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  • Speech on Rainwater Harvesting



There are different topics a speech can be written and delivered. Before the students learn to write a speech on rainwater harvesting and understand the content to be written there are a few crucial pieces of information the students need to learn to write an impactful speech. 

What is a Speech?  

Speech is a form of communication made by a speaker in front of an audience on a specific topic. A speech helps the speaker express their thoughts in spoken language. A speech can be formal or informal based on the nature of the topic of the speech. 

Types of Speech

Speech can be classified into four categories based on its purpose: 

Informative Speech- This type of speech is given by the speaker with the primary focus being passing on information. These speeches are knowledgeable and relevant to your audience as they share the same interest in the topic. For example, a teacher talks about the Hydrologic cycle of water.

Demonstrative Speech- This type of speech is a lot more like an informative speech. A demonstrative speech also has the primary focus of delivering information. The difference between informative and demonstrative speech is mainly that the demonstrative speech is used to give a demonstration about the “How”. 

For example, How to bake cookies? Even though it involves information on baking cooking it also gives you the step-by-step process of performing the task based on the information.

Persuasive Speech- This type of speech does not have information or demonstration. The primary focus of a persuasive speech is to influence one’s mind and make changes in their life. For example, Donate your eyes - this topic of speech persuades or convinces an individual of the act learned.

Entertaining Speech- This type of speech does not have any information, demonstration, or influence upon the audience. This type of speech is merely for keeping the audience hooked. For example, a compere at a wedding.

Tips on Preparing for a Speech

Some of the tips are:

Observe, analyze and understand your audience

Understand the type of speech and decide on the narrative accordingly 

Always be prepared with additional content 

The topic has to be based on your audience, the type of speech, and also based on the occasion. 

The speech has to be well constructed, that is the content has to be placed in an order. This makes it easy for the audience to connect and understand. 

An Overview of Rainwater Harvesting Speech  

Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rainwater, instead of allowing it to flow away, for future use. The collected water is contained in percolating wells, shafts, etc. It is often used for drinking purposes and the extracted water can be used in irrigation, plantations, domestic use, etc. One of the oldest and easiest methods for storing freshwater is rainwater harvesting. Here we have provided a long speech and a short speech on rainwater harvesting for Classes 5 to 12 along with 10 lines for writing a speech on rainwater harvesting for Classes 1 to 4.

Long and Short Speech on Rainwater Harvesting

Long speech on rainwater harvesting.

Today, I am here to deliver a speech on rainwater harvesting. The climate is constantly changing, mostly due to changes in the atmosphere, resulting in an unprecedented rate of temperature change. The length of different seasons has also been altered.

The period of the rainy season and the winter season was shortened (less than 4 months), while the summer season was increased by more than 4 months. The amount of precipitation and its groundwater recharge has also been drastically decreased. In response, the groundwater systems such as tube wells, etc. have now begun to collapse at many locations.

People do not get water for their domestic needs; it becomes difficult to plant crops; reservoirs dry up, etc. In short, the lack of water is huge. The government is spending large sums of money to combat these issues.

The harvesting of natural water (rainwater) plays a very important role in this situation, diluting the problem of water shortages.

Different methods of water harvesting have been developed, which are in use worldwide for a very long time back. "As mentioned, few of the very earliest Middle East agriculture was focused on the diversion of "wadi" flow to agricultural fields, a kind of water harvesting and irrigation recycling of harvested water.

The water harvesting systems were reported to be used in the Negev desert (Israel) around 4000 years ago or more, where water harvesting was carried out by clearing the hillsides of vegetation to increase the runoff and directing the runoff to the fields on the plains.

Similarly, from at least 1000 years ago, floodwater farming has been documented in practice in the desert regions of Arizona and northwest New Mexico. The micro-catchment technique for tree growing was identified in southern Tunisia, which was discovered by travelers Pacey and Cullis (1986) in the nineteenth century.

The "Khadin" scheme in India, in which floodwater is impounded behind earthen bunds, and crops are planted in the field based on the residual moisture content due to impounded water infiltration.

Farmers have also documented the use of conventional and small-scale water harvesting systems in sub-Saharan Africa. The method of water harvesting is documented in some West African countries by constructing a simple structure using stones. The practice of water harvesting has been documented in Sudan and the Central Rangelands of Somalia through the construction of the Bund system.

There are different advantages and uses for rainwater harvesting; however, harvesting systems have to work and maintain to ensure water quality. Water has to be distilled and filtered for use as well. Rainwater should be collected by every person, so it can be used for other occupations. The water on the surface and roof should be protected from pollution as it helps to increase the level of groundwater.

Short Speech on Rainwater Harvesting

Today, I am here to deliver a speech on rainwater harvesting. Water harvesting is, in a broad sense, defined as the collection of runoff for its productive use.' It is possible to harvest rainwater (overland flow/runoff) from the roofs and ground surfaces or intermittent or ephemeral streams (watercourses).

A variety of methods of water harvesting are available for various applications. The efficient use of harvested water includes the growth of provisions for domestic and livestock feed, the supply of crops, the processing of food and trees, and the construction of water bodies for the cultivation of fish and ducks.

Water harvesting incorporates different methods or activities focused on the use of runoff from un-cropped areas to replace the cropped areas with the harvested water.

In addition, it is also important to store water for irrigation, domestic, or livestock use, but the use of harvested water for crop production is often given priority. In general, in arid and semi-arid areas where droughts occur very frequently and irrigation is not feasible, water harvesting is found to be very suitable.

While Water Harvesting in the Area Of Water Scare is Very Conducive to Crop Cultivation, the Rate of Adoption is Still Much Lower, for the Following Reasons:

Reluctance to preserve runoff areas that are clean and weedless.

High-cost participation.

Strong labor requirements for building and maintaining the facilities for water harvesting.

Small land availability for water-harvesting structure building.

In Addition to the Above Factors, There are also a Few Important Points that are Likely to Adversely Affect Water Harvesting:

High risk of damage to crops due to long-term stagnation of the area's water.

Increased risk of soil erosion and soil depletion in the catchment area.

Intensive soil erosion is possible in the region.

Rainwater harvesting can also be carried out on an industrial and household basis. You can provide your freshwater supply, reduce your water bill and make sure you never run out of water. All you need is sufficient equipment and knowledge of the rainwater harvesting process.

Lines for Speech on Rainwater Harvesting

Some of the lines are:

Rainwater Harvesting refers to the storage of rainwater in a pit or well that has been specially built for rainwater harvesting.

It is a mechanism in which the rainwater is not permitted to wash out, but is collected instead.

Rainwater irrigation, as it becomes scarce, is a way to sustain freshwater for summers.

The water obtained during the rainwater collection process is also passed through the percolation process.

Percolation is the process through which, before being processed, rainwater is passed through a natural filter system.

For many domestic and irrigation purposes, rainwater thus collected can be used.

The harvesting of rainwater also helps to recharge groundwater supplies.

Runoff water from the field is directed into specially built pits, wells, or tanks during rainwater harvesting.

The rainwater harvesting method has been used to conserve rainwater for decades.

Several ancient cities around the world were entirely dependent on rainwater harvesting.


FAQs on Speech on Rainwater Harvesting

1. What makes speech writing effective?

A speech is deemed to be effective if it conveys the core message of the speech. Students need to choose the core message of the speech wisely to be able to successfully deliver the speech. Research and understanding of the topic is an important element, once the student has researched and has a thorough understanding of the speech topic the same has to be planned in a structured layout to make an everlasting effect of the speech written and delivered.

2. What are the skills speech writing can develop?

Speechwriting can enhance a lot of skills in students. It allows students to think creatively and consider all different aspects of creating interest in the audience. Writing speech enhances critical thinking skills. It builds confidence in an individual and develops a personality. As a lot of research is involved in understanding the topic, students are able to improve their communication skills and at the same time develop the ability to research.

3. Where should you not use the Rainwater harvesting system?

Rainwater harvesting cannot be implemented in certain conditions where it is made out of asbestos sheeting. There is a possibility of unwanted and unsafe water being harvested if the rainwater harvesting system is installed. The water collected will be contaminated and not safe for human consumption as it could be caused to many health issues. The use of a Siphonic drainage system for collecting water from the roof can cause the flow of water through the pipe faster and result in faulty filtration. These are a few examples where it is best to avoid installing a rainwater harvesting system.

4. What are the components of a Rainwater harvesting system?

The rainwater harvesting system involves different components at various stages from transporting the rainwater through the pipes, filtering the water before storing it in tanks for reuse. There are 8 components involved - catchments, coarse mesh, gutter, conduits, first-flushing, filter, storage facility, and lastly recharge structure. All these different components have to function in order for the rainwater harvesting system to complete the entire process of using rainwater for reuse.

5. Why is rainwater harvesting an apt solution for densely populated regions?

Water scarcity has become a major problem in densely populated regions. These regions have a poor supply of water even for daily consumption. The industries also face shortcomings as the supply of water is of utmost importance in factories and companies to carry out basic functions. The scarcity of water is mainly faced during the dry season and hence adapting the rainwater harvesting system these regions can benefit by storing water for the dry season.


Speech on Rain Water Harvesting

Rain water harvesting is a smart and practical way to save water. You collect rainwater and store it for later use. It’s like having your own water supply, right at home.

This method is not only good for you but also for our planet. It helps conserve water, reduces flooding, and saves energy.

1-minute Speech on Rain Water Harvesting

Dear friends and respected members of the audience,

Today, I am here to talk about an important and pressing issue – Rainwater Harvesting. As we all know, water is the source of life, and conserving it should be our primary concern. With increasing demand for water and a decrease in its availability, we need to look for efficient ways to save this precious resource.

