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Dog Kennel Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

dog kennel business plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their dog kennel businesses. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a dog kennel business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

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What is a Dog Kennel Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your dog kennel business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Dog Kennel

If you’re looking to start a dog kennel business, or grow your existing dog kennel business, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your dog kennel business in order to improve your chances of success. Your dog kennel business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Dog Kennel Businesses

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a dog kennel business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for dog kennel businesses.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

If you want to start a dog kennel business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. Below are links to each section of your dog kennel business plan template:

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your dog boarding business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of dog kennel business you are operating and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a dog kennel business that you would like to grow, or are you operating dog kennel businesses in multiple cities?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the dog kennel industry. Discuss the type of dog kennel business you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.  

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of dog kennel business you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types of dog kennel businesses:

  • Overnight boarding : this type of dog kennel business offers overnight care for pets, including accommodation, food and exercise.
  • Day care: this type of business offers daytime care for pets, typically provided for a group of dogs with playtime and socialization opportunities.
  • Luxury boarding: this type of dog kennel is commonly called a “pet hotel,” and offers premium amenities such as luxury accommodations with premium bedding, TVs, pools, etc..

In addition to explaining the type of dog kennel business you will operate, the Company Analysis section of your business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to question such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of customers served, number of positive reviews, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the dog kennel industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the dog kennel industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy, particularly if your research identifies market trends.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your dog kennel business plan:

  • How big is the dog kennel industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your dog kennel business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your pet boarding business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of dog kennel business you operate. Clearly, Millennials would respond to different marketing promotions than retirees, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations and income levels of the customers you seek to serve. Because most dog kennel businesses primarily serve customers living in their same city or town, such demographic information is easy to find on government websites.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other dog kennel businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t direct competitors. This includes freelance pet sitters, or pet owners who opt to take their pets on trips. You need to mention such competition as well.

With regards to direct competition, you want to describe the other dog kennel businesses with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will be dog kennels located very close to your location.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of pets do they accept?
  • What tiers of services do they offer?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide better accommodation or unique services?
  • Will you accept pets that your competitors don’t accept?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a dog kennel business plan, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of dog kennel company that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products you will be offering. For example, in addition to dog kennel, will you provide training, grooming, or any other services?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your marketing plan, you are presenting the products and services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your dog kennel company. Document your location and mention how the location will impact your success. For example, is your dog kennel located on a large property with plenty of outdoor space, or is it centrally located in a neighborhood, etc. Discuss how your location might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your dog kennel marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertising in local papers and magazines
  • Reaching out to local websites
  • Social media marketing
  • Local radio advertising

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your dog kennel business, including cleaning crates, feeding animals, walking animals, supervising playtime, administering medications, etc..

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to board your 100 th dog, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your dog kennel business to a new city.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your dog kennel business’ ability to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing dog kennel businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act like mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing kennels or successfully running small businesses.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you board 20 pets at a time, or 50? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your dog kennel business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a dog kennel business:

  • Location build-out including design fees, construction, etc.
  • Cost of equipment and supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your location lease or blueprints of the kennel layout.  

Putting together a business plan for your dog kennel business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, starting a kennel business plan will be quick and easy. You will really understand the dog kennel industry, your competition, and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful dog kennel business.  

Dog Kennel Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my dog kennel business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily complete your Dog Kennel Business Plan.

What is the Goal of a Business Plan's Executive Summary?

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of dog kennel business you are operating and the status; for example, are you a startup, do you have a dog kennel business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of dog kennel businesses?

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Dog Kennel business plan?

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Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to see how Growthink’s professional business plan consulting services can create your business plan for you.

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How to Start a Kennel

Written by: Carolyn Young

Carolyn Young is a business writer who focuses on entrepreneurial concepts and the business formation. She has over 25 years of experience in business roles, and has authored several entrepreneurship textbooks.

Edited by: David Lepeska

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

Published on February 26, 2022 Updated on June 5, 2024

How to Start a Kennel

Investment range

$3,550 - $14,100

Revenue potential

$46,800 - $390,000 p.a.

Time to build

1 – 3 months

Profit potential

$42,000 - $78,000 p.a.

Industry trend

People adore their pets, but they’re often unable to bring them on vacation. That’s where kennels come in, which these days are almost like hotels for pets and make up an $8 billion US industry. If you love animals, you could start your own kennel, even a small one in your own home, and make good money while taking care of people’s cuddly cuties. 

But starting a successful business requires a great deal of planning and preparation. Fortunately, this step-by-step guide lays out all you need to know and walks you through the process of starting a kennel from beginning to end.

Looking to register your business? A limited liability company (LLC) is the best legal structure for new businesses because it is fast and simple.

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Step 1: Decide if the Business Is Right for You

Pros and cons.

Starting a kennel has pros and cons to consider before deciding if it’s right for you.

  • Helping Hand – Help pets and give their owners peace of mind
  • Animal Fun! – Care for, cuddle, and play with pets
  • Good Money – $50 per pet per day adds up fast
  • Dirty Work – Pets do make the occasional mess
  • Noise and Stress – Animals can be uncooperative

Kennel industry trends

Industry size and growth.

kennel industry size and growth

  • Industry size and past growth – The US pet grooming and boarding industry was worth a strong $8 billion in 2021. The industry has grown nearly 1% annually for the last five years in spite of a large dip during the pandemic.(( ))
  • Growth forecast – The global pet services market is projected to grow 6% annually through 2027.
  • Number of businesses – In 2021, 130,838 pet grooming and boarding businesses were operating in the US.
  • Number of people employed – In 2021, US pet grooming and boarding businesses employed 231,928 people.

Trends and challenges

kennel business Trends and Challenges

Trends in the kennel industry include:

  • Pet daycare is in greater demand, offering a huge opportunity for kennels to have regular revenue rather than periodic overnight boardings.
  • Spa-like services for pets, such as shampoos and grooming, are increasingly popular, offering an opportunity for kennels to add significant revenue. 

Challenges in the kennel industry include:

  • Aggressive dogs and other animals can present a safety challenge.
  • Pet safety and animal health must be a priority as a pet owner can hold the kennel liable if a pet is injured or gets sick.

Demand hotspots

kennel industry demand hotspots

  • Most popular states – The most popular states for kennels are Michigan, Connecticut, and New York.(( ))
  • Least popular states – The least popular states for kennels are New Mexico, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

What kind of people work in kennels?

kennel industry demographics

  • Gender –   70.1% of kennel workers are female, while 26% are male.(( ))
  • Average level of education – The average kennel worker is high school educated.
  • Average age – The average kennel worker in the US is 32.5 years old.

How much does it cost to start a kennel business?

Startup costs for a kennel range from $3,500 for a home kennel to $14,000 for a physical location. Costs include crates and other equipment as well as a deposit on a kennel space on the high end. 

You will also need to get a kennel license for your kennel and pet boarding business. Requirements vary by state, and licenses usually need to be renewed annually.  

You’ll need a handful of items to successfully launch your kennel business, including: 

Start-up CostsBallpark RangeAverage
Setting up a business name and corporation$150 - $200$175
Business licenses and permits$100 - $300$200
Business cards and brochures$200 - $300$250
Website setup$1,000 - $3,000$2,000
Location rental$0 - $5,000$2,500
Crates and other supplies$2,000 - $5,000$3,500
Total$3,550 - $14,100$8,825

How much can you earn from a kennel business?

kennel business earnings forecast

The average price of a kennel is $50 per day. If you start the kennel in your home, your profit margin should be about 90%.

In your first year or two, you could work from home with 6 crates and fill each crate for 3 days a week, bringing in $46,800 in annual revenue. This would mean $42,000 in profit, assuming that 90% margin. As your brand gains recognition and you get repeat customers, you’d rent a commercial space and hire staff, reducing your profit margin to around 20%. If you can fill 25 crates 6 days per week, you’d have annual revenue of $390,000, and you’d make a tidy profit of $78,000.

What barriers to entry are there?

There are a few barriers to entry for a kennel. Your biggest challenges will be:

  • The startup costs to rent a space and purchase equipment
  • Competition from established kennels

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Step 2: hone your idea.

Now that you know what’s involved in starting a kennel, it’s a good idea to hone your concept in preparation to enter a competitive market. 

Market research will give you the upper hand, even if you’re already positive that you have a perfect product or service. Conducting market research is important, because it can help you understand your customers better, who your competitors are, and your business landscape.

Why? Identify an opportunity

Research kennels in your area to examine their services, price points, and customer reviews. You’re looking for a market gap to fill. For instance, maybe the local market is missing a kennel that also offers grooming and training.

the dog kennel business plan

You might consider targeting a niche market by specializing in a certain aspect of your industry, such as cat boarding.

This could jumpstart your word-of-mouth marketing and attract clients right away. 

What? Determine your services

In addition to boarding services you could offer:

  • Pet bathing
  • Pet grooming
  • Pet spa services

How much should you charge for pet boarding?

The average price for pet boarding is $50 per day. Once you have a physical location, your expenses will be rent, overhead, and labor. You should aim for a profit margin of at least 20%.

Once you know your costs, you can use this Step By Step profit margin calculator to determine your mark-up and final price points. Remember, the prices you use at launch should be subject to change if warranted by the market.

Who? Identify your target market

Your target market will be pet owners, which is broad. You should spread out your marketing to include sites like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You could also distribute flyers at pet stores and veterinary offices.

Where? Choose your kennel location

In the early stages, you may want to run your business from home to keep costs low. But as your business grows, you’ll likely need to hire workers for various roles and may need to rent out a kennel space.

Depending on the type of kennel services you plan to offer, you may also want to consider the proximity to residential areas or parks. Find commercial space to rent in your area on sites such as Craigslist , Crexi , and Instant Offices .

When choosing a commercial space, you may want to follow these rules of thumb:

  • Central location accessible via public transport
  • Ventilated and spacious, with good natural light
  • Flexible lease that can be extended as your business grows
  • Ready-to-use space with no major renovations or repairs needed

kennel rating

Step 3: Brainstorm a Kennel Name

Here are some ideas for brainstorming your business name:

  • Short, unique, and catchy names tend to stand out
  • Names that are easy to say and spell tend to do better 
  • Name should be relevant to your product or service offerings
  • Ask around — family, friends, colleagues, social media — for suggestions
  • Including keywords, such as “kennel” or “pet boarding”, boosts SEO
  • Name should allow for expansion, for ex: “Playful Pooch Kennels” over “Medical Care Kennels”
  • A location-based name can help establish a strong connection with your local community and help with the SEO but might hinder future expansion

Once you’ve got a list of potential names, visit the website of the US Patent and Trademark Office to make sure they are available for registration and check the availability of related domain names using our Domain Name Search tool. Using “.com” or “.org” sharply increases credibility, so it’s best to focus on these. 

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Finally, make your choice among the names that pass this screening and go ahead with domain registration and social media account creation. Your business name is one of the key differentiators that sets your business apart. Once you pick your company name, and start with the branding, it is hard to change the business name. Therefore, it’s important to carefully consider your choice before you start a business entity.

Step 4: Create a Kennel Business Plan

Here are the key components of a business plan:

what to include in a business plan

  • Executive Summary : A concise summary of the entire business plan, highlighting key points and objectives.
  • Business Overview : A brief introduction to the kennel business, its mission, and the problem it aims to solve.
  • Product and Services : Details about the specific services offered, such as pet boarding, grooming, and training.
  • Market Analysis : Examination of the target market, its size, demographics, and trends in the pet care industry.
  • Competitive Analysis : Assessment of competitors in the local area, their strengths, weaknesses, and how your kennel will stand out.
  • Sales and Marketing : Strategies for promoting the kennel, acquiring customers, and generating revenue.
  • Management Team : Profiles of key team members and their roles in running the kennel.
  • Operations Plan : Information on day-to-day operations, including location, facilities, staffing, and processes.
  • Financial Plan : Projections of financial statements, including income, expenses, and funding requirements.
  • Appendix : Supplementary materials, such as resumes, market research data, or additional documents that support the business plan.

If you’ve never created a business plan, it can be an intimidating task. You might consider hiring a business plan specialist to create a top-notch business plan for you.

Step 5: Register Your Business

Registering your business is an absolutely crucial step — it’s the prerequisite to paying taxes, raising capital, opening a bank account, and other guideposts on the road to getting a business up and running.

Plus, registration is exciting because it makes the entire process official. Once it’s complete, you’ll have your own business! 

Choose where to register your company

Your business location is important because it can affect taxes, legal requirements, and revenue. Most people will register their business in the state where they live, but if you’re planning to expand, you might consider looking elsewhere, as some states could offer real advantages when it comes to kennels. 

If you’re willing to move, you could really maximize your business! Keep in mind, it’s relatively easy to transfer your business to another state. 

Choose your business structure

Business entities come in several varieties, each with its pros and cons. The legal structure you choose for your kennel will shape your taxes, personal liability, and business registration requirements, so choose wisely. 

Here are the main options:

types of business structures

  • Sole Proprietorship – The most common structure for small businesses makes no legal distinction between company and owner. All income goes to the owner, who’s also liable for any debts, losses, or liabilities incurred by the business. The owner pays taxes on business income on his or her personal tax return.
  • General Partnership – Similar to a sole proprietorship, but for two or more people. Again, owners keep the profits and are liable for losses. The partners pay taxes on their share of business income on their personal tax returns.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) – Combines the characteristics of corporations with those of sole proprietorships or partnerships. Again, the owners are not personally liable for debts.
  • C Corp – Under this structure, the business is a distinct legal entity and the owner or owners are not personally liable for its debts. Owners take profits through shareholder dividends, rather than directly. The corporation pays taxes, and owners pay taxes on their dividends, which is sometimes referred to as double taxation.
  • S Corp – An S-Corporation refers to the tax classification of the business but is not a business entity. An S-Corp can be either a corporation or an LLC , which just need to elect to be an S-Corp for tax status. In an S-Corp, income is passed through directly to shareholders, who pay taxes on their share of business income on their personal tax returns.

We recommend that new business owners choose LLC as it offers liability protection and pass-through taxation while being simpler to form than a corporation. You can form an LLC in as little as five minutes using an online LLC formation service. They will check that your business name is available before filing, submit your articles of organization , and answer any questions you might have.

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the dog kennel business plan

Step 6: Register for Taxes

The final step before you’re able to pay taxes is getting an Employer Identification Number , or EIN. You can file for your EIN online or by mail or fax: visit the IRS website to learn more. Keep in mind, if you’ve chosen to be a sole proprietorship you can simply use your social security number as your EIN. 

Once you have your EIN, you’ll need to choose your tax year. Financially speaking, your business will operate in a calendar year (January–December) or a fiscal year, a 12-month period that can start in any month. This will determine your tax cycle, while your business structure will determine which taxes you’ll pay.

the dog kennel business plan

The IRS website also offers a tax-payers checklist , and taxes can be filed online.

It is important to consult an accountant or other professional to help you with your taxes to ensure you’re completing them correctly.

Step 7: Fund your Business

Securing financing is your next step and there are plenty of ways to raise capital:

types of business financing

  • Bank loans : This is the most common method but getting approved requires a rock-solid business plan and strong credit history.
  • SBA-guaranteed loans : The Small Business Administration can act as guarantor, helping gain that elusive bank approval via an SBA-guaranteed loan .
  • Government grants : A handful of financial assistance programs help fund entrepreneurs. Visit to learn which might work for you.
  • Friends and Family: Reach out to friends and family to provide a business loan or investment in your concept. It’s a good idea to have legal advice when doing so because SEC regulations apply.
  • Crowdfunding : Websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo offer an increasingly popular low-risk option, in which donors fund your vision. Entrepreneurial crowdfunding sites like Fundable and WeFunder enable multiple investors to fund your business.
  • Personal : Self-fund your business via your savings or the sale of property or other assets.

Bank and SBA loans are probably the best option, other than friends and family, for funding a kennel business. You might also try crowdfunding if you have an innovative concept. 

Step 8: Apply for Kennel Business Licenses and Permits

Starting a kennel business requires obtaining a number of licenses and permits from local, state, and federal governments.

Federal regulations, licenses, and permits associated with starting your business include doing business as (DBA), health licenses and permits from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ), trademarks, copyrights, patents, and other intellectual properties, as well as industry-specific licenses and permits. 

You may also need state-level and local county or city-based licenses and permits. The license requirements and how to obtain them vary, so check the websites of your state, city, and county governments or contact the appropriate person to learn more. 

You could also check this SBA guide for your state’s requirements, but we recommend using MyCorporation’s Business License Compliance Package . They will research the exact forms you need for your business and state and provide them to ensure you’re fully compliant.

This is not a step to be taken lightly, as failing to comply with legal requirements can result in hefty penalties.

If you feel overwhelmed by this step or don’t know how to begin, it might be a good idea to hire a professional to help you check all the legal boxes.

Step 9: Open a Business Bank Account

Before you start making money, you’ll need a place to keep it, and that requires opening a bank account .

Keeping your business finances separate from your personal account makes it easy to file taxes and track your company’s income, so it’s worth doing even if you’re running your kennel business as a sole proprietorship. Opening a business bank account is quite simple, and similar to opening a personal one. Most major banks offer accounts tailored for businesses — just inquire at your preferred bank to learn about their rates and features.

Banks vary in terms of offerings, so it’s a good idea to examine your options and select the best plan for you. Once you choose your bank, bring in your EIN (or Social Security Number if you decide on a sole proprietorship), articles of incorporation, and other legal documents and open your new account. 

Step 10: Get Business Insurance

Business insurance is an area that often gets overlooked yet it can be vital to your success as an entrepreneur. Insurance protects you from unexpected events that can have a devastating impact on your business.

Here are some types of insurance to consider:

types of business insurance

  • General liability : The most comprehensive type of insurance, acting as a catch-all for many business elements that require coverage. If you get just one kind of insurance, this is it. It even protects against bodily injury and property damage.
  • Business Property : Provides coverage for your equipment and supplies.
  • Equipment Breakdown Insurance : Covers the cost of replacing or repairing equipment that has broken due to mechanical issues.
  • Worker’s compensation : Provides compensation to employees injured on the job.
  • Property : Covers your physical space, whether it is a cart, storefront, or office.
  • Commercial auto : Protection for your company-owned vehicle.
  • Professional liability : Protects against claims from a client who says they suffered a loss due to an error or omission in your work.
  • Business owner’s policy (BOP) : This is an insurance plan that acts as an all-in-one insurance policy, a combination of the above insurance types.

Step 11: Prepare to Launch

As opening day nears, prepare for launch by reviewing and improving some key elements of your business. 

Essential software and tools

Being an entrepreneur often means wearing many hats, from marketing to sales to accounting, which can be overwhelming. Fortunately, many websites and digital tools are available to help simplify many business tasks. 

You may want to use industry-specific software, such as Easy Busy Pets , Kennel Link , or PAWFINITY , to manage your bookings, service packages, inventory, invoicing, and payments.

  • Popular web-based accounting programs for smaller businesses include Quickbooks , Freshbooks , and Xero . 
  • If you’re unfamiliar with basic accounting, you may want to hire a professional, especially as you begin. The consequences for filing incorrect tax documents can be harsh, so accuracy is crucial. 

Develop your website

Website development is crucial because your site is your online presence and needs to convince prospective clients of your expertise and professionalism.

You can create your own website using website builders . This route is very affordable, but figuring out how to build a website can be time-consuming. If you lack tech-savvy, you can hire a web designer or developer to create a custom website for your business.

They are unlikely to find your website, however, unless you follow Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) practices. These are steps that help pages rank higher in the results of top search engines like Google. 

Here are some powerful marketing strategies for your future business:

  • Professional Branding — Develop a trustworthy and pet-friendly brand image with a memorable logo, professional business cards, and a welcoming facility design.
  • Website Optimization — Create a website that details your pet boarding services, pricing, and facilities, optimized to rank for local searches related to pet care and dog kennels.
  • Local SEO  — Regularly update your Google My Business and Yelp profiles to strengthen your local search presence.
  • Direct Outreach — Establish partnerships with local veterinarians, pet stores, and pet clubs, offering referral discounts to foster strong network connections.
  • Social Media Engagement — Use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to post photos and videos of pets at your facility, share customer testimonials, and provide useful pet care information.
  • Content Marketing — Maintain a pet care blog with articles on boarding tips, pet health, and more, establishing your business as a knowledgeable authority in pet care.
  • Email Newsletters — Regularly send updates about new services, pet care tips for different seasons, and special offers to keep your clients engaged.
  • Video Content — Produce virtual tours of your facility to showcase the amenities and the quality of care provided, enhancing transparency and trust.
  • Experiential Marketing — Host open house events to allow potential clients to tour your facility, meet staff, and directly learn about your services.
  • Cross-Promotions — Collaborate with pet groomers, trainers, and local pet shops for cross-promotion and to offer bundled services.
  • Loyalty and Referral Programs — Implement loyalty rewards for repeat customers and referral incentives for clients who bring in new customers.
  • Targeted Local Advertising — Utilize local media, pet magazines, and online advertising to target pet owners in your area, complemented by special promotional offers for holidays and extended stays.

Focus on USPs

unique selling proposition

Unique selling propositions, or USPs, are the characteristics of a product or service that sets it apart from the competition. Customers today are inundated with buying options, so you’ll have a real advantage if they are able to quickly grasp how your kennel meets their needs or wishes. It’s wise to do all you can to ensure your USPs stand out on your website and in your marketing and promotional materials, stimulating buyer desire. 

Global pizza chain Domino’s is renowned for its USP: “Hot pizza in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed.” Signature USPs for your kennel business could be:

  • A luxury hotel for your pets
  • At-home loving kennel care
  • Your babies will be our babies while you’re away

You may not like to network or use personal connections for business gain. But your personal and professional networks likely offer considerable untapped business potential. Maybe that Facebook friend you met in college is now running a kennel business, or a LinkedIn contact of yours is connected to dozens of potential clients. Maybe your cousin or neighbor has been working in kennels for years and can offer invaluable insight and industry connections. 

The possibilities are endless, so it’s a good idea to review your personal and professional networks and reach out to those with possible links to or interest in kennels. You’ll probably generate new customers or find companies with which you could establish a partnership. 

Step 12: Build Your Team

If you’re starting out small from a home kennel, you may not need any employees. But as your business grows, you will likely need workers to fill various roles. Potential positions for a kennel business include:

  • Kennel Workers – help care for pets
  • General Manager – scheduling, staff management, accounting
  • Marketing Lead – SEO strategies, social media

At some point, you may need to hire all of these positions or simply a few, depending on the size and needs of your business. You might also hire multiple workers for a single role or a single worker for multiple roles, again depending on need. 

Free-of-charge methods to recruit employees include posting ads on popular platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or You might also consider a premium recruitment option, such as advertising on Indeed , Glassdoor , or ZipRecruiter . Further, if you have the resources, you could consider hiring a recruitment agency to help you find talent. 

Step 13: Run a Kennel – Start Making Money!

When people travel, they can’t always take their pets with them, but they want them to be cared for in a comfortable setting. You can help by starting your own kennel, and you can even have it in your home in the beginning. You just need a love of animals, some crates and supplies, and you can tap into an $8 billion industry. 

You’ve got the business basics down now, so it’s time to get your plan together and start building your kennel empire!

  • Kennel Business FAQs

Kennels can be very profitable. Prices range from $40 to $60 a day per pet, so if you have space for 20 crates and you can stay full, you can make some good money.

The best floor for a dog kennel is typically a durable, non-porous material that is easy to clean and resistant to stains and odors. Some popular options include epoxy or resin flooring, concrete, or specialized kennel flooring made of rubber or synthetic materials.

A good kennel is one that provides a safe, comfortable, and clean environment for dogs. It should have secure fencing, proper ventilation, adequate space for each dog, access to fresh water, appropriate temperature control, and a regular exercise routine. Additionally, a good kennel should have well-trained and caring staff who prioritize the well-being and socialization of the dogs in their care.

To differentiate your kennel business from competitors, offer specialized services like grooming and training, provide personalized attention to each dog according to their needs, enhance amenities with features like spacious play areas and webcams for owners, and focus on exceptional customer service to build strong relationships with pet owners.

The size of a kennel depends on various factors, such as the number of dogs it will accommodate and any regulations or guidelines in your area. As a general guideline, each dog should have enough space to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. It’s important to consider the size and breed of the dogs you will be housing to ensure they have adequate space to move and exercise.

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  • Decide if the Business Is Right for You
  • Hone Your Idea
  • Brainstorm a Kennel Name
  • Create a Kennel Business Plan
  • Register Your Business
  • Register for Taxes
  • Fund your Business
  • Apply for Kennel Business Licenses and Permits
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get Business Insurance
  • Prepare to Launch
  • Build Your Team
  • Run a Kennel - Start Making Money!

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Dog Kennel Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Dog Kennel Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Dog Kennel business plan.

We have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their Dog Kennel businesses.

Below is a template to help you create each section of your Dog Kennel business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Puptopia is a new dog kennel business located in Akron, Ohio. The company is run by Jenna Williams, who is an experienced dog kennel attendant, groomer, and trainer. Dogs have been at the center of her career for years and she is eager to run her own business where she can care for canines all day long. With her experience and expertise, we expect to become the most popular dog kennel in the area.

Puptopia will offer a full suite of services to ensure that each dog is cared for. We offer these services in three packages: basic, wagging good time, and puptopia premium. The more expensive packages will offer additional toys and services so that our clients’ dogs have the ultimate kennel experience. However, our basic package will still provide a long list of services so that no dog is neglected while in our care. No matter what package our clients purchase, they can rest assured that their dogs will be well taken care of.

Product Offering

We offer a full suite of boarding services to ensure all of our customers’ pups are well taken care of. These services come in three packages: basic, wagging good time, and puptopia premium. The basic package offers the essentials: food, water, play time, bedding, and evening walks. The other packages offer additional extras that give our customers’ pups the ultimate kennel experience. No matter what package they purchase, our customers will find that their pups are extremely happy and well taken care of when in our care.

Customer Focus

Puptopia will target dog owners in Akron, Ohio. The company will target owners of dogs of all breeds and sizes. No matter the customer, Puptopia will deliver the best communication, service, and prices.

Management Team

Puptopia will be owned and operated by Jenna O’Reilly. She has over ten years of experience working with dogs and has worked as a groomer, trainer, and kennel attendant. She has always dreamed of running her own business that cares for dogs and has been planning out Puptopia for several years. Her expertise and experience will ensure that Puptopia is a popular and profitable business.

Success Factors

Puptopia will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Friendly, knowledgeable, and highly qualified team of dog care professionals.
  • Comprehensive menu of services to ensure each dog is comfortable at the kennel.
  • Competitive pricing and discounts for regular customers.

Financial Highlights

Puptopia is seeking $300,000 in debt financing to launch its business. The funding will be dedicated toward securing the office space and purchasing dog care equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated toward three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, rent, and marketing costs for Puptopia. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Kennel and office space build-out: $100,000
  • Kennel equipment, dog care supplies, and materials: $25,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $150,000
  • Marketing costs: $15,000
  • Working capital: $10,000

The following graph outlines the financial projections for Puptopia.

Puptopia Pro Forma Financial Projections

Company Overview

Who is puptopia.

Puptopia is a new dog kennel business located in Akron, Ohio. The company is run by Jenna Williams, who is an experienced dog kennel attendant, groomer, and trainer. Dogs have been at the center of her career for years and she is eager to run her own business where she can care for canines all day long. With her experience and expertise, we expect to become the most popular dog kennel in the city.

  Jenna’s love for dogs fuels her mission to provide the best kennel and boarding experience for dogs living in the Akron, Ohio area. She will accomplish this by providing multiple packages of services to choose from. Our most basic package will include all the basics that a dog needs: comfortable bedding, food and water, two play times with other dogs, and an evening walk. Our more expensive packages will include extra toys, walks, and play time with the other dogs or kennel attendants.

Jenna is confident that her dog care skills combined with her customer service experience will enable her to run a profitable kennel of her own. Jenna is recruiting a team of highly qualified professionals to help manage the day-to-day complexities of running a kennel business – marketing, bookkeeping, customer service, product procurement, and janitorial operations. By utilizing her experience and hiring professionals to help her with other aspects of the business, Jenna is sure to run a popular and profitable kennel business.

Puptopia’s History

Jenna has been planning out her kennel business for several years. She recently completed a market analysis and customer survey to see how popular her business would be. She received a lot of positive feedback which prompted her to finally start her business. She incorporated Puptopia as an LLC on June 1st, 2023.

Since incorporation, Puptopia has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered Puptopia to transact business in the state of Ohio.
  • Found a kennel space and signed a letter of intent to lease it.
  • Reached out to numerous contacts to include former customers, dog owners, friends, and family members to help spread the word about the new dog kennel business.
  • Began recruiting key employees to work at Puptopia.

Puptopia’s Services

Puptopia offers several services to ensure that each pup is comfortable and well-taken care of. Customers can order one of our three packages based on the services they want us to provide their canine friends. Below are the three packages we offer and the services provided for each.

Basic Package

  • Comfortable bedding
  • Three meal times
  • Two play times
  • Evening walk/potty time

Wagging Good Time Package

  • Additional walk time

Puptopia Premium Package

  • Additional individual play time

Industry Analysis

The pet boarding industry is expected to grow over the next five years. This is primarily due to the increase in travel brought upon by the end of the pandemic. With fewer travel restrictions, many people are traveling to locations they dreamed about while in lockdown. However, pet owners who want to travel need to find accommodations for their pets. Many of these owners depend on kennels and other pet boarding businesses to care for their pets while they go on vacation.

Therefore, while the pet boarding industry suffered greatly from the pandemic, the industry is expected to bounce back in the next few years. According to Allied Market Research, the industry was valued at $19.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.4% from now until 2031. This is promising growth and shows that the pet boarding industry is once again an important service for many pet owners.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market, customer segmentation.

Puptopia will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Families with pets
  • Millennial and Gen Z dog owners with disposable income
  • Residents earning more than the median income

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Puptopia will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.

Happy Paws Boarding

Happy Paws Boarding is a popular pet boarding service that has been operating since 2002. This kennel offers numerous services, including dog day care, boarding, training, grooming and walking, as well as in-home pet care and poop-scooping services. Day care services include all-day playtime and one walk each day. For the company’s boarding services, dogs have individual cabins, plenty of food and water, toys, and all-day playtime. The facilities are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and owners have the ability to check in with their dogs using webcams. Pet owners can rest assured that their dogs are well taken care of while they are out of town.

The Ball of Fluff Hotel

Established in 2006, The Ball of Fluff Hotel is a premium kennel and pet boarding facility. The company provides pets with numerous services including, premium bedding, multiple play times, two walks per day, and all the toys a pet could want. They also provide grooming and training services for additional fees. They take both cats and dogs and ensure that every pet is pampered while their owners are away.

The Canine Lodge

The Canine Lodge is one of the leading kennel businesses in the United States. The Canine Lodge operates 52 centers in 20 states and is often the first kennel local pet owners think of when they need to board their pets for a few days. The company offers luxury pet boarding services, including premium bedding, food, and toys. They also provide long play times and multiple walks each day. Customers also have the option of purchasing training services for an additional cost. Some of the company’s locations even let owners view their pets via webcam.

Competitive Advantage

Puptopia will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Puptopia will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Client-focused dog kennel services, that treat each pet individually with excellent care
  • Superior, customized service built on long-term relationships
  • Proven track record and expertise in the industry

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Puptopia is as follows:

Website/SEO Marketing

Puptopia will invest heavily in developing a professional website that displays all of the features and benefits of the kennel. The website will be well organized, informative, and list all the services that Puptopia is able to provide.

The marketing director will also manage Puptopia’s website presence with SEO marketing tactics so that when someone types in a search engine “dog kennel service” or “dog kennels near me”, Puptopia will be listed at the top of the search results.

Social Media Marketing

Puptopia’s marketing director will create accounts on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. They will ensure Puptopia maintains an active social media presence with regular daily updates and fun content to get customers excited about the company’s dog kennel services.

Word of Mouth/Referrals

Puptopia will encourage word-of-mouth marketing from loyal and satisfied clients. The company will use recommendations and word-of-mouth marketing to grow the customer base through the network of its existing customers. The company will be incentivizing its existing customer base to encourage their friends to drop off their canines at our kennel.

Customer Loyalty Programs

Puptopia will create a winning customer loyalty program to keep its best customers coming back again and again. The program will include discounts, deals, and promotions that non-loyalty customers will not have access to.

The pricing of Puptopia will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing the company’s services. Puptopia will give new and regular customers discounts to encourage repeat business.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Puptopia. Operation Functions:

  • Jenna O’Reilly will be the Owner and Manager of the company. She will oversee the general operations of the kennel and help out with caring for the dogs. Over the next several months, she will hire the following staff:
  • Marketing Director who will oversee all marketing strategies for the company and manage the website, social media, and outreach.
  • Accountant/Bookkeeper who will provide all accounting, tax payments, and monthly financial reporting.
  • Several attendants who will greet customers and care for the dogs.


Puptopia will have the following milestones complete in the next six months.

  • 8/1/2022 – Finalize the lease on the facility.
  • 9/1/2022 – Finalize personnel and staff employment contracts.
  • 10/1/2022 – Begin build-out and remodel of the facility and purchase equipment and supplies.
  • 11/1/2022 – Begin networking at industry events and implement the marketing plan.
  • 12/1/2023 – Puptopia officially opens for business.
  • 1/1/2024 – Reach break even.

Though Jenna has never run a business of her own, she has worked in the industry long enough to gain an in-depth knowledge of the operations (e.g., running day-to-day operations) and the business (e.g., staffing, marketing, etc.) sides of running a kennel. She will also hire several professionals to help her run other aspects of the business she is unfamiliar with.

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Puptopia are the fees charged to customers in exchange for the company’s dog kennel and boarding services. The pricing of Puptopia will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing the company’s services. Puptopia will give new and regular customers discounts to encourage repeat business.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required in order to staff our kennel business. The expenses will be the payroll cost, utilities, dog care equipment and supplies, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions.

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and pay off the startup business loan.

  • Number of clients per month: 100
  • Annual lease: $100,000

Financial Projections

Income statement.

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Total Revenues$360,000$793,728$875,006$964,606$1,063,382
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$64,800$142,871$157,501$173,629$191,409
Initial expenditure$10,000$0$0$0$0
Total Expenses & Costs$291,815$416,151$454,000$483,240$514,754
EBITDA$68,185 $377,577 $421,005 $481,366 $548,628
Depreciation$27,160$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
EBIT$41,025 $350,417 $393,845$454,206$521,468
Interest$23,462$20,529 $17,596 $14,664 $11,731
PRETAX INCOME$17,563 $329,888 $376,249 $439,543 $509,737
Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Use of Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Taxable Income$17,563$329,888$376,249$439,543$509,737
Income Tax Expense$6,147$115,461$131,687$153,840$178,408
NET INCOME$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703 $331,329

Balance Sheet

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Total Current Assets$184,257$381,832$609,654$878,742$1,193,594
Fixed assets$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950
Depreciation$27,160$54,320$81,480$108,640 $135,800
Net fixed assets$153,790 $126,630 $99,470 $72,310 $45,150
TOTAL ASSETS$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744
Debt$315,831$270,713$225,594$180,475 $135,356
Accounts payable$10,800$11,906$13,125$14,469 $15,951
Total Liability$326,631 $282,618 $238,719 $194,944 $151,307
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings$11,416 $225,843 $470,405 $756,108$1,087,437
Total Equity$11,416$225,843$470,405$756,108$1,087,437
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744

Cash Flow Statement

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Net Income (Loss)$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703$331,329
Change in working capital($19,200)($1,966)($2,167)($2,389)($2,634)
Depreciation$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
Net Cash Flow from Operations$19,376 $239,621 $269,554 $310,473 $355,855
Net Cash Flow from Investments($180,950)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow$154,257$194,502 $224,436 $265,355$310,736
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550
Cash at End of Period$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550$1,149,286

Dog Kennel Business Plan FAQs

What is a dog kennel business plan.

A dog kennel business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your dog kennel business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can easily complete your Dog Kennel business plan using our Dog Kennel Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Dog Kennel Businesses? 

There are a number of different kinds of dog kennel businesses , some examples include: Overnight boarding, Day care, and Luxury boarding.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Dog Kennel Business Plan?

Dog Kennel businesses are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.

What are the Steps To Start a Dog Kennel Business?

Starting a dog kennel business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Dog Kennel Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed dog kennel business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast. 

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your dog kennel business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your dog kennel business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Dog Kennel Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your dog kennel business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws.

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your dog kennel business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms.

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations.

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events.

7. Acquire Necessary Dog Kennel Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your dog kennel business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation.

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your dog kennel business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

Learn more about how to start a successful dog kennel business:

  • How to Start a Dog Boarding Business

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Dog Kennel Business Plan

Published Mar.02, 2021

Updated Apr.22, 2024

By: Cynthia Turner

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Dog Kennel Business Plan

Table of Content

Do you want to start dog kennel business plan?

Do you want to start a dog kennel business? Well, the business is quite profitable because many people cannot provide the required care and maintenance to their pet animals. Primarily due to their busy routines. A dog kennel provides shelter, space, and professional care to pet dogs for a short and long time.

While the business is profitable, it is extremely demanding too. To make sure that your startup becomes your success, you’ll have to manage the land, resources, and finances to the full.

If you are looking for how to open dog kennels business you are on the right site. In this blog we will be providing all the details and business plan for dog kennel startup, Jake’s Kennel Club.

Executive Summary

2.1 the business.

Jake’s Kennel Club will be a dog kennel facility based in Detroit. The registered, licensed and insured business will aim at providing all the services relevant to dog care and maintenance. To assist people who might not be able to take care of their dogs for any reason, we will provide a wide range of services from bathing their dogs to letting them exercise.

2.2 Management of Dog Kennel Business

Management of a dog kennel is not an easy task. When you are searching for how to set up a dog boarding business you must keep in mind that you’ll require to hire persons who are specialized in dog care and training. Moreover, you will be needing some vets, a lot of cleaners, and resource and finance management staff for starting a dog boarding business at home or any commercial building.

In this blog on how to start your own dog boarding business plan , we’ll provide all details of the personnel plan, financial plan, and all management-related strategies of Jake’s Kennel Club.

2.3 Customers of Dog Kennel Business

Our major customers will be adults and youngsters who cannot afford to care for their pets due to their job routines. Children and teens and senior citizens will also be availing of our services frequently.

