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English Language Proficiency

  • Programs at the Faculty of Information are language-intensive
  • Some courses may use English in very particular philosophical and nuanced ways
  • Students are expected to function smoothly and subtly in both written and verbal English
  • Students are also expected to be English-language proficient in one-on-one interactions, group work, formal presentations, and in electronic communication media
  • For these reasons, the Faculty of Information may require scores higher than the SGS language competency scores
  • Scores must be from tests taken within the last two years

Acceptable Tests & Faculty of Information Minimum Scores

TOEFL  – Test of English as a Foreign Language Institution Code for U of T Graduate Studies: 0982-00

  • Internet-based Test (iBT) overall score: 107/120 speaking section: 24/30 writing section: 27/30
  • Paper-based Test overall score: 600 Test of Written English (TWE): 5.5

IELTS  – International English Language Testing System (Academic) overall score: 7.5 Writing: 7.5 Speaking: 7

Cambridge English – C1: Advanced and C2: Proficiency Required score: 185 overall with at least 176 for each component. Applicants should use the “Send Your Result” function on the Candidate Results portal ( https://candidates.cambridgeenglish.org ) to send their results electronically to the University of Toronto.

COPE  – Certificate of Proficiency in English overall score: 95 writing component: 41 each of the other components: 27

English Language Program , UofT School of Continuing Studies overall score: ‘A’ in Level 60 in Academic English

*Please note, the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) temporarily accepted the Duolingo English Test (DET) to satisfy the English language proficiency requirement for graduate admission to the Fall 2020 session only. Considering that testing centres for both TOEFL and IELTS have been resumed, Duolingo will not be accepted for Fall 2021-22 admissions. SGS will accept scores from the TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition from applicants for this application cycle until further notice. Be assured that ETS intends to offer the at home tests as long as COVID-19 is a concern so that students can opt to take the test from the safety of home.

Some applicants may be exempt from completing an English proficiency test if they meet one of the conditions found at the bottom of the following page . Should you have any further questions, please contact us at [email protected] or (416) 978-3234.

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university of toronto ielts requirement for phd

The Department of English at the University of Toronto offers two doctoral streams, the PhD program and the PhD U (“direct-entry”) program.

Admission to the doctoral streams is highly selective.

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The PhD program welcomes applications from our own English MA students and English MA students from other recognized institutions.

Candidates for admission to the PhD program must complete an MA in English at this or another university with a standing of A- or better and must satisfy the Department that they are capable of independent research at an advanced level.

The PhD program is designed for completion in five years ; it may extend, if necessary, to a maximum of six years.

PhD U (Direct-Entry) Program

The "direct-entry" PhD U program welcomes applications from exceptional students who have completed their undergraduate English BA degree but not an English MA, or who have completed an MA in a program related to but not in the field of English. (If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact the Associate Director, PhD , before applying.)

Please see the Application Information  page (under “Programs”) for further information about eligibility for the PhD U program, which involves an additional year of coursework and therefore tends to take an additional year to complete.

Upon registration, all doctoral candidates are assigned a mentor from the Department’s graduate faculty.

A thesis supervisor and supervisory committee are appointed at the end of Year 1 for students in the PhD program or the end of Year 2 for students in the PhD U program.

The Special Fields Examination is normally taken in March, April, or May of Year 2 in the program for PhD students or Year 3 in the program for PhD U students.

Program Requirements and Course Work

At the University of Toronto, the acronym FCE stands for “Full Course Equivalent.” A “full course” is weighted 1.0 FCE and meets for the full year (i.e., two terms or semesters). Almost all of our graduate courses in English , however, run for a single term and are thus called “half courses,” which are weighted 0.5 FCE. (“3.0 FCEs,” in other words, in practice means 6 single-term courses.)

The program requirements (except for ENG9900H) for the PhD are usually completed within the first two years of the program.

The minimum course requirements for the degree are as follows:

  • ENG9400H Essential Skills Workshop Series (0.25 FCE); taken in Year 1 of the program
  • ENG9900H Teaching Literature (0.5 FCE); students have the option of taking this required course in either Fall of Year 2 or Fall of Year 3
  • 3.0 additional FCEs in English, as approved by the department; the department strongly encourages students to complete these 3.0 additional FCEs in Year 1
  • Every student must complete at least 2.0 FCEs outside the chosen field of study over the course of their graduate training. The student is encouraged to combine these courses into a minor field. Graduate courses taken as part of the master's program may be counted in this connection, but the following courses may not be counted: ENG6999Y Critical Topographies: Theory and Practice of Contemporary Literary Studies in English , ENG9400H Essential Skills Workshop Series , ENG9900H Teaching Literature .

Language Requirement: PhD students must also demonstrate reading knowledge of French by May 31 of Year 3 of registration. With the permission of the department, another language (including Old English) may be substituted for French provided that this other language is required by the student's research area. The supervisory committee may require the student to qualify in other program-related languages as well.

In order to maintain good academic standing, and to continue in the PhD program, the student must complete each course with a grade of at least B and maintain an average grade of at least A–.

PhD students may take up to 1.0 FCE of coursework outside of the Graduate Program in English, with the approval of the Associate Director, PhD.  

Cross-listed courses (that is, courses taught by English graduate faculty in other units) and courses required for a collaborative specialization are equivalent to English courses and may be taken without special permission from the Department.

PhD U (Direct-Entry)

The program requirements (except for ENG9900H) for the PhD U are usually completed within the first three years of the program.

  • ENG6999Y Critical Topographies: Theory and Practice of Contemporary Literary Studies in English (1.0 FCE); taken in Year 1 of the program
  • ENG9400H Essential Skills Workshop Series (0.25 FCE); taken in Year 2
  • ENG9900H Teaching Literature (0.5 FCE); students have the option of taking this required course in either Fall of Year 3 or Fall of Year 4
  • 5.0 additional FCEs in English, as approved by the department. In Year 1, in addition to ENG6999Y the student must complete 2.0 FCEs. In addition to ENG9400H, students must then complete the remaining 3.0 FCEs by the end of Year 3. The department strongly encourages students to complete these 3.0 additional FCEs in Year 2.
  • Every student must complete at least 2.0 FCEs outside the chosen field of study. The student is encouraged to combine these courses into a minor field. Neither ENG6999Y Critical Topographies: Theory and Practice of Contemporary Literary Studies in English , ENG9400H Essential Skills Workshop Series , nor ENG9900H Teaching Literature  may be counted towards a minor field.

Language Requirement: PhD U students must also demonstrate reading knowledge of French by May 31 of Year 4 of registration. With the permission of the department, another language (including Old English) may be substituted for French provided that this other language is required by the student's research area. The supervisory committee may require the student to qualify in other program-related languages as well.

In order to maintain good academic standing, and to continue in the PhD U program, the student must complete each course with a grade of at least B and maintain an average grade of at least A–.

PhD U students may take up to 1.0 FCE of coursework outside of the Graduate Program in English, with the approval of the Associate Director, PhD.  

Thesis and Supervisory Committee Information

Along with the information provided under the headings below, please carefully consult these two important documents:

The Thesis Topic

Careful consideration in the process of choosing a thesis topic is critical for all doctoral candidates. Select a subject that excites your curiosity, engages your interest, and represents your current thinking and expertise. A thesis topic should emerge from coursework and intellectual growth during the first stages of the program.

Even candidates who enter the program with ideas about a thesis topic are advised to test them further against their own development, the current state of scholarship in the field, and available faculty and archival resources

Finding a Supervisor

The Graduate English faculty is extensive and extraordinarily wide-ranging. Students are advised to consider all potential supervisors from among faculty holding the rank of Associate or Full Professor.

Every PhD student is assigned a mentor, who is one source for information about potential thesis supervisors. Above all, coursework offers the chance to explore intellectual affinities with potential supervisors, and the Director and Associate Directors of the graduate program can offer useful advice.

Members of the Graduate Faculty are always willing to discuss thesis topics and supervision with candidates, and asking a faculty member to read and comment on a fellowship proposal is an excellent way to begin to gauge the potential of a supervisory relationship.

Students should initiate discussion of a thesis topic with potential supervisors early in the second term of the first year of the PhD program (or second year for direct-entry students).

Form A: Preliminary Thesis Proposal and Supervisory Committee Request List


After securing a thesis supervisor and developing a thesis topic in consultation with that supervisor, the student and supervisor work together to submit Form A to the Department by May 15 of the first year (or second year for PhD U students) .

As part of the process of completing Form A, the student should consult with four (or, at a minimum, three) additional members of the graduate faculty to gain further perspectives on the design and viability of the project. On the form, the student lists the names of the faculty members consulted and the names of up to four faculty members to be considered as potential members of the supervisory committee. (The names of the faculty consulted and the potential committee members are often, but may not necessarily be, the same.)

The Preliminary Thesis Proposal is a statement of approximately 1-2 single-spaced pages outlining the focus and approach of the proposed program of research. Successful proposals will be written in clear, concise prose. As its title suggests, the proposal is preliminary: the position paper component of the Special Fields Exam (at the end of the following year) will provide the opportunity for revision and expansion. Students should feel free, if it in fact reflects their current thinking, to adapt their Program of Study from a SSHRC or Plan of Study from a OGS proposal. As above, be sure that your Thesis Proposal reflects your current thinking, growth, and knowledge of the field.

Form B: Supervisory Committee and Special Fields Reading List

After Form A has been received, the Director and Associate Director, PhD, will determine the composition of the supervisory committee (usually the supervisor plus two additional members). Early in the summer, the candidate should then meet with the supervisory committee as a group to discuss the proposal, draw up an initial list of texts for the Special Fields Examination (see below), and develop a plan of work.

In late summer or early fall the student consults with the committee once again to complete Form B, which must be submitted to the Department by October 1 of the second year of the program (or third year for PhD U students) .

Please see below  for further information about the Special Fields Examination.

Thesis Supervision

It is critical to the success of the working relationship between supervisor and candidate to develop an initial agreement about the method and scope of the research, and to clarify the expectations of supervisor and candidate: about the kind and amount of advice that the candidate wants and the supervisor is able and willing to offer; about the involvement of the members of the supervisory committee; about the frequency, regularity and contents of consultations; about an appropriate time scheme for the completion of the thesis; and about the way draft work is to be submitted.

The candidate meets with the supervisor and individual committee members according to the schedule they have established, but the candidate must meet with the full supervisory committee at least once every year in order to meet SGS registration requirements.

Please carefully consult the following SGS publications:

  • Supervision Guidelines
  • Graduate Supervision Guidelines — Faculty Edition
  • Graduate Supervision Guidelines — Student Edition
  • The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision

Thesis Submission Guidelines and the Final Oral Examination

Special fields examination.

The Special Fields Examination both prepares students for teaching and scholarly work in a particular field and facilitates the transition to writing the doctoral thesis.

Accordingly, the Special Fields Reading List, which forms the basis for the examination, comprises between 80 and 100 texts, roughly two-thirds (55-65) in a major field and roughly one-third (25-35) in a minor field. Students construct their own lists in consultation with their supervisor and thesis committee.

The Special Fields Examination must be completed by the end of Year 2 (or Year 3 for direct-entry students) and will normally be taken in March, April, or May of that year.

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  • PhD Admission Requirements

Application Deadline: January 15

How to Apply

Degree requirements.

Students are admitted under the general regulations of the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto. Information about  International Degree Equivalencies  is available from the School of Graduate Studies.

  • Applicants require a master’s degree in Industrial Relations, Human Resources, Economics, Sociology, Public Policy, Political Science, Management, or a related field of study
  • In very exceptional circumstances, students with a Hon. B.A. Degree in Industrial Relations may apply if they have outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated quantitative skills and research ability.

Academic Achievement

Minimum academic standing required is B+ (77%) or 3.3 (4.0 grade scale) overall in the previous Master’s program.

Recommended Courses

The admissions committee considers academic performance in recommended courses.

  • Research Methods
  • Other courses that may be relevant to the applicant’s area of interest.

GRE or GMAT Tests

GRE or GMAT test scores are required for all PhD applicants.

Results more than five years old are normally not considered.  Although these is no minimum score requirement, the relative strength of a test result is evaluated within the context of the entire application.

GRE or GMAT test scores must be received by  January 15 .  Use the codes below to submit your test results:

GRE (General Test) 0982 University, 4204 Dept.


English Language Proficiency

  • Facility in the English language must be demonstrated by applicants educated outside Canada whose first language is not English.
  • The School of Graduate Studies  recognizes four tests – TOEFL, COPE, IELTS, and MELAB.
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PhD Program Admission Requirements

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  • MSW Combined Programs
  • PhD Manual and Forms
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  • Comprehensive Exam Proposal and Annotated Bibliography Requirements
  • Comprehensive Exam Guidelines
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To be considered for admission, applicants must meet the following requirements:

1. Hold a Master of Social Work degree or an equivalent Master’s degree with a B+ average from an accredited program in a university of recognized standing.

2. Demonstrate competency in basic statistical methods.

Note – Upon admission to the program all incoming doctoral students are required to take SWK 4506 Quantitative Data Analysis for Social Workers OR pass an equivalent competency exam with a grade of at least A to fulfill this requirement.

3. Possess educational and professional experience that will indicate a capacity to undertake research-oriented post-graduate work.

4. Demonstrate English language proficiency (ELP).

Applicants who graduated from universities outside Canada where English is not the primary language of instruction must provide results of an English language proficiency examination as part of their application. Tests must have been taken within the last 24 months at the time of submission of their application.  Please arrange to have official test scores sent to the University of Toronto, Institution Code 0982.

Testing options and minimum requirements include:

  • TOEFL Paper-Based Test Score of 580 and TWE Score of 5
  • Internet–based TOEFL Test Score of 22/30 for both the Writing and Speaking Sections, with an overall TOEFL Score of 93/120
  • IELTS Minimum required score: 7.0 (Academic) with at least 6.5 for each component
  • The Certificate of Proficiency in English (COPE) – Required score: 76 (with at least 22 in each component and 32 in the writing component)
  • International ESL Program, School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto Required score: a final grade of B in Level 60
  • Cambridge English – C1: Advanced and C2: Proficiency Required score: 185 overall with at least 176 for each component. Applicants should send their results electronically to the University of Toronto through Cambridge English website .

For more information on the English language facility requirement please see the School of Graduate Studies web site .

