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hair and beauty salon business plan description

How to Write the Perfect Salon Business Plan in 6 Steps

Discover how to craft a winning salon business plan in just six steps! Boost your salon's success with expert tips, market analysis, and strategy insights.

hair and beauty salon business plan description

No credit card required.

hair and beauty salon business plan description

As a salon owner, having a well-thought-out business plan is essential to the success of your business. A salon business plan outlines your business goals, market analysis, marketing strategies, financial projections, and other key details, serving as a roadmap that guides you through the process of starting, running, and growing your salon. In this article, we’ll go over the key elements of a salon business plan and provide tips on how to write the best business plan for salons in 2023.

How Much Does It Cost to Run a Salon? 

Before you start writing a salon business plan, it’s important to get an idea of the startup and ongoing costs. As we discuss in this article , the costs of starting a salon range from $62,000 for an existing salon to $90,000 for a new operation. With some of the expenses, you’ll incur one-time costs – other expenses will be ongoing such as supplies and inventory. Here are some of the typical costs associated with starting a salon: 

Existing Salon 

When you buy an existing salon, be it a hair salon or nail salon, you save on the costs of buildout, salon equipment , and salon marketing, assuming the salon already has some of these elements in place. Here’s what you can expect to pay for the following:

  • Rent deposit: $4,500
  • Buyout of current salon: $10,500
  • Leasehold improvements: $15,000
  • Equipment: $10,000
  • Initial supplies: $8,000
  • Initial inventory: $4,000
  • Certifications and licenses: $4,000
  • Marketing: $5,000
  • Legal or consulting fees: $1,000

Grand total: $62,000

The upfront costs of building out a brand-new salon, marketing it to local clients, and getting the business up and running will likely exceed those of buying an existing salon. Here are the typical expenses you can expect to incur for a new salon:

  • Buyout of current salon: $0
  • Leasehold improvements: $35,000
  • Equipment: $25,000
  • Marketing: $8,000

Grand total: $89,500

You may also want to budget for the following:

  • If you need a loan or financing to cover startup costs, expect to pay interest rates of 1.25% to 10%.
  • Salon insurance ranges from $50 to $1,000 per month.
  • Salon booking software and a point of sale (POS) system range from free to $500 per month. GlossGenius starts at an industry-low $24 per month with low payment processing fees and includes a website, a branded card reader, and other extras.
  • A salon website can cost you thousands, but with GlossGenius, it’s included free! Beautiful and customizable, your website is packed with scheduling features and is easy to navigate, helping to increase bookings and future appointments.

How Profitable Is Owning a Salon?

If you owned a salon during the pandemic, no doubt you experienced your fair share of struggles between lockdowns, closures, and reduced business hours. According to Statista , the U.S. market size of beauty salons dropped from $69 billion in 2019 to $42.3 billion in 2020. Fortunately, things are beginning to look up for hair, skin, nail, and other types of salons, with the market valued at $53.6 billion as of 2022.

You can take advantage of the comeback by approaching your salon startup with a solid plan in place, a realistic budget, and a marketing strategy. A beauty salon business plan can help you identify any questions , opportunities, and potential roadblocks so you can have the best chances of getting funding, earning a return on your investment and achieving profitability. The more you control your expenses and market your business successfully, the more profitable you will be – so be sure to take your time creating a salon business plan for your needs.

6 Steps to Writing a Hair Salon Business Plan

The business plan is the most important document for any salon owner. It’s a formal, written plan that describes the future of your business and how you intend to achieve it. A good business plan will help you stay on track, get funding if you need it, and avoid costly mistakes as you navigate through choppy waters in this industry. 

We know what you’re thinking – that a business plan is a monster of a document that will take a ton of time to create. But, it doesn’t have to be. In fact, you can pare it down to one page and still have an effective, clear document that outlines everything you (and any other interested parties) need to know about your new salon. Below are six steps to writing a salon business plan that will ensure your success.

Here are six steps to creating your salon business plan:

  • Create an Executive Summary
  • Map Out Your Branding Vision
  • Research Your Industry
  • Create a Client Acquisition Strategy
  • Management and Operations
  • Financial Planning

Let's dive deeper into each one.

1. Create an Executive Summary

The executive summary is the first section of your business and management plan and provides a brief overview of your salon business. This section should include your mission statement , business objectives, target market, products and beauty services, and financial projections. It should be concise, engaging, and compelling to grab the attention of potential investors, lenders, or partners. It also serves to clarify your goals so you can come back to them anytime you need a refresher or wish to update this information.

Your executive summary is just that: a summary. This means you do not have to get into every detail in this section; you’ll provide a more complete analysis in the individual sections of your business plan. Here are some key elements to include in the executive summary:

  • An opening “hook.” The first sentence or two of your executive summary needs to draw in the reader; otherwise, your business plan might not get the attention it deserves. Grab your audience’s attention by sharing a compelling fact about your company, a memorable story related to your industry, or some other well-crafted description of your business that will make your business plan stand out.
  • Summary of your business. Describe what your company does, what services and products you will offer, who will run the company, and other high-level details.
  • Market analysis. Briefly describe the market landscape for your own salon to show there is a proven need for your services. Be sure to address who your competitors are, any advantages you have compared with others, and any research you’ve conducted to demonstrate there is a demand for your services in the area. 
  • Products and services. Highlight the specific services your salon will offer, any products you will sell, and any other information showing that your salon will fill the need you’ve described in your market analysis summary – and how you’ll do it better than the competition.
  • Financial information and projections. Give your reader an overview of your business financials, including any current sales and profits, the funding amount you’re looking to acquire or any funding you already have, and your projections for growth.
  • Future plans. Tell your reader exactly how you plan to use any funds you acquire and how their investment could pay off. Imagine where you want your business to be in a year, five years, and so on. Make it clear how funding will help you get there.

2. Map Out Your Branding Vision

Branding isn’t just about creating a unique identity for your business; it’s also about helping people connect with that identity and remember your name anytime they need your services. Branding helps both current clients and new customers recognize who you are and why they would want to seek out your salon. In your business plan, be sure to map out your branding vision by including:

  • A description of your salon business. Describe who you are and what you do.
  • Your mission and vision statement. Briefly summarize why your salon should exist, its primary objective, and how you plan to achieve your goals.
  • An overview of your products and services, your pricing strategy, and any unique features or benefits that differentiate your salon from others in the market. Discuss the specific services you will offer and their price points, plus any product lines you will carry, such as hair care products, makeup, or skincare.
  • A description of the target audience and customer demographics. Include relevant research on your market and the people who will buy what you’re offering.

3. Research Your Industry

This section should include a market analysis that provides an in-depth look at the salon industry, including trends, customer demographics, competition, and opportunities. It should also identify your target market and describe how you plan to reach them. This section should demonstrate your knowledge of the market and your ability to capitalize on it, with details on:

  • The industry and trends. Provide an overview of the salon industry with relevant statistics, especially those that pertain to your area of expertise and geographic location.
  • Your competition. Conduct a competitive analysis to gain insights into your competition, their marketing strategies, and the services and products they offer. The goal is to show how you will capture market share using stronger business strategies that set you apart from your competitors.
  • Market segmentation. With market segmentation , you break down a larger target market into a smaller group of customers you plan to serve. Demographics such as age and income, geographic location, lifestyles or psychographics, and behavioral factors like price sensitivity or product loyalty are just a few approaches to market segmentation that you can consider for your business plan.
  • SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is a way to assess your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It's an effective method for identifying your business strengths and weaknesses as well as external factors that may affect the success of your salon business.

4. Create a Client Acquisition Strategy

The client acquisition section of your salon business plan should describe how you plan to attract and retain customers as a hairstylist . It should outline your advertising and promotional strategies, such as social media marketing , SMS marketing , email marketing, and referral programs. This section should also discuss your sales strategy, including how you plan to increase sales and generate revenue.

  • Description of marketing channels and tactics . Outline the different channels you will use to generate leads, such as social media, blog articles, emails, and text messages. 
  • Sales forecasting and projections. Discuss how you will convert leads into clients, nurture them through the pipeline, and retain a loyal clientele. Include a realistic estimate of the quantity of goods and services you can sell within the forecast period (for example, monthly, quarterly, and annually). For a salon business, it’s helpful to determine the customer lifetime value of your typical client as well as the customer acquisition cost. You can then break down this number for the forecast period to determine the costs and sales projections.
  • Customer acquisition and retention strategies. Include which strategies you will use and the associated costs, such as pay-per-click (PPC), search engine optimization (SEO), and paid ads on social media. Describe how you will retain customers – for example, through loyalty programs and responses to feedback and reviews on social media and Google. ‍
  • Pricing strategy. It’s critical that you price your services and products competitively to drive revenue and profits. Detail the pricing strategy you plan to implement based on your buyer persona and competitive analysis. The strategy could be based on a variety of factors, but geographic location and local competition will likely be the biggest factors dictating your salon pricing strategy.

5. Management and Operations

The management and staffing section of your salon business plan should describe the organizational structure of your salon, including the roles and responsibilities of each staff member. It should also discuss your hiring and training practices, employee benefits , and compensation plans. This section should demonstrate your ability to attract and retain a skilled and motivated team, with information on your:

  • Organizational structure. Spell out who runs the show and who reports to whom.
  • Management team and staff. If you plan to hire a manager , look for someone who has experience in the industry and understands what it takes to run a salon. This person should also have good people skills and be able to work well with others.
  • Business operations and processes. Consider which other support personnel you will need, such as an accountant and a dedicated marketing specialist. Don’t be a hero; you can’t do it all alone. ‍
  • Legal and regulatory requirements. Include information on any legal advice you will employ to stay compliant with local, state, and federal guidelines.

Note that with GlossGenius, you can manage your team and collaborate with them to make your operations run more smoothly. Our software helps you delegate, mentor, and partner with others based on customizable permissions that let you grant as much or as little access as you wish. Easily manage your scheduling, booking, commissions, and reporting from one intuitive dashboard.

6. Financial Planning

Financial planning is a crucial section to include in any salon business plan. A cash flow forecast shows the anticipated amount of money coming into the business, as well as what you will spend on expenses. It also projects growth over time, which allows you to make predictions about future revenue and expenses so that you can better plan for them in advance.

The best way to get started with your financial projections is by creating an income statement (also called a profit and loss statement), which breaks down all income sources by category (e.g., retail sales and commissions), along with their associated costs (e.g., salaries). This will help provide insight into where your profits are coming from as well as areas where they could improve. Here are some key areas to cover in your salon business and marketing plan:

  • Revenue and expense projections. Your revenue projections should consider the number of clients you expect to serve, as well as the average price per service. Your expense projections should reflect all costs associated with running your salon, such as utilities, rent, and supplies.
  • Capital requirements and funding sources. Detail how much money you need to start and run your small business, including all costs associated with opening the salon. Describe the funding sources that you intend to use for starting your salon business, whether from personal funds, salon loans , or investors.
  • Break-even analysis and profitability projections. A break-even analysis is a financial tool that shows how much revenue you need in order to cover your fixed costs (rent, utilities, etc.) and variable costs (such as salons supplies and staff wages). Profitability projections show how much profit you expect from your salon business for each year of operation. This is based on your estimates of revenue and expenses. You can use this information when seeking funding from investors or lenders.
  • Financial ratios and metrics. A financial ratio is a measurement of the relationship between two numbers, usually expressed as a percentage or a fraction. For example, the working capital ratio compares your current assets to liabilities; this metric allows you to measure liquidity. Include the appropriate ratios and metrics in your business to demonstrate your company’s financial health.

A well-written salon business plan is essential for the success of your business. It provides a roadmap for achieving your business goals, attracting investors, and securing funding. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can write the best business plan for your salon and ensure your salon’s success!

As you’re creating your salon business plan, remember to start your free trial with GlossGenius and give yourself the best chances for success. From salon management to payment processing, we’ve got your new salon covered – making it easier to get up and running sooner rather than later.

hair and beauty salon business plan description

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Salon Business Plan Ultimate Guide + Free Example

hair and beauty salon business plan description

July 6, 2023

Adam Hoeksema

When it comes to starting a salon, you may be eager to dive into the world of beauty and make your clients look and feel their best. However, it's important to recognize that writing a business plan is a crucial step, especially when seeking support from potential lenders and investors.

While it may not be the most exciting task, a well-prepared business plan demonstrates your commitment and professionalism, making it an essential tool to secure the necessary funding and outline your salon's path to success. It's also important to make sure your business plan and financial projections are realistic and inline with some industry averages for salons .

This guide is going to help you walk through the following:

  • Salon Business Plan Outline
  • Conducting Market Research for Your Salon Business Plan
  • Creating Financial Projections for Your Salon Business Plan

Example Salon Business Plan

Salon business plan faqs.

With that in mind as the path forward, let’s dive in. 

What Should be Included in a Salon Business Plan?

A salon business plan must convincingly show to prospective financiers and loan providers why clients would opt for your salon, why you or your crew are best suited to oversee the salon operations, and how the financial projection to ensure a favorable financial return on their investment. Here is a thorough breakdown of our complimentary salon business plan template .

‍ Salon Business Plan Outline ‍

I Executive Summary

II Market Analysis

III Business Description

IV Marketing and Sales Strategies

V Menu of Services and Pricing

VI Operational Plan

VII Financial Plan

  • Startup Costs
  • Projected Financial Summary
  • Annual Sales, Gross Profit and Net Profit
  • Key Financial Ratios
  • Watch how to create financial projections for your very own salon
  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheet
  • Cash Flow Statement

VIII Conclusion

How to Conduct Market Research for a Salon Business Plan

At the core of any salon business plan is market research. It's necessary to understand your position within the market and establish that there is a substantial demand for your unique salon concept, location, and pricing tiers. You can delve more into our salon market research approach here, but essentially, you're seeking to understand your competitors, obtain insights on potential customer traffic, select an ideal location, and foresee any seasonal trends that may affect your business. Below are some tools and tactics for executing market research for your planned salon.

What Will be the Cost to Advertise my Salon?

We suggest using Google Keyword Planner to help you identify which keywords to promote to attract customers to your salon's website. The tool also offers an estimate of the cost per click for advertising using various keywords, as demonstrated below:

hair and beauty salon business plan description

What Keywords are Customers Searching for?

We use both Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs to identify which keywords are driving traffic to your competitors' websites. For example, you can run a report on a competitor's site to identify the keywords they rank for and the amount of organic traffic each keyword garners. This data can guide your SEO initiatives.

hair and beauty salon business plan description

How Seasonal are Salons?

We like to utilize Google Trends to determine how seasonal your salon concept might be. For instance, you can observe below that the search volume for “salons near me” in the United States is somewhat seasonal in nature.  June is consistently the peak, with the late fall tending to be the low point of the season

hair and beauty salon business plan description

How Many Customers Visit my Competitors Each Month?

Finally, we recommend pulling foot traffic reports on your competitors to understand the average number of customers they typically serve in their salons. You can see an example below showing the number of visits per month for a specific location:

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Ultimately, your potential customer base's size for your salon will be a crucial assumption underpinning your financial projections. Thus, grasping how many customers frequent your competitors can help you predict potential traffic to your salon.

How to Create Financial Projections for a Restaurant Business Plan

With comprehensive market research completed, it's time to develop financial projections for your salon. Our salon financial projection templates rely on various factors, such as client traffic and service capacity, to form the basis of your revenue projections. While some salons may have limitations on the number of available appointments, others may be constrained by the time it takes to deliver services effectively. Creating accurate financial projections is crucial to showcase your salon's potential to repay loans and provide a return on investment to potential stakeholders. To achieve this, consider the following steps:

  • Estimate startup costs for your salon
  • Forecast revenue (employee based, booth rent, salon suite, hybrid)
  • Project supplies and labor cost
  • Estimate your operating expenses like rent and utilities
  • Calculate how much investor or loan capital you will need to open

Our salon projection template will guide you through this process and help format your projections in a standard format that meets the requirements of potential investors or lenders. Typically, startup salon projections should include an integrated income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow forecast.

By following these steps and utilizing our salon projection templates, you'll have a solid foundation for presenting your salon's financial outlook and demonstrating its potential profitability.

Below you will find the text of our salon business plan. You can also access a downloadable Google Doc version of this salon business plan template here , enabling you to make personalized edits. Additionally, we have created a helpful video walkthrough that guides you through the process of tailoring the business plan to suit your salon concept.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Our salon, called "Lux Beauty Spa," is a full-service beauty and wellness center that aims to provide a luxurious and rejuvenating experience for all of our clients. Our mission is to enhance the beauty and well-being of each individual that walks through our doors, through personalized and expert services. 

We will offer a wide range of services including hair styling, nail care, skin treatments, massage therapy, and more.

Our target market is women and men of all ages who are looking for a high-quality beauty and wellness experience. We will be located in a high-end shopping center in downtown to attract our affluent target market. Our projected start-up costs are $200,000, and we anticipate reaching profitability within two years.

Market Analysis

The beauty and wellness industry is growing, with a projected global market size of $716.3 billion by 2027. In our target market, there is a growing demand for high-end beauty and wellness experiences, and a trend towards holistic and natural approaches to self-care.

Our main competitors include established high-end salons and spa centers in the area, but we differentiate ourselves through our focus on personalization and luxury. We will also offer services and products not commonly found in traditional salons, such as custom skincare treatments and exclusive hair care lines.

Business Description

Lux Beauty Spa will be a limited liability company (LLC), owned and operated by two experienced beauty professionals. We will be fully licensed and insured, and comply with all state and local regulations.

Services Offered:

Lux Beauty Spa will offer a comprehensive range of beauty and wellness services, including:

  • Hair styling: We will have a team of skilled hair stylists offering cuts, coloring, and styling services for all hair types. We will use high-quality hair care products and tools, including well-known and exclusive brands.
  • Nail care: Our nail technicians will offer a variety of nail services including manicures, pedicures, and gel polishes.
  • Skin treatments: Our licensed estheticians will offer custom skincare treatments, including facials, peels, and microdermabrasion. We will use only the finest and natural skincare products.
  • Massage therapy: Our licensed massage therapists will offer a range of massage services, including Swedish, deep tissue, and hot stone.

