Resume Summaries for Fresh Graduates with Examples

A resume summary is a short description at the top of your resume that briefly describes your experience, skills and why you’re an ideal candidate for a job. Using a resume summary can help recruiters decide whether they want to give your resume more attention or not. In this article, you can review various examples of resume summaries for recent graduates with explanations for each sample.

Resume summary examples for recent graduates

Here are some examples of resume summaries for recent graduates that you can use when writing own resume:

Retail Associate

Example:  ‘Aspiring Retail Associate with strong interpersonal and communication skills. Goal-oriented individual with a strong understanding of how to treat customers. Participated in skills development workshops at Boston College.’

This example begins with a statement of your career goals backed with soft skills needed for the job. As a recent graduate, it can help to focus on what you can offer to the recruiter rather than your specific experience.

Customer Service Representative

Example: ‘A former part-time shop attendant with a basic understanding of customer service looking for an opportunity in sales. Hard-working, proactive individual with strong problem-solving and communication skills and the ability to learn new concepts fast.’

When writing a resume summary as a new graduate applying to a Customer Service Representative position, focus on soft skills that are important for the job. Hiring managers in the customer service industry often focus more on a candidate’s experience and skills related to the job rather than the educational background. Start the resume summary by mentioning previous work experience relevant to customer service before describing your soft skills. 

Sales Assistant

Example: ‘Recent graduate with a degree in business administration and a GPA of 3.5 looking for a position as a Sales Assistant. Reliable communication skills, both oral and written, with a basic understanding of sales and marketing. Capable of working in a fast-paced and demanding environment.’

Highlighting your achievements relevant to the job no matter how small they might be can be very useful in giving your resume an appeal to recruiters. Emphasizing GPA, academic training and responsibilities in school can give an impression of how responsible you are with fulfilling tasks. Soft skills necessary for the job are also important to include in your resume summary.

Nursing Assistant

Example: ‘Nursing student with a passion for helping people looking for a position as a Nursing Assistant. Demonstrated strong communication and leadership skills through volunteering with Red Cross International.’

This example is brief but informs the hiring manager about the individual’s background by highlighting skills and interests. It also shows that this is the right career path for the applicant because the interests and skills align well with the industry.

Gym Instructor

Example: ‘Health Science student with a major in Fitness and Nutrition. Highly motivated to work as a fitness instructor to demonstrate communication, time management and problem-solving skills. Physically fit to serve as a role model to new clients.’

If you have no experience working in the field, it is recommended that you focus on your coursework to give recruiters an idea of your educational background. You can also add important skills and characteristics that can show recruiters what you can contribute to the position and why you are an ideal candidate. 

Medical Scribe

Example: ‘Recent graduate with technical knowledge in computing, data entry, communication software and databases. Interned as a clinic assistant at St. Luke’s Medical Center. Self-motivated, eager to learn, can work in a fast-paced environment and effectively communicate with other people.’

This resume summary for a Medical Scribe started by emphasizing technical skills fitting for an ideal candidate. It also indicated an internship experience which most recruiters prefer from fresh graduate applicants, and soft skills ideal to perform the tasks.

Information Technology (IT)

Example: ‘IT graduate major in computer programing with a background in Java application, HTML, CSS, Python, Tomcat, MySQL and Oracle database. Experience working in an IT company as software support as part of on-the-job training. Highly analytical, motivated and skilled at solving programming problems. Can work well both independently and in a team.’

When making a resume summary for the IT industry, you have to be specific with your skills. You need to emphasize which area you are most capable in to make sure that recruiters know that you are qualified for the job. Both technical and soft skills are important in the IT industry, so it is ideal to highlight them first in your resume.

Example: ‘Recent graduate with a degree in finance and knowledge of data management and cost and performance analysis. Skilled in identifying and resolving wash sales and share quantity discrepancies. Knowledge in virtual portfolio management, stock valuations, financial statement analysis and business management. Excellent problem-solving skills and experienced with using the latest financial software.’

A powerful resume summary understands the importance of providing specific information to readers. It should be able to cover a wide range of skills and background for the job and include enough information to highlight the strongest points of your resume to capture the attention of hiring managers.

Example: ‘Recent college graduate with an internship at Wall Street Financial Group. Seeking an entry-level accounting position to demonstrate accounting skills and knowledge. Highly competent, hardworking and detail-oriented with the capacity to go beyond what is expected to achieve higher career goals.’

This is an example of a resume summary that is brief but shares enough detail to encourage the hiring manager to read the resume more. In this example, the academic background is not mentioned. Instead, it focuses more on skills, experience and goals.

Primary Teacher

Example: ‘A recent graduate with a degree in primary education and a teaching certification, capable of teaching math to children between the ages of seven and 12 years old. Highly adept at various teaching techniques and ensures quality teaching by following education board standards, while making the learning environment fun and conducive to learning.’

This is an ideal resume summary for applicants applying to a teaching position because it highlights teaching skills and academic background. In your summary, you should mention specific credentials, such as the teaching certification, and show positive and nurturing characteristics, as well as other soft skills, to assure the recruiter that you work well with children.

Math Teacher 

Example: ‘A highly organized Math Teacher with proven skills in teaching through teacher certification, academic awards and on-the-job training as a teacher’s assistant in a private school. Ability to work in a team, solve problems professionally and create a nurturing environment. Skilled at communicating complex ideas in a simple but entertaining manner. Looking for an opportunity to share my knowledge and skills in a school that offers career progression.’

This resume summary is very informative about the applicant’s background. It highlights academic achievements and skills that are ideal for a teaching position. It also sounds professional while highlighting a career-driven goal.

Example: ‘Graduate with a degree in office administration experienced in handling calls and organizing schedules. Possesses strong analytical and problem-solving skills, and takes a practical approach in handling different tasks. Looking for a position as a Secretary in a fast-paced environment.’

Recent graduates applying for secretarial jobs whether entry-level or not, should focus on highlighting their specific skills related to the role. Showing the capacity to fulfill the job is ideal to observe in resume summaries, especially that a secretarial job requires strong organization and communication skills aside from having a good credential. It is also advisable to include how an applicant deals with the day-to-day tasks of a Secretary. 


Example: ‘Highly-skilled hospitality management graduate with various on-the-job training in a hotel, restaurant and office setting. Friendly and works well with customer concerns and has strong interpersonal and communication skills. Looking for a position as a Receptionist in the hospitality industry.’

Ideally, a resume summary for a Receptionist role highlights your educational background, experience in the industry (if available) and most importantly, the soft skills. It is highly recommended to indicate a customer-friendly and inviting personality in your resume summary.

Logistics Clerk

Example: ‘Recent graduate with strong attention to detail and organization skills looking for an entry-level job as a Logistics Clerk to build a career in the logistics industry. Can handle large amounts of information, multitask, answer calls and perform data entry jobs.’

While highlighting experience is ideal, resume summary for logistics focuses more on the skills required to function on the job. It would also help to express the kind of personality fitting for the job as well as the career goals.

Human Resources Assistant

Example: ‘Goal-oriented Human Resources recent graduate with experience as a Human Resources intern in an outsourcing company to assist in training and skill development. Highly adept in developing training programs and has excellent oral and written communication skills.’

This resume summary for an HR Assistant focuses mainly on academic background, work experience and specific skills gained from previous first-hand experience in the field. This is one way to emphasize how prepared you are for the job which can leave a good impression on recruiters. 

Related: Writing a Resume Summary (With Examples)

StandOut CV

Finance graduate CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

If you are a finance graduate, you can look forward to a career that is financially rewarding and full of exciting opportunities.

Roles are in high demand and it’s vital that you get your foot in the door with a finance graduate CV that puts you streets ahead of other candidates.

In our step-by-step guide and finance graduate CV example we’ll show you how to write an excellent CV that ensures you’re picked out for interview and employment.

Guide contents

  • Structuring and formatting your CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education
  • Skills required for your Finance graduate CV

CV templates 

Finance Graduate CV 1

This a good example of a Finance graduate CV which contains all of the information that an employer would need to know, and presents it in a well- structured, easy-to-read manner.

Take some time to look at this CV and refer to it throughout the writing of your own CV for best results.

Finance graduate CV structure & format

If you focus on the written content of your CV but ignore how it actually looks, your efforts could end up wasted.

No matter how suitable you are for the role, no recruiter wants to spend time squinting and trying to navigate a badly designed and disorganised CV.

Instead, make sure to organise your content into a simple structure and spend some time formatting it for ease of reading – it’ll get you in recruiter’s good books from the get-go!

CV structure

Formatting Tips

  • Length: While there’s no ‘official’ CV length rule, the majority of recruiters agree that less is more. Aim for two pages of A4 or less. This is just enough room to showcase your suitability to the role, without overwhelming recruiters with irrelevant or excessive content.
  • Readability: Make sure your CV is easy to read and looks professional by applying some simple formatting tricks. Bullet points are great for making large paragraphs more digestible, while formatting your headings with bold or coloured text will help the reader to find the information they need, with speed.
  • Design: When it comes to CV design, it’s best to keep things simple and sleek. While elaborate designs certainly command attention, it’s not always for the right reasons! Readability is key, so whatever you choose to do, make sure you prioritise readability above everything.
  • Avoid photos: Recruiters can’t factor in appearance, gender or race into the recruitment process, so a profile photo is totally unnecessary. Additionally, company logos or images won’t add any value to your application, so you’re better off saving the space to showcase your experience instead.

CV builder

Structuring your CV

When writing your own CV , break up your CV content into the following key sections:

  • Name and contact details – Place them at the top of your CV, so that employers can easily get in touch.
  • CV profile – A punchy sales pitch of your key experience, skills and achievements to reel readers in.
  • Core skills section – A bullet-pointed snapshot of your abilities.
  • Work experience – A well-structured list of your relevant work experience.
  • Education – An overview of any relevant qualifications or professional training you have.
  • Hobbies and interests – A short description of any relevant hobbies or interests (optional).

Now I’ll guide you through exactly what you should include in each CV section.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Start off your CV with a basic list of your contact details.

Here’s what you should include:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It’s often helpful to make a new email address, specifically for your job applications.
  • Location – Share your town or city; there’s no need for a full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – Make sure the information on them is coherent with your CV, and that they’re up-to-date

Quick tip: Delete excessive details, such as your date of birth or marital status. Recruiters don’t need to know this much about you, so it’s best to save the space for your other CV sections.

Finance graduate CV Profile

Recruiters and hiring managers are busy, so it’s essential to catch their attention from the get-go.

A strong introductory profile (or personal statement , for junior candidates) at the top of the CV is the first thing they’ll read, so it’s a great chance to make an impression.

It should be a short but punchy summary of your key skills, relevant experience and accomplishments.

Ultimately, it should explain why you’re a great fit for the role you’re applying for and inspire recruiters to read the rest of your CV.

CV profile

Tips for creating an impactful CV profile:

  • Keep it brief: Recruiters have piles of CVs to read through and limited time to dedicate to each, so it pays to showcase your abilities in as few words as possible. 3-4 lines is ideal.
  • Tailor it: Before writing your CV, make sure to do some research. Figure out exactly what your desired employers are looking for and make sure that you are making those requirements prominent in your CV profile, and throughout.
  • Don’t add an objective: Leave your career objectives or goals out of your profile. You only have limited space to work with, so they’re best suited to your cover letter .
  • Avoid cliches: “Determined team player who always gives 110%” might seem like a good way to fill up your CV profile, but generic phrases like this won’t land you an interview. Recruiters hear them time and time again and have no real reason to believe them. Instead, pack your profile with your hard skills and tangible achievements instead.

What to include in your Finance graduate CV profile?

