Humanitarian Careers

NGO Cover Letter (Ultimate Guide)

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When you apply for a job with an NGO, a key part of your application will be a cover letter, alongside submitting a CV. A cover letter is a formal letter explaining why you are a strong candidate for a job. NGO recruiters will review your cover letter and decide if they should short-list you for an interview. Therefore, your cover letter needs to demonstrate you have the skills and experience, as well as the passion, to work at the NGO you are applying to.

We’ve put together this guide to help you write a great cover letter for an NGO job. It goes over thirteen crucial steps you should follow when writing your NGO cover letter. Follow the steps in this guide and see what you should, and shouldn’t, put in your cover letter for that NGO job…

Your Cover Letter Should Be Just One Page

The first thing you need to understand when writing a cover letter for an NGO job application is that it should never be more than one page long.

Your cover letter for an NGO job needs to catch the recruiter’s attention. NGO jobs are highly competitive. Some openings at top NGOs will get hundreds of applicants. NGO recruiters simply aren’t going to read really long cover letters. Keep it to one page to make sure it’s actually read.

Because NGO recruiters have to sift through so many applications, they usually only give each one a brief glance. It’s a shame because you put a lot of work into your application, however, it’s the truth. Therefore, you need to capture the hiring managers attention. One way to do this is to keep your cover letter to less than a single page.

A good length for an NGO cover letter is between 350 and 500 words. Make sure you write in font size 12. This means your cover letter will come out at about three quarters of a page. This is a good length as it allows you to include enough key details, without being too long to lose the NGO recruiters attention.

A cover letter for a job at an NGO that is longer than 500 words or so will have a higher chance of not being read. This means your application will be passed over and you’ll lose the opportunity to join the NGO you want in the role you applied for.

If you write a cover letter for an NGO job that’s less than about 500 words, it will simply be too short to include enough details, and may give the wrong impression to the hiring manager.

Make Sure Your Cover Letter Is Well Written

The second thing you must consider for a cover letter for an NGO job is that it must be well written.

Your cover letter is a key part of your job application for an NGO. Before you reach the interview stage, all the hiring manager knows about you is what you put in your CV and cover letter. Therefore, it is vital that you give the right impression. Making sure your NGO cover letter is written professionally is vital to this.

Start your cover letter with Dear Sir/Madam. This is the correct formal way to address a letter to someone who you do not know the name of. Your cover letter should close with ‘yours faithfully’ – again, the correct formal way to end a letter to someone you do not know.

When writing a cover letter for an NGO job, make sure you break your text down into clear paragraphs. Each paragraph should address a different topic, such as previous work experience, education, soft skills or why you want this role or to work for this particular NGO.

The way you write in your cover letter should be clear, and professional. Never use slang, and write in complete sentences. Good grammar is also hugely important. If you struggle with writing clearly, and correctly, run your cover letter through a spell-checker or a tool such as Grammerly .

If you are unsure whether your cover letter is well written and makes your points clearly, have a friend or family member read it and ask them to assess if it making your points directly enough.

Tailor Your Cover Letter For Each Job Application

Probably one of the most important things you need to do when writing your cover letter for an NGO job is ensure that you are tailoring it for each application that you send.

Don’t write a generic cover letter and send it to every job. NGO recruiters will be reviewing your cover letter to assess how well you fit for the particular role they are hiring for. Editing your cover letter so that it is tailored to the role you are applying for is key.

Tailoring your cover letter for the job you are applying for allows you to clearly demonstrate how well you fit the role. It also lets you demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the NGO and the specific position.

NGO jobs are highly competitive. You will need to send a lot of applications, especially if you are early in your career, to land an NGO role. Therefore, writing an entirely new cover letter for each job application you send will take too much time. You need to have a cover letter that acts as a template, and then have key sections that you can quickly edit for each job you apply for…

For example, parts of the cover letter covering trainings, education and soft skills will likely not change much between jobs. However, sections such as how your previous professional experience makes you qualified for the role, need to change slightly for each application. The section explaining why you want to work for that organisation also needs to be edited for each NGO that you apply to.

Remember, save all the cover letters you send to NGOs. This mean if you apply to the same organisation again, or to a similar role, you can go back to older version and tailor them more easily.

Your Cover Letter Must Capture The Recruiters Attention

A vital aspect of your NGO cover letter is that it must capture the recruiter’s attention.

As we said, NGO job openings can get hundreds of applications – your cover letter needs to stand out. Often NGO recruiters will only take a quick glance over a cover letter before deciding whether to shortlist that candidate for interview. Therefore, you need to ensure that even with a quick look, your cover letter conveys that you are right person for that NGO job.

After your opening of ‘Dear Sir/Madam’, its often good to include a line that confirms the role you are applying for – something like ‘I wish to apply for the position of… with…’ NGO.  This just ensures that the recruiter is aware of the role you are a candidate for.

The next line of your cover letter, usually the opening of your first full paragraph, should highlight your most recent and most relevant work experience. Something along the lines of ‘I am currently employed as…’, or ‘I have experience in a similar role as…’. This instantly tells the NGO recruiter that you are a highly relevant candidate.

Now that you’ve got the recruiters attention, use that paragraph to describe how that position is relevant to the job you are applying for. Again, be direct and concise here, but the aim is to show that your current, or most recent, professional experience is as closely linked to the NGO job you are applying to as you can.

Be Sure To Expand On Your Professional Experiences

Once you have caught the hiring manager’s attention, and demonstrated that your most recent, or most relevant role, is closely linked to the NGO job you are applying for, the next step in writing your cover letter is to expand on your professional experiences.

You should now move to another paragraph, and here you should highlight, briefly, any other relevant work experience you have. If you have a lot of related experience, especially if you have worked for NGOs before, choose some roles that are most closely linked to the position you are applying for.