Rainwater Harvesting is a simple and effective method to collect and store rainwater for later use. It not only helps in conserving water but also reduces our dependency on the limited sources of fresh water. By implementing this technique, we can save a significant amount of water that would otherwise be lost as runoff.

Rainwater harvesting can be done through various methods such as catchment systems, rooftop collection, and surface water collection. Catchment systems involve collecting rainwater from rooftops or other surfaces and directing it into storage tanks. Rooftop collection, as the name suggests, involves capturing rainwater from roofs and storing it in containers or tanks. Surface water collection includes the use of ponds, lakes, and reservoirs to store rainwater.

The benefits of rainwater harvesting are numerous. Firstly, it helps in reducing water bills as the collected rainwater can be used for various household purposes like gardening, flushing toilets, and even for drinking if properly treated. Secondly, it reduces the demand on groundwater resources, thus preventing the depletion of our precious aquifers. Lastly, rainwater harvesting helps in reducing soil erosion and floods by decreasing the volume of stormwater runoff.

To make rainwater harvesting more effective, we must create awareness about its benefits and encourage people to adopt this practice. The government and local bodies can play a crucial role in promoting rainwater harvesting by providing incentives and subsidies for installing such systems. Schools and colleges can also take the initiative to educate students about the importance of water conservation and rainwater harvesting.

In conclusion, rainwater harvesting is a sustainable and environment-friendly way to conserve water. By adopting this practice, we can contribute to a better future for ourselves and generations to come. Let’s pledge to save every drop of water and make our planet a better place to live.

Also check:

  • Essay on Rain Water Harvesting
  • 10-lines on Rain Water Harvesting

2-minute Speech on Rain Water Harvesting

Ladies and gentlemen, respected dignitaries, and esteemed guests, I am honored to stand before you today to share my thoughts on a topic that is crucial to our survival on this beautiful planet – rainwater harvesting. In this era of rapid urbanization and industrialization, the significance of rainwater harvesting cannot be overstated. Our planet is going through scarcity of water resources, and effective rainwater management can be the key to our sustainable future.

Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting, filtering, and storing rainwater that falls on our rooftops, driveways, and other surfaces for later use. It is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries, but its importance has never been more evident than today. With increasing water scarcity and climate change, rainwater harvesting is a simple, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution that can greatly benefit all of us.

Let me begin by highlighting the critical need for rainwater harvesting. The global demand for water is growing exponentially due to the ever-increasing population and industrial growth. It is estimated that by 2030, the world will face a 40% shortfall in water supply if we do not take immediate and effective measures. Today, more than a billion people lack access to clean drinking water, and millions die each year due to waterborne diseases. The situation is particularly grim in developing countries, where water scarcity is a daily struggle for millions of people.

So, how can rainwater harvesting help in addressing this issue? The answer lies in the numerous benefits of rainwater harvesting, which can be categorized into environmental, economic, and social advantages.

Environmental benefits include the reduction of surface runoff, which helps in decreasing the risk of floods and soil erosion. The harvested rainwater can also be used to recharge groundwater levels, which are depleting at an alarming rate due to excessive extraction for agriculture, industries, and domestic use. In urban areas, rainwater harvesting can significantly reduce the pressure on the existing sewer systems, and help alleviate urban flooding. Furthermore, it promotes water conservation and reduces the amount of energy required to treat and transport water from far-off sources.

The economic benefits of rainwater harvesting are also noteworthy. By using rainwater for non-potable purposes such as irrigation, toilet flushing, and cleaning, we can significantly reduce our dependence on the main water supply. This will lead to substantial cost savings in water bills, making it a financially viable option for individuals and communities alike. Rainwater harvesting systems are also low-cost and easy to maintain, with minimal technical expertise required.

The social benefits of rainwater harvesting cannot be overlooked as well. By providing a reliable source of water, rainwater harvesting can improve public health, food security, and quality of life, especially in rural and semi-arid regions. It fosters a sense of self-reliance and community ownership, as people come together to manage their local water resources. Furthermore, it raises awareness about the importance of water conservation and encourages responsible water usage.

Ladies and gentlemen, the time to act is now. It is our collective responsibility to ensure the availability of clean water for future generations. Rainwater harvesting is a simple yet powerful solution that can be implemented at various scales, from individual homes to entire cities. It is heartening to see that many countries, including our own, are adopting rainwater harvesting practices and making it a part of their water management policies.

However, the success of rainwater harvesting depends not only on government policies but also on the active participation of communities and individuals. Let us all pledge to do our part in promoting rainwater harvesting, conserving water, and protecting our precious water resources.

In conclusion, rainwater harvesting is not just a viable solution to our water woes; it is an urgent necessity. By embracing this age-old practice, we can secure a sustainable, water-rich future for ourselves and the generations to come. Thank you.

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a very short speech on rain water harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting Speech

Rainwater harvesting is an extremely important activity globally in the present times as the whole world is in a desperate need to conserve water and avoid its wastage so much so that our coming generation does not have to live in the scarcity of this natural resource. Since the subject has been so important, it has been considered appropriate to cover speeches on rainwater harvesting.

Long and Short Speech on Rainwater Harvesting in English

Whether you are a student, teacher, a public personality and others looking to deliver a speech or present an article on this crucial activity, then our both short speech on rainwater harvesting as well as long speech on rainwater harvesting can help you as a good reference point and enable you in making your assignment impressive so that you can earn accolades from your audience.

Speech on Rainwater Harvesting 1

A Very Good Morning Everyone!

As monsoon has begun, I would like to say a few words in the context of rainwater harvesting. We all are cognizant of the fact that our earth is undergoing with scarcity of water and therefore, we all must do every possible effort to save it and rainwater harvesting is one of those efforts.

Rainwater harvesting can be done at small scale and as well as at large scale. It is not always necessary to do a separate construction for it if not possible. There are many benefits of storing rainwater i.e., for gardening, household works, agriculture, reduce the consumption of main water sources like rivers etc, and many more. It will eventually lead us towards a better environment as the consumption of the water bodies will decrease.

I hereby would like to conclude my speech by requesting all of you to harvest rainwater as it is for our own betterment, healthy environment and healthy earth.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Speech on Rainwater Harvesting 2

Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends!

Today, this special assembly is organized to express our felicity towards the beginning of the monsoon season and monsoon means rainwater, therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words for the importance of rainwater harvesting.

We all know that there is water scarcity on earth and especially of the freshwater bodies due to rising temperature, superfluous use and wastage of water. There are many places in the world where people areundergoing droughts. They are suffering for even a single sip of water but where there is proper availability of it, there is a huge wastage of water that could quench numbers of thirst around the world.

This is because the concept of rainwater harvesting begun. Storing of rainwater and using it as a substitute to the supplied water can bring out a lot of difference. We can harvest it in any way and can be used in agriculture, household works, gardening and everywhere else where we need water.

There are many traditional ways to harvest rainwater as temples in Tamil Nadu do. Tamil Nadu has made it an obligation to harvest rainwater due to water scarcity and hence it is an example for other states to take the same action and start fixing rainwater harvesting channels across the country.

Speech on Rainwater Harvesting 3

Good Morning Esteemed Panelists and Respected Audiences – I welcome you all to the seminar on Rainwater Harvesting!

I, Rajesh Sharma – the chairman in Water Conservation Department of Jaipur, am your host for today. Rainwater harvesting is a very pertinent activity. It involves the collection as well as storage of rainwater into natural bodies or man-made reservoirs with a view to keep a check on the overflow of surface water. There is other method of rainwater harvesting known as rooftop harvesting. In rooftop harvesting, such surfaces as metal sheets, tiles and plastics, excluding pal leaf or grass can be used to impede the rainwater flow and provide our homes with premium quality water to drink and make possible perennial storage facility.

There are other uses that involve water for irrigation, garden, livestock, etc. Following are the reasons behind using the method of rainwater harvesting:

  • It helps in improving the supply of water, production of food thereby eventually giving you food security.
  • Rural areas or households that suffer from water scarcity do get benefited from the systems of rainwater harvesting.
  • As rainwater harvesting ensures constant supply of water, which in turn provides food security and in turn significantly contributes towards income generation.

Do you know which Indian state had first decided to make rainwater harvesting obligatory? It’s on May 30 th , in the year 2014 that the Tamil Nadu state government declared to establish 50,000 channels of rainwater harvesting at different parts of the Chennai city.

Nearly 4,000 temples in the state of Tamil Nadu traditionally maintained water tanks which were used for different rituals. The tanks were more or less like natural aquifers and helped restore groundwater. Though over a period of years, many of those tanks were discarded and it was the overflowing mass of garbage and silt that replaced the water present in them.

Now, it is through relentless campaigns being run by voluntary organizations as well as department authority of water supply and use, the officials in Chennai have taken a decision to restore about 40 tanks in the major temples of the city. The endeavor is to convert such water tanks into drainage basins for rainwater harvesting.

Other than Tamil State, in fact other states of India should adopt this tool to ensure the availability of water in our households and for restoring underground water. There is an international network called RAIN being formed with a view to boost the availability of water for vulnerable regions in developing nations to children and women in particular by accumulating and storing rainwater.

Thus, this method proves to be immensely helpful to cope with the situation of water shortage or inadequate supply of water and provides sustenance to various activities that are not possible without water, such as irrigation, gardening, rearing the livestock, etc.

