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how to write a what brings you joy essay

8 Brilliant Brown University and PLME Essay Examples

What’s covered:.

  • Essay Example #1 – The Open Curriculum  

Essay Example #2 – Joy in Latin

Essay example #3 – joy in driving.

  • Essay Example #4 – Joy in Drawing

Essay Example #5 – Differing Perspectives, Studying English

Essay example #6 – differing perspectives, gun control, essay example #7 – differing perspectives, artistic freedom, essay example #8 (plme) – why medicine, where to get your brown essays edited.

Brown is a highly selective school, so it’s important to write strong essays to help your application stand out. In this post, we’ll go over some essays real students have submitted to Brown, including to the even more competitive Program in Liberal Medical Education, and outline their strengths and areas of improvement. (Names and identifying information have been changed, but all other details are preserved).

Alexandra Johnson , an expert advisor on CollegeVine, provided commentary on this post. Advisors offer one-on-one guidance on everything from essays to test prep to financial aid. If you want help writing your essays or feedback on drafts, book a consultation with Alexandra Johnson or another skilled advisor.

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our Brown essay breakdown for a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental essays.

Essay Example #1 – The Open Curriculum

Prompt: Brown’s Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about any academic interests that excite you, and how you might use the Open Curriculum to pursue them while also embracing topics with which you are unfamiliar. (200-250 words)

My mother exclaimed in shock as she saw the title American Murder: The Family Next Door as the latest title on our Netflix watch list. “Why on earth would you want to watch that?” It made no sense to her that I spent free time watching documentaries about the psychopathic tendencies of serial killers.

From listening to neuropsychology podcasts on my long runs to reading Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, I’ve been eager to explore the intersection between neuroscience, society, and the role they play in human nature. Brown’s Open Curriculum would allow me to double concentrate in Neuroscience and Science, Technology, and Society with a theme in Health and Medicine. Classes like Philosophy of Biology and The Moral Brain would begin to answer my questions about the relationship between neuroscience and human ethics. Perhaps I’ll finally understand why Raskolnikov thought he could get away with his crimes.

As an eight-year Latin scholar and five-time Percy Jackson reader, I hope to take classes in the Brown Classics department. I’m also intrigued by Ancient Greek Philosophy, and I plan to explore classic texts such as Plato’s Symposium in Introduction to Greek Literature. Courses like Hippocratic Medicine would allow me to learn about connections between the Classical world and medicine today. 

The brain’s unique composition creates an intricate link between science, history, and modern society that I can only explore at Brown. More importantly, Brown’s diverse environment would introduce me to people with entirely different opinions about Raskolnikov’s motives.

What the Essay Did Well

This essay is structured incredibly well. The author uses an anecdote to explain their interests in the opening paragraph. “My mother exclaimed in shock,” is the beginning of an opening sentence that draws the reader in, as the reader wants to learn the reason behind the mother’s shock. This opening allows the writer to speak about an interest of theirs, murder documentaries, then tie it to what they’re interested in studying. 

When discussing an academic interest, the author does a great job of providing specific examples connected to Brown. This allows the writer to share how they plan to take advantage of Brown’s unique Open Curriculum. They write, “ Classes like Philosophy of Biology and The Moral Brain would begin to answer my questions about the relationship between neuroscience and human ethics.” By sharing specific classes, it’s clear that the author has done some research about Brown and is truly interested in attending. 

The writer chooses to spend their last paragraph sharing more interests and how they could pursue these interests at Brown. They did a great job sharing a variety of interests, and they made it fun by writing that they’re a “five-time Percy Jackson reader.” Sharing details like this about yourself can help make your essays stand out because you come across as relatable, and your essay becomes more engaging and entertaining for the reader!

What Could Be Improved 

While it’s nice that the writer mentions various interests, including both neuroscience and classics, there doesn’t seem to be a strong connection between the two topics. The essay would be better if the author improved the transition between the second and third paragraphs. They could say how it’s not common to be able to study both neuroscience and classics because of how different the subjects are but that Brown’s open curriculum lets you pursue both.

More simply, the writer could share why they want to study both topics. Will they both be relevant for their career goals? Are they just curious about exploring a variety of subjects and classes at Brown? No matter the reason, a connection between their interests and a better transition would strengthen this essay.

Additionally, the essay prompt asks students to talk about both topics that interest them and “embracing topics with which you are unfamiliar.” It’s always important to keep the prompt in mind when outlining or writing it. This student wrote a lot about their interests, but it’s a little unclear how they plan to embrace topics with which they’re unfamiliar. Clarifying which topic in this essay the writer hasn’t studied would improve the response and ensure that it directly answers the prompt.

They could say, for example, that the open curriculum allows them to formally study crime, which they’ve always been interested in from listening to true crime podcasts. If the author chooses to include this in their essay, it’s important that they do so to ensure that they’re properly answering the school’s prompt.

Prompt: Brown students care deeply about their work and the world around them. Students find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in daily interactions and major discoveries. Whether big or small, mundane or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy. (200-250 words)

I remember being a fourth-grade “puella”, discovering the joy of chanting declensions with my classmates. Since then, my passion for Latin and mythology has expanded by reading books like Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods to Homer’s The Odyssey. I’ll never embody a character as well as I played the mythological Psyche in my fifth-grade Latin presentation.

I’ve always compared my Latin homework to my math homework. It’s very methodical, translating each phrase and then trying new ways to create a coherent sentence. Whenever I’d spent a good twenty minutes sorting through the puzzle of words to make a sentence, that moment where it finally made sense was euphoric. 

These translation and mythology skills I’d developed over the years would become essential about halfway through my freshman year Latin class when I was introduced to the revolutionary game of Certamen. Certamen is like Latin jeopardy with questions themed after classical history, mythology, translation, and grammar. A familiar feeling of competition surges through me each time my teammate of three years and I start a game of Certamen. With our handy doorbell buzz button and endless knowledge of Latin derivatives, we currently maintain a three-year Certamen win streak that I intend to keep until I graduate. The light-bulb that goes off in my head whenever I finally grasp the meaning of a Latin passage has become addicting throughout the years, and I hope to continue experiencing that joy at Brown University.

This essay does a great job of answering the prompt! Brown wants to know about something that brings you joy, and the student shared multiple responses, “chanting declensions with my classmates,” “sorting through the puzzles of words to make a sentence,” and “Certamen.”

While this student shares several things that bring them joy, they all fall under the theme of Latin which reveals the student’s broad interest in the subject. Further, the student does well making their interest relevant to Brown by hinting in the last sentence that this is something they want to continue to experience at Brown University. The reader learns not only about the writer’s interests but also that they’re going to bring this interest in Latin to their time at Brown. It’s always great when the reader can get an idea of what you want to do as a student on campus at their university!

The writer also describes the game of “Certamen” well by showing and not telling. For example, sentences like, “With our handy doorbell buzz button and endless knowledge of Latin derivatives…” and “A familiar feeling of competition surges through me,” paint a picture of the game. The reader understands that the writer loves the game of Certamen just by these descriptions; the student doesn’t have to directly say “I love Certamen.” Try showing and not telling in your own essay to make your essay more interesting and to showcase impressive writing skills. 

The second paragraph of this essay shares a bit about why the writer likes their Latin homework, but other than being about Latin, this paragraph doesn’t fit in well with the rest of the essay. Latin homework and puzzles aren’t mentioned in either of the other paragraphs, and the transitions between paragraphs could be stronger.

Right now, the writer connects the second paragraph to the third by saying, “These translation skills.” This could be improved by the student writing a stronger transition sentence from the first to the second paragraph. They could say, “In middle school I started getting more homework for Latin, but I didn’t mind because I’ve always compared it to my math homework.” This would emphasize their love for Latin and show that it’s a subject they’ve studied throughout the years. Transition sentences are important so that each paragraph contributes to the essay.

The writer could also improve the essay by focusing more on recent stories and examples of their love for Latin and mythology. They spend the first two paragraphs starting with fourth grade and going through the years until they reach high school in the final paragraph. It’s okay to share an interest or something that’s brought you joy for a long time, but when you mention the distant past, it’s best to keep that part limited. The reader wants to learn more about who you are now and your current interests. The writer could have instead given examples of recent translation projects or recent mythology books they’ve read. 

Sitting behind the steering wheel, with the low hum of my music and the engine as background noise, I breathe in the familiarity of the 5-mile radius I generally commute within. My windows are rolled down and my sunroof is wide open, weather permitting, as the wind threatens to defenestrate my possessions. But I enjoy it immensely. The drive is refreshingly liberating: it feels like I can do anything and go anywhere I desire. As someone who frequently feels overwhelmed by the idea that most of my life is outside my control, a drive will often cure that feeling. The freedom of driving dissipates those worries.

My most frequent destination is Starbucks, not the one closest to my home, but rather the franchise that is a mile or two further. It allows me to enjoy the drive for longer than just a few minutes, extending an otherwise hasty experience to offer more time in reflection. Upon arriving and picking up my mobile order, I return to my car and savor my coffee, all while appreciating the music and experience. The coffee is an impeccable companion, both in its rich taste and the endeavor of acquiring it.

During my most stressful weeks, I can rely on my trips to get coffee as an outlet to forget my assignments and worries. The solitude of the activity is a rare opportunity for reflection: a joyful adventure all around.

It isn’t easy to make a mundane topic like driving to get coffee interesting, but this student was able to do just that! They did a great job of beautifully describing an outing that gives them joy. Specifically, the writer uses imagery well in sentences like: “My windows are rolled down and my sunroof is wide open, weather permitting, as the wind threatens to defenestrate my possessions.” It’s easy for the reader to imagine the possessions about to fly away!

Other strong description words help with this, as well. The writer describes the “rich taste” of the coffee and the “engine of background noise.” By painting a picture of some of the five senses, the writer is able to bring the reader into the moment and create a compelling story. 

The writer does a great job of sharing why the act of driving to Starbucks brings them joy. These details help this essay go beyond just a pretty story by helping the reader to learn about the student.

From moments like, “As someone who frequently feels overwhelmed by the idea that most of my life is outside my control, a drive will often cure that feeling,” readers learn one of the reasons why driving brings the student joy. Additionally, readers learn that this is a joyous moment for the writer because it serves as a time for reflection. These small details are great to include because they show why the reader is joyful!

While the writer does a good job of inserting details that explain why they love driving to Starbucks, the reader still only learns a limited amount about the writer. The only interests shared are that the reader enjoys driving and Starbucks.

Supplemental essays like this are a great chance for students to share interests that they don’t have a chance to include anywhere else on their application. For example, the writer could have written about their love for photography and how taking photographs of dogs brings them joy. That would teach the reader more about who the writer is as a person and what they would bring to Brown University.

Some sentences do a great job of sharing details and painting a picture of the scene; however, there are a few places where the author could provide even further details. For example, what kind of coffee are they drinking? Is it a grande iced white mocha, or a venti java chip frappuccino ? What music are they listening to on the radio? Sharing these kinds of details would allow the reader to learn more about the author and their interests, which is great for a topic like this, where the goal is for the student to share an interest they have not mentioned in their application.

Essay Example #4 – Joy in Drawing  

My dusty sketchbook must dread the moments I decide to take it off my desk. Every time I pick it up to use, it results in piles of graphite and eraser shavings everywhere in my room. I’ve gone through so many boxes of pencils, I think Ticonderoga must know me by now. The sketchbook of mine has seen better days – days where it looked pristine and without blemish. 

I love to draw. Yes the final result provides fantastic amusement to my eyes, but the process of the entire drawing allures me to this hobby. The second the fine point of my pencil hits the devoid paper, wonders only comparable to music begin to formulate. Each stroke of the pencil leaves a mark surpassing in magnificence to the one before. The freedom to pour out my thoughts into a sheet of paper astonishes me and provides me with a feeling of bliss and comfort.

Each sheet of paper is brimmed with portraits; my loved ones, friends, even strangers take up the space in my book, but for good reason. After I finish each drawing, I simply give it to them. I do cherish the journey I take with my art, but the smile on their faces when I give them my art is nothing less than beautiful. Even the most majestic of artists wouldn’t be able to capture the raw nature of that smile. For that is where I am given the most joy, in the smiles of others.

What The Essay Did Well

This essay does a superb job of using particularly sophisticated and vibrant language! The word choice is memorable and striking, which both keeps readers engaged and demonstrates the author’s broad vocabulary. Vivid images like the dusty sketchbook and the eraser shavings, or the notebook brimming with drawings, draw us in, before phrases like “wonders only comparable to music” and “the raw nature of that smile” drive home the applicant’s deep personal connection to their topic. 

The author’s confident, unique voice is another strength here. From the playful tone in the beginning of the essay, to the impassioned description of the student’s process, and finally, the reflection on the humanity of drawing, we get to know the author’s personality. They come across as funny, thoughtful, and generous, thanks to the details they include and the tone they use when presenting them.

Most importantly, the command of language and the personal tone come together to convey the author’s true passion for drawing, and the joy they find in that activity. Ultimately, any college essay needs to address the prompt, which this one does clearly and comprehensively. The mastery of language and vibrant personality are what take the essay from good to great, but the real key to this essay’s success is its connection to the prompt, as without that, Brown admissions officers wouldn’t get the information they’re looking for. 

What Could Be Improved

With an essay this strong, it’s tough to imagine what could make it better. At this point, changes would mainly make the essay different, not necessarily better or worse. However, considering alternative approaches can still be productive, since everyone has a slightly different way of telling their story.

For example, the student could have spent a little more time explaining their decision to give their portraits away. Right now, the essay ends with something of a plot twist, as we learn that what brings the student the most joy is in fact not the act of drawing, but the smiles of others after receiving their work. 

This “cliffhanger” ending is striking and memorable, but we also miss out on learning more about the student’s personality. Drawing is usually a solitary pursuit, but for this student, it’s clearly a more social activity, and they could have spent a bit more time exploring this aspect of their art to further set themselves apart from other applicants.

Again, though, this suggestion is more likely to subtly shift the tone of the essay than make it drastically better. Calling a college essay “done” can be stressful, but this essay is a good reminder that, at a certain point, your energy is going to be more productively spent on other aspects of your application.

Prompt: Brown’s culture fosters a community in which students challenge the ideas of others and have their ideas challenged in return, promoting a deeper and clearer understanding of the complex issues confronting society. This active engagement in dialogue is as present outside the classroom as it is in academic spaces. Tell us about a time you were challenged by a perspective that differed from your own. How did you respond? (200-250 words)

“Spend $300,000 to study ENGLISH!?” my friend chucked. “And do what? Teach A for Apple, B for Buffalo to primary kids?

“B for Ball” I whispered to myself. On my way home, I kept mulling. “Everyone knows English, what’s the need to STUDY it?” his words echoed in my head. Since I was young, I had been intrigued by the beauty of language. Fresh parchment was my petrichor. I could almost smell the raw, crisp paper sending pheromone-releasing signals to my brain, luring me to wield my pen and spill beads of ink on the virgin sheet of emptiness. Words were woven threads of thought, emanating the ineffable processes of the mind. Poetry was my mode of escapism; debate -my partner in crime. “’A for apple, B for ball’, I sadly pondered. 

We got down at our houses and I waved him goodbye. My imminent desire to ‘respond’ cowered back into its hole. But maybe I didn’t have to reply. Because curiosity prefaces career and we all have varying definitions of both. Maybe the reason why our choices are challenged is to test if we would hold on to them. This tiny incident taught me 2 crucial lessons- A: Silence is a sign of maturity, not cowardice, and B: Having faith governs the prowess to excel. The next day when I met my friend, I simply smiled and said “The reason we can converse critically is because someone taught us the alphabet. Maybe being a teacher isn’t a bad idea after all.”

This essay is incredibly well written and does a great job of using dialogue throughout the story. The writer begins with an exclamation that grabs the reader’s attention: “Spend $300,000 to study ENGLISH!?” The use of capitals really emphasizes that the problem idea being challenged isn’t the amount of money being paid, but rather that the writer wants to study English. 

The dialogue continues as the student describes their internal thoughts and remembers what their friend told them. This is a great way for the reader to learn exactly what the author is thinking and how they feel about what is being said.

The use of “A for apple, B for ball,” becomes a theme and a symbol throughout the essay, as it’s used to symbolize both the writer’s interest in the teaching profession and their friend’s belief that it’s not a good idea.

Finally, the essay ends with dialogue as the writer counters their friend’s doubts and becomes more secure with their own goals. “Maybe being a teacher isn’t a bad idea after all.” This ending reveals how the author ultimately chose to respond to their friend, as well as that the author ultimately remained strong in their own beliefs. 

The “A” and “B” theme comes up again when this student spells out the two lessons that they ultimately learned from this experience: “A: Silence is a sign of maturity, not cowardice, and B: Having faith governs the prowess to excel.” This does a great job of summarizing the lessons that the author learned and how they chose to respond to the situation. It’s nice to have this concrete conclusion in an essay containing a lot of lines on thoughts and feelings. 

This essay is beautifully written; however, it could be improved by better answering the prompt. The prompt wants to know about how students handle intellectual debate so that Brown University can “promote a deeper and clearer understanding of the complex issues confronting society.”

It seems more like this student’s decision to be a teacher was challenged, rather than a belief about a complex issue. Whether the student should be a student is not presented in this essay as an issue with two reasonable sides, but rather one student’s condescending and unsupported belief that teaching is not a worthy profession. 

This is further evidenced by one of the lessons the student takes away, “Silence is a sign of maturity.” Brown University is seeking an essay about a topic that can be debated, not one where the response is silence. The university wants to see how students will handle learning from others who have different views about politics, for example. 

If the writer wanted to stick with this topic, then they would need to present the other student’s view as one with which they could have a discussion. Maybe the other student presented valid points about education being a path to increase one’s earning potential. Then, the writer could have a debate with them about the purpose of higher education and its role in their own life.

Make sure that your answer to a prompt like this shows the university how you will handle discourse at their university as you encounter others with views different from your own.

During the earliest stages of my Political club, I was faced with a question by a peer. The club was in a discussion about gun laws in the US and what everyone’s view was on the topic. This specific student seemed very passionate about the issue and made it known that he wanted guns in this country. He began citing examples with store owners protecting themselves from armed robberies and overall self defense in general. He was well versed in the topic but that came to my realization once he asked me what my view was. I subconsciously knew guns were destructive, of course they were, and I wanted to state that. But I couldn’t think of any evidence to support myself. I wasn’t educated in the issue of guns in America other than my raw opinion of guns being “bad”. 

