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How to communicate success through your research case studies.

By James Harvey 07/10/2013

Earlier this year we explored why case studies are a bridge to influence . Researchers who work in development will always hope to engage, inform and inspire. Communicating clearly the impact of your research is vital if your ambition is to effect change through evidence. Writing a compelling and evidence-rich narrative on the success of your research is a powerful tool for achieving this, providing you follow some simple principles. These ten points form a checklist to help you tell your impact story more clearly.

Provide a short, concise description of the research objectives and main findings. Don’t shy away from dealing with less positive experiences encountered during the research process. This is good background for the reader and promotes better understanding of the challenges faced. It is also important to explain how the research builds or improves upon earlier knowledge.

When dealing with potential impact within the case study, it is important to clarify who has already benefited and how. What numbers of people benefited and in what ways did the improvement in wellbeing occur. Give a brief summary of the research results and what was achieved. Try and identify one statement or “killer fact” that illustrates the actual or potential impact and the importance of the research findings.

Explain where the research was carried out and how the findings of the research have been communicated. Indicate where findings and reports have been published in the public domain and any information regarding citation rates.

Were there any indirect beneficiaries? It is important not to overlook indirect beneficiaries when evaluating the impact of a project or programme. There are people not directly involved in the research but could include communities, advocacy groups, NGOs, businesses, think tanks and even policy makers.

The capstone of the case study is the actual or potential impact of the research. Ask yourself if there is sufficient evidence to back-up or corroborate the claimed impact of the research. If so, explain what the extent of the impact was in terms of numbers and type of people, organisations, and institutions, etc. who have benefited from the research. Avoid exaggerating the impact of the research or making unsubstantiated claims.

It is important to convey the potential reach and impact of the research over the long term. If you can, include an assessment of scalability or other contexts in which the findings are applicable.

If your research has had impact on policy processes, decision making or has provided other actors with critical evidence, be sure to support your claims by making this prominent within the case study. Think about what made the research successful and try to identify the main factors behind the success. Did the uptake of findings contribute to this success? It is worth analysing uptake routes and strategies retrospectively to help make your case. Were there any changes that led to improvements in uptake?

Case studies and policy reports often fail to explain why the research or its findings are novel (or interesting!). Don’t make this mistake. Be bold and explain what makes your research original, new, innovative and interesting.

If you have direct quotes from beneficiaries and stakeholders, use them. This adds a critical human interest element to your case study.

Finally, don’t forget to identify all partners to the research and acknowledge who the funding bodies and donors were.

Remember, clarity and verifiability are essential. When writing your case study, make sure the reader can quickly grasp the key facts through a coherent and compelling narrative. Attention should be given to ensuring claims about impact are backed up appropriately and consistently throughout the document.

Further reading:

Why case studies are a bridge to influence: A super-quick guide by James Harvey (R2A)

Identifying ‘possibles’ for your impact case study by Patrick Dunleavy (LSE)

How to write a policy brief (IDRC)

What counts as good evidence (RURU)

1 Responses to How to communicate success through your research case studies

' src=

Good list of 10 on creating case studies. Yes results is the capstone. Summary and quotes help get the reader into the case study and make it a pleasurable read.

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Present or publish your research or creative activity, effective communication: case study, three types of communication.

Type Meaning for presenter Meaning for audience
Verbal What we are saying Listening to the presenter and understanding their purpose
Non-verbal How we are saying it Observing a person and inferring what their purpose is
Written Writing it: Letters, emails, internet, other media Reading their meaning 

Communicating with your audience is more than giving a handful of information, it is the use of clear language that is factual and logical to depict to the audience that the message is essential to their lives and their future.

The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.

Here is a video depicting why it is important to tailor to your audience's needs

Communicating to a Diverse Demographic Audience

This video depicts the importance of communication to different demographic audience members. Making sure that your presentation is understood by all individuals is a valuable communication tool

Remember that no matter the audience, everyone should understand and enjoy the information you are presenting.

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According to the World Economic Forum , Communication skills are among the top 10 skills needed in the workforce by 2025. In this blog, we will help you understand Why is Communication Important for your career and how it enables you to express ideas, build relationships, and gain confidence. Continue reading to learn more! 

