30 Examples: How To List Volunteer Work on a Resume

By Editorial Team on April 26, 2024 — 10 minutes to read

Volunteering is a great way to acquire new skills, network with professionals, and make a difference in your community. When it comes time to update your resume, incorporating your volunteer experiences may give you a competitive edge. The key is to present your volunteer experience in a manner that highlights the relevant skills you’ve gained and what you’ve accomplished.

Begin by examining the volunteer work you’ve done and identifying the skills that would be most applicable to the job you’re seeking. For example, if you volunteered at an animal shelter, you might have developed strong communication and teamwork skills while coordinating with other volunteers and shelter employees. Or, if you volunteered as a tutor, you could highlight your ability to effectively teach complex subjects and demonstrate expert problem-solving skills.

Identifying Your Volunteer Experiences

Start by making a list of all your volunteer activities, including the organization, your role and responsibilities, and the length of time you were involved. For example:

  • Nonprofit Organization A – Volunteer Coordinator (6 months)
  • Community Event B – Event Volunteer (one-time event)
  • Local Animal Shelter C – Dog Walker (3 months)

As you review your list, consider the skills and knowledge you gained from each experience. This could be anything from project management to customer service or even special skills like event planning or social media promotion.

Next, prioritize your experiences by relevance for the job you’re applying for. This means considering which volunteer activities showcase the most important skills, expertise, and qualities that the employer is looking for. After you’ve identified the most relevant volunteer experiences, it’s time to think about how to present them on your resume. One effective approach is to include a dedicated volunteer work section, ideally located near your professional experience section. This allows you to highlight valuable skills and experiences while also demonstrating your commitment to giving back.

Where to Place Volunteer Work on Your Resume

Main experience section.

Consider placing volunteer work in your main experience section if it relates closely to the job you’re applying for. For example, if you have volunteered at an animal shelter and are applying for a position as a veterinarian assistant, it would be relevant to include this experience with your professional work history.

When listing volunteer work in the main experience section, it should be formatted similarly to your regular employment:

  • Organization Name, City, State
  • Your role/job title
  • Duration (Month Year – Month Year)
  • Key accomplishments or responsibilities (use bullet points to make these easier to read)

Separate Volunteer Section

If your volunteer work is not directly related to the job you’re applying for, or if you already have extensive relevant employment experience, it might be more appropriate to create a separate volunteer section on your resume. This section should come after your main experience section, but before the education and skills sections.

In the separate volunteer section, you can still emphasize how these experiences contributed to your personal and professional growth. List your volunteer experiences by following the same format as the main experience section.

Volunteer Work on a Resume: 30 Examples

1. Community Service Volunteer – Organized weekly community clean-up events, managing teams of 20+ volunteers – Coordinated with local businesses for resource contributions

2. Hospital Volunteer – Provided companionship and support to patients, improving their hospital experience – Assisted nurses with non-medical tasks to enhance patient care

3. Animal Shelter Volunteer – Cared for and socialized animals to prepare them for adoption – Implemented a new system for tracking animal vaccinations and health records

4. Youth Mentor – Mentored a group of 10 high school students, providing academic and personal guidance – Developed and facilitated workshops on college readiness and career exploration

5. Event Planning Volunteer – Played a key role in organizing annual charity gala, raising over $50,000 – Managed logistics, including venue selection, catering, and guest list coordination

6. Environmental Conservation Volunteer – Participated in reforestation projects, planting over 1,000 trees – Educated the public on sustainability practices through workshops and presentations

7. Disaster Relief Volunteer – Assisted in rebuilding efforts after local flooding, contributing over 200 hours of service – Distributed food and supplies to affected families

8. Volunteer Tutor – Provided weekly math tutoring to underprivileged students, resulting in a 25% average grade improvement – Created personalized lesson plans and practice exercises

9. Food Bank Volunteer – Organized food drives that collected over 3 tons of food for the local community – Streamlined the food sorting process, increasing efficiency by 30%

10. Special Olympics Volunteer – Coached a team of 15 athletes, leading them to win gold in regional competitions – Coordinated travel and accommodations for team events

11. Habitat for Humanity Volunteer – Contributed to the construction of 5 homes for low-income families – Led a team of volunteers in framing and drywall installation

12. Volunteer Fundraiser – Spearheaded a crowdfunding campaign that raised $10,000 for a local animal rescue – Developed marketing materials and social media strategies to promote the campaign

13. Library Volunteer – Managed book inventory and assisted patrons with locating resources – Organized weekly storytime sessions for children, fostering a love of reading

14. Crisis Hotline Volunteer – Provided empathetic support to individuals in crisis, contributing to a 20% increase in positive outcomes – Completed 60 hours of specialized training in crisis intervention techniques

15. ESL (English as a Second Language) Volunteer Teacher – Taught English to adult learners, helping 30+ students achieve conversational proficiency – Developed culturally sensitive teaching materials

16. Nonprofit Board Member – Served on the board of a local nonprofit focused on youth development – Participated in strategic planning and fundraising efforts

17. Volunteer Translator – Provided translation services for a community health center, improving access for non-English speakers – Translated over 200 pages of health education materials

18. Legal Aid Volunteer – Assisted in providing free legal services to low-income individuals – Conducted legal research and prepared case documents under attorney supervision

19. Volunteer Web Developer – Designed and maintained the website for a local charity, increasing online donations by 40% – Implemented SEO best practices to enhance the site’s visibility

20. Art Program Volunteer – Facilitated art workshops at a community center, inspiring creativity in 50+ participants – Curated a successful art exhibit showcasing local talent

21. Senior Center Volunteer – Organized social activities and outings for seniors, improving community engagement – Provided tech support, helping seniors connect with their families online

22. Volunteer Coach – Coached a youth soccer team, emphasizing teamwork and sportsmanship – Organized fundraising events to support team equipment and travel expenses

23. Public Health Volunteer – Supported public health campaigns by distributing educational materials and organizing community events – Conducted surveys to assess the impact of health initiatives

24. Music Therapy Volunteer – Performed weekly music sessions at a local hospital to enhance patient well-being – Collaborated with therapists to tailor sessions to individual patient needs

25. Museum Docent – Led educational tours, engaging visitors with the museum’s exhibits – Assisted in the development of new exhibit materials and interactive displays

26. International Volunteer – Taught English and basic computer skills in a rural community abroad – Assisted with the development of a local microfinance program

27. Volunteer Social Media Coordinator – Managed social media accounts for a nonprofit, growing the follower base by 500% – Created engaging content that increased audience interaction

28. Literacy Advocate Volunteer – Participated in reading programs at local schools, helping to improve literacy rates – Organized book donation drives to provide resources for underfunded libraries

29. Volunteer Research Assistant – Supported a university research project by collecting and analyzing data – Co-authored a paper on the project’s findings, which was published in a peer-reviewed journal

30. Homeless Shelter Volunteer – Assisted with daily operations at a shelter, providing meals and support to residents – Developed a job search workshop to help residents gain employment

How to Describe Your Volunteer Work

Use action verbs.

It’s important to use action verbs to describe your duties and accomplishments in your volunteer work. This helps create a strong impression on the reader and showcase your proactive nature.

Examples of strong action verbs:

  • Collaborated
  • Implemented
  • Coordinated
  • Facilitated

Quantify Your Impact

When describing your volunteer work, try to quantify your impact whenever possible. This helps provide more context and shows the impact of your contributions.

  • Coordinated a team of 15 volunteers
  • Raised $5,000 for a local charity
  • Organized a charity event with over 200 attendees
  • Contributed 120 hours of tutoring
  • Assisted in the construction of three homes for low-income families
  • Led a group of ten in weekly park cleanups
  • Mentored 50 students in an after-school program
  • Facilitated team-building exercises for 100 employees
  • Developed and implemented a new training curriculum
  • Served meals to over 500 people in need

Tailoring Your Volunteer Experience to the Job Description

Emphasize the relevant skills you gained during your volunteer experiences by relating them to the job you’re applying for. This helps demonstrate how your volunteer work has prepared you for the position.

  • Improved interpersonal communication through tutoring sessions
  • Developed leadership abilities as a team coordinator
  • Strengthened problem-solving skills as a volunteer mediator
  • Enhanced project management abilities by organizing events
  • Acquired customer service experience through volunteer receptionist duties
  • Gained public speaking skills through community outreach presentations
  • Developed multitasking abilities in a busy office setting
  • Improved teamwork skills through group collaborations
  • Enhanced negotiation skills through sales fundraising efforts
  • Strengthened event planning skills by leading committee meetings

Carefully read the job description and make note of the key requirements and skills the employer is looking for. You can then try to match these with your volunteer experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some ways to present volunteer work on my resume.

You can present volunteer work on your resume in a few different ways, depending on how closely it relates to your desired job and how much experience you have. For example,

  • Create a separate Volunteer Work section: This approach is suitable if your volunteer experience is not directly related to your career goals but still demonstrates relevant skills and responsibilities.
  • Include volunteer work within your Professional Experience section: If your volunteer experience aligns with your career goals or if you have minimal professional experience, present it alongside your paid positions.
  • Highlight related volunteer work under your Skills section: If your volunteer experience helped you gain specific expertise, showcase those skills in your Skills section and mention the relevant volunteer work.

Can you provide a description for including volunteer experience in a resume?

When including volunteer experience in your resume, it’s important to provide details such as the organization’s name, your role or position, the dates you volunteered, and a brief description of your accomplishments and relevant responsibilities. For example:

Volunteer Work

  • Provided tutoring in math and English to underprivileged high school students, resulting in improved grades of over 90% of participants.

How should a student with volunteer experience showcase it on their resume?

As a student with limited work experience, emphasizing your volunteer work can demonstrate your skills, initiative, and commitment to potential employers. You can:

  • Include your volunteer work in a dedicated Volunteer Experience section, or even within your Work Experience section if it’s directly related to your career goals.
  • Highlight key skills gained through your volunteer work in the Skills section, mentioning specific achievements where possible.
  • If relevant, mention any leadership roles or significant responsibilities within your volunteer work.

In what manner can I detail my contributions in volunteer positions?

When detailing your contributions, focus on accomplishments and the impact you made through your volunteer work. To do this, use action verbs, quantify results, and emphasize outcomes. For example:

  • Organized an annual charity event that raised over $10,000 for children’s educational resources, resulting in a 20% increase in funds compared to the previous year.

Is it beneficial to describe volunteer activities in a resume, and if so, how?

Yes, describing volunteer activities in a resume can be beneficial as it showcases your transferable skills, commitment to the community, and ability to collaborate. To describe your activities effectively:

  • Focus on any tasks that demonstrate relevant skills for the position you are applying for.
  • Be specific in describing your role, responsibilities, and accomplishments.
  • If possible, quantify the impact of your activities, e.g., dollars raised, number of attendees, or percentage improvements.

Are there any specific words or phrases that effectively convey volunteer experiences?

To effectively convey your volunteer experiences, use action verbs and descriptive language that highlights your accomplishments and transferable skills. Examples:

These words can show potential employers that you were actively engaged in your volunteer work and achieved meaningful results.

  • 30 Examples: How to List Leadership Skills on Your Resume
  • 30 Examples: How to List Accomplishments on a Resume
  • 35 Examples: How To Highlight Work Experience on a Resume
  • 4 Examples: Impressive Resume with No Work Experience for Students
  • 30 Examples of Customer Service Resume Objective
  • List of 21 Important Technical Skills (with Examples)

How to List Volunteer Experience On a Resume [W/ Examples]

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Let’s face it - first impressions matter. And when it comes to job search, your resume will be the first impression a potential employer will have of you. 

This begs the question: how do you make your resume stand out in a pile of job applications? 

You try to make every section count. And a particularly beneficial one to have in this regard is volunteer experience.

A volunteer experience section can be a great way to showcase your skills if you’re just starting on your career, or even if you have a work experience gap on your CV. It is also an indicator that you are not just any other money-driven applicant, but also someone who cares about giving back to the community. 

But what is the best way - and time - to include volunteer experience in your resume? That’s exactly what this article will show you.

Read on to find out: 

What is a Resume Volunteer Experience Section?

  • When to Include Volunteer Experience in Your Resume?
  • How to Include Volunteer Experience in Your Resume?
  • How to Get Your Volunteer Experience Section Right?

The volunteer experience section of a resume includes any unpaid work you’ve done that could be relevant to your application. In addition to being an effective way to showcase your professional skills, it also shows that you are a purpose-driven person. The studies speak for themselves - volunteering can open a new path to employment. 

You can list volunteer experience either under the work experience section or as a separate section entirely. Below, we’re going to explain how, exactly, you can do both.

But first, here’s an example of how volunteer experience (as a separate resume section) looks like: 

volunteer experience on resume

When to Include Volunteer Experience in Your Resume? 

While having a volunteer experience section in your resume can be an asset, it’s not always going to be useful. There’s value in knowing when volunteering can be relevant in improving your chances to get hired and when it can be dead-weight.  

Here’s our cheat sheet on when to and when not to include volunteer experience in your resume. 

