
10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest leader of his time and millions of people used to respect and follow him. He completely changed his attire and wore a simple loincloth, which, he thought, would let him connect to the Indian poor. He took an active part in the Indian Independence Movement and led India to the path of Independence through truth and righteousness.

Ten Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English

I have provided here 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, a few lines, and sentences on Mahatma Gandhi for my dear children and students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Just go through these lines to find the best one for you:

1) Mahatma Gandhi had born in a Hindu family on 2nd October 1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat.

2) His father Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi was Diwan of Porbandar.

3) Mahatma Gandhi married Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia in May 1883.

4) On 4th September 1888, he left for London for higher studies.

5) He was a civil right activist in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, fighting against color discrimination.

6) He returned to India in 1915 and joined the Indian National Congress.

7) Gandhi ji started the first movement against British rule, Champaran Satyagraha in 1917.

8) He launched the non-cooperation movement on 01 August 1920 after Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

9) He started Salt/Dandi March on 12th March 1930 and continued till 06th April 1930.

10) Nathuram Godse, a right-wing advocate of Hindu Nationalism, assassinated Gandhi on 30th January 1948 at Birla House, New Delhi.

10 Lines and Sentences on Mahatma Gandhi

1) Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of the Indian Independence Movement against British rule.

2) He inspired civil rights and freedom movements across the world.

3) The title “Mahatma” was given to him in South Africa in 1914.

4) In India, Mahatma Gandhi was fondly called Bapu and Gandhi Ji.

5) Mahatma Gandhi belonged to a merchant caste family from coastal Gujarat in India.

6) He returned to India in 1915 and started mobilizing farmers against excessive taxes.

7) He was imprisoned on several occasions for many years in South Africa and India.

8) Mahatma Gandhi wore simple yarn clothes woven with yarn hand-spun on a charkha.

9) He was strict a vegetarian and undertook fasts for protests and self-purification.

10) Mahatma Gandhi undertook his last fast on 12th January 1948 at the age of 78.

5 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi

1) Mahatma Gandhi was a great Indian freedom fighter.

2) He started many freedom movements in India.

3) He was a supporter of Ahinsa (non-violence).

4) He is also renowned as the “Father of the Nation”.

5) Today also, people follow his teachings and beliefs.

10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi

20 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi

1) He was a great follower of truth and non-violence and supported them throughout his life.

2) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, active politician, and freedom fighter.

3) The main campaign run by Gandhi Ji during freedom struggles are Champaran Satyagraha, Kheda Satyagraha, Non-cooperation Movement, Salt Satyagraha, etc.

4) Gandhi Ji pursued his degree in law from London University.

5) Mahatma Gandhi joined the Indian National Congress in 1920.

6) Despite being nominated 5 times, Gandhi Ji had never won the Nobel (Peace) Prize.

7) Gandhi Ji was the winner of the ‘ Time Magazine of the Year ’ award in 1930.

8) Gandhi Ji had died at Gandhi Smriti formerly known as Birla House.

9) India celebrates his birthday as the Gandhi Jayanti every year.

10) The Indian Government has declared 30 January as Martyrs’ Day.

11) Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest freedom fighter of India ever born.

12) His policy of non-violence made him an instant hit among the Indian masses.

13) The policy of non-violence gave people a way to fight for freedom without being subject to violence.

14) His simple living and high thinking made him fondly called Bapu.

15) Though he went to imprisonment several times, it couldn’t deter him from his freedom struggle.

16) Gandhi Ji’s last fast was to pressurize India for handing over cash assets to Pakistan.

17) Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia was 1-year older than Mahatma Gandhi.

18) Mahatma Gandhi had four sons – Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas, and Devdas.

19) Before leaving for Africa, Gandhi promised his mother that he would abstain from liquor and women.

20) His birthday on 2nd October is observed worldwide as the international day of non-violence.

Mahatma Gandhi had shown the path to millions towards independence and self-rule using policies of non-violence and civil disobedience. He was the greatest freedom fighter who proved to the world that the greatest of battles could be fought and won by applying peaceful methods. We all must take active participation in celebrating Gandhi Jayanti, commemorating the birth of India’s Greatest Leader and freedom fighter, and must remember his teachings and beliefs.

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Mahatma Gandhi Speech in English for Students, 10 and 20 lines

Published by team sy on september 27, 2023 september 27, 2023.

Mahatma Gandhi Speech in English: Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, continues to inspire generations with his words of wisdom and unwavering commitment to truth and nonviolence. His speeches, delivered in various settings and on diverse topics, have left an indelible mark on history. Whether you’re a student seeking concise insights or someone looking for profound messages, we’ve curated a collection of Mahatma Gandhi’s speeches in English that cater to all levels of understanding. From 10-line snippets to comprehensive 20-line compositions, we present to you the essence of Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings and principles in a format that’s easily accessible.

In this article, we provide you with insights into some of the sample speeches on Mahatma Gandhi , carefully tailored for different age groups, including LKG and UKG students. You can also find quick two-minute reads for those looking for a brief yet impactful dose of Gandhi’s wisdom.

Whether you’re a student preparing for a speech competition or someone seeking inspiration in Gandhi’s words, our collection of Mahatma Gandhi’s speeches in English, available in PDF format, aims to make his profound thoughts and ideals readily available to you. Let us embark on this journey through Gandhi’s speeches, which continue to resonate with people from all walks of life.

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Table of Contents

Speech on Mahatma Gandhi in English

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to speak about a man whose life and principles have left an indelible mark on the world. Mahatma Gandhi, often referred to as the “Father of the Nation” in India, was a leader, a visionary, and a champion of nonviolence.

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. He was a pioneer of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience, and his methods inspired movements for civil rights and freedom all over the world.

Gandhi was born in India in 1869. He studied law in England and then returned to India to practice law. But he soon became involved in politics and social activism.

Gandhi was deeply concerned about the plight of the poor and oppressed people of India. He saw that the British colonial government was exploiting the Indian people and denying them their basic rights.

Gandhi decided to fight for Indian independence using the methods of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience. He led a series of protests and campaigns against the British government.

One of Gandhi’s most famous campaigns was the Salt March. In 1930, Gandhi led a group of people on a 240-mile march to the sea to protest the British salt tax. The Salt March was a powerful symbol of the Indian people’s determination to achieve independence.

Gandhi’s methods of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience eventually succeeded in forcing the British to withdraw from India. India gained independence in 1947.