Table of Contents

1) Why is Communication Important? 

2) What are the characteristics of effective Communication? 

3) The role of Communication in Leadership  

4) The power of written Communication 

5) Conclusion 

Why is Communication Important?

the importance of Communication skills

Clear expression

Good Communication skills are an asset that lets you express your thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively. With these skills, you can confidently convey your message, ensuring that others understand your intentions and meaning without confusion or misinterpretation.

Active Listening

Effective Communication

Relationship building

Communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. When you can communicate openly and honestly, you can express your needs, resolve conflicts, and establish strong connections with family, friends, and colleagues.

Conflict resolution

Misunderstandings and conflicts are a natural part of life. However, good Communication skills empower you to handle conflicts effectively. You can navigate conflicts and find mutually beneficial solutions by expressing your concerns calmly, actively listening to others, and finding common ground.

Positive work environment

In any workplace, possessing effective Communication skills is crucial. These skills enable you to work collaboratively and increase productivity. Communicating clearly with your colleagues and superiors can build strong professional relationships and create a positive work environment. Effective Communication involves speaking and writing clearly, listening to others, and comprehending their perspectives. It is an essential skill that can lead to success in any workplace.

Career advancement

Strong Communication skills are highly valued in the professional world. Clear and concise Communication allows you to share your ideas, collaborate with others, and present your work effectively. These skills enhance your chances of career advancement and professional success.

Diversity and inclusivity

Good Communication skills promote inclusivity and respect for diverse perspectives. Listening attentively and appreciating different viewpoints can create an inclusive environment ensuring everyone feels valued and understood.

Personal growth

Developing good Communication skills is an ongoing process contributing to personal growth. Effective Communication helps you become more self-aware, improve emotional intelligence, and develop vital interpersonal skills.

Overcoming barriers

In today's globalised world, Communication often involves interacting with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Good Communication skills enable you to bridge cultural and language barriers, promoting understanding and cooperation.

Gain an understanding of the principles of nonverbal Communication by registering for our Nonverbal Communication Training today!

What are the characteristics of effective Communication? 

Effective Communication is the key to better relationships and enhanced career opportunities. If you are wondering How to Improve Communication skills, let’s explore some of the key characteristics of effective Communication highlighting the importance of Communication: 

a) Clarity: Ensure that your message is crystal clear and easy to understand. Avoid using complicated words or long sentences that might confuse the other person. Keep it simple and straightforward. 

b) Listening: Effective Communication is not just about talking; it's also about listening. Give your full attention to the person speaking, show interest, and try to understand their point of view. Listening helps build a stronger connection and promotes understanding. 

c) Body language: Communication is not only about words; your body language speaks too. Use your facial expressions, gestures, and posture to support your message. A smile, a nod, or maintaining eye contact can convey warmth, openness, and engagement. 

d) Respect: The way you speak to others matters. Use polite and considerate language and treat people with respect. Being kind and respectful creates a positive atmosphere and encourages others to open up and share their thoughts and feelings. 

e) Clarification: Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification if something is unclear. It's better to understand the message entirely than to assume and misunderstand. Asking for further information or examples can prevent confusion and ensure effective Communication. 

f) Adaptability: Communication should be flexible and adaptable. Adjust your Communication style to match the situation and the person you are interacting with. Consider their background, culture, and preferences to ensure your message resonates with them. 

g) Empathy: Effective Communication goes beyond the logical aspects; it touches emotions. Connect with others emotionally by showing empathy, understanding, and compassion. Recognise and acknowledge their feelings, and respond with care and support. 

h) Timeliness: Timing is Important in Communication. Share information when it is most relevant and needed. Avoid unnecessary delays and make sure your message is timely, as this helps in decision-making and problem-solving. 

i) Engagement: Communication is a two-way street. Encourage active participation from both sides by inviting feedback, opinions, and ideas. Build an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves, leading to more fruitful and collaborative discussions. 

Join our Effective Communication Skills Course today and enhance your ability to connect, collaborate, and succeed.  

The role of Communication in Leadership 

Communication plays a vital role in leadership, allowing leaders to effectively convey their vision, goals, and expectations to their teams. Through clear and open Communication, leaders can inspire and motivate employees, provide guidance and direction, and build trust and rapport.