The aim here is to further show the NGO recruiter that you have professional experience that would provide you the knowledge and skills needed to do the job. You do not need to list all your jobs here, but you should provide details on the relevant positions.

If you are new to the NGO sector, or applying for entry-level roles, instead of including other professional experiences you could expand more on the experience you do have. For example, here you could detail internships or volunteer postings you have done. However, only include them if they are relevant to the NGO job you are applying for.

Make Sure Your Cover Letter Links To The Exact Job Description

As we’ve discussed briefly already, it’s really important that your NGO cover letter directly links to the job you are applying for. One of the best ways to do this is to review the job description posted in the job advert by the NGO, and address the key points in it in your cover letter.

Directly addressing the key points in the job description in your cover letter tells the NGO recruiter directly that you have the required skills and experience to do the job.

Your cover letter should be less than one page – ideally around 500 words. This means you cannot link your previous work experience to every point in the job description. Therefore, you need to pick the most important points only. Often these are the main sub-headings, but make sure to read the job advert to see if the NGO includes any particular challenges or transitions that the role may face.

It’s important in the part of the cover letter not to just repeat your CV. Remember, the NGO recruiter has a copy of your CV and will be reviewing that as well. Your aim here is to briefly describe how your professional experience means you have the skills and competencies listed in the job description.

NGO hiring managers will be looking to recruit the person with the most relevant skills – this is your chance to show them it’s you!

Outline Your Training and Education

After giving a brief overview of your professional experience in your NGO cover letter, you should now include your education and training. This should be the start of another paragraph.

Begin by explaining your most recent university degree. Almost all NGO jobs require at least a bachelors, and usually a masters, and so it is important to highlight that you have these to the recruiter.

After including your degree, you should then go on to list any other qualifications you have. However, only include qualifications that are highly relevant. If you have a masters related to NGO work, but a bachelors that is not, then leave it out. Remember – the aim in your cover letter is to be concise and clear.

Once you have listed your qualifications in your cover letter, next you should put a single sentence explaining how these are relevant to the NGO job you are applying for. You do not need to include a sentence linking each of your qualifications, a single line covering all of them will suffice.

As well as including your qualifications, in this paragraph of the cover letter you can also include any training courses you have completed. You can either include a following sentence also describing how these give you the skills and experience needed to do the job, or you can include them and then have one sentence linking both your university qualifications and training to the role.

Don’t list all the trainings you have done. The aim is to include the most relevant ones to the NGO job you are applying for. The most important thing is to explain how these make you qualified for the position. Again, remember the hiring manager will have your CV as well – it’s there that you can list more of your trainings.

NGO Online Courses

If you are looking to work for an NGO, we highly recommend the online course  International Humanitarian and Development Careers . We think it provides one of the best overviews of the NGO sector and gives a clear breakdown of the skills needed to get an NGO job. It also provides valuable information on how to successfully apply for positions within NGOs. Click the link to be taken to the course’s page.

We also think the online course  Introduction to NGO Management  is a must for anyone wanting to work for an NGO. It goes over how NGOs operate and introduces students to the unique aspects of the NGO sector they will need to know in order to land a job. Follow the link for more information.

Another online course we highly recommend for those wanting to join the NGO sector is  How To Design and Fund International Development NGO Projects . Anyone working for an NGO needs a basic understanding of how NGO projects are set-up, and how to input to funding proposals. This course is a must for those wanting to work for an NGO. Click the link to get more information on the course.

Include Descriptions Of Your Soft Skills

Now that you’ve outlined your professional experience, formal qualifications and trainings – essentially the ‘hard’ skills you have, next in your cover letter you need to briefly go over the inter-personal skills you have – your ‘soft’ skills.

When NGOs post a job advert, they almost always include the competencies they are looking for the role. These can be soft skills such as team work, problem solving, initiative taking and leadership. They can also be more closely aligned to the NGOs own mission and values – and include things like inclusion, accountability, neutrality and fairness.

It’s important you address the soft skills listed in the job advert. Start a new paragraph of your cover letter and briefly explain which inter-personal skills you have. If you have space, also include a sentence on how you acquired these skills, such as that your previous work experience, volunteer postings or education meant that you built the specific soft skills the NGO is looking for role.

Remember, the aim of your cover letter is to expand on your CV, not repeat it. Including your soft skills in your NGO cover letter is ideal as these should not be included in your CV.

As always, keep this part of your cover letter short and to-the-point. Also, ensure that you are including the competencies included in the job description, but, if possible, do not copy them word-for-word.

Highlight Your Computer Skills In Your Cover Letter

Almost all modern jobs require IT skills – NGO jobs are no different. It’s important in your cover letter that you highlight that you have the computer skills relevant to the job.

Include a single sentence stating that you are computer literate and understand how to use the specific programmes the job requires.

Pretty much every NGO job will require you to have moderate-to-strong abilities in Microsoft Word and Excel, so be sure to include these in your cover letter. PowerPoint is also commonly used so it can be beneficial to list this as well.

Some specific NGO roles may require the use of additional computer programmes. For example, finance roles are likely to require experience in accounting software such as QuickBooks. If you know the NGO uses a certain software, or is likely to use a similar programme for the position you are applying for, be sure to mention it in your cover letter.

You should keep this section of your cover letter focusing on your IT skills to a minimum. One, or maximum two, sentences is enough to convey to the NGO hiring manager that you understand the level of computer work needed to do the job.

Explain Why You Want This Job

So, you’ve explained in your cover letter your professional and educational background, as well as the soft skills you have that are relevant to the NGO job you are applying for. You’ve also included a short section covering your IT skills. Now, you need to show your passion for the role!

There are two main things you should do when explaining to an NGO in your cover letter why you want the job. The first is the specific reason why the role excites you. Be genuine here. Look for real reasons why this job is the perfect role for you. However, ensure you remain relevant to the job– avoid general terms about why you want to work in the NGO sector. Instead, explain why the particulars of this role made you apply.

