important to consider:

Credit Transfers

If you intend to transfer or apply your credits toward a formal degree program, it’s important that you take your online general education courses from an accredited school. You may find that some state universities actually have cooperative programs with community colleges making it easier to transfer credits earned. While credits for general education core courses that meet certain criteria are generally transferable, schools may not accept elective credits toward a specific degree program. Be sure to explore their transferability before you enroll.

Online Course Format

Many general education courses offered online are asynchronous, which means you can access the course material at any time that is convenient to you. Synchronous classes require you to be available at a certain time online to participate in a live class. Blended or hybrid programs require you to attend some classes in-person and others online. Look for a format that works best with your schedule.

Selecting a lighter elective can add a little fun to your college experience and alleviate some of the stress of a busy semester. It may also be a somewhat easier to earn a good grade in the class – something that could boost your GPA. However, be aware that not all schools accept transfer credits for all types of courses, so choose wisely.

How Many General Education Courses Do I Need To Take?

The number of general education courses required can vary depending on your college or university and degree. However, you can expect them to cover a third or even half of the credits (typically between 42-60 semester-based college credits of the total 130 – 180 credits) required for your undergraduate degree.

For example, a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree may require more liberal arts and humanities electives compared to a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree, which may require fewer electives and a concentration or specialization instead of general electives. Some highly technical degrees may require fewer general education courses.

Non-credit general education courses

If you want to learn new skills or pursue an interest that falls out of the scope of your degree program and electives offered, you might consider taking non-credit courses online for your personal development – something that could culminate in a certificate of completion. It is important to remember, however, that non-credit courses do not count toward your degree requirements and are not eligible for federal financial aid.

When Do I Need To Complete My General Education Courses?

Typically, colleges allow students to complete their general education course requirements any time throughout the degree program. To make it easier for students, some colleges offer them online with multiple starting dates throughout the year. For example, Penn State University offers online general education courses at a discount during the summer sessions to help students stay on track for their degree requirements.

Students can complete these courses online before they enroll in a degree program or after they finish their specific major requirements. Some states like Arkansas, Kansas and Oklahoma have concurrent enrollment schemes that allow you to earn college credits for your general education courses while still finishing high school.

General Education Course Topics

The university or degree program usually has a set of goals or learning outcomes they expect their students to achieve through taking general education classes. Broadly, most universities expect their students to cultivate the following basic skills through general education:

  • Analytical reading and elucidative writing: Students learn to read and understand complex subjects and describe them
  • Critical thinking: Students learn to understand the nuances of reasoning and distinguish logical reasoning from defective
  • Mathematics: Students understand mathematical ideas and quantifiable reasoning
  • Oral communication: Students can verbally communicate their ideas and thoughts clearly

Typical subject areas and courses are:

Many degree programs require up to six credits in English. Courses is this broad area may help you develop your presentation skills, be able to clearly convey your ideas and defend them, and be able to plan, outline, write and edit your work. Some potential classes are:

  • Contemporary literature
  • Poetry appreciation
  • Academic or technical writing
  • College composition

General education math requirements can vary depending on your major. Math courses may help you interpret statistical data and graphs and use the information from them in your work. You can also gain an understanding of the mathematical process and prove simple results using them. Some examples of math courses are:

  • College algebra
  • Principles of mathematics

General electives in science can give you an understanding of how the materials in the world around you interact and they can even help you in your daily life. A basic understanding of biology, for example, may help you explain your symptoms to a doctor clearly. Some courses you might take are:

  • Principles of scientific thought
  • Earth science

Social Sciences

Social sciences can help you gain an insight into human relationships and help you apply your learnings in your daily interactions with other people. You may also learn how social interactions have changed over time and their diversity in different cultures. Courses may cover:

  • Political science

Arts and Humanities

General education classes in this subject area are designed to help students appreciate human history and knowledge as well as how ideas are expressed through art, literature, music and philosophy. You may find courses such as:

  • Modern film
  • Introduction to music
  • Fine art appreciation

Apart from these main categories, you may also find general education courses online in covering topics like theology, personal wellness, foreign languages, gender studies and technology.

  • Benefits Of Concurrent Enrollment, Investopedia,, accessed September 2018 Dual Enrollment In Your State,, 2017,
  • General Education, Concordia University Irvine,, accessed August 2018 General Education Student Learning Outcomes, California State University Northridge,, accessed August 2018
  • Select online General Education courses offered at special rate for summer 2017, 2017, Penn State News,
  • The Key Attributes Employers Seek on Students’ Resumes, 2017,, National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
  • What is the Difference between a BA and a BS?, Grand Canyon University, What Is the Purpose of Taking General Classes for a College Degree?, Seattle Pi,, accessed August 2018
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5 Huge Benefits of Taking Your Gen Eds Online

Posted on April 06, 2023

If you’re working full time, have a family, or juggling other responsibilities that may get in the way of pursuing your degree, you don’t have to put your education on hold.

All institutions have general classes for college –  gen ed courses – that you will need for your degree, no matter the program. If you complete your general education courses online, you can work toward your degree without committing to a college program.

Find out the benefits of getting your gen eds online to stay on track toward completing your degree.

What Are Gen Ed Classes?

General education classes for college include courses in a broad range of disciplines, such as arts and humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, mathematics, foreign language, and more.

Following in the concept of learning as a formative and transformative experience, general education curriculum is designed to provide a foundation for future learning. Though the topics may not seem relevant to a degree program, students learn vital skills in research, communication, critical thinking, academic style and formatting, collaboration, and working independently.

Different universities have different policies to complete general education requirements for college credit, but they’re usually between 42 credits and 60 credits of the typical 120 credits needed to earn a bachelor’s degree.

While students may take gen ed courses later in their college career, most are taken during the first and second years. Earning general education credits online to fulfill your gen ed requirements is a great way to get those courses out of the way and decide if pursuing a degree is the right choice for you.

Can I Take General Education Courses Online?

Yes! Several institutions offer general education courses online. You can take the courses, often without committing to a full program, and transfer the credits to your chosen institution.

You’ll still complete your program and earn a degree that reflects your institution and program, regardless of whether your core gen ed courses were taken there or elsewhere. The courses that are required for your degree program will still be provided by your institution.

Of course, it’s best to check with your advisor or preferred institution on the credit transfer policy. Though gen ed courses are generally transferable, some institutions may not accept elective credits toward a specific degree program. Invest in the courses you’re certain will transfer. If you haven’t selected a college or university yet, look for one that allows flexible credit transfer policies.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of taking general education courses online:

1. Convenience and Flexibility

In online courses, you’re in the driver’s seat. You’ll have your assigned deadlines, then you complete your reading and assignments at your own pace. This gives you an opportunity to balance your coursework with other responsibilities, such as work or family obligations.

While different courses offer different degrees of flexibility, they’re generally more flexible than on-campus learning.

2. Experience a Trial Before Committing

Whether you’re a high school student considering college or an adult looking to finish your degree, one major benefit of completing your gen ed courses online is that you can see if college is the right choice for you.

When you apply for a degree program at a university or college, you’re making a commitment to finish it. If you’re apprehensive about whether college is your path, taking gen ed courses online can help you get a feel for what it would be like to be a full-time student, online or on campus.

Also, you can see if your self-discipline and study habits are at the level necessary for college. For some students, the adjustment from high school to college is jarring, especially if they’re returning to school after a break. “Dipping your toes in” with some gen ed courses will show you if you’re motivated and ready to put the work in.

3. Financial Savings

In some cases, taking your gen ed courses and fulfilling the general education requirements for college saves you money on your tuition without compromising your degree. Though these programs can range in price, they’re usually more cost-effective than their traditional, on-campus counterparts.

Along with saving directly on tuition, you’ll also save on a lot of the costs associated with college. On-campus students have to pay for student housing and meals. Even students who commute have to pay for parking, gas, tolls, and other transportation expenses. When you take classes from home, you’re only paying for the expenses you’d have regardless.

4. Time to Choose a Major

Making a decision about what you want to do for the rest of your life can be daunting. If you’re undecided on your major, gen ed courses give you time to explore your interests and make a decision without a gap year or losing progress toward your degree.

Gen ed courses are broad but still on a college level. As you take these courses and develop critical soft skills, you may find a passion for writing or communication, psychology, mathematics, or other fields that can guide you in your decision-making process.

5. More Transferability

Gen ed courses are similar across institutions, so these transfer credits can be simpler to transfer than specialized, upper-level courses. For basic courses like these, direct course equivalency is more common.

For example, English 101 is basically English 101, whether it’s taken online, at a community college, or at a major university. As a result, colleges and universities are often more willing to accept that course in lieu of its own.

Conversely, if you were trying to transfer an advanced math course in place of Harvard’s  notorious Math 55 , that’s not likely to be accepted as it has no equivalent.

In some cases, you may be able to transfer upper-level courses as electives, but it depends on the institution. Always check with admissions or your advisor about the policy for transfer credits.

Fast-Track Your Degree Program

Whether you’re unsure about college, returning to school to finish your degree, or a new student looking for ways to save money and time on your education, completing gen ed credits online offers many advantages. Learn more about gen ed courses that are designed to transfer at Sophia Learning or  start your free trial to get started!

Category: Higher Education

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General Education Courses

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Advancing your career requires focused effort, skill development and an understanding of key concepts and tasks outside of your own discipline. To help you learn what you need to know, we offer general education courses, also known as GE courses, that build on your education.

Through these foundational courses in subject areas including English, Math and Humanities, you can gain important skills in critical thinking, communication, information literacy, global awareness, cultural competence and technology. These courses are designed to introduce you to tools and techniques to communicate strong ideas and use today's technology. No matter your field of study, our hybrid and online general education classes can help prepare you for what's next.

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Explore general education courses by subject, undergraduate.

  • Select Course Subject
  • Career Development
  • Communications
  • Critical Thinking
  • English Composition
  • Legal Issues
  • Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Political Science
  • Social Sciences
  • Technical Communication
  • Public Administration
  • Fundamental Skills for Education Success

FAQs for General Education Courses

What are general education courses.

Students enrolled in four-year college degree programs are typically required to take at least some general education classes. General education courses aim to teach you diverse skills that can help you be productive and knowledgeable, regardless of your area of study.

While every post-secondary institution has its own general education requirements, many focus on the following subject areas:

  • Liberal arts and humanities

Why are general education courses required?

General education courses are built into most degree programs because they can help you expand your knowledge in many ways. They can:

  • Provide useful knowledge and skills that can positively impact the way you work.
  • Improve your soft skills such as conflict resolution and communication, which can be applied to everyday life as well as the workplace.
  • Help you develop a global perspective to see the world through different viewpoints.
  • Allow you to experiment with different fields of study that may result in discovering a hidden passion.
  • Help you become a more well-rounded employee.
  • Increase critical thinking skills that can help you solve problems and evaluate information more effectively.

What GE classes do you take the first year?

The general education courses you take during your first year of college will depend on the degree program you enroll in. For example, students enrolled in our Bachelor’s in  Information Technology and Networking  program will need to take a physics class and an environmental sociology class, whereas  Business Management  students will need to take principles of ethics and algebra for college students. To complete their degree programs, information technology students must finish 51 general education credits while business management students must complete only 40 GE credits.

How long does it take to finish general education classes?

How long it takes to complete your general education classes will depend on a number of factors:

  • The general education requirements for the degree program you are enrolled in.
  • How many classes you take per 8-week session.
  • If you are enrolled year-round or take breaks between classes.

On average, you can expect to complete most or all of your gen ed courses within your first 1-2 years of college.

What are general education credits?

General education credits are credits you earn by taking GE courses. The number of credit hours each individual course is worth may vary, and is established based on an estimate of how much class and study time it will take for you to complete the course. Typically, a general education course is worth 2–3 academic credit hours. Degree programs require a minimum number of credit hours needed in order to graduate, such as 120 or more, and of the credit hours required to compete the degree a certain amount will need to be GE credits. To explore the credit hours required for each course and program at DeVry, view our  Academic Catalogs.

Graduate-Level - Fundamental Skills for Education Success Courses:  A solid foundation is critical to success in any graduate-level program. To help students who could benefit from skills enhancement as they return to the classroom, Keller offers fundamental skills courses that help foster long-term program and career success. Students in the following courses earn grades of A, B or F upon course completion. The final grade earned in the course is not used in GPA calculations, and credit hours earned are not applicable to credit hours required for graduation. Required prerequisite skills coursework may affect program length and cost. *Courses marked with an asterisk (*) require successful completion of required math and English transitional studies courses. Required transitional studies coursework may affect program length and cost. ^Courses marked with a caret (^) are licensed in New Jersey; students whose enrolled location is in New Jersey may enroll in these courses in the onsite, online and blended modalities. +Courses marked with a plus sign (+) are available as honors courses (restrictions apply). Note: To enroll in a course with a corequisite, students must have either successfully completed the corequisite course during a prior session or concurrently enroll in the corequisite course.