  • Summary of experience: Recruiters will want to know what type of companies you’ve worked for, industries you have knowledge of, and the type of work you’ve carried out in the past, so give them a summary of this in your profile.
  • Relevant skills: Highlight your skills which are most relevant to Finance graduate jobs , to ensure that recruiters see your most in-demand skills as soon as they open your CV.
  • Essential qualifications: If you have any qualifications which are highly relevant to Finance graduate jobs, then highlight them in your profile so that employers do not miss them.

Quick tip: Remember to triple-check for spelling and grammar errors before hitting send. If you’re unsure, try using our quick-and-easy CV Builder for a quick and easy approach.

Core skills section

Underneath your profile, create a core skills section to make your most relevant skills jump off the page at readers.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points of your relevant skills.

Before you do this, look over the job description and make a list of any specific skills, specialisms or knowledge required.

Then, make sure to use your findings in your list. This will paint you as the perfect match for the role.

CV core skills

Work experience/Career history

Recruiters will be itching to know more about your relevant experience by now.

Kick-start this section with your most recent (or current) position, and work your way backwards through your history.

You can include voluntary and freelance work, too – as long as you’re honest about the nature of the work.

Work experience

Structuring your roles

Lengthy, unbroken chunks of text is a recruiters worst nightmare, but your work experience section can easily end up looking like that if you are not careful.

To avoid this, use my tried-and-tested 3-step structure, as illustrated below:

Role descriptions

Provide a brief overview of the job as a whole, such as what the overriding purpose of your job was and what type of company you worked for.

“Reporting to the Finance Manager. I am responsible for supporting with financial duties for the day to day operations of the firm. ”

Key responsibilities

Next up, you should write a short list of your day-to-day duties within the job.

Recruiters are most interested in your sector-specific skills and knowledge, so highlight these wherever possible.

  • Processing purchase ledger and keeping it up to date.
  • Supporting with bank reconciliations accurately
  • Processing manual and electronic purchase order numbers

Key achievements

Round up each role by listing 1-3 key achievements , accomplishments or results.

Wherever possible, quantify them using hard facts and figures, as this really helps to prove your value.

  • Won “Intern of the year 2020” from my university from the feedback that my manager has given.
  • Received great feedback from my manager for my attention to detail as I have 100% accuracy level.

Next up, you should list your education and qualifications.

This can include your formal qualifications (a degree, A-Levels and GCSEs), as well as sector-specific Finance graduate qualifications and/or training.

While school leavers and recent grads should include a lot of detail here to make up for the lack of work experience, experienced candidates may benefit from a shorter education section, as your work experience section will be more important to recruiters.

Interests and hobbies

This section is entirely optional, so you’ll have to use your own judgement to figure out if it’s worth including.

If your hobbies and interests could make you appear more suitable for your dream job, then they are definitely worth adding.

Interests which are related to the industry, or hobbies like sports teams or volunteering, which display valuable transferable skills might be worth including.

Essential skills for your finance graduate CV

  • Financial acumen – Numerical, financial and business skills should take pride of place on your CV.
  • Organisational skills – Those looking for a career in finance need to show how they can apply organisational skills in practice.
  • Customer service – Whether helping internal clients or external customers, you need to demonstrate your skills in customer service.
  • Time management – Multiple aspects of finance sector work is time sensitive.
  • Analytical skills – On your finance graduate CV, you should display how your skills in analysis can be applied to the benefit of the organisation.

Writing your Finance graduate CV

Once you’ve written your Finance graduate CV, you should proofread it several times to ensure that there are no typos or grammatical errors.

With a tailored punchy profile that showcases your relevant experience and skills, paired with well-structured role descriptions, you’ll be able to impress employers and land interviews.

Good luck with your next job application!

Financial Management Resume Samples

The professional working for a Financial Management position will distribute financial resources to the company and is also accountable for budget planning, and supporting the executive management team. The job description and duties listed on the Financial Management Resume include some or all of the following – providing financial reports and interpreting financial information, advising on investment activities, maintaining the financial health of the organization, analyzing costs and pricing results, developing trends and projections, conducting reviews and evaluations, overseeing and monitoring financial department operations, and liaising with auditors.

The resume should detail the following attributes – an extensive understanding of financial trends, proficiency with finance software, a solid understanding of financial statistics and accounting principles, and strong presentation skills. A degree in accountancy or Finance and several years of experience in the financial field is required to gain a Financial Management role.

Financial Management Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Financial Management

Financial Management Resume

Objective : To find a challenging opportunity where can utilize skill sets, and add organizational value. Published several articles and books for professionals.

Skills : Medical Record documentation, Quality management and Improvement, computer, data analysis and display.

Financial Management Resume Example

Description :

  • Responsible for organising stock and equipment, ordering supplies and overseeing building maintenance, cleanliness and security.
  • Responsible for planning and working to budgets, maximising profits and achieving sales targets set by head office.
  • Responsible for controlling takings in the restaurant, administering payrolls, etc.
  • Responsible for recruiting new staff, training and developing existing staff.
  • Responsible for motivating and encouraging staff to achieve targets, cashier jcpenney.
  • Greeted customers as they arrive at the store and provide them with information about products and/or services.
  • Responded to customers' complaints and resolve their issues.

Sr. Financial Management Resume

Summary : Financial Management Specialist is responsible for managing the financial aspects of the company. This includes budgeting, forecasting, and cash flow analysis, as well as working closely with other departments to ensure a smooth product development process.

Skills : Financial knowledge, Management experience, Leadership, Very dependable.

Sr. Financial Management Resume Model

  • Owned and managed daily operations of three retail businesses providing Mediterranean cuisine.
  • Followed general format and guidelines of corporation while incorporating specific business strategies and promotions to attract customer base.
  • Consistently achieved top sales throughout 8 years of operation.
  • Ranked highest in franchise sales based on square footage.
  • Produced 80% production, negotiated with vendors to obtain completive pricing on necessary ingredients.
  • Developed forecast of revenue, expenditure and profit.
  • Wrote viable business plans of 8 years that led to sound business decisions and consistent profits.

Jr. Financial Management Resume

Objective : Financial Management Assistant is responsible for maintaining accurate and current financial records, supporting the company's accounting department in the preparation of financial statements, and assisting the finance team in planning and managing financial operations.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Accountant, Bookkeeping, Office Management.

Jr. Financial Management Resume Sample

  • Gathers, extracts, reviews, verifies, and consolidates basic narrative information and statistical data needed in the development and presentation of budget estimates and requests.
  • Assists analysts in researching, summarizing, and compiling data involving obligations, expenses and object class information.
  • Follows guidance, procedural instructions, and report formats for budget submission.
  • Prepares preliminary basic budget estimates and reviews justifications for a few relatively stable program and/or program support activities.
  • Cross checks the accuracy of budget and program data in related budgetary forms, schedules, and reports.
  • Notifies supervisor or analyst of suspected budget problems.
  • Assists in execution of approved operating budgets.

Asst. Financial Management Resume

Summary : A friendly, loyal and dedicated individual who has an ambition to succeed in any given environment. Love to learn and am always up for a new challenge, whatever the situation. get along well with others, while also working efficiently on own with minimal supervision. seeking a position where can develop and excel while developing new skills to exceed expectations.

Skills : Accountant, Accountant, Military, Administration, Sales Associate.

Asst. Financial Management Resume Template

  • Managed performance, sales, and training of 10 appointed employees.
  • Created sustainable accountability and motivation with employees by setting reward programs.
  • Hired and managed 12 new business administrators with portfolio of 10,000 loans.
  • Led consolidation and training of 11 affiliate offices investment.
  • Ensured over 20,000 Soldiers pay, cola , bah and other pay issues were updated and correct to insure Soldiers were paid correctly.
  • Checked and monitored the rate and amount of obligations and expenditures, based on directions from analysts.
  • Consolidated budgetary data from forms or worksheets and enters data in proper format on similar budget schedules.

Associate Financial Management Resume

Objective : Works as an energetic Marketing Coordinator and represents the agency throughout the service area by building a positive working relationship with potential referral sources. Worked as a human resource director at LEVOC Family Services, LLC and gained working experience in assisting individuals with mental health issues as well as a thorough understanding of the Virginia's State Medicaid program.

Skills : ServSafe Food Protection Manager And Instructor/Proctor Certification, HACCP Food Manager Certification.

Associate Financial Management Resume Template

  • Responsible for customer account opening process: opening new accounts, updating addresses and issuing MasterCards Financial .
  • Worked at official Olympic merchandise retail outlets, .
  • Prepared monthly financial statements for executive officers.
  • Prepared and submitted yearly budget plans to Office of Budget Planning Prepare numerous ad-.
  • Received and posted funding, commitment and obligations documents to accounting and budget systems.
  • Received and processed treasury checks for payment.

Summary : To obtain a part-time Financial Management position with an emphasis on Sales Support/Office Management utilizing extensive experience and skills. Productive in contributing effectively towards the objectives of a team, and is able to share knowledge, ideas and information.

Skills : Leadership, Problem solving.

Financial Management Resume Model

  • Maintained disbursing files and prepare periodic financial reports.
  • Received, reviewed, prepared and computed travel vouchers.
  • Received, reviewed, and processed pay documents.
  • Received and reviewed contracts, invoices and receiving reports.
  • Prepared payment vouchers in accordance with various government regulations.
  • Performed duties as cashier.
  • Responsible for preparing all skilled nursing contracts for RN, LPN, and Medical assistant coverage for hospitals, nursing homes, and home private .

Financial Management I Resume

Objective : To seek full-time employment with an up-scale company that will allow to display skills, provide stability, and job enhancement.

Skills : Interpersonal skills, Mathematical proficiency.

Financial Management I Resume Example

  • Responsible for Working as a team to provide direct attention to customer needs.
  • Managed and mentored staff to provide excellent customer service .
  • Managed high-volume and high-value transactions and ensured trade capture, trade support, and settlement of fixed income (US Treasury, MBS, TBAs, CMO, CDOs, Corps, Muni, Structured Products) and equity securities.
  • Presided over operations processes and ensured high client satisfaction.
  • Responsible for Putting invoices and accounts receivable into Quicken.
  • Analyzed financial data for the business, financial statements.
  • Delivered key system improvements including establishment of physical transfer procedures for REG-S/144A securities for Merrill Lynch International Prime brokerage to reduce exposure of securities, and initiation of repo tracking for all fixed income repo transactions through DTCC and FED.

Summary : Registered Dietitian and recent MS Nutrition graduate with experience in food service management, nutrition, and education and academic research. Possesses strong leadership skills and works independently, as well as, in collaboration with team. Highly developed communication skills. Expert project planning and execution abilities.

Skills : Communication, Analysis.

Financial Management Resume Sample

  • Attained 99% resolution rates against service level agreements, managing account relationships with high-value clients.
  • Streamlined and controlled subscription and redemption process between FDS and MLGCS.
  • Reduced client reconciliation time by 90%, partnering with Merrill Lynch Asset Servicing to enhance fixed income payable file for variable CMOs.

Financial Management/ Resume

Objective : To seek full-time employment with an up-scale company that will allow me to display my skills, provide stability, and job enhancement.

Skills : Attention to detail, Organization.

Financial Management/ Resume Template

  • Financial Management Gathers, extracts, reviews, verifies, and consolidates basic narrative information and statistical data needed in the development and presentation of budget estimates and requests.
  • Checks and monitors the rate and amount of obligations and expenditures, based on directions from analysts.
  • Consolidates budgetary data from forms or worksheets and enters data in proper format on similar budget schedules.

Headline : A friendly, loyal and dedicated individual who has an ambition to succeed in any given environment. I love to learn and am always up for a new challenge, whatever the situation. I get along well with others, while also working efficiently on my own with minimal supervision. I am seeking a position where I can develop and excel while developing new skills to exceed expectations.