But experiences like this motivated me to take that step, I wanted to educate myself on this issue that plunders America. Instead of conforming to his view, I took this opportunity to establish my own foundation and learn of the different instances in our history that would support my opinion. I versed myself in information from resources on the Internet and finally came to my club ready for discussion. But it didn’t end in the transformation of any opinions, instead he understood my judgment and respected it. When challenged with this perspective against my own, I’ve learned that with enough evidence and research, any opinion can be deemed correct. 

This essay is a great response to Brown’s dialogue prompt, and a big part of why is how well-chosen this anecdote is. The gun control debate is a contentious and familiar one, so admissions officers will already know the contours of the argument, which saves the writer space by not needing to give much background context. With just 250 words available to you, don’t underestimate the importance of being efficient with your space.

Gun control is also an issue that readers are likely to connect with on a deep, emotional level, which means they’ll take the essay seriously. Additionally, they’re likely to view the author as well-informed and engaged in current events–the fact that the essay’s setting is a politics club underscores the student’s commitment to understanding pressing contemporary issues.

This essay also reveals a few other important aspects of its author’s personality. Chief among these are the author’s humility, self-awareness, and regard for others. For example, when the writer acknowledges their surprise at how well the other student argued his point, and their own lack of knowledge, they show that they can recognize where and how they need to grow. 

Being vulnerable in college essays can be difficult, since you’re obviously trying to put your best foot forward. In reality, though, showing you’re aware of your flaws gives admissions officers confidence that you’re going to take full advantage of your time in college, to grow as much as possible. Trying to present yourself as too perfect can come across as clueless or even arrogant.

Finally, the essay’s ending is unexpected and thought-provoking–rather than resolving the issue by having one student “win” the argument, this student explains that the two understood and respected each other’s opinions without changing their own. As a result, the overall narrative isn’t about an argument and final confrontation, but about the author’s lack of information, and their response to it. 

This unconventional approach to this prompt tells us a lot about how this applicant approaches complex issues–namely, with the open-mindedness and willingness to learn Brown highlights in the prompt–and, stylistically, helps the essay stick in a reader’s head, which in turn will help this student stand out from the crowd of other applicants. 

One of the bigger flaws in this essay is the lack of an obvious takeaway. It’s unclear what exactly the author means when they say that any opinion can be deemed correct. It seems like the point they’re trying to make is that many different opinions can be valid and supported by evidence. This is quite a different statement than saying any opinion can be correct. The former is a reasonable point, and a good lesson to take away from this experience. The latter is a very big, absolute statement, that isn’t really supported by the story. 

Though this is just one line in a 250-word essay, endings carry a lot of weight, since they’re obviously the last thing admissions officers read, and thus are likely to stick in their mind. Spending a bit more time making sure that your ending accurately reflects the ideas of your essay is definitely going to be worth your while.

Additionally, in a few subtle ways, the writing in this essay isn’t as fluent as it could be. It’s still a well-written essay, but overall, the structure and flow of the writing is a bit off. 

For example, when the author talks about debating with a friend in a club, they say “He was well versed in the topic but that came to my realization once he asked me what my view was.” The word but implies that the second part of the sentence contradicts the first, but that’s not true here.

Similarly, while many students feel the urge to show off their vocabulary as much as possible, clarity in your essay is ultimately the most important thing, and some word  choices in this essay don’t work as well as others. To give an example, when the author says “this issue that plunders America,” the verb “plunders” seems a bit off, given its definition: to steal goods. Snags like this can be caught by an editor, or by reading aloud to a friend or oneself.

Let’s now compare this essay’s strong and weak points to those of the following essay, which is a different response to the same prompt. 

I learned a new slur during my first day on my slam team.

The “M-word,” coined by the former president, was “melanin.” To her, Black poetry was overdone, so she advised Black teammates to avoid racial topics, fearing they would “bore the judges.”

“We get it— you’re black,” she quipped, “can you talk about anything else?” Following that meeting, I avoided Black poetry. My racial experience was a broken record— an earworm of sob stories over events only read about in history books.

However, after experiencing all the distinctive, poignant Black pieces at my first slam competition, I realized that we do art a disservice when we try to police or limit others’ creations. Moreover, I learned that seniority should never eclipse core values.

This insight stirred my young POC writers initiative years later— a global support system for marginalized creatives. Complete with virtual open mics, advice forums, and resource directories, my goal was to create a safe haven for underrepresented writers and be the mentor I craved during my first slam meeting.

However, respecting my former president’s intentions, I urge my creatives within the initiative to chase uniqueness in their art. Today, I play with several nuances of racism in my writing. In one piece, I explore Black boys as recyclables in the prison system. In another, I use evolutionary theory to hypothesize a truly “post-racial” America.

During my first day as president of my slam team, I taught my poets a new phrase: artistic freedom.

What This Essay Did Well

In this essay, we learn a lot about who this applicant is, and what matters to them. We learn not only about how they respond to different opinions, but also about their passion for slam poetry, their appreciation for Black artistry, and their mentoring of younger peers just getting into slam poetry. The anecdotes are well-chosen, as we continuously learn new details about the applicant throughout the course of the essay.

A strength that contrasts with the first essay is this example’s fluency and command of language. Unsurprisingly for a slam poet, the writer utilizes creative, accurate vocabulary, diverse and sophisticated sentence structure, and a cohesive narrative flow. The author is clearly a great writer, and this essay demonstrates that. 

Finally, this applicant’s introduction has an unusual, provocative angle that grabs readers’ attention right from the first sentence. This hook ensures that we are engaged and invested in their story from beginning to end, as we wonder whether this odd piece of advice will be accepted or rejected. 

Like the previous example for this prompt, the author takes an unexpected route. Though they ultimately reject the mandate not to write about race, they acknowledge and appreciate the idea behind this rule, before reframing that rule in a more positive, affirming way, which encourages young slam poets to tell unique, diverse stories, rather than imposing a blanket ban on any one topic.

The fact that this student is pioneering that outlook within the club says a lot about them as a leader by example who grew from their own experience and refuses to limit their peers the way they were once limited. 

One thing about this essay that may come across differently than the author hoped is their mention of the so-called “m-word.” While this stands for ‘melanin’ in their essay, there is a real life “m-word,” which is considered a slur against people with dwarfism. 

Though the author immediately clarifies that they are using the phrase “m-word” to refer to a completely different word, their use of the term may initially be off-putting to those familiar with the actual slur. Since admissions officers read these essays so quickly, you want to avoid potentially coming across as ignorant, even for just a second, as that can throw them off and take them out of the flow of your story.

There are other ways to start off this essay that preserve the overall provocative, unique feel, and don’t run the risk of unintentionally offending. For example, the student could have said something like “I always thought ‘four letter word’ was the right slang for swear words, but on my first day on my slam team, I learned a seven-letter bad word: melanin.”

When using invented or uncommon language, especially something as potentially offensive as slurs, it’s best to do your research and ensure that the term you’re using doesn’t have another meaning that may change the light in which an admissions committee views you or your essay. 

Prompt: Committing to a future career as a physician while in high school requires careful consideration and self-reflection. What values and experiences have led you to believe that becoming a doctor in medicine is the right fit for you? (200-250 words)

I never wanted to be a doctor. When my South Asian grandparents claimed that women have to go into medicine, I promised them that would never happen in my case. This irrational hatred continued until a certain opportunity contributed to a change in my perspective. 

I decided to volunteer at a local medical center, initially to earn volunteer hours. But the more I delved into the high-speed environment, the more it seemed to fit me. I was confident when talking to hospital staff and found myself always trying to learn more from the radiologists or surgeons I met. I was ready to learn what the white region on the CT scan was, or the risks of a certain procedure a patient was going through.

My persona also changed when speaking to patients, my voice becoming clear and soothing. When a patient was agitated that he couldn’t get out of his wheelchair, I rushed to his side, calmly encouraging him while nurses helped the patient get on his feet. My reaction to working at the hospital was unexpected but perfect, making me realize that I would be a good fit for this career.

I know I will succeed as a physician because I disliked the field before I loved it. I look forward to improving someone’s life and being a part of a team that puts patients first. I know my ability can be used to change the lives of my patients, making me a perfect candidate for a future physician.

This essay, which is essentially a “Why Major?” essay (the actual question is “Why Career?” but most of the same principles apply) grabs the reader’s attention right from the start, with an unusual premise that is sure to stand out to admissions officers. The author crafts a deeply personal story about their path to medicine, through which they demonstrate true commitment to patients and a passion that came from within, not others telling them what to be. 

Another powerful moment in this essay is the ending, when the author summarizes all that will make them a good physician. Here, they recap the values they’ve shown in this essay: caring for patients, putting them first, and changing lives. Remember, the conclusion of your essay naturally carries additional weight, since it will be the last thing in your reader’s mind. With their final line, this author shows not only the skills they possess, but their view of these skills as crucial for any good doctor to have. We learn not just about the applicant, but about how they view the practice of medicine as a whole. 

One thing that we would’ve loved to see is a bit more explanation around the sentence “I know I will succeed as a physician because I disliked the field before I loved it.” This is a compelling sentiment, which is definitely unlikely to show up in many other PLME essays, but the lack of further explanation is definitely a flaw. 

Why would disliking the field before loving it lead to a better career as a physician? After all, many doctors have always been drawn to medicine–are they worse at their jobs as a result? If the author were to spell out what they mean more explicitly, or spend more time unpacking the implications of this idea, their point would be much stronger.

More broadly, it can definitely be tempting to include these kinds of bold statements in your college essays, as they are certainly attention-grabbing. But if you do, you want to make sure they are fully supported, either by the narrative itself or a couple of lines of explanation. Otherwise, they may come across as edgy just for the sake of it, rather than demonstrating that you are a creative, sophisticated thinker.

Another thing that could strengthen this essay would be a deeper dive into some of the applicant’s other qualities illustrated in this essay. For example, when talking about their volunteer work, they briefly touch on their affinity for the fast-paced environment. A little more detail here would go a long way towards helping us envision them in the hectic environment of a hospital one day, especially since at this point in the essay, they’re explaining how they went from disliking medicine to enjoying it. This shift is the crux of the whole essay, so it’s crucial that readers fully understand how it happened.

Or, just a few sentences later, they say “I was ready to learn what the white region on the CT scan was, or the risks of a certain procedure a patient was going through. ” This curiosity and passion for knowledge are even more examples of their fitness for the medical profession, and they would do well to expand on them–again, so that we can more clearly imagine them eventually working as an actual doctor.

Do you want feedback on your Brown essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

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how to write a what brings you joy essay

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“What Brings You Joy” College Essay (Structure, FAQs)

ST Admin

  • March 13, 2023

As a college applicant, you may be tasked with writing a personal essay that tells the admissions committee more about who you are.

One common essay prompt asks, “What brings you joy?”

This question allows you to reflect on what makes you happy and how you find joy.

This article will explore critical things to consider as you write your “What brings you joy?” college essay.

Table of Contents

Here’s How To Structure Your College Essay On ‘What Brings You Joy’

You can find out what gives you joy in the following ways:

One way to define joy is to reflect on past experiences that have brought us joy.

Think about a time when you felt pleased and content.

What were you doing? Who were you with? What made that experience special?

This can help you identify what brings you joy and define what joy means to you.

2. Identify

Another way to define joy is to identify the things in your life that currently bring you joy.

This could be anything from spending time with friends and family to participating in a hobby or activity you love.

List the things that bring you joy and reflect on why they make you happy.

This can help you better understand the joy and provide examples for your essay.

3. Importance

It’s essential to understand the importance of joy in our lives.

Joy has many benefits, both for individuals and society as a whole. Joy can improve mental and physical health, strengthen relationships, and increase happiness.

Understanding the importance of joy can provide context for your essay and help you explore why joy is worth pursuing.

4. Challenges

It’s important to discuss any obstacles or challenges you have faced in experiencing joy.

This could involve exploring the role of resilience and determination in finding joy.

Sharing your experiences with overcoming obstacles can provide insight into your character and help you convey the importance of joy in the face of adversity.

5. Share Joy

Discussing how you have shared your joy with others can provide examples of how joy can be shared and spread.

This could involve discussing the role of joy in building connections with others and how joy can be used to create a positive impact in the world.

How To Use Personal Anecdotes In Conveying The Feeling Of Joy

As a writer, personal anecdotes are one of the most effective ways to convey your experiences and ideas.

When writing about joy, personal anecdotes can help bring your words to life and showcase the moments that have brought you happiness and positivity. To use personal anecdotes properly, you should:

1. Brainstorm

One effective way to incorporate personal anecdotes into your writing is to start by brainstorming moments in your life that have brought you joy.

These moments can range from everyday occurrences to larger, more significant events.

Some examples might include an exceptionally memorable vacation, a family gathering, a meaningful conversation with a friend, or even a simple moment of gratitude.

2. Illustrate

Once you have identified a few moments of joy, think about using these personal anecdotes to illustrate your points in your writing.

For example, you can write a personal anecdote about when you unexpectedly found happiness during a difficult time.

3. Don’t Overuse

It’s important to remember that personal anecdotes should be used strategically to support your overall message.

Avoid overusing personal anecdotes, as this can detract from the effectiveness of your writing.

Instead, choose a few key moments that are particularly powerful and relevant to your topic.

4. Consider your audience

When incorporating personal anecdotes into your writing, it’s also important to consider your audience.

Think about the experiences and interests of your readers, and choose personal anecdotes that will resonate with them.

This can help create a sense of connection and engagement with your readers.

Importance of Joy in the “What Brings You Joy” College Essay

As human beings, we all strive for happiness and positivity in our lives.

One of the most potent sources of happiness and positivity is joy.

When writing a college essay on ‘What brings you joy?’, you should remind yourself and your audience about the importance of joy in our lives and its benefits to individuals and society.

Here are some of them:

1. Joy Is Essential For Our Overall Well-being

When we experience joy, our brains release chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, which are associated with pleasure and happiness.

These chemicals help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost our immune system.

In this way, joy is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health.

2. Personal Growth And Development.

When we experience joy, we are more likely to engage in activities promoting personal growth , such as learning new skills, pursuing hobbies, and building meaningful relationships.

Joy helps us stay motivated, focused, and engaged, leading to greater purpose and fulfillment.

3. Better society

When people experience joy, they are likelier to be kind, generous, and empathetic toward others.

This leads to a greater sense of community and social connection, essential for building strong, resilient communities.

Moreover, joyful people are more productive, creative, and innovative, which ultimately contributes to the growth and prosperity of society.

Overcoming Obstacles To Joy

These are the obstacles to joy and how to overcome them:

Stress can make it difficult to experience positive emotions, as we are often preoccupied with negative thoughts and feelings.

To overcome this obstacle, it’s important to prioritize self-care and stress management.

This may involve engaging in activities such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.

Caring for our mental and physical health can create a foundation for experiencing joy in our lives.

2. Negative self-talk

Sometimes, we may tell ourselves that we don’t deserve to be happy or aren’t capable of experiencing joy.

However, we must challenge our negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations to overcome this feeling.

This may involve seeking support from friends or loved ones or working with a therapist to address underlying issues contributing to negative self-talk.

3. The belief that we need external factors to be happy

We may need a specific job, relationship, or material possessions to experience joy.

However, the reality is that joy comes from within, and we can cultivate joy in our lives regardless of our external circumstances.

By focusing on gratitude and positivity and cultivating a sense of purpose and meaning, we can overcome this obstacle and experience greater joy.

How to Share Joy With Others

While experiencing moments of joy can be profoundly personal and meaningful, sharing that joy with others can amplify the feeling and create a sense of connection and community.

In your essay, you must explore how you shared joy with others and how others shared joy with you.

1. Through acts of kindness and generosity

This may involve sharing a smile or compliment with a stranger or going out of your way to help someone in need.

By extending kindness and positivity to others, we can create a ripple effect of joy and inspire others to do the same.

2. Celebrating our accomplishments and successes with those around us

This may involve sharing news of a promotion or achievement with colleagues or celebrating a personal milestone with loved ones.

Sharing our joy and accomplishments can build stronger connections and inspire others to pursue their goals and dreams.

3. Participating in communal activities and experiences

This may involve volunteering for a charity event , attending a concert or festival with friends, or simply enjoying a meal or activity with loved ones.

By sharing these experiences, we can create a sense of shared joy and connection that can deepen our relationships and bring us closer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On ‘What Brings You Joy’ College Essay

You can draw inspiration to write a college essay by reading other essays, reading a book, and using your personal experiences.

The personal sense of achievement that comes with attending university/college is a significant factor motivating you to attend college.

Always spend a large chunk of your college essay discussing your strengths, personal experiences, or hobbies . Moreover, you can also talk about your weaknesses and how you are working hard to correct them.

To excel at college, study with others, maintain a schedule, attend all the classes, and draw closer to your professors.

‘What brings you joy’ college essay is a great platform to express yourself, educate, and enlighten your audience through personal experiences.

It’s important to note to your readers that joy is a complex emotion that can be derived from various sources, both big and small.

For some, joy may come from achieving personal goals or experiencing new and exciting things.

For others, joy may be found in the simple pleasures of everyday life, such as spending time with loved ones or enjoying a quiet moment alone.

Regardless of where joy comes from, it is an essential part of our lives that can bring meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.

We can cultivate a more joyful and satisfying life by reflecting on what brings us joy and actively seeking out these experiences.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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ST Admin

Hello, I am ST Admin! For five years, I began actively assisting students in Europe, the United States, and Canada in their pursuit of college advice and scholarship prospects. I am the Administrator of www.schoolandtravel.com at present.

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Brown Supplemental Essays 2023-24 Prompts & Advice

August 16, 2023

brown supplemental essays

Applicants to the Brown Class of 2027 were greeted with just over a 5% acceptance rate, similar to the year prior. Given that 19 of every 20 applicants are turned away–even many valedictorians with perfect test scores–aspiring Brown undergrads need to find a way to stand out from a pack of similarly credentialed teens. Fortunately, Brown provides exactly this kind of opportunity by offering three 200-250 word essays and a handful of short answers that provide applicants a chance to showcase their writing ability and craft responses that are genuine, compelling, and potentially needle-moving to the admissions staff at this Rhode Island-based Ivy. In the following blog, we will offer a detailed look at each of the Brown supplemental essays.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into Brown University? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into Brown: Admissions Data and Strategies  for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

You’ll find the Brown supplemental essay prompts for the 2023-24 admissions cycle listed below. The College Transitions team will also share their advice about how successful applicants approach each of the Brown supplemental essays.

