“What Does Customer Service Mean to You?” (Example Answers Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

what does customer service mean to you essay

By Mike Simpson

If you’re applying for a customer service representative job, there’s a ridiculously good chance the hiring manager is going to ask you, “What does customer service mean to you?” Yes, it may seem like a weird question. After all, don’t they know what customer service is all about?

The thing is, this question isn’t about what they know; it’s about what you think. Plus, while it may look like they’re simply after a definition, that isn’t actually the case. There’s way more to this question than that, and it’s crucial to understand what’s up if you’re going to get your answer right.

So, if you need to make sure you can explain what great customer service means to you, here’s what you should know.

What Is Customer Service?

Okay, let’s start by talking about what customer service even is, to begin with. In the simplest sense, customer service is the act of providing support, guidance, or assistance to people who are intending to buy or currently using a product or service.

In a customer service position, you may answer questions, provide recommendations, troubleshoot issues, and handle similar responsibilities that are customer-oriented. At times, there may be some selling involved, too, but aggressive sales techniques aren’t part of the typical equation.

In the world of business, the importance of customer service can’t be overstated. Overall, 90 percent of shoppers factor in customer service quality when deciding whether or not to actually make a purchase. Plus, 92 percent of consumers are more likely to make subsequent purchases when they’ve had a positive experience before.

When you’re interviewing for a customer service job, the hiring manager wants to make sure you can represent the company well. You’re one of the faces of the business, so that shouldn’t come as a surprise.

During your interview, you need to showcase skills that align with the role. Customer service skills can run the gamut, ranging from communication and empathy to problem-solving and analysis, so it’s wise to tap on several areas along the way.

Why Does the Hiring Manager Ask This Question?

So, why is the hiring manager asking you, “What does customer service mean to you?” Mainly because they want to see if your perspective aligns with the company’s.

They aren’t looking for a textbook definition. Instead, the hiring manager is after something a bit more personal, letting them get a glimpse into how you think.

Common Mistakes When Answering This Question

As with all interview questions, it’s possible to make mistakes when you answer, “What does customer service mean to you?”

One of the biggest missteps is taking the question too literally. Again, the hiring manager isn’t asking for a dictionary definition; they want your perspective. While you can add some tidbits about how it’s actually defined, that shouldn’t be the core of your answer.

Similarly, focusing too much on the job d escription isn’t a great move. The hiring manager isn’t asking for a rundown of typical customer service responsibilities. They are after something deeper, ensuring they can get some clues about your mindset.

Finally, not discussing any examples of good customer service isn’t a smart move. While you can technically answer the question without one, you’re missing an opportunity to highlight why you’re amazing.

Whenever possible, segue into an example that showcases great customer service on your part. That way, you can give your response extra oomph.

Also remember, this is just one question the hiring manager could ask you in your interview! That’s why we created an amazing free cheat sheet that will give you word-for-word answers for some of the toughest interview questions you are going to face in your upcoming interview.

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Tips for Answering This Question

At this point, you should have a good idea of what customer service is and why having an excellent answer to this question is crucial. So, let’s move onto how you can create a great response.

Here are three exceptional tips that can help you create a winning answer.

1. Talk About Why Customer Service Matters

At the start of your answer, take a moment to explain why you think customer service matters. When you do that, you show that you understand the importance of customer service, and that makes a difference.

In most cases, you can cover this with just a single sentence. By keeping this moment brief, you’ll have plenty of time to dig deeper.

2. Share an Example of Excellent Customer Service (and How It Made a Difference)

Examples speak louder than anything else during an interview. It lets the hiring manager “see” you in action, creating opportunities for them to learn more about how you would perform in the role.

Ideally, you want to choose examples of good customer service that connect with why you think being exceptional in this area is important. One of the best options is to talk about a time when you made a real difference for the customer. A standout moment can be very powerful, especially if it’s unique.

3. Research the Company’s Customer Service Position

If you want more information that helps you align your response with the hiring manager’s needs, look no further than the company’s customer service position.

By reviewing formal policies along with mission and values statements, you can get a ton of insight into the company’s perspective. Once you get that worked out, you can see if the company’s priorities align with your own, as well as what it will take to align your answer with that position.

How to Answer the Interview Question “What Does Customer Service Mean to You?”

Alright, it’s time for what you’ve been waiting for: an overview of how to answer, “What does customer service mean to you?”

As we mentioned above, the response needs to be a little personal. Spend some time reflecting on your customer service experiences, both as an employee and a consumer. Think about what really made a difference and how any actions reflected on the company.

After that, you need to go with the right strategy. By using the Tailoring Method , you can figure out which customer service examples and skills best align with that specific job. It makes your responses as relevant as humanly possible, and that matters.

Once you have some examples in mind, quantify the details. Numbers add a level of precision and give the hiring manager critical context. Plus, they make sure you aren’t just saying you were successful; they help you prove it.

Try to get at least one metric into your response. That way, your answer will pack as much of a punch as possible.

Want to see all of those tips in action? Great! Here are three example answers that you can use as inspiration.


“In my eyes, offering exceptional customer service doesn’t just help a company stand out from the competition; it also boosts customer loyalty by making buyers feel welcome, cared for, and supported. To me, customer service means giving that little bit extra. While going the extra mile is important, so is going that extra inch. Every action matters, and even small ones can have a substantial impact. When I was working as a retail clerk at a clothing store, a woman came in who appeared a bit nervous. I greeted her warmly, offering my assistance. She approached and said that she’d recently experienced a significant weight change and wasn’t sure how to shop for her new body type. I told her that I was happy to help guide her. After asking her about style preferences, I gathered five tops and bottoms for her to try on. We used that as a starting point. As she found pieces she loved, we built on those successes. It was a methodical process but also an emotional journey that spanned over an hour, and I was by her side the entire way. After she was finishes picking out her new outfits, she was both elated and relieved. Not only was her shopping trip a success, but she had a newly found confidence, which was far more than she expected. It led to a $500 sale, as well as a new sign-up for the store card, and she even referred three friends to our store. That’s the customer service experience I aim to emulate every day, as I genuinely think that’s a prime example of what customer service means to me.”

2. Restaurant

“Great customer service has the ability to take a challenging situation and turning it into something amazing. That’s the foundation of loyalty, as it shows the company will go the extra mile, all in the name of customer satisfaction. In my last position at a local diner, we had a day where we were unexpectedly shorthanded. This led to long wait times for customers, both when it came to being seated and after ordering. I wanted to do what I could to mitigate the frustrations. I began by frequently communicating about the wait times, ensuring customers understood the nature of the situation right away. That was surprisingly effective on its own, as those who decided to dine with us that day weren’t caught off-guard by any delays. After that, I arranged to speed up drink services. We offered beverages to those who were waiting to be seated, making the up to 45-minute wait more comfortable. Additionally, we handed out menus to those in the waiting area, allowing them to make decisions about their meal in advance. Together, the drinks and menus change cut down the time the diners spent at the table by 15 minutes, leading to faster turnover while bettering their experience. All along the way, I focused on keeping a positive attitude. I showcased my appreciation for their patience, a small gesture that has a major impact on mood. I also remained diligent, checking in regularly to make sure they were happy. I required a lot of effort, but, in the end, customer satisfaction remained high. In many ways, that outcome is what customer service means to me; the ability to work through a challenging time while keeping the customers happy.”

