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20+ Tips To Get Your Resume Shortlisted For Top Tech Companies

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A lot of students and professionals, like you, have a dream to get into big tech companies like Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, Netflix, and Google . However, if you’re not able to get your resume shortlisted – no matter how hard you worked or how much experience you have – still you’re not receiving calls for interviews. 

Have you wondered what’s the reason behind it?

What went wrong with your resume? 

Did you write something wrong in the resume to be rejected? 

These might be some of the questions you must be wondering when you don’t hear back from the recruiters. In this article, we’ll go through 20+ tips on how to get your resume shortlisted for top tech companies.

 20+ Tips To Get Your Resume Shortlisted For Top Tech Companies

There might be a lot of reasons why your resume not getting shortlisted for these big tech companies. We are going to share some tips and some mistakes that most people do in their resumes. 

First, you need to understand that these companies get lakhs or millions of resumes every day which are scanned by the Application Tracking System (ATS ). An applicant tracking system (ATS) is an element of human resources software that allows employers to organize a large number of resumes. Recruiters and hiring managers can use keywords to search their applicant tracking systems (ATS) for well-matched candidates. You can increase your chances of catching a recruiter’s attention by optimizing your resume keywords and making sure your resume sections are easily identified by the ATS.

For example “ Java Developer “, the ATS considers the keyword Java and it will scan all the resumes that will have this word included and the same goes for the other profile. The rest of the resume gets filtered out and after that, these resumes get into the hands of the recruiter for the further process. 

Now we are going to discuss three sections that will help you to get your resume shortlisted in these tech companies. 

To write a good resume, you will need to focus on the main facts of your professional bio. Therefore, your professional bio should look like this:

  • Contact details
  • Work experience
  • Professional skills
  • Achievements and Certification
  • Recommendations
  • Additional information

How To Get Your Resume Shortlisted

Getting your resume shortlisted is 30% of the resume game. If you’re shortlisted, it means you’ve passed 30% of the journey already. So, what if we give the correct direction that will help you get your resume shortlisted for sure. 

Here are 25 tips that you’ll get your resume shortlisted in no time:

Get the Right Experience

If you have completed your education from a reputed college or you have worked for a reputed company then it will help you a lot otherwise you can boost your resume with some projects and participation in hackathons. 

1. You can build some mobile apps and web apps , or you can also include your ML project. Honestly, it doesn’t matter that much what you’re building as long as you’re building something. You should have a good command of at least one programming language such as Java , Python , Ruby on Rails, C++ , etc.

2. Instead of building 5-6 tiny projects (you can build initially but that won’t showcase enough experience), build some big projects which you are most proud of especially when you have no programming background. Doing a project is important to get enough experience and to showcase that you have built something.

3. Participate in hackathons or open-source projects. If you are a college student participate in ACM-ICPC or Google Summer of Code . Participating in these competitions helps a lot in applying for dream companies.

4. Build a website/portfolio and show your experience . A lot of people have a question that where they can find some project ideas or what kind of project they can build. Check open source and it has a plethora of projects which you can build. You can also contribute to some existing open-source projects. Contribution to open-source showcase that you can work in a team.

Build a Great Resume

5. Create your resume of only 1 page (at most two pages if you have more than 10 years of experience) . A recruiter only takes 10-15 seconds to scan a resume so if your resume is too long, it just takes your best stuff – the stuff that would have made the “one-page cut” – and dilutes it with more mediocre content. It doesn’t matter how many years of experience you have, be precise and clear in just a one-page resume.

6. As a fresher, if you are confused about whether to write your experience first or your education at the top. So you have to make this selection in such a manner – if you have more experience of internship/freelancing and if you have done an internship in any well-reported or any well-known company then you first write your experience section because you should mention the best things about yourself highlighted at the top. But if your education section is more powerful like your marks are very good or your college is very prestigious, then definitely you should keep your education section above.

7. Use a proven resume format . Don’t create your own — it tends to waste space and look sloppy. Use the right template which can have multiple columns (It will help you to showcase all your skillset). You can build a neat and simple resume on the GFG Resume Builder tool for FREE.

