how to get a phd in france

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Admission to a PhD

Candidates who already hold a Master's degree or equivalent and who wish to enter a PhD programme at thesis level, regardless of their previous studies (international or French), should apply directly online . The doctoral programme must be chosen carefully: only one application per year is possible, all doctoral programmes combined.

Degree requirements

  • Criteria for the application evaluation


Financing studies, co-supervised thesis, joint thesis, doctoral programmes in economics, history*, political science and sociology**.

Applications starting 11 October 2023

To be eligible for assessment, your application must be  complete and submitted before:

  • 10 January 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time),   for an admission result mid-March 2024
  • 17 May 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time),   for an admission result mid-July 2024

Auditions for applicants may be organised  on 18 June 2024 for the Doctoral programme in History (*) Auditions for applicants may be organised on  26 June 2024 for the Doctoral programme in Sociology (**).

Doctoral programme in Law

Only one admission session this year for the Doctoral programme in  Law (*)

  • 12 March 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time) for an admission result from mid-April 2024

(*) This year, there will be only ONE admission session for the Law doctoral programme with results communicated from mid-April 2024. Contact: Professor Vincent Forray , Head of doctoral studies in Law

The PhD application is open to students with a Research Master's degree , a postgraduate degree (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies - DEA) or an equivalent degree (bac +5).  There must be a match between the candidate's graduate studies and the discipline of the requested doctoral programme. 

For the record, the IEP awards PhDs in Economics , History , Law , Political Science and Sociology .   For candidates who do not have the required degrees to be directly admitted into the First thesis year, see admissions into Master’s programmes offered by the School of Research.

In Sociology only,  the PhD application can only be reviewed if the thesis supervisor has provided you with a preliminary letter of consent and if a   research unit Director has provided you with a preliminary letter of consent. In Economics, Law and Political science , no preliminary letter of consent is requested. In History , the name of the potential research supervisor must be indicated (in the “Personal statement” tab), no preliminary letter of consent is requested.

The candidate must identify a host research laboratory . See the list of Sciences Po's research units and affiliated researchers.

Sciences Po's Graduate School is careful to limit PhD admissions to students whose thesis proposal is likely to succeed. It is therefore important that the candidate have a developed vision of his/her thesis subject and the implications of this choice for his/her research and career plans.  The thesis topic might change during the first months of the PhD programme, but it is important that the candidate formulate in the most precise and coherent way possible the key elements to evaluating his/her research project. 

Criteria for the Application Evaluation

Several criteria are taken into account for the selection of candidates applying for a doctorate: 

  • The selection of the research problem must be supported by previous work. 
  • A presentation of the chosen methodology to address the given problem.
  • An evaluation of the feasibility of the planned research from both a scientific and practical perspective.  Some topics require access to areas or data that are not easily accessible. 
  • The candidate must also indicate his/her availability to produce a thesis.  This is particularly important for employed candidates.  (1)(See the section "Financing of studies" below).
  • The financing of studies (See the section "Financing of studies" below).
  • Finally, it is important that the candidate be able to explain his/her project in relation to his/her academic and/or professional background . The academic record should preferably be consistent and coherent. In all cases the requisite academic track record must be very good. Moreover, for employed candidates, the professional career must be explained and related to the thesis project: how might the candidate's professional experience tie into the thesis project?  Is the thesis part of a professional development plan?

The application must be submitted  exclusively online , according to the Admissions calendar.

Documents for your application may be uploaded in French or in English  (CAUTION: only png, jpeg, jpg or pdf formats are accepted):

For all doctoral programs:

  • Two academic recommendations (an optional professional recommendation may be added)
  • Proof of identity
  • Thesis project ( PDF or Word format, 5,000 words maximum, i.e. about ten pages, excluding bibliographic references)
  • Thesis project synopsis (two pages, PDF or Word format)
  • Copy of last completed academic degree (Master or equivalent)
  • Master transcripts ( the documents must be attached in the original language, along with an official or informal translation in English or French if necessary. Please add a sworn statement of compliance if the translation is yours)
  • If obtained, official proof of doctoral funding obtention (see the  "Financing of studies" section below).

PLEASE NOTE : no supporting document  will be accepted after the evaluation process has begun. Please make sure that your application is complete before submitting it. For candidates currently in the process of obtaining the requested diploma, please attach all the transcripts available at the time of your application.  Incomplete applications will not be assessed.

Additional information for the following doctoral programmes

  • If you have a potential supervisor in mind, please indicate his/her name after your Thesis project title in your online space
  • Indicate at least one potential Thesis supervisor from Sciences Po’s Center for History in the “Personal statement” tab.
  • The Thesis project mustn’t exceed 3,000 words excluding bibliography, that shouldn’t exceed 20-25 titles
  • A grade of 16/20 or equivalent is required for the Master Thesis

Political science

  • A signed letter from a thesis supervisor authorised to supervise research, indicating that he/she accepts to supervise your thesis ; 
  • A letter from the laboratory Director indicating that he/she accepts to host you in the laboratory (contact the laboratory Director) ;
  • A grade of 16/20 (if graded) is required for the Master Thesis.

The result of the language test is optional.

  • Economics: English C2, French
  • History: French B2
  • Law: English C2, French
  • Political Science (Compared politics, International Relations, Political Theory) : French B2
  • Sociology: French B2

CAUTION:  "Required languages" is a mandatory field in our application file; i f you do not have a CECR test result or self-assessment to upload, please select "two years of study in the language" by default.

The €100 application fee is not refundable.   We do not offer fee waivers, unless you have a refugee status or are a recipient of a CROUS scholarship. In that case, please contact us to inform us, and attach the official proof of your current situation to your file.  Please note: Paying the application fee does not mean that your application form has been submitted. Make sure to submit your application form within the deadline by clicking on the “Submit“ button.  If you are unable to pay by credit card, please contact the Admissions Department to obtain our bank details. Your payment will be validated on receipt of a copy of the proof of transfer. 

Do not wait until the last day to submit your application. To be assessed, your application must be complete and submitted before the deadline of the programme you are applying to.  Deadlines always refer to Paris time (23:59pm).    Please note:

  • As our platform does not automatically invalidate incomplete files, it is your responsibility to submit an application that includes all required documents (including references).
  • Once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to bring any change, please be very careful. 

Applicants may be contacted for an interview as part of the admission procedure.

In accordance with the decree of 25 May 2016 setting the national training framework and the procedures leading to the issuing of the national doctoral degree, the financial preconditions must be met to ensure the orderly conduct of the research work and preparation of the thesis. Doctoral funding is therefore necessary to engage in a doctoral thesis.  The doctorate is full-time at Sciences Po (except in the particular case of full-time employees who work on a research subject directly related to their job and have obtained the employer's agreement to have the necessary time to carry out their research) and the funding must meet the following criteria :

  • a duration of at least three years;
  • a net monthly amount akin to that of the doctoral contrat in force ;
  • the obligations attached to the financing must not represent more than one day per week (with the exception of CIFRE, where the obligations must be assessed on a case-by-case basis);
  • the funding organisation must respect the academic freedom of the doctoral student regarding the content of his research and the composition of the defense jury;
  • funding must not come from personal resources but from public or private organisations (foundations, associations, companies, public authorities, international organisations, local authorities or others to be validated beforehand by the doctoral school) offering doctoral funding.

For more information on funding opportunities, see the section on Funding .

For all students entering the PhD programme, the annual fee for 2022/2023 is 380 euros, irrespective of tax residency.

In addition to receiving guidance from their thesis supervisor, some PhD students receive assistance from another Professor or Researcher who may be based in a different institution. 

The role of this co-supervisor must be formalised through a co-supervised thesis agreement established :

  •  between the PhD student's institution and the co-supervisor if the co-supervisor works at a different institution,  or 
  • between the supervisor and co-supervisor if both work at IEP Paris. At Sciences Po the co-supervision is formalised through an exchange of letters.

The PhD student will obtain a PhD from his/her home institution. The co-supervisors commit to following the PhD student's work and to sit on the thesis examining committee.  The thesis will explicitly state it was co-supervised and include the names and titles of the co-supervisors on the thesis cover page. 

The Administrative Officer of the program must be informed of the co-supervised for validation.

The joint thesis involves guidance from two supervisors : a professor at IEP Paris and a professor from a foreign institution.   It allows the issuance of two PhD degree, or of a joint degree where applicable.   In France, joint theses are governed by the amended decree of 6 January 2005 on international joint theses (PDF, 45Ko)   At Sciences Po, joint theses may only be permitted if:

  • The student has already been admitted to Sciences Po
  • The two thesis supervisors approached have conferred and provided their consent in writing.

Joint theses require the establishment of an agreement signed by all the partners (individuals and institutions). The three-year agreement must cover, among other things, the terms of registration, tuition, and the defence.  It must be established in the first thesis year: see the section below on administrative procedures .

A joint thesis only makes sense and is only possible if the research project is shared by two institutions. In cases where this condition cannot be met, the student might consider a co-supervision , which also provides guidance from two supervisors, but does not allow the issuance of a dual degree.  A joint thesis allows the student to: 

  • have access to greater resources (documentary resources, networks)
  • pursue international career opportunities.  
  • Have access to, joint thesis scholarships covering the costs of joint theses (student's residence and defence fees)  


Joint theses may be difficult if the thesis supervisors have divergent views on the PhD student's work, or if the institutions' rules are too far apart.

In this case, the student might consider a co-supervision, which also provides guidance from two supervisors, but does not allow the issuance of a dual degree.

