Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Case Based Questions - Understanding Diversity

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Case 1: Understanding Diversity in Children's Drawings

In a primary school classroom, three children of the same age are asked to draw human figures. Each drawing turns out to be unique, reflecting the children's distinct drawing styles. They not only differ in their artistic approach but also in the language they speak, their cultural backgrounds, and the religious rituals they observe. When asked to provide details about themselves, their answers vary significantly. Explore how these differences in their drawings and personal backgrounds help students recognize both their commonalities and differences.

Q1: What is diversity, and how is it reflected in the drawings of these three children? Ans: Diversity is reflected in the unique drawings of three children, showcasing differences in drawing styles, languages spoken, cultural backgrounds, and religious rituals. Q2: How can understanding diversity through children's drawings contribute to fostering tolerance and empathy among students? Ans: Understanding diversity in children's drawings fosters tolerance and empathy, promoting inclusivity and celebrating differences among students. Q3: Discuss the role of education in promoting inclusivity and celebrating diversity among children. Ans:   Education plays a vital role in teaching children to appreciate diversity from an early age. Q4: Can you think of ways in which the school can encourage these children to learn from each other's diverse backgrounds? Ans: The school can encourage children to learn from each other by organizing cultural exchange activities and discussions. Q5: Why is it essential for young students to appreciate diversity from an early age? Ans:   It is essential for young students to appreciate diversity early on to promote a more inclusive and harmonious society.

Case 2: Friendship Across Differences

Two friends, Raj and Amir, come from different linguistic, religious, and cultural backgrounds. Raj speaks one language, follows one set of religious rituals, and attends school regularly. In contrast, Amir speaks another language, observes different religious customs, and works as a newspaper vendor. Despite these differences, Raj and Amir share a strong friendship and communication, emphasizing the importance of unity in diversity. Explore the factors that allow friends from different backgrounds to bond and the significance of this friendship.

Q6: How did Raj and Amir manage to communicate effectively despite speaking different languages and having diverse cultural backgrounds? Ans:  Raj and Amir communicate effectively due to their strong friendship and shared values, despite language and cultural differences. Q7: What role does unity in diversity play in their friendship, and why is it essential for society as a whole? Ans:   Unity in diversity strengthens their friendship and is essential for promoting social cohesion. Q8: Discuss the impact of education and social integration in bridging gaps between individuals from various backgrounds. Ans: Education and social integration help bridge gaps between individuals from various backgrounds. Q9: Can friendships like Raj and Amir's help reduce stereotypes and prejudices in society? Explain. Ans:   Friendships like Raj and Amir's can reduce stereotypes and prejudices by setting positive examples. Q10: Share examples from your own life or experiences where you witnessed unity in diversity among friends or acquaintances. Ans: Early exposure to unity in diversity helps build a more accepting and inclusive society.

Case 3: The Significance of Diversity in India

India is often celebrated as a land of diversity, with numerous languages, food varieties, festivals, religions, and cultural practices. Explore how India's diversity enriches its social fabric and contributes to its unique identity. Discuss the historical and geographical factors that have influenced the cultural diversity of regions like Kerala and Ladakh.

Q11: Describe the various forms of diversity found in India, highlighting examples from different aspects of life. Ans:  India's diversity is evident in its various languages, foods, festivals, religions, and cultural practices. Q12: How have historical influences, such as trade routes and migrations, contributed to cultural diversity in India? Ans:  Historical influences like trade routes and migrations have contributed to India's cultural diversity. Q13: Explain how geography has played a role in shaping the distinct cultures and lifestyles of Kerala and Ladakh. Ans:  Geography has shaped distinct cultures in regions like Kerala and Ladakh, influencing their lifestyles. Q14: What is the significance of cultural diversity in India's identity and global perspective? Ans:   Cultural diversity is integral to India's identity and its global perspective. Q15: How can India continue to promote unity in diversity as a core value for its future development? Ans:   India can continue promoting unity in diversity for its future development.

Case 4: Indian Freedom Struggle and Unity in Diversity

During the Indian Freedom Struggle, people from diverse groups and backgrounds came together to fight against British colonial rule. Despite their differences, they united under a common goal of liberating the country. Discuss the role of unity in diversity in India's struggle for independence and how it challenged the British divide-and-rule policy.

Q16: Explain how the Indian Freedom Struggle exemplifies unity in diversity among Indians. Ans: The Indian Freedom Struggle exemplifies unity in diversity as diverse groups united to fight British colonial rule. Q17: How did the British colonial rulers attempt to exploit India's diversity to maintain their control? Ans:   British rulers attempted to exploit India's diversity through the divide-and-rule policy. Q18: Discuss the significance of unity among diverse groups in achieving India's independence. Ans:   Unity among diverse groups was crucial in achieving India's independence. Q19: Can the principles of unity in diversity be applied to address contemporary challenges in India? Ans:   Principles of unity in diversity can address contemporary challenges in India. Q20: Share examples of other historical events or movements where diversity played a crucial role in achieving common objectives. Ans:   Other historical events also show diversity playing a key role in achieving common goals.

Case 5: Diversity's Impact on Society

Diversity adds richness and depth to society, allowing individuals to learn from one another, appreciate different perspectives, and promote tolerance and inclusivity. Explore the ways in which diversity benefits society as a whole and contributes to social cohesion and progress.

Q21: How does diversity enhance the quality of life in a society, and why is it considered a valuable asset? Ans:  Diversity enhances society by promoting learning, tolerance, and inclusivity. Q22: Discuss the role of diversity in promoting tolerance, empathy, and cultural exchange. Ans:  Diversity promotes tolerance, empathy, and cultural exchange, enriching society. Q23: Provide examples of initiatives or programs that encourage diversity and inclusivity in society. Ans: Initiatives and programs encourage diversity and inclusivity. Q24: How can individuals actively contribute to creating a more diverse and harmonious community? Ans: Individuals can contribute to diversity by embracing differences and promoting inclusion. Q25: Share personal experiences where you witnessed the positive impact of diversity in your local community or workplace. Ans:  Personal experiences show the positive impact of diversity in communities and workplaces.

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Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 1

September 7, 2019 by Bhagya

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Social Science Civics Chapter 1

NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1. Imagine if all the story-tellers and writers that you have heard and read so far were forced to live in a place where all people wore the same two colours red and white, ate the same food (may be potatoes!), took care of the same two animals, for example, the deer and the cat, and to entertain themselves played snakes and ladders. What kind of stories do you think they would write? Answer:

  • First on red and white colour story.
  • Second, potatoes and the men.
  • Cat and deer story.
  • Snakes and the laddar (ludo).

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 1 - 1

Question 2. How is India a country of diversities? Answer: India is a land of diversities because of the following:

  • People speak different languages.
  • They eat different types of foods.
  • They celebrate differents festivals.
  • They practise different religions.

Question 3. What are constant reminders of our rich traditions of respect for diversity? Answer: Songs and symbols.