Now, I would request the panelists the take over the stage and share their valuable thoughts on the same and suggest some methods of bettering the system of rainwater harvesting and how this method can be best utilized.

Speech on Rainwater Harvesting 4

Respected Parents of all the Children and My Dear Friends – Warm Good Evening to one and all!

Before I begin with my speech on Rainwater Harvesting, let me first extend warm thanks to all the parents for coming together under one roof and making our event a success. As we have been taught in our school the benefits of rainwater harvesting, all the children decided to spread the knowledge amongst their families and friends and enlighten everyone about its benefits.

Rainwater harvesting is an interesting method to collect and store rainwater for such uses as landscape irrigation, animal rearing, gardening, etc. When the rain comes, we never make any efforts towards preserving that water. The water can be collected from different hard surfaces, like terrace and/or other artificial aboveground tough surfaces. If the climate is dry, such as that of in South Australia, the technique of rainwater harvesting can prove to be extremely beneficial for the environment.

There are many rural households that have to conserve all the water for their property and rainwater more often than not offers comparatively a better quality supply to the household than river, dams or bore water. Rainwater harvesting however is not only meant for rural regions as many urban households too are joined to a reticulated, treated (mains) source of water supply. This method of rainwater harvesting can considerably bring down the use of main water sources.

Now, the question that arises is what are the advantages of rainwater harvesting? It’s one of the major benefits is that it will help you bring down your water bills, secondly you will have an alternative source of water supply during the situation of water crisis and thirdly it will help you maintain your green, blossoming garden. Excessive dependency on climate as well as tank size is not right and so rainwater harvesting can help reduce the burden drastically on the main sources of water.

Rainwater harvesting also helps overcome the fear of storm water runoff; thus reducing the risk of local flooding or scouring of brooks. You can collect rainwater from various rooftops, based on what quality of rainwater is required. For instance, if rainwater for lawn or garden irrigation is required, then

  • Collect it from any roof surface other than unsealed asbestos
  • Make sure that all gutters are linked to the outlets
  • Preferably attach a good screen of leaf to the gutters
  • Use the outlets of gutter that can be adjusted at the bottom of the gutter

For other miscellaneous uses:

  • Do not let vegetation to hang from the roof
  • Clean the gutters as well as your roof before fixing the system
  • Install a leaf screen made of good quality underneath the gutters or instead fix a leaf-shedding gutter.

For the purpose of drinking, please do not collect rainwater:

  • From roof sections which may contain asbestos sheeting or lead flashing and from terraces which are painted. If you cannot avoid this then properly seal the surface and paint it with a good quality roof sealant and avoid collecting rainwater from the initial periods of rainfall after sealing.
  • In regions where airborne pollutants exist from nearby activities, like chemical processing and crop-dusting.

Therefore, the above mentioned measures should be taken in order to make a safe use of rainwater. Now, I would request my other friends to come on stage and say a few words in this regard.

Speech on Rainwater Harvesting 5

Hello Friends – Warm Greetings to everyone and I, Samaksh Dutt, welcome you all to this awareness program on Rainwater Harvesting! Being a part of such awareness programs from past 2 years, I have been given this wonderful opportunity to talk on such pertinent issue and enlighten our people. Therefore, I sincerely expect cooperation from you all and hope that everyone will listen to me patiently.

Now, coming to the topic called Rainwater harvesting – even though it is such a key technique to save on water, still the majority of our population isn’t aware why and how it is being done and in what ways we can be benefited out of it. If I were to explain the process of rainwater harvesting in simpler terms, I would say that it’s a process which involves gathering and storing of rainwater for domestic, agricultural as well as commercial usages. With the fast changing environment, growth of population and rise in global temperature, major shortage of water is being faced by the countries all over the world. The gradual reduction in water level is a serious cause of concern not only because it gives rise to a situation of water crisis, but also mainly because in coastal regions, it results in creating an imbalance in the salinity of the region.

Speedy industrialization and dumping of chemical produce into different water bodies, such as lake, rivers, etc cause tremendous level of pollution. This is indeed a global phenomenon and requires an urgent solution. The fresh water supply on our planet cannot be augmented. Therefore, an alternative solution has to be looked for and one such solution is rainwater harvesting.

Rainwater harvesting is an economical and easy way to handle such situation of crisis. As people are becoming environment conscious, the method of rainwater harvesting is gaining a huge momentum thereby making eco-conservation and fair utilization of natural resource possible. Falling water tables is rampant and many people in urban regions seek dependency on bottled water which is neither budget friendly nor dependable.

The significance of developing the rainwater harvesting technique is briefly mentioned below:

  • The collected rainwater is often used for agricultural activities. The environment can be helped in getting rid of the situation of drought.
  • The water requirement for feeding the animals can be met.
  • The relentless demand of water can be met.
  • The volume of the subterranean water can be raised.
  • Wastage of flowing water through gutter, drain or any other water-cause can be prevented and harm to the water bodies in any form could be stopped.
  • The volume of water can be increased and soil erosion could be avoided.
  • Water-logging on thoroughfares and normal roads can be prevented and residences can be made secure from the danger of inundation.

In the end, all I would like to say is that it’s our hostile approach towards nature that has led to the pollution in water bodies and made them unfit for drinking or other uses. God has bestowed on us with abundance of natural wealth, but man has not been able to make a fair use of it and unfortunately neither they can be manufactured in the workshops. Currently, many countries in the world are facing water scarcity and are therefore resorting to this rainwater harvesting technique for their survival. So I request all of you to realize the seriousness of this issue and overcome it by adopting active measures.

Speech on Rainwater Harvesting 6

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentleman – I welcome you all to our Save Water Campaign and urge everyone to develop seriousness towards the situation of water crisis. This threat is constantly looming on our heads and we cannot help, but face this issue bravely if we want our coming generation to thrive on this planet.

Since the name of our campaign is Save Water Campaign, my team members are here to spread awareness on water saving techniques. Water as we all very well know is a very important natural resource without which man cannot imagine his existence. But when this very natural resource which is a life-giving source is depleting fast, human survival has come under serious threat. The speedy drop in groundwater level is a major cause of concern.

Now, the question that arises is how to bring the situation under control? This can only be brought through such major techniques as Rainwater harvesting. This comparatively simple technique can bring a world of difference in our day to day lives and help us overcome the situation of water crisis. This technique can be used for both domestic as well as commercial purposes, the various methods of which are described below:

  • Domestic Rainwater Harvesting

There are two major systems of domestic rainwater harvesting process, namely;

Pump Feed System – In this case, the tank is installed at a ground level or sometimes underground where a pump is then used to dispense water around the house. In fact, one can also choose to go for a combined pump as well as gravity system that transports the water to the top of one’s house and then to another tank where it can be kept before being used through pipes.

Gravity Feed Systems – Such systems are more often than not placed at the top of a house and make use of the gravity power to push water to various parts of the house. These do not require any other source of power like electricity. Water is accumulated on the terrace when the rain starts and is fed straightaway into the tank’s filter system.

  • Water Butts

Water butts are often considered the simplest form of this harvesting technique. They are nothing, but big plastic containers for storing water from one drainage pipe or via natural rainfall and are mostly maintained in the house for use in garden to water the plants.

If in your house, there is a garden of decent size, then a butt can be really helpful in keeping a check on your water consumption from the mains. You can also pair these butts with a Rain saucer, which is like an upside down umbrella used to collect rainwater much more effectively and without any hassles in comparison with a gutter.

  • Commercial Rainwater Harvesting

The difference that comes in for commercial purposes is in terms of size. The technology remains more or less the same and may be somewhat more hi-tech. If buildings are really tall then gravity feed systems will be the most feasible option because of the great pressure of water that can be produced.

  • Miscellaneous Rainwater Harvesting Systems

The excess water from the gutters or rooftops can be collected and utilized. But this is not the latest development as the latest development is about making use of the porous paving for collecting water, including such systems which are really built underneath gardens and that offer a sustainable way of bringing down the amount of water bills.

I think I have said enough on this topic, now I will request my other team members to join me on stage and add to what I have said.

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Essay on Rain Water Harvesting for Students and Children

500 words essay on rain water harvesting.

Rainwater Harvesting is one of the most commonly used methods to save water. It refers to storing of rainwater for various uses. The notion behind rainwater harvesting is to not waste the rainwater and prevent it from running off. In other words, it is done to collect rainwater using simple mechanisms. This method is very useful considering the water scarcity that is happening in India. Moreover, rainwater harvesting is so easy that almost anyone can do it. We must encourage this practice to help people get access to clean water easily without any cost.

Essay on Rain Water Harvesting

Importance of Rainwater Harvesting

As we know by now, rainwater harvesting is very easy and economical. Following the water scarcity in so many parts of the world, rainwater harvesting has become the need of the hour. It must be practiced by people of all regions. This will also give them a sense of comfort in knowing that they won’t have to face water scarcity.

Furthermore, rainwater harvesting holds more importance than you actually think it does. As we know that surface water is not enough to meet the demands of the people, we can get additional help from rainwater. Also, most people now depend on groundwater for their uses. Many houses and even flats have submersible pumps in their place. The groundwater is decreasing day by day because of excessive usage, deforestation, urbanization and more.

Thus, when we practice rainwater harvesting, it can maintain the level of the groundwater. That way, we all can make use of groundwater as it will keep on replenishing through rainwater harvesting. Moreover, rainwater harvesting prevents water from logging on roads. It also reduces the chances of soil erosion. Most importantly, rainwater harvesting improves the quality of water which we consume, as it is the purest form of water.