Applicants educated at non-Canadian institutions should note that their educational background will be assessed for equivalency with a University of Toronto degree as described above. Please visit the International Credential Equivalency web page and select a country from the list to which international credentials are for masters and doctoral admissions at the University of Toronto.

Candidates are accepted for admission based on an assessment of their ability to complete the academic requirements of the program. Experience and professional achievements are considered, although greatest weight is placed on demonstrated academic performance.


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university of toronto ielts requirement for phd

Application Information

The department of linguistics admits students to two degree programs: master of arts (ma) and doctor of philosophy (phd)..

Applications must satisfy both the regulations of the  School of Graduate Studies  as well as the requirements of the Department of Linguistics. Only applicants who meet the minimum requirements and whose research interests are consistent with research areas in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Toronto will be considered by the Admissions Committee. 

International applicants : Please refer to the  International Degree Equivalencies Tool  to confirm that your degree meets the minimum admission requirements prior to applying for admission. 

Admission to both programs is highly competitive. Successful applicants usually exceed the minimum requirements for admission. 

The School of Graduate Studies  Admissions FAQs  provide answers to frequently asked questions about admission to graduate programmes at the University of Toronto. 

Application deadlines: There is one application period to be considered for admission in the following September. Online application system opens:  1st October .  Application  and document submission deadline:  15th January .

Please do not send original documents to the department unless you are requested to do so. Regulations do not allow us to return documents to applicants. 

Applicants are responsible for checking the status of their applications, and ensuring that all of the necessary components of the application package have been submitted. You can check the status of your documents by logging into the Online Application and viewing the details of your application. Offers of Admission: The Admissions Committee begins considering applications in late January. This is an on-going process. Offers of admission begin in February, and continue until all available places are filled. All applicants will be advised of the result of their application by mid-June.

Tuition Fees: The department does not set tuition fees. For information about fees, please refer to the following link:  www.sgs.utoronto.ca/currentstudents/Pages/Graduate-Fees.aspx  

Application Procedure

Applications to graduate programmes in the Department of Linguistics must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies through the online admissions application, which is housed on a secure server at the University of Toronto. The department will consider your application only after you have entered your personal and academic information in the online application and submitted the application fee. International applicants should pay special attention to the International Degree Equivalencies Tool to confirm that their degree is equivalent to the minimum admission requirements.

Once you access the SGS online admissions application and enter your contact information, an applicant identification number and a password will be e-mailed to you. You may return to your application at any point until you move to the payment stage. At that point, you can return to check on the status of this application, including whether we have received your supporting documents.

Applicants to graduate programs in the Department of Linguistics are responsible for assembling all the relevant documents together with the required application forms from the links below, completing these forms, and submitting these documents. It is not necessary to submit forms to the department directly unless specifically requested. A complete application consists of the following documents:

  • A statement of interest of one page indicating the applicant's areas of interest; 
  • Transcripts from each university attended, complete to the time of application. These may be unofficial transcripts. If they are in a language other than English they must be translated into English. An official transcript must be provided upon receipt of an offer for admission;
  • Three letters of reference from linguistics instructors. The link to the reference letter form will be provided to the referees through a secure link on the SGS application website. The applicant should fill out the referee information form and submit it with their documentation; 
  • For applicants to the PhD programme only: one sample of your written work in linguistics (in English or French), e.g., a term paper. This document should not exceed 20 pages. It should be as recent as possible and should provide evidence of your ability to do linguistics at an advanced level.
  • Applicants whose primary language is not English and who are not graduates of a university whose language of instruction is uniformly English must submit proof of English language facility. More information about recognized tests can be found at the SGS English Proficiency Testing page. Note that the Department of Linguistics requirements are higher than the minimum required by the School of Graduate Studies. 

There is a non-refundable application fee of $120 CAD. Payment of your application fee must be received by the School of Graduate Studies before we will consider your application. You may pay online by VISA or Mastercard. This payment method is secure as the transaction is handled by Mirapay, a third party authorized by VISA and Mastercard. Mirapay provides the School of Graduate Studies with payment confirmation only; SGS and the University of Toronto will not have access to your credit card information. Please note that the process requires that pop up blockers on your web browser be disabled. You must be able to receive pop-ups. 

For technical support with the online application process, please contact the School of Graduate Studies directly . Please be sure to include your name and 12-digit Applicant Number.

Late applications will be considered only if there is space remaining.

Proceed to the SGS online admissions application.

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Application process, entry requirements, program fees, admitted student profiles, applicable to all concentrations.

All applicants must have:

Completed or be the process of completing an appropriate undergraduate degree for the concentration they are applying to.

A standing equivalent to at least B+ (U of T 77-79%) in their final year (i.e., two terms) of study (the equivalent of 5 full credits, or 10 half credits).

If you completed your undergraduate degree outside of Canada, please use the University of Toronto’s International Credentials Equivalencies Tool to determine what credentials are required for admission.

Achieved English-language proficiency according to the requirements set by the School of Graduate Studies.

Work experience (including co-op placements or internships) is preferred, but not required.

Research experience (including summer research assistantships or internships) is preferred, but not required.

Applicants are required to submit the following documents:

Copies of all academic transcripts pertaining to qualifications gained from undergraduate onwards (high school certificates are not required).

Resume/CV (1–2 pages in length)

Answers to program-specific questions addressing their interest in the preferred concentration(s) and objectives for the program.

Details of three referees (names, affiliations i.e university/company, and e-mail addresses).

English Language Proficiency (ELP) test scores (if applicable) .

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores (if applicable) .

Any other relevant information you would like to share with the admissions committee e.g. links to projects, research papers, personal Github repos, etc.

Program-Specific Questions

For admission into the MScAC program, applicants must provide answers to program-specific questions. This is an opportunity to explain how personal goals and interests align with the program and why a student should be admitted. Additionally, students are encouraged to use their answers to demonstrate a commitment to quality and skills in English.

Points students will be required to address:

An understanding of the requirements of graduate school in general and the MScAC program.

The appropriateness of the program for personal career aspirations.

Reasons why they have chosen the specific concentration and any appropriate research/applied research/industry experience, including their contributions.

Specific details regarding their research area(s) of interest and an understanding and awareness of any industry trends in relation to this.

Innovative projects and solutions they have worked on.

Teamwork and leadership skills they have demonstrated.

The MScAC program requires three letters of support from faculty members and/or employers. Ideally, at least two of the referee letters should be academic references. However, given the nature of the program, it is entirely appropriate to use referees who have an industry background and been in a senior or supervisory capacity. If a referee does not have an institutional email and is using a “free” e-mail address (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.), details of their professional profile, such as a faculty/LinkedIn page, must be included in the “Additional Information” section of the application form.

English Language Requirements and Submission

The admitting degree for the MSc in Applied Computing program is the qualification considered equivalent to a University of Toronto four-year undergraduate degree. The admitting degree is what the requirement for English-Language Proficiency tests is based on.

Requirements for proof of English Language Proficiency:

  • If the undergraduate degree was earned at a university where the language of instruction and examination is not English, an acceptable ELP Test must be passed.
  • If the undergraduate degree was earned at a university where the language of instruction and examination was uniformly English, an applicant may be exempt. However, a letter confirming the language of instruction and examination may still be required and must be provided by the applicant’s home institution.
  • If a degree was earned in a program split between two institutions, where one of the institution’s languages of instruction and examination was not uniformly English, language scores must be provided.

Other, non-university education programs – community college, continuing education studies etc. – do not normally qualify to exempt an applicant from ELP requirements.

If English-language scores are required, the MScAC application is not complete until successful scores have been submitted.

Canadian citizens who studied at a Canadian university where the language of instruction is French are exempt from these requirements.

Requirements Specific to Each Concentration

An appropriate bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in a related area such as applied mathematics, computational mathematics, computer science, mathematics, physics, statistics, or any discipline where there is a significant mathematical component.

The completed bachelor’s degree must include coursework in advanced and multivariate calculus (preferably analysis), linear algebra, and probability. There should also be a demonstrated capacity in programming and algorithms. In addition, there should be some depth in at least two of the following six areas:

analysis (for example, measure and integration, harmonic analysis, functional analysis); 

discrete math (for example, algebra, combinatorics, graph theory); 

foundations (for example, complexity theory, set theory, logic, model theory); 

geometry and topology; 

numerical analysis; and 

ordinary and partial differential equations.

Applicants must satisfy the admissions committee of their ability to be successful in graduate courses in computer science and mathematics, and in an industrial internship in applied mathematics. Applicants should be able to demonstrate a potential to conduct and communicate applied research at the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and a domain area. Applicants may be asked to do a technical interview as part of the application process.

Three letters of reference from faculty and/or employers, with preference for at least one such letter from a faculty member in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics.

Applicants must indicate a preference for the concentration in Applied Mathematics in their application. Admission is competitive, and students who are admitted to the MScAC program are not automatically admitted to this concentration upon request. 

An appropriate bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in a related area such as physics, computer science, mathematics, statistics, engineering, or any discipline where there is a significant quantitative component.

The completed bachelor’s degree must include significant exposure to computer science or statistics or engineering including coursework in advanced and multivariate calculus (preferably analysis), linear algebra, probability and statistics, programming languages, and general computational methods.

It is preferred that applicants have completed relevant senior-level coursework, research, or have industry experience related to the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Three letters of reference from faculty and/or employers, with preference for at least one such letter from a faculty member in Artificial Intelligence.

Applicants must indicate a preference for the concentration in Artificial Intelligence in their application. Admission is competitive, and students who are admitted to the MScAC program are not automatically admitted to this concentration upon request.

An appropriate bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in a related area such as Life Sciences, Biochemistry, Medical Sciences, Computer Science, Biotechnology, Biostatistics, Engineering, or related disciplines.

Background academic preparation to be successful in graduate level AI in Healthcare program would include undergraduate courses in the following areas:

Programming (proficiency in programming equivalent to a second year CS Software Engineering course that includes experience with software design), active proficiency programming in Python achieved through coursework and/or experience). The reason for this requirement is the necessity to have programming skills to be able to take AI courses and later code AI approaches and use appropriate packages during the internship. Bridging opportunities are being developed by the MScAC program as well.

Calculus (equivalent to MAT135H1)

Statistics (equivalent of STA220H1 or STA288H1 or higher)

Linear Algebra (equivalent of MAT223H1 or higher)

Healthcare or a life science course (e.g., equivalent of BIO230H1 or higher) is a plus

Applicants must satisfy the Admissions Committee of their ability to be successful in graduate courses in AI and an internship in healthcare. Exceptional applicants who may lack the precise background above may be asked to participate in a rigorous technical interview as part of the admissions process. The decision to conduct the technical interview will be made by the admissions committee based on the application materials submitted by the applicant.

Three letters of reference from faculty and/or employers, with preference for at least one such letter from a faculty member in biology or data science.

The admissions committee may grant conditional admission to applicants who are otherwise qualified but lack the appropriate background pending satisfactory completion of specific coursework as judged by the admissions committee before the start of the program.

The program will consider admitting candidates without an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Statistics, Life Sciences, or a related field, but who show a demonstrated aptitude demonstrated aptitude to excel in the fields pertaining to medicine and healthcare. Such applicants should demonstrate a potential to conduct and communicate applied research at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and life sciences.

Applicants must indicate a preference for the concentration in Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare in their application. Admission is competitive, and students who are admitted to the MScAC program are not automatically admitted to this concentration upon request.

An appropriate bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in Computer Science or a related discipline.

In general, you must show knowledge equivalent to at least three senior level computer science courses. Ideally, these should be as follows:

Algorithms and Complexity (e.g., CSC373H )

Operating Systems (e.g., CSC369H )

Database Systems (e.g., CSC343H )

Three letters of reference from faculty and/or employers, with preference for at least one such letter from a faculty member in Computer Science.

Applicants must indicate a preference for the concentration in Computer Science in their application. Admission is competitive, and students who are admitted to the MScAC program are not automatically admitted to this concentration upon request.

An appropriate bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in a related area such as statistics, computer science, mathematics, or any discipline where there is a significant quantitative component.

The program will consider admitting candidates without an undergraduate degree in computer science, statistics, or a related field, but who show a demonstrated aptitude to be an excellent data scientist. Applicants should be able to demonstrate a potential to conduct and communicate applied research at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and a domain area. Background academic preparation to be successful in graduate-level computer science and statistics courses typically, though not always, includes intermediate or advanced undergraduate courses in the following topics: 

Algorithms and Complexity, Database Systems, or Operating Systems. 

Statistical Theory/Mathematical Statistics, Probability Theory, or Regression Analysis.

Applicants must satisfy the admissions committee of their ability to be successful in graduate courses in computer science, statistics, and an industrial internship in data science. Applicants may be asked to do a technical interview as part of the application process.

Students who are otherwise qualified but lack the appropriate background may be granted conditional admission, pending successful completion of additional background material as judged by the admissions committee.

Three letters of support from faculty and/or employers with preference for at least one such letter from a faculty member in Computer Science/Statistical Sciences.

Applicants must indicate a preference for the concentration in Data Science in their application. Admission is competitive, and students who are admitted to the MScAC program are not automatically admitted to this concentration upon request.

A appropriate bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in a related field such as Life Sciences, Biochemistry, Medical Sciences, Computer Science, Biotechnology, Biostatistics, Engineering, or other related disciplines.

Background academic preparation to be successful in graduate level Computer Science, Statistics, and Cell and Systems Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Molecular Genomics courses typically including intermediate or advanced undergraduate courses in the following topics:

Third-year Algorithms and Complexity (such as CSC373H1)

Second-Year (or higher) level systems (such as CSC207H1: Software Design or equivalent, CSC209H1: Software Tools and Systems Programming or equivalent, CSCB58H3: Computer Organization or equivalent)

At least one third-year or fourth-year biology course (with the appropriate prerequisites; courses with a molecular biology focus are recommended)

Note that students meeting the admissions prerequisites must have courses in calculus, linear algebra, and probability/statistics

Applicants must satisfy the Admissions Committee of their ability to be successful in graduate courses in Computer Science, Statistics, Cell and Systems Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Molecular Genomics, and an industrial research internship in Biological Data Science. Exceptional applicants who may lack the precise background above may be asked to participate in a rigorous technical interview as part of the admissions process. The decision to conduct the technical interview will be made by the admissions committee based on the application materials of the student.

The program will consider admitting candidates without an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Statistics, Life Sciences, or a related field, but who show a demonstrated aptitude to be an excellent biological data scientist. Such applicants should demonstrate a potential to conduct and communicate applied research at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and life sciences.

