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Short Essay On The Easter Holiday | How I Spent

Easter, a fundamental Christian holiday, is a time marked by reflection and celebration, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As we dive into the essence of Easter, let’s explore how I spent this period of sacrificial love and victory over death.

Easter, a time of spiritual reflection and joyous celebration, is often a period that I look forward to each year. It offers a respite from the rigor of academia and provides an opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends. This essay encapsulates my experiences, observations, and the nuggets of wisdom gained during the Easter holiday. The narrative underscores the essence of taking breaks to rejuvenate, the significance of festivals in fostering familial ties, and the inherent beauty of tradition.

Table of Contents

How (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I Spent My Easter Holiday Short Essay In 200 Words

A spiritual journey.

My Easter holiday started on Good Friday, a day of solemn remembrance of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. I attended the church service with my family, where the sermon focused on the selfless love demonstrated by Jesus for humanity. Participating in the service, I found myself deeply moved and touched by the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice, which further strengthened my faith and spiritual bond.

Celebrating Traditions

Easter isn’t just a period of reverence—it’s also a time of joy and celebration. In our home, Easter means engaging in traditional activities like decorating eggs. I remember spending hours with my younger siblings, painting and decorating eggs in vibrant colors, each one symbolizing life and rebirth. The excitement climaxed during the Easter egg hunt, where the laughter and cheer filled our home, creating happy memories that will last a lifetime.

Reconnecting with Family

The Easter holiday provided a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of school life. It was an opportunity to reconnect with distant relatives we hadn’t seen in a while. The pinnacle of Easter was undoubtedly the festive meal, a gathering graced by the presence of loved ones and permeated with an atmosphere of camaraderie and merriment. This convivial occasion served as a poignant reminder of the precious relational ties we share, which are all too easy to overlook in the rush of our daily lives.

A Time for Renewal

The holiday also offered a chance for personal renewal. I spent part of the holiday reading and reflecting, using this time away from school to rejuvenate my mind and spirit. I also took this time to develop new hobbies, such as gardening, which allowed me to appreciate the beauty of nature and life all around us.

Easter is much more than a break from work or school; it’s a time for reflection, celebration, and most importantly, a time for sharing love and creating memories with loved ones. My Easter holiday was a blend of spiritual enrichment, traditional celebrations, family bonding, and personal growth. It served as a potent reminder of life’s simple joys and the value of time spent with those we hold dear. In the end, Easter embodies a message of hope, love, and renewal that resonates profoundly within all our hearts.

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How I Spent my Last Holiday Essays 100, 150, 200, 450 Words

Henry Divine Leave a comment

How I Spent my Last Holiday Essays 100, 150, 200, 450 Words

Table of Contents

English Essay Writing or Composition on How I Spent My Last Holiday

There are many topics that you may be required to write an essay on in your English language classes. But writing an essay about how you spent your last holiday is one of the most enjoyable. The reason is because it brings back lovely memories as you thoughtfully reflect on your holiday experience and put them in writing.

As you write, your goal is to capture your readers’ attention and sustain their interest from the beginning of the essay till the end.

You can achieve this goal by:

  • writing clear and simple sentences.
  • using so, but, and, because and other transition words to ensure that your ideas flow smoothly throughout your essay.
  • being as descriptive as possible by using adjectives that paint a vivid picture of what you are saying.
  • being honest and authentic as you share your feelings about your experience.

I will give you a basic outline that you can develop into the compelling essay you have in mind.

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Basic Outline for Composing an Essay on “How I Spent My Last Holiday”

Here is a basic outline that will help you to write a good composition about how you spent your last holiday:


You need to begin your essay with a catchy opening sentence that would grab your reader’s attention. Then quickly introduce the topic or purpose of your essay, and say where you went for the holiday and what you did.

Body Paragraphs

Just like you would do in the body of any other essay, divide your holiday experience into several key events or activities.

