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Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.

A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.

A 12-month program focused on applying the tools of modern data science, optimization and machine learning to solve real-world business problems.

Earn your MBA and SM in engineering with this transformative two-year program.

Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only.

A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research.

Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelor’s degree in management, business analytics, or finance.

A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Earn your master’s degree in engineering and management.

An interdisciplinary program that combines engineering, management, and design, leading to a master’s degree in engineering and management.

Executive Programs

A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact.

This 20-month MBA program equips experienced executives to enhance their impact on their organizations and the world.

Non-degree programs for senior executives and high-potential managers.

A non-degree, customizable program for mid-career professionals.

PhD Program

Program overview.

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Rigorous, discipline-based research is the hallmark of the MIT Sloan PhD Program. The program is committed to educating scholars who will lead in their fields of research—those with outstanding intellectual skills who will carry forward productive research on the complex organizational, financial, and technological issues that characterize an increasingly competitive and challenging business world.

Start here.

Learn more about the program, how to apply, and find answers to common questions.

Admissions Events

Check out our event schedule, and learn when you can chat with us in person or online.

Start Your Application

Visit this section to find important admissions deadlines, along with a link to our application.

Click here for answers to many of the most frequently asked questions.

PhD studies at MIT Sloan are intense and individual in nature, demanding a great deal of time, initiative, and discipline from every candidate. But the rewards of such rigor are tremendous:  MIT Sloan PhD graduates go on to teach and conduct research at the world's most prestigious universities.

PhD Program curriculum at MIT Sloan is organized under the following three academic areas: Behavior & Policy Sciences; Economics, Finance & Accounting; and Management Science. Our nine research groups correspond with one of the academic areas, as noted below.

MIT Sloan PhD Research Groups

Behavioral & policy sciences.

Economic Sociology

Institute for Work & Employment Research

Organization Studies

Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management

Economics, Finance & Accounting


Management Science

Information Technology

System Dynamics  

Those interested in a PhD in Operations Research should visit the Operations Research Center .  

PhD Students_Work and Organization Studies

PhD Program Structure

Additional information including coursework and thesis requirements.

MIT Sloan E2 building campus at night

MIT Sloan Predoctoral Opportunities

MIT Sloan is eager to provide a diverse group of talented students with early-career exposure to research techniques as well as support in considering research career paths.

A group of three women looking at a laptop in a classroom and a group of three students in the background

Rising Scholars Conference

The fourth annual Rising Scholars Conference on October 25 and 26 gathers diverse PhD students from across the country to present their research.

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The goal of the MIT Sloan PhD Program's admissions process is to select a small number of people who are most likely to successfully complete our rigorous and demanding program and then thrive in academic research careers. The admission selection process is highly competitive; we aim for a class size of nineteen students, admitted from a pool of hundreds of applicants.

What We Seek

  • Outstanding intellectual ability
  • Excellent academic records
  • Previous work in disciplines related to the intended area of concentration
  • Strong commitment to a career in research

MIT Sloan PhD Program Admissions Requirements Common Questions

Dates and Deadlines

Admissions for 2024 is closed. The next opportunity to apply will be for 2025 admission. The 2025 application will open in September 2024. 

More information on program requirements and application components

Students in good academic standing in our program receive a funding package that includes tuition, medical insurance, and a fellowship stipend and/or TA/RA salary. We also provide a new laptop computer and a conference travel/research budget.

Funding Information

Throughout the year, we organize events that give you a chance to learn more about the program and determine if a PhD in Management is right for you.

PhD Program Events

July phd program overview.

During this webinar, you will hear from the PhD Program team and have the chance to ask questions about the application and admissions process.

August PhD Program Overview

September 12 phd program overview, september 25 phd program overview.

Complete PhD Admissions Event Calendar

Unlike formulaic approaches to training scholars, the PhD Program at MIT Sloan allows students to choose their own adventure and develop a unique scholarly identity. This can be daunting, but students are given a wide range of support along the way - most notably having access to world class faculty and coursework both at MIT and in the broader academic community around Boston.

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Students Outside of E62

Profiles of our current students

MIT Sloan produces top-notch PhDs in management. Immersed in MIT Sloan's distinctive culture, upcoming graduates are poised to innovate in management research and education.

Academic Job Market

Doctoral candidates on the current academic market

Academic Placements

Graduates of the MIT Sloan PhD Program are researching and teaching at top schools around the world.

view recent placements 

MIT Sloan Experience

Now Reading 4 of 4

The PhD Program is integral to the research of MIT Sloan's world-class faculty. With a reputation as risk-takers who are unafraid to embrace the unconventional, they are engaged in exciting disciplinary and interdisciplinary research that often includes PhD students as key team members.

Research centers across MIT Sloan and MIT provide a rich setting for collaboration and exploration. In addition to exposure to the faculty, PhD students also learn from one another in a creative, supportive research community.

Throughout MIT Sloan's history, our professors have devised theories and fields of study that have had a profound impact on management theory and practice.

From Douglas McGregor's Theory X/Theory Y distinction to Nobel-recognized breakthroughs in finance by Franco Modigliani and in option pricing by Robert Merton and Myron Scholes, MIT Sloan's faculty have been unmatched innovators.

This legacy of innovative thinking and dedication to research impacts every faculty member and filters down to the students who work beside them.

Faculty Links

  • Accounting Faculty
  • Economic Sociology Faculty
  • Finance Faculty
  • Information Technology Faculty
  • Institute for Work and Employment Research (IWER) Faculty
  • Marketing Faculty
  • Organization Studies Faculty
  • System Dynamics Faculty
  • Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management (TIES) Faculty

Student Research

“MIT Sloan PhD training is a transformative experience. The heart of the process is the student’s transition from being a consumer of knowledge to being a producer of knowledge. This involves learning to ask precise, tractable questions and addressing them with creativity and rigor. Hard work is required, but the reward is the incomparable exhilaration one feels from having solved a puzzle that had bedeviled the sharpest minds in the world!” -Ezra Zuckerman Sivan Alvin J. Siteman (1948) Professor of Entrepreneurship

Sample Dissertation Abstracts - These sample Dissertation Abstracts provide examples of the work that our students have chosen to study while in the MIT Sloan PhD Program.

We believe that our doctoral program is the heart of MIT Sloan's research community and that it develops some of the best management researchers in the world. At our annual Doctoral Research Forum, we celebrate the great research that our doctoral students do, and the research community that supports that development process.

The videos of their presentations below showcase the work of our students and will give you insight into the topics they choose to research in the program.

Attention To Retention: The Informativeness of Insiders’ Decision to Retain Shares

2024 PhD Doctoral Research Forum Winner - Gabriel Voelcker

Watch more MIT Sloan PhD Program  Doctoral Forum Videos

phd course work 2022

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29 Jun, 2024 | 6:40 AM IST

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  • PhD Course Requirements

[Part of the Policies of the CHD, August 2019 with later revisions; see also area-specific guidelines for  Applied Math ,  Applied Physics ,  Bioengineering ,  Computer Science ,  Electrical Engineering ,  Environmental Science & Engineering ,  and   Materials Science & Mechanical Engineering ]

The Committee on Higher Degrees (CHD) approves each graduate student’s program plan (and any revisions to it), and monitors progress towards attainment of the degree. It is the student’s obligation to keep the CHD apprised of any departures from an approved course selection plan in timely fashion.

Note that a Ph.D. student’s program plan must always comply with the requirements outlined here, in addition to complying with any area-specific requirements.  Area-specific Ph.D. requirements (course expectations, oral qualifying exam, dissertation, final oral exam) are also described on the Graduate Program - Degree Requirements pages of each area.

General Requirements

GSAS requires that all Ph.D. students complete at least 16, four-unit courses or their equivalent prior to graduation. SEAS requires that 10 of the 16 be letter-graded courses, at 100-level or higher, which together comprise the student’s Ph.D. Program Plan; c ourses at lower than 100-level, including all General Education courses, may not be included.   The remaining 6 courses beyond the SEAS 10-course requirement may include 300-level research courses and/or other undergraduate- or graduate-level coursework.

All SEAS Ph.D. Program Plans of 10 letter-graded, four-unit courses must be approved by the CHD and satisfy the following:

  • No course with a grade lower than B- may be included in the Ph.D. Program Plan.  Also note the minimum average grade of B or better as described in the “GPA Expectations” section.
  • a) Note that Physics 223 counts as a 200-level SEAS technical course for students in Applied Physics and in Engineering Sciences.  
  • b) For academic years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024, Bioengineering students may include a non-SEAS graduate-level technical class in place of one of the 5 such SEAS courses that are normally expected.
  • a) Up to 1 disciplinary course may be a 100-level SEAS/FAS course.
  • a) Up to 1 breadth course may be a 100-level SEAS/FAS course.
  • b) Technical courses on topics adjacent and complementary to the student’s research topic may be breadth courses.
  • c) Nontechnical courses, including innovation or communication courses, and courses from other Harvard schools outside SEAS/FAS normally may only be included in the breadth category.
  • a)  Applied Math:  294/297/298/299r courses may only appear in the breadth category.
  • b)  Applied Physics:  294/297/298/299r courses may only appear in the breadth category. If two 299r’s are taken, they must be taken with two different faculty.
  • c)  Computer Science:  294/297/298 courses may only appear in the breadth category.  One 299r course is allowed in the disciplinary category. If two 299r’s are taken, they can be with the same faculty but the topics must be sufficiently different.
  • d)  Engineering Sciences (Environmental Science and Engineering track only):  294/297/298/299r courses may only appear in the breadth category.  For students who started the program in 2023 or earlier, one 299r course is allowed in the disciplinary category.
  • e)  Engineering Sciences (all tracks except Environmental Science and Engineering track):  294/297/298/299r courses may only appear in the breadth category. If two 299r’s are taken, they must be taken with two different faculty.
  • f)  All degree areas : for students who entered the SEAS Ph.D. program prior to 2015, one disciplinary 299r course is allowed.
  • a) Neither SEAS/FAS 300-level courses nor courses taken under the auspices of the Harvard Extension School may be included on a Ph.D. Program Plan.
  • those who are Teaching Fellows, for at most 4 units per .25 FTE of TF appointment;
  • international students who are taking the Derek Bok Center's  English, Culture, and Communicating Science  seminar in order to meet the GSAS English Language Proficiency requirement, for at most 4 units.

