• Regulations
  • Assessment Reports

Guidelines thesis and papers

The papers and thesis have to be written according to the Faculty of Archaeology's standards, as explained in the guidelines.

More information on  thesis and papers .

  • Guidelines scripties en papers 2023-2024
  • Guidelines thesis and papers 2022-2023
  • Guidelines thesis and papers 2021-2022
  • Guidelines thesis and papers 2019-2021
  • Subject guides
  • Announcements

Subject guide

Bachelor and Master theses of Leiden Universtity

As a rule, printed BA and MA theses were not included in the library collection. Starting 2010, BA and MA theses of the Faculties of Archaeology, Humanities, and Social and Behavioural Sciences are included in the Student Repository of Scholarly Publications. These theses are not included in the catalogue, but the titles can be found in Google Scholar.

If you are looking for an unpublished thesis it is advised to contact the secretariat of the department where the author of the thesis concerned has graduated.

At the Wijnhaven library you can find theses of Public Administration that were handed in between 2010 and 2011. The theses are available for loan.

Bachelor and Master theses of other Dutch universities

Erasmus University Thesis Repository

Radboud Educational Repository

TU Delft Education Repository

University of Groningen Thesis Research Portal

Utrecht University Student Theses Repository

UvA Scripties Online

VU Online Scriptiedatabase

Leiden PhD theses

Digitized Recent PhD theses (from approximately 2005 on) by Leiden PhD students are available digitally through Scholarly Publications . The site offers free access to these PhD theses. However, in some cases a thesis may be under embargo temporarily and access to its full-text version will only be granted later. Printed All Leiden PhD theses are included in the Catalogue , file tab Leiden Collections. Narrow down your question by typing dissertation  in a second search field.

Dutch PhD theses

Recent PhD theses (from approximately 2005 on) from all universities in the Netherlands are available digitally through OpenAire , a database with free access. However, in some cases also here a thesis may be under embargo temporarily and access to the full-text version of the thesis may only be granted at a later date.

For paper versions of Dutch PhD theses that cannot be found in the Catalogue  refer to WorldCat . This database contains the holdings of all Dutch university libraries and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek. 

International PhD theses

Many recent scientific publications, including PhD theses, are offered full-text in repositories on the internet, free of charge. The websites mentioned below offer access to collections of repositories:

The British site OpenDOAR (The Directory of Open Access Repositories)  offers access to more than 1500 repositories world-wide. All included repositories have been reviewed and approved by OpenDOAR staff members. The site maintains a user-friendly interface.

OATD (Open Access Theses and Dissertations) is a resource maintained by several US University Libraries, for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. OATD tries to index only graduate-level theses and dissertations that are freely available to download, they leave out closed-access and embargoed ETDs.

The British site ROAR (Registry of Open Access Repositories) also offers access to repositories world-wide, but, contrary to OpenDOAR, is filled automatically.

OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) gives an overview of, and offers access to more than 8.000.000 of Open Access publications from 460+ data providers, with links to funding, datasets and more.

OIAster (originally a project by Michigan University, USA) offers access to scientific publications world-wide. Since December 2009 this database has been integrated in WorldCat .

DART-Europe   is a webportal that provides access to more then 360.000 scientific dissertations from more then 500 European universities. DART stands for Digital Archive of Research Theses

EBSCO Open Dissertations : a free database containing hundreds of thousands digital dissertations and theses. Its contents are harvested from repositories of research universities from around the world.

Through the Catalogue (tab Database Search) you are offered access to the following databases of PhD theses:

China Dissertations : contains full-text PhD theses from 1999 on. Access only with a ULCN account and matching password.

Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global  database with data (not full-text, but abstracts) of mainly North American PhD theses beginn https://opendissertations.org/ ing in 1637.  It is possible to order the full-text on payment. Access only available with a ULCN account and matching password.

  • All categories

thesis guidelines archaeology leiden


At the Faculty of Archaeology, we investigate the development of human societies worldwide, from the earliest beginnings to modern times. We also study the heritage of mankind, which evokes this deep history, and which connects with, and informs, contemporary society.

