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The art of food presentation: tips and techniques.

The art of food presentation goes way beyond garnishing. It's a visual way to introduce the meal's culinary story and give the diners a glimpse of the flavor that awaits them. If you've ever heard the phrase “one eats with his eyes first”, in the culinary world, this statement is unequivocally true. If there's one thing hospitality experts agree on, it's that food presentation is crucial to the entire dining experience.

food presentation ideas, plating food, plating ideas, culinary presentation, plating techniques, food presentation tips

The aesthetic arrangement of food on the plate is a chef's silent message to the diners, inviting them to savor not just the taste but the culinary journey. If you're finding food presentation difficult, you'll want to read this article to the end, as we will unearth everything you'll need to know to make your food presentation a masterpiece.

Importance of visual appeal in food preparation

Having known that we first eat with our eyes before our mouth, it's a no-brainer why visual appeal is as crucial as the food itself. Here are some reasons why it matters:

Influence diners' perception and acceptance of food

The visual presentation of the food is the first thing guests will notice. A well-presented dish often entices eaters and leaves a memorable first impression. Research has shown that plating food in an aesthetic manner makes diners see the food as more sophisticated and, consequently, are ready to pay more.

food presentation ideas, plating food, plating ideas, culinary presentation, plating techniques, food presentation tips

Enhanced Appetite 

Colors, shapes, and food arrangements can add energy and trigger hunger. Bright colors like red, yellow, and green revive appetite and present food as natural. Also, complementary colors add a visual appeal to the food. When these colors are blended properly, it raises diners' anticipation of the food, and they are ready to eat more. The color of your plateware also highly affects the overall presentation which we will address in this article.

Reflects Quality

The dish's visual appeal speaks volumes about the food preparation, and the level of care to execute the dish.  Also the environment where the guest is, the cleanliness of the linens, glassware or silverware, are elements that will tell a lot about the hygiene of the food and venue. Even if it's a high-end restaurant and food is presented in a shabby manner, or the venue is not well looked after, then diners will go with the notion that the dish was prepared in an unsafe environment using low-quality ingredients and that the standards of the venue are low.

Marketing and Social Shares

We are in an age where a simple post on the internet can go viral and gather over a million views in a few hours. Suppose visitors love their food presentation and dining experience. In that case, they are most likely to take pictures of the food or environment to post on their social media handles, which has a high possibility of attracting first-time visitors and repeat customers if the post goes viral. For the hospitality industry, this is earned marketing and low-cost advertising spreading across the social media network. 

Techniques to Enhance Food Presentation 

Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, your plating process can make a big difference in how it is received. Here are some top food plating techniques to enhance food presentation:

Landscape plating

Dufour Beet salad

Landscape gardeners inspire this style of plating. It comprises long and low placement of food across the plate. It also gives a natural and artistic look to dishes, enhancing the flavor and texture of the ingredients. This style can be used on any dish, both main dish, appetizers, and desserts . To get the best output, cut each item into bite sizes.

Classical plating

It is a traditional and symmetrical plating technique that allows diners to see the elements on the plate vividly. This method uses starch, vegetables, and the main for the food arrangement. You'll have to view your plate like a clock. Protein should be placed between 3 and 9 o'clock, carbohydrates/starch between 9 and 12, and vegetables should be placed between 12 and 3.

Free form plating

Dufour Plating

The free-form plating allows for a more relaxed and asymmetrical food placement. Unlike the classic plating, where each element has a specific place, the free form allows for creativity. You can use cooking methods like smearing, scattering, or stacking to create a visually appealing dish.

Food on organic material techniques

This food presentation style uses natural materials like wood, stone, and slate as plating devices. It gives a rustic and natural feel to the dishes. You can use this technique for different occasions so long the plating and materials are safe, clean, and suitable for the food.

The bathing technique

Soup consomme

The bathing technique presents the main dish in a pool of sauce or broth. This food plating style creates a more flavorful and eye-catching look for your dish and also the texture of the food. You can use the bathing technique for Tortellini with shellfish sauce or for a soup consommé, you can place your vegetables in the bowl and pour the soup broth at the table for a wow effect!

Creative Plating Ideas to Impress Your Guests

Aurelin dufour torch, food presentation ideas, plating food, plating ideas

Whether you're serving up modest fare or fine cuisine, there's no one way to plate food. However, some important factors must be considered when presenting your food. But the rule of thumb is that the food's taste should match its looks. Here are the top food plating ideas that will help you plate food like a chef.

Tailor plating style to your evening’s concept.

You must give diners a more cohesive experience. Ensure your plating style matches your theme. If you have ethnic and casual dining, a hearty presentation using traditional dishware will be most suitable. For a fine-dining feel, using wares that exude luxury and affluence will be perfect, while for a family-style service, you can aim for colorful large plating. To get the most suitable plating for your party, you'll have to study your theme and guests to know what best fits.

Simplicity is key

One way to ensure simplicity is to pick one ingredient to be the spotlight on the plate. Clutters cause distractions, and most times, diners get confused about where to begin. To get this right, you should incorporate negative space. It will help draw diners' attention to the main element of the dish. Also, ensure that the plate complements the dish. Don't be under pressure to fill up the plate. You'll have to get different plates and proportions for different dishes. 

Height and layers

Think of this like a landscape; placing elements at different heights adds depth to grab attention. For example, you can place mashed potatoes as your base and layer a piece of grilled chicken on top, then garnish it with steamed asparagus while standing upright. With this, you'll have starch at the bottom, protein in the middle, and vegetables upwards.

tableware, food presentation

In French cuisine, the selection of tableware is vital to the overall presentation of the dish. Carefully choose plates, bowls, and platters that not only match but elevate the aesthetic qualities of the food. The design of the tableware is often minimalistic, directing attention squarely on the culinary creation itself. For your tablewares you can use white or light shades; they'll blend well with garnishes and sauces.

Use suitable tools

Using the right tools is crucial when plating food. It helps elevate the presentation of your dish to match the effort you've put into the meal preparation. Some of the common tools you'll need include a precision spoon, sauce squeeze bottle, tweezer, brush, round cutters, and spatula. These tools allow for greater control and finesse.

Utilizing Colors and Textures in Food Presentation

Colors and textures elevate the dining experience. When applying to food placement, you must ensure that there's a balance. Aside from this, it would be best if you considered contrast. When contrasting colors are used, the presentation stands out—for example, using a bright red color on a bed of green lettuce. There are no rules. You're free to use any style, seasonal colors, or color wheels, but you must ensure that the colors are harmonious, i.e., they blend perfectly. Garnishes add texture, and cooking techniques like grilling or broiling can add texture to your dish.

The Role of Garnishes and Edible Decorations

Add textural contrast and flavors: Some garnishes, such as crouton on soup or fried onions and shallots, toasted nuts on salad, add textural contrast that makes food taste better. Also, garnishes like fresh herbs or citrus zest add a complementary taste to the dishes.

Signals ingredients and culinary creativity: Garnishes give visual clues about the ingredients used to prepare the dish . For example, if a diner picks up the menu and sees Rosemary on a lamb dish or a mint leaf on a dessert, they know what flavors to expect. Garnishes let chefs show off their creative and artistic skills when presenting food.

Edibility: Unlike inedible decorations like toothpicks and ornamental skewers, garnishes could be eaten along with the dish. This offers an exquisite dining experience where every element on the plate contributes to both the flavor and presentation.

Final thought

Mastering the art of food presentation is akin to narrating a story that engages the guests’ senses even before the first bite. It's about harmonizing the aesthetics with the flavors, creating not just a meal but an immersive dining experience that will be complete by considering elements such as linen, tableware, "art de la table," flowers, music, and lights.

Also, incorporating BBQ grill ideas and popular French gourmet items can introduce a unique and savory element to your presentation. French cuisine is celebrated not only for its exquisite flavors but also for its artistic presentation, providing valuable insights into elevating your plating style. 

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The Art Of Food Presentation — Plating Like A Pro

  • Shannon The Helpful Chef
  • November 9, 2023

I’ve learned that food presentation is just as important as taste. When it comes to creating memorable dishes that wow customers. While taste is paramount, how the food looks on the plate is almost equally as important.

The visual presentation delights customers’ eyes before they even take their first bite. An artful presentation demonstrates care, creativity, and skill. It can turn an enjoyable meal into an unforgettable dining experience.


In this blog post, I’ll share my tips and tricks for plating and presenting dishes. I’ve been a chef for 20-plus years and have learned a thing or two about plating food. Master these techniques to wow patrons and create Instagram-worthy culinary artwork with every meal.

Plating Like A Pro The Art Of Food Presentation

Food Presentation Plating Like A Pro

Throughout my career as a chef, I’ve come to view each plate as a blank canvas. Waiting to be turned into an edible work of art. While the flavors and textures of a dish are crucial, elegant, and enticing.

The presentation takes the meal to the next level, delighting customers and showing them you’ve put care into every component. As any successful chef knows, food presentation and plating skills are well worth developing .

Start With Quality Ingredients

Truly, exceptional ingredients make the job easier. The freshest, properly butchered proteins and peak seasonal produce. They showcase their natural beauty with minimal preparation required. While technique is important, sourcing the best seasonal ingredients gives you an advantage.

Focus on Color And Contrast

One of the keys to eye-catching presentations is playing with vibrant colors and bold contrasts. I like to feature ingredients with bright natural hues like:

  • Deep Greens — Spinach, arugula, fresh herbs, lettuce leaves, zucchini, fresh peas, and green beans.
  • Rich Reds — Fresh tomatoes, red bell peppers, English radishes, red beets, radicchio, red leaf lettuce, and sliced red meats cooked med-rare.
  • Sunny Yellows — Squash, yellow zucchini, golden beets, corn, and yellow beans.
  • Earthy Browns — Mushrooms, jacket potatoes, taro, Jerusalem artichokes, and seared or slow-cooked meats.

Contrasting colors help each component stand out. For example, I’ll place a seared med rare red meat like beef rump next to arugula or roasted potatoes to make both stand out. Varying colors excite the eyes and spark joy on the plate.

Mid-Rare Rump Steak Salad With Roasted Vegetables

Chefs Pro Tip — Use colorful ingredients to your advantage. Don’t complicate the process, when preparing each ingredient keep it fresh and simple. You will be amazed at what plating designs you can create.

Find Inspiration In Nature

I find endless inspiration for plating designs by observing the visual beauty inherent in nature. Notice compositions like seashell spirals, patterns in flower petals, or leaves fanned on a platter. Mimicking nature’s artistry through food is a constant source of ideas.

Allow Simplicity To Shine

Sometimes simple is best if I don’t overcomplicate a presentation . When the star ingredients speak for themselves. A pristinely seared fillet of salmon needs little more than an herb oil drizzle and chive garnish to impress. Allow quality ingredients and elegant simplicity to shine when appropriate.

Draw Plating Inspiration From Anywhere

I find plating inspiration almost everywhere. Nature, artwork, and even well-designed retail displays. Study what paints a pleasing visual picture and think about how to replicate it on the plate. Inspiration is endless for those with observant, creative eyes.

Pay Attention To Shapes And Height

When conceptualizing a dish, I always consider the natural shapes and heights of each element I’m including. Mixing and balancing the shapes and vertical dimensions makes the presentation more dynamic.

For instance, balls of zucchini are cut using a melon baller. Potatoes are cut into rectangular shapes. Spears of grilled asparagus can provide vertical lines next to rounded potato rosti. Or combine the height of a vegetable salad with the low profile of a sliced seared beef. Defining individual shapes gives a satisfying composition.

Classic Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub

Food Presentation Go Vertical

Height adds drama and excitement to plated dishes. I build upwards with stacked ingredients like potato gratin, blanched broccolini, and a confit duck leg placed on top. Salads become more dynamic when ingredients are arranged vertically rather than tossed haphazardly across the plate. Reaching upwards with towers and heights naturally draws the diner’s eye in.

Incorporate Odd Numbers

When garnishing and portioning ingredients. Odd numbers do wonders when it comes to food presentation. Artful plating incorporates variety. Odd numbers of components like three ravioli or five haricots verts are more interesting than even pairs. The unevenness creates movement and delights the eye as it flows across the plate.

Play With Proportions

I carefully consider proportion when food presentation is the focus. The star of the dish is featured prominently with supporting sides artfully framed around. For example, an ample tenderloin takes center stage while the potatoes and vegetables are thoughtfully portioned as accents. Getting the proportions just right ensures an ideal bite each time.

Leave Negative Space

Don’t overcrowd or clutter the plate. I remind myself to leave ample negative space between the ingredients and leading up to the edges of plates and dishes. Negative space focuses the diner’s attention exactly where you want it. It also allows you to thoughtfully frame each component within the surrounding clean plate.

Consider Texture Contrasts

Beyond colors and shapes, textures add tactile variety and entice the appetite. I purposely pair contrasting textures like the juiciness of fresh tomato against the creaminess of mashed potatoes. A crispy crystalized chicken skin is another favorite. Varying textures excite both the palate and presentation.

Roasted Crispy Skin Chicken With Mashed Potato

Drizzle With Intent

One of my favorite plating techniques is taking advantage of the beautiful trail left when sauces and vinaigrettes are artfully drizzled onto the plate. I get creative with smears, straight lines, dots, and other patterns to adorn proteins or seasonal vegetables. Drizzling brings elegance through both taste and presentation.

Garnish With A Purpose

No plated dish is complete without a perfect garnish. Sprigs of fresh herbs, edible flowers, chopped nuts, and microgreens. These are my go-to garnishes to provide the final touch. I carefully select and position garnishes to complement other components. This is like a frame that completes a painting. This thoughtful detail finishes the food presentation.

Insanely Good Chocolate Mousse

Use Plating To Tell A Story

In my view, the best plating tells a thoughtful story. The ingredients, flavors, and preparation involved in crafting the meal are conveyed through a harmonious arrangement. Seasonality and passion come across in the details. This storytelling instills pride and attention to detail in my cooking.

Experiment With Plate Styles

An often overlooked plating tip is choosing plates, boards, and surfaces that complement the food. Patterns on plates can frame simply presented dishes. Wooden boards offer rustic charm while sleek slate can modernize a presentation. I get creative with my “canvas” to enhance the overall dining experience.

Medium Roasted Lamb Served On A Wooden Board

Develop Your Own Style

Just like with cooking techniques, plating has recognizable styles. Find what you love by looking at inspirational photos and experimenting. Over time, my personal plating preferences emerged into my signature style. Then I refined and perfected it. Maybe you prefer minimalist plates or architectural presentations. Your unique style is part of the art.

Practice Plating At Home

Even during home-cooked family meals, I practice plating in ways that feel fun and creative. The more you deliberately compose dishes with care, the more second nature beautiful presentation becomes. Use low-stakes at-home meals to hone your skills.

Invest In Quality Tools

Having quality tools at your fingertips facilitates plating success. I recommend investing in small spoons, tweezers, squeeze bottles, a melon baller, and other specialty items. The right kitchen tools allow you to intricately stack, drizzle, and embellish with ease. They’re essential for every aspiring platter.

Helpful Resources

  • Chef’s Non-Negotiables That Separate the Amateurs from the Pros
  • A Beginner’s Guide To Kitchen Slang Culinary Lingo All Aspiring Chefs And Cooks Should Know
  • A Day In The Life Of A Chef Knives Fire And Passion
  • Sourcing Seasonal Ingredients To Inspire Your Home Cooking

What Are Some Basic Plating Tips For Beginners To Improve Presentation?

Some basic plating tips are to start with evenly portioning ingredients. Use odd numbers for garnish. Use height to add dimension, and incorporate contrasting colors and textures. Leave negative space around components, and pay attention to the plate style. Even simple improvements can make a difference.

What Are Common Plating Mistakes To Avoid?

Here are some of the common plating mistakes to avoid. Crowding the plate, not leaving negative space. Lack of color contrast, sloppy or uneven drizzles. Overcomplicating the presentation, and poor proportions that don’t highlight the star ingredient.

A common mistake I see when cooks are plating food is the lack of height. They place everything on the plate which makes the dish look one-dimensional and boring. Another common mistake I see is minimal to no garnishes.

How Do I Come Up With Unique Plating Ideas?

Ways of coming up with unique plating ideas are drawing inspiration from nature, artwork, and other chef’s plating ideas. Also, telling a story about the dish’s flavor profiles can guide the presentation.

Final Thoughts

Perfectly executed taste with artful presentation creates a sensational dining experience. Mastering plating techniques demonstrates a passion for food and visual aesthetics that diners notice and appreciate.

I encourage all cooks and chefs to view every plate as a new opportunity to create food into an artistic showpiece. With practice, you can learn to plate dishes as skillfully as you craft the flavors. Turn every meal into a visually stunning culinary delight for patrons.

Skillful food presentation makes for an exciting dining experience. It touches all your senses and demonstrates the care and creativity the chef has put into the food. Food presentation it’s easier than you think.

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5 best food presentation techniques

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5 best food presentation techniques

Food Presentation Tips

If you own a food service business, you know that food presentation is crucial to marketing your restaurant on Instagram . Studies from Oxford show that a quality food presentation increases customers' perceived value of your meals, allowing you to raise your menu prices . Chefs tactfully arrange ingredients to curate flavor and textural complexity, and their creative plating techniques stimulate appetites before the first bite.

Read on to discover plating techniques, an instructional plating video, and the tools you need to create your own signature food presentation style.

  • Plating Video

Plating Techniques

  • Plating Ideas

Plating Tools

Food plating and presentation video.

An understanding of food plating techniques will help your staff improve your meal presentation and enhance the dining experience for your guests. For a visual guide, check out our video on how to plate food like a chef.

How to Plate Food like a Chef

While there are no fixed food presentation rules, there are several important concepts to keep in mind as you arrange your meals.

  • Remember your plate is your canvas.
  • Arrange food items using the rule of thirds .
  • Entice the eyes with visual stimulants.
  • Use the sauce as paint for your plate.
  • Garnish to enhance both appearance and flavor.

Conceptualize plating as an art form: you are the artist; the plate is your canvas, and the food is your medium. Master the following plating techniques to perfect your craft.

1. Plate Presentation Techniques

a white, square plate on a wood table

Selecting the right plate for your meal is the first step in the food presentation process. Consider the following to choose the ideal plate for your food presentation:

  • Plate Size - Your plate should be big enough to make your food stand out and petite enough to prevent your portions from appearing small.
  • Light vs Dark Plates - Use light and dark plates to make your meal stand out. White plates are popular because they offer a neutral background for brightly colored foods. Dark plates lend beautifully to light-colored dishes, such as a whitefish or creamy polenta.
  • Plate Color - A plate’s color can stimulate or reduce appetites. Red increases the appetite, so serving appetizers on red plates keeps customers interested in ordering large entrees and desserts. Professional platers consider blue dinnerware unappetizing because there are few naturally occurring blue foods.
  • Restaurant Style - If you operate a fine dining establishment, classic China dinnerware pairs well with traditional plating styles. A trendy gastropub should invest in unique plates with unconventional shapes that facilitate maximum plating creativity.

2. Food Arrangement Techniques

steak, carrots, and whipped potatoes arranged on a white, square plate

How you arrange your food determines your meal’s aesthetic tone, structural integrity, and flavor dispersion. Here are a few of the most important food arrangement techniques:

  • The Rule of Thirds - When applied to cooking, the rule of thirds prescribes placing the focal point of your dish on either the left or right side of the plate, rather than the center. Use white space by thinking of the rim as your frame and highlight your plate’s focal point(s).
  • View Your Plate as a Clock - As you place your ingredients, picture the face of a clock. From the diner’s point of view, your protein should be between 3 and 9, your starch/carbohydrate from 9 to 12, and your vegetable from 12 to 3.
  • Don’t Overcrowd Your Plate - Keep your design simple by focusing on one ingredient (usually the protein). Having a focal point helps you arrange your accompanying items to complement your standout item.
  • Moist Ingredients First - Plate moist ingredients first and prevent them from running by topping them with other foods. For example, you can angle sliced meat against mashed vegetables.
  • Create Flavor Bites - Flavor bites are forkfuls of food that combine all the ingredients in your dish into one bite. Flavor bites are essential to quality plating as they please both the eyes and the taste buds.
  • Mix Textures - Contrasting a smooth vegetable puree with crunchy onion straws or topping a steak with crumbled blue cheese yields appealing texture combinations that are classic in high-end cuisine.

3. Visual Plating Techniques

steak dinner plated using the free form plating method

Maximizing the visual elements of your meal is a key plating technique. While your arrangement develops around your protein, manipulating the colors and sizes of the other elements on your plate enhances your focal point and creates a gourmet presentation.

  • Serve Odd Quantities - If you’re serving small foods like shrimp, scallops, or bite-sized appetizers, always give guests odd quantities.
  • Color Diversity - Colorful dishes build the expectation of a flavorfully complex meal before your patrons take their first bite. Add green vegetables or brightly colored fruits that contrast with your focal point.
  • Monochromatic Meals - Plating color-coded items together visually builds the expectation that the dish only offers one flavor. When the palate receives multiple textures and flavors instead, it surprises the tastebuds, causing them to engage with the dish.
  • Add Height to Your Plate - Stimulate your guests' eyes by building height. While compactly stacking ingredients isn’t as popular as it was 5-10 years ago, building layers of food for guests to explore offers an exciting experience.
  • Create Visual Balance - Balance your plate’s landscape by leaning long, flat items against taller elements (ex: leaning asparagus spears at a 45-degree angle across a stack of lamb lollipops).

4. Sauce Plating Techniques

a chef brushing sauce onto a white plate

With your principal ingredients plated, you’re ready to top your dish with delicious sauces that enhance your food presentation. Think of your squeeze bottle or spoon as a paintbrush, and your sauce as a medium. Once you're done adding your sauce, make sure you wipe down the edge of your plate with a towel, so no drippings distract from your presentation. We explain some of the simplest, most fail-proof sauce plating techniques below.

  • Smeared Sauce Plating Technique - Fill a squeeze bottle with your sauce. Squeeze a thick layer of sauce and form a large, filled-in circle on your plate. Take a spoon or plating wedge and dip it into the middle of the sauce where it’s thickest. Quickly pull the sauce across your plate.
  • Accent Dots Plating Technique - Fill a squeeze bottle with your desired sauce. Analyze your plate from the perspective of the rule of thirds, then add accent dots. Use multiple sauces to create additional color contrast.
  • Smeared Accent Dots Plating Technique - Alternate between two sauce accent dots in a curved line along the side of your plate. Then, take a small plating wedge and place it at the center of the first accent dot in your row. Drag the plating wedge through the accent dots, creating a multicolored, single-sided edge.
  • Swirled Sauce Plating Technique- Fill a squeeze bottle with your desired sauce. Place your plate atop a cake turntable. Point your squeeze bottle face down at the center of the plate. Spin your stand while simultaneously squeezing your bottle. Adjust your wrist to vary your swirled design. You can use multiple sauces to create more visual contrast.