Gandhi was not only a fighter for Indian independence. He was also a champion of social justice and equality. He fought against discrimination based on caste, religion, and gender. He also worked to promote education and self-reliance among the Indian people.

Gandhi was assassinated in 1948 by a Hindu extremist. But his legacy continues to inspire people all over the world. He is remembered as a great leader who fought for peace, justice, and equality.

Attempt Gandhi Jayanti Quiz .

Mahatma Gandhi Speech in English 10 Lines

Mahatma Gandhi, a name synonymous with peace and nonviolence, has inspired generations across the globe. Here are ten key points about his remarkable life and legacy:

  • Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India.
  • He became a lawyer but later chose a path of nonviolent resistance.
  • Gandhi’s leadership in South Africa marked his early activism against racial discrimination.
  • He returned to India and led the nation’s struggle for independence from British rule.
  • The concept of “Satyagraha,” or truth force, became his guiding principle.
  • Gandhi believed in civil disobedience as a means to bring about social and political change.
  • His salt march in 1930 and hunger strikes were iconic acts of protest.
  • Gandhi’s insistence on nonviolence influenced other civil rights movements globally.
  • He was tragically assassinated on January 30, 1948, but his legacy endures.
  • Mahatma Gandhi’s principles of truth, nonviolence, and equality continue to inspire people in their quests for justice and peace worldwide.

Read Mahatma Gandhi Speech in Hindi

Mahatma Gandhi Speech in English for Students

Dear students,

Today, I am here to share the remarkable life and principles of Mahatma Gandhi, who is often lovingly called the “Father of the Nation” in India. Gandhi’s life offers valuable lessons that can inspire us all, especially students, to become better individuals and responsible citizens.

Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, a small coastal town in India. As a young boy, he was not exceptionally gifted, but his deep compassion and commitment to truth were evident from an early age.

Gandhi studied law in London and later practiced in South Africa, where he encountered racial discrimination. This experience transformed him into a staunch advocate for justice and equality. He developed the concept of “Satyagraha,” which means the power of truth and nonviolence. He believed that these principles could bring about positive change in the world.

Upon returning to India, Gandhi joined the struggle for India’s independence from British rule. His leadership was characterized by nonviolent resistance, civil disobedience, and unwavering commitment to justice. One of his most iconic acts was the salt march in 1930, where he led a 240-mile journey to protest the British salt monopoly.

Gandhi’s life teaches us the importance of perseverance, empathy, and the courage to stand up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. As students, you can draw inspiration from his unwavering commitment to education and self-improvement. He once said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world,” emphasizing personal responsibility.

Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy continues to influence social justice movements worldwide, promoting peace, equality, and harmony. As students, you have the opportunity to carry forward his ideals, making the world a better place for all.

In conclusion, Mahatma Gandhi’s life serves as a guiding light for students and individuals alike. Let us remember his teachings and strive to emulate his principles of truth, nonviolence, and social justice in our own lives. Thank you.

Mahatma Gandhi Speech in English for LKG Students

Hello, little friends!

Today, I want to tell you about a very special person named Mahatma Gandhi. He was a great man who lived in India a long time ago. People also called him “Bapu,” which means father, because he was like a father to the whole country.

Gandhi was born on October 2nd, 1869, in a place called Porbandar in India. When he was a little boy, he loved to be honest, kind, and help others. He believed in peace and always told the truth.

Gandhi studied very hard when he was a student, just like you. He even went to faraway places to learn more and become a lawyer. But do you know what was so special about him? He didn’t like fighting, and he always said that problems can be solved with love and understanding, not with fists.

One day, Gandhi decided to help his country become free from people who were not being fair. He wanted everyone in India to be treated equally, no matter where they came from or how they looked. So, he started telling people to be kind and peaceful, just like he was.

He did many things to show people that fighting was not the way to solve problems. One of the famous things he did was called the “salt march.” He walked a long, long way to show that everyone had the right to make their own salt and not be controlled by others.

Gandhi also believed that we should always help others and care for our friends and family. He wanted everyone to be happy and live together in peace.

So, little friends, remember Mahatma Gandhi as a kind and peaceful person who wanted the world to be a better place. You can be like him too by being good, telling the truth, and helping others. That’s how we can make the world a happier and peaceful place for everyone.

Thank you for listening!

Mahatma Gandhi Speech in English for UKG Students

Hello, my dear UKG friends!

Today, I want to share a wonderful story with you about a remarkable man named Mahatma Gandhi. He was not just any ordinary person; he was a great leader who helped make India a better place.

Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2nd, 1869, in a small town called Porbandar in India. He was a very special person because he believed in peace, truth, and kindness. People lovingly called him “Bapu,” which means father, because he cared for all the people of his country like a loving father.

As a little boy, Gandhi was just like you. He went to school, learned many things, and loved reading books. He believed that education was essential, and he wanted all children to go to school and learn.

But what made him truly special was his belief in non-violence. Non-violence means not hurting or fighting with anyone, even when things are tough. He showed the world that problems can be solved peacefully, without fighting.

Gandhi believed that everyone, no matter where they came from or how rich or poor they were, should be treated equally. He wanted India to be a free and fair country where everyone had the same rights.

One of the most famous things Gandhi did was the “salt march.” He walked for a long, long way to show that people should be allowed to make their own salt and not be controlled by others. This peaceful march inspired many people to join him in the fight for freedom.

Gandhi’s message to the world was simple: be kind, tell the truth, and always stand up for what is right. He wanted everyone to live in peace and harmony.

So, my dear friends, as you grow up, remember the great teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Be good, speak the truth, and treat everyone with love and respect. By doing this, you can make the world a better place, just like Bapu wanted.

Mahatma Gandhi speech in English 20 lines

Brothers and sisters,

Today, I speak to you about the importance of nonviolence and civil disobedience. These are the methods that I have used to fight for Indian independence, and they are the methods that I believe can bring about social change all over the world.

Nonviolence is not simply the absence of violence. It is a positive force for good. It is about showing love and compassion to your enemies. It is about standing up for what is right, even if it means facing persecution.

Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey unjust laws. It is a way to protest injustice and to demand change. It is a powerful tool for social change.

I know that nonviolence and civil disobedience are not easy. They require courage and sacrifice. But they are the only way to achieve true change.

I urge you to join me in the fight for a better world. Let us use the methods of nonviolence and civil disobedience to create a more just and equitable society.

