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Sample Personal Statement in Biology (Admitted to JHU)

personal statement for biology bachelor

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

Here is the personal statement of a student who made it to John Hopkins University with a 100% scholarship in the field of cancer biology.

I want to emphasise that you must be honest in writing your personal statements. If you borrow content from other places, refer to them in your personal statement. Admissions officers in the US read many essays each year and can easily detect plagiarism.

Sample Personal Statement in Biology

“Raise your hand if your first memory was at age five,” prompted the professor on the first day of my classes. By the time he reached age two, most hands had lowered, but mine remained high. When I was two, I vividly remember when my aunt hugged her daughter tightly and exclaimed to her, “Someone is really brave and is soon going to become even braver!” 

I must have looked bewildered because then my aunt started to sob uncontrollably. How could I have known then what she meant? A couple of days later, my cousin was on an operating table, screaming and crying, with bright lights and nurses poking at her – she never came out of that operation theatre. 

However, it was not until I was in grade 8 that I learned that she had breast cancer, but I have long considered it a defining characteristic. Now years later, I wonder about the rareness of this disorder, the steadfast will of her parents throughout the hardship, and the failure of medicine to save her. From this experience as an onlooker, my passion for medicine emerged.

During my primary education, I expressly recall interacting with several people in the late stages of cancer. I knew my actions would not cure them at that point, yet I endured and persevered with patience. The immovable barriers of affliction I encountered during my academic years were far too menacing to be left unaddressed; during this time, I learned about the staggering number of deaths due to breast cancer alone. After realizing the cost of inaction, I decided to search for a career involving action against affliction.

Since R&D provides a vehicle for such action, I delved into several research efforts at the Molecular Biology (Human Genetics) Lab under the supervision of Dr Brown. Although I wanted to work in the area of breast cancer since I had taken several courses in cancer biology, due to a lack of research in the area of my interest, I decided to get involved in a similar domain called “hereditary hypotrichosis” or research on hair related diseases; also a genetic disease with research techniques similar to that of cancer biology. These experiences have drawn me to research as I have seen its potential to engage disease. 

But could I pursue research for the rest of my life? This question resonated in my head countless times and is still faintly heard. I am attracted to research by its potential for action but am detracted by its distance from the afflicted and its consequent neglect of presence. Unsatisfied, I looked for a vocation involving both presence and action.

Being born and raised in a remote rural village 130km away from the nearest city, I used to walk 6km every day to a shelter home school when I was in grade 5. Later, at the age of 12, I left my home permanently to study at another rural school 30km away – but these efforts and hardships paid off; as I stood ranked 1st in my enrollment. With the help of the Education Scholarship, I could continue my education. 

During these years, I also focused on teaching and ensuring that my rural village benefited from my expertise. However, what drew me to teaching was the capacity to love with both presence and action. This became evident over the years as I have spent countless hours counselling and mentoring those afflicted with educational concerns, both in my home city and places I have been to for work. 

Beyond teaching at various schools, where I taught about biological disorders, genetics, biochemistry, and nutrition to teachers from an arts background, I have also extended my efforts to community work by disseminating scholarship information to our community. Being associated with a village-based development organization as a community mobilizer, I have won rewards for my role in completely eradicating drug addiction in my area. I have also extended my philosophy to social, economic, and emotional affliction by wholeheartedly working on schemes such as “Water Supply”, “Don’t Let Our Environment Get Contaminated”, “Stitching and Handicraft”, and “Try to Boast Economy” – projects that engage in a struggle against poverty, mortality, and social injustice. As my conception of affliction broadened, I began to see many exciting career paths in various fields. However, thought, prayer, and counsel have revealed that my efforts would be best spent focusing on one form of affliction.

This circuitous path has thus brought me back to medicine. In considering teaching, volunteering, and social work as potential vocations, I have confirmed my desire to become a researcher in the field of breast cancer and to focus on physical affliction. Nonetheless, my experiences in these fields have helped me to forge a new conception of medicine that I can uphold as a future researcher. 

From my study and interactions with cancer patients, I have learned about the capacity to love when facing a terminal illness. In addition, my research pursuits have revealed the importance of action in combination with presence. Finally, my experiences with teaching and social service have stretched my conception of affliction.

A further degree will amalgamate my existing knowledge and experiences with a command of the causes and effects of illness, yielding an acute insight into the field of breast cancer. A multidisciplinary approach that involves collaboration across the fields of basic science, medicine, and public health can tackle the roots of problems with a high rate of breast cancer. I believe I can make a significant difference in the health of our society, and I cannot wait for the opportunity to do so actively.


  • 100+ Outstanding Examples of Personal Statements
  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Winning Personal Statement
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Personal Statement
  • Writing a Killer Opening Paragraph for Your Personal Statement
  • Ideal Length for a Graduate School Personal Statement
  • 100 Inspiring Quotes to Jumpstart Your Personal Statement

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U2 Tuition

How to Write a Biology Personal Statement Worthy of Oxbridge!

