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Letters Of Invitation For South Africa Visa

Letters Of Invitation For South Africa Visa

Securing a visa for South Africa often begins with an essential document: the letter of invitation. This crucial piece of correspondence can be the golden key to unlocking your journey to the Rainbow Nation, whether for business, study, or pleasure. Don’t Worry! We’ve got your back in this!

This guide will walk you through the nuances of crafting a compelling letter of invitation that meets the South African Department of Home Affairs’ requirements, ensuring your or your guest’s application stands the best chance of approval.

Let’s dive in!

What Is The Purpose Of The Invitation Letter?

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An invitation letter is a formal document explaining the purpose of the visit to the South African immigration authorities. 

It helps establish the visit’s authenticity and assures the visa officers of the applicant’s intent. The primary reasons people require an invitation letter include:

  • Tourist Visits : Friends and family residing in South Africa often invite overseas residents. This is especially common when the visitor needs a hotel booking.
  • Business Trips : Companies or business entities in South Africa may invite professionals for conferences, meetings, or other work-related activities.
  • Events Or Seminars: Individuals might receive invitations from organizations hosting specific events, exhibitions, or seminars.
  • Research Or Academic Purposes : Universities, colleges, or research institutions might extend invitations for various academic pursuits, including guest lectures, collaborative research, etc.

Who Can Provide A Visa Invitation Letter?

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The person providing the visa invitation letter must fulfill the following requirements for the Letter of invitation to be valid:

  • Must be a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the South Africa 
  • Must be your family member / relative or friend, boyfriend/girlfriend 
  • Must have a registered place (apartment or house ) in South Africa
  • Must have enough room for the applicant or the applicant and their family members if the applicant is traveling to South Africa with their family
  • On some occasions, the South African embassy doesn’t ask for the invitation letter, but it is strongly recommended to submit one even if not required.

How To Write An Invitation Letter For A South African Visa?

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A well-structured invitation letter can simplify the visa application process. Here are the essential components it should include:

  • Details Of The Host: Full name, physical address, telephone number, and a copy of the host’s identification (preferably a certified copy of the South African ID or passport if the host is a foreign national with a valid residency permit).
  • Details Of The Guest: Full name as in passport, passport number, residential address, contact number, and the relationship with the host.
  • Purpose Of Visit : Mention the reason for visiting South Africa, be it tourism, business, academics, or any other.
  • Duration And Place Of Stay: Specify the arrival and departure dates and where the guest will stay, including the address.
  • Declaration : A statement declaring that the host will ensure the visitor leaves South Africa before the visa expires and, if necessary, that the host is willing to cover the costs during the visitor’s stay.
  • Signature And Date : The host should sign and date the Letter.

What Are The Required Documents For A Letter Of Invitation For South Africa?

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While the invitation letter is crucial, adding certain supplementary documents can lend more credibility:

  • For Personal Visits : Relationship proof , such as photographs, emails, or any other relevant document, can be helpful. If the host covers the visitor’s expenses, a recent bank statement or payslip can be included as proof of funds.
  • For Business Visits : An official letterhead of the South African company, registration details of the company, and a short company profile can be beneficial. Also, official agreements or MoUs between the parties can be attached.
  • For Academic Visits : An official letter from the institution detailing the nature of the collaboration or the event can be added.

Do You Need An Invitation Letter To Visit South Africa?

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For certain types of South African visas, an invitation letter can be a critical component of the application process.

Tourists from visa-exempt countries can enter South Africa without an invitation.

However, Those who require a visa, especially for purposes other than tourism (e.g., business, studies, or family visits), might need an invitation letter to support their application.

The Letter serves as a formal declaration from a resident or institution in South Africa, explaining the purpose of the visit and guaranteeing accommodation or support during the stay.

How Long Is The Invitation Letter Valid For Visa Application Purposes?

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Typically, an invitation letter should be as recent as possible to reflect the current intention of the inviting party and the applicant.

Ideally, it should be dated within six months of the visa application. Any significantly older letter might raise questions about their validity and could affect the outcome of the visa application.

It’s essential to ensure that all details, including dates of the intended stay, align with the visa application’s other components.

Can The Same Invitation Letter Be Used For Multiple Visitors?

It’s recommended that each visitor have their invitation letter, especially if their reasons for visiting or their schedules only partially coincide.

However, in scenarios where a family or a group is visiting for the same purpose and during the same period, a single invitation letter mentioning all visitors’ names, passport details, and their relationship to the host can be provided.

Ensuring the Letter is detailed and transparent about each visitor’s circumstances and intentions is crucial.

Do You Need To Submit The Original Letter, Or Will A Copy Suffice?

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The requirements can vary depending on the consulate or embassy handling the visa application. A scanned or photocopied version of the invitation letter is usually acceptable . 

However, some consulates might request the original Letter, especially if there are concerns about the document’s authenticity.

If using a scanned or copied version, ensure that it’s clear and legible, and it might be helpful if the host can also send a digital version via email in case the consulate wishes to cross-check.

What Are The Legal Implications Of The Invitation Letter?

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Extending an invitation to someone to visit South Africa is not merely a casual gesture or a formality.

The inviter assumes specific legal and moral responsibilities.

For instance, if the invitee violates visa conditions, like overstaying their welcome, the inviter might be questioned or held accountable, especially if their Letter promised to ensure the visitor’s adherence to South African laws.

It’s crucial to understand these implications before sending out the invitation.

Are There Additional Invitation Letter Requirements For Minors?

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Inviting a minor to South Africa poses its own unique set of challenges and requires additional details.

Apart from the standard information, the Letter should also mention details of the minor’s parents or legal guardians, the purpose and duration of the visit, and accommodation arrangements.

It is also a good practice to include explicit consent from the minor’s parents or guardians, especially if they won’t accompany the minor.

What Are The Notarization And Verification Requirements?

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Depending on the nature of the visit or the specific visa category, there may be a need to get the invitation letter notarized.

Notarization involves an official notary public verifying the Letter’s authenticity, thereby adding an extra layer of trust to its contents.

In certain situations, the South African immigration authorities might also request additional verification processes, like a police clearance or background check of the inviter.

What Is The Role Of Travel Agencies For The Invitation Letter?

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To streamline the visa application process, many individuals and businesses employ the services of travel agencies.

These agencies clearly understand visa requirements and can assist in drafting a precise and compliant invitation letter.

They can also advise on supplementary documentation, notarization processes, and other intricacies of the visa application process.

While using a travel agency can add cost, their expertise might increase the chances of a successful visa application, particularly for complex cases.

What Are The 5 Common Mistakes To Avoid?

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When drafting an invitation letter for South African visa purposes, there are several common pitfalls to be wary of:

  • Vague Details : Be specific about dates, accommodation, and other plans.
  • Incomplete Personal Details: Ensure you include full names, passport numbers, and other pertinent details of the invitee and inviter.
  • Skipping Signatures : An unsigned letter can be deemed as inauthentic.
  • Not Including Supporting Documents : Sometimes, it’s beneficial to include proof of residence, bank statements, or other documents along with the Letter.
  • Over-Promising : Don’t claim financial or legal responsibilities you can’t fulfill.

South Africa Sample Invitation Letter For Tourist Visits

[Your Full Name][Your Full Address]South Africa

[City, Zip Code][Date] [Visitor’s Full Name][Visitor’s Full Address][Visitor’s Country][City, Zip Code]

To the South African Consulate/Embassy,

I, [Your Full Name], a resident of [Your City], South Africa, am writing to formally invite my [relationship, e.g., “friend”], [Visitor’s Full Name], to visit me in South Africa for a duration of [specific number of days/weeks, e.g., “three weeks”] starting from [arrival date].

During [Visitor’s Full Name]’s stay in South Africa, we intend to [briefly mention activities, e.g., “explore Johannesburg, visit the Kruger National Park, and relax at the beaches of Cape Town”]. [They] will reside at my residence at [Your Full Address].

For the duration of [Visitor’s Full Name]’s stay, I shall bear [his/her] accommodation, feeding, and other responsibilities and ensure [he/she] returns to [Visitor’s Country] upon the completion of [his/her] visit.

I am attaching a copy of my identification and proof of residence in South Africa. Should you require additional information, I can provide the necessary details.

Thank you for considering this invitation.

[Your Handwritten Signature (if sending a hard copy)][Your Full Name][Your Phone Number][Your Email Address]

South Africa Sample Invitation Letter For Business Trips

[Company’s Letterhead][Company’s Address]South Africa

[City, Zip Code][Date] [Professional’s Full Name][Professional’s Designation][Professional’s Company][Address][City, Zip Code]

I am writing on behalf of [Your Company’s Name], based in [Your City, South Africa], to invite [Professional’s Full Name], [Designation], of [Professional’s Company Name], to South Africa for a business visit.

The primary purpose of this visit is to [specify the business activities, e.g., “attend the annual ABC conference, conduct workshops, and engage in partnership discussions”] from [start date] to [end date].

During [Professional’s Full Name]’s stay in South Africa, all their accommodations and business-related expenses will be covered by [Your Company’s Name]. We also guarantee that [they] will abide by all South African laws and return to [Professional’s Country] after the specified duration.

I am attaching relevant documentation, including our company profile, identification of the undersigned, and the official agenda for the visit.

Kindly contact us if additional information or clarifications are required.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Handwritten Signature (if sending a hard copy)][Your Full Name][Your Position][Company’s Phone Number][Company’s Email Address]

South Africa Sample Invitation Letter For Events Or Seminars

[Organization’s Letterhead][Organization’s Address]South Africa

[City, Zip Code][Date] [Recipient’s Full Name][Recipient’s Address][Recipient’s Country][City, Zip Code]

We are pleased to invite [Recipient’s Full Name] to participate in [Event Name, e.g., “The African Art Exhibition 2023”] organized by [Your Organization’s Name]. The event is scheduled to take place from [start date] to [end date] at [Venue Address, City, South Africa].

[Recipient’s Full Name] has been chosen as [specific role or participation detail, e.g., “a keynote speaker/guest artist/exhibitor”] due to [their] remarkable contributions to [specific field or subject, e.g., “contemporary art”].

During the duration of [Recipient’s Full Name]’s stay, [their] accommodation and event-related expenses will be catered for by our organization. We assure you that [they] will comply with all South African laws and regulations during the visit.

I am attaching the official event brochure, schedule, and identification of the undersigned for your reference.

Please feel free to contact us if you require further information or any clarifications.

I appreciate your consideration.