Marketing and Sales Strategies

To attract and retain clients, we will employ several marketing and sales strategies, including:

  • Online advertising: We will create a professional and attractive website, and use targeted online advertising to reach our target market.
  • Promotions and discounts: We will offer promotions and discounts to new clients and for special occasions, such as birthdays and holidays.
  • Loyalty program: We will reward our regular clients with exclusive discounts and special offers.
  • Referral program: We will incentivize our clients to refer their friends and family to Lux Beauty Spa with discounts and bonuses.

Menu of Services and Pricing

Our menu of services and pricing will be competitive with other high-end salons in the area. We will offer packages and memberships for regular clients, as well as a la carte services for those who prefer one-time treatments. Our prices will reflect the luxury and quality of our services and products.

Operational Plan

Lux Beauty Spa will operate 7 days a week, from 9 AM to 9 PM. Our staffing will include a manager, hair stylists, nail technicians, estheticians, massage therapists, and a receptionist. We will use scheduling software to manage appointments and ensure efficient use of our resources. Our inventory management will include regular monitoring of product levels and restocking as needed. We will also keep detailed financial records and regularly review our performance to make necessary adjustments to our operations.

Financial Plan

Our projected start-up costs are $200,000, which will cover rent, equipment and supplies, marketing, and salaries. Our operating expenses will include rent, utilities, supplies, salaries, and marketing. Our sales revenue will come from services and product sales, and we anticipate a steady growth in revenue over the next two years.

Our financial projections show we’ll break even in year 3 and grow profit considerably after that.

All of the unique financial projections you see below were generated using ProjectionHub’s Salon  financial projection template s. Use PH20BP to enjoy a 20% discount on the template. 

Startup Costs:

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Projected Financial Summary:

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Annual Sales, Gross Profit and Net Profit:

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Key Financial Ratios:

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Watch how to create financial projections for your very own salon:

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Income Statement:

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Balance Sheet:

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Cash Flow Statement:

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Lux Beauty Spa is poised to become a leading luxury beauty and wellness center, offering personalized and expert services to our affluent target market. With a strong focus on quality and luxury, we are confident in our ability to achieve profitability and success in the beauty and wellness industry.

What should I include in a salon business plan?

A salon business plan should include sections on executive summary, company description, market analysis, target market and services, pricing and packages, marketing and promotion strategies, location and facilities, staffing and management, and financial projections.

How can I determine the ideal location for my salon?

When selecting a location for your salon, consider factors such as foot traffic, visibility, accessibility, competition in the area, parking availability, and proximity to your target market. A location near residential areas or commercial districts with a high demand for salon services can be ideal.

How can I estimate financial projections for my salon?

Financial projections for a salon should include estimates for start-up costs, monthly expenses (such as rent, utilities, products, and employee salaries), projected revenue based on service pricing and expected clientele, and a break-even analysis to determine when your salon will become profitable.

About the Author

Adam is the Co-founder of ProjectionHub which helps entrepreneurs create financial projections for potential investors, lenders and internal business planning. Since 2012, over 50,000 entrepreneurs from around the world have used ProjectionHub to help create financial projections.

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Hair Salon Business Plan

Executive summary image

Passionate about hair styling and cutting?

If yes, you might have thought of starting your own hair salon business.

But it takes more than just an artistic talent to give cuts that suit different hair types and styles. It also requires a solid business plan in place to make it thrive, as there are 952,909 hair salons in the US.

Need help getting your plan? Not to worry; we’ll help.

This hair salon business plan template will help you get started and guide you every step of the way, from crafting your business idea to evaluating your salon’s financial success.

Ready to begin? Let’s dive right in!

Why you need a business plan for your salon

A business plan for your hair salon is a professional, living document that outlines your business ideas, goals, and strategies to achieve them.

Whether you’re starting a new salon or aiming to expand an existing one, you’ll need a business plan. It serves as a strategic roadmap for your entrepreneurial journey.

Here are several key reasons why having a salon business plan is essential:

Clarifies your vision & mission

Once you’ve decided to start or grow your hair salon, writing a business plan helps you think about all the details of your business. It outlines your business concept, vision, mission, and its core values. Also, it enables you and your team to understand your business’s purpose and ensures everyone is aligned.

Attracts investors to raise funding

Investors often request to see your business plan before investing in your business. At that time, a good business plan helps you demonstrate your business strategies, realistic financial forecasts, and potential for success. Also, it shows your idea is viable and convinces them to raise funding.

Helps reach your business goals

A well-thought-out business plan allows you to consider your short-term goals and long-term objectives. It also summarizes the strategies & steps to reach them, as well as how long it will take to achieve those goals. Further, with specific benchmarks and milestones, you can measure progress and keep track of your goals.

Determines your financial needs

A business plan helps you estimate the funding required for your salon. It includes detailed financial projections and clarifies how much money you’ll need to raise and how you’ll use those funds in different areas. This means you can ask for realistic funding needs to grow your business.

Reduces potential risks

While preparing a business plan, you can identify the potential risks and challenges that your salon might face. By knowing these threats earlier, you can develop effective strategies and contingency plans to mitigate them. This ensures your business is safe and improves your chances for success.

Now that you know the importance of having a business plan, let’s explore how to create a successful business plan for your salon.

How to write the perfect salon business plan in 8 steps

1. executive summary.

An executive summary is the first and foremost section of a business plan that provides a high-level overview of your hair salon business.

In fact, it might be the only section that potential investors or stakeholders will read and get a better idea of your business, including its concept, core values, objectives, and growth plans.

If your plan summary isn’t interesting or compelling enough, they won’t read it any further. So, ensure you keep this section simple, crisp, yet effective.

While writing an executive summary , consider including the following key elements:

  • A quick overview of your salon
  • Mission-vision statement

Target market

  • Unique product or service offerings
  • Marketing strategies
  • Financial highlights

Though it is the first section of your salon plan, it’s typically written at the end once all the other sections are drafted. This is so because it summarizes all the most important aspects of your business.

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2. Business description

As you will provide a quick business overview in the executive summary, this section will expand on it and give detailed information about your salon.

So, here, explain your salon concept in detail and give readers a better understanding of your business, including what your hair salon business is all about.

For instance, you may ask yourself a few questions to plan this section:

  • Where it’s located & why did you select that place?
  • What’s the legal structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation)?
  • When and why did you start the hair salon business?
  • Who are the owners or partners?
  • What type of hair salon do you operate?
  • What business milestones have you achieved till now (if any)?

In addition to that, you may highlight your salon’s short-term goals and long-term objectives that every potential investor or lender needs to know.

3. Market analysis

The market analysis section presents your external business environment. Generally, it involves in-depth research of the specific industry or sector in which your business intends to operate.

This means you’ll need to conduct comprehensive market research and analytical work to start a successful salon venture.

It also helps you get valuable insights into the salon industry, market size & growth potential, target customers, market demand, competitors, and opportunities.

Here are a few essential components that you may include in your market analysis:

Here, you may provide details of the target market you serve or expect to serve. This will help you identify your target customers and create a buyer’s persona, along with the psychographic and demographic details.

Competitive analysis

It’s a very important aspect of market research that helps you identify and analyze all other salon businesses nearby. It will cover direct and indirect competitors, including their strengths & weaknesses, and explain your competitive advantages .

Market trends

As a salon owner, you know that the hair salon industry is dynamic and continuously growing. So, you’ll have to explore the current and emerging trends (technological advancements, adoption of sustainable products, etc.) in the indus try and explain how your business will cope with them.

4. Organization and management

The organization and management section introduces the key personnel responsible for running the salon, including the salon owner, managers, hair stylists, and other staff members.

You may start by describing their roles and responsibilities, educational qualifications, industry experience, and expertise that help you grow your salon.

Then, consider discussing the employee benefits, compensation plans, and business operations, as well as outline the organizational structure, including reporting lines and how decisions will be made.

Furthermore, try to highlight advisory board members (if any) and explain how they can contribute to the salon’s overall success.

If your team is lacking and you’re planning to hire, mention whom you’ll hire and clarify how they will manage day-to-day operations, what type of work experience you’ll need, and how you’ll address training practices.

5. Services and products

As the name suggests, this section illustrates all the different types of services or products your salon will offer to its customers.

For instance, you may include a wide range of services, such as haircuts, styling, coloring, hair treatments, manicures, pedicures, etc. Also, describe each service in detail, along with the pricing plans, techniques used, and expected results.

For easy understanding, you may take the below as a reference to craft your offerings:

Platinum Hair’s Services

1. Haircuts: Classic Haircut

Price: [$40] per session

Description: A timeless haircut tailored to your preferences, ensuring a polished and stylish look.


  • Suitable for: All hair types
  • Duration: 45 minutes

2. Coloring Services: Highlights

Price: [$110] per session

Description: Partial or full highlights, to add dimension and brightness to your hair, enhancing its natural beauty.


  • Duration: 150 minutes
  • Styles Available: Partial, Full, Balayage

If you’re running a hair salon that offers a great selection of products, like, hair care products, skincare items, or beauty accessories), mention them as well.

This will help investors better understand how you plan to satisfy all your customer’s needs & preferences and what value your salon brings to the market.

6. Marketing and sales strategy

Your marketing and sales strategy decides how you plan to draw new customers and retain existing ones for your hair salon.

A well-written sales and marketing plan can help you keep track of the marketing budget and maximize ROI while developing online and offline marketing or external promotional campaigns.

Consider including the below information in this section:

Unique Selling Proposition (USPs)

You may define your unique selling points to distinguish your salon business. For example, consider presenting holistic hair care services, sustainable & environmentally friendly products, and highly skilled stylists.

Online advertising

Using online channels such as social media platforms, email marketing, and professional branding can help you target certain audiences and build trust among them. You may also create visual ads and content to showcase all your offerings.

Partnerships or collaborations

You may partner with local businesses to expand your brand’s visibility and reach a wider audience. This will draw new customers and increase your growth opportunities.

Workshops and events

You may organize workshops or events at your salon and invite the local community to explore your space. Ask them to engage in live demonstrations of hair styles and treatments. Also, don’t forget to collect their feedback and preferences.

Discounts or rewards

Giving special discounts helps you attract new clients and retain existing ones. So, try to offer discounts to the new consumers or introduce a loyalty program to reward regular clients.

7. Financial projections

A financial plan is the most crucial aspect of the hair salon business plan. It offers a comprehensive overview of your financial projections for the first 3-5 years.

However, the startup financial plan includes several critical statements and reports, such as income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets.

For your hair salon financial plan, consider providing detailed financial projections, including sales forecasts, revenue projections , initial startup costs, funding requirements, break-even analysis, or even sensitivity analyses for different scenarios.

This will help you demonstrate the long-term growth and profitability of your salon and allow potential investors or financial backers to make informed decisions.

8. Appendix

In the appendix, you may attach any supporting documents that might complement your business plan.

It includes market research data and surveys, licenses & permits, equipment leases, salon layouts, resumes of executive members, and many more.

In short, you can place additional information or attachments that don’t fit into specific sections, but readers might use them for reference.

The Quickest Way to turn a Business Idea into a Business Plan

Fill-in-the-blanks and automatic financials make it easy.


Now that you have a detailed hair salon business plan outline, it’s much easier to kickstart your plan writing process.

However, preparing a comprehensive business plan from scratch can be an intimidating and daunting task. But not to worry; Upmetrics could be a great companion here!

It’s a modern business plan software that enables new entrepreneurs and small business owners to create investment-ready plans quickly and efficiently.

From easy-to-follow guides and 400+ business plan examples to financial forecasting software, Upmetrics offers valuable resources to streamline the entire business planning process.

So, wait no longer; start preparing your plan!

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Frequently asked questions, what financial projections are most important for a new salon.

The following are the most important financial projections for a new salon:

  • Sales and revenue forecasts
  • Profit and loss statement
  • Cash flow projections
  • Balance sheet
  • Initial funding needs
  • Break-even analysis
  • Loan repayment plan

How often should a hair salon business plan be updated?

It’s necessary to review and update your hair salon business plan regularly, at least once a year, or more often whenever there are significant changes in the business environment or market.

What are the essential elements of a salon business plan?

While writing a comprehensive business plan for your salon, consider including the following essential elements:

  • Executive summary
  • Business overview
  • Market analysis
  • Products and service offerings
  • Marketing and sales strategy
  • Management team
  • Operations plan
  • Financial projections

About the Author

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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Download Hair Salon Business Plan

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Beauty Salon Business Plan Template

If you want to start a beauty salon business or expand your current one, you need a business plan.

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their beauty salons.

Below are links to each section of an example beauty salon business plan template:

Next Section: Executive Summary >

Beauty Salon Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my beauty salon business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Salon Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily complete your salon or beauty bar business plan.

Where Can I Download a Beauty Salon Business Plan PDF?

You can download our  beauty salon business plan sample pdf  here.

Our beauty salon business plan PDF template is a free resource to help you get started on your own business plan. This is a business plan template you can use in PDF format for a beauty bar or salon.

What Is a Salon Business Plan or Beauty Bar Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your salon as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business’s goals, business model, the type of services you will offer (beauty services, spa services, nail services, skin care services and/or hair salon services), management team, target market, and a marketing plan for the many ways you can reach new and existing clients. It also includes market research to support your plans and allow you to find the perfect salon location.

A comprehensive financial plan is also key to include so you can show investors the potential viability of your business.

Why Do You Need a Business Plan for a Beauty Salon?

If you’re looking to start a beauty bar or salon or grow your existing business, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your new salon in order to improve your chances of success. Your business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

What Are the Sources of Funding for a Beauty Salon?

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a new beauty salon are bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable. But they will want to see a professional salon business plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate your own business.

The second most common form of funding for any type of salon is angel investors. Angel investors are wealthy individuals who will write you a check. They will either take equity in return for their funding, or, like a bank, they will give you a loan. 

This is all true for a new salon business plan or a plan to grow an existing salon business.


  • Beauty Salon Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Company Overview
  • 3. Industry Analysis
  • 4. Customer Analysis
  • 5. Competitive Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan
  • 10. Appendix
  • Beauty Salon Business Plan Summary

Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

Use This Simple Business Plan Template

Hair salon business plan template + PDF

This article presents a model business plan for a hair salon, providing a comprehensive structure to assist you in setting up and running your salon. It is important to note that the names and figures used in this template are fictional, created for demonstration purposes. However, they can be tailored to fit the unique requirements and circumstances of your own hair salon business.

Additionally, for ease of use and customization, a Hair Salon Business Plan PDF is available for download. This article serves as an invaluable tool for entrepreneurs who are keen on developing a robust and practical strategy for launching or growing their hair salon, providing a clear roadmap and comprehensive insights into the industry.

Hair salon business plan

How this hair salon business plan sample was created

Obtain your tailor-made hair salon business plan easily by clicking on 'Get your business plan' . This simple process involves answering a series of questions about your salon, giving key insights into your business. Our sophisticated AI will then craft a detailed business plan, customized to your specific objectives. It is a quick procedure, taking only 5-10 minutes, and you'll have a well-structured plan at your fingertips. This system's adaptability allows you to modify the plan to suit your unique vision. Once you're satisfied, you can save the plan directly to your computer, providing a clear and accessible path to success for your hair salon.

Hair salon business plan: questionnaire

Hair salon business plan sample

Executive summary, business description, market research and analysis, swot analysis.

  • Organizational Structure and Management Team

Products or Services

Marketing and sales strategy, operations plan, financial projections, risk analysis.

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Curl Me Crazy is strategically positioned within the thriving hair salon industry. Our mission is to create the latest trendy and unique hairstyles that will appeal to young adults and professionals who are our target market.

As an up-and-coming small business with ambitions of growth over the next 3-5 years, we start with the goal of breaking even in Year 1 as we build a solid client base and offset initial investment costs. In Years 2-3, we project a steady revenue growth of 15-20% per annum, and by Years 4-5, with an established clientele and expansion plans rolling out, we foresee profit increases of 25-30%. Our long-term goal is to open a second location and further boost our profitability margins.

Despite potential risks such as market competition, economic downturns, customer retention, supply chain issues, staff turnover, and health and safety concerns, Curl Me Crazy has delineated mitigation strategies and contingency plans for each. These include differentiating with unique services and styles, offering diverse and affordable options, focusing on exceptional customer satisfaction, building trade relationships with multiple suppliers, and creating a positive work environment for team members.

Our operations plan targets a trendy, accessible location in a busy urban area. Operating six days a week, we intend to offer extended working hours on weekends. Our team, constituting a Manager, Assistant Manager, multiple Hair Stylists, and a Receptionist, will operate on a rotating shift basis to maximize productivity.

The Curl Me Crazy team, led by Alex Taylor, the owner and Manager, boasts a wealth of experience in both hairstyling and business management. Supported by Assistant Manager Jamie Lee, renowned for her customer relations expertise, and Lead Stylist Chris Morgan, a highly-acclaimed creative genius, the team is poised to deliver exceptional service to our clients.

We offer a wide range of services encompassing custom haircuts, coloring, styling, and hair care products tailored to the latest trends, client preferences, and the current vogue for personalized hair solutions.

Our sales and marketing strategy hinges on maintaining a dynamic social media presence, as well as forging partnerships with local businesses and influencers for cross-promotion. Coupled with offline efforts like local advertising, promotional offers, and the implementation of an easy-to-use online booking system, we aim to capture a dominant market share.

We acknowledge the presence of key competitors like "Stylish Strands Studio" , "Elegant Locks Salon" , and "Modern Mane Hair Boutique" . While these salons offer quality services and boast trendy clienteles, we are confident that our differentiated services, strong operational strategies, and expertise will set us apart.

Curl Me Crazy, envisaged as a leading trendy salon, is ready to make waves in the competitive hair industry. With our strategic planning and market-focused approach, we are betting not just on surviving, but thriving in the market.

Hair salon business plan: Executive Summary

Curl Me Crazy, located in the bustling downtown district of New York City, stands as a thriving venture in the beauty and personal care industry. With an emphasis on creative and trend-setting hairstyles, our business aims to become a trailblazer for young adults and professionals seeking unique, standout looks.