By U2 Tutor, Holly (Cambridge Biological Natural Sciences graduate and current Graduate Medic at St George’s Hospital Medical School)

Writing a personal statement can be overwhelming - there’s so much pressure to ‘sell yourself’ to the universities in just 4000 characters. In this blog we’ll discuss how to structure your personal statement, as well as tips to simplify the writing process and make your personal statement stand out.

How to Structure your Biology Personal Statement

Paragraph 1: This should be motivation focused i.e. why you want to do Biology above any other course.

Paragraph 2: This should demonstrate your aptitude for the course - explore what you have done so far and the skills you’ve gained from it, in order to show that you’re suited to university learning.

Paragraph 3: This should be a continuation of paragraph 2, ideally discussing some other areas of biology or other skills.

Paragraph 4: Brief discussion of extra-curriculars, but only if they also demonstrate skills which suit you to the course.

Tips For a Biology Personal Statement

Writing the Perfect Biology Personal Statement Introduction

If you take anything from this guide, it’s to avoid clichés! The most important thing you can do is convey your genuine interest in the subject, and saying you’ve wanted to do biology since you were a child isn’t the way to do this (even if it is the case). Equally, try not to exaggerate with your wording, as this can also come across as less authentic. Just try and explain your motivations clearly and honestly, and focus on showing this motivation through your experiences and beyond syllabus knowledge.

Writing the opening sentence can be the hardest part, so is often best left until the end . There’s a misconception that you have to write a captivating, attention-grabbing opening sentence - this isn’t the case, especially not for the sciences! It’s completely fine to start simply, such as with ‘I was first drawn to Biology when I studied x…’ and go from there. Remember you have a character limit, so it’s best to just go straight in!

Forming a First Draft of Your Personal Statement

Don’t put pressure on yourself to write a full draft on your first attempt. There will be lots of redrafting and restructuring and that’s okay! Give yourself plenty of time to allow for this.

The best way to start is to write down everything you want to include in your personal statement - include everything you can think of from an academic and extra-curricular perspective. Try not to include anything beyond the last few years, as this is unlikely to be relevant . For each point, determine what skills you gained from these experiences and what you learnt from them .

Then compare this to the skills/ qualities most sought after for the courses you’re applying to (this is likely to be very similar between universities). Whilst it can seem overwhelming at first, it’s a quick way of narrowing down what is worth including in your personal statement. From there you can work out how to elaborate on these experiences. Try to group them together in themes if possible, so that you can organise your paragraphs accordingly.

Ideas to Show Your Interest

You might be thinking that your list of things to include in your personal statement is going to be rather short - you hopefully have plenty of time to rectify that! If you’ve not yet had a chance, it’s important to explore Biology in more depth - this is to distinguish you from your classmates doing the same subjects. Remember the universities will also see your grades through UCAS, so you’re wasting some of the precious word count by mentioning these. Instead, you need to discuss co-curriculars - evidence that you’ve explored the subject and have a genuine interest. Try and find 2-3 broad areas of Biology that you’re interested in and ideally match with some of the modules offered as part of the courses you’re applying to . There are plenty of ways you can do this…

Books - these have been divided into some broad topics within some of the popular Biology courses:


Do No Harm - Henry Marsh

Fragile Lives - Stephen Westaby

The Body: A Guide for Occupants - Bill Bryson

The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins,

The Epigenetics Revolution - Nessa Carey

Genome - Matt Ridley


Any of Oliver Sacks books, particularly The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat or Awakenings

The Psychopath Test - Jon Ronson

On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari

Epigenetics: The Wisdom of Whores - Elizabeth Pisani

Cognitive sciences: Daniel Kahneman - Thinking, Fast and Slow

Successful Biology Personal Statement Book Recommendations

Essay competitions

There are yearly competitions hosted by Minds Underground to allow you to explore topics you might not have encountered before.

Many Oxbridge colleges also run their own essay competitions , as well as biological societies e.g. Royal Society of Biology and British Society for Cell Biology . Essay competitions are particularly relevant to Oxbridge applications as supervisions often require you to write similar essays.

Biology Work Experience

It can be useful to get work experience, such as in a lab, but don’t feel like this is an essential - universities understand it can be very difficult to find, especially in the post-covid era. If you do have experience, be careful not to just list what you did during work experience. Focus on the skills you gained, and how you could use these at university e.g. familiarity with different lab-based techniques.

Research Projects (Minds Underground)

Similar to Extended Projects offered by some schools, you could write your own research project exploring a topic of your choice. It can be difficult to decide on a title - it might be easier to use your A-level content as a springboard, and design a project to investigate something you’ve learnt about. For example, you could design a literature review to analyse existing research on a topic, in order to identify gaps in current research and inform future research opportunities. You could also design your own experiment (although there obviously limits to this!) such as investigating conditions needed by different plants.