8. Mention 3-5 projects, hackathons, or open-source profiles . Projects can be academic-required projects or independent projects. They do not need to be completed or launched either. As long as you’ve done a great amount of work on them, that’s good enough.

9. If you mention some bullets in your resume then keep it short. Bullets that are 3 or more lines look like paragraphs and won’t be read. Use the word built, created, implemented, designed, architected, and optimized in the first line of each bullet.

10. Mention your accomplishment in your resume instead of responsibilities. It shows your enthusiasm for your work and the impact you have made.

11. Quantify your accomplishments for example if you have optimized something then mention how much.

12. You don’t need to mention the objective in your resume. The company already knows what position you are applying for so it will just waste space. At worst, it’ll limit you since it’ll exclude other positions that might have been interesting to you.

13. Be careful when you mention the programming languages because it’s a “fair game” for the interviewer to test. So it’s better to mention something like “C++ (Proficient), C# (Prior Experience), …”

14. If a project is not finished yet or not official still if it’s great then mention it (you shouldn’t just list everything you’ve ever done).

15. Must attach the link of the certificates and achievements to the resume because there might be times when recruiters take a look at the certificates you have.

Must Read: 12 Best Resume Do’s and Don’ts Tips

Necessary Checks Before Submission 

16. Whether there are grammatical errors in it. Ask a friend to read your resume before submitting it or use the online spell checker. Don’t submit it without proofreading it thrice.

17. The description of the present place of work should contain the verbs of the present tense : work, design, manage . Descriptions of previous jobs should contain verbs in the past tense.

18. The entire resume should have one style of narration , the same applies to abbreviations – if you used abbreviations somewhere, then use them throughout the text (although it is better to abandon abbreviations and write the names in full).

19. The resume format should be easy to read (large margins, no small print, but not too large print, sufficient line spacing, etc.).

20. Use good-quality white paper for the printed version.

21. Always save your resume in pdf format and send your resume in pdf format to companies.

Submit the resume

A lot of people just stick with one avenue. They apply once and then assume that it’s enough which isn’t recommendable. Try all available avenues before sticking to the one.

22. If you’re active on Github, Stack Overflow, LinkedIn, etc, there’s a chance a recruiter will come to you. So it’s good to keep updating your profile and stay active on these platforms.

23. Apply online which means the career page of these companies. It’s tough, but people do get their resumes selected that way.

24 Make connections and take references from your friend or someone who is working in these companies. If someone working in these companies refers you then chances will increase to get shortlisted for the interviews.

25 . Try reaching out to Google engineers on Twitter, Quora, or other social media. Remember that your first contact with them is, effectively, a cover letter. Don’t just say “Hi, I’m interested in Google, will you refer me?” Reach out to them and tell them about some of the things you’ve done, and then link them to your resume.

Wrapping Up

People make very common resume mistakes which cost them an opportunity to get into their dream job. The above tips can surely help you to get your resume shortlisted while you apply to FAANG/MAANG companies, no matter what role you’re applying for. Still, if you think you’re lacking or have made mistakes before, you still have ample time to rectify those mistakes. 

Let GeeksforGeeks Resume Builder build you a perfect ATS-proof resume that will highlight the best of your achievements and showcase your skills – all in 1 page, just the way recruiters like it and ATS pass it through.   


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8 pointers that get your Resume shortlisted

Ever felt like your resume is a boat, lost in the vast ocean of job applications, waiting to be rescued by a benevolent recruiter? Welcome to the job hunting club! Here, frustration is complimentary with every resume sent and hope is the only snack you’re allowed between meals. But guess what? This job searching journey doesn’t have to be an endless saga of dismay. 

We all know the resume is the ‘Kohinoor’ in the crown of job hunting. But not all diamonds sparkle the same, do they? In this bustling Indian job market, your resume must shine bright like a 24-carat diamond, standing out among the pebbles. And that’s where we at IMS Proschool come in. Today, we are diving deep into 8 sparkling pointers that can get your resume shortlisted. So, buckle up and get ready to take notes.

