The Downfall of Macbeth Term Paper

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Turning point, tyrant emerges, inevitable demise, works cited.

The Tragedy of Macbeth is a play written by the renowned English playwright William Shakespeare about a Scottish general who learns that he could become a king through a prophesy from three witches. The play falls under the tragedy genre as the protagonist Macbeth ends up facing death at the end of the story.

The tragedy was written in 1606 during the renaissance literary period, which ran form 1485-1625. The play was written during the reign of James I after the death of Queen Elizabeth 1. The time around which the play was written was also called the Elizabethan era. Macbeth is ambitious for power and his character deteriorates as he acquires and tries to maintain it leading to his downfall.

Macbeth comes across as a man of great character at the opening of the play. The king together with the people respects him because of his nobility and bravery. He is honored for his great contribution in the war by saving the life of the king’s son Malcolm. He tells his father about the courage of Macbeth, “This is the sergeant who like a good and hardy soldier fought ‘against my captivity.

Hail brave friend!” (Shakespeare 1. 2. 4-5). Malcolm is loved and his self-esteem is high, as he feels proud of serving his country. He is content with his position during this time until the three witches prophesy to him that he would become king.

The prophesy marks the turning point for Macbeth from a noble man to a greedy man consumed by ambition to become king and his character starts changing. He thinks about the prophesy and decides to leave it to chance but the more he thought about he knew he had to take an action. His wife urges him to take King Duncan out and portray his bravery as she accuses him of cowardice.

His conscience bothers him and he asks, “Will great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood/clean from my hand?” (Shakespeare 2. 2.58-59). Nonetheless, he goes on to murder the king and his character takes a turn for the worst as he kills the chamberlains who would give witness of the king’s death and he claims he killed them due to fury for their killing of King Duncan.

Banquo also knew about the witches’ prophesy and he could become a liability to him later. That means he had to deal with Banquo also to remain in power just as he had killed the chamberlains. He hires murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance as the witches had predicted that Banquo’s sons would inherit the thrown. ” …Now he will murder for no reason other than to habituate himself to the terrors of his corrupted state and make himself comfortable among them…” (Cunningham 295).

His character is deteriorating and killing has become so easy for him and he has lost his sense of morality. The more he kills the further he deteriorates and becomes violent because he does not gain the security he intends from the murders. He also plans to kill Macduff in order to keep his throne “I am in blood/stepped in so far that, should I wade no more/returning were as tedious as go o’er” (Shakespeare 3.4.153-137).

The life of Macbeth takes a different turn from act four as he decided to consult the witches to know his fate and people planning to overthrow him. He seems to be on road to self-destruction and nothing will save him from the cruel man he has become. Moreover, he drops deeper into darkness when he orders the killing of Macduff’s wife and children yet they are not a political threat to him.

He says of Macduff’s family “Seize upon Fife; give to the edge o’ the sword /His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls/That trace him in his line (Shakespeare 4.1.131-135). His character also deteriorates when the witches tell him that he no man born of woman can kill him thus think he is invincible.

He boasts and says that he will defeat the enemy but his end is evitable as Malcolm and his fighters advance to Macbeth’s castle. Macbeth comforts himself and says, “I cannot taint with fear. What’s the boy Malcolm? Was he not born of woman? The spirits that know. All mortal consequences have pronounced me thus: ‘Fear not, Macbeth; no man that’s born of woman Shall e’er have power upon thee” (Shakespeare 5.3.3-7). However, he is killed bringing an end to his tyrannical rule and a new beginning for Scotland.

Macbeth faces his death because he allows ambition change him from a noble man to a vicious monster. His character deteriorates from the time he agrees to commit his first murder of king Duncan and is forced to kill many other power in order to hold on to power that he acquired illegitimately that eventually leads to his disintegration.