Minds Underground can guide you through this with a Biology expert…

Biology Summer School (Minds Underground)

Summer schools can be an exciting way to get a taster of a variety of different university level biology subjects, from genetic engineering and cancer therapies to ecology and behaviour. Minds Underground hosts an amazing Biology summer school run by Oxbridge graduates, allowing you to broaden your knowledge of Biology whilst gaining useful personal statement and interview material.

Talks and podcasts

Online lectures can also give you a taste of university courses - these are widely available from universities and sites such as Ted Talks . Podcasts are increasingly popular, and are an easy way to keep up to date with current development in Biology. We recommend The Infinite Monkey Cage (less Biology specific, but very interesting!) and Radiolab .

Biological Sciences Personal Statement Podcasts


In the past there’s been a focus on the ‘all rounder’: someone who is academic, musical and sporty. This is not really the case any more, and so extracurriculars shouldn’t take up a significant proportion of your personal statement. The purpose of mentioning these should be to show what skills you’ve gained, and how you could apply these to your course or university life. For example, your weekly football match could have helped develop your team working skills and communication skills, something which is essential in a lab environment. Equally, it could allow you to switch off for a few hours and maintain your high work ethic - this is just as important, as universities (particularly high achieving ones) increasingly want to see that you can maintain a work-life balance.

Applying to Oxford for Biology? Here’s What You Should Also Do

To craft a standout personal statement for Oxford Biological Sciences specifically, it can be helpful to gear your personal statement to specific qualities and details that the university values. Here are some tips to enhance your Biology personal statement with an application for Oxford in mind:

1. Demonstrate Academic Rigour:

Highlight your passion for biology through academic achievements, relevant coursework, and independent research.

Discuss specific topics or scientific concepts that have captivated your interest and showcase your understanding of advanced material. You could have a look through the 1st year Oxford Biology modules and see if anything you have explored links to material you may cover at the university.

2. Emphasise Independent Thinking:

Discuss instances where you've independently pursued scientific inquiry or engaged in co-curricular activities related to biology.

Oxford values students who can think critically and contribute to discussions, so emphasise your ability to approach problems independently.

3. Reflect on Your Reading:

As detailed above, mention books, articles, or research papers that have influenced your understanding of biology. However, don’t just list them - make sure you give your independent analysis and opinion on everything you have included in your personal statement.

Oxford is known for its tutorial system, and demonstrating that you've engaged with challenging material beyond the standard curriculum can set you apart.

4. Discuss Your Practical Skills:

Describe any laboratory work, experiments, or field studies you've been involved in.

Showcasing hands-on experience is crucial, as it aligns with Oxford's emphasis on practical learning.

5. Showcase Interdisciplinary Interests:

Oxford appreciates interdisciplinary approaches. If your interest in biology connects with other disciplines, explain how and why.

Mention any relevant projects or coursework that spans multiple scientific domains.

6. Make It Personal and Reflective:

Share personal anecdotes or experiences that sparked your interest in biology.

Reflect on how your unique background or experiences contribute to your perspective as a future biologist.

7. Highlight Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:

Illustrate instances where you've had to think critically, solve problems, or overcome challenges.

Oxford seeks students who can navigate complex issues and contribute meaningfully to academic discussions.

8. Address Your Motivation for Oxford:

Clearly articulate why you want to study biology at Oxford specifically, without mentioning the university explicitly as the personal statement also needs to be relevant to your other university choices.

Discuss the aspects of the Oxford programme (again, without mentioning the university explicitly) that appeal to you and how it aligns with your long-term goals.

9. Prepare for Interview Discussion:

Anticipate questions that might arise from your personal statement and be ready to discuss your ideas in-depth.

Consider how your experiences and perspectives can contribute to academic discussions at Oxford.

A standout personal statement for Oxford is not just a list of achievements but a narrative that demonstrates intellectual curiosity, a passion for biology, and the potential to thrive in Oxford's academic environment. View the personal statement as a springboard for engaging discussions during interviews!