  • The company you are applying for emphasizes ‘giving’ as part of its identity. Employees at VMware, for example, are given volunteer hours which they can use instead of doing standard work.  
  • You have recently graduated and have no work experience . 
  • You have extra space on your resume or an employment gap. 
  • You are applying for an NGO, non-profit, or charity organization . 
  • The volunteer work is outdated. Volunteer work is awesome, yes, but you want it to be as time-relevant for the recruiter reviewing your application as possible. And experience from a decade ago rarely cuts it.
  • You can fill up your resume with more relevant sections, such as paid work and education . As a rule of thumb, the first thing a recruiter notices in a resume is paid experience and education - volunteering experience is just a nice-to-have extra. This means you shouldn’t squeeze in volunteer experience if it means cutting out more important sections from your resume. 

How to Include Volunteer Experience In Your Resume

Now that we went over the whens, let’s go over the most important part - how to include volunteer experience in your resume in a way that highlights your skills and emphasizes your achievements. 

As we mentioned before, volunteer experience can be a section of its own or can count as work experience in some specific cases. 

DO include it as part of the work experience section if: 

  • The experience is super relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • You have otherwise little paid experience. 

For example, let’s say you’re applying for a job in Journalism, but you’ve never worked as a professional in the field. However, you have plenty of journalism experience from years of volunteering at your university’s newspaper. 

Journalism Experience 

Reading Owl Daily

2017 - 2019

  • Volunteering experience as Reporter for the University’s daily newspaper. Covered the News section, as well as handled copy editing. 
  • Kept track of the newspaper’s online presence and updated its WordPress site daily. 
  • Wrote a total of 50 interviews for two years. 

Now, when your volunteering experience isn’t specifically related to the job you’re applying for, you’re better off creating a separate volunteer experience section and formatting it just like the work experience section:

  • Volunteering Position
  • Organization You Volunteered For
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

If you want your unrelated volunteering experience to stand out, however, simply listing your responsibilities and achievements won’t do. Instead, you want to show how the volunteer experience ties you to the job you are currently applying for.   

Confused? Let us cover an example: 

Say that you have been helping at the local animal rescue center for a year, but now you’re applying for a marketing company. Your volunteer experience is not marketing-relevant, but it can be tailored as such.

Volunteer Experience 

  • Helped develop an online platform for stray animals’ adoption that saved 100+ dogs and cats, on behalf of the Animal Rescue Center.
  • Wrote copy for the online platform and created banners and brochures to advertise it.  

Keep in mind, though, that tailoring is not something that you have to do all the time - volunteering experience is going to help whether or not it’s related to your field.

If you can tailor it to the job, though, that is, for sure, a big plus.

job search masterclass novoresume

Volunteer Experience Section Example

Looking for some inspiration? Look no further!

Here’s what a well-crafted volunteer experience section looks like on a resume: 

International Federation Red Cross, France

5/2016 - 5/2017

  • Provided presentations about Red Cross programs in the community. 
  • Assisted the fundraising team with writing grant proposals. 

Now, if you’re listing your volunteering experience as part of the work experience section, here’s how it could look like if you were applying for a job in the communications field:

Team London Volunteer 

Mayor of London Office

09/2018 - 08/2019

  • Supported the implementation of a new external communications strategy.
  • Created a new e-newsletter to share with a variety of stakeholders to keep them up to date with internal news and to gain new supporters.  
  • Generated visual content for the organization’s social media platform. 

How to Get Your Volunteer Experience Section Right 

There’s more to creating a compelling volunteer experience section than just writing it out. Here are our top 3 tips on including volunteering in your resume the right way:

Tip #1: Follow the Format. 

As we mentioned before, there is a pretty straightforward format one can follow to list volunteering experiences.

Here’s what it looks like:

  • Your position and/or title 
  • Company/Organization name
  • Achievements/Responsibilities 
  • Volunteering timeframe 

Tip #2: List Achievements Over Responsibilities. 

When possible, you want to focus more on achievements as opposed to responsibilities in your resume (and this applies to volunteer experience, too).

Here’s what we mean by that:

Let’s assume that you have volunteer experience as a research assistant. The responsibilities are pretty obvious - i.e. compiling and distributing questionnaires, collecting and analyzing relevant data, doing statistical and analytical work, etc. 

The HR knows all this - they’re reviewed hundreds of similar resumes, all of which mention the same responsibilities.

If you, however, focus on showing how you concretely contributed to the research, by say, pointing out that 50% of the data analyzed by you was used to advance it, you’d have told the recruiter something completely new and compelling that makes you stand out. 

Focusing on your achievements, when relevant, is your best chance at giving your resume the upper hand. 

To give you a more concrete example, though, here’s a comparison of achievements done right: 

  • Compiled and distributed qualitative questionnaires with a 90% response rate. 
  • Completed 50% of the data analysis later used to advance the project’s research. 

However, in some industries, you might have fewer achievements to list than in others. If you volunteered at your local homeless shelter, your day-to-day goal probably wasn’t to distinguish yourself but help others. If that’s the case, listing responsibilities is OK. 

Here’s how that would look like in your resume: 

  • Registering homeless people into the shelter.
  • Unpacking and distributing food aids. 
  • Oversee opening and closing of the shelter 2 times/week. 

Tip #3: Keep It Relevant

Only mention your volunteering experience if they’re recent and relevant .

For example, if you volunteered 5 years back, and since then you have worked several professional roles in your field, you don’t need to go back in time and mention that volunteering experience (even if it was an amazing learning experience).

In such a case, your volunteering experience is neither recent (it happened 5 years ago), nor relevant (you probably learned a lot more from your recent positions).

Key takeaways 

And we’re done! By now, you should know everything on how to include volunteering experience in a resume.

Now, let’s recap all the main points we’ve covered:

  • Volunteer experience can be a huge plus to your job application, especially if you are a recent graduate, have a gap in your resume, or are applying to an NGO.  
  • List volunteer experience either as a separate section or as work-related experience (if your volunteering experience is related to the job you’re applying for). 
  • When listing your volunteering experiences, when possible, include achievements over responsibilities. Responsibilities are what put you on the same plate as all other applicants - your achievements are what set you apart! 

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How to Put Volunteer Work on a Resume (With Examples)

Nothing makes a better first impression on a human resource officer or an executive than showing you go above and beyond - and that you care. It is critical to learn how to put volunteer work on a resume to show that you are that person.

Applicants with volunteer experience are more likely to be hired. A federal study found that unemployed people – across indicators of gender, ethnicity, job markets or geography – were 27% more likely to find a job if they were volunteering or volunteered the year prior. 

Everything is about marketing, however. You should be communicating your volunteer work in an effective way with future or current employers through your resume. You can also take advantage of new tech platforms for volunteers, like Golden volunteer management software , to showcase your skills. 

Five reasons to put volunteer experience on a resume 

Too often we overlook the soft and hard skills we apply through volunteering and underestimate their value. They can be great tools for filling in gaps in resumes and strengthening your case for an employer. Here are some of the top reasons people put volunteer experience on a resume. 

  • Soft skills used in volunteer work may be relevant to a position. 

Job posts list requirements. These are the qualities they seek in a new hire. Sometimes, our volunteer work is more demonstrative of a particular skill or quality than our history of paid work or education.

For instance, maybe you work at a desk by yourself, as a research analyst or in a similar position. Yet a new position to which you are applying wants to know about your management skills. In this case, you might showcase your volunteer work organizing the fundraising club for your daughter’s soccer team.

You can show an example of how you managed people in this context, in a way that will resonate with an employer. “I organized 8 people with different job roles to run a weekend event with 300 attendees, raising $2,580. The project took 2 months of planning and coordination of people with widely different skill sets.”  

2. You are a work novice, but you have volunteered. 

High school students or recent graduates may not have much, or any, work experience. In these cases, it’s imperative to maximize your marketable skills gained through volunteer work in your community. Employers might give you credit for work experience even if you were not being paid, especially if the position is entry-level or requires a particular skill you have. It can help to ask your volunteer manager for a letter of recommendation for volunteers .  

3. You are looking to change careers but lack experience. 

Your resume might look strange to a potential new employer if you cannot show any relation to their field. For example, maybe you dream of being a writer, but you have been plucking away as a computer programmer.  You have no practical writing experience. Try volunteering for a writing position first, for an online blog or a charity site that needs a content writer. This way, you can build up a portfolio and gain some experience on professional projects first.

4. You may want to cover up a work gap. 

People have work gaps for a myriad of reasons. We have children, we travel, we take care of sick relatives, we are laid off from work, or maybe we suffer from illness or mental health concerns.  Unfortunately, an employer might overlook you because of the gap. It can seem unproductive, that you weren’t working “towards something”. Volunteer work can help you circumvent this hiring pitfall. You can list something you were doing in the community during that time in place of paid employment. Employers might ask you why you were volunteering, but at least you get to the interview this way! 

5. You have more skills that are not evident from your paid work. 

Most of us are multi-faceted, which is why we volunteer in the first place. We want to develop new skills or practice skills we do not use in our day job. Showing that capacity on your resume can make you appear three-dimensional, and also help you move up a corporate ladder.  For instance, maybe your volunteer training required certification, such as in first aid and first response. This can be a real asset in the workplace regardless of your job title, and it shows you can handle pressure. 

Recent graduates or students can use their volunteer experience in teaching, mentoring and other roles to fill in gaps in their resumes.

A few more benefits of volunteer experience on a resume

Depending on the type of career you seek, volunteer experience may have an intrinsic value in and of itself.  If you plan to work in the nonprofit sector, you probably want to show that you volunteer in a number of ways to give back to your community. The skills are less important in this case. The employer is looking to see that you volunteer, in general, and enjoy doing so. 

Another example is for people who may seek political work or other jobs in civic life. Volunteer work can show that you care about the community and can be trusted. A school may be more inclined to hire a teacher who volunteers with sick children at the hospital than one with no listed volunteer experience, for example. The former has already been vetted by another trusted community institution helping the same demographic.

Best practices for adding volunteer work on a resume 

You should include volunteer work when it demonstrates necessary skills, when it is relevant to the work role, and when you have no other paid experience to make your case.  You also want to include volunteer experience when it is relevant in general, because of the organizational culture (as in when you’re applying to a nonprofit, or when the corporation stresses volunteering as important). 

When inclusion is relevant, you want to make sure you are following best practices.

  • Use the name of the volunteer organization you supported or support. 
  • Include the timeframe and the number of hours you worked. 
  • Emphasize accomplishments, with real examples. 
  • Link accomplishments back to job skills (hard skills like writing, researching, accounting, and fundraising; and soft skills like management, teamwork, and leadership).  

How to put volunteer work on a resume

Here’s the tricky part. How do you actually put volunteer work on a resume to make it an effective tool to boost your career chances? We can lay out the work in three segments. 

Weave volunteer work into your professional experience section. 

This section is critical to your resume. It shouldn’t show gaps, and it should demonstrate that you can meet all of the job requirements - both technical and soft skills. You can use volunteer work strategically to strengthen your overall capacity. 

If you have a stellar job record but want to connect volunteer experience in relation to professional skills, add a small section under your professional experience section with “relevant volunteer work”. You can add one or two roles that exemplify complementary skills in different settings this way.

2. Link examples of volunteer work with necessary skills. 

Too often, we make the mistake of listing volunteer work as opposed to describing it and how it shows you are capable. Study the job description and use keywords from their desired skills section to highlight your relevant capacity. 

3. Add “unrelated” volunteer experiences that help set you apart at the end of your resume. 

This may be the best way for most people with extensive work histories to add volunteering to their resume. At the end, add a small section highlighting your recent volunteer work and accomplishments. If you have special certifications from volunteer training, this is a great place to put them. 

Examples of how to describe your volunteer work

We want to show, not tell, and use volunteer experience strategically. This is difficult! Here are a few examples of how to write effectively. 

To fill a gap in work experience.

Like many people, the person in the example below probably missed some work time because of Covid. But they can show that they used that time meaningfully and gained new experience through volunteering.

  • 2022 to present, Manager, Sissy’s Coffee Shack. Responsibilities in this role include human resources, payroll and management of 12 staff; tracking inventory and ordering supplies; handling cash and credit intakes for annual revenue of $575,000. Accomplishment: Since my employment, the Shack has improved its revenues every quarter and seen its smallest staff turnover in history. 
  • 2020 to 2022, Volunteer Tutor , Get ‘Em on Track Literacy Project. Responsibilities included dedicated tutoring of 3 students monthly, with 3 weekly virtual sessions. Accomplishments: 85% of students showed literacy proficiency after working with me; I completed 264 sessions and only missed 3 due to absenteeism or conflicts. 
  • 2017 to 2020, Barrista, Starbucks. Responsibilities included customer service and training on equipment use. Accomplishments: Only missed one shift in three years, highest customer service rating in the store for 2 years, and matched a sales record during the 2019 holiday season. 

To show a skill set unseen in work experience. 

In this example, the resume owner wants to demonstrate that they have high level presentation skills, leadership skills, and networking skills.