3. Call Center

“Customer service isn’t just about making customers happy; it’s about ensuring they feel heard. When that happens, the company’s reputation reaches new heights, as everyone feels respected and valued. When I was working in my last call center position, I received a call from a customer who wasn’t just frustrated, by incredibly stressed. The product – which was used by her young son – wasn’t working properly, causing him to become upset. During our conversation, I worked to learn more about the nature of the situation. Along the way, I discovered that her son had a challenging medical condition, and the product was a primary source of comfort to him during a trying time. After learning that detail, I reached out to my manager to see what options were available, explaining the nature of the situation. We discovered that the customer’s issue was repairable, but it required a hands-on approach. My manager was able to coordinate with other teams swiftly, finding a person who could head out to fix the problem right away. In just two hours, everything was working correctly once more. Actively listening to the caller created an opportunity to go the extra mile. I took that lesson to heart and, in the end, use the experience as a reminder of what customer service can genuinely mean.”

Putting It All Together

Now, you should have a solid idea of how to answer “What does customer service mean to you?” Use those tips to your advantage. That way, when your next interview rolls around, you’ll be ready to shine.

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what does customer service mean to you essay

Co-Founder and CEO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at TheInterviewGuys.com.

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at TheInterviewGuys.com. His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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what does customer service mean to you essay


5 Smart Answers: “What Does Customer Service Mean to You?”

By Status.net Editorial Team on February 25, 2024 — 10 minutes to read

When you’re gearing up for an interview, one of the questions you might encounter is, “What does customer service mean to you?” It’s important to prepare for this question because your response can reveal a lot about your understanding of customer service values and your ability to articulate them effectively. A well-crafted answer shows your perspective on treating customers and your role in a customer-facing environment.

Understanding Customer Service

When you think about what customer service means to you, you’re considering the support and care provided to customers before, during, and after a purchase.

Definition and Importance

Customer servic e is the assistance and advice you give to those who buy or use products or services. It’s important for fostering a positive experience that encourages repeat business. When a company invests time in providing helpful customer service, it often sees a return in customer satisfaction and loyalty. An example of good customer service could be a restaurant server who remembers your preferences and makes suggestions tailored to your tastes.

Role in Building Brand Loyalty

Providing excellent customer service means customers are more likely to develop brand loyalty. When you respond effectively to customer concerns and exceed their expectations, you help create a strong, positive association with the brand. For instance, if you’re working in retail and go out of your way to help a customer find a product or resolve an issue, that customer is more likely to return to the store because of the positive interaction they’ve had.

Formulating Your Answer

When preparing to answer “What does customer service mean to you?” in an interview, focusing on how your definition aligns with the prospective employer’s values and how your skills back up that definition will position you effectively.

Researching the Company’s Values

Learning about a company’s culture and values gives you a solid foundation for your answer. You should look at their mission statement, service charter, or any available customer feedback. For instance, if the company prides itself on quick service, you’ll want to highlight your efficiency and ability to handle requests promptly.

Highlighting Customer Service Skills

Consider your past roles: how did you go above and beyond for a customer? For example, if you’ve successfully mediated customer conflicts, showcase your conflict resolution ability. This demonstrates a direct application of customer service that resonates with most hiring managers.

Smart Answers: “What Does Customer Service Mean to You?”

  • “To me, customer service means meeting and exceeding customer expectations by providing quick and helpful responses to their queries. It’s important because satisfied customers are the heart of any business.” Why this is smart: This answer shows that you understand the value of customer satisfaction and implies you will take action to ensure it.
  • “Customer service is all about creating a positive experience for the customer by attentively listening to their needs and working to resolve any issues they have.” Why this is smart: You’re demonstrating active listening and problem-solving skills, both highly valued in customer service.
  • “In my view, customer service represents the support and care you provide to customers before, during, and after a purchase. It’s important because it builds trust and fosters loyalty.” Why this is smart: Highlighting ongoing support elucidates your recognition of long-term customer relationships.
  • “For me, customer service is about being an advocate for the customer, ensuring their voice is heard, and their concerns are addressed in a timely manner.” Why this is smart: It suggests you see the big picture and position yourself as a customer ally, which is key in service roles.
  • “I believe customer service is the advice and assistance a company provides to those people who buy or use its products or services. It’s important because it can differentiate a company from its competitors.” Why this is smart: You show an understanding that customer service can be a unique selling point and that you’re aware of the competitive edge it can provide.

Preparing for Follow-Up Questions

After you’ve crafted your initial answer to what customer service means to you, be ready for interviewers to dig a little deeper. They may want to see how you apply your beliefs about customer service in practical situations. Here’s how you can prepare:

Reflect on Past Experiences

Think about specific times when you provided exceptional customer service. How did you handle difficult customers? What strategies did you use to ensure a positive outcome? Having real-life examples demonstrates your understanding of good customer service in action.

Anticipate Specific Scenarios

Interviewers might present you with hypothetical customer service scenarios. Consider what steps you would take to resolve issues and maintain customer satisfaction. Crafting responses to common scenarios will help you answer with confidence.

Understand the Company’s Values

Research the company’s customer service philosophy. Align your answers with their values and principles, showing how you would be a great fit for their team.

Use “I” Statements

When providing examples, start your sentences with “I” to personalize your responses and highlight your role in delivering quality customer service.

Listen Carefully

Pay attention to the interviewer’s questions and respond thoughtfully. If they ask for more information, they’re interested in hearing how your approach to customer service aligns with their needs.

Common Follow-Up Questions with Sample Answers

Can you give an example of how you provided great customer service in a previous role.

In a previous role, I often met customers who were looking for complex solutions. Once, I spent extra time after my shift to help a customer understand different product options. This effort resulted in a satisfied customer who later returned for more purchases.

In what ways do you believe effective communication impacts customer service?

Effective communication is pivotal for customer service, because it ensures clarity, reduces misunderstandings, and builds a trustworthy relationship.

What strategies would you use to handle a difficult customer encounter?

When encountering a difficult customer, I would remain calm and listen carefully to understand their concerns. Afterward, I’d empathize, apologize for any inconvenience, and offer practical solutions or alternatives to resolve the situation satisfactorily.

How do you prioritize your tasks when you have multiple customers to attend to at the same time?

I assess the urgency of each customer’s need and address quick, simple issues to efficiently reduce the queue. For more complex issues, I acknowledge the customer’s presence, provide an estimated wait time, and ensure they feel attended to while I manage the current situation.

Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond for a customer.

There was an instance where a customer was not fully satisfied with their purchase due to a slight mismatch in expectations. Although the product was not faulty, I arranged an exchange for an item that better suited their needs and followed up with a courtesy call to ensure their satisfaction. This extra step helped in retaining the customer and encouraged future positive word-of-mouth.

How do you measure your success in a customer service role?

Personally I measure success by my ability to resolve issues effectively, improve customer loyalty, and contribute to a positive team environment.

Describe a situation where you had to explain a complex policy or procedure to a customer. How did you ensure they understood?

I recall explaining a complex return policy to a customer who was initially frustrated. I broke down the policy into simple terms and used examples to illustrate the process. I also confirmed their understanding by asking them to summarize their takeaway.

What do you find most rewarding about a customer service role?

The most rewarding aspect of customer service is the opportunity to make a positive impact on someone’s day. Whether it’s solving a problem, providing helpful information, or simply offering a kind word, the ability to turn a customer’s experience from negative to positive is incredibly fulfilling.

Can you share a time when you received constructive criticism in a customer service setting? How did you handle it?

Once, a supervisor pointed out that my response to a customer’s query could have been more detailed. I took this feedback constructively, reviewed the product information, and practiced delivering more comprehensive responses. This experience taught me the value of continuous learning and improvement in customer service.

Crafting Your Answers

Structuring your response.

