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How to Write a College Essay About ADHD

Admissions officer reviewed by Ben Bousquet, M.Ed Former Vanderbilt University

Written by Ben Bousquet, M.Ed Former Vanderbilt University Admissions

Key Takeaway

ADHD and ADD are becoming more prevalent, more frequently diagnosed, and better understood.

The exact number of college students with ADHD is unclear with estimates ranging wildly from just 2% to 16% or higher.

Regardless of the raw numbers, an ADHD diagnosis feels very personal, and it is not surprising that many students consider writing a college essay about ADHD.

If you are thinking about writing about ADHD, consider these three approaches. From our experience in admissions offices, we’ve found them to be the most successful.

First, a Note on the Additional Information Section

Before we get into the three approaches, I want to note that your Common App personal statement isn’t the only place you can communicate information about your experiences to admissions officers.

You can also use the additional information section.

The additional information section is less formal than your personal statement. It doesn’t have to be in essay format, and what you write there will simply give your admissions officers context. In other words, admissions officers won’t be evaluating what you write in the additional information section in the same way they’ll evaluate your personal statement.

You might opt to put information about your ADHD (or any other health or mental health situations) in the additional information section so that admissions officers are still aware of your experiences but you still have the flexibility to write your personal statement on whatever topic you choose.

Three Ways to Write Your College Essay About ADHD

If you feel like the additional information section isn’t your best bet and you’d prefer to write about ADHD in your personal statement or a supplemental essay, you might find one of the following approaches helpful.

1) Using ADHD to understand your trends in high school and looking optimistically towards college

This approach takes the reader on a journey from struggle and confusion in earlier years, through a diagnosis and the subsequent fallout, to the present with more wisdom and better grades, and then ends on a note about the future and what college will hold.

If you were diagnosed somewhere between 8th and 10th grade, this approach might work well for you. It can help you contextualize a dip in grades at the beginning of high school and emphasize that your upward grade trend is here to stay.

The last part—looking optimistically towards college—is an important component of this approach because you want to signal to admissions officers that you’ve learned to manage the challenges you’ve faced in the past and are excited about the future.

I will warn you: there is a possible downside to this approach. Because it’s a clear way to communicate grade blips in your application, it is one of the most common ways to write a college essay about ADHD. Common doesn’t mean it’s bad or off-limits, but it does mean that your essay will have to work harder to stand out.

2) ADHD as a positive

Many students with ADHD tell us about the benefits of their diagnosis. If you have ADHD, you can probably relate.

Students tend to name strengths like quick, creative problem-solving, compassion and empathy, a vivid imagination, or a keen ability to observe details that others usually miss. Those are all great traits for college (and beyond).

If you identify a strength of your ADHD, your essay could focus less on the journey through the diagnosis and more on what your brain does really well. You can let an admissions officer into your world by leading them through your thought processes or through a particular instance of innovation.

Doing so will reveal to admissions officers something that makes you unique, and you’ll be able to write seamlessly about a core strength that’s important to you. Of course, taking this approach will also help your readers naturally infer why you would do great in college.

3) ADHD helps me empathize with others

Students with ADHD often report feeling more empathetic to others around them. They know what it is like to struggle and can be the first to step up to help others.

If this rings true to you, you might consider taking this approach in your personal statement.

If so, we recommend connecting it to at least one extracurricular or academic achievement to ground your writing in what admissions officers are looking for.

A con to this approach is that many people have more severe challenges than ADHD, so take care to read the room and not overstate your challenge.

Key Takeaways + An Example

If ADHD is a significant part of your story and you’re considering writing your personal statement about it, consider one of these approaches. They’ll help you frame the topic in a way admissions officers will respond to, and you’ll be able to talk about an important part of your life while emphasizing your strengths.

And if you want to read an example of a college essay about ADHD, check out one of our example personal statements, The Old iPhone .

As you go, remember that your job throughout your application is to craft a cohesive narrative —and your personal statement is the anchor of that narrative. How you approach it matters.

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should i write about adhd in my college essay

How to Tackle an Essay (an ADHD-friendly Guide)

6 steps and tips.

should i write about adhd in my college essay

Most of the college students I work with have one major assignment type that gets them stuck like no other: the dreaded essay. It has become associated with late nights, requesting extensions (and extensions on extensions), feelings of failure, and lots of time lost staring at a screen. This becomes immensely more stressful when there is a thesis or capstone project that stands between you and graduation.

The good news?

An essay doesn’t have to be the brick wall of doom that it once was. Here are some strategies to break down that wall and construct an essay you feel good about submitting.

Step 1:  Remember you’re beginning an essay, not finishing one.

Without realizing it, you might be putting pressure on yourself to have polished ideas flow from your brain onto the paper. There’s a reason schools typically bring up having an outline and a rough draft! Thoughts are rarely organized immediately (even with your neurotypical peers, despite what they may say). Expecting yourself to deliver a publishing-worthy award winner on your first go isn’t realistic. It’s allowed to look messy and unorganized in the beginning! There can be unfinished thoughts, and maybe even arguments you aren’t sure if you want to include. When in doubt, write it down.

Step 2: Review the rubric

Make sure you have a clear understanding of what the assignment is asking you to include and to focus on. If you don’t have an understanding of it, it’s better to find out in advance rather than the night before the assignment is due. The rubric is your anchor and serves as a good guide to know “when you can be done.” If you hit all the marks on the rubric, you’re looking at a good grade.

I highly recommend coming back to the rubric multiple times during the creative process, as it can help you get back on track if you’ve veered off in your writing to something unrelated to the prompt. It can serve as a reminder that it’s time to move onto a different topic - if you’ve hit the full marks for one area, it’s better to go work on another section and return to polish the first section up later. Challenge the perfectionism!

Step 3: Divide and conquer

Writing an essay is not just writing an essay. It typically involves reading through materials, finding sources, creating an argument, editing your work, creating citations, etc. These are all separate tasks that ask our brain to do different things. Instead of switching back and forth (which can be exhausting) try clumping similar tasks together.

For example:

Prepping: Picking a topic, finding resources related to topic, creating an outline

Gathering: reading through materials, placing information into the outline

Assembling: expanding on ideas in the outline, creating an introduction and conclusion

Finishing: Make final edits, review for spelling errors and grammar, create a title page and reference page, if needed.

Step 4: Chunk it up

Now we’re going to divide the work EVEN MORE because it’s also not realistic to expect yourself to assemble the paper all in one sitting. (Well, maybe it is realistic if you’re approaching the deadline, but we want to avoid the feelings of panic if we can.) If you haven’t heard of chunking before, it’s breaking down projects into smaller, more approachable tasks.

This serves multiple functions, but the main two we are focusing on here is:

  • it can make it easier to start the task;
  • it helps you create a timeline for how long it will take you to finish.

If you chunk it into groups and realize you don’t have enough time if you go at that pace, you’ll know how quickly you’ll need to work to accomplish it in time.

