
Widget html #1, model pembelajaran creative problem solving (cps).

Model pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving (CPS) adalah suatu metode pembelajaran yang pemusatannya tertuju pada keterampilan pemecahan masalah melalui teknik sistematik dalam mengorganisasian gagasan-gagasan kreatif. Siswa tidak hanya diajarkan cara menghafal tanpa berpikir, namun dituntut untuk memilih dan mengembangkan suatu tanggapan untuk memperluas proses berpikir.

Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving

Creative problem solving merupakan teknik pembelajaran dalam penyelesaian suatu permasalahan berkaitan dengan pemecahan masalah yang melalui teknik sistematik dan mengorganisasikan gagasan kreatif. Melalui model pembelajaran creative problem solving, siswa dapat memilih dan mengembangkan ide dan pemikirannya. Munculnya solusi kreatif sebagai upaya pemecahan masalah akan menumbuhkan kepercayaan diri, keberanian menyampaikan pendapat, berpikir devergen, dan fleksibel dalam upaya pemecahan masalah.

Creative problem solving dibangun atas tiga macam komponen, yaitu; ketekunan, masalah dan tantangan. Komponen tersebut dapat diimplementasikan secara sistematik dengan berbagai komponen pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran creative problem solving berusaha mengembangkan pemikiran divergen, berusaha mencapai berbagai alternatif dalam memecahkan suatu masalah.

Berikut definisi dan pengertian model pembelajaran creative problem solving dari beberapa sumber buku: 

  • Menurut Shoimin (2014), creative problem solving adalah model pembelajaran yang pemusatannya pada pengajaran dan keterampilan dalam memecahkan masalah. Ketika dihadapkan dengan suatu pernyataan, siswa dapat melakukan keterampilan dalam memecahkan masalah untuk memilih dan mengembangkan tanggapannya. Tidak hanya dengan cara menghafal tanpa berpikir, keterampilan memecahkan masalah dapat memperluas proses berpikir. 
  • Menurut Baharudin (2010), creative problem solving adalah variasi dari pembelajaran dengan pemecahan masalah melalui teknik sistematik dalam mengorganisasikan gagasan kreatif untuk menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan.
  • Menurut Cahyono (2009), creative problem solving adalah suatu metode pembelajaran yang melakukan pemusatan pada pengajaran dan ketrampilan memecahkan masalah, yang diikuti dengan penguatan ketrampilan.

Karakteristik Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving 

Menurut Imam (2010), model pembelajaran creative problem solving memiliki tiga karakteristik yang menjadi prosedur dalam proses pembelajarannya, yaitu sebagai berikut: 

  • Menemukan fakta, melibatkan penggambaran masalah, mengumpulkan, dan meneliti data dan informasi yang bersangkutan. 
  • Menentukan gagasan, berkaitan dengan memunculkan dan memodifikasi gagasan tentang strategi pemecahan masalah. 
  • Menemukan solusi, yaitu proses evaluasi sebagai puncak pemecahan masalah.

Menurut Menurut Suryosubroto (2009), karakteristik dari model pembelajaran creative problem solving adalah sebagai berikut: 

  • Melatih siswa untuk berpikir divergen dalam memecahkan masalah dengan berbagai cara, mampu memberikan berbagai alternatif pemecahan atas sebuah masalah dan kemampuan mengemukakan berbagai gagasan baru, dengan cara-cara baru yang jarang dilakukan oleh orang lain.
  • Peran pendidik lebih banyak menempatkan diri sebagai fasilitator, motivator dan dinamisator belajar bagi peserta didik.

Tujuan Metode Creative Problem Solving 

Menurut Shoimin (2014), melalui model pembelajaran creative problem solving siswa diharapkan mampu:

  • Menyatakan urutan langkah-langkah pemecahan masalah dalam creative problem solving. 
  • Menemukan kemungkinan-kemungkinan strategi pembelajaran.
  • Mengevaluasi dan menyeleksi kemungkinan-kemungkinan tersebut kaitannya dengan kriteria-kriteria yang ada. 
  • Memilih suatu pilihan solusi yang optimal. 
  • Mengembangkan suatu rencana dalam mengimplementasikan strategi pemecahan masalah. 
  • Mengartikulasikan bagaimana creative problem solving dapat digunakan dalam berbagai bidang/situasi.

Langkah-langkah Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving 

Menurut Huda (2013), sintak atau tahapan proses dalam model pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving menurut model Osborn-Parnes dikenal dengan istilah OFPISA, yaitu Objective, Finding, Fact Finding, Idea Finding, Solution Finding, dan Acceptence Finding. Adapun penjelasannya adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Objective Finding 

Siswa dibagi ke dalam kelompok-kelompok. Siswa mendiskusikan situasi permasalahan yang diajukan guru dan membrainstroming sejumlah tujuan atau sasaran yang bisa digunakan untuk kerja kreatif mereka. Sepanjang proses ini siswa diharapkan bisa membuat suatu konsensus tentang sasaran yang hendak dicapai kelompoknya.

b. Fact Finding 

Siswa membrainstroming semua fakta yang mungkin berkaitan dengan sasaran tersebut. Guru mendaftar setiap perspektif yang dihasilkan oleh siswa. Guru memberi waktu kepada siswa untuk berefleksi tentang fakta-fakta apa saja yang menurut mereka paling relevan dengan sasaran dan solusi permasalahan.

c. Problem Finding 

Salah satu aspek terpenting dari kreativitas adalah mendefinisikan kembali perihal permasalahan agar siswa bisa lebih dekat dengan masalah sehingga memungkinkannya untuk menemukan solusi yang lebih jelas. Salah satu teknik yang bisa digunakan adalah membrainstroming beragam cara yang mungkin dilakukan untuk semakin memperjelas sebuah masalah.

d. Idea Finding 

Pada langkah ini, gagasan-gagasan siswa didaftar agar siswa bisa melihat kemungkinan menjadi solusi atas situasi permasalahan. Ini merupakan langkah brainstorming yang sangat penting. Setiap usaha siswa harus diapresiasi sedemikian rupa dengan penulisan setiap gagasan, tidak peduli seberapa relevan gagasan tersebut akan menjadi solusi. Setelah gagasan-gagasan terkumpul, cobalah meluangkan beberapa saat untuk menyortir mana gagasan yang potensial dan yang tidak potensial sebagai solusi. Tekniknya adalah evaluasi cepat atas gagasan-gagasan tersebut untuk menghasilkan hasil sortir gagasan yang sekiranya bisa menjadi pertimbangan solusi lebih lanjut.

e. Solution Finding 

Pada tahap ini, gagasan-gagasan yang memiliki potensi terbesar dievaluasi bersama. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan membrainstroming kriteria-kriteria yang dapat menentukan seperti apa solusi yang terbaik itu seharusnya. Kriteria ini dievaluasi hingga ia menghasilkan penilaian yang final atas gagasan yang pantas menjadi solusi atas situasi permasalahan.

f. Acceptance Finding 

Pada tahap ini, siswa mulai mempertimbangkan isu-isu nyata dengan cara berpikir yang sudah mulai berubah. Siswa diharapkan sudah memiliki cara baru untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah secara kreatif. Gagasan-gagasan mereka diharapkan sudah bisa digunakan tidak hanya untuk menyelesaikan masalah, tetapi juga untuk mencapai kesuksesan.

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving 

Setiap model pembelajaran pada umumnya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing begitu juga dengan model pembelajaran creative problem solving. Menurut Istarani dan Ridwan (2014), kelebihan dan kekurangan creative problem solving adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Kelebihan 

Kelebihan atau keunggulan model pembelajaran creative problem solving yaitu:

  • Berpikir dan bertindak kreatif.
  • Dapat membuat pendidikan sekolah lebih baik relevan dengan kehidupan, khususnya dunia kerja. 
  • Memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi secara realistis. 
  • Merangsang perkembangan kemajuan berpikir siswa untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi dengan tepat.
  • Melatih siswa untuk mendesain suatu penemuan. 
  • Mengidentifikasikan dan melakukan penyelidikan.
  • Menafsirkan dan mengevaluasi hasil pengamatan.
  • Memilih fakta aktual sebagai dasar dan landasan untuk membahas pembelajaran.
  • Pembelajaran ini melatih dan menumbuhkan orisinalitas ide, kreativitas kognitif tinggi, kritis, komunikasi-interaksi, sharing keterbukaan, dan sosialisasi.
  • Menumbuhkan rasa kebersamaan siswa melalui diskusi akhir dari pemecahan masalah.

b. Kekurangan 

Kekurangan atau kelemahan model pembelajaran creative problem solving yaitu:

  • Memerlukan waktu yang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan metode pembelajaran yang lain. 
  • Beberapa pokok bahasan sangat sulit dalam menerapkan sebuah metode pembelajaran ini. Sehingga menyebabkan siswa sulit untuk melihat, mengamati, dan menyimpulkan kejadian atau konsep tersebut. 
  • Sulit mencari masalah yang benar-benar aktual dalam pembelajaran.
  • Adanya masalah yang tidak relevan dengan materi pembelajaran.
  • Menentukan suatu masalah yang tingkat kesulitannya sesuai dengan tingkat berpikir siswa memerlukan kemampuan dan keterampilan guru.
  • Mengubah kebiasaan siswa belajar merupakan kesulitan tersendiri bagi siswa untuk menerima informasi dari guru.

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  • Fokus Utama , Karier Sukses , Problem Solving , Skill Masa Depan

CPS Learner’s Model: Langkah Penting dalam Creative Problem Solving

  • November 22, 2022

Reading time : 3 minutes

Waktu baca : 3 menit

Table of Contents

Tertarik untuk menggunakan metode Creative Problem Solving? Ikuti langkah-langkah dalam Creative Problem-Solving Learner’s Model berikut ini.

Saat ini Creative Problem Solving bisa menjadi salah satu metode yang dipakai dalam menyelesaikan masalah ( problem solving ) di perusahan atau suatu usaha. Pendekatan Creative Problem Solving dipakai saat kita ingin menemukan ide penyelesaian masalah yang kreatif dan inovatif.

Dari berbagai teknik dengan pendekatan CPS, ada satu teknik yang masih sering dipakai yaitu pendekatan yang diciptakan oleh Alex Osborn dan Sid Parnes yang sering disebut dengan CPS Learner’s Model.

Pendekatan CPS Learner’s Model terdiri dari 4 (empat) tahap dan meliputi 6 (enam) langkah proses. Berikut ini adalah uraian lengkap CPS Learner’s Model:

creative problem solving meliputi 4 langkah yaitu

Stage 1: Klarifikasi

Tahap klarifikasi adalah tahap pertama yang akan dilakukan. Ada tiga kegiatan utama dalam tahap ini, yaitu mendefinisi tujuan, mengumpulkan data dan merumuskan permasalahan yang akan dihadapi.

Bersama team, kamu akan mendefinisikan tujuan, keinginan dan tantangan yang akan dihadapi berdasarkan data dan fakta. Oleh karena itu, pada tahap pengumpulan data, kamu harus melakukannya dengan sebaik-baiknya. Ini berguna untuk membangun visi terhadap masalah berdasarkan data, bukan asal berasumsi saja.

Pada tahap ini, kamu mengumpulkan challenge (atau masalah) yang sedang dihadapi. Kumpulkan semua permasalahan ini lewat proses survei atau monitor langsung di lapangan.

Misalnya dalam contoh kasus penjualan produk yang turun, kamu dan team akan melibatkan customer sebagai subjek dan produk sebagai objek. Kamu akan menggali fakta dari para pengguna produk tersebut untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kekurangan produk yang dimaksud. Perumusan masalah ini juga bisa didapatkan dari perbandingan. Misalnya dengan membandingkan dua produk dari brand yang berbedda. Dari situ kita juga bisa mendapatkan informasi tentang kekurangan dan kelebihan suatu produk.

Stage 2: Ideasi atau Pengumpulan Ide

Sesuai dengan namanya, kini saatnya untuk mengumpulkan ide penyelesaian masalah. Proses ini adalah untuk menggali sebanyak mungkin ide yang mungkin bisa dipakai. Bersama team, kamu akan diminta untuk mengeluarkan ide sebanyak mungkin. Ide-ide kreatif dan inovatif ini akan dikumpulkan sebagai bahan pertimbangan nanti.

Bisa jadi, kemungkinan masih akan keluar ide yang biasa-biasa saja alias konvensional. Tetapi hal ini juga akan memacu kamu dan team untuk berusaha mengeluarkan ide baru yang lebih kreatif dan inovatif. Di sini kamu akan diminta untuk mengerahkan semua kreativitas yang ada!

Ada 2 teknik yang bisa dipakai dalam tahap ini, yaitu brainstorming dan mind mapping. Tahap ini juga sering disebut dengan tahap berpikir secara divergen, di mana kita akan mengeluarkan semua ide dan pikiran, dan baru akan difilter kemudian. Jadi semua ide dianggap sama, tak ada yang benar atau salah.

Baca juga: Selesaikan Masalah dengan Lebih Kreatif

Stage 3: Develop (Pengembangan)

Pada tahap develop (pengembangan), kita akan memulai untuk memformulasikan solusi. Setelah tahap pengumpulan ide selesai, maka kita akan mulai fokus untuk mengevaluasi semua pilihan yang ada untuk mencipakan solusi.

Kita akan mulai menganalisis apakah solusi tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau kriteria. Dan juga, apakah bisa diimplementasikan atau tidak. Di sini kita juga akan memikirkan cara memmbuat ide untjk mejadi lebih bagus dan menentukan ide yang paling cocok untuk dipakai dalam menyelesaikan masalah.

Pada stage ini kita akan mulai memikir step yang akan dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, apa saja yang harus ditambahkan. Dengan berfokus pada cara berpikir konvergen (mulai fokus pada hal yang spesifik atau mengerucutkan proses), maka kita akan mulai mengolah ide-ide yang dipilih hingga menjadi sebuah konsep.

Stage 4: Implementasi

Setelah kita sudah memilih ide yang paling cocok dan mengembangkan konsepnya, kini saatnya untuk mengeksekusi.

Kita akan mulai membuat action plan, yaitu tahapan implementasi yang akan dilakukan. Pada tahap ini, sangat penting untuk mendata semua sumber daya yang kita miliki dan bagaimana mengoptimalisasikannya. Selain itu kamu akan mulai mengkomunikasikan rencana pelaksanaan kepada siapa saja yang terlibat di dalamnnya. Koordinasikan dengan seluruh anggota team, pastikan mereka semua sudah paham dan menyetujui langkah yang akan diambil.

Perlu kamu ketahui juga, tak ada solusi yang sempurna. Semuanya memiliki risiko dan konsekuensinya masing-masing. Untuk mengantisipasi jika terjadi hal-hal yang di luar keinginan, ada baiknya jika kamu dan team juga menyiapkan plan B atau rencana cadangan yang bisa dipersiapakan dari mulai tahap develop (pengembangan).

Tertarik mengikuti pembahasan lengkap tentang Creative Problem Solving? Ikuti kelas gratis di Playbook: Creative Problem Solving .

  • berpikir kreatif , creative problem solving , kreatif , penyelesaian masalah , problem solving

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Metode Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving: Menemukan Solusi dengan Cara Santai

  • 1.1 Metode Creative Problem Solving
  • 1.2 Cara Menggunakan Creative Problem Solving
  • 1.3 Tips Menggunakan Creative Problem Solving
  • 1.4 Kelebihan Creative Problem Solving
  • 1.5 Kekurangan Creative Problem Solving
  • 1.6 Tujuan Creative Problem Solving
  • 1.7 Manfaat Creative Problem Solving
  • 2.1 Apa perbedaan antara Creative Problem Solving dan Problem Solving konvensional?
  • 2.2 Bagaimana mengatasi kendala dalam menggunakan Creative Problem Solving?
  • 3 Kesimpulan

Kita sering dihadapkan dengan masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Entah itu dalam pekerjaan, hubungan pribadi, atau belajar di sekolah. Masalah ini bisa membuat kita stres dan pusing kepala. Namun, tenang saja! Ada sebuah metode pembelajaran yang bisa membantu kita menemukan solusi dengan cara yang santai dan kreatif. Metode ini dikenal dengan sebutan Creative Problem Solving.

Creative Problem Solving (CPS) merupakan pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah secara inovatif dan kreatif. Metode ini melibatkan langkah-langkah sistematik yang membuka pikiran kita untuk berpikir di luar kotak dan menemukan solusi yang tak terduga.

Langkah pertama dalam metode CPS adalah mengidentifikasi masalah dengan jelas. Kita harus merumuskan masalah secara spesifik agar fokus saat mencari solusi tidak terpecah. Misalnya, jika masalah kita adalah sulitnya mengatur waktu untuk belajar, maka kita bisa merumuskan masalah sebagai “Bagaimana cara mengatur waktu belajar yang efektif?”

Setelah masalah teridentifikasi, langkah berikutnya adalah analisis. Kita perlu menganalisis akar penyebab masalah tersebut. Apa yang membuat kita sulit mengatur waktu belajar? Adakah faktor eksternal seperti gangguan dari lingkungan sekitar, atau faktor internal seperti kurangnya motivasi? Dengan menganalisis penyebab masalah, kita bisa mencari solusi yang lebih efektif.

Setelah itu, kita masuk ke tahap generasi ide. Di sini, kita perlu melibatkan pikiran kreatif kita. Cobalah untuk berpikir di luar kotak dan temukan solusi yang tak terduga. Misalnya, jika kita sulit fokus karena gangguan lingkungan, mungkin solusinya adalah mencari tempat yang tenang untuk belajar, atau menggunakan headphone untuk mengurangi gangguan suara.

Setelah menghasilkan ide-ide, kita perlu melakukan evaluasi. Kita perlu mengevaluasi setiap ide yang muncul berdasarkan kelayakan dan kemungkinan berhasilnya. Buang ide yang terlalu tidak realistis atau tidak sesuai dengan masalah yang ingin kita selesaikan. Pilih ide yang paling menjanjikan atau bisa memberikan solusi yang paling efektif.

Terakhir, kita melangkah ke tahap implementasi. Ide yang terpilih perlu diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Buatlah jadwal belajar yang efektif dan sesuai dengan waktu yang kita miliki. Berikan diri kita motivasi tambahan agar tetap konsisten dalam menjalankan jadwal tersebut.

Metode pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving bisa menjadi alat yang efektif untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah dalam kehidupan kita. Dengan pendekatan yang santai dan kreatif, kita bisa menemukan solusi-solusi yang tak terduga. Jadi, tidak perlu stres lagi saat dihadapkan dengan masalah. Coba aplikasikan metode ini dan temukan solusi dengan cara yang menyenangkan!

Apa Itu Creative Problem Solving?

Creative Problem Solving (CPS) adalah sebuah metode yang digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah dengan pendekatan kreatif dan inovatif. Metode ini memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan solusi yang unik dan efektif dalam menghadapi tantangan atau masalah yang kompleks. Dalam CPS, pemikiran kreatif dan proses berpikir yang fleksibel sangat ditekankan.

Metode Creative Problem Solving

Metode Creative Problem Solving terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yang harus dilalui. Berikut adalah penjelasan mengenai setiap tahapan dalam metode ini:

  • Identifikasi masalah : Tahap pertama dalam metode CPS adalah mengidentifikasi masalah dengan jelas. Penting untuk memahami masalah secara mendalam dan merumuskannya dengan tepat.
  • Pengumpulan informasi : Setelah masalah diidentifikasi, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan mengenai masalah tersebut. Informasi ini dapat berupa data, fakta, atau insight dari berbagai sumber.
  • Analisis masalah : Setelah informasi terkumpul, tahap selanjutnya adalah menganalisis masalah secara menyeluruh. Hal ini melibatkan pemahaman mendalam tentang akar permasalahan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.
  • Pencarian alternatif solusi : Setelah masalah dianalisis, tahap berikutnya adalah mencari alternatif solusi yang mungkin. Dalam metode CPS, diharapkan untuk berpikir out-of-the-box dan menghasilkan ide-ide yang kreatif serta inovatif.
  • Pemilihan solusi terbaik : Setelah alternatif solusi tercipta, tahap selanjutnya adalah memilih solusi yang paling sesuai dengan masalah yang dihadapi. Pemilihan solusi ini harus didasarkan pada kriteria-kriteria yang relevan dan mempertimbangkan konsekuensi yang mungkin muncul.
  • Implementasi solusi : Setelah solusi terpilih, langkah berikutnya adalah mengimplementasikan solusi tersebut. Dalam tahap ini, perencanaan dan aksi yang tepat diperlukan untuk memastikan bahwa solusi dapat dijalankan dengan baik.
  • Evaluasi solusi : Setelah solusi diimplementasikan, proses Cognitive Problem Solving tidak berhenti di sini. Evaluasi solusi yang telah dilakukan perlu dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilan solusi dan memperbaiki jika diperlukan.

Cara Menggunakan Creative Problem Solving

Untuk menggunakan metode Creative Problem Solving, ada beberapa langkah yang dapat diikuti. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah praktis untuk menggunakan CPS:

  • Kenali masalah dengan jelas dan rumuskan dengan tepat.
  • Kumpulkan informasi yang relevan mengenai masalah.
  • Analisis masalah dengan menyeluruh.
  • Berikan ruang untuk pemikiran kreatif dan menghasilkan alternatif solusi yang unik.
  • Pilih solusi yang paling sesuai dengan masalah yang dihadapi.
  • Implementasikan solusi dengan perencanaan yang matang.
  • Evaluasi keberhasilan solusi dan perbaiki jika diperlukan.

Tips Menggunakan Creative Problem Solving

Berikut adalah beberapa tips yang dapat membantu dalam menggunakan metode Creative Problem Solving:

  • Berikan waktu dan ruang yang cukup untuk berpikir kreatif.
  • Bebaskan diri dari batasan dan buka pikiran untuk kemungkinan yang lebih luas.
  • Gunakan teknik brainstorming untuk menghasilkan berbagai ide yang kreatif.
  • Berikan perhatian pada detail dan kualitas solusi yang dihasilkan.
  • Kolaborasi dengan orang lain untuk mendapatkan perspektif yang berbeda dan ide yang lebih kreatif.

Kelebihan Creative Problem Solving

Metode Creative Problem Solving memiliki beberapa kelebihan yang membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang baik dalam mengatasi masalah. Berikut adalah beberapa kelebihan CPS:

  • Mendorong pemikiran kreatif dan inovatif dalam mencari solusi.
  • Membantu mengatasi masalah yang kompleks dengan cara yang efektif.
  • Memungkinkan untuk menemukan solusi yang unik dan tidak terduga.
  • Memperluas cara berpikir dan menciptakan alternatif solusi yang lebih baik.
  • Meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan analitis.

Kekurangan Creative Problem Solving

Namun, metode Creative Problem Solving juga memiliki beberapa kekurangan yang perlu diperhatikan. Berikut adalah beberapa kekurangan CPS:

  • Proses yang memakan waktu dan beberapa tahap yang kompleks.
  • Memerlukan keterampilan kreatif yang baik untuk menghasilkan ide-ide yang inovatif.
  • Tidak selalu menghasilkan solusi yang praktis atau dapat diimplementasikan dengan mudah.
  • Mungkin memerlukan sumber daya tambahan dalam proses implementasi solusi.

Tujuan Creative Problem Solving

Tujuan utama dari metode Creative Problem Solving adalah untuk menghasilkan solusi yang kreatif dan inovatif dalam menghadapi masalah yang kompleks. Metode ini membantu mengatasi batasan berpikir konvensional dan membuka kemungkinan baru.

Manfaat Creative Problem Solving

Penerapan Creative Problem Solving memiliki manfaat yang signifikan dalam berbagai konteks. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat utama dari metode ini:

  • Menghasilkan solusi yang lebih kreatif dan inovatif.
  • Meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah secara efektif.
  • Mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir lateral dan melakukan asosiasi yang lebih luas.
  • Meningkatkan kolaborasi tim dan kemampuan kerja dalam tim.
  • Mendorong pemikiran kritis dan analitis.

Apa perbedaan antara Creative Problem Solving dan Problem Solving konvensional?

Creative Problem Solving dan Problem Solving konvensional memiliki perbedaan utama dalam pendekatan dan hasil yang dihasilkan. Dalam Creative Problem Solving, proses berpikir kreatif dan inovatif sangat ditekankan, sementara dalam Problem Solving konvensional, pendekatan yang lebih terstruktur dan konvensional digunakan. Selain itu, Creative Problem Solving cenderung menghasilkan solusi yang lebih unik dan tidak terduga, sementara Problem Solving konvensional lebih fokus pada solusi yang praktis dan dapat diimplementasikan dengan mudah.

Bagaimana mengatasi kendala dalam menggunakan Creative Problem Solving?

Menggunakan Creative Problem Solving dapat melibatkan beberapa kendala. Namun, ada beberapa cara untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala ini. Pertama, berikan waktu dan ruang yang cukup untuk berpikir kreatif. Kedua, berkolaborasi dengan orang lain untuk mendapatkan perspektif yang berbeda dan ide yang lebih kreatif. Ketiga, gunakan teknik brainstorming untuk menghasilkan berbagai ide. Terakhir, tetap terbuka terhadap kemungkinan alternatif solusi dan jangan takut untuk mencoba pendekatan yang berbeda.

Metode Creative Problem Solving adalah pendekatan yang efektif untuk mengatasi masalah dengan cara yang kreatif dan inovatif. Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah dalam metode ini, kita dapat menghasilkan solusi yang unik dan efektif dalam menghadapi tantangan atau masalah yang kompleks. Meskipun metode ini memerlukan waktu dan pemikiran yang intensif, manfaat yang didapatkan jauh lebih besar daripada kekurangannya. Oleh karena itu, mari terapkan Creative Problem Solving dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita dan jadikan solusi kreatif sebagai bagian dari proses pemecahan masalah kita.

Jika Anda ingin meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah Anda, jangan ragu untuk mencoba metode Creative Problem Solving ini. Dengan latihan dan dedikasi yang tepat, Anda akan menjadi lebih terampil dalam memecahkan masalah yang kompleks dan menghasilkan solusi yang kreatif serta inovatif. Selamat mencoba!

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What Is Creative Problem-Solving & Why Is It Important?

Business team using creative problem-solving

  • 01 Feb 2022

One of the biggest hindrances to innovation is complacency—it can be more comfortable to do what you know than venture into the unknown. Business leaders can overcome this barrier by mobilizing creative team members and providing space to innovate.

There are several tools you can use to encourage creativity in the workplace. Creative problem-solving is one of them, which facilitates the development of innovative solutions to difficult problems.

Here’s an overview of creative problem-solving and why it’s important in business.

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What Is Creative Problem-Solving?

Research is necessary when solving a problem. But there are situations where a problem’s specific cause is difficult to pinpoint. This can occur when there’s not enough time to narrow down the problem’s source or there are differing opinions about its root cause.

In such cases, you can use creative problem-solving , which allows you to explore potential solutions regardless of whether a problem has been defined.