The salon was opened in 2020 by its visionary, Alex Taylor. Alex, having nearly a decade of experience in hairstyling and a fervor for the beauty industry, identified a gap in the market for a hair salon catering specifically to more adventurous, fashion-forward clients. His background in business management has complemented and informed the foundations of Curl Me Crazy, steering it towards its current path of success.

Our mission statement is to "inspire individuality and confidence through transformative hairstyling and exceptional service" . We believe that the sphere of hairstyle is not just about cutting and styling hair but serving as a medium for clients to express their personality and style. At Curl Me Crazy, we are committed to providing that opportunity, where each client's individual style and expression is given paramount importance.

The legal structure of Curl Me Crazy is a Sole-proprietorship, with Alex Taylor being the sole owner and operator. This structure not only equates to more straightforward business operations, but it facilitates quick decision-making and a closer relationship with our employees and clients.

Looking at the long-term potential of Curl Me Crazy, we envision ourselves to not be confined to a single salon. The objective is to become a widely recognized and revered brand in the hair salon industry. With the enriched customer experience we provide and our distinct creative edge, we plan to expand our operations to multiple locations across the nation, fostering a network of satisfied and loyal clients.

Financially, we anticipate seeing substantial growth. As we strategize to expand our client base and motivate employee performance, we expect the business to break even in its first year. Ensuing steady growth over the next 2-3 years promises a positive profit margin with an expected annual revenue increase of 15-20%. Further, by the end of the 5th year, with a more established clientele and expansion course laid out, we look forward to seeing a 25-30% growth in our profits. Thus, the longevity of Curl Me Crazy, despite the overwhelmingly competitive market, seems farsighted and plausible.

The beauty and personal care industry is a challenging and ever-evolving landscape. However, the potential it holds for businesses that are eager to innovate and adapt is astronomical. Our commitment to quality service, paired with our relentless pursuit of the trends and demands of the market, fuels our belief that Curl Me Crazy holds the promise to make a mark on this thriving industry.

Curl Me Crazy is entering the burgeoning hair salon industry, set to make waves with its unique, trendy, and creative hairstyles that target young adults and professionals. The industry is currently valued at $47 billion and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.2% over the next five years.

I. Industry Description

The hair salon industry evolves continually with fashion and pop culture trends, necessitating businesses to stay abreast of the latest styles and techniques. Technological advancements have also influenced businesses, with many establishing digital platforms to expand their reach, streamline operations, and anticipate customer preferences, reflecting the industry's adaptiveness.

II. Target Market

Our target demographic comprise age groups of 18-35, primarily reach college students, young professionals, and trend conscious individuals. As per the census data, this demographic attributes to a population size of approximately 1 million individuals in the city, suggesting a massive potential customer base for our business.

III. Market Needs and Demands

Today's customers seek more than a haircut; they desire experiences and personalized services that cater to their unique style preferences and hair health needs. Additionally, they appreciate convenience in service, evidenced by the growing preference for online booking systems, hinting at the need for innovative service delivery modules.

IV. Market Trends and Patterns

Salons embracing sustainable practices are increasingly favored, representing a shift towards environmentally-friendly products and practices. Also evident is an increasing interest in natural and organic hair care products, suggesting demand patterning around health-conscious products.

V. Competitor Analysis

Key players include "Stylish Strands Studio" , "Elegant Locks Salon" , and "Modern Mane Hair Boutique" . These salons have widespread recognition and a loyal customer base, owed to their service quality and trend-driven styles. However, their offerings have slight premium pricing and lack the personalization we offer.

VI. Potential Barriers to Entry

High setup costs, intensive competition, and the necessity for skilled professionals are significant barriers to entry. However, by leveraging competitive pricing, unique service delivery, and exceptional customer service, we aim to differentiate ourselves in the competitive landscape.

VII. Financial projections

Given our unique value proposition and the robust market potential, we expect to break even in our first year. Over the following two years, we foresee a revenue growth of 15-20% per annum. By our fifth year, leveraging an established clientele, we anticipate profits to increase by 25-30%.

VIII. Contingency Plan

In the event of unforeseen challenges, such as economic downturns or market competition, we plan to diversify services, implement affordable options, and regularly analyze market trends to stay competitive.

In conclusion, with effective segmentation, a differentiated offering, and a strong understanding of market patterns, Curl Me Crazy is poised for success in the bustling hair salon industry.

Hair salon business plan: Market Research and Analysis

Trendy haircuts, coloring, and styling.
Skilled management and stylists with extensive industry experience.
Central New York, attracting a diverse clientele.
Significant initial investment and ongoing expenses.
Reliant on local demographics and economic conditions.
Potential challenge in retaining skilled employees.
Increasing demand for personalized and trendy hair services.
Potential for online booking and digital marketing.
Introducing more specialized hair treatments and products.
Numerous established local salons.
Impact on discretionary spending.
Ensuring adherence to health and safety regulations.

Organizational Structure and Management

As a small business aspiring to make a big impact, Curl Me Crazy is organized in a streamlined hierarchy that encourages both individual accountability and collaborative teamwork. At the top is Alex Taylor, the owner and manager, whose vision and tenacity guide all aspects of the business. With a decade of experience in hairstyling and a certification in business management, Alex is instrumental in navigating the industry trends, financial management, customer service, and the overall running of the salon. Supporting Alex is Assistant Manager, Jamie Lee. With five years of salon experience, Jamie's role involves overseeing day-to-day operations, scheduling, and client relationship management. The salon also has a lead stylist, Chris Morgan, who brings creative flair with his distinguished hair designs and eight years of industry experience.

Curl Me Crazy currently operates with a team of ten individuals, including the management. The staffing needs are slated to grow as the business expands. We envision hiring three more full-time stylists, a full-time receptionist, and two part-time assistants by the end of year two. All future hires will be local to minimize commute times and to support the local economy.

The company operates with a robust human resources policy that encompasses competitive compensation, clear protocols for performance reviews, open communications, and opportunities for career development. We strive to create a positive work environment that values mutual respect, diversity, and an enduring commitment to our clients' satisfaction. Our practices abide by all employment laws and regulations, ensuring an equitable work environment.

At present, Curl Me Crazy does not engage external advisors or consultants. However, we continue to reassess this as we grow. We consider the integration of an Advisory Board consisting of experienced individuals from different industry backgrounds for strategic guidance, is a long-term possibility.

In conclusion, Curl Me Crazy leverages a focused organizational structure that's calibrated for efficiency, success, and growth. Backed by a dedicated team, clear HR policies, and a commitment to hiring local talent, we are confident to meet the set business targets and emerge as a popular name in the salon industry.

Curl Me Crazy is a forward-thinking hair salon business strategically situated in the heart of New York. Our services primarily include customized haircuts, bespoke coloring services, advanced hairstyling as per the latest trends, and a variety of hair care products. We specialize in delivering personal attention to each client and working with them to create a unique hairstyle that aligns with their personal style and needs.

Our competitive edge in the market stems from the exceptional array of innovative services we offer, coupled with our high-level skills and meaningful client-stylist relationships. Unlike many of our competitors, every client at Curl Me Crazy receives a detailed consultation before any services are performed. This consultation, during which stylists understand client's lifestyle, hair texture, faces structure, and personal style, helps us create customized, flattering looks that can be easily recreated by clients at home.

Curl Me Crazy is currently in its first year of operations but has shown promising growth thus far. Backed by a solid business plan and a feasible financial model, we aim to break even by the end of the first year and gradually increase our revenue by 15-20% per year over the next three years.

Regarding intellectual property, we have registered the salon’s brand name – "Curl Me Crazy" - as a trademark to protect it from unauthorized use. We also respect copyright laws and use only licensed or custom-created music in our salon.

The production process for our hair services can be divided into four main stages: consultation, recommendation, execution, and homecare advice. Each stage is meticulously carried out by our certified and experienced stylists who strive to exceed client expectations.

At Curl Me Crazy, we recognize the importance of using high-quality professional hair care products to deliver brilliant results. We source our products from reliable suppliers who offer eco-friendly and cruelty-free products. We have established relationships with three main suppliers - L'Oréal Professionnel , Redken, and Aveda - to ensure a consistent supply of the highest quality hair care products.

In conclusion, Curl Me Crazy is a dedicated hair salon business with a focus on building a reputation as the destination for personalized and creative hair care services. With our defined path for growth and commitment to service excellence, we are geared up to make a difference in the hair salon industry.

Hair salon business plan: Products or Services

Marketing Strategy

Riding on the back of digital advertising, Curl Me Crazy will deploy a well-strategized digital marketing campaign majorly on Instagram and Facebook due to their wide user-base and marketplace feature. These platforms will be utilized for showcasing our work, including before and after transformations, tutorials, products, and reviews.

Sales Strategy

Our sales strategy is centered on relationship marketing. We will nurture strong relationships with our customers by understanding their preferences and delivering personalized service each time they visit our center.

To guide this process, we are investing in the deployment of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for managing appointments, custodial of customer records and preferences, recall mechanism, and tracking client visit frequency.

Training would be provided for all staff members to comprehend our personalized approach towards sales and ensure uniformity across the team.

Pricing Strategy

Our pricing will be positioned at a medium-high level. We will aim to deliver a premium service experience, maintaining quality at all times to match our pricing. To ensure our services are accessible to varied customers, we will also introduce various bundles and packages, which will offer cost savings to the customers.

Distribution Channels

The primary distribution channel for our service delivery will be our salon. In addition to walk-in customers, we will offer an online appointment feature on our webpage and app. We will also explore partnerships with other beauty service apps, extending our reach.

Promotion and Advertising

Initial promotional activities will be concentrated on drawing customers to our salon. We will offer a 20% discount for first-time customers and a referral program that provides a 10% discount if an existing customer refers a new one. Advertising would be carried out through local newspapers, digital platforms, and billboard promotions.

Customer Service Policies

We operate on a 'Customer First' principle. Our front desk will be trained to address customer needs proactively and promptly. For any service-related complaints, we will offer a free corrective service or a service voucher as a remedy. We will also solicit customer feedback after each appointment to understand opportunities for improvement. Our aim is to drive customer satisfaction, retention, and word-of-mouth referrals.

Curl Me Crazy is poised to disrupt the hair salon industry by seamlessly blending high-quality, personalized services with an innovative operational workflow. Our primary objective is to offer trendy, creative hairstyles for young adults and professionals in a welcoming, relaxed, and efficiently run environment.

  • Operational Workflow: Our salon operates six days a week, following a dual shift system that ensures efficient and uninterrupted salon service. The staff rotation involves working in two shifts, with five stylists covering each shift. The first shift starts at 10:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm, and the second shift runs from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Our peak hours, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, will be catered to by all the stylists sharing the workload. This ensures continuous service without overwhelming the employees.
  • Production or Service Delivery Processes: As a salon, our core service delivery process involves three steps: appointment, service, and payment. An online booking system integrated into our website and mobile app facilitates client appointments, ensuring that service timing preferences are met accurately and avoiding unnecessary waiting times for clients. Outstanding customer service is our driving force, guaranteed through highly experienced employees consistently delivering trendy and unique hairstyles.
  • Quality Control Measures: We prioritize the highest standards of customer satisfaction combined with stringent quality control measures. We conduct regular training workshops where our stylists are updated on the latest trends and techniques. All our employees have met rigorous criteria for their roles, ensuring quality, creativity, and precision in the services delivered.
  • Inventory Management: Our salon performs regular inventory checks, ensuring that we never run out of essential products. We also employ a professional inventory management system that triggers an alert when any product reaches its reorder level. This keeps our salon adequately stocked at all times.
  • Supply Chain Management: We source hair care products from multiple reliable suppliers to prevent any potential disruption in our supply chain. In the event of delivery delays from one supplier, we always have an alternative to fall back on.
  • Facilities and Equipment Needs: Ensuring our salon's neat and welcoming atmosphere demands functional facilities and up-to-date equipment. These include but aren't limited to high-quality salon chairs, professional-grade hair dryers, washing stations, state-of-the-art styling equipments, and a comfortable waiting area for clients. Regular maintenance and timely upgrades are planned to ensure the premises remain at par with current standards.

In conclusion, Curl Me Crazy's solid operations plan is designed to facilitate smooth daily operations and exceptional customer satisfaction, spelling out sure success for the salon in the challenging hair industry.

Hair salon business plan: Operations Plan

At Curl Me Crazy, financial integrity is as important as the creative hairstyles we conjure. This section will outline our financial projections, including sales forecast, profit and loss projection, cash flow forecast, balance sheet projection, break-even analysis, and key financial assumptions.

  • Sales Forecast: In the first year, we aim for steady growth and recognize this as a crucial period for establishing a strong market presence. We project a monthly revenue of $10,000 that should grow to $20,000 by the end of year one. In the subsequent four years, this is expected to increase steadily, providing us a consistent annual growth rate of approximately 15%.
  • Profit and Loss Projection: As investments in marketing, renting, salon setup, and labor costs (salaries and benefits) will form our initial expenditure, we predict a loss in the first quarter. However, we aim to bounce back quickly and expect to start turning a profit by the beginning of the second year with a projection of $50,000. This profit is anticipated to increase year-on-year, reaching $100,000 by the end of year five.
  • Cash Flow Projection: We expect positive cash flow starting from the second year of operations. The first year may pose challenges due to an expected lull after the initial setup, but bearing minimum loan expenses and assuming a steady increase in customers, we should be able to maintain adequate cash flow.
  • Balance Sheet Projection: Our balance sheet will reflect our growth, with assets increasing progressively with profits and the addition of more salon equipment. Liabilities will reduce over time as loans are paid off, leading to a steady increase in owner’s equity.
  • Break-even Analysis: Our break-even point is projected to occur towards the end of the first year. This is based on initial estimations of fixed costs, variable costs, and the average customer spent per visit.
  • Financial Assumptions and Considerations: Our financial projections are based on several assumptions, including stable economic conditions, steady client growth, continued relevance of our unique hairstyles, and market price stability for salon supplies. It’s important to note that financial projections can be influenced by a variety of external factors such as economic downturns and increased market competition. To mitigate these risks, we'll allocate funds for contingency and regularly assess our financial strategies to be in line with the market conditions.

In conclusion, with the projected revenue growth and controlled operational costs, Curl Me Crazy is all set to carve a space for itself in the competitive hair salon market while maintaining financial sustainability.

Curl Me Crazy anticipates several potential risks in its journey to being an accomplished hair salon business. However, we also have several mitigation strategies and contingency plans developed to navigate them successfully.

  • Market Competition: The salon industry is highly competitive, with new businesses surfacing at many junctures. To rise above the competition, Curl Me Crazy will endeavor to provide unique services bolstered by a diverse range of skillsets our team possesses. Regular market analyses will help us stay tuned with the latest trends and techniques, enabling us in staying ahead of the competition curve.
  • Economic Downturns: A sluggish economy could affect our business due to potential reductions in disposable incomes of customers potentially undermining demand. We will counter this by diversifying our services to include low to medium budget options, ensuring we retain clients across various spending capacities.
  • Client Retention: Clients are spoilt for choice in our industry, thereby potentially obstructing client retention. We plan to invest in exceptional customer service and satisfaction as our key strategy, supplemented by loyalty programs that secure repeat business and promote referrals.
  • Supply Chain Issues: Any disruption in the supply chain can hamper operations, which could be due to various reasons such as logistics issues, stock unavailability, or supplier discounts. As a precautionary measure, we'll establish relationships with multiple suppliers ensuring uninterrupted supply and always maintaining a buffer stock.
  • Staff Turnover: Given the creative nature of stylists, one of the challenges we could face is employee retention. Keeping our staff challenged, acknowledged, and satisfied will be vital. We plan to foster a positive work environment with opportunities for personal and professional growth, and regular training to keep them updated with the latest industry trends.
  • Health and Safety Concerns: Stringent health and safety regulations govern our industry given its direct relationship with clients' physical well-being. We will adhere to all local and national regulations, keeping staff trained on safety protocols to eliminate any chance of dereliction.

Understanding that risks are inevitable, Curl Me Crazy has in place a robust contingency plan covering all facets of our business. We will establish an emergency fund to cushion against unexpected fiscal challenges, stay connected with the up-to-the-minute industry trends and pivots to keep our business relevant, and most importantly, keep our business model flexible and adaptable based on evolving circumstances.

Our insurance forecast includes extensive coverages that include liability insurance, covering bodily injuries or property damage, workers' compensation insurance to cover medical treatment and disability in case of an employee injury, and property insurance to cover any damage to our business property, lastly, business interruption insurance to cover lost income and continue operating expenses in the event of a disaster causing business disruption.

In the legal area, we will engage with a law firm to guide on all legal compliances required for our salon business. Legal considerations include complying with health and safety laws, employment laws, licensing laws, and applicable tax laws.

In conclusion, while risks are an integral part and parcel of any business, Curl Me Crazy is committed to effectively managing and mitigating any potential pitfalls that may arise along our path. Our comprehensive risk analysis, best practice mitigation strategies, contingency plans, and an all-embracing insurance cover ensure that we stand resilient in the face of any challenge.

Hair salon business plan: Risk Analysis

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Hair Salon Business Plan PDF Example

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  • February 28, 2024
  • Business Plan

Executive summary slide of Hair Salon(Example)

Creating a comprehensive business plan is crucial for launching and running a successful hair salon. This plan serves as your roadmap, detailing your vision, operational strategies, and financial plan. It helps establish your salon’s identity, navigate the competitive market, and secure funding for growth.

This article not only breaks down the critical components of a hair salon business plan, but also provides an example of a business plan to help you craft your own.

Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or new to the beauty industry, this guide, complete with a business plan example, lays the groundwork for turning your hair salon concept into reality. Let’s dive in!

Our hair salon business plan is structured to cover all essential aspects needed for a comprehensive strategy. It outlines the salon’s operations, marketing strategy , market environment, competitors, management team, and financial forecasts.