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1. How are history and geography tied in the cultural life of a region? Clarify with examples from Ladakh and Kerala. Answer: Kerala and Ladakh are different in terms of geographical features.

  • Geography of Kerala made possible the cultivation of spices and rice.
  • Its coastal location made fishing possible.
  • Geography of Ladakh made possible the wool collection as a major occupation of the Ladakhi people.

History of both the regions has seen similar cultural influences.

  • Chinese and Arab Traders came to these regions and set up trading occupations there.

Question 2. How is the influence of diverse cultures still in vogue? Answer: Influence of diverse cultures is still in vogue because of the following:

  • Man’s life is on the move at present.
  • We go from place to place and adopt the culture of new places where we live in.
  • Our cultural traditions also undergo a change.
  • We also adopt several things from our neighbourhood.
  • Our daily life also changes accordingly.
  • We also hear stories of other’s customs and traditions.

Question 3. How was unity in diversity seen during the British rule in India? Answer:

  • People of India have diverse cultures, customs, traditions and backgrounds.
  • British took advantage of this diversity and ruled India for nearly 300 years.

But the diverse people rose against the British as one nation. They showed unity in diversity and threw their rule from India.

  • Man and woman from different cultures, customs, traditions and backgrounds came together to oppose the British.
  • They took part in the freedom struggle.
  • They went to jail together.
  • They worked together to decide joint actions.
  • They acted as one against the British.

Ultimately they uprooted the British Empire from India and attained freedom in 1947.

Question 4. Perhaps you have not noticed that there are several people in the locality where you live who are poor and who do not have enough to eat or wear and sometimes not even a place to live. This difference is not the same as the one we have seen earlier. This is not a difference but it is the question of inequality. How does inequality come? Answer: Inequality comes when there is a big gap between the haves and the have-nots. One has resources and opportunities in abundance while another does not have them at all.

  • One lives in luxurious houses while another does not have even a place or jhoogi to live in.
  • One spends extravagantly, another does not have enough to meet his both ends.

Caste system is another example of inequality.

  • Society has been divided into different groups on the basis of work done by the people.
  • A potter’s son is a potter.
  • A person engaged in one work could not think of another work done by others.
  • This created inequality in the society.

Question 5. From where people who write stories get their ideas? Answer: People who write stories get their ideas from all sorts of different places such as

  • their imagination.
  • People living in forests chose writing about their fight and friendships with animals.
  • Others wrote stories about love and honour describing kings and queens.
  • Some people wrote their childhood memories of school and friends.

Question 6. What does Jawahar Lai Nehru say in his book, ‘Discovery of India’ about unity in diversity? Answer:

  • Jawahar Lai Nehru says that Indian unity is not imposed from outside.
  • It was something deeper and within its fold.
  • People practised the widest tolerance of beliefs, and customs.
  • They acknowledged and encouraged variety.
  • Unity in diversity exists in India.
  • Nehru described his country, “unity in diversity.”

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1. How do we explain diversity? Answer: We explain diversity in the following manner: Historical Basis:

  • People travelled from one place to another in ships, on horses, on camels or on foot, before the advent of trains, aeroplanes, buses or cars.
  • They went to new lands to settle or to trade.
  • They stayed for a long time at one place once they settled there.
  • They left their homes due to famines and droughts as they could not get enough food there.
  • Some of them went in search of work.
  • When they settled in new places they began to change their life-style according to new surroundings, smother time they adopted old styles.
  • Due to mix of old and new, their languages, food, music, religions, also underwent change.
  • Inter mixing of cultures resulted in new and different styles, giving birth to diversities.

Thus regions became very diverse because of their unique histories.

Geographical Basis:

  • People adapt their lives according to geographical conditions.
  • Life-style of the people living near sea is different from those living in mountainous areas. They are different in their clothing, work, foods, living styles and in growing food and vegetables.

Question 2. Let us try to understand what we mean when we say that historical and geographical factors influence the diversity of a region. We can do this by reading about life in two different parts of the country, Kerala and Ladakh. Now do this exercise. Answer:

Kerala is located in the South West of India, bounded by sea on one side and by mountains on the other. Ladakh is a desert in the mountain of J&ICs eastern part.
Spices – pepper, cloves, cardamoms are on the hills. Land covered with snow for a large part of the year.
Fertile land and abundant rainfall have resulted in the rice cultivation. Sheep keeping: Pashmiiia shawl is woven in Kashmir.
Fishing is main occupation due to location on sea. Food – meat and milk (cheese and butter).
Cheenawala nets are used. Caravan routes through passes to Tibet – trade in textiles, spices, raw silk and carpets
Cheenashalli (utensils from China) are also popular for frying. Major food – rice, fish and vegetables. Buddhism reached Tibet via Ladakh.
Many Arab Traders came and settled in Kerala. Ibn Battuta travelled 700 years ago. According to him Muslim community was respected. Muslim populations reached there 400 years before.
St. Thomas is believed to come here and bring Christianity to India. Kamer Saga is sung by both Muslims and Budhhists.
Different religions are practised due to historical background like Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. Kamer Saga is sung by both Muslims and and poems.

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct answer:

Question 1. To which caste does Sameer Ek belong? (a) Muslim (b) Hindu (c) Sikh (d) None of these Answer: Hindu

Question 2. Which language does Sameer Do speak? (a) English (b) Hindi (c) Sanskrit (d) Tamil Answer: Hindi

Question 3. What does Sameer Ek do? (a) Goes to school (b) Sells the newspapers (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these Answer: Sells the newspapers

Question 4. Which caste does Sameer Do belong to? (a) Hindu (b) Muslim (c) Sikh (d) Christian Answer: Muslim

Question 5. On which source do the people of Ladakh depend for drinking water? (a) Rivers (b) Sea (c) Melting of snow (d) None of these Answer: Melting of snow

Question 6. Which region/state produces the Pushmina wool? (a) Ladakh (b) Jamshedpur (c) Kolkata (d) Delhi Answer: Ladakh

Question 7. Where are the Pushmina shawls woven? (a) In Kashmir (b) In Tamil Nadu (c) In Mumbai (d) In Haryana Answer: In Kashmir

Question 8. What is dzos? (a) A type of yak-cow (b) A type of dog (c) A type of goat (d) A type of cat Answer: A type of yak-cow

Question 9. Name the religion which reached Tibet via Ladakh? (a) Jainism (b) Buddhism (c) Islam (d) Sikhs Answer: Buddhism

Question 10. Name the state located in Southwest corner of India, (a) Kashmir (b) Haryana (c) Kerala (d) All of these Answer: Kerala

Question 11. Who wrote the travelogue in which the writer described the lives of Muslims’? (a) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Lai Bahadur Shastri (c) Ibn. Battuta (d) Indira Gandhi Answer: Ibn. Battuta

Question 12. The utensils used for frying cheenavala are called (a) fry-pan (b) cheenachatti (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these Answer: cheenachatti