Applicants must indicate a preference for the concentration in Data Science for Biology in their application. Admission is competitive, and students who are admitted to the MScAC program are not automatically admitted to this concentration upon request.

An appropriate bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in a related area such as physics, computer science, mathematics, or any discipline where there is a significant quantitative component.

The completed bachelor’s degree must include significant exposure to physics, computer science, and mathematics, including coursework in advanced quantum mechanics, multivariate calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics, programming languages, and computational methods.

Three letters of reference from faculty and/or employers, with preference for at least one such letter from a faculty member in Physics.

Applicants must indicate a preference for the concentration in Quantum Computing in their application. Admission is competitive, and students who are admitted to the MScAC program are not automatically admitted to this concentration upon request.

Fall (September) 2024 applications are closed

Fall 2024 applications open: October 2, 2023 (12:00 AM ET) Application deadline: December 1, 2023 (11:59 PM ET)

Students with additional questions are encouraged to review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section .


Prepare the supporting documents for the application:

Academic transcripts

Applicants can upload an official or unofficial scan or PDF version of their academic transcripts during the application process. Paper copies are not required. The academic transcripts provided by applicants should only be those gained at the undergraduate level and above.

Applicants who receive a conditional offer of admission will be asked to submit official copies of all final transcripts (and in some cases, degree certificates) by August 31st.

Applicants will need to provide a resume or CV detailing educational, professional, and other experience. Depending on their personal experiences, this may include:

Employment history i.e. relevant co-op placements, internships and full-time employment.

Projects they have worked on (either in class or for interest) that demonstrate an interest in the field

Links to public repositories such as Github where we can see examples of projects they have worked on.

Research Assistantships (RAships) they have completed.

Conference and journal publications with complete citations including all authors, the publication venue, date, page numbers, and whether it was peer-reviewed.

Conference talks they have given, including the name of the conference, and the length of the talk.

English Language Proficiency (ELP) test scores (if applicable)

The admitting degree for our Masters degree program is the qualification considered equivalent to a University of Toronto four year undergraduate degree. The admitting degree is what the requirement for English Language Proficiency tests is based on.

Requirements for proof of English Language:

If your admitting degree was earned at a university where the language of instruction and examination is not English, you must pass an acceptable English Language Proficiency Test.

If your admitting degree was earned at a university where the language of instruction and examination was uniformly English, you may be exempt. However, we may still require a letter confirming the language of instruction and examination and this must be provided directly to the graduate unit by the applicant’s home institution.

In the event that you have earned a degree in a program split between two institutions, where one of the institution’s language of instruction and examination is not uniformly English. This applies even if the degree is awarded by an English-medium institution.

Other, non-university education programs (community college, continuing education studies, etc.) do not normally qualify to exempt you from ELP requirements.

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores (if applicable)

Unless a student has (or is about to get) a degree from a Canadian university, it is strongly recommended that GRE test scores are submitted. This is not a mandatory requirement, but good scores will strengthen an application.

In all cases, if students submit GRE scores and receive an offer of admission, it will be conditional on the program receiving official verification of GRE scores electronically.

Names and email addresses of three references

We require three letters of support from faculty members and/or employers. You should choose referees who will best represent you through their references and can provide commentary that reflects that you are a suitable candidate for graduate school and the MScAC Program.

Ideally, at least two of the referee letters should be academic references. However, given the nature of the program, it is entirely appropriate to use referees who work in an industrial environment and have worked with you in a senior or supervisory capacity.

If your referee does not have an institutional email and is using a "free" e-mail address (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.), please include details of their professional profile, such as a faculty/LinkedIn page, in the "Additional Information" section of your application form.

Apply to the School of Graduate Studies (SGS)

Applications to the MScAC program are made through the University of Toronto’s School of Graduate Studies (SGS). You must submit your application and pay the non-refundable application fee of $125 CAD application fee by the application deadline.


Applicants wishing to be considered for both the MScAC program and the MSc/PhD programs in the Department of Computer Science must complete separate applications.

Creating your account

If you are a first-time applicant, click the link to Create an Account to begin your application. You will receive a verification code via email as part of the account creation process. After entering your verification code, you will create a password for your account.


The School of Graduate Studies application form requires applicants to provide all supporting documentation, as listed on the Entry Requirements page.

You may save and return to the application at any point in the process.

To view the status of your application, including outstanding requirements, please log in to your account to view your applicant status portal.

Applicants who submit an application and payment after the deadline will not be considered.

Do not pay the application fee for a late or incomplete application. Your application will NOT be accepted and your payment will NOT be refunded.

You will be required to enter information for three referees. (The system will accept up to five names; for the MScAC program, we request you only enter three.) Your referees will immediately and automatically receive a notification email that they have been requested to complete a reference for your application, along with instructions to submit their reference letter in the application system.

If you need to send a reminder email to your referees, you can do so through your applicant portal after submitting your application.

Indicating Your Concentration Preferences

Applicants are required to rank their top three concentrations in the preferred order they would like to be considered for each one.

We strongly recommend that, ahead of confirming the ranking, applicants review the concentration pages and conduct a realistic self-assessment of which concentrations might be appropriate, given their academic experience and background.

Final decisions on which concentration will be offered to a successful applicant will be made by the committee, taking the applicant’s preference into consideration as much as possible

English-Language Test and GRE Scores

If you are reporting test scores in your application, please arrange to have the official scores sent electronically to the University of Toronto.

English-Language Proficiency Testing

We accept multiple English proficiency tests, including the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the International English Language Testing System (IELTS Academic) .

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) — Institution and Department Codes

Institution code: 0982

Department code: 78

International English Language Testing System (IELTS Academic)

Select “University of Toronto (Undergraduate and Graduate programs)” from the list of options when submitting.

Other English-Language Proficiency Tests

For a full list of accepted tests, their requirements, and how to submit scores, visit the School of Graduate Studies English-Language Proficiency Testing page.

Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

Submitting GRE results is optional, although good scores can help strengthen your application. Unless you have (or are about to get) a degree from a Canadian university, it is highly encouraged to submit your GRE test scores.

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) — Institution and Department Codes

Department code: 0402

In the MScAC program application, applicants must provide answers to program-specific questions. These questions function in place of a statement of purpose and they are your opportunity to explain why you should be admitted.

Note: we are looking for the next generation of world-class innovators, so we admit only superior students who demonstrate a strong commitment and interest in the concentration(s) to which they are applying. Some points you will be required to address and demonstrate:

You understand the requirements of graduate school in general and the MScAC program in particular

The appropriateness of the program for you and its alignment with your career aspirations

Reasons why you have chosen the specific concentration and any appropriate research/applied research/industry experience, including your particular contributions

Specific details regarding your particular area of interest and an understanding of an awareness of any industry trends in relation to this.

Innovative projects and solutions you have worked on

Teamwork and leadership skills you may have

The questions are also an opportunity to show us your commitment to quality and your skills in English. Poorly written, error-filled answers will result in you not being admitted to the program. We strongly advise that you carefully proofread your answers before submitting your application.

Program Interviews

After the application deadline has passed, the admissions committee will select applicants for an interview with one or more members of the MScAC program team. The interview is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and gauge whether you would be a good fit for the program. It may also test your technical knowledge.

Due to the volume of applications we receive, not all applicants will be contacted for an interview. Interviews are scheduled at the request of the admissions committee and no candidates will be admitted without completing the interview phase.

Progressing to the interview stage is indicative that the admissions committee are seriously considering your application; however, it is not an indication that you are definitely going to receive an offer. The interview is part of the decision-making process and will be used in conjunction with your application to decide whether you should be admitted.

Interviews take place on a rolling basis between December – April.

Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis, meaning that there is no fixed date on which all decisions are announced. Instead, these are issued at the request of the admissions committee as batches of applications and interview results are reviewed and final decisions are reached.

Offers are usually issued between mid-December – mid-April, and all applicants can normally expect to hear from us by no later than mid-April, irrespective of what the decision is.

For the September 2024 program start date, tuition and fees for the entire 16-month MScAC program are estimated at approximately:

$26,300 CAD for domestic students (Canadian citizens and permanent residents)

$77,800 CAD for international students

Fall-term tuition fees are posted to the University of Toronto Student Accounts website in mid-July each year and are subject to change.

Funding Your Studies

Scholarships and Awards

Students are encouraged to apply for all university graduate scholarships they are qualified for.

Canadian nationals/permanent residents

Domestic students can apply for the  Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) or the equivalent in their home province/territory.

International students

International students may be eligible to apply from international student loan companies, such as Prodigy Finance or MPOWER Financing . Please note that, while both companies have indicated a willingness to consider loan applications from MScAC students, the MScAC program has no formal agreement or partnership with either company. All loans, as well as decisions regarding approval and eligibility, are governed by the respective loan company.

In addition, many countries provide loans or scholarships specific to their citizens. The MScAC does not guarantee, co-sign, nor endorse any of these specific programs for funding.

For the purpose of financial planning, students should know that it is common to receive a salary during the internship phase of the program (semesters 3 and 4). Currently, the average salary earned by students over this period is $65,000.

General Tuition Fee Payment Schedule

Semester 1 (Fall) – tuition fees due by mid-September of year 1

Semester 2 (Winter) – tuition fees due by the end of November of year 1

Semester 3 (Summer) – no payment required

Semester 4 (Fall) – tuition fees due by mid-September of year 

Admissions to the MScAC program are extremely competitive, with only 5 – 10% of all applicants being made an offer of admission each year.

Previous Education

MScAC students admitted to the program since 2010 have applied with undergraduate degrees, as well as pre-existing Masters and PhD qualifications. While all students have covered senior level courses relevant to their concentration, they have also come from a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds. These include:

Prior Work Experience

Admitted MScAC students come from a wide range of backgrounds. The vast majority of students will have between one and four years of work experience from industry. However, we also admit a small minority of students directly from their undergraduate degree, as well as admit students who have been in industry for 5 years or more.

About the MScAC Program

Admissions — general, admissions — canadian & us applicants, admissions — overseas applicants.

  • Test Scores: GRE
  • English Language Proficiency Testing

Newly Admitted Students

Costs: tuition, living expenses, housing, scholarships and financial aid, supervisors, the internship, after graduation.

Applicants who wish to explore how state-of-the-art research can be applied in a real-world setting should consider applying to the MScAC program. In lieu of a thesis, the MScAC requires students to complete a mandatory applied research internship in an industrial setting. This provides students with the opportunity to experience industrial Research and Development (R&D) and gain immediate access to top R&D groups across an array of industries. Many MScAC graduates are now working in an industry-based R&D role with some students going on to do a PhD.

Applicants who wish to produce original research in the field of computer science should consider applying to one of the research programs in the Department of Computer Science. These are suited to those students who are thinking about pursuing a career in academia although some end up working in industry.

The MSc in Computer Science and MScAC programs have a similar structure: students in both programs must pass four (4) graduate half-courses as part of the degree. Students in both programs have access to the same schedule. MScAC students must complete an additional two (2) graduate courses in professional skills, an eight-month applied research internship, and conclude the program by submitting a final report detailing their contributions during the internship. MSc students must submit a major research paper.

Traditionally, graduate studies in computer science and related fields are either research-intensive programs (MSc program) or course-based (sometimes referred to as a professional program).

The MScAC program takes a unique approach. The thesis requirement from the MSc program is replaced with an applied research internship. There is emphasis on identifying novel opportunities for the internship across a range of industries to satisfy the interests of students.

Some students have developed novel research and published research papers at top tier conferences (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, Association for Computational Linguistics) based on their internships.

No. However, students can apply for the regular PhD program upon completion of the MScAC.

The MScAC is not a terminal degree and will fulfil the minimum entry requirements for the PhD program.

The MScAC is offered on an in-person “attending” basis only.

The MScAC program is a 16-month (four semesters) applied research program. It combines eight months of advanced technical graduate courses with an eight-month applied research internship in industry.

Visit the program timeline page for more information: https://uoftmscac.wpenginepowered.com/prospective-students/

No, the MScAC is offered only on a full-time basis only.

The MScAC program provides students with an exciting academic experience. MScAC students learn from world-class faculty across top-tier departments at the University. The academic workload in the program is designed for students wishing to explore the state-of-the-art more thoroughly. Students should be prepared for a heavy workload where they will be challenged.

In addition to the academic and professional training delivered during the first eight months (Semesters 1 & 2), MScAC students will be preparing for the internship phase of the program. Students are expected to interview with companies over this period – the highest volume internship-finding activities are in the Winter semester.

The program is based on a cohort-model, so all students in the program are expected to meet the program milestones at the same time.

Usually, MScAC admissions open in early October and close in early December. Dates are published on the website in late September.

Most applications are reviewed once the admissions deadline has passed. For further details of the application process, please review the Application Process page .

No, students are only offered a September-entry round of admission.

Yes. Students who have not yet completed their bachelor’s degree (or master’s degree, if applicable) at the time of application to the MScAC program, should request transcripts from their university showing the work completed to date. Applicants should include any courses not listed on the transcript that are going to be completed in subsequent semesters, and when the results will be available.

If an offer of admission is received, it will be based on the coursework to date. Degree requirements must be completed before August 31. Final transcripts, which include the degree and the date it was awarded, should be sent to the MScAC program.

At the application stage, applicants should upload unofficial electronic scans or summaries of their transcript(s). If an offer of admission is made, official transcripts (paper or electronic sent directly from the issuing institution) will be formally requested. Note that all offers of admission are conditional upon receiving and authenticating official transcripts and degree(s).

U of T graduates are not required to purchase an official transcript of their academic record at this institution.

Applicants who completed part of their studies at a different institution are required to provide transcripts. This includes transcripts from exchange semesters abroad.

It is possible to apply to the program with a bachelor’s degree in a discipline other than computer science. In the past, applicants with degrees in related disciplines such as mathematical sciences or engineering were accepted. Each concentration has specific requirements for computer science proficiency, so applicants are encouraged to review the Entry Requirements  page before applying. Applicants may review the Admitted Student Profiles  to see which academic backgrounds students have been drawn from in the past.

The department’s minimum academic requirement is a B+ average achieved in the final year of full-time study (the equivalent of 5 full credits). The program is highly competitive (only 5-10% of applicants are admitted each year) and in recent years, students admitted to the program have shown considerably greater proficiency than the minimum requirements.

Work experience is preferred but not accepted as a substitute for academic qualifications.

