What Is a Claim in an Essay? Read This Before Writing

What is a claim in an essay?

In this article, you’ll find the essay claim definition, characteristics, types, and examples. Let’s learn where to use claims and how to write them.

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What Is a Claim in Writing?

A claim is the core argument defining an essay’s goal and direction. (1) It’s assertive, debatable, and supported by evidence. Also, it is complex, specific, and detailed.

Also known as a thesis, a claim is a little different from statements and opinions. Keep reading to reveal the nuances.

Claims vs. statements vs. opinions

– Debatable
– Supported by evidence
– Answering the “So what?” question
– No criticism, investigation, or analysis
– Support and argument aren’t necessary
– Not going beyond the info from a core text
– More opinion than academic reasoning
– No need for evidence
– Stating support, not necessarily the reason behind the support

Where to use claims

To answer the “What is claim in writing?”, it’s critical to understand that this definition isn’t only for high school or college essays. Below are the types of writing with claims:

  • Argumentative articles. Consider a controversial issue, proving it with evidence throughout your paper.
  • Literary analysis. Build a claim about a book , and use evidence from it to support your claim.
  • Research papers. Present a hypothesis and provide evidence to confirm or refute it.
  • Speeches. State a claim and persuade the audience that you’re right.
  • Persuasive essays and memos. State a thesis and use fact-based evidence to back it up..

What can you use as evidence in essays?

  • Facts and other data from relevant and respectful resources (no Wikipedia or other sources like this)
  • Primary research
  • Secondary research (science magazines’ articles, literature reviews, etc.)
  • Personal observation
  • Expert quotes (opinions)
  • Info from expert interviews

How to Write a Claim in Essays


Two points to consider when making a claim in a college paper:

First, remember that a claim may have counterarguments. You’ll need to respond to them to make your argument stronger. Use transition words like “despite,” “yet,” “although,” and others to show those counterclaims.

Second, good claims are more complex than simple “I’m right” statements. Be ready to explain your claim, answering the “So what?” question.

And now, to details:

Types of claims in an essay (2)

Your position on:

– What happened?
– Does it exist?
Your position on:

– What is it?
– How does its usual meaning change in different contexts?
Your position on:

– Is it good or bad?
– Who thinks so?
– What criteria should I use to evaluate it?
Your position on:

– Why did it happen?
– What are the effects?
– What will be the results on a long-term basis?
Your position on:

– What can we learn by this comparison?
– How can we understand one thing by looking at another?
Your position on:

– What should we do?
– How can we solve this problem?
– What should be future policy?

Writing a claim: Details to consider

What makes a good claim? Three characteristics (3):

  • It’s assertive. (You have a strong position about a topic.)
  • It’s specific. (Your assertion is as precise as possible.)
  • It’s provable. (You can prove your position with evidence.)

When writing a claim, avoid generalizations, questions, and cliches. Also, don’t state the obvious.

  • Poor claim: Pollution is bad for the environment.
  • Good claim: At least 25% of the federal budget should be spent upgrading businesses to clean technologies and researching renewable energy sources to control or cut pollution.

How to start a claim in an essay?

Answer the essay prompt. Use an active voice when writing a claim for readers to understand your point. Here is the basic formula:

When writing, avoid:

  • First-person statements
  • Emotional appeal
  • Cluttering your claim with several ideas; focus on one instead

How long should a claim be in an essay?

1-2 sentences. A claim is your essay’s thesis: Write it in the first paragraph (intro), presenting a topic and your position about it.

Examples of Claims

Below are a few claim examples depending on the type. I asked our expert writers to provide some for you to better understand how to write it.

Feel free to use them for inspiration, or don’t hesitate to “steal” if they appear relevant to your essay topic. Also, remember that you can always ask our writers to assist with a claim for your papers.


Final Words

Now that you know what is a claim in an essay, I hope you don’t find it super challenging to write anymore. It’s like writing a thesis statement; make it assertive, specific, and provable.

If you still have questions or doubts, ask Writing-Help writers for support. They’ll help you build an A-worthy claim for an essay.


  • https://www.pvcc.edu/files/making_a_claim.pdf
  • https://lsa.umich.edu/content/dam/sweetland-assets/sweetland-documents/teachingresources/TeachingArgumentation/Supplement2_%20SixCommonTypesofClaim.pdf  
  • https://students.tippie.uiowa.edu/sites/students.tippie.uiowa.edu/files/2022-05/effective_claims.pdf
  • Essay samples
  • Essay writing
  • Writing tips

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What Is a Claim in Writing? [Explained + 30 Examples]

Ever wondered what gives a piece of writing its backbone? It’s the claim!

A claim is what sets the stage for your argument, providing a clear and compelling statement that you’ll back up with evidence. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about claims in writing, from the different types to how to create them step-by-step.

But first, let’s fully answer the main question, What is a claim in writing?

Here Is the Definition of a Claim in Writing:

A claim is a debatable statement that forms the core of your argument. Unlike a fact, which is indisputable, a claim requires evidence and justification. It’s the statement around which the rest of the essay or piece revolves. In essence, a claim is what you’re trying to prove to your reader.

Person writing in a notebook on a cozy desk - What Is a Claim in Writing

Table of Contents

Types of Claims

There are many different types of claims you need to know:

  • Example : “Climate change is caused by human activities.”
  • Support : Temperature records, scientific studies.
  • Example : “Social media negatively impacts mental health.”
  • Support : Psychological studies, expert opinions.
  • Example : “The government should implement stricter gun control laws.”
  • Support : Crime statistics, case studies of other countries.
  • Example : “Regular exercise improves mental health.”
  • Support : Health studies, testimonials.
  • Example : “Freedom of speech includes the right to criticize the government.”
  • Support : Legal precedents, philosophical arguments.
  • Example : “Electric cars are more efficient than gasoline cars.”
  • Support : Efficiency studies, environmental impact reports.

How to Write Effective Claims

To write effective claims, start with a clear statement, support that statement, and apply the best practices below.

Clarity and Precision

An effective claim is clear and precise. It should be specific enough to be arguable and focused enough to be manageable within the scope of your essay. Ambiguous or overly broad claims can confuse readers and weaken your argument.

Example of a weak claim : “Technology is bad.”

Example of a strong claim : “The overuse of technology in classrooms can hinder students’ social skills and critical thinking abilities.”

Debatable and Supportable

A good claim is debatable, meaning that it presents a point that some people might disagree with.

If everyone agrees with your claim, there’s no argument to be made. Additionally, your claim must be supportable with evidence. You should be able to back up your claim with facts, statistics, expert opinions, and real-life examples.

Example : “Lowering the voting age to 16 would lead to more informed and engaged citizens.”

Strategies for Writing Effective Claims

  • Example : Instead of “Pollution is bad,” say “Air pollution in urban areas increases respiratory health issues.”
  • Example : “Implementing renewable energy sources will reduce carbon emissions.”
  • Example : For a local audience, “Banning plastic bags in our city will reduce local waterway pollution.”
  • Example : “School uniforms improve student discipline and focus.”
  • Example : “Universal healthcare will decrease overall healthcare costs.”

Supporting Your Claims

One of the most important parts of how to write a claim is to come up with good support.

You’ll want to explore the evidence, counterclaims, and rebuttals.

Types of Evidence

Supporting a claim involves providing evidence and analyzing how that evidence backs up your claim. Different types of evidence include:

  • Example : “According to the CDC, smoking is responsible for over 480,000 deaths per year in the U.S.”
  • Example : “Dr. Smith, a renowned cardiologist, states that regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease.”
  • Example : “My friend quit smoking and noticed significant improvements in his health within months.”
  • Example : “Just as a balanced diet is essential for physical health, a balanced curriculum is vital for educational success.”

Counterclaims and Rebuttals

Addressing counterclaims is crucial in strengthening your argument. Acknowledging opposing viewpoints and then refuting them shows that you have considered different perspectives and have a well-rounded understanding of the issue.

Example : “While some argue that 16-year-olds lack the maturity to vote responsibly, studies indicate that younger voters are just as capable of making informed decisions as older voters, especially when given the appropriate civic education.”

Developing the Argument

Each body paragraph should focus on a single supporting point for your claim.

Start with a topic sentence that introduces the point, followed by evidence and analysis that supports it. Include a counterclaim and rebuttal to demonstrate critical thinking and thorough understanding.

  • Topic Sentence : “Mental health education helps reduce stigma and promotes awareness.”
  • Evidence : Studies showing decreased stigma in schools with mental health programs.
  • Analysis : Explain how awareness leads to early intervention and better outcomes.
  • Counterclaim : “Some argue that discussing mental health in schools could lead to increased anxiety among students.”
  • Rebuttal : “However, research indicates that education reduces anxiety by providing students with coping strategies and support.”

Structuring Your Argument

People often overlook the power of structure — yet, a good structure can make or break your claim.

As a quick overview, the structure is:

  • Introduction
  • Development

Introduction of a Claim

In the introduction, present your claim clearly and concisely. It should be part of your thesis statement, which outlines the main argument of your essay.

Example : “To address the growing mental health crisis among adolescents, schools should implement mandatory mental health education, which has been shown to improve students’ well-being and academic performance.”

Summarize your main points and restate your claim in a way that underscores its importance.

Highlight the broader implications of your argument and suggest areas for further research or action.

Example : “In conclusion, mandatory mental health education in schools is a crucial step towards addressing the mental health crisis among adolescents. By reducing stigma and providing essential support, these programs can lead to a healthier, more informed student population.”

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Over the years, I’ve noticed patterns of mistakes when it comes to writing claims.

Avoid these common claim writing mistakes to level up your persuasive prowess.

Overly Broad Claims

Claims that are too broad can be difficult to support with evidence. Narrow your focus to a specific aspect of the issue.

Example of a broad claim : “Technology affects education.”

Revised claim : “The integration of artificial intelligence in education can enhance personalized learning experiences.”

Unsupported Claims

Claims without evidence are simply opinions. Ensure that every claim is backed up with solid evidence.

Example of an unsupported claim : “Social media is bad for teenagers.”

Supported claim : “Social media usage among teenagers is linked to higher rates of anxiety and depression, according to multiple studies.”

Vague Language

Avoid vague language that can confuse readers. Be specific and clear in your assertions.

Example of vague language : “People should be healthier.”

Revised language : “Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential for maintaining physical health and preventing chronic diseases.”

Lack of Counterarguments

Ignoring counterarguments can weaken your position.

Addressing and refuting counterclaims shows that you have considered multiple perspectives.

Example : “While some argue that electric cars are too expensive, government incentives and falling battery costs are making them more affordable.”

Check out this popular and helpful video about claims in writing:

Examples of Claims in Writing

In this section, I’ve put together 100 examples of claims in writing.

Read through them and see if you can spot the different tips and techniques that we’ve covered throughout his guide.

Fact Claims

  • “The global population has surpassed 8 billion people.”
  • “Renewable energy sources are now cheaper than fossil fuels.”
  • “Honey never spoils and can last indefinitely.”
  • “The Amazon rainforest produces 20% of the world’s oxygen.”
  • “Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system.”
  • “Human brains continue to develop until the age of 25.”
  • “Eating too much sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes.”
  • “The Great Wall of China is visible from space.”
  • “Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer.”
  • “More people die from car accidents than plane crashes.”

Value Claims

  • “A vegetarian diet is healthier than a meat-based diet.”
  • “Classical literature is more enriching than modern fiction.”
  • “Handwritten letters are more personal than emails.”
  • “Watching too much television is bad for children’s development.”
  • “Recycling is the best way to combat waste.”
  • “Public libraries are essential to community development.”
  • “High school should start later in the morning.”
  • “Art is a vital part of human culture.”
  • “Learning a second language is crucial in today’s global society.”
  • “Exercise is the best way to maintain mental health.”

Policy Claims

  • “Governments should invest more in renewable energy sources.”
  • “The legal drinking age should be raised to 21.”
  • “Schools should require students to wear uniforms.”
  • “The use of plastic bags should be banned worldwide.”
  • “Healthcare should be free for all citizens.”
  • “Public transportation should be expanded in urban areas.”
  • “Corporations should be held accountable for their carbon emissions.”
  • “Voting should be mandatory for all eligible citizens.”
  • “There should be stricter regulations on data privacy.”
  • “The minimum wage should be increased to reflect the cost of living.”

Definition Claims

  • “Success is defined by personal happiness, not wealth.”
  • “Freedom of speech includes the right to offend.”
  • “Art encompasses all forms of creative expression.”
  • “Patriotism means supporting your country but also criticizing it.”
  • “Leadership is about inspiring others, not commanding them.”
  • “Intelligence includes emotional awareness and interpersonal skills.”
  • “Justice means equality for all, regardless of background.”
  • “Democracy requires active participation from its citizens.”
  • “Innovation is the process of creating new and useful ideas.”
  • “Beauty is subjective and varies across cultures.”

Cause and Effect Claims

  • “Deforestation leads to loss of biodiversity.”
  • “Excessive screen time can cause eye strain and headaches.”
  • “A lack of exercise can lead to obesity.”
  • “Poor nutrition can affect cognitive development in children.”
  • “Climate change causes more frequent and severe weather events.”
  • “Social isolation can lead to mental health issues.”
  • “Pollution contributes to respiratory problems.”
  • “Lack of sleep negatively impacts academic performance.”
  • “Economic inequality leads to social unrest.”
  • “Regular physical activity reduces the risk of chronic diseases.”

Additional Fact Claims

  • “Antibiotic resistance is a growing global health threat.”
  • “Sharks have existed for over 400 million years.”
  • “The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean on Earth.”
  • “The human genome contains approximately 20,000-25,000 genes.”
  • “Electric cars have lower lifetime carbon emissions than gasoline cars.”
  • “Mount Everest is the tallest mountain above sea level.”
  • “The Earth’s atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen.”
  • “The average human body temperature is approximately 98.6°F (37°C).”
  • “Water is a universal solvent.”
  • “Venus spins in the opposite direction to most other planets.”

Additional Value Claims

  • “Music education should be a part of every school curriculum.”
  • “Reading daily improves cognitive function.”
  • “Volunteering is a rewarding and valuable experience.”
  • “Traveling broadens one’s perspective and understanding of the world.”
  • “Meditation is beneficial for mental and emotional well-being.”
  • “Healthy relationships are key to a fulfilling life.”
  • “Supporting local businesses strengthens communities.”
  • “Sustainable living is crucial for future generations.”
  • “Outdoor activities are essential for a healthy lifestyle.”
  • “Creativity is an important skill in any profession.”

Additional Policy Claims

  • “The government should subsidize renewable energy projects.”
  • “Education reform is necessary to improve public schools.”
  • “There should be stricter gun control laws.”
  • “Mental health services should be more accessible.”
  • “The use of fossil fuels should be heavily taxed.”
  • “Public parks should be preserved and maintained.”
  • “There should be incentives for companies to reduce their carbon footprint.”
  • “Urban planning should prioritize green spaces.”
  • “Sex education should be mandatory in schools.”
  • “The criminal justice system needs significant reform.”

Additional Definition Claims

  • “Work-life balance means prioritizing personal time as much as work.”
  • “Friendship is based on mutual respect and understanding.”
  • “Success in life is achieving one’s personal goals and happiness.”
  • “Innovation is the application of better solutions to meet new requirements.”
  • “Equality means providing the same opportunities for all individuals.”
  • “A hero is someone who acts selflessly for the benefit of others.”
  • “Integrity is adhering to moral and ethical principles.”
  • “Creativity is the ability to generate original ideas.”
  • “Education is the process of facilitating learning and acquisition of knowledge.”
  • “Respect means acknowledging the worth and dignity of others.”

Additional Cause and Effect Claims

  • “Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver disease.”
  • “Lack of parental involvement can affect a child’s academic performance.”
  • “Air pollution contributes to global warming.”
  • “Regular exercise improves mental health.”
  • “Stress can lead to high blood pressure.”
  • “Deforestation can cause soil erosion.”
  • “Smoking during pregnancy can harm fetal development.”
  • “High sugar intake can lead to cavities.”
  • “Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause hearing loss.”
  • “Inadequate sleep can impair immune function.”

Final Thoughts: What Is a Claim in Writing?

