Writing Beginner

What Is a Prompt in Writing? (Ultimate Guide + 200 Examples)

Ever stumbled upon a blank page and didn’t know where to start?

That’s where a writing prompt steps in, kicking your creativity into gear and guiding your pen (or cursor) in the right direction.

What is a prompt in writing?

A prompt in writing is a starting point designed to ignite creativity, guiding writers to explore themes, genres, or emotions. It can be a word, question, image, or scenario, aiding in overcoming writer’s block.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about prompts in writing.

What Is a Prompt in Writing (Long Description)?

Book with lightbulb and inspiration - - What Is a Prompt in Writing

Table of Contents

A writing prompt is essentially a starting point.

Think of it as a spark designed to ignite your creativity and guide your thoughts in a specific direction.

This little nudge can come in various forms – a word, a sentence, a question, or even a picture – and serves the purpose of inspiring you to write.

Whether you’re drafting a story, an essay, or just jotting down your thoughts, prompts help overcome the intimidation of a blank page.

It sets a predefined theme or direction for your writing.

They’re not just about what you write, but how you think and approach writing, encouraging you to explore new ideas, genres, and perspectives.

Here is a good video that explains prompts in writing:

Types of Prompts in Writing

Now let’s go over different types of prompts in writing.

Common prompt types include:

The Story Starter

The question quest, picture this, the first line frenzy.

The Story Starter is your classic nudge towards narrative creativity.

It’s a sentence or scenario meant to kick off your storytelling journey, helping you dive straight into the plot, characters, or setting.

This type of prompt is great for fiction writers looking for a jumping-off point to explore various themes or genres.

It can be as detailed or as open-ended as you like, providing just enough information to spark an idea without dictating the direction of your story.

  • “When the clock struck midnight, she realized…”
  • “Lost in the forest, he stumbled upon a hidden village…”
  • “The last person on Earth sat alone in a room. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door…”
  • “In a world where magic is real, a young apprentice discovers…”
  • “The photograph in the old book revealed a secret that would change everything…”
  • “Stranded on a desert island, they found a message in a bottle…”
  • “On her hundredth birthday, she received a letter that took her back to her youth…”
  • “The map led them to a place that wasn’t supposed to exist…”
  • “In the midst of war, a forbidden love blossomed…”
  • “He inherited an old mansion, not knowing the ancestors would still be around…”

The Question Quest prompt type uses intriguing questions to push your thinking boundaries and explore ideas in depth.

It’s perfect for essays, reflective writing, or exploring complex themes and issues.

These prompts challenge you to consider different perspectives, analyze situations, and develop reasoned arguments or narratives based on the question posed.

  • “What would you do if you could travel back in time?”
  • “How would society change if humans lived to be 300 years old?”
  • “Is it possible to live a completely ethical life in today’s world?”
  • “What does true bravery look like?”
  • “How would the discovery of extraterrestrial life impact humanity?”
  • “What is the true cost of progress?”
  • “Can happiness be measured?”
  • “What role does fate play in our lives?”
  • “Is technology bringing us closer together or driving us apart?”
  • “What would you change if you were the leader of your country for a day?”

Picture This prompts use images as the springboard for writing.

A photograph, painting, or even a random doodle can unlock a flood of creativity.

Which makes it an excellent tool for both fiction and non-fiction writers.

This visual cue encourages you to dive into descriptive writing, storytelling, or even analytical essays, exploring the emotions, stories, or ideas evoked by the image.

  • A deserted street at dawn, with an old bicycle leaning against a lamppost.
  • A vintage suitcase, open and filled with letters and photographs.
  • A bustling market scene in a foreign country.
  • A child gazing out of a rain-spattered window.
  • A majestic mountain range under the stars.
  • An abandoned house, its rooms still furnished but covered in dust.
  • A close-up of a spider web with dewdrops.
  • A lively street festival, with people dancing and musicians playing.
  • An old, faded map with several places marked in red.
  • A serene lake at sunset, with a lone boat tied to a wooden dock.

The First Line Frenzy is a thrilling way to dive into a story.

These prompts provide the opening sentence of your narrative, setting the tone and direction for everything that follows.

It’s a fantastic method for overcoming writer’s block and sparking your imagination, as the initial line can lead to unexpected and exciting story developments.

  • “The day began with a mysterious package on my doorstep.”
  • “I never believed in ghosts until I moved into the old Henderson house.”
  • “The moment I heard the news, I knew my life would never be the same.”
  • “Under the light of a full moon, the city revealed its true secrets.”
  • “It was the kind of café you’d stumble upon once and never find again.”
  • “With a deep breath, I stepped into the unknown.”
  • “The letter, sealed with a wax emblem, contained a proposition I couldn’t refuse.”
  • “As the train pulled away, she realized her mistake.”
  • “In the heart of the ancient forest, a hidden path led to unexpected wonders.”
  • “The discovery promised to rewrite history, but at what cost?”

Dialogue Driven

Dialogue Driven prompts center around a snippet of conversation, offering a dynamic entry point into your writing.

This approach is particularly effective for character development and exploring relationships through direct speech.

It can set the scene, reveal personalities, and drive the plot forward, all through the power of dialogue.

  • “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?” “I was hoping.”
  • “Why is this door always locked?” “You’re not ready to know what’s behind it.”
  • “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” “That’s where you’re wrong.”
  • “The stars look different here.” “Everything does.”
  • “I wish I could stay.” “Then why are you leaving?”
  • “It’s not about what I want anymore.” “Then what’s it about?”
  • “I’ve never seen anything like it.” “And you never will again.”
  • “Can you keep a secret?” “Depends on the secret.”
  • “We’re not in Kansas anymore.” “We’re not even on the same planet.”
  • “It was supposed to be a simple plan.” “Since when does anything go according to plan?”

The Sensory Dive

The Sensory Dive prompts are designed to immerse you and your reader in vivid, sensory-rich experiences.

These prompts encourage descriptive writing that appeals to the senses, painting a scene so tangible that readers feel they can touch, taste, hear, see, and smell it.

It’s a powerful tool for creating immersive worlds and experiences.

  • Describe the cacophony of a bustling city market at noon.
  • The taste of the first snowflake of winter.
  • The scent of old books in a forgotten library.
  • The feeling of sand between your toes as waves crash on the shore.
  • The sight of a landscape transformed by autumn’s touch.
  • The sound of a distant thunderstorm approaching.
  • The warmth of a crackling fire on a cold night.
  • The chill of walking through a foggy graveyard at dusk.
  • The texture of an ancient, carved stone.
  • The silence of a snow-covered forest.

The What-If Wonder

The What-If Wonder prompts take you on a journey of imagination, exploring alternate realities and scenarios.

These prompts ask you to consider how different choices, events, or conditions might alter the world, characters, or story.

It’s an excellent way to delve into speculative fiction, science fiction, and fantasy, pushing the boundaries of reality.

  • What if humans had the ability to communicate telepathically?
  • What if gravity suddenly became a variable force on Earth?
  • What if you woke up 100 years in the past with your current memories intact?
  • What if plants were the dominant intelligent species on the planet?
  • What if you could see the future but only 24 hours ahead?
  • What if water was as rare as gold?
  • What if everyone had their lifespan displayed above their heads?
  • What if you found a door that could take you to parallel universes?
  • What if animals could petition for their rights?
  • What if dreams were actually glimpses into alternate realities?

The Emotional Rollercoaster

The Emotional Rollercoaster prompt is all about exploring the depths of human emotion, challenging you to convey complex feelings and reactions.

These prompts are perfect for delving into character development, interpersonal relationships, and personal reflection.

By focusing on the emotional landscape, writers can create compelling narratives that resonate with readers on a deeply personal level.

  • The moment you realized you were in love.
  • Feeling utterly lost in a place you once called home.
  • The bitter sweetness of a farewell.
  • Overcoming a fear that once held you back.
  • The complex emotions of reuniting with someone after many years.
  • The guilt of a lie that spiraled out of control.
  • The rush of achieving something you thought was impossible.
  • The profound sadness of losing a cherished memory to time.
  • The unexpected joy found in a simple act of kindness.
  • The peace of accepting things you cannot change.

The Genre Blender

The Genre Blender prompts encourage you to mix elements from different genres, creating unique and innovative narratives.

These prompts are excellent for writers looking to break the mold and experiment with their storytelling.

Whether it’s combining science fiction with historical fiction or fantasy with mystery, the possibilities are endless.

  • A detective in a dystopian future solving a crime that could change the course of history.
  • A romance blossoming in the midst of a zombie apocalypse.
  • A fantasy world where magic is dying, and technology is on the rise.
  • A historical drama set in ancient Rome, but with a twist of time travel.
  • A horror story set in space, aboard a ship with a mysterious alien artifact.
  • A western where the frontier towns are protected by wizards instead of gunslingers.
  • A cyberpunk thriller featuring a heist in a virtual reality world.
  • A mystery set in a magical school where the students must uncover a dark secret.
  • A superhero story grounded in the real-world challenges of modern society.
  • An adventure tale that blends deep-sea exploration with ancient mythology.

The Time Traveler’s Gateway

The Time Traveler’s Gateway prompts explore the intricacies of time travel, its implications, and its paradoxes.

This type of prompt is perfect for science fiction and speculative fiction writers, offering a playground for the imagination that challenges our understanding of time, history, and causality.

  • Discovering a time machine in your backyard and deciding where to go first.
  • A message from the future warning of an impending disaster.
  • The consequences of changing a small event in the past.
  • A society where time travel is common, but strictly regulated.
  • An ancient civilization that had advanced time travel technology.
  • Meeting your ancestors and learning their secrets.
  • The ethical dilemmas of using time travel for personal gain.
  • A love story that transcends time barriers.
  • The discovery that history is a construct, shaped by time travelers.
  • A time loop where the protagonist must solve a puzzle to escape.

The World Builder’s Dream

The World Builder’s Dream prompts invite you to create entire worlds from scratch.

This type of prompt is a boon for fantasy and science fiction writers, offering the freedom to craft unique settings, cultures, laws of nature, and societies.

It’s an opportunity to let your imagination run wild and establish the groundwork for epic tales.

  • A planet where the seasons last for decades.
  • A city built entirely on the back of a giant, wandering creature.
  • A society where people’s roles are determined by their innate magical abilities.
  • An underwater civilization that has never seen the surface.
  • A world where dreams can be entered and manipulated.
  • A floating island nation that travels the skies.
  • A dystopian future where memories can be bought and sold.
  • A kingdom where music is the source of all magic.
  • A realm where the night lasts half the year.
  • An alternate Earth where the continents never split apart.

The Unseen Perspective

The Unseen Perspective prompts challenge you to write from the viewpoint of non-human characters or entities.

This approach forces you to step outside the human experience and consider the world from a completely different angle.

It’s a fantastic way to explore themes of consciousness, nature, and the interconnectedness of life.

  • The life of a tree over centuries, witnessing the changes in the world.
  • A day in the life of a household pet during a major family event.
  • The thoughts of a spaceship AI as it travels through the cosmos.
  • The experiences of a ghost haunting an old mansion.
  • A story told from the perspective of a river, from source to sea.
  • The journey of a single leaf from sprout to falling to the ground.
  • The collective consciousness of a hive of bees facing environmental challenges.
  • The ancient spirit of a mountain overseeing its surroundings.
  • The adventures of a book as it passes from reader to reader, experiencing different interpretations and emotions.
  • The perspective of a city as it grows and evolves over centuries, through peace and conflict.

The Emotional Journey

The Emotional Journey prompts focus on the internal growth and transformation of characters.

It invites writers to delve into personal development, self-discovery, and the overcoming of obstacles.

This type of prompt is ideal for character-driven narratives, where the emphasis is on emotional depth and the evolution of the protagonist’s inner self.

  • A character grappling with the loss of a loved one and finding a way to move forward.
  • The journey of self-acceptance for someone who feels out of place in their world.
  • A hero facing their darkest fears in order to save what they cherish most.
  • A villain’s realization of the impact of their actions and their quest for redemption.
  • A young adult’s transition into independence and the challenges they face along the way.
  • The transformation of a skeptic into a believer through a series of unexplainable events.
  • The struggle of a character to forgive themselves and others for past mistakes.
  • The process of rebuilding one’s life after a catastrophic event.
  • A character’s journey from indifference to passionate advocacy for a cause.
  • The evolving relationship between two characters who start as rivals and become allies.

The Moral Dilemma

The Moral Dilemma prompts put characters in situations where they must make difficult choices, often between two equally undesirable options.

These prompts are great for exploring ethical questions, character morality, and the complexity of human nature.

They challenge writers to think deeply about what it means to make a “right” decision.

  • Choosing between saving a loved one or a group of strangers from danger.
  • Deciding whether to expose a painful truth that could destroy a friend’s happiness.
  • The choice of upholding the law or doing what is morally right in a corrupt society.
  • A character must decide whether to seek revenge or forgive an unforgivable act.
  • The dilemma of sacrificing personal dreams for the greater good.
  • Deciding whether to keep a secret that protects one person but harms others.
  • A leader’s choice between peace at the cost of justice or war for the sake of freedom.
  • The ethical implications of using advanced technology to alter human nature.
  • A scientist faces a moral conflict over a discovery that could change the world but has dangerous implications.
  • The struggle of a character who finds out that their entire life is based on a lie and must choose how to react.

The Creative Challenge

The Creative Challenge prompts are designed to push the boundaries of conventional storytelling.

It encourages experimentation with narrative structure, style, and content.

These prompts invite writers to play with unconventional formats, such as a story told in reverse, a narrative composed entirely of dialogue, or a tale that weaves multiple perspectives into a cohesive whole.

  • A story told through a series of diary entries, each revealing a piece of the puzzle.
  • A narrative structured as a series of text messages between characters.
  • A tale that begins with its conclusion and works backward to the start.
  • A story where each chapter is from the perspective of a different character, all revolving around a single event.
  • A narrative composed entirely of letters sent between two characters.
  • A story told through the lens of an inanimate object witnessing events unfold.
  • A tale that intertwines the past and present, revealing how they mirror and affect each other.
  • A narrative that challenges the concept of linear time, mixing moments from various points in the characters’ lives.
  • A story where the setting changes in each chapter, influencing the plot and characters in unique ways.
  • A narrative that plays with genre conventions, blending elements from different genres in unexpected ways.

Final Thoughts: What Is a Prompt in Writing?

I hope this guide “prompts” you to understanding, creativity, and motivation to write.

Check out some of our other great guides below.

Read This Next:

  • What Is A Personal Account In Writing? (47 Examples)
  • 150+ Christmas Story Ideas, Tips & Prompts (Fun & Festive)
  • 620 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Nonfiction Book
  • 650+ Best Prompts for ChatGPT (Ultimate List for 2024)
  • 346 Fluff Prompts (Easy & Unique)

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Putting the Pieces Together: Tips for Writing Prompts

Writing prompts: the instructions.

A writing prompt in WRIT will ask you to consider the same set of questions each week. The prompt instructions remind you that there are three very important components that should be included in your response for optimal success. Below is the standard prompt instructions that you’ll see each week in WRIT:

Write a multi-paragraph response (in essay format: introduction, body, conclusion) to the article below.

Your response should accurately summarize the author’s main argument AND critically respond to it.

You may choose to agree with the author’s argument, to disagree with it, or to partially agree/disagree with it.

Your essay should also consider at least one objection a reader might have to your argument. You may respond to this objection in different ways. For example, you may argue against the objection, or you may acknowledge that the objection is a good point and incorporate it into your argument. It’s your choice.

Failing to address each of these goals will significantly reduce your ability to respond appropriately and completely to the prompt.  Don’t worry, though! In WRIT, you’ll learn how to respond to each of the requirements listed in the instructions above; it will just take a bit of time and practice.