Brown Supplemental Essays 2023-24

1) brown open curriculum essay.

Brown’s Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about any academic interests that excite you, and how you might pursue them at Brown. (200-250 words)

Let’s begin by explaining exactly what Brown’s  Open Curriculum  is…in the university’s own words, the Open Curriculum allows students to “develop a personalized course of study — they have greater freedom to study what they choose and the flexibility to discover what they love.” Getting to be the architect of your own college program is a rare opportunity that few schools other than Brown offer. With this great privilege comes great responsibility and Brown wants to know precisely how you might take advantage of this virtually unparalleled undergraduate freedom.

What topics keep you up at night? Which subject makes you read books and online content until your eyes bleed? Are there particular interests that you’ve started exploring—either in or outside the classroom—and would like to continue pursuing? If you could address one problem in the world, large or small, what would it be? Moreover, if you’re interested in several areas (which is 100% welcome at Brown) how might an interdisciplinary approach benefit you? After you’ve selected your interest area(s), you’ll then want to connect them to specific resources or offerings at Brown, which could include academic departments , classes , professors, research opportunities , study abroad programs , or internships , to name a few.

2) Brown Supplemental Essay – Background

Students entering Brown often find that making their home on College Hill naturally invites reflection on where they came from. Share how an aspect of your growing up has inspired or challenged you, and what unique contributions this might allow you to make to the Brown community. (200-250 words)

This prompt asks you to not only share a particular life experience or element of your background/cultural identity but also describe why that experience or element of your identity will help you contribute to Brown in general. Essentially, it’s asking you to take your essay’s reflection one step further—you’ll need to share why the experience or element you’ve chosen has inspired or challenged you as well as why/how you believe it will allow you to positively impact the Brown community.

Brown Supplemental Essays (Continued)

First, choose a key aspect of your experiences, background, or identity that reveals something deep and meaningful about you. (Although you could choose more than one, we’d advise against it, given that you only have 250 words in which to respond.) As you brainstorm, consider the following avenues:

  • Your role in your family.
  • A challenge you’ve faced.
  • A formative experience or realization.
  • Important aspects of your upbringing.
  • Cultural, religious, community influence.

Second, you’ll need to describe both personal and future impact. Make sure that your answer reveals something about how you will live out Brown’s values or contribute to an academic/social community ( note : this should be different from the offerings discussed in your Open Curriculum essay). For the latter angle, you could name a specific  course ,   research opportunity , or extracurricular club , to name a few—perhaps living in a beach town has heavily contributed to your passion for the world’s oceans, and you seek to bring that perspective to the biology department’s research opportunities. Alternatively, you could discuss something more intangible—perhaps Brown’s mission to create inclusive communities resonates with you, and you hope to bring your experience of growing up with a neurodiverse sibling to on- and off-campus tutoring opportunities.

3) Brown Joy Essay

Brown students care deeply about their work and the world around them. Students find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in daily interactions and major discoveries. Whether big or small, mundane or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy. (200-250 words)

What brings you glee, exuberance, jubilation, delight, elation, bliss…joy? There are a multitude of universal and highly relatable experiences that bring joy to one’s soul. For example, it could involve family, pets, hobbies, habits, scenes of natural beauty, literature, travel, etc. However, you could also talk about dreams for the future, more bittersweet moments, abstract thoughts, moments of glorious introversion, or a time that you  unexpectedly  felt joy.

4) Brown Supplemental Essays – Short Answer Questions (new this year!)

Help us get to know you better by reflecting briefly on each of the questions below. We expect that answers will range from a few words to a few sentences at most.

What three words best describe you?

No tricks here—the prompt literally only allows for three words. As such, make sure those three words are pulling their weight. For example, “interesting, hard-working, dedicated” could likely describe any number of Brown applicants. Instead, try to think of descriptive or evocative words that capture what makes you unique or what you most value—perhaps it’s your wit, your bibliophile tendencies, or your generosity, to name a few.

What is your most meaningful extracurricular commitment, and what would you like us to know about it? (100 words)

Out of everything you’re involved in, what stands out? What activity is near and dear to your heart? What activity has enabled you to grow the most or learned important lessons? If you could choose one of your activities to continue doing in college, which one would it be? After you’ve chosen, think about why this activity is the most meaningful or important to you—what it has allowed you to accomplish, how it has brought you personal fulfillment, and/or how it has pushed you outside of your comfort zone, among others.

If you could teach a class on any one thing, whether academic or otherwise, what would it be? (100 words)

Firstly, you’ll want to select a course centered around a topic about which you are an expert or hope to become an expert. The admissions reader is well aware that you are a teenager and not someone who has yet earned a Ph.D. Therefore, being a self-taught, informal expert is perfectly fine. You’ll then want to explain “why”—why will (or should) your passion be made relevant to a wider audience? Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Quality answers often involve the intersection of two or more disciplines.
  • Course creation essays can and should reveal your ability to connect and synthesize information.
  • Make sure that the topic of your course is not overly broad or already offered. The topic should not be akin to a 101 college course like Intro to Psychology…be creative (this is Brown, after all)!

In one sentence, Why Brown? (50 words)

Here, think about why you believe Brown is the best fit for you overall . To accomplish that, list every reason why you’re applying to Brown and how you believe Brown will help you reach your goals. There should be at least a few that stand out, which you can integrate into one (very long) sentence. While you can reiterate reasoning shared on other parts of the application (such as how excited you are by the linguistics department) you don’t want this response to be a straight-up repeat. As such, the strongest answers will include academic as well as social or ethos-related elements, and can reference your own short or long-term goals as well.

How important are the Brown supplemental essays?

There are a whopping 7 factors that Brown considers to be “very important” to the evaluation process. These are: rigor of secondary school record, character/personal qualities, class rank, GPA, recommendations, extracurricular activities. However, the most relevant to this blog is, of course, the Brown supplemental essays. The essays undoubtedly play a significant role in the admissions process at Brown University. They can help the committee decide whom to admit when choosing between similarly credentialed (GPA, test scores, etc.) applicants.

Want Personalized Essay Assistance with your Brown Supplemental Essays?

We have over a decade of experience helping students compose essays that help them gain acceptance to Brown. If you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your Brown supplemental essays, we encourage you to  get a quote  today.

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Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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Brown University Supplemental Essay Examples That Stand Out

Brown Supplemental Essay Examples

Reviewing Brown University supplemental essay examples can be very helpful for students who are getting ready to write their own  college supplemental essays . Whether you are planning on applying to  Brown University  - one of the most selective schools in the United States, or a different institution altogether, you will definitely be inspired by the prompts that brown uses for its essays.

If you want to get into a top college, having a high GPA and a few extracurricular activities on your  high school resume  is no longer enough. College admissions have gotten more competitive, and the process has become more holistic. This means that if you want to stand out, you must submit compelling essays that show the admissions committee why you should be accepted.

Reviewing different  college essay examples  can help you do that. So, without much further ado, let's take a look at these six Brown supplementary essay examples below. 

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Article Contents 9 min read

Brown supplemental essay example #1.

Brown’s Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about any academic interests that excite you, and how you might use the Open Curriculum to pursue them while also embracing topics with which you are unfamiliar. (200-250 words)

Books have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My parents read to me at least once every day when I was a child, and in middle school, when my siblings wanted to have fun with their friends instead of their little sister, they kept me busy with books. So, it didn't surprise anyone in my family when I told them that I wanted to become a literature teacher one day. 

My favorite thing about books is the fact that they allow you to travel to distant lands and discover new worlds from the comfort of your living room. I remember very clearly the first time that I read So long a letter and started imagining what it would be like to walk the streets of Dakar in Senegal. My curiosity was piqued from that moment, and I developed an interest in traveling and discovering new cultures. 

Isaac Asimov once said that science can amuse and fascinate us all, but it is engineering that changes the world. 

I have been fascinated by the laws of physics and chemistry my entire life. I was that annoying child that could not simply enjoy toys for what they were; I needed to know how they functioned the way they did. I remember getting in trouble for taking apart the brand new toy car that my grandma gave me for my birthday because I wanted to understand how it was running if it didn't need gas and didn't need to be charged. 

Brown’s culture fosters a community in which students challenge the ideas of others and have their ideas challenged in return, promoting a deeper and clearer understanding of the complex issues confronting society. This active engagement in dialogue is as present outside the classroom as it is in academic spaces. Tell us about a time you were challenged by a perspective that differed from your own. How did you respond? (200-250 words).

"They're basically fried caterpillars," my friend Suzanne said this casually as she put a spoonful of fried insects on her plate. All the blood had drained from my face, and I was trying my very best not to be rude by insulting something that was obviously a part of her culture. I obviously wasn't doing a good job because she started laughing at me a minute later. 

I assumed that her laughter meant that she had been joking and told her that no one actually ate insects. It turns out that I was wrong, but she was not offended by my remark. Instead, she told me that she'd heard many people say that but that the reality is that in many cultures outside of the US, people eat many different insects. 

That evening when I got home, I researched it and found that Suzanne was right. In Mexico, it is common to use worm salt for a specific food. In Congo, where my friend Suzanne is from, fried caterpillars are a delicacy often enjoyed with rice and vegetable stew. 

Bugs remain a traditional food in many cultures across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Learning this about the little creatures made me think about them differently, and the next time I was at Suzanne's, I did not see an insect on her plate; I saw food in the same way that I'd see chicken or beef. 

Eventually, I tried some of it, and it was pretty delicious . (248 words)

I was born and raised in New Jersey, but my parents are from Nigeria. They both moved to the United States in their twenties, and although they have lived here longer than in Nigeria, they are still very traditional. This means that my siblings and I grew up in a bicultural household where English and Yoruba are spoken simultaneously, and Pizza is just as common as jollof rice for dinner. 

In addition to the fact that my parents are traditional, the community I grew up in is full of immigrants who have a story that is quite similar to mine. Only once I moved to Connecticut for boarding school did I realize how different my upbringing was from other American children. 

I remember being asked to stay after class at the end of the first week because my teacher worried that I did not participate in class. She thought that I was shy or nervous because I didn't shout out my answers in class when she asked questions. I had been raised not to shout, especially at an elder. So, I was very confused by the fact that she wanted me to. 

I was so confused that I actually researched it online, thinking it was maybe a practice specific to this boarding school. That is how I started learning about different cultures and how they affect our interactions. That experience taught me to always pay attention to the way people communicate and respect cultural differences.  (250 words)

Brown is one of the many schools that use common app. Check out this video to learn more about the common app essay:

Brown supplemental essay example #5

Brown students care deeply about their work and the world around them. Students find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in daily interactions and major discoveries. Whether big or small, mundane, or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy. (200-250 words)

Butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla, flour, and if you want to get fancy, a little baking soda, corn starch, and chocolate chips. Those are the ingredients that I need to create magic, or as most people call it - chocolate chip cookies. I first learned how to make them on a Sunday afternoon with my mom. I remember making a mess in the kitchen and having a stomachache because I ate too much cookie dough. Most of all, I remember that incredible feeling that I had when my siblings and I sat around the kitchen island and took our first bites. 

The art of baking has had a special place in my heart since then. I have learned how to use other ingredients to create different forms of magic, from cakes and cake pops to bread and loaves, cupcakes, and muffins, and so much more. I enjoy the finished products, of course, but my favorite part is the process of baking itself. Baking reminds me of art and my other passion, mathematics because it is all about numbers, precision, and creativity. I enjoy experimenting with different ingredients or different amounts of the same ingredients to create various baked goods that bring joy to the people around me and myself. 

I can spend hours baking because it brings me comfort, and I love the fact that it gives me a chance to share a little slice of happiness with the people around me.  (241 words)

Committing to a future career as a physician while in high school requires careful consideration and self-reflection. What values and experiences have led you to believe that becoming a doctor in medicine is the right fit for you? (250-word limit)

I saw my dead mother's body when I was twelve years old. She was lying utterly motionless in her casket as friends, family members, colleagues, and strangers passed by and touched her cold hands or kissed her forehead. I remember thinking that she would have hated that. I kept waiting for her to get up and tell all these people that she didn't know where their hands had been, but that never happened.

The sadness and confusion I felt that day are the reason I first became interested in medicine. I remember asking so many people to tell me what had happened to my mother, and my cousin Bobby had to explain to me what malaria is. 

As soon as I got home, I went to google and started researching. I wanted to understand what caused malaria and how I could ensure it didn't kill someone else's mother. In researching malaria and how to care for it, I learned how important it is to have access to good healthcare.

I wanted to join the efforts of those who strive to provide that healthcare every day, and the more I learn about medicine, the more I want to pursue it as a career. My love for science, puzzle-solving skills, and desire to help people make medicine the perfect fit for me. Furthermore, as a naturally curious person, the idea of a profession where you never stop learning especially appeals to me. (240 words)

Want to know what the key to a great personal statement is? Check out this video:


Now that you know what a Brown supplemental essay should look like, you can start working on your own essay. 

If you are unsure  how to write a college essay , we suggest you start by brainstorming. Research the school you will be applying to and think back to your experiences and interests so that you can connect the traits and qualities that the school cares about with your values, strengths, and experiences. For example, you may have noticed that a love for learning and open-mindedness are two qualities that keep coming up in the essays that you just read, and that is because those are both valued by Brown. 

You can learn more about the school you want to apply to by spending time on their website. Pay attention to their mission statement and the recurring themes on different pages on their website. Those are usually the things the school values and wants to see in its students. 

After brainstorming, you can outline your essay and start writing. Remember to use specific examples and anecdotes to humanize your essay and make it more memorable. If you want to maximize your chances of success, you can work with a  college essay advisor  during this process. You can also write your initial essay and then reach out to a  college essay review service  for assistance. 

Either way, the key is to make sure that you have reviewed, edited, and proofread your essay enough times to ensure that there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes. Remember that your college essays play a significant role in the admission committee's decision, so you want to make sure that you submit supplemental essays that are as memorable as they are compelling. 

Brown is one of the most selective universities in the country, with an acceptance rate that is lower than 10%. To get in, you will need to submit a strong application and ace the admission interview if invited for one.

Yes, Brown University is one of the eight schools in the Ivy League.

Brown asks most first-year applicants to write three supplemental essays. Students applying to the eight-year Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME) or the five-year Brown-Rhode Island School of Design Dual Degree Program (BRDD) have to write additional program-specific essays as well.

You can make your supplemental essays stand out by having a strong opening statement, using specific examples or short anecdotes in your story, and making sure your essay reflects the traits that Brown values.

Brown provides prompts or questions for you to answer in your essay. Follow those instructions and connect your response to your suitability for Brown.

While Brown does not have a minimum GPA requirement, the average GPA of the recently admitted first-year class is 3.94. This means that you should aim for a similar or higher GPA if you want to be a competitive applicant.

Brown looks for students with a strong academic background who are open-minded, community-driven, and eager to learn. 

You should start your essay with a memorable statement such as a quote, a fun fact, or something funny. Go back to the examples above and pay attention to the opening lines for some inspiration.

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College Essays


Brown admits around 5% of its total applicant pool every year. If you want to be one of those admitted students, you'll need to write amazing Brown essays as part of your application.

In this article, we'll outline the different types of essays you need to write for your Brown University application and teach you how to write a Brown supplement essay that'll help you stand out from the thousands of other applicants.

What Are the Brown Essay Prompts?

Brown requires you to complete a total of three short-answer questions if you're applying to its undergraduate program. If you're applying to Brown's eight-year medical program or the five-year dual degree from RISD, you will have to write additional essays , which we'll also cover in this article.

Each of the three undergrad Brown essay prompts has a 250-word limit . For the three additional essays for the Brown medical program, two have a word limit of 250 and one has a word limit of 500 . For the dual degree RISD program, there's only one extra essay, with a 650-word limit .

All these essays are specific to the Brown application—you won't find them on any other college or university's application.

They're also all of equal importance and should be treated as such. Each of your Brown essays should be the strongest example of your work.

The Brown essay questions offer you plenty of opportunities to show off your qualifications as an applicant and wow the admissions committee.

2022-2023 Brown Supplement Essay Questions

All first-year applicants to Brown are required to answer the following Brown supplement essay questions:

Brown's Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about any academic interests that excite you, and how you might use the Open Curriculum to pursue them while also embracing topics with which you are unfamiliar. (200-250 words)

Brown’s culture fosters a community in which students challenge the ideas of others and have their ideas challenged in return, promoting a deeper and clearer understanding of the complex issues confronting society. This active engagement in dialogue is as present outside the classroom as it is in academic spaces. Tell us about a time you were challenged by a perspective that differed from your own. How did you respond? (200-250 words)

Brown students care deeply about their work and the world around them. Students find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in daily interactions and major discoveries. Whether big or small, mundane or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy. (200-250 words)

If you're applying to Brown's eight-year Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME) or five-year Brown-RISD Dual Degree Program (BRDD) you must complete the special program essays.

Three essays are required for applicants to the PLME:

Committing to a future career as a physician while in high school requires careful consideration and self-reflection. What values and experiences have led you to believe that becoming a doctor in medicine is the right fit for you? (250 word limit)

Health care is constantly changing, as it is affected by racial and social disparities, economics, politics, and technology, among others. How will you, as a future physician, make a positive impact? (250 word limit) 

How do you envision the Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME) helping you to meet your academic personal and professional goals as a person and as a physician of the future? (250 word limit)

And one longer essay is required for applicants to the Brown-RISD Dual Degree Program:

The Brown|RISD A.B./B.F.A. Dual Degree Program draws on the complementary strengths of Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) to provide students with the opportunity to explore diverse spheres of academic and creative inquiry, culminating in a capstone project that interrelates the content, approaches, and methods from two distinct learning experiences. Based on your understanding of the academic programs at Brown and RISD and the possibilities created by the BRDD program’s broadened learning community, specifically describe how and why the BRDD program would constitute an optimal undergraduate education for you. As part of your answer, be sure to articulate how you might contribute to the Dual Degree community and its commitment to interdisciplinary work. (650 word limit)


All the 2022-2023 Brown Supplemental Essays, Analyzed

In this section, we'll be looking at the 2021-2022 Brown essay prompts in depth.

