Finance – Invitation to tender letter

Invitation to tender letter

Invitation to tender letter: Sample letter and editable examples


Invitation to tenders in construction

Invitation to tender letter sample, invitation to tender letter examples.

Reply to tender invitation sample letter

An invitation to tender is a really important document in construction and other project-based industries. It is the main instrument which companies in these industries use to garner interest amongst and eventually choose the vendors who will work on their projects.

The black and white definition of an invitation to tender?

An invitation to tender is used as a formal invitation to make an offer for the supply of goods and services.

The tender assessment and decision process can be lengthy and consuming for construction companies. The invitation to tender (ITT) letter is one of the first steps in this 'buying' process, and is often the most exciting for the companies providing their goods and services.

An invitation to tender and invitation to tender letter can be issued for a number of different contracts and work types including:

  • Main construction projects and contracts (general contractors and subcontractors)
  • Equipment supplies for sites and projects
  • Demolition or enabling works

Many contracts in construction start with an invitation to tender letter, which is why it's so important to get your invitation to tender letter formatting and process right.

The invitation to tender letter sample below outlines a basic and reliable framework which many companies use to create and issue their invitations to tender.

An invitation to tender letter, as you'll see in the examples below, can vary from company to company and project to project.

Some companies use the letter as the formal invite and attach the information regarding the project, while others include more project information inside of the 'letter' itself.

If you are a looking for an easy and professional ITT format which you can attach more detailed information to, then a letter format like this is perfect. It's simple and does the job.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive and professional way to share and package your invitation to tender letters, then look below this sample letter to the document examples.

[Insert date]

The Manager,

[Insert the tenderer's company name]

[Insert the tenderer's address]

Dear Sir/Madam,

INVITATION TO TENDER [Insert contract name] [Insert contract No.]

Your company is invited to tender for the above-mentioned work.

Tenders must be lodged in accordance with the Tender Conditions in the attached tender document.

Any queries regarding this tender are to be referred to [Insert contact person] on [Insert contact person details].

Signed by, [Insert name of person issuing the letter] [Insert person's position title]

The purpose of this invitation to tender letter example is to show you a more modern and comprehensive approach to creating, managing and then issuing an invitation to tender letter.

This type of invitation to tender document works well for projects large and small. Smaller projects and companies can easily package their invitations to tender into a complete invitation to tender template , which can then be cloned or copied and adjusted for each project.

Instead of having to write and send an invitation to tender letter to 4, 5 or more parties, you can simply clone a document like this, adjust as required, and then send on to as many parties as you like in a single click.

In addition to saving time and admin, this type of invitation to tender enables you to include and package more information.

If you hover over the invitation to tender example, you can expand the example and see the other pages.

This framework comes with full sections for the company background, project information, respondent instructions and the nature of the tender assessment.

This gives the vendors way more information in regards to what the project and tender process will look like, and establishes a strong impression about the project and how information will be communicated on the project moving forward.

You could even combine these type of invitation to tender examples with the sample letter above, to make it an even more formal and professional outreach.

The goal of your invitations to tender is to get a response and eventually suitable project quotes from suitable vendors, so the more clear and transparent you can be about the company and project - the more likely you are to get the vendors and end product which you desire.

Invitation to tender letter

Use this invitation to tender letter framework for free.

Replying to an itt: a reply to tender invitation sample letter.

So far, we have only covered one side of the invitation to tender process, and that's the side focused on issuing the invitation to tender and owning the project i.e the asset owner and operator .

On the other side of the coin, general contractors , subcontractors and suppliers obviously need to respond to the invitation to tender letter.

In most cases, these companies can pretty quickly consider and weigh up the invitation to tender. If there is no red flags and the company has adequate resources, then the company will send a reply to tender invitation letter like the sample below - and then spend their time properly assessing the project and assembling a good quote.

Dear [Insert recipient name],

Thank you for your request for our tender on [Insert project name].

This letter is to acknowledge our receipt of said request and to advise you that we will be submitting our proposal on or before [Insert confirmation of deadline].

Sincerely, [Insert letter writer's name]

As you can see from the above reply to tender invitation sample letter, and as touched on above, this reply letter can be really short and concise.

The ITT issuing party just needs an acknowledgement that you are going to submit a tender, so that they know how many vendors will be submitting tenders, and so that they have their project bases covered.

As you can see from the invitation to tender examples and sample letters above, the invitation to tender process is the easiest and most straight forward part of the tendering and procurement process.

In saying that, managing ITT's across many concurrent projects and reconciling a bunch of incoming replies from contractors can be a headache. So in addition to making sure that you have a clean, comprehensive and understandable letter format or document you can rely on for communicating the invitation to tender, you also want to make sure that the entire process is managed smoothly as well.

Start your projects as you mean to go in with a strong and professional invitation to tender letter. What seems like a simple part of project management can have a flow on effect on all of your project communications and outcomes.

Invitation to tender template

Invitation to Tender

This invitation to tender template can be used to complete and send professional ITT documents to your preferred suppliers.

See the template →

Contractor quote template

Contractor Quote

This contractor quote template makes creating, managing and sharing big and small quotes more professional than traditional quote documents.

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cover letter for tender invitation

About Lance Hodgson

Lance is VP of Marketing at Sitemate. His aim is to bring awareness to a brighter future for the Built World where industrial workers and companies work smarter.

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  • Construction

cover letter for tender invitation

How to Write a Tender Cover Letter That Wins Construction Bids

cover letter for tender invitation

The tender process is a relatively straightforward series of stages – from issuing the tender documents to awarding the contracts. However, in the construction industry, tendering can be incredibly competitive for building projects. It’s not enough to simply offer the lowest price; the key is to provide the best value and demonstrate that you are the top contractor for the job, based on quality, price, and service.

Whether it’s corporate clients or government agencies, you need to attach a construction cover letter when you submit your tender document to gain an edge right at the onset. It’s not a requirement, but it can highlight the main reasons why you should be awarded the contract, especially if you can show your success on similar projects.

Our Top Tips for Winning Construction Bids

In this blog post, we’ll go through what a tender cover letter is and how to craft a one-page proposition that makes an impact.

What is a Tender Cover Letter?

A tender cover letter is an expression of interest in a tender notice. It is printed on the company’s letterhead and inserted after the title page of the tender being submitted. It’s often just one to two pages long and gives a brief preview of a company, its capacity to deliver the requirements of the project, and its success on previous projects similar to the one it is bidding for.

By furnishing a tender cover letter, you give the client a glimpse of your accomplishments that substantiate your ability to meet the requirements they have set. It paints a good picture of your company that impacts their decision-making. 

How To Write a Tender Cover Letter

Start with a short introduction:.

Firstly, thank the organisation for their invitation to tender. Then, give a brief introduction to your company. Include how long you’ve been in the industry, your main services, and what you stand for. Ideally, try to keep this to just one paragraph – short, sharp and to the point. You can attach a copy of your company profile and executive summary after the cover letter to give the client more information about your company.

Enumerate specific reasons why you should be awarded the contract:

State your unique business proposition. What is that distinct feature you have that sets you apart from other companies? Don’t make general statements rife with empty promises or inflated qualifications – they’ll see right through it . List down specific reasons why you are the best contractor for the project.

Go through the specifications and rules of the tender, then explain how you can meet those requirements. If you have previous projects that provide proof of your competence and experience , mention them in this part.

Include administrative notes and other relevant details:

If you’re tendering as a joint venture, mention it in the cover letter. Add any administrative note relevant to certain aspects of the tender. There’s no need to indicate your quote at this point, but if you have specialised estimation and quoting processes , you can point out this advanced feature that boosts your efficiency.

Write a captivating commitment statement:

Win the award by assuring the client that you are fully committed to making the project a success. Craft a captivating commitment statement that guarantees your utmost service and promises to adhere to the contract and deliver successful outcomes. 

Tender Cover Letter Example

There’s no standard template for a tender cover letter. Your cover letters can be tailored to suit the tone that matches your brand image – this helps you stand out from the crowd . They should also include unique details that make you the best choice for the specific project you’re submitting a tender for , as well as your contact details.

To give you an idea of how to craft one, here’s a tender cover letter example. 

Cover Letter for Tender Proposal (Example)

ABC Builders


Parks and Recreation Authority

Sub: Application for [Tender Notice No.]

Dear Sir/Madam,

We at ABC Builders are pleased to respond to your request for tender on the CONSTRUCTION OF A RECREATIONAL FACILITY FOR [project] with [Tender Notice No.] dated [day/month/year] due on [day/month/year].

Upon thoroughly reviewing the tender’s specifications, we are confident that we have the capacity to successfully deliver the construction project requirements.

As one of the country’s leading contracting firms, ABC Builders has been collaborating with various organisations for the successful completion of construction projects for private individuals, government institutions, large corporations, and other entities. Over the last 10 years, we’ve completed several high-profile projects for prominent clients, including [famous individual], [corporate client], and [government agency].

Our expertise, experience, and reputation in the construction industry make us a suitable company for this tender. Our team is comprised of experts who are highly skilled in all phases of construction. We are also reputed for consistently providing efficient, timely, and on-budget services for every project we undertake.

Enclosed is a copy of our company profile and executive summary for further information about our company. Also attached herewith are our commercial and technical bids for your consideration.

We thank you for the opportunity to participate in this tender. It would be a great honour to work with you on this project. If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Yours sincerely,

Make Your Tender Cover Letter Stand Out

Your tender cover letter is the pretty packaging that makes your tender stand out from all the rest. It’s essential to take time to craft one that highlights your capacity to deliver successful outcomes. Strive to make a connection that fosters a reliable partnership with other stakeholders.

Tendering for contracts can be highly competitive, and it’s crucial to provide the best value for clients by demonstrating the quality, price, and service of your company. To gain an edge over competitors, submitting a tender cover letter can highlight your accomplishments, previous success, and unique value proposition. Crafting a captivating commitment statement that assures clients of your full commitment to delivering successful outcomes can make all the difference. By following our tips mentioned above, you can create a tender cover letter that stands out and increases your chances of being awarded the contract!