  • Executive Summary : Offers an overview of your hair salon’s business concept, market analysis , management, and financial strategy.
  • Salon & Location : Describes the salon’s design, amenities, and why its location is appealing to potential clients.
  • Treatments & Pricing : Lists the services provided by your hair salon, including treatments and pricing structure.
  • Key Stats : Shares industry size , growth trends, and relevant statistics for the hair salon market.
  • Key Trends : Highlights recent trends affecting the hair and beauty sector.
  • Key Competitors : Analyzes main competitors nearby and how your salon differs from them.
  • SWOT : Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis.
  • Marketing Plan : Strategies for attracting and retaining customers.
  • Timeline : Key milestones and objectives from start-up through the first year of operation.
  • Management : Information on who manages the hair salon and their roles.
  • Financial Plan : Projects the salon’s 5-year financial performance, including revenue, profits, and expected expenses.

The business plan template of a hair salon

Hair Salon Business Plan

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Fully editable 30+ slides Powerpoint presentation business plan template.

Download an expert-built 30+ slides Powerpoint business plan template

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary introduces your hair salon’s business plan, offering a concise overview of your salon and its services. It should detail your market positioning, the range of hair care and styling services you offer, its location, size, and an outline of day-to-day operations.

This section should also explore how your hair salon will integrate into the local market, including the number of direct competitors within the area, identifying who they are, along with your salon’s unique selling points that differentiate it from these competitors.

Furthermore, you should include information about the management and co-founding team, detailing their roles and contributions to the salon’s success. Additionally, a summary of your financial projections, including revenue and profits over the next five years, should be presented here to provide a clear picture of your salon’s financial plan.

Make sure to cover here _ Business Overview _ Market Overview _ Management Team _ Financial Plan

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Dive deeper into Executive Summary

Business Overview

For a Hair Salon, the Business Overview section can be concisely divided into 2 main slides:

Salon & Location Briefly describe the salon’s physical environment, emphasizing its design, comfort, and the overall atmosphere that welcomes clients. Mention the salon’s location, highlighting its accessibility and the convenience it offers to clients, such as proximity to shopping centers or ease of parking. Explain why this location is advantageous in attracting your target clientele.

Treatments & Pricing Detail the range of hair treatments and services offered, from basic cuts and styling to specialized treatments like coloring, extensions, or keratin smoothing. Outline your pricing strategy , ensuring it reflects the quality of services provided and matches the market you’re targeting. Highlight any packages, membership deals, or loyalty programs that provide added value to your clients, encouraging repeat business and customer loyalty.

Make sure to cover here _ Salon & Location _ Treatments & Pricing

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Market Overview

In the Market Overview of your hair salon business plan, start by examining the size of the hair care industry and its growth potential. This analysis is crucial for understanding the market’s scope and identifying expansion opportunities.

Proceed to discuss recent market trends , such as the increasing consumer interest in personalized hair care services, organic and sustainable products, and innovative styling techniques. For example, highlight the demand for services that cater to specific hair types and concerns, alongside the rising popularity of eco-friendly salons.

Then, consider the competitive landscape, which includes a range of salons from high-end boutiques to budget-friendly options, as well as at-home hair care trends. For example, emphasize what makes your salon distinctive, whether it’s through exceptional customer service, a unique range of services, or specialization in certain hair care practices. This section will help articulate the demand for hair salon services, the competitive environment, and how your salon is positioned to thrive within this dynamic market.

Make sure to cover here _ Industry size & growth _ Key competitors _ Key market trends

hair salon business plan market overview

Dive deeper into Key competitors

First, conduct a SWOT analysis for the hair salon, highlighting Strengths (such as expert stylists and a wide array of services), Weaknesses (including high operational costs or strong competition), Opportunities (for example, an increasing trend in personal grooming and beauty care), and Threats (such as economic downturns that may decrease consumer spending on luxury services).

Next, develop a marketing strategy that outlines how to attract and retain clients through targeted advertising, promotional discounts, engaging social media presence, and community involvement.

Finally, create a detailed timeline that outlines critical milestones for the hair salon’s opening, marketing efforts, client base growth, and expansion objectives, ensuring the business moves forward with clear direction and purpose.

Make sure to cover here _ SWOT _ Marketing Plan _ Timeline

hair salon business plan strategy

Dive deeper into SWOT

Dive deeper into Marketing Plan

The Management section focuses on the hair salon’s management and their direct roles in daily operations and strategic direction. This part is crucial for understanding who is responsible for making key decisions and driving the salon towards its financial and operational goals.

For your hair salon business plan, list the core team members, their specific responsibilities, and how their expertise supports the business.

hair salon business plan management

Financial Plan

The Financial Plan section is a comprehensive analysis of your financial projections for revenue, expenses, and profitability. It lays out your hair salon’s approach to securing funding, managing cash flow, and achieving breakeven.

This section typically includes detailed forecasts for the first 5 years of operation, highlighting expected revenue, operating costs and capital expenditures.

For your hair salon business plan, provide a snapshot of your financial statement (profit and loss, balance sheet, cash flow statement), as well as your key assumptions (e.g. number of customers and prices, expenses, etc.).

Make sure to cover here _ Profit and Loss _ Cash Flow Statement _ Balance Sheet _ Use of Funds

hair salon business plan financial plan

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Here is a free business plan sample for a hair salon business.

hair salon profitability

Have you been envisioning opening your own hair salon but feel overwhelmed about where to start?

In the content that follows, we will present to you a comprehensive sample business plan tailored for a hair salon.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, you're likely aware that a meticulously formulated business plan is crucial to your venture's success. It serves as a roadmap, outlining your vision, objectives, and the strategies you'll employ to thrive in the competitive beauty industry.

To expedite the creation of an effective plan, you're invited to utilize our hair salon business plan template. Additionally, our team of experts is available to review and refine your plan at no extra cost.

business plan beauty salon

How to draft a great business plan for your hair salon business?

A good business plan for a hair salon must reflect the unique aspects of the beauty industry and the personalized services offered by salons.

To start, it is crucial to provide a comprehensive overview of the beauty market. This includes current statistics and identifying emerging trends in the industry, as illustrated in our hair salon business plan template .

Your business plan should articulate your vision clearly. Define your target clientele (e.g., neighborhood residents, professionals, students), and establish the distinctive positioning of your hair salon (upscale, budget-friendly, specializing in certain hair treatments or styles).

Market analysis is a key component. This requires a thorough understanding of local competitors, industry trends, and customer demands and expectations.

For a hair salon, particular emphasis should be placed on the services you intend to offer. Describe your range of services - haircuts, coloring, styling, treatments - and discuss how they cater to the preferences and needs of your target market.

The operational plan is vital. It should outline the location of your salon, the design of the service area, supplier relationships for products and equipment, and the service delivery process.

In a hair salon business plan, it is important to highlight the expertise of your stylists, the quality of hair care products used, and adherence to health and safety standards.

Then, delve into your marketing and sales strategy. How do you plan to attract new clients and keep them coming back? Consider promotional tactics, customer loyalty programs, and potential additional services (like selling hair care products or offering beauty treatments).

Implementing digital strategies, such as a professional website or an active social media presence, is increasingly important for customer engagement and retention.

The financial section is another critical element. This should include your startup costs, revenue projections, ongoing expenses, and the point at which you expect to break even.

In the hair salon business, service pricing can vary widely, so it's essential to have a detailed financial plan and a solid understanding of your cost structure. For assistance, refer to our financial forecast for a hair salon .

Compared to other business plans, a hair salon's plan must pay special attention to factors such as the stylist recruitment and training, the customer experience, appointment scheduling systems, and the potential for product sales.

A well-crafted business plan will not only help you clarify your strategy and vision but also attract investors or secure loans.

Lenders and investors are looking for comprehensive market analysis, realistic financial projections, and a clear plan for the day-to-day operations of the salon.

By presenting a thorough and substantiated plan, you showcase your professionalism and dedication to the success of your hair salon.

To achieve these goals while saving time, you can complete our hair salon business plan template .

business plan hair salon business

A free example of business plan for a hair salon business

Here, we will provide a concise and illustrative example of a business plan for a specific project.

This example aims to provide an overview of the essential components of a business plan. It is important to note that this version is only a summary. As it stands, this business plan is not sufficiently developed to support a profitability strategy or convince a bank to provide financing.

To be effective, the business plan should be significantly more detailed, including up-to-date market data, more persuasive arguments, a thorough market study, a three-year action plan, as well as detailed financial tables such as a projected income statement, projected balance sheet, cash flow budget, and break-even analysis.

All these elements have been thoroughly included by our experts in the business plan template they have designed for a hair salon .

Here, we will follow the same structure as in our business plan template.

business plan hair salon business

Market Opportunity

Market data and figures.

The hair salon industry is a robust and essential part of the beauty sector.

Recent estimates value the global hair care market at over 85 billion dollars, with projections indicating continued growth driven by an increasing interest in personal grooming and appearance.

In the United States alone, there are over 80,000 hair salons, generating a combined annual revenue of approximately 20 billion dollars. This underscores the hair salon industry's substantial contribution to the economy and its role in daily American life.

These figures highlight the hair salon industry's resilience and its potential for sustained economic impact.

The hair salon industry is witnessing several emerging trends that are shaping the future of personal grooming services.

There is a growing demand for natural and organic hair care products, as consumers become more health-conscious and seek to avoid harsh chemicals.

Customization of hair treatments and services is becoming increasingly popular, with clients looking for personalized experiences that cater to their specific hair types and preferences.

Technological advancements, such as augmented reality hair color apps and online booking systems, are enhancing the customer experience by offering convenience and innovation.

Sustainability is also a significant trend, with salons adopting eco-friendly practices, such as recycling hair clippings and reducing water usage.

Additionally, the rise of social media as a marketing tool allows salons to showcase their work and connect with clients on platforms where visual appeal is paramount.

These trends indicate a shift towards more personalized, health-conscious, and technologically integrated hair care experiences.

Success Factors

Several factors contribute to the success of a hair salon.

High-quality service is paramount; skilled stylists and aestheticians can provide exceptional haircuts, styling, and treatments that ensure client satisfaction.

Innovation in service offerings, such as the introduction of new hair care treatments or styling techniques, can set a salon apart in a competitive market.

The location of the salon is critical, as a prime spot can attract more foot traffic and make the salon more accessible to clients.

Customer service excellence is essential for building a loyal clientele; a welcoming atmosphere and attentive staff can make a significant difference.

Lastly, effective business management, including cost control, staff training, and marketing, along with the ability to adapt to industry trends, such as embracing sustainable practices or offering online bookings, are crucial for a hair salon's long-term prosperity.

The Project

Project presentation.

Our hair salon project is designed to cater to a diverse clientele seeking personalized hair care and styling services. Situated in a bustling urban area or a shopping district, this salon will offer a range of services including haircuts, coloring, treatments, and styling, all performed by skilled stylists using premium, eco-friendly hair care products.

The emphasis will be on providing a luxurious and relaxing experience, with a focus on individual style and hair health.

This salon aims to set a new standard in hair care and styling, becoming a go-to destination for those who value expert advice, quality service, and a pampering environment.

Value Proposition

The value proposition of our hair salon project is centered around delivering exceptional hair care services with a personal touch. Our commitment to using eco-friendly and nourishing products ensures that clients not only look their best but also maintain healthy hair.

We offer a sanctuary where clients can unwind and enjoy a bespoke hair care experience, enhancing their natural beauty and boosting their confidence.

Our salon is dedicated to creating a welcoming atmosphere where every client feels valued and leaves satisfied, with the aim of educating them about sustainable hair care practices and the latest trends in hair fashion.

We strive to be a cornerstone in the community, providing a space where clients can transform their look and uplift their spirits, all while contributing to a healthier environment.

Project Owner

The project owner is a seasoned hair stylist with a passion for creating beautiful, healthy hair.

With a background in cosmetology and a flair for customer service, they are driven to establish a hair salon that stands out for its dedication to client satisfaction, environmental responsibility, and innovative styling techniques.

With a commitment to ongoing education and a finger on the pulse of hair care trends, they are determined to offer a superior salon experience that not only meets but exceeds client expectations.

Their devotion to the craft of hair styling and their entrepreneurial spirit make them the driving force behind this project, aiming to enhance the beauty and confidence of their clientele.

The Market Study

Market segments.

The market segments for this upscale hair salon are divided into several categories.

First, there are individuals seeking high-quality hair care services, including cuts, coloring, and styling, who prioritize maintaining a polished appearance.

Next, there are clients who are looking for specialized hair treatments, such as keratin treatments, hair extensions, or scalp therapies.

The market also includes customers interested in luxury experiences, such as bridal hair services, or those seeking a relaxing environment for their routine hair maintenance.

Finally, beauty professionals such as makeup artists and fashion stylists can be a key segment by partnering with the salon for events and recommending the salon's services to their clients.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis of this upscale hair salon project reveals several aspects.

Strengths include a team of experienced stylists, a commitment to using high-end hair care products, and a prime location that attracts foot traffic.

Weaknesses could include the higher pricing strategy that might limit the customer base and the challenge of maintaining a consistently high level of service.

Opportunities lie in the growing interest in personal grooming and the potential to expand services to include beauty and wellness treatments.

Finally, threats could include the emergence of new salons in the area, economic downturns affecting discretionary spending, and the constant need to stay ahead of hair care and fashion trends.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis in the hair salon industry reveals a diverse range of competition.

Among direct competitors are other upscale salons, as well as chain salons and independent stylists offering similar services.

These players compete to attract a clientele that values expertise, experience, and a luxurious salon atmosphere.

Potential competitive advantages include a highly skilled team, a robust menu of services, brand reputation, and the ability to provide a unique and personalized customer experience.

A thorough understanding of competitors' strengths and weaknesses is crucial for carving out a niche in the market and ensuring customer loyalty.

Competitive Advantages

Our commitment to providing an exceptional salon experience is at the core of our competitive edge.

We offer a wide range of high-end hair care services, all performed by seasoned professionals who are dedicated to their craft.

Furthermore, our salon's ambiance, which includes a comfortable and stylish interior, contributes to a relaxing and indulgent visit for every client.

We take pride in our attentive customer service and personalized approach, ensuring that each visit is tailored to the individual's needs and preferences.

You can also read our articles about: - how to open a hair salon business: a complete guide - the customer segments of a hair salon business - the competition study for a hair salon business

The Strategy

Development plan.

Our three-year development plan for the hair salon is designed to establish us as a premier destination for hair care and styling.

In the first year, we will concentrate on building a strong local clientele by offering exceptional service and creating a welcoming atmosphere.

The second year will focus on expanding our services and possibly opening additional locations in high-traffic areas to increase our visibility and accessibility.

By the third year, we aim to introduce a line of exclusive hair care products and form partnerships with beauty schools and influencers to solidify our reputation in the industry.

Throughout this period, we will prioritize customer satisfaction, employee training, and staying ahead of industry trends to ensure we provide the best experience and results for our clients.

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas for our hair salon targets individuals seeking quality hair care services, from basic cuts to advanced styling.

Our value proposition is centered around providing a superior salon experience, skilled stylists, and personalized services.

We offer our services primarily at our salon location, with a focus on key resources such as our professional staff, modern equipment, and a comfortable setting.

Key activities include hair styling, treatment services, and customer relationship management.

Our revenue streams are generated from hair services, product sales, and additional beauty treatments, while our costs are associated with staff salaries, salon maintenance, and marketing efforts.

Find a complete and editable real Business Model Canvas in our business plan template .

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is centered on building a strong brand presence and community engagement.

We plan to attract and retain customers by showcasing our salon's unique services, talented stylists, and success stories through before-and-after transformations.

Our approach includes targeted social media campaigns, partnerships with local businesses, and hosting events that allow potential clients to experience our services firsthand.

We will also encourage word-of-mouth referrals by offering incentives to our loyal customers.

Finally, we will leverage influencer partnerships and online reviews to reach a wider audience and build trust in our salon's expertise.

Risk Policy

The risk policy for our hair salon is designed to mitigate risks associated with service quality, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

We commit to ongoing training for our stylists to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest techniques and trends.

We will implement a robust appointment and customer feedback system to maintain high service standards and address any issues promptly.

Our financial risk management strategy includes careful budgeting and cost control measures to maintain a healthy cash flow.

Additionally, we will secure comprehensive business insurance to protect against any unforeseen liabilities related to our services.

Our focus is on delivering exceptional hair care experiences while safeguarding the well-being of our clients and the stability of our business.

Why Our Project is Viable

We are confident in the viability of our hair salon due to the evergreen demand for professional hair care services.

With our dedication to excellence, customer-centric approach, and innovative strategies, we believe we can carve out a significant niche in the market.

We are excited to enhance the beauty and confidence of our clients while growing a successful and reputable salon business.

We remain adaptable to industry shifts and client feedback, and we are enthusiastic about the bright future of our hair salon.

You can also read our articles about: - the Business Model Canvas of a hair salon business - the marketing strategy for a hair salon business

The Financial Plan

Of course, the text presented below is far from sufficient to serve as a solid and credible financial analysis for a bank or potential investor. They expect specific numbers, financial statements, and charts demonstrating the profitability of your project.

All these elements are available in our business plan template for a hair salon and our financial plan for a hair salon .

Initial expenses for our hair salon include the cost of leasing and renovating a suitable space, purchasing salon equipment such as chairs, styling stations, wash basins, and hairdressing tools, as well as investing in high-quality hair care products. We will also allocate funds for obtaining necessary licenses, insurance, and staff training to ensure top-notch services. Additionally, expenses will cover brand development and marketing strategies to establish our presence in the local market.

Our revenue assumptions are based on a thorough market analysis of the local demand for hair care services, taking into account factors such as population demographics, competition, and current beauty trends.

We expect a steady increase in clientele, beginning with a conservative estimate and expanding as our salon's reputation for excellence and customer satisfaction grows.

The projected income statement outlines expected revenues from hair care services and product sales, direct costs of services (such as hair care products and stylist wages), and operating expenses (rent, utilities, marketing, administrative salaries, etc.).

This results in a forecasted net profit that is essential for assessing the long-term viability of our hair salon.

The projected balance sheet will display assets unique to our salon, including salon equipment, product inventory, and any improvements made to the leased space, as well as liabilities such as loans and accounts payable.