Then describe each event or activity in details in different paragraphs. Remember that, as much as possible, each paragraph should focus on a specific event or activity.

The number of paragraphs would depend on the number of words the essay is expected to cover.

Whatever the target word-count, ensure that your essay is vivid and engaging by using sensory details. It’s simple. Just describe what you saw, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt during each experience.

Then reflect on the significance or impact of each event or activity. How did it make you feel? What did you learn from it? Did it change your perspective on anything? And so on.

This is where you end your essay. A good conclusion would provide a brief summary of the key points of your essay, including the lessons you learned.

You can tell whether the holiday experience met your expectations, and how you feel about it even at the point of penning down your essay. Then state whether you plan to do anything in the future drawing inspiration from your holiday experience.

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Sample How I Spent My Last Holiday Essays

The following are sample essays of different word counts on how I spent my last holiday. You can choose any composition that comes close to your own holiday experience and use it to craft yours.

My Relaxing Holiday 200 Words

My last holiday was amazing! I did not travel to any new or interesting location, but I had a lot of fun staying home. I took time to enjoy early morning sleep every day. This alone felt like a treat after waking up early for school the entire term.

In the afternoons, I went outside to play with my friends. We played the soccer ball around in the park, and would enjoy pretending to famous athletes.

Sometimes during the holiday, it would rain. And when that happened, I just stayed inside and got cozy. I got a good book and devoured it with a mug of hot chocolate by my side. I also liked watching funny movies with my family and munching on popcorn.

In some evenings, we had barbecues in the backyard. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, while Dad told us stories about when he was a kid. I don’t think that anything can feel more special than spending so much time together.

Although I did not travel anywhere, my holiday was full of fun and relaxation. I feel recharged and ready to go back to school now!

My Last Holiday Adventure 250 Words

Since I have been spending my holidays, none had been as enjoyable as the last one. When we vacated last term, I spent two weeks at home in order to assist my parents in farm work. After this, I left for Onitsha in order to visit some places of interest.

I visited the modern and popular Niger bridge which links Onitsha and Asaba, Mid-West. I also visited the famous Onitsha Main Market. It has no rival in comparison in West Africa just as Ibadan Liberty Stadium has no comparison in West Africa. When I was being taken round the great Onitsha Main Market by a friend, I observed that traders in their respective stalls felt at home. Some of them tuned in their radio sets. They were happy.

I spent one week at Onitsha and departed for Enugu. When I was at Enugu I visited the Eastern Nigeria Parliament, and I saw Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe’s Statue just close to the house of Assembly. I also visited Enugu Airport and several other places of interest. I spent five days in Enugu and departed for Lagos by a train. “Lagos Limited”, and that was my first time of entering train. When I reached Lagos, I hardly believed that it was a town in Nigeria. It was very beautiful indeed just like London.

When I was in Lagos, I went to the House of Representatives, the Senate, National Stadium, Air- port, Tinubu Square and other places of interest.

I spent 5 days in Lagos and returned home to resume School. I wrote a story on all my observations in the journey.

My Last Holiday Essay 300 Words

Last summer, I went on a trip that I will not easily forget. This is because it meant much more to me than just a vacation; rather, my perception was changed.

I had never been in Thailand before the holiday but only heard of its beauty. Finally visiting the country made my holiday worthwhile. The place was so different from home! Their market was busy with many colorful items for sale and their food was so delicious. I tried several new and amazing dishes, and they were all lovely. While in Thailand, I couldn’t fail to notice how beautiful their temples are with roofs gold plated and other carvings done wonderfully.

I am an outdoor kind of person. That is why spending time in nature during my holiday made me very happy. Some days I would hike through forests while others would find me relaxing at the beach. On one fine morning, I woke up early to witness sunrise over New Zealand’s mountains. It was simply breathtaking and that made me feel alive.

Lastly, to add some holiday fun into it; i did some daring activities too. For instance, skydiving and bungee jumping were included in my itinerary. Although at first scared, it turned out pretty awesome! I learned that it’s good to challenge yourself and try new things sometimes.