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Covering Letter for Tender Submission

A covering letter for tender submission is a written document that accompanies a company’s bid for a specific project or contract. It serves as an introduction to the bid and provides additional context and information that supplements the formal tender document. The letter provides an opportunity to make a positive impression and demonstrate the company’s ability to deliver on the project requirements. It typically includes details on the company’s relevant experience, capabilities, and qualifications, as well as its approach to the project and any unique strengths that set it apart from other bidders. The covering letter for tender submission is a crucial component of the bidding process and helps to increase the chances of a successful outcome.

Importance of Covering Letter for Tender Submission

Showcases your company’s strengths and experience The cover letter provides an opportunity for you to showcase your company’s strengths and experience to the tender committee. By highlighting your company’s expertise and previous successful projects, you can demonstrate that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to complete the project successfully.

Demonstrates your understanding of the project requirements and objectives The cover letter is also a chance to demonstrate your understanding of the project requirements and objectives. By providing a clear summary of the key aspects of the project and outlining your proposed approach and methodology, you can show that you have carefully considered the project requirements and have a solid plan for completing the project successfully.

Sets the tone for your proposal The cover letter sets the tone for your proposal and can influence how the tender committee evaluates your submission. By creating a professional and compelling cover letter, you can make a positive first impression and increase your chances of winning the tender.

Expresses your commitment to the project’s success The cover letter is an opportunity to express your commitment to the project’s success. By highlighting your company’s project management processes and quality assurance procedures, and explaining how these will be used to ensure that the project meets or exceeds the tender committee’s expectations, you can demonstrate that you are dedicated to delivering a high-quality project that meets the project goals.

Provides a means of communication Finally, the cover letter provides a means of communication between your company and the tender committee. By providing your contact information and indicating your availability for a follow-up meeting or discussion, you can ensure that the tender committee has the necessary information to reach out to you with any questions or concerns.

Purpose of Covering Letter

The purpose of a covering letter for tender submission is to introduce your company and proposal to the tender committee and provide a brief overview of your submission. The covering letter serves as an opportunity to make a positive first impression and showcase your company’s strengths, experience, and commitment to the project.

In addition, the covering letter serves to:

Provide context: The covering letter sets the context for the proposal and provides the tender committee with a summary of the key aspects of the project. This helps to ensure that the tender committee has a clear understanding of the project requirements and objectives.

Demonstrate understanding: The covering letter is an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the project requirements and objectives. By providing a clear summary of the project and outlining your proposed approach and methodology, you can show that you have carefully considered the project requirements and have a solid plan for completing the project successfully.

Showcase strengths: The covering letter provides an opportunity to showcase your company’s strengths and experience. By highlighting your company’s expertise and previous successful projects, you can demonstrate that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to complete the project successfully.

Express commitment: The covering letter is a chance to express your commitment to the project’s success. By highlighting your company’s project management processes and quality assurance procedures, and explaining how these will be used to ensure that the project meets or exceeds the tender committee’s expectations, you can demonstrate that you are dedicated to delivering a high-quality project that meets the project goals.

Provide contact information: The covering letter provides a means of communication between your company and the tender committee. By providing your contact information and indicating your availability for a follow-up meeting or discussion, you can ensure that the tender committee has the necessary information to reach out to you with any questions or concerns.

The inclusion of both dates in the letter is optional. You may choose to include only one date.

Ref:__________ Date : __________

To [Name of Organization] [Office Address] [Phone Number] [Email Id]

Kind Attn: [Name of Officer], [Designation]

Sub .: Our Bid Submission for [Work Description] Ref : Your Tender Specification No. [Number] dated [Date]

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are submitting our bid documents in response to your Tender No. [Number] dated [Date]. We are eager to offer our services for the work outlined in the Tender document.

We have thoroughly reviewed the following documents and agree to comply with the terms and conditions mentioned therein:

  • Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
  • Contract Clauses
  • General Forms
  • Letter of Undertaking
  • Performance Bank Guarantee Terms
  • Integrity Pact/Agreement
  • Indemnity Agreement

We understand and acknowledge that:

  • Your organization reserves the right to reject any or all bids, including ours, without giving a reason and we waive any future rights to challenge the same.
  • Your organization is not obligated to accept the lowest bid.
  • If our bid is accepted, we will execute all the works specified in the Tender document and comply with the terms and conditions of the contract, a draft of which was attached.

The Tender forms, filled and signed by our authorized representatives, are enclosed along with a Demand Draft for the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the amount of [Amount].

We have confidence in our bid and our company’s commitment to delivering quality work for our clients. We look forward to the opportunity to partner with your organization.

For [Name of Company],

[Signature] [Name of Officer] [Designation] [Department Name]

Place: _________ Date: ______

Enclosed: As Mentioned Above

Tips for writing effective covering Letters

Introduction The introduction should be brief and to the point. Begin by introducing yourself and your company, and express your gratitude for the opportunity to submit a tender. State the name of the project and the tender or request for proposal (RFP) number, and provide a brief overview of the contents of your submission.

Company Overview and Experience The second section of the covering letter should focus on introducing your company to the tender committee. Provide a brief history of your company, including the number of years in operation and any notable achievements or awards. Highlight your company’s expertise and experience in the relevant field, and provide examples of previous successful projects that are similar in scope and complexity to the project being tendered.

Understanding of Project Requirements In this section, demonstrate your understanding of the project requirements and objectives. Explain how your company’s experience and expertise align with the project goals, and provide a brief summary of the key aspects of the project. It is important to convey a clear understanding of the project requirements to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to complete the project successfully.

Proposed Approach and Methodology The fourth section of the cover letter should outline your proposed approach and methodology for completing the project. This section should demonstrate how your company plans to achieve the project goals, including the strategies, tools, and resources that will be used. Provide a brief overview of your project timeline, and explain how your proposed approach aligns with the project requirements and objectives.

Commitment to Project Success In this section, express your commitment to the project’s success. Explain why the project is important to your company, and how you plan to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget. Highlight your company’s project management processes and quality assurance procedures, and explain how these will be used to ensure that the project meets or exceeds the tender committee’s expectations.

Appreciation and Availability for Questions The final section of the covering letter should express your gratitude for the opportunity to submit a tender, and your willingness to answer any questions or provide additional information as required. Provide your contact information, including phone number and email address, and indicate your availability for a follow-up meeting or discussion.

Summary of Key Points

In summary, a cover letter for tender submission is an essential component of the proposal and serves the following purposes:

Provides context for the proposal and summarizes the key aspects of the project.

Demonstrates understanding of the project requirements and objectives.

Showcases the strengths and experience of your company.

Expresses your commitment to the project’s success.

Provides a means of communication and contact information for the tender committee.

By creating a professional and compelling covering letter, you can make a positive first impression and increase your chances of winning the tender.

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Invitation to to Tender Letter

How To Write A Tender Invitation Letter

Below is a template on how to write a  tender  invitation letter

You are hereby invited by [insert company] (the Authority), to tender for the provision of [subject matter of the contract] specified in the tender pack available in [insert location].

It is the responsibility of all Tenderers to ensure that their tender is delivered not later than [insert date and time]. The Authority will not consider tenders received after that time. Tenderers should note that that the delivery of tender documents should be via [insert procurement portal].

The Authority /company is not bound to accept the lowest priced or any tender and shall not be bound to accept the Contractor as a sole supplier.

Please acknowledge receipt of this Invitation to Tender and its accompanying documents confirming your intention to submit a tender as requested. Participants are required to note that if they wish to withdraw from this invitation the further competition formality shall remain the property of the authority] must be returned on demand.

Yours faithfully

Or use the version below tender invitation letter:


Your organisation along with others is invited to offer a tender for the provision of the above, to the specification outlined in the attached documents.  Enclosed are:

Document 1    Instructions and information on the tendering procedures.

Document 2    Specification of the Requirement.

Document 3    List of attachments.

Document 4    Declaration and information to be provided by the tenderer.

(amend list of documents as necessary)

Please read the instructions on the tendering procedures carefully.  Failure to comply with them may invalidate your tender which must be returned by the date and time given below.

If having read the enclosed specification you decide not to submit a tender, I would be grateful if could send your reasons (though you are under no obligation to do so) to [ insert contact name ], at the above address marked ‘No Tender’.

Please contact me if you have any questions about the tendering procedure.  The enclosed Document also contains details for providing you with further information or clarification of the [insert company]requirement.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely

Email version 1

Writing a compelling tender invitation email requires clarity, professionalism, and persuasive language. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to craft such an email:

  • Subject Line : Create a concise and attention-grabbing subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of the email. For example, “Invitation to Tender: [Project Name]”.
  • Salutation : Begin your email with a polite greeting. Use the recipient’s name if you know it, or a general greeting such as “Dear [Company/Team]”.
  • Introduction : Start by introducing yourself or your organization and briefly explain the purpose of the email. Mention any previous interactions or connections to establish credibility.
  • Overview of the Tender : Provide a brief overview of the tender, including the project name, description, and key details. Clearly state what you are inviting tenders for and why.
  • Eligibility Criteria : Outline any specific criteria that potential bidders must meet to participate in the tender process. This could include qualifications, experience, or certifications required.
  • Submission Guidelines : Clearly specify the deadline for submissions, along with instructions on how to submit tenders. Include any required documents or information that bidders need to include in their proposals.
  • Evaluation Process : Briefly explain how the submitted tenders will be evaluated and the criteria that will be used to select the winning bid. Transparency in this process can help build trust with potential bidders.
  • Benefits of Participation : Highlight the benefits of participating in the tender process, such as potential business opportunities, partnerships, or contracts. Make it clear why bidders should be interested in submitting a proposal.
  • Contact Information : Provide contact details for any queries or clarifications regarding the tender. Encourage potential bidders to reach out if they have any questions or need further information.
  • Closing : Close the email with a polite thank you message and a call to action encouraging recipients to submit their tenders. Express appreciation for their interest and participation.
  • Signature : End the email with your name, title, and contact information. This adds a personal touch and makes it easy for recipients to follow up if needed.
  • Proofreading : Before sending the email, carefully proofread it to ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. A well-written and error-free email reflects professionalism and attention to detail.