Question 13. In what manner are Kerala and Ladakh quite different? (a) Geographical features (b) Biological features (c) Historical features (d) All of these Answer: Geographical features

Question 14. Which is the major product grown in Kerala? (a) Wool (b) Spices like clove (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these Answer: Spices like clove

Question 15. Which is the product of Ladakh? (a) Spices (b)Wool (c) Cotton (d) All of these Answer: Wool

Question 16. While the British ruled India, women and men from different regions, cultural faith came together for (a) helping them (b) opposing them (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these Answer: opposing them

Question 17. In which city of India is Jallianwalla Bagh situated? (a) Amritsar (b) Kurukshetra (c) Panipat (d) Mumbai Answer: Amritsar

Question 18. Who wrote the Discovery of India? (a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Indira Gandhi (c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (d) Lal bahadur shastri Answer: Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

Question 19. Who coined the phrase ‘Unity in diversity’ to describe the country? (a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Mahatma Gandhi (c) Indira Gandhi (d) Rajeev Gandhi Answer: Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

Question 20. Who composed our National Anthem? (a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Lai Bahadur Shastri (c) Rabindranath Tagore (d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee Answer: Rabindranath Tagore

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

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  • Social Science Social And Political Life
  • Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity


NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity - FREE PDF Download

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Understanding Diversity by Vedantu provides a variety of diversity in our society, including different cultures, languages, and traditions. Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 PDF helps students understand how diversity makes our world unique and teaches the importance of respecting and celebrating differences. Class 6 Civics NCERT Solutions provides detailed answers to all questions in the NCERT textbook.


Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 gives answers to all the questions in this chapter. Download the FREE Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 PDF prepared by Vedantu Master teachers and updated according to the CBSE Class 6 Social Science Syllabus . Start with Vedantu for your academic excellence!

Glance on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Political Science Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

Understanding Diversity Class 6 describes the variety of cultures, languages, religions, and traditions that exist in our society.

The different festivals, languages spoken in our country, and how people from different backgrounds live together peacefully are clearly explained in Understanding Diversity Class 6 Questions And Answers. 

In this chapter, students learn about the importance of respecting and accepting differences among people. 

They also explore the multitude of languages spoken in our country and how these languages contribute to our cultural diversity. 

Moreover, the chapter teaches students about how various communities contribute to our social, cultural, and economic fabric.

Through this Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 PDF, we also understand the importance of treating everyone with kindness and fairness, regardless of their background or beliefs.

Access NCERT for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Questions and Answers

1. Draw up a list of the different festivals celebrated in your locality. Which of these celebrations are shared by members of different regional and religious communities?

Ans: The festivals celebrated in our locality are: Diwali, Holi, Durga Puja, Raksha Bandhan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Republic day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, etc.

Out of these festivals, National festivals like Republic Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, and Children's day are celebrated by the people of all castes and religions.

2. What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life?

Ans: India is a country of diversity in multiple aspects like-


Living in India with its rich heritage has brought in me a strong feeling of oneness. It has taught me to respect the religious sentiments of others. It has taught me the importance of tolerance for one another. 

3. Do you think the term “unity in diversity” is an appropriate term to describe India? What do you think Nehru is trying to say about Indian unity in the sentence quoted above from his book The Discovery of India?

Ans: Yes, I do believe that "Unity in diversity" is an appropriate term to describe India. India is a country of diversity in terms of religions, foods, clothes, festivals, rituals etc. People from different backgrounds live together in harmony. Being an Indian we proudly sing our National Anthem, we collectively celebrate national festivals like Gandhi Jayanti, Independence Day, Republic Day, etc.

Pandit Nehru in his book is trying to convey that it is the diversity of India that has helped in bringing the feeling of tolerance amongst one another which led us towards the great struggle. This unity has not been imposed by some external factors instead this feeling was deep-rooted among the people.

4. Underline the line in the poem sung after the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, which according to you, reflects India’s essential unity.

Ans: The poem reads:

Don't forget the days of blood, O friend

In the midst of your happiness remember to shed a tear for us 

The hunter has torn away every single flower

Do plant a flower in the desert garden dear friend 

Having fallen to bullets we slept in Jallianwala Bagh 

Do light a lamp on this lonely grave O friend

The blood of Hindus and Muslims flows together today 

Do soak your robe in this river of blood dear friend 

Some rot in jails while others lie in their graves

Do shed a few tears for them, O friend.

The line from the poem that reflects India's unity is: "The blood of Hindus and Muslims flows together today". This shows that people from all religions united together to participate in the mass protests against the British.

5. Choose another region in India and do a similar study of the historical and geographical factors that influence the diversity found there. Are these historical and geographical factors connected to each other? How?

Ans: Region - West Bengal

Geographical Features - Situated between the Himalayas and the Bay of Bengal. It has a tropical and humid subtropical climate in different parts of the state. 

Historical Features: The state is culturally very rich. Many festivals are celebrated here because of the presence of a diverse population from different religious communities. The historical and geographical features are connected to each other in many ways like various empires existed one after another, and the presence of rivers and the Bay of Bengal made trade easy. Bengal was a major trading region during British rule. 

Topics Covered in Class 6 Political Science Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

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Topics of Understanding Diversity Class 6


Making Friends


What does diversity add to our lives?


Diversity in India


Unity in Diversity

Benefits of Referring to Understanding Diversity Class 6 Questions and Answers

Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Questions And Answers helps students understand the importance of respecting people from different backgrounds and cultures, strengthening their core concepts.

Class 6 Understanding Diversity teaches students how to appreciate the uniqueness of various traditions, languages, and lifestyles, and promotes critical thinking.

Students can explore the many languages spoken in India and their role in enriching our heritage with the help of Understanding Diversity Class 6.

Improves vocabulary from exposure to questions related to culture and respect.

Enhances exam performance with easy-to-understand and step-by-step solutions.

Important Study Material Links for Class 6 Political Science Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity by Vedantu, provides the significance of respecting and celebrating diversity in our society. Class 6 Understanding Diversity teaches students about the variety of cultures, languages, traditions, and communities that make India vibrant. Through Vedantu's solutions, students gain insights into creating inclusive environments where everyone feels valued. Overall, mastering this chapter not only enhances students' knowledge of civics but also prepares them to be responsible and respectful global citizens in an increasingly diverse world.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics - Other Chapter-wise Links - FREE PDF

Check out the FREE PDF links offering chapter-wise NCERT solutions prepared by Vedantu Experts, to help you understand and master the social concepts.

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Here in Vedantu, you get sample paper, NCERT solutions, and many more expertise materials to build a never forgetting concept. You can always count on Vedantu for the best educational services. Every parent can rely on Vedantu blindly for their children’s education. We understand your concern and we give the best materials for everyone.

3. What does ‘Unity in Diversity’ mean according to Understanding Diversity Class 6 Questions And Answers?

The main focus of this chapter is to make students aware of the diverse nature of people in India. People can be diverse culturally or geographically. The chapter helps students learn how people can be different but still belong to the same place and share a sense of unity. India is a vast country home to different cultures, languages, cast etc. despite all these diversities all of us are Indians. All these diversities make our country unique, hence giving us unity in diversity.

