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Master's Theses

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master thesis stockholm school of economics

Students' Theses

SSE Riga Bachelor's and Master’s theses are available in the Library for the public. Theses can be borrowed for 7 days by SSE Riga students, faculty, and staff.

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master thesis stockholm school of economics

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Master thesis in Economics, A2E

Information from the course leader, course evaluation, the course evaluation is now closed.

EX0905-30187 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Additional course evaluations for EX0905

Academic year 2023/2024.

Master thesis in Economics, A2E (EX0905-30316)

2024-01-15 - 2024-06-02

Master thesis in Economics, A2E (EX0905-10362)

2023-08-28 - 2024-01-14

Academic year 2022/2023

Master thesis in Economics, A2E (EX0905-30138)

2023-01-16 - 2023-06-04

Master thesis in Economics, A2E (EX0905-10153)

2022-08-29 - 2023-01-15

Academic year 2021/2022

Master thesis in Economics, A2E (EX0905-30201)

2022-01-17 - 2022-06-05

Master thesis in Economics, A2E (EX0905-10232)

2021-08-30 - 2022-01-16

Academic year 2020/2021

Master thesis in Economics, A2E (EX0905-10201)

2020-08-31 - 2021-01-17

Academic year 2019/2020

Master thesis in Economics, A2E (EX0905-30164)

2020-01-20 - 2020-06-07

Master thesis in Economics, A2E (EX0905-10164)

2019-09-02 - 2020-01-19

Academic year 2018/2019

Master thesis in Economics, A2E (EX0905-30205)

2019-01-21 - 2019-06-09

Master thesis in Economics, A2E (EX0905-10241)

2018-09-03 - 2019-01-20

Syllabus and other information

Ex0905 master thesis in economics, a2e, 30.0 credits, education cycle, advanced study in the main field, grading scale, prior knowledge.

The aim of the course is for the student, based on previously acquired knowledge, to independently plan, carry out and present an academic study within a given time frame. Through the independent project, the student will develop their skills in the academic work process and deepen their subject knowledge considerably.

On completion of the course, the student will be able to:

independently and creatively identify and formulate scientific questions;

independently search, compile, evaluate and critically interpret relevant information and literature;

independently plan and, using adequate methods, carry out a scientific study within given time frames;

analyse and evaluate data and/or findings on a scientific basis;

discuss contents and conclusions in a scientific work critically, and reflect on how the choice of question and method relates to the scientific and practical basis of the subject;

reflect on social and ethical aspects, sustainability aspects within the subject as well as ethical aspects of research and development;

present a scientific work in accordance with the prevailing practice of the discipline, adapted to the intended audience and according to the instructions given;

write a summary in English of a scientific report according to the instructions given;

write a popular science summary of a scientific work according to the instructions given;

present a scientific work orally and critically review and discuss, as well as give constructive criticism of, another student’s project, including method, conclusions and the context of the work in a wider perspective;

identify their own skill and knowledge development needs in the subject of the project.

The course involves carrying out an independent, academic project (degree project) under supervision. The project is to be carried out independently, using data collected by the student themselves, or equivalent data. The project should preferably be carried out individually, but the course coordinator can admit exceptions under certain circumstances. The set-up of the independent project should be documented in a work plan established in consultation with the supervisor before the project starts.

The project is to be presented orally and in writing, as seminars or an equivalent format, and according to the instructions given. The course also involves taking part in a public discussion of another student’s project in order to assess the ability to give constructive criticism.

Grading form

Formats and requirements for examination.

A Pass grade for the written report and the oral presentation, as well as a Pass grade for the critical review of another student’s project. If the work has been carried out in pairs, it must be made clear to the examiner what each individual has contributed; this applies to both the written report and the oral presentation. The work effort and the scope of the work should correspond to 30 credits for each student, and each student must fulfil all intended learning outcomes. - If the student has not received a Pass grade for a test, the examiner has the right to give a supplementary assignment, provided this is feasible and can be justified.

If the student has been granted learning support due to a disability, the examiner has the right to offer an adapted test or let the student take the test in an alternative manner.

If this course syllabus is changed, or if the course is discontinued, SLU shall decide on transition rules for examination of students admitted under this syllabus but who have not yet completed the course.

