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music saved my life essay

Personal Stories

How music saved my life.

By Kathryn Rose Wood

music saved my life essay

Despite these feelings, I “held it together well” according to my closest companions—a statement meant to be complimentary. I continued being productive, active in my work and creative communities, attempting to maintain lively social relationships. The more I did this, the more I felt a sense of pride for pushing through. And maybe, most importantly, the more I could ignore the chaos of my piercing, traumatic emotions.

A few months after Preston’s death, I flew home to be with family and share a sacred space of grief that only we could understand. Sitting on the plane heading homeward, I felt overwhelming relief. On the flight, I was anonymous, unknown. I could cry as much as I needed without fielding conversation about Preston, my family or myself, not ever having to answer the fateful question: “Are you okay?”

And as much as this experience offered relief, it was also the first time I realized something within me was very, very wrong. The dam wouldn’t hold much longer; unbeknownst to my conscious self, I was breaking.

I’d been working as a music therapist for several years when Preston passed away. I’d seen my clients use music to help them process traumatic events—it brought control to how memories and triggers affected them. I saw how music created healthy communication techniques where there weren’t any. Considering my music therapy experiences, I decided to write music as an expressive outlet for my grief and feelings of post-traumatic stress disorder and suicidal depression.

Writing my song, “Big Steel Wings,” was the first time I admitted on paper to the universe that I was drowning. That whatever sense of safety and control I had over my body, my emotions, my mind was failing quickly, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to get better. I turned to songwriting to navigate the murky, deep waters of my depression and grief, where there was no such thing as a “wrong” lyric or chord combination. When all I felt was numb, rhythms and chords helped me feel something again. When words weren’t working, I could sing.

Just listening to music or experiencing it live has helped me through some of my greatest struggles in life—but this time, I am certain music saved my life. Because when I finally admitted to myself that I wasn’t okay, writing music gave me the confidence that someone, somewhere, felt exactly as I did. That it was okay to not be okay, but it was also important to search for ways to bring light to my darkness.

Shortly after writing “ Big Steel Wings ,” I began to seek help from sources outside of myself. It was writing that song that made me realize I couldn’t “fix” myself alone. I sought out therapy, grief support, spiritual counseling and healthy peer systems. I threw myself into the abundant music community I came up with in New Orleans and forced myself to start playing live again, after a too-long hiatus.

As cathartic as music was for me to write, I wanted to ensure I was sharing my songs with others for their healing. If music could help me feel a little hope and a little less pain, maybe it could do the same for others. That is the power of music, isn’t it?

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Personal Narrative Essay: How Music Changed My Life

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📌Words: 930
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 20 March 2022

Everyone has a passion for something, whether it be sports or public speaking. Well, for me, that passion is music. I have always loved music, and that love has increased more and more over the years. From being in music classes for most of my high school career, I have felt a lot of love and support from my friends and teachers. When I had realized the family bond there is in musical groups, I never wanted to leave. As I was often in either band or choir, I would often see the joy of my teachers when things went according to plan and when we played or sang something amazing. One piece in particular comes to mind. While in my junior year of high school, I was in the chamber choir. My choir director had introduced us to a Christmas piece called “Go, and Tell It on The Mountain.” This arrangement of the song was a very jazzy version of the original piece. After several days of practicing in class, my director stopped us and asked us if we had thought about the words and what they meant. This really took me back, as I had never really been asked such a question before. This experience let me gain more gratitude for the words we were singing, and it helped me to be more expressive and have a love for the music. By the end of singing this piece at our concert, my friends and I were tearing up at the message of joy that the song gave to the audience. I want to help students realize the joy of music and the way that it can touch the souls of the people who listen to them. I want them to feel that they can be united as a family of musicians, that, no matter what part they sing or play, each one of them matters and contributes to the ensemble. I also want them to feel how blessed they are for being able to create music with the talents that they have.