Administrative procedures

Even if the student is already enrolled in a foreign university, he/she must also be admitted to Sciences Po's at the thesis level.

Upon admission, the student must submit his/her joint project to the administration (administrative manager).

The agreement must include the following information :

  • The university of primary enrolment
  • Terms of tuition payment
  • Terms of the defence
  • Terms of sharing the defence fees

Once the agreement is signed, all parties will receive a copy.

If any breach of agreement should arise, management should be contacted. 

Tuition fees will be paid in accordance with agreement.  However, until the agreement is signed, the student is liable for the tuition at both institutions.

The organisation of the defence is framed by the agreement. 

  • For the presentation of the thesis, certain specific rules must be observed. See "Presentation Norms" on the page "Defence"
  • For more on submitting a thesis in a foreign language, see the "Defence" page.
  • Some foreign universities require a pre-defence.  Inquire with the relevant academic authorities.

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Limited financial resources are not a barrier to receiving a Sciences Po education.

Nearly one in three students receives a full-fee scholarship.

  • Tuition fees
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Université Paris Cité

Doctoral Studies

With its 21 doctoral schools, Université Paris Cité offers many doctoral students the opportunity to train through research in all major disciplinary fields. At the national level, once fully operational, Université Paris Cité will offfer 5% of all PhD degrees in France.

how to get a phd in france

Université Paris Cité is committed to a doctoral policy aimed at research training and training by research. It trains future researchers and teacher-researchers as well as future high-level executives.

Astronomy and Astrophysics Ile-de-France – ED 127 Director : Mr. Thierry FOUCHET Contact : Mrs. Jacqueline PLANCY

Environmental Sciences Ile-de-France – ED 129 Director : Mrs Pascale BOURUET-AUBERTOT Contact : Mrs Laurence AMSILI-TOUCHON

Doctoral School of Computer Science, Telecommunications, Electronics of Paris (EDITE) – ED 130 Director : Mr. Carlos AGON Contact : Mrs Rose NAHAN

Language, Litterature and Imagery : civilisations and humanities – ED 131 Director : Mr. Mathieu DUPLAY Co-director : Mrs Emmanuelle ANDRE Contact : Mrs Robin CHEVALIER

Cognition, Brain, Behaviour (ED3C) – ED 158 Director : Mr Alain TREMBLEAU Deputy director UPCité   :Mrs Thérèse COLLINS Contact : Mrs Hélène JOUANNE

Cognition, Behaviour, Human behaviour (3CH) – ED 261 Director : Mrs Karine DORE-MAZARS Contact : Mrs Lucie ALEX

Legal, political sciences, economics and management – ED 262 Director  : Mrs Anémone CARTIER-BRESSON Contact : Mrs Josie YEYE

Mathematical science Paris Centre – ED 386 Director : M. Elisha FALBEL Co-director  : M. Pierre-Henri CHAUDOUARD Contact : Mrs Amina HARITI

Physical Chemistry and Analytical chemistry – ED 388 Director : Mrs Alexa COURTY Contact : Mrs Konnavadee SOOBRAYEN

Pierre Louis Doctoral School of Public Health in Paris : Epidemiology and Biomedical Information Sciences – ED 393 Director  : Mr. Pierre-Yves BOËLLE Contact : Mrs Koltoum BEN SAID

Research in Psychoanalysis – ED 450 Director : Mrs Mi-Kyung YI Co-director : Mr Thamy AYOUCH Contact : Mr Ali BRADOR

Frontiers of Innovation in Research and Education (FIRE) – ED 474 Director : Mrs Muriel MAMBRINI-DOUDET  Co-directeur David TARESTE Contact : Mrs Elodie KASLIKOWSKI

Earth and Environmental Sciences and Physics of the Universe – ED 560 Director : Mr. Fabien CASSE Contacts : Mrs Alissa MARTEAU

Hematology, Oncogenesis, and Biotherapies – ED 561 Director  : Mr. Raphaël ITZYKSON Contacts : Mr Maxime DA CUNHA / Mrs Aurélie BULTELLE

Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité – ED 562 Director : Mrs Caroline LE VAN KIM – Co-Director : Mrs Chantal DESDOUETS Contacts : Mr Louis DUVAL-KISTER

Drug Toxicology, Chemistry and Imaging (MTCI) – ED 563 Director  : Mrs Marie-Christine LALLEMAND Contact : Mrs Elisabeth HOMBRADOS

Physics in Ile de France – ED 564 Director  : Mr Frédéric CHEVY Co-director : Mr Philippe LAFARGE Contact : Mrs Monia MESTAR

Sports, Motricity and Humain mobility sciences (SSMMH) – ED 566 Director  : Mrs Isabelle SIEGLER Co-director : Mr. Bernard ANDRIEU Contact : Mrs Marie-Pierre RICHOUX

Language Sciences – ED 622 Director : Mrs Caterina DONATI Contact : Mrs Chafia AIT-HELAL

Knowledge, Science, Education – ED 623 Co-Director : Mr. Fabrice VANDEBROUCK Co-Director : Mrs Anne BARRERE Contact : Mrs Agathe TRAN

Social Sciences – ED 624

Department 1 Director : Mrs Véronique PETIT Contact : Mr. Jérôme BROCHERIOU

Department 2

Director : Mr Antoine REBERIOUX Contact : Mrs Sarah RAHMANI

More information :

Doctoral School website for more information The following content is in French French higher education system chart
  • About France
  • Why Study in France?
  • French Educational System
  • French Learning Institutions
  • Studying in English or French?
  • Undergraduate Studies
  • Postgraduate Studies
  • Types of Courses Where the French Really Excel
  • Business Schools in France
  • Other Popular Courses in France
  • France, the second most attractive destination for international students, survey finds
  • Accommodation in France
  • Costs of Living in France
  • Health and Medical Treatment
  • General Life as a Student in France
  • Learn French in France
  • How to Apply at a University
  • Costs of Attending College in France
  • Visa and Entry Requirements
  • Before You Leave: Your Final Checklist


PhD in France

Study in France

So you’re thinking of getting your PhD in France in your chosen field of study but you’re not sure of where to begin. Do not worry, this article will have all the information you need plus a few bonus fun facts about getting your PhD in France. 

How Do I Get My PhD? 

First and foremost, you need to know that before you can enroll in a Doctorate in France, you need to find a thesis topic and a thesis supervisor. After that, your chosen doctoral school must accept you.

The reason why you need to have a thesis subject and supervisor before you enrol in a Doctorate is because in France, there are no “doctoral programs” that allow you to have the first year to decide on a thesis topic and give you time to find a thesis supervisor. 

To enter a Doctorate you must have a Master’s degree, or the equivalent of that. So it’s advised that if you’re interested in getting a Doctorate in France, you should start looking in your second year of your Master’s program. 

How Much Will It Cost to Get My PhD?

Funding for your Doctorate tuition is not a problem since it’s €391 per year but rather your living expenses like salary, grants, generally speaking you’d need more than €1000 a month. It depends what you’re studying on how much funding you need or if you need any at all. 

For example, in the natural and technological sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering), you do need funding. But in some cases in the social sciences and humanities (law, history, sociology, management, etc.), you don’t need funding to enroll.

How to Enroll for a Doctorate in Your Chosen Subject?

As mentioned before, there are a few differences between studying natural sciences and social sciences. One of them was funding, the other is the application process. The subject you pick will fall in the scope of these two divisions: natural and technological sciences & social sciences and humanities. 

  • Natural and Technological Sciences

The first thing you need to do is apply for a thesis subject that is published by French researchers. There are two types of subjects you can pick from.

  • Subjects already funded by the host establishment (Contract);
  • Subjects that you need to have your own funding for (Grant); 

As soon as you find the subject you like, all that’s left to do is contact the researcher or the doctoral school that published the subject. You can find these subjects here .

  • Social Sciences and Humanities 

If you’d like to, you can prepare your own research project that you can present to a researcher. But you should keep in mind to be very specific, make sure that the researcher specializes in exactly what you want your topic to be about. You can also pick your own subject on social sciences and humanities here to see if you find something suitable for you.

How long will it take to get my PhD?

Getting a PhD in France takes 3-6 years to complete.The duration may vary depending on the field you’re studying but there is no legal time limit. For example in natural and technological sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc.) it takes approximately 3 to 4 years to complete your Doctorate. Whereas in social sciences and humanities (law, history, sociology, management, etc.) it will approximately take 4 to 5 years.

Can I Get My PhD in English?

Fortunately, you can get your PhD in France in English, but it also varies depending on the field you’re studying. For example in the natural and technological sciences it’s very possible to conduct research and write your thesis entirely in English, but in the arts and humanities it’s not as common. Be sure to search the university of your choice and see if they allow you to get your PhD in English. Here are some Universities we found where you can get your PhD in English.

  • ISM – International School of Management  

Their PhD program allows you to gain the skills and experience you need to succeed in the world of business. It produces experienced and highly motivated business professionals by conducting original research in academia. You can also get the degree online and it takes 4 to 7 years to do so. 

  • EIT Manufacturing

EIT Manufacturing’s doctoral program offers research possibilities in areas such as: People and Robots for Sustainable Work, Additive Manufacture for Full Flexibility, Zero-Defect Manufacture for a Circular Economy, and Platforms for digitalized value networks. It takes 2 years to complete the Doctorate and you can of course do it in English. 

