Child Protection: Children's Rights in Theory and Practice

Learn to protect children..

Learn how to protect children from violence, exploitation, and neglect through law, policy, and practice in a human rights framework.

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What You'll Learn

Across the world, children are at riskfrom violence, abuse, exploitation, and neglect. Conflict and natural disasters have forced millions to flee their homes and confront the dangers of migration and displacement. Commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking, child labor, and child marriage are problems in many countries. At-risk children and adolescents need their rights enforcedif we are to protect them from harm and to ensure that they develop to their full potential.

Led by Jacqueline Bhabha, Research Director of the Harvard FXB Center for Health and Human Rights, this course will teach you the causes and consequences of child protection failures. You will consider the strategies, international laws, standards, and resources required to protect all children. You will be able to link legal frameworks and child-rights approaches to the work of policymakers, lawyers, health workers, educators, law enforcement, and social workers. Learners will come to understand how they can ensure the protection of children and apply child protection strategies to their own work.

Join Harvard faculty, practitioners, and a global community of learners to master a child-centered systems approach to preventing and responding to violence, exploitation, and abuse against children.

The course will be delivered via edX and connect learners around the world. By the end of the course, participants will learn:

  • The origins of child protection in international human rights law
  • How to analyze global child protection issues and the diversity of actors involved in child protection
  • The impact of violence, exploitation, and abuse (VEA) on children’s emotional, social and physical development and strategies for preventing and responding to these harms
  • The standards of protection for children in conflict or in contact with the law
  • How to assess and strengthen a child protection system

Your Instructor

Jacqueline Bhabha is the Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She is also the Director of Research at Harvard’s François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, the Jeremiah Smith, Jr. Lecturer at Harvard Law School, and an adjunct lecturer in public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. She received a first class honors degree and an MSc from Oxford University, and a JD from the College of Law in London. From 1997 to 2001 Bhabha founded and directed the Human Rights Program at the University of Chicago. Prior to 1997, she was a practicing human rights lawyer in London and at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. She serves on the board of the Scholars at Risk Network, the World Peace Foundation and the Journal of Refugee Studies.

  • The Legal Foundation of Child Protection
  • Defining and Measuring Child Protection
  • Causes and Consequences of Violence
  • Strategies for Preventing and Addressing Violence
  • Examples of Preventing and Addressing Violence
  • Children in Conflict with the Law
  • Children in Contact with the Law
  • Migrant Children and the Law
  • Components of a Child Protection System
  • Identifying Problems in Child Protection System
  • Global and Local Action to Strengthen Child Protection Systems

Ways to take this course

When you enroll in this course, you will have the option of pursuing a Verified Certificate or Auditing the Course.

A Verified Certificate costs $149 and provides unlimited access to full course materials, activities, tests, and forums. At the end of the course, learners who earn a passing grade can receive a certificate. 

Alternatively, learners can Audit the course for free and have access to select course material, activities, tests, and forums.  Please note that this track does not offer a certificate for learners who earn a passing grade.

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essay about child protection law

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  • Child rights and human rights explained

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”

Convention on the Rights of the Child: Three children run outside a mobile kindergarten in Mongolia.

  • Available in:

Everyone, everywhere has the same rights as a result of our common humanity. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.  

What are human rights?

Child rights and why they matter, the united nations and human rights.

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Article 1, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The international human rights framework

The United Nations set a common standard on human rights with the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Although the Declaration is not part of binding international law, its acceptance by all countries around the world gives great moral weight to the fundamental principle that all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status, are to be treated equally and with respect.

The United Nations has since adopted many legally binding international human rights treaties and agreements, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child. These treaties are used as a framework for discussing and applying human rights. The principles and rights they outline become legal obligations on the States that choose to be bound by them. The framework also establishes legal and other mechanisms to hold governments accountable in the event they violate human rights.

The instruments of the international human rights framework are the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the nine core human rights treaties :

  • The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
  • The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  • The Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
  • The Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
  • The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
  • The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
  • The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. 

Learn more about these conventions .

Every country in the world has ratified at least one of these, and many have ratified most of them. These treaties are important tools for holding governments accountable for the respect for, protection of and realization of the rights of individuals in their country.

Understanding this framework is important to promoting, protecting and realizing children’s rights because the Convention on the Rights of the Child – and the rights and duties contained in it – are part of it.

Learn more about the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Human rights are standards that recognize and protect the dignity of all human beings

Discover the reasons for singling out children's rights in its own human rights Convention

Creating a 'culture of human rights' throughout the world

Your questions on the CRC answered

How many countries have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child? How does the Convention define "child"?


Essay on Child Protection

Students are often asked to write an essay on Child Protection in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Child Protection

Understanding child protection.

Child protection refers to the safeguarding of children from harm. It involves measures and structures to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation affecting children.

Importance of Child Protection

Children are the future of our society. Protecting them ensures a safer, healthier, and happier world. Child protection helps them grow and develop without fear, promoting their mental and physical well-being.

Role of Society

Everyone has a role in child protection. Teachers, parents, and even children themselves can contribute. By being vigilant and reporting any signs of harm, we can keep children safe.

Child protection is a crucial element of a thriving society. It’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of children.

250 Words Essay on Child Protection


Child protection refers to the safeguarding of children from violence, exploitation, abuse, and neglect. It’s a critical aspect of ensuring the holistic development of a child, enabling them to grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.

The Importance of Child Protection

Child protection is a fundamental human right, enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It’s a vital prerequisite for the overall well-being of children and the future prosperity of societies. By protecting children, we not only ensure their physical and mental health but also contribute to the development of resilient, productive adults.

Challenges in Child Protection

Despite global efforts, child protection remains a significant challenge due to factors like poverty, social norms condoning harmful practices, and inadequate legal frameworks. Additionally, conflicts and crises exacerbate the vulnerability of children, making child protection even more critical.