Note: 2-unit courses such as AP 299qr count as "half of a course" in the context of these requirements.

Exceptions to these requirements are considered by petition to the CHD via the PhD Program Plan form, which must include a rationale for the exception. Further requirements for including prior graduate-level coursework from Harvard or elsewhere, or courses taken through cross-registration, on the Ph.D. Program Plan are given below.

  • a) The student must provide justification why the other institution's course is necessary (e.g., SEAS does not offer the topic or it has not been offered in recent years, etc.).
  • b) Only G-level (graduate) MIT courses are acceptable.
  • c) The student should attach the course syllabus and catalog description when submitting the Program Plan.
  • d) Courses taken at MIT do not count as 200-level SEAS technical courses.
  • a) Up to two 200-level SEAS courses, including 200-level FAS courses taught by SEAS ladder faculty, taken as a GSAS Special Student prior to enrolling as a SEAS Ph.D. student can be included in the Ph.D. Program Plan subject to the above general requirements.
  • b) SEAS/FAS 100-level courses taken prior to enrolling as a SEAS Ph.D. student cannot be included in the Ph.D. Program Plan.
  • c) G-level MIT courses taken via cross-registration while enrolled as a Harvard masters student will be considered by the CHD.
  • a) Normally a maximum of 3 Harvard-equivalent courses will be considered by the CHD.  SEAS and FAS 200-level technical courses taken via cross registration while in an MIT graduate program do not count against the 3-course limit.
  • b) If the coursework was performed while a candidate for an undergraduate degree, the student must unequivocally demonstrate that the course credit was applied solely to a concurrent graduate degree.
  • c) Petitions to the CHD need to demonstrate that the courses in question are comparable to SEAS graduate courses, typically by submission of the course syllabus, requirements, and documentation of grade obtained.  The student should indicate whether each course fits within the 8-course disciplinary category or the 2-course breadth category.
  • d) Typically only 1 of the transferred courses can count as part of the five 200-level SEAS technical courses.
  • e) Transfer credit must be petitioned for before or upon first submission of the final Ph.D. Program Plan in G2 year.  Students are encouraged to petition for transfer credit on their prospective Program Plan in G1 year.  Coursework cannot be older than four years at the time the student submits the petition to the CHD.  
  • f) Grades in courses taken previously elsewhere will not be factored into the Harvard GPA.

G2+ students

In general, students must achieve at least a "B" average grade in the ten courses comprising the Ph.D. Program Plan.  At the end of any term, a student who has failed to maintain a B average or has received any unsatisfactory grade may be required to withdraw from the program. Students who have satisfied the requirements for the S.M. degree en route may still receive that degree.

G1 students

A Ph.D. candidate whose GPA at the end of the first semester is between 2.50 and 3.00 may be warned that continuation as a Ph.D. candidate beyond the second semester is contingent upon achieving a cumulative 3.00 ("B") or better average grade at the end of the second semester. Failure to meet this standard normally will result in the student being expected to withdraw from the program following the third semester, receiving the S.M. degree if its requirements have been met. The student may petition for reinstatement to candidacy for the Ph.D. at the end of the third semester; this petition will be granted only if there is a reasonable expectation that the qualifying examination can be completed on schedule during the fourth semester.

A Ph.D. candidate whose GPA at the end of the first semester is less than 2.50 but who could achieve a cumulative 3.00 GPA or better at the end of the second semester normally will be expected to withdraw after the second or third semester, receiving the S.M. degree if its requirements have been met. Continuation for a third and final semester is contingent upon a marked improvement in performance sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that the requirements for the S.M. degree will be completed at the end of the third semester.

A Ph.D. candidate who could not achieve a cumulative 3.00 GPA or better at the end of the second semester normally will be required to withdraw at the end of the first semester, thus terminating degree candidacy.

Area Course Requirements, Guidelines, and Model Programs

In addition to the above requirements, which apply to all SEAS Ph.D. students, each area (Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Computer Science, and Engineering Sciences) may have area-specific requirements or guidelines, and some areas have provided model programs with suggestions of appropriate courses.  A Ph.D. student’s Program Plan  must always comply  with the requirements outlined in the “General Requirements” section above, in addition to complying with any area-specific requirements.

These programs below form a starting point for a discussion with the faculty about areas of interest. Students should work in close consultation with their advisers to develop an appropriate program plan. Courses provide the background knowledge that is often needed to successfully complete research and allow students to learn more broadly about a field or related fields in a structured fashion.

In Academic Programs

  • Non-Resident and Part-Time Study
  • CHD Meeting Schedule
  • PhD Overview and Timeline
  • PhD Program Plans
  • Teaching: G2 year
  • Qualifying Exam: by end of G2 year
  • Research Advisors, Committees, and Meetings
  • Dissertation and Final Oral Exam
  • SM and ME Course Requirements
  • SM and ME Program Plans
  • Masters Thesis and Supervisor
  • SM degree en route to the PhD
  • Graduate Student Forms
  • Teaching Fellows
  • External Fellowships List
  • COVID-19 Graduate Program Changes (archived)

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  • 25 June 2024

How researchers navigate a PhD later in life

  • Elizabeth Landau 0

Elizabeth Landau is a science writer based in Washington DC.

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

Krista Bresock sitting on top of a skate ramp wearing roller skates, graduation cap and gown

On a roll: Krista Bresock celebrates in her local skate park after graduating with a PhD in mathematics from West Virginia University, Morgantown, aged 41. Credit: Michael Germana

Krista Bresock sat crying in her professor’s office. She had to discuss one of five questions with her professor, in person. It was the concluding step of her final exam in functional analysis, the last course that she needed to complete for her PhD in mathematics. He’d shuffled a set of five cards, and she’d picked Card Number Two — corresponding to the one problem that she had not fully studied.

Unlike her fellow students studying intractable maths problems, Bresock was in her late thirties redoing coursework that she had failed years earlier. As a full-time maths teacher at West Virginia University (WVU) in Morgantown, she could find time to study only during nights and weekends.

“Problem Number Two was just collateral damage to being able to maintain this life of work full-time and be in grad school full-time,” Bresock remembers. She “fell to her knees” in relief when, a week later, she learnt she’d still got an A- in the course.

Many think of doctoral degrees as the domain of people in their twenties. Yet according to the US National Science Foundation, 17% of people who gained a PhD in science or engineering in the United States in 2022, the most recent year for which figures are available, were aged 36 or older . In some countries, including Colombia, Mexico, Portugal, South Korea, Iceland, Greece and Israel, the median age for entering a doctoral programme is 32 or higher, according to 2017 data from the OECD in Paris 1 .

phd course work 2022

Resources for mid-career scientists

A PhD requires a vast commitment of time and energy, often lasting five or more years. Stipends, when available, are often lower than salaries for other full-time jobs or professions. What’s more, students might have to move to another city, or even a different country, to attend their chosen course. Although difficult for any age group, those constraints can create different challenges for prospective students in their thirties, forties and beyond than for their younger colleagues.

At the same time, age often brings wisdom and self-confidence, qualities that can help older students to cope with a strenuous academic life. “The extra ten years that I was out doing other things gave me a lot of perspective and maturity to the way in which I think and live, and I think that was a big reason why I’ve succeeded,” says Peter Swanton, a 36-year-old graduate student working towards a doctoral degree in astrophysics at the Australian National University in Canberra.

Motivation is key

For Bresock, a doctoral degree represented “unfinished business”. She had struggled with alcohol and drug addiction from the age of 16, but hit a dangerous low point in early 2013, when she was a graduate student at WVU the first time round. She dropped out and checked herself into an in-patient programme, but still drank heavily afterwards. With the support of friends, family and Alcoholics Anonymous, she became sober in July 2013.

Bresock then taught maths at WVU, first as an adjunct and then as a full-time instructor, but she didn’t forget her incomplete doctorate. Finally, at the age of 37, she re-enrolled. “This little voice was like, ‘You have more to say. You have more to do. You have this thing sitting on the back burner that is kind of eating away at you,’” she says.

Despite her drive to finish the degree, motivating herself was “really hard sometimes”, she says, “because if I didn’t finish, no one would care: I would just not finish and still have this job and be fine.” One of her top tips for others looking to pursue a doctorate in mid-life is to fully understand and reflect on their motivations. If the goal is “more money”, that might not be enough, she says.

Before returning to his studies, Swanton held a variety of jobs, including hauling sugar cane, working in nightclub security and tutoring in secondary schools. He has this advice for anyone who’s considering a doctorate: make sure you’re “doing it because you love it”. For him, that has meant finding ways to combine telescopic investigations of cosmic objects, such as active galactic nuclei, with preserving folklore about the cosmos from the Gamilaraay, the people of his Aboriginal culture.

Peter Swanton preparing a telescope in an observatory dome at dusk

Peter Swanton, a 36-year-old graduate student in cultural astronomy at the Australian National University in Canberra, says that his previous work experience has given him the maturity to cope with the strains of academic life. Credit: Lannon Harley/ANU

Swanton’s heritage influences both his academic interests and the way in which he wants to communicate them. For example, the Gamilaraay language was originally a purely oral one. So, rather than just writing “a big block of text” for his dissertation, Swanton says that he would like to include elders and community members telling their own stories, and to bridge their knowledge with the Western understanding of the universe.

