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Why Problem-Solving Skills Are Essential for Leaders in Any Industry

Business man leading team in problem-solving exercise with white board

  • 17 Jan 2023

Any organization offering a product or service is in the business of solving problems.

Whether providing medical care to address health issues or quick convenience to those hungry for dinner, a business’s purpose is to satisfy customer needs .

In addition to solving customers’ problems, you’ll undoubtedly encounter challenges within your organization as it evolves to meet customer needs. You’re likely to experience growing pains in the form of missed targets, unattained goals, and team disagreements.

Yet, the ubiquity of problems doesn’t have to be discouraging; with the right frameworks and tools, you can build the skills to solve consumers' and your organization’s most challenging issues.

Here’s a primer on problem-solving in business, why it’s important, the skills you need, and how to build them.

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What Is Problem-Solving in Business?

Problem-solving is the process of systematically removing barriers that prevent you or others from reaching goals.

Your business removes obstacles in customers’ lives through its products or services, just as you can remove obstacles that keep your team from achieving business goals.

Design Thinking

Design thinking , as described by Harvard Business School Dean Srikant Datar in the online course Design Thinking and Innovation , is a human-centered , solutions-based approach to problem-solving and innovation. Originally created for product design, design thinking’s use case has evolved . It’s now used to solve internal business problems, too.

The design thinking process has four stages :

4 Stages of Design Thinking

  • Clarify: Clarify a problem through research and feedback from those impacted.
  • Ideate: Armed with new insights, generate as many solutions as possible.
  • Develop: Combine and cull your ideas into a short list of viable, feasible, and desirable options before building prototypes (if making physical products) and creating a plan of action (if solving an intangible problem).
  • Implement: Execute the strongest idea, ensuring clear communication with all stakeholders about its potential value and deliberate reasoning.

Using this framework, you can generate innovative ideas that wouldn’t have surfaced otherwise.

Creative Problem-Solving

Another, less structured approach to challenges is creative problem-solving , which employs a series of exercises to explore open-ended solutions and develop new perspectives. This is especially useful when a problem’s root cause has yet to be defined.

You can use creative problem-solving tools in design thinking’s “ideate” stage, which include:

  • Brainstorming: Instruct everyone to develop as many ideas as possible in an allotted time frame without passing judgment.
  • Divergent thinking exercises: Rather than arriving at the same conclusion (convergent thinking), instruct everyone to come up with a unique idea for a given prompt (divergent thinking). This type of exercise helps avoid the tendency to agree with others’ ideas without considering alternatives.
  • Alternate worlds: Ask your team to consider how various personas would manage the problem. For instance, how would a pilot approach it? What about a young child? What about a seasoned engineer?

It can be tempting to fall back on how problems have been solved before, especially if they worked well. However, if you’re striving for innovation, relying on existing systems can stunt your company’s growth.

Related: How to Be a More Creative Problem-Solver at Work: 8 Tips

Why Is Problem-Solving Important for Leaders?

While obstacles’ specifics vary between industries, strong problem-solving skills are crucial for leaders in any field.

Whether building a new product or dealing with internal issues, you’re bound to come up against challenges. Having frameworks and tools at your disposal when they arise can turn issues into opportunities.

As a leader, it’s rarely your responsibility to solve a problem single-handedly, so it’s crucial to know how to empower employees to work together to find the best solution.

Your job is to guide them through each step of the framework and set the parameters and prompts within which they can be creative. Then, you can develop a list of ideas together, test the best ones, and implement the chosen solution.

Related: 5 Design Thinking Skills for Business Professionals

4 Problem-Solving Skills All Leaders Need

1. problem framing.

One key skill for any leader is framing problems in a way that makes sense for their organization. Problem framing is defined in Design Thinking and Innovation as determining the scope, context, and perspective of the problem you’re trying to solve.

“Before you begin to generate solutions for your problem, you must always think hard about how you’re going to frame that problem,” Datar says in the course.

For instance, imagine you work for a company that sells children’s sneakers, and sales have plummeted. When framing the problem, consider:

  • What is the children’s sneaker market like right now?
  • Should we improve the quality of our sneakers?
  • Should we assess all children’s footwear?
  • Is this a marketing issue for children’s sneakers specifically?
  • Is this a bigger issue that impacts how we should market or produce all footwear?

While there’s no one right way to frame a problem, how you do can impact the solutions you generate. It’s imperative to accurately frame problems to align with organizational priorities and ensure your team generates useful ideas for your firm.

To solve a problem, you need to empathize with those impacted by it. Empathy is the ability to understand others’ emotions and experiences. While many believe empathy is a fixed trait, it’s a skill you can strengthen through practice.

When confronted with a problem, consider whom it impacts. Returning to the children’s sneaker example, think of who’s affected:

  • Your organization’s employees, because sales are down
  • The customers who typically buy your sneakers
  • The children who typically wear your sneakers

Empathy is required to get to the problem’s root and consider each group’s perspective. Assuming someone’s perspective often isn’t accurate, so the best way to get that information is by collecting user feedback.

For instance, if you asked customers who typically buy your children’s sneakers why they’ve stopped, they could say, “A new brand of children’s sneakers came onto the market that have soles with more traction. I want my child to be as safe as possible, so I bought those instead.”

When someone shares their feelings and experiences, you have an opportunity to empathize with them. This can yield solutions to their problem that directly address its root and shows you care. In this case, you may design a new line of children’s sneakers with extremely grippy soles for added safety, knowing that’s what your customers care most about.

Related: 3 Effective Methods for Assessing Customer Needs

3. Breaking Cognitive Fixedness

Cognitive fixedness is a state of mind in which you examine situations through the lens of past experiences. This locks you into one mindset rather than allowing you to consider alternative possibilities.

For instance, your cognitive fixedness may make you think rubber is the only material for sneaker treads. What else could you use? Is there a grippier alternative you haven’t considered?

Problem-solving is all about overcoming cognitive fixedness. You not only need to foster this skill in yourself but among your team.

4. Creating a Psychologically Safe Environment

As a leader, it’s your job to create an environment conducive to problem-solving. In a psychologically safe environment, all team members feel comfortable bringing ideas to the table, which are likely influenced by their personal opinions and experiences.

If employees are penalized for “bad” ideas or chastised for questioning long-held procedures and systems, innovation has no place to take root.

By employing the design thinking framework and creative problem-solving exercises, you can foster a setting in which your team feels comfortable sharing ideas and new, innovative solutions can grow.

Design Thinking and Innovation | Uncover creative solutions to your business problems | Learn More

How to Build Problem-Solving Skills

The most obvious answer to how to build your problem-solving skills is perhaps the most intimidating: You must practice.

Again and again, you’ll encounter challenges, use creative problem-solving tools and design thinking frameworks, and assess results to learn what to do differently next time.

While most of your practice will occur within your organization, you can learn in a lower-stakes setting by taking an online course, such as Design Thinking and Innovation . Datar guides you through each tool and framework, presenting real-world business examples to help you envision how you would approach the same types of problems in your organization.

Are you interested in uncovering innovative solutions for your organization’s business problems? Explore Design Thinking and Innovation —one of our online entrepreneurship and innovation courses —to learn how to leverage proven frameworks and tools to solve challenges. Not sure which course is right for you? Download our free flowchart .

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what is a problem solving in business

What Is Problem Solving in Business?

Problem-solving in business is defined as implementing processes that reduce or remove obstacles that are preventing you or others from accomplishing operational and strategic business goals.

In business, a problem is a situation that creates a gap between the desired and actual outcomes. In addition, a true problem typically does not have an immediately obvious resolution.

Business problem-solving works best when it is approached through a consistent system in which individuals:

  • Identify and define the problem
  • Prioritize the problem based on size, potential impact, and urgency
  • Complete a root-cause analysis
  • Develop a variety of possible solutions
  • Evaluate possible solutions and decide which is most effective
  • Plan and implement the solution

Why Is Problem-Solving Important in Business?

Understanding the importance of problem-solving skills in the workplace will help you develop as a leader. Problem-solving skills will help you resolve critical issues and conflicts that you come across. Problem-solving is a valued skill in the workplace because it allows you to:

  • Apply a standard problem-solving system to all challenges
  • Find the root causes of problems
  • Quickly deal with short-term business interruptions
  • Form plans to deal with long-term problems and improve the organization
  • See challenges as opportunities
  • Keep your cool during challenges

How Do You Solve Business Problems Effectively?

There are many different problem-solving strategies, but most can be broken into general steps. Here is a six-step method for business problem solving:

1) Identify the Details of the Problem: Gather enough information to accurately define the problem. This can include data on procedures being used, employee actions, relevant workplace rules, and so on. Write down the specific outcome that is needed, but don’t assume what the solution should be.

  • Use the Five Whys: When assessing a problem, a common strategy is to ask “why” five times. First, ask why the problem occurred. Then, take the answer and ask “why” again, and so on. The intention is to help you get down to the root cause of the problem so you can directly target that core issue with your solution.

2) Creatively Brainstorm Solutions:   State every solution you can think of. Write them down. Seek input from those who possess in-depth knowledge of or experience with the problem you’re trying to solve. These insights will provide you with valuable perspectives you can transform into tangible and impactful solutions.

3) Evaluate Solutions and Make a Decision:   Assess the feasibility of each solution. Is the deadline realistic? Are there readily available resources you can leverage to successfully implement the solution? What is the return on investment of each solution? If necessary, come up with alternative solutions or adjust the initial ones you brainstormed in step 2.

4) Make a Decision: Finally, make a firm decision on one solution. This final solution should clearly address the root cause of the problem.

  • Perform a SWOT Analysis: You can use a SWOT analysis to help you decide on the best solution. A SWOT analysis involves identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats linked to a specific decision. With this framework, your team can assess a decision from various angles, thereby gaining a holistic view of it.

5) Take Action:   Write up a detailed plan. This involves developing a comprehensive roadmap that outlines the steps required to implement your solution. The steps should specify milestones, deadlines, roles, and how to obtain the necessary approvals. To ensure accountability, your entire team should have access to this action plan. Each team member should be able to track and share their progress with the group.

6) Gather and Share Feedback: Problem-solving is not a “set it and forget it” process. It’s a dynamic journey that necessitates ongoing attention, deliberation, and refinement to achieve optimal results. Thus, periodic feedback is critical in validating whether the chosen solution creates the desired impact. It allows key stakeholders to check in and make any necessary changes.

What Are Problem-Solving Skills?

Problem-solving skills are specific procedures that can be used to complete one or more of the six general steps of problem-solving (discussed above). Here are five important examples:

Using Emotional Intelligence: You’ll solve problems more calmly when you learn to recognize your own emotional patterns and to empathize with and guide the emotions of others. Avoid knee-jerk responses and making assumptions.

Researching Problems: An effective solution requires an accurate description of the problem. Define simple problems using quick research methods such as asking, “What? Where? When? and How much?.” Difficult problems require more in-depth research, such as data exploration, surveys, and interviews.

Creative Brainstorming: When brainstorming with a group, encourage idea creation by listening attentively to everyone, and recognizing everyone’s unique contributions.

Logical Reasoning: Develop standard logical steps for analyzing possible solutions to problems. Study and apply ideas about logical fallacies, deductive reasoning, and other areas of analytical thought.

Decisiveness: Use an agreed-upon system for choosing a solution, which can include assigning pros and cons to solutions, identifying mandatory results, getting feedback about solutions, choosing the decision-maker(s), and finishing or repeating the process.

How Can You Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills?

Learning how to solve business problems takes time and effort. Though some people appear to have been born with superior problem-solving skills, great problem-solvers usually have taken the time to refine their abilities. You can develop high-level skills for solving problems too, through the following methods:

Ask and Listen: Don’t expect to solve every problem alone. Ask for advice, and listen to it carefully.

Practice Curiosity: Any time you’re involved in solving a problem, practice researching and defining the problem just a little longer than you would naturally.

Break Down Problems: Whenever possible, break large problems into their smallest units. Then, search for solutions to one unit at a time.

Don’t Label Yourself Negatively: Don’t allow a problem to mean something negative about you personally. Separate yourself from it. Look at it objectively and be part of the solution.

Enhance Your Problem-Solving Skills with CMOE

Problem-solving skills in business are not developed overnight. Developing then takes ongoing practice and the right guidance to get right. We encourage you to leverage CMOE’s Problem-Solving and Decision Making in the Workplace workshop to further develop your skills. We’ll help you identify new ways to solve problems methodically so you can create greater impact.

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10 Step Process for Effective Business Problem Solving

Posted august 3, 2021 by harriet genever.

Navigate uncertainty by following this 10-step process to develop your problem-solving skills and approach any issue with confidence. 

When you start a small business or launch a startup, the one thing you can count on is the unexpected. No matter how thoroughly you plan, forecast , and test, problems are bound to arise. This is why as an entrepreneur, you need to know how to solve business problems effectively.

What is problem solving in business?

Problem solving in business relates to establishing processes that mitigate or remove obstacles currently preventing you from reaching strategic goals . These are typically complex issues that create a gap between actual results and your desired outcome. They may be present in a single team, operational process, or throughout your entire organization, typically without an immediate or obvious solution. 

To approach problem solving successfully, you need to establish consistent processes that help you evaluate, explore solutions, prioritize execution, and measure success. In many ways, it should be similar to how you review business performance through a monthly plan review . You work through the same documentation, look for gaps, dig deeper to identify the root cause, and hash out options. Without this process, you simply cannot expect to solve problems efficiently or effectively. 

Why problem solving is important for your business

While some would say problem-solving comes naturally, it’s actually a skill you can grow and refine over time. Problem solving skills will help you and your team tackle critical issues and conflicts as they arise. It starts from the top. You as the business owner or CEO needing to display the type of level-headed problem solving that you expect to see from your employees.

Doing so will help you and your staff quickly deal with issues, establish and refine a problem solving process, turn challenges into opportunities, and generally keep a level head. Now, the best business leaders didn’t just find a magic solution to solve their problems, they built processes and leveraged tools to find success. And you can do the same.

By following this 10-step process, you can develop your problem-solving skills and approach any issue that arises with confidence. 

1. Define the problem

When a problem arises, it can be very easy to jump right into creating a solution. However, if you don’t thoroughly examine what led to the problem in the first place, you may create a strategy that doesn’t actually solve it. You may just be treating the symptoms.

For instance, if you realize that your sales from new customers are dropping, your first inclination might be to rush into putting together a marketing plan to increase exposure. But what if decreasing sales are just a symptom of the real problem? 

When you define the problem, you want to be sure you’re not missing the forest for the trees. If you have a large issue on your hands, you’ll want to look at it from several different angles:


Is a competitor’s promotion or pricing affecting your sales? Are there new entrants in your market? How are they marketing their product or business?

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Is your business model sustainable? Is it realistic for how fast you want to grow? Should you explore different pricing or cost strategies?

Market factors

How are world events and the nation’s economy affecting your customers and your sales?

Are there any issues affecting your team? Do they have the tools and resources they need to succeed? 

Goal alignment 

Is everyone on your team working toward the same goal ? Have you communicated your short-term and long-term business goals clearly and often?

There are a lot of ways to approach the issue when you’re facing a serious business problem. The key is to make sure you’re getting a full snapshot of what’s going on so you don’t waste money and resources on band-aid solutions. 

Going back to our example, by looking at every facet of your business, you may discover that you’re spending more on advertising than your competitors already. And instead, there’s a communication gap within your team that’s leading to the mishandling of new customers and therefore lost sales. 

If you jumped into fixing the exposure of your brand, you would have been dumping more money into an area you’re already winning. Potentially leading to greater losses as more and more new customers are dropped due to poor internal communication.

This is why it’s so vital that you explore your blind spots and track the problem to its source.

2. Conduct a SWOT analysis

All good businesses solve some sort of problem for customers. What if your particular business problem is actually an opportunity, or even a strength if considered from a different angle? This is when you’d want to conduct a SWOT analysis to determine if that is in fact the case.

SWOT is a great tool for strategic planning and bringing multiple viewpoints to the table when you’re looking at investing resources to solve a problem. This may even be incorporated in your attempts to identify the source of your problem, as it can quickly outline specific strengths and weaknesses of your business. And then by identifying any potential opportunities or threats, you can utilize your findings to kickstart a solution. 

3. Identify multiple solutions with design thinking

As you approach solving your problem, you may want to consider using the design thinking approach . It’s often used by organizations looking to solve big, community-based problems. One of its strengths is that it requires involving a wide range of people in the problem-solving process. Which leads to multiple perspectives and solutions arising.