2018 to 2022, Board Secretary, Carolina’s Health Solutions. Served 2 consecutive terms on the board of a nonprofit helping 3,500+ mothers without insurance access health resources in our city annually. Responsibilities included designing and giving presentations to board members and staff at quarterly meetings; writing monthly e-newletters for 5000 donors and community stakeholders; and recruiting new board members (6 during my term). 

Volunteer work

Frequently asked questions - if you still have them! 

The question of whether to add volunteer experience or not to add it is a difficult one to answer. In short, you should add it if you need to, to improve the depiction of your capacity, and also if it adds relevance to your case for a new job or role. 

In many instances, especially for higher level professionals, you might consider showcasing your volunteer work on a platform instead of focusing on a resume. Golden is the world’s most awarded platform, used by hundreds of nonprofits, schools, organizations, and corporations. You can upload a profile seamlessly with other systems and with your social media accounts. You will be able to request endorsements from charity partners and from people you have helped and also highlight your best skills. 

If you’re wondering how to put volunteer work on a resume if you don’t have much volunteer experience, Golden is also useful. Volunteer recruitment features enable charities, schools and other organizations to look for you and find you, based on your current skills and your desired opportunities. This can help you build up your resume and connect with meaningful events in your community! 

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How to Include Volunteer Work on Your Resume

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Should you include volunteer work on your resume?

How to include volunteer work on a resume, template for including volunteer work on a resume, volunteer work on resume example.

Mentioning your volunteer work experience on your resume can increase your chances of getting hired. It can also create a positive impression of your personality and bring added-value to your skills and qualifications. This article explains why it can be beneficial to list volunteer work on your resume and how you can include it with the help of a template and an example.

Volunteering can be time well-spent as a method for developing your skills while benefiting the community. The main objective of volunteer work is to unify with others towards the common good for an important cause or some other form of beneficial activity. Some people engage in volunteer work to establish connections in their community while others simply enjoy offering their time and talents in service to a particular cause or organization. Mentioning volunteer work on your resume can leave a positive impression about your skills and personality on an employer.

The following steps can be followed to specify volunteer work on resume effectively:

1. Firstly, select the right section to display the volunteer work

Placing the volunteer work effectively on your resume is extremely important to create the right impression. You may display the volunteer experience next to your work experiences for the continuity and flow of information. If, however, you place the volunteer work experience before the actual work experience, it may create an adverse impression on your employer.

2. Secondly, make a selective list of your volunteer work

You shouldn’t mention an excessive number of volunteer work roles on your resume. The employer likely has minimal time to review your resume. You should include volunteer work that best projects your personality and interests. You can select up to two to three of your best volunteer experiences to list on your resume. You can then create a positive impression about the volunteer work mentioned on your resume, and you can discuss them further if you are asked about them in an interview. 

3. Thirdly, select related volunteer work

Select the volunteer work that is related to your application. Similar volunteer work can improve your resume’s impression on the recruiter. It also shows your experience in activities that are related to the job. An essential addition to your resume can be any volunteer work you have done in the institution itself. If you have a previous volunteer work experience at the same organization you’re applying to, you may include the experience to create a positive impression on the recruiter. 

For example, if you are applying for a hospital-based job, it is recommended that you include any hospital-related volunteer work. Or, if you are applying for an event management job, you can mention a the details of organizing a fundraiser to add to your skills and qualifications.

4. Fourthly, follow a particular format

You may choose any format that suits your requirements. It is, however, recommended that you select a format that is generally used to mention volunteer work on resumes. An example of the format may include specifying the volunteer work category at the top. You can then add one line, with the name of the work/experience and the address where the activity occurred. 

This information can be followed by one or two points elaborating your part in the activity, the results and the benefit of the experience. You may tailor a format that suits your purpose yourself. You may also add or reduce sections or points to the format mentioned above as per your requirements.

5. Next, mention one or two unrelated roles in volunteer work

Mentioning unrelated volunteer work on the resume can help the recruiter in seeing the diverse range of activities that you have contributed to. Unrelated volunteer work may include any activity that is not directly related to the vacancy. It may also include volunteer work done in a different industry or formal environment.

6. Then, diversify the categories that you mention

Volunteer work can belong to five categories: formal, governance, non-formal, social action and project-based. It is essential that on a general resume, you portray a combination of these volunteer works you have done. If, however, your resume targets a specific job, it is better to mention volunteer work that relates to the job category only. If you are applying for the job of a project manager, you may include details of any volunteer work where you have managed or assisted with a project.

7. Finally, only include work you have done

You should only mention the volunteer work that you have actually performed. Mentioning volunteer work experience that is not real can create a negative impression on the employer if they find out. It may become one of the reasons for your application to get rejected.

Use the following template as guidance for including volunteer work on a resume:

[Title of first related (formal) volunteer work]

[Name of event/position title]

  • [A one-line summary of your role in the activity]
  • [A one-line description of the results of the volunteer activity]
  • [Brief description of your experience]

[Title of second related (formal) volunteer work]

  • [Brief description of your experience or a particular thing that you learned from your experience]

[Title of first unrelated (any category) volunteer work]

[Title of second unrelated (any category) volunteer work (if any)]

Here is an example of what volunteer work could look like on your resume:

Related Volunteer Work

Rosemount Volunteer Fundraising, 24 Community Complex

  • Worked as a senior assistant in fundraiser management, directly under the main event manager 
  • Collected $150,000 from 2,000 tickets, sold for the concert exceeding the target by $25,000
  • Learned promotional methods and gained top-level event management experience

Hospital volunteering

Member of the Hospital Management Committee, Great Grand Hospital

  • Worked in the hospital management department in coordinating weekly management activities 
  • Managed the daily routine works of both the administration and domestic staff 
  • Learned time-based and everyday management processes and methodologies

Neighborhood cleaning

Cleaning crew, 24th Grand Street

  • Engaged with a group of friends in cleaning the excessive waste in the landfill site near our home street
  • Gained group working experience

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How to Include Volunteer Experience on a Resume [+Examples]

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Including volunteering in your resume is always a great idea. But once you've decided to do it, you unavoidably arrive at the question: how to include volunteer experience on your resume exactly?

If you do it well, it can completely elevate your resume above others. If not, it can make your resume more difficult to navigate. 

Above all else, the volunteering section of your resume is one of the few places where you can demonstrate your character . 

It shows what you care about and what you find important. It can make you look proactive, invested in your community, and even selfless. 

In other words, the volunteering section of your resume can make you irresistible to employers. So how do you make it stand out?

This guide will help you with it.

 It will also answer these pressing questions:

What is the resume volunteer experience section?

  • Why should you list your volunteer experience on your resume?
  • Where should you put your volunteer experience section on a resume?
  • How to write one if you’re a student or a fresh graduate?
  • How to write one as an experienced professional?

How to include volunteer work experience on a resume (video guide)

The volunteer experience section is the place on your resume where you mention any kind of work you do voluntarily and for free.

Not only does your volunteering work benefit your community, it also has the potential to benefit your career . It’s an excellent way to showcase those skills, strengths and motivations that would otherwise not find their way onto your resume.

For instance, are you caring and enthusiastic? These are excellent personal strengths that you might find difficult to place on a resume.

Well, now you don’t have to just write about them in your cover letter, your volunteering experience will speak for itself.

However, in order to truly nail it, you also need to know  why,  how  and  where  to write about your volunteering. And that very much depends on where you are in your career.

volunteering on resume

Why should you list volunteer experience on your resume?

So why should you include volunteering experience on your resume? Isn't having a good degree and extensive work experience enough?

There are two main reasons why you should consider volunteering and placing it on your resume. 

It will impress recruiters

For some, volunteering is  as valuable as paid work . About 41% of hiring managers consider volunteer work as valuable as paid work when evaluating candidates (according to a  LinkedIn survey ). 

Moreover, about 20% of hiring managers in the U.S. hired a candidate based on their volunteer experience.

It speaks volumes about your character

In addition to skills particular to every position, volunteer experience always shows an employer that you’re willing to get involved in your community, take initiative, and make things happen. 

In other words, volunteering shows qualities that are highly sought after in every industry.

What other personal qualities do recruiters associate with volunteering?  

  • Being a people person 
  • Leadership skills
  • A service mindset
  • Ability to work within a team 
  • Being passionate about a cause
  • Inner drive and motivation 
  • Dependability

Where should you put your volunteer experience on a resume?

As we've already mentioned, that heavily depends on where you're in your career. When it comes to the order of the resume sections, the rule of thumb is quite simple —  the most relevant things come first. 

So if you have plenty of work experience, volunteering can be placed toward the end of your resume. However, if most of your experience so far comes from volunteering, then feel free to list it at the beginning of your CV. 

  • Are you a student or a fresh graduate?  In this case, you probably lack years of work experience. This means that you should treat your volunteer experience as regular work experience. Feel free to even include your volunteer work in your work experience section.
  • Are you an experienced professional?  Then you should create a separate section dedicated exclusively to your volunteer work. But if you had a volunteer job that’s highly relevant to the job you’re applying for, consider mentioning it in your work experience section.

So, how to list it on your resume in both scenarios?

how to list volunteer experience if you're a student

How to list volunteer experience if you’re a student or a fresh graduate?

Most recruiters see volunteer experience similarly to paid  work experience  anyway. Just because you didn’t get paid, it doesn’t mean you didn’t do a good job.

And since you don’t have extensive paid work experience to lean on, treat your volunteering just like a job that you got paid for doing. 

List your volunteering role/s as you would full-time paid jobs:

  • Place it in the section towards the beginning of your resume , right beneath your  education section . 
  • If you have more volunteering experiences,  list them in reverse-chronological order  (place the newest experience at the top). 
  • Include details about each volunteering gig : place, organization, dates, relevant tasks you undertook, and skills you’ve learned. 

Pro tip:  Be specific rather than vague. Don’t only list your responsibilities, but also mention your accomplishments. Instead of writing  “Volunteered for a university magazine” , say  “Wrote 28 articles for a university magazine” . See the difference?

Below is a great example.

Student resume volunteering sample

Summer Research Intern at University of Kentucky Resume Sample

Look at how the following student resume sample incorporates volunteering. Pay attention to how Gia, even though she was still a student, managed to fill her whole resume with valuable experiences. 

She correctly included internships in the work experience section. And as she had plenty of them, she wisely placed volunteering in a separate section for it to stand out.

The rest was easy — all she had to do is fill in the dates, location, name of the organization she volunteered for, and responsibilities she’s had. 

how to list your volunteer experience if you're a seasoned professional

How to list volunteer experience if you’re a seasoned professional?

Volunteering is a great addition to your resume even if you’re a seasoned professional.

  • This is true  especially if the volunteering experience is related to the job you’re applying for , it lasted for a while, or majorly shaped your personality or professional path in a major way. In this case, you may want to highlight the volunteering section or place it closer to the top of the resume. Alternatively, you can place the most prominent volunteering experience in the work section.
  • On the other hand,  even if the volunteering experience wasn’t as extensive or didn’t relate to your career , it’s not a problem. In this case, you may want to consider placing it near the end of your resume. 

Either way, when describing volunteering, try to be specific and list your  key achievements  in the same way you do with your work experience. 

For instance, if you volunteer as a Blood Bank Officer, instead of writing  “Administration and control of the blood bank” , write  “Administered 7 blood drives with 350+ donors for the Red Cross and Armed Services Blood Programs.”

Alternatively, you can just briefly mention where you volunteer and what you do.

Take a look at the resume sample below to see how! 

Seasoned professional volunteering resume sample

Marketing Analyst Resume Example

Volunteer work: one more piece of resume advice

  • Relate it to your skills.  If you gained or improved some skills through your volunteer work, include these in the description. Pay special attention to those skills that match the job description.
  • Use action verbs.  Make your volunteer section even more powerful and appealing. This helps the hiring manager understand your skillset and see you as a dedicated member of the team.
  • Stay positive.  Focus on how you’re helping the community rather than the negative aspects that you’d like to change.
  • Use quantifiable achievements , if possible. It always makes you look more accomplished. 
  • Use volunteering to fill in the gaps.  If you found yourself jobless for a while, volunteering during this period can easily cover the unwanted resume gap. 
  • Be careful when writing about religious or political volunteering , you may be unfairly rejected if the recruiter isn't fond of your values.
  • Put it in context. Explain the issues or challenges the community or organization you volunteered with was facing, and how your role contributed to addressing these. This gives potential employers a clearer picture of your problem-solving skills and adaptability.
  • Don't underestimate soft skills. Volunteering often helps individuals develop interpersonal, communication or leadership skills. Highlight these soft skills as they are valued by employers and can set you apart.
  • Personalize your experiences. Instead of simply listing your volunteer activities, share a brief story or specific instance where you made a significant impact. This humanizes your experiences and can make your resume more memorable.

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What to avoid when writing about your volunteering experience on your resume?

Don’t include information that's too outdated. If you’re in your 30s and write about volunteering that you did during your high school years, the recruiter will know that you have no new experiences to lean on. In other words, keep your resume relevant and up to date. 

What are the most common forms of volunteering found on resumes?

Fundraising, followed by teaching and serving food.