Creative problem-solving is less structured than other innovation processes and encourages exploring open-ended solutions. It also focuses on developing new perspectives and fostering creativity in the workplace . Its benefits include:

  • Finding creative solutions to complex problems : User research can insufficiently illustrate a situation’s complexity. While other innovation processes rely on this information, creative problem-solving can yield solutions without it.
  • Adapting to change : Business is constantly changing, and business leaders need to adapt. Creative problem-solving helps overcome unforeseen challenges and find solutions to unconventional problems.
  • Fueling innovation and growth : In addition to solutions, creative problem-solving can spark innovative ideas that drive company growth. These ideas can lead to new product lines, services, or a modified operations structure that improves efficiency.

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Creative problem-solving is traditionally based on the following key principles :

1. Balance Divergent and Convergent Thinking

Creative problem-solving uses two primary tools to find solutions: divergence and convergence. Divergence generates ideas in response to a problem, while convergence narrows them down to a shortlist. It balances these two practices and turns ideas into concrete solutions.

2. Reframe Problems as Questions

By framing problems as questions, you shift from focusing on obstacles to solutions. This provides the freedom to brainstorm potential ideas.

3. Defer Judgment of Ideas

When brainstorming, it can be natural to reject or accept ideas right away. Yet, immediate judgments interfere with the idea generation process. Even ideas that seem implausible can turn into outstanding innovations upon further exploration and development.

4. Focus on "Yes, And" Instead of "No, But"

Using negative words like "no" discourages creative thinking. Instead, use positive language to build and maintain an environment that fosters the development of creative and innovative ideas.

Creative Problem-Solving and Design Thinking

Whereas creative problem-solving facilitates developing innovative ideas through a less structured workflow, design thinking takes a far more organized approach.

Design thinking is a human-centered, solutions-based process that fosters the ideation and development of solutions. In the online course Design Thinking and Innovation , Harvard Business School Dean Srikant Datar leverages a four-phase framework to explain design thinking.

The four stages are:

The four stages of design thinking: clarify, ideate, develop, and implement

  • Clarify: The clarification stage allows you to empathize with the user and identify problems. Observations and insights are informed by thorough research. Findings are then reframed as problem statements or questions.
  • Ideate: Ideation is the process of coming up with innovative ideas. The divergence of ideas involved with creative problem-solving is a major focus.
  • Develop: In the development stage, ideas evolve into experiments and tests. Ideas converge and are explored through prototyping and open critique.
  • Implement: Implementation involves continuing to test and experiment to refine the solution and encourage its adoption.

Creative problem-solving primarily operates in the ideate phase of design thinking but can be applied to others. This is because design thinking is an iterative process that moves between the stages as ideas are generated and pursued. This is normal and encouraged, as innovation requires exploring multiple ideas.

Creative Problem-Solving Tools

While there are many useful tools in the creative problem-solving process, here are three you should know:

Creating a Problem Story

One way to innovate is by creating a story about a problem to understand how it affects users and what solutions best fit their needs. Here are the steps you need to take to use this tool properly.

1. Identify a UDP

Create a problem story to identify the undesired phenomena (UDP). For example, consider a company that produces printers that overheat. In this case, the UDP is "our printers overheat."

2. Move Forward in Time

To move forward in time, ask: “Why is this a problem?” For example, minor damage could be one result of the machines overheating. In more extreme cases, printers may catch fire. Don't be afraid to create multiple problem stories if you think of more than one UDP.

3. Move Backward in Time

To move backward in time, ask: “What caused this UDP?” If you can't identify the root problem, think about what typically causes the UDP to occur. For the overheating printers, overuse could be a cause.

Following the three-step framework above helps illustrate a clear problem story:

  • The printer is overused.
  • The printer overheats.
  • The printer breaks down.

You can extend the problem story in either direction if you think of additional cause-and-effect relationships.

4. Break the Chains

By this point, you’ll have multiple UDP storylines. Take two that are similar and focus on breaking the chains connecting them. This can be accomplished through inversion or neutralization.

  • Inversion: Inversion changes the relationship between two UDPs so the cause is the same but the effect is the opposite. For example, if the UDP is "the more X happens, the more likely Y is to happen," inversion changes the equation to "the more X happens, the less likely Y is to happen." Using the printer example, inversion would consider: "What if the more a printer is used, the less likely it’s going to overheat?" Innovation requires an open mind. Just because a solution initially seems unlikely doesn't mean it can't be pursued further or spark additional ideas.
  • Neutralization: Neutralization completely eliminates the cause-and-effect relationship between X and Y. This changes the above equation to "the more or less X happens has no effect on Y." In the case of the printers, neutralization would rephrase the relationship to "the more or less a printer is used has no effect on whether it overheats."

Even if creating a problem story doesn't provide a solution, it can offer useful context to users’ problems and additional ideas to be explored. Given that divergence is one of the fundamental practices of creative problem-solving, it’s a good idea to incorporate it into each tool you use.


Brainstorming is a tool that can be highly effective when guided by the iterative qualities of the design thinking process. It involves openly discussing and debating ideas and topics in a group setting. This facilitates idea generation and exploration as different team members consider the same concept from multiple perspectives.

Hosting brainstorming sessions can result in problems, such as groupthink or social loafing. To combat this, leverage a three-step brainstorming method involving divergence and convergence :

  • Have each group member come up with as many ideas as possible and write them down to ensure the brainstorming session is productive.
  • Continue the divergence of ideas by collectively sharing and exploring each idea as a group. The goal is to create a setting where new ideas are inspired by open discussion.
  • Begin the convergence of ideas by narrowing them down to a few explorable options. There’s no "right number of ideas." Don't be afraid to consider exploring all of them, as long as you have the resources to do so.

Alternate Worlds

The alternate worlds tool is an empathetic approach to creative problem-solving. It encourages you to consider how someone in another world would approach your situation.

For example, if you’re concerned that the printers you produce overheat and catch fire, consider how a different industry would approach the problem. How would an automotive expert solve it? How would a firefighter?

Be creative as you consider and research alternate worlds. The purpose is not to nail down a solution right away but to continue the ideation process through diverging and exploring ideas.

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Continue Developing Your Skills

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, marketer, or business leader, learning the ropes of design thinking can be an effective way to build your skills and foster creativity and innovation in any setting.

If you're ready to develop your design thinking and creative problem-solving skills, explore Design Thinking and Innovation , one of our online entrepreneurship and innovation courses. If you aren't sure which course is the right fit, download our free course flowchart to determine which best aligns with your goals.

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Karakteristik dan Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving

Model pembelajaran creative problem solving.

Model pembelajaran creative problem solving digunakan untuk merangsang siswa dalam berfikir. Model pembelajaran ini akan banyak memanfaatkan model-model pembelajaran lain yang dimulai dari pencarian masalah sampai kepada penarikan kesimpulan . disamping itu, model pembelajaran ini juga akan melibatkan banyak kegiatan dengan bimbingan dari para pengajar. Model pembelajaran creative problem solving tidak akan dapat diimplementasikan dalam lingkungan pendidikan yang tidak mendukung dialog interpersonal atau yang tidak memperhatikan dimensi rasa social dari pembelajaran didalam kelas. Komunikasi dan interaksi kooperatif diantara teman sekelas dan sikap-sikap kooperatif bisa terus bertahan. Aspek rasa social dari kelompok, pertukaran intelektualnya, dan maksud dari subyek yang berkaitan dengannya dapat bertindak sebagai sumber-sumber penting maksud tersebut bagi usaha para siswa untuk belajar. Dalam pemecahan masalah-masalah baru yang dihadapi diperlukan kesanggupan untuk berfikir. Oleh sebab itu, sudah sewajarnya sekolah turut bertanggungjawab mempersiapkan siswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran creative problem solving dalam mengajarkan mata pelajaran matematika. Model pembelajaran ini lebih memusatkan kegiatan pada murid, namun disertai dengan bimbingan dari para guru. Dengan model pembelajaran ini, diharapkan siswa dapat mengaplisakannya dalam situasi-situasi problematic dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari.

Menurut Suryosubroto Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut:

  • Melatih peserta didik untuk berfikir divergen dalam memecahkan masalah dengan berbagai cara, mampu memberikan berbagai alternatif pemecahan atas masalah dan kemampuan mengemukakan berbagai gagasan baru, dengan cara-cara baru yang jarang dilakukan orang lain.
  • Peran pendidik lebih banyak menempatkan diri sebagai fasilitator, motivator dan dinamisator belajar bagi peserta didik.

Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving (CPS) dapat dilakukan dengan tahapan yaitu:

  • Tahap awal dilakukan dengan memberi apersepsi dan penguatan serta kesiapan mahasiswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran, kemudian mengulas kembali materi sebelumnya yang dijadikan prasayarat materi, dan memotivasi kepada mahasiswa tentang pentingnya pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.
  • Klarifikasi permasalahan yang ada dalam proyek/kelopok sehingga mahasiswa mengetahui solusi yang diharapkan dari proyek tersebut. Dalam tahap ini, masing-masing kelompok mengajukan draf kepada dosen tentang proyek yang akan dipecahkan permasalahannya.
  • Pengungkapan gagasan dengan memberi kesempatan kepada mahasiswa menggali dan mengungkapkan pendapat sebanmyak-banyaknya berkaitan dengan strategi pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi dalam proyek tersebut.
  • Evaluasi dan seleksi berbagai gagasan tentang strategi pemecahan masalah, sehingga pada akhirnya diperoleh suatu strategi yang optimal dan tepat.
  • Implementasi yaitu mahasiswa bersama kelompoknya memutuskan tentang strategi pemecahan masalah dalam proyeknya dan melaksanakan strategi yang dipilih dalam memecahkan permasalahan sesuai dengan draf kerja yang telah diajukan. Setelah pekerjaan selesai siswa bersama kelompoknya mempresentasikan hasil kerjanya di depan kelas dengan menggunakan media sesuai dengan kreatifitasnya untuk menyampaikan gagasannya dan mendapatkan saran dan kritik dari pihak lain sehingga diperoleh solusi yang optimal berkaitan dengan pemecahan masalah. Kemudian dosen bersama mahasiswa menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran ke arah matematika formal.
  • Tahap penutup. Sebagai pemantapan materi, secara individual mahasiswa mengerjakan quiz yang ditampilkan dengan media pembelajaran dan dosen memberikan poin bagi mahasiswa yang mampu memecahkan permasalahan sebagai upaya memotivasi mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal-soal. Suatu soal yang dianggap sebagai masalah adalah soal yang memerlukan keaslian berpikir tanpa adanya contoh penyelesaian sebelumnya.

Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving cocok digunakan dalam peningkatan kemampuan memecahkan masalah karena dalam model pembelajaran ini pengalaman sebelumnya dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah merupakan faktor yang penting dalam menyelesaikan masalah baru yang berbeda, disamping faktor minat siswa.

Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving (CPS) adalah suatu model pembelajaran yang memusatkan pada pengajaran dan keterampilan pemecahan masalah, yang diikuti dengan penguatan keterampilan. Dalam hal ini peserta didik terlibat dalam memecahkan masalah sehingga peserta didik lebih berfikir aktif, kreatif dan dapat memperoleh manfaat yang maksimal baik dari proses maupun hasil belajarnya. CPS merupakan model pembelajaran untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara kreatif. Guru dalam model pembelajaran CPS bertugas untuk mengarahkan peserta didik memecahkan masalah secara lebih mandiri, kreatif dan membebaskan peserta didik untuk berimajinasi. Guru juga bertugas untuk menyedikan materi pelajaran atau topik diskusi yang dapat merangsang pemikiran peserta didik untuk dapat berfikir kreatif dalam memecahkan masalah pada proses belajar mengajar. Dari beberapa pengertian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran (CPS) merupakan model pembelajaran yang berbasis pemecahan masalah secara kreatif yang berpusatkan pada peserta didik untuk berimajinasi agar kemampuan berfikir kreatif peserta didik meningkat.

Dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving diharapkan dapat memotivasi serta mendorong peserta didik agar lebih berpikir kreatif agar bisa memecahkan suatu permasalahan dalam proses pembelajaran. Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving merupakan model pembelajaran yang memusatkan pada pengajaran serta keterampilan dalam pemecahan masalah, yang diikuti dengan penguatan keterampilan. Model pembelajaran CPS memiliki kelemahan diantaranya adalah membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dalam proses pembelajarannya, memungkinkan peserta didik menjadi bosan karena harus menyelesaikan masalah yang kompleks dengan banyak variasi jawaban, memilih topik yang dapat mengembangkan kreatifitas peserta didik bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah.

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  • Zenius untuk Guru

Pembelajaran Pendekatan Pemecahan Masalah (Problem Solving) – Zenius untuk Guru

  • Posted by by Zenius untuk Guru
  • Mei 15, 2022

Bapak dan Ibu Guru, pasti pernah dong bermain teka-teki? Atau, justru sering memecahkannya untuk mengisi waktu luang?

Nggak hanya untuk hiburan Bapak dan Ibu Guru, teka-teki juga bisa digunakan di kelas, lho. Contohnya, sebelum memulai pelajaran IPA, kita bisa memberikan pertanyaan atau teka-teki yang merangsang pemikiran siswa. 

Nah, coba perhatikan teka-teki di bawah ini.  

Gigiku panjang, tapi juga pendek. Gigiku berakhir dengan cepat. Siapakah aku?

Dari teka-teki di atas, mintalah siswa untuk mencari jawabannya sendiri. Biarkan mereka berpikir kreatif dan berimajinasi akan kemungkinan jawabannya.

Kalau menurut Bapak dan Ibu Guru sendiri, kira-kira apa jawabannya? 

Iya, betul banget. Jawabannya adalah petir!

Setelah siswa berhasil menjawab, Bapak dan Ibu Guru bisa mengaitkan jawabannya dengan materi. Misalnya, materi tentang proses terjadinya petir atau fenomena listrik statis.

Wah, teka-teki menyenangkan juga, ya. Tapi, tahu nggak Bapak dan Ibu Guru? Teka-teki bisa bantu meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah atau problem solving , lho.

Teka-teki membantu kita untuk berpikir logis, menguji prediksi, memecahkan masalah, dan menggunakan penalaran Matematika. Bahkan, dengan bermain teka-teki, kemampuan kerjasama atau kolaborasi juga meningkat.

Sebab itu, teka-teki bisa jadi salah satu media dalam model pembelajaran pemecahan masalah. Meskipun awalnya membingungkan, teka-teki memaksa siswa untuk berpikir tentang cara menyederhanakan informasi. Inilah keterampilan yang bermanfaat untuk pemecahan masalah.

Selain teka-teki, apa saja kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan dalam pembelajaran pendekatan pemecahan masalah? Yuk, kita bahas bersama, Bapak dan Ibu Guru.

Apa yang Dimaksud Pemecahan Masalah?

Pastinya, kita sudah nggak asing lagi dengan yang namanya masalah. Karena, setiap individu dihadapkan dengan suatu permasalahan yang menuntut penyelesaian.

Contohnya, setelah lulus S1, saya ingin melanjutkan pendidikan S2. Tapi, biaya yang dibutuhkan nggak sedikit. Nah, penyelesaiannya adalah dengan saya tetap harus bekerja sambil berkuliah atau mencari beasiswa.

Dalam buku Belajar dan Pembelajaran, Teori dan Praktik (2015) dijelaskan bahwa pemecahan masalah adalah proses pemikiran dan pencarian jalan keluar. Macam-macam metode pemecahan masalah di antaranya lewat pengalaman masa lalu, berdasarkan firasat, trial and error , pemikiran ilmiah, dan secara rasional.

Dalam prosesnya, ada empat tahap yang dilalui seseorang untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Prosedur pemecahan masalah selengkapnya bisa dilihat di gambar berikut ini.

empat fase pemecahan masalah

Lefudin dalam bukunya Belajar & Pembelajaran (2017) juga menyebutkan bahwa pemecahan masalah mempunyai strategi tersendiri. Beberapa di antaranya adalah melalui gambar atau diagram, menemukan pola, membuat tabel, memperhatikan semua kemungkinan secara sistematik, atau menebak dan memeriksa.

Lalu, bagaimana kaitannya pemecahan masalah ini dalam pembelajaran?

Baca Juga: Problem Based Learning, Belajar dari Masalah

Pemecahan Masalah dalam Pembelajaran

Nggak cuma ditemui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, suatu persoalan dalam pembelajaran juga termasuk masalah yang harus diselesaikan. Jika sering dihadapkan pada suatu masalah di kelas, siswa akan terbiasa untuk mencari jalan keluarnya.

Menurut buku Metodologi Pengajaran (2016), pembelajaran pendekatan pemecahan masalah menggunakan kegiatan yang melatih siswa untuk menghadapi berbagai masalah agar dipecahkan sendiri atau bersama-sama. Di pendekatan ini, orientasi pembelajarannya adalah investigasi dan penemuan yang didasarkan pemecahan masalah.

tujuan pembelajaran problem solving

Jadi, model pembelajaran ini memungkinkan siswa untuk mendapatkan pengalaman belajar dari proses penggunaan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang sudah dimiliki untuk memecahkan masalah.

Baca Juga : Ragam Strategi Pembelajaran

Langkah-Langkah Model Pembelajaran Pemecahan Masalah

Untuk menerapkan pembelajaran pendekatan problem solving , ada beberapa langkah yang perlu dilakukan. Di antaranya:

  • Merumuskan masalah , untuk mengetahui dan merumuskan masalah secara jelas. 
  • Menelaah masalah , dengan menggunakan pengetahuan untuk merinci dan menganalisis masalah dari berbagai sudut.
  • Merumuskan hipotesis , sehingga siswa bisa berimajinasi dan memahami ruang lingkup, sebab akibat, serta alternatif penyelesaian.
  • Mengumpulkan dan mengelompokkan data sebagai bahan pembuktian hipotesis.
  • Pembuktian hipotesis, dengan mengkaji dan membahas data.
  • Menentukan penyelesaian masalah , melalui kegiatan penarikan kesimpulan dan memperhitungkan akibat yang terjadi.

Setelah memperhatikan langkah-langkahnya, kita juga harus memilih bahan pelajaran yang mempunyai permasalahan. Nggak terbatas dari buku sekolah saja, materi juga bisa didapatkan dari lingkungan sekolah atau peristiwa di masyarakat. 

Contohnya, masalah banjir yang terjadi di beberapa daerah di Indonesia. Selain menemukan solusi alternatif dari masalah ini, kita juga bisa mengajarkan siklus air, proses terjadinya hujan, pentingnya mendaur ulang sampah, dan menjaga lingkungan.

Menurut Gulo dalam Belajar dan Pembelajaran, Teori dan Praktik (2015), ada beberapa kriteria dalam memilih materi pelajaran, yaitu:

  • Materi bersifat isu konflik atau kontroversial.
  • Materi bersifat umum sehingga tidak asing dan mudah dipahami siswa.
  • Materi pelajaran mendukung pengajaran dan sesuai dengan kurikulum sekolah.
  • Materi mencakup kepentingan banyak orang dalam masyarakat.
  • Materi pelajaran bisa mengembangkan kelas dan membantu mencapai tujuan pembelajaran.
  • Materi menjamin kesinambungan pengalaman siswa.

Nah, selain materi pelajarannya, satu hal lagi yang nggak kalah penting. Bapak dan Ibu Guru perlu menggabungkan pendekatan pemecahan masalah dengan berbagai media pembelajaran.

Kalau ingin menggunakan media pembelajaran yang kreatif, Bapak dan Ibu Guru bisa baca informasinya di artikel 6 Tips Membuat Pembelajaran Kreatif .

Sekarang, mari kita lanjut membahas bagaimana menerapkan pemecahan masalah di kelas.

Baca Juga: Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning

Contoh Pembelajaran Problem Solving

Dalam memecahkan masalah, siswa perlu menganalisis materi, memahaminya, dan menarik kesimpulan. Karena itu, pendekatan pemecahan masalah mengharuskan siswa berperan aktif dan bisa berpikir kritis.

Nah, seperti yang saya sebutkan sebelumnya. Salah satu contoh pendekatan pemecahan masalah dalam pembelajaran IPA adalah menggunakan media teka-teki.

morfologi jenis-jenis daun dalam bentuk teka-teki untuk pembelajaran

Menurut Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Dasar, Efektivitas Model Creative Problem Solving dengan Media Teka-Teki Silang Daun Terhadap Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar IPA Sekolah Dasar (2018), diketahui kalau teka-teki silang bisa meningkatkan aktivitas pembelajaran sebesar 82,3%. Penelitian ini juga menemukan kalau hasil belajar siswa lebih baik dibandingkan dengan model pemecahan masalah yang nggak menggunakan media teka-teki.

Tapi, nggak hanya pelajaran IPA saja, teka-teki juga bisa diterapkan untuk ilmu lain. Contohnya, model pembelajaran IPS SD dengan menggunakan pendekatan pemecahan masalah.

Wah, ternyata teka-teki bermanfaat banget dalam pembelajaran. Selain teka-teki dan kegiatan di kelas, Bapak dan Ibu Guru juga bisa mendorong kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa melalui buku atau film.

Kaitannya sama buku dan film, saya punya rekomendasi nih, Bapak dan Ibu Guru. Salah satu buku yang bisa mengembangkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah kita adalah Detective Conan (1994–sekarang). 

Disajikan dalam bentuk komik, Detective Conan mengajak kita untuk berpikir dan memecahkan kasus yang diceritakan. Penyampaiannya juga cukup ringan, tapi bisa meningkatkan rasa penasaran. 

Jadi, kita bisa sama-sama berlatih memecahkan masalah lewat komik Detective Conan . Kalau Bapak dan Ibu Guru atau siswa nggak begitu tertarik dengan komik, ada juga video animasi dan filmnya.

Selain tentang pemecahan masalah, ada juga rekomendasi buku terkait pendidikan lainnya yang bisa Bapak dan Ibu Guru baca. Klik tautan di bawah ini, ya!

Baca Juga : Rekomendasi Buku Bertema Pendidikan untuk Guru

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Pembelajaran Pendekatan Masalah

Setiap hal ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya, termasuk pendekatan pembelajaran yang satu ini. 

Dalam menerapkan pembelajaran pendekatan pemecahan masalah, kelebihannya antara lain:

  • Melatih siswa untuk mendesain suatu penemuan.
  • Mengembangkan pemikiran dan tindakan kreatif.
  • Siswa terbiasa untuk memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi secara realistis.
  • Memudahkan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi dan melakukan penyelidikan.
  • Siswa bisa menafsirkan dan mengevaluasi hasil pengamatan.
  • Merangsang perkembangan kemajuan berpikir siswa untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi dengan tepat.
  • Membuat pengetahuan yang didapatkan di sekolah lebih relevan dengan kehidupan nyata.

Sementara itu, kekurangan dari model pembelajaran problem solving di antaranya:

  • Sulitnya menerapkan metode ini untuk beberapa pokok bahasan.
  • Membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama dibandingkan metode pembelajaran yang lainnya.

Nah, dari kelebihan dan kekurangannya di atas, apakah Bapak dan Ibu Guru sudah menentukan? Kira-kira, ingin menggunakan pendekatan pemecahan masalah atau nggak di kelas?

Demikian penjelasan tentang pembelajaran pendekatan pemecahan masalah. Semoga artikel ini bisa membantu Bapak dan Ibu Guru dalam memilih pendekatan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kelas.

Selain memilih pendekatan pembelajarannya, Bapak dan Ibu Guru juga bisa memanfaatkan LMS (Learning Management System) Zenius untuk Guru. Ada ratusan video materi dan latihan soal yang bisa dibagikan ke siswa lewat kelas virtual. Penasaran? Langsung saja klik gambar di bawah ini!

lms zenru

Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving (Penjelasan Lengkap) – Serupa (2022)

Belajar & Pembelajaran, Dilengkapi dengan Model Pembelajaran, Strategi Pembelajaran, Pendekatan Pembelajaran dan Metode Pembelajaran – Lefudin (2017)

Efektivitas Model Creative Problem Solving dengan Media Teka-Teki Silang Daun Terhadap Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar IPA Sekolah Dasar – Erwin Putera Permana (2018)

Belajar dan Pembelajaran, Teori dan Praktik – M. Thobroni (2015)

Metodologi Pengajaran – Jumanta Hamdayama (2016)

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Problem Solving (Pemecahan Masalah) : Pengertian, Indikator, Faktor, dsb

creative problem solving meliputi 4 langkah yaitu

Salah satu keterampilan yang digaungkan untuk menghadapi era pendidikan abad 21 adalah problem solving atau pemecahan masalah. Pemecahan masalah merupakan salah satu skill set penting untuk menghadapi tuntutan hidup di zaman yang serba cepat ini. Mengapa? Karena kecepatan dan ketelitian merupakan hal yang amat berbenturan, dan ketika kita ingin mewujudkannya, maka akan timbul banyak permasalahan, yakni kesenjangan antara harapan dan kenyataan. Dengan demikian keterampilan problem solving amatlah dibutuhkan di masa ini.

Namun demikian tidak usah menyalahkan kebutuhan abad 21, revolusi industri 4.0, atau pengaruh globalisasi juga pada dasarnya setiap orang akan menghadapi masalah. Kita semua akan selalu menemui masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan akan selalu berusaha untuk memecahkannya. Tentunya tingkat kesulitannya amatlah beragam, mulai dari yang sudah memiliki langkah untuk menyelesaikannya, hingga masalah baru yang lebih sulit untuk dipecahkan.

Oleh karena itu problem solving serta kemampuan memecahkan masalah merupakan konsep dan keterampilan penting yang harus dipahami dan dikuasai. Berikut adalah berbagai uraian mengenai problem solving atau pemecahan masalah mulai dari pengertian, indikator, hingga faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya.

Pengertian Problem Solving

Menurut Uno (2014, hlm. 134) problem solving adalah kemampuan untuk menggunakan proses berpikir dalam memecahkan masalah dengan mengumpulkan fakta, menganalisis informasi, penyusunan alternatif solusi, serta memilih solusi masalah yang lebih efektif. Artinya problem solving merupakan pencarian solusi melalui proses berpikir yang sistematis.

Sementara itu menurut Lucenario dkk (dalam Khoiriyah & Husana, 2018, hlm. 151) problem solving adalah aktivitas yang membutuhkan seseorang antuk memilih jalan keluar yang dapat dilakukan berdasarkan kemampuan yang dimilikinya yang berarti melakukan pergerakan antara keadaan sekarang dengan kondisi yang diharapkan. Hal ini berkaitan dengan definisi masalah yang berarti kenyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan, dan problem solving berusaha untuk memperbaiki kenyataan tersebut menjadi sesuai dengan harapan.

Selanjutnya, menurut Solso (dalam Mawaddah, 2015) pemecahan masalah adalah suatu pemikiran yang terarah secara langsung untuk menentukan solusi atau jalan keluar untuk suatu masalah yang spesifik. Tentunya solusi spesifik berarti solusi yang sesuai dengan masalah yang terjadi. Selain itu, Gagne dalam (Made, 2016, hlm. 52) mengemukakan bahwa problem solving dapat dipandang sebagai suatu proses untuk menemukan kombinasi dari sejumlah aturan yang dapat diterapkan dalam upaya mengatasi situasi yang baru. Kombinasi dari sejumlah aturan dapat dipahami sebagai algoritma atau langkah-langkah yang dapat menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan.