8 Pointers to Get Your Resume Shortlisted

Remember those overcrowded Mumbai local trains during peak hours? Well, that’s the exact situation in a recruiter’s inbox, brimming with resumes. In this crowd, how can your resume earn its VIP pass? Here are 8 tips to secure your resume’s spot in the limelight:

1. Customize, Customize, Customize

Would you wear a cricket helmet to a chess match? Of course not! Just like every occasion demands a specific outfit, each job requires a specific resume. Tailoring your resume to match the job description helps you stand out. It’s like entering the party in a stylish sherwani or saree while everyone else is wearing plain white kurtas.

2. Keywords are your new BFFs

You’ve heard of SEO for websites, but did you know resumes have their own SEO? Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) scan your resume for specific job-related keywords. Consider these keywords as the secret password that gives you entry into the magical world of ‘shortlisted candidates’.

3. Structure it Well

A resume is like a thali meal. It has a lot of elements, but everything needs to be in its place. If your dal makhani spills into your dessert, that’s a recipe for disaster. So, keep your contact information, experience, skills, and education neatly sectioned and well-ordered.

4. Bullet Points are Your Heroes

Imagine listening to a cricket commentary without any punctuation. Confusing, isn’t it? The same rule applies to your resume. Let’s not treat it like a long, unending Virar fast local train ride. Break it down into easily digestible points. Bullet points are your Rajinikanth here, they’ll combat the evil of verbosity and leave the recruiter delighted.

5. Achievement Over Duties

Would you prefer watching a movie about a superhero’s duties or his achievements? Achievements, right? Your resume is your superhero movie. Don’t just list out your job duties. Highlight what you achieved. Convince the recruiter that you are the ‘Shaktimaan’ their company needs.

6. Numbers are Worth a Thousand Words

In the great Indian wedding of your resume, numbers are the ‘band baja’. They validate your achievements and provide context. Rather than saying “improved sales”, try “increased sales by 30% in 6 months”. Numbers are like the tadka to your dal – they just make everything more convincing and palatable!

7. Don’t Forget the Soft Skills

In the ‘Chole Bhature’ of skills, if technical skills are the ‘bhature’, soft skills are the ‘chole’. They might not seem as glamorous, but they are equally important. Skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving can make your resume extra appetizing to the recruiter.

8. Proofread to Perfection

Would you serve ‘biryani’ with ‘haldi’ instead of ‘zafran’? Never, right? Then why serve your resume with errors? Proofread your resume. Then do it again. And maybe once more. Spelling and grammar mistakes are like pebbles in rajma, they can ruin the whole experience.

So, there you have it – the eight golden tips to make your resume the Shah Rukh Khan in a crowd of extras. Remember, the world of job hunting is like a Bollywood movie. There’s drama, there’s suspense, there are heroes and villains. But with these tips, your resume is bound to get the lead role. Next stop – ‘Resume Shortlisted’!

Stay tuned as we dive into why your resume might not be making it to the shortlist and how you can transform it from a flop to a superhit. Don’t miss out on this blockbuster, folks!

Also Read – Hilariously Unforgivable Resume Mistakes: Learn to Avoid Them Like The Plague!

Why Your Resume Might Not Be Getting Shortlisted

Ever been to a Golgappa stall and found they were out of Golgappas? Disappointing, isn’t it? Well, that’s how a recruiter feels when they pick up your resume, and it doesn’t deliver what they are looking for. Let’s discuss some of the common faux pas that could be keeping your resume away from the hallowed halls of ‘shortlisted’:

1. Too Generic

Sending the same resume for different jobs is like showing a Shahrukh Khan movie at a Rajnikanth fan club meeting. It just doesn’t fit! Customise your resume for each job description and watch your shortlist chances rise like a perfectly cooked jalebi.

2. Missing Keywords

Remember how we told you keywords are your resume’s BFFs? Well, missing out on them is like missing out on extra cheese in your pizza. It’s a tragedy! These are the magic mantras that get your resume noticed by the ATS gods.

3. Poor Presentation

Your resume is your ambassador, and it needs to look the part. If it’s sloppy and disorganized, it’s like turning up at a Diwali party in your gym clothes. Keep it professional, neat, and well-structured.

4. Irrelevant Information

Your resume is not your autobiography. It doesn’t need to know that you won a singing competition in 3rd standard unless you’re applying for a singing gig. Stick to relevant, job-specific details. It’s like keeping the chutney out of the gulab jamun; some things just don’t go together.