Warm regards,

[Your Handwritten Signature (if sending a hard copy)][Your Full Name][Your Position in the Organization][Organization’s Phone Number][Organization’s Email Address]

South Africa Sample Invitation Letter For Research Or Academic Purposes

[University/Institution’s Letterhead][University/Institution’s Address]South Africa

[City, Zip Code][Date] [Scholar’s Full Name][Scholar’s Designation/Title][Scholar’s Institution][Address][City, Zip Code]

We are honored to invite [Scholar’s Full Name], [Designation/Title] at [Scholar’s Institution], to [University/Institution’s Name] for [specific academic purpose, e.g., “a series of guest lectures on Environmental Sustainability and collaborative research with our Department of Environmental Sciences”].

The academic collaboration is scheduled to commence on [start date] and conclude on [end date]. This visit aims to foster academic exchange, enrich our research, and fortify our esteemed institutions’ relationships.

During [Scholar’s Full Name]’s stay in South Africa, all accommodations, academic-related travel, and other expenses will be borne by [University/Institution’s Name]. We vouch for [their] integrity and assure that [they] will adhere to all rules and regulations stipulated by the South African authorities.

Attached are details of the academic program, a brief on the intended research, and an identification of the undersigned.

Should you have any further queries or requirements, kindly contact our international relations department at the contact provided below.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

[Your Handwritten Signature (if sending a hard copy)][Your Full Name][Your Position, e.g., “Dean of Faculty of Environmental Sciences”][University/Institution’s Phone Number][University/Institution’s Email Address]

With the final touches placed on your letter of invitation, you’re now ready to take the next step in the visa application process for South Africa. This guide has aimed to simplify a critical part of your preparation, ensuring that your document effectively communicates the necessary information to the authorities.

Remember, a well-prepared letter can pave the way for a smooth entry into South Africa, opening the doors to its rich landscapes, diverse cultures, and warm hospitality.

Journey Awaits!

But wait! There’s lot more that you might be interested in following:

  • Types Of Visas In South Africa
  • Citizenship In South Africa
  • Dual Citizenship In South Africa


Apply for a visa

If you want to visit South Africa, you must produce a valid visa before you can enter into the country. A visa will be issued for a visit for tourism or business purposes and is valid for a period of 90 days.

Some countries are exempted from visa control, which means that citizens from those countries do not need a visa to visit South Africa.

Visas are not issued at South African ports of entry, and airline officials must insist on visas before allowing passengers to board. If you arrive without a visa, immigration officials are obliged to put you onto a flight back to your home country. Depending on your intended visit, you can apply for a Visitor’s Visa or a Transit Visa. Find out more about the:

  • requirements for a visa
  • types of visas
  • countries exempt from South African visas

or contact the Department of Home Affairs .

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cover letter for south africa visa



By continuing to read this article, you agree to double check with the authorities or other concerned entities for the latest updates.

Employment certificate, financial documents, and income tax return (ITR) are the staples of most visa applications. But there is one document that is usually overlooked — the cover letter.

A cover letter isn’t always a requirement when applying for a visa. However, it’s something that we often recommend to add to your pile of documents, especially if there is no interview and you have some explaining to do.

You see, sometimes, things don’t always fit the mold perfectly. There are cases wherein you can’t provide the exact document needed, but you have a very good alternative. Or maybe you just can’t provide something at all, but you have a perfectly valid reason. Or perhaps you’re traveling with a group or for a special purpose. These instances could probably benefit from a well-crafted explanation to give the visa officer a clearer picture of your situation.

When I apply for a visa, I usually submit a cover letter regardless of whether or not it’s one of the requirements. I always want to give a summary of my application and clarify some aspects that may be prone to misinterpretation.


What should be in a cover letter?

For me, a good cover letter must be able to provide the following:

  • A short introduction about yourself.
  • Your travel dates and the purpose of your trip
  • If traveling with a group: your companions and your relationship with them
  • If sponsored: your sponsor’s name, your relationship with them, and the reason why they are willing to sponsor you
  • If you’re missing some requirements: the reason why you won’t be able to provide them and the alternatives you are submitting instead
  • If applying for a double entry or multiple entry visa: the reason why you need to be allowed more than one entry
  • A quick rundown of the destinations you will be visiting
  • A quick summary of your travel history (if any), highlighting that you have NEVER violated visa rules in the past
  • A promise to return to your home country in time

Looks like a lot, huh? But here’s the thing: According to a couple of friends who used to work as visa officers at strict embassies, they usually had very little time to assess each application. Hence, if you’re going to make a cover letter, go straight to the point . One page should be enough. The key is being concise — finding the balance between giving enough information and keeping it short and sweet.

Here are some samples. I intentionally used complicated situations to give you an idea how I usually explain them. If they don’t apply to you, feel free to modify these to match your case. Please use this only as a model for your own cover letter. Please do not copy-paste the whole thing without adjustments.

Sample Cover Letter for Australian Visa (Online Application)


Sample Cover Letter for Schengen Visa


Sample Cover Letter for Korean Visa

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Related Posts:

  • HOW TO AVOID GETTING OFFLOADED: Airport Immigration Requirements
  • How to Apply for a SCHENGEN VISA via FRENCH EMBASSY
  • SCHENGEN VISA via FRENCH Embassy: NEW Requirements & Application Process
  • KOREAN VISA: LIST OF TRAVEL AGENCIES Accredited by the Embassy
  • Sample INVITATION LETTER for JAPAN VISA Application (Reason for Invitation)
  • The Road to VISA APPLICATION APPROVAL: When is the Right Time? How to Prepare Early?

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where to attach cover letter for Australia Visa application?

Yosh Dimen

In my case, I uploaded it under Evidence of Planned Tourism Activities > Others.


Hello, I will be applying for a Japan visa and will submit a cover letter din. I have a few questions:

  • If I am traveling with friends pero we will be submitting individual applications, do I need to include that in the cover letter na I am with them on this trip?
  • Do you need to submit all your savings account o kahit isa nalang?
  • Plan ko rin sana (dahil nabasa ko sa ibang posts nyo hehe) na payroll and savings account ipasa, pero kung nililipat ko rin naman yung laman ng payroll sa savings, need ko pa ba isubmit yung payroll account?
  • Sa ibang Japan visa application na napanuod ko, nagsusubmit sila ng bank certificate at bank statement. Do I need to do that?
  • If yes, need ko ba explain sa cover letter ko na tinatransfer ko sa digital bank muna yung pera saka ko tinatransfer sa savings account? (kasi baka makita, if may bank statement, na nanggaling sa ganitong account yung pumasok na pera)

sorry habang nagtatype ako nadadagdagan questions ko haha. sana masagot parin. Thank you sa travel guides. Super helpful. :)

This is for Japan ha.

1. You may indicate your companions. Ako I prefer na imention sila to show na travel with friends talaga.

2. OK lang kahit isa lang kung sa tingin mo strong enough ung account na yun. Pwede ring madami if feeling mo di enough ung isa lang.

3. Naeempty ba ung payroll account when u transfer?

4. Bank cert lang naman ang need ng Japan so kahit walang statement, ok lang.

5. If hindi ka magsusubmit ng statement, di na need iexplain kasi hindi lalabas. :)

MJ Fam

I plan to visit Canada and have started my visa application. I selected visit friend for purpose instead of tourism as I would like to be fully honest with my application. My very purpose is to be with my boyfriend and meet his family and friends. Touring comes as a bonus. Would it be fine to add captions or narrations on the pdf document together with our pictures as proof? I also have our hotel and tour bookings and his boarding passes on the two times that he has visited me here in PH. This is the Proof of Relationship section on the application visa.


Hello. Any recommendations for Schengen visa assistance agencies?

Try Gazelle Travel and Tours around Ortigas or Constellation Travel in Makati.

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Letter of Self Introduction for Visa (with 2 Convincing Samples and Templates)

A letter of self introduction for visa application is essentially a cover letter addressed to the visa officer/embassy or immigration as the case may be, providing more information about yourself, the purpose of your visit, and establishing more grounds as to why you should be granted a visa to a particular country.

As the name implies, a letter of self introduction for visa application is a document typically written by a visa applicant to the embassy or immigration office, introducing himself for the sole purpose of visa issuance. It is an important requirement for most visa applications.

A very convincing letter of self introduction (all things being equal) can help boost your chances of getting a visa.

When writing a letter of self introduction for visa application, it is important to be as convincing as possible, leaving the visa office with no option but to approve your visa.

How you approach this letter depends on the purpose of your visit and the sort of visa you are requesting. However, it is important to note that the format is basically the same irrespective of the type of visa you’re applying for.

Sample Letter of Self Introduction for Visa Application

Before we delve into how you can write a modern, powerful letter of self introduction for visa application, let’s show you a sample so you can have an idea how it looks like (and how it should be, typically).

letter of self introduction for visa application

Get a Letter of Self Introduction for Visa

Sleek, modern, editable letter of self-introduction carefully crafted to boost your chances of visa approval. Instantly download in Word format and 100% customizable.

This letter is simple, yet convincing enough with the additional documents included for reference. Plus it is crafted on a clean, beautiful and modern personal letter head, making it even more appealing.

A letter of self introduction for visa application may be required for:

  • Tourist Visa
  • Business Visa
  • Schengen Visa
  • Work/Employment Visa
  • Permanent Residence Visa
  • Visa on Arrival for some countries, etc.

All of these carry the same format. The main difference lies in the details included as per the purpose of visit.

Vital Information to Include in Your Letter of Self Introduction for Visa

Here are the various info you may include in your letter of self introduction for visa application.

  • Your address or letter head at the top
  • The recipient address (visa officer/embassy or immigration)
  • Your contact number and/or email address
  • The purpose of travel (preferably in just a sentence)
  • Address the recipient by name (if you know them)
  • Attach all other necessary documents required for the visa application
  • End the letter with a complimentary close (e.g. Yours sincerely) your full name, and signature.

If you are applying for a business visa , here are more specifically the vital information you should include in your letter of self introduction:

  • Name of the applicant
  • Employment length in the company
  • Position of the applicant in the company
  • Annual CTC (total salary package)
  • Reason for the visit
  • Visit duration
  • Financial commitment of the company to the trip (if any)

Again if you are applying for a Schengen visa , here are the important details required in your letter of self introduction:

  • Your name, occupation and how long have you been working
  • Whether you are traveling alone or with someone
  • Your purpose of visit to the Schengen Zone
  • Your residence while you would be on trip.
  • How you will be funding your trip
  • Your travel itinerary

Letter of self introduction for visa application (Template)

Here’s a template letter of self introduction for visa application (based on the sample above):

Celestine Davids

4332 Blackwell St

New York 10003

United States.

December 14, 2020

The Visa Officer,

Consulate-General of Japan,

Request for Japan Tourist Visa

I write to introduce myself in respect of the above subject matter. I will be traveling to Okazaki for a cultural exhibition and will also take some days to see some of the wonderful tourism destinations in Japan.

My arrival in Okazaki would be on December 28, 2020  and the date of departure from Okazaki would be January 17, 2020.