Berdasarkan pendapat-pendapat ahli di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa problem solving adalah aktivitas proses berpikir untuk mencari solusi berupa suatu prosedur atau langkah yang spesifik dalam menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan secara sistematis berdasarkan kemampuan yang dimilikinya.

Jenis Masalah

Terdapat beberapa jenis masalah, yaitu:

  • Masalah yang prosedur pemecahannya sudah ada dan telah diketahui siswa;
  • Masalah yang prosedur pemecahannya belum diketahui oleh siswa;
  • Masalah yang sama sekali belum diketahui prosedur pemecahannya dan atau belum diketahui data yang diperlukan untuk mencari solusinya.

Tentunya dalam pendidikan abad 21, kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang diharapkan dapat dikuasai adalah penyelesaian masalah terhadap masalah yang belum diketahui prosedur pemecahannya dan atau belum diketahui data yang diperlukan untuk mencari solusinya.

Indikator Problem Solving

Bagaimana caranya kita mengetahui bahwa seseorang atau dalam bidang pendidikan spesifiknya peserta didik telah mampu menggunakan kemampuan problem solvingnya? Terdapat indikator yang dapat mencirikan bahwa seseorang tengah mempraktikan kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Menurut Johnson & Johnson (Tawil & Liliasari, 2013, hlm. 93) indikator-indikator penyelesaian masalah adalah sebagai berikut.

  • “Mampu mendefinisikan masalah, yaitu merumuskan masalah dari peristiwa tertentu yang mengandung isu konflik, sehingga peserta didik mengerti masalah apa yang akan dikaji. Dalam hal ini, peserta didik harus mampu mendefinisikan beberapa masalah mengenai isu-isu hangat yang terjadi di lingkungannya;
  • “Mampu mendiagnosis masalah, yaitu menentukan sebab-sebab terjadinya masalah, serta menganalisis berbagai faktor, baik faktor yang bisa menghambat maupun faktor yang dapat mendukung dalam penyelesaian masalah”. Jika hal yang pertama dilakukan adalah mengindentifikasi masalah, maka selanjutnya peserta didik harus dapat menyelidiki ataupun menemukan sebab atau alasan terjadi suatu permasalahan tersebut sehingga bisa mencari solusi;
  • “Mampu merumuskan alternatif strategi, yaitu menguji setiap tindakan yang telah dirumuskan melalui diskusi kelas”. Mengatasi suatu permasalahan tentunya bisa melakukan berbagai hal sesuai tingkat permasalahan yang ada. Strategi yang dilakukan pun bisa berbedabeda sehingga perlu adanya alternatif strategi yang lain jika salah satu strategi tidak dapat berhasil mengatasi suatu permasalahan tersebut;
  • “Mampu menentukan dan menerapkan strategi pilihan, yaitu pengambilan keputusan tentang strategi mana yang dapat dilakukan”. Pengambilan keputusan sangat diperlukan dalam memecahkan suatu masalah karena menentukan strategi yang paling baik dari beberapa alternatif strategi yang ada;
  • “Mampu melakukan evaluasi, baik evaluasi proses maupun evaluasi hasil”. Evaluasi dilakukan agar dapat memperbaiki hal-hal yang salah dari kegiatan proses maupun hasil yang dilakukan ketika memecahkan suatu masalah. Sehingga akan menjadi cerminan untuk selanjutnya agar melakukan strategi yang lebih baik lagi.

Tabel Indikator Problem Solving

Jika disusun dalam tabel indikator seperti layaknya indikator-indikator lainnya dalam bidang pendidikan, maka indikator penyelesaian masalah dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut.

Sumber: Tawil & Liliasari, (2013, hlm. 93)

Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kemampuan Problem Solving

Menurut Kartika,(2017, hlm. 327) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan pemecahan masalah adalah sebagai berikut.

  • Pengalaman Pengalaman terhadap tugas-tugas menyelesaikan soal wacana atau soal aplikasi. Pengalaman awal seperti ketakutan terhadap biolohi dapat menghambat kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah.
  • Motivasi Dorongan yang kuat dari dalam diri seperti menumbuhkan keyakinan bahwa dirinya bisa, maupun dorongan dari luar diri (eksternal) seperti diberikan soal-soal yang menarik, menantang dapat mempengaruhi hasil pemecahan masalah.
  • Kemampuan memahami masalah Kemampuan siswa terhadap konsep-konsep soal, tugas, atau permasalahan nyata yang berbeda-beda tingkatnya dapat memicu perbedaan kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah.
  • Keterampilan Keterampilan adalah kemampuan untuk menggunakan akal, pikiran, ide dan kreativitas dalam mengerjakan, mengubah ataupun membuat sesuatu menjadi lebih bermakna sehingga menghasilkan sebuah nilai dari hasil pekerjaan tersebut. keterampilan tersebut pada dasarnya akan lebih baik bila terus diasah dan dilatih untuk menaikkan kemampuan sehingga akan menjadi ahli atau menguasai dari salah satu bidang keterampilan yang ada.
  • Kemandirian Kemandirian adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk melakukan suatu hal apapun sendiri, tidak bergantung pada orang lain. Sikap mandiri dapat membuat seseorang mampu menghadapi masalah yang ada. Sebaliknya, seseorang yang tidak memiliki sikap mandiri, dia tidak mampu menghadapi jika ada masalah.
  • Kepercayaan diri Kepercayaan diri akan memperkuat motivasi mencapai keberhasilan, karena semakin tinggi kepercayaan terhadap kemampuan diri sendiri, semakin kuat pula semangat untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaannya.

Langkah-langkah Problem Solving

Langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan dalam melakukan penyelesaian masalah adalah sebagai berikut.

  • Memahami Masalah Langkah ini sangat menekankan kesuksesan memperoleh solusi masalah. Langkah ini melibatkan pendalaman situasi masalah, melakukan pemilahan fakta – fakta menentukan hubungan di antara fakta-fakta dan membuat formulasi pertanyaan masalah. Setiap masalah yang ditulis, bahkan yang paling mudah sekalipun harus dibaca berulang kali dan informasi yang terdapat dalam masalah dipelajari dengan seksama. Biasanya siswa harus menyatakan kembali masalah dalam bahasanya sendiri.
  • Membuat Rencana Pemecahan Masalahi Langkah ini perlu dilakukan dengan percaya diri ketika masalah sudah dapat dipahami. Rencana solusi dibangun dengan mempertimbangkan struktur masalah dan pertanyaan yang harus dijawab. Jika masalah tersebut adalah masalah rutin dengan tugas menulis kalimat matematika terbuka, maka perlu dilakukan penerjemah masalah menjadi bahasa matematika. Jika masalah yang dihadapi adalah masalah nonrutin, maka suatu rencana perlu dibuat, bahkan kadang strategi baru perlu digambarkan.
  • Melaksanakan Rencana Pemecahan Masalahi Untuk mencari solusi yang tepat, rencana yang sudah dibuat dalam langkah harus dilaksanakan dengan hati-hati. Untuk melalui, estimasi solusi yang dibuat sangat perlu. Diagram, tabel, atau urutan dibangun secara seksama sehingga si pemecah masalah tidak akan bingung. Tabel digunakan jika perlu. Jika solusi memerlukan komputasi, kebanyakan individu akan menggunakan kalkulator untuk menghitung daripada menghitung dengan kertas dan pensil dan mengurangi kekhawatiran yang sering terjadi dalam pemecahan masalah. Jika muncul ketidakkonsistenan ketika melaksanakan rencana, proses harus ditelaah ulang untuk mencari sumber kesulitan masalah.
  • Melihat (mengecek) Kembali Selama langkah ini berlangsung, solusi masalah harus dipertimbangkan. Perhitungan harus dicek kembali. Melakukan pengecekan dapat melibatkan pemecahan yang menentukan akurasi dari komputasi dengan menghitung ulang. Jika membuat estimasi, maka bandingkan dengan solusi. Solusi harus tetap cocok terhadap akar masalah meskipun kelihatan tidak beralasan. Bagian penting dari langkah ini adalah ekstensi. Ini melibatkan pencarian alternatif pemecahan masalah.
  • Handayani, Kartika. (2017). Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan pemecahan masalah soal cerita matematika. SEMNASTIKA 2017, 06 May 2017, Medan.
  • Khoiriyah, A. J., & Husamah, H. (2018). Problem-based learning: creative thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and learning outcome of seventh grade students. Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia, 4(2), 151–160. https://doi.org/10.22219/jpbi.v4i2.5804
  • Made, W. (2016). Strategi Pembelajaran Inovatif Kontemporer. PT Bumi Aksara.
  • Mawaddah, Siti. (2015). Kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa pada pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan pembelajaran genaratif (generative learning ) di smp. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 3 (2)
  • Tawil, M. & Liliasari. (2013). Berpikir Kompleks. Makassar: Badan Penerbit Universitas Makassar.
  • Uno, Hamzah. 2014. Model pembelajaran menciptakan proses belajar mengajar yang kreatif dan efektif. cetakan ke-10. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

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25 Project Manager Resume Examples for the Job in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Project Manager Resumes by Experience
  • Project Manager Resumes by Role

Writing Your Project Manager Resume

According to the  Project Management Institute (PMI) , the demand for project managers is expected to grow a whopping 33 percent through 2027.

The need for project managers and the  increase in pay transparency laws  means it’s an excellent time to pursue a project management job.

But that’s easier said than done. 

Whether an entry-level or senior project manager, you must  build a resume  showcasing your ability to plan, manage budgets, produce reports, and ensure projects are on schedule.

We’ve handcrafted 25 project manager resume samples that  have helped candidates get jobs at great companies like Lyft and Atlassian.  Plus, our writing guide can help you navigate the  resume writing process  to help you land that first-round interview. You’ve got this!

  • Assistant Project Manager Resume Example

or download as PDF

Assistant project manager resume example with internship experience

Why this resume works

  • A resume objective is for candidates with less than two years in the field. It demonstrates your eagerness for the role, your relevant skills, and your goals for the future. It’s a lot to ask in two to three sentences, so you’ll likely need to take a few whacks at it before you’ve cut it down to the proper size. We believe in you!
  • Including relevant courses or awards is a great way to show hiring managers that you’ve learned the skills necessary for the job. Only include the courses or awards that are most relevant to increase your credibility immediately.

Entry-Level Project Manager Resume

Entry-level project manager resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Our top tip? Make sure your  entry-level project manager resume  is easy to read.
  • Make your body font size relatively big, include section headers, and leave white space (especially in the margins).
  • Always customize your experience to match the  project manager job description  as much as you can. If you lack technical skills, highlight transferable skills like communication, collaboration, and time management.
  • If you don’t have any experience relevant to project management, that’s okay, too. Employers know you’re just starting, so include any job experience you have, including projects, internships, or even volunteer work.

Associate Project Manager Resume

Associate project manager resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Including a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), for example, on your associate project manager resume will immediately tell recruiters you know the principles and best practices required.

Project Management Intern Resume

Project management intern resume example with customer service experience

  • For instance, in project planning, you must’ve picked up on leadership, time management, and technical expertise—all transferrable to project management.

Junior Project Marketing Manager Resume

Junior project marketing manager resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Your cover letter and resume should form one cohesive whole without being complete copies of each other.
  • The goal is to expand on your achievements in your cover letter while still covering most of the abilities mentioned in your resume. So, once you’ve finished building your resume, a free AI cover letter generator can make sure the two documents share similar keywords and achievements.
  • If you have more experience in the field, you can consider getting a PCDM or becoming a PCM.
  • If you’re newer to the role, try getting entry-level certifications like those offered by Hubspot or Google Ads.

Senior Project Manager Resume

Senior project manager resume example with 5+ years of experience

  • Employers expect more from senior employees, so they’ll pay extra attention to minor details like punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
  • Always  check your resume  multiple times before you submit your application. We’d recommend having several friends look it over, too, just to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
  • Always list your highest level of education, whether a college degree or a high school diploma.
  • Unless you’re an entry-level candidate, don’t worry about adding your GPA, any awards, or relevant courses. Those are all secondary to work experience.

Senior DevOps Project Manager Resume

Senior devops project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Say, you’ve worked extensively as a product manager in finance and insurance. Including this info in your career objective makes you a notably more eligible prospect for another organization in a similar industry.

Software Project Manager Resume

Software project manager resume example with 8 years of experience

  • A software project manager resume with proof of operating below budgets and optimizing savings will be a favorite among hiring managers. Therefore, including achievements such as saving an estimated $51.2k annually would get you closer to winning the job.

Project Management Professional Resume

Project management professional resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Your soft and hard skills have a place here to set you apart from any other average project manager. Go on a full display mode to highlight your competencies in RiskWatch, Zapier, Harvest, and so on, and show how you’ve used them to optimize project budgets and timelines.

SAP Project Manager Resume

SAP project manager resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Numbers matter most here so quantify all past project achievements, success rates, etc. Have a habit of submitting work before deadlines are even close? Mention it! Clearly state how many SAP projects you’ve delivered on time. Adding a project management certificate has also never harmed any candidate!

HR Project Manager Resume

HR project manager resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Make sure your HR project manager resume consists of tools like these in the skills section . Further, write down any instances of you helping a company retain or acquire the top talent for a position while lowering extra costs such as overtime wages.

Project Manager Scrum Master Resume

Project manager Scrum Master resume example with 10 years of experience

  • Accordingly, align your entire project manager Scrum Master resume around the description and mention how you’ve tackled mishaps, boosted efficiency, and improved a team’s overall productivity. Throwing in a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) certificate will greatly help if you’re still an intermediate in this field!

Digital Project Manager Resume

Digital project manager resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Therefore, your digital project manager resume must embed metrics in every client satisfaction rating, early delivery time, cost reduction, and proper team management strategies.

Clinical Project Manager Resume

Clinical project manager resume example with 3 years of experience

  • In your clinical project manager resume, you should therefore highlight your project management metrics, including and not limited to cost reduction, timely completions, team collaborations, and resource prioritization to meet preset goals.

Risk Management Project Manager Resume

Risk management project manager  resume example with 5+ years of experience

  • You’ll likely need a master’s degree for this advanced role, and be sure to use your job experience bullet points to highlight specific and successful stories on your risk management project manager resume.

Agile Project Manager Resume

Agile project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Even if you lack direct work experience, you can emphasize other relevant achievements or projects that align with you’re desired role. For example, a candidate with experience in Scrum and finance will be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of an Agile project manager position at Goldman Sachs.

Healthcare Project Manager Resume

Healthcare project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • If you don’t have adequate paid experience to add to your healthcare project manager resume , a globally recognized certificate like the Project Management Professional (PMP) can help prove you’re a leader and have the relevant expertise to be successful.

Creative Project Manager Resume

Creative project manager resume example with 9+ years of experience

  • For example, the responsibilities of a project manager at a magazine will share many similarities with that of a creative project manager at an advertising agency. Try to think of similar projects you can use to highlight your competency to come across as a well-rounded candidate.

Marketing Project Manager Resume

Marketing project manager resume example with 8+ years of experience

  • Adding measurable results to your marketing project manager resume is a fantastic way to spotlight the magnitude of your achievements. It also showcases the potential you bring to your next employer.

Engineering Project Manager Resume

Engineering project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • For example, you can really boost your chances of being hired by including your knowledge in management tools like Trello and Confluence, not to mention expertise in engineering software like AutoCAD and ANSYS.

Technical Project Manager Resume

Technical project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • In your skills section, use primarily hard skills like “SQL,” “Agile Development,” and “Google Analytics,” to show off your training. You can add a few soft skills, but most of the list should be learned, technical abilities that you can demonstrate if needed.
  • LinkedIn and GitHub are excellent links to add since they show employers you’ve got the connections and the skills to succeed.

IT Project Manager Resume

It project manager resume example with 9+ years of experience

  • Stuck on how to alter your resume? Start by highlighting keywords and phrases in the  project manager job description . Then find a way to incorporate a few of those highlighted phrases in your work experience bullet points and skills.
  • You can start by ensuring you have colored section headers in different fonts than your body text. Then play around with the layout, margins, and font size until you hit the sweet spot.

Integrated Project Manager Resume

Integrated project manager resume example with 5+ years of experience

  • Consider using a  resume template  to make your resume aesthetically pleasing and easier to read. It also allows you to let your personality show; pick a template that speaks to you! 
  • For project managers, try to include metrics relating to the number of projects you’ve managed or the number of teams you led. Any percentages relating to relevant KPIs are also a good idea, but if you’re just starting, don’t worry about it. That can come later!

Architectural Project Manager Resume

Architectural project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Of course, don’t make your skills section a complete copy-paste of the employer’s requirements! Simply use it to tailor your skills section and add a few keywords from the job description in your work experience and skills section.
  • As a rule of thumb, highlight six to eight up-to-date and in-demand skills in your  resume skills section .

Electrical Project Manager Resume

Electrical project manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Reverse-chronological is the best format for managers since it shows your career progression. Plus, it’s easier for employers (and ATS!) to scan at a glance. It’s a win-win!
  • Start by nailing your technical abilities as an electrical engineer. We’d recommend making each work experience bullet point focused on a different skill (such as communicating with vendors, coordinating schedules, or maintaining equipment).
  • Then add your project manager skills into the mix, again using each work experience bullet point to highlight one skill.

Related resume guides

  • Account Manager
  • Business Analyst

Product Manager

  • Construction Project Manager

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Regarding the “skills” section, it can be tough to find the right balance between listing too many  skills on your resume  and including all areas of strength. It’s a push-and-pull for two reasons:

  • You need to include enough relevant skills to get past automated filters companies use (called an ATS) that grade resumes based on keyword matching.
  • The person reviewing your resume, either an HR professional or a project manager themselves, will be wary if you list more than 10 skills on your resume.

To strike the right balance, ask yourself if you’d be comfortable answering questions about a given skill in an interview.

For example, if you list “reporting” as one of your skills, you should be able to immediately answer the question “How do you know if a project is on track?” by pointing to specific metrics or reports on your resume or cover letter.

Another good litmus test to determine whether or not you should include a skill is if you can discuss using that skill in one of the projects you list on your resume. This accomplishes two things:

  • Reinforces that you’re only including strong skills.
  • Provides more context regarding how you deployed your skills in project management (making your resume and candidacy even better).

After all, what would be more convincing to you: a candidate listing a skill or discussing how they used it to achieve a specific outcome? When in doubt, put yourself in the hiring manager’s shoes and ask yourself what they would like to see on a project manager resume.

So, what are some common skills you should include on your project manager resume? Look no further than our list!

Skills to include on your project manager resume:

Hard skills.

  • Project Management Software (Jira, Trello)
  • Microsoft Office/ Google suite (Excel/Google Sheets, PowerPoint/Slides)
  • Project Management Frameworks and Methodologies (Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban)
  • Programming Languages and Frameworks (JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Django)
  • Data Analysis
  • CRM Experience (HubSpot, Salesforce)

Digital Marketing

Soft skills

  • Public Speaking and Communication


  • Prioritization
  • Conflict Resolution

If you’re in a more senior role and have many of these skills, you should focus on the skills mentioned in the job description.

Yes, customizing your resume like this means more work. However, it’s worth it—our data suggests that this practice alone increases your chance of getting an interview by 11 percent.

As a practical example, look at this sample project manager job description. Look at the underlined skills—they’re what you might want to include if you applied for this position. Try to match the language in the job description as best you can.

Sample project management job description and skills:

  • Be accountable for the entire project lifecycle: develop scopes of work and associated project plans and own the day-to-day operations to ensure that projects remain on track and within budget
  • Lead internal and external status meetings: capture notes, assign action items to team members and own all necessary follow-up
  • Relay clear and specific expectations, timelines, priorities, challenges, and new developments in detail to key internal and external team members/parties
  • Own daily project plan components, including task estimation, resource allocations, and new work requests
  • Coordinate internal reviews and implementation-related quality assurance efforts
  • Come from a place of perpetual learning, always seeking to improve and optimize processes, develop new ones, and participate in the overall growth of the department and agency
  • Work with Jira, Smartsheet, or other project management tools
  • Eliminate scope creep by ensuring that projects remain within parameters identified in the scope of work
  • Communicate issues, bug reports, and change orders to leadership

resume sample of project manager

Project manager resume summary or objective

Before we dive into the topic of resume objectives and summaries, let’s first set the stage with some definitions:

  • Resume summary: A short summary of your work history and accomplishments as a project manager. Recommended for professionals with 10+ years of experience in the industry.
  • Resume objective: A short statement expressing a few of your skills and what you’re looking for in your next project manager role. Recommended for entry-level candidates.

Although they might sound drastically different, they’re pretty similar in reality, so don’t get too hung up on specific definitions. The key is that you should only include a  resume objective  or summary if it adds real value to your resume.

Resume real estate is valuable since you’re limited to one page, so you can’t waste words. Hiring managers spend, on average, six seconds reviewing a given resume. Don’t divert attention from your work experience and skills if your objective or summary doesn’t provide anything of value.

Senior project managers should use a  resume summary  since it’s a high-level highlight reel showcasing your most significant accomplishments or goals in two to three sentences.

WRONG – generic resume summary

“Experienced project manager with a history of working across departments to achieve goals and positive outcomes on the projects I manage.”

RIGHT – specific project manager resume summary

“PMP certified project manager with 5+ years of experience owning all stages of the project lifecycle from inception through monitoring and closing to deliver projects that exceed expectations on time and under budget.”

The second resume summary works well because it leads with this PM’s certifications (we’ll touch on this more below) while also showcasing their experience delivering projects on time and within the allotted budget. The first example will take up space on the page.

On the other hand, an objective should be used by more junior project managers to talk about your skill set and what you’re looking for in your next role. It can also be used by PMs who are undergoing a career change or looking for something specific in their next role.

WRONG – vague resume objective

“I’m looking for an opportunity to work as a project manager at a growing organization where I can utilize my unique abilities to plan, scope, and deliver projects.”

RIGHT – resume objective tied to experience

“Project manager with experience building web apps as a software engineer and leading projects that have a meaningful impact on the company’s bottom line. I’m looking for a role where I can utilize my ability to communicate effectively with developers and executives alike.”

The second resume objective is a great way to call attention to the fact that this project manager has experience as both a software engineer and a project manager, which can manifest itself in more effective communication between those two groups.

resume sample of project manager

Projects and work experience

When it comes time to talk about your work experience on your project manager resume, you must tell the story of the projects on which you worked. You’ll have more room to dive into this in your  project manager cover letter , so how do you keep it short and sweet in your resume? 

Rather than talking about one-off tasks you completed, focus on one to two of the biggest projects you led. The beauty of being a project manager is that the experience you should discuss is right in your job title.

Here are some questions you might want to answer about the projects you worked on when talking about them on your resume:

  • What was the scope or goal of the project?
  • How big was the budget, and what was the timeline? Was it a year-long project, or was it a short-term one?
  • How large was the team involved, and with what departments did you collaborate?
  • What kind of reporting or metrics did you use to determine success?
  • Did you encounter any major roadblocks? How did you remove them?
  • What kind of collaboration did you have with the executive team? Did you give a presentation upon project completion?
  • You can and should use quantifiable metrics here!

Remember that you should also mention some of the skills listed in your official “skills” section. For example, did you use Trello to ensure the project was on time? Did you build reporting to measure project success?

Let’s describe a specific example of how all of this might work when describing your work experience as a project manager.

WRONG – non-specific work experience

Feedzai August 2016 – May 2018, New York NY Project Manager

  • Managed several projects in collaboration with the executive team from inception through to closing
  • Regularly removed roadblocks to ensure projects were delivered on time
  • Presented the results of each project in a clear and efficient manner
  • Worked collaboratively with the engineering, product, marketing, and customer success teams

RIGHT – work experience detailing a specific project

  • Led the development of content prediction engine, which grew to $1.5M in annual revenue
  • Analyzed the scope of the project based on competitive analysis, interviews with customers, and customer feature requests
  • Set deadlines for incremental goals, allocated budget, and worked across software, marketing, and executive teams to ensure all teams were properly resourced
  • Communicated progress and roadblocks to stakeholders, including executive management, and made proactive recommendations to remove roadblocks leading to the on-time and on-budget delivery of the project

resume sample of project manager

Specialization and industry experience

Since project managers are in such high demand, they can work in various industries and have a wide range of specializations.

So, if you’re looking for a more specialized PM role, you must highlight your experience in that specialization on your resume. If you’re looking for an I.T. project manager or technical project manager role, you should focus on your experience shepherding projects related to software.

Conversely, if you’re applying for a construction project manager role, your field experience will be more valuable. Focus your resume on the position you’re applying for, and pay particular attention to the  project manager job description .

resume sample of project manager

Education and certifications

No matter what you went to school for, you should include your highest level of education on your resume. If you’re an entry-level project manager, you should include relevant classes you took in school that will convince the hiring manager you’ll make for an effective PM.

When you’re a senior PM, you should avoid listing relevant classes because you want the focus of your resume to be your work experience. Since you want to keep it to one page, you can’t afford to use that space for classes.

No matter where you are on the career ladder, certifications can help your candidacy as a project manager.

Top program manager certifications:

  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)
  • Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
  • Professional Scrum Master (PSM)
  • Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
  • Kanban Management Professional (KMP)

If you have one of these certifications, you should include it in your education section and your resume objective or summary, should you include one.

resume sample of project manager

Finalizing your project manager resume

Don’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “great.” Building a project manager resume can be daunting, but the hardest part is getting started. Don’t worry about perfection just yet; instead, focus on making your resume great. No one-size-fits-all “perfect” resume exists because each person has different experiences and skills. Just do the best you can!

If you need a launching point, feel free to use our  free resume templates  or choose a  Google Docs resume template . Or you can try a  resume outline  to give you a relatively blank slate to build on. Add on to include your experience, skills, education, and contact information until it’s complete. Then, and only then, do you need to worry about the details (in which case, go back and reread this guide to make sure you’re hitting all the right notes). 

Feel free to edit any of the resumes above in our resume builder or download the project manager resumes as PDFs. Then as you write, follow the rules in this guide. You’ll be well on your way toward landing your next (or first) role as a project manager!

Here’s a quick summary of our  resume tips :

  • Only include skills you’d be comfortable being interviewed on in your resume. Include these keywords both in your skills section and in your work experience bullet points.
  • Make sure your resume objective or resume summary adds value to your candidacy. Avoid vague or generic statements.
  • When discussing your work experience, highlight the details of one to two major projects you worked on instead of focusing on one-off tasks you completed.
  • Be sure to include your highest level of education and any certifications you have in your resume objective or summary.

And that’s it! We wish you the best of luck in whatever role you hope to land!

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Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

Resume examples.

  • Manager Resumes

23 Project Manager Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Your resume can make or break your search for a project manager position. we’ve got five resume templates here with the key qualities that project manager recruiters are looking for in 2023 (google docs and pdfs attached)..

Hiring Manager for Project Manager Roles

Project managers are versatile, multi-talented professionals who play an essential role in the success of a business. Among other things, project managers oversee projects from start to finish, ensuring that the entire process runs smoothly while working closely with their team, communicating with clients, resolving conflicts, and staying within set budgets. Career prospects for project managers are expanding exponentially -- according to some estimates, by 2027, around 87.7 million workers will be employed in project management-related jobs. In some respects, there’s never been a better time to become a project manager. However, like many other fields, project management is quite competitive, and if you want to land a position as a project manager, you’ll need a strong resume and a diverse skill set to show potential employers that you’re the right fit for the job. So, what should a project manager resume look like in 2023? First, let’s take a look at some templates of successful resumes. Next, we’ll discuss some of the essential skills for project managers as well as tips for creating a knockout resume. Finally, we’ll cover some of the best action verbs to use in your resume bullet points.