This approach—applying your company’s skills and expertise to a problem in the market—is the basis for design thinking.

It’s not about finding the most complex problems to solve, but about finding common needs within the organization and in the real world and coming up with solutions that fit those needs. When you’re solving business problems, this applies in the sense that you’re looking for solutions that address underlying issues—you’re looking at the big picture.

4. Conduct market research and customer outreach

Market research and customer outreach aren’t the sorts of things small business owners and startups can do once and then cross off the list. When you’re facing a roadblock, think back to the last time you did some solid market research or took a deep dive into understanding the competitive landscape .

Market research and the insights you get from customer outreach aren’t a silver bullet. Many companies struggle with what they should do with conflicting data points. But it’s worth struggling through and gathering information that can help you better understand your target market . Plus, your customers can be one of the best sources of criticism. It’s actually a gift if you can avoid taking the negatives personally .

The worst thing you can do when you’re facing challenges is isolating yourself from your customers and ignore your competition. So survey your customers. Put together a competitive matrix . 

5. Seek input from your team and your mentors

Don’t do your SWOT analysis or design thinking work by yourself. The freedom to express concerns, opinions, and ideas will allow people in an organization to speak up. Their feedback is going to help you move faster and more efficiently. If you have a team in place, bring them into the discussion. You hired them to be experts in their area; use their expertise to navigate and dig deeper into underlying causes of problems and potential solutions.

If you’re running your business solo, at least bring in a trusted mentor. SCORE offers a free business mentorship program if you don’t already have one. It can also be helpful to connect with a strategic business advisor , especially if business financials aren’t your strongest suit.

Quoting Stephen Covey, who said that “strength lies in differences, not in similarities,” speaking to the importance of diversity when it comes to problem-solving in business. The more diverse a team is , the more often innovative solutions to the problems faced by the organization appear.

In fact, it has been found that groups that show greater diversity were better at solving problems than groups made up specifically of highly skilled problem solvers. So whoever you bring in to help you problem-solve, resist the urge to surround yourself with people who already agree with you about everything.

6. Apply lean planning for nimble execution

So you do your SWOT analysis and your design thinking exercise. You come up with a set of strong, data-driven ideas. But implementing them requires you to adjust your budget, or your strategic plan, or even your understanding of your target market.

Are you willing to change course? Can you quickly make adjustments? Well in order to grow, you can’t be afraid to be nimble . 

By adopting the lean business planning method —the process of revising your business strategy regularly—you’ll be able to shift your strategies more fluidly. You don’t want to change course every week, and you don’t want to fall victim to shiny object thinking. But you can strike a balance that allows you to reduce your business’s risk while keeping your team heading in the right direction.

Along the way, you’ll make strategic decisions that don’t pan out the way you hoped. The best thing you can do is test your ideas and iterate often so you’re not wasting money and resources on things that don’t work. That’s Lean Planning .

7. Model different financial scenarios

When you’re trying to solve a serious business problem, one of the best things you can do is build a few different financial forecasts so you can model different scenarios. You might find that the idea that seemed the strongest will take longer than you thought to reverse a negative financial trend. At the very least you’ll have better insight into the financial impact of moving in a different direction.

The real benefit here is looking at different tactical approaches to the same problem. Maybe instead of increasing sales right now, you’re better off in the long run if you adopt a strategy to reduce churn and retain your best customers. You won’t know unless you model a few different scenarios. You can do this by using spreadsheets, and a tool like LivePlan can make it easier and quicker.

8. Watch your cash flow

While you’re working to solve a challenging business problem, pay particular attention to your cash flow and your cash flow forecast . Understanding when your company is at risk of running out of cash in the bank can help you be proactive. It’s a lot easier to get a line of credit while your financials still look good and healthy, than when you’re one pay period away from ruin.

If you’re dealing with a serious issue, it’s easy to start to get tunnel vision. You’ll benefit from maintaining a little breathing room for your business as you figure out what to do next.

9. Use a decision-making framework

Once you’ve gathered all the information you need, generated a number of ideas, and done some financial modeling, you might still feel uncertain. It’s natural—you’re not a fortune-teller. You’re trying to make the best decision you can with the information you have.

This article offers a really useful approach to making decisions. It starts with putting your options into a matrix like this one:

what is a problem solving in business

Use this sort of framework to put everything you’ve learned out on the table. If you’re working with a bigger team, this sort of exercise can also bring the rest of your team to the table so they feel some ownership over the outcome.

10. Identify key metrics to track

How will you know your problem is solved? And not just the symptom—how will you know when you’ve addressed the underlying issues? Before you dive into enacting the solution, make sure you know what success looks like.

Decide on a few key performance indicators . Take a baseline measurement, and set a goal and a timeframe. You’re essentially translating your solution into a plan, complete with milestones and goals. Without these, you’ve simply made a blind decision with no way to track success. You need those goals and milestones to make your plan real .

Problem solving skills to improve

As you and your team work through this process, it’s worth keeping in mind specific problem solving skills you should continue to develop. Bolstering your ability, as well as your team, to solve problems effectively will only make this process more useful and efficient. Here are a few key skills to work on.

Emotional intelligence

It can be very easy to make quick, emotional responses in a time of crisis or when discussing something you’re passionate about. To avoid making assumptions and letting your emotions get the best of you, you need to focus on empathizing with others. This involves understanding your own emotional state, reactions and listening carefully to the responses of your team. The more you’re able to listen carefully, the better you’ll be at asking for and taking advice that actually leads to effective problem solving.

Jumping right into a solution can immediately kill the possibility of solving your problem. Just like when you start a business , you need to do the research into what the problem you’re solving actually is. Luckily, you can embed research into your problem solving by holding active reviews of financial performance and team processes. Simply asking “What? Where? When? How?” can lead to more in-depth explorations of potential issues.

The best thing you can do to grow your research abilities is to encourage and practice curiosity. Look at every problem as an opportunity. Something that may be trouble now, but is worth exploring and finding the right solution. You’ll pick up best practices, useful tools and fine-tune your own research process the more you’re willing to explore.


Creatively brainstorming with your team is somewhat of an art form. There needs to be a willingness to throw everything at the wall and act as if nothing is a bad idea at the start. This style of collaboration encourages participation without fear of rejection. It also helps outline potential solutions outside of your current scope, that you can refine and turn into realistic action.

Work on breaking down problems and try to give everyone in the room a voice. The more input you allow, the greater potential you have for finding the best solution.


One thing that can drag out acting upon a potential solution, is being indecisive. If you aren’t willing to state when the final cutoff for deliberation is, you simply won’t take steps quickly enough. This is when having a process for problem solving comes in handy, as it purposefully outlines when you should start taking action.

Work on choosing decision-makers, identify necessary results and be prepared to analyze and adjust if necessary. You don’t have to get it right every time, but taking action at the right time, even if it fails, is almost more vital than never taking a step.  

Stemming off failure, you need to learn to be resilient. Again, no one gets it perfect every single time. There are so many factors in play to consider and sometimes even the most well-thought-out solution doesn’t stick. Instead of being down on yourself or your team, look to separate yourself from the problem and continue to think of it as a puzzle worth solving. Every failure is a learning opportunity and it only helps you further refine and eliminate issues in your strategy.

Problem solving is a process

The key to effective problem-solving in business is the ability to adapt. You can waste a lot of resources on staying the wrong course for too long. So make a plan to reduce your risk now. Think about what you’d do if you were faced with a problem large enough to sink your business. Be as proactive as you can.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in 2016. It was updated in 2021.

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Harriet Genever

Harriet Genever

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Effective Problem-Solving Techniques in Business

Problem solving is an increasingly important soft skill for those in business. The Future of Jobs Survey by the World Economic Forum drives this point home. According to this report, complex problem solving is identified as one of the top 15 skills that will be sought by employers in 2025, along with other soft skills such as analytical thinking, creativity and leadership.

Dr. Amy David , clinical associate professor of management for supply chain and operations management, spoke about business problem-solving methods and how the Purdue University Online MBA program prepares students to be business decision-makers.

Why Are Problem-Solving Skills Essential in Leadership Roles?

Every business will face challenges at some point. Those that are successful will have people in place who can identify and solve problems before the damage is done.

“The business world is constantly changing, and companies need to be able to adapt well in order to produce good results and meet the needs of their customers,” David says. “They also need to keep in mind the triple bottom line of ‘people, profit and planet.’ And these priorities are constantly evolving.”

To that end, David says people in management or leadership need to be able to handle new situations, something that may be outside the scope of their everyday work.

“The name of the game these days is change—and the speed of change—and that means solving new problems on a daily basis,” she says.

The pace of information and technology has also empowered the customer in a new way that provides challenges—or opportunities—for businesses to respond.

“Our customers have a lot more information and a lot more power,” she says. “If you think about somebody having an unhappy experience and tweeting about it, that’s very different from maybe 15 years ago. Back then, if you had a bad experience with a product, you might grumble about it to one or two people.”

David says that this reality changes how quickly organizations need to react and respond to their customers. And taking prompt and decisive action requires solid problem-solving skills.

What Are Some of the Most Effective Problem-Solving Methods?

David says there are a few things to consider when encountering a challenge in business.

“When faced with a problem, are we talking about something that is broad and affects a lot of people? Or is it something that affects a select few? Depending on the issue and situation, you’ll need to use different types of problem-solving strategies,” she says.

Using Techniques

There are a number of techniques that businesses use to problem solve. These can include:

  • Five Whys : This approach is helpful when the problem at hand is clear but the underlying causes are less so. By asking “Why?” five times, the final answer should get at the potential root of the problem and perhaps yield a solution.
  • Gap Analysis : Companies use gap analyses to compare current performance with expected or desired performance, which will help a company determine how to use its resources differently or adjust expectations.
  • Gemba Walk : The name, which is derived from a Japanese word meaning “the real place,” refers to a commonly used technique that allows managers to see what works (and what doesn’t) from the ground up. This is an opportunity for managers to focus on the fundamental elements of the process, identify where the value stream is and determine areas that could use improvement.
  • Porter’s Five Forces : Developed by Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter, applying the Five Forces is a way for companies to identify competitors for their business or services, and determine how the organization can adjust to stay ahead of the game.
  • Six Thinking Hats : In his book of the same name, Dr. Edward de Bono details this method that encourages parallel thinking and attempting to solve a problem by trying on different “thinking hats.” Each color hat signifies a different approach that can be utilized in the problem-solving process, ranging from logic to feelings to creativity and beyond. This method allows organizations to view problems from different angles and perspectives.
  • SWOT Analysis : This common strategic planning and management tool helps businesses identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).

“We have a lot of these different tools,” David says. “Which one to use when is going to be dependent on the problem itself, the level of the stakeholders, the number of different stakeholder groups and so on.”

Each of the techniques outlined above uses the same core steps of problem solving:

  • Identify and define the problem
  • Consider possible solutions
  • Evaluate options
  • Choose the best solution
  • Implement the solution
  • Evaluate the outcome

Data drives a lot of daily decisions in business and beyond. Analytics have also been deployed to problem solve.

“We have specific classes around storytelling with data and how you convince your audience to understand what the data is,” David says. “Your audience has to trust the data, and only then can you use it for real decision-making.”

Data can be a powerful tool for identifying larger trends and making informed decisions when it’s clearly understood and communicated. It’s also vital for performance monitoring and optimization.

How Is Problem Solving Prioritized in Purdue’s Online MBA?

The courses in the Purdue Online MBA program teach problem-solving methods to students, keeping them up to date with the latest techniques and allowing them to apply their knowledge to business-related scenarios.

“I can give you a model or a tool, but most of the time, a real-world situation is going to be a lot messier and more valuable than what we’ve seen in a textbook,” David says. “Asking students to take what they know and apply it to a case where there’s not one single correct answer is a big part of the learning experience.”

Make Your Own Decision to Further Your Career

An online MBA from Purdue University can help advance your career by teaching you problem-solving skills, decision-making strategies and more. Reach out today to learn more about earning an online MBA with Purdue University .

If you would like to receive more information about pursuing a business master’s at the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, please fill out the form and a program specialist will be in touch!

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Turn your team into skilled problem solvers with these problem-solving strategies

Sarah Laoyan contributor headshot

Picture this, you're handling your daily tasks at work and your boss calls you in and says, "We have a problem." 

Unfortunately, we don't live in a world in which problems are instantly resolved with the snap of our fingers. Knowing how to effectively solve problems is an important professional skill to hone. If you have a problem that needs to be solved, what is the right process to use to ensure you get the most effective solution?

In this article we'll break down the problem-solving process and how you can find the most effective solutions for complex problems.

What is problem solving? 

Problem solving is the process of finding a resolution for a specific issue or conflict. There are many possible solutions for solving a problem, which is why it's important to go through a problem-solving process to find the best solution. You could use a flathead screwdriver to unscrew a Phillips head screw, but there is a better tool for the situation. Utilizing common problem-solving techniques helps you find the best solution to fit the needs of the specific situation, much like using the right tools.

Decision-making tools for agile businesses

In this ebook, learn how to equip employees to make better decisions—so your business can pivot, adapt, and tackle challenges more effectively than your competition.

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4 steps to better problem solving

While it might be tempting to dive into a problem head first, take the time to move step by step. Here’s how you can effectively break down the problem-solving process with your team:

1. Identify the problem that needs to be solved

One of the easiest ways to identify a problem is to ask questions. A good place to start is to ask journalistic questions, like:

Who : Who is involved with this problem? Who caused the problem? Who is most affected by this issue?

What: What is happening? What is the extent of the issue? What does this problem prevent from moving forward?

Where: Where did this problem take place? Does this problem affect anything else in the immediate area? 

When: When did this problem happen? When does this problem take effect? Is this an urgent issue that needs to be solved within a certain timeframe?

Why: Why is it happening? Why does it impact workflows?

How: How did this problem occur? How is it affecting workflows and team members from being productive?

Asking journalistic questions can help you define a strong problem statement so you can highlight the current situation objectively, and create a plan around that situation.

Here’s an example of how a design team uses journalistic questions to identify their problem:

Overarching problem: Design requests are being missed

Who: Design team, digital marketing team, web development team

What: Design requests are forgotten, lost, or being created ad hoc.

Where: Email requests, design request spreadsheet

When: Missed requests on January 20th, January 31st, February 4th, February 6th

How : Email request was lost in inbox and the intake spreadsheet was not updated correctly. The digital marketing team had to delay launching ads for a few days while design requests were bottlenecked. Designers had to work extra hours to ensure all requests were completed.

In this example, there are many different aspects of this problem that can be solved. Using journalistic questions can help you identify different issues and who you should involve in the process.

2. Brainstorm multiple solutions

If at all possible, bring in a facilitator who doesn't have a major stake in the solution. Bringing an individual who has little-to-no stake in the matter can help keep your team on track and encourage good problem-solving skills.

Here are a few brainstorming techniques to encourage creative thinking:

Brainstorm alone before hand: Before you come together as a group, provide some context to your team on what exactly the issue is that you're brainstorming. This will give time for you and your teammates to have some ideas ready by the time you meet.

Say yes to everything (at first): When you first start brainstorming, don't say no to any ideas just yet—try to get as many ideas down as possible. Having as many ideas as possible ensures that you’ll get a variety of solutions. Save the trimming for the next step of the strategy. 

Talk to team members one-on-one: Some people may be less comfortable sharing their ideas in a group setting. Discuss the issue with team members individually and encourage them to share their opinions without restrictions—you might find some more detailed insights than originally anticipated.

Break out of your routine: If you're used to brainstorming in a conference room or over Zoom calls, do something a little different! Take your brainstorming meeting to a coffee shop or have your Zoom call while you're taking a walk. Getting out of your routine can force your brain out of its usual rut and increase critical thinking.

3. Define the solution

After you brainstorm with team members to get their unique perspectives on a scenario, it's time to look at the different strategies and decide which option is the best solution for the problem at hand. When defining the solution, consider these main two questions: What is the desired outcome of this solution and who stands to benefit from this solution? 

Set a deadline for when this decision needs to be made and update stakeholders accordingly. Sometimes there's too many people who need to make a decision. Use your best judgement based on the limitations provided to do great things fast.

4. Implement the solution

To implement your solution, start by working with the individuals who are as closest to the problem. This can help those most affected by the problem get unblocked. Then move farther out to those who are less affected, and so on and so forth. Some solutions are simple enough that you don’t need to work through multiple teams.

