What is a Byline And Where Do You Put it in Your Article?

Esther Ezike

  • February 26, 2024
  • blogging , Freelancing Tips

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What is a byline, the importance of the byline | attributing authorship and building trust, what are the different types of bylines in writing, where can i put a byline, how to write a byline.

Have you ever flipped through a magazine or scrolled through news articles and wondered, “Who wrote this captivating piece?” The answer often lies in a simple yet crucial element: the byline.

This seemingly small detail carries significant weight, both for writers and readers alike. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of bylines, exploring their meaning, purpose, and best practices for placement.

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or embarking on your writing journey, understanding the power of the byline is essential.

It not only credits the individual behind the words but also serves as a key element in building an authorial brand and fostering trust with readers.

So, buckle up as we unveil the byline’s significance and guide you on where to strategically place it within your articles.

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In an article, a byline is a line of text that identifies the author of the piece. It typically appears either below the title or at the end of the article and can include the following information:

  • Author’s name:  This is the most common element of a byline.
  • Title or credentials:  Sometimes, the byline might also mention the author’s title (e.g., Dr., Professor, etc.) or relevant academic or professional qualifications.
  • Brief bio:  In some instances, particularly for online content or guest posts, the byline can include a brief author bio outlining their expertise, experience, or other relevant information.

The purpose of a byline is multifaceted:

  • Credits the author:  It acknowledges the creator’s effort, expertise, and unique perspective in crafting the piece.
  • Builds trust with readers:  By knowing who wrote the article, readers gain a sense of the writer’s voice, experience, and perspective, fostering trust and credibility.
  • Establishes an authorial brand:  Consistent use of bylines helps authors build a recognizable name and reputation, making them more sought-after for future writing opportunities.
  • Provides context and credibility:  In certain contexts, a byline can add important context to the content, especially if it comes from a subject-matter expert or a reputable journalist.

There are various forms of bylines depending on the platform and context, including:

  • Simple byline:  Just the author’s name.
  • Enhanced byline:  Includes additional information like titles, credentials, or a brief bio.
  • Company byline:  Used for content created by a team or organization.
  • Anonymous byline:  Used for content where the author’s identity isn’t revealed.
  • Ghostwritten byline:  Credits the individual or entity for whom the content was created, not the actual writer.

By understanding the significance of bylines, their various forms, and best practices for placement, you can effectively utilize this tool to establish your identity as a writer, build trust with your audience, and confidently navigate the writing landscape.

At its core, a byline identifies the author of a written piece. It typically consists of the writer’s name, though it can sometimes include additional information like their title, qualifications, or a brief bio. This seemingly simple attribution serves several important purposes.

1. Crediting the Creator: First and foremost, the byline acknowledges the writer’s contribution. It recognizes their effort, expertise, and unique perspective in crafting the piece. This sense of accountability fosters a sense of ownership and pride in the writer, motivating them to produce high-quality content.

2. Building Trust with Readers: A byline establishes a connection between the author and the reader. By understanding who authored the piece, readers understand the writer’s voice, experience, and perspective. This transparency can build trust and credibility, encouraging readers to engage with the content and potentially seek out more of the author’s work.

3. Establishing an Authorial Brand: Bylines become building blocks for an author’s professional identity. By consistently publishing articles with proper bylines, writers begin to build a recognizable name and reputation within their chosen field. This brand recognition becomes valuable, making writers more sought-after and potentially attracting freelance opportunities or future collaborations.

4. Providing Context and Credibility: In certain contexts, a byline can also add significant context and credibility to the content. For example, an article written by a subject matter expert or a reputable journalist carries more weight in the reader’s eyes compared to an anonymous piece.

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While the core purpose of identifying the author remains constant, bylines can manifest in various forms depending on the platform and context. Here are some common variations:

1. Simple Byline: This is the most basic format, typically consisting only of the author’s name. It’s prevalent in online publications, newspapers, and magazine articles.

2. Enhanced Byline: Beyond the name, this format can include additional information such as the author’s title, credentials, or a brief bio. This is often seen in guest posts, expert articles, or personal blogs where authors want to establish their expertise or build their online presence.

3. Company Byline: In some cases, particularly with content generated by a team or organization, the byline might reflect the entity instead of a specific individual. This is common for corporate blogs, press releases, or industry publications.

4. Anonymous Byline: While less common, certain publications or platforms might choose to publish content under an anonymous byline. This can be due to safety concerns, protecting the author’s anonymity, or adhering to editorial policies.

5. Ghostwritten Byline: Some situations involve ghostwriting, where the writer’s name is not officially credited, and the byline might attribute the work to the individual or entity for whom the content was created.

When deciding which byline format to use, consider the following factors:

  • Publication Guidelines:  Always consult the platform’s or publication’s specific guidelines regarding byline format and placement.
  • Article Purpose:  If your article aims to establish your expertise or build your brand, an enhanced byline with additional information might be beneficial.
  • Audience Context:  Consider your target audience and what information might be most relevant and informative for them.

A byline is a short text that appears at the beginning of an article or news story, typically just below the headline. It credits the author or authors of the piece. By providing readers with the name of the person or people who wrote the article, a byline establishes credibility and accountability.

The byline usually includes the author’s full name, but it can also include their professional title, affiliation, or social media handles. In some cases, the byline may also include a brief description of the author’s background or expertise.

Bylines are commonly used in newspapers, magazines, websites, and other forms of media to identify the author of a particular piece of content. They help readers understand who is responsible for the information presented and allow them to make informed judgments about the credibility and reliability of the source.

In terms of placement, the byline is typically located at the beginning of the article, either directly below the headline or slightly to the right. This placement ensures that readers can easily identify the author and understand who is responsible for the content they are about to read.

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Now that we’ve explored different byline formats, let’s delve into the question of placement. Generally, there are two main locations where bylines are positioned:

1. Below the Title: This is the most frequent placement, appearing directly under the article’s title. It offers immediate recognition for the author, drawing attention to their name early on.

2. At the End of the Article: This placement is typically found in shorter articles, blog posts, or online content. It can be integrated into a brief author bio or a dedicated “About the Author” section below the article’s closing paragraph.

Ultimately, the preferred placement may vary depending on the platform, article format, and specific editorial preferences. However, the key is to ensure consistency within your own work and adhere to the guidelines of the publishing platform.

Here are some additional tips for effective byline placement:

  • Maintain consistency:  If you have a preferred format and placement, stick to it for all your publications. This helps build brand recognition and ensures easy identification by your readers.
  • Consider visual appeal:  When formatting your byline, pay attention to font size, alignment, and overall aesthetics. Ensure it complements the article’s overall design and remains visually appealing within the layout.
  • Optimize for searchability:  If your byline includes your website or social media links, ensure they are clickable and optimized for search engines. This can help readers learn more about you and potentially find your other work.

By understanding the significance of bylines, their various forms, and best practices for placement, you can effectively utilize this tool to establish your identity as a writer, build trust with your audience, and navigate the publishing landscape with confidence. Remember, a well-crafted byline is more than just a name; it’s a sign of ownership, credibility, and a gateway for connecting with your readers on a deeper level.

Whether you’re a novice in the freelance writing arena or a seasoned professional, nailing your byline is crucial. Check out our key recommendations:

  • Limit your byline to two or three concise sentences.
  • Aim for approximately 50 words.
  • Include a high-quality image reflecting your confidence, warmth, and authority.
  • Highlight your expertise without overtly promoting your services.
  • Infuse personality or a relevant fun fact.
  • Provide links to incentives from your product or service range, such as free templates, courses, or recipes.
  • Link to your blog or website’s landing page.
  • Customize your byline for each publication, ensuring relevance.

Crafting a brief and impactful byline is essential. Readers are drawn to your content for insights and expertise, with information about the author serving as an added bonus. Use powerful words like “effective,” “reputation,” “specialist,” and “mission,” tailoring them to the publication’s tone. Consider the target audience; a financial journal demands a different language than a parenting life hacks blog or a classic motorcycle magazine.

Your choice of photo also plays a role in shaping readers’ perceptions. A confident first impression fosters trust in your words.

Leverage your byline to guide readers to more of your content by including links to your website’s homepage or blog landing page, enhancing your freelance writing following.

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The modest byline, often overlooked, holds immense significance for both writers and readers. It acknowledges the author’s contribution, fosters trust with audiences, and lays the groundwork for building a recognizable name in the writing landscape.

By understanding the different forms of bylines, choosing the appropriate placement, and maximizing their potential through various strategies, you can transform this simple element into a powerful tool for your writing career.

Remember, a well-crafted byline is more than just a name printed on paper or displayed on a screen. It’s a mark of ownership, a symbol of credibility, and a gateway to connect with your readers on a deeper level.

So, embrace the power of the byline, use it strategically, and watch your journey as a writer blossom into a vibrant and impactful career.

As you embark on this path, remember to stay curious, keep learning, and most importantly, never stop writing!

A byline is a line of text that identifies the author of a written piece, typically found below the title or at the end of an article. It can include the author’s name, title, credentials, or a brief bio.

Bylines are important for several reasons: They credit the author:  They acknowledge the writer’s contribution and effort. They build trust with readers:  Knowing the author helps readers assess credibility and connect with the author’s voice. They establish an authorial brand:  Consistent use of bylines helps writers build recognition and reputation. They can provide context:  In some cases, the author’s expertise can add context or significance to the content.

Simple byline:  Just the author’s name. Enhanced byline:  Includes additional information like titles, credentials, or a brief bio. Company byline:  Used for content created by a team or organization. Anonymous byline:  Used for content where the author’s identity isn’t revealed. Ghostwritten byline:  Credits the individual or entity for whom the content was created, not the actual writer.

There are two main options for placing your byline: Below the title:  This is the most common placement, offering immediate recognition for the author. At the end of the article:  Typically found in shorter pieces or online content, often within an “About the Author” section.

Here are some ways to maximize your byline: Share your published work on social media:  Promote your work and draw attention to your authorship. Include a call to action:  Add a link to your website or portfolio in your byline. Engage with readers:  Respond to comments and questions to build a community. Track your progress:  Monitor the reach and engagement of your published articles. Network and build relationships:  Use your byline as a conversation starter with potential collaborators or editors.

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What Are Bylines? (And How to Write One)

What Are Bylines? (And How to Write One)

  • By  Lynn Godson
  • Nov 03, 2023
  • Freelance Tips

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If you write blog posts, articles, or news stories, you’re likely to come across the term byline . For a freelance writer, a byline is a way to take full credit for your work, get your name out there, and add to your portfolio .

But what is a byline, exactly?

This blog post will explain exactly what a byline is, why you need one, and how to write one.

What Is a Byline?

A byline is a line that tells readers who has written a piece of content (such as a blog post or article). At the very least, it comprises the author’s name, but a great byline can contain much more than that. Some bylines are more like mini-bios and may include a summary of the author’s background, a photograph, and contact information.

What Are the Benefits of Bylines?

As a freelance writer, it can be difficult to get your work noticed, but a byline can really help.

Your byline not only tells readers that you wrote a particular piece of content; it also gives them an insight into your areas of expertise . It allows you to establish credibility in that area and, in turn, develop a readership who trust your opinions.

Your byline also actively associates you with the brands and publications you write for. If that brand or publication is trusted, you are more likely to be trusted – so it’s a great way to boost your reputation. You are more likely to reach an audience of people who are interested in your particular area of expertise (whether that’s readers or potential clients). All of this can increase demand for what you do and the services you offer. Just keep in mind that readers tend to attribute the values of a publication to its writers, so take care that you do actually want to be associated with their values!

Finally, bylines help you build your portfolio. When seeking new writing opportunities, you need to be able to share examples of your work with potential clients. Clients want reassurance that you have the right knowledge and experience to deliver on their brief . Examples of previous work are the best way to showcase your skills and provide that reassurance.

How to Write a Byline

Whether you’re new to freelance writing or have plenty of experience, it’s important to get your byline right. Here are our top tips:

  • Keep your byline to two or three sentences.
  • Use around 50 words.
  • Include a high-quality image that shows your confident, warm, and authoritative self.
  • Emphasis your expertise but don’t try to sell your services.
  • Show your personality or add in a fun fact, if it seems appropriate for the publication.
  • Link to an incentive from your service or product range, such as a free template, course, or recipe.
  • Link to a landing page for your blog or your website.
  • Tailor your byline to each publication. Relevance is key.