Remember that with the Brown prompts, you don't get to choose which essay you would like to write —you need to answer all the questions required for your particular program of study.

Let's take a look at each of the Brown essay questions and go over how you can write something meaningful for each.

Brown Essay Prompt 1

This essay question is fairly straightforward. Brown wants to know what you're interested in pursuing academically, where those interests comes from, and how you plan to explore it at Brown—specifically, through Brown's Open Curriculum .

You need to understand what Brown's Open Curriculum means before writing this essay. Research Brown's academic model so that you can speak about it confidently and accurately.

Although Brown makes it clear that you may write about more than one subject, we suggest limiting yourself to one or two topics . 250 words is not that many—you'll want to speak in depth about your interests and you simply won't have that ability if you choose more than two.

Try to share a personal experience that relates to your potential area of study. For instance, if you want to study English literature, you could talk about a family trip to London that piqued your interest and how you want to take advantage of specific literature classes at Brown. Or, if you're studying math, you could talk about how winning a competition felt like an incredible reward for years of hard work.

Finally, the prompt also asks how you’ll use the Open Curriculum to embrace topics you’re unfamiliar with, so your response needs to show that you’re considering how to expand your academic interests to include new topics while at Brown. For instance, say your core interest is in biology but you want to integrate that with visual arts in the future. Writing about your desire to explore science through the lens of art will show that you’re prepared to use the Open Curriculum to make meaningful connections across academic disciplines, which is a core value at Brown. 

Brown Essay Prompt 2

This essay prompt is asking you to tell a story that showcases how you respond to differences and challenges when you come face-to-face with them outside of the classroom. Brown wants to know that you’re committed to intellectual engagement and dialogue with your peers not only in the classroom, but outside of it too. 

Your response here is your chance to show that you’ll be an active participant in the intellectual community at Brown even when you’re not in class . To do this, write about an experience you’ve had addressing tough issues or exploring complex ideas with people in your community, whether that’s with your friends, family, a faith community, an online group, or somewhere unexpected! 

Don’t mistake this prompt for an invitation to outline your political affiliations or beliefs. Instead, you should describe a specific scenario in which you were challenged by a new or different perspective. Highlight who was involved, how the situation emerged, and, most importantly, how you responded. Brown wants to hear about what you learned from this experience and how it changed you. 

The way you responded to the challenge will give Brown a window into your ability to engage with different perspectives. Are you willing to argue your perspective while remaining kind and empathetic? Do you fly off the handle and leave the conversation when you’re challenged? Your response to this question will help Brown see what kind of community member you’ll be as a student at Brown. Make sure your response shows that you’ll fit right in.

For more tips on writing the "Why Brown?" essay, check out our full guide .

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Brown Essay Prompt 3

This is the fun prompt and a chance to let your personality and the experiences that have most influenced you win the admissions committee over.

You should write from the heart. The admissions committee should feel your deep connection to whatever you choose to describe as bringing you joy .

Remember the old grade school axiom: show, don't tell. Rather than explaining the reasons why your special something brings you joy, tell a story that portrays you experiencing that joy in real-time . Include vivid descriptions of how the experience or thing makes you feel and what it is about it that makes you feel that way. 

Finally, try to make a connection between your joy-bringing thing and how you’ll find joy as a student at Brown. This will show Brown admissions that you’re prepared to find meaning in daily interactions and discoveries during your future at Brown, not just your past. 


Brown PLME Essay Requirements

Applicants to the eight-year PLME at Brown must complete three special program essays.

PLME Essay Prompt 1

Make your answer as specific as the prompt itself. Choose a real-life example to describe here, which can be anything from a personal experience to a news story you followed closely.

Being authentic will make this essay really shine. Don't say that you want to be a physician for the job stability or the chance to be featured in a medical journal. If you have never seen a person suffering from cancer up close, don't pretend that you have—the admissions committee will smell inauthenticity from a mile away.

Instead, truly reflect on something medically related that impacted you . Maybe you had a great experience with a doctor who helped you recover from a sports injury or loved interacting with your pediatrician who let you play with his stethoscope. Whatever you choose, it should be about you and how your experiences with medicine have impacted you, not what you think Brown wants to hear. 

PLME Essay Prompt 2

There are two prompt options here, and you only need to respond to one. While they seem very different at first, both of these prompts are essentially asking: how does inequity, either in society more broadly or in your personal experience, affect your perspectives on health care?

The first prompt asks you to write about how you will take social issues and inequities into consideration in your future as a physician in order to make a difference. This prompt can feel intimidating. How can someone outside the medical profession answer this prompt with honesty, integrity, and no guesswork?

Rest assured that there's no right or wrong answer here. The admissions committee is simply looking to see that you understand that there’s more to being a doctor than just doing surgeries and making diagnoses. Your response should show that you’re reflecting on how broader societal issues affect the work that doctors do , and how you’ll navigate those issues to make a positive difference in people’s lives. 

For instance, maybe you’re concerned about the spread of misinformation surrounding treatments for certain health issues. You could write about those concerns in your response, and talk about your dreams for what you might do to combat misinformation in healthcare in the future. You don’t have to know everything about the issues you choose to write about in order to make your response authentic --you just have to be honest, passionate, and mean what you say. 

The second prompt is actually quite similar. If there are things in your personal background that give you a unique perspective on healthcare, you should pick this prompt. These things don’t necessarily have to pertain to inequities, but if you have personal experience with social disparities, you can definitely write about that here. 

For instance, if your racial identity or economic situation impacted your family’s access to healthcare growing up and that motivated you to pursue a career in medicine, you can write about those experiences (to the extent that you feel comfortable). 

There are many other types of experiences that are applicable here as well. If you have a legacy of physicians in your family, you can write about how you want to carry on that tradition. 

The bottom line here is that whatever you choose to write about should truly be unique. This isn’t the place to write about how you loved your pediatrician or were inspired by the doctor who saved hundreds of people from contracting ebola. Your experience needs to be something that few other people have had. If something isn’t really jumping out at you, respond to the other prompt!

PLME Essay Prompt 3

For this prompt, you need to do your research about the PLME program at Brown. Don't be daunted by the length of the word limit—view it as an opportunity to show how much you know about the school.

The word limit for this essay is telling: the admissions committee at Brown wants to make sure that you are serious about the program—and serious for the right reasons. So be honest!

Reference professors you are excited to work with or classes that stand out as thought-provoking or supremely fun. What does Brown's medical program offer its students that other medical programs don't? Be sure to mention specific pieces of information.

You should also discuss why you're interested in PLME versus pursuing a typical undergraduate degree and then applying to medical school. PLME is a unique program, so highlight why this model is the right fit for you.

Brown-RISD Dual Degree Essay Requirement

One essay is required for applicants to the Brown-RISD Dual Degree Program:

The Brown|RISD A.B./B.F.A. Dual Degree Program draws on the complementary strengths of Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) to provide students with the opportunity to explore diverse spheres of academic and creative inquiry, culminating in a capstone project that interrelates the content, approaches, and methods from two distinct learning experiences.

Based on your understanding of the academic programs at Brown and RISD and the possibilities created by the BRDD program’s broadened learning community, specifically describe how and why the BRDD program would constitute an optimal undergraduate education for you. As part of your answer, be sure to articulate how you might contribute to the Dual Degree community and its commitment to interdisciplinary work. (650 word limit)

For the Brown-RISD Dual Degree Program essay, you'll need to pick out specific aspects of both Brown and RISD that appeal to you . Identify features of each school that you're attracted to, like particular classes or professors.

You should also indicate how you'll take advantage of each school. If you just wanted to study design, you'd apply to RISD. If you just wanted to study something else, you'd apply to Brown. So why do you want to go to both schools?

Describe how your work at one school will impact your work at the other. Perhaps your study of ancient Greek at Brown will inform the sculptures you make at RISD. You should depict how you see your studies at each school intersecting, and what this could possibly mean to the Dual Degree community and interdisciplinary research more broadly.


How to Write a Great Brown Supplemental Essay: 3 Tips

Regardless of which Brown supplemental essays you're responding to, you should keep in mind the following tips for how to write a great Brown essay.

#1: Use Your Own Voice

The point of a college essay is for the admissions committee to have the chance to get to know you beyond your test scores, grades, and honors. Your admissions essays are your opportunity to make yourself come alive for the essay readers and to present yourself as a fully fleshed-out person.

You should, then, make sure that the person you're presenting in your college essays is yourself. Don't try to emulate what you think the committee wants to hear or try to act like someone you're not.

If you lie or exaggerate, your essay will come across as insincere , which will diminish its effectiveness. Stick to telling real stories about the person you really are and not who you think Brown wants you to be.

#2: Avoid Cliches and Overused Phrases

When writing your Brown essays, try to avoid using cliches and overused quotes or phrases .

These include quotations that have been quoted to death and phrases or idioms that are overused in daily life. The Brown admissions committee has probably seen numerous essays that state, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Strive for originality.

Similarly, avoid using cliches, which take away from the strength and sincerity of your work.

#3: Check Your Work

It should almost go without saying, but you want to make sure that your Brown essays are the strongest possible example of your writing skills. Before you turn in your Brown application, make sure to edit and proofread your essays.

Your work should be free of spelling and grammar errors. It's a great idea to run your essays through a spelling and grammar check before you submit them.

You should also have someone else read your Brown essays. You can seek a second opinion on your work from a parent, a teacher, or a friend. Ask them whether your work represents you as a student and person. Have them check to ensure you haven't missed any typos or small writing errors. Having a second opinion will ultimately help your work be the best it can possibly be!

Recap: Key Tips for the Brown Supplement

The Brown supplemental essays cover a wide range of topics. Regardless of the questions you're answering, remember to follow these basic dos and don'ts as you're writing your essays:

  • Be authentic and honest.
  • Be specific when citing people, places, and experiences.
  • Do your research about Brown and its unique academic model.
  • Base your essays on what you think the Brown application committee wants to hear.
  • Use cliches or broad sweeping statements.
  • Try too hard to be funny and original—be genuine and your positive attributes will be visible to the committee

What's Next?

If you're getting ready to apply to college, it's time to learn what colleges expect from you . This article will help you better target your application to suit what each school you apply to is looking for.

Worried about how to write an amazing college essay? Read our step-by-step guide on how to write a college essay and take a look at our analysis of 100+ real college essays to get a feel for what colleges want—and don't want—to read in an application.

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Hayley Milliman is a former teacher turned writer who blogs about education, history, and technology. When she was a teacher, Hayley's students regularly scored in the 99th percentile thanks to her passion for making topics digestible and accessible. In addition to her work for PrepScholar, Hayley is the author of Museum Hack's Guide to History's Fiercest Females.

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6 Brown Essays That Worked + Why Brown Examples

Brown University Essay Examples

For students writing the Brown supplements for Fall 2022, here is your guide to successful Brown essays.

In this article, I've gathered 6 essays written by admitted students to Brown.

I'll share examples of how regular high-achieving students who got into Brown recently by having stand-out essays.

Are essays all that matter? No, but especially for competitive and test-optional schools, your essays are a very important factor.

Let's jump right in.

What is Brown University's Acceptance Rate?

This past year, a record 46,568 students applied to Brown and just 2,537 students got accepted. Which means Brown had an overall admit rate of just 5.4%.

Since its known as a top Ivy League school, most students applying to Brown already have strong test scores, grades, and extracurricular activities.

Brown University Acceptance Scattergram

That's why its even more important to write essays that help show why you should be accepted.

Especially for Ivy League and other top schools like Brown, your essays make a difference.

What are the Brown Supplemental Prompts for 2022-23?

To apply to Brown University this year, you are required to write three short essays of 50 to 250 words each.

You can find your Brown writing supplement along with your Common Application essays on your portal.

Here's the Brown supplemental prompts for 2022. The questions on this page are being asked by Brown University:

Brown’s Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about any academic interests that excite you, and how you might use the Open Curriculum to pursue them while also embracing topics with which you are unfamiliar. (200-250 words)

Brown’s culture fosters a community in which students challenge the ideas of others and have their ideas challenged in return, promoting a deeper and clearer understanding of the complex issues confronting society. This active engagement in dialogue is as present outside the classroom as it is in academic spaces. Tell us about a time you were challenged by a perspective that differed from your own. How did you respond? (200-250 words)

Brown students care deeply about their work and the world around them. Students find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in daily interactions and major discoveries. Whether big or small, mundane or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy. (200-250 words)

6 Brown University EssaysThatWorked

Here are 6 of my favorite Brown essay examples from admitted students.

These essays respond to past and current writing supplement prompts for Brown. I've also included some examples of personal statement essays that worked for Brown.

If you need help getting started writing, this is a perfect way to get inspired and see what's worked.

Table of Contents

  • Brown Essay Example #1
  • Brown Essay Example #2
  • Brown Essay Example #3
  • Brown Essay Example #4
  • Brown Essay Example #5
  • Brown Essay Example #6

Prompt: Open Curriculum

Brown university essay example #1.

Prompt: Brown’s Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about any academic interests that excite you, and how you might use the Open Curriculum to pursue them while also embracing topics with which you are unfamiliar. (200-250 words)

My primary interest is in languages and linguistics, specifically Spanish, Portuguese and the descent of these languages from Latin which I explored in my IB Extended Essay. Thus, something that excites me about the complete freedom of the Brown curriculum is the opportunity to learn about Hispanic and Lusophone culture, literature and language in an intersectional way through a concentration in Latin American studies combined with classes and undergraduate research in Linguistics. I intend to supplement my language acquisition with practical application through study abroad opportunities at PUC-Rio, Brazil and in Santiago, Chile, perhaps through the Engaged Scholars Program which will allow me to forge deeper connections with the communities and cultures I am studying. I am also attracted by the possibility of a 5-year BA/MA course in Linguistics which will permit me to conduct meaningful and extensive research on a topic I am truly passionate about.

However, I also have an interest in Biochemistry and Molecular biology. The Open Curriculum will enable me to pursue this avenue of study and research without detracting from my principal focus on languages. Therefore, perhaps what I am most excited for is interdisciplinary study at Brown and the possibility of forging unforeseen connections between disparate academic areas and weaving them together into a program of study that will engage, thrill, and inspire me towards a lifelong path of academic inquiry. For example, I am interested to explore how languages and sociolinguistics can be used to promote medical research and provision in Latin America.

Why This Essay Works:

Naming things unique to the school shows you have genuine interest. Listing specific programs, courses, or majors shows you've done your research.

The author's reasons for "Why Brown?" fit into their background and identity. This makes their reasons seem genuine and compelling.

What They Might Improve:

The essay is divided into two parts with distinct answers. Showing how those reasons relate could make the essay more cohesive.

Ending with a sentence "For example..." leaves more to be desired and explained.

Prompt: Brown's Community

Brown university essay example #2.

Prompt: At Brown, you will learn as much from your peers outside the classroom as in academic spaces. How will you contribute to the Brown community? (200-250 words)

At my high school, I reinvigorated and reinvented the linguistics society with the help of a friend, transforming it from a dull discussion of past exam questions to a seminar-style session where I have presented and analysed various interesting aspects of language. In a similar vein, I intend to be a leader and an innovator at Brown, and to create opportunities for likeminded people to discuss shared interests such as linguistics. However, other than creating clubs, I hope to use my experience as a camp counselor and a diving coach to support others within the community, and to set a good example of dedication, energy, and compassion.

Additionally, I have volunteered as a Spanish teacher at a local primary school for three years. Volunteer service is something I would definitely like to continue to undertake at Brown, perhaps through the Community Corps that will allow me to help address social inequality within Providence, or as a teacher and classroom assistant in the Elementary Afterschool Mentoring program at D’Abate school. I can draw on my previous experience and knowledge to hopefully enrich the education of underprivileged children in the local community.

Finally, as an international student, I will bring an element of unique culture to Brown’s campus. Having grown up in the buzzing metropolis of London but visiting America frequently to see family, I have the privilege of a truly dual nationality, and the resultant worldview and cultural references that I hope will enrich the diverse Brown community.

  • Variety of Reasons Given: Providing multiple reasons for how you'll contribute shows you aren't one-dimensional. People are complex and showing nuance in your character is important.
  • Showcasing Past Experiences: With each point, the author gives examples from their activities and resume. Referencing specific extracurriculars helps build their case and is "proof" of how they'll contribute.

What They Might Change:

  • Flow and Writing Style: Listing activities can come off as robotic and uninteresting. Rather, try to find a balance between showing off your achievements and writing in an interesting way.
  • Structure: The last paragraph is most compelling because it deals with the author's personality and background, rather than just what they've done. Organizing the essay around your character is better than focusing solely on your achivements.

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Prompt: Why Brown?

Brown university essay example #3.

Prompt: Why Brown, and why the Brown Curriculum? (200 words max)

I believe any college should equip you with tools as you embark upon your journey. Brown provides the necessary. That is what the capstone experience does (not to mention the importance of internships given to Brown Students). You can never know everything about anything. But quench the questions is exactly what the Capstone Experience fosters.

The Open Curriculum was obviously the first thing that caught my eye. In school, you are sometimes forced to take the subjects you don’t like. College shouldn’t be the same. It is supposed to be a fresh start and that is exactly why you should be allowed to take the courses that appeal to you. Here is where the S/NC option was interesting. Only if you know perspectives from all subjects, can you determine a solution; S/NC promotes this. Group Independent Study Projects is also unique. Getting into the course is something hard. But creating your own course is amusing.

I would love to be a part of The Society of Women Engineers because I had to fight with my own family to study Computer Science in the United States. If it means providing the help for people I wish I'd got, never better.

  • Ideas and Beliefs: Rather than just saying what aspects are appealing, the author explains why they are attracted to those things. By explaining your perspective, admissions officers are better able to understand your thinking and character.
  • Specific to Brown: Listing aspects that are unique to Brown is important to show your interest is authentic. By naming things like the Capstone Experience and S/NC, the author shows their knowledge of Brown and makes their reasons more compelling.
  • Writing Style: Some parts of the essay are clunky in wording and could be written more clearly. But the author is an international student, so it is understandable and not the end of the world.
  • Structure and Conclusion: There isn't a clear conclusion sentence that ties the essay together. How can you relate the last sentence to your beginning?