“My success has come down to finding something I am passionate about, and not concerning myself with future employability, which was the focus of my earlier attempts at academia and ultimately the reason why I didn’t succeed” at the time, he says.

Finding mentors

María Teresa Martínez Trujillo arrived at the Paris Institute of Political Studies to embark on a graduate programme in political science at the age of 32. Having spent her whole life up to that point in Mexico, she felt isolated from her classmates because of linguistic and cultural barriers, in addition to being the oldest student in her cohort. Martínez Trujillo had already had a career in the Mexican government, including working as an adviser to the secretary of the interior, yet she felt “less brave” than younger students, and had many more questions about reading materials.

She also felt ashamed about her lack of fluency in French. Over time, with the help of a therapist, she learnt to be less judgemental of herself and to overcome her impostor syndrome. Classmates helped her to proofread some of her assignments and she focused on improving her language skills.

María Teresa Martínez Trujillo looking at a map whilst sat next to a fence near a church in Paris

Cultural and linguistic barriers left María Teresa Martínez Trujillo feeling isolated from her peers when she arrived from Mexico, aged 32, to embark on a graduate programme at the Paris Institute of Political Studies. Credit: Hiram Romero

Martínez Trujillo’s advisers — Hélène Combes and Gilles Favarel-Garrigues — were key for her as she dived into reading and fieldwork on the relationship between drug trafficking and the business world in Morelia, Mexico, for her master’s project. “They let me go to the ‘forest’ and spend time and lose myself,” she says, adding that when she felt lost or stuck, her advisers helped her to find her way.

Time and money

Finances often pose a problem for graduate students who don’t already have savings and support, including those who have worked previously. Even with tuition covered, and a stipend to help towards living expenses, making ends meet can be challenging, especially for students who have other financial responsibilities, such as providing for family members or maintaining a home.

Martínez Trujillo received a stipend, but she spent almost all of it on rent and didn’t want to ask her family for money. She worked as a nanny, consulted for a Mexican think tank and spent summers working in Mexico on friends’ projects. “I’d never have free days,” she says.

Bresock wishes she could have spent more time away from both work and studies. “I did a terrible job of that. Make sure you make time for yourself. That dissertation will still be there, if you go take a walk, or if you go swim or whatever, for an hour out of your life.”

phd course work 2022

Training: Data Analysis: Planning and Preparing

Like Bresock, Marc Gentile kept a full-time job while doing his PhD in astrophysics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne in his mid-to-late-fortiess. He needed to earn enough to support both himself and his wife, and to address other financial responsibilities.

“The top advice would be establishing effective work and study habits right from the start,” he says. “In my case, time was the most precious resource, and I had to be very well organized to make the most of it.”

Gentile would work on his doctoral assignments from 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. each weekday, before leaving for his day job. He would then read articles while commuting by train, and tackle more PhD tasks or further reading in the evenings. “I was told that I was, on average, more productive and better organized than most other, younger students, because you develop such skills when you work professionally,” he said.

Family matters

When Wendy Bohon walked across the stage to receive her doctorate in geology, she was nearly 38 years old and pregnant with twins. She wound up at Arizona State University in Tempe after beginning her career as an actor, and then becoming fascinated with earthquakes after one shook her apartment in 1999.

For her dissertation, Bohon conducted fieldwork in India on two large fault systems, focusing on how fast they had been moving, their intersections and their frequency of earthquakes — as well as the growth of mountains around them — over the past 34 million years. Today, she heads the Seismic Hazards and Earthquake Engineering branch of the California Geological Survey in Sacramento.

Wendy Bohon wearing a graduation cap and gown whilst visibly pregnant

Wendy Bohon was nearly 38, and pregnant with twins, when she graduated from Arizona State University in Tempe with a PhD in geology. Credit: Linda Bohon

As a student, her desire to expand her family had put her in a different life stage from younger peers. She had met her husband, who already had a young daughter, while in her graduate programme. And whereas her classmates had wanted to avoid pregnancy, she had struggled to conceive. “That emotional disconnect and the difference in their reality and my reality — it was really tough,” she says. Ultimately, she and her husband chose to try the intensive process of in vitro fertilization, which Bohon mostly kept secret. At the same time, she was helping to co-parent her husband’s daughter, and the couple were given full custody of the girl when she was seven.

Bohon coped with parenting and finishing graduate school with the help of “a built-in village of people around who could step in to help us”. Other graduate students would play the card game UNO with the girl, or colour pictures with her. And Bohon’s mentor, along with the mentor’s husband, became the child’s godparents.

“In a lot of ways, it was easier to parent during my PhD, because my schedule was relatively flexible, so I could stay home with her when she was sick, or attend school functions,” Bohon says. What’s more, she adds, “having a kiddo that needed me helped me to set and keep healthier boundaries than I think I would have otherwise”.

Charlotte Olsen, a postdoctoral researcher in astrophysics at the New York City College of Technology, earned a PhD at the age of 42 and now investigates the factors that influence star formation and galaxy evolution. Olsen says that working on her doctorate presented challenges for her marriage. “I’m not gonna lie: grad school is really rough on a relationship,” she says — adding that, especially at the beginning, “it’s an incredibly stressful time”.

Among the responsibilities that older students might have is taking care of ageing parents. Olsen recalls that during her qualifying exams, she hadn’t heard from her mother, who was 76 years old at the time, for a while. She assumed that her mother wanted to give her space during that stressful time. Later, she found out that her mother’s appendix had ruptured, necessitating surgery and a stay in a hospital’s intensive-care unit.

Through it all, Olsen’s spouse was an invaluable source of emotional support. “Having somebody who is there with you along the way” helps a lot, she says.

What happens next?

Not everyone who gets a PhD stays in their field. Gentile, now 60, works as a data scientist for a Swiss television station. He had a postdoctoral research position for five years after graduation — but for several reasons, including financial ones, he could not find an academic job afterwards. “If I had really wanted to continue in astrophysics, then I would have had to move abroad; it’s difficult now,” he says.

Still, Gentile found the PhD experience rewarding and worthwhile. As well as acquiring problem-solving techniques, he learnt coding and data-science skills, such as machine learning and statistical methods. And he has used all of these in subsequent jobs, including his current one.

His graduate work also remains relevant. Some of the algorithms and software that he worked on during his PhD helped to inform the tools that scientists will use to analyse data from the European Space Agency’s Euclid observatory, which aims to explore dark energy and dark matter.

Bresock received a promotion at West Virginia University after earning her PhD in maths in December 2022, aged 41. Her dissertation examined how students understand the definite integral, a fundamental concept in calculus, when solving different kinds of problem.

Today, she has greater empathy for her own students because of her own struggles as a graduate student. Finishing her doctorate remains one of her most satisfying accomplishments, she says. “When people ask me what’s the biggest thing I’ve ever done in my life, it’s: get sober, and then, finish my PhD. That’s a close second.”


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Education at a Glance 2019: OECD Indicators (OECD, 2019).

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Doctor of Philosophy in Education

Ph.D. Commencement robing Martin West and Christopher Cleveland

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The Harvard Ph.D. in Education trains cutting-edge researchers who work across disciplines to generate knowledge and translate discoveries into transformative policy and practice.

Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides you with full access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University and prepares you to assume meaningful roles as university faculty, researchers, senior-level education leaders, and policymakers.

As a Ph.D. candidate, you will collaborate with scholars across all Harvard graduate schools on original interdisciplinary research. In the process, you will help forge new fields of inquiry that will impact the way we teach and learn. The program’s required coursework will develop your knowledge of education and your expertise in a range of quantitative and qualitative methods needed to conduct high-quality research. Guided by the goal of making a transformative impact on education research, policy, and practice, you will focus on independent research in various domains, including human development, learning and teaching, policy analysis and evaluation, institutions and society, and instructional practice.   

Curriculum Information

The Ph.D. in Education requires five years of full-time study to complete. You will choose your individual coursework and design your original research in close consultation with your HGSE faculty adviser and dissertation committee. The requirements listed below include the three Ph.D. concentrations: Culture, Institutions, and Society; Education Policy and Program Evaluation; and Human Development, Learning and Teaching . 

We invite you to review an example course list, which is provided in two formats — one as the full list by course number and one by broad course category . These lists are subject to modification. 

Ph.D. Concentrations and Examples

Summary of Ph.D. Program

Doctoral Colloquia  In year one and two you are required to attend. The colloquia convenes weekly and features presentations of work-in-progress and completed work by Harvard faculty, faculty and researchers from outside Harvard, and Harvard doctoral students. Ph.D. students present once in the colloquia over the course of their career.

Research Apprenticeship The Research Apprenticeship is designed to provide ongoing training and mentoring to develop your research skills throughout the entire program.

Teaching Fellowships The Teaching Fellowship is an opportunity to enhance students' teaching skills, promote learning consolidation, and provide opportunities to collaborate with faculty on pedagogical development.

Comprehensive Exams  The Written Exam (year 2, spring) tests you on both general and concentration-specific knowledge. The Oral Exam (year 3, fall/winter) tests your command of your chosen field of study and your ability to design, develop, and implement an original research project.

Dissertation  Based on your original research, the dissertation process consists of three parts: the Dissertation Proposal, the writing, and an oral defense before the members of your dissertation committee.

Culture, Institutions, and Society (CIS) Concentration

In CIS, you will examine the broader cultural, institutional, organizational, and social contexts relevant to education across the lifespan. What is the value and purpose of education? How do cultural, institutional, and social factors shape educational processes and outcomes? How effective are social movements and community action in education reform? How do we measure stratification and institutional inequality? In CIS, your work will be informed by theories and methods from sociology, history, political science, organizational behavior and management, philosophy, and anthropology. You can examine contexts as diverse as classrooms, families, neighborhoods, schools, colleges and universities, religious institutions, nonprofits, government agencies, and more.

