96 Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best veterans topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on veterans, ⭐ simple & easy veterans essay titles.

  • The Paralyzed Veterans of America Organization In this case, the decision by PVA to use quantitative factors is due to the large amount of funding involved and the large amount of those funds used in sending the mails.
  • Homelessness in the Veteran Community Such social conditions may consist of bureaucracy, the lack of government investments, class distribution, the lack of ethical considerations within the scope of the legislation, and many others which can deprive the mentioned population of […]
  • Veterans’ Reintegration and Culturally Sensitive Nursing Lastly, it is necessary to identify the components of profound nursing evaluation of veterans and to determine the cultural competencies required to address the issue.
  • The Veterans Benefits Administration’s Policy The article is relevant to my study as it provides helpful information about the veterans’ educational benefits and what some of their dependents get from the department of veteran affairs after service.
  • The Intervention in Addressing Veterans Affairs The goal of the service connection evaluation is to measure the program’s effectiveness in addressing veterans’ healthcare struggles by finding out problems in the process and possible solutions.
  • Opioid Crisis and the Veteran Population The first alternative is to reduce the frequency of opioid prescriptions by providing relevant education and training for Hawaii clinicians to encourage them to utilize alternative treatment methods for veterans in need of pain management.
  • Mental Disorders in Veterans: Impact of Posttraumatic Growth In addition, the fact that the impact of PTG is influenced by demographics and ethnicity is indicative of the relevance of the issue.
  • Posttraumatic Growth in Veteran Learners: Specialization Plan Therefore, the current Specialization Plan aims to analyze the research on the problem of rehabilitation through PTG in veteran learners, identifying major theories and conceptual frameworks used to address this issue.
  • Psychological Health Issues Among Veterans In general, veterans are believed to be a separate and elite part of the society due to the high level of contribution to the country’s protection and devoted duty.
  • Post-Traumatic Growth in Student War Veterans The current study focuses on the effect of the posttraumatic growth concept as a strategy that could alleviate the consequences of PTSD and the opioid epidemic in Veteran students, implementing the Delphi method to examine […]
  • Post-9/11 Veterans: Transition to the Business World In this case, when in uniform, the post-9/11 veteran managers are required to be responsible for the health and welfare of other humans.
  • Post-Traumatic Growth Among US Military Veterans The first goal of this research is to describe the Prevalence of PTG overall and in the five domains. The second goal is to describe the nature of the association between PTG and PTSD symptoms […]
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Opioid Use in Veterans This study examined the proportion of United States veterans who had PTSD and engaged in the use of illegal opioids to cope with it or had done so in the past.
  • Mental Health Services Access for Veterans Given the extreme intensity of the job that veterans have performed as well as the variety of adverse effects that follow from it, ensuring improved outcomes in the area of mental health for them is […]
  • Suicides Among Veterans in the US: Causes and Related Factors This means that low awareness is a widespread problem that must be addressed by the initiators of social support and healthcare programs.
  • Smoking and Stress Among Veterans The topic is significant to explore because of the misconception that smoking can alleviate the emotional burden of stress and anxiety when in reality, it has an exacerbating effect on emotional stress.
  • Needs and Asset-Based Assessment of Veterans The community can propose the construction of physical exercise and healthcare services, nutrition and feeding programs, mental counseling services, and housing of the retired soldiers in the region.
  • Posttraumatic Growth in Veterans Therefore, the current research aims to establish the factors of posttraumatic growth that facilitate goal-setting in war veterans after undergoing PTG therapy or experiencing PTG.
  • Veterans’ Transition to Civilian Life The main idea that the authors wanted to convey was that PLA helps military servants find application to their skills and contributes to a higher rate of college graduation among veterans.
  • Zaccari et al. (2020). “Yoga for Veterans With PTSD”: Content, Strength, and Weaknesses This discussion reviews the strengths and weaknesses of the method, sampling, and validity of Zaccari et al.research. The assertions reported in the article are supported by cited and referenced scientific studies, which enhances the validity […]
  • Veterans From Ethnic Minorities and the Opioid Epidemic The opioid crisis is a condition of prevalent overdose-related deaths in the population connected to “the misuse of and addiction to opioids”.
  • Health Care Within Aging White Veterans With Dementia Since this condition is heavily linked with damage to the brain, these people should be addressed in a friendly manner to avoid misunderstanding.
  • Community Outreach Program for Veterans’ Mental Health Outcomes The issue at the center of this document is the high level of suicide risk in the veteran population and the urgent need to address this problem through therapy to prevent suicide in veterans.
  • Veterans’ Transition From Military to Civilian Life The VA has established several programs that provide medical, financial, and other forms of support to veterans to help them adapt to civilian life.
  • Vietnam Veterans Memorial by Maya Ying Lin They deemed the Wall insufficient and bland, a shameful Wall of the war without resolution. The Wall attracts many visitors to commemorate the casualties of the Vietnam War.
  • Post-9/11 Veterans in Business The objective of the study is to explore how the adoption of a military mindset might influence the company culture and identify the competitive advantages of the post-9/11 veterans in the business setting.
  • Factors That Enable Iraq War Veterans to Integrate Into the Civilian Sphere Within the framework of the discussed topic of the project, hypotheses will be established in the next question, but now it is clear that it will be necessary to test them statistically with the help […]
  • Veterans’ Mindset Impact on Corporate Culture By exploring the views and attitudes of the employees of these companies, the proposed project will contribute to the development of a solution to a number of issues.
  • Veterans Readiness and Employment Program Evaluation Although this initiative is also known as the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program, the current variation of the name more accurately reflects the nature of the actions being taken and the primary purpose of helping […]
  • The National Intensive Case Management Program for Homeless Veterans: Critique The program is assessed using the four principles of community psychology, which include problems addressed, values reflected in the program approach and methods, conceptual foundation of the program, and action and research tools.
  • Veteran Peer Suicide Prevention The two completing needs of the veterans in the United States are the ability to access healthcare services and the lack of policies and practices that are specifically designed to address the healthcare needs of […]
  • Opioid Use and Addiction in Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans My chosen topic integrates the welfare of veterans of recent wars, such as conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the prescription of opioids for trauma, general mental well-being, and adaptation to civilian and even academic life.
  • Opioid Use in Veteran Students The relationship between pain management, transition to civilian life, and possible opioid misuse is also central to the theme of the paper.
  • The Issue of Homeless Veterans I learned a lot in the framework of the issue of homeless veterans. Among the primary problems, there is the absence of programs for the rapid adaptation of servicemen to a peaceful life.
  • A Socially-Sustainable Living Community for Veterans Third, the presence of public space in the open air is a vital feature of this project. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on human health, and within the framework of this design, every veteran […]
  • Opioid Misuse and Academic Achievement of Veteran Students The proposed research aims at closing the gap in the existing literature by studying the influence of opioid misuse on the academic achievement of veteran students.
  • The US Military Veterans’ Mental Healthcare System The study’s main objective was to examine the Veterans’ gratification with VA mental health caring, its occurrence of delayed care, and the links of such results.
  • “Experiences of Military Spouses of Veterans With Combat-Related PTSD” by Yambo Spouses living with PTSD veterans are unprepared and struggling to deal with issues that their husbands experience.
  • Gender-Related Effects on the Veterans’ Welfare As cited in Military, “women now make up 20 percent of the Air Force, 19 percent of the Navy, 15 percent of the Army and almost 9 percent of the Marine Corps,” which indicates a […]
  • Ex-Military Adaptation: Veteran Care Grant Proposal The adaptation process and strategies for its implementation are expressed in the project through a consistent approach to the employment of veterans.
  • The Effects of Including Co-Curricular Activities on Veteran Student Performance In 2008, the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistant Act was passed, granting new opportunities for veterans to access higher education.
  • Analysis of The Veteran Affairs Data Breach The majority of the data in the hard drive was linked to the veterans and their spouses. The 2006 incident was the second occurrence since 2004 that the VA was found in violation of the […]
  • Transition Experiences of First-Generation Latino Veterans Both veterans and migrants are minority populations and have difficulties with acquiring good jobs and education, finding appropriate housing options, and receiving healthcare.
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy and Evidence Based Interventions for Veterans Diagnosed With PTSD According to the evidence attained, comprehensive and extensive evidence is crucial in providing a clear correlation of the benefits accrued from CPT in comparison to other forms of treatment.
  • The Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture: Evaluating the Improvements One of such changes is the addition of a graphical user interface that is in the form of a CPRS. The purpose of this project is to raise the operation standards at PHE.
  • Veterans Affairs: Hospitals and Marketing VA has a marketing plan; the plan ensures the facility can reach to the target market; the marketing plan adopted by the company follows the principle of 4P’s; it ensures that the services or the […]
  • Veterans Affairs Medical Center: Quality Assurance It is important to note that the nursing department is a reflection of the overall organizational structure of the hospital. The main aim of this is to improve the standards of quality of a service […]
