English Compositions

Short Essay On A Busy Railway Station [100, 200, 400 Words] With Pdf

Today in this session, we will discuss how you can write short essays on ‘ A Busy Railway Station .’ There will be three different sets of essays in the same context within different word limits for each.

Table of Contents

  • Short Essay On A Busy Railway Station In 100 Words 
  • Short Essay On A Busy Railway Station In 200 Words 
  • Short Essay On A Busy Railway Station In 400 Words 

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Short Essay On A Busy Railway Station In 100 Words

A railway station is a place where trains stop for the passengers to board and deboard. In our country, almost every town and city has a railway station. Most of these stations are very busy and filled with people.

There are passengers waiting for their trains to arrive, there are also relatives and friends of passengers who are either waiting to see them off or waiting to receive them when they arrive. Then there are porters rushing with goods and luggage and hawkers going around selling tea and newspapers.

Outside the station, there are rickshaws and auto drivers bargaining with people. A busy railway station is always very noisy and crowded, but it is also an interesting and attention-grabbing place.

Short Essay On A Busy Railway Station In 200 Words

A railway station is a busy place. It is a place where trains stop for the passengers to board and deboard. In our country, almost every town and city has a railway station.

Some big cities even have two or more stations. Most of these stations are very busy and are always bustling with people. There are many passengers waiting for their trains to arrive. There are relatives and friends of passengers who have come to see them off.

There are also family members waiting to receive their loved ones as they arrive. One can also see porters rushing with luggage on their heads as well as hawkers going around selling tea and newspapers. 

There are many stalls selling tea, snacks, bottled water, books and newspapers on the railway platforms. People whose trains are delayed, often choose to stay and sleep on the platforms as well. One can also find street beggars asking for alms in railway stations.

Then there are constant announcements being made on loudspeakers about the arrival and departure of various trains. 

One can easily get separated from their family members or lose their luggage in a busy railway station. It is very important to stay attentive while travelling. However, as crowded and noisy it is, a busy railway station is also an interesting and attention-grabbing place. 

Short Essay On A Busy Railway Station In 400 Words

A railway station is a place where trains stop for the passengers to board and deboard. In our country, almost every town and city has a railway station. Some big cities even have two or more stations. Most of these stations are very busy and are always crowded.

There are many passengers waiting for their trains to arrive. People whose trains are delayed, often choose to stay and sleep on the platforms as well. There are relatives and friends of passengers who have come to see them off. There are also family members waiting to receive their loved ones as they arrive.

One can often find people who are travelling with a lot of luggage, bargaining with porters. There are also other porters rushing with luggage on their heads as well as hawkers going around selling tea and newspapers. Many platforms have stalls selling tea, snacks, bottled water, books and newspapers. People crowd around these stalls to buy things, adding to the commotion. 

Recently, I had an opportunity to visit one of the busiest railway stations in our country – the Howrah railway station. As we got down from the train, many porters rushed towards us, asking us if we needed any help with our luggage. There were other people running to board a local train that had just arrived on the opposite platform.

We were tired and wanted to rest for a while. But the platform was so crowded that we couldn’t stop walking and was pushed until we had reached the very end of the terminal. It was also hard to hear each other as it was very noisy and constant announcements were being made on loudspeakers about the arrival and departure of various trains. 

Outside the railway station, there were many rickshaws and auto drivers asking people if they needed a ride. There were also agents from various inns and guest houses trying to persuade people to stay at their lodgings.

As we were exiting the station, we heard an announcement being made about a child being separated from their parents. Listening to that, my parents held my hand tightly and warned me to stay close. It seemed like one could easily get separated from their family or lose their luggage at a busy railway station. That scared me and I became very alert. It is indeed very important to stay attentive while travelling.

A busy railway station is very crowded and noisy but it is also an interesting and attention-grabbing place. We can find so many different types of people there. It is an amazing experience. 

In the lesson above, I have tried to write three sets of short essays on ‘A Busy Railway Station’ in very simple words that all kinds of students can easily understand. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, mention that in the comment. To read more such essays on various important topics, keep browsing our website. 

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Writing Tips Oasis

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10 Words to Describe a Busy Train Station

By A.W. Naves

words to describe a busy train station

Does you novel have a scene set at a train station during rush hour? Here are 10 words to describe a busy train station to help with your writing.

Cluttered, jumbled ; in a state of complete confusion and disorder.

“The train station was so  chaotic  that I almost missed my train.”

“People were pushing and shoving their way through the  chaotic  train station.”

How It Adds Description

The word “chaotic” adds a layer of  description  that helps to communicate the intensity and frenzied energy of the scene. It suggests a sense of disorder and confusion, which can create anxiety in the reader, helping them to better imagine the crowded, bustling environment of the busy train station described.

2. Bustling

Engaged, hopping ; full of energetic and noisy activity.

“The  bustling  train station was alive with the sounds of people rushing to catch their trains.”

“I love visiting  bustling  train stations because they are always so full of life.”

The word “bustling” expresses the sense of lively, energetic activity that characterizes the scene. It suggests movement, noise, and activity, all of which contribute to the overall impression of a crowded, frenetic space filled with people hurrying to catch their trains, allowing readers to imagine themselves amid the crowd, sharing the anticipation of travel that permeates the space.

Confusing, hastened ; characterized by intense activity.

“The  hectic  train station was a blur of people and trains moving in every direction.”

“The commute home during rush hour is always  hectic  at the train station.”

The word “hectic” implies a sense of chaos and urgency, with people rushing to catch their trains, announcements blaring over loudspeakers, and a general feeling of disarray. It expresses the sense of urgency and excitement that your characters may be experiencing as they try to make their way to their trains, creating tension in the scene.

Characterized by a state of wild or  frenzied activity .

“The train was leaving in five minutes, so the passengers were in a frantic rush to board.”

“I felt a sense of relief after I finally escaped the frantic atmosphere of the train station.”

The word “frantic” can help to convey the high-stakes nature of traveling by train. It can also suggest that the train station is a stressful or overwhelming environment, with people rushing to catch their trains and others trying to navigate their way through the crowds. It paints a vivid picture of the environment and the characters’ emotions.

5. Clamorous

Loud, chaotic ; full of noise and commotion.

“The  clamorous  train station was filled with the sounds of trains arriving and departing, as well as the shouts and chatter of people.”

“Despite its  clamorous  mood, I found the train station to be strangely calming.”

The word “clamorous” implies that the scene is loud and chaotic. It impresses the overwhelming auditory experience of being in a place where trains are arriving and departing, people are shouting, and announcements are blaring over loudspeakers. It helps to create a feverish, tumultuous environment where it can be difficult to focus or find peace.

6. Frenzied

Characterized by  wild activity  or excitement.