The Role of Society in Child Protection

Society plays a crucial role in child protection. It’s the responsibility of every individual to report instances of child abuse and neglect. Schools and community organizations should implement child protection policies and provide safe environments for children.

In conclusion, child protection is a collective responsibility that requires concerted efforts from individuals, communities, and governments. It’s an investment in the future, ensuring that children grow into healthy, productive adults who can contribute positively to society.

500 Words Essay on Child Protection

The scope of child protection.

Child protection encompasses a wide range of issues. These include physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, neglect, exploitation such as child labor and child trafficking, and violence in the form of bullying or domestic violence. It is not limited to the home environment, but extends to schools, community spaces, and online platforms. With the advent of digital technology, children are now vulnerable to cyberbullying and online predators, expanding the scope of child protection.

Legislation and Policy Frameworks

Numerous international, national, and regional laws and policies have been implemented to protect children. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the most universally accepted set of standards for children’s rights. It provides a comprehensive framework for governments to develop legislation and policies focused on child protection. However, the effectiveness of these laws and policies varies significantly across different regions due to factors such as cultural norms, enforcement mechanisms, and economic resources.

The Role of Education

Community involvement.

Child protection is not solely the responsibility of the government or the education sector. The community plays a significant role in creating a safe environment for children. Community members can contribute by being vigilant, reporting suspected abuse, and supporting families in crisis. Community-based organizations can also provide resources and services to vulnerable children and their families.

Child protection is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive approach. It is not enough to merely have laws and policies in place. Effective child protection requires the active involvement of schools, communities, and each individual. It also requires addressing the root causes of child abuse and exploitation, such as poverty and societal norms. As future leaders, it is our responsibility to ensure that every child is protected and has the opportunity to thrive.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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Protection and Assistance to the Family: Interpreting and Applying Article 10 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights from Learnt and Lived Experiences

This article conceptualizes and operationalizes the right to protection and assistance to the family (Article 10 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) in relation to child protection services in England and the removal of children from birth families that are deemed to pose a risk to them. It identifies the differences between the social right to protection and assistance to the family and the more commonly known civil right to private and family life. The article merges doctrinal analysis of international human rights law with a peer-led methodology of socio-legal research reliant on issue prioritization and observations from social workers, families in poverty—primarily mothers—and young people who have experience of the care system. The process aims to respect all different forms of knowledge and to challenge the epistemic injustices that result from the systematic silencing of people in poverty. Besides this epistemic value, lived experience can illuminate the academic and practitioner understanding of the main problems facing people in poverty. In particular, in relation to the right to protection and assistance to the family, lived experience can shed light on the human impact of prejudice and the lack of adequate material support.

Read the full article ›

127 Captivating Child Abuse Essay Ideas, Research Questions & Essay Examples

Child abuse is one of the crucial problems that has been overlooked for many centuries. At the same time, it is an extremely sensitive issue and should be recognized and reduced as much as possible.

In this article, you will find child abuse research topics and ideas to use in your essay.

Let’s start!

📝 The Child Abuse Essay Structure

🏆 best child abuse topics & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on child abuse, 📌 simple research topics about child abuse, 💡 interesting topics on child abuse, ❓ child abuse research questions.

Child abuse is one of the most problematic topics in today’s society. Writing child abuse essays may be challenging because it requires analyzing sensitive issues.

The problem refers to physical, psychological, or sexual mistreatment of children. It is vital to discuss this acute issue in studies and essays on child abuse.

Before working on your essay, you should select a topic for discussion. Here are some child abuse essay topics that we can suggest:

  • The problem of child abuse in the US (Canada, the UK)
  • Child abuse: Types and definitions
  • Child neglect crimes and their causes
  • Current solutions to the problem of sexual abuse of children
  • The importance of child maltreatment prevention programs
  • Child abuse: Legal implications
  • Consequences of child abuse and neglect

If you are looking for other possible titles for your paper, you can check out child abuse essays samples online. Remember to only use them as examples to guide your work, and do not copy the information you will find.

One of the most important features of an outstanding essay is its structure. Here are some tips on how you can organize your essay effectively:

  • Do preliminary research before writing your paper. It will help you to understand the issues you will want to discuss and outline which of them you will include in the essay. Remember to keep in mind the type of essay you should write, too.
  • An introductory paragraph is necessary. In this paragraph, you will present background information on the issue and the aspects that you will cover in the paper. Remember to include a thesis statement at the end of this section.
  • Think of the main arguments of your paper. You will present them in the body paragraphs of the essay. What child abuse issues do you want your reader to know about? Dedicate a separate section for each of the arguments. Remember to make smooth transitions between the paragraphs.
  • Remember to dedicate a paragraph to identifying the problem of the essay and explaining the main terms. For example, if you are writing a child labor essay, you can discuss the countries in which this practice is present. You can also reflect on the outcomes of this problem.
  • Include a refutation section if you are writing an argumentative essay. Discuss an alternative perspective on each of your arguments and prove that your opinion is more reliable than the alternative ones.
  • Remember that you should not make paragraphs and sentences too long. It is easier for the reader to comprehend shorter sentences compared to complex ones. You can write between 65 and 190 words per paragraph and include at least 10 words in a sentence. It is a good idea to make all sections of the body paragraphs of similar length.
  • A concluding paragraph or a summary is also very important. In this paragraph, you will discuss the arguments and counter-arguments of your paper.
  • Do not forget to add a reference page in which you will include the sources used in the paper. Ask your professor whether you need a title page and an outline too.
  • If you are not sure that the selected structure is good, check out child abuse essay examples online. Pay attention to how they are organized but do not copy the facts you will find in them.

