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Butterfly Life Cycle Resources (Free Google Slides and More)

The fascinating process of metamorphosis in action.

powerpoint presentation life cycle of a butterfly

The butterfly life cycle is a popular topic in science classrooms, and for good reason. The process of complete metamorphosis never fails to amaze! Here, you’ll find lots of helpful resources for teaching the life cycle of a butterfly to kids, including free Google Slides to share.

Butterfly Life Cycle Facts

Life cycle of a butterfly vocabulary words.

  • Butterfly Life Cycle Worksheets and Activities
  • Videos About the Butterfly Life Cycle

Butterfly Books for Kids

To get this free set of Butterfly Life Cycle Google Slides featuring all the information below, just fill out the form on this page .

What are the stages of the butterfly life cycle?

powerpoint presentation life cycle of a butterfly

Butterflies undergo complete metamorphosis, changing their initial form to something that looks completely different. This process happens in four stages:

  • Egg: Female butterflies lay hundreds of tiny eggs on or near plants.
  • Larva: The larva of a butterfly is called a caterpillar. Their only job is to eat and grow.
  • Pupa: A full-grown caterpillar pupates into its chrysalis, where it rests as its body undergoes a major change.
  • Adult: The adult butterfly, complete with wings, emerges from from the chrysalis. Adult butterflies fly, eat, and mate before they die.

Where do butterflies lay their eggs?

Tiny yellow worm eggs found over a cabbage leaf in the garden.

Butterflies usually lay their eggs on or near the plants that their caterpillars will eat when they hatch. One female butterfly lays several hundred eggs. They may lay them individually or in groups.

Butterfly eggs are very small, only about the size of the head of a pin. They can be round or shaped more like a football, hard or soft, and come in a variety of colors. It usually takes about two to five days to hatch into a minuscule caterpillar.

What do caterpillars eat?

powerpoint presentation life cycle of a butterfly

Caterpillars eat plants, mostly leaves. The caterpillars of different species each eat specific types of plants, called “host plants.” If a caterpillar eats the wrong kind of plant, it can die. However, this rarely happens, as caterpillars instinctively know which types of plants to eat.

Some examples of common caterpillar host plants include:

  • Monarchs: Milkweed
  • Eastern Black Swallowtails: Parsley, dill, fennel, celery, carrot
  • Cabbage Whites: Cabbage, broccoli, collards, mustard
  • Red Admiral: Nettles
  • Eastern Tiger Swallowtail: Wild cherry, tulip tree, ash tree, cottonwood

How do caterpillars grow?

Monarch Butterfly emerging from it's chrysalis

Like all insects, caterpillars have an exoskeleton. That means their outer covering stays the same size, even as they eat and grow bigger. A newly hatched caterpillar has very loose outer skin, which grows tighter as the caterpillar gorges itself. Eventually, that skin becomes too tight. It breaks open and the caterpillar sheds it, a process known as “molting.”

The caterpillar’s new skin is once again loose, allowing the larva to continue to eat and get bigger. It will need to molt several times before it’s big enough to move on to the next stage. We call the time between each molt an “instar.” A caterpillar can look pretty much the same each time it molts, or it can look very different. Butterfly experts can often tell which instar a caterpillar is in just by looking at its color, size, and patterns.

How long does it take a caterpillar to become a butterfly?

A monarch is sitting with a adult caterpillar on a milkweed plant.

Most caterpillars feed, grow, and molt for about 10 days to two weeks. When they reach their maximum size, they might rest for a day or so before beginning to pupate. Then, they generally spend about two weeks as a chrysalis before emerging as an adult butterfly.

Do butterflies use a cocoon or a chrysalis?

powerpoint presentation life cycle of a butterfly

These two terms are often confused, but they mean different things. Butterflies don’t use a cocoon at all, but many moths do. Here’s the difference:

  • Chrysalis: This is the term used to describe a butterfly’s pupa, the third stage of metamorphosis. In this stage, the caterpillar sheds its skin one last time. Then it undergoes a series of physical changes. When it’s ready, it breaks open the chrysalis to emerge as a butterfly.
  • Cocoon: A cocoon is a separate structure that many moths weave around their pupa as they undergo the third stage of metamorphosis. They may spin a strong web of silk, wrapped around themselves thousands of times. Or they may use their silk to wrap themselves in leaves instead. Once they emerge from their pupa inside the cocoon, adult moths must then break out of the cocoon too.