In previous years, applicants wishing to strengthen their application have considered taking senior level undergraduate courses. Applicants wishing to follow this route at the University of Toronto should be advised that the process for enrolling into undergraduate Computer Science courses is complex. Advice can be sought from the Undergraduate Program office at [email protected] .

It is important to note that grades alone do not guarantee admission.

Note: The original undergraduate degree (i.e. the qualifying degree) is the qualification on which the final year GPA calculation is based.  While courses completed in subsequent qualifications will be considered, those grades will not be included in the GPA calculation.

Students in the MScAC program must complete four (4) technical graduate half-courses and two mandatory half-courses. You may be able to obtain transfer credit for graduate courses completed but not counted towards the requirements of another academic qualification.

MScAC students can only apply for transfer credits post-admission. The Associate Chair of Graduate Studies and Academic Director, Professional Programs will evaluate these requests.

For further details, please review the Application Process  page.

Yes. Please note that the two programs have separate application forms, and payment of the application fee is required for both.

While applicants can use the same referees for both applications, given the difference between the two programs, it would be advisable to outline the structure and intent of both programs to the intended referees before requesting they submit the references. They may wish to tailor their references to the specific programs.

References cannot be transferred between applications.

Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis, meaning there is no fixed date on which decisions are announced. Applicants normally hear by mid-April.

Currently, 5-10% of MScAC program applicants are admitted each year.

The application form will accept “free” e-mail addresses such as from Hotmail, Gmail, etc. If a referee is using a “free” e-mail address, please include details of their professional profile, such as a faculty/LinkedIn page, in the “Additional Information” section of the application form.

The MScAC admissions committee prefers two of the references used be academic i.e., from people that have taught/supervised an applicant in an educational institution. However, given the nature of the program, it is entirely appropriate for applicants to use referees who have an industry background and been in a senior capacity during co-ops, internships or full-time work experience.

Yes. Several mature students have been successful in their applications to the MScAC program. Their experience is considered an asset within the MScAC cohort.

An applicant’s eligibility cannot be determined until a complete application is submitted, but in general:

  • Students from Quebec will qualify with a two-year CEGEP and a three-year bachelor’s degree.
  • Applicants with a three-year bachelor’s degree from a North American university likely do not have the depth of knowledge in computer science that the MScAC program requires. Applicants should see if their home institution offers an option to upgrade a three-year degree to a four-year degree by completing additional studies.

In addition to the University’s minimum admission requirements, several factors are taken into consideration while assessing college degrees: the level of affinity between the degree and the MScAC program requirements; the academic content of third- and fourth-year courses; and other indicators that an applicant is prepared for the MScAC program.

The department accepts applications from around the world and can accept qualifications gained from overseas institutions. For information on degree and grade equivalencies, please use the University’s International Degree Equivalencies Tool .

Yes. Applicants with three-year Bologna-compliant bachelor’s degree, or a three-year UK degree preceded by the GCE A-levels, are encouraged to apply.

In addition to the University’s minimum admission requirements , several factors are taken into consideration while assessing degrees: requirements for gaining admission to the degree, content of the degree, duration of the degree, and more.

Eligibility cannot be determined until a complete application is submitted.

Test Scores: Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

Applicants who have not previously gained (or are about to gain) a degree from a Canadian university are encouraged to submit GRE test  scores. Scores are not mandatory to provide and will not be taken as a substitute where academic grades do not meet the eligibility requirements. However, good scores strengthen applications. Serious applicants from outside Canada are assumed to have taken the GREs and have scores to submit. Average scores are within the 80th percentile for Verbal (158+) and 95th percentile for Quantitative (168+).

It is not mandatory for applicants with degrees from Canadian institutions to provide GRE scores; however, if they have been obtained applicants are welcome to do so.

Applicants reporting test scores in their application, should arrange to have the official scores sent electronically  to the University of Toronto.

GRE scores are valid for 5 years, from the date of being issued.

No. GRE results are preferred.

English Language Proficiency (ELP) Testing

The admitting degree for the MScAC program is the qualification considered equivalent to a University of Toronto four-year undergraduate degree. The admitting degree is what the requirement for ELP tests is based on.

Applicants must achieve the English test scores outlined by the School of Graduate Studies  (SGS). A higher minimum score is not required. Common tests applicants provide are International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic and Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Scores are valid for two years from the test date. Scores must be valid at the time of application for admission to graduate studies. Scores more than two years old cannot be verified and the applicant will be required to re-take an ELP test.

Scores may be added to an application even after the deadline (applications are processed on the assumption that satisfactory scores can be obtained), but no offer will be made (including a conditional offer) until official notice of the scores is received.

Yes. The program considers other academic qualifications, essay questions, and references, rather than basing a rejection on one element of the application. It is up to an applicant whether an application is submitted with the test scores already obtained. Applications are viewed on a case-by-case basis by the Admissions Committee.

Deferrals are granted at the discretion of the Chair of the Admissions Committee, in line with the deferral policy applicable to the respective admissions cycle. Deferrals are usually only permitted once and are valid until the following academic year.

International students in the MScAC program require a study permit for the full 16 months of the program. To be eligible for a study permit, certain immigration requirements must be satisfied. These include proof of:

  • Acceptance by the University of Toronto to the MScAC program
  • Adequate funds for tuition fees, living expenses, etc.
  • Medical clearance

Admitted students should begin the visa application process once an offer of admission and the welcome letters for the MScAC program are received. Processing times vary across visa offices.

Details of how to apply for a study permit can be found on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada .

Note: MScAC students are also required to be in possession of a work permit that allows them to work full-time during their eight-month internship. For further information regarding the study permit and the work permit, please consult U of T’s Centre for International Experience  website.

International MScAC students are required to have the following:

  • A study permit valid for the duration of the program
  • A separate work permit (usually termed the “co-op work permit”) that will allow full-time work during the internship in the second eight months of the program.

Some students may also be required to obtain an entry visa to enter Canada, subject to the country-specific requirements.

  • The work permit can be applied for at the same time as the study permit and will usually be issued, along with the study permit, at immigration on arrival in Canada. If the work permit is not issued at immigration, students can make a subsequent application once in Canada.

Students are permitted to accept employment either on- or off-campus for a co-op, internship or professional experience. To be eligible for the internship work permit, students must:

  • Have a valid study permit
  • Obtain a letter from the MScAC program indicating that employment is an integral part of the program (this information is contained in the offer package)

For this type of work permit, the University of Toronto will be listed as the employer and the expiry date should match the one on the study permit. The co-op work permit is fee-exempt, so no processing fee is required.

Once the study permit has been granted, spouses or common-law partners may apply for a work permit. The work permit will be valid for the same period as the study permit, and no job offer is required to apply for this. More information on work permits for spouses and common-law partners can be found on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website .

Yes. In late August, the MScAC program, collaborating departments, and the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) have Orientation events that students are expected to attend.

Students are required to take certain courses depending on the concentration they have been admitted into. Visit each specific concentration page  for a list of course enrolment requirements.

Courses from departments alternative to those stipulated in the concentration requirements may be substituted in (and counted) towards the concentration course requirements. This is subject to Program Director and concentration lead approval.

Yes. Guidance and support is provided to MScAC students throughout the program, from issues around course selection, to interview training, to facilitating the internship search.

Courses and internship selection will depend on a student’s individual interests and strengths. If the aim is to gain an internship and pursue a career in a particular area, then related courses should be selected. Most organisations, including MScAC partner organisations, have many types of projects going on at a given time. For example, game development companies have software engineering projects, companies doing machine learning research have database management projects. Students are encouraged to attend the various program events hosted to assist with internship finding, including the MScAC Internship Expo. Students are encouraged to ask organisations if they have projects in an area of interest, even if they don’t mention it in their project description.

The MScAC is a full-time program and the number of hours per week during the first eight months is comparable with other graduate programs. Study time varies based on course selection and personal study habits. The internship is full-time employment, so students will be working 35 – 40 hours a week, depending on the company.

Students pay tuition fees at a Canadian bank using their account number, which can be found on the Student Accounts website.

The deadline to pay/defer fees for the academic session is usually mid-September.

U of T’s  Fees & Costs  page is a great source for details about living costs.

U of T  Housing Services  offers information, resources and support with all housing-related issues, both for on-campus and off-campus accommodation.

MScAC students are not eligible for departmental funding. However, MScAC students are eligible for several provincial and University of Toronto scholarships. For a detailed list, please visit the School of Graduate Studies’ Scholarships and Awards  page.

Remuneration for the internship cannot be guaranteed, but to date students have successfully gained employment in paid internships that offset their tuition and fees.

Domestic students, can apply for the Ontario  Studen t Assistance Program  (OSAP).

International students may be eligible to apply for scholarships offered by their home government or loans provided by international student loan companies such as Prodigy Finance .

All MScAC students are assigned an acting academic supervisor on admission (usually the Academic Director, Professional Programs and respective concentration lead) who guides them through the early stages of the program. Upon accepting an internship offer from a company, students are expected to find two new supervisors:

  • An industry supervisor who is appointed by the company, to whom the student will report routinely.
  • An academic supervisor with whom the student will collaborate to address the intellectual challenges of the research to be performed over the internship. This will usually be someone whose research and work aligns with the nature of the internship.

It is beneficial, but not required, for the academic and industry supervisors to meet and establish an effective way to guide a students’ work during the internship.

Once an internship is secured, students should reach out to potential supervisors that might be a good match, typically a faculty member doing research in the related field. The MScAC team can help advise in supervisor selection.

The internship is a mandatory requirement of the MScAC program. To date, 100% of the program’s graduated students have secured an internship, with an average total salary of $65,000 per eight-month internship in 2023. Remuneration cannot be guaranteed, but this is a reasonable expectation based on the experiences of previous cohorts.

It is ultimately a student’s responsibility to secure an internship. Students are encouraged to begin their search from the start of the program. However, the program facilitates many opportunities to interact with organisations looking for MScAC students and solicits custom-built applied research internship projects. These projects will be available to students throughout the first two semesters.

The program does not place students in internships and all students will be required to attend interviews with the companies they are interested in working with.

Students are expected to leverage their graduate academic training and past experiences to engage in applied research in the service of the company. As interns, MScAC students explore new initiatives, improvements in process or product, and new designs that could potentially impact the company.

This imposes a higher standard of creative or intellectual exploration than would normally be encountered in a co-operative (co-op) work term.

Historically, almost all MScAC graduates have either continued at their internship company or moved to another company directly after finishing their internship.

Students progress onto a variety of jobs within the technology sector or related industries. Many students have continued in a development or engineering role at their internship company. Others have progressed on to more technical/leadership-oriented roles, some go on to management or consultancy, and others have started companies.

After completing the MScAC program, students are eligible for the Post- Gradu ate Work Permit (PGWP). To date, all MScAC students who have applied for the PGWP have been granted a permit that is three-years in length. Students who wish to stay in Canada for longer than the duration of the PGWP and apply for permanent residency, may be eligible for several other immigration programs.

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  • Prospective Graduate Students
  • Application Information

Application Deadlines

Application instructions.

All applicants must submit an online admissions application through the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). Supporting documents are also submitted online. Instructions for the online application can be found on the SGS website. If you have any questions during the application process, please do not hesitate to  email Norma Escobar, Undergraduate and Graduate Assistant.

Please note that the application system opens in early October.

Required Materials:

  • A curriculum vitae (CV).
  • Statement of Intent: Statement of approximately 500 words (two pages) setting out your main fields of interest and proposed course of study.
  • A 10- to 15-page sample of the applicant’s academic writing in English.
  • References: three reference letters for PhD applicants; two letters for MA applicants. Letters should be written personally by academic faculty familiar with your work. Referees’ letters must be uploaded on the online system. Referees will be automatically contacted within 24 hours after payment of application fee. Please note that you should complete your application and pay the fee sufficiently before the above deadline to allow your referees time to submit their references by the deadlines. 
  • Transcripts: All applicants are required to upload one electronic or scanned transcript from each post-secondary institution attended. Scanned copies of transcripts must be up to date and must include the transcript “legend” which is usually printed on the back of the paper transcript. The admissions committee will make its decision about your application based on this scanned transcript. Please ensure that the file is complete and readable before submitting. Please note that hard official copies of transcripts are not normally required until an applicant has received a letter of offer from the Department. If an offer is made, it will be conditional on receipt of official transcripts. In some cases, the department may request official transcripts during the admissions process.
  • Non-native speakers of English are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Applicants taking the paper-based TOEFL must achieve a minimum score of 600 and 5 on the Test of Written English (TWE). Applicants taking the Internet-based TOEFL must achieve a minimum score of 100/120 and 22/30 on the writing and speaking sections. Comparable scores on similar tests are also acceptable . If you graduated from a post-secondary institution in which the language of instruction and examination was English, you do not need to submit an English- language proficiency test score. For instructions on submitting the English test scores, please visit the SGS website .

Once all documents are received your application can be reviewed by the Graduate Admissions Committee. It is your responsibility to monitor the status of your documents in the online application and to follow up with your referees if references are not received in advance of deadlines.

Notes on the application system:

•    If you are a first-time applicant, click the link to Create an Account to begin your application. You will receive a verification code via email as part of the account creation process. After entering your verification code, you will create a password for your account. •    You may save and return to the application at any point in the process. •    You will be required to enter information for [# of referees] referees. Your referees will automatically receive a notification email that they have been requested to complete a reference for your application, along with instructions to submit their reference letter in the application system.  •    If you need to change your referees, please get in touch with the graduate administrator. •    If you need to send a reminder email to your existing referees, you can do so through your applicant portal after submitting your application. •    To view the status of your application, including outstanding requirements, please log in to your account to view your applicant status portal.  •    You can upload application materials, including unofficial transcripts, statements of intent, writing samples, and more, through your applicant status portal after submitting your application. 

Collaborative Master’s Program in Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Studies (CESEAS) (formerly Asia-Pacific Studies or MAPS)

Students wishing to apply for admission into the Collaborative Master’s Program in Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Studies (CESEAS) must apply to (and be accepted into) both the Department of East Asian Studies and the Collaborative MA program in East and Southeast Asian Studies. You should also email the Collaborative Program Office or call 416-946-8832 to determine the admissions deadlines and to see if they require any additional documentation.