I have felt deep emotions when singing in choir in high school, but nothing has compared to having the privilege to sing in the Brigham Young University Men’s Chorus. Several times I have felt overwhelming joy or deep sadness from singing songs in that choir. For instance, one of the first songs we sang was an arrangement of “How Great Thou Art.” In that song it spoke about the wonderful creation of the earth, the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us, and the power of the Atonement in our lives. Every time we sang that in class, I nearly wept with immense sadness and deep joy at what we were singing about. Countless times our director, Rosalind Hall, would also be in tears because she could feel the joy of music radiating from those men who sang the truth of Jesus’ Creations and His Atonement. From this experience, I have felt the power that music has in our lives and the way that it can change people.

In high school, I always considered myself lucky to be in such amazing groups with such amazing people. When I wasn’t doing as well as I thought, I would often ask myself if it was worth the effort to be in these good ensembles. When I thought about it, I would always think about what my middle school band director always said to us. He would say, “Each of you has a part to play here, each one of you matters. To this ensemble, to me, to your friends, your parents. But you should always matter to yourself.” This has stuck with me throughout all my years in junior high and high school. Even to this day, when I don’t feel like I’m worth it, I always remember what my band director said to us. I want kids to feel like they belong together, and that they matter. Not just to an ensemble, but to me, their peers, their parents, and most importantly to themselves.

I have always been told how talented I am. I’ve gotten comments from my friends, my teachers, and even my parents. Often, my parents would tell me that I should share the talents that I had with others. I had always learned in church about sharing our gifts with others, so I had always kept a high standard when I practiced, so that I could share my talents with others and make them feel happy and to help them feel joy. I have many younger siblings, and when they were all little, I would always sing to them to make them happy. This was especially apparent when I would sing to them as infants. Many times I would have to put them down for naps or calm them down when they were screaming. When I did, I would sing soft hymns to them and within a few minutes, they would calm down or go to sleep. I would often pray to God for allowing me to have this gift of music and to have the opportunity to be able to share it with others.

Music has changed my life in so many ways, and it will continue to change my life as well as others’ lives. I have seen the ways that it can bring joy into not only the lives of the audience, but to the lives of the performers as well. I have seen the ways in which people can contribute to the ensembles that I have been in. Often people don’t think that they matter or that they have an important part, but in reality, everyone is important. I have also learned about how using our talents for good purposes can bless the lives of others. Overall, music has influenced many of my decisions in life, including what college I wanted to attend. I want to be able to share the effects of music with everyone that I meet.

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How Music Changed My Life: A Moment of Reflection Amid the Madness

Zachary Lefevre

As many remain in quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic, there has been plenty of time to reflect on how music has changed our lives.

Music is wonderful for so many reasons. It provides a soundtrack to life’s adventures and is an escape when the world around is in chaos. Music is impactful. It has shaped who I am, who I want to be, and how I interact with the world. It has permeated almost every facet of my life and has become the driving force behind my purpose and passions. But now, suddenly, the entire world has been shaken, challenged, and tried, but not broken.

If past experiences have taught me anything, it’s that you never know how much something has had an impact on you until it’s taken away and the global pandemic has put that on full display. While we have been able to stay connected online , life still feels out of balance without the presence it once had. In this time of uncertainty, one thing is. It is easy to see just how much music changed my life.

Music completely changed the way I interact with and observe the world.

I can’t get in my car or travel without queuing the appropriate playlist. In fact, I don’t want to do anything without the appropriate playlist. When I go on a hike, play frisbee at the beach, get ready for a date, get ready for an interview, sulk after a break-up, or when I’m looking out the window of an airplane flying above the clouds.

Why? Because music finds a way to complement and bring out the intensity of our experiences. It makes me feel better when I’m sad and hyped when my energy is low. Music has permeated my life in an almost addictive way and I’m appreciating that now more than ever.

Coachella 2011 - First Coachella Music Festival Zach

Music is the common denominator when I think of my most cherished memories and relationships.

Since music has entered my life everything has improved, but most notably my memories are more vivid and the relationships with the people I love are stronger. My brothers and I were very close, to begin with, but music forged that bond even stronger. It brought old friends back into my life and allowed me to cross paths with new people that have become family. You become the people you surround yourself with, after all.