  • Veterans Affairs Hospital Accreditation Conversely, to achieve the goals, the Department focuses on harnessing talent and investing in human capital relative to needs, experience, and expectations of the clients as outlined in the Department’s integrated objectives.
  • Veterans Affairs Hospital Risk Management Program To undertake the process, the risk management program has the following areas to address; The fact that the major patients of the facility are old people means that there are high chances that they have […]
  • Veterans Affairs Case Management Program This is because the needs of veterans are diverse and hence, they tend to be complex, but all the same, the program has managed to meet the needs of its members.
  • Veterans Affairs Hospital Utilization Management Program The main agendas of the system are as follows: Making their services quality through their members (members according to the company include staffs, community, suppliers, experts, and family of the patient; the definition also extends […]
  • A Veterans Affairs Healthcare Program to Deliver Hospital Care in the Home As for the study In Mader et al, the limitations in the study might prevent the generalization of the described case to other settings.
  • Mental Disorders of Veteran Students In case the client does not make her appointments and think of additional methods to encourage her. Other information: The client’s primary strengths are family, success in her military service, positive relationships with her boyfriend, […]
  • Crisis Intervention in Veteran’s Mental Health The military has always been forced to respond to the mental healthcare needs of combat veterans because of the role that they play.
  • Veterans: Health, Education and Employment The numbers of divorces that have occurred between 2000 and 2004 in the military have increased by 53% and this has a lot to do with the stresses that a family may go through in […]
  • How the Veteran’s Affairs System Is Failing Veterans The aim of the department was to ensure that all veterans and their families would be looked after by the state for the supreme sacrifices that they had made in the line of duty to […]
  • Problems of Veterans in the Works of E. Hemingway and T. Nordenberg The social adaptation of veterans in civil world is one of the main problems which may lead to veterans’ estrangement if they are not accepted by society.
  • The Gulf War Veteran Case: The Question of Pressing Charges In the case of the veteran, the question of pressing charges would be settled after a settling a few other issues at first.
  • Ethics: Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program This is evident in the fact that they had a higher percentage jobs in the government than in the private sector.
  • Housing and Urban Development: Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program It is possible to apply the points and arguments of the scholars to the public sector in a practical sense by engaging more veterans in the program.
  • Veterans Health Administration Integrative Care Model The purpose of the following study is to provide a thorough research on the influence of the practices conducted on mental health and to examine the overall effectiveness of the integrative care system in delivering […]
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Veteran Community The creation of special programs for the rehabilitation of veterans helped alleviate the problem of PTSD during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and facilitated the development of a support system that is currently used.
  • Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 is one of the primary laws governing the provision of financial assistance to veterans of the US armed forces to pursue higher educational and vocational training.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Missouri Veterans Unfortunately, the implemented policies have failed to meet the needs of different veterans, such as the Welcome Back Veterans, the Veterans Health Administration, and the Military Health System. Louis has several policies and programs aimed […]
  • Social Work in the Military With Homeless Veterans The purpose of this statement is to immediately provide the patient with emotional support and encouragement while establishing initial rapport at the same time.
  • Veterans With Disabilities: Integration and Employment In this paper, the researcher looks at the main barriers to employment and integration back to the society that the veterans face, and the manner in which the existing policies can be amended to help […]
  • Veteran’s Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Assessment The Bio-Psycho-Social framework is a widely-used approach that is based on the importance of a systematic view of the individual’s behavior and actions along with the integration of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors with human […]
  • Psychological Trauma Care in Military Veterans He is hesitant to open up to anyone and spends time in the company of his marine friends. The clinician must be direct and candid when talking to the patient about the risks of their […]
  • Veteran Service Representatives for US Military Secondly, I would like to work as a veteran service representative to counsel recruits and ensure they understand that the bloody scenes that are common in the battlefields should not discourage them from doing their […]
  • Elderly Veterans’ Needs, Services, and Policy The Department of Veterans Affairs was established to provide adequate services and benefits to meet the changing needs of many elderly veterans.
  • Integrative Restoration Therapy for Combat Veterans A number of these studies explore the effects of iRest on combat veterans and the adverse outcomes of their military service.
  • Veteran Health Administration Program The hospital seems to offer quality care to patients, and one of the studies done showed that patients with diabetes got more care than in other health care systems.
  • Preventing Suicide in the Military and Veterans Surveys and psychological questionnaires after the military personnel returned from the war can be very helpful in determining the type of disorder.
  • Health Programs for Veterans and Their Effectiveness Now, the major American nursing associations for veterans such as Military Officers Association and Veterans Healthcare Association are advocating for the healthcare protection of veterans and their families.
  • The Vietnam War and Its Effects on the Veterans Although numerous books and articles contain memories of those who lived to tell the tale, the best way to learn about the Vietnam War and to understand how war changes people is to talk to […]
  • Veteran Affairs Negotiations and Game Theory This paper explores the relevance of the two theories in understanding current negotiations about the provision of improved veteran healthcare services in the country.
  • Mental Health Care Services for Veterans To guarantee that this requirement is met and the policy falls within federal jurisdiction, it is essential to address four dimensions of the program.
  • Health IT at the US Department of Veterans Affairs Much of the discussion has been on the recording of health data in a safe and secure manner. Despite the success observed by the department, one cannot be oblivious to the limitations of the system.
  • Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Contracting The SDVOSB sole source contracts do not allow competition among the small businesses as the contract is awarded to the bidding small firm that is qualified.
  • Veterans Health Administration in Northern California The organization mentors and monitors its employees using the best Performance Management System. The healthcare facility has hired the right supervisors and managers to monitor the system.
  • Memorial Day in the US: Veterans Benefits An analysis of the history of America’s treatment of war veterans, since the American Revolution, demonstrates a poor job in terms of caring for veterans.
  • The Level of Unemployment Among Veterans Veterans are some of the most important segments of the USA’s population, bearing in mind that they sacrificed their lives and time to serve the nation in the past.
  • Homeless Veterans Causes and Effects The inability of the Department of Veterans Affairs to fast track compensation and funding for disabled veterans is linked to homelessness among many veterans.
  • The Challenges of Women Veterans of Nevada The situation in the state shows that the society pays insufficient attention to the problems of women veterans. The participants of the program gave their views on the situation and explained the challenges which women […]
  • Cultural Immersion of Homeless Veterans Veterans value their country and therefore the Department of Veterans Affairs should make an effort to ensure that the lives of all veterans are improved.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans Patient education is important in order to eradicate any form of misconception that the patients may have about PTSD, and enhance the levels of understanding of the patients, along with an improvement on their ability […]
  • Veteran Health Administration: Electronic Systems It is from such sessions that the staff will get a chance to learn from individuals who have prior significant experiences as well as knowledge in their areas of specialization.
  • Veterans Health Administration System Development Lifecycle Evidence in support of this is identified in the GAO report which highlights the fact that despite spending large sums on money and time on the VA project implementation is yet to be done on […]
  • Reintegration of Women Combat Veterans Feminists observe that the subjection of women to the power of men originated from the rise of private property, the family, and the state.
  • The Problem of Homeless Veterans in US The records at the department of Veteran affairs in the US indicate that majority of the homeless veterans are males, and only four percent are females. The needs and the demands of the homeless veterans […]
  • Homeless Veterans in the United States The lack of jobs leads to idleness which is the major cause of the veterans’ addiction to drug abuse. The alarming increase in the number of the homeless veterans is due to continuing war in […]
  • Ethical Problems of the Disabled Veterans in the Workplace Affirmative action refer to measures that have been put in place to create balance of some sort and at the same time address historical and documented acts of injustices among the category of persons for […]
  • The Effects of PTSD on Families of Veterans Drug abuse may result from the inadequacies in the coping abilities of family members as they try to come into terms with the suffering of their fellow family member.
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans and How Family Relationships Are Affected Both qualitative and quantitative data shall be used with numbers being used to provide evidence of the occurrence and magnitude of the effects of the condition on the population.
  • How PTSD Affects Veteran Soldiers’ Families The effects are even worse to the partner who is left behind; whether wife or husband because they are required to care for the children and the thought of being the sole bread winner makes […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 3). 96 Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/veterans-essay-topics/