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Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Admission Requirements

1. Academic Requirements

Master of Engineering (MEng)

A Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) in Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) with a minimum of B (73%+) over the final two (2) years of an undergraduate program from an accredited institution

Master of Applied Science (MASc)

A Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) in Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) with a minimum average of B+ (78%+) over the final two (2) years of an undergraduate program from an accredited institution

Doctoral Program (PhD)

Successful completion of a research master's degree in engineering, with an overall average of at least B+ (78%+), from an accredited institution. Current MASc students within our department can apply to fast-track into the PhD program before completing the MASc degree requirements

International and Exchange Students

Applicants educated at non-Canadian institutions should note that their educational background will be assessed for equivalency with a University of Toronto degree as described above. Please use the link below provided by the School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto to see which international credentials are required for masters and doctoral admissions at the University of Toronto:

U of T International Degree Equivalency Tool: https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/admissions/admission-application-requirements/international-credentials-equivalencies/

2. GRE scores are NOT required. Do NOT submit these scores.

3. english language facility requirement.

All applicants holding degrees from universities outside Canada, in which the official language of instruction/evaluation is not English, must demonstrate facility in English using one of the following methods. Only official test results, forwarded directly from the testing institution will be considered valid. This requirement must be met at the time of application.

       Review SGS requirements here: english-language-proficiency-testing

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Minimum required scores: Paper-based 580 (TWE 4) Internet-based 93 (writing 22; speaking 22)

International English Language Testing System (IELTS – Academic Module) Minimum required score: 7.0 (6.5 must be achieved in each component)

Certificate of Proficiency in English (COPE) Minimum required scores: 76 (at least 22 in each component and 32 in writing)

4. References

Two academic references are required. The references must be prepared by professors who have taught you or professors with whom you have worked. References from colleagues, employers or other students are inappropriate. Instructions for reference upload are available in the online application.

5. Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)

6. statement of research interest.

A statement is required for MASc and PhD applications but is not required for MEng applications

Research Statement Guidelines:  Outline intended areas of study and research field interests within the MSE Department. Include the names of potential supervisors whose research aligns with your interests and whom you would like to join their groups. Ensure that your Research Statement is concise, with a maximum recommended length of one page.

Note: Please keep in mind that meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

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English Requirements

We accept TOEFL (iBT), IELTS Academic and Duolingo English Tests only.  We accept TOEFL computer-based, paper-based and Home Edition. We do not accept TOEFL MyBest Scores and “Institutional Testing Program” (ITP) scores or any other English proficiency tests or examinations for exchange.

This information applies to  exchange students  only . If you are applying to U of T as a degree-seeking student, please see the  University Registrar’s Office  website (for undergraduate admissions) or the  School of Graduate Studies  website (for graduate admissions).

The official language of instruction at U of T is English. Unless you meet the requirements for an  English language test exemption listed below , you are required to submit your English test results. Please see below for the specific requirements.

Test scores must be valid at the time of U of T’s exchange application deadline. TOEFL, IELTS Academic, and Duolingo test scores are valid for two years from the date the test was taken.

Example:  If you are applying for undergraduate exchange for the September 2024 or January 2025 academic terms, you must have a valid test score from April 1, 2022 or later as the application deadline is April 1, 2024.

Minimum English requirements by Faculty

  • TOEFL (iBT): minimum total score of 89 with 22 in each of Speaking and Writing.
  • IELTS Academic: minimum overall band of 6.5, with no band below 6.0
  • Duolingo English Test: minimum overall score of 120, with no subscore below 100.

These results apply to the following undergraduate faculties:

  • Faculty of Arts & Science  (St. George Campus),
  • University of Toronto Mississauga  (UTM),
  • University of Toronto Scarborough  (UTSC),
  • Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education  (St. George Campus),
  • Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering  (St. George Campus),
  • Faculty of Music  (St. George Campus),
  • Faculty of Information  (St. George Campus)  (Undergraduate applicants only)
  • TOEFL (iBT): minimum 100 overall, with minimum 25 on the reading and writing sections
  • IELTS Academic: minimum overall band of 7.0, with no band below 6.5
  • Duolingo English Test: minimum overall score of 120 with no subscore below 120
  • TOEFL (iBT): minimum 100 overall, with minimum 22 on the writing section
  • Duolingo English Test: minimum overall score of 120 and subscore results must be submitted
  • TOEFL (iBT): minimum 93 overall, with minimum 22 on the writing and speaking sections
  • Cambridge English: C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency (required score: 185 overall with at least 176 for each component)
  • The School of Graduate Studies is NOT accepting the Duolingo English Test as an acceptable English Language Test
  • Refer to the SGS English-Language Proficiency Testing page for details
  • TOEFL (iBT): minimum 107 overall, with minimum 24 on the speaking section and 27 on the writing section
  • IELTS Academic: minimum overall band of 7.5, with minimum 7 on the speaking section and 7.5 on the writing section

You may be exempt from submitting an English language test score for your exchange application, if:

  • [Undergraduate applicants only] Your  home institution is located in a country where the dominant language is English : Australia, Barbados, Canada, England, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, Scotland, Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America, and Wales.
  • You have completed  four or more years of full-time study in English at schools located in one of the following countries/territories (dominant language is English) : Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Botswana, British Virgin Islands, Cameroon, Canada, Cayman Islands, Dominica, England, Falkland Islands, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guam, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Malta, Mauritius, Montserrat, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Papua New Guinea, St. Helena, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Scotland, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, eSwatini (Swaziland), Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uganda, United States of America, Vanuatu, Wales, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Additional documentation may be required to qualify for an exemption.

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Admission Requirements

Identify your academic background from the options below and review the admission requirements for your intended program of study using the Program Finder .  In addition to meeting general university admission requirements, you may need to present specific subject prerequisites, or submit a personal profile or statement of interest.

We make provisional offers of admission to qualified applicants from all educational backgrounds. If you are currently enrolled in secondary school or in a post-secondary program, we will make a provisional admission decision based on your final results from last year and your midyear results in the current year.

If you are interested in applying to the Medical Radiation Sciences, Nursing, or Physician Assistant programs, visit  Professional and Graduate Programs  to find your admission requirements.

Canadian High School, University or College

Are your most recent studies at an Ontario or other Canadian high school? Find the admission requirements based on your province. Current high school applicants with strong mid-year results may be admitted on condition that they complete their academic year successfully.

Are your current or most recent studies at university or college in Canada? If you are currently in school you may be considered on the basis of your previous year’s results.

International High School, University or College

Are your current or most recent studies at a high school outside of Canada? Learn more about the admission requirements for your country.

If you are attending or have attended a recognized university or college outside of Canada, you will be considered for admission based on your post-secondary studies.

Mature Students

Our admission requirements are based on academic background, regardless of your age. To see if you meet our admission requirements, please check the appropriate level of education and your program of interest.

If you do not meet the published admission requirements you may become eligible for some programs through either the Academic Bridging Program or the Transitional Year Programme. Note that if you have previously been enrolled in degree studies, you are not eligible for these programs.

Non-Degree Students

Applying as a non-degree student is a great way to continue your education, whether it’s for personal interest, or to upgrade your university record to qualify for graduate school or a professional program.

Visiting Students

Are you an undergraduate student at another university who is interested in taking a particular course at the University of Toronto? Find out how!

Find Important Application dates  here .

Find out about academic requirements for applicants from outside Canada .

It depends on what you’re applying to, but most programs do not require additional applications. Some programs, colleges and campuses ask students to fill out an added application or profile. You should receive an e-mail that will indicate if you need to fill out an application, where you can find it and what the deadline is. You can also find this information by looking up your intended program’s requirements in the  Program Finder .

Find out which application you should use, depending on whether you’re a current Ontario high school student, an applicant from another Canadian province or territory, an international applicant, or in another circumstance. Find out more here.

Find out about U of T’s English Language Requirements and proof of English facility .

If you have completed college or university studies, AP, IB, GCE, CAPE, or French Baccalaureate examinations you may be eligible for transfer credit at the University of Toronto. Transfer credits are assessed after admission.

Find out more about  transfer credit  at U of T.

All changes to your application should be made before the  application deadline .

If you have applied to the OUAC Undergraduate Application and wish to make changes to your initial application, you must do this by logging in to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre website ( www.ouac.on.ca ).

All other applicants (International/Internal/Part-Time/Non-Degree) should log onto  Join U of T , click on Check Status, and follow the instructions for making changes to your application.

We do not accept any changes or corrections via e-mail or telephone.

Telephone & In-Person Inquiries We are available for telephone and in-person inquiries.

Email Inquiries Connect with us by email for:

  • Admissions: apply.adm.utoronto.ca/register/questions
  • Ask a Student: apply.adm.utoronto.ca/register/askastudent

Contact Client Services for financial aid inquires including:

  • OSAP (Ontario Student Assistant Program) full and part-time
  • BSWD (Bursaries for Students with Disabilities)
  • UTAPS (University of Toronto Advanced Planning for Students)
  • Part-Time Financial
  • OOP Funding for other provinces outside of Ontario
  • US student aid – for United States citizens (US Federal Student Aid loan opportunities, private loans (non-government), Veteran Affairs certification requests for benefits & education tax credit

Your feedback is important to us. Please take a couple of minutes to let us know how we did by completing our  University Admissions and Outreach Satisfaction Survey .

If you decide to put your studies on hold, you may request a one-year deferral of your offer of admission. If granted, the deferral of admission will include a deferral of any entrance scholarship(s) awarded and the residence guarantee if applicable. Applicants who plan to attend another post-secondary institution will not be permitted to defer their admission. You’ll find instructions and the application form here.

You will receive an acknowledgment from U of T, with login instructions for our applicant website, about two weeks after you submit your application.

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IELTS Score Requirements for Canada’s Top Universities

IELTS Requirements in Canada - magoosh

Canada has over 500,000 international students, ranking as one of the most popular country in the world for overseas students who want to pursue their university education abroad.This is not surprising, considering Canada’s top two universities (University of British Columbia and University of Toronto) are ranked within the global top 100 of the 2021 US News & World Report Rankings , with a further eight in the top 300.

Therefore, if you are looking to study at an elite university, in one of the world’s most developed nations, applying to study in Canada can be an attractive option. Would you like to be one of these international students?

Get a higher IELTS score? Start your online IELTS prep today with Magoosh.

Well, now is the time to apply, as schools are actively recruiting the best and the brightest to study there over the next few years in a bid to double their international student numbers by 2022. However, to be considered you will need to have the right English proficiency requirements for each. Let’s take a look at the top 4 universities in Canada and find out the IELTS scores required for each.

1. University of Toronto

Ranked 17th in the world, the University of Toronto is Canada’s top-ranked university, located in Canada’s largest city. Its specialist degree programs include literary criticism, communication and theory. They are also known for their range of research innovations, including being the birthplace of insulin and stem cell research.

  • Proficiency in the English language must be demonstrated by all applicants educated outside Canada whose primary language is not English. This is a requirement of admission and should be met before application, but must be met before the deadline to register.
  • An overall IELTS Academic Score of 6.5 (with a minimum of 6.0 in each section) is the minimum required.
  • However, many graduate degree programs at the University of Toronto require a higher score. To check on the IELTS requirements of individual programs, contact the program or programs that you are interested in. You can find program contact information in the University of Toronto’s Degree and Diploma Programs by Graduate Unit web page to determine whether a higher minimum score applies.
  • Test results that are older than two years at the time of application cannot be accepted. In these circumstances, the applicant must retake the English-language proficiency test.

2. University of British Columbia

Over on the west coast, the University of British Columbia ranks 31st in the world and is home to about 55,000 students (about 18,000 of whom are international students) at its campuses in Vancouver and Kelowna.

  • Applicants from a university outside Canada in which English is not the primary language of instruction must provide results of an English language proficiency examination as part of their application.
  • Tests must have been taken within the last 24 months at the time of submission of your application.
  • A minimum overall band score of 6.5 is required with a minimum score of 6.0 in each component of the academic (NOT general) IELTS test.
  • Individual graduate programs may require higher English language proficiency scores, and may require minimum scores on individual components of the test. Please check individual program websites to verify English language score requirements.
  • UBC requires an official score to be sent to them electronically from the test center.

3. McGill University

Ranked 51st in the world, McGill University is the third highest ranking university in Canada. Based in Montreal, the university has nearly 10,000 international students from over 150 countries. If you are looking for a medical-doctoral university then this is the school for you, as Macleans has named McGill first in Canada in this area .

  • International students wanting to study here as undergraduates will need an overall IELTS band score of 6.5 or better and individual component scores of 6.0 or better on the Academic version. Graduate studies also require a 6.5 IELTS score, with the additional requirement of 6.0 per individual section. Note that some graduate programs may have higher requirements; electrical and computer engineering , for example, requires an overall score of 7.0 or higher. Check with the program you’re applying to to be sure.
  • For graduate admissions, the regular Academic test and the test for UKVI are both accepted.
  • McGill no longer accepts paper IELTS score reports, so you’ll want to make sure that your IELTS results can be sent to McGill electronically.
  • There are some instances where an applicant can be exempt from proving English proficiency, so have a look at the McGill English proficiency requirements website first.

4. McMaster University

Ranked 133rd in the world in the US News and World Report this year, McMaster University is particularly well-respected for its health and science courses; it actually has one-fifth of Albert Einstein’s brain in its collections !

  • For undergraduate admissions at McMaster , a total IELTS Academic score of at least 6.5 is required, with no section less than 6.0. For graduate studies , a 6.5 is also required, though sectional scores of 5.5 are acceptable.
  • Some graduate programs at McMaster University may have higher-than-standard IELTS requirements. So be sure to check with your program of interest before applying for graduate studies at this university.
  • Fulfillment of the listed requirements does not guarantee admission, and McMaster may ask for more proof of English proficiency. Even if the English standards are met, McMaster University reserves the right to use discretion in determining language proficiency. This is particularly true if your test scores are much higher than your grades in English prerequisite courses.


Gwendolyn is our expert blogger on IELTS. She has experience in preparing students for the IELTS exam and is currently in South Korea teaching English as a Second Language. When not blogging, you are most likely to find her on an airplane, striving to obtain membership in the Traveler’s Century Club, something she’s just about as passionate about as helping students achieve their life dreams.

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184 responses to “IELTS Score Requirements for Canada’s Top Universities”

Siddhant Avatar

Are IELTS general test scores relevant for applying PHD to these universities.

Eliot Friesen

Unfortunately, no they’re not. Universities require the Academic IELTS. It is a more challenging exam that demonstrates your ability to perform academic tasks in English.

Aniruddha Avatar

if i get 7.0 overall in IELTS. and i have 70 % in diploma. will i get 100% scholarship??

