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  • Australia Study Options
  • PhD Degrees

PhD Degrees in Australia

A PhD is the highest degree awarded at global universities. PhD study is based on a substantial research project in an area of academic interest, typically up to 100,000 words in length, written as a thesis which must be defended in an oral examination at the end of the program. All PhD students are assigned a supervisor, and the duration of a PhD is typically three years full-time and six years part-time.

Very few research degrees feature taught modules, and as such a, student is expected to take more responsibility for their work and schedule. Universities in Australia are known for their academic excellence and state-of-the-art research infrastructure, along with their support for enterprise partnerships.  

PhD Entry Requirements

Australian institutions are free to admit anyone to a PhD program, with admission generally conditional on the prospective student having completed an undergraduate degree with at least upper second-class honours, as well as a master's degree . English language ability proof is a must, and a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 is generally required. There is usually a first-year assessment of the remaining study, and the thesis is submitted at the end of the completed program.

Once you have decided on an area of research and have looked into how you will fund your study, there are a number of documents required when submitting your application. They include:

  • Academic transcripts
  • Academic references
  • Personal statement
  • Research proposal

- PhD Research Proposal

A research proposal is required by all students when applying to study for a PhD. The proposal should address the research you wish to undertake, how you will do it, and why it is important. A panel of experts must accept the proposal before your program can begin.

How much does a PhD cost in Australia?

Funding and researching a PhD can be expensive. In Australia, candidates can expect to pay 40,000 AUD- 60,000 AUD. Dedicated scholarships can help support your PhD, and it is rare for a PhD student not to be supported by some form of bursary, grant or scholarship .

Study a PhD in Australia

If you are interested in studying for a research degree in Australia, arrange a free consultation with SI-Australia today.


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HDR Fees and costs

Students gathering at UNSW Sydney Kensington campus

All HDR Candidates

International candidates, bringing family to australia, domestic candidates, example of costs, self-funded candidates.

There are costs that all UNSW students need to pay, and these are outlined on the  UNSW Fees page .

HDR candidates may have additional incidental costs associated with their degree. We have highlighted some of the key costs below but they will vary on a case by case basis.

Living costs: estimated minimum costs $35,000 per year, with $3,000 to cover set up costs. Yearly cost.

When undertaking a higher degree research program, it's important to consider the living costs associated with residing in Sydney including the cost of rent, groceries, transport and utilities.

See this page  for more details.

Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF): 2023 cost $81.50 per term ($326/year). Yearly cost.

The SSAF is charged each term a candidate is enrolled and contributes to the provision of amenities and non-academic services for students. These services include counselling, employment, orientation, career advice, childcare, financial advice, health services, food services, sporting and recreational activities, student advocacy and legal services.

For further information, visit  UNSW SSAF . 

Field Work: varies 

Candidates may be required to participate in field work during their degree. Costs will vary based on type of field work, location, duration, resources required and the level of funding provided by School/Faculty.

Conference attendance: varies 

Candidates may attend conferences as part of their research training during their degree. Costs will vary based on type of attendance and presentation, location, duration, resources required, and the level of funding provided by School/Faculty. 

Note: PhD candidates may apply for the DRTG funding to contribute to their conference funding. 

Thesis submission related costs: varies

There are no costs related to thesis submission unless your Faculty, School or Supervisor, require you to have your thesis professionally edited or proof read prior to submission – contact your Faculty for more information. 

An example of one quote for 100,000 words (average PhD):

Thesis editing: $4,400

Thesis proofreading: $2,500

Further incidental fees can be found here .

Tuition Fees Quarterly cost

If you are an International candidate, you are required to pay  Tuition Fees  for the duration of your candidature unless you have been granted a scholarship or sponsorship that covers these fees. You are required to pay a tuition fee deposit before your initial enrolment. Once you are enrolled, you will receive a fee statement each term.

If you enrol in approved coursework as part of your HDR program, you will not be charged any additional tuition fees.

For further information relating to fee payment and policy, please refer to the  Student Fee Policy and Procedure .

Other costs

In addition to tuition fees, there are some of additional costs associated with your candidature. 

Overseas Student Health Cover One off cost

As an International candidate, it is a condition of your student visa that you have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the entire duration of your stay in Australia. You need to purchase your OSHC up front before you can enrol in your program, unless you have been granted a scholarship or sponsorship that covers this cost.

OSHC insurance cannot be paid in monthly or yearly instalments. You need to purchase a policy that covers the entire period of your student visa so that you can provide the DHA with a valid OSHC certificate when you lodge your student visa application.

If the insurance premium exceeds your credit card limit, you can make separate payments as long as you use the correct payment details.

The University's preferred provider is Medibank, however you can choose an alternate OSHC provider if you wish to do so. If you do decide to obtain your OSHC with Medibank, the University may receive a commission - this is used to improve services to students.

Visa Processing Fee 2023 cost $650. One off cost

You may need to pay a processing fee to the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs when you apply for your student visa.

If your family plans to relocate to Australia with you, there will be additional costs including Overseas Health Cover (OSHC), visa processing, relocation and living costs for your family members. Some estimated costs are outlined in the table below.

Note: UNSW Research Scholarships aim to support candidates through their UNSW study and are not intended to be used to support dependents. 

Information to support you and your family is provided in the  UNSW Bringing Family Guide . 

Tuition Fees

Domestic HDR candidates at UNSW may be offered an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Fees Offset Scholarship for four years for a Doctorate, and two years for a masters.

The RTP Fees Offset is paid to the University by the Australian Government on your behalf and is used by the University to offset your tuition fees so that you may receive free research training.

From 2023 the value of the Australian Government's support is in the range of $40,000 - $50,000 annually (subject to variation in later years based on actual HDR expenditure). UNSW bears any additional cost of tuition for the duration of the RTP.