Prompt Writing Guide

When you study a writing prompt closely and use it as the basis for your outline, you will be better equipped to address the goals of your own response.  It’s important to do the following when reading and responding to a prompt:

prompt in essay

Putting the Pieces Together Copyright © 2020 by Andrew Stracuzzi and André Cormier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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How to Answer a Writing Prompt

Last Updated: April 11, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Megan Morgan, PhD . Megan Morgan is a Graduate Program Academic Advisor in the School of Public & International Affairs at the University of Georgia. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Georgia in 2015. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 240,800 times.

Students of all kinds, from elementary school to those applying for post-graduate educations, are tested on their writing ability through writing prompts. Successful students are able to understand what kind of essay the prompt is calling for and answer it with what the tester wants to see.

Answering Expository (Informative) Prompts

Step 1 Look for the words

  • Other words that signal an expository writing assignment include "summarize," "clarify," or "tell about."
  • For example, "Explain camping to a person who has never camped before" is an example of an expository prompt. So is "Describe how communication has changed in the last 20 years."

Step 2 Brainstorm...

  • For example, for "Explain camping to a person who has never camped before," you could take several approaches. You could explain reasons why people might want to go camping, or you could explain how to set up a campsite. You might even want to try both approaches in your essay.

Step 3 Create a thesis statement.

  • Strong expository essays have a theme or center of gravity that organizes them. For example, for "Describe how communication has changed in the last 20 years" you might want to focus your essay on how teens use communication differently, or the impact of communication changes on daily life.
  • An expository thesis statement does not have to present an opinion or even make an argument. It should be based on the facts you will examine. For example, "Over the past 20 years, communication has changed significantly. It is now affordable to stay in touch with people all over the world, easier to connect with people from different places and cultures, and keep others updated with even your minor doings."

Step 4 Think of strong topic sentences that support your thesis statement.

  • For example, if you were writing an essay explaining camping, you might have the following topic sentences for your paragraphs: 1) "There are many reasons why people might want to go camping." (Paragraph about reasons to go camping.) 2) "You must consider several things when choosing a campsite." (Choosing a campsite paragraph.) 3) "Finally, you must set up your campsite." (Paragraph about setting up camp.)

Step 5 Compose the introduction...

  • You'll want to open with a general statement about your topic that "hooks" your reader. Then provide any context your reader needs to understand your topic. Close with your thesis statement.

Step 6 Write the body of the essay.

  • Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence.
  • Explain your topic sentence.
  • Give an example that supports your topic sentence.
  • Analyze your example.
  • Write a concluding statement.

Step 7 Add your conclusion.

  • For example, if you are explaining camping, you could conclude by saying something like, "Although some people who live in cities have never been camping before, it is actually fun and easy. Next time you're considering a vacation, why not consider camping?"

Answering Narrative Prompts

Step 1 Find the words

  • For example, a narrative prompt might look like this: "Talk about a time when you experienced friendship" or "Describe a moment when you showed courage."

Step 2 Write a story about something that happened to you.

  • Write in first person. Tell the story as yourself, using "I" and "me."

Step 3 Begin with an introduction that tells the reader that you will tell a story.

  • A narrative thesis statement may offer the lesson you learned or talk about the impact of the moment on your life, such as "The most memorable moment in which I showed courage happened in seventh grade." It could also identify a theme that connects your story to a greater theme, such as "Most people do not know how courageous they can be until they're faced with danger. This was true for me, too."

Step 4 Write a narrative essay more loosely than you would other types of essays.

  • You may want to structure your essay chronologically to show the development of the lesson over time. This is usually the clearest way to structure your essay. Use words such as "then," "next," and "finally" to show your progress.

Step 5 End the essay by telling the reader what you learned from the experience.

Answering Persuasive Prompts

Step 1 Look for the words

  • You may be trying to convince the tester who will read your essay, or you may be asked to write as if you were trying to convince a hypothetical person.
  • Other signals that you are writing a persuasive answer include "How do you feel about" or "What do you think about". If a prompt asks whether you agree or disagree with a statement, it is a persuasive prompt.

Step 2 Decide which arguments will work best on the reader.

  • Cause and effect are a common persuasive thesis. For example, "Giving underprivileged students free school lunches raises their performance and makes the whole school better" is a cause and effect argument.
  • Value is another common tactic. This type of argument emphasizes the importance of something. For example, "Allowing global warming to continue will destroy habitats for animals such as polar bears and penguins. We cannot allow our world to lose this rich wildlife."

Step 3 Identify what your reader's most likely objection or argument might be and how you can refute it.

  • For example, someone might object that providing free school lunches places a burden on taxpayers, or singles students out as "poor" in the eyes of their classmates.
  • To refute these objections, consider the type of argument you want to make. If you're making a logical argument, use logical refutations. If you're making an emotional argument, use emotional refutations.

Step 4 Write an introductory paragraph in which you give background on the issue.

  • For example, if you are writing about the necessity of stopping global warming, you will need to identify what scientists believe are the main causes of it. End with your thesis that states that although it will be difficult to stop global warming, we cannot afford to lose the rich wildlife that global warming is destroying.

Step 5 Add body paragraphs.

  • Most persuasive essays will include at least 3 body paragraphs.

Step 6 Include a paragraph in which you state the most likely argument or objection of your reader, and then refute it.

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  • ↑ https://opentextbc.ca/writingforsuccess/chapter/chapter-4-what-are-you-writing-to-whom-and-how-2/
  • ↑ https://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/how-to-write-an-essay/essay-introduction
  • ↑ https://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/how-to-write-an-essay/body
  • ↑ https://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/how-to-write-an-essay/conclusion
  • ↑ https://k12.thoughtfullearning.com/teachersguide/writers-express/22-responding-narrative-prompts
  • ↑ https://k12.thoughtfullearning.com/teachersguide/writers-express/30-responding-persuasive-prompts
  • ↑ https://k12.thoughtfullearning.com/teachersguide/write-ahead-teachers-guide-table-contents/26-other-argument-forms#223

About This Article

Megan Morgan, PhD

A writing prompt gives you a basis for an essay or creative writing piece. Look out for keywords like “tell,” “time,” or “event” which mean that you need to write a story. For example, “Talk about a time when you experienced friendship” is a prompt for a creative writing piece or personal narrative. Write a story in first person about the topic in the prompt. Use description, metaphors, anecdotes, and dialogue to help tell your story. End the story by telling the reader what you learned from the experience. For more tips from our English co-author, including how to answer informative and persuasive writing prompts, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Writing Prompt (Composition)

Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms

  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

A writing prompt is a brief passage of text (or sometimes an image) that provides a potential topic idea or starting point for an original essay , report , journal entry , story, poem, or other forms of writing. Writing prompts are commonly used in the essay portions of standardized tests, but they may also be devised by the writers themselves.

A writing prompt, according to Garth Sundem and Kristi Pikiewicz, usually has "two basic components: the prompt itself and directions explaining what the students should do with it." ( Writing in the Content Areas , 2006)

Examples and Observations

"Today is Kiss and Make Up Day, a day to fix relationships that need mending. " Prompt . Have you ever been in an argument with a friend or a member of your family? What was the disagreement over? How did you resolve it?" (Jacqueline Sweeney, Prompt a Day!: 360 Thought-Provoking Writing Prompts Keyed to Every Day of the School Year . Scholastic, 1998)

Elicting Insightful Responses

"Responses to writing prompts are typically more insightful than if a teacher allows students to simply write for a certain amount of time without specifying a topic." (Jacalyn Lund and Deborah Tannehill,  Standards-Based Physical Education Curriculum Development , 2nd ed. Jones and Bartlett, 2010)

Touching on Experiences

"Two characteristics of engaging . . . writing prompts are that they touch on experiences accessible to the students, and they allow for multiple ways to write an answer." (Stephen P. Balfour, "Teaching Writing and Assessment Skills." Improving Writing and Thinking Through Assessment , ed. by Teresa L. Flateby. IAP. 2011)

Writing Prompt for 'An Initiation'

"For the first assignment in the course, I'd like you to write a personal narrative that tells us something about who you are or what your interests are. The audience for this paper is the instructor and the class and the purpose is to introduce yourself to us in a way that will help all of us get to know each other. Be sure to include specific details that show rather than tell. Consult your class notes about writing successful narratives. Your narrative should be two to four pages long." (Julie Neff-Lippman in Concepts in Composition: Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing , 2nd ed., by Irene L. Clark. Routledge, 2012)

Understanding Writing Prompts

"To help build students' skill in reading and understanding a prompt, you should spend a class period analyzing two prompts by discussing the kinds of questions students need to ask themselves as they plan a writing response. . . . 1. What form of writing is the prompt asking for? 2. What ideas or arguments will the reader expect you to suggest? Would these points be good paragraph topics? 3. What does the prompt expect you to do? 4. Who is the audience for this essay? 5. Write a quick one-sentence answer to each question asked in the prompt. Use these answers to develop your outline and thesis ." (Sydell Rabin, Helping Students Write to a Prompt . Scholastic, 2002)

Responding to Writing Prompts on the SAT

"Topics for writing prompts tend to be broad, open-ended, and adaptable enough for any test-taker to find something to write about. Remember that you will not need any specific subject matter knowledge to answer the question. The excerpt in this sample is a typical example: The role of advertising is to induce people to buy goods and services. Advertising is neither moral nor immoral. It is ethically neutral. The writing prompt will most likely be based on a statement or a quotation . In order to answer the question that follows, you must understand what the excerpt is about. However, if you can't figure out the meaning or aren't sure, don't worry. The test-writers tell you the issue in the assignment. "However, don't ignore the excerpt. You may find some phrases that you can use in your essay. Referring back to the excerpt by paraphrasing it or using some words from it can be an effective technique." (Margaret Moran, Master Writing for the SAT: What You Need for Test Success . Peterson's, 2008)

Expository and Persuasive Writing Prompts

"An expository prompt asks you to define, explain, or tell how to do something. The following is an example of an expository writing prompt. Most people have a favorite season or time of year. Write an essay describing your favorite season. Discuss what makes that season special to you. "A persuasive prompt asks you to convince the reader to accept your opinion or to take a specific action. The following is an example of a persuasive writing prompt. To cut back on expenses, your principal has asked the school board for permission to cancel all field trips for the remainder of the year. Some people think this is a good idea because they consider a field trip a 'vacation' from learning and therefore an unnecessary expense. Write to the school board explaining your position on the issue. Use facts and examples to develop your argument. " (J. Brice and Dana Passananti, OGT Ohio Graduation Test: Reading and Writing . Research & Education Association, 2007)

Photographs as Writing Prompts

"Keep in mind that students from diverse cultures may respond differently or not relate at all to some photos, especially when the photos are of unfamiliar objects, places, or people. As you select photographs to share as prompts for this activity, make sure you introduce them to your students and allow students to ask questions they might have about them. If you find that some students are so puzzled by a photograph that using it as a writing prompt would be counterproductive, then select an alternative photo for students to describe." (David Campos and Kathleen Fad, Tools for Teaching Writing: Strategies and Interventions for Diverse Learners in Grades 3-8 . ASCD, 2014)

Sources of Writing Prompts

"On occasions I invite participants in my [writing] group to open the dictionary to a word, any word, and offer it to the next person as her prompt, and so on, around the room with each writer receiving a different word to write from. And I never read anything without a notebook by my side or sticky notes within reach. You never know when the perfect prompt will appear. . . . "The real world can also be a source for writing prompts. I jot down phrases I hear during the day (a writer always eavesdrops), or something I've seen scrawled on a building ('This Is the Last Time'), or notes from a menu at lunch (juice from the ripest berries). . . . Even directions on a cereal box have served as a writing prompt for my drop-in group ('Slide finger under the flap and loosen gently'). Faulkner said there's a bit of the scavenger in every writer. This is what we do when we're collecting inspiration." (Judy Reeves, Writing Alone, Writing Together: A Guide for Writers and Writing Groups . New World Library, 2002)

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Understanding Your Instructor’s Prompt

Most essay prompts include key words. Learning to “decode” these key words can clarify your writing goals for any particular assignment. Key words can also suggest the details your essay should include and strategies for how you might organize your paper. It is helpful to read your assignment prompt carefully, underline key words, and refer back to the assignment prompt as you outline, draft, and finish your essay to keep yourself on track. Finally, before turning in your assignment, be sure to check that your assignment is fulfilling all of the prompt’s requirements. Note: After you have read your prompt carefully, underlining key words, if you still feel uncertain or have questions be sure to have a conversation with your professor to clarify.

Example prompts and explanations 

Reflect on Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech.

  • What does the speech mean to you? What personal experiences have you had that connect you to the speech? 

Analyze the characters of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice in the context of modern feminism.

  • How do the characters represent the different ideals of modern feminism? How does that relate to the male characters? What evidence from the text leads you to these conclusions?

Describe photosynthesis.

  • What is photosynthesis? Why is it important? If necessary, describe how the process was discovered (and by whom). 

Argue against the recent Supreme Court decision that reversed DC’s ban on handguns.

  • Why was the Supreme Court wrong in their decision? What evidence – from texts, the Constitution, current events, and prior legal cases – prove that the Court should have made the opposite decision?

Contrast Freud’s views on dreams with Jung’s.

  • How are Freud’s and Jung’s ideas different? 

Interpret J.K. Rowling’s decision to end the Harry Potter series by writing about the characters 19 years into the future.

  • Why do you think the author ended the series by writing into the future? If she had remained in the present, what effect would that have had on the series? What questions raised by the series are answered by the author’s decision?

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Over 170 Prompts to Inspire Writing and Discussion

Here are all of our Student Opinion questions from the 2020-21 school year. Each question is based on a different New York Times article, interactive feature or video.

prompt in essay

By The Learning Network

Each school day we publish a new Student Opinion question, and students use these writing prompts to reflect on their experiences and identities and respond to current events unfolding around them. To introduce each question, we provide an excerpt from a related New York Times article or Opinion piece as well as a free link to the original article.

During the 2020-21 school year, we asked 176 questions, and you can find them all below or here as a PDF . The questions are divided into two categories — those that provide opportunities for debate and persuasive writing, and those that lend themselves to creative, personal or reflective writing.

Teachers can use these prompts to help students practice narrative and persuasive writing, start classroom debates and even spark conversation between students around the world via our comments section. For more ideas on how to use our Student Opinion questions, we offer a short tutorial along with a nine-minute video on how one high school English teacher and her students use this feature .

