
11 Alternatives To “Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly” In Writing

“Firstly,” “secondly,” and “thirdly” are all ways to list things out in writing. It gives a structure or order to events, and that’s great in many cases. However, there are better alternatives that it’s worth knowing about. This article will share the best ones with you.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly” In Writing?

To help you get better at writing out lengthy lists, you might be interested in trying one of the following alternatives:

  • First of all
  • One example is
  • Another example is
  • The last example is
  • One reason is
  • Another reason is
  • Most importantly

alternatives to firstly secondly thirdly

The preferred version is “first of all,” which would go on to be “second of all” and “third of all.” We can use them when we want to list things in order, and they all work much better in writing than “firstly,” “secondly,” and “thirdly.”

First Of All

“First of all” works well when we continue the list with “second of all” and “third of all.” These are useful because it allows us to number our examples specifically. In writing, this flow helps many readers to understand how different things connect with each other.

We can use these forms in both formal and informal writing. That’s what makes them so useful to us, and we recommend you get used to using them. They are much more suitable formally than “firstly” and their counterparts.

Here are some examples to show you how it works:

  • First of all, one of you needs to tell me where to find the key for the chest.
  • Second of all, once I have opened the chest, we will follow the map that it contains to the treasure.
  • Third of all, we will locate said treasure, dig it up, and split it amongst ourselves.

“First” also works well when we drop “of all.” We can continue the list with “second” and “third,” which again are associated with the numbers one, two, and three, respectively. It’s helpful to use a phrase like this in many written formats.

Just like “first of all,” “first” is a great choice for formal writing. Some people prefer it without the “of all” ending, which is why we thought it should be placed high on this list.

  • First, I would like to discuss the matter that surrounds the pollution in our lakes.
  • Second, I would like to try and find some common ground that will allow us to figure out the solution.
  • Third, I would like to see evidence that new legislation has been put in place to correct the pollution problems.

One Example Is

“One example is” works well when we want to start a list. It can act like “first of all,” where we want to start a list. However, using “one example is” does not always have to begin a list, which is why it can work quite well in written cases.

Sometimes, we might just want to use “one example is” to list an example of something we spoke about before. Once that example has been stated, there might not be a reason for us to continue listing more examples.

Here are some examples:

  • One example is that many chimps do not get the same diets like the ones in the wild.
  • One example is that there are plenty of different ways for us to help the oceans by binning our plastics.
  • One example is the theory that everything comes from nothing and how perplexing that is.

Another Example Is

“Another example is” would be the continuation from “one example is.” We can use it when we want to list a second example, which might add to the list. However, we can also stop the list after this second “example.” It does not always need to come in threes.

Here are some examples of how you might use it:

  • Another example is that other zoos are not as eco-friendly as they would like the people to believe.
  • Another example is that we should be working a lot harder to clean up our local parks.
  • Another example is that there are plenty of ways people would tackle the trolley problem, but none of them are honest solutions.

The Last Example Is

“The last example is” would be the third installment of the “example” list from above. We can use it when we want to close out the list because we use “last” to show that no further examples will be spoken of.

You might benefit from reading through these examples to see how it works:

  • The last example is that there are never enough free-roaming spaces for many of the animals in our zoos.
  • The last example is that billionaires do not seem to care about the current state of the world.
  • The last example is that philosophy presents problems that no one really wants to solve.

“To begin” is a great way to start a list. It’s much more open-ended than the other choices in this article. If we were going to continue on this list, we would use a phrase like “continuing on” to show that there is more to our train of thought.

These examples should help you to make more sense of it:

  • To begin, I would like to discuss all the matters that we raised in the previous meeting.
  • To begin, it would be wise if you told me what the problems were and how you have remedied them.
  • To begin, I would like to divert your attention to the figure below, as what it contains might shock you.

One Reason Is

“One reason is” is another great way to start a list. However, just like “one example is,” it does not have to begin a list at all. We can simply use it to state a single “reason,” which we then clarify and move on to our next point.

If we wanted to continue “one reason is,” we would do so in the same way as “one example is.” They are almost identical, though “reasons” are usually explanations of a previous point, while “examples” simply show what we are talking about.

Here are a few examples to help you with it:

  • One reason is that people have stopped caring about their neighbors, and the world seems further apart than ever.
  • One reason is that many people are scared to go out to local supermarkets anymore.
  • One reason is that the government was never designed to be a trustworthy organization.

Another Reason Is

“Another reason is” would allow us to continue the list of “one reason is.” We could also use “the last reason is” if we wanted to close the list. These phrases work well when we want to show how different reasons might impact the things we are writing about.

Here are some examples to help you understand them:

  • Another reason is that the age of technology has made it even harder to socialize and make friends.
  • Another reason is that online shopping just happens to be a more lucrative thing to do these days.
  • Another reason is that people have become naturally more untrusting since they gained access to the news.

“Finally” works when we want to finish any list. It allows us to share our “final” point, which is usually one of the most important ones. The more important we can make the final point, the more potent our writing tends to be.

Here are a few good examples:

  • Finally, I would like for you to consider why you are even reading this article if you do not care.
  • Finally, I would like to know why so many people pretend that the world is fine.
  • Finally, we have to figure out how to fix these issues before it’s too late .

Most Importantly

“Most importantly” is another way we can end a list. It works well to replace the final item in a list when we know it is the “most important” of all to mention. It’s a superlative phrase, which considers the final item as the one the readers should focus their attention on.

Here are a few ways we can use this one correct:

  • Most importantly, I think we should all start caring a little more about each other.
  • Most importantly, someone is out there right now thinking about the same thing you are.
  • Most importantly, it’s not all about you, and you need to give a little back to the world.

“Lastly” is another great way to close a list. It can replace a word like “thirdly” if there are only three items. Again, we typically want our “lastly” point to be the most important, but this does not always need to be the case, depending on what you are writing about.

Here are a few examples to show it to you:

  • Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to read this message.
  • Lastly, I think it’s important that we do not forget our roots.
  • Lastly, I believe that someone else will be continuing on my efforts, so at least they weren’t in vain.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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can you use firstly in an essay

English Recap

12 Alternatives to “Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly” in an Essay

can you use firstly in an essay

Essays are hard enough to get right without constantly worrying about introducing new points of discussion.