Education Policy and Program Evaluation (EPPE) Concentration

In EPPE, you will research the design, implementation, and evaluation of education policy affecting early childhood, K–12, and postsecondary education in the U.S. and internationally. You will evaluate and assess individual programs and policies related to critical issues like access to education, teacher effectiveness, school finance, testing and accountability systems, school choice, financial aid, college enrollment and persistence, and more. Your work will be informed by theories and methods from economics, political science, public policy, and sociology, history, philosophy, and statistics. This concentration shares some themes with CIS, but your work with EPPE will focus on public policy and large-scale reforms.

Human Development, Learning and Teaching (HDLT) Concentration

In HDLT, you will work to advance the role of scientific research in education policy, reform, and practice. New discoveries in the science of learning and development — the integration of biological, cognitive, and social processes; the relationships between technology and learning; or the factors that influence individual variations in learning — are transforming the practice of teaching and learning in both formal and informal settings. Whether studying behavioral, cognitive, or social-emotional development in children or the design of learning technologies to maximize understanding, you will gain a strong background in human development, the science of learning, and sociocultural factors that explain variation in learning and developmental pathways. Your research will be informed by theories and methods from psychology, cognitive science, sociology and linguistics, philosophy, the biological sciences and mathematics, and organizational behavior.

Program Faculty

The most remarkable thing about the Ph.D. in Education is open access to faculty from all Harvard graduate and professional schools, including the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Harvard Kennedy School, the Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School, and the Harvard School of Public Health. Learn about the full Ph.D. Faculty.

Jarvis Givens

Jarvis R. Givens

Jarvis Givens studies the history of American education, African American history, and the relationship between race and power in schools.

Paul Harris

Paul L. Harris

Paul Harris is interested in the early development of cognition, emotion, and imagination in children.

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson is a normative political philosopher who works at the intersection of civic education, youth empowerment, racial justice, and educational ethics. 

Luke Miratrix

Luke W. Miratrix

Luke Miratrix is a statistician who explores how to best use modern statistical methods in applied social science contexts.

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Eric Taylor

Eric Taylor studies the economics of education, with a particular interest in employer-employee interactions between schools and teachers — hiring and firing decisions, job design, training, and performance evaluation.

Paola Uccelli

Paola Uccelli

Paola Ucelli studies socio-cultural and individual differences in the language development of multilingual and monolingual students.

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View Ph.D. Faculty


The following is a complete listing of successful Ph.D. in Education dissertations to-date. Dissertations from November 2014 onward are publicly available in the Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) , the online repository for Harvard scholarship.

  • 2022 Graduate Dissertations (265 KB pdf)
  • 2021 Graduate Dissertations (177 KB pdf)
  • 2020 Graduate Dissertations (121 KB pdf)
  • 2019 Graduate Dissertations (68.3 KB pdf)

Student Directory

An opt-in listing of current Ph.D. students with information about their interests, research, personal web pages, and contact information:

Doctor of Philosophy in Education Student Directory

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Program Highlights

Explore examples of the Doctor of Philosophy in Education experience and the impact its community is making on the field:

Callie Sung

The Human Element of Data and AI

Gahyun Callie Sung's journey to HGSE and the LIT Lab is reflected in her research into data and using AI to improve student outcomes

Mary Laski

Improving the Teacher Workforce

With her research work, doctoral marshal Mary Laski, Ph.D.'24, is trying to make teaching in K–12 schools more sustainable and attractive

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The Ph.D. Program in the Department of Economics at Harvard is addressed to students of high promise who wish to prepare themselves in teaching and research in academia or for responsible positions in government, research organizations, or business enterprises. Students are expected to devote themselves full-time to their programs of study.

The program prepares students for productive and stimulating careers as economists. Courses and seminars offered by the department foster an intellectually active and stimulating environment. Each week, the department sponsors more than 15 different seminars on such topics as environmental economics, economic growth and development, monetary and fiscal policy, international economics, industrial organization, law and economics, behavioral economics, labor economics, and economic history. Top scholars from both domestic and international communities are often invited speakers at the seminars.  The Harvard community outside of the department functions as a strong and diverse resource. Students in the department are free to pursue research interests with scholars throughout the University. Faculty of the Harvard Law School, Kennedy School of Government, and Harvard Business School, for example, are available to students for consultation, instruction, and research guidance. As a member of the Harvard community, students in the department can register for courses in the various schools and have access to the enormous library resources available through the University. There are over 90 separate library units at Harvard, with the total collections of books and pamphlets numbering over 13 million.  Both the department and the wider University draw some of the brightest students from around the world, which makes for a student body that is culturally diverse and likely unequaled in the range of intellectual interests of its members. These factors combine to add an important dimension to the educational process. Students are able to learn from one another, collaborate on research projects and publications, and form bonds that are not broken by distance once the degree is completed and professional responsibilities lead them in different directions.

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Studying a PhD in The USA - The Complete Guide

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The USA is a favourable postgraduate study destination for international students due to the high standard of academic study and the wide variety of subjects. By undertaking a PhD in the USA, you will find yourself becoming an internationally recognised expert in your chosen field.

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the USA is considered the highest awarded degree in many US universities and institutes for most fields of study. For many international students, it's a dream course that offers an exciting new life chapter.

Attending Grad School for a PhD in the USA is not the same as undertaking a PhD in Europe or the UK , it can often be a different experience. However, studying abroad will improve your global cultural understanding in addition to your network of contacts for your future career. A PhD degree is often required when you apply for high-level management jobs, government expert positions, and careers like a university professor, researcher, or scientist in many fields.

There are a multitude of reasons why the United States is a fantastic choice for your PhD studies. Here’s everything you need to know about studying a PhD in the USA.

Studying a PhD in the USA

1. PhD course length

The total length of a PhD in the USA is between 4-8 years for full-time students and 8-10 years for part-time students, depending on your field of study. PhDs can be completed in 4-5 years for students with a masters degree in an appropriate subject. Students typically dedicate 1-4 years on coursework, followed by 2-4 years of dissertation work. In the USA, the academic year is divided into two teaching semesters: August to December and January to May. 

Having a longer duration for your PhD allows for greater opportunities to adjust to your course and find your footing. This enables you to concentrate on developing a more comprehensive understanding of your chosen subject at a more relaxed pace.

2. World-class universities

The US repeatedly tops the charts of worldwide ranking universities , so what better place to do your PhD studies? Although rankings shouldn’t be the main deciding factor when making your PhD choice, they're a great indicator of educational expertise.

There are many factors to consider when choosing the location for your PhD. Does the university have a high employability rate after graduation? Are you wanting to go public or private university? What kind of research facilities do they have? 

Be sure to do some research before making a decision on your perfect place of study.

3. International community

The United States is a popular choice for international students from all over the world – making it an inspirational and cosmopolitan choice for your PhD studies. No matter what your choice of academic study is, you are guaranteed to find a diverse community that welcomes students from all backgrounds. 

4. Affordable tuition fees 

There are various tuition fee options available for PhD students regardless of your budget. The American higher education system is often associated with high fees and substantial student debt, but in fact, studying at an American university isn't always expensive, and many institutions offer affordable courses. For instance, PhD costs range from $28,000 to $55,000 annually, which shows that finding a PhD course that’s more affordable is possible. 

5. Student experience

American universities typically have vibrant campus communities with a wide range of extracurricular activities, clubs and organisations. As a student, you will have the opportunity to engage in various social, cultural and recreational activities alongside your academic studies.

6. Student support

American universities typically provide comprehensive support services to assist you on your PhD journey. These services may include academic advising, counselling, career services, libraries, writing centres and various student organisations aimed at fostering your personal and professional development.

7. Land of opportunity

It's fair to say that student life in the USA offers something for everyone, regardless of what you're looking for from a PhD. With 50 states, six time zones, and thousands of higher-education providers, there's an opportunity waiting for every individual across the globe.

So let’s take a look at some of the key factors to consider when studying for a PhD in the USA.

Studying a PhD in the USA: top tips

Who is eligible for a phd in the usa.

To be eligible for PhD in the USA, generally students should have completed a graduate degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0, provide proof of English language proficiency, GRE scores and other supporting documents.  The eligibility criteria for a PhD in the USA can vary depending on the specific university and program. 

Can I get a PhD without a masters degree?

Yes, you can pursue a PhD without having a masters. Universities in the USA do not require a masters for you to apply. Because of the graduate programs in the US, you will receive your masters degree once you have completed your coursework stage. This practice combines the masters and PhD into one.

The eligibility criteria and requirements for direct entry PhD programs vary among institutions and fields of study, so it is advisable to check the entry requirements of the specific university or course you are interested in.

How to apply for a PhD in the USA

When applying for your chosen subject in the USA, you should expect to provide relevant information and statements to the university. This will include:

Completed application form – provided by your preferred university.

A personal statement – on why you want to study the subject, your research interests and career goals. Be sure to include any extracurricular activities and achievements within the body of your statement.

References – universities will expect that your referees will recommend you for the chosen course.

Test scores and grades – you will generally need to submit scores from standardised tests like the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). 

English language proficiency – international applicants whose native language is not English usually need to provide proof of English language proficiency through tests like the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). It varies from institution to institution, but international students in the USA are required to have a TOEFL score of about 90.

Samples of work – it is recommended that you provide some work you have done that is relevant to your chosen subject. You may even be asked to complete a small task during the application process.

The application fee. 