"96 Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 3 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/veterans-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '96 Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 3 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "96 Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/veterans-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "96 Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/veterans-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "96 Veterans Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/veterans-essay-topics/.

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My pledge to our nation’s veterans

Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough delivers remarks after being introduced as U.S. President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee to head the Department of Veterans Affairs at the Queen Theater on Dec. 11, 2020, in Wilmington, Del.

It is a great honor to be nominated by President-elect Joe Biden to serve as his secretary of Veterans Affairs . As I said at the announcement event in Wilmington earlier this month, I am deeply humbled by the trust and confidence the president-elect has placed in me. If confirmed by the Senate, I am eager to do my part in fulfilling what President-elect Biden accurately refers to as our country’s most sacred obligation: caring for our service members, veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors.

At the event I reflected on veterans who inspired me growing up and during my time in government service: my Marine grandfather, my high school football coach who served in World War II, all the troops I met on visits to Afghanistan and Iraq, and the wounded warriors I visited at Walter Reed. Knowing these brave service members and learning about how they and their families navigated the return home, with all its struggles and challenges, joys and triumphs, will continue to inspire me.

I will also bring to the Department of Veterans Affairs a deep knowledge of government. As a former White House chief of staff to President Barack Obama, I had visibility into every single federal agency and department. I saw firsthand that when our government is at its best, it can serve its citizens well and help Americans solve their problems. But too often it doesn’t, and when that happens, it breeds distrust and resentment.

Supporting veterans runs in my family. My wife, Kari, is co-founder and president of Vets’ Community Connections, whose mission is to assist veterans, military, and their families in successfully integrating into their community by expanding their local networks and involving all parts of the community. I’ve been proud to support her in the important work she does every day to lift up veterans.

As I look forward to my own new leadership role serving veterans, President-elect Biden has made it clear what he wants me to do: “fight like hell for our veterans.” I’m ready to take on that fight.

how to write a essay about veterans

Biden’s VA secretary pick promises to ‘fight like hell’ for veterans and their families

If confirmed, denis mcdonough would be only the second non-veteran to lead the department..

Our nation’s veterans know how badly this is needed. Long wars have taken their toll on our veterans and their families, and the physical and mental health care services available to veterans have not always kept up. Moreover, the dedicated men and women who work tirelessly to serve the department have been impeded by mismanagement, staff shortfalls, leadership gaps, and IT systems failures.

As secretary, I will work to rebuild trust and restore VA as the premier agency for ensuring our veterans overall well-being. VA will provide world-class health care to meet the specific needs of veterans, drive progress to eliminate veterans homelessness and bring down suicide rates, and create meaningful employment and educational opportunities. VA will welcome and serve all veterans, including women veterans, veterans of color, and LGBT veterans. Further, we will improve VA management and accountability. The agency charged with meeting the needs of veterans should not be limited by outdated tools and practices. Our veterans deserve the best we as a nation have to offer.

But as I have said before, taking care of our veterans is not the sole responsibility of VA. Every federal department and agency has a role to play — and as secretary, I will work across agencies to ensure that we deliver for our veterans at the level they deserve.

Finally, I know there are some who wonder if someone who did not serve in the military is qualified to be President-elect Biden’s nominee to lead VA. While I would argue that my skill set, deep knowledge of government, and executive experience have prepared me to serve the veteran community with the highest standards it deserves, I understand the basis for this criticism. Too often, at the VA and at other federal agencies, political appointees have lacked the perspective to adequately understand the needs of the communities they serve. I take that to heart, but with my experience and demonstrated commitment, I will do everything in my power to move heaven and earth to get the job done.

I can promise you this: I will carry with me the memories of all the service members and veterans who have touched my life. I will surround myself with a strong team, including veterans who will remind me every day — through their words, actions, and simple presence — of the community VA serves. And I will listen and be open to hearing from every veteran I encounter, so that I am consistently deepening my understanding of their evolving needs.

In Wilmington, I reflected on one of those veterans whose memory I will carry with me: my high school football coach growing up in Stillwater, Minnesota — Joe “Sam” Samuelson, who stormed the beaches of Normandy. I talked about how when he was in hospice at the end of his life, he and his family were grateful for the compassion of VA staff. When he passed, his wife gave me his coaching jacket — one of my most prized possessions.

During my tenure at VA, I hope that my own words, actions, and successes on behalf of the veteran community will earn your trust. I won’t rest until I ensure we are giving veterans the high standard of care and service worthy of their service to our country.

And in the coming years, I hope you will count me as one of those who have cared for “those who have borne the battle,” and their families, caregivers, and survivors.

Denis McDonough served as White House Chief of Staff, Deputy National Security Advisor, and Chief of Staff of the National Security Council under the Obama-Biden administration, where he helped lead the administration’s work on behalf of military families and veterans.

Editor’s note: This is an Op-Ed and as such, the opinions expressed are those of the author. If you would like to respond, or have an editorial of your own you would like to submit, please contact Military Times managing editor Howard Altman, [email protected] .

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Home Essay Samples Government

Essay Samples on Veterans

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Analysis Of A Therapeutic Approach For Treating A Veteran

Introduction The basis of this paper is to examine five episodes of tape reviews and analyze a therapeutic approach for treating a veteran coming back from Iraq 10 months ago, in which he appears to be suffering from PTSD and Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Episode...

Best topics on Veterans

1. Why Do We Celebrate Veterans Day: Honoring Those Who Serve

2. My Pledge to Our Veterans: Honoring Sacrifice and Service

3. The Issue Of Veteran Homelessness

4. Homelessness In California: Homeless Veterans

5. Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo: The Negative Consequences of War

6. The Nature of Trench Warfare and Its Different Forms

7. Taxi Driver Movie Analysis: 1970’s America Through the Eyes of a Broken Vietnam Veteran

8. Account of Courage of the Elderly Veterans

9. The Aftermath and Care for Veterans in The Things They Carried 

10. Repaying the Vietnam War Veterans for Their Bravery

11. Growing Homelessness and PTSD Among the Veteran Population

12. Mistreatment and Negligence of Hmong and American Veterans

13. The Issue of Poverty Among Aging Veterans

14. Vietnam War and Its Impact on Veterans

15. The Vatour A Worldwide Government Scientific Research Institute

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Veteran - List of Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Veterans are individuals who have served in the military. Essays might explore the experiences of veterans during and after service, the challenges they often face such as PTSD or reintegration into civilian life, and the societal and governmental support available for veterans. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Veteran you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Research on Veterans with PTSD

Research Summary Table: Veterans with PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an acute or chronic condition which a person experiences an incident that causes physical, emotional, or psychological harm. There are many incidents that can lead to PTSD such as sexual assault, car accident, natural disaster, physical abuse, and the most common is war zone deployment (Trakalo, 2015). The symptoms of this disorder vary from person to person. This paper will discuss PTSD in military Veterans, its prevalence and impact […]

Veterans Mental Health Care

Mental health disparities affect a large amount of population across the United States. However, nobody is more affected by unstable mental health than those members of the military and their families. With the increase in the need for security in different areas of the world, military soldiers are deployed to assist in securing and protecting those areas. Often, these soldiers see combat and are affected in their mental state. Not only are the soldiers affected by the deployment, their families […]

Homelessness and Mental Illness

Research problem: Homelessness Research question: Why is the mental health population and people with disabilities more susceptible to becoming homeless? Mental health policies that underserve vulnerable people are a major cause of homelessness. The deinstitutionalization of mental hospitals, including the failure of aftercare and community support programs are linked to homelessness. Also, restrictive admission policies that keep all but the most disturbed people out of psychiatric hospitals have an effect on the rising number of homeless people. The New York […]

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Veterans Day Reflection

Veterans Day was first introduced after World War 1. They created this day to honor everyone who had served in the military and who had died serving for our country as well. World War 1 ended on November 11, 1918 and that is when they decided to have Veterans Day. Originally Veterans Day was called Armistice Day. This later got changed after World War II ended, and they wanted to honor veterans from all different wars. In 1968 Veterans Day […]

Veterans: Fight for Freedom and Rights

Veterans have sacrificed so much for our country by fighting to maintain our freedom and rights. For this reason, the government should do something about the veterans poverty rate. Veterans have resources that they could use but the resources do not always reach out to the veterans in need. The rate of homeless veterans is very high compared to non-veterans in the United States because they were usually not ever taught how to write a resume and many have had […]

Homelessness in the United States

Homelessness is a social problem that has long plagued the United States and surrounding Countries for centuries. It is an economic and social problem that has affected people from all walks of life, including children, families, veterans, and the elderly. Kilgore (2018). States homelessness is believed to have affected an estimated amount of 2.5-3.5 million people each year in the United States alone. Recent evidence suggests economic conditions have increased the number of people affected by homelessness in the United […]

Homeless Veterans

From bullet shells, to bomb blasts, and potentially amputated limbs, U.S. soldiers face on the scariest and life threatening situations no man or woman could ever imagine. America's military is one of the strongest forces in the world and consists of the toughest and strongest men and women in the US. These soldiers have risked their lives, lost limbs, their friends, their family, and their lives. The bravery and honor that any soldier musters up to go into battle can […]

PTSD in Veterans

For many veterans returning home from service, means coping with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Smith, 2018). Readjusting back to civilian life can be difficult, it may take time to be comfortable again. A veteran may feel on edge, disconnected, or feeling like they can explode at any moment or feel panicked. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a disorder that a veteran will live with for the rest of their life, but can be managed through proper treatment and […]

