how to write a resume for different jobs

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Switching Careers? Here’s How to Write a Strong Resume.

  • Benjamin Laker,
  • Vijay Pereira,
  • Abhishek Behl,
  • Zaheer Khan

how to write a resume for different jobs

Start with a personal statement.

When you’re switching career paths, there’s one essential thing you need to focus on: updating your resume. Crafting a smart resume is key to showing your potential employer why you wish to make a change. While there’s no one right format to write a resume, here are some tips you can follow:

  • Begin the resume with a personal statement. This is a short description about who you are, your reasons for changing your career, your new goals, how your previous experience can be transferred to the new industry, and why you’re perfect for the job.
  • Next, instead of highlighting your work experience first, showcase the skills you’ve learned throughout your career. That’s because when changing careers, the hiring managers reviewing your application may not always be familiar with the roles and responsibilities of a different industry.
  • Below your skills, you can include a more traditional description of your relevant work history. You don’t need to include every job you’ve ever had, especially if you’ve held a number of positions that don’t highlight any essential skills required for this role.
  • Finally, end with a chronological list of your educational qualifications. You can also include details about any certifications or courses that you may be undertaking that may be relevant to the position you’re interested in.

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Switching career paths and trying something completely new can open you up to exciting opportunities, help you learn new things, and even earn you more money. But it’s not always easy — especially if you’re looking to move into an entirely different field. Apart from doing your research and unearthing opportunities, there’s one essential thing you need to focus on before you make the leap: updating your resume.

how to write a resume for different jobs

  • Benjamin Laker is a professor of leadership at Henley Business School, University of Reading. Follow him on Twitter .
  • Vijay Pereira is a professor of strategic and international human capital management at NEOMA Business School.
  • AB Abhishek Behl is an assistant professor of information management at the Management Development Institute Gurgaon.
  • ZK Zaheer Khan is a professor in strategy and international business at the University of Aberdeen.  

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How to Write a Career Change Resume [With Template]

Young woman writing resume on laptop

Starting a career in a new field is exciting, but getting your foot in the door often presents a challenge. If you’re worried about your application being overshadowed by candidates with more experience than you, don’t underestimate the role that a well-written resume can play in the hiring process. Even if you don’t have the work experience an employer is looking for, your resume can effectively convey why you’d be a great fit for the job. 

According to iHire’s 2020 Talent Retention Report , 66% of survey respondents have recently considered changing careers. The report also found that not knowing how to write a career change resume was a commonly cited roadblock for would-be career switchers. 

In this guide, we explain what a career change resume is and how to write one. We’ve also included a free template, so you can get to work on crafting a resume for your dream role.

How to Write a Resume for a Career Change

In general, most best practices for writing a resume also apply to career change resumes. However, there are a few areas you’ll want to be sure to emphasize when writing a resume for a new career path. While a traditional resume focuses heavily on work experience, career change resumes focus more on transferable skills.

In terms of how your resume is structured, a combination resume format may be the way to go. This type of resume places an equal emphasis on both skills and experience. Instead of starting the resume with your work experience, combination resume templates typically begin with an objective and a summary of relevant skills. 

The steps listed below can help you adapt your existing resume into one that is tailored for career switching. 

1. Craft a resume objective  

A resume objective is a short summary of your professional experience, skills, accomplishments, and career goals. 

Resume objectives and summaries are often considered optional, especially if you are trying to save room on your resume, but this section is crucial for those looking to change careers. The hiring manager may not make an immediate connection between your experience and the role you’re applying for, so your resume objective is essential for helping convey why you’re interested in this industry. 

Your objective should be no longer than a couple sentences. If it takes up more than two or three lines on your resume, try to shorten it.

2. Include a skills summary 

If you’re in the midst of changing careers, you’ll want to feature your skills prominently on your resume. In fact, we recommend listing them above your work experience. 

In the skills summary section, list a few skills you want to highlight, and add bullet points underneath each skill that provide examples of when you’ve used this skill. 

Not sure what type of skills to include in this section? Scan the job description for the position you’re applying for and use some of the required skills as your starting point. Some soft skills—such as leadership skills —are applicable for almost any job. Including some of the same keywords as the job description can help ensure that your resume makes it past automatic review filters.

In some situations, you might also choose to make a separate section for “Technical Skills.” In this section, you can briefly list your proficiency with various industry tools or software. This can be a great way to capture additional keywords from the job description, without having to list full examples of when you’ve used each tool. 

3. Focus on the most relevant work experience 

For a career change resume, the work experience section is all about transferable skills. You don’t necessarily need to list all of the responsibilities you had at your old job. Instead, focus on the responsibilities that are the most relevant for the new position you’re applying for. For example, if you’re a customer service representative hoping to land a job in digital marketing, you may choose to narrow in on your ability to find creative solutions for your customers. 

Here are a few tips for describing your work experience:

  • Connect your work experience back to the skills listed in your skills summary section
  • Focus on achievements, providing numbers and data whenever possible
  • Tailor your descriptions to each job you apply for, working in keywords from the job description

If you’re running out of space on your resume, keep in mind that you don’t need to list every job you’ve ever had. Stick to your most recent two or three jobs, and leave older, irrelevant jobs behind. 

Related: How to Successfully Navigate a Midlife Career Change and Avoid a Crisis

4. Highlight your education (including certificates) 

Whether or not your education is directly related to the job you’re applying for, it’s still important to include this section on your resume. If you have limited professional experience, you can bolster your resume with some descriptions of your academic achievements, such as your GPA or relevant coursework you’ve completed. 

For example, imagine you have an undergraduate degree in history and are applying for a role as a business analyst. If you took any courses in business or analytics during college, be sure to mention them. They might not have been a part of your degree, but they show that you’ve had an ongoing interest in understanding how businesses operate. 

If you’ve earned any certificates outside of a degree program, be sure to list these, too. Online programs and certificates offer a way to expand your knowledge in a specific subject area, without the time commitment of a full degree program. They can show employers that you are serious about your professional development and would like to gain more experience in a particular industry. 

Related: Top 10 Most In-Demand Online Courses from Wharton Online Right Now

5. Add in notable projects and accomplishments 

Dedicating a section of your resume to projects and accomplishments isn’t always necessary, but if you’re changing careers or do not have much work experience, this can be a valuable way to round out your resume. You can use this space to highlight any personal achievements that are not directly related to work or school—for example, personal projects, volunteer work, or involvement in industry-related clubs or organizations. 

If you choose to include a section for projects or accomplishments, make sure that everything you list ties back to a key skill or characteristic that is relevant for your desired career path.

Career Change Resume Example 

Now that we’ve covered some tips for creating a resume tailored to a career change, let’s explore an example. We crafted this resume for a customer service representative who is applying for a digital marketing specialist position. 

Name and Contact Information 

Abigail Jacobs 

Philadelphia, PA

267-555-0176 | [email protected]

Driven and hardworking professional with a proven track record of increasing customer satisfaction levels. Looking to leverage my problem-solving skills and build upon my 3+ years of customer service experience by transitioning into the digital marketing space.

Professional Skills 

Problem Solving

  • Developed creative solutions for unsatisfied customers at Platinum Auto Insurance and Accelerate Call Center
  • Lead brainstorming sessions with team members to improve customer satisfaction metrics


  • 3+ years of experience in customer services roles, frequently communicating with customers both on the phone and over email 
  • Completed a B.A. in Communications and was an active member of the Public Speaking Club while in college 


  • Used Excel to organize and track customer service metrics, and compiled these metrics into weekly reports for management 

Technical Skills 

  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Suite 
  • Google Analytics 
  • Google Search Console 

Work Experience

Senior Customer Service Advisor

Platinum Auto Insurance | Sept 2019 – Present

  • Resolved over 100 customer complaints per week, communicating with customers via phone and email 
  • Tracked KPIs for each ticket and delivered weekly customer satisfaction reports for management, consistently exceeding target satisfaction ratings by 5-10%
  • Collaborated with team members to identify creative solutions for customers

Customer Service Representative 

Accelerate Call Center | Jul 2018 – Sept 2019 

  • Responded to 50+ calls per day, answering questions from customers and redirecting to other departments as needed 
  • Demonstrated written communication skills by revamping customer service phone scripts, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction ratings 

Bachelor of Arts in Communication

University of Pennsylvania | Jun 2018

  • Completed courses in advertising and social media

Digital Marketing Certificate 

Wharton Online | Mar 2022

  • Completed a six-week program from The Wharton School
  • Learned about topics such as marketing analytics, customer relationships, social media, and e-commerce marketing 

Personal Projects

Marketing Assistant for Public Speaking Club 

2017 – 2018

  • As a member of the Public Speaking Club at University of Pennsylvania, assisted the club with creating a monthly newsletter
  • Managed social media accounts for the club, consistently posting content and engaging with followers 

Marketing Consultant 

2020 – Present 

  • Assisted a friend with the creation and management of photography business website
  • Used Google Analytics and Google Search Console to measure the performance of website content 

Career Change Resume Template

We’ve adapted this example into three different template formats, with the hope that it can serve as a jumping off point for your own career change resume. Click on the links below to download the template:

  • Microsoft Word .DOCX
  • Google Docs (click on “File > Make a copy” to save to your own Google Docs folder)

Screenshot of an example career change resume

Stand Out From the Crowd With Wharton Online

If you’re looking to switch careers in the near future, an online certificate program can help set you up for success. In addition to gaining valuable insights into a specific industry, you’ll be able to list your certificate on your resume and LinkedIn. This can give you a competitive edge during your job search. 

Wharton Online offers certificate programs in subjects such as leadership and management, asset and portfolio management, and digital marketing. All of our courses are conducted 100% online, giving you the flexibility to complete coursework on your own schedule. Explore our online programs today , or reach out to us with any questions. 

For more tips on how to navigate a career change, download our free guide, “ The Career-Switching Handbook for 30‑Somethings .”

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Download our eBook: The Career-Switching Handbook for 30‑Somethings

Job-hopping is a growing trend among young professionals, and for many good reasons. Download our free eBook, “The Career-Switching Handbook for 30‑Somethings,” for the latest career-switching tips, strategies, and data.

Download the eBook

The Wharton School is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU.

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Career Change resume example & writing guide

Career Change resume example & writing guide

You are ready for a new challenge. You’ve decided on a career change to a promising new industry. That’s great news! How do you create a resume that shows off what you know and will impress recruiters so that they give you a chance at your targeted career? 

While this is a bigger task than simply continuing on the path you are on, you have already taken the first step by deciding to change. The good news is that the work is manageable with assistance. Our resume builder-tool , expertly designed templates, and 20 minutes of your time to read this guide will get you on your way. You will learn how to:

  • Highlight the skills that transfer to your desired career
  • Impress recruiters with your flexibility and ability to learn
  • Choice and organize the sections of your resume
  • Get past the Applicant Tracking Systems designed to eliminate “unqualified” candidates
  • Design an easy-to-read layout that avoids formatting problems.

Leverage your skills and education

Because you don’t have direct experience in your target career, you will need to look beyond your employment history to the skills you have used and any classes you may have taken that apply to your new career. Start by brainstorming all the skills you can demonstrate. This is your Master List. You will cherry-pick from this list as you build your resume. Put a star next to any skill that is “transferable.” Those are skills that you will need for your new job.

Soft skills

A great launching pad for this is a recounting of your soft skills, or the interpersonal and general abilities you need to be a productive worker. The perfect place to begin is by assessing your emotional intelligence. Daniel Goleman’s book, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, breaks emotional intelligence into five categories:

  • Self-awareness: Understanding your strengths and weaknesses
  • Self-regulation: Keeping calm under pressure and expressing your emotions appropriately
  • Motivation: Setting clear goals and following through
  • Empathy: Recognizing how others feel
  • Social skills: Functioning within different group settings.

A study by the Stanford Research Institute and the Carnegie Melon Foundation found that 75 percent of Fortune 500 CEO’s long-term success was based on emotional intelligence and only 25 percent on technical know-how.

Here are some examples of the granular abilities within each category:

  • Self-awareness: Self-confidence, goal-setting, accepting feedback and improving based on it
  • Self-regulation: Trustworthiness, adaptability, being open to new ideas, taking responsibility for your own performance, staying calm under pressure
  • Motivation: Commitment to see things through, initiative, achievement drive, optimism
  • Empathy: Adapting to and meeting client needs, mentoring, leveraging diversity, awareness of group dynamics
  • Social skills: Persuasiveness, communication (both oral and written), leadership, conflict management, collaboration, active listening.

Hard skills

These are the skills you learned in school or on the job. They are teachable, which means that if you don’t have all the requirements for the job you are targeting, you must demonstrate your ability to learn quickly and your willingness to take training courses if necessary. This does not mean that none of your hard skills are transferable. Consider these questions:

  • What computer programs do you know?
  • Do you have any advanced computer knowledge beyond simply using software?
  • Do you speak more than one language?
  • Have you ever done data analysis?
  • Are you adept at design?
  • What level of math skill do you have?
  • Are you an SEO expert or familiar with Google Analytics?
  • Have you been a manager or team leader?
  • Were you responsible for generating reports or presentations?
  • Did you conduct training sessions or teach anything?
  • Are you an excellent writer, have a blog, or other major social media presence?

These questions are designed to highlight what you have to offer so that you can impress recruiters.

Applicant Tracking Systems

Whenever you apply for a job, you have to get past the gate-keeper: Applicant Tracking Systems. These are online application systems used by employers when you apply online that use algorithms to scan your resume.  They search for the keywords, phrases, and other information employers and recruiters have defined as the most important for each position. As a career-changer, you must be particularly sensitive to beating the ATS software. You cannot rely on your convincing cover letter to explain why you are a great candidate despite having little experience in the field. 

Your cover letter and resume will not be seen until you make it past the ATS. Also, remember that you do not have one resume, but a basic foundation from which to work. Every job requires slightly different skills – and different keywords. Make sure you thoroughly analyze each job description to make sure you are including as many accurate keywords and phrases as you can organically incorporate. Remember the golden rule: every employer and job opportunity needs a custom-tailored resume. Do not use the approach of “one size fits all”!

Almost all HR departments  use ATS software, and most list which ones they use on their websites (alternatively, the ATS companies themselves also list their top clients, so a quick Google search might help). If you are applying to one, check out which ATS software the company uses and do some digging to find out exactly what it looks for. 

Almost all Fortune 500 companies use ATS software, and most list which ones they use on their websites (alternatively - the ATS companies themselves also list their top clients, so a quick Google search might help). If you are applying to one, check out which ATS software the company uses and do some digging to find out exactly what it looks for.  

Word clouds

A word cloud is a handy tool for discovering which keywords are most important to recruiters and employers. Job descriptions can be very long and hard to parse. Conversely, they can be vague and you may not be able to discern the important skills. You can copy and paste the job description into a word cloud application, such as those found on or When you do, the application will generate a word cloud in which the most frequently used words and phrases appear the largest. These are the words you should focus on.

Do your due diligence

Decide where you want to go before you jump into the job market. Maybe you already have a dream career in mind. That’s great! You should still investigate both the skills you need to embark on your new career and the state of the job market. 

If you are ready for a change but aren’t sure what direction to head in, some basic research will help. Think about careers that have overlapping skills with your current position. You may be able to take a step in another direction while using the abilities you already have. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the jobs with the highest growth potential through 2030, median salaries, and information on skills and education needed to enter the fields. 

Consider the reasons you want to change careers as well. Are you burned out? Is your industry waning? Do you want more flexibility? Are you looking for a higher salary? Make sure your new targeted career will offer the opportunities you seek.

The initial look at a resume lasts an average of 7.4 seconds (before a recruiter decides whether to delve deeper or move on), according to an eye-tracking study by TheLadders .

Now, to the resume itself.

How to write a career change resume

All resumes contain sections in common and you need to know what to include when writing a resume . Because you are changing careers, the sections you use, and the organization of your resume will be a bit different from a job-hunter staying within their career. Your sections should be listed in the following order:

  • Objective statement or career summary
  • Employment history or experience

This organization allows you to showcase the attributes that your new career will require. 

Do you need an objective statement or resume summary?

Make this decision based on how big a leap you are making.Either of these choices gives you two to five sentences to let your creativity and passion show. The decision on which you include should be based on how far from your current career you are planning to venture.

Resume objective statement example

If you plan to move in a completely different direction—say you were a financial analyst, but you have decided you want to pursue your love of interior design—you should write an objective statement . 

Your objective is the only place on your resume to get a little creative and show the passion that led you to explore this new avenue. It is your chance to let recruiters know what you are hoping to achieve in a new career and highlight the personality attributes that make you a great candidate. Don’t forget that some of your skills as a financial analyst, like your attention to detail, are also important for interior designers.

Resume summary example

If you plan to make a shift, but have some experience in a related field, you are better off with a career summary . This will allow you to explain your industry knowledge and how your current career has set you up for this move. For example, if you are a software developer and want to move into software/ IT service sales, you already have a depth of knowledge in the field that you can demonstrate. You could make the move to computer sales as a bridge. Once you have that experience, you could sell other products. 