Effective Communication also enables leaders to actively listen to their team members, determine their needs and concerns, and address them appropriately. By fostering transparent and collaborative Communication, leaders can create a positive work environment, facilitate teamwork, and drive the organisation's success.

The power of Written Communication 

Written Communication holds immense power as it allows information to be documented, shared, and referenced over time. It provides a permanent record that multiple individuals can review and understand, regardless of time and location. With written Communication, ideas can be expressed with clarity, precision, and thoughtfulness.   

It enables effective collaboration, as messages can be carefully crafted, edited, and shared, ensuring accuracy and minimising misunderstandings. Additionally, written Communication allows for thoughtful reflection and can be a valuable tool for conveying complex information, instructions, or ideas concisely and organised. 

We hope this blog helped you understand Why is Communication Important in every aspect of life. It is the key to unlocking opportunities, promoting growth, and ensuring mutual understanding. Improving our Communication skills can enhance our personal and professional lives, leading to greater fulfilment and a successful career path. 

Gain the confidence and techniques to excel in all aspects of Communication with our comprehensive Communication Skills Training – join now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Effective Communication Skills wield a transformative influence on career trajectories. Proficiency in conveying thoughts and ideas not only enhances collaboration but also serves as a catalyst for career growth. Those adept in communication enjoy increased visibility, credibility, and are better positioned for promotions. Strong communication fosters robust professional relationships, creating a foundation for success. 

Communication is the architect of a positive workplace culture. Its open and transparent channels form the pillars of trust, loyalty, and camaraderie among team members. By facilitating effective dialogue, communication reduces conflicts and nurtures an environment where employees feel engaged and supported. In essence, it is the linchpin that transforms a group of individuals into a cohesive and motivated workforce. 

Communication is the lifeblood of effective leadership and management. Leaders who master clear communication align their teams seamlessly with organisational objectives. Beyond building trust and credibility, effective communication streamlines decision-making processes, ensuring agility in responses to challenges. The motivational impact on employees is profound, solidifying commitment and contributing to the overall success of the organisation. 

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Dawn O. Braithwaite, Ph.D.

  • Relationships

Why Communication Matters

We communicate to create, maintain, and change relationships and selves..

Posted July 15, 2021 | Reviewed by Vanessa Lancaster

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  • How we communicate helps relationships get off on the right foot, navigate problems, and change over time.
  • In communication, we develop, create, maintain, and alter our relationships.
  • We communicate to work our way through family changes and challenges in verbal and non-verbal ways.

Image by edsavi30 from Pixabay

I remember seeing a poster on my junior high classroom wall: “Communication is the Beginning of Understanding.” This spoke to me at the time. Yet, like so many people, I had never really thought much about communication. I would have described communication as sending and receiving messages.

Communication Is More Than Sending and Receiving Messages

In reality, communication is often about transmitting information. We send and receive messages with people in our lives. Daily, much of our communication consists of coordinating schedules, “What time are you getting home for dinner?” and negotiating whose turn it is to do the dishes, pay the bills, or take dinner to a friend who is ill. We send messages like, “It is your turn to let the dog out” and receive messages like, “Don’t forget to get dog food at the store” (if you have not guessed, a lot of the messages in my house are about the dog).

We might also blame problems on communication, talking about “communication breakdowns” or on a “lack of communication.” If we think about communication in these ways, we have missed so much that is important about communication. We have neglected how and why communication matters.

Communication Matters to Creating and Changing Relationships

We become aware of how Communication Matters when

  • We confront issues with work-life balance.
  • We experience positive events like the birth of a baby or winning an award.
  • We have a friend does who does not do or say what we expect.
  • We have disagreements over religious beliefs or political values.

Both positive and challenging events affect, reflect, and change our identity and the identity of our personal and family relationships. What do I mean by this? How did these relationships come into being? Well, think about the last time you started a new friendship or had a new member join your family. Through what you and the other person said and did, what we’d call verbal and nonverbal communication , these relationships took shape.

Sometimes relationships develop easily and clearly. They are healthy and pleasant. Other times, relationships develop in stress and storm and may be healthy or not. How we communicate helps relationships get off on the right foot, navigate problems, and change over time.