  • Toulouse School of Management 

Toulouse School of Management offers five fields of study with a curriculum that allows students to thrive in an intelligent and creative atmosphere. This doctoral program is very competitive as it only admits 10 to 20 PhD students every year. The duration of the degree is 5 years and you can get it in English. 

  • Institut Polytechnique de Paris

All the doctoral programs in mathematics are consolidated within the Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics (EDMH) and co-accredited with Paris-Saclay University and PSL University. This PhD program includes all kinds of mathematics and other subjects such as: economics, IT, mechanical engineering, physics, engineering, and life sciences. The duration of the degree is 3 years and you can get it in English. 

This university also offers a PhD program in sciences and engineering with around 900 doctoral students, supervised by more than 800 researchers. It offers research in areas such as: Biology and Chemistry, Computing, Data and Artificial Intelligence, Economics, Management, and Social Sciences, Information, Communications, Electronics, Mechanical and Energetic Engineering, and Physics. The duration of this English PhD program is 3 years. 

A lot of Universities such as Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Horizons University offer multiple PhD programs in English in various subjects, you can go check out your chosen University or research facility’s website and see if and how many PhD programs do they offer in English. 

Can I Get a Scholarship for a PhD?

Luckily, there are plenty of scholarships for PhD students to apply for. Even though the tuition fee for a Doctorate is approximately only €391 per year, there are a lot of other things that will cost you to get your PhD. As mentioned before, there are such cases where you will need funding to conduct research and get a thesis supervisor. Here are some PhD scholarships that you might find useful. 

  • Eiffel Scholarship Program of Excellence
  • Chateaubriand Fellowship Program
  • The Émile Boutmy Scholarship 
  • IESEG School of Management Scholarship
  • Aix-Marseille University Scholarship
  • INSA Toulouse Scholarship
  • Université de Montpellier Scholarships

Of course these are not the only ones, the University of your choice might possibly offer a PhD scholarship that you can find out on their website. 

Can I Get My PhD Online?

One of the many perks of getting your PhD in France is the ability to complete it virtually. Maybe you can’t get your Doctorate physically for some reason, or you just want to get it from the comfort of your own home but still want the benefits the French education has to offer. Whatever the reason may be, you can do just that. Here are some of the best online PhD programs in France.

  • Horizons University: International Entrepreneurship
  • Horizons University: International Leadership
  • ISM – International School of Management
  • Grenoble Ecole de Management: DBA (Doctorate in Business Administration)
  • Horizons University: DBA in Innovation and Creativity 
  • Horizons University: DBA in International Business
  • Horizons University: DBA in International Business Communication

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PhD studies in France

PhD studies in France

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Pasteur-Paris University International doctoral program​ (PPU)

The Institut Pasteur organizes a doctoral program in collaboration with Université Paris Cité, Sorbonne Université, and Université Paris Saclay, for students holding a master degree or the equivalent in science, medicine and related fields.

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In 2009, the Institut Pasteur, the world leading biomedical research institute founded by Louis Pasteur in 1887, inaugurated the Pasteur Paris-University (PPU) international doctoral program in collaboration with several major Parisian science universities for students holding a Master degree (or equivalent) from a university outside of France and who have not worked or resided in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to their recruitment.

PPU at a glance

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PPU 2023

Students conduct their research in one of the  144 laboratories  of the Institut Pasteur that offers cutting edge training in a  large variety of topics  covering Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Structural Biology, Enzymology and Metabolism, Biological Chemistry, Virology, Parasitology, Medical Mycology, Epidemiology, Infectiology, Imaging, Neurosciences, Developmental Biology and Systems Biology. They have access to a stimulating technological environment to carry out their research project. This includes opportunities to conduct technological and methodological co-developments on high-end equipment under the supervision/in partnership with technology platforms or service and research units (UTechS). In addition, PPU students will receive specific courses on soft skills, as Oral Presentation, Journal Club, Workshop on Ethics, French Lessons. ( Educational program )

Students are part of the Pasteurian community with whom they share their passion for science or technology, and their wish to contribute to the prevention and treatment of diseases. Students are immersed in an exciting, dynamic and interactive research environment including access to a large variety of technology platforms with state-of-the art expertise and equipment.

They can extend their knowledge by attending specialized courses and benefit from a vast seminar program attracting major speakers from all over the world. At the end of their studies (typically three years), students defend their PhD according to European guidelines.

The call opens in September and students are selected on a competitive basis . Candidates are first selected by host laboratories, then their applications are presented to a had hoc selection committee by mid-December. Candidates who are short listed by the selection committee are then interviewed early February, with results communicated by mid-February. Selected students are enrolled in the following October for a three-year contract.

Students selected for the PPU program receive   a salary  from Institut Pasteur including a benefits package (health insurance, unemployment insurance and retirement plan). The program beneficiates from  financial support  by Institut Pasteur, the European Community, partner institutions, governmental agencies and/or private foundations.

Assistance with administrative issues and with finding accommodation in student residences, including the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, will also be available ( Financial support and benefits ).

Current call

The call for enrollment in october 2024 is now open..

Pasteur-Paris University International Doctoral Program (PPU)

The 2023-2024 call for enrollment of students in October 2024 will open on September 18, 2023.

  • Deadline for applying to projects on the application website: October 31, 2023
  • Deadline for submitting the joint application with the host laboratory: November 13,  2023
  • Interview week: February 2024

Please note that the research projects are posted on the application website , and that you will have to create an account in order to visualize the projects and to apply .

Application website

PPU and PPU-Satellite Programs

From mid-September to the end of October , candidates can apply in parallel to up to 4 projects from six PPU programs: the PPU program and the PPU-Satellite programs: PPU-IMAGINE, PPU-INCEPTION, PPU-OXFORD, PPU-Research & Technology and PPU-EID and contact more than one supervisor.

Please note that to carry on with the selection process ("joint application") after November each year , candidates must choose one single project   and program  among the six.

The research projects ( PPU, PPU-INCEPTION, PPU-Oxford, PPU-Research & Technology and PPU-EID ) are posted on the application website . You will have to create an account ( link to the platform ) in order to visualize the projects and to apply .

Pease note that no application through email will be accepted.

The selection of the PPU-IMAGINE program is independently organized by Institut  Imagine , while the other four programs (PPU, PPU-INCEPTION, PPU-OXFORD and PPU-EID) share the same selection process organized by Institut Pasteur. The PPU-Research & Technology selection process is organized by Institut Pasteur, but follows a specific process detailed in:

Furthermore, IP has a seventh PPU program, named PPU-CNBG exclusively reserved to CNBG employees. PPU-CNBG features a distinct selection process including a first selection step made by CNBG, followed by a specific selection path put in place at Institut Pasteur.

PhD students enrolled in the PPU, PPU-INCEPTION, PPU-OXFORD, PPU-Research & Technology and PPU-EID programs will benefit from Institut Pasteur working contracts (for more details see below “ FINANCIAL SUPPORT AND BENEFITS ”). The PPU-IMAGINE PhD students will benefit from Institut  Imagine   working contracts and PPU-CNBG PhD students maintain their CNBG working contracts.

Logo China National Biotec Group (CNBG)

China National Biotec Group (CNBG) is a subsidiary of the China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation (SINOPHARM). Its development is part of the history of Chinese biological product industry, and it greatly contributed to China's endeavor to eradicate or reduce the incidence of various severe infectious diseases. By manufacturing and supplying over 200 types of biological products for disease prevention and for therapeutic and diagnostic use (including all vaccines for Chinese EPI program), CNBG plays a major role in safeguarding the health of the world's largest population.

The partnership between Institut Pasteur (IP) and China National Biotec Group (CNBG) is dedicated to foster R&D industrial partnerships that translate science into outcomes beneficial to patients with disease and to disease prevention. Through an interdisciplinary and comprehensive cooperation, Institut Pasteur and CNBG join forces to develop, promote and facilitate research/training of young Chinese scientists through a three-year PhD program that takes place on the Institut Pasteur campus. The Pasteur-Paris University Program PPU-CNBG provides academic and professional training to highly motivated CNBG employees who are involved in cutting-edge projects developed on the campus.


Logo institut Imagine

Institut Imagine is Europe's leading center for research, care and teaching on genetic diseases, and its mission is to understand and cure them . The Institute brings together 1000 of the best doctors, researchers and healthcare personnel in an architecture that creates synergies. It is this unprecedented continuum of expertise, combined with proximity to patients, that allows Imagine to accelerate discoveries and their applications for the benefit of patients.

At Imagine , patients with genetic diseases are at the heart of a virtuous circle. Created by the Institute’s founders, this circle begins with the patient and finishes by curing the patient or at least relieving his/her suffering. Imagine brings together all the skills and expertise necessary to accelerate research, develop innovative care, and to generate synergies and conditions to drive innovation in one building.

Imagine ’s goal is to change the lives of families affected by genetic diseases. To achieve this goal, Imagine focuses on four major areas: research, innovative care, education, and promotion.

Through the training of future doctors and researchers and continuous training of doctors and health professionals, Institut Imagine promotes expertise in both research and medicine, which makes it unique.

Students of the PPU-IMAGINE program will work daily in laboratories of Institut Imagine and will participate in PPU activities at Institut Pasteur.

To see and apply to the projects proposed by the IMAGINE doctoral program, please use the link below:


how to get a phd in france

Some of the projects of the PPU program will be sponsored via the « INCEPTION program » in the following scientific fields: Phylodynamics; Sequence analysis; Metagenomics; Systems biology; Deep learning; Databases; Precision medicine. Students of the PPU-INCEPTION program will work daily in Institut Pasteur laboratories and will participate to the PPU activities at Institut Pasteur. A thesis co-supervision is mandatory.