Traveler details are as follows:

Celestine Davids (Passport Number: 0081339DA)

Along with visa application, I have attached the following documents for your reference:

  • Filed application form with photograph
  • Round trip flight itinerary
  • Accommodation details
  • Financial and employment details (bank statement and latest Income Tax Return)
  • Leave letter/No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the employer

I will be available for more information if required for the smooth processing of the visa. Kindly do not hesitate to contact me for enquiries on my itinerary.

Yours sincerely,

[Your signature here]


South Africa visa specialists -

South Africa Visa Application Form

Download south africa visa application form diy documents.

Please note, the following page is intended to assist South African visa applicants prepare their visa application themselves by providing commonly accessed South Africa visa application forms and directives for download. It is by no means a comprehensive outline of the documentation required for every type of South Africa visa application, but does provide guidance on assembling a basic visitor’s visa application. For assistance with more specialised South African visas, take our Free Online Assessment now, or use our submission form at the bottom of this page to ask for assistance in finding the form or documents you require.

What documents are required in order to apply for a South African visa for visiting purposes?

  • Your passport or an official travel document that is valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of your anticipated visit to the country.
  • It is vital that your passport has at least TWO free pages for entry or departure endorsements
  • A completed Visa Application Form (DHA-84)
  • Proof of payment of the prescribed fee
  • A yellow-fever vaccination certificate is required if you have transited through a country for longer than 12 hours where there is a risk of yellow fever transmission.
  • A Statement or document explaining or validating the reason and duration of your visit
  • Two colour passport photographs
  • A return or onward ticket if you are travelling by air
  • If you have individuals under the age of 18 travelling with you or accompanying you on your trip to South Africa, you will need to provide the following additional documents:
  • Proof of guardianship or custody or
  • Consent from the guardian in the case of an unaccompanied minor
  • Proof of financial means to pay for your living expenses while in South Africa in the form of:
  • Bank statements
  • Salary advances
  • Undertakings by the host(s) in South Africa
  • Medical cover or
  • Cash available (including credit cards and travellers’ cheques)

Who can apply for a visitor’s visa to South Africa?

Not all nationalities require a visa to visit South Africa. If your country is not  visa exempt , then you might qualify for a visa if you fall into one of the categories below:

  • Visits to family or friends and also for tourism purposes
  • Business purposes
  • Spouse to temporarily join a spouse who is in South Africa on a work or study permit
  • Children to temporarily join parents who are in South Africa on work or study permits
  • Fiancé to join his or her partner with the intension of marrying within 90 days
  • Charitable or voluntary activities
  • Conferences
  • To work in the production of an movie or show (i.e. in the entertainment industry)
  • For medical purposes (max stay 3-months)
  • Sport events

For more information, see our Visitor’s Visa to South Africa page.

Image of South Africa visa application form

Visitor Visa Application Form South Africa (DHA-84)

  • DHA-84 Form South Africa

Temporary Residence Visa Application Form South Africa (DHA-1738)

  • DHA-1738 Form South Africa

Life-Partner Visa Application Documents South Africa

  • Spousal Affidavit

Critical Skills Visa Application Documents South Africa

  • List of Critical Skills
  • Directive 22 relating to confirmation of Critical Skills

Intra-Company Transfer Visa Application Documents South Africa

  • Directive 19 relating to renewals of ICT’s

Travelling with a Minor Child

  • DHA Unabridged Birth Certificate Info Pack

General South African Visa Supporting Documents

  • Medical Report Template
  • Radiological Report Template

Business Visa Application Documents South Africa

  • Confirmation of Financial or Capital Contribution
  • List of Businesses Qualifying for Reduction or Waiver
  • List of Undesirable Business Undertakings

Permanent Residency Application Form South Africa

  • BI-947 Form South Africa – The all purpose information platform for students.

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  • Name * First Last
  • How can we help?
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  • Flight + Hotel
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  • Travel Guides
  • Visa Interview Guide
  • Visa Packages
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Free Covering Letter for visa application

We often hear travellers wondering how and where to get a free covering letter for their visa application. You must be thinking, as if there aren’t enough things to think of and plan, here’s another addition to the long list of documents! We understand many of you must be confused as to what kind of a cover letter you need to submit to the embassy and why would you need one. In this article, we will help you understand all this and also tell you how you can easily obtain a free covering letter for your visa application in a hassle-free manner.

cover letter for south africa visa


We get this question a lot! Before we get down to discussing how to get a free covering letter, it is essential to know why you need one in the first place. Well, it is a mandatory requirement from many embassies that the applicant submits a professional letter to communicate the purpose of travel, explain what you intend to do in the host country, and in general, justify the need to apply for a visa. Moreover, this is also another way for the embassy to ensure that you are a genuine traveller who is either visiting for tourism purpose or a temporary business purpose. The covering letter acts as an assurance and validation of the claims you make on your visa application form. Think of it as a way to establish a connect with the embassy that get this one chance to form an opinion of you. And it’s important to ensure that they form a good first impression based on the documents provided by you so there are minimal chances of visa rejection.

Don’t worry if this all feels a little too overwhelming. Read on to find out how we can help you get the perfect free covering letter to go with your application! This covering letter, once submitted, is then matched by the embassy with the details of the flight reservation for visa as well as the hotel reservation for visa provided by you as part of the visa application process.

Do read our articles about  flight reservation for visa  and  hotel reservation for visa application  if you’d like to know more about them.

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A covering letter is required for both tourist as well as business visas. The purpose of visit for both of these visas is different and that needs to come through in the covering letter you are planning to submit. When drafting the letter, there are a few components that must be covered so your covering letter does not have inadequate information.

The purpose of your travel to the destination country. Explain in detail what your travel plans are – personal, medical, educational or business. Proof of how you will fund your trip (own funds or sponsor). This can be typically done by attaching your bank statements if self-funded. If you have a sponsor, explain your personal relationship with your sponsor and the reason why they will be sponsoring your trip. For example, if your parents live in the destination country, you can mention that as part of the covering letter. An overview of your itinerary, which also explains why you chose to apply at the specific embassy. This section should contain your travel dates, duration and plans. If you have plans of travelling to multiple countries, do mention that as well. If at all there are any documents you cannot submit, specify the reasons why you cannot submit and explain alternative documents that you may have submitted Your intent to return to your home country. This is one of the most important deciding factors for your visa approval or rejection. A concise list of all supporting documents you have submitted.

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What you see below is a typical covering letter for visa application. It’s really not as complicated as it seems! As discussed above, the sample letter contains all important details of travel plan of the applicant clearly mentioned. There is no ambiguity, which makes the applicant sound genuine and ultimately leads to higher chances of visa approval.

cover letter for south africa visa


If you have been wondering and stressing about how to get a free covering letter that will help you get the visa, RELAX! That’s exactly what we are here for. At  Visa Reservation Services , we have years of experience in helping our customers go through the visa application process easily and without any glitches. We are here to take all the trouble for you so you can peacefully plan your family holiday or that important business trip. We have different kinds of packages for all kinds of travellers, to help make the visa application process a breeze. The packages typically include a  flight reservation for visa , a  hotel reservation for visa  as well as a  travel insurance for visa application , along with the free covering letter. Doesn’t this make life much simpler? You just pick one package that fits your needs and we get all documents sorted for you at a nominal fee! Do get in touch with our team to find out more details of how we can help you and how you can go about choosing a package on our website.

cover letter for south africa visa

Last Updated: July 4th 2023

Schengen Visa Travel Insurance

Visa Reservation

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Pls send us an email to [email protected] and we will try to help you get a relevant one. Thanks

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Hi I`ve read your coverletter but I need one to copy for a investor from my neighbouring country to come over to my country and come for consultation purposes and to see that business is fully functional and operative so he needs to stay a few months,and the business is kind of a manufacturing business,and the countries involved are South Africa and Namibia down in the south point of Africa

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  RAHUL A.| MAY.14.2024

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I used to secure an appointment and to procure a valid itinerary. They were a breeze to work with and highly responsive. Highly recommend.

Appt: 25th May Visa stamped: 31st May Passport received: 2nd June

  SHRUTHI K.| JUN.02.2022

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For Travelista

A Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Visa and How to Create One

By Alice Ross | PASSPORT & VISA

  • PASSPORT & VISA » A Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Visa and How to Create One

a sample cover letter

If you're planning to  travel abroad , in many cases you will need to obtain a visa beforehand. The requirements vary according to your country of origin and your destination. But for a lot of people, the process to be granted a visa can seem daunting and unclear. In this article, we share important tips about visas to equip you with the knowledge to prepare for your international trip. Read on to find out more about how tourist visas work, including a very useful sample cover letter for your tourist visa application.  

What Exactly Is a Tourist Visa?

A tourist visa or visitor visa is an official document that allows you to get in another country. In general, you are likely to need one every time you visit another country. However, this depends on which country you are from and where you are going, as some countries have agreements that allow entrance even without it.

A tourist visa may take different forms: it can be a paper document, although it most often comes as a simple stamp in your passport . Some countries require you to arrange your visa before arriving in the country, while others issue it to you once you land at the airport.

A tourist visa indicates how long you are allowed to stay in the country. It also defines which activities you are allowed to participate in or not while there, such as working and studying.

Other Types of Visas

how long is a passport good for

A tourist visa is the most common and most acquired type of visa. It is usually only valid for a short period of time, commonly ranging from a few weeks to a couple of months.

This is what you will need if you are just planning to visit the country. A tourist visa however doesn't allow you to work and study while you are in a particular country.

Others types of visas include student visas, business visas, media visas, fiancé visas , and many others depending on the place you're travelling to.

Resident visas are also available for those who want to live in a particular country. You will normally need a valid reason to obtain this type of visa, as they tend to be the most difficult to get.

What You Need to Apply for a Tourist Visa

As mentioned above, tourist visa requirements vary with your nationality and your destination, as well as where you make your application. You should always check the instructions application to your specific situation on the relevant embassy or consulate website. Having said that, there are some general requirements and common documents that are needed for most tourist visa applications.

These include:

  • Passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay
  • Duly filled out visa application forms
  • Confirmed round-trip tickets
  • Cover letter for tourist visa or letter to the consulate

Top tip: travel insurance for your visa application

Most tourist visa applications require you to show proof of travel insurance coverage for the duration of your trip. We use and recommend SafetyWing as our preferred travel medical insurance provider. It's the most flexible and affordable we've found, starting at just $1.32 per day. They can also provide a visa letter to support your application. If you're looking for more comprehensive coverage, World Nomads is also a reliable and very popular alternative among global travelers. Note: In our experience and to the best of our knowledge, these two travel insurance options fulfill the requirements for most tourist visa applications. However, please make sure to check that they meet the specific criteria applicable to your individual case.

Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Visa Application

sample cover letter for tourist visa application


The cover letter or letter to the consulate is necessary for tourist visas that require interviews. This letter needs to explain why you want to visit the country and where you will be staying in the country. It must also outline the intended dates and duration of your stay.