Writing a strong claim is like laying the foundation for a great argument. It’s the starting point that guides your entire piece.

Remember, a good claim is clear, specific, and backed by solid evidence. Don’t be afraid to take a stance and make your argument compelling. Happy writing, and may your claims always be strong and persuasive!

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How to Write an Effective Claim for an Essay


Often, people use claim statements and thesis statements interchangeably. And they are not wrong because a thesis statement is a type of a claim. In most cases, essays contain further claims other than the thesis statement, depending on the topic in question. Nevertheless, claims overlap the line between fact and opinion. A strong claim leads to a powerful essay that always scores the best marks.

Claims in an argumentative Essay

A good claim is debatable either for or against and must be sufficiently specific so that you explore all the aspects and angles of a given topic.

Yet even with this knowledge, people find themselves confused when asked to formulate a claim for an essay. Failure to structure an argument the right way makes it difficult to persuade an audience. Claims help structure your argument using reasoning and evidence to support your stance.

Given the confusion that sometimes surrounds claims and claim statements, we have put together this guide to take you through the process of writing claims in five steps, using examples and illustrations where necessary for you to master the art of writing claims in an essay.

What is a claim in an essay?

A claim statement is the main point or a debatable statement in the essay that asserts your argument . When you write an essay, you do it to convince or inform the reader about something. What you are trying to convince the reader about is what is referred to as a claim.

The main point or argument in an essay is its most important part. This is because it quickly informs the reader about the objective of the essay, its direction, and its scope.

It is important to note that an opinion is not a claim and cannot be used as the main argument when writing an essay. The easiest way to know if your essay's main argument is a good claim is to ask yourself if it is specific, focused, detailed, relevant, and debatable. If your answer to these questions is yes, you most probably have a good claim.

A claim is usually substantiated with evidence, research, testimony, and academic reasoning. It addresses the -so what?- question the implications of why your audience should care anyway. Unlike a subjective opinion, a claim is always objective.

In a nutshell, a claim:

  • Refers to the main argument of an essay
  • Defines the goals, scope, and direction of a paper
  • It is supported by facts, evidence, argumentation, statistics, telling details, and quotations.
  • It is specific, nuanced, detailed, complex, and focused.
  • It is the starting point for your thesis and allows readers to think critically about the topic.
  • Persuades, argues, and proves a point to the reader.

Types of claims with examples

With the definition of claims in mind, let's explore the different types of claims you can use when writing a paper on any topic.

1. Factual claims

Factual claims are arguments or statements that state facts. Any statement that is a fact is a factual claim. Factual claims are usually easy to support with evidence.

When writing a research essay, a claim of fact or definition defines the fact as you see it and provides evidence to back the claim.

Examples of factual claims that are easy to support:

  • The United States is the world's biggest economy.
  • New York is the home of the United Nations.
  • Donald Trump was the 45 th President of the USA.
  • The invention of computing technology has transformed every sector of the global economy.

2. Value claims

Value claims or claims of value are arguments that include a judgment. They are primarily opinion-based. A typical value claim will judge something or someone using terms such as good/bad, right/wrong, moral/immoral, and fair/unfair. A value claim is usually followed by explaining the value claim or argument to provide context.

Examples of value claims:

  • Online dating is
  • It is right for the West to sanction private individuals for Russian government actions.
  • It is unfair for some businesses to be exempted from tax.
  • Emotional health is as important as physical and mental health.

3. Definitional claims

Definitional claims are arguments defining something as one thing or the other. For example, a good value claim will define or describe something or someone as a particular thing and then provide an explanation why.

An excellent example of a definitional claim:

  • Hunting is not a sport because it does not include regular competition.

4. Cause and effect claims

Cause and effect claims are arguments that are very logical in structure. A typical cause-and-effect claim argues that one thing causes something else. For a cause-and-effect claim to be successfully proven, you must show clearly how the cause leads to the effect.

An excellent example of a cause-and-effect claim:

  • Wars in the Middle East caused Europe's biggest refugee crisis.

5. Descriptive claims

Descriptive claims are arguments that describe or state things. The work of proving a descriptive claim is usually quite simple and straightforward.

Here are good examples of descriptive claims:

  • Peter weighs 220 pounds.
  • He is the world marathon record holder.
  • The house has three master en suite bedrooms.

6. Argumentative claims

All argumentative essays have an argumentative claim at the core. An argumentative claim is an argument that is clear, focused, specific, and debatable. The thing that makes argumentative claims argumentative is the fact that they are debatable. In other words, the claims usually have two clear sides. The side you have picked should be clear in the claim so the audience can read your essay to understand why you picked that side.

Here are good examples of argumentative claims:

  • In light of reduced and erratic rainfalls, farmers in East Africa are increasingly abandoning agriculture for city life.
  • Running provides both mental and physical health benefits.
  • Increasing cases of cyberbullying can be prevented by banning anonymous social media accounts.
  • Yoga improves physical, mental, and emotional strength.
  • School uniforms help promote inclusive environments where students can interact without barriers.
  • College students should learn new languages and skills to help them gain skills to take them through life.
  • Concrete is by far the best building material for commercial houses.
  • Owning a home is better compared to renting.
  • Children under 12 should not be posted on social media by their parents.
  • Generation Z should be taught about financial literacy.
  • Cooking at home is healthier and cheaper compared to fast food.

7. Exploratory claims

Exploratory claims are very different from argumentative claims. The reason why is that they are written to explore all the different opinions or sides of a debate. No exploratory claim will focus on one position.

A typical exploratory claim will include information about the subject to be written about, the different positions or debates about the subject, and the writer's thoughts about the subject.

Here is an example of an exploratory claim:

  • Marijuana was recently legalized for recreational use in New York, leading to a heated debate online on the benefits and drawbacks of the drug. It is essential to look at both sides of the debate to make a fair conclusion on the matter.

8. Assertive claims

Assertive claims are strong arguments or statements. The use of an assertive statement is to explain the thesis a bit or show the importance of the thesis. Without an assertive claim, it becomes challenging to hook the reader to try and read the rest of your essay.

Here is an excellent example of an assertive claim:

  • Online driving courses are not as good as physical ones because they minimize hands-on or one-on-one training experience.

9. Policy claims

Policy claims are also known as solution claims. A characteristic policy claim will state a problem and then its solution.

Examples of policy claims:

  • Western European countries are over-dependent on Russian oil and gas and, therefore, should try to be more energy-independent.
  • Non-violent drug users who are caught should be rehabilitated instead of being incarcerated.

Where to use Claims when writing

As we have already discussed, academic writing has different types of claims. You can use these claims when writing different kinds of papers. Here are some types of writing that use claims:

  • Argumentative essay. Claims in argumentative essays are used to support the central argument or the thesis. In this type of essay, you must focus on a controversial or debatable issue and present evidence to support your thesis statement. Your claims help to fortify the thesis in your argumentative essay.
  • Literary analysis essays. In a literary analysis essay, you can make a claim about the literary work in question and then offer evidence to support the claim.
  • Persuasive essays. Like the argumentative essay, you can use a claim in a persuasive essay. In this case, you will use evidence-based information to support your claim.
  • Research papers. You can use evidence to support or refute the hypothesis, a type of claim.
  • Persuasive speeches. Although presented orally, persuasive speeches entail providing claims and then using evidence to support the claims.
  • Persuasive memos. You can write a persuasive memo to convince the audience about a claim you support with evidence.
  • Compare and contrast essays . You can use claims when comparing two items or subjects.

You can also use claims when writing professional papers such as reports, letters, memos, or social media posts.

Related Article: Writing good analytical essays for better grades.

Features of a reasonable claim

Below are the features of a good claim:

1. A good claim is a statement and not a question

A good claim is usually a statement and not a question. The purpose of making a claim is to present a debate and the writer's position on the debate. Using a question, there is no way to present a debate and clarify your position.

2. A good claim challenges the status quo

The purpose of writing essays is to improve the existing body of knowledge. Simply writing another essay supporting the current beliefs, behaviors, rules, or policies does not enhance the body of knowledge. This is why it is vital to make your claim challenge the status quo so that you can write about something new that everyone doesn't already agree with.

An excellent example of a claim that challenges that status quo is that "The United States should shut down all its nuclear power plants in the next year to eliminate the chance of a disaster happening."

This statement challenges the status quo: nuclear power plants are needed in the USA for the foreseeable future to provide much-needed power.

3. A good claim is unbiased

Claims should always be put to provide an opportunity to defend or support either position. Phrasing a claim in a way that leaves no room for the audience to think that an alternative position can exist is not right. It removes objectivity and makes a claim look biased and unwise.

4. A good claim is particular

Broad claims do not provide any insight. This is because they are easy to agree with. They are also easy to prove. In contrast, specific claims narrow the focus and improve argumentation. So, to write a good essay, it is vital to make your claim specific and detailed so that whatever you write is focused and provides good insight.

5. A good claim promotes an argumentative essay

Make a claim that is easy to agree with. Your essay will not be engaging because it will be a description or a story. In contrast, you create an argumentative environment when you make a claim supporting one of two sides. In other words, you create a situation where you provide evidence to support or defend the side of the argument you have picked.

Claim vs. Claim Statement

A claim is an argument. When writing an academic paper (essay, speech, or research), you will have your main claim (main argument). In addition, you will have your sub-claims or supporting arguments throughout your paper or essay.

An essay's central claim or argument is the claim statement. It is also referred to as the thesis statement. In brief, the main difference between a claim and a claim statement is that the former is just an argument while the latter is the main argument.

The requirements for writing a claim and a claim statement are very similar. However, sub-claims or supporting arguments in the body paragraphs do not need to be debatable. In contrast, a good claim statement should always be detailed and debatable.

Claim vs. Thesis Statement vs. Counterclaim

ClaimThesis StatementCounterclaim

The main argument for a paragraph. It is sometimes the topic sentence of the paragraph that announces the focus of a paragraph.

The main argument for the essay

An argument that negates, refutes, or contradicts the main argument in a paragraph

Every claim should support the thesis

Everything should support the thesis statement

The counterclaim should come after the claim in an argumentative essay

Every claim should be clear and specific

The should be detailed and focused

The counterclaim should focus on the claim, and its weaknesses should be addressed

An essay can have multiple claims

An essay can only have one claim

Every claim in an argumentative essay can have a counterclaim

Steps to writing the best claim in an essay

A claim is an argument. It is pretty easy to write an argument in an essay. The most straightforward essay will include the main claim or argument in the introduction , a supporting argument beginning each body paragraph, and a conclusion.

The most important part when writing an essay is usually the main claim or argument. It is also referred to as the claim statement. A good claim statement will help you to write a good essay. A lousy claim statement will make it challenging to write a good essay.

Follow the steps below to learn how to write a good claim statement.

1. Pick a topic and find out more information about it

The first thing you need to do when writing a claim statement is to pick a topic. Even if you can choose any topic, select one that interests you and can research and write an entire essay.

Once you choose the topic, find out more information about it. This will help you narrow the topic, find something interesting to write about, and make arguments. You also develop many aspects of the topic and choose one to help you write your claim.

As an example, suppose you are writing about climate change. Then, you can focus on global warming as a subject and present why it is a top cause of climate change.

2. Phrase the exciting topic as a question

Once you find something interesting about a topic, you should frame the topic as a question. As you frame the question, ensure you answer it with your thesis.

The easiest way to write a question is to imagine you are a professor asking your students to write an easy essay on the topic. This will help you to phrase the topic as a question quickly. The question will help you to come up with the claim statement and to write a good essay.

For example, suppose your research on a topic leads you to want to write about the harmful effects of Instagram on teenage girls. In that case, you could phrase this topic as a question. For example, one way you can phrase this topic as a question is, "What are the harmful effects of Instagram on teenage girls?"

Phrasing the topic this way makes it easy to write the claim and thesis statements.

3. Define the objective of your essay

To write a good essay, you need to set the objective. The objective of your essay will determine what type of claim statement you write. For example, suppose your objective is to convince the audience that something is good or bad. In that case, you must decide after phrasing your essay topic as a question.

4. Take a position on the issue

After deciding your essay's objective, you need to take a position on the topic now. This position or claim will be your essay's main claim or claim statement. In addition, it will inform what your supporting arguments will be.

At this stage, you should rephrase your question into a claim statement (the question you constructed in step 2). Our example question was, "What are the harmful effects of Instagram on teenage girls?"

To rephrase this question into a claim statement, state how you would answer it in detail. For example, one way you could do this is, "This paper looks at the harmful effects of Instagram on girls under 18 years of age in the USA."

This statement makes it clear what your essay will be all about. It is focused, detailed, and debatable.

5. Develop sub-claims

After creating the claim statement, you need to write an outline to help you write your essay. Your claim statement will inform the outline.

And the most critical parts of the outline will be the sub-claims. The sub-claims are the supporting arguments you will use in your essay. They are the arguments that support your main argument.

If you are writing a typical 5-paragraph essay with an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion " the three body paragraphs will include a sub-claim at the beginning. The sub-claim will be an argument that supports your main position.

Following the five steps above, you can quickly develop a good essay with all the necessary claims and sub-claims. If, for any reason, you feel like it will be challenging for you to develop a good claim statement and sub-claims, contact us for help with your essay. We have professional essay tutors ready to help you write any essay before you hit the deadline.

Dos and don'ts when writing A claim in an Essay

You now know everything important about claims. You know all the major types of claims and how to write an eye-catching claim statement. In this section, you will learn all the critical dos and don'ts when writing any kind of claim.

  • Choose a good topic. It is important to choose a good topic if you are permitted to. A good topic is interesting, has lots of facts and data, and is easy to take a stand on.
  • Have fun. If essays are stressing you up, maybe you should re-evaluate your major or minor. Whatever topic you choose, you should have fun learning more about it and taking a stand. If you do this, your genuine passion will be evident to the reader.
  • Take a position. It is important to take a position when writing about a topic. Writing about something without supporting or defending a position will not help you. You need to embrace a position and stick to it.
  • Narrow your focus. It is crucial to narrow the focus of your writing to a particular thing or group. If your claim is too broad, it will not be compelling, and your essay won't be very informative.
  • Avoid using first-person when writing a claim statement. Using the first-person perspective  will make your argument subjective and not very objective.
  • Avoid using emotional appeal. When writing, ensure that you appeal to facts and data. So don't appeal to emotions; that will water down your arguments.
  • Lose focus. Cluttering your claim with other ideas will make it challenging to support. It will also make your writing less understandable and less robust.

Final Remarks

Consider a claim as the branches and the thesis statement as the trunk that holds your paper together. It can be a compound or short sentence that asserts your position on an issue or topic.

Related Readings:

  • How to write an argumentative essay.
  • How to write a perfect case study paper.
  • How to write counterarguments.

Using controversial claims makes essays engaging and appetizes your readers. So ensure that your claim is straightforward, specific, and contestable. And to maintain a good balance, try to rope in a counterclaim.

Now that you understand what a claim is, the different types of claims, and the steps to take when writing a claim, all we can say is all the best. Of course, you will need our wishes as you craft your essay. But in case you need any help, don't hesitate to place an order. Let our argumentative essay writers help you out!

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What is a claim?

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A claim is a statement that presents an idea or series of ideas as arguments. Arguments therefore consist of claims, or another way to put it is, to say that claims are the building blocks of a good argument.

In research writing, claims will be the backbone that form a thesis or a hypothesis (here the term ‘hypothesis’ refers to the argument that is evidenced within the scope of the work).

According to Heady (2013) “Claims are the points you want to prove, interpretations you want to offer, and assertions you want to make” (p. 74). Importantly, in academia claims are statements that can be supported by evidence.

‘Traditional classroom teaching is boring’

For example, claiming that traditional classroom teaching is boring is not a good claim because it lacks definition (what does ‘traditional classroom teaching’ actually mean? and how do we measure ‘boring’)? It may also be a ‘sweeping statement’ (meaning it’s far too general in scope). However, claiming that “traditional teaching methods, like didactic instruction, do not provide sufficient interaction with students and lead to poor learning outcomes” is a good argumentative claim, because it can be investigated and measured.