Prompt: Area of Study

Brown university essay example #4.

Prompt: Why are you drawn to the area(s) of study you indicated? (150 words max)

There was a time when I was low and afraid to be with myself. That’s when I dived into programming. I always sat with my laptop. But unlike others on Instagram or Snapchat, I was coding. I always kept myself occupied so I wouldn’t think about hardships. But as I was solving those little Instantiation and StackOverflow errors, I realized that any problem in my life had a solution. I could either modify the code and right the wrong, or just keep compiling them, producing no output. So, life is not all that different. That is why I want to pursue Computer Science. I know I can work to keep myself happy. Inevitably, what makes me happy is Computer Science, which is what I want to pursue.

  • Intriguing Backstory: Telling a compelling story is about setting the scene. This essay creates vivid imagery by naming specific programming-related things.
  • Connects to Bigger Picture: Rather than just saying their major or interest, the author connects it to a more universal idea. Showing the deeper "why" behind your interests makes it relatable and more interesting.
  • Writing Style and Flow: Some words are unnecessary, and a few sentences could be made more smooth to read.
  • Doesn't Use the Full Word Limit: With 23 words left, the author could have included a sentence or two more. Every word is valuable with short word limits, so use them carefully.

Prompt: Where You've Lived

Brown university essay example #5.

Prompt: Tell us where you have lived - and for how long - since you were born; whether you've always lived in the same place, or perhaps in a variety of places. (100 words max)

I was born in California, USA. When I was about 7 months old, I moved to Bangalore, India. I've lived in Bangalore all my life, until two years ago. I started attending a boarding school, in the same state, but far away from my house. I chose to leave everything behind, even my phone, because I didn't want to be pampered. I wanted to fold my own blanket; to wipe my own tears; to carve my own name; to befriend people my way; to create my destiny. My parents weren't happy at first, but I convinced them.

  • Poetic Writing: Interesting writing comes from interesting ideas. And the second to last sentence especially is compelling because it expresses their ideas elegantly.
  • Answers Prompt Directly: For supplements especially, make sure to answer exactly what the prompt is asking.
  • Be More Concise: Use as few words as possible to say the most you can. Especially for short prompts like this one, every word matters.
  • Word Choice: Swapping out words like "house" for "home" can make the tone more natural.

Prompt: Communities and Groups

Brown university essay example #6.

Prompt: Communities or groups: pick one and tell us why it is important to you, and how it has shaped you. (100 words max)

My dad lost his parents when he was young. My mom also quit her job to take care of me. So, if you look at it, she should loathe me. But she doesn’t. She has dedicated her whole life to me. That is why I want to provide a purpose to their lives. Every competition I won, even a small word of praise would lighten their mood. When I am happy they are euphoric; when I am sad they are distraught. It's like they (for)give and forget. So why not follow their footsteps and give it all I got?

  • Vulnerable and Authentic: Being vulnerable is an important part of great essays. Talking about sensitive, but real and human topics, makes you more relatable and humanized.
  • Explains What Motivates Them: Admissions officers want to know why you're driven to do things. Showing your "why" helps give insight into your character more deeply.
  • Doesn't Answer Prompt Directly: Make sure to answer exactly what the prompt asks. Although this essay explains their background and motivations, it doesn't answer the question exactly.

If you're trying to get into Brown in 2022, your essays need to make you stand out from the competition. These 6 Brown essays that worked showcase great examples of what it takes to get accepted into Brown.

There are many lessons and tips to be learned from these supplements:

  • Being authentic and genuine is key
  • Name aspects unique and specific to the school
  • Showcase your motivations and the "why" behind things
  • Don't be afraid to be vulnerable
  • Use every word carefully and make each word count

If you enjoyed reading these Brown supplements, you'll also like the essays for similar Ivy League schools like Princeton and Columbia University .

What did you think of these Brown University essays?

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The Admissions Strategist

How to write the brown university supplemental essays 2021-2022: the awesome guide.

Brown University is a private university located in Providence, Rhode Island, with an acceptance rate of 5.4%.

A member of the Ivy League, Brown University is well known for producing elite scholars and government leaders. In 2021, Brown experienced the largest application pool in its history with more than 46,500 applications, up 27% from the prior year.

Several celebrities from various industries proudly call Brown their alma mater, including Emma Watson from the Harry Potter franchise, John Krasinski of Jack Ryan, and The Office’s Jim Halpert, the current President of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, and John Sculley who worked as president of PepsiCo and CEO of Apple Inc.

What makes Brown University most notable among its peers is its open curriculum that does not require students to complete general education requirements, but rather encourages students to form their own individualized plan of study.

This commitment to a truly liberal arts education requires independent, courageous individuals who are not afraid to create their own paths and define their own lives.

If you are excited about the possibility of charting your own course and looking to apply to Brown, this guide will help you create standout responses for Brown’s supplemental essays.

Brown Supplemental Essays: How to Write Them!

Click above to watch a video on Brown’s Supplemental Essays.

What are Brown’s Supplemental Essay Requirements?

All of Brown’s supplemental essay requirements are found on the Common App website beneath the “Questions” section. In addition to the Common App personal essay, applicants must answer three questions.

  • The first prompt assesses the student’s area of interest. Students must explain their academic interests and how they plan to use Brown’s Open Curriculum..
  • The second prompt focuses on Brown’s community, which strives for deeper understanding of society’s complex issues. Students are asked to share a time that their ideas were challenged and how they responded to that situation. .
  • The third prompt asks students to share something that brings them joy. This is a more personal question focused on the world and interactions surrounding students.

Each supplemental essay has a word limit of 50-250 words. To create an excellent supplemental package, responses to these questions must be well written and concise.

Brown Supplemental Essay 1: Intended Major

Brown’s Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about any academic interests that excite you, and how you might use the Open Curriculum to pursue them while also embracing topics with which you are unfamiliar. (250 word limit)

In this prompt, you must write about what you would like to study, and how the Open Curriculum will help you pursue your interests.

Brown wants to know what motivates you academically. In essence, what…

  • …topic(s) energize you when they’re being discussed?
  • …excites you to learn more than was assigned in class?
  • …are you endlessly curious about?
  • …class stimulated you the most in high school?
  • …experiences have led you to your chosen major of study?
  • …future will open up for you by choosing this area of study?

To stimulate your thinking, ask yourself these questions and make a list of all the answers. Don’t forget to write down specific memories associated with those answers.

When you come up with your list of memories, think about your feelings and thoughts surrounding those memories. Write them down so you don’t later forget if you choose that memory as the focus of your essay.

  • For example, if English is your favorite class, can you think of a particularly important memory that occurred in English class?
  • Was choosing the nonfiction writing track in the English department a fateful moment? What about it made you decide on that track?

Ask yourself more questions. If you feel that deep thinking is not your forte, do not be intimidated. You simply need to exercise the art of self-reflection a bit more. Anyone can do it. You are not an exception.

  • You may get help by asking those close to you why they think you are drawn to or will be successful in your intended major.
  • Their thoughts may give you some ideas when formulating your essay.

Now that you have generated a healthy list of favorite classes and poignant memories, a good next step would be to understand why and how Brown wants you to answer this question in the first place. Understanding Brown’s values is the key to this, so you can show how your goals fit within Brown’s overall mission. To gain an understanding of Brown’s academic and campus culture, you must look through their website.

Upon navigating the “About Brown” page and then the Mission section, you’ll see the type of campus culture Brown University wants to create.

  • Their mission states that Brown University’s purpose is to: “serve the community, the nation, and the world by discovering, communicating, and preserving knowledge and understanding in a spirit of free inquiry, and by educating and preparing students to discharge the offices of life with usefulness and reputation. We do this through a partnership of students and teachers in a unified community known as a university-college.”

Brown wants individuals who are deeply committed to the process of learning and self-discovery. They want to foster students to become positive, contributing citizens once they graduate, continuing to improve Brown’s reputation in society.

For this question, the admissions committee is looking for more than a simple, pithy explanation. You just read what Brown wants to see in this essay response, but do not write something that isn’t genuine. Your essay should be authentic to you, not what you think will win over admissions officers.

You are writing about why you are interested in attending Brown for a certain major, so be you!

If you want to study Egyptology & Assyriology (which is a real major at Brown!), they want to know about the thought process and experiences that led you to such a desire.

  • Tell the story of how you came to this decision or how you plan to use your education after graduation.
  • What about those studies and their namesake cultures fascinate you?

They want to see who you are, in 250 words or less. In your response, you need to demonstrate that you are a free thinker who respects knowledge and the pursuit of your study.

If you are undecided about what you want to study in college, like the prompt mentions some students may be, engage in the exercises mentioned above focusing on a specific topic that fascinates you.

Next, you must explain how you are pursuing this field with Brown’s Open Curriculum. The Brown Curriculum is unique in that there are no general education requirements. In other words, if you hate history, you do not have to take history just to fulfill a history requirement.

However, it is important to note that while Brown supports individualized learning, they also expect all their students to “remain open to people, ideas, and experiences that may be entirely new. By cultivating such openness, you will learn to make the most of the freedom you have, and chart the broadest possible intellectual journey.”

Every school wants to know why they are your choice , and Brown is no exception.

In the end, it does not matter what you intend to study.

  • What matters is the process that led you there, your motivations, and your ability to communicate your intellectual fortitude in a personal and precise manner .
  • After you begin at Brown, you have the opportunity to change your academic concentration if your intentions change.
  • Above all, try to add action. Don’t simply discuss how something fascinates you; if possible, discuss an experience in which you took the initiative to pursue this interest.
  • Demonstrating to admissions officers that you’re someone who chases your interests in a proactive manner is an efficient and safe way to convey your curiosity.

Be sure to have trusted individuals review your response to ensure that you are expressing yourself the way you have intended. Ask them if the words they read sound like you, or someone else.

Remember, being authentic is key to making this essay impress admissions officers. Another key is proper spelling and grammar, so ask your proofreading friends to check for any errors, too.

Brown Supplemental Essay 2: Community

Brown’s culture fosters a community in which students challenge the ideas of others and have their ideas challenged in return, promoting a deeper and clearer understanding of the complex issues confronting society. This active engagement in dialogue is as present outside the classroom as it is in academic spaces. Tell us about a time you were challenged by a perspective that differed from your own. How did you respond?? (250 word limit)

This question focuses on broadening your perspectives. It can be easy to live in a bubble, surrounded by the people who support the same ideas that you do. Often, a major criticism of social media is that people generally choose to read, listen to, or watch news and entertainment that further supports what they already know and love.

Brown plans to challenge what you know, offering new perspectives on the beliefs you are familiar with. That doesn’t necessarily mean that your beliefs will change, but by pushing you with different ideas, you gain a greater understanding of another perspective.

When you are answering, Brown wants to know:

  • A time that your ideas have been challenged in the past
  • How you reacted to or responded to that challenge

With only 250 words available, keep the first part simple and focus on the second. Brown wants to focus on your transformation, so talk about when something or someone challenged you. They want to see how you reacted to that information. Get personal here: 

  • How did it make you feel? 
  • Did you initially reject this new information or idea? Why? 
  • Did it open up a dialogue with the person who challenged you?
  • Did it make you rethink your position on the topic?

There are some very large issues, like immigration, pandemic mitigation efforts, religious beliefs, climate action, and gun control, that can quickly divide people. There also are simpler, less divisive topics, such as going meatless on Mondays. Find something that is unique and true to you. Don’t pick a topic that you think might impress them; choose something that you can speak to and share that experience from your perspective. 

Be honest and vulnerable. Remember, the key here is to recognize how the moment changed you.

Brown Supplemental Essay 3: Where’s Home

Brown students care deeply about their work and the world around them. Students find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in daily interactions and major discoveries. Whether big or small, mundane or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy. (250 word limit)

This is a great essay because it is simply about you and your passions. This essay might be lighter in tone, but don’t underestimate its importance. Brown plans on learning a lot about you by how you answer this question. This should be personal and authentic. 

  • What makes you smile?
  • What makes you happy? 
  • Why do you get up in the morning? 
  • What motivates your actions?

This could be about literally anything, but no matter how major or minor, extravagant or silly, be sure it is personal. It might be something so simple it doesn’t even hit you right away, so take some time to think about it.

  • Your family
  • Doing something for someone else
  • The great outdoors
  • Volunteering
  • Discovering something new

Whatever it might be, provide some insight as to why it brings you joy.

  • Why does it make you so happy?
  • How does it affect who you are?
  • What are you like when you do not have access to it?
  • How will you find ways to continue finding that joy at Brown?
  • How does this joy drive who you are and what you do?

Don’t be superficial in your answer. Ice cream makes me happy, but it does not help me find satisfaction or meaning in my life. Think about how the thing that brings you joy makes you feel whole or motivates your actions. It might be the thing that inspires your major or career, or the thing that helps you find peace or happiness when you need a break. As always, be you and share your answer honestly.

Additional Writing & Brainstorming Tips for the Brown Essays

In the Shona language of Zimbabwe, the word “ubuntu”  translates to “I am what I am because you are.” This beautiful expression illustrates the power of community and how community makes individuality possible.

Since Brown wants to admit a student body that prizes holistic and diverse learning, take time to identify a community or group that has had the most profound effect on you. There are several ways to measure a profound effect. Consider how your community or group has influenced:

  • How you think about and view the world
  • What you do and how you act
  • Your preferences

Evaluating these areas of influence will help you write concise responses that effectively communicate the importance of your community and learning in your application narrative . A key way to express the importance of this community in your life is to focus on a single memory or moment that solidified your sense of belonging.

Like many prompt strategies, make a list of important moments and memories you have experienced, then link them to a certain community or group in your life.

Conclusion: Writing the Brown Supplemental Essays

All students applying to Brown will have to answer the following: intended major, something that has challenged you and how you responded, and what brings you joy.

Due to the word restrictions for each prompt (50-250 words per response), it is imperative you think deeply about your most poignant values and communicate this in a way that reflects how Brown’s values and your unique traits are interconnected.

As always, have someone proofread your responses for clarity and intent , as well as spelling and grammar. You don’t want your essay to stand out for the wrong reasons.

By following the above guidelines, you can assemble an excellent admissions package that will help you stand out from other applicants.

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How to Approach Princeton's Essays (with Real Princeton Essay Examples from 2023)


Kate Sliunkova

AdmitYogi, Stanford MBA & MA in Education

20 min read

How to Approach Princeton's Essays (with Real Princeton Essay Examples from 2023)


When it comes to college applications, writing the perfect essay can make all the difference. And for those applying to Princeton University, crafting standout essays is a must. But what sets a Princeton essay apart from the rest? In this article, we'll explore tips and tricks for nailing each of Princeton's essay prompts, along with examples from successful applicants. Whether you're just starting to brainstorm or putting the final touches on your essays, read on for expert advice on how to impress the admissions committee at one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

Princeton's Essay Prompts

250 word essays (princeton's "your voice" essays):.

  • At Princeton, we value diverse perspectives and the ability to have respectful dialogue about difficult issues. Share a time when you had a conversation with a person or a group of people about a difficult topic. What insight did you gain, and how would you incorporate that knowledge into your thinking in the future? (250 words)
  • Princeton has a longstanding commitment to service and civic engagement. Tell us how your story intersects (or will intersect) with these ideals. (250 words)

Princeton's Extracurricular Essay:

  • Briefly elaborate on an activity, organization work experience, or hobby that has been particularly meaningful to you. (150 words)

50 Word Essays (Princeton's "More About You" Essays):

  • What is a new skill you would like to learn in college? (50 words)
  • What brings you joy? (50 words)
  • What song represents the soundtrack of your life at this moment? (50 words)

Princeton's Degree-Specific Essays:

For ba / undecided applicants:.

As a research institution that also prides itself on its liberal arts curriculum, Princeton allows students to explore areas across the humanities and the arts, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. What academic areas most pique your curiosity, and how do the programs offered at Princeton suit your particular interests? (250 words)

For BSE Applicants:

Please describe why you are interested in studying engineering at Princeton. Include any of your experiences in or exposure to engineering, and how you think the programs offered at the University suit your particular interests. (250 words)

How to Write Princeton's Essays:

Princeton's "your voice" essays:, princeton's difficult conversation essay:.

"At Princeton, we value diverse perspectives and the ability to have respectful dialogue about difficult issues. Share a time when you had a conversation with a person or a group of people about a difficult topic. What insight did you gain, and how would you incorporate that knowledge into your thinking in the future?" (250 words).

When approaching this prompt, it's important to reflect on a time when you engaged in a conversation about a challenging topic. Choose a topic that you are passionate about or have experience with, and be sure to highlight your ability to listen actively to others' perspectives.

Start your essay by setting the scene, describing the context of the conversation and the people involved. Then, explain the issue being discussed and any differing opinions that arose. Show how you demonstrated respect for diverse perspectives and how you contributed to the discussion.

Next, describe the insights you gained from the conversation. Did you learn something new about yourself or others? Did the conversation change your thinking or perspective on the topic? Be specific about what you learned and how it impacted you.

Finally, discuss how you would incorporate this knowledge into your thinking in the future. What changes would you make to your approach to difficult conversations? How would you ensure that you continue to be open-minded and respectful of differing perspectives?

Remember to keep your essay concise and focused, while still showing depth and insight. By highlighting your ability to engage in respectful dialogue about difficult topics, you'll demonstrate that you embody the values that Princeton University holds dear. Here's a great example from Ryder, a current Princeton student. You can read all of his essays here.

Most people wouldn’t consider flutes and peas controversial, but at my family dinner table, they are. Years ago, my dad proclaimed flutes an inferior instrument stating, “Nobody likes the flute” (my mom does), and asking, “What great band features a flute?” (Dave Matthews Band), adding to the conversation some incendiary comments about peas culminating in the claim that “Peas are the least liked vegetable.” At the time, I couldn’t put my finger on why, but his assertions irked me. Irritated, I went to bat for flutes and peas with an inexplicable passion for all they had to offer, though neither are my favorite instrument or vegetable.

Since then, many dinnertime conversations and debates have taken place, the most volatile invariably circling back to touch on the value of flutes and peas, and I have come to understand why I have repeatedly championed their worth. When it comes to flutes and peas, my dad treats his opinions as fact—defending his views as “right” with googled information and naming as evidence a mysterious, undocumented majority of flute and pea haters. To this day, he remains convinced his opinion is irrefutably correct; those who think otherwise are brainwashed, don’t know better, or are lying.