Questions for Debate and Persuasive Writing

1. Should Athletes Speak Out On Social and Political Issues? 2. Should All Young People Learn How to Invest in the Stock Market? 3. What Are the Greatest Songs of All Time? 4. Should There Be More Gender Options on Identification Documents? 5. Should We End the Practice of Tipping? 6. Should There Be Separate Social Media Apps for Children? 7. Do Marriage Proposals Still Have a Place in Today’s Society? 8. How Do You Feel About Cancel Culture? 9. Should the United States Decriminalize the Possession of Drugs? 10. Does Reality TV Deserve Its Bad Rap? 11. Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished? 12. How Should Parents Support a Student Who Has Fallen Behind in School? 13. When Is It OK to Be a Snitch? 14. Should People Be Required to Show Proof of Vaccination? 15. How Much Have You and Your Community Changed Since George Floyd’s Death? 16. Can Empathy Be Taught? Should Schools Try to Help Us Feel One Another’s Pain? 17. Should Schools or Employers Be Allowed to Tell People How They Should Wear Their Hair? 18. Is Your Generation Doing Its Part to Strengthen Our Democracy? 19. Should Corporations Take Political Stands? 20. Should We Rename Schools Named for Historical Figures With Ties to Racism, Sexism or Slavery? 21. How Should Schools Hold Students Accountable for Hurting Others? 22. What Ideas Do You Have to Improve Your Favorite Sport? 23. Are Presidential Debates Helpful to Voters? Or Should They Be Scrapped? 24. Is the Electoral College a Problem? Does It Need to Be Fixed? 25. Do You Care Who Sits on the Supreme Court? Should We Care? 26. Should Museums Return Looted Artifacts to Their Countries of Origin? 27. Should Schools Provide Free Pads and Tampons? 28. Should Teachers Be Allowed to Wear Political Symbols? 29. Do You Think People Have Gotten Too Relaxed About Covid? 30. Who Do You Think Should Be Person of the Year for 2020? 31. How Should Racial Slurs in Literature Be Handled in the Classroom? 32. Should There Still Be Snow Days? 33. What Are Your Reactions to the Storming of the Capitol by a Pro-Trump Mob? 34. What Do You Think of the Decision by Tech Companies to Block President Trump? 35. If You Were a Member of Congress, Would You Vote to Impeach President Trump? 36. What Would You Do First if You Were the New President? 37. Who Do You Hope Will Win the 2020 Presidential Election? 38. Should Media Literacy Be a Required Course in School? 39. What Are Your Reactions to the Results of Election 2020? Where Do We Go From Here? 40. How Should We Remember the Problematic Actions of the Nation’s Founders? 41. As Coronavirus Cases Surge, How Should Leaders Decide What Stays Open and What Closes? 42. What Is Your Reaction to the Inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? 43. How Worried Should We Be About Screen Time During the Pandemic? 44. Should Schools Be Able to Discipline Students for What They Say on Social Media? 45. What Works of Art, Culture and Technology Flopped in 2020? 46. How Do You Feel About Censored Music? 47. Why Do You Think ‘Drivers License’ Became Such a Smash Hit? 48. Justice Ginsburg Fought for Gender Equality. How Close Are We to Achieving That Goal? 49. How Well Do You Think Our Leaders Have Responded to the Coronavirus Crisis? 50. To What Extent Is the Legacy of Slavery and Racism Still Present in America in 2020? 51. How Should We Reimagine Our Schools So That All Students Receive a Quality Education? 52. How Concerned Do You Think We Should Be About the Integrity of the 2020 Election? 53. What Issues in This Election Season Matter Most to You? 54. Is Summer School a Smart Way to Make Up for Learning Lost This School Year? 55. What Is Your Reaction to the Senate’s Acquittal of Former President Trump? 56. What Is the Worst Toy Ever? 57. How Should We Balance Safety and Urgency in Developing a Covid-19 Vaccine? 58. What Are Your Reactions to Oprah’s Interview With Harry and Meghan? 59. Should the Government Provide a Guaranteed Income for Families With Children? 60. Should There Be More Public Restrooms? 61. Should High School-Age Basketball Players Be Able to Get Paid? 62. Should Team Sports Happen This Year? 63. Who Are the Best Musical Artists of the Past Year? What Are the Best Songs? 64. Should We Cancel Student Debt? 65. How Closely Should Actors’ Identities Reflect the Roles They Play? 66. Should White Writers Translate a Black Author’s Work? 67. Would You Buy an NFT? 68. Should Kids Still Learn to Tell Time? 69. Should All Schools Teach Financial Literacy? 70. What Is Your Reaction to the Verdict in the Derek Chauvin Trial? 71. What Is the Best Way to Stop Abusive Language Online? 72. What Are the Underlying Systems That Hold a Society Together? 73. What Grade Would You Give President Biden on His First 100 Days? 74. Should High Schools Post Their Annual College Lists? 75. Are C.E.O.s Paid Too Much? 76. Should We Rethink Thanksgiving? 77. What Is the Best Way to Get Teenagers Vaccinated? 78. Do You Want Your Parents and Grandparents to Get the New Coronavirus Vaccine? 79. What Is Your Reaction to New Guidelines That Loosen Mask Requirements? 80. Who Should We Honor on Our Money? 81. Is Your School’s Dress Code Outdated? 82. Does Everyone Have a Responsibility to Vote? 83. How Is Your Generation Changing Politics?

Questions for Creative and Personal Writing

84. What Does Your Unique Style Say About You? 85. How Do You Spend Your Downtime? 86. Would You Want to Live to 200? 87. How Do You Connect to Your Heritage? 88. What Do You Think Are the Secrets to Happiness? 89. Are You a Sneakerhead? 90. What Role Have Mentors Played in Your Life? 91. If You Could Make Your Own Podcast, What Would It Be About? 92. Have You Ever Felt Pressure to ‘Sell Your Pain’? 93. Do You Think You Make Good Climate Choices? 94. What Does TikTok Mean to You? 95. Do Your Parents Overpraise You? 96. Do You Want to Travel in Space? 97. Do You Feel You’re Friends With Celebrities or Influencers You Follow Online? 98. Would You Eat Food Grown in a Lab? 99. What Makes You Cringe? 100. What Volunteer Work Would You Most Like to Do? 101. How Do You Respond When People Ask, ‘Where Are You From?’ 102. Has a School Assignment or Activity Ever Made You Uncomfortable? 103. How Does Your Identity Inform Your Political Beliefs and Values? 104. Are You an Orchid, a Tulip or a Dandelion? 105. Are You Having a Tough Time Maintaining Friendships These Days? 106. How Is Your Mental Health These Days? 107. Do You Love Writing or Receiving Letters? 108. What Has Television Taught You About Social Class? 109. Are You Easily Distracted? 110. What Objects Bring You Comfort? 111. What Is Your Favorite Memory of PBS? 112. Have You Ever Felt Embarrassed by Your Parents? 113. What Are You Doing to Combat Pandemic Fatigue? 114. Have You Ever Worried About Making a Good First Impression? 115. What Do You Want Your Parents to Know About What It’s Like to Be a Teenager During the Pandemic? 116. How Have You Collaborated From a Distance During the Pandemic? 117. How Important Is It to You to Have Similar Political Beliefs to Your Family and Friends? 118. How Are You Feeling About Winter This Year? 119. Which Celebrity Performer Would You Like to Challenge to a Friendly Battle? 120. How Mentally Tough Are You? 121. What Smells Trigger Powerful Memories for You? 122. What Are You Thankful for This Year? 123. Do You Miss Hugs? 124. Are You a Good Conversationalist? 125. What Habits Have You Started or Left Behind in 2020? 126. What Was the Best Art and Culture You Experienced in 2020? 127. What’s Your Relationship With Masks? 128. What Role Does Religion Play in Your Life? 129. How Will You Be Celebrating the Holidays This Year? 130. What Is Something Good That Happened in 2020? 131. What New Flavor Ideas Do You Have for Your Favorite Foods? 132. What Are Your Hopes and Concerns for the New School Year? 133. How Has 2020 Challenged or Changed You? 134. What Do You Hope for Most in 2021? 135. How Do You View Death? 136. What Is Your Favorite Fact You Learned in 2020? 137. What Are the Places in the World That You Love Most? 138. Have You Ever Experienced ‘Impostor Syndrome’? 139. How Well Do You Get Along With Your Siblings? 140. Do You Talk to Your Family About the Cost of College? 141. Do You Have a Healthy Diet? 142. How Do You Feel About Mask-Slipping? 143. Do You Believe in Manifesting? 144. How Do You Express Yourself Creatively? 145. What Are Your Family’s House Rules During the Covid Crisis? 146. What Online Communities Do You Participate In? 147. Have You Experienced Any Embarrassing Zoom Mishaps? 148. What Does Your Country’s National Anthem Mean to You? 149. Are Sports Just Not the Same Without Spectators in the Stands? 150. Would You Volunteer for a Covid-19 Vaccine Trial? 151. What ‘Old’ Technology Do You Think Is Cool? 152. Have You Ever Tried to Grow Something? 153. How Has the Pandemic Changed Your Relationship to Your Body? 154. How Do You Find New Books, Music, Movies or Television Shows? 155. Are You Nervous About Returning to Normal Life? 156. How Do You Celebrate Spring? 157. How Do You Talk With People Who Don’t Share Your Views? 158. Would You Want to Be a Teacher Someday? 159. What Would You Recommend That Is ‘Overlooked and Underappreciated’? 160. What Children’s Books Have Had the Biggest Impact on You? 161. What Is Your Gender Identity? 162. Have You Hit a Wall? 163. What Is the Code You Live By? 164. Do You Think You Have Experienced ‘Learning Loss’ During the Pandemic? 165. What Are the Most Memorable Things You’ve Seen or Experienced in Nature? 166. Do You Want to Have Children Someday? 167. What Have You Learned About Friendship This Year? 168. What Seemingly Mundane Feats Have You Accomplished? 169. Has a Celebrity Ever Convinced You to Do Something? 170. How Have You Commemorated Milestones During the Pandemic? 171. How Often Do You Read, Watch or Listen to Things Outside of Your Comfort Zone? 172. Do You Think You Live in a Political Bubble? 173. What Is Your Relationship With the Weight-Loss Industry? 174. What Have You Made This Year? 175. How Are You Right Now? 176. What Are You Grateful For?

Want more writing prompts?

You can find even more Student Opinion questions in our 300 Questions and Images to Inspire Argument Writing , 550 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing and 130 New Prompts for Argumentative Writing . We also publish daily Picture Prompts , which are image-centered posts that provide space for many different kinds of writing. You can find all of our writing prompts, added as they publish, here .

What Is a Writing Prompt and What Types There Are?

June 2, 2022

What Is An Essay Prompt?

Understanding writing prompts, types of writing prompts, how to write a prompt, how to respond to essay writing prompts for beginners, key takeaways.

Do you love writing but sometimes feel stuck or uninspired? Are you looking for a way to jumpstart your creative process ? If so, writing prompts may be just what you need. But what is a writing prompt and what is its role in writing?

In this article, we will discuss the definition of a writing prompt, explore different types of prompts, and learn how to write one yourself.

What Is a Writing Prompt?

A writing prompt is a sentence, paragraph, or (rarer) an image that provides inspiration and guidance for creative writing . It may be used as a possible topic or starting point for an original essay, report, journal entry, story, poem, etc. A writing prompt’s main aim is to test a writer’s analytical capabilities, writing skills, and ability to express their point of view.

Writing prompts for students have long been used in the classroom to encourage student attention and develop their capacity to focus on a certain subject, idea, or concept. They also give students the chance to express their own opinions on a certain topic. Prompts stimulate students’ critical thinking and offer them an opportunity to construct a well-reasoned, structured argument in response to another writer’s viewpoint.

An essay prompt is a subtype of the writing prompt. Essay prompts are generally made up of 1 to 3 sentences that provide some context about the subject, followed by a question that asks students to write about a certain topic in the form of an essay .

The goal is to get students to respond with an essay focusing on a statement or issue in order to assess their writing, reasoning, and analytical abilities.

Analyzing your writing prompt is easier if you highlight the important words while reading it . Here are some of the words you should watch out for:

  • Argue – requires you to present facts that support your opinion
  • Compare – determine the similarities and differences between two or more concepts
  • Define – provide a definition of a specific concept or subject
  • Discuss – explain various aspects of a subject or problem and reach a conclusion
  • Describe – give a detailed description of an event or a particular person, place, or thing

Prompts can help improve your writing skills by providing practice in brainstorming, planning, drafting, revising, and editing . Daily writing prompts can also help you practice and develop your understanding of grammar when learning a new language .

Following are the most common types of writing prompts that students come across as a part of their degrees or continuing education programs:


Descriptive prompts frequently include cue terms such as “describe in detail,” “describe how something looked/felt/smelled/tasted,” and so on. In this type of writing, the reader should be able to experience what you’re writing about. Descriptive writing exercises frequently request writers to provide details that will help the reader construct a vivid picture by including sensory elements , such as sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste.


Expository writing prompts are a good writing practice for teens and college students. Expository prompts typically ask the writer to describe, compare and contrast, discuss pros and cons, or define something .

Expository writing has a particular purpose and audience in mind; as a result, the style and voice must correspond to the set subject and audience. The following words are used as cues to elicit expository answers: why, how, what, and explain.

The act of writing a narrative is the process of recording and telling events from one’s personal or fictional experience . Identifying what a narrative writing prompt look like is easy when you know what to look for. These prompts call for insight, creativity, drama, suspense, humor, and/or fantasy, and often contain the term “tell about…,” “write a story,” or “describe”.

Writers should use real or invented experiences when responding to narrative prompts. They should also incorporate dialogue, sensory elements, and sensible sequences into their response.

In this sort of prompt, the writers are expected to express their viewpoint on a certain subject, followed by logical reasoning and facts . This can either be a controversial issue or something light-hearted and fun. No matter what the topic is, if you’re wondering how to start a writing prompt like this, just make sure you’re clear and concise so that the reader knows exactly what is being discussed.

Persuasive prompts are writing prompts that require the writer to convince or persuade the reader to agree with a certain point of view . These types of prompts typically use cue words such as “convince,” “persuade,” and “why” rather than “how.”

To write a persuasive prompt, it is important to first brainstorm ideas and then narrow down your focus to come up with a creative and unique prompt. Remember to consider your audience when writing persuasive prompts.

The research approach to daily writing prompts encourages writers to look for information on a given topic using books, internet resources, films, etc . Such a writing assignment asks students to look up all the details and provide the resources as well, sometimes in the form of a bibliography .

When you start writing, no matter the type and form of the written piece, it’s important to consider your audience and purpose. When you’re responding to a written prompt that lists children as your target audience, for example, you’ll need to use age-appropriate language and focus on the topics that are interesting for the particular age group . Apart from the audience, you need to pay attention to the following factors, as well:

Prompt Construction

Breaking down the writing prompt into three parts is another useful approach for better conveying the task’s meaning:

  • the first part introduces the subject
  • the second part encourages writers to think about it, perhaps with a brainstorming pre-writing exercise
  • the third portion explains what needs to be written

In order to avoid confusion, writing prompts should be brief and focused . The instructor must make sure that the students are provided with sufficient information in order for them to understand the writing assignment completely.

The components of the prompt can be repeated, but using parallel wording will help writers stay focused on the specific writing task.

Bias and Sensitivity

The topics of your creative writing prompts should be inclusive and fair to all potential writers . The prompts should be written in a way that allows writers to easily comprehend them, regardless of their cultural background or other variables. It’s important to avoid cultural, ethnic, gender, or any other form of bias when developing prompts.

After you’ve examined your prompt, it’s time to get creative and prepare for your essay writing:

  • First, make a thesis statement to address the main issue . Your thesis statement should be the focal point of your whole essay and should reflect your stance on the issue.
  • When responding to writing prompts for beginners, write simple topic sentences that cover all the criteria. Add any facts, elaborations, or evidence you need to back up your viewpoint.
  • After you’ve finished, you may add more facts and smooth transitions between each phrase and paragraph . Make sure to include an eye-catching opening line in your first paragraph, as well as a conclusion that summarizes your ideas and thesis statement.

All in all, understanding what is a prompt in writing and how to respond to one is a key skill for all writers. By taking the time to analyze the prompt and brainstorm ideas, you’ll make sure that your written piece is clear, concise, and on-topic. Practicing with different types of prompts will help you hone your skills and become a more confident writer.

The three parts of a writing prompt are the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The introduction sets the tone for the rest of the piece, the body provides support for the thesis, and the conclusion ties everything together and leaves readers with a final thought or impression.

Most writing prompts consist of the following six parts: articulation of purpose, a summary of the assignment, logistics, paper’s key components, framing questions, and evaluation criteria.

What is a writing prompt supposed to be like in order to both challenge a writer and let them showcase their writing skills? It must be clear and concise, and possible to answer in a short amount of time. It should also be open-ended enough to allow for creative interpretation, not requiring prior knowledge in order to be answered.

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Effective Writing Assignments

Six parts of an effective prompt.

One of the most common challenges in designing a prompt is determining how much information to include. We recommend that you  limit the information provided on the prompt to the unique requirements for this assignment  and that you provide students with writing guides distinct from the prompt that outline your expectations for different types of assignments and different disciplines.