Characteristics of a good claim

In order to make effective claims it is important to understand the difference between statements  and  sentences. While a statement is also a sentence (in that it is a grammatical unit with subject, verb, object clause), not all sentences are statements (in other words, not all sentences consist of a stance or a position).

The following provides examples of the difference between sentences and statements. The statements present a stance or position about the topic under discussion. This is important to understand as all claims must consist of a stance towards the topic.

sentences statements
Bulldogs are a common breed of dog. They originated in the British isles. Bulldogs are a dangerous breed and should be regulated.
Fat is one of three macronutrients. The others being carbohydrate and protein. Fat has been misrepresented as a leading cause of heart disease. New research challenges this finding.

Function of claims

The function of claims in academic writing is to provoke, analyse, or interpret rather than merely describe or present facts. They can do this by affirming, acknowledging, confirming, or refuting the proposition being made. In this way, claims do the job of building an overall argument or thesis in a piece of work (i.e. each claim progresses the key argument). It is for this reason that claims will appear in topic sentences, thesis statements, introductory and concluding sentences/paragraphs.

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Research and Writing Skills for Academic and Graduate Researchers Copyright © 2022 by RMIT University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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what is a claim in the essay

What Is a Claim in an Essay? Unpacking the Core Element with Writing Tips

what is a claim in the essay

Picture yourself as a captain steering your ship, a.k.a. your essay, across a wild ocean of ideas. Your secret weapon? The claim. It’s not just some fancy statement – it’s the backbone of your essay, the big point you’re itching to make and stand by.

Getting the hang of crafting a killer claim is like hitting the jackpot for any essay writer. It sets the mood, points the way, and basically makes or breaks your essay. So, let’s dive deep into what makes a claim tick.

What’s a Claim, Anyway?

Think of a claim as your essay’s thesis or main argument. It’s way more than an opinion. It’s a bold, assertive statement that lays down the foundation of your argument. Depending on your essay’s vibe, claims can come in different flavors:

  • Factual claims ─ The straight-up truths, like “The Earth does its dance around the Sun.”
  • Definitional claims ─ The “what’s what” of things, like “Genetically modified munchies can totally be called organic.”
  • Cause and effect claims ─ The “this led to that” stuff, like “Scrolling through Insta all day shoots up anxiety in teens.”
  • Value claims ─ Your judgment call, like “Free speech is the lifeblood of democracy, no question.”
  • Policy claims ─ The “let’s shake things up” kind, like “Making buses free could clear up city smog.”

Figuring out your type of claim is like choosing the right gear before setting off on an essay adventure.

Building a Rock-Solid Claim

what is a claim in the essay

A solid claim is like a good cup of coffee – clear, strong, specific, and just what you need:

  • Clear as day ─ It’s got to be easy to get, no beating around the bush.
  • Open for debate ─ A tasty claim gets people talking, not just nodding along.
  • Specific ─ It zeros in on your essay’s heart, with no wandering off.
  • Relevant ─ It’s got to jive with your essay’s main jam.

Cooking Up a Strong Claim

Crafting a top-notch claim? It’s like making a masterpiece. Start broad, then get down to the nitty-gritty:

  • Brainstorm central ─ Kick off by throwing ideas around. Ask questions, scribble thoughts, and play with different angles.
  • Idea filter ─ Sift through your thoughts, and pick the ones that have that zing of debate.
  • Wordplay ─ Your choice of words and tone is key. Be bold, but keep it in line with your essay’s style .
  • Learning by example ─ Check out strong and weak claims to see what makes or breaks them.

Rooting Your Claim with Evidence

Your claim needs roots, like a tree. That’s your evidence – the stuff that makes your claim stand up tall:

  • Back it up ─ Throw in facts, stats, expert say-so, and real-life tales to beef up your claim.
  • Keep It balanced ─ Your evidence should be like a good sidekick – supportive but not stealing the spotlight.
  • Counterpunch ─ Tackle the naysayers head-on. It shows you’ve done your homework and you’re not afraid of a little debate.

Claims in Different Essay Worlds

what is a claim in the essay

Your claim shifts gears depending on your essay type:

  • Analytical essays ─ Here, you’re dissecting stuff like books or historical events to dig out hidden treasures.
  • Argumentative essays ─ You’re taking a stand on a hot-button issue, backed by evidence that packs a punch.
  • Expository essays ─ You’re the explainer, shining a light on concepts, often with a “here’s the 411” vibe.

Watch Out for These Slip-Ups

Even seasoned essay sailors can hit rough waters:

  • Overgeneralizing ─ Steers clear of claims that are too broad. Specific is terrific.
  • Evidence MIA ─ Don’t leave your claims hanging without backup. That’s just asking for trouble.
  • Going in circles ─ Don’t use your claim to prove your claim. That’s like saying, “It’s true because I say so.”

Fine-tuning Your Claim Crafting a Claim Can Be a Trial-and-error Deal

  • Draft city ─ Play around with different versions. Mix and match perspectives and wording.
  • Revise for impact ─ Get feedback, then tweak and polish your claim until it shines.
  • Open ears ─ Good feedback can turn a decent claim into a showstopper. Embrace it.

what is a claim in the essay

The Bottom Line

A well-crafted claim is like the heart of your essay, pumping life and direction into your arguments. Getting good at building strong claims is a game-changer for essay writing. Practice, pay attention to the details, and you’ll be churning out claims that grip your readers and don’t let go. And hey, if you hit a wall, remember there’s help out there – like  custom essay writing services – ready to give you a leg up. Keep at it, and you’ll be the master of claims in no time!

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  • How to write an argumentative essay | Examples & tips

How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips

Published on July 24, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An argumentative essay expresses an extended argument for a particular thesis statement . The author takes a clearly defined stance on their subject and builds up an evidence-based case for it.

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Table of contents

When do you write an argumentative essay, approaches to argumentative essays, introducing your argument, the body: developing your argument, concluding your argument, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about argumentative essays.

You might be assigned an argumentative essay as a writing exercise in high school or in a composition class. The prompt will often ask you to argue for one of two positions, and may include terms like “argue” or “argument.” It will frequently take the form of a question.

The prompt may also be more open-ended in terms of the possible arguments you could make.

Argumentative writing at college level

At university, the vast majority of essays or papers you write will involve some form of argumentation. For example, both rhetorical analysis and literary analysis essays involve making arguments about texts.

In this context, you won’t necessarily be told to write an argumentative essay—but making an evidence-based argument is an essential goal of most academic writing, and this should be your default approach unless you’re told otherwise.

Examples of argumentative essay prompts

At a university level, all the prompts below imply an argumentative essay as the appropriate response.

Your research should lead you to develop a specific position on the topic. The essay then argues for that position and aims to convince the reader by presenting your evidence, evaluation and analysis.

  • Don’t just list all the effects you can think of.
  • Do develop a focused argument about the overall effect and why it matters, backed up by evidence from sources.
  • Don’t just provide a selection of data on the measures’ effectiveness.
  • Do build up your own argument about which kinds of measures have been most or least effective, and why.
  • Don’t just analyze a random selection of doppelgänger characters.
  • Do form an argument about specific texts, comparing and contrasting how they express their thematic concerns through doppelgänger characters.

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what is a claim in the essay

An argumentative essay should be objective in its approach; your arguments should rely on logic and evidence, not on exaggeration or appeals to emotion.

There are many possible approaches to argumentative essays, but there are two common models that can help you start outlining your arguments: The Toulmin model and the Rogerian model.

Toulmin arguments

The Toulmin model consists of four steps, which may be repeated as many times as necessary for the argument:

  • Make a claim
  • Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim
  • Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim)
  • Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives

The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays. You don’t have to use these specific terms (grounds, warrants, rebuttals), but establishing a clear connection between your claims and the evidence supporting them is crucial in an argumentative essay.

Say you’re making an argument about the effectiveness of workplace anti-discrimination measures. You might:

  • Claim that unconscious bias training does not have the desired results, and resources would be better spent on other approaches
  • Cite data to support your claim
  • Explain how the data indicates that the method is ineffective
  • Anticipate objections to your claim based on other data, indicating whether these objections are valid, and if not, why not.

Rogerian arguments

The Rogerian model also consists of four steps you might repeat throughout your essay:

  • Discuss what the opposing position gets right and why people might hold this position
  • Highlight the problems with this position
  • Present your own position , showing how it addresses these problems
  • Suggest a possible compromise —what elements of your position would proponents of the opposing position benefit from adopting?

This model builds up a clear picture of both sides of an argument and seeks a compromise. It is particularly useful when people tend to disagree strongly on the issue discussed, allowing you to approach opposing arguments in good faith.

Say you want to argue that the internet has had a positive impact on education. You might:

  • Acknowledge that students rely too much on websites like Wikipedia
  • Argue that teachers view Wikipedia as more unreliable than it really is
  • Suggest that Wikipedia’s system of citations can actually teach students about referencing
  • Suggest critical engagement with Wikipedia as a possible assignment for teachers who are skeptical of its usefulness.

You don’t necessarily have to pick one of these models—you may even use elements of both in different parts of your essay—but it’s worth considering them if you struggle to structure your arguments.

Regardless of which approach you take, your essay should always be structured using an introduction , a body , and a conclusion .

Like other academic essays, an argumentative essay begins with an introduction . The introduction serves to capture the reader’s interest, provide background information, present your thesis statement , and (in longer essays) to summarize the structure of the body.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

The body of an argumentative essay is where you develop your arguments in detail. Here you’ll present evidence, analysis, and reasoning to convince the reader that your thesis statement is true.

In the standard five-paragraph format for short essays, the body takes up three of your five paragraphs. In longer essays, it will be more paragraphs, and might be divided into sections with headings.

Each paragraph covers its own topic, introduced with a topic sentence . Each of these topics must contribute to your overall argument; don’t include irrelevant information.

This example paragraph takes a Rogerian approach: It first acknowledges the merits of the opposing position and then highlights problems with that position.

Hover over different parts of the example to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

A common frustration for teachers is students’ use of Wikipedia as a source in their writing. Its prevalence among students is not exaggerated; a survey found that the vast majority of the students surveyed used Wikipedia (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). An article in The Guardian stresses a common objection to its use: “a reliance on Wikipedia can discourage students from engaging with genuine academic writing” (Coomer, 2013). Teachers are clearly not mistaken in viewing Wikipedia usage as ubiquitous among their students; but the claim that it discourages engagement with academic sources requires further investigation. This point is treated as self-evident by many teachers, but Wikipedia itself explicitly encourages students to look into other sources. Its articles often provide references to academic publications and include warning notes where citations are missing; the site’s own guidelines for research make clear that it should be used as a starting point, emphasizing that users should always “read the references and check whether they really do support what the article says” (“Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia,” 2020). Indeed, for many students, Wikipedia is their first encounter with the concepts of citation and referencing. The use of Wikipedia therefore has a positive side that merits deeper consideration than it often receives.

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An argumentative essay ends with a conclusion that summarizes and reflects on the arguments made in the body.

No new arguments or evidence appear here, but in longer essays you may discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your argument and suggest topics for future research. In all conclusions, you should stress the relevance and importance of your argument.

Hover over the following example to see the typical elements of a conclusion.

The internet has had a major positive impact on the world of education; occasional pitfalls aside, its value is evident in numerous applications. The future of teaching lies in the possibilities the internet opens up for communication, research, and interactivity. As the popularity of distance learning shows, students value the flexibility and accessibility offered by digital education, and educators should fully embrace these advantages. The internet’s dangers, real and imaginary, have been documented exhaustively by skeptics, but the internet is here to stay; it is time to focus seriously on its potential for good.

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An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

The majority of the essays written at university are some sort of argumentative essay . Unless otherwise specified, you can assume that the goal of any essay you’re asked to write is argumentative: To convince the reader of your position using evidence and reasoning.

In composition classes you might be given assignments that specifically test your ability to write an argumentative essay. Look out for prompts including instructions like “argue,” “assess,” or “discuss” to see if this is the goal.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved July 1, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/argumentative-essay/

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Claim Definition

With the help of a claim, one can express a particular stance on an issue that is controversial, so as to verify it as a logically sound idea. In case of a complex idea, it is always wise to start by classifying the statements you are about to put forward. Many times, the claims you make stay unnoticed because of the complex sentence structure; specifically, where the claims and their grounds are intertwined. However, a rhetorical performance, such as a speech or an essay , is typically made up of a single central claim, and most of the content contains several supporting arguments for that central claim.

Types of Claim

You can easily find evaluative claim examples in book reviews. This type is about assessing an argument, or the entire essay on ethical, social, political, and philosophical grounds, and determining whether an idea is wise, good, commendable, and valid. The evaluative and interpretive claims typically consist of well-versed viewpoints. Where interpretive claims strive to explain or clarify the views communicated in and by the text, evaluative claims study the validity of those views by drawing comparison between them and the writer’s own opinions.

Claim Examples

Interpretive claims, example #1: animal farm (by george orwell).

Similarly, “To be or not to be…” is an evidence of the excessive thinking of Prince Hamlet in the play Hamlet , written by William Shakespeare . If a person interprets the play, he has evidence to support his claim. Papers on literary analysis are treasure troves of examples of claim.

Evaluative Claims

Example #2: animal farm (by george orwell), function of claim, post navigation.

While Sandel argues that pursuing perfection through genetic engineering would decrease our sense of humility, he claims that the sense of solidarity we would lose is also important.

This thesis summarizes several points in Sandel’s argument, but it does not make a claim about how we should understand his argument. A reader who read Sandel’s argument would not also need to read an essay based on this descriptive thesis.  

Broad thesis (arguable, but difficult to support with evidence) 

Michael Sandel’s arguments about genetic engineering do not take into consideration all the relevant issues.

This is an arguable claim because it would be possible to argue against it by saying that Michael Sandel’s arguments do take all of the relevant issues into consideration. But the claim is too broad. Because the thesis does not specify which “issues” it is focused on—or why it matters if they are considered—readers won’t know what the rest of the essay will argue, and the writer won’t know what to focus on. If there is a particular issue that Sandel does not address, then a more specific version of the thesis would include that issue—hand an explanation of why it is important.  

Arguable thesis with analytical claim 

While Sandel argues persuasively that our instinct to “remake” (54) ourselves into something ever more perfect is a problem, his belief that we can always draw a line between what is medically necessary and what makes us simply “better than well” (51) is less convincing.

This is an arguable analytical claim. To argue for this claim, the essay writer will need to show how evidence from the article itself points to this interpretation. It’s also a reasonable scope for a thesis because it can be supported with evidence available in the text and is neither too broad nor too narrow.  

Arguable thesis with normative claim 

Given Sandel’s argument against genetic enhancement, we should not allow parents to decide on using Human Growth Hormone for their children.

This thesis tells us what we should do about a particular issue discussed in Sandel’s article, but it does not tell us how we should understand Sandel’s argument.  

Questions to ask about your thesis 

  • Is the thesis truly arguable? Does it speak to a genuine dilemma in the source, or would most readers automatically agree with it?  
  • Is the thesis too obvious? Again, would most or all readers agree with it without needing to see your argument?  
  • Is the thesis complex enough to require a whole essay's worth of argument?  
  • Is the thesis supportable with evidence from the text rather than with generalizations or outside research?  
  • Would anyone want to read a paper in which this thesis was developed? That is, can you explain what this paper is adding to our understanding of a problem, question, or topic?
  • picture_as_pdf Thesis

Table of Contents

Collaboration, information literacy, writing process.

Learn how to use logical reasoning methods when making a claim.

what is a claim in the essay

What is a Claim?

Claims are assertions , arguments, and conclusions about something. For instance, claims can be about definitions, causes and effects, claims of fact, or policies. A claim may me a macro-claim —i.e., a major claim that informs an entire text . Or a claim may be a micro-claim —a subclaim attached to a larger claim. Logical reasoning may require proof of a number of smaller claims to reach a larger claim.

Key Concepts: Argument ; Toulmin Heuristic; Organizational Scenario; Direct

Types of Claims

In written discourse , writers, speakers, and knowledge workers . . . engage in rhetorical reasoning and rhetorical analysis so that they know how to best craft claims for particular rhetorical situations . Claims , like rhetorical situations , may be nuanced and complex. Examples of typical types of claim include the following.