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In New York, DeVry University operates as DeVry College of New York. DeVry University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), . The University’s Keller Graduate School of Management is included in this accreditation. DeVry is certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. Arlington Campus: 1400 Crystal Dr., Ste. 120, Arlington, VA 22202. DeVry University is authorized for operation as a postsecondary educational institution by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, . Lisle Campus: 4225 Naperville Rd, Suite 400, Lisle, IL 60532. Unresolved complaints may be reported to the Illinois Board of Higher Education through the online complaint system . View DeVry University’s complaint process Program availability varies by location. In site-based programs, students will be required to take a substantial amount of coursework online to complete their program.

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Can You Take General Education Courses Online?

Can you take general education courses online

The New Era of Learning: Online General Education Courses

High-caliber education through expert instruction, selecting the appropriate online general education courses for your degree program, unlocking the potential of online general education courses: a pathway to enhanced critical thinking and global understanding, enhancing your online learning journey: strategies for success, the impact of general education on career prospects.

Absolutely! The world of education is evolving, and with it, the way we approach learning is transforming too. Gone are the days when the only path to education was through the gates of a brick-and-mortar institution. Today, the digital era has ushered in a new and exciting way of learning – online education. And yes, this includes taking general education courses online.

An online courseteacher holding up a sign saying "Lesson 1".

Picture this: you’re sitting in your favorite armchair, laptop open, diving into a world of knowledge from the comfort of your own home. This is what online learning offers – the chance to pursue education on your terms. Online general education courses provide an unmatched level of flexibility and convenience, allowing you to balance your studies with work, life, and family commitments.

Flexibility and Convenience at Your Fingertips

One of the key benefits of online courses is their asynchronous nature. This means you can access course material at any time that suits you. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, your classroom is just a click away.

A Comprehensive Selection of Online Courses

A book case with a computer CPU filed in between the books.

Online general education (GE) courses offer an extensive array of subjects and disciplines, encompassing everything from humanities and social sciences to technical writing and foreign language studies.

These foundational courses are crucial components that degree programs require, as students need a basic understanding of a wide range of basic concepts and knowledge areas. Engaging in these gen ed courses allows learners to delve into multiple fields, thereby promoting a comprehensive and well-rounded educational experience that significantly contributes to cultural awareness and understanding in a global society.

The necessity for undertaking general education courses stems from their role in laying the groundwork for academic and career success. These courses equip students with soft skills such as critical reading, effective communication, and analytical thinking, which are indispensable in virtually every professional domain.

Furthermore, general education serves as a stepping stone for students, offering them the opportunity to explore various disciplines before committing to a specific major, making it especially beneficial for those who are undecided about their career paths.

Typically, the median age group of individuals seeking to complete general education courses online is diverse, reflecting a wide range of learners from recent high school graduates to working adults looking to advance or change their careers. This diversity is due to the flexibility and accessibility that online learning provides, catering to individuals with varying schedules and commitments.

For those interested in pursuing general education courses online, several platforms stand out for their comprehensive offerings and quality of instruction. Community colleges often provide a range of online gen ed courses that are affordable and designed to meet the requirements of various degree programs.

Additionally, platforms specializing in online education, such as Coursera, EdX, and Khan Academy, offer courses in partnership with universities and colleges, covering liberal arts, sciences, humanities courses and more. These platforms are ideal for learners seeking flexibility without compromising on the quality of education, enabling them to acquire foundational knowledge and skills essential for both academic and career advancement.

A teacher teaching a traditional classroom.

A common misconception about online education is that it falls short of the quality found in conventional classroom settings. This belief is unfounded, as online general education courses are frequently conducted by the same seasoned faculty members who lead on-campus classes.

This ensures that the education students receive online is of the highest caliber, mirroring the rigor and depth of traditional college education. These courses are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of multiple disciplines, fostering skills like quantitative reasoning, scientific method application, and conflict resolution, which are invaluable in professional environments.

Earning Recognition for Your Knowledge and Experience

One of the standout benefits of pursuing general education credits through online platforms is the ability to have your prior learning and experiences recognized. For individuals who have already accumulated college credits or have relevant professional experience, many online programs offer the possibility to convert this into general education credits.

This process not only acknowledges the value of your previous learning but also accelerates your progress towards earning a college degree. Furthermore, the flexibility of online learning extends to the transfer credits system, allowing students to seamlessly integrate their learning from different institutions into their current educational trajectory.

This aspect is particularly advantageous for students who wish to pursue a broad range of subjects, from the sciences to humanities, ensuring a rich and varied college experience that equips them for social interactions and challenges in diverse professional settings.

Support When You Need It

Worried about navigating online courses alone? Fear not! Most online programs provide access to a personal tutor. This means you can get help and guidance whenever you need it, making the learning process smoother and more effective.

Embarking on the journey of taking general education classes online is a pivotal step for undergraduate students working towards completing their degree program. The foundation of a well-rounded education, these general education courses required by many institutions, play a significant role in developing a comprehensive skill set and knowledge base.

However, the first step in this process involves choosing the right online courses, which necessitates careful consideration to ensure they align with both academic and professional goals.

Importance of Accreditation in Online Education

One of the foremost considerations in selecting online general education courses is the accreditation status of the offering institution. Accreditation is a hallmark of quality and integrity in education, serving as a critical indicator that the institution adheres to high standards of academic excellence.

For students, this is particularly important as it directly impacts the transferability of credits between institutions and the recognition of their qualifications in the professional world. An accredited course stands as a testament to the legitimacy and value of the education received, assuring that the time and resources invested contribute meaningfully towards the completion of a degree program.

Leading Institutions with Online General Education Offerings

A number of prestigious institutions have embraced the digital era, offering comprehensive online general education courses that cater to the diverse needs of undergraduate students. Universities such as Purdue University Global, Penn State University, and Genesee Community College are at the forefront of this innovative approach to education.

These institutions offer a wide array of online courses that can be seamlessly integrated into a degree program, providing a flexible and accessible pathway for students to fulfill their general education requirements.

Furthermore, some of these courses are available as part of standalone certificate programs, offering additional options for students seeking to enhance specific skills or knowledge areas without committing to a full degree program.

The Crucial Role of Accreditation Verification

Before committing to any online course or program, it is imperative for students to conduct thorough research into the accreditation status of both the institution and the specific courses they are interested in.

This step is crucial in ensuring that the education they receive is not only of high quality but also recognized and respected by other educational institutions and potential employers. Verifying accreditation can safeguard students against the pitfalls of investing in courses that do not contribute to their academic progression or career advancement, ensuring that their efforts are both productive and valued.

Taking general education classes online offers undergraduate students a flexible and diverse educational experience that can significantly contribute to their personal and professional development. By prioritizing accredited courses offered by renowned institutions, students can confidently navigate their educational journey, secure in the knowledge that their achievements are recognized and valued within the academic community and beyond.

A laptop with graduation cap, notebook and certification on top of it.

Cultivating Critical Thinking Abilities

At the heart of general education courses lies the objective to refine and elevate your critical thinking skills. Such courses are meticulously designed to push students to engage in deep thought, encouraging a thorough analysis of information and the adept resolution of problems.

This focus on critical thinking is not incidental; it is central to the educational ethos of these courses, reflecting the recognition by degree programs of the indispensable value these skills bring to both academic and professional realms.

Broadening Your Global Perspective

In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability to understand and appreciate diverse cultures, global societies, and the multifaceted nature of the human experience is more crucial than ever. Online general education courses serve as windows to the world, offering insights that stretch far beyond one’s immediate surroundings.

By delving into these subjects, students gain a richer, more nuanced understanding of the world, an understanding that enriches their personal lives and enhances their professional capabilities.

Equipping Students with Essential Soft Skills

Beyond the acquisition of knowledge, online general education classes are instrumental in arming students with a suite of soft skills that are paramount in today’s ever-evolving job market. These skills, which include effective communication, problem-solving, and the ability to navigate conflict, are cultivated through the unique challenges and interactions inherent in these courses.

The emphasis on developing such skills reflects a broader educational aim to prepare students not just for specific careers, but for a range of life’s complexities.

Personalized Learning Experiences

One of the distinguishing features of online education is the unparalleled flexibility it offers. Learners have the liberty to design their study schedules in a way that best suits their individual lifestyles, whether they are juggling full-time studies, professional commitments, or both.

This aspect of online learning not only makes education more accessible but also more inclusive, accommodating diverse learning needs and preferences. It underscores the commitment of online general education courses to provide a learning environment where students can thrive at their own pace.

Online general education courses stand as pivotal components of degree programs, not only for the comprehensive knowledge they impart but also for their role in developing critical thinking skills and a global perspective.

These courses prepare students for the complexities of the modern world, equipping them with the skills required to navigate both their personal and professional lives successfully. Through these courses, learners are offered a unique opportunity to enhance their understanding of the world, acquire vital soft skills, and enjoy the flexibility to learn in a manner that best fits their individual circumstances.

Financial Aid Opportunities

Worried about the cost? Many online education providers offer financial aid options. You can often find scholarships, grants, or loan opportunities to help cover the cost of your education. Explore more about this in articles like “Can You Get Financial Aid for Online Courses” .

Various interlinked cogs depicting how competence, growth and learning work together.

Optimizing Your Study Environment and Maintaining Motivation

The foundation of a successful online learning experience is a well-organized study environment and a robust self-motivation system. It’s crucial to cultivate a structured study space free from distractions, where focus and productivity can flourish.

Equally important is the development of a detailed study schedule that not only outlines what needs to be accomplished but also allocates specific times for learning activities. In the realm of online education, where the responsibility of pacing your study rests with you, maintaining a high level of self-motivation is essential. Setting clear, achievable goals and rewarding yourself for meeting them can help sustain motivation over time.

Fostering Active Engagement

Active participation is a key driver of success in online learning. This involves more than just completing assignments; it means diving into forums, contributing to discussions, and taking part in group activities.

Engaging with peers and instructors not only deepens your understanding of the subject matter but also fosters a sense of community and collaboration, making the learning experience more enriching and enjoyable. By sharing perspectives and debating ideas, you can gain insights that reading alone might not provide, adding depth to your learning process.

Leveraging Educational Resources

Online courses typically offer an array of educational resources designed to enhance your learning. These can range from video lectures that break down complex topics, interactive quizzes that provide immediate feedback, to supplementary reading materials that expand on lecture content.

Taking full advantage of these resources can significantly enrich your learning experience, allowing you to explore topics in greater depth and at your own pace. Furthermore, many courses also provide access to online libraries, databases, and other digital tools that can further support your studies.

Accessing Support When Necessary

One of the most important aspects of navigating online courses is knowing when and how to seek assistance. Whether you encounter challenges with specific concepts or need guidance on assignments, reaching out to instructors or tutors is a crucial step towards overcoming obstacles.

Online educators are committed to supporting your academic journey and are equipped to provide the clarification and encouragement needed to help you succeed. Additionally, many online learning platforms offer tutoring services, study groups, and other forms of academic support to ensure that students have the resources they need to succeed.

By implementing these strategies, you can maximize your online learning experience, making it not only more effective but also more engaging and rewarding. Organizing your study space and schedule, actively participating in course activities, utilizing the plethora of available resources, and seeking help when needed are all integral components of a successful online education journey. With these approaches, you can navigate the challenges of online learning and achieve your academic goals.

A man in a suit outside a business premises.

In today’s competitive job market, the value of a well-rounded education cannot be overstated. General education, with its broad curriculum encompassing humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and natural sciences, aims to equip students with a diverse set of skills and knowledge. But does completing general education truly offer better prospects in the workplace? Let’s delve into the nuances of this question.

A Foundation for Lifelong Learning

General education provides a foundational layer of learning that fosters critical thinking, effective communication, and problem-solving skills. These are universally acknowledged as essential competencies in virtually any professional environment.

By exposing students to a variety of disciplines, general education courses cultivate a versatile skill set that can be adapted to a wide range of job roles and industries. This versatility is increasingly prized by employers who are looking for adaptable employees capable of navigating the complexities of the modern workplace.

Enhanced Employability and Career Flexibility

Individuals who have completed their general education have a distinct advantage in terms of employability. The broad knowledge base and skill set acquired through general education courses are applicable in multiple professional settings, from corporate sectors to creative industries.

Employers value candidates who can think critically about problems, communicate effectively with diverse teams, and adapt to new challenges—qualities that general education aims to instill in students.

Moreover, the comprehensive nature of general education prepares individuals for a lifetime of learning and adaptation. As industries evolve and new technologies emerge, the ability to learn and adapt becomes crucial. General education graduates possess the cognitive tools necessary for continuous personal and professional development, making them well-suited to thrive in dynamic career landscapes.