Remember folks, a resume should be more like a smooth drive on a newly laid highway and less like navigating through a crowded fish market. Keep it clean, focused, and relevant.

In our next section, we’ll decode the mysterious workings of the ‘Resume Shortlisted’ process. Ever wondered how your resume ends up in the ‘yes’ pile? Stay tuned to find out. This is one mystery that even Byomkesh Bakshi would love to unravel!

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The ‘Resume Shortlisted’ Process

Have you ever watched a magic trick and wondered how it was done? Well, the ‘resume shortlisted’ process might seem just as mystical. But today, we’re going to be the magician who reveals the secret. Get ready for a trip behind the curtain!

You send your resume into the digital abyss and then what? It goes into an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), much like a gola in the mouth of a hungry kid on a hot summer day. This ATS is like a dutiful doorman who filters out the unwanted resumes, allowing only the chosen ones to enter the coveted ‘Shortlisted’ club.

Here’s how it works:

1. Screening

First up, the ATS screens your resume for job-specific keywords. If your resume is a biryani, these keywords are the masala. Miss them, and your resume could end up as bland as plain rice.

Next, the ATS scores your resume. Yes, it’s like your board exams all over again! This score is based on how well your resume matches the job description. The more tailored your resume, the higher your score. It’s like the more golgappas you eat, the more satisfied you feel.

Finally, the ATS ranks all the resumes based on their scores. It’s like a race, and the resumes with the highest scores take the top spots. If your resume is a Sachin Tendulkar, this is the stage where it hits the century!

Understanding this process is like knowing the home ground in a cricket match; it gives you a strategic advantage. In the next section, we’ll discuss why you might need different resumes for different jobs. Trust me, it’s as exciting as a T20 match!

Remember, getting your resume shortlisted is not magic, it’s strategy. So, get ready to strategize, because we’re not done yet. The journey from a resume to a job offer is long, but with the right tips and tricks, you can navigate it like a pro! Stay tuned for more insights, and who knows, your next ‘resume shortlisted’ email might just be around the corner.

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Why Multiple Resumes and How to Make Them

Imagine going to a buffet dinner and finding that every dish is rajma chawal. Boring, right? The same logic applies to your resumes. Just like a buffet needs variety, so does your job application strategy. You might be wondering, “Why in the world would I need more than one resume?” Let’s dive into it:

1. Different Job Roles

You wouldn’t wear a sherwani to a beach party, would you? Similarly, a resume tailored for a sales job won’t fit a marketing role. Different job roles require different skills and experiences. So, create multiple resumes to cater to the diverse roles you’re applying for. 

2. Various Company Cultures

Ever noticed how masala dosa tastes different in every South Indian restaurant? That’s because each one has its unique style, just like companies. Research the company culture and tailor your resume accordingly. It might be the same you, but packaged in a different wrapping.

Now, how do you create these different resumes? Follow the same rules as creating a master resume, but add a dash of customization. It’s like making a thali, the main ingredients remain the same, but the tadka changes according to taste.

So, get your multiple resume avatars ready, and step into the job market like a player with a loaded dice!

Next up, we’ll serve a handy table of differences – a quick guide on what separates a good resume from a bad one. It’s the secret recipe to make your resume as irresistible as a plate of steaming momos. So, don’t miss out on this delectable piece of advice. Stay tuned and keep cooking up those fantastic resumes!

The Good, The Bad, and The Resume – A Table of Differences

Presenting your skills and experiences on a resume can be as tricky as making the perfect round roti. It’s an art that requires practice and precision. To make it easier, we’re serving up a simple table of differences to distinguish between a ‘good’ resume and a ‘bad’ one. Consider this your recipe book for crafting the perfect resume:

Format Well-structured and neat. Like a masala dosa, everything in its place Disorganized and messy. More like a rushed morning sandwich
Length Concise, ideally 1-2 pages. Like a gripping short story Too long or too short. Either a never-ending soap opera or an abrupt short film
Keywords Includes job-specific keywords. The secret spices in your biryani Misses important keywords. Like forgetting salt in your curry
Customization Tailored to the job and company. As fitting as a tailored kurta Generic, one-size-fits-all. Like trying to fit into an oversized shirt
Errors Error-free. As flawless as Madhuri Dixit’s dance moves Full of spelling and grammatical mistakes. Like a singer hitting the wrong notes

With this table in hand, you’re well on your way to making your resume as appealing as a plate of pani puris at a wedding buffet. Just remember, there’s a lot riding on your resume. It’s the first impression you make on a potential employer, so give it the time and attention it deserves.