My Research on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

I have chosen to discuss PTSD as my mental disorder due to a documentary television show that I have seen pretty recently "Weediquette. While that name may seem pretty childish and taboo, the show speaks on the possible positive (and negative) effects marijuana can have on society mostly for health benefits. The second episode of the series, Stoned Vets, touches on the horrors of PTSD and how it has damaged the lives of many Afghanistan War veterans. I have always […]

Female Veterans

When one hears the term ""veteran"", most would picture older men, Vietnam era, proudly wearing their caps and driving their trucks with stickers which hail their time spent fighting for their country. While many veterans are indeed men, today more and more veterans are from younger generations and even more so are women. Traditionally, women are not seen as fighters, and their time in the service is often understated compared to their male counterparts. Female veterans face just as many […]

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder is a huge issue that is found in veterans who have served in the military and is caused by traumatic experiences they have gone through such as combat. Such trauma like this can then be triggered through memories or other senses. The disorder can not only affect these veterans and how they live their daily and social life by causing problems such as anger, avoidance, or depression, but it can also have a large impact […]

Post-Taumatic Stress Disorder in USA

Post-traumatic stress disorder has affected thousands of Americans. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that develops when a person has encountered a stressful, frightening or dangerous event. It can be identified by actions as heightened aggression or reactions, destruction or risky behaviors, as well as the inability to concentrate or sleep (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2016). A large portion of those affected with this disorder are active members […]

Mental Disorders Among Homeless Veterans

There have been many studies performed over the past several years to test the theory of why veterans who suffer from mental and/or substance use disorders have a higher possibility of becoming homeless. Those studies also included the impact of war and combat as well as several risk factors while our veterans served in the military. The road that leads to homelessness if often left untreated and further complicates treatment and therapy to fix the underlying issues. There are several […]

Young Veterans and Mental Health Services

One of the major effects of warfare is mental related problems. Serving in the army according to Olenick, Flowers & Diaz (2015) is one of the major causes of depression and other mental related illnesses. Many veterans who have returned from war have reported having somatic illnesses such as insomnia, fatigue, shortness of breath, fatigue and have eventually been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The relationship between mental health illnesses and serving in the army is brought by […]

PTSD of Women Veterans

Abstract The exposure of women to stressors during military deployment leads to higher risks for veterans, resulting in poor quality of life post-military service. Stress-related issues may result in decreased quality of life within family and work domains. However, very few studies have focused on this matter. This paper explores the mental health of veteran women in comparison to their male counterparts. It also examines trauma cases within the male and female veteran populations in the US and the proportion […]

Legal Weed as Medical Treatment for Veterans

I think it would be good for it to be legalized. It would help a lot of soldiers that are going through a lot of personal issues. Most people really need a helping hand to get a better feeling and that's why soldiers would be able to use medical weed as there fix to solutions. Others see weed as a bad thing, but scientific facts show that it helps a lot of people pull through hard situations or help with […]

Major Symptoms of PTSD

PTSD is a major mental disorder prevalent or common to military personnel. As a result, there is need to study the impact of this disorders and how to control or treat it. It is the mental anxiety people develop after they are exposed to traumatic events. A YouTube video: Level Black-PTSD and the War at Home, vividly depicts the experiences of Billy Cavinness who was an American Army since 1996. In the video, Billy explains his team was attacked which […]

Loma Linda VA: a Beacon of Veteran Care in Southern California

Tucked into the heart of Southern California, Loma Linda is not just known for its serene beauty and tranquil environs. It is also home to one of the most reputable veterans' care institutions in the United States – the Loma Linda VA Medical Center. This essay aims to shed light on the history, importance, and contributions of this esteemed institution. The Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system has a long-standing tradition of providing top-notch care to those who have served in […]

Suicide PTSD Veterans

Introduction Active military personnel and veterans within the United States of America can be seen to have a complicated but connected culture. To understand this particular culture it is important to specify what it is. Culture can be defined as the values, norms, and assumptions that guide human action (Wilson, 2007). This paper will examine the culture of military personnel at a large scale and then narrow it down to a more individual level in an attempt to give a […]

Focal Brain Damage Protects against the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans

The topic I am going to do my Article Reactions on, is if focal brain damage protects against post-traumatic stress disorder in combat veterans. This article breaks down the procedures that researchers took to determine what causes PTSD in combat veterans, who have either had traumatic experiences or have head injuries that cause them to develop post-traumatic stress disorder. The purpose of this study was to determine what type of lesion in the brain of combat veterans was susceptible to […]

Non-Hodgkin S Lymphoma and Military Veterans

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, or NHL, is a term used to encompass a number of different types of cancers that affect the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is responsible for defending the body from infections and diseases. As with all cancers, it begins when cells begin to grow out of control. In cases of NHL, the cancer begins in the white blood cells, or lymphocytes, usually in the lymph nodes or tissue.(9) Military vets exposed to agent orange, a herbicide, have a […]

How to Help Women with PTSD

Women are more prone to PTSD than men. The amount of women currently being diagnosed with PTSD is growing drastically everyday. Those out there fighting for their lives and ours are being greatly affected and we need to help. Veterans Affairs currently does little to nothing to help these women. When returning from combat, they are left alone as if they did not suffer, in order to protect the United States government and the people also. Due to the great […]

What do we Call Investigative Journalism?

Investigative journalism It's almost morning and the grass is wet with the morning dew, everything is calm and quiet and it seems like nothing can ruin the silence. And in that silence there is a man walking with a cart with clothes and empty boxes in it. Homeless. A car drives by and stops at the stop sign the homeless man is at. The man in the car looks at him and then turns his head, like he's not even […]

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How To Write an Essay About Veterans

Introduction to writing about veterans.

Writing an essay about veterans requires a respectful and informed approach, recognizing their service and the complexities of their experiences. In your introduction, define what constitutes a veteran and the scope of your essay. Whether you're focusing on their role in military conflicts, the challenges they face during and after service, or their contributions to society, it's crucial to establish a clear purpose for your essay. This introduction should set a respectful tone, acknowledging the sacrifices made by veterans and the significance of their experiences both in the context of military service and beyond.

Exploring the Experiences of Veterans

The main body of your essay should delve into the specific aspect of veterans' experiences that you wish to explore. If your focus is on their service, discuss the nature of military conflicts they were involved in and their roles within these contexts. For essays centered on post-service experiences, explore the challenges veterans often face, such as adjusting to civilian life, dealing with physical or psychological injuries, or navigating veterans' benefits. Use personal accounts, interviews, or research studies to provide a detailed and empathetic understanding of these experiences. It's important to handle this topic with sensitivity, recognizing the diversity of experiences among veterans.

The Impact on Society and Recognition

In this section, discuss the broader impact that veterans have on society and the ways in which their service is recognized. This can include their contributions to community development, leadership roles they often assume, and the skills and perspectives they bring to civilian life. Additionally, consider how societies commemorate and support veterans, such as through memorials, veterans' day celebrations, and policy initiatives. Analyze the effectiveness of these forms of recognition and support, and consider the gaps that may exist in addressing veterans' needs. This part of your essay should provide a broader perspective on the societal implications of military service and the importance of recognizing and supporting veterans.

Concluding Thoughts on Veterans

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your analysis and offering reflections on the broader significance of understanding and appreciating veterans. Highlight the importance of continued support and recognition for veterans and the need for awareness of the challenges they face. This conclusion should not only tie together the essay's main points but also underscore the ongoing relevance of veterans in society. A well-crafted conclusion will leave the reader with a deeper appreciation of veterans' service and contributions, as well as the complexities of their experiences in both military and civilian contexts.

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Essays on Veterans

What makes a good veterans essay topics.

When it comes to writing an essay about veterans, choosing the right topic is crucial. A good veterans essay topic should be thought-provoking, relevant, and engaging. It should be something that inspires the writer to research and explore different perspectives. Here are some recommendations on how to brainstorm and choose a great essay topic:

  • Brainstorm: Start by brainstorming different ideas and topics related to veterans. Think about their experiences, challenges, and contributions. Consider the impact of war on their lives and the importance of honoring their service.
  • Consideration: When choosing a topic, consider its relevance and significance. Is it something that will resonate with your audience? Will it shed light on an important aspect of veterans' lives? Is it something that you are passionate about and can write about with enthusiasm?
  • What Makes a Good essay topic: A good veterans essay topic should be specific, focused, and unique. It should offer a fresh perspective on the subject and provide an opportunity for in-depth exploration. It should also be something that allows for critical thinking and analysis.