Go ahead, call me a “flute and pea fanatic”; all I was ever fighting for was to stay open-minded. Thanks to my dad and his steadfast condemnation of flutes and peas, I watch out for opinion masquerading as fact and choose my own words carefully, believing that conflict often springs not from differing opinions, but from the way those opinions are asserted.

Princeton's Civic Engagement Essay:

"Princeton has a longstanding commitment to service and civic engagement. Tell us how your story intersects (or will intersect) with these ideals." (250 words)

To approach this prompt, first reflect on your experiences with service and civic engagement. Consider instances where you've made a positive impact on your community or participated in activities that align with Princeton's commitment to service. Begin your essay by briefly sharing your personal background or story that led you to engage in service and civic activities. This could include your upbringing, family values, or any transformative experiences that have shaped your commitment to service.

Next, provide specific examples of your involvement in service or civic-related activities. These could be volunteer work, community projects, leadership roles, or advocacy for social issues. Highlight the impact of your efforts, the skills you've gained, and any challenges you've faced along the way.

After discussing your past experiences, connect your story to Princeton's ideals by explaining how your commitment to service will continue during your time at the university. Research Princeton's service and civic engagement initiatives, such as the Pace Center for Civic Engagement or Community House, and identify programs or opportunities that resonate with your interests and goals. It also helps to briefly discuss your long-term aspirations and how your dedication to service will play a role in your future career or personal life.

Here's a great example of Princeton's civic engagement and service essay from Aileen, who got into incredible schools like Princeton, Harvard, UPenn, Dartmouth, Cornell, and Brown. You can read all of the essays that got her into those amazing schools here.

What makes a neighborhood feel like home? For me, it is cohesion, mutual dependency, and trust, but not necessarily residence: I don’t live in [Place Redacted]’s Chinatown, but it has nonetheless made an impact on me.

I became involved with Chinatown community organizations volunteering at one housing nonprofit’s annual summer film festival and neighborhood gathering. Witnessing the mutual obligation between neighbors and residents’ love for their community, I felt a connection to the neighborhood that ultimately motivated me to explore my cultural roots as an Asian-American and continue working with Chinatown organizations.

As part of a research project on economic inequality, I learned about the challenges Chinatown faces, from redlining and gentrification to language capability and racial discrimination. I became a tour guide with an organization to give college students and nearby young professionals a view of the neighborhood through an urban planning lens. I’ve continued this commitment to educating communities about the consequences of urban development and lack of awareness by holding similar conversations and workshops through school clubs.

I am so thankful to have engaged with the intricacies of a deeply connected neighborhood like Chinatown, but I am even more grateful for the skills its community has taught me. I have learned to advocate for community empowerment and reflection and combat economic inequality in a neighborhood by understanding its nuanced causes. Chinatown fostered in me the spirit of community organizing, which I will take with me for the rest of my life.

"Briefly elaborate on an activity, organization work experience, or hobby that has been particularly meaningful to you." (150 words).

When approaching this prompt, focus on an activity, organization, work experience, or hobby that has had a significant impact on your personal growth, interests, or values. Choose an experience that showcases your dedication, passion, and ability to make a meaningful contribution.

Begin by briefly describing the chosen activity or experience, providing context about your involvement. Be specific about your role and responsibilities, and explain why this experience is particularly meaningful to you. Be sure to also discuss the impact of this experience on your life. Consider the skills you've gained, the lessons you've learned, or the personal growth you've experienced as a result of your involvement. If possible, highlight any challenges you've faced and how you've overcome them, demonstrating resilience and adaptability.

Although the word limit for this prompt is short, it's crucial to convey a strong sense of purpose and passion in your response. By focusing on one meaningful experience and articulating its significance, you'll provide the admissions committee with a glimpse into your values and interests, making your application more memorable and compelling.

The incredible Princeton essay example below comes from Ryan, who got into Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, and Brown. You can read his entire college application here.

Since the cards were first dealt four years ago, I have not only become infatuated with the game of poker, but I've finally felt the warmth of genuine, requited best-friendship.

For its own sake, poker is an amazing game. A game of statistics, psychology, and luck, poker keeps objectivity enjoyable; whether through a sneaky play or just bad luck, the mathematically "correct" play is often wrong—you can't master the game.

But as much as I'm attached to poker, it'd be nothing without the "regulars": "Silverman"—the stone-cold bluffer. Jack—the sly psychologist. "Kato"—the careful calculator, and Jaden—the poker guru. Poker introduced us, but our friendships grew beyond the game: We get along like family.

I've made other friends along the way. I've grown as a student, as a friend, and even as a son over the same period. But nothing has made my life enjoyable like these four friends—through a game most see only in casinos, my dreams of authentic friendship have finally been realized.

Princeton's 50-Word Essays:

Princeton's new skill essay:.

"What is a new skill you would like to learn in college?" (50 words).

When approaching the "What is a new skill you would like to learn in college?" prompt, start by selecting a specific skill that genuinely interests you and aligns with your academic or personal goals. In one or two sentences, explain why this skill is important to you or how it might enhance your college experience. Then, briefly discuss how learning this skill at Princeton could contribute to your long-term aspirations. Throughout your response, convey enthusiasm and curiosity, showcasing your eagerness to grow and learn during your time at the university. Remember to keep your response concise yet impactful within the limited word count.

Here is a great example of Princeton's new skill essay from Gabi, who got into incredible schools such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. You can read all of her college applications here.

From hip-hop to choreopoem, I want to learn how to critically analyze, histioculturally deconstruct, and stylistically perform dance. Studying or daydreaming, a rhythm constantly flows through my head, and I hope to channel it through Lewis Center’s co-curricular and academic offerings.

Princeton's Joy Essay:

"What brings you joy?" (50 words).

To approach the "What brings you joy?" prompt, reflect on a specific activity, hobby, or aspect of your life that genuinely sparks happiness and fulfillment. Describe it briefly and vividly, capturing the essence of why it brings you joy. Within the limited word count, aim to convey your passion and enthusiasm, allowing the admissions committee to gain insight into your personality and values.

Below is an excellent example from Adem, who got into Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, and Brown. You can read all of his amazing essays here!

I pedal up the steep, 4-mile long Kancamagus Highway climb. Despite being 67 miles into my ride, I still maintain my power and efficient turnover. Cycling is my secret escape, and nothing brings me more joy than spending hours on the saddle exploring backroads on a perfect fall day.

Princeton's Soundtrack Essay:

"What song represents the soundtrack of your life at this moment?" (50 words).

For the "What song represents the soundtrack of your life at this moment?" prompt, choose a song that resonates with your current emotions, experiences, or aspirations. Briefly describe the song and artist, then explain why it's significant to you at this stage in your life. Within the limited word count, aim to convey a personal connection to the song, offering a glimpse into your thoughts and feelings as you navigate this moment in time.

Below is a stellar Princeton essay example from Ryan S, who got into Princeton, UPenn, Cornell, and CMU. You can read all of his college applications here.

“Une Belle Histoire” by Michel Fugain. The guitars, trumpets, and chorus of the “Big Bazaar” mirrors my desire to explore all the unknowns. As I sing along, not understanding a lyric, I’m reminded that I may not understand everything in the present, but that’s okay.

Writing Princeton's Essay for BA / Undecided Applicants:

"As a research institution that also prides itself on its liberal arts curriculum, Princeton allows students to explore areas across the humanities and the arts, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. What academic areas most pique your curiosity, and how do the programs offered at Princeton suit your particular interests?" (250 words).

To approach this prompt, start by identifying the academic areas that genuinely pique your curiosity. Reflect on your passions, experiences, and future goals to determine which disciplines align with your interests. Be selective and focus on a few specific areas to provide depth in your response. Next, research Princeton's programs and offerings related to your chosen academic areas. This could include courses, majors, minors, research opportunities, or extracurricular activities. Familiarize yourself with the unique aspects of Princeton's liberal arts curriculum and how it encourages interdisciplinary exploration.

In your essay, briefly discuss your chosen academic areas and explain why they interest you. Share any relevant experiences, achievements, or personal connections that showcase your passion for these subjects. Then, demonstrate your knowledge of Princeton's programs by explaining how they suit your particular interests. Discuss specific courses, research opportunities, or resources that you are excited about and how they would enhance your academic journey. Additionally, consider mentioning any professors or ongoing projects at the university that align with your interests.

Finally, connect your exploration of these academic areas at Princeton to your long-term goals, whether they be professional or personal. Show how the university's approach to learning will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve success in your chosen fields. By showcasing your genuine curiosity and demonstrating a deep understanding of Princeton's academic offerings, you'll convey your enthusiasm for learning at the university and illustrate how you would thrive in its intellectual environment.

The amazing Princeton essay example below comes from Kaya, who got into Princeton, Columbia, and JHU. You can read all of her essays here.

My life experiences and classwork have shaped my passion for neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy. Princeton's environment will deepen my understanding of my interests and allow me to develop new ones.

My concussions and visits with my neurologist and psychologist interested me in their fields, as I want to understand how the brain changes after trauma and how that affects behavior. Then, in junior year English, we read works by Emerson and Thoreau, and my previous tolerance of the humanities transformed into a love of philosophy. Philosophy allows for dissent and multiple interpretations, creating an ambiguity that balances the rigidity and clarity of science. The cognitive science certificate program combines neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy into one concentration, so I can explore the interconnectedness of all my interests.

Majoring in psychology gives me an opportunity to get an additional certificate in neuroscience. Instead of double majoring and taking all of the required neuroscience courses, I can just take neuropsychological classes that interest me, such as "Depression: From Neuron to Clinic" and "The Brain: A User's Guide." The psychology major also offers courses such as "The Psychology and Philosophy of Rationality" and "The Psychology of Moral Behavior," which combine my interests in psychology and philosophy.

Additionally, the "Princeternship" will allow me to apply classroom learning of psychology and neuroscience in my shadowing experiences with alumni in the field. It also gives me an undergraduate opportunity to create personal relationships with potential employers to begin my career path as a clinical psychiatrist.

Writing Princeton's Essay for BSE Applicants:

"Please describe why you are interested in studying engineering at Princeton. Include any of your experiences in or exposure to engineering, and how you think the programs offered at the University suit your particular interests." (250 words).

To approach this prompt, begin by reflecting on your interest in engineering and any experiences or exposure you've had in the field. Consider personal projects, internships, competitions, or coursework that have shaped your passion for engineering.

Start your essay by discussing why you're interested in studying engineering, highlighting any specific areas or fields within engineering that particularly excite you. Share relevant experiences or achievements that showcase your dedication to the subject. Next, research Princeton's engineering programs and resources, including majors, courses, research opportunities, faculty, and facilities. Familiarize yourself with the unique aspects of Princeton's engineering education and its interdisciplinary approach.

In your response, demonstrate your knowledge of Princeton's engineering offerings by explaining how they align with your interests and goals. Discuss specific courses, research projects, or resources that you're excited about and explain how they would contribute to your academic and professional development. Additionally, consider mentioning any professors or ongoing research at the university that resonates with your interests, showing your eagerness to engage with the academic community at Princeton.

Lastly, connect your pursuit of engineering at Princeton to your long-term aspirations. Explain how the university's approach to engineering education will equip you with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities necessary to succeed in your chosen career path. By showcasing your genuine passion for engineering and demonstrating a deep understanding of Princeton's engineering programs, you'll convey your enthusiasm for learning at the university and illustrate how you would thrive in its intellectually stimulating environment.

The incredible essay example below comes from Princeton student Lily. She also got into MIT and UPenn, and you can read all of her essays and activities here.

My parents’ focus on maintaining our Chinese restaurant meant I grew up entertaining myself with origami formed from menus and indestructible towers of cardboard boxes between a broken sink and a dusty cash register. However, Computer Science brought me to a community that supports and fuels my desire for innovation.

In eighth grade, after learning about Scratch (a platform where beginners can create and share coding projects) my classmates started gathering around each others’ desktops to test our projects. Scratch taught me block coding, but also the endless lessons contained in others’ creations. The communities it created through its website and in my computer classes reminded me I didn’t have to work alone. Unlike my origami folds, my creations were no longer limited to my little designated corner; my programs could touch the lives of people beyond our restaurant.

At Princeton, I want to learn from Assistant Professor Andres Monroy-Hernandez, a developer of Scratch. His interest in systems that emphasize consumers’ benefits resonates with my aspiration to create community-driven programs that give people who feel isolated a place to thrive with other like-minded individuals. I strive to give others the same drive that comes from participating in college engineering summer camps and HTML classes with passionate professors and students, sharing the satisfaction of explaining doppler equations to a classmate that helped me debug a Python program.

Wincing at the amounts of abandoned crab rangoons every time I cleared a table at the restaurant also sparked an innate desire to reduce waste and increase sustainability in everyday life. With the ENV certification program, I would customize the sustainability courses I take to complement my Computer Science major. Electives like Economics of Food and Agriculture will give me a deeper understanding of the economics and source of the bulk boxes of broccoli we ordered every Friday. Joining clubs like Green Dining, I would directly impact my local environment by creating programs that will analyze the amount of produced food waste.

Princeton Engineering’s focus on learning to help humanity will nurture my desire of developing programs that’ll create thriving communities and increase sustainability.


In conclusion, crafting standout essays for Princeton University requires a deep understanding of the prompts, genuine self-reflection, and a clear demonstration of your passions and goals. One of the most effective ways to master this process is by learning from real-world examples of successful essays that have helped students gain admission to prestigious institutions like Princeton.

By examining these examples, you can glean insights into what makes an essay stand out, identify patterns and strategies used by successful applicants, and ultimately apply those lessons to your own writing. Fortunately, we've built out a platform that lets high school students and parents access thousands of real-world examples of successful essays and extracurriculars that have landed students at incredible schools.

You can explore this vast repository of winning essays, learn from their successes, and refine your approach to tackling essay prompts from great schools like Princeton. Ultimately, by leveraging the power of real-life examples and the expert guidance provided in this article, you'll be well on your way to crafting compelling essays that capture the attention of Princeton University's admissions committee and pave the way for your future academic success.

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JOY! Not just a character in Inside Out, but a supplement essay too!

Increasingly, schools are asking students to reflect on things that bring them joy, satisfaction, or happiness. These can be difficult to write as often the college application process is the opposite of joyful... but these joy essays are here to stay!

Note: These essays tend to range in length from 50-250 words.

Example "Joy" Questions:

  • Brown: Brown students care deeply about their work and the world around them. Students find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in daily interactions and major discoveries. Whether big or small, mundane or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy.  
  • Dartmouth: What excites you?
  • MIT: We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it.  
  • Princeton: What brings you joy?
  • Stanford: Tell us about something that is meaningful to you, and why?
  • Yale: Reflect on something that has given you great satisfaction. Why has it been important to you?


As with all supplements, every word matters here! Do not waste words in restating the question or equivocating around a definition of “joy” or “satisfaction."

Be honest! This is a space where the tendency to tell an untruth or exaggerate is probably quite strong (i.e. wanting to write about the joy you find in titrating a solution properly in your AP Chem class). These questions do not need an academic response – they do need an honest response. Think about your days – examine the moments when you are happy and feel joyful – write about those!

Help your reader SEE your joy as much as possible! If you are writing about the joy that comes from baking cakes, riding your bike around your town, or playing LEGOs with your younger brother, use descriptive language to help your reader really feel present in the moment with you. Your reader will believe your joy if you can capture it effectively and clearly! These are essays where it is so important to SHOW not tell.

Find a unique angle or approach, which often can be found deep into the specifics of your topic! Sure they might read a lot of essays about baking, so think about what you can say that is unique to you. Do you love eating what you have made? Sharing your desserts with others? Experimenting with new flavors and combinations? Your specificity will help to provide your essay with a uniqueness that is all your own.

While not every question asks it explicitly, the WHY is essential here. This essay is a great opportunity for reflection and vulnerability. Take a moment to consider why this activity or object brings you so much joy, and then dig in to share that with the school.


Cliche! Avoid all trite and cliched statements like how you love biking around town because you love the feeling of the wind in your hair… again, honesty and specificity should help you to avoid cliches.

Do not skip over your WHY: simply writing an essay about something that brings joy without diving into any specifics about why that thing brings you joy is missing an opportunity to reflect. Think of your supplements as a chance to share your ability to think deeply and don’t miss an opportunity to do so.


Look over the rest of your supplements and consider the topics that they cover. Is something missing that is essential to understanding YOU? Think about all of the things you want a college to learn about you and who you really are – and then consider what is already covered in your essays. Use this essay to go into a fully new direction to share a side of yourself that has not yet been seen.

While the questions are slightly different for each of these schools (and the word counts vary), the essence of these questions are the same. Feel free to write one joy essay and then adapt the topic to the specifics for a different school. Just because one school asks about “joy” and another about “great satisfaction” does not mean that you need to find a new topic for each one of those.

Give yourself permission to play with this type of question. This is likely one of your only opportunities to set academics aside and really speak from your heart. Use it.

how to write a what brings you joy essay

Elise holds a BA in Political Philosophy from Williams College and an MEd in Administration & Social Policy from Harvard. She has spent the past twenty years working in top-tier independent schools.

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Exploring What Brings Me Joy

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Published: Sep 5, 2023

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The joys of creativity and expression, connection and meaningful relationships, personal growth and learning, finding joy in nature and solitude.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Inside Out 2 and the Deeper Meaning Behind the Pixar Movie, Explained


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Bigger emotions in inside out 2, growing up means feeling less joy, capturing the feeling of childhood, anxiety is an overwhelming emotion, inside out 2 teaches audiences to live with their emotions.

  • Inside Out 2 is a box office hit, resonating with audiences thanks to its relatable exploration of complex emotions.
  • New characters like Anxiety add depth to the film, showcasing the overwhelming nature of growing up and conflicting feelings.
  • The movie teaches valuable lessons about living with emotions, finding balance, and embracing the complexities of life.