Here are some specific examples of how nonviolence and civil disobedience have been used to achieve positive change:

  • The American civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s used nonviolence and civil disobedience to fight for racial equality.
  • The Solidarity movement in Poland in the 1980s used nonviolence and civil disobedience to overthrow the communist government.
  • The Arab Spring revolutions of 2011 used nonviolence and civil disobedience to demand democracy and freedom.

These are just a few examples of the many times that nonviolence and civil disobedience have been used to achieve positive change.

I believe that nonviolence and civil disobedience are the most powerful tools for social change that we have. They are the only way to create a more just and equitable world.

Mahatma Gandhi speech in English 2 minutes

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow citizens,

Today, I stand before you to speak about a man whose life and legacy have left an indelible mark on the pages of history. Mahatma Gandhi, a name that resonates with the principles of truth, non-violence, and freedom.

Born on October 2, 1869, in India, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi would go on to become one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. His journey was not just the story of one man but the saga of an entire nation’s struggle for independence.

Gandhi’s philosophy was simple yet profound—non-violence, or ‘Ahimsa,’ as he called it. He believed that it was possible to achieve social and political change through peaceful means. He led by example, emphasizing the importance of truth and integrity.

One of his most iconic endeavors was the Salt March of 1930. Gandhi and his followers embarked on a 240-mile journey to the Arabian Sea, protesting the British monopoly on salt production. This act of civil disobedience not only challenged the British rule but also united millions of Indians in their quest for freedom.

Gandhi’s famous quote, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world,” continues to inspire generations. It reminds us that real change begins within ourselves.

He was a staunch advocate of equality, irrespective of caste, creed, or religion. He fought against the deeply ingrained prejudices that plagued Indian society, envisioning a nation where every individual was treated with respect and dignity.

Gandhi’s life was a testament to simplicity and humility. He wore khadi, or handspun cloth, as a symbol of self-reliance and economic independence. His commitment to a minimalist lifestyle sent a powerful message about the importance of reducing materialism.

Tragically, on January 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by a fanatic, but his ideals lived on. His birthday, October 2nd, is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti, a day dedicated to promoting his principles of non-violence and truth.

In conclusion, Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy is a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration for all of humanity. His life teaches us that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, change is possible through unwavering determination and peaceful resistance. Let us remember and honor the Mahatma, who led India to freedom and showed the world the path of non-violence and truth. Thank you.

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20 Lines On Mahatma Gandhi

20 Lines On Mahatma Gandhi in English

20 Lines On Mahatma Gandhi -Whenever it comes to the independence of the country, the name of Gandhiji comes first in our mind. After the revolution of 1857, a new change took place in our long struggle for independence with the arrival of Gandhiji. Gandhiji made an unprecedented contribution to the country’s independence by following the path of non-violence. He was disappointed at the spread of communalism in the country and appealed to the people that we have to unite to attain freedom. Gandhiji was a great hero in the freedom of the country.

This is lines for Class 1 to 12th

20 Lines On Mahatma Gandhi

  • Gandhiji’s real name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
  • Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar district of Gujarat.
  • This day is known as World Non-Violence Day and Gandhi Jayanti.
  • His father Karamchand Gandhi was a Diwan.
  • His mother Putlibai had a lot of inclination towards religion.
  • He was married to Kasturba Gandhi only at the age of 13.
  • He completed his law studies from London.
  • Bapu has given 3 principles of life – Satya, Ahimsa, Brahmacharya.
  • He is also known as the Father of the Nation of our India.
  • He was a great political and social reformer.
  • Gandhiji has an important contribution in the independence of India.
  • Gandhiji was always against untouchability and other evils.
  • Bapu did many movements for the independence of the country.
  • Mahatma Gandhi was a major pillar of the freedom movement.
  • The first ‘Satyagraha Ashram’ built by Gandhiji is presently a national monument.
  • Gandhiji built his first ashram on the banks of the Sabarmati river to serve the people.
  • Champaran was the first movement of Gandhiji towards the independence of India.
  • Gandhiji was a person of very generous nature, he was always ready for the poor and farmers.
  • Champaran, Civil Disobedience, Non-Cooperation, and Salt Movement were important among the movements made by Gandhiji.
  • Gopal considered Krishna Gokhale as his political guru.

More About Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhiji should be engaged in the service of the people throughout his life. Despite advocating from London, he chose not to live a comfortable life abroad and fight for the Indians in Africa. After that he returned after seeing the situation in India. Gandhiji never left the path of non-violence and also appealed to the people to give up violence. Gandhiji was a true patriot. He also contributed to the independence of the country and also ended many evil practices spread in the society. He was eventually assassinated by a disciple of Gandhiji.

Q. What did Gandhiji’s mother keep regularly?

A.  Gandhi’s mother Putlibai was highly religious. His daily routine was divided into home and temple. She used to fast regularly and when someone in the family fell ill, she used to do service day and night in Sushrusha.

Q. What is Swaraj according to Gandhiji?

A.  Gandhi was of the opinion that Swaraj means such a system run by the people’s representatives which is according to the needs of the people and the aspirations of the people.

Q. Where did Satyagraha start?

A.  It was first initiated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1894 AD in South Africa.

C onclusion

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Live something as if you are going to die tomorrow, learn something that you are going to live forever”. The Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, while living life on these principles, fought many movements against the British Empire for the independence of India.

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Speeches and Writings of M. K. Gandhi

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an introduction by


and a biographical sketch




religious prophets as Confucius and Lao-tse, Buddha, Zoroaster and Mohammed, and, most truly of all, the Nazarene ! Out of Asia, at long intervals of time, have arisen these inspired witnesses of God. One "by one they have appeared to teach men by precept and example the law of life, and thereivith to save the race. To-day, in this our time, there comes another of this sacred line, the Mahatma of India. In all reverence and with due regard for historic fact, I match this man with Jesus Christ: — Rev. Dr. Holmes.