David Recine

At some universities, it could be possible to get a full scholarship with impressive testing scores, impressive school scores, and other qualifying criteria. But to know for sure how much scholarship funding you could get, it’s best to check with the schools you’re applying to, and also to contact and apply to other scholarship foundations.

Gurnoor Singj Avatar

I scored overall 6.5 bands recently i did my graduation BBA in event management my individual bands are 7 R 6.5 S 6.0 L &5.5 W Can i get any management course eith these bands in Manitoba or Alberta ?

Magoosh Expert

Hi Gurnoor,

Congrats on taking the IELTS!

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I recommend starting by doing some research and contacting schools directly. Good luck!

Sreelekha Avatar

Hii Magoosh,

I scored 6.5 overall

With LRWS- 8, 6, 6.5, 6

Can u tell me if I need to take the exam again for my Masters in Canada?… Also tell me the on what criteria scholarship will be given for masters program

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I recommend reaching out to an admissions counselors, or current/former students for your target schools. Most schools will have this information on their admissions website, and it varies from school to school.

Dhaval Avatar

IELTS general accept in few universities like Canadian Technology College.

Aakash Chowdhury Avatar

Hi. Magoosh. My IELTS score is 6.5 overall. With R 7 S 7 W 6 L 6 I have the GPA score of 3.96 What’s the chance of getting PhD in Statistics in Canada??

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I recommend reaching out to an admissions counselors, or current/former students for your target schools to learn more about your chances of admission.

Sumanth Avatar

I got ielts overall score is 6. My individual sections score is speaking 5.5 listening 6.0 reading 6.5. Can I get admission in canadian university offering course (masters degree in data analytics).

Based on those scores, the one university in this article that would accept you is the University of Alberta. I know that they have graduate degrees in computer science, although I’m not sure if they have a Data Analytics emphasis. If University of Alberta would accept you,t here are probably other respectable Canadian schools that would take you as well, and some of them might just have the exact Master’s programme your’e looking for. I’d say look around and see what you can find.

anokita Avatar

Hi, I have got 6.5 overall score. 6.5-listening, 6-writing, 5.5-reading, 7.5 speaking. Also, I have 3 years of work experience with EY. Is GMAT mandate or Just IELTS would do for masters or MBA program.

Hi Anokita,

You’ll have to do some research and find out the school’s requirements directly from their website. Each program and department might have different requirements, so it’s best to check directly with your target schools to see what the requirements are 🙂 Good luck!

jugal surti Avatar

Did you got admission that university? I am planning for September 2019 .

Siddharth Sen Avatar

Did you take admission in any university?

I got my IELTS score today – overall 6.5 but 5.5 in reading.

Please help.

Sriram.Mokshada yadav Avatar

Hii sidharth…I got the ielts score same as u scored….did u get the admission in university for MS?

Awan Avatar

inform me of other universities with same criteria

Neha Bhardwaj Avatar

Hi Magoosh,

I got IELTS 6.5 overall, individual score is

L-7 R-6 W-6.5 S-6.5

Have an experience of 1 year in cloud computing. Good UG score – 82.3%

What are the probability of getting admit in Masters of Computer science in top universities like Toronto,McGill,Waterloo.

Nice scores! Between that and your respectable undergraduate scores, I’d say your odds of getting into a high-ranked computer science grad program look good. With that said, make sure you check directly with the admissions offices of the schools you’re applying to. They’ll be able to give you the best possible information.

Chandana Avatar

Hi Magoosh, I have overall score 6.5 L 5.5 R 7 W 6.5 S 7 Do I have the eligibility to pursue masters in mechanical engineering in canada

Hi Chandana,

With these scores, it certainly seems like acceptance into a Masters in Mechanical Engineering might be possible in Canada. Although your Listening score is a bit low, Canadian grad schools are known for accepting lower scores on IELTS, especially in STEM fields. And of course, some schools may offer conditional acceptance, in which you take a few extra English classes when you arrive, even though your scores are a little below normal program standards. I would say it’s definitely worth checking the standards of Canadian programs you’re interested in, and applying to schools that may accept you.

Tejaswini Avatar

Hi Sumanth..I am interested in pursuing same course that you have mentioned above.. Any inputs about it?

sivaram Avatar

my score is over all 6.00 L=6 S=6 R=6 W=6 am i going to get good universities?

Hi Sivaram,

Maybe! But it depends on the universities. I think typically a 7 across the board is a much safer score to get into your desired university, but you should research the places you want to go to verify. 🙂

Tanveer Avatar

Hi I got 6.5 overall score and 6.5 in all individual scores except writing , I got 5.5 in writing . Can i get admission in masters in public health in university of alberts

It looks like you’ll probably need a higher score. On the Public Health page of U Alberta , I see an IELTS requirement of 7.0, with 6.5 in each section. So unless they’re willing to be flexible for students with lower scores, it looks like you’ll need to retake the IELTS to be eligible. (To find out if U Alberta can be flexible, you’ll need to contact them directly and ask.)

Nikhil Sharda Avatar

My overall band scroes in ielts academic is 6.5 .in individual modules i got 7 in listening and speaking and 6.5 and 6 in reading and writing respectively.. can i get admission in post graduation or masters in canadian universities or it will b very hard.. pls reply ..

It will depend on the individual universities and whether they have conditional acceptance options. You should research the schools you want to attend and make your choices based on that. Good luck! 🙂

Dan Avatar

Hey, my overall IELTS band score is 7 bands. Individually I got 7.5 bands in the listening module, 7 in the reading module, 7 in the writing one and 6 in the speaking module. Is this a good band score? I’m a little worried about my speaking band score, even though most Canadian universities do accept a band score of 6 in IELTS speaking (except Alberta and a few others). Should I start applying to universities now? or is my band score on the speaking module really bad?

It is not really bad, but if you are applying to universities that require a minimum of 7 in each skill, you may not be admitted (or you may get conditional admission). I would do my homework if I were you (e.g. making sure I know the admissions requirements of my dream universities) so that you can determine the best course of action. Good luck! 🙂

nishant Avatar

I got ielts overall score is 6. My individual sections score is speaking 6.5 listening 6 reading 5 writing 5.5. Can I get admission in canadian university offering course (masters degree in management in information system).

Hi Nishant,

The answer is “maybe” but it depends on each university! Gave you done some research into what those specific programs are asking for? That will be your best source of information. 🙂

Khubaib Avatar

Hi Nishant I also have same case like you.Did you find any university for master if yes than help me too. I am waiting for your reply.

Neharika Avatar

Hi, For Masters Do these universities require GMAT also?

Hi Neharika,

That depends on your program. Some will require the GMAT and others will require the GRE. You should do careful research to determine which is required. 🙂

Rahul Avatar

Hello magoosh ,

My IELTS Overall band score is 7 L 8 R 7.5 W 6 S 7 Should I re-write the test one more time to apply for top universities in Canada ? My area of interest is Computer Science and Engineering.

If you think you can improve on this score, it is definitely worth re-writing the test. But if you think your time would be better spent working on other aspects of your application, I do not think your IELTS score is bad by any means!

charan Avatar

hello magoosh ,

My IELTS Overall band score is 6.0

Listening 6.5 Reading 6.0 Writing 5.5 Speaking 6.0 Can i get admit in any of those top universities?

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so it’s difficult to give you a good answer to this question. However, most of these universities require at least a 6 in each band score and a higher overall band score that what you received. I recommend that you contact the universities directly for more information, but you may want to consider studying for a retake if you want to be competitive at these schools!

raj Avatar

hi, i got overall 6.0 in ielts individual band score L:6 R:6 W::6 S:5.5 can i get admission in the stream of telecommunications for masters in universities?

At that score, you definitely can get into some graduate programs in mid-tier universities. However, a 6.0 overall with a 5.5 in Speaking will make it harder to get into top schools. As you can see from this very article, the very top schools in Canada won’t accept your current IELTS score.

Sagar Avatar

Hi Magoosh I got an overall score of 6.5 But I messed up in writing 5.5 Speaking 7 reading 6.5 and listening 6 Do I have any chance with a good university for my masters…will University of Alberta accept?

It looks like your IELTS score meets the minimum requirements for a graduate program at the University of Alberta. 🙂 With that said, some graduate programs at the University of Alberta may have higher-than-standard IELTS requirements. The best way to find out is to reach out to the admissions office at University of Alberta.

I scored overall 6.5 band score with

Listening-8 Reading-6 Writing -6.5 Speaking- 6 Can u tell me if I need to take the exam again? For getting into good universities in Canada… Also can u tell me based on what criteria scholarship will be given in Masters

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I recommend reaching out to an admissions counselors, or current/former students for your target schools to understand the score requirements.

Sushanti Avatar

Hello Magoosh,

I want to know whether masters in engineering management require any experience. I competed my bachelors in Electronics and communication engineering. I have written my IELTS and got a score of 6.5 overall. And I also want to know the courses that are booming right now. I want to know the job prospectus and opportunities in engineering management. Awaiting for your reply.

Thanking you Yours Sincerely, Sushanti

Hi Sushanti,

So many good questions! Unfortunately, none of your questions have simple answers.

Having experience definitely is a plus if you’re applying to a Masters in Engineering Management. However, not all such grad programs have a strict requirement of work experience. Some programs only strongly encourage experience, while others only hire people with a certain amount of past work history/management track record. You’d have to check with individual grad programs to see their exact requirements.

As for the current state of the job market, that too depends on a lot of factors. Job markets are different in different countries and different regions within a country. In general, the engineering job market has been doing well in the world as a whole, which means that a variety of engineering fields and positions are hiring right now. How that will change in the future and how that will work out for you depends on many different factors. So you’ll want to research that carefully yourself, or talk to a career adviser.

Vamsi Varma Avatar

I have an overall band score of 7 in IELTS and i am having an sales and marketing experience for 2 years in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Does it any way helpful once after my graduation.

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions or career advice, so I’m afraid that we can’t be of much help with your question! This really depends on what you want to study and how you connect your experience to your career goals. I recommend talking to people in your chosen field and trying to learn how best to leverage your test scores and experience into your dream career path.

Divya Avatar

My overall score is 6 L-6.5 R-6.0 S-6.5 W-5.5

In order to get the admission in top universities of cannada did I need to retake the exam or not please help me to sort out the problem

Based on those scores, the one university in this article that you meet requirements for is the University of Alberta. With that said, there may be other schools in Canada that can work for you as well.

You’ll have to do some research and find out the school’s requirements directly from their website. Additionally, each program and department might have different requirements, so it’s best to check directly with your target schools to see what the requirements are 🙂

Imran Avatar

Do they(top versities of Canada) count the IELTS score to provide scholarships for undergraduate coursess?If yes,what’s the safe score.

Very often your IELTS score can influence your ability to get scholarships. With that said, every scholarship granting organization has different rules and standards, and many scholarships are specific to one individual university. Check with your prospective schools to see what kind of funding might be available, and how IELTS scores impact grant eligibility.

Pallav Jhaveri Avatar

My IELTS band score is 7.5

L: 8.5 R:7 W:7 S:6.5

Can I get admission in any of the top Canadian Universities for masters in Computer Science?

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid I can’t give you more information than what we already provide in this blog post! Your score exceeds the minimum requirements for these schools, so your IELTS score at least will not count against you! I recommend that you research the schools and their requirements for international students, and investigate what other admissions requirements you have to fulfill–the IELTS is only one test, after all, and there are many other factors to consider for admission!

Kalsi Avatar

Depends upon how much marks you got in bachelors in CSE if you got greater than 65 then you will get easily any unversity

Vedant Thakor Avatar

Sir, is ielts exam is enough to get admission in master of engineering for civil engineering. In any university and plas give me target that how much I have to score. I have my bachelor’s degree with around 8 gpa For sure

Plssssssss guide me cause I need to prepare for this exams . Tq 😊

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid I can’t be very helpful here. I recommend that you look directly on the websites for some of your target schools and determine their admission requirements. Some schools will require other tests like the GRE for admission, so you should be sure to do your research and understand the requirements!

Ali Avatar

I have done IELTS in general module (6.5 band). Any university accepting this?

Congrats on taking the IELTS! Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid I can’t provide any more guidance than what we already wrote in this blog post! I suggest that you use this blog post as a starting point and then do some more research into specific schools to see what their IELTS requirements are! Good luck 🙂

Monika Avatar

My overall score is 6 Reading 5 Listening 6 Speaking 6.5 Writing 6 Can anyone suggest me which university suits to my profile Am intrested in master in computer science

Tarun Avatar

My scores are 6.5 academic( ielts). I am looking for LLM masters from any good university. kindly guide in regarding to this matter. Thank you

First, congrats on taking the IELTS! Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so unfortunately I can’t provide any tips beyond what we discuss in this blog post. I suggest that you start your search here and then move on to see what other universities might fit your interests and profile 🙂 Good luck!

Febin Antony Avatar

My name is Febin Antony, I got L&R -7.5 , S -7 but W- 5.5 . Shall I get admission for Post Graduate diploma in Biotechnology . Please reply

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid I can’t really answer this question well Besides, this really depends on the schools and programs you are applying to. Each program sets their own requirements for admission, and I recommend that you research your target schools and determine their particular requirements! Good luck 🙂

Charan Avatar

Hi, My overall score in ielts is 6 Listening 6.5 Reading 6 Writing 6 speaking 5.5

i’m done with my graduation and my planning to do my post graduation in canada

will i get an admission in civil engineering universities with the mentioned ielts score ?

please suggest.

I know a lot of Canadian universities and graduate programs will accept you with those IELTS scores. TO find out your prospects for civil engineering specifically, I recommend checking with the various civil engineering degree programs in Canada. See the official full list of Canada’s civil engineering degree programs and check each one. (Don’t worry, it’s a relatively short, manageable list. 🙂 )

Ananth Avatar

I have got my IELTS score 6.5 average but I got 5.5 in writing will they be any universities or colleges that would accept my score to do masters

That’s hard to say. It depends a lot on the program and the school. And it’s also important to remember that if you have a a strong academic record or an impressive CV, some programs may be willing to accept you even if you’re below their preferred minimum IELTS score. The good news is that this is fairly easy to research. There are only 43 universities in all of Australia. I recommend checking the Australian government’s official list of universities , which includes website links and contact information. Make a list of the schools with degree programs you’re interested in and check websites for requirements. If you have other qualifications which may impress schools, you could even contact schools that require more than a 5.5 in writing and see if they can consider you anyway.