For extra help, see our free samples and get some ideas for your paper!

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  • Daniel Valerio Child Abuse In the end, it was an electrician who identified the typical signs of abuse in Daniel that finally led police to investigate, thereby exposing the weakness and ineffectiveness of the Dual Track System; the child […]
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  • Child Abuse Problem The study of the problem of child abuse has begun in the 60s with focusing attention to children problems. In such a case the early recognition of child abuse is of great importance.
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  • The Causes and Effects of Child Abuse The main problem of the project is the presence of a number of effects of child abuse and parental neglect on children, their development, and communication with the world.
  • Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect Antisocial behaviour is one of the outcomes of child abuse and parental neglect that may be disclosed in a variety of forms.
  • Child Abuse: A Case for Imposing Harsher Punishments to Child Abusers While harsh punishments appear to offer a solution to the problem, this measure may be detrimental to the welfare of the child in the case where the abuser is its guardian.
  • Child Abuse Versus Elder Abuse The second distinction is that older people frequently encounter issues that might lead to abuse or neglect, particularly in nursing homes, such as mental disability, loneliness, and physical limitation.
  • The Relationship Between Child Abuse and Embitterment Disorder Some emotions, like the dread of tests in school or sibling rivalry and conflicts, are a regular part of growing up.
  • Trafficking Causes Child Abuse and Neglect The dissociation of children from their families and the exposure to intense trauma they are subjected to during and after trafficking may cause the minors to have attachment problems.
  • Child Abuse and Maltreatment Discussion Additionally, this may cause a child’s behavior to change, such as making a sad or melancholy face or becoming furious with parents or other adults. When it comes to emotional abuse, a child may feel […]
  • Impact of Child Abuse on Adulthood: An Idea Worth Spreading A frequent argument of those who do not want to recognize the scale of the problem of abuse in the world is “Beating is a sign of love!”.
  • Effects of Child Abuse on Adults Second, she was so irrationally averse to the idea of having children that I knew immediately that it would be a contentious point in her future relationships.
  • Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, or Elder Abuse In every health facility, a nurse who notices the signs of abuse and domestic violence must report them to the relevant authorities.
  • Child Abuse: Screening Methods and Creating Financial Programs When the reporting is mandatory, it is easy to follow its guidelines which should be carefully elaborated not to be harsh on parents and at the same time offer protection to a child.
  • Child Abuse Allegations: Multidisciplinary Team Approach In children with allegations of child abuse, what is the effectiveness of the multidisciplinary team approach compared to the non-multidisciplinary team approach on prosecution rates, mental health referrals, and provision of medical examinations?
  • Hidden Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect Child abuse should be perceived as a form of deviant behavior to which researchers give different explanations: biological, psychological, socio-cultural.
  • Criminal Justice System: Child Abuse During the consideration of cases as part of a grand jury, citizens perform some functions of the preliminary investigation bodies.
  • Promoting Child Abuse Prevention Services in Oahu, Hawaii, and the US The primary goal the Hui Hawaii organization is trying to achieve is to improve the well-being of American children by preventing abuse, neglect, and depression.
  • Child Abuse in Singapore The second reason for child abuse in Singapore to continue being one of the most underreported illegal offenses is the country’s collectivist culture.
  • Protocol for Pre-Testing the Child Abuse and Neglect Public Health Policy Based on the above, it is necessary to identify the conditions of child abuse like the quality of family relations and improper upbringing.
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  • Discipline and Child Abuse: Motivation and Goals The first proof of the justice and reasonableness of discipline is that it is permitted by law to be considered to be the most authoritative source to consult.
  • Sociological Perspective on “Punishment” as a Major Contributor to Child Abuse This is done with the aim of ensuring that the child is disciplined and is perceived as a legitimate punishment. This has offered a loophole to parents to abuse the child in the name of […]
  • Critical Statistical Data Regarding the Issues Related to Child Abuse Due to acts of abuse children suffer greatly and it will not be wrong to say that these experiences are definitely engraved into the child’s personality.
  • Child Abuse and Culture: Juan’s Case Analysis The following is the list of reflective insights that I came to while getting myself familiarized with Juan’s case and analyzing this case’s discursive implications: When addressing the issue of children being suspected to have […]
  • Child Abuse: Altruistic Behavior Intervention plays a crucial role in the prevention of child abuse, as it helps to eliminate the possibility of the recurrence of events.
  • New Jersey’s Bill on Child Abuse and Neglect The legislation’s impact is expected to be large because it is targeted at raising awareness of the pervasive issue of child abuse and encouraging the public to stay active and not to disregard any signs […]
  • Child Abuse in the UAE and Explaining Theories The interest of carrying out the study on child abuse is based on the fact that it is a critical issue in any society, especially due to the actual and possible consequences on the child […]
  • Child Abuse and Neglect and Family Practice Model Also, psychological violence can be either the only form of violence or the consequence of psychological or sexual abuse or neglect. Inadequate evaluation of the child’s capabilities and overstated requirements can also be a form […]
  • Child Abuse and Protective Act in Idaho Also, abandonment is recognized in Idaho’s definition of child abuse, and, according to the Act, it means the failure of the parent or the guardian to foster a normal relationship with the child.
  • Child Abuse and Neglect: Drug and Alcohol Problems The families of individuals who have committed a drug related offense should be investigated in order to ensure the practice is acceptable and capable of supporting the needs of more societies.
  • Child Abuse as a Result of Insufficient Policies According to Latzman and Latzman, child abuse may be manifested in the use of excessive physical force when disciplining a child or an adolescent.
  • Child Abuse and Neglect A church/synagogue/mosque retreat activity for parents and they children can be beneficial in strengthening parents to deal with the issues of child abuse and neglect.
  • A True Nature of the Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect in a Society The outcomes of child abuse usually depend on a variety of factors like the age of a child, the type of relation between a child and a perpetrator, and, of course, the type of maltreatment.