For information on how to apply for the Domestic RTP Fee Offset, please refer to the HDR Scholarship Guidelines . For further information on UNSW tuition fees, please refer to the  Student Fee Policy and Procedure .

No Coursework Fees

If you are required to enrol in approved coursework subjects as part of your HDR program at UNSW, you will not be charged any additional tuition fees. 

The purpose of this table is to provide an example of the costs for HDR candidates.

The fees and costs provided below are  estimates  only, are not exhaustive, and will vary on a case by case basis.

Please note that the University reserves the right to vary student fees during enrolment in line with relevant legislation.

NOTE: Amounts are based on 2023 rates. Currency used in Australian Dollars (AUD).

*See table 'Additional Costs for Dependents' under Bringing Family to Australia

DISCLAIMER:   (1) Required amounts displayed are flat rates based on 2023 fees only.

(2) Please be aware that tuition fees increase each year by approximately 5% and actual fees and costs charged may exceed the indicative figures listed.

(3) Fees shown are indicative only and subject to change without notice. Fees are reviewed annually and approved fees for the following year are published on the Fees and Payment site in August/September each year. 

Further Resources

  • UNSW Student Fees
  • UNSW International Student Fees
  • UNSW Student Services and Amenities Fee
  • Australian Government Research Training Program
  • Australian Government Student Visa Pricing
  • Medibank Overseas Health Cover (OSHC)

If you plan to fund your studies yourself, you need to provide some additional information to support your application for admission. 

If you plan to fund your fees and living expenses yourself, please attach the following documents to your application for admission:

  • Bank statements showing that you have accumulated enough funds over the past 6 months to cover all of your expenses for the duration of your degree. If you are applying for an Engineering degree, you need to show that you have enough funds for 2 years of study (Masters), or 4 years (PhD). For all other Faculties, you need to have enough funds for 1.5 years (Masters) or 3 years (PhD).
  • Completed UNSW Financial Declaration form .

Please refer to the “Combined Costs and Tuition Fees” table in the "Example of Costs" tab for a summary of the costs you will need to show that you can cover. 

If the bank statement you have provided is for a bank account that is not in your name, the account holder must declare that the funds will be used for your studies fees and costs on the  UNSW Financial Declaration form .

Please outline your financial capacity to fund your studies in section 3 of the UNSW Financial Declaration form . This outline should be no more than 1-2 sentences in length.

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  • Study with UniSQ
  • University Degrees and courses
  • Doctor of Philosophy

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  • Springfield
  • 3 year(s) (or part-time equivalent)
  • Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov

Career outcomes

Entry requirements, degree structure, fees and scholarships.

  • Do you have a passion for research? The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a research degree available in all study areas and provides you with the skills to become an effective researcher in your previously studied discipline.
  • By undertaking a Doctor of Philosophy you will have expansive intellectual freedom to be able to make an original and substantial contribution to your area of study.
  • UniSQ academics are recognised throughout the world for their excellence in research. Some of the projects you can tap into are at the forefront of cutting edge research.
  • As a research student you will have the commitment and support to make a difference to society in a meaningful way. UniSQ is committed to excellence in research training and provide a quality research training experience for our students. We maintain our relevance in research by linking with industry and business through local and international research networks.
  • Our research extends across all of the Schools and Centres in the university. Within the Division of Research and Innovation it is focused across three research institutes and nine research centres , reflecting a wide array of research excellence.
  • To start your PhD you need to clarify your research topic and seek an academic staff member to be your supervisor. This can sometimes take time so it is wise to allow several months for discussion with potential supervisors and for consideration of your application.
  • Graduating with a Doctor of Philosophy is ideal if you wish to pursue a career in industry, academia or government with specialisation in your chosen field.

Applicants must have one of the following:

  • an Australian-university Bachelor honours degree with First Class Honours or Second Class Honours (Division A) or equivalent (with a thesis comprising at least two units), or
  • an Australian-university Masters degree (with a thesis comprising at least two units) or equivalent, or
  • other qualifications and/or experiences equivalent to First Class or Second Class Honours (Division A).

English language requirements

You are required to satisfy the applicable English language requirements  and this degree requires a minimum of IELTS 6.5 or equivalent . If you do not meet the English language requirements you may apply to study a University-approved English language program .

UniSQ offers a number of masters degrees  for you to study to help you meet the entry requirements for your chosen degree.

The Doctor of Philosophy comprises a minimum of 16 independent research units, although students would normally complete 24 independent research units, with the option to extend to 32 independent research units if needed.

Refer to the UniSQ Handbook for courses to be studied and recommended enrolment patterns.

Your actual fees may vary depending on the courses you select. We review our fees annually so these may be subject to change.

1 These are indicative annual fees for 2024. 

Grant to help you pay your fees

All Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents, and New Zealand citizens commencing a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) degree will have their tuition fees paid by the Australian Commonwealth Government under the Research Training Program (RTP) Fees Offset scheme. The RTP Fees Offset scheme covers program fees for an HDR student up to a maximum period of four years for full-time study or up to eight years part-time study for a Doctoral degree, and up to a maximum period of two years for full-time or four years part-time for a Masters by Research degree.

As part of the enrolment process, students are required to submit proof of citizenship or permanent residency status and transcripts of all previous academic study. This documentation enables the University of Southern Queensland to determine eligibility for an RTP Fees Offset place.

  • have not used RTP Fees Offset funding in the previous three years; or
  • have already used RTP Fees Offset funding and have successfully completed an HDR degree. Once a student completes an HDR degree, full entitlements of RTP Fees Offset are restored.

If a student's RTP Fees Offset entitlement expires before completion of the degree, the student will be required to pay full tuition fees, or if meeting the eligibility criteria be able to apply for a FEE-Help loan . 


At UniSQ, we offer a range of scholarships to support your success at university. Find a scholarship  that works for you.