Biological Science Personal Statement Example

Siddhartha Mukherjee's "The Gene: An Intimate History" ignited a profound curiosity in the intricate tapestry of genetic inheritance and molecular mechanisms. Mukherjee's narrative skilfully brought to life the historical context and societal impact of genetics, serving as a catalyst that fuelled my exploration into the foundational works of molecular biology. Inspired by Mukherjee's narrative, I expanded my exploration of genetics through literature, delving into Carl Zimmer's "She Has Her Mother's Laugh." This broadened my perspective on the broader implications of genetic inheritance, touching on topics from heredity and evolution to the societal impact of genetic discoveries. Zimmer's adept blend of scientific rigour and accessible storytelling not only deepened my understanding of genetics but also prompted me to critically analyse the ethical implications of manipulating genetic information, shaping my conviction to approach the rapidly advancing field of genetics with a thoughtful consideration of its societal ramifications. In delving into Watson and Crick's seminal paper on the structure of DNA, I also found myself captivated by the meticulous unravelling of the double helix. This exploration propelled me beyond textbook learning into an understanding of the molecular foundations that govern life. This foundational knowledge took on practical significance as I engaged in a genetic engineering project that utilised CRISPR-Cas9 technology to manipulate bacterial DNA. . This hands-on experience not only solidified my laboratory skills but also deepened my appreciation for the practical implications of gene editing, fueling my commitment to ethical scientific practices. I learn about the delicate balance between scientific innovation and responsible ethical practices, shaping my perspective on the potential impacts of cutting-edge technologies in the biological sciences. This awareness was further honed during a summer school class dedicated to the revolutionary CRISPR technology. Here, I explored the nuances of gene editing's potential applications, ethical implications, and the ongoing discourse in the scientific community. This exploration sparked a particular interest in the potential application of CRISPR technology for targeted gene therapy, a revolutionary avenue with transformative implications for treating genetic disorders at the molecular level. This newfound fascination with gene therapy, particularly in the context of CRISPR technology, has propelled my desire to contribute to the evolving landscape of biomedical research and therapeutic interventions, further solidifying my commitment to exploring the intersection of cutting-edge science and ethical considerations. My interest in biology extended beyond the microscopic realm into the intricate interplay of species within ecological systems. I recently watched an online lecture on ecosystem dynamics and biodiversity, which delved into the relationships that shape ecosystems. This exploration found resonance in a podcast episode titled "Ecology in Action," where real-world ecological projects illuminated the practical applications of ecological principles I had studied. I am particularly interested in the study of symbiotic relationships in ecosystems, exploring how mutualistic interactions between species contribute to the resilience and sustainability of ecological communities—a concept that I find particularly fascinating for its broader implications in conservation biology and ecosystem management. Each aspect of my exploration into the world of biology has added a layer to my understanding, creating a solid foundation for further academic pursuits and a future dedicated to advancing the frontiers of biological knowledge.

Looking for a Personal Statement Tutor or Support For Your Wider Biology or Biological Natural Sciences Application?

Biology personal statement support.


U2’s Oxbridge-educated mentors have a close insight into what admissions tutors like to see in a Biology personal statement, and can help students to convey their skills, motivations, and long term goals, in order to stand out from other applicants. The statement should be the candidates own work, but our mentors will provide direction and guide you through the process of content building and writing. We offer offline drafting as well as tuition sessions.

Oxbridge Biology Tuition

We offer Oxbridge Mentoring for students looking for support throughout the application process (book a free consultation to discuss options). We have a large team of Oxford Biology and Cambridge Biological Natural Sciences tutors including 1st Class, Master’s and PhD level graduates.

The Process:

1) We suggest an Oxbridge-educated Biology tutor and send their full CV for review. Our mentors are deeply familiar with the admissions process to study Biology at Oxford and Cambridge Biological Natural Sciences, and are well-placed to guide you through Biology personal statement curation and the interview process. We may suggest a range of application tutors to choose from with slightly differing rates depending on qualifications and level of experience.

2) We typically suggest beginning with a 1.5 hour diagnostic session , where the tutor will informally assess the student’s current performance level for application. Following this, we issue a report with feedback, and structure a plan to best prepare.

3) U2’s approach for regular Biology application sessions: The main focus of tutorial sessions will be to explore material that can be discussed in the personal statement and at interview - this may sometimes stretch from A-Level standard to First Year Undergraduate. Mentors ensure each student refines their interests within Biology, and is exposed to a range of key concepts and topics.

Frequency of sessions can be decided between student and tutor. Students can take either ad hoc sessions, or we structure a full programme for preparation, which may include further co-curricular opportunities such as our research projects , Biology Summer School and Oxbridge mock interview days . Honing the skills necessary to succeed for Oxbridge ideally requires long-term preparation and mentoring presents a wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the very best Oxbridge has produced.

Sessions from £75/h + VAT.

Your Ultimate Guide to the Oxbridge Admissions Process

How to write a biomedical science personal statement.

BA/MS in Biology

The Biology major provides students with a breadth of understanding across the full range of biological disciplines as well as an opportunity to explore one of several specialized areas in greater depth. Required coursework for the major and different specializations establishes a core of fundamental knowledge in biology and related sciences. Students build on this foundation through a variety of lecture, laboratory, field, and seminar courses that offer them the opportunity to focus on specific disciplines. The development of laboratory and field skills is encouraged through elective participation in the cutting-edge research of the department’s faculty and engagement in the extensive biological resources in the Boston area.

Combining the BA with the MS provides students with additional skills and expertise to enhance their opportunities for employment in the growing life sciences job market or for further education, including both graduate programs and professional schools.

Eligible Biology majors may apply for this combined program starting their 4th semester and no later than their 6th semester of academic enrollment at BU. The combined BA/MS is intended to be completed in 5 years , but this is not a requirement and students can complete the program in less than 5 years. Students receive both a Bachelor’s of Arts and a Master’s of Science degree in Biology upon graduation.