2.4 Business Target

Our major targets are:

  • To achieve a repeat purchase rate of 90% by the end of the first six months.
  • To maintain a CSAT score of above 95% throughout our service years.
  • To earn a net profit margin of $26.7k per month by the end of the third year.

Dog Kennel Business Plan - 3 Years Profit Forecast

Company Summary

3.1 company owner.

Jake’s Kennel Club will be started by Jake Frost. Jake is an MBA with an extreme passion for pet care. Throughout his life, he has kept several animals just because he loves helping nature.

3.2 Why the dog kennel business is being started

Jake wanted to start some different and newer sort of business. After analyzing his passion and interests he decided to start a dog kennel. The major reason behind this decision was his passion. He wanted to earn by doing what he loved the most.

3.3 How the dog kennel business will be started

Step1: Plan Everything

The first step is to study dog kennel business plan examples to understand what others are doing in this business domain. After analyzing several running a dog kennel business plans you should start developing a business plan for your startup. To help you in identifying the major components of a business plan, we are providing dog kennel business plan sample for Jake’s Kennel Club, free of cost.

Step2: Define the Brand

The second step is to acquire the licenses and registration and start working on defining the company’s values, targets, customer care policies, and services. Through these things, your customers will know who you are and how you are different than your competitors.

Step3: Establish Physical and Web Presence

The next you have to do is establishing your dog kennel. For that, you will have to recondition your land for providing activities, sleeping, and bathing spaces for dogs.

Moreover, to let your customers have an insight into your care and maintenance operations, you should launch your website. Through that, you will also be able to get online orders and payments.

Step4: Promote and Market

The last thing to finalize your launch is to develop and execute your sales strategy. It is only through influencing advertising that you will be able to attract more and more customers to your site.

Dog Kennel Business Plan - Startup Cost

Research and Development$30,000
Expensed Equipment$38,000
Start-up Assets$379,000
Cash Required$393,000
Start-up Inventory$51,000
Other Current Assets$220,000
Long-term Assets$287,300
Start-up Expenses to Fund$378,000
Start-up Assets to Fund$1,330,300
Non-cash Assets from Start-up$1,760,300
Cash Requirements from Start-up$385,400
Additional Cash Raised$49,000
Cash Balance on Starting Date$29,000
Liabilities and Capital 
Current Borrowing$0
Long-term Liabilities$0
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)$40,000
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)$0
Planned Investment$1,708,300
Investor 1$0
Investor 2$0
Additional Investment Requirement$0
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses)$445,400

By owning a dog kennel business you have the freedom to decide on any type of services. You may choose to provide general pet sitting services and you can also offer the services for just dog breeds.

Jake decided to offer services specifically restricted to just dogs. The services he’ll offer are listed here in this dog kennel business plan template.

  • Dog Daycare & Grooming: Our primary service will be providing a daycare facility for dogs. This service will last for 6 to 15 hours a day, according to the clients’ requirements. In this, we’ll be responsible for feeding, grooming, cleaning, and engaging your dog till the time you’re busy with other tasks. This service will include
  • Dog Grooming
  • Dog Walking Business
  • Dog Cleaning/ Washing/ Bathing
  • Dog Feeding
  • Dog Training: We’ll also provide dog training services business . In this, we’ll train your newly petted dogs to make them behave as you want.
  • Dog Boarding Service: In this service, we’ll provide dog daycare service on a long-term basis with night care and sleeping arrangements incorporated too. We will offer several packages for full-time dog care for multiple days to several weeks and months.
  • Dog Shuttle Service: To facilitate our customers we will offer dog shuttle services. In this, we will provide pick and drop services to their dogs. So that they don’t have to come to us to pick their pet animals.

Marketing Analysis of Dog Kennel Business

Marketing analysis is a must before you set up dog kennel business plan. In marketing analysis, you study the target marketplace to identify previous ups and downs and forecasted market analytics. Moreover, this analysis helps you in identifying your customers so that you can also set a pricing strategy that meets their needs and incomes.

In this blog on how to write a business plan for a dog kennel, we are providing marketing analysis done for Jake’s Kennel Club, free of cost.

5.1 Market Trends

Dog kennel businesses are high in demand and will remain in demand for the next five to ten years. According to IBISWorld, over 139k pet grooming and boarding businesses are running in the United States. In the past five years i.e. from 2016 to 2021, this industry has seen a growth rate of 1.9%. And the business is expected to grow by 23.4% in the U.S. in 2021 alone. Moreover, the U.S. market size of this business is estimated to be $8.8 billion in 2021 by the same source.

All these stats suggest that there are minimum risks of failure if you enter this venture. Therefore, you should not unnecessarily delay the launch anymore.

5.2 Marketing Segmentation

Before you make a business plan for starting a dog kennel, you should explore the groups of your target customers. In-depth knowledge of your customers, their average incomes, buying capabilities, and interests help you in estimating sales. Through that, you can figure out how much to spend on your startup on a particular service while considering it from a sales point of view.

In this business plan for opening a dog kennel we’re providing the marketing segmentation done for Jake’s Kennel Club. By studying this you can have an idea of who is most likely to avail of your services.

Dog Kennel Business Plan - Marketing Segmentation

5.2.1 Working Class

Our primary customers will be the adults and youngsters who have to go for their 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. jobs. Such people can never meet the needs of their pet animals whether they are hygienic or care-related.

To help this group, we’ll take care of their dogs for a specified time every day. In our dog daycare business plan , their dogs will be groomed and fed. Moreover, they will be involved in games, and exercising activities.

5.2.2 Senior Citizens

The second group of our target customers will comprise the senior citizens living in our city. Senior people usually keep pets but find it very hard to train or groom their pets themselves – that too daily. Therefore, we will do this difficult task for them.

5.2.3 Children & Teens

Our last group of customers will be the children and teens who are fond of keeping pets. But are too irresponsible to take good care of them. Thus, they are expected to bring their dogs to us for training, grooming, and washing them.

Potential CustomersGrowth
Working Class50%51,00053,00054,00055,00056,00010.00%
Senior Citizens29%33,00034,00035,00036,00037,00010.00%
Children & Teens21%19,00020,00022,00023,00024,00011.00%

5.3 Business Target

Very professional.

Very professional and efficient services. Highly recommended.

Our business targets are to attain a net promoter score above 60 within a year of our launch. Moreover, we aim at achieving a repeat purchase rate of 90% by the end of the first six months. And to ensure a customer satisfaction score of above 95% throughout our service years.

5.4 Product Pricing

Our prices are almost the same as that of our competitors. Moreover, due to our highly customer-oriented policies, we have priced our shuttle services at the lowest rate in the whole market. To retain our potential customers, we’ll also be providing several discounts to our repeat clients.

Marketing Strategy

After establishing your business, you should start exploring dog kennel ideas plans to figure out the most suitable advertisement strategy. In this dog kennel business plan pdf we are providing the sales strategy for Jake’s Kennel Club to help you in developing yours.

6.1 Competitive Analysis

Our competitive benefits are listed below:

  • We are highly customer care oriented. To satisfy our customers we’ll allow them to monitor their pets at any time through a video call, or our mobile app.
  • Our prices for dog shuttle services are the lowest among all of our competitors.
  • Our workers are highly collaborative and loving. They will treat your animals with utmost care and love.

6.2 Sales Strategy

  • We’ll run a social media campaign emphasizing how we can help people taking care of their animals.
  • We’ll advertise our startup through Google Local ads service, local magazines, local newspapers, and by installing posters.
  • We’ll offer a 50% discount on dog daycare services for the first month of our launch.
  • We’ll provide a 30% discount on our dog training services for the first two months.

6.3 Sales Monthly

Dog Kennel Business Plan - Sales Monthly

6.4 Sales Yearly

Dog Kennel Business Plan - Sales Yearly

6.5 Sales Forecast

Dog Kennel Business Plan - Unit Sales

Unit Sales
Dog Daycare & Grooming58,00061,48065,169
Dog Training34,00036,04038,202
Dog Boarding Service23,00024,38025,843
Dog Shuttle Service48,00050,88053,933
Unit PricesYear 1Year 2Year 3
Dog Daycare & Grooming$45.00$52.20$60.55
Dog Training$43.00$49.88$57.86
Dog Boarding Service$58.00$67.28$78.04
Dog Shuttle Service$36.00$41.76$48.44
Direct Unit CostsYear 1Year 2Year 3
Dog Daycare & Grooming$43.00$50.00$57.00
Dog Training$41.00$45.00$52.00
Dog Boarding Service$55.00$64.00$74.00
Dog Shuttle Service$34.00$38.00$45.00
Direct Cost of Sales   

Personnel plan

While you write business plan dog kennel you should also prepare a list of employees you’ll need to run your business. A good strategy for business is to also include their job descriptions and average salaries so that you can plan all aspects relevant to them.

7.1 Company Staff

Jake will be the CEO herself. For his assistance, he’ll hire:

  • 1 Co-Manager to monitor business operations
  • 1 Accountant to maintain financial records
  • 1 Dog Playground Supervisor to supervise dogs’ activities
  • 2 Pet Behavioral Trainers to train dogs
  • 4 Dog Groomers to ensure the dogs are clean and tidy
  • 2 General Dog Care Workers to take care of dogs’ health and food intake
  • 1 General Assistant
  • 1 Web Developer to manage the online presence
  • 1 Sales Executive to execute the sales strategy
  • 2 Cleaners to clean the facility
  • 1 Driver to provide shuttle service

7.2 Average Salary of Employees

Dog Playground Supervisor$9,000$9,900$10,890
Pet Behavioral Trainers$18,000$19,800$21,780
Dog Groomers$36,000$39,600$43,560
General Dog Care Workers$16,000$17,600$19,360
General Assistant$7,000$7,700$8,470
Web Developer$7,000$7,700$8,470
Sales Executive$8,000$8,800$9,680

Financial Plan

Setting up your business doesn’t ensure long-term success unless you have an accurate financial plan. The importance of a financial plan can never be ignored no matter how small your business is. When you are creating a business plan for a dog kennel you must include a detailed financial plan in it.

A comprehensive financial plan should contain break-even analysis, projected profit and loss tables, gross margin charts, cash flow table, and balance sheet. These analytics can help you understand how to minimize or avoid loss. Moreover, they can also help you proactively manage risks and unexpected situations.

For reference, we’re providing the financial plan developed for Jake’s Kennel Club here.

8.1 Important Assumptions

Plan Month123
Current Interest Rate8.17%8.23%8.29%
Long-term Interest Rate8.28%8.33%8.38%
Tax Rate23.72%23.88%24.02%

8.2 Break-even Analysis

Dog Kennel Business Plan - Break-even Analysis

Monthly Units Break-even5342
Monthly Revenue Break-even$134,220
Average Per-Unit Revenue$237.00
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost$0.67
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost$163,980

8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses$124,000$125,000$126,000
Leased Equipment$0$0$0
Payroll Taxes$27,000$28,000$29,000
Profit Before Interest and Taxes$40,012$256,323$400,880
Interest Expense$0$0$0
Taxes Incurred$8,002$51,265$80,176
Net Profit$32,010$205,059$320,704
Net Profit/Sales0.45%2.34%2.97%

8.3.1 Profit Monthly

Dog Kennel Business Plan - Profit Monthly

8.3.2 Profit Yearly

Dog Kennel Business Plan - Profit Yearly

8.3.3 Gross Margin Monthly

Dog Kennel Business Plan - Gross Margin Monthly

8.3.4 Gross Margin Yearly

Dog Kennel Business Plan - Profit Yearly

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

Dog Kennel Business Plan - Projected Cash Flow

Cash Received
Cash from Operations   
Cash Sales$54,000$58,320$62,986
Cash from Receivables$17,800$19,224$20,762
Additional Cash Received   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received$0$0$0
New Current Borrowing$0$0$0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free)$0$0$0
New Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Sales of Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Sales of Long-term Assets$0$0$0
New Investment Received$0$0$0
ExpendituresYear 1Year 2Year 3
Expenditures from Operations   
Cash Spending$33,000$34,000$36,000
Bill Payments$21,000$22,000$23,000
Additional Cash Spent   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out$0$0$0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Purchase Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Purchase Long-term Assets$0$0$0
Net Cash Flow$16,300$17,000$18,000
Cash Balance$27,820$28,000$29,100

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

Current Assets   
Accounts Receivable$24,000$26,880$30,213
Other Current Assets$1,000$1,000$1,000
Long-term Assets   
Long-term Assets$10,000$10,000$10,000
Accumulated Depreciation$22,000$24,640$27,720
Liabilities and CapitalYear 4Year 5Year 6
Current Liabilities   
Accounts Payable$20,900$23,408$26,311
Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Current Liabilities$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Paid-in Capital$32,000$32,400$32,800
Retained Earnings$55,940$60,975$67,072
Net Worth$304,000$331,360$364,496

8.6 Business Ratios

Sales Growth7.16%7.93%8.79%3.00%
Percent of Total Assets    
Accounts Receivable9.19%10.18%11.28%9.80%
Other Current Assets2.17%2.40%2.66%2.40%
Total Current Assets151.09%152.00%153.40%158.00%
Long-term Assets11.92%11.94%11.97%12.00%
Current Liabilities4.69%4.73%4.77%4.34%
Long-term Liabilities0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%
Total Liabilities7.43%7.49%7.56%7.38%
Percent of Sales    
Gross Margin94.89%97.45%100.18%99.00%
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses93.44%95.96%98.65%97.80%
Advertising Expenses1.68%1.73%1.77%1.40%
Profit Before Interest and Taxes41.60%42.72%43.92%33.90%
Main Ratios    
Total Debt to Total Assets0.20%0.19%0.18%0.40%
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth74.95%75.16%75.66%75.00%
Pre-tax Return on Assets94.04%98.74%103.68%111.30%
Additional RatiosYear 1Year 2Year 3 
Net Profit Margin33.06%34.08%35.14%N.A.
Return on Equity57.10%58.87%60.70%N.A.
Activity Ratios    
Accounts Receivable Turnover7.77.77.8N.A.
Collection Days100100100N.A.
Inventory Turnover32.1833.78935.44N.A.
Accounts Payable Turnover16.516.516.6N.A.
Payment Days272727N.A.
Total Asset Turnover2.42.52.5N.A.
Debt Ratios    
Debt to Net Worth-0.03-0.04-0.04N.A.
Current Liab. to Liab.111N.A.
Liquidity Ratios    
Net Working Capital$245,000$258,720$273,208N.A.
Interest Coverage000N.A.
Additional Ratios    
Assets to Sales0.850.860.87N.A.
Current Debt/Total Assets1%0%0%N.A.
Acid Test28.128.3228.49N.A.
Sales/Net Worth2.12.12.3N.A.
Dividend Payout000N.A.

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  • Sample Business Plans

Dog Kennel Business Plan

Executive summary image

From taking care of dogs that are owned by people to breeding dogs for giving away as pets, dog kennels do it all. And if you are fond of dogs and would like to make taking care of them your profession, then a dog kennel business might be a good choice for you.

Pets can act as your best friends, hence dog owners want to give back the best possible to their furry friends. And with busy schedules, people turn to dog kennels to help them look after their pets.

If you are planning to start a new dog kennel business, the first thing you will need is a business plan. Use our sample dog kennel business plan  to start writing your business plan in no time.

Before you start writing your business plan for your new dog kennel business, spend as much time as you can reading through some examples of  pet-related business plans.

Industry Overview

The global pet care market stood at a massive value of 131.70 billion dollars in 2016 and has grown steadily ever since, thanks to the growing pet adoption and love for them amongst people.

As single-family homes have grown in number, people find friends and companions in their pets. And with the increase in disposable income, people want to give the best care to their pets in every way possible. Thus, it explains the massive size and growth rate of the pet care industry.

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Things to Consider Before Writing a Dog Kennel Business Plan

Know your target audience.

Centering your services around your target audience goes a long way. And for that, you’ll need to know all the relevant things about your target audience. Try to find out what are their expectations, what they look for in a pet care service, what are their challenges, how can you meet their expectations in a way that’s good for your business too, etc.

Figuring out your target audience before you start planning can help you plan faster and also have a more effective plan.

Choose a legal structure

Your legal structure decides several aspects of your business and if you choose the right structure it helps you stay away from unnecessary legal hassles too. And it might seem intimidating, but choosing the right legal structure isn’t all that difficult.

There are clear guidelines that separate different structures and with a little help from your lawyer, you can get going as soon as you want to.

Pick the right location and a memorable name

The right location is another important factor that affects a dog kennel business. How convenient your location is for pet owners decides your business’s chances of success. Hence, it is necessary to pick an accessible location. Also, a memorable name will help you greatly with your marketing and promotional strategies, as you become memorable for your customers.

Build your social media presence

Building your social media presence is going to be an essential part of your overall marketing strategy. So, why not start promoting now and build anticipation amongst people for your business? You might get a few good ideas through social media too, as you get to connect with your audience on a personal level.

Chalking out Your Business Plan

If you want to start a dog kennel business, all you’ll need are a few skills, some tips, and a dog kennel business plan.

Reading sample business plans will give you a good idea of what you’re aiming for and also it will show you the different sections that different entrepreneurs include and the language they use to write about themselves and their business plans.

We have created this sample dog kennel business plan for you to get a good idea about how a perfect dog kennel business plan should look like and what details you will need to include in your stunning business plan.

Dog Kennel Business Plan Outline

This is the standard business plan outline which will cover all important sections that you should include in your business plan.

  • Products and Services
  • Mission Statement
  • Customer Focus
  • Keys to Success
  • 3 Year profit forecast
  • Startup cost
  • Product and Service Description
  • Market Trends
  • Market Growth
  • Service Business Analysis
  • Sales Strategy
  • Publications
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Important Assumptions
  • Brake-even Analysis
  • Profit Yearly
  • Gross Margin Yearly
  • Projected Cash Flow
  • Projected Balance Sheet
  • Business Ratios

After getting started with Upmetrics , you can copy this sample dog kennel business plan into your business plan and modify the required information and download your dog kennel business plan pdf or doc file.

It’s the fastest and easiest way to start writing your business plan.

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Download a sample dog kennel business plan

Need help writing your business plan from scratch? Here you go;  download our free dog kennel business plan pdf  to start.

It’s a modern business plan template specifically designed for your dog kennel business. Use the example business plan as a guide for writing your own.

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the dog kennel business plan

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Download Dog Kennel Business Plan

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  • Dog Kennel Business…

Dog Kennel Business

Dog Kennel Business | A complete guide on starting and growing it

At one time, there were 9,000 boarding kennels in the United States and Canada servicing more than 30 million pet owners every year and with almost 96 million [ 5.9 million dogs in Canada and over 89 million dogs in the US ] dogs in both territories that is like 3,333 dogs to a kennel? That is huge, so starting a dog kennel business will mean better efficient services to more dogs and equal distribution in the dog kennel market.

These are some pretty good numbers for anyone starting in the dog kennel business; however, there is more than just the amount of money you’ll be making from it.

Before you consider starting a kennel business, think deep and hard about it. If you have a family, how it will impact them, the time [dog kennel is a full-time dedication business], where and how you will make it successful. 

Furthermore, this is a business of passion, it is not just to make money; passion is the key to a dog kennel business.

Do you have the passion? How much are you willing to dedicate to the business? Do you have a plan mapped out about what to do? 

While you are getting your answers ready, remember, this business is not for everyone, it is physically tasking, and it requires a lot to truly take care of someone else’s pet dog better than they will.

The Pet Care Market US

There are  84.9 million households in the United States that own a dog , and since early 2000, the pet ownership traits have increased tremendously even in times of depression.

The pet boarding and grooming industry has also taken a chunk out of the pet market as more people who own dogs or cats look for facilities that can care for their beloved pet while they are away.

The demand for dog kennel and boarding facility has been on the rise for the past five years, and with an expected growth of over  6 percent, the industry is expected to reach 9 billion US dollars in revenue  as pet parents demand extra care, and catering for their pets.

In the US, the number of dog kennel businesses keeps increasing by the day as more people seek the comfort and companion of pet, especially dogs. 

This industry is also proving to be a major employment opportunity for people with almost 200,000 people employed by dog kennel businesses in the US.

Want to grow and scale your ‘Dog Kennel’ Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies which can bring a lot of Pet owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!

The dog kennel business has a huge market, and as more people look forward to more exclusive and luxury services for their pets, new trends are changing the market and boosting the dog kennel business.

Steps to starting a Dog Kennel Business

If you are a true dog lover, chances are you will take any size of the dog that comes to your kennel, with that a lot of barking, excreta, peeing and lots of stink. While starting this business can work from anywhere like your home backyard, there are strict regulations one must follow to avoid problems with the law.

Funding the Dog Kennel Business

How much you have to invest in the dog kennel business will determine if the business will succeed or fail? Finance is everything in a business, starting a dog kennel business will set you back $24, 000 to $81,000 when building the business from scratch or more if you are buying the business from another person.

While sourcing for funds can be easy, a dog business is not one that aims to break even, it is a business where you continually save and expand to provide the best service for your clients and their pets.

If you don’t have the financial backing, you can source fund from family and friends or start a saving program pending when everything falls into place.

Another way to get the required funds is though soft loan application or seek funds from a commercial bank.

Remember starting a kennel business is costly, the bulk of which comes from getting facility equipment, and the paperwork. While it is possible to start small, dog kennel market grows very fast, especially when your services are great, so look towards getting a big place that you can expand into as you grow.

Zoning and Insurance

We have seen lots of places where people tell you to start a kennel business from your backyard, while that is an interesting idea as it cuts cost and saves you money for a facility, it can be the biggest mistake in your business plan.

For people intending to start a dog kennel business, zoning regulation is a big one that can’t be missed. Don’t overlook it, don’t ignore it or push it until later, NO!

To be sure, contact the zoning board and animal authority in your area and inquire if there any law about starting a dog kennel in your area of choice.

Dogs are very noisy and to respect the right to other people’s right to calmness, areas zoned out as residential premises are usually not allowed to be used as/for a dog kennel business.


Once you have ironed out any zoning issues, gets your dog kennel licensing and insurance policy drafted and all paperwork handled before the next step. If you are planning to care for all kinds of breeds, get an insurance policy that covers all breeds or be particulate about the breed and choose a policy that covers your choice accordingly.

You can use insurance agents or visit the animal authority in your state with your doubts and how to handle them.

Why an insurance policy is important?

Dogs are pets that can be active one minute and sick the next. While we all hope that accidents don’t happen under our watch, animals are unpredictable, and damages, death, sickness can happen.

To protect you and your staff from liabilities, ensure that the insurance policy covers your facility, staff, and eventualities that might/might not happen in the process.

In the United States, having an insurance policy when starting a dog kennel business protect you from paying out of your business or with your personal money in the event of an accident.

Some basic insurance policies for people considering a dog kennel business are

  • Liability insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Auto insurance
  • Worker insurance [if you have staff]
  • Business owner insurance
  • Property and general insurance
  • Hazard insurance and overhead expense insurance

Some legal documents you should have to run a Dog Kennel Business

You can ask around from other dog kennels or from your lawyer the necessary paperwork but below are documents you should have

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Federal Tax Identification number
  • Operating Agreement for Limited Liability Corporations
  • Service contract documents
  • The business premise lease document
  • Sales Tax Permit
  • Insurance policy
  • Zoning approval document
  • Health department document
  • Business license
  • Business plan

Depending on your state and location, documents may vary, but ensure you have all the necessary paperwork done.

Are you buying a franchise, an existing facility or starting from Scratch?

This is a major decision, while each has its own advantages; it comes with some tremendous responsibility, and expenditure.

For example, if you decide to buy a franchise, you have to live to the name, brand, and business code of conduct that the parent business has set already. This can be really tasking and stressful. It can also mean you don’t have time to impact your passion in the business you love with all your heart.

However, buying a franchise allows you to build up the business without worrying about basic kinds of stuff such as choosing a name, registration, customer base, and costing.

Secondly, buying an existing facility is also great, even though some facility might be in the perfect location, they may lack the amenities and stuff you need to run it. In the worst case, it will need some serious building overhaul too.

As good as it is; it has a lot of time and paperwork to cover so that the previous owner doesn’t come up with a change of heart when the business is doing well.

Finally starting from the bottom up, this might seem small, but all good business started to form the base. If you have a plan and direction where you want the business to be in 5 or 10 years, starting at your own pace can be the motivational force to making it a success.

Whatever choice you make, ensure that the dog kennel has adequate space inside and outside and the area is well protected so that dogs can go out.

So think wisely and carefully before you make that initial deposit for a facility.

Acquire the proper knowledge and skills

As you are planning to start a dog kennel business, you should have lots of experience with dogs before venturing into the business. You don’t specifically need a degree or certification, but having the right certification will boost your business, increase your recommendation to others, and boost your business.

Furthermore, taking the time to serve at an animal shelter or boarding facility will improve your understanding of dogs, their behavior, habits, and health and how to run the facility efficiently when you start.

You can apply to the  International Boarding and Pet Service Association  program as a member to get the training and education skill to successfully run a dog kennel business. 

Choosing a name for the business

Now that everything is falling into place, you need a name – a catchphrase that people will remember.

  • When choosing the name ensures that it speaks about your passion, the animal, and pops your personality. 
  • It should not be too complex either; something simple straight forward and doggy would be nice.
  • It should be fun but firm, business-like, unique and unforgettable and of course, it must be easy to pronounce.
  • It should not be similar to your competition in any way – you can get sued for doing that.
  • Don’t just pick the first name; ponder over a couple of others until you find the right one.

Patents your name, logo, and slogan when you are done, it can be the only way to retain them when your business is successful.

The Equipment for the Kennel Business

If you are building your dog kennel business from scratch, then you need a lot of types of equipment to assist you in the smooth running of the business. Some basic amenities are

  • Cages, crates and small protected spaces
  • An indoor exercise area/play area
  • Grooming table
  • Drinking and eating bowls
  • Treats as rewards for good behavior
  • Office space – equipment for the office – laptop, chairs, table, writing pads, etc
  • Pool, training course
  • Beds and rest areas
  • A good waste disposal system

Furthermore, the area should be secured, security cameras should be placed around the facility, it should be well- aerated and ventilated.

It should have a vet as part of the staff team or close to a veterinary hospital in case a dog falls sick in your care.

Hire helping Hands

To run a successful dog kennel business, you need help. You can start with a couple of people – who will be in charge of taking care and supervising the overall countenance of the dogs.

As the kennel business grows, you will need a front desk staff, a manager, a groomer, trainer, and a vet.

When choosing the staff, make sure they love dogs and are passionate about the business as much as you are.

Setting the price of your services

The cost will be determined by what services you offer to potential clients. The average cost per night for a dog ranges from $30 – $50 and can go as high as $85 depending on the services that the pet enjoys.

Dogs can enjoy regular service or luxury service that cost more if your kennel also offers grooming , spa, or special offers, then the price goes up – daily, weekly or monthly as the case may be.

Dog kennels also cater for cats and other pets for parents who won’t be around for a while or need them to stay out for a while, either way, the charges are according to the services provided.

Aggressive Advertising 

You are in business to make money; hence the thought of revenue generation shouldn’t be taken lightly. It should be part of the initial plan from the start.

To beat the competition [for there will be one] is not by lowering your prices, but by being in the customer’s face always with your offers, and capability.

Place ads in a newspaper, radio shows, or TVs is a great way to start, attending dog shows, and offer services others don’t.

You can also alliance with schools, vets, and dog groups as an educator to promote the business.

Launch Date

Prepare a grand opening for this date; it will pay in the future. During the event offer, a discount for all dogs kept for that day.

Pet parents won’t keep their pets anywhere, so let your passion for the dog be on display in the presence of your clients and good knowledge about dogs will help a lot.

Well, there you have it, and good luck.

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How To Write a Business Plan for Dog Kennel Business in 9 Steps: Checklist

By alex ryzhkov, resources on dog kennel.

  • Financial Model
  • Business Plan
  • Value Proposition
  • One-Page Business Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business Model
  • Marketing Plan
  • Bundle Business Plan & Fin Model

Are you considering starting a dog kennel business? You're in luck as the pet industry is booming! According to the American Pet Products Association, spending on pets in the US hit an all-time high of $103.6 billion in 2020, and the trend is expected to continue.

If you're ready to start your own dog kennel business, there are a few steps you need to take to ensure success. First, conduct market research to determine the demand and competition in your area. Then, create a pricing strategy that makes your services competitive and profitable.

Your dog kennel's location is also critical. You'll want to choose a spot that's easily accessible for pet owners and has ample space for the dogs to play and rest. Analyzing the competition will help you differentiate your dog kennel business and stand out.

Marketing and advertising are also essential to attract customers and build your brand. Determine how you'll market your business and come up with a marketing plan that works for your budget and goals. You'll also need to figure out your funding requirements, staffing plan, and develop a business model.

With these nine steps, you'll be on your way to starting a successful dog kennel business. It takes hard work and dedication, but with a love for dogs and a passion for entrepreneurship, you can create a thriving business that makes tails wag!

Conduct Market Research

Before starting any business, it is important to conduct thorough market research. This step is crucial in determining the feasibility of your dog kennel business idea and understanding the market trends. The market research process involves gathering and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data about the industry, competitors, and target market.

To begin with, research your industry and understand the demand for dog daycare and boarding services. You can use online market research tools, industry reports, and government statistics to gather data about the market size, trends, and growth rate of the dog boarding and daycare industry. Additionally, you can talk to industry experts, veterinarians or other dog-related business owners to gain valuable insights.

Determine your target market , which includes identifying the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your potential customers. You can do this by analyzing the demand for dog boarding and daycare services in your local area and identifying the target audience's needs and preferences.

  • Consider the size of your target market and how many people in the area own dogs.
  • Study your competitors and understand how you can differentiate your kennel to cater to a specific segment of the market.
  • Find out what services your target audience is willing to pay for and adjust your services accordingly.

Next, create a pricing strategy based on your target market's willingness to pay for dog boarding and daycare services. Research the pricing structures of your competitors and identify the services they offer that may attract customers. Determine your cost of goods sold and operating expenses and set your prices accordingly.

Determine the ideal location for your kennel business based on market demand and zoning laws. Consider a location that is easily accessible by car and has enough space to accommodate outdoor play areas, kennels, and other necessary facilities.

Analyze your competition by identifying the number of kennels in your area and their respective strengths and weaknesses. Analyze their prices, services, and marketing strategies to understand how you can differentiate your business and offer unique benefits that will attract customers.

Create a marketing plan that helps your target audience understand the benefits of using your kennel business and the unique value proposition. Your marketing plan should include online and offline marketing channels, social media, advertising, and referral programs.

Determine your funding requirements by estimating the startup and operating costs associated with your kennel business, including leasing or purchasing property, equipment, staffing, marketing, and insurance.

Create a staffing plan based on the number of dogs you plan to accommodate and the services you offer. Determine the required staffing levels, job descriptions, and qualifications, and develop a training program to ensure the staff is well equipped to handle all aspects of the business.

Finally, develop a business model . This should include a revenue model, profit margins, and cash flow projections.

  • Be realistic in your projections and identify potential risks and their associated impacts on your business.
  • Review your business model after conducting market research and make necessary adjustments to improve your chances of success.

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Determine Target Market

Before opening a dog kennel business, it is important to determine who your target market is. A target market is a group of customers who are most likely to purchase your services. By identifying your target market, you can tailor your marketing efforts and services to meet their needs and preferences.

The ideal target market for a dog kennel business includes busy pet owners who travel frequently for work or pleasure. These customers would require a safe and comfortable place to leave their pets while they are away. Additionally, those who prefer not to leave their pets alone during the day may require daycare services for their pets while they are at work.

It is also important to consider the specific types of pets that your target market consists of. Some customers may have dogs that require specialized care, such as those with medical conditions or behavioral issues. Others may prefer boarding and daycare services for specific breeds or sizes of dogs.

Tips for Identifying Your Target Market:

  • Use surveys and questionnaires to gather demographic and psychographic information about your potential customers.
  • Study the needs and preferences of your competitors' customers to identify gaps in services in the market.
  • Consider the location of your business and its proximity to potential customers, as well as nearby amenities and attractions for pet owners and their pets.

By understanding the needs and preferences of your target market, you can create a tailored marketing plan and develop services that meet their specific needs. This can help you to attract and retain loyal customers while growing your business over time.

Create A Pricing Strategy

Setting the right price for your Dog Kennel Business is essential for its success. You need to make sure that the prices you charge are competitive enough to attract customers and also earn you a profit. Here are some tips to help you create a pricing strategy:

  • Research your competitors : Check out the prices that your competitors are charging for similar services. This will give you an idea of the market rate and help you decide on a competitive pricing strategy.
  • Consider your costs : Before setting your prices, make sure you factor in all the costs associated with running your business, including rent, utilities, staffing, food, and equipment. This will give you a clear understanding of your expenses and help you determine a profit margin.
  • Offer packages : Consider offering packages that include multiple services or days of boarding, as it can be more appealing to customers. Offering a discount for longer stays or multiple services can help you attract new customers and increase revenue.
  • Consider peak / off-peak pricing : During peak seasons, such as holidays or summer months, it may make sense to charge a higher price for your services since there will be an increased demand. Conversely, you may want to offer discounts during off-peak periods to encourage more business.

Once you have considered the above tips, it's time to create your pricing strategy. Decide on a pricing structure that's simple, transparent, and easy for customers to understand. Communicate your prices clearly on your website and other marketing materials, and remember to factor in any taxes or additional charges. Consider offering discounts for loyal customers or referrals to attract more business. Adjust your prices as needed based on market demand and customer feedback to ensure that your pricing strategy remains competitive and profitable.

Determine Location

Choosing the right location for your dog kennel business is crucial to its success. You need to consider various factors before deciding on a location that can accommodate your business needs and attract your target customers. Here are some important things to consider when determining the location of your dog kennel business:

  • Accessibility: The location should be easily accessible to your target customers and should have adequate parking space for their vehicles. The kennel should also be easy to find and should be located in a safe area.
  • Zoning regulations: Check the zoning laws and regulations in your area to ensure that running a dog kennel business is allowed. Some local laws may have restrictions on the number of dogs that can be kept in a single location.
  • Space requirements: Determine the amount of space you need to provide for dogs to play and sleep. Make sure you have adequate space for all the kennels, offices, and outdoor areas that you'll need to run your business efficiently.
  • Climatic conditions: Consider the climatic conditions in your area and how it may affect the dogs. Ensure that the kennels are temperature-controlled to keep the dogs comfortable in any weather.
  • Proximity to veterinary services: Look for a location that is close to a veterinarian clinic so that you can quickly access medical services for your clients' dogs.

Location Tips:

  • Consider setting up your dog kennel business in a residential area where pet ownership is high.
  • Scout out the competition and look for areas where there is a demand for a quality dog kennel business.
  • Choose an area that has ample space for outdoor activities, such as parks or hiking trails.
  • Check with the local Chamber of Commerce to see if there are any tax breaks or incentives available to businesses in the area.

Keep in mind that the location of your dog kennel business can affect your bottom line. Careful research and planning can help you find a location that meets the needs of your business and your customers alike.

Analyze Competition

Before starting your dog kennel business, it's essential to analyze your competition. Find out who else is in the market and their strengths and weaknesses. This step will help you identify gaps in the market and create a unique selling proposition. Here's what to consider when analyzing your competition:

  • Identify your competitors
  • Visit their establishments and note their facility's size, layout, and services offered
  • Get to know their target market and the prices they charge
  • Find out what marketing strategies they use, including their online presence
  • Read reviews about their services to understand customers' perception of their business
  • Make a list of all the dog kennels within your area of concern
  • Visit each establishment and ask to speak to the owner or manager to get a better understanding of their business model
  • Use online platforms such as Google reviews, Yelp, and social media to gather more information about your competitors
  • Identify what their unique selling proposition is and how you can differentiate yourself from their business model

Once you've gathered information about your competitors, analyze the data to identify opportunities in the market. The information gathered can help you shape your business model, identify areas where to improve, and develop a pricing strategy that is competitive in the market.

By analyzing your competition, you'll gain an understanding of how your competitors operate, the cost of running a dog kennel, and how to remain competitive in the market. This step is crucial in identifying niche opportunities and shaping your business strategy for long-term success.

Create A Marketing Plan

Once you have an established business plan for your dog kennel business, it's time to start thinking about how to promote your services. A comprehensive marketing plan will help you to reach your target audience and generate interest in your business.

Tip 1: Define your target audience

  • Identify the demographic group you want to serve with your dog kennel business, such as age, income, location or breed of dogs.
  • Understand your target audience's needs, interests and preferences. For example, pet owners may be interested in activities and services that offer the best care for their dogs when they are away.

Tip 2: Launch an online presence

  • Create a website that highlights your services, hours of operation, pricing and location. Include high-quality images and descriptions of your facilities and services offered.
  • Use social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, to connect with pet owners in your target market. Share pictures, videos and updates about your kennel's activities, services and promotions.

Tip 3: Attend pet events and conferences

  • Participate in pet shows, fairs and conferences to network with other pet-related businesses and connect with potential clients.
  • Hand out brochures and business cards with your business's information at these events.

Tip 4: Develop referral programs

  • Create a referral program that rewards customers for referring new clients to your business.
  • Offer discounts and promotions to customers who bring in new clients or leave positive reviews online.

Remember, a marketing plan is an ongoing process that requires constantly monitoring and tweaking your strategy to meet the needs of your customers. By using a combination of marketing tactics tailored to your audience, you can generate awareness of your dog kennel business and increase your customer base.

Determine Funding Requirements

Starting a dog kennel business requires a significant investment to get started. While the amount of money required will depend on various factors such as the location, the size of the facility, the number of dogs it can accommodate, and the services offered, it is essential to determine the funding requirements before launching the business.

The following are some of the factors to consider when determining the funding requirements:

  • Estimate the cost of the facility including rent, utilities, and insurance
  • Calculate the cost of necessary equipment and supplies such as kennels, bedding, food, and toys
  • Factor in staffing costs including wages and benefits
  • Consider the price of marketing and advertising efforts
  • Include any legal and professional fees necessary to launch the business

The funding requirements can be met through various sources:

  • Personal Savings: Many entrepreneurs choose to fund their ventures using personal savings. This is the most straightforward option as there is no need to apply for loans or give up equity.
  • Loans: Business loans are available from banks and other financial institutions. However, obtaining a loan requires a good credit score and a solid business plan. The terms of the loan will depend on the lender, and interest rates can be high.
  • Investors: For those who do not want to take out a loan, investors can be an option. Investors can provide startup capital in exchange for equity in the company. However, this means giving up some control in the business.