Here’s a sample template for a tender invitation email Email 2:

Dear [Recipient],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am [Your Position] at [Your Organization].

I am writing to invite you to participate in a tender for [Brief Description of Project]. We are seeking proposals from qualified vendors who can [Brief Description of Project Requirements].

To be eligible to participate, vendors must meet the following criteria: [Eligibility Criteria].

Our evaluation process will focus on factors such as [Evaluation Criteria], and we will select the proposal that best meets our needs.

Participating in this tender offers numerous benefits, including [Benefits of Participation].

If you have any questions or require further information, please don 't hesitate to contact me at [Your Contact Information].

Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to receiving your proposal.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Organization] [Your Contact Information]

Don’t forget to attach an RFP

& advertise the opportunity Contracts Finder 

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What Is a Request for Tender? Examples and Templates

April 29, 2019

by Bethany Fagan

cover letter for tender invitation

Writing a request for tender (RFT)  ought to be one of the easiest parts of launching a project.

If you’re ready to start evaluating suppliers, odds are that you’ve already done most of the legwork. You’ve likely defined your goals and timelines, considered every legality, and have a clear budget in mind.

Yet, if you’re like most people faced with the prospect of crafting an RFT, you’re probably feeling a mix of uncertainty and hesitation. You might be worried about leaving out an important section or unsure about whether to include certain pieces of information. You might be wondering whether a more concise request for quotation (RFQ) or a more generic, early-stage request for information (RFI) is more appropriate.

If you’re faced with any of the issues described above, fear not. In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about writing a well-structured, fully-compliant, and easy-to-navigate RFT. We’ll also define key terms, cover best practices, and provide you with concrete examples.

What is a request for tender?

The word “tender” refers to an offer from a vendor to provide a service or set of goods.

What is an RFT?

An RFT, or request for tender, is an open invitation to suppliers, asking them to send offers - usually as sealed bids - in a structured format.

In the public sector, where RFTs are most common, there are usually various rules dictating how they should be formatted and how responses should be evaluated. These rules usually demand impartiality, openness, and strict adherence to evaluation criteria, among others.

It’s common for organizations, both government and private, to post RFTs publicly, either on their own websites or third-party platforms (like which suppliers know about. Potential bidders regularly check these forums for new requests and respond to those that interest them. 

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RFT vs. RFI vs. RFP vs. RFQ 

Phew! That’s a lot of three-letter acronyms! 

There's a lot of overlap between these terms, and it’s common for people to use them interchangeably. If you’re a little confused, don’t worry. Most people who see them for the first time feel the same.

Here’s a quick rundown of each:

Request for tender

One useful way of understanding an RFT is as a document that sits between a request for proposal, which is much broader in scope, and a request for quotation, which is highly specific. RFTs are usually quite detailed in terms of the definition and description of the work that is required, much more than RFPs but less than RFQs.

Request for information

A request for information is a precursory request for general details about how a project might be undertaken. It’s normal to create a more detailed RFP, RFT, or RFQ after responses to an RFI have been evaluated. A response to an RFI is not binding in any way for vendors, and may only constitute an early expression of interest in a project. 

request for info graphic

It’s also important to note that the use of specific terms is often tied to particular industries. It’s common for certain private-sector sectors to use the term RFP to refer to both RFTs and RFQs. In the construction industries, the term RFQ is more common. “Request for tender” is a term that’s generally (but not always) encountered in the government sector.

Request for proposal

A request for proposal is a document sent to suppliers (or made available on a public platform) requesting proposals for a project to be submitted. The RFP process is usually much less open than the request for tender process, as businesses may choose to send an RFP to a pre-selected list of vendors and are not restricted in forming their own evaluation process.

Tip: G2’s Team Buying Tool makes it easier to identify certain vendors that are the best fit for your job. Collaborate with your buying team to gather requirements, prioritize needs, create a vendor shortlist, and evaluate the vendor products – all in one place, all for free!

So, while they are similar documents, an RFP will follow a business proposal format that will not usually apply to RFTs. Similarly, responses to RFPs will differ from more generic proposals, such as grant proposals , because they will be structured according to precise guidelines.

Request for quote

An RFQ, or request for quotation , is similar to an RFP. The biggest difference is that RFQs are more specific and provide exact or near-exact pricing for a standard range of products. They are usually sent during the later stages of the sales cycle when a company is ready to buy. Some RFQs may even include instructions about how to write an invoice if a respondent is successful.

How to write a request for tender

A request for tender should follow a very similar structure to a request for proposal. RFTs are more commonly created and used by the government or government-funded bodies and departments; however, there may be added legal strictures and guidelines that need to be followed. With that in mind, the eight-point structure below should be utilized in the context of the legal regulations specific to your area, if regulations are applicable.

1. Cover page

The cover page for an RFT is the equivalent of a book cover for a novel. It doesn’t give any information beyond the client name, your company name, and a title, but it is a chance for you to look professional and entice potential suppliers.

2. Cover letter

This short introduction should provide the recipient with basic information, so they understand what the request is about. It sets the context for the remainder of the request. Introduce your organization, provide an outline of the project, and describe the kind of supplier you’re looking for. The key word here is brevity . The cover letter should only span a few paragraphs.

cover letter graphic

3. Background

Explain who you are and where the project fits into your broader mission and activities. You can elaborate on the information about your organization that you included in the cover letter – your industry, customers, size, etc. – and provide more details about the scope of work.

4. Project description

This section is where you describe your project in detail. Provide a general outline of activities and goals along with a clear breakdown of the products and services you need. You should mention any relevant quality assurance requirements and legal standards. It’s also usually a good idea to include a specific timeline. Including plenty of information in this section will help suppliers structure a response that best meets your needs. 

project description graphic

5. Evaluation process

By providing evaluation criteria, you enable potential suppliers to write their response accordingly. It’s also important that suppliers understand you have an impartial set of criteria applied equally to all respondents. You may wish to include a timeline here, outlining when the different stages of the evaluation process will occur.

6. Response form

When giving instructions about how suppliers should respond, you should include either a form (which they can fill out) or numbered instructions. Be as specific as possible .

7. Legal documentation

These might include terms and conditions, contingencies for cancellation, payment details, and so on.

legal doc graphic

8. Contact details

Suppliers may need to get in touch for clarification or for further information. Include contact details (preferably to individual people rather than departments) for this very reason.

Request for tender (RFT) best practices

There are a few simple rules which, when followed, will dramatically improve the quality of your RFTs. Keep the following guidelines in mind when creating your RFT:

1. Provide a clear response format

You should give specific and detailed instructions about how recipients should respond. Consider including a response form in your RFT.

2. Follow all legal requirements

Because RFTs are most commonly used in government or public-sector areas, there are often strict legal requirements regarding openness and impartiality. These should always be rigorously adhered to.

3. Utilize a smart app for content creation and tracking

Smart apps, which enable businesses to create completely paperless workflows, can save significant amounts of time and resources while simultaneously improving open and acceptance rates for RFTs. Most proposal software solutions come with tracking tools, template and content libraries, and collaborative dashboards, among other features.

4. Take the recipient into account

Just because you’re the one hiring doesn’t mean you can discard the needs of recipients. Remember, most vendors will have limited time. Don’t ask for unnecessary information, ensure that the response format is clear, and provide details about the evaluation and selection process so they can best tailor their proposal.

As essential as it gets

RFTs are absolutely essential documents. They enable you to reach, evaluate, and select the best suppliers for your projects. If your organization is like most others, you’ve likely relied on outdated and ineffective RFT-creation processes. And this can result in hundreds of wasted hours of staff time and the needless frittering away of resources. 

Improving the quality of your RFTs is all about addressing the processes you have in place for creating and managing them. Adherence to best practices, the use of new technology to create and track RFTs, and reliance on proven templates, are all necessary ingredients for a winning “RFT mix”.

Now, time to start working on that cover page…

Ready to improve the quality of all internal processes? Learn about the best free project management software tools in 2019.

Bethany Fagan photo

Bethany is the content marketing manager at PandaDoc . When she's not writing new content or discovering a new distribution channel, her time is spent exploring her Brooklyn neighborhood with her husband and two French Bulldogs, Tater Tot and Pork Chop.

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What is a Tender Invitation Letter?

5th june 2019.

Table of Contents

Tender Invitation Letters

Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 @ 12:22 pm

Tender Invitation letters can be confusing, especially for first-time tenderers. They are filled with a myriad of seemingly pointless, but important information.

It is sadly often the case that new tenderers, or those who lack experience in the procurement process, are put off by what seems like a needlessly complicated process, and all of its associated literature. But, tender invitation letters are a crucial part of the process. We at Hudson Succeed are here to make sure you aren’t overwhelmed or dissuaded from engaging in the process.

Our dedicated team of bid writing consultants are here to do all we can to help you through what can at first seem like a complex and daunting process. Read on to find out some more information on the first key aspect of the tender process , the tender invitation letter, along with what to expect, what to focus on and how to deal with them. If procurement-related terminology such as this is something you find confusing, then check out our Tender VLE video on “ Terminology ” for an easy-to-understand guide on key procurement phrases. Tender VLE is the UK’s first, free of charge, online, procurement-focused, virtual learning environment and is full of helpful hints and industry knowledge to help you on the way to tendering success.

What is a tender invitation letter?