As for memories, well… have you ever listened to a song and it floods you with emotion transporting you back to a very specific moment in time? I have countless memories triggered by music that make me experience that exact feeling.

When I need a pick me up I listen to “Can’t Do Without You” by Caribou or “Language” by Porter Robinson. My mood can’t help but shift toward the light because of the positive memories associated with those songs. It’s a superpower to access memories and emotions from the past and apply those positive vibrations to your present day. Music gives us that superpower.

Music has given me clarity and comfort when I felt alone or sad.

Music helped me make sense of my troubles and made me feel understood when I felt isolated. I remember going through a particularly rough time two years ago and found solace in Chromeo’s album Head Over Heels . It felt like they wrote the album for my exact life circumstances. The relatable lyrics and funky uplifting beats helped me navigate the darker times of life. I will always appreciate how music has been there for me and helped me feel understood.

Billie Eilish @ Life is Beatiful 2019

Music gave me the direction and motivation to pursue my passion as a photographer and content creator.

Before music, I had a cookie-cutter storyline for myself. I was going to finish college, get my Masters in Business, get a full-time job at some “big” company, and work till I’m 60 with predetermined amounts of vacation and sick leave. It wasn’t until I began chasing live shows, writing, and photographing my experiences at events that I saw an alternate future ahead of me.

I started Six Degrees Creative and continue to write and photograph events because it gives me the most joy. Music was the catalyst that pushed me to create a business in the industry I love so I could be enveloped in the thing that brings me ultimate happiness. Music gave me purpose and is the fuel to pursue that purpose. With music by my side, I feel I can accomplish anything and I cannot wait for the journeys ahead.

Crooked Colours @ Okeechobee 2020

Yes, the world is experiencing uncertain times, but music will change the way we approach and overcome these challenges.

It changed the way I see the world. It changed the way I live and interact with the world. It changed my goals, relationships, mindset and life. Even though the music industry is on standby this time of reflection makes me feel extra grateful for the ways music has impacted my life.

How has music changed your life? When this is all over let’s have a drink talk about it!

Zachary Lefevre

Zachary Lefevre has been listening to electronic music since the early 2000s. Although his first live show was underground hip-hop, he began listening to a variety of different genres and found his niche within electronic community. After attending more concerts and festivals, Zachary was seeking out a platform that would allow him to express his passion and love for live music and share it with friends, family, and the world. Having always been an avid writer he began to combine the two arts and shortly after writing his first article Zachary became part of the EDM Identity team in August 2015.


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Thanks for sharing Zachary. It is nice to know how it has impacted your life like it has so many others. Music is what keeps me going when I am down and frustrated.

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Music and Its Impact on Our Lives Essay (Critical Writing)

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No one can even imagine our life without music. For centuries it was an integral part of our everyday life, our traditions and culture. Listening to the charming sounds of nature, man could not help trying to reproduce it in order to enjoy music at any time. That was the reason for the first primitive musical instruments to appear. Since that time music and mankind were never torn apart. With the development of the society the instruments and the whole music changed. The mankind and music were always at the same stage of development. Starting with the mysterious melodies of the ancient cults and ending with the energetic military marches. Music follows humanity step by step, working its magic on it, showing its power. The ability of music to influence human consciousness was known from the earliest stages of development of the society.

Relaxing and calming at the beginning, it can become energetic and aggressive just in a moment, causing great changes in your mood. “Without even thinking about it, we use music to create desired moods- to make us happy, to enjoy movement and dance, to energize, to bring back powerful memories, to help us relax and focus. Music is a powerful tool for our personal expression within our daily lives– it helps “set the scene” for many important experiences” (Brewer, n.d., para. 2). Music can even serve as a basis for peoples segregation, dividing them into the different social groups according to their preferences or abilities to understand a certain type of music. Nothing could create the appropriate atmosphere better than music. The church music can serve as an ideal example of it. Religions all over the world use the music in the rituals in order to maximize the influence on people and help them to achieve eupathy and humility. Nowadays, with an unrestricted access to the sources, music has conquered the world, sounding from everywhere, suggesting the great variety of genres for any demands. Everyone could find something up to his or her taste.