Method of study

Compared to the UK and Europe , studying a PhD in the USA involves several key differences. Students in the USA are usually in direct contact with their professor, compared with those in the UK where students might find that their PhD program is headed by a professor who gives them a little less flexibility to change their research and study areas. There can be several cultural differences between UK, Europe, and USA university lifestyles. US students are expected to undertake a great deal of teaching and marking, as opposed to PhD students in Europe. 

As a result, you may have less free time outside of the university when pursuing a PhD in the USA.

Application for PhD In USA

When applying for your chosen subject, you should expect to provide relevant information and statements to the university. This might include:

A personal statement on why you want to study the subject. Be sure to include any extra-curricular activities and achievements within the body of your statement.

References. Universities will expect that your referees will recommend you for the chosen course.

Test scores and grades. It is important that you provide a list of your awarded grades from previous courses you have studied.

Samples of work. It is recommended that you provide some work you have done that is relevant to your chosen subject. You may even be asked to complete a small task during the application process.

UK and Europe students decide on their PhD thesis subject area before they apply . While taking classes at a graduate level, prospective PhD students in the USA spend up to a year or two deciding on their specific research subject. It is normal to apply for up to six institutions for a PhD in the USA, and students apply to each institution separately as there is no central organisation. 

Students in the UK and Europe are expected to apply with an understanding of the subject already, usually in the form of a masters degree, and be ready to start studying at the PhD level straight away. In the USA it is expected that students do not have an in-depth understanding of their subject as they usually only have an undergraduate degree when they apply. 

When should I start applying for a PhD in the USA?

Deadlines for applications to PhD programs in the USA tend to be between December and February, and institutions should let you know about your application by April. Most US institutions recommend that you apply as far in advance as you possibly can to give them, and you, plenty of time to make arrangements. 

Universities in the USA do not require a masters for you to apply as well. Because of the graduate programs in the US, you will receive your masters degree once you have completed your coursework stage. This practice combines the masters and PhD into one.

It varies from institution to institution, but international students in the USA are required to have a TOEFL score of about 90.

Funding your PhD in USA

PhD students are very likely to receive financial support in the form of PhD scholarships ; some USA PhD students also receive PhD studentships .

Making your PhD application in plenty of time allows you more time to apply for and arrange your PhD funding. Many students find that funding can cover much, or all, of the cost of their PhD studies in the USA, which ranges between $28,000 and $40,000. Deadlines for funding applications can be as early as December before starting your studies in the Autumn/Fall. 

There are two types of PhD funding: fully funded, which pays for the student's graduate school tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses, or partially funded, which pays for the student's tuition only partially or fully.

Can a PhD be fully funded?

Yes, many top universities in the USA offer fully funded PhD programs for eligible students. This funding pays for the student's graduate school tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses. Partially funded PhDs only cover the student's tuition in part or in full.

Some PhD students will receive a stipend from their institution with an assistantship position, but this varies between institutions and between departments within institutions. Other students can find funding from both their own and the American government, and there are plenty of American government schemes like The Fulbright Program that offer funds.

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How long does it take to study a PhD in the USA?

For part-time students in the USA, a PhD can take eight to ten years, but it usually takes five to six years for full-time students. PhDs can be completed in four to five years rather than five or six for students with a masters degree in an appropriate subject.

Top 10 ranked American universities

Based on 2024 Times Higher Education's World University Rankings data, the following table shows which US universities rank the highest.



Stanford University



Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)



Harvard University



Princeton University



California Institute of Technology (Caltech)



University of California, Berkeley



Yale University



University of Chicago



John Hopkins University



University of Pennsylvania

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UGC latest Regulations for PhD

UGC latest Regulations for award of PhD

UGC has drafted the latest minimum standards and procedures ( UGC PhD regulations 2022 ) to award a PhD degree. These latest UGC regulations replace Regulation, 2016 and its two amendments: (1st amendment ) Regulations, 2018 dated the 27th of August 2018, and (2nd amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 16th of October 2018.

Latest Regulation from UGC:

PhD admission without UGC NET in 2024

UGC regulations for part time PhD

PhD admission with four year Graduation degree

Page Contents

University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of PhD Degree) Regulations, 2022

Eligibility criteria for admission to the phd programme.

A 1-year/2-semester Master’s degree programme (after a 4-year undergraduate degree) with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade ‘B’ on the UGC 10-point scale.

A 2-year/4-semester Master’s degree programme.

A candidate seeking admission after a 4-year/8-semester Bachelor’s degree in Research should have a minimum CGPA of 7.5/10.

A relaxation of 5 % marks can be granted to those belonging to SC/ST/OBC.

Duration of the PhD Programme

PhD programme shall be for a minimum duration of three years including coursework, and a maximum of six years. For more details regarding the extension, please read the complete PDF notification provided at the last of this blog post.

Procedure for admission

All Universities shall admit Ph.D. Scholars through a National Eligibility Test (NET) or National Entrance Test or an Entrance test conducted at the level of individual universities.

UGC guidelines for Ph.D. thesis submission

The Ph.D. thesis submitted by a research scholar shall be evaluated by his/her Research Supervisor and at least two external examiners, who are experts in the field.

Out of the two external examiners, one must be from out of the state in which the institution is located.

The viva voce of the research scholar to defend the thesis shall be conducted only if the evaluation report(s) of the examiner(s) on the thesis recommends acceptance. If one of the evaluation reports of the examiner in case of a Ph.D. thesis, recommends rejection, the Institution shall send the thesis to an alternate examiner out of the approved panel of examiners and the viva-voce examination shall be held only if the report of the alternate examiner is satisfactory.

UGC regulations for the award of PhD

Award of degrees to candidates registered for the Ph.D. programme on or after July 11, 2009, till the date shall be governed by the provisions of the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009 and 2016 and their amendments .

UGC guidelines for plagiarism

Reference :

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Part-time PhD courses for working professionals likely to be rolled out

The regulations allow part-time PhD programmes, provided applicants satisfy eligibility conditions for full-time PhD programmes. The changes will come into effect in the upcoming academic session.

Universities in India will now be able to offer part-time doctoral programmes to working professionals, provided they attend at least six months of the course full time, according to officials at the high education regulator.

The doctoral candidates will have to attend at least six months of course work in full time. The professionals will also need to submit a no-objection certificate (NOC) from employers.

The provision will be a part of the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2022, which will soon be notified by the education ministry, officials of the University Grants Commission said on Saturday.

“Their PhD work will be assessed in the same way as done for full-time PhD students. The applicants for the part-time PhD will be working professionals and, hence, they won’t be eligible for PhD fellowship,” UGC chairperson M Jagadesh Kumar said.

The doctoral candidates will have to attend at least six months of course work in full time. The professionals will also need to submit a no-objection certificate (NOC) from employers.

“The applicants for part-time PhD will have to provide a NOC from their organizations stating that the employee is permitted to pursue studies on a part-time basis, the employee is permitted to devote sufficient time for research, facilities in the employee’s field of research are available at the place of work, and the employee will be relieved from duty, if required, to complete coursework,” Kumar said.

Many Indian Institutes of Technology, including the one in Delhi, offer part-time research programmes with similar norms. Officials at several central universities, including Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University, said they do not currently offer part-time PhD courses presently.

“No such provision is there in Delhi University. All PhD programmes are offered in regular, full-time mode to ensure high quality research,” said Rajesh Jha, political science professor at Rajdhani College.

“PhD is a full time course in JNU. However, the university allows teaching and research fellows employed only in Delhi-NCR to register as candidates,” an official said, seeking anonymity. “Working professionals from other fields are not allowed as of now.”

Affiliated universities will be allowed to set their own criteria for the part-time courses. “Since universities are autonomous, the academic councils of the universities will be allowed to decide their own entry qualifications for the part-time PhD programmes,” a UGC official said, seeking anonymity.

The commission had in March issued a draft of the amendments it made to the rules related to doctoral courses, proposing several changes, including making undergraduates who have done four-year programme and with a minimum CGPA of 7.5 eligible for PhD admissions.

The commission is also doing away with the mandatory requirement of publishing research papers in peer-reviewed journals for the submission of PhD theses.

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2024-2025 Catalog

Doctoral degrees.

The University of Idaho awards the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in recognition of high achievement in scholarly and research activity. The degree of Doctor of Education is granted for high scholarly attainment and in recognition of the completion of academic preparation for professional practice. See the "Ph.D. and Ed.D. Procedures" tab for more details. The Doctor of Athletic Training is offered through the College of Education and the Department of Movement Sciences (see the "DAT Procedures" tab for more details).

The major professor and program offering a particular doctoral program indicate the general philosophy of the degree program, the objectives of courses and seminars, the research specialties available, and requirements unique to the department. Admission to the doctoral program is granted only to those who have a recognized potential for completing the degree.

Requirements for Doctoral Degrees

Credit requirements.

For the Ph.D. and Ed.D., a minimum of 78 credits beyond the bachelor's degree is required.; At least 52 credits must be at the 500 level or above and at least 33 of the 78 credits must be in courses other than 600 (Doctoral Research and Dissertation). A maximum of 45 research credits in 600 (Doctoral Research and Dissertation) including 6 credits of 599 (Non-thesis Research) or 500 (Master's Research and Thesis) may be in the 45 research credits used toward the degree. For the D.A.T., a minimum of 66 credits is required and follows a prescribed set of courses set by the program.

Courses numbered below 300 may not be used to fulfill the requirements for a doctoral degree; courses numbered 300-399 may be used only in supporting areas and are not to be used to make up deficiencies. Individual programs may require additional course work. Applicants having a doctoral degree may obtain a second doctoral degree subject to the approval of the Graduate Council. The Graduate Council will establish the requirements for the second degree.