5. Garnishing Techniques

a chef using fried leek shoestrings to garnish a steak

In the past, chefs casually threw a piece of kale and an orange slice onto every plate. However, these garnishes added nothing exciting to the dish, and few guests ate them. Modern garnishes pair thoughtfully with the meal to create flavor bites. Follow these garnishing techniques and guidelines to master the last step of food presentation.

  • Edible Garnishes - As you finish plating, remember that garnishes should always be edible and enhance the dish. To determine whether a garnish belongs, ask yourself whether you would want to consume it in the same bite as the meal it accompanies.
  • Intentional Placement - Never heap garnishes in one corner of the plate. Instead, disperse them thoughtfully to add color or texture. For example, place crispy carrot shoestrings atop a delicate filet of fish nested in a curry sauce and decorate the plate with pomegranate seeds.
  • Less Is More - Never clutter your plate for the sake of a garnish. If your plate is full, opt for a drizzle of flavor-infused vinegar or oil to enhance the taste and appearance of your dish without overcrowding your plate.
  • Garnishes to Avoid - Avoid using unappetizing garnishes like raw herbs, large chunks of citrus, and anything with a strong odor. Also, avoid garnishes that take a long time to apply.

Food Plating Methods

There are three popular plating methods: classic, free form, and landscape. Master each method to create meals worth photographing . We provide ideas on how to plate food using each method below. We’ve selected a white square plate as our canvas. Filet mignon, potato puree, carrots, demi-glace, pea puree, lima bean and pea blend, thyme, and fried leeks are our materials.

Classic Plating

A chef pipes potatoes onto a white square plate

Pipe the potato puree onto the plate using a pastry bag.

A chef plates carrots next to whipped potatoes using precision tongs

Place the carrots next to the puree using precision tongs.

A chef garnishes stacked carrots with thyme using precision tongs

Garnish the carrots with thyme using precision tongs.

A chef plates a steak with precision tongs

Plate the steak using precision tongs.

Using precision tongs, a chef garnishes a steak

Garnish the steak with fried leeks using precision tongs.

A chef drizzles demi-glace around a plate using a spouted saucier

Drizzle the demi-glace around the plate using a spouted saucier.

After plating his meal, a chef wipes the edges of his plate down with a clean towel for a clean presentation

Wipe the edges of the plate with a clean towel.

Steak, fried leeks, whipped potatoes, and carrots plated in the classic food presentation style

Finished classic plate.

Free Form Plating

A chef pipes dots of potato puree onto a plate using a pastry bag

Pipe dots of potato puree onto the plate using a pastry bag.

A chef slices a steak into three pieces using a chef's knife

Slice the steak into three pieces using a chef's knife.

A chef uses precision tongs to plate three pieces of steak next to whipped potatoes

Plate the pieces of steak using precision tongs.

A chef uses a spoon to place a lima bean and pea blend around a plate using a spoon

Place the lima bean and pea blend around the plate using a spoon.

A chef uses precision tongs to plate carrots by artfully leaning them against each other

Plate the carrots using precision tongs.

A chef uses a squeeze bottle to place dots of pea puree around a plate of food

Place dots of pea puree around the plate using a large squeeze bottle.

A chef uses a squeeze bottle to place small dots of demi-glace between large dots of pea puree around a plate of food

Place dots of the demi-glace around the plate using a small squeeze bottle.

A chef uses precision tongs to garnish a plate with fried leeks

Garnish the plate with fried leeks using precision tongs.

A chef wipes the edges of a square plate with a microfiber cloth

Finished free-form plate.

Landscape Plating

A chef places dots of pea puree around a plate using a large squeeze bottle

Paint the pea puree onto the plate using a brush.

A chef uses a pastry bag to pipe mashed potatoes onto a plate

Lean the steak against the puree and carrots using precision tongs.

A chef arranges a blend of lima beans and peas onto a plate using a spoon

Finished landscape plate.

Having professional tools is essential for commercial plating. We’ve rounded up the foundational items you need to create restaurant-quality food presentations.

  • Decorating brushes aid in detailed line work and broad sauce strokes. You can also use decorating brushes to create a puree or coulis base for meats or vegetables.
  • Garnishing kits come with everything you need to garnish your signature dishes, including plating wedges, tongs, squeeze bottles, and brushes.

food garnishing tools arranged side by side on a wood background

  • Molds keep plates clean and increase visual appeal by cutting ingredients to specific shapes and sizes. Ring molds help you develop height and structure when stacking ingredients.
  • Precision tongs help you place garnishes or small, delicate items. Many tongs feature micro-serrations for improved grip and stability.
  • Plating wedges come pre-cut with flat, round, or pointed edges and are perfect for smearing soft ingredients and creating sauce designs.
  • Shavers allow you to top your dishes with shaved or grated chocolate, hard cheese, or soft vegetables.
  • Plating Spoons in varying sizes are essential to the art of food presentation. Saucier spoons help you drag sauce across your plate and slotted spoons quickly separate solids from liquids.
  • Squeeze bottles help you apply sauce and aioli to your finished plate. Many come with adjustable precision control tips.

Whether you own a fine dining establishment, gastropub, or eclectic cafe, thoughtful plating will attract customers and earn their loyalty. Even before they sample your meal, your guests will eat with their eyes. To test this theory, Oxford researchers plated the same meal two ways, artfully and without attention, and diners reported that the artfully plated version tasted better. By integrating basic food presentation techniques, styles, and tools, you can enhance your plating process and increase your menu prices without deterring customers.

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5 best food presentation techniques

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Top Chefs Share Their 10 Food Presentation and Plating Techniques

  • by Lightspeed

minute read

Top Chefs Share Their 10 Food Presentation and Plating Techniques

In short, yes. 

The way you present your food is what tempts customers to try a dish. We eat with our senses: what we see, smell, and feel.  And in the age of Instagrammers and food bloggers, plating techniques and food presentation matters more than ever. 

A study from Oxford gastrophysicist, Professor Charles Spence , suggests that the food presentation can actually make a dish taste better. 

In the study, Spence gave 60 people 3 salads and asked them to rate each one before and after they ate them.  The salads each used the same ingredients but presented them in different ways. One salad was put together with no regard given to presentation, one was neatly arranged, and the third was plated to resemble a painting by artist Wassily Kandinsky.

Can you guess which salad diners liked best? 

It was the salad that resembled a painting. 

Diners thought it tasted better (29% tastier to be precise), even though it used the exact same ingredients.  Spence’s study concluded that consumers were willing to spend as much as three times more on a well-plated dish. 

Even basic dishes like a salad can benefit from thoughtful presentation—it makes the dish seem more appetising and valuable. 

So how can you use that information to your advantage? 

We talked to chefs Daniel England, Joyce Tang, Tanner Agar, Jim Solomon, Michael Welch, and Brian Poe to learn their favourite food presentation and plating techniques. Each technique focuses on five key food presentation factors: colour, arrangement, balance, texture, and how easy it is for guests to eat. 

The top food presentation and plating techniques

  • Create height on the plate
  • Cut meat horizontally
  • Play with textures
  • Use contrasting colours
  • Match presentation to the restaurant theme
  • Choose the right plates
  • Serve smaller portion sizes
  • Use edible garnishes and decorations
  • When in doubt, keep it simple
  • Express yourself

1. Create height on the plate

Daniel England, corporate chef with San Diego’s OMG Hospitality Group , likes to create height as he plates food. 

Food Plating and Presentation Tips

“It’s important that you don’t separate the food trying to fill the plate—build from the bottom up,” he says. “If you could use a little structure, you can always purchase a ring mould to start with a base. Simply pack some food in the mould and gently lift it up. Now you have a base to build on.” 

2. Cut meat horizontally

England also recommends “fanning” or shingling out slices of meat to show off its quality. 

Food Plating and Presentation Tips

“Slice your meats on a 45-degree bias, and also slice against the grain of the meat for a more tender cut,” he says. “Show off that perfect medium-rare steak!” 

3. Play with textures

Joyce Tang, chief baking officer at Oakland, California’s La Chinoserie , suggests playing with textures, foams, and sauces to make the dish look more interesting. 

Food Plating and Presentation Tips

“I like to play up contrasting textures on my plate,” she adds. “Foams are usually really helpful in plating and can be really easily done, playing around with different sauces and textures.” 

4. Use contrasting colours

Tang also stresses the importance of playing with contrasting colours. She avoids artificial colours and uses matcha, powdered sugar, or natural colours to catch the eye instead. 

“The way you present your food is hyper-important” she adds. “The more time you spend on how you present each dish, the more visual interest you can stimulate in folks.” 

Tanner Agar, owner and chief experience officer at Rye Restaurant in McKinney, Texas, echos that sentiment. 

Food Plating and Presentation Tips

Agar recommends using bold colours to create appealing visuals. “The easiest way to add colour is to start working with more colourful ingredients. Items like carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, lettuces, beans, and more come in a variety of gorgeous colours,” he says. “The difference a purple cauliflower puree makes on a plate is striking.”

5. Match food presentation to your restaurant theme

Jim Solomon, chef and former owner of The Fireplace in Brookline, Massachusetts, says that the style of plating should match the restaurant’s atmosphere.

Food Plating and Presentation Tips

“Small ethnic restaurants, where it appears grandma is cooking in the kitchen, can’t serve plates that try to emphasise vertical, architectural compositions,” he says. 

“Your guests expect a simple, welcoming presentation that stresses straightforward flavour cooked with heart and served with an unfussy, rustic quality. At relatively pricey, hip and high-end restaurants, guests want to see a degree of artistry and care taken in constructing the dishes.”

The way you plate your food should directly reflect your restaurant type. 

Solomon adds that “food should have an element of height or visual texture, the balance of colour and thoughtful garnishes—both carefully placed and intentional in flavour and texture.”

6. Choose the right plates

Michael Welch, the executive chef at Backyard Kitchen & Tap in Pacific Beach, California, preaches using the right plate-size, colour, and style. The colour of plate matters as the plate serves as the canvas for your food. 

“Typically, chefs will stay away from blue plates as there isn’t any naturally blue food and it is thought to be an unappetising colour,” he says. “If you have something with a lot of vibrant colour, it might stand out better on a white plate.” 

Food Plating and Presentation Tips

Jim Solomon echos the importance of choosing the right vessel to present your dish. “Choose a dish vessel that makes it easy for your guest to eat. This is also an opportunity for your chefs to show their personality in the dishes they create.” 

7. Serve smaller portion sizes

Smaller portion sizes were named by the National Restaurant Association as one of the top five hottest restaurant concepts for 2019. 

Of course, you still want to serve enough food to satisfy your guests and portion sizes can vary depending on the type of establishment you’re operating, but smaller portions are typically easier to style. 

Stick to no more than six elements on each dish to prevent them from looking overcrowded. 

Food Plating and Presentation Tips

8. Use edible garnishes and decorations

Garnishes and decorations are a great way of styling your dish, but there are some guidelines you should follow when using them.

Food Plating and Presentation Tips

Whatever you use—whether it’s a herb, spice, or a flower—it needs to be edible. Everything on your plate should be placed with the intention of elevating the dishes taste first, and the way it looks second. 

9. When in doubt, keep it simple

Michael Welch also emphasises the value of simplicity. 

“Overcrowding the plate with unnecessary oils or spices or microgreens just takes away from the food you worked so hard to make,” he explains. “Subtraction is your best ingredient.” 

Rather than piling on a zillion garnishes or swirls of sauce, let the quality of the cooking speak for itself. 

“A properly seared steak with some fresh watercress and perfectly roasted baby potatoes will look better than the fanciest of plates with subpar cookery,” Welch says. “Proper cooking will give you a lot of contrast within your ingredients with both texture and colour.” 

10. Express yourself

There’s an art in plating food; it’s where chefs can allow themselves to be creative and have a high impact on how guests perceive the dishes they’re eating. 

Chef Brian Poe of Bukowski Tavern in Cambridge, and Parish Café and Tip Tap Room in Boston, believes that chefs should approach food presentation and plating just as an artist would approach their next piece. 

“Presentation should be approached just like art, cooking, and music,” says Poe. “Take a moment to relax and look at what the others are doing, learn a bit of the technique and then find your own voice and style.” 

Food Plating and Presentation Tips

One of Poe’s favourite approaches is to go “Jackson Pollock,” holding out the plate like a canvas and splattering it with sauce. “Other times we might look toward a more linear approach with could either be Picasso or street graffiti style,” he adds. “Other times the negative space technique might work.” 

Time-saving tools to help your food preparation 

Beautifully plating food takes time. While you want it to look great, you need to plate your food fast as possible—especially if it’s a hot dish that you don’t want to go cold before it reaches your guests. 

Now, you can’t help how long it takes to properly cook and prepare a meal, but you can give your chefs more time to prepare dishes by streamlining your ordering process. 

Lightspeed point of sale enables service staff to quickly take a guest’s order and send it to the appropriate kitchen workstation in seconds. 

Food Plating and Presentation Tips

Kitchen staff see orders in real-time on their kitchen display system and can notify servers as soon as the dish is ready to be run to guests. Over the course of a service, those saved seconds compound and enable kitchen staff to spend time getting food presentation and plating techniques just right. 

The right restaurant technology can streamline your ordering and food preparation, which gives your cooks more time to create dishes with strong visual appeal.

Food plating and presentation matters 

When consumers dine out, they expect their food to taste great and be visually appealing. That, along with your restaurant’s interior design , are all instrumental to the quality of their dining experience. 

When plating your dishes, each element matters equally: colour, arrangement, balance, texture, and how easy it is for guests to eat. If you hit each of these out of the park, you’re setting yourself up to get rave reviews and user-generated content that you can share on your Facebook and Instagram for some extra publicity. 

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5 best food presentation techniques

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5 best food presentation techniques

A Definitive Guide to Food Plating and Presentation

Abishek Baskaran

Abishek Baskaran

What is food plating and presentation, and why does it matter?

Diners expect to see well-presented food as much as they like to have food that tastes good. There are three levels to it. It must be visually appealing, taste good, and healthy.

The restaurant’s interior design matters as well. It is vital to make your plating and presentation match your restaurant theme.

Food plating must be done by incorporating these elements in equal proportions — color, arrangement, balance, texture, and simplicity for guests to eat.

If you include these elements, then it’s a sure thing that you will win with rave reviews and user-generated content that will get you some serious eyeballs

Is food plating and presentation that important?

Preparing a hearty meal is an art, and so is how it is presented. No matter how delicious a dish tastes, it must be put together correctly to enhance your guests’ experience. There is no fine dining without dressing up your food in the most attractive way it deserves to be presented.

A study by Oxford gastrophysicist Professor Charles Spence suggests that the food plating and presentation can make a dish taste better.

In the study, Spence gave 60 people 3 salads and asked them to rate each before and after eating them. The salads each used the same ingredients but presented them in different ways. One salad was put together with no regard given to presentation, one was neatly arranged, and the third was plated to resemble a painting by artist Wassily Kandinsky.

Can you guess which salad diners liked best?

It was the salad that resembled a painting.

Diners thought it tasted better (29% tastier, to be precise), even though it used the same ingredients. Spence’s study concluded that consumers were willing to spend as much as three times more on a well-plated dish.

Even basic dishes like a salad can benefit from thoughtful presentation, making the dish seem more delicious and valuable.

So how can you use that information to your advantage?

We will help you muster up the skill of fine food plating and presentation to make your restaurant meals Michelin Star-worthy.

How can you improve your food plating presentation?

The top Indian food plating and presentation and plating techniques are:

  • Create height

Slice meat horizontally

Add textures, use contrasting colors.

  • Sync presentation to the restaurant theme
  • Choose the right plates

Serve smaller portions

  • Use edible garnishes
  • Keep it simple
  • Express yourself

Create height on the plate

Creating height on the plate gives it a little structure and offers a focal point to the entire presentation.

It is important not to separate the food while creating height. You can create height by using a ring mold. Fill the mold with food and lift it gently. Now you can gradually build on this base.

It is a rule of the thumb to always cut meat horizontally on a 45-degree bias. You have to slice meat against its grain for a tender cut. It is the best way to show the perfect medium-rare steak.

Forming a combination of textures and assembling them in one plate is a tangible threat. Create it using sauces, crumbles, sorbets, and many other creative ways. Adding different textures makes your presentation beautiful and the flavors extravagant.

Avoid using color for the sake of color. Instead, use it in contrast to the dish that is being plated. Avoid using artificial colors and use only natural colors like matcha tea, powdered sugar, and other fruit and vegetable powders.

The more time you spend decorating your dish makes it more visually appealing. The more ingredients you use, the more colorful your dish will be. For vegetable food plating and presentation, use colorful ingredients like carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, spinach, and other colorful ingredients.

Sync food presentation to your restaurant theme

Ensure that your presentation is in sync with your restaurant theme. Your presentation doesn’t have to be complicated. Make it as simple and relevant to your guests.

If you own a small rustic restaurant, keep your presentation rustic and simple. If you own a fine dining restaurant, your presentation must be more elaborate, with a certain degree of artistry in crafting the dishes.

The way you plate your food should reflect your restaurant type.

Choose the right plates.

Consider the functionality of the plates. Prioritize the comfort and convenience of your diners. Choose plates that make it easy for your diners to eat from.

When it comes to color, choose a white plate that makes the dish stand out, especially when there is a blend of different colors.

A good plate is also an opportunity for your chefs to show their personality in the dishes they create.”

Use smaller serving plates to serve meals. It is an excellent way to avoid plates and bowls looking empty. Use taller, narrower glassware to serve drinks.

Utilize Menu Psychology. Menu psychology comes in handy to influence your diner’s decisions. Redesign your menu to usher customers towards your new, smaller portions:

Elaborate your smaller portioned entrees positively on your menu using terms like “lighter” and “healthier.” You can also display calorie counts on your menu by placing smaller portions under the “Healthy Selections” section.

Use edible garnishes and decorations.

All garnishes and decorations are a great way of styling your dish, but there are some guidelines you should follow when using them.

Whatever you use must be edible, whether it is a herb, spice, or flower. Everything on your plate should be placed to elevate the dish’s taste by prioritizing how it looks first.

Keep It Simple

Avoid overcrowding the plate with sauces, oils, spices, or microgreens. Excessive amounts of any of these distract the attention of your diner from the food you have worked hard for.

Express Yourself

Plating food is an art; it is when a chef can express their creativity and prove their ability to influence diners. Avoid piling up garnishes and blobs of sauces.

Approach food plating and presentation like an artist, learn a bit of the technique and then find your voice and style.

Time-saving tools to help your food preparation

Beautifully plated food is a delight, and so is having a warm meal. So ensure that you do not serve cold food.

If you are a restaurant owner, you might understand that you cannot help reduce the cooking time of a meal. But you can help your chefs prepare and plate the dishes by streamlining your ordering process.

A POS service enables service staff to quickly take the orders and send them to the kitchen workstation in seconds. It can save time to a vast extent and allows the kitchen staff to work on the plating and presentation.

The right restaurant technology is essential to streamline your ordering and food preparation.

Food Plating and Presentation Tips

If you are a restaurateur, you know how food presentation is vital to marketing your restaurant on social media .

Studies conducted by Oxford show how food presentation increases the customers’ perception of your meals, which allows you to increase your menu prices.

Chefs are responsible for carefully combining flavors and textures and using creative plating to increase appetites just by looking at it.

Food Plating and Presentation Video

Food plating techniques need practice and precision to bring out the best of both worlds of cooking and creativity.

For a know-how guide, watch this video to understand the nuances of food plating.

What are the 5 essential elements of plating and principles of food presentation?

Food Plating and Presentation Technique, The Chef’s Way

Food Presentation sure does allow room for creativity. But the concept of food plating has some definite dos and don’ts that form the critical part of the rule book of Food Plating.

1.Treat your plate as the canvas for your art 2.Always follow the rule of the third for arranging food 3.Use a lot of visual stimulants to enhance the decor 4.Use different sauces as paints for your plate 5.Use natural garnishes to enhance appearance and color

What are the top 5 food presentation and plating techniques?

Food plating techniques.

An artist and a chef are very much alike, except that a chef’s creation is a delectable masterpiece. The plating is the process, and the chef, an ardent artist, the plate is the canvas, and the food is the medium.

Plate Presentation Techniques

Food arrangement techniques, visual plating techniques, sauce plating techniques.

  • Garnishing Techniques

Selecting the right plate to present your meal is extremely important. Follow the steps below to determine which one would be the right plate for your meal.

  • Plate Size — Choose a plate that is big enough to make your food stand out and petite enough to prevent your portions from appearing small.
  • Plate Color — A plate’s color is equally important in influencing the decisions of your diners. Red can increase the appetite. It allows diners to order large entrees and desserts. Comparatively, blue dinnerware is considered unappetizing as there are few naturally occurring blue foods.
  • Light vs. Dark Plates — You can choose to use light and dark plates as you determine which would make the meal stand out. It usually depends on the colors present in the meal. White plates are the most preferred ones, as white offers a neutral background to work with any color. Dark plates offer a perfect canvas for light-colored dishes like white fish, scallops, grits, and creamy carbonara.
  • Theme-based plates — If your restaurant is fine dining, go with classic China dinnerware for traditional plating styles. Investing in unique plates with unconventional designs will facilitate maximum plating creativity.

Arranging your food enhances or diminishes your meal’s tone, integrity, and flavor.

Here are a few vital food arrangement techniques:

  • The Rule of Thirds — The rule of thirds is about capturing the focal point of your dish on either the right or left side of the plate, and not particularly in the center. Consider the rim of the plate as the frame and highlight the focal point of your plate.
  • Consider your plate a Clock — Treat your plate as a clock. Always view from the diners’ perspective. Always place your protein between 3 and 9, the starch/carbohydrate between 9 and 12, and vegetables between 12 and 3.
  • Avoid overcrowding — Focus on one ingredient, which would usually be protein. Arrange the rest of the accompanying ingredients to complement the protein, which is the meal’s star.
  • Moist Ingredients First — Arrange your moist ingredients first, like sauces. This arrangement allows the protein to stay in its place without sliding away.
  • Create Flavor Bites — Flavor bites are simple, bite-sized food that combines all the meal’s ingredients in one bite. Flavor bites are appealing to the eyes and appeasing to the palate.
  • Play with Textures — Contrasting a smooth vegetable puree with crunchy onion straws or topping a steak with crumbled blue cheese yields appealing texture combinations that are classic in high-end cuisine.

