
Essay on First Day at Work

Students are often asked to write an essay on First Day at Work in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on First Day at Work

Anticipation and preparation.

My first day at work was filled with anticipation. The night before, I prepared my outfit, packed my bag, and set my alarm early.

Arrival and Introduction

Upon arrival, I was introduced to my colleagues. Their warm welcome eased my nerves. I was given a brief tour of the office, which helped me familiarize myself.

Learning and Adapting

The rest of the day was spent learning about my tasks. It was challenging, but I was eager to adapt.

Reflection and Growth

My first day ended with a sense of accomplishment. I looked forward to growing in my new role.

250 Words Essay on First Day at Work

The first day at work is an amalgamation of anticipation, nervousness, and excitement. The anticipation is about the unknown; a new environment, new colleagues, and new responsibilities. The evening before, you meticulously choose your outfit, ensuring it strikes the perfect balance between professional and comfortable. You rehearse your introduction, hoping to leave a positive first impression.

The Arrival

Upon arrival, the unfamiliarity of the surroundings is overwhelming. The office layout, the hum of activity, the formalities, and the faces – all new. The welcome tour serves as a quick rundown of your new world, each corner whispering tales of the journey that awaits you.

Adaptation and Learning

Adapting to the new environment is a significant part of the first day. You observe and learn, taking mental notes of the office culture, the work style, and the unspoken rules. The orientation sessions are informative, but the real learning comes from keen observation and interaction.

Building Relationships

Introductions form the foundation of future professional relationships. With each handshake, each exchange of pleasantries, you’re not just learning names, but also building connections. These interactions, however brief, are the stepping stones to a robust professional network.

Reflection and Looking Ahead

At the end of the day, you reflect on the whirlwind of experiences. There’s satisfaction in surviving the first day, and optimism for the journey ahead. You’re no longer a stranger but a part of the team, ready to contribute and grow.

In conclusion, the first day at work is a rite of passage that marks the beginning of a new professional journey. It’s a day of learning, adapting, and building relationships that pave the way for future success.

500 Words Essay on First Day at Work


Starting a new job is a significant milestone in one’s life. It’s a mix of excitement, anticipation, and anxiety. The first day at work is particularly memorable as it sets the tone for the entire professional journey ahead. This essay delves into the various aspects of the first day at work, offering a comprehensive understanding of what the experience entails.

The Anticipation

The first day at work starts even before one steps into the office. It begins with the anticipation that builds up days or even weeks before. The anticipation is a mix of curiosity about the new environment and the role, excitement about the opportunities that lie ahead, and anxiety about fitting in and meeting expectations. This anticipation phase is crucial as it helps prepare mentally for the new experience and sets the stage for the actual first day.

The moment of arrival at the new workplace is filled with a sense of accomplishment and a bit of nervousness. It’s the culmination of all the hard work put into securing the job and the beginning of a new journey. The first impression of the workplace, the reception by colleagues, and the introduction to the workspace are all pivotal moments that shape the initial perception of the job.

Orientation and Learning

The first day usually involves an orientation process where new hires are introduced to the company’s culture, values, and rules. They also get an overview of their roles and responsibilities. This is a crucial phase as it forms the basis of understanding the job and the company. It’s also a learning experience as one gets to know about the company’s operations, its people, and its work ethic.

Navigating Social Dynamics

Another significant aspect of the first day at work is navigating the social dynamics of the new workplace. This involves meeting new colleagues, understanding their roles, and learning how to interact with them effectively. It’s also about fitting into the office culture and finding one’s place in the social fabric of the workplace. The first interactions can be a bit awkward, but they are also the foundation of future professional relationships.

The first day at work is a unique experience that leaves a lasting impression. It’s a day of many firsts – the first impression of the workplace, the first interactions with colleagues, the first understanding of the job role, and the first steps towards becoming a part of the company. It’s a day filled with anticipation, learning, and socializing. It’s a day that marks the beginning of a new chapter in one’s professional life. As such, the first day at work is not just about starting a new job; it’s about embarking on a new journey of growth, learning, and self-discovery.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Ace your first day on the job with 15 confidence-building tips

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Before you begin

The days before, 15 tips for nailing your first day, if you work remotely, 5 ways to keep up the good work, start your new job strong.