Here are some examples of how the above categories could be chunked up for a standard essay. Make sure you customize chunking to your own preferences and assignment criteria!

Days 1 - 3 : Prep work

  • ‍ Day 1: Pick a topic & find two resources related to it
  • Day 2: Find three more resources related to the topic
  • Day 3: Create an outline

Days 4 & 5 : Gather

  • ‍ Day 4: Read through Resource 1 & 2 and put information into the outline
  • Day 5: Read through Resource 3 & 4 and put information into the outline

Days 6 - 8 : Assemble

  • ‍ Day 6: Create full sentences and expand on Idea 1 and 2
  • Day 7: Create full sentences and expand on Idea 3 and write an introduction
  • Day 8: Read through all ideas and expand further or make sentence transitions smoother if need be. Write the conclusion

Day 9: Finish

  • ‍ Day 9: Review work for errors and create a citation page

Hey, we just created an outline about how to make an outline - how meta!

Feel like even that is too overwhelming? Break it down until it feels like you can get started. Of course, you might not have that many days to complete an assignment, but you can do steps or chunks of the day instead (this morning I’ll do x, this afternoon I’ll do y) to accommodate the tighter timeline. For example:

Day 1: Pick a topic

Day 2: Find one resource related to it

Day 3: Find a second resource related to it

Step 5: Efficiently use your resources

There’s nothing worse than stockpiling 30 resources and having 100 pages of notes that can go into an essay. How can you possibly synthesize all of that information with the time given for this class essay? (You can’t.)

Rather than reading “Article A” and pulling all the information you want to use into an “Article A Information Page,” try to be intentional with the information as you go. If you find information that’s relevant to Topic 1 in your paper, put the information there on your outline with (article a) next to it. It doesn’t have to be a full citation, you can do that later, but we don’t want to forget where this information came from; otherwise, that becomes a whole mess.

By putting the information into the outline as you go, you save yourself the step of re-reading all the information you collected and trying to organize it later on.

*Note: If you don’t have topics or arguments created yet, group together similar ideas and you can later sort out which groups you want to move forward with.

Step 6: Do Some Self-Checks

It can be useful to use the Pomodoro method when writing to make sure you’re taking an adequate number of breaks. If you feel like the 25 min work / 5 min break routine breaks you out of your flow, try switching it up to 45 min work / 15 min break. During the breaks, it can be useful to go through some questions to make sure you stay productive:

  • How long have I been writing/reading this paragraph?
  • Does what I just wrote stay on topic?
  • Have I continued the "write now, edit later" mentality to avoid getting stuck while writing the first draft?
  • Am I starting to get frustrated or stuck somewhere? Would it benefit me to step away from the paper and give myself time to think rather than forcing it?
  • Do I need to pick my energy back up? Should I use this time to get a snack, get some water, stretch it out, or listen to music?

General Tips:

  • If you are having a difficult time trying to narrow down a topic, utilize office hours or reach out to your TA/professor to get clarification. Rather than pulling your hair out over what to write about, they might be able to give you some guidance that speeds up the process.
  • You can also use (and SHOULD use) office hours for check-ins related to the paper, tell your teacher in advance you’re bringing your rough draft to office hours on Thursday to encourage accountability to get each step done. Not only can you give yourself extra pressure - your teacher can make sure you’re on the right track for the assignment itself.
  • For help with citations, there are websites like that can help! Always double check the citation before including it in your paper to make sure the formatting and information is correct.
  • If you’re getting stuck at the “actually writing it” phase, using speech-to-text tools can help you start by transcribing your spoken words to paper.
  • Many universities have tutoring centers and/or writing centers. If you’re struggling, schedule a time to meet with a tutor. Even if writing itself isn’t tough, having a few tutoring sessions scheduled can help with accountability - knowing you need to have worked on it before the tutoring session is like having mini deadlines. Yay, accountability!

Of course, if writing just isn’t your jam, you may also struggle with motivation . Whatever the challenge is, this semester can be different. Reach out early if you need help - to your professor, a tutor, an ADHD coach , or even a friend or study group. You have a whole team in your corner. You’ve got this, champ!

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should i write about adhd in my college essay

Today's topic is one that is very near and dear to my heart. One of the biggest obstacles I've overcome in my writing journey is my struggle with ADHD. I'm so excited to start this blog series where I'll talk in depth about different aspects of ADHD and writing, how ADHD can be the ace up your sleeve or the trap door beneath your feet in any creative endeavor but especially writing.

I was first diagnosed when I was four-years-old, which as a young girl, wasn't happening very often at the time. In fact, when I was growing up the medical world was still learning a lot about ADHD. The medications at the time were high doses of stimulants, one that had to be reformulated because it was found to actually cause Tourette's syndrome in small children. One of my earliest memories of taking ADHD medication were getting a Little Debbie cake each morning before school started. At the time, I thought I was getting a cool treat, but really it was the only way my mom knew how to give me a pill since I didn't know how to swallow them yet.

Over the years, I went through more medications than I can even list. Stimulants. Non-stimulants. Fast acting. Slow release. A combination of both.

But the thing is, I wasn't sick. The world around me was.

ADHD, as we've come to understand more about the condition, isn't a problem in and of itself. The problem comes from expecting people who are neurodivergent to operate in a neurotypical world as if they don't have executive dysfunction. ADHD can be incredibly limiting if you're trying to live up to expectations that were never meant for you in the first place. On the other hand, some of the world's most creative and critical thinkers were also neurodivergent.

Because our brains are wired to see and experience the world differently, we oftentimes are insanely good problem solvers and can think outside the box better than most. Oftentimes in social situations when it seems like we're 'zoning out' it's usually because we've anticipated the punchline to the joke a couple words in, and are already thinking of new stories for the conversation. This is a beautiful thing. And it can make you an exceptional writer, if you let it.

Our brains are like supercomputers. They work hard, fast, and have multiple tabs open... all the time.

Today, we're talking about writing Essays. Not creative fiction, but structured assignments for work or school. Although I love to write, and am always bursting with creative ideas... essay writing is one of the things I struggled with the most. Why? Why is essay writing more difficult for people with ADHD?

Well, there are a few different reasons that writing essays can be problematic for people with executive dysfunction. The first thing I think about when writing an essay is decision fatigue .

Picking a topic is truly one of the worst things about essay writing. When you get your assignment to write an essay you usually get a list of topics to choose from or EVEN WORSE your boss or teacher could be cruel enough to say write about anything . Remember those multiple tabs I talked about a few lines up? Imagine infinite tabs leading to infinite black hole google searches. Yeah, that's what my brain does when I have to pick my own topic.

Cruel, unusual punishment in 12 pt. Roman font, double-spaced, in MLA format.

I've wasted so much time on assignments over the years agonizing over topic choice. So, now what do I do to combat this, you ask? I make it fun. Either I do a topic draft, or mortal combat style determine which topic could beat the others in a back alley fight (which is super fun to imagine depending on the subject btw), flip a coin, or pull a topic from a hat. Making the decision tactile, silly, or just plain interesting keeps me from overanalyzing each option, so I never freeze up. The beauty of it is, once the topic is chosen... it's done. I can get down to the real work of creating the essay.