Of course, the following is just one model for arranging a prompt. We encourage you to adapt it as you see fit to best provide your students with the guidance that will help them produce the kinds of papers you want to read.

1. Articulation of purpose

This section explains the significance of the assignment itself by explaining  what skills students will display in their writing and why they are important.

This section may also identify the  audience  of the assignment. If the assignment has real-world applications (for example, if students are asked to construct a business memo), this section may present students with a scenario that their writing will address.

De Paul Teaching Commons identifies nine of the most common purposes for writing, including encouraging students to engage course material, to develop scholarly skills, and to bridge academic and real world understanding. On their site, they include a helpful  chart  that breaks each of these purposes into smaller goals and suggests which types of writing assignments engage each.

Below is a sample articulation of purpose. You can find the full prompt from which this example is drawn  here .

prompt in essay

2. Summary of assignment

Essentially, this is the “thesis statement” of the prompt. Assignment summaries tend to work best when limited to a few sentences in which you provide students with the  genre of the assignment, the most important components of the assignment, and the audience for their paper.

You can find the full prompt from which this example is drawn here .

prompt in essay

3. Logistics

This section provides students with the basic information about your requirements,  including the specific length, the due date, the method of submission, formatting requirements, and citation style.

You can find the full prompt from which this example is drawn  here .

prompt in essay

4. Key components of the paper or important sections

This is a where you might provide  a brief synopsis of the genre ,  or type of assignment,in which students are writing and  address the types and number of sources they should use . You might also use this space to refer students to a writing guide.

prompt in essay

5. Framing questions

This section is designed to  provide students with further guidance . Depending on the type of assignment, you might include either an overview of important sections or framing questions or both. The length of this section will depend on the degree to which you expect students to develop their own framing questions.

prompt in essay

6. Evaluation criteria

This section could refer back to your  rubric , but it’s also a good idea to include those general categories on your prompt as well. Precise language is particularly helpful in this section. For examples of alternatives to criteria like “assignment is well-written,” you may want to check out our examples of precise language .

prompt in essay

Bonus: References to Resources, Tips for Approaching the Project, Common Missteps & Models

References to resources.

As its name suggests, this section directs students to resources that will help them with their assignment. You might include links to websites or information about library resources available to them, suggestions for visiting the DEWC or departmental tutors, or other useful information.

Tips for Approaching the Project

Perhaps you want students to write their papers in a particular order or take notes in a certain way. By separating that information from the rest of the prompt, you can offer them with an easy way to reference your suggestions.

Common Errors

This can be a particularly helpful section to include – if students in your Business Writing class often lapse into poetic language or students in your Art History class tend to want to make value judgments about the works they’re analyzing, you can warn them off here.


We recommend providing models for writing  in your class throughout the semester. Providing a model of an exemplary paper for students when you distribute the prompt can go a long way toward producing the kind of papers you want to be grading.

Better Assignments.  Writing Center. Yale College. 2014. Web. 1 June 2014. 

Boye, Allison.  How Do I Create Meaningful and Effective Assignments?  Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development Center. Texas Tech University. 2014. 1 June 2014.

Brewster, Glen et al.  Formal Biology Lab Reports.  Writer’s Guide. Westfield State College. Web. 1 June 2014. 

Creating Effective Assignments.  Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. University of New Hampshire. 2004. Web. 1 June 2014.

Gardner, Traci.  Ten Tips for Designing Writing Assignments.  Pedablogical. 2001. Web. 1 June 2014.

Gately, Maeve.  Writing an Art History Paper.  Writing Resources. Hamilton College Writing Center. 2014. Web. 1 June 2014.

Guidelines for Analysis of Art .  Department of Art. University of Arkansas at Little Rock. n.d. Web. 1 June 2014.

Jehn, Tom, and Jane Rosenweig.  Writing in the Disciplines: Advice and Models: Supplement to accompany Diana Hacker’s A Writer’s Reference, Sixth Edition.  Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s. 2007.

Matching Learning Goals to Assignment Types.  De Paul Teaching Commons. DePaul University. n.d. Web. 1 June 2014.

Pop, Andrei.  How to Do Things with Pictures: A Guide for Writing in Art History. Disciplinary Writing Guides. Harvard Writing Project. 2008. Web. 1 June 2014.

Writing Assignments . Center for Teaching and Learning. Hobart and William Smith Colleges. 2014. Web. 1 June 2014.


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What is a Prompt in Writing an Essay

Adela B.

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Essay prompts are typically a trigger for ideas regarding a topic or issue. It is something professors give students to get them to respond by writing an essay paper.

They are usually made up of 1 to 3 sentences giving some background on the topic, followed by a question. But the truth is that there are no rules or formats to a writing prompt, and it can be made up of anything.

It can be a single word or even an image, and it is all up to the student’s interpretation of what they should write about. However, students are still expected to give well-formulated opinions supported by logical reasoning and facts from texts.

After all, the reason behind a college-level essay prompt is to test a student’s writing, reasoning, and critical thinking skills. That’s why to get an excellent score for your essay; you need to start by understanding the essay prompt.

How Do you Analyze a Writing Prompt

While great writing skills depend on time and practice to develop, how to analyze your writing prompt is an easy skill you can learn by the end of this guide.

All too often, good students receive a poor writing grades because they misunderstood the task and cannot successfully respond to the essay prompt.

Knowing what to write is not just a matter of comprehension but instead of dissecting the prompt quickly to formulate the answer needed to address the question.

X Questions to Ask Yourself while Reading

1. what is the purpose of the prompt.

Why are you writing? When reading through your prompt, it’s essential to understand your subject and overall goal . Does the prompt want you to take a stand on an issue, or does it require you to compare two concepts?

Only after you’ve identified the purpose of the prompt do you start brainstorming what kind of details or arguments your essay needs and the points that would make a strong paragraph.

2. Highlight important keywords

Sometimes your prompt may have more than one requirement. When reading your prompt, highlight directive words in the statement like analyze, describe, argue, etc.

Each of these keywords has a different meaning and calls for writing different types of essays.

For example, if your prompt asks you to analyze. Then, the idea is to write an analytical essay where you will need to break down the topic into its component parts and discuss each element and its relationship.

In fact, here are some of the most common keywords you should watch out for:

  • Argue - Present facts and reasonings that support your opinion;
  • Compare - Identify the similarities and differences between two or more ideas;
  • Contrast - Show the differences between two or more ideas;
  • Criticize - Make judgments and evaluations with analytical support;
  • Define - Give meaning to a specific concept or subject (may provide multiple definitions or an explanation of how it differs from others in the same category);
  • Describe - Give a detailed account of an event or characteristics of a specific person, place, or item (include sensory details to make it more engaging);
  • Discuss - Explain the various aspects of a topic or issue, and come to a conclusion;
  • Explain - Show cause and effect relationship by providing relevant details;
  • Prove - Show the truth of a statement using logic or experimentation;
  • Predict - Tell what you think will happen in the future with supporting evidence.

There are many more, and you can see more directive keywords and their explanations here.

Besides, there are times when the assignment does not explicitly state the task or use these keywords. In such cases, you need to look at the overall prompt to find the intention.

Take this essay prompt, for example:

Talcott Parsons and Robert Merton have differing views on the study of social systems. Discuss.

Here, instead of just explaining the various aspects of Parsons and Merton’s views, the word differing would also suggest the need to compare their two views.

3. Who is the audience of the essay

Who will read your writing? Some prompts will identify a specific audience , like asking you to write an essay for a parenting magazine or pretend you are telling the story to your friend.

When addressing a specific audience, always keep them in mind to inform your writing tone and style. In the scenario where a prompt does not identify an audience, assume that you are writing to your professor.

4. Are there any limits in the prompt

When analyzing your essay prompt, watch out for any limiting words that keep you focused on a particular aspect.

Some essay questions may give you special instructions, like asking you to discuss how the pandemic is affecting people from low socio-economic backgrounds. Follow these restrictions when formulating your arguments and evidence.

In some instances, you may even want to create your own limits. Because let’s say if you were to write an essay on the state of gender equality in Southeast Asia. It may be better to focus on one country, given that the situation can be very different between two countries like Singapore and Indonesia.

How to Answer an Essay Prompt

After you have analyzed your prompt, it’s time to brainstorm and plan for your essay writing.

First, develop a thesis statement to answer the overall question . Your thesis statement is your stance on the topic and should be the central idea of your whole essay.

Next, develop simple topic sentences to other aspects of your essay prompt, like reasons and examples, to make sure you cover all the requirements. Now organize them into an outline, and add facts, elaborations, and evidence to support your opinion to build a more substantial essay.

Once you are done, you can expand your writing and connect each sentence and paragraph with smooth transitions . Make sure you use an engaging hook in your introductory paragraph and summarize your ideas and thesis statement as a conclusion.

A quick tip if you are writing a timed essay --- you can practice writing against time by regularly answering different essay prompts. It will hone your analytical and writing skills while getting you comfortable with completing an essay within the time limit.

Often, essay questions are inspired by current events. So keeping up with mainstream news and happenings will let you know what is going around in the world and give you better ideas to discuss in your essay.

3 Examples of Writing Prompts

To truly help you understand what a prompt is in writing an essay, here’re some quick examples of college essay topics and how you should tackle them:

1. Identity is a set of qualities, beliefs, and expressions that make a person or group. Describe a facet of your identity, background, or story that is essential to who you are.

For this essay, you need to approach it with a combination of expository and narrative writing. While the only directive keyword here is “describe”, the essay prompt also has a statement talking about the concept of identity.

So, we set forth to explore the meaning of both personal and group identity. Use your personal narrative to investigate the concept of identity and explain clearly how qualities, beliefs, and expressions have shaped an essential part of who you are.

2. Recreational marijuana should be legal in all 50 states.

For this essay prompt, you need to take a stand. Do you support the legalization of recreational marijuana nationwide, or do you think it should be up to the state jurisdiction?

Whether you are for or against the cause, you need to build the strongest argument possible to win your readers over. Do some research on the topic and try to understand both sides of the issue. Because while you want to showcase your specific passions and reasonings behind your stance, a good persuasive essay shows why the writer’s opinion is correct and the problem with the opposing view.

3. Describe a problem you’ve solved in the past. It can be a challenging event, an ethical dilemma, or anything of personal importance. Explain its significance to you and what are the steps you took to identify a solution.

For college application essays, the goal is to show admission officers who you are apart from your grades and test scores. That’s why your answer to this question should focus on standing out from the crowd .

While choosing your challenging event may be a defining factor, it is never about how big a problem you overcame. Instead, colleges are looking at how the situation has shaped you. So demonstrate introspection and reflection in your college essay ; show the thought process of how you realize the problem and find a solution to solve it.

If there is one takeaway, you should always start by analyzing your writing prompt before you begin writing.

And with that, we hope you have a better understanding of what a prompt is in writing an essay and the proper ways to analyze and answer them.

Next, let’s move on to learning about how to write a good introduction.

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How to Start a College Essay: 5 Effective Techniques

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Impressionable Openers

Descriptions and demonstrations, show vulnerability, be authentic, stay personal, fun & quirky, common mistakes to avoid in your college essay.

  • Ways to Overcome Writer's Block

Frequently Asked Questions About Starting a College Essay

College essays are a huge part of your college career. If not huge, one of the biggest, and for someone who has been there and done that, I know the amount of pressure the beginning of a college essay, as well as the entire essay, can put on your shoulders.

Not only are you trying to juggle things like word count and grammar errors, but you're also trying to create the perfect college essay introduction that will attract admissions officers to your application or professors to your writing skills. And that, itself, can feel impossible, fill you with dread and self-doubt, but just breathe. I am here to help all present and future students know how to start a college essay.

Today is all about starting a college essay. I have come up with five easy and effective techniques that will help you create essays so good you're going to leave your readers wanting more , starting with your opening sentence! So, this is for all college students and college applicants. Stress no more! This guide was created to help you write a successful college essay. Let's get into it.

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prompt in essay

The beginning of your essay should, first and foremost, always have a strong opening sentence . This sentence sets the tone for not only your readers but for the entire essay. Having a wobbly, almost interesting opener can steer an admissions officer and/or professor away, so you want it to be strong. And it doesn't have to be complicated! Less is more in this situation. Here are a couple of ways you can accomplish this.

  • Look within and be relatable
  • Use your real life for inspiration
  • Think about ways to evoke emotion

Here are some examples of impressionable openers:

  • Example 1: When I was 11 years old, my mother told me she had cancer over breakfast.
  • Example 2: Maybe yellow isn't my favorite color.
  • Example 3: I sat next to this girl in class who made me feel stupid.

DISCLAIMER : your opener should ALWAYS adhere to the essay prompts. These are just a few examples that can capture your reader's attention almost immediately.

In order to keep readers interested, visuals are key . Image-based descriptions will not only add value to your writing, it will give your readers front seats to your essay's journey. These descriptions let actions speak for themselves.

Here is an example of a description and demonstration in an essay:

  • Example 1: "I was sitting on a bar stool when the word 'cancer' hit me like the smell of her coffee brewing on the stove. The Rice Krispies were popping in my cereal bowl, and MTV Jams was playing in the background, yet all I could hear was the sound of doom all around me. The lips of my mother were moving, but I was frozen, crumbling on this stool like my mother's health. She was sick, and I didn't know how sick or what that even meant, and that terrified me."

Why This Works:

Here you can clearly feel the writers emotional state: shocked, still, scared. Not only is this moment at breakfast traumatic, you feel frozen in time with the writer. Using descriptions like this will evoke so much emotion and leave your reader wanting more.

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Something one of my teachers told me in high school was any good essay will have personal elements in it, no matter the topic. That always stuck with me and became the way I approached my college essays. Showing vulnerability in your writing will always guarantee interest. It also evokes emotion.

You can show vulnerability by:

  • Being honest
  • Explaining what's going on inside underneath the exterior
  • Describe what's going on around you at the moment
  • Letting go of the fear of being seen
  • Connecting with the topic
  • Being transparent about mistakes/flaws

Examples of showing vulnerability:

  • Example 1 : My mother telling me she had cancer over breakfast was not on my bingo card this year.
  • Example 2 : I never thought losing someone I love would change me.
  • Example 3: I had to lose everything in order to gain everything.

I know being vulnerable can be tough for some , but showing this side of you to college admissions officers and/or professors will not only make you stand out, but it can also help free you of things that might be weighing on your mind. Not to sound corny, but it can be therapeutic and make you a better writer . Just make sure you are staying on track with the essay prompt, and you're set!

Whether it's believed or not, an admissions officer wants to see pieces of you in your personal statement, so starting your essay by showing authenticity is a major major key. Along with being vulnerable, there are a few ways you can achieve this.

  • Reflect : Take the time to reflect on your experiences, values, and beliefs that have shaped who you are today. Let your values, passions, and interests shine through in your writing.
  • Mind Your Voice : Write in your own voice and avoid trying to sound like someone you're not. Authenticity comes from being genuine and true to yourself.
  • Tell Your Story : Share personal anecdotes and insights that show your unique perspective.
  • Be True to You : Focus on what matters to YOU (as long as you're on topic!). Write about what is meaningful and important to you rather than what you think admissions officers want to hear.

Above all, be open . Showing introspection and self-awareness in your essay will show any admissions committee who you are beneath the surface, as well as your personal growth.

You can also begin your essay being as random and silly as you'd like . It goes hand-in-hand with other important factors like vulnerability and authenticity. But don't get too crazy . Beginning your essay with something strange will definitely draw readers in. Let me show you what I mean.

  • Example 1 : I start my mornings off in silence and solitude to keep people away from me.
  • Example 2 : Sometimes, I like to circle big words in complex articles to learn new words. Yeah, but to also keep one in my back pocket for later use.
  • Example 3 : Being the youngest child means getting away with everything you want, and that's exactly how I like it.