Archaeologists have access to a variety of methods, which both elucidate the past and make it relevant to the present. It is an interdisciplinary field, applying approaches and theories from Social Sciences, Humanities and Natural Sciences, giving rise to new insights. Read more about our research

Together with research, a main focus of the Faculty is to educate and train young archaeologists. Research and teaching go hand-in-hand. Every lecturer is an experienced researcher, and every researcher is an accomplished teacher. Read more about our teaching .

The Faculty is comprised of three departments:

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  • Archaeological Sc iences
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  • Archaeological Heritage and Society

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  • 27 Jun Lecture SAILS Symposium - Heritage: From physical to digital
  • 21 Aug 24 Aug Conference 24th European Meeting of Paleopathology Association
  • 09 Sep Inaugural lecture Challenges of Digital and Computational Archaeology Karsten Lambers

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Leiden University Student Repository


Browse through thousands of student theses

Explore more than 40.000 theses across more than 70 University Bachelor and Master programmes. Search all items


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  • Bachelor thesis
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  • Research master thesis

Student theses at Leiden University

The Student Repository offers an online overview of theses from most Leiden University Bachelor and Master programmes.

Many of these theses are available in full text. Bachelor Theses are by default closed access, unless the author and thesis supervisor have decided to make the thesis available. Master thesis are by default available in open access unless the author and thesis supervisor have decided to put an embargo on the availability of the material.

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Thesis timeline Faculty of Archaeology

30 May 2023

This timeline is relevant for all thesis examiners of the Faculty of Archaeology.

June 1st at the latest

Communicating to staff regarding the distribution of theses based on submitted drafts, along with instructions. All lecturers will receive a personal message. Please note: keep an eye on your mailbox since these messages will be e-mailed. 


Board of Examiners

Immeditately after receiving submitted theses

Acknowledgment of receipt to the second reader concerning receipt of the thesis. 


Board of Examiners

15 June - 29 June

Assessment of theses by both the first and second readers.


30 June - 6 July

Matching of first and second readers’ assessments, redistributing to examiners for the final result.


Board of Examiners

30 June -

Returning the final results to the Board of Examiners’ official secretariat.


7 July - 13 July

Communicating final results to students and sending out thesis evaluations.

Board of Examiners & Administration Office

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  • Unfit for work
  • Unemployment

Finance & Procurement

  • Expense claims
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  • Payments to research participants
  • Conferences and seminars
  • Framework contracts
  • Procurement procedures
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  • Research equipment
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  • University finances
  • Financial planning and control cycles
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  • Financial project management
  • Department Financial Economic Affairs
  • FSSC Service point
  • Controllers
  • University Procurement
  • Audit department
  • Synchronising mail and calendar
  • Printing and copying
  • Software and online tools
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  • Activating and managing your account
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  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Archive management
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  • Working securely online

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  • Library and education
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  • Accessible Education
  • Tests and theses
  • Giving a presentation
  • Remote teaching
  • Reserving equipment
  • Referral options
  • Unacceptable behaviour
  • Training and workshops for staff
  • Training and workshops for students
  • Online self-help for students
  • Bringing students together
  • Background information on student well-being
  • CROHO and teacher's academy
  • Comenius programme
  • Teaching innovation
  • Contact about internationalisation
  • Arrange partnership and exchange
  • Sign up student and staff
  • Safety abroad and crisis management
  • Preparing for a trip: visa and Europass
  • Academic calendar
  • Course and Examination Regulations
  • Studying for a PhD
  • PhD ceremony
  • After your PhD
  • Career Platform
  • Confidential Counsellor and university doctor
  • Becoming a postdoc
  • Collaborating with renowned researchers
  • Training programmes, coaching and career guidance
  • Practical support for internationals
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  • Research programme data science
  • Collaboration Leiden-Delft-Erasmus
  • Research internationalisation
  • Find and prepare
  • Write your proposal
  • Submit your proposal
  • Grant awarded
  • Research Support Portal
  • Research Support Network
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  • Research software
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  • Research from home
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  • Ethics committees
  • Publishing your doctoral dissertation
  • Scholarly Publications and LUCRIS
  • Open Access
  • ORCID iD and DOI
  • Leiden University Press

