High School Cover Letter Example

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Start your high school cover letter with a professional greeting, addressing the recipient by name if possible (e.g., "Dear Mr. Smith"). Begin with a strong opening sentence that captures attention and clearly states the purpose of your letter. Mention the specific position or opportunity you're applying for and express your enthusiasm. For example, "I am excited to apply for the summer internship program at XYZ Company, as advertised in our school's career services office." Tailor the introduction to the role and organization, highlighting a connection or relevant achievement that demonstrates your interest and suitability, such as a relevant project or extracurricular involvement. This personalized approach shows initiative and helps you stand out from the start.

The best way for high school students to end a cover letter is with a professional closing that expresses enthusiasm and gratitude. Students should reiterate their interest in the position and thank the reader for considering their application. A strong closing sentence could be, "I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Organization/Company Name] and look forward to the possibility of discussing my application in further detail." To conclude, use a formal sign-off such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by their name. It's important for students to maintain a tone of respect and eagerness to learn, which reflects their readiness to take on new challenges and opportunities.

When high schools are preparing a cover letter, perhaps for a grant application, partnership proposal, or any official correspondence, it's important to include certain key elements that convey the school's message effectively. Here's what should typically be included in a high school's cover letter: 1. **Header with Contact Information**: At the top of the letter, include the school's letterhead with the name, address, phone number, email address, and website. This provides the recipient with immediate reference to the school's contact information. 2. **Date**: The date the letter is being sent should be clearly stated below the letterhead. 3. **Recipient's Information**: Include the name, title, organization, and address of the person or entity the letter is addressed to. This personalizes the letter and ensures it reaches the correct individual. 4. **Salutation**: A formal greeting such as "Dear [Recipient's Name]" is appropriate. If the recipient's name is not known, "Dear Sir/Madam" or "To Whom It May Concern" can be used as a last resort. 5. **Introduction**: The opening paragraph should briefly introduce the high school and the purpose of the letter. It should engage the reader and provide context for the correspondence. 6. **Body of the Letter**: - **Purpose**: Clearly state the reason for writing. If it's a grant application, specify the need for the grant and how it aligns with the grantor's objectives. - **Details**: Provide specific information about the program, project, or reason for the correspondence. Highlight the school's achievements, strengths, or unique qualities that make it a suitable candidate for the grant, partnership, or other opportunities. - **Benefits**: Explain how the proposed project or partnership will benefit the students, the school, and potentially the broader community. Be persuasive and use data or anecdotes to support your claims. 7. **Closing Paragraph**: Summarize the main points and reiterate the school

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High School Student Cover Letter

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simple cover letter for high school students

High school students often face the daunting task of crafting a cover letter that captures their budding potential. This guide on “High School Student Cover Letter Examples ” aims to demystify the process. It provides practical examples, tailored to highlight the strengths and experiences typical of high school students. Moreover, it provides actionable tips on writing a persuasive cover letter, even when formal job experience is scarce. The guide is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to stand out in the competitive job market.

What is High School Student Cover Letter?

A High School Student Cover Letter is a formal letter that high school students send to potential employers to express their interest in a job and highlight their relevant skills, even if they don’t have much professional experience. It’s an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the role and how their academic, extracurricular, and personal experiences make them a strong fit for the position.

What is the Best Example of High School Student Cover Letter?

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position advertised at [Company Name]. Although I am still in high school, I believe that my academic achievements and participation in [mention extracurricular activities or clubs] have equipped me with valuable skills such as [mention specific skills relevant to the job].

For example, as a member of the [mention a club or activity], I have developed strong leadership skills and learned the value of teamwork and commitment. These experiences, along with my strong work ethic and eagerness to learn, make me a promising candidate for this position.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

High School Student Cover Letter

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Free High School Student Cover Letters – Copy & Paste

High school student cover letter with no experience.

I’m writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], which I learned about from [where you found the job listing]. Although I’m a high school student with no professional work experience, my academic pursuits and extracurricular activities have equipped me with a wealth of skills that align with this role.

Over the past few years, I have cultivated strong [mention a key skill] skills through my involvement in [describe a relevant school project, club or activity]. Additionally, I have demonstrated a keen ability to [mention another key skill] through [describe another relevant experience or achievement].

I am eager to apply my abilities to a professional setting and believe that this position would provide an invaluable opportunity to do so. I am confident that my [mention skills] and passion for [industry] would allow me to contribute positively to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my suitability for this position.

How to Use: Highlight your academic and extracurricular activities that have helped you develop the skills you need for the job, even if you don’t have professional work experience. Make sure to tailor this  no experience cover letter to the specific role and company you’re applying to.

High School Student Cover Letter with No Experience

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High School Student Cover Letter for Internship

I’m writing to express my interest in the internship position available at [Company Name] which I discovered through [source]. As a high school student, I have always been interested in [industry or field], and I see this internship as a remarkable opportunity to enrich my knowledge and skills.

Over the past few years in high school, I have been involved in [describe relevant extracurricular activities or projects], where I demonstrated my [mention a key skill] skills. Additionally, my role in [describe another activity or project] has honed my [mention another key skill].

I am eager to bring my dedication and drive to your esteemed organization and believe this internship would provide an excellent foundation for my future career. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application further.

How to Use: Make sure to highlight your relevant academic and extracurricular activities that demonstrate your key skills and your eagerness to learn and contribute in your internship cover letter .

High School Student Cover Letter for Internship

High School Student Cover Letter for Senior

As a proactive senior student at [School Name], I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I have always been drawn to [industry or field] and see this role as an incredible opportunity to explore my interests professionally.

During my high school years, I have excelled academically, especially in subjects relevant to [industry or field]. Moreover, I have been involved in various [extracurricular activities/clubs/projects] where I have showcased my ability to [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill].

I am confident that my enthusiasm, commitment, and the skills I have cultivated throughout my high school years make me a strong candidate for this position. I look forward to potentially discussing my suitability further.

How to Use: Highlight your academic achievements, activities that have equipped you with the skills required for the job, and express your enthusiasm for the role.

High School Student Cover Letter for Senior

High School Student Cover Letter for Summer Job

I’m writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] summer position advertised at [Company Name]. As an ambitious high school student, I believe this opportunity perfectly aligns with my skills, interests, and enthusiasm to learn and contribute.

Over my high school years, I have actively participated in [mention specific extracurricular activities or part-time work] that honed my skills in [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill], which I believe are essential for this role. I’m confident that these experiences, combined with my dedication, will make a positive impact on your team.

I am eager to bring my energy, reliability, and passion for learning to this summer role. I look forward to the chance to discuss my application further.

How to Use: This job cover letter emphasizes readiness for a summer job. Highlight your part-time work or relevant experiences, and your commitment to use the summer job as a learning opportunity.

High School Student Cover Letter for Summer Job

Size: 24 KB

High School Student Cover Letter for First Job

I am excited to submit my application for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Although this would be my first formal job, I am confident that my academic achievements and extracurricular experiences have equipped me with valuable skills and a strong work ethic.

In my time at [School Name], I have been actively involved in [extracurricular activities] that have enabled me to develop skills such as [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill]. These experiences have prepared me to take on the challenges of the [Job Title] position.

I am eager to apply my skills in a professional setting and I am confident that my commitment and enthusiasm make me a strong candidate for this role. I look forward to discussing my suitability further.

How to Use: Highlight your readiness for your first job. Emphasize the relevant skills you have gained through school and extracurricular activities and your eagerness to learn and grow.

High School Student Cover Letter for First Job

Sample High School Student Cover Letter

I am currently a dedicated student at [Your School’s Name] and am eager to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Despite my limited work experience, I believe that my involvement in school activities and my academic achievements make me a strong candidate for this role.

Throughout my high school years, I have excelled in [mention relevant subjects] and participated in [mention relevant extracurricular activities or part-time work] which have honed my skills in [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill].