After you prioritize implementation with the right teams, assign out the ongoing work that needs to be completed by the rest of the team. This can prevent people from becoming overburdened during the implementation plan . Once your solution is in place, schedule check-ins to see how the solution is working and course-correct if necessary.

Implement common problem-solving strategies

There are a few ways to go about identifying problems (and solutions). Here are some strategies you can try, as well as common ways to apply them:

Trial and error

Trial and error problem solving doesn't usually require a whole team of people to solve. To use trial and error problem solving, identify the cause of the problem, and then rapidly test possible solutions to see if anything changes. 

This problem-solving method is often used in tech support teams through troubleshooting.

The 5 whys problem-solving method helps get to the root cause of an issue. You start by asking once, “Why did this issue happen?” After answering the first why, ask again, “Why did that happen?” You'll do this five times until you can attribute the problem to a root cause. 

This technique can help you dig in and find the human error that caused something to go wrong. More importantly, it also helps you and your team develop an actionable plan so that you can prevent the issue from happening again.

Here’s an example:

Problem: The email marketing campaign was accidentally sent to the wrong audience.

“Why did this happen?” Because the audience name was not updated in our email platform.

“Why were the audience names not changed?” Because the audience segment was not renamed after editing. 

“Why was the audience segment not renamed?” Because everybody has an individual way of creating an audience segment.

“Why does everybody have an individual way of creating an audience segment?” Because there is no standardized process for creating audience segments. 

“Why is there no standardized process for creating audience segments?” Because the team hasn't decided on a way to standardize the process as the team introduced new members. 

In this example, we can see a few areas that could be optimized to prevent this mistake from happening again. When working through these questions, make sure that everyone who was involved in the situation is present so that you can co-create next steps to avoid the same problem. 

A SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis can help you highlight the strengths and weaknesses of a specific solution. SWOT stands for:

Strength: Why is this specific solution a good fit for this problem? 

Weaknesses: What are the weak points of this solution? Is there anything that you can do to strengthen those weaknesses?

Opportunities: What other benefits could arise from implementing this solution?

Threats: Is there anything about this decision that can detrimentally impact your team?

As you identify specific solutions, you can highlight the different strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of each solution. 

This particular problem-solving strategy is good to use when you're narrowing down the answers and need to compare and contrast the differences between different solutions. 

Even more successful problem solving

After you’ve worked through a tough problem, don't forget to celebrate how far you've come. Not only is this important for your team of problem solvers to see their work in action, but this can also help you become a more efficient, effective , and flexible team. The more problems you tackle together, the more you’ll achieve. 

Looking for a tool to help solve problems on your team? Track project implementation with a work management tool like Asana .

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Six problem-solving mindsets for very uncertain times

Great problem solvers are made, not born. That’s what we’ve found after decades of problem solving with leaders across business, nonprofit, and policy sectors. These leaders learn to adopt a particularly open and curious mindset, and adhere to a systematic process for cracking even the most inscrutable problems. They’re terrific problem solvers under any conditions. And when conditions of uncertainty are at their peak, they’re at their brilliant best.

Six mutually reinforcing approaches underly their success: (1) being ever-curious about every element of a problem; (2) being imperfectionists , with a high tolerance for ambiguity; (3) having a “dragonfly eye” view of the world, to see through multiple lenses; (4) pursuing occurrent behavior and experimenting relentlessly; (5) tapping into the collective intelligence , acknowledging that the smartest people are not in the room; and (6) practicing “show and tell” because storytelling begets action (exhibit).

Here’s how they do it.

1. Be ever-curious

As any parent knows, four-year-olds are unceasing askers. Think of the never-ending “whys” that make little children so delightful—and relentless. For the very young, everything is new and wildly uncertain. But they’re on a mission of discovery, and they’re determined to figure things out. And they’re good at it! That high-energy inquisitiveness is why we have high shelves and childproof bottles.

When you face radical uncertainty, remember your four-year-old or channel the four-year-old within you. Relentlessly ask, “Why is this so?” Unfortunately, somewhere between preschool and the boardroom, we tend to stop asking. Our brains make sense of massive numbers of data points by imposing patterns that have worked for us and other humans in the past. That’s why a simple technique, worth employing at the beginning of problem solving, is simply to pause and ask why conditions or assumptions are so until you arrive at the root of the problem. 1 This approach was originally developed by Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota.

Natural human biases in decision making, including confirmation, availability, and anchoring biases, often cause us to shut down the range of solutions too early. 2 Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow , New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011. Better—and more creative—solutions come from being curious about the broader range of potential answers.

One simple suggestion from author and economist Caroline Webb to generate more curiosity in team problem solving is to put a question mark behind your initial hypotheses or first-cut answers. This small artifice is surprisingly powerful: it tends to encourage multiple solution paths and puts the focus, correctly, on assembling evidence. We also like thesis/antithesis, or red team/blue team, sessions, in which you divide a group into opposing teams that argue against the early answers—typically, more traditional conclusions that are more likely to come from a conventional pattern. Why is this solution better? Why not that one? We’ve found that better results come from embracing uncertainty. Curiosity is the engine of creativity.

We have to be comfortable with estimating probabilities to make good decisions, even when these guesses are imperfect. Unfortunately, we have truckloads of evidence showing that human beings aren’t good intuitive statisticians.

2. Tolerate ambiguity—and stay humble!

When we think of problem solvers, many of us tend to picture a poised and brilliant engineer. We may imagine a mastermind who knows what she’s doing and approaches a problem with purpose. The reality, though, is that most good problem solving has a lot of trial and error; it’s more like the apparent randomness of rugby than the precision of linear programming. We form hypotheses, porpoise into the data, and then surface and refine (or throw out) our initial guess at the answer. This above all requires an embrace of imperfection and a tolerance for ambiguity—and a gambler’s sense of probabilities.

The real world is highly uncertain. Reality unfolds as the complex product of stochastic events and human reactions. The impact of COVID-19 is but one example: we address the health and economic effects of the disease, and their complex interactions, with almost no prior knowledge. We have to be comfortable with estimating probabilities to make good decisions, even when these guesses are imperfect. Unfortunately, we have truckloads of evidence showing that human beings aren’t good intuitive statisticians. Guesses based on gut instinct can be wildly wrong. That’s why one of the keys to operating in uncertain environments is epistemic humility, which Erik Angner defines as “the realization that our knowledge is always provisional and incomplete—and that it might require revision in light of new evidence.” 3 Erik Angner, “Epistemic humility—knowing your limits in a pandemic,” Behavioral Scientist , April 13, 2020, behavioralscientist.org.

Recent research shows that we are better at solving problems when we think in terms of odds rather than certainties. 4 Annie Duke, Thinking in Terms of Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts , New York, NY: Portfolio/Penguin, 2018. For example, when the Australian research body Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), which owned a core patent on the wireless internet protocol, sought royalties from major companies, it was initially rebuffed. The CSIRO bet that it could go to court to protect its intellectual property because it estimated that it needed only 10 percent odds of success for this to be a good wager, given the legal costs and likely payoff. It improved its odds by picking the weakest of the IP violators and selecting a legal jurisdiction that favored plaintiffs. This probabilistic thinking paid off and eventually led to settlements to CSIRO exceeding $500 million. 5 CSIRO briefing to US Government, December 5, 2006. A tolerance for ambiguity and a willingness to play the odds helped the organization feel its way to a good solution path.

To embrace imperfectionism with epistemic humility, start by challenging solutions that imply certainty. You can do that in the nicest way by asking questions such as “What would we have to believe for this to be true?” This brings to the surface implicit assumptions about probabilities and makes it easier to assess alternatives. When uncertainty is high, see if you can make small moves or acquire information at a reasonable cost to edge out into a solution set. Perfect knowledge is in short supply, particularly for complex business and societal problems. Embracing imperfection can lead to more effective problem solving. It’s practically a must in situations of high uncertainty, such as the beginning of a problem-solving process or during an emergency.

Good problem solving typically involves designing experiments to reduce key uncertainties. Each move provides additional information and builds capabilities.

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3. take a dragonfly-eye view.

Dragonfly-eye perception is common to great problem solvers. Dragonflies have large, compound eyes, with thousands of lenses and photoreceptors sensitive to different wavelengths of light. Although we don’t know exactly how their insect brains process all this visual information, by analogy they see multiple perspectives not available to humans. The idea of a dragonfly eye taking in 360 degrees of perception 6 Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner, Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction , New York, NY: Crown, 2015. is an attribute of “superforecasters”—people, often without domain expertise, who are the best at forecasting events.

Think of this as widening the aperture on a problem or viewing it through multiple lenses. The object is to see beyond the familiar tropes into which our pattern-recognizing brains want to assemble perceptions. By widening the aperture, we can identify threats or opportunities beyond the periphery of vision.

Consider the outbreak of HIV in India in the early 1990s—a major public-health threat. Ashok Alexander, director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s India Aids Initiative, provided a brilliant example of not just vision but also dragonfly vision. Facing a complex social map with a rapidly increasing infection rate, he widened the problem’s definition, from a traditional epidemiological HIV transmission model at known “hot spots,” to one in which sex workers facing violence were made the centerpiece.

This approach led to the “Avahan solution,” which addressed a broader set of leverage points by including the sociocultural context of sex work. The solution was rolled out to more than 600 communities and eventually credited with preventing 600,000 infections. The narrow medical perspective was sensible and expected, but it didn’t tap into the related issue of violence against sex workers, which yielded a richer solution set. Often, a secret unlocks itself only when one looks at a problem from multiple perspectives, including some that initially seem orthogonal.

The secret to developing a dragonfly-eye view is to “anchor outside” rather than inside when faced with problems of uncertainty and opportunity. Take the broader ecosystem as a starting point. That will encourage you to talk with customers, suppliers, or, better yet, players in a different but related industry or space. Going through the customer journey with design-thinking in mind is another powerful way to get a 360-degree view of a problem. But take note: when decision makers face highly constrained time frames or resources, they may have to narrow the aperture and deliver a tight, conventional answer.

Want better strategies? Become a bulletproof problem solver

Want better strategies? Become a bulletproof problem solver

4. pursue occurrent behavior.

Occurrent behavior is what actually happens in a time and place, not what was potential or predicted behavior. Complex problems don’t give up their secrets easily. But that shouldn’t deter problem solvers from exploring whether evidence on the facets of a solution can be observed, or running experiments to test hypotheses. You can think of this approach as creating data rather than just looking for what has been collected already. It’s critical for new market entry—or new market creation. It also comes in handy should you find that crunching old data is leading to stale solutions.

Most of the problem-solving teams we are involved with have twin dilemmas of uncertainty and complexity, at times combined as truly “wicked problems.” 7 A term coined in a now famous 1973 article: Horst W. J. Rittel and Melvin Webber, “Dilemmas in a general theory of planning,” Policy Sciences , 1973, Number 4, pp. 155–69. For companies ambitious to win in the great unknown in an emerging segment—such as electric cars or autonomous vehicles, where the market isn’t fully established—good problem solving typically involves designing experiments to reduce key uncertainties, not just relying on existing data. Each move (such as buying IP or acquiring a component supplier) and each experiment (including on-road closed tests) not only provides additional information to make decisions but also builds capabilities and assets that support further steps. Over time, their experiments, including alliances and acquisitions, come to resemble staircases that lead to either the goal or to abandonment of the goal. Problem-solving organizations can “bootstrap” themselves into highly uncertain new spaces, building information, foundational assets, and confidence as they take steps forward.

Risk-embracing problem solvers find a solution path by constantly experimenting. Statisticians use the abbreviation EVPI—the expected value of perfect information—to show the value of gaining additional information that typically comes from samples and experiments, such as responses to price changes in particular markets. A/B testing is a powerful tool for experimenting with prices, promotions, and other features and is particularly useful for digital marketplaces and consumer goods. Online marketplaces make A/B testing easy. Yet most conventional markets also offer opportunities to mimic the market’s segmentation and use it to test different approaches.

The mindset required to be a restless experimenter is consistent with the notion in start-ups of “failing fast.” It means that you get product and customer affirmation or rejection quickly through beta tests and trial offerings. Don’t take a lack of external data as an impediment—it may actually be a gift, since purchasable data is almost always from a conventional way of meeting needs, and is available to your competitors too. Your own experiments allow you to generate your own data; this gives you insights that others don’t have. If it is difficult (or unethical) to experiment, look for the “natural experiments” provided by different policies in similar locations. An example would be to compare outcomes in twin cities, such as Minneapolis–St. Paul.

It’s a mistake to think that your team has the smartest people in the room. They aren’t there. They’re invariably somewhere else. Nor do they need to be there if you can access their intelligence via other means.

5. Tap into collective intelligence and the wisdom of the crowd

Chris Bradley, a coauthor of Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick , 8 Chris Bradley, Marin Hirt, and Sven Smit, Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick: People, Probabilities, and Big Moves to Beat the Odds , Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2018. observed that “it’s a mistake to think that on your team you have the smartest people in the room. They aren’t there. They’re invariably somewhere else.” 9 For more from Chris Bradley, in a conversation with Rob McLean, see “ Want better strategies? Become a bulletproof problem solver ,” August 2019. Nor do they need to be there if you can access their intelligence via other means. In an ever-changing world where conditions can evolve unpredictably, crowdsourcing invites the smartest people in the world to work with you. For example, in seeking a machine-learning algorithm to identify fish catch species and quantities on fishing boats, the Nature Conservancy (TNC) turned to Kaggle and offered a $150,000 prize for the best algorithm. This offer attracted 2,293 teams from all over the world. TNC now uses the winning algorithm to identify fish types and sizes caught on fishing boats in Asia to protect endangered Pacific tuna and other species.

Crowdsourced problem solving is familiar in another guise: benchmarking. When Sir Rod Carnegie was CEO of Conzinc Riotinto Australia (CRA), he was concerned about the costs of unscheduled downtime with heavy trucks, particularly those requiring tire changes. He asked his management team who was best in the world at changing tires; their answer was Formula One, the auto racing competition. A team traveled to the United Kingdom to learn best practice for tire changes in racetrack pits and then implemented what it learned thousands of miles away, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The smartest team for this problem wasn’t in the mining industry at all.

Of course, while crowdsourcing can be useful when conventional thinking yields solutions that are too expensive or incomplete for the challenge at hand, it has its limitations. Good crowdsourcing takes time to set up, can be expensive, and may signal to your competitors what you are up to. Beware of hidden costs, such as inadvertently divulging information and having to sieve through huge volumes of irrelevant, inferior suggestions to find the rare gem of a solution.

Accept that it’s OK to draw on diverse experiences and expertise other than your own. Start with brainstorming sessions that engage people from outside your team. Try broader crowdsourcing competitions to generate ideas. Or bring in deep-learning talent to see what insights exist in your data that conventional approaches haven’t brought to light. The broader the circles of information you access, the more likely it is that your solutions will be novel and creative.

Rookie problem solvers show you their analytic process and math to convince you they are clever. Seasoned problem solvers show you differently.

6. Show and tell to drive action

We started our list of mindsets with a reference to children, and we return to children now, with “show and tell.” As you no doubt remember—back when you were more curious!—show and tell is an elementary-school activity. It’s not usually associated with problem solving, but it probably piqued your interest. In fact, this approach is critical to problem solving. Show and tell is how you connect your audience with the problem and then use combinations of logic and persuasion to get action.

The show-and-tell mindset aims to bring decision makers into a problem-solving domain you have created. A team from the Nature Conservancy, for instance, was presenting a proposal asking a philanthropic foundation to support the restoration of oyster reefs. Before the presentation, the team brought 17 plastic buckets of water into the boardroom and placed them around the perimeter. When the foundation’s staff members entered the room, they immediately wanted to know what the buckets were for. The team explained that oyster-reef restoration massively improves water quality because each oyster filters 17 buckets of water per day. Fish stocks improve, and oysters can also be harvested to help make the economics work. The decision makers were brought into the problem-solving domain through show and tell. They approved the funding requested and loved the physical dimension of the problem they were part of solving.

Rookie problem solvers show you their analytic process and mathematics to convince you that they are clever. That’s sometimes called APK, the anxious parade of knowledge. But seasoned problem solvers show you differently. The most elegant problem solving is that which makes the solution obvious. The late economist Herb Simon put it this way: “Solving a problem simply means representing it so as to make the solution transparent.” 10 Herbert Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial , Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1969.