A tender invitation letter, or “ Invitation to Tender ” is usually (but not always) the second, formal part of the procurement process. It is a formal invitation from a purchasing organisation to prospective suppliers, to bid for a contract for goods and services. It usually directs prospective suppliers to bid by completing either financial or quality-related questions about their organisation, or a combination of both.

When will I get one?

A tender invitation is typically preceded by an SQ or PQQ – an initial questionnaire designed to produce a shortlist of prospective suppliers who meet key, primary criteria such as turnover, capacity, and experience. (If you’re wanting to find out more about PQQs and SQs, what they are and what they involve, check out our recent article “ A Guide to Tendering in the UK ” and our Tender VLE video on “ PQQ Basics .” Although this is not always the case. Sometimes, buyers release tender invitation letters directly, either skipping the initial shortlisting stage or incorporating it at the tender stage. Make sure you read and understand the requirements laid out in a tender invitation letter. Don’t fall foul of filling in a tender that somehow made its way online, only to find out that you had to be on a closed list of shortlisted suppliers to be eligible. Unless you are careful, you could end up wasting precious time, resources and money.

What will it look like?

A tender invitation letter could be something as simple as a straightforward, formal letter. This might detail the buyer, their address, a brief overview of their requirements, short instructions, a few points of note, and an expression of thanks for your interest. More often than not, however, a tender invitation letter will include or should be read alongside, a number of additional documents, photographs, and other appendices.

Depending on your organisation sector these might include site plans, consumables lists, exemplary material, past portfolios, site schedules, terms and conditions, and other important documentation.

What should I pay attention to?

In short, everything. Although there are a few details in particular, of which you should take particular note. These include submission deadline and method; any pre-requisites such as insurance, experience or turnover levels; and salient contract considerations such as the presence of TUPE or different pension schemes for staff.

If you don’t meet these initial criteria, or you misunderstand the submission process , then you risk having your submission disregarded. Few organisations can afford to waste time and money like this, so pay attention to the key details.

These can often be buried amongst the documents that accompany a tender invitation letter and are often in the last place you’d expected. So, it’s important to make sure you read everything thoroughly.

We typically advise getting a colleague to look over everything as well. After all, two pairs of eyes are better than one!

Is there anything I should ignore?

You’ve guessed it – No. It is true that many of the details provided in the tender invitation letter and associated documentation might not be immediately relevant. If you’re a cleaning company, for example, the exact particulars of the process for the cleaning of sanitary fittings or carpets or outside spaces that a buyer outlines, might be something to consider further down the line, it’s true. However, whilst it is extremely important to pay more attention to the key considerations such as submission guidance and eligibility criteria, no detail should be overlooked or dismissed. If you need someone else to help you digest all of this information, or just need a helping hand to guide you through, talk to our Hudson Succeed team today!

Digesting it all

So, you’ve received your tender invitation letter along with a huge pack of documents, instructions, site plans, exemplary material, and photographs, to digest. Where do you begin? Here at Hudson Succeed, our team of procurement experts go through a structured process of finding and organising the key information in a tender invitation letter. We call this process, which helps us highlight and digest the most important points in an ITT, a “breakdown.” We comb through the various documents and appendices accompanying the invitation to tender, and extract the following key information:

Make sure you understand who you are bidding to work alongside.

Contract title

It might sound obvious but make sure you understand the works you are bidding to undertake – this will be summarised by the contract title.

Location of delivery

Be sure that you can physically deliver in the specified area.

Make an assessment of whether the budget makes the contract worth it or not. If anticipate spending £4000 in travel costs for a £6000 contract, then it probably won’t be worth your time and effort.

Key dates (clarification deadline, submission deadline)

Make sure you know your key deadlines and don’t miss the opportunity to ask questions or hand anything in late. Check out our Tender VLE video on “ Time Management ” to better understand how to balance workloads and manage priorities, if you’re struggling to meet deadlines or find yourself in a rush.

Evaluation scope

Understand whether the focus is more on price or quality, allowing you to best direct your resources and efforts.

Make sure you know how to format your response . Many buyers will reject a response if you submit it in the form of a company brochure or branded proposal when they have specified that you must use a pre-formatted response form, for example.

Description of works

As above, it is vital to understand what it is you will be delivering to ensure you have the capacity, experience, and capabilities to deliver what you are bidding to deliver.

Work involved in the submission

Make sure you understand what is expected of you in terms of the submission. Incomplete forms or missing information could delay or jeopardise your submission. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the work involved in a tender, are unsure where to start, don’t have the time, or need a second pair of eyes, our Hudson Succeed team are here to help. Our dedicated team of professional consultants and bid writers are here to guide you through the tendering process or take the work off your hands altogether.

Following this procedure is a really good way of making sure you extract and understand the key parts of a tender invitation letter and that your submission is on time, relevant and of good quality, and that you bid for appropriate contracts to prevent wasted time, money and resources. If you’d like professional guidance on how to breakdown the requirements of a tender invitation letter, or would like someone to take the work off your hands altogether, speak to our Hudson Succeed team today who will be happy to help you with your Bid Management . They can assist you with tendering for contracts and help you write a winning response . Remember not to fall foul of small mistakes that might cost you greatly in the long-run, as outlined above. If you’d like more information and tips on what to avoid, check out our Tender VLE video on “ Common mistakes made .”

If you’d like more helpful tips and key information on tender invitation letters, and the invitation to tender process, check out our Tender VLE on “ ITT Basics ”.

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A Sample Tender Cover Letter

Senior Marketing Manager - Software

Oct 23, 2017 12:00:00 AM

The tender cover letter is an important yet underused tool. Though not always a requirement when applying for tender, a great cover letter will give you an edge over other applicants.

It enables you to highlight reasons why you should be awarded the project, by providing information on your company’s previous successes that are relevant to the requirements you are bidding for. Persuasive writing, backed by evidence, demonstrates to the buyer why they should award the tender to your company.

Here is an example tender cover letter and tips to help you write your own.

Elements of a Tender Cover Letter

  • A short introduction thanking the organisation for inviting your company to tender.
  • A unique reason why you should be given the job. It should be specific and not contain general statements, and should reinforce the theme in the general document.
  • A commitment statement to making the contract a success.
  • An administrative note on some aspect of the tender can be included. For example, you may be tendering as a joint venture.

Tender Cover Letter Rules

  • It should be placed after the title page and should be on your company’s letterhead.
  • It should only be one page or two at most. However, if it’s a combined cover letter and executive summary, you can stretch it to three or four pages.
  • It is often addressed to the contact person mentioned in the document you are responding to. If you are in doubt, you can address it to the senior-most person.
  • The cover letter should be signed by a person of similar stature, status, and responsibility in your company. However, if they have little to do with the response, you can supply a contact person to field any questions.

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Tender Cover Letter Sample 

ABC Pty Limited

Cover Letter for Tender Proposal

Co. Ref Letter No:

30 th August 2017.

Sub: Tender Notice No. SE/BCPRES/B/ 2017/030 Dated 15.10.2017 Due on 15.11.2017

We are pleased to present our proposal for your review against Tender Notice No SE/BCPRES/B/2017/030 Dated 15 th October 2017 Due on 15 th November 2017.

We have studied the tender and now have a better understanding of the construction project requirements.

For the last ten years, we have completed a number of high-profile construction projects and achieved great success. As one of the leading contracting firms in Australia, ABC Pty Limited has been at the forefront in execution of a wide array of construction projects for individuals, government, and large corporations.

Some of our clients include; [Corporate Clients] [Government Agencies] [Institutions] [Individuals].

The three separate envelopes enclosed consist of EMD, Part ‘A’ Technical Bid and Part ‘B’ Commercial Bid, for your consideration.

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this tender. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me directly.


[Auth. Signatory]


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5 Tender Tips

1. can you do the job.

Do you have a chance of winning the tender? Determine if you have the required human and capital resources to undertake the job. This ensures that you don’t waste resources by tendering for jobs that exceed your capacity.

2. Is your tender compliant?

Confirm the client’s requirements by carefully reading the specifications, rules, and addendums in the request for tender. You can prepare a tender checklist to ensure your bid addresses all the criteria. Ensuring that your tender is submitted in the right format increases your chances of success.

3. Provide evidence of your competence

Avoid making empty claims on your suitability for the project. Back your claims with case studies of similar projects you have completed successfully, because your client needs evidence to award the job.  

4. Fill the price or cost schedule

Sometimes filling a price or cost schedule for the items you are tendering is required. You need to clearly indicate how all the costs are arrived at and make sure you clarify if your tender prices are inclusive or exclusive of GST.    

5. How will you fill the skills gaps?

If you don’t have all the required skills in-house, you should explain how you intend to fill the skills gaps. If you plan to subcontract your subcontractors should have an input in the tender.    

To download your free and customisable cover letter template, as well as two other easy-to-use Word document templates, click the image below.

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  • Covering Letter For Tender Proposal

These four carefully crafted templates provide a range of approaches for the introductory paragraph of your tender proposal cover letter, each catering to different situations and preferences. The first template adopts a formal and standard tone, emphasizing the company's proven track record. The second template offers a personalized and enthusiastic tone, expressing eagerness for collaboration. The third template takes a concise and professional approach, focusing on efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The fourth template promotes a collaborative and solutions-oriented outlook, highlighting the value of working together to address project challenges. These introductions set the stage for the rest of the proposal, allowing you to convey your message effectively while aligning with the recipient's expectations.

Template Formal and Standard

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to submit our proposal in response to [Tender Number] for [Project Name]. As a [Your Company's Name], we are enthusiastic about the opportunity to provide our services to [Recipient's Company Name] and contribute to the success of this project.

Our proposal, enclosed herewith, outlines our understanding of the project's requirements, our approach to delivering the project, and the value we can bring to [Recipient's Company Name]. We have a proven track record of successfully completing similar projects, and we are confident in our ability to meet and exceed your expectations.