With a positive attitude and a strong drive to learn, I am excited about the prospect of bringing my skills and enthusiasm to your organization. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application further.

How to Use: This sample letter is adaptable to a range of positions. Just be sure to tailor the highlighted skills and experiences to the particular job you are applying for.

Sample High School Student Cover Letter

High School Student Cover Letter for Entry Level Job

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. As a high school student preparing to graduate, I believe I possess the necessary skills and readiness to succeed in this entry-level position.

I have consistently excelled in [mention relevant subjects] and have been recognized for my [mention a key skill] during [mention relevant activity or project]. Furthermore, my experience as a [mention relevant role] has honed my [mention another key skill], making me ready for a professional setting.

I am eager to translate my academic achievements and extracurricular experiences into success at your esteemed organization. I look forward to potentially discussing my application further.

How to Use: Tailor this letter to your prospective employer by highlighting your academic and extracurricular achievements and demonstrating your readiness to embark on your professional journey.

High School Student Cover Letter for Entry Level Job

College Student Cover Letter

I am currently a dedicated student at [Your College’s Name] pursuing a degree in [Your Major]. I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] to enhance my classroom learnings with practical industry experience.

Over the course of my academic career, I’ve had the opportunity to develop and refine critical skills such as [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill]. I’ve applied these skills in [mention any internships, projects, or extracurricular activities] which has prepared me for the challenges of the [Job Title] position.

I am eager to leverage my academic knowledge and practical experiences to make meaningful contributions to your team. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my suitability further.

How to Use: Modify this college student cover letter to align with the requirements of the job you’re applying for. Highlight any relevant coursework or experiences that demonstrate your suitability for the role.

College Student Cover Letter

High School Student Cover Letter for Part-time Job

I am a dedicated student at [Your School’s Name] and I am eager to apply for the part-time [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I believe that my time management skills, coupled with my commitment to learning, make me an excellent candidate for this role.

In balancing my academic responsibilities with my extracurricular involvement, I have honed my [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill]. I am confident that these skills, along with my ability to adapt and learn quickly, will enable me to excel in a part-time role.

I am excited about the prospect of applying my abilities in a professional environment while balancing my academic commitments. I look forward to discussing my application further.

How to Use: This letter emphasizes your ability to manage your time effectively and balance multiple commitments. Highlight relevant skills and experiences and express your eagerness to learn and contribute.

High School Student Cover Letter for Part-time Job

Generic High School Student Cover Letter

I am an enthusiastic and diligent student at [Your School’s Name], eager to bring my dedication and positive attitude to the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I believe that my academic achievements and extra-curricular involvement make me an ideal candidate for this role.

In school, I’ve displayed a strong work ethic, achieving high grades in [mention relevant subjects] and demonstrating [mention a key skill] in [mention an activity or project]. My involvement in [mention an extra-curricular activity] has honed my skills in [mention another key skill], which I am confident would benefit your team.

I’m excited about the opportunity to learn and grow within your company and look forward to discussing my application further.

How to Use: This cover letter is a versatile choice that can be adapted for any job opportunity. Be sure to fill in the key skills and experiences with your personal attributes and achievements.

Generic High School Student Cover Letter

Basic High School Student Cover Letter

As a motivated student at [Your School’s Name], I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am confident that my strong work ethic, combined with my willingness to learn, would make me a valuable addition to your team.

Throughout my high school career, I have excelled acadically and displayed my [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill] in various activities. I am eager to translate these skills and my enthusiasm into success at your organization.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how my qualifications align with your needs.

How to Use: This basic cover letter is suitable for any job type. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences and express your eagerness to apply them in a professional setting.

Basic High School Student Cover Letter

High School Student Cover Letter for Nursing Job

As a devoted student with a passion for the healthcare field, I am eager to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I believe my academic focus on science and health, along with my volunteer experience in healthcare settings, make me a fitting candidate for this role.

During my time in high school, I have dedicated myself to studying [mention specific courses related to healthcare] and volunteering at [mention healthcare-related volunteering experience], which has strengthened my [mention a key skill] and [mention another key skill].

I am excited to further contribute to the healthcare field and believe your organization provides the perfect opportunity for me to do so. I look forward to discussing my application further.

How to Use: This nursing cover letter highlights your academic achievements and experiences in healthcare. Customize it to highlight your commitment and skills relevant to a nursing role.

High School Student Cover Letter for Nursing Job

School Leaver Cover Letter

As a recent graduate from [Your School’s Name], I am eager to apply my skills and knowledge to the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am confident that my dedication to learning and my ability to work well with others make me a promising candidate for this role.

During my time at school, I have excelled in [mention relevant subjects] and demonstrated my [mention a key skill] through my involvement in [mention relevant activities]. This experience, combined with my strong [mention another key skill], has prepared me for a professional setting.

I am excited about the opportunity to transition into the workforce and believe your organization provides the perfect environment for me to do so. I look forward to discussing my application further.

How to Use: This cover letter is ideal for those fresh out of school and stepping into the workforce. Highlight your skills and experiences that demonstrate your readiness for the professional world.

School Leaver Cover Letter

How do you Write a Cover Letter for a High School Student?

Writing a cover letter as a high school student can seem daunting, especially when you might not have a lot of work experience to include. Here are a few key steps to guide you:

1. Start With a Professional Header: Your header should include your name, contact information, and the date you’re writing the letter.

2. Address the Hiring Manager: Research who the hiring manager is so you can address them directly. If you can’t find their name, a simple “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice.

3. Express Your Interest: Clearly express why you’re interested in the job and how you learned about the position.

4. Highlight Your Skills and Experience: Highlight academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, volunteer work, or any other experience that may be relevant to the job. Showcase the transferable skills you’ve gained from these experiences.

5. Show Enthusiasm: Employers appreciate candidates who are enthusiastic about their company and role. Make sure to express your eagerness to contribute.

6. Close Professionally: Conclude by thanking them for their time and expressing interest in the opportunity to discuss your application further.

Tips for High School Student Cover Letter

A. Focus on Skills: As a high school student, you might not have an extensive work history. However, you can focus on skills gained from your studies, extracurricular activities, and even personal hobbies.

B. Tailor Each Letter: Employers appreciate a tailored application. Make sure to change your cover letter for each application, focusing on the skills and experiences most relevant to each job.

C. Express Passion: Even if you don’t have much professional experience, a clear passion for the industry or role can leave a strong impression.

D. Proofread: Always proofread your cover letter. Errors can leave a negative impression, while a well-written, error-free letter communicates professionalism and attention to detail.

E. Use a Professional Tone: While it’s good to let your personality shine through, remember to maintain a professional tone throughout your cover letter.

By following these guidelines and tips, you can craft a compelling cover letter that effectively presents your skills and potential to prospective employers, even as a high school student.


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Write a cover letter for a college student applying for an internship at an educational technology company

Form a cover letter for a high school student seeking a part-time job at a local bookstore.

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High School Student Cover Letter Example

Show that you're serious about your job search with this professional High School Student cover letter sample. You can use this example for free or revise it in our powerful cover letter builder.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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High School Student Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Liesbeth reenkes.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing in response to your advertisement on LinkedIn.com for the Summer Camp Counselor position. I believe that my skills and qualities align well with the requirements of the role, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and further develop both personally and professionally.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a diligent and committed high school student with a strong academic background, boasting a perfect GPA of 3.97. I have also excelled in various competitions and contests, winning accolades such as the 1st prize in the National Economics Competition, 2nd prize in the Human Rights Competition, and 3rd prize in the International Aerobics Contest. In addition to my academic achievements, I am actively involved in school societies, including the Aerobics Society, Fitness Society, and Tennis Club.