This is an exhaustive, comprehensive and thoroughly up-to-date edition of Mr. Gandhi's Speeches and Writings revised and considerably amplified, with the addition of a large number of articles from Young India' and Navajivan (rendered int English.) The-inclusion of these papers have almost doubled the size of the old edition and the present collection runs to about 1,000 pages of well-arranged matter ranging over the whole period of Mr. Gandhi's public life. It opens with a succinct biographical sketch of Mr. Gandhi bringing the account of his life down to the historic trial and sentence. The Volume begins with the Indian South African Question and covers his views on indentured labour and Indians in the Colonies, his jail experiences in South Africa, his pronouncements on the Khaira and Champaran affairs, his discourses on Rowlatt Bills and Satyagraha, and finally his Young India and Navajivan articles on the Non-Cooperation movement, including select papers on the Khilafat and Punjab wrongs, the Congress, Swadeshi, Boycott, Charka , National Education and Swaraj. The additional chapters are arranged under suitable headings and include his messages on the eve of and after the arrest, his statement before the court, the trial and judgment. ​ Then follows a symposium of appreciations from such diverse men as Tolstoy and Tagore, Prof. Gilbert Murray and Dr. Holmes of New York besides excerpts from the British and American press. The book which is bound in cloth and indexed contains portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Gandhi and three characteristic pictures of Mr. Gandhi taken at different periods of his life.

May , 1922 .


Introduction (p. 21 )

M. K. Gandhi: A Sketch (p. 27 )

South African Indian Question

Jail Experiences

Passive Resistance

The Champaran Enquiry

The Kaira Question

Earlier Indian Speeches

The Rowlatt Bills & Satyagraba


On the Eve of Arrest

After the Arrest

The Great Trial

Jail Life in India


Appendix II — Appreciations.

Related Books (p. 986 )

Index (p. 987 )

Related Books and Eminent Orientalists (p. 995 )


This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1929.

The longest-living author of this work died in 1948, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 75 years or less . This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works .

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For someone so admittedly shy in his childhood, Gandhi grew to become one of the greatest orators this world has ever seen. His ability to move people through his honestly, sincerity and passion served to inspire people the world over. Here you can find the transcripts to some of his most famous speeches.

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Mahatma Gandhi Speech in English for Students

Mahatma Gandhi Speech – It is indeed rare for someone to create as great an impact on a nation as Mahatma Gandhi did with India. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who has the honorific Mahatma added to his name, was an Indian lawyer, politician, and anti-colonial nationalist. Furthermore, Gandhi came forward with the highly successful nonviolent resistance against  British rule. Moreover, this man was inspired by several civil rights and freedom movements across the world.

Mahatma Gandhi Speech

Mahatma Gandhi came into this world on October 2, 1869. This great personality was born in an Indian Gujarati family. Law training of this man took place at the Inner Temple in London. The making of his greatness took place in South Africa.  It was here that Mahatma Gandhi spent a significant part of his life.

Furthermore, in South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi raised his family. Most noteworthy, it was here that Gandhi fought for civil rights by employing nonviolent resistance.

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Life-Changing Events

When Mahatma Gandhi came to South Africa, he had to deal with racial discrimination due to his skin color. Once while traveling on a stagecoach along with Europeans, he was asked to sit near the driver on the floor. Mahatma Gandhi came forward with his refusal as clearly this was a great humiliation for him. Consequently, Gandhi had to suffer beating because of his refusal.

In another incident, Mahatma Gandhi was forcefully made to quit a train at Pietermaritzburg in South Africa. This was due to his adamant refusal to quit the first-class. Consequently, he spent the entire night shivering in the train station. Such events of pure racial discrimination were certainly instrumental in shaping the ideology of this great man. Ultimately, Mahatma Gandhi began to question the standing of his people in the British Empire.

Struggle for Independence

Mahatma Gandhi came back to India in 1915. By this time, there was a significant escalation in the reputation of this man. Furthermore, Mahatma Gandhi became famous as a leading Indian nationalist. After his return, Gandhi became part of the Indian National Congress. In 1920, this man took leadership of the Congress.

As part of the freedom struggle, Mahatma Gandhi launched important movements like Champaran Satyagraha, Kheda Satyagraha, Khilafat, Non-Co-operation, Salt Satyagraha, Civil Disobedience, and Quit India. This shows the immense contribution of this man towards Indian independence.


Mahatma Gandhi was a huge advocate of nonviolence. In fact, we can safely say that he was the originator of the principle of nonviolence. Furthermore, he was the first person to apply this concept on such a massive political scale. This man always preached people regarding the importance of ahimsa or non-violence.

If you want to learn more about Gandhi’s ideas regarding nonviolence or ahimsa, then refer to his famous autobiography “The Story of My Experiments with Truth”.

One incidence which clearly shows Mahatma Gandhi’s staunch support for nonviolence was the Chauri-Chaura incident. In this incident, angry demonstrators attacked a police station and set fire to the police. Consequently, there was the death of twenty-two policemen. Most noteworthy, there was the halting of the ongoing successful non-co-operation movement by Gandhi due to this incident.

He took this decision to halt the non-co-operation movement because he was strictly against the violence of any kind. He was a staunch man who would never tolerate the tarnishing of his movement with any kind of violence.

Mahatma Gandhi was a man who gave his whole life to the nation. No doubt people refer to him as the father of the nation. His empathy for the poor, oppressed, and lower caste people is absolutely unparalleled. This great man continues to command respect not only in India but all over the world.

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  • Speech on Mahatma Gandhi for Teachers


The Father of the Nation - Mahatma Gandhi

One of the most famous leaders of the country and the one who helped India achieve Independence, Mahatma Gandhi, or the father of our nation. His life could be considered as an open book that teaches everyone many values.

Mahatma Gandhi has been a forever renowned leader of our nation known for his contributions and sacrifices to gain freedom. He believed in simplicity and had a simple attire with the vision to achieve big goals in life. The path chosen by him has led to the betterment of the entire nation. His significant teachings give us life lessons. The greatness of Mahatma Gandhi is difficult to express in a few words. We'll try and remember a few of his excellent deeds to cherish the golden times. 

Below 2 speeches on Mahatma Gandhi are given, a long speech in English for students of 600 words and a short speech on Mahatma Gandhi of 300 words. These speeches on Mahatma Gandhi will help students to understand his life and the struggle with which he helped to achieve Independence in our country. 

The entire life of Mahatma Gandhi is a source of inspiration for everybody out there. From being an introverted child to becoming a national hero and the reason we are living freely, who wouldn’t want to know more about his amazing journey? Listening to the story of the great leader never fails to arouse a sense of patriotism in our hearts. The speeches that follow will inform us about Mahatma Gandhi's contributions to our country.

Elaborated Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

'Good morning, everyone!', it’s with great pride and honour that I want to say a few words about the father of our nation Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. 

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat , was the son of Porbandar's chief minister, Karamchand Gandhi, and his mother was Putlibai. He grew up in a deeply religious family, where he learned about self-discipline and non-violence from a young age . Mahatma Gandhi’s mother, Putilbai, taught him several important virtues of life, which Mahatma Gandhi followed with his whole heart. This is the reason he is said to be a man of great values.