For the examination of an independent project (degree project), the examiner may also allow the student to add supplemental information after the submission date. For more information, please refer to the regulations for education at Bachelor’s and Master’s level.

If a student has failed an examination, the examiner has the right to issue supplementary assignments. This applies if it is possible and there are grounds to do so.

The examiner can provide an adapted assessment to students entitled to study support for students with disabilities following a decision by the university. Examiners may also issue an adapted examination or provide an alternative way for the students to take the exam.

If this syllabus is withdrawn, SLU may introduce transitional provisions for examining students admitted based on this syllabus and who have not yet passed the course.

For the examination of a degree project (independent project), the examiner may also allow the student to add supplemental information after the deadline for submission. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.

Other information

The right to participate in teaching and/or supervision only applies for the course instance the student was admitted to and registered on.

If there are special reasons, students are entitled to participate in components with compulsory attendance when the course is given again. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.

Additional information

Responsible department.

Department of Economics

Grading criteria

See course schedule for grading criteria.

Course facts

The Swedish House of Finance Award for best Master Thesis contributed by Nasdaq Nordic Foundation

2020/2021 Jesper Andersson and Alexander Hübbert from Stockholm University "Does the tick size regime on systematic internalisers improve market quality?"

News Article

2019/2020 Martin Warin & Jakob Kalbe from Stockholm School of Economics "Dressed for Long-Term Success - Evidence from Sweden Regarding the Long-Term Value Creation of Private Equity Sponsors"

2018/2019 Jesper Warén and Sebastian Zettergren from Stockholm School of Economics "The influence of M&A advisors on pre-bid run-ups: A quantitative study of 225 Swedish public takeover bids between 1999 and 2017"

The Swedish House of Finance awards a best thesis prize to MSc students who have used Swedish Equity Data available from the National Data Center of the Swedish House of Finance in their work. The total prize money for the award is SEK 50.000.

The prize will be awarded annually in order to stimulate students to work on topics related to financial economics by using data on Nordic financial markets.


Master students are invited to submit their theses, defended at a Swedish college or university during the academic year 2021/22. The thesis must use data from this website, in particular FinBas, Nasdaq HFT and Nordic Compass.

The thesis should be written in English and have been awarded the highest grade.

A submission should include a short motivation from the thesis advisor or examiner, and a note on the awarded grade for the thesis.

The contact information should include e-mail addresses and phone numbers to the student as well as the advisor or examiner.

Only electronic submissions are accepted by entering the contest via the button below before August 31th, 2022.

A jury is formed by representatives from the Nasdaq Nordic Foundation and SSE finance department, as well as representatives from the financial industry, primarily firms who have an interest in financial data processing.

The jury will pick a winner and a runner-up paper.

Winners will be notified in September and the award ceremony will take place at the Swedish House of Finance in Stockholm.

master thesis stockholm school of economics

Home > Academics > Master's Programmes > Master in Economics > The Best Master Thesis in Economics

The Best Master Thesis in Economics

Academic year 2022-2023, academic year 2021-2022, academic year 2020-2021, academic year 2019-2020, academic year 2018-2019, academic year 2017-2018.

  • Academic Year 2016-2017

Academic Year 2015-2016

Academic year 2014-2015.

Impact of conflicts on the underground drug economy in Aghanistan (PDF, 764 Ko) Antoine POL under the direction of Golvine de Rochambeau , Assistant Professor  of Economics at Sciences Po.

The case of win-win bilateral slot swapping between ECAC area competing airlines (PDF, 951 Ko)  Hugo BARRAS under the direction of   Marleen Marra , Assistant Professor of Economics at Sciences Po.

Do Banks Help Build? Evidence from the 19th century US (PDF, 2,7 Mo) Martin BERNSTEIN under the direction of Moritz Schularick , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po & Clement de Chaisemartin , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po, ERC Project REALLYCREDIBLE, NBER Faculty Research Fellow, J-PAL Affiliated Professor.

Heterogeneous firms and Sudden Stops: insights from Chile (PDF, 835 Ko) Natalia CARDENAS FRIAS under the direction of Xavier Ragot , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po et President of the OFCE.