Looking back on my last holiday, I feel very grateful for all the experiences I had. I discovered a lot of new things and also made new friends. Yes, the holiday is over, but the memories I made will stay with me forever.

From the samples above, you can see that the key to writing a good essay about your holiday is to engage your readers with descriptive details and thoughtful reflections.

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essay about how i spent my easter holiday


Narrative Essay on How I spent my holiday

Holidays hold a special place in everyone’s life, offering a respite from the routine of daily tasks and providing an opportunity to explore, relax, and create unforgettable memories. This year, I decided to spend my holiday in a way that was both enriching and exhilarating. I ventured on a journey to a small coastal town, renowned for its pristine beaches, rich culture, and vibrant local life. This narrative essay unfolds the experiences, discoveries, and personal growth I encountered during my holiday.

The Journey Begins

My adventure commenced with the excitement of traveling to a place I had never visited before. The anticipation built up as I packed my bags, ensuring I had everything needed for a week of exploration. The journey to the coastal town was a scenic delight, with winding roads flanked by lush greenery and the occasional glimpse of the ocean’s horizon promising a serene escape.

Exploring the Coastal Town

Upon arrival, the beauty of the town exceeded my expectations. The air was filled with the salty breeze of the sea and the streets buzzed with the energy of daily life. My first day was spent wandering through the town, taking in the sights and sounds. I visited local markets, where I marveled at the craftsmanship of the artisans and indulged in the town’s culinary delights, tasting dishes that were a fusion of traditional recipes and the bounty of the sea.

The Heart of Nature

The following days were dedicated to exploring the natural wonders surrounding the town. I embarked on hikes through nearby trails, each revealing breathtaking views of the landscape. The highlight was a trek to a secluded beach, accessible only by a narrow path through the cliffs. The effort was rewarded with a serene beach, untouched by the hustle and bustle of tourist spots. Here, I spent hours swimming in the clear waters, reading under the shade of palm trees, and reflecting on the simple pleasures of life.

Cultural Immersion

My holiday was not just about relaxation but also about immersing myself in the local culture. I attended a traditional dance performance, where the rhythmic beats and expressive movements of the dancers told stories of the town’s history and folklore. I also participated in a cooking class, learning to prepare local dishes that combined fresh seafood with exotic spices, gaining not only culinary skills but also insights into the lifestyle and traditions of the people.

The Bond of Friendship

One of the most unexpected and rewarding aspects of my holiday was the friendships I formed. Whether it was conversations with local residents, sharing stories with fellow travelers, or the camaraderie with the host of my accommodation, these connections added depth to my experience. Through these interactions, I gained a richer understanding of the world from different perspectives, reminding me of the value of openness and the universal language of kindness.

Reflections and Realizations

As my holiday drew to a close, I found myself reflecting on the journey. Beyond the relaxation and enjoyment, it was a period of personal growth and learning. I had stepped out of my comfort zone, challenged myself to try new things, and embraced the unfamiliar. This holiday taught me the importance of slowing down, appreciating the moment, and the joy of discovering new places and cultures.

My holiday in the coastal town was more than just a break from routine; it was a journey of discovery, connection, and personal growth. It reminded me of the beauty of our world, the diversity of its people, and the shared experiences that bind us. As I returned home, I brought back not only souvenirs and photographs but memories that will last a lifetime and a renewed sense of adventure, ready to explore what lies beyond the horizon.


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Essay on how i spent my easter holidays

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Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

Students are often asked to write an essay on How I Spent My Holiday in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

My holiday fun.

I spent my holiday with family and friends. We went to a nearby beach. The sun was warm, and the water looked like shiny blue glass. I built sandcastles and collected pretty shells. My sister and I laughed a lot.

Visiting the Zoo

One day, we visited the zoo. I saw lions, elephants, and monkeys. The monkeys were funny; they played and swung from trees. I learned that elephants love to splash in water.