Talking about my life it is impossible not to mention music. It is a huge part of my everyday routine. My day starts and ends with it. Early in the morning it is quite vital for me to listen to a portion of a good energetic music in order to get up and have a charge for a long day. But it is not enough of course. Like a real melomaniac, I always take my player with me. I have noticed the great growth of my productivity if I do something with music in background. The type of chosen music depends on the type of the job I have to do. If there is some kind of a physical activity I need some fast and energetic music. However, when some sort of mental activity is demanded, I need some calm, not very loud music playing somewhere in the background. This is by no means a panacea for everyone who wants to raise their productivity , but I cannot imagine me working without music

Having come home late at evening, it is just necessary for me to listen to another portion of music in order to relax and forget about all the stresses of the outside world. I even go to bed with the headphones in my ears, listening to my special “good night” song.

Taking into account the fact that I am a great admirer of rock music, it is not difficult to guess that all my friends are great admirers of it to. I am more than sure that common tastes in music are the good basis for friendly relations. This is not only the question of having something to discuss or to listen to together. If a person has the same preferences in music that means that he has something in common with your inner world and with your soul. Of course, there is that type of music that you will never listen with your friends. It is that kind of music which affects the deepest parts of your soul and you can only listen to it while keeping to yourself. At that moments no one is allowed to trouble you.

Music also has a great impact on the way we communicate within our company. The excessive tension or some miscommunication in relations can be easily dispersed by means of music. The sounds of the familiar song cool heads and return friendly atmosphere.

There is one more aspect of music which is worth mentioning. It is its lyrics. Being not less ancient part of our culture than music, the word has even more influence on peoples hearts and minds. The combination of such powerful remedies gives a marvelous results. This combination of sounds and words affects all your senses, penetrating deep inside your soul. Looking through the lyrics of my favorite songs, I can say that the text is of the same importance as music in the song. While listening to it for the first time you pay special attention to lyrics, especially if it resonates with your mood. The song runs in your head and you repeat it over and over, enjoining the harmony of the words and your soul.

The most common topic for all songs is, of course, relations of any kind. It is the basis of human life and music, as an integral part of it, cannot stand off. Love and hatred, faith and betrayal, and all others shades of human feelings are praised in thousands of songs. The mans attempts to find his reason to live should also be mentioned. The great number of songs is devoted to that problem, making people think or helping them to find an answer. One of my favorite songs “ The Show Must Go On ” by Queen (Queen 1990) is also one of the best compositions touching the problem of self-determination. While listening to it you cannot but feel the great suffering of a man who realizes the duality of his inner world and necessity of playing the annoying part. The Freddie Mercurys heart cry makes the great effect on the listener, making you think about your own place in the world, the way you live and spend your lifetime and reconsider your values and priorities.

The love theme is also one of the especially beloved by lyrics authors. Everyone on this planet has its own favorite love song and I am not an exception. The great song “ Not Strong Enough ” by Apocalyptica (Warren 2010) tells us about the pangs of the love-crossed man who cannot be with his darling. The most dramatic moments of the lyrics are wonderfully emphasized by music, the most powerful beats comes with the most bitter worlds, projecting the singers and the authors mood on you, making you feel the same. That great interplay of words and music makes you shiver. Especially strong effect is achieved if the song correlates with your mood or life experience. In that case the song becomes a some kind of an anchor, which evokes certain memories and feelings connected with a certain life period. No matter where you are and what your feel, from the first beats of the song you will remember the first time you have listened to it and your emotions at that moment.