Inside Out 2 is a box office hit. Not only did it mark the first $100+ opening weekend of the year and helped turn around the doom and gloom of the summer box office, but it has also been a hit with critics and audiences as it has a 91% on Rotten Tomatoes and scored an A CinemaScore. With $155 million, it is the second highest-grossing film for an animated movie, behind only Incredibles 2 , and opening above sequels to juggernaut hits like Frozen 2 , Finding Dory , and Toy Story 4 . With good word of mouth and a light summer in terms of competition, this might be not only one of the biggest films of the season but the whole year, as word of mouth will likely support it.

Like the first film, Inside Out 2 looks at the complex emotions that drive humans and makes it easily accessible to both a young audience encountering these thoughts for the first time and adults who might have lived with this for years but never quite knew how to explain it. The core five emotions of Joy (Amy Poehler), Sadness (Phyllis Smith), Anger (Lewis Black), Fear (Tony Hale), and Disgust (Liza Lapira) from the first film are joined by Envy (Ayo Edebiri), Ennui (Adèle Exarchopoulos), Embarrassment (Paul Walter Hauser), a brief role for Nostalgia (June Squibb), and the main newcomer, Anxiety (Maya Hawke). Inside Out 2 delivers an important message about the complex, conflicting emotions we feel growing up and how our emotions do not define who we are but guide us.

Inside Out 2

Inside Out 2

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The main plot of Inside Out 2 kicks into gear when Riley's (Kensington Tallman) puberty alarm goes off , much to the shock of the core five emotions. Their new console is extremely sensitive, making every one of Riley's emotions even bigger despite them barely touching the console. Everyone who has been a teenager can relate to this, as the emotions one feels are heightened. Many people encounter new emotions for the first time, and they feel larger, almost world-ending. This is why high school dramas and romances have been popular in film, as they feel so relatable. Everyone at some point remembers when it felt like the world ended for something so minor because the emotions were bigger.

The cast of emotions in Inside Out 2 with Sadness, Anger, Joy, Fear, and Disgust next to Riley

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This also sets the stage for new emotions to take control . In the film, Anxiety tells the core five that Riley's life requires more sophisticated emotions, and in many ways, the new emotions are more complex feelings of four of them. Anxiety herself compares herself to Fear, where Fear keeps her worried about what she can see; Anxiety keeps her concerned about what she can't see and is looking to the future.

She later weaponizes Riley's imagination to create stressful scenarios in her mind, in what she thinks is preparing her but instead is keeping her up at night. Envy is the inverse of Disgust, while embarrassment is another form of Sadness (these two emotions later share a bond). Ennui, or as she describes herself, Boredom, is the opposite of Anger. Where Anger feels emotions very passionately, Ennui is resigned to everything. The only exception is Joy, which ties into one of Inside Out 2 's more devastating sequences .

Joy has been the emotion in control for most of Riley's life . When Inside Out 2 begins, she has learned her lesson from the first film and sees the value in all of Riley's emotions, even Sadness. So when Anxiety and new emotions arrive , Joy welcomes them but also wants to maintain a sense of control. She is used to calling the shots until Anxiety takes over, where she and the other five get repressed. Joy tries her best to keep everything together, staying positive and thinking to herself. All she needs to do is find Riley's sense of self, which will make everything better.

Yet when the tube to headquarters is shut down, and it seems like Joy can't help Riley, she has a moment to think. She looks down on all the negative emotions and memories she has repressed for Riley and is shocked at just how many there are. Defeated, she says, "I can't stop Anxiety. Maybe this is what happens when you grow up. You feel less joy.”

This line obviously will hit a lot of people very hard, particularly older audiences. It is hard to argue that when you grow up, sometimes the weight of various problems in life can become overwhelming. It feels harder to be happy, and people tend to look back on how joyful they were in their youth with less care in the world.

Sometimes, the things that make us happy no longer do; they are just part of growing up and dealing with more complex emotions. It is hard to return to that joy of childlike wonder. One could even say much of the negative criticism from certain fans of properties like Star Wars and even Pixar is from audiences who have grown up and are upset less with the individual projects but that they don't make them feel the joy they did as a kid.

Inside Out 2 , like the Toy Story sequels and Monsters University , might be an animated movie aimed at families. Still, it also acknowledges the passage of time and realizes the kids who saw the original film are older. This is likely an emotion they have been feeling, and in 2024, it feels like it is a sentiment everyone shares. Between inflation, rising global conflicts, and various other issues going on in the world, it feels like finding joy in anything is becoming harder. Luckily, Inside Out 2 shows that even though Joy never goes away .

One of Inside Out 2 's most clever bits of writing is the characterization of Anxiety. She is the antagonist of the movie, but she is not an evil villain like The Prospector from Toy Story 2 or Syndrome in The Incredibles . Anxiety is doing what she thinks is best for Riley to help protect her. Every action she does is not out of her own selfish interest but in service of helping Riley as she sees fit. As is the case with anyone who has anxiety, it can be a very powerful emotion. In the film, Anxiety quickly takes control of Riley's mind, suppressing the main five emotions and making big changes, creating a new sense of self while tossing the old one away.

In the film's climax, Anxiety's efforts to give Riley a new sense of self backfires , with Riley believing she isn't good enough. Anxiety tries everything to fix it but begins to overwhelm Riley's systems, giving her an anxiety attack. Anxiety begins to move in a whirlwind around Riley's console, where not even the other emotions can stop her. Envy even tells her, "You are putting too much pressure on her." When the main five emotions get back to headquarters, they, along with Ennui, Embarrassment, and Envy, try pulling the new sense of self out of Riley and replacing it with the old one, but it doesn't work.

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Joy enters Anxiety's storm, and while she initially tries to yell at Anxiety to stop, Joy notices something. Despite Anxiety moving around the console, she is also frozen, stuck in place, and overwhelmed, much like somebody having a panic attack . Joy tells her it is okay to let go, and she understands she is doing what is best for Riley. Joy also realizes she is making a similar mistake to Anxiety. Earlier in the film, Joy had been shoving the awful thoughts that would weigh on Riley to the back of her mind. Both Joy and Anxiety tried to control Riley instead of letting her be who she was. Anxiety lets go, and Joy's actions earlier in the movie of riding the negative thoughts back to headquarters begin to take form in Riley's sense of self.

This new sense of self is a complex web of conflicting thoughts . Joy and positive emotions mixed with Anxiety, as well as a whole host of others. Riley is growing up, which means her worldview and her own identity is not so simple. She can have conflicting ideas about herself because that is what growing up is like. Riley can be both a good person and sometimes a bad friend, and it is important to recognize those contradicting notions.

This settles Riley down, and she apologizes to her friends as she had been ignoring them for most of the movie due to Anxiety and wanting to prioritize future friends in high school so Riley wouldn't be alone. Like the first film's climax, Riley has a heart-to-heart with the people she loves. Yet in the inverse of the first film, where Joy needs to let Sadness take control, saying, "Riley needs you," Sadness gets to tell Joy that Riley needs her. It is a reminder that Joy always has a way of coming back if we just let it into our lives.

By the film's conclusion, all nine main emotions have found a balance in Riley's head . Even Anxiety has a place there. There are healthy and unhealthy anxieties, just like with all emotions. Joy is a valuable tool, but it can also create toxic positivity. As with all the emotions, she deserves a necessary function; it is all just in degrees. It is also worth noting that emotions do not make Riley who she is. They can guide her, but in the end, Riley is the culmination of her life choices, of which emotions are part. All of these aspects of Riley are an important part of growing up.

Inside Out 2 will hopefully be a helpful tool for young kids encountering these emotions for the first time. It will help them explain these difficult concepts while also acknowledging the good and bad parts of all their conflicting emotions. As for older audiences, they will likely relate deeply to the film's concepts and wish they had it when they were younger, but they can be grateful that future generations will have it to look to when they need help understanding their feelings. Inside Out 2 is playing in theaters now.

Inside Out 2 (2024)

essay advice Answered

I'm currently writing an essay about what brings me joy for Brown University. I already wrote one about Latin Certamen, and how it's a game that I really love and how much it truly brings me joy. However, I recently thought of writing about Survivor, the reality show, as it may bring about a side of me that my application doesn't mention anywhere else. Which one should I go with? Help pls

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I would choose Latin Certamen, as long as you don't write about it elsewhere in your Brown application. It's much easier to write about intellectually. Reality TV is stereotypically seen as very anti-intellectual, very shallow, so it will be a lot harder to write about.

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Finding Joy: How Positive Anticipation Boosts Your Happiness

Thinking about the future is an under-used tool for building emotional health..

Updated June 23, 2024 | Reviewed by Abigail Fagan

  • Research shows that positively anticipating the future is a highly effective way to create positive emotions.
  • Mentally simulating future scenarios activates the brain's reward system and releases dopamine.
  • Strategies such as planning, visualization, aspiration boards and more can help with positive future thinking.

Unsplash by Dimtry Berdynk

In the world of mental health and self-development, the phrase "live in the moment" is frequently promoted as the key to happiness . While being present undoubtedly has its merits, scientific research shows that positively anticipating the future is a highly effective way to generate positive emotions and boost well-being. However, it is rarely used as the go-to method when people are trying to improve how they feel.

One significant reason future thinking enhances emotional well-being is that a large part of the brain is devoted to anticipating rewards. Studies have shown that anticipating future events can be more pleasurable than the events themselves. Thinking about the future involves mentally simulating future scenarios, which activates the brain's reward system and releases dopamine , a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure and happiness.

For instance, imagine planning a beach holiday. The thought of relaxing by the ocean, feeling the sand between your toes, and enjoying the sunshine can bring a smile to your face months before you actually go. The anticipation of the trip provides a prolonged period of excitement and enthusiasm.

The key to using future thinking in a way that makes you feel good is to stay focused on what you are wanting or the desired outcome. If you are enjoying imagining yourself on a beautiful beach getaway, and then start thinking about not being able to afford it, now you are thinking about a future you don’t think you can have and that will instead create a negative emotion .

Here are some practical ways you can spend more time focused on your future in a way that can create more happiness in your life.

  • Plan Regular Enjoyable Activities : The future doesn’t have to be far away or a grand ambition. You can anticipate having a nice meal in a restaurant with a friend or going for a walk in a beautiful scenic place. Scheduling regular activities that you enjoy and look forward to is an important life skill for keeping a positive mindset. Whether it's a weekly coffee date with a favorite friend, a monthly hike, or an annual family trip, having something on the calendar gives you something positive to anticipate.
  • Create an Aspiration Board : To create a bigger picture of positive life events to anticipate, gather images and words that represent your dreams and goals. Arrange them on a board where you can see them daily. This visual reminder keeps you focused on what you’re looking forward to and can boost your daily motivation and happiness. Don’t worry about how you will accomplish those things, your brain will start to work on ideas and help you create plans, as long as you believe the goals are possible.
  • Set Small, Specific, Achievable Goals : Break down your long-term goals into smaller, manageable tasks. For instance, if you aim to write a book, start with a goal to write 500 words a day. These small wins build momentum and keep you excited about your progress.
  • Visualize Positive Outcomes : Spend a few minutes each day visualizing yourself achieving your goals. Picture the details, feel the emotions, and immerse yourself in the experience. Couple this with seeing yourself taking some steps toward achieving the goal. This practice of simulating both the outcome and the process of getting there is key and it not only boosts happiness but also increases the likelihood of accomplishing what you’re working toward.
  • Keep a Gratitude Journal With a Future Twist : While gratitude journals typically focus on the present, try adding a future twist. Write about what you’re grateful for now and what you look forward to. For example, "I’m grateful for my health today and excited about the upcoming yoga retreat." Don't forget to feel the emotion. Remember, gratitude isn't an intellectual exercise it is an actual emotion.

Thinking about the future is an important wellness tool you can use to enhance your emotional health by providing a sense of direction, purpose, and excitement. By setting goals, planning enjoyable activities, and visualizing positive outcomes, you can harness the mind’s power of anticipation to increase happiness and improve the overall quality of your life.

Baumeister, R. F., Vohs, K. D., Aaker, J. L., & Garbinsky, E. N. (2013). Some key differences between a happy life and a meaningful life. The Journal of Positive Psychology , 8(6), 505-516.

Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success . Ballantine Books.

Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 84(2), 377-389.

Fredrickson, B. L. (2013). Positive emotions broaden and build. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology , 47, 1-53.

Gollwitzer, P. M., & Sheeran, P. (2006). Implementation intentions and goal achievement: A meta-analysis of effects and processes. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology , 38, 69-119.

Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2013). New developments in goal setting and task performance. Routledge .

Lyubomirsky, S. (2008). The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want . Penguin Press.

MacLeod, A. K., & Conway, C. (2007). Well-being and the anticipation of future positive experiences: The role of prospection in happiness. Journal of Research in Personality , 41(2), 167-174.

Oettingen, G. (2012). Future thought and behaviour change. European Review of Social Psychology , 23(1), 1-63.

Seligman, M. E. P., Railton, P., Baumeister, R. F., & Sripada, C. (2013). Navigating into the future or driven by the past. Perspectives on Psychological Science , 8(2), 119-141.

Taylor, S. E., Pham, L. B., Rivkin, I. D., & Armor, D. A. (1998). Harnessing the imagination: Mental simulation, self-regulation, and coping. American Psychologist , 53(4), 429-439.

Wilson, T. D., & Gilbert, D. T. (2005). Affective forecasting: Knowing what to want. Current Directions in Psychological Science , 14(3), 131-134.

Jennice Vilhauer Ph.D.

Jennice Vilhauer, Ph.D. , is the Director of Emory University’s Adult Outpatient Psychotherapy Program in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science in the School of Medicine.

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May 2024 magazine cover

At any moment, someone’s aggravating behavior or our own bad luck can set us off on an emotional spiral that could derail our entire day. Here’s how we can face triggers with less reactivity and get on with our lives.

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  • Gaslighting
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Fall 2024 Semester

Undergraduate courses.

Composition courses that offer many sections (ENGL 101, 201, 277 and 379) are not listed on this schedule unless they are tailored to specific thematic content or particularly appropriate for specific programs and majors.

  • 100-200 level

ENGL 151.S01: Introduction to English Studies

Tuesday and Thursday, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Sharon Smith

ENGL 151 serves as an introduction to both the English major and the discipline of English studies. In this class, you will develop the thinking, reading, writing and research practices that define both the major and the discipline. Much of the semester will be devoted to honing your literary analysis skills, and we will study and discuss texts from several different genres—poetry, short fiction, the novel, drama and film—as well as some literary criticism. As we do so, we will explore the language of the discipline, and you will learn a variety of key literary terms and concepts. In addition, you will develop your skills as both a writer and researcher within the discipline of English.

ENGL 201.ST1 Composition II: The Mind/Body Connection

In this section of English 201, students will use research and writing to learn more about problems that are important to them and articulate ways to address those problems. The course will focus specifically on issues related to the mind, the body and the relationship between them. The topics we will discuss during the course will include the correlation between social media and body image; the efficacy of sex education programs; the degree to which beliefs about race and gender influence school dress codes; and the unique mental and physical challenges faced by college students today. In this course, you will be learning about different approaches to argumentation, analyzing the arguments of others and constructing your own arguments. At the same time, you will be honing your skills as a researcher and developing your abilities as a persuasive and effective writer.

ENGL 201.S10 Composition II: Environmental Writing   

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 1-1:50 p.m.

Gwen Horsley

English 201 will help students develop the ability to think critically and analytically and to write effectively for other university courses and careers. This course will provide opportunities to develop analytical skills that will help students become critical readers and effective writers. Specifically, in this class, students will:

  • Focus on the relationships between world environments, land, animals and humankind.
  • Read various essays by environmental, conservational and regional authors.
  • Produce student writings. 

Students will improve their writing skills by reading essays and applying techniques they witness in others’ work and those learned in class. This class is also a course in logical and creative thought. Students will write about humankind’s place in the world and our influence on the land and animals, places that hold special meaning to them or have influenced their lives and stories of their own families and their places and passions in the world. Students will practice writing in an informed and persuasive manner, in language that engages and enlivens readers by using vivid verbs and avoiding unnecessary passives, nominalizations and expletive constructions.

Students will prepare writing assignments based on readings and discussions of essays included in "Literature and the Environment " and other sources. They may use "The St. Martin’s Handbook," as well as other sources, to review grammar, punctuation, mechanics and usage as needed.

ENGL 201.13 Composition II: Writing the Environment

Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-10:45 a.m.

Paul Baggett

For generations, environmentalists have relied on the power of prose to change the minds and habits of their contemporaries. In the wake of fires, floods, storms and droughts, environmental writing has gained a new sense of urgency, with authors joining activists in their efforts to educate the public about the grim realities of climate change. But do they make a difference? Have reports of present and future disasters so saturated our airwaves that we no longer hear them? How do writers make us care about the planet amidst all the noise? In this course, students will examine the various rhetorical strategies employed by some of today’s leading environmental writers and filmmakers. And while analyzing their different arguments, students also will strengthen their own strategies of argumentation as they research and develop essays that explore a range of environmental concerns.

ENGL 201 Composition II: Food Writing

S17 Tuesday and Thursday 12:30-1:45 p.m.

S18 Tuesday and Thursday 2-3:15 p.m.

Jodi Andrews

In this composition class, students will critically analyze essays about food, food systems and environments, food cultures, the intersections of personal choice, market forces and policy and the values underneath these forces. Students will learn to better read like writers, noting authors’ purpose, audience organizational moves, sentence-level punctuation and diction. We will read a variety of essays including research-intensive arguments and personal narratives which intersect with one of our most primal needs as humans: food consumption. Students will rhetorically analyze texts, conduct advanced research, reflect on the writing process and write essays utilizing intentional rhetorical strategies. Through doing this work, students will practice the writing moves valued in every discipline: argument, evidence, concision, engaging prose and the essential research skills for the 21st century.

ENGL 221.S01 British Literature I

Michael S. Nagy

English 221 is a survey of early British literature from its inception in the Old English period with works such as "Beowulf" and the “Battle of Maldon,” through the Middle Ages and the incomparable writings of Geoffrey Chaucer and the Gawain - poet, to the Renaissance and beyond. Students will explore the historical and cultural contexts in which all assigned reading materials were written, and they will bring that information to bear on class discussion. Likely themes that this class will cover include heroism, humor, honor, religion, heresy and moral relativity. Students will write one research paper in this class and sit for two formal exams: a midterm covering everything up to that point in the semester, and a comprehensive final. Probable texts include the following:

  • The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Middle Ages. Ed. Alfred David, M. H. Abrams, and Stephen Greenblatt. 9th ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012.
  • The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Sixteenth Century and Early Seventeenth Century. Ed. George M. Logan, Stephen Greenblatt, Barbara K Lewalski, and M. H. Abrams. 9th ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012.
  • The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century. Ed. George M. Logan, Stephen Greenblatt, Barbara K Lewalski, and M. H. Abrams. 9th ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012.
  • Gibaldi, Joseph. The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2003.
  • Any Standard College Dictionary.