The second thing you need to do here in your cover letter is explain what the job will do for you. How does it build on your current professional or educational experience. Avoid saying that the role is just a stepping stone to another job – this will make the hiring manager think you’ll leave the job as soon as a better one comes up. Instead, focus on how the job relates to your wider, and more general, career goals.

Again, be honest and passionate about why you want the job so that the NGO recruiter can see you are excited by the position.

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Describe Why You Want to Work For This NGO

The last part of your NGO cover letter should explain why you want to work for that organisation.

Each NGO is unique and they are often proud of their histories and the work they do. NGO’s also look to recruit people whose values and passions align with their mission. Therefore, is it vital to include a sentence about why working for this particular NGO interests you.

Note – here you need to be specific about the NGO. Don’t say why you want to work for NGOs generally. Do some research on the organisation you are applying to and ensure the ending statement of your cover letter relates directly to the organisations work.

One tip is to look at the NGOs mission statement. These can almost always be found on the NGOs website. Don’t repeat their exact words back to them – but do say that this mission excites you and makes you want to work for the organization.

If an NGO doesn’t have a mission statement on their website, take a quick look over their areas of programming they do and highlight why these interest you.

As always, keep it direct and to-the-point. One sentence here should be enough.

Don’t Include Start Date or Salary Expectation

Unless a NGO’s job advert explicitly asks you to include a date of when you can start in the role, or your salary expectations, don’t.

Generally, it’s good to leave this information out unless you have to include it. These details are best discussed at the interview stage where you can provide more detail and context.

The only time you should include your start date in an NGO cover letter is if you can start work immediately. This can be in your favour as NGO recruitments are often urgent and including that you can start in the position right away can actually help your application.

If an NGO explicitly says they want applicants to include a start date in their cover letter, it is best to include a rough date, or better, something like ‘available with one months’ notice’ – or whatever your current jobs notice period is.

Don’t Include A Photograph

A final point to note when writing your cover letter for an NGO job is that you shouldn’t put a photograph of yourself.

Although in some countries putting a photograph on your job application is more common, generally it is best not to. Putting a photograph rarely adds to the quality of an application. Almost no NGOs require applicants to include photographs when they apply for a job.

A good rule to follow is to only give information in your cover letter that will directly help you get the job. Essentially, if an NGO recruiter doesn’t need a piece of information, don’t give it to them. Your cover letter is a key tool in convincing the NGO hiring manager that you are a strong candidate for the job, and that they should short-list you for an interview. Putting a photograph does not help with this argument, and therefore it shouldn’t be included.

If, on the very rare occasion, an NGO does ask you to include a photograph in your application. Ensure it is professional and clear. Don’t use a passport photo… everyone looks bad in passport photos!

If you want to know more about how to get a job with an NGO, as well as application tips, check out our page on the top NGO online courses here .

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Letter Templates & Example

5 Effective Cover Letter Templates for NGO Jobs

Letter sample 116

Looking for a job in the non-profit sector can be challenging, especially when it comes to highly competitive positions. When applying for an NGO job, one of the essential documents you need to prepare is a cover letter. It’s a way to stand out from the crowd, showcase your skills, and demonstrate your passion for the mission. However, creating a cover letter from scratch can be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially if you’re not sure where to start. That’s why we’ve put together a cover letter template for NGO job seekers, which you can find below. Our template provides examples of how to structure your letter, what to include, and what to avoid. So whether you’re applying for a job in global health, human rights, or environmental advocacy, our cover letter template can help you craft a compelling message that resonates with hiring managers. Feel free to use our examples and edit them as needed to make them your own. Good luck with your job search, and we hope this cover letter template for NGO job seekers helps you land your dream role.

The Best Structure for a Cover Letter Template for an NGO Job

When applying for a job in a non-governmental organization (NGO), it is essential to create a cover letter that stands out from the rest. A great cover letter showcases your qualifications, experience, and passion for the mission of the organization. In this article, we will explore the best structure for a cover letter template for an NGO job.

The first paragraph of your cover letter should grab the reader’s attention. Start by introducing yourself, stating the specific position you are applying for, and how you came across the opportunity. Highlight the organization’s mission and why you are interested in joining their team. A great hook will make the reader want to read on and learn more about you.

The second paragraph should focus on your qualifications and experience. Highlight your academic and professional achievements that make you the perfect candidate for the position. If you have specific skills that are required for the job, mention them here. It’s also essential to highlight any experience you have working with NGOs or non-profits. This shows the reader that you understand the unique challenges that come with working in the non-profit sector.

The third paragraph should highlight your passion for the organization’s mission. Share personal experiences or stories that led you to want to work for an NGO. This paragraph is an opportunity to showcase your commitment to the organization’s goals and values. This is also a great place to mention any volunteer work you have done in the past that aligns with the NGO’s mission.

The fourth paragraph is where you can wrap up your cover letter. Make sure to reiterate your interest in the position and the organization. Thank the reader for their time and consideration. If possible, mention that you look forward to the opportunity to discuss your qualifications further in an interview.

In conclusion, a well-structured cover letter is a crucial part of your job application for an NGO position. Start with a strong introduction, highlight your qualifications and experience, showcase your passion for the organization’s mission, and wrap up with a strong conclusion. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to standing out from the competition and landing your dream job in an NGO!

NGO Job Cover Letter Templates

Sample 1: applying for a program manager position.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the Program Manager position at [NGO name]. With my extensive experience in program management and working with vulnerable populations, I am confident in my ability to make a positive contribution to your organization.

In my previous role as a Program Manager at [previous organization], I successfully developed and implemented various programs for underserved communities. My skills in project management, budgeting, and stakeholder engagement have allowed me to deliver high-quality programs that have a positive impact on target beneficiaries.

I am excited by the prospect of contributing my skills and experience to [NGO name] and look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my application with you.

Thank you for considering my application.