Cunningham, Dolora G. “Macbeth: The Tragedy of the Hardened Heart.” Shakespeare Quarterly, 14.1 (1963): 39-47. Reprinted in Shakespearean Criticism. Vol.69.Ed. Lynn M.Lott.Detroit: Gale. 293-298.

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth . n.d. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, September 18). The Downfall of Macbeth.

"The Downfall of Macbeth." IvyPanda , 18 Sept. 2018,

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The downfall of Macbeth

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✅ 1570 words ✅ 4th May 2017

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Illustration of bloody hands reaching for the sky in the night

by William Shakespeare

In Macbeth , how responsible is Macbeth for his own downfall?

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characters: Macbeth

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There are many conflicting opinions about Macbeth 's responsibility for his own downfall in Macbeth and whether he should be held fully accountable. Having a fatal flaw and being rendered not responsible otherwise creates a tragic hero. To deal with his own responsibility, Macbeth has many opportunities to see the...

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error of his ways; in fact, as the witches have accurately forecast his rise to position of Thane of Cawdor, he has no reason to doubt the remaining prophesies. " be King stands not within the prospect of belief, no more than to be Cawdor."(I.iii.74-75)

Macbeth is aware that "vaulting ambition, which o'er leaps itself" I.vii.27) is his only reason for plotting to kill Duncan who does not deserve this cruel fate as "his virtues will plead like angels."(19)He has made his decision and "will proceed no further in this business."(32)As a decorated soldier, he knows the value of good, sound decision-making and so does have the capacity to recognize that it "cannot be ill; cannot be good."(I.iii.131)

Even having murdered Duncan, Macbeth can now revel in his Kingdom. He has his wish and can make his plans and ensure he is not discovered as "false face must hide what the false heart doth know."(I.vii.82) However, his lack of self-control leads to Banquo 's death and the steady decline of Macbeth to the point where he fails to recognize the "juggling fiends," the witches, for what they really are.  

Therefore, due to all the opportunities to either stop himself or stop short of destroying himself and mainly due to his recognition of his own weaknesses, Macbeth should have had the strength of character to defy his wife's attack, suggesting what makes him "so much more the man"((vii.51), and do the right thing. He knows his ambition is trouble; he knows the witches create situations where "fair is foul and foul is fair" (I.i.10). He could have risen far in the ranks by being patient and he knows the value of honesty and integrity which presumably got him this far.   

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Sheehan, Pauline. "In Macbeth , how responsible is Macbeth for his own downfall?" edited by eNotes Editorial, 4 Sep. 2013,

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This is one of the most fundamental question posed in Macbeth , and it yields no easy answers. On the one hand, Macbeth is, in many ways, the victim, or perhaps the subject, of a series of malevolent supernatural interventions. The witches appear before him after the battle, and hail him as king of Scotland, for no reason than to stir up trouble. Later, we learn that Hecate herself is plotting against Macbeth by making the apparitions appear to tell him he can only be killed under what seem like very unlikely circumstances:

Shall raise such artificial sprites  As by the strength of their illusion  Shall draw him on to his confusion.  He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear  His hopes ’bove wisdom, grace, and fear.  And you all know security  Is mortals’ chiefest enemy.

So Macbeth is clearly at the mercy, to some extent, of malevolent supernatural forces. Other readers may argue that his wife also bears some responsibility for his actions. When he vacillates before murdering Duncan, she steels him by questioning his masculinity:

When you durst do it, then you were a man;  And, to be more than what you were, you would  Be so much more the man.

Lady Macbeth encourages him to commit the murder, and helps him cover it up afterwards. On the other hand, however, she plays little role in his later actions. He has Banquo and the Macduff family murdered without consulting her, and by the end of the play, while he is consumed by ambition, she is a broken woman.

Ultimately, though Macbeth is to some extent victimized by supernatural forces, he must ultimately bear the responsibility for his actions. His ambition is present from the beginning, and he seems to have little ability to control it, especially after the initial murder. 