PPU-INCEPTION projects are listed within the PPU projects and labelled INCEPTION.

Please note that this program is NOT open for the 2023-2024 call.

how to get a phd in france

PPU-OXFORD students will have the possibility to spend up to three months of their PhD in the Chemistry Department of Oxford University. Students of the PPU-OXFORD program will work daily in laboratories of Institut Pasteur, and will follow the activities proposed by the PPU program.

PPU-OXFORD projects are listed within the PPU projects and labelled OXFORD.


This program will foster scientific projects involving the development of a new technology or methodology to answer a biological question with impact on human health. PhD students will work on collaborative projects between a laboratory and a technology platform or technology service unit (UTechS) and will spend a significant amount of their time in the partner technology platform or UTechS. Students should hold a Master degree or an equivalent university degree in science, medicine or related fields delivered by a university located inside or outside of France, by the time that the students begin the program. Selected students will receive a high level of multidisciplinary training both in biology and technology for life sciences.

PPU-Research & Technology projects are t listed within the PPU projects and labelled R&T.

 Projects in the area of Emerging Infectious Diseases will help implementing a global vision for a "One Health" approach by preparing the next generation of scientists to major challenges of (re)-emerging infectios diseases (EID). Research-based multidisciplinary projects should aim at developing health, societal, economic and communication aspects in order to prevent and manage EID. PPU-EID students will have access to a wide range of training in the disciplines covered by the new Graduate School 1H-EID . This program is in partnership with 5 Doctoral Schools (BioSPC, MTCI, Pierre Louis de Santé Publique, Science des Sociétés and ABIES). Specific fundings for thesis prolongation, mobility grants and participation to congress will also be available as well as access to international networks such as the Pasteur Network (33 Institutes in 25 countries worldwide) and the research network CAIDERA , partner program of the Graduate School 1H-EID in Germany and Gabon.

 Students of the PPU-EID program will work daily in laboratories of Institut Pasteur in 8 of the 12 Institut Pasteur Departments associated with the Graduate School 1H-EID. They will follow all the activities proposed by the PPU program.

PPU-EID projects are listed within the PPU projects and labelled EID.

Application information (PPU, PPU-OXFORD, PPU-INCEPTION, PPU-EID)

The application call opens in September for the program beginning in October of the following year.


 ​Diploma requirement:         

  • Master degree or an equivalent university degree in science, medicine or related fields delivered by a university located outside of France, by the time that the students begin the program.
  • In France, a master degree corresponds to five years of academic education
  • Students holding a B.A. or a B.S. acquired after four years of academic education may be considered if they have additional laboratory experience of at least 6 months, with a written final report or a publication.
  • Students who already have begun doctoral training elsewhere and students with a master's degree obtained in France are not eligible, due to our agreements with the doctoral schools of the Paris Universities.

Language:  The program is run in English and therefore fluency in English is required (TOEFL or other language proficiency scores may be indicated when submitting your application). No knowledge of French is required, but a basic knowledge may be useful in the daily life outside the Institute.

Age:  The PPU doctoral program does not have an age restriction, but most accepted candidates are 24-26 years old and start their Ph.D. within a year of finishing their M.S., a few within 3 years.

External funding:  Candidates with external funding are eligible to enter the PPU program if the funding constitutes employment or if the funds can be allocated to the Institut Pasteur to pay the candidate’s salary. Such candidates must go through the same application procedure and be selected by the committee.

Mobility:  Students who have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the 1st day of recruitment by the PPU program (1st day of employment) are not eligible. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account. These rules are in compliance with the mobility rules of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions of the H2020 program.


  • To present a candidate to the PPU program, thesis advisors must hold an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches) diploma.
  • The host laboratory must be located on the campus of the Institut Pasteur in Paris.
  • The research team must be affiliated with a doctoral school of Université Paris Cité, Sorbonne Université or Université Paris-Saclay, and the advisors must not exceed the number of students allowed by their doctoral school.
  • If there are multiple scientists holding an HDR in a host laboratory, each one can propose a project and submit an application with a prospective Ph.D. candidate. However, each advisor can only supervise one PPU student at a time.


There are 3 steps in the selection process

1. Candidates choose and are chosen by a host laboratory.

From mid-September, a list of host laboratories and the research projects they propose are posted on the application website after registration:   (the link is proposed also in the Current Call section of this web site).

Applications must be sent through the same link: the candidates can select up to four projects they are interested in, and upload a detailed CV and a motivation letter in PDF format.  

Advisors may request additional information from candidates including reference letters and may interview some candidates by visio-conference. Each advisor must eventually choose only one candidate for his/her project to present to the Admission Committee.

Candidates may contact potential host laboratories for further information but application must be made through the application website (no email application) . Since each advisor must choose only one candidate, candidates may apply to more than one laboratory (maximum four). Advisors are asked to notify candidates who will not be selected as soon as possible. A candidate cannot be selected for more than one project.

The candidate selected for a project will then complete the application on the same platform together with the host laboratory (joint application).  Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores are welcome but not required. 

2. Evaluation of joint applications by the Admission Committee.

The joint applications are evaluated in December on the basis of academic qualifications, previous research experience, scientific potential of the candidate and adequation of the candidate with the proposed project. In general, applicants are expected to be among the top of those qualified to enter a Ph.D. program in their home country.

 The Admission Committee is composed of Institut Pasteur scientists, representatives of the Doctoral Schools (who verify that the applicant is eligible to register for a Ph.D. at a Parisian University) and members of the PPU Program Office (who are themselves also Institut Pasteur scientists). The Admissions Committee solicits written evaluations of the applications from international senior scientists who are familiar with the applicant’s national education systems. The most promising candidates are selected for an interview.

3. Interview week.

Selected candidates are invited for a four-day visit to the Institut Pasteur during February. Travel expenses (economy fare) and housing during the interview week are paid by the PPU program. During the visit, candidates:

  • Visit the host laboratory and meet its members;
  • Visit the Institut Pasteur (technical core facilities, museum, scientific library, …);
  • Meet the Dean of the PPU program, the Director of Education of the Institut Pasteur, members of the PPU Program Office, current students and other scientists working at the Institut Pasteur;
  • Are interviewed by Institut Pasteur scientists who are experts in the candidate’s past and/or future research projects and by a member of the Human Resources Department.
  • Present their Master’s degree research (results or in progress) and their Ph.D. project to the Admission Committee which then asks questions;
  • Meet at luncheons and dinners with students and scientists.

 The Admission Committee examines the general scientific knowledge, the past research accomplishments, the understanding of the proposed Ph.D. project, the motivation of the student, and considers the comments and advice of other interviewers. It then chooses the students to be offered final admission and those to be put on a waiting list. Around 12 openings are available each year. Candidates are informed of the decision shortly after the Interview week; successful candidates are generally given 10 days to notify the PPU of their acceptance.  Admission is highly competitive; each year many more qualified candidates apply than can be accepted.

Criteria used by the Admission Committee for the evaluation:

  • Presentation: Logical and coherent presentation; appropriate information; clear oral presentation without “reading the slides”; good balance master/future phd projects. 
  • Addressing the questions: comprehension of the questions, focus on the requested details, scientific knowledge, technical knowledge, ability to think about an open question.
  • General attitude: positive attitude, self-confidence, attitude open to discussion.

Exact dates and deadlines for each step are clearly indicated in  Current Call .

Educational program

The PPU program prepares students for an exciting and competitive career in scientific research, through the development of a research project,  participation to academic courses, and professional development trainings. The requested duration for a PhD in France is three years.

The PPU program has its primary foundations based on scientific research. Students benefit from the highest training in conducting state-of-the-art research by mentorship, active planning and execution, as well as discussion of results with their Ph.D advisors and other leading scientists. A very dense scheduling of lectures and seminars by world renowned scientists, together with congresses and workshops, are also part of the exposure to ideas and data that students will experience on campus.


Students are responsible for attending a specified number of courses dedicated to fundamental biological concepts and public health. The course syllabus fulfils requirements set forth by the universities, usually equivalent to one to two weeks of courses per year. Multiple theoretical and practical courses are available at Institut Pasteur Education Center ,  in Parisian universities, and at the Institut Curie. Students have their choice of courses to take, based on their personal backgrounds, interests and topics of research, in accordance with their host laboratory.

Students will also benefit from technical training by members of core facilities. Furthermore, working at the Institut Pasteur provides students with the opportunity to attend some of the many cutting-edge scientific seminars and participate in on-site symposia. Students are also encouraged to apply to international workshops and conferences, for which the PPU program will offer monetary support.


In addition to hands-on laboratory training, the PPU program requires attendance to several professional development training courses to enhance the student skills and complement their academic training:

  • Oral presentation   workshop : To teach how to communicate their results and ideas effectively (identifying the key message, planning and preparation, presentation design, confident delivery and stress management, giving/receiving feedback).  During the II° year: four classes lasting 4 hours each.
  • Journal Club : To enhance the educational experience of participants and the assimilation of scientific evidences (learning how to critically evaluate a study, reflecting upon results and draw conclusions, understanding peer review, identifying innovation and advancement, learning how to conceptualize follow-up.  (Journal Club) During the I° year: 1 session per month.
  • Scientific Integrity and Ethics Training courses : To learn about and discuss various ethical aspects of being a scientist (learning ethical standards in research & science and the role of a scientist in today’s society, knowing the available resources at the Institut Pasteur in case problems arise). During the I° year: One half day on scientific integrity, one mini-workshop with three presentations (half day) + three group discussion sessions of one hour each.
  • French language courses : 3 class levels (basic, intermediate and advanced) . During the I° year: two-hour sessions per week, on campus.
  • To learn how to organize a symposium, students of the II° year are in charge of the  organization of the annual retreat  for all PPU students, under the guidance of the PPU Graduate Office members.
  • Institut Pasteur  international network workshop : to be informed about the main missions of the Institut Pasteur and facilitate the creation of student personal network. During the III° year: half a day.

