Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats, Essay Sample

My thoughts about why dogs outshine cats in every way .

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a heated debate about whether dogs or cats are better? Dogs and cats are the two most popular pets in the world, but when it comes to choosing between them, there is a significant divide among animal lovers. Both animals have their own unique characteristics and charm, but in this essay, I will argue that dogs are better than cats. While cats may be independent and low maintenance, dogs have qualities that make them superior pets, such as their loyalty, savvy, and active lifestyle.

This essay, which I’ve written using a custom essay service , will explore why dogs are better than cats, by examining various factors. Through a thorough analysis of several key areas, including loyalty, savvy, and intelligence, this essay will demonstrate why dogs are the better choice for those looking to add a furry companion to their lives.

Let’s dive into this age-old debate to find out why dogs make the better pets! 

Are Dogs Better than Cats: Advantages Of Dogs

Dog’s loyalty .

One of the best qualities of dogs is their loyalty. From puppyhood, they will form an attachment to their owner that will last for life — a trait that cats simply don’t possess. It’s no wonder why we refer to our canine friends as “man’s best friend!” Even if you move away from your dog, they will remember and recognize you when you return. Unlike cats, which can be aloof and independent, dogs thrive on human companionship and will do anything to please their owners. Studies have shown that dogs have the ability to form deep emotional bonds with their owners, which leads to increased feelings of love and security.


Dogs are also renowned for their intelligence. They can learn complex commands, play games with their owners, and even recognize certain words or phrases people use. Furthermore, studies have shown that dogs have an impressive ability to understand social cues from humans and respond accordingly — something that cats cannot do as quickly. To my mind, dogs are truly remarkable animals in terms of their cognitive abilities! 

Adding to their intelligence is how dogs can pick up on things fast — whether it’s understanding what we want from them or reading our facial expressions — they truly know us inside out! They’re also great problem solvers as they use trial and error tactics when trying something new; this leads us back to being able to train them efficiently, so they know how we expect them to behave around people/other animals, etc. 

On top of all that, pups seem more attentive than cats as well since they actively look at us when we’re talking instead of ignoring what we say, like felines sometimes do!   

Active Lifestyle 

Finally, one of the main reasons why dogs make great pets is because they are naturally active creatures who thrive on exercise and interaction with people. If you take your dog out for regular walks or runs, it will likely be more content than a cat who has been left alone all day in a house without any stimulation or fresh air. This means that when it comes to choosing between a dog or cat as your pet, a canine companion may be more suitable if you lead an active lifestyle yourself.  By the way, this is exactly what I paid attention to when choosing a pet.   


In a nutshell, while cats may have their own unique charm, dogs are better pets overall. Their unwavering loyalty, savvy, and active lifestyle make them the perfect addition to any family. I think by choosing to own a dog, you are not only gaining a loyal companion, but you are also improving your physical and emotional well-being.

Crafting A Convincing Argument: Tips For Essay On Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Writing an essay on this topic can be fun and engaging, but it is essential that you approach the writing process with a clear argument in mind. Nevertheless, you can ask how to write an informative essay at a remarkable resource. 

Here are some tips and tricks for crafting your argument about why dogs make better pets than cats, that we prepared for you. 

Do Your Research

Before you begin your essay, it is vital to do research on both sides of the argument. Not only will this help you build a stronger case for why dogs are objectively better than cats, but it will also give you insight into how other people have approached the same topic. 

Use Logical Arguments

When making your case for why dogs are better than cats, be sure to use logic as much as possible. Don’t just say, “dogs are cuter than cats” or “cats are meaner than dogs” — back up these statements with evidence from reliable sources. 

For example, cite statistics about how much time people spend walking their dog compared to how much time they spend playing with their cat or provide anecdotes from pet owners who have had both types of animals as pets over many years. These types of logical arguments will help bolster your opinion and make it more convincing for readers.  

Create An Effective Structure

When writing your essay, create an effective structure that flows logically from one point to the next. Start by introducing the topic and giving some background information about both sides of the debate (i.e., why people may think cats are better). 

Finally, conclude by tying everything together and summarizing why you believe dogs are superior to cats overall. Remember to use evidence and examples to support your argument and address any counterarguments to create a well-rounded and persuasive essay.

The debate over whether dogs or cats make better pets has been ongoing for years. While cats have their own unique qualities and appeal, there are several reasons why dogs are often considered a superior pet. Here are some of the key reasons why:

Reasons Dogs are Better than Cats Description
Loyal Companionship Dogs are famously known for their undying loyalty to their owners. They form strong emotional bonds and are always there to provide love and support.
Greater Trainability Dogs are highly trainable and eager to please, making them easier to teach good behavior and tricks. Cats, on the other hand, are notoriously difficult to train and often act on their own whims.
Provide Protection Dogs can serve as a protective presence in the home, deterring intruders and alerting their owners to potential danger. Cats, on the other hand, are not known for their protective instincts.
Encourages Exercise Dogs require regular exercises such as walks or playtime, which can encourage owners to be more active and lead healthier lifestyle. Cats, on the other hand, are more sedentary animals and don’t require as much physical activity.
Socialization Dogs can be great social companions and can help their owners meet new people and make new friends. They can also be taken to public places such as parks and outdoor cafes. Cats are more solitary creatures and typically prefer to keep to themselves.

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Dogs Are Better Than Cats (Persuasive Essay Sample)


A time comes in life when we start to think about adopting a pet either for ourselves or our children.  At that point, we all start to think about whether we should adopt a dog or a cat as these two are the most popular pet species. Almost all of us love both of them but the problem comes when we have to choose only one. It’s time to heat this timeless debate on why one is better than the other. In this essay, I will persuade you to believe that dogs are better than cats through the arguments presented below.

Dogs are Better Than Cats Essay 700 Word Long Persuasive Essay

Dogs and cats are two animals commonly kept as pets at home. Dogs are considered a man’s best friend and truly so because of their special connection with humans. On the other hand, cats are also the cutest furballs that are all cozy and cuddly. Most homeowners prefer keeping dogs to cats however some also prefer cats. Dogs are stronger, smarter, and sharper as compared to cats and can fit in many roles. I am a dog person myself and do prefer dogs over cats. Through this persuasive essay, I will make sure you also become a fan of keeping a dog as a pet.