After scouring job search engines, submitting applications, and passing interviews, you got the job. It’s exciting when you can finally put your feet up and enjoy your success.

That is, until new job anxiety sets in. 

Your first day on the job is bound to be a little nerve-wracking. With so much information to absorb, new faces to meet , and the pressure to make a good first impression , feeling nervous or anxious is totally normal. 

But that feeling doesn’t have to overwhelm you. Preparing for your first day can reduce the jitters, help you find your bearings, and impress your new boss and coworkers. 

Workplaces can be stressful , especially if new environments make you uncomfortable. Being mindful of your feelings before you walk in on your first day can help restore your sense of calm and feel more confident. 

Here are some emotions you might experience as a new hire:

Excitement: You might be eager to meet your team and learn everything about the new position.

Nervousness: You could be questioning whether you’ll get along with your coworkers, fit into the company culture , and live up to expectations.

Motivation: Your new colleagues want to see what you’re capable of, and you’re likely eager to show them.

Confusion: You’ll have a lot to learn, which can lead to confusion. You might wonder whether you’re doing things right or who to ask when you’re unsure. 

Exhaustion: The tail end of job search depression could still affect you and lower your energy.

Relief: You might feel glad to take the next step on your career path and relieved you found a position that works.

Imposter syndrome: Your fears and insecurities may cause you to question your place in the company, and impostor syndrome could make you worry that you can’t meet your new boss’s expectations. 

Loneliness: You could miss the camaraderie of past teammates, especially if the decision to leave your old job for a new one was difficult.

Acknowledging and regulating positive and negative emotions can keep you from getting overwhelmed. Once you practice self-awareness and identify how you’re feeling, you can take steps to address it and avoid stress triggers .

Remember: you have time to adjust to a new position. Around 40% of CFOs say they expect you to prove yourself within three months, six months, or as long as you need . But it’s never too soon to start getting ready for your first day. 

If you have time, give yourself up to a week to make plans and get organized. Researching the company, communicating with your employer, and practicing self-care can all help begin your relationship with your new employer on the right foot. Here are a few ways to start:

Do some research: If you’re starting at a new company — or entering a new field — you likely have a lot to learn. Begin by looking at your new company’s social media feeds for insight into the corporate culture.

You can also search for your new coworkers’ LinkedIn profiles to develop insights into team dynamics and the types of people who get hired. 

Contact human resources (HR): Reach out to your HR rep for access to the employee handbook , if there is one. Discuss paperwork, workplace standards, and dress code with them. Staying organized and communicative can help you feel more confident on your first day.

Test everything: Do a test run of your morning routine to assess how long it’ll take you to get ready and travel to the office. If you’re working remotely , double-check your internet connection and equipment to ensure everything works correctly. Sorting out these details ahead of time helps ease your worries. 

Check-in with your manager: Show initiative by contacting your supervisor a few days before your start date to confirm your schedule. You can also ask what to bring to the first day of work and what their expectations are for your first week.

Invest in a new notebook: You’ll be learning a lot over the first few days, and the best way to manage that influx of information is to write it down, whether that’s digitally or in a notebook.

Start journaling by listing your first-day questions with room for answers. After that, you’ll be ready to take notes during your orientation sessions and any other employee onboarding activities.


Formulate your elevator pitch: Your new colleagues will be curious about you, and knowing how to introduce yourself on the first day of a job can be tricky. Anticipating their questions will help the conversation flow.

Remember to explain who you are, your new role, where you used to work, and a fun fact or two. Don’t practice too much. You want your speech to sound natural, not rehearsed.

Prioritize your well-being: Practice self-care to help reduce your new job jitters. Try meditating or repeating some positive affirmations to put you in a better state of mind.