You might have tried using “firstly, secondly, thirdly” in an essay, but are there better alternatives out there?

This article will explore some synonyms to give you other ways to say “firstly, secondly, thirdly” in academic writing.

Can I Say “Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly”?

You can not say “firstly, secondly, thirdly” in academic writing. It sounds jarring to most readers, so you’re better off using “first, second, third” (removing the -ly suffix).

Technically, it is correct to say “firstly, secondly, thirdly.” You could even go on to say “fourthly” and “fifthly” when making further points. However, none of these words have a place in formal writing and essays.

Still, these examples will show you how to use all three of them:

Firstly , I would like to touch on why this is problematic behavior. Secondly , we need to discuss the solutions to make it better. Thirdly , I will finalize the discussion and determine the best course of action.

  • It allows you to enumerate your points.
  • It’s easy to follow for a reader.
  • It’s very informal.
  • There’s no reason to add the “-ly” suffix.

Clearly, “firstly, secondly, thirdly” are not appropriate in essays. Therefore, it’s best to have a few alternatives ready to go.

Keep reading to learn the best synonyms showing you what to use instead of “firstly, secondly, thirdly.” Then, we’ll provide examples for each as well.

What to Say Instead of “Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly”

  • First of all
  • One reason is
  • Continuing on
  • In addition

1. First of All

“First of all” is a great way to replace “firstly” at the start of a list .

We recommend using it to show that you have more points to make. Usually, it implies you start with the most important point .

Here are some examples to show you how it works:

First of all , I would like to draw your attention to the issues in question. Then, it’s important that we discuss what comes next. Finally, you should know that we’re going to work out the best solution.

2. To Begin

Another great way to start an essay or sentence is “to begin.” It shows that you’re beginning on one point and willing to move on to other important ones.

It’s up to you to decide which phrases come after “to begin.” As long as there’s a clear way for the reader to follow along , you’re all good.

These examples will also help you with it:

To begin , we should decide which variables will be the most appropriate for it. After that, it’s worth exploring the alternatives to see which one works best. In conclusion, I will decide whether there are any more appropriate options available.

“First” is much better than “firstly” in every written situation. You can include it in academic writing because it is more concise and professional .

Also, it’s somewhat more effective than “first of all” (the first synonym). It’s much easier to use one word to start a list. Naturally, “second” and “third” can follow when listing items in this way.

Here are a few examples to help you understand it:

First , you should know that I have explored all the relevant options to help us. Second, there has to be a more efficient protocol. Third, I would like to decide on a better task-completion method.

4. One Reason Is

You may also use “one reason is” to start a discussion that includes multiple points . Generally, you would follow it up with “another reason is” and “the final reason is.”

It’s a more streamlined alternative to “firstly, secondly, thirdly.” So, we recommend using it when you want to clearly discuss all points involved in a situation.

This essay sample will help you understand more about it:

One reason is that it makes more sense to explore these options together. Another reason comes from being able to understand each other’s instincts. The final reason is related to knowing what you want and how to get it.

“Second” is a great follow-on from “first.” Again, it’s better than writing “secondly” because it sounds more formal and is acceptable in most essays.

We highly recommend using “second” after you’ve started a list with “first.” It allows you to cover the second point in a list without having to explain the flow to the reader.

Check out the following examples to help you:

First, you should consider the answer before we get there. Second , your answer will be questioned and discussed to determine both sides. Third, you will have a new, unbiased opinion based on the previous discussion.

6. Continuing On

You can use “continuing on” as a follow-up to most introductory points in a list.

It works well after something like “to begin,” as it shows that you’re continuing the list reasonably and clearly.

Perhaps these examples will shed some light on it:

To begin, there needs to be a clear example of how this should work. Continuing on , I will look into other options to keep the experiment fair. Finally, the result will reveal itself, making it clear whether my idea worked.

Generally, “next” is one of the most versatile options to continue a list . You can include it after almost any introductory phrase (like “first,” “to begin,” or “one reason is”).

It’s great to include in essays, but be careful with it. It can become too repetitive if you say “next” too many times. Try to limit how many times you include it in your lists to keep your essay interesting.

Check out the following examples if you’re still unsure:

To start, it’s wise to validate the method to ensure there were no initial errors. Next , I think exploring alternatives is important, as you never know which is most effective. Then, you can touch on new ideas that might help.

One of the most effective and versatile words to include in a list is “then.”

It works at any stage during the list (after the first stage, of course). So, it’s worth including it when you want to continue talking about something.

For instance:

First of all, the discussion about rights was necessary. Then , it was important to determine whether we agreed or not. After that, we had to convince the rest of the team to come to our way of thinking.

9. In Addition

Making additions to your essays allows the reader to easily follow your lists. We recommend using “in addition” as the second (or third) option in a list .

It’s a great one to include after any list opener. It shows that you’ve got something specific to add that’s worth mentioning.

These essay samples should help you understand it better:

First, it’s important that we iron out any of the problems we had before. In addition , it’s clear that we have to move on to more sustainable options. Then, we can figure out the costs behind each option.

Naturally, “third” is the next in line when following “first” and “second.” Again, it’s more effective than “thirdly,” making it a much more suitable option in essays.

We recommend using it to make your third (and often final) point. It’s a great way to close a list , allowing you to finalize your discussion. The reader will appreciate your clarity when using “third” to list three items.

Here are some examples to demonstrate how it works:

First, you need to understand the basics of the mechanism. Second, I will teach you how to change most fundamentals. Third , you will build your own mechanism with the knowledge you’ve gained.

11. Finally

“Finally” is an excellent way to close a list in an essay . It’s very final (hence the name) and shows that you have no more points to list .

Generally, “finally” allows you to explain the most important part of the list. “Finally” generally means you are touching on something that’s more important than everything that came before it.

For example:

First, thank you for reading my essay, as it will help me determine if I’m on to something. Next, I would like to start working on this immediately to see what I can learn. Finally , you will learn for yourself what it takes to complete a task like this.

12. To Wrap Up

Readers like closure. They will always look for ways to wrap up plot points and lists. So, “to wrap up” is a great phrase to include in your academic writing .