Various other training sessions are available at the Institut Pasteur, the Universities in Paris, and the Institut Curie.


A thesis advisory committee (TAC)  follows the student's research progress, offering guidance as needed in addition to that provided by the laboratory in which the student is working.

The PPU program staff is fully committed to building a strong network within each incoming class of students, and between all students in the program as a whole as well as with students and scientists of the campus. For that purpose, several informal meetings  are organized to give the students a chance to discuss with the members of the PPU Program Committee and PPU office on individual questions and challenges or unforeseen difficulties encountered.


The students of the 2nd year are responsible for the organization of the PPU annual retreat, in collaboration with members of the graduate office. The retreat lasts three days and takes place at a rotating location outside of Paris (in very nice settings). The Ph.D. advisors and faculty members are invited and students are encouraged to invite a few scientists who are experts on the topic of the chosen theme of the year to present keynote lectures.

One presentation is dedicated to the scientist who gave his/her name to the 1st year class. In addition, all students are expected to present their projects and/or their results, making this retreat a truly interdisciplinary symposium. Furthermore, students discuss their research progress with scientists both from within and outside of the Institut Pasteur. The goal is also to reinforce the networking among students and with other scientists.


The rights and responsibilities of students in the Pasteur-Paris University International Doctoral Program are described in the Charter of Doctoral Training, which all students, their advisors and the heads of their laboratories are required to sign before beginning the Ph.D. project.  Download here.


A Welcome Day is organized for the incoming Class on their first day on campus. The Dean presents the PPU program, the specific and mandatory trainings, the specific guidance and support provided to the student through the TAC, the social activities and the different offices and the services they provide on campus. The Dean will also answer questions about student life in general.


PPU Events


Financial support and benefits.

Students will be employees of the Institut Pasteur with a three-year working contract. 

The students will receive:

1) a monthly salary of 1.800€ comprehensive of social benefits (national health care, health insurance, etc.);

2) a “welcome bonus” of 4.000€ gross which will be paid at once with their first salary;

3) the reimbursement of one round-trip ticket per year (train or plane tickets in eco-class, up to 1.300€ for non-continental europan countries, up to 350€ for continental european countries) for the country of origin, for the duration of the program, to be taken during the academic year (with no possibility of postponement or refund if not taken). 

There is no financial support for family members.

The PPU program offers:

- Assistance in housing. Upon arrival in France, PPU students may rent a place at the Cité Universitaire for 6 months (possible extension to 12 months because of current sanitary constraints). Additional information is provided to facilitate housing after that period.  (Housing)

- 750€ per year per student to cover expenses related to attending international conferences or summer courses.

- A “Tutor” is assigned to each student who together with the PPU and Graduate Offices acts as an advocate for the student scientific education and provides assistance in any practical matters. The tutors are usually scientists working on the campus in a different department with respect to the student-hosting laboratory.

- Help in administrative issues, individualized or grouped professional training classes, and counseling by the Human Resources Department.- Access to all amenities at Institut Pasteur and the universities for reduced fees, including: 

  • Subsidized access to the cafeteria for lunch;
  • Conferences on the campus;
  • Sports within ASIP (Sport Association of Institut Pasteur);
  • Rebates on cultural events, cinema and theater tickets and more from the "Conseil Social et Economique (CSE)" (Institut Pasteur employee benefits committee);
  • Free WiFi on the campus. Students must abide by the institut’s rules concerning internet access and use;

Free access to a state-of-the-art Center for Scientific Information (CeRIS) with hundreds of scientific journals, the most extensive resources for microbiology, immunology and molecular biology in France and the unique World Health Organization publication repository in the country.

Please note that only students residing in Paris will benefit from complete handling of administrative issues by the Institut Pasteur.

For information:

  • Financial support for the fellowships and the educational training comes from the Institut Pasteur and the European Community. In addition, the program benefits from support by other Institutions, including partner institutions of the Institut Pasteur, some governmental agencies and private foundations. (fellowships)

Starting January 2019, France adopted the pay-as-you-earn withholding tax system, meaning taxes are directly deducted from your salary. Tax information sessions are organized to explain students how to declare taxes in France.

See Previous and current students

Application (student).

Application (Host lab)

University - Doctoral School

Ph.d. program, life in paris.

What is the application process?

The application process consists of three steps: (i) the candidate must select and be selected by a host laboratory, keeping in mind that each advisor can present only one candidate. ; (ii) applications are filled out jointly by the candidate together with the host laboratory ("joint application") and are uploaded in the PPU dedicated platform (link available in the Current call section at the opening of the call). Applications are evaluated by an Admission committee that selects candidates for an interview at the Institut Pasteur; (iii) these candidates are invited for a four-day interview on the Institut Pasteur campus (or in a visio-conference format during the sanitary crisis) and present their past and future works to the Admission committee (see details in application information).

When does the application process begin?

The application period starts in mid-September. Prospective students are free to contact the lab (s) they are interested in at any time during application period.

When is the application deadline?

The deadline for  joint application is usually in November. The exact dates and deadlines for each application period will be indicated on the current call page when a call is opened. Candidates are strongly encouraged to contact host laboratories as early as possible and well before the application deadline.

What is the first step in the application process?

The first step is to identify and contact a host lab in which you would be interested in doing your Ph.D. research. Projects and contact information for laboratories recruiting prospective Ph.D. students at the Institut Pasteur are posted on the PPU dedicated platform (link available in the Current call section at the opening of the call).  Further information about laboratories and their research interests is available on the website RESEARCH . Because laboratories receive many applications and can present only one candidate, the first step of the selection process is to be chosen by a host laboratory. Please keep in mind that a candidate can only choose up to 4 host labs to apply to.

May I contact a lab that is not listed on the page of the current call?  

You are free to contact any lab of your choice at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. The list of all laboratories at Institut Pasteur can be found on the Institut Pasteur website . However, the laboratories not listed on the current call page are are not proposing a project for the PPU Program, and may not search for a student in the upcoming academic period.

May I contact several host laboratories?

Yes. You may contact as many host laboratories as you wish, but you may apply only to a maximum of 4. However, if you are selected by more than one host lab for application to this program, you will be required to choose only one.

Does my host laboratory have to be located at the Institut Pasteur in Paris?

In the majority of cases yes, only few host laboratories are located at walking distance from the Institut Pasteur (Institut de l'Audition, IDA)

What are the degree prerequisites for consideration of acceptance in the Pasteur - Paris University International Ph.D. program?

A Masters of Science (M.Sc.), or an equivalent degree that would formally qualify you to register for a Ph.D. program in the French University system, is required to be considered for acceptance into this program. In some cases, students who have carried out an undergraduate research project in addition to their B.A. or B.Sc. degree may qualify. The host lab can inquire into this with its affiliated doctoral school.

By what date must I have finished my M.Sc. or equivalent degree in order to enroll in the PhD program?

You do not need to have finished your M.Sc. or equivalent degree prior to the application deadline. The degree must be completed by the summer of the following year, in order to register at the Paris Universities. A copy of the diploma or a certified written attestation of completion must be available before the start of the program (October).

Is there an age limit or a time limit between the date of my Master’s degree and filing the application?

The PPU doctoral program does not have an age restriction, but most accepted candidates are 24-26 years old and start their Ph.D. within a year of finishing their M.S., a few within 3 years.

Do I need to apply directly to the University?

No, you do not. Your application must be uploaded in the PPU dedicated platform. If you are accepted into the program, you will receive information on when and how to register with the university/doctorla school to which your host laboratory is affiliated.

Are there country-specific requirements for international applicants?

What are the language requirements?

The program is run in English and therefore fluency in English is required. TOEFL or other language proficiency scores may be indicated when submitting your application. No knowledge of French is necessary. French language classes will be part of the Ph.D. program curriculum.

Are specific standardized test scores required and where should they be sent?

No. Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores are welcome but not required.  

If I have done my university studies outside of France, but will earn my Master’s degree from a French institution, am I eligible to apply?

No. A master degree (or equivalent) delivered by a university located outside of France is required. A double Master degree is acceptable only if a French and non-French institutions are delivering each a Master degree.

I already have been granted a Ph.D. fellowship. Does this guarantee a place in the program?

No. All applicants are evaluated by the Admission Committee solely on the basis of their qualifications and scientific potential. All applicants must successfully pass the application and interview procedures in order to be eligible. Moreover, under French law, the external funding must constitute employment or the funds must be allocated to the Institut Pasteur to pay the candidate’s salary.

How and when will I receive notification regarding interviews?

The selection for the interview is highly competitive. The candidates selected for an interview will be notified by email toward the end of December or beginning of January.

How and when will I receive notification regarding acceptance to the Ph.D. program?

The candidates selected for the program will be notified by email shortly after the interviews, generally within 1 week.

Where do I send application materials?

Candidates do not send applications themselves. Joint application (candidate/host lab) must be uploaded on the PPU dedicated platform

Is it possible to check the status of my application once it is filed?