Cause & Effects

Example: “Learning to write well helps people achieve financial independence.”

Claims of Fact

Example: “U.S. literacy levels are ranked #13 in the world, after countries like Japan, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, according to the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies .”


Example: “Literacy is ‘the ability to use printed and written information to function in society, to achieve one’s goals, and to develop one’s knowledge and potential’ ( National Center for Education Statistics ).”

Example: “Students should be given opportunities to write frequently and receive critical feedback.”

Example: “Learning to write well is the best way to prepare people for future challenges.”

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

What this handout is about

This handout will define what an argument is and explain why you need one in most of your academic essays.

Arguments are everywhere

You may be surprised to hear that the word “argument” does not have to be written anywhere in your assignment for it to be an important part of your task. In fact, making an argument—expressing a point of view on a subject and supporting it with evidence—is often the aim of academic writing. Your instructors may assume that you know this and thus may not explain the importance of arguments in class.

Most material you learn in college is or has been debated by someone, somewhere, at some time. Even when the material you read or hear is presented as a simple fact, it may actually be one person’s interpretation of a set of information. Instructors may call on you to examine that interpretation and defend it, refute it, or offer some new view of your own. In writing assignments, you will almost always need to do more than just summarize information that you have gathered or regurgitate facts that have been discussed in class. You will need to develop a point of view on or interpretation of that material and provide evidence for your position.

Consider an example. For nearly 2000 years, educated people in many Western cultures believed that bloodletting—deliberately causing a sick person to lose blood—was the most effective treatment for a variety of illnesses. The claim that bloodletting is beneficial to human health was not widely questioned until the 1800s, and some physicians continued to recommend bloodletting as late as the 1920s. Medical practices have now changed because some people began to doubt the effectiveness of bloodletting; these people argued against it and provided convincing evidence. Human knowledge grows out of such differences of opinion, and scholars like your instructors spend their lives engaged in debate over what claims may be counted as accurate in their fields. In their courses, they want you to engage in similar kinds of critical thinking and debate.

Argumentation is not just what your instructors do. We all use argumentation on a daily basis, and you probably already have some skill at crafting an argument. The more you improve your skills in this area, the better you will be at thinking critically, reasoning, making choices, and weighing evidence.

Making a claim

What is an argument? In academic writing, an argument is usually a main idea, often called a “claim” or “thesis statement,” backed up with evidence that supports the idea. In the majority of college papers, you will need to make some sort of claim and use evidence to support it, and your ability to do this well will separate your papers from those of students who see assignments as mere accumulations of fact and detail. In other words, gone are the happy days of being given a “topic” about which you can write anything. It is time to stake out a position and prove why it is a good position for a thinking person to hold. See our handout on thesis statements .

Claims can be as simple as “Protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged,” with evidence such as, “In this experiment, protons and electrons acted in such and such a way.” Claims can also be as complex as “Genre is the most important element to the contract of expectations between filmmaker and audience,” using reasoning and evidence such as, “defying genre expectations can create a complete apocalypse of story form and content, leaving us stranded in a sort of genre-less abyss.” In either case, the rest of your paper will detail the reasoning and evidence that have led you to believe that your position is best.

When beginning to write a paper, ask yourself, “What is my point?” For example, the point of this handout is to help you become a better writer, and we are arguing that an important step in the process of writing effective arguments is understanding the concept of argumentation. If your papers do not have a main point, they cannot be arguing for anything. Asking yourself what your point is can help you avoid a mere “information dump.” Consider this: your instructors probably know a lot more than you do about your subject matter. Why, then, would you want to provide them with material they already know? Instructors are usually looking for two things:

  • Proof that you understand the material
  • A demonstration of your ability to use or apply the material in ways that go beyond what you have read or heard.

This second part can be done in many ways: you can critique the material, apply it to something else, or even just explain it in a different way. In order to succeed at this second step, though, you must have a particular point to argue.

Arguments in academic writing are usually complex and take time to develop. Your argument will need to be more than a simple or obvious statement such as “Frank Lloyd Wright was a great architect.” Such a statement might capture your initial impressions of Wright as you have studied him in class; however, you need to look deeper and express specifically what caused that “greatness.” Your instructor will probably expect something more complicated, such as “Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture combines elements of European modernism, Asian aesthetic form, and locally found materials to create a unique new style,” or “There are many strong similarities between Wright’s building designs and those of his mother, which suggests that he may have borrowed some of her ideas.” To develop your argument, you would then define your terms and prove your claim with evidence from Wright’s drawings and buildings and those of the other architects you mentioned.

Do not stop with having a point. You have to back up your point with evidence. The strength of your evidence, and your use of it, can make or break your argument. See our handout on evidence . You already have the natural inclination for this type of thinking, if not in an academic setting. Think about how you talked your parents into letting you borrow the family car. Did you present them with lots of instances of your past trustworthiness? Did you make them feel guilty because your friends’ parents all let them drive? Did you whine until they just wanted you to shut up? Did you look up statistics on teen driving and use them to show how you didn’t fit the dangerous-driver profile? These are all types of argumentation, and they exist in academia in similar forms.

Every field has slightly different requirements for acceptable evidence, so familiarize yourself with some arguments from within that field instead of just applying whatever evidence you like best. Pay attention to your textbooks and your instructor’s lectures. What types of argument and evidence are they using? The type of evidence that sways an English instructor may not work to convince a sociology instructor. Find out what counts as proof that something is true in that field. Is it statistics, a logical development of points, something from the object being discussed (art work, text, culture, or atom), the way something works, or some combination of more than one of these things?

Be consistent with your evidence. Unlike negotiating for the use of your parents’ car, a college paper is not the place for an all-out blitz of every type of argument. You can often use more than one type of evidence within a paper, but make sure that within each section you are providing the reader with evidence appropriate to each claim. So, if you start a paragraph or section with a statement like “Putting the student seating area closer to the basketball court will raise player performance,” do not follow with your evidence on how much more money the university could raise by letting more students go to games for free. Information about how fan support raises player morale, which then results in better play, would be a better follow-up. Your next section could offer clear reasons why undergraduates have as much or more right to attend an undergraduate event as wealthy alumni—but this information would not go in the same section as the fan support stuff. You cannot convince a confused person, so keep things tidy and ordered.


One way to strengthen your argument and show that you have a deep understanding of the issue you are discussing is to anticipate and address counterarguments or objections. By considering what someone who disagrees with your position might have to say about your argument, you show that you have thought things through, and you dispose of some of the reasons your audience might have for not accepting your argument. Recall our discussion of student seating in the Dean Dome. To make the most effective argument possible, you should consider not only what students would say about seating but also what alumni who have paid a lot to get good seats might say.

You can generate counterarguments by asking yourself how someone who disagrees with you might respond to each of the points you’ve made or your position as a whole. If you can’t immediately imagine another position, here are some strategies to try:

  • Do some research. It may seem to you that no one could possibly disagree with the position you are arguing, but someone probably has. For example, some people argue that a hotdog is a sandwich. If you are making an argument concerning, for example, the characteristics of an exceptional sandwich, you might want to see what some of these people have to say.
  • Talk with a friend or with your teacher. Another person may be able to imagine counterarguments that haven’t occurred to you.
  • Consider your conclusion or claim and the premises of your argument and imagine someone who denies each of them. For example, if you argued, “Cats make the best pets. This is because they are clean and independent,” you might imagine someone saying, “Cats do not make the best pets. They are dirty and needy.”

Once you have thought up some counterarguments, consider how you will respond to them—will you concede that your opponent has a point but explain why your audience should nonetheless accept your argument? Will you reject the counterargument and explain why it is mistaken? Either way, you will want to leave your reader with a sense that your argument is stronger than opposing arguments.

When you are summarizing opposing arguments, be charitable. Present each argument fairly and objectively, rather than trying to make it look foolish. You want to show that you have considered the many sides of the issue. If you simply attack or caricature your opponent (also referred to as presenting a “straw man”), you suggest that your argument is only capable of defeating an extremely weak adversary, which may undermine your argument rather than enhance it.

It is usually better to consider one or two serious counterarguments in some depth, rather than to give a long but superficial list of many different counterarguments and replies.

Be sure that your reply is consistent with your original argument. If considering a counterargument changes your position, you will need to go back and revise your original argument accordingly.

Audience is a very important consideration in argument. Take a look at our handout on audience . A lifetime of dealing with your family members has helped you figure out which arguments work best to persuade each of them. Maybe whining works with one parent, but the other will only accept cold, hard statistics. Your kid brother may listen only to the sound of money in his palm. It’s usually wise to think of your audience in an academic setting as someone who is perfectly smart but who doesn’t necessarily agree with you. You are not just expressing your opinion in an argument (“It’s true because I said so”), and in most cases your audience will know something about the subject at hand—so you will need sturdy proof. At the same time, do not think of your audience as capable of reading your mind. You have to come out and state both your claim and your evidence clearly. Do not assume that because the instructor knows the material, he or she understands what part of it you are using, what you think about it, and why you have taken the position you’ve chosen.

Critical reading

Critical reading is a big part of understanding argument. Although some of the material you read will be very persuasive, do not fall under the spell of the printed word as authority. Very few of your instructors think of the texts they assign as the last word on the subject. Remember that the author of every text has an agenda, something that he or she wants you to believe. This is OK—everything is written from someone’s perspective—but it’s a good thing to be aware of. For more information on objectivity and bias and on reading sources carefully, read our handouts on evaluating print sources and reading to write .

Take notes either in the margins of your source (if you are using a photocopy or your own book) or on a separate sheet as you read. Put away that highlighter! Simply highlighting a text is good for memorizing the main ideas in that text—it does not encourage critical reading. Part of your goal as a reader should be to put the author’s ideas in your own words. Then you can stop thinking of these ideas as facts and start thinking of them as arguments.

When you read, ask yourself questions like “What is the author trying to prove?” and “What is the author assuming I will agree with?” Do you agree with the author? Does the author adequately defend her argument? What kind of proof does she use? Is there something she leaves out that you would put in? Does putting it in hurt her argument? As you get used to reading critically, you will start to see the sometimes hidden agendas of other writers, and you can use this skill to improve your own ability to craft effective arguments.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Anson, Chris M., and Robert A. Schwegler. 2010. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers , 6th ed. New York: Longman.

Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, and William T. FitzGerald. 2016. The Craft of Research , 4th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ede, Lisa. 2004. Work in Progress: A Guide to Academic Writing and Revising , 6th ed. Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s.

Gage, John T. 2005. The Shape of Reason: Argumentative Writing in College , 4th ed. New York: Longman.

Lunsford, Andrea A., and John J. Ruszkiewicz. 2016. Everything’s an Argument , 7th ed. Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s.

Rosen, Leonard J., and Laurence Behrens. 2003. The Allyn & Bacon Handbook , 5th ed. New York: Longman.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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What Is A Claim In An Essay? Types and How to Make One

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by  Antony W

February 16, 2023

claim in an essay

A claim in an essay is a statement of truth that’s ultimately debatable. You arrive here after investigating an issue and making the conclusion that a particular concept is arguably true.

Since it’s more or less a statement of an author, a claim puts readers or listeners in a position to agree or write off the statement as either true or false.

While claims show up in many different kinds of writing, they’re especially common in college level writing, and it can be persuasive or argumentative.

In persuasive essay writing , for example, author use claims to convince their readers to think, believe, or act in a certain way. In argumentative essay writing , claims arise when you’ve looked at both sides of an issue; you come up with findings, and make suggestions of what should happen next.

Claims aren’t conclusive and their expectations are different, as ultimately, you’re providing a piece of information that someone can agree or disagree with.

Rather than being biased, you’re informative and letting your audience choose whether to agree with you or completely write off your statement.

The overall goal of making a claim isn’t to inform your audience. Rather, it’s to persuade them to agree with you, without you or them being biased.

Arguable Claims vs Opinion 

An opinion claim requires another opinion for support, and ends up with weak points that can’t prove or disapprove the claim itself.

On the other hand, an arguable claim is more than just a debatable statement that you can challenge with concrete academic evidence.

It dives deeper into addressing the implication of something, clearly giving a clear picture of why you should care in the first place. Not to mention it even goes on to address the “so what?” question. 

Experts recommend staying far away from opinion claim, mostly because they’re subjective in form and stick to arguable claims instead.

Claims vary depending on the topic of the essay and the writer of the paper. So while it may be easily arguable, you need to make sure the claim you make is complex, focused, relevant, and specific.

Types of Claims in an Essay 

1. definition.

This claim argues about how you can define something or a situation.

Often, authors argue that one thing is another, even if some people would find the statement contradicting. 

An example is defining the mass shooting in New Zealand’s mass shooting at Christ Church as terrorist attack. 

Authors use claim of fact to make an assertion about something they can approve or disapprove using factual evidence.

A claim of fact must be debatable in form, and it shouldn’t merely consistent of proven facts or statistics.

Instead, it must be a statement that requires fact for backup, while still leaving room to debate the evidence.

3. Value 

When you want to argue about how good or bad a topic for your essay is, you’ll need to think more of a value claim.

Stay away from opinions when making a value claim, because the support you provide will all be based on opinion.

4. Solution 

A solution claim takes a value claim and expands on it even further. In a value claim, we state how one thing can be bad.

For example, climate change can become a geopolitical crisis in our lifetime.  

A solution claim takes this into account and tries to argue how we can fix the problem.

For instance, when we decriminalize drugs, the rate of drug abuse would be lower.  

5. Cause and Effect 

A cause and effect claim states that one event leads to another – or that one thing causes another.

Like a fact claim, a cause and effect claim should be easily debatable. 

How to Make a Claim in an Essay

The easiest way to write a claim is to start with a question.

Posing an issue as a question, instead of a statement, not only gives your audience something concrete to think about but also makes it easy for you to take a position to defend.

Stay far away from vague questions, as readers would end up losing the interest to debate the topic. 

For example, are cellphones bad?

This is a vague question that you can’t even convert into different stances.  

Instead, you want to ask something like “ should I allow my 12 year old to bring their cell phone to school? ”

Such a question is clearly debatable, not to mention focused and specific. 

Such a question doesn’t only encourage continued debate but also allow you to take a very strong position that you can easily argue.

What Makes a Good Claim? 

There are a few rules you need to observe in order to make a good claim.

So make sure you’re careful to observe them because the last thing you want to happen is to tank both the claim and your essay altogether. 

The first rule of thumb when it comes to making a claim in an essay is to avoid opinions 100%. While there’s nothing wrong with opinion-based claims, the claims aren’t academic and therefore there’s no research to back them up.

Second, you want to keep your claim narrow in its scope. Instead of going broad with your focus, narrow your claim and be as specific with it as possible.

The third rule is make sure you support your claim. A claim without evidence isn’t as awful, but who’s going to take you seriously if you don’t have strong arguments to support it?

So unless you’ve done enough research on a claim, and you’re sure there’s enough evidence to support it, it won’t make sense to include it in your essay.

While making an arguable claim can take only a few minutes of your time, writing the essay can be somewhat a challenge and overall time consuming.

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what is a claim in the essay

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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What Is A Claim In An Essay?

  • Euphresia Kwamboka
  • April 9, 2020
  • Essay Guides and Topics

Here's What We'll Cover

Have you ever asked yourself, what is a claim in an essay? A claim refers to a debatable statement or argument in your paper backed up with evidence or factual support. Its main aim is to persuade, argue, convince, and prove a point to a reader who may not have the same opinion as you. All essays contain a debatable topic the writer wants the reader to agree or disagree and for a good essay, you have to argue effectively in favor of your claim. 