It is essential to determine the best source of funding based on the financial needs of the business, personal preferences, and goals.

Once the funding has been secured, it is crucial to create a budget and stick to it . A well-planned budget can prevent overspending and ensure that the necessary expenses are covered.

Determining the funding requirements is a crucial step in starting a dog kennel business. By carefully considering the costs involved and determining the best source of funding, entrepreneurs can launch their businesses with the financial resources they need to succeed.

Create A Staffing Plan

One of the most important aspects of starting a successful dog kennel business is to hire the right staff. You want a team that is caring, friendly, responsible and experienced with dogs. Here are some important things to consider when creating a staffing plan:

You need to determine how many staff members you will need to operate your dog kennel business on a daily basis. Consider how many dogs you plan to accommodate, how many staff members you will need for each shift, and any additional services you will offer like grooming or veterinary care.

Create a list of job descriptions that will help you in recruiting the right talent. Job descriptions should include an overview of the position, the qualifications required, job responsibilities, working hours and salary range.

When recruiting staff, look for people with relevant experience such as veterinary technicians, dog trainers, or dog handlers. A great way to recruit staff is to post job openings on job sites, local newspapers, or on social media platforms. You may also want to consider working with a recruitment agency that specializes in hiring staff for the pet industry.

  • Set up a comprehensive interview process that includes behavioral questions to gauge how employees may act in different situations.
  • Carry out background checks and verify references before hiring the staff.

Proper training is crucial to ensure that all staff members understand how to care for the dogs properly. Train your staff on dog behavior, first aid, feeding protocols, and emergency procedures. It’s important to ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what to do in case of an emergency situation.

Set clear expectations for your staff in terms of how you want them to handle dogs, how to present themselves professionally, and how to communicate with customers. The expectations you set will greatly impact the quality of service your customers receive and the overall running of the business.

  • Make sure your staff maintains good hygiene and cleanliness at all times.
  • Ensure all staff members sign a non-compete agreement and a confidentiality agreement.

In conclusion, having the right staff is crucial for a successful dog kennel business. With the correct recruitment, training, and management practices you will be able to establish a happy and productive team that will take great care of your customers' four-legged friends.

Develop A Business Model

With all the previous steps taken care of, it's time to develop a solid business model for your dog kennel business. Your business model should lay out a clear plan for how you intend to generate revenue, what expenses you foresee, and how you plan to make a profit.

To start, you need to identify your unique selling proposition (USP). What makes your dog kennel business different from other options in the market? Perhaps you offer specialized medical care, unique entertainment options, or top-of-the-line facilities. Whatever it is, make sure it aligns with the needs of your target market.

Next, define your revenue stream . How will you make money? Will you charge a flat rate for boarding and daycare services, or will you charge hourly rates? Don't forget to factor in add-on services such as grooming and vet care, as these can be considerable sources of income.

Once you've determined your revenue stream, estimate your expenses . Start by determining your fixed costs, such as rent, utilities, and equipment. Then, estimate your variable costs, such as food, supplies, and payroll. Be sure to factor in unexpected expenses, such as repairs or emergencies.

To calculate profit margins , subtract your total estimated expenses from your revenue stream. This will give you an idea of how much profit you should expect to make. You can then adjust your pricing strategy and services offered to ensure you are making an acceptable profit margin.

  • Consider offering promotional packages or discounts to entice new customers.
  • Keep a close eye on expenses- they can easily get out of hand.
  • Monitor your pricing strategy regularly to ensure you are still offering competitive rates.

Finally, outline your long-term plans and goals . This includes deciding if you plan to expand your facilities, increase your services, or open additional locations. Having a clear plan in place will help guide your decision-making and keep you focused on the growth and success of your dog kennel business.

Developing a solid business model is a crucial step in starting a successful dog kennel business. It's important to take the time to carefully consider all aspects of your business and create a plan that will set you up for success.

Starting a dog kennel business requires careful planning and execution. By following these 9 steps, you can create a comprehensive business plan that will help you achieve success in this industry.

Conducting market research and analyzing competition are essential first steps in determining the viability of your business idea. Creating a marketing plan and pricing strategy will help you attract and retain customers, while considering location and funding requirements are crucial to the operations side of the business.

Developing a business model and staffing plan will ensure that your kennel runs smoothly and provides the best possible care for the dogs in your care. With these steps in mind, you can create a thriving dog kennel business that benefits both the animals and their owners.

  • Conduct market research
  • Determine target market
  • Create a pricing strategy
  • Determine location
  • Analyze competition
  • Create a marketing plan
  • Determine funding requirements
  • Create a staffing plan
  • Develop a business model

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A Touch of Business

How to Start a Dog Kennel

Main Sections In This Post Steps To Starting A Dog Kennel Points to Consider Resources Knowledge Is Power Featured Video

This post provides a glimpse of dog kennel ownership and a thorough step-by-step guide.

Additionally, you’ll discover resources for the startup and operational phases of your kennel.

There’s much to absorb, so you might save this page. If you find this helpful, share the love!

Let’s get started with the steps.

Steps to Starting a Dog Kennel

Below are the steps to starting a dog kennel.

Each step is linked to a specific section, allowing you to jump to your desired section or scroll to follow the steps in order.

  • An Overview of What You’re Getting Into
  • Dog Kennel Overview
  • Researching Your Dog Kennel
  • Looking at Financials
  • Choosing A Business Location
  • Creating Your Mission Statement
  • Creating A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • Choose a Dog Kennel Name
  • Register Your Company
  • Create Your Corporate Identity
  • Writing a Business Plan
  • Banking Considerations
  • Getting the Funds for Your Operation
  • Software Setup
  • Business Insurance Considerations
  • Supplier Considerations
  • Physical Setup
  • Creating a Website
  • Create an External Support Team
  • Hiring Employees

1.  An Overview of What You’re Getting Into

Is a Dog Kennel the Dream for You?

The pivotal element in business success is, undeniably, you !

Recognizing your feelings towards owning and managing a dog kennel is vital.

The key to thriving in your enterprise is passion .

It’s the fuel that keeps you going.

When challenges surface in your passionate endeavor, you seek solutions. Without this drive, you’d probably seek an exit.

How fervent is your desire for a dog kennel of your own?

Here’s a thought experiment:

Envision being granted 5 wishes, no limits.

Here’s the big question:

Would launching a dog kennel be on your wish list?

If yes, it’s a testament to your enthusiasm for managing such a business.

But, if not, it poses a new question:

What ignites your spirit more? Maybe, that’s the direction you should go.

In essence, passion is the cornerstone for the business you kick-start. Lacking it might mean a challenging road ahead.

For More, See How Passion Affects Your Business . Also, see, Considerations Before You Start Your Business to identify key points for a new business owner.

2. Gaining an Overview of Owning a Dog Kennel

Next, let’s spend some time on key issues to give you an overview of what to expect from owning and running your business.

a.) A Quick Overview of Owning a Dog Kennel

A dog kennel is a facility where dogs are housed temporarily for a fee. This can be for various reasons such as when owners are on vacation, moving, or undergoing home renovations.

A kennel provides shelter, care, and often additional services like grooming or training.

The primary goal is to offer a safe and comfortable environment for dogs during their stay.

Tasks in Running a Dog Kennel

Dogs in the kennel need to be fed according to their dietary needs. This includes measuring out the correct amount of food, ensuring special dietary requirements are met, and maintaining a feeding schedule.

Maintaining a clean environment is critical. This involves cleaning out individual kennels, washing bedding, and sanitizing play and eating areas.

Exercise and Play:

Dogs need regular exercise and playtime to stay healthy and happy. Staff members often engage in play activities or take dogs on walks.

Health Checks:

Monitoring the health of each dog is essential. This means checking for signs of illness, ensuring medications are given as needed, and consulting with veterinarians if there are concerns.

Customer Interaction:

Interacting with dog owners is a regular part of the job. This includes checking dogs in and out, discussing care instructions, and updating owners about their pet’s stay.

Some kennels provide grooming services. This can include bathing, brushing, nail trimming, and haircuts.

Record Keeping:

Proper documentation is necessary. This includes tracking which dogs are in which kennels, recording dietary needs, logging any medications given, and keeping track of payment information.

Ensuring the smooth operation of a dog kennel involves a mix of animal care and administrative tasks, always with the well-being of the dogs at the forefront.

b.) A Key Points To Succeeding in a Dog Kennel

Building a Solid Customer Base:

The initial phase of any business is challenging. For a dog kennel, attracting your first set of customers can be tough.

It’s essential to use targeted marketing, community engagement, and word-of-mouth referrals to create a foundation of loyal customers.

Nurturing Relationships:

Success comes not just from attracting customers but also from building strong relationships with them, suppliers, and employees. Trust and loyalty are pillars of a thriving business.

Tailoring Offerings to Customer Needs:

Understanding and providing the products and services that resonate with your customers is crucial. It’s about aligning your services with the evolving demands of your clientele.

Valuable Customer Feedback:

Listening to your customers can offer insights you might overlook.

A black report cover.

By addressing genuine concerns and making improvements based on feedback, you distinguish your kennel from competitors.

Prioritizing Customer Service:

The customer experience is central. A high level of customer service fosters trust, encourages repeat business, and generates positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Delivering Value:

Beyond services, it’s the value you bring to your customers that counts.

This value can come from competitive pricing, high-quality care, or unique offerings.

Hiring Wisely:

Your team can make or break the business. Recruiting the right individuals and ensuring they fit the company culture is vital.

Effective Staff Management:

A cohesive, motivated team is a productive one. Treating staff with respect and promoting a collaborative environment is key for both employee satisfaction and retention.

Cash Flow Considerations:

A keen eye on incoming and outgoing funds ensures the business remains viable and can grow.

Balancing Costs and Quality:

While it’s crucial to manage expenses, cutting corners at the expense of quality or customer service can backfire. Finding this balance is essential.

Staying Adaptable:

The business landscape changes. Whether it’s shifts in the industry, evolving business methods, or technological advancements, staying current and adaptable is non-negotiable.

Managing Revenue Fluctuations:

There will be peak seasons and slow times. Preparing for these ups and downs by saving during prosperous times and budgeting effectively ensures stability.

Navigating Competition:

Both new and existing competitors will emerge. Continuous assessment and innovation can help you maintain a competitive edge.

Strategic Marketing:

Raising awareness of your dog kennel is foundational. Whether handled in-house or through professionals, consistent and effective marketing efforts will drive customer engagement and growth.

c.) Making Your Dog Kennel stand out

Unique Themes and Design:

A visually distinct kennel can capture attention. Consider designs that mimic home settings, or maybe adventurous themes like a safari or beachfront. This can make the environment fun for both dogs and their owners.

Specialized Care Programs:

Offer care programs tailored for specific needs like puppies, seniors, or dogs with special dietary or medical needs. By catering to niche groups, you meet the unique requirements of different dogs.

Interactive Technology:

Live-streaming cameras that allow owners to check in on their pets remotely can provide peace of mind. These systems can give owners a sense of closeness, even when they’re far away.

Education Workshops:

Host sessions on dog health, behavior, and training. This not only provides value to your customers but also positions your kennel as a hub of knowledge.

Community Involvement:

Engage with the local community by hosting dog-related events, charity drives, or partnering with local businesses. Building local ties can elevate your kennel’s reputation.

Green Initiatives:

Implementing eco-friendly practices, from using biodegradable waste bags to installing solar panels, can resonate with environmentally conscious customers.

d.) Add on Ideas for a Dog Kennel

Grooming Services:

From basic baths and nail trims to full-on spa treatments and stylish haircuts, grooming can be a lucrative addition.

Training Sessions:

Hire a certified dog trainer to offer classes or one-on-one training for dogs. This can range from basic obedience to advanced tricks.

Photography Services:

Collaborate with a professional pet photographer to capture memorable shots of dogs during their stay.

Pet Boutique:

Offer a small retail section with unique dog toys, accessories, and treats. This way, owners can shop for their pets during drop-off or pick-up.

Extended Play Areas:

Introduce specialized play areas, like water play zones or agility courses. Dogs can enjoy varied play settings, making their stay even more enjoyable.

Health and Wellness:

Partner with a local veterinarian to provide check-ups, vaccinations, or other health services. Offering wellness programs or therapies, such as massage or acupuncture for dogs, can be a unique selling point.

Pet Transportation:

Offer shuttle services to pick up and drop off pets. This convenience can be especially appealing to busy owners or those who live a distance away.

Each of these add-ons not only increases the value proposition of your kennel but also creates potential new revenue streams.

e.) Dog Kennel Models

Types of Dog Kennel Setups and Their Business Models

Traditional Boarding Kennels:

These are the conventional setups where dogs are housed in individual or shared spaces. They primarily provide shelter and basic care.

Business Model: Charge per night or duration of the stay. Rates may vary based on the size of the dog or additional care requirements.

Daycare Kennels:

Dogs are kept during the day while their owners are at work or occupied. They offer playtime, socialization, and care.

Business Model: Charge a daily rate or offer package deals for multiple days.

Luxury or Boutique Kennels:

These offer upscale amenities, such as private rooms, comfortable bedding, and spa services.

Business Model: Higher nightly rates due to premium services and facilities.

Holistic Kennels:

Focused on the overall well-being of the dog, these kennels may offer organic meals, natural therapies, and calming environments.

Business Model: Rates may be comparable to luxury kennels, with added charges for specialized treatments.

Specialized Care Kennels:

Tailored for specific needs, such as medical care, rehabilitation, or dogs with behavioral issues.

Business Model: Rates are typically higher due to the specialized attention and expertise required.

Integrated Kennels:

Combine boarding with other services like training, grooming, or retail.

Business Model: Charge for boarding and additional fees for add-on services. Some offer package deals.

Franchise Kennels:

Operate under a larger brand or chain, benefitting from brand recognition and established operational practices.

Business Model: Franchisees typically pay an initial fee and ongoing royalties. They follow pricing structures set by the franchisor.

Choosing the right business model from the beginning is crucial, as switching your model later is more challenging. Identifying a profitable and high-demand niche for your dog kennel is essential.

f.) Questions You Need to Consider for Your Dog Kennel

Questions to Ponder Before Starting Your Dog Kennel

Kennel Model Selection:

What type of dog kennel model are you considering?

Handling of Tasks:

Will you personally oversee all operations, or will you hire employees to assist?

Management Considerations:

Do you see yourself at the helm managing the day-to-day, or are you pondering hiring a seasoned manager?

Partnerships and Investments:

Are you exploring collaborations, seeking partners, or considering investors to bolster your business?

Location Decisions:

Is a cozy, home-based dog kennel your preference, or are you leaning towards a dedicated commercial space?

Operational Modalities:

If it comes into play, are you inclined towards a tangible brick-and-mortar establishment, or do you have aspirations to include online components, like reservations or virtual check-ins?

Vision for the Future:

Beyond the immediate, have you chalked out your growth trajectory? What are your expansive goals for the kennel?

Regulatory Awareness:

Have you familiarized yourself with local regulations, zoning laws, and licensing prerequisites for a dog kennel?

Initial and Recurring Expenses:

Are you privy to the financial outlay required at the outset and the running costs that’ll be a constant?

Engaging the Community:

Do you have strategies in mind to market your services and make a mark in the local pet-loving community?

Skill Augmentation:

Given the unique demands of a kennel, are there training programs or certifications you’d benefit from before diving in?

By ruminating on these questions, you’re essentially charting the course for your venture, preempting challenges, and ensuring a smoother sail as you translate your dog kennel dream into reality.

g.) Pros and Cons of Owning a Dog Kennel

Pros of running a dog kennel.

Be Your Own Boss:

There’s freedom in taking charge and making decisions without waiting for approval.

Business Autonomy:

You have the liberty to call the shots and steer the business based on your vision.

Creativity Freedom:

The business provides a canvas for your innovative ideas and strategies.

Potential High Revenue:

When managed efficiently, a dog kennel can be highly profitable.

Flexible Hours:

With a dependable team, you can adjust your working hours to fit your lifestyle.

Control Over Work Environment:

From ambiance to operations, you decide how things unfold.

Passion Meets Profession:

If you love animals, especially dogs, running a kennel aligns your profession with your passion.

Being an active member of pet-owner communities can be rewarding and help you establish strong bonds.

Diverse Service Offerings:

Beyond boarding, there are opportunities to diversify into grooming, training, and pet retail.

Cons of Running a Dog Kennel

Responsibility for Issues:

From minor hiccups to major crises, the buck stops with you.

Irregular Income:

There might be periods where income doesn’t flow in consistently, especially during non-peak seasons.

Initial Challenges:

The start-up phase can be demanding, both financially and mentally.

Customer Acquisition and Retention:

Winning and maintaining loyal customers in a competitive market is a continuous task.

Extended Working Hours:

Especially during the initial stages, expect to invest extra time to ensure things run smoothly.

Success-Related Stress:

The desire and external expectations to succeed can be stressful.

Initial Investment:

A significant outlay is often needed, from infrastructure to licensing and staff hiring.

Ever-Changing Landscape:

Adapting to market changes, new regulations, or emerging pet care trends can be challenging.

Business Risks:

From potential liabilities (like a dog getting injured) to economic downturns, risks are inherent.

Emotional Strains:

Dealing with sick or aggressive dogs, or upset customers, can take an emotional toll.

Staffing Challenges:

Finding, training, and retaining skilled staff who are equally passionate about animal welfare.

Health Risks:

Being exposed to different animals might increase the risk of zoonotic diseases or allergies.

Starting and running a dog kennel has its highs and lows, but with careful planning and dedication, it can be a fulfilling venture.

Remember, understanding the challenges ahead allows for better preparation and resilience in the face of adversity.

For more, see Pros and Cons of Starting a Small Business.

3. Research


Before you leap, it’s imperative to research .

Diving deep into research ensures you’re well-prepared for the dog kennel world. Without this knowledge, you could be caught off-guard.

Consulting Kennel Experts is invaluable.

Those who have managed dog kennels are your best resource.

Their advice is reliable and tested.

Engaging with them is a golden chance to tap into their wisdom accumulated over the years.

For guidance on connecting with these experts, I’ve crafted an article. It offers strategies on reaching out in a friendly, respectful manner. The detailed steps extend beyond this post.

However, I urge you to follow the link below for a clearer picture of the kennel landscape.

See An Inside Look Into the Business You Want To Start for all the details.

Target Audience

Overview: Understanding your target audience is vital for any business, including dog kennels.

By knowing your target market, you can create offers tailored to potential customers’ needs and interests.

This not only helps in attracting customers but also ensures that the products and services offered are aligned with their preferences, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

Target Market Ideas for a Dog Kennel:

  • Dog owners looking for boarding services.
  • Pet enthusiasts planning vacations or work-related travels.
  • Dog breeders requiring temporary housing for their pets.
  • Families undergoing home renovations or transitions.
  • Professionals who often engage in business trips.
  • Individuals looking for dog socialization opportunities.
  • People seeking specialized care or training services for their dogs.

For more, see How To Understand Your Target Market.

4. Looking at Financials:

Dog Kennel Financial Overview

This section provides insights into startup costs, ongoing expenses, potential revenue, and profit margins for a dog kennel.

Startup Cost:

To kick off your kennel successfully, it’s essential to have a clear estimate of the initial investment. Miscalculating these costs can create challenges:

Underestimating might lead to funding shortages, potentially stalling your kennel’s opening.

Overestimating could paint your kennel venture as financially risky.

Your initial investment varies based on factors like the kennel’s capacity, its location, whether you’re hiring staff, opting for new or pre-owned equipment, and choosing to rent or own the premises.

To get a clear picture, itemize every requirement and gather associated costs. During this phase, you’ll likely encounter other considerations to factor into your budget.

For more detailed information, refer to my article on Estimating Startup Costs.

Revenue and Profit:

Your kennel’s income is influenced by:

  • The attractiveness of your services.
  • Market demand for dog boarding and care.
  • Effectively promoting your kennel to the right clientele.

Profit Considerations:

True profitability isn’t just about the surplus after each transaction. It’s vital to factor in recurring costs, like rent, staff salaries, maintenance, and other operational expenses.

For your kennel to thrive, your revenue should consistently surpass these monthly outgoings, ensuring you draw a steady income.

For More, See Estimating Profitability and Revenue .

Simple Sample: Financial Lists to Consider As a Starting Point

Note: Focus on the issues more than the numbers. The numbers are samples. Your estimates will differ due to how you set up your business, location, expenses, and revenues. 

Sample Financial Lists As a Starting Point

Below are three overly simplified sample financial lists to give you a broad overview of the areas to focus on.

SAMPLE Start-Up Costs for a New Dog Kennel in the USA

  • Land or Property: $100,000 – $500,000
  • Building Construction/Renovation: $75,000 – $200,000
  • Kennel Equipment (cages, bedding, etc.): $10,000 – $30,000
  • Office Equipment (computers, phones): $2,000 – $5,000
  • Initial Marketing (website, brochures): $3,000 – $10,000
  • Licensing and Permits: $500 – $2,500
  • Insurance (liability, property): $5,000 – $15,000
  • Training and Certification: $1,000 – $3,000

Total Estimated Start-Up Costs: $196,500 – $765,500

SAMPLE Monthly Expenses for a Dog Kennel in the USA

  • Rent or Mortgage: $2,000 – $5,000
  • Utilities (electricity, water): $500 – $1,500
  • Employee Salaries: $8,000 – $20,000
  • Loan Payments: $1,000 – $4,000
  • Marketing and Advertising: $500 – $2,000
  • Pet Supplies (food, toys, etc.): $2,000 – $5,000
  • Maintenance and Repairs: $200 – $800
  • Insurance: $500 – $1,500
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: $300 – $1,000

Total Estimated Monthly Expenses: $15,000 – $40,800

SAMPLE Profit Per Sale Examples

  • Boarding (Per Day): Profit of $20 – $50
  • Grooming Services: Profit of $30 – $70
  • Training Sessions: Profit of $50 – $100

Your overall profit will depend on the monthly sales you can generate and your actual profit per sale.

These are fictitious examples meant to offer a glimpse into the considerations when planning to start your dog kennel. Adjusting startup and operational costs can dramatically sway the fate of your enterprise.

Even a small shift in profit per sale, when dealing with a high volume of sales, can significantly impact overall profits.

Remember, many fledgling businesses may take a while to turn a profit, given the initial phase of building a customer base, fostering a reputation, and streamlining operations.

Your figures will differ. Each situation is distinct, and numerous variables are at play.

It’s imperative to do thorough research. Seek out expert counsel when determining the financial blueprint for your venture — spanning from start-up expenses to potential revenues and gains.

5. Choosing The Right Business Location

The Importance of Location for Your Dog Kennel

Location’s Role in Success or Failure:

Your kennel’s location can significantly impact its success or downfall.

Demand and Business Viability:

Opening your kennel in a spot where there’s no need for boarding or dog care services can spell trouble right from the start.

Competition and Market Share:

If your chosen location is saturated with other kennels, capturing a decent market share can be challenging.

Balancing Demand and Competition:

Ideally, you’d want to set up in a place where there’s a strong demand for your services but not an overwhelming amount of competition.

Affordability Factor:

While location is critical, it’s also essential to ensure that the site fits within your budget.

High Traffic Areas:

While bustling areas can give your kennel more visibility, weigh the benefits against the potentially higher operational costs.

Evaluating Low-Cost Areas:

On the flip side, a more affordable area might seem enticing, but will it attract enough pet owners to keep your business viable?

Home-Based Kennel Option:

For those starting out or wanting a more intimate setting, operating a dog kennel from home might be a viable option, especially if most of your services don’t require massive spaces.

If the demand grows, transitioning to a commercial space is always possible.

Location is Key:

The spot you choose for your dog kennel plays a pivotal role in its success. Dedicate ample time to thorough research before settling on a final decision.

For more about business locations, see Choosing The Best Location for Your Business.

6. Create Your Mission Statement

A mission statement defines your business’s core purpose. It guides actions, sparks motivation, and reminds you of the primary value you offer to your customers and community.

Dog Kennel Mission Statement Examples:

  • “To provide a safe, loving haven for dogs, ensuring peace of mind for pet owners.”
  • “Championing canine care, comfort, and companionship in every stay.”
  • “Delivering top-tier dog boarding experiences, nurturing every pet as our own.”
  • “Empowering pet owners with trusted, exceptional care for their furry family members.”
  • “Bridging homes with a warm, secure, and playful environment for every dog guest.”

For more, see, How To Create a Mission Statement.

7. Creating A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) pinpoints what sets your business apart from competitors, highlighting your distinct advantages and offerings.

Dog Kennel USP Examples:

  • “24/7 Vet On-Site – Because Your Pet’s Health is Our Priority.”
  • “Personalized Daily Activity Schedules Tailored to Every Dog’s Needs.”
  • “Eco-Friendly Kennel: All-Natural Products and Sustainable Practices.”
  • “Home-Cooked Gourmet Meals for Every Dog, Every Day.”
  • “Real-Time Video Streaming – Watch Your Pet Play from Anywhere!”

8. Choose a Business Name

When selecting a name for your dog kennel, aim for something catchy yet suitable. The ideal name should be simple to say and linger in memory.

Remember, kennel names aren’t frequently changed, so your choice will stick with you for the kennel’s duration.

Moreover, securing a complementary domain name for your online footprint is essential. And, ensure your chosen name isn’t already claimed by another entity.

30 Dog Kennel Name Ideas to Inspire Your Selection and Craft a Unique Kennel Name:

  • Canine Comfort Cove
  • Pooch Palace Retreat
  • TailWag Towers
  • Bark Boulevard Inn
  • Paws & Play Suites
  • Doggy Dreamland
  • Woof Woods Resort
  • Four-Legged Luxury Lodge
  • Happy Tails Haven
  • Canine Castle Kennels
  • Golden Bone Retreat
  • Pup Paradise Resort
  • Hound Heaven Suites
  • Canine Cloud Nine
  • Bark Bliss Boarding
  • Serene Snout Suites
  • Tail-Chase Terrace
  • Dapper Dog Domain
  • Whisker Woods Inn
  • SerenePaws Sanctuary
  • Muzzle Meadows Retreat
  • Pawsome Palace Kennel
  • Fido’s Five-Star Resort
  • Comfy Canine Cabins
  • Elite Paws Estate
  • Woofington Manor
  • Cozy Canine Cottages
  • Bark & Breakfast Suites
  • Prestige Pup Place
  • SnuggleSnout Sanctum

For more, see the following articles:

  • How To Register a Business Name
  • Registering a Domain Name For Your Business

9. Register Your Company

Ensuring Your Business Is Legal

In the world of business, legality is paramount. For those entering the dog kennel industry, this sentiment holds. Operating within legal boundaries ensures your business’s protection and gives your customers confidence in your services.

Seek Professional Guidance

  • To ensure full legal compliance, consider consulting a professional.
  • A knowledgeable attorney or consultant can guide you through the intricacies of business registration, helping you maximize tax benefits and minimize liability.

Common Business Registrations for a Dog Kennel :

  • Sole Proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Corporation

Permits and Licenses to Consider :

  • Kennel License: Mandatory in many areas for businesses housing multiple dogs.
  • Business License: Required for operating legally within your city or county.
  • Animal Handler’s Permit: Sometimes necessary for those working directly with animals.
  • Zoning Permit: Ensures your property is zoned appropriately for housing animals.
  • Health and Safety Permits: To ensure the well-being of both dogs and employees.

Boosting Customer Confidence :

Consider making your business bondable. When customers know that all employees have undergone background checks and are bondable, trust is bolstered. Such transparency can set you apart from competitors and solidify your reputation in the community.


  • How to Register Your Business
  • How To Register a DBA
  • How to Register a Trademark
  • How to Get a Business License

Business Structures:

  • How to Choose a Business Structure
  • Pros & Cons of a Sole Proprietorship
  • How To Form an LLC
  • How To Register a Business Partnership
  • How To Form a Corporation
  • How To Choose a Business Registration Service

10. Create Your Corporate Identity

In the dog kennel industry, a Corporate ID serves as a visual representation of your business.

A Corporate ID encompasses several elements, including your logo, business cards, website, signage at your kennel, stationary, and any promotional items you might use.

For those seeking to establish a trusted presence in the dog care sector, it’s essential to maintain a consistent and professional design. This not only captivates new customers but also reinforces trust among your existing clientele.

You can see our page for an overview of your logo , business cards , website , and business sign , or see A Complete Introduction to Corporate Identity Packages.

11. Writing a Business Plan

The Importance of a Business Plan for Your Dog Kennel

A business plan is more than just paperwork; it’s a roadmap for your dog kennel.

Not only is it vital for securing funding or enticing potential investors, but it also serves as a strategic guide during the initial setup and as your kennel becomes operational.

Crafting the Vision:

Drafting a business plan demands careful thought, as it paints a picture of your kennel’s future.

This meticulous planning is an exercise in forecasting, detailing, and envisioning the specifics of your operation.

The investment in time and contemplation during this phase pays off.

With a finished plan in hand, you’ll possess both a comprehensive understanding of your startup needs and a clear strategy for daily operations.

Options for Developing Your Plan:

When constructing your business plan , remember you have flexibility:

  • Pen it independently from the ground up.
  • Engage a professional consultant.
  • Utilize an established template.
  • Employ specialized business plan software.

No matter the route you choose, active involvement is key, particularly if outsourcing the task. Ensuring your plan is both unique and accurately reflects your vision is essential.

Evolution Over Time:

Like any strategy, your business plan isn’t set in stone. As you gather insights and experience in the dog kennel industry, revisiting and refining your plan becomes beneficial.

Periodic reviews and adjustments ensure your kennel’s direction remains aligned with your evolving goals.

Simple Sample: A Fictitious Business Plan Example for a Dog Kennel

Note: The sample below offers an overview of a business plan. A professional plan will consist of multiple pages and detailed information and analysis.

Fido’s Haven Dog Kennel: Business Plan

1. Executive Summary

Business Name: Fido’s Haven Dog Kennel

Location: 1234 Bark Street, Dogtown, USA

Concept: A premium dog kennel offering specialized care routines, interactive playtimes, and tech-enabled monitoring systems.

Mission Statement: “Delivering unmatched care for dogs, nurturing every pet as our own, ensuring peace of mind for pet owners.”

2. Business Objectives

  • Achieve 80% occupancy within the first six months.
  • Introduce three new services or amenities by year two.
  • Maintain a 95% customer satisfaction rate.

3. Services Offered

  • Standard Boarding: Secure, clean spaces with daily cleaning.
  • Premium Suites: Larger rooms with toys and premium bedding.
  • Day Care: Socialization and activity for dogs during the day.
  • Live Camera Feeds: For pet owners to view their dogs remotely.

4. Market Analysis

Target Audience: Dog owners within a 20-mile radius, especially working professionals who require boarding or daycare services.

Competitive Landscape: Three other kennels in the vicinity. Fido’s Haven differentiates with premium services and tech integration.

5. Marketing and Sales Strategy

  • Online Presence: Develop a website with booking features and active social media accounts.
  • Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local pet stores, vets, and trainers for referrals.
  • Promotions: Offer discounts for first-time customers and referral incentives.

6. Operations Plan

  • Facility: 5,000 sq ft with separate zones for different activities.
  • Staffing: Initial team of five, including a manager, two caretakers, a vet technician, and a customer service representative.
  • Technology: Implement a kennel management software and set up live cameras.

7. Financial Projections

Startup Costs: Facility Setup: $50,000-$70,000 Equipment & Technology: $20,000-$30,000 Initial Marketing: $5,000-$7,000 Miscellaneous: $5,000-$10,000 Total: $80,000-$117,000

Monthly Expenses: Salaries: $10,000 Utilities & Rent: $5,000 Marketing: $1,000 Maintenance & Supplies: $2,000 Miscellaneous: $500 Total: $18,500

Projected Revenue: Year 1: $250,000 Year 2: $320,000

8. Conclusion

Fido’s Haven Dog Kennel is poised to offer unparalleled services in the Dogtown region. With a dedicated team, state-of-the-art facilities, and a robust marketing strategy, we aim to set the gold standard in dog care.

Note: This is a fictitious business plan created as a sample. Ensure to conduct comprehensive research and seek expert advice for your specific business context.

For information on creating your business plan, see, How to Write a Business Plan.

12. Banking Considerations

Consider selecting a local bank that emphasizes support for dog kennel businesses.

Having a distinct business account ensures your kennel-related expenses are kept separate from personal expenditures. This is beneficial even for kennels that initiate as sole proprietorships.

Consequently, monitoring expenses becomes straightforward, streamlining bookkeeping, and offering verification during tax audits.

Building a professional bond with your bank representative is beneficial. They can guide you with tailored advice and financial solutions, and expedite your application processes.

Moreover, you might want to think about obtaining a merchant account or an equivalent system to process credit and debit card payments for your kennel services.

For more, see, How to Open a Business Bank Account. You may also want to look at, What Is a Merchant Account and How to Get One.

13. Getting the Funds for Your Operation

Getting the funds to start and operate a dog kennel can be a challenging endeavor.

Whether you’re setting up a small, home-based operation or a larger facility, securing the right amount of capital is crucial.

There are several funding options available for aspiring dog kennel owners, ranging from traditional lenders like banks to private loans, investors, or even liquidating personal assets.

Some entrepreneurs might also consider using personal properties as collateral to secure their loans. If you need a loan to kickstart your business, utilize the tips in this section.

When meeting with a loan officer, consider the following:

  • Clearly state the purpose of the loan.
  • Detail how you intend to repay it.
  • Highlight the potential profitability of your kennel.
  • Discuss your personal and business credit history.

Sample list of documents needed:

  • Business plan with projections.
  • Personal financial statement.
  • Credit report.
  • Proof of collateral.
  • Licenses or permits specific to the kennel industry.

Remember, preparing thoroughly will increase your chances of securing the necessary funds.

See, Getting a Small Business Loan for more.

14. Software Setup

Dog Kennel Software Considerations

Launching your dog kennel requires the right software to streamline operations. Starting with the right program from the outset is crucial.

Transferring data between systems later can be cumbersome. Opt for software providers with longevity; this suggests reliable ongoing support.

Always check for demo versions before committing. Reviews and forums can offer user insights that may sway your decision. Financial management is another concern.

A suitable program for expenses and tax preparations is a must. Your accountant or bookkeeper can offer valuable recommendations.

Software Suggestions for a Dog Kennel:

  • Kennel Management Software : Handles reservations, pet profiles, and scheduling.
  • Financial Tracking Software : Monitors expenses and income.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) : Manages client communications and appointments.
  • Inventory Management : Tracks supplies like food and toys.
  • Payroll and HR Software : Useful if you’re hiring; manages payments and records.
  • Tax Preparation Software : Simplifies the tax filing process.

Selecting the right software sets a strong foundation for your kennel’s operations.

Check out Google’s latest search results for software packages for a dog kennel.

15. Get The Right Business Insurance

Insurance Considerations for Your Dog Kennel

Importance of Timely Insurance:

Unexpected situations can arise without warning. It’s crucial to secure the appropriate insurance coverage before your dog kennel opens its doors.

This preparation ensures protection for your customers, staff, property, and even yourself.

Types of Coverage to Consider:

  • Professional Liability Insurance: It safeguards you against potential lawsuits, ensuring your peace of mind.
  • Interruption Insurance: In the unfortunate event of unforeseen incidents leading to temporary closure, this insurance acts as a financial buffer, keeping your kennel afloat during trying times.
  • Home-Based Business Insurance: If you’re operating or overseeing the kennel from your residence, it’s vital to notify your home insurance provider. Overlooking this step might invalidate your current home insurance.

Seeking Expertise:

Engaging a knowledgeable insurance broker is beneficial. Their expertise ensures that your dog kennel gets comprehensive coverage tailored to its unique needs.

Concerns When Seeking Insurance for a Dog Kennel :

  • Potential injuries to dogs under your care.
  • Damages or theft of kennel property or equipment.
  • Liability from dog-related incidents, e.g., bites or escapes.
  • Employee injuries on the job.
  • Natural disasters affecting the kennel’s operation.
  • Legal fees stemming from potential lawsuits.
  • Income loss during enforced closures or rebuilds.
  • The inclusion of care, custody, or control liability coverage.
  • Whether the policy offers coverage for transporting dogs, if applicable.
  • Clarification on any policy exclusions or limitations.

For more, see What to Know About Business Insurance . You can also browse the latest Google search results for dog kennel insurance .

16. Suppliers & Inventory

Choosing Suppliers for Your Dog Kennel

Essential Supplies for a Dog Kennel :

  • Dog food and treats.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting supplies.
  • Bedding and kennel crates.
  • Toys and entertainment for dogs.
  • Grooming tools and products.
  • Medication and first aid supplies.
  • Fencing and security equipment.
  • Training tools and equipment.
  • Maintenance tools for the facility.
  • Office supplies for administrative tasks.

Building Strong Supplier Relationships :

A dependable and trustworthy supplier is a cornerstone of your kennel’s success. Such partnerships ensure:

  • Competitive pricing, translating to potential savings for your customers and improved profit margins for your business.
  • Consistent stock availability, ensuring seamless kennel operations.

It’s essential to cultivate mutual respect and ensure that both parties see financial benefits. This approach fortifies the relationship and promotes reliability and cooperation.

Inventory Management :

Stocking What’s Desired :

Focus on items your customers prioritize, whether it’s specialized foods, certain toys, or grooming services. Providing variety enhances appeal, catering to a broader client base, and increasing perceived value.

Balancing Inventory Levels :

The art of inventory management lies in balance:

  • Excessive stock ties up financial resources that could be more effectively utilized elsewhere.
  • Insufficient stock can lead to missed sales opportunities.

Remember to consider expiry dates, especially for perishable products like certain foods or medications. It’s wasteful to stock items nearing their expiration. Striking the right balance is paramount for efficient operations and customer satisfaction.

For More See, How To Choose a Supplier.

17. Physical Setup

A dog kennel’s physical setup encompasses the arrangement and design of its facilities to ensure the well-being and safety of the dogs under its care.

The layout typically comprises various areas dedicated to different aspects of the kennel’s operation.

The primary focus is on providing a comfortable and secure environment for the dogs.

The kennel layout often includes:

  • Spacious indoor enclosures that are well-ventilated and climate-controlled, providing the dogs with a suitable shelter from harsh weather conditions.
  • Outdoor play areas or yards designed to allow the dogs to exercise, socialize, and enjoy some fresh air.