Structural cost and network effects in a decentralized network: The case of Mastodon platform (PDF, 290 Ko) Mathias DACHERT under the direction of Michele Fioretti ,  Assistant Professor of Economics at Sciences Po.

Age-Earnings Profiles in China (PDF, 1,4 Mo) Fangqi DING under the direction of Moshe Buchinsky , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po.

Natural and Financial Crises: Do Natural Disasters Increase The Risk Of Financial Crises? (PDF, 701 Ko) Daniel FICHMANN under the direction of Moritz Schularick , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po.

Intergenerational mobility in Mauritius (PDF, 889 Ko) Jeteesha FOOLLEE under the direction of Roberto Galbiati , Professor (CNRS), CEPR Research Fellow, ANR Project SOSELF.

The merits of boarding (PDF, 2,3 Mo) Alexandre GRELLET under the direction of Clement de Chaisemartin , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po, ERC Project REALLYCREDIBLE, NBER Faculty Research Fellow , J-PAL Affiliated Professor.

Causal Effect of Studying Ancient Languages on Overall School Performance: Evidence from French Data (PDF, 2,1 Mo) Anthony KUYU under the direction of Clement de Chaisemartin , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po, ERC Project REALLYCREDIBLE, NBER Faculty Research Fellow , J-PAL Affiliated Professor.

Holes in the ceiling! Dividend elasticities and tax avoidance in light of the ceiling mechanism of the French wealth tax (PDF, 1,9 Mo) Elvin LE POUHAËR under the direction of Lucas Chancel , Associate Professor at Sciences Po.

Consequences of Colonial Rule on Health Outcomes in India (PDF, 1,2 Mo) Kunal PANDA under the direction of Emeric Henry , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po, ANR Project SOSELF, CEPR Research Fellow.

A good year to bury bad loans? Uncovering liquidity in the market for non-performing loans (PDF, 1.12 Mo) Nathaniel Butler Blondel under the direction of Guillaume Plantin , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po &  Maximilian Fandl of the Macroprudential Division at the European Central Bank

Mobility of French teachers in secondary education: modelisation and estimation of a dynamic centralised matching market (PDF, 1.37 Mo) Antoine Chapel under the direction of Jean-Marc Robin , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po & Alfred Galichon , Professor of Economics at New York University

The Drivers of Social and Individual Environmental Behaviour (PDF, 1.82 Mo) Sidonie Commarmond under the direction of Emeric Henry , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po & Roberto Galbiati , CNRS Professor (DR) at Sciences Po

Weighted Dynamic Latent Block Model and its Applications in Sorting Estimation (PDF, 1.55 Mo) Xinyu Dai under the direction of Jean-Marc Robin , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po & Junnan He, Assistant Professor of Economics at Sciences Po

Does school choice increase social segregation? Evidence from private schools opening in France between 2005 and 2019 (PDF, 2.95 Mo) Constance Frohly under the direction of Pierre Cahuc , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po & Denis Fougère , Directeur de recherche CNRS-CRIS

Cost and benefit of green R&D: evidence from French firms (PDF, 1.10 Mo) Axel Meunier under the direction of Jean-Marc Robin , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po & Agnès Benassy-Quéré , Professor of Economics at Paris School of Economics

Campaign Finance Quotas and Female Political Representation: Evidence from 2018 Brazilian Reform  (PDF, 2.42 Mo) Olympia Tsoutsoplidi under the direction of Julia Cagé , Associate Professor & Benjamin Marx , Assistant Professor of Economics at Sciences Po

International inequality transmission in a two-country HANK model (PDF, 43 Mo) Naomi Cohen  under the direction of Xavier Ragot , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po

Job seeker's strategic attention allocation : Evidence from a Field Experiment (PDF, 315 ko) Mattis Gilbert  under the direction of Pierre Cahuc , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po

Women Empowerment through Public Employment Programmes: Evidence from Ethiopia (PDF, 2 Mo) Till Kadereit   under the direction of Benjamin Marx , Assistant Professor  of Economics at Sciences Po