It shows that you are concluding a list , regardless of how many points came before it. Generally, “to wrap up” covers everything you’ve been through previously to ensure the reader follows everything you said.

To start with, I requested that we change venues to ensure optimal conditions. Following that, we moved on to the variables that might have the biggest impact. To wrap up , the experiment went as well as could be expected, with a few minor issues.

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Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Etc.

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| Candace Osmond

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

“Firstly,” “secondly,” and “thirdly” are part of the English language. Yet somehow, many people think they’re ridiculous and pretentious. 

Should you continue using these ordinal adverbs? Or should you start looking for an alternative term? This guide has everything you need to know, plus a list of synonyms of these time connectives!

Should I Use Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly?

“Firstly,” “secondly,” and “thirdly” are superfluous terms . “First,” “second,” and “third” are more acceptable words for enumerating text in writing. Experts also prefer “first” even if the other items state “secondly” and “thirdly.” 

For example: “First, check if the communities are aware of the present issue.

What Kind of Connectives are Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly?

“Firstly,” “secondly,” and “thirdly” are ordinal adverbs and time connectives that join phrases and sentences. Their counterparts, “first,” “second,” and “third” are also ordinal adverbs that English experts consider more acceptable. For example:

  • Good: Firstly, the current community for developers will propose an entrepreneurial workshop for the residents.
  • Better: First, the current community for developers will propose an entrepreneurial workshop for the residents.

Is “Firstly” a Real Word?

Yes, “firstly” is a real word. It’s a correct way to start your sentences when enumerating specific points. For example:

  • Firstly, the international language teacher assessed the most commonly used dialect within the online community. 

However, the “first” sequence is more acceptable because it’s already an adverb even without the suffix “-ly.” Language experts like Webster and Johnson think that “first” should be an irregular adverb and “firstly” should be incorrect.

can you use firstly in an essay

There’s another reason to use the ordinal adverb “first” instead of “firstly” in your traditional sequence. The following numbers may sound pretentious and silly to use, such as “seventhly” and “ninthly.”

When to Use “At First”

“At first” is not an alternative for “firstly” or “first” since it doesn’t enumerate topics in discourse. Instead, the phrase refers to “in the beginning” or “at the beginning.” For example:

  • Correct: At first, I thought I had no chance to win the race.
  • Incorrect: Firstly, I thought I had no chance to win the race.

The correct statement means the speaker initially thought they had no chance to win the race. If “firstly” is used instead of “first,” it assumes that there is a next point that a speaker will discuss.

  • Correct: First, turn on your modem.
  • Incorrect: At first, turn on your modem.

“First” is the correct term to use in determining the steps to connecting to the internet.

Is “Thirdly” Allowed?

You may use “thirdly” in your writing when enumerating key points. But as Johnson and Webster explained, “third” is preferable and less pretentious. For example:

  • Good: Thirdly, the socioeconomic background of learners affects the quality of education they receive.
  • Better: Third, the socioeconomic background of learners affects the quality of education they receive.

Is There a Word “Fourthly”?

As with “thirdly,” “fourthly” is correct but may not be acceptable for pedants. A safer option is the adverb “fourth.” For example:

  • Good: Fourthly, I want to learn about their tangible and intangible culture.
  • Better: Fourth, I want to learn about their tangible and intangible culture.

Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly Alternatives

Some synonyms of the superfluous words “firstly,” “secondly,” and “thirdly” include:

  • “In addition.”
  • “Additionally,”
  • “My second reason is that…”
  • “My last example is…”

You may also use a variety of sequences to avoid being redundant. For example:

  • Firstly,… Second,… Third,…
  • First,… Secondly,… Thirdly,…
  • First,… Secondly,… Third,…

Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly in a Sentence

Firstly, the report provides a basic overview of the industry including its definition, applications, and manufacturing technology. Then, the report explores the international major industry players in detail. ( Yahoo ) The issue HR faces is two-pronged. Firstly, we need to put into place actionable ways to empower more black women to reach the top. Secondly, we need to tackle the racism they experience when they get there. ( People Management ) For starters, the next generation of the 7 Series will arrive in the United States with inline six, V8 and pure EV power, and there’s a 50-mile plug-in hybrid to follow them up next year. Secondly, it will be pre-equipped to deliver Level 3, eyes-off, hands-off driver assistance technology. Thirdly, it’s the first time, BMW admits, that it has ever really bothered to focus on rear-seat luxury and comfort. ( Auto Blog )

More Enumeration Tips

“Firstly,” “secondly,” and “thirdly” are correct ordinal adverbs, but they aren’t your best choices when enumerating key points. Try changing them into their synonyms, “first,… second,… third,…” “then,” or “additionally.” Another alternative is to use a numbered or bullet point list.

Would you still use “firstly,” “secondly,” and “thirdly” in your writing?

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can you use firstly in an essay

Cambridge Dictionary

  • Cambridge Dictionary +Plus

First , firstly or at first ?

First can be an adjective or an adverb and refers to the person or thing that comes before all others in order, time, amount, quality or importance:

What’s the name of the first person who walked on the moon? (adjective)
Beth always arrives first at meetings. (adverb)

We often use first , especially in writing, to show the order of the points we want to make. When we are making lists, we can use first or firstly . Firstly is more formal than first :

Dear Mr Yates
First(ly) I would like to thank you for your kind offer of a job …
Not: At first I would like to thank you …
First(ly) the sodium chloride is dissolved in the water and heated gently. Second(ly) a dye is added to the solution.
Not: At first, the sodium chloride …

At first means ‘at the beginning’ or ‘in the beginning’ and we use it when we make contrasts:

At first when I went to England to study English, I was homesick, but in the end I cried when it was time to leave.
He called for help. No one heard him at first , but eventually two young girls came to help him.

Finally , at last , lastly or in the end ?


Word of the Day

ride off into the sunset

to begin a new, happy life at the end of a story

Searching out and tracking down: talking about finding or discovering things

Searching out and tracking down: talking about finding or discovering things

can you use firstly in an essay

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Firstly, secondly, thirdly, this article is about firstly, secondly, thirdly — enjoy your reading.

can you use firstly in an essay

You should use first , second , and third to show textual enumerations in your writing. Many authorities prefer first , not firstly , even when the remaining items or points are introduced with secondly and thirdly . Example: First , through practice you will develop a better style. Second , your readers will appreciate your efforts. And third , your boss will give you a raise.