The love theme is a part of a bigger theme of gender relations, which is also quite popular in music. According to the generally accepted tradition there is some stereotypical pattern of behavior for both genders which is praised in the songs. Historically, man always strives for womens love, trying to overcome all the obstacles on his way. He fights the injustice, erases the boundaries of social or race segregation just to reunite with his beloved one. Music is a reflection of the mans thoughts that is why all this issues are blended in it, The artists want to share their feelings and experience with us, to warn and protect from the mistakes they made, to show that all the prejudices are only in our heads and we have to overcome it.

Summing it up, we should say that music is not just part of our lives, it is something bigger, and that determines our mood and emotions. It helps us to forget everything and enjoy one of the greatest gifts of nature – the sound.

Reference List

Brewer, B. (n.d.). Music and Learning: Integrating Music in the Classroom . Web.

Queen, (1990). The show must go on [Reordered by Queen]. Innuendo [7″, 12″, CD]. London, England: Metropolis Studios.

Warren, D. (2010). Not strong enough [Reordered by Apocalyptica]. 7th Symphony [CD]. Germany: Sony Music.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 24). Music and Its Impact on Our Lives. https://ivypanda.com/essays/music-and-its-impact-on-our-lives/

"Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." IvyPanda , 24 Jan. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/music-and-its-impact-on-our-lives/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Music and Its Impact on Our Lives'. 24 January.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." January 24, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/music-and-its-impact-on-our-lives/.

1. IvyPanda . "Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." January 24, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/music-and-its-impact-on-our-lives/.


IvyPanda . "Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." January 24, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/music-and-its-impact-on-our-lives/.

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Updated: 6 December, 2023

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Hook Examples for Music Essay

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  • The Rhythms of Culture: Music is not only an art form but also a reflection of culture. Join us as we delve into the role of music in shaping and expressing cultural identities, from traditional folk songs to modern pop hits.
  • The Science of Sound: Behind every beautiful melody lies the intricate science of sound. This essay will unravel the mysteries of music’s physics and psychology, offering insight into what makes a tune catchy or a chord progression moving.
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  • The Healing Power of Music: Music has the remarkable ability to heal and soothe the soul. This essay delves into the therapeutic aspects of music, from its use in healthcare settings to its role in our everyday lives as a source of comfort and solace.

Works Cited

  • Campbell, D. (2016). The power of music: Its impact on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young people. International Journal of Music Education, 34(1), 39-55.
  • Chew, E. (2019). The therapeutic effects of music. Singapore Medical Journal, 60(5), 235-236.
  • DeNora, T. (2013). Music asylums: Wellbeing through music in everyday life. Routledge.
  • Hargreaves, D. J., & North, A. C. (Eds.). (2017). The social psychology of music. Oxford University Press.
  • Juslin, P. N., & Sloboda, J. A. (Eds.). (2010). Handbook of music and emotion: Theory, research, applications. Oxford University Press.
  • Krumhansl, C. L. (2010). Cognitive foundations of musical pitch. Oxford University Press.
  • MacDonald, R. A., Kreutz, G., & Mitchell, L. (Eds.). (2019). Music, health, and wellbeing: Exploring music for health equity and social justice. Oxford University Press.
  • Rentfrow, P. J., & Gosling, S. D. (2003). The do re mi’s of everyday life: The structure and personality correlates of music preferences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(6), 1236-1256.
  • Schäfer, T., Sedlmeier, P., Städtler, C., & Huron, D. (2013). The psychological functions of music listening. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 511.
  • Thompson, W. F., Schellenberg, E. G., & Husain, G. (Eds.). (2015). The psychology of music. Oxford University Press.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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music saved my life essay

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music saved my life essay

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Music saved my life

Playing guitar and writing songs helped Dr Rony out of despair. Here he blogs about how he realised his dream of being invited to play at Glastonbury.

Teenagehood is not easy for many of us.

I grew up in Paris, and having to endure the rigid French education system didn’t help either.

The educational and social pressures for good marks, were extremely high. Always trying to be a good student was unbearable for a 13 years old.

That’s when things got darker, and when I reached the bottom on a sunny Sunday afternoon. I nearly ended it all. I just wanted all that pressure to go away and let me live.

Thankfully, at the last minute, the thought of my parents and family being devastated prevented me from doing the irreparable.