What is important to understand is that relationships are talked into (and out of) being. In communication, we develop, create, maintain, and alter our relationships. As we communicate, we become and change who we are. Think about how you have grown and changed as you communicate at home, at work, with friends, and in your community.

Communication Matters to Relationship and Family Identity

As we communicate, we co-create relationships and our own identity. As you think about your close relationships and your family, you can likely recall important events, both positive and negative, that impacted how you understand your relationship and yourself as a person.

Consider this example: one of my college students described a childhood family ritual of going out on the front lawn on Christmas Eve. The family sang Christmas carols and threw carrots on the roof for Santa’s reindeers. The family still does this annual carrot-throwing ritual in adulthood. You can picture them bringing their sometimes confused new partners and spouses out in the snow to throw carrots onto the roof and sing.

Why does this family still throw carrots and sing? Through this seemingly silly ritual, the family celebrates who they are as a family and the togetherness that is important to them. The family creates space for new people to join the family. Through their words and actions, members of the family teach their new partners how to be family members through carrot throwing and other vital experiences.

I am sure you can point to experiences that have been central to creating your relationships and your identity.

Communication Matters as We Face Change and Challenges

We also communicate to work our way through family changes and challenges. Family members or others may have different expectations of what our family and personal identity or should be. This is especially true when a family does not fit dominant cultural models, such as single-parent families, multi-ethnic families, stepfamilies, LGBTQ families, or adoptive families.

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For me, becoming a stepfamily was highly challenging. We became a stepfamily when I was 12 years old. My mother had recently died, and my Dad surprised us, kids, introducing us to the woman he wanted to marry. We no longer matched the other families in the neighborhood where we’d lived most of our lives. We certainly did not feel like a family overnight.

It took my stepfamily several years to create an understanding of what it meant to be a family. As we interacted, and with many mistakes and some successes, we slowly came to understand what we needed and expected from each other to be a family.

For all of us, relationship and family identity is constantly developing and changing. In my case, I remember my stepmom reminding me to wear a jacket when going out in the evening, even into my 40s, and giving me advice about my health. At some point, our roles changed, and now, as she moves toward her 80s, more often than not, I am in the role of asking about her health and helping her with significant decisions. What it means to be a mother or daughter and what we expect of each other and ourselves change as we interact.

Communication Matters . Whether we are negotiating whose turn it is to feed the dog, how to become a parent, how to interact with a difficult co-worker, or how to celebrate with a friend who won a major award, it is in communication that we learn what to do and say. This is what I will write about in this blog as I reflect on what I have learned as a professor and researcher of interpersonal and family communication. I invite you to go on this journey with me. I hope to give you insights into your communication.

Communication Matters. Communication is the Beginning of Understanding . It is an exciting and ever-changing journey.

Baxter, L. A. (2004). Relationships as dialogues. Personal Relationships, 11 , 1-22. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6811.2004.00068.x

Braithwaite, D. O., Foster, E. A., & Bergen, K. M. (2018). Social construction theory: Communication co-creating families. In D. O. Braithwaite, E. A. Suter, & K. Floyd. (Eds.). Engaging theories in family communication: Multiple perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 267-278). Routledge.

Braithwaite, D. O., Waldron, V. R., Allen, J., Bergquist, G., Marsh, J., Oliver, B., Storck, K., Swords, N., & Tschampl-Diesing, C. (2018). “Feeling warmth and close to her”: Communication and resilience reflected in turning points in positive adult stepchild-stepparent relationships. Journal of Family Communication, 18 , 92-109. doi: 10.1080/15267431.2017.1415902

Dawn O. Braithwaite, Ph.D.

Dawn O. Braithwaite, Ph.D., a professor of communication at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, studies families and close relationships, especially step- and chosen families.

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Communication is key in the workplace. Here's how to improve

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Why is communication important in the workplace?

7 common types of communication in the workplace

The benefits of good communication in the workplace

8 reasons to work on your communication skills

8 ways to develop communication skills at work

How to improve communication when working remotely.

Communication, communication, communication. We all know it’s important, but communication skills can be challenging to develop and implement at work. The rise of remote and hybrid work hasn’t made it any easier, either. 