How to apply

Complete your online application directly to UniSQ.

Applications may be submitted at any time, but it is ideal to allow a minimum of 25 working days between when you submit your application and the start of your requested study period.

Select to start in one of the following intakes:

Further information

To learn more about the application process and how to find and connect with a research supervisor please visit the Graduate Research School  website.

Two men collaborating at a computer workstation in an office environment.

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Begin your study journey today with the university rated 5/5 stars for graduates starting salaries* and start the degree that’s right for you.

*Good Universities Guide 2024

PhD is short for Doctor of Philosophy – a globally recognised research qualification. Traditionally, PhD students completed a substantial piece of original research which is presented as a thesis or dissertation. This research is conducted under the guidance of at least one expert supervisor.

Discover more about higher degrees by research  at UniSQ.

If you have a passion for research and want to expand your knowledge in your choose field beyond a masters degree, a PhD might be for you. Other reasons to study a doctorate degree include:

  • Expanding your career prospects with the highest achievable postgraduate qualification.
  • Become an expert – after your PhD you will be considered an expert in your choose area of research.
  • Showcasing your transferrable skills. Achieving a PhD degree involves more than research – your qualification demonstrates your work ethic, problem solving skills, commitment, communication skills and much more depending on your choose research topic.

A PhD qualification can open up many exciting career paths in a variety of roles and settings including:

  • Academica or government
  • Postdoctoral positions at a university or research institute
  • Graduate lecturer
  • Researcher/consultant
  • Non-government or private organisations
  • Scientific research
  • Researcher/consultant in industry or non-for-profit.
  • Entrepreneur.

A PhD degree will take you approximately three years to complete. Some students choose to study part-time which increases the time it takes to complete the doctorate.

To start a PhD you need to clarify your research topic and seek an academic staff member to be your supervisor, therefore we recommend allowing several months to consider your application.

Graduating with a PhD is a noteworthy achievement as it is considered the highest postgraduate achievement you can earn. After completing your Doctor of Philosophy you will likely be considered an expert in your field, opening up a variety of new career paths. After completing your PhD, take this unique opportunity to:

  • Tailor your resume – showcase the skills and knowledge you learnt during your studies, including transferrable skills. Don’t be modest about your achievement as it is significant and your potential employer may not understand what it took to achieve a PhD.
  • Networking – put your newly found expertise to good use by attending industry events and meeting other experts or notable professionals in your field. This will not only expand your horizons but may lead to potential job opportunities.

The cost of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree will vary depending on the education provider you choose.

When you study with us, your degree will cost approximately AUD 31000 (Domestic full fee paying).

All Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents, and New Zealand citizens commencing a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) degree will have their tuition fees paid by the Australian Commonwealth Government under the Research Training Program (RTP) Fees Offset scheme.

For further information on Fees, including RTP and scholarships, please view the Fees and scholarships section of this webpage.

The entry requirements for studying a PhD degree can vary depending on your chosen education provider. At UniSQ applicants must hold either a relevant bachelor honours degree, masters degree or other qualifications and satisfy applicable English Language requirements.

For further details please view the entry requirements section of this page.

Get a strong start to your research career:

  • Learn from world class researchers – according to the latest ERA  results, UniSQ is rated at world standard or better in 30 areas of research.
  • Study for your PhD while balancing your life work and family commitments with flexible online or on-campus study.
  • Benefit from our leading research expertise, extending across three research institutes and nine research centres.
  • We are proud to partner with industry leaders to drive impactful change, giving our students opportunities to experience research in real-world environments.

You're viewing this site as a domestic an international student

You're a domestic student if you are:

  • a citizen of Australia or New Zealand,
  • an Australian permanent resident, or
  • a holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.

You're an international student if you are:

  • intending to study on a student visa,
  • not a citizen of Australia or New Zealand,
  • not an Australian permanent resident, or
  • a temporary resident (visa status) of Australia.

How to get a PhD scholarship

How to get a PhD scholarship or funding

Uni life Published 23 Jan, 2024  ·  3-minute read

If you’re passionate enough about a topic to complete a PhD on it, we think that’s amazing. But, understandably, you’ll want some reassurance that you’ll be supported financially during your research endeavours. Let’s look at how to get a PhD scholarship in Australia.

A common way for PhD candidates to supplement their income is to do casual or even part-time work while completing their degree. However, this isn’t a viable option for everyone – and it may not be enough in some circumstances.

In such cases, a PhD scholarship is just what the doctorate ordered.

What is a PhD scholarship?

A PhD scholarship is much like any scholarship – it supports a PhD candidate to complete their studies. 

PhD scholarships are offered by a variety of universities, specific schools, and research institutes. For example, at The University of Queensland (UQ), there are 2 categories of PhD scholarships you can consider:

  • UQ Graduate School scholarships  (UQGSS)  – about $33K per year for 3.5 years
  • earmarked scholarships for joining an existing research project – about $32K per year for 3.5 years.

In either case, your scholarship will comprise tuition fees and a living stipend. Both types also come with the possibility of a single extension and both domestic and international students are eligible to apply.

There is also a UQ Graduate School Scholarship which only covers tuition fees and does not include a living stipend. The UQGSS-T is only available to domestic students.

Deciding which scholarship category suits you will likely come down to whether an existing research project aligns with your interests. If you’ve got a niche passion and the ambition to find your own supervisor and create a fresh research proposal , a Graduate School scholarship is likely the path for you.

If you’d prefer to join an existing team of researchers pursuing an established line of research, you might find an earmarked scholarship more appealing. You can expand your search for a project that interests you by visiting FindAPhD.com , though we’d obviously love to see you contribute to the groundbreaking research efforts right here at UQ.