Moreover, this letter is your way to tell the embassy if you are getting a sponsorship from a friend, parents, or a romantic partner who are currently based in that country. It's important to take your time to write your cover letter, although you should also make sure to keep it to-the-point and not too long.

If the trip is going to be  sponsored by someone else , make sure to include the following details in the cover letter for your tourist visa application:

  • The name of the person who is going to sponsor your trip
  • The job or source of income of the person who is going to sponsor you
  • Your proof or relationship (normally pictures)
  • Proof of financial capability of your sponsor
  • The expenses your sponsor will cover

The cover letter is a really important document to provide before your trip. It states every important thing you want to tell the embassy or consulate. Make sure that it mentions and explains every document you've submitted.

To give you a better insight into how to create a cover letter for your visa application, here is a sample cover letter for a tourist visa needed to enter a country:


EMBASSY OF (Country you're visiting)

<Address of the Consulate>

Dear Sir/Madam:

I, <Your full legal name> would like to apply for a tourist visa to spend a vacation in <name of the country> from <date of arrival> to <date of departure.>

My main purpose for travel is tourism, to see the beautiful sights of  <name of the country> , particularly <name of tourist attractions.> I'm also looking forward to experiencing the culture, tasting the cuisine, and meeting locals to experience everything the country has to offer.

I am employed at <name of the company> located in <location of the company> since <date you were employed> and am currently holding the position of <your job position.> Vacation from work has already been approved for the whole duration of this trip.

During my trip, my <your relationship with the sponsor> <full name of the sponsor,>  who works as <job title of the sponsor> at <place of employment> will sponsor my trip. He/she will cover my accommodations, food expenses, and plane tickets.

Please find the following documents to support the legitimacy of what is outlined in this letter:

  • Passports (including old ones if applicable)
  • Application form, duly dated and signed with passport-size picture
  • Employment and leave certificates showing the date I'm expected to return to work
  • Payslips, tax report, credit card statements, bank certificate & statement of account as proof of income
  • Plane ticket booking reservation
  • Hotel booking reservation as proof of accommodation directly faxed to the embassy
  • Travel insurance with benefits

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you require any further information. I may not be available at all times due to my working schedule or I might be engaged in a mission, but you may still try to reach me at the following:

Of course, the sample cover letter for tourist visa application provided above is only a template and can be modified according to your situation. Again, including this in your travel visa application is very important, so make sure that you take the time to think about what you want to write and to gather all the necessary documents to support the information you provide in your letter.

Do you have any helpful tips or a sample cover letter for a tourist visa application you want to share? Let us know in a comment below!

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About the Author

Hi, I’m Alice Ross, a long-term traveler who left the corporate world to travel the world. I chose to live life on my own phase and live day by day while immersing myself in new experiences, new knowledge, and new people in a different walk of life I met along the way.


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Department of Home Affairs

General Information about Visas

  • visits to family or friends and also for tourism purposes 
  • business purposes 
  • spouse to join a spouse who is in South Africa on a work or study visas 
  • children to join parents who are in South Africa on work or study visas  
  • study purposes 
  • charitable or voluntary activities 
  • research 
  • conferences 
  • to work in the production of a movie or show (i.e. in the entertainment industry) 
  • or medical purposes, when a patient needs to receive life saving treatment. (max stay 3-months) 
  • sport events
Documents required to apply for a visa 
  • A passport or travel document valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of your intended visit 
  • Your passport must have at least one unused page for entry / departure endorsements 
  • A completed Form BI-84 (application for a visa) 
  • Payment of the prescribed fee 
  • A yellow-fever vaccination certificate (if required) 
  • Statement and/or documentation confirming the purpose and duration of your visit 
  • Two colour passport photographs
A return or onward ticket if you are travelling by air 
  • If you have children (minors) travelling with you or joining in South Africa, you will need to provide the following additional documents 
  • Unabridged birth certificate
Proof of guardianship or custody or 
  • Consent from the guardian in the case of an unaccompanied minor 
  • Proof of financial means to pay for your living expenses while in South Africa in the form of: 
  • Bank statements
Salary advances
Undertakings by the host(s) in South Africa Bursary
Medical cover or 
  • Cash available (including credit cards and travellers’ cheques) 

Requirements for entering South Africa 

  • A valid and acceptable passport or travel document for your intended stay 

  • At least one blank page in your passport for endorsements 

  • A valid visa, if required 
Sufficient funds to pay for your day-to-day expenses during your stay 

  • A return or onward ticket 

  • Yellow fever certificates if your journey starts or entails passing through the yellow fever belt of Africa or South America. 

Countries exempt from South African Visas 

  • The holder of a national South African passport, travel document and document for travel purposes. 

  • The citizen who is a holder of a national passport (diplomatic, official or ordinary) of the following countries / territories / international organisations is not required to hold a visa in respect of purposes for which a visitor’s permit may be issued or by virtue of being a person contemplated in section 31(3)(b) [accredited in SA] for an intended stay of 90 days or less and when in transit:
African Union Laissez Passer 

Chile (only ordinary passport holders)
  • Czech Republic 


  • Visas for medical treatment 

  • Visas for working in the entertainment industry 

  • Visas for attending a conference 

  • Visas for compliance of Treaty conditions 

  • Visas for crew (maritime) 

  • Visas for cultural / economic / social exchange programmes 

  • Transit visas (foreigners en-route to the neighbouring countries) 
Include a letter from a medical practitioner or medical institution, indicating the nature of the ailment, the reason/ necessity for treatment, the period of treatment and particulars of the appointment/s made in South Africa
Include full details of the person or institution responsible for the medical expenses and hospital fees. If your medical scheme or employer will be liable for the expenses incurred, proof of medical cover must be submitted 

  • People who require medical treatment for longer than three months must apply for a temporary residency permit.
Emergency patients transported by emergency flights or vehicles will be allowed entry if they do not have a visa. Immigration officers will facilitate their entry by not applying clearance procedures.
  • However, 
The person in charge of the emergency flight (or the pilot, the driver of the vehicle or the aircraft /vehicle owner) must report the entry and presence of the patient as soon as possible to an office of the Department of Home Affairs 

  • An immigration officer will visit the patient and if necessary, will issue the necessary medical permit. If the patient does not have a valid passport, she/he will be issued with a permit to legalise his or her stay for the duration of his or her 

You must submit an application for a visa with the relevant documentation as listed on the application form, pay the prescribed fee and you must also request for authorisation to work on the visitor’s visa at your nearest South African embassy or mission.
  • If approved, your visa will be endorsed to allow you to stay and work for a period of between 30 and 
90 days. 

Types of Temporary Residence Visas 

  • At least an amount in cash to be invested in the Republic as determined from time to time by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of Trade and Industry or 

  • At least an amount in cash and a capital contribution as determined from time to time by the Minister, is available. 

  • An undertaking by the applicant that atleast 60% of the total staff complement to be employed in the operations shall be South African Citizens or permanent residents, permanently employed in various positions. 

  • The South African Revenue Service 
  • Unemployment Insurance Fund 
  • Compensation Fund for Occupational Injuries 
  • Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission, where legally required and 
  • Relevant professional body, board or council recognized by SAQA, where applicable. 
  • the feasibility of the business 
  • and the contribution to the national interest of the Republic. 
  • A yellow fever vaccination certificate if you have travelled or intend travelling through a yellow fever endemic area 
Medical and radiology reports 
  • Information and Communication Technology
Clothing and textile manufacturing
Chemicals and bio-technology 

  • Agro-processing 
Metals and minerals refinement
Automotive manufacturing

Business Visa applications made for existing businesses require the following documents (in addition to all those listed above) to be submitted with the temporary residence application form: 

  • Financial statements for the preceding financial year 

  • The contribution to the national interest of the Republic 
  • A duly completed application form signed by yourself, the applicant
A passport valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of intended visit 

  • Payment of the prescribed fee
A vaccination certificate, if required by the Act 

bank statements 

  • cash available,
  • or 
travellers’ cheques 

  • Medical and radiology reports 

  • A police clearance certificate from each country in which you resided for 12 months or longer since the age of 18 years
A written undertaking by the employer accepting responsibility for the costs related to the deportation of the applicant and his/ her dependent family members, should it become necessary. 

  • A certificate from the Department of Labour 

  • Proof of qualifications evaluated by SAQA and translated by a sworn translator into one of the official languages of the Republic
A contract of employment signed by both yourself and the employer.
Full particulars of the employer including proof of registration with the Registrar of Companies
An undertaking by the employer to inform the Director- General upon the employee no longer being in the employ of such employer or when employed in a different capacity or role.
All required documentation for a spouse and/or children if they intend to accompany you 

A duly completed application form signed by yourself, the applicant. 

  • A passport valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of 
Payment of the prescribed fee. 

  • A vaccination certificate, if required by the Act. 

  • A cash deposit equivalent to the value of a return or an undertaking from the employer 

  • Medical and radiology reports
A police clearance certificate from each country in which you resided for 12 months or longer since the age of 18 years 

  • Proof of application for a certificate of registration with the accredited professional body, council or board recognized by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). 

  • Proof of evaluation of the foreign qualification/s by SAQA translated by a sworn translator into one of the official languages of the Republic. 

  • Proof of employment within 12 months after obtaining a Critical skills work visa in the form of an employment contract specifying the occupation and capacity in which the foreigner shall be employed. 
A passport valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of intended visit. 

  • Payment of the prescribed fee 

  • A vaccination certificate, if required by the Act
  • bank statements 

  • or 
travellers’ cheques
A cash deposit of equivalent value to a return ticket
An employment contract with the company abroad 

  • A letter from the employer/company abroad confirming that the you will be transferred to a branch/affiliate company in South Africa 

  • A letter from the South African company where you will work, confirming the transfer from the parent/affiliated company abroad. This letter should specify the occupation and capacity in which you will be employed and should also confirm that the maximum duration of employment will not exceed 4 years 

  • that you will leave South Africa once the 4-year period comes to an end 
confirming that your passport is valid 

  • that you will be employed in the position for which the permit is issued 

  • A police clearance certificate from each country in which you resided for 12 months or longer since the age of 18 years 

  • All required documentation for a spouse and/or children if they intend to accompany you 

  • Submit duly completed application forms signed by the applicants 

  • Provide a corroborated statement demonstrating the need to employ foreign workers and the number of foreigners to be employed
A certificate by the Department of Labour
  • Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission, where legally required 
  • The applicant for a corporate visa must provide proof that at least 60% of the total staff complement that are employed are citizens and permanent residents employed permanently in various positions. 