Next up, we’ll answer your burning questions about the ‘resume shortlisted’ process. From responding to a ‘resume shortlisted’ email to understanding why you need different resumes for different jobs, we’ve got all your queries covered. So, stay with us, because this ride is far from over. After all, the path to ‘resume shortlisted’ is a journey, not a destination. Keep learning, keep improving, and you’re sure to succeed. Stay tuned!

Responding to a Resume Shortlisted Email

Congratulations! Your resume just got shortlisted. Now what? It’s like being handed the microphone at a karaoke night. You gotta respond in style!

  • Do express your excitement: Show your enthusiasm, but remember, this is not the time to unleash your inner Ranveer Singh. Keep it professional.
  • Do thank them: A simple ‘thank you’ can go a long way. It’s like adding the right tadka to your dal; it enhances the taste.
  • Do confirm the next steps: Ask about the following rounds or any preparation required. It’s better to be a prepared scout than a lost traveler.


  • Don’t delay your response: A prompt response shows your eagerness for the opportunity. So, don’t wait around like you would for a delayed Indian wedding. Respond ASAP!
  • Don’t ask about salary right away: You wouldn’t ask your date’s dad for her hand on the first meet, would you? Save the money talk for the appropriate round.

Now, let’s see an example: 

Subject: Re: Your Resume has been shortlisted!

Dear [Interviewer’s name],

Thank you for considering my application and shortlisting my resume for the [Job Title] position. I am delighted for this opportunity and look forward to the possibility of working with your team.

Kindly let me know the next steps in the selection process and if there’s anything I need to prepare in advance.

Once again, thank you for this opportunity.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

There you go! With a response like this, you’re bound to impress.

How IMS Proschool Can Help

Now, let’s talk about the ‘mithai ke dukaan’ in your job hunt journey – IMS Proschool . We’re like the ‘pani’ to your ‘pani puri’, adding that extra zest to your career plans. Our courses are tailored to give you an edge in the competitive job market, much like a perfectly brewed cup of chai on a monsoon evening. 

Whether it’s finessing your resume or acing your interview, we’ve got a course for that. Our experienced faculty, coupled with our unique teaching methodology, ensure you get the practical skills needed to land your dream job. With IMS Proschool, you get a learning experience as enjoyable as watching a Bollywood blockbuster. 

FAQs About Getting Your Resume Shortlisted

Ah, the FAQ section. The ‘mithai shop’ of every blog where we serve you sweet, bite-sized answers to your burning questions. So let’s get to it. Here are some common queries about the whole ‘resume shortlisted’ process:

1. How many resumes should you have?

Just like the number of spices in your masala dabba, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. As a rule of thumb, you should have a different resume for each type of job role you’re applying for. So if you’re eyeing roles in both sales and marketing, that’s two resumes right there. It’s all about matching your resume flavor to the job description.

2. Why is my resume not getting shortlisted?

This one’s a tough cookie. But if your resume is more ignored than the green salad at a wedding buffet, chances are it’s lacking in key areas. It might be too generic, missing essential keywords, or it might be poorly formatted. Review it with our tips above and give it the makeover it deserves.

3. How does a resume get shortlisted?

This is like asking how a biryani gets cooked. There’s a process involved. In short, an ATS screens your resume for keywords and relevancy. If it matches the job description and includes the right keywords, it has a higher chance of being shortlisted.

4. How to respond to a ‘resume shortlisted’ email?

Got a ‘resume shortlisted’ email? Congratulations, it’s time for some gulab jamun! But remember to respond promptly and professionally. Thank them for the opportunity, express your interest, and confirm the next steps. It’s like doing a quick bhangra dance, but with words!