Cranford, Alec. "In Macbeth , how responsible is Macbeth for his own downfall?" edited by eNotes Editorial, 18 Sep. 2012,

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This is a difficult question because, in this complex plot, Shakespeare incorporates at least four forces that all conspire to contribute to Macbeth's downfall. These forces are King Duncan's choices and his men's reactions at the opening of the play; the Weird Sister witches and their predictions; Lady Macbeth's ambition and villainy; Macbeth's weak inner character. One might simply say that Macbeth made his own decisions and therefore ultimately bears the final responsibility for his downfall. But isn't that missing one of Shakespeare's principle points, though, by overriding it and throwing it out of the cauldron of contemplation? Isn't it the same point that Alan Paton makes in Cry, the Beloved Country ? This point being that external forces have power to sway and turn good to bad through influence alone.

Let's examine these forces to sort out an answer. Duncan rewards Macbeth by making him Thane of Cowdor, "And with his former title [of Cowder] greet Macbeth." for which all Duncan's followers were glad as they hold Macbeth in great esteem. Yet Duncan awards succession to the crown to his son, Malcolm , not to Macbeth. A feeling of disappointment pervades the gathering, leading Macbeth to his first traitorous thoughts, though directed toward Malcolm:

MACBETH [Aside] The Prince of Cumberland! that is a step On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires:

Next, Macbeth encounters the witches who interfere with riddles and paradoxes suggesting Macbeth will be King, irrespective of the line of succession. Macbeth encounters the power-crazed Lady Macbeth, whose lust for power is so great because she herself seeks to have it. Both these forces have enormous influence because they are bound up with fierce and dramatic emotion: exposure to fierce emotion is the surest way to implant a mental construct.

Then Macbeth encounters his own inner weakness.  Weakness seems a contradiction to his success as a victor in battles. Yet maybe this is part of Shakespeare's point: inner character is complex and multifaceted, not one-dimensional, so extreme influences may always find an entry point.

So, how much responsibility does Macbeth bear? From a perspective of the role of Fate, it may be said he bears little responsibility because Fate set him about with corrupting influences. From a perspective of moral culpability, it may be said he bears full responsibility, but the weight of it is strongly mitigated (lessened) by the extreme influences bearing in upon him.

An even more interesting question might be how much responsibility falls on Duncan, the witches, and Lady Macbeth respectively:

LADY MACBETH yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness

Banquo heard the witches, too, but was free of Duncan's failed expectations and of Lady Macbeth's venom. It seems the end analysis must be that, while Macbeth bears full responsibility for his actions, the blame is heavily mitigated, or lessened, and shared by these strong, overpowering forces that influenced him.

Hardison, Karen P.L.. "In Macbeth , how responsible is Macbeth for his own downfall?" edited by eNotes Editorial, 13 May 2012,

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Macbeth is given prophecies by the witches and he is encouraged to act on these suggestions by Lady Macbeth, but he ultimately makes the choices to murder Duncan, Macduff's family and Banquo. The fact that Macbeth does feel guilt (and fear of being caught and losing the throne) reveals his subconscious anxiety. If Macbeth truly felt that he was just at the mercy of fate (courtesy of the witches' prophecies) then he would have no misgivings about carrying out his crimes. The fact that Macbeth agonizes over his crimes reveals that he knows (consciously or subconsciously) that the responsibility is partly or all his.

Macbeth is never forced to do what he does. The witches give him visions. Macbeth confers with his wife and she encourages him to commit the crimes. You can make the argument that, had the witches never presented him with these prophecies, he would never have even thought up this scheme. But he chooses to carry it out.

Lulos, Jason. "In Macbeth , how responsible is Macbeth for his own downfall?" edited by eNotes Editorial, 15 Aug. 2011,

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Although Macbeth was responsible for his own decision making, could it be argued that his ultimate demise was not completely his fault? 

There is certainly evidence to support the idea that Macbeth’s judgment was heavily influenced, if not taken over, by others.