It’s important to keep your byline short and punchy. People come to your article primarily because they want to read your content and learn from your expertise. Getting to know a little about you as the author is a great add-on, but it’s not their priority. So, what you say in your byline needs to be impactful.

Use strong words, such as “effective,” “reputation,” “specialist,” and “mission.” If you’re writing for an informal publication, add in adjectives that show your lighter side. There are thousands of dull bylines out there already. Don’t add to their number!

Focus carefully on the type of publication you’re writing for. A byline for a financial journal will contain very different vocabulary than a byline for a blog on life hacks for busy parents or for a magazine on classic motorcycles.

Your choice of photo is another means of influencing your readers toward seeking out more of your writing. If their first impression of you is confident, they’re more likely to have confidence in what you say.

Your byline is a great opportunity to direct readers to more of your content, so add in your website’s homepage or blog landing page, with an incentive if that’s appropriate. Your byline can really help you to build a following for your freelance writing.

Three Byline Examples

Our first example, from US Today , just gives the writer’s name, as is common in newspapers, whether online or in print.

purpose of byline essay

The next example, from The Guardian , gives the writer’s name and a photo. The author’s name is a clickable link, which directs the reader to a portfolio of the author’s previous work for the publication.

purpose of byline essay

This example, from the online version of the UK’s Motorcycle News , gives information about the writer’s role and his relevant interests. Much like the example above, the author’s name is a clickable link that takes the reader to a more in-depth bio, examples of previous work, and contact details.

purpose of byline essay

Becoming a Freelance Writer

A good byline is the writer’s equivalent of a business card. We hope that, after reading our blog post, you’re ready to write your own!

If freelance writing is your dream career, let our Becoming A Freelance Writer course inspire you to realize that dream! The course covers everything you need to know to go from amateur wordsmith to full-fledged professional. Why not give it a go for free?

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What is a Byline And Where Do You Put It in Your Article?

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When it comes to being a freelance writer, you’ve probably come across many freelance writing terms being thrown around to describe different aspects of the job.

One common term that you should definitely know about is a byline.

But what is a byline?

What is a Byline And Where Do You Put It in Your Article?

When you’re getting paid to write articles for clients that feature your name as the author, or you are guest posting on other sites, a well-written byline is key to adding legitimacy to the article to show you are an expert!

And it can also be used to incentivize readers and clients to check out your site.

This little piece of copy is important for your business so that you can make a living as a writer online so it’s important to know what is a byline for an article.

If you don’t have a byline already, or you are looking to spruce up the one you have, let’s get into what bylines are and how you can write one that rocks!

What is a Byline in Writing?

Simply put, a byline is the name under the title of an article that indicates who wrote it.

This is also called an author bio .

You can use bylines that include a selection of articles to show who you have written for and build your portfolio.

What is a byline example?

Here is mine for Zapier.

purpose of byline essay

Many freelance writing jobs , including big publications, will want to see a strong byline that matches their target audience and style of content.

Clients feel more confident commissioning a pitch from you if they know you have published similar content elsewhere.

Having a good byline builds trust with potential clients!

Bylines are also helpful when it comes to building a professional portfolio and showing the world that you are an expert in your niche.

And if you’re trying to drum up some traffic to your own site, bylines are a great way to catch the reader’s attention and encourage them to read more of your content.

While bylines are short and sweet, you need to put some thought into them to make them effective.

How to Write an Author Bio for Your Byline

Overall, bylines should only be 2-3 sentences or 40-60 words. This does depend on the publication or client you have.

This may not seem like a lot, but it’s enough room to include all of the key components of an amazing byline.

Let’s take a look at how you can write an author bio for your byline that will snag writing clients and pique the reader’s interest.

1. Say You Who Are and What You Do

When people are interested in your content, and what to learn more, they really want to know who you are, what you do , and why they should care.

You can use your byline to answer all three questions!

Try to make this section of your byline engaging and not just a matter-of-fact spewing of details.

Think of powerful words to describe what you do. Do you rock content marketing? Do you offer sanity-saving services for busy clients? Do you provide proven SEO optimization?

Doing this exercise can also help you figure out what type of writer you are .

2. Establish Authority

In order to boost your trust with clients, you have to establish authority as a writer in your writing niche.

You can use your byline to establish authority by highlighting information such as your experience, any awards you’ve received, or any major publications you have written for.

For example, in my GoDaddy byline I mention how I help my ideal client SaaS businesses in gaining traffic for leads.

purpose of byline essay

Make sure you stick to accomplishments relevant to the content’s audience.

For example, if you are a financial writer , your audience isn’t going to care if you are a black-belt karate master.

3. Always Link to Your Portfolio

When you’re looking to attract readers and potential clients, it’s important to include a link back to your website or portfolio page.

In fact, you can even directly link to your site’s Hire Me page!

If you don’t have a writer’s website yet, don’t worry – I have you covered! Click here to check out Writer Website in a Weekend .

4. Link to Something Free (If it Makes Sense)

If you’re going to put links in your author byline, you have to give readers a reason to click on them!

Giving an incentive is more of a way to attract readers to your content, but curious clients may want to check out what you have to offer as well!

But just be careful. Some client will not want incentives in their bios so always look at other writers and see if they link to an inventive.

For Smartblogger I know that his authors link to incentives so I did the same in my byline.

purpose of byline essay

Think about what you can offer the audience based on the niche you write for. You can offer a free guide related to something you mention in the article.

Just make sure you stick to one incentive in your byline. You don’t want to overwhelm your readers.

5. Tailor Byline to the Publication

When I say to make your byline unique, I mean to make it unique to the site you are writing for.

This means you can write a separate author bio for each site you write for!

Even though my writing niche is SaaS, as you saw with my SaaS clients – Zapier, GoDaddy and Smartblogger – each byline was tailored to the brand.

For instance, when I started as a freelance writer, I used one byline for all of my posts – then I started noticing popular freelance writers’ author bios on different sites and noticed that they weren’t all the same.

That’s when I started tailoring my byline to highlight my expertise depending on the site I was writing for.

So go ahead and change up your byline but try to stick to the same title or tagline .

6. Use Storytelling to be Personal

Even though you have such a short space to nail who you are and how awesome you are, it’s still important to add some personality to your byline either through storytelling or adding an interesting fact about yourself.

You can do this by mentioning what you do in your free time or giving a little tidbit about who you are.

It’s all about finding a nice balance between showing potential clients what you can do and showing them that you are a human being.

I often mention my twins or my Youtube channels or multiple sites as a way to differentiate myself from other writers.

You can also add some personality to your byline by including a picture that shows you are a professional but that you are also unique.

A Simple Byline Formula

If you’re staring at your computer screen, unsure of what to write for your byline, here’s a simple formula that will help spark your creativity:

[First Name Last Name] is [Title]. [Explanation of Expertise]. [Incentive/Link]. [Personality Sentence].

So, for example:

Elna Cain is a freelance writer specializing in digital marketing, branding, and general marketing tips. When she isn’t writing, she’s chasing around her kids, cat, and husband (and not necessarily in that order). You can find more information and view her profile on Innovative Ink.

From there, I can add in some more accomplishments and an incentive – but it’s the perfect place to start!

Byline Examples to Get You Started

You have the basic formula, but now you need some ideas!

Here are some real-life examples of bylines to get you started:

Rover is a blog for dog people, encouraging their writers to have fun with their bylines!

Here’s what a byline for creative writing elements from one of their authors, Elisabeth Geier looks like:

Elisabeth Geier is a writer, teacher, and animal advocate with extensive animal handling experience and a soft spot for bully breeds and big orange tabbies.

It’s short and sweet but hits on everything the author has expertise in – plus a cute little mention at the end about big orange tabbies!


Check out this byline from the site GetResponse (an email-sending tool):

Marya Jan is a Facebook Ad Strategist. She works with coaches, consultants and service-based entrepreneurs to build their email lists, fill up their webinars with Facebook ads and generate big profits in their businesses. Read more about Marya

Not only does the photo scream personality, but the information nicely highlights the author’s achievements, experience, and connects her writing to the brand she’s writing for: email.

ClearVoice is a platform for clients to connect with freelance writers.

Their writer Jorden provides this interesting byline :

Jorden Roper is a fuschia-haired freelance writer and found of the Writing Revolt blog, where she writes no-BS advice for freelance writers and bloggers. When she’s not working, you can find her traveling, playing music in her band, or hanging out with her Chihuahuas.

In this byline, not only do you get a very clear picture of what she does but also of who she is as a person.

Be a Better Blogger

I really love Beth Hayden’s byline on Be a Better Blogger :

Beth is a copywriter and content writer who specializes in ghostblogging, email marketing campaigns, and sales pages. Download Beth?s free report, The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Warm Welcome Message to get the step-by-step process she uses to create magical welcome messages for her clients.

The picture is warm and friendly and doesn’t look like a staunch professional photo.

She clearly states what she does and what she specializes in. She also included a link to a guide she offers as an incentive – which is perfectly related to her specializations.


Lianna Patch is an author on the site Copyhackers, which focuses on copywriting. Here is her byline:

Lianna’s greatest dream is to make your customers pause, smile, and click (in that order). She does this through irresistible emails and shockingly effective landing pages. Conquer campaigns with her at Punchline Copy or get quick copy jobs done at SNAP Copy.

How many power words did you see in there???

Dream. Irresistible. Shockingly. Conquer. Quick.

This author nails it when it comes to writing a byline that grabs your attention and elicits an emotional response.

Globe & Mail

What is a byline in a newspaper?

For these types of bylines they are mostly comprised of a headshot, email address and a link to their main social media profile. For Globe & Mail bylines also mention the type of writer they are and location.

Here is an example:

purpose of byline essay

Men’s Health

And what about what is a byline in a magazine look like?

These types of bylines are similar to website bylines like I would have for Wordtune or Blogging Wizard. They state the type of writing they do and where they have bylines.

Here’s one from Erica Sweeny.

Erica Sweeney is a writer who mostly covers health, wellness and careers. She has written for The New York Times, HuffPost, Teen Vogue, Parade, Money, Business Insider and many more.

So, Where Does a Byline Go?

To understand where an author byline goes, it’s important to understand how bylines are added to online content.

In many cases, the client or site you are posting for will give you WordPress login credentials so that you can post the content for review directly from the site.

You would then go under “Users” in the WordPress dashboard and include your byline in your profile.

Writers often do this when they guest post on FreelancerFAQs.com and add their own byline in the backend of WordPress.

purpose of byline essay

Then, it will appear wherever the site owner has decided it will appear in the layout – usually at the end of the content, but sometimes right under the article title.

The other option is to include your byline in your written content when you send it to the client.

You can always ask the client where they prefer the byline to appear (before or after the content) before sending off your finished piece.

Otherwise, it’s most common to include the byline at the end of an article, so you can always paste it there.

I don’t always ask and just put the my byline at the end of the piece if this is the FIRST piece I give to a brand new client.

For example, when Zapier hired me this is what I did for my first article in Google Docs.

purpose of byline essay

This is more beneficial in a way since your readers are more likely to want to know more about you after reading your content.

What is a Byline? Now You Know!

Yes, bylines seem to take a lot of work for something so short, but don’t worry if you don’t nail your byline on your first try.

I went through many bylines before I found the ones that worked for me!

Overall, it’s better to have any byline than none, so make sure you start including one with all of your written content.

And don’t forget to check out these other posts for more help:

  • 50 Taglines for Freelance Writers + How to Create One Yourself
  • The Best Professional Title to Use as a Freelance Writer
  • How to Write a Bio That Will Snag Writing Clients

Do you have a byline you want to share?

Drop them in the comments below, and let’s have a look!

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Many people are comfortable writing a personal bio of about two hundred words, but it can be surprisingly tricky to write a short byline for use in a newspaper, magazine, web article, or announcement for a talk. Here are a few tips.