  • Provide a job description and remuneration for each foreign worker 

the foreigner workers have valid passports 
the foreign workers will be employed only in the specific positions for which the visa are issued 
the foreign workers will leave South Africa on completion of their duties
A cash deposit or guarantee for the foreign workers may be payable by the corporate entity or by the workers in the case of skilled workers 

  • A passport valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of intended visit
Payment of the prescribed fee 

  • Proof of medical cover 

  • A cash deposit equivalent to the value of a return ticket.
  • In the case of African students, an undertaking from the relevant government to take full responsibility of the student and to pay all costs, should it become necessary to deport the student 

  • An unabridged birth certificate in the case of minors. 

  • In the case of a minor, the particulars of the person in the Republic of South Africa who will act as the learner’s guardian and a letter from such person confirming guardianship
Consent from both parents for your stay in South Africa, or from the parent who has sole custody, along with proof of sole custody
An official letter from the educational institution, where you intend to study, confirming provisional acceptance and the duration of the course.
Proof of medical cover renewed annually for the period of study with a medical scheme registered in terms of the Medical Schemes Act.
If you are 18 years and older, a police clearance certificate from each country in which you resided for 12 months or longer since the age of 18 years is required. This should be submitted with the application 

No foreigner may displace a South African citizen/resident at a local educational institution 
  • The student must have proof of sufficient funds to pay for day- to-day living expenses, accommodation as well as tuition fees during his/her stay in South Africa 

  • The student must have adequate medical cover with a registered South African medical scheme and proof thereof 

  • A duly completed application Form BI-1738 

  • A passport valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of intended visit 

  • A vaccination certificate, if required by the Act 

bank statements
cash available,
  • Undertaking(s) by the host(s) in the Republic of South Africa 

  • A cash deposit equivalent to the value of a return ticket or an undertaking by the relevant institution to cover costs for deportation, if necessary 

A police clearance certificate from each country in which you resided for 12 months or longer since the age of 18 years
A letter from the Department of Education or a public higher educational institution in the South Africa, confirming that it is responsible for organizing/administering the programme, outlining the activities and duration thereof, as well as confirming that it will take full responsibility for the student whilst he/she is in the country
A letter from an organ of the foreign state, confirming the particulars of the student, including confirmation of the student’s registration with a tertiary educational institution abroad, as well as the date on which study will commence 

  • A report from a South African organ of state or learning institution prescribed in regulation 19(3) 

A duly completed application Form BI-1738 

  • Undertaking(s) by the host(s) in the Republic of South Africa
Proof of medical cover 
Medical and radiology reports 

  • A cash deposit equivalent to the value of a return ticket or an undertaking by the relevant institution to cover costs for deportation, if necessary, along with proof of a return ticket 

  • A letter from the organ of state confirming the status/existence of the exchange programme. 

  • A letter from the educational institution abroad confirming your enrolment or a letter from the foreign state organ confirming your participation in the programme and their awareness of the exchange programme.
Annual reports from the sponsoring body, outlining progress of the programme. In the absence of a sponsoring body, the educational institution or organ of state must submit the reports. 
  • A police clearance certificate from each country in which you resided for 12 months or longer since the age of 18 years 
  • bank statements
Undertaking(s) by the host(s) in the Republic of South Africa 

  • A cash deposit equivalent to the value of a return ticket or an undertaking by the relevant institution to cover costs for deportation, if necessary, along with proof of a return ticket
the position for which the exchange permit will be issued exists
  • that your remuneration complies with labour requirements
the employer will provide for your welfare and needs whilst in its employ 

  • the employer will inform the Department if you do not comply with the terms and conditions of your permit or leave the Republic 

  • you will leave the country when your permit expires. 

You will not qualify for a permanent residence permit within 2 years after the expiry of your exchange permit. 

  • A passport with at least 1 free page for a visa.
  • The passport must be valid for 30 days after expiry of the intended visit
2 recent passport size colour photographs
A photocopy of a valid residential permit, if applicable
Permit fees (cash or bank transfer);
A vaccination certificate (if you have travelled through or intend travelling to the yellow fever belt) 

  • The minimum payment to a foreigner shall be per month, the amount determined from time to time by the Minister, this amount is currently set at R37 000,00 .
A minimum prescribed net worth currently set at R37 000,00 .
The spouse and dependent children accompanying the holder of a retired person visa may be issued with an appropriate visa. 

Relative’s Visa

A relative’s visa may be issued for the prescribed period by the Director-General to a foreigner who is a member of the immediate family of a citizen or a permanent resident, provided that such citizen or permanent resident provides the prescribed financial assurance. The financial assurance contemplated in section 18(1) of the Act shall be an amount, per person and per month, as determined from time to time by the Minister by notice in the Gazette, to be proven by means of a current salary advice or a certified bank statement not older than three months at the time of application: Provided that the financial assurance shall not be required where the South African citizen or permanent resident is a dependent child. The current amount determined by Minister is R8 500.00. Relative’s visas are issued for a maximum period of two years at a time.

  • The passport must be valid for 30 days after end of the intended visit 

  • A vaccination certificate, if required by the Act.
Payment of the prescribed fee (not applicable for the spouse or dependent children of a South African citizen/permanent resident)
A cash deposit equivalent value to a return or onward ticket (not required for the spouse or dependent children of South African citizen/permanent resident).
A statement and/or documentation confirming the purpose and duration of your visit and proof that you are an immediate family member of a South African citizen/permanent resident (a full birth certificate for children, a marriage certificate in the case of a spouse and proof of kinship for others)
  • Medical and radiology reports for yourself and all family members accompanying you (pregnant women and children younger than 12 years need not submit these reports) 

  • Proof of South African citizenship or permanent residence of the relative in South Africa in the form of an identity document or passport 

  • Proof availability of a minimum amount of R8500 per month per person for living expenses (this does not apply for a spouse or dependent minor child of a South African citizen/ permanent resident) 

  • The holder of a relatives visa may not conduct work.

Medical Treatment Visa 

Medical Treatment visas may be issued for a maximum period of six months at a time.

To apply for a medical treatment visa, you must provide the following documentation:

A duly completed BI-1738 application form 

  • The passport must be valid for 30 days after end of the intended visit
Payment of the prescribed fee. 

  • A letter from your medical practitioner or a medical institution, indicating the reasons/ necessity for treatment, the period of treatment and particulars of the treatment plans in the Republic of South Africa 

  • Details of the person or institution responsible for your medical expenses and hospital fees
Should your medical scheme or employer not be liable for expenses incurred, proof of financial means or medical cover must be submitted
Proof of sufficient financial means or provision for the costs indirectly related to the treatment.
Particulars of persons accompanying you 

  • A copy of a return or onward air ticket.
  • Kindly note that the Department may request a cash deposit equivalent to the value of an air ticket to the country of your origin or residence
A vaccination certificate, if required by law. 



Fees for the issuance of a visitor’s visa in terms of section 11(1) of the Immigration Act shall be collected in respect of passport / travel document holders of the following foreign countries when travelling on an ordinary passport (visa fees are not levied for diplomatic and official/service passport holders).  Please note that countries marked with an asterisk are only subject to visa fees if the intended visit exceeds thirty (30) days:

Afghanistan (Transitional Islamic State of)

Akrotiri and Dhekelia in Cyprus (Sovereign base area of)

Albania (Republic of)

American Samoa

Andorra (Principality of)

Angola (Republic of)

Armenia (Republic of)

Azerbaijan (Republic of)

Austria (Republic of)

Bahamas (The Commonwealth of the)

Bahrain (The Kingdom of)

Belarus (Republic of)

Belau (Palau) Republic of)


Benin (Dahomey) (Republic of)*

Bhutan (Kingdom of)


Bouvet Islands

British Antarctic Territory

British Indian Ocean Territory

Brunei Darassalam

Bulgaria (Republic of)

Burkina Faso (Republic of)

Burma (Myanmar)

Burundi (Republic of)

Cambodia (Kampuchea) (Kingdom of)

Cameroon (Republic)

Cayman Islands

Central African Republic

China (People’s Republic of)

Comoros (Union of)

Congo (Democratic Republic of)

Cote D’lvoire (Republic of)

Croatia (Republic of)

Cuba (Republic of)

Denmark (Kingdom of)

Dahomey (Benin) (Republic of Benin)

Diego Garcia

Djibouti (Republic of)

Dominican Republic

Ducie & Oeno Islands

Eastern Caribbean

El Salvador (Republic of)

Ellice Island (Tuvalu)

Equatorial Guinea*

Eritrea (State of)

Estonia (Republic of)

Ethiopia (The Federal Democratic Republic of)

Falkland Islands

Fiji Islands (Republic of the)

Finland (Republic of)

France (Republic of)

French Guiana

French Polynesia

Gabon (Republic of)*

Gambia (The)

Georgia (Republic of)

Germany (Federal Republic of)

Ghana (Republic of)

Gilbert Island (Kiribati)

Greece (Hellenic Republic of)

Guatemala (Republic of)

Guinea (Republic of)

Guinea-Bissau (Republic of)

Haiti (Republic of)

Holy See

Honduras (Republic of)

Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region)*

Iceland (Republic of)

Indonesia (Republic of)

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Iraq (Republic of)

Italy (Republic of)

Ivory Coast (Republic of Còte D’Ivoire)

Kampuchea (Cambodia) (Kingdom of)

Kazakhstan (Republic of)

Kenya (Republic of)*

Kiribati (Gilbert Island)

Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of/North)

Korea (|Republic of/South)*

Kyrgyz Republic

Laos (People’s Democratic Republic)

Latvia (Republic of)

Lebanon (Republic of)

Libya (Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)

Lithuania (Republic of)

Luxemburg (Grand Duchy of)

Macedonia (The former Yugoslav Republic of)

Madagascar (Republic of)

Malaysia (Federation of)*

Mali (Republic of)

Marshall Islands (Republic of)

Mauritania (Islamic Republic of)

Micronesia (Federated States of)

Moldova (Republic of)

Monaco (Principality of)

Morocco (Kingdom of)

Mozambique (Republic of)

Myanmar (Burma) (The Union of)

Naura (Republic of)

Nepal (Kingdom of)

Netherlands (The Royal)

Netherlands Antilles

New Zealand

Nigeria (Republic of)

Northern Marianas

Oman (Sultanate of)

Pakistan (Islamic Republic of)

Palau (Belau) (Republic of)

Panama (Republic of)

Papua New Guinea

Philippines (Republic of the)*

Pitcairn Islands

Poland (Republic of)

Portugal (Republic of)

Puerto Rico

Qatar (State of)

Russian Federation (except private guests of Embassy or Consular staff)

Rwanda (Republic of)

Samoa (The Independent State of)

San Marino (Republic of)

Sao Tome & Principe (Democratic Republic of)

Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)

Serbia & Montenegro

Sierra Leone (Republic of)

Singapore (Republic of)

Slovenia (Republic of)

Spain (Kingdom of)

Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of)

St Kitts and Nevis

Sudan (Republic of the)

Suriname (Republic of)

Syrian (Arab Republic)

Tajikistan (Republic of)

Tanzania (United Republic of)

Thailand (Kingdom of)*

Togo (Republic of)

Trinidad and Tobago (Republic of)

Tristan da Cunha

Tunisia (Republic of)

Turkey (Republic of)*

Turkmenistan (Republic of)

Turks & Caicos Islands

Tuvalu (Ellice Islands)

Uganda (Republic of)

United Arab Emirates

United States of America

Uzbekistan (Republic of)

Vanuatu (Republic of)

Vatican City (Holy S ee)

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Vietnam (Socialist Republic of)

Western Sahara

Yemen (Republic of)

updated - 2016-07-20

In this article

Cover Letter for Business Visa

Composing an effective cover letter for your business visa application with expert guidance and free samples.