Enhancing the visual elements in your meal requires a good plating technique. Placing the protein as your focal point, incorporate various colors and sizes of the accompanying ingredients to aid the visual gratification of your diners. Following these nuances will give you a gourmet presentation.

  • Serve Odd Quantities — Serve small foods like fish filet, shrimp, scallops, or any bite-sized appetizers in odd quantities. Diners eat with their eyes before they taste the food. So odd quantities are usually more appealing to the eyes.
  • Color Diversity — Colorful dishes pique the curiosity of your diners and influence them to take their first bite. Contrast the focal point of your meal by complementing it with green vegetables and fruits.
  • Monochromatic Meals — Color-coded meals can be full of surprises. When plated, they carry the appearance that they would have only a single flavor. But they can be given an exciting touch by adding a lot of texture with multiple ingredients like shredded cheese, sponge cake marinated in powdered milk and coconut milk, and almond slivers to add a bit of a crunch. When diners taste it, they feel the different textures and the burst of flavors that surprises their palate.
  • Add Height — Build some height for a focal point. Avoid compactly stacking ingredients but build different layers of food to stimulate the visual appeal.
  • Create Visual Balance — Arrange lean, long, and flat food items against taller ones to balance the arrangement. Balance your plate’s landscape by leaning long, flat items against taller elements. For instance, place roasted carrots at a 45-degree angle across a stack of lamb lollipops

Enhance your food presentation with delicious sauces. A squeeze bottle is a convenient way to add sauce to your medium.

After adding the sauce, wipe down the excess drippings from the plate. Go through the list to find below the most straightforward, fail-proof sauce plating techniques.

  • Smeared Sauce Plating — Take a squeeze bottle to add and fill it with the sauce. Squeeze a layer of sauce and form a filled-in circle on your plate. Take a spoon, place it where the sauce is thick, and pull it across the plate to make a pattern.
  • Accent Dots Plating Technique — Fill a squeeze bottle with the sauce. Fix the dish according to the rule of thirds, then add accent dots. Use multiple sauces to create additional color contrast.
  • Smeared Accent Dots Plating Technique — Use two sauces and create accent dots in a curved line along the side of your plate. Take a small plating wedge and place it at the center of the first accent dot in a row. Drag the plating wedge through the dots, creating a multicolored, single-sided edge.
  • Swirled Sauce Plating Technique- Fill a squeeze bottle with your desired sauce. Place the plate on a spinning cake table. Spin the stand and squeeze the bottle as you spin while simultaneously squeezing your bottle. Adjust your wrist to the spinning speed and use multiple sauces to create more visual contrast.

Mindless garnishing was a thing of the past when random items were dumped on the plate because they looked goodish.

Modern garnishes are carefully oriented to create exceptional flavor bites. Follow these garnishing techniques and guidelines to master the final step of food presentation.

  • Edible Garnishes — Don’t use inedible items as garnishes over your meal. The garnishes should always be edible. To determine if a garnish should be on the plate, ask yourself if you want to consume it with the meal on the plate.
  • Intentional Placement — Let your garnishing be intentional. Avoid using random items as garnishes that do not add value to the meal. And avoid helping up garnishes at one part of the plate. Disperse it along the plate to give it more color and texture. For instance, place a grilled scallion perpendicular to the fish to offset the neatness. Dab an odd number of sauce droplets for composure and gently scatter microgreens around the perimeter.
  • Less Is More — Avoid dumping or heaping food on the plate. Clutter is never good, even with food. If your plate looks full, drizzle some flavor-infused vinegar or oil to enhance the taste and appearance of your dish.
  • Garnishes to Avoid — Avoid using raw herbs, large chunks of citrus and spices, or anything that has a strong odor as garnishes. Use the right proportion of garnishes to complement the meal appropriately.

What are the styles, types of Food Plating and Presentation Methods?

Three new plating methods are currently popular: classic, the new nordic approach, the Asymmetrical form, and the linear approach. The video below shows three ways to present one entree

Food Plating Tools

Using professional tools for food plating is important. We have given a list of the essential elements required for a professionally complete meal presentation.

  • Ring Mold- keep plates clean and increase visual appeal by cutting ingredients to specific shapes and sizes. Ring molds help you develop height and structure when stacking ingredients.
  • Tweezers — help you place garnishes or small, delicate items. Many tongs feature micro-serrations for improved grip and stability.
  • Plating Brush — comes with pre-cut, flat, round, or pointed edges and is perfect for smearing soft ingredients and creating sauce designs.
  • Plating Spoons — Spoons in varying sizes are essential to the art of food presentation. Saucier spoons help you drag sauce across your plate, and slotted spoons quickly separate solids from liquids.
  • Squeeze Bottle — help you apply sauce and aioli to your finished plate. Many come with adjustable precision control tips

Food Plating and Presentation is a game-changer that can make any meal a superstar on the menu. It charges up the whole idea of having gourmet cooked meals. A thoughtful presentation can make a world of difference to the success of your restaurant if you carefully include all the rules of food plating and presentation into your regular food preparation schedule.

Let us know in the comment section if you have found our guide useful. Feel free to present your ideas for a better food plating and presentation.

Abishek Baskaran

Written by Abishek Baskaran

Techie | Product Guy

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5 best food presentation techniques

Make Your Dishes Look Irresistible With These 5 Proven Food Presentation Techniques- A 2023 Edition

Essential Food Presentation Techniques to Make Your Dishes Look Irresistible

Food presentation is the art of modifying, processing, arranging, or decorating food to enhance its aesthetic appeal. The visual display of food matters a lot to many chefs and food consumers, too. It is not only about decorating the food, but also making it taste more delicious psychologically for the customers. Customers love it when the food is arranged and served correctly. It also showcases the standard and level of the restaurant. Customers in India especially judge the hygiene standards , quality, and taste of a dish without actually tasting it based solely on the way food is presented to them. Thus, food presentation is as essential to a dish as its taste and flavor.

With social media becoming an indispensable part of all our lives, even the banalest events are captured and uploaded on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. With the coming of food bloggers , the way food is plated and served has gained new importance, and it has become necessary to know some food presentation tricks to leave a lasting impression. With the number of Food Bloggers increasing, you never know how many people end up viewing the palatable images of your food! Hence you must consider every image captured and uploaded by your guests as your restaurant’s evangelist and should ensure that each one of your dishes is served in an aesthetically pleasing manner.

1. Food Presentation Techniques That You Should Implement In Your Kitchen

Although it may seem trivial, plating and temptingly presenting food is an art and requires care and an eye for detail. Following are some food presentation tips to be kept in mind while plating dishes.

1.1. Proportioning

5 best food presentation techniques

Proportioning your food is crucial if you want to plate it right. It is the first food presentation tip in the book. Correct proportioning of a dish is essential not only to its attractiveness but also plays an integral role in controlling the costs. The portion of each ingredient should be pre-decided and maintained while plating. You can read about how portion control can reduce food costs and improve your restaurant business here .

Choose the right plate size.  The plate or bowl size should match the portion/quantity of food served. It looks unprofessional if the plate is too small for the portion of food served. It can make the dish look messy and overcrowded. On the other hand, small portions served on large plates seem scanty. You can leave a half-inch of space between the food and the edge of the plate.

For example, you can place a perfectly cooked steak in the center of the plate and surround it with a moderate portion of mashed potatoes and a small serving of colorful sautéed vegetables. This arrangement creates a balanced and appealing visual composition.

1.2. Styling

5 best food presentation techniques

The next food presentation technique is related to the way you put a dish together or style a meal. The most important rule of this food presentation technique is balancing contrast and variety. Decorating the dish more than it is required, too, can end up ruining it or making it hideous.

Position the main ingredient as the center of attention and make the other elements complement it, rather than hide it. Also, pay attention to colors. Herbs and vegetables bring color and flavor to the dish. Play with colors and textures of the plates by adding different sauces. As per customer psychology , serving odd quantities of food items like shrimp and mushrooms adds to the visual appeal.

However, don’t go overboard with the styling. It is better to keep it simple than to create a dish that is just as difficult to eat. Remember when it comes to the audience, not only in India but everywhere, less is always more!

When plating a Caprese salad, you can arrange alternating slices of ripe tomatoes and fresh mozzarella cheese, drizzle with balsamic reduction, and garnish with basil leaves. The red, white, and green colors create an attractive and delicious arrangement.

Food presentation techniques by Sadaf Hussain

1.3. Choosing the Right Tableware

restaurant crockery

A larger plate will give you more space to work with your creativity and the dish. But keep in mind that you do not need to fill your plate so full that there’s no room left and it starts looking overcrowded.

It doesn’t matter how delicious the food is; no one would be tempted to eat it if it is served on an unattractive plate. It can make or break a restaurant. Present your plates according to the occasion. Also, cracked or broken crockery can be a real turn-off for customers.

Conduct regular checks to replace any broken chinaware. Once you understand the intricacies of choosing tableware, you can experiment with different plate shapes, sizes, and colors. Many food presentation techniques include the use of plates of different shapes and colors. Modern style plating or contemporary plating is one of them.

For instance, you can serve a delicate seafood dish on a fine china plate with a subtle pattern and use elegant silverware to elevate the dining experience, making it suitable for a formal setting.

1.4. Timing

Food plating is all about timing. Make sure you don’t take too much time to decorate, modify, or plate a dish that it turns cold when it was supposed to be served hot or vice versa. Remember to include the plating time in the preparation of the dish, and also inform your guests of the time it would take to serve it.

When you are in a bind, you can always follow the traditional clock pattern plating technique:- dividing the plate as zones of a clock from the customer’s point of view and then presenting the starch between 9 o clock to 12 o clock, vegetables between 12’o clock to 3 o clock and protein between 9’o clock to 3’o clock .

1.5. Garnishing

The Garnishing process improves the texture and flavor of a dish. Though it sounds simple, this food presentation technique also requires care and precision . The taste and feel of the garnish will add to the texture of the dish; hence you must choose your garnish carefully and make sure you do not overdo it.

It can be as simple as a colorful ingredient, which, if paired, creates a more alluring dish to combinations of different fruits, sauces, and seeds, which will add to the flavor, acidity, and texture of the dish. Also, try to use easily identifiable organic garnishes whenever possible to avoid the hassles of removing them before serving them to customers.

Try garnishing a creamy tomato soup with a drizzle of crema, a sprinkle of finely chopped fresh herbs (e.g., chives or parsley), and a small basil leaf. These garnishes will make the dish visually appealing and add contrasting flavors and textures.

2. Food presentation ideas

  • Edible Flowers : Using edible flowers as a garnish on your dishes can elevate their appearance and taste. Choose seasonal blooms like roses, lilies, chamomile, lavender, or marigolds. Also, cut them into little pieces before serving and sprinkle them on top of the meal.
  • Vertical Presentation : This plating style involves stacking components on top of each other to produce a visually appealing look. You can, for example, serve little servings in shot glasses atop bigger plates or create cheese towers with many layers of cheese and crackers stacked on sticks.

5 best food presentation techniques

  • Color-blocking : This plating style involves placing food on the plate in blocks or stripes of different colors, giving a visually appealing presentation that pleases the eye while enhancing the dish’s flavors.
  • Minimalist : This plate technique usually has one or two primary items placed neatly and simply on the plate. The idea is to highlight the food’s natural beauty and flavors without overwhelming the customer.
  • Interactive : This plating style includes presenting the food in a way that makes the diner want to interact with it. For example, you can present a dish with a miniature hammer and chisel to encourage diners to crack open a shellfish or pour sauce over a dish at the table.

5 best food presentation techniques

Essential tools for stunning food presentation include Squeeze Bottles, Shavers, Platings and precision Tongs, Molds and rings, Spoons, Plating Wedges, and garnishing kits. You can read more about the proper food plating and presentation tools here. In today’s world, diners enjoy their meals as much with their eyes as they do with their tongues. And more importantly, these same diners judge the restaurant by the pictures they present on their social media platforms.

With this article, we hope we were able to provide you with some helpful food presentation techniques. Do let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below 🙂


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These food presentation techniques are great! Restaurant owners rarely pay attention to this aspect they are more determined in making the food taste the best. Great work!

The way food is presented affects a person’s perception of how it will taste. People instinctively reject bruised apples and browned bananas, and recognize well-marbled beef and perfectly ripe produce. Prepared dishes work in the same manner. The perfect dish includes food that tastes as good as it looks. Good Read.

With everyone posting a picture on Instagram before they start eating, aesthetic food presentation is important! Food is more about looking good rather than tasting good these days!

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The Art of Food Presentation: Elevate Your Culinary Creations

Uncover the secrets of Food Presentation and learn how to elevate your culinary creations to a new level. Discover the importance of plating and the techniques used by professionals.

Food presentation is an art that marries culinary skills with aesthetics. It's the secret weapon of chefs and food enthusiasts worldwide, transforming ordinary dishes into extraordinary culinary experiences. The way food is presented on the plate can influence our perception of taste, making it an essential aspect of the dining experience. This article will delve into the world of food presentation, providing insights and tips to help you elevate your culinary creations.

Food presentation goes beyond merely arranging food on a plate; it's about creating a visual feast to complement the flavors of the dish. It involves the careful placement of food, garnishes, and sauces to create a balanced and appealing look. The colors, textures, and shapes all play a crucial role in making the dish visually appetizing.

Rules of Food Presentation

The first rule of food presentation is to keep it simple. Overcrowding the plate can make it look messy and unappetizing. Instead, focus on the quality of the ingredients and let their natural beauty shine. Use a clean, white plate as your canvas and arrange the food in a way that highlights its colors and textures.

Contrast is another important element in food presentation. By contrasting colors, shapes, and textures, you can create a visually appealing plate. For example, a bright, crunchy salad can be paired with a creamy, soft pasta dish. The contrast in colors and textures will make the plate more visually appealing and exciting.

Garnishes are the finishing touches that can elevate a dish from good to great. However, they should not be used merely for decoration; they should enhance the flavor of the dish. Fresh herbs, edible flowers, and citrus zest are some examples of garnishes that can add a pop of color and flavor to your dish.

The arrangement of food on the plate is also crucial. As a general rule, the main ingredient should be placed at the center of the plate, with the side dishes and sauces arranged around it. This not only makes the plate look balanced but also allows each ingredient to shine.

Remember, the goal of food presentation is not to create a work of art, but to enhance the dining experience. By paying attention to the presentation, you can make your dishes more appealing and enjoyable. So, the next time you're preparing a meal, take a moment to consider how you can present it in a way that will delight the senses.

Food Presentation In Different Cultures

Japanese Cuisine Food Presentation

Food presentation is not a new concept. In fact, it has been a part of culinary traditions around the world for centuries. In Japan, for example, the art of food presentation, or "kaiseki," is considered an integral part of the dining experience. Similarly, in French cuisine, the presentation of food is given as much importance as the taste.

Here are a few examples of food presentation in different cultures:

Japanese Cuisine : Japanese food presentation focuses on simplicity, balance, and minimalism. Plates are often arranged with precision, showcasing the natural colors and textures of the ingredients. The use of bento boxes and compartmentalized dishes allows for the separation of flavors and prevents mixing of different components.

French Cuisine : French food presentation emphasizes elegance and artistry. Dishes are meticulously plated with attention to detail, creating a visually appealing arrangement. Sauces are often used to create intricate designs, and garnishes such as herbs and edible flowers are used to enhance the overall presentation.

Indian Cuisine : In Indian cuisine, food is often presented on a thali, a large round platter with multiple small bowls. Each bowl contains a different dish, providing a variety of flavors and textures. The arrangement of colors and the use of spices like turmeric and saffron add vibrancy to the presentation.

Chinese Cuisine : Chinese food presentation focuses on the balance of colors, textures, and flavors. The use of a lazy Susan allows for communal dining, with dishes placed in the center for everyone to share. Stir-fried dishes often incorporate a variety of vegetables and meats, creating a visually appealing mix of ingredients.

Middle Eastern Cuisine : Middle Eastern food presentation often includes a variety of mezze or small appetizer dishes. These are arranged on a large platter and served with bread, creating a communal dining experience. Garnishes such as fresh herbs, olives, and yogurt are used to add color and freshness to the presentation.

These are just a few examples, and food presentation practices can vary widely within each culture as well. The presentation of food not only reflects cultural traditions but also influences the dining experience by engaging multiple senses and creating a visually enticing meal.

Food Presentation in the Age of Social Media

In recent years, the importance of food presentation has been amplified by the rise of social media. With platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, food has become a visual medium, and presentation has become more important than ever. Chefs and home cooks alike are using these platforms to showcase their culinary creations, pushing the boundaries of food presentation.

While food presentation can seem daunting, it's something that anyone can master with practice. Start by observing how food is presented in restaurants and cookbooks, and don't be afraid to experiment with different techniques. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and let your creativity shine.

Mastering Food Presentation: A Guide for Home Cooks

Whether you're a seasoned home cook or just starting your culinary journey, mastering the art of food presentation can take your meals to the next level. A well-presented dish not only pleases the eyes but also enhances the overall dining experience. From visual appeal to showcasing your skills, food presentation plays a crucial role in creating memorable meals. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore various techniques, tips, and tricks to help you become a pro at food presentation. From balancing colors to arranging garnishes and making your dishes look as good as they taste, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and creativity to create stunning plates that will impress your family and friends. Get ready to elevate your cooking to a whole new level and make your meals a feast for all the senses with our ultimate food presentation guide.

Food presentation is more than just a culinary technique; it's a form of expression. It allows chefs and home cooks to showcase their creativity and passion for food. So, whether you're preparing a meal for your family or hosting a dinner party, remember to pay attention to the presentation. After all, we eat with our eyes first.

So, are you ready to take your culinary creations to the next level? Start experimenting with different food presentation techniques and see how it can transform your dishes. Remember, the key to great food presentation is creativity, so don't be afraid to think outside the box. Happy cooking!

The Art of Plating: Techniques and Tips

Food Plating

The art of plating is a culinary skill that involves arranging food on a plate in a visually appealing way. It's a crucial aspect of food presentation that can enhance the dining experience and make a dish more appetizing. Here are some techniques and tips to help you master the art of plating:

Choose the Right Plate: The plate is your canvas, so choose it wisely. A white, round plate is a classic choice as it allows the colors of the food to stand out. However, don't be afraid to experiment with different shapes, sizes, and colors to add a unique touch to your presentation.

Create a Focal Point: Every dish should have a focal point that draws the eye. This could be the main ingredient or a striking garnish. Place this element in the center of the plate or slightly off-center for a more dynamic look.

Use Color and Contrast: Play with different colors and textures to make your dish visually appealing. Contrast bright and dark colors, and mix soft and crunchy textures. For example, a bright green herb can add a pop of color to a dark meat dish, while a crunchy garnish can add texture to a creamy soup.

Arrange Food in Odd Numbers: Odd numbers are more pleasing to the eye, so try to arrange food items in groups of three or five. For example, if you're plating scallops, serve them in a group of three instead of two or four.

Use Sauces Creatively: Instead of pouring sauce over the food, consider using it as a decorative element. You can drizzle it around the edge of the plate, or use a squeeze bottle to create dots or lines. Remember, less is more when it comes to sauce.

Garnish Wisely: Garnishes should enhance the flavor of the dish and complement the presentation. Use fresh herbs, edible flowers, or a sprinkle of spices. Always make sure the garnish is edible and relevant to the dish.

Keep it Clean: Keep the edges of the plate clean for a neat and professional look. You can use a paper towel to wipe off any drips or smudges.

Practice: Like any other skill, plating takes practice. Experiment with different techniques and presentations until you find a style that you like. Remember, the goal is to create a dish that is as pleasing to the eye as it is to the palate.

By mastering these techniques, you can turn your dishes into works of art and elevate your culinary creations. Happy plating!

What Is a Food Presentation Called?

Food presentation is the art of modifying, processing, arranging, or decorating food to enhance its aesthetic appeal. The way the food looks on the plate is what tempts our eyes and makes you want to taste it.

What Should Be Included In A Food Presentation?

A food presentation should include a balance of color, texture, and arrangement. The food should be arranged on the plate in a way that it is visually appealing, and the colors and textures should complement each other. The plate itself is also an important part of the presentation.

What Are The Three Aspects of Food Presentation?

The three main aspects of food presentation are arrangement, color, and contrast. Arrangement refers to how the food is placed on the plate; color refers to the visual appeal that the food has, and contrast refers to the different textures and flavors in the dish.

What Are The 5 Importance of Food Presentation?

The five important aspects of food presentation are visual appeal, balance of color, enhancement of the dining experience, showcasing the skill of the chef, and making the food look as good as it tastes. A well-presented dish can enhance the dining experience and make the food more appetizing.

Visual Appeal: Food presentation is crucial for creating an enticing visual experience. The arrangement of ingredients, garnishes, and the overall plating style make the dish visually appealing, stimulating appetite and setting the stage for an enjoyable dining experience.

Balance of Color: A well-presented dish incorporates a thoughtful balance of colors. Vibrant and diverse hues on the plate make the meal visually attractive and enticing. The use of contrasting colors can enhance the overall presentation, creating a visually dynamic and inviting plate.

Enhancement of the Dining Experience: Food presentation enhances the overall dining experience by engaging multiple senses. The visual appeal of a well-presented dish elevates the anticipation and excitement of the meal, setting the stage for a memorable culinary journey.

Showcasing the Skill of the Chef: Food presentation is a way for chefs to demonstrate their culinary skills and artistic flair. Thoughtfully presented dishes reflect the chef's expertise, creativity, and attention to detail. It showcases their ability to transform ingredients into visually stunning and delightful culinary creations.

Making the Food Look as Good as it Tastes: Effective food presentation aims to make the dish as visually appealing as it is delicious. When food is presented in an attractive and enticing manner, it creates a harmonious balance between visual appeal and taste. The careful arrangement of elements on the plate reflects the care and precision put into the culinary process.

In summary, food presentation holds great importance in terms of visual appeal, the balance of color, enhancing the dining experience, showcasing the skill of the chef, and ensuring that the food looks as good as it tastes. It adds an extra layer of enjoyment and satisfaction to the overall dining experience.

Conclusion: The Art of Food Presentation

In conclusion, food presentation is an essential aspect of the culinary arts that can enhance the dining experience. By paying attention to the colors, textures, and arrangement of food onthe plate, you can create a visually appealing dish that delights the senses. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, mastering the art of food presentation can elevate your culinary creations and make your meals more enjoyable. So, embrace the art of food presentation and let your dishes tell a story.