Keep it short: The challenge of a byline is not just what to say but what to leave out. We’ve all suffered though dreary introductions that go on way too long. A byline is not a résumé. More is not always better.

Be yourself, but without the boring parts and with some sass: When I teach writing for publication, I ask students to craft a handful of 12-15 word bylines on the first day. Here are some examples, where writers both exhibit personality and give readers something to ponder.

Aurora loves jogging, juggling, and haggling, not necessarily in that order. Joni plans a career in publishing once she is finished staring into the abyss. Brian is trying not to say “um” any more than is absolutely necessary. Cassidy is an incredibly sleep-deprived Pisces with a mild Twitter addiction. Readers can identify with these personal characteristics.

Build credibility indirectly: So-and-so “is the award-winning author of” is fine for some audiences, but often an interesting personal detail is a more engaging way to build your credibility. You can paint a picture:

Jasper Fforde recently traded a varied career in the film industry for vacantly staring out the window and arranging words on a page.

You can offer authority and authenticity, as these two mystery/thriller writers do:

John Straley, a criminal investigator for the state of Alaska, lives in Sitka, with his son and wife, a marine biologist who studies whales. April Henry knows how to kill you in a two-dozen different ways. She makes up for a peaceful childhood in an intact home by killing off fictional characters.

Consider the audience and occasion: You can—and you should—tailor your byline for particular audiences. What aspect of your background can you emphasize to make a connection to your audience? When I include that I’m from central New Jersey or that I own more dictionaries than anyone needs, I almost always get a reaction.

Use a byline to keep your focus: When you begin a piece of writing, consider writing a byline as your first step. The byline establishes a persona and defines your voice in the piece.

A student of mine, writing on the ways that millennials are revitalizing the plant industry, started with this byline, which gave her a voice to navigate the botany and economics of her topic.

Laura Becker is a tail-end millennial from California and currently resides in Oregon. She enjoys reading, spending time with her fur baby Ponyo, and watering her plants. When she isn’t doing one of those things, she can be found browsing Etsy or Amazon for her next plant.

When in doubt: If you are s tuck on a byline, make a list of your favorite things to do, places to go, or things to eat. Look through some old photos or memorabilia, or through your closet.

Browse your bookshelves to borrow from other writers. Here’s one from poet Zeke Hudson, that I really wish I had thought of:

Zeke Hudson is… he’s uh… well, he’s usually much better at writing bios. This one’s a real clunker. You can see some of his better bios in Wend Poetry, Nightblock, and Banango Street , or in his chapbook from Thrush Press . Sorry everyone.

What’s your twelve-word byline?

Featured image by Rishabh Sharma via Unsplash

As an undergraduate,  Edwin Battistella was the world's worst Russian major. Linguistics came along just in time. His books include  Bad Language: Are Some Words Better than Others? ,  Sorry About That: The Language of Public Apology ,  and   Dangerous Crooked Scoundrels: Insulting the President, from Washington to Trump .

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What Is an Article Byline?

The byline tells the reader who wrote the article

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In design, a byline is a short phrase that indicates the name of the author of an article in a publication. Used in newspapers, magazines, blogs, and other publications, the byline tells the reader who wrote the piece.  

In addition to giving credit where credit is due, a byline adds a level of legitimacy to the article; if a piece has a byline from an experienced writer with a good reputation, it's a sign of credibility for the reader.

Bylines in Online Articles

When the byline appears on an article on a website, it's often accompanied by a hyperlink to the writer's website, email address, or social media handle, or even to another web page on that same site that's full of information on that writer.

This isn't necessarily a standard practice; if a writer is a freelancer or not on staff with the publication in question, there might be no obligation to link to their outside work.

Bylines in Newspapers and Other Publications

Bylines on paper usually appear after the headline or subhead of an article but before the dateline or body copy. It's almost always prefaced by the word "by" or some other wording that indicates that the piece of information is the name of the author.

Difference Between Bylines and Taglines

A byline should not be confused with a tagline, which usually appears at the bottom of an article.

When an author credit appears at the end of the article, sometimes as part of a mini-bio of the author, this is usually referred to as a tagline. Taglines generally serve as complements to bylines. Usually, the top of an article is not a place where a publication wants lots of visual clutter, so things like dates or the writer's area of expertise are saved for the tagline area at the end of the copy.

A tagline may be used if a second writer (other than the one in the byline) contributed to an article but was not responsible for the majority of the work. Taglines also may be used to provide additional information about the author such as his or her email address or phone number.

If the tagline is positioned at the bottom of the article, it's usually accompanied by a couple of sentences giving the writer's credentials or biography. Usually, the author's name is bold or in a large font, and differentiated from the body text by a box or other graphics.

The Appearance of a Byline

The byline is a simple element. It's distinct from the headline and body copy and should be set apart but does not require a prominent design element like a box or a large font.

Here are some byline examples:

  • By John Q. Public
  • Written by John Q. Public
  • John Doe, Political Correspondent
  • John Doe, as told to John Q. Public
  • By John Doe, MD

After you decide on a style — font, size, weight, alignment, and format — for bylines in the publication you're working on, be consistent. Your bylines should look uniform and be unobtrusive unless there's a compelling reason to prominently highlight the writer's name. 

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August 15, 2023 August 15, 2023

What is a byline and how do i write one, by cori brosnahan.

You may not know what a byline is, but you have most certainly read one.

A byline is an article authored by a thought leader that appears in a media outlet as contributed content. Unlike an op-ed, a byline is less about making an argument and more about providing helpful expertise and advice. Bylines also tend to be more industry-specific than op-eds, appearing in trade magazines rather than general consumer outlets.

That said, the line between the two can be blurry and they ultimately serve the same purpose in public relations. Both bylines and op-eds can establish authors as thought leaders, build credibility and trust for brands, and expand brand awareness. While an interview with a reporter might result in a couple of quotes, bylines and op-eds allow you to exercise more control and develop your ideas fully. As such, they are an excellent opportunity to contribute to the conversation in your area of expertise and build your profile.

If you’re working with a PR agency , your publicists can help you write a byline. If you decide to tackle one on your own, here are a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind:

Do be original

Don’t repeat what’s already been said! This is your chance to contribute your unique perspective to the public discourse. A novel idea or way of seeing things will always be more interesting and memorable to readers.  

Do use your expertise

It goes without saying that to be a thought leader in a certain field, you must have some expertise in it. Draw on your experiences and what you’ve learned to make recommendations or give advice.

Do make it personal

While op-eds are inherently more personal, there’s plenty of opportunity to bring your own experience into a byline. One natural place to put a personal spin on your article is at the very beginning, in your hook. Grab the reader’s attention with a personal anecdote that introduces the topics you’ll explore in the rest of the article.

Do make it timely (if possible)

When choosing a topic, think about current trends and developments in your industry. While a byline doesn’t have to tie in directly to current events, it needs to be useful, and therefore relevant.

Do use data

Using data to backup your points will help establish your credibility.

Do know your audience

If you’re targeting a general audience, refrain from using industry jargon and make sure to explain complex concepts. If you’re writing for a trade publication, feel free to get more technical.

Don’t self-promote

Bylines are not the place to promote your business, and editors will reject your pitch if it’s too self-promotional. Instead, focus on providing useful information and ideas based on your expertise. 

Don’t ramble

Different publications will have different guidelines for the length of submissions. Most consumer publications require a byline to be under 800 words. A trade publication will typically allow longer submissions.

Once you have your byline in hand, you’ll need to identify the appropriate contact at your target media outlet. If accepted, contributed content will usually be published for free, although notable paid opportunities like the Forbes Technology Council also exist.

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How to Write a Strong Byline

It’s hard for a writer to establish themselves and the brand they represent in a memorable way. A strong byline is key to freelancers standing out and cultivating their unique personal brand. Whether you’re creating content for your website, to submit to a publisher, or for a featured piece, knowing how to write a byline is an opportunity to build your brand and stand out in your field.

Our tips in the comprehensive guide below outline how to highlight your strengths, write a strong byline, and improve your writing skills .

What Is a Byline?

A byline is a text line that tells readers who the author of a piece is. At minimum, it will include the author’s name, but strong bylined articles typically have a short bio to let readers know the background and experience of the writer.

Bylines are a chance to familiarize readers with your work and field. Relevant and impressive bylines help present you as a credible authority on the subject of your article and help cement your brand as a writer. Think of your byline as your first impression that encapsulates your values and builds trust with your readers.

Why Are Bylines Important?

A byline tells readers who you are, what you value, and what makes you credible in your field. A strong byline can support readership, credibility, and your portfolio all at once. Especially in the freelance world, it’s important to establish yourself with a unique viewpoint that only you can offer.

In addition to readership, your byline can help associate you with the publications and brands you write for. If you work for a revered company that is highly regarded and trusted by customers, you are more likely to be trusted by readers by pure association and reputation.

What Should You Include in a Byline?

As a writer, your byline is your foot in the door with readers and their first impression of you. Here’s what to include to ensure your byline is the most effective it can be:

1. Who You Are and What You Do

It’s important to show your readers who you are. Personal information like where you’re from, where you live, and where you were educated are important inclusions to highlight your background while building credibility with readers. A byline may include a clear, professional photo of you (typically a headshot) that represents you as a writer.

Here’s an example: Dr. John Doe is a scientist specializing in microbiology. Doe studied at Harvard Medical School and runs a genetic disorder practice in Boston. He is the author of Genes Up Close .

You can even include a fun fact that shows off your personality if it fits the tone of the publication. Your byline will be edited for each publication — like a resume — so be prepared to make tweaks and adjustments for specific publications.

Looking at the example again, we can show off Doe’s personality a little more with the addition of: In his spare time, Doe is a tour guide at the Boston Museum of Science.

2. Previous Experience, Areas of Expertise, and Fields of Knowledge

Your byline should include your areas of expertise and fields of knowledge. If you’re publishing a scientific magazine or journal, include studies you’ve conducted in the field, certifications you have, or other background experience that qualifies you.

A byline from Science News for an article on climate change and Antarctic glaciers cites the author’s travel experience and funding to showcase experience and prestige: Douglas Fox is a freelance journalist based in northern California. He was funded by the National Science Foundation to travel to Antarctica from November 2019 to January 2020.

Fox builds trust with readers and subscribers as an authority through direct experience and first-hand study. Your byline should provide relevant information on why you’re trusted on your topic, as Fox does here. Previous experience writing in that field is always helpful.

As a writer or editor, your writing is your personal brand, so in order to build your business, you need readers to trust you. This will lead to higher retention in return readers. It helps you cultivate brand loyalty and grow your business.

3. Your Portfolio, Blog, or Website

A byline is an opportunity to connect your readers with more of your work. Including a link to your portfolio, blog, or website allows readers to find your work instantly and connect with your writing. This ultimately builds subscribers and helps you to create lasting bonds. If someone reads your piece and enjoys it, give them instant access to all of your writing in one place.

Your brand consists of your work and what you present to the world, so make sure your byline will boost and strengthen it. Include your niche as a writer and what makes you the right fit for each piece. A great byline is like a digital business card that connects your readers directly to you — so take the opportunity to build readership!

How to Write a Byline

Not sure where to begin or how to write a byline that will impress readers and search engines alike? Look no further. When you’re writing your byline, keep these tips in mind for the strongest and best results:

Keep It Short and Sweet

To get the most out of your byline, keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Limit it to 50 words or less and about two or three sentences. Don’t try to include everything here; your byline should show off your skills without overselling.

Include only the information that is most relevant and important to your piece. Ask yourself what the readers need to know for context and which information is pertinent to the story you’re telling. If your readers are curious and want to know more about you after reading, your byline will direct them to your portfolio or personal website.

Tailor to Each Publication

When you write your byline, think of it like a resume — you will need to tweak it for each specific article and publication. Relevance is key to your freelance success , so don’t include credentials on literature for a scientific article. Edit your byline to each specific publication your work is featured in.

Use a Great Photo

If available and appropriate for the domain, add a high-quality, professional photo that represents your brand. Your readers are more likely to remember your work when they can put your face to your name. Choose a high-quality, clear photograph that shows off your professionalism and your personal style. Don’t let an LQ or busy photo overshadow your writing.