  • A True Nature of the Effects of Child Abuse A society is in need of powerful and effective research that can prove the necessity to introduce the issue of child abuse and its effects as a leading problem the solution of which requires the […]
  • Child Abuse Problems and Its Effects on a Future Child’s Life In fact, there were the three main challenges in writing the literature review just completed that were overcome due to the ability to organize the work, follow the suggestions of the experts, and keep in […]
  • Effects of Child Abuse The nature of the effects of child abuse, their consequences in a society, and the most appropriate preventive methods should be considered.
  • Child Abuse Issues and Its Effects The recognition of child abuse signs is a very important step as it is wrong to believe that child maltreatment takes place because of the presence of a single sing or poor understanding of child […]
  • Child Abuse and Capstone Project This is why the problem of child abuse remains to be crucial for analysis, as people have to understand its urgency and effects on human behavior.
  • The Effects of Child Abuse: Capstone Project Time Line The development of a Capstone Project will become a new step in solving the problem and thinking about the possible ways of improvement the situation and creation the most appropriate living conditions for children.
  • Introducing Improvements to Children Abuse Reporting System The paper is connected with the analysis of the quality of the current child abuse report systems because of the serious problems in the sphere of childcare.
  • Biological Underpinnings Behind Child Abuse The dimension of the baby’s head is also seen to decrease in quantity from on third of the whole body at birth, to a quarter at the age of two years and to an eighth […]
  • Cause and Effect of Child Abuse Parental response to the children is also presented in a form of abuse of the rights of the children, as they feel neglected or disowned.
  • Abuse in Childhood Common Among Alcohol Addicts Dwelling upon the impact of the violence and abuse during childhood, the connection with the further disabilities and disorders is obvious.
  • Child Abuse and Neglect Children in Court The objective of this paper was to determine the level of knowledge and nature of attitudes among maltreated children who appeared in court during their detention case hearings.
  • Randomized Trial of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders in Adult Female Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse However, in spite of the fact that there exist a wealth of clinical literature on treatment methodologies of victims of sexual abuse, the evidence base concerning the treatment of victims of childhood sexual abuse exhibiting […]
  • Child Sexual Abuse: Impact and Consequences Due to the adverse consequences of sexual abuse, efforts to have Jody share her ordeal and get immediate help would be my priority.
  • Educational Program on Child Abuse The report “Initial reliability and validity of a new retrospective measure of child abuse and neglect” by Bernstein, Fink and Handelsman provides the findings of the consistency and validity of some of the conservative measures […]
  • Public Health Media Campaign Proposal for Child Abuse
  • Child Abuse and Lack of Communication in Marriages the Main Factors of Failed Family
  • The Reasons and Three Most Common Factors Contributing to Child Abuse in Our Society
  • Child Abuse and Its Effects on Social and Personality Development
  • Neo-Liberal and Neo-Conservative Perspectives on Child Abuse
  • Physical and Behavioural Indicators of Possible Child Abuse
  • Defining Child Abuse and Its Different Forms in the 21st Century
  • Child Abuse and Neglect: Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms
  • Behind Closed Doors: The Correlation Between Multiple Personality Disorder and Child Abuse
  • Child Abuse and Later Maladjustment in Adulthood
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  • Neighborhood Poverty and Child Abuse and Neglect: The Mediating Role of Social Cohesion
  • The Connection Between Child Abuse, Child Discipline, and Adult Behavior
  • State the Possible Types, Signs and Symptoms of Child Abuse and Why It Is Important to Follow the Policies and Procedures of the Work Place
  • Child Abuse and Its Effects on the Physical, Mental, and Emotional State of a Child
  • Child Abuse, and Neglect and Speech and Language Development
  • Social Issue: Child Abuse and How It Affects Early Childhood Development
  • Child Abuse Scandal Publicity and Catholic School Enrollment
  • Physical Abuse: The Different Types of Child Abuse
  • Promoting Help for Victims of Child Abuse: Which Emotions Are Most Appropriate to Motivate Donation Behavior
  • Describing Child Abuse, Its Different Forms, and Solutions to the Problem
  • Child Abuse: The Four Major Types of Abuse, Statistics, Prevention, and Treatment
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  • Child Abuse Prevention and Control: Can Physical, Sexual or Psychological Abuse Be Controlled Within the Household?
  • Child Abuse and the Effect on Development Into Adulthood
  • Child Abuse: Victim Rights & the Role of Legal Representative
  • Child Abuse and the Legal System – Developmental Forensic Psychology: Unveiling Four Common Misconceptions
  • Parent Stress Factors and Child Abuse: A Tutoring Proposal
  • Approaching Child Abuse From a Multi-Dimensional Perspective
  • Child Abuse, Alcoholism, and Proactive Treatment
  • Adverse Effects and Prevention of Child Abuse
  • Suspected Child Abuse and the Teacher´S Role in Reporting It
  • Child Abuse and Its Correlation to Poverty
  • Sexual Child Abuse Exploring the Mind of the Perpetrator
  • Relationship Between Domestic Violence and Child Abuse and How to Protect the Children From It
  • Child Abuse Saddest and Most Tragic Problem Today
  • Child Abuse and Academic Performance of Children
  • Why Should People Care About Child Abuse?
  • Why Should Child Abuse Be Addressed as a Social Problem?
  • How Child Abuse and Neglect Affect Childhood?
  • How Has Child Abuse Been Conceptualised and Addressed in Policy and Law?
  • How to Protect Children From Abuse and Neglect?
  • What Are the Negative Effects of Child Abuse?
  • How Is the United States Dealing With Child Abuse Problem?
  • How Can Therapy Help Victims of Child Abuse?
  • How Can the Community Stop Child Abuse and Neglect?
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  • How Do the Government and Society Have a Responsibility to Help Child Abuse Victims?
  • Parent Support Groups Can Reduce Child Abuse?
  • When Child Abuse Overlaps With Domestic Violence: The Factors Influencing Child Protection Workers’ Beliefs?
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  • What Does Victimology Say About Child Abuse Data?
  • Are There Any Biomarkers for Pedophilia and Sexual Child Abuse?
  • When Does Discipline Cross the Line to Child Abuse?
  • How Child Abuse Affects a Hero, a God, and a Monster in Greek Mythology?
  • Does Child Abuse Create a Psychopath?
  • Does Not Get Noticed Enough Around the World Is Child Abuse?
  • How Can Sexual Child Abuse Affect the Child’s Psychological Development?
  • How Child Abuse Effects Students Education?
  • How Do Abuse and Neglect Impact a Child’s Whole Life?
  • Should Pregnant Drug Abusers Be Charged With Child Abuse?
  • How Children Carry the Weight of Child Abuse?
  • Does Child Abuse Cause Crime?
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  • Foster Care Titles
  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 127 Captivating Child Abuse Essay Ideas, Research Questions & Essay Examples.