Project Manager Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

Project Manager

Entry Level Project Manager

Senior project manager, technical project manager, marketing project manager, agile project manager, engineering project manager, assistant project manager.

  • Healthcare Project Manager

Junior Project Manager

IT Project Manager

  • Project Management Office (PMO) Director
  • Process Manager
  • Process Operator

Software Project Manager

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Project Manager Resumes

Project Manager Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Bullet Points on Project Manager Resumes
  • Related Manager Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 23: Project Manager Resume Example

Project managers oversee the planning, executing, and monitoring of an organization’s projects and initiatives. Project managers can work in many different industries, and the job responsibilities may vary based on the industry. In any case, the project manager is responsible for overseeing each step of a project, ensuring timelines are being met, ensuring the project is staying within budget and collaborating with key stakeholders to ensure all expectations are met. To become a project manager, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in a related field such as business intelligence, applied statistics, or business management. Hiring managers may look for candidates with additional project management certifications. In addition, hiring managers will be looking for someone with several years of experience in relevant roles, such as prior experience as a business analyst, operations associate, or project estimator. Ideal candidates for this role will have superb organizational skills and an understanding of budgets and business operations.

A seasoned Project Manager resume highlighting expertise in leading cross-functional teams, defining project objectives, and successfully delivering projects on-time and within budget, while ensuring project quality and alignment with company goals.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Project Manager resume in 2024

   obtain project management certifications.

Since no specific degree is required for a project management role, gaining project manager certifications can help you specialize your knowledge and stand out when applying for these roles. There are several certifications you can obtain, such as the PMP (project management professional) or CSM (certified scrum master) credentials.

Obtain project management certifications - Project Manager Resume

   Apply to roles in industries you have experience in

Project managers are needed in a variety of industries, including education, construction, IT, healthcare, technology, and many more. Having experience in the industry you want to be a project manager for will help strengthen your resume. For example, if you have experience working in IT, applying for a project manager role at an IT company is wise.

Apply to roles in industries you have experience in - Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Project Manager resume

Template 2 of 23: project manager resume example.

When applying for a project manager role, you need to demonstrate that you have the right skills for the job. Your work history and skills section should show evidence of your abilities in areas such as time management, planning, and communication. If you have experience with specific project management software or methodologies, make sure to mention those in your resume as well.

Project manager resume template with bullet points, relevant skills, and strong action verbs.

   Skills section and bullet points

Skills sections in resumes are most effective when they succinctly list the relevant skills for the job you’re applying for. This template shows only specific project management-related skills, and there are bullet points under the work experiences that exemplify some of the more abstract skills (e.g. strategic planning).

Skills section and bullet points - Project Manager Resume

   Strong action verbs

The bullet points in this template begin with strong action verbs such as “developed”, “spearheaded”, and “managed”. We always suggest framing your past successes with verbs like these to emphasize the role you played in your accomplishments.

Strong action verbs - Project Manager Resume

Template 3 of 23: Entry Level Project Manager Resume Example

As an entry level project manager, you're just beginning your journey in overseeing projects from start to finish. One of the key aspects of this role is understanding and adapting to the ever-evolving industry trends and company expectations. When crafting your resume, emphasize your project management skills in areas like planning, execution, and risk management. Also, stay updated with industry-specific certifications and showcase your ability to learn and grow in the role. Companies hiring entry-level project managers often look for those who can adapt quickly and bring fresh perspectives to the table. Therefore, it's crucial to highlight your innovative thinking, problem-solving skills, and willingness to collaborate with diverse project teams. Demonstrating these qualities on your resume will help you stand out as a potential candidate.

Resume screenshot highlighting project management skills and relevant certifications for an entry-level role.

Tips to help you write your Entry Level Project Manager resume in 2024

   focus on relevant coursework and certifications.

As an entry-level applicant, you may have limited work experience. Make sure to highlight relevant coursework and certifications such as PMP, CAPM, or Agile methodologies that showcase your knowledge in project management principles and practices.

Focus on relevant coursework and certifications - Entry Level Project Manager Resume

   Emphasize your team collaboration experience

Employers value candidates who can work effectively with others. Use your resume to showcase experiences where you successfully collaborated on class projects, internships, or volunteer work, highlighting your ability to communicate and contribute in a team setting.

Emphasize your team collaboration experience - Entry Level Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Entry Level Project Manager resume

Template 4 of 23: entry level project manager resume example.

At first, it might seem intimidating to apply for project manager jobs with little to no prior experience in this line of work. But if you have a strong academic history and the skills to succeed as a project manager, you can break into this field. Use your resume to highlight projects you worked on in school, extracurricular activities, and any other experiences where you had to use skills such as problem solving and organization.

Entry level project manager resume template with education, volunteer work, and activities

   Education and academic background

On an entry-level resume, leading with your educational history can put your strengths in the forefront - especially if you excelled in school. If you had a high GPA or academic honors, it’s great to mention those here, as well as any coursework or projects you did that could be relevant for project management.

Education and academic background - Entry Level Project Manager Resume

   Volunteering and internships

Even if you don’t have an extensive work history, you’ve likely done internships, community service, and other projects that show who you are and where your strengths lie. Extracurricular activities can also tell recruiters that you’re driven, ambitious, and actively involved in your community.

Volunteering and internships - Entry Level Project Manager Resume

Template 5 of 23: Senior Project Manager Resume Example

As a Senior Project Manager, you're the orchestra conductor of your organization. You're the bridge between various teams, clients, stakeholders, and upper management, making sure everything and everyone moves in harmony. You're the one who pulls together all the disparate threads into a cohesive, successful project. Because of the central role you hold, you should focus on showcasing multidimensional skills on your resume, from technical knowledge to team leadership. Moreover, due to the recent remote work trend, companies are seeking project managers who can effectively spearhead virtual teams. So, an understanding of online collaboration tools and strategies is now crucial.

Resume screenshot of a Senior Project Manager emphasizing leadership and industry expertise.

Tips to help you write your Senior Project Manager resume in 2024

   highlight leadership skills.

In your resume, emphasize your ability in leading teams, resolving conflicts, and fostering collaboration. These are indicators of a strong Senior Project Manager who can keep everyone aligned with the project goals. Also, provide examples of your leadership skills in action, especially in highly complex projects.

Highlight Leadership Skills - Senior Project Manager Resume

   Showcase Technical and Industry Knowledge

As a Senior Project Manager, you should demonstrate deep knowledge of project management methodologies and tools. Illustrate your expertise in industry-related software and highlight any project management certifications you hold. Also, relate your knowledge of the industry, trends, and regulations, which shows that you understand the business context of projects.

Showcase Technical and Industry Knowledge - Senior Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Senior Project Manager resume

Template 6 of 23: senior project manager resume example.

As a senior project manager, you won’t only be managing projects; you’ll likely also be managing other members of your team. To get this kind of job, you’ll need to show that you have leadership capabilities along with the experience and expertise of a senior-level professional. Your work history should highlight any management or leadership roles you’ve held in the past, in addition to any previous achievements managing projects.

Senior project manager resume showing work experience, promotions, and accomplishments

   Emphasis on work experience

If you’ve been working in project management for many years, you’ll have a lot of work history to show for it. Leading with this section places the emphasis on your experience and all that you’ve learned from it.

Emphasis on work experience - Senior Project Manager Resume

   Promotions at previous jobs

Being promoted shows that you achieved a high level of excellence and that you’ve been regarded as a top performer with past employers. This resume includes an example of a promotion, which demonstrates leadership and professional growth.

Promotions at previous jobs - Senior Project Manager Resume

Template 7 of 23: Technical Project Manager Resume Example

As a Technical Project Manager, you're the key person responsible for bridging the gap between technical teams and stakeholders, ensuring projects are completed efficiently and on time. The tech industry is always evolving, so staying up-to-date with the latest trends and methodologies is crucial. When writing your resume, make sure to emphasize your technical expertise and proven experience in managing complex projects. Additionally, showcase your ability to adapt and learn fast, as this is highly regarded in this role. In recent years, there's been a shift towards agile project management methodologies, which require Technical Project Managers to be more flexible and responsive. This means that when crafting your resume, it's essential to highlight any agile or Scrum experience you have, as well as your capability to work within a fast-paced environment.

Technical Project Manager resume sample screenshot

Tips to help you write your Technical Project Manager resume in 2024

   emphasize technical skills and certifications.

As a Technical Project Manager, your technical skills and certifications are a huge selling point. Make sure to list all relevant skills, as well as any formal training or certifications you hold, such as PMP, Agile, or Scrum Master, to demonstrate your expertise in the field.

Emphasize technical skills and certifications - Technical Project Manager Resume

   Highlight successful project outcomes

Technical Project Managers are responsible for delivering projects on time and within budget. Make sure to include specific examples of your past project success, including quantifiable outcomes like time, budget, and scope management. This will show prospective employers your ability to drive results.

Highlight successful project outcomes - Technical Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Technical Project Manager resume

Template 8 of 23: technical project manager resume example.

Technical project management jobs often require you to have a background in IT, engineering, or another tech-related field. If you’re pursuing one of these positions, you’ll want to use your resume to highlight your technical expertise as well as your project management experience. This resume template will show you how to do just that.

Technical project manager resume with relevant work history, detailed bullet points, and measurable accomplishments

   Tailored to the specific position

This resume effectively showcases prior work history with examples of both project management and technical experience. A work history like this one clearly demonstrates that you have the right blend of skills to succeed in a technical project manager role.

Tailored to the specific position - Technical Project Manager Resume

   Detailed bullet points with measurable results

As much as possible, when talking about your accomplishments, you should mention the specific results that you achieved through your actions. This resume template is filled with quantifiable results (e.g. increased ROI and reduced onboarding time for new hires) that show the impact you had at your previous workplace.

Detailed bullet points with measurable results - Technical Project Manager Resume

Template 9 of 23: Marketing Project Manager Resume Example

A marketing project manager is someone who oversees a company’s marketing campaigns and initiatives. Marketing project managers are typically responsible for overseeing high-priority projects from start to end, such as the execution of a commercial. The marketing project manager is responsible for working with other senior-level marketing professionals to establish the vision for the marketing strategy. Then, they must execute this vision from beginning to end. To become a marketing project manager, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in marketing or business administration. Hiring managers will be looking for someone with several years of experience in marketing, sales, management, and/or public relations. It’s important that candidates for this role have experience executing large scale projects. Marketing project managers must have excellent organizational skills, great leadership abilities, and critical thinking skills.

A Marketing Project Manager resume highlighting experience in managing marketing projects, working with cross-functional teams, and delivering projects on time and within budget

Tips to help you write your Marketing Project Manager resume in 2024

   show your previous experience planning and executing projects.

Even if you don’t have project management specific experience, you probably have experiences that relate to the key responsibilities of being a project manager. If you have any experience planning events, coordinating or leading staff, or launching new products, you should note this on your resume.

Show your previous experience planning and executing projects -  Marketing Project Manager Resume

   Demonstrate your experience developing marketing campaigns

The marketing project manager does not just oversee the granular aspects of a project, they also help develop the marketing campaigns themselves. So, it’s important to note your professional marketing experience, including any marketing campaigns you have successfully developed.

Demonstrate your experience developing marketing campaigns -  Marketing Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Marketing Project Manager resume

Template 10 of 23: marketing project manager resume example.

Marketing project managers collaborate closely with the marketing department of a business. If you’re seeking a job as a marketing project manager, use a resume similar to this template to highlight your skills and experience in fields such as marketing, journalism, or communication.

Marketing project manager resume with bullet points, action verbs, skills, education, and projects

   Great action verbs in bullet points

Describing your accomplishments with strong verbs like “led”, “coached” and “designed” shows that you have taken an active role in your success - something any potential employer will be glad to see.

Great action verbs in bullet points - Marketing Project Manager Resume

   Use of skills, education, and projects sections

In this resume template, the skills and education sections complement the work experience. Mentioning personal projects and achievements outside of work can also help you come across as a well-rounded individual.

Use of skills, education, and projects sections - Marketing Project Manager Resume

Template 11 of 23: Construction Project Manager Resume Example

A construction project manager does more or less similar work as a construction manager. This professional ensures all the processes in a construction project run according to the project schedule. These include planning, implementation, controlling, monitoring, and closure. Think of a construction project manager as the overall head of a project. As a project's overall head, a construction project manager has a wide range of skills and knowledge. So, their resumes primarily focus on showing their in-depth understanding of the industry. It also highlights their top talents and the certifications they have received in their career.

A Construction Project Manager resume template showing the applicant's expertise in project management.

Tips to help you write your Construction Project Manager resume in 2024

   highlight the recognitions you've received as a construction project manager.

There is no better way to tell the recruiter that you're a top professional in construction project management than listing the awards you've won in your career. If you've been a construction project manager for a long time, including any recognition you may have received will elevate your profile.

Highlight the recognitions you've received as a Construction Project Manager - Construction Project Manager Resume

   Focus on your ability to manage construction projects remotely

Thanks to the recent COVID-19 incident, recruiters are on the lookout for construction project managers who have demonstrable ability to work and manage teams remotely. Show that you are conversant with video-conferencing platforms and other tools that support virtual communication.

Focus on your ability to manage construction projects remotely - Construction Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Construction Project Manager resume

Template 12 of 23: construction project manager resume example.

Construction project managers are project managers that are specifically focused on the construction projects. This includes consulting with architects, managing stakeholders and deadlines, and overseeing day-to-day work at sites. Remember to focus on your construction or real estate experience when applying for construction project management jobs.

resume sample of project manager

   Emphasize transferrable project management skills like leadership

Core project management soft skills include leadership, communication and teamwork. Recruiters want to see evidence of these skills on your resume, so highlight them in your bullet points.

Emphasize transferrable project management skills like leadership - Construction Project Manager Resume

   Strong action verbs highlight experiences

Use action verbs like "Supervised" and "Coordinated" to show your leadership and teamwork experiences. Every bullet point on your resume needs to start with an action verb to show recruiters your role in each accomplishment.

Strong action verbs highlight experiences - Construction Project Manager Resume

Template 13 of 23: Construction Project Manager Resume Example

resume sample of project manager

Template 14 of 23: Agile Project Manager Resume Example

An Agile project manager leads differently. APMs use the Agile framework, created in the 90s, to create and manage teams. As an APM you will be less concerned with hierarchy and top-down leadership. Your leadership will be based on 4 main values; being team-focused over tools-focused, using working software over extensive documentation, collaborating with customers over impersonal contract negotiations, and being agile and flexible in the face of change. Outside of certification as a project manager, a recruiter will need to see Agile certification. So ensure all your Agile qualifications are clearly listed.

An Agile project manager resume sample that highlights the applicant's Agile experience and certification.

Tips to help you write your Agile Project Manager resume in 2024

   use people/team-centered language..

The Agile philosophy is deeply rooted in concentrating on the team and personalizing their experience to ensure success. So you will want your resume’s language to reflect Agile’s philosophy. So keep your experience focused on what the team has accomplished and how your work as a project manager has improved the way your team works.

Use people/team-centered language. - Agile Project Manager Resume

   Use Agile keywords.

To help you get through recruiters’ ATS (Applicant Tracking System) filters, ensure your resume is filled with Agile keywords and language. This applicant uses Agile language including ‘Agile Scrum’, ‘Kanban principles’, ‘scrum master’, etc.

Use Agile keywords. - Agile Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Agile Project Manager resume

Template 15 of 23: engineering project manager resume example.

An engineering project manager focuses on engineering projects. They ensure these projects are created and completed within budget, on time, and to a high standard. Your everyday tasks will include the management of schedules, material sourcing, cost management, and procurement of all necessary permits and documentation. While it is not absolutely necessary for you to have an educational history in engineering, it is generally expected that you will have at least a bachelor’s degree in engineering; especially the type of engineering you will be interacting with as a project manager. Take a look at this successful engineering project manager resume.

An engineering project manager resume sample that highlights the applicant's engineering background and knowledge.

Tips to help you write your Engineering Project Manager resume in 2024

   have a balanced engineering and management skill set..

An engineering project manager needs to be knowledgeable about engineering as well as project management. Make sure your skill set reflects these two areas. So list both engineering and project management tools like this applicant has done.

Have a balanced engineering and management skill set. - Engineering Project Manager Resume

   Use engineering language.

You want recruiters to feel confident that not only are you a good project manager but that you are a good engineering project manager. So include engineering language and terms to show recruiters that you are knowledgeable in the field.

Use engineering language. - Engineering Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Engineering Project Manager resume

Template 16 of 23: assistant project manager resume example.

As the name suggests, an assistant project manager is there to support a project manager in whatever way they can. You will not be the decision maker but you may be delegated tasks to manage. You will also most likely do a lot of the administrative and coordination tasks. In essence, you will do the project managers ‘grunt work’. To succeed in this role you must have very strong interpersonal, communication, and collaboration skills. The ability to multitask will also be important for your success. Educationally, any degree or certification in project management would be highly beneficial. This applicant has three listed project management certifications.

An assistant project management resume sample that highlights the applicant's leadership/managerial ability and success

Tips to help you write your Assistant Project Manager resume in 2024

   show off your experience with tools useful for project management..

Prove to project managers that you will be able to adequately support them by listing the tools you are experienced with that would make their lives and work easier. This applicant includes tools like Trello and Microsoft Project which are both great for making project management organized.

Show off your experience with tools useful for project management. - Assistant Project Manager Resume

   Demonstrate your organizational skills and success.

An easy way to convince a project manager that you would be an asset as their assistant is to list the successes you have had organizing projects. E.g. this applicant mentioned that they ‘supported in developing a project schedule for 15 projects’. This shows employers your capacity and capability to handle projects and delegated tasks.

Demonstrate your organizational skills and success. - Assistant Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Assistant Project Manager resume

Template 17 of 23: healthcare project manager resume example.

A healthcare project manager will manage a variety of projects in the field. These projects could range from building and opening a new wing at a hospital, to hiring new nurses, to reducing patient waiting times by a certain percentage. Because of the variety of tasks, you need to be well versed in the healthcare industry and have a clear idea of the needs of both the healthcare providers and also the patients. While a degree in healthcare is not absolutely necessary, having certification in healthcare would be a huge plus for recruiters. This applicant has 2 healthcare-related certifications.

A healthcare project management resume sample that highlights the applicant's healthcare knowledge and experience.

Tips to help you write your Healthcare Project Manager resume in 2024

   show growth in your healthcare project management promotions..

Show recruiters your dedication to the healthcare field by showing consistent growth and promotion in the field. Apart from dedication, it will also indicate to recruiters that you excel in every position you are put in and that you are an exemplary employee who employers wanted to reward with promotions.

Show growth in your healthcare project management promotions. - Healthcare Project Manager Resume

   Ensure your skills section includes healthcare industry-standard skills.

There are certain systems and skills that are commonplace in healthcare. E.g. You need to know regulations on patient safety and also know how to handle medical records. The healthcare industry has a ton of regulations so an industry-specific skills list will help recruiters feel confident that you are knowledgeable on how one needs to operate in the industry.

Ensure your skills section includes healthcare industry-standard skills. - Healthcare Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Healthcare Project Manager resume

Template 18 of 23: junior project manager resume example.

Junior project managers are much like assistants and will assist project managers with their more mundane tasks or with whatever tasks they get assigned. They will generally focus on administrative, oversight, and management tasks. A bachelor’s degree in business administration, management, or a similar field, would be highly beneficial. If you have any certification in project management be sure to highlight that as well.

A junior project manager resume sample that highlights the applicant's long and successful experience history.

Tips to help you write your Junior Project Manager resume in 2024

   include previous administration experience..

Because this is an entry-level position, you may not have a ton of project-management-specific experience. If however, you have administrative experience, be sure to include that in your resume. Junior project managers will help with a lot of administrative tasks, so any administrative experience will be relevant to this position.

Include previous administration experience. - Junior Project Manager Resume

   Use manager and leader keywords.

You will want to show project managers that they can delegate tasks to you that you will manage as effectively as they would. To do this, use leadership and managerial keywords to show them that you too possess those traits and that you can handle significant projects and tasks without much oversight.

Use manager and leader keywords. - Junior Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Junior Project Manager resume

Template 19 of 23: it project manager resume example.

As the name dictates, an IT project manager must be experienced and qualified in IT. Recruiters will therefore be looking for an educational background in IT, IT-related certification, and IT-related previous experience. As a project manager, you will also need your resume to highlight your management and coordination skills. This applicant has the necessary educational background and a strong extensive IT-related experience history.

IT project manager resume sample that highlights the applicant’s IT background and impressive metrics.

Tips to help you write your IT Project Manager resume in 2024

   use it-related keywords..

Show recruiters that you are well versed in the IT sector by using IT keywords. This applicant uses words like ‘Software Development Lifecycle’ and ‘virtualization’ to prove their competence as an IT project manager.

Use IT-related keywords. - IT Project Manager Resume

   Use metrics to impress.

Make your resume easier to digest by using metrics to show recruiters your workload capacity, the size of the teams you have managed, and the measurable success of your efforts.

Use metrics to impress. - IT Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your IT Project Manager resume

Template 20 of 23: project management office (pmo) director resume example.

This is a high executive-level position. In this position, you may be leading the entire project management department or a whole project-based company. As an executive your responsibilities are broad and the people under you are many. You may find yourself developing strategy and planning projects, overseeing the execution of projects, speaking to clients or other stakeholders, etc. Recruiters will almost always expect at least a bachelor’s degree in project management or a related field, and at least 5 years of experience as a project manager. Take a look at this strong PMO director's resume.

A project management officer director resume sample that highlights the applicant’s value addition to the bottom line and experience.

Tips to help you write your Project Management Office (PMO) Director resume in 2024

   get certification to increase your credibility..

Stand out from the crowd by gaining one of the many project management certifications you can get. It shows dedication to the profession and also improves your credibility.

Get certification to increase your credibility. - Project Management Office (PMO) Director Resume

   Show your impact on the bottom line.

Show recruiters that you can efficiently lead the execution of successful projects by including metrics of success in your resume. Include figures that reflect how much money you saved clients or how much money you made for clients.

Show your impact on the bottom line. - Project Management Office (PMO) Director Resume

Skills you can include on your Project Management Office (PMO) Director resume

Template 21 of 23: process manager resume example.

As a Process Manager, your resume has to showcase your ability to optimize business operations. This role requires a mix of technical and management skills, and your resume should reflect your proficiency in these areas. You need to be aware of the current emphasis on digital transformation in businesses, as the drive towards efficiency and accuracy is pushing companies to automate processes. Hence, your familiarity with these technologies is a critical asset. As you draft your resume, remember that hiring managers want to understand your achievements. They're looking for specific examples of how you've improved processes and delivered measurable benefits. So, don’t shy away from including concrete figures and results in your achievements.

Screenshot of a Process Manager's resume showcasing process improvement knowledge and digital transformation expertise.

Tips to help you write your Process Manager resume in 2024

   demonstrate knowledge of process improvement methodologies.

When writing about your previous experience, you should detail your knowledge of methodologies like Six Sigma or Lean, as these are often used in process management. Show the impact you made using these methods with quantifiable results.

Demonstrate knowledge of process improvement methodologies - Process Manager Resume

   Show expertise in relevant technologies

Since the role of a Process Manager now often involves digital transformation, it's essential to detail your proficiency in technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA) or AI-based systems on your resume. This could be in the form of the specific projects you’ve led or certifications you've earned.

Show expertise in relevant technologies - Process Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Process Manager resume

Template 22 of 23: process operator resume example.

The role of a Process Operator often involves managing and maintaining the equipment that produces products in various industries. It's a job that requires both technical knowledge and operational efficiency. With the recent shift towards automation and remote work, many operators now need to be comfortable using and troubleshooting digital interfaces. Furthermore, the ability to adapt rapidly to new processes or technologies is becoming progressively valued. When creating your resume, it's important to go beyond simply listing past job duties. Instead, provide clear examples of how you've used your skills to increase efficiency, maintain safety protocols, or enhance product quality.

A Process Operator's resume displaying technical skills and problem-solving achievements.

Tips to help you write your Process Operator resume in 2024

   showcasing technical skills.

As a Process Operator, you're expected to be well-versed with the equipment and technology used in your industry. It's crucial that your resume reflects your facility with these tools. Mention any specific machinery or software you've worked with, and don't forget to include any certifications or formal training.

Showcasing technical skills - Process Operator Resume

   Emphasizing problem-solving abilities

Process Operators often have to troubleshoot on the fly and keep things running smoothly. You should include specific instances where you've used your problem-solving skills to prevent or manage issues, whether they were mechanical failures or process inefficiencies.

Emphasizing problem-solving abilities - Process Operator Resume

Skills you can include on your Process Operator resume

Template 23 of 23: software project manager resume example.

As a Software Project Manager, you're not just a tech enthusiast. You're the thread that holds the chaos in check, driving the rhythm of a shared heartbeat amongst coders, testers, designers, and stakeholders. It's a balancing act between understanding technical specifics and team management. Recent trends show an emphasis on Agile and Scrum methodologies, coupled with a stronger focus on 'ship fast, iterate faster' strategies. In crafting your resume, remember, it's not about being a master of everything, but a maestro in orchestrating the symphony of software creation. In recent years, there's been a surge in remote and distributed teams. Therefore, your resume should reflect not just your ability to manage projects, but also your proficiency in handling teams scattered across different time zones. Demonstrate your ability to handle the unique challenges that come with managing remote teams, and keep an eye out for the latest project management tools and platforms trending in the industry.

A polished resume for a Software Project Manager role.

Tips to help you write your Software Project Manager resume in 2024

   demonstrate proficiency in project management methodologies.

Agile, Scrum, and Kanban methodologies have become a mainstay in the software development process. In your resume, discuss projects where you've successfully applied these methodologies. You should elucidate how you have adapted and applied them to drive project success.

Demonstrate proficiency in project management methodologies - Software Project Manager Resume

   Exhibit capabilities in managing distributed teams

Show your potential employers that you can handle the challenges of managing remote teams. Elucidate instances where you've effectively navigated through issues of communication, time-zones and cultural obstacles to achieve project goals.

Exhibit capabilities in managing distributed teams - Software Project Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Software Project Manager resume

As a career coach and hiring manager who has worked with top companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, I have seen countless project manager resumes. In this article, I will share insider tips on what makes a project manager resume stand out and increase your chances of landing an interview. These tips are based on real feedback from hiring managers and successful job seekers in the field.

   Highlight your leadership experience

Employers want to see that you have experience leading projects and teams. Instead of simply listing your responsibilities, focus on the impact of your leadership:

  • Led a team of 12 developers and designers to deliver a $500K project on time and under budget
  • Managed stakeholder expectations and communicated project status to executive leadership

Quantify your achievements whenever possible to show the scope and impact of your leadership.