At the age of 19, Gandhi left his home to study law in London. Time passed and in 1891 he started his law practice in Bombay court. As he found success, he was approached to represent an Indian firm in South Africa. 

With his wife Kasturbai and his children, he lived in South Africa for almost 20 years. 

So you may be thinking- what resulted in him fighting for the independence of the country?

So here we begin the lessons we get to learn from his actions- ‘We shape our destiny by making our own decisions.’ Every decision has a backstory, and so made his decision to fight for the country.

When Mahatma Gandhi lived in South Africa, he experienced a lot of unfair treatment because he was Indian. One time, while he was traveling on a train, a white conductor beat him and forced him out of the first-class section because he didn't want to give up his seat to a European passenger.

This event is seen as a moment that made Gandhi think about how Indians were treated in society, and it had a big impact on his life . That day Gandhiji decided to bring in a good change for the betterment of the people, and the enthusiastic leader never backed off. He could not tolerate the indiscrimination and the biased behaviour. 

He realised that a lot of other brown people like him also go through the same harassment. So he decided to fight instead of ignoring the situation. This shows his courage and intolerance to incorrect actions. No other man would choose to stay in a country where he gets humiliated, but Gandhi was firm in his opinion to face and fight against injustice. He decided to stay back in South Africa and rescue the people facing these kinds of issues.

At first, Gandhi began teaching people about truth and firmness, which he called satyagraha. He thought that peaceful resistance was the only way to fight against violence, discrimination, and injustice. He believed that freedom could only be attained through nonviolent resistance . 

In July 1914, after spending almost 20 years in South Africa, Gandhi returned to India. In 1919, Gandhi launched an organized campaign of passive resistance against the Rowlatt Act. He had to withdraw his campaign against the Rowlatt act after witnessing the massacre done by 400 British-led Indian soldiers. And by 1919, he was the most visible leader in the movement for Indian Independence. His decision to stay back in South Africa changed the destiny of our nation. Not one of the many brave efforts he took for our nation went in vain. 

After many peaceful protests and efforts to gain freedom from British rule, India was granted independence in 1947, but it was divided into two countries: India and Pakistan. Gandhi didn't like this division but believed it might bring peace between Hindus and Muslims. He always tried to find the positive side of things, which is why he's called the father of our nation.

On January 30, 1948, while coming back from an evening prayer in New Delhi, Mahatma Gandhi was shot and killed by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu extremist. Godse was angry because Gandhi opposed the partition and was trying to stop it. The following day, millions of people grieved, and Gandhi was cremated on the banks of the sacred Yamuna river.

You all might wonder why many leaders gave their lives for our country, but what makes Mahatma Gandhi so special? His leadership qualities, noteworthy principles, unending dedication to attain freedom, mindset, and more make the man the father of the entire nation. The amount of respect Gandhi gained has no limits. We, as Indians, have our hearts filled with major respect for the great man and the people living in foreign countries.

To conclude this speech I wanna say that Mahatma Gandhi's life is an open book through which many things could be learned. His passive resistance approach to solving life and the way he was always in a state of self-discipline, if implemented by everyone, could lead to success. He loved each one of us. He kept many fasts as there were riots due to partition in 1947 and he tried his best to stop it but in the end, he was shot dead by a lunatic. It is very sad to see that to this day people are fighting in the country in the name of religion. If we love and respect him, and all the freedom fighters who fought to achieve independence in our country, we should be Indians first and stop violence in the name of religion. 

Short Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Good morning, everyone!

Today, we gather to pay homage to the revered Mahatma Gandhi, the architect of our nation's freedom and a man whose ideals resonate deeply within our hearts.

Mahatma Gandhi was the son of Porbandar's chief minister, Karamchand Gandhi, and Putlibai was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat. Growing up in a profoundly religious environment, Gandhi imbibed the values of self-discipline and nonviolence, lessons instilled in him by his mother.

At the age of 19, Gandhi ventured to London to study law. Later, in 1891, he was tasked with representing an Indian firm in South Africa. Accompanied by his wife, Kasturbai, and their children, he spent nearly two decades in South Africa. During his time there, he confronted harsh discrimination, notably exemplified when he was expelled from a train for refusing to give up his first-class seat to a European passenger. This incident profoundly impacted Gandhi, leading him to realize the injustices faced by Indians under British rule. Gandhi chose to stay in South Africa, dedicating himself to the struggle against such oppression.

Gandhi introduced nonviolent methods to combat this humiliation. Through various movements, including mass fasting, he showcased to the world that justice could be attained without resorting to violence. Although he is no longer with us, his enduring principles guide us, offering invaluable lessons to navigate life's challenges.

In 1947, the British granted independence to India but divided it into two parts: India and Pakistan, a decision that Gandhi opposed. Unfortunately, on January 30, 1948, while returning from an evening prayer in New Delhi, Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu extremist. Godse was angry because Gandhi was against the partition and was working to prevent it. The following day, millions of people grieved his loss, and his funeral took place on the banks of the sacred Yamuna River.

I want to conclude by saying that Mahatma Gandhi's life serves as a valuable lesson on how to navigate life with the principles of non-violence, honesty, and consistency. These principles are powerful tools to overcome any challenges life throws at us. He dedicated his life to improving our country, and he made the ultimate sacrifice for it. Thank you for listening.  

10 Lines on Speech on Mahatma Gandhi in English

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat, was the son of Porbandar's Chief Minister, Karamchand Gandhi, and his mother was Putlibai. 

At 19, he left for London to study law, and in 1891, he was asked to represent an Indian company in South Africa. Along with his wife, Kasturbai, and children, Gandhi lived in South Africa for nearly two decades.

During a train journey, Gandhi faced discrimination when he was beaten and thrown out of a first-class compartment by a white conductor for not giving up his seat to a European passenger. 

This incident marked a turning point in Gandhi's life, leading him to stay in South Africa and fight against injustice. 

He began teaching the principles of truth and firmness, known as satyagraha, advocating passive resistance as the way to combat violence and discrimination.

In July 1914, after almost 20 years in South Africa, Gandhi returned to India and in 1919, initiated an organized campaign of passive resistance against the Rowlatt Act. 

In 1947, India gained independence from British rule but was partitioned into India and Pakistan, a decision Gandhi initially opposed. 