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Rainwater Harvesting Methods

Rainwater harvesting is a very simple method that can be practiced by anyone. There are primarily two types of rainwater harvesting methods. The first one is surface runoff harvesting. In this method, the water that runs off the surface is focused on. We see how the surface runoff causes a lot of loss of water. However, if we make proper arrangements, we can even save that water to use for various purposes.

In this method, we can collect the surface runoff water by making a path that directs to a storage space like a tank or pond. This can help store water in a large amount which can be used later for a lot of work. Everyone can design an efficient system which will collect large amounts of water from roads, gardens, parks and more. It will definitely be enough to sustain a community and even a city is designed on a larger level.

However, the runoff water will have a lot of impurities. Therefore, it is important to first filter the water properly so it can be reused for all purposes, whether it is drinking or cooking.

Next up, we have rooftop rainwater harvesting. Here, the roof of a house or building works as a rainwater collection unit. It includes equipping the roof with pipes that direct to a pit or tank. These pipes will divert the water falling on the roof in the tank to save water from falling off. This is a very economical and efficient way to harvest rainwater.

FAQs on Rain Water Harvesting

Q.1 Why is Rainwater Harvesting important?

A.1 Rainwater harvesting is important because we are facing water scarcity. Rainwater is an economical way to save water and prevent rainwater wastage.

Q.2 How can one harvest rainwater?

A.2 Rainwater harvesting is done using two methods. One is surface runoff harvesting and the other is rooftop rainwater harvesting.

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Rain Water Harvesting Essay

One of the most effective practices and approaches used to encourage water conservation is the use of rainwater collection systems. Today, the lack of high-quality water is a significant source of worry. Rainwater can be used for different animal needs as well as agriculture, cleaning, washing, bathing, and cooking because it is pure. Here are some sample essays on rain water harvesting.

100 Words Essay on Rain Water Harvesting

200 words essay on rain water harvesting, 500 words essay on rain water harvesting, importance of rainwater harvesting, methods of rainwater harvesting.

Rain Water Harvesting Essay

To collect and store rainwater for use in the future, a technique known as "rainwater harvesting" is used. Rainwater can be collected in either natural or artificial tanks. Surface water can also be gathered by allowing it to sink into underground aquifers if it hasn't already been lost by surface overflow.

Rainwater can also be collected by harvesting it from rooftops. For those who live in regions with little rainfall, it is quite essential. They can continue harvesting seasonal crops using the rainwater they have collected, even in the lack of a regular water source. Rainwater is gathered into artificial ponds or tanks every time it rains.

A fundamental process called rainwater harvesting involves rainfall seeping into the ground's water table through open land. Rainwater collection is relatively easy to do at home and has a significant positive impact on the environment and our ecosystem. Our cities and villages will have to rely on the earth's finite supply of fresh water if rainwater harvesting is not done correctly. We must keep in mind that freshwater makes up only 3% of the total amount of water on Earth. We will run out of water before our future generations can survive if we do not adopt innovative water-saving techniques.

Additionally, rainwater collection is more important than we might assume. We can use rainfall as an extra resource because we are aware that surface water is insufficient to supply all the needs of the population. Additionally, groundwater is currently the primary source of water for most people.

The entire population of the country cannot adopt rainwater collection quickly. Governments and members of civil society must work together to advance the process, which is gradual. There should be awareness-raising and educational efforts in rural areas of the nation as well as educational institutions to raise the necessary understanding about the advantages of rainwater harvesting because it is one of the sustainable sources of water collection that we can rely on.

The most popular way to conserve water is through rainwater harvesting. It corresponds to the act of collecting rainwater for later use. Using rainwater for agricultural purposes and preventing it from evaporating are the two goals of rainwater gathering. This means that different techniques are used to collect rainwater. Considering India's current water shortage, this strategy is beneficial. In addition, it is quite simple to practice rainwater harvesting which allows people to do it without investing too much into it. We must support this approach to enable people to get clean water freely.

The rainwater collection is simple and inexpensive. Rainwater collection has become essential due to the water shortage that has affected many areas of the world. Individuals from all regions must practice it. Submersible pumps are used in a lot of homes, including apartments. Due to excessive use, deforestation, urbanisation, and other factors, the groundwater is getting lower and lower every day. As a result, when we collect rainwater, the groundwater level may be maintained. In this manner, everyone can utilise groundwater because rainwater collection would keep its levels up. In addition, collecting rainwater stops water from collecting on highways. Soil erosion is also less likely to happen as a result. Since rainwater is the cleanest form of water, it is crucial that rainwater harvesting be practiced by people ardently.

Everyone can make use of the easy-going technique of rainwater gathering. Rainwater-gathering plans mostly fall into two categories. Surface runoff harvesting comes first on the list. This approach concentrates on surface-running water. We observe a significant loss of water due to surface runoff. If we take suitable precautions, we may even be able to preserve the water for later use.

By creating a channel that leads to a storage area like a pond or tank, we can use this technique to collect surface runoff water. Large amounts of water can be stored in this way and used later. Everybody can create a system that effectively contains enormous amounts of water from parks, gardens, and roadways. If consider on a bigger scale, it will be sufficient to support a city and even a community.

But the water from runoff will be heavily contaminated. It is crucial to adequately filter the water first so that it may be used for drinking and cooking as well as other functions. Here, a structure or home's roof is a device for collecting rainwater. A pit or tank may be reached by installing pipes on the roof. The water that would otherwise fall off the roof will be saved by these pipes, which will redirect it into the tank. This method of gathering rainwater is incredibly cost-effective and helpful.

Real-Life Inspiration | One of the Indian states, Tamil Nadu, became the first to make rainwater collection mandatory. On May 30, 2014, the Tamil Nadu state government announced plans to build over 50,000 rainwater harvesting systems throughout Chennai. In Tamil Nadu, rainwater tanks have been installed in about 4,000 temples. These tanks are used for numerous temple activities and to refill the groundwater. Thus, rainwater harvesting is needed when water resources are limited and polluted due to the large population.

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Speech On Rainwater Harvesting

Speech On Rainwater Harvesting | Rainwater Harvesting Speech for Students and Children in English

Speech On Rainwater Harvesting: Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting the rainwater and then that water is stored in a reservoir and which is used later for household work.

This technique is a way to store water for household purposes that leads to saving fresh water. At this time when global warming and water scarcity is becoming a huge problem, the process of rain water harvesting could lead to one of the small steps of saving water.

The harvested rainwater is used mainly in works like watering the plants, washing utensils and those who have farming as their profession, the use it for irrigation purposes.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Rainwater Harvesting for Kids And Students in English

A long speech on rainwater harvesting of 500 words and a short speech on rainwater harvesting of 150 words are being provided to the students so that they can prepare for a speech on rainwater harvesting and ten lines on this topic are also being provided so that they can develop an idea on the process of rainwater harvesting.

A Long Speech on Rainwater Harvesting is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on Rainwater Harvesting is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Rainwater Harvesting 500 Words In English

Good morning to my respected teachers and my fellow friends,

Today I want to present a speech on water harvesting.

The process of collecting rain water and storing it in any reservoir or tank is known as rainwater harvesting. This process is applied for the intention to save water.

This is an active process which is taking place in our country with an initiative to save water. This process can prevent the usage of fresh water in household works other than drinking. Rain water is considered to be the cleanest form of water after it pours for more than five minutes.

As the rain pours, it dissolves the harmful gases from the environment as water acts as a solvent to the gases. After the gas is dissolved, the atmosphere of the place where it is raining becomes the purest. During that time if the rain water is collected, it is considered to be one of the purest forms of water.

That water is then used to water plants mainly. Rainwater contains nitrogen in it, which is good for the plants. The plants grow better in rain water.

Rain water harvesting is also important for storing ground water. As ground water does not evaporate, it is better to store ground water then storing water in some other place where it is exposed.

In places where there is scarcity of water, or there is less amount of rainfall received, the rain water harvesting procedure should be introduced there. Whenever there is rainfall, the people can harvest the rainwater and store it in somewhere there is a system of underground reservoir or any other covered place.

Rain water can be used as drinking water also. The rain water which is stored can be purified in a water purifier or simply boiled and then it becomes fit for drinking.

There are three processes of rain water harvesting. The first process is known as surface runoff harvesting, the second process is known as rooftop harvesting and in the third process; the rainwater can be stored in large hollow spaces which can be covered.

In surface runoff harvesting, the rain water falls and flows through any surface and that water is collected and stored. In rooftop harvesting, the rainwater flows from the roof and pours down to any bucket or other storage for water, or pipes are attached with the roof, which carries the water down to any underground reservoir or other storage place.

In the third process, the rainwater is collected in an open pit like place. It is then covered or directly used up for its work.

The process of harvesting rainwater was invented to reduce wastage of water. Due to global warming, and pollutions, mainly water pollution, there is a shortage of water crises arising. This small step can help in leading to a stage of water conservation.

If we start noticing these little details and take these small initiations then we all can make the earth a better living place.

10 Lines On Rainwater Harvesting Speech In English

Short Speech On Rainwater Harvesting 150 Words In English

Good morning to my teachers, seniors and friends,

I will be presenting a speech on rain water harvesting.

In this situation where we are facing problems due to shortage of water, it is our duty to save water by taking small steps and observing everything in detail. Scarcity of water is becoming a huge problem nowadays.

There are places where people face huge scarcity of water and there are places where there is very less rainfall received, both the problems can be solved with rain water harvesting. The water which is harvested is used on different domestic works.