"127 Captivating Child Abuse Essay Ideas, Research Questions & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '127 Captivating Child Abuse Essay Ideas, Research Questions & Essay Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "127 Captivating Child Abuse Essay Ideas, Research Questions & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

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essay about child protection law

Child Protection and Safety in Practice


Children are society’s prospects and should be protected and nurtured accordingly, away from abuse and neglect. The Children Act (2004) legislation ensures that parents, families and communities receive fair, ethical and legal treatment of children to keep them free from abuse. According to (Dubowitz et al., 2011), a child s welfare can be affected by abuse and neglect in various ways, such as psychological difficulties that can cause educational problems, depression, and trouble maintaining relationships. Moreover, protecting children from maltreatment at an early year and educational setting can effectively safeguard the child’s health and development. Zeanah et al. (2018) state that safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare will result in taking action to ensure the best outcomes for all children. Thus, multi agencies join to share information and goals to intervene early in the children’s learning and achievements. Although multiagency has some benefits, it has its cons too, which inhibit collaborative working. Thus, individuals participating in multiagency work need skills and knowledge to be effective practitioners, such as good communicators (Munro,2019). This essay intends to expound on child protection, safety practices and how multiagency works.

Ways that child welfare can be affected by abuse and neglect

According to (Horwitz et al., 2011), child abuse and neglect are any actions that interfere with a child’s ability to learn, thrive, and grow in their environment. Child abuse relates to the physical, emotional or sexual exploitation by either parents, guardians or the community that is violent or threatening to the child. However, neglect is a form of child abuse that caregivers fail to provide basic needs such as proper shelter, health care, and emotional and safety needs. For example, emotional abuse such as yelling and humiliation will affect a child’s welfare as it will cause a lack of confidence, anger problems, conduct problems and underachievement. Moreover, neglect such as inadequate supervision can cause a child to use drugs, showing that the caregiver may not adequately care for the child. This will impact the child’s overall health and have psychological consequences that lead to high-risk behaviors.

ACE stands for the adverse childhood experiences that have potentially terrifying ordeals that occurred in their childhood. The experiences result in toxic stress due to frequent exposure to violence, abuse and neglect. According to (Jacobi et al.,2010), children that experience toxic stress in early life are at risk of adverse health effects such as mental illness, heart disease and unhealthy lifestyles. Moreover, toxic stress has more effects, such as weakening the developing brain, which later causes lifelong problems in learning behavior., It also leads to more physical illness and poor long-term health outcomes, such as alcoholism, cancer, obesity, and chronic obstructive pulmonary ddisease, amongothers. Gould et al. (2012) show that adults with low levels of parental warmth and affection and high levels of abuse have the highest health risk factors.

Contemporary society has also been the cause of abuse and neglect among children in the modern era. During the pandemic, there was an increase in child abuse as children were isolated in homes to contain the virus. It increased abuse as the signs were not noticeable to others due to stay-at-home orders. According to (Dubowitz et al., 2011), pandemics increased most parental stress and intrafamilial tension, leading to an increase in adverse childhood experiences such as domestic violence, abuse and neglect, causing aggression, depression and emotional problems in children. Moreover, an increase in the use of technology has led to cyberbullying and online threats that facilitate child abuse. For example, a child with access to online accounts who are abused online or given threats tends to be at risk of depression and thus have social interaction issues.

Safeguarding and child protection

The action, practices, and policies taken to protect children from abuse and maltreatment and promote their well-being are referred to as safeguarding. Child protection, on the other hand, is the action taken to protect children who are at risk of harm or are already experiencing significant harm. (Munro,2019) defines safeguarding as the prevention of harm, whereas child protection is the response to harm. It is important as it allows for intervention before the crisis and improves outcomes for those involved while considering the child’s best interests. Also, it allows child protection referrals to help those suffering from significant harm and prevent concerns from escalating. For example, NSPCC advocates against cruelty to children and that every child deserves to be protected. It sets out the policy, statutory guidance and legislation on how child protection works. In addition, local authorities play a lead role in safeguarding and protecting children, but everyone has a role when they come into contact with kids and families to protect them (Parton,2011). Moreover, voluntary organizations, faith groups and private sector providers are responsible for protecting and safeguarding children.