Separate spaces for:

  • Sanitation facilities
  • Waste disposal systems

To establish a dog kennel that conveys professionalism and facilitates smooth operations, strategic placement of signage is crucial.

The main business sign should be prominently installed at the entrance to ensure clear visibility to visitors and potential clients.

In addition to the main business sign, a comprehensive signage plan should be implemented throughout the premises.

These signs should be positioned strategically in relevant locations, such as:

  • Parking lots
  • Special areas

Clear and well-designed signs effectively guide visitors, clients, and staff to their intended destinations, promoting a sense of organization and professionalism.

Signage in the parking lot assists visitors in finding designated parking spaces and directing them towards the main entrance.

Exit signs help individuals locate emergency exits easily, promoting safety and swift evacuation if required.

Signage designating special areas, like designated play zones or training facilities, ensures efficient utilization of the kennel’s amenities.

Office Setup:

An efficiently organized office is crucial for managing a dog kennel’s operations effectively.

The office serves as the nerve center of the business, where administrative tasks, client interactions, and staff management take place.

Ensuring that the office is fully equipped and optimized for productivity is paramount.

A well-equipped office should have essential furniture, such as:

  • Storage units

Office supplies including:

  • Communication tools

This facilitates a comfortable and functional work environment.

Moreover, the office setup should consider the need for organization and accessibility.

Implementing effective filing systems for records, client information, and operational documents simplifies information retrieval and promotes orderliness.

Creating designated spaces for different tasks, such as client consultations or staff meetings, ensures that activities can be carried out without unnecessary disruptions.

An optimized office layout and equipped workspace significantly contribute to streamlining the management of the dog kennel, allowing owners and staff to dedicate more time to the smooth running of the facility and providing the best possible care for the dogs under their supervision.

See, Here are Considerations for The Setup of Your Office, for tips and ideas to make your office work for you. Also, have a look at our article About Company Signs.

18. Creating a Website

Benefits of Having a Website for a Dog Kennel:

Having a website for your dog kennel offers numerous advantages that can enhance your business and customer interactions.

A website serves as a virtual presence, enabling you to reach a broader audience and showcase your services. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Increased Visibility and Reach: A website allows you to extend your kennel’s visibility beyond local boundaries. Potential customers searching online for dog boarding or pet care services can easily find and learn about your kennel, no matter where they are located.
  • Convenient Information Access: Your website acts as an informative platform where customers can access essential details about your kennel, such as operating hours, services offered, and pricing. This accessibility makes it convenient for customers to gather the information they need before making a decision.
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Your website becomes a communication hub, enabling you to engage with customers more effectively. You can provide contact forms or email addresses for inquiries, feedback, or reservations, making it easier for customers to interact with your kennel.
  • Showcasing Expertise and Trust Building: By utilizing your website as a marketing tool, you can establish yourself as an industry expert. Regularly updating a blog section where you share valuable tips, insights, and advice tailored to your customers’ needs demonstrates your knowledge and expertise. This builds trust and credibility, fostering stronger relationships with potential and existing clients.
  • Online Marketing Opportunities: A website offers various marketing opportunities. You can promote special offers, seasonal discounts, or showcase customer testimonials to attract more visitors to your kennel. Utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques can help improve your website’s visibility on search engines, driving more organic traffic.
  • Streamlined Booking and Reservations: Integrating an online booking system on your website streamlines the reservation process for clients. This user-friendly feature enables customers to book their pets’ stay easily, increasing convenience for both the pet owners and your staff.
  • Visual Portfolio and Testimonials: A website allows you to showcase your kennel’s facilities, pet play areas, and grooming services through photos and videos. Accompanying these visuals with customer testimonials can further persuade potential customers to choose your kennel for their furry friends.
  • 24/7 Availability: Unlike physical locations, a website is accessible 24/7, allowing potential customers to explore your services at any time. This flexibility caters to various schedules, making it easier for prospective clients to find and connect with your kennel.

In conclusion, having a website for your dog kennel presents a multitude of benefits, ranging from increased visibility and convenient information access to establishing your expertise and building trust with customers.

By leveraging your website as a marketing tool, you can attract more customers and boost sales, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of your kennel business.

For more, see How to Build a Website for Your Business .

19. Create an External Support Team

Building Your Dog Kennel Support Team

Having an external team of professionals for your dog kennel business is essential. These are experts you can lean on for advice and specific services, yet they’re not regular employees.

You might engage them for particular projects, tasks, or on a contract basis, whether hourly or as part of a retainer agreement.

While you might already collaborate with some professionals, recognizing them as part of your extended team emphasizes their role and can guide you in expanding your network.

There’s no need to assemble this team before launching your kennel, as cultivating these professional relationships takes time.

However, continuously nurturing and expanding this network should be a priority.

A robust support team stands ready to assist when challenges arise. Your lineup might include:

  • Veterinarian : For health checks and emergencies.
  • Accountant : To keep your finances in order.
  • Lawyer : For legal advice, especially concerning pet liabilities.
  • Financial Advisor : To ensure your business remains profitable.
  • Marketing Specialist : To enhance your kennel’s visibility and customer reach.
  • Technical Advisors : For IT and security solutions.
  • Consultants : To advise on best practices for dog care and facility management.

For more, see, Building a Team of Professional Advisors for Your Business.

20. Hiring Employees

At the early stages of operating your dog kennel , you might consider handling all tasks yourself to keep costs down. If manageable, this approach can be a good idea, as payroll expenses can be significant, especially during the initial phase.

However, as your dog kennel begins to grow , you may find it challenging to manage and operate the business single-handedly, leading you to consider hiring employees.

It is essential to hire qualified individuals with good work ethics for each available position. Selecting employees who are a good fit will significantly improve productivity and the overall operations of the kennel.

The following are job positions or outsourced services you may want to consider as your dog kennel grows:

  • Kennel Attendants: Responsible for the daily care and well-being of the dogs, including feeding, exercise, and cleaning of kennels.
  • Groomers: Skilled professionals who provide bathing, grooming, and pet hygiene services to keep the dogs clean and comfortable.
  • Trainers: Expert trainers who conduct obedience training, behavior modification, and socialization programs for the dogs.
  • Receptionists: To handle customer inquiries, bookings, and administrative tasks, providing a welcoming and organized experience for clients.
  • Veterinarians or Veterinary Technicians: For on-site medical care, health checks, and handling any emergencies that may arise.
  • Marketing Specialist: To manage the kennel’s online presence, advertising, and promotional activities, attracting more clients.
  • Accountant or Bookkeeper: For financial management, ensuring accurate bookkeeping, and handling financial reports.
  • Maintenance Personnel: To maintain and repair kennel facilities, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for the dogs.
  • Customer Service Representatives: To address customer concerns, provide assistance, and maintain excellent client relationships.
  • Cleaning Services: Outsourced cleaning services to maintain a hygienic and pleasant environment for the dogs and their owners.

Remember, as your dog kennel continues to grow, investing in a capable and dedicated team will not only relieve your workload but also contribute to the kennel’s success and reputation.

For more, see, How and When to Hire a New Employee.

Points To Consider

Hours of operation:.

Hours of Operation for a Dog Kennel:

When determining the hours of operation for a dog kennel, consider the following options:

  • Regular Business Hours: Open on weekdays from Monday to Friday, typically from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. This schedule accommodates working pet owners who drop off and pick up their dogs before and after work.
  • Extended Hours: Offer extended hours on weekdays, such as from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. This can cater to clients with early morning or late evening commitments.
  • Weekend Hours: Open on weekends, preferably on Saturdays and Sundays, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This accommodates clients who require pet care over the weekend.
  • Holiday Hours: Consider operating during holidays and special occasions, but with reduced hours, like from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. This helps pet owners who may need care for their dogs during holiday periods.
  • Half-Day Options: Offer half-day services, either in the mornings or afternoons, to cater to clients who only require short-term care.
  • 24/7 Boarding: Provide 24/7 boarding services for pet owners who need overnight care for their dogs while they are away.
  • Appointment-Based Services: Offer appointment-based services for grooming, training, or medical care, which allows for flexibility in scheduling.

Remember to strike a balance between meeting the needs of your clients and ensuring that your kennel staff has enough time to attend to the dogs’ care, exercise, and other responsibilities throughout the day.

It is essential to communicate your hours of operation clearly on your website, social media platforms, and any marketing materials to keep clients informed and manage their expectations effectively.

A List of Equipment and Supplies to Consider for a Dog Kennel:

Kennel Infrastructure:

  • Dog runs or enclosures.
  • Isolation units for sick or aggressive dogs.
  • Indoor play areas.
  • Outdoor play areas with secure fencing.
  • Grooming stations.
  • Washing and drying stations.

Kennel Comfort:

  • Dog beds or cots.
  • Blankets and bedding materials.
  • Heated floors or heat lamps for colder regions.
  • Cooling fans or air conditioning for warmer regions.
  • Soundproofing or noise reduction panels.

Hygiene & Cleaning:

  • Disinfectants and cleaning solutions.
  • Pressure washers or hose-down systems.
  • Brooms, mops, and buckets.
  • Waste disposal bins and poop scoopers.
  • Laundry machines for washing bedding and toys.

Safety & Security:

  • Security cameras and surveillance systems.
  • Fire extinguishers and smoke detectors.
  • First aid kits.
  • Secure storage for dogs’ medications.
  • Emergency generators.

Grooming Tools (if offering grooming services):

  • Professional dog clippers.
  • Scissors and thinning shears.
  • Grooming tables.
  • Brushes and combs.
  • Nail clippers and grinders.
  • Dog dryers.

Office & Administration:

  • Computers and kennel management software.
  • Telephone system.
  • Filing cabinets or document organizers.
  • Desks and chairs.
  • Point-of-sale system for payment processing.

Dog Care & Entertainment:

  • Dog toys (balls, ropes, chew toys).
  • Feeding bowls and water dishes.
  • Automatic water dispensers.
  • Leashes, collars, and harnesses.
  • Training tools (clickers, treats).


  • Storage bins for dog food.
  • Refrigerator for storing perishable treats and medications.
  • Signage for the facility (outside and inside).
  • Entry mats for cleanliness.
  • Vehicle (vans or trucks) for transportation services, if offered.

Acquiring the proper equipment ensures the safety, comfort, and well-being of the dogs, thus contributing positively to the kennel’s reputation and operational success.

Marketing Considerations

Attracting Customers to Your Dog Kennel

A dog kennel bereft of furry guests is just an empty space. Your primary mission in the early stages is to let pet owners know you’re open for business.

This initial phase can be challenging since you’re the new kid on the block, and pet owners might be loyal to existing kennels.

However, as you continue to provide excellent care and services, your reputation will grow.

Over time, positive word-of-mouth will do wonders, and with each marketing campaign, you’ll refine your approach, making it more effective.

Promotion for your kennel isn’t a one-time thing. It’s a continuous journey. The effort you put into spreading the word directly correlates with the bookings you receive.

You’re not obligated to hire a professional marketer or agency. Many kennel owners have found success through grassroots marketing and community engagement.

Remember, at its core, marketing is about making your presence felt, and there’s no shortage of opportunities to shine a spotlight on your kennel.

As a starting point, see the article below.

See our article How To Get Customers Through the Door

Potential Partnership Opportunities for a Dog Kennel

Veterinary Clinics:

Pet owners trust their vets. A recommendation from a vet for your kennel can go a long way. In return, you can recommend your clients to their clinic for check-ups and other health concerns.

Pet Supply Stores :

They cater to pet owners daily, making them a good fit for a referral partnership. You can offer their customers discounts or special packages, and in return, recommend your clients to their store for supplies.

Dog Groomers:

While some kennels offer grooming services, many don’t. Partnering with a local groomer can offer your clients additional services. In return, the groomer can refer their clients who need boarding services to your kennel.

Pet Trainers:

Some pet owners might be looking for behavior training or obedience classes. A partnership with trainers can be beneficial for both parties.

These are becoming increasingly popular. A partnership can lead to fun events or promotions that benefit both businesses.

Dog Walkers:

They often interact with pet owners who might need boarding services when they’re out of town. In exchange, you can refer pet owners who might need their dogs walked on a regular basis.

Pet Photographers:

Offering a photoshoot package with a stay at your kennel can attract clients. In turn, the photographer can refer clients who need boarding services.

Real Estate Agents:

People who are moving or selling their homes might need temporary accommodation for their pets. A partnership with local real estate agents can be beneficial.

Local Boutiques and Cafes:

Consider partnering with non-pet related businesses that cater to a similar clientele. For instance, a boutique could hand out your brochures to customers, and in return, you can offer their clients a discount.

Collaborative partnerships are about mutual benefit. When approaching potential partners, highlight how the collaboration can benefit both parties and the added value it provides to customers.

Marketing Offers

Ideas to Attract New Customers:

  • Introductory Discount: Offer a 20% discount for first-time boarders.
  • Free Day Stay: Let new clients experience your services with a complimentary day’s stay.
  • Buddy Referral: Encourage current clients to refer friends in exchange for a discount on their next visit.
  • Package Deals: Offer package deals for extended stays, e.g., “Book 6 days, get the 7th free!”
  • Seasonal Promotions: Have special offers during holidays or peak vacation seasons.

Ideas for Existing Customers:

  • Loyalty Card: After a certain number of stays, offer a free day or discount.
  • Birthday Special: Offer a discount or special treat for pets on their birthdays.
  • Exclusive Events: Host a “Customer Appreciation Day” with activities and treats.
  • Feedback Reward: Offer a discount for customers who leave a review.
  • Monthly Newsletter: Share kennel updates, pet care tips, and exclusive offers.

Classified Ads:

  • First-Time at Our Kennel? Enjoy a 20% discount on your pet’s first stay with us!
  • Discover Quality Care! Try our kennel with a complimentary day’s stay. Limited slots available.
  • Want More Bang for Your Bark? Exclusive package deals for extended stays now available.
  • Pet Deserve a Vacation Too! Book their stay with us and experience premium care.
  • Your Pet’s Home Away from Home! Secure, fun, and loving environment awaits.

Newspaper Display Ads:

  • Headline: “Where Pets Feel at Home!” Your furry friend deserves only the best. Our state-of-the-art kennel facilities offer play areas, professional grooming, and personalized care. Book now and experience the difference.
  • Headline: “Paws and Relax!” Choose our kennel for premium boarding services. Our dedicated staff ensures your pet’s happiness and well-being. Limited spaces available – reserve yours today!
  • Headline: “More Than Just a Kennel!” From play sessions to grooming spa treatments, we offer an all-inclusive stay for your beloved pet. Dive into our special deals and give your pet the vacation they deserve.
  • Headline: “Because They’re Family!” Experience peace of mind knowing your pet is in the hands of caring professionals. Secure spots, interactive activities, and a loving environment – Book now!
  • Headline: “Loyal Companions Deserve Loyal Care!” Our kennel is tailored for your pet’s comfort and enjoyment. Explore our facilities and special offers. Ensuring your pet’s happiness is our priority.

Simple Marketing Ideas 

Local Newspapers : Placing an ad or getting a feature in your local newspaper can introduce your kennel to the community.

Community Bulletin Boards: Post fliers or brochures in local grocery stores, cafes, and community centers.

Social Media : Create profiles for your kennel on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Share photos, testimonials, and promotions.

Local Events: Sponsor or set up a booth at local events, dog shows, or farmers’ markets.

Word of Mouth: Encourage satisfied clients to spread the word, and consider implementing a referral program.

Open House: Host an open house event where potential clients can tour the facility and meet the staff.

Google Business Business Profile  Register your kennel on Google Business profile to appear in local searches and collect reviews.

Partnerships: Collaborate with local pet stores, veterinarians, and groomers for mutual referrals.

Direct Mail: Send postcards or promotional materials to local neighborhoods offering special discounts.

Local Radio : A short ad or feature on a local radio station can reach a broad audience in your community.

See our marketing section for articles that will provide ideas to bring awareness to your business.

Overview: Focusing on your skill set and assessing if you possess the necessary abilities to operate a dog kennel is crucial.

Recognizing any skill gaps allows you to address them by learning or hiring appropriately.

Essential Skills for a Dog Kennel Owner:

  • Animal Care Knowledge: Proficiency in caring for various dog breeds, understanding their behavior, and ensuring their well-being.
  • Customer Service: Ability to provide exceptional service, communicate effectively, and handle customer inquiries and concerns.
  • Business Management: Skills in managing operations, finances, and staff to ensure smooth kennel functioning.
  • Organizational Skills: Capability to schedule appointments, manage bookings, and maintain a well-structured kennel environment.
  • Problem-Solving: Aptitude for handling unexpected situations and making quick decisions for the dogs’ safety and welfare.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Knowledge of marketing strategies to attract clients and promote the kennel’s services.
  • Health and Safety Compliance: Understanding and implementing health regulations and safety protocols for the dogs and staff.
  • Leadership: Ability to lead and motivate a team, promoting a positive work environment.
  • Grooming and Training Expertise: Proficiency in grooming practices and training techniques to offer comprehensive pet care.
  • Time Management: Efficiently managing time to balance kennel responsibilities and customer needs effectively.

Expert Tips

Examining expert tips is beneficial for both experts and novices to enhance their skill set.

Experts can discover easier methods or gain new perspectives on techniques.

Novices, on the other hand, can learn valuable tips to improve their skills and knowledge significantly. Embracing expert advice fosters continuous growth and development, regardless of one’s level of expertise.

See the latest search results for expert dog kennel tips to gain tips and insights.

In this section, you will find valuable resources related to the dog kennel industry.

These resources lead to search results containing the latest and most popular information. Whether you are in the startup phase or fully operational, utilizing these resources can be beneficial.

By exploring these materials, you can gain a better understanding of the dog kennel industry and access valuable tips for enhancing your kennel business.

Trends and Statistics

Examining industry trends and statistics for a dog kennel offers valuable insights.

It enables informed decision-making, keeps the business updated with current practices, identifies growth opportunities, and allows for the implementation of effective strategies to stay competitive in the market.

See the latest search results for trends and statistics related to the dog kennel industry.

Dog Kennel Associations

Trade associations provide several advantages, such as keeping members informed about industry news and offering networking opportunities.

The benefits become more pronounced when associations host events, facilitating valuable connections and knowledge sharing within the industry.

See the search results related to dog kennel associations.

Top Dog Kennel

Analyzing an established dog kennel can inspire ideas for identifying gaps in the industry to implement in your business or uncover overlooked aspects that need improvement.

Studying successful kennels provides valuable insights for enhancing your own operations and services.

See the latest search results for the top dog kennels.

The Future of the Dog Kennel Industry

Researching the industry’s future offers prospective dog kennel owners valuable insights and foresight.

It helps in understanding potential trends, demands, and opportunities, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning to set up a successful and sustainable business.

See the search results for the future of the dog kennel industry.

Researching industry prices when starting a dog kennel provides valuable information about pricing standards and market trends.

This helps in setting competitive rates, developing a realistic pricing strategy, and ensuring financial sustainability for the kennel business.

See the latest dog kennel prices.

Dog Kennels for Sale

When considering buying an existing dog kennel, weigh the pros and cons.

Benefits of Purchasing an Established Dog Kennel:

  • Immediate Revenue Generation.
  • Avoidance of Startup Phase.
  • Proven Business Model.
  • Clear Knowledge of Revenue, Profit, and Expenses.
  • Existing Customer Base.
  • Established Reputation.


  • Higher Cost Due to Goodwill (Customer Base Purchase).
  • Potential Customer Loss if Changing Current Operations.
  • The Reputation, Both Good and Bad, Comes with the Purchase.

Even if there isn’t an exact match for a dog kennel for sale, it’s worth exploring available options in the same industry through the following link.

Businesses for sale: See the latest results for a dog kennel and others related to this business model.

Franchise Opportunities Related to a Dog Kennel

Considering a dog kennel franchise comes with both advantages and disadvantages, making it essential to explore before starting your business. Additionally, exploring such opportunities might reveal aspects related to a dog kennel that you hadn’t previously considered.

Pros of Buying a Dog Kennel Franchise:

  • Proven Business Model: Simply follow the corporate office’s plan.
  • Established Reputation and Marketing: Benefit from the franchise’s existing brand recognition.
  • In-depth Knowledge: You receive comprehensive information about the business beforehand.
  • Corporate Support: Access to support and guidance from the corporate office.
  • Expense: Initial investment can be substantial.
  • Limited Autonomy: Major changes require corporate approval.
  • Restricted Offerings: Limited to approved products and services.
  • Contractual Obligations: Must adhere to the terms of the franchise agreement.
  • Ongoing Franchise Fees: Regular fees for continuing the franchise.

Even if there isn’t an exact match for a dog kennel franchise, you can explore opportunities in the same industry through the following link.

See the latest search results for franchise opportunities related to this industry.

Knowledge Is Power if You Use It!

In the world of dog kennels, knowledge is a powerful tool!

You can access a wealth of industry information online. Check out the links in the following sections for valuable insights to use during research, startup, and full operation of your dog kennel business.

Customer Expectations

Exploring search results for customer expectations in a dog kennel offers valuable insights from the customer’s perspective.

It provides an opportunity to meet and surpass their needs, address any potential overlooked issues, and ensure comprehensive service offerings to enhance customer satisfaction.

See the search results related to customer expectations for a dog kennel.

Dog Kennel Insights

See the latest search results leading to resources about  Dog Kennel Insights.

Dog Kennel Publications

Publications are a valuable resource for staying informed about the latest information in the dog kennel industry.

They offer updates, industry insights, and relevant content to keep you knowledgeable and up-to-date in the field.

See the search results for Dog Kennel publications.

Dog Kennel Forums

Engaging in dog kennel forums fosters discussions and relationships with industry members while offering valuable insights from customers’ perspectives.

Understanding their viewpoints provides invaluable information for improving your services and strengthening customer relationships.

See the latest search results related to Dog Kennel forums.

Courses, whether online or at local educational institutions, provide an excellent opportunity to learn, improve skills, and expand knowledge.

They offer a valuable way to enhance expertise and stay updated in your field.

See the latest courses related to Dog Kennel Management  and our management articles to provide insights and tips on managing Your business.

Dog Kennel Blogs

Subscribing to dog kennel blogs provides ideas and industry updates.

Subscribe to several and evaluate their content, unsubscribing from those lacking updates or value. This creates a valuable collection of blogs for a constant flow of relevant information.

Look at the latest search results for dog kennel blogs to follow.

Dog Kennel News

Following the news is an excellent way to stay updated with the Dog Kennel industry and related topics.

By setting up alerts, you can receive notifications whenever new stories are covered by the media.

Videos about the dog kennel industry provide valuable tips, insights, and an opportunity to become more familiar with the field.

YouTube’s related videos also offer additional topics you may not have considered, expanding your knowledge further.

See the links to YouTube Videos Below.

  • Videos related to starting a dog kennel can be found here.

Privacy Overview

Opening a dog kennel business

Update: January 2, 2024

By: Tom Macken

How to open up a dog kennel business

The market for pet boarding globally reached a value of $19.5 billion in 2021, and it is projected to surge to nearly $36 billion by 2031. This growth is primarily fueled by the increasing number of pet owners and their demand for top-notch care and accommodation for their beloved dogs. Learn how you can establish your own dog kennel business.

What is a dog kennel business?

A dog boarding business involves providing temporary accommodation and care for dogs. These facilities can vary in size, from small-scale operations based in homes to larger establishments capable of housing numerous dogs simultaneously.

The primary objective of a dog boarding business is to offer a secure and comfortable environment where dogs can stay when their owners are away on vacation, business trips, or unable to care for them. Additional services such as grooming, training, and socialization may also be provided by some kennels.

Individuals or larger entities like animal shelters or pet stores can operate dog boarding businesses. Certain kennels may specialize in specific dog breeds or cater to dogs with specific needs, while others may offer comprehensive services for dogs of all types.

Running a successful dog boarding business necessitates a genuine love for dogs, extensive knowledge of dog behavior and care, and a strong work ethic. Understanding the legal and regulatory obligations associated with operating such a business, including licensing, zoning, and insurance, is also vital.

8 tips for starting a dog kennel business

1. form your legal business.

When setting up a dog kennel business, you’ll need to think about what business structure will work best, including registering your company with the appropriate authorities, both locally and nationally. 

Many would-be company owners struggle to make sense of the differences among an LLC, a sole proprietorship, a partnership, and other business structures, much alone settling on one. 

A company incorporation service can help you determine the best business structure for your  company based on factors like the level of liability protection you require, the laws of the state in which your company will operate, tax filings requirements and the type of license you will need to legally sell your service and products. 

In the case of dog kennel businesses, we advise you to choose one of these legal forms:

  • An LLC might have a single owner or several owners.
  • A corporation

In the U.S, limited liability companies (LLCs) are favored over sole proprietorships because their owners are shielded from personal liability for corporate debts and obligations.

Naming your dog kennel business

The process of naming your dog kennel enterprise may be a lot of fun. Create a list of terms that best describe your company’s values and goals. Then, put those words to use in creating new, meaningful two-word and three-word combinations. 

Try mixing and matching words that signify the same thing to hear what you come up with. Last but not least, check online to see whether the company name you want to use has already been taken.

2. Setup your Business Bank Account 

Depending on your needs and the amount of money you want to deposit, there are different kinds of business accounts you can setup for your dog kennel business including:

  • Checking Accounts: The most typical form of business bank account. Opening a company checking account is simple and provides a number of advantages. Having a bank account means you may quickly and simply add or remove funds as your needs change. You may use your checking account to pay bills and vendors by writing checks.
  • Savings account: With the return you may receive on your savings, it’s a terrific way to build up a rainy-day fund for your dog kennel company. Savings accounts, on the other hand, may have withdrawal restrictions and provide lower interest rates than checking accounts.

Before deciding on a bank account, it’s a good idea to do a comparison of different business banks for features and fees, including FinTech banks with very competitive benefits of no monthly fees, no minimum balances and an unlimited number of transactions compared to traditional high street bank offerings. 

3. Organize Your Accounting, Taxes & Credit Card reader

Setting up a reliable accounting system will allow dog kennel business owners to keep tabs on all kinds of financial transactions from sales (income & invoicing), purchases (expenditure), liabilities (bank loan funding) to taxes due to the IRS or similar. 

The books for your dog kennel business can be organized in a few ways:

  • Online accounting software , including QuickBooks and Wave , are available.
  • Get a professional accountant to assist you

If you choose to handle things on your own, pick a system that is intuitive and simple to use. When your accounting system is ready, you can begin recording your earnings and spending. If you want to save money, you can now see exactly where it’s being spent meaning future budgeting is simplified as a result.

Spice business owners should be careful to maintain a consistent schedule of accounting maintenance. This calls for putting time in your calendar on a regular basis to check your books and make any necessary changes. While this may appear to be a lot of extra effort, it will ultimately save you time and energy.

Before you can start your own company, you have to get yourself registered for a number of different taxes, both federal and state, first. Your business has to submit an application for an EIN (Employer Identification Number), which is a simple process and is free of charge. Doing so will allow you to register for taxes.

Through the Internal Revenue Service’s website, you can obtain your EIN. There are certain taxes imposed by states that might be applicable to the operation of your firm. 

Credit card readers

Dog kennels will of course need to take payment for the services and products they provide. Having access to a low-cost POS card machine is essential to ensure your business can take payment from your customers in a quick and easy manner. 

A card reader such as the Payanywhere Smart Terminal offers a simple pricing model, next day funds in your bank account, integrates with your Quickbooks accounting software and can also provide valuable data insights into sales trends, inventory management and customer behavior.

4. Launch your dog kennel website & social media

A stunning site for your fresh dog kennel company can be created very easily via:

  • DIY building the business website yourself using a Page Builder or
  • Hiring a qualified web designer to build effective landing pages that can drive new leads for your business using high-quality photos, videos, and other visual components that are in keeping with your brand’s aesthetic.

Having a slick, mobile-optimized website has numerous benefits for any business including: 

  • Attracting new customers 24/7, showcasing your services and products at any time 
  • Credibility , making it easier to attract and retain customers 
  • Online presence for Google searches actively looking for dog kennel services in your area
  • Customer engagement by helping to engage with customers regarding business info, photos, videos, feedback forms as well as contact forms
  • Branding A website can help businesses establish and reinforce their brand identity, by incorporating their logo, color scheme, and other branding elements into the design.

Marketing & Social Media

Social media including Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Twitter are powerful tools for a dog kennel business as they can increase your business visibility, ability to engage with customers, establish and reinforce brand identity, and gather valuable data insights to improve marketing strategies.

Platforms such as Instagram and Facebook alone have billions of active users, providing a  dog kennel business with an opportunity to increase its visibility and reach a wider audience.

Direct Marketing can also be used in the form of Facebook and Google online ads on these platforms to market services and products to potential customers. dog kennel businesses can use targeted ads to reach specific demographics and interests and use the campaign data to make informed decisions about your next marketing campaigns to drive more sales.

5. Create a Brand Identity for your dog kennel

To differentiate your company from your competitors, you’ll need to take some time to prepare and concentrate on how you want your consumers to feel & develop a unique personality for your dog kennel business. From the logo’s design to the brand’s color scheme, there is a lot to think about. 

A unique and memorable logo for your business can be professionally created by a talented Graphic Designer from a Logo Design service. 

Hiring a logo design service can save a business time and money by eliminating the need to spend hours researching and creating a logo and a high-quality logo can be designed quickly and efficiently.

The steps to think about include: 

  • 1). Establish the vision and values that guide your dog kennel company. What are you hoping to accomplish with your company? When people consider your dog kennel brand, what do you want them to feel? 
  • 2). Go with a color palette that conveys who you are as a business. Colors say a lot regarding a product or service. If you’re stuck for inspiration, research competing products in your field to discover what colors they’re using.
  • 3). Create a distinctive logo for your dog kennel line. This is the first thing that customers will associate with your brand, therefore it has to be striking. Get in touch with an expert designer to develop a logo that captures the essence of your company while also looking great.
  • 4). Make sure your branding is the same across all platforms. This should include your website banners to your business cards, your logo and color palette are always consistent with your brand. As a result, your brand’s identity will be strengthened and your company’s name recognition will increase.

Making a name for your dog kennel company is unlikely to be as difficult as you would think. Creating a brand that sticks with consumers requires zeroing down on the company’s raison d’etre and core principles. A distinct identity for your dog kennel business may be developed with some forethought and imagination. 

6. Develop a Business Plan for your new dog kennel

A well-developed business plan is a crucial tool for any entrepreneur looking to start a successful business. The plan should include your dog kennel company’s mission and vision, target audience, product offerings, marketing and sales strategies, and financial projections. 

The business plan should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that the business is on track to meet its goals.

A business strategy should cover the following:

  • Market Analysis: An in-depth look at how the market for bricklayers is doing now and how it could grow.
  • Business Summary: A description of your new dog kennel business, including its purpose, goods or services, and target market.
  • Business Strategy: A thorough plan that explains how the business is going to reach its goals.
  • Financial Strategy: How much money you expect to make, spend, and need for cash.
  • Marketing Plan: How the business will sell itself and what strategies and methods will be used.
  • Operations: This is an account of the business’s working methods and practices.

7. Get Financing for your dog kennel business

For your dog kennel business, you can use personal savings or decide to use financing solutions for your new venture and you’ll have different options to consider which may work best: A bank loan, crowdfunding, investors or something different. 

A clear, detailed, and comprehensive business and financial strategy is usually expected by banks or other partners from whom you seek for funding. To launch a firm, you could require funding from a bank, credit union, or the Small firm Administration (SBA). 

The average cost to start a dog kennel business can vary widely, depending on several factors such as location, size of the kennel, and level of services offered. However, according to some estimates, the initial investment to start a small-scale dog kennel business can range from $10,000 to $50,000, while larger kennels or those with more amenities can cost upwards of $100,000 or more.

This initial investment includes the cost of property, fencing, kennel runs, dog beds, food and water dishes, licensing and permits, insurance, marketing and advertising, employee salaries and benefits, and other operating costs. The cost of property can be a significant expense, particularly in urban or suburban areas, where real estate prices can be high.

8. Business setup essentials

When establishing a dog kennel business, there are various important factors to consider, including:

Acquiring necessary licenses and permits

Obtaining the required licenses and permits is a vital step in starting a dog kennel business. It ensures compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. Specific licenses and permits may differ depending on the kennel’s location, so thorough research on the area’s requirements is crucial.

Some common licenses and permits may include a business license, animal welfare license, zoning permit, and building permit. In certain cases, kennel operators may need a special permit or certification to handle specific dog breeds or offer particular services.

Finding a suitable location

The kennel’s location should be easily accessible to customers and facilitate convenient drop-offs and pick-ups. Compliance with local zoning regulations and adequate space to accommodate the number of dogs housed are essential considerations.

Factors to assess when selecting a location include the facility’s size and layout, availability of utilities and necessary infrastructure, and the local environment, including nearby parks or trails for exercise and outdoor activities. Safety measures like proper fencing and security protocols to prevent escapes or theft should also be in place.

Considering the competition in the area is important to gauge demand for services and identify market gaps or opportunities.

Equipment and supplies

Ensuring the health and safety of dogs in your care requires essential equipment and supplies, such as:

  • Kennels: Opt for high-quality, comfortable, and secure kennels that are easy to clean and provide sufficient space for each dog.
  • Food and water dishes: Choose stainless steel or plastic bowls for feeding.
  • Grooming equipment: Have brushes, combs, clippers, and other grooming tools on hand for proper care.
  • Cleaning supplies: Stock disinfectants, paper towels, brooms, and mops to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Play equipment: Provide toys and stimulating items to promote exercise and well-being.
  • Medical equipment: Keep a first-aid kit and necessary medical supplies for any potential emergencies.

Developing policies and procedures for animal care, safety, and sanitation

Implementing comprehensive policies and procedures regarding animal care, safety, and sanitation is vital for a successful dog kennel business. Key policies and procedures include:

  • Health checks: Conduct thorough health assessments for all dogs before admission.
  • Vaccinations: Enforce up-to-date vaccination requirements to prevent disease transmission.
  • Feeding: Customize feeding according to individual dog needs and preferences.
  • Exercise: Ensure adequate exercise and playtime for dogs’ physical and mental well-being.
  • Sanitation: Maintain regular cleaning and disinfection routines to prevent germ spread.
  • Safety: Implement measures to secure kennels and eliminate hazards that could harm dogs.

Hiring and training employees as needed

A thriving dog kennel business relies on dedicated and well-trained employees. Key steps in this process include:

  • Hiring individuals passionate about working with dogs and possessing animal care experience.
  • Providing training on policies, procedures, animal handling, and customer service.
  • Setting clear expectations, offering feedback, and promoting adherence to safety protocols.

Building relationships with suppliers and service providers

Establishing strong relationships with reliable suppliers and service providers is crucial for a dog kennel business. These relationships ensure access to high-quality products and services at competitive prices. Consider the following steps:

  • Research and compare suppliers and service providers to find the best fit.
  • Establish clear expectations for product and service quality, delivery times, and pricing.
  • Maintain open communication channels to address any issues or concerns.

Marketing and sales strategy

Developing an effective marketing and sales strategy is essential for attracting and retaining customers. Consider the following strategies:

  • Build a strong brand identity that reflects your values and services.
  • Create a user-friendly website showcasing your offerings and amenities, including an online booking system.
  • Leverage social media platforms to expand reach and engage with your audience.
  • Develop partnerships with other pet-related businesses to broaden your customer base.
  • Set appropriate pricing strategies, including package deals, discounts for repeat customers, and additional services to increase revenue.

Website and social media presence

In today’s digital landscape, having a website and active social media presence is crucial. A well-designed website can showcase services, rates, facilities, and enable online bookings. Social media profiles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide opportunities for engagement, sharing educational content, and displaying dogs in your care. Regularly updating content and ensuring mobile-friendliness enhances user experience.

Liability insurance

Given the inherent risks involved, obtaining liability insurance is imperative for a dog kennel business. It safeguards against potential accidents, injuries, or illnesses, covering legal fees, settlements, or damages that may arise. Understanding the coverage, limits, and deductibles is crucial when selecting an insurance provider, with industry-specific experience being advantageous.

Building relationships with local vets and pet care professionals

Establishing strong ties with veterinarians and pet care professionals offers several benefits. They can provide referrals, enhance dog care expertise, and potentially offer complementary services. Engaging with the local community through events, direct outreach, or special promotions can foster relationships and strengthen your business’s value proposition.

Training needed to open a dog kennel business?

The guidelines and requirements for opening a dog kennel business can differ depending on the state and local jurisdiction. It is crucial to thoroughly research and adhere to all relevant regulations in your specific area. Some typical regulations for dog kennels may include:

Obtaining licenses and permits: Most states mandate a license to operate a commercial dog kennel, and additional permits or zoning approvals may be required by local jurisdictions.

  • Meeting facility standards: Regulations may outline specific criteria for the size and layout of kennel runs, fencing, ventilation, lighting, as well as requirements for sanitation, pest control, and waste disposal.
  • Ensuring staff qualifications: Regulations may stipulate requirements for staff training, qualifications, background checks, and staffing ratios based on the number of dogs boarded.
  • Adhering to animal care standards: Regulations may specify guidelines for the care and treatment of boarded dogs, encompassing aspects such as feeding, exercise, and medical care.
  • Prioritizing health and safety: Regulations may encompass disease prevention and control measures, as well as the development of emergency preparedness and response plans.
  • Securing insurance: Many states mandate dog kennels to carry liability insurance, and additional insurance requirements may exist at the local level.

Regulations for opening a dog kennel business?

Operating a dog kennel business effectively requires a blend of practical expertise and business acumen. Here are some essential training and skills necessary for running a successful dog kennel business:

  • Animal care: A comprehensive grasp of animal behavior, health, and nutrition is vital to provide top-notch care for the dogs in your kennel. Enhance your knowledge in these areas by enrolling in classes related to veterinary medicine, animal behavior, and nutrition.
  • Business management: A strong foundation in business skills, including financial management, marketing, and customer service, is crucial for the smooth operation of a dog kennel business. Consider taking business courses or seeking guidance from a business consultant to develop and refine these skills.
  • Staff management: If you plan to hire employees for your kennel, cultivating skills in employee management, such as hiring, training, and performance evaluation, becomes essential.
  • Customer service: Delivering exceptional customer service is paramount in establishing trust and fostering customer loyalty for your dog kennel business. Consider enrolling in customer service or hospitality courses to enhance your customer service skills.
  • Safety and first aid: Proficiency in basic safety protocols and first aid for dogs is critical to ensure the well-being and safety of the dogs in your care. Consider enrolling in pet first aid and CPR courses to gain the necessary knowledge and skills in this area.