What do butterflies eat?

powerpoint presentation life cycle of a butterfly

Butterflies eat a lot of nectar, the sweet, sugary substance many flowers produce. They don’t have mouths; instead they use their long proboscis to draw the nectar up into their bodies to be digested. When it’s not in use, the proboscis coils up so it’s not in the way.

Flowers aren’t the only butterfly food, though. Some species prefer other foods, like tree sap, rotting fruit, animal dung, and even carrion (decaying animal flesh)! Heliconius butterflies like the zebra longwing are also able to gather pollen on their proboscis and digest it for even more energy.

What is butterfly puddling?

Group of beautiful butterfly puddling on the ground at Pang Sida National Park, Sa Kaeo Province, Thailand.

Sometimes you’ll see groups of butterflies gathered around a mud puddle on the ground. They’re there to drink the muddy water, which is a good source of the minerals they need. You might also see them puddling on wet sand or in a puddle on the sidewalk.

Do butterflies sleep?

Butterflies clustered together.

Butterflies are exothermic, meaning they get their warmth from the air around them. At night, when the sun goes down, most butterflies get too cold to fly. They use that time to rest, sometimes in large groups, waiting for the sun to return the next day and warm them back up again.

What do butterflies do in the winter?

Butterfly hiding among rocks.

Butterflies have a few different ways to survive cold winter months. Not all of them fly south! In fact, many stay right where they are, in various parts of their life cycle.

  • Egg: Some species overwinter as eggs, usually tucked into crevices in bark or under the soil. When spring begins and their host plants appear, they hatch and start feeding.
  • Caterpillar: Other species spend the winter as caterpillars, often snuggled down in leaf litter beneath trees, or in the dirt. A few have the ability to freeze solid and thaw again in the spring!
  • Chrysalis: Some species pupate in the fall and wait out the cold weather in their chrysalis. When flowers bloom in the spring, they emerge and look for mates.
  • Adult: Many butterflies spend the winter tucked away in rock crevices or holes in trees. They enter a motionless stage called “torpor,” where their body shuts down and they don’t need to eat.

Do butterflies migrate?

Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Michoacan, Mexico.

Some butterfly species do migrate. The most famous butterfly migration is the one undertaken each year by the central monarch population of the United States and Canada. They fly 3,000 miles south to overwinter on one of a few mountaintops in Mexico each winter.

Other butterflies move shorter distances, perhaps a few hundred miles or so south to avoid the worst of the cold. They may also migrate based on food availability, traveling in large groups toward wherever their preferred foods are most abundant.

How long does a butterfly live?

powerpoint presentation life cycle of a butterfly

Most adult butterflies live only about two weeks. Those that overwinter as adults can live much longer, but they only spend a couple of weeks actively flying and eating. Heliconius butterflies are an exception—because they eat pollen in addition to nectar, they might live six to nine months.

Overall, a butterfly’s life cycle is pretty short: about two to five days as an egg, two weeks as a caterpillar, 10 days to two weeks as a chrysalis, and two weeks as an adult. This gives most species time to produce several generations each year.

Super Macro Monarch Butterfly Egg

First stage in the butterfly’s life cycle. Female butterflies lay tiny eggs (around the size of a pinhead or smaller) on or near their host plants. Caterpillars usually hatch out a few days later.


Hairy caterpillar on a green leaf in close-up shot on a green background.

This is the second stage in a butterfly’s life cycle. They have segmented, worm-like bodies with three pairs of true legs and several pairs of appendages that are similar to legs, called “prolegs.”

Caterpillars can be very small (a centimeter or less) or grow to nearly the size of a hot dog! Each species of butterfly caterpillar looks different, and some are covered in spines or hairs.

A beautiful monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, chrysalis

Pronounced “CRISS-uh-liss.” This is the third stage in a butterfly’s life cycle. A caterpillar sheds its skin one final time and forms a hard, thin skin about its body. Inside, the creature undergoes metamorphosis, developing a new body shape and wings.

Chrysalides (the plural form of this word) come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some hang from branches, while others are wrapped in leaves or buried in the ground.