Skills : Aptitude for financial reporting.

Financial Management Resume Template

  • Performs duties specific to the following financial management processes such as budgeting, disbursing, and accounting for government funds; payment for travel and commercial vendor services; pay support of Soldiers and foreign national employees; and internal control operations.
  • Skill Level 10 Financial management technician receives and post funding, commitment and obligations documents to accounting and budget systems.
  • Receive and process treasury checks for payment.
  • Maintain disbursing files and prepare periodic financial reports.
  • Receive, review, prepare and compute travel vouchers.
  • Receive, review, and process pay documents.
  • Receive and review contracts, invoices and receiving reports.
  • Prepare payment vouchers in accordance with various government regulations.
  • Perform duties as cashier.

Summary : Strong interpersonal skills and ability to interact positively with all levels of management. Proven skills in public speaking, counseling, case management, customer service, and team building. Skilled at negotiating and resolving conflict as well as multifaceted professional and managerial services. Industry & Personal Strengths Facilitation Interpersonal Management Trainer Counseling.

Skills : Health Care : I have worked in the health field.

Financial Management Resume Model

  • Global Fire Ministries- Murfreesboro, TN (2011-2014) Manage Bookstore inventory, finances, and staff.
  • Train volunteers for conference staffing and bookstore sales.
  • Financial management of all accounts for Global Fire Ministries, Global Fire Church, and Kingdom Life Institute.
  • Event planner for all conferences that are held.
  • All communication by email, website, and phone for each entity.
  • Counseling as needed.
  • Ordained minister.
  • Hope Beryl / / 615.

Objective : Financial Management is responsible for the financial aspects of the business. This includes managing the budget and forecasting, tracking cash flow, and ensuring overall profitability. 

Skills : Training and education, Interpersonal skills.

Financial Management Resume Example

  • Conducted research to complete pay actions.
  • Performed audits on a wide variety of difficult pay actions, and compiled information regarding the causes of incorrect pay entitlements.
  • Promptly processed over 4,000 separation packets resulting in timely payments for soldiers separating from the Army, totaling over $1.7M monthly.
  • Conducted daily audits, reviews, and completed corrective actions.
  • Conducted daily briefings and provided one-on-one assistance to military members regarding personal pay issues.
  • Developed standard procedures and trained new personnel on operational expectations.

Objective : A results driven, self-motivated and resourceful project coordinator with an in depth understanding of all aspects of project coordination and implementation. Experience of supporting the delivery of new and existing products and business enhancements that enable individuals and organizations to improve the quality and productivity. Well presented with excellent communication skills and having a commercial approach to solving problems and developing business.

Skills : Sales, management

Financial Management Resume Model

  • Created effective stock distribution process, working with Venture Service Group on all venture capital deals after IPO.
  • Realized $75K in cost savings from BC&E fees as project leader completing restricted securities reorganization project, resulting in enhanced controls and procedures to eliminate unwarranted routing of physical securities at DTCC.
  • Keen actions resulted in the Separation Pay Section receiving an exceptional rating in all areas.
  • Established, maintain, reviewed, determined, processed, and closed payroll for Ft.
  • Trained volunteers for conference staffing and bookstore sales.

Table of Contents

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Finance Graduate Resume Sample

Finance Graduate Resume Sample

Home » Administration Resume Samples » Finance Graduate Resume Sample

Finance Graduate Resume Sample

Are you an  Finance Graduate and looking for a career change? We have good news for you! use our job-winning professional  Graduate in Accountancy and Finance Resume template. You don’t have to start writing from scratch. Just click “Edit CV” and modify it with your details. Update the template fonts and colors to have the best chance of landing your dream job. Find more  Resume Templates.

sample resume for fresh graduates financial management

Jessica Watson

Graduate in accountancy and finance.

A recent accounting and finance graduate currently working towards completing the remaining ACCA exams and hence become a chartered accountant. In pursuit of a career in accountancy and future aspirations include business management. Looking for a role within an organisation that supports professional and personal development.

  • Presentation
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication
  • Organisational

Work Experience

General assistant.

  • Assisted customers complete purchases by moving heavy items, collecting payments and bagging purchases.
  • Collaborated with sales team members to stay current on inventory levels, complete accurate orders and resolve item issues.
  • Stocked merchandise, clearly labelling items, arranging according to size or colour, and preparing attractive displays.
  • Monitored deliveries by checking merchandise against invoice paperwork and notifying supervisor of discrepancies.
  • Delivered an exceptional level of service to each customer by listening to concerns and answering questions.

Warehouse Operative

  • Unloaded cargo, maintaining clean, safe, and organised warehouse.
  • Observed operations to verify quality and conformity of packaged products, stepping in to resolve issues promptly and avoid costly production errors.
  • Sorted, graded and inspected products and actively monitored production line.
  • Contributed to team success by completing jobs quickly and accurately.
  • Effectively communicated with all levels of staff and management, despite barriers such as language.

BA (Honours) Accounting and Finance

Courses covered and ACCA title exceptions:

Audit and assurance,Financial Management, Financial reporting, Performance Management,Taxation, Accountant in business, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Corporate and Business Law.


A Level: History, Economics

AS Level: Business, Maths

7 A-C GCSE’s including including English and Maths.

Career Expert Tips:

  • Always make sure you choose the perfect resume format to suit your professional experience.
  • Ensure that you know how to write a resume in a way that highlights your competencies.
  • Check the expert curated popular good CV and resume examples

What Should Be Included In A Finance Graduate Resume?

A finance graduate resume should include detailed information about your educational background, experience in the finance field, and any skills and qualifications that would make you an ideal candidate for a finance related job. It is important to be concise and accurate when articulating information on your resume.

The educational section of your resume should list your degree in finance or any related field, as well as any other degrees you may have earned. You should include any certifications you may have obtained, such as a CFA or CFP certification, as well as any other professional credentials.

In the experience section of your resume, highlight any internships, summer jobs, or part-time positions you held in the finance field. Include information about the types of tasks you were responsible for, the duration of each job, and any significant accomplishments during your time with the company.

You should also provide a summary of skills, qualifications, and knowledge related to the finance field. This could include experience with financial analysis software, knowledge of financial concepts, or proficiency in mathematical and statistical methods. Additionally, you should include any volunteer or extracurricular activities that involved finance or business related topics.

Finally, be sure to provide contact information for the references you list on your resume. This will allow employers to quickly and easily reach out to the individuals who can vouch for your abilities and knowledge. Make sure to keep your resume up to date with any new courses or certifications you may have obtained.

What Skills Should I Put On My Resume For Finance Graduate?

When writing a resume as a finance graduate, you will want to make sure that you include a range of skills that demonstrate your knowledge and proficiency in the field. While you may have a range of technical and quantitative skills, such as financial modeling and risk analysis, you should also include a range of soft-skills, such as conflict resolution and communication.

The following skills are some of the most important to consider when writing a resume as a finance graduate:

  •  Financial Analysis – Demonstrate your ability to understand complex financial data, evaluate financial performance, and generate meaningful insights for improvement.
  • Risk Management – Show that you can identify, assess, and mitigate risks that may affect financial performance, operations, and investments.
  • Accounting – Show that you can understand various types of financial accounts, such as general ledger, cost, and revenue accounts.
  • Investment Analysis – Demonstrate your ability to analyze investments, assess investment opportunities, and develop financial strategies.
  • Financial Modeling – Demonstrate your ability to construct and use financial models to simulate financial scenarios and provide actionable insights.
  • Project Management – Show that you have the ability to manage projects, coordinate resources, and track progress.
  • Problem-solving – Show that you can effectively identify and solve complex problems.
  • Communication – Demonstrate your ability to effectively communicate complex financial information to different stakeholders.
  • By including these skills on your resume, you will be able to show that you are well-versed in the field of finance and have the necessary skills to excel in the role.

What Is The Job Description Of The Finance Graduate?

The finance graduate is a professional who studies the principles of money management and is responsible for helping organizations and individuals make informed financial decisions. This position requires an understanding of economic theory, financial markets, banking, accounting principles, and risk management. Finance graduates are also required to be extremely organized and detail-oriented in order to effectively manage their various tasks.

A finance graduate may be involved in a variety of activities, such as creating financial reports, analyzing financial data, preparing invoices and tax returns, and providing advice and recommendations on investments and other financial decisions. A successful finance graduate should have a strong aptitude for mathematics, as well as excellent organizational and communication skills. Additionally, they should be able to interpret financial data quickly and accurately, and be able to handle complex financial transactions.

In addition to the standard responsibilities associated with financial management, a finance graduate may also be asked to assist in developing investment strategies and providing advice on the various financial instruments available. They may also be responsible for designing and implementing financial strategies, such as budgeting and forecasting, and tracking investment performance.

A successful finance graduate should be able to work independently and in teams and have the ability to work under pressure while maintaining accuracy. They should also be able to interact effectively with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders. Working as a finance graduate provides a great opportunity to develop both your technical and interpersonal skills, as well as gaining valuable hands-on experience in the financial sector.

What Is A Good Objective For A Finance Graduate Resume?

.As a finance graduate, you need to make sure that your resume is concise, focused, and well-crafted. One of the most important aspects of your resume is the objective statement which should provide a clear statement of your career aspirations. A good objective for a finance graduate resume should focus on the job you’re seeking and demonstrate how your skills and experience make you a valuable asset to the company.

When writing your objective, you’ll want to emphasize the fact that you’re a finance graduate and have the knowledge and experience to succeed in the role. If you have any related professional experience, you should be sure to include that in your objective statement. Additionally, you should make sure to emphasize any special skills or talents that you may have that would make you a great fit for the job.

Your objective should also include a few key words and phrases that demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job and your desire to be an asset to the company. You should also make sure to include a few relevant keywords that will help to make your resume stand out from the crowd.

Finally, your objective should include a brief statement of the specific qualifications that make you a great candidate for the role. This should include any certifications or other qualifications you may have that would be beneficial to the company. By taking the time to craft a concise, clear, and well-written objective statement, you will be able to make a great first impression with potential employers.

What Are The Career Prospects In The Finance Graduate?

The finance industry offers some of the most lucrative career opportunities for graduates. Finance graduates have the potential to earn big salaries, have access to high-level positions, and work in a wide variety of fields. With the right qualifications and experience, finance graduates can find satisfying and rewarding careers in the financial services sector.

Finance graduates have the opportunity to work in a variety of financial services roles, from investment banking to personal finance consulting. They can also take on positions in the corporate finance world, such as financial analysis and management. Those who specialize in quantitative analysis can also find jobs in the fields of risk management, data analysis, and algorithmic trading.

For those who wish to take their career to the next level, there is the potential to become a certified financial planner or financial analyst. Those who pursue this path can expect to work with some of the world’s largest financial institutions and build a lasting career in the finance industry.

Finance graduates also have the potential to pursue a career in the field of financial regulation. This includes working as a regulator to ensure that companies adhere to the laws and regulations set forth by the government. Financial regulators are responsible for keeping an eye on the markets and making sure that businesses are compliant.

Overall, the career prospects for finance graduates are excellent. With the right qualifications, graduates can find rewarding careers in the industry, with the potential to make a lot of money and lead a successful career. With the continued growth of the global economy, the demand for educated finance professionals is only likely to increase in the future.