It will provide a snapshot of the financial condition of our hair salon at the end of each fiscal period.

Our projected cash flow statement will detail the inflows and outflows of cash, enabling us to predict our financial needs. This is crucial for maintaining a healthy cash balance to support daily operations and growth initiatives.

The projected financing plan will outline the sources of funding we intend to tap into to cover our initial costs, such as personal savings, bank loans, or investor capital.

We will closely monitor the working capital requirement to ensure we have sufficient funds to manage day-to-day activities, including stocking salon products, managing inventory, and paying staff salaries.

The break-even analysis will determine the level of sales we need to achieve to cover all our costs, including initial investments, and begin generating a profit.

It will signal the point at which our hair salon becomes financially sustainable.

Key performance indicators we will track include the average revenue per customer, the customer retention rate, the gross margin on services and products, and the return on investment to gauge the efficiency of the capital we have invested in our salon.

These metrics will assist us in measuring the financial performance and overall success of our hair salon.

If you want to know more about the financial analysis of this type of activity, please read our article about the financial plan for a hair salon business .

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Creating a Successful Salon Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jovana Smoljanovic Tucakov

  • January 23, 2024
  • For Salon Owners

illustration of a salon business plan

If you plan to open a salon, besides setting the objectives, you’ll need to know how you’re going to achieve them. Or, in other words, you need a sound salon business plan.

Creating a salon business plan can help you identify specific goals and strategies, as well as provide guidance on how you can reach them and see your business thrive. Knowing how to craft your plan is vital, as it can easily make or break your salon business.

This article will walk you through how to create a salon business plan step-by-step.

Why is a Salon Business Plan so Important?

What is a salon business plan.

A salon business plan is a formal, written statement of the goals you want to set for your business. It explains why you want to set those goals and what your plan is for reaching them. A salon business plan might also include information about the individuals or teams working toward those goals with you.

A good salon business plan gives an overview of where your business is at now and explains where you want to be in the future. It also includes marketing information and research that impact your business plan in general. In fact, think of your salon business plan as a road map where you show where you are now and explain where you’re headed and what it will take to get there.

As you build your salon business plan, it’s important to include information about the process of opening your salon. This information is important because, right from the get-go, you lay the groundwork for success. This groundwork then helps you run and grow your salon business .

Why is a business plan essential for the success of your salon?

A salon business plan is an essential tool for the growth and success of any salon. It is important as it helps you to jot down your ideas and thoughts, arrange them in an organized manner, and develop an overall plan to implement them.

Writing a salon business plan also enables you to identify potential difficulties and challenges that may arise in the future. Once you’ve identified them, you can create a strategy to address them.

Having a business plan is just one of the essential steps to opening your very own salon – to see what other boxes need to be checked, download our Opening a Salon checklist PDF :

The Ultimate Checklist You Need to Open Your Salon

Get Trafft’s FREE & PRINTABLE step-by-step opening a beauty salon checklist every salon owner needs.

Bonus: Discover 5 essential steps to building a successful beauty salon

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Benefits of having a sound salon business plan

A well-crafted salon business plan comes with many benefits:

  • A Greater Success Rate : A good business plan allows you to mitigate risks, make better-informed decisions, and improve your chances of running a successful salon.
  • Better Financial Management : A well-written salon business plan includes your budget, financial projections, and expense management. This helps you keep tabs on your salon’s financial health, which leads to financially sound decisions.
  • Improved Marketing Strategies : A sound business plan requires you to conduct market research and develop marketing strategies. Then you can identify your target market, predict customer preferences, and adjust your marketing efforts to be more effective.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency : A salon business plan ensures that you implement efficient operational processes. This allows your salon to keep running smoothly and leads to increased customer satisfaction.

How to Write a Salon Business Plan in Just 12 Steps

  • Write an executive summary
  • Create effective mission and vision statements
  • Include a salon business description
  • Analyze the market and identify your target audience
  • Check what your competitors are up to
  • Identify products and services you wish to offer
  • Craft a sound financial plan
  • Tackle management and organization
  • Plan your everyday operations
  • Think about your marketing strategy
  • Think about sales
  • Don’t forget to include risks

1. Write an Executive Summary

An executive summary explains what your salon is like and why it is successful. In most cases, a potential investor would go straight to this section to get an idea of what the business is like. If the executive summary isn’t interesting or compelling, they won’t read any further. That makes it an essential section and the first step when writing your salon business plan.

The executive summary should include information that is relevant to stockholders or investors. Include details about your target market, business objectives, and financial projections. Don’t forget to add information about your products and service menu, as well as your vision and mission. The main idea is to let the reader know what’s up, grab their attention, and make them want to keep reading.

Key components

An executive summary of every salon business plan should include the following information:

Business overview : Introduce the reader to your salon. Include information like the name and location, and a brief description of your core values, vision, and mission.

Market analysis : Provide a summary of your research on your target market. Include details about the target market’s trends and demographics. Then highlight gaps or opportunities in the market that you plan to capitalize on.

Your business objectives : Clearly identify your business goals and state what you want your salon to achieve. This might include details like expansion plans, revenue targets, or customer acquisition goals. In this section, you can include any goals that will affect your salon’s growth and success .

Products and Service menu : Give a brief overview of what your salon offers. Make sure your unique features and competitive advantages stand out. Explain what your salon is doing to meet the needs of the target market.

Marketing strategies : Explain your marketing strategy. This includes information about advertising, branding, social media, and so on. If you have any original ideas for how to make your salon stand out from the competition, make sure to highlight them.

Your financial projections : Provide a detailed financial plan overview. Include any information about profit targets, expenses budget, and revenue forecasts. Highlight any achievements or milestones you have reached that prove the financial viability of your salon.

Any funding requirements : Clearly explain the funding requirements for your salon. Explain how much funding you need, how you will use the funds and any other potential sources of funds you have.

2. Create Effective Mission and Vision Statements

Girl standing on growing arrows and looking through binoculars. Woman searching for opportunity or job flat vector illustration. Business strategy, goal, pathway, career concept

Image by pch.vector on Freepik

A mission statement is a short explanation of why you created your salon, what your goal is, and how you want to achieve it. Your mission statement is an important part of your salon business plan, so it should be the first thing you see on the page. It’s a good idea to put it at the top of the page where you and others can see it and be reminded of your purpose.

The mission statement gives you the chance to express your purpose and intention. It not only explains why you started the salon, but it also explains what you have to offer. It shows what sets you apart from the competitor salons and captures the spirit with which you run your salon.

In just a few words, your mission statement can determine what drives your business.

Defining your purpose and aspirations

Part of the purpose of a mission statement is to define your purpose and what you offer. Your purpose is the reason you exist and what you have to offer potential customers. To get an idea of what your mission statement should include, ask yourself “Why does my salon exist?”

A vision statement serves a similar purpose. It explains where you want to take your business and what you hope to achieve. It defines your goals and the future impact you want to have. To identify the key points that will go into your vision statement, ask yourself “Where do I see my salon in the future?”

Putting your purpose and your long-term goals in writing plays an important role in having a successful business plan.

How to craft mission and vision statements

Here are a few examples of things you can consider when you are writing your mission statement and your vision statement. This will help you come up with ideas that reflect your identity and direction as a salon.

  • Have a brainstorming session with your team. Ask them “What do you think makes this salon unique? What do you love about working here? What do you personally want to achieve?”
  • Identify core values. What specific values do you want to uphold in everything you do? Some examples of core values are: creativity, integrity, excellence, diversity, and
  • Put your mission statement in writing. Use your core values as a starting point. Then write a short, simple sentence that sums up your salon’s purpose and what you offer to clients.
  • Write your vision statement. Write a short, inspiring sentence that describes your long-term goals for the salon and what you want to achieve.
  • Review and refine. Once you have your mission and vision statements written down, take some time to review them. Make sure your statements are both clear and concise, as well as compelling.

In case you need a bit of help, take a look at some brilliant salon mission statement examples sure to inspire you.

Also, writing an effective slogan will only underline the message you wish to send, so make sure you have one ready.

3. Include a Salon Business Description

Company description.

A company description is a quick overview of your business that explains the core values of your company. This part of your salon business plan is all about giving a quick and simple rundown to the readers. It’s meant to give them a general idea of what your business is all about.

Outlining the details

Your salon business description provides all the basic details about your salon. You should include the name of your salon, the location, and your contact information. Also, include the details about the legal structure of your salon. This information is the foundation of the rest of your business description. Thus, it’s important that the information is accurate and up to date.

Company history and brand story

In this section, you should provide some information about the background and history of your salon. When was your business founded? What led to you starting your business? Whatever your story is, this section is your chance to tell it.

Describe what you offer and your USP

This section details what your clients can expect to find at your salon. You can use this section to provide details about new beauty products or services you are offering. If you are working on your own line of products, this is also a good place to mention it and provide an estimated timeline for when it will be available.

Your salon’s USP (unique selling proposition) is what makes your salon stand out from the rest of the market. It is very important to highlight your USP in your business description.

4. Analyze the Market and Identify Your Target Audience

The market analysis shows that you’ve put some serious thought into your target audience. You’ve also done some research to find out what the competitors are missing out on. What’s more, it shows that you really know your area and have made some changes to your approach to fit in.

When you identify and analyze your potential clients, you are better able to adjust your marketing strategy to catch their eye.

Conducting market research

Market research means collecting data about the needs, preferences, and behavior of potential clients. Then you analyze this data. Market research helps you identify who your target market is and what their expectations and needs are. Based on these findings, you can create a marketing strategy that is appealing to that audience in particular.

Conducting market research also helps you identify who your competition is. Knowing this helps you get a good idea of reasonable pricing and ideal locations. Factoring this information in helps you gain and retain clients.

Here are some ideas on how you can make the entire process more interactive and fun (both for you and the participants):

Salon pop-up surveys

Set up a pop-up booth or station near popular local spots and events. Engage with passersby, offering quick surveys with a fun incentive like discount coupons for your salon. This allows you to gather diverse opinions and attract potential customers .

Instagram polls and stories

Leverage the interactive features of social media. Use Instagram polls and stories to ask your followers about their favorite salon experiences, desired services, or beauty trends. Encourage them to share their thoughts and tag friends for a chance to win a free service.

Salon open house events

Host an open house event at your salon. Invite the local community to explore your space, meet your staff, and participate in live demonstrations or mini-makeovers. Use the opportunity to collect feedback and preferences directly from attendees.

Collaborative mood boards

Create collaborative mood boards or Pinterest boards where clients and potential clients can contribute their favorite hairstyles, colors, and beauty inspirations. This not only gathers valuable insights but also fosters a sense of community and involvement.

Beauty trend workshops

Organize workshops on the latest beauty trends. Invite participants to share their thoughts on emerging styles and treatments. This not only serves as a research platform but also positions your salon as a trendsetter in the community.

Community surveys with prizes

Distribute physical or digital surveys within the local community, emphasizing the importance of their opinions. Include a prize draw or a special discount for survey participants, encouraging more people to contribute.

Interactive social media challenges

Create engaging challenges on social media platforms, encouraging followers to share their favorite salon experiences or dream makeover ideas. Use a unique hashtag to track responses and offer prizes for the most creative entries.

Beauty polls and quizzes

Develop entertaining online polls or quizzes related to beauty and salon preferences. Share these on your website and social media to capture audience insights while providing a fun and interactive experience.

By infusing creativity and engagement into your market research efforts, you not only gather valuable information but also strengthen the connection between your salon and the community. The more interactive and enjoyable the process, the more likely you are to receive enthusiastic and authentic responses from your audience.

Identifying behaviors, demographics, and preferences

Once you have information on your target market you can use it to better understand them. Here are a few things to look at:

The behavior of your target market. This refers to the way clients make purchasing decisions, their brand loyalties, and other similar behaviors. In general, behaviors can include anything that affects a client’s decision-making process.

Demographics refer to the characteristics of your potential clients.

Geographic location, educational background, and income can all impact the way clients respond to your marketing strategy.

Even the age and gender of the people you want to draw in can affect which strategies you use. Understanding this will help you create a marketing plan that resonates with the clientele you want to attract.

Then you have to factor in the preferences of your target market. What do they like and dislike? What kinds of ambiance are they drawn to? Which salon services are most popular with this group? What are their thoughts on pricing? What do they look for in customer service? All these factors play their part in whether or not a potential customer chooses your salon.

Client analysis

This part of your salon business plan is all about who your potential clients are. Depending on where your salon is, you might get certain types of people coming in. Or, it might be a mix of different types. You need to include details about who your market is made up of and what they’re like.

Here are a few things involved in conducting a client analysis for your salon:

  • Define the scope and the objective of the analysis. Include information about the services and products, the time frame, and the area your customers are coming from.
  • Collect data from a variety of sources and analyze. You can use surveys, online reviews, industry reports, interviews, and social media, as well as other sources.
  • Identify specific customer groups. This includes demographics, needs, and behaviors.
  • Create a profile for each customer group. Include descriptions of preferences, characteristics, expectations, and motivations.
  • Evaluate the salon’s current performance. How are you doing with customer retention, satisfaction, and loyalty? How much is your salon profiting?
  • Identify specific areas where you can improve customer relationships.

5. Check What Your Competitors Are Up To

A competitive analysis explains your plan for your salon to dominate the market. It is important for your competitive analysis to give a brief explanation of the existing competitors. This can include direct competition, like another salon, or indirect competition. The indirect competition includes any other option for clients to receive the products or services you offer. In this section of your salon business plan, you can bring out the strengths and weaknesses of your competition and explain how your target market views them.

Knowing your competition will help you determine what your own advantages are. Then you can capitalize on those advantages to attract and keep more customers. Once you can pinpoint your unique strengths, you are better equipped to carve out your own place in the market. It will give you a starting point to work from to identify a new way to attract customers. It may also help you find something unique to offer that no one else in the area is offering.

Conducting a SWOT analysis

To be able to succeed and stand out from the competition, it is helpful to carry out a SWOT analysis . SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis will help you diagnose the factors that play a role in the potential and performance of your competition.

What are the strengths of your competitors? Maybe a competing salon has a good reputation and a strong brand. Perhaps they offer a wide range of services or have a skillful team. They might have a good relationship with their suppliers, offer a clean and welcoming atmosphere, or have an optimal location.

What are their weaknesses? Perhaps they offer a limited number of services or have staff that lacks experience. They might be struggling with high overhead costs or have a difficult location. Or they may be on the losing end of high competition and/or struggle to maintain customer loyalty.

Opportunities for a salon include expansion opportunities or new services and products. Other opportunities include increased online presence, partnering opportunities, or new technology and trends.

What is a threat to a salon? Economic recessions, loss of customers to the competition, and negative reviews all threaten the success of a salon. Other threats include supply chain disruptions, legal problems, and environmental and health risks.

6. Identify Products and Services You Wish to Offer

This part of your salon business plan lays out all the different services that your salon will offer its customers. You can expect a wide range of services, from haircuts, styling, coloring, treatments, manicures, pedicures, facials, and many more. Each service is described in detail, including the techniques used, expected results, and pricing structure. We’ve also got a great selection of salon products that you can buy, like hair care items, skincare products, and beauty accessories.

By providing a comprehensive overview of the salon’s products and services, we’re showing that we’re committed to meeting all our customers’ needs and preferences. We want to make sure everyone feels welcome and satisfied with their experience at our salon. This sets the stage for a successful and thriving salon business.

7. Craft a Sound Financial Plan

financial section, as an integral part of a salon business plan

Image by vectorjuice on Freepik

Here is where you provide details about the financial history, budget, and projections for your salon. Any potential investors or lenders will be especially interested in this section of your salon business plan.

When writing this section, you should include your financial plan for your salon for the next 3-5 years, as well as your financial history going back 3-5 years. If the salon has income, include financial statements. You should also include potential funding sources and your plan for keeping your salon running.

A good budget is the foundation for any effective financial plan. A budget allows you to distribute resources like time and funds effectively. A good budget also allows you to make better decisions about saving and spending and set goals for your finances.

Start by identifying all the sources of income for your salon. This includes product sales, service fees, and so on. Then identify all the expenses your salon has, like rent, salaries, supplies, and other operational costs. You could make a category for expenses that are always the same, like rent, and another for expenses that vary from month to month, like supplies. This might help you to see patterns and identify areas where you could cut back on some costs.

Once you have identified all your income and expenses, then you can set goals. From time to time, check your progress against your budget to see how you are doing and if you can make any further adjustments.

Income streams

Adding income streams is a good way to increase revenue. The following are a few options you could explore:

  • Subscriptions : Charge fees for a set period of time instead of per transaction.
  • Advertising : Promote certain brands in-store and online.
  • Freemium plans : Certain services are free and “premium” services cost extra.
  • Third-party licensing : Give third parties the right to use or sell your patented products.
  • Renting or Leasing : Rent out assets (for example, real estate or products) for a price.

As you create your financial projections, factor in the demand in the market and the volume of customers. You should also include your pricing strategy for the products and services you offer. It would be helpful to go back and review your sales history. Then you can isolate specific trends. This will help you make more sound financial decisions moving forward. It would also be helpful to you to do some research on the current market.

Alternative funding options

There are a variety of options when it comes to alternative funding sources for your salon. Each option has pros and cons. Some options include loans, grants, crowdfunding, or partnerships.

Loans may offer somewhat low interest rates. However, it’s important to find out what they require for collateral or how strict the repayment terms are.

Grants can offer funds that you don’t have to repay, but they might have strict eligibility requirements and limits on how you can use the funds.

Crowdfunding can get you funds from a pool of investors, but it might mean sharing control or ownership of your salon.

Partnerships can get you access to extra capital and more expertise. On the downside, partnerships can mean profit-sharing. You may also have to consult with your partners before you make decisions.

Expense management

If you want your salon business plan to have success, it is vital that you manage your expenses carefully. To maximize your earnings, you have to optimize your expenses and control the costs your salon faces. This is the only way to make sure that your salon remains financially stable.

Regularly review your expenses and identify ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality. Be on the lookout for chances to negotiate better deals on supplies and cut out unnecessary expenses. For example, could you choose equipment that is more energy efficient? Is there a way you could maximize the lifespan of the products you use and cut back on supply costs?