Facilitating Career Advancement

Completing general education can also facilitate career advancement. Many positions, especially in management and specialized technical fields, require a broad understanding of various subjects in addition to specific job-related knowledge. General education credits can sometimes be the differentiator in promotions or in the pursuit of advanced degrees, which further enhance an individual’s career prospects.

Bridging the Skills Gap

There’s a notable skills gap in the workforce, where employers struggle to find candidates with the right mix of technical skills and soft skills. General education addresses this gap by equipping students with soft skills such as empathy, cultural awareness, and ethical reasoning, which are increasingly important in globalized business environments. These competencies enable individuals to work effectively in teams, navigate workplace conflicts, and contribute to a positive organizational culture.

A teacher smiling while writing on the chalkboard.

Taking general education courses online is not just a viable option; it’s a gateway to a flexible, diverse, and comprehensive educational experience. Whether you’re aiming for a college degree or looking to broaden your horizons, online general education courses offer a path that meets the demands of our fast-paced, ever-changing world.

Remember, education is not just about the accumulation of knowledge; it’s about the development of skills, understanding, and perspective that shape your life. So, why not start your journey today and enroll in an online general education course? Who knows what doors it might open for you!

Discover more about the potential of online courses in articles like: “Can You Do an Accounting Course Online and Jumpstart Your Career?” “Can You Monetize TikTok Videos on YouTube?” . Your future is just a click away!

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general education

General education courses

Multiple start dates

5-6 week courses

Gain in-demand soft skills with general education courses

 If you’re missing a class or need to knock out gen-ed requirements, choose from our large collection of general education courses. We’ve got you covered with courses in science, mathematics, arts, humanities, communication, social and behavioral sciences and more .

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Why take general education courses with us?

With a wide variety of general education courses starting frequently, you can choose the date you want to begin and complete your online general elective courses in 5-7 weeks.

Meet your general education requirements online

Use the course finder tool to search for the general education course you need and enroll today.

Designed with you in mind

Take general education courses in a condensed 5-7 week format to help you get you to the finish line faster.

Get affordable pricing on education requirements

Our courses are priced to be affordable. And, if any general education courses can help you in the workplace, check to see if your employer will help cover the cost. 

Interested in earning a degree or certificate?

General education courses do more than help you learn new skills for your job. See if you can apply them toward a degree program.

Frequently asked questions

What are general education courses like at university of phoenix.

You can select from a wide variety of general education courses designed to help you develop skills in key areas like math, science, humanities, arts, social and behavioral sciences, history, sociology and more.

General education courses support you in areas such as:

  • Development of critical and analytical thinking skills
  • Understanding cultural diversity in society
  • Communicating clearly using effective logical arguments
  • Intellectual problem-solving that is effective in a society undergoing constant change
  • Understanding emerging technologies and how to incorporate traditional information into new perspectives
  • Appreciation for the arts, humanities, and social sciences
  • Evaluating biological/physical data, as well as environmental issues, to expand knowledge of the natural sciences

Why are general education courses required?

Higher education institutions like University of Phoenix require general education courses to help students gain a comprehensive education which they hope will serve you throughout your life after graduation.

What is the purpose of general education courses?

General education courses are a great opportunity for you to explore different topics to see if you like them. Some students don’t decide on their major until after they have taken a general education requirement that ended up gaining their interest. Some students may prepare to study one major, but then take some general education courses that may change their entire course of study.

Here are three 3 ways general education can help you academically and professionally:

  • Learn soft skills desired by employers General education courses can improve listening, researching and communication skills. These soft skills are important for many different types of careers and are core skills employers look for in job applicants.
  • Learn new ways of seeing the world General education courses give you the opportunity to explore different outlooks on life. You can develop a different perspective, which prepares you for a diversified workplace.
  • Broaden your knowledge General education courses can give you the skills to tackle a problem from different angles. With subjects ranging from analytical areas such as math and science to creative perspectives such as arts and literature, you’re prepared to become a more well-rounded individual in your life and in your career.

What general education courses should I take?

If you’re still thinking about which field of study to pursue, you can explore the University of Phoenix general education course offering to find subjects that interest you. They may spark your inspiration for a college degree. 

Are these general education courses transferrable?

Transferability of credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether or not credits earned at University of Phoenix will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice.

To show you have met the required education requirement for some courses, you simply have to upload a digital copy of your transcript (official or unofficial) during the checkout process. Then you’re good to go. If you have a question, contact us at 866-354-1800 .

Is University of Phoenix accredited?

We’ve been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission ( ) for more than 40 years.

G. Galindo - Enrollment Representative

G. Galindo, Enrollment Rep

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Call us at 866-354-1800 or chat with us 7 days a week.

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Transfer credits to get closer to graduation

Get your course transcript

After you’ve completed your courses, you can request your official transcripts be sent directly to you or your school of choice.

Transferability of credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether or not credits earned at University of Phoenix will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice. If you have a question contact us at (866) 354-1800 .

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Golden Four student taking GE online course outside on a laptop

General Education Online Courses

Prepare to complete your bachelor’s degree.

Now you can take your General Education (GE) requirements, including the Golden Four courses, 100% online at San Francisco State University. This program is designed for students who need to complete GE courses for their degree.

The online format allows for a flexible and engaging learning experience that can help propel your academic and professional outlooks. Prospective applicants must have a high school diploma or GED to enroll in the program.

Find Out More

Send me information and updates about General Education Online Courses.

SF State sign with trees

Who Should Enroll?

  • Anyone who needs GE courses to complete a bachelor's degree.
  • Criminal Justice
  • Cybersecurity
  • Ethnic Studies
  • Life Sciences
  • Fire Service
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Telephone: (415) 405-7700

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can you take general education courses online

General Education

Helping you complete your general education requirements.

Here’s the good news: You can join our Adult Degree Program with just a few transferable credits and earn the remaining credits you need with us.

By completing your general education classes at George Fox, you will:

  • Learn alongside committed students in a time-efficient, cost-effective, adult-learning format
  • Cybersecurity Management
  • Data Analytics
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Management & Organizational Leadership
  • Project Management
  • Psychology & Mental Health Studies

Student on a laptop

Each semester (fall, spring and summer) is 16 weeks long. We break the semester into two eight-week sessions. This enables you to take classes in both sessions while making it possible to take just one class at a time. Nearly all classes are three semester credits.

Take a class in Session 1 (weeks 1-8), then take a new class in Session 2 (weeks 9-16). Students are encouraged to take more than one class during each session if their schedule allows.

Your transferable coursework will apply to the categories below or will help satisfy elective credit. You must have completed some college-level credits to be eligible to take general education classes at George Fox University.

General Education Requirements - Adult Degree Program Requirements

Choose two of the following:, choose one of the following:, choose three of the following:.

Students must take a total of 9 credits from the following areas: fine arts (including music and theater), history, literature, cultural studies, foreign language, philosophy, religion, and Bible.

Only three credits of applied fine arts, and six credits total of all fine arts, may be used.

  The LACC 285 topics that may meet the Humanities requirement are:

  • The American West in Film and Fiction
  • Portraits of Jesus of Nazareth
  • Social Change in the Global Landscape

The LACC 295 topic that could meet the Humanities requirement is:

  • The Global Leadership Summit

  The LACC 285 topic that may meet the Intercultural Experience requirement is:

  The LACC 285 topic that may meet the Social Science requirement is:

The LACC 295 topic that may meet the Social Science requirement is:

Jenn McUne, Project Management Major

I have thoroughly enjoyed my electives and general education courses at George Fox. Each professor has been thoughtful and acknowledging of the challenges adult working students face. While I love my major, I often find myself looking forward to my general education courses too!

Meet Your Professors

Watch video: Nathaniel Ankeny

Your Next Steps

Find out exactly how many transferable college credits you have by requesting a transcript review from your enrollment counselor. They can help you make a plan for how to get from here to graduation.

Or if you’re ready to apply, follow the steps on our application process page to submit your application to take general education classes in the Adult Degree Program.

can you take general education courses online

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What is General Education? Its Purpose and Impact Explained

A student studying for her general education classes in college.

While looking over a course list in the past, you may have wondered why certain courses are required when they’re unrelated to the direction of the degree program you were considering. These general education requirements serve an important purpose. They can reshape your outlook on learning, teach you soft skills, introduce you to a variety of disciplines and more.

So, What Are General Education Courses?

The general education curriculum focuses on the interdisciplinary lens, including courses in history, natural and social sciences, technology and humanities. Dr. Priscilla Hobbs , a senior associate dean of general education, first-year experience and special programs at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), described general education as a well-rounded learning experience to help develop a well-rounded student.

Thinking about general education courses as "extra" is a common misnomer, according to Hobbs. Their connection to your career goals may not be as obvious as the courses within your field of study, but they're still relevant. "They are the courses that are actually addressing many of the skills that employers value, especially in regards to interpersonal connections and diversity," Hobbs said.

Anthony Siciliano , the associate vice president of general education, first-year experience, education and special programs at SNHU, said that general education credits make up “the largest allocation of credits” across undergraduate degree programs .

“The general education curriculum is a standard, required part of every bachelor degree program  in the country and is meant to foster greater accessibility, a clear and relevant academic pathway for students to attain their degree credential and to provide students with the necessary core skills in order to be successful in their lives and chosen career paths ,” he said.

What Are the Main Components of General Education?

Although specific general education requirements can differ depending on your college and your program, you'll need to demonstrate competency in several fields of study to earn a bachelor's degree.

You'll likely be required to take general education courses in some of these areas:

  • English composition
  • Humanities and social sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Natural sciences

Dr. Christopher Healow with the text Dr. Christopher Healow

You might need to take multiple courses in these broader categories to fulfill your program's requirements. Certain schools also have requirements that other schools don't. For example, some schools require foreign language coursework.

To learn more about your options and program requirements, Healow recommended speaking with an academic advisor.

What is Another Name for General Education Courses?

Widely, you may hear general education courses abbreviated to "gen eds." But just as colleges differ in their gen ed requirements, they may also have different names for their general education curriculum.

At SNHU, for instance, general education courses are known as " The Commons ." This is because the courses involved are applicable to all undergraduate students, regardless of major. They are an opportunity to grow skills, knowledge and perspectives that are relevant to all members of society.

Meanwhile, each individual navigating their general education courses can get something different from the experience. "They have the opportunity to choose their own topics and lean into content in a way that they find beneficial to their own growth," Hobbs said.

What is the Purpose of General Education?

You might be wondering what the true purpose of general education is in the academic setting as you prepare to join the workforce, advance in your job or change careers .

While they can help you gain important professional skills, the answer goes beyond work. It connects to a foundation of education: "Our general education follows the model of a traditional liberal education, which assumes that education is fundamentally about helping students to prosper in their lives, both professionally and personally," Healow said.

Together, the courses form a holistic approach to learning and developing. "General education is there so you can enjoy different perspectives on your life as a human being, not solely as a participant in our economy," Healow said.

What is the Benefit of Taking General Education Courses?

Here are four ways general education courses can help you succeed.

1. Reshape Your Outlook on Learning

Anthony Siciliano with the text Anthony Siciliano

“For students to be adequately prepared to do well in their chosen career, they need to have not only the rigor of an academic education but also an applied, relevant and practical curriculum that focuses on the development of these core skills,” Siciliano said.

General education can also offer a deeper understanding and appreciation of humankind, according to Healow. "Students will be better served if they have an opportunity to learn about history, about philosophy, about art and literature, about science and mathematics, regardless of their chosen majors," he said. "Because these disciplines invite you to use your mind in different ways and constitute a legacy of human achievements that belongs to all of us."

2. Learn Soft Skills Desired by Employers

To impress employers and prove yourself as a member of a team, it’s important you learn interpersonal skills. These include things such as empathy, conflict resolution  and being able to communicate effectively .

Siciliano said the general education courses “encourage an aptitude for empathy  infused with objectivity and curiosity” and “develop a strong sense of self in one’s capabilities and the ability to reflect and learn from one’s experiences” — skills employers seek in the people they hire.

“These soft skills , or core skills, are the knowledge, dispositions and abilities needed by students to be successful in their chosen professions and for becoming an immediate contributor to a rapidly changing global workforce,” Siciliano said.

Hiring employees with these attributes is essential to keep a company running smoothly. “Numerous self-help books and professional development opportunities are designed to help employees develop their soft skills,” Hobbs said. “Each day, our paths cross with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, and we need to be able to manage those interactions in a positive way rather than in a way that promotes conflict."

