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Video Cases and Case Analyses featuring real companies are assignable with corresponding comprehension questions that help students analyze and apply key marketing concepts.

These auto-graded, marketing analytics activities challenge students to make decisions using metrics commonly seen across marketing professions. The goal of these activities is to give students practice analyzing and using marketing data to make decisions. Click the video below to learn more.

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Short, contemporary videos provide engaging, animated introductions to key course concepts. Available at the topic level. Perfect for launching lectures and assigning as pre- or post-lecture.

These exercises use guided activities and examples to help students understand and differentiate the various elements of a marketing plan.

Help students improve their conceptual understanding and written communication skills with McGraw Hill Connect’s Writing Assignments. Integrate writing skill development into your course with ease and help your students gain the critical writing skills they need for success now and beyond. Assign, monitor, mark, and provide feedback all in one place.

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Marketing Author Blogs

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Digital Marketing

1st edition.

Essentials of Marketing Analytics, 1st Edition

Essentials of Marketing Analytics

Professional Selling 1st Edition

Professional Selling

Contemporary Advertising, 17th Edition

Contemporary Advertising

17th edition.

Connect Master Marketing 2.0, 2nd Edition

Connect Master Marketing

Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy 15th Edition

Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy

15th edition.

Hear from instructors and educators on classroom best practices to that can help you and your students improve performance.

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Faculty Resources


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The assignments for Principles of Marketing build on one another and culminate in the submission of a finished marketing plan. If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), the assignments will automatically be loaded into the assignment tool. They can be used as is, modified, or removed. You can preview them below:

Assignments and Alignment

  • Submit Marketing Plan Template ; Module 2: Marketing Function
  • Marketing Plan, Part I ; Module 4: Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Plan, Part 2 ; Module 9: Branding
  • Complete Marketing Plan ; Module 13: Promotion: IMC
  • Marketing Plan Peer Review ; Module 14: Marketing Globally
  • Marketing Plan Presentation ; Module 15: Marketing Plan

Because the assignments are designed to cover multiple course modules, we recommend that you (1) review them for alignment with specific sequence in which you teach your course, (2) adapt them as necessary to ensure alignment, and (3) move each assignment to the module that corresponds with the week in which your students will complete them.

The following discussion assignments will also be preloaded (into the discussion-board tool) in your learning management system if you import the course. They can be used as is, modified, or removed. You can preview them below:

Discussion Assignments and Alignment

  • Module 1 Discussion: Self-Introduction ; Module 1: What is Marketing?
  • Module 2 Discussion: Analyzing Marketing Efforts ; Module 2: Marketing Function
  • Module 5 Discussion: Analyzing Social Responsibility ; Module 5: Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • Module 7 Discussion: Customer Profile ; Module 7: Consumer Behavior
  • Module 8 Discussion: Positioning and Differentiation ; Module 8: Positioning
  • Module 10 Discussion: Product Strategy ; Module 10: Product Marketing
  • Module 11 Discussion: Pricing Strategy ; Module 11: Pricing Strategy
  • Module 12 Discussion: Distribution Strategy ; Module 12: Place: Distribution Channels
  • Module 13 Discussion: Marketing Campaign Concept ; Module 13: Promotion: IMC
  • Module 14 Discussion: Global Marketing ; Module 14: Marketing Globally

Waymaker Principles of Marketing course learning outcomes cover a variety of topics related to marketing, culminating in creating a marketing plan. The recommended set of performance assessments in the Waymaker Marketing course includes a combination of submitted assignments and discussion forums, through which students develop content that contributes to the creation of their own marketing plans. Additional discussion assignments, beyond the ones automatically included in this course, are also available in a single Microsoft Word document.  Download additional discussion assignments here.

  • Assignments. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Pencil Cup. Authored by : IconfactoryTeam. Provided by : Noun Project. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution

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6 Great Business Marketing Homework Strategies

  • 6 month(s) ago

6 Great Business Marketing Homework Strategies

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Understanding Your Business Landscape in Business Marketing Homework Strategies

III. Setting SMART Marketing Goals

IV. Crafting a Unique Value Proposition

V. Developing a Comprehensive Marketing Mix

VI. Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing

X. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

XI. Conclusion

A. Definition of Business Marketing Homework strategies

Business Marketing Homework strategies encompasses a strategic and comprehensive approach to planning and executing marketing initiatives. It goes beyond the traditional understanding of assignments and tasks, preferring instead to the systematic analysis, planning, and implementation of marketing strategies tailored to a specific business. This involves delving into the intricacies of market dynamics, understanding consumer behavior, and formulating plans that align with the broader goals of the organization.

Business Marketing Homework is essentially a proactive effort to stay ahead in the competitive landscape, requiring a deep understanding of the market, competitors, and the target audience. In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the layers of Business Marketing Homework strategies, offering insights and strategies that businesses can leverage to enhance their marketing efforts and ultimately achieve sustained success.

B. Importance of Strategic Marketing Planning

The significance of strategic marketing planning within the realm of Business Marketing Homework cannot be overstated. It serves as the compass guiding businesses through the dynamic landscape of markets and consumer behavior. Strategic marketing planning involves a meticulous process of setting clear objectives, analyzing market trends, and aligning these insights with the overall business goals. By creating a roadmap for marketing initiatives, businesses can optimize resource allocation, identify growth opportunities, and navigate challenges effectively.

In essence, strategic marketing planning is the cornerstone of a well-defined and purposeful approach to reaching target audiences, building brand equity, and ultimately achieving a competitive edge. In this comprehensive guide on Business Marketing Homework Strategies, we will delve into the intricacies of strategic marketing planning, unraveling its core elements and providing actionable insights to empower businesses in their marketing endeavors.

C. Overview of the Article Content

Business Marketing Homework Strategies aims to equip businesses with a holistic understanding of effective marketing practices. The content of this article is structured to provide a step-by-step exploration of crucial elements in strategic marketing planning. Beginning with the definition of Business Marketing Homework, we delve into the strategic landscape, emphasizing its importance as a proactive approach to marketing.

The guide navigates through market analysis, goal setting, value proposition development, and the crafting of a robust marketing mix. Special attention is given to the power of digital marketing, harnessing data for informed decisions, and building strong customer relationships. The content also emphasizes the need for continuous monitoring and adaptation to ensure sustained success. Throughout the guide, practical insights, and actionable strategies are offered to assist businesses in formulating and implementing effective marketing plans tailored to their unique needs and goals. This overview sets the stage for an in-depth exploration of each aspect, providing a roadmap for businesses to elevate their marketing efforts.

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A. Market Analysis

In the expansive realm of “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” a fundamental cornerstone is understanding the intricate landscape in which a business operates. This section begins with a deep dive into Market Analysis, a critical component that involves dissecting various facets of the market to glean valuable insights. Businesses are guided through the process of identifying their target audience, analyzing competitors, and staying abreast of industry trends. Market Analysis sets the stage for informed decision-making, helping businesses not only comprehend their current position but also anticipate shifts in consumer behavior and market dynamics.

This section serves as a compass, directing businesses to navigate their terrain with precision, ensuring that marketing efforts are finely tuned to the nuances of the market environment. As we delve into this aspect of the comprehensive guide, practical strategies and methodologies will be unveiled to empower businesses in conducting thorough and insightful market analyses as part of their overarching marketing homework. 