“The  frenzied  passengers rushed onto the train, eager to find a seat before it was too late.”

“Despite the early hours, the train station was  frenzied , with people running all over.”

The word “frenzied” can add a sense of chaos and urgency to the scene and indicate that the environment is filled with frenetic activity and movement. It implies that a train station is a place of high energy, creating a mood and atmosphere for the scene that adds depth and realism to a novel.

Brimming, bursting ; overflowing with people or activity.

“The train station was  teeming  with people waiting for their trains, buying tickets, or rushing to their destinations.”

“The  teeming  crowds made it hard to hold a conversation so we just sat and read quietly.”

The word “teeming” helps the reader to visualize a large number of people in the station, as well as the energy and activity of the space. It is a particularly evocative word, suggesting an overflowing abundance of activity or people. It adds a vividness that allows the reader to immerse themselves as if they are truly present in the station.

8. Cacophonous

Harsh, discordant ; unpleasant to the ears.

“The train station was a  cacophonous  place, with the screeching of trains, the blaring of horns, and the general chaos of the crowds.”

“I had to cover my ears to block out the  cacophonous  noise of the train station.”

The word “cacophonous” not only conveys that the train station is busy, but that it is a place of harsh, discordant, and unpleasant noise. This word creates an auditory image of the train station, helping the reader to imagine the unpleasant and overwhelming sounds that one might experience in a crowded train station.

Characterized by a  rhythmic or vibrating movement .

“The  pulsing  beat of the music being played in the train station added to the frenetic energy of the crowd.”

“The neon lights  pulsing  above the train station made it hard to overlook.”

The word “pulsing adds a layer of sensory description. It suggests a recurrent, throbbing movement, which can help the reader imagine the physical sensation of being in a crowded train station, creating a more immersive experience for them.

10. Swarming

Crammed, mobbed ; filled with a large and active crowd.

“The train station was  swarming  with people trying to escape the carnage before transportation routes were shut down by the authorities.”

“It was difficult to stay together in the  swarming  crowds at the train station.”

The word “swarming” emphasizes the sheer number of people present in the scene and their frenzied and active movements. It conjures up a sense of chaos and urgency as people rush to their destinations, moving quickly and with purpose, which can further convey a sense of energy and excitement to captivate the reader.

Essay on Railway Station

500 words essay on  railway station.

A railway station is a facility that has railway tracks or lines for trains to carry passengers or goods from one place to another. There are different kinds of railways stations, some are above ground while some are underground as well. You will always see interesting sights on railways stations as they are full of life and activities.

railway station

A Typical Day at the Railway Station

A typical day at the railway station is full of exciting activities and sights. You will find the stations crowded with autos, taxis, cars, buses, rickshaws, and more. Similarly, there is a lot of commotion there.

People are present in large crowds there. Some have come to drop off someone while others are waiting for passengers to arrive. The coolies and porters keep eyeing you to carry your luggage for you so they can earn well.

Another interesting sight and sound are that of people quarrelling and bargaining. One of the most relaxing sights is that of the brick and mortar shops selling books and newspapers . You will see people peacefully reading them in a corner.

There are also food stalls, canteens, and street vendors that sell delicious food items and snacks to passengers. They shout out to attract people and sell their items. There are vendors who roam around with their items to sell them.

The waiting rooms, ticketing booths and even restrooms are often crowded at the railway station too. The people sit on the cemented benches or their own suitcases while they wait for the train to arrive.

People sleeping on bed sheets or mats on the floor is not a rare sight. Not just passengers but people who are homeless or poor also sleep at the railway station. As a result, a lot of addicts lurk on empty tracks or isolated corners.

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Main Highlight of a Railway Station

The main highlight has to be when the train is arriving at the railway station. You will see people getting excited and waiting impatiently to board the train. They stand at the platform while waiting for the train to arrive.

On the other hand, the ones who have to deboard the train are eagerly standing at the gates of the train to get down quickly. There is a lot of commotion at this time as the ones who have to board and others who have to deboard, both do it at the same time.

There is no order to let the other one pass first. Thus, chaos and confusion take place at this time. People rush to their seats while the ones exiting want to get down as soon as possible.

There are many pickpockets as well that wait for this time to do their job. Often, people get hurt as well in all this commotion. However, despite all the commotion, it is wholesome to see friends and relatives receive and welcome their loved ones.

To sum it up, the railway station is an interesting place that is bustling with excitement and activities. We get to witness so many wholesome scenes and watch people in a hurry. It is an experience in itself to visit the railway station.

FAQ on Essay on Railway Station

Question 1: What is the importance of a railway station?

Answer 1: The railway stations are important as they are a cheap mode of transport in comparison to other modes of transport. Similarly, they also help you reach the destination in lesser time. The prices are fixed and so are the routes making it easier for passengers.

Question 2: Why is the railway called national transport?

Answer 2: Railways are the national transportation as they have the widest network in India. Moreover, they are also vital for transporting coal, iron, steel, etc.

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How to Describe a Train in Writing (30+ Words & Examples)

Riding the rails has captured the imagination of writers for over a century. Trains have been featured in all genres of fiction from romance to sci-fi.

Here’s how to describe a train in writing :

Describe the sight, sound, and motion of trains by focusing on key details like the locomotive style, speed, interior details, and smoking steam from the stack. Use vivid sensory language to transport readers aboard the rail journey.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to describe all aspects of trains from their traits and purposes to stations and ideas for train scenes.

10 Key Train Traits to Describe

A blog image of a train - How to Describe a Train in Writing

Table of Contents

There are 10 traits you need to know to master writing train descriptions:

  • Locomotive style


Locomotive style.

The locomotive style refers to the design and visual appearance of the engine powering the train.

Pay attention to key features that distinguish one style from another, like the shape of the front grille on a diesel or the large boiler on a steam engine.

Mention details like the number of wheels, decorative embellishments, and the general silhouette or profile of the locomotive.

Color Scheme

The colors used to paint the train exterior play a key role in description.

Note the dominant hues used on the engine, cars and any striping or lettering.

Black, gray, maroon, forest green and navy blue are common. Is it a vibrant, glossy color or more muted and weathered?


The general size and length of the train determines how many cars it contains.

An intercity passenger train may be quite long with many attached cars while a subway is much shorter.

Use terms like massive, hulking, and colossal for large trains vs. tiny or small for shorter ones.

Mention any multi-level cars as well.

Identify the train’s primary function to transport passengers or freight/cargo.

Commuter trains take riders on daily trips while freight trains haul predominantly goods and materials across long distances.

Knowing the purpose provides context.

The age and era of a train help establish the time period.

An antique steam locomotive from the 19th century invokes vintage images while a bullet train feels ultramodern.

Use descriptors that indicate the general age — old, historic, futuristic, modern, etc.