3. Be Well-Versed in a Wide Variety of Disciplines

Dr. Priscilla Hobbs with the text Dr. Priscilla Hobbs

“We may look at an issue historically, or we may put on the hat of social scientists,” Hobbs said. “Being able to see through these lenses helps us critically navigate through all the information that surrounds us at any given second. It helps us make decisions about what to filter, what we find interesting and what we need to do about anything. Without that, the world and all the information passing through it can quickly seem overwhelming.”

Siciliano said the interdisciplinary general education courses provide students with different perspectives from which to view the world, giving them the ability to:

  • Analyze information for accuracy
  • Communicate effectively with different audiences
  • Display literacy in digital technology
  • Tackle a variety of real-world problems

Some schools use their general education curriculum to consider the impact of cultural events on students, according to Hobbs. "These courses help students understand and process through their experiences," she said.

4. Learn with People From Diverse Disciplines

Because general education courses are shared across undergraduate programs, it's likely you'll find yourself taking classes with and learning from people outside of your main discipline.

"These courses tend to be filled by a very diverse set of students, who have very different backgrounds, perspectives and aspirations," Healow said. "Providing such students with an occasion to come together and share educational experiences with those outside their programs tends to be enriching and rewarding for everyone involved."

These interactions and interchange of ideas can lead to an exciting and perhaps transformative college experience, according to Hobbs.

It's possible you'll also develop personal and professional relationships with people that you otherwise may not have met. Healow met his wife in a choir class, which he took to meet a general education requirement.

What is a General Education Degree Called?

While general education typically refers to the common curriculum that undergraduate students complete, it's also a type of degree. A general education degree is usually called a bachelor’s in general studies. This Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree  can provide you with a strong educational background across many fields.

Siciliano said a general studies degree “provides greater flexibility (for students) to complete their degree according to their work, career and family life.” Whether you’re transferring universities or looking to earn a degree that reflects your broad range of skills, a bachelor’s in general studies can prepare you for the next step in your career.

You can often choose an area of focus within your general studies degree . For instance, SNHU's general studies degree offers dozens of potential concentrations, including:

  • Business administration
  • Communication
  • Information technology
  • Sport management

Whether or not you choose a concentration, this bachelor's degree can well prepare you for a wide range of careers. It can also ready you for further education if you are pursuing a career that typically requires a master's degree .

If you're interested, you can learn more about what a general studies degree is .

Transferring to a General Studies Program

The BA in General Studies program can help students who are continuing their education apply prior coursework or work experiences  toward a degree. “This can include placement tests, previous classes and military credit,” Hobbs said. “Essentially, the general studies degree is designed to help students achieve their goal of a degree without having to start over because they transferred universities.”

Some schools offer free transfer credit evaluations so prospective students can find out how many of their existing credits will be accepted. If you want to know how many courses you have left to finish your degree in general studies, it's as simple as this at SNHU:

  • Complete the free 5-minute online application . There’s no obligation after filling it out.
  • Get your transcripts requested — for free. Chat with an admission counselor, and we'll request your transcripts on your behalf.
  • Receive your free evaluation. Soon after all your transcripts are in, you'll get your official evaluation. It will show you what was transferred in – and what classes you need to complete.

You might be surprised to learn how close you are to graduation. Hobbs said most general studies students are within 15 classes of completing their degree.

Online. On campus. Choose your program  from 200+ SNHU degrees that can take you where you want to go.

Ashley Wallis is an Army veteran and writer with a BA in English Language and Literature from SNHU. She is currently living in the Denver area. Find her on X, formerly known as Twitter, @AshDWallis .

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About southern new hampshire university.

Two students walking in front of Monadnock Hall

SNHU is a nonprofit, accredited university with a mission to make high-quality education more accessible and affordable for everyone.

Founded in 1932, and online since 1995, we’ve helped countless students reach their goals with flexible, career-focused programs . Our 300-acre campus in Manchester, NH is home to over 3,000 students, and we serve over 135,000 students online. Visit our about SNHU  page to learn more about our mission, accreditations, leadership team, national recognitions and awards.

can you take general education courses online

Course Catalog | Liberty University

Approved general education courses for online programs, general education.

This elective may be fulfilled by approved courses within the Humanities and Fine Arts, Natural Science, Math, Technology, History, Social Science disciplines or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). Restrictions may apply to some majors. General education electives must meet the University's general education guidelines.

The list of approved general education courses for online programs is published online:

General Education Requirements for Out of State Students

In addition to Liberty University’s general education requirements, distance education students may also be required to fulfill additional requirements set by their home states. Details by state will be added to the Degree Completion Plan . Specific Degree Completion Plans for each state whose requirements differ are available from Liberty University Online Advising.

Course List
Code Title Hours
Communication & Information Literacy
Composition and Rhetoric 3
Communication Electives
Speech Communication 3
Business Communications 3
Technical Communication 3
Intercultural Communication and Engagement 3
Information Literacy Electives
Art as Communication 3
Intermediate Business Computer Applications 3
Introduction to Information Sciences and Systems 3
Introduction to Computer Science 3
Introduction to Programming Using C++ 3
Composition and Literature 3
Technical Communication for the Professions 3
Introduction to Geography 3
History of Western Civilization I 3
History of Western Civilization II 3
Survey of American History I 3
Survey of American History II 3
History of American Politics 3
History of American Entrepreneurship 3
Modern American Military History 3
Comparative Civilization 3
Introduction to Worship Studies 3

HFA – Humanities/Fine Arts

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: COMS, JOUR, SCOM, and STCO

SBS – Social/Behavioral Sciences

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: GEOG, HIEU, HIUS, HIST, and HIWD

ARTS 209 Art as Communication (3 c.h.) is required for BFA degree

NSM – Natural Science/Mathematics

Course List
Code Title Hours
Technological Solutions & Quantitative Reasoning
Instructional Technology for Successful Online Learning 3
Math Electives
Quantitative Reasoning 3
Mathematics for Liberal Arts 3
Elements of Mathematics 3
College Algebra 3
Elementary Functions and Coordinate Geometry 4
Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 4
Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 4
Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3
Introduction to Statistical Analysis 3
Elementary Geometry 3

MATH  transfer credit (1XX-4XX) may only be considered through the course substitution process

Course List
Code Title Hours
Critical Thinking
Introduction to Biblical Worldview 2
Critical Thinking Electives
Art Appreciation 3
20th-21st Century Art 3
Art, Culture, and Technology 3
Introduction to Business Research Methods 3
American Literature I 3
American Literature II 3
English Literature II 3
World Literature I 3
Introduction to Ethics 3
Ethical Reflections on Human Life 3
Philosophy and Contemporary Ideas 3
Christian Evidences 3

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level PHIL courses that meet General Education Guidelines

ARTS 105 Art Appreciation (3 c.h.) is required for BFA degree

ARTS 105 Art Appreciation (3 c.h.) may be used to fulfill the Critical Thinking or Cultural Studies elective, not both

Required for DIVINITY Majors

Course List
Code Title Hours
Civic & Global Engagement
Evangelism and the Christian Life 2
Cultural Studies Electives
Art Appreciation 3
Western Culture 3
The African American Experience 3
Cultural Anthropology 3
Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise 3
American Government 3
Music Appreciation 3
Introduction to Cultural Engagement 3

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: ANTH, CARA, CESL, CGRM, CFRE, CHIN, CHND, CSMA, CSPA, CSTU, FREN, GLST, GOVT, GREK, GRMN, HBRW, MLAN, RUSS, and SPAN

Course List
Code Title Hours
Social & Scientific Inquiry
Social Science Electives
Personal Finance 3
Organizational Behavior & Management 3
Survey of Economics 3
Principles of Microeconomics 3
Principles of Macroeconomics 3
Drugs in Society 3
General Psychology 3
Developmental Psychology 3
Introduction to Sociology 3
Social Problems 3
Natural Science Electives
Principles of Biology 3
Principles of Human Biology 3
Principles of Biology Laboratory 1
Science and Society 3
Science and Society 3
Introduction to Astronomy 3
Elements of Astronomy Lab 1
Elements of Earth Science 3
Elements of Earth Science Lab 1
Elements of Physics 3
Elements of Physics Lab 1
General Physics I 4
General Physics Lab I 0
University Physics I 4

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: ECON, PSYC, and SOCI

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: BIOL, CHEM, ENVR, NASC, PHSC, and PHYS

Course List
Code Title Hours
Christianity & Contexts
For LUO Non-Religion Majors
Survey of Old and New Testament 4
Introduction to Theology Survey 4
For LUO Religion Majors
Old Testament Survey 2
New Testament Survey 2
Theology Survey I 2
Theology Survey II 2

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Program introduction.

Enhance your knowledge and professional skills by earning a General Education certificate online, at your own pace. This program equips you with a well-rounded education, exposing you to diverse subjects and ensuring you build a strong foundation in critical thinking and communication skills. Not only will you become a more successful learner and professional, but your certificate also serves as a vital steppingstone if you decide to pursue an associate or bachelor's degree.

  • Holistic Education : The General Education certificate offers a comprehensive learning experience that broadens your horizons and helps you become a well-rounded individual.
  • Critical Thinking and Communication : Develop essential critical thinking and communication skills that are valuable in any career.
  • Online Flexibility : Study online in your free time, tailoring your education to fit your schedule and other commitments.
  • Pathway to Further Education : This certificate is a key component if you advance your education with an associate or bachelor's degree.

  •   Grad Plan
  •   Tuition Costs
  •   Scholarships
  •   Career Match
  •   Request Info

What is My Tuition?

UVU Online provides incredible value wherever you are!

Out-of-state: Non-resident students living outside of Utah who are enrolled in a fully online certificate, associate, and bachelor program pay a flat rate of $270 per credit hour.** International students do not qualify for the $270 per credit hour flat rate .

In-state: A student residing in the state of Utah pays UVU's tuition and fees.*

Financial Aid & Scholarships You may qualify for federal grants and loans by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Additionally, more than 250 scholarship options are available!*

*Refer to UVU tuition tables for resident and non-resident tuition and fees.

**Flat rate for non-residents living outside Utah. Excludes Aviation and Emergency Services.

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Ready to learn more about getting your degree online? There is a place for you at UVU and I can help you find it!

We will reach out soon with more information about UVU's online General Education certificate .


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  • Undergraduate Certificates /
  • General Studies

Our affordable general education certificate

Earn college credits to put toward an advanced degree while gaining a well-rounded range of knowledge and practical skills you can put to use as you continue to pursue the career path of your choice. From English composition and basic biology to economics and American government, the wide range of topics covered will serve you well as you work toward your career goals.

So what sets us apart? When you enroll in our Undergraduate Certificate in General Studies, you will have the freedom to fit your studies into your life. With elective courses in science, humanities, and fine arts, you will have flexibility in both the subjects and the schedule you choose. You’ll also have the option to put credits earned toward an associate degree in General Studies or a more specialized degree from Ashworth College.

Online General Studies Certificate Curriculum

The General Studies Undergraduate Certificate curriculum provides a well-rounded foundation for furthering your education or fulfilling general education requirements. Your online classes include:

  • English Composition
  • College Algebra
  • Science Elective
  • Social Science Elective

Learn more about curriculum, tuition, and enrollment requirements

Learn about:

  • Our affordable tuition payment plan options.
  • How online education works.
  • How a degree in API Program Name can help you reach your goals.


What you get

  • Textbook and/or comprehensive online resources
  • Credits to apply toward an Ashworth College degree
  • Academic support by email, phone, or online, and personalized career guidance

salary boost

Job opportunities

Where you take your career after a general education certificate is entirely up to you and your interests. From retail management and sales to project management or customer service, you will have the practical skills and knowledge you need to succeed. And going to college pays off financially. According to a Pew Research Survey, annual income increases by an average of $2,000 with some college education*.


With a range of electives in different subjects, you will graduate with the diverse skill set you need to take the next step.


Start with a broad knowledge of different subjects and determine the direction you want to take your career.


Work full-time? Got a busy family life? Study from anywhere on a schedule that works for you.

Frequently asked questions

You may be taking your first steps into higher education. Or you may be considering online study for the first time. Whatever your situation, we’re here to guide you through the process and answer any questions you have.

Taking an online general education college course makes sense for busy people who are ready for college-level study but don’t want to enroll in a full degree program. Keep your current job as you earn your general studies certificate from home, and graduate with the equivalent of one semester of college coursework. You’ll have a solid foundation of knowledge and a general studies certificate that will be an impressive asset in the career marketplace.

Yes! Every student at Ashworth College gains access to the Ashworth College Central Network , an online toolkit that helps you work through resume templates, cover letters, thank you letters, and more. Use the career tools as much as you like to prepare professional documents for your job search. Once you’ve graduated, you can come back to the Ashworth College Central Network at any time.

We allow you up to one year from the date of your enrollment to complete the online general education college course program. A self-paced, flexible study schedule is one of the many benefits of pursuing your education at Ashworth College.