Enjoying Ice Cream

Every evening, we ate ice cream. My favorite flavor is chocolate. It was the best part of the day.

Reading Time

At night, I read storybooks. Stories of adventure and magic filled my dreams. It was a peaceful way to end my days.

250 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

My last holiday was a fantastic break from school and homework. I spent it in a way that made every day exciting and special. I’m going to share with you all the fun things I did.

Visiting My Grandparents

The first part of my holiday was spent at my grandparents’ house. They live in a small village surrounded by beautiful fields. Every morning, I would go for a walk with my grandfather and he would tell me stories from when he was young. My grandmother baked delicious cookies and I helped her decorate them.

Playing and Learning

Back at home, I played a lot with my friends. We rode bikes, played soccer in the park, and had a picnic on a sunny day. I also read a couple of interesting books. They were adventure stories that took me to far-off lands without leaving my room.

Trying New Things

I tried to learn something new during my holiday. I started learning how to play the guitar. My fingers hurt at first, but by the end of the holiday, I could play a whole song. It felt great to learn something by practicing a little every day.

Helping Around the House

I also helped my parents with chores. I learned to make a few simple dishes and helped with cleaning. It made me feel responsible and grown-up.

In conclusion, my holiday was a mix of fun, learning, and spending time with my loved ones. I enjoyed every moment and was ready to start school again with fresh energy and new stories to tell.

500 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

Introduction to my holiday.

My holiday was a time full of fun and relaxation. I had been waiting eagerly for it, and when it finally came, I made sure to enjoy every moment. This essay is about how I spent those wonderful days.

The first thing I did was visit my grandparents who live in a small village. They have a big house with a garden full of fruits and flowers. Every morning, I would help my grandma water the plants. She taught me the names of different flowers. My grandpa and I would go for walks in the evening, and he would tell me stories from his childhood. I loved listening to his adventures.

Learning to Cook

During my stay, my grandma also taught me how to cook simple dishes. We made pancakes, cookies, and even a small cake. I enjoyed mixing the ingredients and decorating the cake with icing and colorful sprinkles. It was a messy but fun activity, and the best part was eating what we had made.

Reading Books

At home, I spent a lot of time reading books. I had brought a few storybooks with me, and I read them under the shade of a big tree in the backyard. The quiet time with my books was peaceful, and it let my imagination run wild with the adventures in the stories.

Playing with Friends

I also met some kids in the village and made new friends. We played many games like hide and seek, tag, and soccer. Playing outside in the fresh air was exciting, and we would play until the sun set. I felt happy and free running around with my new friends.

Learning a New Hobby

My uncle, who lives near my grandparents, is good at painting. I asked him to teach me, and he was happy to. He showed me how to hold a paintbrush and mix colors. I painted a picture of the sunset one evening. It wasn’t perfect, but I was proud of it. Painting became a new hobby for me to enjoy.

Helping Around

I also helped around the house. I learned to do small tasks like setting the table for meals and feeding the chickens. It felt good to be helpful and to learn how to do new things.

Conclusion: A Memorable Holiday

My holiday was filled with new experiences and joy. I learned, played, and spent quality time with my family. It was a break from my regular school routine, and I felt refreshed and ready to go back to school with lots of stories to tell my friends. This holiday will always be a special memory for me.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Personal Challenges
  • Essay on Personal Beliefs
  • Essay on Personal Aspirations

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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essay about how i spent my easter holiday

Free Essay on How I Spent my Easter Holiday this Year

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is commemorated during Easter, a time when friends and relatives gather to be with one another. It’s the start of something fresh and exciting. This Easter was one of the most special I can remember since I got to spend it with my loved ones.