The speed a train is moving is crucial to convey, as it feels far different watching a slow coal train vs. a high speed express.

Use words like crawling, moderate, fast, swift, speeding or racing to indicate speed.

Mention how quickly the scenery whips past.

Trains make distinctive sounds from the engine, horn, wheels on tracks and other mechanisms.

Describe the volume – quiet, soft, loud, deafening – and quality of the sounds like screeching brakes or clickety-clack wheels.

Steam locomotives emit copious smoke from the stack which creates a dramatic visual.

Note the volume – billowing, puffing, wafting – color and scent. Smoke evokes key sensory details.


The number, styles and purposes of the attached railcars provide helpful context.

Short commuter trains may have just a few while cross-country ones have many passenger, dining, sleeper and freight cars.

Identify any that stand out.

Knowing where a train is headed, even if just the general direction, adds intrigue and purpose.

Is it chugging toward a big city or traveling through open countryside?

This ties into the overall context.

Types of Trains

There are many types of trains that operate for different purposes.

Here are some of the most common:

  • Passenger trains  – Used to transport people between stations. These include high-speed bullet trains, intercity trains, commuter trains and subways.
  • Freight trains  – Haul cargo in closed cars or open tops. Examples are unit trains, mixed freight and intermodal trains.
  • Light rail  – Urban passenger trains operating on mainline railroad tracks. They are smaller and lighter than heavy rail.
  • High-speed rail  – Intercity passenger trains that operate at speeds over 200 km/h (120 mph).
  • Steam locomotives  – Antique trains powered by steam engines burning coal, wood or oil. They have mostly been replaced by diesel and electric trains.

How to Describe a Train for Kids

When depicting trains for children, focus on key details that will spark their imagination:

  • Bright, vibrant colors on the engine and cars
  • Interesting shapes like steam billowing from the stack
  • Happy faces or names given to the trains
  • The sounds – whistles blowing, wheels clacking
  • Child-friendly destinations like the zoo, circus or beach
  • Riders waving from the windows
  • Special cars like an observation deck or caboose
  • Animal characters as conductors or engineers
  • Trains that can talk and show personality

Use kid-friendly, sensory language around sights, sounds, smells and motion.

Describe colors, shapes, noises and actions in an upbeat way. Bring the train to life as a friendly character for a delightful ride.

Here is a video to help you learn how to describe trains:

30 Words to Describe Trains

All these tips are good, but what about the actual language of trains?

Don’t worry – here is a list of words you can use when describing trains:

30 Phrases to Describe Trains

Here are some phrases you can use to talk about trains:

  • Locomotive giant
  • Carriages clattered along
  • Whistle splitting the air
  • Smoke billowing
  • Engine roaring
  • Cars rumbling along
  • Train slithered along
  • Serpentine machine
  • Thunder down the tracks
  • Caterpillar of cars
  • Black iron beast
  • Shriek of metal
  • Blur of machinery
  • Steel wheels grinding
  • Slate gray cars
  • Snake of steel
  • Echoing horn blast
  • Ghostly owl lights
  • Pistons pumping mightily
  • Wheels clacking rhythmically
  • Coach lights flickering
  • Steam whistling from vents
  • Gears churning noisily
  • Engine car belching smoke
  • Railcars clacking together
  • Steel rails humming
  • Whistle piercing the air
  • Passengers murmuring inside
  • Conductor yelling, “All aboard!”

How to Describe a Train Station in Writing

Train stations serve as bustling hubs for arrivals, departures and daily commutes.

When describing a station, consider these key elements:

  • Architecture  – The style and materials such as Victorian, Art Deco, brick, marble, etc.
  • Size  – The general scale from a small rural stop to a massive hub station.
  • Platforms  – The number, length and features like benches, overhangs or digital signs.
  • Tracks  – How many railroad tracks run through the station? Are they elevated or at ground level?
  • Transportation modes  – Are trains, buses, taxis and other transit integrated here?
  • Interior details  – What does the inside look like? Highlight ticketing areas, waiting rooms, shops.
  • Lighting  – Overhead lighting, natural light from windows, ambient glow of trains.
  • Crowds  – The volume of people, queues, announcements and overall energy.
  • Sounds  – The echoes of footsteps, murmuring voices, train arrivals/departures.
  • Smells  – Odors from food stalls, coffee shops, engine exhaust or crowds.
  • Purpose  – Is it a commuter, passenger or mixed-use station?

Example Train Descriptions

Here are three sample train descriptions in different fiction genres:

The antique steam train clicked and puffed as it pulled out of the station, tendrils of white smoke coiling from its black stack.

The setting sun gleamed on its scarlet boiler as the mammoth iron horse powered down the tracks with the faint scent of coal trailing behind. Emily pressed her nose to the window, admiring the faded golden carriages rolling past quaint countryside toward their destination.

The silent silver bullet train glided swiftly into the station, its metallic sides shimmering under the harsh white lights.

With a barely audible hiss, the glossy doors slid open and passengers disembarked, the train’s electric engine humming. Jane strode quickly through the grim crowd, heading toward the hulking machine that would transport her 200 mph to the next dreary mega-city.

The ancient train rumbled through the misty high mountain pass, its gears grinding and smokestack belching acrid plumes. The black iron wheels screeched against the tracks as the beastly locomotive pulled its rattling cargo cars.

Inside, the air was musty and eerily quiet, the wooden seats weathered from ages of use.

Alana peered out the grimy window at the spectral pine forest sliding past, wondering what magical secrets this transport might hold.

20 Unique Ideas for Using Trains in Your Story

Here are 20 interesting ideas for incorporating trains into short stories or novels:

  • An antique steam train time travels to the Wild West
  • A magical train picks up lost kids and takes them on adventures
  • Clues about a mystery are found on a cross-country train trip
  • Ghosts haunt the cars of an old train graveyard
  • A futuristic bullet train on Mars helps colonists escape danger
  • An enchanted train can fly as well as ride the rails
  • A runaway train hurtles out of control toward doom
  • An eccentric group of characters meet on an overnight train
  • A talking train engine guides riders through fantastical lands
  • A young stowaway finds dangers and wonders while riding the rails
  • A scientist transforms into animals after a freak lab accident on a train
  • A portal in a train station opens to a magical kingdom
  • A quarantined train holds a deadly outbreak threatening humanity
  • Famous historical figures interact on an express train through time
  • A post-apocalyptic survivor finds the last working locomotive
  • A train heist happens as villains attempt a daring robbery
  • An animal circus troupe rides the rails from show to show
  • A miniature train in a model exhibit comes to life at night
  • A mechanical train-robot helps fight off an alien attack
  • A child befriends the ghost of an old train conductor

Final Thoughts: How to Describe a Train in Writing

Describing trains requires focusing on key details – from the locomotive style and sound, to the speed, purpose and era – that bring these powerful machines to life on the page.