While education is a priority for me, I also value gaining practical experience. I have previously worked as an Administrative Assistant at FieldCore, Inc., where I was responsible for a range of tasks such as creating presentations, streamlining office procedures, organizing documents, and providing support to managers and supervisors. I am adept at working both independently and as part of a team, and I thrive in fast-paced environments.

My strong time management skills, professional demeanor, and dedication to excellence have been honed through my experiences as a Class Treasurer and Street Fundraiser. I am proficient in using various software programs such as MS Office, ProofHub, Netsuite, Trello, and Slack.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of your organization.

Best regards,

Liesbeth Reenkes

High School Student

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 23.2 percent of high school students participated in the labor force in October 2021. Besides gaining work experience for your further career growth, having a job can certainly teach you valuable skills, such as teamwork, leadership or cooperation. That said, it is only natural that many high school students are eager job seekers. And there is no better way to land a job than to advertise yourself with a professionally written cover letter.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Edit this sample using our resume builder.

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. artificial intelligence can write it for you..

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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High School Student Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

Use these High School Student cover letter examples and writing tips to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

simple cover letter for high school students

Table of Contents

High school student cover letter example 1, high school student cover letter example 2, high school student cover letter example 3, high school student cover letter writing tips.

If you’re a high school student who wants to make a big impact on the world, a summer job could be a great way to get your foot in the door.

But before you can get hired, you need to create a stellar cover letter. Check out the examples and tips below to learn how to write a cover letter for a high school student.

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the role at your company. After looking over the job description, it’s clear that you’re looking for a candidate that is extremely familiar with the responsibilities associated with the role, and can perform them confidently. Given these requirements, I am certain that I have the necessary skills to successfully do the job adeptly and perform above expectations. 

I am a hard-working recent high school graduate (4.3 GPA) who has consistently been praised as focused by my teachers and managers. During the course of my academic career, I also managed accrue nearly 4.5 years of work experience. I had the privilege of working for El Pueblito’s in a server role in my free time, where I learned valuable professional skills such as conflict resolution, team work, multitasking, customer needs assessment, and customer service. Whether working on academic, extracurricular, or professional projects, I apply proven communication, creative thinking, and critical thinking skills, which I hope to leverage into the associate role at your company. 

After viewing my resume, I hope you will agree that I am the type of competent and competitive candidate you are looking for. I look forward to elaborating on how my specific skills and abilities will benefit your organization.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 

I am submitting this letter and the enclosed resume to show my interest in seeking a position at your organization.

I have recently graduated from high school and am seeking an entry-level position at your company. High school has taught me a variety of skills. One of them is the value of teamwork. I have played team sports and participated in event planning at school. This has taught me how to work with a team of diverse people to accomplish a specific outcome. Teamwork is not always easy. I used these opportunities to master the ability to inspire people to work in a team. I was recognized for this ability as I was appointed as captain and team leader in various after-school activities.

I managed to maintain good grades throughout my schooling career. I wouldn’t call myself a natural student. I’ve always had to work very hard to secure my achievements. This was, to me, a valuable life lesson which is that, if you want something you have to work for it. I regard this as one of my greatest strengths. I believe in perseverance and working hard to get anywhere in life.

Now that I’ve graduated, I’m looking forward to moving on to the next phase of my life. I want to start working and study part-time. I know that if you give me the opportunity to work at your organization, I can prove myself to be a dedicated employee. I believe that dedication and commitment are the main drivers of career success. I would enjoy the opportunity to meet with you to describe what skills and abilities I could add to your company. I am also interested in finding out more about your organization to see where I would best fit into it.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

This cover letter serves as my application to be accepted in your institution to achieve academic excellence and build my future. Not only do I believe that I have the qualities that it takes to succeed at your school, but I also believe that the ethos of the school is in line with my own philosophies on education.

I can paint a rosy picture of a student that has all the talents in the world. I can tell you about my past academic achievements and that I participated in an array of sports. I can even tell you about the cultural activities that I excelled at, but it would not be the truth. I achieved outstanding grades and represented my previous school at the cross-country state championships. I also played the lead in our school’s rendition of Romeo and Juliet, but I did not achieve all of this because I am talented. Instead, I achieved it all because I am a hard worker.

From a very young age, I realized that anything that is worthwhile is never easy. I did not grow up in an affluent home, but I grew up in a stable home where my parents instilled in me the value of hard work and perseverance.

Your school has an excellent reputation and I believe that if I apply myself in my academics, sport and cultural activities as I have done in the past, I will make a success and be an asset to the school. Education is a powerful tool, but any tool is only as effective as the person using it. Your school has astounding teachers and your educational philosophy resounds with my own.

I look forward to hearing from you and also becoming a member of the legacy that you have already built over the years.

Use your cover letter to show your maturity

High school students are often still viewed as children, so they need to demonstrate that they are mature enough for the job. Demonstrate your maturity in the cover letter by highlighting examples of leadership skills you have exhibited through sports, volunteering or other extracurricular activities.

Address the specific job position

If you’re applying for a job as a high school student, it can be tempting to simply cut and paste your resume into the body of your cover letter. However, you should never do this because it won’t let hiring managers know why you’re interested in their company. To show that you have a passion for the role and why it interests you, write specifically about what attracted you to this particular company or job description. Be sure to include how your skills would benefit the company as well as any reasons why they should hire someone from your age group.

Be honest about your ability to handle the job

If you’re a high school student applying for a summer job, you’ll need to be honest with yourself and the employer about your ability to handle the responsibilities of this type of position. High school students often make the mistake of applying for jobs they are underqualified for because they overestimate their own abilities. Before you apply, make sure that you can complete all aspects of the job. If not, look for an entry-level position in which your responsibilities are more within your skill set or even better yet work as a volunteer or intern.

Avoid grammatical errors in your cover letter

A high school student’s cover letter is an important opportunity to prove they are the ideal candidate for the job. However, a poorly written cover letter will not leave a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Use proper grammar and spelling in your cover letter, as these two elements can speak volumes about yourself. Proofread your cover letter carefully before submitting it. If possible, have someone else read over your work for any errors you may have missed.

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  • Resume Examples
  • High School Student Resume Template & Examples for 2024

High School Student Resume Template & Examples for 2024

Christian Eilers, CPRW

Our customers have been hired by:

Whether it’s after-school jobs to save for a car, or weekend jobs to prep for college, you’re eager to crack your knuckles and get to it—ready to write a high school student resume and score that teen job. 

Well, to get the good ones that pay, you’ll need an application that stands out. So let’s find out how to make a high school resume as exciting as summer break.

This high school student resume guide will show you:

  • High school student resume examples better than 9 out of 10 other resumes.
  • How to write a high school student resume that gets more job interviews.
  • Tips on how to put skills and achievements on resumes for high school students.
  • How to describe any work experience you have to get any teen jobs you want.

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here .

High school student resume example

Sample resume made with our builder— See more resume samples here .

We have resume guides and resume templates no matter which level of education you’ve accomplished:

  • College Freshman Resume
  • College Graduate Resume
  • College Student Resume
  • High School Graduate Resume
  • High School Resume Templates
  • Resume for a Part-Time Job
  • Resume for College Applications
  • Scholarship Resume
  • Student Resume Templates
  • Sample Resumes for Different Jobs

Now, let’s get started writing your resume as impressive and incapable of doing wrong as Jackson from Sex Education . And in the meantime, let's see some good and bad high school resume examples that will teach us a lesson!

Highschool Resume Example

Daphne Joeckel High School Graduate +1-123-456-789 [email protected] linkedin.com/in/daphne.joeckel

Motivated and organized High School Grad from Carolina in Puerto Rico seeking employment as an Entry Level Sales Representative to apply my customer service, communication and computer skills to help grow the company’s revenue. Possess a Certification of Information Technology issued by Computers R Us and am proficient in Spanish and English languages.

Cashier Carolina Grocery Store, Carolina, PR May 2019–July 2019

Key Qualifications & Responsibilities

  • Ran the cash register, processed payments, bagged groceries, restocked shelves, handled customer inquiries.
  • Cooperated with customers to identify their needs then provided advice and recommendations.