On Easter Sunday, we got up bright and early to make it to the service. There were hymns, prayers, and a lecture all centered on Jesus’s atoning death. The service was lovely, and it gave us all reason to hope for the future. We returned home to start preparing the Easter feast after taking some family photos outside the church. Delicious foods of all kinds had been cooked by my mother, who is a master chef. Carrot cake followed a meal of roast beef, potatoes, collard greens, mac & cheese, and other roasted vegetables. We feasted like kings on the delicious food. We had a great time chatting, telling jokes, and hearing one other’s tales.

Having loved ones close by to share in the joy of this day was a wonderful experience. Following the meal, we all settled in to unwind with some games and movies. There was much happiness, love, and laughing that day. The Easter vigil service was held that night, so we all returned to church.

My family has attended this ceremony annually for many years, and we always look forward to it. The ceremony was quiet and thoughtful, and it allowed us to consider Easter’s significance. We had an outdoor Easter lunch with the family on Monday. The sun was out and it was a gorgeous day. We spent the day playing outside sports like volleyball and frisbee and eating and drinking and having a good time. Adults and children alike had a great time participating in the Easter egg hunt. We sat around a fire pit in the evening and ate hot dogs and marshmallows.

We had a great time together, sharing music, anecdotes, and future ambitions. Our day ended on a high note, and everyone felt fulfilled and satisfied as they returned home.

We paid a visit to my grandparents on Easter Sunday, the penultimate day of the holiday. We don’t see them very frequently because they reside in a somewhat remote area. It was a fitting conclusion to a wonderful Easter weekend. We spent the day eating and catching up with them and it was wonderful. We heard stories about their lives before, during, and after they were married.

We also did some sight-seeing on foot, seeing the local museums and other historical locations. On this day, memories were made and hearts were touched. For me, the best part of Easter was getting to spend time with loved ones. There were Sunday services, potlucks, card games, and visits with family.

It was a moment of recharging and looking forward with optimism. Having spent Easter with my family this year, I am already looking forward to next year’s celebration.

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Tips for Writing a "What I Did on Vacation" Essay

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
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Are you required to write an essay about your summer vacation or your holiday break? This can be a tough assignment to tackle at first glance. But if you think about it, there are lots of interesting things that happen on your vacation that others might enjoy reading about. The key to success is to zero in on the experiences, people, or situations that made your vacation unique.

Summer vacation can be busy or lazy, funny or serious. You may have traveled with your family, worked every day, fallen in love, or coped with a difficult situation. To start your essay, you'll need to choose a topic and tone.

Family Vacation Essay Topic Ideas

If you traveled with your family, you may have some great stories to tell. After all, every family is crazy in its own way. Want some proof? How many Hollywood films have themes about family holidays or trips? Those films are popular because they enable us to glimpse inside the crazy family lives of others. Alternatively, you may have a more serious story to tell.

Consider these funny topics:

  • Why I'll Never Go Back to (insert place name)
  • How (insert name) Drove Me Crazy in Five Days
  • Traveling to (insert city) Then and Now
  • The Hazards of Traveling With a (person or thing)
  • Why You Shouldn't Take a Dog to (insert place)
  • I Left (insert city) But My (lost item) Stayed
  • Why I Couldn't Sleep in (place name)

If your family vacation involved something more serious, think about one of these topics:

  • The Love I Left Behind in (insert place)
  • Saying Good-Bye to (insert person or place)
  • Exploring (place's) Secrets
  • An Emotional Trip

Summer Job Essay Topic Ideas

Not everyone gets to spend the summer having fun; some of us have to work for a living. If you spent your summer at a job, chances are you met a lot of interesting characters, dealt with complicated situations, or even saved the day once or twice. Here are some ideas for summer job topics:

  • The Boss's Day Off
  • The Customer From Hell
  • What I Learned from My Customers
  • Why I'll Never Go Into the ___ Business
  • Six Things I Learned on the Job

How to Write the Essay

Once you've chosen your topic and your tone, think about the story you want to tell. In most cases, your essay will follow a typical story arc:

  • The hook (the funny, sad, or scary sentence that grabs the reader's attention)
  • The rising action (the beginning of your story)
  • The climax (the most exciting moment in your story)
  • The denouement (the aftermath or ending to your story)

Start by writing out the basic outline of your story. For example, "I started cleaning a guest's room and found that they'd left behind a wallet with $100 in cash. When I turned it in without taking a single dollar for myself, my boss rewarded me with a $100 gift certificate and a special award for honesty."