Remember, the beauty of food presentation lies in its ability to transform ordinary dishes into extraordinary culinary experiences. It's not just about making food look good, but about enhancing the overall dining experience. So, the next time you're in the kitchen, consider how you can present your dishes in a way that will delight your guests and elevate your culinary creations.

In the world of food, presentation is just as important as taste. It's the first impression that a dish makes, and it can significantly influence our perception of taste. By mastering the art of food presentation, you can create dishes that are not only delicious but also visually stunning. So, embrace the art of food presentation and let your culinary creations shine.

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5 best food presentation techniques

Plate Presentations

Chefs labor over their food for countless hours to create a moment of pleasure for their guests. Plate presentation is the final step that showcases their creations. Often taken for granted or left as an afterthought, plate presentation should highlight the quality of the food and preparation techniques while engaging the diner’s senses. Effective plating should be simple enough to execute on a busy night yet stylish and visually appealing to the guest. Consider the plate with a photographer's eye to create a composition that brings the various elements of the dish together in harmony. A winning plate presentation is rarely achieved on the first try. Imagination, trial-and-error, and brainstorming in a collaborative fashion often help to achieve successful results. Plate presentations begin with mastering the basics of proper culinary techniques, high-quality food, and plate selections that fit the style of the dish. Numerous plate traditional, contemporary, and international concepts and templates are presented here that have

 Elements of the Plate

ARD Culinary, Inc.

ARD Culinary, Inc.

A plate should engage the senses and draw the diner into it much as a painting will draw in the observer. The dish should be carefully planned to balance tastes , textures , colors , and cooking methods . Intertwine the components to bring a sense of composition and harmony. The process begins by incorporating the best and freshest ingredients, executing accurate knife cuts, and using precise cooking techniques that highlight the food's quality and the chef's talents. The dish is pulled together with sauces and other complementary ingredients. The final touch is the judicious use of garnishes. Each element should be there for a reason, adding flavor, texture, and color dimensions that are in harmony with the finished plate.  

The main item is usually the focal point of the plate. On a savory dish, this is often a protein such as meat, fish, or poultry that requires butchering skills, portion control, and cooking techniques of the highest caliber to achieve the desired results essential to the plate presentation's success. Vegetarian dishes frequently highlight pasta, risotto, grains, and legumes, which are delicate items that, once prepared and plated, must be served immediately to retain their fresh appeal. Appetizers, including soups, salads, charcuterie, or small shared plates, should be plated with care and precision for maximum visual impact. Fresh, crisp, colorful salad greens with attractive garnishes, soups presented with the proper consistency and adornments, and charcuterie precisely prepared and sliced are important for the opening of the meal. Desserts, as the closing chapter of the dining experience, should include fresh, rich, and sweet flavors with textural variety, including cookies, crusts, and garnishes, bright color variance from the use of fruits, herbs, and sauces, and visual appeal. Proper execution requires the crisp textures of pastry, the smooth and creamy consistency of gelato or mousse, and colorful garnishes of herbs. For appetizers and desserts that serve as bookends of a meal, there may be one single focal point or several, in which case creative plating will achieve the best results.

Supporting Elements

ARD Culinary, Inc.

Vegetables and fruits often constitute the supporting elements of a dish. Whereas proteins tend to be various shades of brown, beige, and white, fruits and vegetables add color and provide a high visual impact. Precise cuts help to create an elegant presentation. Carefully controlled cooking techniques will yield vibrant colors and accents. Textures achieved through a variety of cooking techniques include starches, grains, and legumes prepared as smooth purees, al dente pasta, and creamy risottos or as crisp textured fries, chips, and croquettes. Supporting components provide height in the form of mounded purees, pasta, and grains to support the main item. They contribute to the overall appearance by providing variety in taste, color, shapes, and textures.

Sauces tie the elements of the dish together, providing color and luster. They should be of the correct color, consistency, and texture. Sauce variations include compotes, chutneys, salsas, and traditional brown, white, and butter sauces. Cold sauces include vinaigrette, mayonnaise emulsions, purees, pesto, and coulis. Sauces may be served under, over, or alongside the item and should have a light consistency yet flavorful punch. The combination of 2 sauces on a plate, for example, a chocolate sauce paired with a raspberry coulis, adds various colors.

Garnishes provide color and a finishing touch to the dish. Choose items that are appropriate to the dish and that echo some of the ingredients. They should be functional, not merely a sprig of rosemary or a wedge of lemon, but incorporated as part of the plate concept. Examples of functional garnishes are a tuile cookie for a gelato dessert, a tempura-fried Meyer lemon slice to complement a sautéed fillet of fish, or delicate micro-greens to garnish a salad. As the final touch of the plate presentation, garnishes must be precisely prepped to maximize their impact and give the plate the final visual pop.

Plate Selection

5 best food presentation techniques

We often speak of plates when plating food, but service ware includes plates of varying sizes, bowls, cups, and other vessels used to hold the food. Plates and serving vessels come in various colors, shapes, and sizes. They may be simple white, starkly black, or earth-tone colors. Other materials may also be incorporated, including metal or wood. The style of dinnerware used depends on the type of operation, whether causal or formal. Plating choices are also influenced by the style of food, the chef’s vision, and the overall image the operation is trying to convey.

5 best food presentation techniques

Bamboo is Ideal for Casual or Outdoor Evenets

Carefully consider your audience and the venue when choosing the style of service ware. For example, a fine dining restaurant might consider china or porcelain that conveys a sense of elegance. A casual restaurant may choose ceramic or stoneware that matches a more rustic dining experience, while a quick-service operation could opt for economical plastic and melamine. An off-premise catered venue might decide that eco-friendly, disposable, and compostable service ware made of bamboo or other recycled materials is a good fit. Service ware also includes materials like glass, wood, slate, tile, and cast iron or stainless steel metals. Some chefs choose custom-made plates to distinguish their cuisine using natural materials, reclaimed wood, or architecturally unique designs that are as artistic as the food itself. Plates and serviceware come in various geometric shapes, including classic round, square, oval, or rectangular. They may be teardrop-shaped, oblong, or spoon-shaped.

5 best food presentation techniques

B ento Boxes are a Traditional Japanese Plate Presentation

The plate size depends on the restaurant's style; for example, a family-style restaurant might use larger plates, while a restaurant that features small plates for sharing would logically use small plates. Fine dining restaurants tend to use oversized plates, for example, a 12-inch/30 cm dinner plate or a 7-9 inch/18-23 cm appetizer plate. Oversized plates act as a canvas, providing negative space that frames the items, provides focus, and brings out the colors and characteristics of the food. Large plates also prevent crowding and food overflowing on the rim.  The size of the plate affects the perception of quantity and portion size because the larger the plate, the smaller the portion appears to the guest. Smaller plates, bowls, or ramekins can be nested to accent or highlight components. Japanese Kaiseki presentations use dishes of various shapes set on a rectangular underliner that emphasizes an asymmetrical or unbalanced yet organic plate composition.

5 best food presentation techniques

The color of serviceware affects the overall presentation, our taste perceptions, and even our appetite. White plates are a traditional color favored by chefs because they make the vibrant colors of the food more visually appealing to the guests. Chefs use white plates like a blank canvas without concern for color clashes from contrasting plate colors. Black plates provide an opposite contrast that can be used effectively with brightly colored foods. However, earth tones of brown, tan, warm gray, and greens that emulate the natural colors found in dirt, moss, trees, and rocks can be used when paired with the right food colors. Green foods, including salads and vegetables, pair well with yellow plates. Beige foods, including pasta, chicken, and potatoes, pair well with black and brown plates. Red foods, including tomatoes, beef, and red sauces, pair well on white plates, while yellow and orange foods, including eggs, corn, and curries, pair well with blue colors. Solid colors tend to dominate, but some restaurants use patterns as a signature style. Some chefs today commission and even help design custom serving pieces and tableware.

Colors affect how the food appears and how appetizing it looks to us. Foods with high contrast, for example, a grilled steak with asparagus, sweet potato puree, and béarnaise sauce on a white plate, usually appear more appetizing than those with low contrast, for example, pasta with a white sauce on a white plate. Foods served on white plates tend to enhance sweet flavors in food, while black plates bring out more s avory flavors , and serving food on a red plate has been shown to reduce the amount diners eat. Service ware should be chosen to match the food, its shapes, and colors.

Tools for Plating

A wide variety of tools are used for plate presentations, including squeeze bottles, spoons, thin-offset spatulas, and brushes for applying sauces on the plate. Tweezers and chopsticks assist in the placement of components and delicate garnishes. Slotted, flexible fish spatulas work well for delicate fish and similar items.   Stacking rings and geometric molds help to keep the food contained and add height to the layout.   Although tongs are useful for sturdy items like steaks and chops, small serving spoons should be used when plating delicate foods, including vegetables.

Mercer Cutlery, Ateco

Elementary Plating Tips

Before beginning the plating process, determine the focal point by visualizing how it will appear by drawing out a plate diagram. The focal point should be the highlight of the plate and where the eye is drawn first. Bright or contrasting colors, elevation, and food placement help to highlight items. Usually, our eyes scan a food plate much like a picture, from the lower left to the upper right. Photographers use this idea when setting up a photo, called the rule-of-thirds , which divides a picture into thirds both horizontally and vertically and uses the intersecting lines as focal points. The alignment of the subject should be somewhere at one of these focal points and usually off-center. This template can also be used when apportioning the quantity of food on the plate, which, as a general rule, means no more than 2/3 of the plate should be filled with food while the other 1/3 of the plate is negative or empty space.

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Avoid the rim while creating a buffer zone of ½ inch/13 mm of space from the rim to the flat of the plate. Play with symmetry, geometry, and sequencing of the foods. Use color contrasts to add visual impact and interest to the plate. Odd numbers are more pleasing to the eye than even numbers, so three asparagus spears versus four are better. Remember to keep the components of the plate in proportion to each other to balance the presentation. Determine the focal points, lines, and flow as you apportion space to each element. Don’t crowd the plate; empty space will reinforce the focal point.   Plate the food simply without too much fuss or busyness. 

Practical Plate Presentations

Food plating starts with the basics of functionality and practicality . Remember that the dish must be easily assembled on a busy night. The vision of a plate presentation is only possible to the extent of the food's quality and the kitchen's expertise. The food must be prepared and seasoned properly with a fresh, appetizing appearance.  Vegetable cuts should be clean and uniform and retain their bright colors, sauces must have a proper consistency, and proteins must be browned and cooked to the correct degree of doneness. Fundamentals for plating start with serving foods on plates that are the correct temperature: hot food on pre-heated plates and cold food on chilled plates.

Establish a focal point and compose the plate based on a central component. Create variety in shapes , textures , colors , and flavors . Use molded forms when appropriate, but avoid too many geometric and precise shapes that can make the plate look like it was stamped with a cookie cutter. Odd numbers bring unity and harmony to the plate and pull in the surrounding elements. Height creates drama, so design the plate with a 3-D approach, like a sculpture.

Simple techniques like fluffing salad greens or overlapping slices of meat are simple ways to create height. Use sauces to add color accents to the dish. Garnishes should be relevant to the plate, so avoid the use of whole sprigs of rosemary. Spices and herbs on the edge of the plate should be avoided, however, the discreet use of chopped herbs that are relevant to the dish are fine for adding color to the composition.

Before the plate is presented to the guest, it must be examined and cleaned as needed of excess food and smudges. Use mildly acidulated water with lemon or vinegar and a clean, lint-free cloth to wipe the plate. The kitchen’s responsibility includes how the plate is presented to the guests. In kitchen language, this is referred to as the 6 o’clock plate position or the edge of the plate placed closest to the guest.

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Traditional Plating

Traditional plating presents the food simply by using a clock face as a guide. The entrée or main focal point is served between 4 and 8 o’clock. The starch is plated between 9 and 10 o’clock, and the vegetables are plated between 2 and 3 o’clock. The sauce is served either under or over the main item. This simple presentation can be effective as long as the elements are balanced. Use the rule-of-thirds concept, overlapping the components and the plate as a backdrop to frame it. Gain height by leaning the protein on the starch. The sauce will also act as a tying element too.


Vertical and Horizontal Lines

Strong, clean vertical, horizontal, or angled lines provide neat and logical dimensions to the plate. Lines can be created by placing proteins, vegetables, or sauces. Patterns emerge by repeating these lines; variety is introduced through intersecting or overlapping lines. The monotony of repetitive lines is interrupted by adding other food shapes and carefully placed garnishes.

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Arcs, Swooshes, and Swirls

Arcs , swooshes, and swirls soften the hard angular lines of the plate, giving them fluidity and movement in appearance. Sauces and purees are commonly used to create curves. They may be juxtaposed with other plating designs, including straight lines, or they may be layered to add height and dimension to the plate. Some styles of arcs use an off-centered approach that creates tension and draws the diner’s attention to them. Another example of an arc is the golden ratio, a spiral pattern used in art and architecture found in snail shells and sunflowers.

The Golden Ratio Can Be Used as a Plate Design

The Golden Ratio

A spiral pattern found in nature that is used in art and achitecture.

5 best food presentation techniques

Stacked Plating

Stacked plating brings height and drama to the presentation by layering the components in a vertical style. Items can be layered either free-form or with a mold, but to avoid the cookie-cutter effect, vary the ingredients to create different shapes and colors. The focal point of the stack should be off-center, usually to the left, with added garnishes and sauces to create variety and strength in the presentation. Crisp textures can be added at the base, from pastries or vegetables, or as a garnish, for example, vegetable chips or crisps. Soft textures , for example, purees of root vegetables, provide a base and double as an anchor to support the main item. Break up round or square geometric shapes with vegetables, pasta, grains, or other items. Sauces provide an accent and help to pull the dish together. Avoid the bull’s-eye effect when stacking by adding garnished elements cut into various shapes or use a saucing technique that breaks the round shape.

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Popular for small plates and samplers, trios are another approach to plating that uses odd numbers and negative space. A plate of trios may include a seasonal item prepared in three different ways. It may incorporate hot and cold temperatures. It also is an opportunity for a chef to display multiple creative pairings and preparations. Trio plating can be done in a linear fashion, a triangular pattern, or even a free-form style.

Screen Shot 2016-05-06 at 11.47.56 AM.png

Deconstructed Plating

The deconstruction concept re-imagines a dish's elements in a new light. When presenting a deconstructed dish, it should hold the flavors and textures of the original inspiration (often a classic preparation) while creating a connection to the modern interpretation. Deconstruction is not merely serving separate elements of a dish on a single plate; a unified concept is woven throughout the plate. Desserts are good candidates for the deconstructed approach; for example, a strawberry shortcake can be broken down and recreated as strawberry sorbet, dehydrated shortcake crumbles, crème fraiche sauce, and fresh strawberries.

ARD Culinary, Inc.

Free Form Plating

The organized randomness of free-form plating presents an arbitrary yet natural appearance, however, it still requires thought and planning using similar visual rules of composition. Free-form plating, sometimes referred to as organic, gives credence to the concept of “what grows together goes together”. This approach uses a flattened design that is more relaxed. Free form plating, like the deconstructed approach, can be used to create a more fluid approach to food layout and design. This style of plating often uses wood, slate, or stone plates to lend a natural element to the presentation

5 best food presentation techniques

Japanese Kaiseki and Omakase

Kaiseki is a Japanese dining tradition that dates back centuries and refers to the concept of balanced taste, texture, appearance, and color. Seasonality is important in the cooking and the type of dishes selected using a variety of shapes, colors, textures, and sizes. Meals are represented by five colors, red, white, green, black, and yellow, contributing to the eye appeal and ensuring the food's nutritional healthiness. Menus also includes items prepared raw, simmered, fried, steamed, and roasted or grilled. Foods are precisely cut into bite-sized slices or pieces to be easily eaten with chopsticks and served in small, individual portions in separate dishes. Plate presentations use height for dramatic effect, and negative space is emphasized in the plating philosophy. Kaiseki has influenced Western plating styles from Europe to North and South America. Tasting menus available in fine dining restaurants around the world draw inspiration from the Japanese concept of small multi-course plates that showcase a chef’s repertoire emphasizing seasonal and local foods.

Omakase is a tradition similar to a prix fixe in which the customer allows the chef to do the selecting of the courses. Often done at a sushi counter, the chef presents a series of dishes beginning with the lightest fare and proceeding to the heaviest dishes

5 best food presentation techniques

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Mastering the Art of Food Presentation: Tips and Techniques for Stunning Displays

Rosseto Food Presentation

Through our years of experience, we have worked closely with various hospitality industry executives. All agree that the way food is presented plays a crucial role in influencing how it is perceived and enjoyed. While always taking into consideration the cost, the staff, the guest, and the purpose of each product purchased, the importance of design, luxurious set ups, and beautiful serving solutions is equally important. The hospitality industry, following the trend of course, has proven that a beautiful food presentation on the right Instagram account is sometimes worth way more than a thousand words. With the right presentation, you can turn an ordinary meal into a work of art that sparks conversation and leaves your guests in awe. But mastering the art of food presentation is no easy feat – it takes skill, creativity, and a lot of practice. Experienced food and beverage directors and executive chefs know that at its core, food presentation is all about conveying emotion through visuals. Whether you’re hosting a high-end catering event or a packed convention center, you want your food presentation dishes to evoke feelings of delight and happiness. To achieve this, you must learn how to arrange food in a way that looks appetizing and captures your audience’s attention. In this blog post, we wanted to share two tips and techniques for creating stunning displays that will make your food look as delicious as it tastes. From color theory to garnishing basics, we’ll arm you with the knowledge you need to take your food presentation game to the next level. So grab your chef’s hat and let’s get cooking!

Tips and Techniques for Eye-Catching Presentations 

The saying “You eat with your eyes” is very true. That is why the way you arrange and plate your food can make a significant difference in its visual appeal and contribute to the overall success of the event. You need to make sure your food is presented in a clean environment, easily accessible, and offers what your guests are looking for. To help you create both a stunning and easy-to-use buffet table, we recommend you consider using the following plating techniques: 

  • Layering: Stack different ingredients in a visually appealing way to create height and depth on the plate. For example, layer slices of meat or vegetables with complementary colors and textures to create an interesting visual composition.
  • Minimalism: Less can be more when it comes to food presentation. Use negative space on the plate strategically to draw attention to the main ingredients and allow their natural colors and textures to shine.
  • Geometric Shapes: Play with shapes and patterns on the plate to create visual interest. Use cookie cutters, molds, or even a steady hand to create geometric shapes with ingredients like vegetables, fruits, or grains.
  • Color Contrast: Use contrasting colors to make your dishes visually pop. For example, pair vibrant-colored ingredients with a neutral background or use complementary colors to create a visually appealing contrast.

And to accomplish these tips, we would like to discuss the techniques and products that can be used to create a stunning effect for your guests. 

Food presentation and Arranging Techniques for Great Visual Impact

  We all would like to create a powerful visual impact for our guests and make food stations and dishes more appealing. Unfortunately, oftentimes space may be limited to arrange the delicious food. We then would advise considering using the following techniques to create visually stunning displays:

  • Symmetry: Arrange your food station symmetrically on the table for a clean and balanced look. For example, place identical pieces of food in a mirror-like fashion to create a visually pleasing pattern.
  • Asymmetry: Create visual interest by arranging the station in an asymmetrical or random pattern. This can add a touch of creativity and uniqueness to your food presentation. Here you have more room to play around. Make sure you are not overcrowding the space. 
  • Height Variation: Play with height by using risers, such as the Rosseto Skycap risers, to elevate certain elements of your dish. This can create depth and visual interest on the plate.
  • Negative Space: in case your station is minimal, use negative space strategically to highlight the main ingredients of your food presentation. This can create visual focus and draw the eye to the key elements of the presentation.

How can Rosseto help you create your food stations and buffet? 

With the right buffet equipment and serving solution, great design and thoughtful engineering, Rosseto has proven you can create stunning food presentations.  

Elevate your food presentation with Rosseto Skycap Risers

One of the easiest and most impressive ways to gain height on your tables is by elevating your dishes and trays using Rosseto Skycap risers and surfaces. These sleek and modern risers and surfaces are designed to add height and dimension to your food display. By placing your dishes on Skycap risers or surfaces connected to the risers, you can create an eye-catching arrangement that adds visual interest and sophistication to your presentation. Skycap risers and Rosseto surfaces are versatile and can be used with various types of dishes such as appetizers, desserts, and even main courses. The Skycap system is durable and designed with a modern contemporary look making them a perfect addition to your food presentation arsenal.

Versatility and durability with Rosseto Chafers 

Rosseto chafers are not only practical for keeping food warm at the perfect temperature, but they also add versatility to your food presentation allowing you to display a variety of colorful and visually enticing creations. The sleek stainless-steel design of Rosseto chafers adds a touch of sophistication to your buffet set up, while keeping your food delicious, making them a perfect addition to your food display arsenal.

Whimsical Elegance with Rosseto Swan Risers

Adding unique shapes and textures to your food presentation can create a sense of artistry and drama, and Rosseto Swan risers are perfect for achieving that whimsical elegance. The graceful curves and unique shape of the Swan risers add an eye-catching element to your food presentation. These risers are perfect for showcasing small desserts, chocolates, or truffles, and some of our clients use the space for displaying silverware and napkins on a buffet. 

Rosseto Serving Solution – Mix and match. Build your own food station 

Mastering the art of food presentation is an essential skill for creating visually stunning displays that are sure to impress your guests. By using various plating, garnishing, and arranging techniques, you can elevate your food dishes to Instagram-worthy status. Remember to play with colors, textures, shapes, and heights to create visually appealing compositions on the plate. Use risers like the Rosseto Skycap risers to add height variation and create visual interest. With practice and creativity, you can become a master of food presentation and take your culinary creations to the next level.

We are here to help you through the product selection that is best for you. Our team is committed to top service and will guide you through the process of upgrading your serving solutions.

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5 best food presentation techniques

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Food | lifestyle | travel | ..., food presentation: 5 plating techniques to impress your guests.

January 13, 2016 by Pragati Bidkar Leave a Comment

We eat with our eyes first, says Giada De Laurentis. And I agree.

Food presentation goes a long way in determining its popularity. A pretty looking plate of food whets your appetite and gets your digestive juices flowing. A shabbily plated dish, however tasty can just turn off our appetite.

I am a food blogger because I love food. I like to experiment in the kitchen, and I want to share my passion with the world. But it took me a while to realize that it is difficult to convey it unless my food looks not just presentable, but pretty.

Photography and styling are important, but they begin after the food is plated.

So arranging food on a plate such that it looks inviting is a challenge every cook or chef must meet if they want their food to be popular.