Dogs are playful and engage their owners in different activities to help them stay active. Owning a dog is like having a loyal friend to talk to, laugh with, and take short walks in the evening. It’s because dogs are more loyal and loving than cats can ever be. Furthermore, Dogs can also fulfill guard roles by protecting us within our homes. Dogs are much better house guards than burglar alarms and security cameras. Dogs are also smarter than cats, they can understand gestures through voice tone and body language. Most importantly, dogs bring real joy and share a bond of unconditional love with the owner and the whole family.

Unlike cats, dogs need to be active, they are always ready to go outside and enjoy a walk with their owners. Due to this the dog owners also have to go with them which also serves as a healthy daily exercise . Taking your dog for a walk on a daily basis means you will also achieve all your daily exercise targets. Unlike cats who don’t go out for walks and develop behavioral problems like scratching and oversleeping, dogs don’t have these problems. Taking your dog out deepens your connection with the pet and helps build a stronger bond of love.

Here Are More Benefits of Keeping a Dog as a Pet

  • Unlike cats, dogs can be easily house trained for litter. Almost all cats use the litter box and no matter how much you try to avoid bad odor you just can’t escape it.
  • Dogs don’t shed as much hair as cats. People who keep cats as pets are more likely to suffer from breathing problems.
  • You can’t play fetch, chase, or tug-of-war with your cats. Most cats only play on their own and are not nearly as fun to be around as a dog.
  • Unlike cats that dislike change, dogs make better pets because they adapt to change very easily.
  • Dogs are far more intelligent than cats and can be trained fairly easily.
  • Police dogs, rescue dogs, and service dogs can also prove to be better house pets than cats.
  • According to a study, on average a cat sleeps more but a dog sleeps less, making dogs better pets.
  • Dogs require less maintenance than cats and guide dogs can detect bombs, illegal drugs, illegal substances to save lives.


Other than all these benefits your untrained pet dog can be trained to become your service dog. Dogs as pets love to take care of all family members by promoting an active lifestyle. Dogs can also be trained to reduce anxiety, depression, encourage exercise, ease loneliness, and improve heart health. They can even detect seizures and heart attacks even 12 hours before they happen to save the life of their owner.

In conclusion, comparing cats and dogs is like comparing two different fruits. Both of these animal species are unique in their way and have their benefits. Dog lovers will love dogs and cat lovers will love cats no matter how much you convince them. This centuries-old battle doesn’t need to continue. Both cats and dogs can live together so why not get both?

Short Custom Essay About Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats


Dogs and cats as pets have become a part of our humane society and culture. Choosing between both of these lovely and irresistibly cute furballs is a very hard task. People generally assume dogs are better pets as they have acquired the title of becoming the man’s best friend. However, as a cat person, some people are crazy cat lovers. In this short persuasive essay about why pet dogs are better than pet cats, I would convince you why dogs are better.

Both cats and dogs are different animal species and obviously, both have different personalities and unique qualities. A dog is a man’s best friend but a cat is an irresistibly cute furball. Despite all this, there are so many reasons why people prefer dogs. Dogs promote a healthier lifestyle, they force their owners to engage in daily exercise through constant walks and playful activities. Dogs are much more interactive than cats. Cats can play on their own but dogs always want their owners to play with them. A dog’s love for his owner can never be compared to a cat’s love, as their loyalty is out of this world.

Unlike cats, pet dogs can understand gestures by noticing the owner’s body language and tone of voice. Service dogs can even detect seizures and heart attacks 12 hours before they happen. Unlike cats, dogs can be house trailed for litter. On the other hand, you can’t escape bad odor coming from a cat litter box no matter where you place it. Cat’s shed more hair than dogs and due to this cat owners can suffer from asthma and other breathing problems.

In conclusion, dogs are the most popular pets on the planet but cats still have their own place. Most people may rank dogs as the best pet but they can never turn a blind eye towards the beautiful little furballs. This is certainly an age-long discussion on which of these two is a better pet. However, one thing’s for sure that these two can stay together and if you like both you can keep both at the same time.

FAQ About Dogs Are Better Than Cats Essay

How to write dogs are better than cats essays.

To write a perfect essay about pets, start by introducing what you like and dislike about cats and dogs. In the body explain why you love dogs more than cats and end it with a short conclusion.

How to write a persuasive essay about pets?

To write a persuasive essay about pets, introduce both of the pets in the introduction. In the body paragraph, use arguments to persuade the reader why one pet is better than the other. End with a conclusion based on arguments.

Where to get Cats are better than dogs’ essay samples?

Essay Basics has the biggest database of free essay samples including cats essay dogs essays. You can also order your own free essay from Essay Basics about why cats are better than dogs.

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thesis statement for why dogs are better than cats

Dogs are Better than Cats Essay

This essay will present arguments supporting the idea that dogs are superior pets compared to cats. It will explore various facets such as loyalty, companionship, and the roles dogs play in assisting humans (like service dogs, therapy dogs, and police dogs). The piece will include scientific studies and anecdotal evidence highlighting dogs’ emotional intelligence, trainability, and their ability to socialize with humans. Additionally, it will touch upon the historical bond between dogs and humans and how dogs have been an integral part of human society for thousands of years. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Animals.

How it works

Have you ever wondered why some people prefer cats while others prefer dogs? There are many reasons to get a pet. One could choose to get a pet for a companion, or to simply add to their family. Age also plays a factor in deciding the reasoning for taking on a pet. Older folks often choose to get a pet for companionship whereas younger folks tend to get a pet before making the decision to have children. Many families add a pet to their home for their children One of the toughest decisions any potential pet owner faces is what type of pet to get.

For me, the decision is easy. I prefer dogs over cats. Having a dog as a pet as opposed to a cat, is much more beneficial and enjoyable specifically because of their behavior, convenience, and loyalty.

Regardless of your preference, all pets bring happiness to a persons life. Pets create a special bond with their owners which helps the pet and owner(s) live in harmony. Dogs and cats are one of the most popular pets to have. Dogs and cats make up a large percentage of the worlds population of pets. According to the Humane Society of the United States, 84.6 million households have a pet. 60.2 million households have pet dogs, while 47.1 million households have pet cats (2018). Both dogs and cats have their pros and cons, but in the end, dogs are better pets than cats.