However, he eventually agreed, hoping it would bring peace between Hindus and Muslims.

On January 30, 1948, while returning from an evening prayer in New Delhi, Gandhi was tragically assassinated by Nathuram Godse. 

His life's journey signifies his unwavering dedication to our country, as he lived and ultimately sacrificed his life for India.


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As the Indian subcontinent moved towards freedom, it was engulfed by unprecedented violence. Gandhiji prayer speeches became the medium through which he appealed for calm and sanity. These prayer speeches were recorded by the All India Radio and relayed across the subcontinent. A collection is presented here.

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Post Prayer Speech by Mahatma Gandhi on 11-05-1947 at Sodepur (Part - 1)

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mahatma gandhi speech in english 20 lines

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10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English [2024] – EnglishAspirants

10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English: In this article, you are going to read 5 sets of 10 lines and 1 set of 5 lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English. These 10 lines will be helpful for kids as well as students of all classes (nursery, LKG, UKG, classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12). So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

10 lines on Mahatma Gandhi: Set 1

1. Mahatma Gandhi was a  great freedom fighter and social activist.

2. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

3. He was born on 2nd October 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat.

4. His parents were Karamchand Gandhi and Putlibai.

5. At the age of thirteen, he was married to Kasturba Gandhi.

6. Gandhiji taught us the principles of Truth and Non-violence.

7. He led many movements like Non-cooperation movement, Dandi March, Quit India Movement, etc.

8. Due to his efforts India got independence from British rule in 1947.

9. He is called the ‘Father of the Nation’.

10. His birthday is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti throughout India.

10 lines on Mahatma Gandhi

Also Read: Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English 10 lines: Set 2

1. Mahatma Gandhi was a great Indian leader and freedom fighter.

2. He was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar, India.

3. His father was Karamchand Gandhi and his mother was Putlibai.

4. Gandhiji is the symbol of love, peace, honesty and truth.

5. He sacrificed his life for the sake of our freedom. 

6. He used tools like satyagraha and non-violence to achieve his goal. 

7. He led a simple and disciplined life.

8. People call him the ‘Father of the Nation’ for his contributions.

9. We celebrate his birthday as Gandhi Jayanti in India.

10. Gandhiji’s principles and dedication will continue to inspire the country.

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English 10 lines

Mahatma Gandhi 10 lines: Set 3 

1. Mahatma Gandhi played a great and unforgettable role in the Indian freedom struggle.

2. He was a peace-loving person and avoided any kind of violence.

3. His ideals were Satya (truth) and Ahimsa (non-violence).

4. He led the historic Dandi March to break the salt law.

5. He started the Quit India Movement in 1942 to end the British rule.

6. He struggled hard to overcome poverty and untouchability.

7. He tried to bring Hindus and Muslims together.

8. He was referred to as ‘Mahatma’ for his glorious works and achievements.

10. The birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti across India.

10. Gandhiji’s principles and ideologies will continue to inspire us in the future.

Mahatma Gandhi 10 lines

Also Read: Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English

10 Lines About Mahatma Gandhi: Set 4

1. Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader of the Indian freedom struggle.

2. He went to England to become a barrister. After that, he went to South Africa to practice law.

3. He used the ideals of truth and non-violence as his weapons in India’s freedom struggle.

4. Through movements like Non-cooperation Movent, Civil Disobedience Movement and Quit India Movement he fought for Indian freedom.

5. During Quit India Movement Mahatma Gandhi gave a ‘do or die’ call to the people of India and forced the British to leave India.

6. Gandhiji introduced the idea of Sarvodaya, which means ‘Universal Uplift’ or ‘Progress of All’.

7. He worked for the unity of the nation and removed untouchability.

8. Gandhiji wrote his autobiography titled ‘My experiments with Truth’ which covers his life up to 1920.

9. People lovingly called him ‘Bapu’ and the ‘Father of the Nation’.

10. Unfortunately, he was assassinated by Nathuram Godse on 30 January 1948.

Few Lines about Mahatma Gandhi: Set 5

1. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a political and spiritual leader of India who led the country in the non-cooperation movement, Salt Satyagraha and Quit India movement.

2. He was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar, a town in Gujarat.

3. He was the youngest child of his parents, Karamchand Gandhi and Putlibai.

4. After passing matriculation, he went to England for further studies. Then he went to South Africa and started practising law.

5. Gandhiji returned to India in 1915 and became the leader of the Indian freedom struggle.

6. He adopted the principle of Truth and non-violence as weapons against British Rule in India.

7. He worked upliftment of Harijans. He founded Harijan Sevak Sangh to eradicate untouchability in India.

8. Greatly was greatly influenced by the writings of Leo Tolstoy, John Ruskin, etc.

9. For his contribution to Indian freedom, we all honour him by calling him the ‘Father of the Nation’ and ‘Bapu’.

10. Hind Swaraj, My Experiments with Truth, etc. are famous books written by Mahatma Gandhi.

Also Read: 10 Lines on Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

5 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English

1. Mahatma Gandhi was a great Indian leader and social reformer.

2. He was born on 2nd October 1869 at Porbandar, Gujarat.

3. He fought very hard against the British for our freedom.

4. His main principles were Truth and Non-Violence.

5. He dedicated all his life to the service of our nation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. what are the books written by mahatma gandhi.

The famous books of Gandhi are Hind Swaraj, Conquest of Self, My Experiments with Truth (An Autobiography), etc.

Q2. What are the famous movements led by Mahatma Gandhi?

Famous movements of Gandhiji –  Champaran Satyagraha (1917), Khilafat Movement (1919), Civil Disobedience Movement (1930), Quit India Movement (1942).

Q3. Who was Gandhiji’s political Guru?

Gopal Krishna Gokhle was Gandhiji’s political guru.

Q4. How did Mahatma Gandhi Die?

Gandhi was shot by the Hindu fanatic Nathuram Godse on 30 January 1948.

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Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Been assigned to write a speech on Mahatma Gandhi? Don’t really know what details to add in your speech? Here are a few examples to help you write a good one.

Mahatma Gandhi Speech in English for Students

Short speech on mahatma gandhi, faqs on mahatma gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the national leaders who fought for the Indian Independence. In fact, he was the one who led the successful campaign for India’s Independence from British rule. Gandhi was a student of law, but he gave up his profession and chose to fight for his nation. According to him, “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” He followed non-violence and believed that violence was not the answer to everything.