Some agencies, such as child protection services, are responsible for providing child protection and responding to reports of child abuse and neglect. (McFadden et al., 2015) state that the services link children to critical social services and just justice systems. For example, Birmingham’s local children safeguarding partnership objective is to support local agencies in a system where children are safeguarded and welfare promoted. Also, it provides safeguarding learning and development opportunities for professionals working with children and families. The right help and time framework ensures that the various needs are met such as universal, universal plus, additional and significant needs according to the situation involved.

The Children Act (2004) requires local governments to promote and protect the welfare of needy children by providing services that are appropriate to their needs. The child protection process takes place by sharing information, assessing if the child is likely to suffer serious harm, and determining the type of harm. Moreover, the child protection process is check on risk of harm, harm done due to the care they receive and then decide if the child needs a protection plan (Lambert et al., 2014). A child is in this specialist service to be served with emotional support and be helped to develop a family coping strategy while protecting children. As a result, children and young people who come into contact with the child safety system will be assisted by specialist services. It creates a legal obligation to protect children and young people in schools and colleges.

Multiagency working

Multiagency working is teamwork across organizations to deliver services to children with multiple needs. According to (Munro, 2019), It is an approach in which professionals from various agencies collaborate to find safeguarding solutions and provide support to those affected by abuse and neglect. It is important as it effectively addresses a wide range of risk factors while making a unique contribution to early intervention services (Zeanah et al.,2018). Although multiagency has its benefits, it faces some potential barriers, such as a lack of effective communication will lead to a lack of shared understanding making it easier to collaborate. Not promoting a multiagency approach will result in neglect, especially If an individual can make a poor decision, unlike in a shared working. For example, a stressed manager working with vulnerable kids will make a rush decision on where to send the child rather than researching it. It will make a practitioner more strained due to the overloaded work strain, which can be effectively handled in a multiagency environment.

An effective individual practitioner needs skills and ethical considerations in multiagency working. Effective practitioners should have good communication either between the parent and the child. Crittenden (2013) states that this will make it easy to work together and build trusting relationships as there is understanding while the procedure is keenly followed and is effective in direct work with families. Early help is support given to a family when a problem first appears in order to improve outcomes for children. It can help a child’s home and family life, as well as their academic performance and mental health. As a result, it is critical because it helps to reach the child’s full support while reducing the need for a referral to child protection services (Parton,2011). It is effectively accomplished by working together through monitoring programs to respond to the various levels of need that children and families may face.

A social worker can be involved in early help to undertake as the lead practitioner. They assist families and children by improving well-being and assisting in meeting all people’s basic and complex needs, with a focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. (Jacobi et al., 2010). A social worker helps by recommending other professionals to provide services and assistance that best fits their situation. For example, a social worker can partner with different support agencies to ensure care is taken and provide coping strategies. The Children Act (2004) legislation safeguards vulnerable groups, and their policy is to avoid harm and risk of harm while protecting children from maltreatment.

 Keeping children safe within Early Years and Education Settings

The Early Help Agenda safeguards a child who has been identified as experiencing or at risk of experiencing significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect. It supports practitioners as they can spot safeguarding issues because of their close contact with the children and adolescents in their care (Lambert et al., 2014). Moreover, it supports practitioners in working effectively with children and families. It provides an understanding of the child’s day-to-day needs while stimulating their physical, educational and emotional development to ensure the child is protected and safeguarded. It is important as it helps them cope with their day-to-day pressures while working on a collaborative approach to protect them from abuse.

The guidance says to promote children’s well-being working together per the Children Act (2004) in early years and in an educational setting to safeguard and protect the child. This guidance shows that the services offered, such as social services, are free to ensure children are safe in their early years and in school. The role is to identify any abuse on a child, analyze and listen carefully to the abuse, involve a practitioner early to ensure that the child is safeguarded and protected and ensure that their early years and educational setting are safe.

DSL, the designated safeguarding lead, is present in every organization dealing with children’s needs. Their role is to ensure that child protection files are kept up to date and are confidential and stored securely. Also, the person is responsible for child protection and safeguarding across early-year school settings by gathering evidence for any referral. According to (McFadden et al., 2015), a DSL’s role is to assist staff members in carrying out their safeguarding responsibilities and to maintain close contact with social services for children and other services. Moreover, DSL ought to be familiar with the local authority’s safeguarding procedures to ensure safeguarding policy and child protection are met.

Providing curriculum links to educate children about keeping themselves safe is essential to keep children safe in their early years and educational setting. According to (Jacobi et al., 2010), simple support programs for children and parents can be the best way to prevent abuse. Having after-school activities for education helps children to know their rights and thus makes them less likely to think abuse is their fault and more likely to report the offender. Moreover, knowing child abuse and its signs can effectively help keep children safe as it will be easier to recognize and provide early help to the children and improve their lives.

Case study review

The predisposing factors for abuse and neglect may include family crisis, family isolation and inadequate parenting skills. In the case study, moving caused the imprisonment of John, having limited contact with members and Casey has inadequate parenting skills according to how she responds to issues regarding the kids. These factors affect how the kids respond and react to others. The level of need depends on the right time; the right help framework is an additional need. In the case study, the children and the family need substantial support, but it can be managed without social intervention. This family needs food parcel support as Claire struggles to pay the bills. Furthermore, difficulty in controlling behavior where Noah’s behavior is outrageous; this can be supported by the child on specific learning programs to determine and help the child from abuse or neglect.

The professional practitioner can help by partnering with other agencies to ensure the necessary support is met for the children. Working together as a family with the help of a professional can allow identification of the problem and provide a solution at an early stage (Munro,2019). Thus, the role of the practitioner is to be present and offer comfort to the children. For example, in Noah’s case, a practitioner can offer emotional and loving support when acting out rather than distracting them. The strategy can be behavioral therapy for a parent to improve coping skills and strengthen the parent-child relationship while using a positive discipline strategy to avoid abuse and ensure no neglect of the kids. Moreover, having a DSL, according to the children act (2004), will endure that the necessary steps are taken to protect and support children while providing a point of contact between child protection policies where necessary (Parton,2011).