Price discrimination with endogenous participation in two-sided platforms (PDF, 536 ko) Aurélien Salas under the direction of Eduardo Perez-Richet , Assistant Professor  of Economics at Sciences Po

The landscapes of transition: Identifying economic geography in the emergence of capitalist markets in Central and Eastern Europe (PDF, 2 Mo) Karolina Wilczyńska under the direction of Thierry Mayer , Professor of Economics at Sciences Po

Inequality and Current Account - Imbalances in a Monetary Union. Heterogeneous heterogeneities in the Eurozone (PDF, 11Mo) Danell Benguigui sous la direction de Xavier Ragot , Professeur d'économie à Sciences Po

Paris Terrorist Attacks and Hotel Word‐of‐Mouth (PDF, 497 ko) Yulin Hao sous la direction de Michèle Fioretti , Assistant Professor  au Département d'Économie, Sciences Po

Political Trust, Political Participation and Conflict. A case study of the Boko Haram conflict in Nigeria (PDF, 2.71 Mo) Simeon Lauterbach sous la direction de Benjamin Marx , Assistant Professor  au Département d'Économie, Sciences Po

Public debt and safety trap in open economies (PDF, 440 ko) Valentin Marchal sous la direction de  Nicolas Coeurdacier , Associate Professor of Economics at  Sciences Po

Global Migration and the Skill Premium (PDF, 346 ko) Alberto Nasi sous la direction de Thierry Mayer , Professeur d'économie à Sciences Po

Information design against petty corruption (PDF, 341ko) Grégory Dannay , sous la direction d' Eduardo Perez-Richet , Professeur d'économie à Sciences Po

What drives the French discontent? (PDF, 453 ko) Eva Davoine , sous la direction de Benjamin Marx , Assistant Professor  au Département d'Économie, Sciences Po

Overtime Hours and Bonuses: A Story of Fiscal Optimization (PDF, 700ko) Nicolas Ghio , sous la direction de Pierre Cahuc , Professeur à Sciences Po &   Denis Fougère , Directeur de recherche CNRS - OSC-LIEPP

Knocking on closed doors? Identifying the determinants of employer call-backs for unskilled youth (PDF, 1.20Mo) Lorenzo Kaaks, sous la direction de Pierre Cahuc , Professeur à Sciences Po

Cracks in the boards: the opportunity cost of homogeneous boards of directors (PDF, 5.37Mo) Hélène Maghin , sous la direction de Ghazala Azmat , Professeur à Sciences Po

Does Dark Trading Alter Liquidity? Evidence from European Regulation (PDF, 504ko) Victor Saint-Jean , sous la direction de Stéphane Guibaud , Assistant Professor  au Département d'Économie, Sciences Po

The Relationship Between Housing Vouchers and Educational Attainment in Atlanta, GA (PDF, 396ko) Rebecca Smith , sous la direction de Ghazala Azmat , Professeur à Sciences Po

Reading about Flood Risk in the News - Evidence from the Housing Market (PDF, 19Mo) Jeanne Sorin , sous la direction de Julia Cagé ,  Assistant Professor  au Département d'Économie, Sciences Po &  Florian Oswald ,  Assistant Professor  au Département d'Économie, Sciences Po 

Gravity in paradise - How do tax havens shape multinational production (PDF) Samuel Delpeuch sous la direction de Zsofia Barany , Assistant Professor au Département d'Économie, Sciences Po et Thomas Chaney , Professeur d'économie à Sciences Po

Chasing the Flapper Vote Women Enfranchisement and Electoral Outcomes at the 1929 British General Election (PDF) Edgard Dewitte sous la direction de Julia Cagé , Assistant Professor au Département d'Économie, Sciences Po

Savings in a 3 Period-Model with a Behavioral Agent - Rational inattention with a Sparse Dynamic Approach (PDF) Galo Egas G. sous la direction de Xavier Ragot , Professeur d'économie à Sciences Po

Quality of life in French cities (PDF) Mylène Feuillade sous la direction de Pierre-Philippe Combes , Professeur d'économie à Sciences Po et Laurent Gobillon , Professeur d'économie à Paris School of Economics