Mainly the harvested rainwater is used for irrigation purpose by the farmers. The farmers require more water for growing the crops and in some places; it is used to feed the cattle.

As the crops and plants grow well on rain water, it is necessary to store rain water for plants and it is also important for saving water.

10 Lines On Rainwater Harvesting Speech In English

  • The process of collecting and storing rainwater for useful purposes is known as rainwater harvesting.
  • It is the most practical solution to all the problems related to water scarcity.
  • This is one of the cheapest forms of conserving water.
  • The harvested rainwater that is stored can be used if there is a crisis. That stored water can be used for drinking also if it is boiled to purify it.
  • The harvested rainwater is used for irrigation purposes mainly. There are many crops that grow well in rainwater; during the dry seasons that stored rainwater can be used.
  • The rural areas face many problems due to water scarcity; those problems can be solved easily if they use the process of rainwater harvesting.
  • Mainly there are two procedures of rainwater harvesting. One is surface runoff harvesting and the other is rooftop harvesting.
  • Rainwater harvesting will reduce the overuse of water and wastage of water.
  • Rainwater harvesting can help in maintaining the underground water level.
  • Rainwater is the purest form of water.The plants grow well in this water.

Short Speech On Rainwater Harvesting 150 Words In English

FAQ’s On Rainwater Harvesting Speech

Question 1. Is the rainwater which is collected considered to be fresh?

Answer: The harvested rainwater collected if it stored in a clean storage then it can be considered to be pure. If it is used for drinking purpose, then it should be purified or boiled.

Question 2. What should be the size of the storage or the container to store rain water?

Answer: The containers’ or the storage place’s retaining capacity depends on the climate of the place to determine the quantity of the rainfall.

Question 3. Is it possible to wash clothes with rain water?

Answer: The rainwater is soft water. Soft waters do not require much soap; in this way, the soap is also not wasted.

Question 4. If the tank for conserving fills up what should be done?

Answer: In case the tank for conserved rain water fills up, there should be a seepage procedure inbuilt within the tank which seeps out the excess water in fields for the plants.

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Speech on Rainwater Harvesting

Speech on rainwater harvesting in simple and easy words.

a very short speech on rain water harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is an extremely important activity globally in the present times as the whole world is in a desperate need to conserve water and avoid its wastage so much so that our coming generation does not have to live in the scarcity of this natural resource. Since the subject has been so important, it has been considered appropriate to cover speeches on rainwater harvesting. Whether you are a student, teacher, a public personality and others looking to deliver a speech or present an article on this crucial activity, then our both short speech on rainwater harvesting as well as long speech on rainwater harvesting can help you as a good reference point and enable you in making your assignment impressive so that you can earn accolades from your audience.

Long and Short Speech on Rainwater Harvesting

Speech on rainwater harvesting 1.

Good Morning Esteemed Panelists and Respected Audiences – I welcome you all to the seminar on Rainwater Harvesting!

I, Rajesh Sharma – the chairman in Water Conservation Department of Jaipur, am your host for today. Rainwater harvesting is a very pertinent activity. It involves the collection as well as storage of rainwater into natural bodies or man-made reservoirs with a view to keep a check on the overflow of surface water. There is other method of rainwater harvesting known as rooftop harvesting. In rooftop harvesting, such surfaces as metal sheets, tiles and plastics, excluding pal leaf or grass can be used to impede the rainwater flow and provide our homes with premium quality water to drink and make possible perennial storage facility.

There are other uses that involve water for irrigation, garden, livestock, etc. Following are the reasons behind using the method of rainwater harvesting:

  • It helps in improving the supply of water, production of food thereby eventually giving you food security.
  • Rural areas or households that suffer from water scarcity do get benefitted from the systems of rainwater harvesting.
  • As rainwater harvesting ensures constant supply of water, which in turn provides food security and in turn significantly contributes towards income generation.

Do you know which Indian state had first decided to make rainwater harvesting obligatory? It’s on May 30 th , in the year 2014 that the Tamil Nadu state government declared to establish 50,000 channels of rainwater harvesting at different parts of the Chennai city.

a very short speech on rain water harvesting

Nearly 4,000 temples in the state of Tamil Nadu traditionally maintained water tanks which were used for different rituals. The tanks were more or less like natural aquifers and helped restore groundwater. Though over a period of years, many of those tanks were discarded and it was the overflowing mass of garbage and silt that replaced the water present in them.

Now, it is through relentless campaigns being run by voluntary organizations as well as department authority of water supply and use, the officials in Chennai have taken a decision to restore about 40 tanks in the major temples of the city. The endeavor is to convert such water tanks into drainage basins for rainwater harvesting.

Other than Tamil State, in fact other states of India should adopt this tool to ensure the availability of water in our households and for restoring underground water. There is an international network called RAIN being formed with a view to boost the availability of water for vulnerable regions in developing nations to children and women in particular by accumulating and storing rainwater.

Thus, this method proves to be immensely helpful to cope with the situation of water shortage or inadequate supply of water and provides sustenance to various activities that are not possible without water, such as irrigation, gardening, rearing the livestock, etc.

Now, I would request the panelists the take over the stage and share their valuable thoughts on the same and suggest some methods of bettering the system of rainwater harvesting and how this method can be best utilized.

Speech on Rainwater Harvesting 2

Respected Parents of all the Children and My Dear Friends – Warm Good Evening to one and all!

Before I begin with my speech on Rainwater Harvesting, let me first extend warm thanks to all the parents for coming together under one roof and making our event a success. As we have been taught in our school the benefits of rainwater harvesting, all the children decided to spread the knowledge amongst their families and friends and enlighten everyone about its benefits.

Rainwater harvesting is an interesting method to collect and store rainwater for such uses as landscape irrigation, animal rearing, gardening, etc. When the rain comes, we never make any efforts towards preserving that water. The water can be collected from different hard surfaces, like terrace and/or other artificial aboveground tough surfaces. If the climate is dry, such as that of in South Australia, the technique of rainwater harvesting can prove to be extremely beneficial for the environment.

There are many rural households that have to conserve all the water for their property and rainwater more often than not offers comparatively a better quality supply to the household than river, dams or bore water. Rainwater harvesting however is not only meant for rural regions as many urban households too are joined to a reticulated, treated (mains) source of water supply. This method of rainwater harvesting can considerably bring down the use of main water sources.

Now, the question that arises is what are the advantages of rainwater harvesting? It’s one of the major benefits is that it will help you bring down your water bills, secondly you will have an alternative source of water supply during the situation of water crisis and thirdly it will help you maintain your green, blossoming garden. Excessive dependency on climate as well as tank size is not right and so rainwater harvesting can help reduce the burden drastically on the main sources of water.

Rainwater harvesting also helps overcome the fear of storm water runoff; thus reducing the risk of local flooding or scouring of brooks. You can collect rainwater from various rooftops, based on what quality of rainwater is required. For instance, if rainwater for lawn or garden irrigation is required, then

  • Collect it from any roof surface other than unsealed asbestos
  • Make sure that all gutters are linked to the outlets
  • Preferably attach a good screen of leaf to the gutters
  • Use the outlets of gutter that can be adjusted at the bottom of the gutter

For other miscellaneous uses:

  • Do not let vegetation to hang from the roof
  • Clean the gutters as well as your roof before fixing the system
  • Install a leaf screen made of good quality underneath the gutters or instead fix a leaf-shedding gutter.

For the purpose of drinking, please do not collect rainwater:

  • From roof sections which may contain asbestos sheeting or lead flashing and from terraces which are painted. If you cannot avoid this then properly seal the surface and paint it with a good quality roof sealant and avoid collecting rainwater from the initial periods of rainfall after sealing.
  • In regions where airborne pollutants exist from nearby activities, like chemical processing and crop-dusting.

Therefore, the above mentioned measures should be taken in order to make a safe use of rainwater. Now, I would request my other friends to come on stage and say a few words in this regard.

Speech on Rainwater Harvesting 3

Hello Friends – Warm Greetings to everyone and I, Samaksh Dutt, welcome you all to this awareness program on Rainwater Harvesting! Being a part of such awareness programs from past 2 years, I have been given this wonderful opportunity to talk on such pertinent issue and enlighten our people. Therefore, I sincerely expect cooperation from you all and hope that everyone will listen to me patiently.

Now, coming to the topic called Rainwater harvesting – even though it is such a key technique to save on water, still the majority of our population isn’t aware why and how it is being done and in what ways we can be benefitted out of it. If I were to explain the process of rainwater harvesting in simpler terms, I would say that it’s a process which involves gathering and storing of rainwater for domestic, agricultural as well as commercial usages. With the fast changing environment, growth of population and rise in global temperature, major shortage of water is being faced by the countries all over the world. The gradual reduction in water level is a serious cause of concern not only because it gives rise to a situation of water crisis, but also mainly because in coastal regions, it results in creating an imbalance in the salinity of the region.

Speedy industrialization and dumping of chemical produce into different water bodies, such as lake, rivers, etc cause tremendous level of pollution. This is indeed a global phenomenon and requires an urgent solution. The fresh water supply on our planet cannot be augmented. Therefore, an alternative solution has to be looked for and one such solution is rainwater harvesting.

Rainwater harvesting is an economical and easy way to handle such situation of crisis. As people are becoming environment conscious, the method of rainwater harvesting is gaining a huge momentum thereby making eco-conservation and fair utilization of natural resource possible. Falling water tables is rampant and many people in urban regions seek dependency on bottled water which is neither budget friendly nor dependable.