Social workers, child psychologists and academic staff are some of the professionals that could be involved. A social worker will ensure that the family is kept together and doing the best for the family. In contrast, academic staff will ensure a clear understanding of stages of development and recognize signs of abuse or neglect (Crittenden,2013). The professionals are majorly involved as they ensure the child’s welfare and protection in the home setting while preventing and reporting cases of abuse. The psychologist will help deal with the children’s emotional, social and intellectual development. These professionals contribute to the concrete support of the need and emotional competencies of the children.

A family hub can be involved to support the family and children in an early setting to get help in the appropriate manner and at the right time. In the case study, family circumstances have changed, causing challenges. As children develop, the family may require additional and joined-up support services to help with the change in environment for both eth family and children. It will help the practitioners to improve the quality of a child’s home and perform better while supporting their mental health.


in conclusion, a child’s welfare is critical in the early years, and thus abuse and neglect can lead to factors such as depression and emotional and social instability. There are various ways that a child can be affected by abuse and neglect, such as toxic stress. Current stances, such as the pandemic or the influence of the modern era, may accelerate this factor. With this, safeguarding and child protection is essential as it is necessary to ensure every child is safe and the right level of need is offered to provide for the child. Also, specialist services may be offered to support children facing significant harm or those affected. A multiagency working can facilitate it to ensure collaboration, covering, and setting a high ground to prevent abuse. Also, keeping children safe at an early year and providing early help is essential.

Crittenden, P., 2013.  Raising parents: Attachment, parenting and child safety . Routledge.

Dubowitz, H., Kim, J., Black, M.M., Weisbart, C., Semiatin, J. and Magder, L.S., 2011. Identifying children at high risk for a child maltreatment report.  Child abuse & neglect ,  35 (2), pp.96-104.

Gould, F., Clarke, J., Heim, C., Harvey, P.D., Majer, M. and Nemeroff, C.B., 2012. The effects of child abuse and neglect on cognitive functioning in adulthood.  Journal of psychiatric research ,  46 (4), pp.500-506.

Horwitz, S.M., Hurlburt, M.S., Cohen, S.D., Zhang, J. and Landsverk, J., 2011. Predictors of placement for children who initially remained in their homes after an investigation for abuse or neglect.  Child Abuse & Neglect ,  35 (3), pp.188-198.

Jacobi, G., Dettmeyer, R., Banaschak, S., Brosig, B. and Herrmann, B., 2010. Child abuse and neglect: diagnosis and management.  Deutsches Arzteblatt International ,  107 (13), p.231.

Lambert, R., Abbott-Shim, M. and Sibley, A., 2014. Evaluating the quality of early childhood educational settings. In  Handbook of research on the education of young children  (pp. 475-494). Routledge. Sibley

McFadden, P., Campbell, A. and Taylor, B., 2015. Resilience and burnout in child protection social work: Individual and organizational themes from a systematic literature review. The British Journal of Social Work ,  45 (5), pp.1546-1563.

Munro, E., 2019.  Effective child protection . Sage.

Parton, N., 2011. Child protection and safeguarding in England: Changing and competing conceptions of risk and their implications for social work.  British Journal of Social Work ,  41 (5), pp.854-875.

Zeanah, C.H. and Humphreys, K.L., 2018. Child abuse and neglect.  Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry ,  57 (9), pp.637-644.

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Global Focus

Child protection

Outcome area 5.

This page describes UNHCR’s efforts to ensure the protection of over 50 million forcibly displaced and stateless children in 2023.

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Results in 2023

In 2023, UNHCR witnessed the devasting effects of conflicts and displacement on children and their families. Over 50 million children were forcibly displaced , mostly after fleeing from armed conflict. The risks most commonly reported by UNHCR operations were unaccompanied or separated children, followed by child labour, gender-based violence – including child marriage and sexual violence, physical violence or abuse against the child, and child neglect. Other risks included psychological distress, immigration detention, children with disabilities, recruitment by armed forces and groups, and child trafficking. 

With the needs increasing at an alarming rate, the funding gap remained wide. In September 2023, UNHCR published an analysis of the funding of crucial inter-agency child protection services in refugee responses, showing they had received less than one quarter of the required funding, nine months through the year. Despite this shortfall, UNHCR, national authorities and partners maintained essential child protection services. Data from 126 UNHCR country operations showed that in 2023, 76% of countries had at least one child protection service available to forcibly displaced and stateless people, a slight decline from 78% in 2022, based on data from 125 countries. While services remained available, their quality suffered due to insufficient funding, exemplified by the rising caseworker-to-children-at-risk ratio.  

UNHCR and its partners in 61 offices (including the multi-country offices that cover more than one country) provided child protection response services, including Best Interests Procedures (BIP) and alternative care arrangements , among others. Out of 24 countries reporting data in 2022 and 2023, 60% either improved or maintained their support levels for children at heightened risks with a BIP in 2023. In Türkiye , 60,000 children at risk were referred to multi-sectoral specialized services, and significant increases were observed in the number of children supported by a BIP (from 50% in 2022 to 69% in 2023). In Sudan , despite the eruption of a devastating conflict and related challenges of access, UNHCR strengthened child protection case management systems. BIP was provided for 9,823 children and they were referred to specialized services such as individual cash assistance, material support, legal assistance, medical care, psychosocial support and education. 