Do you see how each sentence draws you in? Not only are they light-hearted, but they also make you want to know why you want to keep people away in the morning and what kind of weapon you're forming against others with new words. And every youngest sibling will attest to feeling that exact same way. All of these examples are sure to make your essay fun, show who you are, and leave readers wanting more.

mistakes to avoid in college essays

Years of writing college essays have taken me through every high and low of the process possible. And when they're good, they're great! But for some reason, my mistakes stick out more than anything. So, I've compiled a list of common mistakes to avoid when writing your college essay .

  • Avoid Being Cliche - While you want to be captivating, you want to avoid overly used syntax and phrases that could potentially lose your reader's curiosity. For example, "in today's day and age," "follow my heart," "don't judge a book by its cover," etc. are all cliches that can be avoided by thinking outside of the box.
  • Using Vocabulary to be Impressive - I know you want to impress the admissions committees, but it's important to stick to what you know and not what you can allude to. That is, use verbiage that resonates with your personality. Using extravagant words can work against you, and they can also sound forced. College admissions officers want to see the real you, so show it to them.
  • Steer Clear of Controversy - Though it's not said enough, your college essay should tell your personal story and not touch on things that can stir the pot. For instance, talking about politics and religious beliefs may not be the route you want to take UNLESS it's called for in the college essay topic. And if so, stay on track with the essay prompts.
  • Procrastinating : Waiting until the last minute to start writing your essay will bite you in the butt. You will feel rushed and end up writing a poorly crafted piece. Give yourself enough time to complete an essay draft, edit the draft, and repeat this two-step cycle until your essay is complete.
  • Lack of originality : This goes hand-in-hand with avoiding cliches. Your college essay should exude a lot of your personality, so show admissions officers and teachers who you are! Include your cultural background, test scores that you're proud of, any future aspirations, etc. This all depends on the essay prompts, of course, but in my experience, every essay topic has room to show who you are.
  • Ignoring the prompt : This is a major key. STAY ON TRACK. Make sure to carefully read and understand the essay prompt, and write your essay accordingly. The last thing you want to do is write a college essay that has nothing to do with the prompt. Reading is essential here.
  • Lack of focus : If you want to know how to start a college essay, that means knowing how to stay focused. Find a quiet space, turn off electronics, hide your phone, and really nestle into how you want to capture your reader's attention. This will help you use your five senses clearly, keep your writing strong and not write an overly wordy essay. Focus is the tool here.
  • Poor organization : Make sure your essay has a strong structure with clear transitions between paragraphs. An outline will work best to accomplish this. If you go into starting your college essay without a plan, be prepared to hit all roadblocks.
  • Neglecting to Revise and Edit : Like procrastinating, don't fail to revise and edit your work. Always, always, always proofread your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors , as well as clarity and coherence.
  • Not Seeking Feedback : Listen, I know that completing an essay is an accomplishment in itself, and you immediately want to submit it, but it's so beneficial to have others read your essay for feedback. You can only spot so many holes in your work when your eyes are constantly reviewing it, so a second, third, or even fourth set of eyes can help point out areas for improvement.

Above all, trust the writing process. Though I do want you to be aware of your jargon, don't get too wrapped up in thinking you're making a mistake. That's what editing is for! Once you complete your college essay, you should always revise and edit accordingly . What you thought sounded good might make you edit it to sound great. Just keep in mind that many colleges are looking for honesty and authenticity vs how well you can sound on paper . So, if you're aware of these factors, you'll be good to go.

ways to overcome writers block

Ways to Overcome Writer's Block

Take it from someone who has suffered from chronic writer's block, it's a pain to get through . Imagine being on a writing streak so good that when you stop, the entire essay writing process stops as a whole. It's definitely a challenge, but after 10 years of writing essays and really honing my craft, I learned a few things that have helped me get through even the thickest of writer's blocks, and I want to share them with you. Check them out:

  • Take a break : This works every single time. Take a short break and step away from your computer to clear your mind and come back with a fresh perspective. For me, 15 minutes is all I ever need. If you need more time, that's okay. Just try not to make your break a rest.
  • Freewriting : Sometimes, I'd start writing without worrying about my structure or grammar to get the ideas flowing, and surprisingly enough, I found my essay taking a pleasant turn.
  • Change your environment : Move around. Don't underestimate the effects of a different location or workspace to stimulate creativity. Try coffee shops, bookstores, a park, or a new room in your house. New environment, new energy.
  • Set small goals : This one is actually the most important. Some people get overwhelmed with the word "essay" for things like lack of proper writing skills, pressure to write a great essay, etc. But if you try breaking down your writing task into smaller, manageable chunks to make it less overwhelming, it can help. For example, set a goal of three paragraphs one day, take a day to edit those paragraphs, two more the next day, and so forth. Find a formula that works for you.
  • Brainstorming : Write down all your ideas--everything. No matter how small you think the idea is, write it down. Even if these ideas seem unrelated, they will help you generate new thoughts and connections.
  • Read or listen to music : It took me a while to realize this helps, but engaging in other forms of art can inspire new ideas and break through mental blocks. And new creativity can lead you to impress admissions officers.
  • Talk it out : As a writer, it's hard to let people in on the creative process, but discussing my ideas with a friend, family member, or colleague helped me gain new perspectives and insights.
  • Relax and Meditate : Hear me out: it works! Practice deep breathing and/or meditation to reduce stress and anxiety that may be contributing to writer's block.

I won't sugarcoat it: the college application process can be intimidating , but it doesn't have to throw you off your game. When it comes to college essays, I see them as opportunities to be fun and expressive. Trust me when I say if you have fun with it, you'll attract the reader's attention , paint vivid details, and write an essay that will leave the admissions officer wanting you at their school. So, take it one step at a time and watch your personal statement come to life.


How can I make my college essay stand out to admissions officers?

Simply put, be yourself. As long as you stay on track with the essay's topic, showing pieces of yourself will allow admissions officers to know more about who you are. Essays are meant to show readers who you are, how you feel, and what you think naturally, not robotically, so be authentic in your writing, and you'll be sure to stand out amongst the rest.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a college essay?

Some common mistakes to avoid in your essay are using cliches and boring wording. You also want to avoid procrastinating, wasting time, not focusing, not editing, etc. When writing your essay, you want to make sure you give your writing the time and attention it deserves, so make sure you're aware of what is pulling you away from your writing. This will help you stay focused. If you have any other doubts, refer to the section about mistakes in this article and let it guide you to success.

How important is the college essay in the admissions process?

Your college essay is key in the admissions process . It's an admissions committee's first impression of you as a writer and potential student, so it should be taken very seriously. Trying to cut corners or rush through the writing process will be obvious, and it will stand out more than things like test scores, academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any other positive influence you've had in your life. So, don't take the easy way out and really work on your essay.

Feeling confident in your college essay skills and want to explore some other essay content? Explore our blog on the comma splice to enhance your technical writing skills!

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Aiming for the world-renowned Harvard University? As part of the application to this prestigious Ivy League school, you'll be required to submit responses to five short answer questions.  

This is actually a big change! In years past, Harvard offered an optional supplemental essay opportunity that applicants could write to add extra flair to their application. This year, Harvard has opted to require responses to five short answer prompts and completely omitted the optional, supplemental Harvard essay prompt. 

But what should you write about for your Harvard essay short answers? What are the different Harvard essay prompts to choose from, and how should you answer them so you can give yourself your best shot at getting in?

In this guide, we give you advice for each Harvard essay prompt as well as tips on how to decide what to write. But before we look at the prompts, let's go over what Harvard actually requires in terms of essays.

Feature Image: Gregor Smith /Flickr

What Essays Do You Need to Submit to Harvard?

Those applying for admission to Harvard must submit an application through either the Common Application or the Coalition Application . For your Harvard application, you'll need to write a personal essay in response to one of the prompts provided by the Common App or Coalition App (depending on the system you're applying through).

This essay is required for all applicants and should typically be about 500-550 words long (and must be less than 650 words). To learn more about this essay, check out the current prompts for the Common App and Coalition App on their official websites.

In addition to this required essay, Harvard first-year applicants are required to submit 250 word (max) responses to five short answer questions . 

Here are the prompts for the five required 2023-2024 Harvard short answer questions :

Harvard has long recognized the importance of enrolling a diverse student body. How will the life experiences that shape who you are today enable you to contribute to Harvard?

Briefly describe an intellectual experience that was important to you.

Briefly describe any of your extracurricular activities, employment experience, travel, or family responsibilities that have shaped who you are.

  • How do you hope to use your Harvard education in the future?
  • Top 3 things your roommates might like to know about you.

Now, you might be wondering: is Harvard offering an optional supplemental essay opportunity as part of this year’s application process? No. This year, Harvard is not accepting optional supplemental essays as part of the first-year admissions process . The optional supplemental essay has been offered in previous years, but not for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle. 

Now, here’s where things get a little tricky. The five short answer questions listed above are part of what’s called the Harvard first-year application supplement. But they aren’t the same thing as the supplemental essay from years past! And the important thing to remember is this: these short answer questions–and the entire Harvard supplement–are not optional. You’ll have to answer all five questions if you want to be considered as a candidate for admission!

The good news is that each short answer topic is very open ended, and they give you plenty of room to express who you are and how and why you’re the perfect fit for Harvard!


How to Write the Harvard Short Answers: Every Prompt Analyzed

In this section, we go through the five required Harvard supplement essay prompts and offer you tips on how to write effective, powerful short answers…in 200 words or less!

Prompt 1: Diversity

This first Harvard essay prompt is all about what you can bring to campus that will positively contribute to student diversity. Though we tend to think of race/ethnicity when using the word "diversity," you can actually interpret this word in a number of ways.

As a large and prestigious institution, Harvard strongly values students who have different and unique backgrounds and experiences, so it's important for them to admit students who embody these values as well.

This prompt is essentially a version of the diversity essay, which we talk about in more detail in our guide.

Here are some key types of diversity you can discuss (note that this is not an exhaustive list!):

  • Your ethnicity or race
  • A unique interest, passion, hobby, or skill you have
  • Your family or socioeconomic background
  • Your religion
  • Your cultural group
  • Your sex or gender/gender identity
  • Your opinions or values
  • Your sexual orientation

Tips for Answering This Prompt

  • Choose a personal characteristic that's had a large impact on your identity. Don't talk about your family's religion if it's had little or no impact on how you see and define yourself. Instead, concentrate on the most significant experiences or skills in your life. If you play the theremin every day and have a passion for music because of it, this would be a great skill to write about in your essay.
  • Be clear about how your unique characteristic has affected your life and growth. You don't just want to introduce the experience/skill and leave it at that. How has it molded you into the person you are today? How has it influenced your ambitions and goals? 
  • Be sure to tie this characteristic back to the diversity at Harvard. Basically, how will your experience/skill/trait positively influence the Harvard student body? For example, if you come from a specific cultural group, how do you believe this will positively impact other students?


Prompt 2: Important Intellectual Experience

With this prompt, Harvard wants you to focus on an intellectual or learning experience that's had a big impact on you in terms of your personal growth, your academic/intellectual interests and passions, the field of study you want to pursue, etc.

This intellectual experience could be anything that's intellectually stimulating, such as an essay or book you read, a poem you analyzed, or a research project you conducted.

Note that this experience does not need to be limited to something you did for school —if you've done anything in your spare time or for an extracurricular activity that you think fits this prompt, feel free to write about that.

For example, you could write about how you found an old copy of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species at a garage sale, and how reading this prompted you to develop an interest in biology, which you now intend to major in and eventually make a career out of.

This is also an ideal prompt to highlight a particular interest or passion you have that differs from the academic field you want to study in college.

For instance, perhaps you're applying for admission as a computer science major, but you're also a huge fan of poetry and often take part in local poetry readings. Writing about a poem you recently read and analyzed could illuminate to the admissions committees a different, less prominent side of your personality and intellectual interests , ultimately showing that you're open minded and invested in gaining both new skills and experiences.

  • Choose an experience that had a significant impact on you . Don't talk about how reading Romeo and Juliet in eighth grade made you realize how much you enjoyed writing plays if you were already writing plays way before then! Pinpoint an intellectual experience that was meaningful to you, and write about it honestly.
  • Be specific about the intellectual experience you had and clearly relate it back to your strengths and interests . In other words, what kind of impact did this experience have on you? Your academic goals? Your future plans? For example, instead of writing about how a scientific paper on climate change made you think more deeply about the environment, you could talk about how this paper prompted you to form a recycling program at your school, take a class on marine biology, and so forth.


Prompt 3: Non-Academic Defining Experiences

This prompt is asking you to discuss experiences you've had that involved traveling, living, learning, and/or working in some capacity outside of the formal classroom. Most importantly, you’ll need to explain what kind of effect that experience has had on you.

Here are examples of experiences you could talk about for this essay:

  • Any extracurricular activity you engage in, particularly a spike approach, if you’ve got one (learn more about creating your spike approach in our complete guide !)
  • Living or traveling abroad
  • Moving to a new place or living in multiple places
  • Working a part-time job
  • Working a temporary job or internship somewhere outside your own community
  • Helping with finances, caregiving, or maintaining a family business (like a farm or lawn care business, for example)
  • Choose a truly significant experience to talk about. Although your experience doesn't need to be life-changing, it should have had a noteworthy impact on you and who you've become. If, for example, you traveled to Mexico with your family but didn't really enjoy or learn much from the trip, it's better to avoid writing about this experience.
  • Make sure to talk about how this travel/living/work experience has affected you. For example, say you spent a couple of summers in high school visiting relatives in South Africa. You could write about how these trips helped you develop a stronger sense of independence and self-sufficiency—traits which have made you more assertive, especially when it comes to leading group projects and giving speeches.
  • Don't be afraid to get creative with this essay. For instance, if you lived in a country where you at first didn't understand the local language, you could open your Harvard essay with an anecdote, such as a conversation you overheard or a funny miscommunication.


Prompt 4: Harvard and Your Future

This Harvard essay prompt is pretty self-explanatory: it wants you to discuss how you intend to use your education at Harvard after you graduate—so in a future job or career, in grad school, in a particular research field, etc.

Basically, how will your college education help you achieve your future goals (whatever those may be)?

If you’re still undecided about the field(a) you want to study at Harvard, don’t panic! It’s okay to think outside the box for this prompt. 

Maybe you don’t know what you want to major in yet, but you do know that you share Harvard’s values and want to bring those values to the world after you graduate. Whether you’ll do that by joining the Peace Corps or heading back to your hometown to volunteer for a few months before starting your career, just be specific about how Harvard is the right school to put you on the path to your future! 

  • Be careful when talking about your future goals. You don't want to come off too idealistic, but you also don't want to sound too broad or you'll come across unfocused and ambivalent. Try to strike a balance in how you discuss your future dreams so that they're both attainable and specific.
  • Clearly connect your goals back to your current self and what you've accomplished up until this point. You want to make it clear that your goals are actually attainable, specifically with a Harvard education. If you say you hope to start your own interior design business after graduation but are planning to major in biology, you're only going to confuse the admissions committee!
  • Emphasize any ways Harvard specifically will help you attain your academic goals. For example, is there a club you hope to join that could connect you with other students? Or is there a particular professor you want to work with? Don't just throw in names of clubs and people but specifically explain how these resources will help you reach your goals. In short, show Harvard that what they can offer you is exactly what you need to succeed.


Prompt 5: Your Future Goals

How you hope to use your college education

This Harvard essay prompt is pretty self-explanatory: it wants you to discuss how you intend to use your education at Harvard after you graduate —so in a future job or career, in grad school, in a particular research field, etc.

Should You Choose This Prompt?

If you have a pretty clear vision for your future goals during and after college, this is a perfect prompt to choose for your Harvard essay.

If, on the other hand, you're still undecided about the field(s) you want to study or how you intend to use your major, you might want to choose a different prompt that's less focused on your future and more concentrated on how past events and experiences have shaped you as a person.