A monarch butterfly sipping nectar from swamp milkweed flower.

Each type of butterfly caterpillar eats only specific plants, known as their host plants. For instance, monarch butterfly caterpillars only eat milkweed species. Some caterpillars can eat many types of plants—painted lady butterflies have at least 100 known host plants, including asters, hollyhocks, thistles, and sunflowers.

Terminal instar larva of the Yellow swallowtail butterfly, which rides menacingly on the green leaves of the Japanese honeywort on a white background and produces orange stink horns.

As a caterpillar eats and gets bigger, it outgrows its skin and sheds it several times (molts). The time between each of these molts is known as an instar. Most caterpillars have about five different instars.

A caterpillar can look very different each time it sheds its skin, so you may see pictures labeled “Black swallowtail caterpillar, third instar.”

Monarch caterpillar eating milkweed.

This is the word used to describe the second stage of complete metamorphosis in insects. In butterflies, the larva is called a caterpillar. (Plural: larvae)


Male Leopard lacewing (Cethosia cyane euanthes)  butterfly , caterpillar, pupa and emerging.

Pronounced “met-uh-MORE-feh-siss.” It describes the process by which some animals change dramatically to become adults. It’s especially common in insects, but some other animals experience metamorphosis, including frogs.

Butterflies and moths undergo complete metamorphosis, which has four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.


A quintessential photo of monarchs as they soar through their migration in Mexico

This word is used to describe the movement of large groups of animals from one place to another, usually seasonally. Some butterflies migrate during the winter months.

Monarchs are famous for their winter migration, in which the central population of monarch butterflies travels up to 3,000 miles south to overwinter on one of several mountaintops in Mexico.

Molting caterpillar stage of Atlas butterfly ( atlas; attacus )

When an animal molts, it sheds its skin, feathers, or fur. Caterpillars molt several times as they grow, shedding their old skin.

An orange and black butterfly lays her eggs on the underside of a passiflor leaf. Photo taken in Costa Rica on the Osa Peninsula. For more nature and wildlife photos please review my porftolio.

This is another word for laying eggs, but it’s usually only used for insects. For instance, “The black swallowtail butterfly oviposits on parsley and dill.” It’s pronounced “OH-vuh-pah-sit.”

Green Monarch Butterfly Chrysalis hanging on a Poplar tree.

This is the word used to describe the third stage of complete metamorphosis in insects. In butterflies, the pupa (pronounced “PEW-pah”) is called a chrysalis. (Plural: pupae)

When a caterpillar is ready to change into a butterfly, it sheds its skin one final time and becomes a chrysalis. The word used to describe that process is pupate . In other words, a caterpillar pupates into a chrysalis when it’s done eating and growing. (Say “PEW-pate.”)

Butterfly Life Cycle Activities

Free butterfly life cycle worksheet bundle.

Collection of free printable life cycle of a butterfly worksheets and activities

In our free printable butterfly life cycle worksheet bundle you’ll find an interactive booklet, a matching game, anatomy diagrams, and an easy paper plate craft.

Get your free printable butterfly life cycle worksheet here.

Experience the life cycle of a butterfly firsthand

Butterfly life cycle classroom kit with net enclosure, food, and more

This is a classic elementary school activity, and most people use an all-in-one kit to make things easier. Kids are always amazed to observe hatching eggs, growing caterpillars, and the magic of metamorphosis in real life!

Find our favorite insect life cycle kits for home or classroom here.

Plant a butterfly garden at school

Orange butterfly nectaring on a pink plant

One downside to butterfly kits is that they use a prepared food substitute rather than a butterfly’s host plants. Emphasize the importance of pollinator gardens and providing food for wildlife by planning a butterfly garden at your school. Tip: Look into the Seeds for Education grant program for possible funding opportunities.

Learn how to set up a butterfly garden at school here.

Use pasta to represent the butterfly life cycle stages

Butterfly life cycle with various pasta shapes representing the stages

Raid the grocery store and pick up a few different kinds of pasta. Then, use them to represent eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult butterflies. Kids can paint them or leave them plain.

Learn more: Pasta Butterfly Life Cycle at Mama Miss

Stick a magnetic butterfly life cycle on your whiteboard

Oversized magnets on a white board showing the life stages of a butterfly

These magnets are oversized, making it easy to share the various stages with your students. The set includes an activity guide too.