Next, start fleshing out the details. What was the room like? What was the guest like? What did the wallet look like and where was it left? Were you tempted to just take the money and turn in the wallet empty? How did your boss look when you handed her the wallet? How did you feel when you got your reward? How did others around you react to your honesty?

Once you've told your story in all its detail, it's time to write the hook and conclusion. What question or thought can you use to grab your reader's attention? For example: "What would you do if you found a wallet loaded with cash? That was my dilemma this summer."

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Paragraph Buzz

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

In This Blog We Will Discuss

How I Spent My Holidays at Home: Short Essay (200 Words) for Class 1, 2, 3

 In my last summer vacation , I have long holidays. I wanted to visit our own village, where I have not visited for two years long. I asked my father to make a trip there. He was agreed with me. He had free time too. I, my father and mother finally visited our village. It takes 4 hours by car journey.

My father was driving the car. My mother also drove for a couple of miles. Finally, we reached our village . My uncles and aunties came to the main road to receive us. They were really pleased to see us. I found a few of my cousins there.

We went home and meet my grandparents. They were really happy. I found so many things have been changed in two years. The village was improving. I was happy to see that. But there was the same natural beauty. In the afternoon, I came out with my cousins to explore the beauty of the village. I met with lots of villagers, I know most of them and they also know me. My father is really popular here because he does charity for villagers.    

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home (300 Words) For Class 4, 5

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

Introduction: I have spent a really exciting holiday with my family and cousins. We arranged a small picnic that was really interesting. My parents helped us a lot to arrange the entire program.  

Picnic with Family: Picnic with family is always fun. We can get a chance to meet my uncle, aunties, and cousins. I always love to spend time with my cousins. In the holidays, we get a chance to meet each other. We decided to visit the nearest jungle and there was a really beautiful spot for a picnic. Lots of people go there on weekends.

We also decided to go there. We reached our destination at 10 o’clock morning. We were really excited to see natural beauty. The place was really silent and we found lots of jungle hens and other little animals. I was speechless to see all of these. One of my cousins wanted to explore the place real quick. I was agreed with him. One of the uncles came with us and we took a 10 minutes small walk.

We saw so many things. There was a beautiful river beside the jungle. The water is really clean there. The river was not deep and we were able to cross the river walking through big rocks. We collected some beautiful rocks too. The bird’s sound was really sweet and we saw several types of birds. An uncle was describing every bird and was sharing information about them as a bird-expert.  

Cousins: In the whole picnic and holidays, my cousins were the most important part of it. They helped me to enjoy the vacation. When I am with them, I feel really good and they all are my best friends.  

Conclusion: I was really excited about the whole thing. I wish to be there again. This day is really memorable for me.    

How I Spent My Holidays at Home: Essay (400 Words) for Class 6, 7, 8

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

Introduction: I always love the holidays. The reason is, it comes with so much fun and excitement. Always we do something different for every holiday. We have spent long holidays a few weeks ago and that was amazing and memorable in my life. I spent the entire holidays in my home, but it was significant.  

My Cousins : The most important part of my holidays was, of course, my cousins . I have lots of cousins, living in the same city. But we can’t meet often because of the tight school schedule and our parents are also always busy. But in the holidays it’s an amazing chance to meet everyone.

We gathered in one house and spend a few days together. This time we planned to spend the entire holiday in our house. I said to my parents and they were happy about it. My parents are really loving and they never get worried or angry with me. My cousins are really incredible.

When we meet together, we so many unbelievable things make the meet funnier. So finally all of my cousins came to my house. They were five in total. Including me, we were six. So it’s not a small number. We all are pretty much the same age and that’s why we have got amazing bonding.  