1. Identifying Target Audience

Business Marketing Homework Strategies, the first crucial step involves the meticulous task of Identifying the Target Audience. This process is akin to sculpting the foundation of a successful marketing strategy. By honing in on the specific demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics of the audience, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts with unparalleled precision. Understanding the needs, preferences, and pain points of the target audience is pivotal for crafting compelling messages that resonate. This section of the comprehensive guide will unravel effective methodologies for audience segmentation, employing tools and techniques to gather actionable insights.

Businesses will gain insights into not just who their audience is, but also how to engage and build lasting connections with them, setting the stage for a marketing strategy that resonates authentically and delivers tangible results.

2. Analyzing Competitors

Business Marketing Homework Strategies, an indispensable aspect is the meticulous process of Analyzing Competitors. This strategic step involves a comprehensive examination of rival businesses operating within the same market space. By dissecting competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, businesses can gain invaluable insights into industry benchmarks and market trends. This section of the guide will delve into effective methodologies for competitive analysis, offering businesses a roadmap to identify key differentiators and areas for improvement. Understanding the competitive landscape not only helps in positioning the business uniquely but also aids in anticipating market shifts and staying ahead of industry trends.

Through this exploration, businesses will be empowered to develop strategies that capitalize on opportunities and address challenges, ensuring a proactive and informed approach to their business marketing homework strategies

3. Assessing Industry Trends

Business Marketing Homework Strategies, the pivotal stage of Assessing Industry Trends takes center stage. This step involves a forward-looking exploration of the ever-evolving currents within the business landscape. By staying attuned to emerging industry trends, businesses can position themselves strategically to capitalize on new opportunities and navigate potential challenges.

This section of the guide will elucidate effective methodologies for trend analysis, incorporating tools and insights to interpret shifts in consumer behavior, technology, and market dynamics. Understanding industry trends not only ensures relevance but also fosters innovation and adaptability, key ingredients for sustained success. Through this exploration, businesses will gain the insights needed to align their marketing strategies with the pulse of the industry, fostering a proactive and responsive approach to their marketing homework.

A. Specific Goals

marketing homework

1. Defining Clear Objectives

In the expansive landscape of “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” a foundational step toward strategic success is Setting SMART Marketing Goals, with the initial focus on Defining Clear Objectives. This process involves crystallizing the aspirations of a marketing strategy into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals. Clear objectives serve as the guiding stars, providing a roadmap for the entire marketing effort. This section of the guide will navigate businesses through the intricacies of goal setting, emphasizing the importance of clarity in articulating what needs to be achieved.

By defining objectives that are aligned with overall business aims, this guide will equip businesses with the tools to measure progress, make informed decisions, and ultimately propel their marketing initiatives towards tangible success. The exploration of this topic will offer practical insights and methodologies, fostering a strategic mindset in the pursuit of well-defined marketing objectives.

B. Measurable Goals

1. Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

In the comprehensive journey through “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the spotlight shifts to the pivotal phase of Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) under the broader theme of Setting Measurable Goals. Here, businesses delve into the art and science of quantifying success by defining specific metrics that align with their marketing objectives. By choosing KPIs that are both relevant and indicative of progress, companies gain a measurable framework to assess the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

This section of the guide will unfold practical methodologies for selecting and implementing KPIs, offering insights into the metrics that matter most in the marketing landscape. The establishment of measurable goals through KPIs not only enables businesses to track performance but also facilitates informed decision-making, ensuring a data-driven and results-oriented approach to their marketing homework. Through this exploration, businesses will be empowered to navigate the path to success with precision and clarity.

C. Achievable Goals

1. Ensuring Realistic Targets

In the expansive guide of “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the journey through Setting SMART Marketing Goals continues with a focus on Achievable Goals and the paramount task of Ensuring Realistic Targets. This critical step involves a meticulous examination of the feasibility and attainability of set marketing objectives. By grounding goals in reality, businesses can foster a sense of direction that is not only ambitious but also pragmatic. This section of the guide will unravel practical methodologies for assessing and ensuring the attainability of goals, providing businesses with the tools to strike a balance between aspiration and practicality.

The emphasis here is on crafting objectives that challenge the organization while remaining within the realm of possibility. Through this exploration, businesses will gain insights into the art of setting achievable goals, fostering a culture of ambition tempered with a grounded understanding of the business landscape.

D. Relevant Goals

1. Aligning with Business Objectives

In the comprehensive guide to “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the stage of Setting SMART Marketing Goals advances with a crucial focus on Relevant Goals and the imperative of Aligning with Business Objectives. Here, the emphasis is on ensuring that marketing goals are not only specific and measurable but also directly contribute to the overarching business mission.

By aligning marketing objectives with broader business aims, companies can create a harmonious and purpose-driven strategy. This section of the guide will unravel pragmatic methodologies for identifying and crafting relevant goals that not only enhance marketing efforts but also integrate seamlessly with the overall organizational vision. The exploration into this facet will equip businesses with the tools to bridge the gap between marketing initiatives and broader business strategies, fostering cohesion and synergy in their pursuit of success.

E. Time-Bound Goals

1. Implementing Time Constraints

In the comprehensive guide to “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the journey through Setting SMART Marketing Goals continues with a critical exploration of Time-Bound Goals and the implementation of time constraints. This phase underscores the importance of not just outlining specific and measurable objectives but also placing them within a defined timeframe. Businesses will delve into the strategic art of setting deadlines to create a sense of urgency and accountability within their marketing initiatives.

This section of the guide will illuminate practical methodologies for implementing time constraints effectively, ensuring that goals are achieved within reasonable and strategic timelines. By infusing a temporal dimension into marketing objectives, businesses can enhance their focus, efficiency, and overall effectiveness. Through this exploration, companies will gain insights into the nuanced art of time management within marketing strategies, fostering a dynamic and results-oriented approach to their business marketing homework.

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1. Identifying Unique Selling Points

In the comprehensive guide on “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the spotlight now shifts to the crucial aspect of Crafting a Unique Value Proposition, with an initial focus on Identifying Unique Selling Points. This stage represents a pivotal moment in marketing strategy, as businesses embark on the journey to distinguish themselves in a competitive landscape. Here, the guide will delve into the art of pinpointing and leveraging the distinctive qualities that set a business apart from its competitors.

By identifying unique selling points, companies can articulate a compelling value proposition that resonates with their target audience. This section of the guide will unfold practical methodologies for uncovering these differentiators, offering businesses insights into how to communicate their value in a way that captivates and engages customers. Through this exploration, businesses will be empowered to build a strong foundation for effective marketing, fostering a brand identity that stands out in the minds of consumers.

2. Creating a Compelling Brand Story

In the comprehensive guide to “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the journey through Crafting a Unique Value Proposition unfolds with a focus on creating a Compelling Brand Story. This stage recognizes the narrative power that lies within a brand and its ability to forge emotional connections with the audience. Here, businesses will explore the art of storytelling, discovering how to weave a narrative that not only communicates the brand’s history and values but also resonates authentically with the target audience.

The guide will delve into practical methodologies for crafting compelling brand stories, offering insights into how businesses can leverage storytelling to humanize their brand, build trust, and foster long-lasting relationships. Through this exploration, companies will gain the tools to infuse their marketing with a narrative that transcends mere transactions, creating a meaningful and memorable presence in the minds of their customers.

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A. Product Strategy; Product Development and Innovation

In the comprehensive guide on “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the focus transitions to the development of a Comprehensive Marketing Mix, starting with a spotlight on Product Strategy, specifically Product Development and Innovation. This section underscores the pivotal role of products in the overall marketing strategy. It delves into the art of cultivating a product strategy that not only meets customer needs but also anticipates and adapts to market trends.