Is there an application fee?

Application (Host laboratory)

Can the host laboratory present a candidate without having posted a research project on the current call page?

No, all laboratories searching for a Ph.D. student for the PPU program must upload a project on the dedicated platform. Teams that have already chosen a candidate must still upload a project and contact [email protected]

Can a host Laboratory present multiple candidates?

To present a candidate to the PPU program, thesis advisors must hold an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches) diploma. If there are multiple scientists holding an HDR in a host laboratory, each one can propose one project and submit one application with one prospective Ph.D. candidate (joint application).

With which universities must the research group be affiliated?

To participate in the Pasteur - Paris University International Doctoral program, a host laboratory must be affiliated with a Doctoral School of one of the three partner Universities of the program: Université de Paris, Sorbonne Université, and Université Paris Saclay.

Can an advisor that already has a Ph.D. student in the program present another candidate for the following application period?

No advisor may have more than one Ph.D. student within the program.

What information should be contained in the host laboratory introduction letter?

The host laboratory must certify that it is willing to host and supervise the prospective Ph.D. candidate if he/she is accepted into the program. The host laboratory should explicit why it proposes the candidate for its laboratory and for the PPU program.

Following the interview, when will I be notified of acceptance into the Ph.D. program?

The candidates selected for the program and their host labs will be notified by email shortly after the interviews, generally within 1 week.

How long is the interview stay in Paris?

Four days. The exact dates are indicated on the Current Call Page. During the sanitary crisis, the interview week is done through visio-conference for 4 days, in the same format as the one on site (see below).

What is involved in the interview week process?

During your stay you will visit your host laboratory to meet and discuss the research project with the prospective advisor and laboratory members. Individual interviews will be performed by Faculty members to assess each candidate’s qualifications for the PPU program. You will tour the Institut Pasteur and its core facilities, and meet with current PPU students and the PPU program staff. To see what scientific life is like at the Institut Pasteur, meetings are also planned with scientists and other Ph.D. students at meals and in informal social events. You will be interviewed by the Admission Committee, during which time you will present your Master’s degree research (results or in progress) and planned Ph.D. project.

Will travel and accommodation expenses for participating in the interview week be covered by the PPU Program?

What is the connection between the Institut Pasteur and the universities of Paris?

The Institut Pasteur is a non-profit research foundation that has maintained a long tradition in teaching. Several major science courses organized at the Institut Pasteur are integrated into the master degrees of several Parisian universities. For the PPU program, the Institut Pasteur has developed a special partnership with Université de Paris, Sorbonne Université, and Université Paris Saclay. This partnership means that students are employed by the Institut Pasteur and registered at a Parisian university. Students enrolled in the PPU program perform their research project on the campus of the Institut Pasteur. The universities will deliver the diploma, on which will be indicated the co-operative nature of this program through the title “Pasteur - Paris University International Doctoral Program.

At which Parisian university will I register?

Your laboratory must be affiliated with a doctoral school of one of the three partner universities. You will be registered at the same doctoral school and university as your research team.

What is a doctoral school?

A doctoral school is an association of research teams preparing Ph.D. students to a career in research through an educational program for the research profession. Each French university has several doctoral schools which are specialized in specific scientific domains. To be enrolled in a Ph.D. program, the student registers at a doctoral school.

Will the courses differ depending on my university affiliation?

Completion of a Ph.D. at a French university requires participation in several scientific courses and professional trainings. All students enrolled in the PPU program will participate in a similar number of courses and training hours, regardless of the university affiliation. To fulfill this requirement, students will be able to choose among a number of courses that are the most appropriate and interesting for their individual training, including the ones that are required by the doctoral school.

Who will deliver the Ph.D. diploma?

The university will deliver the diploma, which will indicate the co-operative nature of this program through the title “Pasteur - Paris University International Doctoral Program”.

What will be the approximate starting date for each new academic year?

The program starts the first week of October. Arriving in Paris between September 15 and October 1 will help to familiarize yourself with the city, the housing and the university, as well as to prepare all the necessary paperwork. The exact arrival date may vary from student to student and will depend on the status of his/her visa application (if you are not from the European Community).

What is the expected duration of the program, from beginning to the defense of the Ph.D.?

Students are expected to finish their Ph.D. in three years. Sometimes extensions may be granted when required and justified and are subject to approval from the doctoral school. Extensions will only be given by universities if external funding is available. The PPU program only provides funding for three years.

Can you summarize the practical and academic offerings of this Ph.D. program?

The program aims to meet the highest standards for education and training of Ph.D. students in the world. While spending most of the time working in individual research projects in a laboratory at Institut Pasteur, students benefit from excellent scientific courses and professional development trainings. The students will also be able to attend exciting seminars and participate in interactive workshops, annual retreats and journal clubs. The students within this program will be well supported by the staff, acting as advocates for the students’ scientific education and to provide assistance in any practical matters. A thesis advisory committee (TAC) will follow the students’ research progress and will offer guidance as needed in addition to that provided by the laboratory in which the student is working. The program offers a salary covering living costs and including health insurance. The program also offers assistance in obtaining housing upon arrival in France. Financial support for attending international conferences or summer courses will also be provided.

Does the Ph.D. program also include a Master’s program?

Who do I contact if I have further questions?

If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Is housing provided?

Upon your arrival in Paris, you will be able to stay in Institut Pasteur reserved housing at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP) for 6 months (up to 12 months during the sanitary crisis). The rent is paid by the student. This is a beneficial time to look for housing. The real estate market is tight and students are encouraged to actively seek housing rental opportunities. They can apply independently to continue living at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP) and to the international houses of their respective countries as well. ( Housing )

Is there additional financial support given for family and/or spouses?

Will I receive help with my Visa application and other paperwork?

Yes. The PPU, the Graduate as well as the Human Resources offices of the Institut Pasteur will provide assistance. A Hosting Agreement ("Protocol d'accueil") for visa application will be sent to students selected to enter the program from outside of the European Community. Precise instructions will be sent to all students accepted into the program about the paperwork that they need to complete and the steps they need to follow. The instructions must be followed carefully.

Does Institut Pasteur provide funds for travel and moving expenses when arriving in Paris?

No. However, a 4000€ one-time bonus is added to the first paycheck.

Is healthcare included in the salary?

Where can I find more info on healthcare?

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International doctoral programs

International collaborations are an integral part of research. Some programs in particular enable the development an international experience in the context of doctoral education.

Published on 4/12/2019 - Updated on 6/03/2024

China Scholarship Council – Sorbonne University

The China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Sorbonne University have established a collaborative program offering excellent doctoral education to Chinese candidates in all disciplines represented at Sorbonne University. Doctoral candidates are hosted in a laboratory under the supervision of Sorbonne University and receive a scholarship funded by the CSC . This scholarship is for a maximum of 4 years. Its amount is currently 1350 €/month (amount periodically re-evaluated by the CSC). In addition, doctoral candidates will have to pay administrative fees. Candidates having obtained the CSC scholarship are required to commit to returning to China after the defense of the thesis or after a postdoctoral stay abroad (after agreement of the CSC).

Recruitment campaign

It takes place in several stages:

  • A call for doctoral research projects is launched to researchers and academic researchers at Sorbonne University. The doctoral research projects are then validated by the doctoral schools and published.
  • Chinese candidates send their applications to the project leaders , who forward the files of the candidates they have pre-selected to the doctoral schools. The candidates' files are examined by each doctoral school, which may issue a pre-admission letter subject to funding.
  • The list of all candidates pre-selected by the Sorbonne University doctoral schools is sent to the CSC.
  • Candidates must then apply in China on the CSC website . They are evaluated by the Chinese party, which notifies and awards the thesis scholarship if necessary.

Eligibility conditions of candidates

The CSC 2021 is only open to candidates of Chinese nationality who do not have any job outside the Chinese territory at the time of their application . They must demonstrate a very good level of English and, for some fields of humanities and social sciences, a very good level of French (B2 minimum, C1 recommended).

Student in China

  • Be a student in the final year of a master's degree or have recently graduated or,
  • Be in the first year of the PhD program, a letter of recommendation from the home university will be required.

Chinese student abroad

  • Be a student in the final year of a master's degree or have graduated less than a year before applying for the scholarship.

  Calendar 2021-2022

  • October 1st: Postinf of  validated projects on the Sorbonne University website , opening of students applications, Chinese candidates contact the project leaders and send them an application file . Applicants  submit their application file under this   link .
  • January 31 : Closing of applications. The project leaders sent the selected application after hearing the candidates at their doctoral school. 
  • Until february 21 : after examination, the Doctoral schools send the signed and stamped pre-admission letters of the selected candidates to the doctoral college
  • February 28 : The doctoral collège send the pre-admissions letters to the candidates
  • Until March 31 : The candidates selected by Sorbonne Universite candidate on CSC website
  • May 31 : Diffusion of results by the CSC to Sorbonne Université. Results are send to candidates as well as project leaders. 

Doctoral project proposed for 2022

See doctoral project proposed for 2022

Admission file

Link to submit application

Request for specific assistance for doctoral fellows (sciences) - ASDB

For all doctoral candidates who will be affiliated to the Faculty of Sciences of the Sorbonne University, the ASDB should be set up in order to complete the 1350 euros of scholarships More information Contact for ASDB related issues

For any questions (except for the ASDB), please contact Camille Vignes [email protected]

Modeling of Complex Systems (MSC) Program

The International Doctoral Program in Complex Systems Modeling (PDI MSC) is a cross-disciplinary program at all doctoral schools of the Sorbonne University. It is the first North-South doctoral program of Sorbonne University built on the commitment to recruit for 3 years young doctoral candidates from all countries and more particularly from Southern countries where the IRD has developed many collaborations for more than 60 years.