Credit Limitations for Transfer, Correspondence Study, and Non-degree

For the Ph.D. and Ed.D. degrees, a student must complete at least 39 of the 78 required credits at the University of Idaho (U of I) while matriculated in the College of Graduate Studies. Credits can be transferred to U of I with the consent of the student's major professor, the committee (if required by the program), the program's administrator, and the dean of the College of Graduate Studies. Credits can be transferred only if the institution from which the credits are being transferred has a graduate program in the course's discipline. All credits used toward graduate degrees must be from regionally accredited American institutions or from non-US institutions recognized by the appropriate authorities in their respective countries. Transfer credits are subject to all other College of Graduate Studies rules and regulations. Correspondence study courses may be applied to the degree only with the prior written approval of the College of Graduate Studies. Courses used toward an undergraduate degree, professional development courses, and courses on a professional development transcript are not available to be used toward a doctoral degree.

Time Limits

Of the credits submitted to satisfy the requirements for a Ph.D. or Ed.D. degree, a maximum of 30 may be more than eight years old when the degree is conferred, provided the student's committee and program administrator determine that the student has kept current in the subjects concerned. Graduation must occur no later than five years after the date on which the candidate passed their preliminary or general examination. These time limitations can be extended only on recommendation of the committee and approval by the Graduate Council.

Awarding Doctoral Degrees to Members of the Faculty

Regulations are outlined in Section 4920 of the Faculty-Staff Handbook.

Particular Requirements for the Ed.D. Degree

A period of professional practice is required for the Doctor of Education degree; the period involved is determined by the student's supervisory committee. While the Ed.D. is a College of Education degree, you should consult with the departments in the College of Education to learn of specific emphasis requirements.

Procedures for Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education Degrees

Appointment of major professor and committee.

Refer to " Appointment of Major Professor and Committee for All Degree Seeking Graduate Students " in the preceding General Graduate Regulations section. In addition, a doctoral supervisory committee consists of at least four people: the major professor as chair and at least one additional UI faculty member from the program, the balance of the committee may be made up of faculty members from a minor or supporting area, and faculty members from a discipline outside the major. If the committee has a co-chair, the minimum number of committee members is five.

Qualifying Examination

The qualifying examination is a program option and serves to assess the background of the student in both the major and supporting fields and to provide partially the basis for preparation of the student's study program. A particular program may or may not require a master's degree as a prerequisite for the qualifying evaluation. As soon as the program's qualifications are met, a supervisory committee is appointed.

Preparation of Study Plan

Refer to " Preparation and Submission of Study Plan " in the preceding General Graduate Regulations section.

Preliminary Examination for Ph.D. Degree

The preliminary examination should be scheduled only after the student has completed the majority of the courses on their study plan. The student is required to be registered during the semester the preliminary examination is taken. The student's committee certifies to the College of Graduate Studies the results of the preliminary examination and if passed, the student is advanced to candidacy. Graduation must occur no later than five years after the date on which the candidate passed their examination. If the preliminary examination is failed, it may be repeated only once; the repeat examination must be taken within a period of not less than three months or more than one year following the first attempt. If a student fails the preliminary examination a second time, or the program does not allow the student to repeat the examination after the first failure or the student does not retake the examination within one year, the student is automatically moved to unclassified enrollment status and is no longer in the degree program.

General Examination for Ed.D . Degree

When the student approaches the end of their course work, has completed the professional experience requirement, and has outlined the dissertation subject in detail, the supervisory committee approves the holding of the general examination. The student is required to be registered during the semester the general examination is taken. The examination is both written and oral and is intended to assess progress toward degree objectives. The student's committee certifies to the College of Graduate Studies the results of the general examination and if passed, the student is advanced to candidacy. Graduation must occur no later than five years after the date on which the candidate passed their examination. If the general examination is failed, it may be repeated only once; the repeat examination must be taken within a period of not less than three months or more than one year following the first attempt. If a student fails the general examination a second time, or the program does not allow the student to repeat the examination after the first failure or the student does not retake the examination within one year, the student is automatically moved to unclassified status and is no longer in the degree program.

See the General Graduate Regulations section regarding application for advanced degree, registration requirements, final defense and dissertation requirements.

Procedures for Doctor of Athletic Training

The culminating clinical project.

Students enrolled in the Doctor of Athletic Training (D.A.T.) will engage in research projects during the curricular phase of the program. These project(s) will lead to at least two publication ready manuscripts, and all students must meet professional authorship requirements (regardless of order). See the  Department of Movement Sciences and Doctor of Athletic Training webpages for more information.

The Team (Committee)

All D.A.T. project team committees will have at least four committee members: two members of the athletic training faculty (all with graduate faculty status), the student's attending clinician (who is the student's on-site mentor during the student's residency), and an expert in the student's chosen area of clinical research. The athletic training faculty members will always chair the CCP, provide research guidance, and serve as the experts in the development of advanced practice in Athletic Training. A situation may arise in which one or both of the members of the committee that are outside of the AT program faculty may have a degree less than that of which the student is seeking; however, the intent of the third and fourth D.A.T. committee membership is to provide outside validation of the student's progress toward advanced practice and clinical utility of action research studies.

Culminating Clinical Project Hours

These dissertation hours may be used in instances when the CCP has not been successfully completed and the curricular phase of program has been completed.

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How Your Ph.D. Prepares You to Be an Entrepreneur

You can deploy skills you develop as a grad student and postdoc in a variety of careers, including working for a start-up or founding your own, Chris Smith writes.

By  Chris Smith

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Innovation has become a hot topic in economic circles over the past few years. In March 2022, the United States’ National Science Foundation created its first new directorate in over 30 years : Technology, Innovation and Partnerships , or TIP. The passing of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 helped fund the directorate, the mission of which is to “advance U.S. competitiveness​ and societal impact by nurturing partnerships that​ drive and accelerate diverse innovation ecosystems, technology translation and development, and workforce development.” The U.S. is investing heavily in research and innovation—which you can take advantage of as a Ph.D. researcher working in academia or beyond.

Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars already contribute much to research and innovation in the United States through their work on a variety of projects supported by the federal government and industry partners. But despite that fact, few consider a career focused on the leading edge of innovation: entrepreneurship.

Being willing to push the boundaries of human knowledge and forge new ideas into products is essential for entrepreneurs. And to secure backing, entrepreneurs must also work to articulate the value they and their products bring to individuals, organizations and the nation. Fortunately, plenty of resources are available to assist in those efforts, although many graduate students and postdocs may not be aware of them.

To encourage more technology commercialization and entrepreneurship, in the latter half of the 20th century the federal government established two funding programs for academics and others seeking to either move full-time to a start-up company or obtain funding to develop and commercialize new technologies. The Small Business Innovation Research program supports the growth of start-up companies, while the Small Business Technology Transfer program is aimed at technology commercialization.

Both the National Institutes of Health and NSF fund grants from both programs, and both offer a variety of other mechanisms to foster an innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in the United States. In addition, NIH provides numerous resources to educate people about entrepreneurship and special programs like the Small Business Transition Grant for New Entrepreneurs (see a webinar on the program here ), which helps researchers interested in transitioning to entrepreneurship via a mentor.

American universities also offer an increasing number of programs that either focus on training Ph.D.s for careers in the technology transfer space or assist them in learning how to commercialize technological and other innovations coming from their research work, as our Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowship here at Virginia Tech seeks to do. In addition, NSF’s Innovation Corps (I-Corps) provides a seven-week experiential training program that prepares scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the university laboratory and toward commercialization by engaging in customer discovery and other activities. Such programs can be a bridge between traditional academic research and exploring an entrepreneurial career or employment in the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Many academics may mistakenly believe that entrepreneurial skills are only relevant if one is planning to run a start-up company. Yet most faculty members running research groups at large universities are effectively leading small businesses inside their institutions. They must articulate a value proposition to get hired and ultimately secure funding for their research. In addition, most faculty leaders or principal investigators are in charge of hiring those who work in their labs and must manage these individuals and their projects toward a larger, common goal. A faculty leader must create a vision for their group and think strategically about how the various projects align toward both short- and long-term goals. This is entrepreneurship in an academic research context.

And just as an entrepreneurial mindset is essential to a successful academic career, it is also extremely useful for any scholar looking to create their own company, independent of their institution.

Entrepreneurial Skills From Your Ph.D. or Postdoc

Ph.D. training offers graduate students and postdocs many experiences to help them navigate entrepreneurship and/or working in a start-up company, such as the following.

  • Project planning and management. Completing a doctoral dissertation involves extensive project planning and management skills, from ideation to execution and dissemination. This directly translates to the ability to plan and manage large projects as an entrepreneur.
  • Independent work. Ph.D. students, and especially postdocs, often work independently with minimal oversight, building the drive and accountability needed to accomplish tasks without rigid external deadlines—a crucial skill for entrepreneurs.
  • Networking and collaboration. Entrepreneurs thrive on networking. Similarly, Ph.D. students and postdocs benefit from building strong connections—engaging with industry professionals, attending conferences and collaborating across disciplines to enhance their network. Such connections can lead to job opportunities, collaborations and funding.

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  • Thirst for knowledge. A core requirement for a Ph.D. is an insatiable desire to learn and expand one’s knowledge base. Entrepreneurs must constantly step out of their comfort zones and learn new skills, making this thirst for learning invaluable for Ph.D.s and postdocs looking to focus on entrepreneurship as a career.
  • Research skills. Doctoral training equips individuals with the ability to seek out, evaluate and synthesize quality information from various sources—a vital skill when navigating the unfamiliar territories of entrepreneurship.
  • Curiosity about the big questions. Starting a business requires asking and answering big questions about target audiences, value propositions and strategic direction. Ph.D.s are trained to take disparate information and craft cohesive narratives to address complex inquiries. Successful entrepreneurs do the same.
  • Problem-solving. Overcoming research obstacles and failed experiments hones problem-solving abilities in Ph.D.s and postdocs. As entrepreneurs constantly face new challenges, this skill is indispensable for finding innovative solutions.
  • Resilience and adaptability. Entrepreneurship involves risk-taking and overcoming failures. Ph.D. students and postdocs learn resilience by navigating setbacks. This adaptability prepares them for a dynamic marketplace for their products and ideas and the post-Ph.D. job market itself, where flexibility and the ability to pivot are critical.