For example, if your claim says university fees should be reduced, your paper will focus on supporting this claim with evidence. Other examples of argumentative claims include “college student-athletes should be paid” or “guns should not be sold easily over the counter”. When writing compelling essays, it is essential to understand your claim and how you’ll structure your essay. If you want to learn how to write a claim sentence and haven’t considered argumentative essay writing help , this post will guide you in creating a good claim in your essay.

what is a claim in the essay

The Difference Between A Claim And a Thesis Statement

When formulating a claim in an essay, it is important to note that the thesis is not the claim. A thesis is the general or main argument of your essay. Everything in your essay should tie back to your thesis. A thesis statement gives the backbone of your writing, and it usually appears at the end of the introductory paragraph. On the other hand, argumentative claims are the specific arguments that make up your thesis. They develop, support, and explain your thesis thoroughly throughout the essay.

it’s the main idea for a paragraphit’s the main argument for your essay
Each claim paragraph should support your thesisEverything in your essay should tie back to your thesis
It is the specific argument that makes up your thesisIs the backbone of your writing

Types Of Claims For Written Arguments

It is important to have an interesting topic and a strong thesis statement when writing essays. The thesis is considered the ‘main claim’ of an essay. You can use different types of claims to create possible arguments for the topics you choose to examine . At times, a debatable thesis can have two or more claims. It is better to incorporate various claims to make your essay more compelling and longer. The types of claims include;

1. Claims Of Fact 

Claims of fact assert that something can be proved or disapproved with factual evidence. They argue whether something is accurate, valid, or correct and answer questions like: Is it true? Is it real? What happened? Claims have to be debatable and present an assertion. Therefore, a claim of definition for a logical argument cannot comprise a proven fact or statistic alone. For example, you cannot say the earth is flat. Is there evidence to prove that? You might decide to go with; Rock music has led to the increase of violence among teens.

Claims of fact need to be centered on an assertion that incorporates facts as backup, even though the evidence provided might still be debatable. Writing an argumentative essay uses this type of claim.

If you were to argue that basketball was a slow game with no rules, it would only take a minute for a researcher to google the facts and find out that it has plenty of rules and is fast-paced. Hence, this claim is not debatable, and there would be no argument here. Arguments from claims of fact should have reliable data, clearly defined terms, and a clear line between inference and facts. 

2. Claims of Definition

This claim argues how something is defined. It answers the question; what is it? How should it be classified or interpreted? How does its usual meaning change in a particular context? Claims of definition offer an in-depth explanation of a specific subject. This goes hand in hand with the definition of claim in literature.

For example, if you are arguing that even though therapeutic massage is done on nude bodies, it’s not a form of prostitution. You could start by defining what therapeutic massage is. You could even look at the legal definition of prostitution and demonstrate to your peers that therapeutic massage does not fall into the legal definition of prostitution because it does not involve the behaviors characterized by that definition.

3. Claims of Cause And Effect

A claim of cause and effect argues that one thing caused another thing to happen. This type of claim answers questions like; Why did it happen? Where did it come from? What is the likely result now and in the future? Like claims of fact, claims of cause and effects should be debatable. For example, you could argue that corruption has affected Kenya’s economic growth. 

4. Claims of Value

Claims of value argue that something is bad or good or that one thing is better than the other. They call into question a standard of comparison, resulting in an essay with a lot of evaluation. For example, if you say Nike is better than Adidas or Titanic is the greatest movie of all time, you are making a claim of value. When developing arguments from claims of value, ensure that your statement establishes the evaluation standards and their advantages. Also, Identify the priority value, and include examples and credible sources for support. It is essential to anticipate your response to the opposing viewpoint when dealing with this type of claim. 

A claim of value seeks answers to questions like: Is it right or wrong? Is it good or bad? Is it moral or immoral? Who thinks so? What do those people value? What criteria should I use to establish how good or bad something is?

5. Claims of Solution or Policy

A claim of solution maintains that specific conditions must exist or that an action should be taken or not taken to solve a problem. If your value of claim was climate change has led to more intense drought, your solution claim will focus on what should be done to fix the occurrence of frequent drought periods. 

A claim of solution seeks answers to questions like: How can we solve this issue? What action should we take? What should be the future policies? As you answer the questions or provide solutions, ensure that your evidence contains a clear proposed action, justification, workable plan, benefits, and consideration of counter-arguments.

How To Craft A Great Claim Statement

A claim determines the direction your essay will take. The point is to ensure you develop a central argument to give your first draft an organizing and unifying idea. A great, reasonable claim will give you a good debatable essay, while an illogical claim won’t stand strong on its own or convince the reader. Here are things you need to consider when crafting a claim in an essay.

1. Explore The Topic Of Interest

You need to gather as much information as you can about your topic. Brainstorm questions and answers to gain more knowledge and have a better idea of the topic. If you talk about something you don’t know, no one will take you seriously. You won’t convince them because they already see you as a joke and have lost trust in you. It’s also important to have a specific topic to give you a clear debate.

For example, if you are talking about women’s healthcare, you can narrow that down to the effects of Kenya’s free maternity service policy. This way, you will be able to argue better and convince your reader.

2. Define The Goal Of Your Paper

The effectiveness, quality, and complexity of your essay lean on your claim. The type of claim statement you will use depends on the goal of your paper. It will help you know what to include in your essay and what to pay the most attention to. Your objective might be to change your reader’s opinion on something, or it might be to challenge them to take a particular action. If you are using claims of value in your essay, you can probably argue that Fenty Beauty products are the best skin care products in the market. 

3. Choose What You Can Prove

As discussed earlier, a claim in an essay needs to be backed up by research, evidence, and facts. If you choose a claim that’s not debatable, your essay won’t be interesting or compelling.   It’s also important to use logic to support your claims and pick a simple and easy claim that you can prove. 

How To Start A Claim Paragraph and What To Include

Your introduction needs to grab the attention of the reader and hook them to your paper. If you lose the reader’s attention from the start, it’ll be hard to convince them that what you are saying is interesting or makes sense. Writing short and simple sentences is the best way to get your points across.

Once you have hooked the reader, the next step is to Introduce your topic, so the reader knows exactly what the essay will be about. If your topic is about smoking, you can talk about why it’s an issue of controversy and then make your claim, for example, smoking shouldn’t be allowed in public spaces. If your topic is about phones, you can say, children below the age of fifteen shouldn’t have access to smartphones.

After making your claim, have two or three paragraphs that have evidence to support your claim, then have your counterclaim paragraph and conclusion.

Tips On How To Write A Claim In An Essay

The claim of an article or essay is the spine that holds everything together. A controversial claim will make the essay engaging, while a boring one will set the tone for a dull paper. Therefore, it is essential to take the time to create a good claim before you start writing. Here are some of the things you need to consider when making a good claim;

1. Make It Straightforward 

A good claim doesn’t beat around the bush. While many people advocate for creating some mystery in the claim, it is not the best advice. An essay does not have to hold the reader in suspense the entire time. Making a straightforward claim from the beginning helps the reader know what to expect in your essay. Additionally, making your claim clear allows the reader to take a stand and contribute to further academic research. 

2. Make Your Claim Specific 

In your academic life, you will get people advising you to have a broad claim in your essays more often than not. While this is a good idea because it allows you to access multiple research materials, it does not make your essay hold weight.  A broad claim in an essay will mean the evidential support you provide will also be broad. Additionally, the essay will also fail to convince, and readers can easily point out inefficiencies in how you illustrate your points. A good essay has a specific claim, requiring specific evidential support that wins the reader’s opinion. 

3. Don’t Worry About The Truthfulness Of Your Claim

Many students lose the plot when they try to focus on the truthfulness of their claim. When writing an essay, whether the claim you make is true or false is not the main reason why a reader will want to read the essay. The purpose of the essay is to gauge how effectively you communicate your ideas and the evidential support you provide to prove your point. Additionally, your target is to get the reader to agree with you whether the claim is true or false.

4. Make Your Claim Contestable 

When writing, the worst mistake you can make is coming up with a claim that the reader can respond to with a yes or no answer. Such a weak claim will make the essay boring because the reader has already formed their opinion. A good claim ignites a debate. The reader should want to read more to understand why you make a specific claim that does not correspond with him or her. At the end of your essay, you might be able to change their mind or not.


Just like a coin has two sides, every argument has two sides—the supporting side and the one that disagrees. So, a counterclaim can be defined as the opposite of a claim or the argument opposing your claim. It is also called a rebuttal. For example, if you tell your mum you want to move schools, you’ve already made your claim. If your mum says something like, “How can you say that, yet you don’t pay the school fee? That’s her counterclaim. 

When writing an essay, you need a counterclaim paragraph that addresses the valid points of the other side of the argument. A counterclaim shows your reader that you have thoughtfully considered both sides of the issue before arriving at your claim. You can then argue and say you find the counterclaim weak or invalid. When this paragraph is done well, it gives you a chance to respond to the reader’s potential arguments before they finish reading the essay. 

Major Claim Vs. Sub Claim

A major claim is an essay’s central argument, while sub claims support the ideas of the primary claim. Sub claims add specific details to the main claim. They also reinforce the validity of the main point. A major claim is revealed in the introduction, while sub claims appear in the body of the other paragraphs.

For example, if your thesis is “Unversity fee should be reduced to prevent students from dropping out of school, that will be my central argument. You may also talk about how many students have dropped out of school or how hard it is for most of them to access specific courses because of how expensive they are. You can further talk about how this is killing their dream or even how expensive it is to repay student loans because of high unemployment rates. These mini statements are your sub claim, and they support your primary claim which is, why University fees should be reduced.

For an effective essay , you need evidence to support each sub claim. For instance, if you talk about how many students have dropped out of university because they can’t afford the fee, you might use a report released from the Ministry of Education or the student body.

The Difference Between Claim, Counterclaim, and Thesis Statement

Structure Hook the reader and then Introduce your claimExplain what others who disagree with your claim might sayIt is composed of three claim sentences. Claim 1, 2, and 3.
Tone PositiveNegative Positive
ElementsSpecific and debatableIt disagrees with the claimIt is the central argument of an essay
PositionIt appears in the introductionIt appears before the conclusionIt appears at the end of the introductory paragraph.


It is essential to read through the essay question to understand clearly what it asks before making your claim. Ensure that your claim is specific and controversial to spike the interest of the reader. Additionally, avoid leaving the reader in suspense on what is the claim you make in your essay. If you’re still struggling with writing a proper claim for your essay, you might consider buying your term papers online .

what is a claim in the essay

An example of how to make a claim in an essay

How to make a claim in an essay

Claims are the debatable statements writers use to prove their point in an essay. In simpler words, a claim is an argument. If a child says they want a new phone to access the internet, that’s their claim.  Or if someone says rock music leads to violence among teens, that’s their claim.

A good claim is a type that is debatable, specific, and has evidence to support it. A claim shouldn’t be an opinion or a feeling because then it won’t be a claim. Remember, you must have strong arguments to support your claims.

First, you have to identify your topic of discussion. Second, formulate questions around the topic then your answers will help you develop the claim.Note that, a claim is introduced in the first paragraph of an essay. This way, readers will know what you are talking about without reading too much or losing their focus.

Below are the steps that you need to follow to make a strong claim: 1. A claim must state a fact that is debatable with evidence. 2. A claim should define your goals, scope, and direction you will follow. 3. A claim should be specific and upholds a focused argument.

The main purpose of a claim is to support and establish your main argument. This will create questions in your readers’ minds which will be answered in the essay.

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What Is a Claim in an Essay?

what is a claim in the essay

Most students make the mistake of confusing between an opinion and an arguable claim. However, the two are very different. For instance, while an arguable claim is supported by debatable evidence, opinions are often just supported by more opinion. In addition, claims can be substantiated through evidence, testimony, research and academic reasoning. However, please remember that not every claim has equal strength. Most of the time when students hear about a claim in essays, they tie it to a thesis.

But Wait, What Is a Thesis?

In the context of essay writing, a thesis refers to the main claim or main argument of the essay. Since the thesis offers a unifying theme for the entire essay, it generally appears at the beginning of the paper. In short essays , the claim often comes within the first or second paragraph. A good thesis statement is more interpretive or analytic, rather than just factual or descriptive. Creating a clear and original thesis statement is critical to writing a good argumentative essay.

Many students often assume that the term thesis statement means that the central claim has to be stated in one sentence. However, effectively articulating a complex claim often demands more than just one sentence in most cases, more than one sentence will be necessary to assert your central claim. Although there are no defined rules on how you should formulate and express your claim, there are some useful strategies that you could use to develop stronger claims, as well as mechanisms for evaluating the strength of your claim.

Some Myths about Claims in the Context of Academic Essays

As you prepare to write your essay , it is important to demystify some misconceptions about claims as they are used in academic writing. You may have come across some of these myths, and may even believe some yourself. However, let us set the record straight on the most common myths:

  • A claim ought to be general to allow lots of evidence in the text

In an actual sense, a claim that is too broad can only be supported by evidence that is really broad. In the end, you find yourself describing instead of arguing. In other words, it is best to be concrete, specific and focused. Consider carefully what you intend to argue, and the implications of your argument.

  • A claim must not include everything in the paper as it gives away information, eliminating the suspense

This is far from true. An academic essay is not a mystery novel that requires suspense. It helps to be clear from the onset what you intend to argue to allow your audience to follow, comprehend and believe your points. State what you intend to do, and how you intend to do it. The remaining element of your essay can then go to fleshing out the central claim through the use of subclaims, for example, telling details, and evidence.

  • A claim ought to be correct or true beyond doubt

A widely held misconception is that a claim in an essay must be true, if the reader is to buy into your argument. Well, the processes of developing an argument and substantiating a claim are never truly black and white. Rather argumentative essays are more about the writer’s ability to articulate a position and argue for that position, supported by relevant evidence. In fact, there are times when you may find yourself disagreeing with some of the sources at some point in the essay and agreeing with them later in the same paper. Instead of having a wrong or right response, complex claims are more of provocations, explications, analyses, or application of ideas, concepts, and theories.

Other Tips for Effective Claims

During the entire process of writing your essay, your thesis the or claim is likely to evolve and become more refined. In fact, your central claim is likely to change severally as you gather evidence and reconsider your main ideas. As such, it helps to think of your central claim as serving the roles of motivating and structuring your initial draft, and as the main organizing idea of the final draft. In essence, therefore, you are likely to have a working claim that guides the process of drafting and outlining, and a more refined final claim that covers your careful and thorough consideration of the evidence presented. Here are some tips to help with your central claim:

  • Draft a working claim

Brainstorming questions on your topic will help you develop the working claim. Consider debates and controversies to which you can contribute. Focus on the connection between the outcome you are interested in and what could be the cause of the outcome. The point is to ensure that you develop a central argument to give your first draft an organizing and unifying idea.

  • Evaluate your claim

As you come up with your working claim, it is important to assess its efficacy based on the elements of a strong claim. In general, a strong claim is contestable, reasonable, specific, significant, and interpretive.

  • Revise your claim

After finalizing your initial draft, it is time to revise your paper, including your central claim. Consider whether the evidence you have presented supports your claim. Is it possible to make a claim more precise and specific? Ensure that your claim conveys exactly what you intend to argue and that the evidence that you have presented is directly linked to the claim.

To summarize, the goal of this article is to improve students’ understanding of claims in an essay and how they can be formulated. Students ought to remember that strong claims are clear, concise, direct, and provocative. There is no room to be vague and undecided. Most importantly, focus on one main idea.

What Does It Mean to Make a Claim During an Argument?

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  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

Claims backed by reasons that are supported by evidence are called arguments. To win an argument, you first have to make a claim that is more than just an assertion. You use critical thinking skills and argue your case using claims, reason, and evidence. In rhetoric  and argumentation , a claim is an arguable statement—an idea that a rhetor (a speaker or writer) asks an audience to accept.

Persuasive Claims

Generally, there are three primary types of claims in an argument, also called persuasive claims:

  • Claims of fact assert that something is true or not true.
  • Claims of value assert that something is good or bad, or more or less desirable.
  • Claims of policy assert that one course of action is superior to another.

A persuasive claim is an opinion, idea, or assertion. In rational arguments, all three types of claims must be supported by evidence . Jason Del Gandio, in the book, "Rhetoric for Radicals," gives these examples of persuasive claims in an argument:

"I think we should have universal health care.
"I believe the government is corrupt.
"We need a revolution."

Gandio explains that these claims make sense, but they need to be backed up with evidence and reasoning.

Identifying Claims

The University of Washington says a claim "persuades, argues, convinces, proves, or provocatively suggests something to a reader who may or may not initially agree with you." A claim is more than an opinion but it is less than a universally agreed upon truth, such as "The sky is blue" or "Birds fly in the sky."