Communications & marketing

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  • Bachelor recruitement
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  • Alumni database
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  • Use of images
  • Making a presentation
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  • Social Media
  • Conferences and Events
  • Working securely: tips
  • Privacy and security policy documents
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  • Incidents and dangerous situations
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  • Working with hazardous substances
  • Emergency Response Officer
  • Risk Inventory and Evaluation

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  1. (PDF) Introduction: Leiden Perspectives on Digital Archaeology

    thesis guidelines archaeology leiden

  2. Archaeology

    thesis guidelines archaeology leiden


    thesis guidelines archaeology leiden

  4. Research

    thesis guidelines archaeology leiden

  5. Thesis Topic

    thesis guidelines archaeology leiden

  6. PhD Graduate School of Archaeology

    thesis guidelines archaeology leiden


  1. New guidelines for Papers and Theses Archaeology

    2 September 2022. The papers and thesis have to be written according to the Faculty of Archaeology's standards. BA, MA and RMA theses must comply with the new guidelines . The Board of Examiners will only pass a thesis when these guidelines have been used. See for more information the website on thesis and paper writing.

  2. PDF Guidelines for Papers Faculty of Archaeology

    Guidelines for Papers, Faculty of Archaeology has been used since 2010. The use of APA7 is new since 2021. This edition was launched in September 2022 and replaces all previous editions. Students who started their thesis before September 2020 should use this style guide instead of the previous faculty guidelines.

  3. Guidelines thesis and papers

    Guidelines thesis and papers 2019-2021. The papers and thesis have to be written according to the Faculty of Archaeology's standards, as explained in the guidelines. More information on thesis and papers.

  4. PDF These are the old (outdated) guidelines for papers Faculty of

    Guidelines for Papers, Faculty of Archaeology has been used since 2010. The use of APA7 is new since 2021. This edition was launched in September 2022 and replaces all previous editions. Students who started their thesis before September 2020 should use this style guide instead of the previous faculty guidelines.

  5. Master Thesis Archaeological Science

    More information on writing your thesis, guidelines, deadlines, forms and assessment criteria can be found on the Archaeology thesis webpage. Course objectives. The master thesis and the accompanying tutorial will teach you to: independently plan and execute a small research project on an archaeologically relevant topic;

  6. PDF These are the old (outdated) guidelines for papers Faculty of

    words for a master thesis (350 for a BA thesis, 150 for the Propedeuse paper) and should never exceed an A4. The abstract is in English, but may (additionally) also be in other relevant languages like Dutch, German, French, Italian, or Spanish. The abstract is placed at the end of the thesis, according to this format.

  7. Master Thesis Archaeology and Thesis Tutorial

    Thesis of ca. 20.000-30.000 words (10 ec); Ca. 280 hours of individual research (10 ec). Assessment. MA or MSc thesis (100%). See the Faculty website for thesis guidelines and assessment criteria. Retake of the thesis: should you receive a fail for your thesis, you have 6 weeks after receiving your result to make improvements.

  8. PhD Regulations and Guidelines

    PhD Regulations and Guidelines. The PhD Regulations set out who is eligible to be a PhD candidate, what the tasks of the supervisor and co-supervisor are and which criteria the dissertation has to meet. The PhD Guidelines list the minimal requirements for the supervision, training and available facilities for PhD candidates. The PhD Regulations ...

  9. Master Thesis Archaeological Science

    The Master thesis is the final masterpiece that demonstrates your ability to write, plan and execute an academic research project. The thesis is a contribution to an academic debate related to Archaeological Science. It is based on data derived from material culture, fieldwork, laboratory work, external sources and/or academic literature.

  10. Thesis BA3, 2021-2022

    Description. The bachelor thesis is an expanded essay that presents your own interpretation, evaluation or argument on a small problem-oriented research on an archaeological topic. It forms an academic argument of about 40 pages. It can consist of a critical literature review, but may also be based on the analysis of archaeological material.