Your career summary should highlight your biggest accomplishments and tell recruiters how that will translate into your new chosen field. In either case, make sure you are attentive to keywords and phrases. Do not force them into your summary but use them appropriately. Be proud and show off your professional personality and passion without exaggerating.

If you’re into creative writing and have some sharable expertise - use your social media accounts to “rebrand” yourself or start a blog or other social media account that highlights where you want to go.

Self-motivated and enthusiastic worker with vast experience in many different fields. Bringing forth a proven track record of achievement and a reputation for positive collaboration. Confident, hard working, and committed to seeing results in whatever position I am in. Reliable and dedicated to finding a place that will benefit from my superior skill set and energetic drive. 

Resume skills example

You have developed your Master List, now make it work for you. The skills section is a straightforward catalog. It is designed as a quick method of getting your top abilities in front of recruiters. Choose the top five to ten skills from your Master List that match the job for which you are applying. 

Be honest here. Because you are changing careers and may not have as many matching skills as a candidate already in the field, you may be tempted to list skills you are not truly adept at. Avoid this. Recruiters see hundreds of resumes and they are not easily fooled.

  • Self Starter
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Organization Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Leadership Skills

Career change resume education sample

Your ability to learn new skills is a big attribute. You can decide whether you think your experience or education should take priority; however, if you have recently retrained or earned certification in your targeted field, your resume education section may mean more to recruiters. 

Either of these actions shows your willingness to exert yourself and your ability to learn and adapt. It also shows your growth potential and that you have the self-awareness (part of emotional intelligence) to assess your skills and fill in any deficiencies.

McKinsey Global Institute projects that by 2030 about 14 percent of the global workforce may have to switch careers because of technological advances.

List any degrees, certifications, or licenses you have earned here. If you have several certifications or licenses, consider adding a separate section so that they stand out. Drop your high school diploma if you have a master’s degree or higher.

Bachelor of Communications, University of Washington, Seattle August 2005 — May 2009

Employment history sample

This is another decision point based on how different your new career is from your current one. Your employment history or experience highlights your biggest professional successes and accomplishments. Each bullet point should tell of a challenge, your actions to solve it, and the results you achieved. Use data and details wherever possible. 

If your new career overlaps your current career, use the employment history heading and focus on the transferable skills you can demonstrate through your jobs. Recruiters want to see a pattern of growth in expertise and responsibility, so think of your employment history as the story of your professional development. 

When your career change takes you in a completely different direction, the experience heading may serve you better. Here you can include your involvement in activities that are not work-related but are relevant to your new career. In either case, keep the ATS in mind. Use strong action verbs that describe you as a go-getter. 

If you’re having trouble providing the sub-list of achievements and milestones under each job or experience, try the STAR method. It’s an acronym that describes your way forward: S - the situation you were in, T - the task that you were responsible for, A - the action you took to achieve, and R - the desired result. Make this almost into a mini-story in one short sentence. It will demonstrate how you handle work situations with excellence.

Below is a resume example from an office clerk application. Consider how these skills could transfer to another career. 

Preschool Teacher at Little Seed School, Seattle August 2012 - June 2019

  • Created developmentally appropriate lesson plans and activities for students ages 2-4.
  • Worked to create and maintain a welcoming and stimulating environment for students.
  • Maintained excellent communication with parents regarding their child's progress.
  • Addressed any concerns from parents in a professional and courteous manner.
  • Actively participated in school events and planned the first Spring Auction for the preschool.
  • Attended workshops to learn about different educational approaches and tools.
  • Recorded observations as written assessments of student performance.

HR Receptionist at Maxwell Publishing House, Seattle July 2009 - July 2012

  • Assisted the head of HR with all clerical and administrative duties.
  • Provided employees with forms and proper insurance applications.
  • Answered calls and recorded messages.
  • Made copies and handled incoming and outgoing mail.
  • Assisted with the purchasing and arranging of supplies.
  • Maintained confidentiality of employee files.
  • Scheduled and confirmed interviews and appointments.

Administrative Assistant at TV Guide, Seattle September 2007 - July 2009

  • Served as a reliable Administrative Assistant in the Editorial Department.
  • Answered calls and recorded and reported messages.
  • Maintained a neat and organized working environment.
  • Maintained conference room calendars and scheduled meetings.
  • Coordinated travel plans and scheduled appointments.

Resume layout and design: first impressions

Your professional look should be neat and clean. The layout and design of your resume are just as important as the text. Why? There are several reasons:

  • Recruiters want to be able to scan for your contact information, current job, and other data quickly
  • Your resume’s design is a representation of your image
  • The all-important ATS may not find data that is incorrectly formatted.

But what makes a good layout? This may seem counterintuitive, but the simpler, the better! You want recruiters to be able to read every word. That means no big text blocks, no fancy fonts, and just a dash of color if any. Your accomplishments are what distinguishes you, not any overly fussy design. Legibility takes priority over all else. If recruiters can’t find what they are looking for, they will simply move on, especially if they would be taking a leap by giving a career-changer a chance.

  • Make your contact information stand out
  • Vary the lengths of descriptions
  • Leave white space
  • Have another person proofread for grammar, spelling, and clarity.
  • Put information into headers or footers—the ATS can’t read them
  • Downsize the type to gain space
  • Send files in a format other than PDF—different programs may alter your formatting (Word files are notorious for this issue, don’t use them unless the online application system doesn’t give you a choice
  • Use emojis or other cute graphic elements.

If you are planning to move into a creative field, consider using one of the expertly designed templates in’s Creative section. If not, choose from Professional, Modern, or Simple.

Key takeaways for a career change resume

  • First, make a Master List of your skills and think about which ones are transferrable
  • Research the job market for your new career
  • Analyze job listings for the keywords and phrases that will get you past the ATS
  • Inject your Objective or Career Summary with passion and your professional personality
  • Use your Education section to highlight your ability to learn new skills
  • Choose between an Employment History or Experience section
  • Keep your layout simple. Check out our simple resume templates

Don’t hesitate, the world is full of amazing opportunities. Use, its builder-tool, and design templates to impress recruiters and start that new career!

Beautiful ready-to-use resume templates

Multiple Positions, Same Company On Resume: Multiple Jobs, Promotions, Role Switch Formats and Examples

Multiple Positions, Same Company On Resume: Multiple Jobs, Promotions, Role Switch Formats and Examples

Ben Temple

Whether you’ve been promoted, changed departments, or simply held more than one job at a single organization, it’s important to figure out how to list multiple positions at the same company on a resume.

Browse our gallery of resume examples here.

Your relationship with previous employers is an important part of your career story. Having held multiple jobs at one company shows that you can learn and grow with a workplace. This is impressive to hiring managers when you can show it effectively. If a company liked you well enough that they gave you a promotion or hired you more than once, your resume should make this clear.

Employers are always on the lookout for workers who are in it for the long haul. Finding and training new employees is expensive and time consuming, so hiring someone who doesn’t stick around long can cost the company money. When your resume shows long tenures and multiple roles at past companies, you can assure potential employers that you aren’t a job-hopper.

Browse our gallery of resume templates here.

Just how you should list multiple jobs at the same company, however, depends on your specific career journey. Your resume should tell a story and show how your career has progressed. You need to find the right formatting to leave the reader with a clear idea of how you got to where you are today.

With that in mind, here are 4 strategies for showing multiple positions at one company on your resume.

  • 1. Stack similar job titles together

Sometimes, taking a new position doesn’t mean taking on new obligations. When the different roles you’ve held at a company are very similar, you don’t need to waste space writing the same job description twice.

If this is the case, you shouldn’t create a separate entry in your Work Experience section for each role. Instead, you can stack the job titles together and add your experience and achievements from both roles in a single entry. This single entry can then show your entire history at the company.

How to list multiple positions at the same company on a resume: Stacking job titles

When to stack job titles together

Stack job titles when the jobs in question have identical or similar job descriptions. For example, you may have received a title change with no change in duties, been promoted to a job that increased your authority but didn’t change your day-to-day activities, or been transferred to a different branch office for the same role. In cases like this, describing both jobs would be repetitive.

Stacking job titles works best when you held the jobs one after the other. This way, the dates beside each role are still in order, even though they don’t have individual descriptions. If the jobs weren’t back-to-back—if you worked for a different company in between these jobs, for example—the timeline will be confusing. Only stack job titles when describing consecutive roles.

Suggested link: Cover letter examples

Further, it’s best not to stack job titles in your resume when you’re applying through an applicant tracking system (ATS). An ATS is a type of software that some employers use to read and sort resumes, and it’s important not to confuse it. When your job titles are stacked together, the ATS may have difficulty understanding which role the description applies to. If you are applying via an ATS, consider writing every job in a separate entry, even when they were at the same company.

In short, stack job titles together when:

  • The jobs were consecutive
  • The job descriptions were similar or the same
  • You were promoted or moved for a good reason
  • You aren’t submitting your resume to an ATS

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How to stack multiple positions at the same company

When stacking multiple roles together, add a single heading with the company title, followed by all of the associated job titles in reverse-chronological order. Beneath that, write bullet points describing the responsibilities that apply to all roles. This allows you to efficiently show that you have held different roles without repeating yourself in different job descriptions.

To stack multiple positions at the same company together:

  • At the top of the entry, write the company name
  • Below that, list the relevant job titles and their dates in reverse-chronological order
  • Write a job description that applies to all roles

To make sure your promotion or department change is clear, include a brief explanation in the job description. For example, the first bullet point or sentence in your job description could be:

  • Promoted to Senior Manager within 2 years after successfully leading two large projects.
  • Transferred to a new branch office to introduce new management methodologies.

This way, any questions an employer could have about your move will be answered right away.

Template: Stacking multiple positions at the same company

Company Name Current Job | Start Date - End Date Previous Job |Start Date - End Date

  • Accomplishment 1
  • Accomplishment 2
  • Accomplishment 3

Sample: Stacking multiple positions at the same company

Trinity Medical | 2013 - Present Vice President of Sales, 2016 - Present Regional Sales Director, 2013 - 2015

  • Promoted within 2 years for superior performance.
  • Increased Q1 quarter over quarter sales by 21%.
  • Designed all sales compensation programs to drive sales of key products.
  • Analyzed competitive intelligence to develop new go-to market approach.
  • Implemented new sales strategy to recapture lost clients and grow sales of core customers.
  • Reviewed sales profile and developed new sales training program.
  • Managed the sales team and implemented a new culture of winning.
  • Finished at #2 in the region for the year in 2014.
  • Increased Year Over Year sales by $2.8M on a base of $29M in sales (2014).
  • 2. Create separate entries for dissimilar consecutive roles

If you’ve been promoted or transferred to a role that had very different responsibilities, create separate entries for each role. Every position will need its own job description.

The entries can share the same company name heading, but the jobs themselves will need their own dedicated job description. It’s important that your resume reflects the distinct achievements and responsibilities in each position. To do this, create separate entries for each role.

How to list multiple positions at the same company on a resume: Separate entries

When to use separate entries to list multiple back-to-back positions at the same company

If you’ve been promoted or transferred and the new job is very different from the old one, you will need to write separate job descriptions for each one. A single job description can’t cover all the duties, unlike when you stack similar entries.

When you use separate entries you can choose to list the company name only once, right above the first job. Listing the company name once will save you a line, so it is a useful way to save space on your resume. Remember that if you only list the company name once, the jobs have to be sequential. If you worked for a different company in between jobs, both roles should give the company name.

Using separate entries is better than using stacked job titles when you’re applying through an ATS. Applicant tracking systems will find it easier to read your resume when each company name and job title is right above the relevant job description.

In short, use separate entries that share a single company heading when:

  • The jobs you held at the one company had different duties
  • The jobs you held at the same company were consecutive
  • You are applying through an ATS

How to list back-to-back positions at the same company using separate entries

When you list multiple positions at the same company on a resume using separate entries, they will look similar to the roles in other companies. The only difference is when the jobs are all back-to-back you can omit the company name from the older roles.

Use a single heading for the name of the company, with a job title and bullet points for each position below it. Arrange the roles in reverse-chronological order, and in each job description focus on the distinct accomplishments you achieved in that role. This will show that you have been successful in different contexts at the company.

To list multiple positions at the same company in separate entries:

  • Give the company name once
  • Below that, list the previous jobs at that organization in reverse-chronological order, including dates and descriptions

If you were promoted, be sure to draw attention to the promotion in the description of the most recent position. Promotions show that the company appreciated your work and trusted you with greater responsibilities.

Template: Separate entries multiple positions same company

Company Name Current Job Title | Start Date - End Date

Previous Job Title | Start Date - End Date

Sample: Separate entries multiple positions same company

Trinity Medical Vice President of Sales, 2016 - Present

  • Increased Q1 and Q2 quarter over quarter sales by 22% and 23.5% respectively.
  • Analyzed data and competitive intelligence to determine and execute new go-to market approach.
  • Redefined sales profile and implemented new sales training program, positively impacting performance.

Regional Sales Director, 2013 - 2015

  • Upgraded the sales team and implemented a new culture of winning.
  • Finished at #2 in the region for the year in 2012.
  • Increased YOY sales by $4.8M on a base of $31M in sales (2012).
  • Developed 3 President Award Winners.
  • 3. List the same company twice

No one’s career path is a straight line. Many people, especially those who work in the same industry for most or all of their career, will one day find themselves back at a company that they had left years before. If this is the case for you, your best bet is to simply list the two roles separately in your work history as though they were any other job, giving the name of the company each time.

When to list multiple jobs at the same company in separate entries non-consecutively

The only time it will be necessary to list the same company more than once non-consecutively is, appropriately, when you have held jobs with the same company more than once non-consecutively. If you work for one company, leave it for a different company, then return to the original company, you should list the jobs in the order they occurred.

How to list multiple positions at the same company on a resume: List the same company twice

How to list multiple jobs at the same company on your resume when they weren’t back-to-back

To list multiple jobs at the same company on your resume when they weren’t back-to-back, simply list them in the order they happened. Include the company title and job title in all instances. Items in your Work Experience section should be listed in reverse-chronological order, so the jobs will fit in alongside all the others.

In the most recent role, you can write a bullet point explaining why you returned to an old company. This is a good opportunity to highlight the skills or expertise that the company wants you for. If you were so good that they wanted you back, you should make a point of saying so!

Template: listing multiple jobs at the same company that aren’t back-to-back

Current Company Current Position | Start Date - End Date

Previous Company Previous Position | Start Date - End Date

Current Company Previous Position | Start Date - End Date

Sample: listing multiple jobs at the same company that aren’t back-to-back

  • Increased Q2 quarter over quarter sales by 23.5% in 2017.
  • Designed all sales compensation programs to drive sales of flagship product.
  • Analyzed data and competitive intelligence to determine and execute new market approaches.
  • Developed plan to recapture lost clients and grow sales to returning customers.
  • Implemented new sales training program, improving performance.

Samson Pharmaceutical Products Regional Sales Director, 2013 - 2015

  • Implemented a new culture of winning throughout sales team.
  • Finished at #3 in the region for the year in 2014.
  • Improved YOY sales by $4.8M on a base of $27M in sales (2014).
  • Developed 2 President Award Winners.

Trinity Medical National Sales Director, East, 2008 - 2012

  • Delivered YOY sales growth of 18% vs. organic market growth at 1% annually (2008 – 2010).
  • Ranked #1 position for Region of the Year in 2009 and 2010.
  • Spearheaded strategies to generate growth through MD practice development initiatives.
  • Facilitated hospital marketing teams in driving patient volume to trained structural heart physicians.
  • 4. List older jobs in a separate section

If you worked at the same company for several years, receiving promotions and working your way up the company ladder, you can show this by creating a distinct section on your resume for that company alone. The rest of your experience in other jobs will be in its own section.

How to list multiple positions at the same company on a resume: Separate sections

When to use a separate section for multiple positions at the same company

Using a separate section for one company with many positions is best for older professionals with decades of experience, with work experience from a company that dates back several years. There should be enough roles at the former company to justify a distinct section.

This method can also be useful for people who have changed careers. Using a separate section for past jobs that aren’t as relevant to your current vocation is a good way to save space on your resume and tell your career story.

Ideally, all of your positions at a past company can be listed in reverse-chronological order. This means that you held them all in sequence, with no roles at any other company. If not, you may want to consider writing a functional resume , which can help you list past roles out of order (although most employers prefer reverse-chronological resumes).

How to use a separate section to list multiple positions at the same company.

To list all positions at one company in a distinct resume section, create two different sections for your Work History: one with all your jobs at a particular company, and one with the rest of your experience.

To do this, create a section separate from the rest of your work history. You can title the section with the name of the company, or give it a heading like “Previous Experience.” Then, within the section, list all of your job titles at that company in reverse-chronological order.

You can add descriptions to each job if necessary, but if these roles are from years ago and you have more current roles to highlight, you can leave those out. This efficiently showcases all of your previous roles and tells a clear story of how you worked your way through the company, while leaving room on your resume for more important details when you describe more recent positions.