How profitable is a dog kennel?

The profitability of dog kennels can vary, with typical profit margins falling between 10% and 35%. On average, the profit margin tends to hover around 20%. It’s important to note that these figures are approximations are influenced by competition levels, costs, and the level of demand.

Do you need a license to board dogs?

Commercial dog boarding businesses in the U.S. generally require a license to operate. The specific licensing criteria vary from state to state and may encompass regulations regarding facility standards, staff qualifications, and insurance obligations.

How much do I need to start a dog kennel business?

Starting costs for a dog kennel business can range from around $10,000 to $50,000 for smaller-scale kennels, while larger facilities may require an investment of $100,000 or more due to various factors, including the kennel’s location, size, and range of services provided.

the dog kennel business plan

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How to Start a $60K/Month Dog Boarding Business (2024)

the dog kennel business plan

Do you love dogs? What if you could harness your affection for animals to provide a fun and safe place for pets to hang out while their owners go about their routines, vacations, and unexpected events?

According to the latest statistics, Americans recently adopted new pets at a staggering rate, especially dogs. reports that 49% of Americans adopted a new dog during the early COVID pandemic. 

If you ever thought about working with dogs, here’s your cue to secure the rewarding livelihood that a dog boarding business can provide.

We interviewed Larry Fosnick Davis and his wife. They conditioned their Seattle-based dog daycare and boarding business, Metro Dog Seattle , for continued success.

With all the great insight Larry offered, we were able to compile this step-by-step guide to help you start your very own boarding business. Keep reading to find out if opening a dog daycare is the right business for you.

Step 1: Learn more about pet boarding

A lady and a cute dog on a red leash

Let’s start with an overall view of the pet care services industry.

What is dog boarding?

Simply put, dog boarding is the act of caring for dogs while their owners are away. Boarding facilities charge a set fee to pet owners for an agreed-upon length of stay.

The goal is to provide a safe and fun place for animals to lodge when pet owners have obligations to attend to or want their animals to socialize. Simple, right?

Learn the lingo

Learn the “dog words” associated with this business by checking out this glossary published by the American Kennel Club (AKC), a leading authority on dogs in the United States.

Study other terminology sources, such as this grooming glossary provided by Petco.  

Trade organizations

The good news is that there are wonderful organizations that set standards for the doggy care industry. Here are a few notable ones.

The AKC is a respected, 130-year-old non-profit organization dedicated to canine pets. Turn to them for expert advice on breeds, behavior, products, and services.

The Cat Fanciers’ Association ( CFA ) and Alley Cat Allies provide information for feline pets.

Other international and national organizations

Related trade organizations for animal lodging and care include:

  • The International Boarding & Pet Services Association (IBPSA)
  • National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS)
  • National Dog Groomers Association of America (NDGAA)

Last time we checked, organizations like these are an excellent place to dig up some research. So be sure to go out and do it.


Pick up a copy of Pet Boarding and Daycare magazine and leap into this list of other pet-related publications .


A man working on his laptop

Research if Professional Pet Boarding Certification ( PPBC ) might help you achieve credibility in your desired market.

Other certification programs are available through the IBPSA , NAPPS , and NDGAA .

After all, earning a certificate from a respected organization could be a good selling point to set you apart from the local competition. It makes sense, right?

Step 2: Pick up some training and experience

You’ll want to fetch some training and experience. There’s a lot that goes into caring for dogs, so you’ll need to be sure you have what it takes to keep both them and their owners happy. Let’s get into it.

Now let’s go over some skills you’ll need to operate a boarding business confidently. Technical abilities are a must.

Of equal importance is nurturing the soft skills furry four-legged friends need to feel safe and secure. Let me explain.

Technical abilities

Complete a course on pet handling techniques like low-stress and fear-free . According to Larry, these skills—along with pet first-aid—are essential to pet owners.

The public as a whole started to realize how important it was that their hired caregivers have the same sort of qualifications that you might find in a human daycare provider.

Pursue additional training in the following areas:

  • Pet safe cleaning and sanitation to limit the spread of disease
  • Breed knowledge to understand their various needs
  • Grooming, such as nail clipping, brushing, and bathing

Soft skills

OK, I know what you’re thinking: what about those soft skills? Here are some tips on techniques to learn and practice:

  • Clear communication because owners love their pets and want to talk about them!
  • Patience because you will need to learn and adapt to many personalities, both human and pet.
  • Empathy because you’ll be caring for someone’s best buddy, often considered a family member.

In truth, treating each pet as your own will be the key to success in this business.

Reference material

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) maintains an engaging library on dog care that I recommend you review and save to your favorites list to reference as needed.

A laptop with and a white notebook on a desk

Gain experience by jumping at the chance to:

  • Work for a boarding business.
  • Walk dogs or pet sit with apps like or Wag .
  • Work in a related field, such as for a veterinarian, groomer, or animal shelter.
  • Watch pets for friends and family.
  • Take a pet first-aid class, like the one offered by Metro Dog .

Pets at home are OK, but not enough

Prior experience with pets, not just the ones at home, is highly recommended because you will need to determine if you can:

  • Physically handle different breeds and sizes of dogs.
  • Deal with various personalities and behaviors.
  • Properly feed, medicate, and groom them.
  • Know how to recognize issues that require you to call a veterinarian or the owner.

The best part is that experience is easily accessible and, in many cases, requires no formal education or training.

Step 3: Decide what type of animal boarding business is right for you

When you think of the ubiquitousness of pets and how much people love them, the number of pet business ideas from which you can profit is wide open and very promising.

As such, boarding kennels can trail off into several different directions, so you’ll want to know which is best for you.

Prepare yourself for this important decision by taking IBPSA’s complimentary webinar on business models . The following sections offer some specific points to consider. Keep reading.

At-home kennels

There are two types of home-based kennels: at the customer’s home or in your home. And here’s a fun fact: Experts feel this is a wonderful option for anxious dogs .

If you offer this arrangement, be transparent about other pets and pet guests in the home and the conditions of the house. Consider setting up a meet-and-greet with prospective customers.

Before trotting off in this direction, check local laws and ordinances , especially if you’re a renter.

Pet sitting and dog walking

A lady walking the dog in a park

Larry and his wife started small. Initially, they sat pets and walked dogs for extra income. Two decades later, they invested $700k to open a larger location to serve as a local “community center for pets.”

Please keep it simple by registering with a service like, a bookings portal for sitters and dog walkers. Also, read this article on how to start a  pet sitting business .


Don’t snooze on offering dog sitting as part of housesitting as these services are often combined and allow you to travel to exciting destinations. 

Like pet sitting and dog walking, housesitting is an excellent way to begin your business with limited start-up funds.

Investigate how to start a dog kennel

Kennel-based animal care facilities might be what most people think of for boarding. There are crated and private room facilities, like The Doggy Dorm . There are even crate-free layouts, like at Dogs Unleashed .

If you’ve got the resources to make it happen, consider opening a brick-and-mortar location. Big or small, physical space will provide the most freedom to allow you to accept more furry guests than doing it at home.

Start a doggy daycare at a veterinarian’s office

If you are a veterinarian, then assess how to offer kenneling as an additional service. Pets with age-related or health issues usually benefit from this amenity.

Include cats and other pets

Tips for boarding other types of pets are available on

Larry and his wife diversified their services to include daycare, boarding, pet sitting, walking, first-aid training, and more, made possible by their years of experience in the industry.

Some providers endorse and sell products, such as personalized tags and collars, shampoos, and collapsible dog dens .

Larry says retail is new for his business and, while speaking about Metro Dog’s new location, mentions: 

In addition:

So, don’t be afraid to add on products and services related to pets.

Step 4: Write a dog boarding business plan

A book on how to write a business plan

You’re super excited about the idea of making tons of fluffy friends, right?

So, let’s document a plan to put this idea in motion. A business plan is crucial, and we have advice and resources to help.

Sniff out the market

Before drafting your business plan, it’s best to analyze the market. Tease out your target audience and local options for pet lodging. Here’s the magic: you’ll land in a better position to make intelligent decisions.

Be specific

No matter the type of business, the sections of a business plan are the same. Make it a practical, living document by delving into specifics within each area.

Specific items to highlight in your kennel business plan are:

  • Additional services you might provide
  • Answering the question, “Are there kennels in my area?”
  • The best location for starting a dog kennel 
  • Financial projections and costs, especially as the business grows
  • Pet boarding kennel insurance to provide adequate coverage
  • Regulations for being a pet boarding business owner
  • The unique competitive advantage of your professional dog kennel

When you’re ready to play ball, use our in-depth guide that comes with a free business plan template.

Be flexible

We’ve all done it: create a beautiful plan on paper only to realize that bringing it to life requires adjustments.

Larry says:

When we did our original business plan, it looked great on paper. But in practice, many of the ideas were not as great as we thought and required a change in paradigm.

The bottom line is that while you need to go through the exercise of writing a business plan, it’s not a static document. Just remember to be flexible and embrace change, and everything will work out.

Step 5: Choose the right name for your pet care business

After figuring out your boarding business model, devise a memorable and playful name. Let me show you how.

Have fun, but leave some wiggle room

Make sure the name is easy to spell, pronounceable, and gives strangers some idea of what your business does. 

For instance, Room & Bark Boarding Services is light and easy to say, and there’s no guessing what the enterprise offers. 

Are you not sold on cute and quirky names? Then try sleek and elegant or something that includes your location, like South Austin Pet Lounge or Metro Dog Seattle.

Try to ensure it won’t need changing in the future because that can be troublesome and expensive.

Hang a tag with a brand

A book about choosing the right brand name for a business

Remember branding when choosing a name because it’s like a shiny label your business wears to distinguish itself from others. 

Ask yourself how your name will look on a logo or graphics and an image you might incorporate that complements your selected moniker. Learn more in the sales and marketing section (Step 13) of this guide.

Gobble up a dot com

Check to see if your business name is available as a  dot com . Using one for your website will give you an established look and make your virtual address easier to remember. 

Search for available domain names and dig into UpFlip’s guide on creating a website . Give it a go!

What if I buy an existing business?

In most cases, boarding kennels that are “for sale by owner” already have a name. Research the business’ reputation to decide if you want to keep the name or rebrand with a new one.

Chew on a bit of feedback

Run your name through Google Trends and seek your friends’ and family members’ feedback.

Google Trends will tell you what searches are trending on the Internet, while your friends and family will just tell you their opinions. 

After that, you decide, but it can’t hurt to hear what others think, especially if they’re looking out for your best interests.


If all looks good and you’re ready to make it official, then register your business name with the government.

Step 6: What is legally required to start a dog daycare business?

Selecting a  legal structure is like placing your doggie daycare in the right-sized crate. The truth is, this step is usually beyond the expertise of many entrepreneurs.

So, expect to incur costs engaging the services of an accountant, attorney, and tax professional. The best part is, many of these professionals make excellent business coaches !

Licenses and permits

Figure out what licenses, permits, and tax forms you’ll need . It all depends on your location and the services offered. For example, your city might have a barking ordinance. It’s understandable.

Evaluate how to set up your business as one of the following:

Sole proprietorship The easiest option, but doesn’t protect personal assets.
Limited liability corporation Protects personal assets and provides tax advantages but has time-consuming administrative requirements.
Franchise It’s an agreement to sell services for a franchisor in exchange for an already established business, sort of like a pre-assembled doghouse.
Corporation or partnership A less likely option because most pet boarding businesses employ fewer than 50 people. Learn more on .


As expected, dealing with live animals and their byproducts merits a figurative collar and leash to control the effects on the facility, community, and environment. Learn about regulations in your locale and comply with them.

For example, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency ( OhioEPA ) has precise rules about animal waste. Non-compliance can result in serious penalties. Don’t let this be you.

Step 7: Select a location

Larry and his wife found a dog daycare location in 2001. He says:

We found a suitable location in August 2001 and signed the lease a month later. We opened for business November of that year.

The location you can have or access goes paw-in-paw with the type of boarding business you can own. Let me explain.

How much does it cost to build a dog boarding facility?

A brick-and-mortar location requires you to investigate the feasibility of building a new facility, leasing a space, or buying an existing building.

While investigating, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I find a dog boarding business for sale in the area where I want to do business?
  • Is there commercial leasing for a pet boarding business near me?
  • What’s the proximity to similar boarding facilities?
  • What are the area’s demographics, and how do they compare to my targeted customer base?

Dig a little deeper by making these inquiries:

  • Is this location the right size for the services I want to offer?
  • Should I buy a  business for sale ?
  • What utilities and infrastructure are needed?
  • What are the zoning laws for my type of business?

A quick note about leasing a commercial property

Investigate the condition of the property to ensure business disruptions will be minimal. At least make sure the building passed its code inspections.

Nevertheless, some things are unavoidable, like when Larry’s landlord closed his whole building for two weeks —r ight in the middle of the busy summer boarding season — to upgrade the electrical system.

Designing a kennel or at-home location

The right location and design will elevate you to alpha status in this business.

The Barkleigh Store (cute name) sells a book on how to design a kennel . Information for an at-home operation is also available in Upflip’s guide on starting a  pet sitting business .

No matter your location, zoning is super-important. Learn as much as you can so that you don’t bark up the wrong tree with local authorities, especially the public health department.

Step 8: Hire the right people

Now let’s consider your labor options. Like Larry and his wife, you could start on your own or with a partner, at least until business picks up.

Limiting staff keeps costs down without worrying about whether you can pay employees fairly and keep them around. It’s a perfect option if you plan to start with walking and sitting gigs rather than a full-on boarding facility.

However, hiring someone who has experience could get things off the ground sooner rather than later if you have the money to do it.

Just be sure that whomever you hire has the same level of passion for pet care as you and that they’re comfortable and confident working with dogs of all breeds and sizes.

For inspiration, view this kennel attendant job description and interview questions .

If you bring on some helping hands, use the following checklist to comply with employment laws:

  • Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS.
  • Keep employment tax records per this guide provided by the IRS.
  • Pay federal unemployment tax.
  • Hang Workplace Posters in a visible spot.

Step 9: Stock your boarding facility with equipment and supplies

However you decide to outfit your boarding business, just remember that cleanliness and organization are your keys to success. Now let’s go over the equipment and supplies you’ll need.

If you’re planning to start small like Larry and his wife, only basic supplies and equipment are needed. 

It should include the following:

  • Hands-free leash and waist pack
  • Pet first-aid kit
  • Treats and water

For an extensive list of pet-sitting supplies, have a look at this guide from Pet Sitters International.


For those opening a brick-and-mortar boarding business, there’s quite a bit more to consider. 

Most importantly, the days of crated dog care are on their way out, as many dog owners now prefer cage-free environments for their precious companions.

Overnight boarding

Have some crates and large kennels for overnight care. 

To keep up with the progression of daytime dog care, customers prefer open areas where dogs can socialize and play.

Indoor and outdoor spaces

Cutting-edge boarding facilities include indoor and outdoor spaces, so you’ll want to consider materials for outfitting both if that’s the route you take. The Home Depot offers a delightful collection of dog playground equipment .

Cleaning and sanitizing

Once you build a safe and secure space for your four-legged guests, you’ll need plenty of cleaning supplies to keep everything sanitized. 

Pick up basic grooming supplies, like bathing stations , soaps, shampoos, plenty of towels, and nail trimmers.

There are so many whimsical and clever ways to decorate a pet-focused business. Take advantage of the possibilities and be creative! 

Larry says this about his new facility, “It’s also bright on colors and lighting. Even during the public health inspection, the inspector commented on how nice and bright it is.”

If you’re looking for inspiration, then check out what has to offer.

Step 10: Incorporate safety protocols for boarding kennels

A white keyboard with the word "protocol"

The most important part of dog boarding is keeping your furry guests safe and healthy. After all, that’s why their owners brought them to you. The safety of you and your staff is also a top priority.

As we mentioned earlier, you and your employees will need training in first aid for dogs. Keep contact information for each pup’s veterinarian on file.

It wouldn’t hurt to have a working relationship with a local vet’s office, just to be safe. Being up to speed on basic human first-aid will also be helpful in the case of a  bite or other injuries.

Meet and greet

Require a “ trial day ” to help prevent incidents. During the evaluation, closely monitor new dogs to get to know them. 

Be sure you and your staff can accommodate and address any anxiety and behavioral issues your pet guest presents.

Require all clients to provide vaccination records for their dogs to limit the spread of illness and disease. All dogs should also be spayed and neutered.

In addition, discuss these areas in your safety plan:

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance
  • General things that can go wrong and how to handle them
  • Regular inspections for safety issues
  • Working conditions per Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements

Step 11: Get the right insurance

I’ve been there, thinking there’s insurance for everything nowadays. You’re probably asking if you need to take on that extra expense. The short answer is a resounding yes.

Insurance protects your business if something happens to a dog, you, or your property. General liability insurance is a must because it covers bodily injury, property damage, and medical payments — all-important for a pet business.

On average, kennels spend $300 to $700 for every $1m in coverage, which is about what other types of businesses spend on this type of insurance policy.

Other types of coverage to consider are:

  • Commercial property insurance
  • Commercial umbrella insurance
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Home-based business insurance

Make it a priority to spend some time reading more about insurance for kennels .

Step 12: Handle your kenneling costs and revenue with a sound financial plan

Monthly revenue of business

It’s time to talk finances. Ambling in this area will prevent your kennel business from covering the ground it needs to succeed. Let me explain.

Bank account

Accounting, taxes, and money flow are easier to manage in one location, such as a business bank account for all your business transactions. Some businesses even set up a separate account for payroll .

A well-thought-out budget is like a dog gate to secure your finances by keeping them where you want them to be.

If numbers aren’t your thing, explore affordable budgeting courses from and Coursera . 

Manage your budget with an application like Xero or QuickBooks.

Ways to acquire funds for your new business include the following:

  • Angel investor or venture capitalist
  • Credit cards
  • Crowdfunding
  • Government programs
  • Home equity loan
  • Partnership
  • Personal funding
  • Loans from friends or family
  • Loans from a lending institution
  • Rollover for business startups (ROBS)

Each option has its pros and cons . Take a look at this SBA guide for an introduction to business funding to learn more.

Pricing is a mysterious obstacle faced by many business owners. Take control of it by determining the value of your service. Start by researching your market and competition.

Refer to the market analysis section of your business plan, check the prices in that market, and then use the information to determine your value proposition on the price of kenneling dogs or cats.

How much is dog boarding?

Most boarding businesses charge by the day, with the option for add-on services like grooming.

The American Pet Products Association ( APPA ) publishes market research every other year, informing what consumers spend and other significant data. Give it a chance.

Keep in mind that you might need to increase prices annually to keep up with minimum wage increases and inflation.

You might be wondering how much a dog boarding business makes. 

For Metro Dog Seattle’s first two years, the salary from Larry’s full-time job supported the business. After the start-up period, however, revenues grew enough to employ Larry and his wife full-time.

Although Larry and his wife opened the doors in 2001, weathering economic and global events over the years, within the last five years, his revenue increased from $660k to over $800k annually. Not bad.

Cuddle up to this dog daycare cash flow . See what the average consumer spends annually on pet ownership — including boarding costs — on .

Step 13: Kick-off a sales and marketing campaign

Marketing attracts customers, and sales bring in revenue. Be the leader of the pack by following the advice in the sections below.

Know your customer

Here’s the magic: Tapping into the pet care services market won’t be difficult as consumers are already spending tons of money on pet hotel costs.

In fact, according to recent Economic Census statistics , consumer spending on pet care services totaled $5.8bn. Think about that for a minute.

Figure out what your ideal customer looks like by creating a  customer avatar . Keep reading.

Partnerships and Specials

Build relationships with other entrepreneurs. Veterinarians, pet stores, and groomers might be open to exchanging service promotions.

For instance, “Buds N Suds” grooming can provide their customers a unique promotional code to redeem with your business for 10% off your services—or vice versa.

At Metro Dogs, Larry offers special deals for foster and service dogs. Think about what this could mean for your business.

Establish a logo and brand identity

DIY or hire a graphic designer to develop a simple and effective logo and brand identity. Branding is your visual introduction to the public, so be sure to do the work required. 

While you’re at it, follow Forbes’ expert advice for small businesses. It provides excellent guidance for establishing your:

  • Tone – Are you professional, casual, or funny?
  • Values – What’s important, and how will you communicate it?
  • Blog – Because 81% of readers trust the information.

You can DIY your logo and brand identity, but if it’s too time-consuming, then consider hiring a freelancer to assist.

Digital marketing

The digital age all but demands a strong strategy for online marketing. You’ll fare much better if you set up a website, social media profiles, and email newsletter subscriptions.

If you’re interested in going further, buy digital ads, try search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, and set up a digital business card with Popl .

A fun fact is that featured snippets can establish you as a dog-boarding authority. It’s worth your time to learn how to optimize for these in your web-based content.

Printed marketing collateral

Include printed materials in your marketing strategies, such as brochures, car magnets, flyers, door hangers, t-shirts, and other printed items. Take advantage of the robust templates and graphics-editing tools on .

Direct contact

Direct contact can be effective. Visit dog parks or even try cold calls to fetch initial clients.

Professional appearance as a walking advertisement for your business

Sales and marketing tactics are super important, but what reigns supreme is your level of service and how you represent your business.

Maintain a clean and organized facility. Provide efficient and friendly service to match. Implement neat uniforms, even if it’s simply a branded polo shirt .

Proactively seek reviews and respond to negative reviews professionally.

Take it from Larry, who says:

The achievements we’re most proud of are what our clients have to say about us.

Media outlets

Don’t leave traditional media outlets out of your marketing plan because they can still provide great exposure for your business.

Television talk shows interviewed Larry and his wife, and he’s written articles about pet safety. The Seattle Times quoted him about safety hikes with dogs, and the couple demonstrates pet first aid at events. 

Step 14: Establish sound business processes for daily operations

Business process maps might seem like something giant corporations pay consultants tens of thousands of dollars to create. 

However, they’re a simple tool that any entrepreneur can use to:

  • Establish operational processes.
  • Create customer-facing materials.
  • Deploy new products and services.
  • Work through the ideal and alternative paths of daily processes.

LucidChart has several excellent tutorials , videos , and a free cloud-based application to get you started.

Well-thought-out processes will also give you a better idea of which tasks to delegate to staff. Use them as a starting point for a   policies and procedures manual .

Key processes to document

Here are a few ideas of process diagrams you can create to document your business operations:

  • Acclimating new pet guests
  • Answering pet parents’ questions and concerns
  • Handling incidents
  • Laying out the facility
  • Keeping people and pets separate and secure
  • Processing payments and reconciling accounts
  • Running the back office and providing administrative support
  • Sanitizing on a schedule and performing the related activities
  • Scheduling exercise, feeding, and grooming

Refer to this article by AKC Pet Insurance to guide you to the kinds of processes you might need.

A white notebook with a red and black pen

After mapping your processes, set expectations of acceptable and prohibited behavior (by staff and customers) with clearly written policies centered around topics such as:

  • Emergencies
  • Hours of operation
  • Health conditions and medications
  • Pick up and drop off
  • Weather events
  • Vaccinations

Check out the policy and procedure templates available on and

People will always need pet care, so go out and do it!

The three pillars of Metro Dog Seattle’s success are tenacity, knowledge, and flexibility. As Larry says:

You always keep your options open and never ever give up.

Now that you know what it will take to open your very own dog boarding business, what’s your next step?

At this point, there’s not much standing between you and a room full of loveable furballs!

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I the right person to own a pet boarding business?
  • Do I have what it takes to handle customers and their concerns?
  • How can I ensure my facility is profitable?
  • Do I still want to be a dog daycare business owner?

Learn even more by watching our video on how to start a business . Now go out and do it!

80% of businesses fail... Learn how not to.

Learn from business failures and successes in 5 min or less. The stories, frameworks, and tactics that will make you a 10x better founder.

Donna C. Arceneaux

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the dog kennel business plan

19 Best Cleaning Business Franchise Opportunities

Ever wondered what cleaning franchise opportunities are out there? We reviewed the cleaning industry to help you find commercial cleaning services that will help you build a company faster.

Neel Parekh started MaidThis in 2013 when he realized that cleaning companies were operating like they were pre-internet companies. Requests for Airbnb cleaning led him to focus on this niche of the cleaning industry and earned him recognition on the 2022 Top 500 New & Emerging Franchise list.

We’ll discuss the following cleaning franchises to help you decide which one is best for you.

[su_note note_color="#dbeafc"]

General Cleaning Industry Overview

Our #1 cleaning franchise brand: maidthis, the upflip cleaning business blueprint, residential cleaning franchises, commercial cleaning services franchises, specialty cleaning franchises.

  • Contact the Franchise That Works for You [/su_note]

Get ready to find out more about how to get a cleaning franchise.

According to IBIS World, cleaning services is a growing industry. There are three main areas that cleaners operate under:

  • Commercial Cleaning Services: Commonly referred to as janitorial cleaning, these services made over $90 billion in 2022 and are expected to grow to $96.1 billion by 2028. This segment of the industry averages 6.9% profit.
  • Residential Cleaning Services: The housekeeping, maids, and gardening industry made over $30 billion last year and is expected to grow to $33 billion by 2028. This industry has a nearly 52% profit margin.
  • Specialty Cleaning Services: This is a catchall for other services like carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, power washing, and window washing. These add up to around $10 billion in revenue, and profits vary.

That means cleaning is a nearly $130 billion industry. You should also be aware that customers expect green cleaning services to be offered in all types of buildings.

Office space, retail stores, medical facilities, and even homeowners are becoming more aware of hospital-grade disinfectants and HEPA vacuums. So there are a lot of evolving industry trends.

Despite all the changes, Queen Bee Cleaning Services Owner Cristobal Mondragon told us:

[su_quote] There’s no better time to get into the cleaning business! [/su_quote]

Check out our interview with him below.

[su_youtube url=""]

How much does a cleaning franchise make?

Cleaning franchises can make up to $3.25 million annually based on the information disclosed on their various websites. Merry Maids disclosed the highest revenue statistic. Every franchise for cleaning business operations is different, but some share their numbers on their websites.

All cleaning companies should disclose how much their franchises make in their Financial Disclosure Document. If they don’t, run! That means they don’t have a proven track record (and are breaking franchising laws). Next, we’ll answer how much a cleaning franchise costs.

How much does a cleaning franchise cost?

Chris Mondragon holding cash and cleaning supplies

Cleaning companies franchise their business operations to small business owners for an initial franchise fee ranging from about $1,000 to $100K. The differences are impacted by:

  • Local market potential
  • Reputation of the brand
  • Size of the zone
  • Corporate greed
  • Master vs. Service franchise
  • How much assistance the corporate office provides

In addition, you’ll have initial costs to other suppliers that may bring the total cost to buy franchise cleaning businesses up to $250,000. I know that’s a huge range, but many cleaning franchises are less than $100K for a recognized brand.

Can I Buy a Cleaning Franchise Under $1,000?

No, you can’t start a cleaning franchise for under $1,000 in most locations. That said, if you are considering franchising a cleaning business for under $1,000, there are some companies that will allow a down payment of as little as $1,000 to start your own business using their brand recognition. Options include:

  • UpFlip Cleaning Business Blueprint
  • Stratus Building Solutions
  • Anago Cleaning Systems

We’ll cover all of these and more before you finish this article. First, we want to introduce you to the MaidThis cleaning franchise.

As a franchise owner, you’ll be operating a cleaning franchise that focuses on residential and Airbnb cleaning. You’ll mostly be focused on growing the business and supporting your team using the best processes in the cleaning industry.

• Initial License Fee: $35K • Other Startup Costs: $12.6K to $31.6K • Total Expenses: $47.6K to $66.55K • Royalty Fees: 6% • Advertising: 2%

This cleaning franchise opportunity is relatively rare. Finding a franchise where you can work completely remotely is amazing. Given most states don’t already have a franchise, it’s even better.

Hear Neel’s story below.

[su_youtube url=""]

We’ve partnered with Neel to provide you a unique opportunity to start a remote cleaning company. He’ll even give you $6,000 off the marketing when you sign up through our link. Request information from MaidThis .

Neel explained the most important thing he does to grow his business answering the phone:

[su_quote]Our close rate when we answer the phone is over 60%, but if we don’t it drops down to 16.7%. That’s why we use an AI text messaging system to make sure we close as many clients as possible.[/su_quote]

Next, we introduce another completely unique option: the Upflip Cleaning Business Blueprint.

The UpFlip Cleaning Business BluePrint is a comprehensive program developed in collaboration with Cristobal Mondragon.

With a history of founding Queen Bee Cleaning Services and achieving an impressive annual revenue exceeding $1 million, Chris shares his proven strategies for entrepreneurial triumph. This exceptional package encompasses:

  • A 10-module comprehensive course
  • Your personalized website and SEO
  • Pre-designed marketing and sales scripts
  • Templates for Google Local Service Ads
  • An Airbnb client booking handbook
  • Specialized review software
  • Ongoing mentorship throughout your cleaning business launch and operations

In essence, we provide you with the full spectrum of resources synonymous with a cleaning business franchise, all without the burden of royalties. This translates to substantial cost savings, enabling you to embrace entrepreneurship and become the master of your own enterprise.

We’ve broken the rest of this blog into sections based on the three major cleaning segments. We’ll start with residential cleaners.

Two commercial cleaners with supplies

Want to know how to start a cleaning franchise? Start by considering a residential cleaning company like these:

  • Two Maids (and a Mop)
  • You’ve Got Maids
  • Merry Maids

#2. The Maids: Top-Ranked Cleaning Company by Entrepreneur

The Maids, an official partner of Mr. Clean, offers residential and small business cleaning services. Franchise operators who want to join this proven business model need to pay :

• Initial License Fee: $12.5K • Additional Fees at Signing: $32K to $80K • Other Startup Costs: $10K to $33K • 3 Months Operating Expenses: $22K to $39K • Total Expenses: $76K to $165K • Royalty Fees: 3.9% to 6.9% • Advertising: 2%

Learn more about cleaning franchise opportunities on The Maids website.

#3. Two Maids: Best Employee Pay Model

Two Maids webpage on laptop with soap and a sponge beside it

Another residential cleaning company franchise is Two Maids , which compares to other cleaning franchise opportunities by offering:

  • Pay for Performance: Employees get paid based on performance instead of hourly pay, incentivizing the best performers.
  • Guidance with Systems: The company is highly focused on creating the right systems for you to succeed.

Starting a cleaning business franchise with Two Maids will require a business owner to have the following financial considerations :

• Initial Franchise Fee: $19,950 • Initial Investment: $83,140 to $123,890 • Net Worth Requirement: $200,000 • Cash Requirement: $51,140 • Royalty Fees: 4-7% • Ad Royalty: 2%

Check out the Two Maids Franchise website to learn more about being your own boss.

#4. You’ve Got Maids: Best for High-Value Residential Clients

You’ve Got Maids franchise cleaning company might be right for you if you want to clean people’s homes. They offer weekly and biweekly cleaning, move-in/move-out cleaning, spring cleaning, and full-time residential cleaner placements. You’ve Got Maids Cleaning franchises require:

• Initial Franchise Fee: $7,000 • Initial Investment: $36K to $108K • Net Worth Requirement: $200,000 • Cash Requirement: $40K to $100K • Royalty Fees: 2.99% to 5.99% • Ad Royalty: $75/week

Note that there’s been a 29% decline in You’ve Got Maids franchises over the last three years and don’t be afraid to ask questions about what that means for you if you want to become one of these franchise owners.

#5. Molly Maid: Most Cleaning Franchise Options

Another residential cleaning franchise opportunity is Molly Maid . You’ll need to meet the following qualifications to start your own business under Molly Maid cleaning franchises:

• Initial Franchise Fee: $14,900 • Initial Investment: $127K to $185K • Net Worth Requirement: $250,000 • Cash Requirement: $65,000 • Royalty Fees: 3% to 6.5% • Ad Royalty: $104/week

Molly Maid’s weekly ad royalty might distract new franchisees from focusing on getting cleaning clients . Personally I’d prefer paying franchise fees less routinely.

Neighborly is the parent company of Molly Maids and offers other cleaning franchise opportunities including window washing, junk removal, lawn care, and carpet cleaning for franchise owners.

#6. Merry Maids

Merry Maids estimated total initial investment screenshot

Merry Maids is one of the most well-known cleaning franchise brands in the cleaning industry. Twenty-five percent of Merry Maids franchises make over $3 million annually.

• Initial Franchise Fee: $37,500 to $51,500 • Initial Investment: $50K to $100K • Net Worth Requirement: $250,000 • Cash Requirement: $65,000 • Royalty Fees: 5% to 7% • Ad Royalty: 1.3%

Data is according to Entrepreneur .

#7. Maid Right

For those wondering how to start a franchise cleaning business with Maid Right, you’ll need :

• Initial Franchise Fee: $65,000 • Initial Investment: $103K to $148K • Net Worth Requirement: $200,000 • Cash Requirement: $50K • Royalty Fee: 6% • Ad Royalty: 2%

Go to the Maid Right website to learn more about their franchise fees, cleaning standards, and processes.

Now that you know about home cleaning services, want to learn about commercial cleaning franchises?

MadeThis CEO, who advises-many franchises remotely, in foreground with cleaning crew vacuuming and cleaning in background

These commercial cleaning franchises perform office cleaning and other janitorial work :

• Jan-Pro • Jani-King • Coverall • Stratus Building Solutions • Vanguard Cleaning Systems • Anago Cleaning Systems

#8. Jan-Pro: Best Commercial Cleaning Franchise Under $50K

One of the top commercial cleaning industry franchises is JanPro, which ranks at the top of multiple Entrepreneur categories.

Work with commercial clients as a Jan-Pro franchise for as little as $3,150, which includes the down payment, $1,000 for emergency expenses, and the Franchise Development Starter Kit.

Jan-Pro cleaning systems helps book commercial facilities that need commercial cleaners, and you choose your hours or client count each month. Expect the following startup costs when cleaning commercial businesses:

• Initial Franchise Fee: $2K to $4.5K • Initial Investment: $4.8K to $58K • Royalty: 10% • Ad Royalty: 1%

#9. Jani-King: Largest Global Franchise Cleaning Company

Jani King master-franchise opportunity webpage on a tablet

With over 7,000 global franchises, Jani-King is the largest cleaning franchise for sale. This janitorial franchise opportunity is losing franchises, but Franchise Times shows that they have rising revenue.

Be careful when considering buying this cleaning franchise for sale. Audit the prior business owners’ books carefully before buying.

• Initial Franchise Fee: Not Disclosed • Initial Investment: $20K to $52K • Net Worth Requirement: Not Disclosed • Cash Requirement: Not Disclosed • Royalty Fees: Not Disclosed • Ad Royalty: Not Disclosed

#10. Coverall: Most Focused on A Positive Work Environment

If you’re wondering how to start your own cleaning business, consider Coverall . Coverall cleaning franchises are marketed as janitorial cleaners focused on helping friends and families build wealth.

You should expect the following costs for these cleaning business franchises:

• Initial Franchise Fee: $16K to $41K • Initial Investment: $18K to $52K • Royalty Fee: 5% • Net Worth Requirement : Not Disclosed • Cash Requirement : Not Disclosed • Ad Royalty : Not Disclosed

Next, find out how to start a cleaning business with Stratus.

#11. Stratus Building Solutions: Lowest Cost Cleaning Franchise

Stratus Clean website screenshot with cleaner in foreground

Would you rather focus on booking janitorial services or cleaning and managing a crew?

Stratus offers two ways of franchising :

  • Unit Franchises
  • Master Franchises

Their janitorial franchises are some of the lowest-cost franchises in the cleaning industry. They start at just $1,000 for an owner-operator without employees. This commercial cleaning franchise opportunity requires that you focus on the manual labor.

Meanwhile, the Stratus master franchise opportunity is a 9-to-5 admin, invoicing, and business consulting service for the janitorial services franchises. Master franchising requires:

• Initial Franchise Fee: $3,600 to $69,000 • Initial Investment: $4,600 to $79,000 • Net Worth Requirement: $5K to $40K • Cash Requirement: $2K to $20K • Royalty Fees: 5% • Ad Royalty: 1%

This franchise opportunity lets you focus on the parts of a janitorial services business that most interest you.

#12. Vanguard Cleaning Systems

Commercial cleaning business Vanguard Cleaning Systems operates a lot like Stratus Building Solutions. You can either perform daily janitorial services or perform admin tasks for the other cleaning franchises.

• Initial Franchise Fee: $5K • Initial Investment : $6K to $37K • Net Worth Requirement : $50K and $250K • Cash Requirement : $7K and $45K • Royalty Fees : 11.5% • Ad Royalty: N/A

Check out Vanguard Cleaning Systems’ franchise opportunities.

#13. Anago Cleaning Systems: Easiest-to-Get-Approved Cleaning Franchise

Anago Cleaning Systems franchises have low net worth and cash requirements for commercial cleaning services franchises. Anago Cleaning Systems uses the same franchise business model as the other commercial cleaning franchise opportunities on the list, where you have master franchise and unit franchise options.

The master franchise gets an exclusive territory where they book clients and sell unit franchises.

• Initial Franchise Fee: $5K to $31K for Units; $98K for Master franchises • Initial Investment: $11K to 61K for Units; $219K to $339K for Master • Net Worth Requirement: $31K • Cash Requirement: $1K • Royalty Fees: 10% • Ad Royalty: 2%

Learn more about Anago Cleaning Systems franchising .

Chris Mondragon holding cleaning products

Haven’t found a cleaning service you like yet?

Specialized services like window washing, green cleaning, and junk hauling are all options to consider when deciding how to start a cleaning company.

Check out some unique cleaning franchises like:

  • Aire-Master of America
  • College HUNKS Hauling Junk
  • ServiceMaster Clean
  • TruBlue Total House Care

#14. Aire-Master of America: Most Unique Cleaning Services Franchise

If you want to offer air cleaning services, this company franchise is a good one to consider. Aire-Master of America provides fragrances, equipment, and servicing to commercial buildings, enhancing their workspaces and creating environments that help employees and customers feel better.

According to Entrepreneur , you should expect:

• Initial Franchise Fee: $30K to $100K • Initial Investment: $45K to $170K • Net Worth Requirement: $20K • Cash Requirement: $50K • Royalty Fees: 5% • Ad Royalty: N/A

Find out more about Aire-Master of America franchises .