To get better at show and tell, start by being clear about the action that should flow from your problem solving and findings: the governing idea for change. Then find a way to present your logic visually so that the path to answers can be debated and embraced. Present the argument emotionally as well as logically, and show why the preferred action offers an attractive balance between risks and rewards. But don’t stop there. Spell out the risks of inaction, which often have a higher cost than imperfect actions have.

The mindsets of great problem solvers are just as important as the methods they employ. A mindset that encourages curiosity, embraces imperfection, rewards a dragonfly-eye view of the problem, creates new data from experiments and collective intelligence, and drives action through compelling show-and-tell storytelling creates radical new possibilities under high levels of unpredictability. Of course, these approaches can be helpful in a broad range of circumstances, but in times of massive uncertainty, they are essential.

Charles Conn is an alumnus of McKinsey’s Sydney office and is a board member of Patagonia and former CEO of the Rhodes Trust. Robert McLean is an alumnus of the Sydney office and is the advisory-board chair of the Nature Conservancy Australia. They are the authors of Bulletproof Problem Solving: The One Skill That Changes Everything (Wiley, 2018).

This article was edited by David Schwartz, an executive editor in the Tel Aviv office.

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What is problem-solving? And why is it important in the workplace?

September 28, 2023 by MindManager Blog

If there’s one thing you can count on as a business professional, it’s that you’ll never run short of new problems to solve. Thankfully, whether it includes handling difficult or unexpected situations in the workplace, or resolving complex organizational challenges, we all have the capacity to develop our business problem-solving skills.

The best way to get better at tackling problems productively is to start at the beginning. After all, the better you understand what problem-solving is – and the significant role it plays in every organization – the easier you’ll find it to improve on problem-solving skills in the workplace.

Let’s dive in!

What is problem-solving?

Problem-solving refers to the act of find solutions to difficult or complex issues.

A good problem-solving definition might be finding solutions to difficult or complex issues . In practice, however, solving problems in the workplace is a little more immersive than that.

In the workplace, problem-solving includes a variety of tools, resources, and techniques to:

  • Identify what’s not working.
  • Figure out why it’s broken.
  • Determine the best course of action to fix it.

Whether you know them as obstacles, glitches, or setbacks, problems are a part of our everyday lives. The good news is that our brains excel at reasoning out intricate scenarios and making calculations in situations we’ve never experienced before. That means every one of us is hard-wired to be an adept problem-solver.

The trick is to learn how to take that innate ability and apply it in a deliberate and practiced way.

However, one thing is certain: successfully resolving business and workplace issues is essential.

Not only does effective problem-solving create value that encourages growth, it goes hand-in-hand with impactful decision making.

What are the benefits of problem-solving in business?

Practically speaking, problem-solving provides a golden opportunity to improve your processes, products, and systems – especially when you work through those challenges with others.

Learning to face difficulties calmly, and deal with them intentionally, can also:

  • Ramp up your confidence.
  • Increase your resilience.
  • Help you develop valuable critical thinking skills.

Applying problem-solving skills in the face of an obstacle that seems insurmountable trains you to shift your perspective and look at potential hurdles in a different way.

It also gets you used to examining multiple options for dealing with a problem, which can help you feel more confident in the direction you take.

Solving problems as a team

Business problem solving as a team offers an even wider range of benefits since active collaboration tends to make good things happen at both the individual and group level.

For example:

  • Team-based problem-solving is akin to having a built-in sounding board when you explore new approaches and ideas.
  • As each team member’s critical thinking skills evolve, they bring fresh insights to the collective problem-solving process, bearing out the old adage that many heads are better than one.
  • Solving problems as a team also reduces the feeling of personal risk and exposure that’s common when one person is tasked with solving a puzzle. When that same problem is shared, the sense of risk gets dispersed, and individual team members are less likely to feel singled out.

Not only is there less chance of arriving at an unreasonable or biased solution when you problem-solve as a group, team members assigned to carry that solution out will feel more invested in its success.

Examples of problem solving skills in the workplace

Improving on your problem-solving skills helps you make the most of your brain’s natural capacity to analyze and reason things out.

There are dozens of problem-solving skills that play out in the average workplace – all of which can contribute to your ability to correct oversights, resolve conflict , and work around unexpected obstructions.

Here are a few common examples of problem-solving skills in the workplace, and tips on how to improve them.

1. Data gathering

Figuring out the cause of a problem hinges on collecting relevant data. Consulting efficiently with colleagues, conducting online research, and brainstorming with your team are all valuable data gathering skills.

2. Active listening

As opposed to listening in a purely supportive or empathetic way, active listening involves concentrating fully on what the other person is saying so you can understand the content, respond accordingly, and remember what was said later.

3. Troubleshooting

The ability to analyze and troubleshoot a situation with the help of any data and human input you’ve gathered is essential for drilling down into the core of a problem, and scrutinizing potential solutions.

4. Brainstorming

Brainstorming has become synonymous with creative thinking, innovative idea generation, and problem-solving. The more productive your brainstorming sessions, the more likely you and your group are to put together a list of quality, workable solutions.

It’s interesting to note that effective decision making is both a contributor to, and a by-product of, effective problem-solving.

For example, honing your analytical abilities and other problem-solving skills will inevitably help you make better decisions. The more efficient your decision-making process becomes, meanwhile, the better you’ll get at uncovering and acting on the most promising solution to any dilemma.

A simple problem-solving scenario

It’s clear that we can all benefit from getting more comfortable with problem-solving in the workplace.

Examples of situations where your problem-solving skills will come in handy aren’t difficult to find, and might include:

  • Fixing a technical issue for your customer.
  • Improving your student’s test performance.
  • Reducing the theft of your in-store merchandise.
  • Bumping up your marketing reach.

But, here’s the interesting thing. While it’s evident in each of these situations that there’s a problem to be solved, the exact nature of that problem isn’t so obvious.

In the student’s case, for example, you’d need additional input to help you figure out why they’re performing poorly. Only then would you be able to take steps to find the best-fit solution and achieve the desired learning outcome.

Here’s a simple scenario to help demonstrate that idea:

Bringing new customers onboard in a timely manner is an important part of your client relations strategy. Since hiring Alex a few weeks ago, however, your onboarding process has been taking longer than it should and team members are beginning to complain.

While you can see that the problem in this scenario is the fact that your team isn’t meeting their client onboarding goals, the key is to get clear on exactly what’s causing the hold-up.

You could jump to the conclusion that Alex has time management issues and that it’s time to start looking for a replacement. But, since one of the most common mistakes in business problem-solving is attempting to seize on a solution right away, that might cause you to waste time and resources on a remedy that ultimately proves unnecessary, or that doesn’t provide a viable fix.

Instead, it’s time to put your problem-solving skills to work.

Using data gathering and troubleshooting to pinpoint and clarify the bottleneck in your onboarding process – and active listening to interpret the situation from Alex’s perspective – you soon determine that the real cause of the problem is not what you thought.

In truth, an administrative oversight during the hiring process (yet another problem to be solved!) left Alex unaware of, and without access to, the business process map that’s so vital to efficiently onboarding new customers. Once you provide the necessary resources, it doesn’t take Alex long to get up to speed – and your client onboarding process to revert back to the well-oiled machine that it was.

Even with a team of eager problem-solvers by your side, the truth is that it’s often necessary to have the right problem-solving tools in place to achieve your desired results. That’s where versatile mind mapping software can help.

Not only does MindManager® provide a visual framework that fully supports the problem-solving process, it improves comprehension, inspires more creative solutions, and boosts your ability to make the best possible decisions.

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what is a problem solving in business

Why choose MindManager?

MindManager® helps individuals, teams, and enterprises bring greater clarity and structure to plans, projects, and processes. It provides visual productivity tools and mind mapping software to help take you and your organization to where you want to be.

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Problem-Solving in Business: PROBLEM-SOLVING STEPS


Problem solvers are constantly trying to proactively shape their environment.


* Review and document how processes currently work

*  Why do you think there's a problem (identify potential causes: who, what, why, where, how)

*  State the problem as clearly as possible


Intensive manual processing due to physical handling of paperwork.

: Annual leave forms are typically filled out by the Employee, printed, sent to the Manager/Delegate for approval, sent to Human Resources for verification and data entry, scanned and uploaded to the EDRMS, and then sent to Payroll for (re) data entry.

: This highly manual scenario leads to ‘bottlenecks’ in service delivery and promotes the risk of poor organisational response to business and lost time that should be spent carrying out core business.



Get input from people who are affected by the problem

*  Write down opinions and observations of people affected by the problem

*  Consider all potential causes of the problem: competition, business model, market factors, team performance, etc.

*  If needed, conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

*  Employ research tools, such as information sources, databases, surveys, and interviews for fact finding, data gathering and analysis, etc.


*  Robust inorganic growth strategy established cisco as a technology leader

*  Steady revenue growth

*  Business performance of infrastructure platforms

Weaknesses *  Supply Chain Issues Leading to Delays in Order Fulfillments

*  Poised to benefit from the robust growth in cloud computing market

*  Strategic initiatives

*  Positive outlook for global IT hardware market


*  Product overlapping

*  Volatility in the sales to the service provider market

*  Intense competitive pressure

SOURCE: Cisco Systems, Inc. SWOT Analysis; Date:   October 26, 2020

Porter's Five Forces

  • Threat of New Entrants (effectively, this is “Barriers to Entry”)
  • Competitive Dynamics
  • Supplier Power
  • Buyer Power
  • Threat of Substitutes
  • Competitors
  • Customers/clients
  • Opportunities

SOURCE and for additional information on analysis frameworks and more, please go to: STREETOFWALLS

Postpone the selection of one solution until several problem-solving alternatives have been proposed. Considering multiple alternatives can significantly enhance the value of your ideal solution. Once you have decided on the "what should be" model, this target standard becomes the basis for developing a road map for investigating alternatives.   and team problem-solving techniques are both useful tools in this stage of problem solving.

Many alternative solutions to the problem should be generated before final evaluation. A common mistake in problem solving is that alternatives are evaluated as they are proposed, so the first acceptable solution is chosen, even if it’s not the best fit. If we focus on trying to get the results we want, we miss the potential for learning something new that will allow for real improvement in the problem-solving process.


--  meaning that they are explicitly designed to address the fundamental values or ends of the decision – the “things that matter” or “felt needs”, as defined by the objectives and the evaluation criteria;

--  meaning that in developing alternatives for achieving the objectives, the project team has drawn on the best available information about cause and effect relationships and has designed creative and diverse alternatives based on sound analysis;

-- meaning that all alternatives are defined to a sufficient and consistent level of detail using logically consistent assumptions, and that a base case against which all alternatives can be compared has been clearly established;

--  meaning that poor (dominated) alternatives have been eliminated and those remaining have been iteratively refined to incorporate new ideas and joint gains;

--  meaning that individual elements or components of a strategy are combined into complete packages, and that the packages are directly comparable;

 --  meaning that they emphasize rather than hide difficult but unavoidable value-based trade-offs and present real choices for decision makers;

--   because difficult trade-offs are easier to make and to accept when people believe that a thorough search for good alternatives has been conducted and that the best alternatives are on the table.


 / Mission and Values /   will the solution have in the future ?  does the solution bring?   – This is one where you need to strike a balance between tangible and non-tangible ideas in order to get everybody on board. The difference between these categories are that tangible ideas will lead to a financial improvement whilst non-tangible suggestions contain a non-monetary aspect. But this doesn’t mean they are not important, as often this intrinsically contributes a lot to the well-feeling and being of employees. ?  will it take to implement solution ?  in implementing this solution ?  and resources are required? / How much will the solution  ?  (in years) for this investment ?  of the solution ?  will be needed to approve the solution ? is the solution ?

It goes without saying that some of these questions may not be applicable to every type of solution you’re considering and should be therefore be used as a generic guide.




How will you know your problem is solved? And not just the symptom -- how will you know when you've addressed the underlying issues? Before you dive into enacting the solution, make sure you know what success looks like.

Decide on a few  . Take a baseline measurement, and set a goal and a timeframe. You're essentially translating your solution into a plan, complete with milestones and goals. Without these, you've simply made a blind decision, with no way to track success. You need those  .

The key to effective problem-solving in business is the ability to adapt. You can waste a lot of resources on staying the wrong course for too long. So make a plan to reduce your risk now. Think about what you'd do if you were faced with a problem large enough to sink your business. Be as proactive as you be.



Consider this list of criteria when building out your 


 "W hen you first start off trying to solve a problem, the first solutions you come up with are very complex, and most people stop there. But if you keep going, and live with the problem and peel more layers of the onion off, you can often times arrive at some very elegant and simple solutions."  -- Steve Jobs





what is a problem solving in business





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What Is Problem-Solving? How to Use Problem-Solving Skills to Resolve Issues

Great businesses don’t exist to simply grow and make money. Instead, they solve the world’s problems , from tiny issues to giant dilemmas. Problem-solving is essentially the main function of organizations. An effective organization will have systems and processes in place to reach their goals and solve problems. If a company has team members and leaders who have poor problem-solving skills, that means they’re ineffective at one of the core functions of a business.

What Is Problem-Solving?

What is the general process of problem-solving, 1. define the problem, 2. brainstorm possible solutions, 3. research several options.

After you’ve come up with several possible alternative solutions, pick two or three that seem the most promising using your analytical skills. Then you’ll need to buckle down and do some research to see which one to pursue. Conduct your research using primary and secondary resources.

4. Select a Solution

In order to make the most objective decision:

5. Develop an Action Plan

When the right choice is made, and the solution is placed into the overall strategy, start developing an action plan . Lay out the “who,” “what,” “when,” “why,” and “how.” Visualize exactly what success looks like with this new plan. When working through the problem-solving process, write all the details down. This helps leaders construct action items and delegate them accordingly. Never leave this part of the process empty-handed. Your team needs a clear picture of expectations so they can properly implement the solution. And if everything works, you can use this problem-solving model in the future.

The Best Problem-Solving Strategies and Tools

One of the best ways to discover the root cause of a problem is by utilizing the 5 Whys method. This strategy was developed by Sakichi Toyoda, founder of Toyota Industries. It’s as simple as it sounds. When a problem occurs, ask why it happened five times. In theory, the last answer should get to the heart of the issue.

First Principles Thinking

When one engages in first principles thinking , they end up questioning what everyone just assumes to be true. It effectively removes those assumptions , breaking things down into their most basic elements that are probably true. It’s all about getting to that core foundation of truth and building out from there. Problem-solving skills should always include first principles thinking.

Steve Jobs’ Problem-Solving Method

What to do when a problem feels too big to solve.

Tackling a problem that feels too big to solve requires a can-do, positive mindset. In order to improve your problem-solving, you’ll need to take remember these steps. Imagine what is possible instead of focusing on what seems impossible. As you do so, you’ll become skilled in solving all sorts of problems while also improving your decision-making.

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Effective Problem-Solving Techniques in Business

Problem solving is an increasingly important soft skill for those in business. The Future of Jobs Survey by the World Economic Forum drives this point home. According to this report, complex problem solving is identified as one of the top 15 skills that will be sought by employers in 2025, along with other soft skills such as analytical thinking, creativity and leadership.

Dr. Amy David , clinical associate professor of management for supply chain and operations management, spoke about business problem-solving methods and how the Purdue University Online MBA program prepares students to be business decision-makers.

Why Are Problem-Solving Skills Essential in Leadership Roles?

Every business will face challenges at some point. Those that are successful will have people in place who can identify and solve problems before the damage is done.

“The business world is constantly changing, and companies need to be able to adapt well in order to produce good results and meet the needs of their customers,” David says. “They also need to keep in mind the triple bottom line of ‘people, profit and planet.’ And these priorities are constantly evolving.”

To that end, David says people in management or leadership need to be able to handle new situations, something that may be outside the scope of their everyday work.

“The name of the game these days is change—and the speed of change—and that means solving new problems on a daily basis,” she says.

The pace of information and technology has also empowered the customer in a new way that provides challenges—or opportunities—for businesses to respond.

“Our customers have a lot more information and a lot more power,” she says. “If you think about somebody having an unhappy experience and tweeting about it, that’s very different from maybe 15 years ago. Back then, if you had a bad experience with a product, you might grumble about it to one or two people.”

David says that this reality changes how quickly organizations need to react and respond to their customers. And taking prompt and decisive action requires solid problem-solving skills.

What Are Some of the Most Effective Problem-Solving Methods?

David says there are a few things to consider when encountering a challenge in business.