Here comes our next obstacle: research, resources, and structure.

If structure was a person, it'd be a person attempting to murder me with a death laser in a creepy lair. My arch nemesis... who I sometimes flirt with.

Let's be honest, people with ADHD absolutely hate structure. It's almost a universal fact. Only, we don't really. In fact, structure is really good for us. What we really hate is that we're bad at implementing structure into our own lives. When it's forced on us, like regular work or school hours, we thrive. Our bodies get into a routine and then our brains know what to expect too. But implementing it ourselves can be really difficult. Why wouldn't it? We're constantly thinking about how to break the rules.

Don't lie. You're constantly thinking about how to break the rules.

When researching the topic, it's easy to start straying into other areas of research. Why? Well, because it's how we're programmed. We wander and consume knowledge, constantly trying to see a problem or topic from all angles. This isn't good for staying on task when researching something specific, but it's part of what makes us great problem-solvers and pretty great debaters too. (Or maybe I'm just argumentative?)

So how do you keep yourself on task? There's no real easy answer to this one I'm afraid. I still struggle with this and have to set timers to 'checkpoint' if I'm still on task or not when I'm working. I think being aware that this can be a problem is the first step. Then you just try to catch yourself when you're doing it and keep plugging ahead. If any of you have better tips on how to keep yourself from wandering down an alternate research-hole... I'm all ears. Comment below.

So, do people with ADHD struggle to write essays?

Short answer, I think most of us do. But, we also love a challenge and are capable of anything. Do we have to learn a few tips and tricks on how to work with our brains instead of against them? Of course. But that hasn't stopped any of us before, and it certainly won't stop any of us now. ADHD is a complicated, creative, beautiful part of who I am. One that I fought against for many years of my life, but I've learned to love the chaotic, quirky, formidable part of my brain. If you're reading this and also have ADD, ADHD, OCD, ODD, Autism, or any other neurodivergent disorder, I hope you love that part of yourself too. After all, it's what makes you... you.

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How to Remove Hurdles to Writing for Students with ADHD

Half of all kids with adhd struggle with writing, which can make every assignment — from straightforward worksheets to full-length essays — feel like torture. boost your child’s skills with these 18 strategies for school and home..

Chris Zeigler Dendy, M.S.

Studies suggest that more than half of children with attention deficit disorder ( ADHD or ADD ) struggle with writing. These students may have an overflow of creative ideas , but often struggle when it comes to getting these ideas onto paper.

Children with ADHD have a hard time getting started — and following through — on writing assignments because they have difficulty picking essay topics, locating appropriate resources, holding and manipulating information in their memory, organizing and sequencing the material, and getting it down on paper — all before they forget what they wanted to say.

But these hurdles don’t have to stop them from writing. Discuss the following ADHD writing strategies with your child’s teacher so you can work together to ease the difficulties attention deficit children have with writing.

Solutions in the Classroom: Guide the Writing Process

—Set up a note system. Ask the student to write her notes about a topic on individual sticky notes. She can then group the notes together that feature similar ideas so she’ll be able to easily identify the major concepts of the subject from the groupings.

—Start small and build skills. Ask students with ADHD to write a paragraph consisting of only two or three sentences. As their skills improve, the students can start writing several paragraphs at a time.

[ Free Download: 18 Writing Tricks for Students with ADHD ]

—Demonstrate essay writing. With the use of an overhead projector, write a paragraph or an entire essay in front of the class, explaining what you are doing at each step. Students can assist you by contributing sentences as you go. Students with ADHD are often visual learners , and tend to do better when they see the teacher work on a task.

—Give writing prompts. Students with ADHD usually don’t generate as many essay ideas as their peers. Help the children with ADHD increase their options for essay assignments by collecting materials that stimulate choices. Read a poem, tell a story, show pictures in magazines, newspapers, or books.

If the student is still struggling to get started, help him by sitting down and talking about the assignment with him. Review his notes from the brainstorming session and ask, “What are some ways you could write the first sentence?” If he doesn’t have an answer, say, “Here’s an idea. How would you write that in your own words?”

—Encourage colorful description. Students with ADHD often have difficulty “dressing up” their written words. Help them add adjectives and use stronger, more active verbs in sentences.

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—Explain the editing process. Students with ADHD have a hard time writing to length and often produce essays that are too short and lacking in details. Explain how the use of adjectives and adverbs can enhance their composition. Show them how to use a thesaurus, too.

Solutions in the Classroom: Use Accommodations Where Necessary

—Allow enough time. Students with ADHD, especially those with the inattentive subtype, may take longer to process information and should receive extended time to complete assignments.

—Don’t grade early work. Sensitive students are discouraged by negative feedback as they are developing their writing skills. Wait until the paper is finished before assigning it a grade.

—Don’t deduct points for poor handwriting or bad grammar. Unless an assignment is specifically measuring handwriting and grammar skills, when a child is working hard to remember and communicate, let some things slide.

—Use a graphic organizer. A graphic organizer organizes material visually in order to help with memory recall. Distribute pre-printed blank essay forms that students with ADHD can fill in, so they’ll reserve their efforts for the most important task — writing the essay.

—Grade limited essay elements. To encourage writing mastery and avoid overwhelming students, grade only one or two elements at any given time. For example, “This week, I’m grading subject-verb agreement in sentences.” Tighter grading focus channels students’ attention to one or two writing concepts at a time.

Solutions at Home

—Encourage journals. Have your child write down his thoughts about outings to the movies, visits with relatives, or trips to museums. Add some fun to the activity by asking your child to e-mail you his thoughts or text-message you from his cell phone.

—Assist with essay topic selection. Children with ADHD have difficulty narrowing down choices and making decisions. Help your student by listening to all of his ideas and writing down three or four of his strongest topics on cards. Next, review the ideas with him and have him eliminate each topic, one by one – until only the winner is left.

—Brainstorm. Once the topic is identified, ask him for all the ideas he thinks might be related to it. Write the ideas on sticky notes, so he can cluster them together into groupings that will later become paragraphs. He can also cut and paste the ideas into a logical sequence on the computer.

—Stock up on books, movies, games. These materials will introduce new vocabulary words and stimulate thinking. Explore these with your child and ask him questions about them to solicit his views.

—Be your child’s “scribe.” Before your child loses his idea for the great American novel, or for his next English assignment, have him dictate his thoughts to you as you write them out by hand or type them into the computer. As his skills improve over time, he’ll need less of your involvement in this process.

—Go digital. Children with ADHD often write slower than their classmates. Encourage your child to start the writing process on a computer. This way, she’ll keep her work organized and won’t misplace her essay before it’s finished. Also, by working on the computer she can easily rearrange the order of sentences and paragraphs in a second draft.