The guide will unfold practical methodologies for businesses to innovate and develop products that stand out in a competitive landscape, covering aspects such as market research, design thinking, and agile development. By embracing a robust product strategy, companies can not only satisfy existing customer demands but also stay ahead of the curve, setting the stage for a dynamic and successful marketing mix. As we delve into this facet of the comprehensive guide, businesses will gain insights into the nuanced world of product development and innovation, essential elements in crafting a comprehensive and effective marketing strategy.

B. Price Strategy; Pricing Models and Strategies

In the comprehensive guide on “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the exploration of Developing a Comprehensive Marketing Mix advances with a strategic focus on Price Strategy, specifically delving into Pricing Models and Strategies. This section acknowledges the critical role pricing plays in the success of a marketing strategy, extending beyond merely setting a numerical value. The guide unfolds practical methodologies for businesses to determine the most effective pricing models and strategies, considering factors such as cost, value perception, and market positioning.

By embracing a well-defined price strategy, companies can not only optimize revenue but also influence consumer perceptions and behaviors. As we navigate through this facet of the comprehensive guide, businesses will gain insights into the nuanced art of pricing, equipping them to make informed decisions that align with their overall marketing objectives.

C. Place (Distribution) Strategy; Channel Selection and Optimization

In the comprehensive guide on “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the exploration of Developing a Comprehensive Marketing Mix progresses with a strategic focus on Place (Distribution) Strategy, honing in on Channel Selection and Optimization. This section recognizes the pivotal role of distribution in ensuring products reach the right audience at the right time.

The guide delves into the art of crafting a distribution strategy that optimally utilizes various channels, from traditional retail to e-commerce, to maximize reach and accessibility. Practical methodologies will be unfolded, covering aspects such as channel selection, logistics optimization, and supply chain management. By embracing a well-defined distribution strategy, companies can enhance their market presence and streamline the delivery of products to consumers. As we delve into this facet of the comprehensive guide, businesses will gain insights into the dynamic world of distribution strategy, empowering them to make strategic decisions that align with their overall marketing goals.

D. Promotion Strategy

1. Integrated Marketing Communications

In the comprehensive guide on “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the journey through Developing a Comprehensive Marketing Mix advances with a specific focus on Promotion Strategy, emphasizing the significance of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). This section recognizes that effective promotion goes beyond mere advertising and requires a holistic approach. The guide delves into the art of integrating various communication channels—such as advertising, public relations, and direct marketing—into a seamless, cohesive strategy.

Practical methodologies will be unfolded, covering aspects like message consistency, audience segmentation, and the strategic use of multiple promotional channels. By embracing an Integrated Marketing Communications approach, businesses can create a unified and impactful brand message, fostering brand awareness and engagement across diverse touchpoints. As we explore this facet of the comprehensive guide, businesses will gain insights into the nuanced world of promotion strategy, equipping them to orchestrate cohesive and compelling marketing communications.

2. Advertising and Public Relations

In the comprehensive guide on “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the exploration of Developing a Comprehensive Marketing Mix continues with a strategic focus on Promotion Strategy, honing in on Advertising and Public Relations (PR). This section recognizes the dynamic synergy between advertising and PR as powerful tools for building brand visibility and credibility. The guide delves into the art of crafting compelling advertising campaigns and establishing strong relationships with the public through effective PR initiatives. Practical methodologies will be unfolded, covering aspects such as campaign planning, message consistency, and media relations.

By embracing a well-coordinated approach to Advertising and Public Relations, companies can create a harmonious brand narrative that resonates with their target audience and the broader public. As we delve into this facet of the comprehensive guide, businesses will gain insights into the strategic use of advertising and PR to amplify their brand message and foster a positive brand image in the competitive market landscape.

marketing homework

A. Online Presence

1. Website Optimization

In the realm of “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the chapter on Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing takes center stage, beginning with a critical focus on Online Presence, specifically the imperative of Website Optimization. This segment underscores the significance of a business’s virtual storefront – its website. Website Optimization is more than just enhancing aesthetics; it involves creating a user-friendly, responsive, and strategically designed online space.

From seamless navigation to compelling content, this section of the guide will illuminate practical methodologies for businesses to optimize their websites effectively. By doing so, companies can not only enhance user experience but also improve search engine rankings, making their online presence a powerful tool for attracting and retaining customers. As we delve into this facet of the comprehensive guide, businesses will gain insights into the nuances of Website Optimization, equipping them to leverage their digital storefronts as potent instruments in the competitive landscape.

2. Social Media Marketing

In the extensive guide on “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the exploration of Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing continues with a pivotal focus on Social Media Marketing under the broader theme of Online Presence. This segment delves into the dynamic realm of social platforms, emphasizing their role as invaluable tools for brand visibility and engagement.

Social Media Marketing is not just about creating a presence; it’s about fostering meaningful connections with the target audience. This section of the guide will unravel practical methodologies for businesses to effectively leverage social media, covering aspects like content creation, community building, and strategic advertising. By embracing Social Media Marketing, companies can tap into the vast potential of these platforms, amplifying their brand message and cultivating a loyal online community. As we delve into this facet of the comprehensive guide, businesses will gain insights into the art of navigating the social media landscape, empowering them to harness the full power of digital marketing for strategic success.

B. Email Marketing

In the comprehensive guide on “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the exploration of Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing deepens with a strategic focus on Email Marketing. Positioned under the broader theme of leveraging digital tools, Email Marketing stands as a versatile and powerful means of direct communication with a target audience. This section delves into the art of crafting compelling email campaigns that transcend mere promotional content, aiming to build lasting relationships with recipients. The guide will unfold practical methodologies for businesses to optimize their email marketing strategies, covering aspects such as personalized content, segmentation, and automation.

By embracing Email Marketing, companies can engage their audience directly, delivering targeted messages that resonate with individual preferences and behaviors. As we navigate through this facet of the comprehensive guide, businesses will gain insights into the nuanced approach of leveraging email as a strategic tool in their marketing arsenal.

C. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In the comprehensive guide on “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the exploration of Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing advances with a critical focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Positioned under the broader theme of online visibility, SEO emerges as an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to enhance their digital footprint. This section delves into the intricacies of optimizing web content to improve search engine rankings, ensuring that businesses are discoverable by their target audience.

The guide will unravel practical methodologies for businesses to implement effective SEO strategies, covering elements such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and backlink building. By mastering the art of SEO, companies can secure prominent positions in search engine results, driving organic traffic and bolstering their online presence. As we delve into this facet of the comprehensive guide, businesses will gain insights into the dynamic world of SEO, equipping them to navigate and leverage search engine algorithms for strategic marketing success.

D. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

In the extensive guide on “Business Marketing Homework Strategies,” the exploration of Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing advances with a strategic focus on Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising. Positioned under the broader theme of digital advertising, PPC emerges as a dynamic and results-oriented approach for businesses seeking targeted visibility. This section delves into the intricacies of PPC campaigns, where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. The guide will unfold practical methodologies for businesses to craft effective PPC strategies, covering elements such as keyword selection, ad copy optimization, and budget management.