What Is a Strong Byline?

Now that we’ve covered what a strong byline should incorporate, we’ll look at examples. These established writers are published in prominent newspapers, magazines, and newsletters.

Byline Examples

Here are a couple examples of excellent bylines from sources you already know and trust. Different writers and publications also have different styles, so don’t be afraid to personalize and make it your own.

Our first byline is from Saul J Takahashi, a contributor to Al Jazeera, covering conflict in the Middle East. While his website or portfolio isn’t linked, the author establishes their authority as a contributor to the publication. He lists his details, credentials, and location:

Professor of Human Rights and Peace Studies at Osaka Jogakuin University in Osaka, Japan

This next byline is from ContentWriters’ blog. Derek Johnson, Director of Content Strategy, covers the topic of “5 Organic Marketing Strategies for Lead Generation.” Why should we believe Derek’s tips? The byline with background and certification information highlights relevant experience and builds trust with the reader:

Derek is ContentWriters’ Director of Content Strategy. He has helped hundreds of companies improve their web traffic, conversion rate, and content creation efficiency. Derek is particularly knowledgeable in full-cycle sales, eCommerce, SaaS, and B2B marketing, having consulted in those areas for over 5 years. He is HubSpot Content Marketing certified.

Our last byline example is from Time m agazine, from a column on how to fix U.S. election issues. The author establishes her authority and includes links to her other work for the publication:

Thornton is the Senior Vice President of Democracy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. She previously served overseas in leadership positions at the National Democratic Institute and International IDEA.

Through these varying styles and different examples, we’ve shown just a few potential inspirations for your byline. By highlighting your field, your goals, and your publication, your byline will be its strongest.

A byline is so much more than an author tag on an article. Bylines are an opportunity to build your brand, establish your credibility, and grow readership. Your byline tells readers who you are and what your background is, and it also helps establish your authority on a subject that readers can trust and rely on.

Bylined Articles for Businesses

At ContentWriters, we leverage our writers with expertise and experience valuable to our clients. We offer bylines of our US-based writers with subject matter expertise to be published on your domain alongside our high-quality content. If you need to build your team of writers with diverse experiences and perspectives, connect with our team to discover how we can help.

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Kelly Carlin is a writer based in Philadelphia. She was born in Virginia and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature from James Madison University. Kelly’s writing experience spans music journalism, SEO copy, and DIY self-published zines, as well as nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and prose.

Kelly enjoys live music, reading or watching films with her cats, and cheering on the local Philly sports teams. When she’s not writing, you can find her at local DIY music shows, watching Jeopardy, and going to the movies. Kelly is a founding member of After Hours, a writer’s social club and collective in Philadelphia.

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All About Bylines: Strategic Contributed Content Best Practices

May 11, 2021 Kristin Allaben

As the Content Manager at Inkhouse, I’ve had the chance to work with executives on dozens of bylines ranging in topic from thoughts on the latest data breach to advice for leading a company through a challenging year. Bylined articles provide an outlet for thought leaders to contribute stories and perspectives to industry conversation and elevate their profiles while staying in control of the message. By elevating executives’ profiles, you can also drive brand awareness and increase engagement with their organizations.

Our content team fields many questions about what goes into a strategic byline that can work for business, tech, or trade publications and how bylines fit into a broader PR strategy. Here are some of our top takeaways.

Personal stories are key.

With so many authors contributing bylines on timely topics, yours needs to stand out. Compelling bylines usually include plenty of personal anecdotes unique to the author that set it apart from others and establish the author as a credible source on the topic. In the case of leadership bylines, think stories from the early days of founding the company or examples of regretting a course of action that showcase a lesson learned.

Sometimes the best byline ideas are right in front of you.

Up against writer’s block? The best ideas can come from media or speaking opportunities executives have already participated in like podcasts, keynote presentations, or interviews. This is where the media and content teams can collaborate; the media team can point content to existing resources that can inform a compelling byline. Often, the idea-generation stage is already (at least partially) complete — you just need to know where to look.

Stay away from self-serving.

Most publications require that authors refrain from mentioning their company’s product or tying back to offerings in any way. Save the product mentions for blog posts or other internal content marketing materials and keep byline content as vendor-neutral as possible. 

Keep on top of new content guidelines .

Contributed content guidelines change by the day, especially as many publications shift to paid column options. Our content team recently conducted a content audit to find out what types of bylines top-tier business and tech publications accept. Unsurprisingly, we found the bar is high for new executive contributors, who are up against industry researchers and academics who regularly contribute to top-tier publications. We also found standard word count ranges vary pretty significantly across outlets (from ~350 to as high as ~2,400 words). Double check guidelines and adhere to the editor’s unique preferences for formatting and sharing the content for review. 

Once the byline publishes, the social team gets involved. Executives can share across their social media platforms and company social handles should share it too. There’s also an opportunity to republish the content on the executive’s LinkedIn or Medium page, depending on contributed content republication requirements (which vary by publication but usually ask the author to wait a few weeks before republishing and include a link back to the original source). 

And finally, think about maintaining a steady cadence of thought leadership to further establish an executive’s brand. Many publications offer paid content opportunities for leaders to contribute on an ongoing basis (like Fast Company’s Exec Board, CNBC’s Tech Exec Council, Forbes Tech Council, etc.), and writing for one of those is an excellent way to maintain the thought leadership momentum.

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What is a Byline?

A line identifying the writer of an article or story., putting a face to the name: the importance of bylines in creative writing.

Bylines are an essential part of published pieces in the writing world. They provide readers with the opportunity to connect a name or pseudonym to a particular piece of writing, often leaving a lasting impression or recognition of style and quality. Bylines also carry a level of professionalism, as they indicate the writer is not simply writing anonymously, but is instead taking ownership and accountability for their work.

First appearing in the late 19th century, bylines have evolved from being simply a line of text stating the writer's name to becoming a platform for writers to build their brand and reputation. In addition to traditional publishing, a byline is also integral in digital writing and online content creation, where readers often have access to the writer's social media and website links.

While bylines are often associated with journalism and news articles, they are equally important in creative writing. Bylines in literary journals or on personal websites create a sense of community and allow readers to engage with the author on a deeper level. Moreover, for writers seeking to build a career, bylines serve as tangible evidence of published work and can be used as writing credentials when seeking new opportunities.

Bylines are not only important for writer recognition and credibility, they also play a role in the storytelling within literary works. Here are two examples:

In F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway is not only the narrator, but the byline of the story, creating an immediate intimacy with his character. The byline serves as a way for Fitzgerald to instantly connect the reader with his protagonist and bring them into the fast-paced, decadent world of the 1920s.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper is presented as a series of journal entries with no byline. The absence of a byline serves to amplify the narrator's sense of isolation and voicelessness, highlighting the confines of her situation and the need to break free from societal expectations.

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How to Write Bylines that are as Captivating as they are Memorable

How to Write Bylines that are as Captivating as they are Memorable

We find bylines in newspapers, articles, and online, so it’s no wonder you want to write one yourself. Not sure how? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s everything you need to know.

What Are Bylines?

Before we check out a byline example, it’s important to answer your burning question: “what is a byline?”

A byline is a snippet that tells readers more about the author by including their contact details and a link to their work. It’s important not to get them confused with an author’s bio, so don’t look towards author bio examples or author bio samples for inspiration.

How to Write Bylines

Whether it’s a newspaper or article byline there is an art to producing brilliant short bios and bylines. For instance:

Look at Examples

Bylines are distinct from the headline and body copy. Even though it’s set apart you don’t need a prominent design element to emphasize it like putting the text into a box.

Several examples include:

* By Sarah Smith * Written by Sarah Smith * Sarah Smith, Political Correspondent

This will be displayed at the top of an article alongside the date and their contact details.

First or Third Person?

You can choose whether you want to write in the first or third person. Pick the first person if you want to come across as down-to-earth and friendly. This is fantastic if you write most of your own content as it makes you appear more approachable.

Using third-person turns you into an authority in your field, fantastic if you want to come across more professional.

Add Your Credentials

Bylines run into author bios, so you may be asked to include examples of your credentials, like:

* Education * Previous publications (three to five most prestigious) * Professional writing experience * Awards or fellowships * Where you live

You should also include links to your website, blog, and social media channels. But, it’s important to note, that if you’re a freelancer or not on staff with the publication then you may not need to link your outside work.

But Don’t Brag

Even though it’s tempting to reel off your many accomplishments, be mindful of what you include. Only include achievements that readers would see as beneficial to them because they’re the target audience .

People Do Business With People

Your byline and author bio should make you sound like a human which is the best way to engage with your audience. Always be yourself, human, and relatable.

Final Thoughts on Bylines

As a writer, it’s essential to include bylines to your articles, web content, or if you’ve been published in a newspaper. Remember not to confuse bylines with author bios, as bylines merely state your name, occupation, and your social media handles.

If you’re expected to craft an author bio, keep it engaging, humble, and human to help your article gain traction. Happy writing!

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I agree with all these tips. It is so important in my opinion to be humble about any article you publish.

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What Is A Byline In Journalism? Discover Its Origin

Learn what is a byline in journalism and how to write one.

A byline in journalism informs an audience of who reported and wrote the story they are reading. It refers to the publishing of the author’s name on the article they wrote. The most common position for a byline is fixed between the story’s headline and its opening paragraph. However, some magazine articles place the byline at the bottom of the page or article .

The Origin Of The Byline

The byline and its critics, different styles of bylines.

What is a byline in journalism?

Byline (or by-line) first entered the lexicon of the English language in one of Ernest Hemmingway’s best books from 1926, The Sun Also Rises .

His description fits in with the typical definition of a byline : a writer’s name being attributed to a news story .

A passage within the book reads, “He sat in the outer room and read the papers, and the Editor and Publisher and I worked hard for two hours. Then I sorted out the carbons, stamped on a by-line, put the stuff in a couple of manila envelopes.”

Although the word ‘ byline ’ didn’t exist in print before then, the concept of journalists putting their names to stories they wrote did. Article bylines are linked back to the American Civil War. Back then, it was a means to ensure there was accountability for a reporter who gave away vital information.

Reporter Ted Fraser touched upon this point in an article entitled ‘To Understand the History of Journalism, Look Down’ .

He wrote: “After one newspaper published a piece “that contained information about the size and location of the Army of the Potomac,” Union general Joseph Hooker complained to the Secretary of War. Shortly thereafter, General Order №48 came into effect, “requiring all reporters with the Army of the Potomac to publish their communications over their own signatures.”

That requirement ensured that journalists had to put their signature to stories. Of course, this was for accountability and not all reporters were happy with the process.

In fact, as Fraser later states, French publication Le National argued against the idea. It stated that “the press (…) has to be anonymous. We do not want that a government, if it makes mistakes, only needs to face an individual and powerless opinion; it must face a collective expression”. You might also be wondering, what does off the record mean and what is beat in journalism ?

Adolph Ochs

Since then that hasn’t been the case, as the byline has grown as a means to keep journalists accountable, but also as a means to increase the profile and give credit to the author of an article .

It could be argued that a writer being willing to stand by his story with his published attribution could add authority to a story . However, there is the opposing argument that publishing the writer’s name removes the air of objectivity within the news space.

Adolph Ochs, (1858-1935), owner and publisher of the New York Times, was not a fan of the byline .

In Alex S. Jones and Susan Tifft’s book, “The Trust: The Private and Powerful Family Behind the New York Times” .

It read: “Adolph had an ironclad policy on who got individual credit at the New York Times, insisting that ‘the business of the paper must be absolutely impersonal.”

Even then, other publications heralded the idea of bylines as they believed that they could build a following for their writers and increase demand. However, what became more commonplace was the middle ground. Publications who believe that bylines should be reserved only for outstanding work or stories that are featured on the front page .

However, those days are gone, and now bylines are dominant in newspaper copy. Jack Shafer linked this development to the 1970s in an article he wrote for Reuters.

It read: “At some point… every newspaper story … was deemed worthy of byline commemoration. Bylines on wire service stories, which newspapers routinely cut to distinguish their home-built stories from the conveyor belt of the wires, now appear regularly in many newspapers.