[Your Name]

Sample 2: Applying for a Fundraising Position

Dear [NGO name] Hiring Team,

As an experienced fundraising professional, I was thrilled to see the opening for a Development Officer at your organization. My track record of success in securing funding for non-profits aligns well with your mission and the work you do in the community.

Throughout my career, I have worked with various organizations, including [previous organization], where I successfully raised $X million in a single year. My skills in donor cultivation, grant writing, and event planning have helped me generate significant support for non-profits like yours.

I would be excited to join [NGO name] and contribute to your fundraising efforts. Thank you for considering my application.

Sample 3: Recommending Someone for a Community Outreach Position

It is my pleasure to recommend [Name] for the Community Outreach Worker position at [NGO name]. I have had the pleasure of working alongside [Name] for the past X years and can attest to their passion for community development and proven track record of success.

During their time at [previous organization], [Name] developed and delivered various community outreach programs that had a significant impact on the target population. Their skills in project management, community engagement, and data analysis allowed them to deliver results that exceeded expectations.

I am confident that [Name] would be a valuable addition to your team and would excel in the Community Outreach Worker role. Thank you for considering their application.

Sample 4: Recommending Someone for an Advocacy Position

I am writing to recommend [Name] for the Advocacy Officer position at [NGO name]. [Name] is a highly motivated and experienced advocate with a proven track record of successfully advocating for human rights and social justice.

During our time working together at [previous organization], [Name] led various advocacy campaigns that resulted in significant policy changes. Their skills in research, policy analysis, and coalition building helped them to leverage support from stakeholders and effectively communicate their message.

I am confident that [Name] would be a valuable addition to your team and would excel in the Advocacy Officer role. Thank you for considering their application.

Sample 5: Applying for a Research Position

I am writing to apply for the Research Analyst position at [NGO name]. I am excited by the prospect of joining an organization that is committed to promoting evidence-based solutions to social and economic issues.

As a graduate of the [University] with a degree in [field], I have developed a strong foundation in research methodologies and data analysis. My previous work experience at [previous organization] allowed me to apply these skills to evaluate and monitor program effectiveness.

I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for the Research Analyst position. Thank you for considering my application.

Sample 6: Applying for an Internship Position

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Internship position at [NGO name]. As a recent graduate of [University] with a degree in Marketing, I am eager to gain hands-on experience and make a meaningful contribution to your organization.

Through my academic studies and previous internships, I have developed skills in market research, campaign planning, and social media management. I am excited by the opportunity to apply these skills to promote the important work done by [NGO name] and help advance your mission.

Thank you for considering my application for the Marketing Internship position.

Sample 7: Applying for a Volunteer Position

Dear [NGO name] Volunteer Coordinator,

I am writing to express my interest in volunteering with your organization. I am eager to use my skills and experience to support your mission and help make a positive impact on the community.

As a [your occupation], I have skills in [skill 1], [skill 2], and [skill 3]. I am confident that these skills can be applied to various volunteer positions at [NGO name], including [specific position].

I am excited by the prospect of volunteering with such a respected and impactful organization and look forward to contributing to your important work.

Tips for Creating a Winning Cover Letter for an NGO Job

When applying for a job in an NGO, your cover letter plays a crucial role in convincing the employer that you are the best fit for the position. Here are some tips to help you create a winning cover letter that highlights your strengths and qualifications:

  • Do Your Research : Before writing the cover letter, research the organization’s mission, vision, and values. Show the organization that you have done your homework and are committed to their cause.
  • Highlight Relevant Experience : As with any job application, it’s important to highlight relevant experience that matches the requirements of the position. Use concrete examples to demonstrate your skills and achievements in related areas.
  • Show Your Passion : Working for an NGO is more than just a job, it’s a calling. Use your cover letter to show your passion and commitment to making a positive impact in the world.
  • Customize the Letter : Avoid sending generic cover letters to multiple organizations. Take the time to customize the cover letter to the specific job and organization you are applying for.
  • Show Your Soft Skills : NGOs require individuals with strong communication, interpersonal, and team skills. Use examples from your previous experiences to showcase your abilities in these areas.

Remember to keep your cover letter concise, focusing on your strengths and differentiators. Use clear language and a professional tone to demonstrate that you are the best fit for the position.

Cover Letter Template for NGO Job FAQs What should be the format of a cover letter for an NGO job?

The format of a cover letter for an NGO job should follow a standard business letter format with appropriate salutation, introduction, body paragraphs highlighting relevant qualifications, and a closing paragraph that reiterates your interest in the position.

What are some tips for writing an effective cover letter for an NGO job?

Tips for writing an effective cover letter for an NGO job include tailoring the letter to the specific job and organization, highlighting relevant experience and skills, avoiding buzzwords and jargon, and proofreading for errors.

How long should a cover letter for an NGO job be?

A cover letter for an NGO job should be no longer than one page. It should be concise and highlight key qualifications in a compelling manner.

What should I include in the introduction of my cover letter for an NGO job?

The introduction of your cover letter for an NGO job should include a brief statement indicating your interest in the position and how you learned about it. It should also provide a clear and concise overview of your qualifications and skills relevant to the job.

How can I make my cover letter stand out for an NGO job?

To make your cover letter stand out for an NGO job, tailor the letter to the specific job and organization, use clear and concise language, highlight relevant experience and skills, and show enthusiasm and passion for the cause or mission of the NGO.

Should I mention my salary expectations in my cover letter for an NGO job?

No, you should not mention your salary expectations in your cover letter for an NGO job. If the job posting specifically requests this information, you can include it in your application, but it is generally not appropriate to mention in the cover letter.

What should I include in the closing paragraph of my cover letter for an NGO job?

The closing paragraph of your cover letter for an NGO job should reiterate your interest in the position and thank the reader for considering your application. You should also include information on how they can contact you and your availability for an interview.

Ready to Land That Dream NGO Job?