Remember, at IMS Proschool, we’re here to help you navigate your job search journey with ease. We offer a variety of courses designed to boost your career prospects and get that resume of yours shortlisted. So, why wait? Visit our website and let’s take the next step on your career journey together!

So folks, that’s a wrap on our guide to getting your resume shortlisted. Remember, every ‘no’ is one step closer to a ‘yes’. Keep refining your resume, keep applying, and soon enough, you’ll hit the jackpot. Happy job hunting, and may your resume always find its way to the ‘shortlisted’ pile!

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Phew! That’s a lot to take in, isn’t it? But hey, getting your resume shortlisted is not as hard as trying to book a tatkal ticket on the IRCTC website. All it takes is some effort, a few tweaks, and voila, you’re there!

Remember, your resume is like your ‘swagat ki thali’. It’s the first impression you make on an employer. So, make it count. Keep it relevant, tailor it to the job, and sprinkle in those keywords. And when you get that ‘resume shortlisted’ email, respond like a boss.

Got more questions? Want to upskill and boost your career prospects? IMS Proschool has got your back. So, don’t wait. Visit our website, check out our courses, and let’s take a big leap in your career together. 

Until next time, keep aiming for the stars, and remember – “Every ‘no’ is one step closer to a ‘yes’!” So, keep your spirits high and your resumes ready, because your next job could be just a click away! Happy job hunting, folks!

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Super helpful for a fresher like me. I’m literally going through these pointers while making my resume.

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Very helpful. Excellent way of writing whoever has written this

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Keep up the great work! Thank you so much for sharing a great posts.

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Top key pointers to get your resume shortlisted

A well-designed resume does half the job! Yes, you heard it right. Your resume is the first thing to get represent you in the recruitment process. You must have wondered why your resume is repeatedly not passing the first stage, the answer is simply because it’s not a powerful resume.  Sometimes, weundermine the power of a good resume and don’t pay a great deal of attention while making one. This can result in immediate rejection and lot of disappointment. To help you build a power-pack resume, RSR Global present to you some key pointers to build an impactful resume.

How to get your resume shortlisted?

A shortlisted resume means that you have cleared the very first and crucial step of hiring process and that you have been considered on the list of desirable candidates. This very step plays the most significant role and therefore can be quite difficult. Therefore, our guide to a successful resume is vital to achieve your dream role.

  • Start with an appropriate summary:

A summary is found at the top of a resume. Here you can tell the employer what differences you can bring to an organization by giving glimpses of your skills, experiences and educational background.

Wrap up your summary in a few sentences (two to three) and include job oriented skills and credentials. If you are a fresher, you can add an objective to depict your passion and determination for the job.

  • LENGTH OF YOUR RESUME: Now, this is one of the most important points. While creating a resume, keep in mind that employers prefer short and conciseresumes. So, the question is, ‘What should be the ideal length of a resume? The answer is simple, one or two sides of A4 paper. If you have many accomplishments in your bag, you can utilize two-page resume to cover all necessary details. Remember to choose the format wisely as it is going to impact the length of the resume. In a nutshell, keep it short and keep it simple!
  • Template: Always try to use a professional template. The template you choose determines how easy it is going to be for the recruiters to go through your key details, such as skills, educational background etc. If you have a great level of experience, it is advised to highlight the same with a chronological resume. While others can highlight the required skills with functional resumes.
  • Mention all relevant skills:

This is absolutely an important part of writing a resume. Your skills will make you more visible and help grab the attention of recruiters. You must go through the details of the job description and lay emphasis on the requirements of the company. This will help you fill in the relevant skills in your resume. Also, mention the experiences that relate you to the skill. For example, if the job requires you to possess great communication skills, highlight the relevant experience where you displayed these skills, be it in the field of hospitality , nursing , healthcare , IT sector etc. Skills to include in your CV that are desirable and are often looked for by employers:

  • Accountability
  • Great communication skills
  • Basic computer knowledge
  • Consistency
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Include important keywords from the job description: Your CV is most likely to be shortlisted if it matches the job profile. How can you make that happen? It’s very easy! Go through the job posting, pick up the keywords that are relevant to the requirements of the job and add it to your resume. Adding keywords related to the skills required for the job will add certainty to clearing the shortlisting process.
  • Make a special segment to highlight accomplishments.