The significance of developing the rainwater harvesting technique is briefly mentioned below:

  • The collected rainwater is often used for agricultural activities. The environment can be helped in getting rid of the situation of drought.
  • The water requirement for feeding the animals can be met.
  • The relentless demand of water can be met.
  • The volume of the subterranean water can be raised.
  • Wastage of flowing water through gutter, drain or any other water-cause can be prevented and harm to the water bodies in any form could be stopped.
  • The volume of water can be increased and soil erosion could be avoided.
  • Water-logging on thoroughfares and normal roads can be prevented and residences can be made secure from the danger of inundation.

In the end, all I would like to say is that it’s our hostile approach towards nature that has led to the pollution in water bodies and made them unfit for drinking or other uses. God has bestowed on us with abundance of natural wealth, but man has not been able to make a fair use of it and unfortunately neither they can be manufactured in the workshops. Currently, many countries in the world are facing water scarcity and are therefore resorting to this rainwater harvesting technique for their survival. So I request all of you to realize the seriousness of this issue and overcome it by adopting active measures.

Speech on Rainwater Harvesting 4

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentleman – I welcome you all to our Save Water Campaign and urge everyone to develop seriousness towards the situation of water crisis. This threat is constantly looming on our heads and we cannot help, but face this issue bravely if we want our coming generation to thrive on this planet.

Since the name of our campaign is Save Water Campaign, my team members are here to spread awareness on water saving techniques. Water as we all very well know is a very important natural resource without which man cannot imagine his existence. But when this very natural resource which is a life-giving source is depleting fast, human survival has come under serious threat. The speedy drop in groundwater level is a major cause of concern.

Now, the question that arises is how to bring the situation under control? This can only be brought through such major techniques as Rainwater harvesting. This comparatively simple technique can bring a world of difference in our day to day lives and help us overcome the situation of water crisis. This technique can be used for both domestic as well as commercial purposes, the various methods of which are described below:

  • Domestic Rainwater Harvesting

There are two major systems of domestic rainwater harvesting process, namely;

Pump Feed System – In this case, the tank is installed at a ground level or sometimes underground where a pump is then used to dispense water around the house. In fact, one can also choose to go for a combined pump as well as gravity system that transports the water to the top of one’s house and then to another tank where it can be kept before being used through pipes.

Gravity Feed Systems – Such systems are more often than not placed at the top of a house and make use of the gravity power to push water to various parts of the house. These do not require any other source of power like electricity. Water is accumulated on the terrace when the rain starts and is fed straightaway into the tank’s filter system.

  • Water Butts

Water butts are often considered the simplest form of this harvesting technique. They are nothing, but big plastic containers for storing water from one drainage pipe or via natural rainfall and are mostly maintained in the house for use in garden to water the plants.

If in your house, there is a garden of decent size, then a butt can be really helpful in keeping a check on your water consumption from the mains. You can also pair these butts with a Rain saucer, which is like an upside down umbrella used to collect rainwater much more effectively and without any hassles in comparison with a gutter.

  • Commercial Rainwater Harvesting

The difference that comes in for commercial purposes is in terms of size. The technology remains more or less the same and may be somewhat more hi-tech. If buildings are really tall then gravity feed systems will be the most feasible option because of the great pressure of water that can be produced.

  • Miscellaneous Rainwater Harvesting Systems

The excess water from the gutters or rooftops can be collected and utilized. But this is not the latest development as the latest development is about making use of the porous paving for collecting water, including such systems which are really built underneath gardens and that offer a sustainable way of bringing down the amount of water bills.

I think I have said enough on this topic, now I will request my other team members to join me on stage and add to what I have said.

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a very short speech on rain water harvesting

  • Biology Article

Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is the simple process or technology used to conserve rainwater by collecting, storing, conveying and purifying of rainwater that runs off from rooftops, parks, roads, open grounds, etc. for later use. Here, let us have a look at the diagram of rainwater harvesting system.

Rooftop Rainwater harvesting diagram

Rainwater harvesting

Explore more: How Can We Conserve Water?

All living things including plants, animals and human beings need water to live and to carry out different cellular activities.

Have you ever imagined a day without water?  

No, we have not and it is hard to imagine. We all use water for different kinds of day to day activities, such as cleaning, washing, bathing, cooking, drinking and other domestic and industrial uses.

Water is a precious, essential and an  abiotic component of the ecosystem. Today we all are heading toward the scarcity of water, and this is mainly because of the lack of water conservation and pollution of water bodies. So, let us not waste a drop of water and start conserving water for further use.

Also read: Water

There are different methods used for conserving water; this article explains the rainwater harvesting system with a simple diagram.

Table of Contents

  • Rainwater Harvesting Diagram
  • How to harvest the Rainwater?
  • Why do we harvest Rainwater?

Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting

Disadvantages of rainwater harvesting, how to harvest the rainwater.

Rainwater harvesting systems consists of the following components:

  • Catchment- Used to collect and store the captured rainwater.
  • Conveyance system – It is used to transport the harvested water from the catchment to the recharge zone.
  • Flush- It is used to flush out the first spell of rain.
  • Filter – Used for filtering the collected rainwater and removing pollutants.
  • Tanks and the recharge structures: Used to store the filtered water which is ready to use.

The process of rainwater harvesting involves the collection and the storage of rainwater with the help of artificially designed systems that run off naturally or man-made catchment areas like- the rooftop, compounds, rock surface, hill slopes, artificially repaired impervious or semi-pervious land surface.

Several factors play a vital role in the amount of water harvested. Some of these factors are:

  • The quantum of runoff
  • Features of the catchments
  • Impact on the environment
  • Availability of the technology
  • The capacity of the storage tanks
  • Types of the roof, its slope and its materials
  • The frequency,  quantity  and the quality of the rainfall
  •  The speed and ease with which the rainwater penetrates through the subsoil to recharge the groundwater.

Why do we Harvest Rainwater?

The rainwater harvesting system is one of the best methods practised and followed to support the conservation of water . Today, scarcity of good quality water has become a significant cause of concern. However, rainwater, which is pure and of good quality, can be used for irrigation, washing, cleaning, bathing, cooking and also for other livestock requirements.

The benefits of the rainwater harvesting system are listed below.

  • Helps in reducing the water bill.
  • Decreases the demand for water.
  • Reduces the need for imported water.
  • Promotes both water and energy conservation.
  • Improves the quality and quantity of groundwater.
  • Does not require a filtration system for landscape irrigation.
  • This technology is relatively simple, easy to install and operate.
  • It reduces soil erosion, stormwater runoff, flooding, and pollution of surface water with fertilizers, pesticides, metals and other sediments.
  • It is an excellent source of water for landscape irrigation with no chemicals, dissolved salts and free from all minerals.

Also Read: Disappearing Act of Water

In addition to the great advantages, the rainwater harvesting system has a few disadvantages like unpredictable rainfall, unavailability of the proper storage system, etc.

Listed below are a few more disadvantages of the rainwater harvesting process.

  • Regular maintenance is required.
  • Requires some technical skills for installation.
  • Limited and no rainfall can limit the supply of rainwater.
  • If not installed correctly, it may attract mosquitoes and other waterborne diseases.
  • One of the significant drawbacks of the rainwater harvesting system is storage limits.

Know more about Rainwater Harvesting and other Biology related diagram concepts at  BYJU’S Biology

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you understand by rainwater harvesting.

Rainwater harvesting is the process of accumulation and storage of rainwater for reuse rather than allowing it to runoff.

What are the different methods of rainwater harvesting?

The different methods of rainwater harvesting include:

  • First, flush.
  • Transportation.
  • Surface runoff harvesting – It is the system that collects rainwater, which flows away as surface runoff. The runoff rainwater is caught and used to recharge aquifers by adopting appropriate techniques.

What is the importance of rainwater harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable process that helps in preserving water for future needs. Water scarcity is a major concern in today’s scenario. The process of rainwater harvesting is a good way to conserve water.

What are the advantages of rainwater harvesting?

The advantages of rainwater harvesting are:

  • It is cost-effective
  • Conserves water
  • A source of water for landscape irrigation
  • It is a simple method and easy to practice
  • It reduces soil erosion and pollution of water bodies due to fertilisers and pesticides

What are the factors affecting the amount of rainwater harvested?

The factors affecting the amount of rainwater harvested are:

  • Catchment features
  • Quantum of runoff
  • The capacity of storage tanks

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a very short speech on rain water harvesting

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A detailed explanation! It gives the interest of harvesting the rainwater. By this, we can also save time and energy.

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Paragraph on Rain Water Harvesting – Long and Short Paragraphs

a very short speech on rain water harvesting

Table of Contents

Rain water harvesting is the system of collection and storage of rainwater in to the tanks and other reservoirs for future use. Presently it is very important to conserve rain water so that there is no scarcity of this natural resource. It is practiced globally and several measures are taken to harvest rain water and prevent wastage of water. In modern times people are aware of the adverse effects of human activity on our environment. Thus, the concept of rain water harvesting is also gaining rapid momentum and people are playing their part in environmental conservation and making sensible use of this natural resource.

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You will find below a number of short and long paragraphs on Rain Water Harvesting . We hope these Rain Water Harvesting paragraphs will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children to write and read out paragraphs with simple words and small sentences. Students can select any paragraph on Rain Water Harvesting according to their particular requirement.

Long and Short Paragraphs on Rain Water Harvesting

Small paragraph on rain water harvesting.