Some aspects of plating food are basic, and you can say they are just common sense. For example, your plate color should contrast with the food, but not garishly so. The food should not overflow from the plate, nor should it be so tiny that it gets lost on a large plate. Different aspects of the dish should be visible. There should be only one dominant color. Garnishes should be edible and minimal. You get the idea! But what are some of the techniques that will elevate your plate of food from home cooked to gourmet?

Today, I am going to share some simple plating techniques that you can easily do at home. The type of food you are serving and the actual recipe will decide which technique to be used.

Food Presentation Technique 1: Quenelle

I refer to the way food can be spooned in an artsy manner. This technique is very popular for plating mashed potatoes, ice cream, sorbet, cream etc. All you need is two spoons of the same size and the flick of a wrist. This is a dessert where the cream is quenelled on to the plate.

Food Presentation Technique 2: Spoon Push

I don’t know if there is any technical name for this. The ‘dreaded spoon push’ came on the scene about 10 years ago, and food show judges, be it Top Chef or Chopped, called it the ‘spoon push’. This is a pretty simple technique for plating things like sauces, hummus or chutneys. All you do is spoon a dollop on the plate and then just push it outward in a line with the back of your spoon.

Of course, it is not simple as it sounds. Many things need to be considered like the consistency of the sauce or dip, the force to be used, the spoon to be used, and it should work well with the rest of your plate.

A more evolved, classier version of this is of course the brush. Brushing is good for sticky sauces and desserts. I have used it here for the humble daal .

Food Presentation Technique 3: Stacking food

Stacking food or arranging it in a tower is popular for desserts like brownies or cookies. This looks better than just scattering some cookies on a plate, and gives some definition.

I have used this often for cake , and these sinful mocha chocolate chip cookies .

Food Presentation Technique 4: Moulding Food or Shaping it

Moulding food in attractive shapes is easy for a piece of meat. So you can trim a steak in an oval shape for example. But it is not that easy for vegetarian food, or layered dishes. A ring mould will come in handy at such a time. The mould keeps all the food contained in a fixed area, allowing you to construct a ‘tower’ or arrange food the way you like it.

This simple potato mash is topped with a lentil and veggie mince . The moussaka here looks so much elegant when plated like this.

Food Presentation Technique 5: Deconstruction

Deconstruction is another plating technique used by the pros. I am a bit hazy about this one, because interpretations vary. So an open faced sandwich or burger can also be called a deconstructed burger. And a mash up of lasagna ingredients cooked in a single pot can also be called deconstructed lasagna.

With the context of plating, I think that deconstructing means laying out different elements in plain sight. So fajitas, or a taco bar is also a good example, and so is a dessert with different elements.

In this picture, I have deconstructed my big salad so that every element is immediately visible. Usually, I might just toss these together in a bowl where most of the elements will be hidden.

I hope you enjoyed learning about these simple food presentation styles and plating methods. You can easily try these out at home with anything you cook. Any technique can be applied to any kind of food. All that is needed is an eye for design, and some practice.

Try your hand at some of these, the next time you are throwing a party of trying to impress someone!

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About Pragati Bidkar

Hello! I am Pragati. Welcome to my blog! I am a vegetarian food blogger creating real food recipes. I also write on lifestyle, travel and local Pune events. Please check my About Page for more...

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  • 8 Modern Food Plating & Presentation Styles
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8 Modern Food Plating Trends & Presentation Styles

In the restaurant business, food plating can be critical, especially when guests are ready to post and share on social media. Our chefs curated a list of the top food plating techniques that helps to elevate the guest experience.

1. Landscape Technique

1. Landscape Technique

Taking inspiration from landscape gardens, this linear arrangement of food is usually kept low and long. 

3. Food on organic materials Technique

3. Food on organic materials Technique

Using organic materials such as wood, slate and stone as a plating device lends a more rustic and back-to-nature feel to dishes. 

5. The Nordic Look Technique

5. The Nordic Look Technique

Make ribbons or chunks of vegetables and scatter herbs on a dish to garnish for seemingly effortless style. ‘Gone Fishing’ by the Danish chef and food stylist Mikkel Karstadt is a good place to look for inspiration; follow him on Instagram

7. Bathing Technique

7. Bathing Technique

Bathe fish in broth or sauce. For example, these tortellini with a shellfish sauce or coquilles with chicory, truffle foam, goat cheese and shrimps.

2. Free-form Technique

2. Free-form Technique

Like many modern paintings, free form plating may seem carelessly strewn across a plate, but each stroke and food placement is carefully thought out to create an abstract yet intriguing “painting” on a plate. 

4. Futuristic Technique

4. Futuristic Technique

Making use of sleek materials like metal, glass and steel, futuristic plating creates a cutting edge and futuristic plating like the example below.

6. Hide and Seek Technique

6. Hide and Seek Technique

Layering adds an element of playfulness and surprise to the dish. Think a puffed rice cracker covering crab meat, thinly sliced radishes hiding a yummy sea bass tartare... 

8. Super Bowl Technique

8. Super Bowl Technique

Bowl food is a massive trend, with cookbooks and restaurants to match.

Try a more elegant styled bowl; used for smaller dishes, like starter or entremets. 


Which plate you choose can make or break your dish, says South African Chef Jack Coetzee. Try to avoid symmetry, it’s not very interesting. And you need to create some height on your plate. However, if you are blatantly going for symmetry,  then you can get away with it because it’s your intention. But the plates do look very average if you’re trying to do something and you end up with it looking symmetrical. You can follow his course on plating in our UFS Academy for a more visual explanation.

Here are a couple of take-outs he shares on the different shapes of plates you can use and their possibilities to present your food. 

Rectangular or elongated plate

Rectangular or elongated plate

Using a rectangualr plate is effective if you have lots of small little garnishes that can wind their way through the length of the plate, making it look like a garden.

Square plate

Square plate

This is not the easiest shape to work with. You have to use the Rule of Thirds, which is a theory dictating how an image (in this case your plate) should be composed in order to create an aesthetically pleasing result. You basically break your plate up into a grid system of 9 block and try to avoid using the bull’s eye itself because that’s a so-called dead spot. Also try not to use any of the spots in the corners.

Round plate

Round plate

These are most commonly used. The same rule applies to your grid system on this plate, except you don’t have to worry about all the dead corners. Try not to get anything in the middle unless it’s deliberately in the middle. 

5 best food presentation techniques

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Top 11 Food Presentation Tips for Your Restaurant

By Katie McCann

illustration of grilled fish being plated

In the restaurant industry, food plating and presentation are a key part of the guest experience. 

Unfortunately, during a dinner rush, food plating is often one of the first things that gets overlooked. You end up being either too busy or too focused on the taste of the dishes – food presentation becomes a far away afterthought. 

Don’t worry – you don’t need to have an advanced art degree to turn your dishes into gorgeous masterpieces! There are no hard and fast rules to “correct” plating, but there are several important ideas to keep in mind when preparing and plating your restaurant dishes. 

In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know to plate your food like a master chef, including:

  • What food presentation and plating actually is
  • Why it’s so important for your restaurant
  • 11 easy plating tips and tricks

Bon appetit!

What Is Food Presentation and Plating?

Food presentation refers to the arrangement of food on the plate in a way that makes it appealing to the diner.

A plate should engage your diner’s senses and draw them into the experience as much as a painting in a gallery draws in the observer. Not only will a good presentation add value to your customer’s dining experience, but they’ll be more likely to post and share a meal on Instagram when it looks as good as it tastes!

The plate should carefully balance taste, texture, and color. By playing with these components, you can bring a sense of satisfaction to your diners as soon as the dish is delivered to the table – before they even take a bite. The plate can be either dressed with a sauce, topped with garnishing, or arranged in a quirky, fun style.

Why Good Food Presentation Is Important

There are many benefits to preparing an attractive plate of food. First and foremost, since cooking is a form of art, the final food presentation lets the chef get creative and stamp their own identity on the menu . You present a story to your diners to read with their eyes first, then with their taste buds. Food presentation and plating are also a way of tempting diners throughout the restaurant, who see the dish on its way to the table and immediately want to order the same.

From the management perspective, food plating and presentation is a simple way to provide diners a better dining experience. When done right, it can turn a dinner party into a great success and receive praise and recognition for your entire restaurant. Having a system in place for plating will also help when tracking inventory – if you know what is going into each plate instead of haphazardly dumping garnishes on a plate, you’ll know exactly how many ingredients are used up per dish. 

Now, let’s take a closer look at why presenting your food attractively is substantial in your restaurant business.

chef arranging garnishes on a plate

Attract Customers and Elevate the Experience

The way food is presented has a big impact on how your diners perceive it. We all judge food even before we take a bite – for the most part, that judgment is entirely on how the food looks. Plus, having food that looks good can be a huge traffic driver. You can think about it this way: You could make a milkshake at home, but there’s a reason that Black Tap in New York constantly has a line out the door for their towering milkshakes.

Beyond driving traffic, plating and presentation are also a huge factor in perceived value – which impacts how much you can charge. When you put the extra care into your food presentation, diners are going to be willing to pay more. If we go back to New York, diners at Black Tap are lined up to pay anywhere between $15 to $18 for a milkshake. While you could get a milkshake for a few bucks at a drive-thru, people are willing – and waiting in line – to pay top dollar for a good looking milkshake.

Even if your dishes are the best in the city, they have to look the part as well.

Communicate the Quality of Your Restaurant

The way you plate food and present it communicates the quality and standards of your overall restaurant experience. When food is presented poorly, it can be perceived as a mismanaged kitchen staff or low-quality ingredients. 

Top level food presentation instantly helps diners perceive your restaurant as high quality, before they even take a bite. The extra care and detail that goes into preparing it will directly influence a diner’s perception of your whole restaurant and your food.

Essential for Restaurant Marketing

It’s important to maintain your food aesthetics as much as your overall restaurant interior and exterior. We live in the age of social media where everything is shared online – including every drink, meal, and dessert. Foodie accounts are huge right now! Not maintaining the appearance of your food presentation could alienate these growing marketing opportunities. 

For example, if people on Instagram don’t like the way your food looks on a plate (no matter how tasty it is), it likely won’t make it to their Instagram feed or story. When you miss out on people sharing your meals within their network, you’re also missing the chance to appear in front of potential new diners! 

Food presentation is important for more than just social media shares on diner accounts – it’s important for your own profiles as well. In an increasingly digital age, having a well-rounded online profile is an opportunity to show diners what’s available at your restaurant. Whether you’re sharing expertly styled food on Instagram or adding it to your profile in review sites , make sure each dish looks good! After all, a picture is worth a thousand words!

an artistic plate

There are so many ways to serve and present food. But it’s the small details that make all the difference in ensuring your dish and restaurant stand out from the rest.

Here are 11 food plating tips that will help you step up your serving game.

1. Match with Your Restaurant Theme

The way you plate and present your food should reflect the type of restaurant you’re operating. So first, consider the theme of your restaurant. 

If you’re running a small, ethnic restaurant, your guests expect a simple, rustic, hearty food presentation. But at a high-end, pricey and hip restaurant, your guests would expect to see some form of delicacy in your dish presentation – from the presentation on the plate to the dish it’s served on. 

2. Choose the Right Tableware

The color and size of the tableware is important. If you’re new to food plating and styling, it’s best to keep it simple with white, ivory or light shades of tableware. This way you can experiment with the positioning of elements and embellish with garnishes or sauces without worrying about clashing colors. 

Make sure to keep an eye out for cracked or broken tableware – it can be a complete turn-off to customers and unsafe to eat off of. Regularly conduct checks to either replace or fix damaged tableware. 

3. Create Layers and Height

Start building up, not down or sideways. By layering and stacking food, you can add a lot of dimension to your plate. 

When plating food, it’s a good rule of thumb to have three different heights. It helps fill up space and make food look bigger (without actually increasing the portion size ). You can start by experimenting with three components and their heights: protein, starch, and vegetables.

chef finishing plated entrees

4. Play with Textures

Using textures is a great way to create depth and dimension with your food presentation. This can be as simple as adding a delicate foam or sauces with a crunch on top. You can also drizzle dressing sparingly around the plate and place the meat in the middle. 

5. Serve Smaller Portions

This is all about finding a delicate balance. Generally, smaller portions are more attractive and easier to style. If your plates are absolutely maxed out with food, it doesn’t leave a lot of room for presentation. But you want to make sure guests feel satisfied when they leave. There’s nothing worse than leaving a restaurant feeling hungry.

It all depends on the type of restaurant you are and the customers you attract. If diners aren’t expecting huge portions, you have some room to experiment and find a balance between a dish that fills them up and a food presentation that wows. According to the National Restaurant Association , serving smaller portion sizes is one of the top five most restaurant trends in 2019!

6. Slice Meat Horizontally 

Try fanning out meat by slicing horizontally to show off its quality. The best way to do it is to slice on a 45-degree angle and against the grain of the meat, to provide a more tender cut. 

7. Use Complimentary Colors 

Color adds energy and contrast to your dish. Bright vegetables and fruits, such as beets, carrots, and cauliflower make a striking difference on a plate. Work with complementary colors (i.e. red and green) and try adorning salads and meats with banana leaves or citrus zest.

But be wary of colors that seem artificial. It’s typically seen as bad practice to serve a blue dish, because blue isn’t a color naturally seen in food.

8. Choose the Right Plates

A large plate is always a good idea since it gives you more space to work with, but avoid the pressure to completely fill up the plate! If you cover every part of a large plate, it will look messy and overcrowded – leave some breathing room.

You’ll also want to use different plate sizes for different dishes. For instance, large plates are a better fit for steaks, while an appetizer usually comes in smaller plates. If you use large plates for every portion, it can impact how much food diners feel they are getting. 

9.Harmonize Garnish and Decoration

Garnishing and can add flavor and texture to your dish. It shouldn’t be an afterthought but rather an edible element that is purposely placed to balance the rest of the dish.

It may sound easy but the right garnish requires a lot of precision. Make sure you don’t overdo it. And make sure it’s edible – no server wants to explain to a guest that they can’t eat something on their plate.

Garnishes come in a variety of forms such as herbs, spices, edible flowers, sauces, creams, and citrus zest. You can even include them in dessert. For instance, if you’re serving mango ice cream, you can add a slice of mango in the center or corner of the scoop to give it some color, texture, and a fresh appearance.

10. Use the Right Tools to Serv e

Using the right tools when plating food makes a big difference. You put a lot of effort into perfecting your dish, so use plating tools to match your hard work and attention to detail.

Here are some of the most basic plating tools you’ll need:

  • Precision Spoons: With this tool, you can place sauces of other types of liquid food on the plate in the right amount you want. The spoons are unique in design – they have a much deeper well which allows you more control when pouring.
  • Squeeze Bottles: This gives you even more control over sauces and liquids to create designs on your plate. Get artsy by adding swirls, dots, and other patterns to create a unique appearance. 
  • Decorating Brushes: Unleash your inner artist during the plating process. With brushes, you can create much more unique texture and other small details on your plates. 
  • Molds: Serve food that is in precise shapes, such as squares, circles, ovals or hearts. 

pastry chef decorating confections

11. Keep It Simple and Express Yourself

Free your mind! Most chefs recommend using white plates for food presentation. But you can always get creative and use plates and cutlery from natural materials like wood or stone. You can even take it a step further and serve food in unusual bowls and plates. For instance, serve soup in a coffee pot, or wine in a vase decanter. Be courageous and express the artist in you!

Styling and plating food might take time and a little patience, but the extra effort will pay off for your restaurant’s reputation and operations. Use these food plating tips, tricks, and techniques and start experimenting with different ways to improve your food presentation – and your bottom line!

Photo of Katie McCann

Katie is a former Content Marketing Specialist at TouchBistro where she writes about food and restaurant experiences. She doesn’t shy away from the finer things in life, but no matter how much success she continues to acquire, she stays true to her roots and still considers imitation crab as gourmet. If she isn’t writing, you can find her on a patio with friends and a pitcher of white wine sangria.

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5 best food presentation techniques.

5 best food presentation techniques

These days, diners not only enjoy food with their tongues but with their eyes. This is why the knowledge of proper food presentation techniques is necessary. 

Throughout the years, having a great meal is not only defined by eating something tasty but also in how great it looks. These days, visual presentation techniques in making food look more delicious psychologically matters to chefs, home cooks and consumers alike. In order to process, arrange, decorate with the intention of increasing the aesthetic appeal of the food, the knowledge of proper food presentation is needed.

Food presentation does not only make the food aesthetically pleasing but also shows the standard and level that the cook or restaurant deem important. The way food is presented to consumers will be how they judge the hygiene standards, taste and quality of the dish.

For restaurant owners, it is important to note the increasing impact of social media in all aspects of life and business, even the smallest events are captured and uploaded on variety of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and etc. Food bloggers now utilise these platforms to voice out their opinions that is why it is important to make sure that you are making a good impression with the food you are serving.

Read More:  Three Reasons Why Tableware Is Important To The Dining Experience

Food Presentation Techniques That Can Make Your Food Look Scrumptious

It requires care and an eye for detail to present food in an appealing and appetising manner. Following are some food presentation tips to be kept in mind while plating and decorating your dishes.

1. Choosing the Right Tableware

Choosing the proper and right tableware to use is crucial as it can make or break a restaurant. No matter how delicious the food is, people eating will still find the food unappetising if it is served on a unattractive plate. You should present your plates according to the occasion and its theme. Use high quality, durable, and stylish tablewares such as the collection you can see in Kopin Tableware that offers tablewares in different sizes, shapes, colours and themes.

2. Proportioning

The first food presentation tip in the book is the proper and correct proportioning your food.  Properly proportioning your food not only makes it look attractive but also plays an important part in controlling the costs. It is crucial to pre-decide the portions of each ingredient and maintain that portions while plating.

You should choose the right plate size that matches the portion/quantity of food served.  Your dish may look unprofessional, scanty, messy or overcrowded if the plate is too small or too big for the portion of food served. As guideline, you can leave a half-inch of space between the food and the edge of the plate for the best looking plate.

It is important to present your food by styling it in a balanced level of contrast and variety. Over decorating your dish can end up making it look over the top and hideous.

Highlight the main ingredient of your food and make other elements complement it, rather than overshadowing or hiding it. Play with colours and textures of the dishes by adding different flavours and colours such as herbs, vegetables and different sauces. Serving odd quantities of food items like scallop and shrimps may add to the visual appeal. Do take note that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Don’t take too much time to decorate or plate a dish as it can make the food turn cold when its supposed to be served hot and vice versa. Plating time in the preparation of the dish is crucial as it does not matte how good the food tastes or how good it looks if it is cold or soggy.

5. Garnishing

Garnishing a plate requires care and precision as it is intended to improve the texture and flavour of a dish. Choose your garnish carefully as it adds to the taste, texture and feel of the dish. Experiment with complimenting combinations of different sauces, fruits, nuts, seeds and herbs which will add to the flavour, acidity and texture of the dish.

Read More:  How To Set Yourself And Your Table For The Perfect Dinner

Diners these days not only enjoy the food with their tongues but also with their eyes. If you have collected the best ingredients, now it is time to find the perfect tableware to complement it. For modern look, you can always go with Kopin Tableware’s  Green Leaf 20-Piece Place Set . Click here to see other Kopin Tableware collections!


Astoria Culinary and Hospitality Institute

Food Plating as an Art: The Aesthetics of Culinary Presentation

5 best food presentation techniques

For culinary arts practitioners, the visual attractiveness of a dish can be just as important as its taste. This is where the art of food plating comes into play. Food plating is the art of positioning and presenting food in an aesthetically attractive manner, creating a feast for both the eyes and the palate. 

From fine dining restaurants to home-cooked meals, the presentation of food has evolved into a form of expression and creativity. The way a dish is plated can enhance the flavors, textures, and overall dining experience for the consumer. As the saying goes, we eat with our eyes first, and food plating takes this concept to a different level.  

This article will cover the method of food plating and explore its role as an art form in the culinary industry, and as taught by culinary institutes like Astoria Culinary and Hospitality Institute (Astoria-ACHI). The principles, techniques, and trends behind food plating, and how it has become a crucial aspect of the dining experience will be covered.  

Elevate Dishes with Crafty Presentation

5 best food presentation techniques

The visual appeal of a dish plays a significant role in the overall dining experience. The art of food plating goes beyond simply arranging food on a plate; it is about creating a visual masterpiece that captures the essence of the dish. From the strategic placement of ingredients to the use of vibrant colors and textures, attentive plating can transform a simple dish into a work of art. 

Adopting the concept of culinary presentation allows aspiring chefs to showcase their creativity and take their dishes to new heights, and a better way to learn this is thru a culinary and hospitality school in Pasig like Astoria Culinary and Hospitality Institute (Astoria-ACHI). Astoria-ACHI is equipped with the necessary tools and has a roster of qualified and experienced trainers to teach its students the aesthetics of food presentation and different culinary disciplines. 

Utilize Color, Texture, and Balance

5 best food presentation techniques

When it comes to food plating, the utilization of color, texture, and balance plays a pivotal role in creating visually appealing and enticing dishes. Color selection can evoke certain emotions and set the tone for the dining experience. Vibrant hues can add a sense of energy and excitement, while muted tones create a more sophisticated and elegant feel. 

Texture, on the other hand, adds depth and contrast to the plate, adding visual interest and creating a multisensory experience for the diner. Finally, balance is key in creating a harmonious composition on the plate. Balancing the distribution of ingredients, shapes, and sizes ensures that no single element overpowers the others, resulting in a visually pleasing arrangement.

Experiment Creative Plating Techniques

5 best food presentation techniques

As a trainee of Astoria Culinary and Hospitality Institute (Astoria-ACHI) under the Astoria-ACHI Virtual Practicum (AVP) Program, it is essential to explore and experiment with creative plating techniques when it comes to producing dishes. A simple twist in positioning ingredients, such as layering, stacking, or scattering, can transform an ordinary dish into a visually stunning masterpiece. Utilizing tools like squeeze bottles, tweezers, and food rings can allow for precise placement and intricate designs, enhancing the overall presentation.  

Visually Enhance the Dining Experience

5 best food presentation techniques

Visual appeal plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall dining experience. A beautifully presented dish not only stimulates the appetite, but also adds an element of excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead. To achieve this, one can incorporate various techniques to create visually stunning plates.

The use of vibrant and contrasting colors, thoughtful arrangement of ingredients, and artistic garnishes can instantly elevate the visual appeal of a dish. Also, paying attention to the selection of serving vessels and plates that complement the cuisine’s style and theme can further enhance the aesthetic impact. 