Non-Cognitive Skills Training and Educational Outcomes: New Evidence from French Middle Schools (PDF) Laura Green sous la direction de GREEN, Yann Algan , Doyen de l’École d’Affaires Publiques (EAP) et Professeur d’économie à Sciences Po & Denis Fougère , Directeur de recherche CNRS - OSC-LIEPP

Dynamics of local employment in Europe: Is the impact of agglomeration economies time inconsistent?  (PDF) Magdalena Kizior sous la direction de Pierre-Henri Bono , Chef de projet au LIEPP & Département d'économie de Sciences Po, Jean Imbs , Directeur de recherche CNRS, Paris School of Economics

Learning under Coarse Thinking (PDF) Daniel M. de A. Barreto sous la direction de Eduardo Perez-Richet , Professeur d'économie à Sciences Po et Jeanne Hagenbach, Associate Professor d'économie à Sciences Po

Estimating employment effects of the German minimum wage (PDF) Johannes Seebauer sous la direction de Florian Oswald , Assistant Professor à Sciences Po & Denis Fougère , Directeur de recherche CNRS - OSC-LIEPP

Present-Bias and Salience in Discounting Acros Short Durations: a Proposed Experimental Approach (PDF) Zydney Wong sous la direction de Jeanne Hagenbach, Associate Professor au Département d'Économie, Sciences Po & Emeric Henry, Associate Professor au Département d'Économie, Sciences Po

Academic year 2016-2017

Does training pay? Estimating the wage returns to vocational training in France (PDF)

Olivier Cassagneau-Francis sous la direction de Jean-Marc Robin , Professeur à Sciences Po et  Robert Gary-Bobo , Professeur à l'ENSAE

Competing Information Designers (PDF)

Théo Durandard  sous la direction d' Eduardo Perez-Richet , Professeur d'économie à Sciences Po

What's new in the new? Media coverage about the ECB and market participants'inflation expectations   (PDF)

Mikael Eskenazi  sous la direction de  Christine Graeff , directrice générale de la communication de la Banque centrale européenne et Benoit Coeuré , Membre du Directoire de la Banque centrale européenne

Impact of Trade on the Characteristics of the Digital Newspaper Market (PDF)

Anaïs Galdin  sous la direction de  Julia Cagé , Associate Professor of Economics à Sciences Po et Thomas Chaney , Professeur d'économie à Sciences Po

Intergenerational Income Mobility in France : National and Territorial Estimates (PDF)

Gustave Kenedi sous la direction de Pierre-Philippe Combes , Professeur d'économie à Sciences Po

Intergenerational transfert without commitment: a macroeconomic framework (PDF)

Hugo Lhuillier  sous la direction de  Nicolas Coeurdacier , Associate Professor of Economics at Sciences Po

Evaluation of the impact computer-aided instruction on student performence  (PDF)

Clémence Lobut  sous la direction de  Denis Fougère , Directeur de recherche CNRS - OSC-LIEPP

Colonial Administrators and Public Educational - Investments in French West Africa   (PDF)

Christine Cai sous la direction de Quoc Anh DO , Associate Professor of Economics 

  Incumbency Effect and Partisanship in development: Evidence from close elections in India  (PDF)

Ragini Chaurasia, sous la direction de  Sergei Guriev , Professor of Economics

Were Administrators the "Rulers of the Empire"? An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Colonial Public Investments in French West Africa (PDF)

Par Sacha Dray, sous la direction d' Elise Huillery , Assistant Professor of Economics et Quoc-Anh Do,  Associate Professor of Economics 

Aspirations, Family Background and Educational Outcomes: Evidence of a Poverty Trap in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam (PDF)

Ava Guez, sous la direction d' Elise Huillery , Assistant Professor of Economics

  Present and Future Costs of Education and International Students - Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Germany  (PDF)

Par Benoit Rauturier, sous la direction d' Etienne Wasmer , Full Professor of Economics

  The Consequences of Managerial Short-termism on the Firm : Theory and Empirics  (PDF)

Bilal Tabti, sous la direction de  Guillaume Plantin , Professor of Economics

Measuring the impact of the CICE on Firms' investments (PDF)

Camille Urvoy, sous la direction de Denis Fougère , Directeur de recherche CNRS - OSC-LIEPP