Should I talk about church volunteering on my resume?

This topic requires some delicacy. In general, it's advised not to disclose information about your race, religion, or orientation on your resume in order to avoid being discriminated against.

This means it's better to think twice before openly disclosing your church activities. On the other hand, there's a chance that you're applying for a position that's affiliated with the church, or a position that requires volunteering experience. In that case, be the judge of the situation and include everything that you think could give you an advantage over other candidates.

Should I include one-time volunteering activities on my resume or only long-term commitments?

It largely depends on the nature of the activity. If it was a meaningful, one-time event where you gained or demonstrated significant skills or made a notable impact, it might be worth including. However, a long-term commitment generally demonstrates dedication and sustained interest, which can impress employers.

If I have extensive volunteering experience, should I create a separate section for it on my resume or include it in my work experience section?

If you have considerable volunteering experience, it's recommended to create a separate 'Volunteer Experience' section. This allows you to showcase your social responsibility, leadership, and other skills obtained from volunteering. If the volunteering experience is limited, it's acceptable to include it under 'work experience' or 'additional experience'.

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Kaja Jurčišinová

Kaja Jurcisinova is a fresh graduate and a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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How to List Volunteer Work on Your Resume

Volunteer work can be a great addition to a resume. Here’s how to showcase your volunteering experience to give you the edge in your job search.

3 years ago   •   9 min read

Common job-seeking wisdom holds that volunteering can be a great way to gain experience in your chosen field. And it is — as long as you know how (and when) to show it on your resume.

Everything on your resume should be about showing why you’re a good fit for a job. If volunteer work strengthens your candidacy, then by all means, you should include it. If it doesn’t, it’s okay to leave it off, even if it feels relevant.

Should you include volunteer work on a resume?

The short answer is yes — volunteer work can absolutely belong on your resume. Volunteer experience shows that you have a genuine interest in a particular field or issue. It also shows initiative and the willingness to go above and beyond what’s required, which employers love. If the volunteer work is in the same industry as the one you’re applying to, even better!

If you’re a student, recent graduate, or career changer, you may not have a lot of relevant paid experience. Volunteer work gives you the opportunity to highlight your skills, whether these are common transferrable skills or a specific skill set that your paid experience doesn’t show.

Think outside the box when it comes to volunteer work. This could include working with startups and non-profits, or even unpaid internships. If it demonstrates relevant skills or experience, it belongs on your resume.

How to include volunteer experience on a resume

How to include volunteer experience on a resume

Here are three different ways you can include volunteer work on a resume:

In your work experience section

  • Create a section for work experience at the top of your resume.
  • Title the section clearly , e.g. 'Work and Volunteering Experience' or 'Professional and Volunteer Experience.'
  • List all of your experience — both paid and volunteer — in chronological order, with the most recent experience first.
  • List your job title as 'Volunteer', or by using the standard job title and adding (Volunteer) at the end.
  • List 3-6 accomplishments in bullet point format.
  • Don't worry if your volunteer experience and paid experience overlap — if you've labeled your volunteer work, employers will understand that this was something you did part-time while you were also working.

Here's an example of what that might look like when you're done:

How to add volunteering experience to your work experience section

In a separate volunteer experience section

  • Create a section titled 'Volunteering Experience.'
  • Include this section above your work experience section if your volunteer work is your most recent and relevant experience, or below your work experience section if it's just an additional section you want to highlight.
  • List the name of the organization you volunteered for as the employer .
  • List your job title as 'Volunteer [Position Name]' or simply 'Volunteer.'
  • Include the dates that you volunteered. You can specify if this was part-time, but you don't need to.
  • List your experience chronologically, with the most recent role at the top.
  • Include 1-2 bullet accomplishments in bullet point format. If you don't have a lot of paid work experience and volunteer work makes up the bulk of your resume, you can increase that to 3-6 bullet points.

Once you're done with the above steps, here's what the volunteering section could look like on your resume:

Here's what a dedicated volunteering experience section might look like

In an additional information section

  • Create a section at the bottom of your resume.
  • Title the section 'Other' or 'Additional Information.'
  • Create a 'Volunteering' subheading (optional).
  • List your volunteer experience briefly on a single line.

An additional information section is short — here's an example of what it could look like if you have followed the above steps:

Including volunteering work in a supplementary or  additional information section

Want to see what volunteer work on your resume should look like in action? Keep scrolling for a sample resume and text-based examples you can copy and paste.

Sample volunteer resume

Here's an example of a resume of someone who has predominantly completed volunteering roles during her career.

how to write a volunteer work on resume

A simple way to indicate that the roles involved volunteering is to use the word, "Volunteer," in the job titles itself.

Volunteer experience examples for your resume

Stuck on what accomplishments to list under your volunteer work? Here are a few examples.

  • Founded the first ever 'Business Series' to organize finance training for 500 students.
  • Organized and advertised 10+ quarterly networking events with 300+ participants in 3 cities in California.
  • Introduced online platform enabling donations from city residents; secured $10,000 additional funding.
  • Presented pitch to XYZ; awarded Frist Prize out of 50+ teams.
  • Designed, executed, and optimized digital marketing campaign on Google AdWords; led to 20% increase in ROI.
  • Created content and copy for social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram) and email newsletter; assessed customer response to create targeted messaging and inform future content; social media following grew 125%+ organically.
  • Generated 12,000 unique users, 30,000 page views, and 2000+ newsletter signups in 3 weeks by successfully leveraging social media advertising (Facebook and Instagram).
  • Organized and conducted monthly meetings with city council executives and other community leaders to raise funds for opening schools and disabled children.
  • Generated 50+ donors through cold call sales and systematic email outreach; qualified leads based on industry and location.
  • Managed the launch of a new booking system to improve organization of events; system now used across university.

Related : How To Add Volunteer Experience to LinkedIn

When to include volunteer work in your resume

If you don’t have a lot of work experience.

If you’re new to the workforce , your resume may still be under one page even with all of your paid work experience and internships . In that case, including volunteer work is a good way of demonstrating your skills and work ethic . In this case, it’s best to list your volunteer experience alongside your paid work experience, rather than in a separate section, as it’s likely to make up a decent chunk of your work history.

Here's how to list volunteer work on your resume, combined with your work experience

If you don’t have enough relevant paid experience

Volunteer work can be a great way to break into a new field, especially as a career changer . It shows that you’re serious about making the move and can give you relevant experience to talk about in a cover letter or interview. If your volunteer experience is more relevant to the new industry than your professional experience, you’ll want to include it in the main body of your resume, with your most recent experience on top.

Volunteer work should be included on your resume, especially if it is relevant

If you have gaps in your resume

Rightly or wrongly, a lot of employers see gaps of more than a few months in a resume as a red flag. If you’ve spent part of this time volunteering, it’s a good idea to include that work chronologically on your resume to show how you’ve been spending your time.

Use volunteer work on your resume to fill in gaps that might be a red flag

If you want to highlight your volunteer experience

If you have extensive volunteering experience with different organizations and you want to showcase that, you might want to create a separate section on your resume for volunteer work.

Here's how to create a dedicate section on your resume for your volunteer work

If you do this, you should structure your volunteer work in the same way you would any paid experience, with clear bullet points focusing on achievements rather than responsibilities . “Raised $5,000 for wildlife rehabilitation” is specific and measurable; “ responsible for fundraising activities” is too vague.

Here's how to structure your resume bullet points in your volunteer work section

If you want to find out if your volunteer experience is structured the right way on your resume, upload it to the tool below . It’ll also let you know if your bullet points are action oriented and show quantifiable achievements.

What if your volunteering experience isn’t relevant?

Highlight transferrable skills.

There is still an argument for including volunteer experience on your resume if it isn’t strictly relevant but still fits one of the above criteria. Volunteer work can be used to demonstrate transferrable skills, so look for ones that are particularly relevant or desirable. For example:

  • Working at an event might require organizational skills , time management , teamwork, and public speaking.
  • If you led a team or organized an event, even better. Leadership , project management, and communication skills are always in high demand.
  • If your work was more backstage, you may have experience in data analysis, budgeting, or even marketing and social media outreach.

If you have experience in data analysis, budgeting or marketing but aren’t sure how to highlight these skills or which of these skills to highlight, use the tool below to get a list of skills and keywords relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Focus on results

Just like paid work experience, any volunteer experience you include on your resume should be summarized in well-structured bullet points. These bullet points need to be action-oriented, start with strong action verbs , and, if possible, demonstrate concrete results. For example:

  • Led fundraising event for [XYZ charity] and raised over [$amount] for [benefit]
  • Created social media strategy for [organization] resulting in [X amount of new followers]
  • Taught [subject] to [x amount of students] with [% pass rate on final exams]
  • Organized a public awareness campaign for [issue] resulting in [X amount of people attending event] and coverage in [X and Y media]

For more samples of bullet points, visit Resume Bullet Points .

When you shouldn’t include volunteer experience

Just because volunteer work can be a great thing to showcase on a resume, that doesn’t mean you always need to include it. Think of your resume like a highlights reel instead of a complete biography — everything on it needs to serve a purpose.

If it isn’t doesn’t add anything to your resume

Rule number one: Everything on your resume needs to be relevant to the job you’re applying for. If your volunteering experience isn’t relevant but you really want to include it anyway, put it in a short ‘other’ section below your work experience.

You can include volunteer work as part of your additional/other section on your resume

If you have extensive paid experience

Paid work experience will always have more weight than volunteer work. If you already have plenty of recent work experience that’s relevant to the position you’re applying for, there’s no need to add volunteer experience on top of that. You want the hiring manager to focus on the strongest parts of your resume, which sometimes means leaving off other things that aren’t as impressive.

If the experience is controversial

Vounteering for political or religious organizations might not matter to most employers, but to some, it could make a difference. If you're applying for a paid or volunteer position in the same field — for example, to work on a political campaign or at a related nonprofit — relevant volunteer experience can work in your favor, as it shows you have a genuine dedication to the cause. On the other hand, it might not be such a good idea to emphasize your church volunteer work if you're applying to a secular organization, or your animal rights activism if you want to work at a steakhouse. When deciding whether to list volunteer work that involves religion, politics, or protesting (especially if you've ever been arrested as a result), use your best judgment and err on the side of discretion if it doesn't feel particularly relevant.

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How To Include Volunteer Work On A Resume (With Examples)

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  • Where And How To Put Internships On Your Resume
  • Professional Resume Formats

Writing a resume can become stressful when you only have one page to detail your best accomplishments.

There are more additional resume sections that can help you stand out. People often list publications, job training courses, and volunteer experience on their resumes.

We’re here to help you understand what elements of volunteer experience hiring managers like to see, give advice for how to include that experience on your resume, and show you examples of a few different ways of doing it.

Key Takeaways:

Volunteer work can be added to your work experience section, or in its on volunteer experience section.

It’s important to customize your resume to each job you apply to and do your research to add skills that would work well for the job.

For some industries, volunteer work is important, so adding it to your resume can help you stand out from other candidates.

How to Include Volunteer Work On a Resume (With Examples)

How To List Volunteer Work On a Resume

Examples of volunteer work on a resume, tips for including volunteer work on your resume, volunteer work on a resume faq, final thoughts.

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Now that you know that adding volunteer work on a resume is an amazing idea for most applicants, you might be wondering where to add volunteer experiences to your resume.

There are essentially two ways you can add volunteer work on a resume: within your work experience section or in a separate section at the bottom of your resume dedicated to volunteer work.

Work experience section. If you have significant employment gaps or sparse employment history, consider adding the volunteer experiences to your work history section. It will help bulk up that section and fill in work gaps. When adding volunteer experiences to your work history section, be careful which ones you list.

Consider adding the volunteer experiences that are related to your industry to the work history section and the experiences that are unrelated to a separate section at the bottom.

When you add volunteer experience to the work history section, format it the same as you would for any other official position. Include the job title you would have if you worked formally in that capacity, but add “volunteer” in front of it.

Volunteer experience section. If you add it to a separate section at the bottom, you can make the listing as brief as you want. If the role is not related to your job or job skills at all, you may just want to list your position and which organization you volunteered for — you don’t have to detail out each experience.

You can also treat this volunteer section like a separate work experience section, especially if you have multiple volunteering roles under your belt. List the name of the organization, the dates you were involved, and give 2-3 bullet points on what you did while volunteering there.

As with anything you include on your resume , make sure you can quantify what you’ve accomplished in that role and highlight the skills you’ve developed or used while volunteering.

For example, if you were a volunteer coordinator , list how many volunteers you managed. If you work regularly at a soup kitchen, detail out how many hours you’ve worked there and the approximate number of people you’ve served.

In addition to quantifying your volunteer deliverables, take care of how you write your work summaries. Remember that many resumes are first read by a computer. When going through an applicant tracking system (ATS) , the computer is looking for keywords. Frame your volunteer work with keywords important to the job you are applying for.

Now that we know the why and the how of including volunteer work on your resume, let’s look at some examples.