Bullet Point Samples for Project Manager

   Showcase your technical skills

While project managers are not expected to be technical experts, it's important to show that you have a solid understanding of the technologies and methodologies used in your projects. Some examples:

  • Proficient in Agile methodologies including Scrum and Kanban
  • Experience with project management tools such as JIRA, Trello, and Asana
  • Familiarity with software development lifecycle and DevOps practices

Avoid simply listing buzzwords or acronyms without context. Instead, explain how you used these skills to deliver successful projects.

   Tailor your resume to the job description

One mistake I often see in project manager resumes is a generic list of skills and experiences that are not relevant to the specific job. Instead, take the time to customize your resume for each application. Here's an example of what not to do:

  • Experienced project manager with 5+ years of experience
  • Strong communication and leadership skills

Instead, focus on the specific requirements and priorities mentioned in the job description:

  • 5+ years of experience managing software development projects in an Agile environment
  • Proven track record of communicating with technical and non-technical stakeholders

   Highlight your certifications and training

Project management certifications such as PMP or Scrum Master can set you apart from other candidates and show your commitment to professional development. However, simply listing the acronyms is not enough. Provide context on how you applied the knowledge and skills gained from these certifications in your work:

PMP-certified project manager with experience applying PMBOK best practices to deliver complex IT projects. Completed Scrum Master training and successfully implemented Scrum methodology in Agile development teams.

   Show your ability to manage budgets and resources

Project managers are often responsible for managing budgets, resources, and vendor relationships. Highlight your experience in these areas with specific examples:

  • Managed project budgets ranging from $100K to $1M, consistently delivering on time and within budget
  • Negotiated contracts with vendors and managed relationships to ensure timely delivery of key project components
  • Optimized resource allocation across multiple projects to maximize team productivity and minimize downtime

Use numbers and metrics to quantify your impact whenever possible.

   Emphasize your problem-solving skills

Projects rarely go according to plan, and employers want to see that you have the ability to adapt and solve problems under pressure. Instead of simply saying you have 'strong problem-solving skills', provide concrete examples:

  • Identified and mitigated risks early in the project lifecycle, resulting in a 20% reduction in project delays
  • Developed contingency plans and worked with the team to quickly resolve issues when faced with unexpected roadblocks

Showcase your ability to think critically, make tough decisions, and lead your team through challenges.

The best project managers have the ability to wear numerous hats. They are usually team players who are exceptionally organized, highly strategic, adaptable, and great at communicating with a variety of people. When you’re applying for a project management role, use your resume to show that you have the right skill set and personality for the job. With that in mind, here are some tips for creating a project manager resume that will help you stand out from the crowd.

   Be specific about your accomplishments.

On any resume, you should specify what you’ve accomplished in your previous work. However, when you’re applying to become a project manager, your accomplishments should include specific projects you’ve worked on at past jobs. While you want to keep your resume fairly succinct, don’t be afraid to go into a bit of detail about what projects you did, what your role was, how you ensured the project’s success, and what the end results were.

   Showcase relevant skills for project management.

If your resume has a skills section, use it to highlight several relevant skills for project management. Even better, for any skills that you list, include bullet points about achievements at your previous jobs where you used those skills. Showing hiring managers evidence of your problem solving abilities is always better than simply saying that you have a “solution mindset”. What skills should you emphasize? Project managers need soft skills like organization, planning, management, and coordination. However, soft skills are only part of the equation; many project managers also need to be versed in workspace tools, platforms, and software. Different companies will use different frameworks, but if you can show that you have experience with using some of these tools, you’ll have a definite leg up on the competition.

   Create an ATS-friendly resume.

Whenever you’re applying for a new job, it’s always good practice to optimize your resume for ATS software. Even if you don’t know for sure that the company filters incoming resumes, you should err on the side of caution and assume that they do. Getting past an automated resume filter may sound daunting at first -- but if you follow a few basic strategies, you can get your resume through ATS and in front of a live (human) recruiter. First, make sure that your document is easily readable and that it’s in a standard format such as Word or Google Docs. Keep your text free of images, diagrams, tables, and unusual fonts. Next, you’ll want to include relevant keywords from the job description, but be careful not to overdo it or make your language sound unnatural -- after all, the goal is to eventually get your resume read by a live person!

   Use strong, measurable achievements.

Our last word of advice is to include strong, measurable achievements in your resume -- talk about what you accomplished, not simply what you were responsible for at your old jobs. And, of course, make sure that your LinkedIn and other social media profiles are up-to-date to leave the best possible impression on the recruiter.

Writing Your Project Manager Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. highlight your project management certification.

If you have a relevant certification like PMP, PRINCE2, or Scrum Master, make sure to include it after your name in your header. This instantly communicates your expertise and commitment to the field.

Here's an example of how to format your name and certification:

  • John Smith, PMP
  • Sarah Johnson, PRINCE2 Practitioner

Avoid simply listing 'Project Manager' as your title, as it doesn't add much value:

  • John Smith, Project Manager
  • Sarah Johnson, Project Manager

2. Include your location, phone, and email

Hiring managers want to quickly see if you're a local candidate or if you would need to relocate for the role. Including your city and state is sufficient - no need to list your full address.

You should also include your phone number and a professional email address. Make sure your email handle is straightforward and professional, like [email protected] .

  • John Smith, PMP San Francisco, CA | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]

Avoid using casual email handles that you created years ago:

3. Add your LinkedIn profile URL

In today's digital age, hiring managers often look up candidates on LinkedIn. Make it easy for them by including your LinkedIn profile URL in your header.

Ideally, your URL should be customized with your name rather than a string of random numbers. Here's how:

  • John Smith, PMP San Francisco, CA | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] linkedin.com/in/johnsmith

Avoid using the default LinkedIn URL format:

  • John Smith, PMP San Francisco, CA | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] linkedin.com/in/john-smith-37b6a8142


A resume summary, also known as a professional summary or career summary, is an optional section that appears at the top of your resume. It provides a brief overview of your professional experience, skills, and achievements that are most relevant to the position you're applying for. While a summary is not required, it can be a valuable addition to your resume, especially if you have extensive experience or are making a career change.

When writing a summary for a project manager position, focus on highlighting your most impressive accomplishments, leadership skills, and industry expertise. Tailor your summary to the specific requirements of the job posting and the company's needs. Keep it concise and impactful, ideally no more than 3-4 sentences.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Project Manager resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Project Manager resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Project Manager Resume Summary Examples , or Project Manager Resume Objective Examples .

1. Showcase your project management expertise

Highlight your experience and skills that are directly relevant to project management. Mention the types of projects you've managed, the industries you've worked in, and any notable achievements.

For example, a good summary might look like this:

Experienced project manager with 5+ years of experience leading cross-functional teams in the software development industry. Proven track record of delivering complex projects on time and under budget, resulting in an average of 20% cost savings per project. Skilled in Agile methodologies and proficient in project management tools such as JIRA and Asana.

2. Quantify your achievements

Whenever possible, use numbers and metrics to quantify your accomplishments. This helps hiring managers understand the impact you've made in your previous roles.

Avoid vague statements like:

  • Managed multiple projects successfully
  • Improved team efficiency

Instead, provide specific details and figures:

  • Led a team of 12 in delivering a $500K project 2 weeks ahead of schedule
  • Implemented process improvements that increased team productivity by 30%

3. Tailor your summary to the job

Customize your summary to align with the requirements and preferences outlined in the job posting. Highlight the skills, experience, and achievements that are most relevant to the specific project manager position you're targeting.

For example, if the job emphasizes experience with a particular project management methodology, such as Scrum, make sure to mention your expertise in that area:

Certified Scrum Master with 7+ years of experience leading Agile software development projects. Skilled in facilitating sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives to ensure timely delivery of high-quality products. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement Scrum best practices, resulting in a 25% increase in team velocity.


The work experience section is the most important part of your project manager resume. It's where you show hiring managers how you've applied your skills in the real world to deliver results. In this section, we'll walk through how to write an effective work experience section step-by-step, with examples of what to include and avoid.

1. Use reverse-chronological order

Start with your most recent or current role at the top, then work backwards. This puts your most relevant experience first. For each role, include:

  • Company name and location
  • Dates of employment (month and year)
  • 3-5 bullet points detailing your accomplishments

Bad example:

Project coordinator, 2018-2019 Junior project manager, 2019-2020 Project manager, ACME Co, New York, 2020-present

Good example:

Project Manager , ACME Co, New York, NY, 2020 to present Junior Project Manager , XYZ Inc, Boston, MA, 2019 to 2020 Project Coordinator , 123 Agency, Chicago, IL, 2018 to 2019

Tip: Bold your job titles to make your career progression stand out at a glance. Try our Targeted Resume tool to see if you've included the right keywords and skills for each role.

2. Focus on achievements, not duties

Don't just list your day-to-day responsibilities. Hiring managers want to see the impact you made in each role. Ask yourself:

  • Did you deliver projects on time and under budget?
  • Did you improve any processes or implement new methodologies?
  • Did you mentor or train other team members?

Quantify your accomplishments with metrics where possible. Bad example:

  • Responsible for managing project timelines and budgets
  • Coordinated project tasks and deliverables
  • Communicated with stakeholders
  • Managed 5+ projects simultaneously with budgets up to $500K
  • Implemented Agile methodology which reduced average project time by 20%
  • Mentored and trained 3 junior project managers

After drafting your bullets, run your resume through our free Score My Resume tool. It checks your resume on 30+ key criteria hiring managers look for and gives you instant, actionable feedback to improve.

3. Tailor your experience to the job

Hiring managers want to see experience that's relevant to their open role and company. Carefully review the job description and mirror the language it uses, where applicable. If a posting mentions specific project management tools, methodologies, or domains, call those out in your work experience.

Let's say a job description lists Jira, Trello and Scrum. You'd want to include examples like:

  • Managed Scrum ceremonies including daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives
  • Tracked and assigned tasks to team members using Jira and Trello

If it mentions healthcare experience, you could say:

Managed a $1.2M telehealth implementation project in collaboration with clinicians, IT, and operations teams

Tip: Include relevant certifications like PMP, CSM or ITIL in your title or a "Certifications" section to further show your expertise in specific project management areas.


Your education section is a key part of your project manager resume. It shows employers you have the knowledge and training to succeed in their role. It also provides context for your work experience. Here are some tips for writing a strong education section on your project manager resume.

How To Write An Education Section - Project Manager Roles

1. Put your education section in the right location

Where you place your education section depends on your level of experience:

  • If you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience, put your education section above your work experience. This highlights your relevant training first.
  • If you have several years of project management experience, put your education below your work history. Your professional experience is more important to employers at this stage.

2. Only include relevant degrees and coursework

As a project manager, include your bachelor's degree and any advanced degrees. However, don't include your associate or high school diploma. For example:

  • MBA, Stanford University, 2018
  • B.S. Business Administration, NYU, 2014

If you are a recent graduate, consider listing relevant coursework too:

  • Relevant coursework: Project Management, Operations Management, Leadership
  • Irrelevant coursework
  • Online certificates (put these in a separate section)
  • High school diploma

3. Keep your education section concise

Experienced project managers should keep their education section brief. Employers are more interested in your work accomplishments than your degrees at this stage. For example:

M.S. Project Management, Columbia University B.A. Business Administration, University of Florida

However, recent graduates can go into more detail to highlight their qualifications:

B.S. in Industrial Engineering, UCLA, 2022 GPA: 3.8 Relevant Coursework: Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Statistical Quality Control Honors: Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa

4. Use consistent formatting

No matter how much detail you include, keep your formatting consistent. For example:

Master of Business Administration, Harvard University, 2019 Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Stanford University, 2014
MBA, Harvard University, 2019 BSE, Stanford University, 2014

Avoid inconsistent formatting like:

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2019 B.S.E., Stanford University, 2014

Consistent punctuation, abbreviation, and order make your education section easier to scan.

Action Verbs For Project Manager Resumes

The best project manager resumes discuss specific accomplishments using strong action verbs. Strong verbs convey your role in your achievements; in any resume bullet point, we recommend pairing an action verb with the quantifiable result you achieved to show the impact of what you did. Project managers may have a diverse set of skills to draw upon, and there are a huge number of verbs you could choose to describe what you’re good at. We have an entire article devoted to action verbs to use in resumes -- in particular, project managers may want to pursue the ones in the accomplishment-driven, communication, management-related, leadership, and problem-solving sections.

Action Verbs for Project Manager

  • Facilitated
  • Accelerated
  • Spearheaded

For more related action verbs, visit Leadership Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Project Manager Resumes

Skills for project manager resumes.

To craft an outstanding project manager resume, you’ll want to show that you have the most crucial skills for the job. Recruiters will want to see that you are adept at managing, leading, planning, and strategizing -- use your skills section and bullet points within your work history to illustrate your abilities in these areas. In addition to highlighting essential project management skills , you should also re-read the job posting to look for specific skills that your potential employer is seeking. If they mention any skills, be sure to mention those (and include supporting examples) within your resume. Finally, many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) or other technology to sort through and analyze the high volume of resumes they receive. You can optimize your resume to get past the automated filtering process and give yourself a better chance of getting noticed. We’ll go into ATS in more detail below.

  • Copy Protection
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Project Planning
  • Integration
  • Project Management
  • Software Project Management
  • Business Analysis
  • Business Process Improvement
  • Program Management
  • Microsoft Project
  • Agile Project Management
  • Agile & Waterfall Methodologies
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Enterprise Software
  • Change Management
  • Vendor Management
  • Project Coordination

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Project Manager Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Project Manager Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Project Manager Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Project Manager job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Project Manager Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Resume bullet points from project manager resumes.

You should use bullet points to describe your achievements in your Project Manager resume. Here are sample bullet points to help you get started:

Implemented a system upgrade for an American bank just 8 weeks before deadline; resulted in securing additional business worth $5 MM

Developed an Excel macro and standardized reporting templates, resulting in efficient data collection and a 35% reduction in turnaround time

Managed a 10-member cross-functional (engineering, product, sales, support) team and coordinated with five business partners towards the successful launch of an e-commerce website

Enforced Kanban principles as a scrum master that reduced cycle time by 25% and increased the team's throughput in less than 9 weeks.

Reduced new user acquisition costs by 20% through implementing social sharing features and streamlining user adoption; shortened development cycles by 25% and increased release date accuracy by 20%

For more sample bullet points and details on how to write effective bullet points, see our articles on resume bullet points , how to quantify your resume and resume accomplishments .

Other Manager Resumes


Architect resume showcasing software proficiency and sustainable design experience.

Project Administrator

A construction project administrator resume template that accentuates technical skills.

Special Projects

A director of special projects resume template that emphasizes work experience.

  • C-Level and Executive Resume Guide
  • Program Manager Resume Guide

Project Manager Resume Guide

  • Product Manager Resume Guide
  • Operations Manager Resume Guide
  • Social Media Manager Resume Guide
  • Creative Director Resume Guide
  • Product Owner Resume Guide
  • IT Manager Resume Guide
  • Office Manager Resume Guide
  • Production Manager Resume Guide
  • Project Coordinator Resume Guide
  • Brand Manager Resume Guide
  • Construction Manager Resume Guide
  • Chief of Staff Resume Guide
  • Vice President of Operations Resume Guide
  • Chief Digital Officer Resume Guide
  • Project Leader Resume Guide
  • Technology Director Resume Guide
  • Director of Information Technology Resume Guide
  • Director of Operations Resume Guide
  • Director of Engineering Resume Guide
  • Project Manager Resume Example
  • Entry Level Project Manager Resume Example
  • Senior Project Manager Resume Example
  • Technical Project Manager Resume Example
  • Marketing Project Manager Resume Example
  • Construction Project Manager Resume Example
  • Agile Project Manager Resume Example
  • Engineering Project Manager Resume Example
  • Healthcare Project Manager Resume Example
  • Junior Project Manager Resume Example
  • IT Project Manager Resume Example
  • Project Management Office (PMO) Director Resume Example
  • Process Manager Resume Example
  • Process Operator Resume Example
  • Software Project Manager Resume Example
  • Tips for Project Manager Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • Sample Bullet Points from Top Resumes
  • All Resume Examples
  • Project Manager CV Examples
  • Project Manager Cover Letter
  • Project Manager Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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Project Manager Resume [2024] - Example & Full Guide

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As a project manager, you’re the be-all and end-all of any project.

So, you’re great at setting goals, strategic planning, creating budgets, leading a team towards a common goal, keeping tabs on everyone and everything… 

Actually, is there anything you can’t do?

Well, if you’re here, chances are your weak point is writing a job-landing project manager resume .

And, yes—it may seem hard to transfer all of your work experience, skills, and professional achievements onto a single piece of paper. With the right guidance, however, it doesn’t have to be!

So, in this article, we will cover everything you need to know about writing an effective project manager resume, including:

Step-by-step guide to write your project manager resume, 50 project manager skills to put on your resume.

project manager resume

Like the look of Jennifer’s IT Project Management resume? Create your own modern project management resume in minutes with these easy-to-complete resume templates and get started on your journey to earning the best PMP certification . 

Quite impressive, right?

These are the elements that make this project manager resume an example to follow:

  • Reverse-chronological format. This resume format is the most popular around the world and effectively shows off the candidate’s work experience.
  • Eye-catching resume summary. The project manager resume example above includes a brief and to-the-point resume summary that highlights the candidate’s skills and area of expertise.
  • Contact information. The project manager resume example above includes all the necessary contact details, such as the candidate’s email address, location, phone number, and relevant social media handles.
  • Achievement-focused work experience section. In this project manager resume example, the candidate doesn’t simply mention their responsibilities - they also include their work achievements to help them stand out from other candidates.
  • Relevant education section. The candidate only includes their key education details, such as their Bachelor’s degree and a field-related minor.
  • Use of bullet points. The candidate uses bullet points to organize and present the information which makes this project manager resume example look neat and structured.
  • Well-organized skills section. This project manager resume example includes the candidate’s soft and hard skills that are relevant to the IT industry and project management.
  • Effective use of additional sections. The candidate takes advantage of the extra space on their project manager resume by including relevant additional sections, such as their industry-related certifications and academic achievements to show off their professional background.

We've also got more resume examples that you might want to check out:

  • Program Manager Resume
  • Operations Manager Resume
  • Business Development Manager Resume
  • Human Resource (HR) Resume
  • Office Manager Resume

Writing a project manager resume is no different than working on any other project - you definitely need to have a plan and know the exact steps you’re going to take.

Luckily, you don’t need to figure it out yourself!

We’ve covered each step of writing a powerful project manager resume for you, so let’s dive in:

#1. Pick the Right Format for Your Project Manager Resume

The reverse-chronological resume format is by far the best option for your project manager resume. 

As we’ve mentioned above, the reverse-chronological format is the most popular resume format worldwide. It’s also a recruiters’ favorite!

Here’s what it looks like:

reverse chronological resume

This resume format gives the recruiter a clear picture of your professional background and work achievements by putting your project manager's work experience in the foreground.

Now that you’ve chosen a format for your project manager resume, let’s address the resume layout . 

These are the resume layout elements you should pay attention to:

  • Font style . Your project manager resume has to be easily readable, so choose a professional font style that looks good on both PDF and paper.  
  • Font size. Keep your font size at 11-12 pts for body text and 14-16 pts for section headings, so that your project manager resume is easy-to-read and fits into a single page.
  • Bullet points. Whenever possible, use bullet points to present information and make your project manager resume easy-to-scan as well as well-organized.
  • Resume length. Recruiters go through hundreds of resumes every day, so it’s best to fit your project manager resume in one page to make sure they actually read it.
  • Resume file format. If not asked otherwise, always save your resume as a PDF file so that it looks the same no matter the device or OS the hiring manager uses. 

Use Our Tried & Tested Templates 

As a project manager, you’re great at time management.

So, you probably aren’t too excited about spending hours on pointless tasks… like formatting your project manager resume.

And especially so when you could be focusing on more important things instead, such as perfecting the contents of your project manager resume.

What if we told you there’s a quick and easy shortcut?

Instead of wasting your time on designing your resume, just pick one of our professional resume templates and dive straight into filling in the contents of your project manager resume!

Besides, our resume templates are far more visually appealing than basic text-editor resumes.

Check it out for yourself:

resume examples

#2. Add Your Contact Information

Now that you’ve dealt with formatting your project manager resume, you can start filling in the contents.

Let’s begin with the basics - simply add your contact information , including:

  • Your first name and last name
  • Your title 
  • Your phone number
  • Your email address
  • Your location
  • Relevant social media handles (optional)

Here’s an example of a contact information section that includes all of the above:

Lauren Anderson


[email protected]  

Boston, Massachusetts


This step is as easy as it looks - you just have to make sure to fill in the contact details correctly.

Otherwise, you may leave a bad impression which can hurt your application. 

After all, no company wants a project manager who’s sloppy and doesn’t pay enough attention to details.

#3. Write an Impactful Project Manager Resume Summary

The next step is writing an impressive project manager resume summary .

Your resume summary is meant to provide a quick overview (2-3 sentences) of your professional background to let the hiring manager see whether you’re a relevant candidate.

So, to make sure the recruiter doesn’t put your project manager resume aside after taking just a glance (and actually reading the whole thing), your resume summary has to be effective.

Here’s what a powerful resume summary includes:

  • Your title and years of experience
  • Your most relevant skills in project management
  • Your top 1-2 professional achievements

And here’s an example of an impactful project manager resume summary:

  • Strategic and detail-oriented Project Manager with 7+ years of experience. Outstanding organizational, time management, planning, and problem-solving skills. Met all project deadlines for 5 years straight and increased Company X’s market share by 12% through successful branding projects. 

job search masterclass novoresume

#4. Make Your Project Manager Work Experience Stand Out

As a project manager, you have tons of work experience , so the next step is to list it effectively.

First things first - let’s get the formatting right.

Here’s how you should format the work experience section in your project manager resume:

  • Follow the reverse-chronological order. Start with your most recent (or current) position and go backward in time. 
  • Add your job title. This is supposed to give the recruiter a clear idea of the role you had in the previous workplace.
  • Include the company's name and location. You can also briefly describe the company if it’s not a well-known name.
  • Add the date of employment. To show how long you worked at the company, use the mm/yyyy format.
  • Write down your achievements and responsibilities. Stick to 5-6 bullet points for the most recent roles and 2-3 for older jobs.

Now, no doubt you want your project manager resume to make a lasting impression on the hiring manager and help you land the job. 

So, filling in just the basic work experience details isn’t nearly enough - you’ll end up with a project manager resume that’s similar to other candidates’ resumes.

If you want to make your project manager resume stand out, ask yourself - what exactly are hiring managers looking for?

Sure, it’s your years of experience, but the responsibilities you had in previous roles weigh in much less.

To recruiters, the most important part of your professional background is a proven track record of success . 

As such, the key to a job-winning project manager resume is this: 

Make your work experience section stand out by focusing on your achievements over your responsibilities whenever possible.

So, here’s what you can do to take your work experience section to the next level:

  • Use action verbs to describe your achievements and responsibilities, e. g. spearheaded, managed, resolved, executed, etc.
  • Only include relevant work experience, e. g. you already have relevant project management experience, so the recruiter won’t be impressed that you scooped ice cream in high school.
  • Make your achievements quantifiable , e. g. ”Consistently delivered projects up to 12% below the budget” instead of “Consistently delivered projects under the budget”.

Here’s an example of what an impressive work experience section could look like:

08/2017 - 01/2022

  • Led and coached a team of 16 IT specialists.
  • Managed the Lean Training project for all 54 IT department employees.
  • Consistently delivered projects up to 12% below the budget.
  • Initiated and managed the project to replace all aging equipment, lowering monthly electricity costs by 23%.
  • Introduced a project performance management system that increased project efficiency by 18% over the period of 3 years.

#5. List Your Education Right

Whether you have a degree in project management, business administration, or any other related field, what matters most is your work experience, so keep your education section brief. 

Simply list your education starting with your highest degree as such:

  • Degree Name
  • University, college, or other institution
  • Location (optional)
  • Years attended 

As a project manager, technically you aren’t required to have a degree (though this can make competing against candidates with a diploma much harder), so only include your high school education in your project manager resume if you don’t have higher education .

Here’s an example of the education section:

BSc in Project Management

Colorado State University Global

09/2012 - 06/2016

#6. List Your Project Manager Skills

The skills section shows the recruiters your professional abilities, so it’s one of the most important sections (alongside the work experience section) in your project manager resume.

Here are some tips on how to list your skills effectively:

  • Tailor your skills section for project management. The point of the skills section is to prove to the hiring manager why you’re a great candidate for this position, in particular, so listing all of your skills is redundant.
  • Include any of the skills you have that the company is looking for. Carefully read the job description and see whether the company has listed any specific skills - if you match them, make sure to include them in your project manager resume. 
  • Research the most in-demand project management skills. The skills you need largely depend on the field (IT, marketing, retail, etc.), so research the project management field you’re specifically applying to and write down any of the industry-related skills that you have.
  • Take a look at your achievements. Not sure which skills you have? Your achievements are proof of your skills, so go back to the work experience section and take a closer look. For example, if you consistently deliver projects before the deadline, you’re likely skilled at time management, planning, delegation, etc.
  • List your soft skills and hard skills separately. This will make your project manager resume well-organized and easy to navigate.

Need some inspiration on which skills to include in your project manager resume?

Take a look at our list of the 50 most in-demand project management skills!

Soft Skills for a Project Manager

  • Public Speaking
  • Active Listening
  • Communication Skills

Critical Thinking

  • Negotiation

Analytical Thinking

  • Adaptability
  • Stress Management
  • Time Management


  • Compromising
  • Organizational Skills
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Resourcefulness
  • Decision-making
  • Attention to Detail

25 Hard Skills for a Project Manager

Business Strategy Knowledge

  • Forecasting

Project Management Methodologies

  • Microsoft Office Proficiency
  • Technical Documentation
  • Project Management Software Proficiency

Process Management

  • Strategic Planning 
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Risk Evaluation 
  • Risk Management
  • Database Management
  • Programming Languages
  • Technical Writing
  • Evaluation of Project Performance Metrics
  • Goal Setting
  • Financial Management
  • Contract Management

#7. Include Your Project Management Certificates

While some companies don’t require project managers to have a degree, many are looking for certified project managers.

Having a project manager certificate also means that you’ll get paid more - in fact, certified project managers earn up to 16% more compared to their uncertified colleagues. 

So, don’t let your certificates go to waste and include them in your project manager resume (in reverse-chronological order, of course, in case you have multiple certifications )!

Here’s how to do it:

  • Certification name
  • Name of agency 
  • Year of obtainment
  • Location (if applicable)
  • Date of expiration (if applicable)
  • Expected date of obtainment (if applicable)

And here’s an example:

Certified Project Manager Professional (2019-2022)

Project Management Institute

#8. Make Use of Relevant Additional Sections

Do you still have some extra space on your project manager resume?

Take advantage of it!

Show off your project management experience by adding one or more of these additional sections:

  • Associations and organizations you’re a part of, alongside your role in them.
  • Publications , such as studies, interviews, and others.
  • Conferences , whether they’re on project management or industry-related subjects.
  • Awards , if any of them are related to project management.
  • Languages are always a plus, but even more so if you’re applying to an international company.

And here’s an example of how to put these extra sections on your project manager resume:


  • BRIDGE 2021
  • English - Native or Bilingual Proficiency
  • Russian - Professional Working Proficiency

#9. Match Your Project Manager Resume With a Cover Letter

Now that you know how to write an effective project manager resume, there’s one more thing we need to address - how to write an impactful cover letter .