This article will help you write the perfect business cover letter when applying for a business visa; It will help you understand more about what the embassy requirements are and what to avoid when writing a cover letter.

Read the article below for further information regarding tips on how to write a simple business cover letter!

What is a Business Cover Letter?

A business cover letter is a document regarding your professional background that includes all your essential professional information. A business letter is used as an introduction to the Embassy regarding the business visa you are applying for. By reading a cover letter, the Embassy will have a more detailed representation of you and your visa application purpose.

Note: Applicants who apply for a business visa must submit a business cover letter to the embassy or consulate of the country they are applying to. 

What to Include in a Business Cover Letter?

A detailed and professional business cover letter must contain three important steps:

  • Introduction.
  • Itinerary of your business trip.
  • Conclusion and personal contact information.


The first paragraph of your cover letter is one of the most important parts of your business cover letter. The first paragraph must catch the Embassy’s attention, it must give the reader a desire to continue reading your cover letter. The letter must contain information about you, the job position you are applying for, a referring name (if applicable), and information about why you are applying for the specific position.

If you are applying for a business visa just to attend a meeting, or a conference, please be specific about that in the first paragraph of your letter.

Itinerary of Your Business Trip

The second paragraph must be the paragraph in which you must explain in detail your business trip itinerary. The letter must include details, such as;

  • How long you plan to stay.
  • Information regarding any conference or meeting you will attend (if applicable).
  • Any other information about any other place you will visit.
  • If you will travel to different cities (include that too).
  • The name of the conference you will be attending.
  • The company’s name, or the job position you are applying for (if applicable).
  • Where you will be staying.
  • Details about the nature of the business you will be conducting.

Note: Make sure you add any other information you might want to include which will be convenient for the Embassy!

Conclusion and Personal Contact Information

The third paragraph must be the perfect final touch of your cover letter; this paragraph must contain details about you, such as; where the Embassy can contact you and how you can be contacted.

How do I Write a Simple Business Cover Letter?

Here are a few tips to help you write your cover letter in the most effective way possible when applying for a business visa:

  • Open the letter strongly.
  • Be kind with your words.
  • Be prepared.
  • Explain exactly what you will be doing when arriving in the country.
  • Let them know that you know a lot about their company and the job position you are applying for.
  • Use your words carefully.
  • Keep it short and simple.
  • Include your keywords.
  • Make your letter as customized as possible.
  • Use a referring name (if you have any).

Important: One of the most important tips when writing a business cover letter is not to COPY your letter!

Business Cover Letter Samples

The Embassy or Consulate of the country you are applying for may request a business cover letter from you or your employer.

Here is a business cover letter sample if the Embassy requires a letter from you.

December 2022

Finland Embassy in Turkey

Nisbetiye Mah. Aydın Sok. No:6, D.8. 1. Levent, 34340 Beşiktaş/İstanbul Türkiye

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is Denize Doe (passport number: AZ1122244); I am a Turkish citizen who lives in Istanbul, Türkiye, where I work as an It Manager for a company called ITcom.

The reason I am applying for a Finland visa is so that I can attend a very important business conference that the company has organized with one of our partners in Finland. The conference will take place in Helsinki, from December 15, 2022, to December 20, 2022.

During the time I will be in Finland, I will attend the conference from 9 AM to 6 PM, and with the time left, I will try to visit some small tourist attractions near Helsinki. I will also visit my aunt and uncle who live in Helsinki.

This conference is very important to me and my professional journey in this company; I believe that we will learn a lot from this conference, and I will also have the opportunity to meet many colleagues that I haven’t seen in ages.

Thank you so much for your time and the opportunity!

Email: [email protected]

Phone number: +6744554432

Here is a business cover letter sample if the Embassy requires a letter from your employer.

Gaziosmanpaşa, Beyaz Zambaklar Sok. No:44, 06700 Çankaya/Ankara Türkiye

My name is Abdulah Tamir (passport number: AZ66223339); I am a Turkish citizen who lives in, Istanbul, Turkey. I am the manager of an IT company operating in Istambul, Türkiye, called ITcom.

I am writing this letter to confirm that Miss Denize Doe is invited to attend one of our most important conferences that will be taking place in Helsinki, Finland, from December 15, 2022, to December 20, 2022.

Miss Denize is one of our managers here in Istanbul, she is a very important person in our company. I believe that her attendance at the conference will have a great impact on our company since she will be able to learn a lot and apply the acquired knowledge and experience to our company.

Thank you so much for your time!

Abdulah Tamir

Phone number: +67778882

What To Avoid When Writing a Business Cover Letter to the Embassy

Avoid these common mistakes when writing a business cover letter to the Embassy:

  • Don’t mention something negative about the Embassy, or the job.
  • Avoid long sentences.
  • Do not be overly formal.
  • Be informed.
  • Do not brag.
  • Make sure you write your sentences correctly.
  • Do not give a lot of personal information.
  • Do not repeat the same information.
  • Do not be rude.
  • Do not forget important information.

Visa Letter - Visa Invitation Letters for All Type of Visas

Visa Invitation Letter for South African Visa

Want to invite someone to and need to write a visa invitation letter for visa? Find and download the right visa invitation letter for your needs, here.

Download Sample Visa Invitation Letter for South Africa

When you are creating plans to travel to South Africa, there are a number of things you need to look at, such as if you will be enabled to go into South Africa, and do need a South African visa, where you will be visiting and for how long.

If you need to make an application for a South African visa, be advised, typically applying and getting a South African visa is a long procedure and you as a visa candidate will need to provide many documents and steps to obtain it.

Among the most essential things you have to prove to the visa officer at the South African embassy is that you will not stay illegally in South Africa more than you are allowed to. As a result of this reason, having an invite letter for the South African visa is required in most cases and will help your request at the least.

Visa Invitation Letter for South Africa

What is an invitation letter for South African visa?

A visa invite letter is a written letter from the person you are visiting who lives in South Africa. The individual you are visiting is inviting you to stay with them and by default they ensure that you will not remain in South Africa unlawfully.

As a basic guideline, if you are seeing a family member or buddy in South Africa, she or he will send you an invitation letter to stay with him or her for specific dates. The visa invitation letter will define the relationship she or he have with you and clarify that they will assist you economically if you are not able to for the timeframe of your stay in South Africa.

When you apply for your South African visa, you need to connect this visa letter to the rest of the files with your visa application. The visa invitation letter is a powerful supporter of your application because the visa officer at the South African embassy will understand that you are not just going to the country without a purpose.

The letter will tell them why you are visiting and who you are visiting. If for any reason, you do not go back to your home country within the specified amount of time, the authorities will recognize you are staying unlawfully, however they will also have the contact info of the person you were temporarily living with. That is how they can catch you and take the essential measures if you overstay your South African visa.

If you are preparing to take a trip for a specific reason to the South Africa, you should make sure that you have the proper visa invitation letter. The letter will make things a lot easier for the Embassy to grant you the necessary visa.

We have actually listed the various kinds of visa invite letters below, a visa officer at the South African embassy require descriptions of what each of them are and the frequently requested files. Please seek advice from the South African embassy site in your country of residence to find out more as the needed files can differ from nation to nation for the exact same South African visa.

What are the different types of visa invitation letter?

The type of visa invitation letter you need to include with your application depends on the purpose for your travel to South Africa, thus there are lots of types of visa invitation letters. To add to the intricacy, each type of visa letter will likewise require additional supporting files to show that what is written in the visa invitation letter is true. The visa officers are extremely particular about this and they will not take into consideration an inviting letter for a South African visa without the required documents that support its claims.

cover letter for south africa visa

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Schengen Visa Application Cover Letter – Sample Letter for Schengen Tourist Visa

The cover letter you must submit for your Schengen Visa application is an important document that states the reason you are traveling to a certain Schengen country. In your Schengen Visa Application Cover Letter, you must address the Embassy or Consulate of the destination country you plan to visit, as your main goal is to persuade the Consular staff that you are a suitable candidate for receiving the Schengen visa.

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Schengen Tourist Visa?

Your Schengen tourist visa application cover letter should include the information listed below:

  • Your full name.
  • Your date of birth.
  • Your nationality.
  • Your passport details (passport number, issue date, and expiry date).
  • Your current address.
  • Your email address.
  • Your phone number.
  • The date when you are writing the letter.
  • The name of the embassy or consulate where you are applying for the Schengen visa.
  • The embassy or consulate’s address.
  • The intention of traveling with a Schengen Tourist Visa (e.g., tourism, sightseeing, visiting friends or family, attending an event, etc.).
  • The entry and exit dates of your trip.
  • A detailed itinerary of your trip, including the Schengen countries you plan to visit during your trip, information about your planned accommodations, flights, and any tours or activities you have booked.
  • Your financial capacity to cover your trip expenses.

Tourist Visa Application Cover Letter Sample

Amina Patel
1234 Main Street, New Delhi
Email: [Your Email]
Phone: [Your Phone Number]
November 10, 2023Embassy of Italy
New Delhi
IndiaSubject: Application for Schengen Tourist Visa – Amina Patel, Passport No: YZ123456Dear Visa Officer,

I am writing to respectfully submit my application for a Schengen tourist visa for my planned visit to Italy, which is scheduled from February 1 to February 16, 2024. My intention is to experience Italy’s renowned cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and culinary delights.

The primary objective of my journey is tourism and leisure. I am eager to delve into the local culture, sample authentic cuisine, and visit illustrious sites, including the Colosseum in Rome. As an avid admirer of European history and architecture, this trip represents a long-awaited dream.

I am currently employed as a Marketing Executive at ABC Corporation in New Delhi, a position I have held since January 15, 2020. Enclosed is a letter from my employer, verifying my employment, the approval of my leave for this period, and my commitment to return to my position following my vacation.

Please find attached the necessary documents to support my visa application:

● A duly completed and signed Schengen visa application form, along with passport-sized photographs.

● My valid passport, which includes my travel history.

● Comprehensive travel insurance with a minimum coverage of €30,000.