He said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”, and that is exactly what he did with his life. He was the change. He did what was necessary for the freedom of his fellow citizens and cared the least about his own life. He spearheaded numerous movements that led to his arrest and a lot of other life threatening situations.

Gandhi was called ‘Mahatma’ for a reason. He was a great soul in the eyes of his fellow Indians. His continuous efforts and perseverance are what brought all the leaders and people together to stand against the British. He made everyone believe that, together, they could win their country back.

There are many people we look up to as role models. Mahatma Gandhi can for sure be on that list as one of the greatest leaders in history. To be a leader like him is what one should aspire to be. To stand in front, take the first hit and live an exemplary life paving the way for future leaders to be.

“My life is my message”, said Mahatma Gandhi. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, was a lawyer, social activist, politician and writer. He became the head of the nationalist movement for Indian Independence. It is for his unassuming acts that he has been hailed as the Father of the Nation. It is to honour him that we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti on the 2 nd of October every year, which is also declared as a national holiday.

He played a very prominent role in India’s freedom struggle. Movements like the Dandi March, the Quit India Movement, the Non-Cooperation Movement, etc., were carried out under his leadership. Anyone who knows how life was in the pre-independent India would never fail to appreciate the kind of work Mahatma Gandhi has done for the country. Today is just another day to remind each of us how grateful we should be and the kind of life we should aspire to lead. Let us all try our best to start living our lives in a much more meaningful way, one day at a time. Let us also inspire the younger generation to work hard for the progress of our country, for the future of our country is in our hands.

What are Mahatma Gandhi’s famous lines?

Here are a few famous quotes of Gandhi. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

What is Gandhi’s most popular work?

‘The Story of My Experiments with Truth’ is the most notable work of Mahatma Gandhi. This is an autobiography detailing his life and his experiences.

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10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi for Students and Children in English

September 29, 2023 by Prasanna

10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English: Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most recognizable personalities of the 20th century, he was born in 1869. His father was a government official. At the age of 18, Gandhiji was sent to London to study where he was qualified for the barrister. Gandhi was the founder of the Indian Congress in the Natal region of South Africa. In the time magazine, he was named as the man of the year in 1930. He was named ‘Mahatma’ which means great soul after his death. In 1948, 30th January Gandhiji was shot thrice and was killed by the Hindu extremist. He is still an inspirational figure for millions of people. Read on to find more about few lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English and Some Lines about Mahatma Gandhi.

You can read more  10 Lines  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. 10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

  • He was born on 2 October in a Hindi family at Porbandar in Gujrat.
  • His father was the Diwan of Porbandar in Gujrat.
  • He was married in May with a lady named Kasturba Makhangi Kapadia.
  • He left for higher studies in London on 4trh September 1888.
  • He fights against color discrimination and become a civil rights activist in South Africa from 1893.
  • He was the founder of the Indian national congress in 1915.
  • He started his first movement against British rule in 1917.
  • He also launched the non-cooperation movement on 1 august 1920.
  • He started the salt march on 12 marches in 1930.
  • He was considered as the right-wing advocate of Hindi nationalism.

10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi for School Students

Set 2 – 10 Lines About Mahatma Gandhi for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8. Few Lines About Mahatma Gandhi in English are as follows:

  • Mahatma Gandhi was the pioneer of the Indian Independence Movement contrary to British standards.
  • He enlivened social liberties and opportunity developments over the world.
  • The title “Mahatma” was given to him in South Africa in 1914.
  • In India, Mahatma Gandhi was affectionately called ‘Bapu’ and ‘Gandhiji’.
  • Mahatma Gandhi had a place with a shipper standing family from waterfront Gujarat in India.
  • He came back to India in 1915 and began assembling ranchers against unreasonable expenses.
  • He was detained on a few events for a long time in South Africa and India.
  • Mahatma Gandhi wore straightforward yarn dresses woven with yarn hand-spun on a charkha.
  • He was severe a vegan and embraced fasts for fights and self-sanitization.
  • Mahatma Gandhi attempted his keep going quickly on twelfth January 1948 at 78 years old.

Get a Paragraph on Mahatma Gandhi from here.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  • Mahatma Gandhi was the best political dissident of India at any point conceived.
  • His strategy of peacefulness made him a moment hit among the Indian masses.
  • The strategy of peacefulness gave individuals an approach to battle for opportunity without being dependent upon savagery.
  • His basic living and high reasoning made him affectionately called as Bapu.
  • Though he went for detainment for a few times, it couldn’t dissuade him from his opportunity battle.
  • Gandhi Ji’s last quick was to pressurize India for giving over money advantage for Pakistan.
  • Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia was 1-year more established than Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Mahatma Gandhi had four children – Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas, and Devdas.
  • Before leaving for Africa, Gandhi guaranteed his mom that he would keep away from alcohol and ladies.
  • His birthday on second October is watched worldwide as the global day of peacefulness.

10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi

Question 1. Is Mahatma Gandhi considered to be the father of the nation?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhiji is venerated in India as the Father of the Nation. Much before the Constitution of Free India gave the title of the Father of the Nation upon the Mahatma, it was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose who first tended to him as such in quite a while sympathy message to the Mahatma on the death of Kasturba.

Question 2. Was Gandhi a Saint?

Answer: One of the most well-known and most hazardous fantasies about Gandhi is that he was a holy person. The name – or rather, the title – Mahatma itself signifies “Extraordinary Soul.”

Question 3. What did Mahatma Gandhi do to Bhagat Singh?

Answer: Gandhi’s inability to make sure about the recompense of Bhagat Singh’s execution has given his faultfinders an advantageous weapon to assault him. He has been blamed for putting forth pitiful attempt and even double-dealing – for the supposed disparity between his real job and his open proclamations.

Question 4. Why Was Gandhi Never Awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize?

Answer: Gandhi was different from before laureates. He was no genuine lawmaker or defender of global law, not essentially a helpful alleviation laborer and not a coordinator of worldwide harmony congresses. He would have had a place with another type of laureates.

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10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English

10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 Lines

Are you also looking for a “ 10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English ”? If yes, then you have fallen on the world’s best website essayduniya.com. If you are searching for 10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English, 10 lines on Mahatma Gandhi for class 3rd, 50 lines about Mahatma Gandhi, 5 lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English for Class 2, 20 lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English, 15 lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English, Few lines on Mahatma Gandhi for Class 1, Mahatma Gandhi Essay for Kids then your wait ends here.