We understand the importance of this project and are committed to delivering high-quality results on time and within budget. We are confident that our proposal reflects our dedication to excellence and our commitment to meeting your needs.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] if you have any questions or need further clarification on any aspect of our proposal. We are available to discuss this proposal at your convenience.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to the opportunity to work with [Recipient's Company Name] and contribute to the success of [Project Name].

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company's Name]

Template Personalized and Enthusiastic

I hope this letter finds you well. I am thrilled to present our proposal in response to [Tender Number] for [Project Name]. [Your Company's Name] is genuinely excited about the opportunity to collaborate with [Recipient's Company Name] on this project.

Our proposal, enclosed herewith, is a product of our passion for delivering exceptional results. We have carefully assessed the project's requirements and designed a solution that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. We are confident that our proposal showcases our innovative approach and commitment to quality.

We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that [Project Name] presents, and we are fully dedicated to its success. Our experienced team is ready to roll up their sleeves and work closely with [Recipient's Company Name] to ensure that this project is a resounding triumph.

Please feel free to reach out to me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] for any queries or to schedule a meeting to discuss our proposal in more detail. We are eager to engage in a productive dialogue with your team.

We appreciate your consideration of our proposal and the chance to demonstrate our capabilities. We look forward to the prospect of partnering with [Recipient's Company Name] on [Project Name].

Warm regards,

Template Concise and Professional

I am pleased to submit our proposal for [Project Name] in response to [Tender Number]. [Your Company's Name] is committed to delivering top-notch solutions, and we believe our proposal encapsulates the essence of efficiency and professionalism.

Our proposal, enclosed for your review, provides a clear and concise plan to meet the project's requirements. We have streamlined our approach to ensure that we not only meet your expectations but also offer cost-effective and timely solutions.

I am available for any questions or clarifications at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address]. We are eager to further discuss our proposal and explore ways to meet [Recipient's Company Name]'s project goals.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to the opportunity to partner with [Recipient's Company Name] on [Project Name].

Template Collaborative and Solutions-Oriented

We are thrilled to present our proposal for [Project Name] in response to [Tender Number]. As a forward-thinking organization, [Your Company's Name] values collaboration and innovation. We believe this project provides an excellent opportunity for a fruitful partnership between our companies.

Our proposal, attached herewith, is not merely a document but a roadmap to success. It reflects our dedication to working in tandem with [Recipient's Company Name] to address the project's unique challenges. We are confident that our proposal demonstrates our ability to be adaptive, creative, and solution-oriented.

We welcome the chance to engage in open discussions and brainstorming sessions to further refine our proposal to meet your specific needs. Please contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] to schedule a meeting.

We are excited about the possibility of joining forces with [Recipient's Company Name] to deliver a project that sets new standards in the industry. Thank you for considering our proposal, and we look forward to the opportunity to work together on [Project Name].

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge. Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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Home » Tenders » How to write a cover letter for tender submission?

How to write a cover letter for tender submission?

by Swati Deshpande | Tenders

Have you written a cover letter for your tender submission. Although it is not mandatory, it is a good practice to include a cover letter with your tender application. While there is no one cover letter template that you should follow, the idea is to let the tendering authority learn the key highlights about your company and understand why you will be a good fit for the tender. Here we look at how you can write a tender cover letter professionally.

Tender Cover Letter

Table of Contents

Meaning and elements of a cover letter for tender submission, do’s and don’ts for the cover letter.

Gone are the days when tender procurement happened through a bunch of papers and lot of paperwork was involved. Traditionally, a tender cover letter was an unavoidable part of tender response. Nowadays, most of the tendering process in India takes place through an e-tendering system for tender management. As a result, there is a limited scope for attaching a cover letter along with your tender response.


However, it is considered as a good business practice to have one. This article will discuss the importance of a cover letter for tender submission and its elements. Let’s begin with the defining cover letter for cover letter for tender proposal.

Let us begin by understanding ‘what is a tender cover letter?’

The cover letter is a letter that provides additional information about your company and explains why the contract should be awarded to your company. If you plan to write a covering letter along with your bid document, the letter should contain following elements:

  • Short introduction : The letter should contain a brief introduction with information/highlights about your company.
  • Reason for contract awarding : Mention what your unique selling point is and the unique advantage the buyer would get if the contract is awarded to you.
  • Your commitment : The letter can include your commitment and brief pricing range. You can include how you can provide value for money service.
  • Get the heading, subject line and address right : First, mention all details right. Mention the tender request number, address it to the right person and, include all required details such as address of the business, date, etc. Mention the tender number in the subject line to highlight it.
  • Acknowledgement of request for tender: In the body of the letter, you can start with acknowledging the fact you have read and understood the requirement of the buyer. Additionally, you can also mention that you are eligible and capable of fulfilling the requirements mentioned.
  • Company introduction: In the later part, you can give a brief introduction of your company. In case the tender pertains to manufacturing you can highlight capabilities and capacities of your manufacturing unit. You can also mention advanced technologies that you may be using that can help you fulfil this order if you win.
  • Value for money : This is one of the crucial parts of the letter. You need write about pricing of tender and explain how you are providing value for money. You can touch upon the aspects such as quality, timely delivery, adherence to the compliances, etc.
  • Attachments : List down the attachments you are enclosing. Give proof of your competence and attach other mandatory documents that have been asked by the buyer. Additionally, attach copies for certifications. You can also include proof of previously delivered orders.
  • Keep the letter short. Do not exceed it more than one-or-two pages. Use the company’s letter head and include proper authority’s signature towards the end.
  • Make sure your company is eligible and capable of carrying out this job is you win the contract.
  • Do not include unnecessary information. Although brief introduction of your company is necessary, keep it short and crisp.
  • Mention your competence and relevant projects undertaken previously. Do not mention about the projects that are not relevant or similar to this order. Back it up with evidence in attachment.

To sum it up

Although cover letter is not a necessary document while submitting a tender, it is good have one that gives the buyer gist about your company capabilities and competence. Besides, it depicts professionalism. Hence, if you get an opportunity, do include a cover letter.

cover letter for tender invitation

Swati is a passionate content writer with more than 10 years of experience crafting content for the business and manufacturing sectors, and helping MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) navigate complexities in steel procurement, and business services. Her clear and informative writing empowers MSMEs to make informed decisions and thrive in the competitive landscape.

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6 easy tips to write a killer RFP response cover letter

Why you need the ultimate library for your rfp responses.

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Updated: Apr 26th, 2024

6 easy tips to write a killer RFP cover letter min

After weeks of work, you’ve finally put the finishing touches on your request for proposal (RFP) response. The proposal is a product of the hours you invested customizing past content, collaborating with subject matter experts, and refining your messaging.

Because of your efforts, the proposal is a masterpiece ⁠— creative, comprehensive and compelling. Consequently, you’re feeling confident. After all, your company  should  win this business — you’ve earned it. Now, there’s only one thing left to do … slap a proposal cover letter on top, submit it and move on to the next RFP.

But wait. Not so fast! When was the last time you read your boilerplate RFP cover letter? Like, actually read it. If you’re like many others, it’s been a while. Unfortunately, that means you might not be putting your best foot forward.

So, before you send off that RFP response, let’s take a closer look at your proposal cover letter and be sure it accurately represents your proposal. With a couple easy tips and a quick review, your cover letter will send just the right message.

In this post, we’ll explore what a proposal cover sheet is and why it matters. Then, I’ll explain what a cover letter includes, how to write a proposal cover letter, and a few sample RFP cover letters. Finally, I’ll share a proposal cover letter template you can download and customize to get a head start.

What is a proposal cover letter?

Why a well-written cover letter matters, parts of a proposal, components of a cover letter.

  • What your RFP cover letter should do
  • Six tips to writing a better RFP cover letter
  • 3 common mistakes to avoid

RFP cover letter template

Proposal cover letter examples.

  • Helpful response resources

A proposal cover letter is a single-page letter addressed to a prospective customer containing high-level information from a prospective vendor. The letter precedes an accompanying RFP response or business proposal.

Alternative names for the proposal cover letter include RFP response cover letter, bid proposal cover letter, RFP cover page, cover page for business proposal, and other similar variations. No matter what it’s called, the cover letter is your chance to introduce your business and offer to a potential new customer. As such, you need to make it count.

The proposal cover letter is an oft-overlooked sales tool. Indeed, it’s a zero-cost way to get your message directly to the people who decide whether or not your proposal wins. Furthermore, the RFP cover letter takes very little time to compose and offers you one more way to stand out from your competitors.

If you’re like most businesses, your cover letter can probably be summarized like this: “Dear Mr. or Ms. Company ⁠— Thank you so much for this opportunity. Included in this proposal you will find our answers that meet the requested specifications. Thank you for your consideration.” 

While common, this isn’t a terribly compelling way to introduce yourself to a new customer that could help you grow your business. Your RFP cover letter provides a first impression to the proposal evaluators and decision makers reviewing your proposal.

Think of it this way: If you were going to present your proposal in person, how would you greet the buyer? You’d probably wear your best suit, walk confidently, put on a warm smile and share a confident handshake to make a memorable introduction. It should be the same with your proposal cover letter. Unfortunately, if your letter is anything like the example above, it’s like showing up in sweatpants and offering an unenthusiastic, mumbled greeting.

The RFP cover letter can also be used to:

  • Create or deepen the connection between you and your buyer
  • Reinforce your brand, values and expertise
  • Promote your key differentiators
  • Establish primary points of contact

No matter how you use the RFP cover letter and what you put in it, remember that the person receiving it is just that ⁠— a person. The quality of your bid proposal cover letter determines whether they read it carefully, skim it quickly, or ignore it completely. Generally, proposal cover letters are memorable either because they are embarrassingly bad or extraordinarily good. Make your cover letter memorable for the right reasons.

Proposal cover letter basics

The RFP cover letter should be included as a normal part of every proposal, but it’s just one component. Indeed, most proposals also include a number of other elements that will generally appear in a specific order.