Dogs provide a more active lifestyle for their owner. Dogs are very energetic and require constant walks and lots of physical interaction. Cats typically prefer to be more independent and stay home. This makes a healthier lifestyle for the dog and the owner. Have you ever seen someone walking their cat? Cats are not as active and do not require the same amount of physical activity, which does not benefit the health of the owner or the cat. Dogs can also learn several tricks, and they learn them a lot easier than cats. I personally have never seen a cat do the tricks that a dog can do, for example: roll over, play fetch, or sit. While training a dog, the extensive time spent one on one with the dog can help in establishing a healthy relationship with their owner. Dogs can be trained to alert their owner when someone is on their property or even attack on command when the owner says so. Some dogs are even trained as police dogs and aide in missing people/object searches, detecting firearms, or detecting illegal substances.

Being a dog owner over a cat owner is a far greater convenience. Dogs are more sociable than cats and have an easier time adapting to their surroundings. Whether sitting on your front porch or jogging down a trail, dogs are content just being with their owner. Dogs also use the restroom outdoors whereas cats use a litter box. If your dog wanted to ride to run a few errands with you, you would only need a leash and some water. Your cat would require a litter box, making dogs much more convenient.

Just as a child knows when their parent is around or not, dogs are the same. They become happy when they see their owner, while sad and distressed when they see that they are gone. Dogs are pack animals. They want to be part of a group, whether made up of dogs or humans. Dogs have the natural instinct to bond with their owners. No matter what kind of day you had, what you did or didn’t do, or how long you were gone, a dog will greet you with the same enthusiasm and excitement every time.

I think dogs are better than cats for many reasons. I’m sure it is not without reason that dogs are called “man’s best friend.” They are loyal, obedient, and also protective. Even if their attempts at protection are sometimes unnecessary, at least they try.

Growing up my family had one cat and one dog. On one occasion while setting off fireworks on the Fourth of July, we set off a firework that smoked and was spinning in circles. Hamilton, our golden retriever, assumed we were being attacked and attempted to bite the firework to protect us. Meanwhile, Cali, our calico, sat and watched without showing any sign of worry.

Cats are also terribly ungrateful, showing no thankfulness whatsoever if they are given special treatment of some sort. They just generally assume that any special treatment is nothing more than what they deserve. Cats are overly independent as well, and enjoy pretending that they don’t need you or anyone else. Cats should definitely not be considered your best friend.

For a while, our cat’s bed was a soft towel folded up on top of the nice warm hot water heater which suited her just fine until she learned that the dog had a cushion to sleep on. So whenever she had the chance, she kicked the dog off of his cushion and used it herself. We eventually decided to fix the problem by getting the dog another cushion and giving the cat his old one. The new cushion was slightly larger than the old one, which was just as well since it fit him better. The slight change in size however, did not go unnoticed by the cat, who decided that she would then share with the dog and give him back his old cushion. Now the dog sleeps in the nice warm house on his large plush cushion, and the cat sleeps in the back room on her small cushion.

You’ve probably been asked at some point in your life if you’re a dog person or a cat person. Some people love both animals. But if you had to live with only one, which would you choose? Conclusively, dogs are better than cats. The loyalty, bravery, and human characteristics of dogs, as well as, the service and personal benefits of owning a dog far exceed those of owning a cat.    


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10 Reasons Dogs Are Better Than Cats

thesis statement for why dogs are better than cats

Alycia Washington is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) with nearly a decade of experience as a small animal emergency veterinarian. She currently works as a relief veterinarian for various emergency and specialty hospitals. Dr. Washington recognizes the importance of education and also works as a freelance veterinary writer.

thesis statement for why dogs are better than cats

The Spruce / Georgia Lloyd

If you are contemplating adding a furry pet to your own, one of your first questions may be: dog or cat? In many people's opinion, dogs are better than cats. Why? Dogs are more trainable, use the bathroom outside, can protect you, and promote a more active lifestyle.

Sure, it is possible to think one is better than the other, but still love both. But let's explore some reasons why dogs may be better than cats. (Not to worry, cat lovers! There are also a lot of reasons why cats can be better than dogs .)

No Litter Boxes

It's probably fair to say that even cat lovers don't love litter boxes. No matter how well you keep up with them, there always seems to be a lingering odor. Plus, litter often tracks all over the house. It's practically impossible to find a good place to put the litter box in a small house. Overall, scooping cat waste is stinky and dusty. 

Dogs don't need litter boxes. They can be house-trained , and most stick to a schedule. They can use the yard or do their business during walks around the neighborhood. You only have to pick up the poop, not the urine the way you have to do with litter boxes. And as for the poop, you can simply use poop bags on walks and a poop-scooper in the yard. Cleaning up poop may not be fun, but many think it's the lesser of two necessary evils.

Best of all, the poop and pee happen outdoors, not inside your home!

Dogs Just Wanna Have Fun

There's only so much play you can do with your cat. Many cats love to play with string toys and they'll bat their little cat ball toys around, but it's almost like they're humoring you. Plus, they can play on their own, not just with people.

Dogs love to play, and they often want to play with you. You can play fetch with a ball or a disc, you can enjoy an exciting game of tug-of-war or you can play chase in the yard. If your dog gets along well with other dogs, you can even set up a doggie "playdate" with another pup. Just make sure both dogs are healthy and will get along. 

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Dogs Adapt Better to Change

Picsea / Unsplash

Cats are usually sensitive to their environments and dislike change. Many dogs tend to accept change more easily, especially when their owners act like it's no big deal. Of course, there are plenty of anxious and fearful dogs out there, but as a species, they're often calmer in the face of significant alterations to their lifestyles. 

When it comes to introducing new people, pets, or items to your home or moving to a new house, cats generally need more time to adapt . They don't automatically trust that all is well. They want proof first. Most dogs take their cues from their owners. If you're cool and calm when that new baby comes in your door, chances are that your dog will be, too. Of course, some might not be quite as accepting of strangers. 