And try your best to sleep well: anxiety lessens sleep quality, which can make your nerves even worse . You want to wake up feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to take on the day. 

The first day of your new job is here, and you feel a mix of anxiety and excitement. Remember: you’ve got this. These tips will help you get through the day and make a great first impression:

1. Arrive early

Plan to arrive at your new place of business 10 to 15 minutes early. Give yourself a few minutes to get used to the environment before you get started. And leaving home earlier means if you hit any delays, you won’t be too late. If you work remotely, log into the system beforehand to avoid snags.

2. Calm your spirit

It’s okay to feel nervous. Take a few minutes to steady yourself. Try listening to a podcast that makes you happy, practicing mindful breathing , or repeating affirmations for imposter syndrome to yourself to boost your confidence and settle your nerves.

With so much going on, you might forget to put on a friendly face. Let coworkers know you’re happy to join them and excited about the opportunity. Displaying confident body language and making eye contact while being open and friendly is a great way to connect with the group.


4. Show interest in your coworkers

Start a conversation with your new colleagues and use active listening and icebreaker questions to learn more about them. Asking questions improves people’s impressions of you , and it helps you build relationships. Your coworkers will be your best resource throughout onboarding and beyond, so let them know you’re eager to get to know them.

5. Pay attention to office culture

Observe the social and professional landscape to identify any unwritten “rules” that can help you navigate office politics . Some workplaces might encourage conversation throughout the day, and others might limit it to breaks. 

6. Accept lunch invitations

If your manager or team members offer to take you to lunch, accept. It’s a great way to network and gives you the chance to ask in-depth questions about your role, company culture, and what they do in a more casual atmosphere. If you don’t receive an invitation, take initiative and ask a coworker or manager to join you for coffee.

7. Ask questions

This is the time to clarify any unclear roles and responsibilities. The onboarding process should answer most of your questions, but you can always follow up with your manager or HR department later. 

8. Take notes

Write everything down, from where the office manager keeps supplies to how to access your email. If you get stuck, refer to your notes before asking your coworkers for help.

9. Be fully present

You don’t want to appear distracted during onboarding, so be sure to turn off your phone and engage fully with the process. Take notes, ask questions, and give the person training you your full attention.

10. Listen and observe more than you speak

You can learn a lot by sitting back and watching how your team behaves. Observe other people’s communication methods and decision-making processes . Knowing how these two things work can help you integrate more easily into the company culture.


11. Project positivity

Your coworkers are observing you as much as you’re watching them, so display your positive attitude and work ethic. Try to show your genuine interest and excitement about the job.

12. Avoid office gossip

You want to contribute to a healthy work environment, so keep your interactions as positive as possible. Watch out for red flags like excessive office gossip or potentially toxic behavior .

13. Hold off on making any judgments

Give the job and your coworkers a chance. You might not love everything about your role immediately, and that’s okay. Keep an open mind and a positive attitude. Everyone has a bad day at work sometimes, and you can’t judge a workplace just by your first day.

14. Practice gratitude

Before going home, take a moment to thank your boss and coworkers for a great first day. Include specific references to events that made you feel welcome and comfortable. You can even send an intro email to your new team to reiterate your excitement.

15. Be yourself

Your boss already believes in you, or they wouldn’t have offered you the job. So relax, and let your personality and work experience shine. 

Remote work can feel isolating, and you might not feel the same welcoming atmosphere as you would in a physical office. Even if you work from home, the tips above can still help you feel more connected with your team. 

If you’re starting a new job remotely, here are some extra tips: 

Test your WiFi connection ahead of time, and log on early

Introduce yourself to your team by emailing or posting to the group chat

Turn on your camera during meetings so everyone can see and get to know you

Avoid distractions by turning off your cell phone

Show you’re paying attention and are ready to work by taking notes and asking open-ended questions


Now that you’ve put a successful first day behind you, keep that positive momentum going. Here are some ways to stay on the right track:

Schedule a one-on-one meeting with your manager: Studies show that meeting a new boss within your first week improves your performance and sense of belonging . Booking a one-on-one meeting shows your enthusiasm and helps you get to know each other.