Guests’ Impressions Last

5 best food presentation techniques

Creating impressive presentations goes beyond just the aesthetic appeal – it involves a thoughtful and strategic approach to engaging guests and leaving a lasting impression. A key strategy is incorporating elements of surprise and uniqueness into the presentation. This can be achieved through interactive components, such as live cooking stations or tableside preparations, that allow guests to witness the artistry and skill behind the dish. Another aspect to consider is storytelling through food presentation, where the arrangement and placement of ingredients tell a narrative or evoke a specific theme or emotion.

Food plating is much more than just arranging food on a plate. It is an art form that requires attention to detail, creativity, and a deep understanding of flavor and texture. Proper food plating can elevate a dish to new levels, creating a truly memorable dining experience. For culinary professionals, it is their responsibility to not only create delicious food, but also to present it in a visually appealing and enticing manner.

Culinary institutes like Astoria Culinary and Hospitality Institute (Astoria-ACHI) should be the top choice for Hotel Restaurant Management students requiring on-the-job training. These HRM OJT students, who aim to be the best and most artistic chefs in the industry, will find a second home in this institute which has some of the most competent trainers Manila has to offer.

Culinary and hospitality schools in Pasig like Astoria Culinary and Hospitality Institute (Astoria-ACHI) are equipped with the latest technology to service its growing clientele of school partners. Hundreds of Astoria-ACHI’s trainees have already advanced to becoming professionals in their chosen fields, thanks to the technology-backed training and expert trainers this tourism school offers.  

To know more about Astoria-ACHI’s programs, you may contact the following:   

E-mail: [email protected]   Landline: (02) 8788-1487   Mobile: (+63) 920-958-2032, (+63) 919-911-3957, (+63) 908-872-7925  

You may also visit this culinary institute at 15 J. Escriva Drive, Astoria Plaza, Ortigas Business District, Pasig City, 1600  

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Food Plating Techniques: Elevating Your Presentation

Want to take your culinary skills to the next level? Look no further than the art of food plating. In the world of gastronomy, presentation is just as important as taste. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a novice cook, mastering food plating techniques can elevate your dishes from ordinary to extraordinary. Join us as we explore the secrets behind creating visually stunning plates that will impress your guests and leave them wanting more.

Food Plating Techniques: Elevating Your Presentation

Table of Contents

1. Understanding the Importance of Food Presentation

Food presentation plays a vital role in enhancing the overall dining experience. It goes beyond just the taste and quality of the food; it involves the art of showcasing and presenting the dish in an appealing and visually stunning way. The way a dish is plated can elevate the entire eating experience, stimulating not only the taste buds but also the sight and even the sense of touch.

1.1 Enhancing the Dining Experience

Food presentation goes hand in hand with the enjoyment of a meal. The visual appeal of a well-plated dish can excite and entice you before you even take the first bite. When the presentation is thoughtfully executed, it can create a sense of anticipation and build excitement around the meal. By enhancing the dining experience, thoughtful food plating can leave a lasting impression and make the meal more memorable.

1.2 Creating Visual Appeal

A beautifully plated dish can be a work of art. The arrangement of colors, textures, and shapes on the plate can catch the eye and create a visually pleasing composition. It adds an aesthetic value to the dish that can be appreciated even before tasting it. Beautiful food presentation not only makes the meal more visually appealing but can also demonstrate the chef’s creativity and attention to detail.

1.3 Impressing Guests and Diners

Food presentation is especially crucial when it comes to entertaining guests or running a restaurant. The way a dish is presented can leave a lasting impression on guests and diners. When food is plated elegantly and creatively, it shows that the chef takes pride in their work and cares about providing a memorable experience. Impressing guests and diners with visually stunning dishes can lead to positive reviews, word of mouth recommendations, and repeat customers.

2. The Basic Principles of Food Plating

To create visually stunning dishes, understanding the basic principles of food plating is essential. These principles guide the arrangement of the elements on the plate and help create a harmonious and balanced composition.

2.1 Balance and Proportion

Balance and proportion are key principles in food plating. A balanced dish has an even distribution of elements and symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangements that visually appeal to the eye. Proportion refers to the sizes and proportions of the components and garnishes used in the dish. Ensuring that the portion sizes and ratios are visually pleasing and proportional enhances the overall presentation.

2.2 Color and Contrast

Color and contrast are powerful tools in food plating. Using a variety of vibrant and complementary colors can make a dish visually striking. Contrasting colors, such as a bright green herb against a dark brown sauce or a red tomato nestled next to a white component, create visual interest and make the dish pop. Selecting ingredients with naturally occurring contrasting colors can help achieve a visually appealing plate.

2.3 Texture and Height

Texture adds depth and dimension to a dish. Combining different textures, such as crispy, creamy, or crunchy elements, can create a more interesting eating experience. Additionally, creating different heights on the plate can add visual interest and dimension. Stacking or layering components can give the dish an elegant and sophisticated look.

2.4 Clean and Neat Presentation

A clean and neat presentation is crucial in food plating. Wiping the plate’s rim, ensuring that there are no drips or spills, and arranging the food in an organized and intentional manner creates a polished and professional appearance. Paying attention to these small details can elevate the overall presentation of the dish.

2.5 Use of White Space

White space refers to the empty areas on the plate. Using white space strategically can provide a visual break and enhance the focus on the main components of the dish. It also creates a sense of elegance and sophistication. Leaving space between components allows each element to stand out and be appreciated individually.

2.6 Plate Placement

Plate placement is the positioning of the dish on the plate. Placing the main component off-center, using the rule of thirds, can create a visually appealing composition. It adds asymmetry to the plate, making it more interesting to the eye. Additionally, considering the shape and size of the plate when placing the elements is essential for a well-balanced presentation.

Food Plating Techniques: Elevating Your Presentation

3. Plate Styles and Shapes

The choice of plate style and shape can greatly impact the overall presentation of a dish. The selection of the appropriate plate can enhance the visual appeal and complement the aesthetics of the food.

3.1 Round Plates

Round plates are the most common and versatile option. Their symmetrical shape allows for easy arrangement of components. They are suitable for a variety of cuisines and can create a classic and timeless look.

3.2 Square Plates

Square plates offer a modern and contemporary look. They provide a unique canvas for food presentation, allowing for creative and geometric arrangements. Square plates work well for dishes that have straight and clean lines.

3.3 Rectangular Plates

Rectangular plates are an excellent choice for elongated dishes such as sushi or for creating a sense of movement on the plate. They provide a sleek and visually interesting presentation that complements the shape of the food.

3.4 Oval Plates

Oval plates offer a sophisticated and elegant look. Their curved shape creates a soft and visually pleasing backdrop for various types of cuisine. Oval plates work particularly well for dishes with elongated or irregularly shaped components.

3.5 Specialty-Shaped Plates

Specialty-shaped plates, such as leaf-shaped or fish-shaped plates, can add a playful and whimsical touch to food presentation. These unique shapes can enhance the visual appeal and create a memorable dining experience.

4. Utensils and Tools for Food Plating

Having the right utensils and tools is essential for precise and creative food plating. The following tools are commonly used by chefs to achieve aesthetically pleasing presentations:

4.1 Chef’s Knife

A sharp chef’s knife is a fundamental tool for food preparation and plating. It allows for clean and precise cuts, ensuring that the ingredients are uniform in size and shape.

4.2 Offset Spatula

An offset spatula is ideal for carefully transferring and placing delicate components onto the plate. Its angled design and thin blade allow for precise control and prevent damage or disturbance to the arrangement.

4.3 Plating Spoons

Plating spoons come in various shapes and sizes and are used for precise placement and arrangement of sauces, purees, and smaller food items. They allow for controlled pouring and scooping of ingredients.

4.4 Tweezers

Tweezers are a versatile tool for food plating. They are used for precise positioning of delicate elements, such as edible flowers or microgreens. Tweezers provide the chef with full control over placement.

4.5 Decorating Pens

Decorating pens, filled with edible ink, are used to add decorative details or write messages on the plate. They offer precision and creativity in creating intricate designs or personalized touches.

4.6 Culinary Brushes

Culinary brushes are used to apply sauces or glazes to the plate or directly onto the food. They allow for controlled and precise brushing, resulting in clean lines and an even distribution of the sauce.

By utilizing these tools, chefs can create visually stunning plates that are not only delicious but look impressive as well.

Food Plating Techniques: Elevating Your Presentation

5. Techniques for Arranging Food on the Plate

The arrangement of food on the plate can greatly impact the overall visual presentation. Chefs employ various techniques to create visually appealing compositions:

5.1 The Classic Elegant Stack

The classic elegant stack involves layering components on top of one another to create height and visual interest. This technique works well with ingredients of different colors and textures. Ensuring that each layer is well-defined and stabilized provides an aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound presentation.

5.2 The Freeform or Organic Style

The freeform or organic style involves arranging the components in a natural and flowing manner, similar to the appearance of food in its natural state. This technique creates a more relaxed and casual presentation, allowing the ingredients to shine on their own merit.

5.3 The Geometric Composition

The geometric composition technique involves arranging the food in clean lines and precise shapes, such as squares, triangles, or circles. This approach creates a visually striking and contemporary look. The use of rulers or guides can help achieve perfectly straight lines and sharp angles.

5.4 The Spiral or Swirl Pattern

The spiral or swirl pattern technique involves arranging the food in a circular or spiral shape. This technique adds movement and visual interest to the plate, drawing the eye towards the focal point. It works particularly well with saucy or pureed components.

5.5 The Diagonal or Chevron Layout

The diagonal or chevron layout technique involves arranging the food in a diagonal or zigzag pattern across the plate. This technique adds energy and dynamic movement to the presentation. It is visually appealing and creates a sense of excitement.

6. Garnishing and Decorating Techniques

Garnishing and decorating are the finishing touches that bring a dish to life. These techniques add visual interest and enhance the overall presentation:

6.1 Herb Sprinkles or Microgreens

Herb sprinkles or microgreens are used to add a touch of freshness and vibrant color to a dish. Sprinkling chopped herbs or scattering microgreens on top of a finished plate can provide an appealing contrast and aroma.

6.2 Edible Flowers

Edible flowers are used to add an elegant and visually stunning element to a dish. They come in various colors and shapes and can be used as a focal point or scattered around the plate for added beauty and delicacy.

6.3 Sauce Drizzles or Swirls

Sauce drizzles or swirls are an effective way to add artistic flair to a plate. By using a spoon or squeeze bottle, chefs can create decorative patterns or abstract designs with sauces. This technique adds depth and visual interest to the presentation.

6.4 Powders and Dustings

Powders and dustings, such as cocoa powder, powdered sugar, or spice blends, can be used to enhance the appearance of a dish. By carefully dusting these elements over the plate, chefs can create visual accents, add flavor, and highlight specific components.

6.5 Crispy and Crunchy Toppings

Adding crispy or crunchy toppings, such as toasted nuts or fried shallots, can provide textural contrast to a dish. They can also serve as visual accents, adding depth and complexity to the overall composition.

6.6 Edible Arrangements

Edible arrangements involve creatively arranging edible components, such as fruit slices or vegetable ribbons, into decorative shapes or designs. These artistic displays make the dish visually captivating and demonstrate the chef’s attention to detail.

7. Incorporating Color and Texture into Plating

Incorporating color and texture into plating is essential for creating visually appealing dishes. The following techniques can help achieve vibrant and textured compositions:

7.1 Using Vibrant Fresh Ingredients

Using a variety of fresh and vibrant ingredients can add color and visual appeal to a dish. Incorporating colorful fruits, vegetables, and herbs can instantly brighten the plate and make it more visually enticing.

7.2 Incorporating Different Textures

Combining different textures, such as smooth and creamy with crispy and crunchy, creates an enjoyable and dynamic eating experience. Incorporating textural contrasts in a dish can be done by adding crispy garnishes, creamy sauces, or velvety purees.

7.3 Contrasting Colors

Contrasting colors can create visual impact and make a dish stand out. Pairing complementary colors, such as red and green or blue and orange, creates a visually appealing composition. Color wheel guidelines can be used to select contrasting colors that work well together.

7.4 Seasonal Color Themes

Using seasonal color themes adds excitement and freshness to a dish. By utilizing ingredients that are in season, chefs can create visually appealing plates that reflect the colors and flavors of a particular season. For example, incorporating bright and vibrant colors in summer or warm and earthy tones in autumn.

8. Tips for Plate Placement and Negative Space

Plate placement and negative space are important considerations for creating a visually balanced and appealing presentation:

8.1 Focal Point and Plate Anchoring

Identifying a focal point helps guide the arrangement of the components on the plate. Placing the main ingredient or the star of the dish in a prominent position creates a visual anchor for the plate. Building the composition around the focal point ensures that it receives the attention it deserves.

8.2 Balancing Elements with White Space

White space, or negative space, is the empty area on the plate. Utilizing white space effectively can create balance and harmony within the composition. A well-structured arrangement that allows for appropriate spacing between components enhances the visual appeal and prevents overcrowding.

8.3 Guiding the Eye

The arrangement of components can guide the eye and draw attention to specific elements on the plate. Placing components in a linear fashion or creating visual lines can guide the eye from one element to the next. This technique adds flow and movement to the presentation and ensures that each component is noticed.

9. Creative Plating Techniques for Specific Dishes

Different dishes require different plating techniques to showcase their unique characteristics. Here are some creative plating techniques for specific types of dishes:

9.1 Pasta and Noodle Dishes

For pasta and noodle dishes, consider twirling the pasta or arranging it in a nest-like shape. Topping it with herbs or a sprinkle of grated cheese can add visual interest. Additionally, incorporating colorful vegetables or contrasting sauces can make the dish more visually appealing.

9.2 Seafood Plating Techniques

Seafood dishes can be plated by arranging the seafood on a bed of vegetables or grains, such as risotto or quinoa. Garnishing with thinly sliced citrus fruits or edible flowers can add freshness and visual appeal. Consider adding a drizzle of sauce or placing the seafood in a sauce-filled shell to elevate the presentation.

9.3 Dessert and Sweet Treats

Desserts and sweet treats are an opportunity to showcase creativity and playfulness. Consider layering ingredients or creating decorative patterns using whipped cream or sauces. Garnish with edible flowers, dust with powdered sugar, or add chocolate shavings for an elegant finishing touch.

9.4 Salads and Vegetable Plating

Salads and vegetable dishes can be plated using the freeform or organic style to mimic the natural shape of the ingredients. Consider arranging the ingredients in a circular pattern or stacking them for height. Incorporating colorful vegetables and toppings, such as nuts or seeds, can create a visually appealing and nutritious dish.

9.5 Meat and Poultry Plating Styles

Meat and poultry dishes can be plated by slicing the protein and arranging it on the plate in an artistic manner. Consider drizzling a sauce around the components or using a ring mold to shape side dishes. Garnishing with herbs or sprinkling with spices can add flavor and visual appeal.

10. Experimenting with Modern and Avant-Garde Plating

For chefs who want to push the boundaries of traditional food plating, experimenting with modern and avant-garde techniques can create unique and visually stunning presentations:

10.1 Deconstructing Traditional Dishes

Deconstructing traditional dishes involves presenting the components of a dish separately, often in a visually striking and unconventional manner. This technique allows diners to experience flavors and textures individually, creating a new and exciting perspective on familiar dishes.

10.2 Playing with Asymmetry

Asymmetrical plating involves intentionally arranging the components off-center or at different angles, creating a visually dynamic presentation. It breaks away from the traditional symmetrical arrangements and adds an element of surprise and modernism to the plate.

10.3 Using Non-Traditional Elements

Incorporating non-traditional elements, such as unconventional tableware or surprising textures, can add an unexpected twist to a dish. Using unique serving vessels, like seashells or glass orbs, or utilizing molecular gastronomy techniques, can create visually stunning and memorable presentations.

10.4 Fusion and Cross-Cultural Plating

Fusion and cross-cultural plating involve blending ingredients and techniques from different culinary traditions. By combining elements from various cuisines, new and exciting compositions can be created, showcasing the diversity and creativity in the culinary world.

By experimenting with modern and avant-garde plating, chefs can push their boundaries, challenge culinary norms, and create unique dining experiences that captivate and delight their guests.

In conclusion, food presentation is an essential aspect of the culinary experience. By understanding the principles of food plating, utilizing the right tools, and employing various techniques, chefs can elevate their presentations to new heights. Whether it’s through the arrangement of ingredients, creative garnishes, or the choice of plate style, food presentation has the power to enhance the overall dining experience, impress guests, and turn a simple meal into a visually stunning work of art. So unleash your creativity, experiment with different techniques, and elevate your food plating skills to create unforgettable dining experiences.

20 Tips for How to Sleep Better

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Staff Writer

Eric Suni has over a decade of experience as a science writer and was previously an information specialist for the National Cancer Institute.

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Dr. Abhinav Singh

Sleep Medicine Physician

Dr. Singh is the Medical Director of the Indiana Sleep Center. His research and clinical practice focuses on the entire myriad of sleep disorders.

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Despite how important sleep is to physical and mental well-being, you may find it challenging to get enough quality sleep each night. The impact of poor sleep can be felt in all areas of your life. The sleep habits you follow each day – known as sleep hygiene – can have a positive effect on how well you sleep.

We take a closer look at how to sleep better, with clear steps to improve your sleep habits. From evaluating your bedroom environment to optimizing your sleep schedule, our approach to getting better sleep includes specific actions that you can take to make it easier to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling well rested.

1. Invest in a Better Mattress and Bedding

Having the best mattress for your needs and preferences is vital to making sure that you are comfortable enough to relax. Investing in a supportive mattress and pillow helps ensure that your spine gets proper support to avoid aches and pains.Your sheets and blankets play a major role in helping your bed feel inviting. Look for bedding that feels comfortable to the touch and that will help maintain a comfortable temperature during the night.

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2. Block Out Light

Excess light exposure can throw off your sleep and circadian rhythm . Blackout curtains over your windows or a sleep mask over your eyes can block light and prevent it from interfering with your rest. Avoiding bright light can help you transition to bedtime and contribute to your body’s production of melatonin , a hormone that promotes sleep.

3. Minimize Noise

Keeping noise to a minimum is an important part of building a sleep-friendly bedroom. If you cannot eliminate nearby sources of noise, consider drowning them out with a fan or white noise machine. Earplugs or headphones are another option to stop sounds from bothering you when you want to sleep.

4. Set the Thermostat to 65 to 68 Degrees Fahrenheit

You do not want your bedroom temperature to be a distraction by feeling too hot or too cold. The ideal temperature can vary based on the individual, but most research supports sleeping in a cooler room that is around 65 to 68 degrees.

5. Get at Least Seven Hours of Sleep

If you want to make sure that you’re getting the recommended amount of sleep each night , then you need to build that time into your schedule. Considering your fixed wake-up time, work backward and identify a target bedtime that allows for at least seven hours Trusted Source National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. View Source of sleep. Whenever possible, give yourself extra time before bed to get ready for sleep.

6 . Set Your Alarm for the Same Time Each Day

It is close to impossible for your body to get accustomed to a healthy sleep routine if you are constantly waking up at different times. Pick a wake-up time and stick with it, even on weekends or other days when you would otherwise be tempted to sleep in.

7. Keep Naps Around 20 Minutes

To sleep better at night, it is important to use caution with naps. If you nap for too long or too late in the day, it can throw off your sleep schedule and make it harder to get to sleep when you want to. The best time to nap is shortly after lunch in the early afternoon, and the best nap length is around 20 minutes.

8. Relax for 30 Minutes Before Bed

It is much easier to fall asleep if you are at ease. Quiet reading, low-impact stretching, listening to soothing music, and relaxation exercises are examples of ways to get into the right frame of mind for sleep. Focus on trying to relax Trusted Source UpToDate More than 2 million healthcare providers around the world choose UpToDate to help make appropriate care decisions and drive better health outcomes. UpToDate delivers evidence-based clinical decision support that is clear, actionable, and rich with real-world insights. View Source instead of trying to fall asleep. Controlled breathing, mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery are examples of relaxation methods that can help ease you into sleep Trusted Source National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. View Source .

9. Disconnect Devices in the Hour Before Bed

Tablets, smartphones, and laptops can keep your brain wired, making it hard to truly wind down. The light from these electronic devices can also suppress your natural production of melatonin. As much as possible, try to disconnect for an hour or more before going to bed.

10. Get 30 Minutes of Natural Light Exposure

The body’s internal clock is regulated by light exposure . Sunlight has a strong effect Trusted Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats. View Source , so try to take in daylight by getting outside or opening up windows or blinds to natural light. Getting a dose of natural light early in the day can help normalize your circadian rhythm. If natural light is not an option, you can talk with your doctor about using a light therapy box.

11. Exercise for at Least 20 Minutes Each Day

Daily exercise has many benefits for health, and the changes it initiates in energy use and body temperature can promote solid sleep . Most experts advise against intense exercise close to bedtime because it may hinder your body’s ability to effectively settle down before sleep.

12. Limit Caffeine After 2 p.m.

Caffeinated drinks, including coffee, tea, and sodas, are among the most popular beverages in the world. Some people are tempted to use the jolt of energy from caffeine to try to overcome daytime sleepiness, but that approach is not sustainable and can cause long-term sleep deprivation. To avoid this, keep an eye on your caffeine intake and avoid it later in the day when it can be a barrier to falling asleep.

13. Be Mindful of Alcohol in the Hour Before Bedtime

Alcohol can induce drowsiness, so some people are keen on a nightcap before bed. Unfortunately, alcohol affects the brain in ways that can lower sleep quality, making it best to avoid alcohol in the lead-up to bedtime.

Pie charts showing how likely different amounts of alcohol will impact your sleep quality.

14. Eat Dinner a Few Hours Before Bed

It can be harder to fall asleep if your body is still digesting a big dinner. To keep food-based sleep disruptions to a minimum, try to avoid late dinners and minimize especially fatty or spicy foods. If you need an evening snack, opt for something light.

15. Limit Nicotine Use and Smoke Exposure

Exposure to smoke, including secondhand smoke, has been associated with a range of sleeping problems Trusted Source National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. View Source including difficulty falling asleep and fragmented sleep. Nicotine is a stimulant, and evening nicotine use in particular has been found to disrupt sleep Trusted Source Administration for Community Living The Administration for Community Living was created around the fundamental principle that older adults and people of all ages with disabilities should be able to live where they choose, with the people they choose, and with the ability to participate fully in their communities. View Source .

16. Reserve Your Bed for Sleep and Sex Only

If you have a comfortable bed, you may be tempted to spend your leisure time in it, but this can actually cause problems at bedtime. You want a strong mental association between your bed and sleep, so try to keep activities in your bed limited strictly to sleep and sex.