4. What does Civics Class 6 Chapter 1 discuss?

The first Chapter in Civics for CLass 6 is “Understanding Diversity”. It provides an introduction to the different cultures of people and the regions they come from. India is a vast country full of people in different regions celebrating different festivals and speaking different languages. It is important that the students know the diversity and learn to respect different religions and cultures. 

5. Is Chapter 1 of Class 6 Civics tough?

Class 6 Civics is an introduction to what Political Science is and what are the areas of study under it. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to diversity. The first chapter is not tough if the students are regularly reviewing what is being taught at school.  Vedantu  is the leading online provider for solutions to all NCERT problems, practice questions, and revision notes. The students can take the help of the NCERT Solutions PDF available free of cost to prepare for exams. 

6. Is NCERT Solutions PDF good for preparing Chapter 1 of Class 6 Civics?

The NCERT Solution PDF is provided for all subjects and classes on the Vedantu website and the app. The main focus of these is to make learning and revising easier for students. The solutions are given for all textbook questions from Chapter 1. There are also extra questions that the students can attempt which cover important topics. There are also summaries and revision notes provided for each chapter. The solutions are sufficient for preparing for exams. 

7. How many questions does Chapter 1 of Class 6 Civics have?

Chapter 1 of Civics, Understanding Diversity, has a total of 5 questions at the end of the Chapter. The questions are from the chapter discussing important topics. The solutions can be found in the PDF online. It is important that the students are thorough with the chapter before the exam. They should try attempting the questions and refer to the solutions for help and assess themselves. 

8. How does language diversity benefit a country explained in Class 6 Understanding Diversity?

Language diversity preserves our cultural heritage and helps people communicate effectively within different regions of the country.

9. What role do schools play in promoting diversity?

Schools play a crucial role in educating students about diversity, teaching them to appreciate differences and interact respectfully with peers from various backgrounds.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1- Understanding Diversity

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 – Understanding Diversity (Social Science), contains solutions to various questions in Exercise for Chapter 1.  At the end of the Solutions, all the keywords and Notes which are important to understand Understanding Diversity Class 6 Civics, have been explained in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.  NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science helps to check the concept you have learned from detailed classroom sessions and the application of your knowledge.

Subject Civics (Social Science)
Chapter Chapter 1 – Understanding Diversity

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1- Understanding Diversity – NCERT Exercises

Question 1:

Draw up a list of different festivals celebrated in your locality. Which of these celebrations are shared by members of different regional and religious communities?

There are a number of different festivals celebrated in my locality, like Christmas, Id, Durga Puja, Holi, Diwali, New Year, etc.

People across all religions celebrate festivals like Holi, Christmas, New year, etc. Sometimes they celebrate it under same names and on same days while sometimes under different names and on different days. As the new year in Marathi is known as Gudi Padwa while it is known as Baisakhi in Punjab.

Question 2:

What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life?

India is a country with hundreds of different cultures and heritages. Rich heritage and diversity of the country adds value, variety and choices to our lives and helps us to understand the world in a better manner and through other’s perspectives. It helps us to invade the different art forms, cultures foods and languages of the different people.

Question 3:

Do you think the term “Unity in Diversity” is an appropriate term to describe India? What do you think Nehru is trying to say about Indian unity in the sentence quoted above from this book The Discovery of India?

India is a country with crores of people belonging to different cultures, religion, and believes who speak different languages follow different traditions celebrate different festivals yet live in harmony with each other. Every community of people in India has a separate way of living yet they are all held together by a common identity i.e. of being “an Indian”.

Jawaharlal Nehru wanted to show the capacity of tolerance and unity of the Indian citizens that has been predominantly present in them since time immemorial.

Question 4:

Underline the line in the poem sung after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, which according to you, reflects India’s essential unity.

The line in the poem sung after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre which reflects the essential unity of the country is “The Blood of Hindus and Muslims flows together today”.

Question 5:

Choose another region in India and do a similar study of the historical and geographical factors that influence the diversity found there. Are these historical and geographical factors connected to each other? How? [ 6 marks]

It is located in the Easternmost part of India stretching from Himalayas in the North to Bay of Bengal in the South.

It has a hot and humid climate throughout the year and is rich in natural resources.

The staple food of people in this state is Rice and Fish.

It is located in the northern part of India and is bordered by the union territory Jammu and Kashmir in the North and Haryana in the south.

It experiences extremes of temperature i.e. it experiences as low as 0 degree in the winters and as high as 40- 45 degrees in the summer.

The staple food of people in this state is Chapatti and leafy vegetables.

It is known as the land of literature and the birthplace of the famous poet Rabindranath Tagore.

It was once known as the capital of India under the British Rule.

It is known as the land of 5 rivers, which are Beas Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej.

It has worlds one of the most beautiful Gurudwara the Golden Temple.

Even though both West Bengal and Punjab share different historical and geographical factors yet they share some common features too which connects these factors to each other. Both the states were partitioned after Independence and both the states have similar share of religious communities who live in harmony with each other.

Topics Covered in Understanding Diversity Class 6 Civics (Social Science)

  • What does diversity add to our lives?
  • Diversity in India
  • How do we explain Diversity?
  • Unity in Diversity

Important Terms Relevant for NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1- Understanding Diversity: –

Diversity: It can be defined as a range of various things. In other words, it is the drill of connecting people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds together.

Unity: It is the state of connecting smaller groups together to create a big one. For example, when different classes and sections are connected together to form a school.

Religious Communities: When a group of people practice the same religion then they can be termed as a religious community. Example: Hindus, Muslims, etc.

Caste System: Caste is a form of social arrangement of people into different group mainly on the basis of occupation. There are mainly four types of castes in India, Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishya’s, and Shudras.

Equality : It can be defined as the state of being equal or fair regarding rights, status, opportunities and justice.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics

  • Understanding Diversity
  • Diversity and Discrimination
  • What is Government?
  • Key Elements of a Democratic Government
  • Panchayati Raj
  • Rural Administration
  • Urban Administration
  • Rural Livelihoods
  • Urban Livelihoods

NCERT Solutions for Class 6

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity – Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 NCERT Solutions All Exercises PDF

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity are available here for all exercises. See the Understanding Diversity questions-answers with detailed explanations for Unit 1 of Social and Political Life – I in these NCERT Solutions . Moreover all exercises of Understanding Diversity were solved by Civics experts in order to provide CBSE and other board students these NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics . So you can now also download PDF and use the Class 6 Understanding Diversity Solutions to easily solve all questions of the NCERT book .