Yet, effective communication at work can be transformative for individuals, teams, and businesses. We’re here to show you why communication is important in the workplace and how to start building your and your team’s communication skills today. 

Why is effective communication important in the workplace?

Communication in the workplace is important because it boosts employee morale, engagement, productivity, and satisfaction. Communication is also key for better team collaboration and cooperation. Ultimately, effective workplace communication helps drive better results for individuals, teams, and organizations. 

To take it a step further, specifically as a manager, building good communication skills has profound short- and long-term benefits for your organization. An effective communicator is able to motivate their team to get more done with better results and fewer misunderstandings. And who doesn’t want fewer misunderstandings?

All of these things can contribute to the company’s success — and to your own personal success as a leader.

Not all work communication is made equal. We’ve all had the experience of sitting through a boring, lengthy meeting with the thought, “This should have been an email.” 

Different communication channels are ideal for different types of communication. Depending on the type of information being conveyed, those different channels can enhance — or detract — from how it is received. An effective communicator will develop different skills and tools to match the type of communication needed.

1. Leadership communication 

Leaders often deliver one-way communications to their teams. The goal may be to inform or update, such as a memo about a new company policy or a change in direction. Leaders also often communicate to persuade, encourage, and inspire commitment. They often communicate through stories more than data.

2. Upward communication 

Managers (and team members) often have to communicate with their own managers and with other leaders who are not in their direct chain of command. These may take the form of memos/emails, reports, or a slot in a standing meeting. Regardless of the format, these types of communications should be considered more formal. 

3. Updates 

Since they’re brief by nature, updates often fall short of being a type of strong communication. Use a visual tracker or dashboard to carry the load, and save your verbal or written commentary for drawing the audience’s attention to what is most important — typically, what requires action or further involvement from them. This might include surprises, obstacles, and potential risks, as well as wins.

4. Presentations

These formal communication events tend to receive the lion’s share of attention, for good reason. Presentations are communication tools that are typically aimed at a larger audience with higher stakes. They have objectives like informing, influencing, and persuading. In addition, many people fear public speaking , and thanks to TED and other series, we have a high expectation for entertainment as well as insight. 

5. Meetings 

Meetings, whether large or small, are a critical part of a workplace’s internal communication strategy . They’re also one of the least understood and most overused types of communication. Effective meetings build synergy between teams and quickly communicate information that would have a high potential to be misunderstood in another format (like email). The best meetings are highly collaborative and leave participants feeling energized, not drained.

6. Customer communications 

Communicating with customers can run the entire gamut discussed above, from one-offs to face-to-face , virtual, spoken, or written, formal to ad hoc. In general, all of the considerations of communication among employees go double for customers. Be deliberate and plan your messages to provide what your customer needs, in the way they prefer, and create a positive impression for the company and the product.

7. Informal interactions 

Informal communications include the emails and chats you engage in all day: making requests, asking for information, responding to requests, and giving or receiving support and guidance. In addition to moving the work of the organization forward, these informal communications have secondary objectives of forming social connections , building culture, establishing trust , and finding common ground.

woman communicating with male coworker at desk (1)

When employees are directly involved in work products and initiatives, it helps to foster a sense of ownership in the company’s future. It also makes them want to work to improve things like the company’s profitability, customer satisfaction, and brand.

Let’s take a look at some ways that building your communication skills cascades down through your organization — and directly impacts its bottom line.

1. Better engagement

Better communication results in greater employee engagement , which is a key metric for employee productivity and potential retention. It reinforces that your people are key contributors and people who the company values for their unique skills and experience. In other words, their contribution — and input — truly make a difference. 

2. Increased morale

Team members with low job satisfaction take more time off of work, are less productive when in-office, and often negatively impact the productivity of other employees when they are present. However, when an employee has an understanding of the work that they have to do and how it connects to the overall success of the team, they bring more energy and pride to their work. 

3. Improved productivity

Better communication techniques help employees to better comprehend their roles, which in turn helps employees perform their assigned duties better. Resources and time can be saved through these techniques, therefore getting more work done and reducing stress .