Out of 25 UNHCR country operations reporting comparable data in 2022 and 2023, 18 reported that they had either maintained or increased the proportion of unaccompanied and separated children placed in alternative care arrangements, including family-based care. For instance, Egypt, South Sudan and Mauritania saw a substantial improvement in access to alternative care, reducing child protection risks by providing a safe environment. In Niger , about 80% of unaccompanied and separated children in the operation benefited from alternative care services. Foster families were identified to care for children in need, in collaboration with government and partner organizations. 

UNHCR, together with UNICEF, provided technical guidance to the Governments of Mexico and the United States , in their efforts to develop mechanisms for decision-making on family reunification and durable solutions in the best interests of unaccompanied and separated children. UNHCR and UNICEF’s blueprint for joint action was the subject of an evaluation published in 2023. 

51 operations worked on establishing and strengthening child protection coordination and partnership with stakeholders, strategic programming and planning, and integrating child protection into other sectors’ work. In Tunisia , a National Child Protection Working Group was launched in November 2023, to scale up family-based alternative care arrangements for the rapidly growing number of unaccompanied children. In Ukraine , UNHCR facilitated five child protection mainstreaming trainings for UNHCR and partner staff of diverse sectors such as shelter and camp management, to ensure that those sectors prioritize and integrate child protection considerations into the design and implementation of their interventions, thus more effectively addressing the drivers of child protection risks such as poverty and lack of safe education.  

40 UNHCR operations worked on strengthening child protection systems and child-friendly procedures , by advocating with national actors and for legal and policy reform, enhancing the national child protection system and local capacity, integrating refugee children in national plans and services and providing technical support on child-friendly procedures. For instance, over 3,700 national family welfare staff in Colombia received training on establishing mechanisms to address complaints and child rights violations. In Ethiopia , a national case management framework was introduced for Somali refugee children , followed by comprehensive training for the Government workforce to apply the framework, in order to ensure a consistent and effective approach to protecting refugee children.  

Furthermore, 35 operations provided support to build children's resilience and life skills and 26 operations supported families to care for children. Overall, 63% of the countries either improved or maintained their support levels for community-based child protection programmes compared to 2022. For instance, in the United Republic of Tanzania , 49 community-based child protection structures were in operation across two camps, such as child protection committees, adolescent groups, child clubs, and foster parents' committees. In Bangladesh , community-based child protection networks played an important role in identifying and referring at-risk children to relevant service providers and facilitating the reunification of children with their families.  

In 2023, UNHCR finalized its first-ever “ Policy on child protection ”, which was launched in early 2024, outlining six core actions for UNHCR to protect children. The policy was accompanied by Operational Guidance , and advanced drafts were used in 57 operations to design comprehensive child protection strategic plans and to implement child protection programming as part of UNHCR’s multi-year strategic planning.  

Child rights made significant progress at the Global Refugee Forum 2023 with the multi-stakeholder pledge on child rights , led by the Governments of Greece and Norway and partners from the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts . UNHCR’s efforts at the Forum resulted in over 200 child-focused and child-sensitive pledges, including 68 on child protection, primarily by States committing to strengthening national child protection systems. Children were consulted in preparation for the Forum and at the actual event. 

Multisectoral monitoring results

Child protection 100 ppi indicator

7 million   children have received protection services including 3.8 million refugees and asylum seekers, 2.1 million IDPs and 1.1 million Others of concern (163 countries reporting)

2022 result: 8.4 million  in 154 countries reporting

Core indicators.

5.1 Proportion of refugee and asylum-seeker children at heightened risk who are supported by a Best Interests Procedure

child care 100ppi indicator

5.2 Proportion of children who participate in community-based child protection programmes

5.3 Proportion of unaccompanied and separated refugee and asylum-seeker children who are in an alternative care arrangement

Challenges to achieving outcomes

Almost all UNHCR operations reported challenges with child protection in 2023, including government capacity (59%), funding (42%), partner capacity (27%), and restrictive legal and policy frameworks (26%).  

Underfunding limited the number of caseworkers to conduct BIPs, increasing the caseworker-to-children-at-risk ratio . In Uganda , where children made up 57% of the refugee population, the ratio jumped from 1:97 to 1:213 after UNHCR partners reduced staffing. Despite this, UNHCR was able to initiate BIPs for half of the 55,825 children at risk, and 4,630 cases were successfully closed. By the end of the year 39,500 children, 84% of the total number of unaccompanied and separated children in the operation, had been placed in alternative care or reunified with their families. 

Financial overview

Global expenditure and budget for child protection.

$118 million spent against a budget of $248 million $131 million of unmet needs or 53% of the budget

Explore the Global Report 2023

A boy smiling.

Focus Areas

people gathering around a distribution site

Funding UNHCR's programmes

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Impact Areas

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Regional overviews


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    Challenges to achieving outcomes. Almost all UNHCR operations reported challenges with child protection in 2023, including government capacity (59%), funding (42%), partner capacity (27%), and restrictive legal and policy frameworks (26%).. Underfunding limited the number of caseworkers to conduct BIPs, increasing the caseworker-to-children-at-risk ratio.

  24. Child Protection Law

    The children's act 2006- this legislation makes it clear to all those that work with children of their duties and responsibilities to care for children. It outlines how to work together in the event of allegations and suspicion of child abuse and how to deal with such situations. Order custom essay Child Protection Law with free plagiarism ...

  25. Childcare Protection in Social Work

    Francis, Joe. 2000. Child protection and social work practice :exploring the impact of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995. University of Edinburgh, Department of Social Work. Howe, David, 2005. Child abuse and neglect :attachment, development and intervention /David Howe. Basingstoke :Palgrave Macmillan. Moore, Jean G. 1985.

  26. Biden announces new executive action protecting some undocumented

    The Biden administration on Tuesday announced an executive action allowing certain undocumented spouses and children of US citizens to apply for lawful permanent residency without leaving the ...