“When faced with a problem, are we talking about something that is broad and affects a lot of people? Or is it something that affects a select few? Depending on the issue and situation, you’ll need to use different types of problem-solving strategies,” she says.

Using Techniques

There are a number of techniques that businesses use to problem solve. These can include:

  • Five Whys : This approach is helpful when the problem at hand is clear but the underlying causes are less so. By asking “Why?” five times, the final answer should get at the potential root of the problem and perhaps yield a solution.
  • Gap Analysis : Companies use gap analyses to compare current performance with expected or desired performance, which will help a company determine how to use its resources differently or adjust expectations.
  • Gemba Walk : The name, which is derived from a Japanese word meaning “the real place,” refers to a commonly used technique that allows managers to see what works (and what doesn’t) from the ground up. This is an opportunity for managers to focus on the fundamental elements of the process, identify where the value stream is and determine areas that could use improvement.
  • Porter’s Five Forces : Developed by Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter, applying the Five Forces is a way for companies to identify competitors for their business or services, and determine how the organization can adjust to stay ahead of the game.
  • Six Thinking Hats : In his book of the same name, Dr. Edward de Bono details this method that encourages parallel thinking and attempting to solve a problem by trying on different “thinking hats.” Each color hat signifies a different approach that can be utilized in the problem-solving process, ranging from logic to feelings to creativity and beyond. This method allows organizations to view problems from different angles and perspectives.
  • SWOT Analysis : This common strategic planning and management tool helps businesses identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).

“We have a lot of these different tools,” David says. “Which one to use when is going to be dependent on the problem itself, the level of the stakeholders, the number of different stakeholder groups and so on.”

Each of the techniques outlined above uses the same core steps of problem solving:

  • Identify and define the problem
  • Consider possible solutions
  • Evaluate options
  • Choose the best solution
  • Implement the solution
  • Evaluate the outcome

Data drives a lot of daily decisions in business and beyond. Analytics have also been deployed to problem solve.

“We have specific classes around storytelling with data and how you convince your audience to understand what the data is,” David says. “Your audience has to trust the data, and only then can you use it for real decision-making.”

Data can be a powerful tool for identifying larger trends and making informed decisions when it’s clearly understood and communicated. It’s also vital for performance monitoring and optimization.

How Is Problem Solving Prioritized in Purdue’s Online MBA?

The courses in the Purdue Online MBA program teach problem-solving methods to students, keeping them up to date with the latest techniques and allowing them to apply their knowledge to business-related scenarios.

“I can give you a model or a tool, but most of the time, a real-world situation is going to be a lot messier and more valuable than what we’ve seen in a textbook,” David says. “Asking students to take what they know and apply it to a case where there’s not one single correct answer is a big part of the learning experience.”

Make Your Own Decision to Further Your Career

An online MBA from Purdue University can help advance your career by teaching you problem-solving skills, decision-making strategies and more. Reach out today to learn more about earning an online MBA with Purdue University .

If you would like to receive more information about pursuing a business master’s at the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, please fill out the form and a program specialist will be in touch!

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9 Keys to Solving Problems in Business Quickly and Effectively

Problem-solving in business takes self-discipline and focus, but is a skill that must be learned..

9 Keys to Solving Problems in Business Quickly and Effectively

Creating a new business , or working in an existing one, is all about problem solving. Some people are good at it and some are not -  independent of their IQ  or their book smarts (there may even be an inverse relationship here). Yet I'm convinced that problem-solving is a  learnable trait , rather than just a birthright.

Business owners who are great problem solvers within any business are the best prepared to solve their customers' needs effectively as well. In fact, every business is about solutions to customer problems - no problems, no business. Problems are an everyday part of every business and personal environment.

Thus it behooves all of us to work on mastering the discipline of problem solving. Here is a formula from Brian Tracy, in his classic book No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline  that I believe will help business professionals move up a notch in this category:

1. Take the time to define the problem clearly. 

Many business leaders like to jump into solution mode immediately, even before they understand the issue. In some cases, a small problem can become a big one if you attack it with inappropriate actions. In all cases, real clarity will expedite the path ahead. 

2. Pursue alternate paths on "facts of life" and opportunities. 

Remember, there are some things that you can do nothing about. They're not problems; they are merely facts of life, like natural disasters. Often, what appears to be a problem is actually an opportunity in disguise. 

3. Challenge the definition from all angles. 

Beware of any problem for which there is only one definition. The more ways you can define a problem, the more likely it is that you will find the best solution. For example, "sales are too low" may mean strong competitors, ineffective advertising, or a poor sales process. 

4. Iteratively question the cause of the problem. 

This is all about finding the root cause, rather than treating a symptom. If you don't get to the root, the problem will likely recur, perhaps with different symptoms. Don't waste time re-solving the same problem. 

5. Identify multiple possible solutions. 

The more possible solutions you develop, the more likely you will come up with the right one. The quality of the solution seems to be in direct proportion to the quantity of solutions considered in problem-solving. 

6. Prioritize potential solutions. 

An acceptable solution, doable now, is usually superior to an excellent solution with higher complexity, longer timeframe, and higher cost. There is a rule that says that every large problem was once a small problem that could have been solved easily at that time. 

7. Make a decision. 

Select a solution, any solution, and then decide on a course of action. The longer you put off deciding on what to do, the higher the cost, and the larger the impact. Your objective should be to deal with 80 percent of all problems immediately. At the very least, set a specific deadline for making a decision and stick to it. 

8. Assign responsibility. 

Who exactly is going to carry out the solution or the different elements of the solution? Otherwise, nothing will happen, and you have no recourse but to implement all solutions yourself. 

9. Set a measure for the solution. 

Otherwise, you will have no way of knowing when and whether the problem was solved. Problem solutions in a complex system often have unintended side effects which can be worse than the original problem. 

People who are good at problem-solving are some of the most valuable and respected people in every area. In fact, success is often defined as the ability to solve problems. In many cultures, this is called street smarts , and it's valued even more than book smarts. The best business professionals have both.

A refreshed look at leadership from the desk of CEO and chief content officer Stephanie Mehta

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Indeed, while some employers have been increasing child care benefits, fewer have policies regarding time off to care for older family members. But according to insurance company WTW, employer  interest in paid caregiver leave is growing: In January, a quarter of employers surveyed by WTW reported offering a paid caregiver leave policy, but another 22 percent said they are planning to or considering implementing one over the next two years. 

Time away (with an assurance of job security) and flexibility are the top two things caregivers say they need from their employers, according to the Grayce survey. But some need help that goes a step further. Twenty-seven percent of surveyed caregivers say they could use help securing a professional caregiver to be physically present for their loved one, and around 20 percent say they wish they had access to a licensed professional who could help them create a support plan. 

Employers have a vested interest in developing these benefits, the report notes. More than seven in ten surveyed employees say if they received support for their care needs from their employer, it would have helped them avoid or reduce the time they took away from work. 

\"The culture of leave is historically just to give people space,\" says Sebastien. \"But what we're seeing in this data is that there's a big subset of the population that's navigating ongoing care needs, and space is not just going to solve it.\"  

Balancing caregiving duties and work can be incredibly challenging, and a lack of employer support can make some employees feel that managing both is impossible. According to the survey, when employees take extended leave for caregiving reasons, they are 3.4 times more likely to consider quitting. 

\"This is a call to action for employers to support caregivers--before they go on leave--with high-touch concierge service. That is, providing caregivers with the benefits and support they need to navigate their caregiving responsibilities as full-time employees,\" the report says. 

For entrepreneurs at the start of their business-building journey, fundraising isn't just about securing capital. It's also an opportunity to expand their network, receive valuable feedback, and increase brand exposure.

Such was the case for San Francisco-based Mimio Health --a biotech company making supplements that aid in longevity--which gained more than just funding from angel investing syndicate Gaingels .  

Mimio CEO and co-founder Chris Rhodes first became fascinated with healthy aging, longevity, and intermittent fasting while pursuing a PhD in nutritional biochemistry from UC Davis. After participating in a series of accelerators and pre-seed rounds, the company raised a $1.75 million seed round in March 2023, led by Better Ventures, with participation by SOSV, Thia Ventures, What If Ventures, R42, and Gaingels.

Although Gaingels wasn't Mimio Health's largest investor in its seed round ($43,000 for a 0.68 percent equity stake), its involvement has brought valuable nonmonetary benefits. 

Originally conceived as an angel investment group made up of LGBTQ+ investors, Gaingels invests in diverse business leaders and specifically in LGBTQ+ founders, an underserved community when it comes to funding. A recent StartOut report notes that LGBTQ+ founders raised only 0.5 percent of startup funding in the U.S. between 2000 and 2022. Despite this disparity, LGBTQ+ founders have demonstrated remarkable economic performance when given the opportunity. Compared with the average U.S. founder , from 2000 to 2022 LGBTQ+ founders created 36 percent more jobs, 114 percent more patents, and 44 percent more exits--all while having 16 percent less funding.   

Rhodes, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, says he has gained valuable insight from Gaingels' seminars, learning about other companies' activities and fundraising strategies. Additionally, Rhodes says that Mimio Health has established extensive connections through Gaingels' inclusive portfolio network, some of which have led to brand exposure opportunities, including \"the person who set us up with a podcasting agency that helped us land all of these placements that helped push the brand forward in the early days.\"

Rhodes has also found working with a like-minded investor and the supportive community Gaingels brings beneficial. This shared understanding and network provided Mimio Health with both professional and personal support, enhancing the overall experience of the entrepreneurial journey.

\"Being a part of that network has been great for me because I feel a great sense of community,\" says Rhodes. \"Even just to see that I'm not alone in this journey, that there are a ton of other LGBTQ+ founders like me who are going through similar trials and tribulations and having their own unique experiences with things is just really helpful for me, from like an 'everything's alright with the world' kind of standpoint.\"

During the year since its launch, Mimio Health has continued pushing out its first biomimetic fasting supplement, but Rhodes says the company wants to research other regenerative states of the body, such as exercise, sleep, and meditation. The goal is to understand what occurs in the body during these activities and explore ways to replicate these effects. 

Rhodes says that although Gaingels currently does not have a formal role in Mimio Health beyond being an investor, his company might seek additional capital if it transitions from seed to Series A funding. 

\"We're not actively raising capital, so we're not actively going back into the Gaingels network right now, but it's definitely something that we would be looking to do in the future because Gaingels does a lot of follow-on funding,\" says Rhodes.

2. Pursue alternate paths on \"facts of life\" and opportunities. 

Beware of any problem for which there is only one definition. The more ways you can define a problem, the more likely it is that you will find the best solution. For example, \"sales are too low\" may mean strong competitors, ineffective advertising, or a poor sales process. 


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How to Solve Problems

  • Laura Amico

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To bring the best ideas forward, teams must build psychological safety.

Teams today aren’t just asked to execute tasks: They’re called upon to solve problems. You’d think that many brains working together would mean better solutions, but the reality is that too often problem-solving teams fall victim to inefficiency, conflict, and cautious conclusions. The two charts below will help your team think about how to collaborate better and come up with the best solutions for the thorniest challenges.

  • Laura Amico is a former senior editor at Harvard Business Review.

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Why problem-solving Is Important in Business

Problem-solving is a critical skill in business.

It involves the ability to identify and solve problems efficiently and effectively to move a company forward.

Whether it’s resolving a technical issue, finding a new solution to an age-old problem, or simply making a difficult decision, strong problem-solving skills are essential for the success of any business.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why problem-solving is so important in the business world and how it can help organizations thrive.

The Importance of Problem-Solving in Business

As mentioned in the introduction, problem-solving is a crucial skill in the business world. It allows organizations to identify and address challenges in a timely and effective manner, which is essential for driving progress and growth.

Without strong problem-solving abilities, businesses may struggle to adapt to change and overcome obstacles, ultimately hindering their success.

But the importance of problem-solving goes beyond just overcoming challenges.

It can also help businesses to identify and seize new opportunities, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition and remain innovative.

Whether it’s finding a new market to tap into or developing a more efficient production process, problem-solving skills are key to driving innovation and staying ahead of the curve.

In short, strong problem-solving skills are essential for businesses of all sizes and industries.

They help organizations to overcome challenges, stay adaptable, and identify and seize new opportunities.

In the following sections, we’ll delve deeper into the various ways that problem-solving can benefit businesses and the different techniques and strategies that can be used to tackle problems effectively.

Developing Problem-Solving Skills

Developing strong problem-solving skills is essential for the success of any business, and there are several ways that organizations can help their employees to hone these skills. Some strategies for developing problem-solving skills include:

Providing training and development opportunities

Many organizations offer training programs or workshops specifically designed to help employees develop problem-solving skills. These programs may include simulations, case studies, or hands-on exercises that allow employees to practice and apply their skills.

Encouraging a growth mindset

A growth mindset is a belief that abilities can be developed through effort and learning. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and encouraging employees to embrace challenges and failures as opportunities to grow and improve, businesses can help to develop problem-solving skills.

Encouraging collaboration and open communication

Collaboration and open communication can be key to solving problems effectively. By creating an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas and seeking help, businesses can foster a culture of problem-solving and continuous improvement.

Providing resources and support

Organizations can also support the development of problem-solving skills by providing employees with the resources and support they need to tackle problems. This may include access to data and analytics tools, training materials, or guidance from experienced colleagues.

By implementing these strategies and providing opportunities for employees to practice and develop their problem-solving skills, businesses can build a strong problem-solving culture and equip their teams with the skills they need to drive success.

The Role of Leadership in Problem-Solving

Effective leadership is crucial for driving problem-solving within an organization. Leaders play a key role in setting the tone and culture of a business, and by fostering a culture of problem-solving and continuous improvement, they can help to develop strong problem-solving skills throughout the organization.

Some specific ways that leaders can support problem-solving within their organization include:

Modeling good problem-solving behavior

Leaders can set a good example by demonstrating strong problem-solving skills themselves. This can include taking a proactive approach to identifying and addressing challenges, seeking out new opportunities, and continuously learning and improving.

Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement

Leaders can create an environment that supports problem-solving by encouraging employees to embrace challenges, think creatively, and seek out new opportunities for improvement.

Leaders can also support problem-solving by providing employees with the resources and support they need to tackle problems effectively. This may include access to data and analytics tools, training materials, or guidance from experienced colleagues.

Recognizing and rewarding problem-solving efforts

By recognizing and rewarding employees who demonstrate strong problem-solving skills, leaders can encourage a culture of problem-solving and continuous improvement within the organization.

By taking an active role in fostering a problem-solving culture and providing the resources and support needed to tackle challenges, leaders can help their organizations to thrive and succeed.

The Benefits of Problem-Solving in Business

In addition to helping businesses to overcome challenges and seize opportunities, strong problem-solving skills can bring a range of other benefits to an organization. Some of the key advantages of problem-solving in business include:

Improved decision-making

Problem-solving skills help organizations to make informed and effective decisions. By using structured approaches and analyzing data, businesses can develop a clear understanding of the issues they face and identify the best course of action.

Enhanced adaptability

Problem-solving skills help businesses to stay adaptable and responsive to change. By being able to identify and address challenges quickly and effectively, organizations can better navigate the constantly-evolving business landscape.

Increased productivity

By resolving issues and identifying efficiencies, problem-solving can help businesses to increase productivity and reduce waste. This can lead to cost savings and improved profitability.

Improved customer satisfaction

Strong problem-solving skills can also help businesses to better serve their customers. By being able to identify and address issues promptly and effectively, organizations can improve customer satisfaction and build stronger relationships with their clients.

Enhanced innovation

Problem-solving skills can also drive innovation within an organization. By encouraging employees to think creatively and critically , businesses can identify and seize new opportunities, leading to new products, services, or processes that set them apart from the competition.

Problem-solving is a critical skill in business, with the potential to drive progress, increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and drive innovation. By developing strong problem-solving skills and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, organizations can set themselves up for success.

Conclusion: The Vital Role of Problem-Solving in Business

Problem-solving is a vital skill in the business world. It allows organizations to identify and address challenges efficiently and effectively, helping them to overcome obstacles and seize new opportunities.

Strong problem-solving skills also drive innovation and improve decision-making, leading to increased productivity and customer satisfaction.

Developing and fostering a culture of problem-solving is essential for the success of any business.

By providing training and development opportunities, encouraging a growth mindset, and recognizing and rewarding problem-solving efforts, organizations can help their employees to hone their skills and drive progress.

Effective leadership also plays a key role in fostering a culture of problem-solving, providing the resources and support needed to tackle challenges and seize opportunities.