Key Achievement:

  • Reduced wait times by 40% by quickly identifying common items for faster checkout.

Internship Carolina Computer Shop, Carolina, PR June 2018–August 2018

  • Installed software updates on computers and repaired malfunctioned machines while keeping customers up-to-date on progress.
  • Troubleshot technical issues by diagnosing hardware problems under the supervision of senior technicians.
  • Was able to solve over 20 complex technical issues each week as part of a dedicated team of interns at Computers R Us.

High School Diploma Carolina High School, Carolina, PR August 2015–May 2019

Relevant extracurricular activities

  • Member of the Robotics Club where I was responsible for leading weekly meetings discussing robotics trends.
  • Sports Enthusiast actively participating in multiple sports tournaments with the school teams.

Academic achievements:

  • Received honors in Mathematics, Science, and Technology courses throughout high school years.
  • Volunteer work for local organizations including fundraising events for charity projects involving disadvantaged children from impoverished communities building educational resources and providing medical assistance.
  • Customer Service
  • Communication
  • Computer Skills
  • Time Management
  • Attention to Detail
  • Problem Solving
  • Microsoft Office Suite


  • Certificate of Information Technology, Computers R Us, 2019
  • Academic Honors in Mathematics, Carolina High School, 2018


Member of the Robotics Club, Carolina High School, 2015-2019

  • Led weekly meetings discussing robotics trends.
  • Represented the school in multiple robotics competitions.
  • Spanish-Native
  • English-Fluent
  • Video editing and graphic design using Adobe Creative Suite.
  • Creating music mixes using professional DJ software.
  • Playing the piano and guitar.

What’s the Best Format for a High School Student Resume?

Like teachers grading tests, hiring managers scan each resume to see who passes. According to our HR statistics report, hiring managers scan your resume in less than 7 seconds.

Don’t pass that initial glance, and it’s back to the drawing board for you. So—

Use the chronological resume format .

This resume layout keeps your high school resume in order like a Trapper Keeper. Hiring managers and HR staff love this resume format as it’s already familiar.

Here’s what to put on a resume as a high school student:

  • Start with the right contact details so the employer is able to get in touch.
  • Write a captivating resume objective for your heading statement.
  • Document your current high school education thus far.
  • Add past or current teenage work experience, if you have it.
  • Prove your teen resume accomplishments by using numbers.
  • List your student resume skills which match what they’re looking for.
  • Include extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and other resume sections.
  • Use relevant resume keywords to tailor your resume to the job description.


To guide the employer’s eyes easily through your resume sections , use plenty of white space and clear section headings.

Choose the best resume fonts to keep it legible and easy to read.

Finally, according to the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy, write your resume in line with the three Cs : make it clear, concise, and compelling. Keep that at the front of your mind as we dive in.

Pro Tip : Save your high school student resume as a PDF. The PDF format guarantees the employer sees it as you intended, no matter which device they choose to view it on.

Not convinced using the reverse-chronological format is right for your high school resume? There are other options. See our guides: Best Resume Format: What Resume Model to Choose? [+ Resume Format Examples]   and  How to Build a Resume

2. How to Put Contact Information on a Resume for High School Students

If there’s one thing you know how to do on a high school resume, it’s your contact information section, right?

Not so fast—

Before you skip this section, know this: you can easily screw this part up.

Avoid a failing resume contact info section by following these tips:

Name (& Subtitle, Optionally)

Write your first name followed by your last name. Optionally, consider adding a subtitle below your name to act as a branding statement, such as “Personable High School Senior.”

Mailing Address

Several jobs in your area may prefer local candidates, for tax purposes, commute time, etc., whether it’s NYC or Riverdale. Check the job ad to see if you ought to add it. Also, if you hand in a physical resume (as opposed to email), add your address.

Email Address

As the preferred means of communication in the modern age, it’s the most crucial contact info you’ll add. Keep it professional (e.g., [email protected] ) instead of your middle school handle (e.g., [email protected] ).

Phone Number

Add your personal cell phone, if you own one, rather than your house phone. Don’t add two numbers on your resume template for high school students, because it’s harder to keep track.

LinkedIn URL

As the premier professional networking platform, you’ll need a LinkedIn profile sooner or later. If you already have one now while you’re in high school… damn, kid, you’re going places!

Social Media

Add relevant social media, like Behance for designers. Facebook and Twitter are rarely useful on a high school resume, but employers often google and find you anyway, these days. Check your online presence to make sure there are no embarrassing pics, and set profiles to private.

Blog or Website

Do you have a personal website, portfolio, or blog? If it’s relevant, add your URL to show it off! Make sure it’s properly hyperlinked on your PDF version so the employer can go straight to it (same with the social media and LinkedIn URLs).

Pro Tip : You know how you listed your cell phone digits? Change your voicemail to be professional. You don’t want to lose out just because you had a corny message (“Sorry, can’t come to the phone right now, probably either wasted or in detention!”)

3. How to Write a High School Student Resume Objective

When I gave a class presentation, I appreciated any fellow classmates snoozing. You know, to feel less nervous.

Don’t pull that same stunt here—

On a resume template for high school students, you need to grab their attention and keep ‘em intrigued with a compelling heading statement.

Now, if you have worked a job during your teenage years already, we normally tell you to write a resume summary .

However, any teen jobs you’ve held aren’t lengthy enough to be considered “experienced,” so do the same as a resume for high school students with no experience—

Write a resume objective .

The objective statement explains your goals and the position and experience you’re hoping to obtain. You’ll emphasize skills to show them you have what it takes to be their next great employee. Add a numbered achievement to prove your worth.

Here are two sample resume objectives for high school students:

High School Student Resume Example—Objective

See the difference in these high school student resume examples?

That wrong one will get you immediately suspended—from the applicant pool. But how about that right one!

You might have a high school student resume with no work experience, but you talked up relevant classroom knowledge. Also, you gave some numbers to verify your claims of greatness. Finally, you used the company’s name so they know you’re not just spamming this resume out to the entire school district.

You’re on your way to schooling the other candidates!

Pro Tip : The resume objective goes first on your high schooler resume, but don’t write it first. Save it for last so you’re able to use the rest of your resume to guide its writing.

Want more advice on writing a career objective on a high school resume for teen jobs? Check out our guide: General Resume Objective Examples [20+Examples of Great Career Objectives]

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check . Start building a  professional resume template here for free .

A view from the Zety resume builder presenting the process of filling in the work experience section and an assortment of pre-written resume descriptions proposed for the specific job.

When you’re done, our online resume builder will score your resume and our resume checker will tell you exactly how to make it better.

Highlight Your Education on Your High School Resume

You don’t want your resume to become a dank meme 15 minutes after you send it. Well—

If you write a high school resume with a poor education section, that’s the only way the employer will keep it around.

Here’s how to list   high school on resume   for students:

High Schooler Resume Example—Education Section

I.S. 141 The Steinway High School

Long Island City, NY

Relevant Coursework : Culinary Arts, Food & Nutrition

Expected Graduation : 2020

Membership : National Honor Society

How to Write a High School Resume Education Section

For your high school resume section, include the full name of your high school, the city and state it’s located in, and your expected graduation date. Include your GPA if it's a 3.5 or higher and list any courses that are relevant to the job. AP, Dual Credit, and Honors courses are also a great addition to your high school resume.

In other words, stand out by going above and beyond. Our example above is festooned with extras, and the only thing to remember is to keep it relevant.

Here, we listed coursework relevant for a high school student aiming for a job in food service.

It also shows this candidate is a high achiever with that NHS membership.

That’s an undeniable A++!

Pro Tip : Thinking about adding your GPA to the resume for high school students? Think carefully—if you don’t have as close to a 4.0 as possible, you’re only hurting your chances by adding it.