  • Cover letter
  • Exe cutive summary
  • Terms and conditions
  • Supporting documentation (case studies, references and additional data)

As the first element of your proposal, the cover letter is bound to be seen by a lot of people. So, it’s important to make sure it is the best possible representation of your company. But, how do you decide what to say? One of the biggest challenges when writing an RFP response letter is how to keep it short while also making an impact ⁠— remember, your cover letter should fit on a single page. To help you craft your message, focus on these five elements.

One of the biggest challenges when writing an RFP response letter is how to keep it short while also making an impact ⁠— remember, your cover letter should fit on a single page. To help you craft your message, focus on these five elements.

  • Greeting and introduction
  • Summary of RFP needs
  • Your broad qualifications and differentiators
  • Thank you and closing

Your RFP cover letter should…

  • Be the first page of your RFP response followed by your executive summary and proposal
  • Introduce your company to the buyer’s key decision-makers and any others reviewing or scoring your bid
  • Be conversational, genuine and confident ⁠— but it shouldn’t be an overt sales pitch
  • Offer an overview of your understanding of the company’s needs
  • Clearly state why your business is uniquely qualified to win the RFP opportunity
  • If possible, express your vision for the future partnership and how you can help the business reach its goals
  • Follow the customer’s instructions if they ask you to include specific information in the cover letter

What’s the difference between a cover letter and an executive summary?

When building formal RFP responses, this question comes up a lot. What is the difference between a cover letter and an executive summary? The confusion is understandable as the two documents share a lot of similarities. They are both short, introductory documents that precede your proposal. 

The primary distinction is that a proposal cover letter is an introduction to your company while the executive summary is an overview of your offer for a specific project.

In addition, the cover letter should almost always fit on a single page while the executive summary may be two or three pages if necessary. Admittedly, the difference is subtle. While the contents may seem to naturally overlap, try to avoid repetition and ensure that each document provides unique information.

Beyond the basics: Six tips to writing a better RFP cover letter

1. address it to the right people.

Who is going to review your proposal? If you don’t already know, find out. Get in touch with the RFP contact and ask for the names of the key contacts who will weigh in on the decision. This may be a committee of people or a combination of procurement professionals, stakeholders and executives. 

If you start your RFP response letter with the standard “To whom it may concern” salutation, you’re blending in and sending a message. Unfortunately, this approach communicates that you couldn’t be bothered to update your cover letter template, didn’t do your homework, and don’t really care that much about winning the business. It certainly doesn’t reflect the hours of time you’ve likely invested creating the proposal that follows.

By specifically addressing the proposal cover letter to the key contacts, you make a quick connection and instantly improve the chances that they’ll actually read the bid proposal cover letter and your subsequent proposal. This attention to detail reinforces the idea that not only are you a good fit based on your qualifications, but you’re also invested in developing deeper relationships. You’re in it to be a strategic partner, not just another vendor. 

2. Keep it fresh and be human

Put yourself in your recipient’s shoes ⁠— You’ve just received dozens of proposals from vendors who more or less provide the same type of services. You are starting to sift through RFP responses that are admittedly, probably pretty dry. The initial review checking for proposal compliance is time-consuming, highly repetitive and gets old quick. 

So, if a cover letter starts with something like, “Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business,” it’s just adding to the tedium. It’s a classic and well-worn opening line. While it’s good to be humble and grateful, it’s far better to be unique and memorable.

APMP’s Winning the Business said, 

“… never start a cover letter with ‘thank you.’ It’s boring, and almost everyone does it. This seemingly respectful thank you does not help your organization to stand out or inspire your reader to keep reading.” 

The article goes on to recommend starting with something specific and complimentary about the business. This opener accomplishes two things; it quickly shows that this is no ordinary copy-and-paste proposal cover letter while reinforcing that you did your homework and recognize the business’s goals.

In an increasingly automated and efficient world, it’s easy to forget about the people behind the process. Even if you use RFP software to quickly complete the RFP itself, the RFP cover letter offers a rare opportunity to be human and genuine. 

3. Use formatting to catch their eye

Your cover letter only helps you win the business if it actually gets read by the right people. Just like using the perfect proposal format , the right cover letter format invites the reader to engage. So, make sure your cover letter is clean, visually appealing, approachable and not too dense. Remember that you’re trying to make an impression, not dive into every detail of your proposal.

Because your cover letter only uses one page, you have to be smart about how you use the space. There are three main places where you have the best chance to hook the reader: the first sentence, the center of the page and the closing. 

Opening Nothing catches your eye like your own name. So, as suggested above, address the letter directly to the evaluator(s). Then, include the buyer’s company name in a unique and impactful opening sentence. 

Center Make the most of the center of your RFP response letter using bullet points. Draw the eye directly to your biggest differentiators without specifically calling out your competitors. Include what you excel at like customer support, on-time delivery, cutting-edge features, value adds, scalability, customer growth and so on.

Closing Use the final line to move the deal forward. Offer the prospect a clear and direct call to action (see tip six for more information and an example). For example, provide details about how they can move forward with you, request the information you need to speed up contracting, or share what comes next in the process. 

If you can engage a reader in any one of these areas, they are far more likely to take the time to read your entire cover letter. Ideally, it’s intriguing enough that they continue on to check out your executive summary and proposal as well.

4. Tell a tale and express your understanding

Have a success story with a similar client that could boost your credibility? Tell it, but be brief. Share how a partnership has been mutually rewarding, how you’ve delivered a great customer experience or how you’ve been able to proactively solve problems. This reinforces your understanding of their business and goals.

In addition to telling a story, you can use your proposal cover letter to express your understanding of their pain. Every RFP starts with a need, and you received the RFP because the company believes you can meet that need. So, consider building on that foundation.

The relationship between buyers and sellers is evolving. More and more, businesses are looking for a long-term partner, someone who will actively find opportunities to create wins for both parties. RFP issuers want value but they also want a vendor that is invested in their success.

5. Stay true to your brand

Your company was included in the bid process for a reason, so stay true to the persona, culture, values and tone of your brand. Just because the RFP process is formal, doesn’t mean your RFP cover letter has to be. If your company prides itself on being down-to-earth, use that style in all of your communications. 

A cover letter shouldn’t be a lengthy essay, but it should demonstrate that you understand the prospect and their needs. Include “we” statements that hint at common goals. For example, “We believe our XYZ application will play an instrumental role in partnering with you to implement phase two of automating routine customer service processes, freeing your team to focus on reducing churn rates.”

Make sure that the tone of your cover letter accurately represents your brand and builds on the relationship you’ve cultivated. Don’t confuse your prospect by approaching them as if they were a stranger or in an unrecognizable style.

6. Close with a call to action, contact information and an actual signature

While the cover letter should be friendly, relatable and genuine; it’s also still a part of the sale. As with any good sales communication, state what you want them to do next and who they can contact to follow up. 

Wrap up your RFP cover letter with a call to action like:

  • Please reach out with any questions you may have
  • We’re eager to show you more ⁠— when we can schedule a demo with your team?
  • Let me know if I can put you in touch with another customer for a reference
  • To accelerate the contracting process, please send your standard terms and conditions

And the final element in a winning RFP cover letter is an actual signature (either handwritten or digital). It may not seem like a big deal, but it’s a nice touch and one last way to show your investment in winning the RFP opportunity.

Who signs the proposal cover letter?

Notice I didn’t title this section, “Who writes the proposal cover letter?” The person who writes it and the person who signs it may not be one and the same.

If your proposal team is fortunate enough to have a dedicated writer, then have them write the letter based on input from the frontline sales rep. Whoever writes the letter must be fully informed of response strategy and have intimate knowledge of the proposal and executive summary. Strategy, voice and style need to be consistent across all documents (cover letter, executive summary and proposal).

Who signs it depends on a variety of factors. In most cases, the frontline sales rep will sign the proposal cover letter. They have the relationship, own the strategy, and likely conducted the discovery that informed the proposal. However, it’s not uncommon for an executive sponsor such as a VP of sales to sign. The thinking being that executive reviewers may appreciate seeing a proposal that’s been vetted by a fellow executive.

There are also those cases when the executive of executives, the CEO, signs the letter. There are two common scenarios for this play. One, the RFP may be large enough to represent a significant percentage of a respondent’s annual revenue. Two, the responding organization is concerned with appearing relatively small, and in an effort to improve its stature, seals the proposal with a CEO’s signature.

There’s definitely some gamesmanship at play here. Even so, the name on the letter will never overshadow the content of the proposal.

3 common mistakes to avoid in your RFP cover letter

  • Avoid repeating anything from the executive summary or proposal. Those documents need to live on their own, just like the proposal cover letter.
  • Don’t waste space with your resume. Something like this … Responsive’s growing list of 1,800+ clients, including 65+ Fortune 500 organizations, continue to take advantage of our one-of-a-kind unlimited user licensing model, expanding their usage on the platform to scale organizational success. With Responsive as their team’s support system, every day they break down silos by facilitating collaboration and efficiency in their RFX response process  … is boilerplate that can appear elsewhere in the proposal or not at all, given that it’s likely available to the issuer on your corporate website.
  • If a broker is involved, thank them too. The proposal cover letter is also an opportunity to directly address the issuer. This can be particularly valuable when a broker is involved. Some issuers rely on RFP brokers to sift through responses to make sure only the best possible solutions get serious consideration. Ignore these brokers at your peril. While the response and executive summary will address the issuer and the problem at hand, the cover letter is where you can give a nod to the broker.

Even for seasoned proposal professionals, it’s a challenge to start a brand new bid proposal cover letter from scratch, so below you’ll find an example. Hopefully, it will give you a head start on your next great RFP response. 

RFP cover letter example document proposal cover letter Template available on

Ready to start crafting your own RFP cover letter in this style? Check out this RFP cover letter template that follows all the best practices covered above. You’ll also find helpful instructions in the template so you can quickly customize it to meet your needs.