When Macbeth and Banquo first meet the witches in Act 1 scene iii, he is warned by Banquo that they often mislead the innocent by tapping into their unconscious desires-

And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray's In deepest consequence—

The witches at least stir up ideas within Macbeth which lead to his killing of the king.

The forces of evil are strong, but so are the forces of love. Lady Macbeth similarly draws her husband in to the bloody crime by persuading him that it is a promise to her that he should keep if he has honour as a man--

What beast was't then That made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; And, to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place Did then adhere, and yet you would make both: They have made themselves, and that their fitness now Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this.

Her words are strong, harsh and play heavily upon his reputation and the close bond with his wife. He is therefore driven as much by these feminine wiles and supernatural solicitings as he is by his own free will.

Lean, Tracey. "In Macbeth , how responsible is Macbeth for his own downfall?" edited by eNotes Editorial, 31 Mar. 2012,

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Causes Of Macbeth's Downfall

Macbeth started off as a valiant and courageous soldier, who would do anything for the king. By the end of the play, Macbeth was a tyrant and a horrible leader who killed those who trusted him to maintain the throne. It takes many factors to take a strong man and transform him into an evil monster. Macbeth’s downfall was caused by the deception and temptation of the witches and their prophecies, Lady Macbeth’s greed and aspirations for her husband to be king, and Macbeth’s own greed, jealousy and ambition. The witches played a colossal role in Macbeth’s downfall and ultimately, his death. Since the first part of the prophecy stated Macbeth as being the new Thane of Cawdor, he believed he could continue to become king as well. In knowing his prediction, Macbeth also realized that since the king was in good health, so he would have to kill the king himself. For the rest of his prophecy to come true he would have to kill the king for himself. “All hail, Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter!” (1.3.51).The witches sparked this greed and ambition in Macbeth that caused him to kill the king. Not only did the witches tempt Macbeth, they also deceived him and …show more content…

As soon as she heard Macbeth’s prophecy, she was willing to do anything to get him into the position of king. She was even willing to aid in the murder of innocent people who stood in the way of Macbeth’s ascension to the crown like, King Duncan. Her greed led to Macbeth’s downfall. When Macbeth stated that he was questioning his intentions to kill the king, she pushed him and assisted in the plotting. “We will proceed no further in this business. / He hath honored me of late, and I have bought/ Gold opinions from all sorts of people” (1.7.31-33). After he said this, Lady Macbeth questioned his manhood. With his manliness being questioned, he pushed himself to kill the king. The greed of Lady Macbeth and her scheming led to Macbeth’s untimely

How Does Ambition Lead To Moral Decay In Macbeth

Macbeth we see him use ambition as a motif to show how when unchecked it can lead to moral decay. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth seek the throne and all of its power which leads to their destruction. In Act 1 Scene 7 Macbeth comes to terms with the fact that killing Duncan is simply a move for power with no moral backings, “ I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself And falls on th’ other-”. Although Macbeth begins to realize that he is committing murders and destroying lives for power there is nothing stopping him. Unfortunately Lady Macbeth was overcome with the guilt of what she had done that she took her own life.

Importance Of Motifs In Macbeth

The three witches prophesize that Macbeth is destined to become king. Although this prophecy is true, it is ironic because Macbeth’s idea of being king contradicts what really happens in the story. Macbeth most likely believed that once he kills Duncan that he would enjoy the wealth and power that comes with the throne. He believed that he would be happy. However, after he murders Duncan, Macbeth ultimately experiences the guilt of his actions.

Pride And Corruption In Macbeth

In the beginning, Macbeth felt a deep guilt about planning to kill King Duncan. Once he did kill him, though, his conscious slowly started ebbing away. Within a short time, he was killing and manipulating many people; he even went as far as to kill the innocent wife and children of a man whom he considered his enemy. What started out as a doubt acted upon became a quick, almost unstoppable path of destruction. Every aspect of who he was, his conscious, was covered by the dark shadow cast by the corrupting sin.