In short, to list multiple roles at a company in a separate section:

  • Create a section for your roles at one specific company
  • List all your positions at that company in reverse-chronological order
  • Create a different section for other work experience
  • List your other positions in this section

Template: Listing multiple positions at the same company in a separate section

Prior Professional Experience Company Name Job Title | Start Date - End Date Job Title | Start Date - End Date Job Title | Start Date - End Date

Sample: Displaying multiple positions at the same company in a separate section

Trinity Medical Vice President of Sales, 2003 - 2005 National Sales Manager, 2000 - 2002 Regional Sales Director Southwest, 1997 - 2000

  • Sample resume: multiple positions, same company

The way you format your resume depends on the way your career journey unfolds. Were you promoted to a new position? Headhunted by a previous company to come back for a management role? Did you work your way up the company ladder? Were you moved to a struggling branch because of your success at a previous branch? Whichever it is, make sure you list your multiple positions at the same company in a way that shows you to be the great employee you are.

If you need some inspiration to get started, this sample resume could help:

Public relations officer resume sample

Enthusiastic public relations officer who has a passion for working in a fast-paced environment. Highly skilled in persuasive communication and relationship management. Strong understanding of organizational boundaries. My previous experience in public relations includes analysis, team coordination, planning, and operational and administrative functions. Skilled team builder with demonstrated success in improving the image of institutions.


OGILVY & MCCANN Senior Public Relations Officer, 2020 - PRESENT

  • Plan publicity strategies and campaigns, including PR outreach, social media campaigns, and articles.
  • Train and manage interns.
  • Supervise social media output.
  • Represent clients at industry events.
  • Write and produce presentations and press releases.
  • Create, curate, and manage published content.
  • Create reports for management showing ROI.

Public Relations Officer, 2015 - 2019

  • Planning publicity strategies and campaigns.
  • PR campaigns/social media campaigns/writing articles and designing visual graphics.
  • Managing and training interns.
  • Manage social media account.
  • Compile reports for management showing results.
  • Create strategic messaging on social media to grow our community.
  • Working together with the Independent media group social media and audience development delegate to draw up and implement strategies to tap into potential markets and possible sale opportunities.
  • Designing social media strategies to achieve marketing targets.
  • Managing, creating and publishing original, high quality content on social platforms.
  • Administering all company social media accounts to ensure up-to-date content.

Content Marketing Specialist, 2011 - 2015

  • Created and curated engaging content.
  • Communicated and build relationships with current or prospect clients.
  • Created and distributed press releases.
  • Built and updated media lists and databases.
  • Scheduled, coordinated and attended various events.
  • Performed research and market analysis activities.
  • Written and produced presentations and press releases.
  • Tracked social media performance and content coverage for clients.

POWERTRAIN Industries, 2009 - 2011 Public Relations intern

  • Processed of all types of applications and paperwork.
  • Assisted in office administrative duties.
  • Performed research and market analysis.
  • Tracked social media performance and content coverage .



Resume multiple positions same company sample

  • Should you list multiple positions on your resume for the same company?

Displaying multiple positions on your resume for the same company shows a hiring manager that you are reliable and in it for the long haul. It adds weight to your job application and helps your resume stand out.

  • How do you put multiple positions at the same company on a resume?

Here are 4 ways to list multiple positions at the same company on your resume:

  • Stack similar job titles together
  • Create separate entries for dissimilar consecutive roles
  • List the same company twice
  • List older jobs in a separate section

Ben Temple

Community Success Manager & CV Writing Expert

Ben is a writer, customer success manager and CV writing expert with over 5 years of experience helping job-seekers create their best careers. He believes in the importance of a great resume summary and the power of coffee.

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How to List Multiple Jobs With the Same Description

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How to Create Sample Resumes

How to make a restaurant position look professional on a resume, how to describe focus & customer skills on a resume.

  • How to Show Changes in Jobs at the Same Business on a Resume
  • How to Show Multiple Roles in the Same Job on a Resume

If you've spent significant time in the same line of work, it can be tricky to differentiate the roles and responsibilities of each job on your resume. However, your resume is designed to show your experience, as well as personal and professional growth and development. Even if you've essentially done the same thing at the same type of job, only with different companies, you can still take steps to make each one appear unique.

Use the Corporate Job Description

Use the job descriptions from past roles to pull out key verbiage that can help you differentiate jobs on your resume. Even if you're no longer working for the company, chances are you can go to the company website and track down a description of your past title. You can also visit a major online job-search website and search for your job title. Read through job descriptions from different companies for ideas on various ways to describe your responsibilities.

Sit down and, one-by-one, re-envision what you did all day in each job. Jot down each point and then develop the basis for a job description. Example:

Read email: Handled internal corporate correspondence and communicated with customers.

Went to a staff meeting : Worked in a collaborative environment with colleagues on key projects.

Went on sales calls: Offered customized solutions-oriented options to potential consumers.

This exercise will help you find differentiating factors between jobs that you can use to diversify your resume content.

Use Specific Examples

Even if your jobs were essentially the same, there were likely projects, clients and activities that were different from one job to the next. Using specific examples not only makes your resume more robust, it also allows you to emphasize key achievements. For example, if your job was fielding customer service calls, clue into anything that's different – the protocols, the clientele, the industry or product. Example:

Handled customer interactions for a high-volume call center with a focus on consumer electronics troubleshooting.

Responsible for providing follow-up after-sale customer care in the automotive industry.

Provided online assistance related to navigating website issues for a financial services data tracking firm.

Rephrase Your Wording

If you still find it tough to change the verbiage in your resume job descriptions, write one solid, all-encompassing description and then rephrase your wording for subsequent entries. Example:

As a stylist in an upscale hair salon, I was responsible for providing consultations, making recommendations on various style approaches, performing cuts, colors, perms, straightening and special occasion hair design. I was also responsible for client cultivation and frequently conducted on-site special events as a way to generate new business.

With a primary focus on personalized consultations and unique hair designs, I also specialized in tints, colors, cuts and chemical applications. Additionally, I participated in numerous efforts to elevate the image of the salon through hosting in-house promotions designed to attract and introduce potential new clients.

Focus on Upticks

Your resume should ideally show growth and professional development as your career progresses. If you have an elevated title or assume various new leadership roles or responsibilities in different jobs, make that the focus of what would otherwise be a standard entry. Example:

Food Server

Bob's Grill

Responsible for greeting customers, explaining menu items, taking orders, delivering food and ensuring a positive dining experience.

Assistant Manager/Food Server

Sally's Grill

Responsible for overseeing weekend and evening dinner shifts while concurrently filling in as needed in waitstaff capacity. Handled scheduling, staff oversight and customer service issues.

You can also play up the fact that you've been steadily employed in the same line of work by emphasizing it in your cover letter.

As you'll see in my attached resume, I've been employed in the food service industry for more than 10 years with continually increasing degrees of responsibility.

  • Business Insider: How to Make Any Job Look Great on a Resume
  • Robert Half: Skills That Make Your Resume Pop
  • Recruiter: Avoid Repetition on Your Resume
  • Describe your skills with the keywords and phrases that are relevant to the potential job. Employers are more likely to read a resume after a quick scan if it contains these keywords.
  • Use your cover letter to explain how you were able to accomplish different things in each position, in spite of similar responsibilities and the same set of skills.

Lisa McQuerrey has been an award-winning writer and author for more than 25 years. She specializes in business, finance, workplace/career and education. Publications she’s written for include Southwest Exchange and InBusiness Las Vegas.

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Resume Examples for 2024 & Guides for Any Job [90+ Examples]

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In today’s competitive job market, having an impactful resume is more essential than ever. 

However, many job seekers struggle to craft a resume that effectively highlights their skills and experience and, in turn, misses out on potential job opportunities. 

This is where our extensive library of resume examples comes in. 

By looking at examples of resumes for different industries and professions, you can gain great insight into what works and what doesn’t, get inspired to present your own qualifications, and stand out from the competition.

Let’s dive in!

15+ Resume Examples

#1. architect resume example.

resume example

Here’s what this architect resume example does right:

  • Lists related experience. This resume highlights the relevant professional experience the candidate gained in the field during their internship.
  • Mentions achievements and responsibilities. The candidate backs up their claims by going into detail about their achievements and responsibilities. 
  • Focus on personal projects. By dedicating a section to their personal projects, this candidate makes up for their lack of work experience and shows off their dedication to the industry. 

#2. Business Resume Example

business resume examples

Here’s what this business-related resume example does right:

  • Prioritizes work experience. The work experience section is arguably the most important section in every resume, which is why this candidate has given it a priority by giving it enough resume space and going into detail about their previous positions. 
  • Highlights accomplishments. To make their professional experience even more impactful, this candidate has supported all their claims with quantifiable achievements. 
  • Lists the right optional sections . The candidate adds more value to their resume by including the organizations, honors, and conferences as optional sections.

#3. Computer Science Resume Example

resume sample

Here’s what this computer science resume does right: 

  • Prioritizes technical skills. Technical skills are essential when it comes to IT-related roles, which is why this candidate has prioritized them over soft skills.
  • Keeps the education section concise. With such extensive professional experience in the field, the candidate has opted to keep their education section short.
  • Lists relevant social media profiles. Listing websites like GitHub and LinkedIn is a great way to provide recruiters with additional information about your skills.

#4. Data Analyst Resume Example

resume samples

Here’s what this data analyst resume does right: 

  • Includes a strong resume summary . This candidate showcases their key skills and qualifications from the get-go, which is much more likely to get recruiters to read their resumes from start to finish.
  • Highlights technical skills. Data analysts work with “big data,” so this candidate prioritizes their quantitative and technical skills over other resume sections.
  • Lists relevant professional certifications . The resume lists the candidate’s most noteworthy professional certificates.

#5. College Resume Example

best resume template

Here’s what this college resume example does right: 

  • Lists relevant social media profiles. By including their Medium and LinkedIn accounts, this candidate gives the hiring manager a chance to know them more professionally. 
  • Highlights achievements . Although they lack work experience, the candidate has listed everything they’ve achieved during their academic career, thus showing they’re a promising candidate. 
  • Mentions the right optional sections. Adding hobbies and interests and foreign languages to a resume is a huge plus for a candidate with no work experience.

#6. Customer Service Resume Example

best resume example

Here’s what this customer service resume does right: 

  • Includes both soft and hard skills . Customer service roles require a mix of soft and hard skills, so this candidate has listed both. 
  • Mentions quantifiable achievements. To make their achievements more impressive, the candidate has backed up their work achievements with data and numbers. 
  • Lists foreign language skills. Foreign languages are a huge plus when you’re working in customer service and this resume does a good job highlighting the candidate’s foreign language skills. 

#7. Digital Marketing Resume Example

best resume sample

Here’s what this digital marketing resume does right: 

  • Follows the reverse chronological format . This format is the most popular one worldwide and is easily the safest choice.
  • Grabs attention with a resume summary. In a single glance, the recruiter can tell that the candidate is a digital marketing professional with the right amount of experience.
  • Lists relevant skills. The digital marketing specialist resume above lists in-demand marketing skills like Google Ads, SEO, and others.

#8. Graduate Resume Example

graduate resume example

Here’s what this graduate resume example does right:

  • Starts off with a well-written resume objective . The resume objective does a great job of showing off the candidate’s promise and industry-related experience. 
  • Includes work experience. The candidate has gained professional experience while they were a student and they’ve made sure to include that in their resume. 
  • Takes advantage of optional sections. Sections like volunteer experience, and personal projects and achievements can help make up for the lack of extensive experience in the industry. 

#9. HR Resume Example

hr resume example

Here’s what this human resources resume example does right: 

  • Follows the right format. The reverse chronological format lists the candidate’s latest experience and achievements first, which is exactly what recruiters want to see. 
  • Highlights professional experience. With so many years in the industry, this candidate has dedicated the biggest part of their resume to their work history. 
  • Includes courses and certificates. To make their achievements even more impressive, the candidate has included all their courses and certifications. 

#10. Medical Assistant Resume Example

Medical Assistant Resume Example

Here’s what this medical assistant resume example does right: 

  • Starts off with a memorable resume summary. The candidate lists their years of experience, skills, and passion for the industry, making it more likely for the hiring manager to read the rest of their resume. 
  • Lists the candidate’s certificates. There are many certifications one can obtain in the medical field, and this candidate proves how professional they are by listing theirs. 
  • Highlights the candidate’s extensive work experience. Experience speaks louder than a thousand words, which is why this resume example provides the work experience section its due space. 

#11. Project Manager Resume Example

Project Manager Resume Example

Here’s what this project manager resume example does right: 

  • Uses bullet points. The candidate uses bullet points to organize and present the information which makes this project manager resume example look neat and structured.
  • Keeps their education section relevant. The candidate only includes their key education details, such as their Bachelor’s degree and a field-related minor.
  • Takes advantage of additional sections. The candidate takes advantage of the extra space on their project manager resume by including relevant additional sections, such as their industry-related certifications and academic achievements

#12. Bar Manager Resume Example

Bar Manager Resume Example

Here’s what this bar manager resume example does right:

  • Includes relevant social media profiles. Details such as your LinkedIn profile or Instagram handle make you look more professional (as long as they’re work-related). 
  • Mentions industry-related skills. Instead of listing a bunch of unrelated skills, the bar manager resume example above only lists industry-relevant skills.
  • Quantifiable achievements. This applicant quantifies their achievements as much as possible, showing the bar owner how they stand out amongst other candidates.

#13. Supervisor Resume Example

Supervisor Resume Example

Here’s what this supervisor resume example does right: 

  • Lists relevant contact details . The supervisor resume example above leaves out redundancies like marital status or age and includes relevant information, like a LinkedIn URL. 
  • Features as many accomplishments as possible. To really highlight their candidate’s professional experience, the supervisor example lists achievements over responsibilities. 
  • Lists the right kind of skills. This supervisor's resume example doesn’t list every skill under the sun. Instead, they keep the section relevant by only listing skills required from a supervisor. 

#14. Teacher Resume Example

Teacher Resume Example

Here’s what this teacher resume example does right:

  • Mentions industry-relevant skills. The candidate lists all the soft and hard skills a teacher should have. 
  • Includes hobbies and interests . By including hobbies and interests, the hiring manager will see the candidate as more than just a resume. 
  • Lists volunteer experience. The candidate reinforces their teaching experience by including their teaching volunteer gigs and experience. 

#15. Writer Resume Example

Writer Resume Example

Here’s just what this writer resume example does right: 

  • Impressive resume summary. The resume includes a brief but effective resume summary that highlights the candidate’s skills and top achievements.
  • Relevant contact details. This writer resume example contains relevant contact information, including the candidate’s name and surname, email address, phone number, location, professional website URL, and LinkedIn URL. 
  • Short education section. A writer’s skills and experience matter more than their education. For this reason, this candidate kept their writer resume’s education section short and sweet. 

#16. Web Developer Resume Example

Web Developer Resume Example

Here’s what this web developer resume example does right: 

  • Focuses on technical skills. Technical skills are essential for web development, which is why this candidate has prioritized theirs.
  • Grabs attention with their work experience. Their rich work experience, listed in reverse chronological order, shows the candidate is a promising professional.
  • Keeps their education section minimal. With such extensive work experience and training, the candidate has kept their education section concise.

65+ More Resume Examples and Guides 

Couldn’t find a resume example for your field? Worry not!

Below you can find a number of other resume examples for different fields and industries:

  • Accountant Resume
  • Administrative Assistant Resume
  • AI Engineer Resume
  • Animator Resume
  • Babysitter Resume
  • Banking Resume
  • Bank Teller Resume
  • Barbie's Resume
  • Barista Resume
  • Bartender Resume
  • Bookkeeper Resume
  • Business Analyst Resume
  • Career Change Resume
  • Caregiver Resume
  • Cashier Resume
  • College Application Resume
  • College Freshman Resume
  • Consultant Resume
  • Construction Project Manager
  • Creative Resume Examples
  • Data Entry Specialist Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • Dentist Resume
  • DevOps Engineer Resume
  • Digital Marketing Manager Resume
  • Editor Resume
  • Electrical Engineer Resume
  • Elon Musk's One-Page Resume
  • Engineering Resume
  • Esthetician Resume
  • Europass CV
  • Event Planner Resume
  • Executive Assistant Resume
  • Federal Resume
  • Financial Analyst Resume
  • Flight Attendant Resume
  • Game Designer Resume 
  • Graphic Designer Resume
  • High School Resume
  • Illustrator Resume 
  • Interior Designer Resume
  • Internship Resume
  • Java Developer Resume
  • Military to Civilian Resume
  • Marketing Executive Resume
  • Minimalistic Resume Examples
  • Nanny Resume Example
  • Nurse Resume
  • Office Assistant Resume
  • Office Manager Resume
  • Operations Manager Resume
  • Paralegal Resume
  • Pharmacist Resume
  • Photographer Resume
  • Program Manager Resume
  • Real Estate Agent Resume
  • Receptionist Resume
  • Recruiter Resume
  • Research Assistant Resume
  • Restaurant Manager Resume
  • Retail Manager Resume
  • Richard Branson's One-Page Resume
  • Sales Resume
  • Sales Associate Resume
  • Satya Nadella's One-Page Resume
  • Server Resume
  • Social Worker Resume
  • Software Engineer Resume
  • Stay-at-home Mom Resume
  • Student Resume
  • Student Resume Templates
  • Taylor Swift Resume
  • Video Editor Resume
  • Volunteer Resume
  • Waiter/Waitress Resume
  • Warehouse Worker Resume
  • Web Developer Resume
  • Welder Resume

career masterclass

5+ Examples of Resume Templates

Your resume template can play an important role in helping you make a great first impression on the hiring manager. 