Hiring freelancers or contractors

Hiring a contractor or freelancer can have a lot of benefits. These independent professionals can provide you with the expertise you need to do a specific project or task. Some of the benefits they offer include:

  • Saving on Costs: Hiring contractors and freelancers can save you money on payroll taxes, training, benefits, and more. You pay for the work they do and depending on your needs you can adjust your budget.
  • Greater flexibility: You hire contractors and freelancers only as you need them and for as long as you need. You can adjust the scale of your team depending on the demand of the project and their availability.
  • Expertise: Freelancers and contractors bring in fresh ideas and perspectives. Their knowledge of the industry is also an asset to your salon business. They can also carry out tasks that are beyond your skill set or that require special equipment and tools.

8. Tackle Management and Organization

The management and organization plan is the backbone of your salon business plan. It shows how your salon will operate and reach its goals. This section gives an in-depth look at the salon’s management team, including their qualifications, experience, and roles inside the salon. It also explains how the salon will be structured, how decisions will be made, and how different teams will work together.

By sharing a clear management and organization plan, your business plan shows that the salon has capable people and a well-structured system to make it in the competitive beauty industry.

9. Plan Your Everyday Operations

The salon’s operational plan outlines the day-to-day procedures and practices that drive the smooth functioning of the salon. It covers all the essential operational aspects, from staff scheduling and client management to inventory control and quality assurance.

The plan sets out who’s responsible for what, so everyone works together like a team to give customers the best service. It includes strategies for optimizing appointment bookings , managing walk-ins , and handling peak hours efficiently .

Moreover, the operational plan addresses health and safety protocols, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for both clients and staff. By adhering to the operational plan, the salon can enhance productivity, elevate the overall customer experience, and create a thriving and well-organized salon environment.

Implementing booking software into your salon’s everyday operations

As a forward-thinking salon owner, integrating booking software into your daily operations isn’t just a tech-savvy move – it’s a strategic investment that brings a myriad of benefits to your business.

Booking software simplifies the appointment process, allowing clients to schedule services seamlessly. With real-time updates, your staff can manage and optimize appointments, reducing the risk of scheduling conficts and ensuring a smooth workflow.

Also, booking software enables you to create and manage staff schedules effortlessly. With automated notifications and reminders, your team stays informed, reducing scheduling conflicts and enhancing overall productivity.

Not to mention that clients appreciate the convenience of booking online, as it allows them to be in charge of everything – they can choose services, select preferred staff members, and book appointments at their convenience.

Revolutionize Your Salon Management with Trafft: A Solution Tailored for Salon Owners

As a salon owner, you’re no stranger to the challenges that come with managing a bustling beauty business.

Managing appointments, handling last-minute rescheduling, dealing with overbooking, creating and managing staff schedules, and struggling to be there for your clients in the middle of the night – these are just some of the common pain points you face as a salon owner.

Enter Trafft ! Tailored with your specific challenges in mind, Trafft is designed to transform your daily chaos into an efficient salon experience.

trafft booking software and app

What do you get from Trafft?

  • Say Goodbye to Daily Organizational Chaos : Bring order to the chaos with real-time updates and efficient scheduling. Trafft makes organizing your calendar, keeping track of appointments, and managing staff schedules a breeze.
  • Minimize No-Shows : With Trafft’s automated reminders, you can reduce no-shows and make sure that each appointment slot is valuable. You’ll receive timely notifications via email or SMS which will help you cultivate a reliable and engaged customer base.
  • Reschedule with Ease : When your clients choose a new time, Trafft will send notifications to both of you. Plus, it’ll confirm the booking and update all your calendars. No need to worry about canceling an appointment – Trafft will do it for you!
  • Be Available 24/7: Allow clients to schedule appointments at their convenience. Transform your salon into a 24/7 beauty oasis, breaking free from traditional booking hour constraints.

So, are you ready for a salon management revolution? Embrace Trafft and start your transformation now!

10. Think about your marketing strategy

This is your game plan for your salon to bring in new clients and promote your services. A thorough marketing plan , with plenty of marketing ideas and marketing tools you plan to use, is essential. It allows you to stand out from the competition and reach your target market. It also allows you to create connections with your customers and achieve your marketing goals.

This is the most flexible section of your salon business plan . As your business grows and the market changes, your marketing plan will adapt to it.

Marketing strategies that attract and retain clients

It’s important for salon owners and managers to create strategies for advertising and marketing. This helps to attract new customers and retain existing clients , as well as improve the reputation and visibility of the salon. Here are a few strategies you might try:

  • Create a salon website or social media account . There customers can get information about your prices, services, location, and hours. Websites and social media accounts are great ways to showcase your work or advertise special events and promotions.
  • Try offering discounts, coupons, referrals, loyalty programs, or gift cards . This will encourage customers to visit the salon more frequently and make them more likely to spread the word to friends and family.
  • Participate in local events . Are there any festivals, fairs, charity drives, or fashion shows coming up? These events are a great opportunity for the salon to showcase its skills and services. It also gives you the chance to network with potential customers and partners and generate publicity.
  • Look for opportunities to partner with other local businesses like spas, hotels, gyms, or restaurants. You can cross-promote services and offer deals or packages to shared customers.
  • Send emails or newsletters to customers about your latest news, tips, beauty trends, and offers.
  • Ask for feedback from customers . Then use their responses to improve customer satisfaction and quality of service.

11. Think About Sales

In this section of your salon business plan, you should outline the strategies and tactics that will be employed to drive revenue and achieve your salon’s financial objectives.

This section delves into the target market and defines the salon’s unique selling proposition, emphasizing what sets it apart from competitors. It details the pricing strategy for various services and products, taking into consideration factors such as market demand, competition, and the perceived value of offerings.

The sales plan also identifies promotional activities and marketing campaigns that will be executed to attract new clients and retain existing ones. It includes a timeline for these initiatives, along with a budget allocation for marketing expenses. Furthermore, the section discusses techniques for upselling and cross-selling to maximize the average transaction value per customer.

By laying out a comprehensive sales plan, the business plan showcases the salon’s dedication to achieving financial success and growth through a well-structured and effective sales approach.

12. Don’t Forget to Include Risks

The risk management section of the salon business plan addresses the potential challenges and uncertainties that the salon may encounter during its operations.

This section identifies and assesses various risks, including financial, operational, legal, and industry-specific risks. It outlines the proactive measures that will be implemented to mitigate these risks and ensure business continuity.

Strategies such as obtaining insurance coverage, adhering to strict health and safety protocols, implementing sound financial practices, and conducting regular staff training are discussed to minimize potential liabilities. Additionally, contingency plans are detailed to handle unexpected situations, such as economic downturns or natural disasters.

By carefully analyzing and addressing potential risks, the risk management section demonstrates the salon’s commitment to safeguarding its interests and building resilience, providing potential investors and stakeholders with confidence in the salon’s ability to navigate challenges and succeed in the long run.

So, What’s the Secret to Creating a Successful Salon Business Plan?

Running a successful salon requires more than just a flair for aesthetics; a robust salon business plan is equally essential. This plan is not a one-time document but a dynamic tool that evolves alongside your business. It serves as a roadmap, guiding your financial decisions, attracting funding, and steering your salon toward lasting success.

When writing your salon business plan, don’t forget to include a detailed market analysis, your financial projections, operational plan, services and pricing strategy, marketing, and branding.

Be sure to check in on your plan regularly and see how you’re doing compared to your goals.

Remember, a well-thought-out salon business plan is not just a formality; it’s a dynamic tool that empowers you to make informed decisions, navigate challenges, and seize opportunities for growth. Invest time and effort in crafting a plan that aligns with your vision, and watch your salon flourish.

Looking for More Salon-Related Resources?

If you enjoyed this article about creating a successful salon business plan, you should check out these as well:

  • The Best Salon Appointment Booking App On the Market
  • How To Manage A Salon Successfully (Salon Manager Tips)
  • How To Run A Successful Salon (The Salon Owner Guide)
  • How To Get More Clients In A Salon (The Ultimate Guide)
  • How Much Do Salon Owners Make? Tips for You to Earn More
  • Salon Cancellation Policy Examples and Templates To Use
  • The Best Salon Slogans and Mottos to Use for Your Own
  • Salon Mission Statement Examples and Tips To Create One
  • The Types of Salon Insurance You’ll Need for Your Business
  • Salon Social Media Marketing 101
  • How to Make a Salon Price Increase Notice without Losing Clients
  • The Most Efficient Salon Marketing Ideas You Need To Try
  • The Best Salon POS System to Pick From
  • Salon Booth Rental Tips and Best Practices to Know

FAQ on Salon Business Plan Essentials

Why do i need a salon business plan.

A salon business plan is essential because it serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the process of starting and growing your business.

It outlines your goals, target market, services, pricing, and marketing strategies, helping you stay on track and make informed decisions.

A well-prepared business plan can also be valuable when seeking financing, as it demonstrates your commitment and expertise to potential investors or lenders.

What should I include in the company description?

In the company description, provide an overview of your salon, including the name, location, and ownership structure.

Explain your salon’s mission, vision, and core values, as well as the unique selling points that set you apart from competitors. This section should also highlight the salon’s atmosphere, target clientele, and the specific services you plan to offer.

What is an example of a salon mission statement?

An example of a salon mission statement could be: “At [Your Salon Name], we are dedicated to delivering exceptional beauty experiences that empower our clients to look and feel their best. Our mission is to create an inviting, inclusive environment where creativity thrives, and our team is committed to providing personalized, high-quality services that enhance natural beauty and boost confidence.”

What is the best business structure for a salon?

The most common business structures for salons are Sole Proprietorship, LLC (Limited Liability Company), or Corporation. Each has its own advantages. Sole Proprietorship is simpler but offers less liability protection. LLC combines liability protection with flexibility. A Corporation provides strong liability protection but involves more complex formalities. Consult with a business advisor to determine the best fit for your salon.

How do I choose the right services for my salon?

Choosing the right services for your salon starts with understanding your target market and their needs.

Research your local area and identify gaps in the market or underserved segments. Consider your own skills and expertise, as well as those of your team, and focus on services that align with your strengths.

Offering a mix of essential and specialized services, such as haircuts, coloring, and unique treatments, can help you stand out and attract a loyal clientele.

How do I set salon pricing?

Setting salon pricing requires balancing the cost of providing services with what customers are willing to pay.

Research competitor pricing in your area and consider factors such as your target market, the quality of your services, and your salon’s atmosphere. You can opt for tiered pricing based on the experience of the stylist or offer service bundles to encourage customers to try additional services.

Be prepared to adjust your pricing as your business grows and evolves.

What’s the best way to market my salon?

Marketing your salon requires a combination of traditional and digital strategies.

Word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied clients can be powerful, so encourage customers to share their experiences with friends and family. Utilize social media to showcase your work, engage with potential clients, and share promotions.

Collaborate with local businesses or participate in community events to raise brand awareness. Don’t forget about email marketing, loyalty programs, marketing tools , and targeted advertising to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

How can I ensure a top-notch customer experience?

Providing an exceptional customer experience is crucial for salon success. Start by hiring skilled, friendly staff who share your vision and commitment to customer satisfaction. Offer ongoing training to ensure your team stays up-to-date on industry trends and techniques.

Also, handle bookings professionally, with the help of salon scheduling software and booking apps .

Create a welcoming, clean, and comfortable salon environment, and be responsive to customer feedback. Consistently delivering high-quality services and personalized attention will help you build a loyal client base.

How do I manage salon inventory and supplies?

Effective inventory management is essential for a successful salon. Implement a system to track product usage and sales, ensuring that you always have adequate supplies on hand without overstocking. Regularly review your inventory levels and adjust your ordering frequency or quantities as needed.

Negotiate with suppliers for the best prices and consider implementing inventory management software to streamline the process.

What legal requirements should I be aware of?

Before opening your salon, familiarize yourself with any legal requirements, such as licenses, permits, and zoning regulations.

You may need a cosmetology license, business license, or specific permits for your location. Additionally, ensure your salon meets local health and safety guidelines and complies with employment laws. Consult with a legal professional if you’re unsure of your obligations.

How do I create financial projections for my salon?

Creating financial projections for your salon involves estimating future revenue, expenses, and cash flow. Start by estimating your income from services and product sales, taking into account factors like pricing, target market, and more.

Outline your anticipated expenses, such as rent, utilities, salaries, marketing, and inventory costs. Create a cash flow statement to ensure you have enough working capital to cover your expenses and support your salon’s growth.

Use your financial projections to set realistic goals and adjust your business plan as needed. Regularly review your financial performance and compare it to your projections, making necessary changes to stay on track and achieve your objectives.

How do I measure the success of my salon business?

Measuring the success of your salon business involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your goals.

Common KPIs for salons include revenue growth, client retention, client acquisition, average ticket value, and employee productivity.

Track these metrics regularly to assess your salon’s performance and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, use customer feedback, online reviews , and testimonials to gauge the overall satisfaction of your clients and the quality of your services.

This information can help you refine your business strategies and ensure your salon’s ongoing success.

Jovana Smoljanovic Tucakov

  • Jovana Smoljanovic Tucakov

Jovana Smoljanovic Tucakov is a Content Marketing and SEO Specialist who uses both words and data to communicate a message and deliver value. With more than 5 years of experience in digital marketing and content production in the IT industry, she loves identifying and solving the readers’ pain points and creating targeted content.

Curious about the human mind and emotions, especially those that drive consumer behavior. Likes fitness, food preparation, board games, reading (both for pleasure and learning), and binge-watching Netflix.

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Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">, opportunity.

First impressions are everything. A really good haircut is key to making a good impression. Not everyone can afford to spend a few hundred dollars and a few hours to get a good haircut. A lot of families have budget constraints. They need a place to go to get this stuff done. 

Cranium Filament Reductions will stand out by providing superior customer attention. This is particularly important in the "quick salon" space that Cranium operates in because margins are a bit lower and the goal of a quick salon is to crank through customers.

The hair styling industry is highly fragmented with national chains such as Regis Corporation, which operates diverse franchises catering to all the market segments, and also including thousands of "mom and pop" salons that are very restricted in scope and services. This makes for a highly competitive market that has low barriers to entry and exit. In addition, the clients of hair styling have significant leverage due to the low switching costs they have. However, most companies have tried to pursue only one general strategy in gaining market share. Cranium believes that it is possible to offer a differentiated service through improved customer service at no greater significant cost if the right employee incentives are provided.


The buying patterns of men and women are quite different. Typically men are more price or convenience sensitive. Men typically care less about the task of getting their hair cut. For them whatever is easiest works best. Women on the other hand are more caught up in hair styling and tend to bond more with their stylists. Because they bond more, they are much more loyal to their stylist. Once a stylist has earned their trust they are more willing to blindly put their hair in the stylists hands.

Cranium Filament Reductions’ mission is to provide reasonably priced, convenient hair styling. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers. 


This is a service business so it doesn’t generate high profitability. It does generate a good way for its people to make a living. 

Financial Highlights by Year

Financing needed.

The financing needed is $105,000. That includes a $45,000 loan, and owner investment (Susan) of $60,000. 

Problem & Solution

Problem worth solving, our solution.

Cranium Filament Reductions is a hair salon that allows the entire family to have their hair needs satisfied in one convenient visit. 

There are many "quick salons" like Cranium, however, many of these salons, such as Cost Cutters, only provide the minimum services, whereas the upscale salons can be inconvenient due to scheduling requirements and cost. The owner of Cranium perceives an unfulfilled customer need for a low-cost salon that provides maximum flexibility and strong customer attention. Using this strategy, Cranium will gain significant market share and create critical long-term relationships with its clients.

Target Market

Market size & segments.

Cranium Filament Reductions will target each of the three groups separately. The males will be targeted by offering a quick, convenient, service. Because men tend to have shorter hair, they usually require haircuts more often. If they are getting a cut every four weeks and work normal business hours, most barbers are closed when the male customers have free time. Cranium Filament Reductions will cater to males with evening hours, no appointments necessary, and quick turn around times.

Generally females prefer the allure of upscale salons, however, not everyone can afford this luxury. For this reason Cranium Filament Reductions will provide the same quality hair styling, without the expensive price. Cranium will target these customers by emphasizing the sophisticated, ultra-hip styling that Cranium can offer.

Cranium Filament Reductions will also target mothers with children by offering the kids toys to play with while they wait and child-friendly hair stylists. Additionally, children receive a special rate reflecting the fact that children’s hair grows so fast that it can be expensive to keep up with regular cuts, as well as the recognition that it generally takes a lot less time to cut a child’s hair so it should be inherently less expensive.

Current Alternatives

Cranium Filament Reductions’ competitors include:

  • Traditional barbers . They rarely serve appointments, it is generally a walk-in service. While barbers are usually willing to provide whatever cut you are interested, they are generally providing straight forward haircuts, typically on the conservative side. The advantages of a barber is they are inexpensive and easy to use. Their disadvantages is often conservative styling capacities, sometimes a long wait as the barber may be an old timer who enjoys to chit chat.
  • Franchised "quick salons."   An example of this would be Supercuts or Best Cuts. In essence this is a franchised version of Cranium Filament Reductions. The advantage of this style is the store will be the same from location to location and some people like this predictability. 
  • Independent salons . These shops typically focus on a specific niche and do not serve a wide group of customers. The advantages to these could be an independent salon that fulfills all of your needs. The disadvantage is that because they tend to be more focused, more often than not this type of salon will not offer exactly what customers are looking for.

Our Advantages

Cranium Filament Reductions’ competitive edge is based on faultless customer service. Cranium Filament Reductions recognizes that the hair cutting/styling market is crowded so it is difficult to stand out. Cranium Filament Reductions will stand out by providing superior customer attention. This is particularly important in the "quick salon" space that Cranium operates in because margins are a bit lower and the goal of a quick salon is to crank through customers.

Cranium will invest time and money into training to ensure that clients receive the best experience possible making it easier to turn them into long-term customers. By providing superior customer service, Cranium will be able to effectively compete against and outlast larger chains and independent stores.