Example 1: Work Experience Section

WORK EXPERIENCE Save Pups Fast | May 2019-Present Volunteer Coordinator Aid veterinarians in administering medicine to local dogs without owners Receive, stock, and organize two shipments each week, totaling $15,000 of equipment and medicine Develop and maintain Save Pups Fast social media platforms on Facebook and Instagram, increasing user base by 23% in 3-month period

Example Answer 2: Additional Work Experience Section

ADDITIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE Food Bank Plus | 03/2016-01/2018 Volunteer administrator Cooked and served food for about 100 daily visitors each Sunday Maintained spreadsheet of charitable donations of over $50,000 Recruited at high schools, community colleges, and church groups to boost weekly volunteer count by 20

Example Answer 3: Volunteer Experience Section

VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Elder Care | August 2020-Present Work with seniors living in nursing homes to aid in the transition into assisted living; help with memory, loneliness, and depression through art therapy and fun, low-stress exercise activities. Diana’s Hair | June 2018-July 2019 Maintained a weekly newsletter for an organization dedicated to receiving donations of hair to create wigs for chemotherapy patients, driving student participation by 16%.

Example Answer 4: Accomplishments Section

ACCOMPLISHMENTS Created and managed marketing campaign for XYZ Inc. that drove app engagement by 213% and resulted in online sales more than doubling Dedicated weekends to the foundation and management of Backpacks for Billy, a volunteer organization that has helped over 200 youth (to-date) in poverty receive school supplies and educational materials free of cost Designed company blog for ABC Corp. that won “Blog of the Year 2018” in Content Marketing Weekly

When to use volunteer work. Volunteer work is always impressive, because it’s rare for people to devote their time and energy to worthy causes without getting paid for it.

That being said, volunteer work shouldn’t take up too much space on your resume unless you’re a recent graduate, you lack sufficient formal experience, you have a gap in your employment history, or you’re applying to a non-profit or public sector job with a penchant for advocacy.

The other times to really highlight your volunteer experience is when it’s very relevant to the job you’re applying for or it serves to boost your experience level with a certain skill set.

Customize your resume. Each time you send a resume as part of a job application, you should first edit your resume to be perfectly tailored to the job you’re applying for. That means that how much you highlight your volunteer experience changes depending on the nature of the organization and the role.

If you see a company is involved with philanthropic efforts related to your volunteer experience, you may spend extra real estate highlighting it, even if it’s not exactly related to the job you’re applying for. Values matter just as much as skills and qualifications for some hiring managers and recruiters.

Do your homework. Part of that above tip involved researching the company to find out what they value and what non-work-related efforts they’re a part of. Don’t stop there though.

Read the job description carefully and look for keywords that you can use in your resume — even the volunteer section.

For example, if you see the word “deliver” a lot in the job posting, and your current resume says “shipped,” changing your word choice is a low-effort way of ticking more boxes for an applicant tracking system and the actual hiring manager .

Be careful including activism. Activism is great, but it’s also explicitly political. Politics can always be dicey in work situations, and hiring managers might be wary of even interviewing you in case they come off as prejudiced if they decide not to hire you.

That said, if you’re applying to a political organization (that aligns with your values , we hope) or a company that’s somehow related to your background in activism, it’s probably good to include this type of work.

Also, if the activism was pretty politically neutral (“Stop killing whales” or “Feed the homeless”) and you performed duties that are relevant to the job you’re applying for, then go ahead and include it.

Does volunteer work look good on a resume?

Yes, adding volunteer work can help make your resume more competitive, so it is a good idea to add it to your resume. For some industries, volunteer work is a highly valuable asset to bring up.

For example, if you are applying for a position in the non-profit sector or looking for a position in academia , definitely add those volunteer experiences. But volunteering isn’t just for those folks — it is a great thing to consider doing no matter what industry you work in.

Adding volunteer experience to your resume can help boost your application’s chances. Including volunteer experiences show that you have the drive to help your community. It shows that you are interested in being a part of something else for reasons outside of earning money and highlights your non-work-related interests.

Is volunteer work important on a resume?

For certain types of job-seekers, volunteer experience can make or break your job application. Volunteering can be an incredibly valuable experience that can help bulk up resumes that have little professional experience — we’re looking at you, recent graduates .

If you are currently out of work , volunteering can help fill gaps in your resume’s timeline. Showing volunteer experience shows that you are dedicated to applying yourself even when you’re between jobs.

Many hiring managers consider relevant volunteer positions as beneficial as paid positions. For example, if you are a volunteer social media manager for a non-profit, that will look very favorably for you if you are applying for social media management positions.

What are some examples of volunteer experience?

Examples of volunteer work to add to your resume could be beach clean up, animal care and rescue, and working with children and youth. If you are apart of any organization that participates in volunteer work, you can always add that to your resume as well.

If you are looking to start volunteering more, look into organizations within your community and they will have places to look. Volunteering is a great way to help improve your community, and a way for you to get to know those within your community.

Forgetting to add volunteer work to a resume is a critical error for many job applicants. Many hiring managers are looking for diverse and well-rounded job applicants. They want to know that you can do your job well, but they also want to know if you have interests outside of work .

Volunteering is a great way to learn more about your community, find hobbies, and learn skills outside of work.

While many older job seekers probably have a lot of work experience to include on their resume and may not need to list any volunteer experiences, recent graduates and applicants who have a work gap need to use volunteer work to help them land the job.

It’s not just those groups who benefit from showing off volunteer work, though. Any hiring manager or recruiter will be impressed by an individual who devotes themselves to a cause they believe in without pay. So go ahead and highlight that volunteer experience, as long as your amazing resume has room for it.

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Heidi Cope is a former writer for the Zippia Career Advice blog. Her writing focused primarily on Zippia's suite of rankings and general career advice. After leaving Zippia, Heidi joined The Mighty as a writer and editor, among other positions. She received her BS from UNC Charlotte in German Studies.

Don Pippin is an executive and HR leader for Fortune 50 and 500 companies and startups. In 2008, Don launched area|Talent with a focus on helping clients identify their brand. As a Certified Professional Resume Writer, Certified Digital Career Strategist, and Certified Personal Branding Strategist, Don guides clients through career transitions.

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how to write a volunteer work on resume

How to list volunteer work on resume (25 examples)

Published on:

  • June 2, 2023

Marissa Letendre, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

How to Put Volunteer Experience on Resume: Examples & 25+ Tips

A resume is usually a one-page sales document selling yourself to potential employers. It details your key skills, work experiences, and best achievements.

Writing a resume can be tedious and stressful.  

Still, there are probably burning questions like these:

“What should you include in your resume if you are a recent graduate with no work experience yet?”
“How can your resume stand out when you don’t have any previous work experience to show?”
‘How can you attract a hiring manager’s attention in just 6 seconds without being dismissed due to inexperience?’”

Good thing a resume sample or resume template is there to the rescue. It would also be helpful to look for a resume format to take inspiration from. This way you can easily follow an outline or framework to help you craft your own.

However, it can be a bit of a challenge if you don’t have any experience to show.

Don’t worry, you can include other resume sections that will help you stand out.

Often, people list published works, training courses, and relevant volunteer experience on their resumes instead of the work experience section.

A volunteer experience section on your resume is where you list the work experiences you have done voluntarily and free of charge. It is a great way to demonstrate your core strengths, key skills, interests, and motivation.

We’ll explain how volunteer experience can still be considered professional experience on a resume.

Learn what qualities recruiters look for in a volunteer experience and how to include it on your resume.

In this guide, we’ll show you:

  • How to put volunteer experience on your resume.
  • Where to place or put volunteer experience on resumes.
  • Resumes samples with volunteer experience you can use.
  • When to add volunteer work under work experience.

Why you should include volunteer experience on a resume

Just like regular employment, volunteer work shows your skills. Here are several reasons why you may want to include volunteer work on a resume:

  • Conveys transferable skills when shifting careers or industries.
  • Explains employment gaps in your resume for a lengthy absence from the workforce
  • Boost your chances of getting hired even if you have no professional experience (important for recent high school or college grads)
  • Ensures your resume is competitive
  • Indicates your passion for helping your community.
  • Demonstrates your interests in something besides earning money and also highlights your non-work-related interests.
  • Shows your dedication to an organization, and advances you in leadership roles within those organizations.

Who should include volunteer work experience on a resume

Volunteer work may make or break your job application for certain types of job-seekers, but may also be valuable:

  • If you are applying to non-profit organizations or academic positions, where such work is highly valued.
  • If you are a recent graduate or have little professional experience.
  • If you are currently unemployed, volunteering can help you fill gaps on your resume. Volunteer work proves your commitment even when you’re between jobs.
  • If you’re between jobs or hoping to boost your resume, consider volunteer work opportunities.
  • Volunteer at one place consistently for a long time— it is better than jumping from one organization to another.
  • Choose to volunteer within your industry to make your volunteer experience effective.

Not sure how to list volunteer work on resumes and cover letters? Where exactly to put volunteer work on a resume? 

Read on for more detailed steps, tips, and examples.

1. How to List Volunteer Work on a Resume When It’s Major

Myth: recruiters and hiring managers often hire candidates with work experience only..

Experience in volunteer work on a resume can help you get hired.

How? Let’s find out:

A  recent survey of the impact of volunteerism in employment shows that:

  • 81% of HR executives said that skilled volunteering will be taken into consideration.
  • 76% of respondents believe volunteer experience makes a job candidate more desirable.
  • 81% of hiring managers said that volunteer work would make a college graduate more desirable.


When to put volunteer work under the work Experience Section

  If the volunteer experience matches the job you are applying for, then it can count under work experience.

Does your volunteer experience demonstrate valuable skills the job posting seeks?

If yes, then you should list them like a job description on your resume. You can include it when your volunteer experience demonstrates multiple skills the job description wants.

You may add volunteer experiences to your work history section if you have considerable career gaps or sparse employment history. It will help fill in gaps and strengthen that section.

  • List volunteer experience like a job using bulleted points.
  • Choose carefully which volunteer activities you list in your work history section.
  • Put volunteer experience relevant to your industry in the work history section.
  • In the work history section, list volunteer activities as you would any other official position. Add “volunteer” before the job title you would have if you worked there formally.
  • List unrelated volunteer experiences in a separate section at the bottom.
  • Quantify your achievements and highlight the skills you developed while volunteering.
  • Use keywords relevant to the job description when summarizing your volunteer experience to ensure your resume will pass ATS scans.

Example #1:


Rescue Paw Patrol | January 2020 – present

Volunteer Coordinator

  • Aid veterinarians in administering medication to animals without owners
  • Receive, stock, and arrange two shipments of equipment and medicine each week, worth $12,000
  • Manage Rescue Paw Patrol’s social media accounts, increasing the user base by 27% in 5 months period.

Example #2:


Feeding California | Feb. 2018 – Feb 2020

Volunteer Administrator

  •  Prepared and served food for about 100-200 pax on weekends
  • Managed a spreadsheet listing charitable donations over $65,000.
  • Recruited at high schools, colleges, and churches to achieve 20 more weekly volunteers

2. How to Add Volunteer Experience to a Resume When it is Minor

In some cases, the volunteer experience section is not an essential part of a resume for a specific job. Perhaps you’ve done work for free and voluntarily for someone and that doesn’t relate to the job you’re currently applying for. For instance, you walked dogs for a local shelter or a neighbor or organized a bake sale for a friend.

Your volunteer experience may be irrelevant, but it still has value. Just don’t include them as part of the professional experience section. And remember to show activities tied to skills in the job ad.

So, do you put volunteer work on your resume when it’s minor? Yes!

  • Put it in a volunteering section below Experience if you have heaps of them.
  • Put it in an Activities section if you don’t have much.
  • Put Minor Volunteer Experience in a separate resume section lower down .
  • Keep the list as brief as possible when you want to put your volunteer experience in a separate section at the bottom.
  • Consider listing your position and which organization you volunteered for if the role isn’t directly related to your job or job skills at all. You don’t have to write every detail.
  • Use the volunteer section as a separate work experience section, especially if you have held multiple positions.
  • Mention the name of the organization, the dates you volunteered, and 2-3 bullet points detailing what you did there.

Volunteer Experience Section


Safe Haven Elder Care | June 2020-Present

  • Assist nursing home residents in making the transition to assisted living;
  • Help elders cope with memory loss, loneliness, and depression through stress relief therapies in arts, music, gardening, and low-stress exercise activities.

Example #2: Minor Volunteer Experience on Resume (if you have lots)

Volunteer Job

  • Church volunteer. Led fundraising efforts to raise $5,300 for charity.
  • Elder Care/Nursing Home volunteer. Managed recordkeeping on 115 patients for 1.5 years with 100% HIPAA compliance.

Example #3: Minor Volunteer Experience on Resume (if you have little)


  •  Dog walker volunteer. Walked dogs at a rescue center every Sunday.
  • [Insert minor volunteer activity #2]

3. Examples of volunteer work on your resume that counts

Volunteer work can be considered a resume experience, as long as it shows your skills, accomplishments, and winning attributes in line with the job you’re seeking.

Volunteering for a worthy cause will enhance your resume. This means any activity that is free of charge or pro-bono work counts as experience.