More Control Means Less Destruction

The Spruce / Kristie Lee

Try to control a cat, and you might hear the tiny sound of kitty laughter. Most cats will go where they want to go, jump where they want to jump, scratch where they want to scratch, a nd mark whatever they think needs marking. Then there are those hairballs , which are most easily found when you're barefoot in the middle of the night. 

Yes, dogs can be destructive, but you can usually crate train a dog and keep him and your home safe and secure while you're away. Most crate-trained dogs consider their crates to be their own special places. Try putting a cat in a crate or behind a closed door, and you'll have one unhappy kitty. 

Corrective training and a stern voice can have a lot of power over a dog. Try this with the average cat, and you'll be lucky if he glances in your direction while continuing to do whatever he was doing. 

Training Dogs is Easier

Okay, cats can technically be trained, but even cat lovers admit that it's not usually as easy as training a dog. Even food-motivated cats will soon tire of training sessions and walk away. Or, they'll just smack the food out of your hand and eat it anyway. In general, cats train us humans better than we could ever train them.

On the other hand, most dogs actually enjoy training . It seems to give them a sense of purpose. It's a job, and most dogs love to work. Plus, many dogs are highly motivated by food and attention. They'll gladly sit, stay, shake, lie down, and roll over in exchange for a delicious reward.

Dogs seem to display a sense of pride when they've done a good job. In fact, dogs sometimes misbehave when they're bored. They need more exercise and mental stimulation. Training helps provide the latter. 

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Dogs Can Protect You

It's not in a cat's nature to defend you or your home. Cats are more likely to run and hide when faced with trouble. On the other hand, most dogs will instinctively protect their owners and their territory. They'll  bark or growl to alert you to the presence of strangers, and many will even scare off intruders. Dogs can sense our fear, and they'll respond if they think we feel threatened.

A large dog with a loud bark may seem like the better watchdog, but small dogs are sometimes even more alert when it comes to detecting outside noises. The little ones may not be able to physically fight off intruders, but they'll certainly alert you about the danger. And many would-be intruders will avoid contact with any dog for fear of being bitten , no matter what the pup's size. No offense, kitties, but protection is not your specialty.

Dogs Have Greater Potential

Heather Paul / Getty Images

When's the last time you saw a cat in a vest working hard to help people? It's true that cats have an important place in animal-assisted therapy , but they're generally not as well-suited to other types of work the way dogs are. Dogs have been helping people just about as long as they've been on earth. They were working on farms as herders and drovers hundreds of years ago.

Today, many dogs still work on farms, and they serve even more noble purposes. They act as  service dogs , guiding the blind, assisting the handicapped, helping the police and military, participating in search-and-rescue efforts, and comforting the sick. Some dogs can even detect seizures and sniff out cancer. That's some way to earn one's keep!

Dogs Promote an Active Lifestyle

Cats tend to stay home and do their own thing, or they go out and do their own thing . Some people have been known to walk their cats through the neighborhood on harnesses, but that's not the norm. 

Just like humans, dogs need plenty of exercise. The great thing is that we can make them part of our own exercise routines. Most dogs love to go on walks , and many even enjoy running with their humans. Some can even be trained to run alongside a bike and make wonderful hiking companions .

Dogs can also participate in dog sports  like agility, flyball, disc, and diving. Dog sports are great for fulfilling a dog's need for mental and physical exercise.

Dogs Come in More Shapes and Sizes

Alvin Nee / Unsplash

There are different breeds of cats, but they don't vary a whole lot in shape and size. Sure, you have your giant Maine Coon and your uniquely-coated Devon Rex , but most house cats are mixed breeds, sometimes called " moggies ." They come in many beautiful coats and colors, but the differences between cats are subtle compared to the differences between dogs.

It's hard to believe that a tiny little Yorkie is the same species as the huge Great Dane . If you decide to get a dog, you'll have plenty of choices available. Do you want a giant dog , a small dog breed , or something in between? Would you like a herding dog with endless energy or a cuddly lapdog ? Perhaps a well-balanced mixed breed is your preference. Mutts are not to be overlooked! There are even some low-allergen dogs for the mildly allergic. All in all, there's a type of dog for just about any household.

Dogs are a Human's Best Friend

The term "man's best friend" exists for a good reason. Dogs have been domesticated for at least 15,000 years and have been the faithful companions and loyal helpers of the human race throughout history. The bond between humans and dogs is unmistakable.

Cats seem to know that they were once worshiped as gods. Perhaps they resent the fact those days have ended. They may still be holding it against us. 

It's fair to say that a dog's human is the center of his universe. A cat is the center of its own universe. We humans are merely orbiting servants (willing servants, of course). 

Are Dogs REALLY Better Than Cats?

Comparing dogs and cats is like comparing apples to oranges. Each species has its pros and cons, and both are special in their own ways. This age-old battle of dog people versus cat people doesn't really need to continue.

Can't we all just get along? Cats and dogs can learn to live happily together . Why choose? Just get both!

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Essay on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Students are often asked to write an essay on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats


Dogs and cats are the most popular pets. While both are great, many people believe dogs are better. Here, we will explore why dogs are often seen as the superior choice.

Dogs are known for their loyalty. They are always there for their owners, offering comfort and companionship. Their love is unconditional, and they show it every day. This loyalty makes dogs great friends.

Dogs are also great protectors. They are always alert and ready to protect their family from danger. This makes dogs not just pets, but also guardians, which can be very comforting.

Dogs love to play and exercise. They enjoy going for walks and runs, which can help their owners stay active too. This shared activity can lead to a healthier lifestyle.

In conclusion, dogs are loyal, protective, active, and trainable. These qualities make them wonderful pets and friends. While cats are also great pets, many people find dogs to be the better choice.

250 Words Essay on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Dogs and cats are the most popular pets around the world. Both have their own unique qualities. But some people think dogs are better. Let’s find out why.


Dogs are known as “man’s best friend” for a reason. They love to be with their owners. Dogs are always happy to see you when you come home. Cats, on the other hand, are more independent. They like to do their own thing.

Dogs can also protect your home. They bark when they see someone they don’t know. This can help keep you safe. Cats are not as good at this.

Dogs need walks every day. This can help you get exercise too! Walking your dog can help you stay healthy. Cats don’t need walks, so they can’t help you get exercise in the same way.