Drawing Competition: One of my uncles arranged a drawing competition for us. The first prize was 10 books, second prize was 5 books and the third prize was 3 books. And every participant will get one book each. He gave us two days to practice. We were really excited about the competition.

First of all, we took a day to finalize the drawing subject. We showed our drawing subject to our uncle. He approved them and gave us some drawing suggestions. Finally, that day arrived. There were four people as a judge. Two of my uncles and one of my aunties and my mother was in the judging team. I was really excited about my performance. We all draw and Nila nominated as the best artist among us.

She draws a landscape that was looking awesome. I loved that drawing. Nikhil was second and I was third. I wasn’t worried about my ranking, because they both made an amazing drawing. And overall, it was a fun competition.  

Conclusion:  I spend a really amazing time with my cousins. I wish I can spend all of my holidays with them. They all are amazing and loving. We have great bonding.    

How I Spent My Holidays at Home: Essay (500 Words) for Class 9, 10  

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

Introduction: Today I am going to share my experience on how I spent my holidays at home. That was an amazing experience. I went to our village. We actually go there after a couple of years. That’s why I always become excited. There are lots of things to do and see. My father spent his whole life in that village. Spending holidays in the village is really fun for me.  

My Holidays at Home: We arrived in the village at noon. it took 5 hours car journey. The road was pretty good. The government is working on these local areas. My uncles, cousins, and grandparents were ready to welcome us. They were really happy to see us visiting them. My younger sister was really excited to see everyone.

When she came here a few years ago she was a kid, she can’t remember anything and that’s why she has to learn everything again. I find all of my cousins and went to our home with them. My cousins are really helpful. They love me a lot. Whenever I visit the village, they try to spend all of the time with me. They really care about me. I was really tired because of that long journey.

I took a bath and ate some ‘pitha’ made by aunties. They were amazing. I loved the taste. Then I asked every uncles and aunty about their life. Few neighbors also came to meet my family. Most of them were female.  I met with so many peoples. I was feeling really good to know such loving peoples in my own village.  

Visiting the Village: After taking some rest and meeting with people, one of my cousins Bhuvan asked me to go out. I was agreed and few of us planned to take a little walk through the village. I wanted to see the entire village. We met lots of people on the road. I know some of them and don’t know some.

It’s a really great experience to see the village from so close. Lots of things have been changed but the beauty of an Indian village was still there. Villagers are really easy people and peace-loving. They love living together without having any problem. I loved their lifestyle. Most of them are fisherman, farmers.

But in this generation, lots of kids are educated and lots of them are studying in school and college. We have a college near our village and two schools in the village. That’s a really good thing that my village is progressing.  

My Grandparents: The most important reason for visiting the village is my grandparents. I love them so much and I always wanted to spend some time with them. They were really excited to see us. Especially my grandmother really loves and she loves me a lot. She shared lots of stories with us. I still listen to her stories and loved them.  

Conclusion: It was an amazing experience to spend time in my village . These holidays were the best holidays of my life.    

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essay about how i spent my easter holiday

English Summary

Write A Letter To Your Friend About Easter Holiday In English

Flat no 14 B Fourth floor Apex Apartments Kochi

Dear Asif, 

I hope you and your loved ones are happy and doing well. How did your Easter holidays go? We couldn’t make any big plans for these Easter holidays. But this Easter, my neighbor invited me and my family to have Easter lunch with them. So we all went to his house. They served us amazing food. There were many varieties of food. My mouth still waters when I think of that Easter lunch. The house was decorated with colorful Easter eggs and bunnies. There was also a fun Easter egg hunt. We also gave our neighbour a plum cake as a gift. We say our goodbyes after spending some quality time together. We conveyed our Easter wishes to them. In the evening, we all went out to watch a movie. It was an average experience. I didn’t like the movie very much. Except for that, this was a memorable Easter holiday.

Bye and take care

Your friend 

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