What Counts as Volunteer Work: Examples

  • When you volunteer your services in a professional capacity, this is known as pro bono work. This is ideal and is widely accepted by recruiters. For example, you volunteered to have a BCS (business case study) to prove your skills to an actual job and provide a quick win to a potential employer.
  • Volunteer work in hospitals can show healthcare expertise. Additionally, it shows skills employers desire, such as teamwork and compassion.
  • Volunteering at a nursing home can demonstrate teamwork, record-keeping skills, compassion, and more.
  • Volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity can highlight collaboration and construction skills.
  • Volunteering at a daycare proves organizational discipline and problem-solving skills.
  • Church volunteer experience shows strong leadership, persuasion, and organizational skills.
  • Volunteer activities in animal rescue centers show compassion and work ethic.
  • Students can volunteer as coaches and tutors. This shows motivational skills and goal-driven attributes.
  • Volunteers from the Homeless Shelter are excellent collaborators and communicators.
  • Volunteering at a food bank can demonstrate interpersonal or organizational skills.
  • Blood Drive volunteers demonstrate desirable skills such as teamwork and compassion.
  • Leadership and training skills are common among basketball coaches who volunteer.
  • Child care volunteer work is typically preferred for child care jobs. They show people skills in communication and collaboration.
  • Providing care for an ailing parent can be listed as volunteer work on a resume.
  • Volunteer opportunities for parents include helping teachers and coaches and organizing fundraisers.

Key Points:

  • Include volunteer experiences on your resume if you have limited professional experience. This can help employers to learn about your interests and accomplishments.
  • Put major volunteer experience under the work experience section of your resume if it shows multiple accomplishments that match the skills listed in the job ad.
  • Include it in the activities section if you have minor experience or not enough to show on your resume.
  • List a community service experience as a volunteer position on a resume. It avoids any suggestive criminal connotation.
  • Incorporate volunteer experience into your experience section, skill section, or separate volunteer section.
  • Ensure your volunteer experience relates to the job description using relevant keywords to optimize your resume for ATS scans.
  • Create a personalized resume for each job application that matches the employer’s required skills, traits, and qualifications.
  • Understand the employer’s ideal candidate. It can help you decide whether or not to include a volunteer section and where to position it.
  • You should only include volunteer work on your resume if it will make your resume more credible when you lack valuable job experience. Otherwise, leave it off.

how to write a volunteer work on resume

Marissa Letendre, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

Marissa Letendre is a senior HR leader and resume expert with over 12 years of experience. She has worked for both startups and Fortune 50 corporations and has helped thousands land jobs at top companies. Marissa has written on a wide range of topics, including employee engagement, career development, resumes, job searching, recruiting, and organizational effectiveness and has been featured on sites such as Slack and The Undercover Recruiter.

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how to write a volunteer work on resume

  • • Provided counseling and support for about 50% of the displaced persons
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  • • Collaborated and coordinated a group of 10 volunteers in organizing 3 events, raising a total of $20,000

4 Volunteer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your volunteer resume should highlight your commitment to the causes you care for. It must reflect your passion and the skills you've acquired. Showcase the impact of your work and quantify it whenever possible. Don't forget to include any leadership roles or initiatives you've taken.

Resume Guide

What you’ll learn here, how to write a volunteer resume, volunteer resume formats, build an attention-grabbing header, coherent summary section & secret formula, objective that is straight to the point, volunteer experience focusing on action & contribution, must-have volunteer skills & strengths for a resume, education section in a volunteer resume, volunteer resume certificates worth mentioning, cohesive day of my life section offering authenticity, key takeaways, community organizer, hospital volunteer.

Volunteer resume example

Do you want to gain volunteer experience? Or maybe you found something you believe in and desire to contribute to a cause?

Despite your selfless intentions, recruiters do not return the calls?

Don’t get upset!

Some positions require specific qualifications and an extraordinary approach. That’s why we are here to help you in your journey! Here you will learn to build a top-notch resume that highlights your best attributes and catches attention.

Follow this ultimate 2022 volunteer resume guide and achieve your goals!

  • how to list volunteer work on your resume
  • where to put related volunteer work for the best effect
  • how to include volunteer experience using bullet points and prove to be perfect for the job
  • how to choose between resume summary or objective
  • what other sections will fit the volunteer resume, and how to build them

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

William Shakespeare

Remember this quote because it’s the basis of what we are about to discuss here.

The idea of the volunteer resume is to show how you can give away your:

Yes, you might want to volunteer to add experience to your resume when applying for college or else. And that’s okay!

However, you should take a human-centered approach and prove to the recruiters that you can indeed:

  • help people be one step closer to their dreams
  • contribute to a specific cause that will make the world a better place

How are you going to do it? 

Firstly, you have better tailor all resume sections to the volunteer position.

That’s a must!

Secondly, you should prove to recruiters that you could apply all you’ve learned from college or professional experience.

Focus on skills and strengths like empathy and communication that directly benefit people.

Describe how you will contribute to the cause you chose.

It’s needless to point out that self motivation is crucial. 

After all, your desire to leave your mark on someone’s life is a driving force!

Continue reading and learn what volunteer resume formats will earn you extra points!

You can use these three resume formats:

  • Reverse-chronological resume
  • Functional resume
  • Hybrid resume

The following two factors will define your choice of a resume format:

  • Years of experience
  • Industry experience
  • Reverse-chronological resumes are a good option for candidates with a couple of years in the niche.
  • Functional resumes match professionals that change careers or job seekers. However, this format is not widely popular among recruiters
  • Hybrid resumes combine the best of both worlds, as they are suitable for all types of professionals-beginners and seniors.

Pay attention to the style and layout ! Here are some resume tips:

  • Utilize the 12p resume font size
  • Use 10’ resume margins
  • If you have under 10 years of experience-use one-page resume , otherwise- two-page resume
  • Check your grammar and spelling
  • Focus on the PDF format

If you want to get the interview call, you should add References and Languages !

Top resume sections:

  • The Summary section introduces you as an individual, lists your qualities and skills and reveals the cause you believe in
  • Your expertise is a clear sign of whether you will fit a specific volunteer position
  • Skills and strengths show how you could contribute to the volunteer program
  • Decent education is a bonus
  • References from reputable figures also add more credibility to your resume

What recruiters want to see:

  • What do you believe in? How can you make the world a better place?
  • How could you put your knowledge acquired from school/college into practice?
  • What are your personality traits? Does helping people give you pleasure?
  • What are your goals? Do you apply to be a volunteer to add experience to your resume? Or do you have other motives?
  • Are you a self-motivated person? How do you act in difficult situations? Are you capable of working in a team?

It’s unbelievable how many people build their resume header wrong.

They rush to skip the “no brainer” section and focus on the content.

However, if you do not introduce personal information and contacts, you might miss the train to success.

Here are some tips on what to include in your header to make a positive impression on recruiters:

  • Try to use the same name on all your social platforms: if you put Jonathan in your resume, avoid writing “Johnny” in your LinkedIn profile
  • Always write down your job title: try to add volunteer positions that are relevant to the one you are applying for
  • List the phone number that you use most
  • Include a professional email address: it’s preferable to contain your first and last/middle name
  • Web portfolio address or LinkedIn profile that will provide evidence of your previous volunteer experience
  • Accurate location: do not lie about your address because this might cause only troubles

These are two examples: one wrong and one right. Analyze them carefully and build an attention-grabbing header!

2 Volunteer resume header examples

It is scientifically proven that people always remember the first and the last sentence of each discussion, monologue, or text.

Therefore, the Summary section is worth your attention.

Your introduction should convey the feeling of confidence, self motivation and empathy.

Thus, you can describe your skills and experience and outline how they will help you contribute to your cause.

You can follow this simple but quite effective formula when building your volunteer summary section:

  • Mention the years and field of experience supported with favorable adjectives
  • Use quantitative data to describe your duties and responsibilities
  • Add skills that you excelled in, tailored to the job description
  • Include achievements, awards, or similar recognitions from authoritative institutions and people
  • Finish the summary with a sentence saying what you are looking for

If you follow these steps, you can expect a return call from recruiters soon!

Take notes and be careful when writing yours!

2 Volunteer resume summary examples

The following sample is not that bad, but it’s far from impressive.

There is no quantitative data and nothing specific at all.

Such a wrong approach might cost you the job interview, so avoid:

  • Mediocre sentences like starting with “I”
  • Vague and general information without proven facts
  • Adding skills or duties irrelevant to the job offer

The volunteer summary above is 10 out of 10! Nothing short of success! Don’t try to be “extravagant” and follow the steps we provided for you! You will be mesmerized by what simplicity might do for you!

Let’s set the difference between volunteer summary and objective:

In the summary section, you can include achievements, education, skills and an explanation of why you are the right candidate.

On the other hand, the objective is more straight to the point.

It is a brief statement that communicates your career goals: the job and the skills you want to acquire.

It’s preferable also to add your experience backed up with facts and quantitative data.

Here is a coherent example of an objective that speaks volumes:

Believe it or not, you should treat the volunteer experience just like a job!

You don’t have the right to describe irrelevant details that offer no value.

Your bullet point should show determination and self motivation.

That’s how you will prove to recruiters that you are on the right track.

To take the right approach and prove your contribution, you should:

  • Describe your duties using proven facts, action verbs and numbers
  • Emphasize activities and projects that you personally led and organized
  • Mention what soft/hard skills you acquired and how you utilized them
  • Use high-performance metrics and do not hesitate to add references or recognitions

It’s essential to follow these 4 to describe your volunteering efficiently.

Do not forget to tailor all the bullet points to the job description!

Recruiters search for candidates with relevant expertise to maximize the project outcomes.

If you lack creativity now, ask yourself questions and answer them:

What were my responsibilities? How did I excel in them?

How did I manage to cope with stress in the dynamic environment?

How did communication and empathy help me build trust in people?

Was I recognized for my contributions? Did I get positive feedback? By whom?

Follow this advice and show to recruiters admirable volunteer resume experience!

Volunteer resume experience examples

  • • Provided patient education
  • • Received positive feedback and praises
  • • Participated in fundraisers and organized events
  • • Monitored a lot of patients

One word, 8 symbols:

Unfortunately, this applicant has no idea how to list and describe their previous experience.

Thank God you ran into our volunteer guide and learned how to write it!

Prove us right and take notes from the following well-built Experience section!

  • • Provided patient education sessions twice per week
  • • Received 98% positive feedback from patients and was highly praised by the hospital manager
  • • Participated in 3 fundraisers and organized 3 events to raise funds to support hospital’s innovative cancer treatment program
  • • Monitored 60+ patients and ensured all medications were administered on time

Attention! If your volunteer experience is relevant to the position you are applying for, include it in the Experience section. Otherwise, if you mention it to fill the resume gaps, use it as a separate Volunteering section.

Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.

H. Jackson Brown Jr., American Author

The meaning behind this quote should be your maxim.

Yes, you should balance your soft and hard skills and tailor them to the job description.

Nevertheless, if your abilities do not correspond to giving value, they are useless.

Remember that volunteering is all about the people you help.

Then, you should offer skills that match these vital criteria.

5 Volunteer Hard Skills:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Physical Fitness
  • Good Memory
  • Foreign Languages
  • Basic Computer Skills

5 Volunteer Soft Skills:

  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Self-Motivation
  • Customer Service

The Strengths section is an amazing opportunity to stand out from the competition .

Here you could list your talents or the skills you excelled.

Then, you can back them up with examples or quantitative data.

Of course, it’s crucial to focus on strengths related to the job description and focus on positive personality traits.

If you are a skilled professional with deep expertise, there is no need to add bullet points in the Education section .

However, if you are a freshman or a youngster with little to no experience, you need to stand out.

You must show how your school/college prepares you to apply your skills in a real-life situation.

Here are 4 vital steps to follow when describing your education:

  • Write down what skills you acquired and how you applied them in your experience
  • Mention some high-performance metrics you achieved and back them up with numbers
  • Show self motivation and positive personality traits: volunteering focuses on helping people
  • Add GPA (higher than 3.5), references from your tutors, or other achievements 

Below are listed the most common volunteer certifications in the USA.

It’s easy to declare that all of them indicate self motivation.

However, try to include these certificates only if relevant to the job offer.

Thus, you increase your chances of getting hired by at least 50%.

Top volunteer certificates for your resume:

  • ManageFirst
  • Learn2Serve
  • Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE)
  • Certified Healthcare Administrative Professional (cHAP)

Time management is crucial when it comes to taking serious responsibilities.

The “Day of My Life” section is a cohesive way to prove you are an organized and dedicated candidate.

However, many applicants repeat the same mistake.

They build the diagram without including the time they would spend on volunteering.

Such action would make the whole section pointless.

Take your time, decide how much of your time you could give away on volunteering and add it to the diagram.

  • Use action verbs and quantitative data to support every section of your resume, especially your experience
  • Focus on positive personality traits and describe how you want to contribute to the cause you believe in
  • Tailor your soft and hard skills to the volunteer position. Emphasize self motivation, communication and organization
  • Add a Day of My Life section, References, or Strengths to build trust in recruiters

Volunteer resume examples

Explore additional volunteer resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Community Organizer Resume Example

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The Best Way to Write Up Your Volunteer Work on Your Resume

When you write a resume , you’re doing it to show your potential employer why you’re perfect for the role.