Rainwater harvesting is a simple method where we collect and store rainwater for later use. Instead of letting rainwater go to waste, we can capture it in tanks, ponds, or even in underground containers. This saved water can be used for watering plants, flushing toilets, and sometimes even for drinking if it’s purified. Harvesting rainwater helps save our regular water supply, reduces flooding, and is a smart way to deal with water shortages. It’s a nature-friendly approach that everyone should consider.

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Easy Paragraph on Rain Water Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting means collecting rainwater and storing it for later. We can catch rain in big tanks or even small barrels. Later, we can use this water for plants or cleaning. It’s a smart way to save water and helps when there’s not much water around. It’s like nature’s gift that we should not waste.

Rain Water Harvesting Paragraph 100 words

Rain water harvesting refers to the accumulation and storage of rain water in to natural reservoirs or tanks or the infiltration of surface water in to surface aquifers for reusing it later. Rain water harvesting is very important as it is the practice to prevent the wastage of water and use it in a number of ways. There are many methods through which it can be done like surface water collection system, rooftop method of harvesting, underground tanks, dams, slopes, barrages, water collection reservoirs, trenches etc. The harvested water ensures the smooth supply of water in future and prevents scarcity of water.

Rain Water Harvesting Paragraph 150 words

Rain water harvesting refers to the collection and storage of water for reuse. It can be used for various purposes later rather than allowing it to run off the gutters. It can be used for irrigation, gardens, domestic purposes and livestock. It can also be used as drinking water and groundwater storage. Rain water harvesting improves the supply of water throughout the year. With fluctuating climate changes and draining ground water storage, rain water harvesting helps to mitigate those effects.

It can help to recharge ground water storage and ensure the availability of water in the scarce zones. Rain water conservation is also practiced in individual homes and apartments. Though in modern times there are new methods and technology for harvesting rain water, it is much of a traditional practice also followed in rural areas. The rain water is always useful in times when the rainfall is scanty. It can be used in a number of ways whether harvested by traditional methods or with the help of new methods and technology.

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Rain Water Harvesting Paragraph 200 words

Rain water harvesting is the technique of collecting and storing water to preserve it for future use. The harvested water can be stored for long-term use. Rain water harvesting is vital as locally available water can meet the demand of water and minimize the overall capital expenditure. Rain water can be used for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes.

It is a widely used concept practiced all over the world. Since decades people have relied on the method of rain water harvesting for the supply of water. Rainwater is accumulated from rooftops and directed into tanks and cisterns. There are many techniques being implemented for harvesting rain water. In present times, the catchment area is directly connected to tanks, cisterns and reservoirs for storage.

Surface water storage, dams, underground tanks, barrage, trenches and rain barrels etc. are the techniques used for rain water harvesting. It is possible that due to insufficient rain, water sources may dry. Rain water harvesting is the best practice to be ready for such times. The harvested rainwater also has to be purified before using for drinking purpose and other daily use activities. Rainwater is a gift from nature so we should value the importance of this natural resource and use it wisely.

Rain Water Harvesting Paragraph 250 words

Rain water harvesting is the process in which the rain water is accumulated and stored for later use. Rain water harvesting has to be rightly used to keep the scarcity of water at bay. It is always wise to harvest rain water as its natural, clean and salt free source of water. However the quality of water has to be maintained depending on the end use.

Rain Water Filtration

The rain water can be purified, filtered and maintained in several ways. The catch area of rain water has to be cleaned and the pipes are to be flushed. Initially the flow of water can be diverted to run off water to waste. The floating draw-off mechanism can be used to obtain the improved quality of water. The presence of contaminants or any kind of waste can affect the quality of water. The contaminants may include air pollution, leaves, sand, dust, bird excrements, etc.

The filtration that removes the contaminants and purifies the water has to be done. The harvested rain water has to be treated and tested to ensure the quality. In industries the common practice used is pre-filtration to ensure the water directed to the tank is purified. The water supply system should meet the quality of water by applying preliminary filtration measures. Some methods of purifying the water are; solar sterilization, sediment filtration, use of chlorine or iodine, etc. The drinking water can also be purified through RO water purifier systems.

Thus, there are several ways in which water can be purified and has to be treated before use. Especially, when the water is to be used as drinking water it can’t be used without purification and filtration.

Rain Water Harvesting Paragraph 300 words

Water is one of the most important and basic needs for us and due to overpopulation and irregular rainfall, harvesting rain water is vital. Rain water harvesting is the technique used for collecting, storing and saving water for future use. When it rains the water pours off the roof top and runs down through the gutters or is directed towards the streets. With rain water harvesting water from the rooftops can be directed through pipelines or tubes in to the cistern or storage tank to save it for later use. Rain water is sustainable and high quality water source.

Rain Water Harvesting System

Rain water harvesting systems can be simple and complex. In residential areas the rain water harvesting is done with simple plumbing work as terrace is connected with a pipe directed to underground tank. The storage capacity of the underground tank is ideally sized to meet the need of daily water consumption throughout the dry season. The building rooftop is usually large enough to catch the rain water and maintain the flow. The size of underground tank should be enough to capture good quantity of water.

There are various other low-tech systems like surface water harvesting, pumping the water soaked in ground and storing it in cisterns. Before building the rain water harvesting system regions for high rainwater harvesting potential are to be detected with the help of rain water harvesting GIS maps. The main components of rain water harvesting system are; plenty of rainfall, catchment areas, pipes and gutters, storage system and tanks, filters and distribution system.

In urban populated areas good quality water is becoming scarce and costly. Rain water harvesting in urban areas meets the water supply and prevents the waste of water. Solar PV panels are being used to harvest the rain water in most parts of the country. Rain water harvesting is a boon during the scarce times. It not only meets the water supply but maintains our environment too.

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Rain Water Harvesting Paragraph 350 words

Rain water harvesting is the accumulation, storage, preservation and filtration of rain water for future use of water as drinking water or for several other uses. The stored rain water has to be maintained regularly. The main purpose of rain water harvesting is to channel the rain water from the catchment surface such as roof top or other solid surface and then direct it through distribution system in to the storage tanks.

Benefits of Rain Water Harvesting

  • Mostly during water restrains rain water harvesting provides independent supply of water where the clean water is costly for people in rural areas, the harvested water will be a cheap source of potable water and can be stored for long term. This practice is common by people in independent residence and buildings.
  • In developed countries, harvested rain water is the source of supply and also reduces the cost of household water consumption. In fluctuating climates rain water harvesting systems are helpful in capturing the rain water when the rain falls. Most of the countries with unpredictable environment use rain water harvesting as it’s the economical and reliable source of clean water free of salinity and salts. It meets the water supply and prevents the wastage of water.
  • Rainwater is specially used for irrigation facility. Soil ridges are built to trap rain water and prevent it to run off the slopes, this captures enough water for crops to grow. Dams and ponds can be constructed to store large quantity of water for irrigation of crops in future.
  • Rain water harvesting lessens the impact of flooding. Due to rain water harvesting less water is directed towards sewer systems and it reduces the storm water to run off in fresh water bodies. This prevents the polluting of water bodies too.
  • The underground water sources are gradually being strained in many regions. Construction of deeper wells is expensive and can damage the natural environment. Thus, this source of rainwater is dependable and effective. Harvested rain water can be used when the ground water supplies have been drained.

There are various benefits and uses of rain water harvesting. However harvesting systems have to be designed functioned and maintained to ensure the quality of water. The water also needs to be purified and filtered for use.

Rain Water Harvesting Paragraph 400 Words

Rain water harvesting is the process of collecting, storing and preserving water for using it later. The methods are traditional as well as modern and simple as well as complex. Some techniques are implemented by government with planning throughout the country and some are practiced independently by people at their home.

Methods for Rain Water Harvesting

Here are some methods for harvesting rain water:

Surface Water Storage System: The water directly collected on ground is the surface water. The water usually runs off the slopes and gathers towards the point of dispersion where it gets collected. This method enables the collection of water from the ground surface and with the help of drainage pipes the water is directed to the rivers, ponds, wells and other water bodies. Thus, the water can later be used for several purposes.

Rooftop System: This is a traditional method and is also practiced by individuals at home more so in the rural areas. In this method, the water that is collected on the rooftop of the building is directed towards the water containers or tanks through pipes. The water from the rooftops can also be directed towards the barrels or to refill the underground borehole.

Dams: The rain water is directly collected in dams and the accumulated surface water is directed towards the dam. The dam water is used for several purposes after purification. The water is also supplied for domestic use for the people.

Underground Tanks: Underground tanks are constructed for water storage. Water is directed to the underground tanks through pipelines.

Rain Saucer: Rain saucer is a great way to collect rain water directly. The rain saucer has a huge funnel like structure like an upside down umbrella on the top of the water container which directs the water in to the container.

Trenches: In this method rain water is directed towards the farms through trenches and the water is used for irrigation purpose.

Solar power panels: Solar power panels are used in most parts of the world for harvesting rain water. It provides good quality water and can be used as drinking water with simple filtration process.

Flooded forest: The harvesting of rain water can also be done by growing flooded forest. These are the forests that capture large amount of rain water.

Thus, there are various different methods that can be practiced for harvesting the rain water to prevent the insufficiency and waste of water. Water can be stored and used throughout the year with the help of this method.