Related programs

Enrolling in a general education certificate is a smart first step in higher education and a successful career. If you want a more specialized program, we have those too, such as:

  • {{title}} , {{degree_title}}

Related programs from our partner school, Penn Foster

Through our partner schools Penn Foster Career School and Penn Foster College, students can take advantage of a range of related programs that offer the flexibility and affordability of Ashworth College. Discover how you can balance work, life, and school to develop the skills to help you advance in your current career or help you take the next steps toward building a new one.

State requirements

A career in this field may require you to meet certain licensing, training, and other requirements that can vary by vocation and state. You should check with your state, local government, and/or licensing board to find out which requirements may be applicable in your state. Click here for contact information on state licensing/regulatory boards and certain professional licensing information.

*Pew Research Center, The Rising Cost of Not Going to College (May 9, 2016).

Ready to get started?

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Online at SIUE

Online courses, online general education courses.

SIUE offers fully online general education courses taught by the same faculty who teach in our on-ground programs with the same academic standards.

Who should consider online general education courses?

  • Students planning to enroll in an online degree program at SIUE and have not completed general education requirements.
  • Students planning to enroll in an on-campus program who prefer to complete general education courses online.
  • Any current or visiting student who could benefit personally or professionally from taking online courses at SIUE 

You can begin online courses regardless of the number of previous college credits earned if you meet University admission requirements.

Things to Know About General Education

Foundations : All students are required to take five foundations courses which develop competencies in written and oral communication, logic, and quantitative literacy that form the basis of information literacy and scientific literacy.

  • English 101 English Composition I
  • English 102 English Composition II
  • ACS 101 Public Speaking
  • QR 101 Quantitative Reasoning
  • RA 101 Reasoning and Argumentation

Breadth Areas : All students are required to take six courses which provide the opportunity to explore the breadth of human knowledge by introducing students to the principles, substance and methodology of multiple disciplines (some courses may overlap with major requirements).

  • Fine and Performing Arts
  • Information and Communication in Societies
  • Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Social Sciences

Experiences : All students are required to complete coursework (or an alternative approved activity) satisfying five types of experiences.

  • Global Cultures
  • U.S. Cultures 
  • Laboratory (BS degree requires two laboratory experience courses)
  • Interdisciplinary Studies

Learn more about SIUE general education requirements .

Available Online Courses

The following courses are available in an eight-week, online format to satisfy the general education requirements.


Breadth Areas and Experiences

  • PHIL 233 Philosophies and Diverse Cultures
  • MUS 111 Introduction to Music History/Literature
  • GEOG 202 Natural Resource Management and Sustainability
  • ACS 103 Interpersonal Communication Skills
  • Anthropology 111B Culture and Communication
  • GEOG 211 Meteorology
  • IS 336 Global Problems and Human Survival

Additional general education courses are available online in 16-week formats, as well as during summer and winter sessions.


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Online Bachelor's Degree: General Studies

General studies, degree at a glance.

  • 120 credits
  • Transfer up to 90 credits
  • All courses available online


  • $324 per credit (in-state)
  • $499 per credit (out-of-state)
  • $250 per credit (military)
  • Other fees may apply

Next Session Starts

Personalize your learning experience with an online bachelor’s degree in general studies from University of Maryland Global Campus. Study a broad range of topics and increase your general knowledge base as you take charge of your education. Our generous transfer credit policy allows you to save time and money and get credit for the skills you already have. Plus, you’ll be able to earn your degree at your own pace, thanks to our convenient online courses. Why wait? Take the first step and apply today!

Personalize Your Curriculum & Take Charge of Your Education

UMGC’s online general studies program is designed for students looking to personalize their educational experience. A general studies degree may help you develop a broad knowledge base while also allowing you the freedom to study the subject areas that most interest you, whether that be science, business, the arts, or anything in between. Follow your own academic passions and curiosities—wherever they may lead! Through a combination of general education courses and multi-disciplinary major requirements, you’ll have the flexibility needed to take charge of your education and earn a well-rounded credential as unique as you are.

Here are some of the benefits of this online degree program:

  • We offer courses annually in the spring, summer, and fall terms.
  • This degree plan places an emphasis on prior learning , allowing you to earn a general studies degree online faster by receiving credit for the skills you’ve already mastered.
  • Take courses in a variety of disciplines, including business administration, criminal justice, social science, and more.
  • We offer competitive tuition rates for Maryland residents, as well as discounts for military servicemembers and their spouses and dependents. 

See Courses & Program Info

View a complete list of program courses, credit options, and more.

View General Studies Program Courses

The general studies degree requires a total of 120 credits .

  • 30 Required Major Credits : Review the required major courses outlined below.
  • 41 General Education Credits : Review the options available to fulfill the 41 credits of general education coursework requirements for bachelor's degrees.
  • 49 Minor & Elective Credits : Review a list of available academic minors or see the course catalog or Schedule of Classes to help you select elective courses.

Required Major Courses

  • 6 credits from one discipline area (e.g. HRMN)
  • 6 credits from a second discipline area (e.g. PSYC)
  • 15 credits chosen from other disciplines
  • General Studies Capstone (3 Credits, CAPL 495)

No more than 21 credits of coursework in a single discipline area may be applied to the major.

Get a Head Start on a Master’s Degree

Accelerated pathway.

Through an  accelerated pathway , students who complete this program may be eligible to reduce their total coursework for a Master of Arts in Teaching  by  up to 12 credits .

Search Course Catalog

These requirements are for students who enroll in the 2024–2025 academic year . For prior year requirements, visit our catalog archive.

Bachelor’s Degree Requirements

In addition to the specific course requirements outlined on each bachelor’s degree webpage, UMGC maintains certain requirements for all bachelor’s degrees.

Develop Key Career Skills

Today's employers are looking for professionals who have a broad knowledge base and the adaptability needed to fill many roles in an organization. This online program is designed to give you the broad skillsets you need to thrive in a modern work environment. Graduates of this online general studies program may be able to develop crucial and career-relevant skills in complex problem-solving, adaptability, critical thinking, and innovation. Our program directors refresh and update the curriculum regularly, with a focus on helping students achieve the following:

Unlock Your Career Potential

This program may help prepare you to pursue entry-level or mid-level careers that require a bachelor’s degree. Positions may be available in a variety of different industries, including those in the public sector, the private sector, and the non-profit sector. Graduates of the general studies program often find careers in management, office and administrative support, business and financial operations, and education. 

A person looking at a tablet screen and taking notes.

Practice Real-World Skills in Your Courses 

Throughout your curriculum, your instructors will assign coursework that will help you prioritize real-world skills and in-demand experience. In past courses, students have been able to complete the following course projects: 

  • Analyze insights about personal and professional goals.   
  • Synthesize concepts and theories in your field or industry of focus.  
  • Design and conduct research in your field or industry of focus. 
  • Develop and present a professional portfolio that showcases your mastery of your learning goals. 

You might be interested in similar programs

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Get answers to questions that current and prospective students are asking about program admission, credibility, and more.

What is an online bachelor’s degree in general studies?

Students can take the general studies degree program online to help prepare for a wide area of interests and further education. The 120-credit program has a flexible curriculum that students can adapt to meet their career goals and maximize previously earned credits. The general studies degree can help students prepare to work in various corporate and private sector jobs and to prepare for graduate-level work.

How long does it take to get an online bachelor's degree in general studies?

UMGC's general studies degree is a 120-credit program. The time it will take you to complete your degree will depend on several factors, including your goals, how many transfer credits you have, your course load each semester, and whether you are able to benefit from one or more of our fast paths to credit , including credit for prior learning and credit for military education and training .

How much does an online bachelor's degree in general studies cost?

Tuition rates for this undergraduate program are very competitive and appear at the top of this page. We offer a low in-state rate for Maryland residents and a reduced tuition rate for military service members and their spouses and dependent children. We also offer scholarships for those who qualify , an interest-free monthly payment plan , and no-cost digital materials in place of most textbooks to help make online bachelor's degrees even more affordable.

What background do I need to get an online bachelor’s degree in general studies?

You do not need any background or experience to enroll in our online bachelor’s degree in general studies. As long as you meet our undergraduate admission requirements , you can enroll in this program.

Are any certifications needed with the online bachelor’s degree in general studies?

You do not need any prior certifications to enroll in or complete this program.

Our helpful admissions advisors can help you choose an academic program to fit your career goals, estimate your transfer credits, and develop a plan for your education costs that fits your budget. If you’re a current UMGC student, please visit the Help Center .

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University of California Counselors

General education & IGETC

General education (G.E.) requirements are designed to give UC undergraduates a broad background in all major academic disciplines — natural sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, humanities and fine arts.

G.E. requirements vary by campus

The G.E. requirement — sometimes called the breadth requirement — lists the specific courses students must take or number of credit hours they must earn in each discipline.

Each school and college at every UC campus has its own general education requirement. With careful planning, students can meet many of the lower-division requirements before they transfer. Students at a California community college also have the option of completing the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) to satisfy the lower-division general education requirements at any UC campus.

What is IGETC?

IGETC is a series of courses that prospective transfer students attending California community colleges may complete to satisfy the lower-division breadth/general education requirements at both the University of California and the California State University.

Students may be IGETC certified if they complete coursework at one or more California community colleges without regard to current enrollment status or number of units accrued at a California community college. Students who enrolled at a UC campus, then enrolled at a California community college and transfer to a different UC campus may use IGETC (students returning to the same UC campus cannot complete IGETC).

Completion options

Students have the option of completing IGETC at their California community college or the specific lower-division breadth/general education requirements of the UC school or college at the campus they plan to attend. 

The UC agreement

UC has an agreement with each California community college that specifies which of its courses may be applied to each category of IGETC. Courses taken at more than one California community college may be used to fulfill IGETC and all courses must be completed with a grade of C or better (or the equivalent).

Which type of student should follow IGETC

IGETC is most helpful to students who want to keep their options open — specifically, those who know they want to transfer but haven't yet decided upon a particular institution, campus or major.

Which type of student should not follow IGETC

Certain students, however, will not be well served by following IGETC. Students who intend to transfer into majors that require extensive lower-division preparation, such as engineering or the physical and natural sciences, should concentrate on completing the prerequisites for the major required by the individual UC campus. However, they can choose to follow the IGETC for STEM pattern of course work in addition to major preparation. IGETC for STEM is a pattern of courses currently only available to students earning an associate degree for transfer (ADT) at a California community college in a major that explicitly offers IGETC for STEM as an option, and only if the UC program allows partial IGETC certification (see below for more information about partial certification).

Not a requirement, but a consideration

IGETC is not an admission requirement. Completing it does not guarantee admission to the campus or program of choice. However, completing the lower-division breadth/general education requirements — whether through IGETC or the campus-specific requirements — may be considered by the campus in selecting among qualified applicants.

Partial certification

Students who do not complete IGETC before transferring will be required to satisfy the lower-division general education/breadth requirements of the UC college or school they attend. However, California community colleges may grant partial certification of IGETC to students who are missing no more than two requirements. Students should verify that their UC school/college/major program will accept partial certification. After transfer, students submitting partial IGETC certification should complete the missing requirements at either UC or a California community college as designated by their department. Students who have been granted partial IGETC certification should not return to the community college for a full certification.

GPA requirement

IGETC courses must be completed with a grade of C or better. A grade of credit or pass may be used if the community college's policy states that it is equivalent to a grade of C or better.

Use of AP and IB exams

IGETC course credit may be earned for scores of 3, 4 or 5 on Advanced Placement (AP) exams or scores of 5, 6 or 7 on International Baccalaureate Higher Level (IB HL) exams that the community college faculty recognizes as equivalent to its IGETC-approved courses. An acceptable score on an English AP or IB exam may be used to meet the English Composition requirement, but not the Critical Thinking/English Composition requirement. A single exam cannot satisfy multiple requirements, with the exception of language exams which may satisfy a Humanities requirement and the Language other than English proficiency requirement. For more information, refer to the IGETC Standards, Policies, and Procedures Manual .

IGETC course agreements

A community college course can satisfy only one IGETC subject area even if it is listed on the IGETC Course Agreement in more than one area. However, a single course may be counted toward IGETC and a major requirement.

Coursework completed outside the California community colleges may be acceptable to clear some IGETC requirements (with the exception of IGETC area 1B: Critical Thinking) as long as the community college faculty recognizes the course in question as equivalent to one or more of its IGETC-approved courses.


Certification of IGETC completion is the responsibility of the last community college a student attends prior to transfer, regardless of how many courses or units the student has completed at that community college.

Additional IGETC considerations

Students with a substantial amount of coursework from institutions outside the United States should consult with a community college counselor to determine whether they should complete IGETC or the lower-division breadth/general education requirements at the campus they plan to attend. International coursework cannot be used to satisfy any area of IGETC except the Language other than English proficiency requirement (Area 6/6A).