In essence, the rigorous training and self-driven nature of doctoral programs and postdoc positions cultivate skills like project management, working both independently and collaboratively, learning agility, strategic thinking and problem-solving—all of which are invaluable assets for successful entrepreneurship. The key to honing these skills is taking increased agency in your projects so that you learn all aspects of the process of identifying a gap in knowledge or application, scoping out the current landscape of that area and working toward a solution. It is certainly not easy work, but it can help you in graduate school, postdoctoral training and beyond.

In sum, by embracing an entrepreneurial mindset in your job search, you identify opportunities in industry, start-ups, government or nonprofits or create your own position through entrepreneurship. And even if you don’t decide to go that direction, innovative thinking and treating one’s career development like a start-up can propel you to professional growth and success. The fact that cultivating the entrepreneurial skills I’ve described can also be significantly helpful for an academic researcher means leaning into them is a win-win for any graduate student or postdoc.

Chris Smith is the postdoctoral affairs program administrator at Virginia Tech. He serves on the National Postdoctoral Association’s Board of Directors and is a member of the Graduate Career Consortium—an organization providing an international voice for graduate-level career and professional development leaders.

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Mental Health and Career Transitions

Grad students and postdocs about to embark on a job search can sustain their well-being by taking a holistic approach

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Dr. M. R. Doreswamy

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Admission Overview

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Ph.D. and M.Tech. (Research) / Ph.D.

Ph.d. and by research.

Part-time opportunities also for teachers and industry professionals.

  • Cutting-edge research areas in engineering, science, and management.
  • Highly experienced Ph.D. faculty on campus: over 70
  • TEQIP/World Bank funding including COE
  • Crucible of Research and Innovation (CORI) – for multi-disciplinary research
  • Several ongoing funded research projects
  • Collaboration with reputed universities and industries
  • Fellowship/Scholarship/Financial Assistance available

Available programs

  • Ph.D. and M.Tech by Research in – Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Biotechnology.
  • Ph.D in – Commerce & Management, Science (Maths, Physics & Chemistry), Computer Applications, and Pharmacy.

Candidates wishing to pursue research careers in interdisciplinary areas are especially encouraged.

Minimum Qualification

  • Ph.D. : A post-graduate degree in a related field of study from a UGC recognized university, with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks (or equivalent grade point average)
  • M.Tech. by Research : UG degree in engineering with at least 60% marks (or equivalent GPA).
  • Reservation Categories (as notified by Govt. of Karnataka): 10% relaxation
  • Distance Education Degrees: not recognized

Program Outline

Affiliation: PES University

10 April, 2024 Last date to submit Application

13 April, 2024 Entrance Exam

Last week of April Interview

Syllabus for Pharmaceutical Sciences Entrance Test:  Click here

Syllabus for Pharmacy Practice and Pharm D:  Click here

Syllabus for PhD Entrance Test:  Click here

Related Information

  • Research Policy
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Amendments to R&R
  • Fee Structure
  • Guidelines to PhD Scholars

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Phone: 208-885-6326

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Department of supply chain management ranked #4 nationally in gartner’s 2024 rankings.

Brian Sauser

The G. Brint Ryan College of Business is proud to announce the Department of Supply Chain Management has been ranked #4 in the prestigious Gartner Supply Chain University Top 25 Rankings for 2024. This recognition underscores the college's commitment to excellence in education and its significant impact on the field of supply chain management.

Gartner’s supply chain rankings are widely regarded as the premier benchmark for global supply chain excellence, evaluating organizations and academic institutions based on their capabilities in advancing supply chain practices and strategies through curriculum, real-world experience and industry relevance.

"We are honored to be recognized as the #4 supply chain university by Gartner," said Brian Sauser, Chair of the Department of Supply Chain Management. "This achievement is a testament to the dedication of our faculty, the quality of our students, the engagement of our corporate partners, and our commitment to preparing future leaders in supply chain management."

The Department of Supply Chain Management has consistently demonstrated leadership in the field through innovative coursework, cutting-edge research, and impactful partnerships with industry leaders. This recognition from Gartner reflects the college’s ongoing efforts to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in today's dynamic global marketplace.

The department has developed its unique, sustainable competitive advantage by developing teaching, research and service programs which recognize the globalization of business, and which integrate those programs with the assets that arise from the DFW region's position as a center of national retailing and a domestic and international center of distribution.

“This is an outstanding achievement for our university and the economic growth of our region,” said Dr. Marilyn Wiley, Dean of the G. Brint Ryan College of Business. “Our dedication to developing industry-ready professionals places our students in high demand. We are honored to be recognized by Gartner and are committed to continuing our tradition of excellence.”

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    University of Houston
  Jun 28, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog (Catalog goes into effect at the start of the Fall 2024 semester)    

2024-2025 Graduate Catalog (Catalog goes into effect at the start of the Fall 2024 semester)

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences    >  Department of English    > Creative Writing and Literature, PhD

Building on excellence in creative writing and a record of excellence in the student’s MA preparation in the broad range of English and American literature or MFA preparation in creative writing and literature, the PhD student in literature and creative writing should work toward increased sophistication as a writer/scholar. The PhD student should also continue to strengthen and deepen an understanding of three areas of expertise: their specific genre, including the history of the genre and contemporary theoretical approaches to the genre; a historical period, rhetoric or literary theory; and a specific individualized area of inquiry. The career of a PhD student should be marked by increasing independence in their creative writing and in thinking and writing about literature and/or literary theory. Working toward these objectives advances the student’s competence in writing the creative dissertation. The PhD in Literature and Creative Writing constitutes solid preparation for creative publication, scholarly publication, and expert undergraduate and graduate teaching.

For more information, please see the Creative Writing Program  page.

Admission Requirements

  • MA in English or MFA in Creative Writing
  • 3.5 GPA in graduate studies

Application Materials

Please consult the  UH Graduate School  for detailed instructions on how to submit your application electronically. The Creative Writing Program requires the following materials:   

  • Online application  and application fee. 
  • Three letters of recommendation from teachers or professionals familiar with your writing and academic skills. Letters will be solicited by the UH Admissions Office electronically.*
  • Unofficial transcripts (with degrees posted) may be uploaded with your online application. If you are accepted, you will need to send official academic transcripts (sealed in the issuing envelope) from every university or college you have attended. Official transcripts should be sent directly to the UH Graduate Admissions Office (University of Houston, Graduate Admissions, P.O. Box 3947, Houston, TX 77253-3947). 
  • An original creative manuscript  (maximum 10 pages of poetry or 20-25 pages of fiction). Fiction manuscripts should be double-spaced, on numbered, single-sided pages: poetry can be single-spaced and formatted as desired. Note: Submitting more than the recommended amount is strongly discouraged and could adversely affect the evaluation process.
  • A critical manuscript. Provide a scholarly paper written for a literature course.
  • A personal statement. In 1,000 words or less, state why you wish to pursue graduate study in creative writing: which writers in your genre you are reading and their import to you and your work: and whether you have taught before and intend to pursue teaching as a career.
  • No GRE required 
  • For international applicants: The University of Houston Graduate School requires demonstration of proficiency in English. Please visit their website  here  for a list of ways this requirement may be met.

(Please note: You may apply in more than one genre, but in order to do so you must send separate application packets and application fees for each genre. The applications will be reviewed by different faculty members for each genre.)

*If you are submitting letters of recommendation through a dossier service such as Interfolio, you may leave the recommendation section of the application blank. Letters of recommendation submitted through dossier service should be sent to  [email protected] .

Degree Requirements

45.0 credit hours of coursework in this distribution:, 6 hours in professional development.

  • ENGL 7390 - Introduction to Doctoral Studies in English Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 8322 - Master Workshop: Poetry Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 8323 - Master Workshop: Narrative Credit Hours: 3.0

12 hours in “Designated Area” (Students choose 1 designated area stream.)

Stream a: empire studies, 6 hours from the following:.

  • ENGL 7325 - The British Empire Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 7369 - Introduction to Postcolonial Studies Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 8386 - Topics in Postcolonial Studies Credit Hours: 3

6 hours of electives:

In courses that address topics, theories, and/or methodologies related to Critical Studies of the Americas, as approved by a faculty advisor

Stream B: Critical Studies of the Americas

  • ENGL 7368 - Critical Studies of the Americas: Theories and Methods Credit Hours: 3
  • ENGL 8387 - Postmodern Fiction Credit Hours: 3

6 hours of electives in courses:

That address topics, theories, and/or methodologies related to Critical Studies of the Americas, as approved by a faculty advisor

Stream C: Critical Poets

3 hours chose from the following:.

  • ENGL 7380 - History of Poetry and Poetics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 7381 - Narrative and Narrative Theory Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 6313 - Modern Literary Theory Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 7370 - History of Rhetoric Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 8392 - Topics in Poetics Credit Hours: 3

In courses that address topics, theories, and/or methodologies related to Critical Poetics, as approved by a faculty advisor

Stream D: Translingual Studies

9 hours from:.