It also relies on the network set up by the International Joint Unit UMMISCO of Sorbonne University-IRD, whose teams specialized in mathematical and computer modeling are spread over five countries: Morocco, Senegal, Cameroon, Vietnam and France.

The themes of the PDI MSC are multidisciplinary; they relate in particular to the use of complex systems modeling to solve problems of development and/or management of resources and environments, particularly in southern countries with problems in health and epidemiology, management of renewable resources, urban and regional dynamics, ecosystem dynamics.

Each year, the last three promotions of doctoral candidates registered at Sorbonne University in co-supervision with several foreign universities are gathered on the IRD Bondy campus to follow a 3-week training course.

  • For more information

European Founding Myths in Arts and Literature

Sorbonne University / University of Bonn / University of Florence

The Universities of Bonn, Florence and Sorbonne have agreed on a jointly structured doctoral training course with the title "Founding Myths of Europe in Literature, Arts and Music". The disciplines concerned arethe various philologies and literatures, the history of art and music, history, political science, philosophy, sociology, without a priori restrictions. Doctoral candidates prepare a thesis on the founding myths of Europe.

  • More information on the website of the University of Bonn

Italian Studies

Since 2006, the Universities of Florence, Bonn and Sorbonne have agreed on a doctoral Program with a common structure and the mention "International Doctorate in Italian Studies". The whole of Italian Studies (Literature, Language, Civilisation, Performing Arts, Cinema) is covered in this training.

Coordinator: Professor Andrea FABIANO (ED 020: Civilisations, Cultures, Literature and Societies)

  • For more information, visit the Italian Literature and Culture Team website.

Humanism and Rebirth

Sorbonne University / University of Florence

Sorbonne University have signed a collaboration with the University of Florence (Università degli Studi di Firenze) that enables doctoral candidates working on the world of European Humanism, in all disciplines to enrolled in this framework.  The doctoral candidates will obtain the double title of Doctor of the University of Florence and Doctor of Sorbonne University, when they have defended their doctorate, directed in partnership by professors from both universities.

This co-diplomation is part of joint research on Humanism, directed, at the University of Florence by Donatella Coppini and at Sorbonne University by Hélène Casanova-Robin. It enables doctoral candidates to benefit from a rich education, thanks to the diversity of scientific methods implemented within each of these institutions. It also opens a large international research network on humanism (seminars, conferences, colloquia) to the doctoral candidates, due to the various collaborations already established by the partner research units within these universities.

The language of the doctorate must be either French or Italian; the subject must be on the texts (literary forms, philosophy, art, aesthetics...) of Humanism and the Renaissance (14th-16th centuries), transmitting the ancient tradition, and/or their posterity.

Coordinator: Professor Hélène CASANOVA-ROBIN Professor of Latin Literature (specialist in Humanism) Director of the E.A. 4081 Rome and its renaissances ED 022 Ancient and Medieval Worlds

Joint Ca'Foscari-Sorbonne University Program

The Universities of Venice (Ca'Foscari) and Sorbonne University have agreed to a joint doctoral program. This program has been signed between the doctoral school “Civilizations, Cultures, Literatures and Society” (ED 020) and the Venetian program” Lingue, culture e società moderne e Scienze del linguaggio”. It concerns the cultures of the Romance and English speaking countries in Europe, America and the world, the Germanic and Slavic speaking countries in Central and Northern Europe, in the following fields: literature, linguistics and civilization.

Coordinators :

Eduardo Ramos Izquierdo (ED 020)

Alexis Tadie (ED 020)

For more information, see: the University of Venice site

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Undertaking a PhD in France

Are you considering doing your PhD in France? Below, discover everything you need to know. Learn more about the application criteria, project development process, and types of PhDs.

Advanced degree

In France, a PhD is the highest academic degree you can earn. Doctoral studies are a form of research-based training with the same value as professional experience. PhD students carry out research on a defined topic under the supervision of their thesis advisor(s). 

PhD students are enrolled in doctoral programmes run by institutions of higher education (i.e., universities or grandes écoles ), but they are trained within research laboratories. Students carry out original scientific research either on their own or as part of collaborative projects; the results form the basis for their dissertations. Students must also go through a thesis defence in which they present their findings to a committee that judges the quality of their work. Those who succeed are awarded doctoral degrees. 

Generally, earning a PhD requires 3 years of full-time research. One-year extensions may be granted under certain circumstances. In exceptional cases and for compelling reasons, a student may request a leave of absence of up to 1 year. Such requests are only granted once, upon approval by the establishment’s director. Any leave of absence is excluded when calculating thesis duration, given that the student suspends their training and research during that period.

To be eligible for doctoral studies, you must have a master’s degree. This requirement can be waived by an establishment’s director if approval is granted by the doctoral programme’s administrators. You need to show that you have an equivalent level of education or professional experience.

PhD programmes frequently have an international component. For example, doctoral students often take part in joint degree programmes or dual degree programmes, a situation that is facilitated under French law. 

how to get a phd in france

Status of doctoral students

In France, the status of doctoral students depends on their funding source. Anyone doing a PhD is officially recognised as a student because they must be enrolled in a doctoral programme at an institution of higher education. In addition, many are also salaried workers because they are contractual employees.

International doctoral students with foreign grants have the status of students in France.

There are different types of doctorates in France. Here are some common examples: 

Traditional PhD 

  • 3 years of work in a single research laboratory
  • Leads to a French degree
  • Enrolment and thesis defence occur at a single institution
  • Single thesis advisor (or co-advisors, if necessary)

Jointly supervised PhD

  • Thesis jointly supervised by a set of co-advisors—one from the student’s main research laboratory (affiliated with the enrolment institution) and one from a separate institution, either in France or another country
  • Enrolment and thesis defence occur at the institution affiliated with the main research laboratory
  • Single degree granted by the above institution 
  • Thesis research might arise from a national and/or international collaboration

Dual degree PhD

  • Thesis jointly supervised by a set of co-advisors, with research taking place in two laboratories
  • Individual dual degree agreement ( convention individuelle de co-tutelle ) establishes a research framework
  • Enrolment occurs at two institutions—one in France and one abroad
  • Tuition is paid to a single institution
  • Single thesis defence but two degrees (one from each institution)

Professional PhD

  • Research carried out at a private company partnered with a publicly funded laboratory and its affiliated institution of higher education
  • Thesis jointly supervised by a set of co-advisors—one from the company and one from the laboratory
  • Work is split between the company and laboratory
  • Student contractually employed by the company
  • Degree is granted by the institution of enrolment
  • Excellent opportunity to gain professional experience 

Doctoral training

The first step in your doctoral studies is to enrol at an institution (university or grande école ) with an official PhD programme that is under the aegis of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Such doctoral programmes are structured to provide a high level of personalised training and supervision during your thesis work:

  • You are under the supervision of one or more thesis advisors
  • You carry out your work within an affiliated research unit and take part in laboratory activities
  • You can participate in courses and seminars designed to establish a solid scientific foundation and guide the development of your research

Your thesis committee will ensure your studies are advancing smoothly, notably by evaluating your training conditions and research progress. To enhance your employability, your doctoral programme and thesis advisor will

  • Encourage you to attend national, European, and international conferences and publish in national, European, and international journals
  • Design a training programme compatible with your PhD project
  • Help you exploit your skills and training

In France, you can write and defend your thesis exclusively in English. However, your thesis summary must be translated into French.

Your PhD project

To begin your PhD, you must find a host research laboratory, a thesis topic, a thesis advisor, and funding. We recommend that you begin this process at least 1 year before your target start date. You can begin by looking at the list of thesis topics posted by doctoral programmes and institutions of higher education. You can also directly contact laboratories working in your area of interest. As a general rule, your future thesis advisor will help you with funding.

International students may be able to find other sources of funding, such as fellowships from embassies, the governments of their home countries, and/or partnership agreements between institutions.

Enrolling in a doctoral programme

Once you have resolved all of the above, you must submit your project to your doctoral programme for approval. Your thesis advisor and the laboratory director will evaluate the quality and feasibility of your proposal.

If their assessment is favourable, the director of the doctoral programme will allow you to enrol. You will be informed of the decision by the head of the doctoral programme (the university or grande école president). The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research establishes the amount of tuition paid by bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral students. Tuition levels are the same everywhere in France.

In 2023, annual tuition for doctoral students was €380. There is also a campus activities fee (CVEC) of €92. In certain cases, both may be waived.

how to get a phd in france

Useful link

  • Getting a PhD in France—directory of doctoral schools

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Last update: 20 March 2024

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PhD in France – Universities, Fees, Eligibility & Jobs

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Updated on 26 March, 2024

Gauri Agrawal

Gauri Agrawal

Sr. content writer.

Gauri Agrawal

France is known for its excellent higher education system and globally reputed universities. The French universities are known for nurturing greats in science, economics, technology, arts, philosophy, and fashion. Moreover, the country is culturally rich and has spectacular architecture, music, cuisine, and dance, among other things. 

Thousands of aspiring international students come to France to learn from its rich culture and dive into the wide range of employment opportunities. It has an exceptional research environment; therefore, a Ph.D. in France for Indian students or any other international student is a great opportunity.