Comparison Of Macbeth And Pablo Escobar

Macbeth was the Thane of Cawdor but he wanted to be king more than anything. The witches had told him that he would one day be king but he did not know how long that would take so when King Duncan had been invited to stay the night at his house he exclaimed that “My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical,/ shakes so my single state of man/ that function is smother 'd in surmise,/ and nothing is but what is not”(1.3.52-55). He felt that if he were to kill King Duncan that he would have a better chance of becoming king. Though the witches had never told him that someone would need to get murdered for him to become king, his ambition tempted him to quicken this process the only way he felt he could. This was the beginning of the murderer that the witches had created with the fortune telling.

How Does The Supernatural Influence Macbeth

Firstly, the witches’ revelations prompted Macbeth to murder his loyal companions. When the three witches spoke of Macbeth becoming king, it sparked the idea that this could be a realistic goal. On page 13, Act I, scene iii, Third Witch created insight, "All hail, Macbeth, who will soon be King." After sharing

External Forces In Macbeth

Lady Macbeth uses the tactic of belittling him about his manhood. Implying that he is not a man unless he does what she asks. She offers him to ease the burden of this crime. Not only does Lady Macbeth and the witches have an impact on Macbeth, he also is the last one to accept his poor choices he will make to lead him to the failure he

Gender Stereotypes In Shakespeare's Macbeth

As Lady Macbeth continues to hide her “weak” attributes by displaying a stronger shell, she also reveals her sense of ambition. Although Macbeth and Lady Macbeth both seek power, it is obvious that power is what drives Lady Macbeth. From the second she knew about the witches’ prophecies, she made it her goal to become King and Queen. When she creates a plan to murder King Duncan, Macbeth shows he is nervous, Lady Macbeth finds this problematic and asks him to “project a peaceful mood, because if you look troubled, you will arouse suspicion.” (1.5.63-65).

Essay Who Is Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

At the start of the play, Macbeth visits the witches with Banquo at the closing of the battle. The witches speak to Macbeth and Banquo and get the idea of a prophecy in Macbeth’s mind. “All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis./ All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor./ All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter” (1.3.46-48). When the witches get the prophecy in Macbeth’s mind, he believes it will come true and misunderstands the prophecy of the witches. Although the witches make Macbeth believe in the prophecy of becoming the King, Macbeth is responsible for his downfall because they do not recommend Macbeth to kill Duncan.

Greed Quotes In Macbeth

The witches were the first people to plant the idea of killing the king into Macbeth’s mind. They cause him to question his thoughts about becoming king. Macbeth at first thought that becoming “king stands not within the prospect of belief (I.iii.76-77).” Immediately after he becomes Thane of Cawdor, he begins to think about his future on the throne and does not appreciate Duncan’s gift to him of becoming the new Thane of Cawdor. The witches said what they did to Macbeth in order to drive him to the point in which he will kill the King, who gave him nothing but kindness.

Changes In Macbeth

In the story “Macbeth” there were some characters that didn’t change throughout the book, but there are others that did. Lady Macbeth can be an example of a character that changed. Including to that, there is one character that changed the most. Becoming king was the cause of him being evil and selfish. Before Macbeth had become king he was a total different person.

Who Is Responsible For Death In Macbeth

Macbeth” is a tragedy written by Shakespeare. The story is played somewhere between 1600 and was performed for King James 1.It is a tragedy about a man’s fall. It could be suggested that macbeth is responsible for the death of king Duncan. According to my point of view, Macbeth didn’t killed Duncan , banquo and macduff 's family because he wanted to be evil because he met the witches .He did everything because of ambition, jealousy , lust for power and because he was power hungry from the beginning.

Character Development In Macbeth

The audience can now see his desires as well as his ambition. At this point, Macbeth is still hesitant of revealing his true nature, but the audience gets a peek of what he yearns for. In addition, the witches’ predictions are known to be paradoxical, their predictions are never straightforward; they tend to have different interpretations. Macbeth kills King Duncan to obtain the power he was told he’d get. Despite that, the witches never said to kill King Duncan; they told him he would become king.