Key Takeaways for an Finance Graduate resume

When you’re a finance graduate, having a well-crafted resume is key to getting the job you want. A good resume will show potential employers that you have the right skills and qualifications to do the job. Here are some key takeaways for creating an effective resume for a finance graduate:

  • You need to focus on showcasing your financial skills and experience. Highlight any relevant internships, volunteer work, or other education you have that’s related to finance. Make sure to include any special projects you’ve worked on, such as financial analysis or budgeting. Show off any certifications or qualifications you have that relate to finance.
  • Secemphasize your technical skills. Employers want to see that you have a strong knowledge of various financial tools and applications. Make sure to include any Excel, PowerPoint, and other technical skills you possess. It’s also helpful to list any programming languages or financial software you’re familiar with.
  • Emphasize any relevant soft skills you have that are necessary for finance roles. This includes communication and problem-solving abilities. Demonstrate your ability to work in a team, and highlight any leadership experience you have.
  • Make sure that your resume is well-organized and easy to read. Use clear language and short bullet points to communicate your skills and experience. Avoid including irrelevant details, and be sure to double-check your spelling and grammar. With these tips in mind, you can craft an effective resume that will help you get noticed by prospective employers.

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11 Real Financial Analyst Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

Financial Analyst

Financial Analyst

Best for senior and mid-level candidates

There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.

Resume Builder

Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

  • Financial Analyst Resume
  • Financial Analyst Resumes by Experience
  • Financial Analyst Resumes by Role

Writing Your Financial Analyst Resume

Financial analysts have different duties and responsibilities based on seniority level and business sector, making it hard to decide what to include on your financial analyst resume when applying for that dream finance job.

You must also know how to  format your resume , what information to include, and what projects to highlight to attract the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter. 

We’ve meticulously researched and analyzed countless financial analyst resume samples from all career stages in different industries, resulting in the creation of 11 resume samples to set you on your way to  building a professional resume  and  land more interviews in 2024 . Plus, our writing guide will give you plenty of  resume tips  so you hit the right note every time!

Financial Analyst Resume Example

or download as PDF

Financial analyst resume example with 6 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Run your resume through a  resume checker  to ensure you include enough stats and don’t have grammar or punctuation errors, but don’t forget to check it yourself!
  • Don’t forget to include your projections and forecasts! Focus your financial analyst resume experience on how close your projections and forecasts were for the company and “how” those accurate projections and forecasts helped the business.

Financial Analyst Intern Resume

Financial analyst intern resume example with project experience

  • Detail your academic projects in risk analysis and forecasting to demonstrate well-rounded experience on your financial analyst intern resume.

Entry-Level Financial Analyst Resume

Entry-level financial analyst resume example with internship experience

  • Even if you don’t have the technical skills required, skills like communication, data reporting, and scheduling show employers you’re organized, detail-oriented, and able to work together in a team.
  • Be proud of your experience; hiring managers understand (and want to see) that we all started someplace.
  • Always tailor this section to each job to which you apply. Include the name of the company, the job title you’re applying for, and skills mentioned in the job description.

Junior Financial Analyst Resume

Junior financial analyst resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • Yes, yes, we know it’s tedious, but it’s vital. You don’t have to spend hours on it, either; simply do some research on the company and scan the  financial analyst job description , then include relevant keywords on your junior financial analyst resume.
  • Be sure to include the type of reports you created and the impact of your work (that’s where you can include metrics).

Senior Financial Analyst Resume

Senior financial analyst resume example with 5+ years of experience

  • Don’t be afraid to brag about your team’s size, your project’s budget, the number of projects you completed on time.
  • And if you can, list how those projects have directly impacted the team, the company, and its clients. 
  • Skills like “financial modeling,” “budget management,” and “SQL,” are all fantastic additions to your resume!

Chartered Financial Analyst Resume

Chartered financial analyst resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Reiterate your professional value on your chartered financial analyst resume by going beyond your best investments and drawing attention to your track record with clients.
  • Try employing story-telling techniques in your financial analyst cover letter to demonstrate your success with clients.

Financial Planning Analyst Resume Example

Financial planning analyst resume example with 5 years of experience

  • It may be difficult to include specific bullet points for all your areas of aptitude, so pick and choose your skills based on the job description. 
  • This format lets hiring managers see your most recent (and probably most relevant) work experience first. 

Quality Assurance Financial Analyst Resume

Quality assurance financial analyst resume example with 9 years of experience

  • If you don’t have certifications, you can add awards instead. If the certificate or award isn’t well known, you should add the organization that issues the certification.
  • Each templates come with their own pros and cons, especially when it comes to length. Some formats allow for longer content while others focus more on other sections, so try out a couple to see what works.

Program Financial Analyst Resume

Program financial analyst resume example with 8+ years of experience

  • If you target your bullet points for each job to which you apply, hiring managers are more likely to give you an interview over a generalist resume. 
  • When it comes to tailoring, look at the  financial analyst job description ; does it focus on data analysis, modeling, and presentations, or is there more emphasis on team leadership, ROI, and accounts payable? 
  • You can categorize your bullet points by necessary skills so when the job application focuses more on one skill over another, you’re ready!

Financial Accounting Analyst Resume

Financial accounting analyst resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Since financial accounting analysts use their expertise to assess current situations and give financial advice, use clear metrics like project and initiative quantities, improvement percentages, and company savings. 
  • Even using a simple pop of color in some of your headers can make your resume more memorable (and easier to read, too).

Budget Analyst Resume

Budget analyst resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Limiting your work experience roles lets you include details like the number and type of projects that you handled like a champ.
  • Don’t worry if you have too many jobs to list on your budget analyst resume . You only need to show  three to four  of your most relevant roles.
  • When you provide quantifiable achievements in your experience section, think of which programs or skills you used and highlight those.

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  • Investment Banking

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

You might be tempted to think that the only thing that matters on your resume is the content, but  proper resume formatting  is almost as important. Even if you have decades of impressive financial analyst experience, it’ll be hard for a hiring manager to look past poor formatting. A well-formatted resume will be readable for ATS and logical for hiring managers who only have a few moments in their day to look at your resume. 

Let’s review some of the most important aspects of resume formatting, including:

  • Resume formatting choices

How to include your contact information

Outwit the ats, resume format choices.

Each of the following formats performs a particular function, highlighting your work experience, skills, or both.

Three resume format favorites among successful job applicants in 2024.

  • Reverse-chronological format:  This format is exactly what you think: it orders your work experience starting from the most recent. This format will help hiring managers see your most relevant (and likely most impressive job title) first. 
  • Functional format:  Unlike the reverse-chronological format, the functional formats place the most emphasis on skills. If you have employment gaps, you may want to consider this format, but be aware that hiring managers may be confused or wonder if you’re being forthcoming. 
  • Combination/hybrid format:  This format weights work experience and skills equally by combining functional and reverse-chronological formats.

For financial analysts, we almost always recommend reverse-chronological formatting. Hiring managers love that it’s easy to read and skim, and you’ll love that it showcases your most senior position.

sample resume for fresh graduates financial management

When a hiring manager wants to reach out for an interview, it’s important to make your name, phone number, and email easy for them to find. Ensure your contact information is highly visible by placing it at the very top of your financial analyst resume. 

Use a large font for your name and a large (but slightly smaller) font for your job title. Both your name and your job title should be centered in the header.

If you want to try using color in your resume we suggest using the color as the backdrop for your contact information header. Professional colors for financial analysts include navy, amber, or dark green.

Below your header, you’ll need to include contact information, which should include: 

  • Phone number 
  • Your city and state (optional but recommended if it’s a local business)
  • Professional links, such as LinkedIn (optional)

Like the example below, you can do a lot with your header to showcase your creativity while remaining professional.

Financial analyst resume contact-information

If you’re applying to an online job posting, the chances are high that the hiring manager is using applicant tracking system software (ATS) to pre-filter applicants.

The ATS works by picking up on words used throughout your resume and matching them to keywords selected by recruiters (usually keywords in the  financial analyst job description ). If you don’t have enough keyword matches, your resume may be thrown out before anyone can read it. That’s why your resume must be ATS-friendly.  

Be careful to adhere to the following formatting guidelines:

  • Margins:  Use standard one inch margins, or at the very least half an inch, if needed to save space. 
  • Font type:  Keep it basic by using Times New Roman, Arial, Cambria, or Garamond.
  • Font sizes:  The body of your resume should be a 12-14-point font, but you can make it slightly smaller (but only slightly) if needed. Your job title should be larger, around 20-point font, and your name should be about 24-point font. 
  • Header names:  Use colors, bolding, or complementary fonts to help your subheaders stand out throughout your resume. Just make sure your font is readable.
  • Skills:  Customize your skills section for every job to which you apply. Carefully read the job descriptions to determine what keywords the recruiters will be scanning for while avoiding plagiarizing their job posting! 
  • Logical order:  As we mentioned earlier, reverse-chronological order is the best for your financial analyst resume, and ATS operates under the assumption that your resume is formatted this way. 
  • Page count:  Do everything you can (adjust font and margin, within reason) to fit the page perfectly. Your resume will look unprofessional and burdensome to read if it’s over a page. If your resume is a little short, recruiters will wonder if you’re inexperienced.

Formatting your resume  isn’t easy at first, but once you’ve  built your resume  for the first time, all you need to do is minor tweaks for each job application. 

sample resume for fresh graduates financial management

Write your financial analyst resume

Writing your perfect financial analyst resume can be difficult especially with a job at stake. We know that  writing an effective resume  may feel overwhelming, but if you take it one section at a time, the process shouldn’t be too stressful.

Without further ado, let’s dig into the content of your financial analyst resume. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Using a resume objective or summary statement 
  • Writing about your work history
  • Key skills for financial analysts
  • Education and optional sections
  • Customizations 
  • Flawless editing

sample resume for fresh graduates financial management

Understand the elusive objective/summary statement

Objectives and summaries are some of the most commonly misunderstood sections on a resume, but they can be useful. However, choosing between a  resume objective  or a  resume summary  is difficult because there are only a few circumstances in which you’ll use either one. 

Both are highly job-specific, two to three-sentence paragraphs used near the top of your resume (often under your job title). An objective is for entry-level candidates or job seekers who have recently changed fields. An objective will tell hiring managers why you want the job.

On the other hand, a summary is for professionals with over 10 years of experience in a specific field. It highlights skills you’ve developed and biggest achievements.

Neither the objective nor the summary is a mandatory inclusion on your resume, but these statements can enhance your resume and boost your chances of getting hired. Let’s go over a few examples: 

Example 1:  Young professional seeking a job at your office to continue advancing my career in finance. 

What could be improved:  This is a poorly written resume objective. You should mention the specific job title you’re applying to, the company name, and one to three highly-specific skills you possess that will improve or contribute to the company’s operations. 

Example 2:  Working in finance with experience in organizing and communicating.

What could be improved:  This summary is too bare-bones. It contains no meaningful information and just takes up space. 

Example 3:  Financial analyst with 7+ years of experience specializing in informative and persuasive professional presentations, seeking a role to utilize my depth of ROI and client relations skills as a team player at Spectrum. 

What we like:  This objective and the example below mention a specific job title, the company name, and the skills they bring to the table. It’s short and effective. 

Financial analyst resume objective

Example 4:  Data-driven financial analyst with 23 years of business valuation and trend analysis under 3 major Fortune 500 corporations. With skills across many areas of data analysis and presentation, trend forecasting, and financial advisement, I provide a wealth of knowledge and business know-how to companies with which I’ve worked.   I am eager for an opportunity to improve ROI in several key areas to optimize growth at BetterMent.

What we like:  This summary (and the example below) are specific and contain information that makes this candidate an obvious choice. The applicant above also points directly to an area they know they can improve business operations. You want a hiring manager to read your summary and think, “we need this person.”