Got another educational scenario? Check this guide out: Education Resume Section: How to List High School & College Education

5. How to Describe Any Working Experience on a High School Resume

According to the US Department of Labor, the labor force participation of teenagers will decrease by almost 10% between 2016–2024.

But it doesn’t mean you’ll have it easy—

As that article states, teenagers with jobs still account for roughly one-third of all teenagers, so the pool is quite large. On top of that, there are relatively few job positions available which suit teenage employment’s hours, seasonality, and abilities.

So, you’ll have a lot of competition.

How to beat the other high school job candidates?

If you have previous work experience, write a work history section that ranks highest like the valedictorian.

Here are two high school student resume samples:

High School Resume Examples—Work Experience

The wrong one above deserves to be thrown in the Upside Down with the gate shut behind it. It’s missing the choice job duties and numbered professional achievements which make the right one so awesome. Also—

Taken on any online work or freelance gigs ? Or maybe you've tried volunteering?

Add those to your experience section, as well.

Sample High School Resume with No Experience

But what if you have a resume for high school student with no professional experience?

Skip this section and continue below.

Pro Tip : Use a condensed style of writing in your high school resume. Leave out pronouns, conjunctions, articles, and transition words to make it brief but impactful. Do that in every section of your student resume , not just here in your work history.

6. How to Put Skills on a High Schooler Resume

You’ve got mad talent, right? But—

So does every other kid in your high school.

Show the employer you pass the test and they can pass on the rest with a skills section that makes them swoon with delight.

Which resume skills, though?

For starters, make a brief list of basic skill sets you have, like this one below.

Include hard skills and soft skills  on your high schooler resume. Hard skills are those you learn (e.g., Google Docs), while soft skills are those you develop passively over a lifetime (e.g., analytical skills).

High School Student Skills Examples Employers Look For

  • Technical Skills
  • Management Skills
  • Marketing Skills
  • Project Management Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Analytical Skills
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Time Management Skills
  • Active Listening Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Creative Thinking
  • Decision-Making Skills
  • Effective Communication Skills


Cramming your high school resume with just any skills won’t get it crowned prom monarch.

Don’t do it.

Rather, go back to the job ad and use it like the best exam cheat sheet ever.

Here’s a sample prep cook job description for high school student applicants:

  • Responsible for receiving food items and supplies as requisitioned and prepares these items for production  [1]
  • Responsible for assembling and measuring of ingredients as per standard recipe  [2]
  • Notifies and communicate plant hazards to supervisor
  • Adheres to established work schedules with regard to work days and job assignment as instructed by supervisor, first or second cook
  • Uses various equipment and kitchen utensils while performing assigned task
  • Operates equipment in a safe manner and cleans all equipment according to established guidelines  [3]  

If you read each job ad carefully, it’s easy to tailor your skills section to match:

Resume Examples for High School Students—Skills Section

That wrong one above is as lovable as the school bully.

Put skills that don’t matter to them, and the only reactions you’ll get are a roll of the eyes and your resume tossed in the bin.

That right example is how you tailor a resume .

Finally, get along with the ATS .

An applicant tracking system is software larger companies use to sort and manage the dozens of high school resumes they get each day.

Employers first scan student resumes into the program. Next, they search for specific resume keywords for each applicant. Then, they receive a score back like a report card based on each candidate’s match to the job description.

Use keywords which the job ad uses and stay close to the wording of the job description so the ATS scores your resume easily.

Pro Tip : The job description may not include all the skills the HR manager will search for in a candidate. In that case, use Glassdoor to get some insight from current and past employees.

Want more tips for writing the skills section for high school student resumes? See our guide: 99 Key Skills for a Resume (All Types of Professional Skills with Examples Included!) .

7. How to Add Other Sections for an Effective High School Resume

Here’s the thing: every high school student up to this point has those past few resume sections.

You need to stand out like a Mardi Gras outfit in a sea of school uniforms.

With additional resume sections.

Extra sections are like electives which you choose to boost your curriculum (vitae, in this case).

On a resume, the right ones will get you noticed.

Here are great options to add on a sample resume for high school student teen jobs:

High School Student Resume Samples: Extra Sections

1.  Certifications

Official certificates look great on your student resume, making up for your lack of life and work experience. Go for relevant ones, such as a food safety certification for food service professions.

2.  Volunteer Experience

Volunteer working experience on high school resumes are an excellent way to add work experience when you don’t have any—or even if you do. Spent time helping out the local animal shelter? That’s job experience!

3.  Language Skills

You’re required to take that French or Spanish class, so put it to work for you. These days, a second language on a resume for students may just be the clincher that gets you in the door.

4.  Hobbies and Interests

Your pastimes and passions offer the hiring managers insight into you, the human. On top of that, they’re a great way to show your skills in an indirect manner.

5. Extracurricular Activities

Not a normie? Extracurriculars on a resume for high school students make employers’ hearts race. Participation in student government, athletics, the student newspaper, drama class, or academic clubs look great and will put you far ahead of the other candidates.

We’ve got a great guide on the best things to add to a resume and a tutorial on resume sections and categories . Check them out!

Pro Tip : Are you feeling intimidated because you’re just a teen and you haven’t earned all these items yet? Don’t worry. While you’re applying, consider getting some experience, earning a certification, or building new skills. Do a one-off gig on Upwork, for example, to gain your first work experience.

8. How About a High School Student Cover Letter?

A resume without a cover letter is like turning in an algebra test without showing your work—

It won’t do.

More than half of all employers say turning in only a resume will have it graded incomplete .

Always include a cover letter .

Here’s how to write a cover letter for high school students they’ll go nuts over:

  • Start your introduction in a compelling way that grabs their attention.
  • Lay out your case on why you are the best candidate for the teen job offered.
  • Add numbered achievements from past work or school to prove your skills.
  • Show enthusiasm, drive, and that you will be thrilled to be part of their group.
  • End your high school cover letter with a powerful call to action.

Your high school student cover letter is the first impression you’ll have on them—

Make it as strong as the defensive line of your school’s football team.

Pro Tip : Use Grammarly to check your student resume for typos and grammatical errors. Ask your parents or a teacher to make sure the resume reads right and there are no incorrect dates.

Want to know more high school cover letter tricks that always work? See these articles: Professional Cover Letter Tips and How to Write a Job-Winning Cover Letter in 8 Simple Steps (12+ Examples)

Ready for the interview? Prepare yourself with these guides: Best Interview Tips that Always Work , Interview Questions and Answers , and Questions to Ask at an Interview .

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here.  Here's what it may look like:

A set of professional job application materials that match, consisting of a resume and cover letter, created with the Zety resume builder using the Modern resume template that includes a two-column layout and decorative rectangles in the header and footer regions.

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Key Takeaway

Hopefully you see now that writing a great resume for teenagers is child’s play.

Let’s summarize.

Here’s how to write a high school student resume:

  • Use reverse-chronological format . This resume format is the most familiar high school student resume template for hiring managers; it’s easy for them to read and understand.
  • Start with a captivating objective . A professional career objective is tailored to the company, tells them your background, and summarizes your candidacy for the job.
  • Emphasize your education . Add relevant high school honors, achievements, and classwork along with your school name, city, state, and expected graduation date.
  • List your work experience . Add key wins and accomplishments to prove you were great, rather than merely listing job responsibilities.
  • Highlight relevant skills . Include both hard skills and soft skills which the job description dictates, and use resume keywords throughout.
  • Include extra sections . Add volunteer work, certifications, languages, hobbies, interests, and extracurricular activities to make your high school resume stand out.
  • Edit and proofread . Go through it twice yourself to look for any typographical errors or other mistakes. Ask a friend to proofread it for inconsistencies.

Now THIS is a high school resume that graduates at the top of its class!

Got any questions on how to write a resume for high school students? Not sure how to talk about your teen job skills or high school achievements? Get at us in the comments below, and thanks for reading!