In the end, whether dogs are better than cats can depend on what you want in a pet. But dogs can offer companionship, protection, help you get exercise, and be trained in ways that cats can’t. That’s why some people think dogs are better than cats.

500 Words Essay on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Dogs and cats are the most popular pets around the world. Some people prefer cats, while others favor dogs. This essay will explain why dogs are better than cats.

Activity Levels

Dogs are more active than cats. They love to play, run, and go for walks. This can be a lot of fun for kids and can also help them stay active. Cats, on the other hand, spend most of their day sleeping and are not as playful.

Dogs can also provide protection. Many breeds are known for their guarding abilities. They can alert you to danger and even protect you if needed. Cats are not typically known for these qualities.

Health Benefits

Having a dog can also offer health benefits. Walking a dog can help you stay fit. Playing with a dog can reduce stress and improve your mood. Studies have shown that having a dog can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. While cats can also provide some health benefits, dogs have a more significant impact.

In conclusion, dogs are better than cats for several reasons. They offer companionship, help us stay active, provide protection, can be trained, and offer health benefits. While cats also have their perks, dogs have qualities that make them stand out as the better pet. So, if you’re thinking about getting a pet, consider a dog. They have so much to offer and can bring a lot of joy and happiness into your life.

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Composing An Essay On Why Dogs Are Better Pets Than Cats

Dogs and cats are animals that live alongside humans for thousands of years. As a result, there are people who like dogs more than cats and vice versa. If you’re a dog lover, you may write a great persuasive essay on why you think they’re better pets than cats. Here are the steps you should take in order to complete your paper successfully:

  • Come up with arguments.

To persuade the reader in your opinion, you should raise strong arguments or examples that will prove your point. In a persuasive paper, you may use arguments based only on your personal perception. However, it’ll strengthen your hand if you present some objective and factual evidence too. Follow this link to contact a company that will provide you with the professional advice on this matter.

  • Compose a thesis.

A persuasive essay should contain a decent thesis statement that will define the purpose of the paper and serve as a binder for the arguments and examples. Consult your teacher or read some guidelines on the Internet to write a good thesis.

  • Outline your paper.

It’s advisable to imagine the structure of your final document before you start writing and make its outline. This won’t let you deviate from the main questions that you’re going to answer in your work.

  • Write your draft.

You should use simple language when composing your paper. Complex structures will only confuse your readers and distract them from the actual contents of the text. You may start writing in any order that you want, but make sure that your paper is divided into such sections:

  • Introduction.

This paragraph should start with an interesting hook related to a “dogs vs. cats” theme and attract the attention of the reader. Then, you should state why you think that dogs are better and briefly mention the arguments that you’re going to prove this with.

The number of body paragraphs should be equal to the number of your main arguments (at least three). Present and explain each argument in a separate paragraph. Make sure to include strong topic sentences and clear transitions between paragraphs.

  • Conclusion.

Summarize the evidence that you’ve presented in the body and state once again why you prefer dogs. Indicate why it’s important to love and care for your pets.

  • Proofread your draft.

Look through your essay a few times and make sure to get rid of different mistakes and rewrite weak or irrelevant sentences. This will reduce the risk of a lower score.

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Home Essay Samples Life Dog

Why Dogs are the Best Pets: Exploting Persuasive Arguments

Table of contents, unconditional love and loyalty, stress relief and emotional support, encouragement of physical activity, enhanced social interactions, protection and security.

  • Odendaal, J. S. (2000). Animal-assisted therapy—Magic or medicine? Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 49(4), 275-280.
  • Anderson, W. P., & Reid, C. M. (1992). The short-term effects of pet therapy on the elderly. Gerontology, 38(6), 307-310.
  • Wood, L., Martin, K., Christian, H., Nathan, A., Lauritsen, C., Houghton, S., ... & McCune, S. (2015). The pet factor—Companion animals as a conduit for getting to know people, friendship formation and social support. PLoS ONE, 10(4), e0122085.
  • Wells, D. L. (2009). The effects of animals on human health and well-being. Journal of Social Issues, 65(3), 523-543.
  • Nagasawa, M., Mogi, K., & Kikusui, T. (2009). Attachment between humans and dogs. Japanese Psychological Research, 51(3), 209-221.

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Why Dogs Are better than Cats Essay

Picture of Baris Yalcin

  • January 31, 2023


Essay on Why Dogs Are better than Cats


For a good reason, dogs have long been recognized as man's best friend. While cats can be friendly and amusing, they cannot compete with the myriad benefits and delights a dog can provide to a family. Dogs are unquestionably the superior pet, from their extraordinary loyalty to their capacity to bring comfort and security. This essay will examine why dogs are better than cats and why they make such wonderful friends. While cats make fantastic companions, they cannot compete with the various advantages a dog can provide to a home.

Body Paragraphs

One of the important reasons why dogs outperform cats is their unrivaled loyalty and commitment to their masters. Unlike cats, which can be distant and independent, dogs are famed for their unconditional devotion and affection for their human family. When required, dogs will follow their owners around, guard them, and provide comfort and security. They are always delighted to meet their owners and will make great efforts to please them. In times of stress or danger, the presence of a dog may bring a sense of tranquility and comfort that is difficult to equal.

Another benefit dogs have over cats is their flexibility and versatility. Dogs come in various sizes, temperaments, and breeds, making them suitable for a broad range of lifestyles and living conditions. Some breeds are better suited for families with children, while others are ideal for apartment life or outdoor hobbies such as hiking or running. Dogs may also be trained to accomplish various activities, from herding sheep to guiding the visually handicapped. Dogs are significantly more adaptable than cats, sometimes constrained to a more restricted lifestyle.

Dogs give a variety of health advantages to their owners in addition to their devotion and adaptability. Owning a dog has been proven in studies to reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and even boost physical activity levels. In addition, dog owners had a decreased risk of heart disease, depression, and other health problems. Furthermore, playing with or walking a dog may give tremendous physical and cerebral stimulation to individuals of all ages.