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail? Immigration, Local Public Spending and Voting: Evidence from a Natural Experiment (PDF)

Max Viskanic, sous la direction d' Emeric Henry , Directeur des études doctorales en Economie, Professeur associé au Département d'Economie, Sciences Po

Heterogeneous Preferences and General Equilibrium in Financial Markets  (PDF) Tyler ABBOT, sous la direction de Nicolas COEURDACIER , Associate Professor of Economics

Returns to College on the Marriage Market: a Simple Roy Model with Perfect Foresight  (PDF)

Edoardo CISCATO, sous la direction de Jean-Marc ROBIN , Professor of Economics 

Social-Democracy. Homophily and polarisation in politics, the Italian Twitter network   (PDF) Mario LUCA, sous la direction de  Ruben DURANTE ,  Associate Professor of Economics

Population's fear and hostility and the Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa  (PDF) Norbert RUGAMBAGE, sous la direction d' Elise HUILERY , Associate Professor of Economics

Le Marché du Logement et l'Emploi des Jeunes  (PDF) Jean-Benoît Eymeoud, sous la direction d' Etienne WASMER , Full Professor of Economics


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Master's Programme in Economics

  • 120 credits cr.
  • Gå till denna sida på svenska webben

Come to Stockholm University and stydy a two-year master’s programme in Economics with us. The programme is fully taught in English and provides you with a strong ability to independently use economic theory and empirical methods. After graduation you will be able to work in the private or public sector, or continue to PhD studies, in Sweden or abroad.

master thesis stockholm school of economics

After completing your master’s degree, you can go on to work in the private or public sector, in the type of employment for skilled analysts and investigators that is commonplace in government offices, government agencies, financial organisations, and more.

You will also be qualified to perform independent investigative and analytical work in the field of economics, and inspect and assess current research. You can also apply to PhD studies in Economics.

Find more information below.

Programme overview

The programme consists of compulsory courses in economic theory and empirical methods (45 credits); elective courses that allow you to tailor your studies (45 credits); and a master's thesis (30 credits). The programme starts every year in the autumn.

master thesis stockholm school of economics

Autumn term

Four mandatory courses, 7.5 credits each.

Mathematics for Economic and Statistical Analysis - MM1005 (given at the Department of Mathematics)

Spring term

One mandatory course, 7.5 credits and three optional courses, 7.5 credits each.

Four optional courses, 7.5 credits each.

Master’s thesis, 30 credits.

How to apply

Application and registration.

You apply to the master's programme via universityadmissions.se .

Application dates

Information about the dates and times for the mandatory registration meeting will be sent out to admitted students via email. Non-EU students will be informed by email in May. EU and Swedish students will be informed by email in July.

Selection process

The selection of students is based on a cumulative assessment of grades of academic courses and the relevance of previous studies in relation to the programme.

Programme and course administration [email protected]  

Peter Langenius

  • Visiting address

Södra huset A, room A614

  • Questions about:

Eligibility, admission and credit transfers.

  • Phone hours

Mon-Thu 12.00-12.30

Adam Jacobsson

Södra huset A, room A791

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Selected reading

Skeppsholmen in Stockholm during winter.

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master thesis stockholm school of economics

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Stockholm University arranges regular webinars and participates in educational fairs and events virtually and around the world to meet students and inform them about our study programmes. Meet us and ask what it's like to study with us!

Mahmoud Suliman on a boat in Stockholm.

Students of Stockholm University

Every year Stockholm University welcomes thousands of international students from all over the world. Each bringing their own backpack full of experiences, expectations and dreams. Each with their own story.

Photo montage of close-ups of researchers.

Our researchers. Your teachers

As a student at Stockholm University, you will have direct contact with leading researchers in your field and access to the most recent scientific findings. Our researchers. Your teachers. Meet a few of them here.

Elisa Viteri in front of some greenery.

Hear from our alumni

Are you wondering what former students thought about your programme? Are you curious about what your education can lead to after graduation? Hear from our alumni!