—Remind your child to proofread. Let your child know that he’ll be able to catch errors if he proofreads his rough draft before handing it in.

High-Tech Writing Helpers for Kids with ADHD

Portable word processor

These battery-operated devices look like a computer keyboard with a small calculator screen. Light and durable, portable word processors can be used at school for note-taking and writing assignments. Back home, files can be transferred to a PC or Mac. Basic models cost about $20.

Speech-recognition software

should i write about adhd in my college essay

Word-prediction software

Software such as Co:Writer Solo ($325) helps with spelling and builds vocabulary, providing a drop-down list of words from which a student can choose. It also fills in words to speed composition. Some programs read sentences aloud, so the writer can hear what he has written and catch mistakes as they occur.

Electronic spell-checkers and dictionaries

Enter a word phonetically, and these portable gadgets define the word and provide the correct spelling. Talking devices read the words aloud. Franklin Electronics offers models beginning at about $20.

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Chris Zeigler Dendy, M.S., is a member of ADDitude’s  ADHD Medical Review Panel .

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ADHD is my superpower: A personal essay

Our clinical and medical experts , ranging from licensed therapists and counselors to psychiatric nurse practitioners, author our content, in partnership with our editorial team. In addition, we only use authoritative, trusted, and current sources. This ensures we provide valuable resources to our readers. Read our editorial policy for more information.

Thriveworks was established in 2008, with the ultimate goal of helping people live happy and successful lives. We are clinician-founded and clinician-led. In addition to providing exceptional clinical care and customer service, we accomplish our mission by offering important information about mental health and self-improvement.

We are dedicated to providing you with valuable resources that educate and empower you to live better. First, our content is authored by the experts — our editorial team co-writes our content with mental health professionals at Thriveworks, including therapists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and more.

We also enforce a tiered review process in which at least three individuals — two or more being licensed clinical experts — review, edit, and approve each piece of content before it is published. Finally, we frequently update old content to reflect the most up-to-date information.

Two kids with adult in front of mountain

A Story About a Kid

In 1989, I was 7 years old and just starting first grade. Early in the school year, my teacher arranged a meeting with my parents and stated that she thought that I might be “slow” because I wasn’t performing in class to the same level as the other kids. She even volunteered to my parents that perhaps a “special” class would be better for me at a different school.

Thankfully, my parents rejected the idea that I was “slow” out of hand, as they knew me at home as a bright, talkative, friendly, and curious kid — taking apart our VHS machines and putting them back together, filming and writing short films that I’d shoot with neighborhood kids, messing around with our new Apple IIgs computer!

The school, however, wanted me to see a psychiatrist and have IQ tests done to figure out what was going on. To this day, I remember going to the office and meeting with the team — and I even remember having a blast doing the IQ tests. I remember I solved the block test so fast that the clinician was caught off guard and I had to tell them that I was done — but I also remember them trying to have me repeat numbers back backwards and I could barely do it!

Being Labeled

The prognosis was that I was high intelligence and had attention-deficit disorder (ADD). They removed the hyperactive part because I wasn’t having the type of behavioral problems like running around the classroom (I’ll cover later why I now proudly identify as hyperactive). A week later, my pediatrician started me on Ritalin and I was told several things that really honestly messed me up.

I was told that I had a “learning disability” — which, to 7-year-old me, didn’t make any sense since I LOVED learning! I was told that I would take my tests in a special room so that I’d have fewer distractions. So, the other kids would watch me walk out of the classroom and ask why I left the room when tests were happening — and they, too, were informed that I had a learning disability.

As you can imagine, kids aren’t really lining up to be friends with the “disabled” kid, nor did they hold back on playground taunts around the issue.

These were very early days, long before attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was well known, and long before people had really figured out how to talk to kids with neurodiversities . And as a society, we didn’t really have a concept that someone who has a non-typical brain can be highly functional — it was a time when we didn’t know that the world’s richest man was on the autism spectrum !

Growing Past a Label

I chugged my way through elementary school, then high school, then college — getting consistent B’s and C’s. What strikes me, looking back nearly 30 years later, is just how markedly inconsistent my performance was! In highly interactive environments, or, ironically, the classes that were the most demanding, I did very well! In the classes that moved the slowest or required the most amount of repetition, I floundered.

Like, I got a good grade in the AP Biology course with a TON of memorization, but it was so demanding and the topics were so varied and fast-paced that it kept me engaged! On the opposite spectrum, being in basic algebra the teacher would explain the same simple concept over and over, with rote problem practice was torturously hard to stay focused because the work was so simple.

And that’s where we get to the part explaining why I think of my ADHD as a superpower, and why if you have it, or your kids have it, or your spouse has it… the key to dealing with it is understanding how to harness the way our brains work.

Learning to Thrive with ADHD

Disclaimer : What follows is NOT medical advice, nor is it necessarily 100% accurate. This is my personal experience and how I’ve come to understand my brain via working with my therapist and talking with other people with ADHD.

A Warp Speed Brain

To have ADHD means that your brain is an engine that’s constantly running at high speed. It basically never stops wanting to process information at a high rate. The “attention” part is just an observable set of behaviors when an ADHD person is understimulated. This is also part of why I now openly associate as hyperactive — my brain is hyperactive! It’s constantly on warp speed and won’t go any other speed.

For instance, one of the hardest things for me to do is fill out a paper check. It’s simple, it’s obvious, there is nothing to solve, it just needs to be filled out. By the time I have started writing the first stroke of the first character, my mind is thinking about things that I need to think about. I’m considering what to have for dinner, then I’m thinking about a movie I want to see, then I come up with an email to send — all in a second. 

I have to haullll myself out of my alternate universe and back to the task at hand and, like a person hanging on the leash of a horse that’s bolting, I’m struggling to just write out the name of the person who I’m writing the check to! This is why ADHD people tend to have terrible handwriting, we’re not able to just only think about moving the pen, we’re in 1,000 different universes.

On the other hand, this entire blog post was written in less than an hour and all in one sitting. I’m having to think through a thousand aspects all at once. My dialog: “Is this too personal? Maybe you should put a warning about this being a personal discussion? Maybe I shouldn’t share this? Oh, the next section should be about working. Should I keep writing more of these?”

And because there is so much to think through and consider for a public leader like myself to write such a personal post, it’s highly engaging! My engine can run at full speed. I haven’t stood up for the entire hour, and I haven’t engaged in other nervous habits I have like picking things up — I haven’t done any of it! 

This is what’s called hyperfocus, and it’s the part of ADHD that can make us potentially far more productive than our peers. I’ve almost arranged my whole life around making sure that I can get myself into hyperfocus as reliably as possible.

Harnessing What My Brain Is Built For

Slow-moving meetings are very difficult for me, but chatting in 20 different chat rooms at the same time on 20 different subjects is very easy for me — so you’ll much more likely see me in chat rooms than scheduling additional meetings. Knowing what my brain is built for helps me organize my schedule, work, and commitments that I sign up for to make sure that I can be as productive as possible.