Specifically, your industry, work experience, or skills all impact how your resume should look, so make sure to choose the right template when making your resume: 

#1. Traditional Resume

traditional resume example

A straightforward format that gives equal importance to all resume sections , emphasizing skills and work experience.

#2. Creative Resume

Creative Resume example

Land your dream job in the creative industry by using this creative resume template. 

#3. Minimalist Resume

Minimalist Resume example

A simple and easy-to-follow resume template. Perfect for more conservative industries which prefer less flashy templates.

#4. Basic Resume

basic resume example

This easy-to-personalize basic resume layout can be ready in under ten minutes through our resume builder .

#5. IT Resume

IT Resume example

One of the best resume layouts to choose when you wish to showcase your IT expertise.

#6. Modern Resume 

modern resume example

It can be hard to stand out from the crowd, but this modern resume sample will take care of this.

#7. General Resume

general resume example

5+ Resume Examples by Career Level

#1. no experience resume .

No Experience Resume example

Are you a student with no experience ? Learn how to write a compelling resume with our guide! 

#2. College Freshman Resume

College Freshman Resume example

Learn how to ace your college freshman resume with our comprehensive guide! 

#3. Graduate Resume

graduate resume sample

Fresh out of college? Write an impactful graduate resume to land your first gig after college. 

#4. Career Change Resume

Career Change Resume example

Going through a career change? Perfect your career change resume to make the transition as smooth as possible. 

#5. Manager Resume

Manager Resume example

#6. Executive Resume

Executive Resume example

The Perfect Resume Structure 

The Perfect Resume Structure

Not sure how to structure your resume?

Here’s our tried-and-tested resume layout :

  • Choose the right resume format or pick a template. If you’re formatting your resume yourself, follow the reverse-chronological format and make sure to follow the right layout rules. Alternatively, you can use one of our premade resume templates and not have to worry about formatting your resume one bit. 
  • Add relevant contact details and make sure they’re mistake-free. You shouldn’t be missing information such as your full name and job title, e-mail address, and where you’re based. Optionally, you can also include some relevant social media profiles, such as your LinkedIn.
  • Include a resume summary or a resume objective. Done right, a resume summary will show the hiring manager you’re a relevant candidate from the get-go and have them read the rest of your resume.
  • List your work experience, placing special focus on your achievements. Your work experience becomes more meaningful if you include your achievements in your past roles and manage to make them quantifiable.
  • Mention your top soft and hard skills. List any skills you have that are relevant to the job you’re applying for in a seperate section. 
  • Keep your education section short and concise. Unless you’re an entry-level candidate with little-to-no work experience, keep your education section short and to the point. 
  • Leverage optional sections like “Languages,” “Certifications,” or “Hobbies and Interests.” Fill up the rest of your resume space with optional sections that can highlight your strengths and qualifications as a candidate (e.g. foreign languages you speak, certifications you’ve obtained over the years, or your hobbies and interests).

3 Examples of Resume Formats 

#1. reverse chronological resume format.

Reverse Chronological Resume Format example

This resume format highlights your experience and key professional achievements by listing your latest position and acquired skills first. It’s the most popular resume format among recruiters and the one we advise job seekers to use in 99% of cases. 

#2. Functional Resume Format

Functional Resume Format Example

A functional resume , also known as the skill-based resume, is a resume format that focuses on your professional skill test as opposed to work experience. You’re better off using a functional resume if you’re a recent graduate with no work experience, if you’re switching careers, or if you have a long employment gap . 

#3. Hybrid Resume Format

Hybrid Resume Format Example

A combination resume combines the two traditional resume formats: the reverse-chronological resume and the functional resume.

As such, this format places emphasis on a candidate’s skills and work experience. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Resume Examples

1. Are resume examples helpful?

Resume examples are helpful for several reasons. For starters, they can inspire you to write an A+ resume that meets the industry’s requirements. 

Also, resume examples can show you the best practices for listing your work experience and achievements, can guide you through your resume formatting and can help you understand exactly what the end result should look like.

2. How were these resume examples created?

All our resume examples and resume templates were created in full collaboration with industry-leading HR professionals.

This means that they meet all job market requirements, are modern and impactful, and meet recruiters’ standards worldwide.

3. What if I can’t find a resume example for my job?

While we’ve tried to list as many resume examples as possible for different jobs across several industries, it might happen that you can’t find the resume example that perfectly matches your needs. 

If that’s the case, you can check out our guide on how to write a resume , and learn to create an effective resume regardless of industry.

4. What is the best resume format in 2024?

The reverse-chronological format is still the best resume format in 2024. It remains the most widely used and preferred format by employers and recruiters alike. In this format, you list your work experience in reverse chronological format, starting with your most recent position and working backward.

This format showcases our most recent and relevant experience, making it easier for employers to see our career progression and accomplishments. 

5. Are these resume examples free? 

Yes, most of these resume examples can be used for free in the Basic account, while there is also a selection of templates included in the Premium account. All of them though can be tested for free in our editor. 

6. Do you also have cover letter examples?

Yes, we have an entire article dedicated to cover letter examples for different fields and jobs. Not just that, but you can also find tips on how to write a great cover letter and an FAQ section to answer any question you may have. 

7. Should my resume and cover letter match?

Yes, having a cover letter that’s consistent with your resume in terms of style, tone, and content can be a plus for your overall job application. In a nutshell, a matching resume and cover letter can increase your chances of getting an interview by demonstrating your professionalism, attention to detail, and suitability for the role. 


And that’s a wrap!

We hope the examples and guides provided in this article can help you create a powerful and effective resume that highlights your unique qualifications and experiences. 

Whether you're a recent graduate, a mid-career employee, or a seasoned professional, there are tips and templates here to help you create a compelling resume for any job.

For more career advice, make sure to check out our career blog . 

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How to Write a Resume for Today’s Job Market

To get more job interviews, you must create a resume that is optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS). Learn how in this step-by-step guide.

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Learning how to write a resume is a crucial skill for job seekers—it’s how you market yourself to potential employers.

A well-crafted resume summarizes your professional experience, skills, and achievements. It should grab the hiring manager’s attention and show them them why:

  • You’re the perfect match for the job.
  • The skills you have will make the company money.
  • You’re qualified to solve the company’s problems.
  • You’ll be worth your salary.
  • Your accomplishments can be measured and verified.

But in today’s job market, it’s not enough to write an effective resume. You must also tailor each one to the job you’re applying for. Why? Because most companies today use applicant tracking systems, or ATS, to sort and filter the large volume of resumes they receive.

If you’re resume doesn’t contain the specific keywords hiring managers are searching for, it won’t be found—even if you’re qualified for the job!

In this guide, you’ll learn how to write a resume that stands out in today’s job market. We’ll show you how to present yourself as the ideal candidate, highlight the skills that will benefit potential employers, and ensure your resume is compatible with ATS.

Resume builder screen

How to write a resume that gets interviews

Here’s a quick overview of the basic steps for writing a professional resume. Follow these steps to make your resume clear, concise, and appealing.

Gather all relevant data about your work experience, skills, achievements, and education.

Select a format that’s right for you, whether it’s chronological, functional, or hybrid., clearly list your name, phone number, email, and key social media profiles., create a compelling headline that includes the job title you’re applying for., write a brief statement that summarizes your key achievements and value you offer., list the skills you have that align closely with the job requirements., detail your past job roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments., include your educational degrees, certifications, and relevant training., showcase any relevant honors, awards, and volunteer work., tailor your resume by focusing on the experiences and skills that are most relevant to the job..

Before you start working on your resume, remember that your resume is not your biography. You’re not telling the story of your life. Instead, your resume should be a targeted document meant to showcase the skills and experiences that match the job you want .

This means that if something is not relevant to your targeted job, leave it out . With this in mind, let’s start building your resume!

1. Gather your essential information before you start

Before diving into the actual resume writing, it’s crucial to collect all the necessary information you’ll need. This preparatory step ensures that the resume writing process is smooth and that you don’t miss any important details.

  • Significant achievements : List standout accomplishments from previous roles that demonstrate your contributions and successes.
  • Skills : Compile a list of your soft, hard, and technical skills that align with those required by the job you’re targeting.
  • Employment history : Provide detailed information about past employers, including their names, your dates of employment, locations, job titles, and a clear description of your duties.
  • Education : Document your academic qualifications like college degrees, certifications, or licenses that prove your expertise in relevant fields.
  • Volunteer work : Include any voluntary engagements where you developed skills pertinent to the job you are seeking.
  • Awards and honors : Mention any notable recognitions you’ve received that underscore your exceptional talents and commitment.

When you gather your information, include everything you can think of. You can cut information that’s not relevant to a specific job later.

2. Choose a resume format that’s right for you

A  resume format  is the way you organize, or lay out, your information. There is no one-size fits all resume format. Instead, there are three different types of formats to choose from – chronological, functional, and hybrid. Which format you choose depends on your particular situation.

The chronological resume format

This is the most traditional resume format, especially for job seekers with lots of relevant experience.

The chronological resume format lists your work history in reverse chronological order , with your most recent jobs listed first. Your skills and education should come after your work history in this format.

  • Have a strong work history showing steady career growth without significant employment gaps.
  • Are staying in the same field and want to highlight your experience and advancements within that field.
  • Want to highlight career progression and professional achievements over time.

The functional resume format

This resume format focuses on your skills rather than your work history. It helps you downplay your lack of experience in a particular field.

In this format, your skills and education should be emphasized over your work history.

  • Are changing careers and want to emphasize transferable skills over past job titles.
  • Have gaps in employment and want to focus on skills rather than work experience.
  • Are new to the workforce and want to highlight skills, coursework, and internships.

NOTE : Generally speaking, we don’t recommend the functional resume format . Recruiters want to see some kind of work history. Instead of the functional format, try the next resume format—the hybrid.

The hybrid resume format

A hybrid resume is a combination of the chronological resume and the functional resume. It showcases both your work history and your skills.

In this format, your skills comes before your work history. But your work history is still the heart of your resume, just like in the chronological format.

  • Have lots of skills that are relevant to the job you are targeting.
  • Are climbing the career ladder within the same field.
  • Are changing roles within the same industry and want to highlight your relevant skills.

We like the hybrid resume  because it offers the best of both worlds, combining the strengths of the chronological and the functional resume formats.

How to choose the best resume format diagram.

3. Put your contact information at the top of your resume

This section might appear simple, but it’s important. If hiring managers can’t contact you, you won’t get an interview.

  • Phone number
  • Location (City, State, Zip Code)
  • Email Address
  • LinkedIn profile URL

It’s surprising how often job seekers forget a crucial piece of contact information. Double-check to make sure it’s as easy as possible for recruiters to contact you for a job interview.

Here’s an example:

An example of resume contact information.

Contact information do’s and don’ts

  • Include your full name, including your middle initial.
  • Include a link to your professional website or online portfolio.
  • Create a strong LinkedIn profile and be sure to include the URL on your resume.
  • Don’t write your full address; only your city, state, and zip code.
  • Don’t include a work phone number; only your personal number.
  • Don’t add a photo of yourself . This can lead to bias or discrimination.

4. Create a compelling resume headline

Your resume headline comes right after your contact information. At the very least, your headline should clearly identify the title of the job you’re applying for.

Is putting the job title in the headline necessary? Yes! “Think of your resume as a maze,” says resume expert Laura DeCarlo . “It has to have a visible entrance or no one would ever get started.” Without a headline, “the prospective employer won’t know for which position you are applying.”

Your headline can also include years of experience and key qualifications. Here’s an example:

An example of a resume headline.

Resume headline do’s and don’ts

  • Tailor your headline to each job you apply for.
  • Keep your headline under ten words to make sure it packs a punch.
  • Position yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Don’t use clichés such as “hard worker” or “team player.” Be specific.
  • Don’t be too salesy. Focus on giving a snapshot of your skills and experience.
  • Don’t make your headline too long. Cut to the chase.

5. Write your resume summary

A resume summary is a brief paragraph that provides an overview of your qualifications for the role you’re applying for. Most expert resume writers today highly recommend using a summary.

“One of the most common mistakes I see in resumes is the absence of a targeted introductory paragraph at the beginning of the resume,” says career coach Suzanne Berger . “Keep in mind that recruiters or hiring managers only spend 10 to 20 seconds reviewing your resume, so it is important to make an impact from the start.”

As you can see from the following example, your summary goes right under your resume headline:

Resume summary example

Your resume summary should include a concise overview of your key qualifications, professional achievements, and skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Here’s a formula you can use to write your summary, followed by an example:

[Your Professional Title] with [Years of Experience] years of experience. Proven track record in [Top Achievement 1] and [Top Achievement 2] . Skilled in [Skill 1] , [Skill 2] , and [Skill 3] . Known for [Unique Value or Strength] .

Marketing Manager with 8 years of experience . Proven track record in increasing online engagement by 40% and boosting lead generation by 30% . Skilled in content creation, data analysis, and strategic planning . Known for exceptional organizational skills and the ability to manage and inspire teams to exceed corporate objectives .

Resume summary do’s and don’ts

  • Use numbers to show that you are able to produce tangible outcomes.
  • Incorporate keywords from the job description whenever possible.
  • Write your resume summary last because you’ll then have a fuller picture of your experiences and skills.
  • Don’t just list your job duties; instead focus on your accomplishments.
  • Don’t use personal pronouns (I, me, or my).
  • Don’t make your summary too long; keep it to no more than 3-4 sentences.

6. Create your skills section

When we talk about keywords, we are mostly talking about skills .

There are two main types of skills— hard and soft . Hard skills are specific abilities you learn through education or training, like using certain software or speaking a foreign language. Soft skills are more about how you work and interact with others, such as teamwork, communication , and flexibility.

an infographic showing the difference between hard skills and soft skills

You should place your skills section under your resume summary. List your skill set using bullet points, either in columns or in a bullet-point format. Try to include 10 to 20 key skills in this section.

An example of how to show skills on a resume.

IMPORTANT! The way the same skill is worded in a job description can vary from company to company. This is why it’s crucial to tailor each resume to the job you’re applying to.

For example, here are three different ways of listing essentially the same skill:

  • Customer Service
  • Client Relations
  • Customer Support

If the job description lists “customer support” and you have “customer service” on your resume, the hiring manager might not find your resume when searching through the ATS database — even though you do have that skill.

To make sure you’re using the right keyword skills, run your resume through Jobscan’s resume scanner . It compares your resume to the job description and tells you which skills to use.

You’ll also receive a resume score which tells you how closely your resume matches the job description. The higher your score the more likely you are to get an interview. Here’s an example of the report you’ll receive from the resume scanner:

A section of Jobscan's match report showing the resume score and missing hard skills.

The skills in red are missing from the resume. Add them to increase the resume score. You can read more about Jobscan’s resume scanner and how to try it for free here .

7. Create a compelling work history section

Now it’s time to get to the heart of your resume – the  work experience  section. This is the section employers will spend the most time looking at when they consider your resume.

Why is this section so critical? Because it’s where you provide the proof to support what you said about yourself in your resume headline, summary, and skills section.

Each job should include the following information and be listed in reverse-chronological order (latest job first).

  • Company name and location – Include the full name of the company you worked for followed by the city and state of its location.
  • Job title – Be as specific as possible to ensure that employers know exactly what your role was within the company.
  • Start and end dates – Include the month and year for each position. If you only list the year, it may appear as though you are omitting information.
  • Achievements and responsibilities – These can be listed using bullet points. Include hard numbers and metrics wherever possible.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when writing a resume is only listing their job responsibilities. These are tasks that you’re expected to perform as part of your job.

Listing your job responsibilities gives a potential employer an idea of what you did day-to-day. But it doesn’t reveal  how well you did it.

This is why it’s important to highlight your specific accomplishments. For example, if you increased sales, reduced costs, or implemented new processes or technologies, be sure to mention these accomplishments.

Here’s an example of a work experience section with measurable achievements :

An example of a resume work experience section.

To write strong bullet points for your work experience section, use Jobscan’s AI-powered bullet point generator. It creates bullet points based on the skills in the job description, highlighting your relevant qualifications. Try it for free here .