All aboard for more tips on creative writing and blogging as we travel together on this railroad of words!

Be sure to check out the other helpful articles on my website to further polish your storytelling skills.

Read This Next:

  • How to Write Traveling Scenes Readers Love (21 Best Tips)
  • How to Describe Flying in Writing (21 Best Tips + Examples)
  • How to Describe a Rich Person (21 Best Tips + Examples)
  • How to Describe Love in Writing (21 Best Tips + Examples)

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Essay on Railway Station – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Railway Station – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay for Students and Children

Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on Railway Station

10 lines on railway station, paragraph on railway station, short essay on railway station, long essay on railway station in english, what will your child learn from the essay on railway station.

A bustling railway station often comes to mind  when we think of journeys, serving as the gateway to new adventures and experiences. Writing an essay on railway stations  in English is not just an academic exercise; it’s a way to express our observations, experiences, and the unique atmosphere  surrounding these travel hubs.  Whether it’s the clatter of trains, the busy crowds, or the  emotions filling  the air, railway stations are a microcosm of life’s vibrant tapestry.   Let’s explore the wonders of railway stations through the eyes of young minds, understanding why this railway station essay for school students and children is not just an assignment but a journey in itself.

Writing an essay about a railway station is an enriching experience   beyond describing a place; it’s about capturing the essence of a dynamic environment. Here are some key points to keep in mind to make your essay on a railway station engaging and vivid:

  • Observe the Details:  Pay attention to the small details around the station – the sounds of arriving and departing trains, the announcements, the hustle of passengers, and even the architecture. These details bring your essay to life.
  • Incorporate Sensory Descriptions:  Use sensory descriptions to make your  readers feel  at the station. Describe what you see, hear, smell, and feel.
  • Share Personal Experiences or Stories:  If you have personal stories or experiences related to a railway station, include them. They add a personal touch and make your essay relatable.
  • Reflect on the Significance:  Consider what a railway station symbolises –  connections, journeys, farewells, and reunions. Reflect on these themes in your essay.
  • Include Diverse Perspectives:  Consider the various people at the station  – travellers, workers, vendors – and what the station might mean to each of them.
  • Maintain a Logical Flow: Logically organise your essay. Start with an introduction, then the main body, and conclude with your reflections or summary.
  • Use Descriptive Language:  Employ vivid and descriptive language to paint a picture in the reader’s mind.
  • Check for Accuracy:  If you mention specific details about a particular station, ensure they are accurate.
  • Keep Your Audience in Mind:  Tailor your language and content to suit your audience, especially if it’s meant for school students and children.
  • Edit and Revise:  Always revise your essay to check for grammatical errors and improve sentence structure.

A railway station is full of life and stories, a portal to various destinations and experiences. For young learners, writing a few lines on a railway station can be a delightful way to explore and describe this bustling place. Here’s a simple yet engaging 10-line essay that captures the essence of a railway station:

1. A railway station is where trains arrive and depart, carrying passengers to different destinations.

2. It’s filled with trains whistling, chugging, and announcements echoing through the air.

3.  People of all ages can be seen waiting on benches, some excited for their journey, others saying goodbye.

4.  The ticket counters are always crowded, with people lining up to buy tickets for their travels.

5. Porters in red uniforms bustle around, helping passengers with their heavy luggage.

6. The platforms are long and wide, with people eagerly waiting to board their trains.

7. Vendors walk up and down, selling travellers snacks, drinks, and magazines.

8. The arrival and departure boards show the trains’ times, guiding passengers.

9.  Children often look amazed at the sight of huge trains and the sounds they make.

10.  A railway station is not just a place of travel but a space where stories begin and end.

This essay for  classes 1, 2, and 3 introduces the world of railway stations, offering young minds a glimpse into their  dynamic and vibrant atmosphere.

A railway station is more than just a transit point; it’s a lively hub of activity and a melting pot of emotions and experiences.  Here’s an essay in 100 words about the world of a railway station, which holds a unique position in our journeys and hearts.

A railway station brims with life, echoing  the rhythmic sounds of arriving and departing trains. The air buzzes with announcements and the chatter of passengers. Families and friends share emotional goodbyes and joyous reunions. The hustle of travellers, the busy ticket counters, and the diligent porters add to the station’s vibrant atmosphere. Vendors weave through the crowd, offering snacks and souvenirs, while the arrival and departure boards constantly update with new information. Each person at the station has a different story  and  a different destination, making it a place where countless journeys intersect  and  new stories begin.   A railway station is not just a structure of bricks and metal; it’s a living, breathing space that encapsulates the essence of travel and human connection.

The railway station, a vital part of our transport system, is a fascinating place with life and activity. In this short essay, we will explore the dynamic environment of a railway station, a place that serves as the backdrop for countless stories and experiences.

Railway stations are bustling hubs where the excitement and anticipation of travel are palpable. They are places where people from all walks of life converge, each with their   unique journey and destination. The station is alive with the sounds of locomotives chugging, whistles blowing, and the constant hum of conversation. You can see people hurrying along, pulling their luggage, while others wait patiently for their train. Ticket counters line one side, with queues of eager or tired travellers, and digital boards display the timetables, constantly updating with arrivals and departures.

What makes a railway station truly special is the spectrum of emotions it witnesses every day. Joyous reunions and tearful farewells are a common sight. The air is a mix of excitement for those embarking on journeys and  relief for  those returning home. Vendors add to the station’s character, selling everything from magazines to local delicacies. Children gaze in awe at the massive engines while adults navigate through the crowd, creating a mosaic of movement and sound.

Railway stations, with their unique blend of history, technology, and humanity, present a fascinating topic for  in-depth exploration, particularly for students. This long essay  for class 3 and the above classes dives into the various facets of a railway station, examining its components, services, challenges, and envisioning its future.

A railway station is a bustling hub of activity,  serving as a crucial point where journeys commence and conclude. It is a place where the rhythm of daily life is felt, with the constant flow of passengers, the rhythmic chug of arriving and departing trains, and the myriad sounds of announcements and conversations.

Different Components of a Railway Station

A railway station is a complex entity comprising various components that work together to ensure smooth operation. The primary element is the platforms, where passengers board and alight from trains. The ticket counters and automated ticket machines are essential for purchasing and managing travel itineraries. Waiting areas offer passengers a place to rest, while information displays provide real-time updates about train schedules. The luggage facilities help passengers store their belongings securely. Additionally, security checkpoints ensure the safety of passengers and staff. Many stations also have food courts and shopping areas, adding to the convenience and enjoyment of  travellers.