Your response should highlight your perspective on customer service and the value you place on it. Start by clearly defining what customer service means to you, then explain why this definition is relevant to the role you’re applying for. It’s important to keep your explanation concise and focused on key points.

  • Define customer service: Start with your personal definition.
  • Relevance to the role: Explain why this definition matters for the job.
  • Personal touch: Share a brief example of how you’ve embodied this definition.

Using the STAR Method

The STAR method can help you structure responses to behavioral interview questions effectively. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Use this method to craft a narrative that shows how you’ve provided exceptional customer service in the past.

  • Situation : Set the scene with a specific example from your experience.
  • Task : Describe your responsibility in that situation.
  • Action : Detail what actions you took to address the task.
  • Result : Conclude with the positive outcome as a result of your actions.

Example using STAR:

  • Situation : “A customer was upset because their product arrived late.”
  • Task : “My goal was to address their concerns and provide a satisfactory resolution.”
  • Action : “I apologized, explained the cause of the delay, and offered a discount on their next purchase.”
  • Result : “The customer appreciated the transparency and the gesture, leaving a positive review.”

Reflecting on Personal Experience

When preparing for a job interview question about what customer service means to you, it’s important to think about your past experiences. This will give you genuine examples to draw from and show how you understand and value customer service.

Identifying Past Experiences

To start, you should pinpoint specific instances in your previous roles where you provided excellent customer service. This could be a time when you went above and beyond for a customer, or when you turned a negative situation into a positive one. These examples should highlight your ability to empathize with customers and address their needs effectively.

  • Was it face-to-face, over the phone, or via email?
  • Was the customer frustrated, confused, or perhaps very pleased?
  • How did you approach the situation?
  • What was the result of your actions for the customer and for the company?

Relating Anecdotes to the Role

After identifying past experiences, it’s important to articulate how those experiences relate to the role for which you’re interviewing. If you’re applying for a position that requires direct customer interaction, discuss how your interpersonal skills made a difference in past customer engagements.

  • Describe a time when you resolved a customer complaint and the steps you took to ensure the customer was satisfied with the solution.
  • Explain what you learned from the experience and how it will influence your approach to customer service in the future.
  • Talk about a moment when you anticipated a customer’s needs before they had to ask for help.
  • Illustrate how this proactive mindset is a part of the customer service excellence you plan to bring to the role.

Dos and Don’ts

Best practices.

Relate to Personal Experience: Start by thinking of a positive interaction you’ve had as a customer and explain what made it memorable. For instance, “I value customer service interactions where the representative made me feel heard and provided solutions quickly.”

Emphasize Empathy and Patience: Your answer should highlight your ability to relate to customers and their concerns. You might say, “To me, customer service means being patient and empathetic with every customer, understanding their needs, and taking the time to address their issues effectively.”

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Being Vague: Avoid ambiguous language that doesn’t convey a clear understanding of customer service. Instead of saying “Customer service is helping people,” be specific: “Customer service means actively listening to customers and resolving their problems with thoughtful and personalized solutions.”

Neglecting the Company’s Perspective: Don’t forget to consider how the company views customer service. Research their mission and values regarding customer satisfaction and integrate that into your answer. Rather than offering a generic statement, tailor your response, for example: “Your company’s commitment to going above and beyond for every customer resonates with my personal values because providing exceptional service ensures customer loyalty and business success.”

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How to Nail 'What Does Customer Service Mean to You?' in an Interview [+ Examples]

Alana Chinn

Published: May 11, 2022

What does customer service mean to you? Better yet, what does great customer service mean to you?

what does customer service mean to you essay

I think about the time I ordered sunglasses and received the wrong color. Before I could even complain, I received an apology email and the correct product within days. I also got to donate the other sunglasses to a charity of my choice. Nice.

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If you're interviewing for a customer service role, it's a good idea to start thinking about how you'd characterize the value of customer service. Because chances are high that this question will come up.

Let's tackle how you can crush this question during your next interview.

What does customer service mean to you?

what does customer service mean to you: quote from HubSpot's Lily Pitcher

Who Gets Asked This Question

Just about any professional in the field will need to be prepared to answer what customer service means to them.

There are many different customer service career paths out there. And you'll probably encounter this question if you're interviewing for any position that directly (or indirectly) impacts customers.

Here are a few job titles this applies to:

  • Customer service representative
  • Help desk agent or associate
  • Customer success manager
  • Technical support specialist
  • Customer onboarding specialist

Why Interviewers Want to Know

Testing your customer service knowledge.

When interviewers ask "What does customer service mean to you?" or "What does great customer service mean to you?" , the first thing they're trying to assess is how familiar you are with the term.

Hiring managers want to see that you can confidently define customer service . They want to understand the value you place on good service. Then, interviewers want you to go one step further and personalize it based on your experience.

Inquiring About Your Customer Service Background

Speaking of, experience is a key staple in any conversation between an applicant and potential employer. During an interview, the hiring manager is also asking this question to simply learn more about you and your customer service expertise.

It's a good sign if you can easily pull customer service skills, responsibilities, and real-life examples into your answer.

For example, give an overview of a day-in-the-life in your previous customer service role. You could highlight how you delightfully interacted with customers, swiftly organized your time, or resolved customer issues with ease.

Ensuring Your Values Align With The Company

This is arguably the most important reason you'll be asked the famous "What does customer service mean to you?" question in an interview. Prospective employers want to make sure your vision of customer service aligns with their expectations as an organization.

Businesses want to hire customer service professionals who strive to provide excellent customer experiences . They want to make sure you're capable of representing the company well and creating a positive brand reputation for their customers.

How to Prepare Your Answer

Research the company's customer service philosophy.

The first step in giving your best "What does great customer service mean to you?" answer is understanding what customer service means to the company you're interviewing for.

Do some digging to find out. You can start by asking the following questions:

  • How does customer service fit into the company's overall mission statement?
  • Does the company have a dedicated customer service promise or policy?
  • How does the company position its customer service capabilities compared to competitors?

The goal is to identify their core messaging around customer service. Be sure to take note of any buzzwords — like fast, reliable, efficient, caring, or honest. Then, do your best to incorporate this information into your response during the interview.

Highlight Important Customer Service Skills

As mentioned above, a big reason hiring managers are asking you this question is to tease out your customer service skills . And this is your opportunity to brag a little. Humbly, of course.

For example: Empathy, patience, and flexibility are critical skills that any customer service professional should have.

You could talk about how you rank these skills based on level of importance. Or, discuss the importance of showcasing these qualities when providing customer support.

Another option is to provide a situational example of how you used a particular skill to improve the customer experience in a previous job. Maybe there's a time when you spoke with an upset customer, and you patiently listened to their pain points until you found a solution to their problem.

Either way, make sure you emphasize skills that are specific to the position you're applying for. That way, you can show the hiring manager you really are a good fit for the role.

Tie in Your Own Customer Experiences

Make things personal. Remember, the question is all about what customer service means to you . A good way to illustrate this is to pull from your own experiences.

As a customer, you may think of good customer service as speedy resolutions, minimal wait times, and timely communications. Maybe you had a really good interaction with a support rep at a retail store recently that you can dissect as an example of great customer service.

As a customer service professional, you may dig a little deeper to consider how you've advocated for and provided value to the customer in the past. Perhaps you talked a customer out of switching to a competitor by listening to their concerns and going out of your way to resolve their issue.

Just be sure to avoid vague scenarios and examples. Give specific details about the situation, how it made you feel, why it stood out to you, and what you brought to the table. And don't forget to be clear about the results.

Best Answer for 'What Does Customer Service Mean to You?'