In addition, some colleges or majors prefer that transfer students follow a more prescribed lower-division curriculum. Refer to the Quick Reference Guide to UC Admissions [PDF] for campus/program-specific recommendations.

Proficiency in a language other than English (IGETC Area 6/6A)

Students may demonstrate proficiency for the purpose of fulfilling the Language Other Than English IGETC requirement in one of the following ways:

  • Complete two years of high school coursework in one language other than English with a grade of C or better.
  • Complete a course or courses at a college or university with a grade of C or better in each course. Any course (excluding conversation courses) considered by the college or university to be equivalent to two years of high school language may be used. Many college catalogs list the prerequisite for the second course in a language as: Language 1 at this college, or two years of high school language. In this case Language 1 clears both years of the requirement.
  • Chinese With Listening: not offered before 1995/520
  • French/French With Listening: 500/540
  • German/German With Listening: 500/510
  • Hebrew (Modern): 500/470
  • Italian: 500/520
  • Japanese With Listening: 500/510
  • Korean/Korean With Listening: not offered before 1995/500
  • Latin: 500/530
  • Spanish/Spanish With Listening: 500/520
  • Achieve a score of 3, 4 or 5 on a College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examination in a language other than English.
  • Achieve a score of 5 or higher on an International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level Examination in a language other than English.
  • Satisfactorily complete a proficiency test administered by a community college, university or other college in a language other than English. The test must assess the student proficiency at a level equivalent to at least two years of high school language.
  • Complete, with grades of C or better, two years of formal schooling at the sixth-grade level or higher in an institution where the language of instruction is not English. If secondary school was completed in a non-English-speaking country and the language of instruction of the secondary school was not English, language other than English proficiency can be certified for IGETC without further evaluation. The student must present appropriate documentation of attendance at the secondary school.
  • Earn a passing grade on the international A level or O level exam in a language other than English.

If an appropriate achievement test is not available to assert a student's proficiency in a language other than English, a faculty member associated with a California community college can verify competency. The college must provide a document on letterhead asserting that the student's proficiency in the language is equivalent to at least two years of high school study.

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General Education Courses

Start dates.

Earning accelerated general education college credits can help you meet program prerequisites, gain valuable skills and expedite your path to graduation. At SNU, our general education courses last five weeks and take place one night a week or completely online. This allows you to earn college credit while maintaining a full-time job and staying committed to the other obligations or goals in your life.

Choose from a broad selection of courses ranging from psychology to arts and history. The credit you earn can be easily applied to one of SNU’s bachelor’s degree programs designed for busy adults !

Apply today to start your journey toward earning a college degree, one class at a time. Our simple application takes less than 5 minutes to complete!

What Makes This Program Unique? Earning college credit while working full time or raising a family has never been more possible. Here’s why adult students are thriving and reaching their goals at SNU:

  • Classes take place one night a week in person or entirely online.
  • Students focus on one class at a time to ensure true mastery.
  • Bachelor’s students can earn up to 30 hours of college credit for what they already know.
  • Earn up to 9 hours of college credit from field-specific credentials, certifications, or other professional development
  • Students study alongside other adults in similar stages of life.
  • Instructors with vast amounts of industry experience guide students through courses.
  • Textbooks can be delivered directly to their home address at the beginning of each class.
  • A dedicated student success advisor guides students through the duration of their studies.

Student Testimonials “The one thing that stands out to me about my experience with general education classes at SNU is the professors. The passion they have for what they teach is engaging!  Many took time to answer my calls, emails, and even meet outside of class to discuss my future. That kind of commitment is above and beyond any experience I have had at other universities.” – Heather Briggs, SNU student

Locations Bethany, Tulsa and Online

There are a variety of general education courses available to take in person or online at SNU.* These three-credit hour courses last five weeks and are ideal for adult students looking to meet prerequisites for programs, wanting to quickly build up college credit, or eventually transition into a degree completion program.

General Psychology

Ed Foundations

Classroom Management

Educational Psychology

Introduction to Criminal Justice

Business and Ethics Principles

Punishment in the US


Skills and Success

Introduction to Speech

Composition II

Digital Photography

American Cinema

History of American Popular Music

Health and Wellness

Survey of Anatomy and Physiology

Data Analysis/Methods

Science, Technology, and Society

Abnormal Psychology

Intro to World Religions

Modern World

Diversity in the Workplace

Christian Faith and Life

Old Testament Literature and Life

New Testament Literature and Life

Biblical Perspectives in Western Culture

*Courses may be only available in certain modalities at certain times. Speak with an enrollment counselor today to create a plan that works for you!

Enrolling at SNU is a simple process. With rolling start dates, there’s no need to wait months at a time to begin your educational journey. Plus, our generous transfer policy, enhanced advanced standing, and  prior learning assessment  can shorten your path to graduation. Once you are ready, take the following steps:

Step 1 . Apply online at

Step 2. Complete your FAFSA at using school code 003149

Step 3. Send official transcripts from any colleges you have attended to SNU at [email protected] or ATTN: SNU PGS Admissions, Southern Nazarene University, 6729 NW 39th Expressway, Bethany, OK 73008.

You will be contacted regarding any supporting materials we may need. Upon acceptance, your student success advisor will help you enroll and prepare for success as an adult student at SNU.

Don’t wait to make your dreams happen. Begin working toward your degree as soon as possible with start dates occurring throughout the year! Once accepted, you will be able to set your start for the soonest start date, as space allows, or plan for future enrollment.

Start dates for General Education courses are scheduled throughout the year.  To find out when the next course begins please call (405) 491-6332 or email [email protected] .

We strive to deliver valuable courses to you at an affordable price, with help from financial aid options such as grants, tuition assistance, loans, and more. All tuition and fees are listed below so you can feel confident in your decision to enroll at SNU without unexpected expenses. To learn about the resources available to you, visit our financial aid page and connect with a representative to discuss your unique needs.

Tuition: $325 per Credit Hour*

Textbooks: Students are automatically opted into a program that will deliver books to their home address before each course.

*Effective July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024

Going back to school to earn college credit as an adult student is a huge investment in your future. Be sure you have all the tools you need to ensure you’re making the right decision and that you will be successful on your educational journey.

Choosing the Right Program We want to give you all the information you need to make the decision that will lead you to your goals. Learn how an undergraduate Business Administration degree from the right university can position you for success in an ever changing economy.

Why You Should Finish Your Bachelor’s Degree How to Choose Your Major How Going Back to School Prepares You to Be a Leader How Adult Students Are Positioned for Success 5 Questions Adults Should Ask Before Going Back to School How a Bachelor’s Degree Boosts Earning Potential What is an Accredited College and How Does it Affect Your Education?

Selecting the Right Format Choosing the right learning format is an important aspect of setting yourself up for success as an adult student. These resources can help you choose between online and in-person options, understand the value of accelerated courses, and more.

7 Reasons to Take Gen Eds Online Online vs. In-Person Education Why Every Adult Should Consider an Online Degree Program How Online Degree Programs Work Why Accelerated Courses Work for Adults Public vs. Private Universities Benefits of Adult College Programs

Getting Started and Enrolling Going back to school doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Understand what you need to know when entering the world of academia, like how to finance your degree, how to gather transcripts, and how to apply for college.

Are You Ready for College? Your Most Pressing Financial Aid Questions Answered Everything You Need to Know about College Transcripts How to Use Prior Learning to Graduate with Your Bachelor’s Sooner

Succeeding as an Adult Student Many adults have thrived at SNU at all of our locations, including online. See some of these resources to learn how they have done it and prepare yourself to do the same!

How to Get Energy for Class Use These Resources to Succeed as an Adult Student Five FREE Time Management Tools for Adult Students How to Excel as a Student with a Full-Time Job How Adult Students Can Achieve Work-Life Balance 10 Must-Use Apps for Adult College Students

Succeeding as a Military Student You’ve served your country, and that gives you a unique view of the world, approach to education and benefits you receive as an adult student. Our VETS Center is fully-staffed and here to assist active military and veteran students, as well as their dependents, as they return to school, and we also share veteran-specific information on our blog. See some of the resources below or contact our VETS Center directly if you would like further support.

SNU VETS Center VA Headaches? Here’s What the Best Universities for Veterans Offer Top 4 Financial Aid Options for Veterans You Don’t Have to Pay Back What Are Your Options for VA Education Benefits? What Veterans Need to Know Before Going Back to School How SNU Serves Veterans

Looking for more ways to make the most of your educational investment? Get free ebooks on topics important to adult students, information-rich infographics, and regular tips on succeeding as an adult student on our blog . 

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General Education

Etsu's general education program offers a liberal education that includes 41 - 42 semester hours of courses from across the university that address the general education goals of critical and creative thinking, effective communication, lifelong learning, conflict resolution, problem solving, and understanding and appreciating cultural diversity..

Associates Degree - Students who have completed an associate degree designed for transfer at a regionally accredited college or university have satisfied ETSU's general education requirements.

Second Bachelor's Degree - ETSU's general education requirements do not apply to students who have completed a baccalaureate degree at ETSU or another regionally accredited college or university and are pursuing a second bachelor's degree. 

Transfer -  Transferring from TBR InstitutionsGeneral education requirements in the TBR system comprise blocks, such as Communication and Natural Sciences.  Students who complete general education blocks at other TBR institutions before they transfer to ETSU have also met those blocks at ETSU, even if the courses they took to satisfy the blocks are not equivalent to courses in ETSU’s general education core.  Students who partially complete a block at another TBR institution have also partially completed it at ETSU.

Transferring  from Non-TBR Institutions

Student transferring from non-TBR institutions must meet all general education requirements at ETSU, regardless of how courses taken at other institutions may have met general education requirements at the previous non-TBR institutions.  Advanced Placement Credit, Course Substitutions and Waivers of Requirements Granted by Other Institutions

ETSU does not recognize completion of general education blocks when previous institutions, within or outside the TBR system, (a) award advanced placement credit, (b) permit general education course substitutions or (c) waive general education requirements.  Any advanced placement credit, substitutions or waivers related to general education must meet standards approved by ETSU.

Other Guidelines Regarding General Education and Transfer

Some institutions or particular academic departments within institutions require a minimum grade of “C” in certain general education courses.  These minimum grade requirements will also apply to the transfer of general education courses.  Even if transfer credit hours are granted for a course, any requirement for a minimum grade of “C” by the receiving institution will be enforced.  Certain majors require students to take particular courses to fulfill general education requirements.  Students and their academic advisors should note any major-specific stipulations regarding fulfillment of general education requirements.

General Education History Requirement: Rules for Transfer Students

Transfer students may meet the general education History requirement as follows:

Transfer students from University of Tennessee (UT) System institutions who met the general education History requirement while attending those schools will also have met ETSU’s History requirement, as will transfer students who met UT History requirements while attending TBR community colleges. Transfer students who earned credit for two of the following courses at any TBR institution will also have met ETSU’s History requirement: HIST 1110, World History & Civilization to 1500; HIST 1120, World History & Civilization Since 1500; HIST 2010, U.S. to 1877; HIST 2020, U.S. Since 1877; HIST 2030, Tennessee History.

Transfer students from institutions  outside the TBR and UT systems who completed courses equivalent to those listed above may apply those courses to ETSU’s History requirement. Students who completed only one of the courses listed above prior to transferring to ETSU can complete the History requirement by taking HIST 2010, HIST 2020 or HIST 2030.

All students must present evidence of completing one year of American History in high school.  Students lacking such documentation must satisfy a high school deficiency by completing HIST 2010, HIST 2020, or HIST 2030.  Completing one of these courses to remove the deficiency will also count toward completion of the general education History requirement.

Transfer students who use HIST 1110 or HIST 1120 to meet the general education History requirement cannot also use it to meet the general education humanities requirement. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Please visit the Academic Policies page to find out more about what procedures to follow to earn a second bachelor's degree at the University of Arizona.

Yes. In order for University of Arizona to determine whether you meet admission requirements, we must evaluate your entire academic history, and therefore require official transcripts from each institution attended. Applicants and continuing students should mail official college transcripts from each of the institutions they have attended to: Registration & Transcripts The University of Arizona PO Box 210066 Tucson, AZ 85721-0066 In order for a transcript to be considered official, it must be received in a sealed envelope or through an authorized electronic document transmittal system such as Parchment , directly from the institution. The University of Arizona does not accept unofficial or faxed transcripts, or those emailed from the student or an unauthorized source. For more information about ordering transcripts online, please visit the Office of the Registrar page.

Learn more about AP scores . Learn more about IB scores .

These examinations are a means of satisfying certain course requirements, or for earning extra course credits, without having to enroll formally in the courses. Specific CLEP tests are based on the knowledge acquired through self-education and experience. The University of Arizona accepts CLEP for college credit, providing satisfactory scores are attained; not all CLEP exams are awarded credit at the UA. Please refer to the following link for the required scores for General Education application or Course Credit awarded. Read more about CLEP .