When you include details like your skills , education , and professional experience you’re showing exactly why you should get invited in for an interview.

  • How do we handle voluntary roles on a resume?
  • How to add volunteer experience to a resume?
  • Where does this valuable experience end up?

Stress no more, we’ve got all the answers you’re looking for.

Check out these tips and examples we’ve put together so you can be confident listing your amazing volunteer work, and even learn why it’s a valuable addition to your document.

What is classed as volunteer experience?

If you’ve worked or given your time for free , then it’s volunteer experience that you can include on your resume.

Maybe you’ve organized a local blood drive or offered support services at a local homeless shelter, or you’ve done pro bono work in your professional capacity, or completed internships in international volunteer programs.

It all counts, and the more altruistic the cause, the better it’s going to look on your resume volunteer experience.

You can even use volunteer experience to show your achievements that match the job you’re applying for.

So you can see the diverse range of activities that count as volunteer experience, check out this list of examples:

  • Volunteering at your local church’s child care group or outreach programs demonstrates leadership and ability to organize people
  • Caring for animals at a local shelter means that you are compassionate, responsible, and good-natured
  • Helping people at a nursing home will let a hiring manager know you’re a kind, responsible person who can come to the aid of a colleague, show patience, care and the ability to show organizational skills
  • When you serve food or provide practical support at a homeless shelter you’re demonstrating that you are responsive, kind, stress-resistant and executive person
  • Running a kid’s reading club or organizing a book circle at your community library proves that you’ve got organizational skills
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Why include volunteer work on a resume?

You might be wondering, do you need volunteer experience on a resume ?

To start with…

Including your volunteer experience could mean the difference between you or the next candidate landing the job

No matter how much high-level, professional experience you’ve got under your belt, voluntary work is always a great addition to your story. These activities can allow your personality and ethics to shine through.

If you need more convincing, here are more reasons why your volunteer positions belong on your resume:

  • You can highlight your transferable skills being put into action when you’re moving across industries
  • Gaps in your resume can be given some meaning and detail when you’ve taken a break to travel and volunteer at a local humanitarian organization or charity
  • Add skills and real-world experience even when you’ve not had paid work, like when you’re fresh out of high school or college
  • When you’ve been a community leader but not led a workforce, you can still show what you’re capable of by showing your volunteer work

Think of it like this…

When you add your volunteer work to your resume, future employers can get a more rounded picture of you, what you’re interested in and what you’re able to do , as well as see you’re willing to work hard even without having prior professional experience.

As well as showing you’re engaged in your community and the world around you, there are piles of other benefits associated with being a volunteer. You can make your soft skills shine, like leadership, compassion, motivation, teamwork, and plenty more besides.

Pro-Tip If you’re looking to establish a career in academia or in the nonprofit sector, volunteer roles will demonstrate your commitment and are highly valued in these areas.

Where does volunteer experience go on a resume?

Now you know why you should be writing about your volunteer experience, now it’s time to understand how to display volunteer experience on a resume . Here’s what you need to know…

There’s no hard and fast rule about where this information can go in your resume. You need to think about what your professional experience looks like and what your current career goals are, too.

  • For students and those who are freshly graduated , and without much work experience, treat your voluntary work the same as your paid work. You can list it all in your work experience section.
  • When you’re an experienced professional with strong work history, make a separate section on your resume to cover your volunteer work. If you’ve volunteered in a role that relates directly to the role you want, you can add it to your work experience section.
Pro-Tip The vast majority of the time, the right place for your volunteer experience is under your “Professional Experience” section. This works great to cover gaps in employment or if you want to pull attention away from your current job role.

Listing volunteer work on your resume

Your volunteer experience should be written just like any other entry on your resume, that is with a couple of sentences explaining what you did or do at the organization and pulling out the main contributions you’ve made and big achievements in a list of bullet points.

The format for your volunteer work will look just like how you’ve structured things for your previous jobs. It’s important to note your role as a “ volunteer ” and also include any position titles like being a coordinator or leader.

Here’s an example for you to check out:

  • Managed a team of 12 volunteers that groom and exercise dogs held in ASPCA Adoption Center
  • Led a recruitment drive to bring in new volunteers, with voluntary hours increasing by 17% within three months
  • Directed a schools outreach program to donate toys and supplies to the shelter, raising awareness of animal welfare and increasing the comfort of dogs in our care

Be sure to show the skills that you’ve earned and honed during your volunteering and make sure you tell recruiters how you’ve developed in your role.

Look at the job description and the skills they’re looking for. Organized a city event and the role is looking for you to coordinate across departments? Let them know you’ve got the experience they want!

Check out another powerful volunteer experience listing for a resume:

  • Created and led activities for a troop of 15 scouts, including camping trips and community events
  • Planned and executed fundraising drive through bake sales and car washes, raising over $10,000 over the six-month drive
  • Supported two scouts to become troop leader within the community

Be creative!

You can think outside the box a little when you’re assigning a job title to the voluntary work that you’ve done. Make sure that you show off the work that you did whilst also omitting jargon - keep it clear for recruiters.

Maybe you showed visitors around your local wetland conservation area and you’re applying for a role in hospitality, “Volunteer Tour Guide” shows your skills and relates to the industry.

Pro-Tip When you’ve volunteered far outside the industry you work in or want to move over to, you can add a Volunteer Work section at the end of your resume if you still think your volunteering is going to differentiate you from everyone else or give a more rounded picture to hiring managers.

Hints and Tips for Listing Volunteer Work on a Resume

When you’re writing up your volunteer section, keep these things in mind:

  • Make your application specific and make sure that everything you’re including directly relates to the job. Go through the job ad really carefully so you know what they want and match your skills to it. Even research more about the company and learn what they value in their team
  • Pick out the important words in the job description and think about how your volunteering can match the skills they want. Using the same words as in the advert is a great way to target your application
  • Proofread your work to catch any minor typos or details. They’ll be noticed by a friend as well as a recruiter, and you’re not asking a friend to hire you so get their feedback.
Pro-Tip As well as learning about your volunteer experience on a resume, you should also learn how to format other parts of your resume. Here’s an interesting article about adding your hobby and interests to your resume .

Transferable skills are easy to show off when you add your volunteering experience to your resume. It’s also a great conversation starter when you land the interview, too; you can really get into what value you can add and how driven you are.

Now you should be well versed in how to write volunteer experience on a resume and know exactly what section to put volunteer experience on a resume.

To keep things fresh in your mind, let’s cover the key takeaways one more time…

  • A volunteering experience is something you’ve done for free to help others and make a contribution to the community
  • Your volunteering experience is important to include on your resume; it shows off your personality, which may contribute to the role you’re applying to, as well as the skills you’ve gained during your volunteering experience
  • It makes sense to include your volunteer work if it’s relevant to your job application - the hiring manager is definitely going to be impressed
  • Even if it feels irrelevant to the field your applying in, it can still show off your soft skills so it can still be worth mentioning it
  • Include volunteering experience in your work experience section if you’re a student or don’t have much-paid experience yet. If you’ve got a strong professional background make a separate section for volunteer work underneath the work experience section
  • Don’t underestimate the power of keywords and add some relevant ones from the job advertisement to your volunteering experience description
  • Make sure your volunteering experience section is well-structured, use bullet points to make it easier to read and proofread it before adding to your actual resume

Take full advantage of this chance to make a great impression and put yourself head and shoulders above everyone else on the shortlist.

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how to write a volunteer work on resume

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Volunteer Work on a Resume

Add your volunteer work to give your resume something extra.

Greg Faherty

Certified Professional Resume Writer

CV template Auckland

Adding voluntary work to a resume could be just what you need to show potential employers you mean business.

Volunteer work covers a wide range of activities and can  vastly improve your chances of getting an interview  for your ideal job if you know  how to put volunteer work on your resume  in a way that shows your strengths, dedication and enthusiasm.

Jobseekers learn new skills or gain experience everyday  through a variety of tasks, whether in their academic career, occupation or through hobbies in their free-time.

One of the most underrated but awarding activities that people participate in is  volunteer work . This could be anything from the more typical volunteering your time and energy  helping out in an animal shelter  to volunteering your expertise in order to  improve the workings of a business .

You may be a seasoned volunteer in various roles or have just one long-term placement but in both cases you’ll have something to shout about that will  stand out on your resume  and mean  hiring managers take an interest in your application .

Check out the following  guide on how to include volunteer experience in your resume  to ensure you get the best shot at securing an interview.

Some people may consider that they have not been a volunteer but if you have been an active  member of a nonprofit organization , a school association,  involved in community service  or have helped out with  fundraising  or event planning, you have volunteered and have most likely benefited from doing so by  earning skills and experience which you can demonstrate on your resume .

How to add Volunteer Work on a Resume

How to include volunteer work on a resume  will depend on the type of  resume format  you choose to use, as you may wish to  highlight the unpaid work experience  as an extra activity or you may wish to incorporate the positions in your job history.

Candidates have the possibility to  include a resume section devoted to volunteer positions  that explains, similarly to the  professional work experience section , the position occupied and the company or association name.

You can also  list the responsibilities and tasks undertaken  and any outstanding achievements which you have accomplished if the position or company is  relevant to your professional profile  or the vacancy on offer.

This will vary if you choose a combination or  functional resume  as opposed to a   chronological layout  and jobseekers will need to fit the skills and appropriate information from each position as suitable.

In cases where your  volunteer work has brought you certain skills or new qualifications  but the positions do not directly correspond to the industry or position that you are applying to, it is advisable to  create a separate resume section  with the basic information and simply include the abilities or certificates without expanding on the responsibilities of the role.

For expert assistance on  how to write a winning resume including work experience , you could use an online resume builder or construct yours from a  resume template  using the practical examples as a guide.

Why include your volunteer work on a resume

Including volunteer work on your resume  could be what helps you convince a prospective employer that you have what it takes over other candidates.

If you’re wondering  why put volunteer work on your resume , look no further because we can think of a multitude of reasons that explain  how adding volunteer work to a resume can benefit you .

As mentioned, you’ve probably done a lot more volunteering than you originally thought so whether you have a  long career history  or you’re just started out, those extra activities do help to  show potential employers how you have grown your skill set  and where you have learnt new abilities or put them into practise.

When you include  examples of your achievements in voluntary positions  you are also displaying the outcome of your personal involvement and thus providing the hiring manager with concrete cases of how you will be the perfect fit for their business.

Another reason for  including voluntary work on your resume  is that it demonstrates your willingness to be involved and make change happen. This  display of initiative and sense of community  is a highly sought-after trait that many companies and organizations look for in their candidates.

It will not only make you  stand out from the crowd during the application process  but could also place you in high esteem among other staff or superiors if you are able to continue this  positive contribution towards the business . Public relations and the reputation of social responsibility are high priorities for many enterprises nowadays and having someone on their team with voluntary work under their belt can bring many  advantages to the company  in the form of networking, new clients, experience, specialist knowledge etc.

Additionally, many  employers consider voluntary work as worthwhile as paid employment  to a candidate’s experience, which means that they may even be looking out for it as a  basic element of your resume .

Also, something as simple as providing a basic  insight into what interests you  as an individual is a  positive aspect on a resume  because hiring managers spend hours looking through resumes each time they need to employ a new member of staff and  any candidate who mentions voluntary work on a resume is bound to catch their eye .

If you have been unemployed, or taken a leave of absence for any reason from a paid position and remained  active with voluntary work , this  shows a great dedication  on your part that speaks highly of you on any job application

Tips for adding your volunteer experience

Voluntary work is an excellent addition to any resume. Check out these  tips for including volunteer work on your resume .

  • Firstly, it is vital to remember to  only include volunteer work that is relevant  to your profile and the role or industry you’re applying to.
  • In all possible cases,  quantify any examples  of your responsibilities and accomplishments.
  • Include  only the more recent  and critical positions or activities.
  • If you decide to list various voluntary positions, either as part of the work experience section or in a separate part, it is advisable to do so in  reverse chronological order .
  • Depending on the resume structure you select, it is recommendable to follow the  layout of the work experience positions  by including the information in the same format and order: organization name, dates, position and description where appropriate.
  • There may be certain positions, companies, sectors etc. you would prefer to omit and this is perfectly acceptable if the voluntary work you undertook is not relevant or appropriate for your application or reveals information that you do not want to share with prospective employers.

Volunteer experience is fast becoming one of the more paramount sections of a resume  due to the increasingly positive response it receives from hiring managers in job applications.

This is especially true for student resumes, whether  seeking part-time employment or graduates , and  entry-level resumes  and any candidates looking to change career or returning to the workforce from an absence.

That said,  professional resumes  also benefit to a great extent from  including volunteer work in their application  due to the wide scope that this aspect can cover and the endless skills and experience it offers a jobseeker.

Related Volunteer Work on your resume

Which types of volunteer work are appropriate for your resume? Find out  what related volunteer work you can put on a resume .