Financial analyst resume summary

How to include your financial analyst work history

It should come as no surprise to you that the most important section of your financial analyst resume is your work history. It can be tempting to cram every job title you’ve held onto the page, but hiring managers prefer applicants who focus on the most relevant and recent work experience they’ve had. You can share information about older jobs and internships during your interview! You’ll want to include two to four job experiences. 

Write descriptive bullet points

Your work experience should be broken down into bullet points, which make your resume look more organized and easier for hiring managers to read. 

  • Throughout your bullet points, you’ll want to avoid passive voice, which can make text boring to read and unengaging. Instead, use active voice, which exudes confidence and ownership of your work. Adding action words to start each bullet point, like “operated,” “spearheaded,” and “orchestrated,” will further engage readers and break up your text. 
  • You’ll also want to be careful to avoid personal pronouns, like “I” or “my.” Employers already know you’re writing about yourself, and personal pronouns sound unprofessional.
  • You can choose to end all of your bullet points with or without periods. Consistency is key. 
  • Finally, you’ll want to consider verb tense. You can leave your current work experience in the present or past tense, but all of your former work experience must be in the past tense. 

Here are a few examples of good bullet points that incorporate these tips:

  • Oversaw the financial due diligence of a $52M acquisition, including organization and report analysis 
  • Developed an automated process using Excel for the internal team KPI reporting that increased accuracy by 17% and provided data 2 days faster to team leads 
  • Monitored 10+ regulatory developments and industry trends to incorporate into the firm’s AML program

These bullet points are perfect for a financial analyst resume. They’re written in active voice, using action verbs, avoiding personal pronouns; they’re all written in the past tense, with consistent punctuation.

Leverage numbers

Numbers demonstrate your value to the company, unlike words alone. We’ve interviewed countless hiring managers to ask them what they consider the most important element of a successful resume; almost unanimously, they’ve reported that metrics made applicants much more likely to get interviews. For the best results, aim to include quantifiable metrics on at least 50 percent of your bullet points.

Here are a few ways you might consider adding metrics about your past roles in financial analysis: 

  • Hard numbers:  Discuss the details of your work. What percentage have you increased ROI? What percent have gross earnings increased for the company during your time of employment?
  • Sales:  Discuss the rate of potential clients converted from your presentations, the number of presentations you provided, and the success of your sales strategies. 
  • Reports:  Have you successfully forecasted trends? Have your abstracts and internal presentations resulted in financial gain for the company?
  • Collaboration:  Financial analysts need to collaborate across departments frequently. Let employers know you collaborate well with others by detailing the number of people or departments with which you’ve worked. 

If you’re having trouble visualizing how you’d use these questions to come up with numbers, don’t worry. Here are a few examples: 

  • Provided financial guidance to Business/Functions, contributing to a 19% growth trend by developing strategic long-range planning recommendations for management
  • Collaborated with 10+ major clients with multi-million dollar accounts
  • Created forecasting tracking and management reporting systems to improve the availability and accuracy of financial data, triggering a 13% increase in accuracy
  • Evaluated regulatory developments and industry trends to facilitate incorporation into the firm’s AML program, reducing time to meet trend demands by 40%

Financial analyst skills to include in your resume

The skills section is an important place to demonstrate your value to potential employers, not to mention it’s one of the best places to include keywords for ATS. Unfortunately, many hopeful applicants don’t emphasize the right skills. The right skills for your financial analyst resume will depend on the specific job to which you’re applying.

Generally, we recommend including a mix of soft and hard skills, with the majority being hard skills because they’re easier to measure and more job-specific. Aim to include six to ten highly relevant skills on your resume.  

Use the following financial analyst skills as examples to get you started:

  • Financial Modeling 
  • Cash Flow Management
  • Financial Reporting
  • Quantitative Finance on Python 
  • Electronic Trading Systems Development
  • Data Consolidation
  • Predictive Analysis

Why are these  resume skills  appropriate? We’ve included a mix of hard and soft skills specific, measurable, and highly desired by most employers. When looking for your next financial analyst job, be sure to read the job description carefully. Often, you’ll be able to pick up on which skills are the most important to your hopeful employers.

But, a word of caution: avoid overselling your skills. If you don’t know how to do something or are inexperienced, leave it off your resume. Hiring managers want honesty above all.

sample resume for fresh graduates financial management

Education + optional resume sections

ou probably already know that the financial analyst world can be a tough place in which to get your career started. Though there are no formal educational requirements, most employers will seek applicants with at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. 

Include the highest education level on your resume, but avoid including too much detail unless you’re a recent graduate with limited work experience. If you have minimal experience, you can utilize your education to demonstrate your working potential. Still, if you’re a more experienced applicant, you only need to provide your school name, graduation year, and degree. 

There aren’t any formal requirements for certifications for financial analysts, but you should mention any specialized training you’ve received, such as a Financial Analyst Certification, Data Analysis Certification, or Certified Software Quality Analyst. 

Finally, you may be wondering whether you should include any  interests and hobbies to your resume . Generally, we don’t recommend including them, but there are a few instances where they’re appropriate additions to your resume: 

  • If you don’t have a great deal of work experience, it may be helpful to highlight some interesting hobbies or volunteer activities in which you’ve taken part. These can be great talking points during interviews if used appropriately! 
  • If you’re a recent graduate seeking your first finance job, you likely lack a lengthy work history to share on your resume. In this case, you can use interests and hobbies to convey to employers that you’re a hard worker and someone who thrives under pressure. 

sample resume for fresh graduates financial management

Tailor your financial analyst resume to the job ad

We’ve mentioned it a few times, but it’s important enough to reiterate. You need to tailor your financial analyst resume for every job to which you apply. Specifically, if used, your resume objective or summary statement needs to be customized with specific job titles and company names. Your skills section should be tailor-made to the job, too. You can do this by referencing skills mentioned in the job description (without ever copying anything from the job posting verbatim). Finally, your bullet points should be tailored to fit the specific needs of each company. 

sample resume for fresh graduates financial management

Don’t submit a sloppy financial analyst resume

We know it’s difficult to take a step back after you’ve finished working on your financial analyst resume. However, we strongly recommend that financial analysts, and all job seekers, take a step back. Put your resume away for a day or two, and then look it over again for typos. Have friends or family proofread it, and take advantage of our  free resume checker .

sample resume for fresh graduates financial management

One step closer to your next job

Congratulations! The first step to writing your professional financial analyst resume is research. If your resume is complete, you can upload it to see what AI-powered tips our  resume checker  has for you before making a cover letter .

If you haven’t started yet, or if you want to start your resume from scratch, use our  resume builder . Both our resume checker and builder will analyze your resume and provide specific tips on how you can make improvements. 

Create my free resume now

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How to Write MBA Finance/HR Fresher Resume: Sample, Format, Example- Download Now

 · Resume Builder

1. Choose The Right Format Resume:

  • ​Resume Format For MBA Freshers Download​

2. Resume Headline For MBA Freshers

  • ​Resume Maker For MBA Freshers​

4. Career Objective in Resume For MBA Freshers:

5. resume summary for mba freshers, 6. education/ academics:, 8. projects and internships:, 9. extracurricular activities and achievements:, 10. certifications and additional training:.

  • 11. Languages and IT Pr​oficiency:

12. References:

13. proofreading:.

  • ​Create ATS Friendly Resume​
  • ​MBA Fresher Job​

Areas of Interest in Resume for MBA HR Freshers

Areas of interest in resume for mba finance freshers.

Fresher Resume MBA

​ Fresher Resume MBA ​

Getting an MBA degree gives you a variety of skills and a better grasp of business ideas. Changing your resume means adjusting your qualifications to match the needs of the job you want. This makes you a better fit for the position and more appealing to the employer.

Your MBA studies have given you a strong base in business basics, so show this on your resume. Point out the main subjects you learned, like finance, marketing, operations, or strategy. ​

Suggested Read : Purpose of Resume ​

How to make a Resume for MBA Fresher

How to Make a Resume For MBA Freshers?

Creating a professional resume for MBA freshers involves highlighting your education, relevant skills, internships or projects, and any additional experiences that showcase your potential as a business professional. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make a best resume for MBA fresher :

resume format for mba freshers download

​ Resume Format For MBA Freshers Download ​

  • Use a clean and professional resume format for MBA freshers. You can create best resume format for fresher MBA finance /HR / Marketing from Interview Cracker  . You can choose from multiple resume template. There you can create resume for mba freshers in word or PDF format and download it.
  • Opt for a reverse-chronological resume format for mba finance/hr/Marketing freshers, which lists your most recent experiences first.

  Here are some sample resume headlines for MBA freshers that you can use them as resume title. 

Resume Headline for MBA Freshers Sample:

  • Results-Driven MBA Graduate with a Passion for Business Strategy and Analytics
  • Dynamic MBA Fresher Specializing in Finance and Ready to Drive Financial Excellence( resume headline for MBA Finance)
  • Strategic Thinker and Collaborator | Recent MBA Graduate Seeking Leadership Opportunities
  • MBA Fresher with Expertise in Marketing and a Creative Approach to Brand Growth ( resume headline for MBA Marketing)
  • Aspiring HR Professional | MBA Graduate Focused on Talent Management and Employee Engagement ( resume headline for MBA HR)
  • Finance Enthusiast and Problem Solver | MBA Fresh Graduate Ready to Excel in Corporate Finance( resume headline for MBA Finance)
  • Energetic MBA with a Keen Interest in Operations Management and Process Optimization
  • Innovative Marketing Strategist | MBA Fresh Graduate Eager to Elevate Brand Visibility ( resume headline for MBA Marketing)
  • Driven by Data: MBA Graduate Proficient in Financial Analysis and Business Insights
  • Passionate About HR Solutions | Recent MBA Grad Eager to Drive Organizational Success( resume headline for MBA HR)

Remember to personalize the resume headline based on your specialization, skills, and the specific job you're applying for. Your headline should convey your unique value proposition as an MBA fresher and capture the attention of potential employers. 

Also Read: Create an Eye Catching Resume Headline. ​

3. Contact Information:

  • Include your full name, phone number, email address, and location (city and state).

resume maker for mba freshers

​ Resume Maker For MBA Freshers ​

When writing a career objective for an MBA fresher's resume, it's important to convey your aspirations, skills, and what you hope to achieve in your professional journey. Here's a guide on what to include in career objective for resume for mba freshers:

  • Career Goal
  • The unique value that you bring to the table
  • Interested Industry( your focus industry)
  • Skills and Expertise

​ Apply For Fresher's Jobs ​

A resume summary for MBA freshers is important because it serves as a concise and impactful introduction to your qualifications and experiences. The profile summary in resume for MBA freshers appears at the top of the resume and provides recruiters and hiring managers with a quick overview of who you are as a candidate and what you can bring to the table. Here's why a resume summary is crucial:

  • Write a brief objective or summary statement that highlights your career goals and aspirations, as well as your enthusiasm for pursuing an MBA.
  • Feel free to personalize the resume summary and details based on your own experiences, skills, and aspirations.
  • The summary should concisely highlight your key strengths , relevant experiences, and your eagerness to contribute as an MBA student.

MBA Fresher Resume

  • List your MBA degree along with the name of the university, location, graduation date, and any relevant honors or awards.
  • Include your Bachelor's degree details if they are not already included in a separate section.

Showcase skills relevant to business and management. Generic skills for resume for MBA freshers are:

  •  leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, analytical thinking, communication, and proficiency in relevant software (e.g., Microsoft Office, data analysis tools).
  • Customise these skills based on your technical skills- i.e  MBA Major- MBA Finance/HR/Marketing
  • Highlight any relevant projects, internships, or coursework related to business, management, or your chosen specialization.
  • Describe your role, responsibilities, accomplishments, and skills gained during these experiences.
  • Mention any leadership roles, club memberships, volunteer work, or honors that demonstrate your proactive nature and ability to work in a team.
  • Include any relevant certifications, workshops, or online courses you've completed, especially those related to business, management, or specific skills.