The best answer to this question is centered around solving for customer needs — and exceeding their expectations. The hiring team wants to understand the value you place on great customer service. Give specific examples to showcase how your skills and experiences align with the company's customer service philosophy.

Additional Examples of Interview Answers

what does customer service mean to you: quote from HubSpot's Tessa Dowd

Our first example comes from Vinnie Ledonne , a customer success manager at HubSpot:

"I think customer service is anticipating your customer's needs — oftentimes, for things they don't even know they need. And, [it means] providing support in a way that they know you care about what's important to them."

Why it works: This answer speaks to two very important customer service skills: proactivity and empathy. Many employers are going to find value in applicants who can figure out what a customer needs before they even have to ask. And showing compassion goes a long way in making customers feel like they're more than just a price tag.

"Customer service means listening to customers and helping them resolve their issues quickly. There was this one time when I bought cupcakes for a friend's birthday party and accidentally ordered them from the wrong bakery. I didn't have time to go to the other location before the party, so the bakery went above and beyond to create a new cupcake assortment in real-time. This experience made me feel understood and extremely valued. And this is how I strive to make my customers feel in every interaction I have with them."

Why it works: Personal experience for the win. This is a great example of how real-world examples can help speak to the customer service skills that are most important to you — like compassion and efficiency regarding the cupcake order. The added bonus is the way the applicant weaves this experience into how they aim to please customers as part of their own job.

HubSpot's Senior Customer Success Manager Sarah Caruthers gave us another example of what customer service means to them:

"It's solving for the customer in a variety of ways but also stewarding the relationship with the customer for long-term success. It's paying attention to the little details that will go a long way, that make the experience more personalized for the customer. It's those little things that will mean a lot to your customer and speak volumes for your business."

Why it works: Building and maintaining relationships with customers is a key responsibility for any customer service professional. And finding ways to personalize the experience is a great way to make customers feel like they matter as individuals. This answer speaks to both of these aspects of customer service while recognizing that attention to detail is a critical part of success.

"When I think of customer service, two words come to mind: speed and reliability. I know your company mission statement is focused on providing fast and dependable solutions for your clients. At my last job, I set a personal goal to resolve or properly escalate all customer inquiries in 30 minutes or less. That's because I understand the importance of addressing customer requests quickly and effectively to help prevent churn."

Why it works: In addition to explicitly calling out two valuable customer service skills, this answer also shows the interviewer that the applicant has done their research on the company. They know all about the mission, and they've tailored their response accordingly. They folded in a personal example on how they've embodied the traits that are most important to the business. Plus, they showed they understand what can happen if customer service fails.

So, what does customer service mean to you? The short answer — after the long answer — is that you should base your response on your knowledge, skills, and experiences. And, how your perspective aligns with the customer service values of your future employer.

Now, go out and nail this question during your next interview.

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10 Top Answers to “What Does Customer Service Mean to You”

“What does customer service mean to you?” is a common customer service interview question. The hiring manager will always ask this for any customer service role. They need to know that you understand the importance of customer service and meeting customer expectations.

More and more, “customer service” is being called “customer success.” So be ready for questions using either term.  Below are 10 great interview answers to this common question that will help you nail your next job interview.

5 Tips for the Best Answer

  • Be genuine and give your own answers (or add your own experience to the answers below).
  • Provide examples of customer service skills that you have that are listed in the job description.
  • Keep your answer short and to the point without providing unnecessary details.
  • Explain how exceptional customer service provides a competitive advantage to the business.
  • Talk about customer service as the connection between the customer and the business.

5 Mistakes to Avoid

  • Avoid talking about a time you gave bad customer service.
  • Do not talk poorly about past customers or coworkers.
  • Do not insult your previous company’s products.
  • Do not have negative public posts on your social media platforms.
  • Do not just say, “The customer is always right.” Customer service is more than this.

10 Sample Answers to “What does customer service mean to you?”

1. Sample Answer:  In my previous customer service job in a retail store, I had a personal motto to provide exceptional service. To me, an excellent customer experience was about the “three S’s”: safety, service, and satisfaction.

I always looked out for anything that could make the store unsafe and fixed it or told the customer service manager immediately. I went the extra mile to be attentive to each customer’s needs. I knew I was meeting my customers’ needs through the many regular, loyal customers that I had and enjoyed seeing each week.

Key Takeaways:   This is a great answer when interviewing for any customer service position, especially if you don’t have many personal experiences. It explains how you provide a positive experience to each customer and how you know that you are doing a good job.

2. Sample Answer:  For me, the starting point of customer service is a happy customer. You can tell if you are doing a good job by if your customers are happy. It is the little things, like smiling when you greet them. I always try to have a positive attitude, even with difficult customers. By being supportive and using active listening, I can often turn a bad experience into a good one.

Key Takeaways:  This answer talks about the best way to provide good customer service, even to a bad customer.

3. Sample Answer:  In my previous job, I was a member of the support team for our website’s live chat. As one of many customer service representatives working in the customer service department, we had to manage customer feedback. This meant providing the best customer service experience possible to prevent negative reviews online.

I always tried to put myself in the customer’s shoes and listen to their problem to provide the best solution possible in a timely manner. I found this went a long way to increasing positive reviews.

Key Takeaways:   This answer is good for support agents, as it discusses what good service looks like in an online customer support role.

4. Sample Answer:  I find that a good way to provide good customer service is to look at my own experiences. In a customer-facing role, it is a good idea to ask, “What would I want if I were this customer?” At the end of the day, it is about meeting the needs of the customer effectively.

Key Takeaways:   This is a great customer-focused answer and is good for service provider and retail roles.

5. Sample Answer:  I think that a positive customer service experience cannot always be effectively provided by a single staff member. It is about the whole customer service team working together. This means communicating effectively together and with customers. It also means taking clear notes about what was discussed on a phone call or special requests a customer has made.

The most important thing is to make the customer feel valued so that they will want to come back in the future.

Key Takeaways:   This answer is particularly good for jobs where customers may interact with many different staff, such as front-of-house positions.

6. Sample Answer:  In a customer service role, you are the bridge between your company and the customer. Good customer service means understanding the needs of the customer and providing solutions that address their problem. To do this, a customer service representative must be a listener, a problem solver, and an effective communicator.

Key Takeaways:   This answer is good for sales roles or roles in a corporate setting such as banks and insurers.

7. Sample Answer:  Providing superior customer service is more than just something we do; it is something we live. To provide good customer service, you need to value its importance. Good customer service is a business’s point of difference. It is why a customer will come back to us and not to our competition. It is the first step in building long-term customer relationships.

Key Takeaways:  This answer is good because it talks about how good customer service is of value to the company. This is one that can be used when interviewing with small businesses that need to compete with large competitors.

8. Sample Answer:  Providing good customer service is not just a single thing. Good customer service can be something different for each company. To provide the best customer service possible, you need to share the value of the company.

You also need to understand what your customers’ problems are and why they have chosen your company’s products and services. Only then can you provide the level of customer service needed for long-term business success.

Key Takeaways:  For specialty businesses, such as industrial manufacturers and business-to-business sales roles, customer service is not just about smiling and greeting the customer. This answer shows that you realize that understanding each customer is key to business success.

9. Sample Answer:  Good customer service is an active effort, not just a reactive response to customer interactions. Excellent customer service starts with trying to understand the customer and continues throughout the customer interaction to seek customer feedback.

Actively seeking and responding to what customers tell us allows us, as customer service professionals, to better serve future customers. By anticipating needs and fully utilizing feedback, we are able to provide a superior customer service experience.