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can you use firstly in an essay


12 Other Ways to Say “Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly”

can you use firstly in an essay

Essays are hard to write, and it’s only natural for you to have questions.

Right now, you’re probably wondering what to say instead of “firstly, secondly, thirdly” to mix up your essay and academic writing.

Luckily, we’re here to help! This article will explore other words you can use to help keep things fresh.

Other Ways to Say “Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly”

  • To start with
  • One reason is
  • Following from that
  • The next reason is
  • The last reason is


  • “Firstly, secondly, thirdly” are correct and formal, though they are overused and can sound repetitive.
  • Try combining “to begin, following from that, finally” to mix things up when listing multiple points as sentences.
  • “To start with, after that, lastly” is great to use as another option that sounds more conversational.

There are plenty of great options, and it would help to know the best ways to combine them in your writing. Keep reading to learn more about the best formal and informal combinations to order your sentences.

You can also go to the final section to learn more about “firstly, secondly, thirdly.” We’ve written whether it’s correct to use them in your formal essays.

To Begin, Following On From That, Finally (Formal)

“To begin, following from that, finally” is one of the best formal synonyms you can use here. It works well in academic writing when you’re trying to list points in a specific order.

You’ll mainly find a use for this combination in essays when explaining your thought process. It clarifies an order for the reader, allowing them to follow your train of thought as they go.

“Firstly, secondly, thirdly” and “to begin, following on from that, finally” are both effective in essays. You can switch between the two to ensure you don’t use any repetitive words.

Here are some ordered examples to show you how it looks:

To begin , I would like to discuss the matters at hand. It is very important to go through these.

Following on from that , the variables must be clearly defined. This is integral to ensuring the experiment goes well.

Finally , the experiment can begin. Only then will the information be clear.

To Start With, After That, Lastly (Informal)

“To start with, after that, lastly” is an excellent synonym that works both formally and informally. Typically, you’ll use this one in essays to impress the reader and keep them engaged.

You don’t have to use this group of words in academic papers. That’s what makes it slightly less formal than the other options. Still, it’s a great variation and works well when writing to inform.

“To start with, after that, lastly” still gives you a great alternative to “firstly, secondly, thirdly.” While we don’t encourage it in fully academic papers (as there are better options), it still works well in many formal essays.

Check out some of these examples to give you more information:

To start with, I would like to demonstrate my methods. It’s good for us to be on the same page.

After that , there needs to be a brief window of downtime. Otherwise, the team might get overwhelmed.

Lastly , I’ll put everything to the test. That way, I’ll find out if my methods were successful.

Is It Correct to Say “Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly”?

“Firstly, secondly, thirdly” is correct and formal. You can absolutely use the three words in academic writing to list things in order of importance.

Generally, “firstly, secondly, thirdly” is overused . Many writers use them when they can’t think of anything else to write. For that reason, it’s not always wise to include them in an essay , as they could make you sound repetitive .

Technically speaking, you could even continue the list based on how many points you want to raise. To do this, you would write:

However, things get a little jarring once you get past three points. While it still makes logical sense, you shouldn’t use “fourthly” and “fifthly” if you can avoid them.

You can also drop the “-ly” ending from any of the adverbs. The following are both correct:

  • Firstly, I would like to discuss my plans.
  • First , I would like to explore these options.

The “-ly” is not necessary to the sentence. However, you must stay consistent depending on which word you use.

You must either say “firstly, secondly, thirdly” or “first, second, third.” Don’t mix the two.

You can always come back here to remind yourself of the best ways to list your sentences. That way, you’ll always have something new and fresh to use in your writing.

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Writing Better University Essays/Main part

This part constitutes the main part of your essay. Try to use about 60% of your words for this part. You can understand it as delivering what you have promised in the introduction. This part of the essay is often referred to as the main body, or the argument. It’s the part of the essay, where you develop the answer. Whilst doing so, it’s important to be aware of the question at all time. This is the only way to keep to the topic set.

Ideally, every paragraph is geared towards answering the question. It does not suffice, if you are aware of how a particular paragraph is focused on your task: you need to show the relevance to your reader. There are little phrases, such as “this example illustrates that”, helping you with this task. Consider the following example: “The resistance in Harlem insisting to keep an open market in 125th street helped to point out that there are people with different needs in the city (Zukin, 1995).” After outlining resistance in Harlem, these few sentences make it plain what the example showed us: that different people in cities have different needs.

Writing an essay can take a considerable time, but it’s important that you keep to your original plan as much as you can. Of course, new ideas will come up as you write. In this case, you should jot them down, so as not to lose them. Next, think about it: How will this help me answering the question? Is this relevant to the essay? Do I not have another example of this already? What you do is to make sure that what goes into the essay has one purpose only: answering the question. Sometimes it’s difficult to resist the temptation, but don’t explore thoughts by the way. This should not discourage you from having original ideas, or even exploring them, but it should encourage you to use your essay for one purpose only.

Keeping to the plan means keeping to the structure. This is important, because you can lose your reader by jumping around from one topic to the other, even if all you say as such is relevant and useful. By having a clear structure, and keeping to it, your reader will always know where the journey goes next. This makes your essay a pleasant read. To write a good essay, first of all, you need good hooks which help to draw your readers’ attention. A hook is a small element in the introduction of an essay which motivates people to read your work. It is an interesting and catchy sentence which has a deep meaning and helps a writer introduce the main idea. Essay hook Identifies a purpose of writing.

When writing the main part of the essay, it’s important to keep the argument and illustrations in balance. Too few examples make the essay dry and difficult. Too many, on the other hand, make the argument disappear. The trick is to include illustrations to bring the text alive, but link them tightly with the argument. Rather than stating that “this is an example of white-collar crime,” you may say “tax avoidance is a good example of white-collar crime, because…” By so doing, you demonstrate the importance of the example, you highlight how and why it is important, and most importantly, maybe, you avoid that the examples take over. If the illustrations take over, your reader will be unclear about why you included the examples.