Services Provided by Railway Stations

Railway stations offer a range of services to cater to the needs of  travellers:

  • Ticket Services:  Railway stations provide ticket services, including ticket sales, reservations for future travel, and cancellation facilitation when necessary.
  • Information Services:  These stations are a hub of helpful information, offering up-to-date train schedules, platform details, and general assistance to ensure a worry-free travel experience.
  • Food and Retail Outlets:  Railway stations offer a variety of dining and shopping options, from quick snacks and beverages to full meals. There are also retail stores for last-minute purchases and essentials.
  • Luggage Services: Travellers can take advantage of porter services and luggage storage facilities, making it easier to manage their baggage before departure or upon arrival.
  • Security Services:  Ensuring the safety of passengers and their belongings is a top priority, with security personnel and surveillance systems in place at all times.
  • Accessibility Services:  Railway stations have facilities to assist differently-abled passengers, including ramps, elevators, and specialised assistance, to ensure everyone can easily travel.

Major Challenges Faced by Railway Stations

Despite their efficiency, railway stations face several challenges:

  • Overcrowding:  Railway stations often struggle with overcrowding, particularly during peak hours and festive seasons, leading to discomfort and potential safety issues for passengers.
  • Maintenance:  Ensuring the cleanliness and upkeep of facilities is a constant challenge, requiring continuous effort to maintain high standards of hygiene and functionality.
  • Security:  Managing the safety of passengers in a bustling environment is complex, necessitating robust security measures and vigilant personnel to prevent and respond to potential threats.
  • Technological Upgrades:  Keeping up with advancements in technology is essential for providing better services, yet it poses a challenge due to the need for substantial investments and the continuous training of staff.
  • Environmental Impact:  Railway stations must address their environmental impact by reducing their carbon footprint, managing waste effectively, and striving for sustainability in their operations.

Future of Railway Stations

The future of railway stations looks promising, with   technological advancements and a growing emphasis on sustainability.  Innovative  technology will likely play a crucial role in enhancing passenger experience through digital ticketing, real-time updates, and enhanced security features. Green initiatives, like solar panels and eco-friendly construction materials, could make stations more sustainable. Additionally, stations may evolve into multi-purpose complexes, integrating transport with shopping, dining, and entertainment facilities, making them  transit points and destinations.

Railway stations are much more than mere transit hubs. They are dynamic spaces that encapsulate the essence of travel and human interactions. As we look towards the future, these stations are set to become even more integral to our journeys, adapting and evolving with  society’s changing needs and technological advancements.

Through the essay on railway stations, children will gain a deeper understanding of these bustling hubs of activity and their significance in our daily lives. They will learn about the various components, services, and challenges of railway stations  and their importance in connecting people and places. This essay will enhance their knowledge and  encourage observational skills, empathy, and a broader perspective on a familiar yet complex part of our world.

1. Which railway station is considered the oldest surviving railway station in the world? 

The Liverpool Road railway station in Manchester, is considered the oldest surviving railway station in the world, dating back to 1830 (1) .

2. How many train platforms does a railway station have?

The number of train platforms in a railway station varies widely, ranging from one or two in smaller stations to over 40 in some of the world’s largest stations.

Essays on railway stations provide a rich, multi-faceted learning experience for children and students of all ages. They offer insights into  these vital transport hubs’ intricate workings and their role  in our lives. Beyond mere academic exercises, these essays encourage observation, critical thinking, and a deeper appreciation of the everyday places that connect us in myriad ways.


1. Liverpool Road Railway Station, Manchester, Greater Manchester; Historic England; https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/education/educational-images/liverpool-road-railway-station-manchester-8391

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descriptive essay on busy train station


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Essay on Railway Station for Students in English [500 Words]

January 1, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Railway Station: A railway station is a busy place for trains to arrive and depart. Passengers get down at their respective stations and alight their respective trains to move around from one destination to another. Generally, a station consists of the master’s office, booking offices, waiting rooms, ticket booking counters, platforms, vendor stalls and porters. It also has a huge parking lot, drinking water counters and hawkers. Passengers can approach help desks and railway police personnel for any assistance.

Essay on Railway Station 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Railway Station Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Railway termini are our gates to the glorious and the unknown. Through them, we pass out into adventure and sunshine, to them, alas! We return. – E. M. Forster

A railway station is a facility on a railway track or line where trains stop to load and unload passengers or freight or both. Railway stations can be above ground, underground or elevated. The world’s oldest railway station is The Mount on the Oyestermouth Railway in Wales, United Kingdom. It first began its services in the year 1807. At that time, the trains were pulled by animals like horses and were not complete locomotives.

The Indian Railways is the fourth largest railways network in the world and is run by the government. It is one of the world’s busiest railway network and is humongous in its scale, size and operations. It is also one of the world’s cheapest long-distance transportation mechanism. India’s first train ran in Madras in the year 1837, and the Indian Railways came into existence in April, in the year 1853. The Indian railway’s transport around 8.1 billion people per year, which is more than the entire population of the world.

A Typical Day at the Railway Station

Let us now describe what a typical day at the railway station looks like. As soon as we reach the premises of the train station, we find it to be overly crowded with taxis, buses, autos, cars and rickshaws. Some of them have people who are to be dropped at the station, while many others are seen waiting for passengers to hop in and reach their destinations. Coolies or porters eye you from the time your vehicle crosses the barrier and come running to it to take your luggage.

Noises of quarrelling and bargaining can be continuously heard with and around them. There are numerous brick and mortar shops of books, newspapers , food items, etc. and several canteens can also be found. Street vendors or hawkers are also present on various spots who speak loudly or even shout to gain the attention of the local public. They keep roaming from one place to the other, along with the items that they are selling. There are various facilities available on the railway station for the passengers, including waiting rooms as well as ticketing booths and restrooms.

Many can be seen waiting at the platform, sitting on cemented benches, or even on their own suitcases. Some even spread a bed sheet or a mat on the floor and rest there while waiting for their train. Railway stations also serve as a sleeping place for many poor people. A lot of times, addicts can also be found lurking in shady areas like train station bridges, empty tracks and isolated corners. The main highlight of a railway station is when a train approaches it.

People suddenly get over-excited. The ones who have to board, stand at the platform waiting, while at the same time, those who have to deboard are eager to get down in haste. None of them wants the other one to pass first, and thus, a scene of utter chaos and madness takes place. People boarding are in a rush to get to their seats, while those who have just stepped down the train want to make it to the exit as soon as possible.

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IELTS essay Descriptive Writing - Busy Train Station in Delhi

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Busy train station descriptive writing activities, language analysis revision exam practice

Busy train station descriptive writing activities, language analysis revision exam practice

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

SLK GCSE English Shop

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descriptive essay on busy train station

Creative writing busy train station descriptive activities

Two detailed paragraphs filled with language techniques to conveys the busy train station . Students will be asked to:

-Highlight the language techniques -Name the language techniques -What connotations do they have.