#15. Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning: Best Carpet Cleaning Franchise

Oxi Fresh webpage on laptop

If you want to start a carpet cleaning franchise, consider Oxi Fresh.

• Initial Franchise Fee: $42,000 • Initial Investment: $48K to $78K • Net Worth Requirement: $20K • Cash Requirement: $50K • Royalty Fees: $395 monthly • Ad Royalty: 3%

Oxi Fresh has franchises across the U.S. and Canada and offers the opportunity to become a master franchise in other countries.

#16. College HUNKS Hauling Junk: Best Name

College HUNKS Hauling Junk performs junk removal and moving services for homeowners and businesses. These junk removal businesses also donate junk and meals and emphasize their recycling efforts. It gets better though. They average $1.63 million revenue and you’ll need:

• Initial Franchise Fee: $45K to $75K • Initial Investment: Not Disclosed • Net Worth Requirement: $200K • Cash Requirement: $75K • Royalty Fees: 7% • Ad Royalty: 2%

I just wish the uniforms were superhero costumes!

#17. ServiceMaster Clean

Want to operate a floor cleaning business? Consider ServiceMaster Clean, which is a residential and commercial cleaning business offering cleaning franchises for:

• Initial Franchise Fee: $32,500 • Initial Investment: $90K • Net Worth Requirement: $100K • Cash Requirement: $50K • Royalty Fees: 7% • Ad Royalty: 2%

Their top franchises average over $3.2 million in revenue annually, while 25% of single-zone franchises average $1.85 million in revenue.

Find out more about ServiceMaster Clean franchises.

#18. PuroClean: Most Transparent Cleaning Franchises

PuroClean webpage on desktop

Offer building remediation with these cleaning franchise opportunities. You’ll clean after property damage from water, fire, mold, and other hazardous materials.

PuroClean lists what you need to start a cleaning franchise business directly on their site and offers financing for up to 50% of the total franchise cost.

#19. TruBlue Total House Care: Most Diverse Offerings

TruBlue is a combination cleaning, handyman, and landscaping franchise, and they also offer accessibility remodeling services. This might be the franchise cleaning business for you if you want to build an empire because of all the additional services you can offer.

You’ll need:

• Total Investment: $65,050 to $91,400 • Franchise Fee: $44,900 • Minimum Liquid Capital: $50,000

Find out more about TruBlue Total House Care cleaning franchises.

Contact the Franchise That Works for You

Young woman holding cell phone calling franchise about estimated total initial investment

Once you’ve determined your ideal cleaning franchise based on your location, skill set, and budget, the next step involves initiating contact with them to kickstart your franchise journey.

I’m considering Neel’s MaidThis franchise opportunity because it is available in Las Vegas and I know lots of people who work in the cleaning industry. The estimated total initial investment is comparable to many companies, they offer comprehensive training, and you’ll be one of the earliest cleaning franchise owners in your area.

That means you’ll get more personalized support than those who join later and you’ll have the ability to be on the forefront of cleaning strategies.

Don’t hesitate to explore one or more of the providers that boast more than a decade of industry experience, too.

Which pathway aligns with your preference for embarking on the journey of starting a cleaning business?

  • Start my own cleaning business from scratch .
  • Start my cleaning business with a course .
  • Contact a franchise. Tell us in the comments which one!

the dog kennel business plan

532 Buzzworthy Gym Names (for 2024)

Creative gym name ideas are a great way to make your gym stand out against all the other fitness businesses in the fitness market today.

[su_note note_color="#dbeafc"] We’ll discuss the size of the fitness sector, how to choose gym names, provide lots of inspiration for fitness brand name ideas, and give you some information on how to register the name for your gym. Click on any of the links below to jump straight to that section.

How big is the fitness industry?

How to choose a gym name, what should i name my gym, 72 cool gym names, 20 creative gym names, 110 health and fitness business names, 42 fitness club names, 34 gym business name ideas you’ll love, 30 female gym names, 60 fitness center names, 20 funny gym names, 20 home gym name ideas, 30 crossfit gym names, 30 fitness page name ideas, 34 gym clothing brand name ideas, how to register your gym name.

  • What gym name inspires you? [/su_note]

Get ready to learn more about good gym name ideas.

The fitness industry has declined by a compound annual growth rate of -6.5% since 2018 , but much of that is due to the huge drop in business during the pandemic.

Last year saw a 0.6% increase to $30.8 billion , and a fitness business that focuses on providing at-home services can do much better.

Gym owner in the free weight area writing on a clip board

There are a few things to consider when considering gym name ideas including:

  • Your target audience: What type of people do you want to attract to your gym? Consider their demographics, fitness goals, and interests.
  • Your gym's location: The name of your gym should reflect the area where it is located. For example, if your gym is in a beach town, you might choose a name that incorporates the word beach or ocean .
  • Your gym's atmosphere: What kind of atmosphere do you want to create at your gym? Do you want it to be a fun and social environment or a more serious and results-oriented environment?
  • Your gym's values: What are the core values of your gym? Do you want to promote health and wellness or a more competitive and athletic environment?
  • Your budget: How much money can you spend on marketing your gym? A catchy and memorable name can help you attract new customers and stand out from the competition.

Consider these 30 gym names for your fitness business:

1. Vitality Forge 2. Iron Forge Fitness 3. Peak Performance Palace 4. Energy Emporium Gym 5. Fit Fusion Center 6. Strength Sanctuary 7. Revitalize Fitness Hub 8. The Flex Factor 9. Evolve Fitness Studio 10. Momentum Fitness Club 11. Loft FlexFit Fusion 12. Energize Evolution Fitness 13. PowerPlay Performance Gym 14. Revitalize Reach Fitness 15. Dynamic Drive Gym

16. Zone Fitness Hub 17. Vitality Vision Fitness 18. FlexFlow Fusion Gym 19. PulsePoint Performance 20. Revival Fitness 21. Iron Intentions Fitness 22. Optimal Outlook Fitness 23. FlexForward Gym 24. PulsePeak Performance 25. Elevate You Fitness 26. PowerPulse Performance Gym 27. Inner Impact Gym 28. FitFlare Fusion Fitness 29. Stamina Stronghold Fitness Center 30. Infinity Impact Gym

Pro Tip: Consider what sets your gym apart and what message you want to send to potential members. Whether it's about strength, community, energy, or something else, let that guide your decision.

Keep reading for more gym name ideas.

Energize Elite Fitness billboard on a two-story building

It’s not just a place to work out—a gym or fitness club should have a brand name that your customers will happily share and maybe even wear. 

1. Fit Fusion Gym 2. Vitality Vault Fitness 3. FlexFlow Fitness 4. Revive Rise Gym 5. PowerPulse 6. Iron Core Gym 7. Elevate Edge Fitness 8. Flex Factor Gym 9. FitSphere Studio 10. CoreCraft Fitness 11. Zenith Zone Gym 12. Energize Elite Fitness 13. Optimum Outcome Gym 14. Peak Performance Studio 15. Vitalize Venue Fitness 16. Swift Sweat Gym 17. Elite Energy Fitness 18. Active Axis Gym 19. Recharge Routines Fitness 20. Stamina Strong Gym 21. Infinity Impact Fitness 22. Blaze Body Gym 23. FitFlare Fitness 24. Vigor Victory Gym 25. Momentum Moves Gym 26. Vital Vortex Fitness 27. Prodigy Peak Gym 28. Sculpt Stronger Fitness 29. Inner Edge Gym 30. Flexfinity Fitness 31. PulsePoint Gym 32. CoreCrafters Fitness 33. Vigorous Vitality Gym 34. FlexFit Fusion 35. Energize Evolution Gym 36. PowerPlay Fitness

37. Revitalize Reach Gym 38. Dynamic Drive Fitness 39. Vitality Vision Gym 40. FlexFlow Fusion 41. Uncle Rob’s Fitness Center 42. FitFactor Gym 43. Rhythm Fitness 44. Iron Will Studio 45. CoreCraft Fitness Studio 46. FlexForward Fitness 47. PulsePeak Gym 48. Elevate Energize Fitness 49. PowerPulse Performance 50. Vigor Vertex Gym 51. Inner Impact Fitness 52. FitFlare Fusion Gym 53. Elite Edge Fitness 54. Bio Optum Gym 55. Clear Impact Fitness 56. Blaze Bodyworks Gym 57. Caracas Fitness 58. Gym Optum 59. Prodigy Peak Performance 60. Momentum Moves Fitness 61. Vital Vortex Gym 62. CoreCrafters Gym 63. Vigorous Vitality Fitness 64. The Body Works Fitness 65.Vitalize Venue Fitness Hub 66. Optimum Outcome Fitness 67. Core Catalyst Gym 68. Vital Vortex Fitness Hub 69. Sculpt Stronger Gym 70. Swift Sweat Fitness 71. CoreCrafters Fitness Hub 72. FlexFit Fusion Fitness Center

Pro Tip: Your fitness brand will have to live with the name you choose. Be descriptive so potential customers know what you do and why they should join your gym. Narrow down your top business name ideas and then make a few logos and imagine each one on a sign in front of your fitness business.

If you’re looking for creative names for gyms, these should get your creative juices flowing.

1. Blissful Blast Workout Centre 2. Euphoric Energy Empire 3. Joyful Jive Junction 4. Active Adventure Arena 5. HappyHeart Heights 6. Fun Fuel Fitness Hub 7. Radiant Rhythms Studio 8. Glee & Gain Gym 9. Laugh & Lift Lounge 10. Bounce Back Bodyworks

11. Playful Pulse Studio 12. Energize & Engage Fitness 13. Sweat Junction 14. Blissful Burn Gym 15. Merry Motion Studio 16. Giddy Gains Gymnasium 17. Express Sweat Hub 18. Bodyworks Boutique 19. Sparkle & Sweat Sanctuary 20. Joyful Jive Gymnasium

The fitness industry isn’t all about gym names. A fitness brand can focus on products, services, and education, too. Consider some of these fitness business name ideas for your new brand name.

In the fitness industry, it’s important to create your brand name around your gym’s mission and purpose. Is it a yoga studio? Do you offer fitness classes? Is it a boutique gym or a powerlifting gym? Get as specific as possible as you consider your gym’s values and target audience.

21. Fitness Connection 22. Strength Studio 23. Fitness Factory 24. Late Night Fitness 25. Flex Studios 26. Fitness Raise LLC 27. Living Fitness Sanctuary 28. Gym Perfectly 29. Fitness Enthusiasts Dating (FED) 30. Level Fitness 31. Paddle Ball Palace 32. Happy Healthy HQ 33. JoyFit Junction 34. Radiant Routines 35. BounceBack Fitness 36. Zest Zone Studio 37. Smile & Sweat Gym 38. Fit & Fab Funhouse 39. Thrive Tribe Fitness 40. CheerFit Central 41. Energetic Oasis 42. Playful Pump Gym 43. Wellness Wonderland 44. Sunny Side Fitness 45. Energy Expedition 46. FunFit Factory 47. Vibrant Vitality Venue 48. Sparkle & Sweat Studio 49. Motion Magic Gym 50. Grin & Grind Fitness 51. Lively Lift Studio 52. JumpJoy Gym 53. Laugh & Lift Center 54. Blissful Bodyworks 55. Move & Groove Gym 56. Jolly Jumpstart Fitness 57. Active Adventure Hub 58. Sprightly Sprint Studio 59. Radiate & Reshape 60. ZingZone Fitness 61. Fitness Fiesta 62. ThrillFit Haven 63. Joyful Jive Gym 64. Smile & Sculpt Studio 65. HappyHeart Fitness

66. Bounce & Burn Gym 67. FunFlare Fitness 68. Euphoric Exercise Empire 69. FrolicFit Funhouse 70. Grin & Grind Gym 71. Lively Life Studio 72. Joyful Jumps Fitness 73. Glee & Glow Gym 74. Cheerful Circuit Center 75. GiddyUp Gym 76. Bubbly Bodyworks 77. Playful Pulse Fitness 78. Smiling Strength Studio 79. Energize & Engage Gym 80. Jovial Jumpstart Fitness 81. Spark & Sweat Studio 82. Happy Health Hub 83. Joyful Journey Fitness 84. Zestful Zone Gym 85. FunFuel Fitness 86. Radiant Rhythms Gym 87. Thrive & Thrill Fitness 88. Active Amusement Gym 89. Glee & Gain Studio 90. LaughFit Lounge 91. Merry Motion Gym 92. HappyHeart Haven 93. Blissful Burn Studio 94. Grin & Grow Gym 95. Jolly Jumps Fitness 96. Joyful Jive Studio 97. Smile & Sculpt Gym 98. FrolicFit Funzone 99. GiddyGains Gym 100. Energetic Expression Studio 101. Bounce & Burn Fitness 102. Lively Lift Lounge 103. The Jumpstart Gym 104. Sparkle & Sweat Fitness 105. Bubbly Body Boost 106. FunFusion Fitness 107. Radiate & Reshape Studio 108. Energize & Excite Gym 109. Fit & Fun Fiesta 110. Thrive & Thrill Studio

Pro Tip: Other fitness companies utilize their locations to name their gym. Whether you want to use your location, your mission, your own name, or your target audience, come up with a catchy gym name so you’ll be sure to bring in new customers.

Full class in a spin studio

Gym name ideas for fitness clubs can include words like gym , iron , tribe , fitness . They can also include center , club , core , crunch . If it’s a CrossFit gym, make sure you state that in your gym name.

1. Active Ascent Fitness 2. The Double Down 3. Vitality Vanguard Club 4. Triple Flex Fitness 5. PowerPulse Club 6. Elite Energy Emporium 7. Rocky Fitness 8. Outcomes Gym 9. Prodigy Peak Fitness 10. Elevate Edge Club 11. Vigor Vertex Fitness 12. EnStudio Fitness 13. Zenith Zone Gymnasium 14. Higher Impact Fitness 15. Flexfinity Fitness Hub 16. ClearGold Gym 17. PulsePoint Fitness 18. Dynamic Drive Gymnasium 19. Club Ascent 20. Optimum Outcome Gymnasium 21. Together Bodyworks

22. Upper Vitality Gym 23. Sweats Given Fitness 24. FlexFit Fusion Gymnasium 25. Inner Edge Fitness 26. FlexFlare Fitness 27. Infinity Impact Gymnasium 28. Blaze Bodyworks Club 29. EnMotion Fitness 30. Prodigy Peak Gymnasium 31. Onward Fitness 32. Energize Evolution Gymnasium 33. Motion Bodyworks 34. Zone In Fitness 35. Revolution Fitness 36. PowerPulse Fitness 37. Optimum Outcome 38. Core Catalyst Gymnasium 39. Sculpt Stronger 40. Momentum Moves Gymnasium 41. Energize Evolution Club 42. PowerPulse Gymnasium

Pro Tip: You want the fitness business name you choose to empower those in the fitness community to come out and join. When selecting gym names, imagine your advertising and marketing materials. What imagery do you envision on them and what story do they tell?

Gym business name ideas for your very own gym should build strong brand identity in your local area. Another thing to consider is your fitness business management software. Before you can start loading that up with information, pick your name and register it with your state.

1. Peak Performance Fitness 2. Iron Edge Gym 3. Vitality Vibe Fitness 4. Crafted Fitness 5. Prodigy Power Gym 6. Sonoma County Fitness 7. Flex Fusion Gym 8. Vigor Vault Fitness 9. Greater Heights Gym 10. Dynamic Fitness 11. Loft Outcomes 12. Move Up Gym 13. Essential Vitality Gym 14. Core Catalyst Fitness 15. High Impact Gym 16. Energy Evolution Fitness 17. The Inner Edge

18. FitFlare 19. Core Mantra Fitness 20. Active Ascent Gym 21. Radiant Routines Fitness 22. Iron Intentions Fitness 23. FlexFit Fusion Gym 24. Zenith Zone Fitness Hub 25. Optimal Outcome Fitness 26. Blaze Bodyworks Fitness 27. The Thrive Tribe 28. Vitality Vanguard Gym 29. Flex Fusion Fitness 30. Asana Fitness Studio 31. Elevate Energy Fitness 32. Pulse Fitness 33. FlexCraft Fitness 34. LC Living Fitness

Pro Tip: Don’t get too hung up on cool gym names when your fitness offerings are more important. What you offer to your guests should be crystal clear in your name. It’s possible to find unique gym names, but you really want to be specific if you’re an all women’s gym, a CrossFit gym, or a general fitness gym.

Woman doing a curl with a free weight while a search bar that reads "female gym names" hovers next to her

A fitness gym can have success focusing on a specific demographic. Women-only gyms are a great place for women to work out without being judged (or bothered!) by the opposite sex. Consider some of these names for your fitness gym for women.

1. Women's Fitness Haven 2. Empower Studio 3. The StrongHER Gym 4. Fit & Fearless 5. Elevate Her Fitness 6. She Thrives Fitness 7. The Fierce Female Gym 8. Curves & Confidence Studio 9. Women's Wellness Center 10. She's Got Power Fitness 11. EmpowerHER Gym 12. Fierce Femme Fitness 13. Lady Strong Gym 14. The Women's Strength Sanctuary 15. She Lifts Fitness

16. The Female Fitness Haven 17. Lady Gang, Inc. 18. Divine Strength Studio 19. Women's Fit & Fab Studio 20. Fierce Fit Females Gym 21. The Empowered Women's Gym 22. Female Fitness Factory 23. She Moves Fitness 24. Women's Workout Wonderland 25. Goddess Fitness Studio 26. The Female Fitness Hub 27. She's Got Grit Fitness 28. The Women's Wellness Sanctuary 29. Feminine Fitness Powerhouse 30. Lady Strength Studio

Pro Tip: Gyms for women should go with a brand name that is inspiring to women (avoiding patronizing gym nicknames for ladies) and focus on providing a service that caters to what women in the area expect.

Fitness centers and health clubs are slightly different from gyms. You may not want to go with run-of-the-mill gym names when you operate a fitness studio. If your club offers classes and lots of weightlifting options, you will want that to be known in your advertising and marketing materials.

1. FitFusion Hub 2. Vitality Vibe Gymnasium 3. Essential Fitness 4. Elevate Fitness 5. InFusion Fitness 6. Vigor Vault Gym 7. The Flex Fitness 8. PulsePoint Gymnasium 9. Swift Sweat Studio 10. Blaze Bodyworks 11. Impact by You 12. N-R-G Evolution Fitness 13. The Edge Fitness 14. Flare Fitness 15. Up & Up Health Club 16. Wave Fitness 17. Iron Intentions Gym 18. FlexFit Fusion Fitness 19. Vital Vortex Fitness Club 20. The Stronghold Gym 21. Triple Threat Fitness Studio 22. Optimal Outcome Gym 23. Vigorous Vitality Gymnasium 24. Blaze Bodyworks Fitness Center 25. Thrive Tribe Fitness Center 26. The Vanguard Gym 27. Flex Fusion Fitness Hub 28. Again Fitness Studio 29. Prodigy Peak Fitness Center 30. Elevate Energy Gym

31. PowerPulse Fitness Club 32. FlexCraft Fitness Center 33. Active Ascent Health Club 34. FitFusion Fitness Studio 35. Vitality Vibe Fitness Center 36. Wild Yonder Fitness Studio 37. Prodigy Power Fitness Club 38. Elevate Fitness Hub 39. Flex Fusion Gymnasium 40. The Fitness Spot 41. PulsePoint Fitness Club 42. Optimal Outcome Fitness Hub 43. MoveStrong Gymnasium 44. Sculpt Stronger Fitness Hub 45. Vigorous Vitality Fitness Club 46. Blaze Bodyworks Gymnasium 47. Core Spot Fitness 48. Infinity Impact Fitness Club 49. Inner Edge Gymnasium 50. FitFlare Fitness Hub 51. Radiant Routines Fitness Club 52. Flexfinity Fitness Spot 53. Loft by Iron Intentions 54. FlexFit Fusion Studio 55. Vital Vortex Fitness Spot 56. Stamina Stronghold Fitness Club 57. UpZone Fitness 58. Optimal Outcome Gymnasium 59. Vigorous Vitality Fitness Spot 60. CoreCrafters Fitness Club

Pro Tip: A fitness center name can end with hub , club , center , studio , or another appropriate noun.

Good fitness business names can leverage your sense of humor. Try some of these funny gym nicknames, and know that they don’t have to be the same as your LLC name since you can file a doing business as (DBA) form (more on this below).

1. Buff & Beyond 2. Dumbbells & Dragons 3. Leg Day Legends 4. Squat Squad 5. Cardio Queens 6. Pull-Up Posse 7. Barbell Bunch 8. Gym Junkies 9. Weightlifting Warriors 10. Muscle Mavericks

11. Fitness Freaks 12. Sweat Society 13. Gains Gang 14. Pumped-Up Posse 15. Work It Warriors 16. Body Beautiful Brigade 17. Fit Fam 18. Iron Empire 19. Shred Squad 20. Ripped Revolutionaries

Pro Tip: Just because your fitness and gym business takes staying healthy seriously doesn’t mean you should avoid having fun with your gym name. Get creative when choosing a brand name and look for ways to use wordplay.

Personal trainer’s desk with hand weights, a water bottle, and a laptop they’re using to search for home gym name ideas

Consider some of these gym names if you’re thinking about starting a fitness business that helps people in their homes.

1. FitNest Home Gym 2. Iron Haven Fitness 3. House of Gains 4. Your Performance Palace 5. HomeBody Fitness Center 6. Stronghold Home Gym 7. DIY Fitness Hub 8. FlexSpace Home Gym 9. Zenith Fitness Studio 10. The Homestead Gym

11. Personal Peak Fitness 12. Home Forge Fitness 13. Prime Home Fitness 14. FitQuarters 15. Muscle Manor 16. HomeBase Fitness 17. The Sweat Shed 18. PowerHouse Home Gym 19. FitFusion Home Gym 20. Homestead Health Hub

Pro Tip: Creative gym business name ideas in this category should let people know your fitness brand focuses on providing in-home training.

If you’re starting a CrossFit studio, you might want a fitness business name like one of the ideas below.

1. CrossFit Blaze 2. Phoenix CrossFit 3. CrossFit Titan 4. CrossFit Evolution 5. ThunderFit CrossFit 6. CrossFit Apex 7. Atlas CrossFit 8. CrossFit Vanguard 9. Zenith CrossFit 10. CrossFit Dynamo 11. Rampage CrossFit 12. CrossFit Forge 13. AlphaStrike CrossFit 14. CrossFit Surge 15. CrossFit Ascend

16. TitanForge CrossFit 17. CrossFit Triumph 18. CrossFit Resilience 19. Pinnacle CrossFit 20. CrossFit Vitality 21. Catalyst CrossFit 22. CrossFit Momentum 23. Radiant CrossFit 24. CrossFit Dominion 25. IronPulse CrossFit 26. CrossFit Kinetic 27. CrossFit Renegade 28. CrossFit Endeavor 29. CrossFit Valor 30. CrossFit Unleashed

Pro Tip: These gym names evoke a sense of strength, power, and determination, which is what CrossFit training is all about.

Keep reading for more gym business name ideas.

Maybe you don’t run a gym but run a fitness business vlogging and selling affiliate products. If so, you might want to try some of these fitness page names.

1. FitNation 2. Sweat Central 3. Body Blast 4. Cardio Crush 5. Muscle Mania 6. Strength Squad 7. Fitness Fanatics 8. Gym Junkie Diaries 9. Workout Warriors 10. Health & Wellness Hub 11. The Body Shop 12. Tone Zone 13. Sculpt Nation 14. Ripped Republic 15. Shred City

16. The Fitness Factory 17. Pump It Up 18. Burn & Build Fitness 19. Cardio Core Connection 20. The Transformation Zone 21. The Fitness Lab 22. Sculpt & Sweat 23. Iron Paradise 24. The Body Temple 25. The Fitness Sanctuary 26. The Wellness Haven 27. The Movement Studio 28. The Fitness Collective 29. The Training Grounds 30. The Sweat Society

Models in athleisure next to a sticker that reads "Gym ready clothing"

Are you looking for cool gym clothing name ideas? Consider some of these brand names.

1. FlexWear 2. Athleisure Apparel 3. GymFlow Clothing 4. Activewear Athletics 5. Fitness Fashion 6. Sporty Style 7. Move & Groove Apparel 8. Wingman’s Best Fitness Brand 9. Train & Thrive Clothing 10. Performance Wear 11. Body Beautiful Apparel 12. Strong & Stylish Clothing 13. Fit & Fabulous Fashion 14. Activewear Addiction 15. Creative Juices Sweat Wear 16. Workout Wardrobe 17. Gym Glam

18. Fitness Fashionista 19. Athletic Apparel 20. Sporty Chic 21. Gym Style 22. Activewear Essentials 23. Workout Wear 24. Fitness Apparel 25. Athleisure Style 26. Gym Ready Clothing 27. Train in Style Apparel 28. Sporty & Stylish 29. Active & Chic 30. Gym Style Icon 31. Fitness, Fashion Forward 32. Fitness Gear Inc 33. Gym Hulk 34. Out of the Box Fitwear

Pro Tip: Did you know that 50% more people sign up for gym memberships in January than any other month? Plan your marketing—and potentially your launch—accordingly.

Once you’ve found gym names you like for your fitness business, you’ll need to claim the gym name. Whatever kind of gym business you’re starting, you’ll want to do the following:

  • Conduct a business name search: Check with your state's business registration office to make sure your desired gym name is available. Then create a business structure using the gym name.
  • File a DBA (Doing Business As) name: A DBA, also known as a fictitious business name, allows you to operate your gym under a name other than your legal name.
  • Register your business with the IRS: You'll need to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS.
  • Obtain the necessary licenses and permits: Contact your local government to find out what licenses and permits are required to operate a gym in your area.
  • Protect your business name with a trademark: Filing a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office gives you exclusive rights to your gym name.

Depending on where your gym business is located, you may have to get health permits, certifications, or business insurance when starting your fitness business. Talk with the local government to learn what a gym business in your area needs to comply with local regulations.

What gym name inspires you?

A good gym name can help your gym business stand out. You’ll want to make sure the name is available on social media, as a website, as a trademark, and as a business name. If it is, take your gym name and start making marketing materials for your gym business.

Which gym business name do you like?

the dog kennel business plan

Selling on Amazon: 2024 Beginners Guide

Selling on Amazon is a lucrative field. The tech behemoth has so many ways to create an Amazon store and generate sales.

We talked to leading pet supplies seller Casey Walters, who started ShedDefender to protect his friends' couches from pet messes. From there, he appeared on Shark Tank and is currently making $1.5 million in yearly revenue.

He makes two-thirds of his revenue from selling on Amazon, which gives you a good idea of how important Amazon is when you sell online.

We’ll share tips about creating an Amazon store, the importance of using Fulfillment by Amazon (also known as Amazon FBA), and how to encourage reviews without violating the Amazon Seller agreement.

[su_note note_color="#dbeafc"] Click on any of the links below to jump ahead.

How much money do you need to start selling on Amazon?

Is it good to sell on amazon with fba, how to sell on amazon.

  • Ready to start selling on Amazon? [/su_note]

Get ready to sell on Amazon!

Shipping box with the Amazon logo printed on it next to a stack of hundred dollar bills

Jungle Scout, a leader in Amazon analytics, did research that found most new sellers start selling on Amazon with less than $5K. This covers their product costs, Amazon fees, and other required costs.

That’s consistent with how Casey Walters started selling ShedDefender on Amazon FBA:

[su_quote] My mom sewed the first product. We kinda went viral overnight. I had a seamstress making five per month. Then, I had to borrow $30K from my parents to create 2,000 of them in the first two months. Then $140K over the first year. [/su_quote]

Hear more in our exclusive interview:

Selling on Amazon is highly beneficial to new businesses. Some of the benefits of becoming an Amazon seller include the ability to:

Increase sales

Simplify operations, grow your business.

Want to know how?

Casey used Fulfilment by Amazon to deliver orders with the speed and reliability of Amazon Prime. Customers love the speed of delivery, which will help you increase sales and encourage repeat purchases.

In fact, Casey sells twice as many products on Amazon as he does on his own website, and it means he’s earning an extra $100K per month!

When you sell on Amazon, you can have Amazon manage your shipping. Amazon gets huge discounts because of its purchasing power and delivery network. That’s why FBA saves 30% off standard shipping and up to 70% on premium shipping options.

Selling on Amazon FBA means Amazon handles payment and order processing, customer inquiries, returns, and review software. Free up your time to focus on product development , marketing, and delighting customers.

Selling on Amazon gives you access to a global network with hundreds of fulfillment centers to sell products globally without figuring out the logistics.

Young woman researching how to become an Amazon seller on her laptop

Starting an Amazon business has never been easier. There are so many ways Amazon sellers can sell on Amazon. You’ll want to follow this easy 15-step process to selling on Amazon:

1. Start with market research 2. Find your niche 3. Create a business plan 4. Identify product suppliers 5. Place orders 6. Set up seller account     a. Configure your account     b. Enroll your brand 7. List products     a. Take good photos     b. Be descriptive 8. Research the right selling price 9. Package items with care 10. Select a fulfillment method     a. Amazon FBA     b. Self Fulfillment     c. Dropshipping     d. Amazon Print-on-Demand 11. Manage your inventory 12. Promote products 13. Get product reviews 14. Optimize listings 15. Grow with tools

Get ready to learn how to sell on Amazon.

Start with market research

You'll want to decide what to sell online. The best way to do that is to establish what kind of eCommerce store you want to be. A good Amazon store will offer something people will pay for, and you won’t mind spending your time becoming an expert on the subject.

Once you have an online business idea, you’ll want to establish its potential to grow into a profitable business. That requires market research.

Find your niche

The key to selling on Amazon is finding product categories to buy products at a competitive price, markup, and generate sales. Check out our blog about the best products to sell on Amazon. We discuss considerations about product categories including:

  • Games and Toys
  • Health & Household
  • Beauty Products & Personal Care
  • Grocery & Gourmet Food
  • Clothing, Shoes, and Jewelry
  • Baby Products
  • Home & Kitchen
  • Kitchen & Dining
  • Tools & Home Improvement
  • Pet Supplies
  • Sports & Outdoors
  • Patio, Lawn, and Garden

Next, you’ll want to write a business plan that outlines your approach to selling on Amazon.

Create a business plan

Your business plan can be as straightforward or as complicated as you want to make it. The more detailed the business plan you write, the more accessible selling products will be. Those with a plan have a 19% higher success rate .

That doesn’t mean you have to be confident you’ll achieve success from Day 1. As Casey told us,

[su_quote] This all started ’cause my friends didn’t like my dog shedding all over their house. [/su_quote]

At this point, you have a successful sales performance target, so it’s time to start finding the products to sell in your eCommerce store.

Identify product suppliers

Next, you’ll want to find manufacturers that can create the products you need and ship products to you. You’ll want to look for quality manufacturers that won’t ship counterfeit products.

You might need to find a manufacturer—or check out Amazon Merch to see if they carry the products you want to sell.

Place orders

Once you have found a manufacturer or wholesaler for your products, you must place an order and get the products shipped to you. Before you order, ensure the products aren’t on the restricted product list.

Alternatively, you may be able to have them shipped to an Amazon warehouse, though you’ll probably want to check your own products to ensure they meet quality control standards before shipping them to the Amazon warehouse (especially if you’re just getting started).

Next, it’s time to start your Amazon Seller Account.

Create an Amazon Seller Account

Business owner using a laptop to join Amazon Seller Central

All Amazon sellers will need an Amazon Seller Account before they can open their Amazon store and create product listings.

You’ll need to choose a selling plan . There are two options: Individual and Professional. The individual selling plan is free to start and $0.99 per item sold.

Meanwhile, the Professional selling plan is $39.99 and offers lots of tools to boost sales and manage items in bulk.

Configure your account

To become an Amazon seller, you’ll need to configure your account following the steps below:

  • Gather your personal and business information (including bank account routing number and credit card that allows international charges).
  • Choose to apply for either an Individual or Professional seller account.
  • Enter your email address and password.
  • Add your business location and type.
  • Enter your personal and business details.
  • Enter your payment method.
  • Hover over the gear icon.
  • Click “User Permissions”.
  • Enter contact information for new account users.
  • Optionally: Manage settings for existing users.

You can create your account using the email address associated with your Amazon customer account or opt to set it up using a separate business email address.

Note that receiving approval to open an Amazon Seller Account can take a few days to a few months.

Enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry

You’ll want to enroll in brand protection through the Amazon Brand Registry . When you have a trademarked brand image, you can sign up, and Amazon will help protect your brand's intellectual property and provide tools for a more creative brand experience.

Create a product detail page

Business owner setting up an Amazon product page on a desktop computer

You can create a product detail page once your Amazon account is set up. You’ll need a product detail page for each product you offer, but product pages allow for variations (different color and size combinations) on a single page.

Two of the most critical features of a product detail page include the photos and the text, which we’ll discuss to help you create a beautiful Amazon store.

Take good photos

Many sellers emphasize the importance of beautiful pictures to help sell their products on Amazon and other eCommerce stores.

Amazon sellers should follow Amazon photo requirements precisely for the most success. Some types of products have additional requirements, but the main requirements are:

  • Use a pure white background (255,255,255 is the color code if you do your own editing).
  • Show the whole product.
  • Fill 85% of the picture.
  • Name the image the same as the Product Identifier for books and some other products.
  • The long side should be between 1,000 and 10,000 pixels.
  • Files should be JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg), TIFF (.tif), PNG(.png), or GIF (.gif) file formats.

Any other photos should follow the exact technical requirements, but you are not required to use a white background or the product identifier as the title. You can include videos, infographics, and models, except for babies.

Pro Tip: Review specific product category requirements before adding pictures to your product detail page.

Be descriptive

An Amazon store with compelling titles and descriptions on the product detail page will have more product visibility. Both the title and the description should have relevant keywords to highlight the particular product features that Amazon shoppers are searching for.

Amazon allows up to 200 characters in the product title, so you might use them to target as many search results as possible. Shed Defender, for example, uses the following title:

Shed Defender Original Dog Onesie – Seen On Shark Tank, Contains Shedding of Dog Hair for Home, Car, Travel, Anxiety Calming Shirt, Surgery Recovery Body Jumpsuit, E Collar Alternative

Generally speaking, this is borderline keyword-stuffing (adding many keywords for SEO purposes), and some search engines penalize pages in search results when you stuff too many keywords in a small space. It seems to work alright for the Shed Defender Amazon Store, though.

I’d be interested to see what happens with search results if they cut the title to:

Shed Defender Original Dog Onesie – Seen On Shark Tank

Once you come up with a great product title, you’ll want to include the following information in your product descriptions:

  • Sizes offered
  • Colors offered
  • Product category-specific information requested by Amazon.
  • Bullet point list of the essential features.
  • Sizing guide to help people choose the right size for garments.
  • Answers to frequently asked questions.

Pro Tip: Look at top-performing product pages in your product category to understand what they do. Then, use Jungle Scout to research the keywords people are using to search for products in your category. You can also check search engine optimization tools like Semrush , SurferSEO , or Google Trends.

Research the right selling price

Amazon shoppers are going to compare prices and deals online. You should, too. A dynamic pricing tool is a cost-effective way to provide competitive prices. Amazon includes a built-in option with a Professional selling plan, but you might want external dynamic pricing software that you can use on your own website, too.

These tools make it so that third-party sellers can match or beat the best pricing online, but you need to include minimum pricing so that you don’t drop below the costs of replacing the product, Amazon shipping costs, and additional selling fees.

Package items with care

Whether you are shipping items directly to customers or to Amazon fulfillment centers, you’ll want to have the products in packaging that protects them from the damage that occurs during shipping.

Check out the Amazon Seller Guide sections below to learn more about how Amazon expects you to ship products that participate in Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).

  • Sending and Replenishing Inventory : Provides information on how to pack
  • Shipping and Routing : Summarizes packing expectations and expands on shipping requirements

Select a fulfillment method

You’ll need to select a method of fulfillment for each product. The primary options include:

  • Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon)

Self Fulfillment

Dropshipping, amazon merch.

Next, let's look at these approaches to selling on Amazon.

Man in an orange ball cap and matching polo holding a large shipping box in an Amazon warehouse.

When you start selling on Amazon with Amazon FBA, you must ship your products to an Amazon fulfillment center. We’ll discuss why you might want to use Amazon FBA and its associated costs.

Why choose Amazon FBA

When you use Amazon FBA, you benefit from Amazon Prime shipping, which means Amazon provides customer service and handles customer returns to Prime members.

According to Statista , 71% of Amazon customers are Prime members, which means you gain access to the customer service standards their customer base expects. You are more likely to get positive reviews if you meet their expectations when you sell on Amazon.

Fulfillment costs

The sales costs on Amazon start at $2.45 per item and increase based on the product type, weight, dimensions, and time of year. You will pay 1.5% to 8% more for holiday packing and shipping.

Costs of storage space

You’ll also pay for storing the products, which is substantially more during the holidays than the rest of the year.

 January to September  $0.87 per cubic foot  $0.56 per cubic foot
 October to December  $2.40 per cubic foot  $1.40 per cubic foot

Some sellers prefer to handle fulfillment, especially if they profit from their own website or run multiple product shipping businesses.

Pro Tip: I strongly recommend seeking out the input of a shipping and fulfillment specialist before you try to sell this way. The decisions you make when you are managing fulfillment can make or break the company. It impacts both pricing and customer service, which can cause you to lose money when you sell. (It’s happened to me on a couple of products I tried selling before I created and started implementing various helpful calculators for selling on platforms.)

Dropshipping is similar to Amazon FBA, but a third-party fulfillment center or distributor will ship the product after you sell it on Amazon. You may have shipping delays when you sell using this method if there is a lag between when the customer pays and when the dropshipper gets paid.

The main benefit of this strategy is you don’t need as much inventory to sell on Amazon.

Amazon Merch is a print-on-demand offering that allows you to sell on Amazon by submitting your designs for products. Every time you sell an item, Amazon prints the product, ships it, and gives you a royalty.

Manage your inventory

Woman in a warehouse holding a tablet and checking stacked boxes while performing Amazon inventory management

You’ll need to keep your inventory available when you sell on Amazon. This might mean ordering in bulk and having shipments sent to the nearest Amazon fulfillment center or staying updated on unavailable products through your dropshipper.