ENGL 240.S01 Juvenile Literature Elementary-5th Grade

Monday, Wednesday and Friday noon-12:50 p.m.

April Myrick

A survey of the history of literature written for children and adolescents, and a consideration of the various types of juvenile literature. Text selection will focus on the themes of imagination and breaking boundaries.

ENGL 240.ST1 Juvenile Literature Elementary-5th Grade

Randi Anderson

In English 240 students will develop the skills to interpret and evaluate various genres of literature for juvenile readers. This particular section will focus on various works of literature at approximately the K-5 grade level. We will read a large range of works that fall into this category, as well as information on the history, development and genre of juvenile literature.

Readings for this course include classical works such as "Hatchet," "Little Women", "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" and "Brown Girl Dreaming," as well as newer works like "Storm in the Barn," "Anne Frank’s Diary: A Graphic Adaptation," "Lumberjanes," and a variety of picture books. These readings will be paired with chapters from "Reading Children’s Literature: A Critical Introduction " to help develop understanding of various genres, themes and concepts that are both related to juvenile literature and also present in our readings.

In addition to exposing students to various genres of writing (poetry, historical fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, picture books, graphic novels, etc.) this course will also allow students to engage in a discussion of larger themes present in these works such as censorship, race and gender. Students’ understanding of these works and concepts will be developed through readings, research, discussion posts, exams and writing assignments designed to get students to practice analyzing poetry, picture books, informational books and transitional/easy readers.

ENGL 241.S01: American Literature I

Tuesday and Thursday 12:30-1:45 p.m.

This course provides a broad, historical survey of American literature from the early colonial period to the Civil War. Ranging across historical periods and literary genres—including early accounts of contact and discovery, narratives of captivity and slavery, poetry of revolution, essays on gender equality and stories of industrial exploitation—this class examines how subjects such as colonialism, nationhood, religion, slavery, westward expansion, race, gender and democracy continue to influence how Americans see themselves and their society.

Required Texts

  • The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Package 1, Volumes A and B Beginnings to 1865, Ninth Edition. (ISBN 978-0-393-26454-8)

ENGL 283.S01 Introduction to Creative Writing

Steven Wingate

Students will explore the various forms of creative writing (fiction, nonfiction and poetry) not one at a time in a survey format—as if there were decisive walls of separation between then—but as intensely related genres that share much of their creative DNA. Through close reading and work on personal texts, students will address the decisions that writers in any genre must face on voice, rhetorical position, relationship to audience, etc. Students will produce and revise portfolios of original creative work developed from prompts and research. This course fulfills the same SGR #2 requirements ENGL 201; note that the course will involve a research project. Successful completion of ENGL 101 (including by test or dual credit) is a prerequisite.

ENGL 283.S02 Introduction to Creative Writing

Jodilyn Andrews

This course introduces students to the craft of writing, with readings and practice in at least two genres (including fiction, poetry and drama).

ENGL 283.ST1 Introduction to Creative Writing

Amber Jensen, M.A., M.F.A.

This course explores creative writing as a way of encountering the world, research as a component of the creative writing process, elements of craft and their rhetorical effect and drafting, workshop and revision as integral parts of writing polished literary creative work. Student writers will engage in the research practices that inform the writing of literature and in the composing strategies and writing process writers use to create literary texts. Through their reading and writing of fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction, students will learn about craft elements, find examples of those craft elements in published works and apply these elements in their own creative work, developed through weekly writing activities, small group and large group workshop and conferences with the instructor. Work will be submitted, along with a learning reflection and revision plan in each genre and will then be revised and submitted as a final portfolio at the end of the semester to demonstrate continued growth in the creation of polished literary writing.

  • 300-400 level

ENGL 424.S01 Language Arts Methods grades 7-12  

Tuesday 6-8:50 p.m.

Danielle Harms

Techniques, materials and resources for teaching English language and literature to middle and secondary school students. Required of students in the English education option.

AIS/ENGL 447.S01: American Indian Literature of the Present 

Thursdays 3-6 p.m.

This course introduces students to contemporary works by authors from various Indigenous nations. Students examine these works to enhance their historical understanding of Indigenous peoples, discover the variety of literary forms used by those who identify as Indigenous writers, and consider the cultural and political significance of these varieties of expression. Topics and questions to be explored include:

  • Genre: What makes Indigenous literature indigenous?
  • Political and Cultural Sovereignty: Why have an emphasis on tribal specificity and calls for “literary separatism” emerged in recent decades, and what are some of the critical conversations surrounding such particularized perspectives?
  • Gender and Sexuality: What are the intersecting concerns of Indigenous Studies and Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, and how might these research fields inform one another?
  • Trans-Indigeneity: What might we learn by comparing works across different Indigenous traditions, and what challenges do such comparisons present?
  • Aesthetics: How do Indigenous writers understand the dynamics between tradition and creativity?
  • Visual Forms: What questions or concerns do visual representations (television and film) by or about Indigenous peoples present?

Possible Texts

  • Akiwenzie-Damm, Kateri and Josie Douglas (eds), Skins: Contemporary Indigenous Writing. IAD Press, 2000. (978-1864650327)
  • Erdrich, Louise, The Sentence. Harper, 2021 (978-0062671127)
  • Harjo, Joy, Poet Warrior: A Memoir. Norton, 2021 (978-0393248524)
  • Harjo, Sterlin and Taika Waititi, Reservation Dogs (selected episodes)
  • Talty, Morgan. Night of the Living Rez, 2022, Tin House (978-1953534187)
  • Wall Kimmerer, Robin. Braiding Sweet Grass, Milkweed Editions (978-1571313560)
  • Wilson, Diane. The Seed Keeper: A Novel. Milkweed Editions (978-1571311375)
  • Critical essays by Alexie, Allen, Cohen, Cox, King, Kroeber, Ortiz, Piatote, Ross and Sexton, Smith, Taylor, Teuton, Treuer, Vizenor, and Womack.

ENGL 472.S01: Film Criticism

Tuesdays 2-4:50 p.m.

Jason McEntee

Do you have an appreciation for, and enjoy watching, movies? Do you want to study movies in a genre-oriented format (such as those we typically call the Western, the screwball comedy, the science fiction or the crime/gangster, to name a few)? Do you want to explore the different critical approaches for talking and writing about movies (such as auteur, feminist, genre or reception)?

In this class, you will examine movies through viewing and defining different genres while, at the same time, studying and utilizing different styles of film criticism. You will share your discoveries in both class discussions and short writings. The final project will be a formal written piece of film criticism based on our work throughout the semester. The course satisfies requirements and electives for all English majors and minors, including both the Film Studies and Professional Writing minors. (Note: Viewing of movies outside of class required and may require rental and/or streaming service fees.)

ENGL 476.ST1: Fiction

In this workshop-based creative writing course, students will develop original fiction based on strong attention to the fundamentals of literary storytelling: full-bodied characters, robust story lines, palpable environments and unique voices. We will pay particular attention to process awareness, to the integrity of the sentence, and to authors' commitments to their characters and the places in which their stories unfold. Some workshop experience is helpful, as student peer critique will be an important element of the class.

ENGL 479.01 Capstone: The Gothic

Wednesday 3-5:50 p.m.

With the publication of Horace Walpole’s "The Castle of Otranto " in 1764, the Gothic officially came into being. Dark tales of physical violence and psychological terror, the Gothic incorporates elements such as distressed heroes and heroines pursued by tyrannical villains; gloomy estates with dark corridors, secret passageways and mysterious chambers; haunting dreams, troubling prophecies and disturbing premonitions; abduction, imprisonment and murder; and a varied assortment of corpses, apparitions and “monsters.” In this course, we will trace the development of Gothic literature—and some film—from the eighteenth-century to the present time. As we do so, we will consider how the Gothic engages philosophical beliefs about the beautiful and sublime; shapes psychological understandings of human beings’ encounters with horror, terror, the fantastic and the uncanny; and intervenes in the social and historical contexts in which it was written. We’ll consider, for example, how the Gothic undermines ideals related to domesticity and marriage through representations of domestic abuse, toxicity and gaslighting. In addition, we’ll discuss Gothic texts that center the injustices of slavery and racism. As many Gothic texts suggest, the true horrors of human existence often have less to do with inexplicable supernatural phenomena than with the realities of the world in which we live. 

ENGL 485.S01: Undergraduate Writing Center Learning Assistants 

Flexible Scheduling

Nathan Serfling

Since their beginnings in the 1920s and 30s, writing centers have come to serve numerous functions: as hubs for writing across the curriculum initiatives, sites to develop and deliver workshops and resource centers for faculty as well as students, among other functions. But the primary function of writing centers has necessarily and rightfully remained the tutoring of student writers. This course will immerse you in that function in two parts. During the first four weeks, you will explore writing center praxis—that is, the dialogic interplay of theory and practice related to writing center work. This part of the course will orient you to writing center history, key theoretical tenets and practical aspects of writing center tutoring. Once we have developed and practiced this foundation, you will begin work in the writing center as a tutor, responsible for assisting a wide variety of student clients with numerous writing tasks. Through this work, you will learn to actively engage with student clients in the revision of a text, respond to different student needs and abilities, work with a variety of writing tasks and rhetorical situations, and develop a richer sense of writing as a complex and negotiated social process.

Graduate Courses

Engl 572.s01: film criticism, engl 576.st1 fiction.

In this workshop-based creative writing course, students will develop original fiction based on strong attention to the fundamentals of literary storytelling: full-bodied characters, robust story lines, palpable environments and unique voices. We will pay particular attention to process awareness, to the integrity of the sentence and to authors' commitments to their characters and the places in which their stories unfold. Some workshop experience is helpful, as student peer critique will be an important element of the class.

ENGL 605.S01 Seminar in Teaching Composition

Thursdays 1-3:50 p.m.

This course will provide you with a foundation in the pedagogies and theories (and their attendant histories) of writing instruction, a foundation that will prepare you to teach your own writing courses at SDSU and elsewhere. As you will discover through our course, though, writing instruction does not come with any prescribed set of “best” practices. Rather, writing pedagogies stem from and continue to evolve because of various and largely unsettled conversations about what constitutes effective writing and effective writing instruction. Part of becoming a practicing writing instructor, then, is studying these conversations to develop a sense of what “good writing” and “effective writing instruction” might mean for you in our particular program and how you might adapt that understanding to different programs and contexts.

As we read about, discuss and research writing instruction, we will address a variety of practical and theoretical topics. The practical focus will allow us to attend to topics relevant to your immediate classroom practices: designing a curriculum and various types of assignments, delivering the course content and assessing student work, among others. Our theoretical topics will begin to reveal the underpinnings of these various practical matters, including their historical, rhetorical, social and political contexts. In other words, we will investigate the praxis—the dialogic interaction of practice and theory—of writing pedagogy. As a result, this course aims to prepare you not only as a writing teacher but also as a nascent writing studies/writing pedagogy scholar.

At the end of this course, you should be able to engage effectively in the classroom practices described above and participate in academic conversations about writing pedagogy, both orally and in writing. Assessment of these outcomes will be based primarily on the various writing assignments you submit and to a smaller degree on your participation in class discussions and activities.

ENGL 726.S01: The New Woman, 1880–1900s 

Thursdays 3–5:50 p.m.

Katherine Malone

This course explores the rise of the New Woman at the end of the nineteenth century. The label New Woman referred to independent women who rebelled against social conventions. Often depicted riding bicycles, smoking cigarettes and wearing masculine clothing, these early feminists challenged gender roles and sought broader opportunities for women’s employment and self-determination. We will read provocative fiction and nonfiction by New Women writers and their critics, including authors such as Sarah Grand, Mona Caird, George Egerton, Amy Levy, Ella Hepworth Dixon, Grant Allen and George Gissing. We will analyze these exciting texts through a range of critical lenses and within the historical context of imperialism, scientific and technological innovation, the growth of the periodical press and discourse about race, class and gender. In addition to writing an argumentative seminar paper, students will complete short research assignments and lead discussion.

ENGL 792.ST1 Women in War: Female Authors and Characters in Contemporary War Lit

In this course, we will explore the voices of female authors and characters in contemporary literature of war. Drawing from various literary theories, our readings and discussion will explore the contributions of these voices to the evolving literature of war through archetypal and feminist criticism. We will read a variety of short works (both theoretical and creative) and complete works such as (selections subject to change): "Eyes Right" by Tracy Crow, "Plenty of Time When We Get Home" by Kayla Williams, "You Know When the Men are Gone" by Siobhan Fallon, "Still, Come Home" by Katie Schultz and "The Fine Art of Camouflage" by Lauren Johnson.

National Day of Joy: A day to celebrate the simple things in life

“Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” as the old Bobby McFerrin song goes. But these days, when trouble and strife can sometimes seem like a way of life, it can be challenging to turn that frown upside down. And that’s why observing the National Day of Joy on the last Wednesday in June is so worthwhile.  

The National Day of Joy was created in 2019 by an organization of caregivers providing support for seniors. The goal was to emphasize the importance of being joyful because enjoying everyday moments can enhance your sense of well-being. It’s since evolved into a day for people of all ages to celebrate the simple things in life that don’t involve material possessions, such as nature, family, and friendship.

To mark the National Day of Joy, watch the video above to see some fun-loving seniors living their best life

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    After writing your essay, read it out loud and check it over several times to ensure there are no grammatical mistakes. It should flow smoothly off of your tongue and you should be able to hear your voice within the words. Ask yourself if your essay adequately conveys your joy - and see if you can feel a glimmer of it each time you read your ...

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    Whether big or small, mundane or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy. (200-250 words) 6 Brown University EssaysThatWorked ... You'll get access to courses, live events, a dedicated essay coach, and countless resources to help you write your best essays. You finally have a place where you can ask these questions, get ...

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    Whether big or small, mundane or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy. (250 word limit) This is a great essay because it is simply about you and your passions. This essay might be lighter in tone, but don't underestimate its importance. Brown plans on learning a lot about you by how you answer this question.

  16. How to Write the Princeton Supplemental Essay

    how to write Princeton Supplemental Essay Prompt #1. Princeton values community and encourages students, faculty, staff and leadership to engage in respectful conversations that can expand their perspectives and challenge their ideas and beliefs. As a prospective member of this community, reflect on how your lived experiences will impact the ...

  17. How to Approach Princeton's Essays (with Real Princeton ...

    Princeton's Civic Engagement Essay: "Princeton has a longstanding commitment to service and civic engagement. Tell us how your story intersects (or will intersect) with these ideals." (250 words) To approach this prompt, first reflect on your experiences with service and civic engagement.

  18. JOY! Not just a character in Inside Out, but a supplement essay too!

    Increasingly, schools are asking students to reflect on things that bring them joy, satisfaction, or happiness. These can be difficult to write as often the college application process is the opposite of joyful... but these joy essays are here to stay! Note: These essays tend to range in length from 50-250 words. Example "Joy" Questions:

  19. Writing essay about joy

    Showcase how these experiences allowed you to discover a new perspective on happiness. 5. Small Moments: Sometimes, the most significant joy can be found in life's simplest moments. Write about a seemingly unimportant moment that brought you immense happiness, like watching the sunrise with a loved one or the satisfaction of mastering a new skill.

  20. Exploring What Brings Me Joy: [Essay Example], 614 words

    Conclusion. Discovering what brings me joy is an ongoing and rewarding exploration that encompasses creativity, connection, personal growth, nature, and moments of solitude. By understanding and embracing these elements, I am able to craft a life that resonates with happiness and fulfillment. The pursuit of joy is a journey that reminds me of ...

  21. Princeton "What brings you joy" short take : r/ApplyingToCollege

    Princeton "What brings you joy" short take. Hello, is writing about parties in this short essay going to hurt my chances or look unprofessional? Thanks in advance! it depends on how you write it—focus on the positive qualities. also obviously don't include anything illegal like underage drinking.

  22. Brown "What Brings You Joy" Essay

    I wrote about um making pancakes. was really upset when I reached the word limit because I was just getting into it. 2. Reply. Award. Share. Excellent_Parsley_89. • 2 yr. ago. spicy food.

  23. Beyond Howard and Spelman: HBCUs with an Eye on Affordability ...

    ️WHO AM I? ️I'm Ethan (College Essay Guy) and my goal is to bring more ease, joy, purpose, and access to the college admission process. I wrote two Amazon ...

  24. Inside Out 2's Deeper Meaning, Explained

    Joy has been the emotion in control for most of Riley's life.When Inside Out 2 begins, she has learned her lesson from the first film and sees the value in all of Riley's emotions, even Sadness ...

  25. essay advice

    I'm currently writing an essay about what brings me joy for Brown University. I already wrote one about Latin Certamen, and how it's a game that I really love and how much it truly brings me joy. However, I recently thought of writing about Survivor, the reality show, as it may bring about a side of me that my application doesn't mention ...

  26. Finding Joy: How Positive Anticipation Boosts Your Happiness

    Write about what you're grateful for now and what you look forward to. For example, "I'm grateful for my health today and excited about the upcoming yoga retreat." Don't forget to feel the ...

  27. Worship Service on June 16, 2024

    Turn your videos into live streams with Restream Join Fairview Community Church for Sunday worship on June 16, 2024 with Pastor Rev. Dr. Monica Corsaro.

  28. Fall 2024 Semester

    Undergraduate CoursesComposition courses that offer many sections (ENGL 101, 201, 277 and 379) are not listed on this schedule unless they are tailored to specific thematic content or particularly appropriate for specific programs and majors.100-200 levelENGL 151.S01: Introduction to English StudiesTuesday and Thursday, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.Sharon SmithENGL 151 serves as an introduction to both ...

  29. National Day of Joy: An invitation to find joy in everyday moments

    To mark the National Day of Joy, watch the video above to see some fun-loving seniors living their best life. Humankind is your go-to spot for good news! Click here to submit your uplifting, ...