The point of a cover letter is to prove to the hiring manager that you’re the full package - a competent project manager and the perfect fit for the company.

So, your cover letter should be personalized for the position and include any important details that you haven’t mentioned on your project manager resume.

Here’s how to write a compelling cover letter (even if you aren’t confident in your writing skills!):

  • Start your cover letter by putting your contact information in the header.
  • Directly greet the recruiter and mention your top 1-2 achievements in the first paragraph.
  • In the body of your cover letter, describe your professional background (work experience, skills, etc.) in detail, explain why you want to work for this particular company, and stress why you’d be a great asset to them.
  • To end your cover letter , include a call to action.

Check out our guides on cover letter writing tips and cover letter mistakes to make sure your cover letter is top-notch. 

Here’s an example of a convincing project manager cover letter :

project manager cover letter

Want to show the hiring manager that you are thinking of every detail from A to Z? Match your cover letter to your project manager resume with our cover letter templates !

Key Takeaways

Congrats - now that you know the step-by-step plan of writing a project manager resume, you’re prepared to write a job-winning project manager resume for yourself! 

Before you start, let’s run over the main elements of writing an effective project manager resume:

  • Use the reverse-chronological resume format to put your project manager work experience in the center of attention.
  • Write an eye-catching resume summary to spike the recruiter’s interest in reading your project manager resume.
  • To land the job, focus on your achievements over responsibilities when describing your work experience.
  • Only add industry-related soft and hard skills to your project manager resume.
  • Add extra sections, such as certificates, awards, associations, etc., to paint a full picture of your professional background.
  • Convince the hiring manager you’re the perfect candidate by attaching a compelling cover letter to your project manager resume.

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  • • Accelerated outbound sales cycle by 330% by designing and implementing customer acquisition platform for training and managing technical and IT teams
  • • Established and curated strategic partnerships with 6 out of 10 top state manufacturing companies which resulted in $20M additional annual revenue
  • • Led re-architect effort of a core SaaS product to reduce the platform deployment time for clients by 2 months
  • • Lead a team of developers to build a proprietary CRM system for enterprise and its strategic partners, optimizing sales process and increasing sales revenue by 24%
  • • Curated a $2M business implementation project that saves ~ $3.5M on operational inefficiencies between sales and development departments
  • • Researched user behavior and led strategic product roadmap discussion across multi functional teams
  • • Integrated Tableau reporting system into BI sales workflow, which led to 23% increase in post-meeting inquiries for technical sales department
  • • Streamlined post-sales support to increase customer retention rate among enterprise clients by 27%
  • • Acted as liaison between 3 country offices
  • • Maintained and documented inventory of over 4,000 items
  • • Led a team of 15 as a project manager, creating a trusting, respectful team in the process
  • • Consistently ranked in the department's top 3 for completed tasks
  • • Trained over 270 temporary remote workers

26 Project Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your project manager resume must showcase an impeccable track record of completed projects. Highlight your ability to deliver within specified timelines and budgets. Demonstrate your leadership skills by detailing how you've successfully led diverse teams. Provide concrete examples of how your strategies improved project outcomes.

All resume examples in this guide

resume sample of project manager

Associate Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Business Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Clinical Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Commercial Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Creative Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

CRM Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Digital Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Electrical Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Event Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Financial Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Freelance Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Implementation Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Infrastructure Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

SAP Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Web Project Manager

resume sample of project manager

Certified Project Management Professional resume example

Resume Guide

Project manager resume example

Formatting Tips

Resume Experience

Skills On Resume

Certifications & Education Tips

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

By Experience

Project Manager resume example

Project managers need to have strong resumes – not only to stand out from other applicants but also to show their experience and accomplishments in a manner that shows recruiters quantifiable achievements.

See, as a project manager, you play a key role in ensuring projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. Furthermore, you are responsible for planning, organizing, and overseeing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and objectives.

This is a huge investment for any business, and it’s the reason why recruiters evaluate all project manager applications with scientific accuracy. Including yours.

Let’s see what you’ll learn here:

  • Begin with a Project Manager resume example to understand the layout and essential information.
  • How to list your skills in managing projects, leading teams, and meeting deadlines.
  • How to share examples of successful projects you've led, highlighting budget management and problem-solving.
  • How to phrase specific parts of your resume, e.g. how you coordinate with different departments and stakeholders to ensure project success.

If you’re specializing in a specific field of project management, we’ve got guides that cover it all:

  • Program manager resume
  • Program analyst resume
  • Project analyst resume
  • Scrum master resume
  • Product manager resume
  • Operations manager resume
  • Systems analyst resume
  • Change management resume
  • Management resume
  • IT manager resume
  • IT project manager resume

Project manager  resume example

Certified Project Management Professional resume example

Here's what this applicant does well in their resume:

  • Quantifiable achievements : Demonstrates impact with specific, measurable results, such as increasing sales revenue by 24% at Tesla and improving outbound sales cycle by 330% at Rover Games.
  • Professional progression : Shows a clear career trajectory from Project Coordinator to Senior IT Project Manager, underscoring increasing responsibility and expertise.
  • Technical skills and certifications : Lists relevant technical skills and certifications like PMP and Agile Certified Practitioner, aligning with the demands of project management roles.
  • Key achievements section : Highlights significant accomplishments, like saving Tesla $100M, which adds credibility and draws attention to major successes.

How to format a project manager  resume

A reverse-chronological resume format  is a gold standard for resumes. The experience (listed from most recent to oldest), is going to be the centerpiece of your resume. This should be your first choice too.

Here are the most common resume layout elements to be aware of:

  • Font family. Choose a professional font  that looks good both on PDF and printed on paper. Our recommendations are Lato, Rubik, Arial, Calibri, Bitter, or the classic Times New Roman.
  • Font size.  The standard font size for resumes is 12p., but it can vary slightly between 10p and 14p so that you can fit your resume on a single page. Anything above or below will make it difficult to read.
  • Color . Use color sparingly. We suggest using one base color for your content, and a secondary one for highlights, such as your section headings.
  • Margins.  Use a standard 1-inch. A smaller margin will make you want to cram too much unnecessary information.
  • Length . Keep to a maximum of two pages. The rule of thumb is to go back up to 10 to 15 years of relevant experience.
  • Create a resume header  with your basic content information, including your phone number, a professional email address, your location, and a link to your professional LinkedIn profile. Don’t add a photo if you’re applying for a US or a UK company - it’s frowned upon.
  • File format . Save your resume as a PDF , to preserve your formatting. Modern applicant tracking software can read them flawlessly.

If you’re wondering whether your resume format ticks all the ATS boxes, give our Resume Checker a spin:

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

The top sections on a project manager resume:

  • Contact information : Provides recruiters with necessary details to get in touch.
  • Summary statement : Presents an overview of qualifications and expertise relevant to project management.
  • Project management experience : Demonstrates your background in and knowledge of managing successful projects.
  • Skills : Highlights your project management abilities - both soft and technical.
  • Education and certifications : Proof of professional development, showcasing relevance to the project management field.

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Project execution history : Recruiters prioritize this to understand your experience in leading and managing projects from initiation to completion.
  • Leadership skills:  Essential for a project manager's role, recruiters look for this to ensure you can guide, motivate, and monitor a team effectively.
  • Time management skills : Critical in meeting project deadlines, recruiters prioritize this to confirm your ability to allocate resources and time efficiently.
  • Risk management skills : A key element in project management, recruiters value this to ensure you can identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks in a project.
  • Certification in project management : Recruiters prioritize qualifications like PMP or Agile certificates, which are specifically relevant and demonstrate your proficiency in project management.

How to write your project manager resume experience

Use your resume experience section to prove exactly why you’re the right person for the job.

The experience section is less about efforts and more about accomplishments. HRs will hire people who have a track record to show it, and this is the place to do so. Here’s how to frame your experience:

  • Use direct action verbs  to highlight the work you achieved as a project manager.
  • Feature relevant, strong project management skills that are most required in the job application.
  • Include precise numbers and business results to showcase the value you provided.
  • Tailor your resume to the job description. For example, if it uses terminology, such as “Prince2”, and what you use is “Prince 2”, or “Prince II”, chances are this mismatch will affect your ATS (applicant tracking system) score.

Now, let’s look at some practical examples.

  • • Responsible for project management processes and procedures for contracted work.
  • • Reviewed customer specifications and requirements for potential future product development.
  • • Handled communicating with project progress and challenges to stakeholders.
  • • Responsible for the reporting and documentation of all departmental activities.

Notice how shallow the example above is.

Although it shows some of the tasks you handle, it doesn’t highlight any of the results. It also includes basic job duties that any candidate can copy from resumes online.

That keeps you away from getting hired.

We’ll show you a better example of how you can improve your experience section.

Let’s make some simple tweaks.

  • • Introduced an expense tracking strategy to stay within yearly budget goals which reduced business costs by $1.2M.
  • • Developed strong cross-functional relationships with big clients and stakeholders across different levels of the business.
  • • Lead monthly meetings with 8 project teams to identify challenges and resolve software development issues.
  • • Conducted post product launch evaluation to identify successful software features and find ways to improve on them

The second example, on the other hand:

  • Shows enough details about your past work.
  • Demonstrates more metrics and examples, which enhances trust and shows credibility.
  • It portrays you as a professional project manager who contributed a lot to the company.

Need more work experience section tips? Go through our guide here: How to Describe Your Work Experience on Resume .

How to quantify impact on your resume

You’ve heard many times that quantifying your achievements makes it easier for hiring managers to evaluate your performance in previous companies. To kick off your brainstorming process, let’s look at a few work situations in project management that you can use to show numbers in your resume :

  • Include the number of projects you've managed: This demonstrates the breadth of your experience and your hands-on expertise.
  • List the sizes of teams you have led: Showing the number of people you've managed can indicate your leadership and coordination skills.
  • Mention the budgets you have handled: This reflects your ability to manage resources, which is key for any business.
  • Detail the percentage by which you've completed projects under budget: This showcases your financial management skills, and how you save resources.
  • State the average percentage of projects delivered on time: On-time project delivery is crucial and this shows respect towards deadlines and efficiency in project execution.
  • Quantify the overall project performance improvement under your management: This can help demonstrate your value-add in improving operational effectiveness.
  • Provide the number of risk assessments performed or handled: This indicates your active involvement in risk management, a critical aspect of project management.
  • Include the number of successful stakeholder negotiations: Demonstrating your skills in managing stakeholder expectations can indicate your communication and negotiation abilities.

How do I write a project manager resume with no experience

Let's be honest here for a second:

Having experience is a plus to your resume. It makes hiring managers more confident in recruiting you.

But, HRs understand well that job success isn't only about experience. Many attributes can make a difference in an applicant.

Here's the deal:

The hiring company is looking for an entry-level project manager to handle specific tasks. You'll be able to find more details about that in the job application. Here’s how to build your resume:

  • Read the job description, identify those duties, and prepare to include them in your resume.
  • Feature the specific skills you have that allow you to perform those tasks.
  • Support that with your educational background and unique certificates.

We'll teach you in the rest of this guide how you can do all that. Learn how to read a job description and extract the main resume keywords in this guide .

How to list your hard skills and soft skills on your resume

Since project managers cover a wide field of responsibilities, it doesn't help to list a handful of skills that are of the same nature.

You must pick the most relevant skills for the position you're applying to. Then use them to show that you can guarantee objectives, ensure quality, mitigate risk, etc.

14 technical skills on a project manager resume

  • Project development
  • Project Management Software
  • Project Schedule
  • Data processing
  • Microsoft Office: Word, MS Excel, Project, PowerPoint
  • ProjectLink
  • Oracle Project Accounting
  • Project Management Tools
  • Project Deployment

As you may have noticed, these technical skills  are specific to the job duties of any project manager.

Of course, you shouldn’t list them all in your resume.

Identify which skills are most required for the job you’re applying to by reading the job description carefully.

17 important soft skills to include in your resume for a project manager job

  • Leadership skills
  • Strategic project planning & Project scope
  • Multitasking
  • Detail-oriented
  • Analytical skills
  • Team management
  • Customer Focus
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Decision-Making
  • Problem-Solving
  • Resource Allocation
  • Vendors Management
  • Project Budgeting

These skills are a must-have for any applicant that’s serious about getting hired. But don’t limit yourself to the skills section for them.

The best way to showcase your soft skills  is in other parts of your resume.

For example, you can include them within your experience section. Or list your skills in your summary section to capture the HR’s interest .

Also, don’t lean too hard on buzzwords. If you decide to use buzzwords  in your Project Manager resume, make sure to use them in the right context and in the right place.

How to list your certifications and education on your resume

Project management is a role that requires lots of human interaction, flexibility, and creativity.

And you don’t learn this anywhere in school.

So you might ask:

Why do I need to include an education section in my resume anyway?

Think of it this way:

If you’re the hiring manager and had to cut a list from 1000s of candidates down to a dozen ones, what would your criteria be?

You’ll now focus on the secondary features of the applicants.

You want to hire someone who has all that, plus some relevant educational background .

Your resume needs an education section. Of course, you won’t detail everything you learned since primary school. In fact, you’ll do the exact opposite.

You’ll list your highest school degree, the university or college you went to, and the duration you spent there.

Check out this example:

All in all, the required degree depends on the industry the hiring company operates in.

Most often, those companies ask for a Bachelor’s in management or business. But sometimes they only hire candidates from technical fields such as computer science and IT.

It doesn't matter how strong your resume is. Featuring certifications in project management on a resume is always a plus.

It shows that you've invested lots of time to boost your career and learn new skills. And it also proves that you're experienced in your work.

But the most important thing is this:

It makes the hiring decision easier on recruiters and allows them to feel good about their choices.

If lots of trusted organizations are vouching for a candidate, it's a good thing to trust their judgment.

What are the best project management certificates to feature on your resume?

Top 10 certificates for your resume

  • Project Management Professional (PMP) from Project Management Institute (PMI)
  • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
  • Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)
  • Certified Project Management Practitioner (CPMP)
  • Master Project Manager (MPM)
  • Lean management

Project management and PMP from PMI – the gist of it

Let’s do a blitz round of the hottest questions about whether a PMP certification is worth the money or not.

Is PMP certification still relevant today?

Yes, there’s a growing demand for certified project managers. The demand for project managers is likely to continue to grow as organizations increasingly rely on project-based work to achieve their goals.

Can a PMP certificate increase my salary?

According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), the median annual salary for non-certified project managers in the United States is $93,000. On the other hand, Project Management Professionals (PMPs), who are certified by PMI, earn a median wage of $123,000 per year, which is a 32% increase compared to their non-certified colleagues.

Should I invest in a master's degree or PMP?

A PMP certification is considered superior to a Master's degree in Project Management. This is because a PMP certification requires at least 7,500 hours of hands-on experience leading and directing projects, as well as an objectively assessed level of theoretical knowledge. In comparison, a Master's degree in Project Management is focused primarily on theoretical knowledge and may not provide the same level of practical experience.

How to write your project manager resume summary or objective

Not sure what the utility of a summary in a resume is? It’s meant to provide a quick overview of your career so that hiring managers can learn more about you at a glance.

Generally, you want to include:

  • Most successful projects you worked on
  • Strongest project management skills that allowed you to thrive in your past jobs
  • Best results and accomplishments you achieved in your career
  • Types of projects you were responsible for implementation

To take this a step further, you’ll:

  • Include precise metrics to support your claims.
  • Use short, direct sentences to keep HRs interested.
  • Personalize it by including specific project management keywords, skills, and achievements.

Let’s take a look at some project management resume summaries.

This barely scratches the surface as to who the candidate is and what they’re up to. Instead, it makes them look too uninterested and lazy to update their resume.

Let’s make this better with a few simple changes.

This is a better summary, because:

  • It contains precise numbers that serve as strong evidence of your competence.
  • It’s more personalized and speaks directly to the hiring manager.
  • It features real examples of what the candidate worked on and achieved in their past job.

Finally, the question begs…

Do you need a resume objective ?

We say - you don’t. A project manager is usually an experienced candidate for whom a career objective won’t greatly help.

Additional sections for a project manager resume

You feel you need to add more depth to your resume, but you keep repeating the same bullet points over and over again? Let’s look at some additional sections that can put your experience beyond just professional roles and settings:

  • Languages : Demonstrates multilingual abilities, beneficial in global project teams and diverse work environments.
  • Professional affiliations : Lists memberships in relevant organizations, indicating engagement with the professional community.
  • Volunteer experience : Showcases leadership and teamwork skills in non-professional settings, reflecting personal values and work ethic.
  • Awards and honors : Presents achievements and recognitions, underscoring excellence and dedication in the field.
  • Publications : Includes articles or papers written, reflecting expertise and thought leadership in project management.
  • Personal projects : Describes relevant personal or side projects, showing initiative and passion beyond professional work.

Key takeaways for making an outstanding project manager resume

  • Read the job description carefully . Understand what the hiring company is looking for, then craft your resume accordingly
  • Use your resume header to grab attention and prove your competence
  • Highlight your greatest accomplishments throughout your resume to remind people of your worth
  • Use your experience section to feature your relevant expertise in cross-functional teams, and strongest skills
  • When faced with competition, add an education and certificates sections to stand out from other

Project Manager resume examples

Explore additional project manager resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Senior Project Manager Resume Example

  • The career objective clearly states the candidate's career goals and relevant experience.
  • The internship experiences provide specific examples of the candidate's relevant experience in the IT industry.
  • The strengths and skills sections include specific examples of the candidate's soft and hard skills, providing evidence of their abilities in real-life situations.

Agile Project Manager Resume Example

  • 10 years of work experience as a project manager in Agile teams
  • Project Manager Professional Certification
  • Bachelor degree in adjacent to project management industry

project manager resume example

Looking to build your own Project Manager resume?

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How I got an internship at Tesla

How to improve your resume in under 30 minutes, how to write a great resume for a job in 2024, how big should your name be on a resume, is a skills section necessary on a resume, negotiating a salary increase for a new job: what to expect and how to ask.

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Project Manager Resume: Templates, Examples, & Essential Skills

As a Project Manager, you are most likely great at leading, and exceptional at organizing. But are those skills of yours not transferring to resume writing? If that’s the case, take advantage of our resume templates, and make sure your resume is as well organized as your daily tasks.

resume sample of project manager

Project Manager Resume Example MSWord® Manage the job application process the right way by using our customized Project Manager Resume Template in Word.

ResumeGiants Team

Being a project manager requires extensive knowledge and refined leadership skills. 

The position comes with huge responsibilities since it’s the project manager’s job to integrate, strategically plan, and control both the company team and its projects’ progress. 

Demanding as the job of a project manager may be, crafting a suitable resume for a related position can be even more daunting. Competition, professional competence, related achievements, and experience—all these and more can make or break a project manager resume. 

No matter how good you might be at project management, it will ultimately be your resume that will speak on your behalf and paint a whole picture of you as a professional before your hirers. 

Dread not, for we have compiled a detailed guide on how to write a resume for a project manager position, and get the job you applied for—no questions asked.

Project Manager Resume Sample

Since the best way to understand how to write a resume for a project manager is through an example, here is what a full project manager resume ought to look like:

[ Jennifer Decker ]

[ Product Manager ]

[88 Northland Street, OH 45205   |   513-555-1204   |   [email protected] ]

Detail-oriented project manager with 15+ years of experience executing multi-function management and business analysis for a variety of projects. Excellent organizational, planning, time-management, and problem-solving abilities. For 5 years in a row, I met all project deadlines and improved Fever Productions market share by 12% through effective branding projects.

Fever Productions, Cincinnati, OH

08/2010 to Current

  • Led the company’s software development project
  • Analyzed and strategically planned the business goals, budget, schedules, and team member coordination
  • In control of the project’s team and communicating about problems to improve overall interaction between team members

Venus Flytrap Printworks, Cincinnati, OH

01/2007 to 07/2010

  • Managed telephone interaction, and offered issues to potential clients
  • Helped chief project manager in handling multiple projects at once, prioritized them and efficiently solved them
  • In control of expense reporting, risk management, budget, and execution

Master’s Degree in Business Administration 

From the University of Pennsylvania

2006 – 2007

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

From the Monte Ahuja College of Business

2001 – 2005

  • Certification

Project Manager Professional Certification  

From the Project Management Institute

  • Database management
  • Web development
  • Microsoft Office
  • Project management software
  • Documentation

What’s the Best Project Manager Resume Format?

There are a few project manager resume formats available, with the ever-favorite being the reverse-chronological resume format. 

As the name itself suggests, a resume with a reverse-chronological format serves to describe your previous work experiences, starting from the most recent and moving backward.

Some studies have shown that this type of resume format is most appealing to a big number of employers since it is fairly easy to read—almost like a story. 

At the top of the resume, candidates should include a short summary or objective , to catch the attention of the hiring agent.

The reverse-chronological format starts with the professional experience and then moves on to the personal life, education, and other talents and hobbies of the candidate. 

Some of the best skills should also be mentioned here, both characteristic skills and job position-related skills. It’s also important to mention some certificates or awards, because they may bring extra credit.

Other Project Manager Resume Formats

The second most commonly used format is the functional resume format . Here, the summary or objective of the candidate comes first. And, unlike the previous format, in a functional resume format, all the attention will fall on your skills section. For applicants who don’t have a rich work experience section (or any experience for that matter), the functional format is ideal since its main aim is to highlight your personal skills and show the employer that you’re capable of doing the job flawlessly—even without the professional background. 

Finally, there is also the combined resume format , whose name is self-explanatory. 

This format is a combination of both previous resume formats. In the combined resume format, the main focus will fall on both the candidate’s previous work experiences as well as their professional skills. 

Both sections are equally highlighted, which makes the combined format ideal for applicants who want to change their profession or include the best of both worlds – skills plus experience. 

To make the resume even more professional, you can always use a project manager resume template tailored just for your needs.

When explaining your professional history, emphasize your accomplishments and any other relevant awards or affiliations. This will paint a complete picture of you as a valuable project manager—and it’s a chance to emphasize the best parts of your career.

How to Write a Project Manager Resume Summary or Resume Objective

Another required section that makes your resume stand out is the project manager resume summary. 

For those unfamiliar with it, a resume summary should include a brief overview, no more than 3 sentences long, of all your professional experiences.

In this short section, the candidate should highlight their most significant achievements, thus allowing the employer to quickly determine if the candidate is qualified for the position. 

A resume summary can also be useful when creating longer resumes, and you can always boost it with relevant keywords and thus make it more relevant. 

On the other hand, a project manager’s resume objective is a statement included at the beginning of the resume and serves to describe the candidate’s key goals. 

Similar to the resume summary, the resume objective serves to inform the employer if the candidate is a good fit for the company.

The section should be short and precise, and briefly clarify the candidate’s goals and ambitions in the long run.

Both the summary and objective are similar to one another, with the difference that the summary is more commonly used by people seeking employment in the same profession, and the objective for those looking to change industry fields.

Project Manager Resume Summary Example

An exceptional project manager resume summary should include the following:

  • Description of the candidate’s top professional accomplishments 
  • The candidate’s professional title 
  • The applicant’s most relevant project management skills
  • Number of years of professional experience

Below is an example of what a resume summary should look like:

Project Manager with over 7 years of experience, strategic and detail-oriented. Excellent organizational, planning, time-management, and problem-solving abilities. For five years in a row, I met all project deadlines and improved Company X’s market share by 12% through effective branding projects.

To compare, you should also see an example of a poorly written summary section:

Experienced project manager with a track record of collaborating across departments to meet goals and generate excellent outcomes on the projects I oversee. I’m searching for a job as a project manager at a rising company where I can use my unique skills to plan, scope, and deliver projects.

How to Write an Entry-Level Project Manager Resume Objective

To create an appealing entry-level project manager resume objective , you must first understand what the recruiter is looking for. 

All in all, the objective’s aim is to demonstrate to the employer that you’re the perfect choice for the job at hand.

In order to show that you deserve the position – even without the experience – you can emphasize a few of your greatest abilities. It’s very useful for entry-level project managers to point out the education and degrees they have, along with some certification if they possess any.

Here are some tricks in how to write a good-looking entry-level objective:

  • Keep the objective as brief as possible . Don’t include any irrelevant information that won’t do anything well. You only need a few well-structured sentences and make certain that each word is thoughtful and necessary.
  • Be specific and precise about the work position you seek, in this case, project manager. Discuss your objectives simply and make them relatable to the position you are applying for. Keep the sentences well-written and use professional terminology to grab the attention of the recruiter.
  • Draw attention to some extra project or activities you’ve been a part of while studying. This way, you will fill any gaps you have in the experience section.
  • Explain what you’re willing to do for the company and how you will contribute to its overall success and further accomplishments. Take your objectives a step further and outline how they align with the demands of the organization, all the while relying on the job description as your guide. 

Entry-Level Project Manager Resume Objective Sample

There are many diverse ways to structure an entry-level project manager resume objective :

Highly qualified and talented professional seeking associate-level project management role to practice good communication, efficient planning approach, and deliver great projects to customers, four-year business bachelor’s degree program, as well as proficiency in six languages.

Take a look at this example of what an objective shouldn’t look like. 

When writing an objective, it’s important to see both right and wrong examples and compare them to help you fully understand what employees are looking for.

I’m an excellent project manager in search of a regular eight-hour job, where I can show all my project management skills and contribute to the company. 

Even though the objective should be simple and brief , that doesn’t mean that it should be void of its primary essence. Being eloquent and using professional lingo will always make you seem better for the position and more versed. Since you will be lacking professional experience in your entry-level project manager resume, pay more attention to your top skills , and include any respective degrees and certificates you have to support your professional readiness for the job. 

How to Describe Your Project Manager Experience

Before becoming professionals in the project management industry , most project managers firs t worked as an IT employees. 

Interestingly, this part of the candidate’s previous work experience is rather important for the employer, so do your best to feature it in your resume and describe it in detail at that. 

It might be best to write down what your previous professional title was, alongside the purpose you served at the company as a front end employee. 

Mentioning any viable IT-related skills is also a plus, as it helps the hiring agent to, in a way, filter out the unripe fruits from the ripe ones. 

To explain your level of expertise in this area, you first need to include your level of knowledge. You will also need to describe your professional comprehension of popular operating systems, including debugging software issues. 

Also, you can mention that you are able to assist clients with minimal IT knowledge who need a professional’s helping hand to sort a related issue. 

Any certifications and publications that describe your solid proficiency in hardware and software, among other IT areas, should have a place in your resume since it gives the employer a clearer picture of your skills and accomplishments. 

If you also have finished any professional courses or did training in the field of software and IT management, add these to your professional resume strengths.

Project Manager Resume Examples: Experience 

The experience section is the most significant to craft, since hiring agents are most interested in a candidate’s prior projects. The project manager resume experience section should ideally look like this:

Senior Project Manager Company X 08/2005 – 07/2009

  • I oversaw and coached a staff of 16 experts.
  • I was in charge of the Lean Training initiative for all 54 staff members.
  • Delivered projects up to 12% under budget on a regular basis.
  • I started and supervised a project to replace all old equipment, which resulted in a 23% reduction in monthly electricity bills.
  • Over a three-year period, a project performance management system was implemented, which boosted project efficiency by 18%.