Shreya Avatar

is ielts score enough for doing MBA in those universities or do i need to write anyother exam like GRE and GMAT

Most Canadian MBA programs will require the GRE or GMAT in additional to an English proficiency test like the IELTS. Usually they require the GMAT rather than the GRE.

Prabhakaran Avatar

Hi, My over all Ielts score is 6.5 S – 6.5, l – 7, R – 6.5, W – 5.5

I have completed my bachelor in mechanical engineering. Is there any possibilities to pursue MS in any of the top Canadian universities.

Rahul Avatar

Does McGill require GRE for MS in computer science?

I recommend that you check McGill’s website director or contact their admissions office for the most up-to-date information. You can see more information here .

Vivek Avatar

Hi my overall ielts academic score is 7.0 and in each bands are as follows:

L-8 W-6 R-6 S-7.5 So can I get admission in universities like university of Toronto or university of Alberta

It looks like you meet the requirements for Alberta, but may want to do some more research on individual programs at the University of Toronto to see if your scores meet their standards. Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so you should always double check with the schools themselves to check their requirements!

jaahnavi Avatar

I’ve scored an overall band of 7.5 in my IELTS Academic Module. My question is that, I’ve scored only 6 in the writing module.Is that a problem?

That likely won’t be a problem in Canada (see the per-section standards for the top schools above). However, if you’re applying to a particularly writing-intensive program, such as a grad degree in English literature, you may need to get your IELTS Writing score up. If that’s the case, double check the standards of schools you’re applying to. But again, a 7.5 overall with a 6.0 in writing should be find for most Canadian degree programs. 🙂

Kv Avatar

hi sir/mam My IELTS Band is 6.5 and L 7.5,R 6,S 6.5, W6.5 Doctor of pharmacy with 6.8% 12th 65 10th 62 can I Apply to canada For Masters in Universities?

As you can see from this blog post, Each university sets its own requirements for admissions. It looks like your IELTS score meet the requirements for some of the universities we listed here, but you’ll have to research the specific requirements for the schools that you want to attend! Good luck!

Parminder Avatar

I got overall 6 band score. W-6 R-5.5 S-6 L-6 GNM nursing with 69% 12th 72% Can i apply for PG diploma. Plz tell me which university best for me according to my profile.

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I recommend using this post as a starting point, and reaching out to your target schools for more information.

Jaahnavi Avatar

My overall band score is 7.5 and individual scores are Speaking 7.0 Listening 8.5 Reading 7.5 Writing 6.0 Will my writing module’s score affect my admission into the universities? I want to go for Ms in computer science. Please help

M S R Karthik Avatar

Hello Mangoosh

My IELTS overall score is 6.5 Listening-7.5 Reading-6.5 Writing-6 Speaking-5.5

My B.tech % is 77 XII % is 91.3 X% is 93

Can I get better university in canada for doing masters in computer science

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice! I recommend that you contact your target schools directly to find out what IELTS score is accepted by the computer science departments. Keep in mind that test requirements might vary by department, so it’s best to look up the information directly from the source!

kawaljeet Avatar

hello i want to know regarding getting admission for phd in canada what is require score of ielts or gre

Hi Kawaljeet,

Each university and department sets their own requirements for the GRE and IELTS score. You will have to research the schools and look on their admissions page for the most up-to-date information on their score requirements!

Prasanth Avatar

Hi I got a band of 6.5 in IELTS Academic Module L-6 W-5.5 R-7 S-6

can I apply for masters in civil engineering for Canada Universities?? what universities can i expect?? plz reply

Hi Prasanth,

While we provide information like this to help students understand their IELTS score and how they match to the requirements for different universities, we don’t actually have expertise in admissions advice! I recommend that you use this blog post as a starting point and start to do some research related to schools that interest you. Good luck!

Yoganand Avatar

My band scores are Reading 8.5/9 Listening 8.5/9 Speaking 7/9 Writing 6/9 Overall 7.5/9

Will low score in writing impede my chances to top MBA schools,

Hi Yoganand,

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m not sure if we are the best people to answer this question! I recommend that you check out the school’s website for more information on their IELTS requirements. Some schools require that each individual band score be at or above a certain level, but that is something you should determine for each university! When in doubt, I recommend contacting the admissions counselors directly 🙂 Good luck!

Gopi chand Avatar

Hi my IELTS overall score is 7 L-8 W-6.5 R-6.5 S-6.5 Can I get Toronto or waterloo

vishal Avatar

Most universities specify IELTS overall band score as 6.5. They dont tell about induvidual scores. How should we consider the induvidual band score to be?

If a school has a requirement for individual scores to be above a certain number, they will usually state that on their admissions page. If they don’t state an individual section score requirement, then they may not have one. In that case, as long as your overall band score is above their minimum, then you should be OK! If you aren’t sure, you should definitely reach out directly to the admissions office of your target schools to get the most accurate information 🙂

SONU Avatar

Hii.. I want to apply for M.S. in civil engineering. Can you give me tha list of top college and universities with the requirements of ilets band score

That is actually a pretty tough question. There isn’t one accepted source for rankings of individual types of grad programs in Canada, so it’s hard to say what the “top” civil engineering MS programs are. And even after you identify some possible top MS programs in civil engineering, you’ll want to check the IELTS requirements on the programs’ official websites. You may even need to directly contact such programs, to make sure you get the most current information.

I do have a resource to get you started, though. This list of the top 10 civil engineering programs in Canada was put together by Educations Media Group. In my own experience, their recommendations are well-researched and trustworthy. Although not every program they list is an MS, you can check the websites of the universities in the list to see if they have MS programs. Hope that helps, Sonu.

Akash T Avatar

Hi to whosoever can help,

IELTS academic score – 7.5

listening – 8.5 reading – 7.5 writing – 6.5 speaking – 7

Also an aggregate of 62.8% in B.Tech.

Can anyone help me with the below queries:

1. Am I eligible to apply in top 10 universities in Canada (whose global ranking is under top 60 universities)? 2. Can i get suggestion list for top universities in Canada which provide courses in Artificial Intelligence / big data / data analytics / machine learning? 3. Am i eligible for scholarships ?

Thanks in advance.

It looks like your IELTS scores meet the requirements for all of the universities we have mentioned here. With that said, our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we won’t be of much help. I recommend that you use this blog post as a starting point for your own research to find a school that fits your personal profile and interests.:)

Contacting schools directly is the best way to find out about scholarships you may be eligible for as well. This blog post may be a good place to start.

Karandeep kaur Rai Avatar

My overall band score is 6.5 but I have scored 5.5 in writing. I want to pursue masters in pharmacy in canada. Can you please suggest me the universities which will accept my score.

On this very list, the University of Alberta, which has a Masters in Pharmacy program, would clearly accept you. 🙂

Beyond this list, many other universities would probably also take you in. But as always, double check with the university admissions websites to get current, accurate requirements.

Milap S J Avatar

I passed out in 2017 (Telecommunication Engineering). My aggregate is 68% and IELTS score of 7 Is there any possibility where I can get into Canadian university for Masters in Data Science?

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid that we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I recommend that you use the universities on this page as a starting point and look up their specific score requirements and admissions statistics. That will give you a good sense of where you should apply! Good luck 🙂

Tarun Tej Avatar

I have got a 6.5 band in IELTS (7.0-L,5.5-S,6.5-W,6.5-R) And a 90% in 10th Standard 88.3% In Intermediate (11-12) And 68.1% in Bachelors Degree With 5 backlogs if repetion counts then it’s a total of 9. So,can I apply for Universities or Institutions in Canada with the above mentioned credentials for pursuing master’s degree in Computer Science or Data Science..?

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid that we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I recommend that you use the universities on this page as a starting point and look up their specific score requirements and admissions statistics. That will give you a good sense of where you should apply! Good luck 🙂

Riddhi Avatar

Hello My overall band score is 6.5 L n R -7 W -6 S -5.5 Can I get admission in university in Canada? For Master in physical therapy

For that, you’ll really have to check with individual physical therapy programs to know for sure if you can get in. But I will say that those scores are not bad by Canadian standards. It seems likely that you could find a program that would accept you with your current scores. And if you can raise your Speaking and Writing scores by at least a half band, your chances get even better.

Tejinderpal singh Avatar

I have completed my +2 in medical stream with 72%marks . And my ielts score is Listening -6.5 Reading – 6.5 Writing-5.5 Speaking-5.5 Overall -6 Can i get the visa of canada or not . Plz provide me the clear data . Can i apply with these band scores for canada or not ? My contact number is 9915892610 . Thanku

Unfortunately, there’s no way to absolutely answer your question. This is because Canadian grad programs have a lot of different individual standards, beyond the university’s program-wise standards. Your grades and scores are good enough that you could likely get into some graduate programs. But there are other schools or programs that probably wouldn’t accept you, unless you received conditional acceptance and took English courses before beginning your regular degree. To know for sure which programs will accept you, however, you’ll need to research individual programs. Look on the websites of the grad programs you want to apply to, and contact admissions offices if need be.

Sagar Machhi Avatar

Hi sir I want to apply for the masters programme in Canada, I got Overall 6.5 bands and having 8.64 CGPA.

Speaking -6.5 Reading – 7 Writing -5.5 Listening -7.5 I have 1.5 years of experience in technical field. Is it possible for me to get an admission in masters course in University or College ?

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I encourage you to use this blog post to start your research and find your dream schools. Good luck!

Parth shah Avatar

Hii!! I got 6.5 in speaking, 7 in reading, 6.5 in listening, 5.5 in writing and overall 6.5 in ielts with good academic profile. Can i get admission in university of alberta for masters in civil engineering??? suggest me some good university please.

According to this blog post, your IELTS scores meet the requirements for the University of Alberta. I encourage you to reach out to an admissions counselor for more information on the other requirements at the University of Alberta (our expertise is in test prep, not graduate admissions, so I’m afraid that we can’t provide any extra insight on this). Good luck!

Priyanka Patel Avatar

Hi , i want to apply in U of T for Masters program in data science concentration , my overall score of ielts is 7 but reading is having 6.

Can i get admission if i apply?

Hi Priyanka,

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question. I recommend that you look at the admissions statistics for U of T and contact an admissions counselor if you are unsure.

harpreet kaur Avatar

my overall IELTS score is 6.5 not less than 6 and graduation CGPA is 7.18 I want to apply for masters in computer science. am i eligible with this IELTS score ?

Hi Harpreet,

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question. I recommend that you investigate the admissions statistics and requirements for your target schools, and reach out to an admissions counselor if you’re not sure.

Ani Avatar

I got over all 6 band L-5.5 S-6 W-5.5 R-6 Which university accept such scores for masters in industrial engg (theory based) ?

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I recommend that you use this list as a starting point and then do some more research to find a school that fits your profile, interests and goals. Good luck!

harsha Avatar

i got overall all band of 7 listening(9) speaking(6) reading (7.5) writing (5.5) can i get the best colleges or should i retake the exam?? please help

I have one question for you: do you think you can improve on this score? If you think you can do better, it is worth retaking the IELTS. Your writing and speaking scores might hold you back, especially if the schools you wish to attend have band minimums for each skill, rather than just across the whole test. Wishing you the best!

Rachana Avatar

Is ielts score enough for doing MS in those universities or do i need to write any other exam like GRE

Hi Rachana,

It depends on the university! Often, you will need IELTS and something else in addition, but this varies by institution. Have you looked at the stated preferences on the institutions’ admissions pages? All the best. 🙂

Kulwant Singh Avatar

I want to study in canada. So can i apply in canada university with 6.5 overall band scores not less than 5.5 in speaking, 6.5 listening, 7.5 reading, 6 in writing after graduation

D. Rooklyn Avatar

Hello! …new in this site please can someone help me with canadian and australian universities that offer undergraduate courses for IELTS general training.

I’m afraid that we don’t have any sort of list of universities that offer IELTS courses in Canada or Australia. Our Premium Program is an affordable and accessible way to prepare for the IELTS exam, if you are interested in learning more, send us an email at [email protected] 🙂

shas Avatar

L:8.5 R:7 W:6 S:6.5

Maryam Avatar

Hello! I’m interested in applying to some universities in Canada. I already have an IELTS for UKVI (Academic) certificate with a score of 8.5.

McGill clearly states that they accept this version, and I have contacted University of Toronto and gave them some information about how the UKVI version isn’t different from the regular version, and they told me that it would be okay to use my certificate for applying to their programs. I’m still waiting for replies from Waterloo, York, and UBC.

I contacted University of Alberta and gave them the same information which I gave to UofT, but their only answer was, “Unfortunately we do not accept IELTS for UKVI. We only accept IELTS Academic test results.”

They didn’t give me any more detail than that, even though I explained thoroughly that IELTS for UKVI is the same as the regular IELTS and gave them links to the British Council website which confirmed my words. I’d really rather not retake the test just for University of Alberta. Do you have any advice for me? I don’t see any logic behind why they wouldn’t accept this test. Is it worth mentioning it to them again and asking for a reason, or should I just suck it up and take the regular IELTS?

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so it’s difficult to give you a good answer to this question. I’m sorry about that!

If you’ve contacted the University of Alberta directly and they told you that they wouldn’t accept the UKVI, then I think you have your answer. It might be worth contacting the University to ask again (maybe you’ll get someone more flexible on the matter), however, you might just have to take the IELTS Academic test if you’re really interested in going there.

Drishti Bawa Avatar

I too need an assistance. I scored overall 7 and section wise division is mention below: Speaking: 7 Listening: 7.5 Reading: 7 Writing: 5.5

Kindly suggest, if i meet the universities criteria for Canada.

Hi Drishti,

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question for you. I recommend that you use this blog post as a starting point for your own research into schools that match your interests! Good luck 🙂

Parth Anand Avatar

Hi …i got score of overall 6 band.. Listening 7 Writing 6.5 Reading 5.5 Speaking 5.5


I got 7 bands overall and individual score is L=7 R=8 W=6 S=6. I am targeting to get admitted into U of Alberta, mcgill university and UBC. please help me to predict my place in these universities.

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question. I recommend that you reach out to the admissions counselors at your target universities, and try to get in touch with current or former students at those universities. Those are generally good places to start for more information about admissions at these universities!

Christeena Avatar

Hi, My ielts band score is 6.5 Listening-7 Reading -7 Writing. -5.5 Speaking-6

Hi Christeena,

Congrats on taking the TOEFL! I’m not sure if you were looking for any further information or feedback on this. Unfortunately, we aren’t experts in university admission, so we can’t provide advice on which universities to apply to or your changes of admission. If there’s anything else we can help you with, please let us know!