  11. Thesis and papers

    Faculty of Archaeology guidelines. The papers and thesis have to be written according to the Faculty of Archaeology's standards. BA, ... The Thesis Repository is an online archive of all Leiden University theses. All students are asked to hand in a digital copy of their thesis for the repository. This concerns a digital copy (in PDF) of the ...

  12. Master Thesis Heritage and Museum Studies, 2024-2025

    The thesis consists of ca. 20,000-30,000 words and includes materials necessary to support your argument. This equals roughly 40-60 pages of text, plus figures, tables, references and appendices. More information on writing your thesis, deadlines, forms and criteria can be found on the Archaeology thesis page. Course set-up

  13. Master Thesis Archaeological Science

    More information on writing your thesis, guidelines, deadlines, forms and assessment criteria can be found on the Archaeology thesis webpage. Course set-up The accompanying Thesis Tutorial consists of general lectures for all MSc students (thesis framework, structure, content, and quality), plus group meetings per specialisation arranged by the ...

  14. Archaeology

    Archaeological sciences (bioarchaeology, material culture, digital archaeology), human origins, European prehistory, Near Eastern archaeology, Mediterranean archaeology, Roman provinces, archaeology of the Americas, archaeological heritage, indigenous peoples, archaeology of migration and colonization, globalization and cultural identities.

  15. PDF These are the old (outdated) guidelines for papers Faculty of

    Transitional Deadlines for Guidelines Use (theses only) Guidelines for Papers, Faculty of Archaeology has been used since 2010. The use of APA7 is new in the 2021 version. BA, MA and RMA theses begun after 1 September 2021 must comply with the new guidelines. Theses begun before 1 September 2021:

  16. Submission Guidelines

    The Concise APA Handbook (Lida et al., 2020) can be found online, available in Leiden University's library. Some of the examples below are taken from the website. All manuscripts submitted to Inter-Section need to adhere to these guidelines. Since 01-08-2022 Inter-Section uses APA7 as a reference system. Inter-Section therefore now follows ...

  17. Graduate School of Archaeology

    Graduate School of Archaeology. The Faculty of Archaeology offers a dynamic research environment for PhD candidates. Their projects at the Faculty span all fields in archaeological research, from fieldwork to lab work and heritage issues, from prehistoric to modern times, worldwide. Embedded in the Faculty's research groups, PhD projects are ...

  18. Theses

    Bachelor and Master theses of Leiden Universtity. As a rule, printed BA and MA theses were not included in the library collection. Starting 2010, BA and MA theses of the Faculties of Archaeology, Humanities, and Social and Behavioural Sciences are included in the Student Repository of Scholarly Publications. These theses are not included in the catalogue, but the titles can be found in Google ...

  19. Archaeology

    Archaeology. At the Faculty of Archaeology, we investigate the development of human societies worldwide, from the earliest beginnings to modern times. We also study the heritage of mankind, which evokes this deep history, and which connects with, and informs, contemporary society. Archaeologists have access to a variety of methods, which both ...

  20. Archaeology

    Hoekjen, Iris. 2024. Unlocking migration (hi)stories: The re-evaluation of historical collections of European city museums and their role in presenting inclusive migration (hi)stories. Koopen, Veerle. 2024. Researching textile colours in the Tarim Basin along the Silk Roads. Zeng, Hongsheng. 2024. Empires on the Edge.

  21. Student theses at Leiden University

    The Student Repository offers an online overview of theses from most Leiden University Bachelor and Master programmes. Many of these theses are available in full text. Bachelor Theses are by default closed access, unless the author and thesis supervisor have decided to make the thesis available. Master thesis are by default available in open ...

  22. Master Thesis Archaeological Science

    Please note that the length of the thesis is not a norm in itself, but too many pages are not permitted. More information on writing your thesis, guidelines, deadlines, forms and assessment criteria can be found on the Archaeology thesis webpage. Course objectives. The master thesis and the accompanying tutorial will teach you to:

  23. Thesis timeline Faculty of Archaeology

    This timeline is relevant for all thesis examiners of the Faculty of Archaeology. When What Who June 1st at the latest Communicating to staff regarding the distribution of theses based on submitted drafts, along with instructions. All lecturers will receive a personal message. Please note: keep an eye…