If you haven’t seen the movie “Everything Everywhere All At Once,” and you are ADHD or love someone who is, you should immediately go watch it! The first time I saw it, I loved it, but I had no idea that one of its writers was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult , and decided to write a sci-fi movie about an ADHD person! The moment I read that it was about having ADHD my heart exploded. It resonated so much with me and it all made sense.

Practically, the only real action in the movie is a woman who needs to file her taxes. Now, don’t get me wrong — it’s a universe-tripping adventure that is incredibly exciting, but if you even take a step back and look at it, really, she was just trying to do her taxes.

But, she has a superpower of being able to travel into universes and be… everywhere all at once. Which is exactly how it feels to be in my mind — my brain is zooming around the universe and it’s visiting different thoughts and ideas and emotions. And if you can learn how to wield that as a power, albeit one that requires careful handling, you can do things that most people would never be able to do!

Co-workers have often positively noted that I see solutions that others miss and I’m able to find a course of action that takes account of multiple possibilities when the future is uncertain (I call it being quantum brained). Those two attributes have led me to create groundbreaking new technologies and build large teams with great open cultures and help solve problems and think strategically. 

It took me until I was 39 to realize that ADHD isn’t something that I had to overcome to have the career I’ve had — it’s been my superpower .

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Published Jul 15, 2022

Hampton Catlin

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Harnessing ADHD for Successful Essay Writing: A Guide to 7 Effective Techniques

Stefani H.

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Did you know that some of the most celebrated authors, such as George Bernard Shaw and Seth Godin, have also dealt with the challenges of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

If you have ADHD, you might worry about writing a well-structured essay, be unsure about where to begin, or even worry about overlooking important details while editing. Hang in there – with the right strategies, you can write a great essay while staying calm and focused.

Why is it so hard to write essays with ADHD?

People with ADHD often face challenges in maintaining focus on tasks that demand extended periods of attention. They find it difficult to effectively organize and structure their ideas, and they tend to have a greater tendency to procrastinate. As writing involves multiple tasks, it can overwhelm students with ADHD, resulting in mental fatigue and decreased efficiency.

We reached out to Matt, one of our expert writers who have ADHD, to bring you these seven effective techniques that will help you focus while writing essays, despite ADHD.

1. Establish a structured writing routine

While creating a structured routine is common advice for anyone who has trouble writing, it is particularly vital for college students with ADHD.

When you designate specific times for writing and consistently stick to it, your mind tends to get accustomed to the writing process during these dedicated hours, making it easier for you to focus and write your essays. It starts associating certain times with writing sessions.

So, find the time you feel most alert and productive, and dedicate it to writing. Consider factors like your energy levels, environmental conditions, and personal preferences. For some, it could be early morning, for others, it could be around midnight when everyone’s asleep.

Remember : establishing a routine just a week before your deadline is not enough. To make it effective, it’s important to implement and practice the routine early on so it becomes a habit over time.

Do people with ADHD make good writers?

Yes! They have the ability to think creatively and bring a fresh perspective to their writing. Additionally, their intuition and sensitivity enable them to convey complex emotions effectively. While writing abilities vary from person to person, there is no reason to believe those with ADHD can’t be good writers.

2. Organize your research notes

How often do you waste time locating specific information you thought you came across while doing research? Failure to track sources, mixing up research findings, and difficulty in finding information while drafting are all consequences of poor research organization skills.

What you need is a structured note-taking system.

This is crucial for maintaining focus because it can be challenging for ADHD students to keep track of information. An organized system ensures your research is well-organized, accurate, and readily accessible when you get down to writing your essay.

Here are some practical ways to organize your research notes :

  • Use note-taking apps to document information;
  • Sort your research material based on subtopics, arguments, or even by the order in which they will appear in your essay;
  • Summarize key points while doing research;
  • Highlight important information or quotes that you might need to refer to or use;
  • Create an annotated bibliography as you write.

Investing a few extra hours in organizing your notes during the research stage will prove to be a lifesaver when you begin drafting your essay.

3. Create an outline

Do you find yourself muddled with racing thoughts, not knowing how or where to begin? You tell yourself, “I’ll come to it later” but you keep putting the writing process off until you can’t anymore, and what follows is a rushed job.

This is the story of many students who experience ADHD.

The most effective way to avoid such a situation is to start the essay writing process by creating an outline. An essay outline serves as a roadmap that helps you organize your thoughts, structure your ideas, and maintain focus while writing.

When you create an outline, you’re able to see the ‘big picture’ which is the first step to writing a well-structured essay. This is the basic outline of any essay:

a. Introduction

  • Thesis statement
  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting evidence

c. Conclusion

  • Closing thoughts

Tailor this to your topic, add your ideas as bullet points, and there you go – you have an outline!

If you need help creating an outline or writing an essay from scratch, consider taking help from a writing service for students like Writers Per Hour .

We assign the most suitable writer for your assignment, guaranteeing a high-quality, well-researched essay that meets your expectations and is delivered on time.

4. Set mini goals

One of the techniques that transformed essay writing for Matt was setting mini-goals.

He sets targets to complete each paragraph within a specific timeframe. “Every time I achieve these mini goals, I feel a sense of accomplishment which motivates me to work on the next section,” he says.

A simple but highly effective technique well-suited for ADHD college students.

Once you have the outline ready, divide the essay into smaller, manageable chunks. For instance, the first milestone could be to finish the introduction in five hours, followed by the first paragraph of the body in 2 hours, and so on.

Every milestone you meet is proof of steady progress, leaving you with a sense of satisfaction and renewed motivation to tackle the next one with more determination.

However, be realistic about your goals. Don’t try to take on too much that may lead to frustration and burnout.

5. Implement the Pomodoro technique

Expanding upon the previous point, the Pomodoro technique is a great way to stay focused on writing essays.

This technique breaks the writing process into manageable intervals. Let’s say you decide to work on an essay section for 25 minutes. During that time, you will have to focus entirely on the essay and immerse yourself in the writing process.

After 25 minutes, you can take a break of 5 minutes after which you will get back to 25 minutes of intense work. Once you’re done with 4 such Pomodoros (25 minutes of concentration), you can take an extended break of 15-30 minutes.

By working in such concentrated bursts, you’ll be able to harness your ADHD tendencies and make significant process in your essay. Moreover, there are lesser chances of stress and burnout because you’re giving yourself enough time to rest in between.

Are people with ADHD slow writers?

People with ADHD may not necessarily be slow writers, but they tend to face certain challenges such as focusing difficulties, impulsive tendencies, and overthinking that might impact the speed of their writing process.

6. Minimize distractions

Studies suggest that people with ADHD are easily distracted, which is why you need to take extra efforts to keep distractions at bay while writing essays. Even minor interruptions can divert your attention and disrupt your writing flow.