UQ has earmarked scholarships available for a wide variety of research projects. Our research areas span from agriculture to creative arts, health, business, science and everything in between. Explore our research areas and find an earmarked scholarship that appeals to your interests .

Top-up PhD scholarships in Australia

You may also find yourself eligible for a top-up scholarship of $7-14K per year. Find out more about top-up scholarships .

A UQ PhD candidate examines plants in a greenhouse while holding a tablet

How to get a scholarship for a PhD

When you’re looking at an earmarked PhD scholarship for an existing project, the process is rather simple: apply for the advertised position by contacting the project supervisor.

However, things get a bit trickier when you’re creating a new research proposal. Here are some tips for how to get a fully funded PhD project:

  • Make sure your school or institute knows you want a scholarship , as they will need to nominate you for one. At UQ, this means selecting the option in your PhD application that says I would like to be considered for a UQ scholarship…
  • Choose the right supervisor. Some of the criteria for getting a PhD scholarship include the experience and expertise relevance of your supervisor and advisory team. So, you’ll want to find a supervisor who checks all the right boxes .
  • Get advice from your PhD supervisor . The quality of your research project is another large factor in determining whether you get a PhD scholarship. At the start, the main means of demonstrating this is your research proposal, so be sure to use your supervisor’s wisdom to make this proposal as steadfast as possible .
  • Prepare the appropriate documents/evidence. Other criteria include your academic performance, your research capabilities, and the quality of your proposed research environment. This means having evidence prepared to demonstrate these factors (e.g. the academic transcript from your honours/postgraduate degree, or details of the laboratory where you’ll be conducting your research) can help you attain a PhD scholarship.

Learn more about completing your PhD at UQ Explore all UQ scholarships available for postgraduate research students

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Fees and costs

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Annual student contribution amounts

Find indicative costs for each band and subject area

Grandfathering student contribution cost

Information on grandfathered and non-grandfathered costs

Understanding the payment process

Choose a payment option that is right for you

Quick links

  • Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)
  • Refund guide
  • Fee-HELP booklet

The costs of a research degree

As a research student at Macquarie University, you will need to understand the costs involved with your degree and the fee payment process.

Research degree fees vary depending on whether you are a domestic or international student.

Ways to save on your tuition fees

Domestic and international students can save time and money if eligible for a scholarship or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). There is also financial help for domestic students and some support is available to international students.

Financial assistance

View the range of financial support initiatives.

Get credit for relevant prior studies.


See the scholarships available to students.

Domestic students

You are a domestic research degree student if you are enrolled in a research degree and are one of the following:

  • an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • a New Zealand citizen
  • an Australian humanitarian visa holder.

How you add up your fees

When working out the cost of your BPhil tuition, you will need to take into account:

  • course type and unit cost
  • student services and amenities fees, textbooks etc.

Research degrees

There are different domestic fee structures for the two types of research degrees.

Bachelor of Philosophy/Master of Research

  • First year – Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) are available for domestic students enrolled in the Bachelor of Philosophy/Master of Research (BPhil/MRes). You will also be required to pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) .
  • Second year – you’ll be offered the Research Training Program (RTP) fee offset scholarship from the Australian Government so you don’t need to pay fees. This scholarship covers the cost of your course for the minimum duration.

The Bachelor of Philosophy is an approved course for the purposes of student income support. Students may be eligible for student income support payments such as Youth Allowance or Austudy, provided all other qualifications are met. Check with Services Australia (was Centrelink) directly for further information.

Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Philosophy

Domestic candidates enrolled in either the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) program are funded by the government under the Research Training Program (RTP) .

Students are entitled to a maximum of three years’ full-time equivalent study if undertaking a PhD, and a maximum of two years’ full-time equivalent study if undertaking a MPhil.

Candidates with incomplete research degrees will have their prior candidature period deducted from their full RTP entitlement when they enrol.

International students

If you are studying with us on an international student visa, you’re considered an international student and must pay international fees. Find out more about our international student fees .

International fees per faculty

Learn more about fees for degrees in each of our faculties below.

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of medicine, health and human sciences, faculty of science and engineering, macquarie business school.

*Total annual cost is based on 80 credit point for a full-time study load.

**Total annual cost is based on two enrolment periods at a full-time study load.

Refunds of any fees paid must be in line with the Higher Degree Research International Fee Refund Policy .

Download 2023 international tuition fees document .

International Out of Time (iOOT) fee

Candidates who apply for and are approved for an extension of Expected Work Submission (EWS) date in accordance with the HDR Variations to Candidature Policy will be charged a flat rate of AUD $2000 for a three-month extension (iOOT fee).

Candidates can apply for a cumulative maximum of 1 EFTSL (PhD/MPhil) or 0.5 EFTSL (MRes Y2) in accordance with the policy, and each extension application of three months will incur a flat rate $2000 charge.

  • Candidates will be expected to apply for an extension of EWS date before the expiry of their candidature.
  • If you do not pay your iOOT fee by the payment due date, late payment penalties may also apply.
  • Applicable to MRes Y2, MPhil and PhD only. See further details below.

MRes Y2 candidates

  • Candidates will not be liable for full tuition fees for more than one year (full time equivalent) of the MRes Y2 program.
  • Candidates may apply for up to two extensions of EWS date for three months at a time.
  • The first extension of candidature for MRes Y2s for three months up to the end of January (for Session 1) or end of July (Session 2) will not incur a charge of full tuition fees or a write up fee.
  • $2000 iOOT fee will apply for the second approved application for extension of EWS date.
  • When a candidate has an approved extension, marks are not deducted should they submit on or before their new EWS date.