Students who are interested in financial aid must submit the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). By completing your FAFSA, you are applying for grants and loans.

Yes. Please contact University of Arizona Online for more information on the appeal process at 520-621-0898.

Please contact the University of Arizona Online by calling 520-621-0898 or emailing [email protected] .

* Yes, if it's been more than one year since your last active application (our application expires after one year). * No, if it has been less than one year since you were enrolled in classes or your last active application.

* If you are currently enrolled at the main campus you do not need to reapply to the University of Arizona Online. Connect with an online academic advisor to discuss your situation.

* If you never attended the term you were admitted to and now want to change your campus a term or two later, you should fill out a new application.

Once we have the completed application file, including all required materials, it usually takes 1-2 weeks for application processing, review, and for your notification to be mailed. A complete application file includes: Application for admission Application processing fee ($65) or eligible fee waiver Official high school or college transcripts

Yes, the University of Arizona Online students can request a change of admission start term. For more information on the change of admission start term policy, process and deadlines visit Deferment Options and select the appropriate campus for more information.

The full admissions process can vary but once you have been admitted you must complete the items in your Next Steps Center portals. Then schedule an academic advising appointment before enrolling in classes.

There are no in-state residency requirements to enroll in the University of Arizona Online. However, some programs require clinical residencies, but these can be either face-to-face or conducted by remote telehealth.

If you are applying as an undergrad, sign into your Future Wildcat account and log in with the email and password that you used when you created your application. For graduate students, log in to your GradApp account with your NetID or GradApp account information.

Visit the Academic Advisory Directory to find your Academic Advisor contact information.

The coursework competency requirements for undergraduate and graduate Arizona Online programs vary. Visit the University of Arizona Online How to Apply page and dive into your program to determine your admissions requirements.

This varies by degree program and time of year. Please reach out to the program you are interested in to get more information regarding a GMAT™ waiver.

Learn more about all our degrees . You can also reach out to an enrollment counselor by calling 520-621-0898 for further guidance.

* Apply one full semester before enrolling to ensure sufficient time for processing transcripts & advising.

* If you plan to enroll in a summer or fall semester, you are encouraged to apply in January of that year. If you plan to enroll in the spring, apply in September of the previous year.

* You are encouraged to determine your number of transferable credits prior to submitting your completed application.

The University of Arizona Online follows a semester-based schedule and enrolls students year-round. Each session has a different application deadline. To discuss the best start term/session for you, please connect with an enrollment counselor at 520.621.0898. Learn more about Arizona Online dates and deadlines .

Undergraduate tuition ranges from $500 to $610 per credit. Graduate tuition ranges from $650 to $1332 per credit. There is no out-of-state tuition and you can pay per credit.

Test scores are not required for admission to the University of Arizona Online. However, test scores may be sent in to help fulfill Arizona Board of Regents Course Competencies.

If you are an international student, please visit .

Students that apply through the fully online campus cannot take both online and in-person courses. However, this can be done by applying through the main campus, with the disclaimer that you may not be able to find all the classes you need with the online modality if you apply through the Main Campus. Additionally, not all degree programs offered through the University of Arizona Online are also offered through the Main Campus and vice versa.

For the most part, our programs are 100% online, and we work very hard to make them interactive and engaging. The class format will depend on the professor; however, most classes will have discussion boards so students can participate and interact with their classmates. You will have the opportunity to reply to said discussions either by text, voice recording, and even video response. Some classes require group projects, and you will coordinate. Most classes have asynchronous meeting times, meaning that you do not have to be logged in at a specific time. However, some programs have a synchronous component, and you will have the required log-in time.

On average, one class requires 10 to 20 hours of study time per week. You are encouraged to take as many courses as you feel comfortable and fit your schedule.

Yes. As a University of Arizona student, you can participate in on-campus tours and see what campus life is all about.

Currently, the University of Arizona Online offers a variety of programs from Business Administration to Nutritional Science. Explore all our programs .

Yes. In addition to weekly office hours, students can often reach out to their professors when they have any questions regarding an assignment.

Learn more about Native American Student Affairs . You can also call (520) 621-3835 if you have any questions, including questions about how to use tribal benefits for tuition. Learn more about Native American Funding .

Scholarship Universe

Bridge Scholarship (apply through an Arizona community college) All AZ Academic Team Award (Check out Scholarships & Financial Aid ).

*For more information about transferring your existing FASFA aid from a community college, please connect with OSFA or our enrollment team at 520.621.0898.

If you work for an Arizona Online Corporate Partner , you may qualify for tuition reimbursement. Contact your benefits department for more information.

Arizona Online has a cost estimator to provide potential students with an estimate of what their tuition cost might look like. The tuition calculator will estimate the potential costs of your degree. You may also get in touch with the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid by calling 520-621-1858 or by submitting a question through their contact page.

As a University of Arizona Online student, you can take advantage of our Disability Resources Center. Disability Resources leads the campus to create inclusive learning and working environments and facilitates access through innovative services, programs and partnerships.

You are considered a transfer student if you have completed at least 12 transferable college credits with a 2.0 GPA at the time of application and have graduated high school or have a GED. Applicants with fewer than 12 units are still eligible to apply; however, their admission decision will be based on First-Year application guidelines and comprehensive review.

There are no prerequisites required to be admitted to the University of Arizona unless you have fewer than 24 transferable credits. Students with less than 24 transferable credits are required to meet first-year entrance requirements, including aptitude and competency requirements. Please note that certain programs may have their own prerequisites.

The University of Arizona will accept credit from other schools if:

  • The community college/university you attended is regionally accredited.
  • Similar courses that are completed are found between your school and the University of Arizona.
  • A grade of "C" or better is earned for the course/s.

Course transferability is at the discretion of the registrar. For general course equivalency, please refer to our Transfer Credit Guide . For additional questions on transfer credit evaluations, please visit the office of Transfer Credit & Articulation . 

Contact the Registrar's Office at all of the colleges and universities you attended, and request that an official transcript be sent to the following address:

Registration & Transcripts The University of Arizona Administration Building, Room 211 PO Box 210067 Tucson, AZ 85721-0067

You can apply a maximum of 64 community college transfer units towards an Arizona Online degree. For more information on how classes will transfer from your other Arizona institutions, visit the Course Equivalency Guide website . You will enter the name of the community college, then the University of Arizona and see all the classes by subject. You can also connect with Arizona Online Enrollment Counselor by calling 520-621-0898.

Yes. However, you don't need to send your HS transcript/GED if you meet one of the following:

  • You are age 22 or older.
  • You have completed the Arizona General Education Curriculum, General Education and Training Certificate or California State University General Education.
  • You have completed an AA degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution.

High school transcripts or GED scores should be sent directly from your high school/testing agency to:

The University of Arizona Office of Admissions P.O. Box 210073 Tucson, AZ 85721-0073

Unfortunately, no. Official transcripts are required for the application evaluation. If you have difficulty retrieving your official transcripts, please connect with an Arizona Online Enrollment Counselor by calling 520-621-0898.

Most students transitioning from Pima decide to participate in one of their STU 210 courses. These courses prepare students to adjust to a university setting and prepare them for a transfer pathway. Get in touch with a Pima Online Virtual Advisor through [email protected]

The AGEC is a general education certificate that fulfills lower-division general education requirements for students planning to transfer to any Arizona public community college or university. The AGEC requires a minimum of 36 credit hours. All AGEC courses are required introductory courses for the completion of your degree. If you complete it with a 2.5 GPA or better, all AGEC courses will transfer towards your Arizona Online degree. You can check out AZ transfer and Pima Transfer Partnership for more information on how to complete your AGEC.

Yes. You can complete community college credit entirely online towards your University of Arizona Online degree.

We recommend you work with the college or school of your degree of interest to review your options. Working with the college and/or advisors for the degree program that you are interested in can help to fulfill the pieces you may be missing. Reach out to an enrollment counselor to create a transfer pathway.

Once you're admitted into the University of Arizona Online, you may choose to switch your campus between online, main or distance networks; however, programs vary by campus. Not all programs are offered on all campuses.

Yes. Click here to learn more about financial aid and scholarship opportunities for Arizona Online students. When completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) , you will need to include our school code, which is 001083. Learn more about our payment plan option.

The time it takes to complete a degree depends on the total number of units needed to complete your program and the number of classes taken each semester. The number of companies can vary based on transfer credits. The University of Arizona requires a minimum of 120 credits to earn a bachelor's degree, 30 of which must be completed at the University of Arizona.

Some military credit can be applied toward a University of Arizona degree, depending on your rank in service and the amount of time spent serving in the military. Other credit will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis to determine how compatible the credit might be with our curriculum. In order to have your military work evaluated, send the official copy of the military transcript to our Registration and Transcripts Office for review. To be considered official, transcripts should either be mailed in a sealed envelope directly from the college or university you attended or should be sent through an approved electronic transcript service provider. Note that transcripts sent via email or fax will not be considered official.

Mail Joint Service Transcript to:

Registration & Transcripts The University of Arizona Administration Building, Room 210 PO Box 210066 Tucson, AZ 85721-0066 Email: [email protected] Send Joint Service Transcripts via electronic service provider to: [email protected]

Yes. If you qualify and are approved, you can use your benefits. Our Tuition Assistance contacts are Regina Dowell and Chris Behrends. They can assist with questions relating to using TA. You can email them at [email protected] or call (520) 621-1327. For more information see the Tuition Assistance page on the Office of the Registrar website.

University of Arizona Global Campus

While both UAGC and Arizona Online provide 100% online educational experiences, they differ substantially in the content and delivery of their academic offerings.

UAGC is a separate educational institution from UArizona, with its own academic programs and faculty.  UAGC undergraduate programs offer frequent start dates throughout the year, with courses lasting 5 weeks each for undergraduate, 6 weeks for master’s, and 6-9 weeks for doctoral courses. A graduate of UAGC receives a UArizona degree with a UAGC designation.

By comparison, students enrolled in Arizona Online earn the same undergraduate and graduate degree as UArizona’s on-campus students.  They go through the same educational curriculum and programs offered by UArizona to its on-campus students, with instruction from the same professors. However, rather than following the traditional semester model applicable to on-campus students, Arizona Online students can enroll in courses at their own pace as they pursue a degree, since Arizona Online offers up to six start dates per year, with courses lasting 7.5 weeks each.  Degrees awarded to Arizona Online students are the same as those awarded to UArizona on-campus students.

UAGC operates as a business unit within UArizona.  UAGC maintains and reports under a distinct identification number issued by the U.S. Department of Education.  The DOE considers UAGC and UArizona to be two separate institutions for purposes of participation in federal student aid programs.

UAGC is led by an administrative team that reports up to the President of UArizona.  However, UAGC is entirely online without a physical campus, and UAGC academic programs, faculty, and student body are all separate from those of UArizona.  A graduate of UAGC receives a UArizona degree with a UAGC designation.

Visit  About the University of Arizona Global Campus  for more information.

UAGC and UArizona are separately accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) . V isit  UAGC accreditation   for more information.

Yes, the application and admission processes and criteria for UAGC are different from those of UArizona and Arizona Online.

  • The admissions requirements for UAGC are intended to promote broad access to UAGC educational programs.  Applicants for UAGC associate degree and bachelor’s degree programs generally must  have a high school diploma or equivalent, access to a computer and online connection, and a demonstrated ability to study in English.
  • Applicants for UAGC master’s programs generally must also have obtained a bachelor’s degree or graduate level degree from approved accredited institution with a GPA of 2.0 or above.  Applicants for UAGC doctoral degree programs generally must have obtained a master’s degree from an approved accredited institution with a GPA of 3.0 or above, or a doctoral degree from an approved accredited institution. For more information, visit
  • The admissions requirements for UArizona include a high school diploma or equivalent and satisfaction of certain core competency requirements established by the Arizona Board of Regents (based on high school coursework requirements, standardized test scores, or college courses needed).  Certain undergraduate programs include additional admission requirements.  Admission to UArizona as a first-year student is assured for high school graduates in the top 25% of their class or who have an unweighted 3.0 GPA or better and have completed the Arizona Board of Regents core competency requirements.  Those who don’t meet these criteria can apply to participate in a review process.  Transfer students and applicants seeking admission to UArizona’s graduate programs are subject to various other admissions criteria.  For more information, see .
  • Applicants to Arizona Online must complete an application and, if under 22 years of age, must provide a high school transcript.  Applicants over 22 who have not completed 12 transferrable credits also will need a high school transcript.  Additional admissions criteria may apply for certain programs.  Further information about the admissions process to Arizona Online is available at

With over 24,000 students, many of whom are working adults with an average age of 35, UAGC has a diverse and inclusive community. Nearly two-thirds of its students are from traditionally underrepresented groups, and more than 7,000 students are military-affiliated including veterans and active duty military .