“Just about the only places you won’t find a byline in a modern newspaper these days is the tiny wire story , which a byline tends to make typographically top-heavy, and editorials…”

Putting the writer’s name to the article is virtually universal in all forms of contemporary print journalism. How, the process in which bylines can be attributed is not, with several different styles at play.

For instance, some bylines are accompanied by the news reporter’s position within the organization. An example is ‘By Matt Stout, Boston Globe Staff Writer’.

With other organizations, the byline is simply ‘by’, followed by the name. That is the way the Associated Press publishes its bylines.

Bylines can also be accompanied by datelines, which is a line at the beginning of an article that simply states the origin and date of the story . Whether the byline and dateline is written in capital letters is entirely up to the publication’s style.

Sometimes a byline includes a brief description of the article . An example of this type of byline would be: ”Staff writer Jacinta Henry examines what it takes to become a broadcast journalist in America”.

Magazine bylines and opinion pieces may have a short piece of biographical information about the writer and the article . This would look like this: ‘After working for 30 years as a broadcast journalist, Jacinta Henry discusses how the role has changed through the years’.

Nowadays, on online articles , bylines often feature a hyperlink that links to the article’s writers’ previous stories on a separate page within the website.

Whether you support bylines or not, there is little doubt that they are here to stay. In today’s era of misinformation, that is a good thing. Journalists should have to stand by what they are writing and distributing to the public.

Not only that, but they should also get credit for their work. Bylines ensure that newspaper and print newsrooms are kept accountable, but it also ensures that newsrooms get the credit they deserve when they do the work.

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purpose of byline essay

What Is a Byline and How Can You Get One?

By jessica walrack.

letter cubes spell author

If you write articles or blogs, it’s helpful to understand the ins and outs of bylines sooner rather than later. Why? Because they can provide you with various benefits long after you get the one-time payment for each piece. Further, they can also work against you in some situations. Have some questions? Here are the basics you need to know.

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Want to jump ahead?

What is a byline?

Benefits of bylines for writers, are some bylines better than others, how to evaluate the potential benefits of a byline.

  • Should you get paid more for a byline?

Should you write for free to get a byline?

  • How freelance writers can get bylines

Definition of a byline : A byline is a short line of text that tells the audience who wrote a blog, article, news story, or other piece of writing. In short, it’s the author’s name. For example, at the top of this page, you’ll see my name—that’s the byline.

As a writer, a byline puts your name out there in the world with a piece of your work. Each time you get one, it’s like planting a seed. You never know who might see it and what opportunities could come from it.

In episode 2 of the All Things Freelance Writing podcast , Brianne Hogan shares a story about how she was writing bylined pieces for Hello Giggles over the course of a few years. One day, she checked her spam folder and found an email from an editor at a reputable publishing house.

The editor had seen her work on Hello Giggles and was requesting that she put together a book proposal for them. Brianne had always wanted to become a published author of fiction books and saw this as a step in the right direction. She put the pitch together and they accepted it. Then, she leveraged the situation to find herself a great literary agent.

Hogan says, “This is a little reminder to writers that you never know who’s reading your stuff.” She adds, “Also, check your spam folder because you never know who’s emailing you.”

Like Brianne, I’ve also seen the value of bylined pieces in my writing business. While I’ve yet to get a book deal (maybe someday!), new clients regularly reach out to me after seeing my work on other sites.

If you’re consistently getting more bylines, you’re creating a far-reaching public portfolio that can drive business to you.

Some bylines will provide writers with greater benefits than others. Why? Here are three main reasons.

1. More reach means more opportunities

If you get a byline on a high-traffic website or a popular publication, it will be seen by a larger audience. More eyeballs mean more potential opportunities.

2. Credibility is transferrable

When you get a byline somewhere, you become associated with the brand publishing you. If that brand or business is known and trusted, they pass those benefits on to you. This can help to drive up demand for your services while reducing objections and hesitations.

Once I had a few bylines with trusted brands in my niche , I stopped having to sell my services. Clients began coming to me already positive they wanted to hire me.

3. Alignment matters

Another factor to consider is if the publication or website aligns with your brand , values, and goals. If it doesn’t, a byline could actually work against you. For example, if you’re working to become a writer known in the vegan industry, writing non-vegan recipes under your name could break trust with your audience. You want to ensure your bylined writing aligns with where you want to go.

Once a client offers you a byline, how do you evaluate it? Aside from assessing whether it aligns with your brand, values, and goals—check the amount of traffic the website gets and its domain authority (DA)

Term : Domain authority is a score that was originally developed by Moz to predict how likely a website is to rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). DA scores ranges from 1 to 100, with 100 being the best.

How can you check a website’s traffic and/or DA for free? SEMrush (Sign up to get 10 free requests per month). That link will also give you an extended 14-day free trial.

Should bylines come with higher pay?

A byline provides you with extra benefits, as the author of a piece, so often isn’t a reason for higher pay in itself. In fact, some writers charge more for ghostwriting because it doesn’t come with the benefit of a byline.

However, if you have significant influence in an industry and will drive people to a publication or business, that could warrant higher pay.

I know some people may be upset with this answer, but it’s true in my experience so I’m saying it on the record. Bylines can provide immense value and, in some cases, it may be worth it to write a piece for free to gain exposure or credibility. Some people even pay publications to publish their work ( Entrepreneur.com’s Leadership Network program costs $3,000 per year).

However, only you can determine if the returns are worth the investment of your time. Not all bylines are of equal value—as I explained above. Be sure to consider how beneficial the particular byline will be for you. It’s also worth noting that most clients will both pay you for your writing and give you the byline.

How can a freelance writer get a byline?

You can get a byline as a freelance writer from publications and businesses.

When targeting publications, you typically check the publication’s requirements, pitch a topic you think would be a good fit, and hope it gets approved. If it does, you’ll write the piece, submit it, and get paid once it’s published.

When writing for businesses, some offer bylines while others don’t. You’ll need to look for bylined opportunities or find out upfront if your byline will be included.

From the business’s perspective, granting a byline can help or hurt its credibility depending on the background, experience, and expertise of the writer. The more credible you are in a niche , the easier it will be to get bylines in it.

When I was starting out, I landed some bylines on smaller traffic/DA sites and gradually climbed the ladder. However, if you have subject matter expertise, you may be able to skip the lower rungs.

Not sure where to look for freelance writing opportunities from publications and businesses? You can find 20-30+ each week on our job board — many which come with bylines.

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  • How to choose a profitable freelance writing niche
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Jessica Walrack founded All Things Freelance Writing. She's also a finance blog writer of 10+ years. You can find her work featured on Investopedia, CBS News MoneyWatch,, US News and World, and many other financial education sites.

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purpose of byline essay

APA Style Manuscript Guidelines

Apa style (7th ed.) manuscript guidelines.

APA Style provides guidelines on how your paper should appear on the page. It involves formatting margins, line spacing, the title page, body pages, and reference list.

title page sample 2

Notes on the Sample Title Page

  • In the header of the document at the right margin, insert the page number.
  • In the upper half of the page, three to four lines down from the header, provide the title of the paper in bold, title case.
  • Double-space the title page and entire paper, adding an additional double-spaced line between the title and the “byline”—author name.
  • Provide the byline and related information in regular font. First provide the author’s name and affiliated university.
  • Next, provide the course number and name (Course Number: Name), the professor for the course, and due date.
  • Always check with your instructor about additional information required on this page.

More Title Page Examples

  • Open a sample title page here .
  • Formatting an APA Style (7th ed.) Paper and Title Page in Microsoft Word Video

body page sample 2

Notes on this sample body page

  • The font should be the same throughout the paper. Acceptable fonts include 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, 12-point Times New Roman, 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode, 11-point Georgia, or 10-point Computer Modern.
  • Use one-inch margins all around.
  • The text should align with the left margin and be uneven along the right margin with one space between words and after punctuation.
  • Double-space the entire paper without extra spacing between paragraphs.
  • Indent the beginning of each paragraph one half-inch, which is typically one click of the Tab key.

More Body Page Examples

  • Open a sample body page here .
  • Open a sample APA Style research paper here

Reference List

Sample Reference List

Notes on this sample references list for student papers:

  • The references list begins on a new page at the end of the paper before any tables or appendices.
  • The right margin of the header provides the page number, continued from the previous page.
  • The word References is centered on the first line under the header in bold font.
  • The citations are formatted using a “hanging indent” where the second and subsequent lines are indented one half-inch under the first line in order to improve readability.
  • Double-space the reference list, including within a reference entry.
  • Two or more works by the same author are ordered chronologically by publication date.
  • References with the same first author and a different second author are alphabetized by the second author.

More Reference List Examples

  • Open a sample reference list here .
  • Formatting an APA Style (7th ed.) Reference List in Microsoft Word Video

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What Is a Byline? How to Write a Strong Byline

It’s hard for an author to establish themselves and the brand they represent in a memorable way. Whether creating content for your website , submitting it to a publisher, or for a featured article, knowing how to write a byline is an opportunity to build your brand and stand out in your field. If you write blog posts, articles, or news stories, chances are you’ve encountered the term byline. For a freelance writer, a byline is a way to get full credit for your work, get your name out there, and add to your portfolio.

This blog post will clearly explain what a byline is, why you need one, and how to write one. Our tips in the comprehensive guide below explain how to highlight your strengths, write a strong byline, and improve your writing skills.

Table of Contents

What is a Byline

A byline is a text line that tells readers who the author of a work is. At a minimum, this will include the author’s name but strongly highlighted articles usually include a brief biography to let readers know the author’s background and experiences. 

The byline is a chance to introduce readers to your work and field. Relevant and impactful bylines help gift you as a credible authority on your article’s topic and assist support your emblem as an author. Consider your byline as your initial impression, encapsulating your values and fostering trust with your readers.

A byline is a line that tells readers who wrote a piece of content (such as a blog post or article). At a minimum, it includes the author’s name, but a great byline can include much more than that. Some bylines are like mini-bios and may include a summary of the writer’s background, a photo, and contact information.

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Why are Bylines Important

A byline communicates your identity, values, and credibility in your field to readers. A strong byline can boost readership, and credibility, and support your portfolio all at once. Especially in the freelance world, it’s important to establish yourself with a unique perspective that only you can offer. 

In addition to readership, your byline can help you connect with the publications and brands you write for. If you work for a reputable company that is highly regarded and trusted by customers, readers are more likely to trust you due to pure consistency and reputation.

Benefits of Bylines

Your byline not only tells readers that you wrote a specific piece of content but also gives them insight into your areas of expertise. This allows you to establish credibility in that field and, in turn, develop a readership that trusts your opinions. Byline helps you build your portfolio. When looking for new writing opportunities, you need to be able to share examples of your work with potential clients. Clients want to be confident that you have the right knowledge and experience to give them what they want. Examples of past work are the best way to demonstrate your skills and provide reassurance.

Your byline also actively connects you to the brands and publications you write for. If that brand or publication is trustworthy, you’re more likely to be trusted – so it’s a great way to boost your reputation. You’re more likely to reach an audience of people who are interested in your particular area of expertise (be they readers or potential customers). All this can increase demand for what you do and the services you provide. Just keep in mind that readers attribute a publication’s values to its writers, so make sure you stick to their values!

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How to write Bylines

Whether you’re new to freelance writing or have ample experience, nailing your byline is crucial. Here are our top tips:

  • Craft your byline succinctly, conveying your values and expertise in two or three sentences.
  • Use about 50 words.
  • Include a high-quality image that reflects your confidence, warmth, and authoritative personality.
  • Emphasize your expertise but don’t try to sell your services.
  • If it feels like a good fit for publication, show your personality or add a fun fact.
  • Provide a free resource like a template, course, or recipe related to your product or service category.
  • Link to the landing page of your blog or your website.
  • Prepare your byline for each publication. Relevance is important.