11. Languages and IT Pr ​ oficiency:

  • If applicable, mention any languages you are proficient in, as well as your level of IT literacy.
  • Optionally, you can mention that references are available upon request. It's generally not necessary to include specific references on your resume.
  • Double-check for spelling, grammar, and formatting errors. Attention to detail is crucial.

Design and Formatting Tips While Writing Resume For MBA Freshers:

Keep in mind that now a days, hiring managers', don't read your resume rather they pass your resume to ATS. So make sure that your resume format are ATS friendly.

Create ATS Friendly Resume -Free

​ Create ATS Friendly Resume ​

  • Use a clean and easily readable font (such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman) with a font size between 10 and 12.
  • Keep the resume well-organized and use bullet points for easy readability.
  • Use bold or italics to emphasize key points, but avoid excessive formatting.
  • Keep your resume to one page for freshers, focusing on the most relevant and impactful information.

Interview Cracker Resume

Sample Resume For MBA Freshers

Tailor the resume to match the specific job you're applying for, and use simple and concise language to effectively communicate your qualifications and potential as an MBA fresher. Here's a sample resume for an MBA fresher. This resume sample can be customize for MBA HR/Finance / Marketing. Mainly Skills and project will change in MBA HR/Finance / Marketing resume. 

[Your Name] 

[Your Address] 

[City, State ZIP Code] 

[Phone Number] 

[Email Address] 

Headline :  Strategic Thinker and Collaborator | Recent MBA Graduate Seeking Leadership Opportunities

Objective: As a recent MBA graduate, I am eager to apply my diverse skill set and business knowledge to contribute effectively to a dynamic organization that values innovation and growth. 

Profile Summary:  Seeking an entry-level role in the Xyz domain (marketing field), leveraging the comprehensive knowledge acquired through my MBA degree. Proficient in market research and skilled in crafting effective brand awareness strategies. Proficient in English language skills to convince potential customers and convert them into clients.


  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) [University Name], [City, State] Graduation Date: [Month, Year]
  • Bachelor of [Your Bachelor's Degree Major] [University Name], [City, State] Graduation Date: [Month, Year] 

Skills: - Financial Analysis - Market Research - Strategic Planning - Project Management - Data Analysis - Communication - Team Collaboration - Microsoft Office Suite

Projects and Internships: Market Research Project - [Company Name] Conducted comprehensive market research to identify emerging trends in the [Industry Name] sector. Analyzed consumer preferences and competitor strategies to recommend potential growth opportunities. 

Strategic Planning Intern - [Company Name] Assisted in developing a new market entry strategy for an upcoming product launch. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create a detailed implementation plan, resulting in increased brand visibility.

Financial Analysis Project - [University Name] Analyzed financial statements of a publicly-traded company to evaluate its performance and make investment recommendations. Presented findings to peers and faculty members. 

Leadership and Extracurricular Activities: - Vice President, MBA Student Association - Volunteer Coordinator, [Charity Organization Name] - Member, [Relevant Professional or Student Organizations] 

Certifications: - Business Analytics Certification, [Certification Provider] - Digital Marketing Fundamentals, [Certification Provider] 

Languages: - Fluent in English and Hindi

References: Available upon request

Remember to customize the details in the sample resume with your own information, such as university names, degree details, projects, internships, skills, and certifications.

​ Check Scores of MBA freshers Resume ​

MBA Fresher Job

​ MBA Fresher Job ​

When creating a resume for MBA HR freshers, you can include areas of interest that demonstrate your passion and alignment with the field of Human Resources. These areas of interest can provide insights into your focus and potential contributions to HR roles. Here are some examples of areas of interest you can consider including in your resume( Don't include all):

  • Recruitment & Talent Acquisition
  • Payroll management
  • Employee Relations
  • Compensation & Benefits
  • HR Analytics
  • Attendance management
  • Industrial relations
  • Training and development
  • Employee Wellness
  • Performance management.

​When crafting a resume for MBA Finance freshers, you can include areas of interest that showcase your passion for finance, highlight your potential contributions, and align with the specific roles you're targeting. These are the list , you can include a few of them in your resume:

  • Financial Analysis
  • Risk Management
  • Financial Modeling
  • corporate finance
  • Derivative and risk
  • Merger & Acquisition
  • International finance
  • Regulation and compliances

Suggested Read: Tailor your MBA Fresher Resume ​

Remember, your MBA fresher resume is an opportunity to showcase your potential and enthusiasm for a business career. Tailor your resume to the specific job or industry you're applying for, and highlight experiences and skills that align with the requirements of the position.

resume for mba student fresher

best resume for mba freshers

resume for mba Finance

resume format for mba fresher

Strength of MBA resume

Career Objective in MBA Resume

skills for resume for MBA

Resume Tip For MBA

Format For MBA Resume

Design For MBA Resume

Areas of Interest in Resume

best resume for MBA fresher

resume for mba freshers

resume for mba freshers in HR

Headline For MBA Freshers

Career Objective in Resume

Resume Summary For MBA

Resume Design For MBA

Resume Format MBA

Tips For MBA Resume

Sample Resume For MBA

Interview Cracker

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  • • Coordinated with cross-functional teams to streamline operations, resulting in a 10% reduction in operational costs.
  • • Participated in the launch of 3 new product categories, contributing to a 12% increase in quarterly sales.
  • • Implemented process improvements based on data analysis which improved efficiency by 25%.
  • • Identified key trends and made strategic recommendations which boosted sales by 20%.
  • • Lead a task force to resolve a multi-departmental challenge, surpassing project goal by 30%.
  • • Standardized reporting procedures across all departments, increasing process accuracy by 15%.
  • • Led business transformations for 3 high-profile clients, streamlining their operations and increasing profitability by 35%.
  • • Facilitated the integration of new technologies for 4 client companies, increasing their productivity by 20%.
  • • Spearheaded business process reengineering initiatives, cutting costs by 15%.

5 MBA Graduate Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your MBA graduate resume must showcase your advanced business acumen. Highlight significant projects or case studies you've led or contributed to. Demonstrate your leadership experience and ability to drive results. Employers value an MBA graduate who can translate theory into practical success.

All resume examples in this guide

sample resume for fresh graduates financial management


Resume Guide

Formatting the layout of your mba graduate resume: design, length, and more, how to create the cornerstone experience section of your mba graduate resume, spotlighting your mba graduate hard and soft skills, choosing the right certifications and education for your mba graduate resume, summary or objective: making your mba graduate resume shine, extra sections to boost your mba graduate resume, key takeaways.

MBA Graduate resume example

One significant challenge faced by MBA graduates is articulating their diverse range of skills and experiences in a concise, compelling manner that appeals to potential employers. Our guide can assist with this issue by providing targeted advice on how to effectively structure your resume and tailor your content to showcase your unique qualifications and accomplishments in a way that resonates with hiring managers in various industries.

Here's what you'll read within our professional resume guide:

  • Mba graduate resumes that are tailored to the role are more likely to catch recruiters' attention.
  • Most sought-out mba graduate skills that should make your resume.
  • Styling the layout of your professional resume: take a page from mba graduate resume examples.
  • How to write about your mba graduate achievements in various resume sections (e.g. summary, experience, and education).

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  • Nurse Practitioner Student resume

When it comes to the format of your mba graduate resume , you've plenty of opportunities to get creative. But, as a general rule of thumb, there are four simple steps you could integrate into your resume layout.

  • If you have plenty of experience, you'd like to showcase, invest in the reverse-chronological resume format . This format focuses on your latest experience items and skills you've learned during your relevant (and recent) jobs.
  • Don't go over the two-page limit, when creating your professional mba graduate resume. Curate within it mainly experience and skills that are relevant to the job.
  • Make sure your mba graduate resume header includes all of your valid contact information. You could also opt to display your professional portfolio or LinkedIn profile.
  • Submit or send out your mba graduate resume as a PDF, so you won't lose its layout and design.

Upload your resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Keep your mba graduate resume clear and concise. Top professionals narrate their career stories while highlighting their strengths.

To craft a compelling mba graduate resume, focus on these sections:

  • A scannable header
  • A snapshot of your professional persona, showcasing soft skills, achievements, and a summary or objective
  • Skills that align with the job advert
  • Quantifiable achievements in your experience section
  • An education and technical skills section that underscores your proficiency with specific tools or software

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Relevant MBA Specialization: For example, Finance for financial management roles or Marketing for marketing management roles.
  • Work Experience in Relevant Field: Prior experience that's directly related to the job can set a candidate apart.
  • Leadership Roles and Responsibilities: Any leadership role during or post-MBA, such as managing teams or projects, could be highly valued.
  • Skills and Competencies: For instance, strategic thinking, project management, analytical skills, communication skills, etc. Especially those that are relevant to the particular role.
  • High-impact Achievements: Instances where your work had a significant positive impact on your previous companies or projects, quantified with metrics if possible.
  • Resume Margins
  • How to Use Resume Lines

A meticulously crafted mba graduate resume experience section is a recruiter's delight. This segment not only responds to job criteria but also throws light on your technical expertise and character.

To craft an impactful experience section:

  • Highlight roles directly related to the position in question.
  • Pair each role or task with a metric that quantifies your achievements.
  • Chronicle your mba graduate career progression, illustrating your dedication and growth in the domain.
  • For each role, elucidate challenges faced, strategies employed, and the broader organizational impact.

Examine the following mba graduate samples to discern how seasoned professionals have articulated their experiences:

  • Led cross-functional team of 10 to develop and implement a marketing campaign resulting in a 20% increase in sales revenue.
  • Analyzed market trends and competitor activities, providing strategic recommendations that led to a 15% market share growth.
  • Managed key client relationships, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Optimized supply chain processes, reducing lead time by 30% and saving $500,000 annually.
  • Implemented cost-saving initiatives resulting in a 10% reduction in operational expenses.
  • Collaborated with suppliers to negotiate favorable contracts, achieving a 15% decrease in procurement costs.
  • Developed and executed a comprehensive training program, improving employee productivity by 20%.
  • Created financial models and conducted investment analysis, leading to a successful fundraising round of $2 million.
  • Managed project timelines and resources, successfully delivering a product launch ahead of schedule.
  • Implemented digital marketing strategies resulting in a 50% increase in website traffic and a 25% boost in online sales.
  • Led a cross-functional team to develop and launch a mobile app, achieving 100,000 downloads within the first three months.
  • Conducted market research and identified new market segments, leading to a 30% expansion of customer base.
  • Managed end-to-end project lifecycles, overseeing budgets of up to $5 million and ensuring timely completion within scope.
  • Developed and implemented a sales strategy resulting in a 15% increase in annual revenue.
  • Led a team of 20 sales representatives, providing coaching and training that improved individual performance by 25%.
  • Analyzed financial statements and implemented cost control measures, reducing operating expenses by 12% annually.
  • Coordinated cross-functional teams to streamline business processes, resulting in a 20% improvement in operational efficiency.
  • Developed and executed a marketing strategy that increased brand awareness by 30% within the target market.
  • Developed and executed strategic partnerships, resulting in a 40% increase in client acquisition and revenue growth.
  • Implemented process improvements, reducing production errors by 25% and enhancing overall quality.
  • Led a team of 15 sales representatives, achieving annual sales targets and exceeding revenue goals by 20%.
  • Managed customer relationships and successfully upsold services, resulting in a 30% increase in average deal size.
  • Developed and executed a social media strategy, increasing brand visibility and engagement by 50%.
  • Analyzed market trends and competitor activities, providing recommendations that led to a 10% market share growth.
  • Implemented lean manufacturing principles, reducing production cycle time by 15% and improving overall productivity.
  • Led cross-functional teams in process improvement initiatives resulting in cost savings of $1.5 million annually.
  • Developed and executed training programs, increasing employee proficiency and reducing errors by 20%.
  • Developed and executed a comprehensive marketing strategy, resulting in a 30% increase in brand awareness and customer acquisition.
  • Led product development initiatives, launching innovative solutions that generated $2 million in new revenue.
  • Managed a team of 10 marketing professionals, providing guidance and support to achieve departmental objectives.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include precise details about the size of budgets you managed or contributed to, demonstrating financial acuity and responsibility.
  • List quantifiable achievements in previous roles such as percentage increases in sales or efficiency, showing your ability to drive growth and improve operations.
  • Specify the number of team members you've guided or projects you've led, indicating leadership skills and team management capabilities.
  • Detail any cost-saving initiatives you've implemented with exact figures to highlight strategic thinking and fiscal prudence.
  • Note any revenue growth generated under your leadership or involvement with specific numbers, exhibiting profit-driving abilities.
  • Present numerical data on business processes you have optimized, showcasing problem-solving skills and process improvement expertise.
  • Enumerate any metrics-driven strategies you've developed and their positive impacts, underlining your strategic planning skills and results-oriented approach.
  • Illustrate your market analysis skills by mentioning the scale (in numbers) of markets you have analyzed or entered, displaying analytical acumen and risk assessment.