  • The BA/MS program requires a total of 152 credits to be completed. At least 32 of these credits (equivalent to eight 4-credit Biology courses) must be completed at the graduate level (500 or higher) with a grade of B– or better and a GPA of 3.0 in these graduate courses.
  • BA Portion: Students must complete the 128 credits required for the BA in Biology or any of the Specializations in Biology .
  • MS Portion: Students must complete 32 credits of 500-level and above coursework with a minimum grade point average of 3.0. All courses must be lecture, laboratory, or seminar courses selected under the mentorship of the student’s faculty advisor.
  • Bulletin info on the BA/MS in Biology can be found here .
  • Interested students must apply for admission to the BA/MS program by May 1st of their junior year (for more information, visit the application website ).
  • Students must be in good standing and have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher at the time of application.
  • Students must submit the online application ; a plan of study form approved and signed by their faculty advisor or a staff advisor; two recommendations from faculty within the field of proposed study; a CV; a personal statement (no more than one page); and an unofficial transcript. For the personal statement, we are looking for why you would like to do a BA/MS (motivation, career goals, why this program instead of a more traditional MS), or anything else you would like the reviewing committee to know. Instructions for the other components, including required forms, can be found on the application website .
  • Please note that some forms of financial aid and scholarships will not extend to a student’s fifth year of study in the program. If you wish to discuss this possibility, please contact the Financial Assistance Office  and/or scholarship-granting organization. Additionally, you may work with your academic advisor on how you can complete the program in less than five years.
  • Read through the BA/MS Application Guide for more detailed information about how to apply.

Apply to the BA/MS in Biology Program

List of MS-level Courses

Additional 500-level or higher courses not appearing on this list can be petitioned for acceptance towards the MS through our petition form .

Additional Questions?

Contact Director of Masters Studies, Dr. Randi Rotjan . You can also contact one of our Undergraduate Program Specialists, Anne  or Melissa , or our Academic Advisor, Erin , to discuss the BA/MS program.

BA/MS Student Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental principles spanning the breadth of biology.
  • Demonstrate expertise in the scientific method, including experimental design, critical assessment of the scientific literature.
  • Attain the qualifications and advanced technical and/or analytical skills required for post-graduate education in biology or health-related fields, or employment in an academic, government or private sector position related to the life sciences.

Biological Engineering Communication Lab

Graduate School Personal Statement

Criteria for success.

  • Your personal statement convinces a faculty committee that you are qualified for their program.
  • It convinces them that you are a good fit for their program’s focus and goals.
  • You show a select group of skills and experiences that convey your scientific accomplishments and interests.
  • Your experiences are concrete and quantitative.
  • Your personal statement is no more than 2 pages.

Structure Diagram

The graduate school personal statement tells your story and demonstrates that you are a good match for a particular department or program. Matching goes both ways: they should be interested in you, and you should be interested in them. Your personal statement should make this match clear.

Analyze Your Audience

Your personal statement will be read by a graduate committee, a handful of faculty from your program. They’re trying to determine if you will be a successful graduate student in their department, a positive force in the department’s intellectual life, and a successful scientist after you graduate. They are therefore interested in your qualifications as a researcher, your career goals, and how your personality matches their labs and department.

The graduate committee probably reads hundreds of applications a year. To make it easy for them to figure out that you are a good fit, make direct, concrete statements about your accomplishments and qualifications. To make it easy for them to remember you, create a narrative that “brands” you.

Create a personal narrative

PhD programs invest in the professional and scientific growth of their students. Get the committee excited about investing in you by opening your essay with a brief portrait of what drives you as a scientist. What research directions are you passionate about, and why? What do you picture yourself doing in 10 years?

Close your essay with a 2-3 sentence discussion of your career interests. No one will hold you to this; this just helps your committee visualize your potential trajectory.

Describe your experiences

Experiences are the “what” of your essay. What experiences led you to develop your skill set and passions? Where have you demonstrated accomplishment, leadership, and collaboration? Include research, teaching, and relevant extracurriculars. State concrete achievements and outcomes like awards, discoveries, or publications.

Quantify your experiences to show concrete impact. How many people were on your team? How many protocols did you develop? How many people were in competition for an award? As a TA, how often did you meet with your students?

Describe actions, not just changes in your internal mental or emotional state. A personal statement is a way to make a narrative out of your CV. It is not a diary entry.

Explain the meaning of your experiences

Meaning is the “why” or “so what” of the document. Why was this experience important to your growth as a scientist? What does it say about your abilities and potential? It feels obvious to you, but you need to be explicit with your audience. Your descriptions of meaning should also act as transition statements between experiences: try to “wrap” meaning around your experiences.

Demonstrate match to your target program

Demonstrate an understanding of the program to which you’re applying and about how you will be successful in that program. To do this:

  • Read the program’s website. See what language they use to describe themselves, and echo that language in your essay. For example, MIT Biological Engineering’s website lists the department’s three objectives.
  • Get in contact with faculty (or students) in your target program. If you have had a positive discussion with someone at the department, describe how those interactions made you think that you and the department may be well-matched.
  • State which professors in the program you would plan to work with. Show how their research areas align with your background and your goals. You can even describe potential research directions or projects.