Ensure your byline remains concise and impactful. People primarily visit your articles because they want to read your content and benefit from your expertise. It’s a huge plus to know a little about you as a writer, but it’s not their priority. Therefore, what you say in your byline should be impactful. Your byline is a notable possibility to direct readers to more of your content, so line your internet site homepage or weblog landing web page with an incentive if suitable. Your byline can help you build a following for your freelance writing.

What Should Include in a Byline

As a writer, your byline is your first step towards readers and their first impression of you. Here’s what to include to ensure your byline is most effective:

What do you do, and who are you?

Showing your readers who you are is essential. Personal information such as where you are from, where you live, and where you received your education are important inclusions to highlight your background while building credibility with readers. A byline can include a clear, professional photograph of yourself (usually a headshot) that represents you as a writer.

Example:- Dr. John Doe is a scientist specializing in microbiology. Do attended Harvard Medical School and runs a genetic disorders practice in Boston. He is the author of Jeans Up Close.

You can also include a fun fact that reflects your personality if it matches the tone of the publication. Your byline will be tailored for each publication, similar to a resume, so be ready to make modifications and tweaks to suit specific publications.

Previous Experience, expertise, and knowledge

Your byline should include your areas of expertise and areas of knowledge. If you’re publishing a scientific journal or magazine, include studies you’ve done in that field, certifications you have, or other background experience that qualifies you.

Example:- A byline in Science News for an article on climate change and Antarctic glaciers cites the writer’s tour enjoyment and funding to demonstrate enjoyment and popularity: Douglas Fox is a freelance journalist based totally in Northern California. He secured funding from the National Science Foundation for a trip to Antarctica from November 2019 to January 2020.

Fox builds trust as an authority among readers and customers through direct experience and direct study. Your byline should provide relevant information about why you are trustworthy about your topic, as Fox does here. Previous experience writing in that field is constantly helpful. As an author or editor, your writing is your emblem, as a way to build your commercial enterprise, you have to trust readers. This will increase the number of return readers. This helps you develop brand loyalty and grow your business.

Your Portfolio, Website, and Blog

The byline is an opportunity to connect your readers to more of your work. Including a link to your portfolio, blog, or website allows readers to quickly find your work and engage with your writing. This ultimately builds customers and helps you build lasting bonds. If someone reads and enjoys your work, give them instant access to all your writing in one place.

Your logo encompasses your work and what you gift to the world, so ensure your byline will promote and toughen this. Include your uniqueness as a writer and what makes you a good fit for each piece. A great byline is like a digital business card that connects your readers directly to you – so take the opportunity to build a readership!

In short, a byline is your author’s signature, which is essential for building credibility and attracting readers. Keep it brief, around 50 words, with a professional photo and relevant biography. Highlight your expertise and provide a link to your portfolio or website. Make it attractive, reflecting your personality while maintaining professionalism. Tailor your byline for each publication to maximize impact.

  • how to write a byline
  • what is Byline

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What Are Author Bios and Bylines and How to Write Them (+ Examples)

  • Updated on Dec 05, 2023
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Photo of a hand writing in a notebook. There's a coffee mug next to that hand and some other notebooks.

Since I started publishing in magazines and websites owned by somebody else, I’ve had to consider these terms. If you’re a writer, I bet you’ve heard about them yourself. So, today, let’s look at what they are, why and when you need them, and how to write them.

And then, we’ll wrap up with some author bio examples for inspiration.

The Difference Between Author Bios and Bylines

A lot of people confuse author bios and bylines. Believe it or not, I’ve seen some bloggers literally say that bylines and bios are the same thing. They are NOT.

A byline is just the author’s name while a bio includes the name of the author and a paragraph with an overview of the author’s identity and/or accomplishments.

So, first thing first, let’s define a byline and a bio clearly and see how they’re different from each other.

What is an author’s byline?

The screenshot below is an example of a byline from the online magazine Splice Today . The byline with the author’s name (mine!) is in gray in between the headline (title) and the subheading.

Screenshot of a byline example: Here you can see my name (in gray) between the headline and the subheader. This article was published in an online magazine called Splice Today.

In other words, a byline is simply the author’s name and nothing more.

Exceptions to bylines:

  • Sometimes, especially in online publications such as personal blogs where there’s only one author—the owner of the blog website—they may choose not to publish their name in every single blog post. In this case, there are no bylines. However, in this scenario, the author’s identity is obvious even without the byline.
  • Ghostwriters never get a byline because that is the nature of ghostwriting. These writers’ names are hidden, or they write under someone else’s name. In the latter case, this “someone else” may get a byline even though they’re not the original author.

The screenshot below is from Neil Patel’s blog. Here, there is no byline, but it is clear that Neil Patel is the writer because it is his website. We also see his bio in the sidebar (we’ll talk about author bios in a minute!) and his photos are splashed all over the website, making it obvious who the author is.

However, is it really Neil Patel who wrote this article? Is it possible that a hired/contracted ghostwriter has written this post? We’ll never know because there’s no byline!

Screenshot of Neil Patel's blog where there is no byline.

Why should you care about bylines?

A byline is proof that you’re the author of a piece of writing. To us writers, bylines help us create our writing portfolios. We need them for our resumes.

If you pitch an editor of The New York Times and tell them you have bylines in The Atlantic and The Washington Post, they’ll likely pay it more attention than a total rando with no bylines.

Even in the world of bloggers, bylines can be handy, especially if you’re a freelance blogger/content writer. SaaS and UX writers, for example, can benefit from having bylines on websites like Zapier, GoDaddy Garage, HubSpot, etc. The reason why so many writers covet guest posts, even when it’s labor without monetary compensation, is for this very reason — they want to build up their writing portfolio.

Without a byline, there’s no proof of your accomplishments. Nobody will know what you’re capable of or if you’re worth hiring or commissioning.

So, unless you’re ghostwriting for a hefty payment, make sure all your writing comes with a byline. Otherwise, there’s no point in publishing in a magazine or blog that isn’t your own.

Should you have a byline in your own blog?

Depends on your personal taste.

In any case, on your own website, you should make it perfectly clear that whatever is written comes from you or has your approval. Basically, you are responsible and accountable for everything that is published on your website.

For example, in Neil Patel’s blog, even though there’s no byline, it is abundantly clear that it is indeed his website. His images are splashed all over the site. His face is basically the brand of his business. No matter who is writing these blog posts, it’s Neil’s words.

Personally, I like having a byline on The Side Blogger . This also allows me to commission other writers or have guest bloggers from time to time and they all publish under their own bylines. So, having a consistent design across the site where you always see the author’s name in every single article is useful.

Now, let’s talk about author bios.

What is an author bio?

The image below shows the author bio of Si Quan Ong who writes on Ahrefs blog .

An example of an author bio from Ahrefs blog.

In blogs or online magazines and news outlets, you may see the author bio in a few different ways:

  • In a website, an author bio may not appear alongside the article. But, the byline may be hyperlinked with the author’s bio page (as in, when you click the author’s name, it takes you to a separate page that has the author’s bio and a list of articles they have published on that website.)
  • A website may have the author’s bio alongside their article(s) on the same page. It may appear in the sidebar or under the article.
  • Some websites have an author page that lists all the articles published by that author on that website, but no bio.
  • Some other websites have the byline only and no bio or author page.

Do you need an author bio?

Author bios are typically built into the website’s larger system. Some websites have them. Others don’t. And they’re not nearly as important as a byline. Even if you do not have a bio, your byline proves your authorship of a piece of writing.

To give you an example, I’ve written several pieces for Splice Today and my author page simply includes a list of articles and no bio. But that’s fine. That’s how all of their author pages look like and I don’t care whether or not they include my bio.

But, if a website has author bios built into their system, then they’ll ask you for one. And when they do, you must provide it. And since it’ll be on that website, you better do a good job and not send over a sloppy paragraph, right?

Author bio specifications

All websites have their own specifications for author bios, and they’ll let you know what these are. If you’re writing for a website and they have author bios (do a little research before you pitch them or send over a piece of writing) and they haven’t given you specs, then feel free to ask for these.

Typical specifications include:

  • Whether or not you’ll need to give them a profile photo, and if so, what are the required dimensions?
  • Is there a minimum and/or maximum word/character count?

How to write an author bio

There’s no rule for writing author bios and it depends entirely on what you’re trying to achieve.

As I said earlier, the byline is the most important thing for a writer; the bio is a sweet extra.

What to include in an author bio:

I’ve seen writers include one or more of the following in their author bios.

  • Personal details (pronouns, sexuality, BIPOC denomination, or whatever establishes their identity, personality, background, etc.)
  • Past publications
  • Author’s social media and/or website
  • Author’s location (it doesn’t have to be specific, just the state/province or even just the country is fine.)

Author bio examples

Let’s look at a few author bio examples, shall we?

A mini resume

Often, SaaS, UX, and content writers will use their bio as a mini resume and they’ll list what they do, where their expertise lie, and a link to their website or a larger portfolio. This way, potential employers or anyone interested in hiring a writer with similar skill sets can get in touch with the author.

Below you’ll see an example of an author bio from Hubspot . I like it because it’s short but gets to the point quickly — introduces who Stephanie Trovato is and who she’s worked with to establish her expertise — all business, no play but that’s perfect for these short bios.

Stephanie is a content marketing expert with a passion for connecting the dots of strategy and content. She has worked with industry leaders including HubSpot, Oracle, Travel + Leisure, and Forbes.

Screenshot of an author bio from Hubspot.

You’re not only your job title

Krystina Martinez’s author bio on Zapier is a mix of business and fun facts about herself. I like this one a lot! It doesn’t have a link to her website or a long list of past clients, but maybe that’s not necessary? I mean, but the sound of it, she has a J.O.B. as a content writer at Zapier, so maybe the bio is just a nice touch here and not so much a tool for prospecting new clients or employers.

Krystina Martinez is a writer on Zapier’s content marketing team, based in Dallas, Texas. When she’s not working, you can find her sewing, exercising, or watching anime and gymnastics.

Screenshot of an author bio from Zapier.

The braggart

If you have names like the New York Times and the New Yorker on your resume, wouldn’t you want to boast too? That’s what Hala Alyan has done in Guernica .

Hala Alyan is a Palestinian American writer and clinical psychologist whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, POETRY, and elsewhere. Her poetry collections have won the Arab American Book Award and the Crab Orchard Series, and her debut novel, Salt Houses, won the Dayton Literary Peace Prize. Her latest novel, The Arsonists’ City, was a finalist for the 2022 Aspen Words Literary Prize. Her forthcoming collection of poetry, The Moon That Turns You Back, will be published by Ecco.

Screenshot of an author bio from Guernica.

Vainglory is not mandatory

In the end, nobody really cares about your author bio… except maybe you.

Let me remind you once again: your byline is more important than your author bio. If you want to brag about your long list of accomplishments in that tiny paragraph or two, you’re really just tickling your own ego… which is totally fine, by the way. I mean, when I’ve published in Guernica or Granta or the Paris Review , you bet I’ll be listing those names off on all of my bios whether or not other people give a damn! ‘Cause I do, dammit!

My point is, if you don’t care about listing off your past publications, that’s totally fine. The author bio has neither made nor dismantled anybody’s writing career as far as I know.

Here’s a modest author bio of Doug Crandell from The Sun magazine even though he has plenty to brag about.

Doug Crandell has fallen in love with fall crocuses. He plants the bulbs on a little farm in Douglasville, Georgia.

Screenshot of an author bio from The Sun magazine.

A few tips for author bios

Earlier I said an author bio neither makes nor breaks a career. I stand by it.

However, I also kinda sorta implied that nobody cares about your bio except for you.

Well, that may not be so true, after all.

Here’s why I’m contradicting myself: The only times I care to read an author bio is when I’ve been really impressed by a certain piece of writing. As a reader, I become interested in the person behind the words, so I click the byline and try to find out more about the author.

So, it may be that while bios are not as important for building a career as a byline, they’re still a great way to build connections with readers.

The publishing world looks very different these days, thanks to social media. If you have your own following, you can market your work more effectively, on your own, without having to rely on a third-party PR team. So, a bio could very well be a place where you try to woo your readers into following you or learning more about you.

A crafty writer may convince a reader to buy their books, or follow them on social, or sign up for their newsletter just by flirting their way through that teeny-tiny author bio!