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity have been solved by Civics teachers at to assist your learning. All exercises solutions are according to latest CBSE as well as NCERT guidelines. Moreover Understanding Diversity questions and answers in hindi and english medium are available as PDF for free download. This is a part of the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 .

case study questions for class 6 civics chapter 1

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity PDF

The complete PDF of the class 6 Civics unit 1 solutions is as follows.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics

You must have completed using class 6 Civics Understanding Diversity solutions PDF from here on Now you can also check out solutions of other chapters. Thus the chapter-wise Class 6 Civics NCERT Solutions are as follows.

  • Chapter 1 – Understanding Diversity
  • Chapter 2 – Diversity And Discrimination
  • Chapter 3 – What Is Government?
  • Chapter 4 – Key Elements Of A Democratic Government
  • Chapter 5 – Panchayati Raj
  • Chapter 6 – Rural Administration
  • Chapter 7 – Urban Administration
  • Chapter 8 – Rural Livelihoods
  • Chapter 9 – Urban Livelihoods

NCERT Solutions for Class 6

Whereas you can easily download the class 6 Civics NCERT solutions PDF for chapter 1 from this page. You may also be requiring solutions of NCERT books for other subjects as well. Thus the subject-wise Class 6 NCERT Solutions are as follows.

  • Class 6 Civics
  • Class 6 English
  • Class 6 Geography
  • Class 6 Hindi
  • Class 6 History
  • Class 6 Maths
  • Class 6 Sanskrit
  • Class 6 Science

NCERT Solutions

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Case Study Questions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 1 Diversity

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Case Study Questions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 1 Diversity

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Here in this article, we are providing Case Study Questions for Class 6 Social Science. In case study or passage-based questions, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ Questions based on it will be asked. For Social Science Subjects, there would be 5 case-based sub-parts questions, wherein a student has to attempt 4 sub-part questions.

Diversity Class 6 Social Science Case Study Questions

Case Study Question 1 :

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What is Case Study Question in Class 6 Social Science?

Case study questions typically present a specific scenario or case related to a historical event, geographical issue, or social problem. Students are expected to read and understand the details of the case and then answer a set of questions based on their understanding and knowledge of the subject matter.

Case study questions can be an effective way to assess students’ understanding and ability to apply social science concepts to practical situations. They also encourage students to think critically, analyze information, and draw informed conclusions – skills that are valuable both inside and outside the classroom.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Updated 2024-25

On Infinity learn, you can find NCERT Solutions for Class 6 social science social and political life chapter 1. These NCERT Solutions for Class 6 are also accessible in PDF format and are only a click away in offline mode. The PDF file is available to students for free download. The chapter’s main concepts are effectively defined in these NCERT Solutions, allowing students to simply learn and revise them. These solutions were created by our subject-matter specialists using the most recent CBSE syllabus and recommendations.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Question Answer

Here are all the Understanding diversity class 6 questions and answers

Questions Page No. 12

Ques 1. Draw up a list of the different festivals celebrated in your locality. Which of these celebrations are shared by members of different regional and religious communities?

case study questions for class 6 civics chapter 1

These are the festivals shared by different regional and religious communities:

case study questions for class 6 civics chapter 1

These are our national festivals, so every Indian celebrates them irrespective of region and religion.

Ques 2. What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life?

case study questions for class 6 civics chapter 1

  • The people of India belong to different castes and races and embrace different religions.
  • The geographical, biological, political, social, and cultural diversity in India that surrounds us, helps us to develop and become tolerant towards others.
  • This is the only country where unity in diversity and vice-versa breathes comfortably.

So we think that living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds great experience to our life.

Ques 3. Do you think the term “unity in diversity” is an appropriate term to describe India? What do you think Nehru is trying to say about Indian unity in the sentence quoted above from his book “The Discovery of India”?

case study questions for class 6 civics chapter 1

Ans. Yes, unity in diversity is an appropriate term to describe India.

  • Jawaharlal Nehru, the former Prime Minister, in his book “Discovery of India” wrote that India was always united in spite of geographical, religious, and cultural differences.
  • Indian unity is not something imposed from outside but it is something deeper and within its fold, the widest tolerance of beliefs and customs was practiced and variety acknowledged.

Ques 4. Underline the line in the poem sung after the Jallianwalla massacre, which according to you, re fl ects India’s essential unity.

Ans. The line “the blood of Hindus and Muslims flows together today” reflects India’s essential unity and even encouraged it.

Ques 5. Choose another region in India and do a similar study of the historical and geographical factors that in fl uence the diversity found there. Are these historical and geographical factors connected to each other? How?

Ans. History and Geography are often tied to the cultural life of a region.

The diversity of a particular place is influenced by historical and geographical factors. The food we eat, the festivals we celebrate, the cloth we wear vary from one place to the other depending on the historical and geographical factors. All the states in India have such kind of diversity.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics All Chapters

  • Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity
  • Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination
  • Chapter 3 What is Government
  • Chapter 4 Key Elements of a Democratic Government
  • Chapter 5 Panchayati Raj
  • Chapter 6 Rural Administration
  • Chapter 7 Urban Administration
  • Chapter 8 Rural Livelihoods
  • Chapter 9 Urban Livelihoods

Understanding Diversity – NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 1 – Free PDF Download

Chapter 1 of NCERT Solutions for Social Science Civics: Social and Political Life In spite of their differences, they are united.

This chapter discusses individual differences. Diversity refers to the fact that everyone, regardless of culture or caste, is unique in their own manner. This chapter teaches us how to treat people and be friends with them regardless of where they come from or what their parents do for a living. It teaches children that the only way to stay united with someone is to know how they are, not their religion or cultural views, or social class.

Because our country has such a wide spectrum of geographical, cultural, and religious diversity, this chapter gives us a quick overview of unity in diversity. It also informs us about two locations where kids can develop the concept and understanding of living in harmony despite their individual characteristics. The chapter concludes with Jawaharlal Nehru’s thoughts on the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

Class 6 Chapter 1 of NCERT Civics: Social and Political Life

The NCERT Civics Social and Political Life has nine chapters that assist students to understand everything from basic country regulations to moral principles and a feeling of humanity. Each chapter teaches you about a variety of topics that are always fascinating. The Infinity learn website has every needed source you’ll need to comprehend this chapter.

Chapter 1 of the NCERT civics book for class 6 features a total of 5 questions at the end of the chapter as an activity based on the principles you learned in chapter 1. On the site, you may find every solution for the NCERT exercise, including a precise and accurate solution. You may also download all of the solutions in pdf format to save time searching for them. The solutions are written in a way that makes it simple for any student to understand.

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NCERT Solutions with the Most Up-to-Date Syllabus for Civics, Social, and Political Life in Class 6

History, Geography, and Civics are the three volumes that make up the NCERT book for class 6 social science. The civics book is called Social and Political Life, and it comprises 9 chapters with some questions inside and in the exercise to clear and build the concepts of pupils, with the answers available on the Infinity learn website.

Civics in 6th-grade Civics chapter 1 class 6: Social and Political Life NCERT solutions are available on the site, along with extensive answers, and are created by subject experts. To make things as simple as possible for kids. These materials are also accessible in PDF format for Chapter 1 so that students can study them offline by downloading them to their devices.