Sample proposal letter – FedEx to State of Utah

If you only look at one other RFP cover letter sample, make it this one. This sample cover letter and accompanying proposal from FedEx is one of our favorites. Indeed, this request for proposal cover letter follows all the best practices. It includes:

  • A specific addressee
  • An engaging opening line
  • Excellent formatting and bullet points
  • A statement of experience
  • Simple, but recognizable branding
  • A real signature

cover letter for tender invitation

Sample proposal cover letter – Insight Public Sector to Education Service Center (ESCO)

This proposal cover letter example introduces Insight Public Sector’s response to ESCO’s RFP for technology software, equipment, services and solutions. The letter fits on a single page, reaffirms the company’s qualifications, and uses colorful bullet points to draw the eye to the company’s primary differentiators.

cover letter for tender invitation

Proposal transmittal letter example – SunPower/GSRP for Town of Nantucket

The RFP response letter focuses on the experience and financial stability of the two vendors partnering to win the business. In addition, the letter confirms the company’s ability to meet the specific qualifications set forth in the RFP for solar PV development for onsite energy generation.

cover letter for tender invitation

RFP response cover letter sample – ISITE Design for Health Level Seven

cover letter for tender invitation

Guide to writing an executive summary

Do you know the difference between the executive summary and your RFP cover letter? Learn more in this blog that explores how to write an executive summary that stands out. 

Your personal guide to writing a winning executive summary

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Covering Letter for Bid Submission with Tender Documents

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Tender Submission Covering Letter

Tender Submission Covering Letter

We submit tenders to those organizations that are in search of contractors or service providers. The tenders submitted by contractors let them know how much they are ready to charge and under what conditions they are willing to work.

Tender submission is a crucial process everyone has to go through to whoever wants to be in a new business agreement. These days, in addition to working on tenders, contractors are putting effort into writing covering letters also.

What is a tender submission cover letter?

It is a basic introductory letter that acts as a cover letter. The purpose of this letter is to give the introductory details regarding the bid document the contractor is going to submit.

Importance of the covering letter for tender submission:

Cover letters are not mandatory to write and no one asks you to write one while you are about to submit your bid. However, when a person writes the cover letter, it implies that he shows good manners and makes it easy for the companies to read their tenders.

Tender documents are generally very long as they contain a lot of information. Just as a person trying to buy a book cannot read a complete book and judge it by its cover, a bid document is also judged by the content provided in the cover letter. The use of the covering letter is an indication that the contractor values the time of the tender recipient and gives his best in an attempt to make his tender more readable and easy to understand.

What are some important components of the tender cover letter?

Some organizations cannot give individual attention to each and every bid document. Therefore, they completely rely on the cover letter. If they find anything worthy of their attention, they consider reading the entire tender document. So, it is important to be careful as to what you are including in this letter. Below are some major components of this letter:

Introductory information:

Every cover letter possesses an introductory part that gives the introduction of the bid document. After this section, the reader should be able to understand everything about the bid document you have submitted. Make sure that you give preference to the tender you are targeting.

Enlist the main elements of the document:

Since you are trying to cover the entire bid document in this one-page cover letter, make a list of main headings that you have included in your tender submission. This will make the reader know what you have focused on in your cover letter.

Give details of attachments:

Further, brief the reader about what you have attached with the letter and what was your purpose behind it. If you have attached the copy of the contract, inform him that you are optimistic that your bid will get approval, and therefore, you have attached the contract you are ready to sign. Also mention that it will be totally fine for you if your letter does not get the desired outcomes.

To write a compelling covering letter, there is a sample letter given below.

Sample letter:

Ref No. ___________

Name of the organization: Address:

Subject: Covering letter for tender submission

Dear Sir/Madam,

It is to notify you that we are submitting the document comprising our bid of the tender that you advertised on behalf of your organization. The tender number we are targeting is 23532.

Our tender document includes the following information:

  • Notice soliciting tenders
  • Bid of price
  • Clauses of the agreement
  • Letter of undertaking
  • Bank guarantee

We acknowledge the fact that your organization holds all the right to reject our bids without giving any solid reason. We also accept that your company is not bound to accept a bid that is too low. We are ready to sign the contract with you in case you show a willingness to accept our bid and work with us. The draft of the contract is also attached to this letter.

We are hopeful that you will consider our bid. We assure you that our staff will show strong commitment towards the work it is committed to doing.

Looking forward to your kind response.

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Tender Invitation Letter: 4 Templates

As the name suggests, it is a formal invitation letter which you write to someone inviting them to offer their products and services to you. Here are some templates for the same, you can have a look at them.

Letter Template: 1

Table of Contents

Tender Invitation Letter

[ Mention the date]

[ Mention the name of the recipient]

[ Mention the address of the recipient]

Sub- Tender invitation letter.

Dear, [ mention the name of recipient]

I [ mention your name] in the post of [ mention the post] at our esteemed company that is [ mention the name of the company] want to state that you have been invited by our company to tender for the provision of [ mention the contract]. Kindly take this letter as an invitation.

All the bidders can start delivering their tender from [ mention the date] to our esteemed company that is [ mention the name of the company]. There are few rules and regulations which you need to maintain like you need to deliver your products before [ mention the date] of each month and if the products are not delivered on time without having a proper reason then the products will not be accepted by the company, other rules and regulations are written on the other side of the letter, kindly read them all to avoid further confusion. 

If you have any queries regarding the same then kindly contact me through my contact details mentioned below. All the other instructions are written too, kindly read it all to avoid any kind of problem. If you do have any problem then kindly sign the terms and conditions form attached to this letter, so that I can be sure that you have accepted the deal. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you so much for your time.

With regards, [ mention the name of the sender]

[Mention the address of the sender]

[Mention the designation of the sender]

[ Mention the contact details of the sender]

Download Template : ( pdf, docs, ODT, RTF, txt, HTML, Epub, Etc )

Letter Template: 2

With great pleasure on behalf of our esteemed company that is [ mention the name of the company] we want to let you know that you have been invited by our company to provide you tender from [ mention the date] and this contract will be till [ mention the date] and if anything wrong happens then we are allowed to cancel this contract.

There are a few points which you need to remember which are that you have to deliver all the products on time daily, that is [ mention the time] and you can start your service from [ mention the date], you have to be punctual with your work and no complaints from your side should be entertained. 

You will get your payment at the end of each month that is on [ mention the date]. It is the promise from our side that you will face no problem with the payment, it will be paid to you on time but in return we want good quality of products because we cannot compromise with the quality of the product.  

If you agree with all the terms and conditions which are attached with this letter after reading it properly then please give your signature on the same and submit to our [ mention the department] department before [ mention the date] so that we will know that you have accepted the contract. Your cooperation and support is highly appreciated and I believe that we will maintain a good business relationship. Thank you so much for your time.

Letter Template: 3

With due respect, I [ mention your name] designated as [ mention the position] at our reputable firm that is [ mention the name of the firm] which provides goods and services to the customers and this letter is to invite you to give your tender to our reputable firm. You can start your work from [ mention the date] and I hope you will maintain a good record.

I believe that you know your work properly and with this you need to keep a few points in your mind. That is, we expect you to deliver all the products on time and the quality of the goods should be good, no compromise will be made with the quality of the goods. You should deliver all the products on time because delays in work will not be entertained, and we can take strict actions against it. 

The payment structure for the same will be divided in two halves that one payment will be paid at the beginning of each month that is on [ mention the date] and the second payment will be done in the middle of each month that is on [ mention the date].  I hope you will have no problem with the same.

There is a paper attached with this letter in which all the terms and conditions are written so after reading it properly, if you find it proper then give your signature and submit it before [ mention the date] so that you can provide the service from the mentioned date. Hope you will cooperate with us and will lead to a good business relationship. Thank you so much for your time.

Letter Template: 4

We [ mention the name of the company] with great pleasure want to let you know that we are inviting you to provide your tender to our esteemed company that is [ mention the name of the company] from [ mention the date]. I believe that it will cause no problem to you if you start your work from [ mention the date].

You have to deliver your products in two batches that is in one batch you will supply all the essentials and on the other batch you will supply those goods which are not necessary for that day and all the products should be delivered on time because punctuality is the key to a successful business and we will not compromise with the quality of the product and the punctuality.

If you face any kind of problem while supplying the products then inform us before the date of delivery so that we can make the necessary arrangements. We know there can be any problem and it is obvious but you have to inform us before so that we do not get into any problem. The payment will be done after each delivery so the record will be maintained in a proper way.

I believe that each and everything is clear to you. If you agree to all the terms and conditions which are mentioned below then give us a reply soon so that we can schedule everything. Your cooperation and support is highly appreciated. Thank you so much for your time.

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Rahul Panchal

“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”

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Cover Letter for Tender

Last Updated On February 7, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

A tender cover letter is written by a private business, firm or individual who meets the requirements given by the render. Such a letter is addressed to the tender rendering company or government. A tender cover letter is drafted in response to a tender notice to express interest in providing the required good or services. 

A tender cover letter is important to initiate a discussion between the render and the tender applicant. This letter is essential to paint a good picture on the mind of the render and develop a strong personal rapport with your business. A competitive and quality tender cover letter will be in the mind of the render when they are making the final decision.

Tips for writing a cover letter for tender

  • Read through the specifications and rules of the tender
  • Write a unique reason why you are a suitable candidate
  • Provide solid proof of your competence
  • Include a commitment statement 
  • Highlight an administrative note of the tender 
  • Address to the contact person given in the tender notice
  • Attach a copy of the company profile and executive summary (optional)

Cover Letter for Tender Template

Are you looking to go into the tender business but have no idea how to respond to a tender notice? Here is a free cover letter for tender template and sample letters that will help you out.


Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

We __________ are pleased to respond to your tender proposal __________, tender No. __________ dated __________ and due __________.