Supernatural Elements In Macbeth

The Witches play a crucial role in the development of the narrative; their actions contribute greatly to the downwards spiral of Macbeth’s life and sanity, and the murder of King Duncan. Their introduction to the play establishes a supernatural element that is consistent throughout the play, allowing for further exploration of ideas such as the destruction of oneself as a result of being overambitious. Shakespeare creates a stormy, bleak, and ominous atmosphere when the Witches are first introduced, successfully associating them with a negative atmosphere. It is through their prophecies that Macbeth’s lust for the throne is encouraged, consequently leading him to his own demise and destruction of Scotland. The

Essay On Macbeth Is Evil

William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, the main character; Macbeth, is seen as an evil character. The play is based off of Macbeth’s decisions and his actions to become King. In the beginning Macbeth starts out as a hero in Scotland’s war with Ireland and towards the end he is transformed into a murderer. Macbeth is not wholly evil because of is heroism in the war, his love for Scotland, and because he didn’t want to kill King Duncan initially. Macbeth was brain washed by his wife and tricked into killing the King.

Differences And Similarities Between The Witches Malcolm And Banquo

We know that Macbeth is the Thane of Glamis, and right after this, Ross tells Macbeth he is the new Thane of Cawdor. This makes Macbeth believe that if he kills King Duncan, he can become king, because all the other prophecies came true. Without the witches prophecies, Macbeth would have not killed Duncan. By having Duncan killed, Scotland fell from the inside out because its ruler was murdered and no one knew by who. The witches are confusing characters, and I think they might have had a bigger goal then have Macbeth be king.

More about Causes Of Macbeth's Downfall

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Ambition & Guilt: Great Essay Introduction for Macbeth

Table of Contents

Do you want to write an essay introduction for Macbeth ? This article covers the play’s major themes to help you write a compelling essay.

Macbeth is a tragedy that tells the story of a Scottish nobleman who becomes obsessed with his own ambition to rule. It also showcases the repercussions of the actions he takes to get there.

The themes of Macbeth, which range from ambition to guilt, help to explain why it is regarded as one of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies. Macbeth’s themes and underlying ideas add layers of significance to this excellent work of literature.

An Overview of the Play “Macbeth”

“Macbeth” is a tragedy by William Shakespeare that shows how the main character, Macbeth, goes from being a war hero to a murderous villain. Beginning as the thane of Glamis, Macbeth progressively advances to the position of King of Scotland.

The higher Macbeth progressed along his path to power, the more corrupt and evil he grew in the process. Macbeth’s character shift drives the whole theme of this play.

How to Write an Essay Introduction for Macbeth

An introduction paragraph is your opportunity to introduce the reader to the play and the main . Some other points to include in your introduction paragraph are the setting, conflict, and protagonist. Make sure you also introduce the protagonist’s main goal and the conflict that is central to the story.

When writing an essay on Macbeth, make the introductory sentence provocative to draw the readers in.

Also, avoid beginning your introduction with a quote, no matter how tempting it may be. If you must quote, consider paraphrasing as an alternative. You’ll get plenty of opportunities to use quotations throughout the essay.

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Understanding the Major Themes in Macbeth

Macbeth is a tragedy that dramatizes the psychological effects of unchecked ambition.

Loyalty, guilt, innocence, and fate all center on the notion of ambition and its consequences. The play, Macbeth, has some major themes in the play which are as follows:

Macbeth’s ambition turned out to be his tragic flaw. It lacks morality which ultimately leads to Macbeth’s downfall. Two things fueled his desire. The Three Witches’ prophecy states that not only would he rule Cawdor as thane but also as king. More significantly, the attitude of Macbeth’s wife, who mocks his assertiveness and manliness and actively orchestrates her husband’s deeds.