Best Veterans Essay Topics

When it comes to writing about veterans, there are countless topics to choose from. However, some topics stand out more than others and offer a unique perspective on the subject. Here are 20 of the best veterans essay topics that are creative and thought-provoking:

  • The impact of PTSD on veterans and their families
  • The role of women in the military
  • The challenges faced by veterans returning to civilian life
  • The importance of honoring veterans on Memorial Day
  • The history and significance of Veterans Day
  • The experiences of minority veterans
  • The mental health of veterans and the need for support
  • The role of technology in supporting veterans
  • The impact of war on veterans' physical health
  • The untold stories of forgotten veterans
  • The role of art therapy in supporting veterans
  • The importance of preserving the history of military service
  • The impact of war on veterans' relationships
  • The experiences of LGBTQ veterans
  • The role of sports in supporting veterans' rehabilitation
  • The challenges faced by homeless veterans
  • The impact of war on veterans' education
  • The experiences of veterans from different generations
  • The role of music therapy in supporting veterans
  • The experiences of veterans in non-combat roles

Veterans essay topics Prompts

Looking for some creative prompts to kickstart your essay about veterans? Here are 5 engaging prompts to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Put yourself in the shoes of a veteran returning home from war. How would you describe the challenges they face and the support they need?
  • Imagine a world where veterans are not honored and celebrated. How would that impact society and the individuals who have served?
  • Explore the role of art in expressing the experiences and emotions of veterans. How can art be used to support and heal veterans?
  • Reflect on the untold stories of forgotten veterans. What can be done to ensure that their experiences are not overlooked or ignored?
  • Consider the impact of war on veterans' mental health. What can be done to provide better support and resources for veterans struggling with PTSD and other mental health issues?

Writing an essay about veterans provides an opportunity to explore important issues and shed light on the experiences of those who have served. By choosing the right topic and approaching it with creativity and passion, you can create a compelling and meaningful essay that honors and celebrates veterans.

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how to write a essay about veterans


Essay on Why Veterans Are Important

Students are often asked to write an essay on Why Veterans Are Important in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Why Veterans Are Important

Why veterans are important.

Veterans are important because they have served our country and protected our freedom. They have put their lives on the line to keep us safe, and we owe them a great deal of respect and gratitude.

Honoring Veterans

One way we can honor veterans is to thank them for their service. We can also support them by donating to veterans’ organizations or volunteering our time to help them. We can also learn about their experiences and share their stories with others.

Lest We Forget

Veterans are a reminder of the sacrifices that have been made to protect our country. Their service is a reminder that freedom is not free, and that we must always be prepared to defend it.

Veterans are important members of our community. They have served our country with honor and deserve our respect and gratitude. We should never forget their sacrifices, and we should always be grateful for the freedom that they have helped to protect.

250 Words Essay on Why Veterans Are Important

Service and sacrifice.

Veterans are important because they have served our country and made sacrifices to protect our freedom. They have put their lives on the line to defend our values and way of life. We owe them our deepest gratitude for their service and sacrifice.

Experience and Knowledge

Veterans bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to our communities. They have learned valuable skills and gained leadership experience during their time in the military. These skills and experiences can be used to make a positive contribution to our society.

Role Models

Veterans are role models for our youth. They have shown courage, dedication, and selflessness. They are an inspiration to us all, and their stories can help teach our children the importance of these values.

Veterans are important members of our society. They have served our country, made sacrifices, and brought valuable experience and knowledge to our communities. They are role models for our youth, and we owe them our deepest gratitude. We should always honor and support our veterans.

500 Words Essay on Why Veterans Are Important

Veterans: the unsung guardians of freedom.

Veterans are men and women who have served in the military to protect our country. They have faced danger and hardship to keep us safe, and they deserve our respect and gratitude.

Their sacrifices are invaluable

Many veterans have made great sacrifices for our country. Some have been injured or wounded in combat. Others have lost friends or family members. And still, others have come home with invisible wounds, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These sacrifices are invaluable, and we owe veterans our deepest gratitude.

They are an inspiration to us all

Veterans are an inspiration to us all. They have shown us what it means to be brave, selfless, and patriotic. They have taught us the importance of fighting for what we believe in, even when it is difficult. And they have reminded us that freedom is not free—it must be fought for and defended.

Their presence is a reminder of the sacrifices made

Veterans are a living reminder of the sacrifices that have been made to protect our country. They are a symbol of our nation’s strength and resilience. And they are a reminder that freedom is not something to be taken for granted.

Veterans are important because they have served our country, made great sacrifices, and are an inspiration to us all. They are a living reminder of the sacrifices that have been made to protect our country, and they deserve our respect and gratitude.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Why The Atomic Bomb Was Necessary
  • Essay on Why Research Is Important To Students
  • Essay on Why Physical Education Is Important

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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How to use your Veteran experience in college application essays

Professional writing at desk.

Veterans have a unique set of circumstances to draw upon when putting together their application essays. A Veteran is likely to have been many places, in many situations, and seen many things that the average high school senior simply can't imagine and for which he or she has no frame of reference.

Here are a couple of tips for how best to use your military experience in your application essay—and (perhaps more importantly) some thoughts on what  not  to do.

DO mention your leadership ability

Leadership potential might be the number one character trait that schools are looking for in applicants. Proof that you've taken on serious responsibility and have a high level of maturity is a good indication for those in admissions that you will take your education seriously and will go on to do great work post-graduation (and then make millions and donate back to the school, of course). As a Veteran, it is likely you have led a command of some kind—make sure this is touched on in your essay piece.

DO NOT tell this boring story: I went to teach them… but it turned out to be  they  who taught  ME

There's a particular essay that all adjudicators and admissions committees dread. It goes like this… I was employed to teach people/children in a remote village/urban center/small rural area. I went into it thinking I would be educating them, but in the end it was  I  who learned from  them.

Admissions officers hate this essay. Why? Because it doesn't really say anything about you as a person, and the story is not as original as you might think. Careful of this theme… it's deadly.

DO talk about challenges you faced

It's very likely you have dealt with questions and situations that most people have not. Illustrate how you used quick thinking and skills to overcome problems, and how you became more mature because of these decisions.

DO NOT get too dark. Leave out deep personal tragedy

Of course it's good to talk meaningfully about your experience, but this can go too far. Abuse, depression and death are striking subjects and therefore you might think they are good fodder for an essay. After all, the idea is to provoke a response, to make sure you are memorable. Unfortunately, an essay that focuses on these topics does not serve you well. Similarly, psychological trauma that may have been suffered during military service is not great for your essay, not because it's not important to your character, but because it tends to take the reader out of the narrative and usually doesn't connect very effectively to why you'll be a good candidate for college. So often essays that focus on dark subjects go down a trajectory that leads away from your achievements, which is what these pieces  should  highlight. Never stray from a path that keeps you talking about why you are an IDEAL  candidate.

DO tell your specific story

It's important to tell your story—not just one of general military life. Your narrative may seem relatively commonplace to you because it was spent in the company of people who were participating in similar activities, but the details of your service are unique and interesting to admissions officers.

DO NOT feel like it is out of place

Some people with military background feel awkward about telling their story, feeling it is exploitative. Not only is it sensible to use your military life in your essay, it's likely if you went into the service right out of high school, you don't have much else to discuss.

DO highlight technical skills you learned

In your years in the military, you likely were given highly technical jobs and responsibilities that will look very impressive to laypeople. Make sure to talk about these positions and give some details as to how these might help you in a future career post-graduation.

DO NOT forget to seek help

If you need advice or just someone to go over your application with you, talk to an education services officer. And make sure you visit the military education center and explore the VA website. There you'll find insight on how best to utilize the  Post-9/11 G.I. Bill  (also known as Chapter 33 benefits), the  Yellow Ribbon G.I. Education Enhancement Program  and  other programs designed to help Veterans finance their education .

Full understanding of these programs might be a good element to include in your essay, but more importantly, be sure to take full advantage of these programs.

And finally, DO get college credit and discuss that on your essay!

Submit a DD-214 form to make sure that your full military experience is included with your applications. Some of your experience might help you gain college credit and that might be a selling point to universities to which you apply.

Follow these tips, and you're sure to have a stellar application. And you can feel confident in the fact that there are many institutions that are eagerly awaiting to accept young men and women who have served our country.

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5 Tips Every Veteran Should Keep In Mind When Writing Their College Admissions Essays

In honor of the start of college admissions season, I’m offering some tips I learned during my time as an...

| Published Sep 7, 2018 7:37 PM EDT

  • Military Life

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In honor of the start of college admissions season, I’m offering some tips I learned during my time as an admissions application reader and writing consultant tailored to help veterans write college application essays that actually stand out.

Answer the question

In the military, we’re taught to write memos and SOPs in a straightforward and technical manner. Still, I’ve read dozens of college admissions personal statements from veterans that tell a wonderfully engaging story about their time in the service, but fail to answer the questions asked in the essay prompt.

This issue comes up a lot especially for applicants using an essay template to apply to multiple colleges. Don’t focus on telling me about a personal challenge you overcame while in the military if I asked you to talk about why you chose to apply to X school. As a good practice, go back and read the essay prompt after you’ve written your personal statement or essay, then underline each instance in your essay where you directly answer the prompt. This will tell you if you’re on track or not.

Show, don’t tell

Use every opportunity to tell a story. Admissions staff aren’t interested in reading a list of your accomplishments as if they’re on a promotion board perusing your military personnel file. Instead, tell a story that leaves them wanting to know more about you and what you accomplished during your military service or in your personal life.