An academic claim—a claim you make in an argument—is considered debatable or up for inquiry. James Jasinski explains in "Argument: Sourcebook on Rhetoric" that a claim "expresses a specific position on some doubtful or controversial issue that the arguer wants the audience to accept."

A claim is not, then, an opinion, such as "I think Twinkies are delicious." But if you took that same sentence and recrafted it into an arguable statement, you could create a claim, such as "Twinkies and other sugary, processed foods can make you fat." Not everyone might agree with your claim, but you would be able to use scientific and medical evidence (such as studies showing that sugary processed foods lead to weight gain and other health problems) to support your claim.

Types of Claims

You can further break claims in an argument into four basic types, says Mesa Community College :

Claims of fact or definition: Particularly in this day and age, people disagree on hitherto commonly accepted facts. A claim of fact or definition might be that grades do not accurately measure student progress or lie detector tests are inaccurate. Traditionally, grades have been the common measure of student success, but you could argue that they do not really represent a student's true abilities. And lie detector tests were at one point thought to provide clear and accurate evidence, but you could use facts to argue that they can be unreliable.

Claims About Cause and Effect: This type of claim argues that given causes lead to specific effects, such as watching too much television when young leads to obesity or poor school performance. To make this claim, you would have to present evidence (scientific studies, for example) that show television leads to these outcomes. Another debatable cause-and-effect claim would be that video games that depict violence lead to real violence.

Claims About Solutions or Policies: This kind of claim might argue that because the health care system does not adequately assist Americans (you would argue that this is a fact), it should be reformed (you argue for the solution/policy), says Mesa Community College.

Claims About Value: This type of claim might be the trickiest to argue because you are trying to prove that one thing is better or superior to another. For example, you might claim that people who are blind or deaf have a unique culture of blindness or deafness. You could support either argument by researching and presenting facts that these two areas of disability do indeed have unique cultures and communities.

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ENGL001: English Composition I

Distinguishing between main points and sub-claims.

Read this article on main points and sub-claims. How do main points differ from sub-claims? How can you support sub-claims in your writing?

An effective argument contains a thesis, supporting claims, and evidence to support those claims. The thesis is the writer's central argument, or claim, and the supporting claims reinforce the validity of the thesis. When reading another writer's argument, it is important to be able to distinguish between main points and sub-claims; being able to recognize the difference between the two will prove incredibly useful when composing your own thesis-driven essays.

As you may know, a writer's thesis articulates the direction he or she will take with his or her argument. For example, let's say that my thesis is as follows: "smoking should be banned on campus because of its health and environmental repercussions". At least two things are clear from this statement: my central claim is that smoking should be banned on campus, and I will move from discussing the health impact of allowing smoking on campus to covering the environmental impact of allowing smoking on campus. These latter two ideas (the health and the environmental repercussions of allowing smoking on campus) are the author's main points , which function as support for the author's central claim (thesis), and they will likely comprise one or more body paragraphs of the writer's thesis-driven essay.

Let's take a look at the following diagram:

Diagram: argument with two main points

This diagram translates into the following organizational plan:

  • Smoking should be banned on campus because of the health repercussions.
  • Smoking should be banned on campus because of the environmental repercussions.

Points (A) and (B) will be explored in body paragraphs, will likely form the topic sentences of those body paragraphs, and will be supported by more claims specific to each point, or sub-claims . Let's return to the previous diagram and see what happens when we include sub-claims:

Diagram: argument with two main points and sub-claims

I. I argue that smoking should be banned on campus.

A. Smoking should be banned on campus because of the health repercussions.

1. Smoking affects students with allergies.

2. Smoking affects students suffering from asthma.

B. Smoking should be banned on campus because of the environmental repercussions.

1. The cigarette butts are harming animals on campus.

2. The cigarette ash is killing the grass in the campus green areas.

Assertions (1) and (2) listed under each main point are the writer's sub-claims, statements that reinforce the validity of his or her main points. Think about it this way: every time a writer presents a claim, the reader likely asks, "What support do you have for that claim?"

So, when the writer argues, "Smoking should be banned on campus", the reader asks, "What support do you have for that claim?" And the writer responds with, "Because I've found that there are health and environmental repercussions". Then, when the reader asks, "What support do you have for your claim that there are health and environmental repercussions to smoking on campus?" the writer can say, "Well, smoking negatively affects students suffering from asthma as well as those who have allergies, and the pollution caused by cigarettes is harming animals and killing the grass". Each major claim bolsters the writer's thesis, and each sub-claim bolsters one of the writer's major claims; additionally, the claims get increasingly specific as they move from main points to sub-claims.

Then, the writer includes evidence to support each sub-claim. For instance, if I assert that "smoking affects students with allergies", the reader would ask, "What support do you have for that claim?" And the writer might cite a poll taken on campus proving that students with allergies have suffered more when walking through smoky areas.

To support the sub-claim that "smoking affects students suffering from asthma", the writer might cite a report released by Student Health Services connecting the increase of on-campus asthma attacks to on-campus smoking. Those studies function as evidence to support two of the author's sub-claims. Other evidence would be necessary to prove the validity of the writer's other sub-claims.

Whenever you, as a reader, come across an assertion in a thesis-driven text, ask yourself, "What support is the writer offering to back this claim?" You can then chart the points made by the writer by filling in the answers you locate when reading the text. If a point is missing, take note of that, because the point's absence might very well undermine the author's argument. Similarly, as a writer, whenever you make an assertion, ask yourself, "What support can I offer to back this claim?" Then bolster your argument by adding supporting claims and evidence as needed.

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1. -What is a Claim? 2. -Why do you write a claim? 3. -Where do you write a claim in an essay? 4. -Which of these statements do you think is strong claim? a)People should spay and neuter their pets, and animal pets should stop euthanizing animals. b)People should be required to spay and neuter their pets to prevent thousands of cats and dogs to be euthanizing each year. c)It is a good idea to spay and neuter your pets. ​

Unaltered animals often exhibit more behavioral and temperament problems than those that have been spayed or neutered,avoid a litter It's good for your pet.

Spaying or neutering your pet is an important decision for pet owners.As animal lovers who value our pets,it's important to understand the impact of thinking about adding a pet to your family.Here are 10 reasons to consider adopting a dog,cat,or other companion animal from an animal shelter or rescue.The result is homeless animals that may have to be euthanized because there are more cats and dogs coming into shelters than there are people willing to provide.Spaying and neutering make pets better and more affectionate companions.Animals that have not been sterilized often exhibit more behavior and temperament.If your pet has run away from home,there are several things you shouldn't do about adopting or euthanizing it before you come back to reclaim it.

To learn more about Unaltered please click on below link.


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ZÉLIE BEADS OF SWEAT soak through my cropped dashiki and drip onto the mountain stone. My muscles shake with the strain of practicing a hundred incantations, but Inan doesn't let up. He rises from our latest skirmish, brushing hardened earth from his bare chest. Though a red welt swells on his cheek from my last animation, Inan squares his stance. "Again." "Dammit," I pant. "Just give me a break." There's no time for a break. If you can't do this, we need another plan." "The plan is fine," I say through my teeth. "What else do you need to prove that? They'll be strong, we won't need that many" There are over fifty fighters down there, Zélie. Armed, battle-ready men. If you think eight animations will be enough "It's more than enough for you!" I point to the bruise forming on Inan's eye, to the blood staining the right sleeve of his kaftan. "You can barely fight one. What makes you think they can handle more?" "Because there are fifty of them!" Inan shouts. "I'm not even at half my strength. I should hardly be your gauge." Then prove me wrong, little prince." I clench my fists, eager to draw more of his royal blood. "Show me how weak I am. Show me how strong you really are!" "Zélie- "Enough!" I roar, pressing my palms into the ground. For the first time my spiritual pathways unlock without an incantation; my ashe drains and the animations flow. With a rumble, they come to life, rising from the earth at my silent command. Inan's eyes widen as ten animations charge across the hill. But in the brief moment before the attack, his gaze narrows. A vein bulges against his throat. His muscles tense against his strong build. His magic

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Blood is pumped throughout your body by the heart, a fist-sized organ. Your circulatory system's main organ, it. Your heart is divided into four main chambers, each of which is powered by electrical impulses and is formed of muscle. Your heart's operation is controlled by your nerve system and brain.

The heart is a crucial organ. It is a muscle that distributes blood to every cell in your body. Your body receives the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function from the blood that is pumped around your body by your heart.

To know more about Heart visit:


Use the passage below to answer all parts of the question that follows. "Having questioned Sidotti,* I understand that Christians teach that their God produced heaven and earth and make him out to be the Great Lord and Father. This God of theirs, they say, cannot be served without giving him all of one’s love and all of one’s reverence. What these Christians are in effect saying is this: I have a [real] father, but I do not love him because I reserve all my love for God; I have a [real] lord, but I don’t revere him because I reserve all my reverence for God. Now this is what we call being impious and disloyal! According to the Book of Rites, it is the emperor, the Son of Heaven, who should be worshiping God, the Lord of Heaven. It is not a duty that is given to ordinary people. And that is in order to prevent the blurring of the line between the exalted and the base. Thus, the sovereign is Heaven to the subjects just as the father is Heaven to the child." (A) Describe ONE way in which Hakuseki’s argument was influenced by long-standing Asian cultural traditions. (B) Explain ONE way in which the religious encounter referred to in the passage differed from most other religious encounters in the period circa 1450–1750. (C) Explain ONE historical situation in the period 1450–1750, other than the one illustrated in the passage, in which states in Asia or Africa adopted policies to limit European political power or cultural influence.

One significant distinction between the circumstances of the religious encounter in eighteenth-century Japan and other religious encounters in the period of 1450–1750 is that religious.

Interactions during this time more frequently resulted in the development of syncretic religious systems like Vodou or Santera than the outright adoption of new religions. Large-scale population changes were brought about by the spread of disease, agriculture, and animals between the hemispheres. This eventually paved the way for the emergence of contemporary religious   states and cultures in the Americas when immigrants poured into the New World and the native populations shrank. The cooperation between the Mughals and the British depicted in the artwork changed into resistance, which was an important way in which the relationship between Great Britain and India changed in the nineteenth century. In contrast to the state's attempts to control the accumulation of money through administrative processes or state-sponsored hierarchies, religious reactions to wealth accumulation urged the rejection of wealth in order to find salvation or foster harmony.  In contrast to the religious attempts to control the accumulation of money through administrative processes or Britain -sponsored hierarchies, religious reactions to wealth accumulation urged the rejection of wealth in order to find salvation or foster harmony.

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The various many demanding situations George Washington confronted as the first President of America, one of the maximum pressing was the country wide debt incurred during the innovative warfare.

Washington took office, the federal government become basically bankrupt, and its bonds nearDuring the yankee Revolution , he led the colonial forces to victory over the British and became a countrywide hero. In 1787, he became elected president of the convention that wrote the U.S. charter.  years later, Washington have become the usa's first president.

Most of this wealth can be traced to Washington's achievement as a land speculator, an organisation that grew out of his early profession as land surveyor. added to that became his firsthand revel in of the frontier u . s . past the Allegheny Mountains received at some point of the French and Indian conflict .

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The battle of Gonzales , the first battle of the Texas Revolution , began when the Mexican Army had started an attempt to disarm the people of Gonzales .

The Texas Revolution can be referred to or considered as one of the key historical events that was sought as a war of independence of the state of Texas. It took place in the years during the middle of the nineteenth century. The Texas Revolution contained a series of battles, which began with the initiation of the Battle of Gonzales in the year 1835.

Learn more about the Texas Revolution here:


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On October 2, 1835, the growing tensions between Mexico and Texas erupt into violence when Mexican soldiers attempt to disarm the people of Gonzales, sparking the Texan war for independence.

The second battle of the Texas Revolution was the Battle of Goliad. On October 9, 1835, early in the morning, Texas settlers attacked the soldiers of the Mexican Army stationed at Presidio La Baha, a fort close to the Mexican Texas settlement of Goliad.

Mexican forces once more occupied the Alamo from March to May . The Alamo Battle served as a symbol of valiant resistance and a call to arms for the Texans in their fight for independence.

Learn more about Mexican forces to visit this link


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The Papal States were established in 756 thanks to the Donation of Pepin , which gave the popes the legal authority to rule outside of the Duchy of Rome.

The territory that belonged to Ravenna, including towns like Forl with their surrounding countryside, the Lombard conquests in the Romagna, the Duchy of Spoleto and Benevento, and the Pentapolis, were all officially granted to the pope by the treaty (the "five cities" of Rimini, Pesaro, Fano, Senigallia and Ancona). Both Narni and Ceccano were were papal possessions. The Roman Empire had previously owned the regions mentioned in the treaty of 756. Pepin was approached by imperial envoys in Pavia who offered him a sizable sum of money in exchange for returning the lands to the empire. Pepin declined, claiming that the lands belonged to St. Peter and the Roman church.

To know more about the papacy , click here https://brainly.com/question/29376501

What argument was used by those in the United States who opposed the use of protective tariffs in the 1800s? A. The use of protective tariffs was unconstitutional. B. Tariffs made it more expensive to use slave labor. C. Tariffs benefitted manufacturers but not farmers. D. The use of tariffs reduced the price of manufactured goods.

The correct option (A) The use of protective tariffs was unconstitutional.

Tariffs that are enacted with the intention of safeguarding a domestic industry are referred to as protective tariffs . Their goal is to raise the price of imported goods relative to domestically produced equivalents, which will increase sales of domestically produced goods and help the local economy.

Tariffs are also imposed to increase tax revenue for the government or to stop a bad activity (sin tax). The goals of protection and revenue maximization suggest different tariff rates, necessitating a tradeoff between the two objectives, even though a tariff can simultaneously protect domestic industry and generate government revenue.

Learn more about protective tariffs to visit this link


the small trading posts that opened up throughout the west in the mid-nineteenth century

Communities in the area were founded as a result of the tiny trading posts that began to appear in the West in the middle of the nineteenth century.

Native Americans and whites came into direct touch during the famous fur trade era in the Colorado region, which started in the early nineteenth century. By this time, the fur-bearing animals of Colorado had given rise to significant commodities in the American and European markets for their hides and robes. The first permanent American outposts were built by white traders and trappers as locations to import robes and furs. Many of the posts were abandoned when this trade declined in the middle of the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, a number of these sites continued to be crucial for later emigration or freighting operations and served as the future locations of numerous Colorado cities and towns.

Visit here to learn more about trade : https://brainly.com/question/535341

Explain two ways trade and cultural diffusion shaped the ancient Greek world. Write your response in three to four complete sentences. When creating your response, include one example connected to trade and one example connected to cultural diffusion. PLEASE HELP?!!!

In the Mediterranean , products could be produced in one area and marketed in another. By distributing wine, olives, and pottery, the Greeks helped other peoples learn about their civilization. In exchange, they purchased products made by other cultures.

To know more about Trade here


the first explorer reached the south pole on this day in 1911. what was their name?

The name of first explorer reached the south pole on this day in 1911 is Roald Amundsen

Roald Amundsen or Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen, he born on 16 July 1872 and die on 18 June 1928. He nationality is Norwegian.

In the 1910 until 1912, he and his team started his expedition to the South Pole . In this expedition, he is a leader or a captain. Finally after long expedition, he arrive in the South Pole in December 14, 1911.

He also the first person to reach North Pole. He along with Douglas Mawson, Robert Falcon Scott, and Ernest Shackleton was known as a leader of key expedition during the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration .

Learn more about Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration here:


True or false in the early years of the depression, European and North American governments harmed their economies by borrowing to much money to pay for huge projects that provided jobs to unemployed workers

False. European and North American governments harmed their economies by not borrowing enough money to pay for projects that provided jobs to unemployed workers.

How has the movable type changed?

because if china printing documents

movable type changed how ancient China printed its documents, making printing more efficient and easier.

Bi Sheng's movable type changed how ancient China printed its documents, making printing more efficient and easier . Instead of carving an entire book into one huge block, characters are carved into small clay blocks.

In the New Deal act, where does the Fair Labor Strandards Act fall under the three R’s? Relief, Recovery or Reform?

this is quite interesting get ready

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that sets standards for minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor in the United States. It was enacted as part of the New Deal in 1938. The New Deal was a series of programs and policies implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression, and it is often divided into three categories: relief, recovery, and reform.