Measures to minimize distractions to maintain focus while writing essays

  • Find a dedicated space to write – this can be your room, a quiet corner in your house, your college library, or anywhere else you think you can concentrate properly;
  • Consider using noise-canceling headphones;
  • Put your phone in ‘do not disturb mode or keep it away when you’re writing;
  • Use focus apps such as Freedom and Cold Turkey to prevent you from browsing social media platforms and other websites that are not relevant to your essay;
  • Ask your family, friends, and roommates not to disturb you during this time.

7. Keep an editing checklist

As someone with ADHD, editing can be tough because you may find it hard to focus on the small details and concentrate. On the other hand, you may become so absorbed in one part of your essay that you might overlook other important elements.

The solution is to have an editing checklist you can use while writing essays. Use it to be consistent in your writing, review the important details and manage your time effectively.

Elements you can include in your editing checklist

  • Overall structure of the essay;
  • Logical representation of ideas and arguments;
  • Grammar, spelling, and punctuation;
  • Check for wordiness and confusing sentences;
  • Sufficient evidence and examples to support your arguments;
  • Adherence to citation and formatting guidelines.

Alternatively, you can also hire a college paper editing service for expert help.

Key takeaway

It’s also a good idea to join communities and connect with others who struggle with ADHD. This is a good way to share coping strategies and learn from each other.

We agree it’s not easy having ADHD and having to write an essay while adhering to strict deadlines. However, don’t let self-doubt come in the way.

With practice and the right strategies, you will be able to approach your essays in a structured and organized manner – and enjoy the writing process.

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Writing Strategies for Students With ADHD

Here are six challenges and solutions, based on task simplicity and clear instruction, for helping students with ADHD develop their essay-writing skills.

Boy in deep concentration writing with pencil

Too often, students with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) get labeled as "problem students." They often get shuffled into special education programs even if they show no signs of developmental disability. Though these students' brains do work differently, studies prove that it doesn't preclude them from being highly intelligent. That means teachers should pay special attention to help students with ADHD discover their potential and deal with the challenges they face in their learning process.

As essay writing is both the most common and the most complicated assignment for students, writing instruction for students with ADHD requires special efforts. Each step of writing process may present certain difficulties for these young people. Here are some practical solutions for teachers to encourage, motivate, and focus their students on writing process.

1. Difficulty Concentrating on Assignment

Research proves that ADHD doesn’t result in less intelligence, but rather in difficulties controlling emotions, staying motivated, and organizing the thoughts. So a teacher's first task is teaching students focus enough on a writing assignment.

Solution: Give clear, concise instructions.

When assigning an essay or other writing project, be specific and clear about what you expect. Don't leave a lot of room for interpretation. Instead of the assignment "Write about a joyous moment," include instructions in your writing prompt, such as:

  • Think about the last time you felt happy and joyful.
  • Describe the reasons for your happiness.
  • What exactly made you feel joy?
  • What can that feeling be compared to?

Make sure every student knows that he or she should come to you directly with any questions. Plan to take extra time reviewing the instructions with students one to one, writing down short instructions along the way.

2. Difficulty Organizing Thoughts on Paper

Several studies have found that students with ADHD struggle with organizing their thoughts and mental recall. These students can often speak well and explain their thoughts orally, but not in writing.

Solution: Get them organized from the start.

Start each project with a simple note system. Give students the freedom to take their own notes and review them together if possible. Have students pay special attention to filing these notes in a large binder, folder, or other method for making storage and retrieval simple.

To help students understand how to organize their written thoughts, teach them mind mapping . A semantic mind map for an essay may include major nouns, verbs, and adjectives, as well as phrases to use in writing each paragraph. Some introductory and transition sentences will also come in handy. Another step after mind mapping is advanced outlining . Begin and end the initial outline with the words "Intro" and "Conclusion" as placeholders. Then have students expand that outline on their own.

3. Difficulty With Sustained Work on a Single Task

ADHD can make it difficult for students to focus on long-term goals, leading to poor attention and concentration when the task requires work for an extended period of time.

Solution: Create small, manageable milestones.

Since accomplishing a five-page essay takes a lot of time, you can chop it into smaller, easier-to-manage pieces that can be worked on in rotation. Each piece may be checked separately if time allows. Treating every issue and section as an independent task will prevent students from feeling overwhelmed as they work toward a larger goal.

4. Difficulty in Meeting Deadlines

Deadlines are the things that discourage students with ADHD, as they work on assignments more slowly than their classmates, are often distracted, and tend to procrastinate.

Solution: Allow for procrastination.

It may sound ridiculous, but build procrastination into the writing process by breaking up the work and allowing for extra research, brainstorming, and other activities which diversify students' work while still focusing on the end result.

5. Spelling Issues

Students with ADHD often have difficulties with writing, especially in terms of spelling. The most common issues are reversing or omitting letters, words, or phrases. Students may spell the same word differently within the same essay. That's why lots of attention should be paid to spelling.

Solution: Encourage spell checkers, dictionaries, and thesaurus.

There are plenty of writing apps and tools available to check spelling and grammar. As a teacher, you can introduce several apps and let students choose which ones work better for writing essays. When checking the submitted papers and grading the work, highlight the spelling mistakes so that students can pay special attention to the misspelled words and remember the correct variant.

6. Final Editing Issues

Students with ADHD may experience problems during the final editing of their work since, by this time, they will have read and reviewed it several times and may not be paying attention to mistakes.

Solution: Teach them to review their writing step by step.

Take an essay template as an example and show students how to revise it. Go through the editing process slowly, explaining the "why" behind certain changes, especially when it comes to grammatical issues. Assign students the task of revising each other's essays so that when they revise their own final draft, they'll know what to pay attention to and what common mistakes to look for.

Addressing the challenges unique to students with ADHD will help these students find ways to handle their condition effectively and even use it to their advantage. Their unique perspective can be channeled into creative writing, finding new solutions to problems, and most of all, finding, reaching, and even exceeding their goals and fulfilling their full potential.

should i write my college essay about going through high school with undiagnosed ADHD?

I have inattentive ADHD, but I wasn’t diagnosed until late into high school. I have struggled a lot with everything because of it, and it made everything a lot harder. I thought maybe I could write my college essay about living with it without the proper treatment, and overcoming the challenges that it threw it me (like doing well on tests when I should have gotten extra time, or changing my mentality about thinking that I’m just stupid) I managed to bring up my grades a little as a sophomore, and it took a TON of work and difficulty on my part. I was thinking i could write about how I was just classified as “lazy” or “stupid” and even when I tried my best I felt like I wasn’t good enough, etc. is that a good idea?

Any other ideas? This topic is soooo over used and doesn’t paint a great story of how you would benefit a school. The point of this essay is to make yourself more appealing to colleges.

I think it could be really good if you focus on the challenges and how you work to overcome them. Also–if it made you more empathic to others who have challenges and what you’ve done specifically about that. Could be a winner, you know?

Agreed. This seems like something for a counselor to talk about and to mention briefly in the additional information section. Tell a story that will show the reader your strengths, not your previous struggles.