Ask for feedback: You want your new boss and coworkers to know you’re engaged and invested, and a great way to do that is to ask for feedback . It also lets you adjust your workflow if you do make a mistake.

Be proactive: Look for opportunities to improve processes, learn new skills, or help coworkers. Taking the initiative shows your investment and tells your team they can rely on you.

Keep asking questions: Continue engaging yourself and posing questions. Even if it’s been a few weeks or months since you started, it’s better to ask now than wonder later.

Be kind to yourself: Even if things go perfectly, starting a new job can be stressful. Continue to find ways to reduce your new job anxiety . Go for a walk, talk to a friend, or plan some time for self-care to unplug and relax. You’re doing great. 

Your first day on the job is important, but it’s only the first of many stretching before you. It’s okay if things don’t go perfectly. Beginning a new position is a learning experience, and mistakes are powerful teachers. You’ll have the chance to get things right tomorrow.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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Essay on My First Day in School: Sample in 100, 200, 350 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Jan 23, 2024

Essay on my first day in school

Essay on My First Day in School: The first day of school is often considered an important day in every child’s life. It is a time of a mix of emotions, like nervousness, excitement, homesickness, feelings of shyness, and likewise. But did you know these feelings are responsible for making our day memorable?

As children, we all are like a blank canvas, easily dyed into any colour. Our first day in school is like a new world to us. As a child, we all have experienced those feelings. So, to make you feel nostalgic and refresh those special feelings, we have brought some samples of essay on my first day in school.

Quick Read: Essay on Best Friend

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on My First Day in School in 100 words
  • 2 Essay on My First Day in School Sample in 200 Words
  • 3 Essay on My First Day in Day in School in 350 Words
  • 4 FAQs 

Essay on My First Day in School in 100 words

It was a cloudy day when I took my first step into the compound of my school. I was carrying a new backpack that was filled with notebooks. Though the backpack was a bit heavy, instead of focusing on the weight, I was excited about the beginning of my journey on my first day in school.

My classroom was at the end of the corridor. As I entered my classroom, my class teacher introduced me to the class and made me feel welcome. Activities like reading, solving problems in groups, and sharing our lunch boxes slowly and steadily transformed the new student with a sense of belonging.

The whole day progressed with mixed excitement as well as emotions. As the bell rang, declaring the end of the school day, the school felt like a world of possibilities where the journey was more than textbooks.

To improve your essay writing skills, here are the top 200+ English Essay Topics for school students.

Essay on My First Day in School Sample in 200 Words

It was a sunny day and the sun was shining brightly. With my new and attractive backpack, I was moving through the school gate. It was my first day in school and I was filled with nervousness and excitement. From the tower of the building to the playground everything was bigger than life. As a school student, I was about to enter a new world. 

The corridor was filled with the echo of students. As I entered the classroom, wearing a mix of curiosity and excitement, my classmates and class teacher welcomed me with a warm smile. After a round of introductions and some warm-up activities, strangers gradually started tuning into potential friends. At lunchtime, the cafeteria was filled with the smell of delicious food. However, I hesitated before joining the group of students but soon enough, I was laughing with my new friends and sharing stories. The unfamiliar were now my friends and transformed my mixed emotions into delightfulness. 

The bell rang for the next class and I stepped out for new learning in my new academic home. My first day of school had many memorable stories, with old subjects and new introductions of knowledge. The day was spent learning, sharing and making new memories. 

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Essay on My First Day in Day in School in 350 Words

My first day in school started by stepping onto the school bus with a bag full of books and a heart full of curiosity. It was like I was starting a new chapter in my life. After travelling a long way back, I stepped at the gate of my school. The school gate welcomed me with open arms and greeted me with a sense of excitement as well as nervousness.

As I entered the classroom, I found many new faces. Arranging my stuff on the seat, I sat next to an unknown, who later on turned into the best friend of my life. I entered my class with a welcoming smile, and later on, I turned everything in with ease. During our lunchtime, the cafeteria was filled with the energy of students. 