  • 1.1 Useful Phrases
  • 2 Structuring the Main Part
  • 3 Dealing with Repetition
  • 4.1 Weasel Terms

Sections [ edit | edit source ]

Sections are an important tool to structure the answer of an essay. The longer the answer, the more important sections probably are. Some courses and tutors may ask you to include subheadings (as used in this book); some institutions even have explicit recommendations on their use. Subheadings can be a good way to structure an answer into sections. However, the lack of subheadings—or the fact that your tutor discourages you from using them—is no excuse for not having sections.

Sections group paragraphs that elaborate a similar point. Often, within a section, you’ll have a number of paragraphs discussing the same issue from a number of different perspectives. A section can be treated, in some ways, as if it was a mini essay in itself. This is the case, because in each section, a particular point is explored. For example, there might be a section on the arguments for abortion, and then a section on the arguments against.

What is important when writing a section, is that both you and the reader are aware of the purpose of the section. It’s tiring and frustrating for your reader to read half a page before knowing what you’re writing about, or more often why you’re writing this here. For these reasons it’s important to link the sections into a coherent one. By linking the sections, and linking the paragraphs within each section, your essay will be more focused on answering the question.

For example, after a paragraph outlining problems of studying and measuring the transmission of social disadvantage, in one of my essays I discussed how sibling data may be the solution. I opened the paragraph as follows: “The use of sibling data promises a cure to at least some of the problems outlined above.” In one sentence, the new topic (sibling data) is introduced, but it is also indicated why this may be important (because these data help tackling the problems already outlined). The reader should not be puzzled as to what the link is between problems of measuring the transmission of social disadvantage on the one hand, and sibling data on the other.

Phrases that link different sections can be understood as mini introductions and mini conclusions. Particularly when a section is long, or where the link to the next section is not immediately apparent, it might be useful to write one or two sentences to summarize the section. This will indicate to the reader how far we have come in developing the argument, but also remind him or her, why we have bothered to write a section in the first place.

Useful Phrases [ edit | edit source ]

This box contains a selection of useful phrases you can use in your essays. You can use these words and phrases to connect the different bits and pieces of your text into a coherent whole. The following list is intended to give you an idea of all the phrases that are available to you.

Express improbability : is improbable, is unlikely, it is uncertain in spite of, despite, in spite of the fact that, despite the fact that, nevertheless, nonetheless, instead, conversely, on the contrary, by contrast, whereas, while, whilst, although, even though, on the one hand, on the other hand, in contrast, in comparison with, but, yet, alternatively, the former, the latter, respectively, all the same

Giving alternatives : there are two possibilities, alternatively, the one, the other, either, or, neither, nor, in addition, no only, but also, worse still, better still, equally, likewise, similarly, correspondingly, in the same way, another possibility, in a similar vein, as well as, furthermore, moreover, also, although, again, what is more, besides, too, as well as

Giving examples or introducing illustrations : for example, for instance, to name an example, to give an example, is well illustrated by, a case point is, such as, such, one of which, illustrates, is an example of this, is shown by, is exemplified by, is illustrated by

Stating sequence : first of all, first, firstly, second, secondly, thirdly, fourthly, now, then, next, finally, to complete, after that, 1, 2, 3, last, lastly, furthermore, to begin with, moreover, in addition, to conclude, afterwards

Reformulate the same point : in other words, to put it more simply, to put it differently, it would be better to say

Stating consequences : so, therefore, as a consequence, as a result, now, consequently, because of, thus, for this reason, then, this is why, accordingly, hence, given this, with reference to, given, on this basis, is caused by, causes, due to, has the effect, affects, the reason for, because of this, if, then, results in, leads to, produces, owing to, through, as, since, because

Stating purpose : in order to, so that, so as to, to

Giving the method by which something happened: by …ing, by (noun), by using

Stating surprise about something unexpected: besides, however, nevertheless, surprisingly, nonetheless, notwithstanding, only, still, while, in any case, at any rate, for all that, after all, at the same time, all the same

Summarizing : to sum up, in summary, to summarize, in brief, altogether, overall

Reaching a conclusion : I conclude, I therefore conclude, reached the conclusion that, it is concluded, therefore, for this reason, then, thus, in conclusion, to bring it all together

Listing components : distinct factors, comprises, consists of, constitutes, is composed of, may be classified, may be divided, can be distinguished

Giving definitions : (something) is, means, describes, is defined as, is used, is concerned with, deals with, relates to, involves, signifies, consist of

Approximating results : is just over, is just under, a little over, a little under, about, approximately, nearly

Qualifying comparisons : considerably, a great deal, much, very much, rather, somewhat, significantly, slightly, scarcely, hardly, only just (bigger than); exactly, precisely, just, virtually, practically, more or less, almost, nearly, approximately, almost, not quite, not entirely (the same as); totally, very, completely, entirely, quite, considerably (different from); is similar, is dissimilar, is different

Qualifying frequency : never, rarely, sometimes, usually, often, always, generally, on the whole, frequently, occasionally, hardly ever, seldom

Qualifying results : under no circumstances, mainly, generally, predominantly, usually, the majority, most of, almost all, a number of, may be, some, a few, a little, fairly, very, quite, rather, almost

Qualifying change : no, minimal, slight, small, slow, gradual, steady, marked, large, dramatic, complete, steep, sharp, rapid, sudden (rise, increase, fluctuation, decrease, decline, reduction, fall, drop, upwards trend, downward trend, peak, plateau, level off)

Just like sections are structured into paragraphs, each paragraph should have some internal logic. You can usually use the first sentence of a paragraph to introduce what the paragraph is about. This is particularly useful at the beginning of a new section. Consider these phrases as bridges. For example, in one of my essays, I opened a paragraph with “It will now be necessary to consider the argument that local cultures are dominated by transnational corporations.” My readers will immediately know what the paragraph is about.

Ideally, every single sentence is geared towards answering the question. Practically, this is hard to achieve, given the lack of infinite time resources available to most of us. However, by your trying to link similar paragraphs into sections, and by linking sections into a wider argument, every essay will benefit. The result is an essay that is easier and more pleasant to read.

Each paragraph, and definitely each section, should be geared towards the essay question you’re answering. It’s therefore a good idea to evaluate each section in terms of how far this helped to answer the essay question. You do a number of things with this: demonstrate that you’re still on track; you’re working towards a conclusion; you demonstrate the relevance of what you wrote in the section. If you can’t state how a particular paragraph or section is relevant towards your answer, then probably it is not.