Keys to Success

Our keys to success are: 

  • To create a service-based company whose goal is to exceed customer’s expectations.
  • To increase the number of clients served by at least 20% per year through superior performance and word-of-mouth referrals.
  • To develop a sustainable start-up business, contributing to increased employment of community residents.

Marketing & Sales

Marketing plan.

Pro Tip:

Cranium Filament Reductions will market themselves as a hair salon that serves everyone, men, women, and children. This will be done through flyers to be sent out with the local newspaper. Cranium will also have an in-store promotion for the first few months to lure new people in. Lastly, Cranium will offer a discount for a few months to people that refer new customers.  

We intend to be active in social media, with consistent presence, offering tips on style plus information on local events and issues, occasionally humor, social media presence that helps people get to know us, like us, and trust us. 

Cranium Filament Reductions’ sales strategy will be based on extremely professional interactions with the customer. Typically the "quick salons" concentrate on being quick and inexpensive, often at the expense of customer service. Anytime that a prospective customer is speaking with someone at Cranium’s the employee will have an opportunity to impress the customer. Employee training will emphasize seizing these opportunities.

Cranium Filament Reductions will also have the opportunity to increase sales of their retail hair care products every time they have a customer in the chair. Cranium offers deep discounts on the hair care products for employees to encourage usage so they can explain to the customer about their personal experiences. Additionally, Cranium offers a product-based commission structure for the hair care products where they give away the product to the employee for commissions for selling the items to their customers. These personal testimonials and commission structure will allow Cranium to generate good sales from the retail hair care products.

Location and Equipment

This will be a store front with 1500 square feet. There will be: a waiting area with magazines and a display with hair products, a reception desk, 3 hair dressing chairs, 3 washing stations towards the back of the store, one computer and one cash machine. This will be a small space but will have everything that one expects when going into a hair cutting space. 

Milestones & Metrics

Milestones table.

Milestone Due Date Who’s Responsible
May 16, 2020 Management
Sept 12, 2020 Management
Dec 12, 2020

Key Metrics

Our key metrics are:

  • The # of customers in a day 
  • The # of customers in a month 
  • Walk-ins vs clients who called to make a appointment ahead 
  • The # of products that are sold to clients or walk-ins every month 
  • The money brought in on the most popular stylist vs the least popular stylist 

Ownership & Structure

Cranium Filament Reductions is an Oregon corporation owned entirely by Susan Sever and is located in Shaker Hts., Oregon.

Ms. Sever will be handling all hiring and training, purchasing, and retail sales. She will also hire a receptionist to manage all of the appointments as well as the people who walk in and be responsible for the point of sale transactions. Cranium will also be hiring six part-time hair stylists who will operate on a hourly/commission basis. 

Ms. Sever will be using a partial commission basis to create incentives for superior customer attention. The more her stylists attend to the customer’s needs, the more money they will make off commissions. Cranium will invest time and money into training to ensure that clients receive the best experience possible making it easier to turn them into long-term customers. 

Management Team

Susan Sever received her bachelor’s degree from Miami University in Oxford, OH. While pursuing her degree Susan worked in the restaurant industry. For the four years during school she was a server in an upscale restaurant. While this provided very good income, particularly on the weekends, she longed for management experience.

After graduation she sat down with the owner of the restaurant and presented him with a well reasoned case as to why she should be manager of the establishment. Her main points were her intimate knowledge of the industry and the restaurant, her superior communication skills with the customers and her colleagues, and her ambition to succeed. The owner was surprised by the well-reasoned arguments, enthusiasm, and ambition to take on more work that he promoted her to manager on the spot.

Susan worked as manager for three years, learning all the intricacies of operating a business. These were three rewarding, but long, years. Toward the end, the long hours and work at night took its toll on Susan and she was burned out. When contemplating new opportunities she was brainstorming a  way in which she could combine something she loved with something that she would be the owner of. She loved hair and had the experience of operating a business so after a lot of market research she undertook the task of writing a business plan.  

Personnel Table

2020 2021 2022
Susan $43,200 $44,064 $44,945
Part Time Hair Specialist (3) $129,600 $132,192 $134,835
Receptionist $36,000 $36,720 $37,454
Part Time Hair Specialist (0.67) $89,890
Part time hair specialist (0.67) $36,000 $38,000
Totals $208,800 $248,976 $345,124

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

Key assumptions.

Our Key Assumptions: 

– Men would like to have great haircuts and do not mind paying for them 

– Men and women need hair products 

– Our cost for men’s haircuts will be industry standard of 43% and our cost for women’s haircuts, children’s haircuts and products are 27%

– Our friends  and family see the merit of our business and would be happy to give us the cash to run the business. 

Revenue by Month

Expenses by month, net profit (or loss) by year, use of funds.

Cranium Filament Reductions will incur the following start-up costs:

  • Computer with point of sale terminal.
  • Computer with printer for back office.
  • Five cutting stations, each station requires a barber chair, cabinet, large mirror, blow dryer, curling iron, electric razor, several pairs of scissors, spray bottle, two sided mirror, and assorted combs and brushes.
  • Desk for reception area.
  • Three couches for the reception area.
  • Display shelf for sale of retail products.
  • Assorted plants.
  • Assorted toys for the children.
  • Legal fees for business formation and generation/review of contracts.

Please note that the following items that are assets to be used for more than a year will be considered a long-term assets and will be depreciated using the straight-line method accepted by G.A.A.P.

Sources of Funds

Susan will be contributing $60,000. The additional $45,000 will come from a business loan. 

Projected Profit & Loss

2020 2021 2022
Revenue $394,697 $532,000 $732,000
Direct Costs $106,568 $143,640 $197,640
Gross Margin $288,129 $388,360 $534,360
Gross Margin % 73% 73% 73%
Operating Expenses
Salaries & Wages $208,800 $248,976 $345,124
Employee Related Expenses $41,760 $49,795 $69,025
Utilities $1,200 $1,200 $1,200
Rent $24,000 $24,000 $24,000
Insurance $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Total Operating Expenses $277,260 $325,471 $440,849
Operating Income $10,869 $62,889 $93,511
Interest Incurred $1,547 $1,425 $1,138
Depreciation and Amortization $1,465 $1,465 $1,465
Gain or Loss from Sale of Assets
Income Taxes $1,178 $9,000 $13,637
Total Expenses $388,019 $481,000 $654,729
Net Profit $6,678 $51,000 $77,271
Net Profit/Sales 2% 10% 11%

Projected Balance Sheet

2020 2021 2022
Cash $84,344 $87,260 $99,844
Accounts Receivable $0 $0 $0
Inventory $11,970 $16,470 $16,470
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets $96,314 $103,731 $116,314
Long-Term Assets $14,650 $14,650 $14,650
Accumulated Depreciation ($1,465) ($2,930) ($4,395)
Total Long-Term Assets $13,185 $11,720 $10,255
Total Assets $109,499 $115,451 $126,569
Accounts Payable $2,839 $3,739 $3,739
Income Taxes Payable $1,178 $2,254 $3,411
Sales Taxes Payable $0 $0 $0
Short-Term Debt $7,024 $7,310 $7,608
Prepaid Revenue
Total Current Liabilities $11,041 $13,303 $14,758
Long-Term Debt $31,780 $24,470 $16,862
Long-Term Liabilities $31,780 $24,470 $16,862
Total Liabilities $42,820 $37,773 $31,620
Paid-In Capital $60,000 $60,000 $60,000
Retained Earnings ($33,322) ($42,322)
Earnings $6,678 $51,000 $77,271
Total Owner’s Equity $66,678 $77,678 $94,949
Total Liabilities & Equity $109,499 $115,451 $126,569

Projected Cash Flow Statement

2020 2021 2022
Net Cash Flow from Operations
Net Profit $6,678 $51,000 $77,271
Depreciation & Amortization $1,465 $1,465 $1,465
Change in Accounts Receivable $0 $0 $0
Change in Inventory ($11,970) ($4,500) $0
Change in Accounts Payable $2,839 $900 $0
Change in Income Tax Payable $1,178 $1,076 $1,157
Change in Sales Tax Payable $0 $0 $0
Change in Prepaid Revenue
Net Cash Flow from Operations $190 $49,940 $79,893
Investing & Financing
Assets Purchased or Sold ($14,650)
Net Cash from Investing ($14,650)
Investments Received $60,000
Dividends & Distributions ($40,000) ($60,000)
Change in Short-Term Debt $7,024 $286 $298
Change in Long-Term Debt $31,780 ($7,310) ($7,608)
Net Cash from Financing $98,803 ($47,024) ($67,310)
Cash at Beginning of Period $0 $84,344 $87,260
Net Change in Cash $84,344 $2,917 $12,583
Cash at End of Period $84,344 $87,260 $99,844

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  • June 25th, 2024
  • Business Tips

Understanding Monthly Expenses for a Hair Salon (+ Free Expense Sheet)

Running a salon is a dream come true for many entrepreneurs. You get to follow your passion, be your own boss, and make a decent income.  

However, you have to spend money to make money. And that’s where being a business owner starts to get real. It’s on you to crunch the numbers and draft expense budgets. 

Do you find it challenging to manage your salon’s expenses? You are not alone. A report by Alignable shows that a shocking 49% of beauty salons failed to make full rent for April 2024.  

We get it. Managing business expenses can be tedious and overwhelming. It’s incredibly challenging for small business owners with little (if any) background or experience in business finance.  

This article is a comprehensive guide to managing monthly expenses for a hair salon. Read on and learn: 

  • The importance of tracking your hair salon’s monthly expenses  
  • How to break down salon expenses  
  • The typical hair salon expenses you must consider  
  • Six proven strategies for managing and cutting your business expenses  
  • How to prepare financially for the unexpected  

Let’s dive in.  

RELATED ARTICLE:   How to Write a Hair Salon Business Plan  

The Significance of Tracking Monthly Expenses  

Why must you track your salon’s expenses in the first place? Shouldn’t you be busy running the business instead of doing mundane clerical work?   

Granted, accounting may not seem like fun, but it’s essential to your salon’s success. Business success comes down to the numbers. Expense figures form a big part of your business’s financial health, profitability, growth, and sustainability.  

More specifically, here’s why you need to track your hair salon’s expenses:  

Understand Your Salon’s Cash Flow   

Cash flow refers to the money flowing in and out of your business. You want that cash flow to be positive—more cash in, less cash out. That’s how a company turns a profit.  

However, maintaining a positive cash flow is quite challenging. In fact, poor cash flow management is the main reason why many small businesses fail.  

The problem is that many small entrepreneurs focus only on the “income” part of cash flow. Tracking revenue alone gives you a false sense of financial security. You blind yourself by ignoring or avoiding dealing with expenses.  

Getting a handle on cash flow begins with understanding the “cash out” side of the equation. Find out where and how your salon spends its money. Expense tracking helps to paint a clear picture of your cash flow and overall financial health.  

Spend More Responsibly  

By comparing the expenditure to the income, you can tell whether your business is spending too much. 

In other words, understanding your salon’s monthly expenses makes you more financially aware. You can use that knowledge to improve your spending habits.   

For instance, you can quickly identify and cut unnecessary expenses. You’ll also be able to make well-informed budgeting decisions with cost savings in mind.  

You might be surprised to learn just how much cash your salon burns on non-value expenses.   

Save Money During Tax Season   

The IRS frankly doesn’t care if you track your expenses or not. Tax is generally calculated based on income. What you owe in taxes depends on how much you earn.  

Still, expense reports come in handy during the tax season.  

Under Section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), business expenses are tax deductible. Costs or expenses related to the business should be subtracted from the gross income. Doing so reduces your taxable income, so you pay less tax.  

Business expenses must be both “ordinary” and “necessary” to qualify as tax deductible. This means the expenses must be common or helpful in the beauty trade.  

Here are some examples of deductible hair salon expenses: 

  • Rental payments  
  • Business loan interest and fees   
  • Wages and other labor expenses  
  • Telephone, internet, and utility bills   
  • Business insurance premiums  
  • Salon supplies  
  • Equipment purchases and maintenance costs 
  • Education and training expenses (costs for beauty-related courses, seminars, books, etc.) 
  • Advertising and promotion costs  
  • Customer/employee entertainment costs 
  • Charitable contributions  
  • Business meals and meetings  
  • Business-related gifts  

It’s your job to list and present all your “ordinary” and “necessary” business expenses for tax deductions. Carefully tracking your expenses could mean huge savings in tax write-offs and refunds.  

a guy sitting at a laptop and smiling

Keep Employees Happy   

Having employees is yet another good reason to keep a close eye on business expenditures.  

Your employees will sometimes spend money on the business. They may travel to meet a client, go to lunch, pay for supplies, etc.  

You must keep track of such spending. That way, you can promptly reimburse your team for any out-of-pocket expenses. Don’t let your employees get frustrated over delayed reimbursements.  

Another way to keep employees happy is by making sure bills are paid on time. With a firm handle on expenses, you can reliably keep the lights on and pay due wages.     

Raise Profit Margins   

Tracking business spending involves more than simply recording expenses. Understanding your expenditures should reveal opportunities to cut costs and maximize profits.  

We’ve already discussed how expense tracking makes you a more cautious spender and cuts taxes. It also helps you measure and optimize your salon’s profitability.  

Comparing your expenses and revenue gives actionable insights into your business performance. You can then apply those insights to various aspects of the business to improve the bottom line. It becomes easier to make critical business decisions such as:  

  • Adjusting service prices to widen profit margins  
  • Downsizing the team to cut unnecessary labor costs  
  • Moving to a more renter-friendly location   
  • Switching to more affordable suppliers and service providers 
  • Taking out business loans  
  • Planning business expansions or renovations   

RELATED ARTICLE:   How Salon Retail Can Maximize Your Productivity and Revenue  

Fixed vs. Variable Salon Expenses  

Business expenses fall into two categories: fixed expenses and variable expenses. Each type of expense is handled differently during budgeting.  

What Are Fixed Expenses?  

Fixed business expenses remain constant month after month. They are also paid in regular intervals—weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.  

Rent is a good example of a fixed business expense. You probably pay the same amount in rent every month on a specific date. 

“Predictable” is a more fitting word to describe fixed expenses. This is because not all fixed expenses are set in stone. Some do occasionally change.  

For example, your landlord may decide to increase your rent or adjust the payment dates. But again, that wouldn’t happen every month. So, you can reasonably predict your monthly rent even when it changes.  

Budgeting for fixed expenses is pretty straightforward. You simply total up the monthly costs and arrive at a final figure. It’s also easier to plan payments since each expense has a known due date.  

What Are Variable Expenses?   

These are expenses that vary from month to month. Some variable expenses are recurring, while others are one-off. But even recurring variable costs may vary in amount and frequency at any given month.  

Let’s take supply costs, for example. That’s a common variable expense in the salon business.   

What you pay for salon supplies in one month may not be the same as the previous months. Think of all the factors that can influence the cost of supplies, including:  

  • Fluctuations in the prices of beauty products  
  • The kind of services clients request  
  • Overall job volume  
  • Miscellaneous factors, such as supply issues 

In short, variable expenses are unpredictable, making it difficult to include them in a budget. The best you can do is log the expenses as you go. But with time, you should have a ballpark figure of your average variable expenditure.  

When creating a budget for your hair salon, it’s essential to differentiate between fixed and variable expenses. This differentiation will help you understand fluctuations in monthly budgets, allocate funds more efficiently, and avoid financial surprises.  

two stylists smiling at each other

Common Monthly Expenses for a Hair Salon  

So, what’s the total cost of running a hair salon business?  

Well, business expenditure varies widely between salons. It’s nearly impossible for two salons to have the exact same overheads. The total cost will depend on the salon’s size, location, staff, and business model.  

However, most small and medium-sized hair salons share these 10 monthly expenses:  


Rent is likely to be your biggest fixed business expense. On Average, renting a salon suite can cost anywhere between $125 and $800 per week. Rental rates depend on a variety of factors, hence the wide range of costs.  

How much you pay in rent will depend on the following factors:  

  • Location  
  • The space’s square footage 
  • Quality and characteristics of the property  
  • Foot traffic  
  • Lease term  
  • Demand for commercial rental space in the area 
  • The potential for development or renovation  
  • Your credit score  

A large rental space in a trendy area will obviously cost more than a smaller space in a modest neighborhood.  

A hair salon’s success relies heavily on its location. Do not compromise your salon’s potential by cheaping out on rent. A prime and strategic location may be well worth the higher rental costs.  

Beauty Supplies   

You may have to replenish your salon supplies monthly. Supplies, in this case, are any consumable products—your shampoos, conditioners, waxes, hair dyes, etc.  

Snacks, drinking water, beverages, and stationery, too, count as salon supplies.  

Salon supplies are a recurring variable expense. The total cost will depend on your job volume and the services you offer. For instance, if you dye a lot, you’ll spend more on hair dye.  

You also have some freedom when it comes to salon supplies. Specifically, you can choose the range, type, and brand of products to stock.   


If you have a few hair stylists working in your salon, payroll will be a considerable monthly expense. The average salary of a hair stylist in the US is around $23.00 per hour . Depending on your job flow and number of employees, monthly labor costs could amount to thousands of dollars.  

Alternatively, you can pay your staff in commission. A 30-40% commission is generous pay for a job well done.  

Paying in commission adds some complexity to payroll. You have to do the math after every job, log the commission, and total everything up at the end of the month. It also turns payroll into a variable expense. 

On the plus side, commission payment is unquestionably fair to both the worker and the business. Plus, commissions motivate employees to not only work harder but also bring in new customers.   

Whether you have employees or not, remember to pay yourself. Your salary is also part of the payroll.  

FROM ONE OF OUR PARTNERS:   Salon Salaries: 4 Payment Structures for Your Staff  


Common utilities like water, heating and air conditioning, electricity, and Wi-Fi are billed monthly.  

Most business utilities are recurring variable expenses, while some are fixed. Your power bill, for example, will depend on your energy usage throughout the month. Meanwhile, you may pay a fixed monthly fee for some utilities, such as internet and garbage collection.    

Since utilities are so diverse, each expense must be handled separately.  