Arizona Online enrolls approximately 9,000 working adults with an average age of 31, and about half being from traditionally underrepresented groups.

Both UAGC and Arizona Online have strong enrollment from military-affiliated students and first-generation college students.

Tuition differs for UAGC, University of Arizona and Arizona Online students.

For information about UAGC tuition and financial aid programs, visit .

For information about the costs of attending UArizona, visit .

For information about tuition and fees at Arizona Online, visit . 

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Your time is valuable. Take the next step in your education with UMSL Online

Tackle coursework from anywhere and as your schedule permits. Our flexible online course and degree offerings are designed to help you balance work, family and school responsibilities.

Taught and supported by UMSL faculty and staff, our online programs are ranked in the top 15% in the nation by U.S. News and World Report . Whether you're wanting to take just a few courses, or complete your entire degree program online, UMSL will meet you when and where you want. 

Why study online at UMSL? 

You can earn a top-ranked degree on your terms. Our online programs deliver the same academic excellence and instruction you'd expect on campus, all within a supportive and inclusive virtual environment. We cater to busy adults, veterans, career changers and traditional students alike, offering the flexibility you need to achieve your goals. Interact and learn with a vibrant online community of students, faculty, and career advisors who will support you throughout your journey. Choose from a wide range of fully accredited undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs to take the next step in your academic journey, wherever you are in life.

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I never felt once that taking an online course was a detriment to my curriculum. It was perfect for me. Even though it was online, I felt very supported with UMSL. My professors always gave multiple contact methods so that we could reach them

Hillary Michelle

Michelle Hillery BA in Organizational Leadership, 2023

The program really appealed to me because of the flexibility it gave me to work on my work-life balance. That was where UMSL really stood out. They use a tremendous amount of technology that allows you to collaborate with fellow cohorts and work at your own pace.


Mark Nazetta MBA, 2022

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Prospective students are responsible for reviewing the UMSL state authorizations page to see if the program of interest is offered in their state throughout their program and to review the licensure or certification requirements for the state in which they reside.

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Student Financial Services

teacher with a professional student

Advanced Workforce Center

The UMSL Advanced Workforce Center focuses on bridging the gap between education and workforce needs by providing specialized training and development programs both in-person and online. Initiatives include collaborating with industry partners to identify skill gaps, offering customized training solutions and supporting economic growth through workforce development strategies.

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Election latest: Farage urged to 'get a grip' of Reform UK amid racism row

John Healey, the shadow defence secretary, has urged Nigel Farage to "get a grip" of Reform UK after a racism row involving the prime minister. It comes as a Reform UK canvasser who used a racial slur against Rishi Sunak called himself a "total fool" and said he has learned his lesson.

Saturday 29 June 2024 11:40, UK

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Sir Keir Starmer today refused to say whether David Lammy would be his foreign secretary under a Labour government.

Speaking to reporters, the Labour leader said he will "work hard until 10 o'clock on Thursday" to get votes, adding: "I'm not going to announce anybody who may be in a cabinet after Thursday if we win."

Asked if he was concerned about the prospect of a super-majority, Sir Keir said that "the numbers are really tight, it'll go down to a few hundred in many constituencies".

He added: "We have to win every vote, earn the trust across the country."

More from Sir Keir Starmer, who has hit out at "desperate" and "ridiculous" Conservative attempts to portray Labour as a risk to national security.

Speaking on a campaign visit, he told reporters he had been granted access to sensitive intelligence by the government so it was wrong for ministers to now claim he would be a danger.

He said: "I think this is desperate stuff from the Tories. We are the party that were the founder member of NATO. 

"If you go to Brussels and see the treaty there for NATO, it's a Labour secretary of state that signed that and our support for NATO has been unshakeable since then.

"On the nuclear deterrent, we're clear about the triple lock that we've put in place, not only the current deterrent but the future upgrades of that deterrent and the jobs that go with it.

"We have also - and this is why it is really desperate from the Tories - united with this government, the Tory government, on really important issues of national security. As a result of that, they have given me high-level sensitive briefings, so much do they trust us on national security. 

"I'm very glad that they have and I do thank the defence secretary for facilitating that, particularly during Ukraine when they gave us very regular, very sensitive briefings.

"To now turn around and make this ridiculous claim just shows how desperate they have become going into this election. It does them no good."

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has urged Nigel Farage to "set the tone" in his party after a racism row involving Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Speaking to Sky News at Aldershot Football Club in Hampshire, Sir Keir was asked what he believes attracts people to joining a party like Reform UK.

He said: "Leadership accepts the culture and the tone of an organisation, in this case a political party.

"It's no good Nigel Farage after the event saying that he doesn't agree with certain comments. 

"You set the culture, you set the tone. That's what leadership is about. 

"And that's why I set about changing the Labour Party four and a half years ago. And that took an act of leadership, steely determination, so that we could ensure the Labour Party going into this election is a changed Labour Party."

Sir Keir went on to insist that Mr Farage is "not a spectator" - but is the leader of Reform UK: "Leaders have to set the tone."

He added: "Leaders have to set the tone, set the standards and take the action so that people know in advance what is acceptable and what's not acceptable. 

"I think that's a very important part of leadership."

Pledges and promises are coming thick and fast from every party as the general election approaches. 

Struggling to keep up with who is saying what?

Here is a summary of where the main parties stand on major issues.

For a more in-depth look at what each party has pledged, scour our  manifesto checker ...

By David Blevins , senior Ireland correspondent

Fermanagh and South Tyrone is the UK's most westerly constituency and its most marginal.

Sinn Fein won the seat by just four votes in 2010 and by a mere 57 in 2019.

Witness to one of the worst terrorist atrocities - Enniskillen's Poppy Day bombing in 1987 - it has been scarred by the past.

But at Erne Wrestling Club in Irvinestown, they refuse to submit to those divisions.

Coach Alex Edgar said: "Activities like this bring everybody together and religion doesn't mean anything.

"It's all about having fun and at the end of the day, it gets them out of the house and keeps them fit and active."

One topic many people will be watching closely throughout the general election campaign is how parties are approaching LGBTQ+ issues.

Below, Sky News has wrapped up everything you need to know...

By Dr Hannah Bunting, Sky News elections analyst, and Joely Santa Cruz, data journalist

This week the party leaders made their final pleas to voters.

The Labour and Lib Dem leaders visited some of their most ambitious targets so far, while the prime minister took a scattergun approach, fighting for votes in even some of the safest of Tory seats.

This campaign is being fought on new electoral boundaries, with many constituencies undergoing significant changes since 2019.

For the purposes of this analysis, we use notional results based on  calculations by Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher , honorary professors at the University of Exeter, which estimate the 2019 election seat results if they had taken place on the new constituency boundaries.

You can read more from our experts in the link below...

By Megan Harwood-Baynes , digital investigations reporter

Reform and Labour have bought up advertising on two major national news sites in a bid to sway voters in the remaining days before the general election.

When looking at MailOnline, Nigel Farage's stern face beams down from both the main banner and the left of the site.

Their manifesto - which have they been calling their "contract" with the public - is pasted down the side of the news website.

Meanwhile, Labour, perhaps in a bid to emulate 1992's "It's the Sun Wot Won It" front page, have pasted their advertising all over The Sun online.

With a countdown to 4 July, they also bemoan "14 years of Tory chaos".

Crucially, neither of these papers have openly endorsed a candidate, although a regular reader may be forgiven for not noticing this nuance.

In 1992, The Sun claimed credit for the victory of the Conservative Party, after openly campaigning to drive voters away from the then-Labour leader Neil Kinnock.

It is regularly cited as demonstrative of the influence the tabloid press could have over politicians and elections.

So far, the Daily Telegraph has come out in support of the Tories, while the Guardian, Daily Mirror, Economist, New Statesman and Daily Record have all backed the Labour Party.

The Times, The Sun and the Daily Mail have not endorsed anyone, and the Daily Star has taken the unusual (but perhaps unsurprising) approach of supporting Count Binface, labelling him the "most sane politician in the UK".

And while the Mirror has already backed Labour, and despite - at first glance - appearing to be plastered with advertising for the party, the red banners promising "change" are actually for coffee brand Nespresso.

Sky News has been looking at the advertising as part of the Online Election project - a Sky News initiative to cover how the campaign is playing out online, led by Tom Cheshire , Online Campaign correspondent .

We also found  one party has been dominating social media  - but it's not the one spending the most.

Reform UK has been dominating, with its page growing by more than 32,000 followers over the course of the campaign. 

Meanwhile, the Tories have only seen 596 new followers.

Sixteen of the top 20 most-loved posts were also from Mr Farage.

And for some Tories, the only brand has been seen as so bad, that  some have ditched it altogether .

John Healey, the shadow defence secretary, has urged Nigel Farage to "get a grip" of Reform UK after a racism row involving the prime minister.

It comes as a Reform UK canvasser who used a racial slur against Rishi Sunak has called himself a "total fool" and said he has learned his lesson.

Footage from an undercover Channel 4 reporter showed Reform campaigner Andrew Parker using a discriminatory term about the prime minister, as well as saying the army should "just shoot" migrants crossing the Channel.

Police are now assessing the comments to establish if an offence has been committed, while Mr Sunak  said the insult directed at him "hurts and it makes me angry".

Asked about this, Mr Healey said: "To some extent, I see him fuelling a row over this Channel 4 film to distract, really, from the fact that there are officials and there are candidates right at the heart of the Reform party, that have been responsible for racist, anti-gay, and other deeply offensive statements.

"And it's for Farage to take action on them. And in the end, the culture and the standards of any political party are set by the leader and Nigel Farage wants to be seen as a leader.

"He needs to get a grip of his own party and he's failing to do that at the moment."

He compared the situation to the "very similar challenge" faced by Sir Keir Starmer in tackling the "antisemitism that had been allowed to fester in parts of the Labour Party".

"He did that and that's the responsibility of any leader of any political party".

More now from security minister Tom Tugendhat, who is on the media round this morning.

He did not rule out a run at the Tory leadership if Rishi Sunak quits following the general election.

Asked if he wanted to be leader, he told Times Radio: "What I want to do is to make sure we've got a Conservative leader in this country and that's why I'm supporting Rishi Sunak.

"Because the alternative with Keir Starmer, I'm afraid, is higher taxes, more regulation, worse growth and more unemployment.

"What we need to do is to make sure that Conservatives across this country win their seats and that's exactly what I've been focused on."

Pressed again on the issue of what happens after the election, he said: "Well, we'll deal with hypotheticals in a different way.

"I mean, the reality is Rishi Sunak is the candidate, there's only two candidates for prime minister, there's Rishi Sunak and there's Sir Keir Starmer.

"One of them is committed to lowering your taxes, protecting your borders and making a difference in everybody's lives.

"The other, I'm afraid, is Sir Keir Starmer who is committed to raising your taxes, to making life a little bit harder for everybody and to lecturing you on how to live your life."

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    To graduate from the BGS in Integrated Studies online degree program, you must complete a total of 120 credit hours, including 42 credit hours of general education courses, six credit hours of core courses, 53 credit hours of electives, and 18 credit hours of a minor.

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    Earning accelerated general education college credits can help you meet program prerequisites, gain valuable skills and expedite your path to graduation. At SNU, our general education courses last five weeks and take place one night a week or completely online. This allows you to earn college credit while maintaining a full-time job and staying ...

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  22. General Education

    These minimum grade requirements will also apply to the transfer of general education courses. Even if transfer credit hours are granted for a course, any requirement for a minimum grade of "C" by the receiving institution will be enforced. Certain majors require students to take particular courses to fulfill general education requirements.

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    I'd say yes. I'm currently taking an online art appreciation class for the summer and a science class in the classroom. The science class is 6 hours a day due to there being a lab in addition to the lecture. The art class online makes it much easier and to be honest, you won't have to put as much time into it.

  24. Frequently Asked Questions

    The AGEC is a general education certificate that fulfills lower-division general education requirements for students planning to transfer to any Arizona public community college or university. The AGEC requires a minimum of 36 credit hours. All AGEC courses are required introductory courses for the completion of your degree.

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    Take the next step in your education with UMSL Online. Tackle coursework from anywhere and as your schedule permits. Our flexible online course and degree offerings are designed to help you balance work, family and school responsibilities. ... Whether you're wanting to take just a few courses, or complete your entire degree program online, UMSL ...

  26. Election latest: Farage and Sunak clash again on Putin; Rylan Clark

    There was 0.7% growth in the UK's GDP between January and March this year, the Office for National Statistics as said. The ONS previously estimated the expansion was 0.6% for this period.