4. Reduced churn

From customer support representatives to senior technical staff, experience equals value to customers and to the company. And no organization wants to waste the huge costs of recruiting and training good employees by having them leave quickly. As a key factor in employee satisfaction and engagement, communication adds value to the organization by reducing the turnover of skilled and seasoned staff members. 

5. Greater loyalty

Longer-term, keeping employees for many years can add strength to the company and impact the bottom line. Many jobs require years of experience before an employee has sufficient expertise to drive innovation, solve critical problems , and lead others. How an employee feels toward the company — based on how they feel they are treated and valued as individuals — impacts how loyal they will be.

6. Better collaboration

Most companies today use technologies that don’t require team members to be in the same room, the same building, or even the same country. This shift presents new communication challenges, which means managers can facilitate collaboration by helping groups communicate effectively when using the latest technologies. 

7. Fewer workplace conflicts

Many conflicts originate with miscommunication . Poor communication can create negative relationships or even toxic or hostile work environments . Building clear communication can improve company culture and prevent misunderstandings between managers and employees . This includes honing and refining communication styles that focus on listening to others, having empathy, and considering individual differences. 

8. Greater motivation

Psychologists have found that unless people understand the “why” of a concept, they will be less likely to understand or remember it. The same goes for many aspects of people’s work lives. As a manager, one key communication skill is hearing the “why” and following up with a “because.” This approach will help you motivate employees .

coworkers meeting communicating and shaking hands in an office (1)

Now that you understand the importance of good communication at work, you need to know how to develop those skills. Remember: effective communication is about active listening — while it may seem counter-intuitive, a “listener-first” approach will often help you structure the delivery of your message. 

Here are 8 more tips for developing your communication skills .

1. Think it through

There are many communications frameworks, but if you want to improve your communication skills, start by getting in the habit of thinking through these 5 questions for any communication you create:

  • Why are you communicating?
  • Who is the receiver, audience, or participant? 
  • What is your goal or objective? 
  • What do you want the recipient to do as a result of the communication? 
  • What format will best accomplish your goal? 

If you struggle to answer these five questions, you should spend some additional time thinking about how and why you’re communicating. Then, test your understanding with co-workers or your manager.   

2. Give it time

Plan what you want to say and review your communication to make sure it’s actually doing the job you need it to. For written communications, especially, this means: revise, revise, revise. Remember, great communication might seem effortless, but it rarely is.

3. Make it easy

Workplace communication almost always has a larger goal. People are busy. Don’t make them work too hard to understand what you are saying and what you need them to do. State your objective and main point from the beginning of a presentation or written communication so that your audience knows where you’re going. Then fill in the details.

4. Simplify

While you don’t want to condescend or “dumb it down,” in everyday work communications, be mindful of not making the other party work too hard to understand. Find a clear, simple phrasing to encapsulate your point. Repeat it at the beginning, middle, and end, and consider using a simple visual or metaphor to make your point clear and memorable.

5. Experiment and diversify

Work on developing different tactics for different communication needs. Focus on experimenting with one aspect of your communication at a time. For example, spend a week paying extra attention to how you structure informal communications. Then spend a week trying different structures for formal meetings or updates.

6. Practice and reflect

Be deliberate about reflecting on what goes well and what doesn’t in your day-to-day communications. Maybe an email to your manager didn’t go well. Can you see how it might have been misinterpreted? What would you do differently next time? Similarly, if a conversation with a co-worker didn’t yield the expected results, try to identify whether you clearly communicated what you needed. 

7. Consider the full package

Consider recording yourself through a few interactions to gain insight into what your full package is communicating in your daily interactions with your team. Do you make eye contact? Is your facial expression relaxed and confident, or tense? How’s your body language? Do you leave time for questions and clarification? 

8. Seek feedback

Ask a few trusted co-workers and your manager to rate your communication skills. Start by asking them to rate (i.e., on a scale of 1-10) your written and spoken communication separately. Then ask these 3 questions: 

  • What one thing should I start doing to communicate better with you?
  • What one thing should I stop doing in my communications with you?
  • What one area or skill should I work on to improve how I communicate in this organization?

woman in yellow and headphones smiling on virtual call (1)

Communicating well is even more important for leaders and managers during remote work . Doing it well can help build trust and connection with your team and avoid some of the frustrations that come from miscommunication. 