Language analysis question -How does the writer use language to describe the sunset in the city?

Punctuation -Add more complex punctuation in the paragraphs

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Essay on Railway Station

Every district and villages almost have a railway station nearby. The railway station has its own relevance. There are many platforms at the railway station. Stations are characterized by the movement of passenger trains and goods trains including rush. Different trains come from all parts of India and stop at the railway stations to provide facilities for passengers to move from one place to another.

People from different sections of society with different designations are there but on a railway station, every one of them has a common motive either arrival or departure or receive someone or working over that place. Therefore the railway station is a place with its own operating world.

Short and Long Essays on Railway Station in English

Here are well-described essays of 100 – 150 Words, 250 Words, 500 Words and 600 Words limit on this topic for you:

Railway Station Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) The place where trains stop to carry passengers and goods is called a railway station.

2) People can catch their respective trains from the railway stations.

3) Railway station is full of passengers, workers, hawkers, and shopkeepers.

4) Train tickets are booked at the railway station.

5) There are waiting halls in railway stations where passengers can wait.

6) In a railway station, there are different platforms where the scheduled train stops.

7) Railway station is full of noise and hustles.

8) In a railway station, you can hear the continuous announcements for different trains.

9) People can find coolie, TC (Ticket Collector), and railway police all around the railway station.

10) Many railway stations are now electrified in India.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Liveliness at the Railway Stations


Railway stations are basically the places where the trains make halts, load, and unload passengers and goods. It can be generalized as a small waiting place where people are waiting for their concerned trains for departure or arrival. Usually, these places do contain small shops, benches, and waiting rooms too. As the word “railway station” comes to our mind, the picture arises of a place with continuous train whistles, announcements, and chaos all around.

Liveliness at the Railway Stations

These places are full of different kinds of people. Vendors and hawkers are observed shouting, selling different items to eat and use. Railway stations are important places, it provides people with their convenience to move from one place to others as well as expect guests too. There are ticket counters, to book the tickets for particular destinations.

A bookstall is mostly found on the stations, as many people are fond of reading during their journey. Railway stations are also equipped with the offices of station master and inquiry. They are provided with a police station too for monitoring over the criminal activities. They are called the railway police.

As the railway station is provided with the passage tracks and halt facilities for different trains, people reach over there for traveling to either destination. Some of them arrive at their destination. Therefore it is a place where emotional sentiments arise too. Some of the moments are seen in which the loved ones are departing from their families or close ones. On the other hand, people are also waiting and happy for the arrival of their close ones or family members.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Railway station: Facilities and Advancements

The railway station is the place where the movement of people is seen throughout the day. Obviously, it is the place for the trains to make halts. Therefore we can see the public and chaos all-around 24 hours of the day.

Facilities on the Railway Station

The facilities on the railway station depend upon its location. If it is a small station, it would be containing a few basic amenities like small tea stall, benches, washrooms, and ticket counter. But the larger railway station provides many amenities like toilets, ATM machines, restaurants, different food stalls, and many more. Larger railway stations are few in numbers. People get benefitted from the existence of railway stations. Lacs of people travel every day, tonnes of goods are loaded and unloaded every day by the trains. The railway stations provide people a place to wait for their scheduled train.

Advancements in Services of Railway Stations moving towards Digitalization

Railway stations are the places meant for adhering various facilities to the passengers regarding the traveling criteria. The present conditions and services have improved a lot from the earlier condition. The Indian railways are trying its level best to accommodate different technologies in order to make the travel for the passengers’ convenient one and thus moving towards digitalization.

The continuous improvement in the services, by technological advancements, is making the travel safer, convenient, and environment friendly to the passengers.

  • The ticketing system has changed to an online medium, now the tickets can be booked easily by the online mode at any place.
  • Information about the current status of the trains, the time of arrival and departure is now easily available on the larger screens on the stations.
  • The ticket machines have been installed on the stations.
  • Each and every kind of food ordering services is applicable online, fostering to cashless transactions.
  • Most of the stations are equipped with bio-toilets.
  • Vande Bharat an engineless train has been a major achievement for the Indian railways.
  • Railway stations are well equipped with amenities like CCTV cameras, Wi-Fi, as well as various security measures.
  • Coming on to the current situation, when the whole world is struck up by pandemic (COVID-19), the facilities have been improvised on the railway stations for the passengers. Different automatic sanitization machines have been installed, testing facilities, masks, and other safety services have been ensured digitally.

The railway stations are places with a lot of rush. Here the scenario is very different. People keep on moving day and night. Either they are traveling to some of the destinations or arriving at their destination. Goods are also being transported and loaded or unloaded. Overall it is an important place that provides for the fulfillment of basic needs and activities.

Essay on Railway Station

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Railway station: Equipped with Solar Power and Artificial Intelligence

A railway station is a place where different trains arrive and depart and so the passengers and goods. The journey of a passenger starts from a railway station and also ends on the railway station, thus station becoming mandatory for traveling with trains. There are many tracks which are the routes to different trains. The station is made at a little elevation with the tracks.

Essential Amenities at the Railway Stations

The place is equipped up with several amenities like food and tea stalls, toilets, ticket counters, etc. This proves to be beneficial facilities to the people waiting or arriving over there during the halts. Many of the passengers board their respective trains from here to reach their destination. Overall this place is full of hustle and bustle all around. The scenario is also a pleasing one. People from different regions can be seen here. There is also a waiting room for different classes on many of the railway stations. People are busy with their heavy goods and luggage, heading towards the platform. Security services along with railway police are also there to check the criminal activities.

Scenario of the Railway Station

Since I never had been to travel by train, therefore it’s my first experience, traveling to Lucknow. When we reached our respective railway station, I saw a lot of vehicles like two and four-wheelers, auto-rickshaw parked outside the station. The cab, auto, and rickshaw pullers were busy carrying and picking up the passengers.

We also came through a number of beggars sitting outside the station and begging. As our tickets were already booked so we did not step to the ticket window. But I would like to mention that as soon as one enters the station, there is a ticket window where people are in a queue trying to get the tickets for their different designations. There were men, women, and children all around. Almost all age groups people can be found out there. The places on the railway station meant to sit were fully occupied. Some passengers were lying down whereas some were sitting on the floor itself.

Vendors – There were many vendors selling different small things along with several fruits and food items. They were shouting and selling, so that they may be able to sell a major part of their stock.

Platform Scene – As soon as we entered the platform area, there was a lot of rush all around, as one of the trains has arrived. Some passengers were in hurry to board the train and some were rushing outside to board for taxi and auto-rickshaw. There were porters helping the passengers to lift up the luggage.