17. Get Out of Bed After 20 Minutes

You want to avoid a connection in your mind between your bed and frustration from sleeplessness. This means that if you have spent around 20 minutes in bed without being able to fall asleep, it is best to get out of bed and do something relaxing in low light. Avoid checking the time or using electronics and return to bed once you feel tired.

18. Keep a Sleep Diary

A daily sleep journal can help you keep track of how well you are sleeping and identify factors that might be helping or hurting your sleep. If you are testing out a new sleep schedule or other sleep hygiene changes, your sleep diary can help document how well it is working.

5 best food presentation techniques

19. Consider Supplements

In addition to improving overall sleep hygiene, you may want to discuss the use of supplements with your doctor. Melatonin supplements are commonly used to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. Other natural sleep aids include valerian, chamomile, and glycine. Since dietary supplements are not closely regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, it is important to take steps to ensure you are purchasing reputable sleep supplements .

20. Talk With a Doctor

Your doctor is in the best position to offer detailed and personalized advice if you experience serious difficulties sleeping. Talk with your doctor if you find that your sleep problems are worsening, persisting over the long-term, affecting your health and safety, or if they occur alongside other unexplained health problems. They can provide additional guidance and treat any underlying conditions.

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References 7 sources.

Consensus Conference Panel, Watson, N. F., Badr, M. S., Belenky, G., Bliwise, D. L., Buxton, O. M., Buysse, D., Dinges, D. F., Gangwisch, J., Grandner, M. A., Kushida, C., Malhotra, R. K., Martin, J. L., Patel, S. R., Quan, S. F., Tasali, E., Non-Participating Observers, Twery, M., Croft, J. B., Maher, E., … Heald, J. L. (2015). Recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult: A joint consensus statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 11(6), 591–592.

Martin, J. (2021, December 3). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in adults. In R. Benca (Ed.). UpToDate., Retrieved May 19, 2023, from

Jerath, R., Beveridge, C., & Barnes, V. A. (2019). Self-regulation of breathing as an adjunctive treatment of insomnia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 780.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2023, April 13). Effects of light on circadian rhythms. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention., Retrieved May 19, 2023, from

Zandy, M., Chang, V., Rao, D. P., & Do, M. T. (2020). Tobacco smoke exposure and sleep: Estimating the association of urinary cotinine with sleep quality. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice, 40(3), 70–80.

Maski, K. (2022, May 23). Insufficient sleep: Evaluation and management. In T. E. Scammell (Ed.). UpToDate., Retrieved May 19. 2023, from

Neubauer, D. N. (2022, May 18). Pharmacotherapy for insomnia in adults. In R. Benca & J. G. Elmore (Eds.). UpToDate., Retrieved May 19, 2023, from

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Presentation Skills: 16 tips for effective presentations


A successful presentation requires good presentation skills and effective presentation techniques. Here we provide you with 15 presentation tips for effective presentations. Whether you are an experienced presenter, or just starting out, there should be ideas here to help you improve your presentation skills.

Presenting successfully: 16 tips to improve your presentation skills and give a killer presentation 

How do you give a good presentation this is how to succeed.

In order to be able to present successfully, not only the layout and the content of the presentation must be convincing. The decisive step is to convey the content of the presentation to the audience in the best possible way by presenting it correctly. The tips listed below should help you do this by improving your presentation skills. The most important thing to keep in mind is a healthy combination of the tips listed below. (The order of the tips does not give any information about their importance).

Not every tip will lead to a successful presentation. What is important in a presentation?

As mentioned earlier, you should try to implement a combination of the tips to give a successful presentation. It should be noted that not every one of these tips needs to fit in your own presentation. In addition, too many of these tips can make the presentation look overloaded and too "rehearsed". Therefore, think carefully in advance about what you want to pay particular attention to.

Here are 16 tips for killer presentations:

Tip 1: maintain eye contact while presenting and smile.

In order to give each of your listeners the feeling of being important and to make them feel personally addressed, it is particularly important to maintain eye contact with the audience during the presentation. Not only does this exude confidence, but it also helps your audience to connect with you and your subject. It also helps you feel less nervous.  Easier said than done right? Here's what can help:

Find someone in the audience who seems to be genuinely interested in the topic and is listening attentively (for example, your lecturer). Make eye contact with this person at the beginning of the presentation. Once you start feeling more calm and confident let your gaze drift over the audience to address the other listeners as well. Keep returning your gaze to the initial person to stay calm throughout the whole presentation.

Another alternative is to find a fixed point in the room (preferably on the wall behind the audience) which you fix at the beginning of the presentation. Similar to the first example, after you have achieved confidence, you can let your gaze wander over the audience and return to the previously selected fixed point again and again.

Don't look at the screen! Don't look at the floor! Don't just look at your index cards! Don't just look at the laptop!

Tip 2: Use of gestures and facial expressions

To emphasize the content of your presentation, it is advisable to use appropriate gestures and body language to get your message across. Avoid crossed arms, hands behind your back, or in your pockets during a presentation.  Always stand up straight, and try not to appear tense or stressed. You can do that by using your hands and arms to emphasize what you are saying and get your message across.  Your facial expressions should always be friendly and open. Smile and show that you enjoy the topic and you are confident in the information you are presenting.

Tip 3: Avoid distractions

Often you will not be able to avoid the use of aids. For example, you may need to use a laser pointer to show something on the screen, or you may need to use a pen to write something down on a flipchart. To avoid distractions for you and the audience, get into the habit of putting down tools you don't need! That way you will not be tempted to deal with them in the first place. You will also have your hands free for gestures.

Tip 4: Be prepared: Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect, right? If you prepare well before the presentation, you will feel more relaxed and confident while presenting and it will also improve your body language. 

Here are some ways to help you prepare for a presentation:

Rehearse in front of a crowd

Time yourself

Record yourself

Tip 5: Be confident

By appearing self-confident, you convey to the listener that you are confident in your topic and have prepared yourself sufficiently. Try to relax and not appear too stressed or nervous. Another tip for advanced speakers: Step out in front of the podium and walk around the room and get closer to the audience. This also exudes self-confidence and helps in attracting your audience's attention.

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Tip 6: Effective beginning/end

Good presentation skills can help you in captivating your audience straight away. In order to do that, you should start your presentation with a bang. Many studies show that if you can capture someone’s interest straight away, there’s a good chance they’ll listen to the rest of the presentation. Shock the audience, ask them to imagine something or think of a what-if situation, share a personal story, share a joke, u se a quote, or a video. You should also give an overview of the time and structure of your presentation. This outline should run through your presentation so that you can always assign the individual contents to an outline point. It is also helpful for your audience to have the outline displayed in a slimmed-down form during the whole presentation.

How you end the presentation is as important as how you start it. A weak ending will leave the audience uninspired. But a good ending will motivate them and help them walk away on a positive note. For example, include a call to action, end the presentation with a memorable quote, or a personal story, and don't forget to thank and acknowledge the audience. 

Tip 7: Speak freely

The headline speaks for itself. To make the presentation as lively and enjoyable as possible, you should avoid reading it off. Speak freely, slowly, and clearly. If you are not yet confident in what you are presenting, try using note cards. But keep in mind: No continuous text, but only short, concise bullet points! If you use note cards to support you, it is especially advisable at this point to memorize at least the beginning and end of your presentation, as eye contact is crucial at these points.

Tip 8: Avoid filler words

In order to make your presentation flow as smoothly and confidently as possible, you should avoid using filler words such as "um," "so," and so on. For your listeners, these words convey insecurity and inadequate preparation.

Tip 9: Bring along something to share

In addition to a handout, other small takeaways can also significantly improve your presentation. For example, if you are giving a presentation on gummy bears, why not offer some to your audience? If you are giving a presentation about your fishing hobby, why not show the audience your fishing equipment?

Tip 10: Use different types of media

A presentation can quickly become boring and monotonous. To avoid this, it is advisable to use different types of media. For example, combine videos and flipcharts, use the whiteboard, or show something practical on a model. This will increase the attention of your audience enormously and will help in keeping them engaged until the end.

Tip 11: Use effective pauses

When giving a presentation, you should keep in mind that you have already heard the content several times - your audience probably hasn't! Therefore, give your audience enough time to read and understand the content of your slides.

Effective use of speech pauses is a master technique. It is one of the most versatile tools in a presenter's toolbox. Yet very few people perform it well. A pause, if used correctly, can add a great deal to your presentation or speech. Pause before, during, or after saying something that you would like to emphasize. Pausing between two different parts of your presentation can indicate to the audience that something new is coming. A quick pause could also help you in remembering your next point, without the audience noticing that you forgot what to say.

Tip 12: Speak the language of the audience

When creating your presentation, you should already think about your target audience. This will help you present successfully later on. It is especially important that you speak the language of the audience. Use appropriate and relevant examples. Use "strong" and meaningful words in short sentences to avoid losing the audience. Make sure to use appropriate analogies and anecdotes and avoid foreign words, empty phrases, and clichés. If you have to use foreign words, explain them in a handout or footnote within the presentation.

Tip 13: Engage with the audience

Always try to keep the attention of your audience and keep them engaged during a presentation. To do this, it is advisable to regularly involve the audience. One way to do this is to ask questions. Deliberately ask "easy" questions so that can easily be answered by your audience. Another way to involve the audience in your presentation is by interacting with them. To make a point clearer, you can use an example to explain it in more detail, using a person (whose name you should know). You can address participants directly and refer to their work.

Tip 14: Don't fight the stage fright & take deep breaths

Stage fright is one of the biggest enemies of a presentation, yet you shouldn't let yourself be a victim of your feat. Do not fight it, rather address your fear and try and accept it, and transform it into positive enthusiasm. Don't let your stage fright get you all worked up and nervous. Take a couple of deep breaths to get oxygen to your brain and relax your body.

Tip 15: Choose the right angle on standing during a presentation

One of the most frequent questions that speakers ask themselves during a presentation is, how do I best position myself, and where do I stand in front of the audience?

You have a free stage without a podium

In many cases, you will be facing your audience in a "free space", without a podium. This gives you a lot of room to move, but at the same time, it creates uncertainty because you don't know how to position yourself properly or how to move. Avoid standing frontally in front of the audience! This frontal facing is unconsciously perceived negatively by the audience. It is perceived by the audience as a kind of frontal attack and causes stress in your audience. Make sure to stand slightly to the side of the audience. If you notice during the presentation that you are again standing frontally in front of your audience, simply move your right or left foot 20 cm forward.

You have a podium at your disposal

A podium makes it easier to decide how to position yourself and where to stand in front of the audience. In order not to make your presentation too monotonous, it is advisable to leave the "safe position" behind the lectern from time to time, e.g. to walk to the other side of the screen or to show something on the flipchart. This brings movement into your presentation and helps keep the connection with your audience.

Tip 16: Create something with the whiteboard during the lecture

PowerPoint is no longer the tool of choice for a successful presentation. Photo collages, company logos on every slide and flashing text boxes often distract from the essentials. A presentation convinces the audience especially when they witness how something is being created. In addition to the classic flipchart, the whiteboard is recommended for this purpose. This is because diagrams, keywords and the results of a brainstorming session are written in real time on a whiteboard. Board markers allow a wide range of colors and the magnetic property of pinning additional information. The result of the presentation produced in this way is remembered longer than ready-made slides.

Björn Rolleter

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How to Create a Multimedia Presentation (& Tools to Use)

How to Create a Multimedia Presentation (& Tools to Use)

Written by: Orana Velarde

5 best food presentation techniques

A multimedia presentation can help you stand out, grab attention and leave a stronger impact on the audience. If you're wondering how to create a multimedia presentation without having to spend hours editing on PowerPoint, you're at the right place.

In this guide, you’re going to learn about:

  • What a multimedia presentation is.
  • The steps to creating a visually appealing multimedia presentation.
  • Some good examples of multimedia presentations and why they work.
  • The best multimedia presentation tools you can use to get started.

Sounds good? Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

What is a multimedia presentation, how to create a multimedia presentation in 5 steps.

  • 7 Examples of Multimedia Presentations
  • The 5 Best Multimedia Presentation Software to Help You Get Started

If you prefer watching over reading, here’s the video version of this article on how to create a multimedia presentation.

5 best food presentation techniques

A multimedia presentation is a type of presentation that uses several different forms of digital communication, such as video, interactive slides , audio clips, music and more, to get the message across.

In short, multimedia presentations go beyond the use of text and images. Including digital media like animation, video, audio, or interactive features like forms, popups and more can help enrich your presentations both visually and content-wise.

While you can create basic multimedia presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint, there are much more innovative and modern tools out there to help you create even better presentations, like Visme .

Visme's presentation software offers plenty of tools to create multimedia presentations. From video embeds to voiceovers to interactivity animated features, you'll find it all in one, robust platform.

Keep reading to find out how you can create an unforgettable multimedia experience with Visme.

Creating a multimedia presentation isn’t difficult, you just need the right tools. In fact, it’s as easy as the six steps in the tutorial below.

5 best food presentation techniques

Step #1: Define the purpose of your multimedia presentation.

Before you can start creating a multimedia presentation, you need to know exactly what you’ll be presenting about and why.

Jot down some ideas about what you want to achieve with your presentation.

  • Want to add value to an evergreen landing page?
  • Hope to get more people interested in your content or services?
  • Wish to impart knowledge to your readers in a meaningful way?
  • Need to create a pitch deck that inspires investors in your project?
  • Want to report sales or business results in a unique way?
  • Need to present survey results that don’t bore your audience?

You can achieve all of the above with a multimedia presentation.

Just make sure to have all the information you need to present in an orderly fashion so it’s easier when it’s time to create.

Step #2: Outline the content with visualization ideas.

Now that you have everything planned out and all your content is ready to be put into a slide deck, it's time to create an outline.

While creating the outline, think of ways that you can improve the story using different mediums.

For example:

  • Explainer videos
  • Video clips
  • Animated GIFs
  • Interactivity between slides
  • Color-coded maps
  • Google Maps
  • Animated charts
  • Loom videos
  • Sound effects
  • Embedded third-party content
  • Background music
  • Ted Talk video embeds

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

Sign up. It’s free.

5 best food presentation techniques

Step #3: Select a presentation template and add your content.

Now, log into your Visme dashboard and find a presentation template that will be perfect for your project. There are lots of choices, from pre-designed presentations to customizable slide libraries in different styles.

In the case of a multimedia presentation, we recommend you go with one of the slide libraries. Slide libraries can also be referred to as presentation themes.

Visme has three presentation themes:

  • Modern: Sleek and unique
  • Simple: Clean cut and no-frills
  • Creative: Off the cuff and interesting

Each theme comes with a large slide library with hundreds of different options. You can mix-and-match slides to create your own, unique multimedia presentation.

5 best food presentation techniques

The slides in Visme's presentation themes are organized into groups, such as:

  • Introduction
  • Comparisons
  • Testimonials
  • ...and more.

We suggest you add all the blank slides you need by following the outline you made in the previous step. Then, input the general content, images, backgrounds and design assets.

Next, add your logo, brand colors, fonts and branded imagery. When you have a Visme Brand Kit, that step can’t be any easier. The fonts are already set up in your editor as are the colors.

Use Dynamic Field to ensure your important data is consistent and updated across all your slides and projects. Once you place your information in the custom field , it will automatically appear on other slides containing the value.

Alternatively, create your presentation from scratch by starting with a blank canvas. Visme also offers content blocks and element groups to help you create a good presentation.

Presentation Templates

5 best food presentation techniques

Ecommerce Webinar Presentation

5 best food presentation techniques

Buyer Presentation

5 best food presentation techniques

PixelGo Marketing Plan Presentation

5 best food presentation techniques

Product Training Interactive Presentation

5 best food presentation techniques

Company Ethics Presentation

5 best food presentation techniques

Work+Biz Pitch Deck - Presentation

Create your presentation View more templates

Step #4: Add multimedia content.

At this stage, your presentation probably looks good-looking, but static. Let’s make it interactive by adding unique multimedia presentation tools.

Start adding multimedia content to the slides that need it. Follow your outline and visualization idea notes.

You don’t need to add a different type of media on each slide — that’s overwhelming. Aim for two or three types of media spread throughout the presentation to keep a balance.

  • A narration can cover all the slides and it should flow seamlessly.
  • Interactive slides with links to the main slide or other sections need to be well-organized and easy to navigate.
  • Videos shouldn’t be on every slide. There needs to be breathing space between videos so it's not overwhelming.
  • Animated charts don’t need to be surrounded by too much content. Let them shine on their own.
  • Surveys should have their own slide with a previous slide explaining why there’s a survey in the first place.
  • Embed content on any slide and make it fit visually with the rest of the content.

Step #5: Review, download and share.

When you’ve added all your content, both regular and multimedia, it’s time to revise. Click on the “present” button on the top-right of your editor and take a look at your presentation as if you were a viewer.

As you go through every slide, take notes if you spot anything that looks off or unfinished. Then, go back and edit those slides until the presentation is just right.

Multimedia presentations can be presented or shared in several ways. For interactive presentations that include clicking or filling in forms, give your audience the best experience by:

  • Embedding the presentation into a website
  • Sharing the presentation with a live link
  • Downloading the presentation as an HTML5 file

designing infographics - download your infographic

Presentations that don’t require your audience to interact can be downloaded as videos and even editable PowerPoint files.

When you share a Visme multimedia presentation via a live link, you can track the analytics of who watched it, for how long and where. This adds another level to your team’s content creation.

Another option is to upload your presentation to SlideShare where other people can see your work. SlideShare presentations can easily be shared on social media as well.

Examples of Multimedia Presentations

Are you ready to create your own multimedia presentation?

Before you get to it, let’s look at some inspiring examples. Below, you’ll find some stunning Visme presentations, some of which are templates that you can customize for your own use.

We have also included some examples of presentations from other sources that we found interesting.

Example #1: Presentation with GIFs

You can quickly create simple and beautiful multimedia presentations with GIFs. At Visme, we regularly create multimedia presentations with GIFs to present new features and updates.

Check out one of our recent ones:

Made with Visme Presentation Maker

We create our custom GIFs, which you can also do using our GIF maker !

If you don’t have the time or resources for that, Visme has a GIPHY integration, which lets you search through millions of GIFs in lots of different styles inside the editor.

Integrate GIFs with content that complements, not competes with it.

Also, don’t overload your presentation with GIFs, especially if they are all different. Stick to one style of GIF throughout to maintain visual consistency.

Example #2: Animations and Narration

This is an example of a multimedia presentation that uses animations to liven up the story and the slides.

This is the type of presentation that can be easily turned into a video.  Each slide can have animated objects, illustrations, text and design assets.

Impact Radius from Fab Design on Vimeo .

You can create a presentation like this with Visme quite easily.

Simply record your voiceover on each slide and download it as a video. If you already have a voiceover from a project, upload it into your presentation project and trim the audio as needed.

Example #3: Narrators and Video

This presentation is on the shorter side. This narrated presentation includes a balanced amount of media, such as images, videos, annotations and animation and charts.

It’s also presented as a video for easy viewing. A multimedia presentation video like this one takes more work than others, as it has a large amount of content.

Example #4: Interactive Charts and Music

Multimedia presentations for business reports are more engaging with interactive charts. Visme charts are animated by default but you can add more interactivity with popups and links .

Top it all off with a music clip that doesn’t overwhelm or distract from the content of the presentation.

Example #5: Video

Adding video to presentations is one of the easiest ways to create a multimedia video presentation. Here's an example of a slide created in Visme that includes a YouTube video. Go ahead and press play to see it in action!

Embed YouTube videos or Vimeo videos easily by simply inputting the video URL.

Upload your own video, use the Visme video editing tools to trim the clip to how you need it. Select from our gallery of video clips to add as backgrounds behind other content.

Example #6: Zoomable Presentation with Video

This is a Prezi multimedia presentation about The Red Bull Stratosphere Jump.

It has a classic Prezi feel and navigation plus videos of the event. Not every presentation warrants this level of multimedia or interactivity but for a brand like Red Bull, it makes sense.

This style of presentation can be created with Prezi quite easily. They have a number of templates that you can use to create a multimedia presentation with a zoomable navigation style.

Example #7: Survey and Embedded PDF

The last example is a little different. It includes an integrated survey and embedded PDF. This is the perfect multimedia presentation to include in a blog post or on a website.

Take a look below at how a survey works inside a presentation and how an embedded PDF can be integrated with other content.

The 4 Best Multimedia Presentation Software to Get You Started

To create multimedia presentations, you need the right tools.

Below are four tools to help you create engaging multimedia presentations.

Software #1: Visme

5 best food presentation techniques

The first software on the list is Visme. The varied collection of integrations in our editor is just the right combination to create a multimedia presentation that will make an impact.

Usually, you need more than one software to create an engaging multimedia presentation. But if you're looking for a software that does it all, Visme's presentation maker is a great option.

Users have always been able to create multimedia presentations with Visme, especially with videos, animations and voiceovers.

But recently, we've added new features and AI-powered tools, including the Visme AI Designer . This tool will help you to create unique multimedia presentations in a matter of minutes rather than hours. 

Create complete or customizable designs by answering questions or using a single prompt concerning your topic. Once your presentation is generated, edit images, add interactive elements like links, GIFs, surveys,   interactive maps , and animation, plus integrate your current tech pack and tools if needed. 

5 best food presentation techniques

Software #2: Wistia

5 best food presentation techniques

Wistia is a video hosting, management and marketing software for businesses who want to have more control over their video content.

Embedding video is one of the quickest ways to create a multimedia presentation. If you're creating your presentation in Visme, you can easily embed Wistia videos in your slides.

You can also add videos into your presentation from YouTube, Vimeo and Vidyard. Check out the full list of Visme integrations here .

Note: When sharing videos that aren’t yours, make sure to add a description with the name of the creator and why you chose to share it.

Software #3: Typeform

5 best food presentation techniques

Multimedia presentations with surveys add an unprecedented level of interactivity.

Use the Typeform or Jotform integration to add surveys to your informative presentations or market research projects.

When you include a survey in a multimedia presentation, you’ll have to share it as a link or embed it on a site. This way, your audience can input the answers straight into the survey inside the slide instead of opening a separate link.

Software #4: Loom

5 best food presentation techniques

If you're not presenting your multimedia presentation in person, recording a Loom video and embedding it in your slides can be a great alternative for adding a personal touch.

Walk your audience through a tutorial, give a brief overview about a topic, shed light on your company and services, or simply introduce yourself. Loom videos offer tons of opportunities to make your multimedia presentation more interactive.

Software #5: Google Maps

5 best food presentation techniques

Include maps in your multimedia presentations to visualize geographic data or location information. Visme has two map creation options, the Map Maker and the Google Maps integration .