Work experience do’s and don’ts

  • Use numbers to quantify your achievements whenever possible.
  • Use action verbs to describe how you did something.
  • Use the mm/yyyy format for resume dates .
  • Don’t list more than 10 years of work experience unless it’s highly relevant.
  • Don’t use the passive phrase “responsible for.” Instead, use active voice.
  • Don’t list every single task you worked on; include only the most relevant.

8. Create your education and certification section

Your education section should appear after your work experience. If you’re applying to a job that requires extensive education (like medicine, law, or academia), you’ll need to be more detailed. But most job seekers can get away with providing only the following information on their resume:

  • Name of the degree/certification: Write the full name of the degree or certification. Use commonly accepted abbreviations (e.g., B.A. in English, MBA, PMP).
  • Institution name: Include the name of the university or institution that awarded the degree or certification.
  • Location (optional): List the city and state if the location is relevant to the job or if the institution is well-known.
  • Graduation date: Mention the month and year of graduation. For certifications, you can also include an expiration date if applicable.

Here’s an example of an education section on a resume:

An example of the education section of a resume.

Education section do’s and don’ts

  • Bold your degree so that it stands out.
  • List your education in reverse-chronological order.
  • Include any relevant coursework, skills training, licenses, and certifications .
  • Don’t mention your high school if you have a college degree.
  • Don’t disclose your GPA unless you graduated recently and had a very impressive academic career (3.5 GPA plus).
  • Don’t list an advanced degree if the job doesn’t require it.

9. Showcase honors, awards, and volunteer work

The key to this section is to only include honors and awards that are relevant to the job you’re applying to.

This can get a little tricky because if you do have honors or awards that are highly relevant, consider including them in your summary section. Otherwise, hiring managers might miss them if you only list them at the bottom of your resume.

If you have any  volunteer experience , it’s generally a good idea to add it to your resume.

According to a LinkedIn survey , 20% of employers say they have hired a candidate because of their volunteer experience. The survey also showed that job seekers who volunteer are 27% more likely to be hired than non-volunteers!

  • The name of the organization.
  • The dates of your service.
  • A brief description of your duties and responsibilities.

Here’s an example of what this section of your resume can look like:

An example of how the honors and awards section and the volunteer section should look on a resume.

10. How can you tailor your resume to a specific job position?

Tailoring your resume to each specific job is not just recommended; it’s imperative . This is because most companies today use ATS computer software to manage and filter the enormous amount of resumes they receive.

When you submit your resume, it goes into an ATS database . Hiring managers search the ATS database for suitable resumes by typing keywords, or skills, into the ATS search bar. If your resume contains these keywords it will be found. If it doesn’t contain the right keywords, your resume will remain in the ATS database, unseen.

Illustration with an ATS "robot" in between a resume and two hands shaking.

To tailor your resume, you must first read the job description. This is where you’ll find the keywords to add to your resume. Make sure you add those keywords exactly as they are written in the job description .

Unfortunately, tailoring each resume to the job description takes time and effort. The best way to speed up this process is to use an online tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner .

Just paste in your resume and the job description and click scan. You’ll receive a match report telling you how closely your resume matches the job ad. The report also tells you exactly which keywords to add to your resume to optimize it for the ATS. Try the scanner for free below:

Effective resume formatting tips

Properly formatting your resume makes it easy for hiring managers to find what they’re looking for. At the same time, good formatting helps the ATS understand your resume.

Remember, if the ATS can’t read your resume you won’t get the job!

Choose a professional, easy-to-read font like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman in size 10 to 12 for text and 14 to 16 for headings.

Clearly distinguish section headings with a larger font size, bold text, or underlining to guide the reader’s eye effectively through your resume., set your margins to at least 0.7 inches all around, ensuring that your resume looks balanced and does not appear overcrowded., avoid complex graphics, tables, headers, and footers, which can confuse ats software., break up blocks of text. a paragraph should never be longer than 5 lines., use standard headings like “work experience,” “education,” and “skills.” these are immediately recognizable to both hiring managers and ats., use the same style of bullets, text alignment, and line spacing throughout your document., align your text to the left. right-aligned or justified text can create irregular spacing between words, making your resume harder to read., save your resume file as a pdf to preserve your formatting across different platforms., proofread carefully one grammatical error can ruin your chances of getting a job., how to write a resume for students with no experience.

Creating a good resume without any work experience might seem tough, but you can still make a strong impression on employers by highlighting your skills and activities. Here’s how:

  • Focus on your education : Put your education section at the top. Include details like your degree, major, relevant coursework, academic honors, and GPA if it’s above average.
  • Include extracurricular activities : List any activities outside of class, like clubs, sports, or student government. Mention any leadership roles or responsibilities you’ve had.
  • Add volunteer work and internships : Don’t forget to include volunteer positions, internships, or community service. These experiences show your willingness to work and learn.
  • Highlight projects and academic achievements : Talk about any major projects or research you’ve done, especially if they relate to the job you want. Describe what you did and what you achieved.
  • Skills section : Make a list of your skills, including technical skills (like computer software) and soft skills (like teamwork and communication).
  • Professional summary : Start with a short summary that explains your career goals and your best qualities. Make it clear why you’d be a great fit for the job.

Here’s a sample of a resume for students with no experience:

A sample resume for a beginner with no job experience.

How to match your cover letter to your resume

Matching your cover letter with your resume helps create a polished and cohesive application. Here’s how:

  • Consistent formatting : Use the same font, header, and layout from your resume for your cover letter. This helps create a professional and unified appearance.
  • Use similar language : Pick out key skills and phrases from your resume and include them in your cover letter. This reinforces your qualifications and aligns your application with the job requirements.
  • Expand on key points : Choose one or two major achievements listed on your resume and elaborate on them in your cover letter. Explain how these experiences have equipped you for the job.
  • Keep the tone the same : If your resume is formal, your cover letter should be too. If it’s more casual, your cover letter can be less formal as well.
  • Address the job’s needs : Demonstrate how your experiences make you a good fit for the job. Show that you understand what the job involves and explain why you’re the right candidate.
  • End with a call to action : Conclude by expressing your enthusiasm for the role and suggesting they look at your resume for more details. Ask them to contact you for an interview.

When you’re done writing your cover letter, run it through Jobscan’s  cover letter checker . This tool will tell you how to improve your cover letter. 

Hate writing cover letters? Use Jobscan’s  cover letter builder . This tool uses AI technology to generate an ATS-friendly cover letter with just one click.

10 standout resume examples to inspire you

These samples showcase a variety of styles and formats suited for different industries and career stages, giving you ideas on how to write a resume.

1. Sales manager resume example

Sales manager resume example.

2. Accountant resume example

Accountant resume example.

3. Recruiter resume example

Recruiter resume example.

4. Bookkeeper resume sample

Bookkeeper resume example.

5. Digital marketing resume example

Digital marketing resume example.

6. Teacher resume example

Teacher resume example.

7. Customer service resume example

Customer service resume example.

8. Office assistant resume example

Office assistant resume example.

9. Operations manager resume example

Operations manager resume example.

10. Technical writer resume example

Technical writer resume example.

Key takeaways

  • Optimize for ATS : Today’s resumes must be tailored to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) by including specific keywords related to the job you’re applying for. This ensures your resume is seen by hiring managers.
  • Tailored Resumes : Each resume should be customized to the job description, emphasizing relevant experiences and skills. This enhances your chances of standing out in a competitive job market.
  • Resume Formats : Choose between chronological, functional, or hybrid formats based on your career history and the job requirements. Chronological is suitable for those with a strong, relevant job history; functional is best for career changers or those with gaps in employment; hybrid combines the strengths of both.
  • Essential Elements : A resume should include a clear headline, a compelling summary, a detailed work history, relevant skills, and educational credentials. Each section should be crafted to showcase your qualifications and fit for the role.
  • Skills and Keywords : Highlight both hard and soft skills that are directly relevant to the job. Using precise keywords from the job description in your resume ensures compatibility with ATS and increases the likelihood of your resume being selected.
  • Quantifiable Achievements : Where possible, use metrics to quantify your accomplishments. This provides concrete evidence of your capabilities and impact in previous roles.
  • Additional Sections : Including volunteer work, awards, and certifications can differentiate your resume. Ensure these are relevant to the job to keep the resume focused and impactful.
  • Resume Building Tools : Utilize tools like resume builders and scanners (e.g., Jobscan) to construct a resume that matches job descriptions and optimizes for ATS, saving time and improving effectiveness.
  • Format and Proofread : Proper formatting and thorough proofreading are essential to maintain professionalism. Ensure the resume is easy to read and free from errors, which can detract from your credibility.

Beginners can use the chronological format if they have some work experience, even if it’s part-time jobs, internships, or volunteer work. However, if a beginner has little to no work experience, a functional format might be better. Include essential resume sections like contact information, a summary, education, and any relevant work experience or skills. Tailor your resume to the job by incorporating keywords from the job description. If you lack work experience, emphasize volunteer work, internships, and extracurricular activities that demonstrate your skills and commitment. Always proofread for errors before submitting your resume.

To make your resume stand out to recruiters, start by tailoring it specifically for each job application, incorporating keywords from the job description to align closely with the requirements. Highlight your achievements by quantifying them with specific numbers and outcomes, such as “increased sales by 20%” or “reduced processing time by 30%,” to demonstrate measurable success. Begin with a compelling professional summary that succinctly outlines your key qualifications and what you bring to the role, clearly establishing why you are the ideal candidate. Ensure your resume has a clean and professional layout, with logical sections and easy-to-read fonts, to facilitate quick review and make a strong first impression.

1) Gather information 2) Choose a format 3) Write contact information 4) Craft a headline and summary 5) Detail your experience and education 6) Highlight skills 7) Add additional sections 8) Tailor for the job 9) Proofread and edit 10) Finalize and save

To create a resume with no work experience , start with a functional format that emphasizes your skills and education. Begin with a strong summary statement that highlights your career goals and key skills. Place your education section prominently, including any relevant coursework or projects. List both hard and soft skills applicable to the job, and include any internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your abilities and work ethic. Mention any significant projects or achievements, especially those relevant to your desired job. Also, include any professional affiliations that show your interest in the industry. Ensure the resume is well-organized and clearly formatted to highlight your qualifications effectively.

Use Jobscan’s resume builder , which is specifically designed to help you craft an AI resume that is both appealing to hiring managers and optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). This tool provides templates and real-time content suggestions, helping you tailor your resume effectively for each job application. You can also use ChatGPT to write a resume for free . Just be sure to edit and personalize the results you get.

1) Log into your Google account, go to Google Docs, and either start a new document or use the template gallery. Jobscan also offers free Google Docs resume templates . 2) Select a resume template that fits the job you’re applying for from the template gallery. 3) Replace the template’s placeholder text with your personal information, including contact details, educational background, work experience, and skills. 4) Tailor the content to the job by adding relevant keywords from the job description and adjusting the format—like fonts and spacing—for clarity and appeal. 5) Double-check your resume for any errors and consider having someone else review it too. 6) Once satisfied, download your resume as a PDF or DOCX file , or share it directly via email or a shareable link.

1) Start the program and select “New” from the file menu to access templates. 2) Type “resume” in the template search bar to see available resume designs. 3) Choose a template that suits your needs, then replace the placeholder text with your personal details, including work experience, education, and skills. 4) Adjust the content to match the job description, using relevant keywords and highlighting your qualifications. 5) Modify font size, style, and colors to ensure the resume is clean and professional. 6) Check for any errors, and consider having someone else review it. 7) Save your resume as a PDF to maintain formatting and make sharing easy. 8) Print for physical submissions or save digitally for online applications.

In 2024, resumes should be designed for clarity and ATS compatibility . Start with a professional layout that includes plenty of white space and a logical structure. The top should have your contact information—just your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn URL , omitting a full address for privacy. Follow this with a concise professional summary, then list your work experience, skills, and education. The format should ensure easy readability for both human recruiters and Applicant Tracking Systems, emphasizing a clean design without complex graphics or tables that could confuse the ATS software.

Choosing the right resume format depends on your career background: Chronological: Lists your work history in reverse chronological order, ideal for those with a solid work history. Functional: Focuses on skills rather than work history, suitable for career changers or those with gaps in employment. Combination: Mixes elements of both chronological and functional formats, highlighting skills followed by work history in reverse order. Good for those with significant skills and experiences.

The number of jobs you should include on your resume depends on your experience level and relevance to the role. Typically, if you’re early in your career with less than 10 years of experience, aim for 2-3 recent and relevant positions. For mid-career professionals, around 3-4 positions spanning the last 10-15 years is common. Experienced professionals may include the most pertinent roles from their extensive history, focusing on the past 10-15 years. Ensure each listed job directly relates to the position you’re applying for, prioritizing relevancy over quantity to present a focused and impactful resume.

A resume should typically be one to two pages long, with rare exceptions for highly experienced individuals or those in certain industries. Aim to keep it concise and focused on highlighting your most relevant qualifications and experiences for the position you’re applying for.

AI and machine learning have revolutionized resume screening by automating the process. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) use these technologies to quickly analyze resumes, searching for relevant keywords and qualifications. This saves recruiters time and ensures a more efficient screening process, helping them identify top candidates more effectively.

When writing a resume summary with no experience, focus on your education, relevant skills, and career goals. Highlight any coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities that demonstrate skills applicable to the job. Emphasize your enthusiasm, work ethic, and eagerness to learn. Keep it concise and impactful, showcasing how your background aligns with the position and company’s needs.

Crafting a simple resume involves starting with your contact information, followed by a brief summary statement. List your work experience, education, and relevant skills, ensuring consistency in formatting. Consider including optional sections like volunteer experience or honors/awards. Proofread carefully and tailor your resume to each job application.

author image

Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • How to Make a Resume:...

How to Make a Resume: Beginner's Writing Guide with Examples

30 min read · Updated on May 22, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Your dream job is one resume away!

Your resume is arguably the most important financial document you'll ever own. And before you think, “Yeah – right” let's consider for a moment. Without a resume, you don't get the job, so you can't pay bills, support a family, go to the big game, have that weekend trip, or plan for retirement. Your resume is the doorway to your future, so let's make sure it's perfect.

Part of making it perfect is remembering that it's a targeted career marketing document – not a chronicle of your life. So, how do you write a resume? In this beginner's writing guide, we'll show you how to make a resume and provide examples of what each section should look like. 

Grab a cup of coffee and strap in, because you're about to learn everything you need to know about how to make a new resume!

Table of contents:

The purpose of a resume

Avoid rejection by the ATS

What is your career target?

Build your personal brand, what should your resume look like, how to make a resume – the layout.

How long does it take to put together a resume?

A major resume no-no: typos

How to make your resume more professional

Theory in practice – resume examples

The most basic purpose of a resume is to sell your skills , achievements , and qualifications to prospective employers. This one document can financially make or break you. Let's take a quick look at what being unemployed costs you per day (assuming a five-day workweek):

If you make $40,000 per year, you lose about $155 every day that you're out of work

If you make $50,000 per year, you lose about $190 every day that you're out of work

If you make $75,000 per year, you lose about $288 every day that you're out of work

If you make $100,000 per year, you lose about $385 every day that you're out of work

Clearly, finding out how to make a resume for a job is critical so that you can properly sell your skills, qualifications, experiences, and achievements to prospective employers. 

The job market is tough and highly competitive; you have to stand out in a sea of qualified candidates by creating a compelling narrative that tells a story of value, keeping in mind that your resume is supposed to do a few things for you:

Introduce you to a new company

Underscore how your experiences and education are relevant

Showcase how your skills and competencies will benefit the new company's team

Win interviews

Avoid rejection by the ATS 

What do you know about applicant tracking systems? Job seeking can be compared to throwing your resume into a black hole. You can go through 100 listings on any job search website and complete the online application with zero results. 

Ever had that happen? It's okay, it happens to everyone at some point or another! 

The problem is that you're probably not putting the correct keywords into your resume. When you hit “Submit” on an online application, it isn't magically emailed to the hiring manager. 

Oh, no! 

It goes through a computer system that scans your resume for specific keywords that can be found in the job description posted by the company. And, just so you know, approximately 90% of companies use ATS scans , including everything from mom-and-pop shops to Fortune 500 companies. 

The companies use these programs because they just don't have time for a human to go through all the resumes they receive. Depending on the job opening, a company can get between  250 and 500 applicants . Can you imagine being the person who has to sift through all those resumes? 

Here is where the ATS steps in. It's designed to weed through candidates to narrow the applicant pool, so that the human hiring manager has a more reasonable resume load to go through. It ranks the remaining candidates in order based on how much of a match they are for the position that's open. 

Being overlooked by the ATS is one of the number one reasons job seekers get ghosted by companies.

Once your resume makes it through the ATS and gets into the hands of a hiring manager, don't think they're going to sit down and read each one. Who has that kind of time? You should expect that the first round of resume sorting will consist of them flipping through the stack to pick the ones that stand out within about 6 seconds of glancing at them. 