But Macbeth’s ambition quickly gets out of hand. He believes his authority is in danger to the point where it can only be maintained by killing his perceived enemies. Ambition ultimately leads to the downfall of both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. He loses the battle and is beheaded by Macduff, while Lady Macbeth kills herself due to insanity.

Macbeth features numerous instances of loyalty. Macbeth is a valiant general at the beginning of the play. King Duncan rewards Macbeth with the title thane of Cawdor after the original thane betrayed him and allied with Norway. However, once Duncan names Malcolm as his heir, Macbeth concludes that to become the king himself, he must assassinate the king.

Shakespeare’s loyalty and treachery dynamic is demonstrated once more as Macbeth betrays Banquo, his noble best friend, out of paranoia. Although they were allies in battle, Macbeth recalls the witches’ prophecy that Banquo’s descendants would one day rule Scotland once he becomes king. Then, Macbeth decides to get him killed.

After discovering the king’s death, Macduff, who suspects Macbeth, goes to England. He teams up with Malcolm there, the son of Duncan, to plot Macbeth’s demise.

Appearance and Reality

Near the close of act I, Macbeth already has plans to kill Duncan. Macbeth then tells him, “False face must hide what the false heart doth know.”

Similar to this, the witches’ statements—such as “fair is foul and foul is fair” subtly manipulate reality and appearance. Their prophecy that no child “of woman born” can defeat Macbeth is proven false. This was when Macduff revealed that he was born by Caesarean section.

Also, the witches assured that Macbeth would not be defeated until “Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him.” It was considered unnatural, as a forest would not climb a hill. But in reality, it meant soldiers cutting trees in Birnam Wood to get closer to Dunsinane Hill.

Fate and Free Will

If Macbeth hadn’t followed his violent path, would he have become the king? This question raises the issues of fate and free will. He was appointed thane of Cawdor shortly after the witches predicted that without him doing anything to earn the position.

The witches predict Macbeth’s future and his fate. But Macbeth exercised his own free will in killing Duncan, and he planned the other assassinations after Duncan’s death. The same is true of the other visions the witches conjure for Macbeth. He interprets them as a sign of his invincibility, but they actually foretell his demise.

Macbeth is a tragic play about human lack of control and choice, the seeming inevitability of destiny, and adherence to nature. An introductory essay for Macbeth would analyze that it is one of Shakespeare’s early tragedies driven by ambition, loyalty, guilt, and fate. This article gives a quick overview of Macbeth and the major themes of the play.

Ambition & Guilt: Great Essay Introduction for Macbeth

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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macbeths downfall essay introduction

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    The Causes of Macbeths Downfall Essay (English Yearly) INTRODUCTION {DON'T HAVE TOO MANY FACTS IN INTRODUCTION & ANAYLISE MORE USING THE FIRST SECTIONS OF EACH PARAGRAPH} Macbeth is a powerful and emotionally intense play.


    'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare National 5 1 MAETHS DOWNFALL MACBETH IS BRAVE IN BATTLE; HEROIC (ACT I. 2) • The bleeding captain calls him brave Macbeth [ (Act I. 2. 16) and valours minion (Act I.2.19). • Macbeth marched through the enemy, laughing at chance, and killed the rebel Macdonald with a single stroke of his sword.

  13. Macbeth as a Tragic Hero: an Examination of Shakespeare's Protagonist

    Introduction. William Shakespeare's Macbeth is a quintessential example of a tragic hero as defined by Aristotle in his Poetics. Aristotle posits that a tragic hero is a character of noble stature who is not only great but also relatable, possessing a fatal flaw (hamartia) that leads to his downfall.

  14. Causes Of Macbeth's Downfall

    Macbeth's downfall was caused by the deception and temptation of the witches and their prophecies, Lady Macbeth's greed and aspirations for her husband to be king, and Macbeth's own greed, jealousy and ambition. The witches played a colossal role in Macbeth's downfall and ultimately, his death. Since the first part of the prophecy ...