Resources and Annotated Examples

Annotated example 1.

These are selected sections from the personal statement that an MIT BE graduate student wrote in their successful application to MIT BE. 675 KB

Annotated Example 2

This is the personal statement from an MIT BE graduate student’s successful application to the MIT BE program. 11 MB

Stanford University

Writing Your Personal Statements

Your personal statement must demonstrate to the admissions committee that you have considered graduate school and their specific program seriously. It’s your opportunity to summarize your academic and research experiences. You must also communicate how your experiences are relevant to preparing you for the graduate degree that you will be pursuing and explain why a given program is the right one for you.

The personal statement is where you highlight your strengths. Make your strengths absolutely clear to the reviewers, because they will often be reading many other statements. Your self-assessments and honest conversations with peers and advisors should have also revealed your strengths. But you must also address (not blame others for) weaknesses or unusual aspects of your application or academic background.

Your personal statement should focus on two main aspects: your competence and commitment.

1. Identify your strengths in terms of competence that indicate that you will succeed in the grad program and provide examples to support your claims. Start your statement by describing your strengths immediately. Because faculty will be reading many statements, it’s important to start off with your strengths and not “bury your lede.” Consider traits of successful graduate students from your informational interviews, and identify which of these traits you have. These traits could involve research skills and experiences, expertise in working with techniques or instruments, familiarity with professional networks and resources in your field, etc.

  • Check your responses from the exercises in the self-assessment section. You may wish to consult notes from your informational interviews and your Seven Stories . Write concise summaries and stories that demonstrate your strengths, e.g. how your strengths helped you to achieve certain goals or overcome obstacles.
  • Summarize your research experience(s). What were the main project goals and the “big picture” questions? What was your role in this project? What did you accomplish? What did you learn, and how did you grow as a result of the experience(s)?

Vannessa Velez's portrait

My research examines the interplay between U.S. domestic politics and foreign policy during the Cold War. As a native New Yorker, I saw firsthand how dramatically my city changed after 9/11, which prompted my early interest in U.S. policy at home and abroad. As an undergraduate at the City College of New York, I planned to study international relations with a focus on U.S. foreign affairs. I also quickly became involved in student activist groups that focused on raising awareness about a wide range of human rights issues, from the Syrian refugee crisis to asylum seekers from Central America.

The more I learned about the crises in the present, the more I realized that I needed a deeper understanding of the past to fully grasp them. I decided to pursue a PhD in history in order to gain a clearer understanding of human rights issues in the present and to empower young student-activists like myself.

— Vannessa Velez, PhD candidate in History

Addressing weaknesses or unusual aspects

  • Identify weaknesses or unusual aspects in your application—e.g., a significant drop in your GPA during a term; weak GRE scores; changes in your academic trajectory, etc. Don’t ignore them, because ignoring them might be interpreted as blind spots for you. If you’re unsure if a particular issue is significant enough to address, seek advice from faculty mentors.
  • Explain how you’ll improve and strengthen those areas or work around your weakness. Determine how you will address them in a positive light, e.g., by discussing how you overcame obstacles through persistence, what you learned from challenges, and how you grew from failures. Focusing on a growth mindset  or grit  and this blog on weaknesses might also help.
  • Deal with any significant unusual aspects later in the statement to allow a positive impression to develop first.
  • Explain, rather than provide excuses—i.e., address the issue directly and don’t blame others (even if you believe someone else is responsible). Draft it and get feedback from others to see if the explanation is working as you want it to.
  • Provide supporting empirical evidence if possible. For example, “Adjusting to college was a major step for me, coming from a small high school and as a first-generation college student. My freshman GPA was not up to par with my typical achievements, as demonstrated by my improved  GPA of 3.8 during my second and third years in college."
  • Be concise (don’t dwell on the issues), but also be complete (don’t lead to other potentially unanswered questions). For example, if a drop in grades during a term was due to a health issue, explain whether the health issue is recurring, managed now with medication, resolved, etc.

2. Explain your commitment to research and their graduate program, including your motivation for why you are applying to this graduate program at this university. Be as specific as possible. Identify several faculty members with whom you are interested in working, and explain why their research interests you.

  • Descriptions of your commitment should explain why you’re passionate about this particular academic field and provide demonstrations of your commitment with stories (e.g., working long hours to solve a problem, overcoming challenges in research, resilience in pursuing problems). Don’t merely assert your commitment.
  • Explain why you are applying to graduate school, as opposed to seeking a professional degree or a job. Discuss your interest and motivation for grad school, along with your future career aspirations.