PRO TIP: Put your resume on a table, stand up, and look at it from a little distance. Is it eye-catching? Can you tell the position you're seeking just by glancing at it? Set a timer if you have to, but no more than 10 seconds.

Speaking of eye-catching, don't make the same mistake as a lot of your rival job seekers by being too generic with your resume. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that being non-specific will open doors to more opportunities. The problem is that the hiring manager won't be able to tell exactly where you'll fit within their organization. 

The first step in winning an interview is being sure that your resume actually makes it into the hands of a human being at the company you apply to. Start by defining what you want to do.

So the first, and most important, step in crafting the perfect resume is to narrow down your target career path. The more specific you are with this first step, the more response you'll receive from hiring managers because they'll be able to tell exactly how you fit within their organization. There are four areas to focus on as you begin to chart your career path:

Industry: Do you want to work in private sector, nonprofit, government, or public roles?

Geography: This one is more in-depth than choosing rural vs urban. It also includes whether you want to work in a dynamic or static environment.

Company size: You may not think it, but having an idea about whether you want to work in a small company or one with thousands of employees is important. 

Role: Saving the best for last, you have to know what position you want.

On the surface, it may seem like these things are only important for the job search aspect of landing a new position, but you have to know what voice to write your resume in, too. Part of that is knowing your audience. When you understand your audience, you can build a personal brand that resonates with what they're looking for in a new staff member.

Now that you've gotten your target career path nailed down, the next step is to brand you. Think of yourself as a product and your resume is the packaging. Companies spend a lot of time on their branding and packaging - you have to do the same thing.

The best place to start is with a  career assessment . Taking one of these tests can help you to identify your strengths, what sets you apart from others, and key themes of your professional identity. Just like Nike and Coca-Cola have timeless taglines and catchphrases that succinctly define what they have to offer to consumers, your personal brand has to tell a concise, yet compelling, story. This is where your resume comes in.

Your resume isn't just a piece of paper you give to a hiring manager or upload to a website that says, “I'm interested in this job.” Your resume is a personal marketing tool. You shape that tool with words that describe your experiences and achievements, to impress and grab the attention of the hiring manager. 

Unlike Nike's “Just Do It” phrase, your personal brand isn't something you build and forget. It is fluid and should be revisited and refined as you gain new skills, experiences, and achievements. Weave the elements of your brand into every section of your resume.

There is a common misconception that entry-level resumes look different than executive resumes. The reality is that the only difference is how much content is available to write about. 

Obviously, someone who has little to no experience will have a  short resume  – generally one page. 

When you start to get up to 10 years of experience, then you've earned the second page, so go ahead and use it. 

It's not incremental though

Just because you have 20 years of experience doesn't mean you can have a three-page resume. As you work through how to make a resume, remember that a three-page resume should be avoided, unless you have a lot of career extras like publications, research, patents, publications, or public speaking engagements to talk about. 

Other than the number of pages, your resume should use the same format and layout no matter if you're applying to a job as someone fresh out of college or seeking to be the CEO of a company. 

Chronological resume 

The  reverse-chronological  is the most popular, traditional, and well-known resume format. Its focus is placed on achievements from your career history and is defined by listing your work history starting with your current or most recent job and working backward 10-15 years. 

Employers like this type of resume because it tells them what, when, and where you worked. It's best to use this if your work history is steady and shows growth and development. If you're looking to make a career change, have had frequent job changes, or if you're seeking your first job, this may not be the best format to use.

Pro Tip: You could also get lost in the ATS if your  resume is over-designed . Many resume writers will tell you that you need to stand out in the sea of sameness by adding some personality to your resume through design. While that's true, you need to avoid heavily formatted resumes which are often rejected by computer scanners as being illegible.

Functional resume 

This resume type focuses more on skills and experiences rather than on your work history. It's more of a “what you know and how you apply that knowledge” than a simple list of where you got the knowledge. It plays down gaps in work history and makes frequent job changes less noticeable. If it isn't done properly, though, it can be confusing for the hiring manager to read and understand. There's also a bit of a stigma behind it, because employers know that job seekers use this style to downplay job-hopping. So, the first thing they do when they get a functional resume is check employment dates. If you can avoid using this style, it's best to do so.

Combination resume 

There is another resume format that focuses on skills first and then experience last. It's the combination resume, which is sometimes called a hybrid resume. This is the most complex resume type and the best resume for mid-career professionals who are transitioning into another career or for people who have special skills and a strong track record of accomplishments. These types of resumes do take a long time to read and some hiring managers won't take the time unless they're looking to fill a hard-to-fill position.

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae (CV) is Latin and means “course of life.” It's a little different from a resume, but some positions require a CV over a resume. The first thing you would notice is that a CV is significantly longer than a resume.  A resume is a self-branding document meant to portray your experience and achievements in a concise and easy-to-read format. A CV goes much further into the depth of your education and accomplishments (think publications, awards, and honors) and even has a section for you to include "Areas of Interest."

The best way to describe a CV is that it's a career biography. The biggest significant difference is that a CV is arranged chronologically in a way that gives a complete overview of your full working career. It also doesn't change based on the career or position for which you're applying.


To make things easier for the hiring manager to digest the content of your resume, it should be laid out in a specific way to ensure that the right information is in the right place. 

Hiring managers don't  READ  resumes. They skim through until they find something that piques their interest and then they stop to read

Contact information


Professional summary , core competencies, experience , education and credentials , awards, certificates, and volunteer work .

Since the reverse-chronological resume is the one that the majority of people will use to apply for jobs, and because it's the format that hiring managers want to see, we'll focus this article on showing you how to make a resume using that style. 

Current contact information 

Location | Phone | Email | LinkedIn | Portfolio (if applicable)

You can be creative and use bold font in your  contact information  and even put a border under it to separate it from the body of your resume. 

  • Name: Be sure to list your name the same across all professional documents (e.g., resume, cover letter, thank you note, LinkedIn profile). Don't get hung up with whether to use your legal name (i.e. the name on your birth certificate or driver's license). Write your name in the manner you want people to address you. Also, if you use any abbreviated credentials after your name (e.g. Jane Smith, MD), remember to include them on all professional documents.  You can also include any shortened versions of your name in quotations (e.g. Christopher "Chris" Smith). Just make sure to list it the same way everywhere you put your name.
  • Address: It is no longer customary to include your full address on your resume. There have been instances of discrimination against job seekers based on their address. As far as your address is concerned, all you need is the City, State, and Zip Code. A lot of people leave off the Zip Code; however, hiring managers can query the ATS for all resumes within a radius of a Zip Code. If you exclude the Zip Code or put something like, "Greater New York Metro Area," your resume won't be included in the query.
  • Phone and email: Put the telephone number and email address where you can easily be reached. Also, be sure that your email address is professional. Using something like [email protected] just won't cut it. The best idea is to use some form of your name. If you're paranoid about having your name in your email address, then you can use some form of the type of position you seek, like [email protected].
  • LinkedIn URL: You don't have to spell out the entire URL on the contact line. You can put the words “LinkedIn URL” and hyperlink those words. Before you include your LinkedIn URL, be sure that your LinkedIn profile is optimized for the career you want - because you can bet if they have access to it, the hiring manager will look at it. 
  • Portfolio: If you're applying for a position like Graphic Designer or Software Designer, you may have a portfolio of work that you want to make available to someone reviewing your application for employment. Include a hyperlink to the portfolio in your contact information. 
  • Headshot / photo: There is no reason to include a  headshot on your resume . Actually, it's seen as taboo and could be the thing that gets your resume rejected, because the hiring manager might assume you think you can get the job based on your looks. However, there are some exceptions, like if you're applying to be a model or actor. 

Do you want a hiring manager to be able to tell immediately what type of candidate you are? Put a title at the top of your resume. Center the text on the line, put it in bold font, and put a blank space above and below. The white space and the small amount of words will help it to jump off the page and immediately be noticed. It will also be the first step in helping you stand out in the sea of sameness.

Also, be sure the title on your resume mirrors the title on the job description that you're applying to, but add a bit of panache to it so that it's not too boring. For example, instead of writing “Financial Services Associate,” write “Client-Centric Financial Services Associate Dedicated to Customer Engagement and Revenue Growth.” Just remember to keep it on one line. 

The very next thing on the page should always be your Professional Summary. But how do you write a summary for a resume?

It's a three to five-sentence statement about you. Where you've been in your career, where you're going, and how you'll use your experience to get there. 

While the professional summary is sometimes referred to as the resume objective , you must remember that the days of writing a  resume objective are dead . Never, ever include an objective on your resume. They are a waste of space and don't relay any information that markets you as the best candidate for an open position. 

Let's take a look at an example of each:

Sales Representative seeking a challenging position that will use my skills and provide opportunities for growth in a dynamic and rewarding company. 

As you can see, the objective is very inward-facing and only talks about what you want out of your career. It provides no value to the hiring manager and eliminates any possibility for them to be able to tell what you bring to the table for them. 

Professional Summary:

Ambitious sales professional offering 10+ years' experience in customer retention and aggressive revenue growth. Conquers goals and quotas through a keen awareness of the human buying motive that allows for quickly overcoming objections. Used historical data and consumer trends to reach new customers and grow territory by 24%. Innate ability to work independently or as a member of a cross-functional team.

The best use of resume space is to write a summary of your career. The effectiveness of this summary comes from the fusing of three things:

Relevant keywords – customer retention, revenue growth, and quotas 

Hard and soft skills – overcoming objections and working independently

An achievement – 24% territory growth

With this professional summary, the hiring manager will be able to tell in an instant what you have to offer their team. 

Even though the skills section of your resume is small, it packs a powerful punch! The skills you list in this section highlight your key abilities and show potential employers what you bring to the table. 

It should contain approximately 12 ATS-friendly keywords and phrases that align with the keywords in the job description. Meaning, this is a fluid section that will need to be  tailored to every job  that you apply to. Technically speaking, your entire resume should be customized to align with each job description. That's one thing that will help you get past the ATS. 

Be sure to include a good mix of  hard and soft skills  because prospective employers not only want to know that you can perform the tasks related to your job (hard skills), but they also want to gain a clear understanding of how you'll fit within the culture of the company (soft skills). 

Tips for building your Core Competencies section:

Include skills that are relevant to the job that you're applying to

Avoid creating a laundry list of everything you know how to do – be selective so that the section is more impactful

Group similar competencies together using categories – technical skills, soft skills, and languages

Prioritize your top skills based on their relevance to the job you want

Update frequently

Be consistent with the formatting

Here is a sample Core Competencies list that contains both hard and soft skills:

Core Competencies

Project Management | Data Analysis | Cross-Functional Collaboration | Digital Marketing Strategy | Python Programming | Customer Relationship Management (CRM) | Negotiation | Team Leadership | Business Development | Financial Modeling | Articulate Communication

This section is meant to show how your career history lends itself to the skills you have that make you the perfect candidate for a given job. There are some general rules of thumb on how to make a resume with a great professional experience section:

Don't go further back than 10 to 15 years

Use no more than 3 to 5 bullets per work listing

Incorporate at least 5 measurable achievements per 10 years of experience (the more the better)

Use stacking for companies where you held more than one role

10-15 Years

The 10-15 years of experience is the most relevant – you can list more than that, but avoid using bullet points for roles over 10 years old. Begin by listing your most recent position first and work your way backward to your oldest position, within that 10-15-year range. If you have 30 years of experience, you can use achievements or skills you learned during that time as talking points during the interview. Listing those older experiences on your resume will only dilute the content.

As you write out your bullet points, keep two words in mind: “so what?” The hiring manager is going to be thinking it, you might as well be thinking it, too. Every time you write something on your resume, think, “So what? Why am I writing this? What value will it bring to my new employer? Will this be THE THING that lands me an interview?"


Remove “Responsible for…” from your resume-writing vocabulary. That's because it's crucial that you talk about what you achieved, instead of just what your responsibilities were. Let's face it, there are a lot of things that people are “responsible for” that never get done. So, be sure to talk about things you actually accomplished, as that will be the proof the hiring manager needs to take the next step and call you for an interview.

1. Use numbers whenever possible

The best way to call attention to your career accomplishments is to use numbers. Numbers add credibility to your claims and provide a clear picture of what you bring to the table. 

Don't write this:

  • Conducted cold calls to expand client base

Write this instead:

  • Increased sales by 15% by making approximately 20 cold calls per day to expand the client base

The latter makes an unmistakable assertion that you had a positive impact, not only in your role but on the company as a whole. You can take it a step further and talk about things like problem-solving skills and how you addressed challenges to lead to team success. These types of  soft skills are highly valued by employers  and could be the thing that lands you an interview.

PRO TIP: Use the  CAR method  for building achievement statements into your resume.

2. Use action words to convey accomplishment

A lot of people make the mistake of copying bullet points from the job descriptions of the roles they've held. This practice makes you sound detached from achievements and focuses more on responsibilities. Using passive language is too generic and doesn't allow a hiring manager to see what you'll be able to accomplish in the new role. 

It's better to use action language to show that you're an achiever rather than a doer. Here are some examples of action words you can use on your resume: 

Worked with others: Advised, Aided, Assisted, Chaired, Coached, Collaborated with, Consulted with, Helped, Instructed, Interacted with, Mentored, Motivated, Supported

Communicated: Addressed, Advertised, Answered, Briefed, Corresponded with, Debated, Explained, Facilitated, Informed, Interpreted, Interviewed, Persuaded, Responded to

Analyzed data: Assessed, Appraised, Audited, Calculated, Computed, Estimated, Evaluated, Forecast, Inspected, Measured, Researched, Surveyed, Tested

Operated equipment: Installed, Maintained, Programmed, Ran, Serviced, Used

Worked with money or contracts: Administered, Appropriated, Authorized, Balanced, Controlled, Directed, Enforced, Financed, Funded, Governed, Invested, Monitored, Oversaw, Purchased

Organized something: Arranged, Assembled, Catalogued, Compiled, Coordinated, Itemized, Routed, Scheduled, Stocked, Tracked

Created: Composed, Customized, Designed, Directed, Established, Founded, Illustrated, Originated, Shaped

Researched: Analyzed, Collected, Criticized, Detected, Diagnosed, Evaluated, Tested

How to make your professional experience section: The formula

There's a formula for writing your professional experience section in a way that focuses on achievements. You'll start by asking yourself these questions about every job you've had:

What was the name of the company?

What was the title of your role?

What dates were you employed? (*Hint: use the MM/YYYY format for your dates)

What did you do every day? (*Example: Leveraged management skills to direct operations of 5 separate but concurrent projects by delegating tasks to staff based on employee acumen and monitoring / controlling budgets)

What is one thing you did at the company that you're really proud of?

What is another thing you're really proud of?

What is one more thing you did that you're really proud of?

When you put all of that together, it should look like this:

Company Name | MM/YYYY to Present

Position Title

Balanced competing priorities on multiple and concurrent projects and program management initiatives using data-driven strategies in Agile environments. Managed key accounts, onboarded new accounts, and oversaw organizational process adoption for nursing facilities, emergency departments, and pharmacies.

Developed $2M Provider Incentive Program that increased community provider partnerships

Saved $800K by using Six Sigma skills to implement DMAIC approach

Coached and mentored 2 direct reports, creating an open environment of communication that facilitated future-facing decision-making

Many people will create separate sections for education history and certifications. That's not necessary. You can include all of it in one section. You can also include extras like  relevant coursework , projects, and achievements. These extras can be truly beneficial for your application if you have little to no work experience. 

There are some general rules of thumb for the education section: 

Spell out acronyms (BS, MS, PhD) and school abbreviations

It is no longer customary to include graduation dates unless you're still in school or graduated within the last year

Never include high school, unless you're still in high school - listing high school doesn't say “ I finished high school, ” it says, “ I didn't go to college .” 

List your degree first and then your school, unless you've obtained multiple degrees at the same institution. 

Here's what a regular education section looks like:


Master of Business Administration (MBA) | ABC University

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) | XYZ University

Six Sigma Black Belt | Council for Six Sigma Certification

If you don't have a lot of experience and need to include some relevant coursework or major projects to inject relevant keywords into your resume, then this is what that would look like:

Relevant coursework:  Marketing, Operations Management, Accounting, Corporate Finance

Capstone project:  Let a team of 4 to execute a market analysis project to expand the Brooms and Handles company into new regions. Used market and consumer analysis data to identify gaps and achieve a 15% projected revenue increase and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction within the pilot program. 

You can include educational information about a degree program even if it's still in progress. Here's what that would look like:

Expected completion:  05/2024

Capstone project:  Let a team of 4 to execute a market analysis project to expand the Brooms and Handles company into new regions. Used market and consumer analysis data to identify gaps and achieve a 15% projected revenue increase and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction within the pilot program.

It is important to list what you do outside of work and school. It helps to demonstrate that you're a well-rounded person. 

Were you the president of a fraternity or sorority? 

Did you get involved with showing new students around campus? 

Have you headed a sales team that produced top awards? 

Were you an employee of the month? 