While cats are frequently maintained as indoor pets, dogs are generally kept as outdoor pets, necessitating daily exercise and play. This may be a massive benefit for people who like spending time outside or want to enhance their physical fitness. Dog owners are more likely to go on walks, treks, and runs, which can improve their general health and well-being. Dogs may also be trained to participate in various sports and activities, such as agility and flyball, which can give a fantastic workout for both the dog and the owner.

Another significant advantage of having a dog is that it may give companionship. Canines are very sociable creatures who thrive on interaction with their owners and other dogs. They are good at offering emotional support and are a fantastic source of comfort when stressed or lonely. Indeed, many older adults find that having a dog helps them deal with feelings of isolation and loneliness by providing them with a devoted friend and source of comfort. Finally, dogs are more entertaining than cats. There is never a dull time with a dog, from playing fetch to going on walks. They are constantly excited to play, and their joy is contagious. They are also quite bright and can be taught various tricks, making them a fantastic source of amusement.

To summarize, while cats make fantastic companions, they cannot compete with the myriad advantages a dog can provide to a home. Dogs are the more fabulous pet, from their loyalty and dedication to their agility and adaptability. They give various health advantages, good company, and are just more enjoyable. A dog is an excellent choice for a dependable friend, an exercise partner, or simply someone to play with. Dogs certainly are man's best friend, with their unrivaled devotion, adaptability, health advantages, companionship, and entertainment value. They make excellent companions for individuals of all ages and walks of life, offering comfort, security, and delight to those who own them.

Picture of Baris Yalcin

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Compare and Contrast Essay: Cats vs. Dogs

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📌Words: 646
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📌Published: 17 February 2022

What is your favorite type of pet? In my opinion dogs make greater pets, due to the fact that they tend to be more loyal and loving. Just to name a few, here are some of the reasons that I feel that dogs are better than cats. They will always give 110% to please there owners. They have absolute unconditional love. Dogs can be easier to train than their feline counterparts. Moreover,  dogs make great life long companions, that fill our heart with joy and memories for years to come. By the end of this article you too might see why dogs make greater better pets than cats.

Have you ever noticed how dogs are willing to go the extra mile to make us happy? This is because they will give 110% of what it takes to please us. Throughout history, many dogs, of many different breeds have been utilized in various ways in the assistance of chores. Dogs are known for being extremely loyal companions. Certain breeds of pooches may have been selected for guaranteed competitiveness. Along with being people-pleasers, dogs can too be exceptionally caring and adoring pets.

Their love is without a doubt an unconditional bond. In my experience, it is a dog’s instinct to be caring. Just as they nurture their young, they show their owners the same love in return. Dogs reflect on the way that their owners treat them and this provides them with a way to learn how to love their owners. Dogs can be very quick learners. They learn good behaviors through gentle tones and rewards when they have demonstrated the proper behavior as expected. Rewards are a way to show love to your dog for their hard work and loyalty to you. As part of rewarding good behavior, making rules and setting boundaries can be a great way to teach your dog what you expect of them. I know I just can't help myself when I see your big ole eyes staring at me like I'm someone special, which melts my heart.

Training dogs isn't always easy, is it? Depending on the dog sometimes it can be difficult but with patience and persistence training a dog can be easier than you might think. Dogs are people pleasers and rely on the owners for instructions, unlike cats who are more independent creatures, dogs are willing to take on the task that their owners expect of them. Teaching routines with similar patterns can be very beneficial to not only the dog but also the owner too, in learning how to teach and train their dog most efficiently. Rewarding good behaviors can aid in teaching the dog the proper actions of which are expected. Given the right training and teaching you could see why dogs are so much better than cats hands down. All this training and teaching over time, can turn into one of the best companionships we may ever know as humans. 

Dogs may not live as long as we do, but they sure do make many years with them that mmuch more enjoyable. Having a dog as a companion can be so rewarding on its own throughout the years. After all, iisisn’t that why they call a dog "Man's Best friend". In my lifetime, I've been very blessed withisn’t dogs in the last 30 years, all of which I considered very good friends. Some of the dogs I had were even better than I felt I deserved in a lifetime. Being loyal, caring, compassionate, and such a great companion, in general, are all great reasons why I feel dogs make better pets than their counterparts the cat. 

In summary, I have listed many reasons why I feel that dogs are better pets than cats, in my opinion, they are more loyal, loving, compassionate, and all-around make better companions due to their willingness to please their owners. I hope that you too can see why I feel that cats just don’t hold up to the praise of the dogs we have come to know and love in our lives. Even though cats can be more independent they just miss some of the important qualities that dogs bring us.

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Dogs or Cats Persuasive Essay Writing

Dogs or cats persuasive essay

Table of contents:

  • Introduction

It’s a classic debate topic: do dogs make better pets than cats, or vice versa? So, how to write a “why dogs are better than cats” persuasive essay or alternatively, “why cats are better than dogs?”

Start with an introduction that grabs your readers’ attention. A shock fact or an emotional anecdote will often do the trick. Then move on to setting forth your thesis statement, or statement of purpose, that will explain to your audience just exactly what is the point that you want to make in this essay. Here’s a few samples for you.

Introduction examples

Pro-Dog: If you’re attacked by an angry kangaroo in the bush, your cat isn’t going to do a thing to help you out, but your dog will defend you to the death. It’s not hard to see that dogs make better pets than cats and I’m going to explain just exactly why dogs are better.

Pro-Cat: Dogs or cats? It’s quite the debate, but really it’s up to you: do you want something that drools all over you, barks in the middle of the night, has to be walked twice a day, and humps strangers, or would you like a quiet, peaceful, orderly, independent creature who only asks a bite to eat, a litterbox, and a small corner with the sun on it to lie in? Getting a dog would be a mistake, but getting a cat never is.

As you move into the body of your essay, set out each point one-by-one. It may help to make an outline laying out your evidence. Here’s your chance to explain why dogs are better, or why cats are better. You should have at least three full paragraphs to make your case, and remember, you can have anecdotes, appeals to emotion, nostalgia, or statistical evidence to back you up. If you want to talk about the friendly neighbourhood cat when you were growing up, or your family dog who saved you from drowning at the age of nine, here’s your chance.

Your conclusion is a way of summing up your points and ending with calling your reader to take some kind of action. This action could even just include thinking about dogs or cats differently. Here’s another couple of samples for you.