So, brag away if you want to, or use humor to charm your reader, or do both! It’s up to you how to want to engage your readers, after all.

And finally, know that you can craft a bio based on where your writing appears.

For example, this is what my bio looks like on this website: a mix of business and some personal details:

Maliha (they/she) is a writer, blogger, editor, and content marketer. They’re the owner of  The Side Blogger , a Canva Verified Expert, and a confident procrastinator at large.

Screenshot of an author bio from The Side Blogger.

But I have a totally different bio on Porter House Review where I published a short personal essay last year. Here I wrote whatever I wanted, really. I didn’t even mention anything about content marketing or blogging because, in an author bio for a literary magazine where I published creative nonfiction, these qualifications are unnecessary.

Maliha is an electrical engineer and writer of essays and short stories. She lives in sunny Colorado despite a mild sun allergy, spends way too much time walking around aimlessly or reading in libraries or drinking chai in coffee shops, and has a thing for analog cameras, especially Polaroids.

Screenshot of my author bio on Porter House Review.

That is all.

I hope this post helps you understand the difference between an author byline (literally a line in a piece of writing with the author’s name in it) and an author bio (a mini-biography of one or two paragraphs at most) and gives you enough ideas to draw from when you’re writing your own bio.

Questions or thoughts? Share in the comments below.

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Are Bylines Important?

Are Bylines Important?

Despite knowing what a byline is, that still leaves many wondering – are bylines important? When asked that in a poll with 55 participants, respondents favored bylines by 60%. However, another 31% said that it depends.

“As a writer, I love a byline. But as a content marketer, I think it depends. If you want the writer’s expertise to add to the piece’s credibility, a byline is important. The same goes if you’re writing more journalistic or reported content, it’s great for readers to see that a journalist is behind the work. It gives a more editorial flavor to a content campaign.” – Jess Shanahan

Benefits of Bylines

Thinking about the 60% who favor bylines, let’s look at some of the benefits of having them.

Bylines give credit to writers, and if you’re writing for a newspaper, your byline signals that you’ve crossed into professional journalism. Bylines also position writers as subject matter experts or authority on specific topics or target audiences.

Writers can also use bylines to contribute to their identity or branding. However, adding bylines also depends on the piece’s goals.

“It all depends on the end goal of the piece. To establish credibility, there’s nothing that does the job better than a byline. A byline isn’t always necessary, though, to establish credibility. For example, if the content is written to support or represent a brand, I believe a byline could do more harm than good.” – Katherine Tsoukalas

Because some focus specifically on ghostwriting, the challenge lies in creating portfolios showcasing their highest quality work. That’s especially true when writers must sign an NDA and don’t receive permission to show work to others in the form of a clip or sample.

“I spent most of my freelance career as a ghostwriter for a specific industry, which was fine with me. The one drawback is visibility for your work, but I overcame that with my blogs.” – Cathy Miller

Specific benefits of bylines include:

  • Providing verifiable clips writers can add to their portfolios
  • Helping writers brand themselves in a niche or industry
  • Lending credibility to a company’s posts

How Bylines Lend Credibility to Your Posts

Companies leverage content marketing campaigns to market themselves and help set their business apart from the competition. Content serves as an excellent tool for reaching target audiences in the sales funnel no matter where they are.

For example, when companies use their CEO’s byline (or anyone else in a high-ranking position), that lends credibility to your posts because these professionals share their expertise and knowledge about products, services, or issues.

“I think if it’s an article or blog post, a byline does make people feel like a real human wrote it and that it wasn’t written by committee or supplied by an ad agency or whatever. Those ‘Company team’ bylines, to me, are spooky. Whose authority are you building with that? Nobody’s.” – Carol Tice

Adding a writer’s professional information to the content helps lend credibility to that piece. If a company works with several writers, adding bylines is an excellent way of providing transparency to readers. However, that doesn’t mean ghostwriting isn’t appropriate.

“I think it depends on a bunch of different factors, including who the writer is, what type of content it is if the byline adds or detracts from the credibility, and more.” – Jenn Landers

Bylines provide credibility; removing them makes no sense

Let’s see what other writers and marketers have to say about whether companies should include bylines or not. For the sake of transparency, you’ll find the results from the LinkedIn poll mentioned earlier in this piece below:

LinkedIn poll: Are bylines important?

“I think it drives quality and ensures accountability.” – Chuck Paone

“When sending writing samples, I have used non-bylined articles as clips, but I don’t attach them as work to my LI profile. If I were to write a long feature for a print publication or piece for a top website, I would want a byline, though. And having a byline does lend credibility to any story, in general.” – Melissa Ezarik

“If you mean real articles that take copious amounts of research, actual interviews, and are wholly original, then I’d say writers deserve bylines—unless they’re ghostwriters (and compensated accordingly).” – Paula Henderickson

No, they don’t matter.

“I have bigger clients that I’m happy to work with, so it doesn’t really matter. I’m just happy to get the experience! The byline often is an afterthought, with some just putting it on there without mention or others posting it as their own. At the end of the day, they pay for the content – if they’re happy with it, that’s what matters.” – Katherine Major

“I’m more concerned with building a business and putting out quality for my clients than getting credit for it. And not having a ton of bylines (recently) has not hampered my business one bit.” – Lori Widmer

“As long as you get a testimonial from your client, you don’t really need a byline on that kind of work.” – Angie Mansfield

It depends.

“For me, the only time I’m either hesitant to or won’t write content for someone else without my byline is when it competes with my own ‘thought leadership.'” – Linda Pophal

“It totally depends on the purpose of the piece and the goals of the writer. Generally speaking, I’m pro-byline. And if you’re paying me but I’m not getting a byline, you’re paying more.” – Kristen King

“It depends. If you’re creating content that will be used for PR, then no, it’s not. However, articles in most pubs should have a byline, especially if these are part of an online portfolio.” – Bryan Kirk

Bylines: Using a Byline as part of a PR Campaign

Now that we know how writers and marketers feel about bylines, to a degree, let’s look at how using bylines as part of a PR campaign is beneficial.

Boosting Brand Visibility

Content marketers do much more than send out company announcements and press releases. They also task themselves with finding writers who can create well-crafted content, including articles, blog posts, case studies, infographic copy, whitepapers, and more. While some of that lends itself well to bylines, other content forms (like infographic copy, emails, and the like) don’t work with a byline.

Boosting brand visibility involves publishing high-quality content from company executives. Working with ghostwriters is beneficial if they don’t have the bandwidth to tackle such projects.

Branding Expertise

Many businesses promote thought leadership pieces to brand their company as an expert in a specific industry or niche. Presenting this information is another example of how its executives use a byline as part of their PR campaign. It’s also another example of where ghostwriters are a value add. The company’s audience can access this information and, in doing so, develop trust while the business simultaneously positions itself as an expert.

Do you need help finding elite ghostwriters for your company’s content marketing campaign? Click here to learn more about how to build your on-demand content team today.

What is a Byline Article, and Should You Write One?

A bylined article is one where readers can see who wrote the content. Sometimes the byline features the name of a thought leader, subject matter expert, or high-level executive, but the content is ghostwritten. It’s beneficial for writers to have a byline because:

  • It helps writers establish credibility in a niche or industry
  • It helps writers build their portfolios and establish relationships with clients or publications

Why did stories not have bylines?

Some publications and websites choose not to feature bylines because they feel that the platform (publication, website, and the like) is more important than naming the person who wrote the content.

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The power of the bylined article

Bylined articles secured as media coverage for Pure Public Relations clients

For most businesses, media coverage means being quoted as an expert in a journalist’s story, appearing on a TV show, or having a publication write an article about your company.

However, there’s one type of media coverage that’s incredibly underused, and it just so happens to be one of my personal favourites. It’s the bylined article, and it’s powerful.

What is a bylined article?

What is a byline ? Many people have heard the word ‘byline’ used to describe a particular type of article, but aren’t completely sure what it means. In simple terms, a byline is an article where you are the author, and where your name will appear clearly as the author of the piece.

This is media-speak for the name attached to a particular article. It literally means ‘by so-and-so.’ In print publications, journalists consider it a mark of honour to have their byline printed next to their story – especially if their story managed to make the front page.

In the world of online journalism, bylines hold similar sway, with more generic news stories generally published under ‘staff’, or simply without a byline at all.

But did you know that you don’t have to be a journalist for a publication in order to achieve coveted byline status? That’s right, it’s possible to have a bylined article published as an external contributor, without being a journalist for the website or publication.

It could be an opinion piece published in a newspaper or a news site. It could be a how-to, or a case study piece detailing how you achieved an important milestone. It could be an advice article in a magazine for businesses on how to grow, or opportunities that they’re missing, or explaining something complex and technical in a simple way to potential customers in a lifestyle blog.

In short, a bylined article can be written by a subject matter expert, but it doesn’t have to be by an employed writer for the publication. It is a powerful PR tool, and something many business owners don’t realise is possible, let alone achievable.

What is an exmaple of a byline?

What is an example of a byline?  We organise bylines regularly because it positions our clients as an expert, guarantees what will be said, and includes information that encourages the reader to take action, such as visit their website. There are many different kinds of bylined articles, from advice articles to opinion pieces. 

Opinion pieces are usually articles written by experts on a topic that’s close to their heart. They don’t necessarily have to be based around anything currently in the headlines, as long as the topic is interesting enough. For example, the head of a charity that helps young people overcome homelessness might write an opinion piece about how young people are an invisible statistic in social reform debates, or an article debunking common misconceptions about young people experiencing homelessness.

Start by researching the publications relevant to your industry or subject matter, and figure out if they accept opinion pieces from external writers. Take a look at the kinds of topics they like to publish, and consider if you have anything interesting to add to the conversation. Chances are, you have a whole heap of opinions just waiting to be written. 

Advice articles are similar to opinion pieces, but with an added benefit: they position you as an authority in your field. If you’ve been trusted to share your knowledge with a publication’s readers, chances are, potential clients, key stakeholders, volunteers, donors and decision makers will believe you’re worthy of their support or of doing business with. 

The benefits of bylines

Bylined articles will usually include a short bio, which further promotes the writer’s credentials. It means you are guaranteed to have your name and your organisation’s name mentioned at least once, which is a wonderfully predictable form of PR.

Usually, editors will simply copy and paste the bios provided by the writer to save time. This gives the author yet another great way to craft their story and tell the world about themselves in a way that they can fully control, choosing the best parts of your brand to highlight.

Many online publications will even include a link through to your website, which can provide a nice traffic and SEO boost, opening the door to potential new customers for businesses, and members or supporters for not-for-profits. It allows for quick action when someone has read the article, is interested in you or your organisation, they can act on that interest immediately by just clicking the link.

A bylined article positions the author as an expert on the topic they’re writing about. A publication wouldn’t allow just anyone to write for them, so bylines give an immediate sense of authority and credibility.

Compare all of this to being briefly quoted as an expert in a longer article written by a staff member for the publication, where the journalist controls the narrative and selects the quotes in order to tell their own story better.

Bylined articles are an underutilised way of securing impressive media coverage for your business, says Phoebe Netto, founder of Pure Public Relations, a PR firm Sydney specialising in small business, charities and not-for-profits

How to make it happen

Are you thinking that this all sounds too good to be true? Believe me, it’s not. There are many publications that are actively looking for external contributors who know their stuff, especially if their publication specifically covers the industry you’re an expert in.

So where you do you start? In order to start achieving coveted byline status, research publications (both print and online) in your areas of expertise that accept external contributors. Take a look at the previous articles they’ve published, and work out the qualities that the publications’ editors appear to prefer.

For example, do they prefer advice articles or more traditional opinion pieces? Do they prefer formal headlines or cheeky ‘opinionated’ openers? Do they favour an academic writing style or something more down-to-earth? Do they like lots of subheadings or prefer a more traditional paragraph-only approach? Do they only include prominent business leaders or topics that reference breaking news?

By asking these questions and writing a thoughtful, relevant article that fits the brief, you’ll soon be on the path to byline success. Bylined articles are one of the most powerful forms of media coverage, so although it might take more time than a quick sound bite, it’s always worth the effort. So why not give it a try?