Key Takeaways:  This answer shows a potential employer that you see customer service as a continual process of improvement focused on creating a positive customer experience. 

10. Sample Answer:  Providing a great customer experience is a collaborative effort with the customer. The role of a customer service person is to communicate with the customer, draw out their concerns, and anticipate their needs. Through ongoing communication, the customer service person can provide the customer with the best outcome possible.

It is this effective customer service that builds long-term brand loyalty with customers, leading to business success.

Key Takeaways:   It is always a good idea to discuss how customer service is an interaction with the customer. This answer also explains how, by creating good interactions, we build customer relationships.

10 Other Ways This Qustion May Be Asked

1. Tell me about a positive customer service experience you had. How was it handled correctly?

2. Tell me about a negative customer service experience you had. What went wrong?

3. What do you think is the best definition of customer service?

4. What does great customer service mean to you?

5. Can you provide me an example of excellent customer service that you provided in the past?

6. If we hired you today, what would you do to create higher customer satisfaction?

7. Have you ever lost a customer or a sale? What would you do differently today?

8. What is your understanding of what “customer service” means in this role?

9. Can you explain the relationship between customer service and business success? How about the difference between customer “service” and customer “success”?

10. What do you think are the most important duties of a customer service representative?

There are many common job interview questions that you will encounter in most interviews, but some are more important than others. How you provide excellent service to customers is one of the most important questions to provide a great answer to when applying for any customer-facing position.

This is even more true in recent years. Increased competition requires businesses to fight harder than ever for customer loyalty. A great way to stand out from the crowd is to have an excellent answer to this common interview question.

Try to prepare an answer based on the company and the field that you are applying for. Read the job description and make sure your answer demonstrates awareness of the key customer service concerns that your potential employer faces. By using the tips and examples given here and adjusting them for your personal experience and job role, you can give an answer that will impress your interviewer and put you on the fast track to customer service success.

How to Answer: What Does Customer Service Mean to You?

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To guarantee your success when interviewing for a customer service role, it is vital that you ace the interview question: “What does customer service mean to you?” This is one of the most common questions asked during interviews for service-related employment. Make sure that you can answer with clarity and confidence before entering an interview. 

Ace the Interview Question What Does Customer Service Mean to You

Here is your guide on how to successfully answer the interview question: “What does customer service mean to you?”

The Definition of Excellence in Customer Service

When considering this interview question, identify the key principles of good service. Customer’s service cannot be effective unless it is accessible, personalized, informative, and proactive.

Examine each of these principles and the role it plays in creating an excellent customer’s service experience.

Customers want access to a service representative in a way that is convenient for them. If support channels are hard to access, customers will be more aggravated when they do finally get to express their complaint or query. Poor accessibility to customer support channels makes the company’s trustworthiness and legitimacy questionable.

  • Personalized

A personalized touch shows customers that your business values their support and cares about their satisfaction. Being attentive and showing empathy are vital in making the customer feel heard.

  • Informative

Being knowledgeable about the company’s products and services is key to helping solve customer queries. Competent support staff convey a level of expertise and the ability to solve a problem efficiently without unnecessary delays.

Taking action without delay to solve a customer’s problem is an important aspect of customer’s service. Being proactive involves:

  • Communicating clearly with customers in a positive manner,
  • Setting the correct expectations, and
  • Delivering a desirable outcome to solve the problem at hand.

Why Employers Ask the Interview Question: “What Does Customer Service Mean to You?”

The biggest factor in a customer’s service experience is their interaction with the service staff. Although alignment and efficiency across the organization is required, the key to building long-term customer loyalty lies with a good support team. It is in every company’s interest to hire people who genuinely understand and care about customer satisfaction.

How to Answer What Does Customer Service Mean to You

When you’re faced with the interview question: “What does customer service mean to you?” your interviewer wants to make sure that you:

  • Are comfortable with an interaction-orientated role.
  • Are aware that you represent the entire company.
  • Understand the concepts of empathy , diplomacy, and efficiency.
  • Are aware that customer loss or retention can hinge on your interactions with them.

What NOT to Say in an Interview

When asked what customer service means to you, don’t reply, “ It means serving the customer ”. This conveys little understanding of empathy, positive communication, and overall responsibility to both the company and the customer. Here are more types of answers to avoid during your interview.

Avoid implying that you are simply there to do your job.

Example: If you are applying for a cashier position do not imply that you are only there to ring up items according to the job description, and nothing more.

Steer clear of making your helpfulness conditional to the customer’s attitude.

Saying, “Customers who ask stupid questions annoy me,” does not display empathy, patience, or consistency.

60 Customer Service Interview Questions

Tips for Answering the Interview Question “What Does Customer Service Mean to You?”

In your response to the question “What does customer service mean to you?” you want to show that you:

1.     Know what the elements of customer service entail

2.     Truly grasp the concept and importance of customer service

You can accomplish this by:

  • Including mention of a proactive and positive attitude, product knowledge, and efficiency in your answer.
  • Back up your understanding by sharing your personal experience of being either on the giving or receiving end of excellent customer service and the impact it had.

5 Examples of How to Answer the Interview Question: “What Does Customer Service Mean to You?”

Use some of the examples below to answer the question: “What does customer service mean to you?” These answers indicate a proactive attitude and demonstrate that you take initiative. They are also effective as they show your willingness to accept responsibility.

Example 1: Going the Extra Mile

“Customer’s entails going beyond what is in the job description to exceed customer expectations. It requires answering questions with patience and resolving problems with a positive attitude. The priority is to encourage customer loyalty by offering a service which the customer feels is consistent and trustworthy.”

Example 2: Positive Attitude

“Customer service is largely about attitude. Even if you cannot solve the customer’s problem immediately, having a positive and caring attitude will make the customer feel heard. A good attitude is also about being a good listener, showing empathy, serving with a smile, and being patient.”

Example 3: Knowledge

“Customer service is about product knowledge and efficiency on the job. It is important to know the product or service well so that I can assist clients with confidence. It looks unprofessional when staff do not know details about what they are selling and cannot answer expected customer questions. Being able to advise customers with the best solutions in a knowledgeable manner will boost their confidence in you, your product, and your service.”

Example 4: Efficiency

“Great customer service entails delivering fast and efficient assistance, without compromising on quality. This also involves anticipating problems before they happen. For example, if I know the business will be busier over certain holidays, I will make sure that there are additional staff scheduled and that there is extra stock on hand. 

What is Customer Service Mean to You

This will allow for more efficient service and prevent customer disappointment. It is too easy for customers to simply choose another business if you cannot deliver the required service.”

Example 5: Focus on Details

“Besides aspects such as product knowledge, being friendly, and listening to the customer, customer service is also about the details. When I receive a complaint via email, I contact the customer by phone with detailed feedback. This makes customers feel that you are attentive and proactive in solving the problem. 

I find that being personable and customizing my response to meet their needs solidifies a business relationship with the customer. Once the problem is addressed, I follow up one last time to ensure the client is satisfied.”

Got the job? Check out this audio tutorial to learn how to make a positive first impression at work and set yourself up for success!

Quick Summary

Every employer looks for professional customer service skills when hiring new team members. In your interview, you will be asked the question “What does customer service mean to you?” In your answer, show that you understand:

  • Your job is about portraying the company in a favorable light
  • Your responsibility to know the company products and services
  • The importance of showing patience and empathy
  • The importance of listening to customers
  • That clear, yet friendly communication is key, and
  • That a sense of urgency in resolving problems is vital.

 Now, go ace your interview!