My GPA in high school was awful combined with my SAT scores which were also terrible so I didn’t get into any colleges I applied to except Palm Beach Atlantic University. Granted, I didn’t stay there, BUT, they accepted me based on my essay which was about having ADHD. You should check if the universities you are applying to have a program for helping struggling students because PBA had a program that accepted students with bad grades who had disabilities, but you had to take academic counseling which consisted of a meeting each week to discuss how you were doing, tutoring, etc. It was kind of like a contract. I had to attend these meetings to stay in the school, but because of that I was able to get into a school with that type of program. BUT, if the school doesn’t have that type of program, I would suggest writing out the essay, having someone else take a look at it, and then deciding whether to go forward with it. The essay will either sound inspirational or generic as you are not one of the first people to write one of these. Write the essay, have a couple of friends look over it and give their thoughts. It has to be unique and make sure it doesn’t sound like you’re complaining or bashing the education system.

I disagree with people saying you should focus on the future and ignore your past struggles because an essay is supposed to represent how you got to where you are and who you are, and for you, ADHD has been a big part of how your education experience has gone, so I don’t think you should ignore it. It is part of your life. You can’t just pretend it never happened or had no play in your grades. I would def talk about it if you can make it unique. Remember, colleges read thousands and thousands of these essays. They want to see something that will really make them feel something.

It’s the unique part that’s hard.I once had an adcoms person say that he had read genuinely dozens of essays in which the student had objectively, verifiably saved somebody else’s life in an emergency. He said that he completely understood why that would be transformative to the person involved, but that at this point he had read so many of those stories that it was hard for him to engage with it the way he felt he should. Same applied to family breakdown, various learning challenges, health issues, etc.

Remember that your GC can write about the fact of it (student diagnosed w/ LD in grade 10 and made the most of resulting supports resulting in strong improvements type thing). If you are going to write about the realization that you are not ‘lazy’ or ‘stupid’ but were swimming upstream with weights, think about the ‘then what’ : what did you do with that realization? beyond getting better marks, how has that realization changed who you are / where you are going / how you see the world (more than just being happy to know you aren’t stupid).


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should i write about adhd in my college essay

I Know We Should Work on College Essays This Summer But. . .

Written by Megan Dorsey on May 30, 2024 . Posted in College Admission .

Tens of thousands of rising seniors will spend this summer dreading the college admission essay.

I get it! Essays are hard to write. Add to that the weight an essay can play in the admissions process and no wonder students develop writer’s block.

Every year I have a student or two who gleefully tell me they don’t have to worry—they are only applying to schools where the essays are optional. Then I share the bad news:  college admissions essays are almost never truly optional.

Why Do Colleges Ask for Essays?

What students often fail to realize is that  college essays are designed to help applicants gain admission . The essay is an opportunity for each student to share his or her story—background, strengths, interests, talents, etc.

Colleges understand that students are more than the sum of their test scores and high school grades. Essays are a manageable way for colleges to get to know students better.

In an ideal world every student could gather his or her strongest supporters (teachers, mentors, religious leaders, parents, etc.) and sit down in the admissions office for an hour long conversation on why this student would be an ideal addition to the campus. Everyone could share stories and explain perceived strengths and shortcomings. Colleges would get to know each applicant and the environment in which he or she has grown up. But this approach is not practical. Instead of bringing their own cheering section to the admissions office, students get to send essays.

College essays should be arguing each applicant’s case for admission.  Instead of a burden, essays are an opportunity!

Who Needs a Quality Essay for Admission?

A number of students NEED quality essays in order to earn admission at the schools on their lists.

Here are the most common situations in which essays are essential:

  • The high flier applying to competitive schools or programs.
  • The reach student trying to gain admission beyond what grades / scores alone might secure.
  • The OK for admission student who is almost certain to get in, but will want the essay considered for a particular program, major, or scholarships.

Can’t They Just Use What They Wrote for English?

There are some students who can get into the schools and programs of their choice, even without a great essay. Here are a couple examples:

Lauren– #8 out of a class of 547 with an SAT score of 1520. She wants to apply to the University of Houston to study psychology. Lauren is not interested in the Honors College or other scholarships. (Not sure why because she looks like a great candidate for honors and scholarships!)

Phillip – no rank from his private school (mostly Bs & Cs) with an ACT score of 22. Phillip wants to spend a year or two at his local community college working on core requirements before he transfers to a four-year university.

These students can use the essays they wrote in English class. In both examples, the student will be fine and the results for admission will be the same whether they submit a weak or strong essay. 

However, most students are not in similar situations. If your essay could be the difference between a “yes” or “no” are you confident in your essay written for English class?

Admissions essays are unique. They are not like most high school English essays . Most high school English teachers can correct mechanics, but don’t have significant experience in coaching students to develop the most significant content. 

My son will be applying for college this fall. He is a good writer and had an AMAZING English teacher this year. He will still be doing revisions with me this summer. 

Students Whose Essays Made the Difference

Over the years I’ve seen hundreds of situations where I know essays were the tipping point for a student.  Well written essays with a clear point of view and personalized message can be the difference between admission and rejection.

Here is a overview of some of my recent clients who have cause to celebrate because their application essays worked! (Names and some details changed to protect identities.)

  • John—average student (top of the 3rd quarter in his high school class); struggled with learning differences and ADHD which made the SAT and ACT difficult; ACT composite 19. John’s parents worried he would have to start at a community college due to his grades and scores. Happy and successful student at Texas Tech!!!
  • Divya – great student (ranked in the top 2% of her large public high school); perfect 36 on the ACT; great extracurriculars including Girl Scout Gold Award, 4 years of orchestra, and significant community service. Divya was interested in a lot of the highly competitive schools—places where fewer than 15% of applicants were admitted and perfect score valedictorians are regularly rejected. Divya had numerous offers of admission including Harvey Mudd, Rice, and NYU Honors.
  • Jason – good student (As and Bs from a non-ranking private high school); 28 on the ACT. Jason had a passion for broadcasting and a lengthy resume that reflected his interest. He wanted to attend one of the premier schools with an elite communications program, but his grades and test scores fell just below their average and the competition for admission to the school was fierce. Jason’s essays brought his accomplishments and passion to life and he got in. (You can see him on TV this summer!)
  • Sherri – good student (As and Bs from a non-ranking private high school); strong test taker with a 1550 on the SAT. Sherri was not in the top 10% of her class, but was interested in engineering at the University of Texas. Again, strong essays helped make the difference and she was admitted directly into her top choice major in the UT School of Engineering.

Essays can make or break applications. I’ve seen applicants with better rank and scores get rejected while my clients with strong applications essays got in.

I know admission essays are hard to write! (I tell students I would rather write a 50 page research paper than 2 pages about myself. In high school I was taught how to write research papers and I’m certain I could write those 50 pages in less time and with less stress.) But the power of a quality essay makes the effort worth it.

Unless you fall into the very narrow group of students who don’t need essays, you will need to submit a college admission essay, even if the university lists it as optional.