Do you speak multiple languages?

Did you volunteer for an organization?

Did you perform some major research that ended up being published?

All of these extras allow prospective employers a sneak peek into your life outside of work. They can also go a long way to breaking the ice during an interview, especially if something you do outside work is important or interesting to the hiring manager. 

Keep in mind to list only those volunteer positions, projects, or affiliations that are related to your career goals. 

How long does it take to make a resume?

If you're going to use the resume wizard that MS Word has, you can slap your information together in a day or two. It will get to employers. The bad thing is that it probably won't get a whole lot of attention. 

The "just right resume" can take weeks, because of how much background work goes into it. You'll write it, rewrite it, and write it again, and may even have multiple versions. Ultimately, the exact amount of time that goes into putting your resume together depends on your level of experience, how complex your history is, and the specificity of the job you're applying to. 

Entry-level resumes take the least amount of time, simply because there's less information to include

Mid-level resumes take a few days because of the amount of detail in your work history

Executive resumes, or those for specialized positions, can take weeks - especially if you have to do some digging to come up with accomplishments from your previous positions

Updating an existing resume that's well-maintained can be done in just a few hours

While the time spent can seem like a lot, if you're truly marketing yourself for that “just right” position, do you want your resume to say “This was thrown together in a couple of hours using a template” OR do you want it to say “I know this document is important and a significant amount of time was spent on it to make it perfect?”

The first and foremost thing that will get your resume tossed in the garbage can are typos. The number of resumes with errors that are turned in every day to employers across the globe is so astounding that it bears discussing. 

You must proofread your resume!

The major problem with typos and grammatical boo-boos is that your eyes will read what you intended to type. So, after you've read through your resume a few times and think it's perfect, get a friend to read it. Make sure the friend is one of those brutally honest types. It's better to get it back marked all over with bright red ink so you can fix it before you send it out, than to send it out and then realize there's a mistake in it.

How to make your resume seem more professional

Lazy words: Do you see words like "etc" or “other duties as required” on your resume? Delete them immediately. If you take shortcuts in the language of your resume, hiring managers will wonder if you'll be taking shortcuts at work. 

Cookie cutter resumes: Your resume has to stand out. Because of that, you should avoid throwing something together that you find a sample of online. Make it yours, make it represent you. Many people rely on the resume wizard that comes loaded with MS Word and, while that is a good tool to use to help you remember the sections to include, it shouldn't be the end-all-and-be-all of your resume design. 

Specificity: You've had three jobs in the last 10 years and you've listed every detail of everything you've done during your tenure at those jobs. That makes you a Jack (or Jackie) of all trades, but a master of nothing. You have to be specific to the job for which you're applying. What value do you bring to that employer for that job? What achievements can you highlight?

Tailoring: Considering the rampant use of ATS by companies big and small, you have to take the time to customize your resume so that it gets past those scanners. Remember to use relevant keywords from the job descriptions throughout your resume. 

PRO TIP: You can check to see how to make your resume better! Have it checked against an ATS and get a free, personalized, and  professional resume review . 

Theory in practice – 10 resume examples

It's one thing to have someone tell you how to make a resume, it's another thing to see an example – proof that all of this information can come together in a practical way that makes sense. 

1. Software Engineer resume example

Click here for an example of a Software Engineer resume.

2. Data Scientist resume example

Click here for an example of a Data Scientist resume.

3. Cybersecurity resume example

Click here for an example of a cybersecurity resume.

4. Digital Marketing Manager resume example

Click here for an example of a Digital Marketing Manager resume.

5. Nurse Practitioner resume example

Click here for an example of a Nurse Practitioner resume. 

6. Finance Director resume example

Click here for an example of a Finance Director resume. 

7. Attorney resume example

Click here for an example of a Attorney resume.

8. Administrative Office Assistant resume example

Click here for an example of an Administrative Office Assistant resume. 

9. Information Technology Expert resume example

Click here for an example of an Information Technology Expert resume. 

10. Chief Executive Officer resume example

Click here for an example of a CEO resume. 

Now you know how to make a resume for your next job!

It may seem like it takes a lot of work to make a good resume, but if you've followed along this far there are a few things that should be ingrained in you that will help you write a professional resume:

Know what you want to do – be specific

Make your resume with the right format 

Use a standard layout, whether you are writing your first resume or 50th

Use action words to make your resume stand out

Quantify your achievements to prove that you have what it takes to succeed in a new role

Tailor your new resume to each job

Double and triple-check for errors, typos, and grammar mistakes

If you're still unsure how to make a perfect resume, TopResume has you covered. Our team of  professional resume writers  has the know-how and experience to write a resume for you that will win interviews.

Recommended reading: 

Resume Tricks That Don't Work

What Does Your Resume Really Say About You?

Bad Resume Advice You Should Completely Ignore

Related Articles:

Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

How to Create a Resume With No Education

Why You Lose When You Lie on Your Resume: Learning From Mina Chang

See how your resume stacks up.

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Your Step-by-Step Guide to Making the Perfect Resume (With Examples!)

person on laptop

Your resume is arguably the most valuable piece of paper for your career. But this document can be daunting for many. Maybe you’re not sure how to fit in all your information onto one page. Maybe you’re not sure about the right way to format and write your resume. Maybe you don’t even know what the heck a resume is!

Whatever your concern, we’ll break down everything you need to know about making the perfect resume, from scratch.

What Is a Resume?

What are employers looking for in a resume.

  • Pick Your Format
  • Start With Your Basic Information
  • Add in Your Work Experience
  • Consider Including Volunteer Work or Other Experience
  • Don’t Forget Your Education
  • Top It Off With Some Skills and Interests
  • Write a Resume Summary Statement (if Relevant)
  • Tailor It to the Job (and the ATS)
  • Edit and Refine It

What Are Some Examples of a Good Resume?

A resume is a summary of your career, whether yours is just getting started or has been going on for years. Coming in at around one page in length (two only under specific circumstances), it showcases the jobs you’ve held and currently hold, the responsibilities you’ve taken on, the skills you’ve developed, and the qualities you bring to the table as an employee. Together, those things make it super easy for any hiring manager to see your qualifications and fit for a role.

For all the work you may put into writing one, hiring managers actually spend very little time—mere seconds in many cases—looking at your resume. But despite this sad fact, it’s safe to say that creating a great resume (rather than hastily throwing one together) still matters.

“If you miss the mark, your resume may never be read. Even worse, you might be removed from the applicant pool by a computer before a human even knows you exist,” says Muse career coach Heather Yurovsky , founder of Shatter & Shine. So you want to get it right because, as she explains, isn’t the goal to “spend less time looking for a job and more time in a role you love?”

You might be wondering if you can lean on your LinkedIn profile instead of writing a resume. The answer, sadly, is no. Most hiring managers still expect you to submit a resume, even if they also look at your LinkedIn. Even if you don’t need a resume for a job you’re applying for now, you’re going to need one at some point in your career—they’re not anywhere close to going out of style. So it’s best to always have one at the ready should an opportunity pop up.

And although LinkedIn has plenty of benefits, a resume has one clear advantage: While your LinkedIn is usually a broader picture of your career trajectory, your resume gives you the opportunity to tailor your career story to a specific role or company (more on that later).

Oh, and you’ve probably heard of something called a CV? It’s slightly different from a resume , and usually more common with academics and job seekers outside the U.S.

Hiring managers look for three things on your resume, “What did you do? Why did you do it? And what was the result?” says Muse career coach Martin McGovern , owner of Career Therapy. “If you can answer all three of these questions in...your resume bullet points, you’re going to be on the right track.”

Clear, easy-to-understand language is key. “The truth is that most resumes make no sense. They are stuffed with jargon, they are too technical, and they are filled with redundancies. Try to read a resume that isn’t yours and you will quickly realize that it feels like an alien wrote it,” McGovern adds. Put yourself in the shoes of a recruiter who has no idea how your role works—how can you make your resume accessible to them?

The hiring manager also cares about more than just you and you alone—they care about you in relation to them. “Hiring managers want to see if a candidate matches the requirements” of the role they’re hiring for, Yurovsky explains. “Your resume should paint this picture so the hiring manager not only knows what day-to-day responsibilities you can handle, but why you, above other[s], bring value to their organization.”

How Do You Write a Resume?

Whether you’re someone who’s never written a resume in your life, or you need a nice, thorough refresher on the process of creating one, follow these steps to go from a blank page to a complete—and dare I say beautiful—document.

Related: This Free Worksheet Makes It Easy to Create (or Update) Your Resume

1. Pick Your Format

Before you start typing one single thing, you have to decide what you want the overall resume to look like.

Resume builders can be helpful for this step—they’ll take all your basic information and organize it for you, eliminating some of the legwork. You can also use a pre-made outline, such as one of these free Google Docs templates .

But it’s often safest to start with a clean slate all on your own and eventually upgrade to a more advanced layout. (If you'd still like a place to write all the relevant information before you get started, check out our resume outline .) This allows you to course correct, edit and re-edit, and choose a resume format that best fits your particular situation (after all, not everyone has a career trajectory that’s easy to compartmentalize).

In general, you’re most likely to cover and/or include sections on the following:

  • Your work experience
  • Your non-work experience, including professional organizations, community involvement, or side projects
  • Your education and certifications
  • Your skills (specifically hard skills) and interests

So how do you format and organize all of that information?

By far the most common (and safest, if you’re not sure which route to take) option is reverse chronological order . This means you organize your experiences from most recent to least recent. So your work experiences would go above your education, and your current role would go above previous roles you’ve held. This of course has its exceptions—maybe you went back to grad school between jobs, or your most recent role is irrelevant to the job you’re applying for. So the whole page may not be exactly in reverse chronological order depending on your situation. It’s just a guideline.

There’s also something called a functional or skills-based resume . This is used pretty rarely, mainly with career changers and those with limited or complicated work histories. It gets its name because it’s primarily about listing your skills rather than experiences, and showcases them above your work history and education.

You can also opt for a combination resume , which is a mix between a reverse chronological resume and skills-based resume. It highlights your skills at the top, but allows just as much room below to cover your job and school experience.

Use caution when choosing these two formats: “Combo and skills-based [resumes] can be hard to follow, because [they force] the reader to hunt for connections between your skills and experience, and [don’t] provide the full context of your work,” says Muse Career Coach Angela Smith , founder of Loft Consulting. “I’ve also heard a lot of recruiters say that they automatically discount skill-based resumes because they feel the candidate is trying to hide something. I don’t necessarily believe that, but I think it’s important for job-seekers to know that perception is out there.”

2. Start With Your Basic Information

Your contact information should always go at the top of your resume. In this header you’ll want to include anything that could be helpful for a recruiter to get in touch with you. Usually, this means adding in:

  • Your full name (preferably the name you use across the web)
  • Your phone number
  • Your personal email address

You might also choose to include other basic information, such as your LinkedIn or personal website URL, your GitHub (for technical roles), your social media profiles (if relevant to the job), or your address. If you’re looking to move for a job, you may choose to leave out your address or write “open to relocating” to better your chances of getting an interview.

The key is to make this part as clear as possible. If a hiring manager can’t reach you, there’s no point in perfecting the rest of your resume.

3. Add in Your Work Experience

This section will most likely be the bulk of your resume. Even if you’re changing careers, employers still want to see where you’ve worked, what you’ve done, and the impact of that work to get a sense of your background and expertise.

Your “Work Experience” might be one entire category, or you might choose to break it up into “Relevant Experience” and “Additional Experience” to highlight the jobs that are most important for hiring managers to focus on. Either way, you’ll almost always want to have your most recent experience at the top and your older experience down below.

Within your work experience, you’ll want to include each official job title, the company (and possibly its location), and the years you worked there. Below that, you’ll add in two to four bullet points explaining what you did in that job, the skills you built and exercised, the tools you used, and the results of what you did. If you accomplished a lot during your time there, focus on the responsibilities that made the most impact or you’re the most proud of, as well as the ones that best align you with the job you’re applying for (more on that in the following sections). It’s key here to list, if relevant, quantitative as well as qualitative accomplishments.

For example, you might write:

Associate Accountant, Finances and Co., Ann Arbor, MI September 2017 – Present

  • Manage billing and invoicing for more than 50 clients, ensuring the deadlines and needs of our enterprise partners, including Big Company and Super Star Org, are met
  • Collaborate closely with sales, account management, and project management teams on project setup, maintenance, and invoice management
  • Assist in the streamlining of invoicing guidelines and procedures through documentation and the implementation of new software, resulting in an average two-week decrease in total time spent per client

Your resume bullets should be in past tense if you’re referring to past jobs and present tense if you’re talking about your current roles. In addition, your bullets should always start with a strong action verb that best describes what you did. And if you have examples of your work, consider hyperlinking them here as well.

If you have a ton of experience and this category is starting to run long (read: over one page), consider kicking out your oldest jobs unless they’re super relevant to the job you’re applying for, or extra impressive for your field.

Not sure where to start? “It’s helpful to do a brain dump and create a document that has everything and anything you consider as experience or an achievement,” says Yurovsky. From there, she explains, you can start to whittle down what is and isn’t important. And you can refer to this document later if you ever decide to update your resume for a specific role.

Need more specific advice on listing your work experience on your resume? Check out these additional resources:

  • When you’ve held multiple jobs at the same company: 2 Jobs, 1 Company: How to Show Multiple Positions on Your Resume
  • When you’re not sure what your accomplishments are or how to explain them: Resume Revamp: How to Turn Your Duties Into Accomplishments
  • When you want to spruce up a boring or insignificant job: How to Make Your Most Boring Jobs Sound More Interesting on Your Resume
  • When you’re considering fudging a job title: The Answer to “Can I Change My Job Title on My Resume to Make It More Accurate?”
  • When you’ve had a bunch of short-term gigs: How to List Temporary Jobs on Your Resume

4. Consider Including Volunteer Work or Other Experience

Anything you’ve done that’s not work experience—your side gig, volunteer work, special projects—can be hosted under clearly-labeled sections (“Volunteer Experience” or “Activities,” for example). Depending on how robust your work experience is, these things may be worth including, particularly if they’ve helped you level up your skill set or better align you with your dream job. Plus, they make you look that much more well-rounded, passionate, and hardworking.

If you’re a recent grad, you might also build out a section for on-campus activities, such as clubs, organizations, or leadership experience. This can be a great supplement if you’re lacking in the jobs department. You can frame these just as you would professional jobs—including your title, the organization’s name, and bullets describing what your role was and what you accomplished.

Read More: This Is Exactly How to List Volunteer Work on Your Resume

5. Don’t Forget Your Education

If you’re still in school or just graduated, your education can go at the top of your resume, but for pretty much everyone else, this goes near the bottom. Most people include their school, graduation year (for folks less up to about a decade out of school), major, and degree. Brand-new grads might also write in their GPA, honors and awards, study abroad, thesis, or other notable achievements. But keep this section super simple, as you don’t want it to take up too much space over your work experience.

It’s possible you have unique education experience, such as taking an online course or certification. If you did this specifically as a way to boost yourself within your industry, definitely include it. Again, list everything more or less reverse chronologically—so a grad school degree would go above an undergrad degree, and a more recent relevant online course would go above that.

Learn more about the ins and outs of listing your education on your resume:

  • How to (and How Not to) List Education on Your Resume
  • How to List Online Courses on Your Resume the Right Way (Because Yes, There Is a Wrong Way)

6. Top It Off With Some Skills and Interests

The skills section of a resume gets a bad rap, but it’s just as important as the rest of the stuff you include. It’s a quick list a recruiter can scan to see if your skill set aligns with what they’re hiring for. And it’s super ATS-friendly (ATS stands for “applicant tracking system,” the robot that in some cases reads your resume before a human does) because it allows you to add in keywords the machine is scanning for.

Usually this section goes at the bottom of your resume, but in special cases—such as a skills-based resume or when someone’s switching fields—you may place it further up.

What exactly do you throw in here? You’ll want to list any hard skills and applications you’re familiar with (Photoshop, SEO, JavaScript, to name a few examples), and, if relevant, your level of expertise. Avoid including soft skills here, like time management or public speaking—save those for your bullet points instead.

Be strategic when filling in your skills. Don’t list things you actually couldn’t do at a high competence level (I’m looking at those of you who say you’re “great” at Excel), and maybe nix skills that are completely irrelevant to the job you want. For example, you may not even need to include Excel if you’re applying for say, a design position, unless it’s listed as a job requirement.

Maybe you’re thinking, I’m a really good volleyball player, but that’s not a “skill,” right? No, it’s not, but it is a hobby. Adding in a hobby section at the bottom of your resume is underrated, and frequently a smart choice. It can be a great conversation starter with a hiring manager, and it can show that you’re a good culture fit—or a culture add—for the company. Also, it’s just a nice way to add in some of your personality. So tack on a bullet point listing out some of your interests, such as hiking, rowing, or crafting (no more than five to seven work-appropriate verbs), and you’re all set here.