As with job interviews, I recommend applicants implore the STAR method – which will provide details about the specific situation, task, action, and result of the story you are telling in a logical order. Reading a list isn’t necessarily interesting, but reading a story can be. Being interesting is what gets you an invite to the next cohort. Give the admissions readers a reason to want to meet you in person by telling them a story that is personal, engaging, and thought-provoking.

Start with bullet points

If you’re having trouble figuring out how to tell your story, I also recommend starting with bullet points. When it came time to write evaluations for my soldiers as a platoon leader, I often started the process by listing 3-4 bullet points under each section on the evaluation form which allowed me to concisely articulate the soldier’s accomplishments and begin to create a narrative about their performance.

For personal statements, outline the story you want to tell from beginning to end using bullet points. Creating an outline will allow you to clarify your thoughts and identify where information might be confusing to the reader (remember most people have not served in the military and have no concept of rank or MOS).

Often, college admissions applications serve as the first-time veterans have an opportunity to write about their service and it can be daunting to get started. The content of the bullet points can become the skeleton for your essay paragraphs and allow you to easily connect ideas and shape your story.

Don’t repeat information

Admissions readers know you have a lot of awards and have traveled to various countries over your military career because they can easily read this type of information on the resume that is submitted with your application. Don’t repeat it over again in your personal statement and supplemental essays. The admissions staff wants to know how you differ from the other 100 applicants who have also won awards or worked in foreign countries, what makes you unique? Talk about what you can bring to the incoming cohort as a veteran and individual that’s going to make an impact and increase the knowledge base, culture, and prestige of the institution.

Colleges are as interested in what benefits you can provide them as you are about what you will get out of the deal. Communicate in your personal statement what distinctive role you will fill, what value you bring to the classroom and your future profession, and how you will enrich the experiences of your classmates.

Be specific and stand out

Most applicants say at some point in their college application essays that they are “hardworking” or “passionate about making the world a better place”. Neither of these attributes is unique to veterans or servicemembers, nor do they particularly stand out as demonstrative of a person’s character to application readers who are reviewing 1000s of applications. To succeed in college, every student SHOULD be hardworking and passionate about their studies or a broader cause. Instead of relying on generic application clichés, write about your personal motivation for joining the military, how your identity and life thus far have informed your professional goals, or about what impact you personally hope to have on the world around you outside of your military service.

Remember, it’s perfectly fine to discuss your military service in your personal statement despite the stigmas veterans sometimes face in our society today. The important thing to keep in mind is that the application essay is a representation of you on paper and one of the only opportunities you get to make an impression before you arrive on campus. Just like in a job interview, it’s essential you demonstrate your unique value and why you deserve a seat in the (class)room.

This is a part of a series on hacking higher education in partnership with Service to School , a non-profit that provides free college application assistance to transitioning service members and veterans

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Letters of Gratitude: Letters to Veterans

how to write a essay about veterans

To my husband, my Marine, I never truly understood freedom until we met 10 years ago. You opened my eyes to military life. Our love was formed over written letters in boot camp; short, interrupted, dropped phone calls from a satellite phone when you were in Afghanistan, and learning each other all over again after each Homecoming.   I'm thankful for the man you are. The man who risked everything for a country of people, many of whom won't ever know your name.   Forever I will be grateful. Forever I will feel blessed to know you, to love you and to support you.   I love you, my husband, my Marine.   Xoxoxoxo Amy Lor

Dear Veteran, Thank you for your service. Please know that you are appreciated and recognized as someone who helped protect our freedom. Thanks again from a grateful American!

Dear Veteran,  Thank you for your service. You have given our country your life, time, energy and love. You are an honorable person and thank you doesn't seem enough to say I appreciate your service. Thank you again and always. God Bless you and your family. You are in my heart and I pray for you each and every day. Please remember YOU ARE LOVED. 

HUGS, a Friend. 

Dear Colonel (Angus), Thank you so much for all you did for our country while you were deployed. I know this was a huge sacrifice. Even though we were not together at that time, I greatly appreciate all you have done to serve. I'm so grateful you are here with me now! Love you to smithereens! Loren

Thank you for your service in the military. You are a courageous hero and very much appreciated. I wish you comfort, happiness, contentment and many moments filled with joy. Best Regards, a thankful U.S.A. Citizen.


Thank you for all you have done to serve our country.  It is very much appreciated. My Dad was in World War II and thinks about those times often.  I hope you have a long, full life ahead of you with much happiness. Thank you again.

Thank you and your family for your service and sacrifice.

Hi, I'm not sure who I'm supposed to address this to so I will address it to all the veterans. I just wanted you to know how much my family and I appreciate all the sacrifices and bravery you have given up to protect our country and freedom. Without your bravery and sacrifices we would not have our safe and sound lives or our great United States of America so I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your service's and fighting for our country. You do and always will have my respect and will be forever my hero and in my thoughts, my heart and in my prayers. Again thank you for what you have given up to keep us safe and free. Sincerely yours Joy B. Your forever fan

Thank you for your service! My family comes from a military background  and I truly appreciate all of the sacrifice you and your family have made for our country. Please know that we are grateful. God bless! 

Dear Poppy, Without your service in the army, I wouldn't be here writing this letter to you right now. Freedom can be taken for granted but it is one of the most important things in the world. Thank you Love, Sawyer Severance

Dear Veterans, Thank you for serving before. People do not give you enough credit for fighting and giving your lives so we can have freedom. I know what it is like because my grandfather fought in the war. Thank you for serving.

Thank you for your service. You have been a wonderful asset to our country. 

Thank you so much for your service. As a wife and mother of former Marines, I understand and appreciate your patriotism, dedication, and willingness to sacrifice everything for all Americans. God bless you and your family always!!!!

Hello, I'm taking the chance to send this note to you to say thank you for dedication to serving in the military. I think it is very honorable to step up and offer yourself in that way. I have family members who have served and my company also provides medical equipment to veterans. I know there are many veterans who have ongoing medical needs and it is not easy for some. I think sometimes it's just about feeling like someone takes the time to stop and say they care. So that was my goal. I hope this note let's you know someone is thinking of you.

For my Dad... You were on continuous deployment nearly your entire 22 year career. I never knew where you went, how long you were going to be gone or why you had to leave. But running down the gate at the airport when you came home...that was the best feeling in the world. You don't know this...but everyday I thank you. For keeping us safe. For keeping your promise to our beautiful country. And for always, always...coming home. I love you. Melissa S.

To all those who have served, there are not enough words of gratitude. As the mother of two veteran sons, I feel very blessed to have them both safely home. All of you veterans, and all of you still serving make me so proud to be an American!! Thank you all, and God bless you and your families. Mary Ann Frey Brooklyn, Ohio

Dear Veteran, I have no idea the journey you have traversed - whether good or bad. My hope is that all that may have been "bad" is now good. And that all the good that God grants through His grace is supplied to you in a myriad of ways - every single day. Life is sometimes inexplicable & sometimes hard days seem endless while good days fly past us. I pray that your life is filled with overwhelming joy - for what you have sown in service to our Nation, is selfless and eternal - and may you reap in abundance of hope, love, joy and strength. "Thank you" almost seems cliche as it could never be enough to esteem the gratitude towards your service. Nonetheless, thank you. With all my heart, N.J. ----------

Dear Veteran, I thank you very much for your service and sacrifice to defend our nation. You have allowed this country to continue to enjoy the freedoms and privileges that are so very often taken for granted. I work with an organization that does its very best to take care of individuals like you who have taken such wonderful care of us when needed. Please remember that you are supported and loved by a grateful nation. Loyally, D.M.

Dear Veteran, Thank you for serving the men, women and children of the United States of America. The sacrifices you have made cannot be summed up in this letter, but I hope in some way I am able to convey my gratitude. As a mother of four, I raised my children to learn about and acknowledge the bravery and commitment of service members like yourself, who have kept our country free. That is how I have tried to honor those who have served such as yourself. My oldest son will soon be signing up to serve and he does so proudly following in the footsteps of yourself and so many others. May God bless you always. Warm regards, M.G.

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Essays on Veterans

It is hard to admit it, but nowadays younger generation tends to forget about what veterans had to endure and their service to their respective nations, so being tasked with writing a veterans essay is a good way to make sure that veterans’ legacy is remembered. When we say veterans, we usually refer to war veterans – people who went through the war and participated in combat. Writing essays on veterans is a common assignment, which in no way undermines its significance. It is important to show our respect and express gratitude to people who fought for their country and fulfilled their duty to their land. When writing veterans essays, it's important to learn about a public attitude towards veterans in your country and check out governmental programs that help veterans – some samples of essays below delve into these topics. Take a look at veterans essay samples we provided and see if any of the ideas are relevant to your essay.