By embracing PPC Advertising, companies can position themselves prominently in search engine results and other digital platforms, ensuring their message reaches a precisely targeted audience. As we navigate through this facet of the comprehensive guide, businesses will gain insights into the strategic use of PPC to drive immediate and measurable results in their digital marketing efforts.

marketing homework

A. What is the significance of business marketing homework strategies?

B. How can businesses identify their target audience effectively?

C. What are the key components of a compelling value proposition?

D. Why is a well-defined marketing mix crucial for business success?

E. How can businesses optimize their online presence for maximum impact?

F. What role does data play in shaping business marketing homework strategies?

G. How can businesses build and maintain strong customer relationships?

H. Why is continuous monitoring and adaptation important in marketing?                

Encouragement for Implementing Business Marketing Homework Strategies

In conclusion, Business Marketing Homework Strategies navigates businesses through the intricacies of strategic marketing planning, emphasizing the importance of proactive and informed approaches. As we wrap up this guide, it is essential to offer encouragement for the implementation of the outlined business marketing homework strategies. By understanding the market landscape, setting SMART goals, crafting a unique value proposition, and embracing digital tools, businesses can position themselves for success.

The guide underscores the dynamic nature of marketing, urging businesses to continuously adapt and monitor their strategies. In the ever-evolving business environment , the implementation of these strategies becomes a dynamic process, fostering innovation and resilience. This comprehensive guide serves not only as a roadmap but as an invitation for businesses to embrace business marketing homework strategies as a cornerstone for sustained growth and success in the competitive market landscape.


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Homework: Marketing Vocabulary

brand, trademark, launch, product, digital marketing...


As is the case with most specialised topics, Marketing comes with its own obscure range of tricky jargon. And whilst we may not all be particularly interested in this field of business, many of the words connected with it are still relevant to our lives. This useful homework sheet enables students to practise Marketing Vocabulary through three different types of exercises.

After downloading your PDF: print it immediately or save and print later. Answers are provided for teachers on the second page.

Make your own worksheets with the free EnglishClub Worksheet Maker !

How to Teach Digital Marketing

This guide is a comprehensive overview of everything you need to build a great digital marketing course.

Introduction: Why Rethink How You Teach Marketing

In the last 20 years, there's been a fundamental shift in the way that people live, shop and buy.

Consider: People used to work in their office from 9-5. Now they can work whenever they want, wherever they want.

Folks used to drive to big box stores and malls to make purchases. Now they shop online. 

People used to read their mail, they watched one of seven television channels, and they got their news from newspapers.

Few areas of business have been disrupted by this shift more than marketing.

Simply put, technology broke the traditional marketing playbook.   Caller ID blocks cold calls, DVR makes TV advertising less effective, and spam filters block mass emails. It's still possible to get a message out using these channels, but it costs a lot more, and it's increasingly less effective. 

marketing homework

This new landscape requires an updated marketing playbook. 

A series of recent studies has uncovered that marketers struggling to adapt to this new paradigm. 

A 2013 study by   Online Marketing Institute   on the state of digital marketing talent found a significant gap between the skills applicants need and the abilities of their current team.

marketing homework

Furthermore, a  joint study  by Google and Boston Consulting Group found that marketers themselves admit to a shortcoming in digital marketing capabilities.

marketing homework

Without getting into a larger conversation about the mandate of higher education, if you, as a professor, care about your students' future success, this is both a cause for concern...and an opportunity to set your students up with a set of marketing skills that matches the way the world lives, works, and shops. 

I n a landscape that changes so quickly, how can you make sure you provide students with a relevant, meaningful and effective digital marketing education? That is what this guide is all about. 


This guide, and it's accompanying resources, were created with guidance and assistance from HubSpot's   Education Partners . These college and university professors are rethinking the way marketing is taught in higher education. 

A great digital marketing course must:

  • Be interdisciplinary
  • Combine theory and practice 
  • Provide proper business context
  • Center around applied learning
  • Adapt to a rapidly changing landscape

All of this starts with your syllabus. 

Ready to put these ideas in action?

Apply for HubSpot's Education Partner Program and join 1,500+ other professors reinventing their curriculum.

How to Create a Digital Marketing Syllabus

The importance of a syllabus.

A successful semester starts with the syllabus. It's an opportunity to get students and faculty on the same page, to express the value of the course, and to set learning expectations for students.

Consider the syllabus your students' roadmap to success. What signs can you give them along the way?  A well-crafted syllabus forces the teacher to ask themselves a larger question:  “What should I teach in my digital marketing course?”

Often, university-level digital marketing courses lack narrative. They cram together as many buzzwords, trends, and TLAs (three letter acronyms like SEO and PPC) as possible, all under the umbrella of digital marketing, internet marketing, or e-marketing.  It’s enough to make your head spin.   As your university’s program develops, you’ll have the opportunity to branch out into all-encompassing digital marketing concentrations, minors, and even majors. For an individual course, you'll have to focus.

In a field that changes as quickly as digital marketing does, the syllabus will become your home base — a resources you can continue to improve and refine over time.  

Working with professors in HubSpot's  Education Partner Program , we’ve highlighted five components of a strong digital marketing syllabus:

  • Course overview:   How you contextualize your course.
  • Learning outcomes and objectives:   What your students will learn, and why they'll learn it. 
  • Course delivery (pedagogy):   How you will teach the course.
  • Software:   The combination of theory and practice.
  • Required reading and viewing:   The content your students will learn. 

Not ready to get the template? Keep reading for more details on building a syllabus. 


A syllabus overview is the description, justification, and purpose of your course. Often, it will be a similar yet expanded version of the description you used to promote the course. Here's what to consider when creating an overview for your digital marketing syllabus:

  • Build a tight focus.  Will your course focus on B2B, B2C, or both? What will the central narrative be? Social media, analytics, content? The narrative of your syllabus will be important, especially if you’re creating a survey digital marketing course that covers the topic broadly.
  • Context is critical:  Most students don’t have much knowledge of B2B funnel marketing. Their experien ce with digital marketing will be almost entirely with B2C and app-based companies like Uber and Airbnb. Keep things exciting, engaging, and human.
  • Avoid jargon:   Remember that for many students this will be their first exposure to many of these concepts. 

Looking for a digital marketing course overview example?


Learning objectives are b rief, clear, and specific statements defining what a student should be able to do at the end of the course.

The learning outcomes in a college-level digital marketing course should, of course, be outcome-driven. Many students take these courses because they teach in-demand skills. So, ask yourself, "Are the learning outcomes of this course setting up my students for success?" Digital marketing changes quickly, so make sure your objectives sync with the skills and abilities the industry looks for in new hires. 

It can be tempting to cram many types of software and competencies into your syllabus — avoid doing that. Rather, consider consolidating different channels and methods within an underlying skill. Instead of "demonstrate competency using Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter," try "evaluate the efficacy of different social media channels" or "formulate a social media strategy for a business." Those learning outcomes stand the test of time by focusing on baseline skills through the lens of popular channels, but they prevent you from having to update the core of your syllabus and course every semester. 

Here are some other things to consider:

  • Focus on behavior.  What specific activities will students be able to do? Analyze digital trends? Conduct an SEO audit? Create a digital strategy? Action-based outcomes provide clear direction to students on what you expect.
  • Think of your most successful students.  Consider your best student, or if you haven't taught digital marketing before, your ideal student. Which concepts would they use to evaluate and create digital marketing strategies? What best practices would they use?
  • Use Bloom's Taxonomy.  Bloom's Taxonomy refers to a set of hierarchical models used to classify learning outcomes into levels of complexity. It spans cognitive functions, from remembering to creating. The verbs in the image — copied from the taxonomy, which was  updated in 2001  —  are a great framework for thinking about your digital marketing course objectives.

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As a college professor who teaches digital marketing, one of the most important decisions you must make is   how  to deliver the course.   Many of HubSpot’s   Education Partners   have adopted the flipped classroom as their preferred approach to teaching digital marketing.