At first, I hesitated to interact with the children, but later on, I was a part of a group that invited me to join the table. At lunchtime, I made many new friends and was no longer a stranger. After having delicious food and chit-chatting with friends, we get back to our respective classrooms. Different subjects such as mathematics, science, and English never left the same impact as they did on the first day of school. 

The teacher taught the lessons so interestingly that we learned the chapter with a mix of laughter and learning. At the end of the day, we all went straight to the playground and enjoyed the swings. Moreover, in the playground, I also met many faces who were new to the school and had their first day in school, like me.

While returning home, I realised that my first day was not just about learning new subjects; it was about making new friends, sailing into new vibrant classrooms, and settling myself as a new student. The morning, which was full of uncertainty at the end of the day, came to an end with exciting adventures and endless possibilities. With new experiences, I look forward to new academic and personal growth in the wonderful world of education.

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My first day of school was filled with mixed feelings. I was nervous, homesick, and excited on the first day at my school.

While writing about the first day of school, I share my experience of beginning my journey from home. What were my feelings, emotions, and excitement related to the first day of school, and how did I deal with a whole day among the unknown faces, these were some of the things I wrote in my first day of school experience essay. 

The first day of school is important because, as a new student, we manage everything new. The practice of managing everything is the first step towards self-responsibility.

Along with studying my favourite subjects, I share fun moments and delicious foods with my friends in school. 

Parents are filled with emotions on the first day of their child. As school is the place to gain knowledge, skills, and experience, parents try their best to give their children the best academics they can.

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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The Sunday Read: ‘Why Did This Guy Put a Song About Me on Spotify?’

The answer involves a remarkable — and lucrative, and ridiculous — scheme to game the way we find music today..

By Brett Martin

Read by Eric Jason Martin

Produced by Adrienne Hurst and Aaron Esposito

Narration produced by Tanya Pérez and Krish Seenivasan

Edited by John Woo

Original music by Aaron Esposito

Engineered by Sophia Lanman and Devin Murphy

Listen and follow The Daily Apple Podcasts | Spotify

Have you heard the song “Brett Martin, You a Nice Man, Yes”?

Probably not. On Spotify, “Brett Martin, You a Nice Man, Yes” has not yet accumulated enough streams to even register a tally. Even Brett Martin, a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine and the titular Nice Man, didn’t hear the 1 minute 14 second song until last summer, a full 11 years after it was uploaded by an artist credited as Papa Razzi and the Photogs.

When Martin stumbled on “Brett Martin, You a Nice Man, Yes,” he naturally assumed it was about a different, more famous Brett Martin: perhaps Brett Martin, the left-handed reliever who until recently played for the Texas Rangers; or Brett Martin, the legendary Australian squash player; or even Clara Brett Martin, the Canadian who in 1897 became the British Empire’s first female lawyer. Only when the singer began referencing details of stories that he made for public radio’s “This American Life” almost 20 years ago did he realize the song was actually about him. The song ended, “I really like you/Will you be my friend?/Will you call me on the phone?” Then it gave a phone number, with a New Hampshire area code.

So, he called.

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Additional production for The Sunday Read was contributed by Isabella Anderson, Anna Diamond, Sarah Diamond, Elena Hecht, Emma Kehlbeck, Tanya Pérez, Frannie Carr Toth and Krish Seenivasan.


Biden and Trump agree to CNN debate in June, ABC faceoff in September

President Biden announced earlier that he would not participate in the traditional televised showdowns organized by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

President Biden and former president Donald Trump agreed Wednesday to a June 27 debate on CNN and a Sept. 10 debate broadcast by ABC News, bypassing the decades-old tradition of three fall meetings organized by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates.

The decisions by the major-party candidates to take control of the once independent debate planning process upended the timeline that has defined presidential contests for decades, adding unpredictability to an already close race. The two debates will happen much earlier than normal, which could decrease their impact on the election or awaken voters who have not yet tuned in.