7. Write a Resume Summary Statement (if Relevant)

You may have heard of a resume summary statement . They’re not super common, but they can be useful to include near the top of your resume if you’re looking to add clarity or context to your resume. If you’re a career changer, you might find a summary statement helpful in explaining your leap and tying your experience to your new path. Or if you’re a more experienced professional, you can use a summary statement to highlight a theme that brings your career trajectory together.

Overall, you probably won’t need a summary statement if your career is pretty linear and your bullet points do a great job of emphasizing what you have to offer in terms of skills and experience. But if you think it makes sense to include one, “Take the time to think about what the person reading your summary wants to know before you write it,” says McGovern. “Good summaries explain why you do what you do and how it can help. For instance: Merging a background in ABC, I help companies improve XYZ through 123. Summaries shouldn’t be any more complicated than that.”

So, taking McGovern’s example, you might say:

Merging a background in social media marketing and PR with seven years in the consumer tech space, I help companies improve their internal and external communication and brand awareness through data-driven, quality content and strategies that align with the modern trends of the space.

Yurovsky adds that “you don’t want your summary statement to be a dense paragraph with too much information. You want it to be easy to read, concise, and memorable. Almost like a tagline.”

Read More: 3 Resume Summary Examples That’ll Make Writing Your Own Easier

8. Tailor It to the Job (and the ATS)

Once you have your resume written out—you’ve broken down your work experience, tagged on some activities and additional experiences, and listed out your skills—it’s important to go back to the job description (or multiple job descriptions, if you’re applying to several similar jobs) and make sure that what your resume says matches up with the kind of candidate the employers are looking for. In other words, tailor it .

Let’s explain further. You’ll want to begin by tackling the ATS . This means combing the job description to see if individual words and phrases line up. What skills are they asking for, and have you listed them (so long as you actually have them)? What words are they using to describe their ideal hire, and do you use similar language in your resume?

Next, take a bird’s-eye view. If you were the hiring manager for the role, where on your resume would your eyes be drawn to? And what would you be looking for? Whatever you think will be most important for the recruiter, make sure it’s near the top of your resume, or otherwise emphasized.

Finally, dig into the role and responsibilities of the job. Does your resume reflect similar experience? If not, is there a way you can spin it so that it’s clear you’re capable of doing the job (and doing it well)?

These articles can help you if the word “tailoring” makes you start to sweat:

  • What It Really Means to “Tailor Your Resume”
  • Your Guide to Making Unrelated Experience Look Relevant on Your Resume
  • A Cool Trick: How to Spin 1 Resume Bullet 5 Different Ways

9. Edit and Refine It

Please, please don’t just write your resume and shoot it out without giving it a second glance. Hiring managers may not spend hours browsing it, but if there’s one thing that sticks out more than anything else it’s a glaring typo.

The best approach? Write a rough draft, then leave and come back to it later with fresh eyes to give it an edit.

Cover the basics: Is your contact information correct and updated? Are you using the right verb tenses? Does everything look consistent and accurate in terms of spelling and grammar?

Then do some cutting if your resume’s quite long. It’s no longer a hard-and-fast rule that all resumes must be only one page—but consider it a smart guideline for most applicants, especially if you've got less than 10 years work experience. The exception is if you’re very senior or very established in your career; in this scenario, a two-page resume isn’t completely out of the question. Everyone else, read this article for advice on how to cut your resume down.

Formatting-wise, it’s key to consider a couple things. First, what font are you using , and is it legible (for a human and a robot)? When in doubt, go with one of these simple, but sleek, options: Arial, Arial Narrow, Calibri, Cambria, Garamond, or Helvetica.

Second, are you going to save it as a Word document or PDF ? Neither option is wrong, although a PDF helps ensure that your formatting is maintained, no matter what type of computer the hiring manager uses to open the document.

Third, is your resume formatted in a way that it’s skimmable? If it’s feeling crowded or overrun with words, read this: 12 Tiny Changes That Make Your Resume Easy for Recruiters to Skim .

Once you’ve given it a few good looks, it may be worth sending it to a friend or colleague (or even a career coach ) to get a second opinion. Don’t just have them edit it for spelling and grammar—they should dig into your bullets and offer feedback on whether or not your resume is showing you in the best possible light (it’s smart to also send them the job description for something to compare it to).

Here’s the thing: Your resume won’t ever look exactly like someone else’s, nor should it. How you choose to format it, organize your information, and talk about specific experiences depends not just on your career path, but on your field, the job you’re applying for, the company that job is at, and more.

So there isn’t a universal way to do a resume. But there are common themes. To give you some context as to how yours might turn out, here are three examples of different kinds of resumes.

The Most Popular: A Reverse Chronological Resume

As previously mentioned, a reverse chronological resume is preferred by many coaches and HR experts, mainly because it’s super readable. When everything’s in a clear order, it’s easy to skim and even easier to draw lines between experiences.

Who it’s good for: Just about everyone—from students applying to internships all the way up to senior-level executives (with an optional resume summary statement)

Download an Example Chronological Resume for a Software Engineer

how to write a resume for different jobs

The Unorthodox Route: A Functional or Skills-Based Resume

Rather than listing out your experience in reverse chronological order, a functional or skills-based resume has bullet points that reflect how each of your skills is demonstrated by the work you’ve done over the course of your career. At the bottom, you’ll include everything else, such as your education, job history, professional achievements, community involvement, and other technical skills. This is a good option if you have a somewhat all-over-the-place work history and want to tie everything together neatly.

Who it’s good for: Career changers whose work experiences may not appear to be relevant and people with an abundance of temporary jobs or gaps in their work histories.

Download an Example Functional Resume for a Project Manager

how to write a resume for different jobs

The Creative Angle: An Infographic Resume or Resume Website

This resume type is characterized by how it’s formatted visually. You may choose a reverse chronological order or skills-based style to organize your information, but also use graphics, colors, unique fonts, and even multimedia elements to help that information pop. Keep in mind that any creative resume is still likely subject to an ATS—and certain elements may be unreadable by a robot. So consider going this route only if you know a human will be reading your resume (and that said human might enjoy it).

Who it’s good for: People applying to creative roles (designers, editors, writers, marketers, video producers, for example), startups, or fun companies, or to jobs where a creative resume is encouraged, if not required.

Download an Example Infographic Resume for a Designer

how to write a resume for different jobs

Not a designer but want your resume to look just as pretty as this example? Check out these articles:

  • 5 Sites to Create an Awesome Infographic Resume (Even if You’re the Least Creative Person Ever)
  • How to Build a Resume Website That Will Impress Every Hiring Manager Who Sees It
  • 5 Digital Tools That Will Make Your Resume Infinitely More Beautiful

Your resume is a living, breathing document. So while you won’t go through this whole process every time you apply for a job, you should be thinking about all these things as you go to update your resume for your next career step. You might decide later on to switch up the order, or remove or add things, or even get creative and try out a whole new format. If you’re not getting the calls back you expect, you may decide to scrap it and start over —and that’s totally OK.

Regardless of where this piece of paper goes and how it grows, when you give it the care and attention it deserves, you set yourself up for success. And you’ll make it that much more likely that you’ll land an interview and get the chance to prove to the hiring manager—over the phone or in person—what you’ve got to offer.

how to write a resume for different jobs

What to Do on a Resume When You Have Done the Same Job for Several Different Employers?

by Mary Jane

Published on 30 May 2023

If you have years of experience in a specific area of work, you may have worked several similar job positions, but for different employers. If you find yourself in this position while searching for a new job, you might find yourself thinking “is it worth it to include this work history on my resume?” Although the job titles are the same, some of the responsibilities or required skills may differ. Draw attention to these differences as you create your resume to stand out to a hiring manager or recruiter during your job search.

What Not to Do

Do not simply write that you have worked the same position for several different employers. Potential employers know that no job responsibilities or tasks are the same despite the title of the position. Do not leave out employer’s names or overall positions because you think you are repeating information by outlining your past work experience.

Resume Format

Present your past employment positions on your job application as you would if they were all different roles. Start by listing the name of the previous roles you had in the work experience section, even if it is the same for each position. State the employer’s name or company name followed by the time of employment in reverse chronological order, with your most recent position at the top. Put “current” instead of an end date if you are still working in a position. Provide three to five different relevant job description bullet points under each employer. This is where job seekers can make each past job stand out as individually different. For example, do not simply write that you served customers and completed transactions in a cashier’s position for a clothing store. Instead, focus on the smaller tasks such as finding the proper sizes, ensuring the visit was enjoyable and providing fast and effective transactions.

Designing a resume can be daunting. Look for sample resumes or resume templates online to help you get started.

Building Experience

Do not view it as a weakness that you have worked the same position for several different companies or employers. Instead, see it as an opportunity for you to build on your skills and expertise within a given field of work. Once the short list of different responsibilities and tasks has been completed for each employer, expand your skills and abilities on your resume. Highlight even the smallest job duties.

For example, do not simply write that you controlled and protected an area if you have worked as a security guard. Include key achievements and initiatives such as answered customer questions, provided additional assistance where needed, analyzed television screens, repaired security cameras, wrote incident reports and fixed faulty software programs. Make sure to include any promotions and lateral moves within previous jobs to highlight your dedication and versatility.

Cover Letter Content

The employer is able to see your experience in the given job field, so use the cover letter to explain why this type of job is enjoyable for you. Explain your passion and genuine interest, so the employer understands your reasoning for working the same type of job for different employers. If you are looking for a career change, focus on how your different positions inspired and contributed to that desire.


  1. Resume Examples for 2023 & Guides for Any Job [80+ Examples]

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  2. How To Write an Impressive Resume With Only One Job

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  3. How To Write an Impressive Resume With Only One Job

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  4. How to Write a Résumé for a Remote Job (with Examples and Templates

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  5. Resume Examples & Guides for Any Job [50+ Examples]

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  6. Resume Template With Multiple Position At Same Company

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  1. How To Write Job Description In Resume

  2. How to write resume for specific job role #100shorts2024 #career #resume #careeropportunities

  3. How to write a professional résumé

  4. How to write an ATS Resume For Experienced People (Step by Step Tutorial)

  5. Create The Perfect Resume With ChatGPT

  6. How to Write a Resume That Will Get You Hired


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  5. Resume Examples for Making a Career Change (Plus Tips)

    Examples of resumes aimed at a career change. When crafting your resume, you may want to review a few examples. Here are three sample resumes for people looking to enter a new field: 1. Teaching resume for someone with experience in customer support.

  6. Career Change Resume for 2024 [9+ Examples]

    Here's why: This format places equal emphasis on skills and important work experience.. This way, you can show you have the right industry transferable skills, even if you haven't had the actual job title.. The format is ideal for people: Making a career change with transferable skills or work experience.; With some employment gaps.; With a diverse range of skills and experience.

  7. How to Write a Career Change Resume [With Template]

    We've adapted this example into three different template formats, with the hope that it can serve as a jumping off point for your own career change resume. Click on the links below to download the template: Microsoft Word .DOCX. Pages. Google Docs (click on "File > Make a copy" to save to your own Google Docs folder)

  8. Updating Your Resume for a Career Change

    Here are 6 steps to follow to write a resume that can get you hired, even without direct experience in your new target field: Use a combination resume format. Include a resume summary or objective. Add a skills section. Showcase certifications/courses. Revise your professional experience. Include projects.

  9. How to Write a Career Change Resume (Guide, Templates ...

    And one way to prove your value to recruiters is by creating a career change resume that will grab their attention. Here's how you write one. 1. Study the job description to match up your transferable skills. First things first, you need to carefully read the job posting and understand how your past achievements and transferable skills can ...

  10. Resume Summary for a Career Change (With Guide and Examples)

    How to write a career change resume When applying for a job in a new field, it's important to customize the rest of your resume to highlight your transferable skills. Below are steps you could follow when crafting the rest of your resume: 1. Choose the right format Different industries may allow you to use different resume formats to best ...

  11. Career Change Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024)

    First, make a Master List of your skills and think about which ones are transferrable. Research the job market for your new career. Analyze job listings for the keywords and phrases that will get you past the ATS. Inject your Objective or Career Summary with passion and your professional personality.

  12. How to Make a Resume in 2024: Writing Guide + Examples

    Make it distinctive to highlight your name and contact information. Organize your resume sections in the following order: summary/objective, work experience, education, skills, and extras. Use bullet points for your entries under each section. Find resume icons for each section or skip them altogether.

  13. Multiple Positions, Same Company On Resume: Multiple Jobs ...

    Many people have several different jobs at the same company over the course of their career. Here's how to display that information on your resume. ... The 2023 Resume Writing Guide [+ Job Search Tips and Resume Examples] Our 2023 Free Resume Writing Guide is filled with quality job search tips, resume examples and information you need to know ...

  14. How to Write a Resume for a Job in 2024

    3. List your name and contact information. To start writing your resume, create an eye-catching resume header that quickly highlights your contact information and job title. Your name should always be the largest element on your resume to make it stand out, so use a font size larger than 20 points.

  15. Multiple Careers Resume Example

    The result is two completely different resumes representing the same person. This provides us with an example of how you can market the same person for different career paths. The first one represents the job seeker's volunteer work experience, and the second one represents his professional work experience. This individual has a very ...

  16. How to Show Off a Role Switch or Promotion on a Resume

    Here are your options for listing a promotion or multiple jobs at the same company on your resume: 1. Stack your position titles together and combine bullet points. If two or more of your jobs were very similar in nature (e.g., you were promoted from associate editor to editor, but your overall job duties pretty much stayed the same), use can ...

  17. How to List Multiple Jobs With the Same Description

    Brainstorm. Sit down and, one-by-one, re-envision what you did all day in each job. Jot down each point and then develop the basis for a job description. Example: Read email: Handled internal corporate correspondence and communicated with customers. Went to a staff meeting: Worked in a collaborative environment with colleagues on key projects.

  18. How to Make a Resume in 2024

    Create Resume. Choose a resume format carefully. In 99% of cases, we recommend the reverse-chronological format. Add the right contact details. Leave your headshot out and make sure to include your job title, a professional email address, and any relevant links.

  19. Resume Examples for 2024 & Guides for Any Job [90+ Examples]

    General Resume 5+ Resume Examples by Career Level #1. No Experience Resume #2. College Freshman Resume #3. Graduate Resume #4. Career Change Resume #5. Manager Resume #6. Executive Resume The Perfect Resume Structure 3 Examples of Resume Formats #1. Reverse Chronological Resume Format #2. Functional Resume Format #3.

  20. How to Write a Resume for Today's Job Market

    Unfortunately, tailoring each resume to the job description takes time and effort. The best way to speed up this process is to use an online tool like Jobscan's resume scanner. Just paste in your resume and the job description and click scan. You'll receive a match report telling you how closely your resume matches the job ad.

  21. How To Make a Comprehensive Resume (With Examples)

    Related: Resume samples and templates to inspire your next application. 2. Include your name and contact information. Your resume should begin with your name and contact information, including your professional email address and phone number. You have a choice about whether or not to include your mailing address.

  22. How to Show Promotions on a Resume (with Examples)

    Listing the company multiple times, with different job titles for each entry. Let's look at each of these different options in more detail. Option 1: Stacking the two. Stacking the positions into one description is the most common resume format for organizing more than one position at a single company. This method is used to draw attention to ...

  23. How to Make a Resume: Beginner's Writing Guide with Examples

    Tailor your new resume to each job. Double and triple-check for errors, typos, and grammar mistakes. If you're still unsure how to make a perfect resume, TopResume has you covered. Our team of professional resume writers has the know-how and experience to write a resume for you that will win interviews. Recommended reading: Resume Tricks That ...

  24. How to Make the Perfect Resume (With Examples!)

    5. Don't Forget Your Education. If you're still in school or just graduated, your education can go at the top of your resume, but for pretty much everyone else, this goes near the bottom. Most people include their school, graduation year (for folks less up to about a decade out of school), major, and degree.

  25. How to Make a Resume: 2024 Resume Writing Guide

    3. Write your resume sections. Guided by your keyword list and format, you're ready to start filling out your resume sections. You'll typically want to include sections for your header, work experience, education, and skills, but there are optional sections you can add to amplify the story you want to tell.

  26. What to Do on a Resume When You Have Done the Same Job for ...

    State the employer's name or company name followed by the time of employment in reverse chronological order, with your most recent position at the top. Put "current" instead of an end date if you are still working in a position. Provide three to five different relevant job description bullet points under each employer.

  27. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job in 2024

    4. Write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph. Start your cover letter with an informative, direct introduction.. In the first one or two sentences, mention the position and organization you're applying for, where you found the position, and why you're excited about the opportunity.

  28. How To Write a Technical Officer Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Technical officer cover letter example To help you grasp exactly what a compelling cover letter looks like, here's a sample cover letter for a technical officer: Marcus Ong Beng Chin Singapore (65) 9555 5555 [email protected] 4 March 2024 Mr. Robert Chan Wavewood Company Dear Mr. Chan, I'm writing to express my interest in the technical officer position advertised on your company's website.