The team at Pure Public Relations have years of experience in securing impactful media coverage for clients who want to reach new audiences. Contact us today to discuss how we can use the power of bylined articles to drive your brand towards success.

About the author

Phoebe Netto, founder Pure Public Relations

Phoebe Netto is the founder of Pure Public Relations, a PR firm that focuses on outcomes, not output – it’s pure and simple. For over ten years, Pure Public Relations has been bringing big business experience to SMEs and not-for-profits. purepublicrelations.com.au

About The Author

Phoebe Netto, Pure Public Relations

Phoebe Netto

2 thoughts on “the power of the bylined article”.

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For the first time I heard about this topic and it had me curious of how some journalists/contributors are writing for large publications. Thanks for clarifying this thing.

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Hi Maria! We’re so happy to hear that the post provided insight into the way we achieve powerful bylined articles for our clients. Let us know if there’s anything else you want us to discuss in a blog!

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Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Why and How to Create a Useful Outline

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Why create an outline? There are many reasons, but in general, it may be helpful to create an outline when you want to show the hierarchical relationship or logical ordering of information. For research papers, an outline may help you keep track of large amounts of information. For creative writing, an outline may help organize the various plot threads and help keep track of character traits. Many people find that organizing an oral report or presentation in outline form helps them speak more effectively in front of a crowd. Below are the primary reasons for creating an outline.

  • Aids in the process of writing
  • Helps you organize your ideas
  • Presents your material in a logical form
  • Shows the relationships among ideas in your writing
  • Constructs an ordered overview of your writing
  • Defines boundaries and groups

How do I create an outline?

  • Determine the purpose of your paper.
  • Determine the audience you are writing for.
  • Develop the thesis of your paper.
  • Brainstorm : List all the ideas that you want to include in your paper.
  • Organize : Group related ideas together.
  • Order : Arrange material in subsections from general to specific or from abstract to concrete.
  • Label : Create main and sub headings.

Remember: creating an outline before writing your paper will make organizing your thoughts a lot easier. Whether you follow the suggested guidelines is up to you, but making any kind of outline (even just some jotting down some main ideas) will be beneficial to your writing process.

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Definition of byline

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Definition of byline  (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

Examples of byline in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'byline.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

1916, in the meaning defined at sense 1

1938, in the meaning defined above

Dictionary Entries Near byline

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“Byline.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/byline. Accessed 29 Jun. 2024.

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Why did prison officials use a state plane to interview an inmate in Tennessee? They won’t say. 

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Officials with the Mississippi Department of Corrections used the state airplane last year to travel to Tennessee to interview a Mississippi inmate about an urgent threat to a public official, but the state agency declined to provide any details about the flight. 

Airplane records obtained through a public records request show MDOC officials flew from Jackson to Blountville, Tennessee, on June 22, 2023, to interview Gary Davis, a Mississippi inmate being housed in Tennessee, about “an emergency security issue that involves a specific threat to the life and safety of a public official.” 

Kate Head, a spokesperson with MDOC, declined to answer questions about why Mississippi was housing an inmate in Tennessee, what type of threat someone made, whom the threat was directed toward and why the agency believed the threat required the use of the aircraft. 

“This situation deals with prison security,” Head said. “The agency is unable to discuss it.”

The flight, according to the records, cost taxpayers $4,554. The state’s Office of Air Transport Services allows the governor, other statewide officials and agency leaders to use the airplane for official state business. 

The purpose of the aircraft is for state employees to conduct business on behalf of Mississippi or to benefit the state, according to a policy listed on the Department of Finance and Administration’s website. The policy does not define official business or include examples of what type of travel is prohibited. 

It’s unclear why prison officials housed Davis in the Tennessee town that’s close to the Virginia border. 

Corrections Commissioner Burl Cain told radio station SuperTalk Mississippi in an interview on April 19 that the agency tries to break up networks of prison gangs by swapping supposed gang leaders with other states. 

“We’re swapping with other prisons – those gang leaders,” Cain said. “Then, they’re at zero when they get there. They may be the king they think here. We just clipped their wings and they’re gone.” 

The agency’s website says a Gary Davis is currently serving a prison sentence over aggravated assault, manslaughter and armed robbery convictions, that he is housed at a location in Virginia, and his prison location last changed in October 2023. It’s unclear if this is the inmate who prison officials interviewed in Tennessee. 

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by Taylor Vance, Mississippi Today June 27, 2024

This <a target="_blank" href="https://mississippitoday.org/2024/06/27/mississippi-airplane-corrections-mdoc-flight-threat-public-official-tennessee/">article</a> first appeared on <a target="_blank" href="https://mississippitoday.org">Mississippi Today</a> and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.<img src="https://i0.wp.com/mississippitoday.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/MT_icon-logo-favicon-1.png?fit=134%2C150&amp;ssl=1" style="width:1em;height:1em;margin-left:10px;"><img id="republication-tracker-tool-source" src="https://mississippitoday.org/?republication-pixel=true&post=1120593&amp;ga4=G-VSX4B701MS" style="width:1px;height:1px;">

Taylor Vance

Taylor, a native of Grenada, covers state government and statewide elections. He is a graduate of the University of Mississippi and Holmes Community College. Before joining Mississippi Today, Taylor reported on state and local government for the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal, where he received an award for his coverage of the federal government’s lawsuit against the state’s mental health system.

purpose of byline essay


  1. What is a Byline And Where Do You Put it in Your Article?

    1. Simple Byline: This is the most basic format, typically consisting only of the author's name. It's prevalent in online publications, newspapers, and magazine articles. 2. Enhanced Byline: Beyond the name, this format can include additional information such as the author's title, credentials, or a brief bio.

  2. What Are Bylines? (And How to Write One)

    A byline is a line that tells readers who has written a piece of content (such as a blog post or article). At the very least, it comprises the author's name, but a great byline can contain much more than that. Some bylines are more like mini-bios and may include a summary of the author's background, a photograph, and contact information.

  3. What is a Byline And Where Do You Put It in Your Article?

    2 Establish Authority. In order to boost your trust with clients, you have to establish authority as a writer in your writing niche. You can use your byline to establish authority by highlighting information such as your experience, any awards you've received, or any major publications you have written for.

  4. How to write a byline

    Use a byline to keep your focus: When you begin a piece of writing, consider writing a byline as your first step. The byline establishes a persona and defines your voice in the piece. A student of mine, writing on the ways that millennials are revitalizing the plant industry, started with this byline, which gave her a voice to navigate the ...

  5. What is a Byline Article, and Should You Write One?

    Behold, the art of the byline! The term "byline" tells the readers who wrote the article by giving credit to the author - literally, the "by whom.". You don't have to be employed at that publication or even be in the editorial field to write a byline, or contributed piece. Publications are always looking for new content with a fresh ...

  6. What Is an Article Byline?

    In design, a byline is a short phrase that indicates the name of the author of an article in a publication. Used in newspapers, magazines, blogs, and other publications, the byline tells the reader who wrote the piece. In addition to giving credit where credit is due, a byline adds a level of legitimacy to the article; if a piece has a byline ...

  7. What Is a Byline and How Do I Write One?

    A byline is an article authored by a thought leader that appears in a media outlet as contributed content. Unlike an op-ed, a byline is less about making an argument and more about providing helpful expertise and advice. Bylines also tend to be more industry-specific than op-eds, appearing in trade magazines rather than general consumer outlets ...

  8. How to Write a Byline That Impresses Readers & Search Engines

    To get the most out of your byline, keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Limit it to 50 words or less and about two or three sentences. Don't try to include everything here; your byline should show off your skills without overselling. Include only the information that is most relevant and important to your piece.

  9. All About Bylines: Strategic Contributed Content Best Practices

    Compelling bylines usually include plenty of personal anecdotes unique to the author that set it apart from others and establish the author as a credible source on the topic. In the case of leadership bylines, think stories from the early days of founding the company or examples of regretting a course of action that showcase a lesson learned. ...

  10. What is a Byline?

    Bylines are an essential part of published pieces in the writing world. They provide readers with the opportunity to connect a name or pseudonym to a particular piece of writing, often leaving a lasting impression or recognition of style and quality. Bylines also carry a level of professionalism, as they indicate the writer is not simply ...

  11. How to Write Bylines that are as Captivating as they are Memorable

    How to Write Bylines. Whether it's a newspaper or article byline there is an art to producing brilliant short bios and bylines. For instance: Look at Examples. Bylines are distinct from the headline and body copy. Even though it's set apart you don't need a prominent design element to emphasize it like putting the text into a box.

  12. A Non-Writer's Guide to Bylines

    Bylines are short phrases introducing the article's author for a specific article, blog post, or other publication. That way, readers can identify the name of the person writing what they're reading. You'll typically find bylines underneath the content's title or in a short author blurb at the end of the piece.

  13. What Is A Byline In Journalism? Discover Its Origin

    A byline in journalism informs an audience of who reported and wrote the story they are reading. It refers to the publishing of the author's name on the article they wrote. The most common position for a byline is fixed between the story's headline and its opening paragraph. However, some magazine articles place the byline at the bottom of ...

  14. What Is a Byline and How Can You Get One?

    Here are three main reasons. 1. More reach means more opportunities. If you get a byline on a high-traffic website or a popular publication, it will be seen by a larger audience. More eyeballs mean more potential opportunities. 2. Credibility is transferrable.

  15. How to write a byline article that stands out and gets published

    Rule #1: DO your research on the publication. Before sending out a byline article pitch willy-nilly to every contact on your media list, do a deep dive into each publication to ensure your article ...

  16. Byline

    The byline (or by-line in British English) on a newspaper or magazine article gives the name of the writer of the article. Bylines are commonly placed between the headline and the text of the article, although some magazines (notably Reader's Digest ) place bylines at the bottom of the page to leave more room for graphical elements around the ...

  17. APA Style Manuscript Guidelines

    APA Style (7th ed.) Manuscript Guidelines APA Style provides guidelines on how your paper should appear on the page. It involves formatting margins, line spacing, the title page, body pages, and reference list. Title Page Notes on the Sample Title Page In the header of the document at the right margin, insert the page number.In….

  18. What Is a Byline? How to Write a Strong Byline

    It's hard for an author to establish themselves and the brand they represent in a memorable way. Whether creating content for your website, submitting it to a publisher, or for a featured article, knowing how to write a byline is an opportunity to build your brand and stand out in your field.If you write blog posts, articles, or news stories, chances are you've encountered the term byline.

  19. What Are Author Bios and Bylines + How to Write Them (Examples)

    Typically, "getting a byline" means that the author's name will be published alongside an article. The screenshot below is an example of a byline from the online magazine Splice Today. The byline with the author's name (mine!) is in gray in between the headline (title) and the subheading.

  20. Are Bylines Important?

    But as a content marketer, I think it depends. If you want the writer's expertise to add to the piece's credibility, a byline is important. The same goes if you're writing more journalistic or reported content, it's great for readers to see that a journalist is behind the work. It gives a more editorial flavor to a content campaign.".

  21. The power of the bylined article

    In print publications, journalists consider it a mark of honour to have their byline printed next to their story - especially if their story managed to make the front page. In the world of online journalism, bylines hold similar sway, with more generic news stories generally published under 'staff', or simply without a byline at all.

  22. How to Outline

    Brainstorm: List all the ideas that you want to include in your paper. Organize: Group related ideas together. Order: Arrange material in subsections from general to specific or from abstract to concrete. Label: Create main and sub headings. Remember: creating an outline before writing your paper will make organizing your thoughts a lot easier.

  23. Byline Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of BYLINE is a secondary line : sideline. a secondary line : sideline; a line at the beginning of a news story, magazine article, or book giving the writer's name… See the full definition

  24. Why did prison officials use a state plane to interview an inmate in

    Officials with the Mississippi Department of Corrections used the state airplane last year to travel to Tennessee to interview a Mississippi inmate about an urgent threat to a public official, but the state agency declined to provide any details about the flight.. Airplane records obtained through a public records request show MDOC officials flew from Jackson to Blountville, Tennessee, on June ...