The FLSA is generally considered to fall under the category of "reform," which refers to long-term changes to the economic and social systems of the United States that were intended to address the root causes of the Great Depression and prevent future economic crises. The FLSA was part of a broader set of reforms that aimed to improve working conditions and protect workers' rights, including the establishment of a federal minimum wage and the regulation of child labor. Other examples of reforms that were implemented during the New Deal include the Social Security Act, which established a national system of social insurance, and the National Labor Relations Act, which granted workers the right to organize and bargain collectively.

If you have any further questions let me know!

early battle of the civil war deadliest one-day battle invasion of the union no decisive winner

Battle of Antietam , likewise called Clash of Sharpsburg is an early clash of the nationwide conflict deadliest one-day fight intrusion of the association no unequivocal victor .

The American Nationwide conflict transformed into a battle between us of US and the confederate Conditions of us, a bunch of eleven southern states that left the Association in 1860 and 1861.

The battle started commonly because of the long-status battle of words over the gathering of subjugation .

The yank Nationwide conflict becomes a common battle inside the USA. It transformed into a battle between the Association and the Alliance, the last option molded with the guidance of states that had withdrawn .

Learn more about civil war :


the event having the greatest impact on the shift of the african american population from rural to urban areas was

The event having the greatest impact on the shift of the african american population from rural to urban areas was World war 1.

The worst effect of World War I on African Americans was the acceleration of a decades-long mass exodus of black, rural agricultural laborers out of the South to the metropolis in quest of better pay and social and political opportunities. John F. Kennedy's presidential campaign that year focused heavily on new civil rights laws, and he received more than 70% of the vote among African Americans. The Great Migration led to the creation of the first sizable urban black communities in the North. The black population in the North nearly doubled between 1910 and 1930. Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, and New York saw the largest gains.

Learn more about World war 1. at


george washington struck the first spark of a war that set the british north american frontier ablaze from the carolinas to nova scotia, then spread to europe, canada, the caribbean, west africa, india, and, finally, the philippines. historians call this immense conflict the seven years’ war; . . . winston churchill described it as ‘the first world war.’"

Few know that George Washington struck the first spark of a war that set the British North American frontier ablaze from the Carolinas to Nova Scotia, then spread to Europe, Canada, the Caribbean, West Africa, India, and, finally, the Philippines. Historians call this immense conflict the Seven Years' War;

What was George Washington's role in the French and Indian War?

He told the French to leave the Ohio River Valley, behaved heroically at Braddock's defeat, and his surrender of Fort Necessity was considered one of the first battles of war.

Great Britain gained a claim to land extending to the Mississippi River. In the treaty that ended the Seven Years' War, France transferred its North American territorial claims east of the Mississippi River to Great Britain.

To keep the country from going to war, Washington issued the Proclamation of Neutrality. This proclamation prohibited Americans from fighting in the war between the British and the French. Washington also put down the Whiskey Rebellion .

To learn more about   first spark of a war visit:


what argument was used by those in the united states who opposed the use of protective tariffs in the 1800s?

In the 1800s, many who opposed protective tariffs made the argument that manufacturers rather than farmers benefited from the tariffs.

Protective tariffs have been criticized for creating an unfairly administered and even regressive tax system because they have a tendency to disproportionately benefit some local economic sectors while penalizing others. The drop in exported commodities and the possibility that other countries would retaliate against American exports by imposing protective tariffs of their own made traders concerned about the possibility of losing their livelihoods.

The export sector, which was heavily reliant on agriculture, was subject to comparable threats from abroad as well as the effects of what economists now refer to as the symmetry effects of the tariff: because exporters are required to sell their products at international market prices, they are unable to pass on some of the tariff's costs to their customers while also having to absorb higher domestic prices for their own consumption.

The connection between the tariff and slavery was also muddied by this later consequence. The early 19th century cotton industry boom sent the majority of its output to the established mills in Great Britain, despite Clay's plans for southern crops to supply the textile mills of New England.

To know more about protective tariffs click here,


A powerful monopoly is broken up into several smaller competing companies what are the costs and benefits for the general public

This natural monopoly has now been split into smaller enterprises that are unable to produce efficiently. As a result, if a natural monopoly exists, the monopoly may be lucrative since it is the most efficient.

However, if that natural monopoly is forced to be broken up, it will result in resource waste. And, regardless of the cheaper price, the general public pays a price. They also provide a few extra options. Perhaps there will be more product diversity as a result of the ability of many different enterprises to make it.

So we start with this monopoly, this extremely powerful monopoly, this one corporation , and we know that under this monopoly, there is no competition and no replacements. Because there is no competition and no replacements, this monopoly may charge a far higher price than any other enterprise. Because there are no businesses, right? They are the pricing range. Consumers will pay the prices requested if they desire the goods and have nowhere else to go. There is no replacement and no competition.

Learn more about monopoly at


PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!! AND THANKS IN ADVANCE! Did the seizure of Philadelphia have an effect on the outbreak of war between Britain and the United States? EXPLAIN

The taking of Philadelphia underscored the extent to which England ignored the Americans' petitions and was unwilling to foster a better relationship between them. This spurred the need for war between the colonies and England.

Philadelphia was a colony with a great representation of American pride and the struggle for independence .

This is because it was in this colony where the meetings on the representation of Americans by the British and the declaration of independence were held.

In this case, Philadelphia became a symbol of American resistance against abuse and exploitation promoted by England .

In this case, the conquest of Philadelphia by the British army showed England's unwillingness to meet the requests of the Americans and how the English crown diminished and devalued the strength of the colonies.

This showed that reconciliation between colonies and England was impossible and that war was imminent between them.

Learn more about the American Revolution :


Why would the concept of a political prisoner go against the foundational documents of the U. S. ?

Political prisoners would violate the founding principles of the United States since they would better safeguard individual liberties.

A person who is incarcerated because of their political engagement is a political prisoner. Sometimes the official justification for the prisoner's custody is not the political offense.

People are typically given the designation of a political prisoner based on declarations made by non-governmental groups like Amnesty International , on a case-by-case basis. While such status is frequently accepted by the general public on a global scale, individual governments that are accused of detaining political prisoners frequently disagree, claiming that their legal systems are impartial.

People are typically given the designation of a political prisoner based on declarations made by non-governmental groups like Amnesty International, on a case-by-case basis. While such status is frequently accepted by the general public on a global scale, individual governments that are accused of detaining political prisoners frequently disagree, claiming that their legal systems are impartial. Prisoner of conscience is a phrase that is related and that Amnesty International popularized. It speaks of a person who faced legal action due to their political opinions. Some jails, referred to as political prisons, are devoted to housing political inmates only.

To learn more about Political prisoners please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/24212151

who were the tuskegee airmen and why was their involvement in world war ii significant?

As a member of the 15th Air Force, the renowned " Tuskegee Airmen " of the 332nd Fighter Group escorted American bombers as they flew over Italy. They served as escorts, flying P-47s and later P-51s, and were in charge of guarding bigger bombers from German fighters.

The Tuskegee Airmen , including the members of their squadrons, groups, and those stationed at their bases of operations during training and battle, were the first African Americans to serve as military pilots in the United States. Tuskegee Airmen trained 992 pilots, including single-engine fighter pilots, twin-engine bomber pilots, liaison pilots, and service pilots, but the whole Tuskegee Airmen workforce , including ground staff such aircraft technicians and logisticians, was more than 14,000 people.

The Tuskegee Airmen were also the first African American military pilots serving in the American military to be sent to a combat zone abroad, participate in combat, and shoot down hostile aircraft. The Tuskegee Airmen's fighter pilots are best known for their work in the Mediterranean theater, first with the Twelfth Air Force, for which they flew hundreds of missions, and then with the Fifteenth Air Force .

Learn more about Tuskegee Airmen:


what event in 1095 united western europe and the remaining byzantine empire against the islamic caliphate?

Pope Urban II calling on all European Christians to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslim control was the   event in 1095 united western europe.

The Crusades helped put an end to feudalism by weakening highly decentralized power structures. The Crusades inflicted great damage on the power of the feudal lords. It must be remembered that medieval Europe did not have such powerful nation-states as it does today.

The Byzantine Empire influenced many cultures, primarily due to its role in shaping the orthodoxy of Christianity. Today the Eastern Orthodox Church is her second largest Christian church in the world. Orthodoxy is central to the history and society of Greece, Bulgaria, Russia, Serbia and other countries.

Learn more about Byzantine Empire:


Due Tomorrow PLEASE HURRY Watch this video on Plato's ideas on Politics. After watching it, answer the following questions. 1. What forms of government was Plato skeptical of? 2. What was Plato's solution? 3. Do you think that Aristotle was right when he said that "all our actions are aimed at some perceived good"? (explain your answer) 4. Do you think that Aristotle was right when he said we are political animals? Why or why not?

I'm sorry, there is no video attached however, I can provide information about Plato's ideas on politics based on my knowledge and understanding of his philosophy.

1. Plato was skeptical of democracy and oligarchy as forms of government. He believed that democracy, in which the people hold the power and make decisions collectively, was prone to mob rule and could lead to injustice. He also believed that oligarchy, in which a small group of people hold the power and make decisions, was prone to corruption and favoritism.

2. Plato's solution was to propose a form of government called the "philosopher-king," in which a small group of philosopher-rulers, who were trained in the pursuit of truth and justice, would hold the power and make decisions for the good of the community. Plato believed that this form of government would be the most just and stable, as the philosopher-rulers would be guided by reason and virtue rather than by selfish desires or the whims of the people.

3. Aristotle did believe that all our actions are aimed at some perceived good, and this idea is central to his philosophy of ethics. He believed that every person has a natural desire to pursue happiness, and that this desire is what motivates us to act. According to Aristotle, the highest good is eudaimonia, or flourishing, which he believed was achieved through the cultivation of virtues such as wisdom, courage, and justice.

4. Aristotle did believe that we are political animals, and this idea is central to his philosophy of politics. He believed that human beings have a natural inclination to live in communities and to participate in the governance of those communities. According to Aristotle, politics is an essential part of human nature and a necessary aspect of the good life, as it allows us to fulfill our potential and contribute to the common good.

what were the similarities and differences in the actions hoover and fdr took in addressing the depression?

Both Franklin Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover were government interventionists whose ill-informed interference prolonged and made the Great Depression much worse.

Despite being a Republican, Hoover was not a more-or-less laissez-faire economic conservative like Harding and Coolidge.

Hoover railed against " socialism " and favored funneling federal aid through states and cities as opposed to giving it to people directly. But he was the Harding and Coolidge cabinet's most activist Republican.

Both Hoover and Roosevelt (inadvertently) opposed market deflation, which could have been achieved by bringing down prices and wages simultaneously. This would have prevented a significant decline in purchasing power and allowed for the preservation of millions of jobs.

Not the New Deal, but World War II and the ensuing manufacturing orders were ultimately responsible for rescuing America from the Great Depression. When he wrote to Americans in 1940, Keynes himself admitted this, saying, "Your war preparations, so far from needing a sacrifice, will be an impetus, which neither the success nor the failure of the New Deal could give you, to more spending and a higher standard of living."

To know more about depression click here,


21. (05. 06 MC) What Enlightenment ideal appealed to the interests of the masses of French society during the period just before the French Revolution? (1 point) The importance of hard work

The enlightenment-era concept that was most popular among the French populace during the French Revolution was the significance of the social compact.

The social contract is inherited from birth and is not written down. It requires us to uphold the law and certain moral standards in return for the benefits of our society, such as safety, survival, education, and other essentials for living. An analysis of the human condition in the absence of any political order serves as the foundation for the majority of social contract theories (termed the "state of nature" by Thomas Hobbes). Individuals' actions in this situation are only constrained by their own will and conscience. Social contract theorists try to show why logical people would voluntarily agree to give up their natural freedom in order to benefit from political order . This is their common starting point.

To know more about French revolution , click here https://brainly.com/question/2796465

for what reason did the military forces of the christian crusaders fail to make inroads into the islamic heartland

The capital cities of the Muslim kingdoms, such as Damascus and Baghdad, were far inland and crusaders lacked the manpower and resources to take such large cities.

The Latin Church in the Middle Ages began, encouraged, and at times even led a series of religious conflicts known as the Crusades . The most well-known of these Crusades took place in the Holy Land between the years of 1095 and 1291 with the goal of freeing Jerusalem and the surrounding region from Islamic authority. Numerous Crusades were fought after the First Crusade, which led to the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099, and served as a focal point of European history for decades. At the Council of Clermont in 1095, Pope Urban II declared the First Crusade. He promoted an armed journey to Jerusalem and urged for military assistance for Byzantine Emperor Alexios I in his war against the Seljuk Turks.

To know more about the crusades , click here https://brainly.com/question/2573888

  • The exponential growth of solar power will change the world

An energy-rich future is within reach

The sun at dawn rising over a solar panel

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I t is 70 years since AT&T ’s Bell Labs unveiled a new technology for turning sunlight into power. The phone company hoped it could replace the batteries that run equipment in out-of-the-way places. It also realised that powering devices with light alone showed how science could make the future seem wonderful; hence a press event at which sunshine kept a toy Ferris wheel spinning round and round.

Today solar power is long past the toy phase. Panels now occupy an area around half that of Wales, and this year they will provide the world with about 6% of its electricity—which is almost three times as much electrical energy as America consumed back in 1954. Yet this historic growth is only the second-most-remarkable thing about the rise of solar power. The most remarkable is that it is nowhere near over.

To call solar power’s rise exponential is not hyperbole, but a statement of fact. Installed solar capacity doubles roughly every three years, and so grows ten-fold each decade. Such sustained growth is seldom seen in anything that matters. That makes it hard for people to get their heads round what is going on. When it was a tenth of its current size ten years ago, solar power was still seen as marginal even by experts who knew how fast it had grown. The next ten-fold increase will be equivalent to multiplying the world’s entire fleet of nuclear reactors by eight in less than the time it typically takes to build just a single one of them.

Solar cells will in all likelihood be the single biggest source of electrical power on the planet by the mid 2030s. By the 2040s they may be the largest source not just of electricity but of all energy. On current trends, the all-in cost of the electricity they produce promises to be less than half as expensive as the cheapest available today. This will not stop climate change, but could slow it a lot faster. Much of the world—including Africa , where 600m people still cannot light their homes—will begin to feel energy-rich. That feeling will be a new and transformational one for humankind.

To grasp that this is not some environmentalist fever dream, consider solar economics. As the cumulative production of a manufactured good increases, costs go down. As costs go down, demand goes up. As demand goes up, production increases—and costs go down further. This cannot go on for ever; production, demand or both always become constrained. In earlier energy transitions—from wood to coal, coal to oil or oil to gas—the efficiency of extraction grew, but it was eventually offset by the cost of finding ever more fuel.

As our essay this week explains, solar power faces no such constraint. The resources needed to produce solar cells and plant them on solar farms are silicon-rich sand, sunny places and human ingenuity, all three of which are abundant. Making cells also takes energy, but solar power is fast making that abundant, too. As for demand, it is both huge and elastic—if you make electricity cheaper, people will find uses for it. The result is that, in contrast to earlier energy sources, solar power has routinely become cheaper and will continue to do so.

Other constraints do exist. Given people’s proclivity for living outside daylight hours, solar power needs to be complemented with storage and supplemented by other technologies. Heavy industry and aviation and freight have been hard to electrify. Fortunately, these problems may be solved as batteries and fuels created by electrolysis gradually become cheaper.

Another worry is that the vast majority of the world’s solar panels, and almost all the purified silicon from which they are made, come from China. Its solar industry is highly competitive, heavily subsidised and is outstripping current demand—quite an achievement given all the solar capacity China is installing within its own borders. This means that Chinese capacity is big enough to keep the expansion going for years to come, even if some of the companies involved go to the wall and some investment dries up.

In the long run, a world in which more energy is generated without the oil and gas that come from unstable or unfriendly parts of the world will be more dependable. Still, although the Chinese Communist Party cannot rig the price of sunlight as OPEC tries to rig that of oil, the fact that a vital industry resides in a single hostile country is worrying.