Conclusion examples

Pro-Dog: Dogs save lives, aid fitness, play catch, and are all-around great fun to own. They make loyal and lovable companions. Everyone should have a dog at least once, so if you’ve never had one, now’s your opportunity.

Pro-Cat: Cats aren’t the Internet’s favourite animal for nothing. They are cute, snuggly, affectionate, and adorable. They will make your heart sing when they curl up in your lap or nuzzle against you. There’s no love quite like the love of a cat. But many cats linger in shelters, and some of them even get killed because they have no home to go to. Every cat should be loved, so if you’re in need of a furry companion, go to your nearest rescue shelter and let yourself be picked out by one of them for a lifetime of love and kitty cuddles.

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Argumentative Paper: Cats Are Better than Dogs

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Independence, low maintenance, emotional support.

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thesis statement for why dogs are better than cats

Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs Essay

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Cats make better pets than dogs because they are much more independent than dogs and this independence makes them resemble to human beings. Cats can live their own lives; they can disappear for hours to spend time having their own adventures and then come back to you and purr you about the adventures. This argument for cats can be rebutted if the owner of the dog likes when it follows him or her everywhere without respecting the master’s personal space. Very likely that this argument only holds if the master does not hate cats in general and does not suffer from cat allergy.

Cats do not like to be dependent on the master’s desire to have a walk with them. Instead, they can easily organize promenade by themselves. Let your cat go outside and it will surely come back home sharing its positive emotions with you. Contrary to dogs that should be kept a watchful eye on, cats are not harmful and can be left alone outdoors. The dog left without the master’s supervision may scare people or cause them physical harm. Meanwhile cats will either find a cosy place on the roof of the house and bask in the sun or join some chorus their fellows created. In the latter case, of course, some discomfort may be expected.

The independence of cats is the visible sign of the character they possess. Cats are different depending on their moods, they can either be kind and caring or they can show their claws if the master does not allow them to be in the focus of attention. Dogs seem to be less flexible in terms of mood. Though they are always ready to serve their masters, this does not speak of the individual traits that they posses.

Cats have strong personalities. If they are offended by the master they do not give him/her the usual warmth they possess, but if they are treated kindly they do not hesitate to show their gratitude to the master. Different conduct in different situations distinguishes cats from each other, whereas dogs seem to be the same in their habitual conduct.

Those who prefer dogs might claim that cats often jump on their masters, on the newspapers they are reading on the keyboard they are typing on, etc. But these all is the problem of the cat’s training. The norms of cat’s conduct should be cultivated since the very young age of the kitty. If the master realizes the importance of cat’s training and handles it properly the cat will never disturb the master. If the problem is rooted in physical or psychological unacceptance of cats one should not force oneself and choose a cat as a pet. He or she should consider other variants that are numerous and find the most appropriate for him/her. Still, if there is no cat allergy or general rejection of cats one will never be sorry for the choice made as cat does not only demonstrate its independence but inspires this independence with its master.

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IvyPanda. (2021, October 28). Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs. https://ivypanda.com/essays/cats-make-better-pets-than-dogs/

"Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs." IvyPanda , 28 Oct. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/cats-make-better-pets-than-dogs/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs'. 28 October.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs." October 28, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/cats-make-better-pets-than-dogs/.

1. IvyPanda . "Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs." October 28, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/cats-make-better-pets-than-dogs/.


IvyPanda . "Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs." October 28, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/cats-make-better-pets-than-dogs/.

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"Why cats are better than dogs?." StudyMoose, Sep 11, 2016. Accessed June 15, 2024. https://studymoose.com/why-cats-are-better-than-dogs-essay

"Why cats are better than dogs?," StudyMoose , 11-Sep-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/why-cats-are-better-than-dogs-essay. [Accessed: 15-Jun-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Why cats are better than dogs? . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/why-cats-are-better-than-dogs-essay [Accessed: 15-Jun-2024]

  • Dogs Are Better Than Cats: The Needs of Dogs and Cats Pages: 2 (401 words)
  • The Best Reasons Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs Pages: 3 (620 words)
  • Why Are Dogs Better Than Cats Pages: 4 (911 words)
  • Cats And Dogs: What Is Better? Pages: 3 (849 words)
  • Cats vs Dogs Compare and Contrast Pages: 8 (2140 words)
  • Argumentative Essay:Dogs vs Cats Pages: 5 (1232 words)
  • Registration System of Dogs and Cats in the Municipality Pages: 4 (981 words)
  • Cats vs Dogs: The Ultimate Pet Showdown Pages: 4 (938 words)
  • Cats vs. Dogs: Which Is the Best Pet for Me? Pages: 4 (1020 words)
  • Deciding Between Dogs and Cats: Cost, Time, and Attention Pages: 3 (732 words)

Why cats are better than dogs? essay

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  1. Dogs Are Better Than Cats Essay

    thesis statement for why dogs are better than cats

  2. ⇉Why Cats Are Better than Dogs Essay Example

    thesis statement for why dogs are better than cats

  3. Dogs are Better Than Cats Essay

    thesis statement for why dogs are better than cats

  4. Why Dogs Make Better Pets Essay Example

    thesis statement for why dogs are better than cats

  5. Dogs Are Better Than Cats

    thesis statement for why dogs are better than cats

  6. 📌 Dogs Are Better Than Cats Essay

    thesis statement for why dogs are better than cats


  1. WHY Dogs ARE BETTER than CATS!?😱😤 (Sound by: @thefrdishow)

  2. Here’s why dogs 🐶 are better than cats🐱

  3. Another Reason Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats!

  4. Why are dogs better than CATS?... #catlife #kittycat #capcut #cutecats #yourcat #mycat #happycats

  5. Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats, And Here Are The Pics And Memes To Prove It

  6. Cats Vs Dogs Opinion Writing


  1. Essay Sample on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

    When making your case for why dogs are better than cats, be sure to use logic as much as possible. Don't just say, "dogs are cuter than cats" or "cats are meaner than dogs" — back up these statements with evidence from reliable sources.

  2. Domestic Animals: Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats Essay

    Most of the dogs are modeled after their owners. If the dog is calm and gathering when new babies come through the door, so should the cat. Of course, there are some that refuse to accept strangers. Dogs are more active than cats, which is one of the reasons they are so popular. Dogs can be taught actions, manners, tricks, and commands.