A salon is a place of beauty. It must be kept spotless and tidy to impress customers and make work easier. You may have to pay someone to keep your salon squeaky clean by:  

  • Sweeping hair off the floor 
  • Polishing mirrors  
  • Scrubbing the sinks and toilet  
  • Wiping countertops and floors  
  • Vacuuming rugs 
  • Washing towels, aprons, seat covers, capes, etc. 

Your cleaning costs will vary with the salon’s workload and foot traffic. The more clients you have, the more cleaning you’ll have to do.  

Business Permits and Licenses   

All hair salons are required to have various permits and licenses to operate. These requirements and the associated costs vary between states.  

Salon permits and license expenses generally include:  

  • Cosmetologist or professional license:   Each state has its own set of cosmetologist requirements, such as fees, training, and exam certificates.  
  • Salon business operation license:  Salon business licenses typically cost between $50 and a few hundred dollars annually.  
  • Seller’s permit:  This permit allows you to sell salon products such as shampoo, hair color, and extensions.  

Most business permits and licenses are renewed annually. For annual expenses, simply divide the total cost by 12 to get the monthly rate.  

Service Subscriptions   

Service subscriptions amount to significant monthly expenses. Here are some typical salon subscriptions and service fees you might want to include in your budget:  

  • Credit card processing fees 
  • Payment and transaction costs  
  • TV and streaming subscriptions 
  • Salon management software fees  
  • Magazine subscriptions  
  • Music licensing fees 

Advertising and Marketing   

How much do you spend on promoting and advertising your salon business?  

Small service-based businesses spend, on average, 11.8% of their revenue on marketing. But the actual spending depends on the scale of your campaigns. Plus, some marketing strategies cost more than others.  

It’s crucial to nail down your monthly marketing budget. That way, you can calculate your marketing ROI month after month. It will also help you identify and prioritize the marketing efforts that genuinely work.  

Your marketing budget should account for:  

  • Hosting fees for your salon’s website  
  • Local service ads  
  • Social media ads  
  • Business cards, flyers, billboards, and posters 
  • Offers, discounts, and other customer incentives  
  • Hosting or attending local trade events and shows  

Business Insurance   

It’s a good idea to protect your salon with business insurance. Also, if you have full-time employees, they’ll require workers’ compensation and health insurance.  

You can insure almost every aspect of your business, including financial security. But there’s no need to go overboard with insurance coverage. Just ensure that your policy covers the following:  

  • General liability  
  • Professional liability  
  • Salon assets (equipment, inventory, property, and tools)  

Insurance premiums are recurring fixed expenses. Unless something changes, you can expect to pay the same amount every month. If you pay your insurance premiums annually, be sure to split the cost into monthly bills.    

Miscellaneous Expenses   

Mark any unexpected expenses within a month as “miscellaneous.” The same goes for one-time costs that don’t fit into any category.  

Miscellaneous expenses may include:  

  • Repair costs for salon equipment  
  • Petty cash (tips, handouts, small purchases, etc.) 
  • One-time discount to win over a customer  
  • Extra labor costs  
  • Fines  

a woman wearing blue clothing and typing on a laptop

Strategies for Managing and Reducing Salon Business Expenses  

Expense management is crucial to your salon’s financial health and overall success. Controlling costs and allocating resources effectively can be the difference between a thriving and a failing business.  

However, expense management is not always easy. Dealing with receipts, invoices, and bank statements can be daunting, especially with so much at stake. 

To get you started, here are five essential tips for managing and reducing your salon business expenses:  

1). Open a Bank Account for Your Salon  

First, open a business bank account for your salon (if you don’t already have one).  

Go for a business checking account that supports merchant services. Such an account can receive and process electronic payments from clients.  

Many small entrepreneurs make the mistake of mixing personal and business finances. Commingling, as it’s called, makes a mess of accounting and financial management. One, it becomes difficult to track business expenses. Two, it might cause problems with your liability protection and the IRS.  

Having a separate business account makes expense reporting much easier. All your business transactions are organized neatly in one place, giving you a clear view of cash flow.   

2). Record Every Transaction   

Make a point of recording every expense, no matter how small or random. Even seemingly negligible miscellaneous expenses can add up to significant costs over time.  

Where possible, file any accompanying documents as well. Keep all your receipts, invoices, ticket stubs, and job cards—these will be handy during tax season.   

3). Prioritize Your Expenses  

Not all expenses are created equal; some are more important than others. Rank and prioritize business expenses based on their importance to your salon.  

For example, rent and utilities are high-priority expenses. Meanwhile, things like in-house refreshments and entertainment are discretionary expenses. So, pay your rent first before stocking up on soft drinks or renewing a Spotify subscription.   

Prioritizing expenses is an effective way to weed out non-essential costs. You might be spending money on luxuries your salon could still do well without.  

4). Review Your Salon Expenses Regularly  

Analyze your business expenses at least once every month. Or once a week, depending on your spending volume.  

Take note of your spending habits and how your salon expenses accumulate over time. Knowing this should help you stick to the budget and find ways to cut costs.  

Set a limit on how much your salon should spend. Ideally, this should be a reasonable fraction of the salon’s total revenue. In the Profit First approach , finance expert Mike Michalowicz explains that business expenses should not exceed 30% of the total income.  

But the actual ratio of expense to revenue doesn’t really matter. It just has to make financial sense from a profitability standpoint.  

Your job is to keep the cash flow on track to meet your budget and profit goals. That’s why you must regularly audit and optimize your spending.   

5). Automate Expense Management   

If done manually, crunching expense figures can quickly get out of hand. Imagine recording dozens of different expense transactions daily on paper. That’s way too much work, not to mention that manual calculations are highly prone to errors and omissions.  

Get yourself a robust business accounting software to take the load off. A digital solution will do more than just record expenses. It will also show your cash flow’s performance through detailed reports.   

The more advanced accounting systems have integrated payment and billing features. Such a system basically takes over your salon’s entire bookkeeping, from expense monitoring to profit and loss reporting.    

Get Started Managing Your Monthly Expenses Right Now with Our Free Expense Sheet  

With an understanding of your cash flow, you can master your income. Here are a few final takeaways to help you meet your goals: 

  • Download our salon monthly expense tracking sheet to guide you in listing and classifying business expenses. 
  • Open a bank account for the salon to separate your personal and business finances. 
  • Prioritize your expenses, starting with the most to the least essential.  
  • Evaluate your business expenses to find cost-cutting opportunities.   
  • Allocate some of your income to your salon’s emergency fund.  
  • Get a digital salon management system to help you track, organize, and draw insights from business transactions. 

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As a hair salon owner, you must spend money to make money. But how much should you spend, and what should you spend it on? Your salon’s success depends on how you manage monthly expenses. 

The right hair salon name idea will communicate your brand identity and help you attract customers who are interested in your services and the client experience you and your stylists offer.

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Hands up if you’re ready to be dazzled! From a ceremony structure designed to float on water to a jaw-dropping reception room with flowers blooming from every service, we’re swooning over every bit of this wedding. If you can believe it, that’s just the beginning. Julia Kaptelova artfully shot every detail, like the ballet performance guests were treated to and snow falling from the ceiling for the first dance! Prepare to be amazed and take a visit to the full gallery .

hair and beauty salon business plan description

From About You Decor … Our design is a symbol of dawn and a distant endless horizon. Ahead is a long, happy life without any borders. An international couple, Pavel and Cherry, met in London and have been walking together for many years.

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From the Bride, Cherry… My husband and I we decided to have our summer wedding in Moscow because the city is where his roots are. As we knew we were going to have the other wedding ceremony in China, we wanted our Moscow one to be very personal and intimate. We’ve known each other since we were fourteen, together with many of our friends whom we’ve also known for a decade.

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I didn’t want to walk down the aisle twice so the plausibility of my request quickly came into discussion. The open pontoon stage was constructed in order to facilitate the bridal entrance on water, although there were concerns about safety as the last thing we wanted was probably a drowned bride before she could get on stage, picture that! I have to say on that day it wasn’t easy to get on the pontoon stage from the boat, in my long gown and high heels. Luckily my bridesmaids still noticed even though they stood the furthest from me on the stage, and helped me out without prior rehearsal. My girls could just tell whenever I needed a hand or maybe they were just so used to my clumsiness. Who knows 😂

We all love our photographer Julia! She’s so talented and her style is so unique. Our beloved host Alex is exceptional who made everyone laugh and cry. It was truly a blessing to have so many kind and beautiful souls on our big day. Thank you all!

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Photography: Julia Kaptelova Photography | Wedding Planner: Caramel | Cake: Any Cake | Invitations: Inviteria | Rings: Harry Winston | Band: Menhouzen | Grooms attire: Ermenegildo Zegna | Wedding Venue: Elizaveta Panichkina | Bridesmaids’ dresses: Marchesa | Bridesmaids’ dresses: Alice McCall | Bride’s gown : Jaton Couture | Bride’s shoes: Manolo Blahnik | Decor : About you decor | Earrings: Damiani | Muah: Khvanaco Studio | Video: Artem Korchagin

More Princess-Worthy Ballgowns

hair and beauty salon business plan description

I’m still not convinced this Moscow wedding, captured to perfection by  Sonya Khegay , isn’t actually an inspiration session—it’s just  that breathtaking. From the beautiful Bride’s gorgeous lace wedding dress and flawless hair and makeup to the pretty pastel color palette and stunning ceremony and reception spaces, this wedding is almost too good to be true. Do yourself a favor and see it all in The Vault now!

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From Sonya Khegay … It was the last day of April and still very cold in the morning. The weather forecast wasn’t pleasing and no one expected that the sun would come out, but miracles happen and light rain gave way to the warm rays.

I love how all the details went together, you could feel the harmony in everything throughout the entire wedding day from the morning until the fireworks.

A gentle look of the bride, elegant but so airy and unique decor, the fresh and light atmosphere of early spring and, of course, true happiness in the eyes. My heart becomes so warm from these memories, it is always a pleasure to see the birth of a new family of two loving hearts.

Photography: Sonya Khegay | Event Design: Latte Decor | Event Planning: Ajur Wedding | Floral Design: Blush Petals | Wedding Dress: La Sposa | Stationery: Special Invite | Bride's Shoes: Gianvito Rossi | Hair + Makeup: Natalie Yastrebova | Venue: Rodniki Hotel

  • by Elizabeth Greene

You really can’t go wrong with simple: a beautiful Bride , perfectly pretty petals , loved ones all around. But add in an amazing firework show  to cap off the night and simple just became downright extraordinary. Captured by Lena Elisseva , with assistance by  Katya Butenko , this rustic Russian celebration is simply fantastic. See it all in the Vault right here !

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From Lena Eliseeva Photo …  This cozy and warm summer wedding of gorgeous Natalia and Anton was in the middle of June. The young couple decided to organize their wedding themselves, and the day was very personal and touching. I am absolutely in love with rustic outdoor weddings, and this one is my favourite because of the free and easy atmosphere.

All the decor excluding the bride’s bouquet was made by a team of ten friends of the bride and groom. And it was charming – a light and beautiful arch, eco-style polygraphy and succulents, candy-bar with caramel apples and berries – sweet joys of summer.

At the end of ceremony the guests tossed up white handkerchiefs embroidered by Natalia’s own hands.

The most touching moment was the happy eyes of the groom’s grandmother, the most estimable person on the wedding. And the fireworks were a bright end to that beautiful day.

hair and beauty salon business plan description

Photography: LENA ELISEEVA PHOTO | Floral Design: Katerina Kazakova | Hair And Makeup: Svetlana Fischeva | Photography - Assistance: Katya Butenko

These photos from Lena Kozhina are so stunningly beautiful – as in you can’t help but stop and stare – it’s hard to believe it’s real life. But these pics are proof of this gorgeous Bride and her handsome Groom’s celebration at Moscow’s Fox Lodge , surrounded by vibrant colors and breathtaking blooms . Oh, and the idea of prepping for your Big Day outside in the sun ? Brilliant. See more bright ideas right here !

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From Lena Kozhina … When we met with the couple for the first time, we immediately paid attention to Dima’s behavior towards Julia. There was a feeling of tenderness and awe, and we immediately wanted to recreate this atmosphere of love, care and warmth on their Big Day.

Later, when we had chosen a green meadow and an uncovered pavilion overlooking a lake as the project site, it only highlighted a light summer mood with colorful florals and a great number of natural woods. The name of the site is Fox Lodge and peach-orange color, as one of the Bride’s favorites, set the tone for the whole design – from the invitations, in which we used images of fox cubs to elements of serving guest tables and other decorative elements with the corresponding bright accents.

Photography: Lena Kozhina | Event Planning: Ajur Wedding | Wedding Dress: Rosa Clara | Shoes: Marc Jacobs | Catering: Fox Lodge | Makeup Artist: Elena Otrembskaya | Wedding Venue: Fox Lodge | Cake and Desserts: Yumbaker | Decor: Latte Decor

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  1. Free Hair and Beauty Salon Sample Business Plan PDF

    The 7 elements of an effective hair and beauty salon business plan. 1. Executive Summary. The executive summary provides a high-level overview of your business plan. It should outline the objectives of your hair and beauty salon, such as to offer high-quality services, to expand the client base, or to break into a new market.

  2. How to Write the Perfect Salon Business Plan in 6 Steps

    1. Create an Executive Summary. The executive summary is the first section of your business and management plan and provides a brief overview of your salon business. This section should include your mission statement, business objectives, target market, products and beauty services, and financial projections.

  3. How To Write the Perfect Salon Business Plan in 7 Simple Steps

    Here we've broken down the entire process into 7 easy-to-follow, foolproof steps, along with their templates, to help you create a successful salon business plan. Write a mission and vision statement. Create an executive summary. Analyze and identify your target market. Perform a competitor analysis.

  4. Hair And Beauty Salon Business Plan Example

    Cash at End of Period. $87,971. $107,163. $91,584. Download This Plan. Explore a real-world hair and beauty salon business plan example and download a free template with this information to start writing your own business plan.

  5. Beauty Salon Business Plan PDF Example

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  6. How to Write a Beauty Salon Business Plan: Complete Guide

    Provide a thorough description of your business model so that the potential lenders and investors can make financial assessments and projections. Franchising is a great way to get into the beauty salon business. c) Target Audience. Give here an overview of your target audience.

  7. Salon Business Plan Ultimate Guide + Free Example

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  9. Beauty Salon Business Plan Template & Guide [Updated 2024]

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  10. Free Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan Template + Example

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  11. Hair salon business plan template + PDF

    Download a detailed Hair salon business plan PDF for effective management strategies. ... The beauty and personal care industry is a challenging and ever-evolving landscape. However, the potential it holds for businesses that are eager to innovate and adapt is astronomical. ... I. Industry Description. The hair salon industry evolves ...

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    Developing a robust business plan will enable you to: learn about the hair salon market. be aware of new consumertrends and apply them to your project. identify factors for viability in a hair salon. understand the latest hair trends, styling preferences, and customer expectations in salon services.

  14. How to Write a Hair Salon Business Plan (2024)

    Sales forecast - total sales expected over the next several years. Expenses budget - all the costs you need to operate. Profit and loss (P&L) statement - a 12-month summary of revenue versus expenses. Cash flow statement - how cash moves in and out of your business, including monthly payments.

  15. Hair Salon Business Plan Sample (Free)

    Your business plan should articulate your vision clearly. Define your target clientele (e.g., neighborhood residents, professionals, students), and establish the distinctive positioning of your hair salon (upscale, budget-friendly, specializing in certain hair treatments or styles). Market analysis is a key component.

  16. How To Write A Salon Business Plan

    For writing your business plan (and all future writing): Grammarly. Use this to make sure your salon business plan reads perfectly. For your financial charts and maps: Google Sheets. Perfect for the financial section of your site, you can use Google to generate charts and graphs without paying for more expensive software.

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    Company description. Your company description should include the most important parts of your salon, like the theme/concept, location, and your target market. Think of this section as the "who, what, when, where, and why" of your business. A concept salon may be a salon that exclusively cuts kids' hair or only does blowouts.

  18. Creating a Successful Salon Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

    6. Identify Products and Services You Wish to Offer. This part of your salon business plan lays out all the different services that your salon will offer its customers. You can expect a wide range of services, from haircuts, styling, coloring, treatments, manicures, pedicures, facials, and many more.

  19. Hair Salon Business Plan Example

    Computer with printer for back office. Five cutting stations, each station requires a barber chair, cabinet, large mirror, blow dryer, curling iron, electric razor, several pairs of scissors, spray bottle, two sided mirror, and assorted combs and brushes. Desk for reception area. Three couches for the reception area.

  20. The Monthly Expenses of a Hair Salon (+Free Spreadsheet)

    Salon business operation license: Salon business licenses typically cost between $50 and a few hundred dollars annually. Seller's permit: This permit allows you to sell salon products such as shampoo, hair color, and extensions. Most business permits and licenses are renewed annually.

  21. Beauty Boss

    Event description. Beauty Boss is for you if you are a beauty professional who would like to offer one of the following services in launching or expanding your business:. Hair services; Barbering services; Manicuring services; Lash services; Eyebrow services; Makeup services; Skincare services; During the program, you will accelerate your path toward launching your business as you identify if ...

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  24. Moscow Wedding Ideas and Inspiration

    From the wedding planner, Ajur Wedding… This real wedding is pure inspiration. With each stroke of the brush, the details add to the already ideal picture: one of the most picturesque Moscow areas, the warm day in June, the tenderest and the most beautiful bridal portraits, the ceremony in the greenhouse, wallowing in flowers and sun rays…

  25. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

    See Google profile, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. 2.0 Cybo Score. Review on Cybo. Business People Phone Postal Code Address Web Email. Log In. BROWSE: Countries Area Codes Postal Codes Categories Add a Business. Moscow Oblast » Elektrostal. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region. 5 reviews . Ulitsa Korneyeva, 6 ...

  26. Ulitsa Yalagina, 3, Elektrostal

    Get directions to Ulitsa Yalagina, 3 and view details like the building's postal code, description, photos, and reviews on each business in the building ulitsa Yalagina, 3 Elektrostal, Moscow Region, 144010