5 lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English for Class 1, 2, 3

  • Indian leader and freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi was a legend.
  • He was born in Porbandar, India, on October 2, 1869.
  • Putlibai was his mother and Karamchand Gandhi was his father.
  • Gandhiji is a representation of love, peace, honesty, and truth.
  • He gave his life in order to preserve our right to freedom. 
महात्मा गाँधी पर शानदार भाषण महात्मा गांधी पर 10 लाइन निबंध महात्मा गांधी पर निबंध Mahatma Gandhi Speech in English Lal Bahadur Shastri Speech in English

10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English

  • Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was his full name.
  • The name of his father was Karamchand Gandhi.
  • Putlibai was the name of his mother.
  • Kasturba was the name of his wife.
  • Father of the Nation is another name for Gandhi Ji.
  • He was a devoted supporter of non-violence and peace.
  • In 1930, he began the Dandi March.
  • He was India’s genuine freedom fighter.
  • He was assassinated on January 30, 1948, by Nathuram Godse.
  • Gandhi was born on October 2nd, 1869.

10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English

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15 lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English

  • Mahatma Gandhi was an outstanding social activist and freedom fighter.
  • Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand was his full name.
  • He was born in Porbandar, Gujarat, on October 2nd, 1869.
  • Putlibai and Karamchand Gandhi were his parents.
  • He married Kasturba Gandhi when he was thirteen years old.
  • Gandhiji instilled in us the values of honesty and nonviolence.
  • He was the leader of a number of movements, including the Dandi March, the Quit India Movement, and others.
  • India’s 1947 independence from British rule was a result of his efforts.
  • People refer to him as the “Father of the Nation.”
  • In India, his birthday is observed as Gandhi Jayanti.
  • To accomplish his objective, he employed methods like satyagraha and non-violence. 
  •  He lived a straightforward, orderly life.
  • Because of his contributions, he is referred to as the “Father of the Nation.”
  •  In India, we commemorate his birthday as Gandhi Jayanti.
  • Gandhiji’s values and commitment will keep the nation motivated.

20 lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English

  • He was born on October 2 in Porbandar, Gujarat, to a Hindi family.
  • In Gujrat, his father served as the Diwan of Porbandar.
  • Kasturba Makhangi Kapadia, a woman, and he were married in May.
  • On September 4, 1888, he departed for London to pursue further education.
  • He campaigns against racial prejudice and starts out as a civil rights activist in South Africa in 1893.
  • In 1915, he served as the organization’s founder.
  • In 1917, he launched his first campaign against British rule.
  • On August 1, 1920, he also started the anti-cooperation movement.
  • In 1930, he began the Salt March on Twelve Marches.
  • He was regarded as a right-wing nationalist in Hindi.
  • The greatest Indian political dissident ever imagined was Mahatma Gandhi.
  • His display of calmness made him a popular figure among the Indian populace at the time.
  • People were given a way to compete for opportunities without resorting to violence thanks to the peacefulness strategy.
  • He was lovingly referred to as Bapu because of his simple lifestyle and sharp reasoning.
  • Even though he tried detainment for a while, he persisted in his opportunity battle.
  • Gandhi Ji’s final act was to put pressure on India to grant Pakistan a financial advantage.
  • Mahatma Gandhi was one year older than Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia.
  • Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas, and Devdas were the names of Mahatma Gandhi’s four children.
  • Gandhi promised his mother he wouldn’t drink or date before embarking on his journey to Africa.
  • The second of October, the day of his birthday, is observed as the International Day of Peace.

50 Lines About Mahatma Gandhi

  • His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
  • “Father of the Nation” is another title given to Gandhi Ji.
  • In 1883, when Gandhi was only 15 years old, he married Kasturba.
  • He earned a law degree from the University of London and practised law.
  • He is also referred to as Bapu of the nation. 
  • He founded numerous significant movements, including the civil rights movement, the Quit India movement, the Dandi March, and many others.
  • Gandhi Jayanti is a holiday that honors his birthday.
  • Mahatma Gandhi favored high ideals and modest living.
  • Gandhi Ji’s life serves as an example to us all.
  • He sparked advancements in social liberties and opportunities all over the world.
  • In South Africa, he was given the title “Mahatma” in 1914.
  • Mahatma Gandhi lived with a shipper-standing family from Gujarat, an Indian state along the coast.
  • In 1915, he returned to India.
  • He was held in South Africa and India for a protracted period of time on a few occasions.
  • Mahatma Gandhi wore simple yarn dresses made from yarn that was spun by hand on a charkha.
  • He practised strict veganism and believed in fasts for self-purification and fighting.
  • At the age of 78, Mahatma Gandhi made an attempt to keep moving quickly on January 12, 1948.
  • He was regarded as the right-wing nationalist in Hindi.
  • Mahatma Gandhi demonstrated to the entire world that conflict can be resolved amicably. 
  • India’s independence was a result of his nonviolent protests and nonviolent strategy.
  • Gandhi Ji was a true believer of God. 
  • Mahatma Gandhi’s death anniversary is observed as Martyrs’ Day in the nation.
  • Gandhi Ji is still regarded as the most important person to have ever lived.
  •  Many people find inspiration in him. 
  • People uphold his morals and refer to him as Bapu.
  • He was regarded as a follower of Ahimsa, or non-violence. 
  • He offered three guidelines for leading a better life: do good, hear good, and speak good. 
  • The purpose of the salt law was to levy a significant tax on the sale and use of salt.
  • Gandhi Ji began the Dandi march on March 12, 1930, and it lasted until April 6, 1930, in opposition to this law.
  • To challenge British rule, Gandhi Ji founded the Non-Cooperation movement. 
  • He was an honest person who encouraged Indians to be straightforward and self-reliant. 
  • He urged Indians to produce their own swadeshi goods instead of buying anything imported. 
  • He was adored and revered by members of all groups.
  • Gandhi was a man of unwavering convictions and a fierce freedom fighter. 
  • He had been imprisoned by the British several times during his fight for freedom, where he had to put up with terrible conditions. 
  • Together with the sacrifices made by every freedom fighter, Gandhi ji’s efforts were successful, and India attained independence. 
  •  He will carry on motivating people all over the world to create a more just and better world for future generations.

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    He offered three guidelines for leading a better life: do good, hear good, and speak good. The purpose of the salt law was to levy a significant tax on the sale and use of salt. Gandhi Ji began the Dandi march on March 12, 1930, and it lasted until April 6, 1930, in opposition to this law.

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