I have visited the Hampton VA Medical Center, which offers healthcare services to the veterans and their families. The medical center is located among the largest military retiree communities in the US. It offers a comprehensive primary and specialty care in medicine, surgery, and psychiatry to the people in southeastern...

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The combat and war experiences have a way of impacting people’s lives (Abbassi and Aslinia 45). There are those who are affected directly and others indirectly by the war. For the soldiers who participate actively in the combat face numerous challenges as loss of loved ones, colleagues, torture, and dreadful...

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Service Dogs and Their Benefits to Disabled Veterans Service dogs are trained on performing tasks that are aimed to benefit a person who has had a psychological and physical disability. They are mainly used for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders therapy and have been proven to be of great benefit to the veterans....

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Service dogs are trained on performing tasks to for the benefit of a person who has a psychological, and physical disability. They are mainly used for PTSD therapy and have been proven to be of great benefit to the veterans. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are reactions that are brought by...

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As a Marine Corps veteran with a long career, one of my responsibilities at work involves becoming a psychologist, which has always intrigued me. I frequently come across individuals who need my assistance, and those in particular require psychological support. I've been making an effort to assist in the best...

The Veterans Health Administration's failure and caregiving problem The Veterans Health Administration's failure and caregiving problem may not be managed by raising the quantity of resources or by hiring more nurses and doctors. (Powell-Young, Baker & Hogan, 2006). Even though more resources might seem essential and crucial, they cannot provide...

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Clinical Manager Position (Veteran Affairs Department) Director of aid and veterans' affairs Job purpose: Monitor and supervise all tasks in the veterans affairs office, ensuring full compliance with state standards and legislation. Duties: It should be emphasized that the jobs listed here are the very minimum; extra responsibilities may be assigned. Creating and implementing...

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According to the University of Maryland University College's mission statement, its principal objective is to help veterans, working individuals, and their families who reside throughout the United States of America as well as throughout the rest of the world [1]. The university must create a distinctive and highly accessible computer...

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The Things They Carried The book was written to remind readers of the preparedness of American soldiers during the Vietnam War. In this book, O’Brien discusses the types of items that soldiers led by First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carried during the conflict. It describes the soldiers’ experiences on their way to...

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The management of the Veteran Affairs hospital failed to provide an enabling environment for the doctors and nurses to carry out their everyday responsibilities. It took the intervention of doctors who took matters into their own hands to save patients who had been admitted to the hospital. A successful firm must...

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The Americans with Disabilities Act The Americans with Disabilities Act has made significant progress in ensuring that people with a variety of disabilities, such as veterans, expectant moms, the blind, and even older workers, are accommodated. This bill's goal is to prevent these people from suffering unnecessary hardship while working (Oppix...

Related topic to Veterans

Veteran Essay Example

During the study, pupils and students are faced with tasks that require them to write an essay on required themes. Veteran Essay Example considers that a notion “veteran” for the most time is associated with wars and advanced age, which is true but only partially. Veteran Essay Example provides an information about who are veterans and why do we have to honor them.


Some people might think about why they have to honor veterans, even if they have never seen a war. The answer on this thoughts lies upon person’s ethical view, and every person must decide for oneself. Nevertheless, apart from this, we have to honor veterans due to the fact that they protected in past or are protecting right now our daily quiet life. Due to their sacrifices and the military service, we have never seen a war, that could take away our relatives and closest friends, or have never been directly affected. We are able to live without fear for our lives and can achieve our life goals. Men and women who just serve in the army, in every moment could be called to active military service in case if a war would be launched. Besides, it is important to remember about veterans and their sacrifices not only during the designated days such as Veterans Day. In case if thoughts about honoring veterans would occur to you, remember that peace has a high price even if those, who paid it, do not see a war. The could be injured at any time and then live all their lives with PTSD and be afraid of any loud sound. It is important to notice the importance of veterans before any war forces us to do it. Any veterans despite their status are worth to be honored.

  • Dolasia, M. (2013, November 10). Why We Celebrate Veterans Day. Retrieved from http://www.dogonews.com/2013/11/11/why-we-celebrate-veterans-day
  • Fantz, A. (2014, November 11). 5 ways to honor veterans beyond Veterans Day. Retrieved from http://edition.cnn.com/2014/11/10/living/veterans-day-five-ways-to-help/
  • Kaplan, L. C. (2004). Veterans day. New York: PowerKids.
  • Klay, P. (2016, July 18). Don’t Confuse Veterans and Violence. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/19/opinion/dont-confuse-veterans-and-violence.html?rref=collection/timestopic/Veterans
  • Puntillo, T. (2013, March 16). Who qualifies as a veteran, anyway?. http://www.dailyrepublic.com/opinion/localopinioncolumnists/who-qualifies-as-a-veteran-anyway/

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Veteran and Military Community at Iowa

Scholarship essays, writing a strong scholarship essay.

When submitting a scholarship, the essay component is where you are able to showcase who you are as an individual, highlight your accomplishments, and set yourself apart from other applicants.

Scholarship Application: Essays

How to answer scholarship essay questions.

The following resources from Kansas State University and University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill provide thorough overviews to help you think through your response to a scholarship essay prompt. The UNC resource focuses on statements of purpose, which are useful both for scholarship applications and applications to specialized undergraduate or graduate programs, while the K-State resource focuses specifically on the mindset needed to write a successful scholarship essay.




Before writing your essays, reflect on your unique experiences, identities, interests, goals, and values. Write a list that you can refer to as you draft various essays. 

Due Diligence

Read through ALL of the instructions the application gives so that you don’t miss anything. Create a checklist of everything to include in the essay. Is there a specific word limit? Stick to it. Do they ask you to answer four different questions? Underline where you answer each question in your draft to make sure you have clearly responded to their specific asks.

Devil is in the Details

Do you know what I mean when I say that I am hard working and organized? Sure, vaguely. How about if I say that I set up daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly schedules on a calendar synced to all my devices to stay on track with specific projects? The more specific you can be about yourself, the better. Instead of saying “I learned so much from _______ experience,” tell your reader what specifically you learned. 

Unlike other essays you may write in college, scholarship essays are the place to get personal. Use “I” and talk about yourself. The resume lists all of the things you have accomplished; the essay shows who you are and why the reader would want to have coffee with you (or give you a lot of money).

Giving specifics will help bring the story to life. While you do this, try to avoid clichés—what did you specifically feel? What did you learn: the good, the bad, and the ugly? Authenticity in storytelling goes a long way, and the folks reading your essay will appreciate the time you took to convey your experiences with nuance. This leads to the next to-do…


Show your reader your experiences by telling them a story. Stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end, and so should your essay. Start your essay with “the good stuff”—grab your reader’s attention right away so they keep reading. Remember, they have a pile of these on their desks or in their inboxes. Like any essay, your scholarship essay should have a thesis statement to which you connect all of your ideas. Think of this as your one-sentence answer to the essay question. The rest of your essay supports and elaborates on that point with transitions between each body paragraph. In the end, rather than restating your original thesis, give your reader a “So What?”: why this essay matters. Why did they read about your love for your local taco truck and its place in the community for three pages? A take-home message will leave your reader with something to chew on long after they have finished reading.

Connect the Dots

Read the scholarship program’s mission and what they are looking for in an applicant. Circle key words and phrases. Connect your essay or personal statement back to these specific goals and values so the reader knows exactly how you fit in with their program. Your essay should demonstrate how you would specifically benefit from and contribute to the program and its mission. Using their key words and phrases in your thesis statement is a great way to show how you are the best choice for their funding. 

Start Early and Revise

Writing scholarship essays is a tough business. You will want time in between writing a draft and submitting it to read through, not only for spelling and grammar issues (which matter a lot!), but to ensure that you are addressing that program’s goals and answering the questions they pose. Your essay may make perfect sense to you, but a reader might need clarification or more information to understand your ideas. Make an appointment to take your first draft to the University Writing Center or ask someone you trust to ask clarifying questions to read through it for you. Then, revise with their questions in mind. 

Tips on writing a “Why do you deserve this scholarship?”

Essay:  https://scholarshipowl.com/blog/apply-for-scholarships/deserve-scholarship-essay-examples/

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Guest Essay

The Best College Is One Where You Don’t Fit In

Two people walking down a pathway on an otherwise seemingly empty college campus.

By Michael S. Roth

Mr. Roth is the president of Wesleyan University.

This time of year, college campuses like the one where I live fill up with high school seniors preparing to make what feels like a momentous choice. The first imperative is to find a school that they can afford, but beyond that, many students have been advised to find one where they can see themselves. Too often, they take this to mean finding a place with students like them, even students who look like them — a place where they will feel comfortable. I can’t tell you how many families have described driving many hours to a campus somewhere and having their daughter or son say something like: “We don’t need to get out. I can tell already this isn’t for me.”

“How about the info session?” the patient parent asks.