Pro Tip: You might need to invest in more sophisticated inventory management tools to update your channels’ inventory when you start selling on multiple sales channels.

Promote products

There are numerous ways to promote your products both on and off Amazon. You can use strategies like:

  • Sponsored brand campaigns: Invest in cost-per-click (CPC) ads featuring your logo, headline, and multiple products. These ads appear at the top, bottom, and inside of mobile and desktop shopping searches.
  • Stores: You can customize your Amazon store to highlight your brand, emphasize product listings or categories, and generate sales.
  • Sponsored display ads: Amazon has a huge network of affiliate websites that earn a commission for advertising projects. Show ads on and off Amazon with display ads.
  • Posts: Create content to help people understand your product listing more. Then highlight it on your Amazon shop.
  • Sponsored products: Show a specific product detail page when an Amazon customer searches for relevant keywords. These work similar to brand ads.
  • Amazon Live: Create a video to highlight products and sell on Amazon.

Selling on Amazon has evolved to allow you to do most aspects of social media marketing and content marketing directly on Amazon.

Get product reviews

Amazon Vine webpage on a laptop

Selling on Amazon requires positive reviews. The more positive online reviews you have, the better. Amazon allows you to automate review requests, but be careful not to break their rules. If you need to solicit reviews for a new product, try Amazon Vine .

Optimize product listings

We’ve already talked about Amazon SEO some, but I cannot emphasize this enough. Consumer behaviors shift, and you have to adjust to them. Use the Amazon Seller app to track your sales and adjust product SEO when you see a drop in sales.

Grow with tools

Selling on Amazon comes with numerous benefits. Because it is the largest eCommerce platform on the planet, they have many Amazon seller tools , plus thousands of approved service providers and apps to choose from.

Ready to start selling on Amazon?

Now, you understand the key strategies to start selling on Amazon. It’s up to you to find the products you are most comfortable selling.

Have you created an Amazon Store before? What parts of selling on Amazon did you find most challenging? Let us know in the comments.

the dog kennel business plan

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the dog kennel business plan

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Setting up a Dog Kennel Business

All you need to know about starting and running your business.

In this article

What is a Dog Kennel Business?

The UK is a nation of dog lovers, with approximately 33% of households having a pet dog. This amounts to more than 12.5 million pet dogs across the country.

Many people consider dogs to be treasured members of their families. When people go on holiday, are admitted to hospital, or are unable to take care of their dog for a short time, it is, therefore, no surprise that they want their pet to have the best possible care while they are away.

A dog kennel is a professional, licensed establishment run by trained staff that offers a safe environment for your dog. A kennel can care for your dog for a few hours or even a few weeks.

A dog kennel business usually looks after multiple dogs at one time. The dogs will usually be housed in their own individual area, although some kennel businesses choose to house the dogs all together.

A dog kennel business may also offer:

  • An indoor and outdoor pen.
  • An exercise area.
  • A grooming service.
  • Insulated and heated sleeping areas.
  • A covered outdoor area.

A dog kennel business does not merely provide a safe space for the dogs to sleep, but it should also provide them with daily interactions and exercise, such as walks or playtime.

The individual kennel area that the dogs stay in should have their food and water bowls, a bed and bedding, and toys for the dog to play with. Many kennel businesses allow dog owners to bring their dogs’ favourite items from their homes to make them more comfortable and settled in the kennels.

Depending on your facilities and the staff you have available, you may also offer boarding for dogs with health ailments. You will need to ensure your staff are trained in the dog’s condition and that the owner provides any necessary medication and supplies.

You can choose to set up:

  • A standard dog kennel.
  • A luxury kennel.
  • A doggy hotel.
  • Kennels that also cater for cats and other small animals.

As so many people across the UK are such huge pet lovers, kennel businesses continue to be in high demand. This can make it more achievable that your kennel business will be both successful and financially rewarding.

If you are an animal lover who has experience caring for dogs, starting up a dog kennel business could be a great option for you. Running a kennel business can be time-consuming and requires commitment, meaning it is best suited to those who are passionate about animals and their care.

Types of Customers

When considering the types of customers you will target, the most obvious answer is pet owners. However, different types of dog kennels attract different types of pet owners.

Identifying your target market is an important aspect of creating your business plan and identifying your customer base.

  • Budget Market – A budget kennel will attract customers who are looking to spend the least amount of money. You will likely have fewer facilities, a smaller outdoor space, and no special extras available. The budget market is less popular than it once was, as many pet owners want their dogs to have the best possible treatment. However, if you offer a safe and comfortable service for a lower price, you are still likely to attract customers from the budget market.
  • Mid-Market – Mid-market kennels will likely have larger premises with better facilities. You may also offer outdoor areas that are appealing to customers. Some mid-market kennels will also offer some extra services and better equipment that encourage customers to spend a little bit extra.
  • Luxury – A luxury kennel business is comparable to a five-star dog hotel. A luxury business may offer spa treatments such as doggy pedicures, premium facilities, toys, accessories, food, services and luxury sleeping areas. They may also have more staff, so the dogs get extra time and attention.

When deciding the type of dog kennel you are going to open and your target customer base, ensure you consider the types of dog owners that live in your area, how much they are likely to spend, and your local competition.

Dog Kennel Cartoon

Equipment You Will Need

Your dog kennel business will have many different equipment requirements. Below is a list of general equipment you are likely to need. If you set up a specialist kennel business or a luxury business, you may need to purchase additional equipment.

This is one of the main things you will need to invest in when starting up a dog kennel business. The kennels will be used for sleeping and eating and some dogs may choose to spend the majority of their time in their kennel. You may choose different sized kennels for different dog breeds or choose to have identical kennels. You can also choose whether to have kennels or cabins. The price can vary significantly from £3,000 to £10,000 for 10 kennels or cabins.

A CCTV system

This helps dog owners to feel more secure and comfortable leaving their dogs at your kennel. A CCTV system can cost between £300 and £5,000 depending on the specification of the equipment, how many cameras you require, and the installation costs.

Room dividers

Mobile room dividers allow you to keep groups of dogs separate if needed. If you have a communal area for dogs to play or socialise, room dividers can help you to monitor playtime more easily or separate the room into different sections. A room divider can be purchased for as little as £70, depending on the size and material of the divider.

A deep sink or washing area

You will need to install a deep sink or washing area that allows you to wash a lot of equipment at one time. This will help you to save time overall.

A washing machine and dryer

You will have to supply beds, bedding, blankets, and even soft toys for the dogs you care for. You will need to wash these items every time a dog finishes their stay with you, so having a large reliable washing machine and dryer is recommended. Prices can range from £500 to £3,000.

Air purifier

This helps to keep your kennels fresh and hygienic. It can also prevent the kennels from smelling bad, which is a common problem with dogs. An air purification system can cost between £300 and £2,000 depending on the specification.

Air conditioning and dehumidifier

Air conditioning can help you to keep the kennels at a safe temperature and a dehumidifier can remove excess moisture from the air. This can help you to keep your premises safe and hygienic.

A van or other vehicle

If you offer a collection or drop-off service as part of your business, you will need a van or other vehicle. Your vehicle will need to have space to safely transport dogs, for example, by having a crate or boot gate in the back, or space for a pet carrier. The cost of a vehicle can vary, depending on whether it is new or used, and the make and model of the vehicle.

A dog first aid kit

A pet first aid kit allows you to provide pre-vet first aid if one of the dogs in your care is injured or ill. Your first aid kit should contain essential items such as sting relief, alcohol pads, adhesives for cuts and wounds, a rubber tourniquet, bandages of different sizes and tape. You can buy a first aid kit already prepared for approximately £25.

A human first aid kit

This is also essential in case an employee or visitor to your kennel becomes injured. For more information on what is required in a first aid kit, consult our knowledge base . A first aid kit can be purchased for as little as £12.

Cleaning materials

Some of the cleaning supplies you may require include a sweeping brush, a mop and bucket, kennel cleaner, bleach, window cleaner, sanitiser, cloths, sponges and other cleaning supplies. You should also supply hand sanitiser and handwashing facilities for staff and any visitors to your business.

A phone with a good camera

Many dog owners will want regular updates on their pets while they are away. You can send daily updates and take photos of the dogs and send them to the owners. This offers peace of mind and is a service that many dog owners will appreciate. A camera phone can cost between £100 and £1,000, depending on the make and specification.

A laptop or desktop computer

This can be used for making appointments, tracking your business accounts and marketing and advertising. You can expect to spend at least £400 on a quality device.

Other equipment requirements

There are several other equipment requirements your dog grooming business may have, including:

  • Dog beds, bedding and blankets.
  • Dog toys and balls.
  • A till and POS (Point of Sales) system.
  • A bin with a closed lid.
  • Food and water bowls (for each individual kennel).
  • Dog towels.
  • Dog cleaning and maintenance items.

Kennel For Dogs

Typical Pricing

When you create your business plan, you will need to create a budget including the typical start-up costs and running costs associated with your dog kennel business.

Some essential items you may need include:

Your premises will be your most expensive expenditure. You will need a site that is in a good location, preferably away from residential areas so that you don’t receive any noise complaints. You will also need to make sure you have a good outdoor area for the dogs to exercise and play, and plenty of space to build the kennels. The cost of your site can vary significantly, depending on the location, square footage, and existing infrastructure.

As the list above shows, your dog kennel business will require a large amount of equipment. You can expect to spend between £5,000 and £50,000 on equipment.

Replacing or maintaining equipment

This is an ongoing cost you will need to factor into your budget. You may need to maintain or repair equipment frequently and if your equipment is no longer functional, you will need to pay to replace it. As your doggy guests may bite or chew your equipment and it is likely to be heavily used, you may have to repair or replace equipment more often.

Creating your brand identity can include creating your business’s visual identity, a logo, business name, your business website and creating your brand message. You can hire a professional to help you with branding or do some of the work yourself. Branding can cost between £500 and £10,000.

Advertising and marketing

Advertising for your business may seem costly, however, it is an important expenditure for ensuring the success of your dog kennel business, especially when your business is in its first year of operation. It is recommended that you spend no more than 10% of your annual revenue on advertising costs. For example, if your annual revenue is £70,000, your maximum advertising costs should be £7,000. It can be more difficult to plan your advertising strategy in the first year when you don’t yet know your annual revenue.

Running costs

Running costs are the costs associated with running your dog kennel business. Most of these costs will be paid monthly, although some will be paid quarterly or annually. Your running costs could include your overhead costs such as electricity, gas, water, petrol and council tax.

As a dog kennel business operates 24 hours a day, you will need to employ staff. When calculating the costs associated with employing staff you should consider the number of staff and their hourly wage. You will also need to account for holiday pay, sick pay and maternity/paternity pay.

A dog kennel business will have several insurance requirements including Employers’ Liability Insurance, Public Liability Insurance, Professional Indemnity, Care, Custody and Control of Animals Coverage, Custodial Responsibility, Property Damage, and Building and Contents Insurance. Insurance costs can range from £10 to £150 a month depending on your insurance provider and the level of coverage.

Typical Pricing for Customers

On average, dog kennel businesses typically charge between £15 and £25 per day

However, this price can vary based on several factors:

  • Your location – Middle-class and upper-class areas will likely have dog owners who are willing to pay higher prices for your service. If you are located in the centre of a big city, such as London, you may also charge higher prices.
  • How many dogs you are boarding at the kennel – You may offer a discount for customers who are boarding multiple pets at the same time.
  • How long the booking is for – You may offer a discount if customers book longer stays or multiple stays at one time.
  • The time of year – Certain times of the year, such as Christmas and the Summer months, are considered as peak times. This could mean you charge higher prices, compared to other times of the year.
  • Whether optional extras are provided – If you provide extra services such as food, grooming, extra care or the administering of medication, you can charge higher prices. You may also offer a service where you collect and return the dog to the owner’s home.

Your typical pricing will also depend on your target market. For example, if you are targeting the luxury market your prices are likely to be higher.

Safely Running a Dog Kennel Business

Safely running your dog kennel business will be one of your top considerations. It will help you to ensure the health and safety of the animals, your staff, and any visitors to your business.

Some safety considerations you should make include:

Consider your vaccination requirements

To ensure the safety of all the dogs in your care, it is recommended that you check the vaccination status of all the dogs who enter your kennel. You may ask dog owners to provide paper or electronic proof that their dogs are up to date with all vaccines. Taking a copy of the dogs’ vaccination statuses or asking clients to sign a document can help to protect your business if an outbreak does happen.

Flea and tick prevention

To prevent an outbreak of fleas, ticks or lice in your kennel, ensure all the dogs are up to date with their flea and tick treatments. You could request proof that the dogs are up to date in their treatment, or request that the owners treat their dogs before they bring them to the kennels.

Ensure you have the correct staff ratio

Having the correct staff to dog ratio can help to protect both the animals and staff and ensure safety procedures are followed at all times. Having an incorrect ratio can also make it difficult for staff to deal with emergency situations. A staff ratio of 1:5 is recommended.

Employ staff with relevant training or qualifications

Although this is not a legal requirement, it is recommended to ensure the health and safety of the dogs. Having qualified staff can also help you to attract customers and improve your rating on your Boarding for Cats or Dogs Licence.

Happy Dog

Have a vet on call

As you will be working with so many animals, it is inevitable that you will be dealing with health issues, illnesses or injuries at some point. Having a local vet that you are connected with can be extremely beneficial and help you run your business more safely. You can call this vet if you have any questions or concerns and arrange appointments if necessary. You could also arrange for the vet to make visits to your premises if an animal requires it.

Conduct risk assessments

Risk assessments should be carried out before starting up a dog kennel business and at any other time you require them. If your business has five or more employees, risk assessments are a legal requirement. Your risk assessments could refer to any manual handling activities and risks associated with having physical contact with the dogs.

Implement cleaning procedures

Having effective cleaning procedures is essential for your business. A cleaning schedule and cleaning policies should be in place that cover the cleaning of equipment, surfaces, sleeping areas, beds, and food preparation and storage areas. You should also implement handwashing procedures for staff and visitors.

Ensure you have fully stocked first aid kits

You will need a fully stocked first aid kit for dogs and a separate one for humans. The first aid kits should be checked and replenished regularly and be easily accessible for all staff.

Ensure the security of your doggy guests

This is essential for safely running your dog kennel business. There are several ways you can secure your facility including installing a CCTV system and locking the kennels and premises securely.

Correctly label food and treats

Dogs have allergies and intolerances as well as people. Ensuring any food or treats are correctly labelled with the ingredients and allergen information is important for protecting the health and safety of the dogs.

Legal Requirements

There are certain legal requirements you must ensure you comply with when setting up and running your dog kennel business.

Apply for a Boarding for Cats or Dogs Licence

You will need to apply for this licence before your dog kennel business begins operating. Before you are granted a licence, your premises will be inspected by someone from your local council. They will check the suitability of the accommodation, the food, drink and bedding, whether the animals are protected, visited and exercised, and whether staff are trained to look after animals. Your local council will grant you either a one-, two-, or three-year licence. They will also determine the cost. As part of your inspection, you will be granted a star rating between 1 and 5 stars.

Apply for planning permission

If you need to build a main building, erect kennels or make any changes to existing infrastructure, you will likely need to apply for planning permission. To apply for planning permission, you will need to contact your local planning authority (LPA) via your local council.

Display your licence number and licence

Your licence needs to be clearly displayed on your premises and your licence number must be displayed on any advertising. You should also display your star rating for customers to see.

Ensure your paperwork and records are in order

If these are not in order, your licence application may be declined, or you may have your licence revoked. You should keep up-to-date records of your clients, the cleaning schedules, risk assessments, health and safety policies, temperature checks in the kennels, and health records.

Implement health and safety policies

This is legally required for all businesses in the UK. You should have policies in place that protect the animals, staff and any visitors to your business. If you have five or more employees, your health and safety policies should be recorded. Your policies should also include fire safety procedures and emergency procedures.

Register as self-employed with HMRC

Running a dog kennel business as an individual or as a self-employed person requires you to register with HMRC. You will need to register your business name and keep records of all your income, profits and expenses.

Purchase insurance

Certain types of insurance will be legally required, whereas others are only recommended. Contact your local council to enquire which insurance types you must have before starting up a dog kennel business.

Comply with employment legislation

As you will be employing staff, you must ensure you follow employment legislation. You must comply with legislation relating to recruitment, working hours, pay, sickness, discrimination, dismissals, and maternity or paternity pay.

Apply for a Notification to Process Personal Data Licence

You can apply for this licence with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) . If your kennels have a CCTV system or process personal information such as payroll information or accounts and records, you will need to apply for a licence with the ICO and renew your registration every year.

Dogs Being Looked After

Positives of Owning a Dog Kennel Business

Running a dog kennel business is rewarding in many ways. Some of the biggest positives of owning a dog kennel business include:

You can spend your days with dogs

Many animal lovers will think of this as their dream job. You can spend your days walking and feeding them, playing with them and getting lots of doggy attention. Animals, and especially dogs, are considered to be therapeutic and spending time with them can have emotional and health benefits.

High customer retention

Once many dog owners find a kennel that they know and trust and their dog is comfortable in, they are highly unlikely to change to a different one. You will likely get return custom and even client recommendations.

Pick and choose who you want to work with

As the business owner, you will be responsible for hiring employees. You can choose to hire staff that you think will be beneficial to your business, genuinely care about animals, and will work well in your team. You hopefully won’t have to worry about dealing with bad co-workers ever again.

Control your own workload

Once your business is established and you have hired employees, you can begin to control your own workload. You can choose to work as little or as often as you like and also decide whether you want to take a hands-on or hands-off approach.

Unlimited income potential

A dog kennel business can be extremely lucrative, especially if you operate at high occupancy. You will also have the opportunity to expand your premises or open additional kennels in another location. This gives you the opportunity to earn an unlimited income.

Rewarding work

Not only can a kennel business be emotionally, mentally and financially rewarding, but it also allows you to help animals in need. Many kennels offer any extra kennel space to dogs who need shelter or provide animals in need with food, toys and bedding. Being able to help animals is a major benefit to many animal lovers.

Be involved with your local community

You will likely operate your dog kennel business in your local community. This allows you to connect with other dog lovers close to you and become an important part of the community.

Create the business you want

You can design your business exactly as you want. You can decide the type of kennel business you are going to run, the design and aesthetic, and the facilities, equipment and service that will be available. You can create your dream business, while still making money.

Looking After Dogs

Negatives of Owning a Dog Kennel Business

However, there are some negative aspects of owning a dog kennel business you should be aware of:

High start-up costs

You will need to purchase or rent a large amount of land, as well as fund the cost of building the kennels. Your start-up costs are likely to be high, meaning you may need to source outside investment. It may also take you longer to begin making a profit.

It can be time-consuming

Starting up and running a dog kennel business requires a big time commitment, particularly when you first open your business. Your business will operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and you could be responsible for a lot of tasks, including marketing, organisation, business accounts, taking care of the animals, ordering and maintaining equipment, and cleaning.

Work can be inconsistent

If you are not operating at full capacity, you are reducing your profits. Unfortunately, work can be inconsistent and there may be certain times of the year when you have low occupancy.

It can be stressful

Not only are you responsible for the success of your business, but you are also responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the animals and your employees. Running a dog kennel business can be demanding and extremely stressful.

Making your business succeed can be difficult

If your area already has an established kennel business, this can make it extremely difficult to grow your own business and make a success of it. Dog owners are more likely to choose a kennel that they have used previously or that already has a lot of positive customer reviews.

Planning Your Dog Kennel Business

An effective and well-designed business plan is imperative to the success of your dog kennel business.

There are some key considerations you should make when planning your business and creating your business plan:

What type of dog kennel business are you going to run and who are your target customers?

This is the first consideration you should make when planning your business, as it will influence your prices, facilities, equipment requirements, and branding. You need to decide whether you will set up a budget, mid-range or luxury dog kennel business and what services you are going to offer.

What is your local competition?

Being aware of any competition in your area is imperative. If there are already successful dog kennel businesses, you will need to consider how to make your business stand out. If the local kennel is geared towards budget customers, you may want to consider opening a luxury dog kennel to target a different customer base.

What are your premises options?

You will need to consider whether you are buying an existing dog kennel business, land that already has existing infrastructure that can be converted, or land where you will need to build the kennels and other buildings from scratch. This will heavily influence your start-up costs and initial investment requirements.

Where will you be located?

As mentioned earlier, the location of your business is important. Ideally, it should be easily accessible for your target customer base, but far enough away from residential areas that the dog barking won’t be an issue.

What are your equipment requirements?

Budget, mid-range, and luxury dog kennels will have different equipment requirements and facilities as they will offer different services. Consult the equipment list above to plan your requirements and calculate how much this is likely to cost. You should also determine whether you are going to purchase all of your equipment or whether some will be rented.

Can you finance the business yourself or will you need outside investment?

Calculate your start-up costs, running costs, and expected profits to determine your investment requirements. If you need outside investment, you could obtain this from a bank, another financial institution, a private investor, other businesses, or from family or friends.

Will you require your staff to undergo training or obtain qualifications?

Although this is not a legal requirement, qualified staff can make your business more attractive to potential customers, help to keep the animals safe and help you to obtain a higher score on your inspection.

What are your business objectives?

Determining your business objectives can be a great way to attract investments for your dog kennel business and can help you to grow your business. They also help you to create your business plan.

Your business objectives should be SMART:

  • S = Specific
  • M = Measurable
  • A = Achievable
  • R = Realistic
  • T = Time-bound

Have you complied with all legal requirements?

Ensure you have filed all your paperwork and are complying with all legal requirements before opening your dog kennel business. Consult the list above to check you have followed all guidelines and applied for the necessary licences. Legal requirements are designed to help protect your business and protect the health and safety of the dogs, your employees and any visitors to your business.

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Unleash your Entrepreneurial Spirit: 10 Steps to Launching a Successful Dog Kennel Business

Related blogs.

  • Unleashing the Profits: The Surprising Success of Dog Kennels
  • Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Cost of Starting a Successful Dog Kennel Business
  • Top 7 Must-Track KPIs for Your Dog Kennel Business: How to Measure Success!

1. Research The Sector & Create A Business Plan

Starting a dog kennel business can be a profitable venture, especially if you have a passion for pets. However, before you dive into this business, it's essential to do your research and create a solid business plan. This will help you understand the current market trends, identify your target audience, and outline your business objectives.

  • Conduct market research to understand the demand for dog kennel services in your local area.
  • Analyze your competition and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Determine your unique selling proposition and what sets your business apart from others.
  • Create a business plan that outlines your mission, vision, and objectives.
  • Develop a financial plan and determine your startup costs, operating expenses, and expected revenue.

Tips & Tricks

  • Start by researching the internet for information on how to create a kennel business plan.
  • Attend local business events, conferences, and seminars to learn more about the dog kennel industry and network with other business owners.
  • Create a SWOT analysis to help you identify your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Once you've completed your research and business plan, it's time to start developing your brand identity and establishing your dog kennel business.

Dog Kennel Business Plan DOWNLOAD

Understand The Local Legal Regulations & Acquire Official Permits & Licenses

Before starting your dog kennel business, you need to understand the local legal regulations related to owning and operating a pet-related business. The requirements can vary from location to location, so it’s important to research the laws that apply in your specific area.

  • Check with your local government to find out if you need any permits or licenses to operate a dog kennel business. Some cities or counties may require specific licenses for animal-related businesses, and you may need to undergo inspections or meet certain criteria to obtain them.
  • Make sure your dog kennel is in compliance with zoning regulations. Some areas may have restrictions on the type and location of businesses that can operate in residential neighborhoods.
  • Familiarize yourself with any health and safety standards that apply to dog kennel businesses. This may include specific requirements for the cleanliness of the facility, proper food and water storage, and adequate ventilation.

Tips & Tricks:

  • Consult with an attorney who can help you navigate the legal requirements of starting a pet-related business.
  • Look for industry-specific associations or groups that can provide guidance on best practices for operating a dog kennel business.
  • Get to know other pet-related business owners in your area, who may be able to provide insight into local regulations and requirements.

3. Develop A Financial Model & Determine The Investment Budget

In order to open a successful dog kennel business, you need to develop a financial model and determine your investment budget. This will help you fully understand how much money you need to put into the business and how much you can expect to make in return.

Your financial model should include projected expenses and income for the first few years of operation. Some expenses to consider include:

  • Facility rental or purchase costs
  • Equipment and supplies
  • Utility bills
  • Marketing costs
  • Employee salaries or wages

Once you have a comprehensive understanding of your expenses, you can then determine how much money you need to invest in order to get your business up and running.

It's important to make sure that you have enough money to cover your expenses for the first few months of operation, as it may take time to gain traction and attract customers.

  • Consider taking out a small business loan to help cover your initial expenses
  • Consult with a financial advisor to help develop a comprehensive financial model
  • Look into potential grants or funding opportunities for new businesses in the pet industry

Once you have determined your investment budget, you also need to consider how you will allocate your funds. Some important areas to focus on include:

  • The facility: This is one of the most important aspects of your business, as it will provide a safe and comfortable environment for the dogs in your care. Make sure that your facility is clean, secure, and meets all necessary safety requirements.
  • Equipment and supplies: You will need to purchase a variety of equipment and supplies, including kennels, food and water bowls, leashes, cleaning supplies, and more.
  • Marketing: In order to attract customers, you will need to invest in marketing and advertising efforts. This can include everything from creating a website and social media presence to placing ads in local newspapers and magazines.
  • Staff: If you plan on hiring staff to help run your business, you will need to allocate funds for salaries, benefits, and training.
  • Insurance: It's important to have liability insurance to protect your business in case of any accidents or incidents involving the dogs in your care.

By developing a comprehensive financial model and determining your investment budget, you can help ensure the success of your dog kennel business and set yourself up for long-term profitability.

4. Evaluate & Secure The Necessary Funding Sources

Starting a dog kennel business requires initial investment to cover various expenses such as rental space, utilities, equipment, staff, and marketing. As a pro business consultant, I advise you to evaluate your financial situation and secure the necessary funding sources. Below are some steps on how to accomplish this:

1. Prepare a Business Plan

A well-written business plan is a key tool to attract potential investors or lenders. It should contain a summary of your company, market analysis, management team, marketing strategies, financial projections, and growth plan. A detailed plan will give you a better understanding of your business and identify financial requirements. Most importantly, it will convince potential funding sources that your business is viable and profitable.

2. Determine Sources of Funding

There are several sources of funding that you can consider for your business:

  • Savings and Personal Loans: If you have savings, you can use them to fund your business. Personal loans from family or bank can also be a good option.
  • Angel Investors: Angel investors invest in startups and small businesses for a share in the company equity.
  • Venture Capital: Venture capital firms invest in high-risk, high-reward businesses that have potential to grow and scale.
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans: SBA loans offer low-interest, long-term loans for small businesses. They are backed by the government and have less strict requirements than traditional bank loans.

3. Present Your Plan to Potential Funding Sources

Once you have identified potential funding sources , you need to present your business plan to them. This could be in the form of a pitch deck, a face-to-face meeting, or a written proposal. It's important to be prepared to answer questions and provide additional information when asked.

  • Include financial projections and a detailed breakdown of how the funds will be used.
  • Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the funding agreement.
  • Consider partnering with a co-founder or seeking mentorship from experienced business owners.

4. Monitor and Manage Your Finances

Once you have secured funding, it's important to monitor and manage your finances carefully. Keep a comprehensive record of your expenses and revenues, and adjust your budget if necessary. Regularly review your business plan and adjust your growth strategy as needed. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you are making the most of your investment.

As a pro business consultant, I highly recommend following these steps to evaluate and secure the necessary funding sources for your dog kennel business. It's important to approach this process with careful planning and preparation to increase your chances of success.

5. Secure A Business Premises & Suitable Infrastructure

One important factor to consider when opening a dog kennel business is having a secure business premises and suitable infrastructure. This can greatly affect the safety and comfort of the dogs under your care, as well as the overall success of your business. Here are some chapters to help you with this step:

5.1 Choose A Suitable Location

The location of your dog kennel business is crucial in attracting clients and ensuring accessibility for both you and your customers. Consider selecting a location that is easily accessible by car and is in a safe neighborhood. A good location should have ample space for the dogs to run and play, and should be far enough away from residential areas so as not to create noise pollution. It should also be zoned for commercial use.

5.2 Get The Right Permits and Licenses

It’s important to secure the necessary permits and licenses before starting your dog kennel business. This is necessary to avoid legal troubles and hefty penalties. The kind of permits and licenses you need may vary depending on your location. An expert consulting and setting up the business can help you with this.

5.3 Design the Kennel Layout

The layout of your kennel is important for the comfort and safety of the dogs you will be housing. You should consider factors such as type of materials used, temperature control, adequate ventilation, natural lighting, and cleanliness. A good kennel layout should also provide enough space for the dogs to sleep, play and eat.

5.4 Purchase the Essential Equipment for the Facility

Aside from the accommodation facilities for the dogs, there are also some equipment you will need like feeding bowls, waste disposal facilities, dog beds, outdoor play equipment, and grooming equipment at the facility are essential for the comfort, security, and overall well-being of the dogs under your care.

Tips and Trics

  • Consider investing in a powerful security system and providing adequate lighting to ensure a safe and secure environment.
  • Prevent the spread of illnesses by designing a kennel layout that separates the dogs by size, breed and medical screening.
  • Provide 24/7 veterinary care for the dogs, including vaccinations, feeding etc.

By considering the factors listed in this chapter, you will be able to create a safe, secure, clean and comfortable environment for the dogs under your care, which is essential for a successful dog kennel business.

6. Gather The Necessary Resources & Equipment

Opening a dog kennel business requires certain resources and equipment to ensure the comfort and safety of your furry friends. You need to decide the size of your kennel and the number of dogs you will accommodate. Depending on the number of dogs, you need to set up a space for them that includes a sleeping area, a play area, a feeding area, and a grooming area. Once you finalize these details, start gathering the necessary resources and equipment.

  • Leashes and Collars: You will need to have leashes and collars in various sizes to accommodate different breeds of dogs.
  • Bowls: Get stainless steel bowls for food and water. You should have separate bowls for puppies and adult dogs.
  • Beds: You will need to have comfortable beds for the dogs to sleep in. Make sure the bedding is washable and easy to maintain.
  • Toys: Dogs love to play. Buy a selection of toys, such as balls, chew toys, and squeaky toys.
  • Grooming supplies: Invest in a good quality brush, shampoo, conditioner, and nail clippers for grooming the dogs.
  • Cleaning supplies: Keeping the kennel clean is essential for the health of the dogs. You should have disinfectants, cleaners, paper towels, mops, and trash bags on hand.
  • First Aid kit: A well-stocked first aid kit is necessary for emergencies. The kit should have bandages, antiseptic solution, medications, and other items that are recommended by a veterinarian.
  • Office supplies: You will need to keep records, track expenses, and communicate with clients. Purchase office supplies such as a computer, printer, phone, paper, and pens.
  • Insurance: Buy insurance that covers the liability of your business.
  • Do not compromise on the quality of the equipment and supplies. You are dealing with living creatures, and their safety and comfort should be your top priority.
  • Keep an inventory of all the supplies and equipment. This will help you manage the kennel efficiently and avoid shortages.
  • Have a backup plan in case of emergencies, such as a power outage, water shortage, or natural disaster.

Investing in high-quality equipment and supplies might seem expensive at first, but it will pay off in the long run. Dogs are loyal creatures, and their owners will only trust you with their pets if they see that you provide the best possible care.

7. Recruit & Train Staff For Operations

Recruiting and training staff for your dog kennel business is a crucial step towards ensuring the smooth running of your operations. Your team will play a vital role in keeping your customers happy and satisfied and, in turn, help your business grow. Below are some essential steps to follow when recruiting and training staff for your dog kennel business.

  • Write A Job Description: Before recruiting employees, you need to know precisely what roles you need to fill. Create job descriptions that outline each position's responsibilities and requirements, including the level of experience, educational background, and necessary training for the job.
  • Recruit Locally: Reach out to your local community, including your social media following, to find potential employees. Partner with local schools and colleges that offer relevant courses in animal care, kennel management, and related fields.
  • Conduct Interviews: Once you gather potential candidates, conduct an initial phone or in-person interview to ask questions about their experience, qualifications, and interest in working for your dog kennel business. This will help you to shortlist candidates for the final interview stage.
  • Finalize The Hiring: After conducting the final interview, select the best-suited candidate and provide a job offer. Provide employment terms and conditions, including work hours, salary, vacation days, and other benefits.
  • Training The Staff: Provide your staff with comprehensive training on the company's policies, ethical practices, and safety measures. Train them in operational duties like feeding, grooming, cleaning, and supervising the dogs' exercise and playtime. Be sure to allocate enough time and resources for ongoing staff training and development.
  • Offer competitive salaries and benefits packages to attract and retain quality staff.
  • Implement a shadowing system where new staff work alongside experienced staff to learn operational procedures and gain hands-on experience.
  • Foster open communication channels between staff and management to address any concerns and help improve employee morale.

8. Plan The Marketing & Promotional Activities

After you have set up the basics of your dog kennel business, it's time to plan how you will market and promote your business. Here are some essential chapters of the checklist that you can follow:

  • Identify your target market: You need to know who your potential customers are before starting your marketing and promotional activities. Consider people who don't have enough time to take care of their dogs, people who travel frequently, or people who need special care for their dogs because of their breed or age.
  • Create a brand identity: Having a strong brand identity will help you stand out from the competition. Your brand should reflect your business's values and goals, and it should be consistent across all marketing channels.
  • Build an online presence: In today's digital age, having an online presence is crucial for any business. Build a website for your kennel business where your potential customers can learn about your services and make online bookings.
  • List your business on online directories: Listing your business on online directories such as Yelp or Google My Business can help you reach more customers. Make sure to include accurate and up-to-date information about your business on these platforms.
  • Engage in social media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great tools to connect with your potential customers and promote your business. Create a social media strategy and post regular updates about your services, promotions, and events.
  • Offer promotional activities: Offering promotional activities, such as discounts for first-time customers or referrals, can be an effective way to attract new clients. Make sure to promote these activities through your online channels and other promotional materials.
  • Join local pet-related events: Participating in local pet-related events, such as adoption days or dog shows, can help you to raise awareness about your business. You can also use these events as an opportunity to network with other pet-related businesses and professionals.
  • Sponsor local pet charities: Besides building goodwill and reputation in the community, sponsoring local pet charities can also help you to reach out to potential customers who care about animal welfare. Choose reputable charities that align with your business values.
  • Use high-quality images of dogs and your kennel facility to showcase your services on your website and social media platforms.
  • Offer personalized services, such as grooming and training sessions, to attract customers who want extra care for their dogs.
  • Partner with other pet-related businesses, such as veterinary clinics or dog trainers, to offer bundled services and increase your revenue.

9. Establish Clear Policies & Procedures For Daily Operations

The success of any business greatly depends on the system it follows. A dog kennel business is no exception. It is essential to establish policies and procedures that govern the daily operations to ensure efficiency, consistency, and safety. Here are some points to consider when establishing policies and procedures:

  • Define the responsibilities and roles of every staff
  • Establish protocols that meet the needs of the business
  • Develop written policies and procedures for all tasks
  • Establish standard operating procedures for specific procedures
  • Develop an orientation and training program for new employees
  • Establish an emergency procedure plan

To ensure that the policies and procedures are followed, there needs to be a system in place to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the policies and procedures. It is essential to train all staff on the policies and procedures to ensure everyone is on the same page.

  • Review the policies and procedures regularly to ensure they are up-to-date
  • Conduct regular evaluations to ensure the policies and procedures are being followed
  • Solicit feedback from employees to find areas that need improvement

Having clear policies and procedures for daily operations not only improves the flow of the dog kennel business but also ensures the safety and well-being of the dogs under your care. By adhering to these policies, you can build a strong reputation as a responsible and reliable dog kennel business, which will only help attract more clients.

10. Develop A Feedback Collection Procedure & Review Building Capacity If Needed

One of the most crucial aspects of any business, big or small, is customer feedback. For a dog kennel business, feedback from customers is invaluable as it helps the business owners understand how well they are serving their clients and their pets.

To develop an effective feedback collection procedure, start by identifying your target audience and the specific information you want to collect. This may include questions related to quality of service, cleanliness, pet care, and overall satisfaction. Consider using online surveys, comment cards, or in-person interviews to gather this information.

Once you have collected feedback, it is essential to review the responses and make changes as needed. This may involve building capacity in certain areas such as pet care or facilities maintenance. Addressing feedback shows clients that you value their opinions and are willing to take steps to provide the best possible service.

Feedback Collection Tips:

  • Offer an incentive for clients who complete feedback surveys such as a discount on future services.
  • Keep feedback surveys short and easy to complete to encourage participation.
  • Regularly review feedback and update procedures accordingly to show clients that their opinions matter.

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Start a Kennel Business

Embracing The Pawsome Opportunity: Starting Your Own Kennel Business

white and brown dogs on green grass field during daytime


Related business ideas, discover your perfect domain, kennel mini business plan, business model: kennel business, expected percent margin:, earnings expectations:, actions to hit those numbers:, facility establishment, services offered:, marketing and customer acquisition:, sales and customer experience:, cost control:, business operations:, not what you had in mind here are more ideas, grab your business website name, overview of 9 steps, step 1: determine if a kennel business is right for you, breakdown of startup expenses, breakdown of ongoing expenses, examples of ways to make money, step 2: name the business, registering the name, step 3: obtain licenses and permits, apply for necessary licenses and permits, pay fees for licenses and permits, renew licenses and permits, step 4: find a suitable location, step 5: develop a business plan, step 6: obtain financing, business plan, step 7: purchase equipment and supplies, where to purchase equipment and supplies, budgeting for equipment and supplies, maintenance and upkeep, step 8: market your business, promote your business, network with other businesses, monitor your progress, step 9: hire employees, benefits of hiring employees, explore more categories, take the next steps.

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How to Write a Dog Boarding Business Plan

You love dogs and want to open a dog boarding business, but you aren't sure where to begin. Unfortunately, running a successful dog kennel takes more than just a love of dogs. Before you can turn your passion into a thriving and profitable enterprise, you will need to know how to write a dog boarding business plan that's solid .

A proper business plan is vital in starting any business, as well as the #1 tool for gathering investors. Before you even consider taking a single dog into your care, you must research and map out a proper strategy. This strategy will be the guide that outlines your goals and brings your vision to life.