What is the significance of Infinity learn NCERT Solutions?

Infinity learn has made a reputation for itself in the field of online education by providing you with the most up-to-date study resources. It includes everything you need to know about chapter 1 of the NCERT for class 6 students, including NCERT solutions and practice papers. All are created by experts in their respective fields.

Infinity learn provides all of the resources in PDF format so that they may be conveniently accessed while studying offline. You can also use past papers and the most recent example paper to help you prepare to pass with flying colours. Continue to learn from Infinity learn because it is the finest location to find answers.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1

What is the first chapter of civics class 6.

The first chapter of Civics Class 6 is about 'Understanding Diversity'. It explores the concept of diversity, different cultures, religions, languages, and traditions that exist in India.

What is diversity in Class 6 Civics chapter 1?

Diversity in Class 6 Civics chapter 1 refers to the differences and variety among people in terms of culture, religion, language, traditions, and beliefs. It highlights the richness of India's diverse society.

What is Unity in Class 6?

Unity in Class 6 signifies the coming together of people despite their differences to work towards common goals and objectives. It emphasizes the strength that arises from unity and cooperation among individuals.

What is culture in Class 6?

Culture in Class 6 refers to the way of life of a particular group of people, including their beliefs, customs, traditions, art, and social behavior. It encompasses the shared values and practices of a society.

Are all of the nfinity learn answers correct and suitable for examination?

Yes, they are correct and adhere to the chapter's content and syllabus as well as NCERT. The subject faculty has read it out to the students and prepared the finest possible responses. The faculty curates the answers with the goal of making them simple to remember for students, and they are ideal for exam level preparation because each answer is written from an exam perspective, with each line attracting the marks assigned by the teacher. Answers are written in such a way that the student receives favourable outcomes. nfinity learn teachers can be trusted in a variety of situations.

How useful is nfinity learn for Civics Chapters in Class 6?

nfinity learn is one of the greatest online education sites for getting the things you need based on the newest NCERT syllabus. nfinity learn is a website that employs a team of subject-matter experts to assist you with the necessary solutions to your difficulties. nfinity learn easily clarifies concepts for pupils by employing a simple word frame. It ensures that all students may simply learn and retain the solutions. Sample papers, NCERT solutions, and other expert materials are available in nfinity learn to help you construct an idea that will last a lifetime. nfinity learn is always there to provide the best educational services. For their children's education, any parent can blindly trust nfinity learn. We are aware of your issue.

According to Chapter 1 of Civics for Class 6, what does 'Unity in Diversity' mean?

This chapter's primary goal is to educate students about India's diverse population. People can be culturally and geographically diverse. Students will explore how people can be diverse yet still belong to the same place and share a sense of belonging in this chapter. Despite the fact that India is a big country with many different cultures, languages, castes, and so on, we are all Indians. All of these differences distinguish our country, offering us unity in variety.

What is the topic of Chapter 1 of Civics for Class 6?

Understanding Diversity is the first chapter of Civics for Class 6. It gives an overview of various people's cultures as well as the places from where they originate. India is a big country with people from all over the world enjoying various festivals and speaking various languages. It is critical that pupils understand diversity and learn to accept people of many religions and cultures.

Is Chapter 1 of Civics for Class 6 difficult?

Class 6 Civics provides an overview of Political Science and the various fields of study within it. The first chapter introduces the concept of diversity. The first chapter is not difficult if pupils refresh what they have learned in school on a regular basis. nfinity learn is the most popular online resource for NCERT solutions, practice questions, and review notes. To study for exams, students can use the NCERT Solutions PDF, which is available for free.

Is the NCERT Solutions PDF useful for studying Chapter 1 of Civics in Class 6?

On the nfinity learn website and app, the NCERT Solution PDF is available for all topics and courses. The major goal of these is to make it easy for students to learn and revise. For all textbook questions beginning with Chapter 1, solutions are provided. Extra questions covering crucial topics are also available for students to attempt. For each chapter, there are additional summaries and editing notes. The solutions are sufficient for exam preparation.

How many questions are there in Chapter 1 of Civics for Class 6?

Understanding Diversity, Chapter 1 of Civics, features a total of 5 questions at the end of the chapter. The questions come from the section of the book that discusses crucial issues. The solutions are available in a PDF format on the internet. Aside from these, the PDF includes additional practice questions. It is critical that students review the chapter thoroughly before the exam. They should try the extra questions and use the solutions as a guide to help them assess themselves.

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Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Extra Questions and Answers Understanding Diversity

August 2, 2021 by Prasanna

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Extra Questions and Answers Social Science CBSE Pdf free download are part of Extra Questions for Class 6 Social Science . Here we have given NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Social Science SST Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity.

You can also practice NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Questions and Answers on

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions and Answer Civics Chapter 1 Very Short Answers Type

Question 1. What do you mean by the word ‘diversity5? Answer: The people are dissimilar in various aspects like language, colour, height, food habits, clothes, living styles, customs, religions, regions, interest, culture, practices etc. This dissimilarity is called diversity.

Question 2. Are we all similar? Answer: No, all are not similar. There are many differences existing in the society.

Question 3. How is India a country of diversity? Answer: Languages, foods, festivals, religions, culture, customs are different. In this way, India is a country of diversities.

Question 4. What are constant reminders of our rich traditions? Answer: Songs and symbols.

Question 5. Give an example of diversity in India. Answer: The people of India, living in different parts, speak different languages.

Question 7. Give one example of difference between Kerala and Ladakh. Answer: Kerala is a spices producer state while the Ladakh is sheep rearing region.

Question 8. Which are the religions practised in Ladakh? Answer: Islam and Buddhism are practised in Ladakh.

Question 9. Which are the religions practised in Kerala? Answer: Judism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism are practised in Kerala.

Question 10. What do you think Indian diversity is useful or harmful? Answer: Diversity of India is very useful for us. This diversity is beauty of India.

Question 11. Who fought against the British rule? Answer: Men and women belonging from different regions, languages, religions, culture fought together against the British rule.

Question 12. Who wrote our National Anthem? Answer: National Anthem was written by Rabindranath Tagore.

Question 13. Who wrote the book “The Discovery of India”? Answer: “The Discovery of India” was written by our first Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.

Question 14. Where is Ladakh situated? Answer: Ladakh is situated in eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir.

Question 15. What do you mean by ‘Kesar Saga’. Answer: This is the local version of the Tibetan national epic sung by both Muslims and Buddhists of Ladakh.

Question 16. Where is Kerala situated? Answer: Kerala is state in the south-west comer of India. It is surrounded by the sea on one side and hills on the other.

Question 17. What do you understand about ‘cheena-vala’? Answer: The fishing nets used in Kerala look exactly like the Chinese fishing net and are called ‘cheena-vala’.