Both candidates would be taking a chance by debating. If he stumbles or appears forgetful, Biden, 81, risks confirming some Americans’ suspicions that he is too old for the job. And Trump, just four years younger, has also faced doubts about his age. A face-to-face meeting could also remind Americans of Trump’s volatility and would give Biden the chance to describe the election as a choice between the two men, rather than a referendum on his record.

“Because of these questions about his capacities, Biden has a lot at stake,” said David Axelrod, former senior adviser to President Barack Obama. “But Trump has a lot at stake here too, because if Biden does pierce that narrative, it could change the dynamic of the race.”

The terms of the first debate remained a work in progress late Wednesday. The CNN debate in Atlanta, moderated by anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, will be conducted without a live audience. It will be open to any presidential candidate who gets 15 percent in four separate approved national polls between March 15 and June 20; who gets on enough ballots to have a path to winning a majority of the votes in the electoral college; and who agrees to the debate rules. ABC News said late Wednesday that its debate would use similar criteria and would be moderated by anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis.

The networks’ proposed rules open a possible path for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to make the stage. But Biden advisers said that they had told CNN the president would only participate in debates that were one-on-one with Trump and that they did not agree to another debate Trump suggested, on Fox News in October.

“President Biden made his terms clear for two one-on-one debates, and Donald Trump accepted those terms,” campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said in a statement. “No more games. No more chaos, no more debate about debates.”

A Trump campaign official said a CNN producer had given assurances in a call Wednesday morning that “RFK will not be on the stage,” after describing the criteria for the event.

But aides to Kennedy, who has at least two qualifying polls, said he would be on track to get enough ballot access by June 20 if they speed up their timeline for turning in signatures. Richard Winger, editor of Ballot Access News, agreed that there was a clear path for Kennedy to win ballot access in enough states before that date.

“We’re thrilled Presidents Biden and Trump have finally agreed to a debate!” Kennedy campaign manager Amaryllis Fox Kennedy said in a statement. “We anticipate Mr. Kennedy fulfilling all participation criteria by June 20th and look forward to offering American voters the three-way debate they deserve.”

Frank Fahrenkopf Jr., co-chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates, said his organization was founded to avoid this type of confusion. The commission requires a higher standard than the one adopted by the networks.

“One of the reasons we were created is campaigns could never agree on the most important things,” Fahrenkopf said. “If they can do it, more power to them. We’d rather have them go with us.”

The public agreement by the Trump and Biden campaigns followed informal back-channel discussions in recent weeks, according to two people familiar with the interactions who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private talks. The two camps discussed debates that would not involve the commission.

Both sides had grown increasingly frustrated with the commission, people with knowledge of the situation said, and Trump has been publicly and privately clamoring to debate Biden.

“I am Ready and Willing to Debate Crooked Joe at the two proposed times,” Trump wrote on Wednesday on Truth Social. “I would strongly recommend more than two debates and, for excitement purposes, a very large venue, although Biden is supposedly afraid of crowds.”

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The Biden proposal, outlined in a video message and letter to the commission Wednesday morning, called for direct negotiations between the Trump and Biden campaigns over the rules, moderators and network hosts for the one-on-one encounters. Biden proposed a separate vice-presidential debate in July, after the Republican nominating convention and before the Democratic nominating convention.

“Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020, and since then he hasn’t shown up for a debate. Now he is acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal. I’ll even do it twice,” Biden said in the video released Wednesday that referenced the weekly break in Trump’s New York criminal trial . “So let’s pick the dates, Donald. I hear you’re free on Wednesdays.”

The first debate on CNN will fall on a Thursday, after the expected conclusion of Trump’s New York trial.

O’Malley Dillon cited the commission’s proposed schedule and past struggles to keep candidates from violating the debate rules in the letter explaining the decision.