Other Resources:

CustomersFirst Academy offers  comprehensive customer service training  designed to help you grow your skills and advance your career.

To keep learning and developing your knowledge of customer service, we highly recommend the additional resources below:

How to Conduct a Reference Check After an Interview How to Answer: “Do you want to tell us anything else about you?” Top 10 Customer Service Rep Interview Questions 10 Transferable Retail Skills to Add to Your Resume

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How To Answer: What Does Customer Service Mean to You? (with Answers)

customer service interview question

What Does Customer Service Mean to You

When given the opportunity to work in the job of your dreams, it’s typically a good idea to start preparing for the interview immediately. 

One common question many interviewers tend to ask is, “What does customer service mean to you?” – Especially within a retail, hospitality, or service-based business. Follow along for techniques and examples on how to answer it correctly.

Questions Answered:

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What Is Customer Service?

Customer service is the support and assistance an organization offers its customers before, during, and after a purchase. 

While person-to-person support often provides the best solution, chatbots, and other self-service support techniques are a growing trend that helps customers find their own answers.

8 tips for answering “What does customer service mean to you”

1. start by stating personal experiences.

Interviews are usually highly tense environments.

When asked what customer service means to you, it’s wise to start by sharing your personal customer service experiences. This will ease the tension in the room, placing the interviewers in your point of view.

You should talk about your best and worst customer experiences so far. Doing so will give the interviewer confidence that you understand both ends of the customer service spectrum. 

Inform your interviewers how these experiences changed your approach to customer service.

Explain how you think the business with the best customer service experience could improve. Moreover, tell them how the company with the worst customer service experience could perform better. 

2. Is the Customer Always Right? 

“The customer is always right!” This is a common statement within the customer service industry.

When answering the customer service question during an interview, it’s proper to bring up this statement, as most employers have different thoughts on it. 

When asked if the customer is always right, the most appropriate response is “definitely.” This is because the customer knows what they need, and the business exists to meet the customer’s needs. 

The customer is always right, but they might not have the best approach to finding the solution to their problem.

Customer service’s role is to listen to the client, find out what they want, and figure out a way to provide exceptional service. 

Sometimes it may be impossible to get them exactly what they want. No matter the situation, it’s customer service’s role to ensure the clients are satisfied with the solutions they receive.

3. Share Your Idea of Excellent Customer Service

Good customer service keeps customers returning to purchase a company’s products and services. Excellent customer service enables an organization to win its customers’ loyalty to the point where they are willing to support it through any challenge. 

It’s no surprise that most of the businesses with outstanding customer service are also very successful. Share your idea of what excellent customer service is.

customer service meme

4. Proper Attitude Is the Key to Customer Service Excellence

A proper attitude is a key that unlocks the door to customer service excellence.

You should point out that every company should take steps to ensure its customer service department engages with clients using a proper attitude.

If your customer service team radiates a positive vibe, it can help calm down even the most furious customers. 

Thus, you have a better chance of solving their problem and are more likely to be a returning customer. This will help solidify your brand’s reputation. 

5. Customer Service Should Exceed Expectations

While most enterprises usually go for the bare minimum of customer service, your belief should be that customer service should exceed expectations.

Customers should be amazed by the quality of customer service they receive, not left wishing they had done more.

The easiest way for an enterprise to exceed customer expectations is to make customer service easily accessible. 

Moreover, you should comprehensively address the client’s issues and give timely responses. It’s best to take the approach of honesty from the very beginning.

Explain when things might and might not be possible and what you are doing to address the problem.  

6. The Customer Service Process Should Be Efficient

Explain to the interviewers that excellent customer service also involves having an efficient process to address problems.

When a client asks for assistance and when it is handled should be as short as possible. The clients shouldn’t feel like seeking customer service is a difficult task to undertake. 

7. Customer Service Should Be Proactive, Not Reactive

A company’s customer service department can fulfill its mandate better by anticipating problems before they arise.

This allows it to coordinate with other departments to find a swift solution to the problem.

You should explain to your interviewers that taking a proactive approach to customer service puts the company in the correct position to provide exceptional customer service. 

8. Customer Service Should Be Sensitive and Detail-Oriented

A company will prosper if it is sensitive to the customer’s needs. This is because it will go out of its way to provide customers with the necessary assistance.

Being sensitive means taking the time to listen to the client and understand what they need.

As you listen, also ask about the details. Good customer service is detail-oriented; take time to hear the details of the customer’s challenges to solve them comprehensively. 

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Job Interview Example Answers

Once you’ve read the eight resources above, it’s time to form your own answer. Here are some example answers on how you might respond to the question, what does customer service mean to you?

  • “To me, customer service means exceeding the client’s expectations and doing what is necessary to keep the customer satisfied. Resolving customer issues with a positive attitude should be a top priority for any business. In my role as a Service Representative for…(example of when you provided great customer service).”
  • “Providing good customer service means consistently going above and beyond to help solve the customer’s problems. For example, I recently…(example of when you provided great customer service).” 
  • “I would define customer service as making sure the customer has a pleasant experience in any way possible before leaving the store/office. That could be through handling complaints, greeting customers, or helping them find the right product. When I was at…(example of when you provided great customer service).”
  • “Customer service to me not only means assisting the customers with whatever is needed but also making sure they are treated like I would want to be treated in their place. When I worked at…(example of when you provided great customer service).”

Top Customer Service Roles

Almost all service-related roles today have some aspect of customer service to them. Here are a few roles that require excellent customer service.

  • Account Manager
  • Client Relationship Specialist
  • Admin Assistant
  • Flight Attendant
  • Call Center Representative
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Technical Support
  • Implementation Specialist

What are the three important qualities of customer service?

There are countless “important” qualities a customer service representative must possess, but here are three of our favorites:

  • Patience: Customer service can be a challenging and stressful job, and representatives need to be able to remain patient and calm even when dealing with difficult or angry customers.
  • Empathy: The ability to understand and relate to the feelings of others is critical in customer service. Representatives should be able to put themselves in the customer’s shoes and show genuine concern for their needs.
  • Communication skills: Effective communication is essential for customer service representatives. They should be able to clearly and concisely convey information to customers, listen actively, and ask questions to understand the customer’s needs and concerns thoroughly.
“If the company’s customer service is excellent, 78% of consumers will do business with a company again after a mistake.” — Salesforce Research

Wrapping Up | What does customer service mean

Now that you know one of the primary interview questions for customer service-related jobs is, “What does customer service mean to you?” you can practice your answers. To recap our techniques for answering the question:

  • Open with Personal Experiences of Customer Service
  • The Customer is Always (ish) Right
  • Share Your Idea of Excellent Service
  • Proper Attitude is Key
  • Exceed Expectations
  • There Must Be a Process
  • Be Proactive
  • Remain Sensitive and Detail Oriented

Prepare and rehearse answering this question before the interview. It will make you feel more confident and comfortable discussing the role with a hiring manager. 

We hope this helps, and best of luck during your next job interview!

Title: “What Does Customer Service Mean to You?” Interview Answers

Category: the Interview

Tags: what does good customer service mean to you best answer, what are 3 important qualities of excellent customer service, what is customer service short answer

Author : Reid is a contributor to theJub . He’s an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile

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Crafting Your Customer Service Meaning Answer

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by Leon Chaddock   -  February 14, 2024

When preparing for an interview, one common question that you may come across is “What does customer service mean to you?” This question is often asked in interviews for customer service roles or any position that involves interacting with customers. It’s important to have a well-crafted response to showcase your understanding of the role of customer service and align with the company’s philosophy.