Well, there you have it – your ultimate guide to crafting the perfect cover letter for an NGO job. We hope these templates and tips have given you the confidence to put your best foot forward and secure an interview. Remember, the key is to show your passion, dedication, and alignment with the organization’s mission. Thanks for reading, and don’t hesitate to check back for more job search advice! Good luck on your journey!

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3 Inspiring Nonprofit Cover Letter Examples

By Editorial Team on February 14, 2024 — 8 minutes to read

The nonprofit sector includes organizations that are neither part of the government nor operated for profit. When you interact with nonprofits, you’re looking at a diverse group with missions ranging from education and health to environmental conservation and the arts.

Nonprofits are typically funded by donations, grants, and membership dues and are driven by a mission to serve the public. Unlike for-profit businesses, they reinvest any surplus revenues back into their programs and services. This structure means that your passion and alignment with the organization’s mission can often be just as important as your professional skills.

When writing a cover letter for a job in the nonprofit sector, it’s important to highlight both your professional abilities and your dedication to the cause. This could include volunteer experience, board memberships, or simply a strong personal connection to the mission of the organization.

Crafting Your Cover Letter

A stellar cover letter grabs attention by aligning your skills and passion with the nonprofit’s mission and the job at hand. Here’s how you can craft one that stands out.

Analyzing the Job Description

Start by thoroughly reading the job posting to understand what the nonprofit is looking for. Identify keywords and phrases related to skills, experiences, and values. You can use these to tailor your cover letter to demonstrate you’re a perfect fit for the role. For example, if “community outreach” is a frequently mentioned phrase, highlight your experience in this area.

Knowing Your Audience

Research the organization to get a sense of its culture and values. Use this insight to talk directly to the nonprofit’s needs and show you’ve done your homework. For instance, if the organization values innovation, you can mention a time you implemented a new process or project.

Personalizing Your Introduction

Begin with a compelling opening sentence that introduces you and your interest in the organization. A personal story or a connection to the cause can make your cover letter memorable. For example: “Seeing the impact of your homeless outreach inspired me to apply.”

Outlining Your Relevant Experience

In bullet points, list the experiences that directly relate to the job. Explain how each experience has prepared you for the specific responsibilities of the role. For example, if you’re applying to be a grant writer, list success stories of past grants you’ve secured.

Demonstrating Your Passion for the Cause

Let your enthusiasm for the work shine through by sharing why the mission matters to you. Relate personal experiences or achievements that show your commitment. For example: “Volunteering with (…) initiative confirmed my dedication to environmental advocacy.”

Concluding with a Strong Finish

End with a confident and polite closing that invites further conversation. Express excitement about the prospect of contributing to the team and the cause. For example:”I am eager to bring my experience in nonprofit management to your esteemed team and am looking forward to discussing how I can support your goals.”

Formatting Your Cover Letter

Structuring your document.

Your cover letter should have a clear structure with an introduction, body, and closing. In the introduction, briefly mention the job you’re applying for and your enthusiasm about the mission of the nonprofit. The body of the letter should consist of one to two paragraphs where you highlight your relevant experience and achievements. Finally, end your letter with a strong closing statement, expressing your desire to discuss how you can contribute to the organization.

Choosing the Right Font and Size

You should select a professional and easy-to-read font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Your font size should be between 10 to 12 points to ensure readability. Keep margins at standard 1-inch on all sides to present a tidy page, and use single spacing within paragraphs with a blank line between each paragraph.

Templates and Examples

Crafting a personalized cover letter can greatly increase your chances of landing a job interview in the nonprofit sector. Here, you’ll find templates specifically designed for various levels of experience, whether you’re just starting out, have years of professional experience, or are transitioning to the nonprofit world.

Entry-Level Nonprofit Cover Letter Example

If you’re fresh in the workforce and eager to contribute to a cause, your cover letter should highlight your volunteer experiences and the skills you’ve gained from them. Remember, you’re telling a story about why you’re passionate about the nonprofit’s mission.

Example: Subject: Application for the Position of Community Outreach Coordinator

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I recently graduated with a degree in Social Work and found great purpose in my volunteer work with [Local Nonprofit Organization], where I deepened my understanding of community engagement and developed strong organizational skills. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my dedication and fresh perspective to [Nonprofit’s Name] as your next Community Outreach Coordinator.

Experienced Professional Cover Letter Example

For you, as someone with substantial experience, your cover letter is an opportunity to demonstrate how your track record can translate into success for the nonprofit. Be specific about your achievements and how they align with the values and goals of the organization.

Example: Subject: Application for Senior Program Manager Position

With over 10 years of program management experience, notably with [Previous Nonprofit], I significantly increased program efficiency by 20% and spearheaded a fundraising campaign that raised over $100,000. My commitment to fostering community growth and empowering diverse groups aligns seamlessly with the mission of [Nonprofit’s Name]. I am excited to bring my expertise and innovative strategies to your team as the Senior Program Manager.

Career Change to Nonprofit Sector Cover Letter Example

Your cover letter should reflect a clear, genuine reason for shifting to the nonprofit sector. Draw parallels between your past experiences and how these can benefit the organization. It’s important to show that your skills are transferable and that your passion for the mission is a driving force behind your career change.

Example: Subject: Application for the Role of Advocacy Coordinator

After a successful decade in the legal sector, I am ready to apply my expertise in advocacy and policy analysis to make a meaningful impact in the nonprofit realm. My experience winning complex legal battles translates well to the tenacious approach needed as an Advocacy Coordinator with [Nonprofit’s Name]. I am passionate about your mission and eager to contribute to your team with fresh strategies and a strong commitment to social change.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When crafting your nonprofit cover letter, ensure you don’t make these common errors:

  • Neglecting Customization: Each nonprofit has its unique mission and values. Remember to tailor your cover letter to each organization’s specific ethos. A generic cover letter can imply a lack of genuine interest.
  • Overlooking Details: Always double-check for typos, grammatical errors, and incorrect information. These mistakes can suggest you lack attention to detail or professionalism.
  • Repeating Your Resume: Your cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat it. Use this space to expand on your experiences and explain how they align with the nonprofit’s goals.
  • Being Too Lengthy: Keep your cover letter concise. Aim for a maximum of one page. Your goal is to maintain the reader’s interest with a clear and brief message.
  • Skipping the Thank-You: End your cover letter by expressing gratitude for the consideration. It’s a simple but powerful way to show your appreciation and courtesy.