It is a concern that America feels keenly, which is why it has put tariffs on Chinese solar equipment. However, because almost all the demand for solar panels still lies in the future, the rest of the world will have plenty of scope to get into the market. America’s adoption of solar energy could be frustrated by a pro-fossil-fuel Trump presidency, but only temporarily and painfully. It could equally be enhanced if America released pent up demand, by making it easier to install panels on homes and to join the grid—the country has a terawatt of new solar capacity waiting to be connected. Carbon prices would help, just as they did in the switch from coal to gas in the European Union.

The aim should be for the virtuous circle of solar-power production to turn as fast as possible. That is because it offers the prize of cheaper energy. The benefits start with a boost to productivity. Anything that people use energy for today will cost less—and that includes pretty much everything. Then come the things cheap energy will make possible. People who could never afford to will start lighting their houses or driving a car. Cheap energy can purify water, and even desalinate it. It can drive the hungry machinery of artificial intelligence. It can make billions of homes and offices more bearable in summers that will, for decades to come, be getting hotter.

But it is the things that nobody has yet thought of that will be most consequential. In its radical abundance, cheaper energy will free the imagination, setting tiny Ferris wheels of the mind spinning with excitement and new possibilities.

This week marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. The Sun rising to its highest point in the sky will in decades to come shine down on a world where nobody need go without the blessings of electricity and where the access to energy invigorates all those it touches. ■

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “The solar age”

Leaders June 22nd 2024

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Guest Essay

Something’s Rotten About the Justices Taking So Long on Trump’s Immunity Case

A view of the Supreme Court building under dark skies with the portico lighted.

By Leah Litman

Ms. Litman is a professor at the University of Michigan Law School, a host of the “Strict Scrutiny” podcast and a former clerk to the Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy.

For those looking for the hidden hand of politics in what the Supreme Court does, there’s plenty of reason for suspicion on Donald Trump’s as-yet-undecided immunity case given its urgency. There are, of course, explanations that have nothing to do with politics for why a ruling still hasn’t been issued. But the reasons to think something is rotten at the court are impossible to ignore.

On Feb. 28, the justices agreed to hear Mr. Trump’s claim that he is immune from prosecution on charges that he plotted to subvert the 2020 election. The court scheduled oral arguments in the case for the end of April. That eight-week interval is much quicker than the ordinary Supreme Court briefing process, which usually extends for at least 10 weeks . But it’s considerably more drawn out than the schedule the court established earlier this year on a challenge from Colorado after that state took Mr. Trump off its presidential primary ballot. The court agreed to hear arguments on the case a mere month after accepting it and issued its decision less than a month after the argument. Mr. Trump prevailed, 9-0.

Nearly two months have passed since the justices heard lawyers for the former president and for the special counsel’s office argue the immunity case. The court is dominated by conservatives nominated by Republican presidents. Every passing day further delays a potential trial on charges related to Mr. Trump’s efforts to remain in office after losing the 2020 election and his role in the events that led to the storming of the Capitol; indeed, at this point, even if the court rules that Mr. Trump has limited or no immunity, it is unlikely a verdict will be delivered before the election.

The immunity case is not the only big case hanging fire. Some two dozen remain undecided that were argued even before the April 25 oral argument over Mr. Trump’s immunity. A case on gun rights for domestic abusers under a restraining order was argued in November; cases involving the power of federal agencies and a multibillion-dollar settlement for opioid victims were heard in December and January; the court also has yet to decide whether upwind states must cut emissions that affect the air quality in downwind states. That case was argued in February.

The court is a busy place, though the justices are completing decisions at the second slowest rate since the 1946 term, according to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal. The court tries to wrap up its business for the term that began in October by the end of June. It’s not shocking that cases argued later in the term end up being decided later, especially because by the end of April, when the immunity case was heard, the court was still working to finish cases argued months earlier. April was also among the court’s busiest months: The justices heard 10 cases.

But these seemingly mundane, process explanations overlook some of the particulars in the immunity case. Mr. Trump’s lawyers put together a set of arguments that are so outlandish they shouldn’t take much time to dispatch. Among them is the upside-down claim that, because the Constitution specifies that an officer who is convicted in an impeachment proceeding may subsequently face a criminal trial, the Constitution actually requires an impeachment conviction before there is any criminal punishment.

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Ukraine needs to stop fighting the war Russia wants

  • Ukraine is trapped in a strategy that favors Russia, a Ukrainian security expert argues.
  • Without a grand strategy for victory, the most that Ukraine can do is try to hold on.
  • "The lack of a strategy for victory will turn this war into a war of attrition," Oleksandr Danylyuk told BI.

Insider Today

Ukraine is caught in a strategic trap. It barely has the strength to keep Russia from making major advances, yet it is not strong enough to eject Russian forces from the territory it held prior to the 2022 invasion. The result is a war of attrition that Ukraine can't win.

The solution? Build up Ukrainian military power and compel Russia to agree to peace, argues a Ukrainian security expert. But that can't happen unless Ukraine devises a grand strategy that extends beyond mere survival that's characterized much of the war in 2024 as Russia exploited the long delay of US arms support.

"The lack of a strategy for victory will turn this war into a war of attrition for Ukraine, which completely coincides with Russian interests," Oleksandr Danylyuk told Business Insider.

Danylyuk dismisses the notion that even with Western aid, Ukraine can match Russia in the sheer numbers of military power like tanks, artillery and troops. "Trying to win a war with Russia at the expense of only a symmetrical mass increase is a flawed strategy, given that Russia has a larger number of [military-age] human reserves (about 30 million people in Russia, compared to about 8 million people in Ukraine), significant stockpiles of weapons and military equipment inherited from the USSR or built by 2022, as well as a developed defense-industrial complex and a powerful mining industry that satisfies its needs for a significant amount of strategic materials," he wrote in an essay for the Royal United Services Institute, a British think tank.

That leaves improving the quality of Ukraine's military. But this involves more than better weapons and tactics. Danylyuk argues that political mobilization is just as important, a view that seems reminiscent of the 19th Century German military philosopher Carl von Clausewitz, who envisioned a nation's war effort as a trinity comprised of the people, government and military.

"The political effectiveness of a military organization consists of its ability to receive financial support, the provision of weapons and military equipment, and the replenishment of human forces in the volume and quality necessary to eliminate existing threats," Danylyuk wrote. However, "the political effectiveness of the [Armed Forces of Ukraine] remains insufficient, as Ukraine's defense needs are currently only partially met."

Danylyuk blames Western restrictions on the types of weapons being supplied, and how they can be used. The US and Europe have long imposed restraints on using long-range weapons, such as ATACMS long-range guided rockets , to hit targets deep inside Russia. Only recently has the Biden administration begun to relax that policy . Easy victories with Western weapons have failed to materialize as the war has dug in. It's also clear that even with robust EU and US support, Ukraine is still at a disadvantage against the Russian war machine in a years-long fight.

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Danylyuk also worries that political divergences between Ukraine and its allies are undermining Ukrainian military effectiveness. Ukraine's current government wants to liberate all occupied territory, which is "undeniably fair and rational, but it ignores the fact that the liberation of territory does not necessarily mean the end of the war," he wrote. On the other hand, US and European desires for a negotiated settlement "will be viewed by Russia as a tactical respite which can be used to restore and build capabilities and plan a new phase of aggression."

In other words, Russia could exploit a peace deal to rebuild its battered forces before launching another invasion of Ukrainian lands.

The result is that the Ukrainian military isn't sure what kind of war to prepare for. "The AFU are in an extremely difficult situation, as the political leaderships of both Ukraine and its partner countries see these goals in different ways, which negatively affects the ability of the AFU to develop and implement a military strategy aimed at achieving them," wrote Danylyuk.

Without a grand strategy for victory, the most that Ukraine can do is hold its own, Danylyuk told Business Insider. "The planning of individual operations, the assessment and provision of the needs of the AFU, the development of training programs and preparation, and the introduction of new tactical techniques can at best support Ukraine's ability to conduct the war, but not to win it."

There are too many competing visions of Ukrainian victory, he argues. These include retaking all lost Ukrainian territory, threatening Russia's hold on Crimea to force it into negotiations, punishing Russian industry and exports to try to force Russians to reconsider the war's costs, or exacting such a heavy toll that Russian leaders are compelled to withdraw similar to the Soviet pullout from Afghanistan.

Danylyuk does fault Ukraine for some military mistakes, such as failure to adequately prepare and train for the failed counteroffensive against well-entrenched Russian forces in summer 2023. But he considers tactical improvements to be at the bottom of Ukraine's to-do list.

The West can boost Ukrainian military power by focusing on weapons that have already proven devastating against Russian vulnerabilities, according to Danylyuk. This includes cheap naval drones that have sunk numerous Russian warships and driven Russia's Black Sea Fleet from the Ukrainian coast, as well as giving Ukraine more Western aircraft and air-to-air missiles to contest Russian airpower.

Interestingly, Danylyuk blames the West for failing to adapt its equipment to the lessons of the Ukraine war. "This concerns, first of all, their ability to quickly improve military equipment not only because Ukraine needs it, but also because the security of the partners themselves depends on its improvement. The current pace of this improvement is completely unsatisfactory, and the approaches to identifying and eliminating the shortcomings of such systems require a complete revision."

Danylyuk's analysis does leave some questions unanswered. For example, as the Germans discovered on the Eastern Front in World War II, quality doesn't always triumph over quantity. And as Ukraine's failed 2023 counteroffensive demonstrated, achieving decisive battlefield success is no easy matter . With Russian society mobilized for total war, and with Moscow able to procure resources from allies such as China, North Korea and Iran, Russia's ability to wage a long war is considerable.

Also, choosing a grand strategy is easier said than done. For example, the Ukrainian government vows to liberate all occupied territory, including the Crimean peninsula and eastern Ukraine which Russia has annexed. Some critics say this is unrealistic, and Ukraine will have to accept some loss of territory.

Whatever strategy Kyiv chooses, Danylyuk argues, it can't be the status quo.

Michael Peck is a defense writer whose work has appeared in Forbes, Defense News, Foreign Policy magazine, and other publications. He holds an MA in political science from Rutgers Univ. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn .

Watch: What's next for the war in Ukraine?

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  1. What Is a Claim in an Essay? Definition and Examples

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  2. What Is a Claim in Writing? Examples of Argumentative Statements

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  7. Parts of an Argumentative Essay

    The 4 parts of an argumentative essay are the claim, counterclaim, reasoning, and evidence. The claim is the author's argument that they are attempting to prove in the essay.

  8. How to Write an Argumentative Essay

    Make a claim. Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim. Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim) Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives. The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays.

  9. Claim

    Claim Definition. A statement essentially arguable, but used as a primary point to support or prove an argument is called a claim. If somebody gives an argument to support his position, it is called "making a claim.". Different reasons are usually presented to prove why a certain point should be accepted as logical.

  10. Thesis

    Thesis. Your thesis is the central claim in your essay—your main insight or idea about your source or topic. Your thesis should appear early in an academic essay, followed by a logically constructed argument that supports this central claim. A strong thesis is arguable, which means a thoughtful reader could disagree with it and therefore ...

  11. Claim

    What is a Claim? Claims are assertions, arguments, and conclusions about something. For instance, claims can be about definitions, causes and effects, claims of fact, or policies. A claim may me a macro-claim—i.e., a major claim that informs an entire text.Or a claim may be a micro-claim—a subclaim attached to a larger claim.Logical reasoning may require proof of a number of smaller claims ...

  12. Argument

    In academic writing, an argument is usually a main idea, often called a "claim" or "thesis statement," backed up with evidence that supports the idea. In the majority of college papers, you will need to make some sort of claim and use evidence to support it, and your ability to do this well will separate your papers from those of ...

  13. 3.2: Introducing the Argument and the Main Claim

    For each claim below, decide whether it is a claim of fact, value, or policy. Write a paraphrase of each claim and introduce it with a phrase that helps us see the writer's purpose. Students should embrace coffee to help them study. Coffee is the most powerful, safe substance available to jumpstart the mind. Coffee's effect is universal.

  14. What is a Claim in Writing? Statement vs. Claim Examples

    We've included an example of each to hopefully help you through it. Statement: " The price of gold has gone up lately .". This is a statement because you're stating a fact about the gold price. Claim: " The price of gold will increase once the economy bounces back .". This is a claim because it's based on an opinion (even if it ...

  15. What Is A Claim In An Essay? Types and How to Make One

    A claim in an essay is a statement of truth that's ultimately debatable. You arrive here after investigating an issue and making the conclusion that a particular concept is arguably true. Since it's more or less a statement of an author, a claim puts readers or listeners in a position to agree or write off the statement as either true or ...

  16. 9.3: The Argumentative Essay

    An argumentative essay is one that makes a clear assertion or argument about some topic or issue. When you're writing an argumentative essay, it's important to remember that an academic argument is quite different from a regular, emotional argument. Note that sometimes students forget the academic aspect of an argumentative essay and write ...

  17. What Is A Claim In An Essay?

    A claim refers to a debatable statement or argument in your paper backed up with evidence or factual support. Its main aim is to persuade, argue, convince, and prove a point to a reader who may not have the same opinion as you. All essays contain a debatable topic the writer wants the reader to agree or disagree and for a good essay, you have ...

  18. PDF Making a Claim

    What is a claim? A claim is the main argument of an essay. It is the most important part of an academic paper. A claim defines the paper's goals, direction, and scope. It is supported by evidence. A claim must be argumentative. A good claim makes a focused argument (Because of the growing obesity epidemic, elementary schools

  19. What Is a Claim in an Essay?

    The goal of most essay writing exercises is to tackle a debatable topic. The writer starts by researching the topic, then adopts a side to the debate. This is where a claim emerges. In an essay, therefore, a claim is the primary argument and could be the most important aspect of the writing. The effectiveness, quality, and complexity of the whole paper hinges on the claim.

  20. What Does It Mean to Make a Claim During an Argument?

    Claims backed by reasons that are supported by evidence are called arguments. To win an argument, you first have to make a claim that is more than just an assertion. You use critical thinking skills and argue your case using claims, reason, and evidence. In rhetoric and argumentation, a claim is an arguable statement—an idea that a rhetor (a ...

  21. Claim in Literature: Definition & Examples

    Claim Definition. A claim (KLAYM) in literature is a statement in which a writer presents an assertion as truthful to substantiate an argument. A claim may function as a single argument by itself, or it may be one of multiple claims made to support a larger argument. Nonfiction writers use claims to state their own views or the views of others ...

  22. ENGL001: Distinguishing Between Main Points and Sub-claims

    The thesis is the writer's central argument, or claim, and the supporting claims reinforce the validity of the thesis. When reading another writer's argument, it is important to be able to distinguish between main points and sub-claims; being able to recognize the difference between the two will prove incredibly useful when composing your own ...

  23. What is a claim and how can one be written about The Odyssey?

    A claim, also known as a thesis statement, is the main point or argument of an essay. Good claims make a debatable assertion about a topic and must be supported by evidence.

  24. 1. -What Is A Claim?2. -Why Do You Write A Claim?3. -Where Do You Write

    The capital cities of the Muslim kingdoms, such as Damascus and Baghdad, were far inland and crusaders lacked the manpower and resources to take such large cities.. The Latin Church in the Middle Ages began, encouraged, and at times even led a series of religious conflicts known as the Crusades.The most well-known of these Crusades took place in the Holy Land between the years of 1095 and 1291 ...

  25. Opinion

    The Supreme Court's public approval is back at record lows, and there is a common explanation: partisanship.The diagnosis is certainly understandable. Today's court is extremely partisan by ...

  26. The exponential growth of solar power will change the world

    As our essay this week explains, solar power faces no such constraint. The resources needed to produce solar cells and plant them on solar farms are silicon-rich sand, sunny places and human ...

  27. Opinion

    On Feb. 28, the justices agreed to hear Mr. Trump's claim that he is immune from prosecution on charges that he plotted to subvert the 2020 election. The court scheduled oral arguments in the ...

  28. Ukraine needs to stop fighting the war Russia wants

    Ukraine is trapped in a strategy that favors Russia, a Ukrainian security expert argues. Without a grand strategy for victory, the most that Ukraine can do is try to hold on. "The lack of a ...