Question 18. How were the songs and flags used during the freedom struggle? Answer: They were used as a symbol of protest against the British by people.

Question 19. What is the similarity between Kerala and Ladakh? Answer: Both regions were influenced by Chinese and Arab traders.

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions and Answer Civics Chapter 1 Short Answers Type

Question 1. Which types of differences occur in the people? Answer: The people may be different on the basis of language, colour, height, food habits, clothes, living styles, customs, religions, regions, interest, culture, practices etc.

Question 2. How does diversity exist in India? Answer: India is a country of much diversity. People of India speak different languages, have various types of food, celebrate different festivals, and practise different religions. Apart from it, we do many things that are similar.

Question 3. What are the reasons for existing diversity in India? Answer: For a long time, people travelled from one place to another place for various reasons such as-trade, employment, droughts, wars, natural calamities etc. Due to the migration of people from one place to other places, their languages, food, music, customs, traditions become a mix of the new and old culture and from them came something new and different.

Question 4. What was the thought of the British men? Answer: The British thought that they could divide Indians because of Indians’ diversity. But the Indians showed how they could be different and yet be united in their battle against the British.

Question 5. Why is the sheep rearing special in Ladakh region? Answer: Sheep rearing is special in Ladakh region because they produce pashmina wool. This wool is prized and pashmina shawls cost a lot of money. People also eat meat and use milk of sheep.

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions and Answer Civics Chapter 1 Long Answers Type

Question 1. Describe historical and geographical factors influencing the diversity of Ladakh. Answer: Ladakh is a desert in the mountains in the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir. Very little agriculture is possible here since this region does not receive any rain and is covered in snow for a large part of the year.

People rear sheep in the region. Pashmina wool, meat and milk of sheep is used there. Other reared cattle are goats, cows and dzos. Pashmina is a great demanded and valued product of this region and thus traders are attracted. It was considered a good trade route as it had many passes. Caravans passed through these route and carried textiles and spices, raw silk and carpets.

Buddhism reached Tibet via Ladakh. Ladakh is also called little Tibet. Significant Muslim population is here. Ladakh has a very rich tradition of songs and poems. Local versions of the Tibetan national epic the “Kesar Saga”is performed and sung by both Muslims and Buddhists.

Question 2. Describe diversity of Kerala. Answer: Kerala is surrounded by the sea at one side and hills on the other. It is the spices that made this region an attractive place for traders. Jewish and Arab traders were the first to come here. Arab traders came and settled here.

The Apostle of Christ came here nearly 2000 years ago and he is credited with bringing Christianity of India. Ibn Battuta who travelled here about 700 years ago, wrote that the Muslims were a highly respected community.

Vasco da Gama landed with his ship here. Because of all these various historical influences, people in Kerala practice different religions such as Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism.

The fishing net used by the people of Kerala called cheena-vala etc., and these words came from China. The fertile land and climate are suited for growing rice and a majority of people here eat rice, fish and vegetables.

Question 3. Mention how history and geography are often tied in the cultural life of a region. Describe in the view of Kerala and Ladakh. Answer: While Kerala and Ladakh are quite different in terms of their geographical features, the history of both regions has seen similar cultural influences. Both regions were influenced by Chinese and Arab traders.

It was the geography of Kerala which allowed for the cultivation of spices and the special geographical location of Ladakh and its wool that drew traders to these regions. Thus history and geography are often tied in the cultural life of a region.

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Class 6 Political Life (Civics) Chapter 1 Quiz

October 2, 2021 by 5 Comments

Welcome to this class 6 civics chapter 1 quiz. This online mock test contains questions related to the Topic of Understanding Diversity . Practice this online test to check your concepts of this chapter.

This online mock test is prepared as per the latest syllabus and NCERT Textbook as prescribed by CBSE and schools.

Online Test for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 1

General instructions.

1. Your Online test contains multiple-choice questions with only one answer-type question. There are a total of 10 questions 2. This is a 10 min test. Please make sure you complete it in the stipulated time 3. You can finish this test any time using the ‘View Results’ button.

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CBSE Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity Important Questions

Chapter 1 of CBSE Class 6 Civics, deals with the fact that people are different from each other in many ways. Not only do they look different but they might also belong to different regional, cultural or religious backgrounds. Students can learn and understand diversity from this Chapter. CBSE Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity Important Questions based on the major concepts of the Chapter help students to revise for the exam most proficiently. Students can score well in the exam by practising these important questions.

Learn the Chapter most thoroughly and master the concepts with the help of these important questions. Click on the link provided below in the article and access the CBSE Class 6 Important Questions of Chapter 1 Civics to study for the exam.

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Understanding Diversity

1. What does diversity add to our lives?

2. In your opinion is it a fair situation that some children get to go to school and others don’t?

3. How do we explain Diversity?

4 . Write a short note about Ladakh.

5 . How are Kerala and Ladakh different?

6. India’s national anthem, composed by Rabindranath Tagore, is another expression of the unity of India. In what way does the national anthem describe this unity?

7 . Which are the different festivals celebrated in your locality? Name these celebrations that are shared by members of different regional and religious communities.

8 . What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life?

9 . Do you think the term “unity in diversity” is an appropriate term to describe India? What do you think Nehru is trying to say about Indian unity in the sentence quoted above from his book The Discovery of India?

10 . Underline the line in the poem sung after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, which according to you, reflects India’s essential unity.

11 . Why is India called the Land of Diversities?

12 . Which are the different religions practised in Kerala?

13 . What is the Caste System? Is it an example of inequality?

14. Write a short description about Kerala.

15 . ______ and _________ that emerged during the freedom struggle serve as a constant reminder of our country’s rich tradition of respect for diversity.

16 . What was used as a symbol of protest against the British by people everywhere?

17 . Who coined the phrase “unity in diversity” to describe the country?

18 . Define the term cheena-vala.

19. What is the Kesar Saga?

20. Who discovered the sea route to India from Europe ? How was it discovered?

21. What is the source of drinking water for the people for Ladakh? (a) Rivers (b) Melting of snow (c) Sea (d) None of the above

22. Where is the pashmina wool produced? (a) Kolkatta (b) Delhi (c) Ladakh (d) Jamshedpur

23 . Name the utensil used for frying Cheenavala. (a) frying pan (b) cheenachatti (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these

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CBSE Class 6th Civics Value Based Questions Chapter 1  Understanding Diversity PDF Download

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Most of these Civics Value Based Questions are quite easy and students need only a basic knowledge of the chapter to answer these questions. Download CBSE Civics Value Based Questions for board examinations. These Civics Value Based Questions are prepared by Directorate of Education, Delhi.

CBSE Civics Value Based Questions Class 6th Chapter 1  Understanding Diversity PDF

The purpose of the Civics Value Based Questions is to make students aware of how basic values are needed in the analysis of different situations and how students require to recognize those values in their daily lives. Some questions are subject related. But even if they are not, that one-minute awareness of what we write about value without any specific preparation is a good step indeed.