About Zety’s Editorial Process

This article has been reviewed by our editorial team to make sure it follows Zety's editorial guidelines . We’re committed to sharing our expertise and giving you trustworthy career advice tailored to your needs. High-quality content is what brings over 40 million readers to our site every year. But we don't stop there. Our team conducts original research to understand the job market better, and we pride ourselves on being quoted by top universities and prime media outlets from around the world.

  • https://www.glassdoor.com/index.htm

Christian Eilers, CPRW

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high school student resume example template simple

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Resumes and Cover Letters for High School Students

Resumes and Cover Letters for High School Students

  • Resources & Preparation
  • Instructional Plan
  • Related Resources

Today's high school students must market their experiences, skills, achievements, and accolades to set them apart from others when applying to college or for a job. This lesson takes students through the steps of creating an effective resume and cover letter using ReadWriteThink's Resume Generator and Letter Generator.

Featured Resources

  • Resume Generator : This ReadWriteThink resource takes students through the process of creating a resume one step at a time.  
  • Letter Generator : This ReadWriteThink resource helps students create a professional cover letter.  
  • Sample High School Resumes and Cover Letters : These realistic resumes and cover letters help students visualize and generate content for their own documents.

From Theory to Practice

Common core standards.

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

Materials and Technology

  • LCD Projector  
  • Computers with Internet access
  • The 3 Fs of Resume Writing  
  • My Resume Ideas: Getting Started  
  • Steps to Creating a Cover Letter  
  • Sample High School Resumes and Cover Letters  
  • Resume / Cover Letter Rubric  
  • Visualizing Your Resume: Graphic Organizer  
  • Visualizing Your Cover Letter: Graphic Organizer


  • Prepare copies of the  Sample High School Resumes and Cover Letters printout so that students may review it.  
  • Reserve space in a classroom that has access to the Internet, specifically ReadWriteThink’s  Resume Generator and Letter Generator .  
  • Prepare copies of the following printouts: The 3 Fs of Resume Writing , My Resume Ideas: Getting Started , Steps to Creating a Cover Letter , Sample High School Resumes and Cover Letters, Visualizing Your Resume: Graphic Organizer , and Visualizing Your Cover Letter: Graphic Organizer .

Student Objectives

Students will

  • Understand the function, form, and effectiveness of a resume by examining and discussing sample resumes with their classmates  
  • Demonstrate the importance of rhetorical situations by selling themselves to a defined audience  
  • Develop a working resume by using the Resume Generator  
  • Recognize how a cover letter works in conjunction with a resume by drafting them for a similar purpose  
  • Write a cover letter by using the Letter Generator

Lesson 1: What is a Resume?

  • Introduce students to resumes as a genre of writing: professional writing. Discuss how this is different from academic genres in that it serves a different purpose and is intended for a different audience. In short, it is a type of writing by an author who is trying to get something. As a result, it is an extremely persuasive style of writing. Share examples of when a person would need a resume, such as applying for a job, a scholarship, or an award, or when creating a portfolio of one’s work.  
  • Prepare students to understand the purpose of a resume, including its F unction, F orm, and (e) F fectiveness (the 3 Fs). Take an informal poll of the class, asking who has heard of a resume before this class, who has seen one, and who has one of their own. Based on the results, you may ask students to share their experiences to add to the conversation.  
  • Function: The function of a resume is to inform the audience about you in order to accomplish something. What you’re trying to accomplish depends on what you’re trying to do. This might include getting a job, getting into college, winning a scholarship, or being selected for an internship. There are many reasons to show people your resume.  
  • Form: Resumes need to look a certain way. This is considered their form. People who read resumes expect them to include specific information, such as your name, address, contact information, education, past jobs, volunteer experience, and special skills. If a resume does not look like a traditional resume, the reader may be confused and think the writer is not educated about writing proper resumes.  
  • (e)Ffectiveness: For a resume to be effective, it must demonstrate your knowledge of both function and form. An effective resume - Has a clear purpose that shows why you are writing it - Is visually appropriate and appealing, or easy to read - Includes all the necessary information about the writer - Is grammatically correct with no errors in punctuation or spelling
  • Share copies of the resume printout. You might begin discussing these by putting students into small groups first to review. Tell them to identify what they see as the 3 Fs: Function, Form, and (e)Ffectiveness.  
  • Return together as a class, and discuss each F and how students determined what it was.

Lesson 2: Developing Content for Your Resume

  • Review the  The 3 Fs of Resume Writing from the previous lesson.  
  • Discuss the two types of resume: chronological and functional. Ask students which style they think is best for them.  
  • Show the sample resumes from the previous lesson. Ask students to identify which one is chronological and which one is functional.  
  • Share online resume reference sites such as  College Admissions High School Resume and  High School Students Need a Resume Too with the class to present additional ways of thinking about the construction of resumes. (If you are not in a computer lab or a room with Internet access, tell students to view these sites later on their own.)  
  • Have students brainstorm content for their resumes using the printout  My Resume Ideas: Getting Started as a guide.  
  • Begin completing the parts of the printout. Move around the room answering questions as students work.  
  • Ask students to complete the printout on their own before the next lesson.

Lesson 3: Defining Audience and Purpose

  • Have students take out their completed  My Resume Ideas: Getting Started printout. Put them into small groups to share their work with others.  
  • What was easy about filling this out? What was difficult?
  • What sections contained the most and least information? Why?
  • The audience refers to anyone who will review the resume, so we must consider all audiences, both primary and secondary.
  • The purpose refers to why the audience is looking at the resume and what they will be looking for, so we must ask ourselves what they want to read.

Lesson 4: Using Resume Builder

  • Take students to a computer lab with access to the Internet and  Resume Generator to complete this lesson. Have them log into the Resume Builder site. As they do so, remind them about the time limit for creating their draft in class. They should structure their time accordingly.  
  • Using their notes from the  My Resume Ideas: Getting Started printout, ask students to go through the process of entering their information. Show students the features of the tool, from the additional information about resumes on the first page to the audio feature accompanying the site that enables them to hear the information aloud.  
  • When they have completed their resumes, have students save them and also print a copy to bring to the next class.

Lesson 5: Peer Review

  • Ask students to take out the printed copies of their resumes. Discuss how resumes today can be printed and submitted to the audience, as they have prepared, but they can also be submitted electronically. In that case, the resume writer needs to understand how to save a resume as a .pdf or how to create a resume with very little formatting, with only the basic information listed and no fancy spacing or bullets used. Connect this to their use of Resume Generator , and discuss how this would be similar to or different from what they just did.  
  • Put students into small groups to peer review their resumes. Encourage students to review their peers’ resumes for the 3Fs: Function, Form, and (e)Ffectiveness.

Lesson 6: What is a Cover Letter?

  • What did you like about using Resume Builder to create your resume?  
  • What did you find particularly easy or difficult about the process?  
  • What do you like or dislike about your completed resume? d. What would you like to change about it?  
  • Function: Cover letters accompany resumes to introduce the reader of the resume to the writer. They personalize the resume, allowing the writer to provide more detail about him- or herself and any relevant experience. Many people think of cover letters as a way for the writer’s true voice to come through.  
  • Form: Like resumes, cover letters also have a typical form: that of a business letter. The writer has to know the correct placement of the heading, date, salutation, body paragraphs, closing, and signature. Readers expect a cover letter to have certain features. If they aren’t included, the reader may think the writer is not knowledgeable and, therefore, not ready for whatever he or she is trying to accomplish by submitting the cover letter and resume.  
  • Has a clear purpose that shows why you are writing it  
  • Is visually appropriate and appealing, or easy to read  
  • Includes additional relevant information about the writer  
  • Is grammatically correct with no errors in punctuation or spelling  
  • Share an online reference about cover letters, such as Sample Cover Letter for High School Students , to support the present discussion, and raise or discuss any questions as a result of it. (If you are not in a computer lab or a room with Internet access, tell students to view this site later on their own.)  
  • Show the sample cover letters written by high school students in the  Sample High School Resumes and Cover Letters printout. Discuss these with the students in relation to the 3 Fs: What is the function of the cover letter (its purpose), what is unique about its form (design), and how effective do students think this cover letter will be?