Our train arrived on its respective platform; we managed to get inside the train and searched for our seats. Once we located the same, we got seated over there and it was time to leave the station. But it was my first and one of the beautiful experiences.

Privatization of Railways either Good or Bad

  • The privatization of railways will provide the railway to the private companies, as a result of their proper work and orientation, the infrastructure and other services will be improved.
  • The station will be prone to better cleanliness.
  • Passengers will be provided with extra facilities and security.
  • As the infrastructure will be improved, it will enable the trains to arrive on time.


  • After privatization, government jobs in railways will come to an end, as private parties believe in making more money by employing lesser people.
  • The increased fare would be difficult for a common man and poor man to bear.
  • The government trains might delays for longer periods because private trains would get signals earlier .

Railway Stations are Now Fully Electrified by Utilizing Solar Power

Currently, more than 900 railway stations across the country have been fully electrified. The same is done by using solar power. It is a successful step towards sustainability too and will surely help in meeting goal 9 of the Sustainable Development Goal. The carbon footprint will be decreased by the same. The station of Varanasi and Delhi are examples of these innovations.

The Introduction of Captain Arjun Robot on Railway Station – Feature of Artificial Intelligence

This has been launched by the RPF (Railway Protection Force), for the purpose of security and scrutiny. It will also be involved in checking the passengers to board the trains, and at the same time monitor the terrorist activities too.

It was my first experience traveling via train but was a beautiful one. The guard blew the whistle and the train moved on leaving the station away. It can be said that railway stations are important to place where different activities are performed on daily basis. People make themselves comfortable during travel due to these stations.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Habibganj railway station in Bhopal is the first private railway station in India.

Ans . The first food truck has been launched by Indian Railways at Pune railway station.

Ans . ‘Lifeline of the country’ is the slogan of the Indian Railways.

Ans . Gorakhpur railway station has the world’s longest railway platform in India.

Ans . The online ticket booking was started by Indian railway on 3rd August 2002.

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Descriptive writing: busy and empty train station

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Here I am again. The same too small, compact cattle truck. The same horde of half awake, half dead creatures in ties and rough jacket arm in my face as its wearer reads a ‘daily times’ that needed a small rainforest to construct. The same squeak of shoes on the paving slabs, the same slurps of coffee and crunch of breakfast burgers it killed your stomach for you to walk past because the part of your brain that drags you through it all knows the queues are too long. The man in the middle of the train with both arms up on the railings hasn’t showered again. Whether he forgets, or has sacrificed his social life for some elbowroom, is puzzling. The ‘times’ man turns another page that seems even wider than the previous. He’s one of those stuck-up, senior employees’ guys with his large watch, new laptop and self-motivated air. If I make any attempt to get his sleeve out of my mouth, he will turn out to be a billionaire’s spoilt brat and I’ll never work in London again. If I make no movement, he will be a contractor from Scotland who has no effect on me what so ever and I will never see him again.

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Sorry, that’s paranoia. It’s the claustrophobia acting up. Seriously, its like being at a million tickets sold out rock concert in a portable loo. Bending down is impossible. I don’t dare get my mobile out incase I drop it and never see it again. The leather shoes on the floor seem to have been compressed into thick, black soup, with only shiny steel buckles indicating that your feet have not just floated away. The heat is intolerable. Each neck colour was a volcano of sweat, the neat from their bodies matching the eruption.

This is a preview of the whole essay

Suddenly the eternal rattling is outdone by the screeching as the graphite baked bean tin with wheels throws us all forward. The screen above our heads flickers then starts again with the aggravating, female commenty of the event quickly following. A final shudder and we’ve landed. The ‘times’ paper closes, BO man’s arms relax, I spit out pieces of jacket, and we all stagger to our feet, not least to man at the front of the train who was crushed under the human mass as the train braked. When the doors open it like blowing a hole in a dam and the water bursts forth. Its every man for himself and last one at work gets a rotten resume, to resist is to be trampled.

I watch stragglers as I pass them. A present co-worker who takes her time should she break water there and then. Stay at home. Beggars who lay on the ground just ‘begging’ to be kicked by laying on the floor in front of us. The secretaries who can afford to be late, who can’t type but are employed for the same reason as an executive stress ball.

Noise is everywhere. Everyone is everywhere. We just want to get out. A beast with hard, plastic wings eats and defecates my ticket and lets me through. The lights at the end of the tunnel. I’m free.

I surprise I should be grateful to my boss for making me late home for that executive meeting. This could mean promotion. The tie, forward slash, noose I put around my own neck won’t be loosened, just more expensive.

I’m back at the train station 2 hours later than usual and, oh my God, it’s amazing, there’s no one here. It’s quiet, but not too quiet. No chatting, no ringtones, no shoes, just quiet. I want to shout with surprise and exhilaration, but I don’t, should the spell be broken. I don’t need to Que. for a ticket from the now bored salesman. Its erry. The sounds of my shoes form a lonely echo around the tunnels and chambers leading to the railway. Even the tramps gone. So many firsts. Have the tunnels always been this wide? Are these benches? When did they get here? Have these walls always been white? God, I’m in shock.

Birds that would have been raised to the ground this morning happily peck at crumbs on the floor. It’s so peaceful. Which is good, I need a rest, how can you get tired at a desk job? Ha. It’s cold though, 100 degrees difference to this morning. A women is sitting on a bench on the otherside of the track, reading. I can actually hear her turn the page. The clunk, clunk, clunk arrives soon enough. Forgive me leaping so far ahead but there is literally nothing else to say. I jump up to get the best seats before the crowd, and then banged myself on the head in exasperation and amusement, and then exasperation again as I see the woman looking at me with a ‘what the hell’ look just before the train drives between us. It’s Friday night, so the expected clubers get off the train. How different they dress from before, not a tie among them. There seem to be a lot more women, or maybe they’re just a lot more notice able as women dressed like that are. They chatter and joke as they walk past me, again so different. The variety of colours lifts their spirits from the dull grey of work.

I climb aboard and choose, choose, a seat. The mixture of shiny and dirty metal decorated in designer graphite is my only view. The train won’t leave for a while yet, what should I do? Sleep. Get some sleep. This is nice, I like this. Here I am again.

Descriptive writing: busy and empty train station

Document Details

  • Word Count 973
  • Page Count 2
  • Subject Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)

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Essay on Railway Station | Short and Long Essays for Students

If you are looking for a few exciting railway station paragraphs and essays, then you are into the right place. I will provide a few sample writing of essays and paragraphs in this particular top. These railway station essays are really easy to learn.

You can use them in your examination because they are unique and written by expert English teachers.  

In This Blog We Will Discuss

A Railway Station – Short Essay, Paragraph: 1 (100 words)

A railway station is a place where a train comes, takes passenger, down passengers. The railway station is an extremely busy spot in every city. There are railways stations in every city. In good stations, there are good facilities. Lots of people gather in a station. A huge amount of vehicles stay parked outside.