MPhil/PhD candidates

  • Candidates will not be charged full tuition fees for the period beyond their standard period of candidature. The standard period of candidature is defined in the Higher Degree Research Rules .
  • Candidates may apply for up to four extensions of EWS date for three months at a time.
  • $2000 iOOT fee will apply for each approved application for extension of candidature.
  • Where candidates are Macquarie University funded scholarship holders, the first approved application for extension may include an extension of stipend, where the candidate applies and is approved for an extension under the Macquarie COVID-19 Extension Scholarship Scheme. In these circumstances the iOOT fee will not apply.

iOOT fee FAQs

Can I apply for six months’ extension?

PhD and MPhil can apply for a six-month extension in accordance with the HDR Variations to Candidature Policy, however you will be charged for two three-month periods (2 × iOOT = $4000).

I have a scholarship, will it cover my iOOT?

Scholarships for international candidates funded by Macquarie University do not cover the iOOT fee. If you have an externally funded scholarship you will need to check with your provider or sponsor.

I don’t need three months; can I apply for less than a three-month extension and pay a lesser fee?

No, if you apply for an extension of EWS date you will be granted three months, for a flat rate of $2000. This is not pro-rata.

Can I submit before the end of my approved extension period?

Yes, you can submit before the end of your approved extension. If you submit your thesis within one month of your original EWS date after applying for a three month extension, the fee will be reversed and you will not have to pay.

When is the fee due?

The fee due date will be displayed in your eStudent account. It will be due one month from your original EWS date.

Will I have to pay the iOOT fee for my first extension if I have received a COVID-19 Extension Scholarship (not applicable to MRes)?

No, candidates who are eligible and who are approved for the COVID-19 Extension Scholarship Scheme will be granted up to three months’ stipend and tuition scholarship, and for this first extension will not be charged the iOOT. Subsequent extension will be subject to the $2000 flat rate fee for each three month extension of EWS date.

I haven’t submitted an extension of EWS date, will I be charged the fee?

You will only be charged the iOOT fee of $2000 when you apply for an extension of EWS date. If you do not submit your thesis and you have not obtained an EWS date extension your candidature may be ceased in accordance with the HDR Variations to candidature policy.

I withdrew from my program without applying for an extension and now I want to re-enrol to submit my thesis, will I be charged?

If you withdrew on or after your original course EWS date, yes, when you apply to re-enrol to submit your thesis you will be charged the iOOT $2000 fee and be given three months in which to finalise and submit your thesis. If you submit in the first month the fee will be reversed, and you will not have to pay.

I am a cotutelle candidate, will I have to pay?

Yes, cotutelle and joint PhD candidates who apply for an extension will be subject to the $2000 iOOT fee on application for a three-month extension of EWS date.

Will the fee apply when I am completing my thesis corrections?

No, if you are completing thesis corrections following an examination outcome of Award with Corrections you will not be charged tuition fees and you will not be required to pay the iOOT fee.

I have been asked to revise and resubmit my thesis, what fees will I have to pay?

You will not be required to pay full tuition fees for the period of enrolment for revision and resubmission of the thesis. However, you will be charged the iOOT fee for each three months of enrolment (4 × iOOT = $8000).

Funding opportunities

Opportunities are available for scholarship funding.

Master of Research

The University offers a limited number of scholarships to international MRes students through the competitive IRTP (International Research Training Program) scholarship round each year.

  • Applicants for admission to PhD who are offered entry to MRes Year 2 and three-year PhD, and who rank competitively for IRTP scholarship, may be offered a scholarship to cover their MRes Year 2 tuition fees and a living stipend.
  • PhD scholarships for MRes graduates progressing to a PhD are awarded through a competitive ranking process. The three-year PhD scholarship covers the tuition fee and a living stipend at the rate of the Research Training Program (RTP).

Learn more about scholarships for international MRes and progressing candidates.

Macquarie University has also partnered with specific overseas universities to provide co-funded scholarships to eligible international MRes applicants.

Candidates are encouraged to apply for advertised scholarships.

Scholarships for graduate research at Macquarie University are available for specific projects or in the general scholarship main rounds.

Learn more about scholarships for international PhD/MPhil candidates.


Phd in australia: cost, scholarships, & admission requirements.

Are you considering pursuing a PhD in Australia? It can be a daunting process, but with the right information and preparation, it can also be a rewarding experience. Before you start your application, it’s important to understand what’s involved and what you need to do to make your application stand out. 

How Much Does PhD Cost in Australia?

The cost of pursuing a PhD in Australia varies depending on the university and the course. According to the Australian Government, fees to study a PhD in Australia range from AUD $18,000 to AUD $42,000 per year for international students.

Private universities are more expensive than public ones and might not provide access to the same financial aid programs such as grants and scholarships. The total course tuition fee for a PhD in Australia in top universities ranges from AUD $40,000 to AUD $60,000.

The cost of living in Australia varies depending on the location and lifestyle, but the Australian Government estimates that students will require at least AUD $21,041 (USD $14,400) for each year of their course.

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How Many Years is a PhD in Australia?

A full-time PhD in Australia usually takes three years, but some students may take longer depending on their registration and funding arrangements. Part-time PhDs in Australia can take up to six years, but this mode of study is not normally available to international students.

Who is Eligible for PhD in Australia? 

To be eligible for a PhD in Australia, applicants are required to meet certain requirements. These requirements may vary depending on the university and the course. Here are some general eligibility requirements for a PhD in Australia:

  • A bachelor’s and master’s degree in a relevant subject are normally required to apply for a PhD in Australia.
  • Applicants must have an excellent academic record, with a first-class undergraduate degree or a very high upper second class undergraduate degree.
  • International students must have a high level of English language proficiency, which can be demonstrated through standardized tests such as IELTS or TOEFL.
  • Applicants must have a research proposal that outlines their research topic, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
  • Applicants must have a proven experience in conducting research.
  • Applicants must have reference letters, research proposal, synopsis, etc. for which, if accepted, they receive a confirmation of acceptance letter.

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Do you get paid to do a phd australia.