  • ENGL 7344 - Discourse Analysis Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 7335 - Sociolinguistics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 8388 - Topics in Literary Translation Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 8389 - Advanced Projects in Translation Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 8390 - Literary Translation Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ENGL 8394 - Sel Topics-Compar Lit Credit Hours: 3.0

3 hours of electives:

In courses that address topics, theories, and/or methodologies related to Translingual Studies, as approved by a faculty advisor

12 hours in Creative Writing

  • ENGL 7324 - Writers On Literature Credit Hours: 3.0

(can be repeated for credit)

Major Genre Workshops

15 hours in Electives

Contributing to a student’s area of expertise. Students should select these with a faculty mentor. Students may count no more than 2 creative writing workshops as electives. Electives must include:

  • 3 hours early literature (pre-1900)
  • 3 hours later literature (post-1900)

Additional Requirements:

Foreign Language: Students must demonstrate reading knowledge of two foreign languages or intensive knowledge of one foreign language.

Two written examinations (one in a major field and one in a sub-disciplinary field) followed by an oral defense

One oral examination of the dissertation prospectus


Academic Policies

University Policies     

College Academic Policies     

Program Policies


  1. Program: Curriculum and Instruction, PhD

    The PhD in Curriculum and Instruction prepares aspiring scholars and researchers to meet today's challenges to education in multicultural urban settings. The Houston metropolitan area, with over one and a half million K-12 students, is a laboratory of practice for our PhD students from nearby and from around the world.

  2. Program: Chemical Engineering, PhD

    Program Study for the Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering (PhD): The program requires the completion of 30 credit hours of approved graduate coursework. Which consist of Four Core, Two Semi Core and Four Elective courses. Also students required to have 12 Dissertation hours and 30 Research hours. CORE COURSES (12 Credit hrs.)

  3. PhD Program

    The goal of the MIT Sloan PhD Program's admissions process is to select a small number of people who are most likely to successfully complete our rigorous and demanding program and then thrive in academic research careers. The admission selection process is highly competitive; we aim for a class size of nineteen students, admitted from a pool ...

  4. PDF University Grants Commission New Delhi 110002

    Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2022 In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (f) and (g) of sub-section (1) of Section 26 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956), and in supersession of the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Awards of M.Phil. /Ph.D. Degree) Regulation, 2016 and its two

  5. Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)

    QS World University Subject Rankings 2024 has ranked BITS Pilani globally at. 101-150 in Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 301-350 in 4 subjects namely, EEE, Computer Science, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering. 451-500 in 3 subjects, namely, Mathematics, Business & management Studies and Physics & Astronomy. 501-550 in Chemistry.

  6. Minimum standards and procedures for award of Ph.D. degree regulations

    Education plays a significant and remedial role in balancing the socio-economic fabric of the Country. Since citizens of India are its most valuable resource, our billion-strong nation needs the nurture and care in the form of basic education to achieve a better quality of life. This warrants an all-round development of our citizens, which can be achieved by building strong foundations in ...

  7. PhD Course Requirements

    If a student has completed graduate-level coursework as part of a Harvard graduate program prior to enrolling as a SEAS Ph.D. student, ordinarily all 200-level SEAS courses and 200-level FAS courses taught by SEAS ladder faculty can be included in the Ph.D. Program Plan subject to the above general requirements.

  8. How researchers navigate a PhD later in life

    Yet according to the US National Science Foundation, 17% of people who gained a PhD in science or engineering in the United States in 2022, the most recent year for which figures are available ...

  9. PDF Date: February 6, 2022

    Date: February 6, 2022. tion-Ph.D. Course WorkThe Ph.D. Course work for the Academic Session 2021-22 shall commence from Mo. , February 7, 2022. The Schedule of Ph.D. Course work is also u. loaded on the website.The students are required to obtain institutional email ids w. th the help of office. Mr Arun Kumar from the office may be contacte.

  10. Doctor of Philosophy in Education

    Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides you with full access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University and prepares you to assume meaningful roles as university faculty, researchers, senior-level education leaders, and policymakers.

  11. PDF Structure and Details of PhD coursework Syllabus

    The PhD coursework is of 16 credits and is taught and evaluated over a period of 16 weeks. The course consists of 5 papers, of which three are non-sessional papers and two sessional. All papers will mandatorily be studied by all students enrolled in the coursework. In BIOS C3, students will be divided up into groups with similar research


    6.1. The credit assigned to the Ph.D. course work shall be a minimum of 08 credits and a maximum of 16 credits. 6.2. The course work shall be treated as prerequisite for Ph.D. preparation. A minimum of four credits shall be assigned to one or more courses on Research Methodology which could cover areas such as quantitative methods, computer ...

  13. Program: History, PhD

    The degree requires a minimum of fifty-four (54) hours of credit in graduate-level (6000) courses, including coursework and nine (9) dissertation credit hours. M.A. to Ph.D. Track: The Department of History offers a separate curriculum plan for graduate students who have earned an M.A. in history or a related discipline.

  14. PhD Program

    The Ph.D. Program in the Department of Economics at Harvard is addressed to students of high promise who wish to prepare themselves in teaching and research in academia or for responsible positions in government, research organizations, or business enterprises. Students are expected to devote themselves full-time to their programs of study.

  15. Studying a PhD in The USA: The Complete Guide

    1. PhD course length. The total length of a PhD in the USA is between 4-8 years for full-time students and 8-10 years for part-time students, depending on your field of study. PhDs can be completed in 4-5 years for students with a masters degree in an appropriate subject. Students typically dedicate 1-4 years on coursework, followed by 2-4 ...

  16. UGC latest Regulations for PhD

    University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of PhD Degree) Regulations, 2022 Eligibility criteria for admission to the PhD programme. A 1-year/2-semester Master's degree programme (after a 4-year undergraduate degree) with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade 'B' on the UGC 10-point scale. or

  17. Ph.D. Programs That Prepare You for Work Beyond Academia

    Top-notch Ph.D. programs also provide training in multiple research methods rather than emphasizing only a single way of conducting research, Connolly says. "You learn to understand and analyze in ...

  18. PDF ORDINANCES and REGULATIONS For Ph.D. Programme (Applicable to 2022-23

    REGULATIONS. wer to Modify Ordinances and Regulations for Ph.D. Programme at NIT CalicutORDINANCESO.1 A candidate who has qualified for the award of Master's Degree of this institute or a recognized institute or university in the discipline as prescribed in. he regulations of the Senate is eligible to apply for the PhD program of this ...

  19. Part-time PhD courses for working professionals likely to be rolled out

    The provision will be a part of the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2022, which will soon be notified by the education ministry, officials of the ...

  20. Ph.D.

    Doctoral Program Call Letter July 2024 Admission (Mid Admission) Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, AIMS, Faridabad Campus, invites applications for Full-Time and Part-Time PhD Admission in Medical And Health Sciences for the academic year 2024 (Mid-admission). The last date of submission of the duly filled Application Form is July 11, 2024.

  21. Doctoral Degrees < University of Idaho

    Procedures for Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education Degrees Appointment of Major Professor and Committee. Refer to "Appointment of Major Professor and Committee for All Degree Seeking Graduate Students" in the preceding General Graduate Regulations section.In addition, a doctoral supervisory committee consists of at least four people: the major professor as chair and at least one ...

  22. PDF IIM Bangalore Doctoral Programme

    be in attendance on a full-time basis and devote all their time to course- work and research and are also required to provide teaching and research assistance. Other financial support made available to students includes: • Startup grant (in year 1) of Rs.75,000 to meet expenses on purchasing hardware, software, etc.

  23. Program: Kinesiology, PhD

    The approved electives will provide the student with an academic foundation in the particular discipline of study within the PhD program. After completion of 45 hours of coursework, students are eligible to sit for the comprehensive exam. In order to advance to candidacy students must pass the comprehensive exam.

  24. Ph.D. Course work guidelines and Assignments 2022-23

    Ph.D. Course work guidelines and Assignments 2022-23. Guidelines for Assignments of course work 2022-23 - Click here. Syllabus for Ph.D Course work Exam 2022-2023 - Click here. Assignment front Page - Click here. Dissertation Assignment - Click here. ICT Assignment 1 - Click here. ICT Assignment 2 - Click here. RM Assignment 1 - Click here

  25. How your Ph.D. or postdoc prepares you for entrepreneurship (opinion)

    You can deploy skills you develop as a grad student and postdoc in a variety of careers, including working for a start-up or founding your own, Chris Smith writes. Innovation has become a hot topic in economic circles over the past few years. In March 2022, the United States' National Science Foundation created its first new directorate in over 30 years: Technology, Innovation and ...

  26. Ph.D. and M.Tech. (Research) / Ph.D. » PES University

    Ph.D.: A post-graduate degree in a related field of study from a UGC recognized university, with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks (or equivalent grade point average) M.Tech. by Research: UG degree in engineering with at least 60% marks (or equivalent GPA). Reservation Categories (as notified by Govt. of Karnataka): 10% relaxation.

  27. Application Management

    Physical Address: University of Idaho Bruce M. Pitman Center 709 Deakin Street Rm 117 Moscow, ID 83844. Mailing Address: University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264

  28. Department of Supply Chain Management Ranked #4 Nationally in Gartner's

    The Department of Supply Chain Management has consistently demonstrated leadership in the field through innovative coursework, cutting-edge research, and impactful partnerships with industry leaders. This recognition from Gartner reflects the college's ongoing efforts to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in today ...

  29. Doctoral Programmes

    International students interested in joining HSE University can apply for full-tuition scholarships from the Russian government. Applications for the 2022/23 academic year are open from March 1-11. We spoke to HSE University doctoral students about their work and about how scholarships have helped them pursue their research goals.

  30. Program: Creative Writing and Literature, PhD

    College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences > Department of English > Creative Writing and Literature, PhD. Building on excellence in creative writing and a record of excellence in the student's MA preparation in the broad range of English and American literature or MFA preparation in creative writing and literature, the PhD student in literature and creative writing should work toward ...