People are really busy there. You know the train is really good transport for a long journey and people prefer to journey by train. A railway station has few platforms where people wait for their expected trains. The railway station has so many shops and hawkers, who sell their product to the people who arrive there.    

A Railway Station – Short Essay, Paragraph: 2 (200 Words)

A railway station is full of gathering and lots of people. I never visited a railway station before, but a few days earlier I got that experience. And I will share it here today. I always heard lots of things regarding railway station and I wanted to see all these things in my own eyes and that’s why I planned to visit my nearest station with few of my friends.

One of my friends Sahil informed me that one of his uncles is coming from Delhi and we need to pick him up from our station. I agreed because I was looking for the chance to go there. In the day, we went there at 10 AM and his train arrival time was 10.30 AM, we thought to be there a few minutes ago so that you can see the sight. But the train was more one hour late, that made us really bored.

But the time we were there, I really enjoyed the whole environment. Everyone is super busy in a railway station. People are busy with their journey, with their business and busy with their unique lifestyle. I found lots of homeless people are living on the side of the station and some of them are trying to sell cheap stuff to the people who are arriving there.    

A Railway Station – Long Essay: 3 (500 Words)

Introduction : A railway station is a place where a train stop and people get down. I have an awesome experience with our nearest railway station in Sylhet. This place is full of several types of people. You will see so many various things there. One of my cousins was coming from Dhaka and I went to the station at 10 AM. His train arrival time was 10.15 AM.

But I found that there are one hour late and I have to wait. I didn’t have any choice and that’s why I thought to roam around and see the whole station. I parked my car outside of the station, where people park their car. I tried to understand the circumstance.

A Railway Station : Before coming to my cousin, there were three trains came with a huge amount of passengers. Lots of people get down and lots of people boarded for their journey. There was too much gathering. No space for walking. A huge number of people travels by train without a ticket and there standing ticket also available for people.

People don’t care about law and rules at all. But I found a few strict police also who were doing their duty properly. When a train arrives, lots of coolies come to collect your baggage. It’s a very common scene in every railway station in the world. Coolies are really hardworking; they carry huge bags that I can’t even imagine.

And they don’t ask for any specific amount of money, people give them with their wish. Coolies are not good every time. Sometimes they make a quarrel with normal passengers. Crime ratio in a railway station is a little bit high, I think. I found so many people who are lying in the platform and in the over the bridge, who are maybe addicted to weed.

They don’t look alike homeless. There are lots of small shops and tea stalls there. People buy their desire for traveling food from these shops. I went to a tea stall and drink a cup of tea. The tea was really amazing. These shops are really busy before a train arrives.

And too much calm in the time when the train left the station. After waiting 1 hour and 20 minute my expected train came and I was standing near the compartment where my brother was. We found a coolie who assisted us to carry our bag to the car.

Conclusion : And then we left the station. I was very happy to see my brother after a long time. And I was a really good experience of the railway’s station, I learned so many things. I think everyone should visit the railway station and enjoy the situation. I wish to travel by train, I never been on a train. I wish that I will do that very soon.  

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descriptive essay on busy train station

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Descriptions of Busy, Idle, and Abandoned Train Stations

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StudyMoose. (2023). Descriptions of Busy, Idle, and Abandoned Train Stations . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/descriptions-of-busy-idle-and-abandoned-train-stations-essay [Accessed: 25 Jun. 2024]

"Descriptions of Busy, Idle, and Abandoned Train Stations." StudyMoose, Feb 19, 2023. Accessed June 25, 2024. https://studymoose.com/descriptions-of-busy-idle-and-abandoned-train-stations-essay

"Descriptions of Busy, Idle, and Abandoned Train Stations," StudyMoose , 19-Feb-2023. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/descriptions-of-busy-idle-and-abandoned-train-stations-essay. [Accessed: 25-Jun-2024]

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Descriptions of Busy, Idle, and Abandoned Train Stations essay

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Descriptive Essay Topic – The Scene At The Railway Station

The Scene At The Railway Station. You can find Previous Year Descriptive Essay Topics asked in ICSE board exams.

Introduction: When and why you visited the railway station?

  • Reached the station and learnt that the train was an hour late.
  • Scene at the station.
  • An incident at the station.

Conclusion: Arrival of the train and reunion of friends.

I was overjoyed to learn that my friend Rohit was coming to Lucknow to spend the Christmas vacation with me. I decided to receive him at the railway station. The thought of meeting him after a gap of five years exhilarated me.

On the appointed day I got up early in the morning and was at the railway station by 7 AM, the estimated time of arrival of Lucknow Mail. On reaching the station I was informed that the train was an hour late. Cursing the railways for their inefficiency, I trudged along to the enquiry office to enquire about the exact status of the train. The clerk at the counter seemed uncooperative. After some prodding, he informed that there was a derailment at Hardoi, about 60 KM from Lucknow, which had delayed the train.

Since it was unadvisable to return home, I decided to wait and looked around for a place to park myself. To my dismay there was none, for the platform was milling with people. There were passengers waiting for trains, while others like me were waiting to receive their near and dear ones. There were still others, sleeping on the floor with their luggage under their head. I couldn’t help admiring their capacity to sleep, amidst the din of hawkers and vendors.

An occasional dog or cow would make a detour of the place, looking for eatables left by passengers. A bull probably attracted by my red jacket, headed towards me. Fearing that it would butt me, I thought it prudent to move away. It however had no such intention, for it picked up a banana peel lying before me. Feeling tired and exhausted, I took a cup of tea from a vendor. While sipping it, I saw a train screech to a halt on the platform. There was great commotion as people on the platform rushed in, to take their seat, making it difficult for passengers to disembark. There was much shouting and confusion.

In this hullabaloo, a lady who had just disembarked from the train yelled, that her chain had been snatched. Hearing her shout, a lad standing close to her, broke into a run. He came rushing towards me, to escape from the exit passage behind me. I instinctively flung the cup of hot tea on his face. This startled him and in no time I With the help of other passengers overpowered him. The lady thanked me profusely for my presence of mind. The culprit was handed over to the railway police who arrested him.

A little later I was relieved to hear the announcement of the arrival of the Lucknow Mail. As the train rolled in, I found my friend standing in one of the compartments waving out to me. It was a happy reunion, as we hugged each other like long lost friends. All the din, dirt and the clamour was lost on us, as we walked away from the station with his baggage in tow.


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    Scene at the station. An incident at the station. Arrival of the train and reunion of friends. I was overjoyed to learn that my friend Rohit was coming to Lucknow to spend the Christmas vacation with me. I decided to receive him at the railway station. The thought of meeting him after a gap of five years exhilarated me.