Best Practices for Follow-Up

After you’ve submitted your nonprofit cover letter, effectively following up can make a significant difference in how your application is perceived. Post-submission, it’s important to remain engaged and show your continued interest in the position.

Monitoring Your Email and Voicemail

Regularly check your email and voicemail for any responses or further instructions from the nonprofit organization. Promptness in your response conveys your eagerness and professionalism.

Being Proactive with Hiring Managers

If you haven’t heard back within a week or two, don’t hesitate to reach out. A courteous email inquiring about the status of your application demonstrates initiative, but remember to be respectful of the hiring manager’s time. Related: Get More Interviews: Follow Up on Job Applications (Templates)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key components to include in a cover letter for a nonprofit position.

In your nonprofit cover letter, you should include your passion for the mission of the organization, specific examples of your past achievements, and how they align with the goals of the nonprofit. Highlight your teamwork and communication skills, and don’t forget to mention any volunteer experience.

How can someone with no experience approach writing a cover letter for a nonprofit job?

If you’re lacking experience, focus on your transferable skills such as organization, enthusiasm, and the ability to learn quickly. Share your understanding of the nonprofit’s mission and express how your personal values align with it. You might discuss relevant coursework or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your commitment.

What’s the ideal length for a cover letter when applying to a nonprofit organization?

Your cover letter should be concise, ideally one page, with no more than three to four paragraphs. This shows that you can communicate effectively and respect the reader’s time, which is important in the fast-paced nonprofit sector.

Could you provide tips on formatting a compelling cover letter for NGO job applications?

Use a professional and readable font size, typically between 10-12 points, and keep the margins to about one inch on all sides. Align your text to the left and use bullet points to make achievements stand out. Ensure your layout has plenty of white space for easy readability.

In what ways can a program coordinator cover letter be tailored to highlight relevant skills for a nonprofit role?

Your program coordinator cover letter should demonstrate your project management skills, ability to work with diverse groups, and experience in organizing events or campaigns. Mention any successful programs you’ve run or contributed to and how they have made a positive impact.

What are some effective strategies for enhancing my cover letter when applying for jobs in the nonprofit sector?

Personalize your cover letter by addressing it to an individual rather than using a generic salutation. Use the job description to guide you in highlighting the most relevant experiences and skills you have. Use stories and examples that you think will resonate with the organization’s culture and mission.

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Paul Drury

Nonprofit cover letter example

Nonprofit cover letter example

Tap into the language of the non-profit industry

Whether you are working in the healthcare, education, social care or philanthropy sectors (amongst many others), the attraction of working at a Nonprofit job is immense. Over 12 million Americans work in the sector, comprising 10% of the private workforce. That is a lot of opportunity, but also a lot of competition.

When you are writing a cover letter for a Nonprofit, although many of them are structured in similar ways to for-profit companies, there are many ways in which you can help your application to stand out. The vast majority of nonprofits operate in the $500k-$2m bracket, so an applicant’s motivation is as important as their experience. How will your role help the organization with its funding goals? How will you make an impact on the outreach efforts? How can you demonstrate talents that could prove useful in multiple ways?

When you work at a nonprofit, your job isn’t just your job. It is your life. Your employer would hope that you will be able to contribute in ways that venture far beyond the job description. That is what should be conveyed in the cover letter.

The specifics of each Nonprofit cover letter will vary significantly depending on the role, so in this cover letter example and guide we would like to offer some general guidelines about making the best possible impact (as well as exploring some considerations for some specific roles).

This cover letter example and its corresponding guide will demonstrate:

  • The best cover letter format for a Nonprofit application
  • What elements should be included in a Nonprofit cover letter and how to write each paragraph
  • What writing tips and tricks to follow to impress employers
  • Basic cover letter examples of mistakes to avoid.

A Nonprofit cover letter should be written alongside the resume. While the resume contains much of the factual experience and education, the cover letter should focus on the personal aspects that are so important for a nonprofit. For most jobs it is the factual stuff that holds the most weight, but for a nonprofit, I would argue that personal drive is just as important.

Nonprofits are struggling to keep up with the private sector. Total employment for nonprofits is down almost 5% from before the pandemic and a survey by Nonprofit HR found that 45% of nonprofit employees will enter the job hunt by 2025 and 23% of those want to exit nonprofit work. That means that jobs are out there for you, but how do you make your application stand out?

Best format for a Nonprofit cover letter example

Few Nonprofit successes come by chance, so your career story should be told in a structured and logical way, which is embodied in a great cover letter format. The more structured the story, the easier it will be to remember during an interview that may take place long after the letter has been read.

The tried-and-true cover letter format for a Nonprofit job includes the following elements:

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting
  • The cover letter introduction
  • The cover letter middle paragraph  (body of the letter)
  • The conclusion and sign-off (cover letter ending)

This cover letter guide offers industry-leading advice to guide you through each section of the cover letter format, along with a cover letter sample that showcases how to implement this advice. Something that you might dismiss as unimportant or overlook in your haste to send the application off could make the difference between you getting the job or being left on the rejects pile. Don’t just think about what you want to say – how you present your case is equally as important.

This Nonprofit cover letter example demonstrate how you can write each paragraph/part in practical terms:

Dear Mrs. Latchworth,

Having worked in two Nonprofit organizations assisting young professionals in the financial community, I understand how vital the role of outreach coordinator can be. If you don’t understand the needs of your community, your impact can miss the target entirely.