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MCQ Questions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity with Answers

We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 6 Civics with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the Understanding Diversity Class 6 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

Understanding Diversity Class 6 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1. People in Ladakh keep (a) Bull (b) Sheep (c) Cow (d) Dog

Answer: (b) Sheep

Question 2. Respect and safeguard is the matter of (a) Revenge (b) Safety (c) Respectful (d) Priority

Answer: (d) Priority

Question 3. Difference among the people on cultural basis is known as (a) Climate Diversity (b) Cultural Diversity (c) Racial Diversity (d) Religion Diversity

Answer: (b) Cultural Diversity

Question 4. Which one of the given product is cultivated in Ladakh (a) Wool (b) Maize (c) Cotton (d) Spices

Answer: (a) Wool

Question 5. The utensils used for frying cheenavala are called (a) Cheenapatti (b) Cheenatawa (c) Cheenachatti (d) Cheenapan

Answer: (c) Cheenachatti

Question 6. The fertile land and humid climate are suited for growing (a) Rice (b) Maize (c) Cereals (d) Pulses

Answer: (a) Rice

Question 7. Who composed our National Anthem (a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Dr Iqbal (c) Bhagat Singh (d) Rabindranath Tagore

Answer: (d) Rabindranath Tagore

Question 8. In Ladakh, for drinking water, people depend on the melting snow during the (a) Winter (b) Autumn (c) Monsoon (d) Summer

Answer: (d) Summer

Question 9. The ______ of country is its custom, religions, music and even dances. (a) Race (b) Unity (c) Climate (d) Culture

Answer: (d) Culture

Question 10. Which is the major product grown in Kerala? (a) Cotton (b) Spices like cloves (c) Wool (d) Maize

Answer: (b) Spices like cloves

Question 11. The Boat race is an important part of the ______ festival of Kerala (a) Onam (b) Diwali (c) Eid (d) Christmas

Answer: (a) Onam

Question 12. Who wrote travelogue in which the writer described the lives of Muslims (a) Jawarhar lal Nehru (b) Indira Gandhi (c) Marco pole (d) Ibn Battuta

Answer: (d) Ibn Battuta

Question 13. What is Inequality? (a) A point or way in which people differ (b) Difference among people in ways like looks, fashion etc (c) When things are not equal in terms of size and shape (d) When people does not have equal resources or opportunities

Answer: (d) When people does not have equal resources or opportunities

Question 14. Indian freedom struggle is an example of (a) Unity in diversity (b) Unity in opinions (c) Unity in Beliefs (d) Unity in Power

Answer: (a) Unity in diversity

Question 15. Which of the following area produces the Pashmina wool (a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Kolkata (c) Shimla (d) Ladakh

Answer: (d) Ladakh

Question 16. Sarva Dharma Sambhava is related to (a) Cultural diversity (b) Climate diversity (c) Religious diversity (d) Racial diversity

Answer: (a) Cultural diversity

Question 17. Ladakh is (a) Dense forest region (b) Cold desert (c) Hot desert (d) Forest region

Answer: (b) Cold desert

Question 18. Which language does Sameer Do speak? (a) Sanskrit (b) Hindi (c) Spanish (d) English

Answer: (b) Hindi

Question 19. What is Dzos (a) A type of Dog (b) A type of Goat (c) A type of Yak-cow (d) A type of Crow

Answer: (c) A type of Yak-cow

Question 20. Name the religion which reached Tibet via Ladakh (a) Jainism (b) Hindu (c) Buddhism (d) Christian

Answer: (c) Buddhism

Hope the information shed above regarding NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity with Answers Pdf free download has been useful to an extent. If you have any other queries of CBSE Class 6 Civics Understanding Diversity MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, feel free to reach us so that we can revert back to us at the earliest possible.

case study questions for class 6 civics chapter 1

Important Questions for Class 6 Civics with Answers

CBSE Class 6 Civics Important Questions with answers is one of the best resources to help you prepare for the Social Science paper. All these questions are prepared by our expert teachers and easily downloadable in PDF format. CBSE Class 6 Civics Important Questions include questions that may probably be asked in the exam again and cover the major concepts from all chapters of the subject.

Students can solve these important questions for practice and revise the subject thoroughly for the exam. To be able to excel in the subject and get excellent marks in the CBSE Board exams, download free PDF for Class 6 Civics important questions.

Chapter wise CBSE Class 6 Social Science – Civics Important Questions

  • Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity
  • Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination
  • Chapter 3 What is Government
  • Chapter 4 Key Elements of a Democratic Government
  • Chapter 5 Panchayati Raj
  • Chapter 6 Rural Administration
  • Chapter 7 Urban Administration
  • Chapter 8 Rural Livelihoods
  • Chapter 9 Urban Livelihoods

Important Questions for Class 6 Civics CBSE Board

The chapter of history Class 6 textbook are vast. There are various questions provided at the end of the chapter however their numbers are limited and didn’t cover the whole text of the chapter. Thus, various important questions which are important for the examination are left up. But you don’t have to worry as we have got you covered. Here we provided all the  important questions for Class 6 civics  which are important for the purpose of the examination. 

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Understanding Diversity Extra Questions Chapter 1 Class 6 Civics

Understanding Diversity Extra Questions Chapter 1 Class 6 Civics

Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs):

Chapter 1 understanding diversity short answer questions (saqs):, chapter 1 understanding diversity long answer questions (laqs):, contact form.

Case Study Questions Class 6 Civics Diversity and Discrimination

Case study questions class 6 civics chapter 2 diversity and discrimination.

CBSE Class 6 Case Study Questions Civics Diversity and Discrimination. Important Case Study Questions for Class 6 Board Exam Students. Here we have arranged some Important Case Base Questions for students who are searching for Paragraph Based Questions Diversity and Discrimination.

CBSE Case Study Questions Class 6 Civics Diversity and Discrimination

1.) What does the word Prejudice mean?

2.) When do we end not respecting people , who prefer different things?

3.)  How do stereotypes affect all of us?

Answer- Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar

2.) Dr Ambedkar fought for the rights of which community?

4.) Why did Dr. Ambedkar go to England?

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    CBSE Civics Value Based Questions Class 6th Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity PDF. The purpose of the Civics Value Based Questions is to make students aware of how basic values are needed in the analysis of different situations and how students require to recognize those values in their daily lives. Some questions are subject related.

  20. MCQ Questions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity with

    Practice MCQ Questions for Class 6 Civics with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the Understanding Diversity Class 6 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation. Understanding Diversity Class 6 MCQs Questions with Answers. Question 1. People in Ladakh keep (a) Bull (b) Sheep (c) Cow (d) Dog

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  22. Understanding Diversity Extra Questions Chapter 1 Class 6 Civics

    4. Define Diversity. Answer. Diversity means "variety" and "being different". It is a product of different geography, culture and history. Diversity is more than just tolerating the differences. It is respecting and understanding the varying differences among individuals in society. 5.

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