The flipped classroom is an instructional strategy that reverses the traditional way of teaching. Content that has been traditionally delivered as lectures or viewings is consumed outside the classroom as homework, and activities traditionally used for homework (worksheets, assignments, etc.) are now done in class.

Moving lectures and readings outside the classroom and bringing in assignments and problem sets works for a few reasons:

  • The class is centered around the learner, not the teacher.
  • Learning more closely mirrors how work gets done in business.
  • It's a more constructive way to blend theory and application.
  • It’s easier to integrate open resources and industry experts — securing top executives and marketing managers to visit your class in person is not easy. It’s much easier, however, to curate their best content from the web, have your students consume it at their own pace, and then work together to apply what they’ve learned to a situation.

Poor learning arises from traditional un-engaging lectures. A growth in high-quality online education and the increasing importance of collaborative use of software means a flipped classroom approach is an excellent option for designing a university-level digital marketing syllabus.


Any great digital marketing course combines theory and practice. But another way to consider this is the synthesis of strategy and execution.   When it comes to digital marketing, execution is inexorably linked to the software marketers use. And when it comes to marketing software, the options can be overwhelming.

In order to expose students to a rough approximation of their future working environment, professors often try to cram multiple different solutions into one course, using social media software, analytics software, video creation software, project management software, content management software, email marketing software... It’s enough to make your head spin.

Can you imagine how your students feel? First they're expected to integrate digital marketing strategies into the existing frameworks they've learned in their introductory courses.   Then, in these upper-level capstone or practicum courses, they're asked to apply those myriad frameworks and strategies to run a business. On top of that, they're asked to learn up to 10 different software applications with 10 different user interfaces, 10 places to get help, in 10 dashboards that don’t share data.   What a headache.

Increasingly, digital marketing professors are turning to marketing and sales platforms to do much of the heavy lifting, looking for software that can combine the functionality of different solutions (email, SEO, social media, content marketing, analytics, etc.) into one platform.

As you design your syllabus, put yourself in your students' shoes and consider where you'd like them to spend their time: on navigating the help documentation, logins, and functionality of disparate, decentralized point solutions, or focusing on the blending of theory and practice and strategy and execution of business growth.


Regardless of whether or not you embrace the flipped classroom approach in your syllabus, you’ll need strong, industry-approved resources.   Why industry-approved? 

Collaborating with the industries that will employ your students in the future is a great way to ensure your students graduate with a competitive advantage in the job market. It’s an excellent way to make sure what you're teaching is equipping your students with the skills they need to be successful.

Second, digital marketing is evolving at a lightning pace, and it can be difficult to keep up. By the time a textbook has been written, reviewed, and published, the content can already be out-of-date.   But there's a tenuous balance between staying current and chasing trends. There’s a big difference between teaching students how to evaluate the efficacy of different social media channels and understanding the swiftly changing best practices, case studies, and market players of, say, live and ephemeral media like Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook live. Industry can be a valuable supplement in this endeavor.

You, as the professor, must drive the ship. Industry is a compass you can use to course-correct so you can spend time working on what matters.

Here are a few places to find industry-leading content that's trusted, accurate, and up-to-date:

  • Blogs:   HubSpot ,   Buffer ,   MOZ ,   ConversionXL ,   Litmus ,   Unbounce
  • Forums: ,   Quora
  • Certification programs:   HubSpot ,   Google ,   Lynda ,   Facebook

Ready to put these ideas in action? Grab your ready-to-use, easy-to-customize, digital marketing syllabus template. 

Best Digital Marketing Certifications for Teaching

Why use certifications in the classroom.

It's best to think of certifications as doing the same job as a textbook. 

Some professors like using certifications instead of books because they are:

  • accessible everywhere
  • available in different formats
  • come with certificates that hold value in the marketplace
  • free, or very cheap

An additional benefit is that certifications are easy to update. While a textbook can take over a year to write, edit, and distribute, certifications can be updated instantaneously. 

Lin Humphrey, Assistant Professor at Florida International University, effectively summarized the value of certifications in the classroom in an article on   Huffington Post  titled   Training Next Generation Digital Marketers: Applied Learning Through Industry Certifications  : 

"Whether you are a student trying to land an internship or job or are a professional wanting to advance in digital marketing, having multiple industry-recognized certifications can make a difference. While it’s always good to specialize, digital strategists and agency account relationship owners are expected to be Swiss army knives of digital knowledge. Depth and breadth matter. Taking a course in digital marketing can help in gaining knowledge of digital strategy and tactics, and pairing these courses with industry recognized certifications can augment theory with applied skills to help new grads stand out from the pack."

A summary of the certification's Lin uses in his course are presented in the graphic in this section. 

As you can see, there are a number of valuable certifications worth using. Below is a survey of the certification programs we recommend. 


HubSpot Academy is the worldwide leader in inbound marketing and sales education, transforming the way people and companies grow through online courses, projects, certifications, and software training. All of their certifications are free, and the ones below are HubSpot-agnostic, meaning they teach the key strategies and principles of growing a business, regardless of which software you use, and don't mention HubSpot. 

  • Inbound Certification:   The Inbound certification course is a free marketing training course that covers the fundamentals of the inbound marketing methodology.  It covers SEO, blogging, landing pages, lead nurturing, conversion analysis and reporting come together to form a modern inbound marketing strategy.
  • Inbound Sales Certification:   The Inbound Sales certification features five classes that introduce you to the Inbound Sales Methodology. From identifying potential buyers, to developing outreach strategies, to building personalized presentations, this free sales training course covers the basics of what inbound sales is all about.
  • Email Marketing Certification:   This advanced email marketing training course will teach you how lifecycle marketing, segmentation, email design, deliverability, analytics and optimization come together to create an email marketing strategy that grows your business, and your career.
  • Content Marketing Certification:   This content marketing certification course will teach you how storytelling, content creation, repurposing and promotion come together to build an inbound content marketing machine that grows your business, and your career.

Google:  Google hardly needs an introduction, and it's certifications are widely recognized in the marketplace as difficult but extrememly valuable. The two certifications offered by Google that are most often used in college courses are the Analytics and Adwords certifications. Both certifications are free. 

  • Google Analytics :  "The Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) is a demonstration of proficiency in Google Analytics that is available to any individual who has passed the Google Analytics IQ exam."
  • Google Adwords : " The Google AdWords certification is a professional accreditation that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of AdWords. An AdWords certification allows individuals to demonstrate that Google recognizes them as an expert in online advertising.

Hootsuite:   Hootsuite is a platform for managing social media. They have several certifications available, and have received very positive reviews from professors, though they do cost money. 

  • Social Media Marketing Certification:   " The Social Marketing Certification tests and proves your knowledge of the core principles of social media marketing."
  • Advanced Social Media Strategy Certification : "Hootsuite and the Newhouse School have partnered to develop the industry-leading credential to help you advance your career in social media strategy."  

These three programs are a great start, and the certifications most used by digital marketing professors in the classroom. Don't let that stop you from exploring other educational resources, from places like   Lynda  and  Coursera , though!

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To bring these benefits to your classroom, you can join our free program below to gain access to all the free resources and work with our specialists to transform your course.

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Meet the Top Digital Marketing Professors

The professors who inspire hubspot's education partner program.

Professors are teaching digital marketing all over the world. But only a few of them have taken the time to innovate, test, and share their insights on how they educate and inspire the next generation of marketers.