I have been a vocal supporter of mental health education since my best friend was diagnosed with depression five years ago. If you do not understand what to do with some of the thoughts that enter your head, the risks can spiral. I have arranged mental health conferences and events for over 15,000 young financiers, attracting 170+ sponsors and over $6.5m of funding over a four-year period. Investing in the mental health of high-potential (but mentally vulnerable) employees is the best thing any corporate behemoth can do.

My previous roles have been primarily focused on research, marketing and fundraising management — building deep connections within the community at conferences and being an advocate for our work in both social and print media. My most prominent PR campaign achieved a 95% awareness rating among senior financial decision makers and was responsible for a 40% spike in donations. I believe in nurturing long-term relationships with sponsors who are morally invested in our work.

The value of an outreach coordinator is measured in both campaign and funding growth:

  • Ran a six-month mental wellness campaign with 8 mid-level investment banks.
  • Social audience grew 450% over three years and campaigns reached 5m+ people.
  • 98% rated my “Mental Health in Finance” seminars as very good / excellent.
  • Increased donations by 150% in my previous role, continuing to build my network.

I have worked in partnership with NextChange on many occasions and feel that now is the time to make my difference by working for you. I would love the opportunity of an interview to chat about how I might be able to help your current clients and reach out to new ones. Mental health matters to everyone, but especially to those starting out in their careers.

Kristin Weathers

Cover letter header

The cover letter header could be viewed in the same way as making sure that you share the details of how to donate to your cause. If someone wants to hire you, they have to be able to get in touch with you easily. The header contains the vital candidate contact details and is situated at the top of the letter, so there is no excuse.

It is also common knowledge that our brains need a few seconds to switch from what they were previously occupied with and settle down to the task at hand. The header and the white space that follows it allow a reader’s mind to calm and focus on the application to come. Better this than them breeze through the vital first sentences without fully paying attention. 

There is also a non-human reader to consider. The recruitment ATS software that most recruiters and HR departments use to process the applications will look for details such as email address and mobile numbers on the cover letter and resume. If those details are specifically located at the top in the header of the document, they are easy to find and there will not be any communication mix-ups along the line. HR assistants do not sit there keying in endless details to their systems, so simplify the situation for the machines.

You may not be a fit for this particular role; but being able to be contacted for future roles is equally important, whether the details are on your cover letter or resume.

The aim of this part: Sharing contact details again is not a waste of cover letter real estate – it is a vital part of the job search process.

Cover letter introduction

There is an extra layer of motivation when you go into work at a Nonprofit and an extra frisson of pride when you do something great. Somehow this sense of achievement hits harder when the cause is that bit worthier. 

The introduction to your cover letter should give a two-line insight into your basic experience/background, as well as a “hook” that shows you actually understand the industry and/or are driven by the right motivation. It’s usually a good move to make the intro as confident as possible without edging into arrogance. Note how the intro line of our cover letter sample makes a bold statement right after giving a one-liner about the candidates basic background:

This intro will stand out in the mind of a non-profit hiring manager, so think carefully about how you can kick off the cover letter in impressive style. If there is one thing that you want a reader to remember about your candidacy, what would it be? Avoid exaggerating, be objective and don’t be overly boastful. Simply state the facts of your awesomeness.

You understand the mission of your employer and you know which levers to pull to make sure that it achieves its goals to maximum effectiveness. Cover letter introduction…. Tick.

The aim of this part: Hit first with your most impressive message. Not everyone gets beyond the first paragraph. Go with your big guns and give the details later.

This intro will stand out in the mind of a Nonprofit hiring manager, so think carefully about how you can kick off the cover letter in an impressive style. If there is one thing that you want a reader to remember about your candidacy, what would it be? Avoid exaggerating, be objective, and don’t be overly boastful. Simply state the facts of your awesomeness.

Cover letter body 

The middle paragraphs (1-2, depending on how your letter is structured and how much text you have) are where you expand on how your contribution to the Nonprofit makes a difference. Highlight and quantify your key achievements with space-efficient bullet points. Share the values that lay behind your actions and describe how your relationships with others brought expansion and increased income.

Delve into your dealing with donors, sponsors and funding organizations and tease out just how you go about weaving your Nonprofit magic. With advances in technology and social media, there is no one recipe for success, so share some of your secret sauce. 

What are the balances and checks that you employ at work and how do you ensure that all-important element of compliance? Nonprofits have to be more responsible in terms of their financials than the private sector as they are beholden to stakeholders that trust them to do the right thing with their money — how do you ensure transparency and value? The body of the cover letter is the place to hint at those important considerations.

You can see how the cover letter example shown above deals with presenting facts, achievements and experience:

I have arranged mental health conferences and events for over 15,000 young financiers, attracting 170+ sponsors and over $6.5m of funding over a four-year period. Investing in the mental health of high-potential (but mentally vulnerable) employees is the best thing any corporate behemoth can do.

My most prominent PR campaign achieved a 95% awareness rating among senior financial decision makers and was responsible for a 40% spike in donations.

If you pick examples that are somewhat out of the ordinary you will create a sense of curiosity in the reader. The best cover letters make the hiring managers want to find out more, so don’t share the mundane activities. Share a few scenarios with their results and leave them hanging a little with the detail of how you got there. That is for the interviews.

Show that you work well with others – communication and influencing skills are central if you want to get anything done in such a people-oriented environment.

The aim of this part: What will you bring to the team and how will the cause be advanced by your participation. These are big questions - think hard about the examples you share.

How to close a nonprofit cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

Any salesperson knows that they need to finish on a convincing note. When you are persuading someone that something is worthwhile, their interest will likely waver as you present your arguments, but any successful persuasion ends with a powerful point and a call to action. The conclusion to a Nonprofit job application cover letter is no different.