Building a mba graduate resume when experience is sparse

If you're light on relevant experience, consider highlighting:

  • Short-term roles or internships undertaken during your academic years.
  • Contractual roles, emphasizing their relevance and the outcomes achieved.
  • Alternative resume formats, such as functional or hybrid, that spotlight your skills.
  • Research roles, especially if they involved significant projects or if your contribution was pivotal to the project's success.
  • Can I Leave a Job I was Fired From Off my Resume
  • Resume Without Work Experience

Boost your resume by focusing on the practical aspects of each job requirement. While it's good to have job-related keywords on your resume, ensure they're backed by action verbs and quantifiable data. This gives recruiters a clear picture of your mba graduate professional journey.

Hard skills denote your technological proficiency and expertise in specific tools or software. These skills are often validated through certifications and hands-on experience.

Soft skills , on the other hand, reflect your interpersonal abilities and how you navigate workplace dynamics. These skills are cultivated over a lifetime and can be more nuanced.

Why the emphasis on both? Hard skills demonstrate your technical competence and reduce training needs. Soft skills suggest adaptability and cultural fit.

To optimize your skills section:

  • Forego basic skills like "Excel" in favor of more specific proficiencies like "Excel Macros".
  • Highlight core values and work ethics as soft skills, indicating what you prioritize in a professional setting.
  • If relevant, create a distinct section for language proficiencies.
  • Balance hard and soft skills by crafting a strengths or achievements section, illustrating outcomes achieved through both skill sets.

To assist you, we've curated a list of skills highly sought after by recruiters. Ensure you integrate those that resonate with your expertise and the prospective employer's needs:

Top skills for your mba graduate resume

Business Strategy

Financial Analysis

Marketing Strategy

Project Management

Data Analysis

Supply Chain Management


Operations Management

Business Development

Information Technology Management



Critical Thinking

Time Management


Emotional Intelligence


Decision Making

If you're in the process of learning a pivotal skill for the role, mention this on your resume. It demonstrates initiative while maintaining transparency.

Your education section can highlight skills and experiences perfect for the job.

  • List college or university degrees with the school name and dates.
  • If you're still studying, mention your expected graduation date.
  • Think twice before adding unrelated degrees. Space on your resume is precious.
  • Discuss educational achievements if they boost your job relevance.

There are many certifications out there. Which ones should you include?

  • List your main degree in a separate section with the school name and dates.
  • Only add certifications that highlight your skills and experience.
  • Place unique or recent certifications near the top.
  • Add a brief description to certifications if it helps show your skills.

Remember, it's not about quantity but relevance.

Best certifications to list on your resume

  • Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) - APICS
  • Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) - ISACA
  • Financial Risk Manager (FRM) - Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)

List your degrees in reverse order, starting with the newest. A recent PhD or unique field could set you apart.

  • Continuing Education on Resume
  • Expected Graduation Date Resume

Start your resume with a strong summary or objective to grab the recruiter's attention.

  • Use a resume objective if you're newer to the field. Share your career dreams and strengths.
  • Opt for a resume summary if you have more experience. Highlight up to five of your top achievements.

Tailor your summary or objective for each job. Think about what the recruiter wants to see.

Resume summary and objective examples for a mba graduate resume

  • Dynamic MBA graduate with a keen focus in finance and 5 years of experience working at Goldman Sachs, New York. Proficient in financial modeling, risk management, and portfolio optimization. Proved success in leading teams towards achieving $20 million in annual revenue growth.
  • Seasoned professional with an MBA degree, offering a solid track record of spearheading operational efficiencies within the healthcare industry. Holds 7 years' experience at Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, showcasing expertise in healthcare analytics, strategic planning, and process improvement. Drove a 30% reduction in operational costs through data-driven decision making.
  • Accomplished engineering professional seizing an opportunity to leverage MBA degree in the business sphere. Holds 8 years' experience as a Project Manager at Boeing, Seattle, adept at project budgeting, scheduling, and resource allocation. Spearheaded a project that saved the company $15 million annually.
  • Distinguished educator eager to transition into business using newly acquired MBA knowledge. Spent 6 years teaching at Stanford University, California, excelling in curriculum development and administrative tasks. Excelled in organizational behavior and marketing strategy during MBA coursework.
  • Motivated MBA graduate seeking an entry-level position in finance where I can apply my advanced understanding of financial analysis and forecasting. Armed with technical skills like MS Excel and QuickBooks. Passionate about contributing to solving complex financial challenges.
  • Aspiring business analyst, freshly graduated with an MBA from Harvard Business School. Possesses a strong foundation in data analysis, strategy formulation, and market research. Looking forward to applying analytical abilities and leadership skills to solve real-world business problems.

Add more sections to show off your unique skills and personality.

  • Projects - Include any impressive ones you've done outside of work.
  • Awards - Show off any industry recognition.
  • Volunteering - Share causes you care about and skills you've gained.
  • Personality - Hobbies or favorite books can give a glimpse into who you are.
  • Format your mba graduate resume for clarity and coherence, ensuring it aligns with the role.
  • Highlight key sections (header, summary/objective, experience, skills, certifications) within your mba graduate resume.
  • Quantify achievements and align them with skills and job requirements.
  • Feature both technical and personal skills across your resume for a balanced portrayal.

mba graduate resume example

Looking to build your own MBA Graduate resume?

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23 exemples de CV créatif pour 2024

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Financial Management Associate Resume Sample

The resume builder.

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Work Experience

  • Motivated, high-potential performer, with demonstrated ability to influence and lead
  • Loves data analytics and telling the “number’s story
  • Able to solve complex problems and successfully manage ambiguity and unexpected change
  • Teachable and embracing of best practices and feedback as a means of continuous improvement
  • Financial Transformation -When financial executives face business events that drive an urgent need for finance transformation, our financial management consultants help clients respond with post-merger integration, core systems implementation, material business change and audit remediation or restatement consulting capabilities
  • Cost and Performance Management -To help finance functions operate efficiently and elevate strategic value to management, our financial management consultants provide cost and profitability analyses, finance process optimization, financial planning and analysis and financial benchmarking
  • Financial Operations -Our financial management consultants help improve finance operations through reporting and business intelligence, data analysis and reconciliation, policies and procedures and managed services and specialty accounting
  • Shared Services -Our financial management consultants help finance functions create efficiencies through updating and standardizing processes through shares services. We help organizations who are looking for guidance and consulting regarding shared service business models, managed service selection and centralizing finance operations
  • Good team player with ability to build strong relationships with key stakeholders. Capability to advise, ‘tell a story’ to build trust and motivate people
  • Confident, with a proven ability to team with, advise and challenge all levels of seniority
  • Demonstrate good listening skills and being connected and responsive to our clients and offering insight to identify areas of financial opportunity
  • Experience of presenting
  • Assess risk across portfolio’s, identify and surface key risks to revenue to Supervising FMA
  • Identify and communicate FA issues to the FMA Supervising Associate, FMA Manager, Assistant Director or Area Director of Finance as appropriate
  • Maintain multiple, executive-level relationships
  • Assess risk profile across portfolio’s, identify and surface key risks to revenue and shortfalls in revenue against planned measures at an engagement level
  • Ensure Engagements are compliant with the Firm’s Client and Engagement Acceptance policies
  • Strive to be a subject matter specialist on EY's Global Financial Information System (GFIS) engagement software, practices and policies
  • Prioritize tasks, to help achieve executive and EY objectives
  • Serve as a subject matter specialist on EY’s Global Financial Tools, practices and policies
  • Manage performance, personal development, coaching, counselling, issue resolution and training of individuals within the team
  • Review structure and balance of teams within the Service Lines and provide recommendations to the Head of Senior FMA. Support with recruitment needs
  • Motivate and inspire team members to achieve their full potential
  • Good team player with ability to build strong relationships with key stakeholders

Professional Skills

  • Exceptional customer service skills with ability to demonstrate good listening skills
  • Critical thinking and problem solving, advising on outcomes and exhibiting exceptional technical skills
  • Strong desire to do finance and accounting performance improvement management consulting work
  • Customer focused and responsive with good commercial acumen/strategic thinking and an excellent communicator - both written and verbal
  • Five years relevant job experience
  • Around two years’ experience in a client driven professional environment in a financial/business capacity
  • Working knowledge of business, finance and accounting fundamentals including U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

How to write Financial Management Associate Resume

Financial Management Associate role is responsible for powerpoint, finance, microsoft, outlook, government, reporting, security, listening, sharepoint, analysis. To write great resume for financial management associate job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Financial Management Associate Resume

The section contact information is important in your financial management associate resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Financial Management Associate Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your financial management associate resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous financial management associate responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular financial management associate position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Financial Management Associate resume experience can include:

  • Support client partners and engagement managers in the effective financial management of the external client engagements by ensuring that they have accurate, timely and relevant engagement financial information
  • Exhibit a good understanding of how targets are calculated
  • Assisting in the project costing model
  • Forecasting monthly and working with Project Managers to ensure the accuracy of the forecast and work with the team to escalate issues
  • Analyzing unbilled and billed inventory
  • Ensuring Engagement Realization Percentage (ERP) has been rigorously reviewed and accurately reflects reality

Education on a Financial Management Associate Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your financial management associate resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your financial management associate experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Financial Management Associate Resume

When listing skills on your financial management associate resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical financial management associate skills:

  • Managing the billing process including the preparing of fee notes on an engagement for client
  • Assessing risk across portfolio’s identify and surface key risks to revenue to Supervising FMA
  • Provide full support and data services to client serving personnel: in structuring and monitoring engagement economics namely
  • Drive the working capital performance of your group by devising both short and long term initiatives to achieve long term success
  • Occasional traveling requirements within North America
  • Exhibit a sound understanding of how targets are calculated

List of Typical Skills For a Financial Management Associate Resume

Skills for financial management associate manager assistant director resume.