Whether you're building a digital marketing course from scratch or reinvigorating an existing one, having a role model can help. See the suggested readings we've provided, bookmark their blogs, articles, and websites, and follow them on Twitter. Your students will be grateful you did.

karen freberg

Karen Freberg — University of Louisville

Assistant Professor, Strategic Communications

LinkedIn  |   Twitter

Suggested reading:   How to Really Get Your Students Their Dream Social Media Jobs

Bio:   "I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Louisville and an On-line Instructor for the Integrated Marketing Communications program at West Virginia University. I got my my Ph.D. at beautiful University of Tennessee in Knoxville in 2011. I would consider myself to be “Dr. Freberg 2.0,” since the original is my mom.

My primary research interests are in social media, public relations, crisis communications, and emerging technologies. I am currently teaching these courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. Along with doing research and teaching courses in this area, I also consult primarily in social media and crisis communications."


Randy Harrison — Emerson College

Adjunct Professor, Marketing


Suggested reading:   HubSpot in Higher Ed: Lessons from the Classroom ,   HubSpot in Higher Ed: Lessons from the Classroom Part II

Bio:  "Randy Harrison has been on the adjunct faculty at Emerson College in Boston since 2002. He is also an active marketing consultant who brings together a love for story telling, passion for innovation and THE new to create demand for products people may not even know they need, yet. As a consultant, Randy has a thirst for helping companies solve high yield business problems. And as an educator he is dedicated to helping students harness their a-games, and  creates applied learning experiences so that that they can add professional value to companies of their choice right away. Randy’s passion for Inbound stems from his core belief in marketing’s power to make products “easy-to-buy,” along with the vision of how Digital and Mobile are transforming communications and can be used to create more individual, human and relevant relationships between customers and companies." 

Matt Kushin — Shepherd University

Suggested readings:   Are Your Classes Suffering from Assignment Creep? ,   Teaching Social Network Concepts

Bio:  "Matthew J. Kushin, Ph.D. — Matt for short — is an associate professor in the Department of Communication at Shepherd University. He’s an award-winning educator and scholar who has the best job in the world: He gets to think, talk, and teach social media.

He is the concentration coordinator of the Strategic Communication concentration in the department. Classes he teaches or has taught include: Social Media, Politics & Social Media, Principles of PR, Strategic Campaigns, Persuasion & Message Design, Communication Theories, Communication Research Methods, Applied Communication Research, Communication & New Media, Writing Across Platforms, Introduction to Mass Communication, Public Speaking, New Communication Technology."

Dr. Kushin’s   research focuses on social media, politics, and civic life . He has presented to audiences internationally on the subject via the United States State Department.

anthony edwards

Anthony Edwards — Tarleton State University

Assistant Professor 

Suggested reading:   10 Strategies for Increasing Engagement in Online Courses ,  The Zero Moment of Truth in Higher Ed

Bio:  "Educational leader. Husband. Dad. I help leaders make a difference in life and work. "

Elaine Young — Champlain College

Suggested reading:   Developing Your Professional Digital Identity

Bio:  "My name is Elaine Young, and I am a professor of digital and social media marketing at Champlain College, a small, private college (2,000 students) in Burlington, VT. I use my industry experience to bring the working world to both my classrooms and curriculum. I have experience in marketing, public relations, media relations, event management, internet strategy as well as an in-depth knowledge of interactive and social media techniques, strategies and tools."

Debra Zahay-Blatz — St. Edwards University

Suggested readings:  Three Approaches to Incorporating Industry Certifications in Undergraduate Marketing

Bio:  "Dr. Debra Zahay-Blatz  has developed numerous programs and courses in the Digital/Interactive Marketing area and placed hundreds of students in jobs in search, social, email, and web design, among other areas. She teaches Digital Marketing, Social Media Management and Principles of Marketing. As Department Chair, she recently led the effort to incorporate Digital Marketing and Analytics throughout the Marketing major and create a Digital Marketing minor, open to all St. Edward's students.

A thought leader in digital marketing with an international reputation, Dr. Zahay-Blatz researches how firms can facilitate customer relationships, particularly using customer information. She is also skilled in data analytics techniques and has taught these techniques in database marketing courses."

Denny McCorkle — University of Northern Colorado

LinkedIn  |   Twitter

Suggested readings: Schooled in Social Media: Lessons Learned From Personal Branding ( 2017 ,  2016 ,   2015 )

Bio:  "As a nationally recognized and award-winning Marketing Professor in the Monfort College of Business at the University of Northern Colorado, I help others to gain a Digital Self Marketing Advantage through use of social media marketing for personal branding, job search, skills development, career advancement, and life-long learning."

Nate Riggs — Ohio University

Course Blog

LinkedIn |   Twitter

Suggested listening:   Digital Skillscast  - a podcast on the teaching digital skills in higher ed. 

Bio:  "Nate Riggs is the Founder and CEO of NR Media Group, a Columbus-based agency that helps companies adopt and use sales and marketing automation technology to grow their customer base. Nate was an early adopter of HubSpot’s Education Partner Program. He developed and teaches a popular digital marketing automation course at Ohio University’s College of Business during the Spring and Fall semesters. His course produces between 180-250 students annually, who earn both their Inbound and HubSpot certifications, while using HubSpot’s Enterprise software to execute real inbound marketing campaigns. His believes that colleges and universities can help close the digital skills gap by first adopting marketing and sales automation technology to support admissions and advancement, and then working with faculty to establish Centers of Excellence and fellowship programs that immerse students in experiential learning, certificate-based programs and mentoring that will prepare them to be high performers in a modern workforce. "

Gary Schirr — Radford University

Suggested readings:   It's Hard To Do The #Flip! ,   #Flip The Flipping Classroom

Bio:  "I am an associate professor of Marketing at Radford University in the beautiful New River Valley of southwest Virginia. I teach social media marketing, innovation, and professional sales. My primary research interests are service innovation and service or B2B sales. I love my “Life 2.0” in the mountains of Virginia!

I believe that after doing research, teaching is the best way to learn a subject and to stay on top of it, but blogging may be the next best way. Maintaining my site helps keep me up to date with what is written about innovation in the popular press as well as academic journals. A second benefit is a correspondence with people who are making innovation happen." 

janna parker

Janna Parker — James Madison University

Assistant Professor, Marketing

Suggested reading:  8 Tips for Designing a Digital Marketing Course ,   How to Incorporate Industry Certifications Into a Digital Marketing Course

Bio:  " I'm passionate about marketing and I'm a lifelong learner so pursuing my doctorate was a perfect choice for me. I love to teach and interact with students as well as stay up to date with both academic research in marketing and learn what is new for practitioners. My DBA in Marketing is from Louisiana Tech University and I will always cheer for the La Tech Bulldogs.

jessica rogers

Jessica Rogers — Southern New Hampshire University

Professor, Marketing

Suggested reading:   What is the point of Social Media Marketing Classes in College?  

Bio:  " Jessica's research centers around Social Media Marketing engagement, Brand Loyalty & GenX females. Jessica is a member of the American Marketing Association and Academy of Marketing Science. She also serves as an Editorial Board member of The Journal of Education for Business, a reviewer for The Journal of Business Research, and a reviewer for The Journal of Social Media in Society. Jessica has worked on course design and instruction of both undergrad & grad level courses in Marketing, including Social Media and Digital Marketing; has 16 years of field experience in operations, management, sales, & marketing prior to transitioning into Higher Education in 2009. Jessica holds a PhD in Business (specialization in Marketing), MS in Marketing, and a BS in Business Administration.