Add your accomplishments in a catchy manner. You can describe so using number bullets. Mentioning your past work experience and the job responsibilities in your CV makes it easy for the recruiters to spot you. For an entry-level candidate, it is important to mention the details of internships, workshops attended, any relevant achievement while pursuing the course or freelance projects.

Quick tips on what to avoid:

  • Avoid repetition of information.
  • Don’t add complex designs.
  • Don’t make it too long. Keep it short and professional.
  • Avoid grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
  • Avoid over-explanations. Use cover letter for this purpose.

How can a RSR Global help build a strong resume?

The right recruitment agency is a true boon in the journey of recruitment process. RSR GLOBAL, one of the leading recruitment agencies in UK, helps candidates to not only land their dream jobs but smoothens the entire journey. We provide assistance with building a strong resume,through our experienced consultantswho understand the needs of an employer.With hard-work anda touch of professionalism, your resume is sure to be shortlisted.

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* Qualification Diploma Post Graduate Diploma Undergraduate Post Undergraduate

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* Country Aruba Afghanistan Angola Albania Andorra United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia, Plurinational State of Brazil Barbados Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Botswana Central African Republic Canada Switzerland Chile China Côte d'Ivoire Cameroon Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cook Islands Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Micronesia, Federated States of Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia India Ireland Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao People's Democratic Republic Lebanon Liberia Libya Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Palau Papua New Guinea Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Portugal Paraguay Palestine, State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia Sao Tome and Principe Suriname Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania, United Republic of Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Virgin Islands, U.S. Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe

* Upload your resume

Note: Max file size should be 5Mb / File Type : PDF,Doc Minimum Graduation is Degree or Diploma compulsory

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9 Candidate Shortlisting Tools That Every Recruiter Needs

how to get resume shortlisted

Vervoe offers skill assessments that are scored automatically — or, more specifically, candidates are ranked against one another so no one is ruled out. Within the platform, Vervoe’s compare feature will allow you to review your shortlisted candidates’ scores and responses side by side. If there are files, videos, or code responses, they will expand out into a modal for ease of use. Recruiters can go in and see each individual’s strengths before extending invitations to the interview phase. 

Candidate comparison matrix in vervoe

2. HackerRank 

Candidate shortlisting tools hackerrank

HackerRank offers deep technical testing for developers, coders, engineers, cloud architects, and other similar roles. HackerRank offers skill assessments benchmarked against the 11+ million-strong HackerRank developer community, one of the largest online developer communities in the world. For non-technical recruiters, HackerRank also helps you understand the strength of each candidate’s score.

[Read more: Shortlisted Candidates Email Templates ] 

Many applicant tracking systems (ATSs) include features that automate resume screening.  According to research from Jobscan, 98% of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS, to filter resumes before a hiring manager does their review. 

An applicant tracking system parses resumes to see how well they match the job description or other criteria that a recruiting team has set for screening purposes. “Some applicant tracking systems will compare your resume to the job description and rank applicants based on how well their resume matches the job description. Recruiters can focus on top-ranked candidates instead of reading through each resume,” wrote Jobscan .

The advantage of using an ATS is that it can escalate the best candidates for an open position. However, an ATS is limited in that it only selects a candidate based on the list of qualifications and certifications on a resume, rather than using a skill test to assess real capabilities and experience. 

[Read more:  The Best Applicant Tracking Systems — 10 Top Tools Reviewed ]

3. SmartRecruiters

Applicant tracking systems smartrecruiters

SmartRecruiters ’ ATS works with Vervoe and other skill tests to offer pre-integrated assessments tools that make it easy to generate a candidate shortlist. This ATS includes a useful feedback loop so you can see where your best candidates come from, allowing you to optimize your pipeline and continuously source great applications for all your open positions.

4. Workable

Applicant tracking systems workable

Workable combines machine learning and AI with more than 40 integrations in one extremely powerful hiring tool. Like Vervoe , Workable has a lot to offer beyond a simple sourcing tool: including access to a larger pool of premium job boards and levels of customization that helps small hiring teams collaborate over candidate shortlisting. 