There are business plan templates available online to help you, or you can come up with your own. There are a lot of variables when planning a business, so everyone's business plans will look a little different, but they will all state the details of the business, the scope of the business, how the owner will get the business started, and what the owners' plans are for the near future.

How to Write a Dog Boarding Business Plan

You may be thinking that your dog boarding business is going to be a small operation run from your home and you'll be tending to the dogs of your friends, family, and neighbors.

So, why would you need a business plan?

No matter how small your business, you're going to have some kind of startup costs. Granted, your business may not need much, but you'll still need some basic supplies and possibly a slight remodel of the intended location. Your also going to need some amount of advertising and you'll have insurance and legal issues to work out as well.

Don't think for a second that you can get away with not having a business plan. If you're serious about your business you need a solid plan that will help you start it, build it up, and run it for years to come. Think of your business plan as a road map for the next 5+ years of your business's existence.

The scope of your business will vary from other dog boarding businesses, which will effect the details of your business plan, but this will give you a general idea of the parts of a business plan, why they are all important, and what to include in your plan.

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Before you get started you need to make sure that there is a need for your business in your area. Every pet owner travels at some time or another or has to board their dog for any number of other reasons. Unless there are other similar businesses in your area, you should be good to go.

However, don't count your idea out just because there is another boarding business in your local area. Is there a need for another one?  Maybe you live in an urban area and the local dog boarding facility is full most of the time with a wait list for cancellations. In that case you could probably open your business up next door and still get customers.

Do some research to find out what your local competition will be and whether or not this type of business is needed in your area. Once you've established a need, you can move on with creating your business plan.

State the Goals of Your Dog Boarding Business

The first part of any business plan is a brief overview of what you have in mind for your particular business. Investors and bankers know what a dog boarding business is, but what are the specific details of your operation.

Here is an example: I will start my dog boarding business, Forever Friends Kennel and Boarding, in my home. I will convert my existing two car garage into a kenneling facility. If things go well, there is room for expansion in a few years. I will not take anymore than 6 dogs at a time. I will provide doggy daycare services as well.

It is also necessary to list all related experience you and your staff will bring to the venture when writing a business plan for your dog kennel. Care of an owner's pets can be both complicated and emotional, and the more experience you bring to the table, the more peace-of-mind your clients will have.

How to Write a Dog Boarding Business Plan

This section should state your dog-related accomplishments, relevant pet care experience, credentials and all other pertinent qualifications. This part is brief, but it shows the reader exactly what your intentions are.

Be honest in your business plan. Investors aren't necessarily looking to back a business that has intentions on growing into a franchise, they just want to see that you have a plan to make your business, however big or small it may be, successful.

Executive Summary

Write a thorough but brief summary of your dog boarding business and how you plan for its success. Be sure to add a full list of the services that your boarding facility will offer. Some dog kennels operate full boarding facilities and even offer dog training for the animals and their owners while others provide day services only. Supply as complete a picture as you can of your new business.

Your executive summary should be written last, after you have done all the groundwork in preparing your business plan – it is, after all, meant to be a summary of everything in your plan. This is the page that needs to grab the interest of potential investors and clients and should include when the investors can expect to see a return on their investment.

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Your executive summary should include your officers and employees and all major leading players who are going to assist in managing the business and generating the returns for the investors. It should also discuss any business partners (silent or working) that you may have, and what type of entity your business is going to be (sole proprietorship, limited liability corporation, etc…)

Financial Summary

If you don't have sufficient cash, you may need outside sources to help with funding. A proper dog boarding business plan gives possible investors and banks the tools they need to analyze your business. You need to provide a projected cash-flow statement to show how your proposed business will make a profit.

How much money you will need to start up, and how you intend to repay it, should be a significant portion of your business plan. It may take months for your business to grow so be realistic about your projected cash flow. A good rule of thumb to follow is to make sure that you plan to have enough startup money in the bank to run your business for 3 months without any cash flow and an additional 3 months with only enough income to pay half your bills.

How to Write a Dog Boarding Business Plan

Start by indicating that you will open both a business checking and savings account. List your projected expenses including salary along with credit cards that you will use for equipment, office furniture, leashes, collars, dog food , and other supplies. Make a list of all the equipment for boarding dogs, such as sanitation, flooring, crates and fencing.

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You don't have to get exact figures for the cost of all your supplies, but check around and make an accurate estimation. In this case it would be better to overestimate than underestimate. When it comes time to start purchasing equipment you don't want to run out of money.

This section is crucial, even if you plan to fund your business yourself. You still need a plan for what you'll be spending your money on and when you'll be able to see a return on your investment. Your business plan is not set in stone, but it will keep you on track. It will keep you from going way over budget and prevent you from forgetting some important supplies too.

Marketing Analysis Summary and Advertising

Once you have completed the demographics for your kennel and completed your market research, these statistics should be included in your dog boarding business plan. Do a market analysis of other similar facilities in the area, and explain what you will do differently if you find that other dog boarding facilities have failed.

This is the section where you will explain how you will make your center a success. Provide as much information as you can, including your pricing and media strategy and outline of the marketing efforts you have planned for the future. Be as detailed as you can when explaining how you will market your business . Don't just say you'll hang up flyers. Explain where you'll hang your flyers and why you chose those locations.

Your boarding business will need publicity and an advertising strategy. List your plans for any advertisements you plan on putting in pet-care magazines, the internet, or local newspapers. Include information on how you plan to implement your strategic vision. If you plan to offer coupons and promotions to your new customers, put your ideas in this section.

Fees and Legalities

Once you are done your market research you should have a good sense of what other boarding facilities in your area charge. Keep in mind that you don't have the experience or reputation that these other facilities may have, so you may not be able to charge the same rates.

On the other hand, you may be able to charge more for your services if you offer something that no other facility in your area offers or if you have special qualifications and training . It is always best to start off on the lower end so you don't drive potential customers away with high prices. Once your business gets established and your reputation grows you can slowly raise your fees over time.

How to Write a Dog Boarding Business Plan

After your prices are set you must draft a contract for all your clients. If you're offering doggy daycare and grooming services along with boarding, you will need a separate contract for each service. Even if you live in a small community and you'll be doing business with family and friends, EVERYONE needs to sign a contract.

These contracts will not only protect you and your business assets, but also your customers, their pets, and your employees. It is important to make sure that your contracts cover as much as possible, so you may want to work with a legal professional to draft them.

If a lawyer isn't in your budget, you can find sample contracts on numerous websites, including:

  • 4 Paws Resort and Spa
  • SamTheDogTrainer

You're ready to get started…

Once your business plan is complete you can begin looking for investors and get your business started. Even if you don't need outside financing, taking the time to make sure your dog boarding business plan is as thorough as possible will make things much easier for you in the long run.

The more time you put into the planning of your business, the less surprises you will have as you begin to get it up and running. The more thorough your plan is, the better it will look to investors as well. Think of your business plan as your business's first impression, and make sure it is a good one.



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Looking for Pet Insurance? Some Dog Breeds Will Cost More to Cover.

Premiums for big dogs and purebreds are generally higher. But as one expert put it, “Every dog can get sick.” Here’s what to know about coverage.

An illustration of a poodle with a bandage on one of its paws.

By Ann Carrns

The most popular dog in the country for the last two years has been the French bulldog, beloved for its batlike ears and deep wrinkles. But because of their flat faces, they are prone to respiratory and eye problems.

That may be why “Frenchies” are the second-most-expensive dog breed to insure, behind the Cane Corso, a mastiff, according to Spot Pet Insurance , one of dozens of companies selling pet health insurance. The company recently ranked the costliest breeds of dogs and cats to cover, noting that some purebreds may be more expensive because their genetic makeup makes them susceptible to certain health conditions.

The rankings were based on average policy premiums as well as the most costly claim paid for the breed, said Trey Ferro, chief executive of Spot Pet Insurance, which has 330,000 active policies. (The dog’s age and the type of policy chosen can also affect costs, the company said.)

At the other end, the cheapest breeds to insure were the Chihuahua and the Maltipoo, a Maltese-poodle cross.

Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer for the American Kennel Club, noted that a majority of dog breeds on the insurer’s most-costly-to-cover list — the compact Frenchie aside — were larger animals, while small breeds dominated the least-costly list.

“Big dogs cost more, period,” Dr. Klein said. They eat more, they need bigger crates and other equipment, and if they need medical care, they require larger doses of medicine and anesthesia, he said.

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Make a plan.

  • Know what you will do with your pet during an evacuation
  • Investigate whether your shelter accepts pets and whether there are any size restrictions
  • Identify a hotel that accepts pets and know what they require for your pet to stay there
  • Develop a buddy system with neighbors, friends, or relatives

pet plan

  • Get your pet chipped
  • Keep your address and phone number up-to-date and include an emergency contact outside Southwest Florida

Pet Emergency Kit

  • Vaccination records
  • Three days worth of food and water

pet plan

  • A water bowl
  • Any medicine your pet takes
  • A backup collar with ID tag and a harness or leash
  • Traveling bag, crate, or sturdy carrier for each pet
  • A picture of your pet in the event you become separated
  • Cat litter, a litter box, trash bags, and other sanitation needs
  • Toys, treats, or bedding that may make your pet feel more comfortable

pet plan

Larger Animals

  • Form of identification for each animal
  • Food and water
  • Medications
  • Handling equipment
  • Dry bedding

the dog kennel business plan

  • Develop an evacuation plan to include different routes and suitable shelter locations
  • Ensure you have the resources to transport your animals – vehicles, trailers, and experienced drivers and handlers
  • RELATED: Storm Watch 2024: Ensuring Your Safety, Insuring Your Future

“It’s best for them to be pastured with their herd in their natural environment. They know what to do for themselves and to protect themselves,” added Hollenzer.

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the dog kennel business plan

Prepare Your Pets for Disasters

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Make a Plan

Build a Kit

Prepare Pets for Travel

Tips for large animals, stay informed, associated content.

Your pets are an important member of your family, so they need to be included in your family’s emergency plan. To prepare for the unexpected follow these tips with your pets in mind:

  • Make a plan.
  • Build an emergency kit.
  • Stay informed.

If you have a plan in place for you and your pets, you will likely encounter less difficulty, stress and worry when you need to make a decision during an emergency. If local officials ask you to evacuate, that means your pet should evacuate too. If you leave your pets behind, they may end up lost, injured or worse.

Things to include in your plan:

  • Have an evacuation plan for your pet. Many public shelters and hotels do not allow pets inside. Know a safe place where you can take your pets before disasters and emergencies happen.
  • Develop a buddy system. Plan with neighbors, friends or relatives to make sure that someone is available to care for or evacuate your pets if you are unable to do so.
  • Have your pet microchipped . Make sure to keep your address and phone number up-to-date and include contact information for an emergency contact outside of your immediate area.
  • Contact your local emergency management office, animal shelter or animal control office to get additional advice and information if you’re unsure how to care for your pet in case of an emergency.

Build a Kit for Your Pet

Just as you do with your family’s emergency supply kit, think first about the basics for survival, such as food and water. Have two kits, one larger kit if you are sheltering in place and one lightweight version for if you need to evacuate.  Review your kits regularly to ensure that their contents, especially foods and medicines, are fresh.

Here are some items you may want to include in an emergency kit for your pet:

illustration of a dog and an emergency supply kit for pets, which includes food, toys, medicine, food and a collar with a tag.

  • Food. Keep several days’ supply of food in an airtight, waterproof container.
  • Water. Store a water bowl and several days’ supply of water.
  • Medicine. Keep an extra supply of the medicine your pet takes on a regular basis in a waterproof container.
  • First aid kit. Talk to your veterinarian about what is most appropriate for your pet’s emergency medical needs.
  • Collar with ID tag and a harness or leash . Include a backup leash, collar and ID tag. Have copies of your pet’s registration information and other relevant documents in a waterproof container and available electronically.
  • Traveling bag, crate or sturdy carrier , ideally one for each pet.
  • Grooming items. Pet shampoo, conditioner and other items, in case your pet needs some cleaning up.
  • Sanitation needs. Include pet litter and litter box (if appropriate), newspapers, paper towels, plastic trash bags and household chlorine bleach to provide for your pet’s sanitation needs.
  • A picture of you and your pet together . If you become separated from your pet during an emergency, a picture of you and your pet together will help you document ownership and allow others to assist you in identifying your pet.
  • Familiar items. Put favorite toys, treats or bedding in your kit. Familiar items can help reduce stress for your pet.

When evacuating your home, it’s important to bring your pets. Because you may need to put your cat or dog into a pet carrier, it’s important that they’re comfortable with the experience. Follow these tips to reduce their stress:

Three pets in their respective crates: a dog, a cat and a bird, all stacked one on top of the other.

  • Leave the carrier out in places your pet frequently visits
  • Leave the carrier open
  • Feed them treats near the carrier – you can even try putting a few treats inside the carrier
  • Add a favorite blanket or small bed inside the carrier so it smells familiar
  • Make note of where your pets hide, so you can easily find them in case you have to leave your house quickly.

If you have pets such as horses, goats or pigs on your property, be sure to prepare before a disaster.

In addition to the tips above:

  • Ensure all animals have some form of identification.
  • Evacuate animals earlier, whenever possible. Map out primary and secondary routes in advance.
  • Make available vehicles and trailers needed for transporting and supporting each type of animal. Also make available experienced handlers and drivers.
  • Ensure destinations have food, water, veterinary care and handling equipment.
  • If evacuation is not possible, animal owners must decide whether to move large animals to a barn or turn them loose outside.

Being prepared and staying informed of current conditions. Here are some ways you can stay informed:

  • Pay attention to wireless emergency alerts for local alerts and warnings sent by state and local public safety officials.
  • Listen to local officials when told to evacuate or shelter in place.
  • Download the FEMA app and get weather alerts from the National Weather Service, for up to five different locations anywhere in the United States.
  • Always bring pets indoors at the first sign or warning of a storm or disaster.
  • Prepare Your Pets for Disasters Brochure (PDF)
  • Prepare Your Pets for Disasters Brochure (PDF)(Spanish)
  • American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
  • American Humane Association
  • The Palo Alto Humane Society (PAHS)
  • Preparing makes sense for Pet owners  (Video)

Last Updated: 06/03/2024

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Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

About 48 million people in the U.S. (1 in 6) get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die each year from foodborne diseases, according to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is a significant public health burden that is largely preventable.

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is transforming the nation’s food safety system by shifting the focus from responding to foodborne illness to preventing it. Congress enacted FSMA in response to dramatic changes in the global food system and in our understanding of foodborne illness and its consequences, including the realization that preventable foodborne illness is both a significant public health problem and a threat to the economic well-being of the food system.

FDA has finalized several rules to implement FSMA, recognizing that ensuring the safety of the food supply is a shared responsibility among many different points in the global supply chain for both human and animal food. The FSMA rules are designed to make clear specific actions that must be taken at each of these points to prevent contamination.

Rules and Programs

Produce Safety (Final Rule)

Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water (Final Rule)

Accredited Third-Party Certification (Final Rule)

Food Traceability (Final Rule)

Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) for Importers of Food for Humans and Animals (Final Rule)

Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods (LAAF) (Final Rule)

Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration (Final Rule)

Preventive Controls for Human Foods (Final Rule)

Preventive Controls for Animal Food (Final Rule)

Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food (Final Rule)

Additional Rules

  • Accredited Third-Party Certification Program
  • Foreign Suppliers Verification Programs (FSVP) - List of Participants
  • Foreign Suppliers Verification Programs (FSVP) - Importer Portal for Records Submission
  • Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods Program (LAAF)
  • Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP)

Full Text of FSMA Related Rules

Searchable list of all FSMA related Rules

Guidance Documents

Searchable list of FSMA related Guidance

Training and Technical Assistance

  • Federal/State Integration
  • FSPCA Preventive Controls for Animal Food  
  • FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food
  • Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP)
  • Intentional Adulteration
  • Training Framework
  • Frequently Asked Questions on FSMA
  • FSMA Collaborative Training Forum
  • FSMA Technical Assistance Network (TAN)
  • Produce International Partnership (PIP)
  • Produce Safety Alliance
  • Produce Safety Network
  • Sanitary Transportation Carriers Training Module
  • Sprout Safety Alliance

Compliance and Implementation Tools

  • Application Portal
  • FDA Food Code
  • Small Business
  • International Capacity Building
  • Food Defense Plan Builder
  • Food Safety Plan Builder
  • Data Dashboard (Inspections, Compliance Actions, Recalls, and Imports)
  • Duns Portal
  • Product Tracing  [ARCHIVED]
  • Key FSMA Compliance Dates              
  • Pasteurized Milk Ordinance
  • Industry Resources on Third-Party Audit Standards and FSMA Supplier Verification Requirements
  • Accredited Third-Party Certification Program Voluntary Audit Templates

Additional tools and resources for industry listed on the rule and program pages above. 

FSMA Background

  • What's New in FSMA
  • Reports & Studies
  • Operational Strategy for Implementing FSMA
  • Background on FSMA

FSMA's Impact on Public Health

  • The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act at 10: Reflecting on Our Progress and the Path Forward
  • FDA Commissioner Addresses State Agriculture Commissioners: Announces New Steps to Enhance Collaboration with States and Ensure Farmers Are Prepared for FSMA
  • Q&A Conversation - CFSAN’s Senior Science Advisor Aims to Build Bridges to Advance Produce Safety
  • Q&A Conversation - FSVP: What Do Importers Need to Know?
  • Q&A Conversation - Outlining the Benefits of the Voluntary Qualified Importer Program
  • Q&A Conversation - Protecting the Food Supply from Intentional Adulteration, such as Acts of Terrorism
  • Q&A Conversation - Taking a Modern, Integrated Approach to Advancing the Safety of Imported Food
  • Q&A Conversation - The Produce Safety Network: Supporting Regulators and Growers Across the Country
  • Q&A Conversation - What to Expect Now That Larger Farms Must Comply with the FSMA Produce Safety Rule
  • Q&A Conversation - What to Expect with the Next Compliance Dates for the FSMA Preventive Controls for Animal Foods Rule

FDA Launches the FDA-TRACK: Food Safety Dashboard to Track FSMA Progress

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Nationwide cuts insurance for 100,000 pets, blames inflation, vet costs

Nationwide , the nation's largest pet insurer, is dropping coverage for about 100,000 pets across the country, blaming the rising costs of veterinary care and other factors that it says are threatening long-term viability and profitability of its pet insurance business.

"As pet lovers ourselves, we understand the emotions connected to the protection of our family pets. Inflation in the cost of veterinary care and other factors have led to recent underwriting changes and plan availability in some states — difficult actions that are necessary to ensure a financially sustainable future for our pet insurance line of business," the company said in a statement Wednesday.

Affected policyholders are being informed in writing about Nationwide's plans. The company, which insures 1.2 million pets, began sending letters to policy holders this spring and will continue into the summer of 2025.

Nationwide's move comes amid a spiraling crisis in insurance costs.

The cost of auto insurance alone has jumped 22.6% in the past year, running well past the cost of any other category of inflation tracked by the government, including food, energy, clothes, new and used cars, medical services and rent, according to federal inflation data.

The cost of insuring a home has risen so much that some homeowners are doing without coverage.

The release of Nationwide's statement comes as policyholders have turned to social media to complain about the letters they've received, especially those with pets with health problems that require several hundred dollars a month for care and medicine to treat.

"Pet owners are contemplating euthanizing sick pets because they are uninsured, and all they can say is they need to make more money, so too bad," said Robin Tobias of Aventura, Florida, who received a letter from Nationwide in April telling her that coverage for her dog, Ginger, won't be renewed.

Nationwide said it is taking these actions now to make sure it can continue to cover pets into the future, and that its actions comply with the law and its contracts with policyholders. Nationwide said Ohio policyholders are among those affected, but it did not release any numbers.

Other companies are seeking to take advantage of the situation. MetLife, for example, is reaching out and says it may be able to help owners of pets with preexisting conditions.

"We certainly empathize with the disappointment many of our pet families feel and will fully stand by the protections for which they have paid. Given the current environment, our rates will continue to be fair and appropriately priced for the plan, pet, and breed," Nationwide said in the statement.

Tobias shared the letter with The Dispatch she received from Nationwide.

"After careful review of our products, we've elected to discontinue certain plans, including Whole Pet, which will no longer be offered in your state," the letter said. "The same economic pressures from inflation, higher interest rates and rising that have caused unprecedented losses for the American insurance industry are affecting the pet industry as well, leading to difficult decisions such as this."

Ginger's coverage ends July 23. Tobias pays about $160 a month for insurance to cover the 7-year-old dog with a heart murmur. She bought the coverage when her dog was a puppy.

"There's a lot of people panicking," Tobias said.

Tobias is particularly concerned about older pets with health problems that may be abandoned by their owners because they can't afford to pay to care for their pets and can't get coverage from another insurer.

"That's the reason why you take insurance," she said. "Down the road, you're doing to need it. It's horrifying really."

"For us, dogs have been our children. Everything we do is to protect our children."

She has found another company that she believes will cover Ginger, but she worries that others won't be as fortunate.

Christi Keith of Davisburg, Michigan, has three dogs covered by Nationwide that will be losing protection.

"I thought I had a safety net for my dogs. I thought I was doing the responsible thing," she said.

While she believes the youngest can get other coverage, her two other dogs have health issues, she said.

"My two old dogs are just screwed," she said, which will make getting other coverage tough.

She said she bought coverage off a promise from Nationwide.

"The whole point of insurance is not to be put in that position," she said.

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  • Best overall
  • Best for direct pay
  • Best for fast reimbursement
  • Best for wide-ranging coverage
  • Best for pre-existing conditions
  • Best for quick coverage
  • How we reviewed pet insurance for senior dogs

Best Pet Insurance for Senior Dogs of June 2024

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate insurance products to write unbiased product reviews.

As your pet gets older, medical bills can add up quickly. Pet insurance gives you peace of mind knowing that when your dog or other pet needs emergency care, you'll be covered financially. This is especially important if you own a senior pet, which is more susceptible to illnesses. And yet, they're also the most difficult to insure.

Our Top Picks for the Best Pet Insurance for Senior Dogs

  • Best overall: Spot Pet Insurance
  • Best for direct pay: Trupanion Pet Insurance
  • Best for fast reimbursement: Healthy Paws Pet Insurance
  • Best for wide-ranging coverage: Pumpkin Pet Insurance
  • Best for pre-existing conditions: AKC Pet Insurance
  • Best for quick coverage: Figo Pet Insurance
  • Best on a budget: ASPCA Pet Insurance

Compare Senior Dog Pet Insurance

Finding pet insurance for a senior dog can be difficult, as many companies won't insure pets with pre-existing conditions and limit the age of the enrolled pet. Additionally, policies for senior dogs are often more expensive compared to policies for younger dogs and often have long waiting periods, up to 365 days. 

However, there are still great options for senior pet insurance that can offer breed-specific coverage and end-of-life benefits without costing an exorbitant amount. Here are our picks for the best senior dog pet insurance in 2024.

Best Overall: Spot

Spot Insurance Services LLC Spot Pet Insurance

Offers coinsurance of up to 90% of each eligible bill with no annual limit

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Wellness plans and accident and illness plans available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Available in all 50 states with comprehensive coverage options
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Coverage available for senior dogs and cats
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Pets have to be at least 8 weeks for coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Does not offer coverage for exotic pets

Spot pet insurance provides comprehensive pet insurance, including an allowance for end-of-life memorials. Some plan upgrades cover dental cleanings and other costly services.

The first thing to love about Spot Pet Insurance : There's no upper age limit. That means you can get coverage for your cat or dog, no matter how old they are. You can expect your premiums to increase as your pet ages, but that's the case with any pet insurance. Spot doesn't cover pre-existing conditions, but there's a caveat. If your pet has a condition and recovers fully (for at least 180 days), Spot will cover future occurrences of that condition. 

A sad but nice touch with Spot Pet Insurance is that if your animal dies from a covered condition, their end-of-life expenses including euthanasia, burial, or cremation are also covered. While no one wants to think about their beloved pet crossing the rainbow bridge, it's good to know that you won't need to worry about finances when the time comes. 

Spot is a reimbursement system, the most common type of pet insurance. You can select a plan that reimburses up to 90% of expenses, with annual deductibles between $100 and $1,000. We love that Spot makes it easy to see a sample policy , so you can dig into the details. 

Read our Spot pet insurance review here.

Best for Direct Pay: Trupanion

American Pet Insurance Company Trupanion Pet Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Unlimited coverage with highly customizable deductibles
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Direct pay capability
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Lifetime per-condition deductibles
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No premium increases based on pet age
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Expensive coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No wellness plans or pre-existing condition coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Long waiting period for illness coverage

With unlimited coverage options and affordable rates for many pet parents, Trupanion sets itself apart with per condition deductibles. So once you pay a deductible on (for example) allergies, you would not be responsible for further deductibles in coming years.

Too often, even people with pet insurance are unable to afford emergency veterinary care. That's because most pet insurance companies reimburse you, but you must pay the vet before care is administered. If you don't have cash or credit on hand, your animal might not get care. Trupanion offers a solution, as one of the only pet insurance companies that pays vets directly.

Trupanion Pet Insurance has a pre-approval process that vets use, says emergency vet Vanessa Selger, so you'll know that any provided care is covered. Of course, you'll need to make sure the clinic or hospital that you go to takes Trupanion, so before purchasing be sure there's a vet in your area that accepts this plan. 

Trupanion covers cats and dogs up to the age of 14. Like most plans, it doesn't cover pre-existing conditions, but Trupanion does cover breed-specific concerns, like hip dysplasia, as long as your pet has no existing symptoms. Another perk for owners of older pets: Trupanion has no payout limit, meaning that your plan will cover bills that can add up quickly with a senior pet. 

All Trupanion plans cover 90% of the cost of care. Its deductible system is unique. While most insurers have an annual deductible, Trupanion has a deductible per condition. So, if you pay a deductible for treatments this year, you'll only pay it again next year if your pet has a new health condition. 

Read our Trupanion pet insurance review here.

Best for Fast Reimbursement: Healthy Paws

Healthy Paws Pet Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company Healthy Paws Pet Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Unlimited coverage options available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Average claims processing time of 2 days
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Low deductible options
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Healthy Paws may cover curable preexisting conditions after a waiting period
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Coverage may decrease with age
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Rates may be higher than some competitors

Healthy Paws offers comprehensive and affordable pet insurance plans with unlimited coverage, high reimbursement options, and more. These features earned it a spot on our guide to the best pet insurance. However, Healthy Paws does not cover preventative care, encouraging pet parents to budget for known annual costs.

If your pet insurance can't pay you directly, you'll want to know that reimbursement is prompt. At Healthy Paws, approved claims are reimbursed within 24 hours. It can still take up to 10 days for the check or direct deposit to reach you, but it's reassuring to know you'll have an answer quickly. 

The maximum enrollment age for Healthy Paws is 14 years old for cats and dogs. Healthy Paws requires all pets to have had a vet exam in the year before applying for coverage; if your pet is six or older, you'll need to show an exam within the past 30 days. This is to identify any pre-existing conditions, which aren't covered. But, if your pet is healthy overall, it's a great way to demonstrate that to your insurer and possibly lower your premiums. Healthy Paws has a short waiting period of 15 days. That means that you can sign your senior pet up and have coverage start later that month. 

Healthy Paws reimburses up to 90% of the cost of emergency care and offers an annual deductible. 

Read our Healthy Paws pet insurance review .

Best for Wide-Ranging Coverage: Pumpkin

Pumpkin Pumpkin Pet Insurance

Offers 90% reimbursement on all pet insurance plans

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Unlimited annual coverage available after deductible available for dogs and cats
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Vet exam fee coverage for illnesses and accidents
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Multi-pet discounts available
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. 14 day waiting period for accidents
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No 24-7 pet healthline

Pumpkin pet insurance offers 90% reimbursement on all pet insurance plans. It has accident and illness and wellness options, but monthly premiums may be on the higher end.

Pumpkin sounds more like a pet treat than an insurance company. That fits, because its coverage is pretty sweet. Pumpkin covers care that many pet insurance companies don't, including behavioral interventions, acupuncture, and specialty foods. Your pet can even get dental care and physical therapy with a Pumpkin plan. 

Pumpkin has no upper age limit, and a short waiting period of just 14 days. That means you can get your senior pet covered quickly. Like most insurers, Pumpkin doesn't cover pre-existing conditions, but it will cover most ailments that are cured for at least 180 days before reoccurring. 

Pumpkin plans reimburse 90% of the cost of care for covered procedures. Pumpkin plans have an annual deductible that can range from $100-$1,000. 

Read our Pumpkin pet insurance review here. 

Best for Pre-Existing Conditions: AKC

Independence American Insurance Co AKC Pet Insurance

Offers unlimited coverage with select plans

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Offers 30 days free coverage with no waiting periods for any AKC-registered puppies in qualifying state
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Unlimited coverage available with select plans
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Buyers can add on wellness coverage and other riders to customize plans
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. May be more expensive than competitors' plans
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Not available in full in all states

AKC pet insurance offers several types of pet insurance to suit your needs. Buyers have options from base coverage for unforeseen events to comprehensive protection for their pet's health. However, AKC pet insurance offers a service not provided by other providers.

The American Kennel Club is known for looking after dogs and dog enthusiasts, but don't worry: Its pet insurance plan covers cats too. It's a standout for senior pets because this is the only pet insurance we could find that covers pre-existing conditions. 

Before you celebrate, there are some details to consider. AKC Insurance will cover pre-existing conditions after 365 days, so you won't get immediate coverage. Still, if your pet is living with a chronic condition like allergies, gastrointestinal issues, or ear infections that require ongoing care, AKC is a great option. Unfortunately, this coverage for pre-existing conditions isn't available in all states. 

AKC has no age limit for accident coverage. But, your pet must be younger than nine in order to enroll in illness coverage. If they are already enrolled continuously, they will be covered for illnesses even when they're older than nine. 

AKC plans cover between 70-90% of the cost of care, and deductibles range from $100-$1,000. 

Read our AKC pet insurance review here.

Best for Quick Coverage: Figo

Figo Figo Pet Insurance

Offers coinsurance of up to 100% of each eligible bill with no annual limit

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. 3 popular pet insurance plans
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Riders available for preventative care and routine vet services
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Affordable pricing
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Excludes certain genetic issues and preexisting conditions
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Insurer recommends submitting 12 months of vet records with your application
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Any claim filed in the first 6 months may be registered as a preexisting condition

Figo pet insurance offers aggressive pet insurance coverage options to ensure your pet gets the veterinary care they need in an emergency. Figo offers easy online quotes, and Costco members qualify for discounts on its pet insurance plans.

Sometimes, you just want coverage quickly. With Figo, your pet's coverage starts the day after you enroll. That means you can sign your senior pet up today and have them covered tomorrow. Claims are processed quickly too, in less than three days on average.

Figo doesn't have any upper age limits. Its policies don't cover pre-existing conditions, with some exceptions for conditions that have been cured for more than a year. Like other insurers, Figo will raise your premium rates as your pet gets older, but never in response to you filing a claim. 

Figo makes it easy to add a wellness plan to your insurance. This can help cover the cost of preventive health care, which is important for all pets, but especially seniors. As a Figo member you also have access to call or chat with a vet 24/7, a great resource for times when you're on the fence about whether your pet needs to be seen. 

Figo stands out because it offers the option to cover 100% of qualified expenses, something most other insurers don't have. You can also choose less coverage (and therefore a lower deductible), with plans starting at 70% coverage. Deductibles range from $100-750. 

Read our Figo pet insurance review here.

Best on a Budget: ASPCA

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) ASPCA Pet Insurance

Offers coinsurance of up to 90% of each eligible bill with a maximum of up to $10,000 per year

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Coverage available for dogs, cats, and horses
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No age limits for coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. 10% multipet discount
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Up to 90% reimbursement after deductible
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Royalties go back to the ASPCA to care for homeless pets
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Available coverage tapers off with age
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Coverage can raise with pet's age

ASPCA pet insurance is not sold or underwritten by the ASPCA. However, the ASPCA collects royalties on sales made to support its operations and aid homeless pets.

If you live with a senior pet, you may have rescued them from the ASPCA, a nation-wide charity dedicated to preventing cruelty to animals. And now, the ASPCA can be helpful again, with affordable pet insurance plans and no upper age limits for coverage. 

ASPCA offers a few different options to help keep costs down. For starters, its annual coverage limit is lower than many competitors, capping at $10,000 a year. If your pet requires more care than that, you'll be on the hook for the bills, but if they don't, having a lower coverage cap helps keep insurance affordable. ASPCA also offers accident-only plans, which don't cover illness, but are much cheaper. 

ASPCA has lower deductibles than many other plans. You can choose a deductible of between $100-500, and reimbursement amount of 70-90%.

Read our ASPCA pet insurance review here.

Choosing the Right Insurance for Your Senior Dog

Shopping for pet insurance for a senior dog brings some additional considerations compared to finding pet insurance for a puppy.

Assessing Your Dog's Needs

Many pet insurance companies have high premiums for older pets and exclude animals that have pre-existing conditions. That can make pet insurance difficult to find right when you need it most. That said, it's still worth getting a pet insurance policy in case they develop additional conditions, especially since treatment will likely be more expensive as your dog gets older.

Comparing Plans and Providers

The best pet insurance for senior dogs offers affordable rates, short waiting periods before coverage starts, and some coverage for preexisting conditions.  

When you're shopping for the best insurance for older pets, first check if a provider has an age limit for the pet they'll insure. Then, see how long you have to wait before coverage starts, and whether the insurer will cover any pre-existing conditions your pet has. Choosing a provider can be overwhelming, but this breakdown can help.

Cost and Value Analysis of Senior Dog Insurance

Premium and deductibles for senior dogs.

The premium on your senior dog's health insurance is directly tied to the deductible you choose. The higher the deductible, the lower your premiums. Much like purchasing insurance, this balance between deductibles and premiums is as much about risk management as it is a cost and value analysis. 

You can opt for a lower premium and higher deductible, but you'll pay more for your pet's healthcare if your pet requires treatment. On the other hand, a lower deductible will mean you'll pay less for your pet's medical bill, but you'll pay a higher premium every billing period. 

Balancing Cost and Coverage

Similarly, you'll want to assess the value of the coverage you receive on your own terms and see if it's one-to-one with the price your insurance provider is charging. If you're unhappy with that cost, you may consider switching providers or switching from an accident and illness policy to accident-only.

Managing Your Senior Dog's Insurance Policy

Enrollment and claims process.

When you enroll your senior dog in pet insurance, you should take inventory of the coverage that you want. You should also be mindful of insurance waiting periods and how an insurance company handles preexisting conditions and bilateral conditions, which are conditions that affect both sides of a dog. If a dog has a condition on one side of its body, an insurer may refuse to cover medical care for that condition if it appears on the unaffected side.

When you file a pet insurance claim, you should keep all documents throughout your dog's treatment, including vet invoices, SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment, and plan) notes, and medical records. You'll have to pay your vet bills before filing anything with your insurer. After filing a pet insurance claim , be sure to follow up with your provider.

Policy Adjustments As Your Dog Ages

Unfortunately, as your pet ages, it becomes more susceptible to illness and injury. As a result, your insurance premiums may increase. As you select a pet insurance company, you should factor how your pet's age affects its coverage and premiums. For example, Trupanion does not increase premiums due to age, though it may increase premiums due to inflation. 

Special Considerations for Senior Dog Insurance 

Age-related health issues.

As your beloved dog gets older, more health issues may crop up. These could include arthritis, vision and hearing loss, and other chronic illness and age-related conditions. The specific health issues your senior dog faces could also depend on their particular breed — for instance, larger dogs often develop hip joint issues.

Policy Restrictions and Exclusions

Most pet insurance policies don't offer coverage for pre-existing conditions, which is why it's recommended to get pet insurance when your dog is younger. If you don't have insurance yet and your dog has a pre-existing condition, you can still find coverage, but your options may just be more limited, and your policy typically won't cover treatment related to that pre-existing condition.

Best Senior Dog Pet Insurance FAQs 

Yes, pet insurance can cover senior pets, but you'll have fewer options and pay more than you would for a younger animal. Many companies will not offer coverage to dogs who are older than 10 or cats older than 15, but the companies on this list will. 

When it comes to pet insurance, the sooner, the better. Most policies charge more as your pet ages. They also don't cover pre-existing conditions, so it's best to get covered before disaster strikes. If you adopt a senior pet, consider pet insurance as soon as you bring them home. 

Yes, you can get pet insurance for a senior dog with pre-existing conditions, but your options could be limited. For example, AKC offers coverage for pre-existing conditions, but comes with a 365-day waiting period.

Some pet insurance policies for senior dogs do offer wellness and routine care coverage. These may be available as add-ons to a policy, but they could be especially valuable for older pets so you can manage any age-related health issues that come up.

Why You Should Trust Us: How We Reviewed Pet Insurance for Senior Dogs

To choose the best pet insurance for seniors, we compared more than 14 pet insurance companies and followed our rating methodology . We looked at whether the companies would cover senior pets, and how that affected premiums. We examined whether the companies would cover pets with pre-existing conditions , and how long the waiting period was until coverage began. Those aspects are particularly important for senior pets. 

Then, we looked at criteria that anyone should consider when choosing pet insurance, including coverage options, whether the plan reimburses you or pays pets directly, and customer service. All of these criteria contributed to our rankings. 

Our Expert Panel on Choosing The Best Pet Insurance for Seniors

To put together this list of the best pet insurance for seniors, we interviewed the following experts:

  • Vanessa Selger, an emergency veterinarian in Virginia Beach.
  • Kari Steere , a licensed insurance agent and producer at Pawlicy Advisor, which allows people to compare different pet insurance prices.

When you're choosing pet insurance for senior animals, there are three main factors: the cost, your pet's age, and their health.

"Some key qualities to look for in an insurance policy for senior pets are price, the lack of an upper age limit, and coverages for chronic conditions as well as hereditary and congenital condition coverages," Steere says. 

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your pet qualify for the age limits of this provider?
  • Are common conditions for their breed covered?
  • Is there any coverage for pre-existing conditions?
  • How long is the waiting period before coverage begins?
  • Do the premiums fit your budget?
  • What deductible will you be able to afford?
  • How long do reimbursements typically take? Or, is the company able to pay the vet directly?

Remember that in almost all cases, you'll need to pay upfront for your pet's care, veterinarian Vanessa Selger says. Because of that, it's important for pet owners to have access to savings or credit that they can utilize in emergencies before pet insurance reimburses them. 

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