Paula Morris — Salisbury University

Professor of the Practice, Marketing

Suggested reading:   Ready For Another Job Search Tip? ,   Do You Have a Social Media Posting Policy?

Bio:  " Paula T. Morris's passions revolve around youth, leadership, and education. At work and in the community, young people often surround her. Different groups refer to her with a variety of names; Mrs. M., Ms. Paula, MrsPTMorris, to name a few.

As a Professor of the Practice in Marketing at Salisbury University’s Perdue School of Business, Mrs. M. brings real-world learning experiences to her students. Encouraging students to engage with nonprofit and small businesses, many students find a passion for volunteering and “giving back” to their communities.  Because she connects so many of her students with their first jobs, in 2015 The University of Maryland Board of Regents recognized her with the Excellence in Mentoring Award. " 

jennifer edwards

Jennifer Edwards — Tartleton State University

Associate Professor, Communication Studies

Suggested reading:   Applied Social Media Graduate Course - Syllabus and Course Navigation Video

Bio:  " My name is Dr. J. Edwards. I am an Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Assistant Vice-President for Student Success and Multicultural Initiatives. My research focuses on Plissken faction issues, snake person mothers, and snake person-centric marketing (as well as higher education topics). " 

What You Need to Know About Becoming a Marketing Major

A marketing major studies the branding and promotion of products and services to the public, and how to target specific demographics.

Becoming a Marketing Major

Businesspeople at big creative agency

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Marketing finds a need consumers have and creates products or services to satisfy that need, all while promoting the mission of the brand or organization.

Marketers are the conduits between consumers and every other aspect of a business, from product development to sales. People in this field help share a product’s value with consumers while also helping businesses understand what consumers want and need. Marketing majors learn about consumer behaviors, brand management, communication, marketing strategies, sales and more to prepare for these roles.

What Is a Marketing Major? 

People who major in marketing study how consumers think, why they think that way and how to use effective communication strategies to help sell products and services. Marketing majors learn social science as well as the nitty-gritty strategies of selling to customers. They'll also learn various aspects of running a business, which generally includes taking courses in accounting, economics, statistics and information systems. Typically, marketing majors study “soft skills” like interviewing and problem-solving. Like many undergrads, marketing majors may take a range of core classes toward the start of their college careers and then choose a special area of focus or concentration as they move toward graduation.

What’s the Difference Between a Marketing Major and a Business Major?

Universities house marketing degree programs inside the business college, which can sometimes make it difficult to discern the difference between a marketing major and a business major . At some schools, a marketing student might be a business major with a focus in marketing, and start out taking the same core classes that a business major takes, such as finance or international business. During the last two years, they’ll focus more specifically on topics like consumer behavior and digital marketing.

At other schools, business and marketing are two separate majors. In these instances, business majors differ by focusing on topics like entrepreneurship, finances, budgeting and management. Students who enjoy psychology, writing, research and analyzing data may be better suited to a marketing degree , while those with an entrepreneurial spirit may be better suited for a business degree .

Common Coursework Marketing Majors Can Expect

Common coursework for a marketing major typically includes:

  • Marketing strategy.
  • Consumer behavior.
  • Marketing communication.
  • Marketing research. 
  • Sales and professional selling.
  • Digital marketing. 


Marketing is a broad field, and to help students prepare for marketing careers, colleges may require students to select one or more areas of concentration. Common areas of concentration for marketing majors can include:

  • Digital marketing.
  • Sports marketing. 
  • Brand marketing.
  • Global marketing.
  • Professional selling. 

How Long Does it Take to Complete a Marketing Degree? 

As with other bachelor’s degree programs, marketing degrees typically take four years to complete and require at least 120 credits, though the exact number of credits varies by school. If you’re pursuing a four-year bachelor’s degree, it’s important to plan your class schedule carefully. At some colleges, certain required courses may fill up fast or only be offered only at a certain time of the year. In addition, some courses in a marketing program build upon one another and must be taken in sequential order. This means any difficulties scheduling classes can result in the degree program taking longer than four years to complete.

Is Marketing a Good Major for Me? 

If you’re a business-savvy person who has good communication skills and likes helping others solve complex problems, this may be a major you should consider. At its core, marketing is a career that involves building relationships, whether those relationships are built online or through face-to-face interactions.

What Can I Do With a Marketing Major? 

Marketing majors can explore a variety of career paths, such as content creator, social media expert or sales representative . They may also consider a role in public relations or work as a copywriter, market research analyst or marketing manager .

While salaries vary by exact job, marketing jobs can lead to good pay and solid prospects. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, marketing managers made a median salary of $158,280 in 2022. The BLS projects a faster-than-average job growth for this role compared to other professions. Numerous other jobs in the field also offer competitive pay and above-average job growth.

As with any career, salaries can vary widely, and earning additional certifications or seeking specific training opportunities can set a job candidate apart. Google, for example, offers a certificate in e-commerce and digital marketing, while other sites offer online courses in topics like digital marketing and social media marketing . The world of marketing – and especially the digital space – is always changing, and as new technologies arise, marketing professionals will benefit from keeping their skills up-to-date.

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What Marketing Majors Say 

“If you think about it, they (marketers) are the interpreter for every major player in the pipeline: product developers/engineers, corporate leadership, distribution, sales teams and most importantly, customers. Without marketing, the other departments would be in a vacuum and customers in the lurch.” - Tracy B., University of South Dakota marketing major
“While there was a heavy focus on targeting campaigns using social media I think the most valuable tool was learning how to collaborate and express ideas in a team setting. Both programs forced me to step out of my comfort zone and work in team settings where I had to learn to develop creative ideas and solutions while learning how to pitch these thoughts coherently. Learning how to develop ideas with a team rather than through a solo project helped me prepare for real world working environments where this creative problem solving is happening on a daily basis.” - Chris W., studied marketing and advertising, along with planning, public policy and management at the University of Oregon

Schools Offering a Marketing Major

2024 Best Colleges

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Image credit: Claire Scully

New advances in technology are upending education, from the recent debut of new artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots like ChatGPT to the growing accessibility of virtual-reality tools that expand the boundaries of the classroom. For educators, at the heart of it all is the hope that every learner gets an equal chance to develop the skills they need to succeed. But that promise is not without its pitfalls.

“Technology is a game-changer for education – it offers the prospect of universal access to high-quality learning experiences, and it creates fundamentally new ways of teaching,” said Dan Schwartz, dean of Stanford Graduate School of Education (GSE), who is also a professor of educational technology at the GSE and faculty director of the Stanford Accelerator for Learning . “But there are a lot of ways we teach that aren’t great, and a big fear with AI in particular is that we just get more efficient at teaching badly. This is a moment to pay attention, to do things differently.”

For K-12 schools, this year also marks the end of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding program, which has provided pandemic recovery funds that many districts used to invest in educational software and systems. With these funds running out in September 2024, schools are trying to determine their best use of technology as they face the prospect of diminishing resources.

Here, Schwartz and other Stanford education scholars weigh in on some of the technology trends taking center stage in the classroom this year.

AI in the classroom

In 2023, the big story in technology and education was generative AI, following the introduction of ChatGPT and other chatbots that produce text seemingly written by a human in response to a question or prompt. Educators immediately worried that students would use the chatbot to cheat by trying to pass its writing off as their own. As schools move to adopt policies around students’ use of the tool, many are also beginning to explore potential opportunities – for example, to generate reading assignments or coach students during the writing process.