Start your college essays early. Quality work takes more time than you expect.

Be careful whose advice you take. You want the advice of a professional who works specifically with essays for college admission. Unfortunately that probably isn’t your English tutor, friend, or internet chat board.

Limit the help you receive. Too much help can leave you with a Frankenstein creation—uneven parts sewn on by each new “helper.”

If you want more help with college admissions essays, I’m offering a workshop. Details and registration available here: ​

college essays , get into college , how to write the best college essay

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  2. How I owned it: 3 college application essays

    It helped me grasp the idea that my dyslexia had taught me a great deal. It also forced me to picture how I would use accommodations in college, which allowed me to picture myself in college. My essay also helped me to choose which college to attend. I wanted college to be a place to enjoy learning and not be frustrated with it." 2.

  3. Mastering Essay Writing with ADHD: Strategies for Focus and Clarity

    Step 2: Review the rubric. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what the assignment is asking you to include and to focus on. If you don't have an understanding of it, it's better to find out in advance rather than the night before the assignment is due. The rubric is your anchor and serves as a good guide to know "when you can be ...

  4. My Battle with ADHD: Personal Essay

    Breaking Barriers: My Battle with ADHD. In a prize-winning essay about overcoming obstacles, a child with attention deficit disorder explains the effects of ADHD on his life. From enlisting the help of family members to keeping a journal, this is how Jack Prey manages his diagnosis. By Jack Prey Verified Updated on May 15, 2020.

  5. Disclosing ADHD During the College Admissions Process

    Disclosing one's disability and how it may have had an impact on the student's grades or coursework might allow admissions counselors to view less competitive information differently once they understand the impact of ADHD. If the student is denied admission because that college is not "ADHD-friendly," then it may be better in the long ...

  6. College Application & ADHD: SAT and Essay Help

    Testing Tips. Contact the PSAT, SAT, or ACT boards to secure a testing environment to meet your child's needs for standardized testing. Accommodations may include: Tips for students with ADHD to put their best foot forward during the college application process, from SATs to on-campus interviews to personal essays.

  7. Do People With Adhd Struggle to Write Essays?

    One of the biggest obstacles I've overcome in my writing journey is my struggle with ADHD. I'm so excited to start this blog series where I'll talk in depth about different aspects of ADHD and writing, how ADHD can be the ace up your sleeve or the trap door beneath your feet in any creative endeavor but especially writing. I was first diagnosed ...

  8. ADHD Essay Writing Help: 18 Strategies for Better School Writing

    Help the children with ADHD increase their options for essay assignments by collecting materials that stimulate choices. Read a poem, tell a story, show pictures in magazines, newspapers, or books. If the student is still struggling to get started, help him by sitting down and talking about the assignment with him.

  9. 11 Tips for Succeeding in College When You Have ADHD

    Add exercise. Avoid online classes. Avoid excessive drinking. Get enough sleep. Stay connected. Use your resources. Recap. Coping with ADHD in college can present unique challenges. But with ...

  10. ADHD Is My Superpower: A Personal Essay

    To have ADHD means that your brain is an engine that's constantly running at high speed. It basically never stops wanting to process information at a high rate. The "attention" part is just an observable set of behaviors when an ADHD person is understimulated. This is also part of why I now openly associate as hyperactive — my brain is ...

  11. I want to talk about adhd in my college essays but I'm not sure if I should

    Essays. One of the common themes in essay prompts is to talk about some sort of problem/challenge/obstacle you are dealing with/overcome, and for me the big one that sticks out is dealing with adhd. One of my worries though is that writing about adhd, the colleges will know I have adhd and that may affect the decision.

  12. 7 Methods to Boost Focus for Students with ADHD When Writing Essays

    1. Establish a structured writing routine. While creating a structured routine is common advice for anyone who has trouble writing, it is particularly vital for college students with ADHD. When you designate specific times for writing and consistently stick to it, your mind tends to get accustomed to the writing process during these dedicated ...

  13. Writing Strategies for Students With ADHD

    Here are some practical solutions for teachers to encourage, motivate, and focus their students on writing process. 1. Difficulty Concentrating on Assignment. Research proves that ADHD doesn't result in less intelligence, but rather in difficulties controlling emotions, staying motivated, and organizing the thoughts.

  14. should i write my college essay about going through high school with

    I have inattentive ADHD, but I wasn't diagnosed until late into high school. I have struggled a lot with everything because of it, and it made everything a lot harder. I thought maybe I could write my college essay about living with it without the proper treatment, and overcoming the challenges that it threw it me (like doing well on tests when I should have gotten extra time, or changing my ...

  15. Should i disclose i have ADHD on college applications? : r/ADHD

    That's what J.T. Dogzone says. I have pretty severe ADHD, but I decided not to disclose it on my college application. Personally, I don't see it as a disability, but in some ways an advantage. (I have the energy to do so much more than the average person) I also believe it's none of the college's business.

  16. How to write an essay with ADHD : r/adhd_college

    As someone with ADHD, this is how I write my essays with minimal effort and right before the deadline. If possible, write your essay at the library. No distractions & being in public will shift your brain into "work" mode. Create three word documents: outline, sources, and essay. In outline, create the structure of your essay.

  17. Quora

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  18. Will Talking About My ADHD Affect my College Chances?

    Write a short essay discussing your journey with add. You can explain what it is and how it affected very briefly and then talk about how you have grown from the experience and what you have learned and how this will make you a better college student and why. ... (3 APs and 3 college courses) and I have pretty wild ADHD. There is a spot on the ...

  19. 5 Strategies To Unlock Your Winning College Essay

    The best essays have clear, coherent language and are free of errors. The story is clearly and specifically told. After drafting, take the time to revise and polish your writing. Seek feedback ...

  20. How do you write about your ADHD in a college essay? : r/ADHD

    I'm applying to colleges right now and I need to include my ADHD in the essay because it's an important part of my life. I explained how my hyperfocus really helps me get things I'm passionate about done but idk if it really accomplishes what I wanted it to. So if anyone has described it before in an essay it's be helpful to know how!

  21. I Know We Should Work on College Essays This Summer But

    The essay is an opportunity for each student to share his or her story—background, strengths, interests, talents, etc. Colleges understand that students are more than the sum of their test scores and high school grades. Essays are a manageable way for colleges to get to know students better. In an ideal world every student could gather his or ...

  22. Should I talk about my ADHD struggles in my college essay?

    If you are not clear about the impact and your efforts to overcome your essay could seem trivial when other people are writing about insurmountable obstacles and devastating losses (e.g. mine was about losing my baby brother to AIDS in my senior year) (b) there are probably a lot of other essays on ADHD in the pile with yours.

  23. Is it a bad idea to write my college essay on the challenges I ...

    First write your essay and then choose the prompt that most closely matches. There is also a catch-all prompt. Think of one or two personal qualities you would like to communicate to admissions and then think of a story or anecdote that shows those. See the essay wiki links in the other post. I like Hack the College Essay.