Shortly after, I started playing the guitar, learning all the legendary riffs of my heroes, Kurt Cobain, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones. Music had entered my life and filled up my soul.

I was transported into another world, where loneliness was cured by thousands of other musicians sharing the same passion

I felt that I could create beauty; I was transported into another world, where loneliness was cured by thousands of other musicians sharing the same passion, living in the same world and speaking the same language. It was my refuge and life was sweet in that infinite paradise.

I can safely say that music had saved my life. I never attempted anything tragic after I became a musician.

In the morning, before going to school, I would always get stomach aches when it was exam day. Or when I knew that I had a lesson with a particular teacher, who liked to surprise us with an impromptu test.

The only thing that would bring me peace was to pick up my guitar and sing, just for five   min, with my coat, backpack and shoes on in my bedroom.

I ended up studying medicine, and specialising in anaesthetic and intensive care medicine.

It’s been a long and challenging journey that took 12 years to complete but I always had my music, where I could take refuge. I dreamt of a professional music career and gathered a collection of songs that I wrote mainly when i was on holidays or travelling.

I don’t know if I would have managed to survive being an Intensive Care Medicine junior doctor without music

I don’t know if I would have managed to survive the hardship of being an Intensive Care Medicine (ICM) junior doctor without music. Without that parallel magical universe.

When I   was in my final year of training as an ICM doctor, about 10 years ago, I had a particularly rough on-call night shift. I kept on thinking, “Is that what I really want to do for the rest of my life? Will I cope with all theses deaths for the rest of my career?” Because no matter how good you are, or how hard you try, some lives cannot be saved.

I shared my struggles with my boss at the time, who advised: “You’ll get used to it, you’ll toughen up”.

At the time, psychologist support for healthcare workers wasn’t available and it still isn’t today. So, I snuggled into my music, went home and wrote a song called “Strong”.   Which helped me transform my emotions into music.

That song was dedicated to all healthcare workers. I was told many times by colleagues that they could relate to the song so well, it brought them to tears.

As a result, I decided to fundraise for King College Hospital with that song in 2015.

When I finally qualified as a doctor in France, I decided to move to London the very next day, to study music. I was determined to combine my two passions: music and medicine. These three years at music college were the best years of my life. I was literally living the dream!

That’s when I heard about the glorious Glastonbury music festival, and since then playing on the Pyramid stage with my band has been one of my major life goals.

To my regret, I tried every year to buy tickets to simply attend the festival but I guess it was victim of its success. I’ve never been able to purchase a single ticket. They were all sold out within seconds. I guess that made me even more determined to play there.

I was invited to play at Glastonbury 2020 (on the Greenpeace stage). I cannot tell you how excited I was.

After all these years gigging my dream came true and I was invited to play at Glastonbury 2020 (on the Greenpeace stage). I cannot tell you how excited I was!

As we all know, COVID-19 made that impossible, and   to say that I was disappointed would be an understatement. But I promised myself to be back and on the Pyramid stage one day.

During the pandemic, I’ve witnessed many of my colleagues burning out, even before it started in the UK due to all the intense preparations to ensure we were ready and no one was dying needlessly. 

Some of my colleagues broke down in tears at the end of their shifts and I thought, “Oh my god, they are really at risk of developing PTSD ”. 

I also knew that it could be prevented if treated in the early stages. I decided to write a song called Super Heroes and fundraised £8,400 towards the employment of a full-time psychologist in our ICU. He/she will be able to support the staff, the patients and their families.

I hope that in the short term, more and more psychologist support will be available for the NHS staff, well after the COVID pandemic , so that no one who is struggling to cope at work will have to “man up” without the professional support.

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  9. Music saved my life - Mind

    At the time, psychologist support for healthcare workers wasn’t available and it still isn’t today. So, I snuggled into my music, went home and wrote a song calledStrong”. Which helped me transform my emotions into music. That song was dedicated to all healthcare workers.

  10. Music In My Life Essay - studylib.net

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