AI can also help automate tasks like grading and lesson planning, freeing teachers to do the human work that drew them into the profession in the first place, said Victor Lee, an associate professor at the GSE and faculty lead for the AI + Education initiative at the Stanford Accelerator for Learning. “I’m heartened to see some movement toward creating AI tools that make teachers’ lives better – not to replace them, but to give them the time to do the work that only teachers are able to do,” he said. “I hope to see more on that front.”

He also emphasized the need to teach students now to begin questioning and critiquing the development and use of AI. “AI is not going away,” said Lee, who is also director of CRAFT (Classroom-Ready Resources about AI for Teaching), which provides free resources to help teach AI literacy to high school students across subject areas. “We need to teach students how to understand and think critically about this technology.”

Immersive environments

The use of immersive technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality is also expected to surge in the classroom, especially as new high-profile devices integrating these realities hit the marketplace in 2024.

The educational possibilities now go beyond putting on a headset and experiencing life in a distant location. With new technologies, students can create their own local interactive 360-degree scenarios, using just a cell phone or inexpensive camera and simple online tools.

“This is an area that’s really going to explode over the next couple of years,” said Kristen Pilner Blair, director of research for the Digital Learning initiative at the Stanford Accelerator for Learning, which runs a program exploring the use of virtual field trips to promote learning. “Students can learn about the effects of climate change, say, by virtually experiencing the impact on a particular environment. But they can also become creators, documenting and sharing immersive media that shows the effects where they live.”

Integrating AI into virtual simulations could also soon take the experience to another level, Schwartz said. “If your VR experience brings me to a redwood tree, you could have a window pop up that allows me to ask questions about the tree, and AI can deliver the answers.”


Another trend expected to intensify this year is the gamification of learning activities, often featuring dynamic videos with interactive elements to engage and hold students’ attention.

“Gamification is a good motivator, because one key aspect is reward, which is very powerful,” said Schwartz. The downside? Rewards are specific to the activity at hand, which may not extend to learning more generally. “If I get rewarded for doing math in a space-age video game, it doesn’t mean I’m going to be motivated to do math anywhere else.”

Gamification sometimes tries to make “chocolate-covered broccoli,” Schwartz said, by adding art and rewards to make speeded response tasks involving single-answer, factual questions more fun. He hopes to see more creative play patterns that give students points for rethinking an approach or adapting their strategy, rather than only rewarding them for quickly producing a correct response.

Data-gathering and analysis

The growing use of technology in schools is producing massive amounts of data on students’ activities in the classroom and online. “We’re now able to capture moment-to-moment data, every keystroke a kid makes,” said Schwartz – data that can reveal areas of struggle and different learning opportunities, from solving a math problem to approaching a writing assignment.

But outside of research settings, he said, that type of granular data – now owned by tech companies – is more likely used to refine the design of the software than to provide teachers with actionable information.

The promise of personalized learning is being able to generate content aligned with students’ interests and skill levels, and making lessons more accessible for multilingual learners and students with disabilities. Realizing that promise requires that educators can make sense of the data that’s being collected, said Schwartz – and while advances in AI are making it easier to identify patterns and findings, the data also needs to be in a system and form educators can access and analyze for decision-making. Developing a usable infrastructure for that data, Schwartz said, is an important next step.

With the accumulation of student data comes privacy concerns: How is the data being collected? Are there regulations or guidelines around its use in decision-making? What steps are being taken to prevent unauthorized access? In 2023 K-12 schools experienced a rise in cyberattacks, underscoring the need to implement strong systems to safeguard student data.

Technology is “requiring people to check their assumptions about education,” said Schwartz, noting that AI in particular is very efficient at replicating biases and automating the way things have been done in the past, including poor models of instruction. “But it’s also opening up new possibilities for students producing material, and for being able to identify children who are not average so we can customize toward them. It’s an opportunity to think of entirely new ways of teaching – this is the path I hope to see.”

The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki

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Omsk , officially the Siberian Black League , is a warlord state in Western Siberia. Occupying the territory of the former Omsk Oblast, it borders Tomsk to the north, the Kazakh SSR to the south, Tyumen to the east, and Novosibirsk to the west.

  • 2.1 National spirits
  • 2.2 Cabinet
  • 3.1 Generals

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union , the city of Omsk, initially held by the West Siberian People's Republic , was seized by a league of ultranationalists sharing views of anti-German sentiment and revanchism. Led by Dmitry Karbyshev 's All-Russian Black League, upon the seizing of Omsk, the ultranationalist regime had to industrialize and fortify it. In a way, some could say it's nothing but a fortified city in which the Black League militarizes and prepares for its future conflicts.

The political system of Omsk is governed as a militarist one-party state since its founding, ruled by Karbyshev and his like-minded comrades of the All-Russian Black League, an organization fanatically devoted to revanchism against the Greater Germanic Reich . However, at heart, Karbyshev is a Russian and while he sought to create an ultranationalist military state to take revenge against Germany, he did not account for the despots that wished to claim as much power as possible from him. Karbyshev is represented in-game as a dying man soon to fall, due to him leading a brutal military dictatorship, while being opposed to the radical rhetoric of his officer clique. The Black League has since become an ultranationalist state, even more radical in their hatred of Germany. Due to Karbyshev's declining health, many of the other officers have gained massive influence in the leadership of Omsk. The reality is that Karbyshev started a movement that assumed it was able to change the hearts of the despots with nationalism rather than terror; but it has since been corrupted beyond his visions, and there is little he can do to stop the train of degeneracy. Indeed, once Karbyshev dies and Omsk is still around, actual ultranationalist and General Dmitry Yazov will assume leadership of the Black League and prevent the despotic cliques from growing.

Under the sheer doctrine of anti-German sentiment, the theory of the “Great Trial” in Omsk comes in. This is where the warlord state will prepare for its final assault on the Reich, as revenge for the “First Trial” which brought the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the “Second Trial” being the West Russian War . Their hatred doesn't stop with just Germany, but it includes many who collaborated with them. Some officers of the Black League even go as far as to want to destroy the United States for not helping enough during the Great Patriotic War. In preparation for their war with Germany, they are expectant of nuclear strikes and so have started to construct massive metro tunnels to double as shelter from the warheads and radioactive fallout. The resolve of the Black League cannot be stopped, even with the threat of nuclear war.

Omsk is one of the hardest paths in TNO, due to it being weaker than a lot of the surrounding warlords and being unable to conduct diplomacy at all. To reunite Russia, Omsk will have to fight every single state in its way. Their end goal is the complete extermination of the Reich and the German people, and they will stop at nothing to reach this. They are hard-coded for hostility and are always at war with someone, but an AI Omsk will almost always never be successful. Despite being founded on nothing but hatred, when they unify Western Siberia and start to emerge on the international stage, they actually try to conceal their ideology and ambitions from foreign influences. They stick with a nondescript name of the “West Siberian Provisional Authority” under the guise of a protective military authority and switch their ideology to “Despotism”.

National spirits

After Dmitry Yazov comes to power and purges the Black League's old guard, the cabinet changes to:

Omsk has at least eleven generals.

  • Ironically, according to a former developer of West Siberia, Omsk at one point had a National Socialist path as a "sane" option, due to now-former head developer Pink Panzer wanting every region in Western Siberia to have multiple paths. This was changed after the other developers convinced him to have Omsk only have one path.
  • Omsk was partially inspired by the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia , a militant group that aspired to carve out an ethnic Armenian homeland in eastern Turkey.
  • 1 TNO Styled GFX Icons
  • 2 SS State of Burgundy
  • 3 National Socialism


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