Anzer Avatar

I have got an overall score of 6 and individual score of 6 each, is it possible to get admission in any of the Canadian universities.

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question for you. I recommend that you use this blog post as a starting point for your own research into which schools best fit your skills and interests. Good luck!

sumanth Avatar

hi magoosh , i need a suggestion i got 6.5 overall in ielts and want to pursue ms in data science in canada , suggest me best colleges to apply

Hi Sumanth,

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I recommend that you use this blog post as a starting point for your research to find a school that matches your interests and academic profile. Good luck!

pranjal Avatar

Hi I scored an overall of 6.5. The spilt up of the score is as follows L-7.5 W-6 R-6 S-7 What are the chances that I get into a good university for masters in computer science?

Hi Pranjal,

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we won’t be of much help. I recommend that you use this blog post as a starting point for your own research to find a school that fits your personal profile and interests. Good luck!

sashi Avatar

Overall Band: 6.5 Listening: 7.5 Reading: 6.0 Writing: 5.5 Speaking:6.5

Can i get admission in CANADA colleges with these Score in mechanical course

Mandeep Avatar

This ia mandeep I got 6.5 overall ielts (L-7.5,R-6.6,S&W-5.5) Is there any colleges accept for my admit with this?? Plzzz suggest me ……

Hi Mandeep,

Vyshnavi Avatar

I got 6.5 overall band in my IELTS exam Individual scores are: Listening-6.5 Speaking-6.5 Reading-6 Writing-6 What top universities can I get into in Canada?

Nice scores! As you can see, your marks qualify you for the 4 high-ranking Canadian universities listed in this post. This would likely make you a strong contender at any Canadian school. Of course, bear in mind that graduate programs may have their own standards, separate from the campuswide university IELTS standards. So if you’re applying to a Masters or Doctoral program, check with the individual program for exact IELTS requirements.

Sandipan C Avatar

Hi there, Recently I got my result for IELTS(S,W – 6.5, L- 8, R-5.5) Can I get admission in University of Alberta (I’ve seen that my scores are already meeting with the requirements in the FGSR Section but when i was going through the course website then I found that overall score for IELTS needed is 7 and the minimum score is 5.5)?

Thanking You; Sandipan

That’s a good question! Sometimes even if the FGSR requirements are lower, those may be the only ones you need to follow. At other times, the higher campuswide standard is what you need. I would recommend contacting the University of Alberta directly to get clarification on your requirements. Good luck, and if you get a chance, stop back here to comment and tell us what the answer was. 🙂

Mayank Avatar

I recently gave ielts and got an overall band score of 7.5(L8;R8;S7.5;W6). I am applying for in economics courses in various Canadian universities. Which unis would be the best with this type of score?

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the right people to answer this question. I recommend that you use this list as a starting point to find a school that fits your profile and interests. Good luck!

Punit Patel Avatar

I had completed B.E in Mechanical stream. I got overall 6.0 band especially Listening 6.5 and Writing 6.0, but in speaking & Reading as 5.5, so what I’m eligible 4 get admission in the University of Windsor

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we won’t be of much help. I recommend that you use this blog post as a starting point for your own research to find a school that fits your personal profile and interests. Good luck!

Maher Avatar

Hello I wanna ask scholarships, is it possible to get a scholarship with IELTS exam? Like if I got an overall 6 with 6 in each band could I possibly get a scholarship in one of Canada’s universities?

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions or scholarship advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I recommend reaching out to an admissions counselors, or current/former students for your target schools for more information about scholarship opportunities and requirements.

Sree Avatar

Hi I understand there are 2 categories of ielts general and academic

Request to suggest ielts category Accepted by most university for applying masters in engineering

Thanks Sree

If you’re interested in Masters programs, you should take the IELTS Academic Test. 🙂 The IELTS Academic test is for individuals who are applying for admission to programs where English is the primary language of instruction. The IELTS General test is more for general immigration and employment in an English-speaking country.

You can read more about this here:

  • Academic IELTS vs General IELTS
  • IELTS Academic or General Training

With that said, the best information for admissions requirements comes from schools themselves! 🙂 I recommend contacting the schools you are interested in directly, or looking on their websites. 😀

Tijo Avatar

I have IELTS overall band of 6.5 L -7 R – 6 S-6 R – 6 Should I need to take retest or is it enough for canadain Universities & Colleges…?

It looks like your IELTS score meets the minimum for the 4 universities that we spoke about on this blog. 🙂 For more information, I strongly encourage you to reach out to their admissions departments.

If you’re looking for other Canadian universities, this IELTS website is a good place to start:

IELTS: Who Accepts IELTS Scores?

Dhruvi Avatar

This is dhruvi My band scores are Lis-7 Reading-5.5 Speaking-6 writing-5.5 ..& I am a physiotherapist give me the advice

It looks like your band scores may be too low for any of the universities that we’ve covered in this blog post, however, not all is lost! There may be other universities in Canada where you may be able to apply. Here’s a good place to start your research . 🙂

Sonali katiyar Avatar

Hey, I have scored 6.5 overall and in each, it’s 6 or 6.5. Have done a bachelors degree in computer science and have 1.5 years of work experience in sales and account management. Looking forward to MBA courses in Canada. If you can suggest something here. Going forward for MBA is a better option? If yes, which universities.

That’s a good question! To really get a good list of all of your universities, I recommend checking the websites of MBA programs in Canada. This can be a bit research intensive (you need to check to see which universities have MBAs and then check the criteria), but it’s the only way to get full, up-to-date information on your options.

With that in mind, I can tell you offhand that Brock University often accepts applicants with your profile. So that might be a good university to look into at the start of your search. 🙂

Upasna Avatar

Hello, I am from Nepal. I have a academic ielts score of overall band 7 (S-6.5, W-6, L-8, R-7). But i am looking forward to get admission in University of Torronto in Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy. My academic undergraduate cGPA is 3.42. However, in U of T in faculty of pharmacy requires each band score 6.5 in Graduate program for Msc in Pharmaceutical science. Also, I am not sure about whether i should give GRE score or not. Is there any conditional provisions in my case. Please suggest me….

I know that the University of Toronto does sometimes offer conditional acceptance for both undergraduate and graduate applicants whose test scores aren’t quite where they need to be. However, I’m not sure if their graduate pharmacy program specifically allows for conditional acceptance, or what the rules would be. I’d advise contacting U Toronto directly on this, as there’s definitely a chance you could get in without retaking the IELTS. (Also consider retaking the IELTS too, of course, in case conditional acceptance isn’t possible, or the conditions they offer you don’t work for you.)

Sarthak Avatar

Hi i am sarthak My ielts overall band is 7 Listening 8 Reading 8 Writing 6 Speaking 6.5 Is there a chance for me to get into a good university in canada.I want to pursue masters in electrical and computer engineering

Hi Sarthak!

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so I’m afraid we won’t be of much help. I recommend that you use this blog post as a starting point for your own research to find a school that fits your personal profile and interests.

With that said, it looks like your IELTS score meets the minimum requirements for each of these schools. Congratulations and good luck!

Pranay Avatar

I got ielts overall bandscore 6.5 Speaking 6.5 Listening 7 Reading 6.5 Writing 6 And my overall undergraduate percentage in dental science is 71%. Will I get admission in to a Canadian university with scholarship? I want to pursue masters in public health

I’m afraid we don’t keep statistics like that in-house. The best course of action will be to get in touch with programs you’re interested in and ask 🙂

Prajwal shrestha Avatar

I have got 6.5 overall not less than 5.5 L. 7.5 R.7 W. 5.5 S.6.5 Do i have possibilities to get admission in university of canada? If yes, then, can you provide some universities name?

Hi Prajwal,

Based on those scores, the one university in this article that would accept you is the University of Alberta (for undergraduate). With that said, you can find more Universities here .

kumar Avatar

i have a overall of 7 reading -8 listening-7 speaking-6.5 writing-6 is there any way i can get admission in University of Waterloo for an undergraduate program because even though my overall band score suffices the requirement but writing needs to be 6.5 or above?

Unfortunately, we’re experts in Test Prep and not University Admissions. Therefore, I’m not sure we’ll be able to help you very much with this. For the best information, I’d recommend reaching out directly to the University of Waterloo. You can speak to their Admissions Office and see what they think about your scores. 🙂 I hope this helps at least a little bit!



ergashev Avatar


Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions or scholarship advice, so I’m afraid we aren’t the best people to answer this question! I recommend reaching out to an admissions counselors, or current/former students for your target schools

shubhashri Avatar

hi , i have got ielts score of 7 reading and speaking-6.5 listening and writing-7 i have cgpa of 8.28 what is my probability of getting good universities in canada for MS in computer science in top 12 universities .Can you help me with the list

Our expertise is in test prep, not admissions advice, so we aren’t the best people to answer this question. I recommend starting with this list and reaching out to your top schools for more information about their admissions requirements.

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2024. IELTS is jointly owned by the British Council; IDP IELTS; and Cambridge University Press & Assessment


  1. IELTS Band Requirement for the University of Toronto

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  2. IELTS Requirements for Canada's Top Universities

    university of toronto ielts requirement for phd

  3. IELTS Band Requirement for the University of Toronto

    university of toronto ielts requirement for phd

  4. IELTS Band Requirement for the University of Toronto

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  5. Best Answer: What Is The Ielts Score Required For University Of Toronto

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  6. IELTS Score Requirements for Canada's Top Universities

    university of toronto ielts requirement for phd


  1. PHD Cartesian Systems

  2. 🇬🇧 Study in UK: University of Glasgow Scholarship for MSc

  3. PhD in Italy, IELTS and GRE requirement #shorts #italianuniversities #lifeinitaly #italyeducation

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  6. PhD in Canada


  1. English Language Requirements

    IELTS Results Service Account name: University of Toronto - Undergraduate and Graduate Programs ; IELTS Results Service Account address: 172 St. George St., Toronto ON M5R 0A3. Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology: The minimum requirement is a three-year/Advanced Diploma or current enrolment in the final semester of a three-year ...

  2. English Language Proficiency

    Paper-based Test overall score: 600 Test of Written English (TWE): 5.5. IELTS - International English Language Testing System (Academic) overall score: 7.5 Writing: 7.5 Speaking: 7. Cambridge English - C1: Advanced and C2: Proficiency Required score: 185 overall with at least 176 for each component. Applicants should use the "Send Your ...

  3. FAQs

    Commonly accepted tests are Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) For TOEFL, our required score is 93 overall with a minimum score of 22 on both the Writing and Speaking sections. For IELTS (Academic), our required score is 7.0 overall with at least 6.5 for each component.

  4. English-Language Proficiency

    As English is the primary language of instruction and communication at the University of Toronto, applicants require an adequate level of proficiency in English. If your first language is not English, you will be asked to meet English-Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements if: you earned your admitting degree in a program split between two ...

  5. PhD Program

    The Special Fields Examination is normally taken in March, April, or May of Year 2 in the program for PhD students or Year 3 in the program for PhD U students. Program Requirements and Course Work. At the University of Toronto, the acronym FCE stands for "Full Course Equivalent." A "full course" is weighted 1.0 FCE and meets for the ...

  6. PhD Admission Requirements

    0982 University, 4204 Dept. GMAT BTD1H10 PhD. English Language Proficiency. Facility in the English language must be demonstrated by applicants educated outside Canada whose first language is not English. The School of Graduate Studies recognizes four tests - TOEFL, COPE, IELTS, and MELAB.

  7. PhD Program Admission Requirements

    IELTS Minimum required score: 7.0 (Academic) with at least 6.5 for each component; The Certificate of Proficiency in English (COPE) - Required score: 76 (with at least 22 in each component and 32 in the writing component) International ESL Program, School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto Required score: a final grade of B in Level 60

  8. Application Information

    Application Procedure. Applications to graduate programmes in the Department of Linguistics must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies through the online admissions application, which is housed on a secure server at the University of Toronto. The department will consider your application only after you have entered your personal and ...

  9. Application Process

    Apply to the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Applications to the MScAC program are made through the University of Toronto's School of Graduate Studies (SGS). You must submit your application and pay the non-refundable application fee of $125 CAD application fee by the application deadline. APPLICATION PORTAL →.

  10. Application Information

    You should also email the Collaborative Program Office or call 416-946-8832 to determine the admissions deadlines and to see if they require any additional documentation. Application Deadlines PhD Program A CV, statement of intent, writing sample and transcripts must be submitted by January 4, 2024. Letters of reference must be received by ...

  11. Admission Requirements

    Please use the link below provided by the School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto to see which international credentials are required for masters and doctoral admissions at the University of Toronto: ... (IELTS - Academic Module) Minimum required score: 7.0 (6.5 must be achieved in each component) Certificate of Proficiency in ...

  12. English Requirements

    Minimum English requirements by Faculty. TOEFL (iBT): minimum total score of 89 with 22 in each of Speaking and Writing. IELTS Academic: minimum overall band of 6.5, with no band below 6.0. Duolingo English Test: minimum overall score of 120, with no subscore below 100. These results apply to the following undergraduate faculties:

  13. International Student Study Permits

    email: [email protected]. (external link) Students admitted programs on the U of T Scarborough Campus. International Student Centre. (external link) email: [email protected]. (external link) If you are a graduate student, please refer to the School of Graduate studies for more details.

  14. University of Toronto

    University of Toronto. Website: ... 6.50 IELTS general minimum score: 0.00 Graduate IELTS academic minimum score: 7.00 IELTS general minimum score: 0.00 Faculty of Dentistry IELTS academic minimum score: 6.50 IELTS general minimum score: 0.00. Education ; Toronto ;

  15. Requirements

    Admission Requirements. Identify your academic background from the options below and review the admission requirements for your intended program of study using the Program Finder . In addition to meeting general university admission requirements, you may need to present specific subject prerequisites, or submit a personal profile or statement ...

  16. IELTS Score Requirements for Canada's Top Universities

    This is a requirement of admission and should be met before application, but must be met before the deadline to register. An overall IELTS Academic Score of 6.5 (with a minimum of 6.0 in each section) is the minimum required. However, many graduate degree programs at the University of Toronto require a higher score.

  17. IELTS

    IELTS is trusted by thousands of employers, professional associations, governments, and educational institutions across the globe. See who accepts IELTS and find out if the place you want to go has specific score requirements.