Table of Contents

1. affordable tuition fees, 2. degrees taught in english, 3. chance to improve your french, ph.d. specializations offered in france, top universities to study ph.d. in france, application process and timelines, cost of phd in france for indian students, career opportunities for france phd holders, eligibility to pursue ph.d. in france for indian students, career options, why study phd in france.

There are many reasons a graduate can choose to do a Ph.D. in France, and some are listed below:

Candidates enrolling for Ph.D. in France are not required to pay substantial tuition fees. The average cost is €380 per academic year. It applies to all Ph.D. programs offered in France.

Public, and private institutions in France offer English-taught study programs to attract more international students.

Remember that candidates who can communicate in at least two foreign languages have a better chance of earning well and being hired by top global organizations and institutions. Therefore, studying Ph.D. in France and gaining proficiency in French improves your portfolio.

Study and Settle in France : Get Free Consultation

Some of the famous Ph.D. specializations offered in France are in the following streams:

  • Social Sciences and Economics
  • Ecology, Biodiversity, Agronomy
  • Mathematics 
  • Health Sciences
  • Energy and processes
  • Earth and space sciences
  • Information technology 

A ‘doctorate’ or Ph.D. in France is comprised of six semesters for a standard 3-year Ph.D., resulting in two teachings (or research) semesters per year:

  • Autumn semester, which starts in late September- January with a holiday around Christmas and New Year
  • The spring semester starts in early February- June, with some institutions having a spring break at Easter. 

Institutions generally have exams at the end of each semester and a three-month summer holiday from July-September.

Tuition fees for Ph.D. programs in France are currently the same for all students regardless of nationality. However, the fee structure differs depending upon whether you take admission in a private or public institution. Below is the average fee you are supposed to pay based on the institution: 

  • Public institution- Student fees are €380 annually. 
  • Private institutions- The fees in private institutes are relatively high and can range between €3,000 and €10,000 annually. Additionally, the universities hold the ultimate right to charge administrative costs, which are affordable.

Apart from the tuition fees, other expenses like the cost of living would add to the total cost of studying Ph.D. in France .

The living price in France includes accommodation, transportation, health insurance, and personal expenses, among others. The range varies between 600- 800 EUR/month, but if you’re studying in the top cities, the living costs will increase, and it would range between 650- 1800 EUR/month. 

There are multiple career opportunities after a PhD in France, largely based on the specialization you have chosen. In addition, your practical knowledge matters a lot. With it, you can work as a professor in any reputed university, not only in France but across the world. 

You can also become a part of an education and research organization that welcomes fresher PhD graduates to add value to the ongoing programs. PhD qualified candidates are also eligible to appear for jobs in public sectors and even some private organizations that are highly competitive in terms of hiring employees.

To apply for a Ph.D. in France, you must submit a research proposal. Apart from that, every French institution is free to create its standards and conduct independent enrollment assessments. However, here are the standard eligibility requirements are:

  • To enroll as a Ph.D. student, you will typically need a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in the relevant subject.
  • You are also eligible to apply if you are pursuing your Master’s degree and have completed it before starting the doctorate program.
  • You must attain the cut-off marks of several university entrance exams and preparatory classes.
  • Language requirements, too, are set by institutions individually. 

International students must submit all supporting documents to complete your Ph.D. in France requirements. Ensure the below is checked:

  • Degree certificates
  • CV (Resume)
  • All educational transcripts
  • Personal statement
  • GMAT/GRE score
  • Thesis chosen + Thesis supervisor selected
  • English language proficiency test results
  • Two online references
  • Passport photo and ID proof
  • Research material
  • Application Fee payment ( 50 EUR- 60 EUR)

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After completing your graduation from Ph.D. universities in France, there is a wide range of job profiles available like Assistant Professor, Senior Data Scientist and others. On average, Ph.D. graduates in France earn up to 46,000 € annually. 

It can be concluded that PhD in France for Indian students is beneficial and capable of generating good career opportunities. All you need is a decent command of the language (French/ English/ Or both) and meet the eligibility requirement of the university you wish to be a part of. 

Is a Ph.D. in France free?

Fees for Ph.D. in France are currently the same for all students regardless of nationality. However, the fee structure differs depending upon whether you are admission to a private or public institution.

Is it worth doing a Ph.D. in France?

Yes, pursuing a Ph.D. course in France is worth the time and effort as this country is home to the best universities worldwide, education system, and others

Study in France

Gauri Agrawal is a passionate, professional and proactive content marketer who wants to grow in the field of content creation. She carries a rich experience of working in the Digital News sector with renowned names like Times Now Digital, and News X as a Copy Editor.

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How to register with a doctor in France and get a GP

Having a gp will help you fully benefit from the french healthcare system. we also answer some common questions about gps in france.

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Upon arrival in France, you will need to register in the French healthcare system by applying for a social security number and a carte Vitale.

Read more:  How to get a social security number and carte Vitale in France

Once you have registered and are in the system, you are strongly advised to choose your own personal doctor to follow your healthcare. 

This doctor is known as your  médecin traitaint , the equivalent of a GP in the UK .

This is necessary in most cases to receive the best level of reimbursement payments from the state.

Am I assigned a médecin traitant automatically in France?

Unlike in some other European countries where people are allocated a doctor based on where they live, everyone in France is free to select a GP of their choice (there is no geographical restriction) provided the doctor they want is not fully booked.

You are also free to choose which hospital or clinic you go to for any treatment.

The state insurance system will fund your care on the basis of the medical act or service you receive (unless it is, for example, at an exclusively private institution that has no agreement with the state).

How do I declare a doctor is my médecin traitant ? 

Your GP can be any type of general practitioner ( généraliste ) or specialist, that provides healthcare cover under the sector 1 or sector 2 schemes (i.e the prices they charge are fully or partially in line with social security limits).

The doctor can either run thier practice ( cabinet de médecine ) alone or in conjunction with other doctors, work primarily in a health centre, or even have their main post at a hospital. 

Make an appointment with the doctor of your choice, and ask them to be your GP. 

If they agree, then they can use your carte Vitale to inform your local social security centre ( caisse primaire d’assurance maladie ) of the change. You do not need to do anything else, as the change is made automatically.

Alternatively, you can declare this via a form (downloadable here ) that you and the healthcare professional must sign.

Note that whilst you are free to choose any doctor in France as your GP, it does make practical sense to pick one close to you. 

In rural areas, however, it may be more difficult to find one because of a shortage of available appointment slots and healthcare professionals. 

If this is the case, you can tell local healthcare services about your struggle, and they may be able to help you. 

Read more:  How to see a doctor if you cannot sign up with GP in France

Can I have a médecin traitant if I am not a resident of France?

No, you must be a resident of France to have a médecin traitant .

If your main residency is in France but you frequently return to the UK, you can temporarily sign up to local GP services free of charge, however it does not work the reverse way for second-home owners in France.

 Read more: Do Britons lose access to NHS healthcare when moving to France?

How do I choose my médecin traitant ?

Ideally, you will pick a doctor who knows you and your health conditions best.

During the consultation with the doctor who you want to be your médecin traitant , explain your wish and you will fill out a declaration form together.

If you want to change doctor, you just repeat the process with a new doctor.

What does a médecin traitant do?

Typically, the médecin traitant is the first point of contact for healthcare for most people and the state health cover levels are higher for a consultation with this doctor.

While the doctor will usually be a GP, those suffering from long term illnesses may exceptionally sign up with a specialist as their médecin traitant .

In most cases, it is usual to ask for a referral to a specialist from your GP – if you do not your reimbursements may be worse.

What if I need a specialist doctor?

When your doctor refers you to a specialist doctor, this is known as the médecin correspondant .

This may be for suivi regulier (regular treatment) or avis ponctuel (a one-off opinion) and both the cost of the consultation and the level of reimbursement might be different.

Usually if it is an avis ponctuel the doctor will not ask you to come back. In this case, the specialist may leave it to your GP to prescribe any medicines that the specialist recommends.

If the specialist needs to see you again, or repeatedly, for example due to a chronic (ongoing) condition, this will be suivi regulier and lower tariffs apply.

Read more:  Explainer: Paying to see a doctor or health specialist in France 

When do I not need to go via my médecin traitant ?

Patients do not need to go via their médecin traitant under certain circumstances, such as common gynaecological procedures, seeing an ophthalmologist, a psychiatrist if you are aged 16-25, or a dentist.

Who should have a médecin traitant ?

Everyone aged 16 or more and using the French healthcare system should designate a médecin traitant in order to benefit from the best levels of state reimbursement.

Teenagers aged 16 and 17 need a parent’s permission and a signature.

It is (optionally) possible for a younger child to have a médecin traitant , chosen or declared by a parent or guardian, however in this case there are no financial penalties for not going via this doctor to see another practitioner.

This measure is intended to help keep track of any long-term issues a child may have, such as the early-onset of obesity or learning difficulties.

Read more:  How to find a doctor in France who speaks good English

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    The "Bienvenue en France" label Discover; L'accueil des étudiants internationaux; Label Bienvenue en France; Nos événements; ... PhD studies in France PhD studies in France. Flag this item. Updated. November 2023. Degrees. Degrees. French. Fichier PDF, 120.7 KB. English. Fichier PDF, 152.17 KB.

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  16. How to register with a doctor in France and get a GP

    Make an appointment with the doctor of your choice, and ask them to be your GP. If they agree, then they can use your carte Vitale to inform your local social security centre ( caisse primaire d'assurance maladie) of the change. You do not need to do anything else, as the change is made automatically.