Prompt 6: List of Books

A list of books you have read during the past twelve months

Of all Harvard essay prompts, this one is by far the most unique.

Here, you're asked to simply list the books you've read in the past year. This essay is more than just a list, though—it's a brief overview of where your intellectual interests lie. These books may include works of fiction or nonfiction, essays, collections of poetry, etc.

Have you read a lot of diverse and interesting books in the past year? Are you an avid reader who loves dissecting books and essays? Do you enjoy a creative approach to college essays? If you answered yes to these questions, then this prompt is a perfect fit for you.

Even if you haven't read a ton of books this past year, if you were especially intrigued by some or all of what you did read, you could certainly use this prompt for your essay.

  • Instead of just listing the titles of books you've read, you might want to include a short sentence or two commenting on your reaction to the book, your analysis of it, why you enjoyed or didn't enjoy it, etc., after each title. Be sure to vary up your comments so that you're highlighting different aspects of your personality. Also, don't just regurgitate analyses you've read online or that your teacher has said—try to come up with your own thoughts and interpretations.
  • Don't feel the need to stick to only the most "impressive" books you read. The Harvard admissions committee wants to see your personality, not that of a pretentious applicant who claims to have only read Jane Austen and Ernest Hemingway. Be honest: if you read Twilight in a day, why not make a short joke about how addictive it was?
  • Go beyond a chronological list of books. It'll be far more interesting if you list the books you read in a more unique way. For example, you could organize titles by theme or in the order of how much you enjoyed them.


Prompt 7: Honesty

The Harvard College Honor code declares that we "hold honesty as the foundation of our community." As you consider entering this community that is committed to honesty, please reflect on a time when you or someone you observed had to make a choice about whether to act with integrity and honesty.

As you can see with this quotation, Harvard strongly values honesty and integrity. Therefore, if you go with this prompt, you're essentially telling Harvard that you, too, embody a powerful sense of morality and honesty.

  • Was there a specific time in your life when you had to make a difficult choice to be honest about something with someone?
  • Could this incident be considered morally ambiguous? In other words, was the "right thing to do" somewhat of a gray area?
  • If you didn't make the "right" choice at the time, how did you come to terms with or learn from this decision? What were the consequences, and what did this experience teach you about your own morals and how you value honesty?
  • Be wary of the topic you choose to write about. Don't discuss a situation in which you did something obviously unethical or, worse, illegal. These types of situations are very black and white and therefore don't pose much of a moral dilemma. Additionally, talking about such an experience might make you seem dishonest and immoral, which you absolutely do not want Harvard to think about you!
  • Try to find a topic that isn't black and white. Choosing "gray" incidents will help emphasize why the choice was so difficult for you and also why it's affected you in this way. For example, say your friend calls you crying right before you have to leave to take the SAT. Do you skip the test to comfort your friend, or do you hang up and leave? This kind of situation does not have an evident "right" answer, making it an ideal one to use for this essay.
  • You could also discuss a time when you did not make the "right" choice—and what you learned from that mistake. As long as you look closely at why you made the "wrong" choice and what this incident taught you about integrity, your essay will be interesting and relevant.


Prompt 8: Citizens and Citizen-Leaders

The mission of Harvard College is to educate our students to be citizens and citizen-leaders for society. What would you do to contribute to the lives of your classmates in advancing this mission?

This prompt might sound a little vague, but all it wants to know is how you'll have a positive impact on both your classmates and on other people after graduation. Put simply, what kind of leader/citizen will you be at Harvard? After you graduate from college and enter the real world?

This prompt is similar to Prompt 5 in that it wants to know what kind of person you'll become after you leave college and how you'll positively influence society.

If you're a natural-born leader and have had at least a few significant experiences with leading or facilitating things such as club activities, field trips, volunteer efforts, and so on, then this Harvard essay prompt would be a great fit for you.

  • Focus on a time when you led others and it resulted in a positive outcome. For instance, you could write about your position as team captain on your school's soccer team and how you would gather your teammates before each game to offer words of encouragement and advice on how to improve. You could then describe how your team began to perform better in games due to clearer communication and a stronger sense of sportsmanship. Make sure to answer the critical question: how did you lead and what ultimately made your leadership style successful?
  • Discuss what kind of role your leadership skills will have at both Harvard and after you graduate. The prompt is asking about your classmates, so you must specifically address how your leadership skills will contribute to the lives of your peers. How will your past experiences with leading help you approach group projects, for example? Or clubs you join?
  • Make sure to mention how you'll be a good citizen, too. By "citizen," Harvard essentially means a productive member of both the school and society in general. Basically, how have you contributed to the betterment of society? This is a good place to talk about experiences in which you played a crucial supporting role; for instance, maybe you helped out with a local volunteer initiative to feed the homeless, or maybe you joined a community project to build a new park in your town.


Prompt 9: Taking Time Off

Each year a substantial number of students admitted to Harvard defer their admission for one year or take time off during college. If you decided in the future to choose either option, what would you like to do?

Here, you're being asked what you plan to do with your time if you decide to defer your admission to Harvard or take time off during college. For example, will you travel the world? Work a full-time job? Do an internship? Take care of a sick relative?

Obviously, Harvard doesn't want to read that all you're going to do is relax and play video games all day, so make sure to think carefully about what your actual plans are and, more importantly, how these plans will benefit you as a person and as a student.

Only choose this Harvard essay prompt if you're pretty certain you'll be taking time off from college at some point (either before or during) and you have a relatively concrete idea of what you want to do during that time.

  • Be specific and honest about your plans. While many students like to take time off to travel the world, you don't just want to write, "I plan to backpack Europe and learn about cultures." Think critically about your desires: why do you want to do this and how will this experience help you grow as a person? Don't just reiterate what you think Harvard wants to hear—be transparent about why you feel you need this time off from school to accomplish this goal.
  • Be clear about why you must do this at this particular time. In other words, why do you think this (i.e., before or during college) is the right time to do whatever it is you plan to do? Is it something you can (or must) do at this exact time, such as a one-time internship that won't be offered again?


Prompt 10: Diversity

Harvard has long recognized the importance of student body diversity of all kinds. We welcome you to write about distinctive aspects of your background, personal development or the intellectual interests you might bring to your Harvard classmates.

This final Harvard essay prompt is all about what you can bring to campus that will positively contribute to student diversity. Though we tend to think of race/ethnicity when using the word "diversity," you can actually interpret this word in a number of ways.

This prompt is essentially a version of the diversity essay , which we talk about in more detail in our guide.

The main question to ask yourself before choosing this prompt is this: do you have a unique background or interest you can write about?

If any of these topics stand out to you and you can easily come up with a specific characteristic or experience to discuss for your essay, then this is a solid prompt to consider answering.

  • Be clear about how your unique characteristic has affected your life and growth. You don't just want to introduce the experience/skill and leave it at that. How has it molded you into the person you are today? How has it influenced your ambitions and goals?

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A Real Harvard Essay Example

Our resident full SAT / ACT scorer and co-founder of PrepScholar, Allen Cheng , applied to, got into, and attended Harvard—and he's posted his own Harvard supplement essay for you to look at. You can read all about Allen's essay in his analysis of his successful Harvard application .

Allen describes his essay as "probably neutral to [his Harvard] application, not a strong net positive or net negative," so it's important to note that this Harvard essay example is not representative of exactly what you should do in your own Harvard supplement essay. Rather, we're showing it to you to give you a taste of how you could approach the Harvard essay and to demonstrate the kinds of simple mistakes you should avoid.


Writing a Memorable Harvard Essay: 3 Tips

To wrap up, here are three tips to keep in mind as you write your Harvard supplement essay.

#1: Use an Authentic Voice

Having a clear, unique, and authentic voice is the key to making yourself stand apart from other applicants in your Harvard application—and to ensuring you're leaving a long-lasting impression on the admissions committee.

Therefore, write your essay in the way that comes most naturally to you, and talk about the things that actually matter to you. For example, if you love puns, throwing one or two puns into your essay will emphasize your goofier, non-academic side.

Using your voice here is important because it humanizes your application. The essay is the only chance you get to show the admissions committee who you are and what you actually sound like, so don't pretend to be someone you're not!

The only thing to look out for is using too much slang or sounding too casual. In the end, this is still a college essay, so you don't want to come off sounding rude, disrespectful, or immature.

In addition, don't exaggerate any experiences or emotions. The Harvard admissions committee is pretty good at their job—they read thousands of applications each year!—so they'll definitely be able to tell if you're making a bigger deal out of something than you should be. Skip the hyperbole and stick to what you know.

Ultimately, your goal should be to strike a balance so that you're being true to yourself while also showcasing your intelligence and talents.

#2: Get Creative

Harvard is one of the most difficult schools to get into (it only has about a 4% acceptance rate! ), so you'll need to make sure your essay is really, really attention-grabbing. In short, get creative with it!

As you write your personal essay, recall the classic saying: show, don't tell. This means that you should rely more on description and imagery than on explanation.

For example, instead of writing, "I became more confident after participating in the debate club," you might write, "The next time I went onstage for a debate, my shoulders didn't shake as much; my lips didn't quiver; and my heart only beat 100 times instead of 120 times per minute."

Remember that your essay is a story about yourself, so make sure it's interesting to read and will ultimately be memorable to your readers.

#3: Edit and Proofread a Lot

My final tip is to polish your essay by editing and proofreading it a lot. This means you should look it over not once, not twice, but several times.

Here's the trick to editing it: once you've got a rough draft of your essay finished, put it away for a few days or a week or two. Don't look at it all during this time —you want to give yourself some distance so that you can look at your essay later with a fresh perspective.

After you've waited, read over your essay again, noting any mistakes in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation. Take care to also note any awkward wording, unclear areas, or irrelevant ideas. Ask yourself: is there anything you should add? Delete? Expand?

Once you've done this step several times and have a (nearly) final draft ready to turn in, give your essay to someone you can trust, such as a teacher, parent, or mentor. Have them look it over and offer feedback on tone, voice, theme, style, etc. In addition, make sure that they check for any glaring grammatical or technical errors.

Once all of this is done, you'll have a well-written, polished Harvard essay ready to go— one that'll hopefully get you accepted!


What's Next?

If you've got questions about other parts of the Harvard application, check out our top guide to learn what you'll need to submit to get into the prestigious Ivy League school .

How tough is it to get into Harvard? To other selective universities ? For answers, read our expert guide on how to get into Harvard and the Ivy League , written by an actual Harvard alum!

What's the average SAT score of admitted Harvard applicants? The average ACT score? The average GPA? Learn all this and more by visiting our Harvard admissions requirements page .

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel.

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Writing in Literature: Writing the Prompt Paper

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Whether you are given a selection of prompts to choose from or just one, knowing something about the various sorts of writing prompts can help you understand what your teacher expects and how you should approach the project.

“Compare and Contrast”

This classic writing prompt can be quite challenging because it sounds almost as if you are being asked to compile a list of similarities and differences. While a list might be of use in the planning stage, this prompt asks you to use what you discover to arrive at a conclusion about the two works under discussion.

Example: “Compare and contrast the two endings for Dickens’ Great Expectations paying special attention to the situation of Stella at the close of the novel.”

  • Find three or four elements from the texts upon which to base your comparison.
  • Examine possible connections and determine a thesis.
  • Base your outline around the elements you’ve chosen, remembering to give equal coverage to each side.

“Discuss the theme of x as it appears in works a, b, and c.”

This is an extended or re-named compare and contrast prompt. In this situation, you are given a general theme, such as “loss of innocence” or “self-revelation.” Your job is to use the instances of that theme to arrive at some general conclusions regarding how the theme works in the text you are analyzing.

Example: “Discuss the ways in which Shakespeare talks about the passing of time in three of the sonnets we read for class.”

  • Re-read carefully the selected works looking specifically for the theme or motif in question. Then research the ways in which other critics have examined this theme.
  • Determine your argument. Will you make a claim for similarity (“A, b, and c use x in much the same way.”), difference (“A, b, and c, when dealing with x, take highly individual approaches.”), or superiority (“While a and b deal with x, c clearly demonstrates a richer, more nuanced treatment.”)?
  • Organize your paper around the works, making each point deal thoroughly with a discrete work. Remember that connections are of the utmost importance for this paper, so pay close attention to your transitions.

“What is the role of women/the role of class/the role of the Other as presented in this work?”

All three examples above serve as first steps to the larger world of literary theory and criticism. Writing prompts like this ask you to examine a work from a particular perspective. You may not be comfortable with this new perspective. Chances are that since your instructor has given you such an assignment, the issues in question will be at least partially covered in class.

Example: “Discuss the ways in which the outsider or Other is dealt with in James Joyce’s story “The Dead.”

  • Categorize the persons or characters in the piece. What are they in the most general, stereotypical way? Male or female? Lower or upper class? Natives or foreigners? Strangers or friends?
  • Examine the ways in which the characters you’ve categorized fit or don’t fit into the boxes you’ve assigned them. Do they support or undermine the categories, and what do others (including the author) say about them and their place in the world?
  • Write your paper as if you were giving a new definition (or an amended definition)of the category in question using the text as your guide. Your main points should highlight the ways in which the text uses or discards the accepted categories.

“Critic A has famously said “B” about this work. In light of our study of the piece in question, would you agree or disagree, why or why not?”

This sort of question is often asked as an in-class essay, but can appear as a prompt for larger papers. The goal of a question like this is to give you the opportunity to deal with the critical voices of others in your own writings.

Example: “C.S. Lewis has said that Chaucer is “our foremost poet of joy” in the English language, and in this field he “has few equals and no masters.” Discuss how this applies to the ending of “The Knight’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales.”

  • Read and re-read the quote from the prompt several times. Ask yourself what seems to be the quote’s central claim.
  • Apply that claim to the relevant passage or work. In a way, you are being asked not to examine the literature so much as the claim about the literature. Does it hold up to scrutiny in light of the actual text?
  • Your instructor would be equally pleased whether you agree or disagree with the critic’s views as long as you do so in a scholarly fashion. Structure your paper around the claims made by the quote and use lines from the text to support your own reaction.

prompt in essay

8 Ways to Create AI-Proof Writing Prompts

C reating 100 percent AI-proof writing prompts can often be impossible but that doesn’t mean there aren’t strategies that can limit the efficacy of AI work. These techniques can also help ensure more of the writing submitted in your classroom is human-generated. 

I started seeing a big uptick in AI-generated work submitted in my classes over the last year and that has continued. As a result, I’ve gotten much better at recognizing AI work , but I’ve also gotten better at creating writing prompts that are less AI-friendly. 

Essentially, I like to use the public health Swiss cheese analogy when thinking about AI prevention: All these strategies on their own have holes but when you layer the cheese together, you create a barrier that’s hard to get through. 

The eight strategies here may not prevent students from submitting AI work, but I find these can incentivize human writing and make sure that any work submitted via AI will not really meet the requirements of the assignment. 

1. Writing AI-Proof Prompts: Put Your Prompt Into Popular AI tools such as ChatGPT, Copilot, and Bard 

Putting your writing prompt into an AI tools will give you an immediate idea of how most AI tools will handle your prompt. If the various AI chatbots do a good, or at least adequate, job immediately, it might be wise to tweak the prompt. 

One of my classes asks students to write about a prized possession. When you put this prompt into an AI chatbot, it frequently returns an essay about a family member's finely crafted watch. Obviously, I now watch out for any essays about watches. 

2. Forbid Cliché Use

Probably the quickest and easiest way to cut back on some AI use is to come down hard on cliché use in writing assignments. AI tools are essentially cliché machines, so banning these can prevent a lot of AI use. 

Equally as important, this practice will help your students become better writers. As any good writer knows, clichés should be avoided like the plague. 