In short, problem-solving is a critical skill for businesses of all sizes and industries. By developing and fostering strong problem-solving abilities, organizations can set themselves up for success and thrive in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Are you good at problem-solving? Find out with our self-assessment!


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A business journal from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

For New Ideas, Think Inside (This) Box

June 25, 2024 • 7 min read.

In this Nano Tool for Leaders, Penn's David Resnick offers guidance on using helpful constraints to unlock new solutions to old problems.

3d rendering of a bright lightbulb coming out of a box

Nano Tools for Leaders®   —  a collaboration between  Wharton Executive Education  and  Wharton’s Center for Leadership and Change Management  — are fast, effective tools that you can learn and start using in less than 15 minutes, with the potential to significantly impact your success and the engagement and productivity of the people you lead.

Harness constraints and analogies to unlock new solutions to old problems.

Traditional brainstorming,  as coined by Alex Osborne in the 1950s, asks participants to consider any and all ideas that might solve a problem. While blue-sky, no-limits thinking has several benefits, the drawback is that leaders often, paradoxically, get stuck. They encounter challenges like the “curse of the blank page,” not knowing where to start because they can start anywhere. They may also face the “ Einstellung effect ,” a phenomenon whereby the easy recollection of familiar solutions can block their ability to think of new ones.

This has led some to (erroneously) believe that generating solutions is best left to people who are naturally creative. The good news is that there are tools that can help one become much better at generating new ideas. The even better news is that using these tools does not involve extensive training or attending workshops. In fact, one tool developed at Penn Medicine’s Center for Health Care Transformation and Innovation is a simple  card game , and the “secret sauce” it teaches is how to leverage constraints and analogies. The  Accelerators in Innovation  game has teams of players use accelerator cards to create new kinds of solutions with questions such as “How would you solve postpartum depression if you operated like IKEA?” and “How might you tackle long emergency room wait times if you were Warren Buffet?” The solutions are then applied to problems presented on challenge cards while trying to avoid monkey wrenches from their opponents. After rapid-fire pitches, the judge determines each round’s winner.

Action Steps

1. make sure you are solving a problem..

Don’t solve for how to implement a solution. A classic example involved a design team brought in to figure out how to increase access to incubators. The issue is that the solution was already baked in (increase access to incubators). The team spent some time reframing the problem to focus on the true issue: ensuring that newborns are kept at a safe temperature, especially when delivery occurs in places with little or no access to electricity. Reframing to focus on the actual problem opened the team to entirely different solutions.

2. Leverage analogies.

Having to pull ideas out of thin air can be difficult and stressful. Analogies force us to consider other options or perspectives we may never have thought of, or thought of and dismissed. They cause us to ask ourselves “What is good about this other solution and how might it be applied to solving the problem I’m facing?” Examples include:

Think about successful companies and how their strengths could be applied to your problem. For example, IKEA is phenomenal at clearly explaining to people with limited background knowledge and literacy how to do something. So how might IKEA go about explaining post-op care to knee replacement patients?

Similarly, try using personas. Mary Poppins is renowned for making an unpleasant experience a delightful one. Mr. Rogers is known for his commitment to leveraging the kindness of neighbors. Darth Vader’s approach to getting things done is a ruthless level punishment for those who fail. Regardless of whom you choose, you can use the strengths or philosophies of these characters to inspire ideas. How might Mary Poppins improve adherence to physical therapy regimens? How might Darth Vader?

3. Leverage constraints.

Constraints are, unintuitively, another great way to force new thinking. Some options are:

How might you solve a problem if you were forced to delete a crucial (but perhaps onerous or costly) step of the process? Great examples are “How might tollbooths collect fees without a human there to do it?” (FastPass) or “How might people get their rental car if there was no line to wait in?” (Hertz Gold).

Design for extremes

How might you solve the problem if you had to solve for extreme use cases or extreme targets? For example, what would it take to screen 100 percent of eligible patients for colon cancer? How might you reduce civilian traffic fatalities to zero?

Real-world issues

Apply real-world constraints that have thrown a monkey wrench in your plans for past ideas. For example, how might you create a new marketing campaign that must be successful for consumers who do not speak English? How might you build a new product to launch on time even if multiple team members take a sabbatical or parental leave?

Focus on solving for how to make your solution delightful to users. This isn’t about making something silly or fun. It’s about surprising your users in a manner that unexpectedly accomplishes something for them.

4. Push for volume.

An additional benefit to Penn Medicine’s  Accelerators  card game is that it encourages multiple rounds to hear multiple ideas. When thinking of solutions, push for volume in your initial rounds. You’ll soon “use up” the ideas that come to mind easily and be forced to consider more creative or audacious alternatives.

5. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Another key component of generating ideas while playing a game is that it allows for laughter and a sense of play. This mindset can foster creativity and an atmosphere of psychological safety for sharing ideas.

How One Leader Uses It

Rebecca Trotta, PhD, director of the Center for Nursing Excellence at Penn, leveraged this tool in developing a new program to support older adults after hospitalization. Her challenge was to build a service that could provide intensive at-home support. Despite an existing evidence-based protocol, there was concern that patient acceptance of this support would be low. Many folks are simply exhausted after being in the hospital and don’t want someone in their home. Using the constraint of solving for “delight,” Trotta and her team came up with the idea of delivering home meals to these patients and their caregivers.

While it might appear as a frivolous and seemingly useless expense, it turned out that after spending days (and sometimes weeks) in the hospital, patients came home to fridges that were empty or full of spoiled food. Providing them with a meal ensured they had adequate nutrition. More importantly, though, the meals showed a sense of caring and thoughtfulness that went well beyond patients’ expectations. It built a strong sense of trust that paid dividends in drastically increasing the acceptance of home services compared to baseline.

Contributor to this Nano Tool

David Resnick, MPH, MSEd, Senior Innovation Manager at Penn Medicine’s Center for Health Care Transformation and Innovation.  Accelerators in Health Care  card game co-created with Michael Begley, MA, Senior Experience Consultant at EPAM Systems, and Visiting Professor and Assistant Program Director of Masters of UX at Thomas Jefferson University.

Knowledge in Action: Related Executive Education Programs

  • Effective Decision Making: Thinking Critically and Rationally
  • The Neuroscience of Business: Innovations in Leadership and Strategic Decisions
  • Mastering Innovation: Strategy, Process, and Tools
  • Business Model Innovation in the Age of AI

Additional Resources

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Solving the 12 Most Common Customer Problems [Guide]

11 min read

Solving customer problems banner image

A surefire way to improve engagement and retention is to focus on solving customer problems.

Think about it – what would you do if you needed help but all you got was an incredibly unhelpful customer service agent? Chances are, you would take your business elsewhere.

That is precisely why you need to focus on improving your customer service problem-solving and providing excellent support focused on reducing the number of dissatisfied customers.

Where to get started? That’s what this guide is for, outlining frequent customer service issues and their solutions.

  • Customer service problem-solving is the process of identifying and efficiently resolving customer concerns in a timely manner.
  • Focusing on solving customer problems is vital because it offers key benefits, like improved retention , satisfaction , and loyalty , along with reduced support costs.
  • Common customer service issues include lengthy wait times, inaccessible human reps, slow resolution, inconsistent support quality , and poor communication skills of the support team.
  • A few shared reasons, like insufficient training, limited staffing, complex customer issues, and no standardized procedures or centralized knowledge bases , cause these issues.
  • Possible solutions for these complaints involve implementing callback systems, simplifying automated menus, establishing clear resolution timelines, and standardizing training.
  • Some additional effective techniques for problem-solving include empathizing, active listening, sincerely apologizing, proactively communicating, and offering compensation where needed.
  • Improving your self-service resources and ensuring consistent operating hours are also useful best practices.
  • Ready to optimize your customer service problem-solving strategy? Schedule a Userpilot demo and see how you can get started.

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What is customer service problem-solving?

Customer service problem-solving is a discipline focused on optimally identifying, addressing, and resolving issues customers encounter with a product or service.

It is important to note that, contrary to its name, customer service problem-solving is not just about fixing customer complaints.

It’s much more complex than that.

It requires effective problem-solving skills along with other key capabilities like communication , empathy , and critical thinking. It’s also about creating a system where all customer issues are prevented or solved as fast and efficiently as possible.

If done right, customer service problem-solving offers great benefits, such as improved customer satisfaction and loyalty .

Why solving customer problems is so important

Providing excellent customer service is a whole art, one that requires you to develop a functional strategy to do it right. But once you perfect your customer service problem-solving and better train your customer service team, the benefits are endless. Here are just a few:

  • Increases customer retention .
  • Enhances customer experience .
  • Builds customer loyalty.
  • Encourages customer engagement .
  • Reduces support costs.
  • Facilitates customer feedback collection.
  • Drives customer satisfaction.

12 most common customer service problems (and how to fix them)

Different companies run into several types of customer service issues. However, there are quite a few recurring customer queries and complaints almost all customer service agents face. So let’s deep dive into what these are and learn the golden rules needed to solve customer service problems.

1. Long wait times

When you look at customer feedback, a common problem that frequently comes up is how often customers have to wait for customer support . All these extended hold times and long queues just add to the customer’s annoyance and dissatisfaction .

Main reasons :

  • High call volume.
  • Insufficient staffing.
  • Complex customer complaints.
  • Inadequate training .
  • Limited self-service options.
  • Backlog of unresolved issues.

Implement a callback system so customers don’t have to wait hours to talk to a customer service rep. Next, focus on streamlining your processes and consider increasing staffing during peak hours. Lastly, introduce chatbots for instant support on low-priority issues.

Solving customer problems with chatbots

2. Frustration with inaccessible human reps

Customers often get frustrated with complex automated customer service menus and the inability to reach a human representative.

  • Cost-saving strategies.
  • Fewer customer service representatives.
  • Outdated technology .
  • Poor menu design .
  • Language limitations.

There are several ways to solve this customer service problem. Start by simplifying automated menus and adding a clear option to speak with a human customer service agent.

Additionally, create comprehensive self-service materials so customers can troubleshoot independently. Also, regularly test the system for ease of usability and accessibility.

3. Slow resolution times

The next common customer service problem is customers having to follow up multiple times to get their issues resolved. This need to constantly check up on the issue wastes more of the customer’s time and is a sign of poor customer service.

  • High workload and ticket volume .
  • Complicated customer issues.
  • Poor internal communication .
  • Incomplete issue documentation .
  • Ineffective prioritization of tasks.

Establish a clear resolution timeline, improve internal communication, and ensure regular follow-ups with customers until the issues are resolved.

4. Inconsistent support across channels

Customers experience different levels of support quality depending on the contact channel they use. So, a chatbot might not offer much help but an email ends up providing effective customer service problem-solving. This inconsistency only leaves customers confused about which channel to trust .

Main Reasons :

  • Varying levels of support training.
  • Different support team structures .
  • Inconsistent use of knowledge bases.
  • Lack of standardized procedures.
  • Limited integration between channels.

Start by providing consistent training and resources to service reps across all platforms. Next, ensure that all support channels are well-integrated so information and user data flow seamlessly between them.

Resource center for self-service

A good example of such omnichannel communication is Bluehost, which offers the same quality of live chat and phone support.

Bluehost support team

5. Excessive transfers between departments

Instead of any issue resolution , customers are often transferred several times between departments without making any progress . In the end, all that’s left is an angry customer and their unresolved complaint.

  • Poor initial issue categorization.
  • High specialization within departments.
  • Insufficient cross-department communication.
  • Inconsistent problem-solving protocols.
  • Miscommunication or misunderstandings.

Instead of having multiple departments handle specific issues, train all customer service agents to handle a wide range of problems . Also, establish clear protocols for when transfers are necessary and explain the procedure to customers as well.

6. Poor communication skills of customer service reps

Sometimes customers feel undervalued and misunderstood because the customer service representatives lack empathy , communication, or problem-solving skills.

  • Insufficient training programs .
  • Inadequate soft skills development.
  • Lack of performance monitoring .
  • Limited knowledge of products or services.
  • Limited focus on customer empathy .

Invest in your customer support team, training them in skills like empathy, active listening, and clear communication. Introduce regular monitoring and evaluation of customer service interactions , via CES surveys for example, for quality control.

CES surveys for solving customer problems

7. Insufficient knowledge among support staff

Oftentimes, support representatives fail at customer service problem-solving because they lack relevant knowledge . In some cases, they even recommend wrong solutions , which only worsen the customer complaint and potentially increase churn and losses.

  • Lack of customer service training.
  • Limited access to updated product information .
  • Complex product or service offerings.
  • Rapid changes in products or services.
  • Poorly designed knowledge management systems .

Provide comprehensive training to your customer representatives, ensuring that they are well-versed with the product or service.

Next, try maintaining an up-to-date customer service knowledge base that is accessible to all. This way, representatives can refer to it whenever needed instead of suggesting flawed solutions.

8. Conflicting information from different reps

A common customer complaint is how often they receive conflicting information from different support representatives, leading to confusion and greater mistrust.

  • Lack of clear documentation and standardized procedures.
  • Inconsistent training across different departments.
  • Outdated or inaccurate knowledge base .
  • Insufficient supervision and monitoring .
  • Varying levels of agent experience.

Make sure all customer service agents are on the same page, by standardizing important information and procedures. Moreover, ensure that each team member gets access to the same resources , training, and product information.

9. Perceived difficulty in contacting customer service

Sometimes, the customer service problem-solving quality itself isn’t the issue. Instead, the problem is that some companies avoid direct contact, making customers exert a lot of effort to get in touch with customer service.

  • Cost reduction strategies.
  • Overreliance on self-service options and automation .
  • Limited staffing resources.
  • Overwhelmed support infrastructure.
  • Challenges in scaling customer support operations.

Make contact information easily accessible, mentioning it clearly at several touchpoints . Also, to cater to varying customer needs , provide multiple contact channels, and ensure prompt responses.

Hostinger does a good job at this, clearly outlining numerous support channels, along with links to other help center resources like tutorials :

Hostinger's customer service contacts

10. Difficulty in resolving issues through self-service

Providing self-service options is great, but it shouldn’t be the only way customers can get help . Companies need to consider that not all customers find it easy to troubleshoot and resolve issues on their own.

  • Complex or inaccessible UI design .
  • Lack of sufficient information.
  • Limited types of content (e.g. only blogs, no videos or tooltips ).
  • Technical glitches or bugs .
  • Inability to handle complex customer complaints.
  • No human support options.

Simplify self-service interfaces and ensure easy access to human support as well for customers who prefer it.

Self-service options

Introduce various content types within the resource center , such as comprehensive and interactive guides , FAQs, blogs, case studies , checklists , etc.

Resource center for solving customer problems

11. Unresolved customer issues

Usually, the main reason behind decreasing customer satisfaction is simple: their problems and complaints aren’t getting resolved. When this happens, customers feel neglected and are more at risk of churning .

  • Lack of technical skills and training.
  • Inadequate knowledge management systems .
  • Complexity of the product or service.
  • High employee turnover affects resolution continuity.
  • Poor integration between departments.
  • Ineffective prioritization of customer issues.

To improve customer retention, implement a follow-up system to ensure all issues are resolved and offer timely updates to customers. In addition, provide personalized customer service to build trust and understand specific pain points so you can resolve issues better.

12. Inconsistent operating hours

Last but not least, a recurring customer service problem is when support is not available at consistent or convenient times. This just makes it harder for customers to seek help , causing them to ultimately give up on your business entirely.

  • Limited resources for 24/7 support.
  • Lack of sufficient staffing to cover all time zones.
  • High cost associated with around-the-clock service reps.
  • Difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff for non-traditional hours.

To avoid any confusion, standardize your operating hours and communicate them clearly to customers. If customer complaints about operating hours still continue, then consider providing extended hours as well.

Here’s an example by SiteGround that clearly advertises it’s 24-hour support:

24/7 help for solving customer problems

Try Userpilot and Take Your Customer Service to the Next Level

The key customer service problem-solving techniques.

Now that you’ve gone over all the common customer complaints and queries, it’s time to focus on making sure they don’t happen again. To help with that, here are the top customer service problem-solving best practices guaranteed to delight customers.

Empathy, active listening, and personalization

One simple technique for providing the best customer support is to listen carefully. This requires that you solely focus on the customer without any distractions, show interest, and ask clarifying questions. Only through such active listening can you truly understand the customer’s needs .

Along with listening intently, you also need to be patient and reflect on the customer’s feelings. In other words, you must empathize with your customers’ experience before jumping to a solution. This helps build trust and rapport necessary for long-lasting relationships.