Structuring the Main Part [ edit | edit source ]

There are different ways to structure the main part of the essay. One key difference is between essays structured along the lines of analytic dimensions, and those structured along the lines of argumentative dimensions. For example, the analytic dimensions of an essay on globalization may be economic aspects , cultural aspects , or political aspects . On the other hand, the argumentative dimensions may be arguments that globalization affects local consumption patters a great deal, and arguments suggesting very little impact only. The analytic approach would examine the different views in terms of economic aspects first, before moving on to cultural aspects. The argumentative approach would first explore the views in favour of strong impacts in all the different dimensions: economic, cultural, political, and then move on to do the same for arguments against.

There is no fast rule which of these approaches is better. In fact, both approaches can be very successful. You should consider the extent to which your structure helps you avoid saying the same thing twice. Whatever approach you choose, a clear indication in the introduction as to how you approach the essay will make sure your reader knows where you’re going.

Dealing with Repetition [ edit | edit source ]

An essay where the same word or sentence structure is repeated time and time again is often boring. Many writers consider repetitions bad writing. There are a few things you can do to avoid repetition. Where you should be careful, however, is the use of specialist terms. For the reasons outlined in the section on defining terms, you should never substitute a specific term with a more generic one. If you talk about power, then say so, even if this means using the same word over and over again. By no means use a thesaurus and pick a random suggestion offered there. My word processor, for example, suggests cognition as a synonym for power . This may be the case in some contexts, but as a key term, this is hardly ever the case.

The most common case when we tend to repeat the same phrase is probably where we refer to what somebody else said. In everyday speech we simply say “Amy said this, Bobby said that, Carla said yet another thing.” In the more formal style required in essay writing, this is commonly written in the following way: “Adams (2006) states that…, Bird (1999) suggests that.”

In order to make your essay less repetitive, consider the following options in addition to the common states and suggests. Always use your own judgement, when a phrase feels overused. By suggesting that repetition may leave a less than ideal impression, it’s not argued that this is an area of essay writing worth spending hours on. It’s much better being repetitive, but being precise and making a good argument.

  • Crouch (1977) argues that …
  • Daniels (2004) sees the problem as resulting from …
  • Elton (1848) identifies the problem as consisting of …
  • Ferro (1997) is of the opinion that …
  • Gallagher (2003) defends the view that …
  • Hall (1998) notes that the problem originates from …
  • Inglehart (2000) considers that …
  • Jackson (1984) views the issue as caused by …
  • Kanter (1970) maintains that …
  • Lewis (2002) concurs with Mann (2000) that …
  • Nixon (1955) supports the view that …
  • Orwell (1999) holds the view that …
  • Perry (2005) agrees that …
  • Quart (2001) denies that …

These alternative ways to put the ever same idea may be particularly useful when reviewing what different authors had to say on an issue—the parts of the essay where you simply restate what has been said before. Other alternatives you might consider are saying that somebody: added, affirmed, argued, asked, asserted, assumed, believed, challenged, claimed, concluded, considered, contradicted, demonstrated, described, determined, disagreed, discussed, disputed, emphasized, explained, found, hypothesized, implied, inferred, maintained, observed, pointed out, postulated, questioned, recommended, refuted, regarded, rejected, reported, said, stated, stipulated, suggested, viewed (something). This list should illustrate that there need be no conflict between variation in writing and writing clearly. If in doubt, however, you should always prioritize clarity.

Academic Style [ edit | edit source ]

When writing for academic purposes, there are a number of conventions that you should follow. A key difference to most other forms of writing is that we give references to the sources of our argument. Ambiguity is something most academics dislike, and you’re more credible, too, if you avoid it. Academic writing tends to be rather formal, and many will advise you to avoid writing in the first person (that is, not write using I). This makes academic writing both formal and impersonal.

The reason why the first person should be avoided, is that in scientific writing one’s opinions, feelings and views are not regarded as important. Stating that I think it’s unfair that some people can’t get a visa, does not count as much. However, urging you not to use I in essays can fail in two ways. Firstly, you could still write about your own feelings and opinions using different phrases, and secondly, not all uses of the first person are bad. It’s a good idea to stay clear of phrases such as “I think,” or “in my opinion,” unless you’re evaluating a claim. However, there is no apparent reason for not saying “I will first define the key terms.” Using the first person in this way will make a text more approachable. Moreover, using phrases starting with I, you avoid using the passive voice which many find more difficult to read.

Having said this, some markers still consider it preferable not to use the first person. Should your tutor or marker be one of them, you may want to play it safe. Don’t use we when you mean I . If you are the sole author, the use of a plural is technically not correct. However, even a tutor who hates such phrases will not mark you down: It’s the argument and general structure of your essay that count for much more.

One area where there is no room for argument is the use of colloquialisms, slang, or street language. Academic writing is formal writing, and you might be penalized for using the wrong register. A little bit of informality here or there will not normally matter much. Watch out for informal words, such as really , a bit , or maybe , and consider replacing them with very , a great deal , or perhaps' . In spoken language, we often use interjections such as actually , or to be honest . These, too, don’t belong into an academic essay.

Consider the following example: “To be honest, I don’t think much of this theory” is something we might say to a colleague of ours. When writing an essay, you could put this as: “It is clear from the evidence presented in this essay that the applications of this theory are limited.” The following list further illustrates what is meant by formal and informal English. The formal words are included in brackets in each case: Ask for (request), carry out (conduct), chance (opportunity), find out (discover), get better (improve), get worse (deteriorate), guess (estimate), look into (investigate), OK (satisfactory), tell (inform), worried (concerned).

Euphemisms, such as passed away for die , are another aspect of language you should not use in your essays: if you write about and mean die , then say so. Clarity and accuracy are paramount. For these reasons academic writing can be rather tentative and cautious. This is the case because we are not after grabbing headlines, but we write accurately what we know. If our data suggest that X possibly leads to Y, we say just that. In this case we should never say that X leads to Y. In academia we are often unsure what really goes on, and we should be upfront about this.