Yes, PhD students in Australia are usually paid a stipend to cover their living expenses. The amount of the stipend may vary depending on the university and the funding source, but it is typically around AUD $32,000 per year.

The stipend is tax-free and paid in fortnightly instalments. In addition to the stipend, some universities may also cover tuition fees and other research-related expenses.

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What is top 20 universities in australia.

  • Australian National University
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Sydney
  • University of New South Wales
  • University of Queensland
  • Monash University
  • University of Adelaide
  • University of Western Australia
  • RMIT University
  • Queensland University of Technology
  • Macquarie University
  • Griffith University
  • Curtin University
  • University of Technology Sydney
  • Deakin University
  • University of Newcastle
  • University of Wollongong
  • La Trobe University
  • University of Tasmania
  • University of South Australia

Looking For Funded PhD Programs? Click Here

What is top 15 phd scholarships in australia.

  • Deakin University, Australia Research Scholarships
  • University of Sydney International Scholarships
  • University of Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarship
  • Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships
  • University of Queensland Centenary Doctoral Scholarship
  • University of Adelaide Global Academic Excellence Scholarship
  • University of Western Australia International Postgraduate Research Scholarships
  • Monash University Research Training Program Stipend Scholarship
  • University of New South Wales Scientia PhD Scholarship Scheme
  • University of Newcastle International Postgraduate Research Scholarships
  • University of Tasmania Research Scholarship for International Students
  • Australian National University PhD Scholarship
  • University of Wollongong International Postgraduate Research Scholarships
  • Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship
  • University of Technology Sydney Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

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How to apply for a phd in the australia.

To apply for a PhD in Australia, here are the general steps to follow:

1. Research the universities: Research the universities that offer PhD programs in your field of study. Look at their rankings, research output, and faculty profiles to get an idea of their strengths and areas of expertise.

2. Contact a potential supervisor: Contact a university academic working as a supervisor for PhD projects. You contact them, usually about four months before you wish to commence your studies, with the research topic you would like to propose.

3. Check the eligibility requirements: Check the eligibility requirements for the PhD program you are interested in. You’ll normally need a bachelor’s and master’s degree in a relevant subject to apply for a PhD in Australia. Universities may admit you based on your academic record.

4. Prepare your research proposal: Prepare a research proposal that outlines your research topic, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.

5. Apply for the program: Apply for the PhD program through the university’s online application system. Make sure to submit all the required documents, including your research proposal, academic transcripts, and English language proficiency test scores.

6. Wait for the response: Wait for the university’s response to your application. If you are accepted, you will receive a confirmation of acceptance letter.

7. Apply for a student visa: Apply for a student visa to study in Australia. You will need to provide proof of enrolment and financial support.

What is PhD Application materials in Australia?

When applying for a PhD in Australia, the following materials are typically required:

1. Academic transcripts: Applicants are required to submit their academic transcripts from their previous degrees.

2. English language proficiency test scores: International students are required to submit their English language proficiency test scores, such as IELTS or TOEFL.

3. Research proposal: Applicants must submit a research proposal that outlines their research topic, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.

4. Curriculum Vitae (CV): Applicants are required to submit their CV, which should include their academic and professional experience, publications, and other relevant information.

5. Reference letters: Applicants are required to submit reference letters from academic or professional referees who can attest to their research abilities and potential.

6. Confirmation of acceptance letter: Applicants must provide a confirmation of acceptance letter from a potential academic supervisor.

7. Student visa: International students are required to apply for a student visa to study in Australia.

Can I work while doing PhD in Australia?

Yes, PhD students in Australia are allowed to work while studying, but there are some restrictions. Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. Work hours: PhD students are allowed to work up to 40 hours per fortnight while studying in Australia This is to ensure that students can focus on their studies and not let work interfere with their academic performance.

2. Funding restrictions: If you are receiving a scholarship or funding for your PhD, there may be restrictions on the amount of work you can do. For example, if you are on an RTP scholarship, you may be limited to a maximum of 270 working hours per year.

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how much does a phd cost australia

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Tuition and study costs

Studying a research degree doesn’t have to be financially overwhelming. Australian and New Zealand students will have their tuition fees covered by government programs, and there are scholarships available to make your research journey easier.

Tuition fees

Australian and new zealand students.

If you're an Australian citizen or permanent visa holder, or a New Zealand citizen, you won't need to pay tuition fees for your research degree, as long as you complete your degree within:

  • a maximum of 4 years full-time (or equivalent) for doctoral students (PhD and professional doctorate)
  • a maximum 2 years full-time (or equivalent) for research masters students.

Within this period, your fees are automatically covered by the Research Training Program (RTP) Fees Offset. This program covers tuition fees only, and you must pay any other study-related costs.

I'm transferring after starting my degree at another university

If you're transferring from another university, you can only transfer your Research Training Program (RTP) Fees Offset funding entitlement if:

  • your former university supports the transfer and QUT agrees to continue your RTP Fees Offset
  • we receive information from your former university about how much of your RTP Fees Offset you've used, and the dates of your milestones.

Changing universities isn't sufficient grounds to apply for an extension on your RTP Fees Offset.

International students

You may be able to apply for scholarships that cover tuition fees for all or part of your course. If you receive a QUT-funded scholarship you won't need to pay tuition fees for your research degree, if you complete your degree within:

If you don't receive a scholarship that covers your tuition fees, you must pay your fees directly to QUT before the start of each semester.

In 2023, the fee range for international full-fee paying students is $31,000 to $37,600 annually (AUD) for research degrees. To find more details check the costs in the course information.

We review fees annually.

Other study-related costs and living expenses

Your research degree may take a number of years to complete, so you need to consider your living expenses while you're studying.

When you're close to finishing your research, you may also need to pay for thesis proofreading and editing.