3. Incorporate Recent Events

The free version of ChatGPT only has access to events up to 2022. While there are plugins to allow it to search the internet and other internet-capable AI tools, some students won’t get further than ChatGPT. 

More importantly, in my experience, all AI tools struggle to incorporate recent events as effectively as historic ones. So connecting class material and assignments to events such as a recent State of Union speech or the Academy Awards will make any AI writing use less effective. 

4. Require Quotes

AI tools can incorporate direct quotations but most are not very good at doing so. The quotes used tend to be very short and not as well-placed within essays. 

Asking an AI tool for recent quotes also can be particularly problematic for today’s robot writers. For instance, I asked Microsoft's Copilot to summarize the recent Academy Awards using quotes, and specifically asked it to quote from Oppenheimer's director Christopher Nolan’s acceptance speech. It quoted something Nolan had previously said instead. Copilot also quoted from Wes Anderson’s acceptance speech, an obvious error since Anderson wasn’t at the awards .  

5. Make Assignments Personal

Having students reflect on material in their own lives can be a good way to prevent AI writing. In-person teachers can get to know their students well enough to know when these types of personal details are fabricated. 

I teach online but still find it easier to tell when a more personalized prompt was written by AI. For example, one student submitted a paper about how much she loved skateboarding that was so non-specific it screamed AI written. Another submitted a post about a pair of sneakers that was also clearly written by a "sole-less" AI (I could tell because of the clichés and other reasons). 

6. Make Primary or Scholarly Sources Mandatory

Requiring sources that are not easily accessible on the internet can stop AI writing in its tracks. I like to have students find historic newspapers for certain assignments. The AI tools I am familiar with can’t incorporate these. 

For instance, I asked Copilot to compare coverage of the first Academy Awards in the media to the most recent awards show and to include quotes from historic newspaper coverage. The comparison was not well done and there were no quotes from historical newspaper coverage. 

AI tools also struggle to incorporate journal articles. Encouraging your students to include these types of sources ensures the work they produce is deeper than something that can be revealed by a quick Google search, which not only makes it harder for AI to write but also can raise the overall quality.  

7. Require Interviews, Field Trips, Etc. 

Building on primary and scholarly sources, you can have your students conduct interviews or go on field trips to historic sites, museums, etc. 

AI is still, thankfully, incapable of engaging in these types of behavior. This requires too much work for every assignment but it is the most effective way to truly ensure your work is human- not computer-written. 

If you’re still worried about AI use, you can even go a step further by asking your students to include photos of them with their interview subjects or from the field trips. Yes, AI art generators are getting better as well, but remember the Swiss cheese analogy? Every layer of prevention can help. 

8. Have Students Write During Class

As I said to start, none of the methods discussed are foolproof. Many ways around these safeguards already exist and there will be more ways to bypass these in the future. So if you’re really, really worried about AI use you may want to choose what I call the “nuclear option.” If you teach in person you can require students to write essays in person. 

This approach definitely works for preventing AI and is okay for short pieces, but for longer pieces, it has a lot of downsides. I would have trouble writing a long piece in this setting and imagine many students will as well. Additionally, this requirement could create an accusatory class atmosphere that is more focused on preventing AI use than actually teaching. It’s also not practical for online teaching. 

That all being said, given how common AI writing has become in education, I understand why some teachers will turn to this method. Hopefully, suggestions 1-7 will work but if AI-generated papers are still out of hand in your classroom, this is a blunt-force method that can work temporarily. 

Good luck and may your assignments be free of AI writing! 

  • 7 Ways To Detect AI Writing Without Technology
  • Best Free AI Detection Sites
  • My Student Was Submitting AI Papers. Here's What I Did

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30 Creative Picture Writing Prompts

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 27, 2024

Picture Writing Prompts

Picture prompt writing, as Carp et al. (2010) define it, is a technique that uses visual stimuli to inspire and guide students’ writing. Picture prompts are an excellent tool for overcoming writer’s block. They provide a visual stimulus that can ignite creativity and help students generate ideas and organize their thoughts, making the writing process more approachable and less intimidating.

In today’s post, I share practical tips for effectively using picture prompts in writing. I will start with some tips on how to best utilize picture prompts, discuss their numerous benefits, and provide examples to get you started. Additionally, I encourage you to read the references at the bottom of this page for a deeper understanding of this powerful educational tool.

All the picture prompts in this post are available for free download in PNG format. You can easily access and use these resources to enhance your teaching and engage your students in creative writing activities.

What Are The Benefits of Picture Writing Prompts?

The importance of picture writing prompts is well documented in the research literature. These visual tools have been shown to significantly enhance student engagement and creativity in writing tasks. By providing a concrete image to spark imagination, picture prompts help students of all ages and proficiency levels generate ideas more easily, organize their thoughts coherently, and express themselves more vividly.

Picture writing prompts offer a range of benefits supported by various studies:

  • Enhanced Engagement and Motivation : Picture prompts capture students’ interest and motivate them to write, as they provide a stimulating visual context (Mukramah et al., 2023; Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).
  • Improved Idea Formulation : Visual prompts help students generate and organize ideas more effectively, leading to richer and more detailed writing (Mukramah et al., 2023; Carp et al., 2020).
  • Support for Diverse Learners : They are particularly beneficial for English Language Learners and students of different age groups, helping them overcome language barriers and express their thoughts clearly (Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).
  • Encouragement of Creative Thinking : Picture prompts inspire creative storytelling and imaginative responses, allowing students to explore different narrative possibilities (Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).
  • Facilitation of Critical Thinking : Analyzing and interpreting images encourages students to think critically about what they see and how they translate those thoughts into writing (Mukramah et al., 2023; Carp et al., 2020).
  • Ease of Use Across Subjects : These prompts can be used in various subjects, not just language arts, to inspire writing related to science, social studies, and more (Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).

Picture Writing Prompts

Tips for Using Picture Prompts in Writing

Using picture prompts in writing activities can be incredibly effective in enhancing students’ creativity and writing skills. However, to maximize their benefits, it’s essential to implement them thoughtfully. Below are some tips to help educators effectively use picture prompts in their writing lessons. These suggestions are designed to engage students, stimulate their imagination, and improve their overall writing abilities, making the writing process both educational and enjoyable.

  • Select Diverse Images : Use a variety of pictures, including different subjects and settings, to cater to different interests and stimulate diverse ideas.
  • Connect to Writing Goals : Choose images that align with specific writing objectives, such as descriptive, narrative, or persuasive writing.
  • Encourage Observation : Ask students to closely observe details in the picture, fostering critical thinking and attention to detail.
  • Ask Guiding Questions : Provide prompts like “What is happening in this scene?” or “How do you think the characters feel?”
  • Incorporate Group Activities : Use picture prompts for group discussions to generate collaborative story ideas.
  • Allow Creative Freedom : Encourage students to interpret the images in unique ways, supporting creativity and individual expression.
  • Combine with Other Prompts : Mix picture prompts with text or question prompts to provide more structure and support.
  • Use for Various Genres : Adapt picture prompts for different genres, such as poetry, essays, and fiction.
  • Reflect and Share : Have students share their stories with peers and reflect on how the images influenced their writing.
  • Integrate Technology : Utilize digital platforms to display images and enable students to write and share their responses online.

Using Picture Prompt Writing with Students with Special Needs

Picture prompt writing is also beneficial for students with special needs, particularly those with developmental delays such as autism. The research conducted by Carp et al. (2012) found that picture prompts significantly improved the acquisition of auditory-visual conditional discriminations in children with autism, compared to pointing prompts and trial-and-error learning.

The study showed that picture prompts facilitated faster learning and greater accuracy by enhancing the participants’ ability to discriminate relevant features of the comparison stimuli. This suggests that picture prompts are a valuable tool in teaching complex skills to children with developmental delays, supporting their use in educational programs for individuals with autism.

Additionally, Fisher, Kodak, and Moore (2007) demonstrated that picture prompts facilitated the acquisition of auditory-visual conditional discriminations in children with autism. Their study found that picture prompts were more effective than pointing prompts in promoting correct comparison selections.

Carp et al. also cited additional studies that explored various prompting tactics and their effectiveness in teaching complex skills to individuals with developmental disabilities. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating picture prompts into educational strategies to support the learning and development of students with special needs.

Picture Writing Prompts Examples

In this section, I’ve categorized picture writing prompts into three groups to suit different age levels: kids, middle school, and high school. Each category contains tailored prompts designed to engage students at their respective developmental stages.

For Kids (Elementary School)

In this section, we will explore picture writing prompts designed for elementary school students. These prompts are tailored to engage young minds with topics that are both fun and educational. Whether it’s imagining a day in the life of a lion or describing the wonders of a magical garden, these prompts encourage creativity and help children develop their descriptive writing skills.

1. Animals and Nature

Prompt: “Write a story about a day in the life of a lion in the savannah. What adventures does the lion have? Who are its friends?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe what happens in a magical garden that changes with each season. What do you see, hear, and smell during spring, summer, autumn, and winter?”

Picture Writing Prompts

2. Fantasy and Adventure

Prompt: “Imagine you found a dragon egg. Describe what happens when it hatches and the adventures you go on with your dragon.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write about a group of friends who find a treasure map and go on a pirate adventure to find the hidden treasure.”

Picture Writing Prompts

3. Daily Life

Prompt: “Describe a fun day at the park with your friends. What games do you play? What do you see around you?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about your family cooking dinner together. What do you make, and how do you all help?”

Picture Writing Prompts

4. Holidays and Celebrations

Prompt: “Write about the most exciting Halloween night you can imagine. What costumes do people wear? What surprises do you find?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a special family tradition during Christmas. What activities do you do together? How does it make you feel?”

Picture Writing Prompts

5. Community and Helpers

Prompt: “Imagine you spent a day with a firefighter. Describe the different tasks you help with and how you save the day.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about a community event like a parade or fair. What different activities and people do you see?”

Picture Writing Prompts

For Middle School

Middle school is a time of expanding horizons and growing curiosity. This section focuses on picture writing prompts that challenge students to think critically and creatively. From historical events to futuristic cities, these prompts are designed to foster deeper thinking and help students make connections between their writing and the world around them.

1. Historical Events

Prompt: “Imagine you are a reporter covering the moon landing. Describe the events as you see them unfold and how people react.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a diary entry from the perspective of a child living in ancient Egypt. What is your daily life like?”

Picture Writing Prompts

2. Science and Technology

Prompt: “Describe a futuristic city where robots help with everyday tasks. How do people live and interact with these robots?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write about an environmental project you would start to help reduce pollution in your city.”

Picture Writing Prompts

3. Mystery and Suspense

Prompt: “A foggy forest path leads to an abandoned house. Write a story about what you find inside and the mystery you uncover.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe the events of a night when you and your friends decided to explore a rumored haunted house.”

Picture Writing Prompts

4. Emotions and Relationships

Prompt: “Write about a time when you felt incredibly happy. What caused this happiness, and how did it change your day?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a friendship that started unexpectedly and became very important to you.”

Picture Writing Prompts

5. Exploration and Travel

Prompt: “Imagine you are exploring the Great Wall of China. Describe your journey and the sights you see.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about a scuba diving adventure where you discover a hidden underwater city.”

Picture Writing Prompts

For High School

High school students are ready to tackle more complex and abstract themes in their writing. In this section, we provide picture writing prompts that encourage them to explore social issues, abstract concepts, and literary inspirations. These prompts are intended to provoke thoughtful responses and help students develop their analytical and expressive abilities.

1. Social Issues

Prompt: “Write an essay on the impact of climate change on your community. What changes have you observed, and what solutions do you propose?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a protest you attended or would like to attend. What is the cause, and what do you hope to achieve?”

Picture Writing Prompts

2. Abstract and Symbolic

Prompt: “Look at an abstract painting and describe what it represents to you. How does it make you feel, and what do you think the artist was trying to convey?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story inspired by a symbolic image, such as a broken chain or a lone tree in a vast field.”

Picture Writing Prompts

3. Literary Inspiration

Prompt: “Imagine you are a character in a classic novel like ‘Pride and Prejudice’ or ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’ Write a new scene that fits into the story.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a painting from the Renaissance era and create a story based on the characters and setting.”

Picture Writing Prompts

4. Career and Future

Prompt: “Write a day in the life of your dream job. What tasks do you perform, and what challenges do you face?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe your first day at college. How do you feel, what do you do, and who do you meet?”

Picture Writing Prompts

5. Cultural Diversity

Prompt: “Describe a cultural festival you attended. What traditions did you observe, and what did you learn?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about a family from a different culture moving to your town. How do they adapt, and what do they teach you?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Related: 9 Great Books on Essay Writing

Final thoughts

In this post, I talked about picture writing prompts and covered their importance, practical tips for using them, their benefits, and examples to get you started. Picture prompts are excellent tools for overcoming writer’s block and enhancing students’ creativity and writing skills. I hope these insights and strategies will inspire you to incorporate picture prompts into your writing activities. For further reading and a deeper understanding, I encourage you to explore the references provided.

  • Carp, C. L., Peterson, S. P., Arkel, A. J., Petursdottir, A. I., & Ingvarsson, E. T. (2012). A further evaluation of picture prompts during auditory-visual conditional discrimination training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis , 45 (4), 737–751. https://doi.org/10.1901/jaba.2012.45-737
  • Dube, W. V., & McIlvane, W. J. (1999). Reduction of stimulus overselectivity with nonverbal differential observing responses. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 32, 25-33. doi:10.1901/jaba.1999.32-25
  • Fisher, W. W., Kodak, T., & Moore, J. W. (2007). Embedding an identity-matching task within a prompting hierarchy to facilitate acquisition of conditional discriminations in children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 489–499. doi:10.1901/jaba.2007.40-489
  • Gonchar, M., & Schulten, K. (2017). A Year of Picture Prompts: Over 160 Images to Inspire Writing. The new York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/01/learning/lesson-plans/a-year-of-picture-prompts-over-160-images-to-inspire-writing.html
  • Mukramah, C., Mustafa, F., & Sari, D. F. (2023). The Effect of Picture and Text Prompts on Idea Formulation and Organization of Descriptive Text. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 325-341

Further Readings on Picture Prompt Writing

If you’re looking to delve deeper into the benefits and applications of picture prompts in writing, here are some valuable resources:

  • “5 Reasons to Use Pictures as Writing Prompts” by The Write Practice
  • “How to Use Images to Inspire Creative Writing” by Edutopia
  • “ 144 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing” by The Learning Network

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Secondary Medical School Application Essays: How to Shine

U.S. News & World Report

May 29, 2024, 8:00 PM

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After receiving primary applications, most medical schools ask applicants to complete a secondary application, which typically includes additional essay questions. While primary essay prompts ask why you’re pursuing medicine, medical school secondary essays focus on you and how you fit with a specific school.

Secondary essay prompts vary by school, but they’re generally designed to help med schools learn about you at a deeper level. They may ask you to reflect on what makes you who you are, a time when you worked with a population different than yourself, an occasion where you asked for help or a time when you worked in a team. They may ask how you spent a gap year before applying to medical school or what you did after your undergraduate degree.

“What we are trying to figure out is if this is a candidate that can fulfill the premedical competencies and whether they are mission-aligned,” says Dr. Wendy Jackson, associate dean for admissions at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine . “Can they help fulfill the needs that our institution is trying to deliver?”

A lot rides on these essays, but keeping a few best practices in mind can make the process less daunting.

Emphasize Fit

The first thing medical schools look for is whether an applicant will be a good fit for the school’s mission, Jackson says.

“I would challenge someone who is completing a secondary application to understand the mission of the school and envision how they are going to contribute to that,” she says. “The vast majority of schools are going to ask why you chose their institution, so you need to be prepared to answer that.”

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Some secondary essay questions are optional, but experts recommend answering them even though they’re extra work. For example, the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Tennessee asks applicants what makes them interested in the school.