Lesson 7: Developing Your Cover Letter

  • Explain to students that they are going to create a rough outline of a cover letter that could accompany their resume. Provide the  Visualizing Your Cover Letter: Graphic Organizer printout to fill out. They may do this individually or in small groups. Move around the room responding to students’ work and offering suggestions.  
  • Once students have a good start on this, provide the more detailed  Steps to Creating a Cover Letter printout. Students should use this to create a draft of their cover letters, due at the next class. Remind students that their time in the lab during the next session will be limited, so they need to have a full draft completed.

Lesson 8: Finishing Your Cover Letter

  • Once again, have students meet in the computer lab to type their cover letters using the  Steps to Creating a Cover Letter printout and Letter Generator . You may want to remind them about their time constraints and the need to organize their time.  
  • Using Letter Generator, have students transform their drafts into finished cover letters.  
  • Make sure students save their work and also print a copy.  
  • At the end of class, ask students to submit their resumes and cover letters to you for a grade. Use the  Resume / Cover Letter Rubric to assist you in assigning a grade.
  • Have students submit first and second drafts of the resume and cover letter to you for comments or an early grade, additional revision, and a new/final grade.  
  • Do more detailed work with cover letters, including researching jobs and researching examples of cover letters for specific jobs. Then have students write cover letters tailored to these jobs.  
  • Include a discussion of writing essays and personal statements for college applications.  
  • Connect discussions of resume and cover letter writing to students’ college aspirations, including their ideas for majors, careers, courses, and activities to become involved in. You may consider reviewing online resources, including ACT .

Student Assessment / Reflections

  • Review students’ printouts for The 3 Fs of Resume Writing, My Resume Ideas: Getting Started, Visualizing Your Resume: Graphic Organizer, Visualizing Your Cover Letter: Graphic Organizer, and Steps to Creating a Cover Letter after each lesson in which they are used or collected. Make sure students are correctly identifying the parts and including information as needed. If a pattern of errors or misunderstandings occurs, review them with students at the beginning of the next lesson.  
  • Collect typed drafts of students’ resumes and cover letters as created using the Resume Generator and Letter Generator. Review and grade them using the Resume/Cover Letter Rubric. Address the grade and comments when returning the resumes and cover letters to students, especially if students are allowed to revise for a new grade.

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16 High School Student Resume Examples + Complete Guide

Stephen Greet

High School Student Resume

  • High School Student Resumes by Experience
  • High School Student Resumes by Role

High school is one of the best times of your life, but it can also be one of the most difficult when looking for your first or second job. You’ve got to fill out applications, prep for interviews, and write your resume.

Using ChatGPT for resumes  is a cool idea, but can still feel daunting and overwhelming. We’ve all been there, and what you really need is a free AI resume builder and solid student cover letters to get you on your way.

We’ve analyzed countless high school resumes to discover  what would get students job interviews in 2024 . While you may want to start with a simple  resume outline , keep reading to find 16 high school resume samples (plus writing tips) that are jam-packed with essential techniques and tricks.

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High school student resume example with 2 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • If you choose to use a template, make sure you adjust the  resume’s formatting  so that your text is big enough to read with one-inch margins on the side.
  • However, you should write your bullet points like you would for a job. Highlight any responsibilities and accomplishments relevant to the job you’re applying for now.
  • For example, if you’re looking for a job in sales, emphasize your ability to work in groups and create a good customer experience.

High School Student No Experience Resume

High school student no experience resume example with no experience

  • If you don’t have work history, include projects and volunteer work instead. Treat them like a job and write bullet points according to your responsibilities.
  • Make sure you start every bullet point with active verbs, and always double-check for typos. You’ve got this!
  • Include your unique skills, your desired position, and the company you hope to work for to make your objective stand out from the rest!

First Job High School Student Resume

First job high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • To remedy that problem, add a  skills section on your resume  to give hiring managers an important overview of your strengths.
  • To really highlight your abilities, incorporate the same skills in your work experience, too. Demonstrate how you used your skills to better your workplace, and you can’t go wrong!
  • Adding stylistic elements like color and different fonts can help you show a bit of your personality (and make your resume more fun to read). 

Experienced High School Student Resume

Experienced high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • Remember, your resume is a highlight reel, so you need to include what’s most important (like your achievements and relevant metrics). 
  • You can adjust your layout, font sizes, and margins, but keep it easy to read. 
  • Use a bit of color and some fun fonts, provided it still looks professional. You’ve got this!

High School Senior Resume

High school senior resume example experience with project experience

  • This statement must align with the potential employer’s needs, proving you understand the job requirements and have gone the extra mile to address doubts about your capabilities. As for experiences that might have prepared you for the job, workshops and volunteering programs you’ve participated in are prominent candidates.

Out of High School Resume

Out of high school resume example with project experience

  • Leisure activities range from soccer, hiking, drawing and sketching, robotics, and photography to journalism. But how do they fit in the picture? Well, a penchant for drawing and sketching could reflect creativity and an eye for detail, while journalism stints could hint at strong communication and critical thinking.

High School Graduate Resume

High school graduate resume example with newspaper and photography experience

  • Right from the first line of the career objective, you can see the candidate’s passion and willingness to work in this field. Notice how Serai’s love for photography is clearly backed by a previous project for a school newspaper.
  • These details will be perfect when Serai’s ready for the AI cover letter generator to bring her application to perfection.

High School Student Scholarship Resume

High school student scholarship resume example with volunteer and project experience

  • Your high school student scholarship resume should vividly show your positive contributions to noble causes, such as offering ADLs to seniors, and emphasize your impact on society.

High School Student College Application Resume

High school student college application resume example with 1 year of work experience

  • Ensure your high school student college application resume shows your practical and classwork achievements that emphasize your grand vision to make a positive contribution to society.

High School Student for College Resume

High school student for college resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Before hitting “submit,” always  check your resume  for typos and other minor errors. It’s amazing what you can miss during your first few reviews.
  • A good GPA can demonstrate, at least in part, your willingness to work hard. We’d recommend including your GPA only if it’s above 3.5, but anything above a 3 is a good average.

High School Student for Customer Service Resume

High school student for customer service resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Including projects, volunteer work, or club memberships is a great way to add value to your resume.
  • Your resume should focus on your abilities and other activities you’ve engaged in that will show your value.
  • Read the responsibilities and qualifications to look for key skills and tasks. Then, incorporate some of those skills and responsibilities into your high school student customer service resume.

High School Student Internship Resume

High school student internship resume example with 3 years of experience

  • For example, if the job description lists responsibilities like writing and analyzing data, include “written communication” and “data analysis” in your skills section.
  • One easy way to customize your resume is by focusing your  resume skills  on things that apply to the internship. 
  • Make sure you keep your resume professional and to the point. You don’t want to include anything too personal about your beliefs, religion, politics, or personal information.
  • For example, you can list “volunteering at local church,” but avoid saying “fasting every weekend.” It doesn’t show off relevant skills and is a bit too forward for a resume.

High School Student Office Worker Resume

High school student office worker resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Good projects include anything that demonstrates your leadership abilities or desire for knowledge. Senior projects, personal blogs, or even being on a sports team are all good examples to include!
  • Add work experience directly under your contact information and name, then add any relevant projects if you’re low on space. 
  • While there are plenty of  resume writing tips , your resume should be as unique as you. Don’t get so caught up in what you think you “should” do that your resume is bland and cookie-cutter. 