To effectively answer this question, it’s crucial to research the company’s customer service policies, mission statement, and values. This will help tailor your response to align with their expectations and demonstrate your dedication to their customer service approach. Additionally, personalizing your answer by explaining your personal customer service philosophy can give the interviewer insight into your mindset and attitudes towards customer service.

Furthermore, providing examples of situations in the past where you have delivered excellent customer service can illustrate your ability to meet and exceed customer expectations. These examples can demonstrate your skills, experience, and customer-centric approach, indicating that you are capable of providing exceptional service to customers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Research the company’s customer service policies, mission statement, and values to tailor your response.
  • Personalize your answer by explaining your personal customer service philosophy.
  • Provide examples of situations where you have provided excellent customer service in the past.
  • Keep your answer concise and focused.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the importance of customer service and its impact on business success.

The Importance of Customer Service

Customer service plays a crucial role in the success of a business. It is the act of providing support and assistance to both prospective and existing customers. Good customer service skills are essential for creating a positive customer experience and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Effective customer service involves listening to customers, understanding their needs, and providing them with the assistance and solutions they require. By delivering excellent customer service, businesses can build strong relationships with their customers, increase customer loyalty, and drive customer satisfaction.

Customer Service Skills

Having strong customer service skills is crucial for delivering effective customer service. These skills include:

  • Active listening: Paying attention to customer needs and concerns.
  • Empathy: Understanding and sharing the customer’s feelings.
  • Clear communication: Articulating information and instructions clearly.
  • Problem-solving: Finding solutions to customer issues.
  • Patience: Remaining calm and composed, even in difficult situations.

By honing these skills, customer service representatives can provide exceptional service that meets customer expectations and enhances their overall experience.

The Role of Customer Service Experience

Prior customer service experience can significantly contribute to a representative’s ability to deliver effective customer service. Experience allows professionals to acquire a deeper understanding of customer needs, gain problem-solving expertise, and develop effective communication techniques. Customer service experience also enables individuals to anticipate customer issues and proactively address them, leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Driving Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of effective customer service. When customers experience excellent service, they are more likely to feel valued and develop a positive perception of a business. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers, refer others to the business, and provide positive reviews. By prioritizing customer satisfaction in customer service, businesses can cultivate a loyal customer base, which ultimately contributes to long-term success.

“Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business won’t be profitable for long.” – Michael LeBoeuf

By prioritizing customer service skills, leveraging customer service experience, and delivering effective customer service, businesses can create a positive customer experience, drive customer satisfaction, and ultimately thrive in a competitive market.

Customer Service Standards and Expectations

Companies have different customer service standards and expectations. These standards are established to ensure that customers receive consistent and high-quality service. During a customer service interview, employers may ask questions to assess your understanding of these standards and your ability to meet them.

It is important to research the company’s customer service standards and prepare examples that demonstrate your alignment with those standards. Showcasing your knowledge of the company’s specific expectations can impress the interviewer and demonstrate your commitment to providing exceptional customer service.

Employers also value candidates who have undergone customer service training or have experience in providing customer service. Highlight any relevant training or experiences you have to showcase your ability to meet customer service standards.

Common Customer Service Interview Questions

Here are some common customer service interview questions that you may encounter:

  • “How do you handle difficult customers?”
  • “Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond to resolve a customer’s issue.”
  • “How do you prioritize customer requests when dealing with multiple inquiries simultaneously?”
  • “Describe a situation where you had to deal with an irate customer. How did you handle it?”
  • “How do you ensure that all customer inquiries are resolved in a timely manner?”

Preparing answers to these questions can help you showcase your customer service skills, experience, and ability to meet customer service standards.

The Role of Customer Service Training

Customer service training plays a crucial role in equipping employees with the necessary skills to provide excellent customer service. It helps employees understand the company’s customer service standards and expectations, enhances their communication and problem-solving abilities, and empowers them to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Effective customer service training programs typically cover topics such as:

  • Active listening and empathy
  • Effective communication
  • Conflict resolution
  • Product knowledge
  • Time management

By highlighting any customer service training you have undergone, you can demonstrate your commitment to continuously improving your skills and meeting customer service standards.

Customer service standards are vital for fostering positive customer experiences and driving business success. By understanding and meeting these standards, you can contribute to the overall satisfaction and loyalty of customers.

customer service training

Customer Service Philosophy and Company Alignment

Your customer service philosophy should align with the company’s expectations and values. When interviewers ask about what customer service means to you, they want to understand the value you place on customer service and how you define it. In other words, they seek an alignment between your vision of customer service and the organization’s expectations.

To ensure a successful alignment, it is crucial to thoroughly research the company’s customer service philosophy and approach. This can be done by reviewing their website, social media interactions, and customer reviews. By understanding their philosophy, you can tailor your response to demonstrate your alignment with their values.

When answering the question, emphasize your understanding of their philosophy and showcase how your personal customer service philosophy aligns with it. Highlight the aspects that resonate with you and explain how you incorporate those values into your interactions with customers.

“Customer service is not just a department, but a company-wide mindset. It means going above and beyond to exceed customer expectations, resolving issues promptly and effectively, and building lasting relationships. By aligning my personal philosophy with the company’s, I can deliver exceptional customer service that meets the organization’s expectations.”

Your answer should assure the interviewer that you are not only aware of the company’s customer service philosophy but also genuinely believe in it. Showcase how you will be an asset to the company, delivering customer service that consistently meets their expectations.

customer service alignment

Tips for Answering the Question “What Does Customer Service Mean to You?”

When preparing for a customer service interview, it’s essential to be well-prepared to answer the question, “What does customer service mean to you?” Here are a few tips to help you craft a strong response:

  • Research the company’s customer service policies and mission statement: Familiarize yourself with the company’s values and expectations regarding customer service. This will allow you to align your response with their specific requirements.
  • Be authentic and speak your truth: Avoid giving generic or rehearsed answers. Instead, share your genuine beliefs and attitudes about customer service. Drawing from personal experiences can make your answer more authentic and memorable.
  • Provide examples of excellent customer service: Back up your answer with real-life situations where you provided exceptional customer service. Highlight specific actions you took and the positive outcomes that resulted.
  • Use the STAR method: Structure your examples using the STAR method—Situation, Task, Action, Result. This framework helps you present your examples in a clear and concise manner.
  • Show your understanding of the importance of customer service: Demonstrate your knowledge of the impact that excellent customer service has on business success. Discuss how it contributes to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall company reputation.

By following these tips and preparing thoughtfully, you can impress the interviewer with a well-crafted answer that showcases your understanding of customer service and your ability to meet the company’s expectations.

Crafting a strong answer to the question “What does customer service mean to you?” is crucial for impressing interviewers and showcasing your understanding of the role. By thoroughly researching the company’s customer service standards and aligning your response with their philosophy, you can effectively demonstrate your ability to meet their expectations. It is essential to personalize your answer by sharing examples of excellent customer service and emphasizing the importance of customer satisfaction. By following these tips and preparing thoughtfully, you can confidently approach this question in your next interview and leave a lasting impression.

How should I answer the interview question "What does customer service mean to you?"

When preparing to answer this question, it’s important to have a well-crafted response. Your answer should demonstrate your understanding of the role of customer service and align with the company’s philosophy. Research the company’s customer service policies, mission statement, and values to tailor your response. Personalize your answer by explaining your personal customer service philosophy and providing examples of situations where you have provided excellent customer service in the past. Keep your answer concise and focused.

Why is customer service important?