Apart from the obvious volunteer work such as a position in a nonprofit organization like a homeless shelter or orphanage, there are  many ways a person can volunteer  and perhaps not consider it in the same light but adding it on your resume could be a great help to your application.

Take a glance at the following list of  possible related volunteer work you could include on your resume  either for the experience, knowledge or skills it has given you.

  • Sports Coach
  • Member of a not-for-profit organization
  • Helping at events
  • Fundraising
  • Chaperoning
  • Offering services for free to neighbors, friends etc.
  • School associations
  • Providing transport
  • Community Service
  • Neighborhood Watch
  • Counseling etc.

Voluntary experiences are nearly always career-enhancing  even when it may not be in the exact line of work you’re looking for, so don’t be afraid to improve your chances at landing that dream job by  including your volunteer work on your resume , along with your work experience, contact information, skills, education and   resume objective   or  qualification summary , where you can even make reference to the abilities or certificates gained by your participation.

If you need  extra resume help , you could try out an  online resume creator  or take a look at the other guides available at  ResumeCoach  for other  resume advice from career experts .

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How to Craft an Outstanding Medical Biller and Coder Resume

Crafting an outstanding medical biller and coder resume is crucial for standing out in this competitive field. Highlight your skills, certifications, and experience to impress employers and secure your dream job in healthcare.

In the competitive field of medical billing and coding, a well-crafted resume is your key to standing out and securing your dream job. As healthcare facilities increasingly rely on skilled professionals to manage their billing and coding, the demand for qualified individuals continues to grow. A strong resume can make all the difference in landing an interview and demonstrating your value to potential employers.

What is a Medical Biller and Coder?

A medical biller and coder plays a crucial role in the healthcare industry, ensuring that medical procedures and services are accurately coded and billed to insurance companies and patients. Key responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing patient records for accuracy.
  • Assigning standardized codes to diagnoses and procedures.
  • Preparing and submitting claims to insurance companies.
  • Following up on unpaid claims.
  • Ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations and laws.

Why a Strong Resume is Crucial for Medical Billers and Coders

The job market for medical billers and coders is highly competitive. A well-written resume helps you:

  • Highlight your skills and experiences relevant to the job.
  • Showcase your certifications and qualifications.
  • Make a strong first impression on hiring managers.
  • Stand out from other applicants.

Essential Sections of a Medical Biller and Coder Resume

Contact information.

  • Phone number.
  • Professional email address.
  • LinkedIn profile (optional).
  • Including unnecessary personal information like your full address or social security number.
  • Using an unprofessional email address.

Professional Summary

Your professional summary should be a brief, compelling statement that highlights your qualifications and career goals. It should capture the attention of hiring managers and give them a reason to read further. For example:

Example:  “Certified Medical Biller and Coder with over five years of experience in accurately coding and processing claims. Adept at ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations and maximizing revenue through meticulous billing practices. Seeking to leverage my expertise to contribute to the success of ABC Healthcare.”

Skills Section

Highlight key skills relevant to medical billing and coding. Use bullet points for clarity and include both hard and soft skills. For example:

  • Proficiency in ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS coding.
  • Knowledge of medical terminology and anatomy.
  • Experience with billing software such as Medisoft and Kareo.
  • Strong attention to detail.
  • Excellent communication and organizational skills.

Work Experience

List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. Include:

  • Employer name.
  • Dates of employment.
  • Bullet points detailing your responsibilities and achievements.

Medical Biller and Coder

XYZ Medical Center, New York, NY

January 2018 – Present

  • Accurately coded and processed over 200 patient records per week.
  • Ensured compliance with healthcare regulations, resulting in a 98% claim approval rate.
  • Trained and supervised new billing staff, improving team efficiency by 15%.

Education and Certifications

Include your highest level of education and any relevant certifications. For example:

  • Associate Degree in Health Information Technology, ABC College, 2017.
  • Certified Professional Coder (CPC) by the AAPC.
  • Certified Medical Reimbursement Specialist (CMRS) by the AMBA.

Additional Sections

Consider including optional sections like volunteer work, awards, and professional memberships if they add value to your resume. For example:

  • Volunteer at ABC Health Clinic, assisting with patient record management.
  • Member of the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC).

Tips for Writing a Standout Medical Biller and Coder Resume

Tailoring your resume to the job description.

Customize your resume for each job application by:

  • Highlighting skills and experiences that match the job description.
  • Using keywords from the job posting to pass Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Using Action Verbs and Quantifying Achievements

Use strong action verbs to describe your responsibilities and achievements. Quantify your accomplishments where possible to provide concrete evidence of your impact.

  • Implemented a new coding system, reducing claim processing time by 20%.
  • Increased revenue by 10% through accurate coding and timely claim submission.

Proofreading and Editing Your Resume

Avoid common mistakes by thoroughly proofreading your resume. Use tools like Grammarly to check for grammar and spelling errors, and ask a friend or mentor to review it for clarity and accuracy.

Final Thoughts

Crafting a standout medical biller and coder resume involves highlighting your relevant skills, experience, and certifications while tailoring your resume to each job application. By following these tips and continuously updating your resume, you'll increase your chances of landing your desired role in the medical billing and coding field. Remember, a strong resume is your first step toward a successful career.

Start Building Your Resume with NCC’s Medical Office Specialist Program

Ready to take the first step in your medical billing and coding career? Enroll in NCC's Medical Office Specialist program today! This comprehensive program combines the essential skills of medical billing and coding, equipping you with the knowledge and experience needed to build a solid resume.

With NCC's program, you'll benefit from:

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Master both billing and coding, making you a versatile and highly sought-after candidate.
  • Expert Instruction: Learn from experienced professionals who are up-to-date with the latest coding standards.
  • Hands-on Externship: Gain practical experience through our externship program, giving you real-world insights and a competitive edge.

Don't miss this opportunity to build your resume and jumpstart your career in the healthcare industry. Check out our Medical Office Specialist Program and learn more today!


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  1. How To List Volunteer Work on Your Resume (With Example)

    The goal of writing a resume is to quickly show employers you are a great fit for the job. Adding information like your skills, professional experience and education can help convey why the employer should advance you in the hiring process.Another section you might consider adding is volunteer work. Listing volunteer work on your resume can help employers understand your interests, skills and ...

  2. 30 Examples: How To List Volunteer Work on a Resume

    For example: Nonprofit Organization A - Volunteer Coordinator (6 months) Community Event B - Event Volunteer (one-time event) Local Animal Shelter C - Dog Walker (3 months) As you review your list, consider the skills and knowledge you gained from each experience. This could be anything from project management to customer service or even ...

  3. How to Put Volunteer Work on Your Resume

    Here's an example of volunteer experience on a resume: Trained 5 new volunteers, helping them develop a strong commitment to community service. Helped prepare food and dish out meals to over 200 people per day. Planned and organized two successful fundraising events, which raised the food bank over $2,500 in total.

  4. Volunteer Work on a Resume: Examples and Templates

    Here are some volunteer resume examples you can copy and paste or use as a jumping-off point to write your own. Nonprofit volunteer resume. Volunteer work looks great on a resume, whether you're applying to work at a nonprofit organization or you just want to show off a few relevant accomplishments. Here's an example:

  5. How To Add Volunteer Work on Your Resume (With Examples)

    Here are several ways to add volunteer work to your resume, depending on the context: 1. Use your work experience section. Some candidates lack extensive work experience because they are new to the workforce or industry. If you're one of these candidates, consider adding relevant volunteer work to your professional background section.

  6. How to List Volunteer Work on a Resume + Examples

    Here's a shorter volunteer work on a resume example entry: Volunteer ∣ Big Buddy Reading Help ∣ Denton. June 2023 - Current. Conduct reading comprehension tutoring for grade-school children. Using a builder to put volunteer work on a resume. A resume builder is a faster way to build your document because it automates the whole process.

  7. How to List Volunteer Work Experience on a Resume: Example

    Resume Checker Get your resume checked and scored with one click.; CV Maker Create a CV in 5 minutes. Get the job you want. Cover Letter Builder Write a cover letter that convinces employers you're the best.

  8. How to Write a Volunteer Resume [+Example for 2024]

    A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence snapshot of your professional goals and aspirations. Volunteer Resume Objective Example. A hard-working volunteer seeks a chance to make a difference with The National Trust. Experience includes working as a temp events volunteer during the summer term.

  9. How to List Volunteer Experience On a Resume [W/ Examples]

    As we mentioned before, volunteer experience can be a section of its own or can count as work experience in some specific cases. DO include it as part of the work experience section if: The experience is super relevant to the job you are applying for. You have otherwise little paid experience. For example, let's say you're applying for a ...

  10. 4 Volunteer Resume Examples with Writing Tips

    Here are three strong volunteer resume objectives: Student volunteer resume. Enthusiastic volunteer with 470 hours dedicated to enriching the educational experience at Kelsey Grammar School. Proven ability to engage students through academic mentorship programs. Skilled in tutoring and mentoring.

  11. How to Put Volunteer Work on a Resume (With Examples)

    3. Add "unrelated" volunteer experiences that help set you apart at the end of your resume. This may be the best way for most people with extensive work histories to add volunteering to their resume. At the end, add a small section highlighting your recent volunteer work and accomplishments.

  12. Volunteer Work on Your Resume

    1. Firstly, select the right section to display the volunteer work. Placing the volunteer work effectively on your resume is extremely important to create the right impression. You may display the volunteer experience next to your work experiences for the continuity and flow of information. If, however, you place the volunteer work experience ...

  13. How to List Volunteer Work on Your Resume (The Right Way)

    Volunteer experience should be listed on your resume using the same format as your work experience - with the details of the organization you volunteered at, your role, any achievements and the dates you held the role. If your volunteer experience is highly relevant to the job you are applying for, highlight it prominently in your resume and ...

  14. How to Include Volunteer Experience on a Resume [+Examples]

    Make your volunteer section even more powerful and appealing. This helps the hiring manager understand your skillset and see you as a dedicated member of the team. Stay positive. Focus on how you're helping the community rather than the negative aspects that you'd like to change.

  15. How To Include Church Volunteer Experience on a Resume (With ...

    3. Include relevant skills. It's important that you include skills developed from your church volunteer experience throughout your resume. Consider incorporating skills in the descriptions of your key responsibilities or listing skills you've developed during your volunteer work in a skills section of your resume.

  16. How to List Volunteer Work on Your Resume

    List your job title as 'Volunteer [Position Name]' or simply 'Volunteer.'. Include the dates that you volunteered. You can specify if this was part-time, but you don't need to. List your experience chronologically, with the most recent role at the top. Include 1-2 bullet accomplishments in bullet point format.

  17. How To Include Volunteer Work On A Resume (With Examples)

    When you add volunteer experience to the work history section, format it the same as you would for any other official position. Include the job title you would have if you worked formally in that capacity, but add "volunteer" in front of it. Volunteer experience section.

  18. How to list volunteer work on resume (25 examples)

    List volunteer experience like a job using bulleted points. Choose carefully which volunteer activities you list in your work history section. Put volunteer experience relevant to your industry in the work history section. In the work history section, list volunteer activities as you would any other official position.

  19. Great Volunteer Resume Examples for 2024

    Good example: "Highly motivated and dedicated volunteer with over 5 years of experience in community outreach and service. Demonstrated ability to organize and execute successful events, resulting in a 30% increase in volunteer participation and a 20% rise in funds raised for charitable causes. Passionate about making a positive impact and ...

  20. 4 Volunteer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Here are some resume tips: Utilize the 12p resume font size. Use 10' resume margins. If you have under 10 years of experience-use one-page resume, otherwise- two-page resume. Check your grammar and spelling. Focus on the PDF format. If you want to get the interview call, you should add References and Languages!

  21. The Best Way to Write Up Your Volunteer Work on Your Resume

    You can list it all in your work experience section. When you're an experienced professional with strong work history, make a separate section on your resume to cover your volunteer work. If you've volunteered in a role that relates directly to the role you want, you can add it to your work experience section.

  22. 20+ Examples of How to List Volunteer Experience on Your Resume

    1. In the professional experience section on your resume. Consider listing your volunteer work with your work experience on your resume, if your volunteer experience is: (1) highly relevant to the job position, (2) you have very limited work experience, or (3) you had a career gap on your resume. Take a look at an example below, which blends ...

  23. Volunteer Work Section on a Resume

    Candidates have the possibility to include a resume section devoted to volunteer positions that explains, similarly to the professional work experience section, the position occupied and the company or association name. You can also list the responsibilities and tasks undertaken and any outstanding achievements which you have accomplished if ...

  24. Create a Winning Medical Biller and Coder Resume

    Consider including optional sections like volunteer work, awards, and professional memberships if they add value to your resume. For example: Volunteer at ABC Health Clinic, assisting with patient record management. Member of the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC). Tips for Writing a Standout Medical Biller and Coder Resume

  25. 10 tips to write an impressive resume

    Commence with a robust summary or objective. Initiate your resume with a succinct and impactful summary or objective statement. This segment should offer a snapshot of your professional background ...