Long Paragraph on Rain Water Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a crucial and practical approach to conserve one of our most precious natural resources: water. This method involves capturing, collecting, and storing rainwater that falls on rooftops, terraces, or even on the ground. The collected water can be stored in large tanks, reservoirs, or underground cisterns, making it available for various household or agricultural uses. Implementing rainwater harvesting can significantly reduce our reliance on traditional water sources, such as rivers or borewells, especially during periods of scarcity. By optimizing the use of rainwater, we can alleviate the pressure on our depleting groundwater tables and contribute to environmental sustainability. Additionally, the harvested rainwater, if treated properly, can be an excellent source of drinking water. This process not only ensures the efficient use of a free and abundant resource but also reduces the risk of flooding and soil erosion. In regions where water scarcity is a growing concern, rainwater harvesting offers a sustainable, eco-friendly, and cost-effective solution to ensure that every drop of water is put to good use.

Frequently Asked Questions on Rain Water Harvesting

What are the disadvantages of rainwater harvesting.

While rainwater harvesting has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages like initial high costs, potential for contamination if not properly filtered, and reliance on rainfall which might be inconsistent in some areas.

Which state is famous for rainwater harvesting?

Tamil Nadu is one of the states in India that is famous for its initiatives and regulations promoting rainwater harvesting.

What is a successful example of rainwater harvesting in India?

A successful example in India is the ancient town of Chettinad in Tamil Nadu where traditional homes have been using rainwater harvesting systems for centuries.

What are the three methods of rainwater harvesting?

The three main methods of rainwater harvesting are: 1) Surface runoff harvesting, 2) Rooftop rainwater harvesting, and 3) Groundwater recharge.

What are the five uses of rain?

Rain can be used for various purposes, including 1) Drinking and domestic use, 2) Irrigation for agriculture, 3) Groundwater recharge, 4) Industrial processes, and 5) Recreational activities like fish ponds.

What is importance of rainwater harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting is important as it conserves water, reduces the burden on conventional water sources, prevents flooding, aids in groundwater recharge, and provides a sustainable water solution.

What is rain harvesting of water?

Rain harvesting, also known as rainwater harvesting, is the process of collecting, storing, and using rainwater for various purposes, ensuring water sustainability and reducing reliance on groundwater.

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English Summary

5 Minute Speech on Importance of Water in English for Students

Water is a very important factor in life. It gives everyone life on this planet Earth. It keeps us hydrated and healthy, it aids us in washing anything and keeping things very clean. Without water, none of it will be possible. The importance of water is a very important study topic for every living being. We should teach ourselves the importance of water and teach our younger ones and even the older ones about the significance of water. There are a lot of places where because of climate changes and other problems,  there are many causes of shortage in water. Many varied kinds of implements are brought into action to save water such as rainwater harvesting which is very popular all over the world. We have to work towards educating people on the importance of water. We can educate people not to pollute the oceans, sea and rivers. Educating a person starts from the root which is childhood therefore, parents and teachers are the pillars of teaching the child to become the change that we need in society. 

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    Here we have provided a long speech and a short speech on rainwater harvesting for Classes 5 to 12 along with 10 lines for writing a speech on rainwater harvesting for Classes 1 to 4. ... The harvesting of natural water (rainwater) plays a very important role in this situation, diluting the problem of water shortages.

  2. Speech On Rainwater Harvesting

    Short Speech On Rainwater Harvesting 150 Words In English. Good morning to my teachers, seniors and friends, ... There are places where people face huge scarcity of water and there are places where there is very less rainfall received, both the problems can be solved with rain water harvesting. The water which is harvested is used on different ...

  3. Speech on Rain Water Harvesting

    10-lines on Rain Water Harvesting; 2-minute Speech on Rain Water Harvesting. Ladies and gentlemen, respected dignitaries, and esteemed guests, I am honored to stand before you today to share my thoughts on a topic that is crucial to our survival on this beautiful planet - rainwater harvesting. In this era of rapid urbanization and ...

  4. Speech on Rainwater Harvesting in simple and easy words

    Rainwater harvesting is a very pertinent activity. It involves the collection as well as storage of rainwater into natural bodies or man-made reservoirs with a view to keep a check on the overflow of surface water. There is other method of rainwater harvesting known as rooftop harvesting. In rooftop harvesting, such surfaces as metal sheets ...

  5. Speech on Water Conservation

    Short Speech on Rainwater Harvesting. Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting the rain that runs off from the rooftops of buildings, roads, open grounds, etc. It is one of the best methods that we can follow for the conservation of water. The scarcity of fresh, clean water is highly affecting our lives, right? Rainwater harvesting ...

  6. 1 Minute Speech on Rain Water Harvesting in English

    In this video, we will show you how to write a 1 Minute Speech on Rain Water Harvesting in English_____English Summary🌍 Check our website: https:...

  7. Essay on Rain Water Harvesting for Students and Children

    Most importantly, rainwater harvesting improves the quality of water which we consume, as it is the purest form of water. Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas. Rainwater Harvesting Methods. Rainwater harvesting is a very simple method that can be practiced by anyone. There are primarily two types of rainwater harvesting ...

  8. 1 Minute Speech on Rain Water Harvesting In English

    1 Minute Speech on Rain Water Harvesting In English. A very good morning to one and all present here. Today, I will be giving a short speech on the topic of rain water harvesting. Wikipedia defines the term as follows: "Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rain, rather than allowing it to run off.

  9. Rainwater Harvesting Essay for Students and Children in English

    Short Essay on Rainwater Harvesting 200 Words in English. Rainwater harvesting is a simple technique in which we allow the rainwater to percolate through the open ground into the water table. It requires very fewer efforts for people to practice rainwater harvesting at their houses but has great impacts on our ecosystem and environment.

  10. Paragarph on Rain Water Harvesting 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for

    Paragraph on Rain Water Harvesting - 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, and 8 Students. Rainwater Harvesting refers to the accumulation, storage, and preservation of rainwater for its future use. Rainwater Harvesting is vital as it meets the local municipal water demands and reduces the overall capital expenditure.

  11. Rain Water Harvesting Essay

    200 Words Essay on Rain Water Harvesting. A fundamental process called rainwater harvesting involves rainfall seeping into the ground's water table through open land. Rainwater collection is relatively easy to do at home and has a significant positive impact on the environment and our ecosystem. Our cities and villages will have to rely on the ...

  12. Paragraph on Rainwater Harvesting

    Paragraph on Rainwater Harvesting in 250 Words. Rainwater harvesting is the technique of collecting rainwater using various techniques. It is an essential method to prevent the loss of water and reuse it for different purposes like irrigation, agriculture and daily use. The main objective of rainwater harvesting is to preserve the rainwater so ...

  13. Speech on Rainwater Harvesting in simple and easy words

    Rainwater harvesting is a very pertinent activity. It involves the collection as well as storage of rainwater into natural bodies or man-made reservoirs with a view to keep a check on the overflow of surface water. There is other method of rainwater harvesting known as rooftop harvesting. In rooftop harvesting, such surfaces as metal sheets ...

  14. Speech On Rainwater Harvesting

    Speech On Rainwater Harvesting: Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting the rainwater and then that water is stored in a reservoir and which is used later for household work. This technique is a way to store water for household purposes that leads to saving fresh water. At this time when global warming and water scarcity is becoming a huge problem, the process of rain water ...

  15. Speech on rainwater harvesting in english

    Speech on rainwater harvesting in english | rainwater harvesting speech in englishDownload our Mobile App from Google Play Store - Gyankaksh Educational Inst...

  16. Speech On Rainwater Harvesting

    A long speech on rainwater harvesting of 500 words and a short speech on rainwater harvesting of 150 words are being provided to the students so that they can prepare for a speech on rainwater harvesting and ten lines on this topic are also being provided so that they can develop an idea on the process of rainwater harvesting. A Long Speech on ...

  17. Water Conservation Speech: Short Speech on Water Conservation

    Rainwater harvesting is a process where rainwater is collected in large tanks and used for different household purposes. The government will grant subsidies for constructing this system. Use water cans to water plants. This will give you an idea of how much water is required to water the plants. Take short showers instead of baths.

  18. Speech on Rainwater Harvesting

    Since the subject has been so important, it has been considered appropriate to cover speeches on rainwater harvesting. Whether you are a student, teacher, a public personality and others looking to deliver a speech or present an article on this crucial activity, then our both short speech on rainwater harvesting as well as long speech on ...

  19. 1 Minute Speech on Rain In English

    1 Minute Speech on Rain In English. A very good morning to one and all present here. Today, I will be giving a short speech on the topic of rain. Wikipedia states the following to define the term 'rain': "Rain is water droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapour and then fall under gravity. Rain is a major component of the ...

  20. Rainwater Harvesting -Process, Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting. The benefits of the rainwater harvesting system are listed below. Less cost. Helps in reducing the water bill. Decreases the demand for water. Reduces the need for imported water. Promotes both water and energy conservation. Improves the quality and quantity of groundwater.

  21. Paragraph on Rain Water Harvesting

    Rain Water Harvesting Paragraph 250 words. Rain water harvesting is the process in which the rain water is accumulated and stored for later use. Rain water harvesting has to be rightly used to keep the scarcity of water at bay. It is always wise to harvest rain water as its natural, clean and salt free source of water.

  22. 3 Minute Speech On Conservation Of Water In English

    Water conservation is an act of using water wisely and judiciously. We must all strive to save as much water as we can. Interestingly, out of the 70% of water occupying the earth's surface, only 3% is freshwater. However, the majority of this freshwater reservoir is unavailable to humans since it is either frozen in polar ice caps or is too ...

  23. 5 Minute Speech on Importance of Water in English for Students

    There are a lot of places where because of climate changes and other problems, there are many causes of shortage in water. Many varied kinds of implements are brought into action to save water such as rainwater harvesting which is very popular all over the world. We have to work towards educating people on the importance of water.