Jaime Fine's portrait

I am definitely not your traditional graduate student. As a biracial (Native American and white), first-generation PhD student from a military family, I had very limited guidance on how best to pursue my education, especially when I decided that graduate school was a good idea. I ended up coming to this PhD in a very circuitous manner, stopping first to get a JD and, later, an MFA in Young Adult Literature. With each degree, I took time to work and apply what I’d learned, as a lawyer and as an educator. Each time, I realized that I was circling around questions that I couldn’t let go of—not just because I found them to be fascinating, but because I did (and still do!) feel that my research could help to bridge a gap that desperately needs bridging. Because my work is quite interdisciplinary, I strongly feel that I wouldn’t have been able to pursue this line of research without the degrees and life experience I gained before coming to this program.

— Jamie Fine, PhD candidate in Modern Thought and Literature

Statement of Purpose: subtle aspects

  • Think in terms of engaging faculty in a conversation rather than pleading with them that you should be admitted. Ask reviewers to read drafts with this concern in mind.
  • With later drafts, try developing an overall narrative theme. See if one emerges as you work.
  • Write at least 10 drafts and expect your thinking and the essay to change quite a bit over time.
  • Read drafts out loud to help you catch errors.
  • Expect the "you' that emerges in your essay to be incomplete. . . that’s OK.
  • You’re sharing a professional/scholarly slice of "you."
  • Avoid humor (do you really know what senior academics find funny?) and flashy openings and closings. Think of pitching the essay to an educated person in the field, but not necessarily in your specialty. Avoid emotionally laden words (such as "love" or "passion"). Remember, your audience is a group of professors! Overly emotional appeals might make them uncomfortable. They are looking for scholarly colleagues.

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Submitted by Emily

Uni Logo for Swansea University

Make the most of your interest in Biology with biomedical sciences at Swansea.

Tailor your studies towards a career in research, innovation or healthcare with Swansea University's range of biomedical sciences degrees. Foundation Year, BSc and MSci available - there's a place for you at Swansea!

Biology Personal Statement

I have always been fascinated by the complex and elegant blend of science and art that cosmetics demonstrate. My passion to study cosmetics has evolved over time, from first wanting to create makeup products for aesthetic purposes to now wanting to develop lines of skincare products that can aid in the cure of skin diseases. Biochemistry is integral to cosmetic science, as it will provide me with the scientific background necessary to design products that will target skin cells directly and safely.

My aspiration to study biochemistry inspired me to read around the subject. When reading "Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life" by Nick Lane, I found Denham Harman's mitochondrial theory of ageing and the idea that the rate of ageing and onset of degenerative diseases is determined by the rate of free-radical leakage from the mitochondria greatly intriguing. By furthering my knowledge of apoptosis and its implication for ageing, I hope to further the technological advance to see skincare products that focus on protecting and repairing mitochondrial assaults on shelves in beauty supply stores worldwide. Whilst not only learning of how I wish to increase the amount of biotechnological products in the cosmetic industry, I have also grown to appreciate the breadth of biological disciplines with which biochemistry overlaps. The recent court case of Charlie Gard caught my attention and led me to read about the disease that sadly led to his death, encephalomyopathy mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome. The fact that many diseases are caused by biochemical faults has inspired me to want to extend my knowledge of immunology, specifically disease diagnosis and vaccine development, as I believe that a greater understanding of syndromes will aide with the ability to find a cure for them.

I completed a week's work experience at University of the Arts London , working alongside the university's careers manager and the student recruitment team. One of my tasks was to analyse the data from the graduate questionnaires and to produce graphs relevant to each question, and thus derive conclusions from the results. I also aided with the organisation and set up of the undergraduate interviews and open days, by designing boards that informed prospective students of what the course entailed in an educational yet artistic way.

In addition to my academic achievements, I have a large range of interests, including creating prosthetic makeup looks. Through this hobby I have been able to visit Pinewood Studios to shadow Bafta award winning makeup artist Shauna Harrison. I apply the same ethics of hard work and determination to both my studies and my artwork. A high attention to accuracy is required to seamlessly apply prosthetics to one's face; this precision has since been translated into my lab work, increasing my accuracy and strives for perfection when completing practical experiments. Over the past two years, I have enjoyed the challenge of balancing my studies with the demanding job of teaching young children to swim. I feel my job has developed my responsibility skills by ensuring safety standards are followed in sessions and that the necessary risk assessments have been undertaken. To ensure the students are successful in achieving their swimming awards, continuous enthusiasm, perseverance and strong communication between the students and parents is vital. I have completed my Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards and am currently undertaking my Gold. The expeditions have tested me both physically and mentally, and have taught me how to be self-sufficient. Being the team director of my NCS team encouraged me to lead and work with new people, which I believe are the skills necessary to working in a laboratory environment.

I would relish in the opportunity to study the rapidly advancing industry of Biochemistry at university, to gain the knowledge I wish to transfer into the cosmetic products I one-day hope to design.

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Since studying science at primary school level, I have been compelled by the complex and dynamic nature of...

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Health is the most important aspect of life; without health all else is useless. Although often unseen, bi...

My goal in studying Biomedical Science is to achieve a deeper knowledge of the human body. I respect peopl...