“We just want to see if they’re a good fit for us and that they’ve done a little bit of homework about Vanderbilt,” says Jennifer Kimble, director of admissions at Vanderbilt’s medical school. “We want to make sure that the students we admit are going to be happy with their Vanderbilt experience.”

Avoid focusing on what you’re going to gain from the school — schools are really asking how you’ll be an asset to the program.

“It’s almost like if you’re trying to date someone and you tell them, ‘Here’s what I’m going to get from this relationship,’ without saying, ‘We’re better off together,'” says Shirag Shemmassian, founder of Shemmassian Academic Consulting. “You have to sell the idea that you’re bettering one another and how you’re better together than apart. I think students often miss that latter component.”

Don’t Procrastinate

The medical school application process is often compared to a marathon, but the final steps may feel like a sprint. Applicants typically receive secondary application requests in late June, and in some cases schools want those back within a matter of weeks. Others set deadlines months down the road.

Either way, because of rolling admissions , it’s best to send essays in as early as possible without compromising quality, Shemmassian says.

The earlier an applicant submits materials, the less competition they typically face, experts say. For example, Vanderbilt receives nearly 7,000 applications per year. Of those, roughly 600 applicants will be asked to interview and around 260 will be offered admission for 96 spots.

“At the beginning of the cycle, our calendar is wide open and we’re very open to who we bring in for an interview,” Kimble says. “Down the road when we only have 30 seats left, it’s highly selective who those candidates are that get those coveted 30 interview spots that are left over.”

Prewrite Essays

Applicants won’t know the specific language of secondary essay prompts until schools send them, but in many cases, essay prompts are similar year to year and the previous year’s prompts are often published on a school’s admissions website, experts say. Some schools may change or tweak questions, but you can generally get a head start by prewriting essays based on previous prompts.

“As the new ones come out, you can modify as needed,” Shemmassian says. “I would say that about 70% to 80% of prompts will remain the same or similar. If they change, you can usually adapt an essay you’ve written for another school.”

Secondary essays vary in length and number. Vanderbilt requires applicants to submit an 800-word essay and two 600-word essays. Some schools may require close to 10 secondary essays. Shemmassian says this is significantly more writing than applicants are used to, so budgeting time is crucial.

But applicants should take care when prewriting essays and make sure each is tailored to the specific school with the correct school name, experts say. Jackson says she’s read plenty of essays where applicants included the wrong school name and it cost them.

“You may think you can save time by cutting and pasting or taking half of a previously written essay response and making a modification,” Jackson says. “Be careful, because the questions vary from institution to institution.”

Experts say applicants often neglect to fully read prompts in their haste to complete answers. Though there’s a time crunch, it’s vital to thoroughly read the prompt and answer the question fully without grammatical or spelling errors.

“That seems kind of silly, but I think we can get going down a road when we’re writing and feel like we’ve completed and written something well but look back and never really have a response to the true question being asked,” Jackson says.

Be Authentic

Medical school applicants tend to put a lot of pressure on themselves to write something that schools haven’t read before, Kimble says. Given that med schools sift through thousands of applicants a year, “we’ve read all sorts of scenarios in life, so take that pressure and put it on the shelf,” she says. “That’s not a concern for us. We aren’t looking for something that’s totally innovative.”

Experts say schools are mostly looking for authenticity and an organic, genuine tone. The tone “can make or break an applicant,” Jackson says.

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It may be tempting, especially given time constraints, to rely on outside help — such as ChatGPT or other AI-powered software — to write essays. While some professors and admissions officers have embraced AI to help automate certain processes, Kimble says she strongly discourages med school applicants from using AI to help with secondary essays.

“We had an (application) that you could clearly see was not written by a human voice,” she says. “It sounded very computer generated, so we ended up passing on the candidate just because we want to hear their story in their own words.”

A Secondary Essay Example

Shemmassian compiles more than 1,000 sample secondary essays each year, using prompts from more than 150 medical schools in various states, and offers them to paying clients. The excerpted example below, created by Shemmassian’s team and used with their permission, shows what he considers to be a successful diversity-themed essay in response to a Yale University School of Medicine prompt that asks applicants to reflect on how their background and experiences contribute to the school’s focus on diversity and how it will inform their future role as a doctor.

As a child, one of my favorite times of the year was the summer, when I would travel to Yemen… at least until I turned twelve. Suddenly, the traditional and, in my Yemeni American view, restrictive laws for women, applied to me. Perhaps the most representative of these laws was having to cover my hair with a scarf-like garment. Staying true to my values, I decided against returning to Yemen, thereby losing a vital connection to my culture. However, this estrangement did not inhibit my growth.

The 500-word response continues with how the applicant met a Yemeni student who grew up in France and was barred from wearing a headscarf due to a school uniform policy. Where the applicant saw the headscarf as restrictive, the other student saw it as a connection to her roots. The applicant describes how although the same object held different meanings to two people from the same background, she used that to appreciate different perspectives and to advocate for a woman’s right to express herself.

Later that year, I applied this lesson in perspective to my work as a clinical coordinator, when a patient walked into the office and handed me a piece of paper explaining she only spoke Arabic…By thinking critically while vernacularly translating the doctor’s advice, I was directly involved in the process of her medical care. Because of my experience in exploring the multi-cultural barriers I faced alongside the Yemeni French student who cherished her headscarf, I spent time talking to this Yemeni patient about the barriers she had faced in receiving care.

This experience motivated me to help overcome cultural healthcare barriers and disparities, showcasing my devotion to equitable treatment by creating a new protocol within the clinic where I work. Now, when scheduling patients over the phone, we ask if they have any language preferences, and we have a series of scripts we can use during each patient’s treatment.

The applicant then drives home why she believes she’s a good fit for the school.

My background and experiences will contribute to Yale School of Medicine’s diversity and inform my future role as a physician by creating a student organization that holds informational workshops, utilizing my unique experiences to connect with Yale’s diverse patient population, and working to address healthcare disparities as a future physician. I envision these informational workshops would operate in the Haven Free Clinic patient waiting rooms to empower all patients, regardless of their background.

This essay is successful because it does more than tell essay readers about the applicant’s background, Shemmassian says. It shows how the applicant grew “into a more compassionate and culturally humble future physician who will help patients overcome health care barriers.”

“Strong diversity essays will always show admissions committees how a unique trait or life experience will help them become a better physician,” he says. “This essay is especially successful because the applicant connects their experiences and what they’ve learned because of them to the Yale School of Medicine itself. This is an applicant who is already thinking deeply about not just what they can get out of medical school but how they can contribute to the values and mission of the school they attend.”

Searching for a medical school? Get our complete rankings of Best Medical Schools.

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Secondary Medical School Application Essays: How to Shine originally appeared on usnews.com

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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

A New Approach to LSAT Writing Will Debut on July 30, 2024

By Susan Krinsky

As legal education curricula and the practice of law continue to change with the times, LSAC is innovating to provide a new writing assessment that responds to the evolving needs of the profession.

On July 30, a redesigned approach to the LSAT Writing section of the LSAT will make its debut as we open the 2024-2025 testing cycle, which begins with the August administration of the LSAT.

This new approach to the writing assessment will help law schools continue to make holistic admission decisions and help prospective law students better prepare for the writing they will do in law school and beyond – still without the need for any specialized skills, knowledge, or experience with legal concepts.

Since 1982, LSAT Writing prompts have been designed to assess logical reasoning in the context of argumentative writing. But legal education curricula, the legal profession, and the demands of legal practice continue to evolve. In our ongoing conversations with law schools and the legal profession, we hear consistently about the importance of strong analytical and argumentative writing skills and the need to better assess a student’s potential earlier in their academic journey.

Based on input from our member schools and other stakeholders in the legal profession, the new LSAT Writing section of the LSAT will be an even more effective tool for assessing the writing skills of individuals prior to law school. These changes will help schools better understand the writing capabilities of applicants for the purposes of their admission decisions. It will also enable law schools to better provide writing support for their students who need to strengthen their writing skills so they are better prepared for bar passage, finding employment, and practice.

This new approach aims to assess a test taker’s ability to construct a cogent argument based on a variety of evidentiary sources. Test takers will be presented with a debatable issue along with different perspectives that provide additional context. These perspectives, each of which is conveyed in a few sentences, are representative of a system of beliefs or values. Together, the perspectives illustrate competing ideologies and arguments around a particular issue. The test taker will then draft an argumentative essay in which they take a position, while addressing some of the arguments and ideas presented by the other perspectives.

The new argumentative writing task is designed to give test takers a clearer, more authentic writing purpose than the former “decision based” LSAT Writing prompt, which was more narrowly focused on pure logical reasoning. When test takers have an opportunity to construct an original thesis and defend it based on their own judgment and analytical evaluation, rather than following pre-ordained lines of reasoning, we can better assess a broader and more complex range of decision-making skills that writers engage in.

By adopting this design, we’re not only enabling individuals to have a more authentic voice in their argument, but we are also better positioned to evaluate the writer’s ability to employ various rhetorical techniques, evidentiary strategies, and other important aspects of argumentative writing.  

Given the additional reading required, we will be adding a short preparatory period to the LSAT Writing test, which test takers can use to organize their thoughts using guided prewriting analysis questions and to take notes using the digital notetaking tool provided in the testing environment. The questions are designed to help test takers analyze the various perspectives and generate productive ideas for their essay. Most test takers will have a total of 50 minutes – 15 minutes for prewriting analysis and 35 minutes for essay writing. Test takers with approved accommodations for additional time will have their time allocations adjusted accordingly.

To give test takers the opportunity to prepare, we have published a sample prompt as part of the free Official LSAT PrepTest library available in LawHub . Test takers can begin to familiarize themselves with the new approach and take practice LSAT Writing sessions in the official LSAT Writing environment.

We are also providing a sample of the new LSAT Writing prompt on LSAC.org . It should be noted that this LSAC.org sample is a “text only” version and that test functionality, including the timing function, is included in the practice environment in LawHub .

LSAT Writing has always been a part of the LSAT. Over the years, law schools have expressed the desire to make greater use of the writing portion in their holistic evaluations, so we moved to a digital assessment (instead of handwritten) so that schools could receive, read, and evaluate the students’ work. The changes we are announcing today will make the writing sample even more useful to schools in their evaluation and admission processes.

For the 2024-2025 testing cycle, LSAT Writing will remain an unscored part of the LSAT. Over the course of the 2024-2025 testing cycle, we will be analyzing data of the new LSAT Writing prompt to assess its validity and reliability with a long-term goal of providing a scored LSAT Writing assessment that schools may use in their holistic admission process.

We are excited to offer this new approach to LSAT Writing, starting August 1. We believe this new approach will allow test takers to demonstrate their writing skills even more effectively and will provide schools with even more insight into the strengths and potential of applicants.

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Susan L. Krinsky

Susan L. Krinsky


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    Then provide any context your reader needs to understand your topic. Close with your thesis statement. 6. Write the body of the essay. Depending on your prompt, your answer may be as short as a paragraph. Most writing assignments expect several paragraphs, and many prefer the 5-paragraph form.

  11. How Do You Use a Writing Prompt

    A writing prompt is a brief passage of text (or sometimes an image) that provides a potential topic idea or starting point for an original essay, report, journal entry, story, poem, or other forms of writing. Writing prompts are commonly used in the essay portions of standardized tests, but they may also be devised by the writers themselves.

  12. Understanding Your Instructor's Prompt

    Understanding Your Instructor's Prompt. Most essay prompts include key words. Learning to "decode" these key words can clarify your writing goals for any particular assignment. Key words can also suggest the details your essay should include and strategies for how you might organize your paper. It is helpful to read your assignment prompt ...

  13. How to Write an Argumentative Essay

    Examples of argumentative essay prompts. At a university level, all the prompts below imply an argumentative essay as the appropriate response. Your research should lead you to develop a specific position on the topic. The essay then argues for that position and aims to convince the reader by presenting your evidence, evaluation and analysis.

  14. Over 170 Prompts to Inspire Writing and Discussion

    During the 2020-21 school year, we asked 176 questions, and you can find them all below or here as a PDF. The questions are divided into two categories — those that provide opportunities for ...

  15. What Is a Writing Prompt and What Types There Are?

    A writing prompt is a sentence, paragraph, or (rarer) an image that provides inspiration and guidance for creative writing. It may be used as a possible topic or starting point for an original essay, report, journal entry, story, poem, etc. A writing prompt's main aim is to test a writer's analytical capabilities, writing skills, and ...

  16. Six Parts of an Effective Prompt • Southwestern University

    You can find the full prompt from which this example is drawn here . 5. Framing questions. This section is designed to provide students with further guidance. Depending on the type of assignment, you might include either an overview of important sections or framing questions or both. The length of this section will depend on the degree to which ...

  17. Generate Topic Ideas For an Essay or Paper

    This prompt gives us a very general subject. It doesn't ask for a specific type of essay, but the word explain suggests that an expository essay is the most appropriate response. Example: Argumentative essay prompt What was the most important invention of the 20th century, and why? Support your argument with evidence from a range of sources.

  18. What is a Prompt in Writing an Essay

    Essay prompts are typically a trigger for ideas regarding a topic or issue. It is something professors give students to get them to respond by writing an essay paper. They are usually made up of 1 to 3 sentences giving some background on the topic, followed by a question. But the truth is that there are no rules or formats to a writing prompt ...

  19. How to Start a College Essay: 5 Effective Techniques

    This all depends on the essay prompts, of course, but in my experience, every essay topic has room to show who you are. Ignoring the prompt: This is a major key. STAY ON TRACK. Make sure to carefully read and understand the essay prompt, and write your essay accordingly. The last thing you want to do is write a college essay that has nothing to ...

  20. How to Write the Perfect Harvard Essay: 3 Expert Tips

    Prompt 4: Harvard and Your Future. This Harvard essay prompt is pretty self-explanatory: it wants you to discuss how you intend to use your education at Harvard after you graduate—so in a future job or career, in grad school, in a particular research field, etc.

  21. The Prompt Paper

    Writing in Literature: Writing the Prompt Paper. Whether you are given a selection of prompts to choose from or just one, knowing something about the various sorts of writing prompts can help you understand what your teacher expects and how you should approach the project. "Compare and Contrast". This classic writing prompt can be quite ...

  22. How to Write an Essay Introduction

    Step 1: Hook your reader. Step 2: Give background information. Step 3: Present your thesis statement. Step 4: Map your essay's structure. Step 5: Check and revise. More examples of essay introductions. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about the essay introduction.

  23. 8 Ways to Create AI-Proof Writing Prompts

    When you put this prompt into an AI chatbot, it frequently returns an essay about a family member's finely crafted watch. Obviously, I now watch out for any essays about watches. 2. Forbid Cliché Use

  24. 30 Creative Picture Writing Prompts

    Picture prompt writing, as Carp et al. (2010) define it, is a technique that uses visual stimuli to inspire and guide students' writing. Picture prompts are an excellent tool for overcoming writer's block. They provide a visual stimulus that can ignite creativity and help students generate ideas and organize their thoughts, making the writing process…

  25. Secondary Medical School Application Essays: How to Shine

    A Secondary Essay Example. Shemmassian compiles more than 1,000 sample secondary essays each year, using prompts from more than 150 medical schools in various states, and offers them to paying ...

  26. A New Approach to LSAT Writing Will Debut on July 30, 2024

    Over the course of the 2024-2025 testing cycle, we will be analyzing data of the new LSAT Writing prompt to assess its validity and reliability with a long-term goal of providing a scored LSAT Writing assessment that schools may use in their holistic admission process. We are excited to offer this new approach to LSAT Writing, starting August 1.

  27. 10 ChatGPT prompt writing styles from Beginner to Master

    ChatGPT Prompt Writing. Level 1: Basic Requests - Simple, direct prompts without much thought, yielding unpredictable results. Level 2: Formatting and Politeness - Small formatting changes and ...