  • Strong interpersonal/communications skills, the
  • Be a motivated, high-potential performers who demonstrate the ability to influence and effectively lead others to achieve business results
  • 3-5+ yrs of demonstrated work experience in one or more of the above rotational assignments
  • Strong proficiency with Microsoft Excel and Word programs, with an ability to learn new applications quickly; SAP
  • Reviewing of Collections where applicable

Skills For Ey-supervising Financial Management Associate Resume

  • Ensure the Business understand their targets, what is required to achieve them and the impact of not achieving
  • Have an impact on how we engage with our clients to increase engagement profitability and improve our working capital
  • Monitor internal process for dealing with write-offs; ensure the correct approval and sign off is gained
  • Advise our teams how to engage with their clients to optimise both engagement margin and working capital
  • Performs analysis of inventory balances. Monitors overall inventory levels and aging, and reports findings to the CSE and Director of Finance

Skills For Client Financial Management Associate Manager Resume

  • Process adjustments to revenue based on regular discussions with the CSEs and expert understanding of our internal systems
  • Schedule appropriate logistics including virtual teleconference (VTC) and teleconferences
  • Help train other FMAs, as well as client-serving executives (CSE)
  • Occasional travel to India
  • Provide relevant and timely working capital management information to your key stakeholders, including gap and trend analysis to effectively influence continuous performance improvement within your portfolio
  • Surface and identify risks and issues to realisation rates, write-offs and performance against budgeted ERPs and all planned measures
  • Challenge Engagement teams on write downs and performance against ERPs
  • Escalate significant financial impacts on material engagements to the Senior FMA

Skills For Financial Management Associate Senior Associate Resume

  • Initiate process improvements across UK&I considering consistency across sub service lines/service lines whilst understanding the nuances of the different areas
  • Have an impact on how we engage with our clients to increase engagement margin and improve our working capital
  • Make an impact through your involvement in additional ad hoc projects
  • Owning the working capital agenda for the account – maintaining good awareness of the sales pipeline; ensuring correct policies and processes are applied on engagement set-up; and monitoring inventory across the account to identify risks
  • Experience in a financial reporting and analysis capacity
  • Acting as a role model to junior team members and providing on the job coaching
  • Review and monitor WIP and variance analysis across your portfolio to identify risk and provide key stakeholders with up to date details on potential exposure to revenue and debtors

Skills For Ey-financial Management Associate Resume

  • MBA, Graduating in December 2013 – June 2014
  • Interest to work cross functionally throughout different finance and accounting processes within an organization
  • Build relationships and collaborate with associates at all levels of the Company
  • Strong desire to do finance and accounting performance improvement management consulting work Interest to work cross functionally throughout different finance and accounting processes within an organization
  • The ability to think on your feet, use initiative and judgement to make informed decision
  • Challenge and advice to ensure that issues are surfaced, appropriate actions are taken and that best practice and policies are complied with
  • Monitor reports and challenge KPIs against planned measures

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  • Ensure engagement metrics are updated on a timely basis
  • Assist in preparation and review of internal and external documents, presentations, and correspondence for supporting Federal staff to include Broad Agency Announcements and solicitations
  • Ensure performer monthly and quarterly reports and other deliverables are received
  • Assist in the creation, maintenance, and updating project programmatic documents, (i.e., Broad Agency Announcement and solicitations), and maintenance of project document archives
  • Review and draft program documents as needed

Skills For Uki-financial Management Associate Resume

  • Schedule and arrange meetings locally and offsite to support interagency and programmatic coordination
  • Serve as liaison to other Program Offices on related subject matters
  • Develops & models project financials in line with APPS NA Financial KPIs. The FMA works closely with the client-serving executives to price the projects and to develop the project budgets
  • Monitors account/project economic measures analyzing budget and forecast to actuals
  • Perform Month end close activities including: posting Journal entries, month end reconciliations, forecast vs actuals analysis, contribution margin analysis and other ad-hoc monthly reporting
  • Determines the billing and collections best practices for each account/project based on contractual and delivery framework. Streamlines and standardizes the billing and collections processes in order to minimize aging AR and zero aging WIP. Performs analysis of inventory balances
  • Establishes and maintains Account/project records and information

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  • Conduct Market Unit Performance Review with Sector and Capability Leaders on a monthly basis and provide inputs for improving Financial position of the respective units
  • Assist Controller in special projects / ad-hoc reporting / preparation of dashboards as needed
  • Engages in Special Projects/Ad-hoc requests. The FMA gathers and interprets data and provides analysis upon request

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Lilac Parade resumes after pause as police responded to shooting that left two people injured

May 18—A shooting in downtown forced a long pause in the annual Lilac Festival Armed Forces Torchlight Parade late Saturday as police worked to secure the area and emergency crews treated two injured people.

The parade was paused about 9 p.m. after police received reports of a shooting inside PM Jacoy's convenience store near Washington Street and Sprague Avenue, Spokane police Lt. Jay Kernkamp said.

He said two people — at least one of them shot — were injured and taken to a hospital. He said there was no further threat to the public and that officials rerouted the parade so it could be finished as officers continued to investigate the scene.

A suspect was detained on scene by police, Kernkamp said.

"It did not appear to be related to the parade whatsoever," Kernkamp said.

As police swarmed to the shooting, marching bands and other parade entries moved to the side as the emergency vehicles with sirens and flashing lights worked their way through.

Many in the crowd in the areas closest to the incident were confused and quickly cleared the scene.

Some parade watchers in the area of the shooting investigation said they hadn't realized anything was wrong until police, firefighters and ambulances began to show up.

More than half of the parade had started when the pause occurred. Even bands and floats that already passed the incident paused in place. Some bands, like the Rogers High School band, continued playing without marching.

The parade restarted just after 9:30 with Freeman High School's marching band the first band after the pause.

Mayor Lisa Brown said she was "saddened" by the shooting.

"My thoughts are with those who were injured, their families, and all those who witnessed this incident," Brown said in a statement. "Violence like this should never happen, especially near a place where families are gathered to enjoy a community event. The incident does not appear to be connected to the parade and I am thankful for the quick response by local law enforcement and first responders."

Before the emergency, the parade brought thousands of onlookers to watch the many bands, floats and military displays that weaved through city streets.

Emma Goodwin may have seen thousands of faces in the downtown crowd as she cheered Saturday night in the annual Spokane Lilac Festival Association's Armed Forces Torchlight Parade.

If she looked in the right spot at the corner of Washington Street and Riverside Avenue, the junior Mt. Spokane High School cheerleader may have seen her own face, courtesy of Goodwin's mother, Rebecca Avey, who held a large cardboard cutout photo of her daughter's visage.

"She hates this photo, and it's kind of a joke now," Avey said. "Everywhere that she participates in something, I just want to make sure she knows that we're here."

The longstanding parade started with the roar of a Fairchild Air Force Base KC-135 Stratotanker flying over the downtown skyline.

Local law enforcement led the parade's ground forces, slowly rolling down Washington Street with their lights and sirens activated.

Dressed in purple jackets, festival co-presidents Elisabeth Hooker and Carly Cortright followed, waving to the crowd from "Laboata," a boat converted for street use.

The festival's royal court, consisting of six princesses and one queen from Spokane County high schools, waved from their Expo '74-inspired float.

The parade's grand marshal, U.S. Army Col. Anne McClain, a NASA astronaut, cruised through downtown in a classic car.

McClain, a Gonzaga Prep graduate, served as flight engineer on the International Space Station and was the lead spacewalker on two spacewalks.

Plenty of high school bands played their hearts out to the delight of the attendees, including Brian Karunaratne.

Karunaratne played in three Lilac parades as a drummer in the Ferris High School band.

"It'll be nice to kind of reminisce on what used to be," Karunaratne, a manager at Yoke's Fresh Market in Cheney, said before the parade started.

The Spokesman-Review's Nick Gibson contributed to this report.

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sample resume for fresh graduates financial management

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Lilac Parade resumes after pause as police responded to shooting that left two people injured

A shooting downtown forced a long pause in the annual Lilac Festival Armed Forces Torchlight Parade late Saturday as police worked to secure the area and emergency crews treated those who were injured.  (Garrett Cabeza/The Spokesman-Review)

A shooting in downtown forced a long pause in the annual Lilac Festival Armed Forces Torchlight Parade late Saturday as police worked to secure the area and emergency crews treated two injured people.

The parade was paused about 9 p.m. after police received reports of a shooting inside PM Jacoy’s convenience store near Washington Street and Sprague Avenue, Spokane police Lt. Jay Kernkamp said.

He said two people – at least one of them shot – were injured and taken to a hospital. He said there was no further threat to the public and that officials rerouted the parade so it could be finished as officers continued to investigate the scene.

A suspect was detained on scene by police, Kernkamp said.

“It did not appear to be related to the parade whatsoever,” Kernkamp said.

As police swarmed to the shooting, marching bands and other parade entries moved to the side as the emergency vehicles with sirens and flashing lights worked their way through.

Many in the crowd in the areas closest to the incident were confused and quickly cleared the scene.

Some parade watchers in the area of the shooting investigation said they hadn’t realized anything was wrong until police, firefighters and ambulances began to show up.

More than half of the parade had started when the pause occurred. Even bands and floats that already passed the incident paused in place. Some bands, like the Rogers High School band, continued playing without marching.

The parade restarted just after 9:30 with Freeman High School’s marching band the first band after the pause.

Mayor Lisa Brown said in a news release that she was “saddened” by the shooting.

“My thoughts are with those who were injured, their families, and all those who witnessed this incident,” Brown said in a statement. “Violence like this should never happen, especially near a place where families are gathered to enjoy a community event. The incident does not appear to be connected to the parade and I am thankful for the quick response by local law enforcement and first responders.”

Before the emergency, the parade brought thousands of onlookers to watch the many bands, floats and military displays that weaved through city streets.

Emma Goodwin may have seen thousands of faces in the downtown crowd as she cheered Saturday night in the annual Spokane Lilac Festival Association’s Armed Forces Torchlight Parade.

If she looked in the right spot at the corner of Washington Street and Riverside Avenue, the junior Mt. Spokane High School cheerleader may have seen her own face, courtesy of Goodwin’s mother, Rebecca Avey, who held a large cardboard cutout photo of her daughter’s visage.

“She hates this photo, and it’s kind of a joke now,” Avey said. “Everywhere that she participates in something, I just want to make sure she knows that we’re here.”

The longstanding parade started with the roar of a Fairchild Air Force Base KC-135 Stratotanker flying over the downtown skyline.

Local law enforcement led the parade’s ground forces, slowly rolling down Washington Street with their lights and sirens activated.

Dressed in purple jackets, festival co-presidents Elisabeth Hooker and Carly Cortright followed, waving to the crowd from “Laboata,” a boat converted for street use.

The festival’s royal court, consisting of six princesses and one queen from Spokane County high schools, waved from their Expo ’74-inspired float.

The parade’s grand marshal, U.S. Army Col. Anne McClain, a NASA astronaut, cruised through downtown in a classic car.

McClain, a Gonzaga Prep graduate, served as flight engineer on the International Space Station and was the lead spacewalker on two spacewalks.

Plenty of high school bands played their hearts out to the delight of the attendees, including Brian Karunaratne.

Karunaratne played in three Lilac parades as a drummer in the Ferris High School band.

“It’ll be nice to kind of reminisce on what used to be,” Karunaratne, a manager at Yoke’s Fresh Market in Cheney, said before the parade started.

The Spokesman-Review’s Nick Gibson contributed to this report.

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  2. Sample Resume For Fresh Graduates Financial Management

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  24. Lilac Parade resumes after pause as police responded to ...

    The parade was paused about 9 p.m. after police received reports of a shooting inside PM Jacoy's convenience store near Washington Street and Sprague Avenue, Spokane police Lt. Jay Kernkamp said ...

  25. Lilac parade resumes after pause as police responded to shooting call

    A shooting in downtown Spokane forced a long pause in the annual Spokane Lilac Festival Association's Armed Forces Torchlight Parade late Saturday as police worked to secure the area and ...