  1. Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Zweden

    master thesis stockholm school of economics

  2. The Master Thesis Award 2020 goes to...

    master thesis stockholm school of economics

  3. Stockholm School of Economics

    master thesis stockholm school of economics

  4. Almost A Year in Review: Stockholm School of Economics

    master thesis stockholm school of economics

  5. Master Thesis Award 2021: Empirical Analysis on the Swedish Stock

    master thesis stockholm school of economics

  6. Stockholm School of Economics

    master thesis stockholm school of economics


  1. Master program in Accounting, Valuation & Financial Management

  2. Master Thesis |Meromorphic function and its application| #thesis #mathematics #@hbmathematics3540

  3. Master's thesis Vs A PhD dissertation...what is the difference?

  4. Master in Economics of Global Risks (new master of Toulouse School of Economics)

  5. Empower Your Leadership Journey: Stockholm School of Economics Executive MBA

  6. My Swedish Diary


  1. Master's Theses

    Find all published Master's Theses from SSE. Go to main navigation Navigation menu Skip navigation Home page Search. STOCKHOLM SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Education Expand Education. SSE. Expand SSE. Education ... Stockholm School of Economics | Box 6501 | SE-113 83 Stockholm | Phone: +46 8 736 90 00 ...

  2. Stockholm School of Economics Department of Accounting Master Thesis in

    Master Thesis in Accounting and Financial Management Spring 2018 Calculations Sparking Innovation Development ... Stockholm School of Economics, for his valuable input and support throughout the process of this thesis. Stockholm, May 2018 Joakim Aronsson Per Asplund . 3

  3. Students' Theses

    SSE Riga Bachelor's and Master's theses are available in the Library for the public. Theses can be borrowed for 7 days by SSE Riga students, faculty, and staff. ... A student can complete the SSE Riga Thesis individually or together with another student. Each student or pair of students developing a Thesis is entitled to a supervisor who ...

  4. PDF How to master thesis M13

    7.1 General. The thesis seminar is organized in the following way: First, the author starts by giving a 20-minute presentation of his/her thesis. Then, the student reviewer (another master student) asks questions (for about 20 minutes) so the author must be prepared to defend and to discuss the thesis.

  5. Master Thesis in Economics

    Master Thesis in Economics. Stockholm University. Find courses and programmes. The aim of this course is to provide training in how to critically and systemically analyse economic issues; to demonstrate the ability to critically, independently and creatively identify and formulate issues; to plan, complete and evaluate advanced assignments ...

  6. Dissertations and publications

    The first thesis in SOFI's series of doctoral dissertations was presented in 1986 and since then many more have followed. Since 2004 all theses have been recorded in Stockholm University's DiVA index. The index gives access to a brief announcement and abstract of each thesis and occasionally includes the entire thesis text in a pdf file.

  7. Master thesis in Economics, A2E

    EX0905. Master thesis in Economics, A2E. Självständigt arbete i Nationalekonomi, A2E. Contact. Print. Share. An independent project is a project where you will apply your in-depth knowledge, skills and approach to an issue in the field of the education. Often, the independent project is at the end of your education where you will plan ...

  8. Master's thesis

    Master's Programme in Economics; Master's thesis Print. Degrees. Alumni. Careers. Go international. A smooth start. Masters of science at Stockholm University. New in Sweden. IT for students. Student health. ... Stockholm University Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden | Phone: +46 8 16 20 00 About this website and cookies; Contact;

  9. Master Thesis Award contributed by Nasdaq Nordic Foundation

    The Swedish House of Finance Award for best Master Thesis contributed by Nasdaq Nordic Foundation. ... 2019/2020 Martin Warin & Jakob Kalbe from Stockholm School of Economics "Dressed for Long-Term Success ... Master students are invited to submit their theses, defended at a Swedish college or university during the academic year 2021/22. ...

  10. Stockholm School (economics)

    The Stockholm School (Swedish: Stockholmsskolan) is a school of economic thought.It refers to a loosely organized group of Swedish economists that worked together, in Stockholm, Sweden primarily in the 1930s.. The Stockholm School had—like John Maynard Keynes—come to the same conclusions in macroeconomics and the theories of demand and supply.Like Keynes, they were inspired by the works of ...