Buy it: Learning Resources Butterfly Life Cycle Magnets at Amazon

Videos About the Butterfly Life Cycle for Kids

Butterfly: a life by national geographic.

This stunning footage gives you a close-up look at the whole process of metamorphosis in just a few minutes.

How Does a Caterpillar Become a Butterfly?

SciShow’s video is perfect for the younger crowd, complete with vocabulary word definitions, photos, and more.

Time-Lapse Butterfly Metamorphosis

There’s no more fascinating part of a butterfly’s life than when it pupates from caterpillar to chrysalis and then emerges later as a butterfly. See it all in this time-lapse footage.

User-generated content of butterfly books

Reading about the life cycle of a butterfly is always fascinating. These top butterfly books for kids are perfect for story time, bedtime, or anytime.

  • 16 Butterfly Books Worth Fluttering For
  • 35 Easy Very Hungry Caterpillar Activities, Art Projects, and Crafts

Get Your Free Butterfly Life Cycle Google Slides

Just fill out the form on this page get your free Butterfly Life Cycle Google Slides! They include all the information on this page formatted in kid-friendly slides you can use in your classroom.

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Life Cycle of a Butterfly PowerPoint Slide Show Lesson KS2

Life Cycle of a Butterfly PowerPoint Slide Show Lesson KS2

Subject: Primary science

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Visual aid/Display

Wonder at the World

Last updated

18 July 2023

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powerpoint presentation life cycle of a butterfly

Take a colourful journey through the life cycle of a butterfly with this 27-slide PowerPoint presentation. This engaging slide show covers the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and adult butterfly so that your students will have a full understanding of the life cycle.

What’s included in the presentation:

  • Real photos of different species of butterflies and their caterpillars
  • Editable text boxes to make adjustments for your students if needed (images and titles are not editable)
  • Fun animations - some pages have animated elements so make sure you’re using the ‘present’ screen.
  • 2 spare slides to add your own information to if needed.

This slide show is suitable for KS2 or upper KS1. Check out the video to see a full preview.

National Curriculum link Living Things and their habitats Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird

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Insect Life Cycle PowerPoint Slide Shows KS2

Take a colourful journey through the life cycles of a dragonfly, butterfly, and ladybug with these engaging PowerPoint presentations. These slide-show lessons cover the different stages from egg to adult insect so that your pupils will have a full understanding of the 3 life cycles. Each presentation is packed full of images and facts, as well as quiz questions. For example, did you know butterflies taste with their feet? Or that adult dragonflies have excellent eyesight? These slide shows can be used to support learning about insects and their life cycles, allowing students to compare and contrast different bugs. **What's included in the presentations:** * Real photos of insects at different stages of their life cycles. * Editable text boxes to make adjustments for your students if needed (images and titles are not editable) * Fun animations - some pages have animated elements so make sure you're using the 'present' screen. * 2 spare slides to add your own information to if needed.

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Life cycle of a butterfly powerpoint

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Life Cycle of a Butterfly Caterpillar PowerPoint Lesson for K 1st 2nd Grades

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Monarch Butterflies

Dec 16, 2010

120 likes | 543 Views

Monarch Butterflies The Life Cycle Egg Larva Chrysalis Adult Egg The egg is sticky. It is laid on the bottom of a milkweed plant leaf. It hatches in a few days . Larva The larva or caterpillar eats the eggshell and then the milkweed leaves.

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  • classroom butterflies
  • butterfly trees
  • monarch butterflies
  • second graders


Presentation Transcript

The Life Cycle Egg Larva Chrysalis Adult

Egg • The egg is sticky. • It is laid on the bottom of a milkweed plant leaf. • It hatches in a few days.

Larva • The larva or caterpillar eats the eggshell and then the milkweed leaves. • The larva molts or sheds its skin about 5 times. • It hangs upside down on the milkweed plant.

Chrysalis • The larva forms a chrysalis or pupa around its body. • The chrysalis is green with dots. Later it becomes clear. • An orange and black butterfly can be seen inside the chrysalis.This change is called metamorphosis.

Adult • The adult butterfly comes out of the chrysalis in about 2 weeks. • It pumps liquid into its wings from the abdomen. • The wings must dry before the adult can fly.