Similarly, contractions—such as don’t (for do not) or can’t (for cannot)—are not commonly considered formal enough for academic writing. Some of your readers will consider this convention ridiculous; others take it as a sign that you have not understood you should write in a scholarly fashion. To play it safe, use the full forms at any time. This particular academic convention seems to ease more and more.

Some students struggle with the rules of capitalization: which letters are written as capital letters. The easiest one is that every sentence starts with a capital letter. Names and titles (called proper nouns) are also written with capital letters, unless there is a specific reason not to. So, we write the name of Mark Granovetter with capital letters, but the special case of the iPod is written with a small one. Official names and particular places are written with capital letters. It’s thus the Department of Health , and Oxford University . However, when we write about general places, we don’t use capital letters. We study at university in general. Official titles are often capitalized, such as Value Added Tax . Furthermore, many abbreviations come with capital letters. It’s an MBA your friend may be studying for. The days of the week are capitalized, such as in Monday and Wednesday , as are the names of the months. The names of countries, nationalities, languages, and people from places are written with capital letters: the Swiss live in Switzerland , and Norway is a country. Apart from this, about every other word is written with small letters.

Weasel Terms [ edit | edit source ]

Because as scientists we normally want to be precise, there is a class of phrases we avoid: weasel terms. Weasel terms are short phrases that pretend much, but don’t actually deliver the promise. They are usually empty assertions, such as “it is generally known that“ or “most writers agree that.”

This box contains a list of weasel terms. In an essay, you should never use these phrases without a reference to substantiate what is said.

  • as opposed to most
  • considered by many
  • contrary to many
  • critics say that
  • experts say that
  • it could be argued that
  • it has been noticed
  • it has been said
  • it has been stated
  • it has been suggested
  • it is generally claimed
  • it is widely believed that
  • mainstream scholars say that
  • mainstream scientists say that
  • many people say
  • many scientists argue that
  • research has shown
  • researchers argue that
  • serious scholars say that
  • social science says
  • sociologists believe that
  • some feel that
  • some historians argue
  • the scientific community
  • this is widely considered to be
  • this is widely regarded as
  • widely considered as

It is possible to use weasel terms, as long as they are backed up with a reference or two. So, saying that something is “widely considered the foremost example of” something is possible, if you either provide a reference to someone who demonstrates this, or provide a group of references to back up your claim. However, in most cases we want to be more precise. Rather than saying that “many social scientists argue that class is important”—which is probably true—and giving a couple of references to back this up, it’s better to put it as follows: “Goldthorpe (2000) argues that class remains important.” Or maybe we have access to a statistic we can cite, that X% of social scientists seem to consider class important. In either case, the solution is more precise and thus more satisfactory.

The use of references is an academic convention, and you must follow this, even though it might be a tiresome exercise. Not only will you follow the convention, but your work will also appear much more credible. You can find more on the use of references in a separate section.

Footnotes are often associated with academic writing. Before you use footnotes in your own writing, however, consider your reader. Footnotes interrupt the flow of reading: you force your audience to stop for a while, moving down to the bottom of the page, before they can read on. From the reader’s point of view you should avoid footnotes if you can. The only general exception is if you use footnotes for referencing. Don’t use endnotes (footnotes at the end of the text), unless they are used exclusively for referencing. Asking your reader to flick forth and back through your essay is even more of an interruption. Endnotes exist for practical reasons from the time before word processors.

Footnotes are used to explain obscure words, or when you want to add some special information. In the case of obscure words, if it’s a key term, define it in the main text. There are cases, where you’ll want to use an obscure word, but it is not central to the argument. Consider the following example: “The Deputy must, with every word he speaks in the Diet 1 , […] anticipate himself under the scrutiny of his constituents” (Rousseau, 1762, cited in Putterman, 2003, p.465). Here I talk about the name of an assembly. The word is probably obscure to most readers, but not central to my argument: I write about parliaments in general, not the Diet in particular. Adding this footnote will help the readers to understand the quote. In terms of special information, if you make an important point, then make in the main text. If it’s an unimportant remark, then very often you don’t want to make it at all. The guiding principle is whether the note is relevant to your answer.

Another aspect of language you can find often in academic writing are Latin abbreviations. Never use these unless you’re sure what they mean. Normally, you should not use abbreviations in the main text. Instead, use plain English. Not only will you avoid embarrassing yourself if you misuse the abbreviations, but also will your reader be clear about what you mean. It’s much clearer to write for example, rather than mistakenly putting i.e. instead of e.g. (a common mistake). Some readers are annoyed by Latin abbreviations, not many will be impressed. Others will simply struggle to understand without a look in the dictionary. The same is true for a number of English abbreviations.

Another area of academic writing where there are many bad examples out there is the use of jargon and specialist terms. Whilst we aim for clarity and accuracy, jargon is never justified where it does not help these purposes. Specialist terms can be very useful to summarize complex issues into a few letters. Nonetheless, all technical terms need to be defined in simpler language somewhere in your essay. Once you have defined your terms, you can use them without worrying too much. This is where the define section comes in. Bear in mind what your audience is likely to know.

Other aspects of writing that may make your essay easier to read, and thus more approachable are: the use of shorter words where possible, cutting out words where they are redundant, using the active voice ( I do , she says , rather than it is understood , it is achieved ), and using English words where they are not different from the Latin or Greek ones. We want to write as clearly as we can, because when the writing is not clear, very often this is an indication that the argument is not very clear, either.

Next: Discussion

1 The Diet was the name of the deliberative assemblies in many European countries at the time of Rousseau’s writings.

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Scholarly Voice: First-Person Point of View

First-person point of view.

Since 2007, Walden academic leadership has endorsed the APA manual guidance on appropriate use of the first-person singular pronoun "I," allowing the use of this pronoun in all Walden academic writing except doctoral capstone abstracts, which should not contain first person pronouns.

In addition to the pointers below, APA 7, Section 4.16 provides information on the appropriate use of first person in scholarly writing.