Choosing a college based on where you feel comfortable is a mistake. The most rewarding forms of education make you feel very uncomfortable, not least because they force you to recognize your own ignorance. Students should hope to encounter ideas and experience cultural forms that push them beyond their current opinions and tastes. Sure, revulsion is possible (and one can learn from that), but so is the discovery that your filtered ways of taking in the world had blocked out things in which you now delight. One learns from that, too.

Either way, a college education should enable you to discover capabilities you didn’t even know you had while deepening those that provide you with meaning and direction. To discover these capabilities is to practice freedom, the opposite of trying to figure out how to conform to the world as it is. Tomorrow the world will be different anyway. Education should help you find ways of shaping change, not just ways of coping with it.

These days, the first thing that campus visitors may notice are protests over the war in Gaza. These will be attractive to some who see in them an admirable commitment to principle and off-putting to those who see evidence of groupthink or intimidation. Any campus should be a “ safe enough space ,” one free of harassment and intimidation, but not one where identities and beliefs are just reinforced. That’s why it’s profoundly disturbing to hear of Jewish students afraid to move about because of the threat of verbal and physical abuse. And that’s why it’s inspiring to see Muslim and Jewish students camped out together to protest a war they think is unjust.

Refusing to conform can mean being rebellious, but it can also mean just going against the grain, like being unabashedly religious in a very secular institution or being the conservative or libertarian voice in classes filled with progressives. I recently asked one such student if he perceived any faculty bias. “Don’t worry about me,” he replied. “My professors find me fascinating.” Some of the military veterans who’ve attended my liberal arts university have disrupted the easy prejudices of their progressive peers while finding themselves working in areas they’d never expected to be interested in.

Over the years, I’ve found nonconformists to be the most interesting people to have in my classes; I’ve also found that they often turn out to be the people who add the greatest value to the organizations in which they work. I’m thinking of Kendall, a computer science major I had in a philosophy class whom I saw on campus recently because she was directing an ambitious musical. When I expressed my admiration at her unlikely combination of interests, she was almost insulted by my surprise and enthusiasm. Had I really stereotyped her as someone not interested in the arts just because she excels in science?

Or take the student activist (please!) who a couple of years after leading a demonstration to the president’s office made an appointment to meet with me. I was worried about new political demands, but she had something else in mind: getting a recommendation for law school. I could, she reminded me with a smile, write about her leadership abilities on campus. And I did.

Of course, even students who refuse to fall in with the herd should learn how to listen and speak to it and to various groups different from their own. That’s an increasingly valuable capacity, and it will help them make their way in the world, whatever school they attend, whatever their major.

Side by side, students should learn how to be full human beings, not mere appendages, and this means continually questioning what they are doing and learning from one another. “Truly speaking,” Ralph Waldo Emerson said about a century ago, “it is not instruction, but provocation, that I can receive from another soul.” That’s why the colleges — large public institutions or small faith-based colleges or anything in between — that nurture and respond to the energies of their students are the ones that feel most intellectually alive.

So, what makes a school the right one? It’s not the prestige of a name or the campus amenities. First and foremost, it’s the teachers. Great teachers help make a college great because they themselves are never done being students. Sure, there are plenty of schools filled with faculty members who think alike, who relish the bubble of fellowship in received opinion. A college can make being weird or radical into adolescent orthodoxy. These places should be avoided. By contrast, there are colleges with great teachers who practice freedom by activating wonder, a capacity for appreciation and a taste for inquiry — and who do so because they themselves seek out these broadening experiences. You can feel their own nonconformity as they try to provoke their students away from the various forms of received opinion.

Finding the right college will often mean finding these kinds of people — classmates and mentors, perpetual students who seek open-ended learning that brings joy and meaning. That’s what young people checking out schools should really be looking for: not a place merely to fit in but a place to practice freedom in good company.

Michael S. Roth is the president of Wesleyan University. His most recent books are “ The Student: A Short History” and “ Safe Enough Spaces: A Pragmatist’s Approach to Inclusion, Free Speech, and Political Correctness on College Campuses.”

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    Veterans Struggles Essay. The Struggle For Veterans To Obtain Jobs My cousin is going to enter the Marines, and he may even be able to get in the top group of the Marines. He will do his service, and come home, a respected and courageous veteran.

  8. Veteran Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    A well-crafted conclusion will leave the reader with a deeper appreciation of veterans' service and contributions, as well as the complexities of their experiences in both military and civilian contexts. Free essay examples about Veteran ️ Proficient writing team ️ High-quality of every essay ️ Largest database of free samples on PapersOwl.

  9. Essays on Veterans

    When it comes to writing an essay about veterans, choosing the right topic is crucial. A good veterans essay topic should be thought-provoking, relevant, and engaging. It should be something that inspires the writer to research and explore different perspectives. Here are some recommendations on how to brainstorm and choose a great essay topic:

  10. Essay on Why Veterans Are Important

    Students are often asked to write an essay on Why Veterans Are Important in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. Let's take a look… 100 Words Essay on Why Veterans Are Important Why Veterans Are Important

  11. How to use your Veteran experience in college application essays

    Submit a DD-214 form to make sure that your full military experience is included with your applications. Some of your experience might help you gain college credit and that might be a selling ...

  12. Essay On Veterans

    Writing As A Veteran I can't write very well. I cannot write very well. I don't like to write. I do not like to write. Over the past four years our teachers gave us various types of papers to challenge us to be better writers. Thinking back I always felt like a good writer and writing seemed to come easier to me. "Wow, you

  13. 5 Tips Every Veteran Should Keep In Mind When Writing Their College

    Still, I've read dozens of college admissions personal statements from veterans that tell a wonderfully engaging story about their time in the service, but fail to answer the questions asked in ...

  14. Why are Veterans Important? Essay

    Veterans are individuals who served in the military, either by getting drafted or by their own decision in any case whether they have seen battle previously or not. Veterans have shielded Americans from serving in the military by serving themselves. Veterans are individuals who are no longer in the military and never again need to secure us and ...

  15. The Veterans Writing Project

    The Veterans Writing Project. The mission of the Writers Guild Foundation's Veterans Writing Project is to identify emerging writers from United States military backgrounds and provide them with the tools and insights to nurture their passion for writing and successfully navigate the entertainment industry. We do this in three phases over an ...

  16. Letters of Gratitude: Letters to Veterans

    Dear Veteran, Thank you for your service. You have given our country your life, time, energy and love. You are an honorable person and thank you doesn't seem enough to say I appreciate your service. Thank you again and always. God Bless you and your family. You are in my heart and I pray for you each and every day.

  17. Free Essays on Veterans, Examples, Topics, Outlines

    Veterans; Essays on Veterans. It is hard to admit it, but nowadays younger generation tends to forget about what veterans had to endure and their service to their respective nations, so being tasked with writing a veterans essay is a good way to make sure that veterans' legacy is remembered.

  18. Writing Extension: Veterans Day Comparison-Contrast Essay

    How to Write a Comparison-Contrast Essay: 1. Choose two subjects that can easily be compared and contrasted. For our example, we will use Memorial Day and Veterans Day. 2. Make a pre-writing map. This is a great time to introduce the Venn diagram. To make a Venn diagram, draw two large overlapping circles. Show how the subjects are alike and ...

  19. Veteran Essay Example

    During the study, pupils and students are faced with tasks that require them to write an essay on required themes. Veteran Essay Example considers that a notion "veteran" for the most time is associated with wars and advanced age, which is true but only partially. Veteran Essay Example provides an information about who are veterans and why ...

  20. What Does a Veteran Mean to Me? Essay

    A veteran, to me, is someone who selflessly volunteers to protect our country. They come from all walks of life to answer the call of duty. They all join for different reasons or motivations, but all wear the uniform with pride. They charge into every battle, knowing it may be their last, yet do not hesitate to do so.

  21. Scholarship Essays

    Unlike other essays you may write in college, scholarship essays are the place to get personal. Use "I" and talk about yourself. The resume lists all of the things you have accomplished; the essay shows who you are and why the reader would want to have coffee with you (or give you a lot of money). ... Iowa Veteran Education, Transition, and ...

  22. Veteran Essay Veteran Essay

    "With Veteran's day right around the corner, you will have the choice to write a research paper about the life of a veteran, or a research paper about different physical or mental handicaps that were common among veterans." Various facilitators stated in different ways each year of high school. It seemed like every year we wrote ...

  23. USAJOBS Help Center

    Get started. USAJOBS posts all federal job opportunities with a position description and instructions how to apply. With USAJOBS.gov tools and resources, you can find the right federal job faster. Get started.

  24. Transfer to Mason

    ADVANCE. ADVANCE is an exciting new partnership between Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) and George Mason University (Mason) that gives NOVA students targeted, personalized support to complete their bachelor's degrees in a timely manner and save money. More about ADVANCE.

  25. Opinion

    Choosing a college based on where you feel comfortable is a mistake. The most rewarding forms of education make you feel very uncomfortable, not least because they force you to recognize your own ...