Body Parts • A butterfly has three main parts: head, thorax and abdomen. • Six legs are attached to the thorax. • The butterfly sucks nectar through a proboscis. • It tastes with its feet. • It has four wings. • It has two antennae for touch and smell.

Defense The monarch is protected from predators because of its bad taste. Birds get sick from eating it. Another butterfly, the viceroy, looks similar to the monarch but does not have the bad taste. Birds stay away from both of these butterflies.

Migration • Monarch butterflies migrate south each year in the fall. • They only fly during the day. • They can fly 12 miles per hour. • They can migrate 4,000 miles to find a warm climate. • They often rest in trees. Sometimes these look like butterfly trees.

Classroom Butterflies • Butterfly larvae can be ordered through the mail. The larvae and food are placed in the butterfly house. The larvae will attach themselves to the top of the container and emerge as butterflies. This is a fun activity for second graders!

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Monarch Butterflies

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Monarch Butterflies

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Monarch butterflies

Monarch butterflies

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  6. Butterfly Life Cycle


  1. Life Cycle of A Butterfly

    The document summarizes the life cycle of a butterfly in four stages: 1) Egg - The butterfly lays eggs on a plant leaf which hatch after a few days. 2) Larva/Caterpillar - The larva hatches from the egg and eats constantly as it grows, molting several times. 3) Pupa - The larva forms a chrysalis and undergoes metamorphosis to emerge as an adult ...

  2. The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

    This free and dynamic PowerPoint Presentation illustrates and explains all four stages of a butterfly's life cycle. Stage 1 - Egg. Stage 2 - Larva. Stage 3 - Pupa. Stage 4 - Adult. It begins with a riddle and a brief explanation of what a life cycle is. I've also included a PDF file with links to suggestions for further learning and fun that a ...

  3. The Butterfly Life Cycle

    Discover the captivating world of butterflies with our engaging Butterfly Life Cycle Presentation! Journey through the stages of their remarkable transformat...

  4. Lifecycle of butterfly

    The document summarizes the life cycle of a butterfly in 4 stages: egg, caterpillar/larva, chrysalis/pupa, and adult butterfly. It describes each stage in detail, from the egg being laid on a milkweed leaf and hatching, to the caterpillar eating leaves and molting its skin several times, forming a chrysalis around its body, and emerging as an adult butterfly after 2 weeks.

  5. Butterfly Life Cycle (Free Google Slides and More)

    Heliconius butterflies are an exception—because they eat pollen in addition to nectar, they might live six to nine months. Overall, a butterfly's life cycle is pretty short: about two to five days as an egg, two weeks as a caterpillar, 10 days to two weeks as a chrysalis, and two weeks as an adult.

  6. PPT

    Life Cycle of a Butterfly. Life Cycle of a Butterfly. 1 st Grade . A butterfly lays eggs on a plant. The eggs grow. The caterpillar eats the plants and grows. The caterpillar turns into a chrysalis. The chrysalis turns into a butterfly . The wings dry. The b utterfly flies away . Narration by: 286 views • 9 slides

  7. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. The Life Cycle of a Butterfly By Mrs. Kong. There are four stages. • Egg • Caterpillar or Larva • Chrysalis or Pupa • Butterfly. Egg • A female lays eggs on a leaf. • They hatch in about 5 days. Caterpillar or Larva • It grows and eats a lot of food. • Grows the most during this stage.

  8. Life Cycle of a Butterfly PowerPoint

    Children will gain a better understanding of nature and how butterflies grow from larvae to full-size insects. This PowerPoint is full of fun facts to keep your class focussed and engaged, as well as a life cycle video, which kids love. This is a wonderful resource which demonstrates the diversity and adaptability of the animal kingdom.

  9. PPT

    The Life Cycle of the Butterfly: By: McKenzie Smallwood. Content Area: Science • Grade Level: 2nd • Summary: The purpose of this power point is to inform students about the development and life cycle stages that a butterfly experiences. • Learning Objective: After this lesson, Students will have understanding of a butterfly's life cycle ...