  11. The Best Master Thesis in Economics

    Academic Year 2022-2023. Impact of conflicts on the underground drug economy in Aghanistan (PDF, 764 Ko) Antoine POL under the direction of Golvine de Rochambeau, Assistant Professor of Economics at Sciences Po. The case of win-win bilateral slot swapping between ECAC area competing airlines (PDF, 951 Ko)

  12. Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences

    The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, officially the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (Swedish: Sveriges riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne), is an economics award funded by Sveriges Riksbank and administered by the Nobel Foundation.. Although not one of the five Nobel Prizes established by Alfred Nobel's will in 1895 ...

  13. Stockholm School of Economics Master'S Thesis in Finance

    This study evaluates the performance of alternative models for predicting stock price volatility on Swedish. market. The model set contains various methods for producing volatility forecasts ranging from simple ones. (Random Walk, Moving Average and Exponentially Moving Average) to non-linear group of models (GARCH.

  14. Doctor of Philosophy

    A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D., or DPhil; Latin: philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae) is a terminal degree that usually denotes the highest level of academic achievement in a given discipline and is awarded following a course of graduate study and original research.The name of the degree is most often abbreviated PhD (or, at times, as Ph.D. in North America), pronounced as three ...

  15. ⚡️ Michael Batko

    More Batko here: https://linktr.ee/batko MY STORY Polish origins, grew up in Austria and now CEO at Startmate, Australia/New Zealand. Started as a business student following the traditional path into consulting and corporate life (Amex, PwC, KPMG) ...but then fell in love with the startup world growing two start-ups from a team of 2 to 5 (madpaws.com.au) and 10 to 50+ (expert360.com ...

  16. Aija Bruvere

    In 2013 Aija Bruvere received Graduate Diploma in Coaching Psychology from University of Sydney. Aija has since graduation worked as Happiness, Career and Business Coach primarily in Sydney but also internationally. Her background is Business: she graduated from Stockholm School of Economics in Riga in 2003 with Bsc in Economics and Business and later received a Masters degree in Social Sciences.

  17. Elīza Blumfelde

    Experienced Marketing Professional specializing in Influencer Marketing, Social Media Management, and Reputation for High-Growth Startups · Hi there, I'm Eliza, a marketing professional with 10 years of experience. In the last 5 years, I have worked with startups in high-paced environments, helping them grow their brands through effective marketing strategies.<br><br>My ...

  18. Master's Programme in Economics

    Come to Stockholm University and stydy a two-year master's programme in Economics with us. The programme is fully taught in English and provides you with a strong ability to independently use economic theory and empirical methods. After graduation you will be able to work in the private or public sector, or continue to PhD studies, in Sweden ...

  19. Fabio Canetg

    At the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), I worked with Prof. Fabrice Collard. Universität Bern ... (Economics) Stockholm University Aug. 2015 ... VBW-Excellence-Award for my master thesis on "Loose Commitment in Monetary Policy". The thesis was ranked 3rd best at the University of Bern in 2015.

  20. Jonna Tillenius

    Erfarenhet: Qlik · Plats: Stockholm · 500+ kontakter på LinkedIn. Visa Jonna Tillenius profil på LinkedIn, ett yrkesnätverk med 1 miljard medlemmar. ... The Master's in Finance at Lund University School of Economics and Management is ranked 32nd in the world in Financial Times ranking of pre-experience programmes 2016.

  21. Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

    The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (French: Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement, abbreviated IHEID), also known as the Geneva Graduate Institute, is a public-private graduate-level university located in Geneva, Switzerland.. The institution counts one UN secretary-general (), seven Nobel Prize recipients, one Pulitzer Prize winner, and ...

  22. Kelly Peters

    Using science of behavior change to help companies make better products, services, and experiences for their stakeholders. I co-founded BEworks & served as its CEO for twelve years. It was the first consulting firm dedicated to the practice of applying behavioral economics to solving business and policy challenges. My focus was to design a robust methodology that integrates the rigour of the ...

  23. Tuyen Tran

    PhD Candidate at University of Galway · Tuyen currently is a PhD researcher at J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics - National University of Ireland, Galway. His research interests focused on various topics in macroeconomics, monetary economics, development economics, banking and finance. He received the master's degree in public economics from the University of Hitotsubashi ...