Centrelink payments

If you're an Australian citizen or permanent visa holder and intend to apply for Centrelink payments while you study, it is important to check your eligibility first, as this will depend on your individual circumstances.

You must declare any scholarship income you receive to Centrelink as it may affect your payments.

Make sure you read Service Australia's information for students in higher education .

If you're an international student, you will also need to cover costs related to your:

  • arrival in Australia
  • health cover
  • accommodation.

You should check your visa for details on how much you can work while you're studying in Australia.

Find more information for international students coming to study at QUT .

University of Adelaide home page

Adelaide Graduate Research School

Please click on the relevant student type below to see what fees are involved in your research degree.

Domestic students

Domestic students who enrol in a research program are allocated a Research Training Program Fees Offset place, valued at $ 31,536 per annum in 2023 (indexed annually). This place provides Commonwealth funding to the University on your behalf, to offset program fees for the standard duration of your candidature. This means furthering your studies in research will not increase your existing HECS debt. You may also be eligible for a tax free Research Training Program Stipend. To learn more, search for postgraduate research scholarships .

International students

Tuition fees for international students vary widely and are dependent on the program you are enrolling in. If you want to view fees for your program, visit international student fees .

Competitive scholarships are available for international students. If you want to learn more, search for postgraduate research scholarships .

Personalise your experience

Graduate Research

Doctor of Philosophy - Arts

  • Arrow-right #1 University in Australia
  • Course code:   DR-PHILART

Fees & scholarships

Your fees explained, fees for domestic students.

This course is supported by the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) . Under the RTP, domestic students are exempt from tuition fees for the normal duration of the course. This exemption is valid for up to four years for students enrolled in a doctoral program and up to two years for a research master’s degree.

Research Training Program (RTP) only. Australian fee-paying places not available.

Fees for international students

Course fees are calculated as if a student undertakes one year of full-time study. This is called 1 x EFTSL (Equivalent Full Time Study Load). If course duration is less than one year, or the student studies less than a full-time study load, fees are adjusted accordingly.

The indicative total course fee is based on typical subject enrolments and does not take into account any advanced standing for prior studies. Fees are reviewed annually by the University and vary depending on subjects within the course.

Maximum course duration shown. Total indicative fee based on maximum duration. May be completed in 3-4 EFTSL.

More information about fees for international graduate students

Research Training Program (RTP) Fee Offset Scholarship

The University of Melbourne offers a range of scholarship for students undertaking graduate research training. These scholarships are funded by the University, philanthropic gifts or Government grants.

All domestic students who are admitted to a Master by research or Doctoral degree at the University of Melbourne will receive a Research Training Program Fee Offset Scholarship to acknowledge the contribution from the Australian Government towards the cost of their tuition.

Other scholarships may provide a stipend towards the cost of living and a relocation allowance. International students may also receive Overseas Student Health Cover and a tuition fee offset.

Learn more about the RTP Fee Offset Scholarship and Graduate Research Scholarships

Other financial assistance

The University's Student Financial Aid Service can provide you with advice and information on student loans and bursaries/grants, cost of living, budgeting and tax advice.


Graduate research scholarships.

Scholarship benefits may include living, relocation, or thesis allowances, and/or tuition fee waivers. There is significantly high demand for research scholarships, making the application field highly competitive.

  • Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship is usually only offered to domestic students, but in very rare circumstances, can be offered to international students as well
  • Melbourne Research Scholarships are available to both domestic and international students
  • Domestic students experiencing compassionate or compelling circumstances (including illness, disability, care responsibilities or personal hardship), may be eligible to apply for the Fay Marles Scholarship or the Frederick Blake Shepherd Scholarship . Applications close on 31 October.
  • PhD Scholarships are also available for specific projects from time to time. Please check the Faculty of Arts research degree opportunities web page for updates.
  • As an enrolled research student, you will have the opportunity to apply for further grants and prizes that assist students to undertake their research, as outlined on the Faculty of Arts  Scholarships web page.

Scholarship application deadlines are the most important dates to consider when timing your application.

  • Directories

Domestic postgraduate research tuition fees

All domestic students enrolled in a postgraduate research program, such as a Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy, are awarded an Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Fee Offset Scholarship.

The AGRTP is funded by the Commonwealth government and provides support to students completing a research degree program.

The AGRTP Fee Offset Scholarship provides support for the research program up to a maximum of two years (full-time) for a Masters program, and up to four years for a PhD program (or part-time equivalent). This means that domestic students are exempt from paying tuition fees for this period of time.

If you enrol in additional subjects/courses during your enrolment you may incur tuition fees.

Research students are required to pay the services and amenities fee.

Advisory information

  • Services & amenities fee

Reference documents

  • Schedule of Tuition Fees 2024 (PDF, 150.28 KB)

Use contact details to request an alternative file format.

Related websites

  • Research Training Program
  • 135 ANU (135 268)


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  1. How much does a PhD cost in Australia?

    Agriculture and environmental studies, dentistry, engineering, human movement, medical studies, natural and physical sciences, pharmacy, psychology, veterinary science. $52,604. $26,304. For the most up-to-date tuition fees, visit the HDR tuition fees page. Of course, everyone's PhD journey differs, and students can take anywhere between 3 ...

  2. PhD in Australia: Universities, Admissions 2024-25, Fees, Scholarships

    PhD in Australia Cost. The tuition fees for PhD in the top universities in Australia range between 3,355 to 219,299 AUD (1.80 lakhs to 1.17 crore INR). The cost of PhD in Australia for international students across some top universities are as follows: University.

  3. PhD Funding in Australia

    PhD fees. As an international student in Australia you'll pay fees at a higher rate. The Australian government estimates that typical international PhD fees are between AUD $20,000-50,000 (USD $12,740-31,850) per year. This is what you can expect to pay if your project doesn't have funding attached or you're proposing your own topic.