“The Commission’s model of building huge spectacles with large audiences at great expense simply isn’t necessary or conducive to good debates,” she wrote. “The debates should be conducted for the benefit of the American voters, watching on television and at home — not as entertainment for an in-person audience with raucous or disruptive partisans and donors, who consume valuable debate time with noisy spectacles of approval or jeering.”

Biden proposed that the moderator should be selected by the broadcast host from its “regular personnel,” with firm time limits for answers, equal speaking time, alternative turns to speak and microphones that are active only during each candidate’s turn.

“The real story here is that Joe Biden is so weak and infirm he will only commit to two debates when we should be doing much more,” Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita said in a statement.

“Trump walked himself into a corner by saying ‘anytime and anywhere,’” Axelrod said. “They got exactly the conditions you want if you are Biden. You get a studio, not a Roman colosseum — and early. The history of these things is you always want them early because if they don’t go well, you can recover from them.”

Trump and the Republican National Committee had previously expressed interest in bypassing the commission, which has convened presidential debates since the 1988 election. The commission has already scheduled one vice-presidential and three presidential debates, starting Sept. 16 with a presidential candidate meeting in Texas that would have been simultaneously broadcast by major broadcast and cable news networks.

The commission said it would continue to plan for four debates this fall, including the vice-presidential candidate meeting. “Our 2024 sites, all locations of higher learning, are prepared to host debates on dates chosen to accommodate early voters,” the group said in a statement Wednesday.

The organization began sponsoring presidential debates after the two major-party presidential campaigns in 1984 struggled to agree on terms.

Televised debates starting in 1960 were held in the final months of the campaign, after the candidates had been formally nominated to lead their parties. But the early debates had also been inconsistent events, subject to significant disputes between the candidates. Republican Richard M. Nixon and Democrat John F. Kennedy were the first to meet in a televised presidential debate, during the 1960 election campaign. The next major-party presidential debate took place in 1976, followed by debates in 1980 and 1984.

The commission sought to standardize the practice as a neutral arbiter, creating a candidate qualification standard of at least 15 percent in national polling and a ballot access requirement that provided a path to victory in the electoral college. The commission also picked the locations, moderators and formats, eventually setting a pattern of three fall presidential candidate debates, including one town hall-style event, and one vice-presidential candidate debate.

That system has met bipartisan resistance in recent years. Biden’s advisers were furious about the commission’s failure to enforce agreed-upon masking and coronavirus testing requirements at the first debate in 2020. Three former aides later said Trump had tested positive for the virus days before that meeting with Biden, though he only made his condition public afterward. Biden’s aides also objected to the debate commission’s failure to contain Trump’s outbursts during the first meeting.

“Everyone was upset in the first debate when the delegation of Trump family and their supporters sat down, they took off the masks. When members of the Cleveland Clinic gave them masks, they wouldn’t put them on. What were we supposed to do? Shut down the debate?” Fahrenkopf said.

The Republican National Committee announced in 2022 that the party would leave the commission’s debate system altogether, calling the body “biased” because it started the 2020 debates after voting had begun, its board members had criticized Trump, and it had failed to consult the campaign on some format issues. The RNC also objected to the commission’s 2020 decision to hire a debate moderator, C-SPAN anchor Steve Scully, who had briefly interned during college in Biden’s Senate office in 1978.

Two top Trump campaign advisers, LaCivita and Susie Wiles, announced last month that the timing of the commission’s first debate was “unacceptable.”

Fahrenkopf, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, was optimistic as late as Tuesday that his organization’s system would endure. He said the commission’s debates could not be scheduled until after Sept. 6, the last date when states determine which candidates appear on their November ballots, since ballot access is a condition of debate eligibility under the commission’s rules.

Fahrenkopf said he was taken by surprise by Biden’s letter and had not discussed it privately with O’Malley Dillon or any of the president’s top aides. He also said he had not discussed debates with Trump’s campaign, instead waiting for both to be officially nominated.

“We’ll have to see,” Fahrenkopf said, when asked about the future of the commission, adding that he expected to leave the group after 2024 regardless.

Scott Clement and Emily Guskin contributed to this report.

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