  3. Dogs Are Better Than Cats, Persuasive Essay Sample

    Dogs are Better Than Cats Essay 700 Word Long Persuasive Essay. Dogs and cats are two animals commonly kept as pets at home. Dogs are considered a man's best friend and truly so because of their special connection with humans. On the other hand, cats are also the cutest furballs that are all cozy and cuddly. Most homeowners prefer keeping ...

  4. Dogs are Better than Cats Essay

    Both dogs and cats have their pros and cons, but in the end, dogs are better pets than cats. Dogs provide a more active lifestyle for their owner. Dogs are very energetic and require constant walks and lots of physical interaction. Cats typically prefer to be more independent and stay home. This makes a healthier lifestyle for the dog and the ...

  5. Dogs Vs. Cats: a Comparative Analysis

    Why Dogs Are Better Pets That Cats Essay When you hear the word pets the first few that would fine to mind would be a dog, cat, goldfish or even a rabbit. Some persons may decide to have a not so common pet like a tiger, spider or even an elephant.

  6. Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

    Should you get a dog or a cat? Time to compare! Here are 10 reasons why dogs might be better than cats.

  7. Essay on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

    In conclusion, dogs are better than cats for several reasons. They offer companionship, help us stay active, provide protection, can be trained, and offer health benefits. While cats also have their perks, dogs have qualities that make them stand out as the better pet. So, if you're thinking about getting a pet, consider a dog.

  8. Dogs Are Better Pets Than Cats Essay Example

    Helping people could be the reason why dogs were put into this world we call Earth. Lastly, dogs should be chosen over cats because they keep you fit. Source 2, 11 scientific reasons Dogs are better than cats state's ``Dogs need walks…encourages the owner to walk.`` People all over want to get in shape and stay fit but some people don't have ...

  9. Argumentative Essay on Dogs Are Better Than Cats

    Dogs will also help you exercise and improve your overall health both physically and mentally. Additionally, dogs are basically like children and you get to raise them like your own and form a lifetime friendship with them. Some may say cats are better than dogs, but there is a reason dogs are referred to as a person's best friend.

  10. Composing An Essay On Why Dogs Are Better Pets Than Cats

    Composing An Essay On Why Dogs Are Better Pets Than Cats. ... Compose a thesis. A persuasive essay should contain a decent thesis statement that will define the purpose of the paper and serve as a binder for the arguments and examples. Consult your teacher or read some guidelines on the Internet to write a good thesis.

  11. Why Dogs are the Best Pets: Exploting Persuasive Arguments

    In this essay, I will present compelling reasons why dogs are undeniably the best pets, highlighting their positive impact on our physical and emotional well-being. Unconditional Love and Loyalty Dogs are renowned for their unwavering loyalty and unconditional love.

  12. Argumentative Essay On Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

    In conclusion, dogs are better in contrast to cats. Dogs are more of an athletic pet for athletic people, they can be taught more tricks, and there are multiple breeds to suite your needs or wants for a dog. Dogs are a pet people can enjoy whether it 's to be active with, be playful with, or even just relax. Read More.

  13. Why Dogs Are better than Cats Essay

    Explore the benefits of a dog in this why dogs are better than cats essay, including loyalty, versatility, health benefits, companionship, and entertainment.

  14. Compare and Contrast Essay: Cats vs. Dogs

    Depending on the dog sometimes it can be difficult but with patience and persistence training a dog can be easier than you might think. Dogs are people pleasers and rely on the owners for instructions, unlike cats who are more independent creatures, dogs are willing to take on the task that their owners expect of them.

  15. Why Dogs Are Better Pets that Cats

    Dog sports are great for fulfilling a dog's need for mental and physical exercise. Dogs are capable of doing so much more than cats which help us today for example: Therapy work - like cats dogs are certified comforters. Detection dogs - they use there keen senses to detect everything, from bombs to drugs.

  16. Thesis Statement On Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

    Thesis Statement on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  17. Dogs or Cats Persuasive Essay Sample

    So, how to write a "why dogs are better than cats" persuasive essay or alternatively, "why cats are better than dogs?" My account Order now Log out. 1-855-896 -3653 Chat now. 1-855-896-3653. Services. Writing services ... A shock fact or an emotional anecdote will often do the trick. Then move on to setting forth your thesis statement, or ...

  18. Argumentative Paper: Cats Are Better than Dogs

    Cats and dogs have long been considered man's best friends, but the age-old debate of which pet is better rages on. While both animals have their own unique qualities, cats have been proven to be superior pets for a variety of reasons. In this essay, we will explore the many reasons why cats are better than dogs, including their independence, low maintenance, and ability to provide emotional ...

  19. Persuasive Speech: Why Dogs Are Better Pets Than Cats

    Topic: Dogs make better Pets than Cats Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that dogs are better pets than cats Thesis Statement: Dogs will protect and provide you comfort and support.

  20. Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs

    Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs Essay. Cats make better pets than dogs because they are much more independent than dogs and this independence makes them resemble to human beings. Cats can live their own lives; they can disappear for hours to spend time having their own adventures and then come back to you and purr you about the adventures.

  21. Argumentative Essay:Dogs vs Cats

    Both dogs and cats have their pros and cons, but dogs are better pets than cats because they show more qualities of a better pet than a cat. Dogs provide an active lifestyle for an owner. Dogs are very energetic which requires constant walks.

  22. Read the following implied thesis statement: Dogs make better pets than

    Given the thesis statement 'Dogs make better pets than cats because humans and dogs have had more time to adapt to one another', the most effective supporting topic sentence for a paragraph of this essay could be 'Dogs were domesticated 20,000 years before cats'. This topic sentence directly supports the thesis by providing a concrete fact that ...

  23. Why cats are better than dogs?

    FIND ESSAY. Essay Sample: Many people today own a pet or some sort, but the most popular are dogs and cats. Everyone has their own particular reason for their choice of pet, but I.

  24. 28 reasons why cats are better pets than dogs

    This makes cats cleaner than dogs and therefore not as smelly as their four-legged friends. While most dogs tend to spend their day rolling around in the outside world, sleeping and playing.