  10. PPT PowerPoint Presentation

    Butterfly Life Cycle The caterpillar undergoes a process called metamorphosis inside its chrysalis or pupa, where it is rapidly changing. Butterfly Life Cycle The fully formed butterfly emerges, dries its wings and then flies off to seek out a mate! Butterfly Life Cycle Some Interesting Facts Butterflies taste with their feet.

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    PowerPoint Presentation: Butterfly Life Cycle Overview This colorful PowerPoint presentation illustrates the life cycle of a butterfly. Media PPT. Download Resource Tags. Butterflies Invertebrates Letter B PowerPoint PowerPoint Presentations. Similar Resources FREE. PowerPoint: Olympics Information Report

  12. The Life Cycle Of The Monarch Butterfly

    The document summarizes the four life cycle stages of the monarch butterfly: 1) Eggs are laid on milkweed leaves and hatch into caterpillars after 4 days. 2) Caterpillars eat milkweed leaves for 2 weeks, growing and molting their skin multiple times. 3) Caterpillars then form a chrysalis and undergo metamorphosis for 2 weeks to emerge as adult ...

  13. The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

    This free and dynamic PowerPoint Presentation illustrates and explains all four stages of a butterfly's life cycle. Stage 1 - Egg. Stage 2 - Larva. Stage 3 - Pupa. Stage 4 - Adult. It begins with a riddle and a brief explanation of what a life cycle is. I've also included a PDF file with links to suggestions for further learning and fun that a ...

  14. Life Cycle of a Butterfly PowerPoint

    Our fantastic Life Cycle of a Butterfly PowerPoint features a step by step introduction, images to illustrate each stage of the butterfly life cycle, a helpful video and a clear diagram showing how the butterfly life process repeats! Great for whole-class teaching. Discover Ten Interesting Facts About Butterflies in our blog! (Super important note: please make sure you are connected to the ...

  15. Butterfly Life Cycle PowerPoint

    Teach your students about the Life Cycle of a Butterfly using this PowerPoint Presentation complete with ️ 3 reading levels! 40 Slides Includes illustrated animated vocabulary for EACH level! ️ Use this differentiated Butterfly Life Cycle PowerPoint with or without the set of Butterfly mini bo...

  16. Life Cycle of a Butterfly PowerPoint

    Our fantastic Life Cycle of a Butterfly PowerPoint features a step by step introduction, images to illustrate each stage of the butterfly life cycle, a helpful video and a clear diagram showing how the butterfly life process repeats! Great for whole class teaching. to leave a review. Support mini beast work.

  17. Life Cycle of a Butterfly PowerPoint Slide Show Lesson KS2

    This engaging slide show covers the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and adult butterfly so that your students will have a full understanding of the life cycle. What's included in the presentation: Fun animations - some pages have animated elements so make sure you're using the 'present' screen. 2 spare slides to add your own information to ...

  18. life cycle of a butterfly powerpoint

    The Life Cycle of a Butterfly : Interactive Google Slides + PPT + 2 worksheetsInteractive presentation & quiz on a butterfly's life cycle. Please view the powerpoint previewINTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on the life cycle of a butterfly. It can be used for distance learning a

  19. PPT

    The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. 2 nd grade Science Unit: Animal Life Cycles. Learning Objectives:. The student will observe caterpillar larva and watch it grow and change into a butterfly. The student will identify the correct order of the life cycle of a butterfly. 418 views • 14 slides

  20. Life Cycle of a Butterfly PowerPoint Kindergarten Resource

    Use our Life Cycle of a Butterfly PowerPoint to introduce students to the life cycle of a butterfly. It contains helpful illustrations and easy-to-understand text great for early elementary students. Like all of Twinkl's awesome teaching resources, the Life Cycle Of A Butterfly PowerPoint is super easy to use. All you need to do to use it with your class is to download it with the big green ...

  21. PPT

    The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. 2 nd grade Science Unit: Animal Life Cycles. Learning Objectives:. The student will observe caterpillar larva and watch it grow and change into a butterfly. The student will identify the correct order of the life cycle of a butterfly. 414 views • 14 slides

  22. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Monarch Butterflies. The Life Cycle Egg Larva Chrysalis Adult. Egg • The egg is sticky. • It is laid on the bottom of a milkweed plant leaf. • It hatches in a few days. Larva • The larva or caterpillar eats the eggshell and then the milkweed leaves. • The larva molts or sheds its skin about 5 times.