We suggest sharing one last piece of persuasion, a reason why you should be invited to interview, and then don’t be shy to ask for that chance to meet. When you work at a Nonprofit you are often part of a close-knit team that has a common vision, so expressing a desire to meet and share your dreams is entirely understandable.

If the reader has a sense that you might be a good fit, they will be looking for one more reason to invite you and one more thing to discuss with their colleagues and bosses.

Consider this cover letter sample and note how it logically ties in the next step of the relationship, while simultaneously offering an avenue for a continuation of the dialogue:

I have worked in partnership with NextChange on many occasions and feel that now is the time to make my difference by working for you. I would love the opportunity of an interview to chat about how I might be able to help your current clients and reach out to new ones. Mental health matters to everyone, but especially to those starting out in their careers.”

The aim of this part: Finish on a persuasive high note and don’t forget to convey your enthusiasm about the thought of meeting and sharing your motivations.

Writing tips and tricks: address real employer and organization needs

So many Nonprofit types will go to parties and hear how people “love” their cause, only to find that they really don’t understand much about it at all. Make sure that your cover letter is packed with factual experience rather than empty phrases.

When you are passionate about an area of your life, it is tempting to use flowery language to convey your enthusiasm. That is fully understandable, but in a job application the most powerful proof is when you share concrete achievements and relevant experience. Nothing speaks “fundraiser” more than a balance sheet overflowing with donations. Tell the story behind it and expand on how you got there.

Non-profit leaders will indeed be looking for hints of motivation in every word of the cover letter, but it is best to share an extra aspect of your expertise than an extra 4-5 subjective adjectives. You can be sure that all the less experienced applicants will be padding out their cover letters in this way in the hope of tugging on a hiring manager’s heart strings, but the only thing that matters is the meat of your story. Describe what you have done, and it will illuminate the direction of what you want to do.

Most Nonprofits either promote a cause and/or provide a service. If you are explicit and specific about how you promoted that cause or contributed to that service, no other words are necessary. Whether you were working for Doctors Without Borders or Human Rights Watch, your belief in what you did is taken for granted. It is what you did with that belief that will create a lasting impression and potentially set you apart from the competition.

If you are looking to enter the industry – share similar experiences

There are many roles that are unique to the Nonprofit industry. Few other industries have a demand for outreach coordinators, grant writers or directors of philanthropy (amongst many different work streams). At a senior level, experience within the role will be desirable, but for most job roles that will be a raft of transferable skills from other occupations. 

The Nonprofit sector needs fresh talent like any other, so if you feel that you have something to offer, don’t be shy. You can analyze how the cover letter sample attached to this guide bridges the gap between the finance community and Nonprofit work.

When you have a forensic understanding of the demands of each role, you can pull out aspects of your past experience that will show that you have carefully considered the move. Outreach work has much in common with sales and customer service activity, many writers will possess the tools to learn grant writings and top PR minds might relish the chance to become a Director of Philanthropy.

In any job application it is important to mirror the language of the company and the job description, and this is particularly important for a Nonprofit application.

The cover letter example we offered in this guide showcases a Nonprofit candidate that has experience in the financial sector. It therefore adopts a passionate but strictly professional tone, as the candidate should understand the precise nature of finance. The writing of the non-profit cover letter sample also balances on a fine line between altruistic, sincere yet slightly restrained language, as it’s important to showcase your reliability in this professional field.

While nonprofit roles will vary by industry (In the U.S. — 55% in healthcare, 14% in education and 12 in social assistance), it is essential to eschew the commercial language of profit and loss and talk in more community-led tones that are centered around the cause rather than the bottom line. 

This is one of the biggest challenges when you are moving from a commercial environment to a nonprofit. How you measure success will vary, but how you get there might actually be fairly similar. Look at how the responsibilities are worded in the job description and imagine yourself in the new job as you write the cover letter. Would the hiring manager reading it recognize the language as “one of their own” or would they think that it somehow doesn’t sound right?

There is an inescapable “them and us” scenario when someone is joining the Nonprofit sector from a commercial environment, but this can be softened by the language that you choose.

Basic mistakes in a nonprofit application letter (and how to avoid them)

It is sometimes easy to forget the basics when you are concentrating on the messaging of your letter, but even the best applications can be derailed if the basics of cover letter writing are not covered off.

  • Spelling and punctuation need to be perfect. Communication is key in the Nonprofit sector and in most functions maintaining a professional image is critical. Take great care with your spelling and grammar, as any small mistakes may cast an unfavorable light on other personal traits such as reliability and attention-to-detail. Frankly, checking and double checking your letter just shows that you care. Use a grammar checker.
  • Resist the urge to elaborate on details. When you have 300 words to summarize your story, it is easy to use up a few too many on your proudest highlights — at the expense of other nearly equally worthy feats. If you break up the text with bullet-pointed lists and keep the sentences and paragraphs short, it is eminently possible to pack lots of detail into what seems a small space.
  • Don’t be afraid to share your why as well as where you have been. While it is true that sharing your genuine experience and achievements is more important than flowery language and vague beliefs, coming up with a powerful one-liner that expresses who you are and “why” you go to work is always a powerful idea. If this is unique and resonates with you (and that you can back it up in an interview), then it is a mistake to omit it.

Key takeaways

  • Share the non-profit stories that have brought the most value to your causes.
  • Use the language of the non-profit industry and highlight your transferable skills.
  • Structure the letter to give a flow and a rhythm - make your story easy to read.
  • Pick examples that you will be able to expand upon further during an interview.

With the resume and cover letter templates from, you can rely on our expertly-researched templates to make the best possible impression on potential hiring managers. When the template looks great, you have already got the reader in a positive frame of mind. Hopefully this guide has also helped a little with the content.

Since Nonprofit roles are closely connected to organizational skills and project work, you can take a peek at the related business and management cover letter examples:

  • Project manager
  • Project coordinator

Free professionally designed templates


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