● Round-trip flight reservations: Tokyo to Rome and return (February 1-16, 2024) via Japan Airlines.

● Confirmed hotel bookings for the duration of my stay in Italy.

● Employment and leave certificates from ABC Corporation.

● Financial documents demonstrating my economic stability, including Income Tax Returns, recent payslips, and bank statements.

Planned Itinerary:

● [February 1, 2024]: Departure from New Delhi to Rome.

● [February 2-4, 2024]: Exploring Rome.

● [February 5-8, 2024]: Travel to and stay in Venice.

● [February 9-12, 2024]: Visit Florence and Tuscany region.

● [February 13-15, 2024]: Return to Rome; final exploration and shopping.

● [February 16, 2024]: Departure from Rome to New Delhi.

I am genuinely excited about this trip and have taken through steps to ensure a well-organized and hassle-free journey. Should you require any additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I appreciate your consideration of my visa application and look forward to a positive response.


Amina Patel
[Address in India]
[Contact Information]

Sample letter of Support for Spouse Visa South Africa

Introduction .

Sample Letter of Support for Spouse Visa South Africa

When applying for a  spousal visa for South Africa  there are many requirements that you need to satisfy before being issued the visa. One of those requirements is the letter of support (also known as a confirmation of support) from your South African citizen spouse or partner.

The South African spouse visa allows you to stay alongside your spouse for 2 years at a time and is extendable. You can apply for a spousal visa if you are on a  tourist visa in South Africa .

The spousal visa is part of the  family visa South Africa  which is also more commonly known as the relatives visa.

If you do not qualify for the visa, these are the different  South Africa visa types  you can qualify for.

You can read here about  spousal visa renewal in South Africa .

What is the difference between a life partner permit and a spousal visa?

Apply for a Spousal Visa Today!

Don't wait another moment—start your visa application now and create a lifetime of cherished memories in South Africa!

The advantage of this visa is you can add one of the three endorsements to your visa:

The advantage of this visa is you can add one of the three endorsements to your visa

  • Working rights (must have a job offer)
  • Study rights (must have been accepted at a recognized educational institution in SA)
  • Business rights (Must have registered your business and have proof)

These are the  temporary spouse visa South Africa requirements  you would need to gather for the visa and if you have been offered a job then you can  get a work endorsement on a spousal visa . Remember when adding a work endorsement, you applying for the  section 11(6) visa of the immigration act .

What is a letter of support for a spouse visa?

What is a letter of support for a spouse visa

A letter of support also called the confirmation of support is a document that your South African citizen partner writes to acknowledge, and confirm that they are aware that you are submitting an application for a spousal visa.

The letter of support confirms the following as well:

  • Supporting your partner emotionally
  • Supporting your partner financially
  • You stand responsible for the costs related to the maintenance and removal of the applicant from the Republic.

As you can read, you need to confirm to the Department of Home Affairs that your partner is aware of the application being made, that they support the idea, and that they both financially and emotionally will support you.

An important aspect to bring to your spouse’s attention is that he or she will be responsible for the cost of your deportation should you ever need to be deported one day. This is something that you and your partner should have a discussion about and that they are made aware of.

How do I write a letter of support for a visa?

How do I write a letter of support for a visa?

The letter of support for a spousal visa is fairly simple to write and does not require you to pick your brain.

The letter should include the following details:

  • Addressed to Department of Home Affairs Pretoria
  • A header (Name it: Confirmation of Support)
  • The partner should confirm that he or she is aware of the application being made
  • Specifically, name the visa being applied for
  • Include your name and relationship to you (Husband or Wife)
  • Confirm that they will emotionally and financially support you
  • Undertake that they will be responsible for your deportation costs
  • Thank the Department of Home Affairs for their kind consideration
  • South African Partner to sign the letter include full name and surname
  • Certify the letter
  • Include contact details like phone number and email address (Not necessary)

As you can read from the requirements above that it’s fairly easy to write this letter. The only aspect you need to remember is whether you are applying for section 11(6) which is the endorsements we mentioned earlier or if you are simply applying for section 18.

So stop wondering how do you write a personal statement for a spouse visa because we are excited to share our template with you.

You can download the exact template we use for our clients for free. Our letter-of-support-from-spouse-south-africa-example-pdf.docx  will save you time.  You don’t have to waste time writing the letter of support from scratch and you could just edit our word doc as you like.

If you’d like for us to assist you then you can complete our free assessment form and we’ll do an assessment with you to see if you qualify.

What documents do I need to sponsor my spouse? (South African Partner)

What documents do I need to sponsor my spouse

There are a few documents your partner would need to give you to include in your application:

  • Certified copy of their South African ID or passport if they are a permanent resident
  • The letter of support signed by your partner
  • Spousal Affidavit signed by both you and your spouse in front of a commissioner of oaths
  • Bank statements from your partner
  • Utility bills which are in both your names
  • Marriage certificate

These are the required documents you would need from your partner for the spousal visa application. They must provide these documents including their sensitive information for your application to be accepted by the Department of Home Affairs.

The reason why your partner needs to show their bank statements is to show the Department of Home Affairs that your spouse can support you financially. The amount needed is at least R8,500.00 per month.

Remember that if you are applying in another country at a South African embassy, they might have different requirements compared to submitting in South Africa.

Each and every visa application is different from person to person so the information you find online will differ and you would need to find out what suits your needs.

What happens if my visa is rejected?

What happens if my visa is rejected

There are various reasons why your application may have been declined. The most popular reason is that you have omitted important documents that prove the legitimacy of your relationship.

An incomplete application will raise red flags to the officials reviewing your application.

Our advice is to ensure that you clearly show the following:

  • How you share your responsibilities around the house
  • Who pays for what and how are finances shared?
  • Do both of you have access to each other’s finances or not
  • Responsibilities of each party where the kids are concerned

Including this information in your affidavit is a must when you apply for the visa. This information should not be included in your confirmation of support letter.

Migrate With Q can assist you

You definitely do not have to make use of an immigration consultant to apply for this visa but to increase your chances of obtaining the visa we would advise you of making use of an agent. We provide advice and compile your application so that it stands the best chance. We cross-check all your supporting documents and ensure that it is error-free.

About Charl

Charl Vollmer

Charl Vollmer has 8 years of experience helping people immigrate to South Africa. I am passionate about helping people and making their dreams a reality. Charl constantly stays up to date with South African Immigration rules and regulations.  To contact Charl, visit our contact page .

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How to write the best cover letter for CV South Africa: guide, sample, format

If you are hunting for a job, please polish your skills for drafting a cover letter for CV South Africa. This is the first step of impressing the employer so that you are given a chance for an interview. Did you know that managers are trained to examine the character of the job applicant through the cover letter? Job vacancies are available, but how will you get one if the presentation of your application document speaks lowly of you? Your CV letter should enable you to stand out.

cover letter for CV South Africa

You need to go through a cover letter for CV example. It is a simple guideline for writing application letters for jobs. However, do not rely on all the online samples because some of them do not use the South African writing structure. The formats for drafting a job application letter vary slightly per country because of the different education systems. For you to get the attention of the employer in South Africa, please stick to the South African format.

cover letter for south africa visa

Free company profile template: What you need to know

What is a cover letter for CV?

It is a one-page document that you MUST send with a resume to employers when looking for a job. In the document, you should provide the employer with details about the unique skills and experience that you possess, which are in line with what the job needs.

cover letter for CV

Cover letter format

Recruitment policies within organizations slightly differ from one organization to another. Some companies may need the job application letter while others may not because they may assume that the resume has all the required information they need to know about you.

Today, the majority of organizations insist that applicants should apply for jobs online. However, there are companies that still accept the traditional handwritten cover letters. Here is a detailed discussion about the appropriate format for penning a letter of employment in South Africa.

Date and contacts

In a hard copy, write the date of application, your address, and lastly, the company's address. Do not change the order of these items and arrange them vertically while leaving a space after each one of them.

cover letter for south africa visa

What to include in a sworn affidavit template

In a digital copy for an online application, there is no need to write the company's address and your address. The essential information that the employer should know is your city, country, cellphone contacts, and email.

Use the name of the contracting manager to address him or her. This shows that you know who you are writing to because you have done research about the company. The titles Mr., Mrs., and Miss. in a CV cover letter can offend the manager because you may be wrong about the marital status of the person. The world has moved away from the traditional "Dear Sir/Madam" greetings to "Dear Hiring Manager" because the latter is more appealing than the former. The "Dear Hiring Manager" salutation is also a clever cover-up for not knowing the names of the managers.

First paragraph

Here is the part where you show the enthusiastic side of you. State the job title that you are applying for and how you learned about the vacancy. State the most recent and major scholarly qualifications that you have that match the job requirements. It can be a bachelor's degree, masters' degree, certificate, diploma, etc.

cover letter for south africa visa

What you should know on how to become a firefighter in South Africa

Paragraphs at the center

In this section, you will write in detail the qualifications that you have, starting with the educational qualification that you mentioned in the opening paragraph. Write about your work experience and the skills that you got from those jobs. Persuade the manager to hire you by letting him or her know the achievements you made in those jobs and your values.

Ending paragraph

The manager needs some acknowledge from you. Request for an interview courteously and provide him or her with your email and cellphone number in this part.

Closing complements and signature

Seeking for a job can make anyone emotional. Do you know that you sound affectionate when you write words like cheers, yours truly, and warm regards? "Yours sincerely" or "Regards" with your name at the bottom is the most appropriate way to go about it. If you are using your handwriting, do not forget your signature.

cover letter for south africa visa

The best free offer to purchase template

cover letter for CV South Africa

READ ALSO: How to apply for parliament vacancies

Job application letter sample

Here is a sample for an online job application:

(Applicant's name)

(Applicant's phone number)

(Applicant's email address)

(Date of application)

Dear Hiring Manager (or Name),


Regarding the advertised (job title) that I learned about from (where or how), I seek to work for your esteemed organization. I am an (undergraduate/diploma graduate/masters graduate, etc.) from the (school) with a (credits).

My scholarly background, leadership experience at (organization), and working for (company) have empowered me with in-depth knowledge and proficient skills as a (job title). I am confident that my (state your skills) will enable me to bring impressive contributions to your company.

I am interested in working for (company) because it offers (services the company offers its customers) that have critically brought a positive change in society. I also believe that (company) will enable me to gain more skills and experience to build my career and make an impact on society.

cover letter for south africa visa

Free South African CV templates and tips on how to write them

Here are my attached resume and qualifications documents that will give you more information about me. Thank you for going through my resume. I will appreciate it if we can meet for an interview. You can contact me through (phone number and email).

(Your name)

READ ALSO: 30 common interview questions and answers

Please click here for more cover letter examples South Africa. Did you know that a cover letter template makes it easier to write this document? A template is a simple cover letter sample for job application in word format that you can edit on your computer after downloading it. Some are for sale but at an affordable rate.