Here are a few areas to consider to improve remote communication:

1. Clarify expectations 

State expectations upfront and repeat them at the end of a communication . Even better, ask the other person to restate their understanding of your expectations. 

2. Engage in 2-way flow 

Being remote can make it easier for employees to check out and disengage. Be deliberate and creative about giving others a role in communication. Ask questions, use polling and ranking tools, and solicit responses in the form of emojis, gifs, or one-word descriptors.   

3. Remember the power of in-person 

A lot can be misinterpreted in the flat space of text without additional cues like tone of voice and facial expression. Don’t default to communicating solely through text or chat. A well-crafted team Zoom call or in-person meeting can establish a better connection and shared understanding, giving others a chance to surface areas of misalignment.

4. Focus on quality 

People may feel protective of their time when working remotely, so make sure that live events are well-thought-out. Send agendas, meeting objectives, or background reading ahead of time to help people prepare to have productive conversations.

5. Create an informal space 

Assuming good intentions and a sharing culture are both foundational for effective day-to-day communication at work. That said, they’re hard to build and maintain without opportunities for casual interaction like happy hours or non-work Slack channels . 

6. Show you care 

You don’t have to spend a lot of time checking in with people and asking about their personal lives. But, now more than ever, it’s worth reminding yourself that the recipients of your communications are real people who have their own challenges, distractions, hopes, and fears. Before getting on a video call or firing off an email, try picturing that person on the other end.

Start communicating better today

Every year communication tops the list of skills in demand by employers. There's a reason. Communication is what makes our professional and personal relationships go smoothly. It's how we show care, catalyze change, and get things done. Business coaching for your team and yourself can help with this skill.

That's reason enough to improve — and keep improving — these important skills. Luckily, we can all learn to communicate better.

Boost your team's communication

Explore coaching techniques to enhance workplace dialogues and foster productivity.

Allaya Cooks-Campbell

With over 15 years of content experience, Allaya Cooks Campbell has written for outlets such as ScaryMommy, HRzone, and HuffPost. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and is a certified yoga instructor as well as a certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach. Allaya is passionate about whole-person wellness, yoga, and mental health.

7 Critical teamwork skills and how to develop them

How to handle gossip in the workplace and encourage communication, leverage love languages at work to improve your office culture, 10 essential workplace skills for success, foster strong communication skills to enjoy professional success, what is nonverbal communication 10 different types (with examples), improve your interpersonal communication skills with these 6 tips, team collaboration 101: learning the art of working together, 30 communication feedback examples, similar articles, 18 effective strategies to improve your communication skills, why workplace flexibility matters and 4 ways to offer it, what is asynchronous communication, 6 proven ways to create a culture of engagement, feedback in communication: 5 areas to become a better communicator, transparency in the workplace: what it is (and what to avoid), 8 types of internal communication (and 4 factors that matter most), stay connected with betterup, get our newsletter, event invites, plus product insights and research..

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  1. explain the importance of business communication for an organisation

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  2. draw your own model of communication and explain the model of

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  1. : Give the importance of good communication in the ...

    Case Studies: In its most basic definition, a case study is an opportunity to demonstrate the value of your services by providing a real-life example. Rather than you telling everyone that your content communication approach is a sure-fire way to help government engage with citizens (guilty), bring it to life through case studies. Explanation:

  2. How to communicate success through your research case studies

    Give a brief summary of the research results and what was achieved. Try and identify one statement or "killer fact" that illustrates the actual or potential impact and the importance of the research findings. Explain where the research was carried out and how the findings of the research have been communicated.

  3. Effective Communication: Case Study

    This video depicts the importance of communication to different demographic audience members. Making sure that your presentation is understood by all individuals is a valuable communication tool. Remember that no matter the audience, everyone should understand and enjoy the information you are presenting.

  4. What Is Effective Communication? Skills for Work, School, and Life

    Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose. When we communicate effectively, both the sender and receiver feel satisfied. Communication occurs in many forms, including verbal and non-verbal, written, visual, and ...

  5. Elaborate on the importance of effective communication to your study

    Additionally, effective communication abilities support the development of strong connections with coworkers, clients, and customers. On the other hand, poor communication can result in misunderstandings, errors, and decreased productivity, thus harming business relationships and impeding career advancement.