Inappropriate Uses:   I feel that eating white bread causes cancer. The author feels that eating white bread causes cancer. I found several sources (Marks, 2011; Isaac, 2006; Stuart, in press) that showed a link between white bread consumption and cancer.   Appropriate Use:   I surveyed 2,900 adults who consumed white bread regularly. In this chapter, I present a literature review on research about how seasonal light changes affect depression.
Confusing Sentence:   The researcher found that the authors had been accurate in their study of helium, which the researcher had hypothesized from the beginning of their project.   Revision:   I found that Johnson et al. (2011) had been accurate in their study of helium, which I had hypothesized since I began my project.
Passive voice:   The surveys were distributed and the results were compiled after they were collected.   Revision:   I distributed the surveys, and then I collected and compiled the results.
Appropriate use of first person we and our :   Two other nurses and I worked together to create a qualitative survey to measure patient satisfaction. Upon completion, we presented the results to our supervisor.

Make assumptions about your readers by putting them in a group to which they may not belong by using first person plural pronouns. Inappropriate use of first person "we" and "our":

  • We can stop obesity in our society by changing our lifestyles.
  • We need to help our patients recover faster.

In the first sentence above, the readers would not necessarily know who "we" are, and using a phrase such as "our society " can immediately exclude readers from outside your social group. In the second sentence, the author assumes that the reader is a nurse or medical professional, which may not be the case, and the sentence expresses the opinion of the author.

To write with more precision and clarity, hallmarks of scholarly writing, revise these sentences without the use of "we" and "our."

  • Moderate activity can reduce the risk of obesity (Hu et al., 2003).
  • Staff members in the health care industry can help improve the recovery rate for patients (Matthews, 2013).

Pronouns Video

  • APA Formatting & Style: Pronouns (video transcript)

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Ai, ethics & human agency, collaboration, information literacy, writing process, using first person in an academic essay: when is it okay.

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can you use firstly in an essay

Related Concepts: Academic Writing – How to Write for the Academic Community ; First-Person Point of View ; Rhetorical Analysis; Rhetorical Stance ; The First Person ; Voice

In order to determine whether or not you can speak or write from the first-person point of view, you need to engage in rhetorical analysis. You need to question whether your audience values and accepts the first person as a legitimate rhetorical stance. Source:Many times, high school students are told not to use first person (“I,” “we,” “my,” “us,” and so forth) in their essays. As a college student, you should realize that this is a rule that can and should be broken—at the right time, of course.

By now, you’ve probably written a personal essay, memoir, or narrative that used first person. After all, how could you write a personal essay about yourself, for instance, without using the dreaded “I” word?

However, academic essays differ from personal essays; they are typically researched and use a formal tone . Because of these differences, when students write an academic essay, they quickly shy away from first person because of what they have been told in high school or because they believe that first person feels too informal for an intellectual, researched text. While first person can definitely be overused in academic essays (which is likely why your teachers tell you not to use it), there are moments in a paper when it is not only appropriate, but also more effective and/or persuasive to use first person. The following are a few instances in which it is appropriate to use first person in an academic essay:

  • Including a personal anecdote: You have more than likely been told that you need a strong “hook” to draw your readers in during an introduction. Sometimes, the best hook is a personal anecdote, or a short amusing story about yourself. In this situation, it would seem unnatural not to use first-person pronouns such as “I” and “myself.” Your readers will appreciate the personal touch and will want to keep reading! (For more information about incorporating personal anecdotes into your writing, see “ Employing Narrative in an Essay .”)
  • Establishing your credibility ( ethos ): Ethos is a term stemming back to Ancient Greece that essentially means “character” in the sense of trustworthiness or credibility. A writer can establish her ethos by convincing the reader that she is trustworthy source. Oftentimes, the best way to do that is to get personal—tell the reader a little bit about yourself. (For more information about ethos, see “ Ethos .”)For instance, let’s say you are writing an essay arguing that dance is a sport. Using the occasional personal pronoun to let your audience know that you, in fact, are a classically trained dancer—and have the muscles and scars to prove it—goes a long way in establishing your credibility and proving your argument. And this use of first person will not distract or annoy your readers because it is purposeful.
  • Clarifying passive constructions : Often, when writers try to avoid using first person in essays, they end up creating confusing, passive sentences . For instance, let’s say I am writing an essay about different word processing technologies, and I want to make the point that I am using Microsoft Word to write this essay. If I tried to avoid first-person pronouns, my sentence might read: “Right now, this essay is being written in Microsoft Word.” While this sentence is not wrong, it is what we call passive—the subject of the sentence is being acted upon because there is no one performing the action. To most people, this sentence sounds better: “Right now, I am writing this essay in Microsoft Word.” Do you see the difference? In this case, using first person makes your writing clearer.
  • Stating your position in relation to others: Sometimes, especially in an argumentative essay, it is necessary to state your opinion on the topic . Readers want to know where you stand, and it is sometimes helpful to assert yourself by putting your own opinions into the essay. You can imagine the passive sentences (see above) that might occur if you try to state your argument without using the word “I.” The key here is to use first person sparingly. Use personal pronouns enough to get your point across clearly without inundating your readers with this language.

Now, the above list is certainly not exhaustive. The best thing to do is to use your good judgment, and you can always check with your instructor if you are unsure of his or her perspective on the issue. Ultimately, if you feel that using first person has a purpose or will have a strategic effect on your audience, then it is probably fine to use first-person pronouns. Just be sure not to overuse this language, at the risk of sounding narcissistic, self-centered, or unaware of others’ opinions on a topic.

Recommended Readings:

  • A Synthesis of Professor Perspectives on Using First and Third Person in Academic Writing
  • Finding the Bunny: How to Make a Personal Connection to Your Writing
  • First-Person Point of View

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    To begin. One reason is. Another reason is. Finally. Most importantly. Lastly. The preferred version is "first of all," which would go on to be "second of all" and "third of all.". We can use them when we want to list things in order, and they all work much better in writing than "firstly," "secondly," and "thirdly.".

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  3. First vs. Firstly : When to Use Each One

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  4. Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Etc.

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  7. First vs Firstly: When And How Can You Use Each One?

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  9. firstly, secondly, thirdly

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    @Rusher: Firstly, I think we have to accept that you really are just a failure at operating Google's ngram.Obviously there are many other contexts besides numbering "bullet points" where only first can be used in the first place (there's one, for example). Mind you, even if you'd composed a truly representative NGram, I'm sure the -ly versions would be relatively uncommon.

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