We have __________ years of experience in providing quality and timely services in the construction industry. As a contracting company, we are a leading and reputed trader in providing effective, efficient, and timely services for scheduled constructions. We are confident that we are a suitable company for this tender from our experience and reputation in the construction industry.

Over the years, we have accomplished numerous projects for individuals, large corporation and governments successfully. Some of the clients we have worked with include __________, __________, and __________. Additionally, our team is comprised of experts with skills in all phases of construction projects.

Kindly find a copy of our company profile for your reference. We also attach herewith our technical and commercial bids for our proposal for your consideration. 

It would be a great pleasure to work with you on this project.

Yours Faithfully,


Cover Letter for Tender Sample

If you are looking to apply for a tender that is relevant to your work, with the help of our free cover letter for tender sample, you can draft attention-grabbing and quality tender application.

Smart Builders

8238 Woodside St.

Valrico, FL 33594

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

Senior Procurement Officer,

Florida Highways Authority

55 Shadow Brook Lane

Cantonment, FL 32533

Sub; Application for tender notice No. FHA/PB/017/2020-2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

We Smart Builders are pleased to present our proposal for your review against tender notice No. FHA/PB/017/2020-2021, a tender project on CONSTRUCTION OF PEDESTRIAN FOOTBRIDGES ON MAJOR HIGHWAYS IN FLORIDA dated 5 th January 2020 due 5 th February 2020. 

After carefully reviewing the specifications of the tender, we are confident we are the suitable company for the tender. We have ten years’ experience and a good reputation in the construction industry for providing high standard and durable constructions.

In the last ten years, we have completed roads and bridges construction projects successfully. As a contracting company, Smart Builders has been a leading and efficient trader in the effective execution of scheduled constructions for individuals, corporations, and governments such as New York State Department of Transportation, Movers Limited, and Subway Constructors Ltd.

Kindly find the commercial and technical bids enclosed herewith. It would be an honor for an opportunity to participate in this tender.

Yours Sincerely, 

Cover Letter for Tender Email

Have you seen a tender notice that is relevant to your company and you have no idea where to begin an application? Here is a sample email of a cover letter for tender that will give you an easier time writing one.

We are pleased to submit our proposal for your tender project CONSTRUCTION OF PEDESTRIAN FOOTBRIDGES ON MAJOR HIGHWAYS IN FLORIDA, tender notice No. FHA/PB/017/2020-2021 proposed on 5 th January 2020 due 5 th February 2020.

We, Smart builders are a reputed company as efficient and effective traders in the execution of scheduled construction. After carefully reviewing and studying specifications and the rules of the tender, we are confident we are the suitable company for the tender. We have ten years of experience in providing quality and timely construction services to individuals, large corporations, and governments.

In the last ten years, we have accomplished numerous successful construction projects which have earned our contracting company a reputation as a leading trader. Some of our clients include the New York State Department of Transportation, Movers Limited, and Subway Constructors Ltd. Please find a copy of our company profile with more information on our accomplishments.

We herewith attach our technical and commercial bids for your consideration. We hope to hear more about what we can do for the project’s success.

Yours Truly,

When submitting a tender cover letter, you should focus on marketing your business, demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of the tender, and your ability to achieve the required results successfully in the stipulated time frame. You should also be convincing why your business is the best choice for the job among other applicants. Ensure to include some aspects of the tender and a signature in your cover letter.

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Cover Letter Examples

   Invitation For Bid Cover Letter

You are invited to bid on ABC Inc.'s upcoming {Project Name} project. The contract will run from {date} to {projected date} and will entail the following requirements and stipulations: {description of requested final product} . We appreciate your careful attention to the overview attached; should you require more details, you may contact {Name} at {contact information} .

All bids must be delivered by {method} to {contact} no later than {date and time} . The successful bidder will be required to include the following documents: {documents} as well as insurance stating that they will finish the project no later than {date} and at a cost not exceeding {percentage} of the original estimate.

All bids will be considered over {amount of time} , and the winner will be announced on {date} . The client is not obligated to choose the lowest bidder and may choose freely among the contenders.

Thank you for your interest in ABC Co. We look forward to hearing from you.

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  2. How To Write A Cover Letter For Tender Submission

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  3. (PDF) Sample Tender Invitation Letter

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  6. Invitation to tender letter: Sample letter and editable examples

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  1. 1 Hours ⭐️ lullaby ♥ Ninnananna per bambini ♥♥♥ Bedtime Lullaby Relaxing Sleep Music for babies ♫♫♫

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  1. Invitation to tender letter: Sample letter and editable examples

    If you are looking for a more comprehensive and professional way to share and package your invitation to tender letters, then look below this sample letter to the document examples. [Insert date] The Manager, [Insert the tenderer's company name] [Insert the tenderer's address] Dear Sir/Madam, INVITATION TO TENDER.

  2. Tender Cover Letter: 4 Free Templates

    354 F 63 rd Street. New York. NY 10022. United States. Subject- Tender cover letter. Dear. We are glad to submit our proposal for your tender project (Mention the company name), proposed on (Mention the date/month/year), due on (Mention the date/month/year), with tender notice number (Mention the notice numbers).

  3. How to Write a Tender Cover Letter That Wins Construction Bids

    Firstly, thank the organisation for their invitation to tender. Then, give a brief introduction to your company. Include how long you've been in the industry, your main services, and what you stand for. Ideally, try to keep this to just one paragraph - short, sharp and to the point. You can attach a copy of your company profile and ...

  4. Covering Letter for Tender Submission

    A covering letter for tender submission is a written document that accompanies a company's bid for a specific project or contract. It serves as an introduction to the bid and provides additional context and information that supplements the formal tender document. The letter provides an opportunity to make a positive impression and demonstrate ...

  5. How To Write A Tender Invitation Letter

    Subject Line: Create a concise and attention-grabbing subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of the email. For example, "Invitation to Tender: [Project Name]". Salutation: Begin your email with a polite greeting. Use the recipient's name if you know it, or a general greeting such as "Dear [Company/Team]".

  6. How to Write an Effective Construction Tender Cover Letter

    Example of construction tender cover letter You can study the following example to help you understand how to draft a tender cover letter: Neighbour Building Co. Tender Cover Letter for Construction Proposal Regarding the invitation to submit tender No.27654732 June 1, 2022 To: Office of Tender Acceptance, We are writing this letter to submit tender no.27654732.

  7. What Is a Request for Tender? Examples and Templates

    An RFT, or request for tender, is an open invitation to suppliers, asking them to send offers - usually as sealed bids - in a structured format. ... The cover letter should only span a few paragraphs. TIP: How to Write a Cover Letter: 3. Background. Explain who you are and where the project fits into your broader mission and activities. You can ...

  8. Tender Invitation Letter

    A tender invitation letter, or " Invitation to Tender " is usually (but not always) the second, formal part of the procurement process. It is a formal invitation from a purchasing organisation to prospective suppliers, to bid for a contract for goods and services. It usually directs prospective suppliers to bid by completing either ...

  9. A Sample Tender Cover Letter

    The cover letter should be signed by a person of similar stature, status, and responsibility in your company. However, if they have little to do with the response, you can supply a contact person to field any questions. Tender Cover Letter Sample . ABC Pty Limited. Cover Letter for Tender Proposal. Co. Ref Letter No: 30 th August 2017. To, JKL, CC:

  10. How to Effectively Write a Cover Letter for a Tender

    This type of cover letter can usually be for enclosing with the tender or quotations to be delivered as per the purchase orders & availability of stock etc. This would mostly specify about the detailed description on the parties interested, nature of transaction or activity, payment details, any related clauses etc to be briefed up.

  11. Covering Letter For Tender Proposal

    I hope this letter finds you well. I am thrilled to present our proposal in response to [Tender Number] for [Project Name]. [Your Company's Name] is genuinely excited about the opportunity to collaborate with [Recipient's Company Name] on this project. Our proposal, enclosed herewith, is a product of our passion for delivering exceptional results.

  12. How to write a cover letter for tender submission

    Get the heading, subject line and address right: First, mention all details right. Mention the tender request number, address it to the right person and, include all required details such as address of the business, date, etc. Mention the tender number in the subject line to highlight it. Acknowledgement of request for tender: In the body of ...

  13. 1-01

    021. 2018. EIOPA-OP-021-2018. <Letterhead, if any>. NB: The present cover letter should be duly signed and included in your. tender. Please fill in, modify accordingly and. /or delete all text in italics. This cover letter may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall ...

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  17. Tender Invitation Letter: 4 Templates

    Sub- Tender invitation letter. Dear, [ mention the name of recipient] I [ mention your name] in the post of [ mention the post] at our esteemed company that is [ mention the name of the company] want to state that you have been invited by our company to tender for the provision of [ mention the contract]. Kindly take this letter as an invitation.

  18. Cover Letter for Tender Format ,Cover Letter for Tender Example

    Tips for writing a cover letter for tender. Read through the specifications and rules of the tender. Write a unique reason why you are a suitable candidate. Provide solid proof of your competence. Include a commitment statement. Highlight an administrative note of the tender. Address to the contact person given in the tender notice.

  19. Invitation For Bid Cover Letter

    Invitation For Bid Cover Letter. You are invited to bid on ABC Inc.'s upcoming {Project Name} project. The contract will run from {date} to {projected date} and will entail the following requirements and stipulations: {description of requested final product}. We appreciate your careful attention to the overview attached; should you require more ...

  20. Sample Invitation To Tender Letter

    Sample Invitation to Tender Letter - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This letter invites tenders for architectural, civil/structural, or building services consultancy services for a project at a school. It provides information on the scope of works for the project and notes that the form of contract will be the Standard Conditions of ...

  21. Respond to a tender

    Enter your response in the Cover Letter field. Click the Attach button. Click the Browse button, browse to the file you want to attach, and click the Open button. To add another file, click the Attach another file link and return to step b. Click the Attach button to upload all of the selected files. To remove an attachment, click the bin icon ...

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