Below are some tips and tricks that might come in handy when writing an experience section for a project manager resume:

  • To explain your accomplishments and duties, use action verbs such as managed, spearheaded, resolved, executed, and so on.
  • Include only relevant information regarding your previous experience. It’s recommended to provide information about previous jobs that are similar or at least in the same branch as the job position you are seeking. The employer won’t be impressed to read about your high school part-time jobs or non-related tasks.
  • Make your accomplishments measurable , and provide percentages when talking about certain things. For example, try using “Consistently delivered projects up to 12% under budget” rather than “Consistently delivered projects under budget.”

Entry-Level Project Manager Resume: Experience Section

The work experience portion of your project manager resume for entry-level candidates should be formatted as follows:

  • Follow the functional resume format . This helps you point out your top work-related as well as your soft skills and assure the employer that you’re the right fit for the position even with no significant experience.
  • Write a well-structured education section. For candidates with no previous work experience, education comes as one of the most important factors. Include the name of the college, university, or course, along with the years of attendance.
  • Point out any internships, college projects, and activities you partook in. Even though entry-level candidates don’t have real job experience, working on college-related projects will make up for the lack of professional practice.
  • Include the name of the company in which you had your internship, especially if it’s a major business. Add a few sentences to elaborate on your responsibilities there, and detail your contributions to the company projects.
  • Mention voluntary projects that you might have been a part of, and explain how you gained the relevant experience.
  • Write a short objective at the top of your resume to state why you want the job
  • Create a list of accomplishments and obligations. 5 to 6 bullet points will do. 

If you want your project manager resume to stand out and strike the attention of the employer, you need to make it unique. 

And, whilst you may be lacking the professional experience to get the job, your skills, additional accomplishments, and most of all—your adequate experience—can often be just enough to land you the position you applied for.

Have You Tried Troubleshooting Your Education Section? You Should

Even though project management knowledge can be gained without college, having a degree of some sort will more likely get you the job faster. 

Every major company in this industry seeks candidates who have at least a Bachelor’s degree. Two degrees, or even better—a major’s degree—heighten your chances of scoring the job you seek. 

The education section on a resume is just as necessary to include in a resume as other sections. 

If you have a high-quality education, but somehow, the hiring agents reject your resume after a single glance, the issue might be your poorly described education section or choosing the wrong resume format. 

Alterations are a great way to showcase your project manager education section. 

If you are having trouble determining what a quality education section in a resume looks like, read on as we elaborate on the details that will make you stand out from the crowd —educationally and otherwise. 

Project Manager Resume Education Section

The education section should be kept short and tight , unless you are an entry-level candidate and have no real experience to show for. 

By default, employers will be more interested in your professional journey; however, without it, your education section is the next big aspect of your resume to polish and write accordingly. 

Arrange your education resume section in the following order, starting with your highest degree:

  • Title of the degree
  • University, college, academy, or other educational institution
  • Years of attendance

A project manager applicant should not pile up information regarding their education, but neatly organize it, so it’s readable, precise and relevant. 

If you just throw information here and there, your resume will look chaotic, and it might cost you getting the job altogether. 

As mentioned earlier, a project manager position does not always demand that candidates have a professional degree. If you don’t have a degree but have the experience, you can pay more attention to the latter and put your professional skills to the test. 

The Best Skills for a Project Manager Resume

In a project manager resume, the skills section should showcase your best hard and soft skills for the job, and offer a brief explanation on how you plan on putting these into practice. 

Soft Skills

Speaking in Public

Astute Listening

Great Communication

Resolving Conflict

Being Adaptable

Managing Stress

Hard Skills

Budgeting & Forecasting

Computer Literate

Proficiency in Project Management Software

Strategic Planning Statistical Analysis

Risk Evaluation

Again, the best way to organize this section is to start listing your top hard skills first, and then move on to your soft skills.

Soft skills are worth mentioning; however, the recruiter will ultimately be more eager to see what skills you can immediately bring to the table in your project manager role. 

Remember, try to subtly intertwine these skills within other areas of your project manager resume and not just list them at the end.

Picture these words as magic keywords—employees are scanning hundreds of resumes looking for these skills, so your resume will jump out at them if you have cleverly included them throughout.

How to Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume

If you’re under the impression that the project manager resume is still not fully written , that there are gaps in your content, or that you are lacking sufficient experience, adding other sections can help make up for the shortcomings and still make you a viable candidate for the job. 

Here are some of the most commonly used additional sections in a professional resume:

  • Publications such as research, interviews, and other forms of media. If some of your works have been published in the media, make sure you bring that up in the resume.
  • Conferences , on both project management topics and industry-related topics. If any of these are relevant and connected to project management, they should be considered for your resume.
  • Partaking in any associations and organizations and details on your level of involvement in each. Explain briefly what your job was and how you contributed to those organizations.
  • Language skills are always advantageous, no matter if you’re applying for a position in a domestic or an international company. Especially for international positions, mentioning your polyglot skills will be highly appreciated. 

Project Manager Resume Sample “Other” Sections

As many other sections as you might want to include in your resume, sticking to the relevant ones only will do a better job at representing you professionally. 

If some of your achievements are more impactful than others, include them first, and leave out the information that serves you no purpose in getting a project manager’s job. 

However, if you possess both language skills and have relevant publications , or you have attended respective conferences, all sections need to be included in your resume for better effect. Ambition counts, so use it. 

Here’s a sample of a well-written additional section on a project manager resume:


AIPM National Conference 2020, ACMP Annual Conference

  • English – mother language, native proficiency
  • German – professional working proficiency
  • Spanish – excellent writing and speaking abilities


Project Management Institute, Association for Project Management

Project Manager Resume Writing: Key Takeaway

You’ve reached the end of this ResumeGiants guide and hopefully, we’ve helped you answer how to write the perfect job-winning project manager resume. 

Before you go and nail that resume like a pro, here’s a nifty checklist to keep in mind and refer back to when needed: 

  • Use a reverse-chronological resume format to highlight your project management job expertise.
  • To pique the employer’s interest when reading the resume, create an attention-grabbing resume summary or objective .
  • When explaining your work history, emphasize your accomplishments above your obligations.
  • Only include relevant talents and skills in your sector 
  • Include other professional information, like awards and affiliations, to provide a complete picture of your professional profile.

If you are still having trouble composing a suitable project manager resume, use our free resume builder available online.

All the best with your job hunt!

resume sample of project manager

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  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Project Manager Resumes:

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Project Manager Resume Example:

  • Led and managed multiple projects simultaneously, resulting in a 15% increase in project completion rates.
  • Developed and maintained project timelines and budgets, resulting in an average project cost savings of 20%.
  • Implemented project management methodologies such as Scrum and Agile to ensure timely delivery and successful completion of projects.
  • Coordinated and managed projects involving cross-functional teams, resulting in a 10% increase in team efficiency
  • Developed and maintained project plans, timelines, and budgets to ensure successful delivery within scope, schedule and budget
  • Communicated project progress and identified risks to stakeholders and upper management
  • Assisted senior project managers in project planning and execution, including creating project timelines and budgets
  • Communicated with team members to gather information and update project plans and status reports
  • Assisted in the coordination of project-related activities such as meetings and team building activities
  • Agile/Scrum Methodologies
  • Project Planning & Execution
  • Budget Management
  • Cross-Functional Team Coordination
  • Communication & Stakeholder Management
  • Team Building & Motivation
  • Documentation & Status Reports
  • Business Administration

Top Skills & Keywords for Project Manager Resumes:

Hard skills, soft skills, resume action verbs for project managers:, generate your resume summary.

resume sample of project manager

Resume FAQs for Project Managers:

How long should i make my project manager resume, what is the best way to format a project manager resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a project manager resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a project manager, compare your project manager resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Project Manager job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Project Managers:

Project manager resume samples [+ 5 examples].

This page provides you with Project Manager resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Project Manager resume.

Senior Project Manager Resume Sample and Template

Project Management is one of the most competitive job markets right now: if you’re worried about the high number of competitors in this space, please don’t - we are here to help you and to get you where you want to be. We have been recognised to have the best Project Manager Resume sample, so let us inspire you!

Relax and make sure you focus for the next 15 minutes, we are about to give you the standout resume you need to make the difference!

Any employer looking to recruit a competent project manager will take a close look at your resume, and you know it could even take them less than one minute to choose if yours is worthy or not.Having a resume highlight the key aspects of your know-how and talents can open the eyes of any recruiter and make them say “I want this person in front of me right now!”

Our resume samples have become some of the best available today, proved by the fact that over three million people so far have put their trust in us. Create a simple yet effective resume for your Project Management career right now!

How to Write a Project Manager Resume

We mentioned it before, this is a crazy space, despite your successful experience as a project manager. You have the experience, the skills, the education and even the referrals, although, if you are not able to translate this into a fantastic resume, the recruiter will most likely perform a Kobe Bryant shot and bin it!

Let us help you, starting from the fact that it is vital to use a down-to-earth but professional overtone. Essentially you want to avoid technical sounding words as employers don’t want technical jargon thrown at them.

You have to ensure you have a simple-to-read layout of the resume. Ideally, your skills or talents, along with your degrees will be highlighted above everything else.

We strongly suggest the reverse-chronological resume format, to showcase who you are: your skills, your expertise, your experience and your strengths.

Project Manager Resume Summary Examples

This is your pitch to the employer: within a few short seconds, the words you use in the summary paragraph may very well determine if the recruiter looks at your resume twice or moves onto another. In a sense, the summary tells the employer about you. Follow our tips and get your agenda ready (and maybe also call the tailor, you might need a new suit for that new job!):

DO (Summarize your employment)

  • Include any and all skills you have that relate to the position being filled.
  • Always tell employers about responsibilities you had at previous jobs which relate to the current position.
  • Be as specific as possible: anyone can be a project manager, not many can be as good as you!.
  • Make sure you give the employer a reason to hire you!

DON’T (Summarize your life)

  • Try not to be too coy about your previous history in project management.
  • Don’t pretend you have skills when you have none.
  • Try too hard.
  • Fluff your resume with irrelevant information.
  • Assistant Project Manager Resume Summary Examples

Assistant Project Manager resume summary A highly-motivated, strategic, and result-oriented project manager who has developed a diverse skill set to meet the ever-changing requirements within the industry. Known for being a self starter as well as a great team player. Looking for an opportunity to assist the companies of any sector in becoming more successful by contributing my knowledge, creativity, and vigor to their problem-solving needs.

Software Project Manager resume summary Certified Project Management Professional (PMP), highly motivated and goal oriented Project Manager demonstrates proficiency in leading and mentoring individuals to maximize productivity while forming cohesive team environments. Possess comprehensive know-how of Embedded software development (ARM microcontrollers).

Senior Project Manager resume summary Performance driven and entrepreneurial project management expert with 25+ years of experience. PMP certified, driving initiatives that exceed operational performance targets while gaining exposure to the implementation and monitoring of processes. Demonstrates in-depth analytical and strategic ability to facilitate operational and procedural planning while reducing costs.

Project Manager Resume Experience Samples

If you’re lucky enough to have an employer make it this far you’re doing great! However, what about the old adage work history and experience? OK, you can’t fake that but it’s not impossible to improve it. If you lack work history you need to find ways to change that including part-time and seasonal roles.

What is more, adding achievements which you’ve reached can allow your resume to appeal to recruiters. You aren’t trying to inflate your ego but rather showcase why you are the one for the job.

Work experience tips can often help in difficult times and knowing them a little more might prove useful:

DO (Summarize your work history)

  • Add roles which relate to project management.
  • Include internships as a project manager should be included.
  • Beef-up your skills.

DON’Ts (Summarize your relationship history)

  • Cram dozens of references into the resume.
  • Miss out references or work history.
  • Lie. No matter what, don’t lie!

Need more tips on writing an efficient work experience section for a Project Manager? Check out our detailed resume guide !

Bad Software Project Manager resume experience sample Software Project Manager Universal Exports

  • Perform the overall day to day management of projects to ensure objectives are achieved within quality constraints, whilst managing stakeholder expectations
  • Responsible for project documentation
  • Monitored and controlled project performances
  • Managed third-parties and ensured that engagements would be respected
  • Recruited and coached team members

Good Software Project Manager resume experience sample Software Project Manager Universal Exports

  • Responsible for day-to-day management of $100MM projects to ensure ISO 9001 standards
  • Achieved 120% sprint efficiencies managing 25-person geographically distributed team
  • Implemented test automation project to far exceed project schedule and reduced costs by 14%
  • Responsible for project documentation of over 14 projects, supported in 15+ languages

Senior Project Manager resume experience example Verizon Senior Project Manager 2015-Present

  • Experience in delivering on complex projects together with an attitude in risk mitigation, applying professional project management principles to accomplish goals.
  • Provide integration/implementation and support services to clients throughout the project lifecycle
  • Coordinate and run all business and gap analysis to track risks and issues to ensure proactive resolution
  • Manage relationships with 3rd party vendors for more than 40 large projects

Project Manager resume experience sample Universal Studios Project Manager 2010-2012

  • Successfully implemented project management methodology, including full life-cycle planning, implementation, budgeting, and control to manage large operations
  • Recognised for higher level of customer satisfaction by successfully interacting with support groups in a matrix management ecosystem, emphasising quality control during project execution
  • Established PMO to improve operational workflow and simplify processes
  • Established and implemented project management processes to assure that the client commitments were completed within contractual timeframes

How To List Education On Your Project Management Resume

Education means a lot to every employer as they want to be assured the person they hire is competent. It’s important to include every piece of education you’ve received, especially what relates to project management.

Always cover the basics:

  • The college you attended and where it can be found.
  • How many years you studied for project management.
  • What, if any, degrees do you hold including but not limited to project management.

These are three basic elements of any resume. Adding work experience can help and there are many ways to help improve upon a lack of experience. Showing you have a knowledge of project management may entice the recruiter to look at you again.

  • Sample Project Manager Resume Education Section

Education 2007-2011 - Bachelor in Business Administration ACLU

Top Project Manager Resume Skills

Recruiters have newer methods of making a candidate stand out and you have to ensure you put your all into the resume. For starters, skills which relate back to the job will be crucial. You can add your soft skills and hard skills also.

Soft and hard skills are essentially the skills you have within and skills which relate to project management. We can help you when it comes to understanding these further. We believe putting in your soft and hard skills can appeal to employers far more.

  • Cover Letter: yes or no?

Cover letters which match the level of professionalism of your resume can often offer an advantage over other potential candidates. Follow our tips here .

We want to help you land your dream role and there are a few more tips which can help.

DO (make yourself look great)

  • Add a link to online portfolios you might have.
  • Keep the resume two pages or less.
  • Always include any roles similar to the one you’re applying for now.
  • Be truthful.

DON’T (embarrass yourself)

  • Use an email address which is offensive or unprofessional sounding.
  • Use more than one font type.
  • Spill secrets from past employment roles.
  • Use a link to social networking profiles aside from LinkedIn

If an excellent Project Manager Resume sample is not enough, why don’t you check out one of the most efficient Project Manager resume templates in the market? Many professionals like you have successfully used them to take their career to the next level

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7 Engineering Resume Templates and Examples for Job Seekers 

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

April 17, 2024

You’ve spent years honing your engineering skills, solving complex problems, and creating innovative solutions. But now, you face the greatest challenge yet—crafting a compelling engineering resume showcasing your talents and expertise.

While your engineering skills and technical prowess are excellent, is your engineering resume doing it justice?

Employers are looking for someone beyond crunching numbers and following protocols. They want a passionate problem-solver, a tireless innovator, and a collaborator who can inspire teams to reach new heights. 

All too often, engineering candidates get bogged down listing roles and responsibilities while mapping out their careers , failing to highlight the unique value they bring to the table. 

Only 2-3% of resumes ( source ) typically make it to the interview stage, so it’s critical to ensure yours strikes the perfect balance between technical competence and career narrative.

What Makes a Good Engineering Resume Template?

1. engineering resume template by beamjobs, 2. engineer template by resume genius, 3. mechanical engineering manager resume, 4. engineering resume template by novoresume, 5. engineering cv template by myperfectresume, 6. pragmatic engineer’s resume template by pragmatic engineer, 7. civil engineering technician template by template.net, level up with clickup docs, automate complex processes with clickup brain, maximize your job search with the clickup job search template, streamline your engineering workflow with clickup’s tool for software teams, ace project management with clickup engineering and product templates , get that coveted job with engineering resume templates.

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An engineering resume example or template is a pre-formatted document that provides a structured outline and design for creating an engineering-specific resume.

It serves as a starting point or framework to help engineering professionals, such as software developers or engineers, effectively organize and present their relevant education, skills, experience, and accomplishments and achieve their professional goals .

A good engineering resume template should:

  • Have a clean, well-structured format that is easy to scan
  • Allow you to showcase your relevant technical skills and expertise prominently
  • Provide clear sections to highlight your education, certifications, and key projects/achievements
  • Use formatting such as bullets, whitespace, and consistent formatting to improve readability
  • Be customizable to your specific engineering discipline and career level
  • Help you create a compelling snapshot of your qualifications to grab the hiring manager’s attention

The best templates let you market your capabilities effectively and maintain a professional, uncluttered design. They are a strong foundation for crafting an impactful engineering resume tailored to your background and target roles.

To help you get started, we’ve curated a selection of seven high-quality engineering resume examples and templates that will allow you to create an engineering resume that truly stands out. These options cater to various engineering disciplines and experience levels, from clean and professional designs to more creative layouts.

7 Best Engineering Resume Examples and Templates

Let’s explore the seven best engineering resume examples and templates that you can use to apply to engineering jobs:

resume sample of project manager

This customizable Engineering Resume Template by BeamJobs features a clean, professional resume layout with dedicated sections. It’s designed to highlight your technical prowess, relevant work experience, and hard and soft skills like a pro.

This template includes the following customizable sections:

  • Career Objective
  • Work Experience

Simply input your information manually, or link your LinkedIn profile and let the template work magic. It’ll whip up a polished engineering resume summary tailored to your unique background, making you look like the total package.

You can explore industry-specific templates to match your target company’s job title and description. The outcome of templates like these depends on the information you feed it—the more data you provide, the better your resume gets. 

BeamJobs also has a feature that offers an instant resume score when you upload your engineering resume.

Engineer Template by Resume Genius

As you can tell from its name, the platform Resume Genius is bound to have some compelling engineering resume examples and templates, and our favorite is the Network Engineer Resume Template .

This resume template is designed for a network engineer and has the following dedicated sections:

  • Professional Experience
  • Additional Skills

You can add or remove sections depending on your requirements.

This template allows you to highlight your engineering certifications, programming language proficiencies, and specialized skills to make your engineering resume stand out in the job market.

With Resume Genius, you have the flexibility to build your networking resume from scratch using their clean, modern templates. Or, if you already have an existing CV, simply upload it and let their professionals work their resume magic to transform it into a polished document. You can download the finished product as a Word file for free. 

Other than offering excellent templates, Resume Genius also provides industry-specific tips for writing better engineering resumes so you can achieve your preset goals as an engineer . This includes tips on job titles, skills section, technical expertise, and engineering resume summary.

Moreover, if you love Resume Genius but the current template does not meet your requirements, don’t worry. Depending on the job ad, you can customize a functional resume on their website.

Mechanical Engineering Manager Resume

To help you search for a job, your resume should include factors such as the companies you have worked with, your experience managing a team of engineers, and your ability to use engineering project management software .

This Mechanical Engineering Manager Resume Template from Template.net strongly emphasizes managerial experience.

The template includes the following sections,

  • Professional Skills
  • Career Objective 

With this template, you can highlight your hard and soft skills, the ability to lead technical teams, engineering, and strong project management skills per the job description.

Template.net also provides an AI writing tool to help you craft compelling content that effectively highlights your skills and experience. 

Once complete, you can download your resume in Word or Apple Pages format.

Engineering Resume Template by Novoresume

The Engineering Resume Template by Novoresume has a clean, professional design that’s easy to read and versatile to customize. 

The benefits of this template

  • Utilizes the reverse-chronological format to showcase work experience prominently
  • Clear and accessible contact details, including email, phone, LinkedIn, and Skype
  • A compelling summary concisely introduces the candidate’s background and expertise
  • The achievement-focused work experience section highlights quantifiable accomplishments
  • Skills targeted specifically to engineering roles like computer-aided design
  • Blends professional format with strategically highlighted achievements and technical proficiencies

Additionally, NovoResume goes beyond providing a template—it’s a comprehensive resource that covers all aspects of crafting an impressive engineering resume. 

From guidance on effectively detailing your work experience to tips for creating a compelling resume, even with minimal prior experience, NovoResume has you covered. 

Additionally, it offers insights on writing an engaging cover letter tailored specifically for engineering roles, ensuring you make a solid first impression.

Engineering CV Template by MyPerfectResume

If you’re an engineer looking to create a detailed and comprehensive resume, the Engineering CV Template by MyPerfectResume is an excellent choice.  

This template is designed for engineers seeking academic or research positions. The template highlights and emphasizes your educational details so the hiring manager knows you are the perfect person for the job.

Boasting 30% higher chances of getting a job, this resume template provides you with the following sections:

  • Summary Statement
  • Core Qualifications

Moreover, MyPerfectResume has templates crafted for various engineering roles, such as automation engineer, data center engineer, senior mechanical engineer, civil engineer, chemical engineer, or marine engineer. 

Instead of filling out a standard form, the platform leads you through a series of questions to understand your experience and needs to craft the best engineering resume template.

Pragmatic Engineer's Resume Template by Pragmatic Engineer

The Pragmatic Engineer’s Resume Template by The Pragmatic Engineer prioritizes practical experience and skills. With dedicated sections for education and certifications and technologies and languages, it helps highlight hands-on experience and technical skills. 

This might just turn out to be your favorite template, as the theme of this template is practicality and efficiency.

The pragmatic engineer Gergely Orosz, created this template for engineering team leaders to help them land job offers at top companies like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. 

With over 6,500 downloads, this template has become a popular tool for job seekers.

It’s also featured and analyzed in Gergely Orosz’s popular book, The Tech Resume Inside Out: What a Good Software Engineer Resume Looks Like .

Civil Engineering Technician Template by Template.net

As civil engineering is a broad field, you must structure your professional resume based on relevant experience in the civil engineering sub-sector you want to work in.

The Civil Engineering Technician Template by Template.net prioritizes technical skills and features a special skill section for a comprehensive view of abilities and expertise. 

It’s a functional resume that emphasizes hard skills and experience over other aspects to showcase your engineering expertise. 

This template features the following sections:

It’s a useful template for civil engineers, who often need to showcase their ability to collaborate and exchange ideas effectively with other stakeholders. 

This template is the answer if you’ve struggled to find the perfect civil engineering resume. 

Other Engineering Tools

​​A big part of engineering is putting different pieces together. You need technical expertise, continuous learning, soft skills, and tools to back you up.

So explore these tools and resources to find a great role and uplevel your career.

Once you’ve selected the engineering resume template that works best for you, use ClickUp to create your engineering resume objective and content. With ClickUp Docs , crafting your engineering resume is easy.

ClickUp Docs

ClickUp Docs lets you create visually appealing resume pages with multiple formatting options. Its AI-powered advanced features allow you to write, edit, and optimize your resume content. 

ClickUp Brain helps you instantly generate templates or resume formats based on your needs.

Moreover, when it comes to sifting through stacks of technical docs, ClickUp Brain steps in like a superhero, pulling out the most helpful insights to help with your engineering research and decision-making as a senior engineer or team leader.

All you need to do is ask a question. It works like your assistant, giving prompt answers to your questions.

After crafting your resume using ClickUp Docs, take the next step. Start looking for engineering jobs! 

During the job hunt, staying organized and up-to-date with your applications, openings, and company ratings is crucial. That’s where the ClickUp Job Search Template comes into play.

This template streamlines your job search process, helping you manage tasks, track progress, and maintain a clear overview of your job applications.

This template lets you easily input essential details about each job opportunity, including application deadlines, contact information, salary, and interview dates. 

This centralized platform ensures no critical details slip through the cracks, keeping you on track and focused on landing your dream job.

Keep track of your job applications easily with the ClickUp Job Search Template

Staying organized and prioritizing your applications can increase your chances of securing that coveted engineering position.

The ClickUp Job Search Template also provides a space for tracking company ratings and interview feedback, empowering you to make informed decisions about potential employers. With this insight, you can assess which companies align with your values, culture, and career goals.

If you’ve landed a tech job, you can leverage ClickUp’s tool for software teams to streamline your day-to-day work and simplify the development lifecycle for cross-functional teams. 

Whether collaborating on designs, tracking project progress, or communicating with team members, ClickUp offers you the right support.

Think of it as your all-in-one hub for managing engineering projects, tasks, and teams.

ClickUp’s tool

With its intuitive interface and customizable features, you can easily organize tasks, set priorities, and track deadlines. Plus, its built-in communication tools make it simple to stay connected with your team, whether you’re in the office or working remotely.

It also offers robust integrations with other tools and software commonly used by engineers, such as CAD software, version control systems, and issue-tracking platforms. 

This seamless integration ensures that all your essential data and files are synced up and accessible in one place, saving you time and minimizing headaches.

Picture this: you’re knee-deep in agile sprints, bug tracking, and engineering processes. It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin, right? That’s where ClickUp’s engineering and product templates can help.

Whether you’re managing multiple projects, tracking bugs, or managing applicants, ClickUp has a range of engineering templates tailored to your needs. The best part? You can access them right in your workspace, so you’re always equipped to handle whatever comes your way.

Plan sprints easily with the ClickUp Agile Sprint Planning Template

So, whether you’re a seasoned engineer or just starting, trust ClickUp to enhance your workflow. 

You’re one step closer to your dream job by accessing these top engineering resume templates and examples and knowing how to leverage ClickUp. 

Pick the right resume template based on the job description and the recruiter’s needs. Remember to practice your elevator pitch and prepare for basic interview questions beforehand. 

Get a head start with these templates and ClickUp’s features, such as ClickUp Brain and ClickUp Docs.

Remember to sign up for free with ClickUp today.

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resume sample of project manager

Whether an entry-level or senior project manager, you must build a resume showcasing your ability to plan, manage budgets, produce reports, and ensure projects are on schedule. We've handcrafted 25 project manager resume samples that have helped candidates get jobs at great companies like Lyft and Atlassian.

Template 17 of 23: Healthcare Project Manager Resume Example. A healthcare project manager will manage a variety of projects in the field. These projects could range from building and opening a new wing at a hospital, to hiring new nurses, to reducing patient waiting times by a certain percentage.

Here are three steps for highlighting your professional skills on a project manager resume: 1. Consider the type of project manager job you're seeking. While project managers all organize activities and lead teams, there are many different project managers who use particular skills according to their fields.

Write an Impactful Project Manager Resume Summary #4. Make Your Project Manager Work Experience Stand Out #5. List Your Education Right #6. List Your Project Manager Skills 50 Project Manager Skills to Put on Your Resume #7. Include Your Project Management Certificates #8. Make Use of Relevant Additional Sections #9.

Here's an example where the candidate adds hard numbers to quantify their resume accomplishments: Project manager resume accomplishment example. Manage project budget of $2M+ and ensure company obtains the best possible pricing; determine and minimize risk in buyout processes, reducing costs by 8%. Copy to clipboard.