  6. Elaborate on the importance of effective communication to your study

    The importance of effective communication in your study is it helps in better understanding and building good relationships among students and teachers.. What is effective communication? Additionally, effective communication abilities support the development of strong connections with coworkers, clients, and customers.. On the other hand, poor communication can result in misunderstandings ...

  7. Give the importance of good communication in the academic ...

    Case study - Since case study involves observing history, and patterns of behavior of a subject, these also has to be communicated in formal and direct manner so readers will understand the condition of the subject under study. Read up other information on research at\ #BRAINLYEVERYDAY

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    1.An effective communication thesis statement contains your proposed argument and support for your claim. It lets the reader know and understand the point of your paper in one or two sentences. 2.Being able to communicate the relevance and impact of their ideas and discoveries can enhance scientists' ability to secure funding or find a job.

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  11. Why Communication Matters

    In communication, we develop, create, maintain, and alter our relationships. We communicate to work our way through family changes and challenges in verbal and non-verbal ways. Source: Image by ...

  12. Give the importance of good communication in the academic ...

    THESIS 2.RESEARCH 3. CASE STUDY - 7486841. answered Give the importance of good communication in the academic papers. 1. THESIS 2.RESEARCH 3. CASE STUDY See answer Advertisement Advertisement patactacan4 patactacan4 Answer: ... Get the Brainly App Download iOS App

  13. Important Communication Skills and How to Improve Them

    Everything from your facial expression to your tone of voice feeds into communication. In this article, we'll go over what communication skills at work look like and discuss ways you can improve your skills to become a more effective communicator. 4 types of communication. Your communication skills will fall under four categories of communication.

  14. Improving Communication in the Workplace: Tips & Techniques

    Communication, communication, communication. We all know it's important, but communication skills can be challenging to develop and implement at work. The rise of remote and hybrid work hasn't made it any easier, either. Yet, effective communication at work can be transformative for individuals, teams, and businesses.

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  16. Explain the importance of communication

    *Explain the importance of communicationfor organisation using Case study. Get the answers you need, now! omkarnakate7 omkarnakate7 03.05.2021 English Secondary School answered * Explain the importance of communication for organisation using Case study. See answer ...

  17. Give the importance of good communication in the following ...

    •THESIS-The importance of it is we will write here what we have learned from the whole journey of our shool/academic. •PAPERS RESEARCH-The importance of it is we will write here the summary of the informations that we've gathered on our researching. •CASE STUDIES-The importance of this we will write here the informations we've gathered from someone's case.

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    The Importance of Strong Communication Skills in Case Management: Clear and accurate information exchange among team members. Improved patient satisfaction through patient-centered communication. Effective use of technology and secure communication platforms for remote collaborations.

  19. Essay on the Importance of Communication

    Communication is vital in workplace. With effective communication, it will be so much easier to achieve our goals at work. Our workmates will be able to understand their parts in the team and if there are issues, they can also find a way to communicate it for resolution. Learn more about communication from this link: ...

  20. explan the importance of business communication for an ...

    Explan the importance of business communication for an organization using case study - 38319212. mitalmhatre202 mitalmhatre202 06.04.2021 English Secondary School answered Explan the importance of business communication for an organization using case study See answers ...

  21. discuss a situation where communication is important ...

    Final answer: Effective communication is crucial in various aspects of life, including team projects. In a situation where team members are in different locations, a combination of text communication and face-to-face conversation can be preferred. Communication strategies such as setting clear expectations, using shared platforms, active listening, and maintaining a positive tone can enhance ...

  22. Explain the importance of business communication for an ...

    The importance of business communication for an organization using a case study: Case studies are an important part of any marketing strategy.; They are used by businesses to demonstrate how their product or service has been successfully implemented by customers.; Case studies allow businesses to show how their product can be used rather than just talking about it.

  23. Explain the importance of Business communication for an ...

    Find an answer to your question Explain the importance of Business communication for an organization using case study. ... Advertisement ksalma457 ksalma457 Answer: According to the study, employees believe that a good business communication always help to increase the productivity of the organization to it's full potential and efficiency. Also ...