The Map Maker lets you create custom maps with color-coding and interactive popups that match the design of your project. Import map data from a google sheet or input it manually.

Add a navigable Google Map in all the default styles. Show specific location coordinates in a box that you can customize.

Create Your Multimedia Presentation With Visme

Now, you’re ready!

It’s time to start creating the best multimedia presentation for your audience.

When you sign up for our presentation software , you’ll find all the tools you need to create an engaging multimedia presentation your audience is likely to remember for a long time.

Create a Brand Kit to stay on brand easier and faster by uploading your logos, color palettes and fonts. Organize your assets and projects into folders to make them easier to find.

At Visme, we're always adding new features and integrations. You can keep an eye on our What's New page to stay updated with all the new cool, new stuff.

If you have a PowerPoint presentation that you'd like to enhance, import the PPTX file into Visme and add multimedia there. The PowerPoint slides will import as editable slides so you have full control of how the final project looks.

Sign up for our presentation software today and start creating slides that nobody can look away from.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

5 best food presentation techniques

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5 best food presentation techniques

About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at

5 best food presentation techniques

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Tips to Stay Safe in the Sun: From Sunscreen to Sunglasses

Sun safety is always in season. It’s important to protect your skin from sun damage throughout the year, no matter the weather.

Why? Exposing your skin to the sun year-round means you are exposing it to ultraviolet radiation, which can cause sunburn, skin aging (such as skin spots, wrinkles, or “leathery skin”), eye damage, and skin cancer, the most common form of cancer in the U.S.

Skin cancer is on the rise in the U.S. The National Cancer Institute estimates there were 100,640 new cases of skin melanomas and 8,290 related deaths in 2024. In 2021, there were an estimated 1.4 million people living with melanoma of the skin in the U.S. About 6.1 million people are treated for basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, the two most common types of skin cancer, in the U.S. every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Sunscreen is one way to protect against the rise in skin cancer rates.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues to evaluate sunscreen products to ensure that they are safe and effective. Although all sunscreens help protect people from sunburn, only broad-spectrum sunscreens with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 help protect us from skin cancer and early skin aging caused by the sun.

Lower Your Risk for Sunburn, Skin Cancer, and Early Skin Aging

Sun damage to the body is caused by invisible ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Sunburn is a type of skin damage caused by the sun. Tanning is also a sign of the skin reacting to potentially damaging UV radiation by producing additional pigmentation that provides it with some, but often not enough, protection against sunburn.

Spending time in the sun unprotected increases your risk of skin cancer and early skin aging. People of all skin colors are at risk for this damage. You can reduce your risk by:

  • Limiting your time in the sun, especially between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun’s rays are most intense.
  • Wearing clothing to cover skin exposed to the sun, such as long-sleeve shirts, pants, sunglasses, and broad-brim hats. Sun-protective clothing is now available. (The FDA regulates these products only if they are intended to be used for medical purposes.)
  • Using broad-spectrum sunscreens with an SPF value of 15 or higher regularly and as directed. (Broad-spectrum sunscreens offer protection against both UVA and UVB rays, two types of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.)

Consult a health care professional before applying sunscreen to infants younger than 6 months .

In general, the FDA recommends using broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher, even on cloudy days. In addition:

  • Apply sunscreen liberally to all uncovered skin, especially your nose, ears, neck, hands, feet, and lips.
  • Reapply at least every two hours. Apply more often if you’re swimming or sweating. (An average-size adult or child needs at least one ounce of sunscreen, about the amount it takes to fill a shot glass, to evenly cover the body.)
  • If you don’t have much hair, apply sunscreen to the top of your head or wear a hat.
  • No sunscreen completely blocks UV radiation. So other protections are needed, such as protective clothing, sunglasses, and staying in the shade.
  • No sunscreen is waterproof. Check the instructions on your sunscreen for information about its water resistance and reapplication instructions if you are sweating or going in the water.

Only sunscreens in lotion, cream, stick, gel, oil, butter, paste, spray, and powder dosage forms can be legally marketed. Sunscreen in all other dosage forms – including wipes, towelettes, body washes, and shampoos – cannot be legally marketed.

Read Sunscreen Labels

It is important to read the label carefully to ensure you get the most potential benefit from sunscreen use.

  • Only products that pass the FDA’s broad-spectrum requirements, and therefore protect against UVA exposure, can be labeled “broad spectrum.”
  • Sunscreens that are not broad spectrum or are broad spectrum but lack an SPF of at least 15 must carry a warning: “Skin Cancer/Skin Aging Alert: Spending time in the sun increases your risk of skin cancer and early skin aging. This product has been shown only to help prevent sunburn, not skin cancer or early skin aging.”
  • Water resistance claims, for 40 or 80 minutes, tell you how much time you can expect to get the labeled SPF-level of protection while swimming or sweating.
  • Manufacturers may not make claims that their sunscreens are “waterproof” or “sweat proof.”
  • Products may not be identified as “sunblocks” or claim instant protection or protection for more than two hours without reapplying.

Risk Factors for Harmful Effects of UV Radiation

People of all skin colors are potentially at risk for sunburn and other harmful effects of UV radiation, so always protect yourself. Be especially careful if you have:

  • Blond, red, or light brown hair.
  • Been treated for skin cancer.
  • A family member who has had skin cancer.

If you take medications, ask your health care professional about sun-care precautions. Some medications may increase sun sensitivity. Even on an overcast day, up to 80%of the sun’s UV rays can get through the clouds. Stay in the shade as much as possible.

Protect Your Eyes With Sunglasses

Sunlight reflecting off sand, water, or even snow further increases exposure to UV radiation and raises your risk of developing eye problems. Certain sunglasses can help protect your eyes.

When choosing sunglasses:

  • Choose sunglasses with a UV400 rating or “100% UV protection” on the label. These sunglasses block more than 99% of UVA and UVB radiation and provide the most protection against UV rays.
  • Do not mistake dark-tinted sunglasses as having UV protection. The darkness of the lens does not indicate its ability to shield your eyes from UV rays. Many sunglasses with light-colored tints – such as green, amber, red, and gray – can offer the same UV protection as very dark lenses.
  • Check to see if your tinted glasses have UV protection. If you are unsure, your eye care professional may be able to check for you. When you wear tinted glasses, your pupils dilate and can increase exposure of your retinas to UV light. Without UV protection, you are putting yourself at risk to harmful effects associated with solar radiation.
  • Be aware that children should wear sunglasses that indicate the UV protection level. Toy sunglasses may not have UV protection.
  • Consider large, wraparound-style frames, which may provide more UV protection because they cover the entire eye socket.
  • Pricier sunglasses don’t ensure greater UV protection.
  • Even if you wear UV absorbing contact lenses, wear quality sunglasses that offer UV protection.
  • Even when you wear sunglasses, wearing a wide-brim hat and sunscreen can help further protect you from sun exposure.

Beware: Spray Sunscreens Can Be Flammable

Many spray sunscreen products contain flammable ingredients , like alcohol. Be careful when using these flammable products. Read and follow the warning label, and don’t use these sprays near an open flame, especially around children.

In addition, some spray sunscreens have been recalled because of benzene contamination and shouldn’t be used. Find out here if your sunscreen has been recalled.

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7 Best Food Dehydrators, Tested by Experts

Homemade jerky and dried herbs will be easier than ever.

7 best food dehydrators of 2023, according to kitchen experts

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

In the Good Housekeeping Institute Kitchen Appliances and Culinary Innovation Lab, we tested nine different dehydrators of different sizes, shapes and styles. We found that while most dehydrators perform similarly, the biggest difference lies in their ease of use.

Our top picks:

Sedona Express

Best Overall Food Dehydrator

Tribest sedona express.

Premium Dehydrator

Best Value Food Dehydrator

Cosori premium dehydrator.

Dehydro Digital Electric Food Dehydrator

Best Compact Food Dehydrator

Presto dehydro digital electric food dehydrator.

Sedona Combo Electric Food Dehydrator

Best Food Dehydrator for Jerky

Tribest sedona combo electric food dehydrator.

Digital Food Dehydrator

Best Food Dehydrator for Herbs

Hamilton beach digital food dehydrator.

Snackmaster Pro

Best Food Dehydrator for Beginners

Nesco snackmaster pro.

9-Tray Electric Food Dehydrator

Best Large Capacity Food Dehydrator

Excalibur 9-tray electric food dehydrator.

Though you can dehydrate food like apples, mangoes, pineapples, tomatoes and beef for jerky the old-fashioned way (hanging it out in the sun) or by using a wide variety of appliances like some air fryers, toaster ovens and ovens , food dehydrators offer a more controlled environment with plenty of surface area to maximize your yield.

At the end of the guide you'll find more information on whether a food dehydrator makes sense for you as well as advice on which foods you can dehydrate. If you are looking for more kitchen appliances to add to your collection or a gift for the chef in your life , we also have guides to the best instant pots , multi-cookers and air fryer toaster ovens .

The Tribest Sedona Express is a solid digital food dehydrator with 11 stainless steel trays that accommodate a lot of dehydrating while requiring minimal space on your countertop. In tests, we found that this machine dried jerky and apples efficiently and evenly, although we experienced some sticking to the metal. ( A plastic tray version is available, as well, which we found helps with sticking.) We also love how quiet it was in comparison to most of the dehydrators we tested.

It features several dehydrating modes — including fast, raw and a combination of both — which set it apart from competitors. The fast mode allows the temperature to cycle above the set degree so food can dehydrate faster, while the raw mode never exceeds the set temperature to prevent food from being overheated, allowing for more precise dehydrating. We appreciated that the unit's door locks shut and has a large glass panel for monitoring and an easy to use control panel. It was also the only dehydrator we tested with a light for improved viewing.

Dimensions 17.5" x 12" x 14"
Weight21 lbs.
Number of trays11
Temperature range77°F to 167°F
Temperature settingsAdjustable in 1-degree increments
TimerProgrammable from 1 to 99 hours

While we haven't tested this food dehydrator, it stands out for having stainless steel trays, a large see-through window and a straightforward digital control panel — all at a competitive price point. Plus, it has a 4.7-star rating on Amazon and over 18,300 reviews. Reviewers like that it is easy to program and say that it is quiet. One five-star review says, "I have owned several dehydrators, including some very high end, but I like this one the best. Very small footprint, but holds a lot, quiet, no plastic or nonstick coating! Easy to use and clean, does the job flawlessly."

It can be programmed in 30-minute increments up to 48 hours, and it has a temperature range between 95ºF and 165ºF, which makes it good for herbs, jerky and everything in between. The built-in handles mean it's easier to move around. Its stainless steel housing makes it more durable than its plastic competitors, although some customer reviews note that there are still some plastic components.

Dimensions17.8" x 13.5" x 12.2"
Weight23 lbs.
Number of trays6
Temperature range95°F to 165°F
Temperature settingsAdjustable in 1-degree increments
TimerProgrammable from 1 hour to 48 hours

If you live in an apartment or have limited counter and cabinet space, we recommend this electric food dehydrator by Presto as its six transparent dehydrating trays are collapsable for easy storage. While we haven't tested this particular model in our Lab, we have tested similar Presto dehydrators and feel confident recommending this version. We appreciate that you can monitor the drying process for all trays via the see-through material, and you can adjust how many trays you use at a given time.

While this food dehydrator does not have an alarm function, it is super easy to clean and the controls for temperature and time are easy to operate. Two fruit roll sheets and nonstick mesh screens are also included, and the bottom-mounted fan aims to provide consistent air flow. You won't have to worry about where to store your dehydrator with this pick — and you won't have to go way over your budget either!

Dimensions 14.5" x 15" x 7.25"
Weight8.5 lbs.
Number of trays6
Temperature range90°F to 165°F
Temperature settingsAdjustable in 1-degree increments
TimerDigital, adjustable up to 48 hours

Although the Sedona Combo has a higher price tag than other dehydrators on our list, it includes a bevy of impressive features that those who often dehydrate food will appreciate. Its large capacity and precise digital temperature control make it perfect for jerky, which can be a long and involved process. We love that you can also program which section of the dehydrator you're using (top or bottom) for optimal results no matter how big or small the batch.

Its interior light automatically turns on when you open the door, and we like that it has dual fan technology and multiple dehydrating modes (fast, raw and combo) for improved versatility. It scored well in our sound test, meaning its operation is quiet, and we appreciate that it turns off without you having to unplug it. We did find that the stainless steel trays were a bit harder to remove and clean but you can avoid this hassle by purchasing BPA-free plastic trays .

Dimensions19.5" x 16" x 16"
Weight31.8 lbs.
Number of trays9
Temperature range118°F to 155°F
Temperature settingsAdjustable in 1- and 10-degree increments
TimerDigital, adjustable up to 99 hours or 150 hours in continuous mode

The Hamilton Beach Digital Dehydrator offers a small footprint with five dehydrating trays that stack neatly plus a fine-mesh sheet great for herbs. It was very easy to use and made excellent and evenly dried parsley and jerky that didn’t stick to the trays. The top of the dehydrator is clear so you can see inside the unit to monitor the progress. The buttons are also easy to press and program.

We appreciate the auto shutoff and continuous airflow that provides even drying. However, the only way to check up on the drying process is the clear top, and it was the loudest machine in our sound test. That said, this dehydrator is still a great value for someone looking to achieve the basics and easily stow away when not in use. You may just want to stick to your dehydrating during daylight hours!

Dimensions10.5" x 13" x 11"
Weight8 lbs.
Number of trays5
Temperature range100°F to 160° F
Temperature settingsAdjustable in 5-degree increments
TimerDigital, adjustable up to 48 hours

This food dehydrator is a popular on Amazon with over 13,000 online customer reviews. It's lightweight, has a small footprint and is easy to use : Simply turn the dial to your desired temperature based on the recommendations printed on the lid and then plug it in to turn it on. The downside is it doesn’t have a timer so you'll have to set a separate timer and check it periodically.

In addition to five trays (and the ability to stack up to 12), we love that this dehydrator comes with everything you need to get started and then some, like two fruit leather sheets for semi solid foods, two small mesh screens for small ingredients like blueberries and herbs, and three spice packets for jerky. It also comes with a detailed instruction booklet filled with dehydrating tips, charts, recipes, suggestions for storing and craft ideas. And if you're looking to dehydrate even more food at once, consider the Nesco Gardenmaster Pro that can handle up to 30 trays at once!

Dimensions13.75" x 22.13" x 13.87"
Weight7.75 Pounds
Number of trays5
Temperature range95°F to160°F
Temperature settingsAdjustable dial
TimerNot programmable

With 15 square feet of dehydrating space, this is one of the bigger dehydrators in our roundup, perfect for large batches of dehydrating . This model features two dials, one for the temperature and one for the timer, with setting recommendations printed right on the unit. You can program the timer from 2 to 26 hours, and the trays are easy to insert. The door slides on and doesn’t fully seal, but we didn’t find that the opening affected performance.

We've found that Excalibur dehydrators also come with detailed instruction booklets with detailed charts and helpful recipes. With a 4.5-star rating on Amazon and over 3,000 online customer reviews, this is a popular choice if you enjoy dehydrating anything from jerky to fruit and have enough counter space or storage to accommodate the larger square footage.

Dimensions19.02" x 17.01" x 12.28"
Weight22 lbs.
Number of trays9
Temperature range105°F to 165°F
Temperature settingsAdjustable dial
TimerProgrammable from 2 to 26 hours

How we test food dehydrators

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In our most recent test of dehydrators in the Good Housekeeping Institute Kitchen Appliances and Innovation Lab, we tested nine food dehydrators from leading brands of all different sizes, shapes and styles to see which produced very dried foods and were easy and intuitive to use. We rated performance on evenness and how quickly they dried jerky, apples and more. When testing for ease of use, we looked at the owner's manual, ease of opening the door, readability of the control panel and the available temperature range. We also considered timer accuracy, the sound of the timer and any additional features.

What to look for when shopping for a food dehydrator

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If you're thinking of adding a food dehydrator to your cooking routine, here are a few factors to keep in mind:

✔️ Temperature range: A larger temperature range allows for more controlled dehydrating. Most of our picks go below 100℉, which is ideal for delicate items like herbs, and up to 160℉ or higher for safely making jerky. We typically like when the intervals are small and very specific, but keep in mind that intervals of one can be hard to program. Regardless of what you are dehydrating, make sure you are using the correct temperature ranges.

✔️ Programmable timer: The most basic dehydrators turn on when they're plugged in and off when unplugged, but the more common ones (and our favorites) have timers that turn the dehydrator off when done. A timer is handy for dehydrating overnight or when you're not home so y0u don't risk over-drying. Most can be programmed in one-hour intervals.

✔️ Size: Dehydrators with a small footprint and a rectangular shape create more usable dehydrating area. Some round models have a hole in the center of each tray, which decreases the dehydrating area. Stackable trays increase the usable dehydrating area without adding to the footprint, and because food shrinks as it dries, more vertical space is essential to yield enough.

✔️ Tray material: Trays are made of stainless steel or plastic, most of which is BPA-free. We tend to like the plastic ones, which are more nonstick and easier to clean.

✔️ Accessories: Most dehydrators come with a drip tray that doubles as a tray to make fruit leather, or with mesh screens for small items like blueberries or herbs. The more accessories, the more versatility.

✔️ Price: Food dehydrators can run between $80 and upwards of $500. The more square footage, number of dehydrating trays and additional features equals a higher price tag. Dehydrators with stackable trays versus pull-out trays tend to be less expensive. If you currently own a dehydrator and find yourself wanting more capability, upgrading may make sense. But if you are a beginner or have minimal storage space in your kitchen, a budget-friendly, stackable option will do the trick just as well.

What are the best foods to dehydrate?

While dried mango, pineapple and orange slices may be the first ideas that come to your mind when deciding which foods to put in your food dehydrator, the options go beyond just fruits. You can certainly prepare homemade apple chips, but you can also dehydrate meats, lean proteins, homemade pasta, vegetables and herbs from your garden like basil or mint. The possibilities don't end there, though, you can ferment yogurt, make potpourri and re-crisp stale foods . Suffice it to say that you and your family can utilize your food dehydrator whether you are making fruit leather and granola bars for healthy weekday snacks or beef jerky for a day hike.

Is a food dehydrator worth it?

If you tend to buy foods in bulk, eat a lot of raw foods or are an avid gardener, purchasing a food dehydrator is definitely worth it. While some dehydrators on this list can set you back a few hundred dollars, the appliance can quickly pay for itself as you can lengthen the shelf life of in season or on sale produce.

With a dehydrator, not only can you lower your food waste, but you can make additive-free and allergy-friendly snacks, since you can customize how much (if any) salt or sugar you want to add. And dehydrating foods can retain the nutrients better than other methods. However, the entire process can take a long time and if your dehydrator doesn't have a programmable timer, the process won't be as hands-off.

Why trust Good Housekeeping?

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Nicole Papantoniou is the Kitchen Appliances & Innovation Lab Director at the Good Housekeeping Institute where she has overseen content and testing related to kitchen and cooking appliances, tools and gear since 2019. She has worked in test kitchens for small kitchen appliance brands and national magazines, and is trained in culinary arts and culinary nutrition.

Nancy Kochan is a trained cook and freelancer who has tested and written on a vast range of kitchen appliances and gear for the Good Housekeeping Institute, from slow cookers to baking pan sets.

Headshot of Nicole Papantoniou

Nicole (she/her) is the director of the Good Housekeeping Institute 's Kitchen Appliances and Innovation Lab, where she has overseen content and testing related to kitchen and cooking appliances, tools and gear since 2019. She’s an experienced product tester and recipe creator, trained in classic culinary arts and culinary nutrition. She has worked in test kitchens for small kitchen appliance brands and national magazines, including Family Circle and Ladies’ Home Journal .

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A new class of dairy- and meat-free foods are breaking out of the vegan mold.

Test Kitchen Tips

Icebox Cake : Turn ice cream sandwiches into a showstopping dessert. Line a baking pan with parchment paper. Place a layer of sandwiches in the pan, and cover with frozen whipped topping. Add another layer of sandwiches, followed by more whipped topping. Cover and freeze for at least 3 hours.

Pasta Water: The cloudy cooking water contains starch released from the noodles, and it can be used for more than just pasta sauces. Freeze it in ice cube trays for future uses — like thickening stews and soups, adding it to bread recipes to help the dough rise, and cooking beans to soften the skins.

Chips, Crisps and More

Trend alert! Botanical ingredients — like lavender, jasmine, elderflower and rose — have blossomed in products like coffee, creamer and cookies.

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  1. The Art of Food Presentation: Tips and Techniques

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  2. The Art Of Food Presentation

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  3. Food Plating: Easy Food Presentation & Plating Techniques

    Then, take a small plating wedge and place it at the center of the first accent dot in your row. Drag the plating wedge through the accent dots, creating a multicolored, single-sided edge. Swirled Sauce Plating Technique- Fill a squeeze bottle with your desired sauce. Place your plate atop a cake turntable.

  4. Top Chefs Share Their 10 Food Plating Tips

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  5. Top Chefs Share Their 10 Food Presentation and Plating Techniques

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  6. The Art of Food Presentation: Tips for Plating and Garnishing Like a

    Create a Visual Picture. Going back to the plate-as-canvas analogy, create a picture on the plate. Put your main food item in the center and arrange everything around it. Make sure to use space to your advantage and to keep your plate from looking crowded. Your food picture should have a pleasing balance of flavors, colors, textures, and heights.

  7. A Definitive Guide to Food Plating and Presentation

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  8. 5 Creative Food Presentation Techniques and Ideas with Pictures

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  9. Best Food Plating Techniques, Tips & Ideas for Restaurants

    3. Texture. Texture is an important component in how a dish is enjoyed, but it also changes the way a plate looks. Aim for a mix of textures and layers to add accents and interest to your plates. 4. Balance. Balance doesn't just mean plating food symmetrically or evenly across the plate.

  10. Mastering the Art of Food Presentation

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  11. The Art of Food Presentation: Tips & Techniques

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  14. Mastering Food Presentation: Tips and Techniques for Stunning ...

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    Timestamps:0:01 - poke bowl ideas2:56 - how to present food like a Chef 4:34 - how to plate desserts9:48 - fruit cutting ideas-----...

  16. Food Presentation: 5 Plating Techniques to Impress Your Guests

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  20. 25 Easy Plating Techniques

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  21. 5 Best Food Presentation Techniques

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    3.5 Specialty-Shaped Plates. Specialty-shaped plates, such as leaf-shaped or fish-shaped plates, can add a playful and whimsical touch to food presentation. These unique shapes can enhance the visual appeal and create a memorable dining experience. 4. Utensils and Tools for Food Plating.

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