Project Manager Resume Summary Examples. Right. Experienced PMP with a background in law and 10+ years experience growing revenue for a Silicon Valley-based online banking firm. Seeking to leverage leadership expertise as project manager for Paylocity.

Project management resume samples. Project management is the art of keeping a team coordinated and on-task in pursuit of a specific goal. Project managers need a unique skill set, including both managerial experience and hands-on industry knowledge. Time management and interpersonal skills are essential to this field, too.

Build Your Resume. Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. 1. Summarize your project manager qualifications in a dynamic profile. In a brief paragraph, your profile summary should give three to five key reasons you excel at overseeing projects.

Project Manager Resume Example - Ideas and inspiration, resume examples How to write a project manager resume. First things first: the easiest part of writing a project manager resume applies to virtually all occupations. Here is the basic framework of components: The resume header; The resume summary (aka profile or personal statement)

Here's how to write a resume that'll capture the essence of your qualifications. 1. Tailor Your Resume With the Right Keywords. When you submit an online application or resume for a project manager opportunity, it's usually directed to an applicant tracking system (or ATS ).

If you're specializing in a specific field of project management, we've got guides that cover it all: Program manager resume. Program analyst resume. Project analyst resume. Scrum master resume. Product manager resume. Operations manager resume. Systems analyst resume. Change management resume.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when adding an education section to your project manager resume: You should include only your highest degree. If you're adding more than one (e.g., an MSc and BA degree), list them in reverse-chronological order, but don't add your high school diploma unless it's your highest one.

Senior Project Manager job description & responsibilities. Oversees strategic plan, monitoring and adapting as needed. Reports on project progress, offer viable solutions and opportunities as they arise. Implements change practices. Lead meetings and set expectations for the project team. Maintain budget.

A study shows that successful project managers are good at making informed decisions based on facts, have good social skills, and prefer a long-term view. Below, you can find project management skills you can add to your resume to reflect those qualities: Project Manager Skills in a Resume. Leadership skills.

Your project manager resume's layout is as important as how you write your resume. This sample resume demonstrates the best resume formatting hacks to follow: 1-inch margins, bullet points and clear resume headings for each of the following sections. 1. 2.

Associate Project Manager Resume Example: Associate Project Managers are responsible for planning, executing and managing projects from start to finish. Your resume should showcase your ability to take ownership of projects, successful delegation of tasks, and implementation of processes and procedures.

Project management is a profession which involves a lot of technical skills. Be specific when listing them. Instead of listing computer skills on your resume, for example, name the specific software that you use. Hard and soft skills for a project manager resume. Hard Skills. Risk management.

Resume Example. [ Jennifer Decker] [ Product Manager] [88 Northland Street, OH 45205 | 513-555-1204 | [email protected] ] Summary. Detail-oriented project manager with 15+ years of experience executing multi-function management and business analysis for a variety of projects.

Project Managers are responsible for leading and managing teams to successfully deliver projects on-time and on-budget. In your resume, you should emphasize your successful project leadership experiences, including any project successes and cost savings you have delivered. Project Managers also need to demonstrate their prior experience using ...

Sample Project Manager Resume Education Section. Education 2007-2011 - Bachelor in Business Administration ACLU. Top Project Manager Resume Skills. Recruiters have newer methods of making a candidate stand out and you have to ensure you put your all into the resume. For starters, skills which relate back to the job will be crucial.

Add notable accomplishments, projects, skills, and qualifications. Here's an example resume summary for an IT project manager: IT project manager with 6+ years of experience in implementing successful technology projects. Managed a team of 5 to execute change initiatives and updates to web systems for 3 years at X company.

Project Manager Resume Sample. Knowledgeable project manager with 5+ years of professional experience and certification in Agile methodology. Passionate about implementing Agile solutions at BeeTree to achieve the satisfaction of external stakeholders. Managed to increase the efficiency of project teams by 28% in 2020.

Otherwise, one-page resume template should do the trick. OK, so let's break down this project into manageable chunks, section by section. 2. Write an IT Project Manager Resume Objective or Resume Summary. Introduce yourself through your resume profile, or more specifically, a resume objective or summary.

Basic Project Manager CV Resume Kick your career into high gear with our cream and black-themed resume template, tailor-made for business professionals eyeing that next big project management role. With its simple, minimal design, this template keeps things sleek and straight to the point, ensuring your experience and skills take center stage.

To help you search for a job, your resume should include factors such as the companies you have worked with, your experience managing a team of engineers, and your ability to use engineering project management software. This Mechanical Engineering Manager Resume Template from Template.net strongly emphasizes managerial experience.


creative problem solving meliputi 4 langkah yaitu


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10 Contoh Problem Solving dalam Perusahaan, Fresh Graduate Wajib Tahu!

Setiap pekerjaan pasti punya masalah tertentu. Tantangannya adalah bagaimana kita menyelesaikannya. Simak contoh problem solving di artikel ini.

10 Contoh Problem Solving dalam Perusahaan, Fresh Graduate Wajib Tahu – Dalam dunia kerja, soft skill merupakan hal yang wajib dimiliki semua karyawan.

Salah satunya yaitu skill atau keterampilan terkait problem solving atau pemecahan masalah.

Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa masalah ada di mana-mana dan kemampuan untuk memecahkannya sangat dibutuhkan, terutama jika kamu ingin bekerja di sebuah perusahaan.

Artikel kali ini kita akan mengulas tentang penjelasan, contoh penerapan problem solving dalam perusahaan, dan bagaimana cara meningkatkannya.

Apa Itu Problem Solving ?

Daftar Isi [ hide ]

  • Apa Itu Problem Solving?

Cara Meningkatkan Kemampuan Problem Solving

  • 10 Contoh Problem Solving Dalam Perusahaan

10 Contoh Problem Solving dalam Perusahaan, Fresh Graduate Wajib Tahu!

Bagi kalian fresh graduate dan belum memiliki pengalaman yang banyak, kalian wajib mengetahui cara problem solving dalam perusahaan.

Karena dengan kemampuan problem solving yang baik, maka dapat membentuk kualitas diri seseorang dan menjadi pribadi yang memiliki profesionalitas tinggi.

Baca Juga :

7 Contoh Berpikir Kritis dalam Kehidupan Sehari-Hari di Rumah dan di Lingkungan

Problem solving merupakan kemampuan dalam memecahkan dan menyelesaikan masalah yang ada.

Skill tersebut dapat memudahkan kita untuk mengidentifikasi dan menangani setiap masalah yang dihadapi, terutama dalam dunia kerja.

Dengan memiliki problem solving yang baik, maka kita dapat dengan mudah mengatasi masalah atau bahkan mengantisipasinya sebelum masalah tersebut benar-benar terjadi.

Seseorang yang memiliki kemampuan problem solving yang baik akan melihat akar permasalahan menggunakan logika dan analisis yang cermat, dan selalu punya solusi cemerlang untuk mengatasi sebuah masalah.

George Polya menciptakan langkah-langkah dalam memecahkan masalah, dan metodenya tersebut sudah diterapkan di mana-mana untuk membantu orang dalam memecahkan masalah mereka.

Berikut ini langkah-langkah dalam pemecahan masalah:

  • Identifikasi dan definisikan masalah yang ada
  • Ciptakan beberapa solusi yang logis
  • Evaluasi solusi tersebut
  • Pilih solusi yang terbaik
  • Terapkan solusi tersebut
  • Cek lagi dan evaluasi solusi

Kemampuan dalam memecahkan masalah sangat penting untuk dimiliki setiap orang, dengan jabatan apapun dan di perusahaan manapun.

Oleh karena itu, kemampuan problem solving ini perlu ditingkatkan agar bisa menyelesaikan persoalan yang ada dan mampu menyumbangkan ide-ide di dunia perusahaan tempatmu bekerja.

Berikut cara meningkatkan kemampuan problem solving :

  • Positive Thinking (Berpikiran Positif)
  • Understand The Problem (Pahami Masalah)
  • Lakukan Brainstorming & Mengasah Kemampuan Otak
  • Mengevaluasi Efektivitas Dari Ide
  • Rutin Melakukan re-check atau Mengecek Kembali Ide yang Ada
  • Mengembangkan ide-ide baru
  • Menerapkan metode mind mapping

Hal lain yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan problem solving yaitu rutin berdiskusi dengan orang lain terutama rekan kerja.

Selain itu juga perlu rajin membaca buku, berpikir kritis, amati cara orang lain dalam menyelesaikan masalahnya, atau bermain game yang bisa mengasah otak.

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18 Skill yang dibutuhkan di Masa Depan Agar Karir Sukses

Muthiatur Rohmah

27 May 2024

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Sobat MinDi, di era perkembangan teknologi yang semakin cepat, manusia dituntut memiliki skill yang canggih dan relevan dalam mengelola perkembangan teknologi tersebut.

Di dunia yang semakin kompetitif ini, menunjukkan dan menguasai skill- skill penting akan membuat Sobat MinDi terlihat menonjol dan menarik di mata recruiter perusahaan. Lantas apa saja skill yang dibutuhkan di masa depan?

Pada artikel ini, Sobat MinDi akan jelaskan mengenai skill yang dibutuhkan di masa depan agar karir Sobat MinDi makin sukses. Stay tune terus ya!

8 Hard Skill yang dibutuhkan di Masa Depan

Skill atau kemampuan dibagi menjadi dua, hardskill (keterampilan teknis) dan softskill (keterampilan lunak). Dua skill tersebut sama pentingnya dan perlu dikuasai oleh setiap individu.

Pada kesempatan ini, kita akan membahas hard skill, yaitu kemampuan teknis yang dapat diukur. Lantas apa saja hard skill yang dibutuhkan di masa depan? Langsung saja simak berikut ini.

1. Data Warehousing

Data warehousing

Hard skill data warehousing melibatkan pengumpulan, penyimpanan, dan pengelolaan data besar dari berbagai sumber. Di era big data, kemampuan untuk mengatur dan mengakses informasi secara efisien sangat penting. 

Data warehousing membantu perusahaan membuat keputusan berbasis data yang lebih baik dan lebih cepat, dengan menyediakan satu tempat penyimpanan yang konsolidasi yang memudahkan analisis data.

Sobat MinDi ingin mempelajari data warehouse secara gratis? Yuk ikuti studi independen dibimbing.id Data Warehousing , Sobat MinDi bisa mempelajari banyak topik tentang data warehouse secara gratis dan bersertifikat internasional. Tertarik? buruan daftar sekarang juga!

2. Business Intelligence (BI)

Business intelligence

Hard Skill Business Intelligence melibatkan analisis data yang dikumpulkan untuk memberikan wawasan yang mendalam tentang kinerja perusahaan. 

Keterampilan BI mencakup pemahaman alat-alat analisis data, pelaporan, dan visualisasi data untuk membantu organisasi dalam membuat keputusan strategis. 

Dengan Business Intelligence, perusahaan dapat mengidentifikasi tren pasar, memahami kebutuhan pelanggan, dan meningkatkan efisiensi operasional.

Sebagai mahasiswa, Sobat MinDi ingin memulai belajar Business Intelligence? Yuk ikut Studi Independen Business Intelligence dibimbing.id, Sobat MinDi bisa mempelajari banyak topik tentang business intelligence secara gratis dan bersertifikat internasional. Tertarik? buruan daftar sekarang juga!

3. Performance Marketing

Performance marketing

Performance Marketing merupakan hardskill di bidang pemasaran digital yang berfokus pada pencapaian hasil yang dapat diukur seperti konversi, klik, atau penjualan. 

Keterampilan performance marketing meliputi pemahaman tentang SEO, PPC, email marketing, content marketing, dan analisis digital. Mereka harus bisa mengukur, menganalisis, dan mengoptimalkan kampanye pemasaran untuk memaksimalkan ROI (Return on Investment).

Performance marketing merupakan hard skill yang dibutuhkan di masa depan, sebagai seorang mahasiswa, Sobat MinDi harus mulai mempelajari performance marketing ini.

Bagaimana caranya? Yuk ikuti studi independen performance marketing dibimbing.id, Sobat MinDi bisa mempelajari banyak topik tentang performance marketing secara gratis dan bersertifikat internasional. Tertarik? buruan daftar sekarang juga!

4. Project Management

Hard skill project management melibatkan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, dan pengawasan proyek untuk memastikan mereka selesai tepat waktu dan dalam anggaran. 

Keterampilan yang dibutuhkan meliputi kepemimpinan, komunikasi, penyelesaian konflik, 

dan manajemen waktu. Pemahaman tentang metodologi manajemen proyek seperti Agile, Scrum, atau Lean juga sangat penting.

Project management merupakan skill yang dibutuhkan di masa depan, oleh sebab itu, Sobat MinDi harus mulai mempelajarinya mulai dari sekarang.

Keterampilan menulis akan tetap menjadi kunci, terutama karena komunikasi yang efektif adalah esensial dalam hampir semua bidang kerja. 

Menulis tidak hanya penting untuk menciptakan konten yang menarik atau persuasif, tetapi juga vital dalam menyusun laporan, proposal, dan komunikasi profesional lainnya. 

Menulis yang jelas dan efektif dapat meningkatkan kredibilitas dan memfasilitasi pertukaran ide yang lebih baik.

6. Teknologi Komputer

Hardskill t entang teknologi komputer akan semakin penting karena digitalisasi terus berkembang di semua sektor. Keterampilan ini meliputi pemahaman dasar tentang perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak, serta kemampuan untuk menggunakan dan memperbaiki teknologi yang relevan. 

Kemajuan di bidang kecerdasan buatan, pembelajaran mesin, dan teknologi terkait lainnya juga akan memerlukan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang cara kerja dan pemanfaatan teknologi ini.

Hardskill desain bukan hanya sekedar estetika, melainkan tentang komunikasi visual efektif. Di masa depan, individu perlu mampu mengintegrasikan prinsip desain dengan teknologi baru untuk menciptakan solusi yang inovatif dan user-friendly. Hal ini berlaku untuk desain grafis, desain web, desain produk, dan bidang terkait lainnya.

8. Struktur Network and Security

Dengan meningkatnya ancaman siber dan kebutuhan untuk infrastruktur IT yang aman, pemahaman tentang struktur jaringan dan keamanan menjadi sangat penting.

Hard skill ini mencakup konfigurasi jaringan, manajemen, serta pencegahan dan respons terhadap insiden keamanan. Profesional dengan kemampuan untuk melindungi data dan infrastruktur jaringan akan sangat diminati.

Menguasai beberapa hard skill tersebut akan membuka peluang karir yang luas dan penting untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan di tempat kerja yang terus berkembang. 

Baca Juga: 10 Hard Skills dan Soft Skills Product Manager, Simak!

creative problem solving meliputi 4 langkah yaitu

10 Soft Skill yang Dibutuhkan di Masa Depan

Soft skill adalah keterampilan interpersonal dan karakteristik pribadi yang mempengaruhi cara seseorang berinteraksi dengan orang lain dan caranya menangani situasi sosial atau pekerjaan. 

Dalam lingkungan kerja yang terus berubah, menguasai soft skill merupakan hal yang penting, jika Sobat MinDi ingin sukses, jangan lupa untuk selalu mengasah beberapa soft skill penting ini.

Apa saja soft skill yang dibutuhkan di masa depan? Yuk simak pembahasannya berikut ini.

1. Berpikir Kritis

Berpikir kritis

Berpikir kritis adalah Kemampuan untuk menganalisis informasi secara objektif dan membuat keputusan yang berdasarkan fakta. Soft skill ini penting untuk menavigasi kompleksitas dan ambiguitas dalam situasi profesional.

Berpikir kritis merupakan soft skill yang dibutuhkan di masa depan, baik dalam dunia karir maupun kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Berpikir Kreatif

Berpikir kreatif adalah kreativitas dalam memecahkan masalah dan menghasilkan ide-ide baru adalah kunci untuk inovasi dan adaptasi. Dengan kemampuan berpikir kreatif seseorang dapat melampaui solusi standar dan menciptakan nilai baru.

Berpikir kreatif ini merupakan soft skill yang penting untuk menemukan solusi masalah baik dalam karir profesional maupun kehidupan sehari-hari.

3. Komunikasi Efektif

Komunikasi efektif adalah kemampuan untuk menyampaikan informasi secara jelas dan efektif, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis. Komunikasi yang baik memastikan bahwa ide diinterpretasikan dan dimengerti dengan benar, memperkuat kerja tim dan efektivitas operasional.

Di era yang semakin kompetitif, komunikasi efektif merupakan soft skill yang dibutuhkan dalam perkembangan karir Sobat MinDi di masa depan.

4. Kolaborasi

Kolaborasi berarti kemampuan bekerja dengan orang lain secara produktif, seringkali lintas budaya dan lintas disiplin ilmu.  Kolaborasi yang tepat akan menciptakan sinergi dan meningkatkan hasil yang dicapai bersama.

Kolaborasi merupakan soft skill yang paling dibutuhkan di dunia profesional, terutama jika Sobat MinDi terbiasa bekerja dalam tim.

5. Kecerdasan Kontekstual

Kecerdasan yang memperhitungkan konteks adalah soft skill penting di saat konsep Artificial Intelligence semakin banyak digunakan. 

Kecerdasan kontekstual menggabungkan intuisi, penilaian, dan empati yang merupakan kualitas manusia yang tidak dapat dicapai oleh mesin untuk menginterpretasikan dan menerapkan informasi secara efektif.

6. Fleksibilitas Kognitif

Fleksibilitas kognitif merupakan kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan dan mengelola tugas-tugas multipel. Soft skill ini mencakup kemampuan untuk beralih antar tugas dengan cepat dan efisien serta menyelesaikan masalah di lingkungan yang dinamis.

Dalam dunia kerja profesional, kemampuan fleksibilitas kognitif sangat dibutuhkan agar tugas-tugas perusahaan berjalan secara optimal dan selesai tepat waktu.

7. Social and Emotional Intelligence

Kecerdasan emosional dan sosial merupakan kemampuan untuk memahami dan mengelola emosi sendiri dan orang lain, serta membangun relasi antarpersonal yang kuat. Kecerdasan ini mendukung kerjasama dan pengambilan keputusan dalam tim.

Soft skill ini sangat dibutuhkan dalam beradaptasi pada tim yang kompleks dan memiliki banyak perspektif yang berbeda.

8. Kepemimpinan

Kepemimpinan adalah kemampuan untuk memimpin dan menginspirasi tim sangat penting. Pemimpin yang efektif mampu mengarahkan timnya menuju pencapaian tujuan dengan jelas dan memotivasi anggota timnya.

Leadership skill merupakan soft skill yang wajib dimiliki oleh setiap individu, bukan hanya untuk mengatur tim, softskill ini juga dapat digunakan untuk mengatur diri sendiri agar menjadi lebih baik.

9. Entrepreneurial Mindset

Dalam ekonomi yang didorong oleh inovasi, memiliki pola pikir kewirausahaan yang mencakup kreativitas, ketangkasan, dan kemampuan pengambilan keputusan menjadi sangat penting. 

Dengan kemampuan ini, seorang individu untuk mengambil inisiatif dan berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan bisnis di masa kini hingga masa depan.

10. Problem Solving

Problem solving adalah kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi, memahami, dan secara efektif menyelesaikan masalah adalah inti dari banyak peran kerja. 

Problem Solving yang efektif membantu dalam mengatasi tantangan operasional dan strategis secara kreatif dan efisien.

Baca Juga: 10 Jenis Soft Skill Profesional yang Wajib dipelajari!

Yuk Kuasai Skill yang dibutuhkan di Masa Depan melalui Studi Independen Dibimbing.id

Beberapa  skill yang dibutuhkan di masa depan tersebut harus Sobat MinDi pelajari dan asah terus secara berkala, di dunia yang terus berkembang ini, individu harus memiliki keterampilan yang relevan dan sesuai dengan perkembangan dunia.

Sobat MinDi seorang mahasiswa? Ingin mulai belajar beberapa skill yang dibutuhkan di masa depan? Langkah yang bagus, kamu bisa mulai dengan mengikuti studi independen dibimbing.id.

Studi Independen dibimbing.id adalah program bootcamp Dibimbing yang bekerja sama dengan kemendikbud ristek untuk memberikan pelatihan kemampuan digital kepada mahasiswa untuk mendukung kemajuan karir mereka.

Apa saja yang dipelajari? Pada program studi independen ini, Sobat MinDi dapat memilih 3 program pembelajaran yaitu: Data Warehousing , Business Intelligence , dan Performance Marketing .

Tenang saja, program ini full gratis dan bersertifikat internasional, jika Sobat MinDi mengikuti studi independen Dibimbing, kamu bisa mengajukan konversi maksimal 20 sks, jadi nggak perlu khawatir tentang jadwal kuliah yang padat.

Gimana tertarik mengikuti Studi Independen Dibimbing.id? Yuk buruan daftar melalui laman kampus merdeka, atau KLIK DI SINI

FAQ Skill yang dibutuhkan di Masa Depan

Apa itu hard skill dan soft skill?

Hard skill adalah keterampilan teknis yang dapat diukur dan biasanya diperoleh melalui pendidikan formal atau pelatihan khusus, seperti pemrograman, analisis data, atau desain grafis. 

Soft skill adalah keterampilan interpersonal yang berkaitan dengan cara seseorang berinteraksi dengan orang lain, seperti komunikasi, kerjasama, dan kepemimpinan.

Mengapa kombinasi hard skill dan soft skill penting?

Kombinasi kedua jenis skill ini penting karena hard skill memungkinkan seseorang untuk menyelesaikan tugas-tugas teknis, sementara soft skill membantu mereka bekerja secara efektif dalam tim, mengelola konflik, dan memimpin proyek atau inisiatif. Dalam ekonomi yang cepat berubah, kedua set skill ini penting untuk keberhasilan karier.

Bagaimana cara mengembangkan skill yang dibutuhkan di masa depan?

Skill dapat dikembangkan melalui berbagai cara:

Melalui program akademik yang menawarkan kursus dan spesialisasi.

Menggunakan platform seperti Dibimbing, Coursera, Udemy, atau LinkedIn Learning.

Melalui magang, pekerjaan, atau proyek yang memberikan pengalaman praktis.

Bekerja dengan mentor atau coach untuk mengembangkan skill tertentu.

Partisipasi dalam workshop dan seminar untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan skill dalam setting grup.

Bagaimana teknologi mempengaruhi kebutuhan skill di masa depan?

Teknologi secara dramatis mengubah pasar kerja dengan mengotomatiskan beberapa tugas dan menciptakan kebutuhan untuk skill baru, terutama dalam mengelola dan berinteraksi dengan sistem teknologi. Ini memerlukan pemahaman tentang teknologi baru serta kemampuan untuk bekerja bersama dan mengelola mesin.

Apakah penting untuk terus belajar dan mengembangkan skill baru?

Ya, sangat penting. Dunia kerja terus berubah dengan cepat, dan skill yang relevan beberapa tahun yang lalu mungkin tidak lagi relevan hari ini. Pembelajaran berkelanjutan adalah kunci untuk menjaga keterampilan tetap relevan dan memastikan bahwa individu dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan dan tetap kompetitif di pasar kerja.

Hard Skills 2024: Career Advancement through Examples - Buka

10 Essential Soft Skills That Will Shape the Future Workforce in 2030 - Buka

Studi Independen

Muthia adalah seorang Content Writer dengan kurang lebih satu tahun pengalaman. Muthia seorang lulusan Sastra Indonesia yang hobi menonton dan menulis. Sebagai SEO Content Writer Dibimbing, Ia telah menulis berbagai konten yang berkaitan dengan Human Resources, Business Intelligence, Web Development, Product Management dan Digital Marketing.

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28 May 2024

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    LEMBAR KERJA PESERTA DIDIK (LKPD) BERBASIS CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING Nurlaely Sabaniah1*, 1Endang Widi Winarni1, Dewi Jumiarni 1Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, ... dengan menitik beratkan pada langkah-langkah yaitu :1) Research and information collecting, 2 ... meliputi aspek kelayakan isi, kebahasaan, penyajian dan kegrafikan (Depdiknas, 2008

  22. Tahapan Creative Problem Solving Dalam Perusahaan

    Berikut langkah - langkah Creative Problem Solving yang dapat diterapkan di dalam perusahaan, antara lain sebagai berikut : 1. Klarifikasi Masalah. Klarifikasi masalah merupakan pemberian penjelasan kepada staf atau karyawan tentang permasalaan yang terjadi. Klarifikasi masalah ini diperlukan dengan tujuan supaya karyawan memahami atau ...

  23. 10 Contoh Problem Solving dalam Perusahaan, Fresh Graduate Wajib

    10 Contoh Problem Solving dalam Perusahaan, Fresh Graduate Wajib Tahu - Dalam dunia kerja, soft skill merupakan hal yang wajib dimiliki semua karyawan. Salah satunya yaitu skill atau keterampilan terkait problem solving atau pemecahan masalah.. Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa masalah ada di mana-mana dan kemampuan untuk memecahkannya sangat dibutuhkan, terutama jika kamu ingin bekerja di sebuah ...

  24. (PDF) Resolusi Degradasi Pendidikan Desa Banyusidi melalui Program

    Problem Solving Dalam Pembelajaran IPS Untuk ... Kegiatan-kegiatan dalam PKM ini terdiri dari empat kegiatan penyuluhan yaitu, 1) penyuluhan mengenai tata kelola laboratorium yang standar, 2 ...

  25. Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa melalui

    Problem Solving as Goal, Process and Basic Skills. in S Krulik and R.E. Reys (Eds). Problem Solving in School Mathematics. Washington DC: NCTM. Dahar, R. W. (2011). Teori-Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Erlangga. Depdiknas. (2006). Kurikulum Standar Kompetensi Matematika Sekolah Menengah Atas dan Madrasah aliyah. Jakarta: Depdiknas.

  26. Tim Dosen FTI Unisba Blitar Berikan Pelatihan Problem Solving untuk

    JATIMTIMES- Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di MI Mifathul Huda 02 Papungan, Tim Dosen Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Islam Balitar (Unisba) Blitar mengadakan pelatihan.Kegiatan tersebut bertajuk "Peningkatan Keterampilan Penggunaan Soal Problem Solving dalam Pembelajaran". Pelatihan yang dihadiri oleh 15 guru ini berlangsung pada Sabtu, 25 Mei 2024, di MI Mifathul Huda 02 ...

  27. 18 Skill yang dibutuhkan di Masa Depan Agar Karir Sukses

    Performance Marketing merupakan hardskill di bidang pemasaran digital yang berfokus pada pencapaian hasil yang dapat diukur seperti konversi, klik, atau penjualan.. Keterampilan performance marketing meliputi pemahaman tentang SEO, PPC, email marketing, content marketing, dan analisis digital. Mereka harus bisa mengukur, menganalisis, dan mengoptimalkan kampanye pemasaran untuk memaksimalkan ...

  28. Rudi Setiyawan

    * Melayani pelangan apabila ada pertanyaan atau kendala (problem solving) * Membuat laporan penjualan harian secara berkala Sosmed * Membuat akun/perbanyak sosmed baik di Tiktok, FB, Youtube, Instagram * Posting sesuai karakter/trend di masing masing sosmed * Mempromosikan produk di Sosmed * Menaikkan trafik di Sosmed Kreatif Marketing