Lastly, it is important to acknowledge that all customers are unique, and therefore each customer’s problem should be treated individually. This allows for a more personalized solution , best-suited for the customer’s specific complaint.

Troubleshooting based on experience

It’s true – practice does make perfect. So if you want to improve your customer service problem-solving skills, the best way is through hands-on experience . The more practice you get working on and learning from previous cases, the more your ability to diagnose and fix issues will improve.

However, this doesn’t mean you don’t need any training at all. Instead, the two go hand-in-hand. Training provides the necessary foundational knowledge , while hands-on experience refines that knowledge through practical application .

Both these things also help ensure cross-department exchange of information and improved collaboration over time.

Providing sincere apologies

A golden rule of customer service: Never ever argue with the customer. When a customer is upset or in need of help, arguing with them will only make matters worse. Plus, arguing only further ruins the customer experience and could lead to negative word of mouth .

The right thing to do is to apologize sincerely. Often, a genuine apology is all customers need to feel validated, helping de-escalate the situation. Moreover, once you’ve apologized, customers are more open to trusting you, thereby making them receptive to any proposed solutions.

To ensure an apology is effective, it should be timely, specific to the customer’s issue, and accompanied by a clear plan for resolution. If done right, sincere apologies contribute greatly to customer satisfaction , loyalty, and a positive brand reputation.

Consistent follow-up and proactive communication

In order to provide effective customer support, simply resolving the problem is not enough. There are other elements you need to simultaneously take care of as well, to provide customers with a seamless experience throughout.

To start off, the service team must keep customers informed about the progress of their issues. This includes letting them know of any delays or necessary follow-up actions. Such transparency in the resolution process helps reassure the customer and highlights your commitment to customer service.

Even after providing a solution, you must follow up with the customer again to ensure the problem has been fully resolved.

Offer compensation

In certain cases, simply apologizing for the issue is not sufficient. Rather, it is important that you offer compensation for the negative experience.

This helps repair the relationship by demonstrating accountability on your part and showing how committed you are to customer satisfaction . It also provides a tangible gesture of goodwill , which can hopefully reduce any negative impact the issue may have caused.

Glovo (a food delivery app) is a good example to quote here. If your order is missing some parts or has other issues, Glovo often issues instant refunds.

Compensation helps customer service

Improving self-service resources

Finally, the last trick to perfecting your customer service problem-solving ability is to create comprehensive self-service options . These can include resource centers, knowledge bases , how-to videos, community forums, help center portals, user guides , and more.

Providing these resources empowers customers to quickly resolve issues on their own, reducing wait times and boosting satisfaction . Additionally, self-service portals also decrease the workload on customer service teams, enabling them to focus on more complex inquiries.

Customize resource center

For example, here’s a look at the self-service options Zendesk offers:

Zendesk solving customer problems

Effectively and quickly solving customer problems is crucial for driving retention and enhancing satisfaction. But there are several other facets to customer service problem-solving to keep in mind too, such as empathy, active listening, and other soft skills.

To make things easier, try keeping a few tips and best practices in mind. For example, focus on training your customer service team, proactively communicating, offering multiple channels of contact, and enhancing self-service resources.

With all these techniques in hand, you’ll be able to reduce churn and create a positive customer experience in no time!

Want to get started solving customer problems? Get a Userpilot Demo and see how you can improve customer loyalty.

Try Userpilot and Take Your Customer Loyalty to the Next Level

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‘Inside Out 2’ is a blockbuster. It doesn’t solve the animation business’ biggest problem

collage of Joy and Anxiety from Inside Out 2

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“Inside Out 2” is a bigger box office hit than even Pixar’s staunchest believers had dared to expect, turning down the anxiety dial for fans worried about the Walt Disney Co.-owned computer animation stalwart’s prospects and the state of theatrical box office in general.

The emotion-filled family sequel grossed $100 million from theaters in the U.S. and Canada during its second weekend, representing a mere 35% decline from its gangbusters domestic opening. With $724 million in global ticket sales so far and impressive word-of-mouth, a $1-billion total seems all but assured. Those kinds of numbers go a long way toward burnishing the Pixar brand, which was in need of a confidence boost.

Coming up next for family audiences: more sequels! Universal and Illumination’s “Despicable Me 4” is expected to do huge numbers when it launches during the week of July 4. Disney is betting on “Moana 2” and “Mufasa: The Lion King” (spun off from the “live-action” “Lion King” remake that was entirely computer-generated) to continue its animated momentum.

But the biggest question facing the feature animation business is one that neither “Inside Out 2” nor the Minions — or even Sony’s successful “The Garfield Movie” — can address: What is going on with originals?

While Hollywood thrives on sequels, a robust industry depends on the creation of new franchises. This is especially true for Disney, which relies on new movies to fuel its parks business, toy sales and other facets of its corporate entertainment apparatus. Those new hit properties have been hard to come by lately.

Before “Inside Out 2,” Disney Animation released “Wish,” which failed to impress critics or audiences. Pixar’s “Elemental,” while it eventually found its footing in theaters, posted modest numbers compared with the studio’s prior efforts. DreamWorks Animation’s “Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken” and Disney’s “Strange World” full-on bombed. Disney’s “Encanto,” released in the pandemic-afflicted year of 2021, disappointed in theaters, though it became a viral musical phenomenon when it reached streaming.

“There has been trouble getting new stuff established,” said Tom Sito, an animation professor at USC’s School of Cinematic Arts. “It’s very hard, when you have a brand-new character, to get the audience in 90 minutes. It’s the reason why Disney did so well with fairy tales, because when you hear the word ‘Aladdin’ or ‘The Little Mermaid, you know what you’re getting. When you hear the word ‘Wish’ or ‘Onward,’ you don’t.”

There are multiple theories for why original animated properties have been struggling to generate box office sales.

Disney often is blamed for training audiences to watch its movies at home by sending its pandemic-era Pixar movies “Soul,” “Luca” and “Turning Red” straight to Disney+. Other studios shortened their theatrical windows after using COVID-19 as an opportunity to experiment with different release strategies, meaning moviegoers had more flexibility to wait to see new films online if they wanted.

Economic factors also are at play. Animation is expensive for studios, with Pixar and Disney typically spending $175 million to $200 million to produce a feature film (rivals, including Illumination, Sony and Paramount, spend less). That puts a limit on the companies’ appetite for risk.

And for families, taking kids to the movies can be pricey, and getting everyone in the car on time is a hassle. With those costs and headaches in mind, parents want to be reasonably sure the experience is worth the trouble, and movies with already familiar characters are generally considered a safer bet.

There’s also just so much competition for children’s attention, between social media, YouTube and streaming. Studios have to work harder for new stuff to break through.

It’s more difficult to market these movies now than during the Disney renaissance era, when the Burbank entertainment giant could use every arm of the company, including ABC and the Disney Channel, to make the pitch to kids and parents. Disney still does that, but with linear TV on the decline, it’s a less powerful strategy than it once was.

For those reasons and others, families aren’t always trekking to the theater on opening weekend for an original motion picture, as “Elemental” showed. That movie opened with Pixar’s worst domestic debut since the first “Toy Story” in 1995 but had remarkable staying power, eventually grossing nearly $500 million, suggesting the problem wasn’t the quality of the movie itself . As Ireland-based kids media consultant Emily Horgan has noted, the film also was a hit on streaming.

Universal and Illumination had a weak start with “Migration” over Christmas weekend yet held on to reach almost $300 million (still low, but not as bad as it could have been).

Despite the challenges, studios are still trying to make originals. DreamWorks Animation in September will release “The Wild Robot,” a sci-fi adventure based on a book of the same name, featuring the voice of Lupita Nyong’o. Disney and Pixar will test the originality waters again next year with “Elio,” about a young boy who accidentally becomes Earth’s intergalactic ambassador. But sequels will be there to fill the coffers. In 2026, Disney will release “Toy Story 5” and “Frozen III.”

Pixar executives, in interviews with Bloomberg , have outlined a strategy of releasing three movies every two years, toggling back and forth between originals, sequels and spinoffs.

One hopes that Pixar will continue to be selective when it comes to mining its past hits. “Inside Out 2” worked because it had an inspired premise — what new emotions would come into the mix once Riley hit puberty? It was a simple idea, well executed. And the timing was ideal, with memories of the groundbreaking original still firmly implanted in the emotionally wrecked minds of the folks who saw it in 2015, many of whom now have offspring of their own.

But sequels and spinoffs have their own risks, as Pixar’s “Toy Story” offshoot “Lightyear” demonstrated when it cratered in 2022. Young people, even kids, can smell an ill-conceived franchise extension a mile away.

You’re reading the Wide Shot

Ryan Faughnder delivers the latest news, analysis and insights on everything from streaming wars to production — and what it all means for the future.

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Number of the week

two dollars

Cut costs and raise prices. That’s the plan for Paramount Global as it charges into a new era after a deal fell apart that would have put Skydance Media founder David Ellison in charge of the studio.

Paramount on Monday announced plans to boost the monthly price of its streaming service, Paramount+. The ad-supported Paramount+ Essential tier will see its fee hiked $2 to $7.99, while the ad-free Paramount+ With Showtime will increase by $1 to $12.99. The new pricing scheme will take effect in August for new subscribers.

This comes as streamers across the board raise fees in order to hit profitability targets. Paramount also is looking to slash expenses as it forges ahead as a standalone media company, with its new three-executive “office of the CEO” recently identifying $500 million in reductions.

Film shoots

The production recovery that wasn’t.

film tracker

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— What ‘Game of Thrones’ did to the media business. (the Verge)

— Marketing campaigns for online dating apps have gotten super weird. (Wall Street Journal)

— How Netflix’s internal culture has changed. (New York Times)

— Dial Acorn for (cozy) murder . Behind the success of the British streamer. (Vulture)

Finally ...

Remember the bananas early-2000s reality TV show “The Swan”? Whether you do or do not, this deep dive by The Times’ Meredith Blake is an entertaining and illuminating read about how the controversial series basically predicted the future .

The Wide Shot is going to Sundance!

We’re sending daily dispatches from Park City throughout the festival’s first weekend. Sign up here for all things Sundance, plus a regular diet of news, analysis and insights on the business of Hollywood, from streaming wars to production.

what is a problem solving in business

Ryan Faughnder is a senior editor with the Los Angeles Times’ Company Town team, which covers the business of entertainment. He also hosts the entertainment industry newsletter The Wide Shot. A San Diego native, he earned a master’s degree in journalism from USC and a bachelor’s in English from UC Santa Barbara. Before joining The Times in 2013, he wrote for the Los Angeles Business Journal and Bloomberg News.

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Stumped five ways to hone your problem-solving skills.

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Respect the worth of other people's insights

Problems continuously arise in organizational life, making problem-solving an essential skill for leaders. Leaders who are good at tackling conundrums are likely to be more effective at overcoming obstacles and guiding their teams to achieve their goals. So, what’s the secret to better problem-solving skills?

1. Understand the root cause of the problem

“Too often, people fail because they haven’t correctly defined what the problem is,” says David Ross, an international strategist, founder of consultancy Phoenix Strategic Management and author of Confronting the Storm: Regenerating Leadership and Hope in the Age of Uncertainty .

Ross explains that as teams grapple with “wicked” problems – those where there can be several root causes for why a problem exists – there can often be disagreement on the initial assumptions made. As a result, their chances of successfully solving the problem are low.

“Before commencing the process of solving the problem, it is worthwhile identifying who your key stakeholders are and talking to them about the issue,” Ross recommends. “Who could be affected by the issue? What is the problem – and why? How are people affected?”

He argues that if leaders treat people with dignity, respecting the worth of their insights, they are more likely to successfully solve problems.

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, 2. unfocus the mind.

“To solve problems, we need to commit to making time to face a problem in its full complexity, which also requires that we take back control of our thinking,” says Chris Griffiths, an expert on creativity and innovative thinking skills, founder and CEO of software provider OpenGenius, and co-author of The Focus Fix: Finding Clarity, Creativity and Resilience in an Overwhelming World .

To do this, it’s necessary to harness the power of the unfocused mind, according to Griffiths. “It might sound oxymoronic, but just like our devices, our brain needs time to recharge,” he says. “ A plethora of research has shown that daydreaming allows us to make creative connections and see abstract solutions that are not obvious when we’re engaged in direct work.”

To make use of the unfocused mind in problem solving, you must begin by getting to know the problem from all angles. “At this stage, don’t worry about actually solving the problem,” says Griffiths. “You’re simply giving your subconscious mind the information it needs to get creative with when you zone out. From here, pick a monotonous or rhythmic activity that will help you to activate the daydreaming state – that might be a walk, some doodling, or even some chores.”

Do this regularly, argues Griffiths, and you’ll soon find that flashes of inspiration and novel solutions naturally present themselves while you’re ostensibly thinking of other things. He says: “By allowing you to access the fullest creative potential of your own brain, daydreaming acts as a skeleton key for a wide range of problems.”

3. Be comfortable making judgment calls

“Admitting to not knowing the future takes courage,” says Professor Stephen Wyatt, founder and lead consultant at consultancy Corporate Rebirth and author of Antidote to the Crisis of Leadership: Opportunity in Complexity . “Leaders are worried our teams won’t respect us and our boards will lose faith in us, but what doesn’t work is drawing up plans and forecasts and holding yourself or others rigidly to them.”

Wyatt advises leaders to heighten their situational awareness – to look broadly, integrate more perspectives and be able to connect the dots. “We need to be comfortable in making judgment calls as the future is unknown,” he says. “There is no data on it. But equally, very few initiatives cannot be adjusted, refined or reviewed while in motion.”

Leaders need to stay vigilant, according to Wyatt, create the capacity of the enterprise to adapt and maintain the support of stakeholders. “The concept of the infallible leader needs to be updated,” he concludes.

4. Be prepared to fail and learn

“Organisations, and arguably society more widely, are obsessed with problems and the notion of problems,” says Steve Hearsum, founder of organizational change consultancy Edge + Stretch and author of No Silver Bullet: Bursting the Bubble of the Organisational Quick Fix .

Hearsum argues that this tendency is complicated by the myth of fixability, namely the idea that all problems, however complex, have a solution. “Our need for certainty, to minimize and dampen the anxiety of ‘not knowing,’ leads us to oversimplify and ignore or filter out anything that challenges the idea that there is a solution,” he says.

Leaders need to shift their mindset to cultivate their comfort with not knowing and couple that with being OK with being wrong, sometimes, notes Hearsum. He adds: “That means developing reflexivity to understand your own beliefs and judgments, and what influences these, asking questions and experimenting.”

5. Unleash the power of empathy

Leaders must be able to communicate problems in order to find solutions to them. But they should avoid bombarding their teams with complex, technical details since these can overwhelm their people’s cognitive load, says Dr Jessica Barker MBE , author of Hacked: The Secrets Behind Cyber Attacks .

Instead, she recommends that leaders frame their messages in ways that cut through jargon and ensure that their advice is relevant, accessible and actionable. “An essential leadership skill for this is empathy,” Barker explains. “When you’re trying to build a positive culture, it is crucial to understand why people are not practicing the behaviors you want rather than trying to force that behavioral change with fear, uncertainty and doubt.”

Sally Percy

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To help the economy, an Alabama county is betting on home-based child care

Andrea Hsu, photographed for NPR, 11 March 2020, in Washington DC.


Lakethia Clark stands between a bookcase full of children's books and a toddler bed.

Lakethia Clark stands in her son's bedroom in her home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Clark will soon open her own home-based child care business. Claire Harbage/NPR hide caption

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Lakethia Clark has spent most of her adult life taking care of children, first at a church day care and later in a child care center. She loves children, but after 15 years, she was getting paid too little and looking after too many kids.

So like many child care workers, she quit. Clark became a housekeeper at a hospital, which paid better, but she missed her old profession.

"It kind of broke my heart," she says. "I miss my babies."

She had long thought about starting her own child care business but always found the licensing process and the startup costs daunting.

Today, however, Clark is getting ready to return to a line of work she loves — on her own terms. She's starting her own small business, caring for as many as six children. And she's doing it right in her own home.

For months, she has been working hard to turn her three-bedroom ranch house and her tree-lined backyard into a children's wonderland.

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How have rising prices affected you? What questions do you have about inflation?

Clark is among the first participants in a program called 3by3. It's the brainchild of Holly Glasgow, a longtime child development educator at Shelton State Community College.