  4. PhD Study in Australia

    Internationally renowned research - 15 of Australia's world leading universities rank in the global top 250.; Generous funding options - It's unlikely you'll have to pay for your entire PhD out of your own pocket. Many PhD scholarships and other funding opportunities are available from universities and the Australian Government.; Unique PhD opportunities - From Marine Biology at the ...

  5. Pursue a PhD in Australia

    How much does a PhD cost in Australia? Funding and researching a PhD can be expensive. In Australia, candidates can expect to pay 40,000 AUD- 60,000 AUD. Dedicated scholarships can help support your PhD, and it is rare for a PhD student not to be supported by some form of bursary, grant or scholarship. Study a PhD in Australia

  6. Fees and costs

    See this page for more details. Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF): 2023 cost $81.50 per term ($326/year). Yearly cost. The SSAF is charged each term a candidate is enrolled and contributes to the provision of amenities and non-academic services for students. These services include counselling, employment, orientation, career advice ...

  7. Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

    How much does a PhD cost in Australia? The cost of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree will vary depending on the education provider you choose. When you study with us, your degree will cost approximately AUD 31000 (Domestic full fee paying).

  8. The Cost of Studying a PhD in Australia

    The cost of your PhD in Australia can depend on whether you receive any funding support or whether you pay the tuition in full. The cost of tuition for an international student can be between AUD $20,000 and $50,000 per year (USD $13,168-32,280). It is possible you may not have to pay the full tuition fees as many projects come with funding ...

  9. How to get a PhD in Australia

    Let's discuss how to get a PhD in Australia - from choosing your topic to getting stuck into the actual research. 1. Complete prior research (if necessary) You don't necessarily need a master's degree to start a PhD. However, you do need to have completed extensive research. This might involve an academic research program (such as a ...

  10. How to get a PhD scholarship in Australia

    Here are some tips for how to get a fully funded PhD project: Make sure your school or institute knows you want a scholarship, as they will need to nominate you for one. At UQ, this means selecting the option in your PhD application that says I would like to be considered for a UQ scholarship…. Choose the right supervisor.

  11. Fees and costs

    Check with Services Australia (was Centrelink) directly for further information. ... 2024 approximate annual cost. 2024 commencement fee. PhD in Health Innovation. 085032M. $51,900. $25,950. PhD in Biomedical Sciences. 085032M. $51,900. ... If you do not pay your iOOT fee by the payment due date, late payment penalties may also apply. ...

  12. PhD in Australia: Cost, Scholarships, & Admission Requirements

    How Much Does PhD Cost in Australia? The cost of pursuing a PhD in Australia varies depending on the university and the course. According to the Australian Government, fees to study a PhD in Australia range from AUD $18,000 to AUD $42,000 per year for international students.

  13. QUT

    a maximum 2 years full-time (or equivalent) for research masters students. If you don't receive a scholarship that covers your tuition fees, you must pay your fees directly to QUT before the start of each semester. In 2023, the fee range for international full-fee paying students is $31,000 to $37,600 annually (AUD) for research degrees.

  14. Doctor of Philosophy

    Elizabeth and Vernon Puzey Scholarships: available to Australian citizens only, this scholarship provides an additional $10,000 per year pro-rata offered concurrently with an MRS or RTP scholarship. Rowden White Scholarships: available to both domestic and international students, this scholarship provides a one-off payment of $6,500 and can be ...

  15. PDF Getting your PhD brochure 2023

    university in Australia, Adelaide has a rich and proud history. Associated with 5 Nobel laureates Group of Eight member One of Australia's most Ranked liveable cities 88 in the world* Produced over 110 Rhodes Scholars Global alumni network * Times Higher Education, 2023. Getting your PhD 4 5 Getting your PhD

  16. Fees, funding and scholarships

    Our research degree and PhD scholarships will support you during your studies and can cover tuition fees, overseas student health cover or living allowances. Our domestic scholarship recipients receive an above university average $33,500 per annum stipend (tax exempt). For the best chance at securing a scholarship, you'll need an H1 grade ...

  17. Fees estimator

    Your Deakin tuition fees depend on the type of student you are, the course you study and the year you commence. Follow these steps to estimate your course fees: Select an option in each field. Your selections should reflect the study options you're considering. Select a course by typing the course name or code. Then select from the drop-down list.

  18. Fees

    Domestic students who enrol in a research program are allocated a Research Training Program Fees Offset place, valued at $ 31,536 per annum in 2023 (indexed annually). This place provides Commonwealth funding to the University on your behalf, to offset program fees for the standard duration of your candidature.

  19. Doctor of Philosophy

    Course fees are calculated as if a student undertakes one year of full-time study. This is called 1 x EFTSL (Equivalent Full Time Study Load). If course duration is less than one year, or the student studies less than a full-time study load, fees are adjusted accordingly. The indicative total course fee is based on typical subject enrolments ...

  20. Domestic postgraduate research tuition fees

    Domestic postgraduate research tuition fees. All domestic students enrolled in a postgraduate research program, such as a Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy, are awarded an Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Fee Offset Scholarship. The AGRTP is funded by the Commonwealth government and provides support to students ...

  21. Australian students

    Australian students. Citizens and permanent residents of Australia and New Zealand are exempt from paying a contribution toward the cost of their research courses if UWA provides them with a Research Training Program place.. This exemption applies for up to four years' full-time equivalent study for a doctorate by research and two years' full-time equivalent study for a master's by research.

  22. How much does it cost to study in Australia?

    For graduate degree programs, annual fees can range from AU$45,360 (~US$31,004) and reach up to AU$47,940 (~US$32,780). PhD programs are priced similarly, starting at the end of the scale, from AU$ $39,870 (~US$27,249) upwards. In a league of its own, however, is ANU's Doctorate of Medicine and Surgery degree, which costs AU$85,120 (~US$58,184).