What are the precautions for writing a CV cover letter?

  • Send the document as a PDF or .doc because, unlike the word document, the orderliness in the PDF or .doc cannot be altered by the system of the organization.
  • Make it readable by using Arial, Calibri, and Verdana fonts of size ten to twelve. Add spaces between the sections and use single-spacing to make the document look neat.
  • Use 250-350 words for the entire document but fix in it all the vital information.

cover letter for south africa visa

Guidelines on how to write a CV in South Africa

Have confidence when writing your cover letter for CV South Africa. Check the grammar and punctuation mistakes by proofreading it using Grammarly or any other app that you know. Best of luck!

READ ALSO: Step-by-step guide on how to write a CV in South Africa

Source: Briefly News

Peris Walubengo (Lifestyle writer) Peris Walubengo is a content creator with 5 years of experience writing articles, researching, editing, and proofreading. She has a Bachelor of Commerce & IT from the University of Nairobi and joined in November 2019. The writer completed a Google News Initiate Course. She covers bios, marketing & finance, tech, fashion & beauty, recipes, movies & gaming reviews, culture & travel. You can email her at [email protected].

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filled in Black ink only and signature should be as per passport ) Checklist require along with form. with passport no, designation, purpose of travel and date of travel. -  no., designation, purpose of travel and date of travel and proper address CTC number of the South African company and person who signs his name and designation should also have seal of the Company.   [ Also note if applicant hold a valid USA , UK and travel to Schengen twice and South Africa visa once then normal bank statement updated for 6 months with seal and sign and balance above 30000/= will do ]   [ Letter from the application like a declaration stating that consider the same bank statement and its original and further any requirement applicant will take care of same.


filled in Black ink only and signature should be as per passport ) Checklist require along with form.  [ Also note if applicant hold a valid USA , UK and travel to Schengen twice and South Africa visa once then normal bank statement updated for 6 months with seal and sign and balance above 30000/= will do ]   [ Letter from the application like a declaration stating that consider the same bank statement and its original and further any requirement applicant will take care of same.

filled in Black ink only and signature should be as per passport )


Two Monkeys Travel Group

How to Apply For South Africa Tourist Visa for Filipinos

Plan your next South African trip! Here’s our guide for Filipinos about applying for South Africa tourist visa using your Philippines passport.

How to Apply For A South Africa Tourist Visa with Your Philippines Passport

With South Africa’s unique and rich culture, it’s not surprising that a lot of people want to explore this hidden gem in Africa. And that includes us, Filipinos! As you visit this wonderful country, you’d be blown away by its friendly people and picturesque landscapes plus towering cliffs that are truly breathtaking. Want to see some of the most magnificent species like lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants, and buffalos? That’s possible in South Africa!

How to Apply For A South Africa Tourist Visa with Your Philippines Passport

And to add South Africa to your bucket list, we’re here to provide you the easy steps and guide on how you can apply for a South Africa tourist visa with your Philippines Passport. Good luck with applying and get that visa!

  • Ultimate List of Best Cheap Hotels in South Africa
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  • How to Travel around Africa for Filipinos – Visa Guides and Best Flight Routes from Manila to Africa

Table of Contents

Main Requirements in Applying for South Africa Tourist Visa

1. A Valid Passport – It must be valid for at least 30 days after the intended stay/departure date from South Africa. It must also have at least two unused/blank visa pages. Also, provide Copies of the bio-data page;

Philippine Passport

2. Two Passport Photos ;

3. Completed Application Form ( DHA-84 );

How to Apply For A South Africa Tourist Visa with Your Philippines Passport

4. Certificate of Vaccination for Yellow Fever ;

5. Proof of Financial Capacity – it can be your bank statement issued within the last 3 months. Always keep the receipt as they usually ask for it too;

Philippines Bank Code & Swift Codes

6. Your Travel Details – It can be your flight reservation details , hotel reservations , and daily itinerary (It is not yet clear if this is still a requirement, nevertheless, prepare for it, but don’t pay yet, a reservation will do;

Rent A Flight

7. Cover letter (State the name, passport number, duration of visit, and the name of the person who will bear the expenses of the trip (if not the applicant himself). It must contain the physical address and applicant’s signature. If you have a representative, put his/her contact details and the designation);

8. An invitation letter if you’re invited by a South African national;

9. And a copy of the Marriage Certificate if you’re married. Bring the original as well for verification purposes.

You can also submit other supporting documents like Employment Certificate and ITR (If employed), Business Permits (If you own a business), School Records (If a student), Copies of your Land/Condominium/Car Title/s or Registration (if applicable).

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Apply for South Africa Tourist Visa

STEP 1: Gather and complete all the required documents. Make sure everything is in order and fill out the application form truthfully and legibly.

STEP 2: Submit it to VFS Global, South Africa Visa Application Center, Ground Floor, Ecoplaza Bldg., Don Chino Roces Ave., Makati City. You can submit it from Monday-Friday from 7-11:30 AM and 1-4:30 PM, while those done by authorized representatives are from 7-11 AM and 1-4 PM.

STEP 3: Pay the visa processing fees.


Visa Processing Fee for a South Africa Tourist Visa

It’s free if you’re staying for less than 30 days, and PHP 2,525 for 30 days and beyond.

VFS Service Fee:  PHP 2,000 Courier:  PHP 370 but this is optional

Embassy of South Africa in Manila

Embassy of South Africa in the Philippines Address: 29th Floor, Yuchengco Tower, RCBC Plaza, #6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Metro Manila Contact number: +65 8164 7186 Office Hours:  Monday – Friday: 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Frequently Asked Questions About South Africa Tourist Visa

How to Apply For A South Africa Tourist Visa with Your Philippines Passport

1. Do I need to have a ‘ show money ’ for South Africa visa?

Yes, as it is one of the main requirements in applying for the visa. However, there is no clear answer as to how much money you should have in your bank account . Just be sure that it can cover your accommodation, flight, and day-to-day expenses.

2. Can a representative pick-up my passport?

Yes! But he has to have the Official receipt, a Copy of your valid ID, a Signed authorization letter with complete details, and his Original valid ID.

3. I have a valid U.S. Visa. Do I still need to apply for a Visit Visa to South Africa?

Yes, you still have to.

4. I forgot to attach a document in my application. Is there a way that I can send them after I have already submitted my application?

Unfortunately, no. Unless they ask for it which is unlikely to happen. That’s why you must go through your documents and make sure it’s complete.

5. Can I apply for a Multiple Entry Visa?

Yes. But you need to provide a letter stating the reasons/justification for your request. Also provide your flight/travel reservation documentation, hotel reservations (need not be paid), and details of the full travel itinerary. You must also submit your visas to all countries of the intended visit for the current trip, both original and copies. (i.e. If you’re traveling to Botswana, you need to show your visa or the proof that you have applied for that visa). Alternatively, if you do not require a visa to any of the neighboring countries, just provide proof of exemption.

6. Is there any other case where I can apply for a Multiple Entry Visa?

Yes.  Applicants that traveled or been traveling more than once a year to South Africa may apply for a Multiple Entry Visa which is valid for up to 3 Years.

7. Do I need to have travel insurance ?

It is not necessary but having one is for your safety as well. We don’t know what will happen during your trip.


  • Ultimate Guide to UK Working Holiday Visa – Youth Mobility Scheme visa (Tier 5)
  • Ultimate Guide to New Zealand Working Holiday Visa
  • Our Guide to Australia Working Holiday Visa [Australian Visa Subclass 417] – Work and Travel in Australia
  • How to Apply For A Single Entry Japan Tourist Visa with Your Philippines Passport
  • Russia Evisa Guide for Filipinos – A Complete Step by Step Guide of the Online Application Process [with Screenshots]

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How to Apply For A South Africa Tourist Visa with Your Philippines Passport

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14 thoughts on “ How to Apply For South Africa Tourist Visa for Filipinos ”

Thank you for this blog. I just got my tourist visa and wanted to share some of my experiences: 1. The cover letter needs to be NOTARIZED. I did not know this and it’s not specified in VFS website as well but good thing there’s a law office in the next building (Yap, Kung, Ching & Associates Law Office in G & A Building). 2. In the Application Form (DHA-84) Purpose of Visit, you should put “Holiday” and not “Tourism”. I have to fill-up that page again to revise. 3. The courier service is mandatory. They allow pick-up but you still need to pay the courier service fee. 4. They have lunch break (12-1pm) 5. I got my visa after 5 working days. I submitted Monday and my passport was delivered the next Monday.

Hope this helps!

How to apply a Tourist Visa from Philippines to South Africa ?

Hii! Can i apply visa even with out an invitation from a south African citizen?

it’s only needed if you are invited by a South African, if not, then you could skip it. An accommodation booking is recommended.

OHh i have friends there.. and i just want to surprise them.. so it would be awesome if i dont need to have an invitation from a South African National ?

Hi Ms Lyza! Do you any fb group of filipinos that wants to travel to SA? Or a group here in the Philippines that is about SA?

try 15 Must Join Facebook Groups for Travelers (Bloggers to Backpackers)

How to apply for visit visa in south africa??but i dont have bank account

You can read this: No Bank Account – How To Apply for Tourist Visa Without Bank Statements

Hi lyza have you been to SA? I want to visit after the pandemic, any tips? Can i add you on fb?

sorry I don’t have plans to travel to SA in the next 3 years. You can read the blogs here po.

Thanks the info.. Because I will apply after this pandemic.. And I really want to visit in South africa❤️

Hii i also want to visit SA after the pandemic.. goodluck to us!?

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Written by Kach Umandap

Founder of Two Monkeys Travel Group. Since 2013, Kach has visited all the 7 continents (including Antarctica) and 151 countries using her Philippines Passport. In 2016, she bought a sailboat and went on sailing adventures with her two cats - Captain Ahab & Little Zissou in the Caribbean for 2 years. She now lives in Herceg Novi, Montenegro where she's enjoying her expat life and living on a gorgeous Stonehouse. She writes about her experiences traveling as a Filipina traveler with a PHL Passport. Also tips on backpacking trips, luxury hotel experiences, product reviews, sailing & adventure travel.

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    Appointment letter from the Doctor in south Africa with contactable details A letter from person who is to receive the child from South Africa if unaccompanied Confirmed Hotel Reservations A full Birth certificate A 3 months Bank statement upto the current date of submission signed and stamped by the Bank.

  22. How to Apply For South Africa Tourist Visa for Filipinos

    STEP 2: Submit it to VFS Global, South Africa Visa Application Center, Ground Floor, Ecoplaza Bldg., Don Chino Roces Ave., Makati City. You can submit it from Monday-Friday from 7-11:30 AM and 1-4:30 PM, while those done by authorized representatives are from 7-11 AM and 1-4 PM. STEP 3: Pay the visa processing fees.