High School Student Sales Resume

High school student sales resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Numbers demonstrate your value, and they’re useful tools for the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) software that hiring managers use to sort through job applicants.
  • Trust us, and incorporate metrics into at least 80% of your bullet points!
  • For example, you know that different  resume templates  can change your resume’s appearance, but different templates can also stretch or streamline your content. 
  • Mess with multiple templates to see what your content will look like—you may find a template that allows for more room, or one that allows you to highlight your skills better.

High School Student Athlete  Resume

High school student athlete resume example with 4 years of athletic experience

  • Think of a time you proved you were the MVP on your team—Did you lead your team to a championship? Perhaps you made the game-winning shot in a crucial, nail-biting game?

High School Student Music Resume

High school student music resume example with 4 years of music experience

  • When you include hobbies like songwriting or your interest in classical music in your high school student music resume , it conveys to your recruiter that you’re super dedicated and passionate about your craft.
  • You can also include hobbies that are different, too. For example, if you enjoy experimenting with new recipes from around the world, that can show you’re ready to give new genres a whirl or that you understand that music—while art—is still supposed to be fun and adventuresome.

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The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives. The Purdue OWL offers global support through online reference materials and services.

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  1. High School Student Cover Letter (Sample & Tips)

    Jamie Hart. 929 Commerce St. Stockton, CA 95202. (209) 984-3632. [email protected]. Dear Mr. Hart, My name is Daria, and I am a graduating senior at Heritage High School. I saw your posting for the position of Business Development Intern on Indeed, and was immediately compelled to apply. My academic and career goals align with the internship ...

  2. High School Student Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

    Additionally, you should address your cover letter to the person who is most likely to read and review it, such as a company's owner or a head manager. Here are 3 examples of personalized cover letter greetings. Dear Mr. John Doe, Dear Hiring Manager John Doe, Dear Mr. John Doe & the Hiring Department, 3.

  3. Tips for a First-Job Cover Letter for High School Students

    Cover letters are formal documents and have specific formatting. These format guidelines will help you be sure that your cover letter is easy to read, professional and compatible with any software: Use a simple, standard font like Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman. Use a 10- or 12-point font size.

  4. 5+ High School Cover Letter Examples (with In-Depth Guidance)

    5. Proofread: This might seem obvious, but it's crucial. Your cover letter is your first chance to make an impression. Make sure it's well-written, free of errors, and professional. Remember, the purpose of a cover letter is to show why you're the right person (or team) to start a high school.

  5. 3 High School Student Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    August 20, 2023. Mia Moore. Woodrow Wilson High School. 123 Fictional Lane. Dallas, TX 75001. Dear Ms. Moore, I advocate for nurturing students to become leaders, and Woodrow Wilson High School is a fertile ground for such a realization. I am expressing my interest to become a class president in the upcoming student elections.

  6. High School Student Cover Letter Examples & Expert Tips

    Adaptable cover letter introduction example. Dear Alexandra Bennett, I am writing to express my strong interest in the part-time sales associate position at your clothing store, Fashion Forward. As a highly motivated and customer-oriented high school student, I believe I would be a valuable addition to your team.

  7. High School Cover Letter: Samples, Proper Format, & Guide

    Here's how to ace your high school cover letter for that part-time gig: 1. Choose the right high school cover letter format. Make all margins set to one-inch. Go with single or 1.15 line spacing. Stay professional with an elegant font in 11pt to 12pt size. Read more: The Only Proper Cover Letter Format.

  8. Cover Letter for a High School Student (2024 Examples)

    This ensures the hiring manager has your contact information. For an emailed cover letter, include your email address, phone number and full name. For a paper cover letter, include your name, postal address, phone number and email address. 2. Greet the hiring manager. If you know the hiring manager's name, you can address them by name.

  9. High School Student Cover Letter Sample

    1. Show Them Who You Are: Obviously, your introduction should include your name, high school, and grade, but you should also aim to impress hiring managers with a confident introduction. For example, our applicant starts out by saying she's "interested in becoming a skilled professional in graphic design.".

  10. High School Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

    2. Salutation. Address your recipient by name as in the first example below - this is the quickest way to show you're sending a job-specific letter and not a boilerplate. If you can't find the person's name, use a variation of "Dear Hiring Manager" so your greeting is still tailored somewhat to each job opening.

  11. High School Student Cover Letter Example [How-to Write]

    Writing a great high school student cover letter is crucial when applying for part-time jobs, internships, or college admissions. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective cover letter: Contact information: Include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter. Follow it with the current date and the ...

  12. 2024 High School Cover Letter Example (+Free Tools & Guidance)

    Here's what should typically be included in a high school's cover letter: 1. **Header with Contact Information**: At the top of the letter, include the school's letterhead with the name, address, phone number, email address, and website. This provides the recipient with immediate reference to the school's contact information.

  13. High School Student Cover Letter

    A High School Student Cover Letter is a formal letter that high school students send to potential employers to express their interest in a job and highlight their relevant skills, even if they don't have much professional experience. It's an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the role and how their academic ...

  14. High School Student Cover Letter Example

    High School Student. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 23.2 percent of high school students participated in the labor force in October 2021. Besides gaining work experience for your further career growth, having a job can certainly teach you valuable skills, such as teamwork, leadership or cooperation.

  15. How to Write a Cover Letter for a High School Student

    Here are the simple steps to take to write your cover letter: 1. Begin with the header. As with any conventional business letter header, you may put a few pieces of personal and position-relevant information at the start of your cover letter. This area may contain your contact information, date of application, and the recipient's contact ...

  16. High School Student Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

    High School Student Cover Letter Example 2. I am submitting this letter and the enclosed resume to show my interest in seeking a position at your organization. I have recently graduated from high school and am seeking an entry-level position at your company. High school has taught me a variety of skills. One of them is the value of teamwork.

  17. Student Cover Letters With Template and Example

    Student cover letter example Here is a sample cover letter for a student that you can use as a guide to write an impressive cover letter of your own: Kellen Daniels 555-555-5555 [email protected] December 10, 2020 Dear Hiring Manager, I am a sophomore business major at Houston University writing to express my interest in the Online Advertising Intern opportunity at Blueprint Digital.

  18. High School Student Resume Template & Examples for 2024

    Start with the right contact details so the employer is able to get in touch. Write a captivating resume objective for your heading statement. Document your current high school education thus far. Add past or current teenage work experience, if you have it. Prove your teen resume accomplishments by using numbers.

  19. Resumes and Cover Letters for High School Students

    Resume Generator: This ReadWriteThink resource takes students through the process of creating a resume one step at a time. Letter Generator: This ReadWriteThink resource helps students create a professional cover letter. Sample High School Resumes and Cover Letters: These realistic resumes and cover letters help students visualize and generate ...

  20. High School Resume: Tips, Template, and Example

    Here is an example of a high school resume to give you ideas for your own. Janie Williams. 123 Appletree Lane, New Castle, Virginia. 341-212-2564 I am a motivated high school student seeking an internship opportunity in the legal field where I can apply my skills and further develop my passion for the judicial system.

  21. 4+ High School Resume Examples for 2024

    Example 3. Motivated high school student looking for first part-time job in an office setting to learn administrative and clerical skills. Responsible and diligent with experience helping teachers, organizing events, and tutoring other students.

  22. 16 High School Student Resume Examples + Complete Guide

    We've all been there, and what you really need is a free AI resume builder and solid student cover letters to get you on your way. We've analyzed countless high school resumes to discover what would get students job interviews in 2024. While you may want to start with a simple resume outline, keep reading to find 16 high school resume ...

  23. How To Craft a High School Resume in 6 Steps (With Examples)

    Attend, contribute to and occasionally lead after-school planning meetings. Spearhead efforts to recruit and train new student volunteers. 3. Provide a detailed education section. As a high school student, education and exploration of your interests—like sports or academic clubs—have likely been your primary focus.

  24. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.