Her vision for the program: dramatically growing the number of small, home-based child care businesses, formally known as family child care homes. It's a program that could prove important for Alabama, by providing more child care options to help boost the state's workforce.

Home-based child care is not new, but Glasgow's exhaustive efforts to provide wrap-around training and guidance, elevating the often invisible child care workforce, have drawn attention and even visitors from states including Colorado and California.

To go to work, parents need child care

The initiative is one of many being piloted around the U.S. as federal and state governments, along with the business community, have come to recognize child care as essential to economic growth.

A bookshelf in Clark's home holds a selection of children's picture books.

Clark has a collection of books in her son's room and will add more once she begins caring for kids out of her home. Claire Harbage/NPR hide caption

It's an especially pressing issue in Alabama, a state with one of the country's lowest labor force participation rates.

To get her program going, Glasgow got creative, "blending and braiding" funding from a number of sources, including the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which aims to help job seekers move into high-quality careers.

Other funders include the Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama as well as the Women's Foundation of Alabama, a philanthropic organization focused on accelerating economic opportunity for women.

"It's an interesting narrative shift, that child care isn't just on the mom," says Lillian Brand, vice president of external affairs at the Women’s Foundation of Alabama. "It's really on the entire economy in order to keep us all moving forward."

D'Koya Mathis holds her 2-year-old daughter Zharia's hand as they walk into Ms. Pat's Child Care & Development Center in Madison, Ala.

An Alabama manufacturer shows how to retain working moms: child care

Child care needs are severely unmet.

The need for more child care is evident in the numbers. Glasgow estimates Tuscaloosa County has over 12,000 children under age 5 but just over 3,000 child care spots.

Some of those spots are at the community-based pre-K center on the campus of Shelton State, which Glasgow oversees.

While a couple of kids paint pictures at an arts and crafts station, others check in on caterpillars on their journey of metamorphosis. Across the room, more children take turns playing customer and shopkeeper in a make-believe flower shop.

"Happy, healthy, safe is our goal," says Glasgow.

Holly Glasgow sits at a table with three children in the pre-K program she directs on the campus of Shelton State Community College in Tuscaloosa.

Holly Glasgow talks to children in the pre-K program she directs on the campus of Shelton State Community College in Tuscaloosa. Given the high cost of building child care centers like this one, Glasgow is focused on developing another model of child care — family child care homes. Claire Harbage/NPR hide caption

She would love for every young child in Alabama to have a spot at a center like this one. But she knows that's impossible. The main impediment is cost.

When an Alabama nonprofit foundation approached her with a fundraising proposal and asked how many child care centers could be built with $10 million, she told them: less than one.

"They were floored," she says.

So instead, Glasgow is focusing her efforts on family child care homes. She believes these small businesses can achieve the same level of quality as larger centers but at a much lower cost and in a way that may better suit Tuscaloosa's working parents.

A diversity of child care needs

Among the top employers in this region are hospitals and manufacturers, including Mercedes-Benz and the food company Smucker's, which has been recruiting workers for a brand-new plant not far away.

Glasgow points out that these employers need workers around the clock, but few child care providers offer care in the evenings, on weekends and overnight.

$400-a-month pandemic bonuses were life-changing for child care workers. That's over

$400-a-month pandemic bonuses were life-changing for child care workers. That's over

Family child care homes, which are typically run by women who care for their own children and a handful of others, can be more flexible with their hours. They can also provide a more homelike environment, which many parents who work overnight shifts prefer, Glasgow says.

"Your kids still go to bed in a bedroom," she says. "They still have breakfast at the kitchen table."

"Can't wait"

The first cohort of 3by3 participants wrapped up their coursework this spring. This included five intensive weeks of classes on child development, health and safety, and how to run a small business.

On top of that, there are the home visits.

Glasgow stands on the sidewalk outside Clark's home on a corner lot in a Tuscaloosa neighborhood.

Glasgow visits the home of Lakethia Clark to help her reconfigure her living quarters into play areas for children. Claire Harbage/NPR hide caption

On a recent sunny morning, Glasgow headed to Clark's home on a corner lot to help her reimagine her living quarters as play and learning spaces and to ensure that everything is up to code.

Glasgow works quickly, whipping out a laser measuring tool as she sketches a floor plan.

"Miss Holly ... that lady is awesome," says a smiling Clark.

Clark lays out her vision for her formal living room: one sofa moved to the side, another one taken out to make room for children's tables, a couple of carpets, and shelves for toys and books.

"I can't wait to put stuff on the walls," she says.

Lakethia Clark is planning to start a childcare facility in her home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Clark jumped at the opportunity to open her own home-based child care business. She expects to receive her license sometime this summer. Claire Harbage/NPR hide caption

Glasgow has $5,000 to $10,000 to spend on furniture and supplies for each new family child care home. Paths for Success, the nonprofit foundation that originally approached Glasgow about building child care centers, provides the health and safety materials, including fire extinguishers, hardwired smoke detectors, flashlights, and cribs and cots.

It's the assist Clark needed to get her business off the ground. Before now, she says, her finances always got in the way.

Although she had worked in child care for years, Clark's hourly wage never topped $13.50 an hour. For a while, she worked a second job at Taco Casa to save enough money for the down payment on her house.

Now, she is looking forward to becoming a small-business owner. There are tax benefits, including being able to deduct part of her mortgage as a business expense. She may qualify for a new Alabama tax credit for child care providers.

Best of all, she'll get to be her own boss.

Glasgow sits with Clark in Clark's living room, holding a pencil and clipboard as she begins to work on a floor plan, transforming the room into a play and learning space for kids.

Glasgow works with Clark to reimagine Clark's living room as a play and learning space. Claire Harbage/NPR hide caption

Looking out over her spacious, shady backyard, she imagines children covering her wooden fence with chalk drawings, something she loved watching kids do at her last child care job.

"The owners of the day care used to get so mad," she says, laughing. "It's just artwork! It's going to disappear."

Already, parents she knew from her old job have been calling her, hoping to send her their younger kids.

"They know what type of worker I was," she says. "They know I always put the kids first."

With all her paperwork submitted, Clark is hoping to get final clearance this summer, in time to welcome kids into her home.

  • women in the workforce
  • home-based care

Anthropic CEO says we need to think bigger than a universal basic income if we want to solve the AI inequality problem

  • Some fear that rapid advances in AI may concentrate power and wealth among a small elite.
  • Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei says a universal basic income may not sufficiently address such a shift.
  • He says there needs to be a broader economic reorganization.

Insider Today

The rapid advances in AI could consolidate power and wealth in the hands of a small few , which is why many in the tech industry have called for a universal basic income.

But some AI leaders say even UBI, a recurring cash payment to those in a given population regardless of their wealth or employment status, wouldn't be enough.

"I certainly think that's better than nothing," Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei told Time. "But I would much prefer a world in which everyone can contribute. It would be kind of dystopian if there are these few people that can make trillions of dollars, and then the government hands it all out to the unwashed masses."

Amodei, a former OpenAI employee, launched Anthropic in 2021 with his sister, Daniela, and five other OpenAI colleagues. They believed AI would have a dramatic impact on the world and wanted to build a company that would ensure it was aligned with human values. Amodei described the company to Time as one focused on "public benefit."

Many in the tech industry have expressed support for universal basic income to mitigate the economic impact of AI. The idea is that it would act as a safety net for people whose jobs have been threatened by the technology.

But Amodei suggests that AI will alter society in such a fundamental way that we need to design a more comprehensive solution. "I think in the long run, we're really going to need to think about how do we organize the economy and how humans think about their lives?" He doesn't have the answer, he said, in part because he believes it needs to be a "conversation among humanity."

Amodei isn't the only one thinking beyond universal basic income. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, while a vocal proponent of it, has also proposed the idea of a " universal basic compute ." The idea is that as large language models advance, owning a slice of one will be more valuable than money.

Watch: Why "deployment of AI is top of mind for everybody," according to IBM's Jonathan Adashek

what is a problem solving in business

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  1. Problem-Solving Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have -[SKILLS FOR

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  2. The 5 Steps of Problem Solving

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  3. Problem solving infographic 10 steps concept Vector Image

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  4. Group Problem Solving

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  5. 5 Problem Solving Strategies to Become a Better Problem Solver

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  6. Problem Solving Strategies [EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES] SmallBusinessify.com

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  1. Mastering Job Definitions: Analyzing Problems & Solutions

  2. The No Backup Plan is the Fastest Path to Success

  3. The Three Levels of Marketing Made Simple

  4. What is Risk Management? #short

  5. A Household Problem Solving Business?

  6. How to Solve Problems in Your Business


  1. Why Problem-Solving Skills Are Essential for Leaders

    4 Problem-Solving Skills All Leaders Need. 1. Problem Framing. One key skill for any leader is framing problems in a way that makes sense for their organization. Problem framing is defined in Design Thinking and Innovation as determining the scope, context, and perspective of the problem you're trying to solve.

  2. What Is Problem Solving in Business?

    Problem-solving in business is defined as implementing processes that reduce or remove obstacles that are preventing you or others from accomplishing operational and strategic business goals. In business, a problem is a situation that creates a gap between the desired and actual outcomes. In addition, a true problem typically does not have an ...

  3. How to Solve Your Company's Toughest Problems

    In this episode, Harvard Business Review's editorial audience director Nicole Smith sits down with Frei to discuss how you can solve any problem in five quick steps. You'll learn how to start ...

  4. 10 Step Process for Effective Business Problem Solving

    By following this 10-step process, you can develop your problem-solving skills and approach any issue that arises with confidence. 1. Define the problem. When a problem arises, it can be very easy to jump right into creating a solution. However, if you don't thoroughly examine what led to the problem in the first place, you may create a ...

  5. To Solve a Tough Problem, Reframe It

    Phase 4: Elevate. This phase involves exploring how the problem connects to broader organizational issues. It's like zooming out on a map to understand where a city lies in relation to the whole ...

  6. What is Problem Solving? Steps, Process & Techniques

    Problem solving, and the techniques used to gain clarity, are most effective if the solution remains in place and is updated to respond to future changes. Problem Solving Resources. You can also search articles, case studies, and publications for problem solving resources. Books. Innovative Business Management Using TRIZ

  7. The Right Way to Solve Complex Business Problems

    All episodes. Details. Transcript. December 04, 2018. Corey Phelps, a strategy professor at McGill University, says great problem solvers are hard to find. Even seasoned professionals at the ...

  8. Effective Problem-Solving Techniques in Business

    Problem solving is an increasingly important soft skill for those in business. The Future of Jobs Survey by the World Economic Forum drives this point home. According to this report, complex problem solving is identified as one of the top 15 skills that will be sought by employers in 2025, along with other soft skills such as analytical thinking, creativity and leadership.

  9. Problem Solving Strategies for the Workplace [2024] • Asana

    4 steps to better problem solving. While it might be tempting to dive into a problem head first, take the time to move step by step. Here's how you can effectively break down the problem-solving process with your team: 1. Identify the problem that needs to be solved. One of the easiest ways to identify a problem is to ask questions.

  10. How to master the seven-step problem-solving process

    To discuss the art of problem solving, I sat down in California with McKinsey senior partner Hugo Sarrazin and also with Charles Conn. Charles is a former McKinsey partner, entrepreneur, executive, and coauthor of the book Bulletproof Problem Solving: The One Skill That Changes Everything [John Wiley & Sons, 2018].

  11. 7 Steps to Effective Business Problem Solving

    4. Gather input from mentors and the team. When conducting analysis, it's ideal to seek input from your team to get valued ideas, concerns and opinions on the issues the business is facing. The feedback you get from your mentors, and the team can make your moves more efficient and faster in your problem-solving agenda.

  12. Business problem solving

    Business problem solving | McKinsey. Great problem solvers are made, not born. That's what we've found after decades of problem solving with leaders across business, nonprofit, and policy sectors. These leaders learn to adopt a particularly open and curious mindset, and adhere to a systematic process for cracking even the most inscrutable ...

  13. What is problem solving? And why is it important at work?

    A good problem-solving definition might be finding solutions to difficult or complex issues. In practice, however, solving problems in the workplace is a little more immersive than that. In the workplace, problem-solving includes a variety of tools, resources, and techniques to: Identify what's not working. Figure out why it's broken.

  14. Problem-Solving in Business: PROBLEM-SOLVING DEFINED AND WHY IT IS

    To find books on problem solving in business, type the search terms "business and problem solving" in the search box. Available with a valid New York Public Library card. STUDIES AND ARTICLES _____ EBSCOHost -- Enter the search phrase "problem solving in business" or "problem solving in business" to retrieve articles on the topic.

  15. 11 Common Business Problems and How You Can Solve Them

    Here are 11 common business problems with potential solutions to help you develop plans and strategies for your own organization: 1. Uncertain purpose. Some companies experience a loss of purpose or uncertainty. This can happen if an organization participates in multiple different industries or frequently changes its mission statement.

  16. Problem-Solving in Business: PROBLEM-SOLVING STEPS

    The key to effective problem-solving in business is the ability to adapt. You can waste a lot of resources on staying the wrong course for too long. So make a plan to reduce your risk now. Think about what you'd do if you were faced with a problem large enough to sink your business. Be as proactive as you be.

  17. What Is Problem-Solving? How to Use Problem-Solving Skills to Resolve

    The key to cultivating excellent problem-solving skills is having a distinct process designed to produce solutions. While it may seem like problem-solving involves a complex strategy, it features several steps that are easy to follow. The following steps represent a general problem-solving process you can use when you need to find a solution. 1.

  18. Effective Problem-Solving Techniques in Business

    Problem solving is an increasingly important soft skill for those in business. The Future of Jobs Survey by the World Economic Forum drives this point home. According to this report, complex problem solving is identified as one of the top 15 skills that will be sought by employers in 2025, along with other soft skills such as analytical thinking, creativity and leadership.

  19. How To Identify And Solve Problems In Your Business

    Having a clear vision of the best possible business cycle for your company is always the first step in problem solving. This lets you make the best decisions for long-term and short-term growth ...

  20. 9 Keys to Solving Problems in Business Quickly and Effectively

    Problem-solving in business takes self-discipline and focus, but is a skill that must be learned. Shape Expert Opinion By Martin Zwilling , Founder and CEO, Startup Professionals @ StartupPro

  21. How to Solve Problems

    How to Solve Problems. To bring the best ideas forward, teams must build psychological safety. Teams today aren't just asked to execute tasks: They're called upon to solve problems. You'd ...

  22. Why Problem-Solving Is Important in Business

    Problem-solving is a vital skill in the business world. It allows organizations to identify and address challenges efficiently and effectively, helping them to overcome obstacles and seize new opportunities. Strong problem-solving skills also drive innovation and improve decision-making, leading to increased productivity and customer ...

  23. Why Good Businesses Solve Problems—And How To Position Your ...

    The Problem. It's one thing to find a problem that needs solving. It's another to find one that's worth solving. There have been many enthusiastic small-business owners who believed their product ...

  24. What's The Problem? A Different Approach To Problem Solving

    Business leaders, in particular, could benefit from being more problem-oriented, and much less solution-oriented. Taking a "problem-oriented" approach can be far more effective than many of ...

  25. For New Ideas, Think Inside (This) Box

    Traditional brainstorming, as coined by Alex Osborne in the 1950s, asks participants to consider any and all ideas that might solve a problem. While blue-sky, no-limits thinking has several ...

  26. Solving the 12 Most Common Customer Problems [Guide]

    Chances are, you would take your business elsewhere. ... Customer service problem-solving is a discipline focused on optimally identifying, addressing, and resolving issues customers encounter with a product or service. It is important to note that, contrary to its name, customer service problem-solving is not just about fixing customer ...

  27. 'Inside Out 2' is a blockbuster. It doesn't solve the animation

    The animation business is facing a question that 'Inside Out 2,' 'Moana 2,' the Minions and Garfield can't answer: What's going on with animated originals at the box office? 'Inside Out 2' is a ...

  28. Stumped? Five Ways To Hone Your Problem-Solving Skills

    Problems often arise in organizational life. From understanding the root cause of a problem to using the power of empathy, here are five strategies for solving problems.

  29. To help the economy, Alabama is betting on home-based child care

    The initiative is one of many being piloted around the U.S. as federal and state governments, along with the business community, have come to recognize child care as essential to economic growth.

  30. Anthropic CEO Says We'll Need More Than UBI to Solve ...

    Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei says AI will change the economy so drastically that a universal basic income won't be enough.