I have always aspired to pursue a career that shows my passion for science. As my learning developed, I re...

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New BA in Biology Program Beginning Fall 2024

Posted in: Student Opportunities

PhD student analyzing data with advisor

The Department of Biology is excited to announce that we are adding a Bachelor’s of Arts (BA) in Biology to our program offerings! This major is designed to prepare students for the many careers that require a broad knowledge of Biology combined with non-science skills such as science communication, community health, or environmental law (to name a few). The program consists of a 48 credit core combined with a required 18-21 credit non-CSAM minor (students choose), a 4 credit community engaged service learning experience, and a 1 credit capstone course.

The program does not preclude students from taking the necessary courses to get into Medical or Dental School. The main differences between the BS in Biology and the BA in Biology are fewer required Chemistry and Physics courses in the BA, fewer biology electives, and the required minor, service learning and capstone courses.

Statements from Program Proposal Reviewers

I think the proposed BA in Biology will help students that fear the deep chemistry associated with BS in Biology, but are still interested in a science field. The current proposal will help open up several areas in Pharmaceutical Research (at Research Sites or Companies) and Contract Research Organizations. Roles from pre-clinical to clinical trials including Research Lab staff, Clinical Writers, Global Trial positions could be filled by this role.
“… there are many careers that require a science background but don’t necessarily require all of the requirements in a Bachelor of Science program.
… a more realistic approach to careers in STEM.
… the BA actually hits a lot of the things for med school (community service, research, etc.)…med schools looking for things out of STEM now (arts, etc.).
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Biological sciences personal statement example 2.

I am interested in pursuing a career in biological sciences because I am captivated by the wonders of the components of life. There upon, I desire to understand the background of problems that are formulated by biology on a molecular level, such as cancer, diseases and genetic disorders.

Being brought up in Jhelum, an economically deprived village in Pakistan has led me to distinguish that the poverty stricken conditions can lead to death. This has increasingly fuelled my passion to study biological sciences as it may hold the answers to preventing ill-health.

My Studies in A Level Biology and Chemistry has confirmed this desire. I am particularly intrigued and enjoy leaning about cell biology, genetics and how these cells, due to faulty gene transcription, may lead to cancer. On the other hand, these cells work together to perform the essential functions of life.

Whilst studying A level Chemistry, I gained knowledgeable insights into laboratory work, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. This has improved my laboratory skills and manual dexterity. That exposure has helped me to realize that working in a laboratory is something I want to pursue.

Having subscribed to 'New Scientist' magazine, I am constantly informed about the developments in science and I thoroughly enjoy reading further around my subjects.

As part of my apprenticeship in 'Health & Social Care', I have offered my time to various work placements such as nurseries, hospitals and care homes.

I demonstrated my capability in working with people from as little as six months to elderly people. I was able to interact with patients from diverse cultures and backgrounds and this consequently has reinforced my interpersonal skills.

Furthermore, working at Elm lodge day centre, I primarily took care of people with mental health ailments which has helped develop my communication skills and understanding of patients' requirements. Having worked with a medical team, I have gained inter-professional and team working skills.

I am currently working as a senior cyber mentor, Cybermentors, a registered charity which provides an online peer mentoring service for young people aged 11-18, who are victims of bullying.

While working for this charity, my communication and I.T skills were reinforced. I have thoroughly enjoyed spending my time over these work placements and I believe I have been equipped with relevant skills to succeed on a biological science degree.

I am a self taught belly dancer and a student of salsa dance club at an enrichment programme. Being elected as a leaner voice representative demonstrates that my peers believe I am reliable, confident, outspoken and a good team member. In addition, I am able to express my creativity through food as I have the ability to cook a wide variety of dishes.

This interest was influenced by my eagerness for travelling as I gained the taste of diversity in culture and tradition. Having a multi-cultural upbringing, I am able to speak a number of languages, including fluent Arabic, Urdu, Hindi and Somali, which enables to communicate with people from a variety of backgrounds.

I can confidently say I am an enthusiastic individual who is committed to expanding both my knowledge and interests on the course.

Volunteering to be a representative for the college open days enhanced my social skills and approachability as this is required for the course and interactions with other students.

Studying at university will give me an experience of a life time because of the challenges the course has to offer. I wish to follow a successful career in research and this degree will enable me to reach my full potential.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by aisha.haydar for application in 2011.

aisha.haydar's university choices King's College London Queen Mary, University of London Brunel University The University of Reading St George's Hospital Medical School

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

aisha.haydar's Comments

I don't see anything great about it but it got me offers from 4 unis so I guess its a good enough template! But good luck to you all and hope this can help you construct your personal statement.

This personal statement is unrated

Related Personal Statements

Mon, 14/11/2011 - 04:01

What a wonderful statement, reading this has made me ..............

Mon, 14/11/2011 - 04:02

The pizza you provided was awful

أسامة بن ف&#1575

Sun, 11/12/2011 - 22:09

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