  15. Essay About Macbeth

    Macbeths Downfall Essay. In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, the main character, Macbeth, is a brave and loyal subject to the King of Scotland, but as the play progresses, his character begins to change drastically.

  16. MB Essay Outline

    Name: Period: Macbeth Argument Essay Outline and Organizer Sheet PROMPT: Macbeth's downfall is caused by both internal and external forces.In an argumentaive essay, make a claim for the most signiicant inluences that lead to Macbeth's downfall. I am choosing Essay Opion 1, 2, or 3: _2. THESIS: The internal/external inluences that are MOST signiicant to Macbeth's downfall.

  17. Introduction To Macbeth Essay

    Macbeths Downfall Essay. In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, the main character, Macbeth, is a brave and loyal subject to the King of Scotland, but as the play progresses, his character begins to change drastically. ... Macbeth Character Essay. Essay: Introduction: An important character in 'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare was ...

  18. Ambition & Guilt: Great Essay Introduction for Macbeth

    The higher Macbeth progressed along his path to power, the more corrupt and evil he grew in the process. Macbeth's character shift drives the whole theme of this play. How to Write an Essay Introduction for Macbeth. An introduction paragraph is your opportunity to introduce the reader to the play and the main. Some other points to include in ...

  19. The Reasons Of The Tragic Downfall Of Macbeth In ...

    Macbeth killed King Duncan and became the new King of Scotland. His behavior makes him a tyrant. His cruel, greedy and cold blood. At the end of the play, McDuff ended his life. However, Macbeth was not the only person responsible for his downfall. So this essay will focus on the causes of Macbeth's tragic downfall.

  20. Macbeth Downfall Essay

    Macbeth Downfall Essay - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing an essay analyzing Macbeth's downfall, noting that it requires a deep understanding of Shakespearean literature, intricate character analysis, and examination of themes like ambition and power. It explains that the essay must also consider the ...

  21. Who Is Responsible for Macbeth's Downfall? Essay Example

    The people responsible for king Macbeth's corruption and downfall are the Three Witches, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth himself. The start of the corruption starts in act 1, scene 3 the witches have said "All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of cawdor. All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter," The three witches ran into Macbeth and Banquo ...

  22. Role of Fate in Shakespeare's Macbeth: an Analysis of Key Quotes

    Introduction. William Shakespeare's "Macbeth" is a tragic tale that delves into the complexities of ambition, morality, and fate. Set in medieval Scotland, the play follows the titular character, Macbeth, whose encounter with three witches propels him on a path of regicide, tyranny, and ultimately, his own demise.

  23. Macbeth: Fate Vs Free Will and Tragic Downfall

    Introduction. Macbeth's actions cannot be justified because they were of his free will. It was Macbeth's desire to become king that led him into his own path of destruction and doom, highlighting the ongoing conflict of fate vs free will. ... Macbeth's Downfall Essay. A. Restate the thesis statement and summarize the main points discussed ...

  24. ≡Macbeth

    In turn, use it to make an essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Hook Examples for "Macbeth" Essays. The Ambition That Consumes Hook. Explore the theme of unchecked ambition in "Macbeth" and how it leads to the tragic downfall of the main character. Discuss Macbeth's relentless pursuit of power and its consequences.

  25. Hubris in Greek Mythology: a Fatal Flaw

    Introduction Hubris, often translated as excessive pride or arrogance, is a recurring theme in Greek mythology, playing a central role in the narratives... read full [Essay Sample] for free ... hubris is frequently depicted as a fatal flaw that leads to the downfall of otherwise heroic or significant characters. The gods of ancient Greece were ...

  26. The Fall of Okonkwo: a Tragic Hero's Descent

    Introduction. Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart is a seminal work in African literature, chronicling the life of Okonkwo, a respected leader and warrior in the Igbo community of Umuofia. The novel portrays the conflict between traditional African culture and the forces of colonialism, as well as the personal downfall of its protagonist.