Customer service plays a crucial role in the success of a business. It involves providing support and assistance to both prospective and existing customers. Good customer service skills are essential for creating a positive customer experience and ensuring customer satisfaction. Effective customer service involves listening to customers, understanding their needs, and providing them with the assistance and solutions they require. By delivering excellent customer service, businesses can build strong relationships with their customers, increase customer loyalty, and drive customer satisfaction.

What are customer service standards and expectations?

Companies have different customer service standards and expectations. These standards are established to ensure that customers receive consistent and high-quality service. During a customer service interview, employers may ask questions to assess your understanding of these standards and your ability to meet them. It is important to research the company’s customer service standards and prepare examples that demonstrate your alignment with those standards. Employers also value candidates who have undergone customer service training or have experience in providing customer service. Highlight any relevant training or experiences you have to showcase your ability to meet customer service standards.

How can I align my customer service philosophy with the company’s expectations?

Your customer service philosophy should align with the company’s expectations and values. Interviewers want to understand the value you place on customer service and how you define it. It is important to research the company’s customer service philosophy and approach. This can be done by reviewing their website, social media interactions, and customer reviews. Your answer should demonstrate your understanding of their philosophy and showcase how your personal philosophy aligns with it. By showcasing this alignment, you can assure the interviewer that you will be an asset to the company and deliver customer service that meets their expectations.

What are some tips for answering the question "What does customer service mean to you?"

Here are a few tips to help you craft a strong answer: research the company’s customer service policies and mission statement to align your response, be authentic and speak your truth when describing your personal customer service philosophy, provide examples of situations where you have provided excellent customer service in the past, use the STAR method to structure your examples and keep your answer concise, and show your understanding of the importance of customer service in driving customer satisfaction.

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4 Answers to “What Does Customer Service Mean to You”

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what does customer service mean to you essay

When you go to interview for a customer service position, you’ll surely be asked: “What does customer service mean to you?” How do you answer this common interview question? What does a good answer look like? What does a bad answer look like? We’re going to help you with all of this through this comprehensive guide on answering this particular interview question.

This interview question is asked by a hiring manager to determine how well experienced the candidate is as a customer service representative or another type of customer service role. During the job interview for a customer service professional, the hiring manager might ask this job interview question to determine customer service skills the candidate best feels compelled about and how passionate the candidate is about providing excellent customer service.

Ready to get started? Let’s learn how to answer this interview question when interviewing as a job seeker for a customer service agent or any customer service job.

How to Answer Customer Service Interview Questions Effectively

Whenever answering customer service interview questions, you should do so with positivity. If you can, highlighting some of these area’s would be ideal:

  • Knowledge of the product, business, service, or offer.
  • Sharing previous customer service experiences as a core part of how you answer your interview question.
  • Being able to answer the question in a clear and concise way.
  • Being able to show that you have the ability to think on your feet and be a “problem solver” if you need to be.

What if They Ask “How Would You Describe Good Customer Service?”

If the interviewer asks you, “How would you describe good customer service?” you can absolutely use the answers below as a starting point for your answer. These two interview questions aren’t all that different from one another.

The key difference between these two interview questions is that you may want to emphasize more of the qualities that make up great customer service. For example:

  • Ability to empathize with a customer.
  • Ability to problem solve on the spot.
  • Ability to represent the company in a strong, positive and trustworthy way.

Customer Service Skills You Can Highlight in Your Answer

When designing your interview answers, if you can, try to bring up or show your ability to have some of the best skillsets for customer service representatives. Some of those skills would be:

  • Clear communication
  • Listening intently
  • Reading between the lines
  • Ability to stay positive
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Customer feedback
  • Postive attitude

Additional customer service skills to consider, from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics includes:

  • Communication skills. Customer service representatives must be able to provide clear information in writing, by phone, or in person.
  • Computer skills. Customer service representatives must be adept at using computers.
  • Interpersonal skills. Representatives should be able to create positive interactions with customers.
  • Listening skills. Representatives must listen carefully to ensure that they understand customers in order to assist them.
  • Patience. Representatives should be patient and polite, especially when interacting with dissatisfied customers.
  • Problem-solving skills. Representatives must determine solutions to customers’ problems. By doing so, representatives contribute to customer loyalty and retention.

If you can, bring up scenarios that you can share from your past which encapsulate good examples of these skills. These could be situational examples which might share something of a STAR response (Situation, Task, Action, Result).

3 Best Answers to “What Does Good Customer Service Mean to You”

If you’re wondering how you might answer this interview question, here are three of the best examples of answering. Be sure that you use these answers as a method for designing your own answers.

Example one

Answer: “Customer service is the ability to help the company fill gaps in the product, offering, or service by being the most helpful and trustworthy guide for our customers. Being a problem-solver while staying empathetic and driving world-class support is something I’m extremely passionate about.”

Example two

Answer: “Customer service is the act of empathizing with our customers over points of friction they’re experiencing with our offerings. Great customer service is when you can quickly develop a strong connection and problem-solving rapport with the customer calling in.”

Example three

Answer: “Good customer service is the ability to develop a connection with our customers in a meaningful way. And through that connection, being able to service their needs even when they may be disgruntled or unhappy with our services. It’s about the ability to focus on the person, not just the situation.”

Example four

Answer: "Excellent customer service is about providing a customer experience. Let's say a customer is calling the customer support line. At this point, we have the opportunity to turn that customer into a loyal customer of our brand. I'd aim to learn about their customer expectations and then determine the customers' needs. From there, try to provide a customer service experience that makes them feel passionate about shopping with us or visiting our brand once more. I want to turn them into one happy customer. This is all part of the experience."

A good answer to this question is one that should allude to what bad customer service looks like and how not to produce that experience during a customer complaint phone call or experience. Define what exceptional customer service looks like, then answer with that definition.

What are Examples of Bad Answers

It’s important that you decide what qualities make up the best potential answer for you. It should be representative of your prior experiences as well as your personality. But here’s what your answer shouldn’t look like:

“Customer service is the ability to communicate clearly, answer the phone, and get people through their situations.”

"I don't know, I would say that customer service is something that comes with the job. It's about listening to the customer and then trying to think about what they want. It's really just trying to determine what the customer wants, I think. So if you had to ask me, I would say customer service is whatever the customer wants to know. Does that help answer your question?"

"I don't really know if the customer's needs are that important sometimes. For me, it's about doing what's best for the company, I think. If we have an angry customer who calls the support line, I'm going to listen to their customer feedback. But the company's reputation is on the line, and there's only so far I'm going to go with it. Customer service is turning an unhappy customer into a happy customer. Or an unhappy client into a happy client.

As you can see, this relatively short answer isn’t very impactful. It lacks the ability to focus on some skills necessary for customer service roles, like empathy. There's no clear definition of customer service standards or what poor customer service looks like. There's no ability to empathize with the customer and have the agent be in the "customer's shoes" when providing support.

author: patrick algrim

About the author

Patrick Algrim is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), NCDA Certified Career Counselor (CCC), and general career expert. Patrick has completed the NACE Coaching Certification Program (CCP). And has been published as a career expert on Forbes , Glassdoor , American Express , Reader's Digest , LiveCareer , Zety , Yahoo , Recruiter.com , SparkHire , SHRM.org , Process.st , FairyGodBoss , HRCI.org , St. Edwards University , NC State University , IBTimes.com , Thrive Global , TMCnet.com , Work It Daily , Workology , Career Guide , MyPerfectResume , College Career Life , The HR Digest , WorkWise , Career Cast , Elite Staffing , Women in HR , All About Careers , Upstart HR , The Street , Monster , The Ladders , Introvert Whisperer , and many more. Find him on LinkedIn .

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