Applicant tracking systems ideal

Ideal , recently acquired by Ceridian, is primarily a screening tool that also has shortlisting capabilities. It integrates with many popular applicant tracking systems to provide an algorithm that screens candidates using input from recruiter feedback, assessments, and candidate performance to improve over time.

Finally, a separate category of shortlisting tools starts before the screening process . These sourcing tools aim to shortlist candidates through smarter job matching and on talent marketplaces. The goal is to create a pool of quality candidates who have skill sets that are as close as possible to the shortlist selection criteria.

While this method of shortlisting is comparatively weaker than using the other two categories of shortlisting software, it can still reduce a recruiter’s time-to-hire. Here are two tools that can help with targeted sourcing.

Targeted sourcing tools hired

Hired is a website that offers pre-vetted candidates. This means that to even view jobs through the platform, candidates have to go through a process of vetting that verifies their experience, skills, and salary requirements. In theory, recruiters who are not hosting a high-volume hiring event can simply create their shortlist from the applicants collected through Hired.

7. SquarePeg

Targeted sourcing tools squarepeg

SquarePeg is both a shortlisting tool and service that does some of the upfront screening for you. The software uses a job matching algorithm that takes in hundreds of data points to find the top candidates specific to your company. The result is that SquarePeg sends a shortlist directly to your recruiting team. The downside? You’ll have to get your shortlist criteria right — and you’ll never see candidates who you may have missed out on if you get your criteria wrong. 

If you decide to create a candidate shortlist by hand, these tools make it easy to stay organized and share data amongst your hiring team. 

Manual shortlisting tools trello

Trello is a project management tool that’s also great for candidate shortlisting and managing the overall hiring process. Recruiters can create a Trello card for each candidate, capturing their application and contact details, and then move them along the hiring process as each candidate is vetted. This platform requires more manual input than many of the other shortlisting tools, but it also allows all members of the hiring team to see where candidates are in the process and align on the best candidate easily. 

9. Google Sheets + Shortlisting Matrix

Shortlisting matrix

Vervoe’s free candidate shortlisting matrix provides an easy spreadsheet for scoring and keeping track of each applicant’s skills. Add your mandatory, essential, and value-add skills in each column. Then, score each candidate on a scale of 1 – 3 based on their level of expertise, with one being slightly below expectations and three being above expectations. Score candidates using these criteria and move top scorers to the candidate shortlist.

Ready to start shortlisting candidates? Sign up for a free trial of Vervoe today.

Emily Heaslip

Emily Heaslip

test skills

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  1. How To Get Your Resume Shortlisted in 14 Steps (Plus Tips)

    Learn what it means to have your resume shortlisted and how to get your resume shortlisted in 14 steps. Find tips for creating a professional, easy-to-read and keyword-rich resume that impresses recruiters.

  2. FAQ: What Does It Mean To Be Shortlisted for a Job?

    When applying for a job, your first objective is to be shortlisted for an interview. There are several things you can do to improve your chances, such as: 1. Use keywords from the job posting. You want to use the keywords and phrases directly for the job posting for each application you submit.

  3. 20+ Tips To Get Your Resume Shortlisted For Top Tech Companies

    The resume format should be easy to read (large margins, no small print, but not too large print, sufficient line spacing, etc.). 20. Use good-quality white paper for the printed version. 21. Always save your resume in pdf format and send your resume in pdf format to companies.

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  6. 5 Steps to Get Your Resume Shortlisted (Importance and Tips)

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    Manual shortlisting tools. If you decide to create a candidate shortlist by hand, these tools make it easy to stay organized and share data amongst your hiring team. 8. Trello. Trello is a project management tool that's also great for candidate shortlisting and managing the overall hiring process.

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    Keep your bullets short - 1 to 2 lines each. Bullets that are 3 or more lines look like paragraphs and won't be read. Focus on accomplishments, not responsibilities. The first line of each bullet ...

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    1. Use keywords that are relevant to the position you are applying for. 2. Mention readable headings and sub headings for skills, experience, education, tools, etc. 3. Do not use pictures, tables ...